#i am in 0.5% Taylor Swift listeners
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hits different - taylor swift
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lifeascaty · 6 months
I've been away from tumblr for a few months. In October 2021, my Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. He already followed me on tumblr, so I filled my feed with things he would like so he had something new and interesting (or a cute cat) to see every day. (I was already posting a lot for him, but now my queue was entirely for him.) It was a small thing, but I wanted to do anything to help make him smile or distract him. As it was a neuroendocrine cancer, there were treatment options, and soon he was back to living life as if nothing was wrong. But I still kept my queue running for him. In November 2023, a scan was misread. They told my Dad his cancer was responding well to treatment, and he wouldn't need any more nuclear medicine for two years. Unfortunately, this mistake meant my Dad passed away on January 26th 2024. There's no question that this is the worst thing to ever happen to me. My Dad is the person I am/was closest to in the whole world. I've never felt pain like this. I don't know what to do with my tumblr now. I've had it for over a decade, but I've been posting for my Dad for so long that it feels wrong to post without him. I know that's silly. I just miss him so much.
I'm going to post the eulogy I wrote for him below the cut. I don't expect anyone to read it, but I want it to exist somewhere online. I'm really proud of it. It has mistakes - repetitions of words etc. - but I also think it's the best thing I've ever written, because it's about my Dad.
As a professional writer, I’ve felt a lot of pressure to write a eulogy that does my Dad justice. The problem is, I don’t think that’s possible. Especially without him here to give me notes. My Dad has always given me his opinion on my writing at whatever stage it was at, bouncing ideas back and forth with me and arguing over intricate punctuation but, on this occasion, he can’t. I hope he’d like this anyway.
I could talk forever about my Dad. There are so many things I want to tell people about him, about his love and excitement for the world and his joy in getting to live each day. To quote Marcus Aurelius, as my Dad often did, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” This sentiment defined him, really.
My Dad and I have so much in common. We traded books back and forth. He introduced me to his favourite shows and I showed him mine. He showed me his favourite movies from when he was growing up, and we were always first in line to see new releases at the Odeon in Wrexham. I would spend hours hanging out on the couch in his study as he worked and played music, talking me through his love and admiration of various songs and bands, like Led Zeppelin, Genesis, The Jam, The Smiths. We talked a mile a minute over dinner, always excited to share whatever new thing we’d learned that day. We experimented with various recipes and he gave me my love of cooking. We debated politics constantly, always talked about what was in the news, forwarded interesting posts and memes to each other across multiple social media platforms. Even when I lived on another continent we were in contact with each other every day, keeping track of our respective timezones so we could always find time to talk.
My heart aches every time I read a news article about some interesting new archaeological finding or a new discovery in space, because I want to share it with him. There are so many movies we planned to see, upcoming TV shows we wanted to watch, books we were waiting to be released.
I want to talk to him about the new Taylor Swift album and the Grammys she just won. As some of you may know, my Dad was a Swiftie – he was in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift Spotify listeners last year. He was a fan of her before I was, often falling asleep to her 1989 album on international flights. He bought us tickets to see her Eras Tour together this summer and we were so excited. I can’t describe the pain I felt when last month he told me that I’d have to go and enjoy it without him. Because he should be here to see it with me. He loved stained glass – even taking classes and making his own artwork. He promised to teach me this summer, and now I’ll have to do it without him. But I’ll still do it. Like I’ll still go to the Eras concert – because it’s what he would have wanted, and because it keeps his memory alive.
I recognise how lucky I am that he is my Dad. So many things had to happen to make it so. Various ancestors had to meet and have children. My parents needed to be born, needed to both decide to go to the same university, needed some anonymous admin person to assign them both to the same university halls where they would ultimately meet. All so that one day I would come in to being and he would be my Dad. The chances of that happening, for everything to have gone right, are so infinitesimally small. And yet they happened. How miraculous is that?
