#i am so sorry guys i am 27 years old u do not need to do this
eats-the-stars · 2 years
the curse of the family baby face strikes again. i have been mistaken for a high schooler at my place of work by a coworker that i have been working with for a whole week. the conversation went the way this usually does.
them: “so are you in school?”
me: “no i graduated.”
them: “cool which school did you go to?”
me: “[name of university]. it’s in [city name].”
them: “are you looking at colleges now?”
me: “...oh. [name of university] is a college.”
them: “oh so you’re in college!”
me: “graduated. but close.”
them, clearly assuming this is my first job: “so, in the work force now.”
me, 4+ jobs under my belt because I am 27 years old: “yep.” 
I think this is a combination of genetic baby face, not wearing makeup, having long hair, wearing leggings and simple clothing because i am autistic with sensory issues, oh yeah squeaky autistic person voice, being very short and slight of build, the fact that my glasses are purple, and general social awkwardness. the person who hired me knows that i am an adult probably. does anyone else in my workplace? i do not think so.
#for real tho why is everyone out in the world so much bigger than me#i feel like a hobbit for real#all of my coworkers are at least a full head taller than me#most are more than that#they're all broader than me too#barring one guy who is really lanky but he is also super tall so he is still beating me in bigness#one lady is only slightly taller than me but also much broader#like for real why are some people in this basement so buff this job does not require that much muscle#please i am already the resident chihuahua you do not need your biceps to be thicker than my thighs i am already so small#i also think my coworkers are doing that thing#where they offer you more encouragement and go 'good job buddy!' because they think u are a teenager#i am so sorry guys i am 27 years old u do not need to do this#even the guy who has my case for the 'help disabled ppl get jobs' program is mother-henning me right now#he is shocked that i picked a job that is not like any job i've done in the past. a bit alarmed by that#but like bro look at my job history#none of these jobs are the same#i do not repeat jobs my friend#i see something that looks weird on a job site and go 'yeah that'll do'#also he expected me to take much longer to get a job#like i started applying and a week later i was like 'oh yeah i got a job'#so now he is calling me to ask if i need job training or if he needs to talk to my employers about accomodations#and i am sorry bro but i am good#this is actually less stressful than my previous jobs barring one#less labor intensive than 3 of them too#at worst i could be stabbed by a machine#which is also less risk than 3 jobs i used to do#i know that i am autistic but i can actually adapt pretty well to new environments#mostly due to being thrown into so many throughout my life that i just know how to do that i guess#i appreciate his concern but i think the amount of stress i'm putting him under is undue. like just relax i got this
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whyse7vn · 6 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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BTW ☠️😂
8 participants - 8 online
hobi: thinking about when we all lived together and jimin would make jungkook tap dance for food
jk: good times :D
namjoon: but jungkook cant tap dance?
jimin: exactly
namjoon: so you starved jungkook?
jk: no i tapped??
jin: horribly
jk: :(
tae: i liked it
jk: honestly 🥺?
tae: honestly
jk: :D
hobi: why is joon acting like he wasn’t there to witness it???
namjoon: sorry
i just tend to block out the traumatic memories i have with you guys
which is most of them
jin: jungkook was the one dancing for food not you
namjoon: being a witness to that was traumatic
yoongi: it was funny
jk: thank u
yoongi: no
namjoon: moving on
y/n: remember when jungkook would like disappear for 4 hours everyday and come back to the dorms at like 5 am
hobi: OMG YES
jimin: the era where he hated us 😪
yoongi: bring it back
jk: i didn’t hate you guys ☹️
tae: he was just getting his dick wet don’t worry about it
namjoon: he was barley 16?
tae: pussy slayer since 05 😝
namjoon: 05??
yoongi: he was 7 in 05
jin: victim since 05
jimin: jin was like 27 in 05
jin: ??unprovoked
and not fucking true
jimin: as long as you’re alive i’m provoked
y/n: 27 in 05 is crazy
jimin: i’m saying like 😭
hurry up and die maybe?
hobi: bros 31 ☠️
namjoon: ok stop guys
jin: fucking hate all of you
jk: omg it’s raining outside i’m so sad :((
tae: my fault stepped outside and mother nature just couldn’t contain herself
she freaky like that
hobi: paying for ur assassination
jk: what does that even mean
tae: the sky squirting for me bro
jk: oh
that’s nice didn’t know that was possible !!
can you make her stop tho
tae: tell namjoon to step outside and she’ll stop
namjoon: ???
tae: it will be hot and dry as shit if joon steps out ong
jk: namjoon pls step outside
namjoon: kook you need to stop taking tae’s word for things
jk: what
i take no words
i have my own
namjoon: nvm
y/n: life would be so much fun if one of you was a crack addict
jin: ????
yoongi: freak
hobi: real
jimin: namjoon is right here like….
namjoon: leave me ALONE
jk: i’ll be a crack addict for you
tae: i’ll be a better addict
y/n: shut up
jk: sorry ☺️💕💖
tae: i could so break jungkook’s legs
jk: ☹️
how will i tap?
hobi: you don’t need to tap anymore kook
ur free from that life
y/n: tap by taeyong
jimin: he may be free from tapping in this life but is the tapping life free from him?
yoongi: what
jimin: mentally jungkook is still my little tapping slut
jk: aw man ://
namjoon: did you need to call him a slut??
can we just be nice
jimin: yes i needed to call him a slut
he’s a slut
tae: he was sixteen tapping for you
ur calling a sixteen year old a slut
guys i think jimin is really weird for that actually
jk: me 2
jimin: so?????
you literally said he was fucking at 16 you indirectly called him a slut too
jk: right !!!!
tae: UMM NO???
i called him a pussy slayer actually
and that could mean anything
jk: like what?
tae: shut up jungkook
jk: ok
i’m sorry
it’s still raining
i’m upset
jin: anyways i think yoongi could be nicer
yoongi: ?????
y/n: yoongi’s great
jin: TO YOU
yoongi is actually really really mean and we need to talk about it
jk: i also think yoongi’s great !!
when i was sad about getting old and sick he told me i probably won’t get cancer and most likely die from getting stabbed at 30 on the 12th of december 3pm
namjoon: oh
y/n: yoongi….
yoongi: no cancer !!
jk: NO CANCER ^0^ !!!!!!
tae: yoongi being cold and mysterious will only get you so far in life
jk: yoongi don’t be cold
y/n: jungkook ur so silly
where are you
i want to bite you
jk: 😳
jimin: take me back to the days where you had to buy bitches 46 plots of land and a horse to get pussy
i can’t do this being dumb ass hell shit
hobi: maybe ur just ugly idk??
jimin: ????
yo wtf
hobi: who said that not me whatttt?
jin: that’s why taemin has jimin blocked
yoongi: woah ok?
jimin: just saying
jin: ur ugly 😂
jk: beauty is subjective
yoongi: do you even know what that means?
jk: yes ofc ??
no 😔
tae: subjective sex
namjoon: stop
i class i would love to participate in
y/n: is this you telling us you don’t know how to have sex???
tae: NO
this is me telling you i love sex and partake in it often
hobi: stds
jk: i’m confused
why do you want to take a class on it then ???
y/n: right
you wanting to take a sex class implies you know little on the subject of sex actually
jimin: nothing about my beauty is subjective btw
it’s fact
jin: that ur ugly
yoongi: lol
jimin: namjoon tell them i’m not ugly
namjoon: guys he’s not ugly
jin: he’s really ugly
y/n: namjoon tell tae to stop shouting
namjoon: taehyung stop shouting
tae: NO
namjoon: kook y/n taehyung knows how to fuck
hobi: namjoon i wont lie to you but u lowkey a bitch
jin: right
namjoon: thank you for that hobi and jin i also love you very much
jk: ohmygod joon loosing his mind again
that is NOT what they said
joon come back to us
fight this namjoon fight it
hobi: fighting by bss
yoongi: who fighting?
jimin: joon and his crippling coke addiction
coke winning
namjoon: can we not
tae: i’ll laugh when you overdose
y/n: exo core
namjoon: i just helped you what is ur issue??
jin: do you notice how yoongi appeared again when the word fighting was said????
we NEED to have this man locked up i’m telling you
yoongi: i’ll have you sectioned
jin: WHAT THE FUCK?????
namjoon: yoongi take that back
yoongi: i take it back
jin: good
yoongi: not
jk: yikes jin he got you
yoongi ur really cool
yoongi: shut up
jk: sorry 😆
y/n: stop being mean
yoongi: cant help it :3
tae: who wants to see me split a watermelon with one hand
jk: ME ME
hobi: tae how is ur financial situation these days
tae: kill yourself
hobi: ok wtf???
i was just asking
tae: jungkook im sorry but no broken watermelon today blame hoseok
jk: hobi what the hell man i was really looking forward to the broken watermelon
y/n: i heard tae filed for bankruptcy
jimin: i heard he lives in a cardboard box
jk: tae omg……… 😧
is this true
jk: pls dont shout at me
i’m trying to remember if your house was a cardboard box or not
jimin: (it was)
namjoon: guys
jimin: ur no fun
y/n: sorry 😔
tae: yeah
you guys better be sorry
stupid idiots
jimin: shut up broke boy
namjoon: jimin please
jimin: whatEVER
tae: namjoon i don’t say this a lot because normally it wouldn’t be true but man i love you
guys i think me and namjoon were married in our past lives
cuz like were so in tune with each other
like he just gets me
i get him
i believe in every life we find each other
like we get married in every single life except this one
namjoon: no offence but in every life i would find you and divorce you if that were true
tae: oh
yoongi: lol
jimin: no i see it the crack addict and the broke bitch love story
tae: at least someone gets it
should of read the whole message first
u guys are just closed minded
im telling you me an namjoon are like super alike someone thought i was him yesterday and he was so real and right for that
jk: i thought you said that guy that called you rm in the park yesterday was a racist not real or right
tae: jungkook
jk: yeah ^0^
tae: stop talking rn
jk: okay😵
hobi: cocaine is like really expensive how would tae and joon work out
tae wont be able to help feed into joons addiction
y/n: why do you know that cocaine is expensive
hobi: i know a lot of things that just happenes to be one of them
jimin: if you think about it when have you ever seen a crackhead be like nah im not gonna have crack today
they make that shit happen no matter what
and i think thats what attracts tae and joon together
like joon will do anything and everything to get his fix and tae would do anything and everything to have a place to sleep so their hardworking nature is what leads them to love
jin: ok !!!!!!
jimin i think you need a hobby or something
that was…. a lot
yoongi: shut up
yoongi: i’ll punch you
jin: and i believe that!
shutting up #now
hobi: i wish i was mark lee rn
he probably doing something really canadian as we speak
jk: like what?
hobi: idk being nice
jimin: you called me ugly five minutes ago
you could never be mark lee
hobi: that literally wasn’t me i have no idea what ur talking about sorry i’m actually mark lee rn so i fr don’t know what ur talking about dude sorry dude i have to go on stage and dance with nct 127 now and then i have vocal practice with nct dream right after so i’m sorry dude i like have zero idea what ur talking about like actually like a sticker 2 baddies beatbox
me as mark lee and scene
jk: 10/10 really believable idk mark lee but i really though you were him for a second
y/n: great performance thought mark was here fr almost kissed you passionately on the mouth
yoongi: what
hobi: thank u thank u
you can still kiss me tho haha lol as mark or not idm
y/n: ok omg come here!!!
hobi: FR?????
y/n: no !!!!!!
but i did imagine us kissing like last week for like five seconds
hobi: yesssss 🙌 😝
a win is a win
yoongi: its not a win
she threw up at the thought
y/n: no i didn’t
yoongi: yes you did
you told me
y/n: i DID’NT
stop trying to gaslight me
it wont work
tae: have you imagined me naked
jimin: liked it better when you weren’t talking
tae: i liked it when YOU weren’t talking
jimin: shut the fuck up
jin: how about you both shut the fuck up
jimin: now why are YOU talking again
yoongi beat the shit out of him
yoongi: nah dont want to
the thought of his face isn’t pissing me off anymore
jin: thank you <3
yoongi: i could punch hoseok tho
hobi: no thank you ???
y/n: yoongi has a framed picture of all of us on his bedside table that he hides whenever you all come over in case you find it
he also has each one of our debut photocards in a small little binder in his studio in a little safe
yoongi: not true bye
yoongi left “BTW☠️😂”
y/n added yoongi to “BTW☠️😂”
y/n: very true very real seen them with my very two eyes
yoongi: you wear glasses
that you don’t actually wear
so who knows what u be seeing
that is NOT true
y/n: i wear glasses to READ and you know that
so shut up
guys yoongi would punch none of you because he loves you very much ok? 😍💖💯
tae: yoongi do you kiss our picture goodnight be honest
yoongi: fuck off actually
namjoon: thats very sweet yoongi
we love you too
jin: i DON’T
i fear my life when i’m around yoongi picture by his bed or not
i’m shaking in my boots i’m scared
yoongi: pussy
jin: i’m telling you ever since he broke that poor woozi guys nose i have not looked at him the same
y/n: ok but that was a mistake right yoongi
yoongi: ?
y/n: it was
and besides has yoongi broken your nose?
jin: no but it’s coming
i know it
yoongi: true
jk: i feel safe around yoongi
yoongi: you shouldn’t
jk: because he hasn’t broken my nose
but jimin did punch me once
jimin: dont bring up my past
hobi: if we think about it jimin should be locked up
jungkook you can press charges you know?
like we were talking about how yoongi actually love us
lets get back to that
yoongi: jimin should be put behind bars
jimin: yoongi loves us
yoongi: jimin is a bully
tae: i love you back yoongi
yoongi: kill yourself
jimin is a literal bully like actually
jimin: and ur a fake one cuz u love us
jk: jimin you are bully
yoongi: ur right jungkook
you are so right
jimin: jungkook yoongi loves you
that’s why he’s agreeing with you
jk: i love you too yoongi ^0^
yoongi: jungkook jimin is bullying you
has been since you were 16
jk: ohmygod……..
jimin: jungkook yoongi has a photocard of you that he’s probably decorated and everything just cuz he cares so deeply about you
jk: he does????????
namjoon: ok both of you stop
jimin you ARE a bully
and yoongi its ok that you actually like us you should stop pretending you don’t
jimin: I AM NO BULLY
yoongi: i like not one of u 😒
namjoon: yeah ok
tae left “BTW☠️😂”
think of this as a flash back/ forward idk of the good happy times ok? ok thank u >_<
sorry for the shit ending i just really like the first part and wanted to post
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 27
oof i feel like a kid getting into living room while dad is having a meeting
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
Some of his fellow Rippers and Gluttons snicker upon seeing their almighty Creator so flustered by a human. xd
you stop talking when you hear just how silent the room became. thats more than enough for my voice to go shaky and crackly, and start doing spoonerism
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh"
“You’ll regret this”, you press out. for real
“Of course you don’t, not at all.” “Shut up.” ofc yoognles
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
“I grew hungry all of a sudden" wut 👀 “Stay away from her." KOOK I LOVE U “I will go hunting of course.” oh scared me for a second haha
“Oh”, Seokjin laughs in relief, “that sounds logical yeah.” MOOD
You have studied him and watched his every move and habits. He never takes his keys with him when he is hunting in fear that he might lose them. DAMN LOVE FUCK UR HOT WOOO but they are vampires, they dont need soo much sleep and is quiet, be more careful
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
“Ha! You’re so easy to mess with!” SHE IS SO ANNOYING I- I LOVE HER MARRY ME
oh we going on a tresure hunt mission
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Cold and dark corridors, always broody and never smiling. He is such a stereotype. XD exposed lol
“I’m literally going to die of a heart attack here”, you murmur. would be the funniest death tho, heart attack while searching for keys 😭😭
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
ok now can we let tae out or at least visit him???
preferably you hope he pisses off altogether. To the other side of the world. mood
“Hobi seriously, if this is another one of your sad stories only for it to then end in you getting edged during a blowjob I’m gonna scream” 😭😭 did he bore her with his story already wow
An hour later I am speeding down a mountain at three hundred miles per hour whilst screeching like an idiot.” yeah i can hear his screams perfectly (run bts, thank you)
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
“I thought that he is like me.A, a Ripper or a Glutton a-and I wanted to make him feel how it feels like to lose control.” yeah cuz thats not torture at all
kook ur cute but thats it go away stop tempting me u evil potato FUCK I CANT EVEN CURSE AT U NOODLE no NOODLE IS GOOD UM FUCK U GARLIC YEAH THAT WORKS
“Oh my god”, you exclaim, giving him a quick glance, “read the room, will you?” i feel soo bad for him BUT NO I SHANT FALL FOR HIS TRICKS, HEAR THAT YOU BITTER GOURD??
