#sorry this is a bit scattered but im so glad you love them!!
angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known
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pairing: spiderwoman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: after miguel’s fight with miles, you confront him in his office
warnings: this whole thing is basically one big argument there’s SO much angst, implied suicide attempt, HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, im projecting a little in some parts of this ngl (i cried writing a certain section of this, you'll know it when you read it lmao), mentions and descriptions of blood, gore, and death
word count:  4.1k
notes: i watched the movie yesterday…and miguel is on my mind. but i remember reading this namor x reader fanfic after i watched wakanda forever of a similar idea to this and i loved it so this is HEAVILY inspired by that fic, but just make it miguel. i would link it but ngl that was so long ago and i dont remember the author. if i end up finding it again ill put it here. also, just pretend miguel has been doing this whole spider society thing for a couple of years at least, it just needs to work like that for this ik its probably not canon but just roll with it lmao. and yes the title is a taylor swift lyric im so glad you noticed (im so sorry she's in my brain rn with the eras tour)
The anger boiled up inside your chest as you stormed your way across the lobby. Hundreds of different Spider-Man variants were scattered across the area, some more injured than the others. It sickened you sometimes. How he had so many people under his grasp and just decided to throw some of them at the walls sometimes, not caring how hard they hit the floor because they were all just ammo to him. How despite his denials of it, that’s probably what your role was to him as well. Nothing more than a bullet in his massive machine gun.
You normally tried not to think about it, how his determination towards his goal sometimes meant lack of care for others. But this time he had just gone too far. You always had a soft spot for Miles, watching closely on him whenever Miguel would let you go though scanners of all the different variants. You admired his struggle, but eventual success to taking up the previous Peter’s mantle, and always hated how Miguel talked about him. You knew there was no way Miles could’ve asked for any of this. For the pressures and struggles of being a Spider-Man, for everything causing such a strained relationship with his parents, for the death of his uncle, and for what will be the eventual death of his father. You definitely didn’t.
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Ok lets do this one last time. Eh, whatever, there’s probably gonna be 50 other introductions after this one so it doesn’t really matter.
Being Earth-837’s Spider-Man has never been easy. Especially since you were bit when you were only 13 (another reason you sympathized with Miles and Gwen). Your life had followed the order of canon events to a perfect T, your older brother killed in a fight with a robber only two months after you were bit. You tried to overcome the burden of your powers by trying to live as normal of a teenage life as possible, but it was mostly in vain, having to give up multiple friendships and relationships in fear of those you love getting hurt. This was only elevated when your boyfriend Peter was murdered in the crossfire of an encounter with Doc Ock. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. What you had done to deserve all of this. All you did was just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You wonder sometimes what would happen if someone was in the same place you were when you got bit. If someone else went to the closed down area of that museum and ran into that spider. That stupid spider that ruined your life. Those thoughts slowly started to disappear for a bit. For a few years things were easy. Things seemed like they were finally going in your favor.
You were 25 when it happened. The last canon event. Ever since you were a little girl you hated your mother’s job. Losing nights of sleep over if she would come home or not. She always did though. She was good at her job. Too good though. Good enough to get promoted to police captain, which for who you were, was basically sealing her fate. She saved so many people that day. You were too busy fighting Venom to notice how much collateral damage you were causing in the process. Your mother’s job was to evacuate all the citizens away from the fight. She died shielding a child from incoming debris. A noble way to go. But god was it gruesome. You found her after the fight was over, two metal poles impaling her. One through her stomach and one straight through her face, pools of blood growing bigger below her as she was left there, all the paramedics busy trying to save the heavily injured. You froze when you finally recognized her, unable to at first due to how mutilated her face was from the pole. Suddenly, you were transported back to being a six year old, falling asleep outside the door to your mother’s bedroom so you would know exactly when she would come home. Purposefully falling asleep in her arms so that she couldn’t go anywhere.
When you used the key she had given you to get into her apartment that night, and you slept in her room, desperate to intake anything left of her before she was fully gone. You doused yourself in her perfume so it still felt like she was standing right behind you. You had always loved her smell. The smell of vanilla, curl product, and fancy perfume. They were attached to memories you had of her. Trying on her heels when you were a kid to try and be fancy like her. Smelling her hair in the morning before school to comfort you before she left for work. Despite all of this bringing you comfort, all it really did was cause further denial in your heart. That one day you were gonna hear the keys clacking in the keyhole to your apartment one more time. That’s all you really wanted. You would give everything up in a heartbeat just to hear her police scanner go off one last time. But it wasn’t going to. And it was your fault. Deep down you knew it was. You should’ve done a better job controlling the debris. You had always been a messy fighter, but you didn’t know it was going to mean anything until it was too late. 
How you got up to the top of that building is still a blur to you to this day. But next thing you know, you were looking at the New York City skyline from the very top of the Empire State Building. And at the very edge too. You heard some sounds behind you, but you just decided it was the wind howling from how high up you were. You were just so tired. Everything and everyone you loved was cursed all because of you. And with your mother as the most recent victim, you decided you finally had enough. You took a deep breath, eyes overflowed with water, as you set your foot forward.
Your plummet was interrupted by a sudden contact you felt to your forearm. Shock filled your body as you turned around to look at what had stopped your attempt. The blue hand was massive, nearly wrapping back around onto itself as it held onto you for dear life. You finally looked up at face that the hand belonged to. The mask that covered the massive figure was a strange one. Blue with strange red silhouettes for the eyes. It kind of reminded you of…your own costume? That couldn’t be though there was no way. This must be the afterlife or something. You already jumped and that's why you didn’t remember your way up to the top. This was some kind of creature trying to stop you from jumping down to hell below. His breaths were heavy and loud, almost like he was desperate to stop you. This convinced you that this was real, which caused you to try to escape from his grip. He was stronger than you, and was putting up a huge fight. You were slick though. Once you were out of his hand, you closed your eyes and quickly made your jump. Everything flashed before your eyes. Your brother, Peter, your mom. You were hoping to see them soon. This was very quickly interrupted again when you suddenly stopped falling. Something had attached itself to your stomach. You opened your eyes. A web? This web was much different than yours though. It was glowing a bright, neon orange.
The man was holding onto the end of it tightly with both hands. His mask then disappeared to show his face. His was long, matching how big the rest of his body was, defined cheek bones sticking out. Brown wavy hair slicked back with a few loose strands flying out in the wind. The look of desperation on his face stook out most of all. Why did he care so much? He didn’t know you, and you definitely didn’t know him. “Let me pull you up. Please,” he said to you between shaky pants. You stared at him for a bit before nodding. He slowly pulled you up with the string of his web, each move more careful than the last. As soon as your feet were planted safely back on the roof of the building, he wrapped you up in his massive arms. You appreciated the gesture, but you didn’t return it, still very confused about why he was so concerned. He was so big around your body though, you couldn’t help but feel a little comforted, feeling his still shaky breaths against the hairs of your neck. Soon after, he clicked on some buttons on his neon orange watch and led you into a portal.
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The rest is history. You’re grateful he found you that day. It allowed you to meet so many people, Peter B., Jess, Gwen, Hobie, Ben, Pavitr, Margo. They all related to you and you felt like you could share things with them that you couldn’t do with anyone else. You had grown especially close to Peter and Jess, both of them having been in the game for a long time, just like you. They both knew how you felt, having lost so much and growing so tired after so many years. Peter even named you as Mayday’s godmother when she was born, a gesture that caused you to nearly kill him with your hug. Miguel though was different. He wasn’t nearly as social as the rest of your friends, but you found yourself having much more intimate moments with him (in more ways then one). You eventually found out why Miguel was so concerned for you the day you met. He had taken interest in your abilities early into looking for variants for his little “project”, but refrained from roping you into something so dangerous while you were still in your teens.
Once you were old enough though, he started paying more and more attention, hoping to catch you in a fight and recruit you then. But he was always pulled away with more important duties to attend to. That was until he witnessed your canon event. He had seen it happen so many times before through his scanners. It was going to happen. It had to in order for your universe to not collapse in on itself. But for some reason, yours hurt more than the rest to him. Especially how you coped with it. Seeing you wrap yourself up in her blankets and clothes broke his heart. He knew where this would lead to. That’s why he was there that day. To save you. He had to, or he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. You got your own watch immediately, along with your own room in the Spider Society headquarters. He stayed close with you for the first month of you being a member of the team. When he wasn’t out on missions, he was with you. You didn’t really know what to label you two as, but whatever was going on, you liked it. And he did too.
That is until Miles came into the picture. Once Miles was bit, all hell broke loose for Miguel. He was always in some alternate dimension catching some Spider-Man villain who got out and rangled them back over here, falling back over to you more beat up and bruised than the last time. You couldn’t imagine how much stress he was under, the fate of the entire multiverse up to him. You had some ways of helping him relieve his stress, but you wish you could convince him that he wasn’t alone in this. But nothing ever got through to him. He had become distant, aloof even. You tried bringing it up to Jess every so often, but she would just brush it off.
“That’s how he’s always been.” Not to you he hasn’t. This week has been hell though. With Spot making it over to Miles, Miguel had been going into rages all week. You had put up with it for now, but that was all about to stop. Watching how harsh he was being on Miles, throwing so many Spider-Men at an innocent boy, risking all of their lives in the process. Disregarding everything Gwen and Peter were feeling and then throwing Gwen back into her broken world with nothing. He had gone too far. No one else was going to stand up to him about it, so you knew it had to be you. Maybe he would listen, maybe he wouldn’t. It didn’t really matter. He just needed to hear it.
“It’s not worth it you know.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, stopping you in your tracks. “You know how stubborn he gets over these things,” said Jess, trying to convince you to save your breath. “I don’t care. I have to at least try,” you responded, monotonically. “I just don’t understand how you can follow him so blindly and not see what he’s doing is wrong.” “Because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just gonna stand by and let some kid’s stupid decisions destroy another Earth,” Jess argued. “He’s just trying to save his dad, I can’t understand how that makes him such a bad person,” you said, finally turning around to face her, shocked when she was closer to you than expected.
“You know exactly why. Don’t be so naive, y/n,” she shot back. “You can’t stop me,” you said staring straight into her. She shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.” She began to walk away. You did to, until you heard her say. “You don’t know how much he cares for you.” You turned around to face her again, but her back was still to you, her head tilted ever so slightly to look at you. “If you really do care for the kid, watch what you say to Miguel right now. Cause you might just give him the final push he needs to do what needs to be done.” You didn’t give her a response, and just simply kept walking. You felt Jess’ eyes on your back as you entered the elevator to get up to Miguel’s office.
The elevator ride up felt longer than it should’ve, as you tried to gather all of your thoughts and emotions together so even if he didn’t listen, your words would still stick with him in some way. You didn’t necessarily want to hurt him (though your fists were telling you otherwise), but you did want him to be aware of what he’s done. Once the doors finally opened, all of that work flew out the window as rage took over your body again, seeing Miguel up there looking at the scanners. The fact that he looked just as normal as he always does made you furious. It’s like nothing happened.
“You know, I could hear you coming in from the lobby,” he said, almost stopping you in your tracks. You hated when he did that. Claiming that he knew what your every move was going to be. Like you were under his control or something. “Yeah, well then you must’ve heard me talking to Jess, which means you know exactly what this is about,” you shot back, stopping to where you could see him perched up there. “Why don’t you just save me the conversation about morality and just come up here and kick my ass already. It’ll save both of us time,” he said, not even taking his eyes off the scanners to look down at you. This only added to your fury. “That’s not what I’m here for Miguel, so don’t you dare try to twist my words here. What you did to that kid was fucked up and you know it.” “Oh yeah, then why didn’t you try to do anything to stop me?” he questioned.
“Because I’m not stupid Miguel. I’m not gonna try to take down hundreds of Spider-Men at once.” “Oh, cause you’re so much better than that?” This wasn’t like him at all. That gentle, kind, and caring Miguel you once knew was gone, taken over by some sort of personal vendetta he had against Miles. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this all needs to stop before it gets taken too far. You’re getting into a fight you can’t win. That kid’s strong and so are his allies. And if you go any further into this, I won’t be here to help you.” He stayed still and only turned his head to look at you. “And what makes you think that you’re so important to my plan that it’ll fall apart if you leave? Have you really become that pretentious?”
Your body froze. Have I really? No no no, that’s exactly what he wants. If you begin to doubt yourself now, you’ll stay and nothing will change. You knew you were right. He was trying to crumble you down, but you wouldn’t let that happen. “And you really think that one kid is going to ruin something that you’ve been working for for years? How insecure you’ve become.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, turning back away from you. You did the same, wiping off your face in anger. “I hate it when you do tha-,” you said as you turned back around, but were cut off to find Miguel standing there right in front of you. He was close. Too close to your liking, although in any other circumstance you would’ve found this attractive.
He tilted his head up, but his eyes were down staring daggers into yours. You hated how much he tried to make himself seem more superior to you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he repeated, this time slower as if you were a child. “He’s just a kid Miguel,” you said in a low, quiet voice. “An anomaly. And a dangerous one at that.” “God Miguel, all he wants to do is protect his dad, do you know how insane you sound right now?” you said letting out a slight laugh when you finished. You backed away from him a little. “He doesn’t know how much damage he’ll do with this. Saving his father will only prolong the inevitable. His world will be gone within hours if he does this. All I’m trying to do is make him understand,” he tried to explain. “By trying to kill him.” “You always have to exaggerate the situation,” he said palming his face. “But that’s essentially what you’re trying to do isn’t it? Why not snuff out the problem entirely by taking him out!”
He signed and began to walk away while you were talking, bringing up your anger even more. “Yeah, use all the power you’ve accumulated over the years and just take out the small problem! Except this isn’t just a fly on the wall Miguel. This is a child! An innocent boy who didn’t ask for any of this to happen to him, just like how we didn’t. I get it, I’m sorry that this job is stressful, I really am. But that gives you zero right to act the way you are!” You were screaming at him at this point. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want your emotions to get the best of you. But he was being too stubborn. This was the only way you thought you could get to him. You might not have wanted to, but you needed to hurt him now. It was the only way.
“You can’t be so power blind that you refused to accept the fact that there could be a way around Captain Davis’ death. You said we saved Earth’s before, I’m sure we could do it again.” Your anger only kept rising when he kept walking away and didn’t respond. “This is a personal thing isn’t it?” you asked calmly. You knew it was working now when he stopped walking. “Yeah, it it. You won’t let Miles get his happy ending. Because why should he be pardoned of his burden while the rest of us have suffered so much. While you’ve suffered so much.” The answer to your question was confirmed when Miguel stayed silent. “Just because you didn’t get the life you wanted Miguel, doesn’t mean you have the right to stop other people from getting theirs.”
You knew you overstepped the line when Miguel turned around and started walking towards you, fury burning in his crimson eyes. “Yeah, so what! What if that is what this is all about! You should know better than anyone how much this job takes away from you!” he screamed at you, backing you up into a wall. “Why should he get to be let off so easily, while people like you and me have to suffer so much? Don’t try to turn me into the villain here when I know you’re thinking the exact same thing, y/n.” He wasn’t entirely wrong. You had wondered it at some points. “I won’t let you turn this onto me Miguel, this is about you,” you fired back. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily. I know you’re thinking it. And you’re right. Why should Miles get let off so easily when you’ve lost so much.” He held your hands in his, trying to connect to you. “And you have mi vida. You’ve had so much taken from you and it’s unfair. Why should he only have lost one person when you’ve had three taken from you. Your brother, Peter, your moth-.”
He was cut off by your hand striking against his face in a harsh blow. “If you’re smart, and I know you are, you’ll keep those three out of them. I won’t let you drag their names through the dirt for something as stupid as this.” You both stood there for a while, both of your eyes looking towards the ground, hoping it would open up to swallow you both as an escape from this god awful conversation. You never wanted it to come to this. In all honesty, you cared for Miguel. You might’ve even loved him, if you were even capable of doing such a thing. You hoped he felt the same way about you, but in a job like this, he always had at least one wall up around you. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. You were too tired to keep trying for something that was most likely going to fall apart in the end. 
“You’re still going after him aren’t you?” you asked, finally breaking the silence. Miguel looked back up at you. “You can’t ask me not to. You know better than anyone why this is so important to me.” He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed your forehead gently. You let it sit there for a minute out of habit before pushing it off your face. “And you must know why I can’t stay anymore then.” His shoulders dropped. “Whatever this thing between us is. It’s over. I can’t stay beside someone who can’t see what he’s doing is wrong.” Miguel’s dropped hand turned into a fist of anger. “Fine,” he spat in your face. “I don’t need someone like you in my way. You’re just a liability to this anyways.” He began to walk away from you back to his scanners. “Just don’t come crying back over to me when your little plan doesn’t work out, cause I won’t help you.” He used his webs to pull himself back up to the platform to keep looking for Miles. You stood there for a second, gathering yourself.
Five years. Out the door just like that. It bewildered you how easily a bond like you two had could be broken all because of one teenager. You began to make your way for the door before you said. “When this is all over…don’t try to find me.” He didn’t respond. Once the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside, desperate to get away from him. So many thoughts rushed through your head as the doors closed and you sunk down back to the lobby to leave. You didn’t have much of a plan. This could end up being a horrible idea. Your gut told you it was the right thing to do though. And that was enough for you. You walked out of the headquarters lobby with a new heart and a new mind, ready to take action for your new plan.
First though, you had to find Gwen.
a/n: god that took longer than it should've. dw dw i'll do a part 2 if enough people ask for one. im not 100% sure how im gonna do a part 2 cause yk....idk how beyond the spiderverse is gonna go so tbh, we're just gonna make it go the way i want lmao. thanks for reading, ik this was kind of a long one lmao
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kymsys · 4 months
(okay i was going about my day yesterday but i really couldn't get the merman au out of my head😭😭 i just imagine for a while somehow geto managed to sneak satoru into the palace and then it's a whole ordeal trying to hide him. panicked geto and oblivious gojo and really for all that image is stuck in my head i still have yet to write a proper interaction w them but!! it's not proofread so sorry if there are mistakes and it's a bit scattered but i had to get this one scene out that was brewing in my mind so🥺 ignore this if you want❗️❗️)
From the mezzanine, everyone looked like ants. Suguru had to squint to make out familiar faces in the crowd, and even then, the only person he could identify was a distant aunt of his that he had never really liked. Usually, he'd have been able to pick apart anyone of significance; he'd have known their name, their title, their interests. 
Suguru would've known, he always memorises the details before public events — he spends days in his room at a time, talking into the mirror and telling his reflection things about these people who he has never met. Perhaps, lately, he'd been busy with Satoru.
Suguru smiled. He didn't feel as guilty as he thought he would.
A hand clapped on his back, and he jolted. Shoko beside him, cocking a brow. “What's got you looking like a dumbass?” Her voice was flat, eyes busy scanning the crowd and Suguru knew who she was looking for.