I am who I am because of him. As a young man, he reviewed books for The Oxford Times and Interzone, a Sci-Fi and Fantasy magazine. (He was particularly proud to interview Terry Pratchett, his favourite author, and have his quote used on Pratchett’s books for years to come). He fell in love with stories and storytelling, a love that he passed down to me. Without him, I don’t know if I would have become a screenwriter and author. Storytelling is such a huge part of me, and I don’t know who I’d be without it, and without him. 
There are so many big, impressive things that my Dad did and achieved through his lifetime, but the things that make up a life are the smaller moments. My parents dancing around his study to God Only Knows by The Beach Boys. His love of all our cats across the years and his special relationship with each of them. The time we went out into the garden, on a freezing cold night in November, to watch the Leonids – shooting stars – falling brightly through the atmosphere. Picking me up from Gobowen station every time I came back from London or undergrad, no matter how late my train was. His specific way of stacking the dishwasher that only I could emulate. Summer holidays swimming in the pool, eating ice cream together, and marvelling over his tan.
The problem with loving my Dad so much is that it’s incredibly painful now he’s gone. One of his favourite Marvel TV shows, Wandavision, had the line “what is grief, if not love persevering?” There is so much grief because there has always been so much love between us. And I am thankful for that. Thankful for him, and everything he has done to build a beautiful life for our family.
My Dad’s last words were beautiful. Something we often said to each other, from childhood to adulthood, was “I love you more than the moon, and the stars, and the wide, wide world”. I started saying it to him, none of us knowing the end was hurtling so quickly towards us. He smiled as I began to say the familiar words, and as my Mum and brother joined in, so did he, still smiling as he said “and the wide, wide world”. And that was it.
'To reference Marcus Aurelius once more, he talks in Meditations about how just a day–just a minute–of happiness, of perfection, of peace, is enough. The same goes for the people we love. That we ever had my Dad in the first place is a wonderful thing, something to be so grateful for. Whatever comes after, whatever fortune has in store for us in the future? It can’t change that. What happens next matters less because of the wonderfulness of having had my Dad at all.'
He is my best friend. He will always be my best friend. Whatever happened, I knew he would look after me. That he loved me and cared for me and that with him I was safe. He would look after our family, always. And he did. Even now we’re discovering things he did and put in place to make sure we were okay.
I know I need to stop talking, although, as I said at the beginning, I could talk forever about my Dad. I will finish with a quote from Terry Pratchett: “No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.” Hopefully my Dad will live forever.
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enderdeservesbetter · 3 months
Hi, it's me. Again to talk about Taylor Swift, this time of TTPD: The Anthology.
I'm going to be honest, honestly the first part was mainly emotionally draining. When I finished "Clara Bow" I felt like I was going to cry with all my might, even though I loved it. Over time, I grew fond of and understood many of the songs and I mean I didn't understand them until later.
Psychologically, it opened many wounds that I thought had closed. And can I say... a week and a half after the album came out I started therapy! (Perfect timing). And something tells me, this part of the album is going to be more painful. That's why I've been kicking it (as well as listening to Red, evermore and Speak Now).
OK, LET'S START. Again, no expectations and I have heard VERY little of some songs and... I am not speaking English and sometimes I forget that I am speaking the language.
(Dividers by: @saradika-graphics and I think I took the photo from Taylor Swift's official website, if not, sorry, but I don't remember
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The Black Dog 4.5/5
+ 2 OH MY GOD THE MUSIC!! // +1.5 old habits die SCREEEEEEAMEENG --- EVEN IF I DIE SCREEEEAMEENG... That's what I have to say about the lyrics //+1 her voice... :(
It can't be, I love this song and it's the first time I've heard it. I listen to the music from yt, from the lyric videos. And I don't read them to concentrate fully on the music. And it confuses me because I am not a native English speaker, but I can understand their emotions, of wanting to go back but it is impossible and wanting to go back because it is what I knew, and and...
Want to cry at the first song, we're going VERY GOOD /SARCASTIC
Imgonnagetyouback 4.5/5
+2 The rhythm, and the strange synth pop... it's a strange perfect harmony // +1.5 For some reason it made me blush a lot and smile and I didn't even start to read the lyrics, a flirtatious vibe instantly hit me. // I hear the whispers in your eyes → whispered sights (?. //+1 She sounds great, it's a very Midnights song but without covering up and washing her voice so much, and I love it!