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
i'm actually very sad :( he just wants people to like him :(
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
interesting theory about her being a witch I LOVE WHEN you guys just have theories 👀
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
like he's just secretly a big softie confirmed
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh
SHE IS THE CUTEST!!! i love her so much
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
ME TOO gaaaah *bites him*
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
he is so BAD at pretending ahhhaha
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
HAHAHHHAHAHHA this is the best reactionhahahahah
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
No but this is actually so sad :(
lmoaoa the fact that she is ALWAYS busted when she does stupid shit fajdsjf
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
no but me for real. I'd probably end up hurting myself once and then never doing it again cause I can't handle the pain lmaoaoa
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
bahahhaha "onion" jfasdjf I have to remember this for a fluffy oneshot
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
hi I am here in your inbox and asking u about ur otps to get more ships in law (not sorry) SO: 3, 12, 27, 38, 45, 51 for plantcest or kniveswood (you can do both if you want to go off - which you should)
OTP Asks
Plantcest first :)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
I want to say no, their clothing styles are hilariously incompatible once they start developing identities outside of each other--Vash is all leather and punk bondage gear, while Nai likes edgy space-age fashion. This is not to say that Vash doesn't wear earrings that look like Nai's knives as a little reminder of home or that Nai doesn't wear Vash's clothes when he misses him. This is because Nai's love looks like crawling into Vash's skin.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
When they were younger, not at all. We all know about the middle. When they're together again after so many years of fighting, the arguments are few and far between. Nai knows how destructive his anger is. He knows how it pushes people away. And Vash's own temper is so slow to trigger that unless they get to a boiling point after days and weeks of little slights, he keeps it under wraps.
The fights get physical--of course they do--and in the end, Vash needs to disappear after a while. It took Knives a long time to internalize and trust that Vash would always come back. And once he does return, they talk--and it feels like pulling teeth, usually, but they can't lose each other. Not again.
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Knives. Vash can drink most men under the table and Knives is "one glass of wine at dinner" kind of guy.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
You'd think it would be Vash who's the vanilla one. This is wrong. Vash is deep in the BDSM scene withh hardcore masochistic kinks and Nai can and will fly into a panic attack if he hurts Vash during sex. They're still both absolute freaks (adoring) in bed, though. I still need to write about Nai going into topdrop...
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Yes, as a matter of necessity. They're used to lonely nights. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
A gun left in a drawer instead of holstered at the hip.
Aaaand for Kniveswood:
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Knives would never wear Wolfwood's ratty suits. He would rather di- HEY GET OUT OF MY CLOSET VASH!! NO THAT'S MINE!! I SWEAR THAT'S MY BUTTON DOWN WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW IT'S WOLFWOOD'S--
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
All the goddamn time. These two bicker like they breathe. Knives apologizes with actions before he'll ever say the words "I'm sorry," and Wolfwood will find something like all the chores in their apartment done without a word and dinner sitting on the table for him, still warm, when he comes home. Wolfwood begs forgiveness because he's Catholic and because Knives is into it.
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Still Knives. Wolfwood and Vash are old drinking buddies.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
Knives. While Wolfwood's nerves have long been crossed when it comes to pain and pleasure, Knives is the one who likes seeing Wolfwood tied up and bleeding. Wolfwood's content with kissy missionary even if he enjoys a good session now and again.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Yes. They're very independent people, I think. This doesn't mean that Knives doesn't enjoy being the little spoon.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Wolfwood always shows up when Knives needs him; no questions asked. Knives never lets this go unrewarded.
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thatbanditqueen · 2 years
THAT CHAPTER 2 UPDATE WAS EVERYTHING! The way the push and pull between them is so strong and how he doesn’t know when to quit playing the mind games and how he might even do it subconsciously but Becky ain’t about to be about that. What is his problem offering her money at the end, men are such idiots, I got so upset for her!!! I can’t wait for the next update, seeing him possibly meet Ruth who is just like her mama in the stubborn sense and is protective of her but Elvis might get on with her. Big Daddy Elvis is everything and I love that she’s young but not so young (19,20,21) that she’s naive and innocent about everything. She’s a 27 year old woman who takes care of her daughter and gets her shit done ✅ and when he called her thick and kept touching her butt I melted (more specifically because people never call me skinny bc i’m not but at the same time i can’t call myself big necessarily because then friends i have that are a bit bigger get upset with me so im at that awkward stage where i am not toned at all and i jiggle but unless its sexualized ppl just wave u off my insecurities probably make no sense sorry) moving on then he gets insecure about being bigger and she reassures him and he was so jealous when she was playing the guitar with another man he has a fox and he’s not gonna be able to tame her the way he does those other girls!
Dear Anon,
Hey sweet lady/person/earth-bound mortal, thank you for telling me your thoughts about this chapter. I fuck myself in the head when I am writing so i really appreciate you. I read that Elvis really used to do that shit, yes, he would give people gifts like cars, jewelry, etc. But, at least according to those he left behind, he would just give women who he was seeing money. And random strangers every now and then. And they would take it. I think I might have, cuz I need it, but I am not sure, I would have felt dirty, especially if we were in a sexual relationship. And I also like to pay for things, I hate how some guys pay for everything on a date but then act entitled. So yeah, Becky is a grown up - she is still finding herself, in many ways, she feels like she zoomed ahead in time and hasn't figured out a lot things people her age usually have bc she got knocked up young, but even then, she pulled up her big girl pants and did what needed to be done, which is kind of her attitude. I love OCs who are imperfect but still beautiful, bc i just feel i relate more , they're thick, stubborn, strong, and know themselves, at least somewhat, even if they sometimes also bend to a man, they cannot completely subsume themselves... or go baack and forth... are you living in my head? Bc the next chapter is all about Elvis getting to know Ruth and Becky's family :) Raise a glass for us thick girls, and keep in touch - i love knowing what resonates with y'all, it really does help me decide how to write what comes next...
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female-malice · 6 months
hi sorry if this is an odd question to ask but i'm getting dinner with a friend of mine tonight to try to persuade her not to get engaged to her older boyfriend (phd student, met through university club) immediately after our college graduation next year (we're both 21 and he is 27). do you have any advice on how to present "please god don't do this it will be the biggest mistake of your whole life you have so much potential" in a way that won't scare her away from listening to me?
no worries if u don't see this, i'm just trying to ask around radblr (crypto, sorry for anon) because somehow none of our mutual friends understand why i am so concerned and it's driving me a bit crazy
Honestly, I don't think that age gap is crazy.
I don't know if dating 21 year old men is even possible. Gen Z men seem to love hating women. Millennial men at least know some basic relationship etiquette.
If this guy has no other red flags, then you'll just have to put up with him. There are much worse dudes out there than a socially active millennial working on a PhD.
Your friend should wait several years before getting engaged. She should only get married if she needs the tax benefits. But that's the only advice I have. Of course being single is better than being with a man. But you can't make a woman dump a man with no red flags.
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chilligyu · 3 years
info: wonwoo/reader, angst, g word ct: 800 | warnings: none summary: things said at 2am between two best friends note: this is 99% a text fic, there's some actual writing at the end lol, totally get it if this isn't your thing
YN 01:57: hey, you up?
WW 01:57: i'm always up WW 01:57: why what’s going on WW 01:58: what’s wrong
YN 1:58: why does something have to be wrong for me to text you? YN 1:59: can’t a girl text her best friend?
WW 1:59: sure WW 2:00: but it’s almost 2am and you have class in 6 hrs WW 2:00: okay now it’s actually 2am WW 2:00: spill it
YN 2:00: maybe i just wanted to talk to you
WW 2:00: yeah right WW 2:00: sure
YN 2:01: okay fine YN 2:01: you caught me YN 2:01: I can’t sleep
WW 2:01: i assumed that much
YN 2:02: brat YN 2:02: just keep me company YN 2:05: you’re bad at this
WW 2:06: i'm sorry that i’m up because i’m actually busy WW 2:06: some of us have deadlines
YN 2:07: so do I YN 2:07: but I can’t sleep so here I am YN 2:08: you’re my best friend YN 2:08: don’t leave me hanging YN 2:08: in my hour of need
WW 2:08: only if u tell me what’s wrong
YN 2:09: I told you YN 2:09: I can’t sleep YN 2:10: got four eyes and you still can’t see shit
WW 2:10: and why can't you sleep?
YN 2:10: the usual
WW 2:11: that's not ominous at all WW 2:11: or descriptive WW 2:12: c'mon WW 2:13: tell your ol buddy wonu what’s wrong WW 2:18: preferably before i die of old age WW 2:20: but you’ll die first because you’re older
YN 2:21: I WAS TYPING YOU BRAT YN 2:22: fine YN 2:22: I’ll do this is short bursts YN 2:22: since you’re so impatient YN 2:22: you know your friend mingyu?
WW 2:23: the one i produced my last album with? WW 2:24: never heard of him
YN 2:25: don’t you get smart with me
WW 2:25: i am smart
YN 2:26: A N Y W A Y S YN 2:27: so YN 2:27: we have music theory together
WW 2:27: since when do you take music theory?
YN 2:28: since when are you my mother???? YN 2:28: it’s none of your damn business wonu!!!
WW 2:28: you’re the lit student taking music theory
YN 2:28: A N Y W A Y S YN 2:29: so he asked me out YN 2:29: and it’s been driving me crazy YN 2:29: because I like him YN 2:29: and he’s super funny and sweet YN 2:29: but he’s also like YN 2:29: stupid popular YN 2:30: as my best friend YN 2:30: I was hoping to get your insight? YN 2:30: like YN 2:30: do I have a shot?? YN 2:31: because I do not want to get my heart shattered YN 2:33: wonu? YN 2:39: are you still there???
WW 2:39: yeah sorry WW 2:39: got distracted WW 2:40: i say go for it WW 2:40: he's a pretty cool guy
YN 2:41: are you sure?
Wonwoo’s thumb hovered over his screen hesitantly, his body practically trembling with anxiety. The blue SEND button was tempting him, his unsent message screaming to be shared. His increasingly exhausted mind and rapidly decreasing restraint made him almost do something that he’d regret instantly. Like letting the past five years of repressed feelings bubble past the surface.
No, don’t go out with him, because I love you. I love you so much. I’ve loved you since the moment we were partnered to dissect that pig in high school. I love you because you don’t care that I’m not smooth, that I say stupid stuff like that and you actually laugh. You don’t mind staying up with me all night, or even listening to the first stages of my mixtape. You’re honestly the one person in the world that I feel completely comfortable being myself around, and I don’t think I’ll meet anyone else like you. I love you, please say no. Please turn him down. Please give me a chance.
WW 2:43: totally WW 2:43: you’ll get along great WW 2:44: have fun with him
YN 2:44: you’re the best YN 2:45: thank you!
WW 2:45: no problem WW 2:45: now go to bed WW 2:46: i don’t want to hear about how exhausted you are all day
YN 2:47: deal! YN 2:47: I don’t know what I’d do without you wonwoo YN 2:47: love you! YN 2:48: goodnight!
With tears streaming down his face, Wonwoo threw his phone across the room in anguish.
I love you too.
More than you’ll ever know.
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serendipityseulgi · 4 years
8 Ways of Love;
— park seonghwa
according to the ancient greeks, there are eight different types of love. here is:
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・*:༅。 the one known as pragma, the enduring love.
aka, the kind of love that matures and develops over a long period of time, and somewhat rare to find. 
8 ways of love series; version i
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A love story that shows the progression of yours and seongwha’s relationship from the moment you two become friends, to lovers, to exes, and everything else in between. 
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love catalyst: the subconscious.
At the age of six years old you declare Park Seonghwa to be your boyfriend, solidifying your “relationship” with a hug.
“Eww, y/n, you have cooties!” your best friend barks, pushing you off him.
“Wha- hey no I don’t!” you squeak.
“Yes you do because Mingi told all the boys not to touch the girls because they have a disease and it’s going to eat our bodies alive!” he practically screeches getting up from the sandbox about to walk away from you.
“Seonghwaaa he’s lying!” you whine out and he huffs turning around to face you.
“Well all the other boys are listening to him so he has to be right.” 
“Well I touched you yesterday when we were playing tag and you’re fine!” you defend. “And if all girls have cooties then how come your mommy still hugs and kisses you goodbye in the morning? Wouldn’t you be dead now?”
Even at the age of 6 you were the biggest smartass Seonghwa knew.
After a moment of deliberation, he sighs. “Okay fine, you’re right.” your friend huffs. 
“So are you gonna back so we can play again?” you ask, arms crossed over your little body. 
Seonghwa nods before grabbing onto your hand to drag you back into the sandbox. 
The two of you return to making your sandcastle and it’s only a mere two minutes later does your friend speak up.“Am I actually your boyfriend now?” he asks suddenly and you whip your head towards him.
“Well I hugged you so yeah.” you roll your eyes at him and his soft little laugh makes your tiny heart jump.
Within the next week you two forget you’re “boyfriend-and-girlfriend” and go back to being the best friends you’ve always been, playing in the sandbox after school, watching cartoons at your house, and never missing a single dinner together while your parents listen to the two of you talk your little heads off.
For the record, there wasn’t much of a difference in your so-called relationship and your friendship in the first place when you were just six years old.
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 At thirteen years old, your best friend confesses he likes you.
“Okay I know this is weird because, I should see you as like, a sister or something, I don’t know!” Seonghwa rants, pacing back and forth in your bedroom as you watch him frantically explain the way he feels about you.
“You know what I mean though? You’re like, practically family to me! Right? Right...” you figure he’s talking more to himself than to you as he asks himself questions that he’s quick to answer to. “Like you’re probably gonna think I’m weird or something, but you are my best friend and I don’t want it to be weird-”
“Seonghwa for the love of god can you just get to your point.” you interrupt impatiently.
“I like you okay?” he says quietly, avoiding all eye contact with you. 
His heart is beating so fast he feels like it’s actually going to rip right through his chest. He’s never been nervous around you ever. You’re his best friend, and you have been since you were 5 years old, and he doesn’t know why he suddenly feels like you’re the only girl he wants in his life. 
When he hears you laughing at him his heart drops to his stomach and he braces himself for the upcoming rejection.
“Can you come sit next to me.” you ask, gesturing to the empty spot on your bed. 
Seonghwa complies, yet his anxiety is rising by the second. He has never been so nervous in all the thirteen years he’s been alive. He almost wants to vomit as his stomach churns at the thought of you telling him you didn’t feel the same way.
“You’re rejecting me aren’t you...” he sighs, plopping down onto the spot next to you.
You shake your head with a smile. “No idiot, I like you too. Obviously.” you roll your eyes at him.
“Wait, what? Seriously??” he almost goes into shock. “Are you joking?”
“I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious.” you shrug. “I was throwing subtle signs at you for the longest time.”
“Like what?!” 
“Like the time I kept pestering you to take me to the Valentine’s Day dance, and when I made you hold my hand during that scary movie when you know I never get scared of horror films. Oh, and the time you kept badgering me about why I rejected Hongjoong for no good reason. I kept telling you that you were the only guy I needed in my life and you were too oblivious to realize I didn’t mean it in the friend way anymore.” you chuckle.
“Oh... Oh,” Seonghwa realizes. “I really am oblivious then.”
“It’s okay, I already knew you liked me back anyways.” you smirk at him, grabbing your remote off the bedside table.
You flip the TV on as you feel Seonghwa’s heavy gaze on you. “So does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” he asks you and you pause.
“I mean technically we never broke up when we were six so you’re basically just re-asking me out.” you tease, pulling the blankets on both your bodies as you settle on a show to watch.
“Oh god, you still remember that?” 
Of course you do. 
“Obviously, how could I forget you screaming to the entire park that I had cooties.” 
He laughs at that and you can’t help but smile widely hearing him. You both lay comfortably next to one another, watching intently at the show in front of you, yet both your minds were racing at the fact that officially, you could say you were boyfriend and girlfriend. 
“So when did you start liking me?” he asks you. 
“Honestly, I think I always did.” you answer truthfully. “But, like actually realizing my feelings for you?” you pause for a moment to think. “I think it was when you got really sick that one time and your parents were away for a business trip, and my mom made me drop off soup to your house. And I was only supposed to drop off the soup but I took care of you because even when you were all snotty and gross and barely awake to hang out with me, I kinda just realized I’d rather spend my time with you doing that than anywhere else.”
His eyes soften at you. “Aww.”
“Buuut then before that, there was also that time that Ashley told you she liked you and I got super jealous and I was actually going to shove her into a brick wall, so ...I kinda just figured...” you add.
“Way to ruin a sappy moment, moron.” Seonghwa playfully shoves you and you laugh. 
You cuddle up next to him returning your attention back to the show in front of you. Only a few minutes pass before Seonghwa speaks up again, and his question catches you off guard.
“What if we break up... like eventually?” 
You think about it for a second. “Then we go back to being best friends.”
“That easy?”
“That easy.” you nod. 
“For the record though, I don’t ever want there to be a time where I don’t like you. I hope there isn’t.” he says.
“I hope there isn’t either.” you assure, and just like that, you two go back to watching tv.
You’ve always had a soft spot for Seonghwa so it never came as a surprise to you, or anybody for that matter when you figured out you had a little crush on your best friend. 
