#i am also not opposed to the idea of the hex girls all dating
aloeverified · 2 years
Before forming a band together, each member had a miniature career of their own. Luna was a pretty popular online figure for her performances at bars and restaurants, Dusk went viral a few times from her rave shows, and Thorn had a history of starring in plays and talent shows all her life. They eventually found each other online and began talking, and after Thorn and Dusk immigrated to the U.S., they formed a band.
Although they live in America, Luna is the only one who was born there. She's Creole and was raised in New Orleans, Thorn is French-Candian and from Ontario, and Dusk is Japanese and from Kyoto. Due to where they grew up, they all speak different languages as well. Luna is fluent in Spanish and French, Thorn was raised speaking French just as much as English and knows a bit of Italian, and Dusk's first language is Japanese and she's fluent in JSL. They all began learning ASL after forming a band since Dusk is deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in her other.
Thorn's real name is Sally McKnight, Luna's is Selene Moon, and Dusk's is Twilight Yami. Thorn picked her name due to her love of roses, whereas Luna and Dusk simply picked names that have the same meaning as their own.
Due to her hearing loss, Dusk doesn't wear shoes when practicing or performing. When coming up with songs, Thorn doesn't wear shoes either since she claims it helps her feel closer to the music. Luna sometimes doesn't and says it's for the same reason but it's actually just because her boots hurt her feet after a while.
They each base their personas after different horror monster icons. Thorn's is Dracula, Luna's is the werewolf, and Dusk is inspired by both Frankenstein monsters. They also have very different gothic styles; Thorn being more of a romantic vampire goth with some witchy accents, whereas Luna is a trad and corp goth with lots of glam, and Dusk being more in the visual kei and metalhead scene with some cyber and bubble goth inspiration.
Thorn is known for being a bit of a bachelorette and dates anyone ranging from a trucker to a theater kid who thinks he's a vampire. Luna and Dusk, however, are in a relationship that they keep private from fans. Luna is a lesbian, Dusk is bisexual, and Thorn doesn't feel the need to label her sexuality.
Their fans often get into heated arguments over the girls' heights since Dusk is typically shoeless and the other wears heels. Thorn typically looks pretty tall since she's in the front and wears high heels, with Luna looking about the same in her boots behind her keyboard, whereas Dusk looks the shortest while barefoot and sitting down to play the drums; but the truth is Thorn is only about 5'4, Dusk is 5'8, and Luna is just over 5'10.
Their fans have nicknames for them based off of different creatures, with Thorn being called a succubus due to her seductive voice and dancing, Dusk being compared to a banshee since most of her back-up vocals are screams and her unhinged drumming, and Luna being recognized for her werewolf persona due to long nails, canine fangs, and loud howl-like laughter.
Rather than visiting a salon, they have nights every few weeks were they touch up their hair. Dusk is albino with naturally platinum hair which makes it so she she has to redye her hair every so often, whereas Luna and Thorn have to actually go through the process of bleaching their hair. Dusk typically dyes her hair a darker blonde or adds different shades of green streaks, Luna switches between dark red and blonde every so often, and Thorn either dyes her naturally brown hair black or bleaches it to make it a bright red — sometimes a combination of both.
They're all university students who avoid actually attending classes by taking online courses. Thorn is majoring in envoirmental science with a business minor, Dusk is a literature major studying philosophy, and Luna is in the process of graduating art school.
Thorn is most inspired by bands like She Wants Revenge and London After Midnight, whereas Dusk takes more after Malice Mizer and Bikini Kill, and Luna is one of the biggest fans of The Cure and the Bauhaus.
They regularly go on adventures together to places that are regarded as haunted or cursed. While on tour in different countries, they make it a habit to try and visit any attractions they haven't seen yet. Thorn particular likes haunted castles and cemeteries, Dusk is interested in asylums and prisons, and Luna is obsessed with any place that has a tragic backstory.