He cleared his throat. He couldn't really tell her that he was keeping a siren in the little pond in his private garden — well, it wasn't exactly little, but that information held no relevance anyway. Shoko was his dear friend, and he knew she would always support him, but he had to keep Satoru a secret, more for her sake. Suguru bit his lip in thought. If only Satoru didn't have such a strong taste for human flesh.
“Is meat more nutritious than fish?”
“Nevermind.” Suguru winced at the look he was being sent. He didn't mean to blurt the question out, but he'd been thinking about it for days. The salmon that he'd been feeding Satoru probably wasn't enough to sustain a creature his size — especially when he was so active — which would mean he burnt through a lot of calories very quickly. “Utahime is on the balcony,” Suguru pointed in the general direction, giving Shoko a pat on the shoulder, “good luck.”
From his peripheral vision, he could see Shoko roll her eyes as he walked away, but she muttered a small 'thanks' before she turned to find the other woman. He was glad she finally had someone to open up to other than him — he saw how happy Shoko was with Utahime, and with the burden of inheriting the throne giving her sleepless nights, it was all Suguru could want for his closest friend.
He turned his attention back to the winding flight of stairs before him. Now, to find some meat.
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KINGGGGGGGGGGGG (can i call you like that??)!!!! ♥ GAHHH IM SO HONOURED AND HAPPY, you actually wrote MORE??? bless you, this is truely amazing, this has me by my throat. thank you so fucking much, i love it!! <3 WHY THE FUCK WOULD I EVER IGNORE THIS, are u out of your mind. i LOVEEEE the way suguru keeps thinking about his little "pet" gojo and what would probably be the best food for him! like indeed he is a massive creature, he will probably need...a lot?? but also at the same time i can imagine that he is maybe not that....needy. isnt that a thing with lots of sharks or deep sea fish that they eat very little, just because its so hard to get by food? so their organism is evolved to survive on very little food and thrive nonetheless. MAYBE suguru just thinks gojo is in need of lots of food, but actually gojo just likes to eat bc he enjoys the food, but doesnt neccessarily need it?(he is also a mystical creature, so in that sense anything is possible really xD) I ALSO LOVE HOW SUGURU JUST RANDOMLY ASKS SHOKO ABOUT NUTRITIONS AND SHOKO IS JUST LIKE WHAT, i adore that ; u ; <3 AND OMG gojo lives in a pond in his private garden??? HOW CUTE!! so that makes me wonder (pls indulge with me) why would he bring this technically "monster" into his home? generally i would think maybe that a creature like that needs its space and would need their freedom? so MAYBEEEEE smth has happened? maybe gojo got hurt, maybe even when he was caught in the fishernet situation? MAYBE suguru needs to take care of him until he gets better and maybe gojo, the curious creepy creature that he is, enjoys the change of environment and the new feeling of being cared for?? its exciting for both! what do you think ?? 👉👈 maybe you had a different idea?? im so excited to hear your thoughts!! AND AGAIN THANK YOU, i love it SO much, i feel so lucky that you actually like it so much that you wanna write about it T___T ♥
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elli3luvs · 2 years
falling in love at a coffee shop pt. 3 [ELLIE W]
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summary: watching movies with your favorite barista was never easier
genre: fluff/angst
wc: 1.9k
a/n: thank you guys for loving this! i don't feel as if im too good at telling stories but im glad you guys enjoy it hehe sorry if i missed anyone on the tags as well!!!!
part two
Who even knew video stores were still a thing? You surely didn't think they were — you were almost certain they died out in the late 2000s with the rise of streaming services. Every store around town seemed to be shuttered up. But Ellie, being the cool girl she is, somehow knows of a still operating movie store. You have to admit, putting in a DVD somehow feels cooler than pulling it up on Netflix. There was something about the sound of the DVD player that made you a little giddy. The giddiness was totally not because of the girl standing in front of you.
Totally not.
She raises her eyebrows when the tray slides back into her DVD player, "Super cool, huh? Feels... retro." She lets out a shaky breath while rubbing the back of her neck. She makes her way over to the couch — plopping down, making your body slide closer to her. Her scent fluttered over your nose. She smelled woody and like coffee.
On brand.
You still couldn't believe you were sitting in Ellie's living room. The room smelled similar to her minus the coffee smell. The room wasn't necessarily tidy but it wasn't overly dirty. There wasn't trash everywhere but random trinkets were scattered over the surfaces. There were hoodies thrown over the backs of chairs and a couple of empty water bottles on her coffee table. Lived in is what you would describe it as. There were a couple of picture frames on a mantel above her TV but the room was too dark to make out the figures. 
"I haven't watched anything on DVD in like, I don't know, years." You let out a small laugh as the home screen pulls up. It was a movie you have never heard of, but it looked similar to Star Wars. Grand music filled the room before she turned the sound down a bit. 
Ellie nods at your words, "I love it," You turn your head to look at her. There was a giddy look in her eyes you have never seen before, "Going to the video store is, like, my number one hobby."
You laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, "What about making coffee?" 
Ellie clicks the 'Play Movie' option and a bright light flashes over her face as the commercials play before the movie. You forgot movies used to have commercials even on the home versions. 
She rolls her eyes playfully at your question, "Making coffee is my job. Even though I love it, I definitely don't want to think of it once I'm out of there."
"I get that." 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. It's hard not to stare at her through your peripheral. All you wanted to do was stare at her. You feel her legs pressed against yours, her legs spread a little more than yours. You take in a deep breath so you don't freak out at the contact. 
God, is this middle school? 
You shift your eyes slowly over to her figure, just wanting to take a tiny little peek. She was too pretty not to look at. It wasn't weird to look casually, right? When your eyes connect with hers, though, you rip them away while you blink rapidly. 
Shit, she was already looking? 
A pounding feeling against your chest makes it nearly impossible to focus on the now-playing movie. A spaceship rips through outer space as the main actor barks orders at his crew on the ship. Techno music plays in the background. You had no clue what was happening as a little vermin-looking creature started speaking in a made up language. 
Was she still looking? Surely she had to be focusing on the movie she chose. She looked so excited to start it. She definitely wasn't staring at you anymore.
You slowly move your eyes across the room and slightly turn your head to look at her. Your eyes connect with her green eyes once more but instead of looking away, you keep them there. You can feel your face flush under the intense gaze she has you under.
Ellie's eyes widen once she realizes you weren't going to look away. Another flash from the TV illuminates her features. You could tell that she was blushing. Neither of you looked away even as the tension built.
She was so cute.
"I can't," She starts, voice barely more than a whisper, "I can't focus on this."
You smile at her, "I definitely have no clue what is going on," Ellie smiles at your honesty, "Turn it off. We can just talk."
Ellie seems to like your suggestion as she reaches her hand out and presses the off button on the remote. She fully turns toward you. Your knees knock against each other with how close the proximity is.
Ellie rubs her hands together while a breathy laugh escapes her lips, "I guess I'll ask the question that's been burning me the most."
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, "What is this 21 questions?" Ellie joins your laughter at the realization of what she's doing, "Go ahead, I guess. I might have an answer for you."
"What's your major? And... why did you decide to come into my coffee shop that day?"
"Woah, these are... really hard-hitting questions." You sarcastically reply. Ellie pushes your shoulder lightly with a chuckle. She mutters, Shut up' before looking back at you with expectant eyes. There was a glint in her eyes.
You loved the way she looked at you.
"I'm a literature major, boring I know, and the reason I went in is that my friend dragged me there," Ellie acts fake offended at your response, "I actually hate coffee."
Ellie gawks at the last part, "You what?"
You throw up your hands in surrender, "Don't hate me. It is just so nasty to me."
"I feel as if you have just shot me. You always order something," Ellie's hand goes over her heart in a dramatic manner, "But if I'm being honest, I don't really like it either."
You shoot up from your position. Ellie may have been faking shock but this was true for you, "What do you mean? You own the coffee shop!"
Ellie copies your surrender motion, "I know. I know. The only reason I opened the shop, well became a barista in the first place, is because my dad really loves coffee," You can feel your heart melt at the kind words, "Gave us something to bond over."
"That's really cute, Ellie." You look at her with eyes gushing with love. You hoped she couldn't tell how infatuated you were becoming with her.
"I know, I'm adorable," She leans in closer as if she's about to reveal a huge secret to you, "You do realize we have other drinks than coffee, right?"
She laughs at the way your face pales and how your eyes widen, "Oh my god!"
Her laugh was perfect.
It was becoming impossible to ignore your feelings for much longer. Each moment was another reason to fall for her. She was extremely sentimental and super observant, remembering the tiny details. Ellie was the first to notice if you parted your hair a different way or did a new thing with your makeup. It made your heart soar with happiness when she remembered another tiny detail from you.
Throughout the rest of the night, you guys talked about random things on that stupid couch situated against the wall. You talked about her love of space and how she wishes she could see the stars up close at least once. You talked about your worries and fears, things you wanted to do when you grew up, and the things that make you happiest.
You got closer to her with each passing second, knocking knees turned into your legs thrown over hers. That turned into you scooting closer (almost sitting on her lap) and your head leaning against her shoulder.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep. All you knew was it was the most comfortable you felt in a while.
Burning light was what woke you up. It definitely wasn't how you wanted to wake up, much preferring the smell of food cooking. Damn those stupid curtains for being pulled back. You furrow your eyebrows at the blinding light, not yet used to the morning sun. Your hand shoots out to feel around where you were. Still on the couch but no Ellie. You blink the bleariness away from your eyes while wondering where Ellie went.
There's slight muttering coming from the kitchen, it's hushed but urgent. There she is but you can't make out what or who she is talking to. You sit up from your laying position, back aching from sleeping on the tiny couch. Your ears strain to hear the conversation.
"Wasn't really expecting... come home... random girl!" That definitely wasn't Ellie's voice. It was too high-pitched and sweet.
"...Quiet... still sleeping... been broken up... had no right." There was the voice you came to know. 
Curiosity filled your mind at the quiet talking in the kitchen. She never mentioned a roommate while talking to you last night. You fully push yourself off of the couch and creep your way to the area they were in. Ellie's back was turned from you so you got a glimpse of who she was talking to.
It was a shorter girl with black hair with an angry expression painted on her features. Her eyes landed on you and she scoffed. 
Oh shit. She was furious.
"Great," Her voice cut the tense silence, "Now she's walking around as if this is her house."
Ellie whipped around with a look that made your heart stutter. It looked as if she had been caught doing something wrong.
She gave you an apologetic look, "Cat, can you for once..." She cut herself off, reaching out to you, "Hey, listen-"
You decided to cut her off this time while stepping back, "You never told me you had a girlfriend. This changes a lot, Ellie." 
Cat scoffs again at your words. Her arms cross over her chest as she mutters, 'Good god, Ellie.' Ellie gives her a pointed look before turning back to you.
"I can fully explain this." Ellie's words are punctuated by the movement of her hands. They were shaking slightly. 
'She's just stunned that she was caught,' an evil voice in your head bounced around.
You shake your head, "No need to." You turn on your heels ready to get the hell out of the tense situation. Ellie calls your name but once you are out the front door she doesn't make any moves to run after you.
"Great," You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling of your heart shattering, "This is fucking great."
You couldn't wait to talk to Dina.
tags: @ellieismami, @minillie, @dankpunks, @elliesgff, @muthafuckingstargirl, @deafelliewilliams, @pinkazelma, @fairybr3ad, @me-and-your-husband, @intrnetdoll, @kyleeservopoulos
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z00mbi3sstuff · 4 months
Little Secret
The poll is finally done, so here's a part of my Twi x Male!Reader
I didn't quite finish it since I ran out of ideas🥲
but I hope you like it!
Notes: Twi and reader are the same age; male!reader; reader is seen as generally smaller than Twi; bi Twilight? Bi Twilight.; secret realtionship which is really unnecessary; getting caught; being silly together
Twilight is glad to finally be back in Ordon Village, his lovely home. He can't wait to see all of the familiar faces and places, and of course, his beloved boyfriend.
You two met not too long ago, but it sparked between you right from the beginning when you first moved to Ordon. Almost everyone in town thinks you two have something going on, and you do.
But the catch is that you haven't made it public yet, acting as 'roommates' when in reality you always snuggle up together or goof around while working on the ranch.
It isn't really necessary to keep it a secret, since most people would be really supportive, but you've decided to keep doing it for now until you've figured something out.
He might be home, but now he has the Chain in tow, hoping they don't find out just yet, even though he's sure that they would be accepting of his unique relationship. But there's always a what if that stops him from actually being open about his same sex relationship.
You were relaxing at the ranch after taking care of everything around the ranch, waiting for him to come back soon.
The sound of some knocking at the door snaps you out of your thought. You feel giddy and excited to see him, hoping its actually Twilight waiting behind the door.
He's been gone for so long you can't wait to throw your arms around him and kiss him over and over again.
... Until you opened the door and saw 8 other men with him at the front door, with all of them looking awfully similar to each other.
"Uhm... everyone, this is my... roommate!"
Twilight informed the others nervously. Giving you a quick side glance, signaling you to play along.
"Yep. I'm [Name], nice to meet you all."
You greet them and wave a bit before stepping to the side to let them in. The boys quickly fill the room while most of them look around curiously after your allowance.
You had quickly leaned all their names, or well, their nicknames. But it was still quite confusing having to call your beloved Link *Twilight*.
You wait for a moment until asking the question you've been thinking of for the past minute.
"It's already pretty late, should I cook something for dinner?"
Twilight was about to gladly offer his help just to spend some more time with you, but Wild quickly came first.
"I could help! The name's Wild, just to fresh up your memory."
Wild suggested and stepped forward, with Twilight deciding to keep his mouth shut so he wouldnt raise any suspicion.
"Alright then. How about some fresh pumpkin soup? Im sure Link has told you about it before." You say to the others and take a look at all of them.
"Let's see if it's as good as his."
The oldest says. He seems to have red and blue markings on his face, and is also noticably taller than the average Hylian.
"I'll try my best to compete."
You say and let out a small chuckle as you walk to the kitchen with Wild in tow, giving Twilight one more sorry look while all the others scattered around the ranch.
After a while of cooking enough soup foe everyone, you call all the boys into the kitchen, which soon gathered at the dinner table to try your pumpkin style soup.
All of them sat around the dinner table as you put the cooking pot in the middle and make sure to give every Link enough to be full for the day. It was nice sitting with so many people at the table, as if you were family. Seeing all of their expressions as they try your soup made you giggle.
You soon sat down next to Twilight after giving everyone a fair portion to eat. Twilight sneeaks his hand on your thigh while enjoying your self-made pumpkin soup. It had a more sweet aroma to it and seemed like the perfect at home medicine.
After dinner, everyone has scattered once again, leaving you and Twilight in the kitchen with the dirty dishes. There was no one here with you two, so the two of you were enjoying your alone time with some playful teasing.
You bump your hips together with his from the side playfully and he gets you back with a poke in your side, making you both chuckle.
"I'm glad you're back. I missed your *oh so muscular body*. And you too of course."
You say to tease him a little bit, still feeling quite giddy.
"I missed you too, especially this."
The rancher replied before patting your rear, making you gasp and nudge his side.
"Really now? What about this?"
You replied and put your hands against his chest before leaning in for a long awaited kiss.
Twilight immediately reacted and pulled you closer by your waist, basically melting in your hands.
Both of you were really getting into it, ignoring the world around you before both of you started to hear footsteps approaching the kitchen.
You both quickly create some distance and act like nothing has happened.
You soon see the same tall blonde man from earlier round the corner. You could even mistake him as the father of all these boys.
"You two are taking awfully long. Do you need any help?"
The man asked with his soothing voice.
"We're fine."
"Everything's alright."
You and Twilight state before putting the remaining dishes into the cupboards after cleaning all of it properly. You lean closer to Twilight and whisper to him.
"So that's your 'Dad'?"
You whisper to your secret significant other teasingly, but it seems like Time heard you.
"Do you really call me your father when I'm not around?"
The man speaks up again and smiles softly as he walks over to give you a firm handshake.
"Please, call me Time."
You nod slightly and shake his hand.
"[Name], if you didn't hear me earlier."
You answer and chuckle a little but still feel kind of nervous, since he and your Link are probably very close.
Time seems to notice the awkward behavior between the two men but decides to ignore it.
"Ah, right. I came here to tell you two that we will be going into town to restock our supplies."
The older man looks at Twilight and then at you.
"Do you wish to come with us?"
He flashed you a quick smile while waiting for you answer.
"Oh, thank you, but I have to decline your offer. I still have some work to do here at the ranch."
You politely decline his invitation before Twilight takes the opportunity.
"I think I should stay here too. I already have enough supplies, and [Name] over here might need some help."
Twilight looks over to you and flashes you a smile. And you do the same.
"Yes. That would be really nice."
Time looks between the two of you, already suspecting something, but showing no signs of it.
"I understand we will try to be back in an hour to assist you later."
Both you and Twilight nod and glance at each other, trying to hide your smiles.
You're finally gonna be alone, which will definitely result in lots of kisses and hugs.
"Don't do anything while we're gone."
Time says jokingly and he leaves the room, making both of you blush.
It wasn't long until all of the boys left. Leaving you and Twilight with the ranch all to yourselves.
After waiting for a minute or two, you pretty much just throw yourself at your boyfriend, feeling needy after having to wait for him for so long.
"Whoa there darlin'. Don't just attack me like that."
He chuckles and gives you a toothy smile, his canines showing that you love oh so much.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist."
You answered softly and hugged him tighter.
"I missed you so much."
You muffled into his chest, making his cheeks turn red.
"Missed you too sweetheart."
He replies and picks you up to carry you to the couch.
"I can walk myself, you know."
You spoke but still showed a small smirk on your lips.
He then let's himself fall down on the couch while you're still laying safely in his arms, a squeak escaping your lips.
You were about to speak up as Twilight starts smothering you in kisses out of nowhere, but of course you didn't mind getting so much affection from your silly boyfriend.
After quite a while of being touchy feely and messing up the neatly placed blankets and pillow on the couch, both of you decided to go a more calmer route. Which mean picking out your favourite book and reading to him while he lays on your flat chest, not being able to resist squeezing your sides with his hands.
It was amazing getting to cuddle your beloved again after so long. But you still had lots of catching up to do.
Just as Twilight was falling asleep on you while you were starting another chapter, you hear someone open the door to the Rancher's home.
Twilight was already asleep at this point, but you couldn't just wake him up again. He's just too cute!
Before you could choose what decision to make, Warriors had turned the corner, standing at the foot of the couch and looking at Twilight as he's sleeping soundly on his roommates chest.
"Oh... sorry to interrupt."
Warriors blurted out. His body doesn't know how to respond to this sight.
And you don't either.
And another is done!!
This is not as good as I wanted it to be, but it's okay ig
I currently don't have any ideas so please recommend me some stuff to make😓
Bye Bye!