In a hypothetical situation, if somewhere along the way your feelings ever started to fade, you still couldn’t picture a life where he wasn’t right beside you no matter what. He was your person, and he has been since you two were five. There was nobody in this world that could replace the bond you had with him.
Even at the age of thirteen, you knew you wanted Seonghwa to be there for the rest of your life.
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At the age of fourteen and a half, you and Seonghwa have your first ever fight where he conveniently declares that he loves you for the first time. 
seonghwa <3; received 4:24 pm
y/n can u not be like this and talk to me :( 
i’m sorry
can u let me come over and talk to u
Your phone continues to buzz as you stare at it beside you, rolling your eyes at his insistent messaging.
You try your best to ignore it but the continuous beeping irritates you to no end.
you; delivered 4:26 pm
i’m mad at u.
seonghwa <3; received 4:26 pm
you; delivered 4:27 pm
can u like do smth with ur life instead of bothering me
seonghwa <3; received 4:27 pm
Okay, you admit. That one was a low blow and for a second you almost feel bad until you’re reminded of the fact that you were still royally pissed at him.
you; delivered 4:28 pm
ur actually annoying
seonghwa <3; received 4:28 pm
ya ik i am
but yk what i’m not
someone who is going to do nothing about their gf being mad at them
so open ur window bc im climbing up so i can apologize
stop being a meanie and let me say sorry
Despite how mad you still are, your heart can’t help but skip a beat reading his messages. No matter how hard you wanted to stay angry at him and tell him to go away, you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist him even if you tried. Seonghwa was charming like that, always managing to sweet talk you in every way. 
You crack open your window and see his tuft of black hair climbing up your ladder. As he hops into your bedroom you fold your arms across your chest, not daring to say a word to him until he speaks first.
“Look, I’m sorry for being an ass earlier.” Seonghwa apologizes, and all you do is look at him. He sighs before continuing. “I was just having a bad day and took it out on you and I shouldn’t have blown up on you during class. I get it. Dick move.”
“But then you had to go and talk to Ashley about it?” you added. “That was like the worst part of it! Do you trust her more than me or something?”
“What? No! Of course not!” he panics. 
“You, and everyone else and their mother knows she’s like obsessed with you!” you shout in frustration. “She’s liked you for so long, do you know how stupid you made me look running off to her knowing how she feels about you?!”
“That wasn’t my intention-”
“Were you trying to make me mad?”
“No, y/n.”
“Did you do it to make me jealous?”
“So why Seonghwa, did you have to go and vent to her after you yelled at me in front of everyone when all I did was try to help?”
“I don’t know, okay!”
“I just don’t understand why me of all people you had to take it out on. When all i’ve literally done for you for like the last ten freaking years of us being friends was listen to you when you had a bad day or try to cheer you up when you were down! Never once when I was feeling crappy did I take that out on you. Never.” you explain with a heavy sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” he doesn’t know what else to say because he knows he’s in the wrong. 
“Do you like her or something?” your voice is quiet and the hurt is evident. “Cause if you do just tell me.”
Seonghwa is quick to shut you down as he pulls you into his arms.
“No, no, no. Y/n, I don’t like her. I don’t. Please believe me.” he begs. “Look, I don’t know why I went to her when I should’ve gone to you. I couldn’t even begin to explain what was going through my head at that point because I don’t know. But I love you, okay? I would never, ever like Ashley.”
Your eyes widen and you pull away from him. “W-what did you just say?”
“I... um...” Seonghwa starts to fumble over his words because he didn’t exactly intend to tell you, but it sort of just came out and now he’s starting to panic.
“Do you mean it?” you ask.
He just nods, a little embarrassed at his sudden declaration.
“I love you too.” you say softly, and he relaxes.
"I’m really sorry, y/n.” he pulls you close to him, burying his face into your hair as he hugs you tightly.
“I’m sorry too.” you murmur against him.
“I hate fighting with you.” he mumbles.
“Me too.”
“I promise I’ll never take my anger out on you again. And I’ll never talk to Ashley again. And I’ll literally do whatever you want me to if it means you won’t stay mad at me because I don’t like it when you’re mad at me, and I hate making you sad.” he rambles and you let out a small chuckle.
“Just come lay down and watch Friends with me.”
And you ultimately forget that you’re mad at Seonghwa because you decide that you can’t really stay mad at him after he tells you that he loves you. And although all is forgiven, he still decides to grovel for the next week as a reassurance that he really meant his apology.
So at fourteen years old, you have your first, and last fight with him.
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At the age of sixteen, you celebrate your three year anniversary with Seonghwa, and decide you were ready to lose your virginity to him.
“Okay I know you said that the expensive dinner date was enough of a present for you, but you know me and always overdoing it....” he says behind you as you hear the crinkling of a bag behind you.
“Trust me, babe. You’re gonna love it.” he assures as he walks over to you.
Your eyes instantly fall onto the small red velvet box in his hands and your mouth falls open.
“This was expensive wasn’t it?” you pry and he shrugs.
“Maybe, but I was saving up for it for a while now.” he responds, sitting next to you as he hands you the box.
“I always feel bad every time you spend money on me.” you sigh as your fingers smooth over the velvet.
“I know but it was worth it, trust me. Open it.” Seonghwa urges.
You pull apart the bow and lift up the lid, your eyes widening in awe at the shiny ring placed inside. You lift it out gently noticing the small engraving on the inner part of the band, with both your initials and a small ‘i love you 4ever’ written underneath.
“Oh my god,” you utter. “I love it.” you place the ring on your finger.
“Good because I have a matching one too.” your boyfriend grins at you as he pulls out another box lined with a silver band with that very same engraving. 
You pull him in for a hug as he wraps his arms around you instinctively and all you can feel right now is an overload of gratitude for him. 
“I actually love you so much.” you say, pulling his face towards you to press soft kisses all over his face.
“Yeah, I know I’m the best,” Seongwha chuckles. “But I love you too baby.”
Your lips mould together perfectly, the kiss slow and soft at first. His hands wrap around your waist and your mouth moves gently against his. But soon enough you’re clinging to him and his body is pressed against yours, the kiss growing more needy and intense.
You knew when things started to get heavy he would stop the both of you from going further, never wanting to push you to discomfort. The furthest you had gone with one another was only third base, but it never went further than that and Seonghwa always left that decision up to you if you wanted to take it there.
You figure if you don’t speak up now, he was going to cut this short, so it’s only then at this very moment do you decide you wanted him to be your first.
“Do you want to have sex?” you blurt out suddenly and you swear you’ve never seen your boyfriend’s eyes go so wide before. 
He opens his mouth to speak but he can’t seem to find the right words to say. “I- um, wait, are you being for real?” he stutters. “I mean, I do want to, but, are you sure you want to?” he asks, still in disbelief from your question.
“Shit, sorry I know that was really sudden to ask, but I do want to.” you assure. “But only if you want to.”
“Of course I want to.” his eyes soften, and his hand finds yours in an instant delivering a comforting squeeze.
“Okay so come here and kiss me again please.” you say quietly.
And just like that, Seongwha’s soft lips land on yours once more. Without breaking apart he gently guides you to the head of his bed, laying you down underneath him as your bodies press up against each other.
You swear you can kiss Seongwha for hours and never grow tired of the feeling. You get drunk off his kisses, unable to think of anything else but him. It’s dizzying really, but you love it. You find that off all the things you love about him its his lips, and how impossibly soft they are and how familiar they feel against your own. How much comfort it would bring you, and how all you had to when you had a bad day was just kiss your boyfriend for however long he let you.
It felt like home.
His lips trailed lower to your neck, littering soft pecks across your skin. Quiet noises escape your lips and Seongwha can’t help but grind against your lower half. His hands travel across your body and the ache between your legs grows by the second, and the only thing you can think of is how much you love him, and need him.
Your mind kind of blurs because the next second you find yourself both naked and he’s fiddling in his drawer to find what you assumed to be a condom. He notices your curious stare as he opens his mouth to speak. “M-my dad told me to keep these in here,” Seongwha stutters. “He said to be prepared in case the time comes, and well, here’s the time I guess.” he laughs lightheartedly and the very sound makes your heart swell. 
“Nice call on Papa Park I guess,” you joke and Seongwha chuckles.
He climbs over you and delivers another peck to your swollen lips. “Okay, no more mention of my dad please when I’m about to put my penis in you.”
“Sorry, sorry.” you chuckle nervously as your boyfriend pulls you in for another kiss. 
"Okay, if it hurts tell me to stop and I will, alright?” his eyes stare deeply into your own.
You nod at him with a small smile, admiring what little of his face you could see in the darkness of his room. “I will, don’t worry.”
“Okay.” he sighs, positioning himself in front of you. “I love you.” he whispers against your lips. 
“I love you more, baby.” you say to him before you feel him push himself inside you. You gasp at the feeling and he stills in his spot to let you adjust. 
And once you signal that it’s okay for him to move, he does at a slow pace, and you gasp at the intense pleasure. Even though the pain has subsided his thrusts are still slow and controlled, and you don’t know if it’s because he’s afraid to hurt you, or if he just wants to revel in the feeling of you around him. Either way your heart fills with love for this one boy. 
“I love you so much, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you  know that?” he whispers in your ear and your eyes shut at his words and the newfound feeling you would grow to love. “and thank you for trusting me right now...” his breathing grows heavy. “because I would do anything for you, and I just want you to know that, okay?”
You almost feel like you could cry because above all the pleasure that you’re experiencing right now, his words feel different, more intimate, and all the more meaningful to you. 
And you believe every word he says because you know he truly means it.
“I would do anything for you too.” you repeat his words back to him and he buries his face into your neck as he continues to thrust into you. 
So at sixteen years old, you have your first time with the love of your life. And you tell yourself that no matter what happens between the both of you, you were never going to regret giving that part of yourself to him. 
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At the age of eighteen years old, you do the unthinkable.
You decide after a long and heavy conversation, you two were going to break up. You were both set to leave town to pursue your studies at your dream schools, and you felt that parting ways at this point was the better option.
While you two could figure out a way to make things work while half way across the world from each other, you had to take into account all the factors that would drive you two apart. The time difference, the long distance, the fact that you were inevitably going to meet new people, and that you simply did not want to hold each other back from experiencing a life without one another. 
Because all you’ve known almost your entire life was being with Seonghwa, and him with you. You knew it was only fair to give each other the chance to explore something new, and now was that time.
It wasn’t an easy decision by any means, and although it was an amicable split, you’ve never felt the pain of a broken heart before. It hurt really bad.
Your friends and family decide to throw you both one last goodbye party, wanting to celebrate this special milestone with you. And of course there was no way you and Seonghwa could pass up the last good night you two would have together as a couple.
The party was fun at first. The dancing, the singing, the laughing, and the endless exchange of pictures as you guys shared the last few memories you would have as high school graduates. 
But as the night started to creep in, you both realized that in less than 24 hours, you two would no longer be attached to one another like you had been for the last thirteen years. And after five years as a couple, you still couldn’t believe that your relationship would come to an end, just like that.
You hear the faint music in the background of your house, as you and Seonghwa sit in your backyard, gazing up at the stars.
“This fucking sucks.” Seonghwa sighs, resting his head on your shoulder as you lean your head on top of his. 
“I know.” your throat burns, suppressing the urge to cry. 
“I just didn’t expect this day to come. I never thought we would actually break up with each other.” he admits, and you nod your head in agreement. 
You grab onto his hand rubbing comforting circles onto his skin, and you feel Seonghwa’s body start to shake next to you. You don’t want to look at him because you know if you see him cry, you’ll cry too.
You close your eyes trying to control your heavy breathing and the quivering of your lips. Your eyes are watering but you refuse to let your tears slip, and your heart hurts like it’s never hurt before, and you don’t know if the pain will ever go away.
“Seonghwa I really love you.” your voice breaks and you finally let the tears fall.
“I know, baby.” the pet name has always affected you, but now more than ever it tugs at your heart strings in a bittersweet way. “I really, really love you too. Always.”
“You know you’re the love of my life right? You’re always going to be.” you state and he delivers a squeeze to your hand in acknowledgement.
“And you’ll always be mine.” he answers back. “You’re my best friend in the whole world and the last five years with you as my girlfriend will forever be the greatest five years of my life. I will always stand by the fact that you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
As you stare at one another with teary eyes, he knows you’re saying the same exact words to him. He doesn’t need to hear you say it, nor does he expect you to. Your eyes say more than enough to him.
You look down at the rose gold band around your finger and you realize how long you’ve kept it on, never once taking it off since that day Seonghwa gave it to you. “Do you want your ring back?” you utter, your eyes watering once more.
Seonghwa shakes his head. “Please keep it. Because I still mean it. And I always will. I’m gonna love you forever, y/n. Even if you decide to take it off, if that’s the last reminder you have of how much I love you, then please keep it.”
Your heart is hurting, and the tears seem never ending as they continue to fall down your cheeks. “I don’t want to leave you Seonghwa.” a sob escapes from your lips, and Seonghwa squeezes your hand again.
“I know, baby but you have to. You’re going to the school you’ve dreamed of going to since you were in the fourth grade. You’re going to accomplish so much and a build a great life for yourself, y/n. And even though I won’t be physically with you, I’m always going to support you every step of the way.” he assures.
You knew in a perfect world you two didn’t have to break up. But long distance was a bitch, and you moving across the world was never going to be easy on him. You couldn’t force each other to wait for the other. Not when the both of you had to start a whole new life separately. You had to let each other go.
You turn to face him, your teary eyes staring into his own. “I’ll always support you too, okay? No matter what. I want you to make the most of your time in Seoul, study hard, surround yourself with good people and have the most fun you’ve ever had. You’re gonna make so many friends and pursue the career you’ve always wanted and experience new things that you’ve never done before. And most of all, you’re going to meet a girl and love her just as much as you loved me. And you’re gonna fall in love all over again, and just be happy. Just promise me that you will make the most of your time over there and live your life to the fullest. Don’t look back, don’t wait for me. Just live until I get to see you again.” your voice breaks. “And if somehow we find our way back to one another, then just know everything we did up to that point was worth it.”
Seonghwa lets out a sob and nods. “I promise.” his voice breaks and you pull him in for your last goodbye kiss.
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At nineteen, you visit your hometown for Christmas, which was the first time you’d be back in a year and a half. 
Having missed out on the chance to visit last year with your busy schedule, you made sure not to pass up the chance to see your family and friends. The more you grew accustomed to your new home you managed to find a good balance between school, work, and your personal life, so you found that this year was finally a good time to return back for a visit.
And there was no better time to come home than for Christmas day.
“Yeah, just landed at our layover and waiting for the next flight.” you say to your mother over Facetime.
“That’s great honey, I’m so excited to see you.” she smiles at you and you return the gesture. 
“I missed you mom.” you say.
“And I missed you even more.” 
You two continue conversing amongst one another, as she filled you in on all things you missed while you were gone before a voice interrupts your conversation.
“Hey babe, here.” Juyeon says, handing you a coffee as he presses a small kiss to your forehead.
“Oh thank you.” you murmur with a small smile as your boyfriend sits down next to you.
“Oh hey miss y/l/n!” Juyeon greets seeing your mom’s face plastered on your screen.
“Juyeon!” she squeals excitedly. “I can’t wait to finally meet you in person instead of over video chat. It was about damn time.” she states and you and your boyfriend chuckle. You hand him your phone allowing them to talk with one another and you smile fondly at the newfound bond between Juyeon and your mother.
“I know, I can’t wait to meet all of you guys too! I know y/n’s been really excited, it was all she could talk about for the last three weeks.” he teases. “And she says you make really good pie so i am definitely looking forward to that.”
“That is such an understatement, I make the best pie.” she scoffs. “And I made one specifically for you.” your mother beams.
After a few minutes of playful banter exchanged, Juyeon hands your phone back to you. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom before we board, I’ll be back.” he excuses himself and you nod in acknowledgement. 
“Oh y/n, I just thought I should mention Seonghwa and his family are coming over for Christmas dinner as well.” your mom says and the sheer mention of his name as your heart beating in your chest.
“Oh he’s back in town too?” you ask casually and she nods.
“Yup, he’s also bringing his girlfriend.” she adds.
“That’s great, I’m really happy for him.” you say with a smile.
And you meant it, truly. 
You knew of his girlfriend from the few photos he posted of her on instagram, and he seemed genuinely happy. Aside from his newfound love, he was clearly enjoying his time in Seoul like you had hoped, and it was everything you wished for him. 
You two hadn’t really spoken over the last year, and it wasn’t really on purpose, you two just kind of drifted, as expected. You two were starting fresh in an unfamiliar place, and you both were finding your way around your new homes. You two were also preoccupied with school, and meeting new people so it was sort of inevitably really that you two grew apart. Of course there were the few times you two would chat, but it never lasted long due to time differences and busy schedules. 
Although you missed him immensely, you were beyond happy for the life he started for himself, and you knew he was happy for you too. He did exactly what he promised you the last night you spent together, and that was enough to make you happy.
“Flight 219 now boarding.” the announcer calls and Juyeon meets you right on time.