I don't understand much of the history of this song but obviously, I don't want to mess with it as much as the original TTPD. God, I'm loving this album so far even MORE than the original.
The Albatross FIRST 5/5
+2 HOW I LOVE BACKGROUND MUSIC, IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Fully folklore vibes // +1 I can't fully understand without reading the lyrics in the meantime... The lyrics seem easy to understand and learn. // +2 Her voice seems angry but disappointed, like telling a child that it's okay, everything is going to be okay.
I was left with my mouth open, because I would love to have heard this in 6th grade, in 1st year, in 5th year...
And I'm not going to go over all my traumas, but I always had very sensitive skin and it cut very easily... and they definitely talked about it and everyone believed that it was contagious (it was just an allergy to earth), and in my church (I went until I was 12 and I don't plan to return) they treated me like a plague because of my situation, they treated me like a liar, they treated me as less than, they excluded me from everyone, especially the parents told them that it was a bad omen...
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 3.5/5
+1.5 WHO PRODUCED THIS MUSIC? HE NEEDS A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD AND A HUG THAT REACHES HIS SOUL, SOMEONE THANK HIM! // + My god, the lyrics are so... it's almost indecipherable, but it doesn't sound bad. But I can decipher that it's a separation, that it's the kind of love that didn't exactly end bad, but that's it. //+0.5 It sounds like she had recorded loml before.
I can say, this is the song that I understood the least so far, but hey, at some point, if I read analysis, I will.
How Did It End? 4/5
+1.5 I love the background music, they have done an incredible job on this entire part of the album :( // +1.5 I still don't understand all of the lyrics :( but... she- i- gonna cry :D // ...1 She's forcing the voice from inside to come out, and yet it sounds beautiful, I hate that part of me
So High School 4.5/5
+2 The music is so similar to the teen bands from the 2000s movies, I love it! // +1.5 I'm not a fan of the sporty boy, but god, this song is so beautiful // +1 Taylor's voice feels so happy and the range throughout the song is a chef's kiss!
I didn't think I would like it SO MUCH! It's a beautiful song, full of a calm but active energy, almost cozy. They keep doing a great job in this part of the album!
I Hate It Here 5/5
+2 the folklore vibes, omg i LOVE it! 🤍 // +1.5 As a person who spends 80% of her day in his mind... I really love the lyric // +1.5 She sings it so softly that I want to cry.
I love this song, my dragons and knight stories love this song. Seriously, it's strange to find a song that talks JUST about what you always wanted to tell your mother.
thanK you alMee
+2 OMG The background music is the best part of this album! // +1.5 The lyrics are simple in image and short, but detailed and rich in emotion. //+1 her voice sounds very good in this song 🩷
I know that feeling but I have no legacy to be proud of and it has definitely been difficult to get to this point.
I Look in People's Windows
+1.5 again... the music is beautiful <3 // +1.5 No, this is not about my relationship (no, I don't look for him on every street around us in my neighborhood looking for his figure) // +1 It sounds so good for such a short song :(
The Prophecy 5/5
+1.5 The instrumental is... again, this part of the album and the last part of TTPD is beautiful // +2 PLEASE I'VE. ON MY. KNEES. I feel like he is talking about those things that I leave for later because I am very busy taking care of my family. // +1.5 Her voice sounds so sad and terrified, desperate. She carries the tone of the song so well that it's scary :(
Again, this song has moved things that I didn't know still existed, and I already knew because I had read some of the lyrics or parts of them in some TTPD's analysis.
Cassandra 4/5
+1.5 the instrumental, that's all i'm gonna say // +1.5 I love that it tells a concise story in the same song, but it feels messy, I can't say I don't like it // +1 again, her voice carries so well the tone of the song.
What a strange and accurate decision to put THIS song after The Prophecy. When you know you're telling the truth but no one believes you because the other person is untouchable, it's... a complete feeling that deserves an entire book and an entire year of therapy.