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johnnysslaughter · 8 days
hi! i’m sorry if i’m not the anon you meant but i just wanted to say that i really like your take on johnny. matt dillon for a face claim was honestly such a good choice because they look so alike and in a lot of dillon’s films there’s some clips that’d be perfect for johnny. also the really cool leland blog using matt dillon for a face claim too made me think of leland eventually turning into johnny like in that one verse. the massive differences in the roles that matt’s played and the difference between leland and johnny but at the end of the day it’s the same actor and in that one verse johnny makes leland think that he isn’t different from him at all. i just think it’s cool
but i hope you’re ok and i really hope you still writing because you capture how scary johnny is so well. just how incredibly messed up in the head he is
i hope you enjoy rush week when it comes out
i forgot this part but you need to listen to the misfits because they fit johnny so well. they’re a 1970s punk band that sing about cannibalism sometimes
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you & all the other cute anons are exactly what i meant... i wanna adopt you, you guys are adorable & i want to wrap you up in a nice warm blankie & protect you from the world. this is me rn below btw if you care --
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im really glad that you like what i'm doing with him! listen, when the gun interactive team said that johnny was made based off matt, the way that i nearly lost my mind, i'm telling you what!! should have been there that day, it was a very affirming day. WEBFKJEB but yes exactly!! kels and i using matt dillon in respective movies to capture our characters separately in roles that fit the character a bit more than others -- us also knowing they do become one in the same, different sides of the same coin, much like in some of the Dire Verses. that was actually a complete accident to happen -- but one that could be a lot of symbolism, knowing too that johnny & leland are meant to be parallels of a sort, especially in those verses.
dont you worry, sweet anon, i am still writing. i've went through some health spells & been going through a rough time mentally the last couple days ( still going through it ) but i will be okay. <3 Thank you tremendously for this compliment of a message!! I am incredibly honored to have received such a message, honestly!
I hope you enjoy rush week as well... i can't wait to dig up more Lore from it & make it our own!
and yesss the misfits are such a good band! i do listen to them & i have them scattered in some playlists pertaining to johnny. i highly recommend Koffin Kats !! they're modern, but they have such good 70s/80s/ retro punk rockabilly feel -- they sung my pinned song, which is about t/cm, & have a lot more "morbid" songs within the similar nature. if you have any music reccs, i'd love to take a listen! i love when people share some music that reminds them of me or my characters, etc! or hell, even what has been stuck in your head lately. i always love sharing things like that!
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crazysodomite · 1 year
my thoughts on fallout 2: fo1 was definitely better
ultimately it was. okay. it wasn't so bad i wanted to quit but there wasn't really anything gripping or memorable.
the beginning of it was ASS. it all went downhill after the starting cutscene which i liked.
i genuinely wish the whole tribal aspect wasn't there entirely because it makes me so uncomfortable and it feels out of place. i enjoyed myself way more when i pretended it didn't exist at all and that's pretty bad considering it's the main quest.
the whole 'chosen one' thing wasn't enjoyable to me at all. i liked that in the first game it was more down to earth and realistic. you weren't the most awesome or strongest or chosen, you were probably just the only one who agreed to go out or just looked like you could survive outside...
the geck thing is goofy. sorry. I didn't like it. Whats with this game and geckos? The gecko enemies also felt cartoony and out of place to me…
i would say the game feels scattered and confusing. a lot of the areas felt forgettable. its hard for me to even structure what i think because i don't know where to start.
arroyo: im glad i never had to go there after the start of the game. BORING AND BAD! ugly location with boring quests and unlikeable npcs.
klamath: boring. i barely remember anything about it and couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. i severely dislike sulik. so so so so so uncomfortable. though i liked that toxic caves had a secret not accessible at the start!
mordoc: it was okay. once again the npcs are forgettable but i do remember when i saw the fake corpses and was shocked. i liked that a lot.
im writing this from memory so if i forget a location it was just so bad that i completely forgot…
vault city and gecko: i actually liked the quests here and it's where things picked up a bit. i liked lenny and his interaction with marcus later on. i liked harold too but there's not much to do with him.
uhhh…. the den i think?: i already forgot all about it. boring…
broken hills: i liked this location and the quest. marcus is one of my favorite npcs and i enjoyed having him as a follower. i wish there was more though…
redding: pretty boring and i really, really dislike the alien enemies. there was potential in the whole miner rivalry but in the end it was just. give it to one or the other person.
new reno: i didn't like it and pretty much didn't do any quests there but that's my personal opinion i guess. it was mostly because there was just too much going on and too many people and i dont want tofuck or do drugs so im leaving… i liked when they stole my car and i talked the guy into giving me upgrades and free batteries though!
NCR: it was fine. i didn't spend much time there except the bazaar to buy weapons. i enjoyed the fact tandi was there! i also liked talking down the guy with the bomb.
it was annoying having to leave my companions or tell them all to holster their weapons so that's why i rarely went inside. it definitely has potential
vault 15: i liked it!
vault 13: i really liked it, and i wish there was more to do there… the concept is pretty awesome
military base: i really really enjoyed this location. it was so fun to explore and get all the holodiscs. it was exciting.
san francisco: hands down the ugliest location in the game in my opinion. it had such great potential that i feel was wasted. it felt extremely out of place and like it didn't belong in the game. i WISH it was better because the concept of the location was great with the big ship and all. the girl i saved from the alien also got me stuck in a corner and i had to load a save. i couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. though i liked seeing the big shuttle outside.
navarro: i liked it. getting there was fun and the side quests were okay. i hated that there were only 2 ways to get to the fob without fighting, and both of them were really stupid in my opinion.
i love the enclave soldiers talking heads. they look like adorable little critters to me.
the enclave: it was okay. i hated the electric floor puzzle. i hated how many npcs were there and i could only talk to like. 3 of them. it felt unrewarding when i talked a scientist into killing everybody with toxins and it looked weird when everybody except the important npcs died. the dialogue with the scientist was written really weirdly. the president is just boring and pointless? vice president even more boring and more pointless. the president is basically just there for you to kill him and get the card, and there's no way to talk him into giving it to you or stealing it or doing it any other way. you can only kill him which is annoying.
the end boss is just. okay… i don't remember him being foreshadowed or mentioned prior. you can't talk to him. killing him is surprisingly easy if you get the key card and talk the other guys into helping you. hes boring and forgettable as a final baddie especially compared to the master. i already forgot what his name was. to be entirely honest. he also looks like a cute little thing to me
i loved the cutscene of the ship taking off though. it was really good.
NPCs: idk if it's just me. This game is SEVERELY lacking in talking heads. There's WAY way more npcs but they're just completely forgettable and boring. There's a lot more 'flavor' npcs which is annoying because i can't always see who i can actually talk with. its really annoying to click through a whole room just to realize no one has anything useful to say. i know unique npcs usually have a unique description but hovering over each npc in a HUGE map is frustrating.
the speech options rarely made me felt like i accomplished something by choosing the right options and usually felt like "oh. i passed a check. how boring.."
in fo1 almost all locations had a talking head who was a pretty developed character with a lot to say and ask. here i can pretty much count them on my fingers which was disappointing… i can remember most important npcs in fo1 which is not the case in fo2
maps: maps are bigger and usually uglier to be completely honest. a lot of useless houses and useless npcs. a lot of maps also don't even label shops and look very similar so i have to run around aimlessly until i stumble on the one building i need. i would have preferred smaller maps with more condensed content. some maps felt cool and enjoyable and some were so bad i was kind of shocked.
in general. it was Okay. i wasn't ripping my hair out from how bad it was but there's really not much i want to replay the game for. there definitely were some fun moments but not A Lot. my favorite locations were probably the military base, vault 13 and vault 15.
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tuesday again no problem 12/20/22
feelin...fizzy. feelin...scattered. let's make up for it with twelve (12) photos and a three part making section
unloved’s new album has been out for some weeks but ive had Sorry, Baby on loop most of that time. it’s got the sort of fluttery bubbly electronica i associate with heist scenes or when someone wants to convey there is technology bubbling away in the background. cf a lot of the ambient music for the fallout 4 nuka cola world dlc. i also wish i had a better comparison.
fallow weeks. it’s so funny how mack’s face changes in different light. she has such an angular teen face right now but you would not know it from this photo where she has eyebrows.
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rewatching a bunch of westerns as i knit. even tho i rarely rewatch shit, i want to be steeped in the vibes bc the days are very short and the nights are very long and the cowboys spark joy. The Great Silence (1968, dir. Corbucci) knocked me flat for a full twelve hours as it did for my first viewing. i remain mildly bemused by Death Rides A Horse (1967, dir. Petroni) but im glad mr van cleef got to have his tits out?
i also saw Gallowwalkers (2012, dir. Goth, starring Wesley Snipes). a weird west/horror sort of direct to DVD thing. there is very little to recommend this movie. it is largely incoherent. it has a lot of on-screen rape and sexual assault and women getting thrown around. i could not put together this movie in chronological order if you put a gun to my head. however, it does Look.
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the costuming is what i can only call “capcom video game”. some of the worst wigs i have ever seen in my life are in this movie.
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yes this man has two iguanas sewn to his head, bc the schtick of the film is the undead need to continuously get new skin sewn on. how they acquire the skin is shown in great detail.
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unfortunately (fortunately?) the baddies have nearly all the good lines.
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beat the elite four in Pokémon, beat Team Star, beat Arven (that sucked. i felt so bad at the end of that) can’t quite beat my best friend/arch rival. more puttering around needed. or perhaps i need to actually learn how types work instead of hitting everything with one of my flamingo’s three different kinds of big kick. let me in the crater!!!
knitting again!!! i will update when i have a full repeat done bc right now it doesn’t look like very much. beloved mutual and real/life co-conspirator @itsybitsydragon passed along two gently loved cat trees for my chief henchwoman and she (the cat) has taken to them quite well!!! lovely to see her (my dear friend, i can see my cat any time i want), very worth shuffling a lot of furniture around.
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I did promise a cast iron update but it’s a disappointing and slightly baffling update. this is Four (4!))) layers of seasoning and it's still not evening out. it's covered, bc it's not rusting, but it does look like fucking shit. it is dry to the touch and not tacky.
there are several potential causes, i think:
couldn’t quite get all the old seasoning off and this is somehow affecting the new seasoning (but it shouldn't be reacting this weirdly to the flaxseed oil? or really at all?)
i didn’t manage to completely neutralize the vinegar bath with baking soda?
the layers are maybe slightly too thick or slightly too thin? the weirdest looking parts are in the parts where i did manage to get the old seasoning off and down to bare metal
perhaps my ancient electric oven is not quite getting up to that nice 450-500F i want? i inadvertently left my oven thermometer in the old lair and haven't remembered to get a new one, but the smoke point of this oil should be like 225-230F, and i know for a fact my oven gets above that bc i have not yet given myself food poisoning
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this is probably perfectly fine and safe to cook with but it's a little bit too much problem solving for me right now, and like @morrak i'm probably going to get deeply annoyed at some point and have at it with some naval jelly. unfortunately that will have to wait for more clement weather.
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hypmicdaydreams · 2 years
Glad you’re back! Your writings are always super cute. Not sure if your ten spots have been filled yet, but I would love to see some nice fluff of Rosho and his S/O stargazing and relaxing together out in nature. Rosho seems like the type of person who had an astronomy phase as a kid, lol.
!! he does seem like the type! i ran with that idea bc i found it v cute lol. hope you enjoy anon~ and super sorry for taking so long for getting around to this! regardless, thanks for requesting🧡
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-pairing: rosho tsutsujimori x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
-word count: ~1.25k
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“hm, do you know that star, rosho?” you point to a seemingly random spot in sky, among a myriad of other stars that all looked the same. truth be told, you couldn’t tell them apart, and you were teasing your boyfriend on that aspect. he knew so much about them, all the sorts of constellations and how to identify them, and you had wanted to trip him up.
“that’s part of the lyra constellation,” he responds, “i-i think.” he adds the last part with a soft mumble, looking off the side and awfully embarrassed.
“wha– how’d you even discern that?!” he seemed to only get a bit more shy at your answer, how bemused and im awe you sounded. it was a skill in and of itself to be able to differentiate them, and rosho was just so cool to be able to do so.
you look back up at the same spot, tilting your head to try and get a new angle. but yep, still the same, just as the hundreds of other stars around. “they all look the same to me..” you mumble with a pout.
“there’s the star up there,” he points up to a spot, but you can’t really quite tell. “that’s one of its stars and—” annd he’s lost you, all of a sudden. it was all the same, except maybe that one particular star was a little brighter than most.
rosho was certainly just too good at this, you conclude, and you can’t help but wonder how he knew so much about it. well, math was a part of astrology, right? (or was that astronomy…). but it was also interesting to hear him go on about it, especially when he knew so much.
perhaps it was the bias of rosho being your boyfriend, but you always did find a cute fascination with him telling you about the countless constellations and stars of the night sky; he sounded a bit excited, though it was subtle, and you could never miss the the slight gleam in his eyes when he talked about it. it was just as fascinating to stare at him just as the subject matter was, to be honest (and he catches you staring and scolds with a blush, asking if you were even listening at all).
he was the one that suggested the stargazing trip in the first place when you brought it up, taking you off to the osaka mountainside that you didn’t even know existed. osaka’s rather bright, after all, clad with all the bright neon lights at night that hid away the sky. but over here in the field, there were only a few scattered dim street lamps, and you could very well see the bright stars and moon above. this was quickly becoming one of your favorite places.
rosho had actually been here many times, or so he’d told. it was a common trip he took back as a kid and even in school or uni when he needed to clear his mind. and although it’d been a rather humid summer night, which wasnt too ideal, with the stray hairs sticking to your face, you’re rather glad that rosho had shared this sight with you. stars are always so calming, you had to admit, especially when far off with the rush of business in the osaka district.
this lone atmosphere was nice. there was nothing better than getting to spend a quiet night with your boyfriend in the osaka nature, especially when he gave commentary. it was relaxing, being able to view the stars, and it put your mind at ease in a way. getting away from the usual life was very much needed every once in a while.
“welll, how about that one?” you point to a random spot again, wondering if this time it’d be another constellation as well. though it had to be said, you admired how pretty they all looked in the dark night, especially as small wisps of clouds rolled by.
“that’s just a random star,” he sighs, and you can’t help but give a cheeky grin in return. they were all random stars, more or less, in your eyes anyway.
“how do you know so much anyway?” you lay down on the soft grass below
“um, y’know—” he’s a bit antsy, you could tell, which only makes you all the more curious. “as a kid, i actually had an astrology phase..”
and that softens your heart instantly.
“h-hey!” and he’s flustered again.
you can so imagine a little rosho studying the stars and space, truthfully, holding his book and spouting random facts. he seemed like the type, and the image of him perhaps doing a project about space was enough to melt you. how cute. maybe he even went to many observatories and had many stargazing treks back then as well; that’d certainly explain how he knew it all (and you’d be sure to ask for pictures next time).
“i used to study a lot, because of my parents and all, y’know,” he goes on, rubbing the nape of his neck. “and i used to love studying the night sky. i dunno, i think i just found it interesting.”
“how come you went into math instead?”
“i mean, i just fell out of it, i guess?”
there’s a hum from you and then silence. there really wasn’t much else to say, not when there was an amazing sight right before you. it was a comfortable quietness, really, the type you didn’t mind.
“then,” you sit up on the grass and play with a few sticky strands, “have you ever wished on a star before?”
rosho looks puzzled more than anything, wondering if you seriously just asked that question. everyone knew that was a child’s myth after all, not true in the slightest.
“do you really believe that, y/n?” he sounds done with you, but you know more than anyone that was far from the case.
“well, no,” you draw shapes in the grass and pout a bit, wanting your boyfriend to play along for once. he was oh so naive — but cute. “but it’s fun. and what if, one some off chance, it does come true?”
“then it’d be a coincidence.”
ah, you give up convincing your boyfriend. rosho was a bit of a hard-head after all, perhaps a bit oblivious as to what you wanted.
“well, you should just try.” he looks at you like you’re crazy, but you know him very well. he’d give in, like always, and wish on one. rosho very much liked to put on a front, you could tell, like a tsundere almost.
and you two pick some random star and wish on it. it wasn’t a shooting star, certainly, but this would make do. it was silly after all, making wishes on stars that were oh so far away.
“what’d you wish for?” rosho asks not long after. he didn’t necessarily wish for anything,or so he’d tell you if you asked. in reality, he did, though rosho would never say. it was a bit embarrassing in his eyes.
“i can’t tell you that! haven’t you heard? tell someone your wish, and it won’t come true.” and you wink at rosho, only laughing when he shakes his head at how childish you sound. it was a secret first and foremost.
but, well, perhaps it’d be a little embarrassing to tell rosho what one of your wishes were — that you wished the two of you would have nights like this for a long time after.
