#i always think aw i miss sitting at my desk and writing!
smoothies-are-cool · 4 months
everybody talks
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x girlfriend! reader
summary: everybody talks is matt and readers “song”. they sing it all the time together but when matt and his brothers get covid they have to quarantine so matt can’t see his girlfriend.
warnings: swearing, kissing, pet names (baby, sweetheart, handsome, beautiful), being sick??.
a/n: @worldlxvlys told me to write this one next so here it is!! this might be a stupid idea but i thought it was kinda cute
me and my boyfriend matt have been dating for a year and 5 months. on our one year anniversary we decided to hard launch our relationship. the fans were a little rocky at first but after seeing our relationship over the last 5 months, they’ve grown to really love us together.
one day when nick was live, the fans could see me and matt screaming and dancing the lyrics of ‘everybody talks’ by neon trees. that was when we told them that was our favorite song to listen to when we’re together.
me and matt hadn’t seen each other in 2 weeks due to the fact him and his 2 brothers had gotten covid. he texted me everyday, telling me how much he misses me. i obviously missed him too. going from seeing him everyday to not seeing him for 2 weeks was definitely weird.
when the friday video came out i watched it, laughing as nick turned his ipad screen around to show my boyfriend. nick and chris had both tested negative, but matt was still testing positive so he was stuck in his room for a while longer. since matt was the only one who could drive, they filmed this video in the car.
15 minutes into watching the video, matt decides to burst out into song.
“and that is when i kissed herrrr.” he sings, bopping his head. i laugh, going to look at the comments.
user: awww matt singing him and y/n’s song 🥹
user: matt bursting out into song im cackling 😭
i smile as i scroll through the comments. suddenly a wave of sadness washes over me and i miss my boyfriend more than ever. 2 weeks has been long enough. i shrug, grabbing my keys and slipping on my uggs. rushing to my car, i immediately back out of my apartment building parking lot.
10 minutes later i pull into his driveway. slamming my car door shut, i walk up the front door and knock. chris opens the door.
“hey y/n?” he says, a questioning tone in his voice. “matt’s still sick.” he tells me.
“i know. i just didn’t wanna wait any longer to see him.” i explain, waiting for him to let me in. he moves to the side and opens the door wider.
“he’s streaming right now. just so you know.” i thank chris and walk past him.
i walk right up to matt’s room, knocking on his door.
“go away.” he yells and i laugh slightly. he must’ve changed his mind because he yells a, “come in.”
i walk into his room and he’s sitting at his gaming desk, his eyes towards the door.
“hi baby.” i softly say, walking over to matt and straddling his lap. i put my legs through the holes of the chair, making it more comfortable for us. my arms go around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
“what are you doing here sweetheart, i don’t wanna get you sick.” matt tells me, hesitantly wrapping an arm around me.
“i don’t care, i just wanted to see you.” i put my head in his neck. he wraps his other arm around me, holding me tightly.
“alright guys, i got my girl with me so i’m gonna head off. thank you all for tuning in.” he tells the stream, ending it and turning off his pc.
“how are you feeling baby?” i ask him, getting off his lap and standing up.
“a little better. i probably look like shit.” he laughs slightly. i shake my head, walking closer to him so i can wrap my arms around his neck.
“that’s impossible. you always look handsome. my handsome boyfriend.” i beam and his face goes red. i slowly move my face closer to his. just as my lips were about to touch his, he pulls away.
“i don’t wanna get you sick beautiful.” he whispers, his face so close to mine i can feel his breath.
“i don’t care.” i tell him. he quickly presses my lips to his, his hands planting themselves on my hips.
“i’m glad you’re here, i missed you so much.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“i missed you more.” i laugh.
“you know, people are gonna be talking about the fact that i called you sweetheart on the stream.” he points out, and i can’t help but laugh more.
“it’s okay, let them talk. everybody talks.” i tell him, smiling ear to ear.
a/n: okay hi. i didn’t know how to end this so we got that
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moodriingz · 5 months
Waiting Room | Q. Hughes
Summary | Reader works for the Canucks’ socials and has an unrequited crush on Quinn. Based off of Waiting room by Phoebe Bridgers.
Pairing | Quinn Hughes x reader, Elias Peterson x platonic!reader, reader x oc
Warnings | unrequited love, angst, moving on?
Author's Note | Oh my gosh this ended up so much longer than intended, so buckle in it’s a long one. I thought about trying to shorten it but I had so many ideas about what to include. I was also so nervous to write this one that it took me forever to finish. Also thinking of writing a part two, but let me know what you think. Please send in requests for other players!
Part two
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If you were a teacher, I would fail your class
Take it over and over 'til you noticed me
“This is why you are the best person ever,” Quinn said as you carried an insane amount of coffee for some of the team and the Canucks social staff.
“Oh, it’s no big deal I always just pick some up when I get mine,” you say as you almost drop the lattes from your hands. “I’m going to find Elias and drop his off and then head to my desk. See you at practice.”
“Y/N how did you know I didn’t get the chance to pick up my coffee?” Elias asked with a smirk. “Or did you just get extra so it wouldn’t be obvious you love to get Quinn’s coffee?”
“Goodbye Elias! I’ll see you on the ice in a bit!” You shout as you walk down the hall to the social media office.
You set down the last two coffees on your desk, go through your emails, and write down some ideas for content before your morning meeting. 
“Y/N you have to stop buying his coffee, you're just torturing yourself,” Megan says as she sets her bag down. “But please don’t stop bringing me coffee because I never have enough time to get some myself.”
“Ok Megan I’ll keep that in mind, but I don’t get it just for Quinn, I also got it for Elias today,” you say with a blush covering your cheeks.
“Yeah alright. Let’s go get this meeting started.”
If you were a waiting room, I would never see a doctor
I would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed
After the meeting with the rest of the social media and communications team, it’s decided that you have to go on the ice to capture content today. Usually, you can just film from the bench, but your boss wanted some trending content that required you to skate with the team. The only bad thing about filming on the ice was your awful case of clumsiness.
You were filming content with Brock when you tripped over your own two feet. Normally, you’d laugh it off after getting up, but your left foot twisted under your body. 
You wince as Brock helps you stand to skate off the pain but yelp the second you put your weight on the foot. Quinn watches as Brock’s hands are on your waste and immediately skates over the second you cry out in pain.
“Are you ok? What happened?” Quinn asked, putting your arm around his shoulders to support you as he took you to the bench.
“I-I’m fine. I just twisted my ankle as I fell,” You say looking into his worried eyes.
“Ok, let me take the skate off, and then we can go to the trainers and get you ice,” Quinn grimaces as he takes the skate off and sees your ankle already swelling.
“It’s probably just a sprain, but we need to get ice on this ASAP. I’ll take you to the trainers, let's go,” Quinn says standing to help you up.
“But what about practice? You guys have your East Coast road trip coming up, and I’m not going to be the reason you skip out on practice,” You say trying to figure your way to get ice or wait until Megan comes to help. 
Truthfully though, you don’t want him to take you because the way Quinn is taking care of you makes you fall harder for him.
“Don’t be crazy. Practice is almost over and they won’t miss me for the five minutes it’ll take me to make sure you’re ok,” Quinn says as you nod reluctantly. You feel your blush coming back and know you’re never going to get over your silly crush on Quinn Hughes.
I want to be the power ballad that lifts you up and holds you down
I wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery
The next night the Canucks lost to the Flyers with just a game left before the two-week road trip. The loss was hard following Christmas, and Quinn was beating himself up over the game. You found him after finishing up your content for the night and he finished his interviews. He tried to smile at you, but it looked like a grimace from how tight his lips were.
“Hey how are you,” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You say sheepishly.
“Yeah, I guess. Are you busy tonight? I was hoping we could hang out at my place and watch some movies,” Quinn’s question surprised you. You’ve only really hung out in group settings or when the team went out after a game.
“I’m free, let me just finish wrapping some stuff up and then we can go,” You say with butterflies forming in your chest. 
You go and find Megan and tell her everything that happened with Quinn.
“Shut up you’re going, right?” She asks.
“Yeah of course I am, I think I’d be stupid not to. I’m just nervous,” You respond. 
“Don’t be. He asked you over for a reason he must not hate you.” Megan says practically pushing you out the door.
You nod and go back to find Quinn talking to Elias while he waits for you to come back. 
“Hey ready to go?” You ask.
“You’re replacing me for our movie nights?” Elias blurts out of jealousy.
“No, not completely replacing you. I just didn’t want to wallow alone. Plus I figured Y/N would be free,” Quinn says nonchalantly. There’s a pang in your chest because not only is this a tradition with someone else, but that he just assumed you’re at his beck and call. You both arrive at his apartment after a silent drive from Rogers arena.
“Do you want anything to drink?” He asks, swaying back and forth. Is he nervous? Why would he be? It's not like this is a date or anything. This is something he always does with Elias. 
“Can I just have water?” You say quieter than intended. You felt small and out of place in his apartment.
“Of course. Do you want to pick out the movie? I figure you should do the honors for your first movie night,” He says as he pours your water. 
You think for a second and immediately know you should put on your favorite rom-com 13 going on 30. It’s kind of a comfort movie and you might calm down with something familiar. Once it’s pulled up he sits down with you on the couch.
And I can wish all that I want, but it won't bring us together
Plus I know whatever happens to me, I know it's for the better
He told you he’s never seen the movie as he sits down and watches intently until the birthday scene.
“Man, I feel so bad for that Matty kid.”
“Why,” you say, keeping your attention on the tv.
“His unrequited love with Jenna,” He says it so plainly like he’s toying with you for your confession.
“Yeah unrequited love is the worst,” You say finally looking over at him.
“Why do you have feelings like that for someone,” He chuckles at the idea. You realize he doesn’t know that you have feelings for him.
“No. I did at one point,” You say, and the subject is dropped. You watch the rest of the movie and he orders you an Uber home. You realized that night that your crush needs to end no matter how hard it is.
And when broken bodies are washed ashore
Who am I to ask for more, more, more?
Quinn seems to be in a much better mood from the loss the night before. But you want to avoid him at all costs today. Your boss asks you to do something with him later. There’s nothing you rather do than work with Quinn, but You want to stay in your boss’ good graces.
She asked you to shoot a video with a concept that had been performing well on socials with other players. You find Quinn before he steps out for practice to let him know you’re following him for the day.
“Hopefully you can keep a better balance than you did with Brock,” He chuckles.
“Yeah I’ll try my best not to fall today,” you say with your signature blush covering your cheeks.
“Well if you do I’ll catch you. Can’t have my favorite staffer breaking something.” Oh, he must be playing with you. Your face is completely flushed and you give a court nod before running to the restroom to calm down.
You start to think over your last couple of conversations. Had he been flirting? Or giving you more attention than usual? You think about how he rushed to your side and left practice just to help you even if it got him in trouble. You think about his smile when you bring his coffee. You think about last night how he was so tuned into unrequited love.
“No Y/N there are bigger things than a silly little crush. You have to go do your job.” You say to yourself in the mirror. After your pep talk, you go out on the ice, shoot your content quickly, and then go back to your office to edit. You tell yourself that you need to stop focusing so much on Quinn.
But you're breathing in my open mouth
You're the gun in my lips that will blow my brains out
The Canucks win the next game, and before you can make it into the locker room to shoot content Brock stops you.
“Y/N! Are you coming out with us tonight?” He asks. You can see Quinn’s head pick up waiting for your response.
“Yeah, I can. I just need to film a couple of the post-game interviews and then I can leave,” you say excited for a drink.
When you all arrive at the usual bar you head straight up to the bar. You give a once-over of the crowd and how many people are there tonight. You go find the boys at their usual table. And you find Quinn’s eyes already staring at yours. 
“I think I’m going to go dance,” You tell Elias before turning around to head to the dance floor.
“Where’s she going,” Quinn asks Elias, watching your retreating figure.
“Going to dance. Are you going to replace me there too?” He jokes.
“Haha, very funny. I’ll be back in a bit,” Quinn says as he leaves to find you.
Of course, you’re in the middle of the crowd and once he finds you’re already making new friends. Quinn laughs to himself because you’re so sociable unlike him. 
“Are you ok if I join you,” Quinn says leaning in. You can only nod and note his proximity but brush it off due to the crowded area.
He dances close to you as music plays over the speakers. His energy and presence make you feel alive. He follows your moves as you’re face to face and you never want this night to end. However, at the end of the song, he notices your glass is empty and offers you another drink. You nod and follow him back to the bar.
“Aren’t you going to order something?” You ask after he only requests your drink. He shakes his head no and gets closer.
“I figured I’d be the designated driver to take you home tonight,” he says with his breath hitting your ear. The alcohol already going straight to your head makes the room spin and gives you confidence.
“Usually I only take guys home after the third date,” You joke, instantly regretting it. He laughs it off and says that you need more water instead of a drink. Even though you’re tipsy you remember that this crush is going to hurt you regardless of how he feels.
I want to make you drive all night just because I said maybe you should come over
I want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents' teenage daughter
At the end of the night, Quinn keeps his promise as he ushers you into his car. You’re giggling as he pulls you towards safety and you say goodnight to all of the team.
“Goodnight Pettyyyyy,” you slur and yell as you get further from him. He just waves and chuckles. 
“Get her home safe Huggy,” Elias shouts back drunkenly.
“Will do. See you tomorrow,” Quinn says finally getting you in the car.
“You know my dad used to drive my mom back from bars back in the day,” you say once he starts driving as you stare out the window.
“Oh yeah?” Quinn chuckles at your drunken state.
You feel so grateful that he decided to take you home. You hate taking Uber, especially after drinking. You take note that the bar is nowhere close to your apartment and his place is on the other side of town. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to do, but he did it without you even having to ask. Maybe your unrequited love isn’t so unrequited and you fall asleep in your bed hopeful for what the next day could contain.
She'll be the best you ever had if you let her
The next morning was rough to get out of bed, but get excited when memories of Quinn going out of his way to bring you home come back to you. You get ready and go to the coffee shop you always stop at with a pep in your step.
Once you get to the arena you go straight to the locker room as usual except you stop right outside of the door when you hear Elias and Quinn talking.
“So you and Y/N,” Elias said with a suggestive and teasing tone.
“Nothing happened between us. She’s sweet and all, but I’m not into her that way,” He says quickly. Your heart shattered and you turned around to leave before you could be caught.
You drop your things off at your desk and run to the restroom to let out a good cry. After a minute or two you compose yourself before going back to your desk and delivering the coffee like nothing happened.
You hand Quinn's coffee and he thanks you with his usual stupid smile like he didn’t say anything ten minutes ago. You give Elias his coffee and leave the locker room without saying a word. Little did you know, Elias followed you out and caught up to you in the hallway.
“You heard him didn’t you?” He asks you with sad eyes.
“Yeah, but it’s ok I knew this would happen. I’ll be ok. It’s just going to be awkward on the plane because we always sit together for roadies,” you say with a sigh.
“Sit with me,” Elias says simply and you just look at him perplexed. “I’ll just say I wanted my own movie night with you.” You nod and tell Elias you have to go for your meeting before you all leave.
I know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
You walk into the plane after your meeting and you finalize some posts to be uploaded while you’re flying. You see Quinn watching you expectantly for you to take your unassigned seat next to him. However, You miss the surprised and sad gaze he has after you walk past him to sit with Elias.
Elias always sits near the back of the plane, and Quinn knows you hate sitting so far back. He hears you and Elias pick a movie to watch during the flight and he gets jealous. It’s small but Quinn always wanted to do that on flights with you, but you always were more interested in reading or sleeping. 
“Do you want to watch 27 Dresses? Isn’t that your favorite?” Quinn hears Elias ask you and Quinn scoffs. He knew even before you came over to watch a movie that 13 going on 30 was your favorite move. That’s why he watched it before he invited you over so he’d have good commentary for your movie night.
You grab Elias’ hand as the plane lifts and apologize and say it’s muscle memory. You always get nervous on planes but Quinn always calms you down. You and Elias have fun for the rest of the flight. Watching movies even though it was something you wanted to do with Quinn. But you know getting over your crush is for the better. You and Quinn wouldn’t have worked out anyway.
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
The next day you wake up in your hotel room after letting yourself sleep in a little bit. Even on road trips, you would make a point of getting Quinn’s coffee. But you decided now that you know he doesn’t feel the same, so you didn’t see the point in doing it anymore. You come down from your hotel room and see Quinn in the lobby. 
“Oh hey, I was just going to wait for you to come back from getting coffee for everyone,” Quinn says sheepishly.
“Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to set an alarm and overslept. I can’t go today because I have to go meet the Blue’s social team before the game to go over rules for the game,” You say with little emotion.
“Oh ok, that makes sense. I guess I just see you at the arena,” Quinn says sadly.
“See you there!” You say with a smile leaving the lobby. This was the first time you felt like you could maybe get over Quinn Hughes.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
The team returns from a successful road trip and you feel energized, which rarely happens after traveling for two weeks straight. You and Elias became good friends over the trip and now realize there is a lot more to your work than just Quinn.
After your meeting, you and Megan are talking about your plans as you settle back into Vancouver.
“You should let me set you up,” Megan blurts out, cutting off your list of chores.
“What? Who would it even be?” You’re intrigued where she’s going with this.
“My friend Evan just got out of a relationship a couple of months ago. I feel like you guys would really get along. Plus it could be good for-”
“You know what I’m in. Can you send me his number or something?” You decided you were ready to move on.
“Yes! I’ll send it right now. I'm so excited.”
You go to the ice to get ready for some practice content. Quinn is out first and gives you a weak smile. You feel a mixture of butterflies and your heart clenches. You missed Quinn. You haven’t had a full conversation with him since you all went out. Even though you’re trying to convince yourself to, you don’t know if you’ll be able to move on from Quinn Hughes.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
Your date with Evan is today and you’re excited. You feel giddy all day thinking about the prospect of dating again. Your boss lets you go home early because you’ve finished your content and are ahead of schedule. As you walk out to your car you see the team going back to the locker room from practice.
“Hey Y/N are you coming out with us tonight? It’s nothing crazy we just wanted to go out to celebrate the road trip,” Brock asks 
“I would love to, but I actually have a date tonight,” You say with a grin and blush on your face.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
There’s a couple of wolf whistles from the team when you tell them your plans. Quinn’s heart drops at the idea of you going out with someone else. He knew you guys hadn't talked a lot during the trip, but he just figured it was because you were busy with work or tired. He didn’t think it was because you started talking to someone.
He sulks as he gets ready to go home, and can’t stop thinking about who your date could be with and what you’re doing. He knows you look great no matter what you wear, but the idea of you dressing up for some other guy makes him uneasy. 
Quinn gets home and thinks about texting you, but what would he even say? “Good luck on your date hope you have fun” when he prays it goes badly so he has a shot again? He thinks about texting you to not go on the date, but knows it’s not his place and you might not feel the same way.
Instead he texts Elias if he wants to hang out. Elias comes over and immediately notices his sour mood. 
“What’s got you so down?”
“Nothing I guess I’m just in my head,” Quinn says.
“Is it about Y/N? I thought you said you don’t have feelings for her,” Elias says as a joke knowing Quinn would never admit it out loud.
“I didn’t think I did, but I’ve really missed her over the last couple of weeks and it made me think about her a lot. I just don’t know what to do,” Quinn says with his head in his hands. Elias is shocked at his revelation and doesn’t know what to say.
“I doubt the date is going to be that great. Tell her how you feel after,” Elias says and Quinn just nods his head. 
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
You get ready for your date and get even more excited as it gets closer to your date. You know it might not go anywhere with Evan, but you’re just proud of yourself for trying to move on from Quinn.
You go to meet Evan at a restaurant downtown, and give him a hug when you see him. You quickly notice he’s the complete opposite of Quinn; he has brown eyes instead of Quinn’s blue eyes. Evan’s hair is light brown and barely has a wave vs Quinn’s dark brown curls. 
You quickly take note that Evan is more talkative and has a bigger personality than Quinn. He doesn’t seem to like silence and is always asking you more questions about yourself even as you try to look over the menu. Then you realize that if you truly want to get over Quinn, you’ve to stop comparing Evan to him.
That's when you guys hit it off. You realize he’s really funny and also understands your humor. You both have a lot in common too. You can’t stop smiling throughout the rest of the night. 
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
After your dinner you both don’t want the date to be over just yet so you decide to take a walk down the street to continue your conversation. You have no idea how long you guys have been together, but haven’t gotten bored of each other for the night.
You stumble across an ice cream shop, and both note how much you love ice cream. And even though it’s freezing outside you both decide to get some to end the night. After you finish you both decide to call it a night and He walks you back to your car.
Know It’s for the better
Know It’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
“I hate to say it this way, but I didn’t think I could have this much fun on a date,” Evan says looking down at you.
“No me too, but I had an amazing time.”
“Do you want to go out again soon? I don’t know what your schedule looks like, but-” Evan rambles on and you decide to cut him off.
“I would love to. I’ll let you know when I’m free,” You say with a smile.
You get in the car and can wipe the grin off of your face as you drive home. You get ready for bed and almost want to text Elias, but know he’s with the team and didn’t want to interrupt their fun. 
Know it's for the better
I never grew up with you
And you’re not my waiting room
The next day you go into the office with your smile still wide. You see Megan in the parking lot and walk in together telling her about your date. 
“You were so right, me and Evan got along so well. He’s great. We’re going on another date too” Megan squeals and tells you she’s so excited for you. 
Little did you know that Quinn was nearby and heard everything. You spot him not thinking much about it and he gives you a small smile. You realize that your life will continue on after your crush on Quinn and you’re ok with that.
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mandu-17 · 8 months
Need a little something | Jeon Soyeon x fem! reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: 1) Can I request a g!p top yuqi or soyeon fic? Any scenario you want ofc
2) Are your request still open? No pressure if they aren't but if they are can you make a soyeon smut fanfic?
Warnings: G!P Soyeon, blowjob, cursing
Genre: Smut, Soft Dom!Soyeon
Wordcount: ~ 2,926
A/N: i think i love this one
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“Unnie, you’re scaring me.”
With a frown Shuhua watched as her leader, Jeon Soyeon had a full blown breakdown. She’d never seen the other member like that, even when their own company was being ridiculous or awful to them it was always Soyeon who kept their spirits up.
And now, in her little studio Soyeon had her face hidden in her hands, as she was sitting behind the desk. Maknae bit her lip, while analyzing the music program that was turned on on Soyeon’s computer. As expected, she was already working on (G)I-DLE’s new album even though they had barely finished previous promotions.
“It’s just not it.”