“Okay mom, that’s us. I’ll see you in a few hours, bye, love you.” you bid your farewell before hanging up, and Juyeon grabs your hand leading you to the gate.
“Ready to go home?” he smiles at you, and you beam excitedly, nodding your head.
As the days pass leading up to Christmas, you spend all of your of time with your family and friends, using every second to catch up with your loved ones. You find that Juyeon is adapting well to your home life, bonding with your father and making your mother love him even more than she already did. You introduce him to your childhood friends and he instantly wins over Mingi, Hongjoong, Yunho and Jennie. You admire how much of an effort he put into forming a friendship with them because he knew how much it meant to you.
You were thankful really, to find a guy who was almost perfect for you.
But still, in the back of your mind, even though you loved Juyeon beyond belief, you knew Seonghwa would always have that special place in your heart.
On the day of Christmas, you and Juyeon set the table as you await the Park’s arrival. You were slightly nervous, obviously, given the fact that you had not seen Seonghwa in over a year and you would be meeting his girlfriend. Although you were happy for him, you still felt anxious to see him and her, and you could only hope that she was good for him, because he deserved that much. 
Only a few moments later do you hear a knock at your door and your mother walks over to greet your longtime neighbours. Juyeon stands next to you as he wraps an arm around your waist comfortingly and you relax against him. 
You see Mrs. Park first as she walks inside, giving your mother a friendly hug. Mr. Park follows suit as he greets your mother and your father with a wide smile on his face.
And then you see him.
His hair is slightly darker and he does look a little older. But other than that his face is so familiar to you and your heart beats wildly in your chest as the two of you make eye contact. His face softens when he sees you and you deliver a small wave to him as he smiles. His girlfriend trails behind him and you take notice of how beautiful she was. You smile at her too and she returns the gesture and your heart kind of warms seeing how shy she is because you always kind of knew Seonghwa would pick someone similar to him.
“Oh my y/n, how long has it been!” Mrs. Park calls towards you and you hug her tightly. 
“I missed you!” you say to her and her arms wrap tighter around you.
“I missed you too, darling. And you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you!” she compliments. “And who is this handsome man?”
“This is Juyeon, he’s my boyfriend.” you smile, and Juyeon shakes her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Park. Y/n’s talked a lot about your family.” he says politely.
“Y/n’s picked a good one, I see.” she winks playfully as you notice Seonghwa and his girlfriend make their way towards you two.
“Hey y/n, long time no see.” Seonghwa says and you almost melt at the sound of his voice. He pulls you in for a hug and you notice how he still wears the same cologne that you had bought him all those years ago.
“Yeah, it’s good to see you again.” you smile at him, and although it had been well over a year since you two last saw each other, there was no hint of awkwardness, just nostalgia.
“Oh, this is Juyeon.” you introduce and Seonghwa delivers a warm smile to your boyfriend, shaking his hand respectfully.
“Nice to meet you.” Juyeon smiles.
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Seonghwa. Y/n’s... childhood friend.” he decides to say.
“I know she’s mentioned you a lot in her stories.” your boyfriend acknowledges. “From all the things she told me you were one of the people I was looking forward to meet the most. You seemed really great to her.”
“I could only hope so. She was my best friend after all.” Seonghwa glances at you, and you know there’s a deeper meaning behind his words. “And you seem like a really great guy, so I’m glad she has good people in her life.” Seonghwa returns and you find it heartwarming how well their exchange is going.
You look at the girl beside your ex and she’s staring at you with gentle, curious eyes. “Hi, I’m y/n.” you smile at her, extending your hand out for her to shake.
“Rosé,” she beams at you and you don’t even really know her but there was something about her that assured you she was good fit for Seonghwa. “I heard a lot about you as well, Hwa’s always talking about his life back home so I’m really glad I got to meet his best friend. You were really special to him.”
You smile softly. “I’m glad I got to meet you too.” you say.
“Okay, time for dinner everyone!” your father announces and you all take a seat at the table, passing over plates of food and catching up with one another.
“So Seonghwa, how’s Seoul treating you?” your mother asks as everyone turns their attention towards him.
“Uh really good actually,” he responds. “I joined a band actually! Uh, I became friends with these really nice guys. San and Yeosang. They basically recruited me after they found out I could sing and now we play at this local bar every week on Friday’s and Saturday’s. It was really good for me, I think. It helped with my stress and stuff. And that’s actually where I met Rosé.”
“That’s amazing.” your mother comments with a warm smile.
“Yeah he was really shy at first but San kind of forced him to talk to me which I was really thankful for because I was eyeing him for a while and was too shy myself to approach him.” Rosé says. “I still remember the night he asked for my number and he was stumbling over his words and I swear he looked like he was going to pass out.” she chuckles, and everyone at the table laughs along with her.
“Oh my god I know what you mean, he also cracks his fingers a lot and starts to turn really purple when he’s nervous.” you add and Rosé points at you nodding in agreement.
“Yes! I notice that all the time!” she laughs, and you can’t help but laugh with her.
“Trust me, I have the most embarrassing stories of him when we were kids.” you say.
“Oh god, you have to tell me all of them.” Rosé giggles.
“Obviously, we have the whole night for that.” you wink at her, and you realize how easy and natural it was to talk to her, and that confirmed that you indeed really liked her. 
Seonghwa watches the exchange between you both, and as you two make eye contact with each other, a small smile appears on his face as you nod at him, silently approving of the girl he chose to bring home for this special day. His heart grows full seeing how well the two of you got along, and he’s forever grateful at how amazing of a person you were that you were so willingly to form a friendship with his new girlfriend.
Although he loved Rosé dearly, there was still a piece of his heart where he’d always love you. And that piece grows a little more when he realizes how you continue to support him, even through this unconventional situation. 
Seonghwa decides he’s going to do the same for you, because just like you were happy for him, he was happy for you too. 
Of course he was glad you found someone who could put a smile on your face like he once did, and he knows that for you to have willingly dated Juyeon, he had to have been just as great as you were. You always had the best judgement of people.
“So Juyeon, how’d you and y/n meet?” Seonghwa asks genuinely and he notices the way his face lights up at the mention of your name.
“We had a lot of mutual friends and they introduced us. It’s funny actually, I could tell y/n didn’t even really like me that much at first, she was always so disinterested when I would try and talk to her.” Juyeon laughs.
“Probably stressing too much about trivial things.” Seonghwa chuckles.
“Yeah she does that a lot, so overly anxious all the time” Juyeon notes, and Seonghwa agrees. 
“Hey,” you interrupt and Juyeon apologizes.
“Sorry babe,” he chuckles. "but yeah, I finally sweet talked my way to get her to go out on a coffee date with me and then the next day she asked to go out for lunch after our lecture. We kind of just ended up hanging out more often and well, the rest is history I guess.”
“That’s great, I’m really glad she found someone that makes her happy.” Seonghwa smiles, and you feel a sense of gratitude towards him.
The rest of the night your families converse with one another and share a few drinks, as you and Seonghwa share old stories with Juyeon and Rosé. If you told yourself three years ago that you would be sitting by the fireplace on Christmas day with you and Seonghwa as exes exchanging stories with your new lovers, you would’ve never believed it. 
But you don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. In fact you’re immensely grateful that despite not being as close to Seonghwa anymore, you were able to see each other grow and adapt with your new lives. A life where you made new friends and made new memories. Where you tried things you’ve never tried before, and explored new places. And where you could love other people and still be so insanely happy for one another. 
This was a good thing.
At one point during the night the two of you find yourselves alone, a comfortable silence filling the room as you stared at the fire in front of you, basking in its warmth.
“I missed you.” Seonghwa is the first to break the silence.
“I missed you too.” you return. “And I’m really happy for you, you know?” 
“I’m really happy for you too, y/n.” Seonghwa smiles at you. “And I really like Juyeon. He seems really great, and he makes you happy, I can see it. That’s all I ever wanted for you.”
You hum in acknowledgement. “And I think Rosé is amazing. She’s perfect for you. And I’m forever grateful that you two have each other. I know we’ve drifted over the last year, but you’re still my best friend in the whole world. And even though I don’t say it often, or even out loud, I’m supporting you through everything. As long as it makes you happy that’s all I care about.”
His heart warms at your statement and he locks eyes with you. “And you know I’m always supporting you too. Seeing you happy and thriving is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s all I want for you.” he states.
Neither of you have to say it, but you know this is your unspoken way of saying that you both still loved each other greatly. You still stood by the fact that Seonghwa was, and always would be the most important person in your life, and you in his. Seeing one another content and happy despite not having each other around anymore, was the one thing that mattered to you both. The maturity and support you continued to show was only because of the immense love you have, and have always had for one another. 
The kind of love that lets you give up the person you love the most so they can have a better life without you. 
And the kind of love that’s okay with it.
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At twenty-one years old, you and Seonghwa meet again.
It’s during one of your breaks where you find yourself extremely homesick. You don’t even give your family a heads up until you’re outside your childhood home knocking at your door.
It was an impulsive decision but it’s not like you were currently in school. You had the time and the money, and you missed your hometown so incredibly bad that it only took you one second to make that decision to come back.
“Coming, one second!” you hear a male voice call behind the door and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Well, that’s is definitely not my mom, or dad.” you say to yourself. “Did they move out without telling me or something-” your internal conversation is cut short as the door swings open and you’re greeted by an unexpected figure.
“Y/n?” the boy says in surprise.
“Seonghwa??” you say even more confused. 
“Who’s at the door Seonghwa?” now that’s your mother’s voice you hear and she gasps as she walks over to the door. “Y/n! Oh my god why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?!” she pulls you into her arms.
“Surprise.” you chuckle. “I kind of sort of felt really homesick and impulsively bought a plane ticket last night so I could fly back so... here I am.”
“Well come settle in! Seonghwa was just helping with some renovations in the house but I’ll let you two catch up.” your mother grabs your luggage, carrying it up to your bedroom. “Go grab a coffee or something!” she yells upstairs.
You look over to Seonghwa and he shrugs. “Let’s go then.” he smiles and your heart swells.
The two of you walk comfortably beside one another as you take in the scenery around you, missing the familiar place you once called home. 
“I didn’t know you were back in town too.” you say after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah, it was pretty impulsive too actually.” he admits as he looks at you. 
“What was your reason?” you ask curiously.
“Break up.” he states and your mouth falls open.
“Wait, you and Rosé...” 
He nods. “Yeah, things just kinda, fizzled out. You know, we grew apart, wanted different things, came to a point where we were in different stages in our life.”
“Oh wow.” is all you say. “I’m sorry to hear, she was really sweet. I really liked her.”
“Yeah, she was,” Seonghwa sighs. “I mean, we ended on good terms. We’re still friends, actually. I don’t even think I’m necessarily sad about it to be honest, it’s just different, you know? Like I know we weren’t even dating for that long, like two and a half years at most. But I just got so used to being around her and spending so much time with her, and then things just weren’t really the same after a while. It just felt odd not having someone. And being alone made me miss everything I had here so I came back.”
You nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, I totally get what you mean.”
Seonghwa raises his eyebrow at you. “You mean... you and Juyeon too?”
“Mhm,” you hum. “I think for us we just realized we were better off as friends than as a couple, you know? Like after a while the attraction kind of went away and we were only really together because it was comfortable. And we didn’t want to stay together if we weren’t in love anymore, it wouldn’t have made sense. The break up was easy and it felt right when we ended things, I kind of wish it happened sooner but, I was still thankful for the time we spent together. He is still one of my best friends so I’m grateful for that at least.”
“That’s good.” he smiles softly. 
“Hey at least we both can confidently say we have a track record of smooth break ups, right?” you joke lightheartedly.
“Thank god for that.” Seonghwa says with a laugh.
When you two enter the coffee shop you’re once again hit with a feeling of nostalgia as you think of all the times you, Seonghwa, and your friends would spend most days after school, drinking hot chocolate and eating pastries together as you all talked for hours and hours.
“I’ll get our usuals, you can wait by our spot.” Seonghwa offers, and you nod making your way towards your designated table. 
The moment you sit down you’re hit with a wave of flashbacks you shared in this very space, and a small smile creeps onto your face as you look back on all the old memories. 
After your brief moment of reminiscing, Seongwha sits across from you handing over your cup. 
“Sometimes you don’t realize how much you miss home until you’re actually back in all the places you grew up in,” you note as you take notice of the small engraving in the corner of the table marked with yours and all your friends’ initials. Your fingers ghost over the mark and when you look up at Seongwha you see that he’s also eyeing the engraving. 
“I remember when we put that there,” he recalls with a smile. “After five years of coming here and sitting at this same exact table with our friends we claimed our ownership by putting that stupid engraving that took us forever to do. As if that stopped people from sitting here anyways.” you both chuckled.
“Well at least Jennie and Hongjoong were brave enough to kick out the people who stole our spot.” you laugh.
“Yeah,” Seonghwa smiles fondly at the memory. “I still remember the days where Mingi and Yunho would bet the barista on how many butter croissants they could eat in one sitting so we could all get a supply of free hot chocolate for a year.”
“And it was only after Mingi threw up everywhere that it turned out all we had to do was ask her, and she would’ve done it anyways because we were regulars here.” you finish with a soft chuckle.
A comfortable silence fills the air as you two reminisce on the old memories of your teenage years.
“Can I ask you something?” Seonghwa says.
“Of course.”
“When you finish university,” he starts. “What are you gonna do afterwards? Like do you plan on living abroad permanently? Or are you gonna come back home?”
You pause for a second. “Honestly, after the first year there, I fell in love with the city. And I truly was planning on starting my life there and making that my permanent home, ‘cause I had Juyeon, and I had my new friends, I had jobs lined up for me after graduation, and just an overall great home.” you say. “But after splitting up with him, and sitting with the fact that I was constantly homesick, I kinda realized that this is my home, you know? Like, no matter how much I loved my new friends, and loved the city, it would never be as special to me as here. Nothing over there compared to everything I have here. And I knew you were gonna come back from Seoul after graduation, and Jennie and Yunho were gonna come back from New Zealand too. And Mingi and Hongjoong, and the rest of them were all still here... I didn’t want to be the only one gone. All my real friends are here, my family’s here... you’re here. I didn’t want to leave that all behind.” you exclaim and Seonghwa’s face softens.
“I’m really glad honestly.” he responds. “Because I missed you a lot. And it would’ve really sucked to know you weren’t gonna be here anymore when I moved back. I just really miss spending time with my best friend.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Well, you have the next two weeks to do that.” you smile up at him.
“I have an idea.” his eyes light up and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Do you wanna have a sleepover tonight? We can have a move night and order take out like the good old times.” he grins at you.
“You had me at sleepover.” you say with a smile and so he grabs your hand, pulling you towards the exit.
When Seonghwa lets you into his house you almost forget the fact that you haven’t been inside in almost three whole years. This was practically your second home and you found comfort in the fact that nothing really changed since you last saw it. Everything looked almost exactly how you remembered it, minus the new couch and dining table, and a few new paintings hung up on the walls.
“Your mom didn’t change much over the last few years.” you observe.
“Yeah, she was going to do a whole renovation like your mom, and she even planned a whole design out, but she opted out last minute. She said she wanted me to come back home to something I remembered.” Seonghwa answers. “I didn’t get why at first but it only started making sense to me the more I started visiting and realized this was like my safety net.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” you say.
You and Seonghwa walk upstairs to his bedroom, and of course nothing changed inside either. It almost seemed like it had been untouched aside from the fresh bedsheets and clean floor. You notice the small picture frames neatly placed across his dresser table and you realize most of them are pictures with you. You pick one frame up as you remember the day so clearly. A faint smile forms on your face as your fingers ghost over the photo.
“I asked my mom to put those up again recently.” Seonghwa states from behind you. “I was gonna put more with our friends but I realized we didn’t take many with them. They were mostly just of us two. I hope you don’t think it’s weird.”
You shake your head. “No, of course not. I would never think it’s weird.” you say, placing the frame back onto his dresser.
Seonghwa tosses you one of his shirts and a pair of your old shorts that you always left at his house during your impromptu sleepovers. And suddenly you’re once again hit with a wave of nostalgia. 
“What do you wanna do?” he asks and you flop onto his bed with a deep exhale.
“Let’s just lay here for a second.” you say pulling him down next to you. “I just wanna remember everything that I missed while I was gone.” 
Seonghwa settles beside you and you can’t help your racing heart as he inches closer to you. As you lay next to one another looking up at the ceiling, your breathing relaxes and you revel in the feeling of just being so comfortable and at so at home. 
“You don’t know how much I missed this,” Seonghwa whispers next to you. “even though we haven’t seen each other in years and we don’t talk as much anymore, when I’m with you it’s like we never even left each other. Like we just pick up right where we left off. You’re the one person who’s always brought me comfort and I never feel like we have to force things with each other, no matter how much we drifted.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and suddenly the room feels so much warmer. Your heart beats fast and you realize how much of an effect Seonghwa still has on you after all these years.