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ryescapades · 2 years
ryeeeee belovedddd !! i'd like to thank you for making me giggle and blush and overall making my day 4982038409x better. you singlehandedly boosted my serotonin level with collegecrush!rin i am now a happy gal again. get a forehead kith from me mwah rin move aside for a bit anyways yes it's been a while since i last visited your inbox 👀 i'm just dropping by to say that i absolutely adoreeee your writings. they're so ... warm and soothing and comfy (don't think i say this enough, once again i fucking love them aghhsdhf my god i really can't word lately sorry!) thank you for always reading to my scattered thoughts/brainrot and turning them into masterpieces holy shiiitt lastly, i hope uni is treating you well and that you're staying warm and hydrated! <3
nami hii ! youre most welcomee im glad u enjoyed reading my work 🥹🫶 MY SEROTONIN IS AS HIGH AS YOURS we can be high tgt xD
u cant see me but just know that im blushing inside and out after that kith (yes we dont talk abt rin here nuh uh)
now that you tell me to stay warm and hydrated ,, I WILL DO JUST THAT !! what nami says goes no questions asked 😤✋
p/s: YOU stay warm and hydrated as well 😖
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Any Asher Lucas head canons I really love their friendship?
hello anon i am back as promised with the second half of answers to the lucasher asks i got a handful of weeks ago!! seeing as its the tail end of asher’s appreciation day, i am here to deliver on discussing their friendship
so to start, i would say that marking dylan as an outlier and not to be counted (especially on asher’s end), both of them would without a doubt call the other their best friend. asher flexes a bit on this, as jade is also arguably his bestie, but for lucas there’s absolutely no contest. asher is his best friend -- he even said so in 209, which took a lot of emotional vulnerability for him to manage to verbalize -- and that title really means something to him.
to that point, though, i think it took the events of s2 for that to really cement. as we know, lucas has issues with connecting with + trusting others, and so he kind of keeps people at arm’s length. i think asher has always been a bit of an exception to this rule (which i’ll explain in a bit), but lucas was mentally able to still keep him removed emotionally in his mind bc he was like... you know, his inferior in rank / his lieutenant rather than an equal. i don’t mean that he like thought of asher as inferior, because he doesn’t -- lucas hates himself so he thinks everyone is better than him anyway lmao, but he’s also had a lot of respect for asher -- but there was able to be this... mental barrier in his head, if that makes sense. but when asher finally stood up to him, multiple times (in 207 with their argument and then in 208 when he Truly put his foot down and basically walked out of his life), that put them on equal footing on all levels and broke that barrier in his brain. and, thusly, is part of the reason lucas was suddenly able to articulate it in the following ep
but, on that note, one thing that i think makes them such good friends is that they’re both very like... not mushy. at least, not with each other. they both don’t mind side-stepping more complicated emotions and just assuming things are unspoken but understood, but are getting better at knowing the moments where something should be said
but they’re like equally weird about the same stuff, like they both don’t like birthdays + being paid attention to on their bday bc they don’t know how to process it (sans the exception of dylan, who of course asher will allow to be extra on his birthday), so they will straight up just like not tell each other happy birthday on their bdays and people are like doesn’t that upset you?? did he forget?? and they’re like no actually lucas / asher is my favorite person bc he ignores my birthday fDSJLFKGSJKGLJSGL like... they’re so fucking weird
asher is constantly trying to improve lucas’s fashion sense + design sensibility and it does not work. like nothing sticks. asher will spend an hour casually (but actually very intently) telling lucas about the nuances in color between shades and then later when he asks him a question about which shade of red they should use in the set design lucas goes “idk they look the same to me just pick one” and asher is like. bitch ur jokin... it’s lowkey funny that he keeps trying tho like lmao
so in terms of asher being slightly different than others even early on, the way this most manifests is that i think for whatever reason, asher feels safe to lucas. its an inexplicable thing, and something i dont think lucas even really realizes consciously. but he starts their friendship being like oh i’m gonna protect asher the strong must protect the sweet this lame nerd needs me, but then what it actually ends up being is more that lucas needed asher. like yes he gets asher to loosen up and let out more of his authentic self, but asher gave lucas a friendship to anchor to, someone who seemed to genuinely like him not because he was reckless or cool but just because of who he is. and even when he fucked up, asher still seemed to believe he could be better / saw him as more than that, and lucas had never had anyone in his life before like that, let alone someone where it felt that way (i.e. dylan also sees lucas that way especially now, but something about asher just made it so pointedly clear)
and how this ends up changing things is that lucas finds that like... he wants to talk to asher. he wants to be real with him, not put up the defensive, aloof façade. so you have lucas going to convince him to sneak out freshman and sophomore year so they could hang out just the two of them (a thing featured briefly in the “younger” sequence in 208), and those were the moments where he got in those conversations. and asher liked those nights too because they made him feel special, like all the people lucas could choose to hang out with and he chose him to bother and coax out into the night... for a kid like asher, younger than everyone else and an anxious mess and nerdy and he knows it, that’s like. the craziest thing ever. so those one-on-one hangouts meant a lot to both of them, though for different reasons
what’s nice too is that their friendship definitely matured and grew with them the longer it lasted, because there was an element of hero worship on asher’s end and almost belittling underestimation on lucas’s end when their dynamic started, but then it grew organically past that. and when they actually got to know one another, for all their complexities, it made them better friends. and now those misconceptions are long gone, but they still hold a lot of respect for one another.
also to this point, i do not remember if i’ve said this yet on the blog or not but so major point here -- asher was actually lucas’s first (and only, pre-riley) crush. being demisexual, he has to form a deep emotional connection with someone before he really falls for them (riley being semi the exception to this because even though he didn’t really fall for her until they became friends from the get-go he was like okay so she pretty....... whatever tho idc like uh huh sure lucas). and like late in freshman year, maybe even early that summer, lucas and asher had become pretty good friends and were spending a lot of nights hanging out together and talking, and one of those nights they were talking about something semi-serious, and lucas was just looking at him and just realized like wow hm i could kiss asher... and then he was like WAIT HUH?!?!?!?!?!?! cause he’d NEVER had thoughts like that before and suddenly he was having them about his best friend, and that best friend was dating his other good friend and it just FREAKED him out he was like HELLO BAD WEIRD WRONG??? so he stifled that deep down and lowkey ignored asher for like two weeks until it passed -- which of course made asher worried he did something wrong or pissed him off, but thankfully that passed without much commentary or further discussion. lucas has mostly forgotten about it now.
that being said, if you ever told asher he was lucas’s first crush, he would never ever believe you.
they really enjoy discussing / debating each other, especially since lucas is truly equally as clever as asher, but it’s a really careful line because one wrong comment from either of them can send them tipping into actual argument bc they’re also very good at pushing each other’s buttons. this is why dylan’s presence is extremely helpful at keeping them balanced.
and this is kind of a key trait to their best friendship, which is that they make awesome best friends, but my god they would make TERRIBLE romantic partners. they cannot communicate when it really matters (especially about stuff that makes them embarrassed like romance, which they can barely do with their actual partners); they push each other’s buttons; they love each other’s flaws as friends but would drive each other crazy as lovers. like the people they’re with for love are exactly the people they need, understanding, soft, patient, and good at communicating. if lucas and asher dated, they would kill each other within the first week.
one of the first times dylan, asher, and lucas really hung out as a trio involved “wilding” asher, which meant dressing him like lucas and getting him to be more reckless and freewheeling for an afternoon. they didn’t do anything crazy, but lucas let asher borrow one of his t-shirts and snapbacks for the occasion. asher still has both buried in his closet, mainly because he keeps forgetting about it but also because there’s a sentimentality to them. not that he would ever ever wear them again -- yuck. asher would rather vomit
it should not be understated that the first people lucas verbally said i love you to were asher and dylan. it’s important. don’t ever forget it.
-- Maggie
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chaeryybomb · 3 years
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pairings: female reader x best friend!jungwon
summary: they told you that these were the golden years, but to you "golden" was a rusting metal spray painted yellow. the story of a seventeen year old trying to survive high school when all you do is try your best. but your best friend jungwon makes it worth the while. 
genre: high school au, friends to lovers, fluff, tiny bits of angst if you squint, attempt at humour
featuring: jang wonyoung, kim sunoo & nishimura riki 
word count: 4.5k 
warnings: reader having a existential crisis most of the time, strong language, mentions of insecurity
the sour series masterlist
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You slumped forward the moment the bell rang, letting your head hit the table. You could care less if a bruise would form on your forehead, you had much bigger things to worry about. Your teacher left the class wordlessly as the class was busy doing their own thing. And by that, everyone was buried nose deep in studying. You lifted your head to see the different books of the same topic scattered on your desk, a yellow highlighter balancing on the edge of your table.
Reaching over to grab the highlighter, you turned your head over to the side to look at your desk mate. Wonyoung sat there looking straight out from a k-drama, with her hair flowing down her back perfectly and her slender nimble fingers moving as she continuously wrote in her notebook. She was smart too, fluent in English and Korean, great at maths and science. And on top of that she was kind and friendly, everyone loved her. You did too, you had the honour of calling her your best friend. But sometimes you felt insecure around her, everything she did looked flawless and there you were just trying your best.
"Ack!" You yelped as you sat up straight, holding your forehead. Wonyoung rolled her eyes at you with a small smile on her lips, she had flicked your forehead to get you out of your thoughts.
Without taking her eyes off the textbook, she tapped your own workbook with her pen. Silently telling you to stop procrastinating. You pouted at her and looked at the clock, 10 minutes before lunch. Maybe a walk to the girl's bathroom would do you some good.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," you whispered to Wonyoung. She nodded and smiled at you before you walked out.
As you strolled towards the girl's bathroom, you passed by the bulletin board outside your class. A bright blue poster stood out with the words "ENJOY YOUR YOUTH" in white. Scoffing at the message, you continued on your way.
"I'm seventeen now, where's my fucking teenage dream?" You muttered to yourself. You were tired of waiting for your life to end up like a coming of age movie. Everyone told you that these were the golden years and you should enjoy your youth, but you swear to god if you hear another one of those cheesy sayings, you might just cry on the spot.
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Reaching over to open the stall door, you halt in your actions when you heard familiar voices talking.
"I'm so worried for finals, my parents are gonna kill me if I fail English again," a girl complained. You hear the sound of tap water running. "How are you so calm during this time, Mirae?'
"What's the use of studying hard anyways," the second girl, Mirae, said. "We all know the top spots are gonna be taken by Jang Wonyoung and Yang Jungwon, I just study enough to pass."
The other girl snorted at her reply. "Imagine if those two got together, the power couple of the year," she suddenly said.
"Poor Y/N then, she's gonna be over shadowed by them."
"As if she already isn't. I almost forgot they were a trio until you mentioned Y/N," the girl laughed.
"What can I say? They're out of her league," Mirae joined in with her laughter.
The two voices faded away as you heard the door closed. Finally pushing the door open, you looked at your reflection. Your eyebrows knitted in annoyance and your face was morphed in a scowl. You washed your hands aggressively and poked the inside of your cheek. What bugged you was that they were right. You were the black sheep between Wonyoung and Jungwon. Both of them were smart and amazing, and you're just…you.
You love your best friends, you truly do. But you were constantly compared to them and you hated it. Everyone wanted them, you watched as guys tripped over to confess to Wonyoung and girls squealing when Jungwon smiled at them. The two of them always reassured you that you weren't beneath them but you were sick of their sympathy. You're so caught up in the news of who likes you and who hates them. You just wished people liked you more.
Storming out of the bathroom, someone accidentally ran into you and caused you to fell onto your butt. The student immediately stood up and scurried off, not bothering to even a mutter an apology. All I did was try my best and this is the thanks I get, you thought bitterly.
They said that these were the golden years, but you wished you could just disappear. God, it's brutal out here.
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"Y/N, wait up!" Jungwon called after you.
You stopped in your tracks as you watched Jungwon waved goodbye to some students before jogging towards you.
"You heading to cram school today?" He asked you as the both of you fell into the same walking rhythm.
You shook your head, clasping your hands behind. "I moved it to Thursday instead, Wonyoung said I had to many things on Tuesday," you told him. Originally, you would be heading to the library to study before heading over to the cram school. But Wonyoung took one look at your schedule and decided that you did not had enough breaks, so she managed to convince you to take the Thursday slot instead. Thursdays are one of the days where you would not go to the library.
Jungwon seemed to be disappointed to find out that you had switched slots. Maybe he should changed slots too, but does he have any empty spots open for Thursday though? He'd have to check later. Instead, he coughed and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Do you wanna come over later? The new Demon Slayer movie is out," he offered, hoping that you'd accept.
Unfortunately, you once again shook your head. "Sorry Jungwon, I'd want to cram even more later. Finals are really creeping in and I can't afford to waste any time," you told him with a sad smile. As much as you would like to ditch the books and watch Demon Slayer, the glaring C on your last history paper was telling you otherwise.
You stopped walking when you had reached your doorstep. "Thanks for walking me home, Jungwon. See you tomorrow!" and with that you disappeared behind the door.
Jungwon waved goodbye as he watched the door closed. The smile on his face dropped and his shoulder sagged. Jungwon you idiot, of course she would want to study, he scolded himself. With disappointment on his face, he trudged home with a heavy heart.
"Change of plans, guys," he announced as he swung the front door open, unfazed by the fact that Riki and Sunoo were lounging on his coach. He accepted the fact that Sunoo had somehow gotten the keys to his house (suspecting that his mother probably gave it to him due to favouritism or maybe Riki had sneakily made a copy).
Riki's head poked out from the couch. "She rejected you, didn't she," the younger boy said with a smirk.
Jungwon's face ears turned red as he glared at the boy. "No she did not!" He immediately told him. "She rejected the offer to watch the movie, that's different!"
"That's basically rejection, hyung," Riki laughed.
The other boy just glared at him. "Shut up!" he sputtered out before hiking up the stairs.
Sunoo gave Riki a look, to which the Japanese boy just shrugged his shoulders innocently.
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Jungwon walked out from the shower, a towel around his neck with one hand running through his damp hair. Sunoo and Riki had left earlier, finally giving him some peace and quiet. His phone screen was flashing from his study table, initiating that someone was spamming him (quite aggressively) with text message. With a raised eyebrow, he picked up his phone
[7:09 pm] wonyoung: JUNGWON
[7:09 pm] wonyoung: JUNGWON
[7:09 pm] wonyoung: JUNGWON
[7:10 pm] wonyoung: ISNT SHE WITH YOU
[7:11 pm] wonyoung: DEMON HUNTER OR SMTG
[7:12 pm] wonyoung: WHY IS SHE ASKING ME FOR HW
[7:12 pm] wonyoung: DID U CHICKEN OUT???
[7:13 pm] wonyoung: omg u chickened out didnt u
[7:14 pm] jungwon: jfc wonyoung
[7:15 pm] jungwon: and no i did not chicken out okay
[7:15 pm] jungwon: she declined
[7:16 pm] jungwon: she said she had to study ;-;
[7:17 pm] wonyoung: omg u suck
[7:17 pm] wonyoung: i told u the movie idea was dumb
[7:18 pm] wonyoung: but do u ever listen to me
[7:18 pm] wonyoung: no
[7:19 pm] wonyoung: and now u suffer the consequences
[7:20 pm] jungwon: yea yea i get it im dumb
[7:20 pm] jungwon: now what's ur solution the great jang wonyoung
[7:21 pm] wonyoung: i am so glad u asked :)
[7:21 pm] jungwon: oh no
[7:21 pm] wonyoung: stfu im giving u a better idea
[7:22 pm] wonyoung: a n y w a y s
[7:22 pm] wonyoung: my ynradar is going off and she's s a d
[7:23 pm] jungwon: how would u know
[7:23 pm] jungwon: she seemed fine today
[7:23 pm] wonyoung: stfu jungwon its best friend things u wont understand
[7:24 pm] jungwon: i-
[7:25 pm] wonyoung: and as her future bf u SHOULD start to train ur ynradar
[7:25 pm] wonyoung: anw its exam season stoopid
[7:26 pm] wonyoung: and its when those kids start to talk abt how the both of us are gonna get top scores
[7:26 pm] wonyoung: and they talk down on y/n while doing so
[7:26 pm] wonyoung: assholes
[7:27 pm] wonyoung: so i propose to u
[7:27 pm] wonyoung: a ✨ study date ✨
[7:28 pm] jungwon: i
[7:29 pm] jungwon: that's
[7:29 pm] jungwon: actually not a bad idea
[7:30 pm] wonyoung: obv i came up with it
[7:31 pm] jungwon: can u not
[7:31 pm] wonyoung: anw a study date
[7:32 pm] wonyoung: she's struggling in maths
[7:33 pm] wonyoung: specifically taxes because she said and i quote
[7:34 pm] wonyoung: "why do we have to do taxes when we pay people to do it for us"
[7:34 pm] wonyoung: so pls help her and try to cheer her up
[7:35 pm] wonyoung: and confess coward
[7:36 pm] jungwon: i make no promises for the last one
[7:36 pm] wonyoung: aFTER EVERYTHING I JUST SAID
[7:37 pm] jungwon: what if she rejects me wonyoung
[7:39 pm] jungwon: sigh
[7:40 pm] jungwon: fine i'll try thanks wonyoung
[7:41 pm] wonyoung: np i expect y'all to be a couple by next monday <3
[7:41 pm] jungwon: i-
Sighing for the nth time of the night, Jungwon sat on his bed. He allowed the towel to slipped off his shoulders as his thumb hovered over your chat icon. Truth be told, he always thought his crush on you was unrequited love. You never showed any signs of returning of feelings so he thought he would just ignore the feeling until it was gone.
But oh boy was he wrong, because he didn't knew that he would be spending his high school years by your side. And now you occupy his mind 24/7. Wonyoung could literally tell that he was in love with you, but somehow you never caught on. He allowed Sunoo and Riki to convince him to do the whole "movie date idea", but that failed. So Wonyoung's suggestion was his only option left.
He typed out the message, ready to send it out. If only he could just press the button. Come on Yang Jungwon, you can do this. Just press the damn button Jungwon. Suddenly his phone pinged loudly, scaring the lights out of the poor boy as he yelped and his phone landed with a thud on the ground. He peered over his bed, as if his phone was a ticking bomb.
Oh, it was a message from you.
[8:01 pm] y/n: hey do u know where wonyoung is
[8:01 pm] y/n: she isn't answering my texts
Oh no. He realised that your chat was open, the two ticks indicated that he had (unintentionally) read the message. He couldn't just leave you on read. That's just evil. Scrambling to get his phone, he immediately typed a reply to cover for the other girl.
[8:02 pm] jungwon: sorry i don't :/
[8:02 pm] jungwon: what do u need her for
[8:03 pm] y/n: mf was supposed to teach me a maths question but she left me on rEAD
This was his chance! It was the perfect opportunity for him to score a date with you. Okay, breathe in breath out Jungwon. Don't mess it up and just ask her, he mentally prepared himself.
[8:04 pm] jungwon: oh i could help you if you want
[8:04 pm] jungwon: yk with finals coming up and everything, i can help you study
[8:05 pm] jungwon: if you want of course
[8:05 pm] y/n: omg srsly??
[8:06 pm] jungwon: pls help me study my braincells are literally dying
[8:07 pm] jungwon: jdsjkda okay how about this saturday at your place?
[8:08 pm] y/n: yeah sure
[8:08 pm] jungwon: cool its a date then!
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You blinked at Jungwon's message. A date? Wait, did Yang Jungwon just indirectly asked you out? Nah, nah. You were overthinking it. Yes, definitely overthinking. Don't kid yourself, why would Jungwon ask you out on a date? Jungwon is just a friend, you tried to convince yourself.
Keyword: tried.
If he really was just a friend, then why did it felt like butterflies were in your stomach when he said "it was a date"? Then why did you frowned when those girls said that Wonyoung and Jungwon would make a good couple?
Oh god, do you have feelings for your best friend?
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Saturday came faster than you would have liked it to. Ever since that last chat with Jungwon, it gave you the sudden realisation that you did in fact had feelings for your best friend. You tried so hard to avoid him in school because you don't want the butterflies back in your stomach. It was basically confirming the fact that you like him. Well, avoiding him also confirmed the fact but you choose to be in denial about it.
You didn't tell Wonyoung about your study date but lately she's been sending you outfit ideas on Pinterest. Specifically, date outftis. And whenever you tried to ask her a question about school, she brushed you off with a random excuse. So it left you no choice but to save those questions for Jungwon.
Speaking of Jungwon, he had texted you 10 minutes ago that he was on the way. You were standing in the middle of your room with your hands on your hips. Both of your parents were out for the day, which left you alone at home. You had taken out the low table to be used later and it was currently in front of you. Colourful workbooks were neatly stacked on top of it.
You did a 360 turn around your room. Was it messy? You cleaned it this morning when you woke up. Did you had any clothes out? No, doesn't look like it. For some reason, you were a nervous wreck. You blamed Jungwon. He just had to call this a date, didn't he.
