#i am learning. that if im not having fun with a game. to just stop playing it
noisy-weasel · 2 years
Man I really wish it was easier to download the non-English versions of games. I'd love to play project sekai on jp servers but my phones so fuckin old I don't wanna risk downloading any third party launcher on it and honestly idgaf just let me download it from the actual AppStore who give a shit
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xavieremix · 20 days
okay so the tags on that last post got me feeling those melon collies so i'm just gonna. tagdump in here. slightly sensitive topics? so uh. scroll down (or press J to jump to next post). or read my thoughts like the morning paper. sorry. cheers.
#edit: oh cool the mature content warning doesn't actually hide the tags? that's fucked.#i'll drag these to the top hopefully it'll push some lines back#one last space-filler tag for the road - weird brain thoughts afterwards#i dunno i'm just. i do not have a sense of self. i do not have a sense of identity.#essentially anything i can ascribe to myself is worn in the same vein that it fits close enough.#like clothes picked out after hours of unsuccessful shopping and im just tired and want to go home#am i a writer? sure. i write decently. i have a decent grasp of sentence structure. puts me leagues above plenty of other writing i see.#but then when i actually decide that i should write something i'm just filled with dread.#i can't respond to rp's i enjoy with partners i enjoy. i can't write fics about prompts and premises that i like.#am i a gamer? sure. i got multiple consoles; multiple game sources for each console; a backlog of games ive had to catalog.#but when i try to pick one out to play i just. don't want to. nothing appeals. nothing looks fun. i ask for suggestions and i take none.#anything singleplayer i have to stream or it's not fun. anything multiplayer i have to coordinate with others until we get bored.#what do i *do?* what do i *enjoy?*#i can keep myself occupied if needed but at the end of the day im not fulfilled#am i a programmer? that's the closest thing to enjoyment i've gotten in a long time#but do i actually enjoy the act of programming or do i enjoy the result#where at the end of the day i can show off what i made and get lauded with praise#i get a similar sense of satisfaction when im doing tech support and pull something out my ass and everybody goes “whoa how'd you do that”#the analogy that i've used a lot is how in some games at the start it's fine and fun#you're getting progression you're making progress you're learning and earning#but eventually it just. stops. there's more - not just in theory; it's right there! you can see it! - but it's just. so far away.#you can get there EVENTUALLY but it's just a grind. just a slogfest. there's more to unlock. more to explore. just sign in today. tomorrow.#keep coming back. you'll get there. eventually. it'll take forever.#now if this was an ACTUAL video game people would recommend that you stop and step away. does it spark joy? no? stop playing.#but ah. i can't quite stop playing this one.#and don't worry! i don't plan on putting down the controller! even though i mope and grump and weirdtalk my way down this hill#there is ZERO chance of me doing that.#but i ah. don't have a desire to keep playing.#it's a weird middle state to be in. don't wanna put down the controller. don't want to keep playing. i am just sitting here.#ive been attributing my more frequent thoughts on the matter to the whole roommate situation
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rockpapertheodore · 2 years
I cannot tell you how frustrated I am with the anti-math movement because despite what anyone thinks in high-school, you use math constantly every day in ways the very, like, sexless? way school teaches math will never prepare you for.
If you want to run a business? Inventory costs, storage and logistics, labour and wages, bills.
You have any customer service job? You are making change. You are making SO much change. All the time. Sometimes the computer works and you're safe, but sometimes your entire point of sale is beholden to the whims of a third party system with a web server of your entire inventory on the other side of the state and it's gone down. Again. So u gotta do all the math on paper because you're still open because it's an inconvenience, not a reason to stop business.
Building something? Gotta do some dang ol' physics and engineering if u wanna do it efficiently and with minimal expenses.
Sports people are doing so much subconscious math all the time, without ever knowing it, and being aware of all the ways geometry (if ur playing a stick-and-ball game like baseball or cricket or pool) or physics (literally every sport)
I'm not gonna lie, I'm not sure where I was going with this beyond "im so annoyed with the incompetent presentation of math in US public schools." Please understand I'm not trying to shame anyone, and I am not judging anyone for struggling with math. Math is an arcane wizard language invented to quantify and understand the functions of the world around us. The human brain is a pleasure-seeking monkey with astronomical pattern-recognition abilities, and some beautiful autist in the past went "hey actually what if I could measure everything?" And math started.
I'm not even particularly good at any discipline beyond general mathematics because I've been making change for customers since I was 6.
Also its really fun making ur bosses sweat when you piece together the profit margins on accident because you 'tism for a second and guesstimate the cost of buying in the product and margin of profit based upon sale price and volume of sales.
Anyway learn and understand just enough to survive, and then just enough more to make your employers sweat when you can explain to your coworkers approximately how much the store is making.
Shoutout to my discalculic homies, I don't know how to make math that doesn't suck yet, but I'll do my damndest to help u out when they create a sequel to numbers that makes sense.
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papayajuan2019 · 1 year
how to fall in love with life?
i feel unqualified to answer, im so mentally ill, but i'll try. also, im drunk, so excuse the incongruency. if youre looking to fall in love with life, and youre asking someone who is also hurting, it's likely you have not been given what you deserve throughout your life. please acknowledge you have always deserved the love life has to offer, the sweet moments of connection and warmth. what took that love from you was not fair; grieve it entirely. you always deserved to fall in love with life. let it hurt entirely. please do not be afraid of the hurt. it's proof the love has always belonged to you. please hurt entirely, it's necessary to let the love in. dont let the shame stop you from hurting. please, i know this sounds counterintuitive, let yourself feel so fucking hurt. it doesnt mean you have to be angry, or righteous, or demand answers, just let it hurt. cry, or be sad. acceptance that things are not right is key.
after that, learn to be childlike again. learn to be scared again without baggage. learn to play games without remorse. learn to make art again, regardless of talent. be open, even while being so scared. find the right people to be open to (read: platonic people, do not go looking for romantic openness, that is for later on). love of life6 requires finding the right people to be open to. do not find those people online, or at the very least, dont let the online people be the key people. find people in the real world (if youre like me, that is real fucking scary. but it cant be done any other way. it has to be people whose reaction you can see physically in real time).
after that, just be you. the person you have been reluctant to be. be overwhelming. be sad. be fun. go out in nature. find outlets (up to you. could be physical activity, or writing, or nature appreciation, or other types of art, could be sex, could be platonic activity. everyone is different, dont judge what finds you).
basically, be the version of you that you knew was always true. be messy. be earnest. find safety, which, paradoxically, requires a bit of risk first. be so scared. love requires undoing the baggage put on you, which, in turn, requires a bit of fear.
sorry if this doesnt make any sense. i am still in the process of falling in love with life. if you fail at it this time, try again later. i love you
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luna-loveboop · 24 days
I started playing Wind Waker! Y'all want some thoughts?
-Why is the first thing I learned how to do with Link crawling on the ground like a sneaky sneak?
-Why is the SECOND thing I figured out how to do Link sidling along a wall like a sneaky sneak?
