#i am fully just rambling because i thought about it today but..... might act out and just watch it lol
cowboy-anon · 1 year
Thinking about the movie The Black Phone (2021)........
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webbywatcheshorror · 7 months
Saw (2004)
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You (probably) know what Saw is. On the slim chance you're one of today's lucky 10,000 who doesn't, it's a movie about a serial killer who puts his victims in deadly traps in order to teach them a lesson about valuing their lives, asking them what acts of violence or self-harm would they commit to keep themselves or their loved ones alive?
I won't lie to you. Saw is one of my favorite movies of all time, above almost all others. I've mentioned on a few other reviews how much I loved them, how much they influenced me, but this one blows them all away. It came out on video around when I was 15 or 16, and back then I hadn't had a lot of real experience with horror as a genre, but I thought I knew enough about it. And I didn't care much for it. (I used to be a huge wuss. I still am, but I used to be, too.)
Then my dad brought this movie home, and when I finally got around to watching it, I was entirely and irrevocably altered. Suddenly I realized that I knew absolute jack shit about horror. Its potential, the kinds of stories you could tell, the effects it can have on an audience. Without Saw, I would be an entirely different person, and I know how that sounds. I really do. But it's the truth.
Anyway, I said all that to impress upon you how very incredibly biased I am when it comes to this movie, so you can keep it in mind as we dive into more specific things during the review.
Another thing to keep in mind is that I am looking at this as a standalone film, and not the first of a franchise of films. (I might, sometime in the future, review the series as a whole, but not today.)
Review under the cut, and as always beasties and ghouls, SPOILERS ahead! (Yes. There are people who haven't seen this movie. Why they'd be reading this, I have no idea, but that's their business.)
Where do I even begin with Saw. I could talk for hours about it, the characters, the tragedy of it all, the in-universe details and the real life behind the scenes stuff. I am fully enamored with this film.
We'll start with the cinematography, since I'm not very knowledgeable on the topic and I'm less likely to ramble endlessly about it.
The scenes of the other victims in their traps, where it speeds up, really gives them a sense of mania, of panic. It really adds to the terror of the situation and gives these characters we get to see so briefly some needed characterization with the camera work alone. In fact, every time they do the choppy editing, it lends a feeling of tension that permeates the entire movie.
There's a scene, one of many, that has stuck with me these past 19 years, and it's the shot of little Diana Gordon sitting up in bed, half her bedroom shrouded in the darkness. On first watch, it's deeply unsettling, but even after you know who it is, it doesn't get any less fucking terrifying. One of my fears is the dark, not being able to see into a room or the entire room, because of scenes like this.
The characters. Good god, do I love the characters in Saw. They're complicated, flawed, neither good nor evil but a secret third thing: deeply human. (Except John Kramer, but we'll get to that.) They're all just People, trying to make it through the day, however they can. Adam, trying to pay his bills and keep himself fed by spying on people; Lawrence, dealing with the stress of being a doctor and a father who's lost his joie de vivre and decides to cheat on his wife about it; Tapp, wracked with guilt over losing his partner and letting Jigsaw escape, throwing everything he has into stalking the wrong man at the cost of his own health. The more we learn about these characters, the more fascinating they become to me.
Let's talk about John for a moment. More articulate people than I could tell you, in rich detail, about why he's not a savior, but I tend to just boil it down to this: you can't 'fix' people with trauma. I think John is evil, or close to it. Look at the people he chooses to punish- Paul, who cuts himself; Mark, who claims to be sick but is also seen out and about; Amanda, a drug addict. Paul could have depression or some other mental illness. Mark could have an illness that is only debilitating /some/ of the time. Amanda has an addiction problem. You know what would have actually helped them? A fucking support system. Some understanding. Not additional issues, JOHN.
John is, despite his tendency to target those already struggling, still an interesting person, as Zep says. He's also a hypocrite of the highest degree. Shaming Adam for being a voyeur, but drugging himself so he can lay in the middle of the bathroom floor for who even knows how many hours just so he can watch Adam and Lawrence fumble around? Pot meet kettle situation.
(I'm trying to keep this from becoming an entire-ass essay, I really am, but as I mentioned, I could do this all day.)
Adam and Lawrence's transformation throughout the movie is so intriguing to me. Lawrence, the logical Father Knows Best guy, used to always being the one in control of any given situation. Adam, low on the social ladder, prone to emotional outbursts, used to being kicked when he's down. By the end, they've become entirely different men.
Lawrence changes into an unthinking mess, acting on his out of control emotional state to an extreme degree, while Adam becomes a man who not only finally wants to live, but puts in the work to prove it, attacking Zep and killing him, with the kind of determination he hadn't shown until that moment.
The twist is still just so good. It was mind blowing then, and it's a great story beat today, almost 20 years later. When John sits up, Hello Zep playing in the background... it still gives me chills. To think of how Adam must feel, alone in a room with nothing but the dead for company, waiting on the promise of a severely injured man, thinking it's finally over.
Adam's screaming into the darkness breaks me a little, I won't lie. The horror of his situation finally overcomes him and all he can do is scream. That sound is burned into my brain, possibly for life. Then, the credits roll, with the calmness of the credits, Adam's cries still echoing before the quiet music begins to play, and the audience is left stunned. No relief for us, no relief for Adam.
In the years before the sequels, there was so much talk among my friends and I about what could have happened afterwards. Did Lawrence make it out? Did Jigsaw ever get caught? Did Adam die alone in that grimy bathroom? I used to make up possibilities in my head about ways Adam could be saved.
You see, I've always identified with Adam. Struggling to keep going, feeling outcast, chained in a place we didn't want to be, having to rely on others for help getting out, dismissed as juvenile, clinging to people that hate us because it's better than being alone, and wasting our lives because we weren't living them the way others thought we should, regardless of WHY. I had always hoped he made it out. Maybe in some other reality he does.
Anyway enough about that, let's move on. One thing of many I love about this movie is how it makes you think, really think, about what you would do if this happened to you. Would you, could you, crawl through a cage of razor wire to save yourself? Could you kill the family of a co-worker to save your own skin? Could you maim or dismember yourself?
There's an excellent podcast, Jigsquad Pod, that talks about this next point, but I have to mention it also. Jigsaw feels like a boogeyman figure. He sees your every sin. He judges you, then takes you from your place of safety- your house, on the way home from work, and punishes you. It can happen to anyone, anywhere. He can't be caught, can't be killed. He's a phantom. I love that feeling in this movie, the almost campfire story of it all, the way you might tell it to your friends in hushed voices at a sleepover.
I give Saw X ghosts outta ten. It may not be the movie James Wan and Leigh Whannell set out to make, it may have been rushed and stitched together out of all the footage they had and then some, but it's a masterpiece in my heart. It changed me, in hundred of ways I can't begin to understand, but I'm glad it did. (Not all of those ways are for the better, probably. I mean, I did spend several hours once, thinking up- in detail- what my personal Saw trap would be.)
As much as I love the entire franchise overall, cop-centric soap opera that it is, if it had stopped at just this one, I'd still be satisfied. I hope it never gets a remake, because there's no way it could ever be made more perfectly than it already is, flaws and all.
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south-sea · 11 months
PLEASE tell me more about your version of Mephiles. What does he like to do as a hobby? How often is Shadow involved in said hobbies? What's their relationship like? Are they friendly?
Even if your thoughts aren't complete you can give me the cliffnotes version please please please please
disclaimer: i am very ill thanks to a medication allergy mishap earlier today, so if this is more ramble-y than usual, i apologize! it has been a rough week health-wise, but for that same reason this couldn't have been better timed. silly guy mephiles is like 1/2 of what my brain is laser focused on rn to get me through it apparently. that said, this definitely got a bit longer than i expected,
that's the catch: they don't currently have hobbies (if you don't count being an eccentric goofball). at least, it's difficult to explore new ones on account of being physically tied to semi-modern shadow.
so i'll start there: their relationship is a tenuous one at best. semi-modern doesn't fully trust them. some part of him expects mephiles to slip back into old ways, or to find out they've just been faking the amnesia the whole time. standard tropey stuff like what happened with Mr. Tinker in IDW. and similarly, mephiles is in fact Not Faking It.
on the flipside, it's hard to tell if mephiles is actually bothered by this trend of distrust everyone seems to show them. outwardly, they just roll with/don't even acknowledge it. inwardly, one might be right to assume they've tethered themself to semi-modern's literal shadow specifically to ensure they have at least one guaranteed person to fall back on. people aren't exactly wrong to be cautious of them, either. they are uncanny and unsettling in every way. and when i said shadow's basically their hostage, i wasn't entirely joking.
but shadow's not stupid. mephiles may not remember being a god, but the entitlement and sense of constant attention is burned into their existence. while their methods are usually harmless and subtle if not just silly, they take what they want. shadow knows this, but he lets it slide because ultimately there's no harm being done, and at least this way, he's able to keep tabs on them more easily.
that said, i'd not say they're unfriendly with each other. shadow tolerates their antics, but not begrudgingly. he just thinks they're odd, and occasionally embarrassing. mephiles meanwhile is just having a grand ol' time, all the time. they don't push their luck with shadow and intentionally annoy him, but they generally do whatever, however they want to. even if on average they can't be farther away than four blocks or so, it's not uncommon for semi-modern to turn a corner and find them hosting a tea party with some stranger surrounded by a bunch of shadowy minions.
tea tends to be a recurring theme with them, if just because i'm pulling from various mephistopheles interpretations as inspiration, with a little bit of mad hatter/sheogorath thrown in for good measure. they're meant to be this wacky goofball on the surface, less because they're ~off their rocker~, and more because they're a timeless god that has no concept of/regard for what mortals consider "normal". underneath it, they're suppressing a desperate need/fear.
they want company. what's a good way to get company? you have one of your shadowy minions shepherd some unwitting soul toward a table you've just made out of thin air and serve them tea and snacks. nevermind that this poor person now probably feels pressured into staying put thanks to all the other minions circled around acting as butlers. sometimes it's a genuine attempt to connect to someone. sometimes they're just lying to themselves. they have company now; they're not letting go of it easily.
even then, they're not aggressive or intentionally threatening. it's spooky as hell, sure, and definitely manipulative, but if the person were to try to leave, mephiles would ultimately let them go if an insistent "stay, stay!" doesn't work. at that point they just return to shadow and sulk.
my absolute favorite thing about them is that more often than not, they really do mean well. their motivations might be terribly selfish, but they're not always aware of those motivations themself, so it's all done innocently. they say or do some truly unsettling things that come off as thinly-veiled threats, but in reality they're just being sincere in a blunt way. (which is not to say they're faultless; the whole "lowkey using shadow/holding him hostage" isn't exactly great and i'm not going to claim it is, even if things turn out alright.)
in any case, the two share a mind link of sorts. whether mephiles is physically in semi-modern's literal shadow, or blocks away, they're able to communicate more or less telepathically. oftentimes if shadow looks like he's spacing out or brooding more than usual, he's literally just talking to mephiles (and occasionally maria). i'd liken mephiles's approach to conversation in this way to a pleasantly annoying friend who texts you memes or random thoughts from out of nowhere.
and so, while shadow views their relationship with cautious neutrality if with a bit of stubbornly-ignored fondness, mephiles is a bit more attached, even if they don't consciously realize it. it's a bit like the very early dynamic between second chance shadow and metal; they're in contact a lot due to circumstance, and that naturally leads to the two warming up to each other over time. (they're not nearly as close, though, and likely never will be.)
should semi-modern be threatened in a way he can't get himself out of alone, mephiles is very likely to pop out of his literal shadow and assist in some way, if not teleport them both out to safety. i'd even go so far as to say they're a bit protective of him. they just don't realize that's the case until something's actively happening to warrant those protective feelings.
i actually intend to cook up a scenario like this to kickstart shadow's acceptance that mephiles is genuinely not malicious anymore, and for mephiles to come to terms with the fact they genuinely care about shadow as more than just "convenient company". and hopefully that will in turn lead to mephiles having a bit more freedom, where they start to branch out with physical copies/extensions of themself to explore different interests and the like.
i mentioned it in an earlier post, but future interests might look something like taking a more genuine approach to tea. even if they themself can't drink it, they can look into making their own unique blend based purely on the science(?) of it. how they approach interacting with people may also develop along with it, making things a lot less spooky and instead just kind of purely eccentric/left field.
they could take up acting, an instrument, generally anything related to the arts. hopefully not anything to do with high-stakes gambling like their namesake was so known for (though iirc theatre was also something associated with him, so i'm trying to strike a balance there, too).
something something, the parallels between shadow and mephiles both starting with a narrow view of the world and slowly exploring and coming to appreciate it on a wider scale
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cinnamonruts · 3 years
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⤷ cafe kacchan week
SUMMARY → when the bakusquad ‘challenges’ bakugou by simply stating that no one would date him; he knows he can’t get a girlfriend in one afternoon so he asks the only girl he knows to be his fake girlfriend for the day. easy right?
PAIRING → bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
GENRE → fluff, romance ( childhood friends/fake-dating )
A/N → happy birthday to our boom-boom-bitch ( unedited / not proof-read )
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
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“MAN WITH A PERSONALITY like that you are never getting a girlfriend.” Kaminari says boldly yet again reminding the ash blond of his stinking pile of trash fire personality showing off he has no fear of death.
As Jirou raise a brow onto him, “You don’t have a girlfriend either.” she reminds him, “He doesn’t— but he can.” Kirishima tries a shallow attempt at helping the boy, “Very bold of you to assume anyone wants to date him.” Jirou rebuts, twisting her earplug around her finger.
“Since when was it the dunk on Denki club? We were talking about Kacchan, have you ever seen him with a girl?”
Causing them to hum and discuss between themselves; trying to think of a time he has been consistently been nice to a girl whom he has been around long enough to be dating. Completely not ignoring him and in the process annoying the shit out of him.
“I have a girl friend and she likes me exactly the way I am.” he announces to the group. Making them look sceptically among themselves not quite sure what to say, “Then invite her.” Sero challenges.
“I will.”
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“Can you believe them, they think I can never have a girlfriend?” he asks. Shrugging you take another mouth full, vacuuming the bowl of ramen into your stomach, “I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I’m the only childhood friend you have left.”
“That doesn’t mean shit, dumbass!”
Looking up he is staring daggers at his bowl, “Yeah, well… Most girls don’t like you screaming at them, or calling them bad names.” you tell him, sipping your water.
Having the waiter replace your bowl with ramen with new ones, you watch her place a hambuger down. Which you always down for as you glance between it and the blond he slides it closer to you, smiling softly.
“You never let me have this,” you say. Narrowing your eyes as you make your voice deeper, “you will die of if you keep eating this shit, ( y/n ).” mimicking the boy, “and now you are actively giving this…” you say suspiciously.
“Just eat it.”
Humming you take a bite of your hambuger, “That can only mean you want something.” you say with your mouth full. Cringing his nose he ignores it for the sake to continue his story, “I told them that I have a girl friend.” Katsuki starts.
Making you hum, “The imaginary space bar trick.” you tease, taking a sip of your drink.
“And we are going to this ramen shop on Saturday.” he says, ignoring my statement completely. Raising a brow at what he’s insinuating, “That’s tomorrow.” you say, playing dumb.
“I know.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Connect the dots, shitty women.”
Rolling your eyes, “I know what your asking; I just want you to say it.” you tell him. Making the blond groan as he hangs his head back, “Fine,” sighing dramatically, like it is the worst inconvenience for him to ask.
Mumbling something along the lines of wanting you to do this for him which you honestly half-heard but you wanted to fully hear it, “I can’t hear you.” you tease.
“Will you be my fake girlfriend?” he sighs.
Moving along the table, you hug him thightly, “Ahw, Katsuki, I thought you would never ask.” rubbing your cheek against his teasingly, “Yeah, yeah.” he mumbles annoyed, yet not pushing you off.
Pulling away you hold a finger up, “One thing tho.” you say, your face as serious as you can muster — which is not very serous — “What now?” he sighs.
“You pay for today and for me tomorrow.”
“I pay for you all the time.”
Tilting your head you think back to all the times you hadn’t spend a penny as you ate anyway. Not even realising it, “I guess you do. Never really realise that.” you hum. Shrugging it off, you smile at him, “Can’t wait to meet them.”
“They aren’t that great.” he denies. Raising a brow you try to repress your smile, “They truly are heroes if they are dealing with you.” you say. Making him glare at you, “Shut up—”
“Do I need me to do anything special?” you cut off, not wanting to be kicked out and banned of yet another restaurant. Sighing, he shakes his head, “No, not really. Just be yourself… but like my girlfriend.” taking a bite of food.
Humming you nod, finishing your hambuger off, “That doesn’t sound too hard.” you mumble, washing it down with some water. Glancing back at him as he stayed silent, he looks at you with an odd expression, “What?” you ask confused.
“You make it sound weird.” he tells you, eating his food as he does. Not understand it, you shrug,“I know you very well.”
“Just be on time.”
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STANDING IN FRONT OF the restaurant the Bakusquad waits for the seemingly imaginary girlfriend, “She is coming.” he repeats when he sees the look on their face.
“Dude, you can just be honest.”
“I’m not lying!”
Finally spotting the spikey blond hair from afar, you run. Cursing yourself for missing your train. You tried to do it all right, just to be a good fake girlfriend for him, you didn’t even know why you tried so hard.
Sighing relieved that he was still alone, you hug his arm like always, “I’m so sorry for being late, Kacchan. I wanted a drink for on the train but then this older lady from the grocery store, you know the one. She kept going on and on and I couldn’t get her to stop—” you rant.
A small smile tucks up his lips at your ramble, “It’s fine.” he reassures, putting his hands in his pockets, “Are you Bakugous girlfriend?”
You freeze at the sudden extra voice. Turning to the voice you spot; a pink girl, a red-haired guy, a yellow-haired guy, a girl with earphones, and a guy with tape elbows.
Blinking at the group, nodding slowly, “Ashido… right?” you ask, suddenly feeling a lot more nervous. Making you subconsciously holding his arm closer to your chest.
