#i am so excited to try i gotta study hehe
sheerioswifties · 2 years
It's me, hi! you have been selected by the ftp anon for a fun ride! After seeing that almost all of you were able to comprehend what IMH stands for, I have decided to select around 50 swiftie blogs to take part in this weird, midnights album themed game(?). I'll share the other details soon, please reply to this ask if you're up for it and also let me know if you are aware of season 1 of The Hunger Games (ftpanon version) which took place from May 2022 - July 2022?
If you're reading this and haven't received an ask, let me know and I WILL add you...
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agnerd-bot · 2 months
Message From: Professor Laurel
Open it?
Yes!< Nah…
Hi there, kiddo! It's me, Professor Laurel! How're ya doin'? You gotta be way bigger than when I saw ya last! I dunno if you remember me after all this time, but I was so excited to hear you were moving here, I just had to whip this little recording up. So let me be the first to say… Welcome to the Demanti Region!
I know that Demanti's a bit… Well, a lot different than the Alola region where you're coming from, but I'd like to think that we've got some of our own charms up north!
Naturally, Demanti's super cold, and covered with ice and snow. We've got vast tundras and gigantic mountains, expansive grasslands and near-endless forests, and we've even got some desert lands here! Demanti's a gigantic place, and I just know you'll find somewhere you'll enjoy walking around. I know I've gotten lost my fair share of times, hehe…
And of course, in all these biomes are all sorts of Pokémon! Across the earth, sea, and sky, these amazing creatures inhabit our world, waiting to be encountered. Some people like to bond with their Pokémon by playing. Others work together with Pokémon to help society go on. And of course, Pokémon trainers strive to the top by battling each other.
And of course, there's me! The Pokémon Professor of Demanti. My specialty is in studying item usage both in battles and in nature! Pokémon are so much smarter than we give them credit for, and they always have new ways of surprising us! In one of my research papers, I actually-
Oh, whoops! I've been babbling again, haven't I? Thanks for keeping me on topic, buddy! Hehe! I just know you're excited to start off your Pokémon journey, so I'll keep this as brief as I can. I know your mom filled out most of your paperwork for you, but there is some stuff that I need you to fix up for me. Just the usual stuff, photo, preferred name, height and weight, all that good stuff.
But enough of that boring stuff! Your journey is going to begin tomorrow morning, and I can't wait to see you!
I've been working with a Fakemon region for a while in my head, and while I don't have a real fleshed-out thing to present to y'all in terms of a full doc or the like, I figured it'd be nice to try to get more of my writing out there aside from Fanservants and stuff.
The Demanti Region is geographically based off of Russia, and culturally is mainly based off of Slavic mythology as a whole, with the three starters being based off of myths such as the Bolotnik, Rusalka, and Lady Midday, the legendaries being based off of Chernobog and Belobog, and much of the evil teams' schemes being centered around trying to take the power of Demanti's legends and use them to reshape the very world in their own image.
If folks are interested in this, I'd be happy to share some more ideas I have/am writing. So far I've only got a handful of stuff written down like the aforementioned Professor Laurel, the two main rivals(one of which is written by @300iqprower), the main protagonist, and the Elite Four. I also got the Regional Fossils, two Eeveelutions, and the final evolutions of the Starters.
It's been a while since I tried working on this story(before I even joined Tumblr) but I hope y'all like this little snippet.
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ageofhearingloss · 1 year
Who Are You Now ⎮Danny Wagner x Reader
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A/N: hey guys, i am sososooo excited to give y’all my very first fic that i’ve ever written :’) this is an ode to danny lane, but also a little morsel for jake lane as well (i wouldn’t be a janny girl if i didn’t do that now would i). i’m thinking that this will be four, maaaaybe five parts so please let me know what y’all think (but please be kind cause i am fragile as fuck) and if you’d be interested in reading the rest! (this story exists in a timeline where the boys aren't in the band aaaaand it will have 18+ content so minors DNI! go away please and thank you!)
also quick shoutout to real life bestie @joopsworld for being my editor-in-chief and urging me to start writing again in the first place! she also made this collage (all pics sourced from pinterest and insta) and it is just perfect. 
okay guys! hehe! thank you for giving me the courage to do this!
(here is part two!)
pairing: danny wagner x female reader, jake kiszka x female oc
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption and that’s pretty much it, this one is fluff! but just y'all wait, that’ll change ;)))) This series will contain 18+ content so minors, DNI! shoo shoo!
word count: ~7k heh sorry
summary: you and your best friend have just moved to a new city and spontaneously meet a group of handsome young strangers during a night out. you hit it off with one of them in particular, but are left wondering if you are just friends or if there’s something more on the horizon.
“Girl, you gotta hurry up,” you yelled as you pounded on the heavy plastic door of the porta-potty, “They flickered the lights, I think we’ve got, like, five minutes.” “I’m trying, don’t rush me!” Natalie replied, anxiety laced in her voice as you listened to her fumbling around. 
The two of you had been waiting for this concert for months, and it couldn’t have been a more perfect evening for it. It was a seasonably warm, autumn night in Nashville, the outdoor venue placed along the river, allowing the sounds of the water, the chirp of the crickets, and birds of the night to waft over the fellow concert-goers. The sun had just made its descent below the horizon, leaving the sky a beautiful purplish-pink hue while allowing the stars to begin their nightly dance. 
Removing your hand from the door, you glanced around to admire these things that have become commonplace in your new home. You and your best friend, Natalie, were still adjusting to your new residence. The two of you had gone to college together to study music, but when you found your careers coming to a standstill in your hometown, the move to Nashville seemed like the obvious decision to make. Being in a city surrounded by the constant swelling of music and supported by fellow artists inspired the two of you to no end; it was something that you’ve never experienced before, and you knew it was something you weren’t going to be letting go of any time soon.
You were completely dumbfounded by the fact that it was October and you weren’t on the look-out for the first blizzard of the winter. The thought of not having cleats on the bottom of your boots and a 20lb bag of salt in the back of your car was absolutely unheard of. Yes, you were a long way from your hometown in the snowy midwest, but you had never felt more at home. You allowed your eyes to close, listening to the evening sounds around you.
I can’t believe we actually made it here. 
Startled out of your daydreaming, Natalie yanked the door open, strolling past you while fanning her hands in the air to dry them. “Pushy,” she murmured, wearing an amused smile while she glanced at you from over her shoulder. Her eyes, the color of the river dancing next to you, were sparkling with excitement, her milk chocolate hair shining golden in the last remaining bits of sunlight. You sent a beaming smile back to her, bounding after her as she guided you back to your seats. 
The seats you had selected were right in the middle of the venue, not too close to the stage, but not in the nosebleeds, either. Content with the view, you relaxed into your seat, Natalie handing you the beer that you two somehow found the time to buy. You took the time to look around once again; taking in the details of the stage, doing your fair share of people watching, until you found the eyes of a man who seemed to have already been staring at you.
He was sitting at the other end of the section, only a couple rows ahead of you. Even from this far away, you could tell that his eyes were the color of deep caramel, almost burnt. You held his gaze for a few seconds, convinced that it wasn't you he was actually looking at, so you glanced around at the people sitting nearby. When you realized no one was looking in his direction, you moved your eyes back to him and found that he was still watching you, this time giving you a small smile accompanied with a slight nod as if to say, “Yes, you.”
You felt a poke on your knee. “You totally said something to me, didn’t you?” you mumbled, still looking at the stranger. Natalie laughed out, “Yeah, I said that I can’t believe we actually made it– what are you looking at?” You looked back at her, then glanced down at the man who was now preoccupied with speaking to his friends around him. She got the hint, nonchalantly looking towards where you had directed her. “Oh, he’s pretty,” she whispered, a shit-eating grin creeping upon her face. You nodded eagerly as you stared at her, the two of you bursting into a fit of laughter a moment later.  
She was right, he was pretty. Maybe even the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. You took a second to gather in his features; you could tell he was tall even from sitting down; he had a muscular build, with deep brown, ringlet curls that swept over his shoulders and down his back. When you had met his eyes moments before, they were warm, kind, inviting. His smile was effortless, and even though he was extremely handsome, there was no hint of arrogance that came off him. 
Who is this guy?
You rolled your eyes at yourself, he’s just some random man. But you were eager to catch one more glimpse of him and as you looked in his direction, the lights dimmed all too quickly, signifying the show was about to start, and he’s lost to darkness.
The concert had been everything you hoped it’d be, and more. You and your friend had been speechless the second the show ended, and then flooded with excited comments all at once. She was your favorite person to see shows with; you both had a mutual love and admiration for live music, whether it be in an arena that seated thousands, or in someone’s backyard. Which was one of the driving factors as to why you moved to this music-filled city in the first place.
“By the way, I counted that guy looking at you six times tonight,” Natalie offered as she climbed the steps leaving your seats. “No, don’t tell me that!” You laughed back, heat flushing your face while you tried to hide the smile that threatened to break upon your mouth. “I’m being so for real, what if he’s at Mickey’s later?” She joked as she raised her eyebrows up and down before linking her arm in yours. 
“I gotta pee, and then we can head to the bar.” 
“Hey, I had three beers! It’s not my fault you have a bladder of steel.” 
Waiting for her once more outside the porta-potty, you pulled out your phone and called an Uber to your favorite dive bar. The bar was nothing fancy; you and Natalie had made it a promise long ago to get skilled at playing pool, and this bar just so happened to be the perfect place for that. Slipping your phone back into your pocket, you watched the groups of people pass you by on their way out. 
You heard the door open just as you spotted him in the crowd, not surprised when you realized he was already glancing your way.
“How far away is the Uber?”
He gave you the same smile as before, and offered you a wave goodbye.
You didn’t hear her as you lifted your arm to give him a small wave back, to which he nodded in reply. You watched as he and his group made their way towards the exit of the park and into the night.
“Wait, did he come over here while I was in the bathroom?”
“Nonono, he just waved goodbye from over there,” You absently gestured towards his direction, eyes still strained on where he had just been.
“Yeah,” she snorted out a laugh. “I saw!”
You gave her a sarcastic smile, linking your arms together once more and before dragging her towards the exit. “C’mon, the car is only two minutes away.”
Thanking the driver as you stepped out of the car and into the bustling streets of Nashville, the city was alive with more people and music than you were used to growing up. You and Natalie had found this bar one night in search of reprieve from the crowds, bouncers, and pricey cover charges, stumbling inside to find a hidden treasure trove, Mickey’s Tavern. The two of you had been regulars ever since. 
Walking through the threshold, one of the rotating bartenders recognized the two of you and got started on Natalie’s whiskey ginger and your gin and tonic without you having to say a word. 
“Ooooh the table is open, you wanna go grab it?” Pointing your thumb over your shoulder as you asked Natalie. She was already on it, leaving you to meander over to the bar to wait for your drinks. Thanking the bartender and leaving your tab open, you wandered over to the pool table, where Natalie already had two cue sticks, chalked and ready to go. 
“Are you sure those are the rules? I feel like that’s not right,” she brought her drink to her mouth, brows bunching together as she surveyed the pool table. 
You shot her a pure feline grin, “Yeah, Nat, I’m 100% positive. Didn’t you say you wanted me to teach you?” You did have a little more experience when it came to the game than she did, but you didn’t let on that you were feeding her bullshit rules in order to mess with her. 
“Well, yeah, but that rule contradicts everything you just said five minutes ago,” she muttered as you bent over the table, lining up your shot.
“That’s because she’s messing with you.”
Oh shit.
You paused at the unfamiliar voice coming from behind you.
You caught a quick glimpse at Nat as you straightened to stand up, and watched as her eyes widened with a smile already plastered to her face. Your breath caught as you turned on your heels and of course, standing right in front of you, was the handsome mystery man you’d been ogling over not even an hour ago.  
“Sorry to interrupt your game,” his eyes darted behind you to the table, “but were you two just at that show over on the river?” His voice was sweet, melodic, and matched the same warm, inviting demeanor that he presented to you at the concert.
This can’t be real.
Sensing that you had gone stiff with shock, Nat made her way to your side of the table while nodding and saying, “Yeah! You were sitting just a couple rows ahead of us, right?”
He smiled that effortless smile you’ve seen from him a few times now, and even though he was addressing your friend, he could not peel his eyes away from your stare. You began to notice the outfit he was wearing– it’s simple, but damn, was it effective. A loose, white button-down hung off his back, unbuttoned slightly to reveal the top of his chest and the obsidian pendant around his neck. He wore pristine black jeans that juxtaposed the white sneakers that looked like they’ve been to hell and back. Every article of clothing clung to his body as if they were handcrafted especially for him.
You were pulled back to reality as a hand clapped over the man's shoulder, presenting a shorter and equally handsome man with long, golden-brown hair. He presented a dashing, but secretive, smile, his eyes full of wisdom and swirling with cream and sugar. His tanned, smooth skin was on display underneath a black buttoned shirt, laying open nearly to his navel, with an ancient silver medallion dangling in the center of his chest. 
“And who do we have here?” His voice was husky, alluring, somehow matching the same glint in his eye.
Looking past him, you noticed two other men standing behind them, their attention pulled to the interaction you and Nat were having with the men in front of you. You quickly realized this is the group he was at the concert with. His friends.
The taller man turned slightly to face his companion who still had his hand on his shoulder, and smiled, “I haven’t gotten to that part yet.”