“I think about you everyday, you know that?” you confess, turning your head to look at him. “Every time I’m out somewhere there will always be little things that remind me of you. And I think about all the places in the city I would take you, and the places I know you would love. I think about all the things you would tell me when I was feeling down, and how you would react to certain situations as if you were right there beside me the whole time. I miss you all the time.”
You both stare at one another and your eyes flicker back and forth to his lips and when you look into his own eyes you notice him doing the same. After a moment of just staring into each other’s eyes, unsure of what to do next, Seonghwa pulls you towards his face and kisses you, and the feeling absolutely overwhelms you in all the good ways.
It’s far from soft and sweet, instead heavy and messy, and so intense that your chest burns with desire. You don’t dare pull away from him even when you needed to catch your breath, because the feeling of his lips on yours after all these years intoxicates you and has you yearning for more. He’s pulling you closer to him and you feel like your body is on fire. 
Seonghwa rolls on top of you and your bodies mould perfectly with one another, as if you were both the two missing pieces of a puzzle. You can’t exactly describe the feeling but it’s overwhelming and very reminiscent and brings you back to all the times with Seonghwa that brought you so much happiness years ago. It’s a feeling you didn’t know if you would ever feel again and you missed it more than anything.
The ache between your legs becomes overwhelming and before you know it you’re begging him to touch you, and without any hesitation he does. Your bodies press tightly against each other and your desperate need for him only grows the moment he grinds down on you. 
The next thing you know, you’re both unclothed and fully exposed to one another, and you see each other in your most vulnerable states for the first time in years. When he finally pushes himself inside you the pleasure is significantly magnified as the fire inside you only intensifies at the feeling of him.
It happens quick at first but Seonghwa decides he wants to take his time with you. Like you, he didn’t know if he would ever feel you in this way again and he was going to use every second with you that he could.
You don’t know how much time has passed but by the end, you both are exhausted and sore, and panting heavily next to each other. It’s dark outside and the room is warm and even though you’re both sweaty and gross, you haven’t felt this good in a long, long time. 
“Was that okay?” Seonghwa asks, pulling your naked body into his arms.
“Yeah,” you say with a small smile. “It was perfect.”
So you lay in each other’s embrace for a while and your heart feels warm and fuzzy, bringing you an endless amount of comfort. You feel content at this very moment, and your worries are pushed to the back of your mind as you fall asleep soundly together.
It’s only at 2 o’clock in the morning do you wake up in a haze and through your fatigued confusion does your brain recall the events that took place a few hours ago. Unable to make out your surroundings in the darkness, your eyes widen not knowing if what happened earlier really happened. When you attempt to sit up you feel a pair of arms wrapped securely around your waist and your body relaxes. Soft snores escape Seonghwa’s lips and you snuggle closer to his body to feel his warmth.
It dawns on you that you still are very much in love with Seonghwa, and of course deep down you knew that you always would be. You also knew given the chance (like now) your feelings would resurface because well... they never really left in the first place.
The unknowingness of this outcome has you shifting in your spot and anxiety creeps in as you think of leaving him all over again. Because after tonight, you don’t know if you can bear the thought of parting ways with him and returning to your life abroad where you can’t tell him exactly how you feel.
You don’t realize right away that Seonghwa has woken up next to you and he only does so because of your constant shifting. It’s when he delivers a gentle squeeze to your waist do you finally take notice.
“Are you okay?” his voice his deep and tired and the sound is enough to make your heart beat fast.
“Yeah.” you reply unconvincingly, but Seonghwa has known you all his life and was also the one to date you for five whole years. He knew you better than you probably knew yourself so in an instant he could tell there was something bothering you.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks.
Your back is leaning against his chest, and you can feel his soft breathing on your neck, and instinctively he starts to rub small circles on your arm knowing that was the one thing that could calm you down.
“It’s stupid.” you say, your voice is quiet and laced with a hint of embarrassment.
“Do you regret what we did?” Seonghwa asks and you’re quick to shut down his claim.
“No! No, of course not.” you return. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?” 
You exhale, letting out a heavy sigh. “Seonghwa I still love you.” it’s almost inaudible to him but he knows he heard you correctly. 
He lets out a soft sigh and a smile smiles forms on his face.
“I still love you too, baby.” and when you hear him call you by the name you loved so much, you feel like you’re going to melt in his arms. “I always would remember?”
Your eyes start to water because it’s been so long since you’ve been able to say that to him, and to hear him say those same exact words back to you has a weight lifting right off your shoulders that you didn’t even know was there.
“Why’s that upsetting you?” he questions and you feel him press soft kisses to your shoulder.
“I don’t want to leave you all over again.” you admit. 
He sighs next you and attempts to pull you even closer, if that were possible.
“Well we’ll spend the rest of the time we have together and enjoy every second of it. And after graduation we’ll come back home and we’ll pick up right where we left off like we always do.” Seonghwa tries to reassure you and you shake your head, sniffling.
“That’s not what I mean...” you say. “I mean that I don’t want to go back and not be with you. I don’t want to wait out till graduation and know that we aren’t together because I don’t think I can. Not after tonight.”
It clicks in Seonghwa’s brain and he knows exactly what you mean, and so he decides now’s the time to ask you what he’s been wishing to ask you for so many years. He knows he wasn’t supposed to wait for you, but he always knew he would.
“You don’t have to then.” he states.
“I don’t?”
“Do you want to get back together?” he asks and your heart almost stops. “I mean we only broke up ‘cause of the distance right? And we both fulfilled our promises to each other that we would experience a different life and learn what it was like to not be together. We’re in our last year of uni, we’d only have to be apart for a few more months and then we’ll both be back home in no time, permanently. We would never have to be apart again.” he reasons with you.
And it did make complete sense. He was right in every way, so in truth, there really wasn’t anything stopping you from being together again. You don’t have to think much about it because the decision was already made deep down. You knew you wouldn’t hesitate to be with Seonghwa again if you had the chance, and now was that chance.
You turn to face him and even though you two can’t see each other, there’s a small smile painted on both your faces and you lean in to press a kiss to his lips. 
“Okay, let’s get back together.”
So at twenty-one years old, you and Seonghwa officially reconcile, and spend the next two weeks together like you planned, catching up on everything you did while you two were apart.
And just like he said, it was like you two never left each other.
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And now, at twenty-two years old, Seonghwa pops the question.
And you finally marry him.
"Family, friends, and all loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Y/n and Seonghwa. We stand here to support this couple and share the joys of their love and commitment as they solidify this partnership, choosing to spend the rest of their lives together.” 
“Through this marriage you make a lifelong promise to one another to always love, respect, trust and honor each other through anything, and everything. You promise to stay committed, and loyal, and most importantly, share your dreams, your happiness, and your sorrows with each other.” 
“From today, and this moment on, you will forever be united as one.”
You stare at Seonghwa and your heart beats hard against your chest as you stand in front of him watching his eyes light up and his smile grow by the second. You feel like you’re in a dream and everything around you feels so surreal.
Your eyes scan the alter and you see your mother beside Mrs. Park, both of them clinging onto each other as tears of happiness running down their cheeks. Their smile is wide and filled with so much love and you knew this day was something the two have been waiting for, for as long as they could remember. 
You see Mingi, and Yunho, and Hongjoong, and Jennie, your best friends who witnessed every progression of your relationship with Seonghwa from the moment you two met. They’re all grinning from ear to ear and you can’t help but laugh as they silently cheer you on from the pews.
You see your dad, and Seonghwa’s dad, and both of your grandparents, and the entirety of yours and Seonghwa’s family joined together as they smile brightly at the two of you.
And then your eyes meet with Rosé and Juyeon as they mouth a “you got this!” to you and Seonghwa, delivering a thumbs up in your direction, and your heart kind of warms because even after splitting up, the friendship between you four remained and it was evident through their support on this special day.
When your eyes lock with your soon-to-be-husband his lips quirk up into a warm smile as you mouth out an “i love you.”
“Now Y/n, Seonghwa, please join hands” the officiant states.
"Do you, Park Seonghwa take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife?” 
“I do.” he states softly, eyes gazing into yours.
"And Y/N Y/L/N, do you take Park Seonghwa to be your husband?”
“I do.” you respond beaming.
"Seonghwa, please repeat after me.” the officiant says. “I, Park Seonghwa, take thee, Y/N Y/L/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife.” 
“I Park Seonghwa, take thee, Y/n Y/l/n, to be my lawfully wife...” he repeats.
"...To have and to hold from this day forward...”
“...For better for worse...”
 “For richer for poorer...”
“...In sickness and in health...”
“...To love and to cherish...”
“...And to honour you all the days of my life...”
“Till death do us apart.” Seonghwa finishes and your eyes start to water.
“Now, Y/n, please repeat after me.” the officiant calls on you. “I, Y/N Y/LN, take thee, Park Seonghwa, to be my lawfully wedded husband.”
You exhale before repeating his words. ““I, Y/N Y/LN, take thee, Park Seonghwa, to be my lawfully wedded husband.”
"...To have and to hold from this day forward...”
“...For better for worse...”
“For richer for poorer...”
“...In sickness and in health...”
“...To love and to cherish...”
“...And to honour you all the days of my life...”
“Till death do us apart.”
As Jennie walks over to hand over the rings she smiles brightly at you, as the crowd watches you and Seonghwa each place the new band on your fingers, signifying the start of your lifelong commitment to one another. 
“Well! By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the officiant shouts with a smile. “You may now kiss the bride!”
And without a second wasted Seonghwa pulls you in kissing you like he’s never kissed you before and the loud shouts and cheers in the background fills your ears as everyone hollers around you. And when you pull away you can’t seem to wipe the smile off your face as Seonghwa carries you out of the alter.
“Here’s to our new life together, Mrs. Park.” Seonghwa says with a grin as you kiss him once more.
“I love you so much.” you say.
“And I love you even more.” he returns.
So at twenty-two years old you know that you’re never going to stop loving Seonghwa, and that love was made permanent by the unity of your marriage. From the moment you declared him as your boyfriend at the age of six, to the years you spent learning everything together as a couple, growing apart and reuniting, you know that this was a rare kind of love to find, and one that had to mature and progress over a long period of time. 
And so you remember the words you said to him all those years ago the night you parted ways, “if somehow we find our way back to one another, then just know everything we did up to that point was worth it.”
Which stayed true four and a half years later, and for the rest of your life thereafter.
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urmomification · 3 years
dnf royalty!au bc i am a weak weak man
royalty au where george and dream are royals in opposing kingdoms and george isssss like idk 27-29 and dream is 21-23 but george's dad died when he was likeeeee 16 or 17 so hes been king since then and dream is still prince in his own kingdom but his father is old but georges father and dreams father didnt get along when georges father was still alive and dreams father insists on carrying out the rivalry that they had even though george literally paid him to shut him up, theyve been at war for years, close to a decade, (both families squabbling for more. both families have had issues for generations) w georges kingdom not losing much but dreams losing men, money, food and other resources bc his dad was a selfish ruler. at some point famine takes over dreams kingdom and george offers the king enough food to feed his whole kingdom for the winter in exchange for the kings only heir and the end of the war ('i will give you enough food to feed your whole country for one winter if you remove all your men from the battlefields and leave your only heir under my care, promise me the end of your bloodlines rule and i will make sure you live through the winter') (dreams dad struggled w having kids so losing his only heir would be a big deal) dreams dad never let him leave the castle often so he doesnt fully understand the state of his country but he understands that this war has wrecked their country and theyre on the brink of collapse so he willingly goes w george (''''''willingly'''''' meaning he gave himself up despite his fathers protests w the plan of sneaking back somehow) so george provides food for dreams country and dream follows george and basically lives by his side at all times??? idk what role this would be called but ykkkkk basically dream follows him around as george just runs his country and hes a cold a mericless ruler making all the decisions needed to make his country profit but he always makes sure to ensure the benefit of his people the people always work together and hes built shelters for the homeless and makes sure theres open opportunities for trading w other kingdoms and plenty of farms/food so they never suffer from famine and implemented a strong education system so everyone has a chance to excel in something. dream doesnt know much abt his own country bc his tutors and family always implied that their country was the best based solely on how well the upper class citizens were doing while there was a high homelessness rate and such, so dream always assumed 'if we're doing well everyone else should be doing just as well right?' bc he never knew any better but george got him a reliable tutor (techno, who also happened to be a war general/soldier whos a tutor while hes not deployed) and has people teach him to fight/defend himself (punz and sapnap bc i said so) and teach him how to be a strong respected ruler without being selfish and bigoted. when he first arrived in georges country he expected to be locked up and even potentially tortured bc hes the son of a king and bloodline who this country has been fighting w for generations but the people dont mind, hes given a good room and treated like royalty BC HE IS george only took him to his country to ensure the ending of dreams bloodline, not to make him miserable. also i take it back george isnt a 'cold and mericless ruler' hes just distant at first but dream sees him w his people and hes smiley and nice and open and charismatic and everyone loves him AND HES CONFUSED hes v distant w dream, not necessarily cold or anything more jsut hesitant? if that makes sense he really has no reason to be but he is and only around dream but eventually george takes him travelling to the peaceful parts of the kingdom, tutors him personally on specific topics (busy man doesnt have time for tutoring him all the time LOL) and teaches him to properly rule a country while still having the respect of ur people and having them like you to the point of wanting to help the country progress and perform well. dream sees this and wonders why his father never did this and george goes
on to explain bc his father was a 'greedy and corrupt leader in all honesty, im shocked he raised a kid as honest as urself' and dream talks abt how well his dad treated him and such and how he lost his mom young and how his dad was all he had and he really only showed dream his good side and really did try his hardest to be there for dream his whole life despite being a relatively distant father and george FINALLY OPENS UP TO HIM ABT HIS CHILDHOOD AND HOW HIS MOTHER WAS ACTUALLY KILLED MY MERCENARIES SENT BY DREAMS DAD WHEN GEORGE WAS 9 OR SUMN AND LOST HIS DAD ATTTT IDK FUCKIN 16 (mind u george only started tutoring dream after like 6 months of having him bc,,, distant) and dream apologizes profusely but george shuts him down bc 'its not ur fault its ur fathers, i dont mean to beat the dead horse but ur father isnt the man he showed u he is, i lost both of my parents to him so i took the thing he cares about most to get a way of subtle revenge, if that makes sense, i dont have to kill you to make him hurt' or sumn and dream realizes that george Hurts he lost both of his parents AS A KID to HIS FATHER he was forced into the throne at 16 bc no one else was responsible enough to do so and has been running the most successful kingdom in the area for over a decade while fighting a war w one hand and building a powerhouse of a country w the other, he managed to become the most responsible ruler before the age of 25, he gave up his childhood for the sake of his country and it shows hes a composed man, never taking time for himself and working himself to the bone having to put of w dreams fathers selfishness since the day he was brought to the throne
'ur father demanded gold for something my father had 'owed him', so i gave him gold. he father demanded food to repay a debt he made up, so i gave him food to silence him. he demanded a war as revenge on my ancestors so i killed his men. i killed and i killed and i killed until ur country couldnt take one more death, until one more life lost would cripple ur country beyond repair and forced him to beg me for resources and in exchange i got you. the single thing the would never give up and yet u gave yourself up bc u knew it was what was bet for your country, your people. youre nothing like your father dream and im sad ill never get to see you rule your own country' and dream just buries his head in his hands and puts his head on the table and just 'god george im so sorry and b4 u say its not my fault i know its not my fault my oblivion to everything that was happening my whole life everything happening to you, lead to so much suffering if i had just' 'dream its not your fault-' 'i know! i know its not but if i had just known-' 'dream. ur father kept u from knowing so u couldnt see what he was doing. there was nothing u could do. dont blame urself for what ur father did. ur his son but ur not him. im a terrible judge of character but i can see that much.' and dream stands up and hugs him over the table (this is the first time theyve ever gone out the way to touch each other in any way ft. v v v v v v v v touchstarved george x physically affectionate dream) and dream buries his head in georges neck and says 'i know its not my fault but that doesnt mean i cant say sorry for those who wont' and george just sits there and eventually just awkwardly pats the back of dreams head and they never talk abt it again
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z-iridest · 4 years
virgin s/o first time with dabi, bakugo, kirishima and midoriya
(A/N: Okay, Imma do this in headcannons and not really showing real detail [just cuz I'm not quite used to writing smut ngl], but the boys will be aged up to 18+ for this if they already aren't in cannon!
For the record, I added how old u guys r when u do it.... Just for the hell of it....)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cursing (It's Bakugo, what'd u expect?)
MHA Boys- First Time with a Virgin (Female!) S/O:
Izuku Midoriya
(20 years old)
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This boi.....
This soft bean has been with you through everything ever since the first year of U.A.
This boi fell in love with you the moment he met you, and has cherished the hell out of you ever since
Having graduated from U.A., you were both his main supporter and his partner in fighting crime since the two of you started in the pro hero business about 2 years ago
Which is why he wanted to take your relationship of 5 years to the next level
He wanted to prove how much he loved you by making love to you, though each time he tried to initiate it, you kept shying away.
After the third time, he confronted you about it.
