#i am god idc if it had been in the works for multiple days I AM THE MAIN CHARATCER
artificialalienn · 1 year
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Well this wasn’t on my bingo card…
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fic rec friday 10
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Rain-Check on Redamancy by @youraveragemushroom
Burnout these days usually came from working long nights at the Garrison. If Lance from five years ago could see himself today—working part-time to rebuild Earth and full-time as an instructor at the very same institution that gave him his crippling anxieties—he would probably shit a brick. Hell, five years ago he hadn’t even known aliens existed (although he always knew deep down that humans weren’t alone in the universe), and now he’s best friends with multiple! One of which had apparently texted him an hour ago.
Forgoing proper texting procedure due to fatigue and general doneness, Lance tapped on the icon to call back.
“Hello?” a familiar deep rasp answered from the other line.
“Hey, mullet,” Lance replied, pushing aside the papers in front of him to lay his head down on the desk. “What’s cooking?”
In which Lance finds himself ignoring how late it is and indulges himself in pining after Keith. Which becomes slightly more difficult when said object of his affections shows up in the middle of the night to rescue him from paperwork, stress, and the melancholy that came from being away from him.
the ‘god i wish you were here’ ‘look behind you’ trope will get to me EVERY single time idc. always makes me all stimmy bc its THE epitome of romance. this whole thing was so so romantic and full of parallels to the first episode to show how deep their relationship has gotten...i love me some romantic parallels fr
2. sweetheart by @jilliancares
“Sorry, babe,” Keith says. He even smiles, no doubt proud of himself.
And Lance knows it’s his fault. He started it, after all, but at least the biting term of endearment made sense when he was the one doing it. Keith had been talking to him like they were some old married couple. The kind who’ve been married too long and don’t love each other anymore and gripe over meaningless shit, only managing to piss each other off even further.
That’s why Lance called him dear. Because it made sense in the situation. It was a calculated insult. A strategic jab.
Keith, on the other hand, is weaponizing the term of endearment without any rhyme or reason, simply to get back at Lance.
Or: Keith and Lance have gotten into the habit of using pet names as condescending insults. They're not really terms of endearment.
ooooooo god endearments going from sarcastic to desperately genuine and the inherent hopelessness in that....whew boy. its def a Concept that u indulge and then you have to clutch ur stomach. i remember reading this as i was getting ready and brushing my teeth and the cliff scene made me gasp out loud and stop just to i could pay Full Complete Attention
3. don’t speak the language by @goldengalaxies
“More importantly” Lance says. “I am currently having a breakdown in this lift because look at him- I am so incredibly gay.”
“Lance!” Hunk buries his face in his hands. “He could speak English you know, your skills of deduction are really not that good.”
Lance ignores his warning in favour of groaning dramatically. “Oh, Dios mio, Hunk, he’s so gorgeous. Look at those muscles. He could probably bench press me.” Lance fanned himself. “Oh my God, fencing is my new favourite sport, fuck swimming.”
(or the one where Lance thirsts after a random guy in the lift who he thinks can’t speak English. lance is very wrong and hunk is very much done with his shit.)
let me tell u about this fuckin FIC. it’s hilarious, but i first read it before i meticulously started storing and bookmarking my fave fics, so when i wanted to reread it i couldnt find it. but i KNEW it was hilarious so i spent fckn hours looking for it, and it took me hours too bc i coulnt figure out which tags to filter. but it was WORTH IT. the entire concept of this fic is hilarious and makes me laugh. amazing work.
4. Whose bright idea was this? by IronScript
When Lance is captured during a mission with the MFE pilots, he wakes up aboard Haggar's ship, though the witch herself isn't there, so he figures why waste an opportunity? Then he finds something that he definitely hadn't expected.
All the while, he has no idea that back at the Garrison, his team and a few select others are watching his every move.
bro the idea that the team is panicked for lance’s safety and they desperately organise a rescue mission for him terrified that hes getting tortured and losing hope but by the time they find him he’s already got one foot out the door and has rescued himself is ENDLESSLY funny to me. like he really said ‘damsel in distress who’ and i love him for that lmao
5. Garfle! Warfle! Snick! by IronScript
How the game show episode actually should have happened.
I'll admit to being a Lance stan, but even people who don't like him seem to agree that he was really fucked over in this episode. So here's my attempt at it. Is it more realistic than what actually happened? I like to think so.
another ironscript fic bc they nail bamf lance. this is how the gameshow WOULD have gone if vld gave a shit about their characters like actually. like yes of course the team is proud of each other and capable of acknowledging mistakes. of course keith knows lance’s worth. of course lance is a badass. of course the team knows wtf theyre doing. love to read this when i get mad about the game show
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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bitchysunflower · 2 years
part 1 / part 2
Part 3 of “I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out i was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff i sent oh my god why are they calling me now?” AU
this is just little snippets of this au! there’s not laid out timeline so… enjoy!! :D some may or may not be real texts i’ve send my friends oopsie (steddie are dating yes)
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: went to sleep at 10:30pm yesterday and i’m still fucking sleepy today
steve: yeah messing up sleeping schedules does that to ya
eddie: i slept more than enough to fix that
steve: actually not necessarily, remember that day I slept from 6pm to 7am
steve: I was so tired the entire day after that
eddie: stop making sense pls i don’t like it
[steve is typing…]
steve: can you text me “Hey Steve, just wanted to let you know I tested positive for covid. You should probably get tested.”
eddie: Hey, just wanted to let you know I tested positive for covid. you should get tested too
steve: Hey, thank you. Hope you feel better!
eddie: wtf was that for??
steve: i just didn’t want to go to work
[steve is typing…]
steve: i like being bisexual but i do not like being mentally ill
eddie: dude it’s 3am
eddie: …but same
[incoming call from steve]
steve: dude this weather is killing me
steve: i have another headache
eddie: dude you need a neurological test…
steve: that’s mean…
eddie: …like there is no way there isnt something wrong with the amounts of headaches you get
eddie: wait, how is that mean??
steve: i tried making a joke, don’t worry about it
eddie: …
steve: to be fair is probably because of the multiple concussions i’ve had in high school
eddie: MULTIPLE????
[steve is typing…]
steve: my throat is killing
eddie: your fault for screaming so loud last night
steve: that was your damn fault, you rascal
eddie: not my fault i’m so good
steve: NO ONE
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: you’re so cute and adorable when your nice to me
steve: what am I when I’m mad?
eddie: hot as fuck
[steve is typing…]
steve: you’re a nerd
eddie: and you’re a loser
steve: geek
eddie: dork
steve: mine
eddie: that was so smooth, lord
[eddie is typing…]
eddie: can you bring my notebook when you come back?
eddie: and a snack
eddie: like an actual snack, that wasn’t code for dick
steve: damnit
[incoming call from eddie]
eddie: oh my god i’m dating you
eddie: you’re mine
eddie: holy shit
eddie: wowwww
steve: are you high?
eddie: very
steve: i love you
[steve is typing…]
steve: that’s it, i’m done
steve: i’m selling dustin on ebay
eddie: don’t be silly, he’s your kid you made him
eddie: sell him on etsy!
[steve is typing…]
steve: k
eddie: k
eddie: idc how much we argue you’re always gonna be my baby
eddie: keep the attitude i can handle it
this was so fun to write lol
tags: @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @estrellami-1 @wrenisflying @ilikechocolatemilkh @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @mightbeasleep @gregre369 @bookbinderbitch @stevesbipanic
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #091
(taken december 18th last year; uploading surveys taken while gone)
Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Not legally, but I stayed in that apartment way, way too regularly to be considered a "guest" by that point.
How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, or anything else? I am super fucking at peace, Girt stayed last night and the one before that and it was great. Roman and Cookie both slept with us, and it was just a sound, cozy night. I woke up when he did with his alarms to go to work and we were both super cuddly and it was just cute. After work he comes straight back here to stay again, and I am ACTUALLY considering trying to make dinner out of something for us so I can feel like a proper adult and helpful partner. Idc, I wanna do something nice and adult-y.
Who was the last person that made you upset? What did they do? I am FULL prefacing this with the fact this was dumb as shit and I was absolutely being a brat, but I got frustrated I wanna say three nights ago when I was venting the tiniest bit to Girt and he took 'til like, midnight, when I was asleep, to reply. It's embarrassing to even share, like holy shit he has a life and responsibilities and also free time and such. He proves a million times over he cares and is absolutely always there for me, that night just sucked so pretty much everything was hurting me.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Tell me about them. "Crush" doesn't even begin to cover it. Been there for me consistently more than any friend I have ever, and I do mean ever, had. He's never lost faith that I can do great things and conquer what I'm afraid of. He makes me cry from laughing when I don't even want to smile. I feel like I can tell him pretty damn much anything. He's genuinely the most doting boyfriend ever and besides probably my mom of course, my biggest fan there is; he will hype me the fuck up over anything and supports me endlessly. He really appreciates and values my advice and opinions. He SOMEHOW acts entirely unashamed of me. I need to stop, I am too fucking emotional lately and am crying/fighting not to sob lmao jesus, he's just great.
Have you ever had something signed by someone famous? What and who? No but bitch I wish, there are some signatures I would frame lmao
Have you made out with anyone in the last 2 weeks? Yeah.
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? No. I want laser hair removal on my legs so fucking bad, my legs humiliate me but for multiple reasons regularly shaving them just is not reasonable, or maybe even not possible right now.
Does anyone hate you? Probably. Quite sure there are people who do.
What bugs you about the last person you dated? She is, honestly, one of the biggest liars I have ever met, and has been SINCE we met. Among other things.
Have you ever felt replaced? Oh yes.
Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones? No.
Did you ever play Neopets when you were younger? Oh yes, I was obsessed. Honestly, it started my computer addiction, I'm pretty sure. Omg I actually recently saw this tattoo featuring a sick tiger Neopet with the quote "we are all God's Neopets, and he forgot the password" and BOY I fucking CONSIDERED lmfao
Do you regularly check anyone’s profile online? Nope.
Have your parents ever worked in medicine? My mom was a pharmacy tech for quite a while.
Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names? I guess "Twinkie," which is the nickname my mom has used for me since I was a baby; she gave all her kids sweets nicknames, lol.
Are you any good at drawing? I guess, wish I was better though.
Is there anything unusual about your house? Uh I don't believe so.
Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores? Yes, to such a debilitating degree that it has majorly affected my ability to work/find work I can function through.
How many wigs do you own? Zero.
Are your maternal/parental instincts strong? No, but more than they once were; I've helped my mom babysit my nieces and nephew so much that I guess they just naturally started to grow. Like I DO know I get way more upset when a baby cries than in the past, especially if they ARE my niece/nephew, like I get this desperate urge to fix whatever's wrong and I really feel like my heart hurts. It's weird, historically I've had stronger maternal-ish (major emphasis on "ish," don't make this weird) protection instincts over s/os, I've found especially if they're sick.
Do you feel confident in your body image? My self-confidence is in the fucking negatives and it's been getting to me even more than usual (which is already severely) the past few days.
Do you like country music? I hate it. In very rare instances, I'll hear a song I enjoy, but in general? I cannot stand it.
What was the last essay you remember writing about? Toxic masculinity. I wish I still had access to it, it was probably one of my favorite academic things I have ever written. My teacher loved it and used it as the example piece the following semester.
In your dream kitchen, would the worktops be marble or steel? Marble.
Who is considered the “black sheep” of your family? Why? Me. I am pretty starkly different from the general vibe and interests of my family.
What’s something you’re so good at that you take pride in your skill? I'm genuinely proud of my writing.
What’s the worst/best thing you’ve done without your parents knowing? My mom would probably kill me if she knew certain places I "did things" as a teen lmfao. Best, uhhhh... that's hard dude, my mom knows so, so, so much. I'm stumped enough to give in and also say the same things that qualified for "worst" kms 🥴
What’s a random funny scene from a movie that has stuck with you? Honestly a lot from White Chicks, that movie is so fucking memeable and I love it.
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? I do that now, so yes. Although in Girt's situation, it's for his mom versus she housing him; she has mental health problems and couldn't work for many years, so she came back to Girt all the way from like Indiana or something and stayed with him because he's a fucking saint. He's basically run the place for he and Shelia for many years on his own, but she's now had a stable job for maybe like a year now and he's very READY to move out, the housing market is just so wordlessly insane right now that doing so is very unreasonable, so for right now they stay together.
Would you have to sleep with someone before marrying them? No.