This kid is a sneaky sneak sneak!!!!
-Why is Link instantly jumping on people's tables? Get down please sir
-Wind and his family are so sweet I love them so much- and Aryll got kidnapped noooo TT
-Tetra has shot Link from a catapult
**I'm just gonna keep editing this post and adding random thoughts as I go does that sound cool? I wanna do that @hero-of-the-wolf
-Tetra's winking at Link has my heart forever she's so cute I swear
-love the glowy blue talking rock btw yesss stalker pirate girl
-Link why do you yell so loud every time you jump this is a sneak mission I thought you'd be good at this
-the game grumps on YouTube saved my life tho bc im a coward and get way too nervous in places like the forsaken fortress and watching someone else swear through the area before I do it helps ok
-Wind is such a gremlin but he's actually so polite? Like he instantly bowed to the sword trainer and then to the guy on windfall island after paying for breaking his pots- before running out of the house at breakneck speed. He's such a sweet and polite boy you can tell he's grandmas kid- yet he's such a menace what a wild yet polite lad ridndkkfkdg
-the people of windfall island are way too judgy stop being condescending to Link he's my baby. 'The Tipsters' girls have my heart tho because they.. they... well they give you tips. Tip you off you could say
-I think the King of Red Lions just legally adopted Link
Ok so small rant section but this game is so tragic. Like the art style is so goofy and fun but it hits you so hard that these are KIDS. Link is freaking twelve and his sister was kidnapped on his birthday, leaving him to follow in hot clothes because of higher defence I'm guessing (new hero clothes are more suitable for an adventure than casual loose ones but still!). But he's literally like half the height of DOORKNOBS- he has to stand on his tiptoes anytime to open doors. He is so very small.
My mom was like 'I love this animation style - does it help with your nerves that it's lighter?' And I was like 'honestly it makes me feel more deeply the tragedy of what should be a happy childhood being torn apart' but she's used to me saying weird shit like that so it's fine
-I think we as a fandom are severely underestimating how much of a gremlin Wind waker link can be and that's saying a LOT
-I got the Wind Waker!
-K learned the Wind Waker
-Ok I like got to dragon roost island on the first day and FINALLY got an empty bottle my beautiful baby where were you??
-I cleaned- like actually fully dusted and cleaned- my wii u for the first time after it was inactive for years and holy mother of improved game pad controls
-is it wierd that I'm more excited about the empty bottle than the wind waker?
. . . .
-ya know in hindsight gabon looked pretty shady. I mean he was standing in the shade but what kind of asshole stands there and tells a giant bird to throw a child in the ocean
-I think ganodonk is dumb I can't wait to get the sword and bitch slap him
-'we cANt set SaiL aGain Until you geT a GLowY thiNgy' well mr boat man sir have you considered that I realised there was most definitely a heart piece or two I forgot on windfall island and I'm doing another dungeon with three hearts? At least I got a bottle ig
-why am I trading with rats for potions this doesn't seem hygienic. I know rats are in fact very clean animals but this dungeons isn't and why do the rats want rupees anyways?
-so there's this like steamy glowy pot that teleports me to the start/end of the dungeon? I'm questioning all existence in this world why is that a thing. Honestly think Twilight princess's bald teleportation chicken made more sense but whatever
. . . .
-I saved the dragon! By riding on his tail? What a boss fight that was fun. Got a shiny thingy Yayy
-So the wind waker! I learned to change the direction of the wind which is so cool and also to change whether it's night or day. Which is wayyy too much power for this kid how come no one told me he could change night and day?
-That said I love how musical Link is. Like when he looks so happy waving the baton playing to the wind it's just really cool
- Why is the God of Wind a like. Toad surfer dude. Whatever, I like him.
-So apperently there's these little dudes called fish-men who are talking fish who fill out your sea chart- I am still questioning why link can talk to animals but that's fine
-I missed out on pawprint isle before apparently, so I'm gonna do that before whatever the red lion king tells me next
-Also I love Beedle in this game so far he hasn't threatened me like the other beedles in games I've played
. . . .
-Sailing through the ocean is really fun
-I went back to windfall and got a 'swift sail' that lets me go faster but I still like the blue one better
-I reached the great deku tree! He had monsters for pimples and I couldn't figure out how to get them off 'what are you doing?!?! go help him!!' IM TRYING ADOPTIVE BOAT FATHER. Turns out I needed to roll into him and not use the grappling hook which makes sense but still
-He. Grew me a leaf. A magic blowy leaf. Which is great it's an awesome gift and means a lot but the Deku tree grunted and grew a leaf for me and that's kinda wierd right?
-Reaching said leaf was a PAIN and I am very impressed with Wind Waker Link.
Hang on rant session. Bro's tiny little grandmas boy but flipping through the air to reach an unspeakably high up leaf is chill. He flipped through leafy child cannons a billion times to reach the Deku leaf and didn't get dizzy or give up even after falling. And that's saying nothing of how he picked up a sword for the first time and swings his way through EVERYTHING thrown at him. Gosh he's so cool I love this Link
-I HAVE MAGIC NOW!!!!! With like a little meter and stuff tidkkfdjfnkdjfkd I'm very excited that I have magic
-Reaching this high shelf with my path forward was a pain but I have to save and quit rn so if it puts me back at the start of this room I will be. Upset.
-It put me back at the start of the room.
-I ordered a game guide! I'm gonna try and play through with it- this'll be my first time using one. But I haven't updated for a few days bc I'm waiting on it :)
This whole post is a bunch of random thoughts jumping around which my adhd self appreciates- that said I really love that we can grab an enemies weapon and use it against them. Increases my respect for ww Link even more- when he had no weapon in the forsaken fortress he grabs a literal wooden stick from an enemy and kills it with. A big twig. Kid's brutal and does what it takes which is so crazy. Also using an enemies sword is great hehe shiny
. . . .
-Got game guide. Yayyyy
-The forbidden woods are scary but they remind me a lot of the forest temple in twilight princess. A lot. The mechanics are also very similar. I love Zelda games
-Maybe it's because the only time I've had free to play rn has been at night, but I find myself constantly thinking this game is creepy. It's so unsettling for a cartoon style- the boko babas freaking eat link! And chew on him like no!! Fisnfjskfkfk *shudder* aaaanyways I am NOT looking forward to redeads in this game but that's a later problem right?
-I figured out how to get the treasure chests from the sea!! And got a piece of heart :DDD
-Ok game guides are really helpful
-Apparently the 'warp pots' are a consistent thing- I guess that's just how Link teleports in dungeons in this game. The second pot is generally hidden a bit but then you can teleport to the beginning of the dungeon and back- then the third pot is near the end... I think. This is only my second dungeon in this game with the pots but it's going great! I'm learning a lot hehe
-I love the grappling hook so much. I can farm spoils/materials from monsters with it before I kill them and I love that. Also it makes me feel cool swinging it.
-Also the title screen theme and animation play around outset is very satisfying. Watched it replay three times tonight before starting the game. Time well spent.
