#again with “the masked figure”
chain-draws-stuff · 10 months
Hello hello! I'm back from getting like 3 coffees from a near by Cafe, I'm finally done with the next chapter which is chapter 8! Hope you guys like this angst of a story and now with that being said let's get going with the story shall we?
Part 2/2
Close calls
Narrator pov
As the morning sun rose from its slumber the ray of sunshine hits 'there' eyes. As they stood up from the ground they noticed that the infection only got bigger. They remembered that they had to spy on someone, so spy on someone they did. They headed on to Shaw's house spying on him after that I headed on to Chris and Austins house. Austin was still asleep but Chris was already awake heading downstairs to go to there laboratory.
A few minutes later
(Bc im lazy)
??? Pov:
Chris and Austin were already awake...well accept the robot. I was reading more of Steve's journal that's when I saw Chris heading downstairs to his...basement? No...his laboratory...thing are just about to get a little interesting...
I head inside of the house exploring everything in it. I saw the way down to Chris lab and phased through the trapped door.
I headed down to see what was up and only for me to see some randomly place potions on the shelves and some in the brewing stands. I wanted to do a little bit of a mess, as I got close to one of Chris newly made potions I realized that it was a splash potion of decaying, haven't seen these in a while...I then grabbed it and threw it down to the ground breaking it into pieces. I felt a small pain on my claws and I was scratched by one of the glass shards, purple blood was leaking from the newly found opend wound, I then flew towards the entrance of the laboratory and made a run for it. Luckily I wasn't seen but I did got scratched during the process...how unfortunate...
(A few minutes later)
I heard some loud noise heading to Chris and Austins house, I took a peek from the bush and it was Shaws car 'huh...guess he's early' I thought to myself as I got closer still not getting seen by other mortals especially since I'm a literary a phantom or ghost like state.  I got closer to the humans until I could hear what there taking about. They were now heading to the portal which was a few- wait not a few but many miles away. Once they got to the portal they came to investigate the incident, some of the areas were covered with lifeless corpses peirced through there chests which what I almost forgot that I was the on who caused all of the mass murder that happened yesterday...I see that one if the mortals Chris was...zooming out if you know what I mean. He was feeling guilty...feeling sorry for what he did to his 'most beloved best friend' of his. I thought about doing something more interesting to these 3 little pieces of shit...accept taking them as my little prisoners of course, ending there lives would be to nice...I was only left with one more option...playing with there little minds untill they lose it...
(hey I know there was a lot of options for me to choose to torture them but hey this is the only thing that was in my head rn ok? So just bare with me)
I continued to seek the mortals for more information about what there planning (mf still isn't stopping until they know that there actually was no plan) it wasn't easy to keep my intentions of torturing these puny humans but to cause a little havoc on someone's head just a little- yeah you know what? No I want to cause real havoc to one of the humans. I head to one of the humans which was he blue haired boy one yeah. Well I had 3 options on who I want to mess there heads with. Shaw...I was saving him for last, Austin? He was next in my list of torture, definitely going to give his guy a lot of trouble and trauma to say for the least, Chris? Well...lucky him he was the first target...things are just about to go even better...
Chris pov:
I was walking around going through the caution tapes looking for clues on who or what started this...i couldn't get something off my mind...where I threw Steve's lying corpse into the portal...i felt guilty for that to be honest i actually loved Steve not as a friend but...as his uhh (guess you guys what I'm already talking a out at this point but eh)  boyfriend, i couldn't bare to betray him like that but he.....lied he lied to all of us...his friends, Shaw, Austin and even me...i couldn't hold back my rage for much longer...so i did what has to be done...ENDING STEVE MYSELF
When me, Shaw, G.U.I.D.O and Austin were checking out the portal we couldn't help but feel a strange feeling...like we were being watched...
??? Pov
???:hold on little more mortals...soon I will be claiming this dimension once and for all......
After I play with your weak little minds....