Do you think there is life on other planets? In some form, absolutely. It's like, impossible for us to be the ONLY life-sustaining planet in an infinite space.
Would you enjoy a night of playing video games? Hell yeah, those with Girt are the absolute best.
Would you watch a porno with your partner? No, porn grosses me out personally. I don't want to see two totally random people going at each other. I would get absolutely nothing but a disgust reaction from that. It's totally fine if others are into it (just not to an addiction level obviously, that's problematic), I'm just not.
Do you like gummy candy? Yeah, it's a texture I like more than most others.
Do you know what the person you have feelings for is doing at this moment? He's at work.
How many brothers does your father have? I'm quite sure he has none, or he just hasn't talked about him like, at all.
Are any of your relatives vets? Not that I know of.
Who cleans the most in your house? My mom.
Do you have any current or past teachers on your facebook friends? Quite a lot, and I doubt they're happy with me. 🥴
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? No.
Do your parents vote? I know Mom does, idk about Dad.
Who's the most romantic person you ever went out with? Jason.
How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant? That would be Girt so that would be a VERY quick breakup if it wasn't me. If it was me, I'd be fucking devastated, terrified, and get an abortion as absolutely soon as possible.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed dressed up fancy? Possibly in high school on his senior picture day, but I don't remember it.
Did you have a dream last night? No, last night's sleep was totally peaceful.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? I haven't *always* wanted to say it, but for years now I've just wanted to tell him I'm so sorry.
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? My VERY strong instinct says that I would absolutely storm over to them and deck him dead in the face. I very literally think I would. And then call the cops.
What is the last state you were in besides your own? Virginia.
What two breeds of dog do you think would make a really great puppy? Maybe like... an akita and chow-chow. I looked it up and apparently they're legit and I'm in love.
Who is the best person you’ve ever “met” online? That's too hard. I have met THE greatest people through the Internet.
Describe your elementary school in 10 words or less. Very invested in their students, extremely friendly, bright, fun.
What is the greatest kids’ show ever and why? Okay don't judge but when I'm watching my niece with Mom, she LOVES the show Bluey, and honestly it is absolutely adorable and shows you such an ideal but also realistic picture of a good, honest, just picturesque family.
The best album ever made is ______ because _________: Ozzy's Black Rain because you skip NO song. EVERY single one fucking slaps.
Did you ever see a scorpion in the wild? No, they're not native here.
What is the newest thing you’ve learned? Two nights back at Girt's, we were talking about their old dog Charlotte and how much she fucking adored Donald; both Ashley and Shelia said that she did not just love him, that dog was in love with him. Apparently Charlotte's ashes were buried next to Donald because that's what both would have wanted. ;___;
Name a state you have never been to, but would like to go to. Arizona, probably surprisingly. There is a number of native animals there I would REALLY like to see.
Name a word that people use locally that outsiders probably can’t pronounce. Conetoe. You said it wrong.
Describe your world in 5 words. CONFUSING, stressful, poetic (not in all ways, but I'd say definitely in many), melancholy, but mine and one of a goddamn kind so I'll take it.
What time did you go to bed last night? Uh it was before 12. We played Jackbox Party Pack games for a few hours with some of his online buds, but he also tried excruciatingly spicy ramen, more than he should've because the psycho didn't wanna waste it but also to "build up [his] heat tolerance" and I was like BUT WHY?????? is that necessary????? Thankfully he knew I was right so didn't finish it and then he just wanted to go to bed lmao, he felt like shit.
Who did you last ride in a car with? Girt. Bless him, it's a 30 minute drive to his place and he was BELTIN shit which I usually don't mind at all, but between driving to his place and back, I got such a bad headache lol.
Are you currently heart broken? No, my heart is fuller than it normally is.
Do you know how to change a diaper? I mean, to be completely realistic I could probably figure it out, but immediately? No. I have changed ONE diaper in my entire life and never will again (and that one wasn't even very dirty).
Would you be tazed for a million bucks? Yes.
What is the most annoying thing that your parents do? My mom is always 100% certain she's right. Disagreeing is disrespect. My dad can be weird and sometimes rude to people, and he has no concept of "there are people who can hear you other than me" in public.
Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? Yes.
When was the last time you received a hug? Who was this hug from? This morning, Girt.
Are you one of those people who like The Nightmare Before Christmas? I do, but nowhere near obsessively or even as much as people seem to think I do. The movie is fine, but it's nothing amazing, honestly. Coincidentally, both my phone's lock and home screen are scenes from the movie, lol. Just for the holiday.
What is your favourite type of nut? Idk, I really don't like nuts very much. I guess cashews, I can handle them fine in like, nut/grain/etc. bars.
Where did you eat the best pizza you’ve ever eaten in your life? Guys I am not fucking kidding, it was literally at an indoor trampoline park sort of place that hosts parties, lmao. We went there for Girt's nephew's party, and that pizza, everything about it, was BOMB.
Did you ever watch The Rugrats when you were a kid? Oh yes, loved it.
Do you know anyone who smokes in their car? Dad and Kim.
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satanfemme · 2 years
glad I'm on adhd meds that partially help my focus, but these are simply nowhere near enough <3
#first off all I want to like. double this dose. idc if it kills my heart I still don't even have complete control over my -#executive functioning yet.#trying not to just spend another full day complaining but I've been in such a bad state all day#and I'm just so mad that I've been seeing psychs and therapists for 4 years now and I am just as bad off now as I was when I started#like I was thinking bout how I should switch therapists again but then I remembered. I've already done that multiple times#so far I have yet to find one that's actually helpful in any meaningful or lasting way??????#like idk. I might as well try again but#this sucks so severely. dear god. idk how I'm gonna go to work tomorrow I barely got thru my shift today#I was just crying the whole time and completely out of it#I'm just so so tired and I miss feeling ok sometimes#+ I miss having the energy to care about things sometimes + I miss feeling like a real person#specifically I miss the like ~6 months between me leaving school for the final time and me starting work#cause what really kills me is I always felt this way at school too. those 6 months were the only time in my life I had the time/energy to -#actually take care of myself (physically too!) and I was still far from perfect then but at least I was functional at least I had interests#it's literally been over a year since the last time I even felt like a real human being 🙃#literally a full year of just going thru the motions and grinning and bearing it and repressing my pain. how is this livable#negative
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rose--hathaways · 3 years
okay i’ve been distracted all day at work thinking about my thoughts re: the vampire academy reveal so here we go: ⬇️
rose: sisi stringer gets my tick of approval (not that anyone cares lmao), she is gorgeous she is fierce (and she’s australian so you KNOW i’m gonna support her) and i am HERE for some diversity in the cast. questioning the description where it says she’s the strongest fighter in her class because uhh she missed two years of training right? i’m assuming lissa and rose still ran away in this adaption?? she was so bad at combat that dimitri had to train her out of hours just to catch her up to her peers?? not a huge negative for me though, we all know rose is a badass & she caught up super quick to her classmates anyway so not a big deal
lissa: daniela nieves looks sweet but also like she could stab you, which is exactly the vibe is get from lissa (except lissa wouldn’t stab someone ofc, she would just compel them into thinking they were stabbed). i don’t mind that she doesn’t look like book lissa, but i do wonder if it will effect the little insecurities and jealousies that rose has around lissa in the books, but honestly they aren’t pivotal to the plot so idc. also i know everyone is talking about the “younger sister to the heir apparent” part of her description, honestly i think this is just in reference to andre taking the title of prince dragomir not the actual throne, but i could be wrong idk we’ll see and i mean she ends up as queen anyway soooo
dimitri: i was sold at kieron moore’s cheekbones tbh. and he’s actually 24! that’s right folks normal twenty-four years olds don’t look thirty! i’m loving his insta interactions already so i feel like he’s captured who dimitri is already, and i’m sure he can put on a russian accent perfectly well please please let him have a russian accent. still wondering if they will mess with his age, but i’m going to assume he’s still 24, judging by the description, and that maybe rose has been aged up?? idk, i just can’t wait to see him with long hair and a duster
christian: YES. andrè dae kim is 100% the closest character visually to what i imagined! love this!! getting the vibe that he’ll be the one to make the st vladimir connection? book christian didn’t come off as being very studious, except when it came to helping lissa, but he was also a total smartass so who knows what he got up to outside of rose’s POV. very keen to see that his backstory isn’t being brushed off and overall absolutely love him!!
victor: i never actually gave much thought to how victor looks, so j august richards is great in my books! i’m very keen to see some lgbtq+ representation in this series, but i’m kinda concerned that they’ve chosen (who i presume will be) the series’ villain to be the one in a same-sex relationship?? i’m also a bit confused & very curious about him having two daughters?? natalie is such a pivotal part of book one, unless they’re splitting her part into two i’m not sure how this would work? though a part of me wonders if they’re going to make robert doru’s character a child of victor’s, or even avery lazar’s character his child?? idk but should be interesting
tatiana: VOGEL??? this is where i get super confused. she sounds like tasha (without the relation to christian), but her name is tatiana but she’s also clearly not queen tatiana soooo ??? i saw a very cool post from @sydneysageivashkov talking about how they think there might be multiple timelines involved, in which case vogel could be a maiden/married name for queen tatiana?? that would be cool. regardless, not really sure what is happening here but i guess we’ll see 🤷🏼‍♀️
mia: KARP??? again, i am confused. i can definitely see her having book mia’s doll-like cute features, and i’m not too fussed about her not having the curly blonde hair tbh as someone who has naturally curly blonde hair i absolutely hate seeing others with it because of the second hand pain lmao. now getting to the part we all actually care about in mia’s description: lgbtq+ mia!! oh my fuckin god i am HEEEEEERE for this, mia has always been gay let’s be real here folks, i love this. also is she going to be related to sonya karp?????? questionsssss
meredith: tbh i sometimes forget that meredith exists so seeing her as a main character is uhhh ??? weird ???? is she replacing eddie? god i fuckin hope not. maybe she’s one of victor’s children?? idk. it’s weird but i’m curious to see where they’re going with her, plus it’s be good to see more female dhampirs because let’s be honest we don’t really see anyone other than rose and eventually dimitri’s family in the book series
sonya: ARE WE GETTING PRE-STRIGOI SONYA??? ohhhh i am KEEN. not sure how it’ll effect the storyline, maybe it’ll be told through flashbacks, again going back to the multiple timelines idea? also mikhail????? i didn’t think the books brought him into it until later, but idk i love them sm i am so excited for this. sonya is a little younger than i imagined, but i actually don’t see that as being a bad thing. also is she related to mia now???
mason: aw i’m gonna be sad if he doesn’t have red hair i won’t lie, but at the end of the day it’s really about attitude with mason and i think andrew liner will pull it off really well. his description seems to be pretty on-character, but it looks like the tv show is maybe going to play some sort of classmate rivalry between mason and rose?? could be interesting, idk, still looks like he’s gonna be a big simp for rose though lmao bless
so yeah i have concerns buuuuut i’m gonna wait it out and see what they do with it. lemme know what you guys think too!! x
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angelathewitch · 3 years
Okay I just finished the ACOTAR series for the first time and I have so many thoughts so I'm gonna write them down.
Also I have not looked at any fan theories or been a part of this fandom very much so all these headcannons are straight from the noggin:
Literally what the fuck is tamlin doing.
Okay getting this out of the way cause its a hot topic. Azriel is my baby I love him but
I would have mixed feelings about him being with both gwyn and Elaine. I love the idea of Elaine being azriels sunshine he deserves light in his life (also their scene in ACOSF had me ejdjbdksks) but also all three bat boys being with all 3 sisters rubs me the wrong way idk.
Gwyn is amazing because she's a badass bitch and if azriel doesn't snatch that up I will. I feel like azriel almost gets bulldozed over by the other bat boys (like he will do the dirty work only because he feels inferior) And I want gwyn to help him stand up for himself.
Gwyn is an adult jfc. I'd be more worried about her trauma.
I am totally a elucien shipper I'm SORRY lucien deserves the world
But at the same time I would totally understand if Elaine couldn't forgive him for his involvement in the cauldron business. That shit was wack. I just want this relationship to be the biggest, most "period drama esqe" slowburn.
I have very mixed feelings about lucien. On one hand lucien has never had a home and when tamlin took him in I can see how that loyalty blurred the lines of right and wrong. But at the same time lucien messed up MANY times where the archeon sisters are concerned.