Peter 3.5/5
+1.5 How can an instrumental sound so like a dream and a nightmare at the same time? // +1 Can I cry? It's like seven (my favorite song) never happened :( // Every time it is more difficult to get to the other end of the album, it is so soft and at the same time so deep and painful
The Bolter 4/5
+1.5 for the instrumental // +1.5 I don't understand why I would dance to this, but I would, it's a similar song to I Can Do It With A Broken Heart // +1 her voice 🩷
The Manuscript 4.5/5
Robin 3/5
I'm going to be completely honest, I don't understand this song in particular, I'm not saying it's bad but I don't know HOW to watch it, if someone wants to explain it to me that would be great.
+1.5 sweet instrumental // +1.5 While listening to the lyrics, I remembered that man who used ALL the "older man trying to get with a younger girl" tricks that i dated.
Definitely a beautiful song to close a cycle, to say goodbye to what hurt for years, a small part let go because it no longer belongs to you.
Conclusion: it has definitely moved me and I hope that, for example, in a few years it will not do so again. It's such a beautiful and deep album. It was painful to hear, but necessary.
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llimerrence · 10 months
oh btw im top 0.5% of taylor listeners this year. i havent budged in like 5 years. how do i become .05% ??? hm,????
i literally listen to her when im sleeping what else am i supposed to do
i played say don't go over 107 times, total of 12,470 minutes y'all. 200 hours. 8.3 straight days of taylor swift.
....anyway i love taylor lmao
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teawithswift · 10 months
Taylor Swift is the most listened to artist on Spotify this year. In the world. And I am in the top 0.5% of those listeners and YET I don’t have tickets to the eras tour
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likedaylighht · 2 years
My total minutes streamed might be lower than most people I know but I AM in the top 0.5% of Taylor swift listeners which is higher than almost anyone’s percent I saw today for their top artist and yes I see that as a win
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what-if-nct · 10 months
hi hi hi today's reminder is i made the top 0.5% of svt listeners this year which I'm not surprised about considering I've almost exclusively listened to a 3-hour playlist of my favourite songs of theirs on shuffle
Hiiii!! I love that for you and honestly those hours long playlists is what will do it. I am not surprised Stray Kids is number two for me because I think they're in like three different playlists one alone, one with NCT cause duh, and one with Chase Atlantic. Which I knew I listened to them a lot but they went from three to one mainly cause they're music is so mid tempo and vibey and I just love chill vibey music. And Taylor falling from one to three. I feel like a disappointment as a Swiftie. this was the year of Taylor Swift and Barbie my two most favorite women in the world. There was so much new Taylor music too. I'm sorry I've shamed you mother but at least she is right next to my other mother Lana. Who I even bought her physical album this year. I still can't find Taylor's Midnights in store I have to buy cds in store for some reason. And NCT is so much higher than last year. It all because of Alley Oop and The bat. It was on repeat. The others were Sleeping with sirens, Melanie Martinez, Wayv, Sabrina Carpenter and Pierce the veil.
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a-raging-spitfire · 1 year
It's time to share an unpopular opinion, in a very safe space, far from an angry mob that could hunt me down for what I am about to say:
Taylor Swift is so overrated.
Listen (yes, you, the 0.5 people reading this besides me xD), I know these kinda things are a matter of personal taste. I personally don't see the appeal of her music at all (I am home in an entirely different genre after all) but I am not saying it's bad.
And maybe that goes for any pop star out there, whether it's Harry Styles or Beyonce or even Madonna in her time. I feel that any of these young, overachieving talents wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for huge (marketing) teams behind all the magic as well as a huge portion of luck.
Like, if I - a total nobody - came up with some Swift-esque song, people wouldn't even turn their heads. I'd remain a nobody, a struggling artist, for all eternity.
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my top genres this year were show tunes, indie pop, and emo 😭
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lordgolden · 3 years
I… am shocked lmao. I listen to music by album usually so it makes sense. I’ve just had her albums on repeat this year. Spotify also said I listened to more music than 93% of users so just the sheer amount I listen contributed too. @taylorswift sponsor me
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don’t ask me if I'm okay when I am literally in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners 
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Have I ever been in a long term relationship or held down a job for more than two years? No.
