#i am a nasty woman
transsexula · 3 months
Okay I really need someone to explain this TME/TMA thing to me. Because every time I see it used, people are using the terms to shit talk transmascs/trans men and say we don't go thru shit.
I'm. So close to beginning to block people for using those terms. Especially since every conversation that uses them seemingly turns into gender essentialist man hating..........
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chaos-has-theories · 3 months
I FINALLY read The Unwanted Guest yesterday! And by "read" I mean "did a reading", I got to do Ianthe, none if us had read the script beforehand, and we randomly improvised with chairs to follow the scene instructions, it was absolutely glorious.
ANYWAY. I cannot decide what is hotter: Palamedes in his terrible half-burnt suit and the cigarette he doesn't know why he's holding, or Ianthe with her maid/butler routine.
Believe me, no one is more horrified to realize this than me.
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luminisvii · 20 days
happy pride month! this is my yearly reminder that ace/bi/pan people belong in the lgbt community! ty <3
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wolfwood stares at ur flushed face, tells you how pretty you look when you’ve just been fucked by him while holding your cheeks together making your already swollen lips form a pout
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i actually don’t think i have far to go on not wanting to feel desirable because i have never felt desirable in my life nor have i ever actually been desired so i’m tilting at windmills here. i think my primary problem is i move through public spaces feeling very self conscious and very ugly. alone i don’t feel ugly at all i often think i’m quite pretty and sometimes i even think i’m kind of sexy or that my body is nice. but whenever i’m in public i am sooooo deeply self conscious it’s borderline agonizing. like hinge is not even in public but i felt so self conscious on there too. like it is so miserable to be stuck being the ugly fat girl which is the role i have played all my life. maybe i should develop agoraphobia or something
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ventiswampwater · 2 years
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pumpkin guts
rating: teen and up
word count: 1.9k
sinclair’s x reader (all of them!! to varying degrees!! bo’s the only established coupling, but u can read anything u want into everything else!! go wild!!)
Pumpkin carving with the Sinclair’s. Fucked-up fluff. 
tag list/cw’s: female reader, second person, domestic fluff, but it's tinged with a lil bit of creepiness bc of COURSE it IS, so warning for: stockholm syndrome and a little bit of: canon-typical violence, but don't worry it's still tooth-rotting fluff, you're literally carving pumpkins w/actual murderers!! you have reached the point of no return, good 4 u bestie, soft!sinclair's are still the worst sinclairs and I am giving them all a smooch
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do u wanna carve pumpkins with a bunch of hillbilly losers?? click here
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
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Mock comic panel my beloved
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mazojo · 8 months
America’s power bc she has everyone OBSESSED with her
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glotoru · 1 year
in my head i’m trafalgar law’s trophy girlfriend that’s always getting sick so he can tell me to open wide and shove his fingers down my throat while he says he needs to look around for any “abnormalities”
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bittersweet-mojo · 5 months
Binged the entire first season of the gilded age in a day and I just KNOW the Russell’s fuck nasty I KNOW IT
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light-bender · 21 days
So sick to death of talking about existing as a visibly trans GNC person and how hard it is and how much harassment I face on a daily basis o ly for people to say "Just be you and be happy - Everything else is white noise. Just keep being yourself don't listen to them. " While well intentioned, I can't fucking stand these responses anymore.
It feels less like "stay in your lane and flourish" and more "don't pay any attention to the people who keep coming into your lane just to be nasty" and there's just this inherent... Complacency to this concept that I really detest. The idea that minorities should just take on all this harassment and let it roll off their back like nothing. Nah I'm actually done walking away from this - I am directly telling people who stare and make rude comments to Fuck Off. I'm not putting my safety first, keeping quiet, and moving on anymore, because no matter how hard you try and not let it effect you it does. And it builds and builds because Damn can you not just have one day without someone staring at you like you're dog shit on their shoe??
Long story long:
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hockeynoses · 7 months
thinking of ja/mie and just... mess. there's just so much snot and he's run out of tissues and he has no choice but to snz into his hands and it just builds and builds and ... guh
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feelslikegold · 8 months
ngl with the whole h****h tweet thing, i feel like some people are acting like it's 100% unprompted and missing a possible bit of context, so i am just gonna drop this here
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obv i'm not trying to say she's exempt from criticism bc she's said and done some very icky things (including getting with a man in a long-term relationship like girl? saying that bc it's more relevant to this than the other stuff), but i will say some of the hate does feel slightly misogynistic. like that tweet was unprompted and just gonna do more damage than good. the whole idea of "sleeping ur way to the top" is just icky, and if that tweet is gonna do anything, it's just gonna fuel a victim complex and let misogynistic ideas stay in circulation so genuinely can people just ignore her instead of making the whole situation worse if the only thing they can say will just make the situation worse?
oh no absolutely like it’s just a mix of. I think logging off would benefit her SO much bc her tweets are only gonna spawn more weirdos like that person bc that person is clearly unhinged and unwell to speak to ANYONE like that, especially to someone who the person they idolize clearly loves…..stan twitter as a whole is disgusting tbh 😭
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anonymocha · 3 months
suddenly seeing parallels between kumar and medicine pocket
#wonderful day to be a kaalaa baunaa x medicine pocket shipper#you know the difference between kumar and mp#kumar did the things she did out of vengeance — a cause — a purpose#and a desire to destroy others or oneself#mp does the insane shit they do because its FUN#because they have the capabilities to bear it#essentially because they can#considering their dialogue and hobby; they definitely hold life at a high value#perhaps careless#but honest#both defo insane and self-concerned#just in different flavors#hence why i think shipping kb x mp is either an angst abyss or healing journey#mp is smart and emotionally mature despite their mad kid behavior#but yes definitely a victim of impulse and chaotic practices#meanwhile kaalaa baunaa is a woman of method and routine#in research or in life#these two are kind of opposites...#mp shows a petty and nasty front but behind it lies a surprisingly mature and insightful self#kb maintains monumental composure and mysterious but friendly front#although inside i am sure many many things eat away at her#especially kumar#oh ESPECIALLY kumar#she probably acts all cool and level-headed saying things like “life goes on”#she starts to fail to follow her own philosophies and drown herself in work#because staying still will only make the memories of kumar manifest louder#she relies on her routines for comfort; whats always there and always will be#but shes tiring herself out because she cannot entirely confront the idea that kumar is gone#because kumar's presence IS a part of her routine — her methods — course — orbit#mp is like a replacement — better or worse? fuck around n find out
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maurypovichofficial2 · 11 months
i just feel like if Lea Michele can get a redemption arc so can Lizzo but we ALL know that won't happen and why.
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aftout · 1 year
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Does she even know the lengths I’d go to make her happy. Does she know. Does she fucking know.
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