They all directed their attention back to you and your friend, Natalie effortlessly easing the tension with her warm personality, “I’m Natalie, and this is-” she placed a gentle hand on your back. “I’m Y/n,” you interrupted, not realizing that you had still been holding your breath. You hadn’t left those caramel eyes this whole time. Nat gave you a slight pat on your back for reassurance and finally, you felt a genuine smile grace your face, your eyes lighting up a bit and the anxiety finally vanishing from your body. Thank god for Natalie. “And you are…?” you offered to the men in front of you with a quirked eyebrow. 
“Oh right, I’m Daniel,” said your mystery concert man. “And these are my brothers, Jake,” he threw his arm around the shoulders of the long-haired man by his side, “Josh,” he gestured to the man who looked like Jake’s other half, who donned a head of wild, brown curls and gave you the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. Sunshine incarnate, you thought as Josh joined Jake's side. “And Sam,” he said as a lanky man, equally as tall as Daniel, bounded over to stand on the other side of the man doing the introductions. He looked like Josh and Jake combined; long, flowing hair just like Jake’s, but with an equally saccharine smile as Josh. He had a playful charm to him that put you further at ease. You looked between the four beautiful men, noting how Daniel was the only one who didn't look identical to the others. Sam, following your eyes, somehow knew exactly what you were thinking. He grasped Daniel’s arm and started shaking him slightly. “I know,” he grinned at you. “He’s the only one who didn’t get the Kiszka good looks.” He winked as Daniel shook his head, accompanied by a huffy laugh. The men before you presented an alluring, unified front, and you could tell that love flowed freely between the four of them and their bond with each other ran deep. You and Natalie were both grinning ear to ear as you finished exchanging greetings, the two of you shot a sideward glance at each other as if to say “Can you believe they’re all this gorgeous?” 
After shaking hands with the men, Josh proclaimed “We’re waiting for one more of our friends to join us, can we get you ladies a drink in the meantime?” 
“I think we’re all good for now,” you signaled to the drink in your hand, “but thanks, Josh!” You smiled sweetly to him, and he gave you a quick wink in confirmation before beckoning Sam to follow him to the bar. Left with Daniel and Jake in front of you, Jake lifted his chin in gesture to Nat’s drink, “what are you drinking?”
“Whiskey ginger,” she answered, blue eyes assessing him, bringing the glass to her lips.
“Aaah, a woman of taste,” He nodded contemplatively, earning him a smirk in return.
Oh, these two are gonna have some fun together.
You looked back to Daniel and could tell by how he was looking between Jake and Natalie that he agreed. 
Daniel’s attention then landed on the pool table behind you, “Would you mind if we joined you for a real game of pool? Jake here knows the rules pretty well,” throwing a smirk your way. “Not at all,” Nat said as she brought her cue stick up to gently swat your back, “I’ve gotta learn the real rules at some point.”
You laughed, “Hey, you gotta admit I had you going for a while!” Her eyes crinkled up in that smile you adored, throwing her head back as a laugh escaped her. 
Jake cut in, “I’m gonna be on Natalie’s team.” Daniel’s eyebrows lifted in question, Jake answering his friend, “What?” He began to walk around to the other side of the table, “Someone’s gotta show her some winning moves.” She made her way over to Jake, eyeing him up and down competitively, before playfully shoving his shoulder. The two of them shared a laugh, eyes burning into each other's with lustful amusement. 
“Looks like you’re with me,” you offered to Daniel, beaming, as he came to stand at your side. “Just don’t try to pull a fast one on me, too, y/n.” He grinned, his eyes sparkling.
Slowly, he bent to say softly in your ear, “I’ll bet you $5 they’ll go home together tonight.” You knew Nat like the back of your hand and you know how much she loves her own bed, but accepting the challenge, you offered your hand out to him. “Deal.”
He grasped it firmly, shaking it as his eyes seared into yours. 
Those damned hands.
Watching him grip his cue stick, placing a hand on the side of the table, brushing the hair out of his face, it all made you nearly jump out of your skin. You were aware of every movement Daniel made, cursed to not look away in fear you might miss the tiniest detail. Noting how nimble his fingers were, how gracefully they skimmed the felt of the table, it told you just how skilled he must be with them- 
Focus on something else, y/n. 
It took pure willpower to pull you out of your flustered state, forcing yourself to look at the game table displayed in front of you. As Jake lined up a shot, you noticed how the game had progressed nicely; turned out you and Daniel made a great team, working strategically against your opponents, and Jake just so happened to be an excellent teacher, Natalie quickly grasping the rules and giving your team a run for your money. 
You listened intently to Jake and Natalie’s conversation– they were equally matched in wit and humor, and they seemed to hit it off exceptionally well. You even caught that Jake had called her “Nat” a couple of times. Funny, usually she doesn’t let that slide with strangers, you pondered, she must be in real deep. 
As your eyes bounced between the two of them, Daniel made his way to your side once again, his attention still on his brother's turn, but said to you,
“You don’t have to call me Daniel, I like Danny and Dan, too.”
You smiled as your brows knitted together in confusion, wondering how his comment was along the same train of thought you were just having. 
“Then why did you introduce yourself as Daniel?”
“Sam gets on my case about using my full name; he almost exclusively calls me Daniel.” He shrugged, “I guess I’ve gotten used to it.”
You peeled your gaze from the table to look at him, “I’m assuming his full name is Samuel, so why does he go by Sam?”
A Chesire grin crept upon his lips, “So you can imagine my frustration.”
Huffing out a laugh, you turned back to the table with a slight nod of your head.
“Dan it is, then.”
“BROTHERS!” Almost as if he were summoned, you heard Sam's voice boom over the atmosphere of the bar. You watched as he and Josh wove their way back to the table, Josh holding two drinks high above his head so they didn’t spill as he bumped into the people around him; it was impossible not to notice how much taller Sam was than his curly-headed counterpart, especially in this moment. Taking in the sight before him, Dan dropped his chin to his chest, chuckling, “Say the devil's name three times and he’ll appear.” He said it loud enough for Jake and Natalie to hear, the latter covering her mouth to mask her giggles.
“We come bearing refreshments!” Josh rejoiced as the two boys approached the pool table, and you took inventory of the drinks they handed to their brothers:
A glass of whiskey, neat, for Jake, and a Topo Chico seltzer for Dan. Sam was gripping a Corona bottle that had not one, not two, but three lime wedges floating in it, and Josh had already chugged the majority of his margarita. He noticed you watching him throw it back, and explained “Tequila is good for the soul” with a mischievous smirk. You couldn’t help but smile when you looked at Josh; he had a radiance that was undeniably unique and impossible to ignore.
Your attention moved back to check-in with your friend, but instead you found her preoccupied as Jake raised his glass to her. She mirrored his action and clinked her drink against his, neither of them relinquishing eye contact as they both took a sip of their amber liquids. Dan was also watching, and you weren’t surprised when he jabbed his elbow into your side lightly, wiggling his eyebrows to remind you of the bet you two made. 
Conversation was easy and enjoyable amongst this party of six. The pool game took a backseat while you all got to know each other; the men, you, and Natalie took turns volleying information back and forth about yourselves to the patient, waiting ears of the others. You could’ve guessed that Jake and Josh were twins, and were not surprised by the fact that Sammy Boy was their younger brother. You learned that Danny, in fact, wasn’t a Kiszka; he’s a Wagner. “We grew up together,” Josh explained, his empty glass chiming against the table as he set it down. “Jake was hell-bent on starting a band when we were barely teenagers, and we recruited Danny to play drums for us in our garage.” The four men exchanged knowing smiles as you inquired “And how did that go? The band?” “Well,” Dan cut in, “considering Jake is the only one who has a music career, I’d say it went pretty great.” He clapped his hand on Jake’s back, and you could have sworn you saw a hint of crimson color Jake’s cheeks. Nat noticed it too, her eyes saying to you, Isn’t he the sweetest thing? 
Beyond that, you learned that Jake was also an accomplished chef and had taught Sam everything he knew. Sam was in charge of manning the kitchen at a restaurant you and Natalie frequented, explaining to him that the restaurant had quickly become one of your favorites upon moving to this town. “I can’t believe I’ve never seen you! Who knew it’d be sweet, sweet Daniel who brought us together.”
Josh was a filmmaker, flying between Nashville, LA, and NYC regularly for work. He was animatedly talking with his hands while he explained the murder mystery he was currently shooting. He had all of you on the edges of your seats, dramatic tension hanging like dense fog in the air, when you all were interrupted by the abrupt change in song and volume, “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey roaring to life from the jukebox at the other end of the bar.
Mumblings erupted from the four boys; Jake shook his head defeatedly, “For fucks sake…” 
Sam shot straight up in the air to glare at the jukebox over the heads of the other patrons of the bar,  his eyes squinting on his target. Setting his Corona on the green felt, not caring if it tipped over, you all watched as he started his warpath into the crowd, hollering “DAVE!! DO YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF DEATH WISH?”
Josh’s shoulders shook with laughter as Dan turned to you and Natalie, explaining, “Dave, the friend we were waiting for. Also known for being an absolute menace on aux.”
Dave and Sam had decided to join your game, after they stopped bickering over the music, of course. You found out that Dave was the one who had lived in Nashville the longest, and he was in a band of his own with his buddies Alex and Chris.
“We’re called “The Thing With Feathers,” if you wanna look us up.” He told you with a sideward smirk. “The thing with feathers…. Like Emily Dickinson?” Nat inquired. 
“Exactly like that.”
Dave was incredibly charming and charismatic, similar in energy to Sam but a hint more suave. You assumed their matching energy might be the reason as to why they bickered like they have been married for 50 years. He had a messy mop of brown hair, and wore a teal, silk top so stunning that you found yourself convincing him to tell you where it was from.
Dave joined your team with Dan (“Where you been, buddy? I’ve missed you!”), and Sam joined his brother and Natalie. Josh insisted on pulling up a bar stool and playing referee for your game that had somehow managed to go unfinished for a long while (“I can make any game interesting. Just you watch, y/n”). 
Your team was getting your asses handed to you, until finally Natalie claimed victory, sinking the 8-ball. Claps and cheers erupted from your group as she responded with a slight curtsey and bow of her head, grinning from ear to ear. You’re delighted as you watched Sam jump up and down, running to Nat to give her a double high-five. She was laughing up a storm as Jake threw an arm around her shoulder, a proud grin plastered to his face. “All thanks to my winning moves,” voice laced with a hint of sarcasm as he squeezed her shoulder a little tighter. Her eyes flickered with surprise for just a millisecond, before she wrapped her arm around his waist, hip-checking him, retorting “Hmm, I actually think it was beginners luck.”
It hit you suddenly that you had only met this group of men a little over an hour ago; you felt as though you’ve known them your whole life. You noticed how at ease you felt, how you could undeniably be yourself without feeling like you needed to win the others over. Your laughs, smiles, and teasing jokes came freely, and were received and reciprocated with joy and humor. It’s a welcome feeling, and you knew that you’d be chasing it for a while. Natalie met your eyes, still snug under Jake’s arm, and you could tell she felt similarly. The two of you had made a few friends since moving to Nashville, but most of your close ones still remained back in your hometown. You two have been dying to find a group to call your own, and these guys seemed like they’d be a perfect fit. You were just praying that tonight wasn’t a one time deal. 
“How about we get a victory round for our Pool Champ?” Josh asked, jumping off his stool and already heading in the direction of the bar. Everybody was celebrating as they followed Josh, you and Dan at the end of the train. He ushered you ahead of him, placing a gentle hand on the middle of your back, guiding you through the crowd. His touch was whisper soft, but his hand felt like a brand against your body, instantly lighting you up in a way that you’ve been fighting to acknowledge all night. 
Those damned hands. 
Huddled around the bar, you and Daniel were graced with the chance to speak one on one, Natalie involved with the twins about Jake’s music, Josh gushing over how talented his brother was and insisting that she had to hear him play his guitar. Sam and Dave were back over at the jukebox and you could vaguely hear Sam’s scolding and Dave’s boisterous laugh. 
You were eager to learn more about Dan- he was the only one who was still somewhat shrouded in mystery, but before you could begin asking him questions, he beat you to the punch.
“How far from here do you live?” Dan asked, bringing his drink to his lips until he halts, “Not– that sounded creepy. I swear I’m not a stalker.” He brought his drink back down with a nervous laugh, shaking his head side to side.
“No, no! I know what you meant. Nat and I are just about 15 minutes away from here.”
“Thank god,” he released a breath, fiddling with the tab on his drink can. “So I take it you come around here pretty often then?”
You gave him a sly grin, eyes squinting just a little bit as he stammered, “Just curious if I’ll see you here any time soon.”
You hadn’t seen him flustered at all tonight, but listening to him stumble over his words ignited that same flame inside you that now you’d need a firehouse to extinguish. 
“Yeah, this is our favorite bar, we come here all the time.”
He gave you a grateful smile, seeming to thank you for being gracious of his fumbling, and you returned it, trying to ease his nerves even the slightest bit more. 
“So you and Natalie live together? You seem like you’re really close, how did you meet?”
You regaled the tale of how you two went to college for music together, quickly becoming joined at the hip and inseparable ever since. You’ve been through hell and back together, and you’re honored to stand by her side. He listened intently, glancing between you and your friend with a smile that suggested he knew exactly the feeling you were describing. Once you were running out of things to say, he had an arsenal of questions ready to ask you about your studies, about the music you loved, everything, and you answered each of them with matching enthusiasm. 
