#i am feeling so normal about this color scheme
phenikas · 7 months
SO IN CASE REQUESTS ARE OPEN cAn i PLEASEEEE get a Zane Flynt x Rhys Strongfork render 🙏🏽 please pretty please
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!!!! here they are!! also I still can't believe how small Rhys is compared to Zane??
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doobea · 6 months
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synopsis: Being a college student sucks. Having a crush on your best friend also sucks. Your best friend having a crush on your other best friend is . . . kinda the worst. In which, Reo is hopelessly in love with you but you’re hard crushing on Nagi.
contents: second lead syndrome feat. fem!reader & reo, heavy narration in the beginning as per usual whoops, also in an au where bluelock never happened LOL, grandparental meeting, reo x stardew valley vibes, of course y/n and reo get together duh, nagi's been shipping them together since high school word count: 3.9K a/n: FINAL PART OUT YAY :3 thank you for joining me on this journey hehe this was also my first time attempt of writing reo so hopefully his characterization went ok ;-;
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VEGA -> prev.
You get the feeling that Nagi is up to something, after a while.
Well, Nagi is always up to something — gaming and dozing off, to be exact. This time, though, all of his attention seems to be fixated on you.
“That’s not your sweater,” he says, pointedly, one day, when you waltz into their apartment with a handful of pastries. You decided to make a detour trip to a local bakery earlier in the morning, carefully curating the palettes of the two males because —well— after that happened you felt like a small offering would be needed in a way. 
Like how many others delegate, the kiss was rather… confusing to all. Nagi doesn’t bring it up when you three all return back to festival grounds, nor does he bring it up to Reo when you finally go home. Reo’s been texting you like all things are normal, and you guess it’s because he doesn’t really know what to do either. Though, he’s been more endearing than usual over text, which you take as a sign that something is progressing.
Let’s just say that it’ll be weird for you to wake up without a ‘good morning, did you eat yet?’ text from a certain billionaire’s son.
Backstory aside, Nagi’s not lounging around for once. He’s leaning against the kitchen counter with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in his hands from a brand you’re not familiar with. Judging by its fine print font and pastel color scheme, you assumed that Nana stopped by not too long ago. And his gaze isn’t leaving your sweater. Whatever, you’re probably not wearing it correctly anyway. Stupid rich people problems.
“It’s Reo’s,” you say, lightly, and scoot by him to place down the baked goods. “He accidentally gave me his sweater when he returned my things, that’s all.” 
It wasn’t an accident. Reo had made sure to spray that sweater with all the cologne he had. The sweater is warm, comfortable, and smells just like him. It’s nice.
Nagi gives you a look. It’s not a strong look, but it’s obvious enough to make your cheeks heat up. “Uh huh,” he deadpans before giving you a full up-down. “You’re wearing it, though.”
“Yeah, I am,” you shrug it off, trying to pretend that you don’t understand what the big deal was. 
Okay, yeah, your best friend suddenly kisses you and now you’re rethinking about your life choices since high school because you were so sure that you liked his other friend. And the fact that you kissed back? Was that supposed to happen? And you didn’t wear this sweater today in hopes of Reo seeing you, nope that’s not it. Reo doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy because this sweater does all of that. It’s a comfort thing and Reo doesn’t bring you comfort… right?
You apparently have some cheesy expression written all over your face, though, and that causes Nagi to pinch your cheek to snap you back to reality. “Suits you,” Nagi decides to end the topic before shifting to the main subject. “Reo’s out this morning.”
“I wasn’t trying to see him,” you grumble out, eyes narrowing as you fix yourself a latte and adding way too many shots of espresso to fight off your internal turmoil. You add a large serving of caramel syrup to balance out the bitterness and then top it off with a heavy serving of whipped cream, sighing happily as you get a mouthful of the sugary concoction within the first sip.
Nagi simply shakes his head and drains the rest of his drink in one go. “Well, he’s been talking about you nonstop, if that makes—” Nagi stops in his tracks when he watches your ears perk up. “—you happy…”
At this point, Nagi probably thinks everyone is in on a poorly executed inside joke, except for him. He doesn’t like it, but what can he do? His two best friends are now awkwardly pinning each other and neither of them are sparing him any details. Then again, he’s not sure if he wants all the details. So, instead of poking a dead fish around, he exits to the living room and throws on a weekly series that he’s been meaning to catch up on. These past two months have been quite tiring.
You eventually join him on the couch, body now running on full blast of caffeine and loads of caramel. “Sei, tell me everything that he’s said, please?” and you throw out your best attempt at puppy eyes because you know that Nagi has always been horrible at saying no to these kinds of things.
But maybe getting a girlfriend has changed him, somewhat.
“You’ll hear it from him, eventually,” Nagi simply answers, smiling.
Of course, regardless of how many times you repeat yourself, Nagi would spit back the same response. Since when did he start caring for Reo’s secrecy all of a sudden? Pretty lame. You zone out when an action sequence comes on the screen and begin texting Reo.
‘where are you’ You text over a character monologue in the background.
‘At some stores, picking up last minute gifts for later.’ Reo replies back with a series of emojis.
By ‘stores’, you would only guess it’s nothing but high-end designer stuff. ‘Gifts’ implying that he’s buying multiple for your family and relatives. ‘Later’ is when the two of you will depart on visiting your hometown for the weekend because it turns out Reo was actually serious about taking up your off-handed comment.
‘i told you not to get anything!!’ You send an angry emoji right after. 
Nagi is absolutely reading over your shoulder, too, and if looks could kill, you’re pretty sure you’d be in a million pieces, burning to bits on the floor. “Got a hot date with Reo, huh?”
“Well, you didn’t want to come and we’re not dating…” you huff before pushing him away. “And stop reading my texts!”
“Don’t text while I’m watching my show, it’s distracting.” Nagi shoots back, and you don’t really have an argument for that.
Though, you just glare at him until he eventually backs off and you go back to texting Reo, a bit more subtly, talking about various expensive gifts that he can get instead of showing up to your family doorsteps with diamonds and silk robes. You haven’t had anyone from the city come visit your hometown, so you’re a little nervous to say the least. Especially since someone accompanying you is several tax brackets ahead…though Reo wouldn’t judge you differently. Because he likes you, in more ways than one. Fuck.
You’re ignoring a lot of things happening right now, and bringing him over to meet your family is making you feel weird. Ugh, whatever.
In the end, Reo ends up returning half of his purchases because apparently designer bags and jewelry won't serve your grandparents that well in their everyday lives. So he opts to buy them expensive fruits instead. Fruits are already expensive in the country, so when Reo showed up with boxed grapes that costed more than your current outfit, you could've sworn your eyes were about to pop out of your sockets.
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Reo should’ve known better than to wear anything remotely formal when he agreed to come visit your hometown. Tailored suits are expensive and difficult to replace and, from what he’s experienced within the past hour, the mud that’s been splattered all over his dress shoes and pants haven’t gone away no matter how much cleaning reagent he’s used so far. But complaints are off the table, no matter how much he absolutely wants to point out the sweltering heat and the lack of air conditioning in your home. 
The plane ride over wasn’t any better. You blatantly refused to use his credit card for first-class seating upgrades regardless how many times he’d begged you.
“It’ll only be a two hour flight, Reo. Plus, economy isn’t that bad.” You reasoned. 
Oh, but it was.
He’s a gentleman and gentlemen should always let others pick which seat they want first. Window seat was a non negotiable for you, and he didn’t really mind. What he did mind was the random stranger seated to his right.
Screen brightness — max.
Volume settings — max.
Chewing noises — sadly, also max.
It’s a miracle that he didn’t flag down an attendant and leave you for first class. Well, flight aside, landing happens and, inevitably, comes the next part.
“Are you enjoying your stay so far?”
Your grandmother comes into view, coming to Reo’s rescue with a sunhat and a bottle of water, and the basket next to her was already filled to the brim with all types of vegetable assortments from the garden. Reo graciously takes the hat and sips of the water before glancing down at his own basket, which is very much barren. He thought offering to help with harvesting will win him some brownie points, but he should’ve known how dirty it would get.
“It’s definitely different from what I’m used to, but it’s nice here.” He’s honest about the last part. 
The city doesn’t offer much in terms of parks and recreational activities and, despite the fact he’s pretty sure his button up is practically attached to his skin and that there’s probably a centipede (or two) crawling in his shoes, the whole nature thing is pretty serene. Your parents’ old home is a cozy cottage right off the side of the country road, surrounded by rice paddy fields with a wide range of mountains in the backdrop. Occasionally, Reo would see truck drivers making pit stops out in the front to either pick up a small shipment or make small talk with your grandfather — it’s completely foreign to him given that he’s so used to the stuffy business world. Seeing all of this makes Reo understand why some would enjoy a life of simple living and solitude. 
Your grandmother laughs. “We were afraid that you wouldn’t like it here.”
To this, Reo digs his hands back into the soil and pulls out a set of carrots in hands. “Sorry, did I give off that impression?” Says the boy who’s currently dressed head to toe in formal wear. Idiot. 
“Our granddaughter has been…” she trails off for a moment, finger pursed to her lips and head tilted, before finishing. “She’s been blowing up the family group chat about this trip for a while now. Safe to say she’s been worried.” 
