#barring one guy who is really lanky but he is also super tall so he is still beating me in bigness
eats-the-stars · 2 years
the curse of the family baby face strikes again. i have been mistaken for a high schooler at my place of work by a coworker that i have been working with for a whole week. the conversation went the way this usually does.
them: “so are you in school?”
me: “no i graduated.”
them: “cool which school did you go to?”
me: “[name of university]. it’s in [city name].”
them: “are you looking at colleges now?”
me: “...oh. [name of university] is a college.”
them: “oh so you’re in college!”
me: “graduated. but close.”
them, clearly assuming this is my first job: “so, in the work force now.”
me, 4+ jobs under my belt because I am 27 years old: “yep.” 
I think this is a combination of genetic baby face, not wearing makeup, having long hair, wearing leggings and simple clothing because i am autistic with sensory issues, oh yeah squeaky autistic person voice, being very short and slight of build, the fact that my glasses are purple, and general social awkwardness. the person who hired me knows that i am an adult probably. does anyone else in my workplace? i do not think so.
#for real tho why is everyone out in the world so much bigger than me#i feel like a hobbit for real#all of my coworkers are at least a full head taller than me#most are more than that#they're all broader than me too#barring one guy who is really lanky but he is also super tall so he is still beating me in bigness#one lady is only slightly taller than me but also much broader#like for real why are some people in this basement so buff this job does not require that much muscle#please i am already the resident chihuahua you do not need your biceps to be thicker than my thighs i am already so small#i also think my coworkers are doing that thing#where they offer you more encouragement and go 'good job buddy!' because they think u are a teenager#i am so sorry guys i am 27 years old u do not need to do this#even the guy who has my case for the 'help disabled ppl get jobs' program is mother-henning me right now#he is shocked that i picked a job that is not like any job i've done in the past. a bit alarmed by that#but like bro look at my job history#none of these jobs are the same#i do not repeat jobs my friend#i see something that looks weird on a job site and go 'yeah that'll do'#also he expected me to take much longer to get a job#like i started applying and a week later i was like 'oh yeah i got a job'#so now he is calling me to ask if i need job training or if he needs to talk to my employers about accomodations#and i am sorry bro but i am good#this is actually less stressful than my previous jobs barring one#less labor intensive than 3 of them too#at worst i could be stabbed by a machine#which is also less risk than 3 jobs i used to do#i know that i am autistic but i can actually adapt pretty well to new environments#mostly due to being thrown into so many throughout my life that i just know how to do that i guess#i appreciate his concern but i think the amount of stress i'm putting him under is undue. like just relax i got this
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science-lings · 1 month
Being annoying about each option under the cut
1- Ryunosuke has no other pictures of his bestie's face except for the one of his 'corpse' and that is Fucked Up, which is why I love it. this hc is based on the fact that during my playthrough I looked at the picture so many times bc I missed him immediately. Anyway 1-2 was the worst day of his life and the moment where he was given the photo for the first time really stuck with me.
2- They get to switch off being each other's judicial assistants and they both get to be different flavors of transmasc, I think it would be fun for them. Would they have to attend classes at Yumei to even be considered lawyers? who knows the point is they do it together and are like those cats that bond together and get sad when they get separated.
3- If they are in the same room together that sword is being switched back and forth several times, 'I think it matches your outfit today' or 'I'm on my period I shouldn't be in possession of a deadly weapon' or 'you said in the custody agreement that I get it on weekends' etc etc etc... Though it tends to go with Ryunosuke when they are separated for long periods of time. That sword is symbolic of so much gay shit in these games what's a little more.
4- my guy talks about 'the look' in Ryunosukes eyes so much during the last case, what are you looking into his eyes for? Heterosexual reasons? sure... (also 'fancy meeting you here' that is a pick-up line, you're in a prison, not a bar) Anyway his feelings towards Ryunosuke are complicated and he's so mad that at least one of the feelings in the emotional cocktail is something like attraction)
5- There's that disaster lesbian thing going on but also the situation was pretty stressful but one day she will wake up and it will hit her that her friend was still very interested in her even after she knew it was her in the disguise.
6- Sholmes keeps trying to refer to himself as 'the root of all evil' and how he's 'drawn to the darkness', he's trying so hard to be edgy but he's a six-foot-tall lanky blond man who is dramatic in the silly way and drapes himself over Ryunosuke at every opportunity. Either he's trying to build some kind of reputation or he wants to appeal to the local goth milf populace (Sithe and Tusspells) or even the reaper himself (there's some messy ex energy going on over there...)