Nesta deserved her kick in the ass because it was needed. She did not deserve everyone to be a little bitch to her. It felt like feyre was the only one who wanted her rehabbed for nestas sake. I definitely would have preferred Nesta to hit rock bottom and choose recovery for herself (cause alcoholism and things can only be truly solved through self help) Everyone else was uncharacteristically nonempathetic. Idk how Cassian could be okay with her treatment after they mated.
I'm still digesting Rhys and nestas relationship. I like that they don't like each other for most of ACOSF. Nestas reasons for treating feyre poorly are valid, but not excuses. The feyre, Nesta, and rhys relationship thing is weird cause I see all sides. I need more feyre and Nesta bonding they always get interrupted.
I HATE what SJM did to Mors character. What the fuck is up with mor not liking Nesta. Maybe we will get an explanation in the next book but I feel like mor was set up to be a great LGBT character with himbo allies but SJM just dropped her off a cliff. Big mad.
However I do want eris and mor to end up together. Not necessarily romantically, but I want them to have it out and I want eris to support mor. Kinda want them to be mates. Kinda want eris to be gay as well. Kinda want them to get married and them have consorts.
WHY does everyone treat feyre like a porcelain doll when the IC has more collective trauma than anyone else in this universe. Don't get me wrong I'm all about the hurt/comfort but it was so inconsistently written LOL. When the IC was telling their stories the first night they met and then feyre told hers I cackled like sorry but she is a baby
Rhys's trauma is just as recent as feyres... yeah he's a lot older and seasoned but oh my GOD he was consistently assaulted for 49 years. Feyre does very little to comfort him. Idk I feel like it was SO glossed over.
Like in ACOWAR feyre admits that amaranthas hatred wasn't personal it was general, unlike Tamlins hatred. But amarantha and rhys had multiple personal vendettas against each other. Like his amarantha is vaguely feyres tamlin. Rhys didn't even get to kill amarantha. His trauma is untapped. Rhys is the main character feyre is the love interest idc
Idk what yall say rhys is my baby my lovebug my everything. He's got his flaws but you can't love Nesta and hate him at the same time without being a lil hypocritical
But he's fucked in the head for thinking he was justified in drugging feyre every night for 2 months. Almost more mad about that than the SA (I dont really blame Rhys since it is not cannon to me. SJM just messed up 😌 it was so out of character) did he ever really apologize for that??
ALSO I know smj wanted to write like #consentking but half of what he allowed was so unnecessarily dangerous (like the first AND second weaver encounter- if my SO ran off in the middle of a battle to track down a mysterious creature when the task could have been done after the battle I would have be livid. Mor was justified in being mad.)
I'm so mad rhys didn't flatten tamlin during the high lord meeting. Either it will happen in the future or I will burn these books.
THE BAT BOYS HAVE CONNONICALLY BEEN IN THE SAME ROOM WHILE HAVING SEX. the foursomes in my head gets clearer by the day
I HATE the fact that rhys almost had an existential crisis over feyre being so young when she found her mate and not having "lived" and THEN GETS HER PREGNANT??? Are you kidding me. I'm so mad. I don't wanna deal with babies. I hate babies.
But I DO have a fun headcannon that since the bone carver is a death-god or whatever he KNEW nyx wouldn't survive and that is why he appeared as him. Also when the bone carver offered to take feyres first born in exchange for help rather than the oroboughs I think that was also foreshadowing. The only reason nyx survived was because of Nesta and the bone carver had trouble seeing the cauldron.
((Maybe nyx should have died during the birth idk))
Literally I would have enjoyed ACOSF if instead of the pregnancy feyre was busy looking for bryaxis. Literally what happened to him. Wtf
I know the plot armor is crazy thick around the IC but it would have been nice if one of them died. Well, not nice, but more believable. Maybe thats why nyx should have died. Lol I need therapy.
FREAKING HEADCANNON: the archeon sisters are partially fae. Their mom was definitely a descendant and that's why all three sisters have mates. It was hinted that the sisters had mated because they were powerful and cauldron made but Cassian and rhys could feel the pull before the sisters were turned.
Tarquin is the hottest high lord
The whole blood rite thing was stupid. I would have loved if it was spread out over a longer period of time but it was so unrealistic
You know we all love a good #girlboss🤢 moment but the whole valkarie thing seemed 1. Out of no where 2. Really quickly forced (ACOSF should have been like 2 books) 3. If emerie and mor get together life=complete
The inner circle and ther archeon sisters would not get along if they weren't mated to like 50% of the gang
They're too whiny
It's so weird that the mating bond can only be felt by guys??? Lol wut
Okay I know this is a complicated subject but having LGBTs in a universe with mates based in evolutionary advantage seems more homophobic than having a universe without LGBTs LOL. Like their connection can't be as deep cause they can't procreate?? I did like that SJM made up for it a little by saying not all mates are complementary souls.
Hybern was so powerful and for WHAT. I don't understand
Vassa, lucien, and jurian being a trio is so weird 😐
I WANT A NOVELLA ON THE STORY OF AMREN AND VARIAN. They are my otp. If anyone has made it this far and knows of some good amren and varian fanart pls let me know
Okay that is all for now thank you if you read down to here xoxo gossip girl.
P. S. Also I am starting throne of glass and am having a hard time getting into it. Can anyone vouch for this series please I'm conflicted.
Edit: omg I was zooted when I wrote this and didn't realize my phone autocorrected cassian to Caspian RIP
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Any Asher Lucas head canons I really love their friendship?
hello anon i am back as promised with the second half of answers to the lucasher asks i got a handful of weeks ago!! seeing as its the tail end of asher’s appreciation day, i am here to deliver on discussing their friendship
so to start, i would say that marking dylan as an outlier and not to be counted (especially on asher’s end), both of them would without a doubt call the other their best friend. asher flexes a bit on this, as jade is also arguably his bestie, but for lucas there’s absolutely no contest. asher is his best friend -- he even said so in 209, which took a lot of emotional vulnerability for him to manage to verbalize -- and that title really means something to him.
to that point, though, i think it took the events of s2 for that to really cement. as we know, lucas has issues with connecting with + trusting others, and so he kind of keeps people at arm’s length. i think asher has always been a bit of an exception to this rule (which i’ll explain in a bit), but lucas was mentally able to still keep him removed emotionally in his mind bc he was like... you know, his inferior in rank / his lieutenant rather than an equal. i don’t mean that he like thought of asher as inferior, because he doesn’t -- lucas hates himself so he thinks everyone is better than him anyway lmao, but he’s also had a lot of respect for asher -- but there was able to be this... mental barrier in his head, if that makes sense. but when asher finally stood up to him, multiple times (in 207 with their argument and then in 208 when he Truly put his foot down and basically walked out of his life), that put them on equal footing on all levels and broke that barrier in his brain. and, thusly, is part of the reason lucas was suddenly able to articulate it in the following ep
but, on that note, one thing that i think makes them such good friends is that they’re both very like... not mushy. at least, not with each other. they both don’t mind side-stepping more complicated emotions and just assuming things are unspoken but understood, but are getting better at knowing the moments where something should be said
but they’re like equally weird about the same stuff, like they both don’t like birthdays + being paid attention to on their bday bc they don’t know how to process it (sans the exception of dylan, who of course asher will allow to be extra on his birthday), so they will straight up just like not tell each other happy birthday on their bdays and people are like doesn’t that upset you?? did he forget?? and they’re like no actually lucas / asher is my favorite person bc he ignores my birthday fDSJLFKGSJKGLJSGL like... they’re so fucking weird
asher is constantly trying to improve lucas’s fashion sense + design sensibility and it does not work. like nothing sticks. asher will spend an hour casually (but actually very intently) telling lucas about the nuances in color between shades and then later when he asks him a question about which shade of red they should use in the set design lucas goes “idk they look the same to me just pick one” and asher is like. bitch ur jokin... it’s lowkey funny that he keeps trying tho like lmao
so in terms of asher being slightly different than others even early on, the way this most manifests is that i think for whatever reason, asher feels safe to lucas. its an inexplicable thing, and something i dont think lucas even really realizes consciously. but he starts their friendship being like oh i’m gonna protect asher the strong must protect the sweet this lame nerd needs me, but then what it actually ends up being is more that lucas needed asher. like yes he gets asher to loosen up and let out more of his authentic self, but asher gave lucas a friendship to anchor to, someone who seemed to genuinely like him not because he was reckless or cool but just because of who he is. and even when he fucked up, asher still seemed to believe he could be better / saw him as more than that, and lucas had never had anyone in his life before like that, let alone someone where it felt that way (i.e. dylan also sees lucas that way especially now, but something about asher just made it so pointedly clear)
and how this ends up changing things is that lucas finds that like... he wants to talk to asher. he wants to be real with him, not put up the defensive, aloof façade. so you have lucas going to convince him to sneak out freshman and sophomore year so they could hang out just the two of them (a thing featured briefly in the “younger” sequence in 208), and those were the moments where he got in those conversations. and asher liked those nights too because they made him feel special, like all the people lucas could choose to hang out with and he chose him to bother and coax out into the night... for a kid like asher, younger than everyone else and an anxious mess and nerdy and he knows it, that’s like. the craziest thing ever. so those one-on-one hangouts meant a lot to both of them, though for different reasons
what’s nice too is that their friendship definitely matured and grew with them the longer it lasted, because there was an element of hero worship on asher’s end and almost belittling underestimation on lucas’s end when their dynamic started, but then it grew organically past that. and when they actually got to know one another, for all their complexities, it made them better friends. and now those misconceptions are long gone, but they still hold a lot of respect for one another.
also to this point, i do not remember if i’ve said this yet on the blog or not but so major point here -- asher was actually lucas’s first (and only, pre-riley) crush. being demisexual, he has to form a deep emotional connection with someone before he really falls for them (riley being semi the exception to this because even though he didn’t really fall for her until they became friends from the get-go he was like okay so she pretty....... whatever tho idc like uh huh sure lucas). and like late in freshman year, maybe even early that summer, lucas and asher had become pretty good friends and were spending a lot of nights hanging out together and talking, and one of those nights they were talking about something semi-serious, and lucas was just looking at him and just realized like wow hm i could kiss asher... and then he was like WAIT HUH?!?!?!?!?!?! cause he’d NEVER had thoughts like that before and suddenly he was having them about his best friend, and that best friend was dating his other good friend and it just FREAKED him out he was like HELLO BAD WEIRD WRONG??? so he stifled that deep down and lowkey ignored asher for like two weeks until it passed -- which of course made asher worried he did something wrong or pissed him off, but thankfully that passed without much commentary or further discussion. lucas has mostly forgotten about it now.
that being said, if you ever told asher he was lucas’s first crush, he would never ever believe you.
they really enjoy discussing / debating each other, especially since lucas is truly equally as clever as asher, but it’s a really careful line because one wrong comment from either of them can send them tipping into actual argument bc they’re also very good at pushing each other’s buttons. this is why dylan’s presence is extremely helpful at keeping them balanced.
and this is kind of a key trait to their best friendship, which is that they make awesome best friends, but my god they would make TERRIBLE romantic partners. they cannot communicate when it really matters (especially about stuff that makes them embarrassed like romance, which they can barely do with their actual partners); they push each other’s buttons; they love each other’s flaws as friends but would drive each other crazy as lovers. like the people they’re with for love are exactly the people they need, understanding, soft, patient, and good at communicating. if lucas and asher dated, they would kill each other within the first week.
one of the first times dylan, asher, and lucas really hung out as a trio involved “wilding” asher, which meant dressing him like lucas and getting him to be more reckless and freewheeling for an afternoon. they didn’t do anything crazy, but lucas let asher borrow one of his t-shirts and snapbacks for the occasion. asher still has both buried in his closet, mainly because he keeps forgetting about it but also because there’s a sentimentality to them. not that he would ever ever wear them again -- yuck. asher would rather vomit
it should not be understated that the first people lucas verbally said i love you to were asher and dylan. it’s important. don’t ever forget it.
-- Maggie
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rrufaidah · 5 years
My lessons learned of being 22 and dating people
God. Don’t you just love being 22? I’ve had a few sorta serious relationships, and some of them ended because of their shortcomings (always). Nonetheless, after the last one, I realised that I might in a stage of my life where I honestly can’t rely on myself for judgments when it comes to men. It’s pathetic really because I go for the wrong ones, but at least I can admit it. So, I’ve been doing this new thing where I just openly date a heap of dudes, and am going to remain actively and wilfully single for at least a year. I’ve been doing it for six months now.. how many guys? A lot. I lost count honestly. But I’ll share stories about the most interesting ones.