Should you change? Maybe you should finally look through all those pins Wonyoung sent. Wait, no, why would you have to change into something nice. Jungwon was here to help you study, just that.
Yeah, a study date, your mind emphasised on the word.
The sound of the doorbell pulled you out from your thoughts. You immediately went to open the door. Yang Jungwon stood there on the other side, with his signature smile. Had he always resembled a sheep? He just looked so fluffy.
"Hey!" You greeted him with a smile, internally wincing at your way-too-enthusiastic voice.
But Jungwon didn't seem to mind it. "Hey!" he greeted back.
You moved to the side to let him in. "Thank you for having me," he said as he bowed then proceeded to remove his shoes.
"Uh, do you want anything? Water?" You asked him.
He shook his head.
"Ah, cool. Let's head to my room," you started to walk back to your room.
"Where are your parents?" He asked.
"Out," you simply replied.
That was when it dawned upon you, that your parents were not home. Leaving you and Jungwon, alone. Together. In your room. Alone. With the boy you potentially have a crush on.
"Y/N?" Jungwon tapped on your shoulder. You had stopped walking when you were suddenly washed over by your thoughts. Snapping out of it, you sent him a small smile before opening the room to your door.
The both of you shuffled into your bedroom, you sat down in front of the low table while Jungwon settled down next to you. He moved to take out his books then turned to you. "How about we do some studying and if you have any questions, you can ask me okay?" He said.
You nodded and flipped your own workbook open, immediately starting to work on the first question. Jungwon copied your action and a comfortable silence engulfed the both of you. As the time passed, you found yourself stuck on a certain maths question.
You slightly turned your head to the side to look at Jungwon. He was concentrated at doing his work, you felt a sense of deja vu while looking at him. He resembled Wonyoung when she was studying. At the thought of Wonyoung, you suddenly thought of what those girls said at the bathroom.
They would make a good couple, wouldn't they, you thought. The power couple of the year.
The butterflies in your stomach faded away into an uncomfortable feeling. Just the idea of them getting together already made you sick. You bit the inside of your cheek, you really did had feelings for him. And now it scared you because what if he doesn't feel the same. You made a mental note to consult with Wonyoung later, at least you hope that you'll allow yourself to tell her.
Jungwon must've noticed you staring and gently tapped your head with his pencil. A contrast to when Wonyoung painfully flicked your forehead.
"What's wrong? Are you stuck on a question?" He asked.
You leaned back a bit at the sudden action. You were so deep in your insecurities that you had totally forgotten about the literal problem sitting in front of you. Yet you couldn't even bother to ask him so you just shook your head. "I'm gonna get something to drink," you said instead.
Jungwon watched as you stood up, then decided to follow you as well. "I'll come along."
The boy joined you in the kitchen, perched on one of the island stools as you grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. He studied your movement as you worked around the kitchen. Your features were neutral, you weren't smiling nor frowning. But he could tell that your shoulders were tensed. Wonyoung was right, you did seem down. And he cursed himself for not noticing earlier.
"You okay?" His question made you stopped in a mid-pour stance, the can of soda was tilted but not enough for the contents to be poured out.
You brushed his question off and poured the drink into the cup. "Yeah," you hummed.
Unconvinced by your answer, he pried more. "You know you shouldn't care about what they say, right?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, pretending like you didn't understand where he was coming from.
"You're not below us, you know that right?"
You couldn't help but scoffed at his words. Jungwon's lips tugged downwards "I'm being serious here, Y/N," his tone was stern. "You shouldn't listen to what they say. You're more than just-"
The sound of the can being slammed down shuts him up. Your fingers tightened around the can as you looked at him. You didn't had the energy to hear him preach the same old "Don't Listen To Them" speech. You don't need his pity.
"I don't want to hear it, Yang Jungwon," you said through gritted teeth. Not sparing him another glance, you threw the empty can into the trash as you grabbed your glass.
As you walked past Jungwon, he suddenly reached out and held onto your forearm. "Y/N," he said softly. "Please tell me what's wrong."
You sighed and slowly turn around to face him, placing the glass back on the counter. You took in a deep breath before you opened your mouth. "I feel like I'm not enough," you finally said. "Everything I do just doesn't seem enough. All I'm doing is my best but it's just crushing my ego because everyone is telling me that you're better than me."
"I feel like no one wants me and I hate the way I'm perceived. It's always poor Y/N this and poor Y/N that's because everyone just sees me as your shadow and I fucking hate it. I only have two real friends," you gestured wildly. "And lately I'm a nervous wreck cause I keep comparing myself to the two of you. I'm not cool and I'm not smart, and I can't even parallel park!" You threw your hands up in frustration, the feelings you kept inside were pouring out like a waterfall.
Jungwon just stood there as he listened tentatively to every word. He didn't knew that you felt this way, bottling up all your emotions like that.
"And I'm so tired of people telling me to enjoy my youth and that these are the golden years. I might just fucking cry if I hear those words again," you finished ranting. It felt good, it felt like a weight on your heart has been lifted. Then you remembered that you just dumped all of it on Jungwon.
You opened your mouth to apologise to him but he surprised you by pulling him into his arms. At first you were standing stiffly at the sudden contact, but it took a millisecond for you to melt in his embrace. His arms were gently around your back and you returned the hug by wrapping your arms around his torso. The two of you stay in that position for awhile, relishing in each other's embrace. You definitely needed this hug.
Tightening your hold on Jungwon, you realised how important he was to you. He was your best friend and he was always there for you. It was stupid of you to compare yourself to him, when all he did was tried his best for you. The taller boy chuckled when he felt you rubbed your face into his shoulder, he involuntarily released a contented sigh. You felt one of his hands stroked your hair, it felt comforting. That action itself was enough for the butterflies to slowly settled back in you.
After a while, both of you finally (unwillingly) released each other. He pushed a strand of hair behind your ears and said, "You're wrong by the way." Which made you tilt your head in genuine confusion.
"You are cool and you are smart. You're like the coolest person I know. And no one thinks of you as our shadow, you don't hear it but I've always hear the juniors praising you for helping them and how enthusiastic you are," the way he delivered his words was filled with pure awe for you.
"And who cares if you can't parallel park. You didn't hear it from but Jay hyung failed his drivers test three times just because he couldn't parallel park," and that got a laugh out from you. Jungwon smiled proudly that he managed to make you laugh. "And you're wrong when you said no one wants you. I want you."
You blinked once, twice and thrice. He wanted you? "You're just saying that cause you're my best friend," you replied.
"No," he firmly said. "I like you, Y/N."
(Jungwon doesn't know where he got this sudden surge of confidence, but the mood was the perfect time for him to confess. It was a one time chance and he had to take it.)
You chuckled. "I like you too, Jungwon. We are friends aren't we?"
"No, Y/N. I like you. More than friends."
"Oh." Oh.
"Yeah," he scratched the back of neck awkwardly. Oh no, did you not feel the same way?
While you on the other hand, were malfunctioning on the inside. Your best friend just confessed to you and you were frozen on the spot. Why couldn't he had done it over text instead. If he had done it over text, then you could've left the message unread and you could've spammed Wonyoung for help. But the thing is that it wasn't over text and you couldn't just tell him to wait here while you panicked to Wonyoung in your bathroom.
Yang Jungwon likes you. And you like him too, right? Because if you didn't, your cheeks won't be heating up right now and your heart would have not be beating rapidly like it was going to break your rib cage any second. If you didn't like him, there would have never been butterflies in your stomach. Yeah. You like Yang Jungwon, you like him a lot.
"Me too," you whispered, it was soft but it was enough for him to pick it up. Jungwon eyes snapped to you, doe eyed filled with hope. "I like you, too," you said, this time louder. And you made sure you looked him in the eye when you confessed.
You watched as Jungwon's mouth morphed into a big grin. He let out a sigh of relief and dropped to his knees, surprising you. "Jungwon!" you squeaked, bending down to help him.
"I'm fine! I'm fine," he assured you as he stood up with your help. The grin on his face was still there. "It's just that … you like me," he breathed out. "You like me back, wow. I-I can't believe it."
Your face was definitely burning with embarrassment. You punched him lightly on the shoulder, turning away to hide your face. "Believe it, you dork. I like you, okay!" Somehow his grin was able to grew wider at your words, Gently, he took your hand in his.
"How about we stop this study date, and I'll take you out on real date?"
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© chaeryybomb 2021
a/n: thank you so much for reading this <3
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Hello! Im glad i made it on time for request! T^TI would like to request a chishiya x female reader. Where the female reader is strong and intelligent and chishiya just basically falls in love with her. He tries to get close with but apparently reader doesn't live in beach she lives in her own homemade house. So chishiya tries really hard to find her.
Of course, here you go! 🥰
Search | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya
Summary: Chishiya searches all through Tokyo to find you, who he met at a game and fell for instantly.
Warnings: swearing, somewhat creepy behaviour from Chishiya, violence
Word Count: 2.2k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: sorry I closed requests for so long! They’re open again now for a few days so please send in anything you want me to write! ❤
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The dark streets of Tokyo echoed the sounds of the wind travelling through the trees. The silence that filled the atmosphere was deafening, leaving Chishiya to nothing but his wandering thoughts that pottered so carelessly through his head. The occasional cry of a crow kept him grounded, always bringing him back to the reality that was in front of him.
The young man was taking yet another attempt of finding the peculiar and alluring figure that he had encountered at many games. No one had ever taken his interest as much as this, and even if they had, he would’ve given up at finding them for the fact that they live in the huge empty wasteland that is Tokyo. Any nook and cranny could have the chance of being your home, but Chishiya was determined to find you. He didn’t have anything else to do anyway. But now that he’s taken interest in you, he finally has something to work towards rather than just waiting around to die at The Beach.
He strolled effortlessly through the Shibuya crossing, recognizing the place from when he was first thrown into the game, always returning to the large open area to use as a safe space. Even after being in the game for as long as he had, it still felt foreign to see not a single soul crossing the road, very unlike usual Tokyo.
The only source of light he had to assist him was a small torch he took from The Beach and the occasional game sign pointing to some late running games. He felt unsettled every time he entered an area where no light was available, and the silence didn’t help.
“Tch,” he scoffed to himself, rubbing his sleeves over his eyes to keep them from dropping from how tired he was. He had been at it for weeks, not even getting the slightest clue where you stayed in the huge city.
“This is ridiculous, as if I haven’t found her yet.” He was becoming more and more frustrated as each night dragged on. All he wanted was to meet you in person that wasn’t in the registration section of a game, where he wasn’t even sure either of you would leave alive.
After being saved by you during a hearts game, Chishiya developed an irrational attraction to your selfless and strong demeanour. He admired the fact that you managed to look after yourself and others at the same time, always thinking of an intelligent way to make sure that everyone survived. He was impressed and taken back, for he had never met or encountered anyone like you.
Chishiya strutted over to a large building near the Shibuya crossing that displayed a screen pointing towards a game. He had to sit down for a while, he had been walking for hours and his legs were beginning to hurt. He shivered and pulled his hoodie tighter around him as he walked through the entrance of the building to find that place nearly trashed all through. Obviously some people had attempted to search the building for resources to assist in their survival.
He slowly made his way further into the building, being mindful of the shards of glass and other debris that scattered the floor. The last thing he wanted was the trip of something and ended up with sharp glass shards in his back.
Chishiya entered a large room that almost seemed untouched. Much unlike the other rooms, this room was clean and no furniture was turned over. He frowned, wondering why no one had bothered to search this room.
“Huh, must have missed it,” he answered his own question. He walked to the centre of the room and sat on a small brown couch that was placed there, rather inconveniently. The layout of the room was very scattered and random resources such as water bottles and empty cans of beans and tuna were laying around on every surface.
The cans of food looked awfully too clean to have been left there for long. The leftover specs of food remaining appeared fresh, and the smell of tuna was far from smelling off. Chishiya moved his tired eyes around the room, trying to find any more evidence of someone being there recently. His eyes locked on a small pile of blankets and pillows in the corner of the room, all bunched up together to create a comfy nest almost.
The pile seemed a bit too lumpy to be holding only blankets, so Chishiya’s curiosity got the better of him and he stood slowly to make his way over to the makeshift bed. He thought maybe someone was hiding some more food underneath it, probably planning to return some other time to collect them.
He kneeled down next to the pile, scanning the small space. His eyes widened as he saw the blanket move, slowly lifting up and down incredibly slightly. He almost stepped back in shock, but decided against it and lifted his hand slowly to lift the duvet.
He grasped the soft material and carefully pulled it back towards himself. His breath became caught in his throat when he locked eyes with what was underneath it.
There you laid, peacefully sleeping and tucked into yourself. Your legs were folded and against your torso with your arms lying lazily next to your head. You looked so vulnerable and small, especially since Chishiya just found you hiding from the world underneath a blanket. He assumed that you covered yourself so if someone was to find your hiding space, they wouldn’t see you and potentially hurt you.
Chishiya couldn’t help himself. After seeing you become so aggressive and resilient in games, seeing you so calm and at peace pulled at his heart strings. He knew it was wrong, intruding on you while you weren’t aware he was even there, but he knew that he wouldn’t ever hurt you.
His heart hurt from the sight of you holding yourself in a tight ball, obviously being anxious that something would happen while you were asleep. He pouted and tilted his head, examining you closely.
“So pretty,” he whispered. But just as the words left his mouth, his stomach dropped when he saw your eyes snap open and lock directly onto him.
Before he could even think, you had swung a fist at his face, punching him square in the jaw, making him yell in pain as he backed away while squatting on his legs so he could get up and run if he had to. He held his face in his hands, trying to reduce the pain throbbing in his jaw.
“What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, standing up out of your bundle of blankets. “Fucking creep! Piss off!”
Chishiya groaned and glanced up towards you, noticing that you were now standing over his meek body on the ground. You held a small knife in your hands, pointing the sharp object towards him in case he made any sudden movements.
Chishiya’s usual smug smirk crawled onto his face, making your frown more as he stood up slowly, hands held up in surrender. “Wow, feisty,” he chuckled.
Your angry expression softened and you lowered your weapon slightly as the bright moonlight shined through the window and painted across Chishiya’s face. You immediately recognized him as the young, white-haired man that always assisted you at games. But what was he doing here?
“What do you want?” you glowered, taking a few threatening steps towards him. Chishiya raised his eyebrows, but kept his composed behaviour as your weapon pressed lightly on his chest, making him wince slightly as the sharp point pierced his skin through his white shirt.
“Rude. I don’t even get a hello? A how are you? All I get is a knife in my face,” he smugly responded. “You did that to yourself by watching me sleep like a fucking stalker,” you hissed, leaning your face closer to his.
“I guess so,” he sneered. “By the way, I wouldn’t kill me if you were considering it. Trust me, I’m not on my own.”
You felt ridiculed by his calm behaviour, hating how he didn’t seem threatened by you at all. Out of all the people you’ve scared off, why did this skinny, short man have more nerve than anyone else?
“I wasn’t counting on it,” you reassured. You pulled back your knife slightly, but still kept it drawn in your hand in case he tried anything. You may have met him a few times in games, but trust was very hard to earn from anyone in the Borderlands.
“So, Y/N,” he started. “I’ve been searching for you for a while now. I’m glad I’ve finally found you.”
You scowled at his words. “Me? What could someone like you possibly want from me?” You watched as his pink lips curled up into a smirk, making you cringe slightly.
Chishiya turned away from you and strolled back over to the brown lounge in the middle of the room. He leaned comfortably on the back of it, facing you again. You had lowered your knife, feeling reassured now that he was further away.
“I’ve noticed you,” he started, staring holes into your eyes. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “You know how to handle yourself in games, and I can’t help but become a little immersed in your methods.”
The way he spoke gave you a headache. He sounded too smart for his own good, making you question if he was bluffing just to trick you into believing that you were needed, when he would just use you then leave you in the dust.
“Yeah? And what about it?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Chishiya looked down to the ground and tucked his hands into his pockets. “I would very much appreciate it if you joined me,” he suggested. “I am staying at a hotel called ‘The Beach’, but everyone there is an idiot. If you are willing to put your trust into me, I promise that I will help you collect all the cards and escape this place.”
You kept your gaze on him, trying to see any sign that he may be lying. If he was lying, he was incredibly good at it.
“What’s the catch?” you asked, fiddling with your knife.
“There is none. Only the fact that I’m asking you to join forces with hundreds of idiotic, drunks that act like children.”
There was a moment of silence before Chishiya continued.
“But I can reassure you, if you stick by me, I will be sure to keep you safe and alive.”
You rolled your eyes at his promise. “I don’t need your protection. Look at you, you’re skin and bones. I can take care of myself.” You turned back to your pile of blankets, lifting them to search for your radio that had become lost in the sheets during the night.
Chishiya thought to himself, trying to think of something to say that would convince you to come back with him to The Beach. He couldn’t downright say that he was in love with you, because it would probably scare you off. If he wanted to have a chance with you, he first had to gain your trust. But that was deemed difficult when he was the shady character that he is.
“There’s food and water at The Beach,” he spoke up, making you freeze in your movements and turn back towards him. “There’s comfy beds and personal rooms, as well as allies and guaranteed protection from militants. If you really want to survive, you’d be best there more than out here by yourself.”
You stared at him before glancing around the room, eyes landing on the scattered cans of food and random dirty clothes everywhere. You would admit, you were lonely, and hungry, and cold.
“What makes me sure I can trust you, Chishiya?” you challenged.
Chishiya stepped away from the sofa and walked over to you, making you stand up from your position on the ground so you were at eye level.
“Because you have no other choice,” he smugly stated, “You’re lucky enough for it to only be me to walk in here and find you. Just think about it, if I can find you, so can a group of murderous people, or starving people, or people desperate for cards.”
He had a good point. You hated that you were falling prey to his manipulation, but if The Beach was even slightly better than the dirt hole you were inhabiting, you were interested enough to at least take a look.
“Okay,” you mumbled, turning away from him and leaning down to pick up the small backpack that laid next to your bed. “I’ll come, but if I find out you’re lying or trying to have me killed, it’ll be your head hanging from a lamppost in Shibuya.”
Chishiya smiled at your threat, not being affected by your violent words. “That’s the kind of talk that will get you killed Y/N,” he warned, turning around and making his way towards the entrance of the building. “Keep that up, you might be the one losing a head.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes at his warning.
Chishiya smiled to himself as he stepped out into the cold night air. He could finally relax, knowing he found you and would now be able to keep you in his sight at all times. Even if he had to tell a few fibs to make you come with him, he believes it was worth it, as now he could stay by your side.
He knew it would be a work in progress to earn your trust eventually, but he would make sure that you always trusted him over anyone else.
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million Chapter 8
Hiiiii! I'm back from the dead and finally got back to writing again <3
Sorry it took ages—and sorry it's not a great chapter— but thank you so much everyone for the patience and support, it means so much!