Oh. That’s news.
Reo wipes off the puddle of sweat from his face and straightens his back. “It’s beautiful and peaceful here, you wouldn’t be able to get this back in the city. Everyone’s been really nice and the food,” he points down to the field. “You wouldn’t be able to get these without them costing an arm and a leg for the sake of being ‘organic’.”
“Sounds like you want to move here.”
And for the sake of earning those brownie points, “Yeah, I can see myself doing that one day.”
“Imagine that. Can’t stay away from our granddaughter, right?” she teases, and it causes him to do a double take.
She ignores Reo’s stammering and hands him a pair of gloves and a metal bucket. “Once you finish picking the rest, come meet me by the farmhouse, the cows need some attention.”
Reo might have to rethink his career path after this trip.
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“Can you tell your cousins to knock it off, please?” Your best friend is grumbling and hiding behind you for all things safety related.
One thing you forgot to mention, outside of the laborious work, is that your little cousins are an absolute menace to outsiders. The youngest one has been non stop terrorizing Reo around the house with a live grasshopper while the older one keeps throwing him glares and middle fingers. This has been going on right after dinner and Reo’s getting really sick of them and their chattering about how they hate seeing you with someone that needs ‘pampering’.
You huff and roll your eyes playfully. “You think I haven’t tried shutting them up?”
“Good point,” Reo groans from behind. He’s gripping your shoulders as if he’s on life support, shaking every time the youngest one raises the grasshopper closer. “Can’t you just give them an iPad or anything?”
“And what? So they can turn into those kids who stare at a screen all day? No thank you.” You tease, but you give your cousins a final stern look before getting to their eye level. 
Reo watches, silent but amused, as you pluck the insect out of the boy’s grasp and pinch his cheek with a light tug, not enough to shed tears but enough to cause him to yelp. You motion the older one over, who just grumbles under his breath but obeys anyway.
“Big sis, we swear we’re just playing together—” the older one starts, and you simply respond with a hard head shake.
“That’s not how we treat guests in our home. Last time I checked, you guys didn’t like it when I made you clean out the pig pen for fun,” you retort with a casual grin. “Time to head back to auntie’s place anyway, it’s way past your bedtimes.”
Both of them sigh in defeat, but that doesn’t stop them from throwing up a pair of middle fingers at Reo. Hey, down with the rich — they’re on the right track in life. And you know deep down they’re just looking out for you ever since your experience in high school, even if the hatred towards city folks is on the extreme side.
You’re stifling a laugh as the pair leave the house. Reo loosens his grip on your shoulders when they are out of ear shot and nudges your sides because you still have that damn grasshopper in your hands.
“Puke or cry in my house and I’m making you sleep with the cows tonight.” The threat is spoken casually, with a bit of affection to it, but Reo knows damn well it’s a valid threat.
“I’m not going to puke or cry,” he replies, haughtily. “And, for the record, I helped the cows earlier today so I’m practically their mother.”
“Oh yeah, thanks for that, you didn’t have to.” You gently toss the grasshopper out the kitchen window, making sure it landed on a patch of soft grass. “Grandma was constantly raving about you after you finished. Saying something about planning the next weekend trip together.”
“Yeah, might as well help around, you know?” Reo weakly chuckles and briefly looks down at his hands. What he doesn’t add is that his hands are going to be sore for the next few days and that maybe your grandparents think he’s going to move in with them in the future. Something of that sort.
“It’s not the worst idea,” You grin. The sun is down, and the stars in the sky are starting to poke through. You catch Reo trying to get a good look before an idea pops up. “My room has a pretty good view of everything, if you want to head up?” You would offer to lay outside but, considering that the ecosystem here offers much bigger bugs, you decided against it.
Unsurprisingly, Reo takes up on the suggestion.
Your old bedroom is sparsely furnished, and that’s intentional. Most of your personal belongings are currently at your college apartment. All that’s left is a full sized bed, an old boxy television with an equally old boxy stand, a couple of bookshelves stuffed full of children's books, and one of those large colorful beanbags by the window sill. 
It’s a nice bedroom, for all things considered. A lot more vibrant and has more character than Reo’s old bedroom growing up. From what he’s shown you before, his bedroom was almost a black and white minimalist’s wet dream. 
“It’s a bit dusty, hope you don’t mind.”
Your bedroom window has a nice view of the mountain side, and Reo’s quickly distracted by the swarm of fireflies and night stars as he quickly shoves his suitcase into the corner and settles on your bed without a second thought. 
“I like it,” He replies, in a careful, casual voice. And maybe it’s just your imagination, but you swear, your best friend sounds both anxious and excited, and maybe there’s a hint of nerves in there, too. Whatever it is, your stomach is back to doing those weird flips.
You try to think. You’re aware of several things right now. First, your best friend is making himself very comfortable in your bed. Second, he’s giving you a look, one that just screams some sort of smug superiority. Third, despite it being humid and warm in your room, you really just want to bury your face into his shoulder. Maybe you should climb in with him, look at the stars together, curled up and snuggling, maybe even run your fingers through his hair, and—
“So,” Reo interrupts and snaps you out of your strange reverie. “You’re sleeping on the floor, right?”
“Huh?” your voice is bleary, and your thoughts are kinda far off. Reo shuffles his way under your sheets and suddenly you put two and two together. “I saved you from those little demons and this is the thanks I get?” 
“I deserve it since I worked,” Reo sighs, dramatically, when you finally find the courage to sit down on the ends of the mattress. “Or did you want to share it together?” Tease oozes into his tone.
That last bit makes your heart skip a couple of beats. Alcohol wasn’t in the dinner mix and, even if it was, Reo would never be this bold in front of you. Perhaps there’s something floating in the summer air.
“Stop pretending that you live here,” but you eventually settle yourself underneath the blankets too, just on the other side to put some good inches in between.
Reo’s smiling, and that’s all that matters. It doesn’t bother you when he manages to hog all the blankets and the limited amount of pillows. He’s a gentleman, but also has his needy side that he’s not afraid of showing. Not to mention that he looks good in the dim lighting, even though he’s only been wearing one of your grandpa’s old t-shirts after working in the field. It finally makes the strange fluttering in your stomach calm into a steady, present warmth, and that’s maybe more problematic, but you don’t give it any real thought.
Reo speaks up after a few passing heartbeats. “Can I… say something?” 
You swallow thickly. “Go for it.”
It can’t be just your imagination, the way Reo’s mouth parts, just a little, the way his tongue is dating out to wet his lips. You’re leaning forward, hand reaching down between. You can’t stop looking at him. 
“I want…” Reo tries to say, but his throat is a giant lump.
“Reo,” You breathe out in response, head tipping, “If you keep looking at me like that, then…”
It comes in swift moments, with Reo pressed close, with both of your hips bumping together, with arms slung over the other’s shoulder. There’s been those moments of laughter, where it feels as if the whole world has faded away in a blur beyond the gaze of your best friend. It’s cliche and dumb, but you feel, in a way, that you’ve been looking at Reo for your life. And you have, really, because he’s always been there for you.
There’s a lot of things that Reo could say. They’re burning on his tongue, building in his throat, getting stuck there. He should just push them out, just say it. Or, maybe, he should say nothing at all, because that wonder and those answers are all reflected in your gaze.
Both of you are so close that he can make out every strand of your lashes. He can see the subtle shift of color in your eyes, the dark band increasing around your pupils, that slight nervous glimmer there. It’s got Reo’s heart pounding in his chest, hammering to be freed. He’s got one hand pressed into the small of your back, stroking there, slow and affectionate. His other hand is trembling, just a little, and he steadies himself bracing it against your cheek.
It’s got you shivering, and Reo realizes that you’re both a bit terrified.
“I want to be yours,” Reo might be nervous as hell, but he steels his voice, and brushes your lips together, he’s so close, when he talks. “I can’t think about anything else when I’m with you. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but—”
“Reo,” you take the initiative here, shifting closer, and settling your lips close to his neck. “It’s okay. I want you too.”
You take another inch forward and Reo allows it. Maybe you’re both getting more comfortable with each other. Maybe getting brave and feeling more grown up. Likely, it’s a combination of everything, and a good dose of ‘fuck it’s, from being young, and dumb, despite it all.
You’re not sure who leans in first but, before it even fully registers, his lips glide over yours. There’s some awkward teeth clacking involved, probably from the fact both of you are way too full of nerves over this, but Reo fixes it and begins to trace his tongue over the small opening of your lips. You move your hands straight to his locks, still damp from the earlier shower he took and the scent of lemongrass and citrus invades your nostrils.
Reo's kissing you as if he wants to swallow you whole. It's hungry, desperate, and intimate in a way that made your heart swell triple in size. The sounds of your beating chest floods your ears as he's pouring his emotions into the kiss, making sure that he's leaving behind evidence that his soul is yours to claim. The heat radiating off his body pulls you in, like an invitation, and you sink further into his touch.
After a moment, you pull back, hands still entangled in his hair.
“Your parents, aren’t you worried about—”
“I don’t pay mind to that type of stuff,” he presses a firm kiss on your forehead. “And you shouldn't have to either. That’s a future thing to worry about.”