Here’s a couple of things that I’ve learned so far from these men:
1. Never focus on just one guy until he says he wants to be with you exclusively
Listen. I am young. When is the best time to explore myself? Now is the time. Explore what I like, what I don’t like, what kind of person I want to be with, my sexuality. There’s nothing wrong with seeing multiple people at the same time because I never know who, when, where, or how I am gonna meet the right one for me. I just have to go out there.
2. Never ever feel guilty about it
There’s definitely a difference between confessing my love for someone and going out to watch a movie, get dinner, or get drinks. So I don’t feel guilty about exploring my options. I know for sure I am not the only one in the boat.
3. Get to know those people, please
Dating multiple people is one thing, having sex with multiple people is another. Both sides are great, so no judgments okay. But I have been making a sincere attempt at getting to know those I choose to go out with. I don’t go for small talks. I go for the deep talks and find out who they are. After all, I am figuring out what kind of people I am really into. So, I listen to them and be present when they share their stories.
4. Here is it: Do not, I say this with a heavy heart, develop feelings over them
I need to clarify here; having feelings is not a bad thing at all! But only, if the other person is feeling the same thing as I am one day. But I have established that I am “keeping it casual”, so I really am keeping it casual. Idc what they say about it. I won’t say that I feel nothing when I actually feel everything, but if this happens I usually stop seeing the guy. This point is one I am still working on myself, I can’t be cool as a cucumber 24/7. 
5. Be mysterious; make them curious and leave them wanting more
To be honest, men are men -- no matter if they say “I don’t like the mind games. I’m not here to play the games. I like an honest girl.” I am telling you guys that is... bullcrap. Yes, of course, they like it when I open up myself. But you know why? Because they like the chase, the mystery, the fun of trying-to-figure-out-who-this-girl-is. So sure, I open up, I tell them who I am -- what I like, I don’t like. But I always make sure that I am clear, direct, firm and have a voice. After all, I am a woman who knows myself more than anyone else, so I don’t let them take control over me. But I make sure I do it in a very polite and cute way because it will leave them curious and wanting more. I give them my best smile, laugh at every joke they say to me, wear sexy clothes that doesn’t reveal too much skin, and simply be easy going like I am one of his mates because real men don’t like complications (but they would still take care of me).
6. Do not kiss and tell to any of them, if you want to continue the fun
This one should be obvious. Never ever let them know that I am dating multiple people at the same time because men’s ego couldn’t handle it. They would just treat me coldly after they find out about it. So I boost their ego by thinking they are the only one that I am “closest” with, but every now and then I make sure they know that they have competitions out there -- simply by “accidentally” showing him that I’ve got many texts and it can be seen on my phone screen. It’s funny how they would secretly try to take a peek, but do not say anything about it, and I would just smile at them  like I have no idea what they are doing (unless it’s urgent like work, I am gonna open my phone for sure). I feel pretty confident in assuming that no matter the gender, we as humans don’t like sharing. Or at least, knowing that we are sharing.
7. Try to not get overbooked
This one is important. I have recently been overbooked myself with two dates. Not fun I am telling ya. Even though it was only dinner with A, and fun night with B, but I had to meet up with A again in the morning for jogging so I had to rush out from B. See how much of a liar I had to be and definitely had to manage my time really well? I hate being a liar to their faces. I would prefer not giving them details instead. Besides, the consequences of overlapping are just far too great. And I make sure they hang out in different areas when I am with them. I definitely do not want that embarrassment.
8. Well, honesty is what you can give after things get too serious
Well, if someone wants to know if I am seeing other people, I will be as honest as I can. Especially if they are starting to develop feelings over me. Now, unless I want to be with them, I would just be honest with them that I am not looking for anything serious and just focusing on myself at the moment. I am still a decent human being, I wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings anyway. On the plus side, if they get so pissed off they won’t hang out with me anymore, I have a couple other to fall back on. And if they want me enough, they would ask me to stop seeing other people, not hate me for it. But I would still say no to them hehe.
9. Never ever assume you are the only one they are seeing
For me, the ideal casual relationship is one in which I am free to be my naturally flirty/bitchy self, and the man I am seeing is so tormented by my beauty, intelligence, and sexual prowess that he couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but me. Sad to say, this ideal relationship is totally un-fucking realistic. If I ever met a guy like that, I would think he was the biggest loser ever for falling head over heels for me. Yeah, because I like the challenges and mystery too. If I ever find out that they are also seeing other people, I get a grip of myself and remind myself that they are allowed to do that as well because technically, they are as single as I am. I know it is a good thing that they are also exploring their options out there and later figure out whether they want to be with me because i hold the same values as they do (plus being beauty, intelligent, and sexy lol). 
10. Ignore the limitations that society told you
I have stopped freaking myself out with the limitations that society told me. Sometimes it gets scary to try the unfamiliar things.. For instance, what if the man is waaay waaaay older? Been there, done that. Well, I am exploring my options and wanting to know what I like.  So, I never let anyone tell me who I should be dating. If I like younger guys, same age guys, or older guys that is completely my choice. What matters is how they treat me and how I treat them. I have explored my options from 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 40, 45 yo men because I thought I had daddy issues, lmao. But now I know that I don’t after I explored it. Was it scary? Eh, not really, they were humans. But yeah, I found out what I like and what I don’t like because I have been keeping an open mind. My friend asked me, “aren’t you worried that one day when you wanna settle down with a guy and he can’t accept this from you?” Well then, I know for sure that person is not the one for me because the person I should be with is someone who can accept my past, present, and future. 
There is nothing wrong with being monogamous. At some point, I would want that too after exploring the market. We just gotta figure out which one fits us so we don’t end up getting hurt. After all, this journey should be about me. I am allowed to make my own choices for happiness and I am not obligated to do anything other than look out for myself. 
So now it’s your turn to go out there and have the fun you deserve.
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. You and Tom and Kevin are joining Bonham in the Game Grumps studio for filming of the 10 minute power hour. They have the schedule set so that you each are guests individually except Tom because he doesn’t like it. You all watch the recording when each other is serving as a guest, and when it’s Bonham’s turn they are doing each other’s makeup. At one point she is working on Danny and says, “Your fucking hair is in the way, hang on.” She holds his hair back like a headband, and sits on his lap to get a better view. None of them are making a big deal out of it, but Kevin is visibly fuming in the seat next to you. He says to you, “Can I please tell her to get off of him? I don’t like how this looks.” Arin says to him past the camera, “Dude she’s putting children’s makeup on him for a shitty YouTube show, you can’t honestly be jealous right now.” How does Kevin respond, and what do you, Tom, Danny and Bonham say?
Kevin: Of course I am. Have you seen how beautiful his hair is?!
Danny: Why thank you, Kevin. I use coconut oil and special shampoo.
He flips his hair which messes up Bons. 
Bons: Knock it off, Danny. I gotta do this. 
Tom: (under his breath) This is so stupid. 
I pat his thigh. 
Me: Just let us enjoy the stupidity, Tommy. 
2. You and Bonham and Tom and Nikki are standing offstage at a Quiet Riot show, and you’re all loving it. At one point Nikki says to Bonham, “I dare you to go out there right now.” “What no, are you insane? I’m not interrupting a show.” Tom looks at you and says, “Watch this.” then turns to Bonham, pushes her out onto the stage and says, “Yes you are!” She stumbles out onstage and instinctively freezes. Kevin is jumping around and sees her, and he shouts into the mic, “There she is! Look at my girlfriend! Kiss me you scandalous bitch!” What happens and what do you, Tom, and Nikki say?
She is still frozen. I go out and go to pull her back in and Kevin goes, “Look! My best gal pal too. Hey Tom! Get out here! Kiss your girlfriend!” Nikki Pushes Tom out and we’re all kind of standing there. I peck Tom on the lips and then pull Bons backstage again. Kevin screams, “Ladies and Gentlemen, my wonderful girlfriend and Mr. and Mrs. Keifer.” I glare at Tom after we get backstage again and go, “You’re a fucking asshole” before taking Bons to a chair so she can calm down because it looks like she’s going to faint. 
Tom(following after me): come on, honey! You know I meant nothing by it. 
Nikki has been cackling since Tom pushed Bons onstage.  
3. You’re returning from a hot date with your college boyfriend when you see Bonham scurrying back to your dorm with a trash bag full of instant coffee packets, but they’re all empty. You ask what she’s doing and she says, “All will be revealed in due time.” Later that night, there’s an angry knock on your door. Bonham answers calmly and says, “Hey Vince, what’s up?” He pushes her squarely in the chest, and she topples over. He stands over top of her and says, “Don't play dumb with me you fucking bitch! What did you do to my room?” She says, “You mean why are there nine hundred instant coffee packets spilled in everything you own? It can’t possibly be because you stole all my underwear, so in that case I’m stumped.” Her sarcasm is just pissing him off. How do you react to hearing what she did, and what does Vince say about the situation? What does his roommate Tommy say when he gets back?
I’m giggling and Vince glares at me. “You know I could just tell the RA your boyfriend is in your room when he shouldn’t be.” He glares at Bons, “You’re helping me clean it up.” Tommy thinks it’s funny because none of his stuff was touched. 
You’re sitting with Tom on your couch one day and after a while you both get bored so you start kissing. Things are getting pretty intense, and finally Tom tells you, “Touch yourself.” “What?” you say. “Don’t play coy. Touch yourself. I want to watch.” How do you respond, and what does Tom do?
Me: Uhh, no way. You know I don’t even normally do that when you’re not here and you know it makes me uncomfortable. 
He pulls me in for a kiss.
Tom: Then I guess both of us’ll have fun instead. 
5. You’ve been with Tom for a couple of months now, and Bonham’s been helping Kevin out. He’s been out of rehab for a couple of weeks, and the four of you are hanging out for the first time. It’s been a tough week and you’re all tired, so you end up dozing off. At one point you hear Kevin make an uncomfortable noise and Tom says, “What’s the matter DuBrow?” He makes the same noise again and says, “Nothing I’m……fine…” You open your eyes a little bit and see that Bonham fell asleep across his lap, and she’s got her chest directly on his lap. You soon put two and two together and figure out why he’s uncomfortable. They don’t know you’re awake yet. Do you say anything? What does Tom say? Does Kevin move Bonham?
I don’t say anything but I get up to get something to drink and Tom says, “You’re in a real predicament there aren’t you, DuBrow?” Kevin doesn’t move her. He just sits there until she wakes up. 
6. AVERT YOUR EYES STAFF kids idc so much this one ain’t  so bad
Your band and Cinderella are getting ready to film a video together. Kevin is there too. At one point, Tom accidentally runs into a secretary and just says, “Sorry.” Kevin says to Bonham, “That Tom guy is so stoic I don’t know how he and BabyCarrot are going to have a kid.” Bonham says, “Oh what ever, he’s just as much of a sex fiend as you, he can just hide it.” “No way, I’ll bet you fifty bucks that he’s a complete prude.” Kevin says. “You’re on,” Bonham says. “And I got just the way to prove it.” (you are unaware of this whole conversation, this is just for context). Bonham comes up to you and Kevin is off to the side. She’s trying to open one of those squeezy water bottles. “I can’t get this open, can you? Maybe Tom can. Hey Tom! C’mere!” He walks over and says, “What?” “We can’t get this open, can you–ooooooooooopsss…” Bonham grabs the bottle from you and says an exaggerated ‘oops’ and squeezes the bottle super hard, soaking your shirt. You were getting ready so you don’t have a bra on. “What the hell!” you say. “Oh no, now you’re soaking wet!” Bonham says exaggeratedly, “I’d better get a towel!” she walks off, and when she comes back and hands it to you, she says to Tom, “Help your wife clean up!” and thrusts the towel at him. He starts to dry you off and then when it’s time for you to change your shirt he says, “I’ll uh…be right back.” “What was that all about?” you ask Bonham. She says, “Oh nothing, I’m just clumsy but Tom seemed REALLY HOT AND BOTHERED ABOUT THAT.” She shouts the last part over her shoulder and you see Kevin fume before coming over. “Alright you win.” He says. How do you respond? Who explains what’s going on? WHo are you more mad at?
Me: What do you mean? What’s going on? 
Kevin: Bons bet me that Tom was as much of a sex fiend as I am and I told her she was wrong so she had to prove me wrong. 
I smirk at them, “Of course he is. Where do you think the two of us were earlier for a half hour?” 
Kevin’s mouth is hanging open after i grab Bons arm and pull her away for sound check. 
