#i am having A Day
demonlayercake · 2 days
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spooky spectre
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becauseanders · 2 years
i hate you ehlers-danlos syndrome i hate you pots i hate you chronic migraines i hate you brainstem auras i hate you central nervous system complications i hate you degenerative disc disease i hate you hypotension i hate you osteoarthritis i hate you fibromyalgia i hate you tmj disorder i hate you carpal tunnel i hate you mcas
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acertainmoshke · 3 months
Look, not to overly specifically date myself but the 2016 election was the first presidential one I was old enough to vote in. I was at college, so I had to mail my ballot. I was also very alone at the time. I'd been sick at the beginning of the semester, so I was too shaky to climb into the slightly-elevated bed and slept in a nest under it. I spent most nights sitting in the alcoves in the dorm hallway watching Doctor Who so I wouldn't bother my roommate. I didn't talk to many people, hung out in the lounge at dinnertime so I could play games alone, but it was the first time I was ever out as trans irl. I stopped taking walks around the area because, although it was a nice liberal school, the surrounding neighborhood was filled with Trump signs. At the time it just made me angry.
But the night of the election, I stayed up all night in my under-the-bed nest on Discord with my long-distance friends, panicking and crying because I never really thought Trump would win. I didn't fully understand what it would mean, but I knew it would be bad.
And. It. Was. I personally was not horrendously affected, but between the border and covid (and not even counting foreign policy or court appointments), he has so much blood on his hands. There's no way THAT many people are too young to remember the alarm of 8 years ago, right?
Anyway. If you are at all legally able to vote in the US, please fucking do it!!
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dreamsofalife · 16 days
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If anyone has snuggles to offer, she'd really like one.
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circular-time · 2 months
I just saved as draft one of my longwinded replies to someone who probably wouldn't appreciate it
I'm just going to post the graphics I made and a little context
Exhibit A: some things that don't make sense in Doctor Who are stylistic
the incidental music of the Pertwee era which I somehow never NOTICED as a kid
the digital color grading (orange/teal) you probably wish I'd stop banging on about
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Exhibit B: Other things that don't make sense in Doctor Who are in-universe:
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It has always been a "stone soup" of a show, with multiple creatives throwing weird stuff in the pot, which is why it lasts, and why it sometimes results in Kung Pow penis sauerkraut.
In conclusion, Doctor Who puts the fantasy in SFF.
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ok that last one wasn't in the post but i was trying to get across that when the world is shit sometimes we need zany and joyful more than sense
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freak-accident419 · 5 months
haopy 420 fuck this shit im getting high
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I dont think i am ever going to be able to do a 5 day work week like its so unsustainable idk how anyone does it. I can work hard but i need my time off. Its not negotiable unless you want me to show up on drugs with no hair.
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reybeeze · 8 months
it is so hard being the type of person who needs consistent validation and reassurance to survive because on one hand i'm constantly suffering without it and on the other hand if i ask for it i'm STILL suffering because i feel like i'm a horrible person
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ace-dodo · 6 months
It's so funny that most people go to me for comfort or advice, but when my mom was on the verge of tears I couldn't begin to think of what to tell her, I just froze
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tipsywench · 20 days
For fucks sake I just spilled water all down the front of me 😆
I can't leave my desk until this dries this looks ridiculous
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ferindencadash · 1 month
Learning the hard way (falling on my face) that my left knee can no longer support weight.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
tw pet loss
when your dog gets hit by a car and then you take him to the vet and they keep for 3 days and then he comes home and then 3 days later he dies in your bedroom and then 2 days after that the vet calls to check on him and you have to tell the really sweet receptionist that he died :)
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clinchcoverenthusiast · 5 months
jfc it's piqued not peaked, please kill the word banter, just say sex ffs spice is for food, also how can you not tell who's speaking in dual pov third person?
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jeremy-lemon · 5 months
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dogearedheart · 5 months
i should just get a buzz cut
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alienducky · 1 year
Dear brain. Why are you like this?
Sincerely, someone who can see the scene perfectly crystal clear while playing cards or fortnite, but loses any and all ability to string two words together as soon as the google doc is open
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