But I am in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners, so I think I know a thing or two about dedication.
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enderdeservesbetter · 3 months
As a result of this survey done, I am going to listen to Reputation again. Well, like I said before, this album is marked with a yes on my TS song list, I literally have a PDF.
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Story time! I listened to this album in full for the first time 6 months ago AND I haven't heard a song from this album in about a month and a half. I'm going to be honest, I'm not THAT much of a fan of making this post because I really, really wanted to wait for Reputation TV and rate it from there but seeing and considering that it's not going to happen at the moment, I think I'll do a post in due time, but only with the songs from the vault.
This said and clarified (I have no idea why I clarify it, if no one is going to see this anyway)...
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics I took the cover from Taylor Swift's official website)
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... Ready For It? 4/5
+1.5 I love the instrumental, it takes my neurodivergent brain from one place to another and it feels like a raging sea... I don't know how to explain how much I love this song because of the inst // +1 I like her voice in this song, it's like here you begin to see the maturity she has now. // +1.5 Honey, please, those lyrics no matter how much time has passed, they make me blush a little every time I dance to the song.
I love this song, for the opening of an album it is PERFECT, just like Welcome To NY. Just listening to the beginning I know this is going to hit a little after the muse of this album is gone.
End Game 3.5/5
+1 That constant instrumental is so powerful! // +2.5 Future and Ed definitely shined! Taylor definitely wanted to try something different for this and it turned out pretty well
This album is very... Very physical, a lot of physical attraction and a lot of resentment, but we're not going to talk about it yet.
I didn't remember this song being this good the first time I heard it, but after listening to TTPD:TA, folklore, and 1989 TV for 2 months straight, it all feels VERY new.
I Did Someting Bad 4.5/5
+1.5 THAT INSTRUMENTAL PLEASE, HOW BEAUTIFUL! // +1.5 THEY SAY I DID SOMETHING BAD ... So Go aHEAD AND LIGHT ME UP // +1.5 I'll be honest, I can see why singing this song in the original Eras Tour setlist could be dangerous for her even though it's something that would be iconic.
My favorite Reputation song, honestly.
Don't Blame Me 4.5/5
+1.5 for the instrumental, everything is said. // +2 I don't regret having cried this song the first time I heard it, because I don't understand how it managed to reach every little part of my brain. // +1 She sounds SO GOOD in this song!
Yes, I know I said I Did Something Bad was my favorite song, but THIS ONE, THIS ONE makes me float and gives me a feeling of peace and euphoria at the same time...
Delicate 3.5-4/5
+1.5 Inst // +1.5 It's the happiest Track 5 of hers in my opinion, she really was in love in the midst of so many horrible things. // +0.5 Her voice sounds so soft, so beautiful...
As I said, it's her happiest Track 5 and one of my favorites in all of Reputation. It was definitely delicate.
Look What You Made Me Do 3.5/5
+1.5 This shit goes hard // +0.5 I think the part I like the least is the repetition of phrases, I know it's a very used resource on the album but this song sometimes gets a little tiring, it's iconic but eee // +1.5 she sounds sooo good in this album
I think it's obvious that this song has everything to be iconic, even for people who don't listen to TS, this song just sticks in your mind and doesn't let you go. Don't worry, I think there are some songs I like less than this one.
So It Goes... 4/5
+1 WHY ARE THESE INSTRUMENTALS SO GOOD?! // +1.5 I hadn't heard the lyrics that well the first time as I got carried away with the instrumental. // +1.5 SHIT HER VOICE !!!!
It really has very sexy and even strong lyrics, but I think it's also very intimate and cute, it feels like you're interrupting something very private. I think this song should be talked about more. I must confess that I wasn't a fan at first but it's too good, I hope this one doesn't get worse on REP TV.