7. You and Bonham and Kevin and Tom are visiting a community college to do a talk with the students. You’re walking down the science hall when a terrible droning buzz comes over the intercom. “ATTENTION ATTENTION. THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. PLEASE SEEK SAFETY. LOCK YOUR DOORS AND TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS. A POLICE OFFICER WILL RELEASE YOU WHEN IT IS SAFE TO COME OUT. ATTENTION ATTENTION…” this continues on a loop. Your tour guide, the dean of students, pulls you four into a science supply closet and locks the door. THe announcement hasn’t said whether or not this is a drill, so you’re all a bit confused. You’re all sitting in the closet, the only light coming from the eerie green exit sign. Bonham and Kevin are sitting on the floor, you’re sitting on the counter, and Tom is pacing around. After fifteen minutes, Tom turns to the dean and says, “So when’s this drill up? We’ve got shit to do.” Just as he’s finished talking, you hear a pop come from the hallway. The dean just looks at him and says, “If this was a drill the announcement would have said so. Someone’s in here.” More pops sound. Bonham kinda squeaks and grabs Kevin’s hand. Tom really quickly yanks you off the counter and puts his arm around you. How do the four of you respond to what the dean said? How long does it last? What happens when you come out?
Tom: Seriously?!
Kevin: You should have better security. 
I’m hyperventilating and trying to keep myself calm and I go over and hug Bons. 
We all just sit there and wait for like an eternity which was actually only 20 minutes when it’s over and we can come out, we find out they caught the crazy guy and no one was killed, thank god. 
8. You and Bonham and Kevin and Tom are getting ready to go out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. You and Tom are ready to go but you hear Bonham tell Kevin, “No, you are not wearing that.” “Why not? It’s fine.” “Kevin I love you but your fashion sense is the worst thing I have ever seen.” How does Kevin respond? What do you and Tom say when they finally come down?
Kevin: No, it is not! 
Kevin comes down in that god awful pink suit. 
I stare at him and go, “No, you’re not wearing that. I thought I burned that thing.”
Kevin: I have multiples. 
Bons: He refuses to change.
Me: Well we’re changing that. 
We both take him upstairs and he changes. 
Tom: God, you’re burning my eyes in that thing. Why do you even have it? It’s atrocious. 
9. You and Tom are in the studio one day when you get a call from a cop. “Is this A. M. Keifer and/or C. T. Keifer?” “Yes, why?” you say. “I’m on the scene of a car wreck and one of the victims has you as her emergency contact. We’re at 45th and Youngsfield. You might want to get down here.” He hangs up before you can say anything. You and Tom go down there and you see Kevin before you see the cop, but you’re more confused by the wreck. Kevin’s car is there and the front end is smashed, but the twisted pile of metal on the other side of the intersection is harder to recognize. THe driver’s side is smashed in, but it looks like Bonham’s car. You ask Kevin what happened and he’s a bit hysterical. Through his ravings, Kevin tells you that he was planning on meeting her at a new restaurant, and she was turning and he ran a red light and hit the driver’s side of her car head-on. He’s fine except for a couple of scrapes and bruises, but the EMTs are loading Bonham into the ambulance as you speak. The cop who called you earlier is walking up just as Kevin is telling you all this. How do you and Tom respond? What does the cop say? What happens next?
Me: Kevin, you fucking idiot! 
I hit him with my fists and Tom grabs my arms. 
Tom: Whoa, whoa, whoa, there tiger, calm down. 
I go with Bons in the ambulance and she’s fine but we have to postpone our upcoming concert because she broke her leg again. 
10. Your band and QR are hanging out one night and drinking when the subject of death comes up. Everyone is slowly speculating how everyone will die, and Bonham suddenly says, “I know exactly how I’m going to die, I’m going to shoot myself with a smile on my face. I’ll make sure my friends are happy and then I’ll take myself out cause God knows that no one is going to help me.” That’s dark. How do you, Rudy, Kevin, Carlos, Frankie, Erik, Linus, and Sean respond?
I burst into tears and go, “Please don’t please.” 
Kevin hugs me and goes, “We’d miss you Bons. Please don’t do that.” 
Rudy pulls her into a tight hug and Linus and Erik join it. 
Frankie is sleeping because he’s too drunk and its late. 
Carlos: Whoa, heavy man.
Sean was in the bathroom and comes back, “...what did I miss?” 
You and Tom and Bonham and Kevin are hanging out for the first time since he’s gotten out of rehab. At one point you’re all playing cards, and Bonham steps out to get drinks. She puts beers in front of you and Tom, and as she’s placing Kevin’s drink in front of him, she rests her chest on his shoulder and whispers something about strategy into his ear. She says more loudly, “But that’s just me.” As she sits down, Tom nudges you and points to Kevin. You look up and you see that he’s flushed beet red and is fidgeting in his seat, meanwhile Bonham’s got a smug look on her face. What does Kevin say? How do you and Tom react to what just happened? Does Bonham say anything?
Kevin: I...uh...I’ll...be right back. 
He gets up and makes a beeline for the bathroom. 
We both look at each other but don’t say anything. 
Bons just has a smirk on her face. 
1) Your singer is pregnant with her and Tom’s first kid and Tom is halfway across the country performing when she goes into labor. You and Kevin take her to the hospital and Kevin is going to her once they get her in the room, “Just breath.” She glares at him and screams, “That’s easy for you to say! I don’t see a kid coming out of your vagina!” How do you and Kevin respond?
2) Your sitting in the front row of a QR concert with your singer and Tom. Kevin is leaning over the stage and singing and Tom goes, “Eww, something wet just dropped on me.” Your singer looks up and goes, “Oh yeah, that’s just Kevin. Slobbering as usual.” How do you and Tom respond?
3) Your singer was given four free tickets to a Stryper concert. She takes you, Kevin, and Tom with her. At the beginning of the concert, you see the band tossing something out. One lands in front of your singer and your singer picks it up, “First concert I’ve ever been to where they throw Bibles into the audience.” Tom looks behind you and goes, “And people stampede to get them. Look out.” A horde of people are coming towards the four of you at the front. What do you, your singer, and Kevin say and what do you guys do?
4) Before Kevin goes to Rehab, you, Rudy, Carlos, Tom, and your singer are drinking and having a good time. Kevin has had a couple beers and is drunk. Your singer gets up to get something and Kevin follows. Soon you hear your singer screaming, “Kevin, get off me! Help get him off me!” The four of your run out in the kitchen to see Kevin has her backed into the corner of the counter and the next thing you know he slaps her hard across the face. You have no time to process this before Tom has him on the ground and is wailing on him. “Don’t you ever hit my girlfriend again! Understand!” What does Kevin do and how do you, your singer, Rudy, and Carlos respond?
5) You, your band, and Tom are working on an album when some guy who’s been stalking your bad gets past the recording studios security and comes into the building. He’s begging you guys for autographs, he’s brandishing a gun and saying, “If you don’t give me what I want I’m going to shoot you.”  Your singer goes, “You want something buddy? How about a knuckle sandwich.” Before she punches him in the face and disarms him. Once the security come to take him, Sean goes, “You’re 78.3% badass.” Your singer looks at him and goes, “How can someone be 78.3% badass?” How does Sean respond and what do you, Tom, Erik, and Linus say?
6) You and your band are drinking and talking about your sexual escapades when Sean goes, “I’ve been around the block a few times.” Your singer smirks at him, “With yourself or with someone else, Sean?” Sean glares at her, “With someone else, Smartass.” How do you, Linus, and Erik respond?
7) Fifteen-year-old Cassie comes walking out into the kitchen where you, your singer, Kevin, and Tom are sitting and goes, “Mom, you used to date Uncle Kevin?” Your singer shakes her head and goes, “Yeah, Cas, I dated him a couple of years before I met your Daddy.” Cassie looks between your singer and Kevin and goes, “I don’t see it.” How do you, your singer, Kevin, and Tom respond? 
8) Kevin is very drunk one day and he leans on the wall beside you at a party you’re at and goes, “No one can take me from being inside of you.” Your singer pipes up from next to Tom, “You realize semen only last about five days in the female body and then is dispelled from the body or dies so she’s actually getting rid of you inside her.” Kevin looks at her, “...shut up, BabyCarrot.” How do you and Tom respond?
9) You and Kevin are in the delivery room with your singer while she’s in labor with Cassie and is holding both your hands. Kevin is visibly uncomfortable and goes, “Why are we the ones helping you? Where’s Tom? You should be breaking his hand.” You glare at him and go, “Kevin, man up! He’s across the country performing. He’ll be here as soon as he can.” Right when you say this, the door bangs open and Tom says, “I’m here! I’m here! What did I miss?” Kevin looks over at him and goes, “You missed your wife breaking my hand.” How do you, your singer, and Tom respond and what happens next?
10) You and Kevin are going over to your singer and Tom’s to help them take the kids trick or treating. When your singer opens the door, you see she’s wearing what she used to wear when you went to QR’s first concerts. “What’s with the get-up?” you ask her. She’s about to say something when Cassie runs up to you and Kevin and goes, “Uncle Kevin! Uncle Kevin! Look I’m you for Halloween!” Kevin leans down to height and goes, “And who’s Sammy?” “Sammy is Uncle Randy and mom dressed Chrissy up to look like Uncle Rudy. And guess who daddy is,” Tom steps out at this moment in a 70s outfit that Drew would have worn. You, your singer, and Kevin burst out laughing. He looks at you, your singer, and Kevin and goes, “I hate you all.” Cassie runs up to him and goes, “Doesn’t he look amazing!” What does Tom say to her and how do you, your singer, and Kevin respond?
11) You and your singer come back from having lunch to find Kevin’s car in your singer and Tom’s driveway. When you come in you hear Tom and Kevin talking. “Don’t you dare tell Cassie, Sam, or Chrissy what I did to BabyCarrot when we dated. It was a bad time in my life and I’ve regretted it once I got sober and realized what I did. I don’t want them looking at me differently.” You hear Tom sigh, “We may have had our problems in the past, but I’ll never tell my kids that. They love and look up to you, especially Cassie.” You and your singer know you weren’t supposed to hear this. Do you make your presence know? If so what do you and your singer say? How do Tom and Kevin respond?
12) You, your singer, Tom, and Kevin are sitting at the kitchen table when 17-year-old Cassie comes storming into the kitchen and slams a magazine open to an article in front of Kevin. “I found this in a drawer in your office. Care to explain?” You, Tom, and your singer look at it and find that it’s the article that was printed when Kevin beat your singer up pretty bad with a not so flattering picture of her face. Cassie has huge tears in her eyes and she goes, “I’m so mad at you right now, Uncle Kevin. I can’t look at you. How could you do that to mom?” How do you, your singer, Kevin, and Tom respond?
13) You’re over at your singer and Tom’s with Kevin while Tom is on tour. You walk into Sam’s room to find him...busy. You squeak and he hears you. How does he respond? Do you tell your singer what you saw him doing? What do you and Kevin say to him? Does your singer ask Kevin to give him ‘the talk’? How does that go?
14) Your singer is nine months pregnant with Cassie and you're sitting with her on the couch. You’re listening to Crüe and Tom and Kevin are sitting on the opposite couch. Your singer is gently rubbing her stomach while talking to you and you hear Tom go, “Isn’t she the sweetest?” Kevin responds, “Yeah who can punch a guy out no problem and listens to lyrics like, ‘”I’m gonna break her face’.” How do you, your singer, and Tom respond?
