#i am so grateful that he did
areyoudoingthis · 7 months
i have never, never been more proud of myself than i am for succeeding at accomplishing this absolutely glorious, flawless and immaculate spotify wrapped. brought to tou 100% by the gay pirate brainrot
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
jimmy stream watcher here i havent watched most of this stream but he did run into glass. like a bird
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amazing. I'm so proud of him
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I think what might actually help the families of trans loved ones is to actually engage with where the trans person is at - especially if the family isn't quite understanding yet. When I came out, I was completely alone in figuring out my manhood. I had peers and I had exposed myself to so many trans people who explored gender, and while it was amazing, it isn't quite the same at times. I grieve quietly, sometimes, about all the missed opportunities that might have just made it easier for my family to have seen how utterly happy I was. It took them a very long time to actually notice that I was happy, especially once I got on testosterone. I'm lucky that they saw that happiness eventually, and slowly accepted it. My manhood is completely detached from their influence, both to my relief and chagrin. It's sad to me that I learned to shave from a kind online stranger, somebody who didn't even have a father and yet, I do. I have a father. I grieve at the loss of a potential shared experience. I grieve about the pain I went through when I was in that stage of transition, especially because it was raw and vulnerable. I grieve that many trans people today are traversing the path I had to, because it's sometimes lonely (even when you do have other forms of support).
It's hard to know that I will never have gotten my sense of being from my family. In many ways, it has severed a lot of connection with them because there were so many times that I was begging them to see happiness when they were focused on the idea that I was almost in a state of purgatory - flesh which felt warm but held no familiarity to them. I don't harbor ill-will toward them, I hope I don't leave the impression that I despise them. I understand what they felt, even if I can't conceptualize it myself. However, it's a raw wound in my heart, and I don't want to leave anybody else feeling that way, either.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
I'm so annoyed. @kingcrow01 tumblr ate your ask about Danny's opinion on the League. tumblr i pressed 'save draft' why didn't you sAVE DRAFT.
ANyways I'm making a post instead. For everyone else, the ask was in summary:
What was Danny's opinion on the League now that he's left it? If he missed the familiarity of it, if he recognized the cult-like behavior inside it, and if he now detested his grandfather.
And to answer (again, grrr): It's complicated! We love complicated <3. Yeah, Danny does miss the familiarity of the League, it was still his home for the first ten years of his life and he has a lot of memories there. Plenty of good along with the bad, and while he's less homesick than he was when he was 10, it still hits him like a truck at random intervals.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are great, and he likes the Drs. Fentons enough that he's contemplated murdering Vlad for his meddling, but if he wants to eat the same food his mother used to make him and Damian, he has to do it himself and he can't get the taste right. No one knows arabic so he speaks it to himself because he doesn't want to forget his mother tongue, and he has a few books too. Frankly? He genuinely misses training.
Getting to use Sam's gym helps with his restlessness, same with training with Maddie, but he has no one on or above his level to go against other than his mother. And he only sees her twice a year at most. He knows that he's getting stagnant and he fucking despises it like a bad itch he can't scratch.
He feels conflicted about missing the League, however, since by now he recognizes the flaws and what was wrong with it, and he recognizes that it was cult-like. But even that is kinda, hrm, complicated? If this was a fic I would be able to go better into depth about what he has and hasn't unlearned because cult deprogramming is hard and Danny's doing most of this on his own.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz have helped with the more obvious stuff: like the ecofascism, the disregard for human life, his emotional constipation; the more obvious stuff that shows in his behavior and personality. But none of them are professionals nor do they actually know the full extent of what Danny's life in the League was like. They only have snapshots since Danyal is very tight lipped about it. So they can only help with what they see themselves through Danny's behavior or word of mouth.
But in summary: He sees, for the most part, what's wrong with the League and disagrees with some of the stuff they do now. But he's very conflicted, and trying to dissect his feelings on the League confuses him. His protests about it whenever Sam and Tucker joke about it have at this point become mostly empty (altho it still causes him some discomfort), and its an inside joke between them three.
As for Ra's? Despises him. If only because Ra's wanted him to kill his little brother -- thinking about his motives with the League confuses Danny, cognitive dissonance and stuff, -- a lot of his hatred stems from "He wanted me to fight my baby brother to the death. I destroyed my relationship with Damian because of him, I had to fake my death and leave my home, and I will never meet my father or see my brother again because of him. Fuck that guy."
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crispywizardtale · 2 months
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I'm telling you, everything's gonna be all right as long as we're together!
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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HYUNJIN BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN (2023 EDITION) ↘ D-2 | favorite hyunjin looks of the year
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taintedandviolent · 1 month
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Like a deer caught in headlights
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I am using my Rothco shoulder bag {AKA Violet’s Harmon one, also used by Toby Cavanaugh in “PLL” and Kat Stratford from “10 Things About You”
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whiteheart7 · 9 months
i really really really like that elora, bear, willie jack, and cheese are all still friends in the end. none of them got together romantically. theyre really close and they love each other so much and theyre friends. i was so afraid that when bear and elora had that moment in the chapel they were going to confess feelings for each other but they didnt. theyre friends and they love each other and arent afraid to say it. they hugged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and theyre friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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graphicsgirlie · 2 months
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if i Speak.
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honnelander · 8 months
um i literally need to yell to someone about this and i had to think of you bc non of my irls watch one piece so wELL taz is doing a convention in germany next year and it’s like like a 3 hour drive from me,,,, so i might have bought tickets and now im meeting taz next year?? IM FREAKING OUT HELP
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claudiasjustice · 4 months
Finished Forspoken’s story last night and I still can’t believe I was betrayed by a fucking bracelet…
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genderwizard · 30 days
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iamdieterbravo · 11 months
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seiwas · 8 months
hope everyone’s had/is having a lovely day so far!! 🥺💗 here is some extra love!!!
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littlebigmouse · 6 months
I saw Fight Club for the first time yesterday and to the best of my memory, this was the second time I consciously noticed Edward Norton in a movie (I have a bad memory for actor's names and faces, I may have seen him around but wouldn't know).
The first time was Primal Fear.
This makes Edward Norton the second most specific type cast in hollywood in my book (right after the actress who played cinderella's evil stepsister in like, three different adaptations).
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