#i am oddly proud of this
skylarkking · 5 months
Omg it took forever but I added color and tried the tfa shading and
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mstormcloud · 11 months
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A ton of Silver centric doodles and drawings from when I was trying to teach myself how to draw them lmaoo
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luescris · 2 years
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I literally whipped these up SO fucking fast this takeover is insane ajsbsbs
Also I am so glad everyone else is getting the same vibe from Sonic as I am he just sounds so done I can't even BDBBDBDBSB
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roboneco · 2 months
Who sent the email to Sam?
It was "from Jon" as Sam said, or at the very least it seemed like that. It is only a name. Could be "him". Could be fake. But why the name Jon, specifically?
First, all we know about the email is that it was sent with a name, an address, and from an internal email. The name and address being of Gerry specifically, and not of Gertrude because she's not who Sam asked for. That's it.
Here's where I got confused. Why exactly did Sam ask Gerry about the magnus institute?? From this alone, this shouldn't occur to him. Maybe he researched the name and ,as he claimed then, found a list of the kids who were there.
But...well... while Sam is competent & of course he was always obsessed with the institute after what happened to him....if he had a way to find the list himself, do you think he would have waited until someone sent him an email to go look for answers??
Of course not! He'd have already checked every single name on the list! Or at least looked for better leads than just begging people to trauma dump on him. I think someone else gave him the list. Or really the idea to ask about the list.
(I for some reason can't upload pictures so I'll settle for copy pasting the parts I want).
SAM: Right. Of course. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Magnus Institute?
SAM: I was on one of their gifted kids programs and – um – I got hold of a list of a few of the other kids, and thought it might be nice if we could get in contact, swap stories and that…
GERTRUDE: I see. Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t think Gerry can help you –
GERRY: (casually) Yeah, I barely remember any of it.
SAM: Oh, so you were a candidate?
To me it sounds like Sam was winging it. He hesitated before mentioning the list as if he wasn't sure it existed. he then seems almost surprised when Gerry confirms he was in the institute.
My guess is he never saw the list! My guess is whoever sent Sam the email had heard about his connection to the institute, and sent him a lead vague enough not to cause suspicion to who may have sent it & THEN personally planted in his head the idea that the lead & institute were connected.
Now, who do we know that: knows of the name Jon, interested in the magnus institute, and Sam trusts enough to listen to their advice about something he already wanted to do?
Bingo. It is Celia. Celia is the one who sent the Jon email & I have more proof.
1- this exchange right after leaving Gerry's house:
SAM: …Thanks for coming with me, Celia. I know we’ve only been working together a few weeks.
CELIA: Hey, it was my idea, remember?
hm? Your idea you say. good to know, bestie!
2- it makes sense for her to use any name really. I don't think it matters. But we should remember that when she listened to her first case (by Chester) right after that Sam got his email. Literally in the same episode.
3- she was in a podcast with Georgie in this world (as far as Sam & google know at least) so it makes sense for her to be able to search & find the list!!
4- this is weak but well.... She works in the OIAR... She has an internal email and could make another one (or hack her way through or something).
I am sure there are other things that I just can't remember right now but anyway that leaves some questions
Why did she take the painting?
Why Gerry? I understand how she could find the list but why choose him? I doubt either Melanie or Georgie mentioned him before. Was it random? Plot reasons? Or maybe her target wasn't Gerry, but Gertrude.
She could know about Gertrude. She was the last archivist after all. But she wants a reason to go without someone suspecting her personally. So after some research (stalking) figures out she has a roommate. And hey would you look at that. The guy's name is in the list of kids experimented on by the magnus institute. And oh? Who is also on the list? Her new coworker. Now isn't that a funny coincidence! It would be a shame if someone were to.... Maybe.... Use this opportunity for totally, definitely ethical reasons.....such as sending Sam a little email & connecting him with an old friend!
I think of this because Celia is the one who asked Gerry if he lives alone. She directed the conversation to ask about Gigi.
Anyways I had maaaannny more thoughts about this. Alas, I am tired & going to bed.
Have I mentioned that Celia lives I'm my head rent free. Sorry, wanted to say it, in case it wasn't obvious.
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thegothicviking · 1 month
Context: years ago I "made this" scenario/mini fic (?) all from scratch! (yes I did type all the color and font changes every time and I didn't copy or paste anything although I should have as this took me a solid 3-5 hours to make!😑)
Glad I screenshotted it or I probably would have never found it again! Anygays..here is:
4 of the Rammstein boys if they were in early 00's chat rooms!
Enjoy this shit show ❤:
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pencilofawesomeness · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
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loneguitars · 6 months
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prized possession
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clownsumz · 10 months
I uh
Made a murder drone/werewolf OC I guess? I just really like both so I combined them
I hope the people who see this think it's ok :P
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Please don't steal
I named him Rags and he's kind of just there
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yourebeingsilly · 9 months
for scientific purposes exclusively i would love to eavesdrop on aziraphale and crowley discussing stephen sondheim’s “assassins” over dinner after premiere
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jessahmewren · 11 months
I miss Cee and Ezra. May have to write something for them :,).
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aashiqvi · 1 year
guys ive actually been so out of the loop with kpop for 2 years, and rn watching ateez’ mv and performances for bouncy made me MISSSSS the adrenaline n hype for seeing concepts, outfits, new styles, dif choreos I JUST LOVE IT !
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cryptid-moose · 2 years
I wanted to do this thing where I would make little acnh things for the Hexsquad but I ended up only doing Luz lol, probably will make the rest someday tho.
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pontsalin · 2 years
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I should finish this one day
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the-real-countess · 2 years
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Construction officially done.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years
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So... yeah. That happened, apparently.
500,000 words of random scenes, outlines, and titles for a fic no one is writing AKA that Bones AU for Buddie that won't leave me alone.
I... will sit on that for a while, then probably come to accept that this non-fic is my life now and will keep consuming me lol.
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saintedbythestorm · 1 year
Well at least I managed to do a proper brushing of my teeth today and tortured myself with some dental floss while I was at it too.
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