Nodding at your answer, she tilts her head, “Katsuki has told me loads about you. All of you; it is hard to get actual names, tho.”
“I’m dunce face.” The yellow-haired boy says. Making the girl with purple hair roll her eyes, you're pretty sure her name is Jirou, he talks nicely about her, “His name is Kaminari, I’m Jirou.” the girl introduces.
“I’m Kirishima.”
“Sero Hanta.”
Nodding you try to not forget their names, “I’m ( l/n ) ( y/n ).” you tell them, “Are we going to stay outside or eat?” Katsuki asks.
Walking to the room, all of you wait outside to decide who is going to sit where before you move into the room. Letting them discuss where they want to sit and taking the seat that is left, “She should have the corner seat.” Jirou says breaking the discussion up.
“I want the corner seat.” Kaminari-kun cried out, “I never get the corner seat.” he pouts,
“You can have the corner seat.” you reassure. As Ashido takes your shoulders, “No, no, she is the bakusquad guest. She should have the good spot.” she tells you.
Making Katsuki take you into his arms, “We are not the bakusquad.” he grumbles, “Yes, we are.” Kirishima says, “No, we are not.” he denies, placing you into the seat she let you to anyway. Making the pinkette smile cheekily, “Which school do you go to?” Sero-run asks.
“You should not interrogate her right away!” Ashido whisper-shouts, which is very obvious as she sits in front of you, “It is okay, I go to Seiai. Nothing like U.A.” you tell Sero.
“For support items?” Jirou asks. Making you nod, as you take a sip of your drink, “She designed mine.” Bakugou says for you, “But they all needed to be “for killing’.” you add. Mocking his choice of wording; as even his knee pats needed to be ‘for killing’.
Humming, he sets his tea down, “She is just deflecting because she ‘forgot’ about the shirt.” he says unconvincingly, making it very much so seem like you did it on purpose.
“That was an accident.”
Making him snore, holding his hands up, “Yeah, right an ‘accident’ I’m pretty sure you just did it because you are a perv.” he says in air-quotes, “Am not!” you defend, not being able to stop laughing at the girl on his face.
“Uh-huh, say that to the top you didn’t make.”
“Why did you dating this guy?”
Katsuki his glare, “Want to die today, Racoon-eyes?” he asks her, letting small explosions sound from his hands. Which did not even make her blink.
Pulling his hand down, you smile at the girl, “I know Katsuki can be an asshole, and he is.” you start, “Hey—” he stays, “But, he is actually a really nice guy. He won’t tell you he cares about you all the time, but he will push you to be your best self.” you start
A small smile tucks up your lips as you recall the memory, “I remember when I was young and everyone told me I should be a hero and that was the last thing I wanted to be. And one day in the park I was with this idiot—” poking his cheek, he just watch you carefully, “And he told me about All Might his suit, how cool it was. And the person who made it must have been super smart. Smart like me.”
“I don’t think he even remembers that day, but that made me realise that even though I don’t want to be a hero it doesn’t mean I can’t be useful.” you say softly, feeling kind of dumb for caring so much about what he said when you were kids.
If you had looked at his face at that moment and the soft expression he held. You wouldn’t have felt that way at all, “When I told him I wanted to do something in support he was my biggest supporter.” you chuckle, “Always letting me test my inventions out on him. Never getting seriously angry when he got hurt. Letting me design his suit by just telling me the general vibes he wanted and trusting me to know what he wants.”
“His love language is trust, food, and… I think it’s acts of service.”
Making your brows furrow together at the strangely warm feeling flushing to your body due to you having been caught rambling about your friend so long, “I’m sorry, I have been rambling. What was the question again?”
Looking over their faces, all of his friends look so softly at your statement, “That was so manly.” Kirishima-kun mumbles, holding his fist up. As the rest nods, “That was so cute! You love him so much it is so obvious!” Ashido tells you, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah, I… I do.” you mumble, shifting your eyes over your fingers before they land on him. The soft look in his eyes reassuring you.
Letting the words sink in, they stayed silent making you a little nervous, “Childhood friends to lovers. I am so jealous!” Kaminari-kun cries out, “How long have you guys been going out?”
“Uh—” we looked at each other. Not having thought about that or discussed it, “6 months.” we say in unison. Making them nod, “We went to middle school together.” he adds, which had nothing to do with it but if it makes it seem more real, it makes sense.
Getting your food, it all went well. You heard more things about Katsuki; mostly stories that you had heard from his perspective that came off really different from theirs. How he always says he is just going ‘out’ on Friday when he is meeting you, but did tell Kirishima he is having lunch with someone but that someone was always a mystery… until now.
Pulling you away from Katsuki. Ashido pulls you into a hug with Jirou, “It was so nice to meet you two,” you tell the two. Making them smile along with you, “We need to hang out.” Ashido tells you.
Nodding at her request, “And I will send you the playlist when I make it. I will be starting tonight.” Jirou adds, “On Line?” Kaminari asks, coming into the conversation, “You can’t have her Line ID, weirdo. Baku-bro will blow you up.” Sero-kun says pulling him away.
Making you chuckle as his face pales at the thought. Glancing at the blond he is nodding as Kirishima-kun is adamantly telling him something. His face naturally soft instead of the frown he makes so often.
Glancing back at the girls, you smile, “Can’t wait. For the playlist and the hangout.” you say, “We will figure something out soon.” Jirou reassures.
“( y/n ).”
Looking up, he nudges his head to the train. The number stating that it is yours, “Don’t forget about us.” Kaminari mumbles, making Jirou roll her eyes.
“I won’t.” you reassure.
Stepping into the train, you take the seat next to Kacchan. The train moving in a matter of seconds. The train cart almost empty. It was quiet, but it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable as you listen together to the silence. Leaning your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a moment, “Tired?”
Nodding against him, you hum, “I will wake you when we are almost there.” he whispers. Relaxing into his warmth, you trust that he will keep you safe as your body shakes with the movements of the train.
But the warmth of the train did not last forever, stepping outside the cold temperature hits you in the face, making goosebumps appear all over. Wincing you want to curse at yourself for the second time today. At not thinking about everything before you left; first not with the drink, and now the jacket. Something you didn’t even realise until now.
Feeling warmth take over you, you look up. Seeing his coat on your shoulder, “No, you will—” you deny, “Just take it.” he grumbles, starting to walk before you continue to deny it.
He eventually slowed down and let you catch up to him. It made you smile, as you teasingly nudge his side which he ignores but the red tips of his ears could not, “Are you blushing?”
“No, it is cold, Shitty Woman.”
“How are you flushing but don’t have any goosebumps.”
“Since when are you a skin doctor?”
Arriving at your house, you grin at him, “Since I am analysing you, Katsuki. Seems like you are a lot nicer than you want people to think.”
“I’m not.” he denies. After it ends, you are not quite sure what you should do now. It was quiet for a moment before you pull him into a hug. Sighing relieved as he wraps his arms around your waist, “Uh, thanks, for today.” he tells you softly.
Rubbing your cheek on to his shoulder, we held each other for a little longer, “That’s what friends are for… Right?” you ask softly, not quite sure if you want him to agree with you or not.
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MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @suga-tofu @tanakasprayer @honeykami @intense-socks @bakugoubiddies @melodysakura @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @melodyofroses @softiehawks @hotgreenteea @bakujirou4562 @big-chungas @3-am-depression @yul2020 @asahisimpnation @f0leysgurl @yammmers @kloudyisdepressed
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 311: Hand Gun
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “thinkin’ about dropping in some woke analogies of the very real and very presently relevant issue of racial profiling idk what do you guys think” and then shrugged and did it without waiting for an answer, and ngl it was a bit sudden, but I’m here for it. All Might was all “DEKU YOU NEED TO EAT” and Deku was all “OKAY” and took his hero bento and went to go stand dramatically on a tower in the rain whilst having some highly anticipated Vestige flashbacks. OFA II was all, “sup, I guess I’m not Kacchan... OR AM I,” and ngl I think he is?? Alternate universes anybody?? Hello??? But anyway, so OFA the First a.k.a. Yoichi was all “remember that time you guys rescued me from my evil brother and Two took my hand and we Had A Moment?”, and Two and Three were all “ahh yeah good times”, and it was very nice and very, very gay. The chapter ended with it being very unclear if Two and Three have actually lent their power to Deku yet or not lmao. Y’all need to get your shit together dudes.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “what if I gave a random bad guy a fucking tommy gun that shoots nails” and jesus christ calm down son. The Hawksquad, a.k.a. SQUAWK as per @hotchocolatier​, are all “time to drive aimlessly around town acting like Deku has a restraining order on us because that’s literally the best plan to combat the League we could come up with,” and I have no further comment. Hawks is all “idk about you guys but I want to know more about AFO and Tomura’s whole deal” and I can’t remember the last time I identified so strongly with one of these characters. All Might is all, “[EXPLODES???]”, and the chapter ends with that mysterious hot girl from the Tartarus breakout being all “HELLO I CAN TURN INTO A GUN AND I LITERALLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK” and (1) WOW, and (2) IT’S TRUE, SHE CAN, AND SHE REALLY DOESN’T. GODDAMN.
(ETA: so this wholly escaped my notice on the first go, and also has nothing to do with the chapter itself, but I only just realized that this chapter was scanlated by a new group, TCB Scans. they actually did a very good job, and I’m curious if they’ve found a new RAW provider, because the quality this week is actually crazy good in comparison to what we’ve been dealing with for the past few months. I’m gonna have to get caught up on what exactly happened here lol.)
so what will it be this week? more Vestige antics? more of Sad Nomad Deku standing on buildings and pretending like he’s some cool aloof antihero, as if he could fool us when we all know his hero backpack is secretly stuffed full with his nerd diaries and the remnants of all the hero bentos that All Might keeps giving him?? or, just putting it out there, just a crazy thought, but you don’t suppose we might actually cut back to U.A.? mmm. side-eyes emoji
maaaaaan I’m starting to get tired of this trend of beginning chapters by dropping in on random power-tripping civilians and/or Shindou lol. just once can we get a chapter that opens with someone I actually give a fuck about
oh at least Endeavor is here
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lol somehow that’s more terrifying than bullets for me?? like I’m fully aware that bullets will fuck you up way worse and that in real life nail guns probably don’t work like this AT ALL and only have a range of like... hold up let me just google... up to 100 to 150 m/s and distances of up to 500m wait WHAT
okay wait. hold up. like I was expecting google to tell me nail guns only shoot a few feet at most, and instead the first search result is some CDC blog article that’s “dispelling” the “””myth””” -- please note my repeated sarcastic quotation marks -- that nail guns can fire 1400 feet per second, by explaining that actually they can fire anywhere from 315 ft/sec to 1,295 ft/sec, and that “it is in the pneumatic nail gun user’s best interest to handle these tools as if they were a firearm despite having a lower velocity” dlkjdslkjflkl
anyway, so. there’s apparently a reason why the Number One hero, who can burn people with the intensity of a sun going supernova, is hiding here behind this concrete support column making frowny faces. nope. nuh uh. he ain’t about that. I don’t blame you buddy
so now he’s barrel rolling out of his hiding place and setting this dude THE FUCK ON FIRE because HELL NO. BAD ENOUGH I HAD TO WATCH THAT FUCKING MUSHROOM EPISODE LAST WEEK! YOU TAKE THAT SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE
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LOL look at his face
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I know the context is actually him being all “I know I’m responsible for basically everything that happened and so that’s why I’m so grim and serious about this mission to set things right piece by piece,” but in my mind this pissed-off face is 100% all because this dude tried to shoot his eye out with a nail gun. look at that. you made him go full flame face again. beard and all. protecting his face so that it can hopefully melt any stray nails that get too close. nope nope nope
good lord. so what’s up next. let me guess the guy fighting Best Jeanist has like an atomic chainsaw or some shit
lol nope we’re just cutting back to Hawks and Jeanist chilling in the Jesla after they’ve wrapped things up
Jeanist has got some serious Groot energy you guys jesus christ he’s like 12 feet tall
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oh snap someone threw a pipe at him now
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today is just the chapter of Endeavor being assaulted by random DIY tools I guess
I mean, I get why they’re pissed at him obviously; I would be too lol. but tbh I also don’t really understand the “get out of here we don’t want your help” attitude that all of these people suddenly seem to have?? like it if were me, I would be fucking DEMANDING for him and the other heroes to be working round the clock to fix their stupid mess. I mean who else is gonna do it?? it’s their mess, I sure don’t want to be the one to clean it up instead. anyways but whatever lol
oh shit?
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so they haven’t dropped the whole “OFA secret potentially gets revealed to the world” thing yet after all. that makes sense I suppose, it did seem like that whole thing wound up playing out a bit too easily
anyway so yeah
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the locals are definitely none too happy. well at least Dabi’s got something to be cheerful about I guess
so now we’re cutting to the interior of the Jesla and they’re chitchatting about the current investigation
oh wow this actually makes a bit of sense now. so there was a reason they were keeping their distance from Deku
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please note that even in this abstract Endeavor’s-Mental-Image-Of-Him panel, Deku’s eyes still don’t have the light in them anymore :( my poor son
also ftr I still think using Deku as bait in this particular sense is the shittiest idea ever ngl. like sure, let’s let the sixteen-year-old run around battling miscellaneous escaped prison convicts while we stay several kilometers away ON PURPOSE despite the fact that you’re using him as bait to draw out the Big Bad, who just a reminder can destroy anything with a mere touch and who you were all basically helpless against. what exactly are you all planning to do if Tomura or one of the other League VIPs actually shows up to retrieve him?? are you even keeping tabs on him at all in real time?? jesus
(ETA: well that escalated quickly lol.)
Horikoshi is all of a sudden dropping whole pages of exposition here and I can’t be bothered to summarize this lol so just,
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a big fat YES to what Jeanist said, though. that’s why imo they would have been better off laying a trap at U.A. rather than just wandering around out in the open. I assume they’re trying to cut their potential losses because U.A. is full of students (and civilians), but those students also happen to be more capable than pretty much anyone else in the manga at this point. and tbh they’re already in life-threatening danger regardless of how things play out from here on, so they might as well at least try to use the few advantages they have right now. U.A. is almost certainly going to come under siege at some point anyway, so they might as well prepare for it
lol I don’t think I’m explaining this very well because I don’t have the patience right now to break it down point by point like it really ought to be, so for now I’ll just say that imo “U.A. siege” stands a good chance of being the eventual endgame even now, and so this whole “Deku runs around being bait” arc is really just killing time until then lol. like and subscribe for more rambling nonsensical takes such as this. maybe next time I’ll even put it all into one single sentence for maximum meandering senior citizen rant value
well it’s nice that they’re finally talking about all of this I guess
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we readers have known all of this for months now but this confirms the heroes are finally caught up. ALSO, Hawks is so fucking smart, as always. kinda wonder if things would have played out differently if All Might had let him in on the secret a bit earlier. probably that’s why Horikoshi made damn sure they didn’t find out until after the War arc lol
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“anyone else wondering why AFO bothered to raise Tomura as his fake heir for fifteen years when he was secretly planning on taking over his body the whole time” YES, [raises hand] lmao Hawks where the hell were you when I was debating this “AFO is the final villain and Tomura is just his pawn” thing on multiple occasions over the past several years lol
lmao seeing them debate the metaphysics of OFA and all of its mystical bullshit is seriously surreal you guys
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anyway so after all that ranting it looks like that wasn’t even what Hawks was talking about after all lol. I just went off for absolutely no reason lol oh well. instead it seems that Hawks is suggesting that Tomura’s carefully cultivated hatred might not yet have actually reached “can defeat OFA” levels even after all of that trauma. interesting!
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don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here while my brain furiously scrambles to put together all the parallels between Hawks and Tomura that it never noticed before until exactly this second. like I’m not even sure that was the intent here at all (I need to check out another translation or two lol), but regardless my mind decided that now would be the perfect time to make the connection between these two twenty-somethings who both had horrific childhoods and spent years being molded by their respective manipulative guardians, and developed eerily similar “laugh at everything because what else can you do” coping mechanisms to deal with it all hmmmmm
anyway so they were talking more about their strategy, but now all of a sudden Jeanist’s phone is beeping??
AND NOW WE’RE CUTTING AWAY TO ALL MIGHT AND HIS MIGHTMOBILE DAMMIT so that means the call to Jeanist was actually something important then!! WAS IT BAKUGOU OMG. DOES YOUR INTERN WANT A WORD FFFKLFSJK please it’s been so long I just need a little crumb or two to tide me over lmao have mercy
anyway so All Might’s following the GPS tracking device he’s apparently got planted on Deku (which in my conspiracy headcanons he’s actually had for a long time now, like since before DvK2 lol because HOW ELSE WOULD HAVE HAVE KNOWN THAT THEY WERE FIGHTING EACH OTHER IN GROUND BETA, PEOPLE) and thinking angsty thoughts about Deku’s sucky life
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lol is he under attack or is he just finally giving All Might the slip like we all know he SECRETLY PLANNED TO ALL ALONG oh my poor dumb angstmuffin
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lmao only fifteen pages this week, and STILL NO KACCHAN (THEN WHO WAS PHONE!!!), but man I don’t even care because finally we’ve got a cliffhanger that’s actually deserving of being a cliffhanger! hot dog. okay then
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Don’t be a d!ck (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: Yes! :) Spencer is jealous when he sees a picture of a dick on his girlfriend's phone
Summary: Spencer Reid can't believe it when he finds something shocking in his girlfriend's phone. And, of course, instead of asking her about it, he spends a whole day overthinking everything.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Reader
Category: Fluff with mentions of sex and maybe a dash of angst. How would you call that? Flmut? smuff? flangut?
Warnings: Spencer being passive-aggressive. Sex references, cursing as always.
Word count: 2,3K
A/N: I loved this request so much!! hope you like it @meowiemari​
- "Pumpkin! have you seen my phone?"- Spencer asked his girlfriend after looking for it in every corner of their apartment, not finding it.
- "No, Honey! Did you look in your bag?"- she yelled from the bathroom, where she was getting ready to leave for work. The two of them worked together at the BAU, and they were late. There was no time for breakfast, just coffee... and finding Spencer's phone.