-I appreciate the items so much. The Deku Leaf is great like I can F L Y with magic and also blow wind at enemies and make them look silly <3
-The look of Link's spoils bag has grown on me and I love it. Purple.
. . . .
-I got the boomerang!!! Oh my gosh it's so cool I love it.
-I've been trying out the switch mechanic for targeting rather than hold. It's going interestingly bc I've only ever held for targeting before. But I think I like it
-The evil flower ate Makar- the Korok I'm TRYING to save GIVE HIM BACK
-That was the prettiest boss fight ever. I couldn't even be intimidated, I don't think I've ever been more relaxed during a boss fight lol. They should make all of them purple and blue sparkly- it was legitimately beautiful.
-I finished the forbidden forest dungeon!! :DD yayyy
-Link's hopping up and down in celebration after the boss fight was so cute he's so happy!!
-Have I mentioned I'm excited about the boomerang
-Makar is so cute?!?! I love him with his little violin and- the Koroks oh my heart that was the cutest ceremony ever
. . . .
-Ok so I went around the great sea, for now avoiding the big octos I am uhh terrified interested to meet, went to a place that got 'corrupted by gannorks power' so now I'm following the pirates back to windfall island
-The pirates are stealing bombs and I think this is illegal.
-My girl Tetra's here!! :D also doing illegal stuff! And Link is just watching them rob the bomb shop lol these cutscenes are the best sometimes also I love the pirate banter
-Tetras little smile and wink when she saw Link was so cute I love her. Also the little hints that she was concerned about his island and not just treasure?? Sweet
-I stole the bombs that the pirates stole from the pirates. And getting there was a PAIN with swinging on the ropes the tiny pirate (Niko) made Link do
-TETRA is a STALKER she was watching Link through the glowy rock thingy- probably cause he was just sneaking around watching her rob a shop but still that thing scares me sometimes when her voice just comes screaming out of it
-Btw why do the pirates want the god pearl thingy anyways? Just cause it's really shiny orrr
-ok we're headed to outset! I'm so excited to get back to Link's home hehe. Also I think Tetra just dared Link to a race bc she was like 'we'll get there first we still have bombs' so yeah anyways she's spending the night here tho so I'm sure it'll be fine.
-I don't like the great sea as much when it's raining and thunderstorming all over :/ I hope it doesn't stay like this? Because that would suck
-I got sucked into a cyclone and was panicking cause it threw me across the great sea BUT then it threw me onto outset!! :D so that was uhh. Handy I guess.
-Ohhh ok so like. time is frozen from ganad's current curse, which means it's gonna stay night for right now, so tetra won't be coming in time to get the treasure from the god dude first. Nice.
-The Lion King just kindly told Link to visit his family and chill for a second and check on his island?? Sobbing yes thank you sir
-Grandma's sick oh no this is the saddest thing I've ever seen ima cry. I healed her with a fairy but she was so sad link and aryll were gone im- and then grandma blamed herself for not being there for them like no it's literally cold and rainy all the time it's frozen right now you have every right to get sick- and then she made Link soup and she'll remake it for him which is great and I LOVE LINKS GRANDMA SO MUCH it was so sad she was sick I'm glad I could heal her :))
-Link smiled and nodded so enthusiastically when Grandma told him to stay out of trouble/stay safe like Link you are a liar I just watched you steal from pirates
-I sparred with Orca and I like him. It's cool how he trains Link on his home Island with like formal training because Link definitely needs it with what he's facing
-Controlled a seagull for the first time. That was fun they can fly for such a long time like. Forever?? Idk I eventually stopped
. . . .
-Ok so I talked wait no. The king of red lions talked with this guy who's a god named Jabun (I think that's how it's spelled I'll check) and he gave us a THIRD glowy thingy. I'll give more thoughts on that conversation later I gotta look up the translation. The sea is back to being sunny :))
-I spent a bit just sailing around. I need to place the shiny pearl thingies from the gods in special places marked on the map to 'reveal the place where my courage will be tested' or whatever
-I have found several great fairies and gotten my rupees and wallets upgraded twice. I like the fairies in this game.
-it was scary.
-But my magic meter has been doubled!!! :D *slaps wind waker link* this bad boy can fit so much magic and blessings inside of him
-I've placed two of the fancy shiny orbs. Its wierd... I put them in old looking statues and they glow. That's fine I guess.
-the fishmen are my best friends. Kind of. Every square on the map I go to one is there and they'll give me lil hints and tips while they fill out my map. Nice guys.
-beedle sent me a beedle chart! :D which. Is a map of where his shop appears so handy!
-there's these maps called 'treasure charts' everywhere that mark places in the sea with rings of glowing light that I can bring up treasure from. Generally a purple rupee but a lot of times other things :)
-there's this one square with beedles shop ship that has an empty bottle and heart piece and treasure chart for sale 00 I got the empty bottle immediately ofc (now I have three!!) and saved up the money and got the rest :) it was all like. Five to nine hundred rupees each yeesh
-Link sure does rely on maps and charts a lot in this game
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
omggg I saw that you are taking requests for pjo x obx and I just had to come here with one.
Imagine reader is the daughter of Apollo (maybe Cleo’s twin) and she they have arrived there a couple of weeks ago, rafe was not too keen on her but they get paired in one of those games/missions on the camp and after that he just decides that she ‘needs’ someone to protect her? Like even though she’s Cleo’s sister she’s more quiet and not as bold as her twin? Idk how else to explain it lol
I love your writing and I believe that you’ll do an amazing job if you’re comfortable with this one 🫶🏻
TYSM FOR THIS I LOVE IT SM AHHH!! ❤️ im so glad u like my writing !!
𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝑔ℴ𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒶𝓊𝓇ℯ𝓁𝓈
ok this game was literally one of my favorites for no reason lol, it was just silly and fun ?
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You had gotten to camp sort of late, something some campers disliked. You quickly learned and caught on about the cabins and their children.
For example, the Ares children were people who you would want to be paired up with in a game like this. And the Demeter children were people you wouldn’t.
You were shocked when you heard that you’d been picked for the game.
“You know you’re getting partnered with Rafe cameron for the game tonight?” One of your friends told you at lunch, your fork dropped and you stared at her.
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
“Hey, the pairings out.” One of his siblings told him, sitting down next to him. Rafe stopped his movements, turning to his siblings.
“Who am I with?”
“You’re with that Apollo girl, y/n.”
“You serious right now? An Apollo kid for the gold laurels?” He groaned in annoyance, scanning the tables for you. “I mean, I met the girl and she’s nice, but nice isn’t exactly gonna get us a win.”
“Well, I mean, her sister’s pretty badass. She beat half the kids here, including some of us.”
“I guess.” He grumbled, sighing and continuing to eat.
Later that day, he actively looked for you, even asking around. Eventually, he found you, giggling among some of your friends when he came along.
He looked pissed off about something, his hands shoved into his pockets and he towered over your entire friend group. Everyone’s smiles disappeared, and everyone looked up at the man.