@osbournebemydaddy your turn Bons :) 
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U make me answer 25 q I make u answer 1-50 :^)
Hey! Fuck you you hoe :D Tumblr mobile wouldnt let me.copy paste so i wrote this shit in a google doc admire how.much energy i put into this. You fuck 1) counter couch or top of the dryer? Easy couch its comfy and easy to sit on. Plus diff postions are easier2) Your last sexual encounter? Good or bad and why? Depends,  do u count phone sex? If so ugh…? A week ago? irl probs like...4 or 5 months ago. For real sex like 2 or 3 years. Phone sex was good! My mans hot. Irl dude was also goo! Hes a pretty close friend ive hooked up with b4 and probs will later but eh. And for real sex god he sucked. Last longer bro3)Fictional person you think would be good in bed? Lust from FMA.4)Something that never fails to make you horny?  A guy biting my neck and saying “like that baby/love/ect” my neck is SUPER sensitive and a homie love a good pet name5)Where is one place youd never have sex? A hospice 6)The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when? I was with the dude from 2 and we were both WASTED. He like wanted me.to blow him so naturally i did but he thrusted into me without telling me. Now heres the thing i got a gag reflex but i can control it kinda well. Drunk me however cant and if a long phallic thing goes down outta nowhere i also cant. Anyway so i puked on him. Needless to say we didnt finish that night. 7) Weirdest thing to ever turn you on? When i was a kid id get horny  hearing the sex sounds from fable. Which after replaying them are SOOO bad8)What is the best way to sexually bind someone?Im a sub bottom dude dont fuvking ask me. Probs get them to love you?9)Fastest way to make you horny? Pin me to a bed force eye contact and then kiss/bite me neck/throat. Dirty talk also helps.10Top or bottom? Bottom 11)We were about to have sex but then…. I probs said im tired 12)Is one orgasm enough ? Are multiple necessary? SEE…depends..i fucking HATE over stim. I legit banned jd from doing it to me. THAT BEING SAID. If irs an ALL NIGHT thing and i only.cum.once (probs at the end edging fuck) im gonna be a mess. 13)Something you've hidden in your room that you dont want anyone to find? The body14)Weirdest  nickname a SO has ever called you? Ugh...idk ive never gotten more than babe till i started dating jd and his are nice like baby/my prince/my everything. I use cringy ones like darling  sweetie honey. Ughh t help one guy see if he liked she/her pronouns i called him princess. He later decided he like he/him so i just called him my prince15)Two things u like about oral? Taste, hearing a guy get more horny and start that low whimper/moan when they're close.16) weirdest sexual act someone has ever preformed  or tried to perform on you? All of my so and shit are basic af. Bondage and a collar are the furthest anyone has asked me. Though  a random asked if i was cool with water sports.17)Have u ever tasted yourself? Ive tasted my cum and it was….okay? Ive never sucked myself a bitcg aint flexable.18)Is it ever okay to not use a condom? Ive…never…..used….one...haha….19)Who was the sexiest teacher u ever had? I never had one but FUCK there one this one just outta college  history teacher (who apt had a big dick) and like DAMN he was fine.20)A food you would like to use during a sexual experience? I dont really wanna do food stuff? Its to messy and like...a waste of food? 21)How big is to big? 10+22)One sexual thing you would never do? IF YOUR FEET EVEN COME CLOSE TO FUCKING TOUCHING ME.23)biggest turn on? Wasn't this a q already? On a guy in gen i love singers. Abs and blonde hair dont hurt. Also being taller than me.24)Three spots that drive u insane? Neck hips collar bone25)Worst possible time to get horny? At work sense i work with old people (hey cas coulda stopped here you furry pope fucker)26)Do u like it when yoursexual partner moans? HELL FUCKING YEAH I DO! Im super audio based and i lovethat. I also have a praise kink so like moans are basically praise27)Worst sexual idea you ever had? What if i was straight?28)How much fapping is to much fapping? Ugh...HMMM...if you do it more than 3 times EVERY day maybe stop 29)Best sexual compliment youve ever had? So at the party me and the friend were at there wa:. Him. My ex. And another fuck buddy of.mine. a q came up about who gives rhe best head and whos the best kisser AND ALL OF THEM SAID ME. I was like “i am a damn good kisser “ and my ex said “fuck ya he is”30)Bald, landing strip, jumanji? Do whatever idc. Hairs hair.31)Is it good sex if you dontnut? No. Im impatient and needy.32) If they *love me* we fucking33)Fav part of your body? My eyes! I think they're nice. Other than that i hate myself lmao34)Fav forplay activities.  Idk never done much. Pinned make out sound like a blast with grinding35)Love or sex? Love. Id rather have someone who really cares about me over a good fuck.36)What do u wear to bed? Underwear.  Im not a pj or commando kinda guy37)First time u masturbated? Ugh….i must been like 11? It was b4 like i ever knew what it was and b4 i could cum. 38)Do u have any nude/masturbating pics/ videos of yourself? My boyfriend lives in another country, what do u think?39)Have you ever/when was the last time u had sex outside. Ive never had SEX but ive blown a couple.dudes in either a park or a park bathroom.  One time.in a casino parking lot40)Have/wouldu have sex in public. See 39? Full blown sex PROBS NAH but bjs probs 41)Have/would u have a 3some?Ive had one! The ex and the fuck buddy while me and the ex were together.  We never fucked but we all blew each other. Slash im down for a polyam resltionship if my partner is so id always be down. Slash slash me and jd are horny as fuck and have talked about having threesomes b4 so ye42)What is 1 random object you've used to masturbate? Ugh…? I humped my bed b4? Idfk?43)Have/would u ever masturbate at work/school. Ive blown several guys at school. So yeah id jo there.  Work ive debated but thats cause SOMEONE os a fucking tease. 44)Have/would u ever have sex on a plane. No45)What is one song youd like.to have sex to? Dead girl walking.46)What is something nonsexual that makes you horny ? Hey fuck u i said this one47)Most attractive celeb? Thomas sanders or tom holland. now THATD be a threesome. Please no one show thomas this.48)Do u watch gay/lesbian poor? Why/why not? HMM I FUCKING WONDER49) If a child was born on the occasion of the last time u had sex, how old would that child be? 2 or 3 years old. God i need to get fucked. Soon50)Has anyone ever posted nude pics of.you online? No and if they do I'll murder the prick.Thanks for the qs cas i stg the next time u post an over 50 ask im.making u do them all :’) love you bb 💛 that was more fun than i thought itd be
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 6 | Your Social Game Is On 0! - MJ
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also just realized that at final 13 i know well over half of the people in the game..... love that for me!! -close with ali, jonathan, and zoe over here both separately & together -mj obvs -cindi and jay are known quantities -jules is great too -so only ones i don’t know.... silver, zach, asya, nathan & jessie i know i can work with at least half of the ones i know, probably more - only real question mark is cindi cuz she was a little sus originally, and jay i hope is still good but i think he and keegan were close so might have to work on explaining that one. but overall, i feel pretty well set for merge whenever it gets here, and hopefully the next couple votes can get rid of some of those ones i don’t know. onward and upward! we’ll see!!!
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I don't really do much text confessionals but I just ranted in my host chat so I'm sending it here. ~~This Round~~ this round is gonna be fun, so much fun, and I won't have to do like any gameplay because I think regardless the trian tribe is going to tribal and I wanna see how that plays out, and then if my tribe goes to tribal I'm gonna dip out using my safety without power and let silver kill an og circi since he's gonna pull out that extra vote however, if asya or jules have an advantage / if mj flips that's fine with me too. I'm still debating playing the solar eclipse. I want to cause chaos, and for what? For no reason. *Moments Later* I spun a wheel to determine what I will do this round, and it landed on not playing the solar eclipse and noping out. that's what I'm doing. now you may ask for the strategic value of letting a circi die? Well, if a Circi goes (or two circis go if it's an andro/circi tribal), I'm suddenly 1/2 of my OG tribe left. People may want to pick me up and use me as a number since I will have no allegiance to anyone. This puts me in a lowkey kind of decent position if I lie and say I was gonna be voted out if I didn't safety w/o power. Also playing a safety without power and claiming the magnet would statistically mean I am less likely to have other advantages since other people had searches stockpiled for the swap I'll probably test the waters for a bit after immunity results and then play the magnet to make it look like it wasn't planned and I just got a bad feeling. In other words: I'm turning the crackhead dial-up, it's time for fun! I swear to god if we don't merge after this round I will scream. ~~Planning for the Future~~ oh my god it could be a 10 person merge. because the merge episode is usually episode 8. we're on 6 but that wouldn't make sense to prevent a 5 > 1 person tribe from occurring and 5 votes in a swap seems like a bit much. I feel like at this point I know I probably won't win this game but I'm gonna give them hell while I'm here playing well is boring People on this cast that will probably try to kill me: Cindi, Jay, Nathan, Maybe Jesse? I haven't really spoken much to MJ or Silver, chances are my closest ally is going home this round, Zoe Jonathan and Ari may pick me up if I'm from a minority tribe but dump me very quickly. From my POV the cards are not in my favor, all I have are my advantages so the path of chaos is more beneficial plus I'm sure it's spread I'm pretty good at immunities in merge so they're gonna try to take me out early on like round 1 or 2, So if I want any chance I need to play the following way Since I cannot depend on social connections as much as I normally would 1. Make sure my existing social connections are voted out so that I am not in the group where I don't have the best social connections but I have enough that it is worrisome 2. Play my advantages early in merge if I don't win immunity, cementing myself as a big target 3. Convince people that nobody will take me deep into the game because I have placed myself in the position of a big target 4. Try to get the people that would be 100% against me voted out, while also watching Andro tribe majority. Basically making Andro and Trian fight each other 5. Win immunities near the end and somehow make it deep??? That's my best case scenario at this point in my opinion.
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So like we won immunity . Wow see what happens when we actually try? Isn’t that nice . Idc who goes really I can make new bonds or whatever with people if silver goes but in the ideal scenario he will stay. But tbh I have no power over what happens tonight so I don’t care. Hoping merge happens next 
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ok so i have a little cute vote chat for me jules and mj. mj is spilling EVERYTHING abt his OG tribe including how they blindsided my wife pippa... rude. also abt his idol searches. he's a smart cookie and one to watch for but i also like him and need friends so<3
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Having to remind myself that is entirely okay to be vengeful and even be blinded by revenge in these games. I've become way too soft for these things in the past couple of years. As of right now, tonight's tribal council should be 2-1-1, since Zach is skipping -- 2 votes for Silver (Asya, Jules), 1 vote Jules (Silver), and 1 vote Asya (me). If Silver's 50/50 coin lands on SAFE, the it’ll tie between Aysa and Jules and I think I’ll get auto-eliminated if it’s rocks instead of a 1v1 tiebreaker, and I’m OK with that I think! If it lands on NOT SAFE then Silver is leaving, period! And Silver deserves to leave, and I shouldn't feel nervous about taking this shot, no matter if it backfires or not. It makes me feel icky to think that Nathan, Jessie, and Silver were in cahoots from the very start and I didn't care enough to control my own game because I've become too accustomed to jellyfishing my way through ORGs to avoid being pinpointed as a leader or strategist. I'm putting my foot down tonight. I'm taking this shot and if it works, then it's merely the beginning of the end for half of the remaining cast as far as I'm concerned. If it backfires, then oh well, at least I tried something here. NO REGRETS! Anyway, just had the first alliance call with Aysa and Jules and it was great! Good vibes! We just chit-chatted and discussed strategy and previous dynamics. It will be a shame if we don’t get to push forward together after tonight. I’m also telling Silver right now not to play the 50/50 befcause if it doesn’t land on safe then the vote will be 3-2 if Aysa is lying; and if Aysa is telling the truth then he’s wasting a power that he could have later on. It kinda makes no sense for him to use the 50/50 considering the information he’s being told. I’m fine with pitching this to him because he said he was 100% gonna use it anyway, so me telling him not to will either leave things the same or result in him not using it at all. There’s no losing there. The only way to lose is if it lands on safe. The savage in me is saying, no MJ don’t let yourself get auto-eliminated if things go south, CUT JULES! And I realize that that’s exactly how I should be thinking given the first two lines of this confessional!!! But I wanna be a risk taker. I’m fine with this blowing up because the potential reward is greater than me being auto-eliminated. + Jack was rocked out last season so it would be cute to match that if it comes down to it! I hope it doesn’t, but it’s fine either way. I feel like this game owes me. Silver's 50/50 will not land on safe.
ALSO on this alliance call, I was informed that the adventure reset?!?!?!?! AND I HAVEN'T DONE THEM IN A WEEK???? LMFAOOOOO anyway.
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AHHHH why did I volunteer to go first in the challenge ugh I remembered the wrong shit lol. But this tribal I dont think I have to use my 50/50 since asya doesn't wanna go to rock so she'll vote Jules with us. So yeah I think I'll be ok. Asya told me Jules is voting MJ. I'm just hoping this isnt gonna be a big blindside towards me but yeah wish me luck 
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okay, here's the plan. silver has the glowing orb 50/50 coin thing. i expect him to play it. silver's voting me. im voting silver and so is asya. mj is king of the key here. if mj votes silver and the orb makes him safe, then im gone. if mj votes asya (hang on, ive just had a realization and just had to sit in silence for a while whilst i process it.) okay. if mj votes asya and the coin makes silver safe, it'll be 2-1-1, with a tie between me and asya. which im just now realizing could send it to rocks where mj would be the one leaving............. boy howdy, sure wish i knew how to count. okay, yeah. we'll just hope that the coin lands on NOT SAFE -or- he doesnt play it at all. mj and asya are telling him that they're voting me out, so maybe he'll feel comfy enough not to use it. i dont WANT asya to be voted out, but it's better than me or mj being the vote. if mj gets rocked out by default because i didnt realize how to count....... oops!!! but silver has a bunch of advantages, so him getting voted out would flush those out. asya has an immunity shard and id like to think that she'd will it to me if she gets voted out, but eye dee kay!