In a breath of silence, you were able to ask, “So how about you and your brothers? Seems like it’s more than just playing together in the garage.” You were happy to have the spotlight shift back to him if it meant that you got to glean a little more information out of your mystery man.
“We’re from a tiny town in Michigan, and we really only had each other. Just like you and Natalie, we’ve been inseparable ever since we were little. I dunno,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “we rely on each other.” 
You sat your glass down as you looked between the brothers, and knew that he was telling the truth. You felt it, saw it, immediately when they introduced themselves to you. 
“I know about all the others, but what do you do–”
Suddenly, Sam and Dave were behind him, Sam hauling him out of his stool with a “Sorry, y/n! I need him to help settle a score between me and Idiot over here!” The two of them dragged Dan back over to the jukebox, him gracing you with an apologetic smile as you chuckled to yourself. Brothers, indeed.
You joined Natalie and the twins, eagerly listening to their conversation unfold, bouncing between Josh’s movies, Jake’s music, and their questions about Natalie’s career. Eventually, Sam, Dave, and Daniel made their way back to the group, and the seven of you indulged in one last drink, hearing stories about their lives and loving every second of it. Dave had everybody in stitches talking about his time on tour with the band; you truly couldn’t remember the last time your stomach ached so badly from laughter.  
You sat back, admiring how Dan interacted with not only his friends, but how he spoke to Natalie. He had a witty and dry sense of humor, but was the most soft spoken and gentle one of the group; you’d previously thought that it was Jake, but you were proven incredibly wrong once that man had a few drinks in him. You’ve always been content to be a fly on the wall- observing how others interact and listening to the words exchanged around you was always something that brought you comfort. With this group, it was impossible to be bored. 
But you were happy to let them pull you out of your head and back to the conversation, and Dan insisted that they had to hear stories from your college days with Nat. She enthusiastically agreed, and hopped off her stool to stand behind yours, leaning down to hug your shoulders from behind. “You guys have GOT to hear about how y/n passed out on the side of the road on Halloween!” And with that, she had their undivided attention for at least the next half hour. 
Drinks had long been emptied, and you and Nat had agreed that it was time for you to get some shut eye; sorry to break up such a jolly group, but the night had turned to the wee hours of the morning, much later than you two were used to staying out. Nat pulled her coat from the back of her stool and smoothed her dress. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom, I’ll call the–” “I know the drill, don’t worry.” You winked back to her. Once she disappeared to the bathroom, you watched the boys start making their way to the door, agreeing with you that it was time to call it a night. You called over to the bartender to close your tab, and once he made his way over to you with your receipt, Jake appeared behind you, placing his card down on the bar.
You looked up, “Jake, you don’t have-”
He held his hand up to stop you from talking.
“I want to, plus I owe it to her.” His eyes twinkled. You could tell he cared for Natalie even in the short amount of time they’ve gotten to know each other. You couldn’t imagine there being any ill-will behind those eyes, but what kind of friend would you be if you still didn’t give him a warning?
“Just please don’t be an asshole to her, okay? I think she really likes you.”
He was signing the receipt as his head snapped up to look at you, a sheepish smile already evident on his face, eyes wide and sparkling, “Really?”
You couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm, and you nodded your assurance.
“The same goes for you and Danny. He has a big heart. Be careful with him.” He slid the pen and paper back over the bar and gave you one last mischievous show of his teeth before you two sauntered over to the front door to join the rest of his band of brothers.
Natalie returned a beat later, informing you that your car home was still a little ways away. The boys insisted on staying with you until then, and you didn’t mind if it meant you had a few more moments to share with them. Dan has made his way to your side again but you noticed him shifting his weight between each foot, something you would chalk up to a nervous habit. Your gaze naturally found his, and the man was every shade of flustered as he watched you with an unsure grin. Carefully, he finally leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Looks like I owe you $5.” 
You grinned at him, opening your mouth to tell him to save it, when he interrupted you with, “Hold that thought,” and briskly slipped away back over to the bar. Confused, you watched his head of curls ask the bartender for something, the bartender placing a Sharpie in his outstretched palm a second later. He turned to walk back to your group, his teeth bared in a smile that could have shot you straight to the heavens. He painted a picture of collected calm, worlds different from how he looked moments earlier. He returned to your side, grabbing your hand without hesitation, and held it in his as he lifted it up. Sharpie in the other, he proceeded to write his phone number on the back of your hand, and the gesture had everyone halt their conversations to turn their attention to the two of you. You couldn’t help but blush at his action; no one had ever done that to you before, not to mention it being a little outdated. Josh seemed to agree, exclaiming “Woooooo! Look at you go, Grandpa!” Dan shot him a glare out of the corner of his eye while quickly finishing up his writing. You chanced a quick look over at Natalie to see that her jaw was on the floor as she watched this event unfold, eyes darting between your hand and your face as your eyes widened, trying to say to her I know, I can’t believe it either! You peeled your attention away from Nat as he let go of your hand gently and replaced the cap on the Sharpie, finally looking back into your eyes. His demeanor was filled with confidence and laced with excitement. 
“Text me right now so I have your number, too.”
You chuckled, “Shouldn’t you just have asked me for my number?”
His smile turned cheeky, his gaze darkening just a hint, “Yeah, but I only thought of that after I started writing.”
The two of you shared a genuine laugh now.
“I like this much better anyways,” you said as you pulled your phone out of your pocket, Daniel intently watching your every move.
“There,” you said with a wink after pressing send, “Now we can arrange my payment.”
The Uber pulled up to the bar then, initiating the goodbyes between you and your new friends. For whatever reason, it shocked you that they each brought you in for a hug, Josh leading with a “Hope to see you soon, mama.” Dave crushed you in a side-hug that you swore could have left a bruise, and even Jake offered you a surprisingly larger bear hug than his smaller frame would suggest he was capable of. Sam damn near swept you off your feet, grasping you so tightly that you were winded when he released you from his vise-like embrace.
Dan was the last one to scoop you into his arms, his hands ghosting over your lower back ever so softly, but his hold on you was firm. His scent was all-consuming; musky, laced with bits of cedarwood, tobacco, and vanilla. He released you with a slight hesitation of a hand on your back, his fingers gripping the fabric on the back of your shirt as you turned towards the car, as if to say that he didn’t want you to leave so soon. Knowing the feeling, you threw an understanding glance over your shoulder as you made your way to the car, hoping to convey that you wished you could stay with him, too. 
Your breath hitched as you watched him go completely still in response, eyes darkening even further than they had been minutes ago. The look that he gave you was one you could not place and hadn’t seen yet from him that night. It made you want to turn on your heel and run straight back to his side, almost as if he were beckoning you back to him. It seemed as though the world had vanished around you, lights dimming, noises silencing aside from your heart thundering in your ears, and all you could see was him and that damn look on his face.
Remember, y/n, you literally met this man, like, three hours ago? Calm down. 
Finally, you blinked, and the world started coming back to life. You hadn’t noticed that you had frozen in your tracks, too, that look of his slamming your composure right out of you. It took every ounce of willpower to look away, and you could feel the heat on your cheeks begin to rise as you realized that the rest of the men were staring at you, and then turned back to the car to see Natalie already inside, watching you expectantly. Gathering the shred of dignity you felt you still had left, you threw the guys another quick wave goodbye before hurriedly sliding into the car and slamming the door behind you. 
Only then were you able to catch your breath.
Settling into the worn leather of the backseat, you felt Natalie pat your knee. 
“I can’t believe how much fun that was,” she let out with a tired sigh. 
You were sure she could hear your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
“I know, I haven’t met a group of guys genuinely that nice maybe ever?” 
“I know! Not creepy at all! Must be some kind of miracle.” 
There was a breath of comfortable silence, Nat giving you a moment to calm down and collect your thoughts. 
“And I can’t believe they’re the guys from the concert, and that you have his number? Unbelievable.” She continued after a few minutes.
“The universe works in crazy, mysterious ways.”
Just then, your phone vibrated. Opening it, a smile started creeping wide across your face.
Daniel: I was thinking that I could use those $5 to buy you coffee, say on Saturday. What do you think?
Y/n: sounds like a good use of your money, i’m in! 
“Looks like I have a date on Saturday,” you said without looking up.
“Ha! I knew it wouldn’t take long, that man’s fast. Plus the way he looked at you when we were leaving? Forget about it.”
Your phone buzzed again.
Daniel: Great! I’ll send you the details tomorrow. It was a pleasure to meet you tonight. Goodnight, y/n.
Y/n: you too, dan, goodnight 
You set your phone down in your lap, still smiling to yourself thinking about the man who had come so swiftly into your life. Looking out the window, you watched the city put itself to sleep as the car sped towards your apartment. You blindly reached over for Nat's hand, and once you felt hers in your grasp, you gave it a quick squeeze. You sighed back into the seat as you slowly shut your eyes, feeling ever grateful that you took this leap of faith. 
To be continued…
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wheeboo · 11 months
rania! how have you been? how has uni been okay? i meant to send an ask a while ago but i forgot 😭 don't worry too much about discussion responses! you'll do great! i also don't know what you're studying but lmk if you need any help with anything related to uni, i can try to help haha 🥰
hehe also angst >>>>>>
shu!! and no worries it's okay djlfsfddsf
but i've been doing fine!! i recently got a job and starting soon so i'm quite nervous n excited about that :)) and omfgjdslfkds i hate discussion responses so bad but I MANAGED TO GET IT DONE ON TIME, my professor expects sm from us like what 😭 also i'm going into psychology!! right now i'm only getting my basics out of the way but it's slowly but surely coming for me 😭 but thank you!! i'll def get in touch if i need help in anyway :)
it's also getting like rlly cold here and i'm living for it rn,,,
how have you been lovely? and yes ANGST is the best but i am always getting horribly attacked by my moots for it 😔 like guys the world ain't sunshine and rainbows we gotta sprinkle in some tears!!!!
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suugrbunz · 1 year
hey sweetcheeks, i was wondering if you're still doing BoB ships? if you're still doing them can please have one?
I'm 5'4 with long wavy black hair and brown/hazelish eyes. I'm extremely extroverted and love socialising and talking to people and flirting hehe. I can come off as a little cocky sometimes but i am just highly confident in myself and what i do (even if sometimes i am bluffing for the sake of faking it till i make it hehe). I have a psychology degree and am going to be an officer in the army one day (i'm an infantry reservist right now so already starting a little). I spend a lot of time at the gym and focusing on eating well as i strongly believe in keeping fit and treating myself right. I am the dad of my friend group cause for some reason i give those vibes off, maybe it's just cause i'm good at herding all of my mates together and telling them to sit down and shut up. Probably also because i'm extremely empathetic, like to the point where i kinda unconsciously take on other peoples emotions. In past relationships i've been pretty chill and independent but most of them haven't worked out because i need a man who shows me he want to be with me and if i don't get that then i kinda lose interest. I am also extremely chaotic, like just 24/7 even when i feel like shit you will catch me being spontaneous as hell or laughing my ass off at my own jokes and just always gotta be using my brain for something. I have been described by a lot of people as intimidating or a 'spitfire' cause i'm small but very outspoken and prepared to fight a bitch if they try me or especially my friends. I've also been told i'm scary by a lot of my guy mates cause if you try talk shit i'll put you in your place pretty quickly. Just generally like first glance and chat i'm an angel but later on you realise i'm the devils spawn idk
sweetcheeks? you're going to have me blushing and I don't even know you 💀
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꒰ I ship you with . . . Babe Heffron εïз ꒱
ok so basically I think it'd be cute if you two met in college, he's majoring in not psych (idk man insert something here ok), you're in psych... maybe you helped each other study and from there it evolved into feelings of love for each other, sometimes love just happens it's like the shit happens car sticker from Forrest Gump but love idk this is probably a bad joke or it's not and I've entertained you (the better option) at first, he might be a little irked at some of the cockiness but honestly it might become something he sees as endearing, it's weird how you can hate a trait and then it slowly snowballs into something more endearing, ykow??
I have the cutest idea wait ok so he confesses first and he's absolutely nervous because woah he loves you and he's afraid to tell you!! He asks you to hangout with him at a restaurant near campus or maybe it's in campus idk what type of campus you have going on ok anyway so he confesses, stumbling over his words and then bam
he's run off to the toilet bye perhaps hes gotta puke from the nerves or maybe he just needs a moment to breathe (me too, Heffron, me too)
ok but your first date could be at a drive in cinema, that'd be really fun, right? Idk what you're going to watch but I think it'd be a cute date, like at the drive in, you can still talk to each other, you have snacks, um, yeah, other things that are positive !
Ok so babe is going to kiss you goodnight and then you both leave, babe gets in the car and is just a ball of excitement. Hopefully, you're feeling the same.