That sounds good, you agree, but you’re growing too sleepy to voice it. Instead, you shut your eyes, reaching over blindly to find the edges of the blankets, tugging it up over you two. There’s really no way to move, without cramming at the edge of the mattress. You don’t care, and Reo doesn’t seem to, either.
“Hey, Reo?” You mumble as you both slip into silence.
“Yeah?” He’s tried, but awake enough to shake past the exhaustion, enough to form vague words. “What is it?”
You sit up, just a little, and it’s enough to inspire Reo to force his eyes open. You’re watching him, eyes intent, shining bright with emotion. It’s almost — just almost — enough to have Reo saying those three special little words. They’re right there, on the tip of his tongue, and only then he realizes that he’s terribly in love with you. He’s hopelessly in love. It’s way too early to say it, but he is.
You laugh, burying your face in Reo’s neck again, pressing a kiss there. “I’m glad that you’re here with me.”
Reo has hesitated a lot, during the past months. It’s taken him a while to get here. For once, though, awake or dreaming, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t hesitate. 
“I’m glad too,” he mumbles, and then, he’s dreaming, of endless what if’s and possibilities with you now in his life.
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
additional note: idk why it took me over a month to pump this out LMAO but i hope you guys like the ending bc i was mulling over this chapter so many times before deciding to end it as such... anyways, I WILL BE BACK INTO MY BLLK FIC GROOVE HEHE gotta focus on my milestone fics + that ice skating rin series next :3 i love you guys and thanks again for being patient with me ;3
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aleksanderscult · 2 months
What kind of "Alina" did Aleksander want?
I've seen so many different people in this fandom give their own opinion about how did the Darkling wanted Alina to be.
Did he wanted her meek, weak and obedient?
Did he wanted her strong and powerful?
So I took the liberty of creating this post to analyze this issue through his own words, thoughts and actions.
I know how popular the "Aleksander wanted her submissive by the way he put that collar around her" theory it but it doesn't really stand because:
A) we will never know how things would turn out if Baghra didn't approach Alina that particular night but it actually seems that he wanted to take her with him to the north.
“The key to the Shadow Fold is finally within our grasp, and right now, I should be in the war room, hearing their report. I should be planning our trip north. But I’m not, am I?”
He couldn't keep the truth from her forever so at some point of that journey he would definitely spill the beans to her.
B) he forcefully put the collar around her throat because she showed resistance at the worst possible moment. The Darkling had already set the wheels in motion: the King was slowly getting sick and the whole country (and most importantly, their enemies) would know it (so he had to work fast before anybody got any ideas of siege, rebellion or war) and he himself would have to show his true colors and plans. By having Alina slip away and act all dramatically with Mal was a blow to his plan and stomach since not only he had Alina as an enemy now but he fell for her so her rejection hurt him on a personal level.
(that weekend MUST have been the worst of his life)
He didn't want her to take that power unwillingly:
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Or steal her powers in a violent manner:
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He had little time and little patience. He worked his ass off for centuries and tolerated so much bullshit from the monarchs. He wouldn't allow her to foil his schemes. But it's also interesting how his feelings got in the way too and, therefore, acted impulsively.
But! How did he want her?
Well, the very fact that he grew up around a very strong, powerful and stubborn woman is an answer by itself. Baghra's influence definitely played its part if you look at this from a psychological point of view.
“It seems that most men are after a significant other that will essentially replace their mum.
A recent study by eHarmony has found that 64 percent of men are in a relationship with someone who shares significant personality traits with their mother. Fortunately, it’s totally normal from an evolutionary, psychological standpoint.”
Many studies have shown that plenty of men and women search a partner that resembles their mother and father respectively.
It wouldn't be surprising if Aleksander was the same given how many centuries he spent with his own mother and how much of an influence the latter was to her son in his childhood.
There is an abundant amount of proof in the books that Aleksander wanted Alina to be strong, powerful, to embrace her true self and believed that there was more to her.
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He thought of her as someone like him and could see himself in her, no matter how much Alina denied it.
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Baghra raised him to value power, so seeing Alina shy away from it is strange and peculiar to him. She has the chance to change everything and she seeks things that are beneath her. Aleksander can't fathom that because he doesn't believe that she's meant for something as simple and pathetic as this.
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He chastises her for the choices she makes and the wishes she has. She was destined to shine and be seen and here we are watching a girl trying to hide her potential.
If Aleksander wanted her submissive he would be glad to see her state in the beginning of S&S. She's weak, right? So a perfect victim to have that can't fight him back. But, in fact, he's furious, disappointed and unsurprised with her state.
Aleksander never wanted her meek or weak. He even admired her stubborness:
(there is a sense of admiration and annoyance here)
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BUT he never wanted that stubborness and ferocity to be directed against him:
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He even thought of her better than the men that surrounded her and believed that they couldn't measure up to her power:
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The aftermath of their battle in the chapel is extremely interesting because we see the Darkling showing a genuine admiration for her powers and how quickly she (sort of) mastered them:
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It also seemed that he showed understanding for the fact that she wanted to keep her freedom. Now that was a very good reason to fight him in his eyes. Since the Darkling himself believed in freedom and fought for it.
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And, of course, he offered her a throne at his side. He didn't mind sharing power as long as she wasn't an obstacle to his plans.
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He strongly believed in equality between them and according to the author he envisioned a future with her:
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In order to have someone to keep your power under control then that person needs to be as powerful as you.
And then we have him at his most vulnerable state confess that he didn't lie about equality after all:
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He talked about equality again and again. His disgust and anger every time he saw her weak from not using her powers was prevalent as well as his admiration every time she used her powers to their fullest.
The only thing in which he found her inferior to him was her knowledge of power. Which is understandable since Aleksander had much more time to understand it, study it and use it.
In RoW, his anger and disappointment for her state continues.
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1) He believed that she could rule as Queen and her life in hiding is not right for her.
2) He believed that she was meant to be powerful and strong and stood by that statement many times.
3) Didn't consider her life a worthy life at all.
The only character in the Grishaverse, the one that people keep saying that she wanted her weak, was the only one that wanted the opposite for her and considered her fate disgusting, wrong and tragic.
His plan of having Alina on an equal stand beside him continued in this book as well:
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Which means that he wasn't lying when he said that he didn't intend to make a slave of her.
And of course her stubborness was a trait that he found annoying and admiring at the same time. It showcased how strong-willed she really was:
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So according to his own thoughts and words, I would say that Aleksander actually admired her fierceness and determination. It showed strength and he found it attractive. In fact, it probably even enhanced his conviction that she was the right partner for him.
But he didn't want that hostility to be directed against him and his plans. Which is not weird at all because what kind of person would like someone to screw up his goals.
In conclusion: Aleksander was actually the biggest fan of "powerful Alina".
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tendebill · 11 months
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drew the ow strike team as paladins of voltron, because i am normal about them :]
(2 other versions and a fucking essay below the cut!)
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ok so im gonna give my reasoning for each of them
Reinhardt - the easierst to pick, the Yellow Lion is the most tank-like (besides the Black Lion, but thats cuz Black is the head + torso), also i think the legs of voltron are supposed to be the "pillars" that allow the team to work well, without them the whole thing crumbles (literally). from what i recall from the actual show, the Yellow Paladin is protective and loyal. Rein was the easiest to match up tbh (plus even the color fits lol)
Torbjörn - not my favourite choice, but tbh i dont think any other lion fits him? besides maybe Yellow, but Rein was too perfect so i couldnt give Torb that one. anyway, the Green Lion is the left hand. i consider the legs to be the "pillars" holding up the team, whereas the arms are the actual damage-dealers/the ones that act on what the leader commands. and as Torb is a dps, that fits just fine. hes not quite a leader, so being the left hand instead of the right is good. plus the Green Lion is inquisitive and curious, and since Torb is a genius, that fits just fine too. i thought he would look weird with green, since i associate him with red-orange-yellow the most, but he looks kinda nice
Ana - i was originally gonna make her blue from the get-go, but i thought it'd be silly to make the remaining three switch lions a bunch, so i can get an excuse to draw Gabe and Jack in multiple suits lmao. but Ana starts out as red, the right hand of Voltron, described as the most temperamental and aggressive. it requires a paladin that can keep up with it and works on instinct most of the time. i feel like Ana would have to BECOME the motherly figure for her team, instead of being one from the start. with that i think she would have been a more "lone wolf" type at first, only later on becoming more mindful of her teammates and how much they need her, which would lead to her becoming the paladin of the Blue Lion - a pillar that keeps the team going along with Rein, a vital part, but no longer in a leadership position. i've seen the Blue Lion described as a "free spirit" too, which i think is also perfect for her :3
Jack - for him i had three options, all of which fit him well: blue, red and black. and instead of picking one, i decided he was going to have three different lions :))) for shits and giggles. so he starts out as blue, a free spirit, very versitile (from what i gathered, the Blue Lion doesn't have a specific "thing" it specilizes in, but instead does a little bit of everything, kinda like Jack). i imagine Jack was the middle-man, an integral part of team-building. he would have been the one to push everyone to work together and follow Gabe's lead, but he was content being on the sidelines most of the time. eventually he takes up more responsibility, sees that he's vital for the team and that he can do more working side by side with Gabe, and so he becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Gabe's right hand man. then he of course slowly grows to be the actual leader, as Gabe's approach changes and he slowly abandons his original role, passing the command over to Jack. and so Jack's last lion is the Black Lion. also i feel like all three lions fit Jack's color scheme pretty well, so that's another win for me hah
Gabe - since he was the original Strike Commander, i thought it only natural that he would be the first to pilot the Black Lion. the pilot needs to be decisive, stay cool in the face of danger and be someone whose men will follow him into battle with no hesitation - all traits that i see Gabriel would have had to have during the first Omnic Crisis. like i mentioned before, Jack eventually becomes his second in command, and then slowly their roles start to shift. Gabe is no longer content in making decisions for the whole team, he probably also becomes more violent and reckless, relying on Jack to keep him in check. he loses his connection with the Black Lion and becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Jack's right hand man. the traits of Red fit him well too - aggressive, relies on instinct, temperamental, plus i imagine Gabe is the type to want to get things done as quickly as possible, no matter the risk, to save more people faster. plus, again, the colors match up yaaaay!