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AHHH sorry this is coming so late but I've had a busy busy few days, and luckily I've avoided tribal during this time lol So before I was feeling a bit shaky on this tribe, I felt like everyone was more connected to each other than to me. But as it turns out, that's completely untrue and I feel very at the center of this tribe. Nathan and I have had multiple long talks recently where we've decided that we want to stick together deep into this game, and he's given me some info about how he and Silver gave up their immunity shards to Jessie, so she has an idol now. Cindi and I have a connection from our original tribe too and I've been keeping up on that relationship too. I gave her a clue I found during an expedition but nothing really came of it since it's, as far as I can tell, impossible to decipher. If we did end up going to tribal, I would have made a push to take out Jessie TBH, even though she has the idol. I feel like even if Nathan wasn't for it, they'd go for Cindi and not me. But luckily that doesn't matter because we're immune and likely heading for a merge in the next 30 minutes. And if not a merge, than another swap bc I think y'all hosts anticipated that one tribe could have lost all of the last 3 immunities and I don't think you want a 2 person tribe at the f11. But yeah I feel really good about my place in the game, I want Nathan to be my shield for the time being bc he's so vocal and strategic that he will always be a target ahead of me.
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I have put so much work in to stay
All this fighting for nothing smh <3 it is not looking good
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0 notes
smallblanketfort · 7 years
do you have tips on taking notes?
yes!! i have many, so i tried to make it easier for you to navigate :)
L O N G post ahead of you, covering lecture notes and readings notes, from a college senior :)
lecture notes:
i suggest using a notebook and pen, physically writing down. it’s easier to study, and since it’s using your body, you have a much higher retention rate on your side than if you use a laptop.
i have used my laptop for taking notes before. it’s easier to take more notes, word for word, but that’s not always helpful. maybe that’s your style, especially if you enjoy rewriting your notes all pretty and more successfully when you get home. i am not that girl. 
more notes does not always equal better! it’s good for you to listen actively, selecting what is important and what is not. i take very thorough notes. i take a lot of notes. if you need notes for a missed class, i. am. your. girl. that doesn’t mean i write out everything word for word. selecting details, clauses, and images really helps me to not only keep up, but also to memorize later. plus, when you’re typing, it’s easier to type all the words out without really processing the whole meaning. remember that dense notes are harder to study
finally, when you write by hand, you can get more creative with your style. occasionally, i’ll web notes out from one, rather than a traditional outline, bc it makes more sense for the topic
it also helps my anxiety! so much! if i force myself to take great in depth notes, then my mind has to dedicate more brain space to the task at hand than to my anxieties.
stick to one of these though. it really sucks to get into a test and realize you didn’t study half of your notes bc you forgot half were on your laptop. it’s awful lol.
if you use a laptop, get used to how it works first. do u know how much i resent trying to switch from a bullet that is under other bullets (like this one, not filled in) to a main point bullet (the ones filled in). it can be so confusing. also make sure you use a program you like. you can take directly into documents, but i find that i really love evernote, as i can make notebooks for classes, stacks of notebooks for my college, and that i can tag notes with specific classes and topics.
if you’re on paper, for fuck’s sake, divide your notebook into sections for classes. keep it all together. those notebooks with handy dandy dividers are so helpful, and they keep you from carrying around 5 notebooks at once.
i wouldn’t worry too much about highlighters and such in class. there’s just so much going on then. save highlighting and color coding for later, and count it as studying.
don’t worry about traditional outlining styles, with roman numerals or whatever. i take notes very simply. bullets/dashes, subnotes under a broad note. 
do it how it makes sense to you! maybe that includes different bullet styles, different places for different types of information (on a simple level, i start writing chapter numbers and titles as far to the left as i can go, over the margins, in bold and capital letters. i also usually go over these later in a certain color marker)
in some classes it is helpful for me to write the topic along the top of the page in a highlighter (color coding is lovely) the main idea/topic for each page. the classes this was most obviously helpful in were astronomy (COMETS or BLACKHOLES etc) and shakespeare (MUCH ADO ACT 2 or ROMEO etc)
it’s easiest to just note page numbers of referenced complex diagrams, as they are usually in your reading or accessible online
your style might look different in each class. whatever works.
note everything (everything) your professor writes on the board. if it’s important enough for your professor to write it, it’s probably important enough for you to write it.
note examples only if it’s helpful for your memory. however, make light note of things like famous people and their science/psych experiments. but in math and such, note! the! examples! and! reasons! will help you so much.
examples that have emotion, imagery, or sound are going to be more helpful. applicable examples are most helpful. good professors will lecture you accordingly. lazy ones will not.
star anything that the professor stresses or hints will be tested. anything that they say is a major theme or whatever.
note main ideas/points/themes, definitions, conclusions, 
use your tests to help you figure out what you need to know. ask questions about the tests too. in every class i’ve taken, i’m totally shocked at how willingly people ask about exam format and how willingly the professor will tell us how it will work. they want you to succeed.
people learn differently! i suggest taking notes in class and later adding touches that help you. count it as study time too. a warm up, if you will. 
if you’re visual, this might include highlighting, color coding, drawing diagrams, etc.
 if you’re an auditory learner, reading the notes out loud and organizing them accordingly, as well as making up rhymes, rhythms and such, might help you. some auditory learners actually like to record lectures and listen to them later. 
if you learn best through movement, rewriting or making flashcards will be great for you.
sometimes professors go really. fuckin. fast. why. idk? but
dont be afraid to ask them to go back a slide bc i guarantee, you will be the class hero for asking
develop a little bit of shorthand. sometimes i end up using initials, arrows, abbreviations… this is where i got “bc” and “thru” and “u” and such. lol. also, list things vertically, rather than using commas and “and/&/+) it’ll be more clear later
some professors you literally cannot take notes on. it sucks. you’re going to need to do the readings and pick their brains on how the test will be to figure out how to prepare. take home tests are your best friend. thank god for them. seriously. get your butt to church and do some worshipping.
if your professor puts powerpoints online, save the powerpoints, ya never know.
look at inspiration if you want, but remember that notes on studyblr are usually copied from class notes. if you’re too focused on how pretty your notes are, good luck to you
finally, the day before an exam, i review my notes that i have (hopefully) been studying. i like to make a one page cheat sheet / study guide on everything i didn’t remember, leaving out everything i understand, memorized, or want to disregard. 
Tumblr media
reading notes:
ima be real and tell you i hardly ever do reading unless i will be tested on it in class in multiple choice. and im an english student. ye i suck, i know. i dont condone shirking the system but u know what, reading shakespeare or 18th century lit literally makes me want to kill myself. so, im a senior in college, and have barely ever done the reading for a class. the thing is, if you do it right, anything is better than just reading the words on the page and not getting the meaning. dont be a reading zombie. read actively, even if it’s not the actual reading. doing this, i have a 3.9 gpa. so. there’s hope for us yet.
first of all, yall need to do your damn reading. idc how. but due to the fact that a test will be multiple choice, essay answer, a presentation, or a paper, you’re going to not love pulling nothing out of your ass. can be done tho. just be fake deep.
that being said, i’m writing a lot below, but the reality is that if it’s lit, your notes dont have to be longer than a sentence. if it’s a textbook, more.
the same formatting question comes into play here, except it’s should you take notes in your book or in a notebook?
listen i’m always going to be pro notebook, pro physically writing it out as it helps me really get the information into my head, rather than more passively highlighting
i tend to do both, if im willing to mark up a book. i underline and highlight things that stick out to me, and i write them down as well. sometimes when reading literature/essays, if i know the contextual/meaning notes will be interesting to me later, i will copy notes both into my notebook and also less in depth onto post it notes (which also make sweet little flashcards btw), which i will stick into the passage. this is so helpful when a) im reading it again later and b) when we are discussing a passage in class
buy used books. it’s cheaper. until it happens to u, u do NOT UNDERSTAND how EXCITING it is to get a book that has highlights and underlines in it ALREADY. DUDE. my work is basically DONE for me. now take that lightly, bc often different ppl will highlight different pieces of information. however, it is helpful.
look up summaries. do not simply rely on cliffsnotes and sparknotes, esp since professors are very aware of these. google “title of book, summary, chapter notes, whatever youre looking for” and use the blog posts, the book reviews, the papers that come up. does this method probably take a bit longer? maybe? but it’s easier on my tired brain.
if you don’t have time to read your textbook one day and really want to, read the introduction and the conclusion to the chapter, or the first and last sentences to the paragraphs. it’s not great, but it’s something.
like your lectures, note definitions, conclusions, and helpful examples, as well as people and dates. if i’m reading literature and i’m deciding to be a smart student i will keep several logs as well. these logs will make it so. easy. to study for your exam:
updated character lists, including name, relationships, and anything defining and important
scene/chapter summaries, just a sentence summarizing what happened where
any quotes or themes that stand out
i highly highly highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of the well educated mind for note taking on a range of genres. this is what i had to use through high school and while it’s involved, it’s incredibly helpful.
if you’re going to have to cite your notes, note the page number in the margin every time you flip the page
the biggest issue i have with reading is when and where to do it. before or after class? always ask your professor if they do not tell you. where in your notebooks? i always do it on the next blank page bc leaving space stresses me the fuck out. make notes on the top of your pages of corresponding lectures/readings. 
for both lectures and readings i really really really suggest either having something to drink or something to snack on (think fruit, loose nuts, m&ms. small loose things rather than things u bite? idk they just last longer?)
okay i hope this was somewhat helpful even tho it’s an incredibly longwinded post. it seems like a lot, but the reality is that while i take a lot of notes, i don’t make them complicated, i don’t have rules, i just do what feels right in the moment. they’re not at all stressful. just take it easy and do whatever works for you :) 
if anyone has other tips, feel free to reply :)
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boomboomboomwayhoo · 7 years
hospital ~ jack avery
warning: probs a bit of cussin :/
request: anon mah dudes 
“oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” i mumbled to myself whilst pacing back and forth across my bedroom, biting my thumb nail. “pick up the goddamn phone!” i yelled when jonah hadn’t answered my fourth call. 
jonah texted me about thirty minutes ago, informing me that jack, my boyfriend of almost two years, was in the hospital and in critical condition. just my luck, i was in the shower when this happened so i didn’t see it until it had been about twenty minutes since the text came through to my phone. instinctively, i called jonah multiple times, just to be not answered. i was having a panic attack, but wouldn’t you? normally, i would drive to the hospital right away but they are a state above me right now and i don’t want to drive up there until i get some answers. 
i continued to pace back and forth until i realized... why don’t i just call one of the other boys? zach was the first of the boys besides jonah and jack in my recent facetimes so i just decided on facetiming zach. i don’t know why i didn’t just call him, but i was stressin, alright? 
“y/n... oh no, you heard?” zach asked when my face popped up on his screen and he saw the tears streaming down my face. i didn’t even know i was crying myself until zach pointed it out. i hadn’t looked at myself and i was just numb at the moment i guess so i didn’t even realize it. 
“please tell me he’s okay,” i sighed, another tear escaping my eye and rolling down my cheek. i was so incredibly freaked out at the moment because on a normal day when jack gets hurt, even if it’s pretty bad, he’ll just have me kiss it and then he will act like it’s nothing even if it hurts really badly. this is why i can’t imagine him going to the hospital for something just because he tends to brush things off.
“i...uh...” zach stuttered, looking up from the phone and at something, sadness clearly evident on his face. 
“if i’m being honest, he’s not okay,” zach mumbled, looking back at me. i took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling in an attempt to push the tears back into my eyes rather than letting them out but that didn’t work. 
“can i please drive up there?” i asked in a voice that was hardly understandable. 
“if you think that’s what you have to do, go for it. i’m sure he would love to see you when he, uh... never mind. but the drive up here is like 6 hours and it’s almost midnight.”
“i’m coming. tell him i will be up there as soon as i can,” i spoke before walking over to my closet and taking out my duffle bag, throwing things in so that i could leave right now. 