He might be a little clingy from time to time but he just cannot get over the fact you are his to love
Like wow what a great achievement
he will also laugh a bit too hard at your jokes, whatever they may entail
He's the angel to your devil (Halloween costume idea, you're welcome)
don't worry baby by the beach boys
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heheheee i am excited now, can i please get a BoB ship please
i am also totally that person that copy and pastes my description of myself because i can only think about what i do for so long before my brain feels like it's going to explode, for someone who has a big ego, i cannot for the life of me remember what makes me me sometimes
anywayyy I'm 5'4 with long dark brown hair and brown/hazelish eyes. I'm extremely extroverted and love socialising and talking to people and flirting hehe. I can come off as a little cocky sometimes but i am just highly confident in myself and what i do (even if sometimes i am bluffing for the sake of bluffing it till i make it hehe). I'm currently studying psychology and am going to be an officer in the army one day (i'm already an infantry reservist so already starting a little). I spend a lot of time at the gym and focusing on eating well as i strongly believe in keeping fit and treating myself right so naturally, i am on the muscular and not super skinny side. I am the mum/dad of my friend group cause for some reason i give those vibes off, maybe it's just cause i'm good at herding all of my mates together and telling them to sit down and shut up. Probably also because i'm extremely empathetic, like to the point where i kinda unconsciously take on other peoples emotions. In past relationships i've been pretty chill and independent but most of them haven't worked out because i need a man who shows me he want to be with me and if i don't get that then i kinda lose interest. I am also extremely chaotic, like just 24/7 even when i feel like shit you will catch me being spontaneous as hell or laughing my ass off at my own jokes and just always gotta be using my brain for something. I have been described by a lot of people as intimidating or a 'spitfire' cause i'm small but very outspoken and prepared to fight a bitch if they try me or especially my friends. I've also been told i'm scary by a lot of my guy mates cause if you try talk shit i'll put you in your place pretty quickly. Just generally like first glance and chat i'm an angel but later on you realise i'm the devils spawn idk
hello dearest I am soooo sorry this has taken me so long to get to, life's been chaos for the last while but I'm enjoying writing today and I'm on a roll! Anyway enough rambling
I ship you with Ron Speirs
Somehow the two of you trademarked sarcastic flirting and made it your thing. Like you actively search each other out just to do it
He loves getting into psychology talk with you because he finds it so fascinating and loves debating things and ideas with you.
Literal parents of the company. When everyone's acting the idiot there's no duo better than the two of you to gather the troops and whip them into shape.
His favourite thing about you is how kind and understanding you are. Like he'll see you having a deep conversation with someone who's clearly upset and it melts his heart.
He doesn't mind that you're a bit chaotic and always have to be doing something, in fact he thinks it's great cause you usually drag him off to do something fun.
But he somehow always knows if you're putting on a brave front and are actually having a down day.
Everyone knows that if they piss off one of you, they've actually inadvertently pissed off both of you and they're in big trouble cause nobody does a double death glare like you and Ron Speirs. Luz swears he saw someone actually collapse from the weight of those glares.
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inviouswriting · 1 year
Hello Invi!
I am a fan of your works and I do enjoy reading them and keep up, I actually watch your streams whenever I can! I believe I come and stay all stream at least half time I am a medic student and you understand how busy it can be!
I am big supporter and Hopefully when I graduate next year I will Be able to tend your whole stream and can interact in chat I personally Avoid creating any accounts now so I focus on my studies, reading your work’s really makes me happy And I do not regret spending my free time reading your works! ( I am a ghost and I apologize for that :( I don’t want to create any more distractions for sake of my study)
You consider who have triggers and traumatized individuals as you have experienced, I do in fact had such but glad I left it at first signs so I avoided early before any big damage and family helped me thankfully! But still there fear lingering but I am overcoming it ^^~
Also I noticed in your latest works they became more bold and honestly exciting! ( I personally enjoy free writings of yours ( true only few 2-4 but still good ones ) my favorite is pheonix simple yet powerful )
I do have suggestion based on last fics and I hope it spark something for you haha~
I will sent in another ask since I don’t want to make it longer and this is a heart ask!
I understand you don’t accept requests and I personally would love to commission you in future, hopefully when I graduate I hope by the time you are still into Obey me franchise haha~
and…I wish in future streams consider play hogwarts legacy? I want to watch you play it I didn’t watch anyone playing it because I hoped you play it hehe~
Thank you for reading my ask and wish my words made your day and the best for you!
I've read both of your submissions here, and holy, these are the kinds of comments and words that keeps me writing. I do take suggestions and requests btw~ but I operate on a "if it sparks a story, it sparks, but also don't get disappointed if I never get to it" basis since when I do write... it's alot. I often start thinking of writing a week leading up to those really long ones. I start to visualize what I want to write and just gotta set time from the games I play and friends to devote to this hobby of mine. It means alot that my original writings are also being read and are giving people more than just my one-shots and drabbles. Phoenix was written out of a spot in my heart from pain from everything I've overcome, so hearing someone likes that one personally just sends me to a whole other level.
My free writes, the small prose/poems that I do toss out there, are kind of a placement for producing something so I don't get rusty in my writing, and also to break from what I normally do. I am also happy you catch my streams, as chaotic my timing can be in them. I spend alot of time in a friend's discord server, and am slowly getting mine more active.
I try to consider people who have been through alot in my stories. There are almost too many triggering stories with not enough warnings posted, or just one side of some of the characters. Alot being portrayed as this dominant and "master" element. (I love my fellow writers who write beautifully btw!) But sometimes when you read the same personality over and over. It gets boring, and you're like.. "okay.. I have an ability to create, what can I do for people who may not like this stuff?" You create the missing content.
I love my Obey Me's Angel. Kindness so up there I can't help loving that one. I have two commissioned pieces of that angel I absolutely adore. (one of a very pointed self-insert, and sheep version) Just Simeon~
But when it comes to like Genshin... (I'm pretty focused on the main one I love. I just love our Geo Archon so much!!! Really wish I can get more stuff drawn with him.) I love the way he's written by quite a few, but there is almost a major missing element of consent. I've read so many times where he's gone into these feral frenzies and is intense rough to the point it has triggered me on some writings.
So I try my best to write him with love, and remember he would be the gentelman of many dreams. He'd treat his beloved with the upmost respect, (I've also got something in the works of a longer based story soon. I think alot of people will enjoy it.) This is someone who gave up his gnosis for his land. He's entirely selfless and it hurts my heart when people take that part of him away.
I'm actually considering what you sent me btw! It sounds like a fun write. Thank you so much for sending me your thoughts and trusting me with an idea.
To everyone who has sent me ideas. I do get them. I've just been very lethargic lately in terms of creating, stuck between needing to stream, and also stuck with needing to make money. x.x
I write when I feel the want to do so. I still try hard not to want to do commissions since writing is my most freeing hobby I possess and turning it into a job would hurt me.
Thank you alot!
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wodenscild · 2 years
i am back from gym with a story!
Soo gym is the worst for me cause ehh well it's cool and all but the changing rooms? Like i know i have to use the girl changing room but i don't wanna >:( transgender problems. Also i got blamed for yeeting wet toilet paper to the walls and like- i didn't do that? I just want to get out of there as soon as possible i don't have time to mess with it
Yeah i probarly will choose art but i hope i can continue my own style since most schools here only teach realism and my art style is more cartoon/anime-ish, but for art we don't only get painting and drawing. We also get pottery (Wich we take a different class for but eh, it's art) thingys with wood and metal, perspective drawing and so much more!
Hold up people are invading my personal space gotta move-
Alrighty so about the lake- the coots are banning the ducks, like what can't they just each take half it's a big lake- I'll try to get frog to send you a picture of the lake it's really pretty. People here don't appreciate nature enough
I ran further over the border but the path stops cuz there's a house and i cant go around it cause well- did you know most of the Netherlands is rivers and swamp? Yeah pretty hard to get around, imma try to climb in a tree next week-
What's also funny about time is that it's different days around the globe, and uhh some countries can't agree on what year it is- some say 2022 others 2021 others 2020... like now even i don't know what year it is why can't people stop making it complicated!
So for me it's Friday Wich means almost weekend Wich means free time and drawing :D what day is it over there is Australia? Ofc i could Google it but it's more fun talking to you.
Mystery anon 2 is coming over today and uhh idk if she is gonna sign ask as mystery anon 2 or a diff name. Or not sign at all that's also possible
For the mystery anon saga here's some info about me to make it a lil' easier since there's now 2 of us hehe >:D
I am transgender boy, i like drawing and uhh I use achohol markers to colour... I do not have a brain according to mystery 2 and my hair is green :D (well actually it's almost brown again but i will dye it blue when it's fully gone, so for now green)
And who knows i might just tell you straight up, but not now i haven't gathered enough confidence.
I'm sending many hugs and cookies from here :D take care <3
-Mystery anon 1
(i will delete the 1 if mystery 2 decides to sign differently)
Oof I relate :(( changing rooms are just- well the worse >.< it is compulsory for us here to learn to swim from Years 3-8, so we go to the local pools & THE CHANGING AREAS IS JUST LIKE A ROOM WITH A BENCH THAT WRAPS AROUND THE WALLS & THERE IS NO PRIVACY & I HATED IT SO MUCH- & for some reason we weren’t allowed to get changed in the cubicals? So I would just put my school uniform over my swimmers before & after the pool Cos like hell I am getting changed in those situations- it is hot here anyway so I’ll be dry eventually anyway XD Being trans can be so fun sometimes ^~^
& :000 I see! You ought to ask Transfrogmer to send some of your work some time! I would love to see!! There is a weird sorta stigma against things that aren’t a “traditional” style in schools? It is really weird & quite sucky cos just imagine all the wacky things schools could output!! But with all of the other mediums to work with I bet you are pretty excited!
I am a bit giddy for the same with my linguistics >.< I am planning on taking most of the units as part of electives. As I have said next trimester I am starting up doing study of orthographies. Next year I taking a study on indigenous Australian languages, sociologistic, language ecology, morphology & syntax! & the year after I am taking studies in communicating in culturally diverse contexts, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics, phonology, something about the evolution of English, & hopefully some work experience at a language centre! Aldfkkskds it is a lot of great fun
By the by- GOOD!! GET AN EGO!! I got one & I have been feeling pretty uppety ever since >:3 you deserve the power of self love. & by Wōden I swear I will give you enough complements to develop a self perpetuating cycle of happiness within yourself!
I did not know that about the Netherlands! Tbh I don’t know much about it before!! Just the general memes about y’all’s hating water & loving bikes ToT but YES GO CLIMB A TREE THAT IS THE BEST!!but please send me a photo of the lake :D it sounds beautiful! But it is upsetting that people take these things for granted :”(
& indeed it is now the weekend ^~^ as I am typing this it has just clocked over to Saturday for me! & other than watching Spy x Family with a friend & working on Sunday I have nothing on <33 so I am so !!!
& that is all good! I am excited to get to speak with her! She can sign off in any way she wants!! But :000 green hair!!!!! That is so cool!! Before I went black I was actually considering going green myself but alas work uniform policy 😔 also trans friend <33 I hope you have good friends there that help give you support!
Just take your time, there is no pressure to reveal yourself :] Hugs & cookies received & I am gonna get some sleep now! I hope you have a good one beloved!!
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(^You btw /a /pos)
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boyfhee · 3 months
no no no apologies, you can reply to my asks whenever you want. i missed talking to you too, my fever has been with me for the past two days. it increased to 103 today and i thought i would die due to headache :( but i am too, excited for romance : untold, she gonna be my fav i think. did you see the tracklist??? we gotta talk about it ㅠㅠ
i will definitely ask you like a whole manhwa recs cause i wanna read them too >_< i haven't seen the kdramas you have mentioned (adapted from the manhwa) but i think i will read them once i am ready for it, since conselling is this week. i will be busy :] hehe
same >//< i like workplace romance + historical romance and those fantasy romance too, i think i would be addicted too so i will reward myself if i study daily hehe i mean code and study calculus daily :p
pls pls i thought what craze is there for anime not until my friend recommended me jjk to watch, i was heart broken, devasted amd then at that time, after completing the movie and s1 ㅠㅠ i, i got the news of ded kitkat :( soo it sad for me amd then silent voice 😭 i am glad i started watching animeno, because when i started watching anime, last year aug, all the good anime were completed, especially aot — mikasa and eren <333 i havent watched it the way people were hyped for the finale on 4th nov. i remember it still fresh :( huhu help! even i watched the movies you mentioned hehe… i watched 5cm per sec too and i could understand the feelings there, the deep connections they had (≡人≡;)
haikyuu, my 10th friends begged me to watch it but i think I'll give it a try later since you are saying it is cute >_< whatever you say is good, i go see or watch or read that ;)
yea, i thought the books they were recommendeding were fluff not until i saw the comments so i stopped watching those kinds of reels :/ please tell me more others like that, even i wanna read, just recommend me the books you read + the authors work you have mentioned pleaseeee (i thought you were talking about bsd until i realised they were real authors!! dazai sucode mf ㅠㅠ)
thanks fo reading till here amd then from the day you answer this ask, we will be talking on Instagram i guess?? i love you, good night sweetheart, ^3^ muah~
— lover club anon
can this fever leave u alr :/ u should sleep it off :D how was your movie today ?? did u go or did you skip because of fever :O i hope you feel better today >< i've seen the tracklist and seeing jvke there made me so happy TT i know the album is a banger aaa i can't wait to hear it
you should def watch the kdramas i mentioned when you have time because they're just so so cute ^_^ and the manhwas are adorable too >< lmk ur fav genres and tropes and i will make a detailed rec list for u :D workplace romance and historical are so 🙁💗 also love me some cute family guy .. like i read daytime star and it's so so cute and fluffy omg TT i need what the main couples have there please ... also, i hope ur counselling goes well ^^
jjk being first anime is a different kind of trauma 💗 ALSO me and my brother started aot together and dropped it withing ten minutes lmfao TT i kinda want to watch more movies .. maybe i will tomorrow ><
for book recs uhh i haven't read that many actually .. but i've really liked the one's that i did so i hope you like them too ^_^
kafka on the shore by murakami
no longer human ++ setting sun by osamu dazai
crime and punishment by fydor dostoevsky
the silent patient by alex michaelides ( SO GOOD )
girl on the train by paula hawkins
death on the nile by agatha christie ( has a movie too )
to kill a mocking bird by harper lee
the vegetarian by han kang ( if u love murakami u will love this )
seven years of darkness by you-jeong jeong
i think that's all for now .. i've read a few others but the ones i mentioned above stick out the most to me. if you read, do let me know if u like it :D love u mwah
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
Wrong Answer
[MHA - Bakugou, Kirishima]
summary: Kirishima is struggling with math and asks Bakugou to help him study for an upcoming test. Unique tutoring methods are introduced, leading to some interesting discoveries between the two friends. (platonic KiriBaku tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 1.7 k
a/n: here’s another mha fic because i’m obsessed :D if you couldn’t already tell i freaking love bakugou lmfao i promise my next fic will be for a different fandom but anyways please enjoy!