fun fact: i never finished watching voltron ^^
also i am truthing anahardt and reaper76 as we speak
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jesterable · 11 months
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am i danganronpa posting in the year of 2023? yes. i am. anyways sdr2 will forever be one of my favorite casts of characters and i love them all dearly. so i basically just drew all of them as stylized as i could. 
these were 90% done from memory except for mahiru bc i forgot what she looked like entirely besides her color scheme.
thought process for all of them under the cut in order of when i drew them
mikan: my brain went to that one sprite of her as it does. and she’s purple and honestly doesn’t have enough specific craziness to have more than one color so she’s very one-color 
kazuichi: very sharp. very square. very pink as well, but just pink didn't feel right. he has to have that gross green 
akane: i couldn’t see her colors being changed v much but not so much that its. too normal.
 teruteru: very proud of his face. he's very oval.  and still not crazy enough for many colors 
hiyoko: it was a very specific vision to have her with the UGLIEST yellow hair. also i don’t like the banana shape so i tried several other pigtail shapes to be normal about 
gundham: took me about 3 tries to get his drawing right. i still have a crush on him. he’s mostly magenta but i felt like that was too little so i gave him red eyes
ibuki: i am proud of her. needed her to look fucking radioactive 
sonia: silly girl! she's relatively normal looking but she is not a normal lady. very :3 coded 
chiaki: im sOOO proud of my color choices for her. idk why but the dull pink and blue combo is my fave. also i completely went off base with her design on purpose bc i don’t like her actual design. my girl is a GAMER. let her look like one. 
mahiru: i don’t know much about her i actually had to google just her so i knew what her hair looked like. ok bowl cut you eat that up! 
nagito: he’s fucking insane. don’t like how his hair looks ingame so i made it better. i also totally forgot his outfit if you couldn’t tell. love giving crazy people neon eyes 
fuyuhiko: made him accidentally smaller than the rest but i think it fits. baby face... little fucker 
peko: tried to make her colorful but at the same time incredibly gray. she gives gray to me. she radiates gray
monokuma: i don’t like the strictly black and white design so i might it alot more red, and just made all the extra bits bright fucking red 
imposter: i didn’t know what to do with him but my brain told me to make him orange so i did. 
nekomaru: originally he was just gonna be blue, but my brain was like no... give him a more prominent smile. so i did ! 
monomi: had to make her soo pink and silly coded... gave her a closed eye, a tongue out, and made her folded ear just tilted down a bit more. 
hajime: i tried to make him the most normal looking out of all of them. he just had to be.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
I have to confess that I don’t usually pay attention to the colours when I am watching any series. But I thought that it was interesting that while Ai Di was wearing Little Red Riding Hood’s costume Chen Yi was in a gray top and also otherwise was somehow very ‘wolfish’ with teeth-baring smile. He looked like he was ready to devour poor Ai Di.
ANON! You opened a flood gate!
Fun-ish Fact - In Taiwan where Kiseki: Dear to Me comes from, there was a group within the feminist movement in the 80s and 90s called the Little Red Riding Hoods. Their purpose was to call out the "wolves" and bring awareness to sexual harassment. There are several other academic reads on this subject but most are behind paywalls (boo!).
The story of "Little Red Riding Hood" is very symbolic of sexual development and aggression plus a ton of other stuff, so whenever Little Red Riding Hood pops up somewhere, I think "this is the work of a feminist!"
So I was THRILLED when I saw Eddie was our sinful yet sexually maturing protagonist while Bai Zong Yi played the dangerous and transformative antagonist.
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Many people's qualms with the couples is the age difference since it's anywhere from five to eight years difference (17 vs. 22?) which would paint Fan Ze Rui as the predator, yet Bai Zong Yi was the one who confessed his feelings first and initiated the intimacy between them.
Then, like you mentioned, there is Eddie, in his bright passionate red running back to Chen Yi who must rescue him from the gang of men trying to hold him back.
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But let's rewind! Eddie made fun of Chen Yi for being a virgin and unable to confess his feelings to his boss
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but Chen Yi haphazardly responded if Eddie was possible of teaching him . . .
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Then quickly dismissed the notion since Eddie is "too young to know it"
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This pissed off Eddie, so he hit at the true heart of this discussion - Chen Yi's sexual prowess.
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And that caused Chen Yi, who was too drunk to stand on his own let alone walk, to jump up and attack Eddie.
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And it escalated in Chen Yi sexually assaulting Eddie (non-consensual kisses are a form of sexual assault)
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Eddie fought back and ran away, leaving Chen Yi without any notice of where he was going or how long he would be gone, yet Eddie runs back to Chen Yi only to have to be rescued by him.
And Chen Yi smiled about it.
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In earlier tellings of "Little Red Riding Hood" before the Grimm Brothers' version, she rescued herself from the wolf. There was no hunter. So in a story that represents the dangers of sexually awakening and desire, having the lead save herself from the sexual predator is pretty powerful especially because it requires her to face her assaulter.
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Chen Yi isn't a horrible person, but if we apply the wolf character to him, the wolf attacked as a form of sexual dominance. Red Riding Hood is in the unknown forest, but the wolf knows the exact layout. The dark scary (sexual) unknown is his territory, so Chen Yi needed to prove to Eddie he wasn't impotent. He normally doesn't prey on Eddie who is younger and, if his questioning was intentional, is also sexually inexperienced. In fact, he rescues Eddie, several times. And he prefers Eddie to not appear as someone who needs rescuing.
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Yet Eddie is the one who suggests to Chen Yi to be a predator. Interestingly enough, in a similar color scheme, Eddie in red tells Chen Yi in darker blue, to knock their boss/father out and take him (assault him).
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Eddie goes a step further noting that Chen Yi is too weak (double speak for impotent) to knock him out; therefore, he will have to prey on him when he is older and weaker because only then will Chen Yi will be stronger (experienced), which is the reason the wolf eats the grandma first since she won't fight back.
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To which Chen Yi responds by telling Eddie to "grow up"
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All of this rambling is simply to say that out of all the fairy tales to incorporate within the show, the one about maturity, sexual acts, and consent was the one used, especially when Eddie willingly volunteered to be Little Red Riding Hood who must grow up, deal with his conflicting sexual autonomy, and understand responsible ways to act on his desires.
Because suggesting Chen Yi attack someone deemed weaker did not work out well for either of them.
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thehotelpod · 8 months
It's October and that's all the reason I need to celebrate Izzy lets go!!!
I could talk for an hour about how Izzy's art and playlists spoke to me and why I just HAD to have him do our art, but that's another post for another day. For now lets talk about a few of the early pieces.
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his first official piece for us. The bonus episodes and the corresponding postcards was a it of an experiment (it's experiments all the way down) and we were all so impressed with this that we just had to figure out a way to hire him. I was on the phone with Pacific when he saw it and I could practically feel the shock when the colors hit him.
More under the cut, don't forget to follow @filthyguts!
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4.10 Audrey Burns
(I AM WORKING ON THE LETTERING) the fisrt normal episode piece. I had no idea what was coming my way, Izzy's style is strong at its core, but the fringes and fiddly bits have such nuance and flavor. Popping colors, photobashing, giant expressions and poses, and a rare smile from our boy. He's dressed in the Hilton uniform because that's what this Hotel was based on. This one has a real Stinky Cheese Man vibe.
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4.11 The Owner - V
a rare sequel episode that ties in directly with S1. Izzy really got to play with the composition, breaking it apart with the characters themselves (notice the V shape!) and infusing it with the chaos of the episode, but unified by color scheme. More photobashing (is that what its called?) and a rare view of his Hotel herself design. I love the his Owner so much. Them little grabbers!