Gourgeous 4/5
+1.5 I'm afraid that I like the instrumentals so much in case REP TV totally breaks them... // +2 Come drunk Tay, thanks for saying what I usually think when I have a crush // +0.5 She should definitely get somxe songs like this back on her new albums
I didn't remember this song being as good the first time I heard it, I may have been sick of hearing it everywhere, but now it feels brand new, all of Reputation really
Getaway Car 4.5/5
+1.5 That's a beautiful instrumental // +1.5 I don't want to make as many bad comments as I did in TTPD, BUT, it seems that common sense took over. In some parts it seems like an apology and in others a justification for what she did to the two of them. In any case, a gem of a song. // +0.5 I LOVE THOSE HIGH NOTES, why didn't you include it on the Eras Tour?
I think this song had the 'Cruel Summer' Effect, that the fans loved it so much that it was sung on the Eras Tour, but I guess due to legal issues, it couldn't be done, I WANT TO BELIEVE IT, LEAVE ME ALONE. In the same way, I don't want to get so attached because I already see that they do the same thing as some songs on TV.
King Of My Heart 4/5
+1 Instrumental<3 // +2 I love everything about this production regarding the production, this is the song that has repetition that bothers me the least because they don't feel // +1 I don't know what else to comment, this song is simply iconic
At first I didn't like it but every time I did it, I liked it more. I imagine an edit of those ballrooms while everyone dances in a circle around the protagonists.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied 4.5/5
+2 Now, this song seems to me more about life in the gothic palace and a dance party to celebrate the presentation of a vampire who meets her lover and they dance all night // +1.5 The lyrics make me feel like I'm going to drown and they're rescuing me from the storm // +1 Yes, her voice makes me fly and have chills in this song
Is this my favorite song from all of Reputation? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Am I going to change my mind? Definitely not. Am I afraid that they will ruin it for me on TV? Obviously
Dress 3.5/5
+1.5 How can the music production be SO good? // +2 Oh I have definitely felt this lyric at some point in a personal level.
I understand why this song is so loved, I didn't understand it before, but now I can feel why it is so popular and loved. The first time I heard this song I definitely wasn't impressed, but after the strange disaster that was TTPD this album feels like glory.
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things 3.5/5
+1 I don't like the instrumental alone THAT much, but it fits the song // +1.5 The lyrics are so "disappointed mom" it hurts, and it's also so funny and whimsical at the same time... // +1 her voiceee aaaaa
Another song that I heard everywhere and I got fed up, the first time it didn't impress me and now it seems like a jewel in the middle of all the stones. I love that it is so happy and at the same time so bittersweet. Gives me I Can Do It With A Broken Heart vibes.
Call It What You Want 4/5
+2 The instrumental is perfect and scratches the right parts of my brain <3 // +2 The lyrics really represent the situation that existed between the muse and the artist at that time and it is beautiful. I can assure you that I have felt this song in my bones
This is in my current Rep top three, I swear it always was. I love this song, it's so free and limitless, so soft and so secure that it's just perfect!
New Year's Day 3/5
+1 It's a cute instrumental // +1.5 It is a tender lyric and sometimes even sad in some lines. // +0.5 The song is strange, it doesn't convince me...
It's strange because after listening to folklore and saying that it is my favorite album, I wanted to like this song more, but it still doesn't convince me. This song feels so out of place compared to the rest, but it still goes with the retrospective theme. I'll see if it convinces me or not...
Conclusion: I feel a little bad for loving Reputation in the places I dislike MOST about TTPD (the weird synth-pop especially). But I don't know if you can blame me when each instrumental doesn't feel like it's taking more prominence than the main vocal. Also, each song feels like a unique song within the WHOLE album. I think the ones that are most similar are LWYMMD and IDSB, or Delicate and DWOHT. But the rest are definitely different from each other. That seems to me to be the part that has failed tremendously TTPD
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frankiesautieblog · 3 years
30 days of autism acceptance
April 1st: Introduce yourself. Talk about who you are as a person. Your age, hobbies, special interests, family, etc. Anything you feel comfortable sharing.
My name is Frankie, I’m 18. My special interest is historical technology and apocalypse survival. My very first special interests were marine mammals and Clifford :) Then Taylor Swift and then anime and then Hamilton. Historical tech has definitely been my longest running special interest. 