While Thorn is relatively good friends with Daphane due to their shared love of fashion and past romantic interests in Velma, and Dusk enjoys terrifying Shaggy and Scooby, Luna and Fred are actually able to have normal conversations
They love getting together with the Mystery Gang when possible. When she's not flirting with Velma, Thorn spends her time with Daphne talking about fashion and gossiping about their past experiences with stupid boys. Luna is also pretty good friends with Fred and they could have conversations for hours about random niche interests. Dusk and Velma have a shared passion for gothic literature and Velma also enjoys watching Dusk terrify Shaggy and Scooby when she's bored.
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 7x13 The Killer in Me
aka i just want willow to be happy
We did it, guys! We made it to the last season! Also, hello if you’re new, and stumbled upon this without context. As usual, these impromptu text posts are the product of my fevered mind as I rant about the episode I just watched for an hour (okay, sometimes perhaps two). Anything goes!
And I have a lot of complicated feelings about today’s episode.
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Killer in Me follows in the footsteps of Potential, taking a break from the Big Bad to focus more on some of our characters. It just does it with a somewhat more questionable execution.
And by questionable, I mean that I’m not actually sure how I feel about all of it. There’s a lot that I like here, and with the ending scene especially, I found that, overall, it worked.
You got me, show. I want Willow to be happy.
I earlier criticized Kennedy for being an under-developed love interest for Willow in the show’s last season (as opposed to Willow/Anya that was… right there, you guys, it was right there!!), but I can’t even pretend to be mad anymore. Ultimately, that’s not the point. Kennedy’s not the point. Willow not feeling constantly miserable for the rest of her life is.
And while the doomed relationships thing is basically a theme here, I think at this point the writers also became somewhat aware of the implications of having their one (canon) queer main character end the show on that note? I mean, it was 2003, we were still getting used to not connecting to the internet through dial-up, so there wasn’t as much uproar as you’d might expect today upon Tara’s death. But it still had an impact. This sort of meta acknowledgement would also coincide with having Rona earlier in the season comment upon how black women die first in movies – a trope that the show’s been obviously guilty of as well.
Not to mention that Kennedy was written with an effort to have her be more steeped in queer culture – something that the writers never really explored with Willow, and use Kennedy here to comment upon. But we’re also just talking about Willow’s experience and relationship to her sexuality in general, which is so nice???
Maybe if we’ve done this more and earlier, we wouldn’t have The Discourse in the first place…
I like the simplicity of it all too of what Willow says. She fell in love with Tara. That was it.
What makes the show strong, even when it might not be familiar with certain experiences, is that it knows its characters. That’s what they build upon with their themes too, and it’s what makes these stories work, regardless of anything else. So I like to think of this scene as a follow up on that, that also briefly ties into a greater context.
The part where Willow talks about her mom’s reaction to her coming out is also interesting, and something we’ve never discussed on the show before.
WILLOW:  “My mom was all proud like I was making some political statement. Then the statement mojo wore off and I was just gay. She hardly ever even met Tara.”
This isn’t all that surprising if one remembers Gingerbread though – Willow’s mom couldn’t even recall Buffy’s name. In season 3. So, of course she wouldn’t bother to get to know her daughter’s girlfriend of three years either.
Willow says that she didn’t mind though, saying that her and Tara were “private”. Which in a way is a callback to season 4, when Willow kept Tara and her relationship with her hidden from the Scoobies for months, saying that she wanted something that was only hers.
(“I am, you know.” “What?” “Yours.”)
But Willow eventually introduced Tara to her friends, and the latter became an integral part of their group. And yet when it came to her mom, she felt more comfortable with keeping these things separate.
…Or maybe it’s just that she felt distant from her mom in general, who never even tried to understand or connect with her.
In any case, Willow and Kennedy’s date ends up being surprisingly sweet. Especially when you consider that Kennedy essentially tricked Willow into the whole thing…
Let’s talk about Willow turning into Warren.
I think I already mentioned that there’s this possible interpretation of the Trio as a darker reflection of Willow in season 6, without getting too much into it.
I guess we’ll have to get into it now.
Let’s go back to the early seasons and Restless. What does Willow feel like her defining characteristic is at that time? What’s her greatest fear in college? How does she see herself even as late as season 6?