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4.12 X - X
Originally titled "? - ?" but changed because that's unpronounceable, this one is very popular on our store. Lobby Boy clutching the title and the Owner made of Hotel photos (ELEVATOR BUTTON ARM!) reinforcing the helpless power the characters have over their environment. That smiling crazed face is exactly what I pictured in season 1, and something about the colors and texture reads as fish scales to me it's like the Manager is here too (fish!Manager enjoyers unite)
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4.12 Judy Blashy
One of my very very very favorites. The whole cast together, and though they all wear masks of fear you can still get their character dynamic in an instant (i like how the LB is in front of the Manager--Izzy has always understood that he is not fragile fine china that could shatter at any moment, but a mongoose under the house who doesn't like loud noises). Madam Hotel's mad, gap toothed grin, her room number earrings, her NECK LOOK AT HER NECK!!! and of course a great big splash of blood where the Owner smooshed her (mirroring the Managers head getting bonked in S3, and don't get me started on people losing eyes) I love that when we added the Goosebumps frame he drew some more blood flying out over it, always reinforcing that breaking of what seems like real boundaries effortlessly.
That's it for now, go follow Izzy anywhere you can, he posts art all the time and it's always incredible (I don't even know who Kira is but I sure like the way Izzy draws him)
Thank you Izzy, you are a rock star and I cannot and will not imagine what the Hotel looks like without you!
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herearedragons · 2 months
Fan Work Saturday Sunday
I got featured in @dungeons-and-dragon-age's post, so I'm doing this also!
Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
I am going to bend the rules a little because I want to show off stuff both from the Dragon Age and Pillars of Eternity fandoms, so it's going to be two fanart recs and two fic recs, actually.
Fanart rec #1: @dungeons-and-dragon-age
Specifically the June tarot card. I don't know what it is but its muted colors and scratchy textures have captivated me. Somehow you got a digital piece to look like an actual scratched up collectible card someone scanned and posted online? Also it's just a really solid design, I wouldn't question it for a second if I saw this on a book cover or something.
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Fanart rec #2: @ederteylegc
For this list I am asking myself "which fanart pieces live in my head rent free" and no one should be surprised that for Pillars of Eternity my answer is Edér fanart. It's just. I love it when a piece of art conveys an idea in shapes and colors and this one does Just That. I really like how it shows The Parallels and I like the color scheme and I like how this just straight up looks like a comic book page.
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Fic rec #1: @curiouslavellan
Listen, I have to mention See Fire, And Go Towards Light.
I did not expect to like this fic as much as I do. Like, I expected to like it a normal amount, as in "cool, I get to read about the journeys of my mutual's blorbo! this will be fun to tune into every now and then".
I was not ready for how much I ended up liking the writing itself and the way the main character is written? Her POV as a Tranquil is more distant, but she makes interesting observations about how other people behave around her, and her non-Tranquil POV is just really lovable. The word "immersive" is used for basically anything these days but that's how I would describe the writing in this.
Fic rec #2: @solas-backpack-mug
First of all, I should probably mention that solas-backpack-mug also has an excellent selection of Pillars of Eternity fanart (especially of their ocs Rangi and Asaria, which are technically kind of the same person, it's complicated) in a variety of mediums and fresh home-grown memes.
That being said, I am going to recommend this short fic about Asaria's death, just because I really liked it. If you know the plot of POE1, it's a fun read that does justice to Thaos' whole ominous manipulative deal, and kind of feels like a flashback you would get from touching a relic that used to belong to the unfortunate POV character.
Tagging: everyone mentioned in the recs who hasn't done this yet! Pretty sure that everyone else I can think of has been tagged already.
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subskz · 3 months
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Am I supposed to feel normal about this????? WHEN I SAID YENIE WAS A CATBOY AGES AGO?????
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pretty kitty in purple...
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pretty kitty in purple!! i love when they dress jeongin like an eboy it suits him so well <3 this is skaterboy yeni and kitty yeni all in one! the color scheme reminds me a bit of kuromi too 😽
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and ofc how could i forget ur catboy innie ask that rocked me to my core…i’ll never be over the way he leans into seungmin’s hand in that clip
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Mer fic has been read and thoroughly enjoyed!! \o/
I simply love how you adapted the world to an underwater environment! From the weapons and the ways of life, to the way the vocabulary shifts in the vigilante’s inner dialogue that reflects how they perceive the world!
Of course, we start off with y/n being very smug about sabotaging Eclipse hehe XD Which thankfully, despite his later arrival, was not in vain since the weapons seem to be now unretrievable. Too bad this deal was important enough that the boss himself arrived to see it through.
And oh. My goodness.
Mer Eclipse does not hold back! However, he does indeed hold, as the vigilante can attest to gflñghfd I mean, tentacles are after all pure muscle. And this guy has no problem showing how strong he is, seeing how he both just outright threw his trident so hard it got stuck into a rock wall, and then effortlessly got it out of it too. (I am very normal about that by the way glfkdgjl) And I have a feeling Main verse Eclipse would be ecstatic to leave as many marks as this one did in one go oof. 
(sidenote: I love that he refers to them as Pearl, because it makes so much sense with their pearly scales! Oh and I love that you kept the black and white color scheme so characteristic of them!)
And ahhh it fits so well that he is an octopus like mer! With how touchy he is, and I’ve said before how he is so imposing and takes space and attention, so this form definitely lets him do that physically at a next level! But I also kept thinking how an octopus can technically fit itself into very tiny spaces! So what if y/n at one point is fleeing from him and gets through a tiny fissure that they are sure Eclipse’s massive figure couldn’t go into, but then surprise! Not only is he squeezing through, he’s doing so with ease and there is a wide sharp grin approaching very fast as he claws at the walls for momentum and y/n can only hope there’s an exit they can find at the other side… 
(But I digress, back to the fic XD)
He seems even more willing to use lethal force against y/n too!It really seemed he was going for a join me or die approach, even if the vigilante was assuring themselves that he wouldn’t. Even I was unsure for a moment there, whew!
And oh, that was so smart how they used their own blood to entice him into listening to them. With how blood stays in the water I can only imagine Eclipse has had more than enough encounters with y/n to grow addicted to the smell of theirs. Freaky but useful to entrance him enough to make him more agreeable. Though I can’t see that working next time with the way he delivered that ultimatum.
And then aaaahh!!! Sun and Moon!
(Oh but before I get to that, I really like the way you handled the conflict of the two sides that were originally humans and animatronics, with the humans being the sunlight mers, and the animatronic being the twilight mers, though that really has me itching to know the backstory for the celestial trio!) 
I laughed at Sun’s exasperation at having a wide open entrance but y/n chooses the cool risky one XD I know they were trying to not get detected, but to Sun it must look like so extra for no reason other than to show off (and you just know he loves it all the same >:3c). And he glows gold!! That’s so fitting and so cute and he really shines like the Sun!! And smart as ever, he does not let the vigilante brush off what happened so easily, and even manages to get them to rest when they obviously wanted to go in and out. But also as fluster-able as ever too with that cheeky bed comment gfkdhgkfdjhg
And oh my gosh, the part that caught my attention the most with Moon was when he was warning y/n about getting involved (more than they are) with Eclipse and y/n responded that “he can’t hold me”, while guiding Moon to hold them. And ahhh that means so much, because it’s a silent way of telling him “you can, though.” Him and Sun, because Sun was also asked to stay when they were lying down for rest and aaaaahhh that has my heart melting into a puddle. But also Moon’s defeated “you are going to leave” had me clutching my chest a bit. I know he probably knew that the moment he went for the snapper they would be gone but aaagh you can just hear the yearning and so many things unsaid in that statement.
As a final note, I adored how you incorporated the similarities between the three brothers! The fact that Sun shares the same venomous spikes that Eclipse does (and yet they do not worry y/n as Eclipse’s do), and that Moon has a crown of tentacles he hides, that Eclipse also has (and I wonder if he hides them specifically to not make their familiarity obvious, since spikes might be common among the mer, but maybe tentacles surrounding the head is a bit more specific?), and not to mention the photophores that are in a similar pattern to Eclipse! Since they are organic in this Au, this means they very well can be birth brothers, with Eclipse inheriting both the traits of which Sun and Moon got only one each. But since he has the octopus theme and Sun and Moon have tails, I wonder if in this one he also did adopt them at first and they are just similar species and the photophores sync with those they have chosen as family? Hmmmm, this au has me thinking so many possibilities about how they grew up!
…And god dang it now I have the image of a baby octopus mer Eclipse and then an older but still young one being responsible for baby mer Sun and Moon and why does my brain give me cute when I just read this man do what he did XD
Anyways, I loved reading SJ mermaid style, Naff! Amazing work as always! <3
Ahhh, Chaotik! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, babe! ♥
Thank you! I love writing about a mer Y/N, especially with the vigilante, and it was so fun to figure out the little tidbits in the ocean.
Ah, yes, unfortunately for the vigilante, twilight mers have great strength. I didn't work this line into the fic, but Y/N would never dare try to throw their trident for the fearing of not having it in their hands and that they don't have the strength to throw an object like that through the water at a strong enough speed. Eclipse, however, can.
EEE thank you! I wanted to keep the vigilante's essence as much as possible hehe
Oh gosh, with Eclipse squeezing into a narrow space because of flexibility, your comment made me think of this meme:
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Eclipse was a bit upset when he found out what the vigilante had done, to say the least. He wanted to make it known how he felt. You're right to be concerned about the same trick not having the same effect next time around ;-;
Ahhh, I'm really glad the human/animatronic conflict translated well to the sunlight/twilight mers! I had to think about how to go about it to keep the prejudice against the boys and figured that would do the trick.