“Y/n, right?” Was the first thing he said to you, everyone looking at you and back at the man.
“Uhm… yeah.” You told him quietly. “You’re Rafe?”
He just nodded, waiting on your friends to leave. Which they did. They quickly dispersed when he glanced at them.
“We met before, right?” He asked you, scratching the bell of his neck.
“Uhm.. at that one party.”
“Right…” he had accidentally spilled a drink on your shirt, making you leave the party before he could even apologize or get a word out. “you saw that we’re partnered together for the game?”
“Yeah.” You nodded this time, not sure what else to say.
“We could train together, for a little. I’ll tell you how the game works and shit.” He suggested, and your heart raced.
“I-I mean- sure. Yeah. Okay.” You stuttered, eyebrows raising. “But I- I need to grab my sword and stuff. It’s back at my cabin.”
He nodded, and followed you there. He stood at the doorway of your cabin, leaning against it. You siblings whispered and looked at you and him.
“Where you going now?” Cleo asked you, furrowing an eyebrow as she watched you all over to Rafe.
“Uhm- I’m just going to train. For later. See you, cleo.” You gave her a small wave, looking down at the ground as you followed Rafe’s
One thing he noticed while training with you, you were good, but you weren’t exactly your sister. You were quieter, not as bold.
He disarmed you, knocking your sword to the ground, holding his to your neck. He raised it so it hit your chin.
You both stared at each other for a moment before he lowered his sword, your cheeks warming up as you stumbled back a step.
He didn’t say a word, just stared at you before snapping out of his daze.
“C’mon. We should get ready.” He told you, turning around, grabbing his sword, holding it against the back of his neck and beginning to walk.
You fumbled for your own sword, quickly grabbing it and running to catch up with Rafe, who stole glances at you every once in a while.
You all met up where it would begin, while Chiron walked you through the game. There was 6 cages, four other teams.
“The cages have 6 ten foot scorpions in them.”
Your eyes widened, looking at Rafe and back at the cages.
“Each of them have a package on their tails, your objective is to find the one with the golden laurel. If you find it, you must slay the scorpion in order to win.
“Kill it? They look huge!” You whispered to Rafe.
“There’s nothing to worry about.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Promise, these scorpions aren’t getting near us. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.” He told you, getting in a ready stance with his sword, waiting for the scorpions to be released.
You did the same, looking at him and mirroring his stance, eyes widening and heart thumping against your chest as you watched the scorpions get released.
It wasn’t long before you both got cornered by two scorpions, Rafe had an arm extended behind him, putting it protectively in front of you and motioning for you to get behind him.
They were huge, you were practically shaking in fear and Rafe could feel it when you pressed your body to his.
He glanced down, looking for anything to distract them with. He saw a pretty good sized rock. He glanced over his shoulder, whispering to you.
“Pick the rocks up and throw them towards the kids over there.” He told you, you nodded, bending over and picking up multiple rocks, throwing the rocks repeatedly into the large field.
The distraction had worked, both scorpions turned around and you both took the opportunity.
He pointed to the package to the one on your side and he went to the one on his. You both successfully untied and grabbed both packages, Rafe ripping his open to find nothing.
You ripped it opened, finding the golden laurel just as the scorpion had turned around.
You held it up, looking at Rafe who smiled at you. Not enough time to celebrate however, as the scorpion noticed you and whipped its tail around violently, its eyes set on you.
Your smile faltered, face turning into an expression with fear again. Rafe’s smile fell, quickly getting back into his fighting mode, his grip tightening on his sword as he dashed over to you.
The scorpions claws snapped, all legs moving towards you. You fumbled for your sword, grabbing it and holding it in front of you.
You swiped at its hard claws, but Rafe was quick to be in front of you again. He furrowed his eyebrows, examining the scorpion and thinking of how to kill it.
“The legs. Go for the legs.” He told you quietly, you nodded again, focusing up and the both of you ran to the sides of the scorpion, chopping off its legs all while avoiding the stinger.
The scorpion was now struggling to move, Rafe hopping on it, and stabbing it repeatedly until it fell.
He panted, looking up at the sky, shutting his eyes as they announced you both were the winners.
The corners of his mouth twisted up, and he opened his eyes, looking over to you. You were smiling right back at him.
Maybe you weren’t so bad, he thought as he hopped off the giant scorpion, making his way to you, both of you standing next to each other with smiles as medals were wrapped around your necks.
“You did good.” He told you when Chiron walked away.
You smiled at him. “You did most of it.”
“Nah, you found it. Give yourself some credit.” He told you, patting your shoulder and walking away to celebrate with his friends and siblings.
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sualne · 1 year
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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barcaluvv · 6 months
THE SECOND PART! GAVI X READER summary : Y/n being Pedris sister who actually falls for his friend, ends up teasing him🫶🏻 requested by a cutiueee
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Why did you stop? Are you foreal getting shy from me?" You ask with an anxious pout on your face. He blushes even deeper, looking away shyly "I-I'm not... I'm just warm." his heart races as he anticipates what might happen between them after the game. "Accept the fact that you love me, don't you? That I'm making you blush and foolish all over and over again" you teased, oh how u loved it. He looked away, praying to God that pedri came back. "Don't wait for him, it's just me and you now so why don't we skip this." You say, slowly running your palms throughout his wet light hair. You went straight for a kiss pouring your lips on his, making it a apocalypse. He gasps out of sensitivity and melts into the kiss, his body trembling with need "Stop Yn" he presses against you, the hardness on his face straining against your shirt as he deepens the kiss, seeking more of your touch. He kisses you back passionately, his tongue dueling with yours as he clings to you. You pull back shortly letting out "Youre not so withdrawn now? So i found your opening gate, you giggle. He groans, his voice cute with desire "I need you to take care of me, but not here." he reaches for your hand, guiding it to his chest.
"Am i the prettiest girl u have ever seen? Answer me" you ask him trying to reach his limits of patience.
He nods frantically, his eyes locked on yours "You're the most beautiful in the world... I love how you look at me, so now please Y/n stop pedri will see us i dont want you in problem!" He lets it all out on your ear feeling every emotion tremble in one pocket. He takes your hand hesitantly, his voice shaky "Please stop... " he squirms uncomfortably, trying to ignore the intense pleasure coursing through his body. You pull him by his skim shirt, whispering slowly into his ear "Okay, ive had my fun now but im not done with you boy, now you learned your lesson not to look at me with those forming eyes again". He pants heavily, looking up at you with a mixture of disappointment and relief . You just pat his stomach.