Shuhua sighed after hearing the exact same sentence for another time. A little part of her was relieved that the leader wasn’t mad at any of her struggles in the studio booth this time, yet still she hated the fact that Soyeon had to suffer so much for being a perfectionist.
“Something’s missing. I was sure I had it all planned out in my head but something’s still not clicking in here.” Soyeon pointed to the screen.
Shuhua sneakily pulled her phone out of the pocket and messaged for the other members to help with comforting Soyeon. A brainstorm is always a good idea.
“Maybe we should add a different harmony!”
“Write some more rap?”
“Let’s have Yuqi have all the lines?”
„Never!” Soyeon giggled, while turning in her office chair. Her eyes met Shuhua’s briefly, as she began swinging from side to side. It was a small success.
A loud voice caused both of them to turn their heads to see Yuqi entering the room with Miyeon and Minnie walking closely behind. Chinese tried to hug leader’s head, but she was only met with a playful slap. Meanwhile Puppy Sisters sat down next to Shuhua on the couch.
“A little bird told us you’re being dramatic.”
“Yah, Yuqi! Have some manners.” Miyeon scolded the main dancer, she felt sorry for Soyeon. She was aware how incredibly important music and creating was to the middle member.
“It’s just not it. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve been working on it for the past three days, but I just can’t come up with that special little something.”
Soyeon explained with her hands dropping hopelessly.
“Let us hear it though.” Minnie chimed in, a bag of hazelnuts already in her fingers as Shuhua tried to steal some of it. “We’ll see together.”
After seeing encouraging nods from the rest of the group, Soyeon turned to the computer again and pressed space bar. Then she watched the girls for their reactions.
“It’s so cool, unnie.” Yuqi started dancing almost immediately, she even had few ideas for the choreography.
“Ooh I love this part!” Miyeon pointed out while Minnie and Shuhua were also just happily vibing to the song and lip syncing most of it.
Soyeon paused it suddenly.
“I’m not saying it’s bad! It’s just not what I want. I still have to work on it.”
Four groans were heard.
“I think it’s going to be a hit.” Yuqi’s wide eyes turned to Soyeon felt almost like an attack with how intense she was looking at her. “I’m serious!”
Leader only shook her head slightly.
“No, if Y/N was here to say it, Soyeon unnie would agree.” Shuhua chuckled causing the fuss all over the room.
With that loud laugh of hers Miyeon nodded at her words immediately, Yuqi whined feeling unappreciated and Minnie was just dying out of laughter on the couch - her fondness for maknae raising automatically. In the middle of it all, Soyeon was trying to protest and disagree, but no one was listening anyways. That’s when Miyeon thought of an idea.
“What if she came over?”
“Should we call her?” Shuhua quickly joined in, she liked you a lot.
“Guys, it’s not her problem though.” The leader wasn’t against your company - heck, she’d do anything to have her beautiful girlfriend around more but she just didn’t feel comfortable with having you there while she was working. It was her work after all, she’d hate to bother you.
“Let Y/N save the day. Call her, Soyeonie.” Minnie smiled softly at Soyeon. Thai had known her leader for so long and it really seemed like only you could make a difference.
Short girl rolled her eyes playfully but obeyed nonetheless and dialed your number in no time. Everyone present leaned in and with big eyes they were all expecting to hear your voice soon.
“Baby?” You answered sweetly.
Soyeon’s eyes widened, she could feel a hot, deep blush spreading on her face.
For the second time, the room filled with laughter. It was a pure chaos.
“Hey, Y/N. You’re on speaker and the members are here too.” Soyeon quickly said, her left hand covering half of her face, as she still felt embarrassed.
“Oh...” It was clear you also felt uneasy about the situation although moment later you just laughed it off and used your sweet tone again. “Hi everyone.”
The members took turns saying ‘hi’ to you, then Shuhua took the initiative, “Unnie, are you busy now?”
“Not really, why?”
They all looked at Soyeon as if they wanted to prove that you were literally one call away when she needed you.
“You should come over! Soyeon-ah is a mess without you.” Yuqi laughed causing Miyeon to slap her arm.
“Yah, Yuqi stop with that.” Soyeon whined, her foot weakly kicking up not even touching Chinese’s leg.
“No, but seriously can you come over? Soyeon is stressing over this new song, but she’s not listening to us. If you don’t have anything better to do then I’m sure we could all use your company.” Minnie suggested, Shuhua nodded at her words as if you could see it.
“Sure, I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I just have to hang the laundry.”
“Omo, perfect!” You felt something warm feeling your tummy after listening to all of their happy reactions. You sometimes couldn’t believe they liked you so much.
“Okay, we’ll be waiting in my studio. Fourth floor.” Soyeon finally spoke up, gentle smile grazing her face. Even her sudden producing block couldn’t stop her from smiling at you.
“Okie, see you soon!”
Once the call ended all (G)-IDLE’s members exchanged looks before bursting out laughing. Soyeon’s poor couch kept on getting hit by the girls.
“So where’s my patient?”
Was the first thing you said after opening the door.
All the girls cheered up loudly even though you’d barely entered. Soyeon’s sharp eyes found yours right away, she felt her heart skip a beat. Your smile lit up the whole room.
“Hi, how are you all?” You asked the members kindly.
“Good and you?”
“Great, thank you.”
“Listen, unnie if you won’t do anything about her I’m gonna-” Shuhua stopped midway in order to dramatically pull at her hair.
“Jump out the window.” Yuqi finished for maknae perfectly though.
You tilted your head curiously and finally stepped towards Soyeon, who was still sitting on the office chair. Frankly speaking, it seemed to her that she was trapped there. Allowed to leave the studio only once this certain song is finished.
“What’s wrong Soyeon-ah?” With your hands resting on chair backrest, you leaned in to the screen watching the music program fascinated. Even though you weren’t exactly sure what you were looking at you felt glad to just be there. You’d admired Jeon Soyeon since you could remember. Her ideas, visions and these genius observations of the world around her. Even before the two of you met and started dating she never failed to amaze you. You used to watch her on tv and now the fact that you could be introduced to some people as her girlfriend made your chest fill with pride every single time.
“Just listen to this part.” Defeated, Soyeon played the song.
She had to bite the inside of her cheek real hard in order to focus on your genuine reaction and not that sweet, familiar smell of you that hit her so closely. Few strands of your hair tickled the skin of her shoulder that was not covered by the black tank top she was wearing. Whenever your body this was near she felt both at ease and very excited.
“Woah! It’s so cool, I love it.” Soyeon looked up unconvinced, her eyebrows raised at you. She could almost feel your breaths fanning her face. “I can’t see the problem in here. I really can’t, baby.”
“See?! It’s a good song.” Minnie exclaimed, slowly getting tired of the situation. And especially since you arrived, she figured the four of them won’t be needed anymore.
“It’s empty. It’s missing something. I don’t know what it is yet but it just needs a little something to it.” Soyeon stayed stubborn.
“Ah I see... Issues of a perfectionist.” You teased your girlfriend, but only for a short second. You were far too scared of her small figure and what she was capable of.
Your comment made the members giggle and agree with you completely meanwhile Soyeon glared at you.
“How about you turn it off?” You suggested with a small shrug.
“What?” Leader frowned.
“What?” The rest of the group was also surprised about your idea.
“Right now you’re just suffering. In fact, everyone present in this room can feel your struggle and because you’re too focused on it now you can’t find the solution. So my advice would be to turn off this computer and just... try to relax for a bit. Then the idea will come to you naturally.”
The second you had said the word ‘relax’ in front of Soyeon in her work mode fully on, you wished to face palm yourself. The look on her face was priceless, as if you were an alien.
“Wait, what if it actually works?” Miyeon looked at others’ faces.
“It does make sense. I think we could give it a try.” Shuhua agreed with Miyeon, which was not an often moment.
“Soyeon-ah?” Yuqi searched for the leader’s opinion on it all.
“Turn it off and then what? How am I supposed to relax when I can’t even think straight.” She tried to brush the idea off, but luckily you could be stubborn as well.
“So you’re agreeing that it actually drives you insane? Then let’s just take a small break, Soyeon. Do you know what a break is?”
Shuhua’s mouth fell open when she heard your question. Most of the times, you were a very kind person, but once you got sarcastic it was incredibly entertaining to watch. Especially your ‘arguments’ with Soyeon were fun to watch, as they made the two of you sound like an old married couple.
“It is making me frustrated, but I have to finish it. There’s no way I’m taking a break now.”
“But that is the only way to finish it! You have to let your brain rest for at least a couple of minutes to have a fresh look on this. Then the missing part will come.” The members’ heads were turning from her to you like they were watching a tennis match. The ball was now on Soyeon’s side.
„No! I have to finish it first.”
“You need a break!” Minnie’s head fell on the couch backrest, she closed her eyes before mentally counting to three.
This didn’t go exactly as planned. Minnie simply thought that after arriving you’d tell Soyeon how great the song was and that Soyeon would drop the topic immediately. Everyone around their leader could see how important your opinions were to her. And how much she liked being complimented by you. Her lips used to create that coy yet satisfied smirk whenever you were gasping amazed.
None of the girls expected you and Soyeon to fight although they all knew that neither of you would ever hurt the other person. It was safe to leave you two alone. At least convincing Soyeon wasn’t their problem anymore.
“I’m leaving.” Thai stood up and with no look back left the studio.
Maknae was fast to follow her. Miyeon and Yuqi exchanged looks, the two of you hadn’t even noticed that someone was leaving, it seemed. The oldest shrugged and also left the room while pulling Yuqi with her by the shirt. Only once the door closed behind them you looked up to see no one there anymore.
“Oh.” You frowned cutely.
Soyeon shook her head with an amused smile before putting it in her hands as she did with Shuhua being the only one present before.
“What?” You asked when you heard a sudden fit of giggles leave Soyeon.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Y/N.” She rubbed her eyes and did something that shook you to the core.
She turned off the music program.
You were about to ask whether Soyeon was feeling okay when she was the one to speak first.
“Come here.” She opened her arms gesticulating for you to take a sit on her lap.
“Was it so damn hard?” With a bit of her help you made yourself comfortable. You hugged her by the neck making your heads bump together. Not too hard but just so that both of you could feel the other person’s presence. To Soyeon, it was a heartwarming gesture.
She shushed you, one of her hands caressing your hair slowly.
After all day in front of the computer, she had to redirect her senses. She wanted you to fill her space, to be the center of it. She’d make you the center of universe if she could.
“Baby?” You murmured enjoying the way her body was warming you up. She hummed in response, her eyelids falling close for a short, blissful moment. “I think I know what you need. I think I know the perfect way to make you relax.”
“You think so, Y/N?” Now she was wide awake, “I think you have to show me.”
Her hands gripped your hips in order to make you face her properly. You bit your lip at the way her nails dug into your skin through the material of your shirt. Hazy look in Soyeon’s eyes had you already anticipating her next moves, words.
“Will you be a good girl and show me? Will you help me relax?” She whispered straight into your mouth, as if she was putting a spell on you. Hypnotizing you with her seductive voice.
You could give a bare nod before her lips crashed onto yours making your mind delete every single thing that existed besides the two of you in that room. In her little studio. You’d never done it in public, how thrilling.
“Close the door first.” As fast as possible you got up and did as you were told. She turned the chair in your direction letting you see her back confidently leaned against it with her elbows lazily resting on the armrest. “Now get on your knees.”
You gulped and your eyes even widened due to excitement, Soyeon smirked amused by how easy you were to turn on. You were so fun to play with. Her words were your command. She loved watching your hungry eyes following every single move of her fingers while they worked on the belt.
“Now I want you to make me forget all about that damn song.” Soyeon rasped once she let her member stand freely in front of your face.
“Say no more, baby.” You met her eyes for a brief second, wanting her to know that you’d never disappoint. There was no way you’d loose an opportunity to please her.
Gentle, yet firm your hold was on her at first. You took your time moving your hand up and down her shaft meeting her wet with precum, tip. You bit your lip at the sight and let your thumb smear it. Your actions earned a breathy moan from your girlfriend.
When you looked up you saw Soyeon’s head had fully fallen on the chair.
“Don’t stop, my good girl.” Her lips created a lazy smile after she felt your mouth wrap around her length.
You grabbed the base of her cock meanwhile your warm tongue took care of its’ upper part. Over time with Soyeon, you learned how to give incredible blowjobs. You knew how to use your mouth and knew exactly what tipped your girlfriend over the edge.
“My god, Y/N. You’re so good at it.” Groans kept spilling from her, as your tongue moved the right way, sucking her deliciously.
Soyeon’s fingers pulled on your hair, she didn’t even need to guide you, just needed something to keep herself grounded. Her hips bucked without her really acknowledging it.
You hummed against her cock, almost smiling at Soyeon’s responses to you. Only you could see her like that, taste her here and there. The vibrations you made had your girlfriend panting heavily, her orgasm was approaching. It was approaching fast.
“Fuck, baby.” Her shaft was throbbing in your mouth and your hand was playing with her balls - it was over for Jeon Soyeon. She was addicted to your touch, even her words came out stuttered. “I-I’m cumming.”
Eagerly, you swallowed everything she gave you, slightly slurping. Soyeon moaned your name, trying her best not to be loud at the same time. After you pulled away in order to wipe your mouth, she looked at you with a satisfied smile, eyes full of stars.
“You should visit me here more often.”
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
End of a Mix: 1. (Full)Filling the Cherry on the Top of the Cake
Pairing: NMIXX Sullyoon x Male Reader
Word Count: 10,000
A/N 1: Hello Orenjideul! This will be like my, official smut debut! I had been really writing this for a while now and I enjoyed it ehehe, and, I hope you'll enjoy this too! And, of course, I'll incorporate fluff content still as I love writing fluff! Enjoy this piece and have great day ahead!
A/N 2: Dedicating this to @praeluxius, the resident and my fellow Sullyoon stan! <3
!! Warning !! : Contains Smut
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Saturday nights are something exceptional, you might say—it is mostly the time where you can do whatever you can and want to, and it's mostly by binge-watching movies, playing video games and the most common one, sleeping. But, that may soon change as a notification pops up on your phone as the once dark screen is now emitted by conglomeration of colored pixels. 
seolyoonaa on 17:19 - “Oppaaaa, meet me before the sun sets, okay? It'll be in the café we usually spend time with. I wanna spend some time with you~ Love youuu~ :)”
Well, this text was out of the blue—Sullyoon is really unfathomable. From her unanticipated changes of plans up to her sudden pleas, she's always been a pain for you to deal with, especially with the given situation now. It's going to be anticipating yet anxiety never faded off your mind. An oxymoron at its finest, you can read her like a book on how un-read-able she is. 
What's with the situation? Well, it has been almost three months since you last saw each other and the last time you met her. The both of you went to the cinemas, shopped for some clothes and some groceries and, the cherry on top, she went down on her knees, greedily whimpering in need as she sucked you off like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing new about her antics as magically, you're under her spell every time the both of you reach those peak-intimate sessions. You find yourself fighting the urge of lust but she's simply irresistible and you hate it—she knows this and uses it as her advantage and that's why you hate it.
Call yourself a hypocrite one more time with those in mind as you reply with a simple “Okay, Yoona, I'll be there.” and a heart on the side of your message to top it off. Unhurriedly, you cleaned your desk after a mentally exhausting game as you shut your computer off and prepared yourself to meet the love of your life.
“Where is he… Hahhh…”
Sullyoon waddles her legs playfully as she sits onto the tall stool, letting out deep sighs as she waits for you. She mindlessly swipes and fidgets her fingers onto her smartphone as the flashes of different colored pixels are visible, but little did she know that you're visible onto her sight as she can't sense you, yet. You're planning to surprise her, so, unhurriedly, you sneaked behind her silently, avoiding getting caught.
“AH-ahhhh!! Oppa!”
With a single scare, she becomes startled with your childish prank. She is so startled that she almost throws the phone in her hand as she glares at you, letting you know how she's definitely not impressed with your antics.
“Stop scaring me like that, Oppa, it's not funny…”
“But it's funny for me, so…”
Sullyoon playfully kicks your shin as you pretend to be hurt in order to manipulate her to think that she really hurt you but your small games won’t work against her clever mind.
“Yah! But actually, Oppa, I really missed you, so much…”
The once exuberant and joyous Sullyoon changed into a soft-hearted angel as her sudden change of emotions makes you in awe. Your puppy eyes stared at hers for a long time, enough for her to notice how your eyes showed emotions of missing her. You then hug her slowly, allowing her to adjust to your embrace as you show her your affection towards her, kissing her forehead between your fluffy embrace.
“I missed you too, Yoona, if you just know…”
“Did you miss me or just my pussy and my mouth?”
“Yoona! Not here!”
Sullyoon shyly laughs as she emitted a coy smile towards you which you didn’t approve of.
“I swear to god, Yoona. Stop saying these things in public or—”
“Or what, hm, Oppa?”
“Nevermind, just please, stop, okay Yoona?”
Your tone wasn't anything near being infuriated so that's a sigh of relief from her side. You just let out a giggle as you smiled towards Sullyoon, sending butterflies to her stomach.
“Yah… Stop looking at me like that, Oppa.”
“Why? I can't help it when the sight in front of me is the epitome of beauty.”
Sullyoon blushes from your flirting with an essence of eloquence. It would be hypocritical if she didn't like the way you teased her at all but by the way she  is a sign that she simply adores it, and she's hiding it—you're not oblivious about it and rather, read her as a book.
“Stop with those flowering words, Oppa, it's cringe.”
“But you like it! Look at you blushing and all!”
“Okay, Oppa, I did like it. It is good…”
“See? I knew you'd like this…”
Sullyoon sighed in defeat as seconds after, an amicable tone reverberated around your ear as the servant served you some drinks and food onto the table. Sullyoon thanked them and so did you, as she entertained the server and thanked her further for her service.
“Oh! Wow, Yoona… These are my favorites!”
“I know, I know, Oppa, and of course, no caffeine as you like and more parmesan on your carbonara.”
Woah, she knows what you liked, huh?—And it just ignites the flames of your burning heart, full of affection and endearment from her simple act. Your cheeks tint a rosy pink as you said a small “Thank you so much.” right after.
“Let's enjoy our food, Oppa, and thank you too…”
Your eyes are quizzical with her sudden expression of gratitude as she's nothing to thank for and it's just right that you should be the one to—
“Thank you for being here, Oppa. I missed so, so much.”
Her eyes hint a glint for the sudden rush of adrenaline—tears of joy as they say it—as she flashes a gleeful smile at you. 
“I should be thanking you too, Yoona. You definitely deserve the world and I love you so much.”
You caress her hand with your fingers as you show your utmost affection towards her. She finds this heartwarming and endearing and she couldn't help to battle the urge of tearing up because of too much happiness.
“I love you too, Oppa. *sniffles* Also, let's eat the food right now, shall we.”
“Yeah, you're right, Yoona. We lookin' like we're in a drama scene here.”
The both of you then continued eating the mouth-watering meals in front of the table after that heartwarming moment.
“The food really tastes good, right, Oppa?”
“It definitely does Yoona; they don't disappoint as always and also, thank you for that, I appreciate it.”
You then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her slowly towards you, kissing her forehead as a small whimper can be heard as a response from your affectionate actions.
“That's just a small gratitude towards you, Oppa… *giggles*”
You smiled as you tuck her hair behind her ear, allowing you to see a sight of something divine and oh-so-pristine, most likely, a sight of an angel—Sullyoon's ethereal beauty and her pristine features: her full lips, her sharp nose, her beautiful, round eyes and her small face. 
Gosh, she's so beautiful—you muttered upon yourself as your focus was averted towards her. Time felt slower than usual as her beauty shatters the rules of space and time (figuratively) yet it all went back to normal as you can hear her voice calling your name, most specifically, your honorifics.
“Oppa, I'm going to the bathroom, okay?”
“Go ahead, Yoona.”
With her suddenly rushing to the bathroom, you took your time to clean the plates and utensils on the table as you not so long after, a loud vibration coming from your phone distracts you with your current endeavor—you know that’s a notification, and it’s maybe important, so you looked it up immediately.
seolyoonaa on 18:39 - “Oppa, I think there’s something stuck at the back of my uniform, please go hereeee… Help me, Oppa, thanks!”
This ain’t going to end well—and maybe it won’t end the way you wanted it to be and you can already foresee the future. You know that with these small tactics hers can end up in an intimate situation. You know that she’ve done this before and you won’t forget that moment—that moment that she walked out of the restroom, limped and with your semen dripping down her thighs and you just thank god that there aren’t that much people around and if they walked past the both of you, they’re oblivious about the sinful things that’s happening inside the small, compact room. 
You squint your eyes apprehensive and with utmost disbelief as you can’t believe that she’s going to pull up a trap against you, again. You really don’t want to come yet you need to just because of these two things: your soft heart wanting to “help” Sullyoon and the second one, you don’t want her to sulk in front of you later because that would be a total living hell—hell in a sense that it would be awkward throughout the night with her petulant behavior which you despise.
With no other choice, you hurriedly went to the restroom as stealthily as possible, hoping that no one would see you sneaking in. You lightly tap on the wooden door as the “occupied” sign on the door is now replaced with a “vacant” one. You then entered as Sullyoon locked the door as quickly as possible.
“This better be something reasonable, Yoona.”
“What do you mean reasonable, Oppa? I just need some help because there's something stuck on the zipper of my uniform—”
“How is there something stuck? Just pull it down, like this.”
With disappointed expressions painted on your face, Sullyoon can't help but gulp anxiously yet she still tries to persuade you that something interferes on the back of her uniform. Interrupting her attempts onto further persuasion, you pinned her down the black marbled wall, as your face is inches away from hers, alongside with a mischievous glare that can sting.
“Listen here, Yoona, if you’re here to bait me to fulfill your needs again, I’m not into it—it’s just, not here, okay?”
Sullyoon’s eyes rolled down as you broke the code on why she let you in this restroom. Not so long after, you pulled yourself against her as you shook your head in dismay from her not-so-devious advances.
“Okay, you got me Oppa, but please. I just need you right now, please, Oppa—”
“I said not here, Yoona, behave yourself.”
Sullyoon pouts in defeat as she still has the urge to convince you as there might be a chance to shackle down to your defenses. She knows that with her puppy eyes and her cute pout, you’ll always have to give in—you absolutely want to give in but you need to discipline her, and you will succeed. You will succeed…
“Fine, Oppa! I’m sorry… But can you just do something to hold me over?”
“Ugh, Yoona, what is it—”
All you can just see is her plump lips pressed onto yours as the taste of it hits like an addictive drug—you can’t just simply resist the urge into further intimacy and the deepening of the kiss. You simply gave in to the softness as you kissed her with eagerness, closing your eyes as you savor the hint of strawberry from her inviting lips. As you indulge into further madness, you realize that this may end up on an embarrassing note, so you pull out as the both of you exchange breaths and smiles.