- "It's not there! can I use yours to call my phone?"
- "Sure! it's on my nightstand"
Spencer kept trying to remember where he had left his phone, but nothing came to mind because he usually didn't use it. He always kept it in his bag. Maybe someone had stolen it; they might have taken it from his bag. No, he had called his mother the night before, so he was sure it had to be somewhere in the house.
(Y/N)'s cellphone was precisely where she had said it was. He hated that. She always remembered where she had left her things. Spencer did too, but sometimes he was too concentrated reading a book. Or rambling about anything... or kissing (Y/N). Those things made him forget where the unimportant things were, for example, his phone.
He was about to joke about it and tell (Y/N) she was hiding his phone to mess with him, but when he unlocked hers, his heart stopped, and he nearly dropped it. Her phone's wallpaper... it was a picture... of... a... dick.
And it wasn't his.
There was a dick. Cock. Penis. And it wasn't his.
He tried to understand what was going on, but it made no sense: there was a fully hard male sexual organ. And. It. Wasn't. His.
- "Honey? Did you find it?"- (Y/N) asked and walked out of the bathroom. Spencer dialed his number in silence and waited until he heard it ringing in the kitchen.
- "Got it!"- he answered and put it in his pocket- "I'll wait in the car"- and without giving his girlfriend time to reply, he left the apartment.
Why on earth would (Y/N) do that? Wasn't he enough? Was she cheating? Whose cock was it? And how was he going to ask her? If she put that picture there, anyone could see it. Didn't she care?
- "Honey, are you listening?"- (Y/N) asked him as Spencer drove to the BAU. He had been quiet, tangled in all the doubts and questions that picture had filled his mind with. And he was unable to talk. Unable to simply ask (Y/N) what was that all about.
- "Yes, I'm fine"- he replied, serious and curt. (Y/N) looked at him and raised an eyebrow, confused.
- "Are you sure? you sound upset"
- "If I tell you I'm fine, it's because I'm fucking fine!"- and with that sentence, Spencer Reid ended any kind of conversation with his girlfriend. (Y/N) knew if he were mad about something, he would take his time to process it. And if she pushed him, he was going to freak out, yell and even say hurtful things. That's how Spencer had always been, and she wasn't going to change that.
- "Hey! are you ok?"- Morgan stood next to Spencer in the kitchenette. He had noticed his friend hadn't said a word the whole morning, and Derek knew his friend good enough to know that wasn't right.
- "Yeah"- Reid answered coldly and poured a cup of coffee- "So, you don't have any random facts to share with me? No rambling? no..."
- "No, Morgan, I have nothing to say!"- Spencer just snapped at his friend, and he stared at him, surprised
- "Sorry. I'm just..."- Reid was frustrated and embarrassed. He didn't know how to handle what had happened. Maybe Morgan could help. He trusted his friend, as long as he wouldn't tell Penelope.
- "Sorry"- Reid whispered and took a look around. The coast was clear. No one could hear if he shared his thoughts with Morgan, but... he had no idea how to tell him what had happened.
- "Did you fight with (Y/N)? whatever it is that you did, just say you are sorry"
- "No! we didn't... wait, what makes you think I would be the one doing something wrong?"- Derek shrugged and grabbed a mug. He also needed caffeine.
- "I'm just trying to help"
- "You are not helping!"
- "Then tell me what happened, pretty boy. You can deny it all you want, but you are too easy to read. Something is bothering you"
- "Ok, listen, I'm gonna tell you, but you have to swear you won't tell Garcia"
- "Cross my heart and hope to die"- Derek answered, chuckling. It was apparent he wasn't taking Spencer's words seriously.
- "I mean it. It would help if you didn't tell her or anyone. This is between you and me, ok?"- Spencer looked at Derek straight into the eyes and raised an eyebrow, trying to make his point. His friend nodded and happed on his shoulder.
- "You've got my word."
- "Hey! what are you guys doing here?"- (Y/N) walked in and smiled at her boyfriend- "How's your morning going?"
- "Good. Excuse me"- and just like that, Spencer walked in silence back to his desk.
- "What was that?"- (Y/N) asked Morgan- "Did you guys argue?"
- "No! I thought you argued"
- "No, we haven't. He has been acting pretty odd, though"
- "(Y/N), you know he is pretty o...."
- "He is not odd!"- (Y/N) interrupted her friend before he could even finish talking- "I'm gonna find out what's wrong with that man."
But her plans of talking with her boyfriend were quickly discarded when Hotch asked her to help JJ looking for some files. And that task took the two SSA the rest of the morning... and most of the afternoon.
- "Are you gonna tell me?"- Morgan sat on Spencer's desk and looked at him. He hadn't gotten any work done that whole time. He had been staring at a blank page, holding a pen, trying to come up with the words to write (Y/N) a letter.
Letters were Spencer's way to rearrange his thoughts. He didn't usually give her the letter he wrote her. He would just use it to collect himself. He knew he was an asshole when he was mad, and he always made his best not to be one with her.
- "Your lady is with JJ"- Derek added when Spencer started looking around. Rossi was in his office talking with Prentiss. Hotch locked in his office with Strauss, and Penelope probably in her Batcave.
- "So, pretty Ricky. Spit it"
- "Ok..."- Spencer closed his eyes for a second and tried to find the right words to tell Morgan what had happened without making (Y/N) look like a perv. That was almost impossible.
- "Ok"- Spencer repeated and opened his mouth. Nothing came from it.
- "So"- he said and held his breath. Nothing.
- "Reid, this has to be serious, 'cos I had never seen you losing your words before"
- "Well... I don't know how to tell you what happened"
- "Go straight to the facts. What happened, man?- Morgan would tell himself he was worried about his friend, but the truth was he was a nosy guy. He was way too intrigued with what had happened between Reid and (Y/N) and couldn't focus on his work.
- "I couldn't find my phone this morning, and I asked (Y/N) if I could use hers to call me"- Spencer made a pause and felt how his cheeks were already red, in a mix of anger and embarrassment.
- "Ok, and?"
- "And that's when I found out I'm dating a pervert"- Reid closed his eyes and rested his head against the desk. Morgan frowned, confused, and waited for his friend to give him more details. But Reid didn't say another word.
- "What are you talking about?"- that was all Morgan could say- "What makes you think (Y/N) is a pervert?"
- "Because she!"- Spencer looked around and whispered/yelled at his friend - "She has someone's dick as her phone background, and it ain't mine!!"
If someone earlier that day would have said to Derek: "Today, you will know the most embarrassing secret of one of your best friends", he would have never guessed that would be it.
- "Are you sure?!"- Morgan asked, whispering/yelling too, making his best not to laugh because Spencer didn't look like he was joking.
- "I am sure! I saw it! It was a dick! where did she take that picture from??! is she cheating?!"
- "No, Reid, come on. Don't panic!"- Morgan didn't know what to say, but he made his best to calm his friend down- "There's probably an explanation for it"
- "And what is it? 'cos the only logical explanation I can find is that my girlfriend is not satisfied with me. Maybe she has been looking for..."- Spencer couldn't even finish his sentence. He bit his tongue and held his breath.
- "Kid, you just have to calm down and ask (Y/N) what it's all about. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this. She wouldn't cheat on you. Trust me."
Despite his friend's words, Spencer was miserable for the rest of the day. (Y/N) and JJ kept looking for some missing files that Hotch needed to close an investigation. Meanwhile, Spencer just sat alone, didn't work at all, and all he could think of was the picture on (Y/N)'s phone. It was killing him.
When (Y/N) called him to ask if he wanted to have lunch with her, he said he wasn't hungry. When she got him a donut to cheer his day, he didn't even smile. And when she tried to kiss him, he turned around and left.
It was bad.
(Y/N) had no idea what was going on, and Spencer kept trying to avoid her. Until they bumped into each other at the hall, and (Y/N) grabbed his sleeve to stop him when he started walking away from her
- "Ok, we need to talk"
- "What about?"- Spencer looked at her, trying to calm himself down, but he couldn't. No matter how badly he tried.
- "Can you stop being a dick with me?"- and Spencer chuckled
- "That's a very interesting word you just choose, (Y/N)"
- "What are you talking about? what's your problem?"
- "You know very well what my problem is!"- but she didn't. She honestly had no idea what Spencer was talking about. And when she didn't answer, he grabbed her arm and crawled her to the storage room.
- "Spen..."
- "Whose dick is it??!"- Reid nearly shouted. His face was red in anger, and his hands were shaking.
- "What?"
- "Don't try to look all innocent! you know what I'm talking about!"
- "Spencer, I have no idea what you are talking about"- (Y/N) whispered, trying to calm him down. But it didn't work.
x- "The dick on your phone!! whose is it?!"
(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend and didn't move a muscle. She had never seen him so upset before.
- "You saw my phone's wallpaper this morning?"- she asked him calmly, and he grunted immediately.
- "If I saw it? Of course, I did! how couldn't I notice there is a picture of someone's cock on my girlfriend's phone!?"
- "Someone's"- she repeated and crossed her arms on her chest- "You think I'd have some random dick on my phone?!"
- "I don't know! you tell me!"
- "Spencer Walter Reid, you are a genius, but that doesn't stop you from being an asshole sometimes"- (Y/N) took the phone and showed him the picture- "That's you!! I accidentally set the picture as my wallpaper this morning and forgot to change it!! do you want to see the whole photo shoot to make sure that's you? 'cos you were the one who took the pictures, by the way!!"
(Y/N) looked at him, waiting for an apology, and Spencer was so embarrassed he didn't know what to do. She was right. He had taken those pictures. It all came to his mind that second.
- "Pumpkin...."
- "It's your dick, Spencer"
- "I..."- he couldn't answer
- "And you thought I had someone else's dirty pictures on my phone?"- she whispered, watching how her boyfriend's face changed from angry to shock in a second.
- "I just..."
- "What? you thought I was a pervert?"- Spencer really didn't know what to say
- "I'm so sorry"- he whispered and bit his lips- "I was a dick"
- "You were"- (Y/N) nodded and crossed her arms on her chest- "Why didn't you just ask me right away?"
- "I don't know, I was just so... mad and..."- Spencer looked down at his shoes and pouted. (Y/N) knew she should be mad at him for acting like a jerk the whole day, but she couldn't. Why? because she knew underneath it all, he was just a boy scared to be rejected.
- "Come here"- she held his hands and took a step closer to him- "Look at me, honey"- he did, for a second, and then looked away- "Eyes on me, Spencer, I need to make sure you understand what I'm about to say"
- "(Y/N), I am so sorry, I..."
- "I know you are sorry"- she whispered and leaned in, pecking his lips- "And I am not mad at you. But I need you to understand something. I love you. I don't want anybody else. Ok?"- he blushed as she kept looking at him.
- "I'm sorry"- he whispered again and leaned over, resting his forehead on hers - "I thought..."
- "You are everything I need, and everything I want, ok?"- she muttered, and he sighed- "And you should start recognizing your own dick, Spencer. I can't believe you didn't know it was yours"- (Y/N) giggled and kissed Spencer's lips again- "Maybe we should start taking more pictures."- she whispered, and Reid shook his head.
- "I don't deserve you."
- "But you are stuck with me, so deal with your perv,"- she answered and giggled- "Now give me a kiss to make it up for a shitty day"- Spencer wrapped his arms around her and kissed deeply. The kind of kiss that made her feel weak on the knees.
- "What if you teach me how to change my phone's background?"- he whispered, and (Y/N) smiled.
- "As long as I am the one taking the pictures now."
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Good Omens - Afternoon Delight (Rated M)
Summary: When Aziraphale invites Crowley over for some 'afternoon delight', Crowley daydreams about finally making love to his angel. But there's a chance that Crowley may be misinterpreting Aziraphale's invitation. (1576 words)
Read on AO3.
"Crowley!? My boy, are you there? Are you all right? What was that frightful noise?"
"It's... it's nothing! I'm all right!" Crowley rambles as he drops to his knees and scrabbles for his phone. It slipped from his grasp after Aziraphale extended an unexpected invitation, and in response, Crowley blacked out for a few. "Could you just... ?" He knocks it with his knee, sending it careening across the marble floor like a hockey puck. With a growl and a frustrated snap of his fingers, he puts the call on speaker, then sits nearby, feeling it safer if he continues this conversation while planted firmly on his bum. "Could you repeat wot you said? So I know I've heard you right?"
Aziraphale sniffs in mild annoyance but cheerfully repeats, "I thought you might like to stop by for a little afternoon delight!"
"Yeah. That's wot I thought you said." Crowley swallows hard, his mind spinning in a dozen directions as he tries to sort out an appropriate response. Since he didn't foresee himself being in this situation today, he doesn't know where to begin. Left to its own devices, his brain lands on the least important, and the most ludicrous, reaction: how does an angel who doesn't particularly like bebop even know that reference? 
"Ungh... now?" he asks in disbelief because, well, now? After all the time they've known one another, there hasn't been a single mention of them having sex. Not a nibble. And now, all of a sudden, all at once? With no pretense, no awkward explanations, no negotiating?
An outright invite as if Aziraphale were speaking on something no more extraordinary than afternoon tea.
Not that Crowley hasn't thought about it. He has definitely thought about it, and at length. He just wasn't certain Aziraphale had, naive bastard that he is.
Well. Now he knows. 
"Yes, now," Aziraphale replies, getting huffy. 
"You want to share an afternoon delight... with me?" Crowley can sense Aziraphale growing short and becomes anxious that he may renege on his invitation, but he has to know that this is what angel means. 
"Yes! An afternoon delight with you! I know it's going on supper, but the opportunity has arisen, and I'm too excited to wait till tomorrow!"
"Are you really?" Crowley asks, warming up to the idea of driving over to Aziraphale's bookshop to satisfy his angel's spontaneous desire for sex.
"Oh yes! I thought I could wait, but the more I think about it, the more I need to get it in my mouth immediately!"
"Ngk!" Crowley's cock, twitching with interest, rockets to full attention. He's thankful he made the decision to leave his phone on the floor. The way his hands go tingly and cold, it was destined to fall again. "Okay, then. I'll come over straight away... for an afternoon delight."
"Great!" Aziraphale says, sounding immensely pleased. "Do get a wiggle on. After all the effort I put into beating it stiff, it would be a shame to see it soften."
Crowley responds with only a guttural noise after that as he chokes on his tongue.
Crowley drives to Aziraphale's bookshop as if God Herself is hot on his heels, threatening to hose him down with Holy Water. Normally he delights in the chaos he creates while speeding through the streets of London, weaving in and out of traffic, sending pedestrians scurrying for safety. But not today. Today, his mind is installed elsewhere.
Between Aziraphale's thighs, for one - his lips lingering on the delicate skin behind angel's knees before Crowley spreads his legs apart and...
"Hey! Watch it!"
"Slow down, for God's sake!"
That last one, coming from a bent old lady eighty years older than Moses, breaks him momentarily out of his daydream and makes him chuckle. But, quickly, he's transported back to the magical realm of Aziraphale's corporeal form, starts to sweat at thoughts of kissing Aziraphale's plump, bitten lips, his soft moans filling the air with lusty amalgamations of Crowley's name. He's heard Aziraphale say his name hundreds of times before in as many different ways, though mainly in exasperation.
Begging would be a new, delicious addition to that collection.
Crowley parks his car out front, half-on/half-off the curb. He leaves it up to his Bentley to lock up and barrels up the steps of A. Z. Fell and Co., bursts through the double doors without contemplating the best way to make an entrance. Aziraphale opted for the direct approach with his invitation.
Crowley decides to follow suit and do the same.
And he's greeted by... nothing. Musty air and silence. But that doesn't stop him. He's there for a purpose, and with Aziraphale's express permission.
To finally make love to his angel.
"Aziraphale? I'm here!" Crowley calls, snapping his fingers to lock the doors and pull the shades. "I've arrived! Where are you?" He unbuttons his shirt, undoes the fly to his trousers, and begins to undress, searching the stacks and shelves. He sheds each article as he stumbles through, leaving them in his wake. If he weren't a demon, his dry cleaning bill would be atrocious.
One of the perks of his job.
But, honestly, he couldn't care less. He's waited for this moment for so damn long he can taste it, sweet on his tongue like candy floss. In his head, he feels Aziraphale and only Aziraphale, knows he's somewhere close by and alone. 
Waiting for him.
Crowley imagines the level of undressed Aziraphale may be as well. No bow tie and with his top button undone? That right there is enough to make Crowley’s mouth water - hints of pale, perfect skin peeking out from beneath his baby blue shirt. Or will he go further? Jacket gone, waistcoat hanging open, shirt buttons opened to part way down, sleeves rolled up and showing off his impressive forearms?
Crowley stops walking to take that thought in, let it wash through him and feed his erection instead of disrupting it prematurely.
And what about the state of his trousers? Button unbuttoned, zip lowered, waistband shrugged to his hips, waiting for Crowley to reach out a hand and take the next step, trembling fingertips sneaking underneath the smoothest cotton fabric known to man…
“Good lord,” Crowley murmurs, stuttering to a halt one more time as he steps into a ring of light. His eyelids flutter shut as the light glows brighter, and another voice echoes his with its own utterance of, “Good lord.”
Crowley grins. He recognizes that voice.
“Who else were you expecting?”
Crowley opens his eyes and finds angel… slightly more dressed than Crowley had anticipated.
Aziraphale stares at Crowley wide-eyed, a flush of rose climbing up his neck, his holy aura as blinding as his cheeks. "Crowley! Why on Earth have you taken off your clothes!?"
“Uh… I don’t know?” Crowley looks Aziraphale up and down. Not only is he fully dressed, but he’s wearing an apron to boot.
So more dressed than usual.
“And you’ve tossed them all over.” Aziraphale tuts, shakes his head. “They’ll be ruined.”
Crowley is tempted to agree, gather them all up, put them on, and blow this off like one big joke. But he’s so genuinely baffled, he can’t force himself to act. "I... uh... might be confused. Why am I here again?"