“i, uh, okay,” he sighed before hanging up quickly. obviously his strange behavior just concerned me more, so i threw some clothes in along with a few other things and zipped up my bag before going downstairs and running towards the door in just my pajamas, a messy bun, and no makeup. 
i had my hand on the doorknob before i realized that i had to tell my mom i was leaving. i ran up to her room and opened the door slightly to see the light of her phone shining on her face. 
“hey sweetie, what’s up? why do you have a bag?” she asked, tossing her phone to the side. 
“j-jack is in the ho-hospital,” i stuttered. 
“oh no! is he okay?” she asked, sitting up and walking towards me, pulling me into a hug. she loved jack as well and considered him as a son to her so the fact that he is injured and i still don’t know why clearly had her shook. 
“i don’t know but i’m driving up there,” i informed her. she pulled away from the hug and held me at arms length. 
“do you want me to drive you?” she asked. “you might be too shaken up to drive yourself.”
“no, it’s fine. he doesn’t even know i’m coming i don’t think and i don’t want to overwhelm him,” i said honestly.
“alright, well let me know what happens,” she called out to me after kissing me on the cheek as i ran down the stairs towards the front door. 
“i will,” i replied before walking out the front door. 
zach was right. the drive was six hours. it was now almost six in the morning and i am running off of absolute no sleep. when i say running, i mean literally running since i am dead sprinting into the hospital from where i parked my car. i ran up to the desk and asked the man what room jack was in and he told me that it was on the first floor in room 32. i thanked him hurriedly before sprinting in that general direction. 
when i found the room, all of the boys were standing outside of it, each of them looking like they were in distress. 
“move please,” i spoke under my breath as i tried to push past them and walk into the room. 
“hun i’m so sorry but they aren’t letting anybody in right now,” corbyn sighed, grabbing my shoulder lightly to make sure i didn’t walk into the room. 
i looked back and forth between all of them, my eyes red and puffy from crying so much, and theirs too honestly. 
“you need a hug,” jonah commented before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a huge hug. i clung onto him and cried into his chest until i heard the creaking sound of jack’s hospital door being opened. 
a/n: hey anon i hope you liked it! all of ya’ll, let me know if you want a part two, or if you fricken hated it idc but yeah, hope it sufficed for your daily dose of feels!
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blckb3ar · 5 years
1-100 SIR
1. I don’t think looks are that important in a relationship, but there obviously must be SOME attraction to your partner
2. They can be!
3. Nope
4. Nope, I’m single
5. Nope!
6. Yup! And I’m TIRED
7. I believe so. I’ve never tried to commit to multiple people at once
8. ?
9. Just someone who is a genuinely kind person who I can get along with pretty well
11. Honestly... no
12. Yes because I’m stupid but it also depends what it is...
13. yes
14. ?
15. I have two! I want another one but on my tongue
16. Noooo I’m too scared
17. Being a GAY man, no, I do not like kissing in public. I feel so uncomfortable
18. Nope! I do not shower everyday. But when I start working in a nursing home, I will. Idc if that sounds dirty either I don’t have TIME BRO
19. ?
20. Nope!
21. Yes. I was in a relationship for YEARS and didn’t cheat once. I would never
22. No, but I think I’ll be in a committed LTR
23. This year is ending... but yeah, if it happens 🤷🏽‍♂️
24. Yes, but not in a relationship type of way
25. Nope!
26. Not that I know of. And I thank god for that.
27. NO
28. No, I haven’t (thankfully)
29. Yes. All the time!
30. Yes. My last boyfriend who was completely trash and really ruined me for a long time omfg
31. A boy* (at the time obvs)
32. No! Pussy 🤮
33. Yes. Everyone I’ve ever been with has been older than me
34. Yes!
35. Like a guy? I wouldn’t say they HATE him, they just are annoyed/frustrated with him... so yes
36. Honestly... no
37. Yes! Straight men! :(
38. Never for someone... but about someone, I have
39. No bitch
40. Ummmm.... I don’t know?
41. My longest relationship with a guy? Two and a half years. With a girl? Four years
42. I have had 3 girlfriends... and REAL boyfriends I’ve had two.
43. Bitch?? I don’t remember??
44. I believe I had sex with my ex last year or the year before I can’t remember...
45. 18
46. I would be like “I could’ve told you that one” TBH
47. N/A
48. Honestly yes FUCK
49. Yesss
50. Not recently in the past two months maybe, but I have. Because I realize that I was wasting my time and a part of me still feels that way abt the situation so that’s WHY
51. No?
52. Like a partner? Yes.
53. Well I’m just going to talk about this guy I dated for two years. This was towards the end of our relationship and we were off and on mind you. So anyways. We were going to start dating *again* this one day and then I was hesitant as I usually was so then we were talking about it the next day and he ask me if he could date someone else.... bitch I was so hurt omgg
54. 1) I’m 6’1. 2) I’m fat. 3.) I have a bunch of small birth marks in the most random places. 3.) my eyes are brown. 4.) my hair is brown. 5.) I’m hairy? 6.) I have an innie. 7.) my thighs are fat as fuck. 8.) I’m light skin.
55. Lemme suck ya dick again 😭 kidding. I wouldn’t say anything because at this point in my life, I don’t care about them anymore!
56. I’m not really sure but I think just reassuring me that you want me will do it
57. Bitch I am not posting no picture
58. Two... so sad, I know. I really want an older man who has like 10+ years on me but I’m ugly so that won’t happen smh
59. What they’re wearing or their nose. Not in a bad way but I usually have to look DOWN when I’m talking to someone so
60. Girl...
61. This is hard because I’ve only ever have had penetrative sex. But I think sex can really be anything you and your s/o make it.
62. In my opinion cheating is sexting, flirting (aggressively), preforming sexual acts, etc.
63. We’re laying there... just rubbing and feeling on one another. Idk bitch. Just taking our time?? IDFK
64. Hmm I don’t know tbh
65. I don’t really have a perfect date idea in my head. I think a REALLY GOOD date would just be watching a movie and cuddling but idk??
66. Gay
67. I hate when dudes are too into themselves... like that is my biggest turn off ever
68. I love when dudes are shy. For some reason that’s a turn on to me LMFAO but also I like when they look well AND CAN CARRY A CONVERSATION. Oh and when they smell good too 🧐
69. My kinkest dream was years ago. My mom had dropped me off in a forest by her job and I was surrounded by like 20 men and I was tied up to a tree and I just blew them... but it was hot 😭
70. To be honest.... “baby” does it for me
71. I think it would be sweet if someone got me food and we cuddled and watch one of my favorite movies
72. The most superficial characteristic that I look for in a man is probably their height LMFAO
73. This isn’t the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me but I’ll never forget it. My crush in middle school got my milk for me... like bro I will never forget that shit. It made my heart SO happy
74. I don’t know actually.
75. I think age differences are good. I want a MAN.
76. It wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you 😜
77. A couple of days ago. Over something stupid but I was just like “oh word??” And then I stopped thinking about it
78. Like an hour ago
79. What kind of question is this? Bitch I can’t choose!
80. The last person I hugged was probably my best friend
81. A girl
82. Because it just ran it’s course and they were really abusive emotionally/mentally.
83. Yes...?? As in across the states kinda thing? No.
0 notes
bongivedetjuon · 7 years
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @chilledcitizen. :^)
the last …

1. drink: Coffee.
2. phone call: Idfk probably my mom.
3. text message: A text from my classmate Anni.
4. song you listened to: Kygo’s Firestone.
5. time you cried: Properly? Like actually managed to cry real tears? About 5 or so months ago..
6. dated someone twice: Never done that?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah the last time was like 2 days ago.
8. been cheated on: The last time I got cheated on was by my boyfriend when I was 14.
9. lost someone special: When I lost my grandpa.
10. been depressed: Apparently I’ve been depressed for all my life so..
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I threw up because I was hungover last New Year’s Eve, but thrown up because I was drunk? When I was 15.
favorite colors
12. Mauve
13. Dusty rose
14. “asjadsasodjsda black is not a colourrrr ;___;”
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: Yes
17. laughed until you cried: No.
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19. met someone who changed you: Yes, two people. One broke me, the other one picked up the pieces and made me into something way better.
20. found out who your friends are: Yes.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yeah.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them.
23. do you have any pets: Two cats :)
24. do you want to change your name: Yeah, but I probably won’t.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: My uncle paid for a cabinet in a Viking-themed restaurant and we went there with some of my relatives.
26. what time did you wake up: 09:20
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Doing my skincare routine.
28. name something you can’t wait for: Not having to worry about money.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 1,5 weeks ago.
31. what are you listening to right now: Sia’s Cheap Thrills.
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: No.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that I’ve lost loads of weight and I still can’t eat without throwing up.
34. most visited website: Probably Tumblr.
35. hair colour: Dusty worn out red.
36. long or short hair: Mine’s short, but I want it to be longer.
37. do you have a crush on someone: No. Only love towards my boyfriend. Being in a poly relationship and all, I’ve had the chance to make multiple relationship mistakes in the past few weeks regarding people who aren’t my boyfriend and I’ve had enough of crushes for the time being.
38. what do you like about yourself: My tattoos and my charisma. My taste in clothing (if only I fucking had the money to wear that shit too.) I like a lot of things about myself. Now however, struggling and in the middle of an identity crisis, I don’t feel well enough to feel that good about myself.
39. piercings: Labret, gauges, a couple of extra earrings, septum and nose ring. Will get more.
40. blood type: AB-
41. nickname: Don’t.
42. relationship status: In a polyamorous relationship.
43. zodiac: Taurus.
44. pronouns: He/him. Considering a change of pronouns. 
45. favourite tv show: I dont watch too many shows, but maybe Mr. Robot.
46. tattoos: Got a few self made ones, will get more.
47. right or left handed: Ambidextrous, but I mirror my movements with my left hand so I write with my right hand only to avoid writing like DaVinci.
48. surgery: Had a few when I was a kid, now waiting for some other surgeries.
49. so called “flaws”: Oh gods. The ones I’ve been called or the ones I’ve noticed by myself? I’ve been described as abrasive, socially clumsy, unobservant, bitchy, obsessive, strict.. w/e. I think my biggest flaw is that underneath all this I’m very insecure and because of mental health issues, both very aware and unaware of my assets.
50. sports: I walk very often and do kickboxing as a hobby.
51. vacation: No money for that right now. Would appreciate luxury shopping trips to large cities so rich ppl with extra money to give hmu I will cook for you if you pay for my shit.
more general
53. eating: Would love to, if I fucking could.
54. drinking: Still coffee.
55. i’m about to: Procrastinate doing my work, as always.
56. waiting for: The time in my life where I don’t have to worry about money. That’s what Cas wrote in. I’m not erasing that. Bc SAMEEE. Also tomorrow’s flea market shopping spree.
57. want: To have money, to buy stuff, to have longer hair, to have a better body.
58. get married: Fucking hell yes, eventually, after I’ve built a solid relationship with the one I want to marry,,
59. career: I’m gonna graduate as a 3D artist/animator. So I’ll probably work as either that or a concept artist. Wouldn’t mind training as a tattoo artist/piercer tho. My dream career still is an astronomer but I can’t count for shit.
60. hugs or kisses: I want both but only if I consent to it so don’t fucking surprise me with eitheirjdgfngf. Alright right now I don’t want either. I’m feeling bad about physical closeness but I have two cats in my lap.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes. Or both. 
62. shorter or taller: Holy shit. I used to prefer shorter people but rn I like taller or same height as I am.
63. older or younger: Idc preferably older tho.
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach.
65. hook up or relationship: Why not both? I don’t do one night stands but I don’t need another srs relationship right now.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: ??
67. kissed a stranger: Yes.
68. drank hard liquor: Some, and I have some regrets.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I’ve lost.. everything. At some point. I lose loads of stuff.
70. turned someone down: Not as soon as I should’ve.
71. sex on the first date: Never done that.
72. broken someone’s heart: Yes.
73. had your heart broken: Yes.
74. been arrested: Nah.
75. cried when someone died: No.
76. fallen for a friend: No.
do you believe in …
77. yourself: Casually no, but sometimes I get this massive boost of confidence..
78. miracles: Not in the godly way.
79. love at first sight: No. Love comes with time and trust or with luck, within a few weeks if you get to know each other very quickly.. but a strong crush can develop quickly.
80. santa claus: No.
81. kiss on the first date: ?????
82. angels: Nah.
83. current best friend’s name: Tiia.
84. eye colour: Green. Just. Very. Green.
85. favourite movie: Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away.
I’m tagging @girl-of-summer, @kintsugifox, @lava-power
fuk ur rules I’m not tagging more than 3
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