#i am not updated with what has happened and i am being so serious 😅 i don't follow updates & news anymore unfortunately
racingheadfirst · 1 year
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dewdropreader · 11 months
And because I’m greedy, would love an update on “Cat ch 7” 💚🤎
Of course! This has been the thing I’ve been most fixated on even though I’ve only written a few lines for it in the last few months (whoops)😅
I’ll give a little snippet from the beginning!
“Lokes, I’m going to be home a bit late.”
Loki frowns even though he knows Mobius can’t see him through the phone. “Do I need to come have a chat with some parent or superior that is monopolizing your time?”
Mobius chuckles softly. “No, nothing like that. I’m at the urgent care a bit down the road from school, but the wait was long—”
“Urgent care?” Loki’s brow pinches. He doesn’t know exactly what that is but it doesn’t sound good.
“Yeah, it’s like the emergency room but a bit more lowkey, for less serious stuff.”
“Pardon? You’re at an emergency doctor? Where is it? I’m coming.”
“Loki, relax, it’s okay. I’m already back in a room, just going to get a few stitches and I’ll be right as rain. I just didn’t want you to wait up for me or worry.”
“I am rather worried! You’re getting stitches? So you have a gash deep enough that it won’t heal right on its own? What happened?”
This totally doesn’t lead to Loki being aggressively protective over Mobius and discussions about mortality, nope not at all 🫣🫢
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saintmurd0ck · 9 months
Omg It’s me 🪐 again! Im so sorry I was at work when I wrote my original message and just realized how dramatically serious it sounded 🤦🏻‍♀️ im so embarrassed now lol. I’ve been keeping this silly ass secret for weeks and am gonna explode if I don’t tell someone. I just have a crush on someone I shouldn’t mainly bc we work together but im also 90% sure he’s got a gf already but im like sooooo into him and feel like im trying to hard to keep it cool.
Sorry again for any concern I’ve caused by being in work mode 😅
Also I don’t mind airing my anon business in public the more who have opinions the better I guess lol
did i ghost-write this? lmao 😭🫡
i'm so honoured that you trust me with your secret, i feel very privileged and cool that you trust me with advice too! work relationships are... dicey to say the least, because there are a million ways that things may not work out, but both as a hopeless romantic and a whore, i would go for it, ONLY if he is single. if he does have a gf, abort mission!!!!!!!
i completely understand the thrill of the attraction, especially when the slow burn is burning. i know what it feels like to have those butterflies, to be flustered all the time even thinking about the person, let alone when they are in the same room (or sitting opposite).
the best thing you can do, i think, is to try and find out firstly if he has a gf. if he does, you know what to do. if he's single... well, please know i am rubbing my lil rat hands together and working my magic. i would advise that you play it cool in the sense that you do some self-concept work -- affirming that you're desirable, that you are brilliant just by being you, and i find that the best relationships (hookups or otherwise) arise from this whole notion. what i mean is, you're so sure of yourself that you're not connecting your worth to another man, and that you have that air of confidence (all while crushing on him inside) which you can channel into the flirting and banter. then... what's meant to happen will!!!!
you got this babe, and i am so fucking invested so pleaseeeee keep me updated!!!
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hellomichelleli · 2 years
It’s been about a minute since I’ve typed into this page. But I’ve enjoyed reading my archived posts as much as I’ve enjoyed archiving them 😅 reading back, you really get to appreciate the growth and maturity achieved when you pursue them.
An update on life.
I’ve spent the happiest 6 months of my life with someone I am pretty certain is the love of my life. We have spent 24/7 together for the past few months, trashed out differences with complete honesty and found respect for each other, and confidence in our individual confidence in Christ. I know that he knows that I know, we will be happy for the rest of our lives — not because we are perfect or naturally perfectly suited in every way, but because we are equally intentional about always doing our best for each other. He is the first man in my life that has given me such confidence in him. Also probably the first man whose heart is truly broken to Christ and has experienced Him personally.
From our first date when he said he just felt there was something special and he outpoured his entire life story to me the way he had never done before, while I sat there chomping on my brunch intrigued. Then to the intentional calls and getting to know me, not withstanding the romantic gestures and very clear articulation of the desire to go exclusive and then to be my boyfriend. Every step of the way, he’s been the man and the leader. Even when I was full of anxiety and also dating two others.
I look back and muse at the space between the breakup with J and the rush pursuit of inner peace and growth.
There was so much I had not settled in my own heart and the last breakup was the perfect catalyst to get me serious — confronting things like why I felt anxiety when I was alone and why I always had to work at 100% and why I was so demanding with life and people. Seeing all the fractures and weaknesses in a person I once thought highly of made me reflect on my own fractures and weaknesses. A rush to fix what I became aware of myself and running after God for solace and knowledge.