"For some afternoon delight!"
Crowley nods, his head pounding from a loss of blood that’s causing other areas of his human-shaped form to throb. "And you know wot that is?"
"Of course, I do!"
"And you don't think that undressing might be in order?"
"Heavens no! Unless you're concerned about getting your clothes dirty… ” Aziraphale leans to one side and peeks over Crowley’s bare shoulder “… not that that makes much difference now. But you've always been a tidy eater."
Crowley's back teeth clench around a whine. Eat! Yes! Eat! Isn’t that what he’s here for (among other things)? "Eat wot, exactly?"
"This." Aziraphale gestures proudly to a round table in the center of the room, urging Crowley, with eager blue eyes, to investigate. Crowley shuffles over, too curious to be concerned by his nakedness. He looks down at the dessert sitting on its silver plate, surrounded by Aziraphale’s tea service, and quirks an eyebrow. 
“A cake?”
"That's not wot afternoon delight means, angel."
"Of course, it does."
"How do you figure?"
"It says so right here in my cookbook." Aziraphale grabs a book from the table, its cover worn from decades of man-handling and food spills. He opens to a page marked by a tattered red ribbon and clears his throat. "Five-Layer Afternoon Delight: a strawberry and chocolate mousse confection divided by layers of pecans and meringue atop a light-as-air angel food cake slathered with sweet cream."
"That does sound scrummy," Crowley says, whimpering at the mention of angel food slathered in cream.
"Doesn't it?" Aziraphale sets the book aside so he can cut a slice for his companion. "Besides, I thought it would be the perfect prelude."
"Yeah?" Crowley snaps his clothes back on and takes a seat, reaching for his plate. Dusty and humiliated, he crosses his legs to kill his erection. He picks up his fork and prepares to tuck in, resigned to the fact that this is the only angel cake he's going to get his lips around. "Prelude to what?"
"To sex," Aziraphale says, grinning like a beast when he hears the China plate hit the floor.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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You, Me And The Car (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N okay so this wasn’t going to be smutty but blame @chibsytelford for the complete 180 of this fic 🥵 and yes that’s my car 😜 but let’s start the month of with a bang quite literally 😜
Warnings: unprotected sex, sex in a public space
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Yo Spenser” Your Uncle shouted walking into the garage. “You been ordering shit again?”
“Yo Spenser” Your Uncle shouted walking into the garage. “You been ordering shit again?”
“Would I?” You smirked looking up from the engine bay, wiping your hands on the rag.
“What you got this time?” He asked, sliding the box across the floor.
“New intercooler, air intake. engine mounts and BOV” you grinned grabbing your knife, cutting through the tape on the boxes.
“Am I sensing a remap coming along?” He grinned leaning against the car causing you to growl at him without looking up from the boxes.
“Yes and get your ass off the car before I stab you” you glared.
“You are definitely your old man's kid” he chuckled, grabbing a drink from the mini fridge. “Are we getting all this today?”
“Urm” you said glancing at the clock, Clay was home from deployment today so you needed to make sure you had the car back together in time. “Yeah or as much as we can, Clay is home today”
“Well then kiddo we best get cracking” Alex grinned “Can’t have you being late after not seeing him for the last three months”
“I will be happy is all we get is the air intake and BOV done today, the rest I can do with Clay” you grinned as you slipped your wedding and engagement ring off, placing them between your lips and you fiddled with the clasp on the chain that the other one of Clay’s dog tag sat proudly, slipping your rings onto the chain you secured it back around your neck. The last thing you needed was fucking your rings up. “I’ve lost count how many times these headlights have been off the car now”
“Same here kiddo” Alex smirked, tossing you the ratchet and socket. “Whist we at it we will see if we can sort this fucking bumper sag out”
“Yes it’s been pissing off for a while but doubt there’s much we can do, it’s a Ford remember, the Fez’s are known for bumper sag” you laughed as you pulled the first headlight out.
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“Come on you piece a shit just go in the hole goddammit” you shouted at the car as you tried to refit your bumper. “I don’t have time for you to be a cunt”
“And here I thought you loved this car” Alex laughed as he lifted the bumper up giving a bit more play to get the bolts in.
“Yeah well sometimes you need to threaten it and use brut force and ignorance” you laughed as you finally got the right side of the bumper secured. Just as your phone started ringing, placing a smoke between your lips you hit answer without checking who was calling.
“Where are you?” Emma practically shouted down the phone.
“Shit what time is it Em?” You panicked as you grabbed the other bolts, holding your phone between you ear, and cigarette in the corner of your mouth.
“Four thirty” she shouted “shit the plane is just coming into view, you haven’t got long”
“I’ve just gotta get my bumper back on kid, be there as quick as I can, I’m nearly done here. Just do whatever to stall Clay please”
You ended the call without saying bye, you didn’t have much time, the base was at least twenty minutes from her and you still had another five minutes of work and definitely no time to get changed.
In record time you managed to get the bumper back on the car, the tools were just dumped out the way, grabbing your bag and tossed it into the passenger seat. Starting the engine you didn’t even have time to appreciate the roar of the exhaust as you dipped the clutch slamming it into first, dropping the hand brake and wheel spinning out of the garage. Normally it would take twenty minutes to get to the base but you knew you could do it in ten.
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The moment the boys walked out of the base, Clay knew something was off, there wasn’t that deep grumble in the air from your car, glancing around he realised you wasn’t there and couldn’t help but laugh, he knew you had parts arriving and more than likely lost track of time.
“Right before you say anything I’ve been asked to stall you” Emma laughed as she looked over Jason’s shoulder. “Something about she still had her bumper to fit, I dunno she might as well been speaking a different language”
“Garage is what twenty minutes away?” Sonny asked.
“Yeah she will get her in ten though” Clay laughed scratching his beard. “How long ago did you speak to her?”
“About twenty minutes ago” Emma nodded giving Clay a hug.
Soon enough there was a grumble that could be heard in the distance making Clay smile, he never needed to know when you arrived your car told him that you were only a mile out. He knew how guilty you were going to feel for being late and he was going to play. So there he stood, bag on the floor next to him, hands shoved in his pockets looking around for you with a sad look on this face.
“That’s evil Blondie” Sonny laughed leaning against his truck, no one had left yet because they wanted to see things play out.
You practically threw the car around the corner as you entered the base car park, you felt like the worst wife ever, having not seen you husband for three months you were late for him getting home. Reaching down you wrapped your fingers around the handbrake, yanking it up as you stomped on the clutch, pulling the steering wheel to the left, sliding the car through the car park stopping a few feet away from Clay.
Climbing out of the car you ran over to him throwing yourself into his arms. His arms instantly wrapping around your waist, he couldn’t keep the act up when it came to you.
“I am so fucking sorry I’m late, the bumper wouldn’t go back on” you rambled.
“Babygirl it’s fine” he whispered squeezing you tight. “I know you love the car more than me”
“Hey that’s not fair” you pouted but laughing “I would have been on time but the fez wasn’t playing ball”
“Stop panicking, you can just make it up to me later” Clay laughed as he placed you on your feet, draping his arm around your shoulder picking his bag up. “Out of interest how long did it take to get here?”
“Eight minutes” you laughed opening the boot.
“Getting quicker” Clay winked before looking over at Sonny. “Tell me you got it on film”
“Of course, number one rule when it comes to the female Spenser is always have your phone on record” Sonny laughed.
“Wanna go for a drive and see where we end up?” You whispered running your finger down Clay’s chest whilst you stole his cap, placing it on your head.
“I like your thinking” he smirked, slapping your arse.
The two of you had been driving for about an hour now, no music was on as you could now enjoy the labour of your work. Every time you changed gear you heard the turbo flutter making you laugh every time. This was the time Clay loved the most, watching you drive, watching as your eyes sparkled, your grin getting bigger by the second and you laughing at yourself.
Pulling into the car park you and Clay had found one day whilst driving, you pulled the handbrake on putting the car into neutral but left it running.
“So I was thinking” you whispered “I want to try something that involves you, me and the car”
“Oh yeah” he smirked, running his hand up your bare thigh. “And what’s this idea babygirl”
“I wanna ride you whilst you are against the bonnet” you breathed closing your eyes at the thought “I want you to take me over the bonnet and fuck me”
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to say that” he hummed against your lips “why are we still sat in the car baby”
You never moved so fast in your life, there was just something naughty about this, the fact you could get caught just added to it. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as Clay leant against the bonnet of the car with his jeans dropped round his knees, closing the gap between you, you wrapped you hand around his hard dick, slowly pumping it making him moan as he undid your the button on your shorts. Doing a little wiggle as he pushed the material down, they dropped to your ankles allowing you to step out of them. The moment you lost your thong Clay picked you up positioning your over his dick.
Slowly you sunk down on his length, gasping at the feeling, you were taking things slow as it had been three months and Clay wasn’t exactly small.
“Fuck” you breathed against his lips.
“I know baby” he whispered “so fucking tight”
After a few minutes Clay started lifting you up and down, fully taking your weight as he helped you ride him against your car.
“Clay” you moaned as he changed the pace up, before standing off the car, slamming you down on the bonnet.
“God I missed this feeling” he grunted as he thrusted hard into you making you arch your back, bucking your hips up to get him deeper.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you moaned as his thumb found your clit matching the pace of his hips, “oh god”
“That’s it baby” he groaned biting down on his bottom lip, “fuck I can feel you getting tighter babygirl”
“Clay I’m so close” you whimpered, making him smirk, he knew you were close by how your body was reacting but loved hearing you say it.
It only took a few more hard thrusts for him to send you over the edge screaming his name out for the whole world to hear as you rode out your high, but he didn’t stop thrusting as he chased his own release making your whimpers and moans to get louder, it didn’t help the car was still running so you had the added vibration of the engine beneath you, feeling his grip on your hips tighten he gave one fine thrust, moaning as he came.
Leaning forward he kissed you lovingly as you both regained your breath, his ass on view for every man and their dog to see but neither of you cared, you were too lost in each other.
"I don't know who's louder baby, the grumble of the exhaust or you" he laughed against your lips.
“Definitely me” you giggled, placing your hand on the side of his face, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb as you got lost in his eyes. “I missed you so much”
“I know babygirl, I missed you too, but I’m home now” he breathed, his eyes dropping to your rings around your neck, moving his hands he undid the clasp, sliding the rings off the chain. Before taking your left hand. “Let’s get these back where they belong” he whispered, sliding them back onto your finger before kissing them.
“What do you wanna do now?” You smiled as you leant your head back against the bonnet.
“I was thinking we head home, get a takeaway and cuddle on the sofa, maybe with round two and three thrown in” he smirked as he pulled out of you. He quickly disappeared but returned with a pair of boxers for his bag to clean himself and you up, once the pair of your were dressed he took your hand pulling you into his arms.
“Damn you’ve got some energy today” you giggled looking up at him.
“Well when you have a wife that’s as gorgeous and as fit as you it happens” he laughed kissing your head. “I love you baby”
“I love you too” you whispered “you can drive home, I don’t think my legs are working yet”
“You must love me if you are letting me drive”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading
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captain-mcdavid · 3 years
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alternate ending - pt.1
it’s been two years... josh and y/n have moved on and started new lives. but what happens when they find themselves in the same city working side by side? can they move past their previous games and reconnect? or will old habits die hard?
word count: 4.9k
smut: yes | no
warnings: swearing, alcohol
“Oh my god, please Thomas.” You groan, “Please, can you just be serious for one second. One second!” 
He raises his hands in defeat, “Okay, fine.” 
“Thank you,” You sigh, “Now go.” 
“Wait, what am I supposed to say again?” He asks, and you and the videographer share a look before you roll your eyes. 
“Bienvenue à nouveau, fans des habs.” You remind him. “On three, okay?” He nods, and you count down, smiling when it finally goes off without a hitch. “Alright now one more time, in English and then we can all go home.” 
He nods, and then shoots you a wink. You shake your head at him, counting up to three for the last time.
“Welcome back, habs fans!” Thomas says, and Ted, your videographer smiles.
“Done.” He turns off the camera, and you give him a pat on the back.
“We really appreciate you coming in Thomas,” You say, “Thanks again.”
“Anything for you, Y/N.” He smirks, and then he heads out.
“Alright, Ted. I’ll see you soon,” You say, gathering your things. “Have a good night.”
With that you wave and head out of the arena. Setting your things in the front seat of your Range Rover, you grin, taking a minute to admire your new car. This was something that would have taken you five years to save up for with the pay at your old job.
It’s kind of ironic, where you were two years ago to where you are now... You didn’t like your job back in Ohio but you couldn’t say you ever saw yourself coming back to Canada, let alone working for an NHL team. 
You thought you had it all figured out back in Columbus. But after your life took a nose dive you realized you really didn’t. A fresh start was what you needed, and luckily with your vast experience in media, you were qualified for a position that Seth recommended to you. A position as head of media operations for the Montreal Canadiens. 
You were weary at first, because why would you want to work in the NHL after you had a huge falling out with one of the players, but the more thought you gave it, the better the offer seemed. It was in Montreal, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the pay was double what you were getting in Ohio, and it would be a lot more fun.
Not to mention, there were 31 teams in the NHL, and if the one guy you were worried about did ever leave Columbus, there was a ninety three percent chance he wouldn’t come to Montreal. (Literally, you calculated.)
And now it’s been two years, arguably the best two years of your life. You have everything you didn’t have in Ohio; Stable friendships, a job you actually enjoy, a great support system. You’ve gained in every aspect of your life.
You’ve just walked in your front door, when your phone rings. You pull it out of your purse, laughing when you see your bosses name lighting up the screen. “It’s been ten minutes, Reid.” You say, and he laughs. “I’m off the clock.”
“I know, I know.” He responds. “I’m sorry, just this and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Okay, shoot.” You tell him. 
“Tomorrow, media day, I split the players in half for you. We’ll do the first half tomorrow, and then the rest Friday.” 
“Sounds fine to me.” You shrug, “What changed?” 
“We have two new players flying in tomorrow, but they won’t be in until Friday. I figured instead of saving just the two newbies for Friday and rushing you tomorrow with the rest of the guys, we’d just split it evenly.” He explains. 
“Oh,” You say, usually you found out rather quickly when there were trades and new acquisitions, but you hadn’t heard anything today. “I didn’t know we got any new players, trades?”
“Yeah, two trades. I don’t know much, it just happened. New guys are, uh- let me see...” There’s a fast beating in your heart that you haven’t felt for at least a year. When you first started, every time you heard about a trade you’d get a little nervous, cause what if it was him? Eventually those nerves went away, but they seem to have made a comeback all of the sudden. 
You shake out your jitters while you wait for Reid to give you the names, “Here they are, first guy: Joel Edmundson, from Carolina.” You nod, it’s a name you’ve never heard before. 
“Second, Josh Anderson, from Columbus.” 
But that one? It’s a name you’ve heard all too many times. 
Thank god you’re not driving anymore, because you’re sure you would have swerved into oncoming traffic after hearing that. You can feel a chill spread all the way out to your finger tips, a unsettling nervous feeling sitting on your shoulders like a goblin. This can’t be happening. 
He can’t be coming here. 
The phone is still held to your ear, but you can barely breathe let alone get a word out. 
“Are you there?” Reid asks, and finally you manage to just murmur out a noise of acknowledgement, and then you’re hanging up, nearly collapsing onto the couch. You’re in full blown panic mode. 
Within thirty minutes you’ve already fully played out scenario in your head where you quit your job and leave the city, move back in with your parents like a loser and remain single for the rest of your life. And it sucks, but honestly, it sounds better than actually dealing with this. 
If you stay, and let everything play out, you’ll have to see Josh. You’ll have to talk to him, interview him, all while acting as professional as possible so no one figures out that you have history. Now that, that seems just about impossible. 
In a haze you grab for your phone, searching for a specific contact you haven’t used in a while.
“Y/N, nice to hear from you! It’s been a while!” He says, but there’s a note of nervousness to his voice. 
“Seth.” You scold him. 
“I’m assuming you found out about Montreal’s recent acquisition?” 
“Yup, sure did.” You say sarcastically. “Twenty nine other teams that he could have gone to, Seth. Why here?”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” He says, “Ninety three to seven, the odds were in your favor, but apparently you’re just really unlucky.” 
“Super fucking unlucky.” You whisper, and you can hear Seth sigh on the other end of the phone. “Well, know of any other teams that are looking for media op managers? Columbus would be great,” You ramble, “There’s a really small chance he’ll come back, right?”
“Y/N, come on.” Seth says, “Last time I heard from you, you were loving it over there.”
“Yeah,” You admit, “I do, I love it here, but that’s all gonna change now.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Seth says. “You said you guys ended things on okay terms, if there’s no bad blood it shouldn’t be weird?” 
“Okay terms is not good terms. He told me he’d wait for me to figure my shit out, and then I basically pushed him out the door.” You explain, “We haven’t spoken since then, there’s no way that this isn’t gonna end terribly.”
“You can both learn to be civil and professional,” Seth tries, “You shouldn’t have to give up your job because of this.”
“Yeah, well...” You sigh, shutting your eyes tight. When you open them again you’re kind of hoping you’ll be anywhere but where you actually are, with any other reality, but you’re just stuck. “I don’t really see another way this can go.” 
“Don’t say that,” Seth whispers, “Promise me you’ll at least try. Try to make things work, don’t just give up before you’ve even tested the waters. This might end up being not even half as bad as you think it will be.” 
When you don’t respond, Seth continues, “You love your job, you love the city, you have friends... You’ve built a life for yourself there and you can’t give that up over this.”
If it weren’t for those things you would have quit the second you heard Josh’s name, but Seth is right... You’ve worked for everything you have here. You owe it to yourself to at least try to make things work here before you give it all up. 
You rub your temples with a deep groan, a dreadful feeling that you’re gonna regret this sinking in. But you sigh and agree anyway, “Okay. I’ll try.” 
“Yes!” Seth says, “You got this.” 
“Does he know?” You ask quietly. “Where I am? What I do?”
“No,” Seth answers, “I can tell him... If you want me to.” 