Sun and Moon are doing their best, and oh, how they endure their sweet little vigilante! I'm glad Sun's light hit well and Moon's little comments had an impact, ahhh!
Okay, I'm so glad you're curious about the boys' backstory and talked about their physical similarities because I've been itching to talk about it! I'm going to tuck it under the read more as I warn that it involves Death and Sickness.
The boys' mother is Comet and the boys' father is Quasar.
Comet is an octo twilight zone mer. She has deep purple and dark blue flesh and yellow suckers. She also has heterochromia eyes, one of red and one of blue, and black sclera. She has tentacles on the back of her skull and her face has a crescent marking.
Quasar is a fish twilight mer. He has pale yellow and silver flesh, broad fins adorning his long tail with a crescent-shaped tail fin, golden scales with scarlet patches like stars, venomous spikes crowning his head, and yellow irises and pale sclera for his eyes.
The twilight zone is a dangerous place, even for the mers that inhabit it. Predators, wicked mers, and the darkness prove lethal to even the most skilled and adapted.
Comet and Quasar loved Eclipse, and he was so clingy as a babe. He had the rare inheritance of both of their head features. Eclipse doesn't remember this time except for the vague care and tenderness that permeates dreams. It was happy.
Quasar was killed by a gang of twilight zone mers before Sun and Moon hatched. Comet did everything to take care of her children alone, at times going hungry but ensuring her little ones had full bellies.
Comet taught Eclipse to always take care of his little brothers. She made certain that he knew that he and Sun's venomous spikes could never hurt anyone they were related to by blood. She also showed Eclipse how to tuck away his head tentacles and that one day, they'll show Moon how to do the same as well.
Eclipse always had a deep connection to his baby brothers, gazing at them in his mother's arms as she cooed and sang lullabies. Eclipse missed his father terribly, but his mother's expectations made it clear that they would make it, they would survive.
A few years later, Comet became deathly sick while they were still young. She instructed Eclipse to go to the Reef to ask for aid. He took his still baby but not-so-small brothers with him. When they ventured to the edge of the corals, they were met with scorn and chased off before he ever had a chance to beg for medicine for his mother.
When he returned, she was laying still, cold, the current tugging on her weightless body.
Eclipse took care of his brothers, finding food and shelter, keeping them safe from dangerous mers and hungry predators alike. His hatred for the Reef and the sunlight zone mers festered, and Sun and Moon longed to escape the darkness, and at last, things changed. The twilight zones could live among the sunlight zone mers.
Eclipse couldn't stand it. Sun and Moon tried to convince Eclipse to leave the darkness behind and stay with them, but he wouldn't.
Tragic backstory aside, baby octopus mer Eclipse is very cute, and oh, he did take care of his younger brothers. Though they have different body types, that never separated them. It was Eclipse's choices later in life that tore the family apart, but they all survived. Eclipse made sure of that.
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gaypyro · 8 months
Rating the New Champions Variant Covers
So marvel recently revealed a bunch of Varient Covers of "What if every hero had a sidekick/youth counterpart" and while I love most of the designs, some definately are better then others
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I hate the Vision Design and I dont know why. Something just feels fundamentally off about it/ Maybe its the fact its a pitch white, skintight 8 year old? Maybe its the posing? The Debris? IDK Man is feels weird.
These two get paired together for a single reason
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It's just Billy and Teddy. I love Billy and Teddy, their some of the only actual Gay Men in Marvel, but come one guys. Certainly you can do a young Dr. Strange and Young Hulk thats different? Strange goes higher if only because I like the art more, the Young Hulk I just dislike entirely
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Speaking of uninspired, the only reason Miles is above Billy & Teddy is that at least shes a different gender then her mainline counterpart. Other then that its probably the laziest design here. Also, you may notice the webbing seems off, that will be a recurring trend here where limbs or background elements were layered improperly or something.
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I actually really like this character design. It looks like a fun character in a superhero elementry school spin-off book. The only issue um... thats Storm. Its the next gen Storm and she's white. That's basically my only issue, and why shes above the 3 I actively somewhat dislike designwise, but... Storm is one the premiere Black Superheros. Having her next gen counterpart be white feels so weird. I
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On one hand, I can 100% see normal Deadpool wearing this. On the other, the My Boy adds way to much charm for me to rate it with the other uninspired ones, and at least I dont feel like its whitewashing anything. We are at the point where I'd unironically love to see any of these designs in a book, even if its an Elseworld instead of main universe one.
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Teen Female Wolverine has been done to death, but I do like how this one goes for a more monstrous Angle compared to Laura and Gabby. The tattered, beast up costumes, beastial feet, large Ponytail giving off the deelling of a mane, nasty looking teeth, and BONE CLAWS very much makes it feel more like a feral forest mutant then the more clean, assassin design Laura had.
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The big thing I like here is it isn't a reimagining of Carol Danvers current, captain marvel outfit, but her Miss Marvel ones. We already have Kamala for a new gen version of Carols current design, so a reimigining of the old one, in a way that doesn't feel super fetishy is nice. First I thought it was a dude, but it might be a girl? Unsure.
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I really love this design, but it doesn't really scream Black Panther... and I honestly dont care. I love bright colors, makes my brain go byr, and the fact she has a completely different powerset most likely intrigues me.
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I have a weakness for fishpeople of all types ok? I find the designs naturally appealing. Even still, Starlord's Chibi Starfish Successor is neat, but not amazing. The ideas done a lot better later on.
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He looks like he is having so much fun with his Mentor. I also like how, unlike everyone else, Black Cat's Apprentice is kinda chubby. I don't know man he just seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang out with at college.
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Whats better then a succesor to one hero? a Succesor to TWO HEROES! The Captain America Succesor I feel very much has some elements of Wasp design, and I always am down for High Tech Wingspans even if they weren't intentionally going for it.
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Instead of being the Scarlet witch they made her the Magenta Witch. All in all I just really like the sorta sorceror design, especially the chosen color scheme. Also ghostly mystical fire is fun you should follow it into the swamp.
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Listen I love this design. Its in the top 10 for a reason but man... that arm. Every time I see the image I cant help but notice how insanely small his arm is, like he was supposed to have both arms resting but they decided "Have him twirl a stake so people know its blade."
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Moon Squire is here to kick ass and pass third grade math! I just like the Cowl mixed with baseball cap design lol. Moon Knight always fucking kills it with the drip though so im not surprised.
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A Friend told me It's Gwen Tennyson cosplaying Magneto and now I cant not see it. I do like that shes implied to have a different powerset then Eric as well, always fun when they did that.
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The better Chibi Venom. Only missed the top 5 since I dont think he'd be able to carry a book as the main protag, he is the perfect sidekick though. Just this mildly creepy cutie pootie handing with the fairly creepy Symbiote. After Extreme Venomverse shouldn't be surprised the Venom varient is amazing, but I am suprised thats the direction they went.
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If Next Gen Storm and Next Gen Moon Knight are in the Elementary School book, Wee-Hulk is the main god damn character. She's just a very fun little kid hulk, I especially love how shes doing the Iconic "She-Hulk holds a Car Above her head" pose with an electric scooter.
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Listen, Non-Binery Latin America Iron Man with the Criminally Underused Grey Armor design is great. They gpt Green Hair, Pronouns, and the backing of Americas #1 Arms Dealer, ready to take on the world!
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The Thing has become one of them Yancy Street Kids, and the Fantastic Four are his gang. I just love the design, Spiky Rock person is always a favorite of mine.
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Miku Ghost Rider. On Roller Skates. With a fucking Hellfire Flail. I am imagining she has an entire like, Magical Girl Transformation Sequence whenever she transforms, just with a lot more demons and fire then normal.
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Listen, I get it. Legs dont bend like that. She is objectively less creative then the last 3 or 4. But, I like Crows. I like Ravens. I like Thor. And this Thor looks like she wont take any of Odins BS when he goes shit dad mode.
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I’ve heard that having a vivid, picture filled way of thinking can be common in Autistic people.
However, I cannot see anything in my head. I believe this is called Aphantasia.
Sometimes it can become a bit difficult to relate to other autistic people because they talk about this colorful, imaginative, diverse way of thinking with pictures only. And I just don’t have that. However, I do have an inner dialogue that is practically all over the place. I often have trouble doing tasks, paying attention, sleeping and listening to people because of my inner dialogue and usual disinterest.
To make this a question, I ask if you have any information on the possible cross between vivid picture thinking and Autistic individuals. On top of that, what’s common for ADHD thinking? (I have my theories about having Audhd myself)
The first point I need to make: Autism is a spectrum. Yes, many autistic people report thinking in pictures, but that doesn't mean other ways aren't possible!
Media always portrays stereotypes & extremes. Cognitive thinking styles vary just as much between autistics as in allistics.
Visual imagination varies from person to person, allistic or autistic. While some people picture thoughts as images in their minds, there are people who do not or just very little. On one end, there are “aphantasics” who can’t visualise images at all or very little.
On the opposite end are “hyperphantasics” with hyperphantasia, who have an incredibly vivid imagination, so strong it’s almost like they’re really seeing it. In between, there are those with phantasia & hypophantasia, experiencing varying degrees of imagery vividness.