WILLOW:  “Let me tell you something about Willow. She's a loser. And she always has been. People picked on Willow in junior high school, high school, up until college. With her stupid mousy ways. And now? Willow's a junkie.”
Willow started out the show as a lonely nerd, who was motivated by wanting to be special and loved. Her and Warren were never the same, because Warren never had the self-awareness to temper his entitlement, but you can track some of the same patterns through both of them, coming from a similar place of insecurity. Like their need for control and power, and the lengths they’d go to maintain that.
And I think Willow had the self-awareness to recognize that. After all, that kind of ability of self-examination is one of the things that distances her from Warren in the first place. No wonder then that her subconscious chose this form of punishment for her upon Amy’s hex then.
The part that initially felt more clunky to me about this, was the misogynistic language. That was what signaled to us the fact that Willow wasn’t just simply appearing in Warren’s form, but was becoming him. And it felt decidedly extreme and non-Willow-y, and messed with the nuance of it all.
…Until I remembered the kind of language Willow would use in the earlier seasons to describe characters like Cordelia or Faith. It stuck out to me then as well, and in a sense, this detail now can be interpreted as a commentary on that, and Willow’s internalized misogyny.
But the crux of it all, the emotional gut-punch, ends up being about a whole different kind of connection that Willow feels to Warren.
Killing Tara.
WILLOW:  “No, she was never gone. She was with me. We should have been forever, and I let her be dead. She's really dead. And I killed her.”
Let 👏 Willow 👏 be 👏 happy 👏
See? There’s a lot of juicy stuff here to talk about and I love that. Not to mention that we finally embrace Amy as an Ethan Rayne-type of chaotic neutral villain foil to Willow, and it’s so good! So very good!
AMY:  “This is not about hate. It's about power. Willow always had all the power, long before she even knew what to do with it. Just came so easy for her. The rest of us, we had to work twice as hard to be half as good. But no one cares about how hard you work. They just care about cute, sweet Willow. They don't know how weak she is. She gave in to evil, stuff worse than I can even imagine. She almost destroyed the world! And yet everyone keeps on loving her? So what's wrong with having a little fun, huh? Taking her down a peg or two?”
It’s delicious. Even more delicious than the brownies Amy and Willow would bond over during Junior High.
On a less fun note, a lot of characters’ reaction to the idea that Willow would now be a boy is a bit… troubling. I’m not talking about the Scoobies here, who are mostly freaked out by the fact that it’s Warren, but things like the Wicca group’s reaction for instance. Like, they aren’t even reacting to the story of how Willow was hexed yet, they’re just being weird about the idea itself that someone they knew as a girl is now a boy. As if that was out of the realm of possibilities.
Meanwhile in one of our other side-stories, Spike’s chip is malfunctioning, so he and Buffy are trying to contact the Initiative to ask for their help (Sarah Michelle Gellar also lost her voice at some point it seems), and the rest of the gang think that Giles might be dead and the First, so they go on a road trip to investigate.
Overall, there’s plenty of flaws to be found with this episode. The themes of Willow turning into Warren don’t actually get fully explored, and scenes like Willow buying the gun are just super weird for it. Ideas like the fairytale kiss are just clunky. And yet, The Killer in Me also got to me, and provided me with tons of stuff to dissect.
So, much like with the Willow/Kennedy relationship, I can’t be too mad about it.
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littlefirefox · 7 years
Why I ship the shit I ship
So,I know that shipping in general is a fangirl’s main thing.Basically,it’stwo people or characters that have a chemistry, fanon or canon that makes you super happy and giggly. I know that shipping characters is usually fine,because they aren’t real people, though people do fight over differnet characters.Then, there is shipping real people in the real world. I understand why morals are questioned, but if it does not directly affect you, then don’t bother. I realize that it’s hard to avoid people who ship IRL people, but that does not give you permission to be an asshole. 
Fandom communities are wide, broad and very diverse. You have artists, writers, bloggers, people who do all three, people who spectate, newbies, veterans and crack shippers along with many variations. It’s designed that way so that everyone feels like they have a place in a community. Fandoms are a great way to meet new people, observe writings from young writers and look at incredible art from all kinds of sources. So, why should a ship ruin your time.