"Princess... Am I doing something wrong? I know I get carried away when we make out sometimes, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all."
It takes so much gentle reassurance, but when you finally tell him you're a virgin, he's shocked to his core
How can someone so beautiful, someone he's lucky to be with, still be a virgin?
"Princess, you know if you're not ready for this, we don't have to.... I'd never force you into something you don't want to do, and you know that..."
Aaaaand, cue the infamous Midoriya rambling you've come to know and love him for
You cut him off with a kiss, a sweet loving kiss that he immediately melted into before telling him that you were ready for it, and wanted your first time to be with him
If you thought he wasn't flustered asking you about this, he's definitely flustered now. This is his first time too, after all.
He nodded before kissing you, the tender, loving kiss that you had come to know and love
It gradually got more passionate and before you knew it, he was on top of you, kissing down your neck
Profuse apologies everytime he thinks he's hurting you
"You're doing so great, Princess." "I love you so much." "You're so beautiful."
Those words constantly spill out from Izuku as he makes love to you
Aftercare is just as sweet and gentle as he is
After sex cuddles? You better be ready to fall asleep in his arms afterwards....
Unless you both have energy for more than one round, that is....
Katsuki Bakugo
(20 years old)
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Just like Midoriya, this Explosion Boi has been with you through your guys' first year at U.A.
How'd you catch his attention? Plain and simple....
He bumped into you in the hallway, and with a, "Watch where you're going, nerd!" Started to walk away.... That is... Until this came out of your mouth:
"Why don't you watch where you're going, asswipe?!"
That led to an arguement and a couple months later, you were part of the BakuSquad.
Fast forwarding to where you two are now 5 years into a steady relationship
Bakugo seriously considered you his endgame, his forever girl.... The Katsuki Bakugo doesn't fuck around when it comes to shit like this.
So, everytime you flinch away from him when he gets handsy during makeouts...
Explosion Boi is thrown for a loop
Like, is he doing something wrong? Wtf?
As a 20 year old, Bakugo legit is being as patient as possible, but the 50th time you flinch away from him, he finally confronts you.
"Every time I start getting handsy when we're making out, you jump away from me and say you're hurting. The first time, I backed off, but this is the umpteenth time. So, either I take your ass to the doctor right now, or you're lying to me and you need to fucking be honest with me and tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong."
When you tried to run away from the situation, he was instantly on his feet, capturing your hand in his before you could take another step away from him. The annoyance had softened down, his tone as he spoke almost pleading.
"Baby... You know you can talk to me about anything. If I'm doing something wrong, talk to me about it. Shit, babe, the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable, but you gotta let me know when I do so I can fix it." He gently cupped your face in his hands, making you look into his vermillion eyes, the eyes that held so much love for you. "Please, no running this time. Y/N, tell me what's wrong."
The pain on your face hurt him, he always hated it when you were upset about something. He wanted you to be happy
When you finally told him that you were a virigin and you didn't tell him because a magazine had said that guys hate virgins, the first thing that came to mind was to reassure you. First thing he did was pull you into his arms, holding you to his chest, letting you hide your face for the moment.
"Fuck them! How many times have I told you not to believe that shit? They don't speak for me. I think it's fucking awesome that you're a virigin, it just means you've been waiting for the right one." He kissed the top of your head before he continued. "I fucking love you, which is why I'm not gonna fucking force you into this if you're not ready for it. Even if we do it, it's your call for when we do it. My job is to be patient and wait for you. I love you so much." He gently made you look up at him, gently caressing your face before peppering your entire face with kisses to really hammer his point home. "And quit hiding that goregous as fuck face, you hear me?" He asked before ending the sweet assault with a tender and sweet kiss on your lips. "You're my fucking everything, Y/N."
When you guys finally do the deed, you better be ready to be calling the shots
"You're so fucking beautiful, babe." "I love the hell out of you." "You're doing great, baby." "Take your time, my goregous Queen."
Some of the things he says during sex
He will treat you like the queen you are
Aftercare, he cleans both of you up and automatically cuddles you
No exceptions
Eijiro Kirishima
(20 years old)
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Shark Boi over here.... He was smitten from the moment he met you
The first year of U.A., he spent a good majority of getting your attention, working up the courage to ask you out...
The moment you had said yes to him, you became his whole universe. Yeah, he still had his dream of being a pro hero, but now, he had someone to share that life with
Nothing could have been more perfect.....
Fast forward 5 years... If you ask him, life still couldn't be any more perfect. He comes home to your goregous, smiling face and those lips he could kiss all night if you'd let him
He wanted to take things to the next level, wanting to make love to you for the first time
The problem? He hadn't been sure how to bring it up
Hence the makeout session. It had started off as a sweet little kiss during a cuddle session and one thing led to another....
But, the second he started getting handsy and getting carried away, you had pulled away and jumped away from him
"Whoa, whoa, baby, what happened? You've never jumped away from me like that before. You okay?"
You try to assure him that you're fine, that you had just gotten a pain in your side just then, but the sweet, worried look in his eyes told you he didn't think you were being honest.
"Babycakes, please be honest with me." His voice is pleading you to tell him what's going on
It takes so much patience and gently prying on his part, but when you finally tell him, he fully understands
"Aww, baby, that's nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's awesome that you're still a virgin, like, seriously! Actually... I'm a virgin too. When you feel ready, we'll do it.
When you guys do end up doing it, he is so gentle and careful with you
Just like Midoriya, he's apologizing soooooo much everytime he thinks he's hurting you
This baby boi doesn't want to hurt you at all
"You're doing awesome, baby." "You're so beautiful, babycakes." "God, how'd I get so lucky with you, hah?" "I love you so much."
The aftercare is as gentle as he had been with you during the deed
Did someone say cuddles? UwU This boi is all over it!
"I love you, Y/N... You're my whole universe."
(27 years old)
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Now, on to the bad boy of all bad boys.....
To be blunt, he had no idea that he'd end up falling in love... Especially with someone like you
If you were an angel, pure, sweet and oblivious to his dirtiest flirts, he was the devil in your life
Guess you could say you two were literal for the phrase "Opposites attract."
Currently, he had you on his lap as he made out with you, the little giggles that erupted you being music to his ears
But, just as he started to get handsy, you pulled away from him... Much to his annoyance...
After a while, he figured out why you had pulled away from him... You were a virgin.
The second you told him you'd never had sex before, this tumbled out of his mouth before he could even think to stop it: "Are you fucking kidding me?"
At the cute pout that appeared on your face as you defended yourself, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you, making you shut up for a second so he could get a word in
You were adorable when you rambled, but when he had something to say, it was better that you hushed up and listened to him
"Relax, doll, I'm not making fun of ya." He kissed you again. "If you want, I could teach you. If not, that's fine too. You call the shots as far as your first time goes. When you're ready, I'll be ready."
After some consideration, you decided that you wanted him to teach you that same night
And, boy, did he teach you....
"Take your time, baby doll." "That's it, doll." "Good girl." "You're doing so good, babe."
These are just a few of the things he'd say during sex (besides cussing XD)
Cleans you up after, and for once is really soft, pulling you into him to cuddle with him
No way in hell was he gonna let you go now...
(A/N: FINALLY complete... I'm so sorry it took so long 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 FORGIVE! Anyways, how this was worth the wait)
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el-therodactylus · 3 years
Howdy stranger! 1, 15, 27, 40, 41, 45, 54 (the answer is no but answer if u want anyways lol), 64, 82, and 97. You don't have to answer all of them ofc, just pick favorites I guess.
Oooh thank you so much for the ask, you picked the hard ones, that's so cool ! Sorry for my english, it's not my native language, but i'm tryin' !
1. Are you bothered by your cosmic insignificance ?
It tortured me for a while, I felt totally overwhelmed by it, but growing up I got used to it, and I realized that it’s not so unpleasant, to have no influence, no impact on something so immense. It’s actually quite reassuring ! And it’s good to know that with or without us, some things will not change.
We are all insignificant on one scale, all important on another ...
15. Do you think you’re special, or just another person amongst billions? Can you be both?
I like to think I’m special to the things and the people for who that matters. I’m special for my parents, for my plants, a little bit for me too I guess. But on a larger scale, I’m not that much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It doesn't really matter, i've always feel better that way.
I guess we all can be both, once again, it’s just a question of scale. You can easily be special in your family, your friends circle, and being no one at a larger scale.
27. Are you afraid of growing old?
Yes, and No, and Yes again.
Yes, because, I’m not really in a stable situation, I’m just a student, who has no idea what to do with his life. Every day that passes is a day when I do not understand better what I will become ... It scares me.
No, because, this situation can only change if I grow old, and one day I will have a job, a home, a stable and reassuring context to live in.
And .. Yes again, because .. I am reassuring myself by thinking that things will be easier later, but ... I’ve been telling myself that for 23 years and life spends its time proving the opposite !
40. What makes a person ‘good’? Are you a ‘good person’?
Oh god, that's one is so hard. Can I still say it’s a question of scale ?
I think that no one is really good in the eyes of everyone. Being good at the eyes of certain person implied that you're not at the eyes of others ..
In my opinion, a good person is just someone who doesn't make others suffer. But it’s very summarized and a bit reductive ... I mean, you can act like a good person, and think like a dork (i don't know that much insults in english, I'm not even sure that it's one, hope it's not offensive, i really don't know xD) ; but does that matters if you keep your thought for you ? Sounds like the Paradox of tolerance…
And, on a certain way, that's just the definition of “Not being bad”, not really of “being good” …
I personally don't think I'm a good person, I’m white, european, I was raised with bias, that sort of thing. I’m kinda misanthrope btw, and if i’m truly doing my best to not being bad, I cannot consider that i’m good.
41. What fundamentally matters do you?
I’m not sure I’m understanding this one… It seems to be kinda vague or is it just me ?
Wow, I’m thinking, and I realize I don’t care about a lot of things.
I guess we're supposed to answer something like "My family" or "My friends" ?
If it's this kind of question, I’ll look like a monster, but like ... My stuff ? I give a lot of importance to some of my possessions, even insignificant ones, because all these things have, at least, a small symbolic in my eyes. Humans are cool, but that train ticket which brings back some memories, isn't it even cooler ?
If the question is more about the things we need to be happy like "Money", "Time to do what I love", I guess my answer is just... some calm ? A peaceful place, a time without too many anxiety sources.
45. Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for?
No, I don’t care at all. Let’s keep room in our minds for the things and the people who really matter, who have done something important.
(If I had to be remembered, I'd hope It would be for something truly dumb, "Darwin awards style" : "The guy that died muffled under 2548 plushies" sounds good.)
54. Can human really understand the complete nature of the universe, space and time?
You've said it : No. I truly wanted to develop but like .. There is nothing more to say, all of that is just too much, and every mystery just hides another one ...
64. How consistent is your perception of time?
Another one I’m not sure I understand, but my perception of time is a freaking chaos. Sometimes, it's just like there is no perception at all. Time is both something completely absurd and too impractical.
82. Are you a deep person?
I hope ! And I like to think that I am. But, isn't that kinda .. narcissist ? And, on another hand, Wouldn’t everyone be a little deep ? Humans are so complex, I only know a few people that are "simple" and they still are complex on a certain way.
By the way, compared to these people, I’m not so deep. In my actions, my way of thinking, I'm someone pretty logical and mathematical. Nothing really complicated. Knowing me, It's easy to guess what I'm thinking of something …
97. Are you overly analytical?
Ahaha. No. Not. At. All. *Ironic laughter* 🐸
I’ve always blamed it on autism, but yes, I’m over analyzing everything.
Sometimes, it's truly practical, being able to analyze a "complex" situation to make a decision is the best way to not make a mistake.
Sometimes, it goes to far. Reading ten times a message, like "Ok, see you tomorrow" because "Oh god there is no smiley, does they hate me ? But there is not punctuation, don't seem like they angry" etc …
And like, choosing what you're going to wear tomorrow is not supposed to take an hour, but you know .. It depends on the weather, on where you'll be, at which hour.. If I have a class in a computer room, it will be hot, but less if it's the morning or if it's north-facing ... And it's that for everything, every social interaction, every tiny decision. That’s not healthy, and I’m tired just talking about it x)
Oh gosh It was something to answer all this! Thanks again for these great questions. I feel like I’ve questioned things (including my ability to express myself in english) and that’s so satisfying. I want to think about all of that even more ! Tysm ♥
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(It was missing something, so here is an happy doggo)
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ashfantasyworld · 3 years
Jack Ironshield
I look up at the kingdom I have served for so long, there is not much I can say nor express in how disappointed I am in the cause I have been fighting for. Rebeca puts her hand on my shoulder “it will be fine big guy lets go there is nothing more we can do”. The reason I am writing this is I can not speak, and therefore I hope that writing my story can help people see me for who I really am.
Well to say that I have been anything other than a soldier my whole life would be a lie, i used most of my life serving the kingdom. But as soldiers we are not just fighting, sometimes we have to be involved in civil matters, and what happened I will always disagree with as long as I live. But before we get into that I think I need to introduce myself, my name is Jack Ironshiled. I am 27 now and have been a soldier for 9 years now, a mute 6 years after I almost got killed in the line of duty. After that I swore to become a protector. I had gotten a second chance, and that is how I did meet Rebeca. 
I had one mission to go and stop a bar fight, I went there and found a very drunk lady beating up a much bigger guy than herself. I tried to calm her down without much use, but I felt for her because she was drunk and angry at the guy touching her. So I decided not to toss her in jail for the night and carried her home. She was kicking and screaming most of the way before she fell asleep. As we got home to my place I put her to sleep in my bed, while I found a bed roll and slept on the floor. I did not think much of it. 
The very next day i wake up with a knife to my throat, “who the fuck are you” I look at the lady from the night before, fuck i cant say anything. I try to move my hands to make a sign, “Hey i asked you a fucking question who the fuck are you”. She is now shouting at me, “Hey can't you talk ANSWER ME”.... I nod gently, And move my hand slowly pointing at the scar over my neck. “Oh you can not actually talk”, I nod gently. “Well fuck why i am here”? No, what to do now I look around frantically and see a liquor bottle, and point at it. She looks up, “Oh it was that bad of a night?” I clench my hand into a fist and punch my other hand making a gesture of fighting, “oh i see and who are you?” I look around once more, and point at a big shield with the kingdom's mark on. “Oh fuck your a soilder or knight well im fucked”
I smile some but nod, as she removes the knife, and looks at me. “Hey i am sorry i did not mean to” I lift her up and put her in a chair, and move over to the kitchen. “Hey hey be calm big guy i don't want any” I turn around with a cup of tea and some bread and meat. And hand it to her. “Oh you're not mad” I shake my head and hold forward the food. “Is that for me?” I nod and place it infront of her. She looks at me and drinks the tea and eats the food, “damn big guy it tasted amazing but why are you so nice to me? Soldiers usually don't help people like us” I clench my fist and put it to my heart. “Oh you believe in protecting people '' I nod and smile. “Well I hate to burst your bubble but big guy, i think that you might be in the wrong line of work for that.” I tilt my head and look confused at her. “I guess you have not been home since the war started, and been out fighting.” I nod and show off all of my scars, she takes her hand and runs her fingers along them. Her hand feels so soft against my rugged skin, “I can't imagine how bad it has been. How long has it lasted now 7 years? Have you been deployed  all of them?”. I nod and look at her with big eyes, “yeah i can imagine a king wanting to use someone like you for fighting no words just a fighter.” I look down as she says that, i hate it that i can't speak and tell her i am not only that. She stands up and put a hand under my cheek and lift my head up so my eyes meet hers, “hey now i know you have a big heart, and you are soft even tho you look like big soldier if you weren't you would never have taken me home instead of jail” She smiles and sit back down, “its fine i know you had to do your job” she looks at me and smiles, “i hope big guy that you won't see the worst of it. But your king is treating us all like criminals after the war” she looks down. “But hey it might turn around ehh?”. I look at her disbelief and shake my head, she shrugs and pat me on the shoulder and hands me a note with an address. “If you ever need someone big, I am here for your name is rebeca by the way.” I grab a paper and write my own name on it. “Jack Ironshield, I have seen your father once but never spoke to him. So long jack I hope to see you again,” Rebeca walks out and disappears into the town. I am happy to have met someone like her, and I'll make sure to keep the note safe.