“You’re such a good kisser, Oppa…”
“You too, Yoona.”
You started to indulge under her spell again, but this time, with a renewed fervor and thirst as you held both sides of her hourglass waist, initiating a deeper kiss which she didn’t mind. She then eagerly reciprocates from your motives as you bite her luscious lips gently with your teeth, her moaning between your kisses as the sting makes the kiss more intimate, and not to hurt her. She savored the taste of your lips as you did the same to her and after a few more seconds, you pulled out of the heat of her luscious lips, the curvature of her lips forming into a smile that further raises the beating of your heart. 
“We can make love later, Oppa, but for now, I really want to taste you so bad…”
Despite wanting to fulfill her urgent carnal needs, you need to discipline her and make her a patient person, yet, those two words (discipline and patience) aren't in her vocabulary whenever she's needy—maybe even more than needy: thirst.  
“Yoona, we've talked about this, we can't do this right now. We just kissed and isn’t that enough for you?”
“Ughh, come on, Oppa, you know I want more and you know you want more too! Are you just afraid that we'll get caught?”
“Yes, Yoona, and I hope you'll understand.”
Sullyoon faces you with a sulky demeanor—her eyebrows scrunching, her arms crossed and her forceful heavy sighs—yet with a thought in mind, she knows how she'll make you fulfill her needs within a single action.
Sullyoon faces you again as her fingers traces your chest and your abs against the clothing, swirling and she seductively persuades you with a raspy, deep voice that you always adore—it's also a thing that makes you aroused for her even more because you have a thing for girls with deep voices.
“Oppa~ Please? I just need you now and you won't let a girl be unfulfilled, right?”
She's really trying, she really is. Sometimes, you forget her bratty side because of how down on earth she is and her soft, angelic tone which makes you distinguish her for being the opposite of a brat. You always know that when she's like this, she's always going to persuade you and make you fulfill her needs even if you don't like to and you know that she'll always win. She may always win but this time, you'll try to fight the urge of satisfying her needs.
“Like I said, I don't think we need to do this right now, Yoona.”
“Well, Oppa, I want to and besides—” Sullyoon's eyes wander around the area, making sure that there was no other people in the vicinity and it's just the both of you. “—no one will mind even looking after us as they're all busy with their own things.”
You grunt as Sullyoon's fingers trace your chest and your neck, making your cheeks hint a rosy pink as you feel her intimate touch waking up the beast inside you but you refuse and fight that feeling in order to discipline her.
“This is not a good idea Yoona, not a great one.”
“Oh, I guess my mouth will do the work to convince you Oppa, huh?”
“N-No, that's not what I meant.”
“Then what, Oppa, hm?” Sullyoon's tone is mildly high, yet soft, signaling her annoyance with your hypocrisy as she pouted cutely right after, making your eyes widen in awe.
“What I mean is that we're public, Yoona. We can do this when we're both alone but not here coz' someone may come and catch us in the act.”
Sullyoon's face emanates defeat as she looks at you adorably, her round, puppy-like convincing you as there’s still little hope left at her side, knowing that you can’t resist her especially when she’s down on her knees—
“Please, Oppa? Pleaseee??”
And there she goes, pouting adorably alongside her cute tone that always makes you weak on your knees. She definitely knows what things to do and to say just to get what she wants and if she’s needy, you know that she’s not gonna leave you alone.
“Okay, you get to suck me off for 5 minutes and we’re alright, okay?”
“Uhh, can it be longer, Oppa?”
“No, Yoona, we’ve talked about this. Only 5. Minutes.”
Sullyoon sighs, rolling her eyes out but still thankful that you let her get what she wants. You then relax yourself onto the toilet seat and let her do the work for you as she works the magic between your legs. With a limited time given, Sullyoon wasted no time unbuckling your belt off and tugging your pants down to your ankles. 
Sullyoon teases your hardening erection with swipes of her talented fingers, making you squirm as you get sensitive under her touch. In no time, Sullyoon yanks your boxers off down to your ankles as your hard erection is released from its frustrating restraints, almost hitting her in the face.
“Wow, I love how you’re always so big for me, Oppa. Oh fuck…”
“Well, I c-can’t help it when a beautiful girl like you will tame my beast.”
Sullyoon’s cheeks flushed a crimson red from your so-called compliment as her dainty fingers stroked your fully-erect length, from base to your tip, you moaning in pleasure and delight on the process.
“So hard, so perfect, so big, all for my little mouth to suck on. I'll make sure you're fully drained once I'm done sucking you off, Oppa.”
You’re always in shock on how this adorable, soft-spoken girl can be a suddenly seductive vixen within a second—her duality is incredibly contrasting alongside her dirty talk which arouses you further than your limits. With no time, she places her soft, plump lips on the tip of your cock, making you squirm uncontrollably under your breath as the warmness of her lips drives your brain in haywire. She sucks you up like a lollipop as she swirls her tongue over your tip, making you leak the infamous colorless liquid involuntarily. 
“Oooh, am I turning you that much, Oppa? Oh, look how much you’re leaking for me! Gu-ughhh—ahhh! So delicious!”
Sullyoon delightfully licks the slit of your tip as she happily collects the pre-cum leaking out of it, brightly smiling as she consumes it all, not wasting a single drop. You can’t help but let out satisfied moans as it increased in volume, alongside the ragged breath of yours. Sullyoon then senses this and smiles gleefully, knowing how much she’s doing an excellent job pleasuring you.
“H-How are you getting better at this, Yoona? Fuck…”
“I don’t know, Oppa. Maybe it’s just me enjoying this meal in front of me so much.”
With those in mind, you can’t really tell if Sullyoon’s really doing a great job or not—maybe, it’s just the fact that the dopamine you’re receiving is way too much that you can’t think straight but nonetheless, everything she's done is spectacular and a peak at its finest. She then continued her oral assault to your dick as she sucked a third of a length of it, feeling more comfortable and confident than earlier.
“You have t-three m-minutes left Yoona, ahh…”
“You're seriously timing this, Oppa? Gosh, you’re so annoying.”
You know that she isn’t really offended, the both of you just giggled it off. After a couple of seconds, she then stopped sucking you off and stroked your entire length with intimacy as every second she stroked your shaft from base to tip sending shivers down your spine as well as inevitable lewd moans. She then starts lathering each of your balls with her own saliva as she sucked in each one gently with profound fervor.
“Oh fuck—I love this Yoona. Too g-good…”
She then stops sucking them as she returns her focus on your shaft again yet this time, she started it with frantic bobbing of her head as her full, luscious lips compose an orchestra of sonorous sounds as well as slurps that arouses you further.
Sullyoon gobbled down on your dick like it's her last meal—her satisfied moans says a lot as she slurped down around the succulent taste of your shaft. She then moved up on your mushroom-shaped tip, her talented tongue swirling around it as the dexterity of her fingers with her handjob gives you maximum pleasure.
“Oh damn, you're so good at t-that, Yoona.”
“Thank you, Oppa. I just wanna suck your cock all day—mwah, it tastes so delicious, every time.”
Sullyoon continues to bob her head after her small talk, up and down as her gleeful smile is her response. She then takes you half-way as she hungrily slurps down your shaft and gags right on the spot, not caring about it as she continues what she's best at.
You tried to fight the urge of fucking her face right at this moment, but with her messy tears, the drool seeping out of her mouth and the sinful gags that her throat makes, your mind sends you in haywire as you're tempted to do it. You grab a fistful of her dark brown locks, making a makeshift ponytail, an outlet to fight the ultimate pleasure you've been feeling.
“Yoona, I-I…”
“Yes, Oppa?” she releases your shaft out of her mouth with a loud pop, as your tip glistens with her saliva as well as the strings of it connected from her mouth.
“I r-really need to fuck your face, right n-now…”
Sullyoon senses your nervousness as you hitch a breath after each of your numerous stutters, her finding it rather adorable despite this sinful act in front of her.
“Oppa, like I said, I'm fine with this, go on. Use my mouth however you like.”
If she insists, who are you to say no—Oh! You wanted it anyway, right?
Grabbing her dark brown locks and making a makeshift ponytail out of it, you started to push your cock onto her mouth once more as Sullyoon's hand guided you. You started off with slow thrusts, adjusting yourself as Sullyoon grabbed your hips, adjusting herself onto the whole length of shaft invading her wet, warm cavern which is her mouth.
With how good her mouth feels, you can't help but increase the pace of your thrusts as Sullyoon tries to keep up with your whole length slamming down her throat. Not so long after, your shaft met the back of her throat, activating her gag reflex once again and pulling you back, her coughing mildly as concern is evident in your eyes.
“Fuck, I'm s-so sorry, Yoona. Are you okay?”
“I'm g-good, Oppa—*coughs* Fuck my face again, I c-can take it.”
You're a bit hesitant with her request as she strokes your shaft furiously and takes you in again, bobbing her head frantically as the thoughts of concern are fading away. With the sight of this gorgeous girl pleasuring you is definitely what can make any man happy.
Without any time to waste, you then grabbed her hair again and thrust in and out of her mouth, your pace faster than before as you fuck her face with no abandon, not caring if she gags or coughs right at the spot as pleasure is driving you way crazier than before.
“Fuck, Yoona. I love h-how fucking good your throat always feels like—fuck! You take me so fucking w-well too. Ahh, I'm going to fuck the living brat o-out of you! Arghhhh!”
With this new pace you built up, you can't help but let out intimate moans. Sullyoon's ruined mascara is evident from her eyes as her disheveled hair and the smeared lipstick around the base of your shaft arouses you even further. Saliva seeps out of her mouth as you pound her mouth harder and faster, her gagging sensually and gawking all over your length is a sign on how well you're fulfilling her needs—and your needs too.
You didn't mind the time ticking anymore as you can sense a familiar knot on your loins, signaling that your release will come anytime soon and Sullyoon senses it by how much your shaft is throbbing between your thrusts inside her mouth.
“Yoona, f-fuck, your mouth feels so damn good. You're taking me so well down y-your throat. Arghh—shit, I'm going to fucking cum!”
Knowing that Sullyoon likes to always taste and swallow your load every time you have quick sessions with her, a bright idea comes to your mind as you don't fulfill that wants of hers as you hurriedly pull out of her warm cavern, stroking your cock furiously, pointing it out towards her as surprisingly, Sullyoon didn't complain about you not painting her cavern white as she lewdly sticks out her tongue and closes her eyes, bracing herself on what's about to come.
“Paint my face white Oppa. Make an artwork and paint every inch of my small face. Cover my face with your hot, thick cum Oppa. Please, I'm dying to feel it Oppa, please, please, please!”
“Shit! I’m cu—mming Yoona!”
You groan as thick shots of hot, white semen paints Sullyoon's enticingly beautiful face as the empty canvas is painted white. Her eyes, forehead, nose, lips and her chin is covered with your pearly white cum as her index finger traces a sample from her cheeks, tasting it as she elicits a sexy moan, satisfied with your big load covering her face and the taste of it. You then fall limp to the toilet, recovering from your high as Sullyoon strokes your shaft, milking the entirety of your cock, making sure you're fully drained. Not so long, the timer beeps, signaling the end of the 5-minute mark.
“Fuck, that was such a yummy load, Oppa and it feels so warm on my face, oh my gosh.”
What a marvelous piece of art you've done with her—the ruined sight of her is something that you'll forever keep in mind as her beauty is beyond incomparable.
“How did you came so much, Oppa? Did I really turn you on that much, huh?”
“Well, I never busted a load for like a month and you didn't really come to meet me to help me get off.”
“Fair point, Oppa and sorry about that, I’ve been very busy too lately.”
“It’s alright Yoona, and also, bundles and bundles of schoolworks so don't have much time to really get off too.”
Sullyoon just nods as you handed her tissues to help her clean up her face but there's one thing you forgot to do and you wouldn't waste any time doing it now.
“Yes, Oppa?”
You swiftly took out your smartphone, opening your camera as you took a picture of her ruined, cum-covered visage quickly, catching her off-guard.
“Yah Oppa!! Give me that!”
“Why? Don’t you look beautiful with my cum painted on your face?”
“It’s not like that, Oppa, it’s just that… I don’t think I look beautiful enough and I look like weirdo—”
“Oh shut up about that Yoona. You're always beautiful, remember that. Also, you're so photogenic, the photos came out well, look!” 
You then showed Sullyoon the pictures you took as her eyes are in awe of how well the photos are quality-wise.
“You are a great photographer, Oppa. You should consider that as a job, right now.”
“Aha, maybe, when I graduate, I will, but—oh shit! Let's clean up quickly.”
Sullyoon then grabs your softening erection as she cleans it fully with her tongue, her saliva still glistening the tip of your shaft as you grab some tissues to help Sullyoon clean up and dress your bottom-half up. 
“I can't wait to feel you tonight, Oppa.”
“Who says I'm going to sleep with you tonight?”
“Me! Who else?”
“But what if I don't want to?”
Sullyoon lets out an almost inaudible series of whimpers as she punches your left shoulder playfully, not satisfied with your not-so-rhetorical question.
“Yah! Oppa~ Come on…”
“Okay, okay, Yoona. Hah, you know I can't resist you too…”
Her small, muffled noises full of delight shows how she seems victorious after her pleas against you. As much as you want to discipline and tame her bratty demeanor, you simply can't because of these two reasons: one, is that she's simply irresistible and lastly, you've been wanting to spend your time with her as it has been a while since the both of you did. Not so long after, the both of you got out of the bathroom as if nothing ever happened.
It was just any normal ride to your way home: the blasting of such head-banging bops and songs, the night drive without any traffic and your windows open—just the cold breeze of the wind—it’s just the best feeling a person could ever had, and that  is further proven with Sullyoon. Yet with all of that fun and peak delight, the both of you can’t help but be in a different state of bliss and delight as you hungrily kissed each other as your tongues lap and danced in each other’s mouth. Slurps and moans resonates around the bedroom and mostly, around your ear as the both of you pulled out each other’s embrace, strings of saliva following right after as the both of you gasp for air as the restriction of oxygen makes it a challenge for you to extend the duration of this intimate kiss and further, not continuing it.
“You kiss me so well, Yoona.”
“Thank you, Oppa, you too, you’re a great kisser.”
You then latched your lips onto hers again as the taste of her luscious lips just can’t be resisted alongside her sultry moans that makes you dive into her, more. Another minute of an intimate kiss is all it takes before she makes a move to you, pulling your shirt up, removing the fabric out as her hands roam around your chest, your arms and to your abs. You moan a little from her repetitive actions as it’s most likely your kryptonite, making you squirm in sensitivity as her warm harm never fails to make you feel pleasurable—more like peak delight at this point. 
“Are we just gonna kiss all night or will you do something more interesting, Oppa?”
As much as you wanna feel those soft lips brushing against yours and the irresistible taste of it, you wanna do more with her—you wanna make love to her. As much as you want to do the most unspeakable things on the planet with her, it must go into a slow journey before heading to the climax as it feels like nothing anywhere fun when you just skipped everything that can lead into your wants.
“I would love to do more than this, Yoona, but with that being said—”, you then brushed your fingers into her inviting lips as she lightly sucks on them wantonly, letting you know the urge of neediness that she’s feeling right now, “—you need to follow my orders.”
As expected, she rolls her eyes in frustration as you know how much she doesn’t like to fulfill orders when she’s on the bed with you. She does follow but not all the time, but right now, with all of her brattiness, it’s time to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget.
“But why, Oppa—”
“I said, you’ll follow my orders, Yoona. You’ve been acting like a brat all day and do you think this will be tolerated? Not this time—you won’t win this time, Yoona.”
“But Oppa—”
“No buts; just follow me and we will be all fine. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with you unless you don’t want me too, okay?”
You kissed her forehead for further reassurance. Even though your voice is commanding and chilling, on the brighter side, your only aim is to guide Sullyoon and just want the best for her, so your reassuring tone will do its job to balance your intimidating demeanor.
“Yes, Oppa…”
With that being said, you then caress her thighs as you can feel how soft and silky it is. So insatiable, so perfect, if you were to ask. Your fingers then run down the pearly white skin as Sullyoon squirms upon your touch, her sensitivity over the roof on how gentle and teasing you are.
“Op—Oppa~ Hngg, too much—ahhh…”
“Gosh, you're this sensitive right now, Yoona? What a pity that my little bunny is so needy. So needy for my touch.”
You then hiked her skirt up and noticed a familiar, wet spot on her panties that she couldn't help hiding. Still caressing her thighs, you then start to tease her labia as constant ragged breaths and moans escapes Sullyoon's mouth. With her sensitivity, this further puts you into an immediate advantage as you can see yourself fully controlling her.
“Does it feel good, Yoona? Does it? Answer me—”
“Yes, Oppa! Ahhhh~”
You smirked as victory can be sensed within any given time now as you can see her face, in an ahegao-like façade—her tongue sticking out lewdly and her constant wails. With her expression like that, you know that you're pleasuring her well so you raise it up a notch, fingering her faster as you insert another digit inside her to challenge her and most likely, for her to learn a lesson.
“You know, Yoona, I don't know when did you start to act like this, I really don't. You know, it's such a shame if you were to cum on my fingers, huh? Look at you, all red and flushed just by just this. Hmm, it's okay, my little bunny will be taken care of by his Oppa.”
Your constant teasing just sends Sullyoon's brain into haywire as her face flushed red like a tomato, maybe even redder than before. Inserting another finger just sends her into her limits, her husky, soft voice orchestrating a plethora of moans that resonates around your ear. This just further arouses you to the point that you just want to fuck her right at this moment yet you resist yourself onto the lustful temptation because you need to teach her a lesson. More pace exerted means much louder moans and ragged breaths from hers as not so long after, you can already feel her climax coming up by how much her pussy is leaking like a faucet that can’t be stopped. 
“Oppa, I’m gonna cum—ahh!”
Just right when she’s about to climax, you suddenly pull out your fingers and as expected, Sullyoon whines in desperation and defeat from your edging.
“B-But w-why did you stop, Oppa?”
You exhaled deeply as you looked at Sullyoon with a cheeky grin, making her intimidated with your not-so-silly actions.
“Well, I hope that you're going to learn your lesson, now, Yoona.”
“But why, Oppa? This is just unfair! I wanna get off too—”
You then stopped Sullyoon's childish protests with a single thud of your feet, stomping the ground with such force that it almost feels like it's about to break. Sullyoon's eyes convey worry and anxiety as she doesn't know what to feel in this given situation.
“Listen here, Yoona, next time, you gotta wait and be patient so that's why I'm telling you a lesson. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Oppa… I'm sorry too, I just can't help myself.”
You then kissed her forehead once again, as a sign of reassurance and to let her know how much you really care about her.
“You don't need to be sorry, Yoona. I just want to let you know how to be patient, okay?”
Sullyoon frantically nods as a response to what you've said as you further reassure her that you aren't mad earlier, but rather, disappointed.
“Such a good bunny. I like how you're getting more obedient.”
Sullyoon just remains flustered from your compliments as constant delighted squeals can be heard from hers. For one last time, you kissed her again intimately as she reciprocated from the kiss as fast as lightning. Not so long after, you pulled out from her warm mouth as the insatiability is never coming down, so you thought of something that can make what you've been feeling better.
“Mwah, oh, Yoona. Because of your obedience, I would give you something to hold on—a present, shall I say.”
“What is it, Oppa?”
Sullyoon's puppy-like eyes shows her utmost anticipation of what you're about to mutter. You know that she just can't wait and so are you, so you gleefully smiled at her and said the reward that you're about to give her.
“You know how insatiable you are to me, so, with that being said, you can suck me off to start some things before we get to the main course.”
All can Sullyoon do is squeal in victory as she gets to taste your shaft yet again. So without any time to waste, she unbuckles your belt and undresses your bottom half, leaving you fully naked. Placing a couple of digits to your erect shaft, you shiver as the coldness of her hands sends your brain in haywire. As she's doing the handiwork that she's best at, a certain tingle in your brain tells you something that you should definitely try and with this given moment, you didn't dare to miss this opportunity.
“Oh, Yoona.”
“Yes, Oppa?”
“There's a checkered ribbon similar to yours on the top left drawer on my table, would you please get it? I'm going to try something out.”
Without a doubt, Sullyoon immediately fulfilled your favor as she hurriedly got up on the bed and got the ribbon for you.
“Now, what do you want me to do with it, Oppa?”
“Uhm, ahh—just tie it on your hair, at the back of your head and remove this headband of yours.”
As Sullyoon's amused yet quizzical face emanated, she quickly thought about why you suddenly let her grab the checkered ribbon. You probably knew that she cracked the code and all you can do is smile as her clever mind figured it out.
“Oooh, is this a new fetish of yours, Oppa?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m sorry if it’s a dumb on—”
“No!—” Sullyoon then looked at you endearingly, her eyes shining full of glint and  her soft-spoken tone reassuring you. “—It’s totally fine, Oppa. It’s actually good that you wanna try more.”
“Thank you, Sully, you’re definitely the best.” You kissed her forehead as she squealed gleefully and flushed from your simple complimenting words. “Now, go down on your knees and get your reward.”
She didn’t leave a second wasted as she hurriedly dropped down on her knees while you relaxed yourself onto the bed, letting her do all the work as you're just there to guide or command her.
“How do you want me to suck you off, Oppa, hm?”
“Just suck it however you like, Sully, I don't mind it.”
Giving the green light to Sullyoon, she immediately averted her attention towards your hardening member, her eyes glued and in awe and how much it's been erecting.
“Wow… Look how you're getting hard for me, Oppa. Am I turning you on too much?”
“If only you know, Sully.”
If only she knew how much she's turning you on right now, she would've used that advantage to further pleasure you—or maybe even ignite the gasoline on the flames of her mind-tingling teases—sooner yet you wouldn't complain a single bit as her hands are now taking a firm, vise-like grip as she slowly strokes your shaft, you then involuntarily moaning softly as her actions stimulates you. Not so long after, she upped the pace of the stroke and that leads you to leak the infamous colorless liquid which she traced her dainty fingers with, not wasting a single drop.
“Oh gosh, it's so delicious, Oppa…”
As her strokes got sensually faster, she started to spit on your shaft as an aid to pleasure you even better—her saliva acting as a lubricant. With more exertion and pace between her strokes, you can't help but groan in sensitivity and pleasure as it skyrocketed up fast. Between her furious strokes are the lust-filled kisses around your mushroom-shaped tip which further sends you to overdrive. Your hips jerk inevitably as the pleasure you're feeling was way too much to handle and after an opening show of her talented fingers, it was the time for you to feel the warmness of her wet, slick cavern which is her mouth.