Thank you @inloveoknutzy @donttouchmycarrots and @knittingdreams for beating, love y'all! <3
Tag list: @whataboutmyfries @justdyingontheinside @heyoitslysso @sunflowerfox87 @hereforwolfstarr @potterlocked24-7 @ttylfedora @domesticatedbeetlenamedjorge @lovemeleo @im-lana
CW: Mentions of food
Chapter 8 - The morning after
Remus woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. He blinked a few times to get the tiredness out of his eyes—which seemed to want to stay glued shut—and stared at the ceiling for long moments.
His first thought was that, for a second, he thought he could hear Padfoot’s laugh. Vague images of a dream he’d had came flooding back to him; long corridors, empty beds and his gaming console. The sound must have been a remnant of that.
The second thought was that the ceiling of his room was weird. He couldn’t quite pinpoint where the bugging sensation came from, but something was off and he was way too tired to figure out what it was. Maybe he should just go back to sleep. Groaning, he turned around to do just that, and that’s when he got a good look at the rest of the room.
He sat up with a start, regretting it instantly when nausea hit him like a wave. Closing his eyes, he stayed still until the feeling ebbed away, then opened them again slowly.
This wasn’t his room. There was no sign of any of his stuff; instead, he saw a big mirror, a dark wood chest of drawers, and a trail of scattered things that either belonged to different people or to someone with diverse tastes: a blue hair tie, a black snapback, t-shirts that at a glance he could tell were of different sizes, with stamps that varied from Disney to Strand.
One by one, memories from the night before popped up as the fogginess from sleep left him completely. That’s right, Sirius had offered his home to him after he’d found Remus outside of his flat; he’d come in to take a shower and had sat on the couch as they watched a movie and drank. Things were a bit hazy from that point on.
Had he really pouted and asked Sirius to stay with him like a little kid? Fuck, please let that be a part of the drunk hallucinations. He turned around slowly, glancing to the other side of the bed with his heart beating fast in his throat, but the spot next to him was empty.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Remus threw the blankets to the side and planted his feet on the floor to get some resemblance of stability, but frowned when he stepped on something. Looking down, he noticed a pillow and a blanket lying rumpled on the floor, next to his side of the bed.
A pang of guilt made its way to his chest when he realised Sirius must have slept on the floor while Remus was on the bed, covered from head to toe and warm. Sirius had been so careful with him. Every touch had been gentle, not invasive but rather trying not to overstep, trying to comfort. So, so very careful.
Remus felt slightly ashamed for thinking Sirius would take advantage of him. Not to mention for the way he'd bawled his eyes out in front of the man. He’d made a fool of himself yet again, something that kept happening a lot as of late and to which he wasn’t used to.
“Oh, God.” He remembered how he’d felt his mother’s hand brushing his hair before he fell asleep and he desperately hoped he hadn’t called out for her in his dream. Bringing a hand to his forehead, he could almost feel that phantom touch, tracing fingertips over his hairline.
He rubbed his face in embarrassment. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face Sirius after all that, but there was no way he could fall asleep again and a quick glance at the clock on the opposite wall told him it was barely eight in the morning. It was still too early to call Leo or go back to the clinic, plus he didn’t know how everything had panned out.
Remus glanced at the bedside table where his phone was lying face down and stretched over to grab it. He flipped it from hand to hand, back and forth, the small thing weighing him down every time it fell on his palm with a soft thud.
He could call.
He should call.
But what if something had gone wrong? What if Cocoa had had a complication during the night? Would they have notified him already if that was the case? Did he want to find out like this, far away from him and helpless to do anything? He didn’t want to show any more weaknesses in front of Sirius, he’d already shown more of his vulnerable side than he’d ever intended to.
Nodding to himself, Remus got up and threw the phone on the bed. He took two steps towards the door. The doctor had told him to go in the afternoon; he could wait a couple of hours before going back to the clinic and then he would know and—
A huff escaped him as Remus hurried back and dialed the number, plopping down on the mattress.
“Thank you for calling Mercy Animal Clinic. This is Jennifer, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hi, my name is Remus? I brought my dog in last night for chocolate poisoning and I—I was just calling to check on him?”
“Of course, Sir. What is the patient's name?”
“Cocoa,” said Remus, gripping his phone a bit tighter. Jennifer hummed and asked for a few more details to confirm his identity, to which Remus replied on autopilot, his mind going blank in a subconscious attempt to protect himself.
“Just a second, please.”
Remus busied himself counting the floorboards while he waited, trying to calm his nerves, but it had the opposite effect as he became very aware of how long Jennifer was taking to find what he wanted to know. He’d started tapping his foot when the receptionist finally came back on the other end of the line.
“Yes, everything was ok during the night and Cocoa will be ready to go home after lunch,” they said cheerfully.
Remus’ breath stopped completely and then he exhaled loudly. He could have sworn he felt his heart unclench, invisible fingers letting go of their painful grip and allowing blood to stream freely again. His shoulders dropped, releasing all the pent up tension that had been building there since he’d stepped into his apartment the night before, and he laid down, covering his eyes with his free arm.
“Sir?” Jennifer said hesitantly.
“Yes. Ok. Ok. Thanks, I’ll be there.” He hung up and let the phone fall at his side.
The silence of the room was an echo of his own head as Remus tried to let the words sink in. He peeked at the ceiling from under his arm. Cocoa was fine. The phrase repeated itself a few times until Remus took a deep breath and swung himself up.
The hall was quiet outside of the room, but he could hear some noises coming from ahead. Remus bunched the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing, not too willing to admit how comfy and warm he was in Sirius’ clothes. Especially not when he was assaulted by memories of Sirius helping him walk through this same corridor the night before and Remus almost gave in to the embarrassment. Sirius probably thought he was pathetic.
Groaning, he steeled himself as he padded the rest of the way, but his step faltered before going into the kitchen, a hand rising to settle on the wall. Something smelled amazing in there. Like melted butter and Saturday mornings back home, with his mom humming as she stood by the stove and the sun streamed in through the open windows. The sound of the sizzling pan was accompanied by a rock song playing in the background, a cool guitar distortion filling the room, followed by a gravelly voice singing a capella.
And there was Sirius in the middle of it all, moving around the kitchen gracefully, head bopping and singing into a ladle. He slid across the floor like Tom Cruise in that old movie as he moved to the fridge and a chuckle bubbled out of Remus’ chest, taking with it most of the heaviness still clinging to him.
Sirius jumped up, accidentally closing the fridge door with a bang, and turned to face Remus fully. It was only then that Remus realized what he was wearing: he had black ripped jeans and a black tee, his hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail; and on top of all that, he had one of those aprons that had a buff man printed on the front, that read “Kiss the chef”.
Remus stared for so long that Sirius followed his gaze and looked down, only to look back up quickly with a blush. “It was James’ idea of a joke.”
James, as Remus was quickly learning, took special pleasure in teasing his friends, although Lily claimed he always failed when it came to her. But Sirius clearly treasured anything that came from his best friend, no matter how silly or awkward.
Clearing his throat, Remus stepped into the kitchen and peered at the stove. “What are you making?”
“Pancakes!” Sirius exclaimed, seemingly glad for the rapid move of the subject. “I thought you could use some hangover breakfast,” he added with a shrug before turning back to the mixing bowl on the counter.
“Oh,” Remus said dumbly, taken by surprise. He scrambled for something to add. “Did you get the recipe from the same place as those cookies?”
Sirius spluttered and threw an offended look over his shoulder. “Mon Dieu, I’m never going to live that down, am I? I’ll have you know, these are my speciality. But I won’t give you anything if you keep that attitude up.”
Laughing quietly, Remus breathed a sigh of relief that Sirius wasn't looking at him with pity or mentioning his sorry state from the night before. So much had happened between them in just one day, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act anymore. He shuffled awkwardly to the island and, as he leaned on it, the name of the song Sirius had been dancing to dawned on him.
“I can’t believe you’re actually listening to Black Dog,” Remus said, covering his face, not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.
“Hey,” Sirius turned to point at him with the batter-covered ladle, “Plant speaks to me on a spiritual level. I’m sending good vibes to Cocoa.”
Remus raised an eyebrow, making an effort to keep the corners of his mouth down. “You do know that the lyrics have nothing to do with dogs, right?”
“Yeah, but it’s the feeling that counts,” he waved his hand dismissively, sending a few vanilla-colored drops flying, “and the song title.” Smiling at that logic, Remus shook his head—as weird as it was, he found it reassuring. Sirius peered at him as he flipped the golden pancakes easily. “I’m glad you look better. How are you feeling?”
Remus tensed up, but it didn’t look like Sirius was making fun of him. Focusing on some point by his feet, he rubbed at his neck. "Yeah, um. Thank you for your help. And sorry about...everything. I guess it was one thing after the other and it was just too much.”
“We’ve been through this, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Sirius smiled tentatively. “Have they contacted you from the vets?”
“Actually, I called just now.” His heart rate picked up as excitement coursed through his body. Saying the words aloud made them even more real, allowed them to settle in and gave way to tiny pinpricks of impatience. “They said everything’s good. I can bring him home after lunch.”
Sirius turned to face him fully and his hand went to grip Remus’ forearm, his smile turning so bright it was almost blinding. “Remus, that’s great.”
Remus smiled too, staring straight at him. “Yeah,” he breathed. After a second too long, he coughed discreetly and moved back. “I just feel like I won’t be able to relax fully until I see him, you know? I wish I could go over now.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Sirius said as he leaned back too, fingers moving to play with the strings of his apron. “Just a few more hours, eh?” Remus hummed noncommittally and, sensing that he needed a bit of a distraction, Sirius turned his attention back to the food. “In the meantime, can you get the plates from over there?” He pointed at a cabinet as he got the pan out of the stove.
Remus did as he was asked and brought them over to the counter, where an array of toppings were waiting. His stomach grumbled as he watched Sirius cutting up some strawberries to place over the pancakes and then drizzling chocolate on top of everything, singing under his breath to the next song on his playlist. It was all oddly domestic. It was nice.
They sat in the living room to eat, though instead of sharing the couch like they had last night, Sirius—now without the ridiculous apron—sat across the coffee table on one of the armrests. Remus took a bite of the fluffy sponge and closed his eyes with a hum. “Ok, you were right. These are awesome.”
Sirius had just taken a mouthful himself, but he beamed before he swallowed and licked some of the chocolate off his finger. “Glad you like them, Re. I don’t think my reputation could have survived another fiasco.”
“Are you sure this wasn’t just a lucky mistake?” Remus joked, if only to ignore the way his stomach jumped at the nickname, prompting Sirius to throw a napkin at him.
For the next two hours or so, the conversation was light and easy while the music kept playing at a dim level. But, as time went on and the plates got piled up on the coffee table, Sirius started getting distracted.
He kept glancing at his phone like he was checking the time or waiting for a call. Remus would have thought that he was overstaying his welcome—Sirius had a life to get back to, after all—if it weren’t for the fact that the man kept the conversation going and going, asking questions and gesturing excitedly when he was telling a story about how he and his friends had once managed to get a flock of pigeons inside a train full of passengers. At this point, Remus was pretty sure that Sirius was not capable of lying.
A lazy breeze drifted in from the open window, bringing in the smell of morning dew and ruffling Sirius’ hair so that a few strands fell in front of his face. As he brushed them back, he raised his eyes and pinned Remus with a look that was slowly becoming very familiar. That look that said he wanted to say something but he was choosing his words carefully.
Remus was pretty sure he knew what that meant. So far, everything he’d blabbed about the night before had been skillfully avoided—mostly by Remus averting his eyes every time Sirius looked at him like that. He wasn’t looking away now though. Wasn’t sure he could, honestly; not with such intensity and thinly-veiled concern directed his way. Sirius opened his mouth, the words starting to form at the back of his throat when Remus’ phone pinged.
He jumped slightly and went to quickly fish it out of his pocket, holding on to the getaway it provided. Talking about his behaviour or the few hints he’d let slip about his past was not something he was ready to tackle. A quiet sigh dropped from Sirius’ lips as he got up to take the plates back to the kitchen, while Remus stared at the notification flashing on his home page. “Oh, Padfoot just uploaded a new video?”
The sound of ceramic banging in the sink startled Remus into looking up. “Um...you ok?”
“Yes! Too much soap,” Sirius’ voice came back, muffled slightly by the running water.
Remus snorted and got comfortable on one end of the couch, resting his back on the side and pulling his knees up. He wiggled his toes as he waited for the page to load, digging them into the plush sofa and then tapping his feet when the video finally started. It began like usual, with the starting screen of a game and Padfoot’s cheerful voice.
“Hello everyone and welcome! You’ve all been nagging at me to play with Prongs more often, so I hope you appreciate how much effort it took to get his ass out of bed.”
“That’s so not the introduction I was expecting,” another voice complained.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to do it?”
“Why, yes, thank you. Hello y’all! By popular demand and because I know you like me more than this silly goose, I am here to play some games and have fun! Mostly at Padfoot’s expense.”
“You’re the only person in the world who could say ‘silly goose’ and not have everyone laughing at them.”
“I know, it’s a skill I honed for years.”
“What the hell,” Remus laughed, shaking his head fondly.
Sirius came back into the room, drying his hands absentmindedly on his pants as he took his seat back. He sat at the very edge of the cushion, leaning slightly forward with his hands clasped between his knees, eyes down.
Remus made a questioning sound, waving the phone in front of him. “Do you mind?”
“No,” Sirius croaked, gesturing with his hand for him to go on as he cleared his throat.
A small line of confusion pulled Remus’ brows together. Something was definitely going through Sirius’ mind. Deciding to give the man some time, Remus focused his attention back on the video and made a note to ask later if something was bothering him.
Padfoot was talking about the game they were going to play and Remus could feel his energy even through the screen. He always got like this when he was trying something new. Remus pictured him bouncing on his chair, waiting impatiently to start playing, tapping the buttons in anticipation. “He’s like a kid on sugar, isn’t he?” he said without thinking.
A cough came from Sirius’ spot. “Well, I… I think it’s...nice? He sounds happy.”
The corners of Remus’ lips tugged up in a small smile at that. “Yeah. That’s good.”
“He didn’t seem his usual self in the past few streams. I’m just glad he’s ok, is all.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Remus saw how Sirius’ hands gripped his knees tightly, slipping through the holes in his jeans. Remus watched in silence but, just when he was about to ask what was going on, the video changed. A small square appeared on one of the corners, showing a man sitting in a chair, not much to see in the background, his face covered with the black dog that was his signature logo. Remus sat up straighter. It wasn’t often that Padfoot appeared in his videos and he couldn’t help the interest that sparked inside him whenever it happened. He scanned the small image until something caught his eye.
“Huh? ...Wait. That’s—” Remus froze for a second before promptly throwing his phone to the other end of the couch. “Oh my God.” He covered his mouth, feeling the pull of his mouth as a grin lit up his face, his wide eyes not leaving the small device lying innocently face up. “Oh my God, oh my God.”
“What happened?”
Remus turned to see Sirius looking at him with a confused little smile, probably wondering if he was still drunk or just bonkers.
“He...he’s wearing my merch. My merch.” And one of his favourite hoodies from the collection, at that. “How—How does he even know about me? I know he likes to keep in shape but…”
The faintest blush crossed Sirius’ cheeks. He rubbed his hands together, looking down at them and then back up at Remus’ still astounded face. He took a deep breath and exhaled in one go. “You know, I’m...” He trailed off, mouth opening and closing a few times.
Remus tried to bring his thoughts back to the room, to the man in front of him and not the one on the screen. He bent forward to grab the discarded phone, his mind still reeling as he paused the video. “Yeah?” he prompted Sirius to go on when he straightened back up, smile still in place—he wasn’t sure he could wipe it off even if he wanted to.
Sirius’ grey eyes roamed his face, then went to the phone in his hands before they finally settled on his bright expression and he sighed, smiling and shaking his head. “No, nevermind.”
Remus tilted his head, but Sirius simply shrugged. “Are you sure? You can say it, whatever it is.”
“I don’t think it’s the right time,” Sirius admitted, letting his head fall back as he worried his lip.
Curiosity flared up, dazzling and hot, and Remus tried to water it down, unwilling to trespass Sirius’ boundaries. Instead, he looked down and tried to organise his whirring mind, eyes going to the clock on his phone. “Fuck,” he muttered. He really wanted to finish watching and keep talking with Sirius, but it was getting late. “I should probably get going.”
“Oh,” Sirius blinked as he raised his head up. “You can stay if you want to.”
“No, I…” Remus stood up. “I should go get the key from Leo. I will probably see both his mom and mine, which means it won’t be a short visit and I’d like to be at the clinic as soon as possible.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Stopping midstep, Remus turned to look at Sirius, eyebrows raised. “Come with me?”
“Yeah, to the clinic? You are not too fond of them.”
It wasn’t a question, but Remus replied anyway, surprised that Sirius had caught on to that at all. “No, I’m not,” he said, dumbfounded. He shook his head. “But it’s ok, you did a lot for me already.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Remus, anyone in my place would have done the same.”
No, they wouldn’t.
“It’s fine, really. Leo will probably come with me,” he said. He wasn’t sure how Sirius could think that everyone was that selfless, that any person would have helped an almost stranger without thinking it was too much effort. Remus chose not to say anything about it, knowing fully well that was not the case.
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Hello, I search plenty of ideas for you.
Can I have a scenario about Marco discovering that female reader was hurt during the battle when he see her being heal by another doctor discretely?
Thank you, love your work.
A/N hello hello :) I'm so glad you do hehe anymore ideas im willing to do them! I hope you enjoy this with this lovely man <3
Marco x fem reader : Injury
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The Moby Dick was docked on a island grabbing supplies when there was a altercation between rival pirates crew that were on the same island. You could hold your own when it came to battle. But when a rival pirates play dirty and gives you a cheap shot he kicks you in the your side you felt the cracking sensation. You felt the pain instantly. Holding in the pain until they gave up. "you okay?" Ace asked you
"Im fine just a cheap shot. The man kicked like a 5 year old." You said you were talking shallow breathes every time you took a breath you could feel the sharp pain. Pushing the pain aside.
He furrowed his brows at you "That wasn't soft kick ____"
"if I was in pain I wouldn't have been able to kick his ass after being kicked right?" Letting out a small laugh then another sharp pain.
"okay." Ace unsure if he could trust your response. "Lets find the others make sure they are okay."
Walking back to the rest of the crew who were scatter around the island. You met up with Marco at the plaza. Some of the crew informed him on the altercation with the rival pirates. "I heard what happened yoi you okay little bird?" he asked you his hand sliding down your arm.
"I'm fine im a big girl I can handle myself." You said.
"I know you can. I have to remind myself sometimes." He small smile on his face.
The ship was docked on a island for a few days the pain starting to get worse. Looking in the mirror as you seen the large bruise on your side. Slight touching the area you twinged in pain. Someone knocked on the door. Quickly putting your shirt down. " come in." you called out.
"Hey you busy yoi?" Marco came in.