I have many ships,as I’ve been in many differnt fandoms. Some, I stayed in a little but left, due to a new interest. Others, I am still in because I am so involved in the fandom or that I can’t get enough of it. Some fandoms I was in or currently are in right now, are: Thomas Sanders, Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays, Markiplier, Teamiplier, Hetalia, Free!, Attack on Titan, Harry Potter, Supernatural,Sherlock, Doctor Who and at one point, Twilight. As you can see, almost all of them contain real people, whether actors or not. I know for a fact! that YouTube especially, is kinda new in the whole Fandom thing, as it can be hard to create and maintain a captive audiance and keep that audiance to create a fandom around that. But,with it’s growing popularity, YouTube fandoms are growing bigger. And with bigger fandoms, come shipping fangirls. 
C’mon though, there are a lot of collabs and there are quite a few that make you smile, because there is a chemistry between the people. Little chemistries that blossom into amazinga nd pure friendships. These friendships lead to meeting IRL and collabing together in the same location. (I’m mainly talking about gaming channels here). Fangirls love a good chemistry, and they are pretty fricking good at finding a quality chemistry and blowing it out of the water. Soon, there’ll be fanart, fanfictions and posts about these encounters, ranging from fluff, to angst to smut and lemons. We all know it happens, so deal with it. 
Then, come the realists, who start bashing ships with facts. “They aren’t gay”, “They have girlfriends” and “Why are you writing abotu REAL people??” So what?! It’s make believe and for fun anyways! FanFICTION! Fiction is not real / parallel universes, where this stuff can become a reality. Trust me, we know it’s not real. That doesn’t mean we can’t dream and create universes to make it real. 
But, that is not what this is about. You all probably know this, since I’m writing this on Tumblr. This is about my ships (which I will list a majority of them) and then I will (try) to explain why I ship it the way I do without a lot of words.
My ships include the following:
Phan (YT) This ship is one of the most famous, but I don’t ship it as most do. I view this glorious ships as the cutuest and purest brotp ever. I’m talking plaonic I love you’s, forehead kisses and hand holding. This ship for me is fluff! Because they’ve known each other for a long time, I don’t doubt they tried dating, but I can’t see it working out. I feel with their bond, it’d be awkward for them, so they break up, and just stay as incredibly close friends.
Jelix (YT) A semi-rare pair of YouTubers jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie. This is also just an incredible brotp for me. Any collabs they do are super fun and engaging and they almost seem like brothers. The playful fighting and insults remind me of a brotherly feel to their relationship. I know that Jack is dating Signe and she is an incredibly badass girl with killer style, and I ship Septishu so hard! They are absolutely adorable together!!
Septishu (YT / IRL ) Oh. My. God! I can’t even begin to explain this ship. It’s super cute and super canon! Wiishu is an INCREDIBLE person, with the gall to keep up with the loud tennis ball that is Jack / Sean. She has an amazing sense of style and her make-up is always gorgeous. How can ANYONE hate this incredibly adorable Danish badass?! Plus, she has her own YouTube! Any videos she does with Jack are incredibly cute and sweet. 
Tythan (YT) This one will garuntee get me in trouble... Tythan. Oh, the newest (kinda) ship of Ethan from Crankgameplays and Tyler from Teamiplier. Two guys who (maybe?) live(d) together and appear quite frequently on Markiplier’s channel. But, there is a chemistry between the adorable Baby Boy Blue and Stone-Face Tyler. With subtle glances, a couple hovering incidents and a bunch of adorable interactions, how can you not like these two boys. They botha re incredible and sweet people who just wanna spread kindness. How I ship this,I still don’t know. It’s  mixture of lovey-dovey romance with platonic friends who just get along great! I just like seeing my bois together!
Crankiplier- A weird pair, but I like the weird ones. Basically, it’s just Mark and Ethan as their current relationship is. They get along great and Mark has said that Ethan impresses him, with his perservearance of not giving up on his YouTube channel. Plus, thei have great laughs together and their collabs are hilarious! 