“No that’s okay-,” You decide, “He should probably hear it from me. Thanks, Seth.” 
“You’re welcome,” He answers, and you can’t help but smile a little. He was probably the one thing you actually missed from Columbus. “Will you call me in a few days? Let me know how things are going?”
“Yeah, of course.” You answer, “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
He confirms, and then says a short goodbye. 
You hang up the phone, and then head straight for your wine fridge. There’s a fancy bottle of white wine that you were saving for a special occasion, and while it’s not the type of celebration you were thinking, it definitely is an occasion. You pour yourself a tall glass, grab a chocolate bar, and head to the couch to start overthinking. 
Then you decide within the first ten minutes that thinking is going to do you no good, so you turn on the TV and grab another glass of wine, praying the alcohol will knock you out, because without it, there’s no way your brain will shut off. 
After the third glass and your sixth episode of Schitt’s creek, you finally start to feel tired. Instead of going upstairs and going to bed, you just flop over on the couch, pulling a blanket over your body before closing your eyes, avoiding all the thoughts bumping around in your head. 
They’ll still be there tomorrow you tell yourself, and then you’re out. 
You’re basically tiptoeing around the arena, sneaking players here and there to get their headshots, all while trying your best to avoid him. 
Your plan is working quite well, you’ve manage to go over half the day without a run in. You’ve just finished with Shea, and you only have a few guys left, so you go for another stroll around the main concourse, looking for Brendan so you can get his goal animations done. You’re turning your head side to side, looking out for a short guy when you hear a familiar voice. 
It’s been two years but you’d recognize it anywhere. 
You freeze for a short moment before you’re all but throwing yourself into the room closest to you, which true to your luck, happens to be the men's bathroom. You twist the deadbolt behind you, staring at the door in pure horror. 
It wiggles against the hinges, and then you hear him, “This one’s locked, man.” 
You wait a good five minutes before you finally tiptoe out of the restroom, sneaking back to your office on extreme lookout. You sigh with relief when you’re in the constraints of your office. You’re finally safe now. 
“Y/N,” Reid announces, opening your office door as usual, without knocking.
You give him a small smile, “Hey, Reid, what can I do for you?”
“I found the new guys for you,” He grins, and the smile drops from your face almost immediately. “They’re ready for their close up!”
You kind of feel like there’s a camera that you can look into like you’re on the office or something, because wow, what stupidly perfect timing. 
Normally you’d have the mind to fake a laugh at his dumb joke, but you just shake your head in panic, standing from your chair as you flail your arms. “No-,” You start to say, but it’s too late. 
“C’mon in guys,” Reid moves further into your office to clear the door way and you swear you could literally throw up on the spot right now. 
“Reid- I asked Ted to do their media stuff-,” You try, but it’s too late. 
They walk in, and you slap a hand over your mouth to keep from swearing loudly in front of your boss. That doesn’t stop Josh though, you can’t even look up at him, but all that comes out of his mouth is, “Holy shit.”
You nod your head, your hand slides up from your mouth to the side of your face to act as a shield, while you give Reid your fakest smile. 
He furrows his brows at you, “Everything okay, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, yeah...” You murmur, and you finally drop the awkward hand, crossing your arms with a huff. Your eyes stay trained on Reid, “I just um, I had asked Ted if he would do their media shots and he said he’d take care of it.” You explain, and your boss makes a face at you. 
“Oh how come? Are you not feeling well?” He gives you an out before you can even think of one, and you jump on it immediately, nodding your head quickly. 
“Yeah, just like splitting head ache,” You say, “Nausea, it’s gross. I don’t know what’s going on.” 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, and you feel terrible because you know he genuinely feels bad, Reid is one of the nicest guys out there. “You can go home, you don’t need to stick around.” He tells you, and you give him an appreciative smile, refusing to even let your eyes wander to the right. 
“That’s great, Reid. Thank you, I really appreciate it,” You’re about to drop, grab your bag and run out the room like the coward you are, but Reid motions to the boys and the overwhelming urge to throw up is stronger than ever. 
“I’ll just introduce you, and then I’ll send them over to Ted, you can get going.” He suggests, and you nod, sucking in a deep breath. “You’re looking quite pale actually.” Reid notes, “Poor thing,”
“Anyway,” He starts, and you force yourself to turn your body to the side, but you still can’t find the courage to look up at him. “This is Y/N, our head of media operations. She deals with all the social media, the interviews and that kind of thing. She’s great, she’s a huge part of our organization.” You give him a short smile in response, thanking him with a light tap on the arm. “Y/N, this is Joel and Josh, they’re gonna be great additions to the team.” 
“Joel, and Josh...” You respond quietly, extending a hand to Joel first, forcing yourself to make eye contact. “Nice to meet you,” You say, and then you move to Josh, holding out your hand to him too, repeating your earlier words firmly. “Nice to meet you,” 
It’s like your body goes cold when you look at him, he hasn’t changed one bit. He looks kind of confused, but accepts your handshake anyway, nodding with an unsure stare. He doesn’t make any move to let go, so you do it for him, pulling your hand from his grasp in a hurry while you grab your bag from behind you. 
“Sorry, Reid. Thanks again, I’ll be in tomorrow.” You tell him, and then you give Josh one last look, before heading straight out of your office. 
Reid looks a little bemused, but watches you leave anyways. You’re basically speed walking out of the arena, trying your hardest to make it to the parking garage in record time, because you actually feel like the air in the massive building is getting thinner. 
“You forgot this.” 
And just like that your heart rate spikes back up. When you don’t turn, or acknowledge him, he whispers your name and there’s a second where memories come flooding back. 
Your body is nearly frozen, you don’t think you could move right now if you wanted to. Josh comes to stand in front of you, and for the first time you’re forced to look at him. Really look at him. 
It’s been two years but you’d still know that expression anywhere. He’s hurt. 
“You work here.” He says, almost like he’s trying to convince himself. 
You bite your lips sheepishly, and you can feel your resolve starting to crumble. You can’t pretend you’re not completely overwhelmed anymore. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me?”
You find the strength to nod your head, but then a second later you’re shaking it to indicate that no, you weren’t. You hadn’t decided what you were gonna do yet, you knew he was gonna find out at some point, but you also knew deep down you were never gonna be strong enough to outright introduce yourself to him this way. You were just hoping when he did find out it wouldn’t be that bad... But here you are. “I was kinda hoping I could just avoid you.” You say honestly. 
He looks tense, like he’s holding back words. When he speaks he’s quiet, and you almost miss the way he scoffs quietly at your response. “Avoid me... Are we really that-,” He stops, leaving the sentence open, because he doesn’t know what word comes next. Neither do you, but you understand. 
You just look at each other for a moment, and it’s now that your emotions finally get the better of you. Tears well up in your eyes, and you just shrug at him, because you have no idea what to do. 
“I love this job,” You say weakly, “And I love living here, but-,”
Josh shakes his head and you stop, waiting for his interjection. “But nothing.” He starts, and then he’s moving one step closer to you, and him simply subtracting another inch shouldn’t affect you as much as it does. You feel your knees start to shake, the tears getting a little bit harder to ignore. 
“This doesn’t need to be weird.” He says quietly, “I don’t want it to be-,” Once again the words are left unsaid but you nod anyway, understanding. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
You nod quickly, meeting his eyes. You can’t tell if the feeling is warm or cold, but it spreads through your body like wildfire within seconds. You wonder if he feels it too, if there’s anything still here after so long. He drops your gaze and holds your jacket out for you, you take it and then offer him a small smile, “Bye, Y/N.”
And then he walks away.
3 weeks later
“Habs reverse retro, um absolutely, I love these jerseys I think they’re really really cool, so I’m gonna swipe right on these.” Josh says, toying with the tiny phone in his big hands. 
You step in with a chuckle, waving a hand at Ted so he cuts the video. “Alright, you’re done! Perfect,” You say with a laugh, and Josh finally looks up from the phone. You share a glance with your videographer, both of you exchanging a knowing grin. 
“What?” Josh says, and you shake your head with a smirk. 
“Nothing,” You murmur. And Ted starts to laugh. 
“The camera loves you,” He says to Josh, “Almost as much as you love it,” 
He raises his eyebrows at you, “Was I not good?” The corners of his mouth turn up slightly and you just shake your head, trying to hide your wide grin. 
“No, no,” You stop him, and he looks at you skeptically. Finally you shrug and say, “Just maybe next time we do one of these you could like, I don’t know look up at the camera a time or two?” 
Josh starts to laugh, and he shakes his head, looking down bashfully at his feet. “This is not my thing, you know that.” 
And just like that, that stupid feeling is back. Out from the center of your chest all the way to your finger tips. It’s dull this time, but it’s there. You freeze, you’re really hoping Ted didn’t catch on, because you shouldn't know that. 
You change the subject before anything can come of it, and thank god Ted carries on as normal. He didn’t seem to notice, he just flips through his camera bag as usual, murmuring about Shea’s video being even worse. 
You’re not gonna give this anymore time to boil though, so you turn to the culprit, “You’re uh, you’re good to go, thanks Josh.” You say, scratching at the back of your neck. 
He just nods, looking worried at first, but and then half smiles before heading out the door. Once he’s out of ear shot you sigh, grabbing your bag off the chair. 
“Time for a lunch break, Ted?” Cause, wow do you ever feel like you need one. “We’ll film Brendan after?”
“Sounds good,” Ted smiles. 
You nod and then head for the hallway, making sure to go the opposite way Josh did. If you have to walk the whole concourse so be it. 
You shouldn’t be so skittish, you know that... But things have been good the last three weeks. You’ve managed to talk without it being horribly awkward, and no one has found out about your history yet. However, you’re not going to take any chances. The longer you’re in the same room with him, the more likely someone is to slip up, like Josh almost just did. You don’t need to spend a bunch of time with him, just enough time to get your job done. So that’s what you’ve been doing, the bare minimum. Talking only if you absolutely need to. 
The habs were having a great start to the season, not to mention Josh was a huge part of that. He was having the best start of his career, and you weren’t going to ruin it. 
You take a seat at one of the tables in the common area, pulling your book and salad out of your bag with a huff. You would really rather a burger and fries, or something not made up of 90% water, but it was in the fridge and it was easy so you grabbed it. 
You stab the fork into the lettuce, pulling it up one time before you just shake your head and leave it in the container, prodding around at it while your stomach grumbles. 
You look up from your book when your name is called, Joel and of course, Josh are sitting down at a table across from you, an obscene amount of boxed food in their hands. 
Your heart is thumping rapidly in your chest, and you try your best to talk through it, raising your hand in a wave, “Hi, guys.” 
“What’s going on?” Joel asks, “Hungry?”
“No but you sure look it,” You lie, nodding to the boxes they’re holding. 
Joel smiles giddily as they start to open them up, you just grin and then go back to poking at your salad, trying not to pay attention to how good their food smells. You try to distract yourself with your book, but yet again, that doesn’t last long. 
“Hey,” You look up, eyes meeting a complete stranger this time. “I was just wondering if you could tell me where the opposing team locker room is?” 
“Oh, yeah!” You say, standing from your chair to direct him down the hallway. “You’re a player?” You clarify, just to be sure, and he nods. “It’s just down the hall and to the left. Past the equipment room.” 
“Okay...” He says, and you stare oddly as he looks down at his feet and then back up at you. “Thanks,”
He has longer blonde hair, what these stupid boys would probably call a flow, and a long one at that, but he pulls it off. He’s got a nice face with a trimmed beard, and you can tell just from one look at him, swedish. 
He stares at you for a moment and then chuckles uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, worst conversation starter ever.”
Your stomach knots when he says that, and you want to believe that the reason for it has nothing to do with that fact that Josh is sitting right there, watching all of this. You just smile awkwardly, “It wasn’t terrible? More the follow up that could use some work...” You joke. 
“I just saw you sitting here and I thought you were really beautiful, I’m William. I play for the Oilers.”
Your heart is pounding in your ears, and although this guy is really sweet all you can think about is Josh sitting right there and hearing all this, but you try your best to smile anyway, not wanting to be rude. “That’s really sweet of you, thank you.” Maybe at a different time you’d give this guy a chance, because he seems quite nice. You briefly remember seeing a name on the Oilers roster for tonight, William Lagesson.
He’s about to open his mouth again, when a whistle from behind the both of you catches your attention, you turn to see a red head with a toothy grin. “Leave that poor girl alone, Laggy.” The red head snips, and William runs a hand through his hair nervously. 
You laugh, trying to make him feel better, and he chuckles with a shake of his head, mumbling an apology for his teammate. “Can I maybe just get your number?” He asks, and you try not to look as surprised as you really are. 
It’s been ages since someone asked you for your number, and apparently it’s been a long time since you said no too, because you completely forget how.  
Your overwhelming urge to be nice all the time fails you here, and you find yourself saying yes even though you really don’t want to. He’s sweet and all but, you’d rather not do the hockey player thing again. 
At the last minute you finally have the mind to put a fake number in, and you feel bad momentarily as he smiles and says bye, but as soon as you see the empty spot at Joel’s table, you just feel panicked instead.
Josh is gone... Does that mean he didn’t hear?
You pack up your things and then stop beside Joel, he side eyes you and then makes a face and you just frown. 
“Coach texted Josh, so he wasn’t lucky enough to hear that whole thing... Me on the other hand?” He takes an obnoxious bite of his food as he shoots you a wink, and all you can do is roll your eyes, and walk away. “That was hilarious!” Joel calls behind you, and you just wave him off, but really, there’s some relief setting in when you find out that Josh missed that last part. 
When you arrive back at your office, there’s a note from your boss, and a box on your desk. 
“Head home early today. Boys will be preparing for the game. We can finish up on Monday. -Reid” Is written in his chicken scratch on a bright pink sticky note. 
You do a happy little wiggle, and then reach for the box. It smells amazing, and your stomach grumbles at the thought, but then when you open it and realize what it is, you’ve suddenly lost your appetite. 
It’s pad thai and spicy yam chicken... Your favorite. 
You know instantly this isn’t from Reid... There’s probably only one person in the world who knows what your order is. You used to go to that thai place by his house all the time, and you’d always order the same thing. 
You don’t even put your bag down, you just leave the food on your desk and turn the light off before walking out. 
You try your best not to think about everything that happened today on your way home, because it felt like a huge step back after three weeks of progress. 
You stop for some groceries, and take a look in a little boutique, anything to keep your mind busy. When you arrive home you play music almost as loud as it can go, hoping it will drown out your thoughts. Over the last three weeks you’ve done enough thinking about this, you’re tired. 
So you workout, shower, make some dinner, and then you sit down to watch the game, pinching yourself every time you find your eyes lingering on number seventeen a little too long. 
The game is pretty slow, the boys aren’t playing their best, Edmonton is on their game and you just know they’re not gonna come out of this one with the two points, but you watch anyway. You kind of want to turn it off and switch to something else after the second period, but you give in and stick around for the third. 
All is fine and normal until the five minute mark ticks down on the clock. 
The camera spans to the right to follow the players going up the ice, when you hear the commentator say, “Big battle, in front of the net...”
And your heart just about stops, because you have a feeling you know exactly who it is. Guess Joel was wrong... He did hear the whole thing. 
“Anderson, and Lagesson, they’re still tied up together. Anderson is hot.”
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 3.4
Two weeks later.
"Did Xiao ever say when he'd return?"  You caught up to Aether at the front of the group.  "I'm getting worried.  And what about Mr. Zhongli?"  The team had just entered Liyue Harbor to inspect three nameless treasure boxes that you'd found all over western Liyue.
"Nope.  Not a clue.  But we can stop by the funeral parlor to look for Zhongli if you want."  
"Paimon thinks you worry too much.  The Vigilant Yaksha can handle himself just fine."
"I-I know that!"  You spoke a little too loud and a few pedestrians gave you the side eye.  The tips of your ears burned red.
"I have some business to attend to regarding the winery.  I'll meet you tomorrow morning."  Diluc walked off without another word.
"He's not a people-person just like Xiao, don't you think?" Paimon nudged you suggestively.
"What're you saying, exactly?"
"It seems our emergency food forgot her place," Aether defended you despite his urge to tease your urgency over Xiao's return.
"Stop treating Paimon like that!  I am not food!"
"She's not wrong though," Childe cozied up to you.  "A little eager to see Xiao again, are we?"
"I already told you guys, it's not like that!  I'm just antsy because he said he'd be back soon and it's been a few weeks now--"
"Sounds like you really like this Xiao person!" Bennett chirped.  "I wonder what he's like?"  He swung his arms at his side, completely carefree despite the soreness in his previously-broken arm.  It had healed within a day because of his healing abilities.
"You guys are just teasing me because I'm the only girl on the team!" You pouted and crossed your arms.
"Oh come now, don't be like that." Childe put an arm around your shoulder.  "What else did Xiao tell you before you left? How much he loves you and how much he'd miss you while you were away?  If you want, I can tell you those things too, ojou-chan〰"
"Cut it out, Childe!"  You snapped and pushed him away.  That's when you noticed a few strangers were whispering and pointing at the Harbinger.  "Hey--"
"Ah, don't concern yourself with them."  Childe returned to a more serious nature and continued to walk behind Aether.   "Let's just say I'm not as welcome in Liyue as the Traveler here."
"That's because he kicked your butt!" Paimon taunted.
"Do not forget that I've grown stronger in recent months.  If you are so certain he could defeat me a second time, I'm more than happy to prove the two of you wrong."
"Why does it feel so tense all of a sudden?"  Bennett whispered in your ear.  
"They have a weird rivalry going."
"We're here--annnd it's closed," Aether's shoulders drooped once the group reached the antique shop.  "'Open at 6p.m.'  Great."
"That just means we have time to relax! Quick, Paimon wants to go eat some classic Liyue dishes!"  She dragged Aether with her before he could protest.  
"Uh...we'll meet here at six!"  He called over his shoulder.
"I still don't understand how she could eat so much," Childe shrugged.  "Well then, I'm off.  I have some business to take care of at the bank.  See you soon."
"Guess it's just you and me?"  Bennett laughed nervously.