As that happened, i dated. Oh the stories of 2021 😂 the guys the emotional ones and the odd ones. Wondering if I’ll ever meet someone I truly truly like. Then struggling with the feeling of being wanted and the need for affirmation of my attractiveness —- i never struggled with this except for when I get fat in a relationship. 😅
I understood for the first time my girlfriends and girls I’ve observed who needed so much validation in this area. I was 32 and single. It felt shit. But at the same time, I was getting attention. It gave me some validation but the feeling never lasted.
Then Titus happened. The intensity and seriousness of it all was interesting. Then the test of my resolve to turn away from following my heart — in guys terms, this would mean not following my wrong head. 😂 he remains a friend though the fallout with L will be permanent as with deciding that being an acquaintance with E. It is not worth the disdain over her lies and deception to L, considering what T showed me.
Then wondering if Chris was the right choice. The safe choice. We got along. Had chemistry. He was considerate — my greatest prerequisite. Loved knowledge, a walking encyclopaedia. We had tons of mutual friends. Cute. Sent me gym pictures haha! Actually all of them did. His parents were traditional Christians and as successful as mine, financially very secure. He had a peaceful and happy friend demeanour. But there was doubt to how moved his heart was for God. His relationship with God was not personal the way it had become for me post breakup with all the crazy miracles — like J’s auntie getting in touch directly a year after, coming to my home, and literally telling me she was glad we broke up and happy I have a chance to be with someone from a less problematic environment. That’s just. Crazy amazing.And among a few more equally unexpected but life changing happenings. to this day. I am still fully… shook. (?) mind blown? Blown away.
Everything happens for a reason we don’t see until it arrives. I fully trust now.
When I told Chris Ash asked to go exclusive, he said he was just about to ask me to be his gf and do a long distance thing when he left for Beijing.I knew, I didn’t want to do LDR. When we agreed to stay friends, his personal stories began flowing more freely. It was then that I was sure I had made the right decision. Stories about his exes and his emotional distancing — my assessment? likely because he’s been deeply hurt before and that is a defence mechanism. I understood it because I have had those impulses that I had to quell too.
When Ash walked into my life, he was not my type at all. He was super tall (I didn’t really care if a guy was tall or not) and super skinny. I liked guys with muscles and a little chonky. I had full on anxiety as we began to talk pretty intentionally and my PTSD from my last breakup really flared. But every time, he said the right thing. He showed up was always there. He calmed me. When we talked about it later on he said he prayed whenever he got a ptsd anxiety vibe message from me before he tackled it head on.
He has no ex issues. A huge thing for me. We shared the same emotions for our exes — completely aware of the parts that did not work and why we are thankful things broke… though him more than I. Which is perfect.
He is the first guy I’ve ever met whose ego and pride is absent, yet is utterly self confident and walks with open hands and a heart ready to consider others. I had thought my last bf was patient and kind, and was shocked and disappointed to see how unreliable that patience and kindness was under pressure. How it was often for an outcome rather than a true nature.
I had clearly seen nothing yet.
He has given me the freedom to be who I am, loved me for all the very bits I know I bring to the table. He is an amazing communicator who has been through his own personal journey… a journey that just fits the mold I have always said I needed. I, have helped him in many ways, enhancing his awareness of things he’s never considered given my highly contemplative nature. We’ve such deep communication chemistry that I feel utterly fulfilled doing life with him and praying through issues.
And I’ve never seen him upset ever. With anyone. Unruffled and sturdy. Patient and truly consistently kind, to everyone, even the ones who do not deserve it (to my exasperation sometimes but inside my heart, I love it that he’s so lovely)
We both know we were put together to accomplish something special for the kingdom. We just don’t know what it is yet. I found someone I can pray with. Someone who is constantly working on himself without me having to be some level of a drill master. So so different from every single guy I’ve dated. This guy truly takes responsibility for his life and his own personal growth. It makes me a willing partner… willing to be there for him and encourage him to keep this up through life.
We are so alike yet so completely different. I found my best friend. Someone I come home to and run straight into his arms and he is there, arms wide open to greet me. I love him a lot. Every part of him, even the derpderps… no especially the derp derps 😅
Lots of hills to scale together, we’ve talked about them and prayed about them together too. But a constant reminder especially to type A accomplishment driven type personality —- Michelle. Slow down and enjoy the present.