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theoceansluvr · 3 months
Hi girly I hope you're having an amazing day💙
I was wondering if you could do percy jackson x fem!basketball player reader
I love love your headcanons keep up, with the amazing work
Thank you in advance 🫧💙
Percy Jackson x fem! Basketball Player! Reader
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warnings; sports injuries but nothing serious ! author's notes; ask and you shall receive ! despite my die hard passion for baseball, i LOVE basketball so this was fun to write :3c
starting this off with the fact i don't think percy can shoot to save his life..
has amazing hand eye coordination with a sword
but a basketball ? he's hopeless.
leading me tooooo🥁🥁
you teaching how to play basketball !!
has the potential to absolutely destroy you in a game once he gets the hang of it but he likes the smile you have when you win
so he always loses on purpose
literally goes to every one of your games with a sign like this
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and you sign it every single time because he'll pout of you don't
has definitely learned all the rules just so he can boo the refs for making a bad call
because they love to do that..
if you get hurt on the court please know that he will break the "no one allowed" rule just to make sure you're okay
would literally force you to stop playing bc he's terrified of you hurting yourself more
even if it's just a knee sprain or something of that sort
has probably gotten into a fight with someone that doesn't think women can play sports
something along the lines of "You're just mad you'd miss a shot in a kiddie hoop"
rambles on and on about you making it to the wnba
you probably had to explain to him that it would make him a borderline trophy husband and he's 100% cool with that
asking as you're doing what you love he doesn't care
maybe, possibly goes to the gym with you all the time
(convinced he'd be a gym bro if he hadn't been raised properly..)
he likes helping practice so even if it's 2-3 am he's at some parka basketball court with you
buys you the blue gatorade🗣️
claims it's for good luck but it's really just the only flavor he drinks so he assumes it's universally loved
leans over the railing for a kiss during halftime and when you walk on and off court
pinterest would love y'all im afraid
if allowed he also goes to all your practices just so he can talk to you during breaks
your coach hates him for it but he loves you way to much to even think about caring
takes you out for ice cream or anything else you like when you win
if you lose, he does the same thing but gets you an extra scoop
definitely did some cheesy basketball themed poster for hoco and prom
all in all i love the concept of percy with a partner that play literally any sport because it just feels right😞
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elliewiltarwyn · 3 months
mom said it's my turn for a sentimental before-dawntrail sign-off post
once early access begins, i'm probably gonna straight-up just take tumblr off my bookmarks bar and my phone until i'm done with dawntrail msq, which might take a bit even if there aren't any massive queues or anything because i have a lot of IRL stuff going on. and because i'm not really much of a queue person, that does mean i won't be posting anything till i'm back (and i will of course tag #dawntrail spoilers when i do). but before i go radio silent im gonna be cringe on main. on my sideblog. you know what i mean. anyway:
i super incredibly appreciate every little interaction from big to small i've had with the tumblr ffxiv community through this blog. whether you just left a like or a reblog, sent in an ask, tagged me in a quiz or tag game or otherwise, or if we've actually become diehard tumblr mutuals that would kill for each other, it's all meant the world to me and i've been blown away by how much people seem to like ellie and mia and lily.
i didn't know what to expect when i started this sideblog (nearly a year ago wtf!!), but it's been by and large a ton of fun, and i've made a lot of legit actual friends that i am truly blessed to know and hang out with both ingame and out (you know who you are and i hope you know i love and support ya <3), and i know there are many more i would love to get to know in the new expansion. it's been a blast learning about and getting to know everyone's wols, and i'm excited for the possibility of more cool shit to do in the new expansion with all you cool folks.
and honestly being a part of all this has probably helped keep me sane as i try to handle all that irl shit, and i can't express enough how thankful i am for that.
i don't really know how to end this and i know i'm being unbearably sappy so i'll stop there lol. see y'all on the other side 👋
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xhanelia · 7 months
What i feel about you based on your main agent (bad edition)
I will write the requests but i am in my writerblock era so hoping this will cure it. Love u all <33
Please stop smoking our entrance when we are the attackers please i beg you.
You never speak nor listen. We all know your mic and the whole team is either muted or you are basically deaf.
I have never seen a child play him so you are old. I mean old old. Like a dad or smth
The chamber nerfs are a delusion you suck either way
Stop spending your whole 800 credit to a pistol that you will forgot for the rest of the game.
"I was in my prime before chamber nerfs guyss!!🤓🤓" Yea yea we get it.
Can you stop saying "I kNoW eXAcLY wHErE U ArE" for five seconds?
You cannot aim so you place a setup that is unbreakable to attackers and letting your traps do all the work for you. How smart. (Thats me)
Cannot do shit when the last one left. You get one or two kills with your trap and u die middle of the round.
Stop placing sensors to our back, trying to hold the backsite but enemy can slow walk and bypass you u know? Then you be raging "I PuT a SeNSoR ThErE"
Istg if i get tangled down by your c one more time im gonna ragequit.
Your ult never gets anyone yet there is the whole five of the enemy team.
Your prowler shows no one, girl. Stop throwing it at the start of the round.
Stop trying to control your c you are losing so much time and its gonna get no one.
Ult when your team is near PLEASE. Its no effective if you are by yourself and scream "FACE YOUR FEAR" bcs you are the one that will be facing it.
No one mains iso.
Stop smurfing. Its no fun.
Go back to your own league. You coward.
You are a little child screaming into mic bcs you dashed forward to enemy and died.
Stop sitting onto the keyboard and actually aim maybe you'll get a kill.
Play with the team once. (I hate you with my whole heart)
You either never use your flashes or you blind just your teammates.
Your ult doesnt makes you undying you know? Stop running towards to the enemy like its new paradise.
The most avarage player. Middle fragging the whole game.
Just gives the info, maybe gets one or two kills because of the stupid dasher enemy jett and dies.
That turret be doing no damage if its on your team but be dealing 50+ if its on the enemy team.
Dont just sit there and wait FUCKING ROTATEEEE
Omen (my main)
Stop using c and teleport mid fight. Its no chamber tp or yoru tp. It takes time to teleport and takes time to handle the gun. You are going to die.
That blind hit no one. Stop being delusional and do not push. You are going to die.
If you do not know how to put a smoke when you close the 'astra' mode, do not. Place it slowly if requires. And again, if you dont do it fast enough, you are going to die.
That flash will hit you. It doesnt matter if the phoenix is on the enemy team or on your team. Or worse, both.
You are not that bad, you just need some humanity.
I hate you if you are an egirl that instalocks sage just to be a pocket sage to your eboy that plays reyna like reyna cannot heal herself. Stop. Also stop talking. Your voice irritates me.
Her voicelines are so unnecessary. Especially the ones at the start of the round.
We all know you are on top of your wall that closes mid. Dont peak. Also, stop throwing slows to OUR entrance.
Nobody is going to do anything about your arrow that you throw at the start of the round and showed three or four people. The team will still push. Stop trying to learn freaky arrows and waste your time.
Shock dart kill? What is that?
This agent is not friendly for beginners. Stop making your friends that just started the game play sova. They will show no information for you. Even being a pocket sage is better than a new-starter sova.
Its ok if you do not have linups. But if you do, then we all know that you havent touch the grass for a looong time and you probably smell like her ult. Please shower.
She be no mommy to you. She is kind of woman that rejects chamber, what made you think that she will even let you look at her way?
"Last player standing"
Like kay/o. That flash is here only to blind you. Not the enemy.