Temple Grandin was the first to talk about her vivid thinking in pictures ("Thinking in pictures", 1995). I do have to mention to take her writing with a grain of salt, I find her choice of wording very ableist & I disklike the term Asperger a lot because of reasons. When I read her work, I feel like she distinguishes between autism as a superpower (mostly highly intelligent people) & autism as a disaster (people with a normal/less than normal IQ/ nonverbal folk etcetera), which is related to a lot of ableism.
I certainly can do both: I mostly think in pictures, but I do have "talking" in my head. It's often called an inner narrator.
Many people with ADHD report having a vivid inner narrator that constantly talks & comments as well.
My inner narrator stops when my speaking declines, e.g., when I'm overstimulated or when I am having a bad day sensorywise - all I get is pictures then.
I think it's because words & speech are harder to produce & process than images.
My cognitive thinking style is associative, which means I sort information (as pictures) in categories - equal to a folder on a computer.
That's why I can "topic-jump" in a conversation, too. This also can be compared to ADHD people & their thought-jumping.
While not every autistic person is a visual learner, visual thinkers are common among the autistic population, just like you said.
That's because we tend to be more sensitive to details & patterns in our environments & therefore, more likely to notice subtle differences in shapes, colours or forms.
One of the most common misconceptions regarding visual thinking is that it is limited to just images.
Forms, shapes, lines, colors, scale, proximity - all these aspects are essential to take into account as they provide details about how data relates to other pieces of information, how significant something is in the scheme of things, how close two ideas are to one another & comprises both visual & cognitive dimensions that go way beyond pictures.
My associative thinking comes from my greatest strengths:
Strong affinity for details (bottom-up thinking)
Strong pattern recognition
The ability to come up with an array of different possibilities for a single situation due to my associative thinking
Almost as if it was the scene of a movie or a painted picture, I can see how information connects, allowing my brain to cut down several cognitive processes that would otherwise have to be involved if the information was delivered in a massive chunk of text or by auditory channels. Ah, yes, words are hard.
Spoken information can be tricky to process for us autistic people, particularly for those with more sensitive & avoidant sensory processing profiles, meaning our brains take in sensory information to a higher degree than those who aren’t.
This is why visualisation works so well as a tool- images are easier to process because you can detect patterns more easily than when you have to listen to someone giving verbal instructions (right?).
What other cognitive thinking styles are there?
Verbal/ logic thinkers
Music & math ('pattern') thinkers
Verbal/logic thinkers tend to be good at learning languages & have an affinity for words, literature & speech. They also tend to have a huge memory for verbal facts on all kinds of things. Some are exceptionally adept at learning many different foreign languages, but they tend to be poor at drawing & other visual thinking skills.
And pattern thinkers... have patterns.
Patterns E V E R Y W H E R E. ✨️
They tend to have problems with reading & writing composition.
✨️What about ADHD thinking style?✨️
Common is: out of the box. 😎
Three aspects of creative cognition are divergent thinking, conceptual expansion & overcoming knowledge constraints.
Divergent thinking, or the ability to think of many ideas from a single starting point, is a critical part of creative thinking.
Divergent thinking relates to low inhibition.
Latent inhibition is the ability to automatically 'filter out' irrelevant stimuli.
Divergent thinking & low inhibition are related because the ability to generate a variety of ideas is hampered by inhibitive processes that aim to suppress irrelevant ideas. You get distracted way to easily & you can lose yourself in many thoughts.
This can be very disabling, but it can also be beneficial for new ideas & problem-solving!
There is also an interesting essay I found:
ADHDers have a kinetic form of thinking.
Nick Walker coined this term. Great person /srs.
The “kinetic” in “Kinetic Cognitive Style” is about more than hyperactivity.
Read more here because I am now tired from my four hour research.
Sources: [♾️] [🌟] [🐿] [⚡️]
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charlotte's art museum milestone celebration!!
I’ve recently reached 1000 (!!!!) followers, so I wanted celebrate and thank all of you for being here! 🥰
I'm so happy that you all enjoy my little edits and ramblings about art and music – I am truly thrilled that you're here and I appreciate you all so so so much!! 💕💕
for my last celebration, I created a little "gallery" of options, and I wanted to do something like that again, so welcome to the art museum!!
in the art museum, you'll find themed rooms, each of which celebrates one of my favorite art genres. each room has something fun related to music and/or art that you can request if you feel so inclined 🥰
the description of each option is available below for your perusal. feel free to request multiple things, but please just submit them as separate asks ☺️
these requests will be open for the entire month of may, and I will try to post them on a rolling basis as they come in
(I'll also just mention here that my "normal" requests - like requesting certain lyrics or certain art for an edit - are always open, I'm just a bit slow at posting 😅)
my usual pinned post with a little introduction to me and the blog can be found right here 💕
welcome to the art museum – I hope you enjoy your visit!
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romanticism – personal moodboards
tell me a little bit about yourself (or a character, if you would like) and I’ll make a moodboard for you using details of artworks
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impressionism – art history moodboards
give me an art style, theme, motif, etc. and I’ll make a moodboard for you using details of artworks that fit that style, theme, motif, etc.
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rococo – artist match
tell me a little bit about yourself/your taste in art and I’ll suggest some artists you might enjoy
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gothic architecture – music match
tell me a little bit about yourself and I’ll assign you a character, theme, motif, archetype, etc. from a musical artist’s body of work
limited (by my own knowledge of complete discographies) to Florence + the Machine, The Oh Hellos, The Amazing Devil, Lord Huron, Ethel Cain, Maisie Peters, Taylor Swift, and Delta Rae – tell me which artist you’d like me to pick from, or feel free to choose multiple or all of them if you don’t have a preference!
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pre-raphaelite – painting selection
tell me a little bit about yourself (or a character, if you would like) and I’ll select a collection of paintings that fit your vibe/that you might like
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baroque – painting details
tell me what kind of color scheme/general theme you would like and I’ll edit paintings/details to be used as headers, profile pictures, etc.
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candycandy00 · 2 years
ohh if ur still taking tomura requests... some light exhibitionism ? I am looking respectfully 🙏
Smut. 18+. Exhibitionism.
Shigaraki isn’t the type to ask you on a date. The two of you have been a couple for months, but you rarely do normal couple things, like going out to dinner or seeing a movie. But you knew what you were getting yourself into when you fell for a villain.
So when he asks you if you want to go out for the night, you’re a little surprised. He did it so casually, like he really didn’t care if you said yes or not, but you can’t help noticing the glint in his eyes when you agree. You get the feeling that he has something planned, that this isn’t just a spontaneous outing.
“Where do you want to go?” you ask him as you pull on your boots.
“Nowhere special. You’ll see,” he says, all nonchalant.
You follow him out the door and onto the street, struggling to keep pace with him without jogging. He’s never been the most considerate boyfriend, but you’re getting a little annoyed that he’s not walking more slowly for you. Or… is it that he’s in a hurry?
Shigaraki leads you to the front of a love hotel, where he stops and looks at you, as if gauging your reaction.
“Seriously?” you ask, looking at the brightly colored sign. The hotel isn’t fancy. It’s four stories, a little on the small side, and the building is rather nondescript. The two of you have no issues having sex in either of your rooms at the hideout. The other members of the League tend to just ignore your relationship. So why did he bring you to a love hotel?
He shrugs. “Just thought we could do something different,” he says, for the first time seeming a little anxious about your response.
You can’t help smiling. This is probably his idea of being romantic. And hey, sometimes doing it in a different place could be exciting. “Yeah, sounds fun,” you say.
The two of you walk inside and Shigaraki gets a room. He requests something on the top floor, facing to the west. You’re a little confused about those specifications, but figure he must have looked at rooms online or something. You both ride the elevator to the fourth, and top, floor, neither of you saying anything. For some reason, you feel a little nervous, like you did before the first time you slept with him. It’s a pleasant sort of nervous though.
When you walk in the room, it’s a fairly standard hotel room. There’s entirely too much pink in the color scheme, but otherwise it looks normal. The far wall opposite the door is covered by a huge, floor-to-ceiling curtain. Shigaraki pulls off his black coat and tosses it on the bed, then walks over and draws back the curtains, revealing doors made completely of glass that lead out onto a small balcony.
You walk over to the doors and look out. The view sucks. It’s obscured by the bigger hotel next door, reducing the view to a wall of windows. Many of them have lights on inside. When you look closely, you can see people moving about through some of the windows.
Suddenly Shigaraki comes up behind you and reaches around to unbutton your shirt. He pulls it open, then slides it off your shoulders and discards it on the floor. You grab the curtain and slide it back to cover the glass door. “Hey! People can see!”
Shigaraki is grinning. “I know.”
A shiver of excitement shoots through you. Did he pick this room, on this floor, on this side, for this reason? But, how did he know you’ve always had this sort of fantasy? That you’ve always been turned on by the idea of strangers watching you have sex? Wait… did he see those videos you saved on your computer?
You slowly side the curtain open again while looking him in the eyes, then you turn and face the door again. You feel him work at the back of your bra, his cool fingers brushing your skin as he unhooks it and let’s the straps fall down your shoulders and then to the floor.