“How did I allow myself to be associated with an absolute idiot?” Bakugou asked aloud, fondly shaking his head.
Kirishima gave out an awkward laugh, embarrassedly rubbing his hand against the nape of his neck. “Sorry man, I seriously thought math was supposed to be about numbers. I genuinely don’t understand where all these letters are coming from.”
The two boys were seated on top of Kirishima’s bed, facing towards one another, with their notes and homework assignments scattered across the blankets. It had been the redhead’s idea to work on their homework together, knowing that he would be needing Bakugou’s help.
“This is just a review on the Pythagorean Theorem, Shitty Hair. You should’ve learned it three weeks ago instead of waiting until two days before the test!” Bakugou exasperatedly exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air to further emphasize his half-hearted frustration.
The blonde watched as Kirishima’s sheepish expression quickly turned into a look of distress, cringing slightly as he asked, “Wait… we’re having a test on the Python Theory?”
Bakugou facepalmed, dragging his hand slowly down the length of his face. “Oh fucking well. I’ve done all I could. At this point, you’re a lost cause.”
“C’mon Bakubro, I don’t need you to make me feel any more dumb than I already am! A little crash course is all I need, just please tutor me!” Kirishima pleaded, looking desperately into his friend’s eyes.
“You know what…” Bakugou started, an almost-evil smirk growing across his face. “I do have this one study method that I’ve been meaning to try out on someone.”
Kirishima beamed, oblivious to the suspiciously eager look on Bakugou’s face. “Oh that’s perfect, bro! You get to test out your new method and I can study for our math test, a manly win-win situation! So how does the method work?”
Repressing most of his excitement as to not reveal his true intentions, Bakugou explained, “It’s pretty simple really. I just have to ask you questions and then you gotta answer them. Here’s the twist though: instead of being praised or rewarded when you get the answers right, you get a little punishment if you answer them wrong.”
“Wait wait wait, hold on a second,” Kirishima butt in. “What do you mean ‘punishment?’ Are we talking like giving me a thumbs down, o-or like torture, or-”
“I wouldn’t hurt you, Shitty Hair, no matter how much of an idiot you are,” Bakugou quickly reassured.
Kirishima let out a sigh of relief. “Whew, thank god! You had me a little worried for a second there, man.”
“Don’t stress out over this, it’s just studying,” Bakugou said with a grin that implied that the pair were going to do more than just study. “All you have to do is answer correctly. Ready, dumbass?”
Kirishima gave the blonde two thumbs up, smiling warmly. “Ready as I’ll ever be! Hit me with it!”
“Good,” Bakugou smirked. “First question: what’s the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem? You’ve got five seconds, Shitty Hair.” 
“Five seconds?! Dude that’s not enough- WOAH!” Kirishima had started to object when suddenly Bakugou lunged at him, knocking the redhead down onto his back. Before he could fully process what was happening, Kirishima was being straddled just below the waist and his hands were pinned underneath Bakugou’s knees. The brief struggle made a complete mess of their papers and pencils, some even falling down to the floor. “Uhh.. Bakubro? I mean this in the friendliest way possible, but what the actual hell, man??"
Bakugou rested his hands on Kirishima’s sides, causing his friend to stiffen slightly. “What’s the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem? If your dumbass answers incorrectly, or doesn’t answer at all within the next five goddamn seconds, you’re gonna get punished,” he repeated, giving a small squeeze to emphasize his intentions.
Kirishima’s eyes widened in realization, a shaky smile coming across his face as he attempted to backtrack. “O-oh, I was actually just thinking that we should definitely try another method? Maybe we could- AAHahaha nohohoho!!”
“Wrong answer, Kiri,” Bakugou replied bluntly, starting to lightly wiggle his fingers along Kirishima’s sides, just enough to keep him squirming and giggling. “Why try another method when this one is working so well? Answer.”
Kirishima couldn’t help but tug on his hands, writhe from side to side, squeeze his eyes shut tight, anything that could possibly alleviate the soft, tickly sensations. Unfortunately, his attempts were only in vain. “Ihihihihi dohohon’t knohohohow! Thihihihis is wh-hihi-y Ihihihi need tuhuhutoring!”
“Alright dumbass, I’ll help you out a little. Just repeat after me…” Bakugou offered, showing a small bit of mercy towards his clueless friend. It wasn’t exactly a fair fight if Kirishima had no idea how to answer the questions; that’s why Bakugou was helping him in the first place after all. Without pausing his fluttering fingers, the blonde recited, “A squared plus B squared equals C squared.”
“Ihihi cahahan’t- EEHEHEHAHA” Bakugou dug his fingers into Kirishima’s sides in warning. “OKAHAHAhay okahay! A-hahahaha squahared pluhuhus B-hehe squahahared ehequals C-hihihi squahahared!”
“Nice job, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou momentarily ceased his tickling, giving Kirishima a chance to catch his breath. “Second question: can the Pythagorean Theorem be used on all types of triangles?”
Lucky for Kirishima, he had actually paid attention to that part of the lesson in class. With small, residue giggles getting mixed in with his words, he proudly answered, “Nohope, only rihight triahangles!”
“Correct. About time you started getting some of these shitty answers right,” Bakugou mocked playfully before a predatory glint filled his eyes. “Third question: where’s your worst spot?”
Kirishima’s head shot up and he immediately locked eyes with his friend, shaking his head pleadingly. “No noho no, I cahan’t!” Anxious titters slipped out of his mouth as he tried to bargain. “I-I’ll tell yohou my second wohorst spot, it’s rihight below my behehelly button!”
Bakugou wasted no time in slipping both hands underneath Kirishima’s shirt and moving them to his lower stomach. Forming miniature claws, he started vibrating his fingers deep into the sensitive flesh. Uncontrollable laughter spilled out between Kirishima’s pointed teeth, but Bakugou wasn’t satisfied yet. “I don’t want your second worst spot. Fucking answer the damn question, or I won’t ever stop~”
His head fell back to look up at the ceiling instead of Bakugou’s piercing gaze. Kirishima put as much strength as he could into trying to buck the hands off of his torso, but the redhead quickly came to the realization that there was no way out. If he didn’t answer, there was no doubt that Bakugou would keep tickling him until he died of laughter. Blushing at the thought, Kirishima surrendered, “RIHIHIHIHIHIHIBS! IHIHIHIT’S MY RIHIHIHIBS!!”
“Perfect.” Bakugou instantly slithered his hands further up until they reached the dreaded spot. He gently massaged his thumbs into Kirishima’s ribs, not hard enough to hurt, but with just the right amount of pressure that got his friend squirming hopelessly from left to right. “Damn, these guys are pretty sensitive, aren’t they?” Bakugou teased fondly.
“YEHEHEHEHES! IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLEHES!!” Kirishima confessed, screams of laughters flowing out of him before he could even think about resisting them. But then again, he didn’t really want to resist. Kirishima had to admit that it did feel good to let loose from the stress of school and just laugh freely. Those thoughts were immediately pushed to the back of his mind the instant Bakugou’s fingers scribbled against his second lowest ribs, a particularly weak spot on his ribcage. “NO NO NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA! BAHAHAKUG-AAHAHA! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!”
Bakugou’s eyes practically gleamed with excitement as he honed in on the newfound spot. “Ohoho, what is this wonderful little spot I’ve found, Shitty Hair?” 
Kirishima was hysterically howling and shrieking, losing his mind to the sensations and barely able to form complete sentences. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHO! IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!”
The blonde slowed his fingers down, but drummed them against the second lowest rib to keep Kirishima wiggling and giggling. “Alright Kiri, final question: who’s the best tutor in all of UA? I’ll even give you a small hint: your dumbass better say that it’s me.”
Having more control over his mouth, Kirishima bravely teased, “Wohohow, suhuhuper suhubtle, Bahakubroho.” This earned his ribs a few ticklish pinches, causing the redhead to jolt and squeal before returning to his steady stream of chuckles.
“That loudass mouth of your’s is gonna get you into some serious trouble,” Bakugou lightly taunted. “Now spit out your fucking answer already!”
Through his giggle high, Kirishima quickly responded, “Yohohohou! Ihihihit’s youhuhuhu! Yohohou’re the behehest tuhutor to ehehever exihihihist!!”
Bakugou climbed off of Kirishima and helped him sit up before crawling back to his end of the bed. “Hell yeah I am, and don’t you ever forget it!”
Kirishima rubbed his hands along his ribs to get rid of the funny, tingling feeling that was left behind from the attack. “Geheez dude, I seriously dihidn’t take you ahahas the type to initiate a tihihickle fihight like that.”
Rolling his eyes as he started to pick back up their school work that was previously disregarded on the blankets, Bakugou retorted, “Oh please, this was just payback for what you and the other idiots did to me on my birthday. Karma’s a bitch like that.”
“Oh c’mon, man, there’s no need to lie. You and I both know that you loved it!”
Bakugou’s head quickly whipped around to look at Kirishima incredulously, eyes widened slightly. “No I didn’t, you ass! It was absolute torture and you’re honoestly lucky that I don’t hate you dumbasses for doing it.”
Keeping eye contact with his friend, Kirishima effortlessly came back with, “Dude, if you seriously thought it was torture, there is no doubt that you would have found a way to make us stop. Or, at the very least, you would’ve asked us to stop.”
Realization flashed across Bakugou’s face for a brief moment, accompanied by a light blush that Kirishima easily noticed. But in the blink of an eye, Bakugou’s defenses were put back up, as if they had never gone down in the first place. “Oh yeah? Then how come you didn’t ask me to stop the whole time I was tickling you just now? Explain that, Shitty Hair.”
A challenging smile spread across Kirishima’s lips. “I never said that I didn’t like it.”
a/n: ngl i had some troubles starting this fic, but let me tell you that when i finally got into it, everything just started coming together and now i love it! thanks for reading everyone <3
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
Hi there! This may be a bit too specific but is it ok to ask for Kiyotaka, Korekyo and Hajime with reader who has issues with time-management? Like they procrastinate a lot but they are willing to change that! Also they are too easy to distract and they tend to pick the skin near nails, touch their hair a lot, etc (sorry if it's strange, the last detail is optional ><)
Hii!! That’s a cool idea, anon!! But I’m sorry if this is wrong or bad because I am actually good at managing my time so I hope you don’t mind ^^’ Anyways, have fun!!! 🧡💖💘
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-Mod Kaede
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Oh hell no.
You ain’t getting away with it
It’s just something he can’t ignore because he manages his time well
Okay but he’ll sit you down and will have a serious talk about this because it’s really important, you know
He’d talk to you about your priorities and how everything needs to be organized so you’ll have more free time for yourself
When you told him you are willing to change that he was more than willing to help you with that!!
He would totally make a to-do list and make a schedule for you and he’d constantly check on you to make sure you aren’t procrastinating. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you. It’s become a habit of yours, so yeah 😩 Man gotta keep an eye out
If you are getting distracted too easily he’d?? Scold you?? Lmao okay, mom
He is reading with you in order to you organize your thoughts and focus on it properly
He’s giving you more tasks and works as punishment lol
Please don’t be mad, this is his way of getting the work done 😩
Breaks? He never heard of it. Work hard so you’ll have the most free time ever!!!
Taka, give them a break
“Finally...” You thought.
“What? We’re not done yet. You still have assignments to do, don’t you?”
“Taka, no,” ❤️
Even though he’s so serious about it, he acknowledges your work 😌
Korekiyo Shinguji
Okay but this man studies people behaviors
So he’s the one that understands you best
You’re easy to read, he can tell by just looking at you 🙂
He can see why you are struggling and getting distracted easily, so he’ll turn off all distractions. Bye-bye phone 💔
Basically he creates the best environment for you so you don’t get distracted when working
Don’t. Try. To. Do. Everything. At. A. Time.
“Multitask is just wasting your energy more” He’d say, “We need to make you a to-do list, Y/n.”
Seriously, you need a schedule, S/o!!
If you’re willing to change that, he’s willing to help
Like, he’d meditate with you!!