7- I need Phoenix to inherit Karuma, he knows a bit about it but he doesn't make a big deal about it. He does have a few prosecutor friends who know the blade and are so annoyed that he's not super proud to own it. Also it's funny to me if the only family that Phoenix knows are a couple of victorian lawyers that haunt him. I think they should watch over him and be a little horrified. Ryunosuke was excited when he was intending to be a performing arts student as a fellow drama kid but it doesn't surprise him that he chose to become a lawyer. It's in his blood.
8- You cannot tell me Ryunosuke didn't want to fling himself off of that boat every night he was stuck in the room he thought Kazuma was killed in. He just didn't want to ruin Susatos trip to England by leaving her alone and he goes into a depression when she leaves for Japan, going so far as to avoid looking at the photo the 221b fam took before she left because it made him sad, which gets put up every time by Sholmes who Gets It. Meaning that he went up to the Naruhodo consulting agency regularly to check up on him. I like to think Sholmes was genuinely worried during the months he spent banned from the courtroom and without his weirdgirl who he bonded with through his best friends 'death'.
9- Wagahai is a good kitty, she can tell who the most depressed person in the building is and follows them around, sometimes Ryunosuke has a nightmare and wakes up with a cat right up by his face.
10- Ryunosuke starts the Naruhodo family tradition of not talking about their personal lives to people they care about and making their own little patchwork family for themselves. Practically all we know about his past is that he's afraid of doctors and studied English from a young age. And then like three months after going to a new country and meeting new people he's just like 'neat this is my family now :)' there is something going on there I swear. I have many conflicting ideas about what it could be specifically though.
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bunny-x-haru · 2 years
Secrets - Part 2
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BakuDeku X f!Reader
Part 1
Summary: Bakugo makes the worst mistake of his life after a night out with his friends.
Warnings⚠️: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, drunk sex, creampie, cheating, praise kink, biting, hair pulling, begging, slight choking, smoking and use of alcohol, BakuDeku ship, (KiriMina and DenkiShinsou as side ships)
A/N: ᕱ⑅ᕱ- This shit is nasty as hell, that's all i gotta say.😭✋
✷*はる*✷- I tried writing a couple of parts to be super intense. Hope you guys like part 2 😏. Asks and submissions are welcome but please specify who you are talking to so me and bunny know who's supposed to respond 😉. Also happy new years to anyone who's reading
Word Count: 5.6k
@electricnovaa @juslili
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It was around 8:30pm when the two pro heroes got to the bar.
When they walked in, they were greeted by Mina and Denki before taking a seat at the counter, on the tall bar stools with black leather seats. Denki and Mina walked off after a quick exchange to go to their boyfriends and get drinks. Deku and Bakugo waved at Shinsou, watching him and Kaminari from across the dimly lit bar. Purple neon lights illuminating the dark atmosphere, the sounds of laughter and drinks clinking filled their senses. The bartender, who was a tall lanky man with a cigarette in his mouth, took their orders and started making their drinks. Finishing Deku's first, he pushed the glass of Umeshu in front of the green haired man. Izuku took a sip and set his glass back down while the bartender poured the mixture of Shōchū and soda into a glass with ice, pushing it towards Bakugo. He took it, taking a sip and then wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. The alcohol warmed him, which was a nice feeling after being in the cold.
"So, what's this mission in America that you guys are supposed to be going on?" Izuku rested his head in his right palm, looking at Katsuki who sat on his left, with a soft sweet smile while he stirred his drink with a thin black straw. "They didn't tell me much over the phone, said they'd brief me when we arrived. All I know is it's a really dangerous villain they've been trying to take down for a few years. Because of all the heroes that have been killed and severely injured, they called some of the top pros from a handful of other countries."
Deku nodded as Kacchan shared the information with him. "Just be safe, okay? I know you're good at your job, but you never know when it's your last mission." His voice was soft, laced with care and a bit of concern. "I'll be fine." Katsuki responded shortly, taking another sip of his drink.