Taking the spike and going to another site, saying you'll be back to us then will die and make it drop at the farest site possible. Either stop taking the spike or dont do this shit.
You either bottom frag or top frag. There is no in between. And you are probably 12-13 years old.
I have never seen someone mains, even plays astra.
So i have nothing to say. Im so sorry :(
Your smokes looks pretty tho. Keep it up!
You are a man that cannot stand woman. If a woman says anything bad about you, you will blind them, hit them with all of your abilities and do whatever it takes to make them unable to play the game. (Totaly not single-handed experience)
I hate your abilities. Very much.
I do not have any good experience about someone that plays this agent. Not a single one. I will dodge the game if someone picks breach no joke.
Your molly is useless. I have seen once maybe twice that it kills somebody.
You have so much potential with wingman when you are the last one standing but wingman is the last thing that comes to your mind. Use it.
Why tf that trash is pickable and usable more than once??? Why?? (You are a nice person tho. Cannot move on without saying it.)
Players that plays harbor are no joking. They are not here to learn the agent. They MAIN main him. But that doesnt makes a difference because this agent is close to useless.
Tbh he could have been my main if his abilities were a bit more versatile. Its just smoke and smoke. All about closing the sight of enemy. So fucking boring.
I bet if harbor was a girl, there will be so much people that would play him. Either way, he is boring.
Stop running and jumping around like an autistic.
You will never be able to nail those neon edits that you saw on tiktok. You look like an idiot while running towards enemy and dying first.
I hate her ult.
You are a child. A problematic one indeed.
Probably siblings with jett mains.
I bet even i could do better satcheling than you. (i have never played raze)
I have no words.
Stop instalocking her. You are no useful.
Either top frag and smurf or bottom frag because your friends said that she is strong and you should play her. (0/11 powerspike. Yasuo of valorant.)
Just like kay/o and yoru. But that flash will hit the whole 10 that plays the game.
Deserved nerfs tbh.
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thewickerking · 11 months
mutual 1: WDYM none of you have heard explosion gun ???? theyre from the 1930s, sure but they literally made the best song ever [long title or series of numbers that have no meaning]
mutual 2: hey guys can you fill out this survey for my class? its about 15 minutes and it would mean a lot!! i love you
mutual 3: ughhhhh can this guy stop flirting with me? i told him to kill himself after he said [horrifically racist sentence] and he hasnt gotten the hint
mutual 4: im liveblogging a game from 12 years ago if you dont want spoilers im tagging my posts about it as #plwm3 liveblog !!
mutual 5: [poll] should i brutally murder this oc before or after he gets divorced
mutual 6: ok I knowwww im learning 6 languages rn but it would be so fun to learn russian.....
mutual 7: what do you mean you freaks dont dip your bananas in orange juice??? This is literally so normal why are you call me the weird one
mutual 8: just finished meeting up with mutual 9 irl it was so fun im gonna miss you now that you're home again </3
mutual 9: mutual 8 locked me in a basement for 4 hours and played clown music. i wish i couldve stayed longer
mutual 11: my dad got me a milkshake breakdown cancelled everyone 🎉🎉
mutual 12: this post reminds me of *******
mutual 13: mutual ^ is talking about scorblo btw
mutual 12: HEY???? MUTUAL 13???? CAN YOU KILL YOURSELF????
mutual 14: [describes the most horrific repeated childhood trauma] but idk if im allowed to say i have mental illness cause im not diagnosed
mutual 15: guys do you think im more blue or purple coded :3
mutual 16: in response to all the transformers fandom callout calling me lesbophobic and racist: [ten paragraphs that make it clear they're clearly the only normal person in this scenario]
mutual 17: wait you guys are actually going to pumpkin patches? i thought those were made up ive never seen a pumpkin irl before...
mutual 18: guys can anybody see me. Please. No one's responding am I shadowbanned or do you all hate me [they're shadowbanned]
mutual 19: ugh this one customer keeps brutally murdering our servers at the restaurant i work at i wanna quit sooo bad but i might get promoted soon so idk
mutual 20: [reblogs a web weaving post about judas] UGH i need to fuck him sloppy style and **** ****** ***** **** *** ***
mutual 21: spam reblogs a genshin character
mutual 22: [screenshot of mutual 21s blog with filtered tags of the characters] you're lucky i care about you so much.
mutual 23: i think im losing my grip on reality. omg wait but look at this cute dog i saw walking home the other day
mutual 24: hi everyone! i just got back from a 6 month social media break :) hope everyones been doing well!
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hearts401 · 1 year
"do NOT ask me about ggy or patient 46 because i WILL begin ranting"
You see, I am incapable of ever listening to anyone, ever, so I must ask about GGY and patient 46
I have absolutely no knowledge of modern FNaF lore; I have not read any of the books (something I plan to fix whenever my bank account stops bleeding) so you're gonna have to do some heavy lifting here and tell me all about it
Ooh boy rubs my hands together
okay so im gonna start with ggy because i love Tony and Ellis. (i dont have the book in front of me tho so this isnt gonna be 100% every detail)
GGY is about a kid named Tony Becker who has an assignment in his 6th grade english class. He has to write a fictional mystery with side plots that tie into the main plot. He chooses to do this with his two friends. They use pen names whenever they do their english projects together (sobs and wails and cries into my hands) and Tony picked Tarbell, and his friends were Boots and Dr. Rabbit (or Rab for short).
Tony wants to start working on their project, but Boots and Rab want to go to the fazcade. Tony gives in when rab backs up boots (tony sees boots as immature and worries about outgrowing him and hanging out more with rab) tony wanders around the fazcade trying to find inspo, and then notices someone named GGY with top scores on some of the games. when he asks other people about it, they tell him the scores are seemingly impossible, but when he asks a staff member, he's told they haven't been hacked.
At some point he makes an online blog to ask about it and a girl he'd talked to in the fazcade asks him to meet her. she tells him that she thinks this is more than just high scores, and that he should stay out of it.
Oh also freddy keeps watching tony and at some point begins following him.
Tony finds out that GGY has a hacked party pass (or it was like a fun pass or smth) that gives them access to much more than it should, working almost like a security card.
Tony then finds out one of the school counselors has gone missing, and he sneaks into the librarian's office to learn more about it. he finds out two other counselors have also gone missing, all of them having gone to the pizzaplex before disappearing.
tony writes his paper and gives it to Rab and Boots to look over, and when they come back the next day, they've changed it into a fantasy story. And GGY is labled as the wizard's favorite apprentice, rather than someone getting high scores on arcade games.
tony is upset with rab and boots and begins calling htem by their actual names.
Rab is Greg, Boots is Ellis.
tony is also in trouble for sneaking into the librarian's office and using her laptop, so he has detention shelving books.
Greg come and offers to take him to the pizzaplex when he's done, and it's kind of implied he killed him there.
again i have bad memory and i dont have the book in front of my so anyone can feel free to correct anythign i got wrong or missed
now onto patient 46 who's from the therapy tapes in sb.
this'll be undeniably easier because i can just listen to the tapes. patient 46 is also not confirmed to be gregory, its just a theory, so im just gonna call them 46.
its important to note that 46 does not speak.
everything here is things implied to have been nonverbally communicated to the therapist.