Finds your efforts fascinating ✨
He’s the type of person who’s willing to do their best, but in your condition, he’ll tell you to avoid perfection, so you don’t go too harsh on yourself at all
If you don’t like your schedule, he’ll do some changes but in a way that’ll help you
To increase your focus, he’d listen to relaxing music with you or read books and you’d listen to him
Also he doesn’t want to make you tired so he gives you breaks when you need it. (ha, take that, Taka!)
The biggest inspiration for you is his support, you know? A simple “I know you can do it” increases your hard working level. It’s really effective lol (I wish 😩)
A kiss will do, too :)
Hajime Hinata
Aa, Idk but I feel like he’d have problems managing his time himself, too
Well, if not now, he had it before
But he changed this and now he’s willing to help you since he can relate to you so well!!
If you don’t have any idea what to do, just leave it to him. He’d talk to you about your priorities.
It might sound a bit awkward though, and you two would burst into laughs lol
Please listen to him, S/o, he got a point!!
He’d tell you his ways of managing time, such as making a to-do list or working harder at weekends, not interrupting his work for some other things
Yeah, he’s like that. Like, if you are sending him a message, he’ll not check it unless he’s done with his work.
He also tries to create the best environment for you!!
He removes everything that might distract you. (He gotta remove himself 😭✌️
If you wanted him to work with you he’d refuse because he’s a huge distraction for you and he’s aware. Boy can’t risk it 😤
He’s a stress reliever. He’s ready to tell you “You got this!” Everytime you need it
How he inspires himself? By giving himself rewards, of course! Try it, it really helps, I do know because I used to do that too
He can easily tell you are tired, so he’ll just hug you and say you should rest for now
Don’t overwork, it’s not healthy, you know
Breaks help, too. You two play video games, watch movies, take a walk or stuff like that. If you are feeling really tired, he’d put you to sleep
Hii!! I don’t know I wanted to write something that would help so I hope this actually helps lmfao Also my mom says “Sleeping 7-8 hours is important so don’t stay up too late 😤” I did some research for this but I write the most according to my work schedule, hehe so I hope you don’t mind!! 😌💘
I’m currently writing requests and it seems there is quite a lot- uGh I’m excited!! Anyways hope you guys enjoy reading this ajjhdjg Have a lovely day! 🥳💖
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atherix0 · 2 years
hii o/ i came here to gush about your new mumscarian series because i just read iit and ??? it's AMAZING
first of all, you're insane (affectionate) for writing another long ass work right after the previous one, like it's actually so impressive. i love your writing so much btw i think it deserves all the praise in the world<3
the wordbuilding is so fucking good, i'm a sucker for all fantasy aus and i LOVE when the authors expand on their world and add their own little things to it like yes girl give me all the fantasy lore of your silly little world. it's just so interesting to read and i want to know more about it :D
ALSO THE CHARACTERIZATION OF SCAR…. i'm obsessed with him. i need to put your scar in a little box and study him. he's such a cool character, the fact that he pushes people away on purpose makes me sad, my boy deserves so much love but he doesn't think he does:( and i love the fact that grian just decided to befriend him as a challenge, he really saw a wild and deranged sorcerer and started domesticizing him. scar deserves a little kindness, as a treat. and their little conversations through the glyph made me so happy. also scar talking about how the glyphs work made me think that one day something will happen that will make scar dismiss his glyph and grian will think that he died or something
mumbo and grian's relationship is sooo cute, i love them a lot. grian just decided to befriend all the wild and lonely creatures out there, as he should. i'm also really curious about scar's relationship with mumbo, it's obvious that scar actually cares about mumbo but for some reason doesn't want or thinks he should have his feelings reciprocated…. i wonder what backstory do they have bc surely theres a lot to unpack throughout the seven years of knowijg each other
okay sorry for the longish ask but i had to talk about them bc brainrot<3 i love your works and i'm looking forward to seeing more of this series :D
AAAAA thank you so much <3 I'm really enjoying writing it, it's living in my head rent free right now <3 (also it's 3 AM here and I was just writing more scenes so uhh hahaa <3)
HHH thank you so much, that means the world to me <3 Long works are so fun to write, it lets me explore everything I want to explore and gives me time to tie up loose ends <3 I will admit I had not expected this one to be so long bUT I am happy to be making it even longer because there is... a LOT of ground to cover <3
Worldbuilding is one of the most fun things to write IMHO, I love it so much <3 I try to be subtle with it so as to not like infodump about the world I'm weaving but ya know <3 Sometimes I just gotta talk about it jhgfdjkfd
THIS VERSION OF SCAR HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. I'mma call him Midnight!Scar since all the parts so far are named Midnight [word], but I started writing this and he absolutely took over. He's a feral thing and you haven't even seen half of how feral he can be <3 After all, you haven't even seen him in action yet... hehe~ There are things I'm quietly hinting about Scar that Grian isn't able to just see like he can pick up on Scar's manipulation, so I hope that turns out to be exciting <3 But Scar's reasons are... complicated at best and won't be fully explored immediately, but more like... lightly uncovered throughout the story, because his story has layers on top of layers. Also Scar Angst is my life fuel and I shall, in fact, delight in him suffering before he gets that happy ending. And oh yes- the glyph's being explained is, in fact... foreshadowing. Foreshadowing to what, I won't say, buuuuuut.... :) And also yes, Grian would absolutely befriend the guy who just blatantly wants him to hate him, just like "oh he's a little messed up, friend now" hhh
Gods yes they're so sweet together, like for Grian he saw Mumbo and it's Instant Crush and Mumbo is like Interest Piqued and they're so soft I love them <3 Grian is ultimately a gremlin tho so once they're established and comfy he's gonna be an absolute menace ahaha
YEAH SO ABOUT MUMBO AND SCAR'S BACKGROUND, that is exactly why I've chosen to post the story the way I'm doing it- because Third Person Limited (my favourite perspective to write from tbh) from Grian's POV means we lose every single private conversation between them, and my GOD I absolutely need to explore that deep dive because it is so important for them to Talk About It because Grian actually isn't there for a lot of it (because it's Scar and Mumbo's personal past together, so) and in the original doc, which is 100% from Grian's POV, there is a huge jump from them being hostile to being friends and it's jarring, so yeah........ buuuut I will give a little spoiler in that Scar knows a lot more about Mumbo than Mumbo knows he does, which might play a bit into why Scar cares so much. Also I want to explore/focus on them more than the way I originally wrote the story allowed since the Mumbo/Scar part of the Mumscarian is the slowburn so uhh yeah I feel like giving them the attention they deserve is super important <3
(also it's nice to post it as a series rather than a chaptered fic cuz this means I can go back and write scenes and order them chronologically on the list <3)
NO APOLOGIES THANK YOU SO MUCH this made my night honestly <3 Thank you so much! I'll be posting another part soon~ I hope my response actually makes sense because it's 3 AM and I was so happy to get this that I had to answer ASAP, thank you for sending this in! <3
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twstarchives · 4 years
Cater Diamond・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Beans Camo Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Wanna know some tips for having a fun life at school? I got you covered!”
Groovy “You gotta be full of energy when you’re with everyone ♪”
Home Setting “I kinda like the standard outfit.”
Home Transitions “Mm! The first-years’ uniforms always look so shiny and new.”
“Riddle’s calling for me. Wanna come with me?”
“Wait, are you free? Same here! So, anyway~ Do you have any Magicammable news to spill?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Were you sad that you weren’t able to see Cay? ...Ahaha! I knew it. You’re so honest, Prefect~”
Home Taps “Our schools uniforms have a nice balance to them~ They’re not extra like our dorm uniforms, but they’re not too casual either.”
“Okay, pose! ...Aw, man! It came out blurry. Can I take one more? I want to post it on Magicam.”
“Huh? You think I look cool in my uniform? Ehh~! Where’s this coming from? You’re making me smile ♪”
“Sometimes it’s hard to tell what you’re thinking all the time, Prefect. ...Me? Aren’t I super easy to read~?”
“Hey, you know... you didn’t forget that I’m your senior, did you? JK! ♪ I probably shouldn’t ever do that to Riddle.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Glistening sweat! Surging with youth! ...I’m kinda meh about these kinds of things.”
Groovy “I’m always down for an aesthetic-looking sport! ♪ Play with me, Prefect!”
Home Setting “Alright, our PE uniform!”
Home Transitions “I’ve got things to do too, you know! Huh? ‘Like what?’ Like... looking for stuff to post on Magicam!”
“Prefect, your collar, your collar! I saw Riddle nearby, so maybe you should hurry up and fix that.”
“Coach Vargas’s classes are so exhausting, aren’t they? I get it; I felt that way when I was a first-year too.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You can find a lot of different ways to wear our PE uniforms. Hmm~ The way you wear yours is nice!”
Home Taps “You don’t need to force yourself to use honorifics with me. I don’t really mind things like that. Plus it’s easier that way, right?”
“What is it? What is it? You’re worried about something? I could never turn my back on my cute little junior if they’re in need~”
“Have you gotten used to life at this school yet? It’s really interesting with all the weird people here. Kinda feels like a gold mine of things to use for Magicam ♪”
“Athletics...? I’m not bad at them, but I don’t know how anyone could get so pumped up about them.”
“Wait, is this a popular game right now? Don’t tell me I’m late on the bandwagon!?”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Even studying can be a blast when it looks fun and photogenic!”
Groovy “Let’s take things nice and slow! You’ll burn yourself out if you’re only ever working too hard.”
Home Setting “Alright, let’s get to work!”
Home Transitions “Hehe, do you need your senior’s advice on something? Okay, okay, relax and talk it out with me ♪”
“‘What am I usually doing?’ Mm, that’s a secret. No, I’m not free all the time! Cay is very, very busy!”
“What’re you doing today? If you’re free, then let me invite you on Cay’s Tour for Collecting Stuff for Magicam ♪”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “There’s someone better suited to help you with your work if that’s what you need. How about you go see Trey?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “So? I look a lot more serious than usual, don’t I? Ehh~! What’s with that reaction!? I’ll have to show you my actual serious side sometime.”
Home Taps “You seem to have a lot of time on your hands, Prefect. Are you all ready for class?”
“Looking aesthetic for Magicam is important. They say that having things you’re mindful of makes your everyday life a lot fuller!”
“Dedication is not a bad thing, but you need to give yourself a break sometimes too. See? Look how relaxed Grim is...”
“Prefect, you should focus only on the important things for your future~ Just like I do ♪”
“What? What? Are you homesick? I don’t think I can really relate to that~...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Everyday has been so exciting ever since you came here. It never gets boring.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “I like to try looking sharp every once in a while ♪ What do you think? Personally, I think it fits!”
Groovy “Our special ceremony robes! Let’s take a pic together to commemorate ♪”
Home Setting “How do I look? Handsome?”
Home Transitions “Are you interested in my robes? Wanna take a pic?”
“Does this look good on me? Sometimes looking formal like this is nice, don’t you think?”
“Hey, nice work today ♪ You can chill out for a little bit now~ I’m taking some downtime myself.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “What? Something happened again? Things are always so busy around you, Prefect~”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Your belt’s a little out of place. Alright, there you go. These are our special ceremony robes, so make sure you keep them looking picture-perfect, ‘kay?”
Home Taps “Man, our ceremony robes seriously are so cool~ When the whole school is lined up wearing them, it feels super powerful!”
“Our robes look the best at nighttime, but trying to get the right lighting when I’m taking pictures of them is seriously the worst...”
“What? What? You wanna know more about me? Mm, what should I say~?”
“Let’s talk about all kinds of things! You look like you’re full of interesting things I could post about.”
“I know. I know you want so desperately for Cay to fawn over you. But could you calm down just a little?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Alright, you’ve got some new problem to solve, right? Well, even if you don’t, I’ll come with you anyway. ‘Cause it sounds like fun ♪”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “You have to have fun with croquet and Unbirthday parties ♪”
“Everything’s alright now, ‘cause I’m here! Just kidding ♪”
Groovy “Do you want to see Cay’s serious side? Okay, if you insist!”
Home Setting “Our dorm uniforms really do fit the best.”
Home Transitions “Don’t get me involved in any trouble... Well, there’s not really any point in me saying that. You’re so hopeless, Prefect~”
“You called for me again? Hehe, I bet you often get comments about how curious you are~”
“Trey’s desserts are so Magicammable~ And they’re super delicious! Wanna come with me to go eat some, Prefect?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Let’s make a memory of today—do a peace sign! ☆ Hehe, that was a nice shot! Okay, what tags should I use?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Do you wanna secretly try on our dorm uniforms sometime? They might actually look good on you~”
Home Taps “Have you seen Heartslabyul’s lounge yet? You really can’t find decorations with an aesthetic like that anywhere else.”
“If you want to look fire in our dorm uniforms, you gotta know the latest trends! Maybe come shopping with me next time?”
“Have you ever noticed that the playing card pins on the left sides of our chests have a different design for each person? Tiny details like that are so cool ♪”
“Aren’t you homesick or anything? Hm? Me? I’m... not. I’ve got some unreasonable older sisters...”
“It’s nice you feel so comfortable around me... but don’t tell me you’re trying to bring down Cay’s dignity?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “It would’ve been so much fun if you were in Heartslabyul with us, Prefect. Well, there’s no point in talking about things that’ll never happen ♪”
Duo Magic Cater: “Trey, you ready~?” Trey: “Got it, Cater! Count on me to back you up!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Cater’s birthday event (Feb 3 - Feb 9, 2021).