A couple minutes passed when Kaminari ran up to the two of them. Already a little tipsy, he pulled at Deku's arm. "Midoryaaa they've got karaoke!! Come do a song with me!" He whined. Izuku managed to take one last sip of his drink before Denki pulled him off his seat and towards the stage. Not long after, Shinsou came and took his place next to Bakugo. "What can I get for ya?" The bartender asked him, throwing a white towel over his shoulder. " Uh, just a soda please, thank you." Shinsou said to the bartender.
"You're not drinking?" Kiri said as he came up next to him just as he was being handed his drink. He took a sip and then looked over at the red head. "Nah not tonight. I know that idiot is gonna get wasted, so at least one of us should be coherent." he gestured to Denki, who was helping Deku pick a song. Kirishima looked past his purple haired friend, just now noticing Bakugo's presence. "Bakubro! Hey man, what are you doing here?"
"Deku made me come." he stated plainly, bringing his glass to his lips. Kiri laughed. "Of course Midoriya was the one that got you to come." Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, shitty hair?" He shrugged. "If anyone else would have asked you to come, it would have been a hard no." Before Bakugo could ask him to elaborate any further, or cuss at him for pointing that out, Kiri was already walking away. He grumbled some curses under breath about how Kirishima was full of shit.
Kacchan turned in his stool. The light on Deku and Kaminari caught his attention. Denki was drunkenly singing into mic, but his focus was on Izuku. The way his emerald eyes shined under that golden spotlight. The waves of green hair that moved when he turned his head to Kaminari. His smile...that fucking smile.
Izuku started singing along with Denki. Something not many people knew about the number one hero was his talent for singing. It was rare to get the opportunity to hear it, it's not like he showed it off. But Kacchan swore that it's one of the prettiest things he'd ever heard. Not that he'd ever tell him that.
It's been years since the last time Bakugo heard him sing. His eyes were glued to his childhood friend, almost in a trance with the way he stared. Deku looked over and made eye contact with him for just a second, smiling as he sang, and the sight sparked a memory that filled his brain.
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6 and a half years ago..
It was Christmas break. Everyone was home with their families for the holidays instead of in the dorms, and that included Bakugo and Deku. Izuku's mother was asleep in her room down the hall. A few hours ago, right after she went to bed, he snuck Kacchan in thru his bedroom window. "Are you sure we won't get caught? ow!" Katsuki asked, hitting his head on the windowsill as he tried to climb inside. Deku giggled. "Yeah, my mom sleeps like a rock." Bakugo softly fell down onto Izuku's bed, trying his best to stay quiet while he took off his shoes and put them next to the nightstand. "This is risky ya know." he commented. "I don't care, I just wanna spend time with you." Deku said as he wrapped his arms around Kacchan's shoulders and climbed into his lap. "So needy." he grumbled, putting his hands on Izuku's hips.
"Don't pretend like you don't like it, you big baby" He giggled, leaning down and kissing Bakugo's jawline. Without notice, Katsuki quickly flipped Deku onto his back, settling himself between his legs. "Shut up, nerd." Izuku gave him a mischievous smile. "Make me." he said in a teasing voice. Kacchan gave a cocky smirk. "You are such a fuckin brat, you know that?" Before he could say anything else, Bakugo smashed his lips onto Deku's, and Izuku pulled him closer...
It was late, neither of them really knew what time it was exactly. Deku laid on Bakugo's bare chest while he traced small circles on his arm. Izuku was humming quietly while he did the same on Kacchan's stomach. "What song is that? it sounds familiar." He asked quietly. Deku turned his head, so his chin now rested on Katsuki's chest. He stared right into his vermillion irises and started to sing the lyrics.
"~I know that you love me, darlin'. You don't have to say it. You know you can trust me, it's okay its complicated. Nervous, trip over my words. you're so pretty it hurts. Baby I'm yours, baby I'm yours, baby I'm yours. I need something more, pray to the lord. Baby I'm yours.~"
Bakugo couldn't hide the heavy blush that tinted his cheeks, and Izuku noticed. He smiled up at him lovingly, still keeping eye contact. Kaccahn's heart began beating a little too fast. Deku laid his head back down and nuzzled himself closer to him, continuing to trace circles on his skin. That night was perfect.
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Present time
"Bakugo! Oi Katsuki!"
The sound of someone yelling his name pulled him from his trance. He blinked. "Sorry- what?" He looked a bit dazed. " Are you good dude? you look a little lost." Shinsou laughed, taking a sip of his soda. "Huh? oh- uh yeah I'm fine I just uh... I think the alcohol might be kicking in a bit." he gave a nervous laugh, hoping it was a believable lie. There was a pause. "Hey uh... sorry for being a bit of a dick at the meeting this morning." Shinsou said.