"No not at all." you said.
"I was thinking since its been a while since we had a proper date I wanted to take you out tonight." He said. Marco would see you around the ship you looked a bit down he would ask you if you were okay and you tell him every single time you were fine. You were tried to hide the injury as best as you can. If you would tell him now about the injury he would be disappointed in you for not telling him sooner. You hated disappointing him. "So what would you say yoi?" he asked
"Sounds like a date.." you said forcing a smile on your face. Marco sensed something odd with your smile.
"Little bird are you sure your okay?" he asked.
"Marco stop worrying okay I'm fine I'm just a little tired. I have to go into town for a while I have to pick up some items." you said.
"I can join you if you like?" he asked.
"No." you said quickly. He raised his brow at your quick response. " I mean its a girl shop and I will most likely be there for a while I don't want you to be there bored I will only be a few hours." you smiled.
"If you say so." he had a hand on his hip looking down at you. Something was going on and you weren't tell him. You kissed him goodbye and left the ship.
Marco watch you from the deck as you disappeared on the path to the plaza. Ace appeared next to him. "Something is up with her she is not telling me yoi." Marco said. "Really distant."
"You going to follow here huh." ace said.
Marco did he watch from a distances as you ask around for something he couldn't make out of what you were asking due to the distance. A lady pointed to a certain direction where you began to head to walking into a building . He waited a few mins before entering Marco didn't seen a banner or a sign on the building .This didn't look like a girl shop at all. Now this was suspicious. He made his way into the building there was a few doors. He seen a lady walking out. "Excuse me Miss did you happen to see a girl enter in about this tall." Marco asked showing the height.
"Oh yes she went into see the island Doctor. His office is right over there." she point to the room down the hall.
Marco entered the room. A small lobby where no one was in there. Marco spoke to the receptionist she let him in the back to the room where you were.
On the other side of the door the Doctor sat you up raising your shirt. "you were injured a few days ago and you feel the sharp pain when breath unable to bend and twist. Why are you barley coming now ?" he asked furrowing his brows. "I know your in a lot of pain"
"Im not sure I don't have an answer." you looked down "it just hurts bad."
"Do you want the good new or the bad new first." The doctor said.
A knock on the door. "Sorry to disturb you sir but she has a visitor here your husband wanted to come in with you." she said. Marco appearing in the room. You turned white as a ghost.
"Ahh sir welcome. I was just going to give your wife's her x ray results."
"X-rays results you say yoi." Marco looked at you then at the Doctor he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Bad news is she does have some fracture ribs my concern with her pain level hoping she didn't puncture any organs when this happened and luckily this time no organs were damaged. It will take some weeks for her to recover. I can prescribe some meds for her to take for the pain but the main thing is rest, ice and avoiding deep breaths right now we don't want her catch pneumonia." he said.
"Thank you sir do you mind giving us a moment I need a word with my wife." Marco looked at you.
"Of course." he left the room.
"You come to a Doctor on a island instead of coming to me." his arms were still crossed. "Let me see."
"I'm sorry." you could manage to say as he raised your shirt seeing the large bruise . He had a frown on his face.
The blue flame appeared on his hand as he gently placed it on your injured area. you winced at the pain. "You have been walking around in immense pain for days. Why again didn't you tell me yoi.?" he said in a calming tone looked at you waiting for you answer. Marco was hurt that you didn't come to him with this injury.
"I..I didn't want you to worry about me." you said. "I didn't want to upset you either if I would have came now with this injury." your eyes were closed.
"Of course I would be upset _____ you're injured. You didn't bother to tell me you were in pain keeping it to yourself as you struggled with the pain for days. Like I told you in the beginning even before we gotten together I want you to come to me about anything yoi. You are never a bother understand." he said. A few mins of silence filled the room he placed your shirt down. He kissed your temple intertwining his fingers with yours.
"Im sorry Marco.... I really am."
"let this be a lesson to you little bird. Come to me with any issue not matter how big or how small I will always have the time for you, you are very dear to me yoi."
One thing hit as you both left the office. They call him your husband You both weren't even married. "did you tell the lady you were my husband?" asking him
"They wouldn't let me in the back unless I was your husband. You enjoyed me calling you my wife yoi?." the corner of his mouth curled. "Giving you ideas?"
"I feel like we are already married but it does sound nice. When the day comes if you want to." you began to imagine that day in your mind.
"Lets see what the future holds for us first yoi."
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tobi-momo · 4 years
The Collision [Kageyama x Reader]
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a/n: heyheyhey im sorry i havent been filling out requests omg pls dont be mad at me i just get ideas sometimes and this is what they make kasjahsd but i hope you enjoy i dont really know if i like this one but we will see how it goes! pls leave feedback <3
Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff (kags is so soft pls-)
Warnings: not proofread *oops*
Word Count: 656
The Collision~
“What- what are you doing?” He asks as your fingers grab his palm, lifting it towards your face before peppering your lips over his knuckles, your mouth moving around his hand while he watches you with wide, shocked eyes. You look up at him with a smile, a quiet giggle falling from your lips. His eyes flicker between yours and your mouth, confused and frozen in place, the pink tint on his cheeks keeping him from moving away.
“Nothing, I just felt like it,” you mumble, tearing your eyes away from him to look at his fingers, yours grazing soft, ticklish patterns on his palms. “You have pretty hands, you know.”
His throat stopped being able to produce any sort of sound once you said that; his mouth opening like he was going to respond, but he stays silent instead, his eyes trailing your fingers as you play with his hand, looking at how content you seemed just being with him.
How could he tell you that he felt the same way? How could he let you know that you’re the one for him, that you are the one he wants to be with forever? About how you are a part of the reason he is who he is today? Maybe he couldn’t. Maybe he had to show you. And at the end of that thought, his mind was clear and his mouth had finally closed. Your small murmurs had come to a stop once his fingers curled over yours, holding them in a small embrace and pulling them towards his body, your own coming with it. Your head is placed on his chest while his body leans to give you a tight, loving hug.
You had never expected this from Tobio, but you couldn’t help but feel giddy with his actions. He takes a long breath into your shoulder, inhaling your sweet smell before sighing and rotating his head towards your neck. His lips meet right below your jaw, his hands moving your hair out of the way while he places long, sensual kisses on your neck.
‘Am I doing this right?’ He questions himself once your breath hitches, your heartbeat speeding up at the contact he’s giving you. His head soon moves upwards toward your jaw, not hesitating to press his lips against every inch of your skin until he reaches your mouth.
Your mouth.
He had never kissed you before, and every time he looked at your lips his heart jumped and his brain retreated at the thought. He knew he couldn’t stop now, he knew he wanted this with you, and he couldn’t keep quiet forever. He takes notice of how you look like a deer in headlights as you stare at him in shock. Did he do something wrong? Did he not do it right? Did you not want him to kiss you? All those thoughts scatter away once your lips curve upward just a teensy bit, showing him that this wasn’t a bad experience for you. He’s glad. He’s more than glad, he’s ecstatic, hell, his heart was practically beating out his chest from the adrenaline. And although he definitely didn’t look it despite the furious blush on his face, his nerves were bouncing in excitement under his skin. It took him a second to realize the way your lips collided with his once he snapped out of it. Now it’s his turn to be wide eyed, his eyes seeking yours, only seeing your peacefully closed lids and your head moving up towards him. Your hands glide up his sides and to his neck, grabbing on and pulling him closer.
This is when his eyes finally close. Being this close with you, having this moment was what finally made him lean into you, pulling your head back so you’re no longer on your tiptoes and dragging you by your hips to meet his body. Damn. You really were the one, huh?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk what to think of it kajadlkjdfhsd
taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @solar3lunar @hitosushi @katsuhera @zerohawks @awmahleebkg
159 notes · View notes
seongsangi · 4 years
just catching up
YOOO this is the first smut im posting... lemme know how yall feel pls
pairing: jaehyun x reader
summary: you’ve had a small crush on jaehyun since high school but haven’t seen him in three years. you guys reconnect at a party and things go from there...
word count: 7.4k+
genre: smut bro just smut
warnings: drinking and smoking (PLEASE be responsible when doing either/or)
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In the back of your mind, you've always had a little thing for Jaehyun. You first met him in high school, where you had a few classes together over the years. You and him never developed into anything other than classmates, as he hung out with a different crowd than you did. Not a bad crowd, just not the same friend group. You usually stuck to your own circle of friends in high school, and so did he. In class, you would gravitate towards each other for group projects or help each other with assignments and homework, but you both never went beyond that. It's not like you had an undying love for him, but you couldn't deny that he was smart, funny, always willing to help when you were confused, always managed to make you laugh or put a smile on your face when class got boring, and was extremely attractive as a bonus. Outside of class, you'd only see him in passing; maybe you wanted to get to know him a little better, but you weren't sure if he felt the same way, so you never acted on it. After graduation, you both went to different colleges. You stayed in the same state whereas he moved away, and your small crush eventually faded.
It is now your junior year in college, and you still kept in contact with some of your friends from high school. It's winter break and they wanted to go to a New Years Eve party tonight to ring in the new decade. You were excited, you wanted to go out and have a little fun, maybe get a little drunk to celebrate acing the long finals you had to take. As you made your way into the house, your friends scattered around, saying hey to people they haven't seen since graduation. You headed straight for the kitchen to make yourself a drink, no time to waste. You wanted to start off light before getting too fucked up, and you were so glad you weren't the designated driver tonight.
Drink in hand, you walk around the house and recognize so many faces from high school. You never really talked to these people, but your graduating class wasn't that big so you didn't have to really know them to know them. The party was in your hometown, where you all graduated and people came home from college for winter break. There actually weren't very many people you didn't recognize. You exchanged greetings with a few and chatted with them just to pass the time, but the music was so loud you couldn't really hear much of what they were saying.
A few mixed drinks in, you found a spot in the corner of the living room, looking around for your friends to make sure they were okay. Parties weren't really your thing since you were still a bit awkward around people and didn't socialize as much as the rest of your friends. Being alone wasn't that bad either, as long as you had something to keep your mind buzzing. As you scanned the room, the front door opened and the party got even louder as people began greeting the crowd that just walked in. Jaehyun and his friends seemed to steal the show, and you couldn't keep your eyes off him. Clad in an all black outfit, you could tell he got much taller and more muscular since the last time you saw him. He walked in with four other guys you recognize as part of his friend group, but his smile alone lights up the room, at least to you. You suddenly feel a bit shy, but you don't know why. He hasn't even said a word to you and you feel butterflies in your stomach. Three years doesn't seem like a long time, but he definitely looks even more attractive than before and you start to wonder what he would look like without his clothes ­ — wait, what the fuck? 
Why were you thinking of him in that way? He literally just walked through the door and you're already fantasizing about him. You make your way through the crowd, away from Jaehyun and out to the patio where you can calm yourself down a bit. You try to talk yourself through it, yes he's good looking, so good looking, but you haven't talked to each other in a while and there's no telling if he's even the same person from high school. You shouldn't be thinking of him in that way without even having a proper conversation with him. It was just a simple crush, so why did your mind jump so far ahead into getting in bed with him and letting him have his way —
"Y/N?" The sound of your friend calling your name brings you back to your senses. "We're about to take shots, do you wanna come back inside?"
You shrug the indecent thoughts you're having about Jaehyun off and down the rest of the drink in your hand before hurriedly following her back inside to the kitchen. You're definitely tipsy by now, but you're in the mood for more. There are several shot glasses laid out, all filled with Henny to the brim for the taking. It burns every time you drink it, but it's a good burn and hits quick. You grab a glass off the counter and turn to face your friend when you almost collide with the person behind you. You realize it's Jaehyun, and he's beaming down at you with that perfect smile that makes your heart race a bit.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were behind me," you say, taking a step back.
"Y/N? Hey, it's been so long!" he replies, grabbing his own glass and raising it to yours. You clink glasses and take the shot; without fail, it burns like it always does. You wish you had something to chase it with. He offers you his can of Coke, noticing the way you grimace. You gladly take it without thinking and hand it back to him, throat feeling much better after.
"How have you been? How's school going?" he asks, leading you away from the kitchen and back out to the patio where only a few other people are hanging out. You look around for your friend, but she's already made her way in the opposite direction. You weren't sure if you wanted to be alone with him so soon. Your mind was already racing with thoughts you couldn't seem to control.
"I've been good, my classes were kind of hard this semester and I'm just so tired of school but at least we're on break right now, it's much needed. What about you?"
"Tell me about it, I couldn't wait to come to this party. I've pretty much just been staying at home with my family since I haven't been home in a while." You and Jaehyun continue the conversation, talking about your majors and what classes were the hardest for you both this semester. You can feel the alcohol kicking in the longer you talk to him, your head starts to get heavy and you're smiling at everything he says, not that you can help it. You catch him staring at you as you talk about the class you enjoyed the most, listening intently while at the same time you could swear he was checking you out, eyeing you up and down with a look you couldn't decipher. You sit on the edge of the table behind you, hands gripping the edge to help you balance yourself. You're a bit wobbly now that the drinks have taken effect. He notices you're tipsy and chuckles, asking if you feel okay.
"I feel great," you say a bit too happily, making you both laugh. "Actually... I kinda wanna take another shot." He raises an eyebrow at you, seeing as how your legs stumble a bit as you start walking, but doesn't stop you as you make your way to the kitchen and take one of the glasses left on the counter. You pour yourself another shot, turning to look back at him and nodding your head for him to take one too. "Only if you want," not trying to pressure him. He smiles and raises the glass so you can pour him one. A few mixed drinks and two shots in and you feel unstoppable. You've always been kind of a lightweight compared to your friends, so you decide to chill out with the alcohol for now, not being the best at holding it down in the end anyway.
The music is much louder inside than it is outside. Jaehyun steps closer to you and leans down. "I don't know if you smoke, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Wanna go upstairs?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of rillos, trying to be discreet from others so they don't ask him to share.
"What, just me and you?" You say with a little tease, leaning on the counter obviously enjoying where this is going. You haven't smoked in a while, but you can definitely handle your weed better than alcohol. Granted, you don't need either of them to have a good time, but you surely do when you have both, so why not spice things up a bit?
"Yeah, just me and you," he replies with a smirk of his own. "I was gonna use this on my own when I could find a time to get away from my friends, but I think I'd have more fun with you."
You can't help but feel a little giddy, was it the alcohol making you feel this way or was it the fact that you're about to spend time with him in a way you never have before? Maybe it's the way he's looking at you so intensely like he could eat you up right here in this kitchen with all these people around? Maybe you were just imagining things, but you could feel the mutual attraction you both have for each other. You decide not to get too ahead of yourself and just go with the flow. You push yourself off the counter, sauntering through the kitchen, looking behind you and waiting for him to follow with a playful smile. You don't even know the layout of this house, but you head for the stairs where you think there would be less people. Jaehyun stops and talks to someone for a bit, presumably asking if he could go upstairs. You wait at the steps, taking in his figure and the way the black shirt he's wearing hugs his chest and arms so perfectly. He's definitely been putting in work at the gym, you note to yourself. He glances at you as you're waiting for him to finish his conversation. You're getting a bit impatient and mouth for him to hurry up, which makes him boast a chuckle, finally finishing the conversation and following you up the stairs.
"Someone's eager," he says as he leads you to the room at the end of the hallway.
"You have no idea," you reply, a bit under your breath but you know he heard it.
The room you walk into has a bed sitting in the middle, with two huge windows on either side of it and a desk in front of the window on the right. Neither of you reach to turn on the light, seeing as the room is still pretty lit with the moonlight shining through the windows. You don't know whose room it is but you're glad they let you come up here. You felt more comfortable not being around a bunch of people you didn't really talk to in the first place. There's a bathroom to the left, which reminds you that you need to break the seal.
"Hold on, I gotta use the bathroom first." Jaehyun turns on the fan in the room and sits in the chair at the desk, cracking the window open and pulling the blunt and lighter from his pocket.
You check yourself out in the mirror, admiring the way your hair and makeup looks tonight. You wipe your lipstick off, not wanting to get it all over the blunt you were about to smoke with Jaehyun. The reality of the situation hits you. All of a sudden, you're alone with him in this room and you're about to get high with him? How did things move so fast? Not that you were complaining, but you sure did feel very nervous. You felt even more intense butterflies in your stomach, looking towards the bathroom door knowing he would be out there waiting for you. You take a deep breath to try to calm your nerves. You remind yourself you came here to have a good time tonight, you weren't about to ruin the night for yourself.
When you walk out of the bathroom, you notice the way the light is shining on him from the window. He looks so damn good right now and he's not even doing anything, how does he do that? He looks up at you and puts his phone in his pocket, grabbing the blunt and holding it out for you to light it. You realize the bed is too far away from the desk for you to pass the blunt back and forth, so you have no idea where to sit. He makes a move to stand up and let you sit in the chair but you stop him.
"No, it's okay, you can sit there," you assure him. You sit on the edge of the desk, glad that it's big enough so you're not too close to him. You're in a very intimate situation with him already, but you don't know if you could handle being any closer to him than you have to be. You take the first few hits, letting the smoke fill your lungs before it becomes too much. You start coughing, it really has been a while and your throat is getting dry already. He hands you a water bottle - where did that even come from? You pass the blunt to him as you take a sip and he chuckles. "You've smoked before right?" he asks as he takes a long hit.
"Yeah, it's just been a while. I stopped cause I started nursing school."
"Oh shit, should you even be smoking right now? What if they drug test you?" he asks, worried you might get in trouble.
You laugh, thinking it's cute that he's worried about you. "No, they don't do random tests, just once before you start the program." He nods, handing it back to you. You feel like it's too quiet with just the two of you and grab your phone to start playing some music. As the minutes pass by, your head starts to feel lighter and lighter, just the way you like it. Your eyes get droopy and you're staring at him for a bit longer than you should be in between hits. He hasn't noticed yet, but you can't keep your eyes off him. You don't know what's coming over you, he hasn't made a move or come on to you in a way that would make you think he's into you, but you can't help but let your mind wander about the things you'd let him do to you. You let your eyes trail across his body, watching the way he leans on the desk, muscles flexed perfectly in that shirt. He blows smoke out the window and leans back in the chair, facing you with his hand outstretched, handing you the blunt. In that moment, your eyes move to his thighs, spread out and looking like they're inviting you to come sit in his lap. You squeeze your legs together, trying to ignore the urge to take him up on the invitation you imagined he was giving you.
He clears his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts, but the way you're looking at him with those hooded and lust filled eyes doesn't go unnoticed. You try to shake the thoughts away and take the blunt from him, which has gotten a lot smaller and harder to hold. You can't bring yourself to make eye contact with him any more, way too shy to do so after he caught you staring at him, so you stare out the window, watching as a few people leave the party.