"Wanna eat lunch first?"  
Your offer lit his eyes up.  The two of you had practically become best friends during these past few weeks, and he found it a relief that you weren't phased by his bad luck even when it did backfire on you.  To think he had found such a great friend and adventure team no less--was incredibly motivating.
After several hours of eating and checking out all the harbor had to offer, you and Bennett ended at the docks.  The sun was nearly setting and cast an orange glow on its subjects.  You dangled your feet over the edge and soon enough he did the same.  
"I had so much fun today! Thank you for showing me around!"  Bennett ate the dango you had bought for him.
"Mhm!"  You didn't feign cheerfulness, but by now it was exaggerated.  Bennett caught on.
"Hey, are you okay?  You've been acting weird since this morning."
"I don't know.  I just feel lonely without him."
"The Xiao guy?  I get how that feels.  I'm always lonely," he sympathized.  "You can rant to me if you want.  I'm a good listener."
"See, that's the thing.  I'm not sure if it's safe for me to talk about it with anyone."  There were brief moments in the night in which a gentle breeze would caress your skin, but they were briefer than the first and infrequent.  Your heart ached and missed the comfort of knowing he was watching over you the longer he was gone.
Bennett quietly pondered your words while he swung his feet in the air.  "If there's anything I know about thoughts and feelings, it's that they'll tear you apart the longer you keep them bottled up."
"Yeah...you're right."  You let out a long sigh and lay your back against the cold wooden planks.  "I want to get closer to him, but it feels like something bad will happen if I do."
"What do you mean?"
"He says we might be in danger, but he won't elaborate on it.  I feel like unless that danger is eliminated, I won't have a chance to get to know him fully."
"I see."  Bennett copied your position and reached toward the sky. "Well, I think--"
"There you are," Childe entered your field of vision.  "We're all waiting for you.  The antique shop is open now."
"--These markings are those of Liyue," Linlang of the antique shop continued to explain as you approached the rest of the group.  "You can see inscribed here is the anecdote of Azhdaha.  They say Azhdaha was a dragon spawned by a convergence of the spirits of Geo in Liyue, and that even Rex Lapis could not easily subdue it.  Rex Lapis thus summoned three adepti to his aid, and together they created a cavernous realm.  Rex Lapis then battled the creature, luring it into the cavern, before ordering the adepti to seal the entrance, trapping Azhdaha within.  
"The patterns on the things you brought seem to describe the three adepti joining hands to create the cavern.  This crane must be the adeptus Mountain Shaper, and this deer might be Moon Carver...But this last one...huh?  It seems like this pattern has been intentionally ground away by someone to the point where I can't make anything out.  Who was this third adeptus?  Eh, no matter; this is beyond me.  Regardless, it is a complete set.  Would you like to sell them or keep them as keepsakes?  I can make a generous offer."
"We'd like to sell them!"  Paimon nearly yelled with excitement over the potential mora.
"Wait! May I see the third artifact?" The clerk held it out to you, and you examined the damaged box in your hands.  Something about this box called to you, though you didn't know why you felt that way.  You were mesmerized as you rubbed the ground-out etchings in the material with your thumb.
"Do you know something about these?" Childe suddenly became much more interested in the conversation and leaned toward you.
"I've never seen these before, but...I feel like this one is familiar."
"But there's nothing readable on it," Bennett remarked.  "How can you think it's familiar if there aren't any distinguishing features?
"I...don't know..."  She said these were depictions of three adepti, right? Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper...Could it have been a depiction of Cloud Retainer? But why would it be scratched out if that were the case?  Maybe it's one of the yakshas?  W-wait a second--
"Do you want to keep it?" Aether pulled your head out of the clouds and you lost your train of thought.  
"No, that's okay."  You placed the box on the counter, mind wondering once again as LinLang explained her offer to Aether.  Hopefully you'd get the chance to look at the artifact set again.  Maybe you could ask Xiao about it when he returns--wait.  Your eyes locked onto the damaged box again.
Was it possible that he was the one depicted on the box?
The theory made sense...The Guardian Yaksha worked in the dark, and he wasn't really known in the mortal world.  Festivals were thrown for the adepti, but no one mentioned or prayed to him.  He could have scratched the box himself, or it could have been Rex Lapis's doing.  Your hands curled into determined fists and you walked away from the group before anyone could notice.
Xiao!  You silently called his name once you returned to the docks along the harbor.  Xiao!  I know you can hear me.  No response; the wind was absent.  Why is it that I'm running into more things relating to adepti ever since you departed?  You dunk your hand into the ocean and traced a figure-eight in the water as you thought to yourself.  We found some interesting boxes with three adepti etched into them.  It's strange; one of them is scratched out, but I feel connected to it, almost like it's connected to you.  Weird, huh?  You shook your head at yourself.  What a silly idea, to think that one of the mighty yakshas could hear you.  I'll leave you alone now. I'm sure you're getting tired of listening to me ramble every day.  Or maybe you can't hear me at all in the first place.
A hand suddenly landed on your shoulder.
"Xiao?" Your head snapped behind you in high hopes that the adeptus had returned.
"Ouch," Childe winced and grabbed his chest as if he got hurt.  "It's just lil ol' me."  He took the liberty to sit next to you.
"A-ha, you scared me there.  Sorry."
"You really like him, huh?"
"I guess so.  I don't really know what to do with myself since he left."  You watched the moon rise over the horizon.
"Do you know where he was headed? I can go find him for you."  You shook your head.  "I'm surprised he didn't take you with him.  The two of you were practically attached at the hip."
Hm?  The hair rose on the nape of your neck.  Something about his words was off.
"Childe, do you know something about why he left?"  Your eyes left the moon and locked onto your questionable teammate.
"Whatever do you mean, ojou-chan?" He was good at feigning ignorance, but you didn't fall for it this time.
"Now why would I be interested in the adepti?  Why are you so suspicious of me all of a sudden?"  His eyes narrowed dangerously.  "If you're looking for a reason to fight me, all you have to do is ask and I'll say yes.  I'd love to fight you and go all-out.  It's been awhile and I could use the exercise."
You opened your mouth and shut it.  You couldn't throw around accusations like they were Childe's Fatui money, after all.  If your suspicions were unfounded, it would cause strain in the team.  And he was true to his word on fighting; he could take you out in a single blow if he thought it was necessary.  You thought carefully about this and decided to drop it.
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Random BNHA Headcanons
(This is my first time doing this 😭)
Summary: A bunch of random BNHA headcanons. So, basically the title. The only reason I’m adding a read more is because I want it to be easier to navigate my page, lol
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Bakugo is oddly nice when he first wakes up, but he's not exactly a morning person. He's less "I hate the world, why am I awake???" And more like "I'm extremely comfortable and the only thing that can ruin my mood is becoming less comfortable." He likes hovering between awake and asleep, y'know? Which is why if he's sleepy, his guard drops. When leaving the dorms, if he hasn't fully woken up, he goes from "outta my way, shitty-hair," to "mornin' Eijirou," and by the time he's actually aware of what he said, Kiri's already freaking out. If he's in bed all day for any reason other than being sick, he's probably soft for at least a few hours.
Kaminari's the type to wake up at 2 AM with an idea, go to jot it down, and then realize that he wrote a ten chapter book and now he's late for class. He'll probably put it into a google doc or something, so he can continue to add onto it throughout the day. I also feel like he probably will also randomly get a question and then spend hours researching it and any surrounding topics, before rambling to Kiri about "bro, if I went to the beach, I could make a bunch of glass! Probably! Maybe!" And then have to try and convince his friends that he can just make windows if anyone needs them.
Sero had added moves to his skill set, and practiced particular actions, with the sole intention of mimicking Spiderman. When Kirishima questions him on it, he compares Spiderman to Crimson Riot. They have a conversation that's essentially fanboying, both of them saying "we are not bringing All Might into this," and then more fanboying.
Jirou has an extremely eclectic music taste. If you can name a song, she probably knows it. She can memorize full melodies and all the lyrics within two or three listens, because she's just that good. Some people call her the human Shazam, because if you play the first five seconds of a song she likes, she'll immediately know what it is. She's also called out artists if they made a clear rip-off of a much better song. Her music taste is all over the place, which therefore makes it superior. However. This does not stop her from listening to the same six songs on repeat for a week. The six change a lot, though.
Koda has trouble with bugs, especially big ones. They scare him. But he has pretty much no issues with tigers, lions, horses, or even wolves. He loves animals, he really does. If you just showed up at his doorstep and shoved a bear cub in his arms, he wouldn't really question it, because he'd be happy to have a cute animal to play with.
Todoroki believes himself to be the opposite of moody. His definition of moody is switching emotions for no reason. He, personally, doesn't feel any emotion until something happens that day, be it a thought or an event, and his emotions stay fixed like that until something else happens. He could be having a great day, and then suddenly, it's a horrible day, and he can't figure out how people just "get over it." He does, however, find that unless something REALLY bad or REALLY good happens, his brain does a little emotional reset when he goes to sleep. Like, go to sleep feeling down, wake up feeling kinda meh.
Kirishima has considered re-dying his hair. Come on, hot pink is so manly! How could he not consider it? But he eventually resigns himself, because red just is his color now. Also, I feel like once, before dorms, he was really out of it, so he went to class with his hair down, and this was the first time anyone had seen him like that, and everyone was just confused as hell. Especially Bakugo. "Your hair's less shitty today. What the fuck."
Uraraka takes part in stupid bets all the time. Partially for the fun, and partially for the profit. She once floated Bakugo to the ceiling for 26 minutes before she had to put him down, because Kiri said that if she survived, he'd give her a dollar per minute. She ended up having to go to the recovery girl's office, but at least she got her money.
Mina is one of the few people who can understand and keep up with Deku's mumbling. This is not because she specifically tries to, (like Uraraka) or because she's known him long enough, (like Bakugo.) She's just used to gossipping with Hagakure at 4 AM, and therefore can understand high-speed low-volume speech. She's called him out on things before, but only when she's interested. She completely tunes out things about All Might and heroes and whatnot, but if he ever has anything to say about his classmates, specifically about Uraraka, Todoroki, and Bakugo, (because she, Hagakure, and Denki placed bets,) she hears every word.
Iida secretly loves to break the rules. He acts strict in front of anyone who he respects, or wants respect from, but after he thinks everyone's asleep, he relaxes, doing things that he considers rule-breaking without any remorse. Denki heard someone walking around outside while on one of his late-night internet searches. After finally willing himself to break away from an article about pandas, he popped his head out of the door to find Iida sneaking around. After some silent observation, Denki realized that not only did Iida just get back from breaking curfew, but he casually stole Hot Cheetos from Bakugo's room on the way back to his dorm. He said nothing the next day, at least not directly, but he sorta shoved Sero and Iida in the same room so that they could be bad influences on each other.
Despite it being a major part of her quirk, Hagakure almost never feels invisible. She has a lot of friends to talk to, she can wear cool outfits to stand out, and she is always talking. The only time she's not talking is during stealth training, and when she's using said stealth training to spy on people.
Tsu's little "ribbit" thing is actually just for fun. It feels right to do it, so she does it. Nothing wrong with that. However, pretty much everyone else assumed it was a part of her quirk. It took an insane amount of convincing to get that idea out of their heads. Deku was proud to be one of the few who never actually associated it with her quirk. He could prove it if he wanted to, actually, but that would require showing someone his notebook, which would open a whole other can of worms.
Oh yeah, speaking of Deku's notebook, he has multiple. Six to be exact. One is on his fellow classmates, one is on most pros, one is on the LOV, one is specifically on All Might, one is on his own quirk development, and the last one is a narrative of what's happening in his life, which is why he's constantly thinking as if he's telling a story. He mentally narrates everything that happens in his life, although he sometimes wonders if he's dramatizing things because of that. His internal monologue is constantly running its mouth, and sometimes he ends up speaking over it.
Tokoyami really likes plague doctors. He just does. He wants a plague doctor mask so he can walk around with less judgement, or maybe more, who knows? He just loved the concept. He claims that they're just really cool, which most people agree with, but he's never told any of them that he likes them because he saw a plague doctor mask for the first time at the age of six, and immediately thought bird man.
Sato likes baking, but he can't cook normally to save his life. Well, he can, but he can't. He hasn't burned water, and he knows how to do the very basics, but he can't function without a recipe, not to mention the fact that he's googled how to saute mushrooms three times and still doesn't get it. Baking comes pretty naturally. Exact measurements, precise times and temperatures. Cooking does not. Eyeballing ingredient amounts, guessing if the flame is high enough, trying to figure out how often 'stir occasionally' is. He actually once asked Bakugo if he had advice, to which he responded, "Why the hell are you asking me?!"
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
im getting a little too in my family feels today and so INSTEAD of feeling those im just going to ramble for a second about why i fucking love paladin!aelwyn because. im. just like this i guess im coping leave me alone
cw for discussions of child abuse, maladaptive coping, drugs and alcohol, self harm, destructive tendencies, basically everything we see in canon and the implications
aelwyn is ... SO interesting to me because for as much of her interiority as we see, as much of her as we think we understand, as much as i could ramble about her character for hours, we know ALMOST NOTHING about her in actuality?? (besides ... one key thing)
(this is like 2k and probably incoherent someone please stop me)
okay. listen. almost everything we see aelwyn do in s1 is maladaptive rebellion against her parents and home life. the drinking, the drugs, the partying, perhaps some of kalvaxus (though i dont think we fully understand how much of that was forced on her as well, kalina WAS watching her when she was talking to adaine about it). you can say like, oh aelwyn is a party animal, she's impulsive, she makes risky decisions, she's bitchy and rude, and its like. okay but IS SHE ACTUALLY. because under her parents thumb she had an EXTREMELY limited amount of freedom, and usually when people are suffering from very little control over their life, they WILL act destructively over the tiny bit they can, either harming themselves or their environment or people lower than them in the pecking order, because in a way, that feels like a reclamation of autonomy. saying "you have so much power over me but can you stop me from hurting myself and destroying what you havent managed to claim yet?". its just like, kind of what human brains do and frequently has little to do with a persons actual personality or impulses, its just. desperate brains trying to control SOMETHING because autonomy is a fundamental human need and when thats taken away we get. very bad off. (this is one big reason eating disorders are SO common with abused kids.) so i think a lot of the s1 aelwyn we see is like. this is a very desperate, abused teenager "acting out" in the only way it is possibly somewhat safe for her to do so because, on a psychological level, the self destruction is weirdly the only emotional tether and its either this or just dissociate all the time (something we do see she has problems with in canon)
and yes, she did treat adaine horribly in s1. she fully did. obviously what we get in canon is what happens but a moment thats interesting to me is in episode 1 where adaine has attacked aelwyn several times, who either does nothing or just bounces it back, when she says "i never cast spells at you" and siobhan immediately retcons it and says "yes you do, all the time" (i havent gone back and watched this bit so i might be wording this wrong). obviously its an improv show and the canon is built between performers as they go, but that was interesting to me. that brennan hadnt intended for her to have fought back in that way. she definitely feeds into the emotional abuse from their parents and participates in all the toxicity there, but we know in canon that she did that because of overwhelming fear and self preservation. and that her self hatred because of it just fed back into the cycle and made her feel like she wasnt good enough to even try to break free from it. this is very common in golden child/scapegoat sibling relationships where the golden child SEES what the parents are capable of and becomes a participant in the abuse out of fear for their own standing. in any way siding with the scapegoat child not only directs abuse at themselves as well, but frequently makes things WORSE for the scapegoat because the parents will take out the challenge to their power on them even more. so, if aelwyn DID ever try to defend or help adaine when they were small, she would have VERY QUICKLY learned that made things worse for everyone. and just. sectioned that part of her brain off, as she's done with so many other things. (and i dont think im reading too much into the forest scene with the abernants to say their parents were VERY QUICK to turn abuse towards aelwyn if she stepped out of line even a little. like, you dont flinch when a hand moves unless. you know. dont need to say it just something to think about. as far as we saw in canon, she had done everything they asked of her leading up to the forest, and we DONT KNOW what happened in it but we do know brennan specifically called out how in broken spirits she was when adaine was summoned, even though they did the ritual to avoid all of the nightmare bullshit)
(the house party is literally a whole separate post but i think its fair to point out that 1) she was super under the influence when that was happening which DEFINITELY is in no way an excuse for her behavior but worth remembering when trying to analyze that 2) her losing that fight did canonically have DRASTIC consequences for her and even if she didnt know exactly how that was going to turn out, i think she knew how bad it might be. and she did not know adaine or any of the bad kids were going to be there in the first place)
all that said, it feels in some ways counterproductive to say that aelwyn is an extremely devoted and protective person (yes we're getting to the paladin shit i know i've been rambling a while) but i think that thats strangely ALL WE ACTUALLY KNOW ABOUT HER. because we've established that her self-destructive and abusive behavior in s1 is almost entirely psychologically scripted for her by her parents, we dont know how much of her villain shit in s1 was LITERALLY UNDER THREAT OF DEATH because we know at least killing the oracle was and we dont know how much of the rest of it was mandated by either her parents or kalina other than that she probably was under orders not to tell adaine the truth, and we know participating in all of this caused extreme self loathing in her that she refused to show to anybody and was too terrified to act on in any way
so, like. what does that actually leave us?
here's what we do know about aelwyn:
- of all the schools of magic, she went into abjuration
- the entire bbeg plan from season 1 hinged on aelwyn's complete faith that her level 1 sister was the most prodigious diviner in the world
- right after (?) the house party, she locked her memories where only adaine could find it with a note basically saying "theres so much bad blood between us but i know only you could find this"
- she desperately wanted to protect adaine and the fact that she was too afraid to do so made her hate herself (and her knowing that adaine now knows this is the turning point in their relationship)
- despite everything, even in the nmk forest, she still loved her parents
- the SECOND she is shown genuine love and affection and care from adaine, and adaine says whatever you do, i am here with you, all her actions from there forward are just about protecting adaine from their father, very nearly at the cost of her own life
- with what she probably thought were her last words (and would have been if adaine hadnt given her the tincture), all she wanted to communicate was how to help adaine and the bad kids, and how despite everything she had always believed in her
- at five levels of exhaustion, unconscious, she used her first spell slot after nine months of torture to build a shield around adaine
NOW we get to paladin!aelwyn. because, once everything is stripped away, the abuse and the control and the maladaption and the threats and the torture, EVERYTHING we ACTUALLY can glean about aelwyn's personality and inner core is that she's protective and devoted. and of course classes arent locked by personality, but that just screams paladin to me. its her WHOLE THING. adaine even says "wizards dont have heals, we dont care about other people" and of COURSE that isnt true for either of them, but? mechanically? aelwyn chose the wizard school that DID let her protect, and DID let her help, but i dont think, at this point, going forward, thats really going to be enough for her (and we could also talk about the parallels between them, how often adaine uses her portents to help other people)
i think a lot of the different reads on aelwyn come from this fundamental disconnect between her actions and displayed personality vs who she actually is and what she actually wants. and i think there are very different interpretations of what thats going to look like for her going forward. but i think, for a girl who's most hated characteristic about herself was her self preservation at the detriment of others, her perceived selfishness, and her fear ... isn't choosing to be braver and more selfless and more protective and shedding that self-preserving instinct for the betterment of others ... and MECHANICALLY being able to act on all those things ... the logical next step? i think its going to be a LONG TIME before aelwyn can love herself, but what other way is there to try? if adaine loves her, and adaine believes she can be better, isnt being better because she trusts adaine kind of a form of self love? saying, i dont believe in myself, but i believe in the person who believes in me, and maybe, in a roundabout way, thats the same thing. she was never able to TRY to be better before, because trying to improve even a little, even when people arent watching, when a harmful force has so much power over you and your actions ... like, the mental dissonance is honestly TOO much to even try, thats WAY more terrifying than letting yourself be bad, to the point where thats psychologically impossible for a lot of people. but now she actually has space and freedom and CHOICE and she CAN embrace the instincts she always had to shove down, she CAN be the person she knows her sister needed her to be
i dont know, i think theres an inherent love letter to yourself in wanting to be better and wanting to improve, even if you justify it by saying its for someone else. and now aelwyn actually CAN improve, and thats probably going to be extremely awkward and scary and there will be set backs and backslides for sure. but. i dont know. i think she wants to make up for lost time. because she never wanted the time to be lost in the first place. and if a protector is who she always wanted to be, whats stopping her from being that now?