After some weeks back home I started to see what rebeca was talking about, collecting taxes from people who barely have money. We get people who do crime or just dont have money to pay, and put them in jail. I am starting to struggle with doing my job, this is wrong, it's not what I fight for. One day I am summoned to an event by the king to keep people in line, when I get there I am disgusted it is an execution. I stand and look at the people, as they are looking a lot and are cheering it on, some are crying. They start one after another is killed, some for crimes that deserve death some for crimes that don't deserve punishment. But I hear someone cry, it sounds like a child. I turn around and look in disbelief as I see a 12 year old boy in the ropes. And the guy starts to read as he drops and hangs, “this boy was caught stealing food from the king's stores and is therefore hanged by orders of the king. Anyone who is caught trying to steal from this city will meet the same faith, thiefs do not deserve to live” I look up at the boy as he hangs lifeless in the ropes, tears start falling down. I have had enough. I will not protect some king that will punish a little boy for trying to feed himself, I will not protect a corrupt king who only looks out for himself. I walk off on the way I drop off my armour i and weapons, and walk home. I open my closet, and take out my old weapons and armour from the war. The longsword has dents in it from how many times I have slayen or beaten down enemies, and the shield has marks after enemy weapons. My trusty dagger that always keeps me safe when most needed. And my old chain mail, rugged, dirty but a good armour. I pack some things and move to get going, but I want to say farewell to Rebeca. I look at the note and start walking towards her house, as I walk there I get into a poor part of town. I can see how people here are struggling just to survive, children working trying to feed their families. People look worn down, and near a breaking point. As I come to the house I see rebeca kneeling in front of her house, with a guard holding a sword to her neck while another one looks through her stuff. “So where is the money little girl, we know you have some” ‘. She looks at them and shouts “I have paid this month I am in the clear” One of the soldiers hit her, “this is the soldier tax for us to be nice”. Something in me snaps. I can feel the rage I had back in the war coming back, I walk towards them and they don't hear much. As they are busy trying to shake down Rebeca, I walk up behind one and drive my dagger through his chest, twisting it, killing him. The other one try to reach for his sword, but I grab him by his head and slam it into the ground. I keep slamming it back into the ground, blood goes everywhere, how could he. Soldiers are supposed to protect their citizens not hurt them, I keep slamming his head into the ground, I did not go to war for this. I did not risk my life for people to be abused. I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder. I turn and clench my fist ready to hit to kill, rebeca looks at me. “Hey hey big guy he died a long time ago, calm down now we need to leave and that fast.” She moves her hand to my face and wipes off some blood, “now calm down you need to think now.” I look around me seeing people looking, I hurry up and help her grab some things before we hurry and walk out of the city. I look up at the kingdom I have served for so long, there is not much I can say nor express in how disappointed I am in the cause I have been fighting for. Rebeca puts her hand on my shoulder “it will be fine big guy lets go there is nothing more we can do ''. This is part one of 2, i am helping a guy from my server writing his char. I think it came out pretty good so far hope u all like it. @erik-jj char
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (4)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn’t have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 {reading now}
“Fuck right there- Oh my god please-” You moaned holding his hair. “You never had anyone eat your pussy like this before right?” he said eating deeper as you moaned and squirmed. “Only you baby, this pussy is only you-”
“Yo wake the fuck up, you making weird noises and shit.”
You sat up taking in a deep breath and inspected your surroundings. There stood a worried Angus with a mug in his hand. “I'm fine...” you said quite unconvincingly.
“You sure? I went to make you some tea and came back to you rolling around and groaning and shit, thought that strange netflix monster had come to you or sum.”
“The demogorgan-”
“Yeah that shit!” He sat next to you on the edge of the bed. “Nightmare?” he asked softly as he handed you the tea.
“Well not exactly...” You took the warm mug and took in a long swig of the warm goodness. It's not like you were just going to openly tell him ‘Oh no, I just had a dream about you eating me out and I loved every second of it.’ “Actually yeah, a nightmare.” you lied.
“I hate those, what was yours about?”
“I...a monster ate me alive and I couldn't stop it.”
Angus shook his head. “Damn mamas, I’m sorry. Those suck, I know its like 2 pm, but let’s eat some breakfast and try to forget about it.”
You nodded standing up and stretching “Thanks...for the tea.”
“Of course, don’t girls love tea? Ion know, I don't really be sleeping with girls that often.” He chuckled walking into the small kitchen.
“Tea is amazing!” You exclaimed, following him and sitting on the counter. “I love tea in all seasons, it has so many benefits.”
“Yeah? What’s some of them benefits.”
“Well green tea has amazing antioxidants, and is a more naturally caffeinated drink than coffee- with not as many negative results. But don't get me wrong, I really do love my coffee- anyway! Tea can help straighten and strengthen bones, brighten your smile, and help you lose weight!!”
“Oh wow.” He laughed “I didn't even care about all that tea shit, just wanted to hear your voice. But it was actually kinda interesting.”
“Yeah- and don't worry about a lack of my voice, I never shut up.”
“You right about that; but before you get all defensive, its aight. I like hearing you blab off about random stuff ion care about.”
You felt your face grow hot as you stifled a giggle that wanted to come out. “Thank you. I think I talk too much, but hey, can't really stop it y’know?” Angus nodded as he cracked 5 eggs into a pan. “You just be going off about stuff- actually you was sleep talking a little bit.”
“Yeah? What was I saying?” you asked innocently, hoping he didn't say what he was most definitely about to say.
“Well it was when you had that nightmare. Was the monster a cow or sum? Cuz you kept saying ‘Angus’ so like.” He turned to look at you “I figure it wasn’t me, but it was probably like...some beef monster.”
“Oh yeah, for sure a beef monster.”
“And that beef monster was eating you huh?”
You smoothly tucked your hair behind your ear and nodded with a sweet smile “Mhm.”
Angus gave you a quick up and down look before turning around and continuing to scramble the eggs. You had to change the current topic or you'd die of embarrassment, so you decided to bring up the topic of the show instead. “Do you know which scenes we’re filming tomorrow?”
“Yeah, no sex scenes until next week. Tomorrow they finna do you coming back and me reminiscing on the old times.”
“Okay cool. I have those lines down, pretty simple...” You mumbled.
“Yeah me too.”
A butcher knife couldn't even cut the tension in the room right now. Fuck, a chainsaw couldn't either.
“So like... I’m gonna go change and I'll be right back? Sound good?”
“You can wear summa my stuff. If you want- you don’t got to i'm just offering.”
“Oh that'd be great thanks! You know my trailer is just so far away!” You joked, knowing that it was only next door. You hopped off of the counter and followed him back into the room you two had just come out of.
“You just want one big shirt? Girls be doing that alot nowadays.”
“Yeah, thanks that'd be great...”
“So the biggest shirt I got got some barbecue stains on it- ignore it. I just went off on some spicy wings the other day-”
You burst out laughing and sat on the bed “Gus it’s fine, gimme!” You pulled your shirt off and held out your hands. He turned back around to find you only in your bra and shorts.
“Its fine, we have to be completely naked with each other next week. Titties are just titties.” You took the shirt out of his hands and put it on. After pulling off the shorts that you wore underneath the shirt; that was more like a dress- and folding them, you walked back into the kitchen and reclaimed your spot on the counter.
“Well I know one problem we won't have!” You stated with a smirk.
“Yeah, and what's that?”
“Drake was worried you wouldn't be able to ‘get it up’...but honestly, I don’t think it'll be too hard.”
“Why you think that?”
“Look down.”
Sure, Angus wouldn't let you live down the wet dream you had about him for quite a while, but you'd never let him live down the boner he got- just from seeing you in a bra.
“So. Let's get to the real real.” Storm said pulling her knees up to her chest with a grin. “What the hell is going on with you and Angus?”
You, Storm and Daya were hanging in your trailer. You three were the only girls that didn't have scenes to film right now, Alexia, Barbie and the rest of the female cast were shooting night scenes. They had helped you set up the place to seem more homey, and now the newly formed trio you were a part of was in your bed with microwave popcorn, juicy juice, and twizzlers.
“Nothing Storm! Actually nothing I-”
“Nope, don't do that.” Z quickly cut you off. “Everyone can see it, it’s like what everyone on set talks about.”
“Plus, he talks about you too much, and you do the same with him! Earlier I said I wanted to pop some microwave popcorn and you started telling me about some conspiracy he told you about popcorn and microwaves, how they’re a secret way in for the government- like girl! Don't tell me you're so whipped that you're out here believing this stuff!”
“OKAY! Okay! I get it...look Gus is-”
“Gus?! You call him Gus?”
“He literally hates that nickname with a passion. He gotta love you.” Storm chuckled grabbing a handful of popcorn.
“Okay well Angus is cute. He’s sweet and funny and caring- BUT. I won’t let anything happen between us, it’s like...business. This field is acting- and I don't think it would be good for us to do anything more, especially during filming.”
Z sighed. “Falling for your costars is weird.”
“Yeah.” Storm chimed in. “Our girl Daya been there and done that...but it never really affected her acting. She's so talented that she could keep it hidden off screen and focus on her character. I mean I know you talented Y/N...but you not my big sis like Z, so I don't really know how you'd be able to deal with it yet. Drake already seemed a bit iffy about it because he could tell you two had a little something going, but the thing comforting him is y'all are talented. So he knows you can do it- I know you can too.”
“Yeah he sent us a letter about it...it's just hard. I can't lose this role, I've come so far.”
“I don't think you’ll lose it. I think you'll be fine. Just keep a business mindset when on set. What goes on off screen and behind closed doors is your business, girl. Drake or nobody can stop that- Jesus can't even stop that!”
You and Storm giggled at Zendaya’s last comment. “Yeah yeah yeah...okay I get it guys. I got this- period.”
“Period...So were you one of those girls that watched all the Fez scene compilations on Youtube and drooled?” Storm teased you.
“No!” You said firmly, knowing you were lying.
“Oh she definitely was.”
“I wasn't!”
“I just don't see it! Angus is just not attractive to me, he looks like one of those guys that stop you at the gas station with a ghetto ass group of friends- he rubs his hands together and then screams ‘Hey baby lemme get yo numbaaaa!!!!’“
In response, you practically fell over laughing “Stoppp no!”
The rest of the night was filled with giggles and whispers, and by 1 AM, you, Z, and Storm were all huddled up in your little twin trailer bed. They snored softly but you couldn't seem to sleep. Just as you were .1 seconds away from drifting off, your phone buzzed next to you.
Angus☁️: u uppppp
-oh wow yeah that's not the most fboy thing ever to send at 1:27 am
Angus☁️:  see all you had to say was yes you didn't have to do allat
-can i help you mr cloud
Angus☁️: what typa help you offering?
-whatever help you need.
Angus☁️: you finna have some more beef dreams tonight?
-you finna get a boner if you see me in my bra again?
Angus☁️: maybe.
-then i'll say maybe too.
Angus☁️: you're too much
-i know i am, did you film today?
Angus☁️: ye i had some scenes wit jacob
Angus☁️: leave me alone
-you texted me
-and wow you sound really mature rn not at all like a five year old
Angus☁️: if i was w you rn id make you regret that
-was that supposed to be a threat or a way to try to make me sext
Angus☁️: both
-you should go text all the hoes you have waiting for you at home
Angus☁️: im texting them at the same time
Angus☁️: im plAyin
Angus☁️: only you :)
-getting soft???
Angus☁️: no and i wish this was instagram dms so i could unsend it fuck
Angus☁️: thats another thing you was saying during your ‘nightmare’
Angus☁️: yeah i know you wasnt lmao i just like messing w you
-you can mess w me whenever you want to
Angus☁️: oh bet????
-goodnight angus
Angus☁️: nah i want you to tell me about me messing w you
Angus☁️: damn you really left
Angus☁️: thats wrong 
Angus☁️: doing me dirty
Angus☁️: then put it on silent?
Angus☁️: ill stop being annoying if you come over here
-i cant, im w z and storm too
Angus☁️: shit okay well it was worth a shot
-why, what was you planning to do
Angus☁️: cuddle
-its fr time for you to go bed, i think your sleepiness is making you too soft and taking the hood away
Angus☁️: goodnight
Angus☁️: gn
Angus☁️: night
Angus☁️: night
@nikkixostan @melaninmarvel @celiajrs @siriuslycollins
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rich50g-blog · 4 years
Starting anew
Hi i am Richard i was married for over 30 years to a non loving woman, a month ago i decided to find a loving woman for the rest of my life. I am 67 so maybe not impossible thing to accomplish but will be difficult to find someone who would love an old man, I am not wealthy by any means i will tell why that matters later, I also moved to Kingwood Texas i worked here 30 years ago and loved all the trees and trails for biking and walking. New apartment took me a while to get settled in, when i first got here i started having some problems with my left knee and hip, my hip was pain my knee was weakness so much so if i put all my weight on it i would fall down, I know how to fall from past experiences with weak ankles, i mostly scrape a knee nothing too serious. So I have also signed up for several dating sights some are worthless some are ok, some attract scammers who love old guys to try and weasel money from them, that happened to me 8 times before i stopped using the site., then i tried Zoosk, and was attracting all the wrong woman i thought, mostly gray haired old sad ladies, I realize i am old gray haired old sad man but thought i could get someone a little younger and intelligent. i next joined Anastasia-date, mostly Ukraine with some Russian ladies thrown in, most liked my age and my pictures, so that worked out pretty well, i would do a search for a particular city, and height of the lady, nothing else was added, I am 6′2″ so liked taller ladies 5′8 and up. that was easy there are a lot of tall slavis women, then after a couple of chats i learned to search ladies with no kids, I have had my kids did not need anymore, i also looked for ladies over 35 because the ones under that all wanted babies or family. I have two grown daughters and after my youngest was born i had not one but two Vasectomy’s which was fun no. hehe So my search contained height, no kids, over 35, and i added different levels of English, I found out Intermediate was not good either the ladies did not understand a word i said or typed, they had to use a translator program so then i would add Advanced or fluent to my search, the advanced ladies knew moer English and understood me pretty much. So the only problem i noticed with the women here was the men there, every one mentioned how selfish the men were there and only wanted sex and no relationship, So i was getting more and more information into what these ladies wanted in a man and not wanted. So I fit my profile to feel their wants and needs, Wow I started to get some beautiful, intelligent women who preferred older men, they trust them not to be selfish, and conceded like most not all slavic men. I will not put all of the men there in the category but a lot are, some examples a pretty 30 year old lady with 3 kids from Odessa Ukraine, I mean she is gorgeous, intelligent and dumped by her husband who found a much younger woman, She raised 3 kids so far by herself for 10 years because her husband did not want the responsibility to bother him. What a loser and he has not seen his kids since he left with new girlfriend, ok anyway she is very nice and pretty but finding a lady with 3 kids was not my idea of life, so i told her goodbye, sorry i have to have somethings about the ladies taht i can live with. that was not one of them,  you won’t believe the next one, who was a stewardess living in Odessa, what a crazy bitch oh my, oh yea there is something called video chat, not all ladies have it, but this one did, she was pretty and tall ok and she was 30 with not kids again ok. She started stripping I mean to nothing, and playing with herself i was not prodding her to do anything my mouth was open in awe of what was happening, by the way video chat is very expensive. Next this crazy woman starts to talk about her mother, I go ok as she talks more and more about her telling me how pretty she is and stuff, again i know i should have left the chat but i wanted to see what this woman was going to do next, well next made me sick, this whole entire time she was setting me up to have sex with her and her mother, my gosh sorry that is sick to me, so now i have had enough I closed the video chat and blocked her from contacting me again, One thing i was starting to find out was none of the ladies i had talked to wanted to or thought of leaving the site, they said they felt safe, but me thinks that the site programmed them to never leave, because site only makes money if they get men to chat with them, So none of the ladies even mention it when i ask they change the subject. The thing is i came to figure out is this site and most of them do not want the people to ever meet, they make it so hard to meet it is almost impossible too, the women do not realize this or if they do afraid to leave the site because they live in old communist state and they were told to do everything and obey without question. That is why anytime i would ask a lady to leave this site to like Google Hangouts they would say maybe later i still have not made enough money on you yet haha here is another thing all chats are monitored and if you were to type the name of a free site the monitor would dot out what you typed. Again they do not want the girls to meet anyone they lose money if that happens., So I still talk to a couple of ladies just to chat and see how life in their country is.Most of them are still bad, but flights to Europe are opening up. Ukraine still has civil war going on and no body can fly there for obvious reasons they shoot down airliners. for the ladies to get to the area they have to take a bus to Kiev and fly from there, riding the bus through a bad area. So it is not easy, because of Covid I would talk to many ladies because the chance of visiting them was almost impossible because of borders closed.. Ok moving on i had two MRI’s last week and i was given a appointment with a neurosurgeon, they told me i have degenerative disc disease in spin lumbar causing pressure on nerves and spinal stenosis, but i did not understand it could be surgery or physical therapy and med . we will see. Ok while i was looking at the Europe dating site I had found the Asian one mostly Chinese women who are all very beautiful and good wife's they also think older men are better because the young ones they cannot trust, this site is owned and operated by the Europe one with same features, I found here that most of the ladies here do not want babies over 35, so again my search criteria consisted of over 35 at first but i changed that later for another reason. I would also in search add wealthy or rich, just to see how many women turned up,  hundreds of not thousands of ladies starting from 19 on up. and again they are looking hard for old guys they can trust. Most were business owners from very rich families. originally i was not in this for money but i got to think why not i am on SSN and a small Pension so heck yes. ok I first got a letter from woman 1 on July 9th, two days later her sister wrote one. Shes lady 2. lady number 1′s letter said she was a banker wanting to invest in the U S and moving their business here, yea what are the odds right? Well  when i got her sisters lady number 2 who told me their family where heirs to the Qing Dynasty, i  did my research and found that their family is one of the oldest and riches family in China. So wow, this is the arrangement the sisters wanted to make with me, I would marry one of them and the other would be my concubine. What the heck? So now i have to chose between a gorgeous 27 year old or the other sister a beautiful 19 year old, who are promising to fly here in private jet. ,Oh yea i have set up a call to the girls next week and supposed to talk with Dad as well. No pressure right? Now i am getting a little nervous the girls are telling me that their father wants me to take over the family, because Dad wants to retire,I was a manager and engineer for ATT for over 30 years but this would be managing the wealthiest family business in China. Yes it is getting very real now, oh yes on the dating site on my search for rich or wealthy or business owners thousands of ladies profiles appeared I talked to some but very immature would in first chat say they have loved me all of their life, this was common with most of them i talked too, The younger sister is cute but i can tell is very immature so chances are i am going to chose the older sister who owns several banks, and wants to move her business to the U S which allows me to live where i want too, my choice is San Diego, i grew up there and love it there, by the beach both girls seem excited about that.Well its 5 in the morning my hip will not let me sleep but i am going to try again, night all till tomorrow for more Richie
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tigerintokyo · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 Part 1, Ch 4.3 side story
Side Story: A Man Very Much Still Involved
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa! TRIGGER!!