Cranksepticeye- Another odd-ball. I don’t know why I like this pair. It’s just, fitting? Both loud bois with colored hair with a dedication to making their fans happy. Plus, they have somewhat similar mannerisms, like constantly brushing hair out of their eyes, and their loud and hyperactive personalities, along with steadfast morals. To me, it’s a mirroring thing and besides, my bois are precious. 
Septiplier-No, THIS one will definitelly get me in trouble... Okay, this originally wasn’t going to be on here, but I ship this. Now, before you get your panties in a twist, let me explain this. I love the friendship of Mark and Jack. The banter and the playful jabs are so funny. They have girlfriends and I only ship them as friends. Much like Tythan. The dynamic chemistry between them, plus the banter, their Prop Hunt videos and general collab videos are hilarious. I did ship it romantically at one point, but not the smutty lemons and that. Eck. I like pure things with dynamic characters that have great chemistry. Septiplier is dead, but their friendship lives on in my heart, because to me, that’s all they ever would be. 
HETALIA: I should say this. All of these ships are based around Fanon only, as I’m not a fan of the show itself. I really love the fanon universe that’s been created.
RusAme- Shut up. I like a good, conflicting pair! A lot of good angst, and headcanons. These two are such a power couple.
FrUK- SIBLINGS!! I don’t ship this romantic. Their pasts are too deep and troubled for them to be romatically in love in my book. 
USUK- SIBLINGS!! See FrUK for the explanation. 
Spamano: A fiesty Italian matched with a lovey-dovey Spaniard who has a great ass? Sign me up! A pair tha’s dynamically opposed, hell yeah!
GerIta- It’s canon. You can notprove it too me othewise.
ScotEng- https://www.youtube.com/user/KamisWorld94 There ya go. These two (German??) cosplayers have created these characters so beautifully that I can’t help but NOT ship them.
AmeCan- Brotherly Love. Grown up together under heavy Native American influence until the British and French came, but still raised in similar ways and are the best bros ever!
DenAme- Two hyperactive, silly adults with the enerdy of 6 year olds? Yep! Two stubborn men with morals, a love for showing strength and then silly antics? Sign me up!
PrUK- Bros. I fully believe in the Head Canon that these two were twins. yeah. 
SpUK- Pirate. Days. 
Awesome Trio- Beer? check. Three men with childish energy levels? check. A home alone? check. Crazy, drunken antics? Sign me up!
SANDERS SIDES: Aka the zany personalities of the amazing Thomas Snaders
Polysanders- Because I love the idea of the aspects of Thomas loving themselevs and each other.
Drarry- Shut up. I can’t help it! I’m a slut for contradicting characters finally resolving all their hate for love instead, finding out that being gay is okay, and that they are happier. (I’m also a slut for 8th Year Drarry. Huh! be still my beating heart!)
Harmony- Come on! These two get along like brother and sister. Hermione always worrying about Harry, Harry making sure Hermione has some fun. He usually sticks with Ron on arguments, but he does side with hermione when Ron’s being and arse. They watch out for each other, and in thd Deathly Hallows, when Ron leaves and Harry tries to cheer her up? That was super pure and I love their relationship. 
Ginny X Luna- Cute lesbians both underestimated by others? YES!! Luna helps Ginny be a little more girly and Ginny helps Luna with her hexes. Ginny definitely is the protector, but Luna’s in Ravenclaw for a reason. She’s super witty, and exceptionally clever, with music. Plus, Luna and Ginny having sleepovers where they braid hair and just chatter are my achilles heel!
WolfStar- What? Come on! I love Maruaders so much! I would pay a lot of money, to have a Maruader’s universe series, written like Casting Moonshadows. That fic is a blessing on this Earth!! Plus, the YT group, Mishcief Managers have a to die for Marauder’s universe and even a killer Drarry storyline!
Notice: I am not tagging any of the people mentione din this for good reasons. Many of them have said that they do not want to be tagged in shippy stuff that’s about their friends. At least, that’s what I’m trying to prevent. I love them all, because they are all amazing people, so don’t be douchebags and tag them. (What I mean is by @ ) I will tag the various ship names, and fandoms.