“Oh, fuck! Yoona, it's too good!”
Her response was nowhere near a verbal one but instead an immediate act as she rapidly bobbed her head up and down on your shaft, gobbling onto it like it's the last time that she'll ever taste you. Most of the time when Sullyoon is giving blowjobs, you close your eyes as you mentally picture and feel every detail of her actions and how pleasure is delivered by hers yet today, that may change. You suddenly opened your eyes and you were met with the sight of Sullyoon, in her uniform and mostly, with a checkered ribbon tied on the back of her head. Your mind can't fully comprehend how attractive and lustful this act could be, and how your ribbon fetish stimulated you onto the roof. It's also the way Sullyoon sucks you off with a vigor and fervor that no one can match and especially, how she looks so ruinable with that damn uniform.
You curse onto yourself for the pleasure you're feeling as her frantic bobbing of her head ensues—the constant slurps and gags that makes you feel the utmost gratification you’ve ever felt, and maybe, it’s even better than what she did earlier. With this much stimulation, you need an outlet to fight so in a matter of seconds, you grabbed her head and made a makeshift ponytail without ruining the ribbon she tied at the back of her head. You never knew that this ribbon fetish of yours can bring you to your ultimate fantasy coming true as the rhythmic bobbing of Sullyoon’s head almost puts you into hypnosis as you’re starting to moan her name much more frequently than before.
“Fuck, Yoona—argh, so good. So, so good. Ahh, y-you can touch yourself if you want t-to, you’ve earned a bit of p-pleasure for being such a good girl.”
With all of this stimulation, you’re half-surprised on how you can articulate such words to Sullyoon as you felt like she ignored you as all you can hear is her constant slurping, gagging and her hums around your throbbing shaft. She sucks you off like a lollipop, the tight suction of her lips not leaving anything on your length untouched and covered by her own drool as if she’s trying to milk another big load from yours, which, preferably, you would want to as you’re dying to explode inside her slick, warm cavern and to paint every inch of it white. With all of Sullyoon's effort on sucking you off, it just drives you closer and closer to your climax as she can feel it too by how much your length is throbbing inside her talented mouth.
“Fuck, Yoona—shit! I'm s-so fucking close. Arghh! I'm gonna explode inside y-your mouth!”
All it takes is a few rhythmic movements before you finally explode inside her as thick, warm semen flooded her insides. Each spurt should be savored by Sullyoon, as she does just that, keeping her mouth in touch within the base of your cock as she tries to take it all but fails when it's way too much for her to handle. Your euphoric orgasm sends you into bliss, making you savor every second within this moment.
“G-Gosh, you’re t-taking me so fucking well, all the way, baby…”
Within the final spurts, she pulled out herself onto your raging length as she gave herself some time to breathe, also, the final spurts painting her cheeks and her chin pearly white. The once cum-flooded mouth of Sullyoon has now been clean as she swallowed it all, not wasting a single drop. She later showed how neat her mouth is as everything has been swallowed, even the ones painted within her face.
“It’s so delicious, Oppa. Thank you for this gift.”
A gleeful smile emanates from her as you smile back, satisfied with her performance as she puts on a show to remember. 
“How did you release a bigger load than before, Oppa? This is like—too much.”
You just replied with a shrug and numerous ragged breaths as you still recover from the bliss earlier. All you can see is her beautiful, disheveled face flashing a smile towards you as you caress her hair, letting her know how satisfied you are. Now initiating the first move, you slowly pin her against the bed as you can now smell the floral-like perfume she used earlier, which you always like. Now inches away from her touch, you didn’t waste a second to latch your lips onto her neck, peppering it with kisses as she moans in response to your intimate actions. You suckle onto her neck like it's your last, the suction may be enough to leave a small mark as you did the same to her nape, marking it too with your love.
“You're moaning too much, baby, you like this?”
“Too much Oppa, I love it—ahh…”
Her sensitivity goes through the roof as her warm hands start tracing your back and gripping your hair because she was feeling way too much pleasure and bliss. 
“Yes, Yoona?”
“I need to feel you i-inside me, now. Please? I'm dying t-to feel you—ahhh.”
“Be patient baby, okay? I'm just—mwah—marking you to let them know that you're mine.”
“B-But you're always mine, Oppa! Ahhh—I'm yours and only yours, Oppa—ahh—only y-yours.”
“You're so sweet, baby—mwah—I love you.”
“I l-love you too, Oppa.”
With her pleas and her needy moans, this just arouses you further as you continue to kiss her a little bit more as the main event will soon be coming. You can't resist her and you can't wait to feel her, so, without wasting any time, you commanded her to strip as she willingly fulfilled it.
“Straddle my lap and strip for me, baby.”
One by one, piece by piece, you can see her pristine figure as she slowly unbuttons her uniform, your cock twitching on how much she's turning you on. She notices this as she smiles, knowing that she's doing a great job at seducing and probably, even teasing you.
“Oh wow…”
You're in awe as she throws away her uniform somewhere near the bed as her perky mounds are in your sight, covered with a white-laced bra, arousing you further. She then unbuckles the lock of her skirt, undressing herself as she throws it away to God know where, teasing you further as she winks and flashes a smirk towards you.
“Oh my fucking god, baby, you're so hot.”
“Thank y-you, Oppa…”
Sullyoon hides her face with her hands as she gets shy from your compliment, making you giggle on how adorable she looks whenever she feels embarrassed.
“No need to be shy, baby, be confident, okay?”
A nod is her reply as your reassuring tone enlightens her up, increasing her confidence. Still straddled on your lap, she asks you about a request you never knew that she would say.
“Yes, Yoona?”
“Can I-I…”
She hides her face with her hands, feeling skeptical to say something but you enlighten her through your dulcet tone.
“It's okay, Yoona, open up to me—what do you want to do?”
“Can I—r-ride you?”
Those four words were just enough to make you peak in interest as your eyes widened, liking the idea of Sullyoon’s wants and your keenness, letting you thoroughly guide her onto what she wants.
“Of course, you can, baby, but, are you sure you want to?”
Sullyoon’s expressions changed faster than lightning, emanating a skeptical façade yet you reassure her again that everything's going to be fine with your guidance and your assistance.
“T-Thank you, Oppa, I just want to try this out myself.”
“No worries, Yoona.”
Her hands then reached for your semi-erect cock as she wrapped her dainty fingers around it, letting you feel the warmness of it as she stroked you into full hardness again. It doesn't take you long to be at full mast as her hands guide your raging members towards the heat of her entrance.
A few teasing and brushing of her clit towards your mushroom-shaped tip is all it takes for you to moan like crazy. You can already feel how soaking wet she is as her juices run down to your slit, like a water stream running down as it mixes it with your precum. Enough with the teasing as she now slowly takes you in, the both of you moaning in unison as the once tranquil room was now filled with lustful moans that breaks the silence.
“Take me a-all in baby, slowly—arghh! You're so tight, Yoona—arghh!”
“And you're s-so big, Oppa—ahhh! You feel s-so good! So, so good!”
Gyrating and forming a rhythm with her hips, she starts to bounce hypnotically as you guide her, your hands at the side of her thighs, thrusting a little bit upwards and mirroring her movements in order to help her. Even with her tightness that puts you up on a struggle, the both of you manage to form a rhythm that's way too pleasurable yet not way too fast—you could just stay this way as her walls clenching around your shaft forms an unexplainable bliss that makes you moan in ecstasy. 
“Ahh—ahh—Oppa! Too good—oh fuck! Too good!”
Inevitable curses escape from her mouth as your dick makes her feel the utmost pleasure as she's in a state of bliss. Her dulcet tone resonates around your ear as each decibel of her moans increases, the more she adds pace on riding you. 
“Oh fuck, baby, you're riding me so well—ughh! You're too fucking good, Yoona.”
Complimenting Sullyoon just adds gasoline to the flames and you love it—it makes her confident and you just can't help but smile because of it. Albeit she's tight, you can manage to pick up your pace on thrusting upwards as she does the same, her juices overflowing like a leaking faucet which just arouses you further, over to the roof—it also helps with the lubrication, which is a blessing in disguise.
With her hands pressed down onto your chest firmly, you could tell how much she's exerting the utmost efforts on pleasuring you as not so long after, she announces her climax nearing so helping her reaching her high, you start to thrust faster, reaching the limits of velocity your hips can muster as her moans became a delicate song to your ear with your hammering thrusts.
“Oppa! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum—ahh—ahh—AHH!”
An ear-deafening shrill is all it takes for Sullyoon to feel her euphoric high as her juices gushes out of your girth, signaling her blissful orgasm. You slow down your thrusts in order for her to recover from her high as you get up, pulling her into embrace and capturing her luscious lips at that moment—kissing her for a few seconds then caressing her hair to help her out.
“That's alright, baby, cum on my cock. Good girl—mwah—such a good girl for Oppa.”
“Oh f-fuck, Oppa—hahh… I came so hard.”
With her still laying down on the bed, recovering from her orgasm, you pulled your throbbing length out of her pussy, allowing her to have some time to breathe as she anticipates what you're going to do next—even though she may already know what you had in store, on your mind.
“Yes, Yoona?”
“Won't you cum inside of me? I k-know you want to, so please, give it to me, Oppa…”
Still exchanging breaths from the earlier exhaustion, you then lay on top of her slowly, ready to fulfill her needs of feeling you again.
“As you wish, Yoona, but, are you sure you want to do this right now? I don't know if you can take me ag—
“I'm good, Oppa. I can take it, just please, give me your warm load in my pussy, I want to feel you.”
Giving you the green light, you then line yourself onto her heat as she deeply inhales, readying herself on what's about to happen. Stroking your member again into full hardness, you then now started to insert yourself into her as you were eagerly met with the tightness of her velvety walls.
“Oh my f—you're so fucking tight, Yoona—oh so fucking good!”
You then held onto her hourglass waist as you thrust in faster, sultry and deep moans escaping from her agape mouth as a response from your actions. After a few seconds, you then capture her lips as the two of you are deeply enamored with the lustful act that's been happening. Her eagerly reciprocating the kiss further sends you to overdrive as you increase the pace, your hammering thrusts making her moan seductively while locking your lips onto hers. Her small whimpers and adorable little noises are the cherries on top, as her saccharine tone is enough to stimulate you, up to your peak. Even her with a faux demeanor or maybe even up to her being a sulky brat, it’s still enough to make you down bad towards her, wanting her all along as she’s insatiable and you can’t blame yourself to let your defenses down to this girl that you’re diligently fucking—her hourglass shape, her luscious, plump lips and it’s oh-so-kissable, her pretty face, her fair, pristine skin, her being soft and down to earth and more than what you could think about her.
What a perfect girl—you mutter upon yourself as the girl in front of you is now a beautiful, disheveled mess. More and more of her nectar gushes out of her cunt as it streams down to your throbbing length and drips down to your balls, wetting the bed sheets below—you swear, after this, you’ll be struggling to clean the bed on how soaking bed it would be.
“H-Harder, Oppa, please. Faster—ahh! Too fucking good! Oh god, make love t-to me, Oppa!”
Swearing in Sullyoon’s vocabulary is sporadic in nature as when she does, you know something is serious but right now, you could tell how serious she is as you fulfill her wish by exerting more effort, increasing the pace into a faster rhythm as your hammering thrusts ensues, her mouth agape and her moans turning into wild whimpers by how the pleasure is delivered all throughout her body.
“Ahh—y-yes, Oppa?”
“I w-want you to fuck from b-behind, can I?”
She unhesitantly nods as if it wasn't even a question at this point—why would you even ask her when you know that she’ll agree, but nonetheless, asking is still important. As much as you don’t want to pull out of her tight, velvety walls, you should as the both of you switched positions, you then aiding Sullyoon some help. Without wasting any second, you plunge your girth back to her juicy, wet cunt as you didn’t give her some time to adjust, starting off with wild and frantic thrusts. She wanted this anyway so you’re here to fulfill her—if she wants it slow, then you’ll do things slow with her as she deserves to be fucked like the princess she is. With the reckless pounding you’re exerting, it is inevitable to feel the tingling sensation on your loins so with that, you then grabbed her hair—not enough to hurt her—as you make a makeshift ponytail, an outlet to fight the pleasure and for it to help you into fucking her as a side-thought came in your mind on how strong the ribbon is on holding onto her hair despite the ruthless acts the both of you’re doing. You didn’t mind it as you can feel your orgasm building up so you gave her the final pounding she deserves as you groan, announcing your release.
“I’m g-gonna cum inside you, baby! You gotta t-take it all in—f-f-fuck!”
“I’m going t-to cum too, Oppa! Let’s cum t-together?”
With a nod and a smile, you gave her the green as you yelled her name in ecstasy, burying the entirety of your length in her pussy as thick and thick shots of semen painting her velvety walls white. She then came after you as her walls pulsate around your length, her reservoir breaking loose as her juices gushed out like a waterfall around your shaft. With her euphoric high, she then moans your name too as your blissful orgasm comes to an end after a few seconds, exchanging smiles and kisses as you latch onto her lips once more, letting her know how much you love her and only her. Pulling your length and your lips onto her, your semi-flaccid shaft is now mixed with indistinguishable liquids as all you can see, and possibly, be proud of, is how well, you creampied Sullyoon—your semen leaking out of her freshly-fucked pussy slowly is a sight to see. With how sensitive and painful you feel right now, you then lay yourself down beside Sullyoon as the both of you looked at each other’s eyes, seeing your worlds within both pupils. Pulling her into an embrace, you grunt in pain as the sensitivity is inevitable, and maybe because of the fact that she drained you and you couldn’t care less because all that matters is how happy you are and how this night will be remembered in your history books.
“You fucked me so well, Oppa… It’s so warm inside—ahhh. I love you so much, Oppa.”
“I love you too, Yoona, you took me so well too and I’m sorry if it’s a bit too rough—”
“Shhh—” her index finger lays on top of your lips, refraining you from saying anything further. “—it’s what I wanted anyways, Oppa. Thank you for that.”
Her face hides onto your chest as she rests onto it, herself being comfortable as she becomes enervated with all of the acts you’ve done earlier. You then rest your head onto the top of her head, caressing her hair slowly as she looks up with you with those sparkling, puppy eyes that you always have loved. Her chin then rests onto your chest as she smiles in joy, her arms still wrapped around your neck. You already knew that her intentions are clear: her showing how grateful she is as her affectionate actions is enough to make you in awe. She then closed her eyes, still emanating that bright smile of hers, as you patted her head and kissed her forehead, then uttering the words: “I love you so much, Yoona. Thank you for everything—mwah.”
Her cheeks flushed rosy pink as she utters the same plethora of words: “I love you too, Oppa. Never let me go, please…”
“I won’t, Yoona. You mean a lot to me and I’ll always protect you, no matter what happens.”
Closing your eyes as the both of you venture down the abyss, your exasperated bodies then give in to the drowsiness, your bodies still in a form of a warm embrace—your arms wrapped around each other and head resting on each other’s embrace. Still with your post-orgasmic exhaustion, you managed to slowly push her away from your embrace as you reposition her onto the bed, making herself comfortable. You then wrap her in a blanket as you take a look of her pristine features and how much it makes you in awe. You shine a smile from the sight of her sleeping soundly as not so long after, you join her after wearing an underwear that you got from your chestnut-colored closet. You wrapped her into an embrace again, and involuntarily, she reciprocated to your embrace, her arms wrapping around your neck as she snuggled her head slowly to your collarbones, allowing you to hear her soothing snores. You then closed your eyes as you totally gave in to your drowsiness as slowly, you fell asleep, in Sullyoon’s arms.
The night is still young for the both of you yet it is already fulfilled in the state of bliss and you couldn’t be any happier with that. This is a night to remember and it absolutely will be as this is the best day ev—
*notification buzzes*
ohmyhaewon on 22:19 - “I’ll meet you tomorrow at noon, Oppa. Be there because we’ll talk about something. See ya’! ;)”
Well, this wasn’t according to what you’ve planned—
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4wkjun · 4 months
daddy sim | sjy
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Chapter 5: Congratulations. ➥ Contains: angst if you squint, mentions of abortion, crying, swearing. ➥ Word count: 2.9k
June 16th, 2022 Thursday
You and Jake did something quite unusual for the first time in a while: you missed the class. Not that you didn’t want to be absent every once in a while — every student does, especially as the semester comes next to the end —, it’s just that the two of you had so much going on that you couldn’t afford to miss stuff daily.
Jake held your hand as you waited for the doctor to call you inside. You booked an appointment as soon as you could, in the first clinic available you found — that one being almost forty minutes away from your place.
“Your hands are so cold”, Jake said quietly, holding both of your hands between his. “Is it nervousness or just the air conditioner?”
“I don’t know”, you responded with a faint smile. Jake pouted, caressing your hands.
The both of you stayed quiet, not needing to say anything for the next ten minutes.
“Where’s y/n?”, Jay asked confused as he placed his backpack on the empty stool. Chaewon bit her bottom lip, nervous about lying right into his face.
“I don’t know”, she shrugged. “She didn’t answer my texts, maybe she overslept.”
“I hope she’s fine.”
“She probably is”, Chaewon sighed. She really hoped for that.
“Choi y/n?”, the doctor called standing in the hallway.
Your hands got even colder as you and Jake got up, following her almost mechanic voice. The fake sympathy behind the doctor’s and nurse’s tone always made you uncomfortable.
“Please, follow me”, she smiled.
You did, Jake’s hand never leaving yours. The doctor’s office was ridiculously white for your liking, every piece of furniture bright enough for your eyes to burn. Everything about that place made you want to run away.
“Please, take a sit”, the doctor pointed towards the cushioned chairs in front of her glass desk. “I’m Dr. Shin Minju, it’s really nice knowing you.”
“Our pleasure”, you mumbled — the most polite way you could.
“Ok, Choi y/n and...?”
“Sim Jaeyun”, Jake responded. “I’m her boyfriend.”
“Good”, Dr. Shin smiled. “How can I help you today?”
You sighed, not expecting the doctor to be that direct.
“I think I might be pregnant”, you said reluctantly. Dr. Shin nodded, writing on her computer.
“Have the two of you performed unprotected sex?”
“No, we always used condoms”, you blushed.
“No other methods along?”
She only hummed, nodding.
“I’m gonna need you to fill out a form with your medical and family history, use of medication, information about possible travels, and your lifestyle. I need you to be 100% honest.”
“No problem”, you mumbled.
Dr. Shin handed you the clipboard with three sheets of questions. Your eyes got big because you were not expecting anything that detailed during your first appointment — especially because you weren’t 100% sure about the pregnancy with only a pharmacy test. It took you around ten awful minutes of awkward silence to finish the form.
“Everything seems to be normal, except for your unregulated periods, ms. Choi”, she hummed after quickly eyeing the pages. “We’re gonna need a few exams to be sure about your pregnancy, some of them not being as nice as expected.”
“As “not nice”, you mean...”
“A transvaginal ultrasound and some blood drawing.”
You wanted to whine, but instead, you only nodded and tried to look fine. The Dr. didn’t have to know that you were completely scared at that moment.
“I’m gonna need you to relax, ms. Choi”, Dr. Shin muffled behind her mask.
You were lying down on the stretcher, your legs ridiculously far apart from each other for your liking and Jake as a statue right next to your head. His hand was cold against yours — which was unusual, since Jake was always burning hot —, showing you how nervous he truly was.
The Dr. didn’t give you a heads-up before actually starting the exam, making your eyes shut close as she moved the transducer inside of you. That didn’t hurt but was pretty uncomfortable. Jake gave you a peck on the forehead, just to remind you that you were not alone.
“Yup, I do see a gestational sac, ms. Choi”, she muffled. Her tone was happy and you held your tears. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you”, Jake answered. His happy tone made you turn your head towards his direction.
His eyes were fixated on that grayish screen — even though he could not understand what was what —, his smile big. His hand squeezed yours and you noticed his eyes shining as two pearls.
Wait, what?
“We’re still gonna have to perform a few exams and tests just to be sure the both of you are gonna be fine for the next weeks. The most usual way to calculate the gestational age would be by using the date of your last period, however, since that may be a little confusing in your situation, we’re gonna use the size of the sac to have a little bit of a better expectation around your due date.”
“Is the due date the day the baby should be born?”, Jake asked, genuinely curious.
“No, it is the date the mother should be 40 weeks pregnant”, she responded in her mechanic voice, taking shots of the screen. “Ms. Choi, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m just... A little shocked”, you admitted.
Dr. Shin nodded, removing the transducer and then her gloves. She waited until the machine printed the tiny ultrasounds and handed them to Jake.
“I’m gonna give you some privacy so you can change into your original clothes again”, she smiled. “I’ll wait for you next door so we can discuss the possibilities.”
“Thank you”, you said with a faint smile.
Jake pecked your cheek before leaving the room with the doctor.
“Ms. Choi, do you have any intentions of keeping this fetus?”, she asked as soon as you sat yourself down next to Jake. Your eyes got big and Jake’s heart felt tight.
“I guess I do”, you responded quietly.
“You guess you do?”, she asked, sharp as a knife. “You know, here in South Korea, abortions are legal. You don’t have to keep the fetus if you don’t want to.”
Jake stayed quiet. You remembered his words last night, where he gave you signals about wanting to keep it. But he didn’t really say the words.
“Do you want to keep it?”, you asked Jake even quieter.
“I do, love”, he almost whispered back. “But we don’t have to. It’s not just about me.”
You sighed and shook your head with a subtle smile.
“We’re gonna keep it”, you told the doctor — you sounded more confident in your head, but that’s ok.
“Sure”, she smiled. “There is no limit for you to terminate the pregnancy, though”, she added. “I just need you to be sure about what you want, ok?”
“Yeah, we’re gonna keep it”, you repeated.
“Has she texted you?”, Yunjin asked Chaewon as they waited in line to buy their food.
“No. You?”
“No”, Yunjin sighed. “I’m worried. Do you think she did something stupid?”
“Not really”, Chaewon sighed as she walked a little closer to the cashier. “Maybe she found a doctor.”
“That fast?”
“Desperate times, I guess.”
Yunjin nodded, pouting. She looked around to make sure your friends weren’t around.
“Do you think she’s gonna keep it?”
“I don’t know”, Chaewon turned around to face Yunjin. She looked worried. “I think she’d only abort it if maybe Jake said he doesn’t want a baby.”
“Do you think he wants a baby?”
“I don’t even think y/n wants a baby.”
“What do you mean “why?”, girl?”, Chaewon laughed without humor. “We’re young and broke. Besides, she told me yesterday she’s afraid of moving way too fast with Jake.”