Audience: Tenn-kuuuun!
Tenn: Everyone! Thanks for tonight!
Tenn: Ah.... ............ .....Riku is in the audience....
Riku: ............
Tenn: Next up is our new song.....
Riku: Tenn-nii!
Tenn: ..…….
Riku: Tenn-nii, are you happy?
Riku: Are you happy going off on your own and leaving us behind?
Tenn: ...........We have another song for you. Our new song.....
Riku: Don't act like you can't hear me!
Riku: Tenn-nii! Tenn-nii! Haa....... H-haaa, u....ugh.....
Tenn: Riku......
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaa....! Tenn-kuuuun!
Riku: Hee......ugh......
Tenn: Riku......! ........Somebody, help him! He's having an attack! Somebody help him get out of here!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaa....! Tenn-kuuuun.....!
Tenn: Help Riku! Don't push him!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaa....!
Tenn: Somebody....!
Tenn: ........ugh
Tenn: .........what..... ..........a bad dream.......
Tenn: .........where am I? I wanted to get some rest and fell asleep. ......It's cold.....
Tenn: ........I have to go. I have to find a taxi to the venue.
Tenn: The fans are waiting for me.
Ryunosuke: What should we do about this song? 
Gaku: It would flow better if you sing Tenn's part in this one, Ryuu.
Ryunosuke: OK. We have to change a lot more than I thought. I have to make sure I remember the lyrics......
Gaku: I'll cover you. Besides, it's not going to be perfect with just the two of us anyway. TRIGGER needs all three members.
Gaku: He would probably complain hearing this, but if someone is missing, it should feel like there's a hole that can't be filled. 
Ryunosuke: Haha....... Gaku, this is what I like about you. I think he would appreciate that.
Gaku: I'm glad you like it. But, I'm not sure what he would think about us.....
Ryunosuke: He would appreciate it. Oh, also, did you see the t-shirts this time?
Gaku: Oh, the ones with our faces on them?
Ryunosuke: How about wearing the one with Tenn's face on it for one of the parts? Maybe it would feel like all three of us are dancing together.
Gaku: That's not a bad idea! That cold-blooded kid would be moved while he's lying in the hospital.
Ryunosuke: Right?
Kaoru: Please stop.
Gaku: ......Manager? Why?
Kaoru: TRIGGER's brand is more luxurious than that. A messy, sweaty performance doesn't fit the brand. It'll ruin your image.
Gaku: Tsk...... Ryuu was just making a suggestion.
Kaoru: If you're worried about Tenn, then just send him a RabbiChat. Right now. Come on.
Gaku: I'm not worried about him.
Ryunosuke: Hey, let's all wear the t-shirt with Tenn on it and send him a get well message!
Gaku: I'm not sure about that.....
Ryunosuke: Why?
Gaku: He's going to make fun of us about it for the rest of our lives.
Kaoru: It's fine if you send it in private. But, I gained a little weight recently. I hope I still look OK in a t-shirt.
Ryunosuke: You always look beautiful though, Anesagi-san.
Kaoru: Oh my, thank you. Ryuu, you're a good man. 
Kaoru: Gaku isn't as thoughtful though. He's more like his father, cold to any woman who isn't the apple of his eye.
Gaku: .....I'm not like him... Wow, so pretty, so beautiful.
Kaoru: W-what an annoying child.
Kaoru: Fufu. I'm just kidding. Gaku and Ryuu and Tenn are all my stars. I'm proud of all of you. I'm leaving Tenn's parts in your hands, today. 
Ryunosuke: Will do!
Gaku: Tsk........ Got it.
Kaoru: Even so, will the fans be alright today? I heard they closed off a lot of streets today. I hope everyone can make it on time.....
Ryunosuke: It would be good if they all can make it here safely. I've been looking forward to seeing the fans tonight.
Gaku: That's right....
Gaku: There was an alert and an evacuation because of hazardous materials.
Gaku: I want to help them forget their worries by having a night with us. We'll have to do our best to make sure they have fun tonight!
Ryunosuke: Yeah!
Tamaki:  I have to move now? To where? But if the bomb is moved around, it'll go off, right?
Female detective: Yes. We'll have to move carefully. Just a little so you're a little more shielded off....
Tamaki: This is so scary.....
Female detective: It'll be okay. Like a tightrope walk. It'll be your circus debut.
Tamaki: Haha...... I want to do the ball walk.
Yamato: Why are they moving Tama? Isn't it more dangerous if they move him around too much?
Nagi: It's because he could be sniped. If I were a terrorist, that's what I would try to do. If you shoot him and he falls down, the sensor would be triggered.
Yamato: Then why are you still here?
Nagi: I'm hoping the terrorists will get confused again and think I'm holding the bag with the bomb in it. Yamato, you should go with Tamaki.
Yamato: You're making yourself the bait..... If that's what you're trying to do, I'm staying with you.
Nagi: Why?
Yamato: Because I want to read the manga you're carrying. I need to protect the manga from getting damaged. 
Nagi: Yamato, you're not very good at this. Now is the time to be giving me a passionate, heartfelt message .
Yamato: Isn't there a good line you could give me?
Nagi: ………...! Yamato, duck!
(Sound of a gun shot)
Yamato: Ahh....!
Yamato: What was that?! Did they shoot at us?! How did you know it was coming?!
Nagi: There was a laser mark. I know which direction it came from. I'm going after them.
Yamato: Wait! How the hell do you know all this?!
Nagi: I read too much manga!
Yamato: Yeah, I know that!
Suspicious guy with stubble: That guy is running this way.... Shit, he was a decoy.
Suspicious guy with stubble: We're surrounded by cops..... .......We have to get out of here! Where is the bomb?! 
Yamato: Ugh........
Suspicious guy with stubble: ......! A bystander running away..... ……….
Yamato: Wait! Please don't kill me....!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Don't yell! .......Should I take him as a hostage.....? ..........hands up! Hands behind your head!
Yamato: Don't kill me! Please, I won't tell anyone.....! ....Please, let me live....
Suspicious guy with stubble: Stay on your feet! Come this way! ........?!
Yamato: ...........Cool down as much as you want!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Agh......!? Tear gas?! My eyes.....!
Yamato: Nagi!
Nagi: HEY!
Suspicious guy with stubble: ...............!
Suspicious guy with stubble: .........ugh....ahhh.....!
Narration: Meanwhile....
Mitsuki: We bought so many concert goods!
Sogo: We sure did!
Mitsuki: When you wait in line too long, you end up wanting to buy even more!
Sogo: I'll have to make one of those shrines you were telling me about. I'm really excited for the concert now!
Mitsuki: Right?!
Mitsuki & Sogo: ♪~ Ikou~ Wake me up~♪
Suspicious guy with stubble: ..........m-my gun......!
Nagi: Yamato, hold onto the gun! Be careful of the trigger!
Yamato: ........Nagi, behind you....!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Damn you.....!
Nagi: Dear God, please forgive me for the act of blasphemy I am about to commit.
Suspicious guy with stubble: What the hell are you saying..... ......!?
Nagi: 27 Volume Manga Attack to the Face.....!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Gah......!
Yamato: Manga works well as a weapon!
Nagi: Good boys and girls don't try this at home!
Suspicious guy with stubble: ......ugh......ugh.....! ......these fucking brats.....!
Suspicious guy with stubble: I'll kill you.....!
Yamato: Hey, Nagi.....! He's got a knife on him!
Nagi: .......OH....... My brand new manga....... I'm sorry you got hurt.....
Yamato: You can be sad about it later!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Aaaaaahhhh......!
Narration: Meanwhile....
Tenn: .........Ugh....Taxi......
Tenn: .....They're not stopping for me..... They usually always stop here..... ........t-taxi...... 
Tenn: ............ Maybe I'm too weak to be noticed........
Tenn: Hey....... haa...... I need to have a good performance.... for the fans....
Tenn: ………….
Tenn: TAXI~! Excuse me. I need a lift. 
(Gets in) 
Taxi driver: Hello! Where are you headed?
Yamato: Nagi, watch out!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Die......! 
Nagi: .......... The only person who can attack me from behind is a woman waking up with me.
Suspicious guy with stubble: ........How could you see me?!  I was behind you?!
Nagi: I don't like persistent men. Let's get this over with.
Nagi: Farewell. 
Suspicious guy with stubble: Fuck.....!
Narration: Meanwhile....
Tamaki: Wow...... I'm surrounded by riot shields. Like I'm some kind of monster....
Female detective: They're here to protect you. You said you were hungry, right? How about some yogurt?
Tamaki: Thanks.
Female detective: Here, say ah.
Tamaki: Ahh.
Female detective:Thank you for trusting us. You guys are something else. I think I want to be your fan now.
Female detective: I'm looking forward to seeing you guys a year from now.
Nagi: Whew....... He finally stopped moving.
Yamato: Ah..... We managed somehow....
Nagi: Yamato, nice acting. I didn't get to see it, but your voice alone was a true performance. 
Yamato: Well, I'm good at bluffing.
Nagi: Oh...?
Yamato: Where did you learn how to fight?
Nagi: I practiced fighting because of Kokona.
Yamato: Really.....?
Junior detective: Are you guys okay?!
Yamato: Oh, Mr. Detective. Can you take this old guy for us?
Junior detective: ......! This man..... He's the mastermind behind a terrorist group! A major target!
Junior detective: We've been catching his men around here. Also, the bomb squad arrived to help your friend.
Yamato: That's great.
Nagi: We can head over to the concert with Tamaki! How long will it take to disarm the bomb?
Junior detective: Maybe one or two hours!
Yamato & Nagi: What?!
Junior detective: After that, we'll have to debrief him. It'll be OK! We'll also buy you guys katsudon! [1]
Yamato: .......Hey, hey. Right after you finish disarming Tama's bomb, we have to take off..... Otherwise we won't make it to TRIGGER's concert.
Nagi: .......That's right. We absolutely cannot be late today.
Iori: There's already a lot of people here.
Iori: Nanase-san?
Riku: Ah......... Yeah. It's a lot of people. 
Iori: You've been pretty quiet since we left. Also, you look a little pale.
Riku: It's nothing! I'm fine.....
Iori: ………….
Iori: .........I'm not sure what kind of dream you had last night. As I said, there's no way I could know what it was. 
Iori: But, this isn't a dream. This is reality. I have the same dream as you, Nanase-san. That dream is IDOLiSH7.
Iori: I don't know what's going on with you, but how about cheering up a little? Nanase-san.......
Riku: What? Did you say something? Sorry, I'm a little out of it....
Iori: .......Could you at least listen when someone is talking to you.....?
Tsumugi: Riku-san, Iori-san, sorry if I kept you waiting!
Iori: Manager.
Mitsuki: Iori! Riku! We're over here!
Sogo: Thanks for waiting!
Riku: Mitsuki, Sogo-san!
Tsumugi: It's almost time for the doors to open! When we have everyone, let's all go in together!
Mitsuki: OK!
Tsumugi: I'm so excited! For TRIGGER!
Next episode
katsudon = deep-fried pork cutlet on rice with egg
Please do not use my translations without my permission.
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littleaquaa · 4 years
I never expect a callout post about me to be posted on Tumblr in my 5ish years of roleplaying.  While I will confess, that some things in said post are accurate, there are a few things that are simply false, or misworded to make things sound worse.  (There are some triggering things: mentions of pedohpila, suicidal thoughts, and lesbophilia.)
*Yes, I used to draw that kind of nsfw of other peoples’ furry ocs.  During this time I was also involved with a group of people that fed me the “fiction doesn’t affect reality, they’re lines on paper!!!111!” spheal and I believed it back then (not now), so I saw nothing wrong with it since I’m a very impressionable person (as are many people with my disabilities, not excusing just explanation).  I realized later after a reality check that drawing said content, was a mistake and is not okay.  So I had deleted everything to try and move on from a 4+ year old mistake I’ve since changed and moved on from.  I have not participated in those activities since then (again 4 years ago!) and do not condone those actions.  I AM SORRY.
*I did realize some time ago that treblogging trauma-related posts and tagging them as Musings was not okay.  I had nobody to teach me these ‘hidden’ rules of RPC etiquette and was on my own.  In addition, I had seen several of my mutuals reblog said posts themselves (thus how I found them) and assumed it was okay to reblog them.  I should not have assumed reblogging said posts was okay.  It was my mistake.  And for the individual whose ask reply concerning it I posted publicly instead of continuing the conversation privately, I am sorry.
*Yes, I was upset when people I had considered friends, some for a year or long were unfollowing and/or unfriending me because I posted that I liked the Hazbin Hotel pilot.  I did vent about it publicly instead of keeping those feelings to myself.  Over the course of a few days I had lost at least 4 people I had considered friends, so I was very upset by this.  And yes, because of this happening so quickly, I did in fact feel suicidal and want to take my life over it.  It may sound ridiculous to many of you reading, but this did drive me to a dark place mentally.  It was never my intention to come off as guilt-tripping in this vent post. *I have had suicidal thoughts since I was in middle school due to a very traumatic life event that happened to me during that time.  I have 0 reason to lie about my mental health on the internet.  Since I posted said vent post because I needed to get my feelings out instead of penting them up inside.  
*As for guilt tripping claims.  I do not pick up on social cues very well, if at all.  This is made a thousand times worse since online I cannot see your facial expression, nor hear the ‘tone’ used when one is typing their words.  I genuinely had no idea that that was how I was coming off to some individuals.  So to those people, I am very sorry.
*The ‘ic vagueblogging’ claim is false.  That is a roleplay taking place between myself and my good friend, and we were plotting that Black Star would corrupt herself and it would delve into more angst, since Cat and I both enjoy angst with our ship.  Black Star is an S//U oc, and it was revealed by S//U’s creator herself that gems can corrupt themselves if they’ve been through enough trauma.  So I got the idea from that alone to try it with my muse, nothing else transpired me to want to rp that thread.
*I have never once stated anywhere that I ship Aquamarine with male characters.  So the lesbophilia claim is also false.  I only posted in my rules that I would be open to her interacting (as in, having normal rp threads) with male gem muses since some people are not fans of male gem ocs.  So I think this might be where OP of my callout post is mistaken.  I have only ever had her headcanon’d as homoromantic/lesbian and asexual.
*As for not responding to you, (callout post maker).  I had no idea how to respond to your words since I was shocked by what you were saying, nothing more.
For months I have been trying to move on from when another tumblr user put me in their Blocklist.  And I had mostly gotten better.  But seeing your post today (3/27/20) made in a public tumblr post, is extremely hurtful.  I just want to move past this blocklist/callout drama and write with my friends again before all this stuff started.. when.. 3ish months ago?
I just want to be left alone and for the pretty obvious stalking to stop (I mean really, going 4+ years into my internet happenings when I was a younger adult?!)  It’s not only causing me physical pain, but mental and emotional pain as well.  I am a complete wreck, trying to fight off anxiety as I type all of this.  I am not saying this for any kind of sympathy or to change minds, I just want to be honest with everyone with the effects these posts have done.
Now this, I just want to say to everyone I have hurt in the past.  I don’t want to name names or tag you guys out of respect (and I don’t know if you’d all even be okay with it or not).  But if you are reading this then yes, I am addressing you with this apology (even if you might not be on tumblr anymore).  The posting publicly instead of answering privately, the guilt tripping (that I highly stress I did not realize I was doing this), and the vagueblogging.. I am sorry.  You do not have to acknowledge or even accept this apology, but it is what you guys deserve and I want to make it right.
To close, if anyone, friend, acquaintance, or person I never got to interact with but follow(ed) no longer feels comfortable interacting with me based on this knowledge of me and my past that is okay and I ask you put yourself first.  Unfollow, soft block, hard block, please do whatever you need to do.  Your comfort matters.
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