Login on Birthday “You remembered my birthday? Thanks! You’re so nice for coming to celebrate. I’m super happy, so let’s post on Magicam ♪ Okay, look this way~!”
Unlock Card “Wow! This is getting a super ton of views on Magicam! ☆ Birthday parties rake in so much attention!”
“‘Happy birthday’ is such a nice phrase~ It feels like the ones celebrating and the one being celebrated can both be happy, doesn’t it?”
Groovy “Okay, grab your glasses... Cheers~! Thanks for making my birthday so much fun ♪”
Home Setting “Wearing this outfit makes it really feel like it’s someone’s birthday~”
Home Transitions “Astrology’s my best subject! But I won’t do my own birthday fortune reading... ‘Cause it’s so much more exciting not knowing your future! ♪”
“Is the toothbrush Trey gave me his way of saying to take care of my fang tooth? Well, it is one of my charm points! ☆”
“We have lots of rules in our dorm, but it’s my birthday, so it’s okay if I break some! ...Probably not... Yeah... Boohoo.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “It feels so exciting with everyone celebrating! I think I’ll use my Unique Magic and make some clones to show off around the school.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Just between you and me, keeping up a smile for the entirety of the party gets kind of tiring... Just kidding!”
Home Taps “Idia gave me Magicam stickers as a present! I don’t know what anime they’re from, but I’m happy! ♪”
“Maybe Vil would follow my Magicam if I asked for that instead of a birthday present~”
“I got a skateboard from Kalim. ☆ He said he’s pretty good at skateboarding too, so next time we’ll go do it together!”
“My dorm made me a bright red, diamond-shaped quiche! It was filled with habaneros. I love super spicy foods so it was perfect ♪”
“My rosette was crooked? Thanks for fixing it~!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I kinda wanna make some noise! How about you, Prefect? Wanna sing together? Or we could dance?”
Duo Magic Cater: “Lilia-kins, let’s take a pic for the birthday memories!” Lilia: “Cater, a happy birthday to you!”
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Tutorial “Let’s have fun together, ‘kay?”
Lv Up “Yay~ I’m getting stronger!”
“‘#BetterThanEverCay’ kind of energy!”
“Let’s keep doing our best from now on!”
Max Lv Up “I always thought anything goes as long as I’m having some kind of fun, but I actually like getting serious every once in a while. Plus I want to look cool when I’m posting on Magicam.”
Episode Lv Up “You think we’re really close friends? Ehh~ You’re so funny~! Hahaha, I wasn’t saying I hate the idea; why are you making that face? It’s just, you said it so seriously—I guess I don’t know how to react.”
Magic Lv Up “Hmm, so you’re the type who would do things like this for me. Thanks!”
Limit Break “Don’t you think I’ve got wayyy too much potential? Hahaha! Well, thanks for all your help!”
Groovy “Man, aren’t I super cool now? It’s getting me all excited!”
Lesson Select “Let’s do our work together! I’m still your senior, so I should try to impress you ♪”
“You really are super dedicated to things... Do you get that a lot? ...Yup, I thought so!”
“C’mon, give yourself a break. It’s not worth putting so much effort just into your classes.”
Lesson Start “Alright, let’s get things done!”
Lesson End “It’s finally over! Time for my after-class Magicam check!”
Battle Start “Make sure to repost and share all my impressive moves!”
Battle Win “That should be enough. Bye-bye!”
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Profile Quote “Welcome to Heartslabyul, the dorm run by the strict ‘Queen’ ♪”
January 2020 Trailer “We’re waiting for our dutiful little freshman!”
Countdown Poster “You have to have fun with croquet and Unbirthday parties ♪”
Login Bonus “Oh, you look like you’re doing well again today~! We should get going soon. But before that, wanna grab some tea so I can get a few shots for Magicam?”
Player Birthday Wish “Happy birthday! You can’t believe I remembered...? As if I’d ever forget this special day! I got a present ready that I think will make you really happy. And there’s no doubt about that, since Cay picked it out! ♪”
Valentine’s Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Helloooooo, Thanks for the present! It was totally awesome! I didn’t know you were an expert at choosing thoughtful gifts ♪ I already took a picture and put it up on Magicam, so go and give it a Like! ;)
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plus-ultra-oneshots · 4 years
It’s On {DekuXReader Oneshot}
"Heya! I saw your post and I would like to request a Midoriya x Reader one shot. :)
"Did you just hit me? With a pillow? Oh. It's on now."
The plot would be in Deku's dorm. The reader and Deku were just hanging out, studying together, when they got into a playful argument (over anything you'd like). The reader decides to hit Midoriya with the pillow, to try and get on his nerves a bit, when a pillow fight breaks out, and just cuddly fluff at the end, please? ^^ Thank you for taking your time to read this. :) "
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It's On!
"Heh, you ready to surrender, Midoriya?"
Midoriya's dorm room was quiet around the both of you, the silence broken only by the shuffle of paper and pencil as Midoriya worked away at his desk. You sighed quietly, casting him a glance from where you were sitting cross-legged on top of his bed, your own book and papers spread out in front of you.
Exams were coming up next week, and the whole class was scrambling to get in a few good hours of studying every day until then. Many of your classmates had jumped at the chance to join up with Yao-Momo's study group (Ashido and Kaminari, for example...), and as tempting as it sounded- your first choice had been a less crowded study-session with Midoriya.
Yao-Momo had the top grades in the class sure, but Midoriya did pretty well too, and having some one-on-one time with him to study was way more beneficial for you, than it would be in a larger group. Plus it was just generally more fun, spending time with Midoriya was always rather enjoyable- and especially so when it was just the two of you. He could be rather nervous and flighty around a lot of people, and got set off by weird things rather easily. But when it was just the two of you he seemed calmer and more at ease, and there was little he seemed to freak out over, or get flustered about.
Besides, you two studied quite well together. He was good at answering any questions you had, and he was very patient with you- while you were good at making sure he didn't stress over things too much and work himself into a million knots. You made sure you both took a break when you needed it, and kept things light and content, and he worked diligently to keep you both on track academically, and help make sure you were both as prepared as possible for the coming tests.
Things had gotten quiet for awhile now though, your studying coming to a close as your eyes began to wander around the room absentmindedly. You'd been in his dorm room a few times before now when you met up to study, but even despite having already seen all his decorum, you still found yourself smiling at the vast array of All Might pictures, posters, figurines, and whatever else.
He really is such a big fan.... it's kinda adorable, how sort of over-the-top his decorations are.
You chuckled under your breath, your eyes glittering in amusement at the thought. Midoriya jumped slightly at the sound of your laughing out of nowhere, glancing over his shoulder and back toward you on the bed, blinking a few times in surprise and question. His head tilted, swiveling his chair a bit to let himself face you that much more.
"... something funny, (Y/N)?" He asked softly, and you smiled as you shook your head a bit.
"Oh, nothing much." You replied lightly, he tilted his head a bit more, quirking a brow as your lighthearted smile turned into something a bit more coy. You shrugged a bit, looking away from him and smirking. "I just found it a little funny that you're still studying so hard.... Especially when you gotta know you'll never pass me up~" You added slyly, and he blinked at the words, for a small second looking a little confused.
"...pass you up...?" He murmured, his head tilting a bit more. "But (Y/N), you ranked 6th in our last midterms, and I got 4th..." He told you uncertainly, and you smiled in slight exasperation at him.
Oh that totally went over his head huh? Hehe...
You chuckled anyway, because even him being oblivious to the tone of your voice and the rather obvious teasing was amusing. And quite par for the course from him, if you were being honest. And you knew him well enough by now to know that he'd get what you were playing at eventually, you just had to soldier passed the first sort of awkwardly absentminded part from him.
You smiled some more and waved a finger at him, your eyes gleaming as you leaned in his direction a little, your other hand on your knee. "Very true, but you can be sure that this time around I am definitely gonna surpass you." You hummed brightly, "There ain't no way you're gonna rank above me this time- you can count on that!" You chirped, and his eyes flashed as he finally seemed to realize what you were doing.
"Ah... Those are some pretty big aspirations, (Y/N)." Midoriya replied easily, smiling at you rather pleasantly- innocent even. "Are you sure you can live up to them though? You'd have to get a higher score than both me and Todoroki after all." He told you lightly, you smirked a little.
"Huh? What do you mean, 'big' aspirations?" You asked immediately, and he kept up that cool and pleasant smile of his. "You say it like it'd be some huge feat or something if I outpaced the two of you!"
"Well it would be." He replied brightly, his head tilting a little as he kept on smiling at you, and you let out a breath, your lips pulling further at the corners in amusement despite yourself. You laughed once, leaning in a bit further and both your hands on your knees now as you shook your head a little.
"Wow, you're actually a bit cheeky, huh Midoriya?" You chuckled, "Where's all this spunk been hiding? You're a bit more cocky than I pegged you being!"
"It's not that I'm cocky." He told you coolly with a shake of his head, "I just have a good gauge of everyone's abilities, so I have a realistic view on how things will turn out. And the chances of you winning against me are comparatively low, based on all the information I've collected on you."
Your eyes widened, your smile doing the same as you let out a single, somewhat taken aback laugh, because;
Total burn!
And Midoriya said it so coolly, easy almost and his tone completely, utterly calm and pleasant. He sounded polite, even though the words were nothing more than a bash.
Holy crap!
You let out a halfway shocked laugh, your smile widening even more as he kept up with that little, so very innocent smile of his. Your lips curled into a smirk, one hand moving off your knee and reaching behind you while you leaned in toward him a bit more, a glint in your eye.
"Oh yeah, Midoriya?" You chuckled lowly and he blinked as your smirk grew, your hand curled tightly around the fabric of the pillow behind you. "I think it's time you reconsider your observations!"
You swung the pillow around at lightning speed, and it hit Midoriya in the face with a satisfying whack
The poor boy hadn't any time to react to the hit in order to avoid it, and for a moment he sat almost stunned as you pulled the pillow back and nimbly hopped off the bed and into a defensive stance. He blinked a few times, his hair now mussed up from the hit and expressionless as his eyes slowly moved to where you were now standing.
"... Did you just hit me? With a pillow?" He asked, his lips slowly twitching upward at the edges as he said each word, and you chuckled under your breath, holding your pillow tighter in front of you. Midoriya smirked and you could see it in his eyes, and the way his body tensed ever so subtly, and you knew this was about to be one hell of a study-break. "Oh. It's on now." He grinned, and your own lips couldn't help but pull in a similar smile.
You were so ready for it
He was up and on his knees in an instant, snatching up the second pillow on the bed and not two seconds after he was already jumping toward you, swinging the pillow as he did. You swung your own pillow up to block the blow and they bounced off one another with another muffled whack. Midoriya darted left to try and get around your defense but you circled him as he did so, making sure not to leave any openings and fending off another quick attack and uppercut of the pillow he sent toward you.
The both of you delved deep into the rush and the excitement, letting yourselves fall into the adrenaline the war brought on and completely losing yourselves in it. You were both working to win, and putting forth your best.
You dodged around the room, nimbly moving yourself from the bed to the desk and just about everywhere in between. You were quite agile even for someone at UA, though Midoriya probably had you beat (along with his academic skills). The sheer ease with which he could move around and make such quick, delicate, and yet so purposeful movements was amazing, and made you a slight bit jealous of his skill too..... Midoriya was really spectacular, and honestly you really loved watching him both fighting, and just generally doing anything.
But you loved watching it more at that moment because you were a part of all the movement, and in some capacity you could direct it, and influence what he did and where he went. And he had the same affect on you, chasing you around and sending hits with the pillow out here and there, trying to catch you off guard and trick you. Anything to gain an upper hand and earn an extra point. It almost seemed like the two of you were locked together in some quick, complex, and oh so very intimate dance that only the two of you knew.
It was a rush, it was warm, and it was so fun.... It seemed to last a million years and neither you nor Midoriya wanted it to end.
But it did draw to an end despite that however- the dance drawing to an end when you managed to pin Midoriya down on the (now very messy) bed and held your pillow fast and firm to his chest, locking him in place. You were both panting and out of breath, your bodies and arms aching slightly from the extended movement around the room and your hearts beating loudly in your chests. Midoriya had noticed you slowing down from tiredness a little while ago, and decided he might as well let the game end sooner rather than later, and let you come out on top too... Because he could have easily kept going much longer than you could, and he knew it, but he preferred to let it end on a lighter (less 'can no longer move from exhaustion' sort of) note.
It gave you no small amount of satisfaction to land that last blow, Midoriya's pillow knocked away and on the floor out of reach now. And it gave you a slight bit more satisfaction to have managed to pin him down on the bed in the end, gaining the upper hand at last (even if he had let you have it).
You smirked, releasing a slightly out of breath chuckle while still holding him down. "Heh, you ready to surrender, Midoriya?" You asked slyly, and he smiled wearily, his eyes glittering before he let them fall closed, and his arms fell limp on either side of him in total defeat.
"I surrender, (Y/N)... You got me." He breathed,
"And what about those 'big aspirations' of mine?" You asked next, a coy smile still on your face and he cracked one eye open to look at you. "Or your observations now that I won, huh?"
He smiled pleasantly and nodded, quite amused. "Well I suppose now I'll probably have to reconsider." He said simply, "It kinda seems like I wasn't taking into account how determined you can be, or how well you can improve given that... So you probably do have a better chance at getting a higher score than me on the exams, and more than I originally thought." He hummed, and you grinned, your eyes gleaming.