Tape 2:
It starts with the therapist talking about how the day is nice, but 46 doesnt like the light, so the therapist draws the blinds. she then comments on how 46 is not talking to her today, and says that she gets reviews from patients, and when 46 doesn't let her help them, she gets bad reviews. she tells 46 she could get in trouble and get put in timeout, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 4:
New therapist is here, she asks if 46 is going to talk to her, and they dont reply. she asks whats wrong, and they gesture to the flowers. the therapist comments on them being particularly fragrant and moves them. The therapist then comments on 46 staring at something, and says they're "amazingly alert." she says shed like to have 46 tell her about themself, but 46 does not. the therapist instead chooses to look through their notes. she also comments on the chair not fitting 46, but its not specified if its too big or too small. she then asks if 46 is bothered by a new therapist, but 46 doesnt seem surprised or confused at all. the therapist says shes surprised by whats in 46's notes. she says they have a "rebellious side" and a knack for computers, and explains the word phenom to them. the tape ends with her asking if 46 considers themself a hacker
tape 6:
new therapise again! she tells 46 shes already read their files and knows what theyve worked on. 46 asks for a candy, and she gives one to them, taking one for herself as well. she says she wants to start with 46's parents, and claims it was tragic but she doesnt think 46 has processed it emotionally. she says they wrote it like they had read it off of a book. (her exact words are they wrote an objective rather than a subjective narrative, but 46 didnt know what that meant.) she says 46 spends a lot of time alone and is good at self-dialogue, which she explains is "asking urself questions and getting answers" she tells them to try asking themself how they feel about what happened to them. she tells them to let themself be upset about it so they can let it go.
tape 8:
same therapist as 6! she asks 46 if theyve thought about what they talked about. 46 had told them their past had made them sad and scared. the therapist asks if they had written down exactly what made them feel that way. she then says she works with many people who respond to tragedy differently. she asks 46 if their fantasies would be different had this tragedy not happened to them.
Tape 13:
new therapist again! she says when shes getting to know a client, she likes to find out abt their hobbies. when she doesnt get a reply, she asks if they like sports. 46 tells her they like to watch sports, but not play them. and that they like to stay inside. the therapist then reluctantly tells 46 that their previous therapists have gone missing. except one who was found dead, and they said her body looked to be mangled by machinery. the therapist also comments that 46 doesn't look concerned about it. she jokes about watching her back, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 14:
same therapist as 13. she asks if 46 knows about the pizzaplex, and says the technicians who work there know them. theyve seen what they think is 46 on the security cameras. they say 46 was accused of hacking their systems. the therapist says that the hacks are causing tons of problems, but that there's no solid proof it was 46, and 46 finds it funny that the techs are having issues. she says she finds it weird that 46 would spend time in such a busy, crowded place despite their loner attitude. she asks if its the electronics that 46 likes. she also says theyve designed programs that talk to them and repeat phrases. she says it asks them questions and prompts for responses, like their own little therapist. she said at first she had thought they were talking to themself, but it seems more like they were talking to someone else. she asks who it was.
Tape 15:
same therapist as 13+14. she starts with asking if 46 wants to do an ink blot test. she shows them an image, and 46 asks to hold it. 46 says it reminds them of a mask. the therapist asks if 46 likes the idea of being disguised, and how they make you invisible. she says being invisible lets you get away with anything, and asks 46 if they like that idea. she then moves on to something else, telling 46 that it seems theyve been talking to someone else. she says the techs think that its someone trying to lure 46 away, or manipulate them. the therapist moves to where she can see 46's eyes, and says she got something different from the communications. she accuses 46 of manipulating someone, rather than being manipulated. she says they were recorded on the security cameras with someone else. she says that it looks like the person theyre with has rabbit ears, which 46 finds amusing.
Tape 16:
Same therapist as 13+14+15. she says shes gotten another message from the pizzaplex that says that theres a glitch in the system that makes the animatronics more eerie than entertaining. she says the glitch spread system-wide and infected all the machines. she also says it was traced back to 46. she says the glitch broadcasted a dangerous message. she also says that when the techs were trying to fix it, the source shifted. she says that the glitch changed from a glitch and became a set of sub-routines that were made to do exactly what the glitch was doing. (which basically means it stopped just being a glitch and became part of the system?? i think?? idk shit abt computers bruh) when 46 does not reply, she presses, saying she is on their side and wont tell anyone what is told to her during the session and that the techs have no proof it was 46, so theyre not in trouble. when 46 doesnt reply still, she brings up their past. 46 refuses to look at her, but she continues. she says it doesnt matter if they look at the floor, because nothing they told her about their parents was true. she says they had great parents, and a great childhood. she asks 46 why they lied, and tells them to look at her. she then says she understands why 46 would be upset about the confrontation, and says they can come back to this another day. the last line she says is "you're shaking your head like that's not going to happen."
i have a lot of thoughts on both of these parts and i personally believe 46 is Gregory. but if i dumped all my thoughts we'd be here all day so have this long ass explanation instead
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itgirlgyu · 2 years
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authors note! —this was my first ever request!! i apologise for the inaccuracies of my gaming knowledge I've never played a game except for exclusively beginner version of solitaire or those old nokia snake mobile games.
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it's actually quite enjoyable
will talk hella smack before yall like get your hands on the controller
swears he's pro
p.r.o, he actually spells it out
I don't think he understands some rules either
he's actually good until he gets too fancy with his moves to show off
and then keeps on dying a few hundred times
and then he's quiet like yo iMMA focus
"imma set the money where the mouth is at"
still keeps losing the more he focuses
which is EXACTLY why it's worth playing with him.
man just hilarious to look at while he's getting his ass getting handed back to him
I'm not saying he's a sore loser but like maybe, like just a few dozen times, he will put in casual conversations that, he wasn't in particular flow that day so you should play with him again
rinse and repeat
if he wins, he's gonna use that against you for like half a year
1/2 worst person to play with
catch me jack hammering a rusted nail into my feet rather than playing with him
THIS MAN is like so fucking smug
but like he gets to gloat bc HES GOOD AT GAMES
and that's the problem, is that that he's way too good and I hate that
like lose sometimes for new flavor maybe?
what's even worse is that he's like actually talented at games, like crazy
just go play for the country then mf
lifeless loser
and what's worse is that he'd be like so casual about it
like oh yeah I beat your ass 200 times, I guess I got lucky, I'm just such a natural.
but like in games
I'm telling u he's shady
he gives off that one student in class whose like oh i didn't study for shit and ends up getting 98 percent.
play with him, but never against him.