"Don't worry about it man, I understand your just worried about your boyfriend." He finished off his drink, setting it down and silently waving for the bartender to get him another. "I'm not happy about what happened to Kaminari either." Bakugo paused, looking over to Denki coming off stage with Izuku. Taking note of the stitches along his forehead, and the scar across his shoulder. He spoke " But you gotta trust that I'm doing my best to do this in a way that saves as many people as possible." Shinsou nodded. "yeah, I know."
Denki came up behind Shinsou's barstool and wrapped his arm around his purple haired boyfriend's waist. Shinsou turned to face him, expression turning soft immediately when his eyes landed on his lover. "Hey, you doin' okay?" his voice was soft when he spoke, looking over Kaminari stitches to make sure none of them broke. "MMhm!" he hummed in response. "jus missed you." words slightly slurred. Shinsou was right, Denki was definitely wasted. Kaminari buried his head in Shinsou's neck, leaving little butterfly kisses on his skin. "Denki, what are you doing?" Shinsou whispered to Denki. He mumbled a response that Bakugo couldn't hear, and then suddenly, Shinsou's breath hitched, and he grabbed Kaminari by his throat. There was a bright purple bruise visible on Shinsou's neck when he pulled Denki away.
"You're lucky we're in public, kitten." he clicked his tongue. "You better be ready to finish what you started once we get home, you little brat." Kaminari gulped; eyes wide as he realized what he'd done. Shinsou shifted his gaze back to Bakugo, beaming a forced smile of innocence. "I think I'm gonna call it a night and take this one home." Bakugo laughed, taking another sip of his drink as Deku came to stand beside him at the bar. They both watched as Shinsou picked Denki up and threw him over his shoulder, dragging him out of the bar. Izuku heard inaudible whining, catching something about "too rough" and "strawberry lube."
He giggled as the couple walked out of the bar. "Those two are so cute, I envy their relationship." he sighed. Kacchan scoffed. "I think they're both fuckin idiots." He joked, earning an eye roll from Deku.
A couple of hours filled with more drinks and the soft chatter from everyone in the bar. Izuku stood at the counter with Kirishima, talking about something Bakugo definitely wasn't paying attention to. They were both laughing, and Kiri spoke loudly "That is so not manly." just as he said that; Mina, who had been standing next to him the whole time as she was leaning against his shoulder, suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss. She pulled away, blush covering both of their cheeks. Hers from the alcohol, and his from the sudden display of affection. Mina smirked. "Mkay, c'mon big boy, we're goin' home." she stated, hooking her fingers in the belt loop of his jeans and dragging him towards the door. "Uh... y-yes ma'am." he stammered following her out of the bar. "See ya later, losers." she waved, not even turning around as she dragged Kirishima out of the bar. Bakugo laughed, polishing off his 5th drink of the night. "who's the manly one now, shitty hair."
They heard the bartender shout for 'last call' as he wiped down the long counter and began washing glasses. Kacchan extended his arm out to uncover the watch hidden under his sleeve. He checked the time before running a hand thru his spikey blonde hair. "I should probably head home anyways, it's getting late."
"Already? C'mon Kacchan it's only 11:30." He pouted as he looked up at Bakugo through his eyelashes, a pink blush from the alcohol dusting his cheeks. This particular bar always closed around midnight. Deku smiled at Bakugo from under his eyelashes "I have some soju at my house. Come with me? It's just a 2-minute walk from here around the corner." Kacchan's gaze softened as he looked at Deku, noticing how tipsy he was. "Fine." He grumbled, too hazy himself to even argue. Deku raised his arm, signaling the bartender for the check.
Katsuki zipped up his coat while Izuku paid the tab before leaving the bar. He shivered when he walked out the door. The cold winter breeze and night air hitting him in the face. "it's cold as shit out here." Deku followed not far behind. "Guess it's a good thing I just bought that new irori table then." Deku replied as he walked up next to Bakugo.