Chris pov:
I was feeling guilt running down my spine...that's when...I kept hearing voices saying 'kill them' 'there just taking advantage of you' and even more horrible things telling me to belive such things...I was loosing my mind hearing the voices getting louder and louder echoing through the land, I wanted to move but...I couldn't...I was frozen in fear my vision became red surrounded by burning buildings, fire, lifeless corpses of innocent people, hearing the screams begging to release them from this hell hole that hey were sent in. I turned around to see a vision of myself...and Steve? We were talking with one other, dancing with each other till the sun had set the rivers were glowing the forest was peaceful...quiet and...it felt free...no we felt free...just the both of us...all alone together...but that soon ended as we went to the end portal. Pulling out my sword and stabbing him in his chest. His eyes were forming tears streaming down his cheeks, he couldn't speak, he was speechless blood falling down his jaws. I immediately removed the sword in Steve's chest as he fell to my arms blood flowing down his body, tears forming in my eyes I shouldn't have done this to him...he didn't deserve it...he didn't deserve to carry all of that pain...'why...why why whY wHY WHY!' I screamed in my mind. I had lost it...that's when I remembered
Narrator pov:
Chris:...cursed devil...
Chris yelled at the now drained memory landscape
Chris:...demon, come forth!
The responding silence is an iv drip of doubt into his veins thats when...
A voice finally speaks, monotone, a hint of static
???: even if it be a God you call forth?
Chris was still frozen in fear, feeling two claws sliding down his shoulder, shadows surrounding him
Normally, Chris would turn around as soon as he gets very nervous, the trigger on the gun of instinct, fired. He needs to see...he needs to know...he needs...
But...he does not...not right now
The static in its voice is so faint it's undetectable. But Chris knows it's there, it hears, it watches there every movement, and it bothers him because of what it represents...the Crack in his psyche, a sign everything is not as it should be...
Chris thought about going to accept, but he declined...the voice then became more furious, the voice turned from being soft to being more irritated
The memory world then drained back to the real world as Shaw, G.U.I.D.O and Austin were looking worried and distressed
Austin: Chris where were you? We've been looking for yoy everywhere!?
Shaw: kid where were you?
G.U.I.D.O: Chris...are you alright?
The questions were still being followed by another from another. Chris didn't know what to say, he almost made a close call with the devil themselve, then made them furious and now he's in a part surrounded with guilt and his friend + Shaw questioning him that were he was
Chris:.... sorry guys ow as just looking for more clues to find out who the culprit
Chris lied to them just to cover up on what had just happened a few moments ago.
Shaw:(sigh) alright...it's almost night time, It would be a little dangerous of we go out on the road this late because those monsters could pounce on the car in any moment. So I suggest we should stay here for now...
G.U.I.D.O: I'll have to agree with you on that Shaw...it is almost night time but...where ate we going to sleep for the night?
As the discussion went on the phantom(my oc) gave the book to...as the discussion went on from below the trees, someone was watching and hearing there discussion from a far...
As Steve standing on one of the rocks on the mountain having curved horns and...wearing the golden crown, the shadow appears at his back. Steve was thinking that...'no...I shouldn't be doing this' 'this is wrong'...
The shadow then came from behind while forming a mask resembling the masked figure from the very beginning. There claws sliding down Steve's shoulders the other was sliding down his neck it's head close to his ear(!not a ship!), A mist of shadow surrounding him, As it whispered these words.
???: they haven't destroyed you. Narcissist and antisocials cannot process shame...the trauma you've endure in there lives hums as a base frequency of agitation...but when they survive, they come back meaner, and make someone feel what they feel instead...
They are constantly agitated. Constantly miserable. Only abusing others gives them relief...
Just as your pain does right now...