“We are broke, Jake’s family has money”, Yunjin reminded. Chaewon nodded with a pout.
The line moved again and she placed her tray on top of the counter. The cashier smiled in a fake way as Chaewon handed her a crumpled bill. Yunjin followed her right after, rushing towards Chaewon so they could sit with their friends.
“Let’s talk about something else, huh?”, Chaewon whispered. “They don’t know and they won’t know by us.”
“Sure thing.”
“Babe?”, Jake called as you sat at the bus stop.
“Did you tell the doctor you want to keep it because of me?”
Your eyes fixated on the road, your mind running miles.
“No”, you concluded. “I think I want to do this.”
“But... Now? With me?”, Jake asked. You pouted, still not looking at you.
“You don’t want it, do you?”, you asked him with your teary eyes.
“What? Y/n, of course, I want to”, Jake reassured quickly, squatting in front of you. He held your face with his both hands, forcing you to look at him. His eyes were upset when you found them. “There is a lot in our minds right now, hm? I don’t want you to feel like your life is over because of me, love. If you want to take this step and start a family, I’m all in. If you don’t, I’m still all in. I’d take anything you decide to give me.”
“What if I ruin your life?”
“Not possible.”
“Jake, I mean it”, you whined. The tears won the battle, falling down your cheeks. Jake’s thumbs were fast to catch them.
“So do I. I’m trying my best not to say creepy stuff like “I want to grow old with you” because you only gave me a real chance around a month ago”, he scoffed. “But that’s the truth, y/n. Hopefully, you’re falling for me right now, but I’m a sucker for you for the longest time.”
You threw your hands around Jake’s neck, hugging him close. He almost fell to his knees down the cement floor, surprised by the sudden action.
“I love you, Jake”, you whispered. “I’m not saying it because of this whole mess, I really mean it.”
Jake’s heart suddenly got warmer, filled with love and happiness.
“I love you even more, pretty”, he responded. He smiled, softly pushing you away from his grip. “I promise I’ll try my best to make you the happiest woman alive.”
June 18th, 2022 Saturday
“Hi, you reached Kanemoto Seoyun”, your mom’s robotic voice chanted across the phone. You sighed. Of course, voicemail. “Please tell me how can I help you after the beep.”
“Hey mom, it’s me... Y/n. I need to talk to you, could you please call me as soon as possible?”, you mumbled. “I know you’re having a lot to deal with in Tokyo, but I wouldn’t reach out for you if it wasn’t important, so...”
You sighed. Not knowing how to finish that awkward sentence, you just hang up. You threw yourself onto the couch, shutting your eyes close. It took you two full days to gain courage enough to call your mom, it sucked that she wasn’t available for you at the moment. Jake was at the gym, so thankfully he didn’t watch as you humiliated yourself for a second.
You stopped to think about the last two days. You told Chaewon and Yunjin it was indeed the truth — you were pregnant — and they seemed actually a little excited. You watched as Jake’s world turned into a bright yellow in pure happiness as he kneeled in front of you and kissed your tummy non-stop after a few hours. You realized you were shocked, not fully understanding the meaning of the word “pregnant”. You knew — at least your rational side — that you were creating a whole body inside of yours, a whole new life with expectations, needs, and desires, but your mind wasn’t ready for it. You knew, but it didn’t feel true.
Lots of new concerns ran across your head now. You were worried about what Jake’s family would think of you — Jay said something about them being religious —, you were worried about giving this baby everything your mom never gave you — love and attention being the top two! —, you were worried about not being able to educate a human being, and the worse of it, you were worried Jake was gonna back out anytime soon. You could handle it with him, but never by yourself. You grew up without your father since he passed away in a motorcycle accident when you were three, and honestly, your mother was miserable until she found her new husband — Kanemoto Kyouhei, a real estate agent who recently transferred to Seoul and sadly fell onto your mom’s spell. Poor bastard.
Tired of your thoughts, you wandered around the house doing random chores while Jake was out. You took every dirty piece of clothing out of Jake’s bedroom floor and shoved it inside the washing machine, vacuumed the floors, and did the dishes. You felt so close to the edge, so lost. Gosh, you could use some help.
“Hi, love”, Jake greeted as he entered the house. He threw his phone and keys on the sideboard and put his shoes away, smiling at you. “You good?”
“Yeah, why?”, you asked, rinsing a cup.
“You should probably rest”, Jake shrugged.
“Babe, you’re pregnant”, Jake declared as the most obvious thing on earth. You placed the cup on the dish drainer and looked at him, confused.
“Yeah, but I’m not sick.”
“I read online you won’t be able to sleep well as time goes by”, he explained, walking towards you. He turned you around so you could face him and pecked your lips. “You should enjoy while you can, hm?”
You smiled, shaking your head. It was amazing how Jake’s presence made you comfortable, without a single worry in mind. Before you could answer, Jake squatted down and lifted your shirt, exposing your — still pretty flat — stomach. He gave it the sweetest kiss, caressing the skin right after.
“Hi, baby. This is your daddy, remember me? I talked to you last night”, he whispered. “Your mom pretends to be tough, but she’s fragile. Please, give her an easy time as you grow, ok?”
You caressed his scalp, smiling. Even though your lips were curved up, your eyebrows curved down and tears fell out of your eyes.
“Why am I crying?”, you whined, crying harder.
Jake laughed, getting back up to hug you.
June 19th, 2022 Sunday
“Hi, y/n”, your mother greeted through the phone. You sighed before saying it back. You slowly closed your bedroom’s door, not really wanting Jake to listen while you were on the phone with the woman who gave you life. “I’m sorry for taking so long to return your call, things got hectic around here...”
“That’s fine, mom”, you responded. “I assumed you were busy...”, you said while sitting down on the edge of your bed.
“Thank you for being understanding”, your mom sighed — almost sounding truly relieved. “So, how’s everything going?”, she asked. Cut to the chase.
“Things are... Good. Unusual, but good”, you shrugged. Your fingertips started playing around with your sheets and you took a mental note to change them. “Jake and I are together”, you told her.
“Together as...?”
“As a couple, mom.”
“Oh”, she said. And then stayed quiet for almost a minute. “Are you happy?”
“I am”, you said truthfully.
“That’s great, then.”
“Yeah, it is...”, you agreed. “But...”
“But what?”, she cut you off, her voice not as nice by now.
You didn’t answer, incapable of elaborating an answer. The tears showed up again and you opened your mouth to breathe without letting her know you were about to have a breakdown for the nth time.
“Mom, I...”, you sighed. The lump in your throat spoke volumes and your mom sighed.
“God, tell me you’re not pregnant, y/n”, she scolded. You let a sob out, confirming her suspicion. “Oh, no.”
“It was an-”
“Of course, it was an accident, are you insane?”, she nearly yelled. Your heart sank because you were not about to say it was an accident. You were gonna tell her it was an unexpected situation, but everything would be just fine. “Are you gonna marry him?”
“What?”, you sobbed, confused. “I don’t know...”
“For Christ’s sake, y/n. Can’t you get enough of your sins?”
“Sins?!”, you whined. “What are you talking about?”
“Gosh, I knew I shouldn’t allow you to live alone with a boy. That’s my fault”, she groaned. You tried to take a deep breath, shaking your head.
“Look, I gotta go. I know you’re not happy with it — and I wasn’t expecting any different —, but I just can’t have this conversation right now.”
And without another word, you hung up and turned your phone off. You silently walked into Jake’s room, only to find him with his glasses almost falling of the bridge of his nose as he looked down to check his students’ last exams. He looked up at you, only to frown in preoccupation as he realized your face was washed-out in tears.
“What happened, love?”, he asked, slowly pushing his chair away from his desk. He tapped his thigh and you walked towards him, sitting on his lap. His arms crossed around your body, caressing your lowerback.
“I just called my mom”, you muffled against his shoulder.
“I’m assuming she didn’t love the news”, he said — trying to be funny. You nodded. “I’m sorry, babe. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“Stay with me”, you responded in a low tone. Jake kissed your shoulder and held you tighter.
“I would never go anywhere without you.”
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em1e · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ༝ i hate you for what you did, and i miss you like a little kid.
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⠀ 一虎 // MOTION SICKNESS ⠀ ༝ ༝ kazutora hanemiya ⠀ ༝ ༝ 2.3k words ⠀ ⚠︎ angst + valhalla spoilers + IM SORRY ! ⠀ — he’s taller, now, hair bleached, but it’s still those same wide eyes that meet your own.
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january 16, 2000 
baji and kazutora were constants in your life. 
being neighbors with baji left you trailing behind him like a puppy, and the idea of having someone as kind as you by his side made him happy - so despite his complaints and the bickering that always ensued between the two of you, he decided to keep you tucked away like a secret. 
and when he introduces you to kazutora, it’s another warm friendship melting easily with the first. 
and the three of you form an unbreakable bond, with the promise to always help each other when in need. kazutora would spend more time in your house than his own, and your parents take him in easily. it’s a taste of love he’s never felt, and when he lays on your bedroom floor next to a sleeping baji, he finds it hard to fall asleep with that feeling swelling deep in his chest and taking root under his heart. 
august 22, 2003 
it’s baji who comes to your door late one night. who else, when his other half is in juvie as he tells you. 
you break into a sob at the news, and it’s baji who holds you with apologies falling off of his lips as if somehow he’s to blame for it all. 
he holds you until you wear yourself out, and stays with you when you beg him to through tears. another promise it made there, to never leave one another behind, and it’s a promise you intend to hold kazutora to once he’s released. 
baji rubs your back until you’re asleep, and he wonders if there was something he could’ve done to avoid this heartache; from seeing his friend carted away in handcuffs, from seeing you cry. he wishes he could go back, just for a moment, to change this outcome. 
september 12, 2004
you wrote to kazutora when you could, but never received any replies. baji caught you once in the middle of you preparing a life update, snatching the paper from your desk and holding it above your head when you reached for it. 
“give it back, baji!” 
he stands on his toes to keep it out of your grasp, and chifuyu grumbles from your floor something about that not being the study sheet we’re working on. 
“what’s this, a love letter?” he snorts, squinting to read the letters, “‘happy birthday kazu! baji and i miss you lots, even if he won’t say it outloud-’.” 
you stomp on his foot and snatch the letter away when he slouches in pain, glaring at him, “you’re such a dick sometimes.” 
“he never writes you back, i don’t know why you keep sending those.” baji huffed out, sitting on the floor beside chifuyu, “he probably doesn’t even get them.” 
“what does it matter,” you roll your eyes, placing the paper in a folder and leaving it on your desk, exchanging it for the aforementioned study sheet, “s’not like it’s anything to do with you anyways.” 
“it does,” he argues, despite the glare you send him, “my name is very clearly mentioned.” 
“i just don’t want him to think we’ve forgotten about him or don’t care about him.” you say finally, and the way your gaze falls on him leaves him looking away with a small fine, whatever. 
the tension that remains bleeds from the air and crawls under your skin, but chifuyu clears his throat and flips through the first few pages of the worksheet with a hum, “what the fuck is hydrolysis?” and that is enough to clear the air.  
october 20, 2005
two years pass and not a single letter is returned. 
some days you wonder if you should call the center, ask if maybe there was something wrong with what you’re putting in them as if that could be the reason he isn’t getting them, but the fear of knowing that not being the reason he won’t reply frightens you beyond belief. you want to ask the post office if there’s any way all one-hundred and six letters could have been lost in the mail or sent to the wrong place, but you’re all-too aware of the return address being labeled as your home. 
instead, you settle with the unknown. there’s no getting hurt that way, no way of truly finding out if he was ignoring you for all of two years. 
it’s not until you bump shoulders with a stranger outside of the market that you get to piece things together. you’d recognize that tiger tattoo from anywhere. 
the bags you’re holding almost slip from your grasp, scrambling to free a hand to grab at his elbow and turn him around. he’s taller, now, hair bleached, but it’s still those same wide eyes that meet your own. you swallow dryly. 
“when- when’d you get out?” 
he tilts his head at you, earring chiming from the movement, “last week. thought baji would’ve told you.” 
“me too . . .” you’re hurt by the admission, he can tell. you clear your throat, “the letters i sent - did you ever get them?” 
“i did.” 
the confession is enough to break what little resolve you have, frowning, “unable to reply, or . .?”
“didn’t see the need, “ he hums out, straightening with a smile when he looks behind you. a glance over your shoulder and you see baji, sharp toothed grin faltering when his eyes find you. 
“what a nice reunion,” baji settles for when he finds himself standing beside kazutora, patting your head before wrapping an arm around kazutora’s shoulders, “should’ve planned a picnic or somethin’.” 
you shove at baji’s shoulder half heartedly, “why didn't you tell me kazu was released, you asshole. and what happened to your knuckles?”
he jerks his hand from your grasp when you grab for it, ignoring the hurt you hold in the furrow of your brow at his reaction. 
“huh? must’ve slipped my mind,” he pulls on kazutora’s shoulder, forcing him to turn, “anyways, we gotta go! have plans we just can’t miss.” he gives a wave as he walks away, kazutora in tow. 
you come home that night to a message from baji. barely able to finish reading it through your tears, but you’re able to get the basic understanding. 
kazutora and i decided we’re on different paths in life, so we’re cutting you out. 
the promise to stay together breaks apart by the seams with each tear that falls down your cheeks. kazutora never replied to your letters, didn’t even bother to look for you after he got out, and baji’s being ripped from your grasp. it feels like every piece of yourself you’ve been holding onto for the past two years is being brutally torn away from you with each second that passes, and for the first time in your life, there is no one there to help you hold it all together. 
november 3, 2005
you’d been planning his birthday for weeks before the actual date. despite the message he sent to you previously, you’d continued to prepare for something, even if he wouldn’t show up. 
except, that’s not the reason he doesn’t come. 
it’s chifuyu now, who distributes the bad news to you with a frown, and you want to tear down each decoration you’ve put around your home as if that’d undo the words that have left his lips. 
and when you crumble to the floor, it’s chifuyu who comforts you in a way that’s all too familiar, but never the same as before. you’d never feel that comfort again, nor the warmth that'd surround baji like a fire. you have to pry the details out of him, beg for anything he’s willing to give. how did it happen. was it painless. did he suffer. did he cry. who started it.
he answers to the best of his ability through his own tears, explaining kazutora stabbed him first but baji delivered the final blow to himself, and those words leave you folding in on yourself even more.
“kazutora’s in jail now for that, will be for ten years.” 
it’s like each new addition to the story is you taking punch after punch, and chifuyu is glad that little bit of information is last on his list - unsure if you can take anymore hits. you’re practically gasping for air by the end of it, and with some effort, chifuyu is forcing you to sit up, forcing you to take a second and just breathe. 
he only goes home when the reality of it all has settled, leaving you hollow sitting on your bed. on numb legs, you stand and walk to your desk, ripping out a page from your notebook to hastily write. 
i hate you, kazutora. i want you and baji back and i hate you for taking him away from me. i hate you and i miss you and you’re the worst
the words blur together, ink bleeding into blobs as your tears fall onto the paper. you crumble up the page and throw it across the room with a sniff, unable to believe what you’ve written. 
july 05, 2015
your brows furrow at the sound of knocking on your door. chifuyu told you he’d be an hour late to your hangout, stuck organizing a shipment that came early he’d told you over the phone, but the sound of knocking again proves he’s a liar. 
“you don’t have to knock if i know you’re coming-” you start as you pull the door open, only to stop when it’s not chifuyu behind it. 
kazutora stares at you, and it’s still those same wide eyes as he takes you in. there’s no blonde left in his hair, you note dully, and he’s gotten taller. you’re practically frozen in place by his appearance on your doorstep. 
“hi.” he breathes out finally, offering a bouquet you hadn’t even realized he was holding, and his lip quivers when you hesitate to take it. 
you clear your throat, “when . . . when did you get out?” you look down at the flowers to avoid looking at him and god he could break down right here. the smell of your home comes off in waves, clawing at the deepest parts of him and settling with the reminder of childhood. he wants to bottle it up, breathe it in for the rest of his life to keep those memories forever. 
“few days ago. ‘fuyu picked me up.” 
you pull your lip between your teeth, a nasty habit he remembers when you were young, before you’re taking a step back so he can enter your home. he does so slowly, as if any sudden movement could startle you away from him. he’s almost certain it would. 
“was waiting on him,” you mumble out, finally looking at him, “‘fuyu.” you’re unsure why you clarify, but he nods nonetheless. 
“he told me.” 
silence fills the air again, neither of you wanting to break what fragility remains on your shoulders, until kazutora moves to dig through the bag he’s brought with him. you eye him warily, still very unsure of what to make of it all, when he pulls out a folder filled with stacks of papers. 
he offers it to you, and you take it with less hesitation than before, trading it with him for the bouquet so you can open it properly. 
august 30, 2003
dear kazutora, 
kazutora watches as your eyes widen while they dance across the paper, immediately beginning to flip through each of the worn pages as if the rest of the stack could be fake, before you meet his gaze. 
“are these . . ?” 
“i kept them all.” he explains softly, trying so so hard to read your expression. 
and when you throw yourself into his arms, almost crushing the flowers between the two of you, he’s stunned. 
he holds you when your knees buckle, and carefully eases the two of you to the ground. holds you when your tears stain his shirt, and holds you even tighter as apologies fall from his lips. for baji, for not caring enough, for not righting his wrong when he should’ve. for not writing you back. 
as he breathes you in, he realizes how familiar this feels, how familiar you are, and suddenly he’s back to being a stupid thirteen year old with an even stupider adoration for you. he’s scared he’s squeezing you too tight, but you’re holding him like he’s your last lifeline and it takes all of him not to do the same. 
“i don't want to be like baji and not tell you how much i missed you.” he whispers, and it has a small laugh leaving your lips. a sound he hasn’t heard in so fucking long, it’s all he want to hear for as long as he’s alive. 
“i forgive you,” you say softly, when the tears finally subside and your grip on one another lessens enough for you to be able to lean away and look at him, “forgive you for baji and not caring and not writing me back.” 
the remission is enough to have him fighting back his own tears, and when you brush a strand of hair from his face to cup his cheek softly, it breaks what little resolve he has left. then it’s you taking him back into your arms, holding him as gently as you can as the assurances pass your lips as something so sweet and soft and everything he has ever missed in the last twelve years sits cradled in his arms. 
there’s something so sickly sweet about it all that has chifuyu wishing he would’ve been a little more precarious while putting everything away at the shop - regrettably ruining the moment when he stumbles into your house with beers and yakisoba.
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andreafmn · 1 year
Speak - Chapter 5
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Word Count: 3.2K
Story Description: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf.
Chapter: 5/?
A/N: The long-awaited update is here!!!!!
This chapter is dedicated to @madcatlady for the hilarious ask. It honestly made me laugh 😂😂 I really wanted to make this more of an enemies to lovers (I still can) but soft Paul makes me too happy. Also, the ending for this was gonna be different but I made it into the next chapter If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories. You can request at any time any story or one-shot you desire. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 5
(Y/N) had gone to bed with anger flowing through her veins. It made her burn up with rage, slowly bubbling up to the surface.
Bella had always been unconsciously selfish in her sister’s opinion. At least, she hoped it was unconscious. To (Y/N), her sister always found a way to make every situation about herself, and everyone allowed it. Her heartbreak had taken over her father’s life, threatened to take over their mother’s, and was slowly snaking its hands around hers. But Bella would not become the center of her life, she could not.
But the next morning, (Y/N)’s anger had seemingly dissipated. Even if Bella believed the world revolved around her, (Y/N) would not let hers do so. At the end of the day, it was Christmas – a day of happiness and forgiveness. She would enjoy it with or without her sister.
The smell of slightly burnt coffee filled her nostrils before she had opened her eyes and she knew her father was already up. Her excitement for the day was again replenished and she readied herself for a long afternoon. It was her first holiday back in the city of Forks, and the first Christmas she’d have in the town. Nothing would stand in the way of a good day.
“Morning, dad,” (Y/N) smiled at the flustered man. He had taken a sip of the scalding coffee. Not only did he burn his tongue, but he had to taste the awful batch. “Merry Christmas.”
“Oh, merry Christmas, honey. I really am a menace in the kitchen.”
“Thankfully not on the grill,” she chuckled. “Why don’t you sit while I make a new batch and a light breakfast?”
“I guess I’m still not used to having you girls here,” he sighed. “Normally I’d just go down to the diner and get some food there. And now that Bella’s like… like that, I’ve had to take care of the food again.” 
“Well, I’m here now. So don’t worry about that,” (Y/N) smiled. “We’ll just take it one day at a time and hope for the best. It’s the only thing we can do.” 
“Then we should get ready soon to go over to Billy’s house,” Charlie responded, resigned. “Were you able to at least convince Bella to come?”
“No. She’s as stubborn as ever.” 
“I really hoped she’d want to come. You both always enjoyed Christmas time.” 
(Y/N) shrugged from the stove, the pan she shook scraping slightly the iron grates. She had hoped that, at least for this holiday, Bella would put her family first. Alas, her teenage angst took over and she was once more glued onto the swivel desk chair, overlooking the backyard. All she wanted was for her family to be together during such a special holiday – especially one that promoted togetherness. But all Bella could do or think of was the idiotic boy that had broken her heart.
"Whatever," (Y/N) spoke abruptly. “She’s the one that’s missing out. If she wants to stay at home and wallow in self-pity, so be it. We cannot let her consume every part of our lives.”
“(Y/N), she’s your sister,” Charlie said. “She’s sad and we can’t just leave her behind.”
“It’s not even for a whole day, dad. She’ll survive a couple of hours of staring out of that window,” she whined. “It’s your day off. It’s Christmas. We’re not gonna spend today trapped in the house because Bella has a bad case of the blues.”
“Dad,” (Y/N) said sternly. “We are gonna go to Uncle Billy’s house. We are going to celebrate Christmas. Then, we will come back home and find Bella in the same spot. But we deserve — you deserve — to put her in the back of our minds for a couple of hours and enjoy ourselves. And that’s an order, sheriff.”
“Alright, you win, (Y/N),” Charlie chuckled slightly. “And thanks again for breakfast. I promise one day I’ll get the hang of it.”
“There won’t be any need whilst I’m here, dad.”
After a small round of chitchat and the background noise of cutlery hitting the ceramic plates, the two of them left for their respective rooms to get ready for the day. Before going back downstairs, (Y/N) popped into Bella’s room where she was not surprised to see her sister sat staring out her window.
Her sister looked pitiful. Chair bound and frail. Heartbreak in the simplest definition. There was not a single trace of the girl she had grown up with. There was a Bella before Edward and the one that was left barely counted as a person.