The lights are all on in your hotel room. It’s dark outside. Anyone who glanced in the direction of this glass door would see you topless. They’re about to see a lot more.
Shigaraki reaches around and unbuttons your jeans, then pulls them down, followed by your panties. As you step out of them, you wonder how many people in the hotel next door are looking. They’re so close, they could definitely see details. What if one of them has binoculars? Or more likely, a camera phone zoomed in on you? These thoughts make you unbelievably wet.
You feel Shigaraki palming your breasts, careful not to let all his fingers touch them at once. He’s well practiced at that by now. One hand moves down between your legs, and he chuckles against your ear when he feels how drenched you are. “Some guy is probably recording this,” he says.
A moan escapes you as his fingers work at your clit. You can hear his other hand unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. “Ready to give them a show?” he asks.
“Yes,” you breathe out, closing your eyes and tossing your head back.
Shigaraki suddenly moves his hand away from your throbbing clit, making you almost sob, but just as suddenly he lifts up your right leg so high that it leaves you obscenely spread open. He presses you further against the door, your breasts squished against the glass, and then he shoves his cock inside you from behind. As he begins thrusting, your pussy hits against the glass each time, leaving a damp smear.
You open your eyes and scan the windows in the hotel next door. You see movement in a few of them and you gasp in pleasure. Is that someone standing in the window on the third floor? Just slightly lower than you, across the alley, there’s definitely someone there. From that angle, they can see everything. They can see every single thrust of Shigaraki’s cock slamming into your pussy. Thinking about it drives you wild.
Oh, there’s another human-shaped figure in a window on the sixth floor. That high up, can they see much? Wait, there’s one on the fourth floor, directly across from you.
“Look at that guy,” Shigaraki says, still banging you into the glass. “See his arm moving? He’s jacking off.”
You watch the figure on the fourth floor, and sure enough, his right arm is moving furiously. You moan again, and your left leg, the only one holding you up, feels weak. It’s quivering, and Shigaraki must have noticed, because he reaches down and lifts it up as well, holding you completely spread eagle against the door.
“They’re all jealous,” he says, his lips brushing against your hair, “that I get to fuck you and they don’t.”
You look out at the growing number of figures in the windows, all of them staring, watching, as Shigaraki absolutely pounds you against the glass. It’s enough to push you over the edge, and you cum while screaming his name. Almost immediately after, he cums too, and he sits you back down on your feet before his strength seems to fail him. He steps over to the bed and falls backwards on it, not even bothering to button his pants.
It takes a few minutes of leaning against the glass, panting, for you to regain your senses and step away, closing the curtain behind you. You collapse onto the bed beside Shigaraki and curl up against him, not even caring that you’re still completely naked, cum is dripping down your thighs, and you’ve made a mess all over the glass door.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Scarabia: Manicures with Them
I am totally running out of things to say here, but hope y'all enjoy this!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia (You’re Here) | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Manicures with Them
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim always has Jamil do his nails since it’s part of being presentable…not to mention it’s fun. He keeps them shorter with them barely passing his fingers. He normally has golden tips on them as well with a shiny clear coat over them. He’s never had to worry about hangnails a day in his life since they’re always so well maintained.
If you offer, he’s going to be over the moon. He’s already used to having someone else do his nails, so he sits really well and knows when to move his hand for you. He’ll be giggling though since he’s tickling and the brush of the nail polish can tickle him a bit. He’ll just enjoy his time spent with you though and be asking if you can do it again sometime. Jamil is secretly happy that you’ve taken up this responsibility since it’s one less thing he has to do.
He knows how to do nails due to having them done on a weekly basis, but when it comes to practice he’s a bit sloppy. He’s very careful when cleaning around your cuticles and watching your reactions to make sure you’re not hurting. He gets the nail polish around your nails pretty bad and it takes a while to clean over it, but in the end, they look nice. Don’t be surprised if one hand has longer nails than the other though. He forgot what he did with that hand when he started on the next.
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Jamil Viper
Jamil is pretty simple with keeping his nails maintained. He doesn’t really enjoy doing his own nails, but will out of necessity. When there’s a special event he will normally match his nail polish with Kalim’s upon the other male’s request. Other than that though, they’re just files and cleaned regularly so they look neat.
If you’re willing to do his nails and take care of him, he won’t argue. It’s nice to have someone else do it for him, and it’s the only time he’ll wear nail polish when there’s not an event. He is very particular about the colors having to match the scheme of the dorm though since Kalim sometimes sends photos back home and he has to look presentable at all times. You can decide at the end if his nails are longer or shorter, but if you ask he’ll request them to be shorter since it’s more sanitary when preparing food. If they’re long and polished then he feels the need to wear gloves while cooking which is annoying.
If you do Jamil’s nails, then chances are he’ll offer to do your nails later. He does a good job since he’s experienced, but he doesn’t do fancy designs at all. Still, expect well-kept nails and elegant French tips. He might just do what he does for Kalim’s nails out of habit, so expect to be matching with Kalim more often than not. If you just did his nails and put color on them, then he’ll be using the same shade on your nails.
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impunkster-syndrome · 4 months
Things I like about the comic:
There is a saturation toggle, especially with the eyestrain in the art that can make it inaccessible. I noticed in the preboot that the media is perfectly aware of how overwhelming it can be on the eyes, so I do appreciate a toggler since I am photosensitive.
The transcripts.
There's some acknowledgement of how it can feel weird to have your possessions and clothes taken from you for hospitalization. Characters wear hospital gowns which adds to the alienation of being visibly ill or disabled in some way. Especially with how some psych ward clothes can feel violating to wear because of being stripped of something so personal to you.
Doom's ears becoming more triangular really helps him not be confused with Mood. It also stylistically sets him apart as being more jaded by using the sharp features as a shorthand.
The things I don't:
Lack of page numbers in a volume. It makes it harder to reference specific pages if this is not listed on the site. It's in the links to the page sure, but it would be great to be able to easily see what page you are on and to be able to skip to specific pages.
Important worldbuilding information is not directly found in the comic. The meanings of the color schemes, what the roles of doctors and nurses are, and more are not easily deciphered via the text and have to be found in supplemental media. I call this kind of problem "Author brainspace expectation" because the media is not made with absolute beginners in mind and the author expects people who have never heard of it before to have the same level of knowledge as them, thus raising the barrier to entry for being able to understand the media. Other pieces of media that suffer from this same problem are Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. Kingdom Hearts gets a pass because it became more like that as time went on but the first game is still understandable for people new to it.
The themes of the website changing for specific sections. This can add more contrast and keep things less accessible due to the contrast not allowing it to be easy to read.
The shaky text. Sorry but I don't like feeling sick as I try to read.
Nurses being completely good while doctors are completely evil. It's not a nuanced take and ignores systemic problems, plus how nurses can mistreat people. Things like Nurse Mood's refusal to write down medical history due to not caring to believe a patient is actually a form of normalized ableism that can really impact people. Happened to me and due to that I could barely eat any food brought to me while hospitalized due to my celiac and that not being on my chart despite me telling people over and over.
Jay's mobility aid is used as a plot device and then never seen again.
While every artist dreams of just being able to be paid for making art, that means that whatever you are releasing is open to criticism and that needs to be acknowledged. The patreon means this is making money and has to make a profit to sustain itself. It's not just a personal vent project anymore due to that and having staff. Kittycorn and staff need to accept that and not use the author (That they tend to tokenize, mind you) and kits trauma as a shield for any critique.
Cut down on the controlling rules for the media. You cannot control what someone does with your characters once you've made them more public. The rule that everyone must hate Cuddles and similar rules are overreaching and not a reasonable boundary to be enforced. Related to above, it's one thing to just talk about thoughts on media in a public space no matter how negative it is (acceptable), and something else entirely to send anon hate to staff and the author or to directly spam them with links to criticism directly unless they make it clear it is fine to do so (unacceptable). I see a lot more people complaining about the first when it is perfectly fine to have opinions about media and not the second. People having conflicted or not entirely positive thoughts on media is not a bad thing and actually fosters a deeper discussion of the media.
FAQs are for additional information and making things clear that are maybe unclear in the text, not for exposition and worldbuilding information.
The AUs of a paid project are forcing the comic to come to a halt. Breaks are fine, sure, but you need to be releasing things consistently for the project that people are paying you to make. A complete stop for months and no public progress makes this feel scam-adjacent.
The staff. If you find yourself attacking critics for existing while you yourself are on staff, you should not be on staff and should not be interacting with the fanbase at all. Both ZCP members I have spoken to initiated contact with me without ever reading any of my criticism and taking anything stated to them as bad faith when I would not allow them to be hostile with me. If you cannot have some level of separation between you and your fanbase, you need to create that so people do not see you/your staff as entitled assholes. Make internal rules to not publicly respond to criticism but still read it so you all can improve. I know this is the "piss on the poor" site but staff of a webcomic being so defensive to people who give valid critique are in the wrong and all it does is give everyone a poor view of the comic.
Tonal whiplash from dealing with ableism to ship content is jarring. You can't just flip between one or another constantly and expect either to mean anything to the reader.
Barruni needs to not be pushed as aggressively. It alienates anyone from the comic who wants to see anyone but them.
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