As for other parts of life — Mum and I are at a place Ive never experienced in my life. Ash watched the growth and actually I think he has helped. Mum likes ash a lot. My whole family does. Actually everyone around him does la. Haha
Work has been good. My annual income has made headway year after year as I invest and diversify my businesses. I might clear, I hope I could clear my mortgage is 3 years. I am hoping. I do want a bigger apartment at some point. Ash and I were talking about a terrace near his parents in Bukit timah. Well, even with my earning power and his, we would need to be wise. I don’t want to have a great mortgage looming above me and high repayments. This home I’m currently in I had bought stretching my abilities in 2018 — before my earnings caught up (thank God it did) . I had experienced half a year of feeling that hey….This is more than 20% of my pay — a sinking feeling I do not like. I want to be able to maintain my lifestyle consistently and the mortgage. Actually I want to live debt free and be really truly comfortable.
So because of this… Everything needs to be done carefully, incrementally, with great thought and prayer.
God. You’re so cool. I’m thankful. I don’t expect to be rich. But I ask to be accomplished, successful in everything I undertake, and to work on the things I enjoy and love. I will pursue wisdom all the days of my life.
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Chapter 163 Spoilers
Everyone, the spoilers for chapter 163 of Blue Lock are out and I AM LIVING FOR THEM!😆😆😆❤️❤️❤️
As last week, we didn’t get a new chapter, I didn’t update my predictions either, but I remember what I wished to see before this chapter came out and I’m stoked so much of what I wanted is finally happening!!!❤️❤️❤️
That being said, the spoilers can be found here: https://mobile.twitter.com/RayugaX101
Moving on to my reaction to them…
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According to Google Translate, I got “Kaiser Impact” in the larger text and what I believe to be a line from Isagi: “I realized the true meaning, and the scenery of the battlefield changed completely!!”
Then, I guess Isagi is thinking about the German team’s phylosophy, rational strength and just how far that has got all of them and probably of how Kaiser embodies all of the best attributes that Isagi himself, strives for.
As for Bachira, I don’t know what he’s saying, maybe crush Kaiser or how good that’s gonna feel… either way, I wanna see Isagi step on to that field RIGHT NOW!!!
Until then though, the 2 legends themselves, have decided to grace the field: NOA & LAVINHO.
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Now, as far as their following conversation goes, I don’t really get what they’re talking about especially in the first page where they interact, but I’m guessing Lavinho is trying to taunt Noa, goad him into an argument, maybe and… the man just isn’t having it. 😅
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I mean, honestly, just look at that face, it’s hilarious just how much he doesn’t have a single care about what Lavinho said to him. And Raichi’s having way too much fun with whatever’s happening, but he won’t be smilling by the time we reach of the of this chapter, that’s for sure!😂😂
Regarding Noa’s line though, Google Translate gave me this:
“It’s a team of children who don’t have proper adults.”
I don’t know what I’m supossed to say to that…😅😅
Lavinho sure does though; the second part of his dialogue reads “I’ll kill you”; guess he took that “proper adults” commentary to heart.
Next, we have the convo between Kunigami & Noa:
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Thankfully, we have translations for this part from fellow Blue Lock fan @hoshi801_ on twitter:
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Now, on one hand, I get it: Kunigami couldn’t score, he refuses to link up with Kaiser and he doesn’t have another back-up plan, so he’s getting benched.
As a reader though, I wanted to see more of him, maybe have him play a bigger role and get into his Wild Card flashbacks, before moving on to other players; who’s with me on this?
Still, I like how Noa doesn’t belittle Kunigami, though I may be feeling disappointed by the latter’s reaction, since getting benched is all on him.
Things are getting fired up, cuz guess who’s getting subbed in now?
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We’re getting closer to DETHRONING Kaiser!
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Once more, I am grateful to the above mentioned Twitter user for translating this part too:
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As for Yukimyia, I understand his reaction, because he’s frustrated he hasn’t accomplished as much as he’d wanted at Blue Lock: he wasn’t ranked 1st, he wasn’t the centre-forward in Blue Lock 11, he didn’t score in the match against the U-20 and finally, he didn’t make it into the German team either; still, he was ranked 13th, so he had a decent shot to be picked, but he wasn’t chosen this time either.
I like seeing him this frustrated, though; it’s a precious glimpse into an ambitious ego.
*On a little side note though, when Noel Noa said he chose Isagi cuz of “Fanservice”…😂😂😂😂😂
What is this, are we headed towards the beach episode??!!??
Or did the voices of Noel Noa and Muneyuki Kaneshiro, the author, get mixed up??!??
Getting serious again, when Kaiser called Isagi “Blue Lock’s Hero”… man he certainly raised the stakes: Isagi’d do well to score here or he can kiss everything goodbye, from making it on the new U-20 team, to becoming the best striker in the world.
Makes me wonder if fanservice really was the only motivation behind Noa’s decision to bring Isagi into the game; I get a feeling there’s more behind it.🤔
How does everyone else feel?
Still, at least if this is the kind of fanservice we’re getting,
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I’m not complaining!😂
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