(Y/N) entered the room, a wrapped present in her hands. She sauntered towed her sister, unsure of what Bella’s reaction — or lack thereof— would be.
“Hey, Bells,” she spoke softly, unsure of where they stood after the conversation they had the night before. “I got you this cause, after all, it is Christmas. I know you don’t want to come with us, but I still wanted to get you something. You can open it, or not. It’s really up to you. But, merry Christmas, sis.”
Silence seemed to be the prevailing answer.
“So, is she finally gonna come?” Charlie asked as (Y/N) exited Bella’s room. “Did she have a change of heart?”
“Nope,” she answered – she wasn’t a miracle worker. “But that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna have a good time. Now, let’s go.”
As they drove down the streets to the reservation, Charlie and (Y/N) sang along badly to Christmas tunes. A white scenery blurred past them as they headed through the snow-covered streets of Forks, putting the older Swan daughter to the back of their mind. The air felt lighter, a weight lifted off their shoulders. They both felt like they could breathe, even if just for a little bit.
The red barn-like house came into view before they had realized that Forks was far behind them. As the truck rolled to a stop, Billy and Jake exited the house to greet their guests. A playful smile played on Jacob’s face when he saw his new girlfriend. A smile that Charlie Swan did not like.
“Now, (Y/N), I know that you two are now sort of together. But I don’t wanna see all that lovey-dovey stuff between you.”
“Dad,” she chuckled.
“No, seriously, (Y/N). I don’t wanna see it.”
“So, it’s okay as long as you don’t see it? Got it.”
“Don’t push it, kid.”
“Alright, dad. I’ll keep it low-key for you.”
With another giggle, (Y/N) stepped out of the cruiser, her hands packed with a bag filled with presents and a six-pack of beer. And from the back of the car, Charlie pulled the trays of food they had prepared.
“Here, let me help,” Jake told Charlie, grabbing hold of two of the four trays he was carrying.
Charlie tried his best to hide his feelings of slight anger toward the boy. He’d known him since he was a baby but seeing him get so close to his daughter unnerved him. Still, he answered, “Yeah, thanks, Jake.”
“Hey, Jake,” (Y/N) smiled, kissing Jake’s cheek.
“Hey, (Y/N).”
“Alright you two, keep it moving,” Charlie grumbled. “And, again, I don’t wanna see any funny stuff between you.”
He walked in front of them, saying hi to Billy as he walked into the house to put the trays down. Everyone could notice the annoyance on his face. As much as he loved Jake, it was one thing for him to be his best friend’s son; it was another for him to date his youngest daughter.
“How’ve you been, Billy?” (Y/N) asked as she made her way into the house and the man rolled inside.
“Very good, (Y/N),” he smiled. “So, Jake and you, when did that happen?”
She chuckled in response. “It started at the bonfire, but it’s been a long time coming. Wouldn’t you say?”
“Well, between you and me, you’ve always been my favorite of Charlie’s youngest daughters.”
“It’d be weird if I wasn’t.”
“I truly hope this union is of benefit to the both of you,” Billy said, placing a comforting hand on her forearm. “If it is meant to be, I’m sure your father will come around sooner or later.”
“Waiting for sooner rather than later,” she sighed. “It’s kind of hard to see where this is going when dad is breathing down our necks every time we’re in the same room.”
“He means well,” he chuckled. “Charlie’s very new to this whole parenting teenagers thing. It’s hard to see your kids grow up so quickly. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll keep him by the barbecue as much as I can so you two can have some alone time.”
“Thanks, uncle Billy.” 
In her happiness, (Y/N) missed Billy’s knowing gaze. He knew something neither of them did. Deep down, he knew the pair would not last long – there were other forces in play. But if this is what they wanted, for now, he would never interfere. Young love was hard to come by if that’s what this was.
They entered the kitchen and laughed as they witnessed Jacob’s pleading face. Charlie had not let down his menacing stare as he prepped the meat they would cook. Though his hands worked on the food, his eyes glared at the boy relentlessly.
“Hey, Charlie, got the grill up and running already,” Billy announced. “Why don’t we put this thing to cook already?” 
“But I’m not done yet.” 
“I think you are,” he chuckled. “Come on, let’s go.” 
Charlie grumbled as he left through the backdoor with Billy and back into the snow, leaving the two teenagers on their own. With a smile of mischief, Jake and (Y/N) crossed the small kitchen and were finally able to engage in a hello kiss.
“Hey,” she whispered as they parted from each other.
“Hey, back,” Jacob chuckled. “Your dad was close to shooting me there.” 
“Well, you did kiss his youngest daughter in front of him,” (Y/N) teased, wrapping her arms around his neck. “And you’re the first boyfriend I’ve introduced to him. Look how well that turned out for Bella.” 
“But you’re not Bella,” he said. “And I’m not Edward.”
“That is very correct,” she laughed before pecking his lips. “You’re way better.”
“You could say that again,” Jake grinned. “Also, how many boyfriends didn’t make the cut?” 
“Why? Are you jealous, Jake?” 
“Just want to know what I’m up against.” 
“Believe me, none of them match up to you.” 
Suddenly, the sound of a screen door startled them apart. Charlie walked in, the angry scowl still on his face. He muttered under his breath as he opened the drawers in the kitchen, finally finding tongs. And as he left once more, he shot them another glare.
The pair couldn’t help but burst out in laughter as they watched Charlie’s figure disappear through the door. They understood where the father was coming from. Opening himself to having another daughter get her heart broken was too much for a technically “new” father.
But as much as they understood him, it didn’t mean they would try too hard to make him comfortable. They were young, a little reckless, and very excited to be in a relationship – at least (Y/N) was.
As the adults chatted outside, cooking the meat and drinking beers, Jake and (Y/N) gravitated toward the couch, cuddling on the seat. The fireplace was on and the radio was set on a jazz station, playing a song neither of them knew.
“So,” (Y/N) spoke up, looking at Jacob from his chest. “I know we said we wouldn’t do gifts, but I got you something.”
“(Y/N), you promised,” he chuckled. “Although, I will admit I also got you a little something as well. You go first.”
(Y/N) stood up and went to get the wrapped gift she had placed behind the tree. She was excited. It was their first Christmas together ever, and more importantly, their first as a couple. She had dreamed of this moment since they were kids.
Jake followed behind, grabbing the bag he had packed his gift into. He was sure they had both gotten each other small things. They hadn’t been together for that long and there wasn’t anything riding in the presents.
“So, I know you’ve been saying for a while that you needed these for a while, and they were very hard to get.”
Jacob’s eyes were wide in surprise as he unwrapped the box in his hands. (Y/N) had gotten him a pair of Timberland boots with a steel toe. He had dropped one too many tools onto his foot whilst working on cars and he was in desperate need of these shoes.
“Wow, (Y/N)! This must have put a dent in your wallet.”
“It’s worth it,” she smiled into the hug he gave her.
“Well, here’s yours,” he tried to pull a smile, but he knew it wouldn’t even compare. “It’s not as good, but I didn’t have much time.” 
“That’s okay,” (Y/N) responded. She knew whatever he had gotten her would be meaningful and caring, a testament to who he was. And she was very confident in it until she finally saw it. “A… candle.” 
“It’s got a nice smell,” Jacob chuckled awkwardly. “I thought you’d like the smell… I know. It sucks.” 
“No. It’s, um, it’s nice.” (Y/N) was trying to hide her disappointment. She’d seen this type of candle. They sold them at the gas stations in the area as passersby souvenirs. “I’ll put it by my bed and I’ll think about you every time I light it. I love it. Thanks.” 
“And I will basically live in these boots,” he boasted. “I love them.” 
“I’m glad.” 
It was hard for (Y/N) to keep her dismay at bay. She smiled, talked, and laughed through dinner, but it was hard. Jacob could have gotten the candle that morning – zero thought and preparation had gone into the gift. She would have preferred he stuck to nothing. Even that would have been better since he would have kept the promise.
Instead, she was left with a gas station candle that smelled like apples that had been stuffed into a red bag. She was allergic to apples. They made her throat itch and her eyes swell, it had been years since she had even smelled one. Though thankfully, this one was laced with a fake fruit smell, she couldn’t wait to store it in the deepest corners of her closet.
Whilst they were enjoying the pumpkin pie she had made, a knock resounded through the door. The four people in attendance stared at each other.
“Are you expecting anyone else?” Charlie asked, wiping off the whipped cream that had accumulated on his mustache. “Though it’d be just us tonight.” 
“We aren’t,” Billy responded. “It’s a bit late for that.” 
“I’ll check who it is,” (Y/N) offered, quickly standing. “It’s probably a tourist that got lost. You guys carry on.” 
As the men went on with their conversation, (Y/N) went to see who was at the door. It was Christmas night, whilst it was snowing. If it was a tourist, they were crazy to be out at that time.
But when she opened the door, she was surprised that not only was it not a tourist, but it was Paul Lahote standing there in shorts and a tank top. His hair was dusted with white snowflake specs, the ones on his skin melting away right after contact.
(Y/N) was quick to close the door behind her. If there was anything she didn’t want it was for Jake and Paul to get into an altercation with her father and Billy around.
“Paul,” she chuckled as she pulled her jacket closer to her body. “What’re you doing here?” 
“I was actually hoping to run into you here,” he responded. “This may sound weird, but I, uh I got you something.” 
He handed her a rectangular box beautifully wrapped in red metallic paper with a white bow for decoration. She could tell he had taken his time to wrap the present – or had asked someone skilled to do it for him. By the cover alone she knew he had put care into the present.
“Can I open it now?”
“Please,” he smiled. “Go ahead.” 
Carefully, she undid the paper, not wanting to even rip it, and she pulled a long box from inside. When she lifted the lid, she gasped. Inside a gorgeously crafted dreamcatcher, with cream feathers and colorful beads rested. Attached to the rim, a wooden wolf totem was attached. It was simple, it was thoughtful, it was beautiful.
“Oh, Paul, it’s stunning,” she said. “But you didn’t have to. I didn’t get you anything.”
“That’s okay,” he chuckled. “I just saw it at a local shop, and it reminded me of you. The wolf totem, it’s for protection. The wolf is supposed to help you manifestmore protection, better instincts, and stronger relationships in your life.” 
“Seriously, Paul, it’s beautiful.”
 Without knowing it, she was beaming. The surge of happiness that grew inside her was unfathomable, and she found herself wrapping him in a hug. This stranger had gotten her a more thoughtful gift than her boyfriend and friend.
Paul stiffened at first, surprised at the sudden show of affection. But instantly melted into her embrace, wrapping his own arms around her.
“I’m glad you liked it,” he smiled to himself. But the moment was cut short. From far inside the woods, a wolf called out to his pack, saying it was time to change shifts. “Uh, that was all. I just wanted to give you this. I should be heading back home now.”
“Oh.” Was she disappointed? “Then, I promise one day I’ll repay the favor.” 
“There’s really no need.” 
“I insist,” she said with a bright smile. “Seriously, Paul. This actually means a lot. Thank you.” 
“Sure thing,” Paul smiled, running his hand through the back of his neck. “I’ll see you around. And, Merry Christmas, (Y/N).” 
Before she could answer him, Paul seemed to vanish. (Y/N) couldn’t see his body anywhere close. So, she spoke to the air, “Merry Christmas, Paul.” 
(Y/N) was quick to hide the gift in the car, under her seat. If she went back into the house with it, she was sure it would only cause discord with Jacob and her father. It was better if neither of them knew about one of the best gifts anyone had ever gotten her.
“Who was it?” Charlie called out when he saw his daughter walking back into the house. “You were out there for some time.” 
“Oh, just a couple of tourists that got lost leaving the rez.” 
“Tourists?” Jacob questioned. “Today of all days?”
“It was a newlywed couple, on a honeymoon road trip.” 
“Mmm, young love,” Billy smiled toward (Y/N). It made her question if he had seen who she was actually speaking to. “What a great gift it is.” 
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101@zheezs14 @a-sifu-hotman @sunflowerleii @DyslexicCatterpillar @Blackbluerose666 @slutforsainz @kortniec696 @xcastawayherosx@minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @valejewel @nogitsune-the  @user0ur0mom  @skyesthebomb @swidkid @avis15 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @edwardssugarmommy @nyenye @sugajar @lovel-blog @witchofhawkins @Six-Call @then-worship-at-my-altar@ems-alexandra @blueshoelacess @Nyctophilia710 @rosalie-whitlock @nocturnalherb16 @this-is-a-bad-idea @esposadomd @locokoca @volturiwolf @spookyqueen @gh0stgirl33 @catgirlpwr @nolaxox @klf1999 @krazyk99 @ilikepunsbeth @adaydreamaway08 @cinffy23 @paodemorangol1l1 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @toomanythoughts33 @jrosefangirl @queereddie @Missvicious @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
I love your writing it’s so amazing!!! You are just so incredible and have an amazing talent of capturing Steve’s character! And Eddie! Oh wow so freaking good!!! 😍🧡🧡🧡
I was wondering if you’d possibly be willing to write a little blurb where Steve sees reader admiring flowers while shopping and he buys them for her and surprises her with them. Just something cute and wholesome and not at all a fantasy I wish a boy would do for me 👀😅
Thank you so much my lovely, you’re far too kind! 🥹
It’s not exact to what you sent, I’m sorry! I saw flowers and started rambling but I hope you like it 🧡
You’d had an awful day.
The worst in a while, actually. The morning had started with your alarm not going off, the sun shining through your bedroom window a little brighter than usual, higher in the sky and god, it had been almost eight o’clock before you’d tumbled into the shower.
You’d argued with your mom over breakfast, a half slice of toast between your teeth as you mumbled back your argument, because ‘no mom, I don’t have time to go to the post office, I’m already late’ and ‘yes mom, I know that’s my own fault.’
Then your car had broken down before you could even get it out the drive way, the engine clunking and sputtering before falling silent. Later, the sky had turned from blue to grey on your lunch, the wind whipping up from a light breeze to a colder burst and you’d pouted through your bowl of pasta, unable to sit outside and enjoy the warmth that you always missed when working in Hawkins book store.
But then Steve had popped in on his own break, always a little out of breath when he approached the counter ‘cause Family Video was four blocks away and he only had half an hour free.
But the boy would press his elbows to the counter and beckon your close, hands cupping your cheeks as you smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips for as long as you could both get away with it.
That’s all he usually had time for, but that day, Steve took note of the pucker between your brows, the downturn of your mouth and the heavy sigh of relief you gave him after a sweet kiss.
“Y’okay sweetheart?” He’d asked, voice laced with soft concern, “rough day?”
You felt stupid when you nodded, because the store was empty and quiet as always, just you and your piles of favourite books at the counter. But the frustration and rush of the morning caught up to you, tears brimming pathetically at your lash line.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Steve soothed, voice dropping to a low murmur, “baby, what’s wrong?”
You shook your head, a self-deprecating smile on your face as you waved away your boyfriends concerns. You wiped at your eyes, sniffling as you worried with a stack of papers on the counter instead of looking at Steve.
“It’s fine!” You told him, voice a little too high to be considered fine. “I’m fine, I’m just…” you blew out a breath, tired. “It’s just a bad day Steve and I think I’m getting my period and my tummy hurts and-”
You stopped, sighing again before deciding against your ranting. Steve looked worried, lips turned down into a pretty frown and he reached for your hand, making little sounds of comfort.
“Baby,” he soothed, “I’m sorry.”
He had nothing to apologise for and you both knew that but you nodded anyway, feeling smaller and softer and more delicate than you needed to. Your heart ached to look at him, brown eyes gentle on you, a thumb sweeping over the back of your hand.
“I’ll be fine,” you told him, smile still too watery for Steve’s liking. “I just need to give myself a shake.”
Steve frowned, reaching out to push at the soft of your cheek with his palm, a comforting touch that had you leaning into him immediately. His thumb stroked over your cheekbone and you could’ve whined with how nice it felt; warm touch, rough callouses, gentle intentions.
“How ‘bout I pick you when you’re finished? See if I can make it better.”
You didn’t doubt that, nodding with a smile that felt more real than it had before.
So when the clock above the cash desk turned to six, you said your goodbyes to your boss and eagerly stepped out into the quiet street. The sun had come back out, low and warm in the blue sky as if it returned to apologise to you.
Steve was already waiting, BMW parked on the curb, his body leaning against the passenger side door as he grinned at you, a pretty bouquet of flowers clutched in one hand.
You gasped, unable to help the shy smile that crept across your lips. You felt warm, startled at the gesture but your feet carried you over to the boy with quick, light steps. A flush fell on your chest, eyes coy, hands clasped together under your chin as you gazed up at Steve, your toes touching his.
“There’s my girl,” he greeted, voice all low and warm and it washed over you like the end of a summer day.
“Are those for me?” You couldn’t help the tone of surprise that laced your question. Steve had bought you many flowers before, amongst other gifts and treats, but usually for holidays, birthdays and sometimes just when you were stuck in bed sick. “They’re so pretty.”
And they were, delicate blooms of all the summer shades, lilacs and peaches, soft pinks and pristine white daisies with bright greenery mixed in. They were wrapped in brown paper, tied at the stems with a ribbon and they smelled incredible.
“‘Course they’re for you,” Steve murmured, smiling at your excitement. “Thought you could do with some cheering up, sweetheart.”
He inclined the flowers to you, laughing when you grasped them, pressing your face into the plush of petals. Steve took the opportunity to press a kiss to the crown of your head, stole another one when you looked back up at him beaming.
A low hum, a happy noise, slipping from the back of his throat when you pushed yourself up on your toes to chase him, a hand clutching your flowers as the other one fisted in his jacket collar, pulling the boy back to you.
He tasted like lemonade, smelled like lavender and peonies.
You smiled against Steve’s lips, nudging your nose into his, touch molten, soft and gooey with adoration. You wanted him to wrap you up in him.
“Thank you,” you murmured, messy kisses pressed onto his lips, his cheek, the corner of his mouth, along with your words.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2B
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Betty Buckley (1947) “BETTY BUCKLEY (Edwin Drood/Miss Alice Nutting) won a Tony Award for her portrayal of Grizabella in Cats on Broadway. She played Dixie Scott in the Bruce Beresford film Tender Mercies and the gym teacher in Brian De Palma’s Carrie. Her New York theatre credits include the recent Second Stage production of Juno’s Swans, I’m Getting My Act Together and Taking it On the Road, Pippin, and 1776. In London she starred in Promises, Promises and on television she was Abby in “Eight is Enough.” Her films for television include “The Ordeal of Bill Carney,” The Three Wishes of Billy Grier” and the mini-series “Evergreen.” She was most recently nominated for an Emmy for her performance in the After School Special “Bobby and Sarah.” - Playbill bio from The Mystery of Edwin Drood, April 1986.
Joanna Gleason (1950) “JOANNA GLEASON (Nora Charles) Broadway: Into the Woods (Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award), Social Security (Drama Desk Award), Joe Egg (Tony nomination, Clarence Dewent Award), The Real Thing, I Love My Wife. Off-Broadway: It’s Only A Play (Drama Desk Award), Eleemosynary, Love Letters. Film: Hannah & Her Sisters, Heartburn, Crimes and Misdemeanors, FX2, “Getting There” (HBO).” –Playbill bio from Nick & Nora, October 1991
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"So, in Drood, Betty would hit this sustained high E at the end of "The Writing on the Wall," and eventually she had to stop doing it eight shows a week. Not because she couldn't, but because it was such an incredible, unbelievable, unreal feat that her cast members would be giving her looks of absolute fright because they never knew if she'd be able to make it (she always did)."
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"I want nothing more in this world than to sit cross-legged at this woman's feet and gaze upward at her in awe as she lectures me on anything and everything. Genuinely, I do think she is the most intelligent of the Divas in this tournament, and if I had one phone call on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", I'm calling her. She directs, she writes, she cooks, is there anything this woman can't do? She is the full package and I am a lovingly unwrapping her with hearts in my eyes."
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markiemelon · 2 years
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fluff ☁︎
no warnings!
pairings classmate!mark x gn!reader
highschool au | friends to lovers au
guitar!mark ♪ drabble
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—{6:03pm} ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
you were at mark’s house to work on a project you were partners for. you only met mark a few months back, but you were pretty close. the two of you happened to have most of your classes together, so naturally you got to know each other quickly. you and mark have always been kinda flirty, and it was safe for both of you to assume that you liked each other. mark has been wanting to make his move for a while, but always misses his timing. so he saw tonight as an opportunity to actually ask you out.
for the past 2 hours or so, you’ve been sitting at the desk up against the wall in his room, going through your slides presentation. your eyes are getting tired so you close them for a minute, subtly swaying side to side, trying to keep your balance and not pass out onto the desk.
“oh yeah did you ever do the research for the second slide?” … “y/n?”
when you didn’t answer, mark glanced over to you, seeing you fighting to keep your head up. mark saw this as a perfect opportunity for him. he gently pulled your head to lay on his shoulder. he smiled proudly to himself. he stopped talking, trying to let you rest. getting a blurry glimpse of mark’s hands typing on the keyboard through your slightly opened eyelids, you were almost asleep. that was until mark’s mom opened the door briefly, before awkwardly apologizing and closing the door. the sudden noise jolted you up off of mark’s shoulder.
mark cleared his throat. “uhm, so im just finishing up this slide.”
“sorry, i was just really tired.” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
you stood up to stretch your legs and wandered around mark’s room a little. you noticed the guitar propped up against the corner of the room. you sit on the floor with the guitar in your hands and begin to strum it cluelessly.
“that sounds awful.” mark laughed, turning around in his spinny office chair to face you.
“here look.” mark sighs, walking over to you. he sat behind you, putting his arms around your back to get a grip on the guitar. with his hand, he guided your fingers into different positions on the frets to form simple chords, moving your other hand under his to strum the strings.
your eyes were fixed to his face that was so concentrated on the strings, looking at them from over your shoulder. he looked so cute with his determined expression.
“see, that’s how you play an e minor chor-” eyebrows raised, blinking a few times, mark was startled to see you staring at him. you didn’t look away though, observing how mark’s ears turn red, and feeling his palms get hotter as they still lied on top of your hands. it seemed mark was about to say something because he took a small breath in, but before any words left his mouth, you kissed him on his cheek. now the peaceful stillness of the room was becoming a bit awkward, so you break eye contact and switch your attention back to the guitar. “wait so how do you play this thing again?” your interest in the guitar only lasted for a moment, before mark leaned in closer to you, connecting his lips with yours to place a short but sweet kiss. both of your hearts beating so quickly, nearly jumping into one another’s chests.