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shostakobitchh · 8 years
Your angst gives me life. Did you ever wrote a prompt of Severus' reaction to his little girl dating? Just something short, you know. (could you, please---?)
I have the 7-time requested Dariel Yule Ball AU and Snape-reaction STILL in the works (i was supposed to post in Valentine’s day but then school threw a brick at me) so that’s coming at some point. and then there’s MAD backup from other asks that I want to get through but I can definitely do something lil until the dariel AU goes up! sidenote that I am using an unnamed boy for this scenario – enjoy friend Xx
She had not expected silence. 
That’s all there was, in the space between them. There were other things too, swirling about. Anxiety, fear… she was pretty sure shock too, but mostly on her dad’s side. He just… wasn’t moving. 
“Dad?” Ariel tries timidly, raising her hand. His own is lying flat on the desk, and while she wants to touch it, she’s afraid that once they make contact, he’ll shatter into a million pieces. 
He inhales – Ariel does the same, letting her lips quirk upwards. His face is still unreadable – blank and smooth, like he’d hit the reset button inside his head, and he’s a completely different person. 
“Where?” Her dad finally grinds out – his voice sounds like it’s been through a shredder. 
“We’re going for a walk.” Ariel widens her eyes – she’s trying to look as innocent as possible, but she’s beginning to wonder if it might be having the opposite effect. “Around the lake. Nothing special.”
“I see.” His voice sends shivers up her spine – I see is Severus-Speak for he’ll be dead before dinner. 
“We might bring a picnic too.” She winces. “I just… it would be nice to do something… semi-normal after everything that’s happened.” 
Severus exhales – he’s been holding in that breath while also speaking. “Surely there are other activities to entertain yourself with if you want to feel… normal.” 
“I’d like a new kind of normal.” 
“Then perhaps you should invest your time in learning some new Hexes you can utilize against –”
Ariel gives him A Look and he stops speaking. He scowls, looking incredibly drained, like she’s just told him that she wants him to buy brand new Nimbus’ for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. 
“You don’t need a boyfriend.” Her father says instead. “You’re better off without one.” 
She quirks an eyebrow, intrigued. She’s never heard this point before. “How so?” 
“Boys are idiots.” 
Well, yes, Ariel knows this. She doesn’t need her father to tell her that, and he knows it as well. So why is he wasting his time telling her this? 
Her eyebrow travels further up her forehead, and Severus growls. 
“Boys will… not show the same… restraint.” He says, and she is now confused. “Restraint?” Ariel asks. “As opposed to what? In what context?”
“In your context.” 
Ariel has no idea what this means. She tries running it through her Severus-Decoder, but it’s jammed up with the level of vagueness he’s functioning on right now. He’s being purposefully obtuse, and she doesn’t quite understand why. 
“If you’re trying to discourage me,” Ariel crosses her arms. “it’s not going to work.” 
“I’m not trying to do anything.” Severus says in a voice that says Yes I Am. It’s all the more infuriating, because he’s being obvious about that, but not about whatever he’s really trying to say. 
“What do you want, Dad?” She sighs, defeated. “Are you forbidding me to go?”
“I’m not going to chain you down here, if that’s why you think.” Severus snaps. “You’re a bright girl – you have a head on your shoulders. I should hope that you know what I expect of you.”
Ariel blinks. “You’re letting me go?” 
“I’m not in the right frame of mind to scrounge up a reason to bar you down here.” He does not sound happy about this. 
“I… alright.” She’ll take it – it’s a whole lot better than the screaming match she’d prepared herself for. “Thank you.” 
Severus nods – it’s so forced that he looks like a marionette, being forced to bow his head like someone is holding the strings. Ariel gives him one last lingering look before she stands. 
“Ariel?” He calls in a rough voice once she puts her hand on the doorknob – she hides her smile.
She turns – her chest feels light and heavy at the same time. 
“If he hurts you,” Severus says in a low, scary voice. “I will kill him.” 
It’s a very real threat, but it nestles underneath her heart, and she smiles at him. The furrow of his frown smooths, and as she walks out the door, she pretends not to notice the Disillusioning Charm he’s placing on himself. 
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