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
If your requests are open and your willing to, would you be able to do the brothers reacting to a trans MC? 👉🏻👈🏻 preferably female to male, but either way is fine! Sorry if your not comfy with this type of request >~<
Anon, just because you were afraid that I would turn down your request, I am going to PROVE to you how much it doesn’t bother me I'm going to do the 7 brothers AND the side characters. Because you BETTER BELEIVE we have a cast of supportive people!! Yessir!!!
I myself am the twin sister of my late twin brother, who was also FtM! I’ll be using his memory as inspiration, if you do not mind? Thank you for requesting this!
At first he presumed you were just not girly. He didn't really mind your behavior or way of dressing, so long as you got your tasks done on time and were on your best behavior.
When you cut your hair and stopped wearing that nail polish (despite Asmo’s pleading) he still thought nothing of it. You wore pants, and started trying your best to drop hints, and thankfully, Lucifer isn’t an idiot.
So what you’re telling me is that we’ve made you uncomfortable when referring to you as a woman? If that is the case, MC, then we would be more than happy to refer to you as anything you request. You only need to say the word.
He is dedicated to making sure you’re happy and comfortable here. He and his brothers may be demons, but they aren’t heartless. They were once angels too. He goes through the process with you, if you were shaky or unsure of what to do in the past. If you want HRT, surgery, need a new wardrobe, he and his brothers will be the first to provide. Whatever to keep you happy in your skin.
Oh. Honestly speaking, he’ll still love you regardless of what form your body takes. He liked the way you looked, but secretly he can’t wait to see how you’ll look after you transition.
Before we even get to that point though, it takes a lot of hint dropping for him to get it. And even then, he has to go and ask the others what you’re trying to tell him. Of course he gets picked on a little bit for it, but once he figures it out he’s really happy you were comfortable enough to tell him.
Hell, he might get a job just so he can help you be able to afford all the things you’ll need to properly transition. Some of the details make him blush quite a bit, and if you’re uncomfortable with touches or any signs of affection during your process of transitioning, he will politely refrain from making his human uncomfortable.
He’s taking you to Majolish and you are going to get your ENTIRE wardrobe redone. Courtesy of The GREAT Mammon! You should feel grateful that he’s working this hard to make you happy. I mean c’mon, he LOVES you! He can’t wait to love you more after you’ve become the man you always were deep down inside.
He does notice that you act different from other women. Not that he minds it, not at all. His Henry is still the same old Henry. Just a little bit different. He’s a little bit different too, there’s nothing wrong with that. Right?!
It’s when you start preferring to be called Henry as opposed to your birth name, do the cogs start churning in his brain. He would have suspected at first that maybe you just were very good friends with him and loved TSL almost as much as him.
He’s seen a few heart-warming anime about it. Specifically one about a girl becoming a boy, and the struggles he went through while attending school. The title wasn’t too important to him, but now that he had a reference for what you were dealing with, he was a bit happy. He just wanted to wait until the moment was right to bring it up to you. Perhaps his Henry was really a Henry after all!
When the moment comes, he’s proud to say the least. He throws his arms around you happily, and promises to be there by your side every step of the way. He’s not exactly rolling in money, but an Otaku finds a way. The Lord of Shadows is your best friend ever, and he can’t wait to see the before and after pictures of your full transition!
It started with a book you read with him. He didn’t fully comprehend your situation, but he knew you didn’t act like normal girls. It reminded him of a character in a book he read a few weeks ago. The guy didn’t really act like a girl.
While sweet and thoughtful, this character didn’t hit the nail on the head in some ways. When talking over the book with you, you explained just as much to him. The energy was there, but it was backwards for you. He picked up on it immediately.
So what you’re telling me is, you understand this characters struggle with themselves, and can relate to it. But something about it is backwards? A little smile appears on his face as it fully dawns on him. MC, I think I’ll be able to assist you in any way you need.
With Satan’s wonderful connections across the entire Devildom, it wasn’t long before you were getting some of the best treatment possible. The prices seemed a bit scary, but he assured you everything was being taken care of behind the scenes. If you needed to worry about anything, it would be the tiring, long process to come with transitioning. He’ll be sure it goes relatively smoothly for you, though!
Oh he gets it immediately. Darling why didn’t you just say so in the first place?
He’s dragging you back to your room, rambling the entire time about how he can’t wait to take you out and go shopping. He puts together a devious little page to gather up donations and the like to support your transitioning. His fans would be HONORED to pitch in, right?
In the mean time, he stops pampering you with makeup and his other routines that you used to tolerate for the sake of being cordial. He still pushes for the nail polish, since gender is simply a social concept and he’s ready to crush it into dust any chance he can get. But it’s not about him, it’s about you.
Soon your room is painted a new color, your dresses and skirts and frilly outfits are tossed out for more appropriate attire for your sex, and he’s taking photos for his Devilgram page to show everyone how beautiful you are, even while going through the long process!
You and Beel got along fabulously. He seemed astonished that a female was interested in all these manly habits he indulged in. He heard from some of the guys on his team that you were interested in playing Fangol. As evidenced by how you always showed up to his practices and games, no matter if they were home or away.
He figured you were just a really big fan of sports. But then you even started working out with him, and giving him suggestions and tips on how to get even more out of his workouts at the gym. You were really passionate about this.
Let’s not kid ourselves, he probably does not pick up on any of the signs. You have tot ell him, and you have to tell him firmly. You are a man, just like him. When you do tell him, however, he’s eager to help you transition. Imagine having another guy in the house who loves Fangol as much as you do!?
He isn’t much aside from emotional support through the transitions, and he coddles you when you have those bad days. If you want to eat something, he’ll rush to the kitchen and cook you a full meal before you move an inch. You’re allowed to lay in bed today. Let him handle the heavy load of work for you.
Oh wow, look at that. He picked it up almost immediately.
I mean, there’s no way a girl would act the way you do, right? Dress the way you do. Be the way you are. He doesn’t care though, and just wants you to be happy. If that means you transition into a man, then hell, he’s on board with you.
He may be a lazy bastard, but he knows when it’s time to get up and work hard to get something. That was what he was like as an angel, anyways. Working at Hell’s Kitchen is the worst, and you hear him complain about as much, but he smiles and assures you that it’s all for a good reason.
His final gift to you to apologize about the Incident, is money. Now at first glance it seems like something Mammon would do. Probably. In reality though, this is the money that will be going towards your HRT. He doesn’t know if you want to fully transition or not, but if you want that top surgery, he can help pay for that too. He’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy and healthy in your own body.
It really is a house of men, isn’t it?
He’s glad though, truly, that you were comfortable coming to him about it. Don’t bother ever opening your wallet to pay for any therapy, medication, or surgery. As the Prince of the Devildom, he would be more than happy to get you doctors of all sorts to help you. No questions asked!
It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but the news is exciting. If the Prince accepts you so readily, it gives you hope that other demons will as well. Pretty soon you’re going through your processes, and Diavolo couldn’t be happier to see it happening.
You really is a wonderful guy, and he’s glad he’s getting to experience the changes you take in your life. 
To say he didn’t suspect this would be an understatement.
Ever silent and respectful though, he never spoke a word of it. You are probably uncomfortable with people assuming it, even though it’s true. An insecurity that humans seem to deal with, although unfortunate.
However, when the news is broken during a meeting between you, Lucifer, he, and the Prince himself, a smile creeps on his face.
He’s happy to hear that you are so comfortable speaking about this sort of thing. He knows it must be tough, having hidden your true feelings for so long. He prepares a delicious tea with small treats, to celebrate your coming out, and transitioning.
Simeon (and Luke)
Oh dear. God loves you, still. Don’t worry about this. He doesn’t see you as an imperfection.
They assures you constantly that you have their full support, and that will never change. You are not broken, you are not unwanted, and you are not strange. You are a regular trans man in their eyes, and they will defend you on that.
Simeon almost takes on a fatherly role to you, wanting to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible. He probably has done a bit of research in preparations for your transition, and all the nasty little side effects that come with it are worrying him.
However, once it’s all over, Luke and Simeon are glad you came out on top. And my, what a handsome man you make!
He figured, but didn’t want to assume. I mean, who the hell is he?
He’s got a few spells for this though, make it quick and painless. One wave of a wand and POOF! Woman no more!
Oh but that’s probably dangerous. The shifty bastard. You would much rather do it the regular way; and not have your insides and outsides shifted around by some crazy sorcerer.
He doesn’t protest much, but that does suck. Hehe. Oh well. You can count on him to support you through it all!
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jaeminzie · 4 years
lover boy | n.jm
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↳ na jaemin x gender neutral!reader
synopsis: jaemin’s best friend, donghyuck, overhears you and your best friend talking about your big phat crush on jaemin. and of course, hyuck just had to tell him.
genre: lowkey fluff and hyuck being annoying hehe
word count: 1,758 
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“god did you see him today?” i gushed over the boy, who i’ve been crushing on since middle school, to my best friend as we were walking down the school hallway, trying to find our way through the big crowd of students. “he just looks so good in that beanie.”
“y/n, when will you ever get over your crush on him,” my friend sighed. “plus, he’s too much of a fuckboy to treat you right.” i bit my bottom lip slightly while letting out a deep breath through my nose. “i know.” i replied.
it sucked. the crush started when we were seated next to each other in 6th period world history class in 7th grade. at first, i would dread going to that class because all jaemin did was doodle on my paper, ask me what we’re doing in class every five minutes, and step on my shoes just to annoy me. then gradually, i began to laugh with him and i was actually able to have proper conversations with him without rolling my eyes or scoffing at every other word that would come out of his mouth. my crush for him naturally unfolded but i was such in denial for the first couple months.
it wasn’t until i started to notice that he would sit with lonely kids at lunch even though his friends would tease him about it, he would just call them off and tell them to ‘fuck off,’ which was when i began to accept it. i then noticed that he did try in class even if he didn’t understand something, he wouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for help or stay after class just to fully understand the lesson. 
he even asked me to tutor for him one time, but i thought he was joking so i made fun of him and turned him down. i mentally slap myself still for doing that to him. he must think i’m a bitch now.
well now, we’re juniors in high school and my crush for him has only gotten bigger throughout time. unfortunately, we don’t talk no more. we don’t even greet each other when we see each other in the hallways. i doubt he even remembers me.
“i just can’t help but believe he’s actually a sweet guy,” i tried to reason with my friend but it was no point.
“jaemin?! sweet?? babe, there’s absolutely no way,” my best friend said a little too loudly and laughed at me as if i was being delusional. and maybe i was.
“can you please shut up! i thought we promised to use code names when we’re in public.” i whispered harshly.
“pleeeaaasee, nearly everyone in this damn school has a crush on jaemin. you’ll be fine, y/n, you’re not special.” my friend tried to tease me to lighten the mood but we were interrupted by a loud intentional cough behind us.
i didn’t look back because why would i? my nosy friend did tho. they looked back for a millisecond then faced me with regret and fear written all over their face. mouthing the words, “don’t kill me.”
i didn’t have time to question them on what was going on since a tall boy with honey skin and brown parted hair made room for himself between us and hooked his arms around our shoulders.
“na jaemin huh, y/n?” donghyuck, one of jaemin’s greatest friends since childhood, faced me and his shit eating grin was so clear in broad daylight. “i did not expect that at all.” he chuckled at my red face.
“how much did you hear,” i asked him, now getting really irritated and was ready to deck him. 
“literally all of it, you guys are really shameless talking about crushes so fucking loudly in this crowded hallway.” his arms still on us and he was walking sluggishly, of course his smirk was still there. “i can do you a favor, y/n, by telling your lover boy.”
“you better not!” my friend yelled at him for me. “look, this is my fault ‘kay. don’t do y/n like that.” 
donghyuck fake pouted. “what’s the fun in that? i think jaemin would be fond of the surprising news honestly.”
my stomach churned at the last sentence but the feeling immediately went away when i remembered who was talking. donghyuck was infamous for being a teasing bastard so no one takes him seriously. “dude, seriously just get out of here.” i said.
“if you please, babe.” he snickered and took his arms off of us and walked away.
“oh my god, i am so sorry y/n. oh my god, i’ll treat you lunch after school. please forgive me. i should’ve kept our promise. are you mad? please don’t be mad, but you have every right to be if you are.” my friend rambled on as we finally made it to our class.
“y/f/n, it’s fine. really, it’s fine. you didn’t know and honestly, i don’t care anymore. maybe, this will help me get rid of my crush on him.” i shrugged it off like it was nothing to avoid worrying my friend, but inside, i was losing it.
what if donghyuck actually tells him? will jaemin makes fun of me? is he going to give me dirty looks now? at least now, he’ll notice me. ugh, he’ll be confused as to why the girl who was a bitch to him in middle school likes him. karma.
i took a deep breath in attempt to calm myself down. he wouldn’t act that way. he’s a nice guy, i know he is deep down.
the conversation me and my best friend had with donghyuck earlier in the day still stayed on my mind all day. i avoided all the routes i’d take around the school where i’d usually see jaemin walking around. i kept my head down while walking down the halls. i tried my best to avoid him, even though on regular days, i’d try my best to ‘bump’ into him.
the last class of the day was near. i was walking up the flight of empty stairs peacefully, trying to get to class even though, i’d rather be at home under my bed sheets trying to forget today.
“y/n,” a painfully familiar presence was behind me. jaemin stood a couple stair steps behind, his hands in his pockets of his baggy pants. i turned around slowly and admired him the second i saw his figure. his beanie fitted his head so well, a couple hair strands were sticking out. i could see his silver chain that stayed beneath his orange hoodie slightly. he stood there with confidence radiating. “hey,” he avoided eye contact but he was wearing a smile.
“hi,” i couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. he was just so nice to look at. his cheeks slightly tinted pink and i could see his fingers fiddling in his pockets. i decided to suck up my pride and just be straight forward as i couldn’t handle the painfully awkward silence no more. “if.. you’re here because of donghyuck then just forget about it please. i’m sorry about that.” he finally looked me in the eyes after i finished talking and i was surprised that i was able to maintain the eye contact. my face grew hot immediately.
“why are you apologizing?”
i honestly didn’t know. i just can’t imagine how awkward he feels right now because of me. “i just hope you don’t feel obligated to talk to me because of what happened. it was stupid. i’m just. sorry. i guess.” i was preparing myself for the rejection but jaemin’s puppy eyes made me second guess that.
“god you really are oblivious.” he sighed. “i know hyuck can be an asshole at times but he wouldn’t embarrass anyone like how you think he’s done to you by telling me about- uh.. your crush.”
i was so confused. my mouth was open but nothing came out.
my breathing hitched when he slowly started to walk up the stairs and was now so much closer to me. “tell me, is it true?” his voice was a lot quieter and softer. “you’ve liked me for that long?”
i gulped. not knowing if i should lie or not. but god, he already knows because of donghyuck so might as well just go for it. i nodded.
a big smile creeped onto his face. my eyebrows furrowed. is this entertaining to him? my misery and embarrassment is entertaining to him? i was just about ready to get out of there and flip him off for making me feel like this but he trapped me between his body and the wall behind me.
“y/n, have you not been noticing how i look at you? since 7th fucking grade, i’ve always been putting an effort to just see you for even a second outside of class.” his breath fanned my face. “i like you too if it wasn’t obvious enough.”
clearly it wasn’t.
before i could even process anything, he gently put our lips together. his slightly chapped lips fit so perfectly with my soft lips. he hummed as he tasted the strawberry flavored chapstick on my lips. his hands were placed on the wall, while mine were gripping his purple pullover tightly.
my mind and heart were racing. what the hell is going on? is this real?
he didn’t move his lips at all. it was a simple but meaningful kiss. “i like you too.” i whispered, looking into his brown eyes, slowly releasing my grip on his pullover.
he laughed at me. “you’re cute.” he walked back, allowing me to have room to move. “how about i take you out this friday?” he smiled at me. “only if you want to.”