“i think now might be a good time to tell you that i like you.” mark scratched the back of his neck, looking away from you.
“i like you too mark.” you said, looking at the back of his head turning towards you again.
“oh cool. cool.” he sucks in his lips nodding his head slowly.
“soo uhhh….” he continues, “do you.. i mean.. are.. or- can i-”
you helped him out, as he was clearly struggling. “will you be my boyfriend mark?”
you were smiling like an idiot.
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hi thanks for reading xoxo …i should really branch out to writing for more of the neos Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
wine and ember - l.w.
pairing: larissa weems x gn!reader (no pronoun or name use for reader)
summary: pre-relationship, understood mutual feelings, lesbians being lesbians and flirting without flirting, larissa <3 (also featuring a tiny wenclair bc babies)
warnings: alcohol consumption, a few suggestive comments, kissing/light making out
note: i was permanently locked out of my account ( @fadingdagger ) so i am just moving my fics over to this acc. (2/3)
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“enid, have you ever even heard of algernon blackwood?” she shakes her head. “then how can you know you don’t like this book?”
“you saw wednesday! she was excited about this book,” excited may have been a vast overstatement of the look on wednesday’s face, “so i just know it’s scary!”
a deep sigh passes my lips, “enid, if you read this book, you can write your paper on all reasons you hate it, but just give it a shot. make wednesday read it to you, if that’ll make it more bearable,” a blush grows on the blonde’s cheeks. “now, lunch starts in 43 seconds and you’re still in my classroom, i’m starting to think you want some bonus assignm-”
“bye! see you tomorrow,” enid bursts and with that she skips down the hall. a laugh leaves me, my head dropping to my desk. i let my head smack against my desk a few times. only third period and i was already down for the count, missing my blankets and bed-side bag of red vines back in my quarters.
click, click, click, click.
“already losing battles? the semester has only begun,” my head stopped its assault on the desk. there it was, the voice that felt like espresso in the morning and lavender at night. her visits were typically for discussing lesson plans or students. sometimes it was just a friendly catching up, and other times we never spoke at all. lately it seemed to be the last two, either way she was always welcome. her presence was enough to soothe even the most frustrating days.
“i just resisted puppy-dog eyes from the enid sinclair. that’s called winning battles, principal weems,” i joke back, my head not leaving my desk. “where is my reward?”
a laugh escapes her lips, a hand sliding across my shoulders, “a great victory indeed, though i have no reward for you. would some wine tonight suffice?” goosebumps followed the path of her hand, more rose from her words.
i tilted my head back and opened my eyes to look at her, “i’m quite picky with wine, it better be worth my while.” her lips curved into a smile, her eyes rolling with humor. every time i put a smile on her face i was almost in awe. in awe that i was capable of making her, a goddess amongst mortals, smile like that.
my eyes follow her as she moves from behind me to sit on edge of my desk. her eyes looking down at me made it hard to sit still, to not stand up and trap her against the desk. i stare back up at her from my seat, watching as her eyes scan across my face, flickering down to my lips a couple times. my eyes stay on hers, too captured by them to look away.
her lips were moving, but words didn’t reach my ears. “hmm?” i let out, blinking rapidly to reset my thoughts.
“wine, darling. white, rosé, or red?” her own crimson lips were in a smirk, knowing she had distracted me by just being here. could she see how i longed for her lipstick to paint my skin? for her touch to trace those stains she leaves behind?
“red. red is good,” i couldn’t trust myself with more words, still recovering from getting lost in her, and she seemed to relish in that fact. the fact that her eyes, her voice, her touch, they were all capable of shutting me up and making me still. i wished to make her as nervous as she makes me, wanting the same butterflies that fill my stomach and the same hand that grips my heart to find her.
she stands from her perch at my desk, my face now level with her abdomen, but my eyes never leaving her face. a hand rises to my cheek, her thumb stroking it ever so lightly, “seven o’clock?”
leaning into her hand, i match her hushed tone, “wouldn’t miss it for the world, larissa.” at that she dropped my face and left, only a light pink blush across her cheeks. i smiled to myself for being able to make her blush like a nervous teenager.
it’s 6:57 and i’m running. sprinting from icarus hall as fast as possible to make it to larissa on time. 6:59 and i’m practically running through walls, sliding across the floor as i turn down hallways. the bell tower begins to ring, seven o’clock. i land in front of her door and collect myself. before my hand can even tap the door, it opens.
“am i supposed to pretend i didn’t see you run across the gardens?”
“i can always leave and walk back again if that suits you?” she laughs at my response. “you said seven. i wasn’t going to leave you waiting… but if you insist…” i begin to slowly turn away. her hand grabs gentle hold of my upper arm.
“oh just sit down, you fool,” her laugh is even stronger. my heart beats rapidly at the sound. i watch as she grabs two glasses and pours. my eyes never leaving her hands, watching as they gripped the bottle, balanced the glass stem between her fingers. i blinked quickly as she started to return to me, not wanting her to notice my staring.
she passes me a glass, fingers brushing mine in the process. the feeling of her skin was enough to goosebumps up my arm, and she was watching close enough to notice. she sat next to me, turning herself towards my direction, legs tucked under her. there was comfort in the silence between us. her eyes stayed on the fire place, bringing her glass to her lips. it was hard to pull my attention away from her long enough to take a sip of my own wine.
“does this suit as reward for your victory against puppy-dog eyes?” larissa’s voice dances around me. i could feel the weight of the question, could also feel the toying within her tone.
“for now,” i state before taking a sip of wine, looking in her eyes as i do so. a single, perfectly penciled brow raises as she cocks her head to side. her lips part, then shut again. checkmate, i think to myself.
the tables turn immediately when larissa leans forward, eyes glued to mine. i’m trapped in her gaze, i cannot move and i don’t want to. i take this chance to look at her, to truly look at her. nothing could or would ever compare to her right now, in this moment. her lipstick half gone from the day, much stuck to the rim of her wine glass. her cheeks rosy from the warmth of the fire in front of us, and hopefully the moment between us. she was pure light in my eyes, the sun and stars will never outshine her. i travel back to her eyes, they must have been crafted from the finest of kyanite crystals. she finally speaks up after a “do-i-even-want-to-know” amount of my staring.
“hi,” she whispers since she’s barely two inches from my own face.
“hey,” and i immediately want to bang my head on a wall, she’s this close and she’s all i’ve ever wanted and needed, and i said ‘hey.’
“if…if wine suffices ‘for now,’ what would suffice ‘for later’ or-”it’s there that larissa pauses, like she’s made a mistake. if this were any other moment, i’d dismiss this, but her face falls and she’s looks almost scared.
i answer the first part, “as ‘for later,’ more time with you is all i require, if that’s okay with you,” she smiles and i decide to lighten to mood more, let her decide what she wants to reveal. “about ‘or’ i’m less confident, give me a day to think about it,” i huff a laugh at my own joke while placing my wine on the table. smiling harder when i look to see she’s biting her lip to not laugh, but it proves unsuccessful.
“you’re not funny, first of all,” a finger presses to my lips as i start to protest her insult, and i bite my tongue. she pulls her finger away from my mouth as she leans to put her own glass on the table. “second, don’t mind the ‘or,’ i quite liked your first answer, more time with you is more than okay with me,” she smiles so softly in this moment i nearly melt like putty next to her on the loveseat.
moving slowly, i begin to lean closer to her. our noses brush and her breath grazes my lips. every part of me is buzzing, begging for her touch. my hand cups her cheek, she sucks in a breath but doesn’t lean away. at this, i lean more to place my forehead against hers, and i hear the breath she took in release. her hands come to rest on my neck, and my heart rate flies through the roof, she could probably feel it.the heart that beat for her only.
her hands slid to the back of my neck, her eyes look into mine, asking if she can move forward. my free hand moves to cup the other side of her face, my thumb stroking the apple of her cheek. so beautiful.
i lean slowly, leaving time for her to move. praise to the gods above because she doesn’t move, she urges forward and connects our lips. the kiss is so gentle, both of us craving the closeness. then, one of her hands moves from my neck, down to my waist. she pulls me closer to her and i nearly gasp, she uses this opportunity to move her tongue to my mouth, gentle and calculated in her movements. holding back a moan from the contact, i move one hand into her hair, the other hand’s finger spreading out, needing to hold more of her like my life depended on it.
she pushes into me more, i willingly move with her, wanting to feel the delicious weight of her against me. this only spurs both of us on, hands wander further and the kiss becomes deeper. i don’t think i could ever live a day without this ever again, without her here, half on my lap and kissing me. pulling away from her to take a breath only becomes more sweet once i open my eyes again. her lipstick is smudged a bit, her up-do now disheveled, her dress wrinkled, she was a work of art. i could only whisper to her, not wanting to ruin this moment, not wanting her to move.
“would it be selfish to ask for all of your time?”
“would it be selfish of me to accept it for all of yours in return?”
really appreciate the patience while i repost these fics. i know it’s annoying :)
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reilliane · 2 years
Prosaic ⊱⊰ Heizou
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A/N: First test ficlet for Heizou! I still haven't completed his hangout but I can say I've gotten a few notes down about his personality. Hence... this! >:) also yes, this is inspired from his hangout lmao
✤ A supposedly normal day for a detective turns out to be the most thrilling when he finds yet another letter of complaint on his desk. (Or in another angle, a later interrogation going wrong- no, right??)
✤ Words: 2k
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Cracking cases, solving puzzles, and working up conclusions comprises his daily objectives—which means no 'light' tasks like finding a missing cat.
Yes, one can say that finding a feline is significant to some, but he's always seeking more. Something profound; the roots of a problem, the tellings of a quandary, anything that makes up a good mystery.
But even a detective has his slow days.
Slow, for this matter, is that the day fails to bring him any sort of fascination. Occasionally, it manages to swing by an interesting event—like meeting the Traveler—but this... is just not it.
So he finds himself seated behind his desk, tapping his fingers on the wood with a minuscule sigh of boredom.
His peers are casting him puzzled glances, unmistakably awed at the sight of the usually out-of-the-office man sitting where he's meant to be.
'For once, Shikanoin Heizou is actually present.' quoting Kujou Sara herself.
Literally present, yes, though that doesn't mean his mind is.
The detective filters through the papers in his hand with a weary hum. As expected, the given cases are rather... depthless.
He has no issue with those, no no, it's just that-
Arms stretching upwards, he yawns.
-He'd rather be solving and tinkering. Maybe an investigation will suffice, but there is nothing of the sort in any of the papers.
At least, not until he gets to the very bottom, where he sees a rather familiar file personally referring to him. It is the heaviest of odiums possible, a grand consequence for a probable mistake done in a scene that resulted in dissatisfaction.
It is—!
“Does anyone know who wrote and sent this in?” he calls, waving the paper around as he rounds his desk, “The name section is blank.”
A complaint letter.
How cumbersome, to think that somebody is discontented with his competence! Dear him, dear him.
“No...” answers one of his colleagues, “it's brought along with the feedback, suggestions, and requests form as a stack, so...”
So this could've been sent a few days ago and no one could remember the face of the writer. Dear heavens, it does not help that the Tenryou Commission allows anonymity in writing letters of complaint.
Humming for the nth time, he stares away at the wall, linking his mind back to days prior.
Ah, he doesn't know if he should perceive this as fascinating or troubling.
“Another one, detective? Have you checked what it's about?” asked Uesigi after downing a cup of coffee.
“Mm, well... oh?”
Heizou feels his lips curling into a smile as he rereads what's written on the parchment. “Oh.”
Or troubling....
Doushin Shikanoin should be put behind bars for being so distractingly attractive. It's impossible to work when he's around. He's a thief for stealing my attention and a debtor for not paying back the time he made me spend cursing his damned appeal.
Why, it seems to be both.
To his luck, Sara appears through the threshold of her own office, eyebrow arched upon seeing him.
She must've been astounded, as well, though she fared nicely in restraining her shock.
Upon seeing the paper in the detective's hand, she nods with a sigh, recalling the day it was dropped off at the station. “Come to think of it, there's also a hairpin on the ground. Whoever sent it could've dropped their accessory.”
Dropped something?
How convenient it must be for the writer that no one saw them. Ah, he should ask the guards stationed outside.
Sauntering towards the lost and found shelf, Heizou is swift to lay eyes on the hairpin in question, stilling when he is able to recognize it in a beat of a second.
With crisp neatness, he folds the letter and pockets it alongside the accessory before turning to his superior. “Ma'am, I'll be heading out for a while.”
The office is silent.
Sara does not speak, but with the baffled blinking of her optics, Heizou is grinning and already strolling out of headquarters. If they peer closer, which they do, an evident bounce accompanies each of the doushin's steps.
All of a sudden, he's become peppier. Wasn't he bored out of his mind just a while ago?
They can barely process the quick turn of events, but they've learned to let it pass. Shikanoin is rather eccentric and they've gotten used to it.
So, they all went back to their prior matters post-haste, saving their curiosity for later as they hear him exclaim out the door.
“I'm on the case!”
Only someone like him would ever call a complaint letter a case.
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It is apparent that business is slow this morning. The people ambling to and fro are few, with most only passing a wave of greeting.
It just so happens that the most renowned festivities have elapsed, and the season of love is far away... so there are little to no folks who'd glance twice at your well-kept flowers.
Cheek resting on the palm of your hand, you sigh, waving at those that greeted you with a tiny smile. No such deductions are needed to be able to conclude that there will be no one buying today.
I can pay a visit to Yoimiya, it's always fun with her around. Objective in mind, you get to work, leaning off the counter to pat your kimono. I should close up for the day.
The location of the sun indicates that it's roughly around nine in the morning, ergo it's incredibly early to be closing, but you can't spend your time idling away.
Besides, if an urgent order arrives, your flowers are always prepared.
Your shop doesn't blossom in the season for no reason!
You lift a pretty bouquet of freshly imported silk flowers, about to transfer it to a neat and tidy glass case in the windowed backroom, when you hear rhythmical knocks against the wood.
“Miss [Name], good morning!”
A dashing man stands in front of the counter, bright olive eyes telling of yet another possible gimmick. You wave.
“Good morning, detective. How do you do?”
A fascinating eccentric slithers in the dews of a prosaic morning, it seems.
Shikanoin Heizou doesn't frequent your floral shop unless it's to ask for some input regarding a case.
Your encounters mostly occur whenever you're free from floral responsibilities, bumping into one another in food stalls and event places. Having him here is not unwelcomed, however.
Now, he's always seen smiling, but he seems particularly brighter today as he wordlessly helps you transpose your flowers.
Perhaps the universe has sent him to liven up the day.
“Doing incredibly well, thank you,” he starts, dusting off his hands before flashing you an eye smile. “Do you mind answering a few questions?”
Ah, as expected.
He takes his prior position, in front of the counter and you behind it, much like a vendor and a customer.
Or for this matter; him, the interrogator, and you, the one being questioned.
“If it is in any relation to a case or of any aid, then I'd be pleased to,” you respond without batting an eye, swiping the petals that have fallen on the desk.
The sound of rustles prompts you to look, seeing him open a folded paper, though he keeps the contents to himself. He gives it a thorough reading.
You wonder what the case is about.
“So, may I ask where you were yesterday at the time of fourteen hundred?” he questions, flitting his eyes to meet yours.
His smile has grown lopsided, marginally appearing as a smirk.
Hearing his query drags a hum from your throat. Ah, is he asking whilst considering you a witness? Or a suspect?
Insouciant, you lean on the counter, mirroring his smile.
“Taking a stroll.”
“At the location of?”
“Inazuma city, of course.”
“In particular?”
“Here and there.”
Heizou folds his arms and gives you a frown, though this belies the highly entertained gleam in his eyes. You can't tell if he's dissatisfied with the fuzzy answers or not, though.
To any detective, they'd get pressed at the ambiguity, but this specific man... how should you put it—you have a feeling that he'd prefer a more unorthodox interrogation.
He always has a means to an end so he'll still get what he seeks regardless if you twist your answers. So, you suppose you're just making things a little more interesting.
Besides, you've got an inkling that this case isn't as critical as you assumed.
“You're being rather cheeky, miss [Name],” eyes slanting, he whispers, “If not suspicious.”
You can't help but laugh, disregarding his observation with a shake of your head.
“Oh no, but I am answering to the best of my ability! I haven't got any plans to go to Ritou or elsewhere, for the matter. So where would I take a stroll, if not in the city itself?”
He considers your answer with a thoughtful hum, mumbling something about it being a sensible answer as he cups his chin. It's not long before he is snapping his fingers, however, like he's conjured up a perfect query.
One that will force your ambiguous answers to conform with his.
“Hm! Then does the police station count?”
You shrug. “Well, your headquarters is in the city.”
The gleam in his eyes brightened.
With a flourish, he flicks the paper in his hands, turning it in your direction. “Then, can I assume that you are the one who filed this complaint letter?”
Humoring his assumptions, you lean on the counter, skimming through the words. You simper. Nothing short of flirtatious.
“What makes you think so, detective?”
“A friend told me that you did swing by headquarters at around two in the afternoon,” his eyes crinkle, accentuating the lift of his cheeks and the curve of his lips. “Need I say more?”
To add to the list of evidence upon which he can suspect that you are the writer, he takes out... ah, so that's where it is. The hairpin, you must've dropped it.
Still, the way he sounds assured with his conclusion makes it impossible not to be smug with your rebuttals. It is bizarre for him to delve straight into decisions without considering other known possibilities.
What can be the reason... oho.
“So you mean to say that simply because I went there, I was the one who wrote such a thing? You flatter me, doushin.”
His reaction is kept subtle, but it's no use under your equally watchful eye. There is a slight falter to his confidence, hardly noticeable.
With a slight tip of the chin, you draw out a prolonged sigh before gesturing behind him. He glances over his shoulder and sees a couple of women averting their gazes and speeding away, faces behind their sleeves.
“Surely, you are not blind to the gazes cast upon you by plenty of women. Yes, I came to the police station yesterday, but haven't you thought of the possibility that I was dropping it off for someone else?”
Heizou turns again, eyebrows arched. He doesn't bother hiding his surprise this time, but he's always been the tenacious kind.
One can easily tell that he will not be changing his mind about his answer anytime soon. Well, two can play at that game.
“My intui-”
“My intuition tells me that you came here with the hope that it was I who wrote it,” you cut him off, leaning closer and closer it's almost as if you're about to-
“Is that right, handsome?”
At the whisper, Heizou falls prey to stillness and genuine astonishment, watching as the florist withdraws with a charming smile. She only went close to take her accessory—that is now being slipped into her hair.
After his bearings have returned, he clears his throat and crosses his arms again. He tries not to let the compliment cloud the gears of his mind, though his cheeks are already rather hot.
“Then let me rephrase my question.”
The fixed [c]s on his person makes him feel warmer than usual.
Laid upon the desk is the complaint letter, sliding forward under the timid force of his fingers.
“Did you come to deliver this for somebody?”
He is highly, awfully aware of the soft fingers that graze against his own when [Name] moves to take the paper. Slow and purposeful, as though she's prolonging the 'accidental' touch.
The fact that they both aren't backing down from the others' stare sends a thrum of excitement in his chest. Fluttering butterflies, racing hearts, he yearns for it when the touch finally vanishes.
It takes him his all not to give chase.
“Oh, detective,” [Name] winks. An invitation. “Wouldn't you like to know?”
At least, until permitted.
Heizou's smile doubles in size.
Turns out that his day isn't as boring as he originally thought.
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a/n: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the moment 'complaint letter' showed up in his hangout i have gotten this idea ever since ahdjdhjasdhas what better way to return his charm with an equally charming MC? ;) but seriously, i am in love with mutual pining hasdhajksdask
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @tjjjrsj @azirajane @hey-comrade-hold-stil @limelightsuperhero @chloeloe @loptido @windyventi @nejibot @ganyuqrt @justrinnn @yasunamilk @alana5021
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pankowperfection · 2 years
Hey queen do you think we can get some Rudy fluff or birthday sex!? I feel like I haven’t seen enough Rudy today on tumblr. If not I totally understand!! I love all of your stories they are soo good!! Luv you babes ❤️
Hi queen! Absolutely, I am always down to write for Rudy/JJ and I was planning on writing him something for his special day anyway. Hope you like it!
The Perfect Present
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Summary: You give Rudy the best birthday gift ever
Warnings: smut, role playing, professor x student role play, oral (male receiving), spanking, implied sex, 18+
You knew exactly what you wanted to gift Rudy for his birthday: his ultimate fantasy. After a few drinks one night, he had confessed to you that he would love if you'd dress up like a school girl and role play with him as the teacher. Initially it made you anxious, you worried about being awkward or not being into it and totally ruining the experience for him. You talked to several of your friends and did some research online, only making yourself more and more eager to give him exactly what he wanted.
You'd found the perfect outfit: red and black plaid mini skirt, a white button up top that you had tied into mostly just a bra, nothing on beneath it. You completed the look with a pair of thigh high stockings, black heels on your feet, and fake glasses adorning your face. He was about to be home any minute, Chase and Drew having taken him out for a few hours so you could get everything ready. You checked over your appearance one last time in the mirror before heading out to your shared home office, reclining in the comfortable chair and tossing your feet onto the desk. When he came in the front door he'd have the perfect view of you when he walked into the room.
A few moments later you heard the distinctive sound of his keys jingling, sucking in a shaky breath and hoping you'd gotten every detail right. "Baby? Where are you?" he calls out, setting down his things and kicking off his shoes. "I'm in the office Ru. Got your birthday present ready for you." You hear his footsteps echoing down the hall, mere seconds away from him finally seeing what you'd done. "Aw y/n, I told you that you didn't have to get me anything." Just as he finishes his sentence he appears in the door frame, jaw going slack at the sight of you. For a few seconds he just stands there staring, unsure whether this is real. You decide to slip right into your role, hoping that he'll play along.
"Professor Pankow? I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to improve my grade in your class. Anything at all," you give him a wink, twirling your ponytail around your finger as he walks closer to the desk. "Well Miss Y/L/N, I'm not sure your grade is salvageable at this point. Especially when you're sitting in my office chair without my permission." You pull your legs down slowly, letting him catch a glimpse of your red lace thong before pushing yourself to your feet. "Oh sir, please. I'll do anything, I can't fail this class." "Anything hm? Well, perhaps you can try to persuade me." He sinks down into the plush leather, motioning towards the straining zipper of his pants. "How about you show me what that mouth can do, besides talk during my lectures?" "Yes sir," you breathe, immediately dropping to your knees on the floor.