2/2 worst person to play with
runs his mouth more than than the fingers on his console
tries to gaslight you into giving up items for him or not kill him
not really a honorable move but sometimes it works so I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to survive
talks smack but like the type to drag your mother into it but if you do it back he will cry
the console smasher
will blame anything and everything
his luck is the worst like man will be trying his hardest and then get jumped by someone for fun
excels in those sniper games tho
might actually get into debts to buy items so keep an eye out for it
is also a sore loser but unlike yeonjun he won't coax you into playing another game with you
more like bully the fuck out of you to get into another game with him until he beats you
you can't even escape him by pretending to lose
he's got hawk eye
like suddenly developed a conscience
this man's evolution is questionable
good luck to you
best option tbh
like I see no (apparent) red flags
but I don't think he's that into gaming a lot so you'd have to drag him into it.
I don't think he understands the rules either but unlike yeonjun he's more discreet about it because he doesn't wanna get bullied
improvise, improve, eliminate
im sure it didn't make sense but literally ends up learning about the game as he goes and he actually gets good at it
like slightly, but it's the effort that counts
"so which team am I on?"
"taehyun you died."
his teammates will actually help with shit and item
acts like he's fine in the games when he gets his ass beat while in reality he's not fine
acts like he doesn't give a fuck about winning or losing
but he does indeed give many fucks about it
will improve his gaming skills to avenge his bruised ego
if provoked enough , he will track your ip address down and doxx you.
It will be a fun time for sure
maybe not the best player but it's the effort that counts right
he's all cute and nice when yall are playing civil games like animal crossing looking at each others island and stuff
but nay nay dont fall for his sweet looking dumb smile
go into shit like among us or other brutal games
man's gonna backstab u in a second
hes so shady but like unlike soobin he isn't quite successful at it
like cheats whenever cheating is possible in anyway
but hes just such a poor executioner of it
its actually pitiful
gets you wondering should i just die for his sake
loves gaming but maybe not the best at it lmao
he's so cute so it's always such a good time with him
"I will report you if you talk about shoving someone's bead into a horse's backside again tho, animals have the right too! what if the horses don't like pegging?"
doesn't give you a headache like the rest of them except for a few bald stops you get by ripping your own hair while stopping him from blind siding you
bombastic side eye for the amount of times he tried to go behind your back tho
he's actually a good player to have on your team tho
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© to itgirlgyu. feedbacks are always appreciated!!!!
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zoeythebee · 1 year
Hiya! My name is Zoey, im a bee.
My pronouns are she/they, I'm 21, bisexual.
I'm trans as fuck and loving it. I'm autistic as fuck and loving it.
I'm an aspiring game developer. I love computers and building things from scratch, I enjoy using simple libraries instead of engines. I want to learn all I can about programming and game dev so I can make some fun games.
This blog will have updates for whatever game dev project I'm working on.
And it's also a bit of a dumpster for whatever I want. Random thoughts, and I like reblogging drawing of hot women and men. (Mostly women, im just very picky about the men I like). And whatever I think is funny or relatable.
Here is a list of facts about me
I started programming in middle school
I like mixing drinks
I love cooking, and food
I like drawing, don't do it too much any more. I'm pretty good at it.
I fucking hate school.
I want friends
I fucking love making youtube videos. I love it so much. I just don't have time to do it.
I love linux (i use arch by the way)
I learned web development, all the way up to how to interact with a database + ajax. I stopped because I fucking hate programming websites
I want to journal more
I want to make the best game ever one day
im occasionally horny on main (not too much don't worry)
I love when people comment on my stuff and send asks
And I love answering questions (any excuse to talk about my hyper fixation
I really like Madness Combat and I should talk about it more
I really like Dragon Ball Z and I should talk about it more
I have a deeply complex fantasy world that i've been thinking about for almost 9 years and if you asked my anything about it I could talk about it for maybe 5 hours. And I should talk about it more
I fucking love minecraft (especially modded)
I am very sexy
That's it. You should follow me im extremely cool. Love yourself, bye!
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journalsouppe · 6 months
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UNWOUND FUTURE RAAHHHHHHHH!!! What an AMAZING trilogy conclusion with such a perfect setup for future sequels. I cannot recommend playing Professor Layton enough.
All of the Professor Layton stickers are from @jordydrawsmerch which can be found here and here. Every other sticker is from Daiso!
All the writing is typed below!
Rating: 9.3 Played: Fa 2023 Port: HD mobile (iPad) Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
the way the PM walked T^T
Layton’s about to be beat up bc of his top hat (skull emoji)
Getting major DGS 2-3 vibes
An arc arcade? You’re speaking my language
I really love the picture book and its music
Luke always takes the opportunity to roast the Laytonmobile (skull emoji)
I love that bi Luke has his own puzzle solving sequence
Where the fuck did you take us future Luke
The battle of wits was so fun omg
I cant get over evil Layton
Omg Hershel in the background
Based p. Layton newspaper conversation
LMFAO Hershel trespassing and Luke stressed
The bee???? T^T
Ooo pretty Chinese arc
Hershel i swear
Hmmm young sir… who is big Luke?
Did all the scientists piss their pants?
I have a lot of questions
Love the design and music of the pagoda
Where tf did Hershel go (skull emoji)
Omg Luke’s a Sherlock fan
I feel like Layton was replaced with evil Layton
I swear Dimitri had a mustache??
How many secret hideouts are there T_T
The barkeep is v sketch
Chad laytonmobile
I can see how this game inspired dgs
“That’s funny” :[
Ive been side eyeing some of these designs the past 2 games but yeah bostro’s design is def racist
Working with don paolo has been fun
Where did Layton learn all this about Clive??
WHAT A PHENOMENAL GAME!!! Truly what a great “conclusion” to the main trilogy. You learn so much about Layton, Luke, flora, and many other characters like don paolo. The ending reveal of Clive was CRAZY. It really reminded me of movies like howls moving castle/the iron giant. I also just love how complex Clive is. He was driven to violence because of how the government treated him and his family, but he never truly wanted to hurt people. He was without any hope and thought mass destruction would finally bring some change to the government, but he also made sure to include Layton in his plans because he so desperately wanted someone to stop him. It’s tragic and terrorism definitely wasn’t the way to go but at least this is a fictional story and that death machine looked kinda sick Ngl. The story of Layton and Claire was also so tragic yet so healing. Layton could finally take off his hat without feeling grief, you never would’ve known he was hurting that much. I loved Claire, she seemed like such an amazing person and I’m glad Layton wasn’t swayed to try to bring her back, although he did falter when he had to say goodbye again. Although I highly enjoyed the game, I am slightly disappointed there was no actual evil Layton. How fun would a game with evil Layton be omg. The whole game constantly caught me by surprise, even by small scenes like Beasly and PUZZLETTE. I’m still a littel confused about the lab experiments with Gumbo and subject 3, I’m not quire sure why they added that plot (and have no resolution) but I liked Gumbo fine. My favorite coin animal will always be hot dog though. I cannot recommend this series enough, I am having the time of my life. I can also see how DGS was heavily inspired by these games and im so glad about it bc dgs was game changing. I can’t believe there was a 26 year wait in between UF and NWOS but im glad to be a Layton fan :’) so fucking glad!!!!
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