Jaehyun takes the opportunity to look at you - really look at you since you've been together in the room. He can't deny that he's been attracted to you, even before he saw you at the party tonight. Sure, you went to school together and didn't talk much outside of class, but he was excited to see you everyday in the period you had together. You were smart, one of the smartest in the entire graduating class and always on top of your work. It was something he admired about you, being so hardworking and studious. He would choose you as his partner every time there was a group project, not because he knew you would do a good job but because he wanted to spend as much time with you as he could. You always looked so cute when you were confused on an assignment, but you never noticed the way he would look at you. You didn't hang out with the same friend group, but he'd catch himself looking for you in the hallways or in the cafeteria. He wanted to catch a glimpse of that beautiful smile on your face, undoubtedly his favorite thing about you. He didn't know if you felt the same way about him so he never said anything and just let the years pass by.
He didn't expect to see you at the party, but as soon as he did he knew his crush for you had never really gone away. He saw you standing by yourself out on the patio, wondering if he should go out there and say hey. But before he could, your friend called you back inside to take a few shots and he took the chance to "bump" into you. He wasn't going to let the opportunity get away from him again.
And now here you are, sitting on the edge of the desk looking absolutely gorgeous. Doing nothing but doing everything to him at the same time. You were wearing a short black skirt that hugged your figure in all the right ways, which definitely became more voluptuous since the last time he saw you. The low cut crop top you wore had him imagining all the marks and hickeys he would leave if he had the chance. He couldn't keep his eyes off you, taking in the way your thighs were splayed out on the desk, ready for him to kneel down and spread them open, making you feel so good you wouldn't want him to stop. The thought of taking you right here made him clench his jaw and he could feel that his pants were getting too tight. He didn't want to rush anything in case you weren't feeling the same way.
But when he caught you looking at him in the same way he devoured you with his eyes, he knew the feeling was mutual. The words were unspoken, but the look told him everything he needed to know. You were both hesitating, trying to control yourselves, unsure if the next step should be taken just yet.
"Jaehyun," you call out to him, trying to get his attention. "I think it's out."
"Just put it here in the ash tray, I'll throw it away later." He watches as you step off the desk, stretching your whole body after sitting for so long. His eyes trail over your lower body, loving the way the skirt you're wearing rides up as you stretch. Such a simple act starts to get him riled up, and he's thinking about what you'd look like if the pesky little skirt wasn't in the way.
"How do you feel?" he asks, knowing you're already pretty high by the way your eyes are red and hooded.
"I feel great," you reply, and you can't help but laugh out loud, both of you knowing you're already gone.
"That's good, I'm glad you're having fun. You know, I'd rather be here with you than with everyone else downstairs."
You don't know what he means by that - does he want to stay up here? With you? Just the two of you? Your body starts to burn up, indecent thoughts making their way back into your mind. You don't know if he means it in that way or if he just doesn't really enjoy the party, but you're afraid to ask.
"I think it's nice to get away from everyone for a bit. It can get overwhelming. I know my friends are gonna be here for a while so I guess we can stay here for a bit..." you trail, not wanting to sound too desperate to be here with him for a little longer.
You sit back on the desk as he leans back in the chair again, silently inviting you like he did before. You don't know if he's doing this on purpose or if he's really that oblivious, but you wish he would just get the hint that you're feeling him. But you don't know if he wants you like you want him. You both stare at each other intently, waiting for the other person to do something, anything, make a move and let it be known.
He's looking at you with an unreadable look and you're afraid that he doesn't really want to be with you, just that he wants to get away from the party. You can't keep the staring contest going with him, so you grab your phone to change the music.
Suddenly, he leans forward and takes your phone out of your hand and throws it on the bed behind you, leaving you stunned. He gets out of the chair and stands right in front of you, looking down at you as you crane your head to look at him. When did he get so fucking tall? You feel tiny under his glare, looking at him innocently, not sure where things are headed but you sure as hell don't want it to stop. He rests his hands on the edge of the desk, trapping you in between his arms. You tense up, noticing how close his hands are to your thighs and you want nothing more than for him to touch you.
"You're a tease, you know that?" he says with a smirk.
"A what?" you reply nervously. His hands slowly slide up and down your thighs, bringing out the goosebumps from how cold his hands are on your warm skin. Your body is on fire now and your heart starts to race. It's harder to keep eye contact with him now under his smoldering gaze but you can't look away.
"You heard what I said. You're a tease. I see the way you look at me, but you haven't done anything. It's making me crazy watching you hold yourself back." His hands firmly grip your thighs now, pushing them apart so he can stand properly between them. This is the closest he's ever been to you and you don't know what to do or how to react.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you lie, looking anywhere but at his face with that stupid smirk he's got on. He knows you're lying, and you know he knows, but you're too shy to admit it.
He steps away from you, "Okay, I won't push you if you don't want to." He makes a move to head out but you're panicking now - did you just ruin it? Of course you want him, you've wanted him since he stepped inside the door tonight. Now you know he wants you, so why aren't you reciprocating?
You grab his hand before he gets too far away, pulling him back to face you. "I didn't know if you felt the same... so I didn't say anything..." you say, scared that he'll actually leave you hanging.
He resumes his position between your thighs. "Look at me," he says, voice much deeper than it's been all night. You're trying to read his expression, and you can tell he's been holding back too. You take a deep breath - it's now or never.
"Do you .. want me?" you say, holding your breath in case for some reason he doesn't and has just been toying with you.
"I thought you'd never ask," as he crashes his lips onto yours, holding you by the waist and deepening the kiss before you could catch your breath. You can't keep up with him, he's fighting for dominance and all you can do is give in. Your hands grip his shirt as your lips mold together, your neck starting to hurt from craning up so much. His hands move from your waist to your neck, supporting you while wrapping one hand in your hair. He tugs at your bottom lip, before pulling away slowly, lips barely touching as you stare at each other. You're breathing hard, trying to make sense of what just happened. He's still got that damn smirk on his face and you can only look at him, eyes begging for more.
His hand is still wrapped in your hair but he decides to test the waters a bit. He tugs a bit, earning a small sound from you.
"Do you like getting your hair pulled?" he says against your lips. You feebly nod, his grip now much firmer. You're pulling him further and further under your spell, and he loves it. His lips move down and he tugs your head to the left so he can place warm kisses on your neck. His free hand rests on your thigh, squeezing you so close to where you want him most. His lips feel like fire on your neck, his fingers are teasing the hem of your skirt and you can feel your panties getting uncomfortably soaked by his small actions.
His lips trail further down your neck, spreading hot open-mouthed kisses across your chest. He lets go of your hair and pulls your shirt down, exposing a part of your black lace bra. He kisses the top of your breast but doesn't quite reach where you want his lips to be. He's left plenty of marks across your chest already and leaves a dark hickey on your breast before putting your shirt back the way it was.
"Who's the tease now?" You're frustrated at this point. He pulls back a bit to look at the marks he left on your chest and neck, obviously proud of himself. He's going too slow for your liking, so you feel brave enough to take your shirt off yourself, loving the way he's eyeing you as you unhook your bra, letting the straps fall off your shoulders but still holding the bra up. You spread your legs even further apart and Jaehyun swears he could throw you on the bed right now and have his way with you. But he wants to take it slow and make you beg for it. He wants to see you writhing with pleasure underneath him, needy for his touch,
"Take your shirt off, Jae" you fake pout at him, knowing he's just as eager to get the real party started.
"You take it off for me," he says, knowing you'll have to let go of your bra to take his shirt off. He wants to see all of you and he wants to see it now. You reach for him and run your hands underneath his shirt, caressing his toned abs and reveling in the way they feel under your fingers. Your bra falls completely off at this point and you throw it on the desk, pulling Jaehyun's shirt off soon after. If you thought he looked good underneath the moonlight before, he manages to look even better now. You can't believe this is actually happening. You tug on the waistband of his pants, pulling him closer and wrapping your legs around him.
"You're so pretty, baby" he says, looking into your eyes before he kisses you again. You grab his face and deepen the kiss, taking charge this time, wanting him to know how much you want and need him. He suddenly hoists you up and you yelp, holding onto him by his neck. He throws you on the bed, knocking the wind out of you. He grabs your ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed, kneeling on the floor. You sit up on your elbows, watching Jaehyun as he tugs on your skirt, silently asking if he can take it off.
"Do whatever you want to me, Jaehyun." You don't know where this bold statement came from, but you've got this playful look in your eyes and Jaehyun is ready to make you regret saying that.
"Fuck, you're so hot. You don't know what you do to me." He takes your skirt off, leaving your panties on. He spreads your legs and starts kissing your inner thighs, sending tingles up your spine. He maintains eye contact with you, inching closer to your core, making sure you watch his every move. His large hands keep a hard grip on your thighs and you're getting wetter with each second. Your hand slides down your body, squeezing your breast as a little tease for him, rolling your nipple between your fingers. He continues to leave kisses on your thighs, ignoring where you want him most. You slide your hand under your panties, making sure Jaehyun is watching you this time.
"This is what you do to me," you tease. You're so wet, you can hear the slick as you rub your clit, making Jaehyun growl, listening to you pleasure yourself. If he wasn't going to do anything, you'd just have to do it yourself. Your other hand pulls your panties to the side, exposing your dripping core to him. His eyes become darker as he watches you slide two fingers in with ease. You're so riled up and wet, you don't even need to be prepared. You finger yourself as he watches in between your thighs, giving him a show you know he can't resist. It makes you feel good, knowing he's watching you get off to him. You close your eyes and imagine it's his fingers in you, touching you instead. Better yet, you imagine he's pounding into you nice and slow. You can't wait for him to stop teasing you and to touch you where you need him.
As you're imagining him fucking you, you bite your lip and moan his name softly, trying to turn him on even more. Jaehyun loves the way you look right now. Legs spread, panties to the side, marks all over your neck, chest rising as you breathe hard imagining him inside you right now. He watches your fingers move in and out of your core, your juices coating your fingers and your sex. He thought he could tease you, but you're doing a better job at it than he is. He can't wait any more.
While you're lost in your thoughts, Jaehyun quickly removes your hand from your core and brings it to his lips. He licks everything off your fingers, loving the way you look at him with those innocent eyes. His own eyes roam every inch of your body before he kneels back down. He decides not to take your panties off - there's something so sexy to him about keeping them on. He pulls them to the side and replaces your fingers with his own.
You can't help but let out a loud gasp when he pushes two fingers in. They're much bigger and longer than your own, reaching your sweet spot better than you can. He curls them in a 'come hither' motion as he pumps them in and out, making you buck your hips up from the pleasure. Your elbows are about to give out from sitting up for so long. Suddenly, his lips attack your clit and you fall back on the bed, unable to keep yourself up any longer. Your thighs close in response to him licking and sucking your clit.
"Spread your legs baby, I wanna make you feel good." You don't know if you can keep them open, but you try to do what he says. As he continues pleasuring you with his fingers and his sinful tongue, you let out soft moans and whimpers.
"Fuck, Jae you're so good," you say breathlessly. Your hands are gripping the bedsheets so tightly, needing something to hold on to. When he slips a third finger in, you moan even louder, feeling so full.
"Does that feel good?" You can only whimper as a response, too immersed in the pleasure he's giving you to get your words out. He pulls his fingers out and licks long stripes up your core, spreading your juices all over his tongue and chin. He's watching you intently from between your thighs, seeing the way you can't control yourself and noticing how hard you're gripping the sheets. You say something he can't really make out, and he stops his ministrations for a bit, asking you to repeat what you said. He loves how he's only finger fucked you and ate you for a bit, but you're a mess for him already. 
"I want you," you say louder, opening your eyes to look at him. He knows what you mean but he wants you to really beg for it.
"What do you mean baby? What more do you want? You have to tell me." Fuck, how's he gonna call you a tease when he acts like this? He stands up, wiping your wetness from his chin but keeping his fingers on your clit, rubbing in circles. The pleasure on your clit is too much and you let out another loud moan.
"You sound so good moaning for me, I love it." "You're killing me Jae," you cry, so frustrated that he won't get the hint.
You grab his hand, pulling it away from your clit. You move to get on all fours, facing him at the edge of the bed and pulling his fingers into your mouth. You taste yourself on him and lick every inch of him clean, moaning when you see the way he's looking down at you. You look so sexy and so fucked out when he hasn't even properly fucked you yet.
He pulls his hand away from your mouth and caresses your cheek, thinking of all the ways he wants to ruin you. You nuzzle your cheek into his hand, enjoying the soft touch of his palm. The soft touch doesn't last long before he's gripping your hair again and pulling you up to look at him.
"I wasn't done with you yet. You're so impatient baby girl." You whimper when his grip on your hair tightens, but your pussy clenches, loving the way he's talking to you and being rough with you. You reach for him, palming him through his pants. He's so hard but he's been focusing on pleasuring you, you just want to return the favor.
"But I want to make you feel good too," you bat your lashes at him, unbuttoning his pants slowly. He doesn't stop you, so you keep going, pushing his pants and boxers down, his dick springing forward. He's bigger than you imagined and you lick your lips, ready to take him in your mouth. You grab him from the base, slowly pumping your hand up and down his member. You stick your tongue out for him and slap his dick against your tongue, showing him how needy you are to suck him off, and he can't say no to that. He moans softly when your warm mouth wraps around his tip, sliding down his length until you can't take any more. You can only take half of his dick, so your hand continues to pump and you bob your head up and down, trying to make him feel as good as he did with you.
He's lost in the way your mouth wraps around him, sucking him like no one has ever done before. Your pretty lips wrapped around his dick, leaving a trail of spit is definitely a sight to see and he wishes he could keep this image of you on your knees for him forever. He doesn't want you to stop but he wants to finally be inside you, giving you what you've both been craving for.
"I'm gonna cum in your mouth if you keep going baby," he throws his head back and closes his eyes, hands gripping your hair harder and guiding you up and down. You pull him out of your mouth with a pop, slapping his dick against your tongue again and looking at him with doe eyes.
"Are you gonna fuck me now?" You can't hide the playful tone and excitement in your voice.
Jaehyun loves how eager you are for him, and he wants you just as bad. He pushes you back onto the bed, climbing on top of you and kisses you. You wiggle your panties off, both of you now naked and turned on beyond belief. He trails more kisses along your chest and breasts, finally taking a nipple into his mouth. He sucks and plays with both breasts, biting down and making you yelp.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard baby, you won't want me to stop. But I wanna hear you beg for it first." You can't believe he's still teasing you, he's insufferable.
To make it any more obvious you want him, you spread your legs wide, letting him get a good view of your wet core. You touch yourself again, rubbing your clit as he watches you incredulously.
"Fuck me please, Jae? I want you so bad baby," you say in your best sultry voice.
He moans, going crazier for you and enjoying the way you're begging for him. He pushes your legs towards your chest and slides himself along your slit, gathering your juices before he pushes in slowly. You both let out a sigh of pleasure as he continues to ease in.
"Oh fuck, you're so big," you cry out, not used to him being in you yet.
"You're so fucking tight," he moans, holding himself back in case he hurts you. He makes slow, shallow thrusts, trying to take it slow and enjoy the way your core grips him perfectly.
"Harder," you whisper, but he heard it loud and clear. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head, pulling out to the tip and pushing back in quickly. His hips snap against your thighs quickly, making you moan loudly, the hard thrusts making you see stars. You bite your lip, trying to quiet yourself before someone hears. But with the way Jaehyun is fucking you, that seems almost impossible to do.
"You like that baby?" he says above you, knowing you absolutely love it. He watches as he moves in and out of your core, slick with your juices and making it easier to slide in and out of you, giving it to you just the way you like it.
He slaps your thigh and you whimper. "I asked you a question."
"Fuck, yes I love it," you moan, feeding his ego and making him fuck you even harder just to hear you cry out for him. He watches you as you squirm underneath him, hips meeting his own thrusts. He leans down and sucks your nipple, biting a little less than gently, shooting even more pleasure through your body. His hands grip the back of your thighs tightly, pushing them towards your chest to keep you wide open for him.
"You're such a little slut for me, aren't you?" He whispers in your ear, your moans sounding like music to him.
Instead of answering his question, you grab one of his hands and place it over your throat, begging him with your eyes. He smirks and gets the hint, gripping your throat to give you the pleasure you wanted. Your hand holds onto his wrist as your mouth falls open and moans pour out, loving the way his hand is pressing against your throat. He pushes his thumb into your mouth and you suck on it without thinking, giving him your best bedroom eyes.
"You're driving me crazy, I can't get enough of you."
He pulls out quickly and grabs your hips, flipping you onto your stomach. He pulls your ass up, making an almost painful arch in your back and you rest on your elbows as he slides back in.
He fucks you relentlessly, making your eyes roll back. The new position has him hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, and you can't stop telling him how good he feels and how you love it when he fucks you. He grabs a handful of your hair and pulls your body up, hips still snapping into you roughly. The grip he has on your waist is sure to leave marks but you're too fucked out to care.
"This pussy was made for me wasn't it? You're taking me so well baby girl," his grip on your hair is painfully delicious, and you turn your head to look at him. He's sweaty, brows furrowed, eyes full of lust as he watches the way your ass bounces with every thrust he makes.
"Anything for you daddy," you say with a playful smile. Something snaps in Jaehyun, and he pushes you back down onto the bed, fucking you even harder than he has been. You didn't think it was possible, but he's proving you wrong. You're on the verge of crying from how hard he's pounding into you, the pleasure getting too much as he brings you close to your high.
"You can take it right? You're my good girl," he leans down, pressing kisses to your back.
"Make me take it," you say without missing a beat. He feels so good in you and you don't want him to stop. He slaps your ass hard, and you're caught off guard, letting out a loud moan. He can tell you like it, so he does it again, even harder this time. That's definitely gonna leave a mark.
"I'm close baby," he moans, feeling the way you tighten around him, signaling that you're close too. He flips you onto your back again, sliding back in and rubbing your clit. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear, trying to coax your high out of you. A few seconds later, you feel an intense orgasm rush over you as Jaehyun continues to fuck you. The overstimulation on your clit has you bucking your hips up, unable to take the sensivitity.
"Ah fuck, I'm gonna cum, your pussy feels so good."
"Cum on my face," you tell him, biting your lip at the thought.
"Get on your knees," he demands as he pulls out, waiting for you to sit on your knees at the edge of the bed. He steps down from the bed onto the floor and pumps himself quickly, saving a mental image of you with your tongue out, waiting for his cum like the good girl you are.
He closes his eyes and moans loudly as he reaches his high, his release streaming down your face and some landing in your mouth. He watches as you swallow what you can, in disbelief of how perfect you are.
"You look so pretty with my cum on your face," he says, taking in your fucked out state and that beautiful smile you give him.
As you both clean up and get dressed, you hear a knock on the door.
"Y/N? Are you in there?" You can tell it's one of your friends and you're dreading what she might say when she sees you in the room with Jaehyun. He gives you a quick smack on your ass before you open the door.
"What were you doing?" She asks, eyeing both of you up and down.
You and Jaehyun look at each other and smile as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
"Nothing much, just catching up."
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