End of chapter 8 part 2/2
First chapter/previous/next
Again I want ot thank you for @caldraws for inspiring me to do this story I hope you enjoy this angst of a chapter
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kirby-the-gorb · 8 months
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amanitacurses · 12 days
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weepingtalecowboy · 15 days
Fanfic prompt : you know how the windwaker timeline in some cases is considered lost and on the brink of collapse
But like it really is not that bad
In fact it is the only timeline that canonically had an Industrial Revolution and a sort of stability that no other timeline has
Because it literally doesn’t have another conflict after spirit tracks
Like Wind didn’t just save the entire world from extinction by finding land
he permanently defeated Ganondorf
Caused a major change and a stability no other timeline has
Like the other timelines are all not developing at all and if they do develop then at a crawling pace
And they quickly lose the progress as well every few years because of ganondorf looming at their doorsteps
Like breathe of the wild and totk lost the knowledge of the zonais and also the knowledge of the Divine beasts
Like wind deserves to feel extremely proud of his accomplishments
The chain getting spit out in spirit tracks and then Wind seeing what he will one day create
And being capable of seeing the development of the land he created must be beautiful
But even funnier would be if he saw his future self looking back at him as a ghost
Who then starts following the chain for fun and also kind of parenting baby wind
And reassuring him that everything will end up alright
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blee-bleep · 1 year
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he is but a hopeless fan
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send-me-a-puffalope · 9 months
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😭😭😭 WHO TF DO WE PLAY AS ?/?////
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harpuiaa · 7 months
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persona 2 doodles
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lateralusbionics · 7 months
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. i'm just a humble corporate slave driving myself into a corporate grave .
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nap time 💤💤
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starfallsoup · 1 year
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i found more art from 2020! here’s a hamlet piece themed around some essay i wrote about something something him being torn into all different directions from authority figures’ expectations in his life and not truly being allowed to grieve or really Be Himself for a while, not while he was performing all these roles and wishes of others and subject to the expectations of being a Prince and being expected to have Gotten Over It already something something
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kaylazer · 5 months
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back on my bullshit (meeting men im in love with). Ben Schwartz is so kind and tall :-) I didn’t totally freeze like when I met the Jonas brothers but the selfies we took are blurry so 😔
(at least I have these bc I told sam to record the whole thing heheheh)
#also the show was great#I had to slap sam many times bc she was choking from laughter#ben schwartz#bro how did i forget my personal tag for ben#ben schwartz my beloved#me#also forgot me tag#editing tags after the fact to recount the entire experience#so we waited outside for about 10 minutes and I had no expectation of how long it usually takes for him to come out and take pictures#he comes out without a mask which is surprising to me and says ‘you guys wanna take some pictures?’#we all just kinda form a non sensical blob (there’s maybe like 10 ppl total) around him#Brandon Katie and Eugene hang back towards the stage door unsure if anyone wants to chat with them#I’m gushing over how tall and handsome Ben is to my sister who is ready to record our interaction once he gets to me#as I listen to him chatting with the other fans I can’t help but smile and say to my sibling ‘he’s so sweet’ every minute#he meets someone who has a cool sketchbook of the skits from the show that he wants to take a picture of#but they need to write their handle so he says he’ll talk with some others and get back to them#so he does and then later I see the girl ready to talk to him again off to the side#so I tell her ‘you can go ahead and finish talking to him”’ and she’s like ‘are you sure?’ and I’m like duh!#finally it’s my turn and he looks at me and says ‘hi I’m Ben’#yes Benjamin Joseph Schwartz I know#he sees me holding my phone and immediately sides steps to get into selfie mode as I ask him if he’ll sign my Jean Ralphio figure#he steps back to Be in front of me ‘yes of course!’#what insane media training he has#he says ‘I’ve seen this! this is the first one I’ve ever signed’#upon seeing the figure he says ‘it’s beautiful’ lol#he’s concerned that the sharpie I brought will not show up and I mention that it was probably a bad one to bring because it’s pastel#he signs and holds it up (as you can see in the first photo) to make sure it’s visible#he hands it back to me and I thank him and he says ‘do you want to take a picture?’#and I say ‘I would love to!’ and then I hold the Jean Ralphio figure and he looks to my sibling assuming she’s taking the picture#she’s like ‘no I’m just here for moral support!’