For hobbies I am not very good at them. I am depressed a lot so I spend most of my time on Tumblr and Discord. A friend recently bough me Minecraft and I’ve been playing that a lot, it’s really fun! I like to listen to music, I am listening to music almost all the time. Last year on Spotify I was in the top 0.5% of MCR listeners!
My sibling is also autistic. We stim together sometimes and it’s really nice. I also have an autistic cousin and there’s a possibility my dad might be autistic too. I live with my mom, dad, sibling, dog, turtle, and snake. The turtle is my pet; his name is Alexei. I will miss him when I go away to college next year.
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qjhughes · 4 years
hey loves!! miss sham @tbslenthusiast tagged me in this cute little get to know me game so here i am!!! (if someone else tagged me and i didn’t see it, i’m so sorry my mentions only work like 1/4 of the time!! also if i’ve done this before, no i haven’t <3
1.) name: zoey! but you can call me zo or just z if you want!!!
2.) gender: female, my pronouns are she/her
3.) star sign: libra
4.) height: 5′4-ish (i haven’t been to the doctor in almost a year due to the pandemic okay idk exactly how tall i amfhdskjf)
5.) time: 12:32 am (00:32)
6.) birthday: september 26th
7.) favorite band(s): one direction, 5sos (but like... more like 2014 5sos), lany (i’m getting into them <3)
8.) favorite solo artist(s): harry styles, taylor swift, lorde, hozier, miley cyrus, megan thee stallion, and so many more that i just can’t think of rn!!
9.) song stuck in my head: vibez by zayn and driver’s license by olivia rodrigo
10.) last movie: um....? i think i watched hamilton not too long ago (shush i know it’s a broadway musical but i call it a movie bc i can watch it on disney+)
11.) last show: the last one i finished was bridgerton, but i started the queen’s gambit (i’m literally like 5 minutes in bc i got busy but still)
12.) when did i create this account: like december, 2019 but i didn’t really use it until like.... april or may of this year
13.) what do i post: harry styles, taylor swift, zayn, lorde (whenever she appears on the dash although i don’t follow many lorde accounts sadly. if you know any, feel free to recommend me some!!), my thoughts, a lot of censored tags that if anyone ever figured out i’d be forced to pass away, updates that nobody even looks at in regards to my wips, random screaming posts that are just song lyrics, and probably more i’m just.... tired it’s after midnight <3
14.) last thing i googled: is 0 a rational number (listen it was like 4 am yesterday i was delirious with sleep and just wanted to get the missing work turned in)
15.) other blogs: my ‘spam’ for my thots: @vehicularmanslaughterr, my to red blog: @zoeysficrecs, my truck stop harry fan blog: @truckstoprry, my fan account for hitha: @gays4joealwyn (i think that’s it fhdskjf)
16.) do i get asks: sometimes, mostly when i rb an ask game or if i make a post that for some reason gets seen by a bunch of people and then there are some people that get.... angry <3
17.) why i chose this url: stream nobody is listening, coming january 15th
18.) following: 325
19.) followers: a number between 0 and 50,000 :)
20.) average hours of sleep: 0.5 - 2 if i actually end up sleeping at night. if i sleep during the day it’s like... 4 - 12
21.) lucky number: i don’t think i have one tbh
22.) instruments: piano, viola, cello, violin <3
23.) what i’m wearing: a sweatshirt and shorts
24.) dream job: artist / tour management or a lawyer (i know, two very different things)
25.) dream trip: europe or australia
26.) favorite food: grilled cheese or toast 
27.) nationality: american
28.) favorite song: i don’t just have one but i’ll give you my top five right now in no particular order - i would die for you: miley cyrus; to be so lonely: harry styles; buzzcut season: lorde; anna (played in barcelona): harry styles; vibez: zayn
29.) last book i read: i haven’t read a book in so long that it’s kinda sad, i read fanfiction instead </3
30.) top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: um.... bridgerton, lucifer, and maybe harry potter
i’ll tag @havethetimeofyourstyles, @academia-ashton, @hsonesupremacy, @glowunderthemoon + anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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jisoomes · 4 years
Good Morning everybody, I have found out today I am apparently in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or shows how incredibly sad I am xD
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