“of course i want to.” i rolled my eyes playfully and smiled back.
his smile grew bigger, i didn’t know that was possible. “perfect. i’ll see you later.” he went closer to me and cupped my jaw and kissed my heated pink cheeks. his other hand placed something inside my tan cardigan pocket.
he pulled away and right before he left, he had to say, “also, can you change your chapstick flavor? i don’t really like strawberries.” he flashed me a bright smile and left.
i shook my head smiling uncontrollably, not believing what had just happened. i put my hand into my pocket and saw what he had slipped in there.
a note.
call me when you get home. 283-xxx-xxxx <3 we should catch up :)
-your lover boy
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - bnha pt 2
a/n: i fimished part 2! i just really enjoy these ones. there will be one more part for bnha before i start working on hq. pairings: todoroki x reader, midoriya x reader, shinsou x reader warnings: mentions of todoroki’s abuse, a lil mary jane taglist: @suckersuki​, @babydabi​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 1 | part 3
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ god, this child, would mutter on and on for hours if he could ⇾ talking about anything and everything under the sun ⇾ he would jump from talking about his day - the things he can improve on, the things he was proud of - to suddenly talking about all the things he loves about you ⇾ yes. You will be flustered. but so will he so it’s fine ⇾ it would be so cute, because his ass would transport to his own little world and literally forget you were with him as he just goes off ⇾ but that’s what you think ⇾ because with you, after a certain point of being together, you don’t make him nervous and fidgety anymore so while you THINK he’s in his own world, he actually just loves talking about you ⇾ and then he transitions into talking about his goals for the future ⇾ and you’re just like ????? because what kind of transition is that ⇾ but he’s so sweet and cute, he says that he can’t picture his future without you in it
You headed to the kitchen to get some water, but didn’t expect to find anyone else there so late at night. Midoriya was sitting at the table, hunched over a notebook. You had no idea what he was doing so once you got your water, you joined him. “What are you doing?” Looking up at you, Midoriya gave you a warm smile. “I couldn’t sleep so I just came down here to study.” “You looked like you were zoning out, not studying,” you commented before drinking your water. You could see a gentle blush on his face. “I was, you caught me.” “What were you thinking about?” He sat back in his chair. “Well, it started with me thinking about combat training today. I was close to losing my fight with Todoroki today. If he had better control of his flames, he would��ve easily beaten me, but I can tell he’s gotten a lot better than when we first fought in the sports festival. But that got me thinking of other ways I could improve my costume to be able to fight better. And then I started thinking about your fight and how you did so amazingly against Kacchan. It was a tough battle and I could tell he wasn’t going easy on you. It makes me excited for the next time we spar, I can’t wait to see the new techniques you’ve learned the new moves you’ve come up with. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I can see you easily being in the top five in the future.” When Midoriya looked at you, his eyes were filled with so much love for you. You thought he was just rambling off, but just one look from him told you he knew exactly what he was talking about. “T-the top five?” He nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to be unrealistic and say you’ll be number two, but top five for sure.” You crossed your arms. “Number two? Why not number one?” “Because I’ll be number one. We could be the top two couple.” You laughed at how cheesy that sounded. “Oh yeah?” “Who knows, maybe we’ll be married when that day comes.” Now it was your turn to blush while Midoriya gave you a smug look. Sometimes you really wondered if the timid boy you fell in love with was all just an act.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ yall would need to be pretty close to get him to talk so late ⇾ otherwise it would be you doing the talking and him listening ⇾ but if he trusted you heart and soul, he would open up completely about his past ⇾ he would bare it all for you and even tell you the things he’s kept to himself all these years ⇾ once he starts, I feel like it would be like a dam breaking, everything would just flow out of him - maybe even some tears in there depending on how vulnerable he’s feeling ⇾ we already know he told Midoriya some of his past trauma without fully knowing him, but with someone he trusts, he would be willing to break down all those walls ⇾ if yall had been together for a while, like a few years, he might even go into his future ⇾ more so what type of father he wants to be, if he even wants to be a father (I see him as wanting a family just to prove to his father that he better than him at that too) ⇾ it’s just a very vulnerable moment for him and he’s not looking for pity or comfort, just someone to listen to him for once
Your head was resting on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat. It was a nice rhythm that had you drifting off until Todoroki began speaking. “Do you mind if I got some stuff off my chest?” “You want me to move?” you joked. Your words only caused his arms to hold you closer to him. “I’ve just been thinking… My father has been trying to become a better man. My sister has forgiven him, but my brother still doesn’t want to, and honestly I don’t know where I stand.” One of your arms snaked around his waist and you snuggled closer to him. “Why?” He sighed. “I can see he’s trying, but does he expect all of his past mistakes to be erased? Mother still has trauma from everything she’s been through. Touya…” He took a moment to gather himself. “The things he did were not correct, but he’s been trying, so I should give him a chance, right?” “I can’t tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. You are the only one who had those experiences with him, just like your sister is the only one who lived through her experiences and your brother’s theirs.” You continued to speak when Todoroki didn’t. “No one is telling you to have an answer right now. Years of abuse and mistreatment can’t be erased so easily. Take your time with it.” “I just know that I refuse to be a terrible father the way he was.” You craned your neck to look up at him. “Aww, you want to be a father?” You were teasing him, the two of you already had this talk. He rolled his eyes. “Only if you want to have my children.” “Children? As in multiple?” This was news to you. Sitting up, you stared at him. “I enjoy the time I spend with my siblings. I want my kids to have those types of memories with their siblings too.” “Wait how many do you want?” The thought of popping out four kids was starting to freak you out. Todoroki shrugged. “Four? Five?” “Five?!” He pulled you back down to his chest. “Let’s talk about this at a more appropriate hour, hm?”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ oof if this boy is up at 3 am, he’s gonna be high, change my mind ⇾ he would ask, but never force, if you wanted to get high with him ⇾ high Shinsou would listen to music with you and probably talk about the color of the song, or how a specific beat sends shivers down his spine ⇾ but on the other hand, he would also talk about the most RANDOM stuff ⇾ why is the fruit orange named after its color ⇾ who looked up at the sky and said ‘yes we should go there’ but people thought the earth was flat ⇾ make jokes about how before quirks were around, people made and watched movies about superheroes but now those movies are their daily lives ⇾ just random things like that that no one ever thought would be on his mind ⇾ but like, the amount of talkativeness would also depend on his mood ⇾ did he get high for s&gs or was it to destress?
“You wanna join me?” he asked, holding his blunt out towards you. You shook your head and sat down next to him on the blanket he laid out. His favorite place to smoke was the dorm roof because one, he didn’t have to deal with complaints from others about the smell and two, being outside felt freeing. Blowing out smoke towards the sky, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of the music that was playing softy. You were looking out at the city lights that you could see from where you were sitting, holding your knees to your chest. “You ever think that the moon felt violated when the first person landed on her?” You blinked and looked down at the purple haired boy who was now staring at the moon with a hand behind his head. “What?” “Like, did we, as the homo sapien species, ask the moon for her consent before landing on her?” Slowly, you shook your head. “Do you think she would forgive us after all this time? If we apologized for not asking?” You tried not to laugh. “You should do it. For all of us.” Shinsou narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Princess Yue,” he whispered. Before you had the chance to laugh, he started speaking again. “But if time travel were real, do you think someone from the past came here and saw heroes and thought ‘I should make a story about this and get rich’?” “Maybe? Only if it’s real though.” He shook his head. “Capitalizing on our pain, man... how messed up.” Neither of you had said anything after that, just basking in the nighttime breeze and enjoying the music. After a little bit, Shinsou shushed you, even though you hadn’t said anything. “What?” “This part of the song...I swear I’m seeing purple and green.” Your brows furrowed together. “Like Barney?” He sat up, staring at you. “We should listen to the Barney song,” he whispered.
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seodami · 3 years
Our story | LSM
Part 2
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This is our story. From the day we met till the day we part. Black on white, our most precious moments, never leaving us. I love your forever.
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Genre: Fluffffff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2271
Pairing: Idol!Lee Seokmin x fashion student reader
Note: Here is the second part and I have to say I really enjoyed writing this, imagining how easy and funny it must be to talk to DK :)) what would I do to talk to him once :’) Enjoy!
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Our story Masterlist | MASTERLIST
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You both were frozen in your tracks for a moment, you still panicking about what to say or do and him wondering why there was a stranger in his kitchen.
Seokmin hadn’t been feeling well since yesterday evening so since he was feeling even worse this morning, Seungcheol and his manager wanted him both to stay home for at least today until he felt better. He wasn’t exactly keen on staying in an empty apartment alone all day, especially when he wanted to be a part of their schedule. It often made him feel lonely and miss his members. It was stupid honestly, he thought. He saw them everyday and often needed his alone time at times, but he still felt so empty without anyone around.
He was still sleeping when he faintly heard the doorbell ring. Yet he thought it was just in his dream. But when he soon later slowly woke up due to noices from the kitchen, Seokmin wondered if their aunty might have come and would make him a warm soup for his sore throat.
So with still messy hair and puffy face, he made his way over to the kitchen with tiny steps, just to be greeted by a strange face of a girl he never saw.
“O-oh my god. I’m so sorry. I thought no one was home?” You stuttered out totally embarrassed to actually be caught. That was your doom day. Dokyeom found the rambling rather endearing, yet he cautiously made his way over to the kitchen aisle, you were working on.
It took you by huge surprise how handsome and cute this man could look at the same time. Were all idols this pretty?
“Uhm... hi... I don’t want to sound rude but I really... have no idea who you are.” The boy a few feet away from you came to an halt. His voice was a tad hoarse and he sounded a bit sick. He let out a shy chuckle, clearly feeling somewhat uncomfortable in this situation.
Little did you know, the little voice in his head was laughing at him how ridiculous and ugly he must’ve looked with his bare face right after bed. Seokmin had always had his insecurities about his body or face. He never seemed to fully like the way he looked. He would cringe so much looking back at his old childhood pictures, when he had a few pounds too much on him. It just never dawned him how his fans would call him handsome. Most of the times he would just smile and thank them but never really accepting their compliments, thinking it must be the good make up or the stylish hair. Yes, that must be it.
And now standing in front of a pretty woman, he felt it in every fibre of his body and it made him unbelievably uncomfortable.
“Oh... Right... I am Oh Jangmi’s daughter. Nice to meet you.” You quickly muttered, not daring to look him in his eyes for more than a second. You bowed as you typically did, seeing him bow as well.
“Oh aunties daughter? She told us a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you. I’m Dokyeom.” His uncomfortable face was immediately replaced by the brightest smile, you had ever seen. You swear, in that moment, your heart melted in an instant. You heard your heart beating loudly in your ears, unable to grasp this mans beauty. Never ever have you seen such a dazzling smile in person.
“Is aunty not coming today?” He asked curiously leaning against the other side of the aisle. He was way too close for your liking. And you were definitely still panicking. This man was more than gorgeous.
You shook your head, noticing his hoarse voice. “No unfortunately s-she broke her foot on the way here and went to the hospital. So she... asked me to step in for her. She will be coming tomorrow again though.” You completed your sentence while only taking short glances at the male in front of you, who was giving you 100% of his attention. You were more than flustered.
A worried expression replaced his smile. “Oh no... is she alright?” Your heart made a small jump.
You nodded with a small smile, fiddling with potato in your hand. He noticed and hummed. “Do you need help cooking? I mean... I’m not the best but I can chop vegetables without chopping my fingers off I guess.” He smiled at you once more. If he would keep smiling like that, you swear, you wouldn’t be able to see tomorrow.
You let out a small giggle, still denying his offer. “Ah no... it’s fine really. I’m just making jajangmyeon. And you sound like you’ve caught a cold so I won’t be bothering you with doing anything.”
You quickly placed the potato in your hand on the cutting board and started slicing it into small cubes.
“Yeah I actually did. It’s not really pleasant to be honest.” Dokyeom said before caughting in his elbow as on queue.
“Wait a second. I’m gonna make you a tea. I’m a pro in dealing with colds, trust me.” You insisted, already reaching for the water boiler to fill it up with fresh water.
“Thank you. You really don’t have to though.” He giggled coughing again.
“No I want to. I’m sure you will feel better after this tea. I made it every time my siblings were ill.” You smiled at him, feeling already a tad more comfortable with this man, you literally just met.
Seokmin took a seat in one of the high chairs on his side of the kitchen aisle while watching you chop the vegetables. He noticed how soft your hair looked like, falling gently onto your face. He took his phone out to check his messages. There were just a few from his manager about their usual schedule and some silly messages in their group chat. He softly giggled reading through all of them, wondering how he even got friends like this.
You couldn’t help stealing short glances here and there at the beautiful man, noticing how he swept his fluffy bed hair with one hand out of his face. Something about him was immensely attractive and you couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was. But hell no, you were not going to develop a crush on a man you literally met one time. Nope. All idols would probably have this effect on you, right? They weren’t idols without a reason.
Soon enough you finished Dokyeoms tea with a last pinch of fresh mint leaves and handed it over to him with a smile. He thanked you, white teeth showing and crescent eyes forming. Melting, definitely melting.
“Wow... It’s very good.” He carefully slurped from the warm tea. You sent him a bright smile, deep down thanking your tea making skills you’ve even improved thanks to your job at the café. That was definitely a pro from working there.
“I sometimes work in a small café, so I had plenty of time to practice. I probably could make you every drink you want.” You laughed while taking out a frying pan to avoid his interested eyes following your every movement.
His laugh mused in with yours. “I always wanted to know someone, who could just magically let all the drinks I wanted appear in my kitchen. Thank god I stayed at home today.”
You both were pleasantly surprised how easy talking to each other was. There was a spark of fun in your conversation, which you both couldn’t get enough of. There weren’t many people you knew, If any, who you just clicked with so easily. It was definitely weird but you liked it.
“The food will still take a bit so you are free to make one more drink wish.” You chuckled, glancing over at Dokyeom leaning his head in the palm of his hand.
A genuine smile was displayed across his lips. “Mhh I have to think, this is a very important desicion, I don’t want to make a mistake.” You both snickered in unison. My god, how were you getting along so well with him?
“Alright, you still have exactly 28 minutes and a half to decide.”
“How generous, I will think about it.” His smile was even brighter now, it was impossible not to smile. There was just something about it that gave you an enormous serotonin boost and transformed you into one of these giggly anime Highschool girls. The bad thing was, you didn’t even remember acting that was after experiencing such a rush of being in his proximity. You liked it more than you could have imagined.
However, this was just the starting point of your wholesome conversation this day. It all just came so naturally, you nearly forgot to keep cooking. Seokmin on his side felt incredibly happy compared to his usual happy demeanor. He truly enjoyed your back and forth conversations and he felt greatly satisfied, seeing a bright smile or hearing you laugh because of his comments. It was at times like this when he remembered how much he missed talking to new people, especially when the two of you were obviously on the same wave length. He kept forgetting that he probably shouldn’t talk that much when he was sick but he just couldn’t stop, even if you mentioned it more than three times already. He enjoyed it that much.
You two talked about funny stories of your mom, ridiculous ones of the other members (you really wouldn’t have expected an idol group to be this funny) and also about your own interests, hobbies and families. You snorted when he told you how their trio Booseoksoon sang one of their songs at his sisters wedding in order to make the married couple kiss. The more you got to know each other, the more you forgot how time actually flied.
He even begged you to stay and eat with him when you finally finished cooking, which you hesitantly accepted after seeing his pleading puppy look. What did you get yourself into?
While eating, you told him excitedly about your new fashion projects, you were working on. He was more than hooked listening to every detail. He always loved it when people told him about their passion and he could clearly see that this was yours with how vivid your eyes were beaming and how big your smile grew. It secretly increased the warmth in his heart more and more.
It was the same look he had on his face as he told you about his fans, their next album preparations and the amazing concerts all around the world. You just loved listening to him, even though you both probably finished eating since over an hour already. Sitting so close to him while looking at his dark shining eyes made your brain just automatically foggy.
It only was when your friend and roommate Minji called to ask where you were for your groups project meeting, that you realised how long you actually let yourself swaying in Dokyeoms presence. You were already over half an hour late to your meeting.
You quickly told her you were on your way and hung up, while carrying the plates to the sink. Seokmins sad eyes followed you as he stood up to help you. “You have to go?” He asked immediately, now standing next to you, taking the plates out of your hands, while towering a good piece over you.
You nodded with a sad smile, suddenly feeling every effect he had on you even stronger.
“Yeah I’m sorry. I already stayed way too long. My group is going to kill me.” You tried joking. He chuckled, searching for your eyes.
Seokmin knew when he was interested in a person and it even was obvious for him that you sparked a deep interest inside of him after today. He just knew he wanted to see you again.
“I really enjoyed talking to you. It’s rare to have such a nice conversation. I literally forgot time.” His rich chocolate eyes met yours. “Yeah, I feel the same...” you chocked out, heart beating way too fast again. What was it with your heart today?
“Are you coming over again or...?” He asked almost timidly while fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He looked adorable. Absolutely adorable.
You sent him a shy smile, shrugging your shoulders. “Maybe... I am kind of busy this month because of work and university. But... I would love to talk to you again.” A sudden wave of confidence hit you and took even you by surprise.
A sigh of relief was heard from his side and you giggled. “Thank god. I really wanted to ask you for your phone number.”
God he really was adorable. Such a cutie.
With a grin, you searched for a piece of paper and a pen nearby and quickly scribbled your number onto it. You really had no worry about him being secretly a creep so why not.
“Here you go. Oh and I still didn’t make you your second free drink, so make sure to text me with your order.” There you both went into a giggling mess again.
“Will do. It’s all I’m thinking about.”
So after swiftly cleaning the plates together and saying goodbye and also telling him to get better soon, you made your way out of the building with such an energy, you had no idea where it came from. But you loved how you felt after spending time with Dokyeom. And you were definitely looking forward to your next meeting.
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