You quickly undo the button of his jeans, sliding down the zipper as you gaze up at him through your lashes. He lifts his hips to help you, slowly pulling the material down his legs to his ankles. "Fuck sir, you're so big." He grins cockily before grabbing hold of your hair, pulling your face within inches of his cock. "Better get to work sweetheart." You instantly oblige, wrapping your hand around the base as you lick the pre-cum from his tip. He moans loudly, bucking up into your face and trying to force his length into your mouth. You trace the vein running up his shaft with your tongue, swirling it around the tip before sucking him in deep. "Oh shit," he groans, grip on your hair tightening as you start to bob your head up and down. "God you look so pretty like this. Like you were made to suck my cock." His praise has your panties soaking wet, rubbing your thighs together for any sense of relief as you continue to suck him off. After a few minutes he pulls you off, spit dripping down your chin. "That's enough. Stand up and bend over the desk."
With shaky legs you do as he ordered, hanging on tightly to the far side to brace yourself for what's to come. "Are you wet for me Miss Y/L/N?" His fingers dive under the short material of your skirt, tracing softly over your panties and driving you crazy. "Yes sir. Please." You weren't sure what you were begging for, enjoying the role playing so much that you would have given him everything. "Since you have an F and want to get an A, I'm going to spank you 5 times. If you manage to take it, I'll consider changing your grade." You hear him rustling in the drawer beside you, realizing that he's grabbed the ruler. "Hang on tight baby," he murmurs, the sound of plastic swinging through the air before the first blow lands on your ass. Rather than scream you moan, only spurring him on further. "Oh? Such a dirty girl for her professor aren't you?" The remaining blows come quickly, each cheek warm from his assault.
"Are you okay y/n?" he breaks the trance, laying soft kisses on your shoulder before pulling you up to face him. "More than okay actually. I hope you liked your birthday gift baby." He smiles, leaning down to kiss you deeply. "I fucking loved it. Best birthday ever. Now, why don't we go finish this in the shower?" You swat him playfully on the ass, letting him lead you back into your shared bedroom for round two.
Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist
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blushingquincy · 1 year
The Complete Guide to Falling for the Freak
by: blushingquincy
Allison Campbell has it all: a big house, good grades, and popularity—but underneath all of that, behind the perfect girl next door facade, is truly where it gets interesting. When she gets stuck tutoring the notorious Freak of Hawkins High, Eddie Munson, her life takes unexpected turns as she battles her step dad, her awful friends and, most importantly, falling in love for the first time.
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⚠️WARNING: smut, cussing, bullying, domestic violence, abuse, drug use, underage drinking. I’ll add more warnings as I update
This is my first fic! I’m fairly new to writing so please give your opinions! Not sure how many chapters this will be. I’m thinking 15-20 maybe more who knows ;) Without further ado let’s get into it.
Chapter 1: He’s just the worst.
November 17, 1986
Mornings are a mundane ordeal in the Campbell household, always the same. Brenda Campbell, the obedient little housewife she is, is always in the kitchen by the time Allison comes downstairs. Her step-father, Dan—Dan The Dictator, she likes to call him—sits at his usual spot at the dining room table, reading a newspaper and making snide comments about how the food smells, even though he's going to scarf it all down anyway.
Pig, Allison thinks. She slips into her seat silently, munching on a dry piece of toast as fast as she can without earning the wrath of her step-father.
She fails.
"Slow down, Ali, the food isn't going anywhere," he says. "People are gonna mistake you for a pig if you keep that up." He oinks, then chuckles to himself like this is the funniest joke he's ever heard.
Allison bites down both the toast and the sarcastic remark on the tip of her tongue. She looks back at him as she wipes crumbs from the side of her mouth, eyes flickering down to look at his—no, her actual dad's tie.
I hope you get hit by a bus, she thinks, and she really means it. "Sorry," she says instead. "Guess I'm just excited to get to school."
That was a goddamn lie.
High school is a similarly mundane ordeal. She falls into her usual routine, sitting with the cheer squad and feigning interest while they talk about things she really couldn't give less of a damn about. No, Heather, she does not want to hear about parties or Madonna or guess who bumped uglies with Steve Harrington at Skull Rock!
She almost gags at the thought. God, she would rather choke herself with a hot branding iron than hear about former King Steve Harrington's sex life— but she knew how important image was to her mother and Dan. Not that she gave a shit about pleasing Dan, he could go choke for all she cared. But it was important to her mother too, and unfortunately, Allison did give a damn about pleasing her.
The second she makes her way to the classroom with its painfully harsh fluorescent lights, Mrs. O' Donnell asks if she can speak to her after class.
Allison frowns. "Am I …?" she trails off, eyebrows furrowed, and Miss O' Donnel seems to understand the unspoken word without her having to actually say it.
"Oh, don't worry," she says. "You aren't in trouble. I just need to talk to you."
Still, anxiety pools in Allison's stomach through the entire class. The bell rings, and she looks back down at her notebook, completely blank except for the topic written across the top in big letters. Damn. She'd have to ask someone if she could borrow their notes later.
That was the least of her concerns, though. Her main concern was figuring out what Miss O' Donnel wanted from her. She made her way to the front desk, clearing her throat to make her presence known.
The woman peered up at her through thin-rimmed glasses. "Ah, yes. Allison, I'm looking for a tutor for Eddie Munson and I was wondering if you'd be interested."
The metaphorical record in Allison's brain scratches to a stop. She opens her mouth, closes it, and opens it again, gapping like a fashing out of water. "I'm sorry, what?" she eventually settles on.
Eddie 'The Freak' Munson, the resident drug dealer of Hawkins High. He definitely has a … reputation, to say the least. He was the leader of the Hellfire Club. Allison is pretty sure that it's just a bunch of nerds playing a tabletop fantasy game, but everyone else seems convinced that it's a bunch of satanists sacrificing virgins.
Either way, she doesn't really want to do it. Nonetheless, being the ass-kissing people pleaser she is, Allison says yes.
Mrs. O' Donnel smiles at her. "Thank you, Allison, I knew I could count on you." She hands her the paper with his address and contact information. Allison thanks her absentmindedly, them goes about the rest of her morning classes in a bit of a daze.
She just agreed to tutor Eddie Munson. Eddie fucking Munson.
Finally, it's lunch. She takes her tray with a weird meat mush—seriously, what is that stuff—and sits down at the table. This group is a little different than the ones she ate breakfast with. In addition to the snobby girls, there was the basketball team. She hates them and their weird suburban hair and the way they mock people. As she sits there, listening to Andy drag on about the new truck his daddy bought him, her attention is turned away by something more interesting.
Eddie Munson, who had been sitting with his Hellfire Club, is now on the table shouting about conforming and useless highschool cliques. Allison resists the urge to bury her face in her hands. God, he is totally embarrassing. He's absolutely right, but still. Embarrassing.
Jason Carver stands up. "You want something, freak?" he squares his shoulders as though he was doing something important, defending the basketball team's honor or whatever. He's embarrassing too.
Eddie responds by sticking his tongue out and making faux devil horns with his fingers. Allison hides a smile by shoving a forkful of food into her mouth.
Jason abruptly sits down “God I hate that freak," he scoffs. "Don’t you guys just hate him?”
The group nods and agrees— except Allison, who is too focused on staring at Eddie: his long curly hair, his beautiful brown eyes and the way his mouth forms a flirtatious smirk when she catches his eye.
“Allison!” Jason yells out. She quickly jolted back to reality. “I said don’t you just hate him?”
She gives a quick glance back at Eddie. "Yeah," she says. "Yeah, he's just the worst."
Well this is going to be sooo much fun
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tinycatstars · 10 months
Hi! Late to the writing rq'ing party probably because I'm Nervous tm but if its cool to ask for VE as well, can I ask for little Murrit and little Dismas, maybe destressing together after a rough day? I hc Murrit really likes bunnies and Dismas loves dragons, I think they'd like to share their plushies with each other. :}
AAA OMG!!! u are one of my fav ao3 authors !! i literally luv ur work so much, its actually what originally got me into ve !!! :D
i really hope u like this! its loosely based off of some of ur fics lol but yeaaa ! <3 <3
also lil warning there is some cussing in this btw !
Dismas’s day had been awful. 
He had been running from his lusus all day, finally taking refuge in a small cavern situated near his hive. It was just deep enough that the troll could hide in it without being spotted. He sat on the ground, trying to catch his breath and calm himself down. Small scratches covered Dismas’s body from falling earlier, but other than that, he was okay. 
The troll was just so, so tired. Tired from running, tired from the constant fear and adrenaline running in his body, tired of the stupid skulltitan that was always hunting him down. He wanted nothing more than to be somewhere soft, welcoming, and comforting. Somewhere familiar, somewhere that wasn’t here.
As much as he pained to admit it, he wanted to be with his kismesis. He missed Murrit, with his stupid endearing smile and his stupid comforting hive. 
While adult Dismas wanted to pretend like he didn’t need the other, little Dizzy just wanted to curl up in Murrit’s arms and cry, letting out his fear and frustration. He learned a while ago that the other troll had a surprising soft side that not many got to see often. A side that was really only meant for little Dizzy to see.
Dismas huffed, pulling out his phone from his pant’s pocket. He opens Skorp, and after a moment of hesitation, he begins to message Murrit.
gigantisDebilitation [GD] began trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] at 6:37 PM
GD: Hey///
GD: /\re you /\t your hive?///
UK: >([ya w#at do u want]
GD: C/\n I come over?///
UK: >([i mean yea sure y t#o?]
UK: >([r u like? ok? srsly?]
GD: Ye/\h just///
GD: I need to get /\w/\y for /\ bit///
The troll cringed at his own message. What he really wanted to say was, “Hey, I really need to get away from this stupid fucking lizard and be small with you, please let me come over”, but Dismas knew he couldn’t send that. That would definitely freak Murrit out.
He takes another breath, quickly typing out another message before Murrit could respond to his last.
GD: My d/\y h/\s just been re/\lly b/\d /\nd I need some time to regress///
GD: /\nd I’d r/\ther do it with you///
GD: If th/\t’s ok/\y///
Dismas internally kicks himself. He really hopes Murrit doesn’t say anything about how desperate he sounded to come over.
UK: >([tb# ive felt p itty bity 2 today]
UK: >([so ya come over n we can c#ill]
UK: >([we can b small toget#errr lolol]
GD: Ok/\y///
gigantisDebilitation [GD] gave up trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] at 6:51 PM
The troll lets out a sigh of relief. With only minimal grunting, Dismas got up from his spot and headed towards his hive to grab his spare go bag, which was home to all his little supplies. 
His body aches as he runs, but he knows it’ll be worth it if he can just get to Murrit’s house.
Murrit’s head hurt. A lot.
As much as she’d like to record the fight between shitlizard and Dismas, she really didn’t feel like it. The whole “fun exploitation theatrics” wasn’t sitting right with Murrit today, for some odd reason. Something about it made their stomach hurt, whether it was from the guilt or the blood, he wasn’t sure.
Still, they sat at their desk, staring at the screens in front of her. Her eyes burned from looking into them, studying them intently. He didn’t sleep the night before, just glaring blindly at the monitors until his vision went blurry. Despite how they acted, they really did care for their friends. That’s why she had to stay up, to make sure they all stay safe.
Especially Dismas, but he ignores that thought. She could only watch so much of today’s brawl before she switched to watching another camera, one that didn’t include her kismesis. They couldn’t do it today.
He just felt so off, like he wasn’t in his own body. Everything she did felt like she was puppeteering someone else into acting like a normal troll, but they weren’t a normal troll. He felt so small, smaller than he should. Sometimes it scared him when he got like this. It’s scary to go through… whatever this is alone. Some of his other friends had explained it to her before, saying that they went through it also. Something to do with trauma, or stress, or maybe both? She wasn’t sure, her head wasn't thinking straight.
But, even if being… small? Yes, that’s the word. If being small was scary, it wasn’t scary with Dismas or Albion or Sova. They all made things right, they made her feel right. 
He… he missed Dismas a lot right now. That’s why whenever the other had messaged him about coming over for some time to destress, of course she said yes. How could she not? She needed this as much as he did, and if they had to do it together, then they would. 
They can’t remember a time where she and Dismas had fallen into that headspace together. He doesn’t think they have done that before. It should be ok, right?
Murrit was doubting themselves. Her head is hurting badly now, the pounding of the migraine overtaking her thoughts. She lays her head down on the desk, closing his eyes to try to calm down. He couldn’t bring himself to move and get his medication, so this would have to do.
Breathe in, breathe out. It’s ok, you’re ok, Dizzy is on his way. He can help. 
They stayed like that for a while, eyes screwed shut to keep out any light that was coming from the computer screens, head resting on the desk. He was finally starting to calm himself down before Dismas arrived. They’d hate to put any more stress on the other troll by freaking out once he got here.
After a while, Murrit hears a knock at the door, causing the troll to jump in her seat. He gets up too fast, almost tripping on the way to unlock the door to their hive. 
As soon as the door is opened, Dismas stumbles into Murrit, wrapping his arms tightly around the other to encase her in a hug. Murrit hugs the other back, holding him gently. He was shaking, and even though no noise was escaping the boy, they could tell he was crying. Murrit tightens the hug, holding Dizzy close and allowing the other to sob into her shoulder. Murry had started to let her own tears fall, mostly out of relief that Dizzy was here, but some out of pain. Their migraine had gotten really bad, their head throbbing from every quiet cry she had let out.
The two sat like that for a while, crying and holding each other to comfort one another. It wasn’t until their sobs had quieted when they pulled away. Dizzy looked… bad. Some of his clothes were ripped up, his bandana falling down his face, his hair sticking up in every other direction. There was still fear in his eyes from earlier. He was clutching his overnight bag like it was a lifeline, like he was afraid he would lose it if he let go.
Murry didn’t look any better. His hair was a curly mess, his eye bags extremely prominent from the lack of sleep. Tears streaked her face, much like Dizzy’s. There was fear in her eyes as well, but not the same as Dizzy’s. Their fear was from being vulnerable, being in that headspace around others, a fear that they still hadn’t conquered.
Dizzy moves his bandana back up his face and asks “Uh… you okay?” His voice was low and quiet, and he spoke carefully as if he was still figuring out which words meant what. Murry starts to nod, before stopping himself. They shook their head slowly, a guilty look covering her face. 
“Me too”, Dizzy says. “S’ okay, though. We can just… just relax today.” Murry hums in agreement.
Dizzy looked around Murry’s hive, it was extremely hard considering how dark it was. He squinted to see the room was covered in dirty clothes, loose papers, unused electrical wiring. Despite how messy it was, it was oddly comforting to the troll. The mess showed that it was lived in, specifically by Murrit. It was kind of nice.
The younger of the two holds out her hand to Dizzy, silently asking him to take it. The older drops his bag first and then takes their hand, leading Murry throughout their own hive. Her other hand was twisted into her shirt, holding onto it for dear life. It was something Dizzy had noticed they did whenever they were nervous. He was confused about why Murry was so nervous, but didn’t say anything. They could always talk about it later, after all.
Murry lets out a quiet whine as the two are walking through the messy hive. Dizzy turns around to check on the other, only to find that the other troll’s eyes are screwed shut in pain. They moved their free hand from their shirt to their head, his palm pressed against his forehead. 
“What’s wrong?” Dizzy asks, concerned. 
Murry whines again, saying “Mm…m’ head hurts”. Dizzy frowns, ultimately deciding that their mission right now would be to go find some medicine for Murry.
The older troll squeezes Murry’s hand, then begins to lead him to the bathroom. Dizzy had been here enough times to know how to navigate through the other’s hive, even if he was feeling little and his thinkpan wasn’t working at full capacity.
He quickly found Murry’s migraine relief meds in the bathroom cabinet, only struggling a little with the child-proof cap. He hands the other regressor the pill, who just looks up at Dizzy and frowns.
“Drink”, they state, holding the pill in their first up to Dizzy.
“Oh, okay”, the older says. They head for the kitchen, with Dizzy almost tripping on a random pile of keyboards only once. He heads for the cabinets, grabbing Murry’s purple sippy cup. He smiled fondly behind his bandana, remembering how Albion had gifted this to him. She had gotten Dizzy one similar to Murry’s, except his was orange.
 He fills the little’s cup with water and hands it back to her. Murry makes a face before taking the pill, gulping down most of the water in the cup afterwards.
“What do you wanna do now?” Dizzy questions.
“Play?” Murry quietly suggests, holding his sippy back to his mouth again. He takes a few more sips, finishing the water completely and setting the cup back in the sink.
“Yeah!” the other troll agrees, running back into the other room to retrieve his bag. Murry begins to follow along before stopping once they see Dizzy running back into the kitchen. He excitedly runs back to Murry, his bag in hand.
Dizzy kneels on the floor and opens the duffle, and Murry peeks inside. He sees extra clothes, some toys, a plushie, and some other plastic, brightly colored things that Murry thinks are pacifiers and teethers. Murry joins the other on the floor, rocking back and forth as he waits for Dizzy to find whatever he was searching for.
“Murry! Look!” Dizzy exclaims, pulling out the plushie. It was a cream-colored dragon with orange eyes. The plush looks extremely squishable and soft. The dragon was in a laying down position, the kind that dogs do whenever they want to play. Murry guesses this was how the dragon let other stuffed animals know that it wanted to play, too.
The younger smiles, reaching out a hand to pet Dizzy’s comfort item. She was right, he was soft!
“Have a plush, too!” Murry says, and gets up off the floor to run to their room. Dizzy follows behind her with his dragon in hand.
Once they reach the bedroom, Murry digs through his closet to find his friend. They eventually pull out a lavender bunny plush that resembled a lionhead rabbit. It was old, like Murry had had it since she was a hatchling. Her plushie was very fluffy, it looked just as soft as Dizzy’s dragon. 
The troll pushes out the bunny for Dizzy to feel. He hesitates before sticking out his hand, petting the other’s very loved stuffed animal. Even if you couldn’t see his mouth, you could tell Dizzy was smiling. Murry was smiling right back at him, a soft laugh escaping her mouth.
The two situate themselves on the floor and begin to play, each coming up with ridiculous and impractical adventures for their little friends to go on. The bunny and dragon had become friends after the dragon had almost eaten Mr. Bunny, and now they were to travel the world together!
Murry could feel their headache melt away with all the fun they were having together. Dizzy did most of the talking, putting on silly voices for his dragon and the other people they had come across on their escapades. Murry would hum or laugh, sometimes making Mr. Bunny talk. The other regressor didn’t seem to mind how quiet Murry was, being that Dizzy could probably talk for the both of them currently.
‘We should regress together more often’, Dizzy thinks, and judging by Murry’s bright smile as they continue to play, she thought the same thing.
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sterekmylove · 1 year
Expect The Unexpected
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A/N: Also Posted On My A03
Summary: Stiles expect a lot of things, it comes naturally when you the sheriffs son and your friends are supernatural creatures. But sometimes even no matter the title of it all Stiles can still be faced with the Unexpected. He doesn't know how to react.
Pairing: Derek and Stiles
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He expected the price of it being prepared for whatever reason this time to be incredibly high making his pockets burn a hole through them on their own, his wallet crying from the abuse of lack of money– he won’t be able to eat lunch today sadly, he could always steal off of Scotts tray when the wolf cub; as Derek sometimes calls him when he's not in a grouchy mood and Scott hadn’t done anything stupid to make Derek call him a welp– When he isn’t looking.  Stiles expected the walk to long and dreadful no cars passing by– the tow truck man not offering the pale teen a ride and just taking his jeep without a word– Stiles couldn’t stop the way his jaw dropped in complete disbelief as the rusty truck had sped away from the him.
The Audacity!.  Stiles had flipped off the truck as he walked and till the truck left his line of sight.  Worst service ever!.
When the brown hair boy made it to school he knew he missed at least two periods and honestly he didn't mind.  At least he doesn’t have to deal with Mr. Harris today and his biased dislike for Stiles, Stiles thinks he delight, the man is just a grouchy thirty-three year old virgin who gets off on giving innocent children detention… okay Stiles will admit he's not completely innocent but hey! that paper ball was Scotts fault okay!! Not Stiles!.  As Stiles made his way towards the school,  finally coming into view, passing through the double doors towards the office to sign himself in for his lateness he hadn’t expected to see someone else there sitting in the student waiting chair writing down on a piece of paper– one Stiles was actually familiar with. It was a transfer form, seeing by the big bold fonts on the yellow slip that caught his eye immediately as he passed the other.  Huh a new kid… Stiles couldn’t help but think in his head why a new student was applying to BH High School in the middle of the year.  The brunette walked up to the front desk grabbing the binder that was open, the subheading on the inside reading ‘Late Book’ ah yes rub it in why don’t cha?.  The sheriff's son writes his name quickly, his letters becoming a little sloppy as he continues smacking the pen down looking ahead to the front desk attendant– Margret was her name– with a small apologetic smile, Margret gave him a look soon after rolling her eyes at him.  She didn’t have the time to deal with Stiles today.
Stiles turns ready to leave but his eyes land on the new student, they were a boy obviously– or maybe a girl? Stiles shouldn’t assume– but he has short hair!-- but so can girls!-- he has broad shoulders!-  so can woman though!-- I don’t see jack women at this school– maybe they’ll be the first one!! Stiles was having an argument in his head.  He shouldn’t–  “It's disrespectful to stare y’know.” a voice broke through his clouded brain tugging Stiles back to the surface of reality.  Definitely a dude!.  Stiles has to blink a couple of times to be able to see what's in front of him.  He looks at the new student in awe watching as they seem to finally be done with the paperwork pressing the pen down hard against the sheet most likely marking down a period.  Stiles watches as he stands– he was a little shorter than him. It was kinda funny, when the kid finally looked up towards Stiles the teen could feel the way his doe brown eyes widened a bit, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise, his jaw going slack as he looked at that face.
He knows that face! He has seen that face in pictures, that face had a bright smile in those photos and a mischief glint in those sea green eyes, that tan skin… 
That face right now held a slight shock expression that was soon replaced to one of annoyance and a speck of vulnerability.   “Of course I bump into you first of all people.” he growled out clearly not enjoying the situation that he's in.  “Derek?...” Stiles said quietly as if the world around him would shatter if he spoke too loud staring at– well now teenager?.  Shit he’s losing his mind isn’t he?.  This is his breaking point? Hallucination?.  Derek lets out a deep sigh, the familiar v taking its rightful place between his brows when his mildly upset and annoyed– yep definitely sourwolf.  “Yes Stiles, it's me” the Omega groans out tiredly in defeat. Out of everything– EVERYTHING Stiles expected, a renewed teenage Derek was not one of them!.  This definitely calls for a pack meeting! And judging by the switch of emotions on Derek's face, the wolf can tell exactly what Stiles was thinking and he didn't like it one bit.
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