"Heck yeah I do....!" You replied, releasing him finally and rolling over to fall onto your back on the bed beside him. He simply let out an amused sigh at your answer, but said nothing else as silence settled between you two, and the room remained quiet outside your elevated breathing. You both lay there, completely at ease and so close you brushed against one another, content as you waited for your breathing to settle and your hearts too. The rush of energy from the pillow match wore off quickly, leaving both of you feeling considerably more drained than expected- but the feel of the fun and enjoyment didn't wear off at all. It stayed, leaving a warm, soothing place in your cores that heightened with every thought back to the fight, and every fleeting touch of your hand against his arm, or his shoulder against yours.
You took in a long, slow breath to settle the last of your risen pulse, before slowly shifting to lay on your side and face Midoriya more directly. You placed your arm under your head and tapped him lightly with your other hand, earning his eyes as he turned his head in your direction.
"... Something wrong, (Y/N)...?" He asked softly, and you smiled gently, your eyes falling from his and instead following your finger as you tapped his arm lightly a few times.
"... You let me win, huh?" You asked, and he blinked at the question. He didn't answer right away and that was answer enough for you, though the silence only really confirmed what you had already known. You sighed slightly, your eyes dropping closed as your finger stilled and instead you just let your hand rest gently on top of his arm. ".... I figured.... You totally could have just waited me out until I was too tired to go on.... You're a lot stronger than me, and have a lot more endurance too..... And you're definitely smarter than I am. You're totally gonna get a better score on the exams." You murmured softly, smiling a little wryly to yourself at the last bit. "... I'd probably be lucky to do any better at all than my last exam scores....."
Midoriya shift under your hand and you reflexively pulled it back, your eyes opening too as he rolled over onto his side to face you. Doing so brought his face only a few inches from your own, and he gave you a gentle smile, shaking his head a bit, green eyes glittering.
"You're really smart too, (Y/N)." He told you quietly, his warm breath washing against your face and tickling your cheeks. "And you're super strong, all in your own ways. You're amazing at making people happy and helping them feel safe and relaxed, even in really stressful situations- like how you always help me, especially when I'm freaking out about school, or training." He hummed, smiling a bit more at you. ".... Honestly I think being able to make other people feel happy, calm and safe is a lot more impressive than just going around fighting Villains and things."
You hummed a bit, smiling faintly at the words and nodding a little, though only just. "... Thank you... But personally I do think fighting Villains like you do is a lot cooler." You hummed lightly, letting out a dry little laugh as you shrugged a bit, tracing your fingers lightly across the scars on his hand. "... Well, at least when you aren't breaking yourself while doing it, anyway..." You added halfway jokingly, and he smiled wearily at it being pointed out.
".... Right..." He mumbled, and you chuckled softly, letting your eyes fall closed and your trailing fingers stalling, and simply allowing your hand to rest atop his, enjoying the warmth it provided against your skin, and the heat his body gave off from being in such close quarters on the bed.
"...... Mm.... I guess we should probably call it quits for now on the studying...." You sighed after awhile, "..... We've done enough for tonight I think....."
"... Yeah, I think so too." Midoriya hummed, his green eyes only halfway open and looking at you quietly. Your eyes never opened again as you said the words, and the way your voice had dropped, as well as how your body seemed to sink a fraction of an inch further into the bed, told him that you were starting to feel the aftermath of expending so much energy in the pillow war. "... We can pick back up tomorrow after our classes, if you want to." He told you, and smiled faintly when you nodded your head a little.
".... Sounds perfect..." You murmured, your voice dropping lower by the second and growing drowsier too. You could tell you were drifting off, but you hadn't the will nor the want to stop yourself. You were much too comfortable there on that bed with him, and you shifted a bit closer to him without realizing you had done so, your forehead pressing faintly against his chest.
Midoriya blinked when you got closer, though he didn't move nor pull away. Instead he just smiled and moved his hand you had been holding on to- not to break contact, but to instead twin his fingers with yours. He kept hold of your hand while he moved his other one forward to snake around your body, pulling you even closer. Once that little bit of distance still between you both was erased, he tilted his head forward and buried his nose in your hair.
His eyes dropped closed, Midoriya smiling just a bit more when you let out a content sigh and sank all the way into his embrace. Your breaths against his collarbone were soft and slow, your body shifting under his hold in a gentle, constant rhythm that mirrored your breathing. You were asleep almost right away, falling happily into the comforting sensation of his body against yours, and the feeling of him holding on to you making you feel so very safe and at ease.
He hugged you a little tighter for a moment, burying his face further into your hair and neck and drinking in your scent, the smell of your shampoo mixed with the tang of your detergent on your clothes, and the lingering odor of the pillows and how own bed and sheets clinging to you.
It was pretty late into the afternoon already, and curfew was coming soon too- so letting you fall asleep in his room probably wasn't the best idea.... But he honestly didn't want you to leave. This was much too comfortable to make it end, and he wanted to savor it for as long as possible.
Not long after he felt his own mind sinking closer toward sleep, lulled there by the sound of your breathing and the faint, rhythmic beating of your heart against his chest.
".... We should do this more often, (Y/N).... It's really nice...." He whispered, his voice barely audible. He let a soft, long breath out as sleep finally claimed him, leaving both of you sound asleep and locked together on the bed in the quiet dorm room. The sun sunk lower and lower outside, washing the room out in deep orange, and then finally violet as night overtook the sky..... And curfew came and went, with no one else in the whole of Heights Alliance aware that your room remained entirely untouched until the next morning.
A Request from someone on the My Hero Academia Amino
PLUS-ULTRA-oneshots Masterlist
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
I was going to suggest that you start the boring conversation, but after you explained how she is so easily distracted, that would be a difficult plan. I'm not even there and I need a drink, lol. Imagining you running away really made me laugh, sorry, no sorry. Have you ever tried to say that you are busy reading and studying and that you need a little silence in your spare time?(you are not lying. you are studying fanfic after all 😈)
Hehe. I just waited for a lull then went "bye, gotta pee", and left lmao
Also not really because we're technically not supposed to be on our phones as much as we are. But we all do it because we have a lot of down time since it’s not a busy location.
I have tried being boring back. She always has another story that she will fully interrupt you to start telling you. You can totally shut down when she starts talking over you and she'll be too excited about her own bullshit to notice you not giving a fuck. You can try to circle back, she'll do the same thing again.
It's obnoxious.
I fully ignored her half on purpose earlier bc of fic and counted to 10 before pretending to realize I'd just noticed she'd said something and was waiting for me to acknowledge it. I did not apologize. I immediately resumed stairing at my phone after a half assed "right" in response to whatever she said. I fully wasn't listening. She kept talking.
One coworker fully tells her to shut the fuck up and she will clam up if told but that’s unprofessional and awkward so I am trying to be gentler about it. But fuck am I tired of dealing with her.
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
Honestly I- I was shook too like what😭 I was all like “what kind of an unholy word are we living in and how the hell did you have an access to this unholy thing”
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Another time she sent this and only wrote “u” below I was like
i hope you aren’t the owner of this edit or i’m disowning you
In conclusion we’ve got a good Dazai-Kunikida dynamic😂 Love her so much tho
AND YES AJXNSLXN I SAW THAT- please that’s adorable😂💕 gotta adore the lovely friends who have to deal with our passionate selves😭
Ahh that’s so great🥺 But yeah, make sure you warn her beforehand, it could get really triggering🥺
Omg you MEMORISE THEM TOO? Woah😭 I think the only poem we ever memorised was our national anthem in primary school- But it at least gave you more depth for Blue Bamboo so that’s awesome hehe😌 And that sounds so hard omg😭 But I find that it’s so useful for the brain and comprehension skills too which also sounds awesome :o
And I really enjoy learning about them, yes🥺 When we do them in class, first they let us alone with the original poem, and of course we don’t understand anything because if the poem contains, let’s say, 200 words, only 20-25 of them are still in use today. In fact, there was a certain point in the history where we started to use so so many words from two other languages (not telling them explicitly because that’d probably publicly reveal a lot about mine🥲but anyone who knows a bit about this certain literature has already understood it so RIP) because the poets thought those words would serve better to express what they wanted to express, and the mixture of these 3 languages formed the literature language in the country for a long time. We’re talking about roughly from the 11th to the 19th century, by the way. But in the 20th century, a movement started and its main goal was to eliminate the influence of the foreign languages on our literature, they defended that we should be creating our works with our modern language (which I pretty much agree with).
So now, when we look at a poem from for example 17th century, we don’t understand it not only because it’s written in old language but also because it’s not even in our language. But when the teachers give us the translation, it allows me to see how they perceived the world, the human emotions, and it kind of makes me feel a beautiful connection with my country in those centuries, I guess? The awareness that it’s my culture is so attractive for me as well. When I read things from other cultures, sure I like them objectively very much, but here, subjective emotions come into play too, I suppose? It makes me feel closer to it even when I don’t understand a word in it. I always feel like emotions were purer back then. And when I have a version of it which I understand, it makes me rejoice so much. So I may say that it kind of creates the connection between us, the ‘modern’ individuals and the ‘historical’ culture/people. I really hope this all makes sense haha, this turned out so long omg I’m so sorry😖
And yes!! I’m pretty fluent in it, and I really enjoy learning it so, SO much omg it could be my favourite language to learn or talk or write in. I’m literally so passionate about everything about it (why are we like this in everything we do I swear-). And oh you studied it too?? That’s awesome!!🥰 We could try talking in it some time if you’d like👀
And aaaaahhh French literature is AWESOME you should definitely give it a try. It’s definitely among my favourites, if not the favourite. I recently read La Bête Humaine (The Beast Within? The Human Beast?? I still don’t know how it was published in English) from Émile Zola and I was shook oh god, it was so raw, so wild… and I found it really beautiful, I’m honestly slowly falling in love with the naturalism movement. I really recommend Flaubert too, he’s really a master of realism, I love him so much. Hugo, if you’re into romanticism (which I’m.. pretty much not😭) And there’s Molière, the comedy master, I’m honestly HEAD OVER HEELS in love with his witty humour; and in terms of philosophy there’s Rousseau, Descartes, Beauvoir; AND OH THE POEMS Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine AAAAAA THE LIST COULD GO ON FOR HOURS- I- I CAN’T😩😩😩
And French classical music/art movements is a WHOLE other topic that I won’t even get into, or this ask will become a novel.
Anyways🤭 Oh I see! That’s really interesting, maybe🤔 I also heard that it was so beautiful, I’m looking forward to reading it some time😌
This is long overdue and this ask has been sitting in my ask box for a while, my apologies. And please that picture, I'm sorry I can't help but burst out laughing when I see it hahaha. And to be in the face of such a genius such as Mozart, I would be shy too honestly😳
And yes omg, I appreciate her so much T^T. My friend has been busy though it seems, she's been busy with courses, I miss her😭. And yes ahh I did warn her no worries, I warn her everytime she talks about it😳 I think she gets the point by now haha
And ahh that's actually pretty cool! But that also sounds so complicated at the same time. I can't even begin to imagine having 3 languages integrated into a single type of literature. And only that little of the words can actually be understood? I- wow😳 And yeah, I can totally understand the movement and its intentions, and honestly, I agree with it too, even though I have a very limited understanding of this topic.
And that must feel really weird :0 to know that it is from your culture but to have languages that you don't understand in it. And don't worry, I get what you mean! It's like you're able to communicate with the people of the past as they bring you messages and lessons that they learnt! T^T and it's honestly kind of a treasure honestly.
From what I know the old Chinese language changed to the current one during the May Fourth Movement (Also known as the New Cultural Movement), I believe. Of course, the May Fourth Movement included more than just the change of the languages, but that might be one of its biggest accomplishments. So during that time, the modern Chinese language is already used in speaking and writing as well during that time, but it was not the language used to officially spread ideas during that time. The May Fourth Movement one about moving away from traditional ideas and intellectual thoughts, such as Confucianism. Don't take my word for it, but from what I remember that I have learnt, I think that they wanted to do so because they (the students of the time) believe that it was such ideas that lead to China's downfall after the first world war in the Paris Peace Conference in which it wasn't able to claim some of its original lands back (the land is the Shandong region, which was given to Japan instead); and before that as well in which it suffered much humiliation from the weak Qing (or in English would sometimes be written as Ch'ing) government. And so, this movement kind of promoted the use of vernacular language in writing rather than using what we call "bahuai". This made the written language much easier to understand.
Sorry, I just went on rambling and gave you a history lesson there😅 At first I was going to talk about it briefly only because of... but all well, I guess my history-loving side came out haha
And honestly, I find that so amazing:") And well yeah, I only know very little French, unfortunately... I was learning it when the pandemic hit and I couldn't have any more lessons sadly...
And please, your passion for French literature is making me want to read them too ahh. There are just so many books I want to read gshsjs. And Rousseau, of course, I know him from studying the French Revolution period before haha, along with Voltaire and Montesquieu. Well I know of them, but I'm not very familiar with their ideas though unfortunately :")
And please don't worry Req haha, your passion is very energizing and it makes me really excited to talk about such things too. I enjoy it very much <3
Oh and before we were talking about I am A Cat, I actually found it in the bookstore in Chinese, and I read the description of it briefly and it talks about a story written from the cat's pov which is quite cool!
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