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minecraftbookshelf · 11 months
My personal opinion on Etho and his mask is that his jaw unhinges like an enderman.
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littlest-bugz · 3 months
Does anyone else go thru phases where you don’t want to talk to anyone?
Like,,, I love you so much, but I just need to RECOUP. I need my alone time so I don’t have another breakdown.
#littlest_bugz og#Like dawg Ive interacted with 2 people and even then Ive been spotty#like I just need a break#I know its not… like.. good to leave people on read or just not respond— I learned this in ‘Friendship 101’ but it gets SO tiring to mask#like no offense… i will never take the mask off. its how I fuckin survive#but I want friends#I want to love and be loved#but unfortunately :( Im not skilled at keeping friends#and Ive gotten so jaded by being a revolving door of friends that Im not even sure I can properly get emotionally attatched to anyone#on top of that ive been so in so many abusive romantic relationships that it feels impossible to find ONE GOOD PARTNER#Its not even yearning at this point because Im not sure I can form romantic connections anymore#last guy I liked by accident#like ex bestfriends ex#but he ended up being a fuckin creep#about the blowup part? I had a total explosive breakdown#over the stupidest shit too smfh#not even worth the breakdown#Broke my laptop#Hurt myself#Everything ended up okay#like even my laptop works again but#it was a lot for me- for my family#i hate being a lot like that#thankfully my brother who had similar breakdowns in the past was able to calm me down#thats why my brother is my father figure: my actual dad will yell at me while Im sobbing profusely and my brother will comfort me#and make sure im not hurt#I love my brother so much#Ive had so many people come into my life and be like ‘you love him despite all the trauma hes caused you?’#FUCKING YES#Like my brother was a survivor of fucking organized abuse. hes been through so much that it was only natural that he would blow up
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
lol my roommate just texted that she tested positive. shocker!!! so glad i got out of the house!!
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b-blushes · 4 months
saturday quest is catsitting in the most slug mode way possible 👍
#it is an activity i find challenging in many ways. mainly due to needing to wear a mask so it's hard to hang out for long periods#due to i need to eat and drink! :P also their mealtimes are the same as mine? so that's tricky!#bc that means i gotta eat late as i have to cook all the meals for me so!#anyway it's totally doable and i love to hang out with the baby cats who are sweet and wonderful and lovely <3#it's mainly just my anxiety and insecurity that i'm not doing the best for them. but i AM doing the best of my ability. so!#also. i'm allergic to cats :P not too badly luckily but it does make me wary again of hanging out for too long and without a mask!#SECOND ANYWAY! i'm looking forward to hanging out with the beasts again tomorrow and it's gonna be sunny in the morning (:#it's a complicated kind of mix of rest and activity bc i need to actively watch them somewhat but also that mainly consists of#looking. which is not a big activity. but i don't want to do something ELSE at the same time because i need to be alert!!!#THIRD ANYWAY! it's normal guy hours 👍#i think this is whats tripping me up bc i simultaneously feel like i need to find something to do and also like i can't do that.#whadda hell am i gonna do with my day. think about cats whether in their presence or not apparently hahahaha :P i'm no thoughts#head empty atm which has meant i'm having trouble figuring anything out or remembering what i like to do or my hobbies :P#FOURTH ANYWAY! it's tome to LOG OFF! AND CHILL! :P
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jekyll-doodles · 8 months
Yeah your right. Angelo’s a baby, no way they could take the responsibility. Honestly my thought process for this was. *pats Angelo* *this baby could fit so much trauma* I’m curious who’s Vito? I looked through the blog and I only know Angelo and Rogue for the children plus Nigredo’s siblings.
Vito is my headcanon name for the prince. I was going to have that written in the After ending post, but ,,, Forgot.
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