As they started their short walk through the winter night to Izuku's house, Bakugo looked over as Deku pulled a thin box of Pianissimo's from his jacket pocket. Opening it with one hand and raising it to his face, he plucked one cigarette with his teeth out of the box before putting them back in his pocket. He covered the tip and lit it. "I thought you quit." he said. Izuku shrugged, taking a long drag from the cigarette. Blowing a plume of smoke into the night air before responding. "I've been stressed lately." It fell silent for a moment before Deku spoke again as they walked shoulder to shoulder occasionally bumping into each other lightly. The alcohol affecting their balance slightly.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Is everything Alright with you and y/n?" Deku took another drag as he turned his head to look at Kacchan as they kept walking through the night. "Why do you ask?" Bakugo said as he did a sideway glance. Izuku turned his head back to the front of him, blowing out the cloud of smoke into the cool winter air. "She seemed a bit off at the meeting this morning, like something was bothering her. She wouldn't tell me what though." The snow flurries came down softly seeming to muffle their voices.
There was a pause, it seemed like Bakugo wasn't going to give him an answer. But then he spoke, staring at the ground where he walked. "We're just going thru a bit of a rough patch, but I'm sure we'll be fine." Deku was quiet for a moment trying to think of what to say through the alcohol fueled haze. He looked over to Bakugo, watching as they trekked through the fresh dust of snow covering the ground. His breath crystalizing in the air and the streetlights casting a soft glow on both of them, Kacchan's blonde locks turning almost golden in the light. Deku thought he looked so pretty. A car drove past as they continued on, and Izuku could see the gate to his house about a block down.
As they got closer to his home, Bakugo suddenly slipped on a small patch of ice. "FUCK-" He almost completely lost his footing when Deku grabbed onto his arm, gripping at his bicep so he wouldn't fall. Both of them stumbling and regaining balance together. "You okay?" He laughed, finding humor in Kacchan almost face planting on the concrete. He stood up straight, regaining his balance before pulling his arm away. "I'm fine." He grumbled quietly, looking away to hide his blush of embarrassment. He could still feel the ghost of Deku's touch burning his arm, a feeling pooling in his stomach. Izuku didn't notice the blush dusting his cheeks because he was giggling into his hand like an idiot.
They reached the gate of the small one-story home and walked up to the front door. Bakugo laughed at Deku as he struggled to unlock it, cold and numb fingers fumbling his house keys. When they finally walked into the front hallway, Deku's huge Great Dane, Ichi, galloped towards them. She was wagging her tail as Deku dropped down to give her some pets after taking off his signature red sneakers and dark green coat.
"Hi my pretty girl!" he laughed, scratching behind her ears as she licked his cheek and whined, missing her owner. Bakugo took off his shoes and bent down to give her a few short pats on the head as well. "I keep forgetting how damn big your dog is." he chuckled. They both started to make their way further into the house. It was an open space, the kitchen and dining room connected to the living room on the right side and 2 rooms (one Deku's bedroom and the other a traditional Japanese tearoom) on the left side of the hall. The bathroom was further down and to the left. There was potted plants everywhere and a cream-colored carpet. The smell of peppermint and cologne wafted through the air. Dog toys were scattered throughout the house and a large dog bed sat in the corner of the living room by a big leafy potted floor plant. There was a wood irori table surrounded by dark green tatami chairs in the middle of the living room. And sliding rice paper doors leading to the fenced in backyard.
Katsuki sat down at one with his legs crossed, watching Deku light the irori table before joining him on the floor. Izuku picked up the green ceramic bottle that was sitting on the table and filled Bakugo's glass with soju, then his own. "I'm glad you came over Kacchan" He crossed his legs and Ichi rested her head on Deku's thigh. "mhm" Bakugo responded, taking a sip of his drink. Deku beamed at him with that bright smile and took a drink from his cup as well. Both of them relaxed and enjoyed their buzz from the many drinks they've had tonight. Katsuki happy that they were finally out of the cold, the fire from the irori table warming them.
An hour or two passed of just the two of them talking, laughing, and reminiscing on the occasional memory from over the years. They watched and laughed as Ichi played with her favorite toy, which was a bear that was covered in slobber. It was around 1am when the two had finished the entire bottle of soju. Both of them more tipsy than before and smiling like idiots, laughing and talking the night away.
Izuku let out a sigh. "I think I'm getting a bit too hot." Katsuki looked over at him and watched intently as Deku grabbed the back of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Exposing his thin waist, defined abs and broad chest covered in dark pink, jagged scars. Izuku threw his shirt somewhere onto the floor and leaned back, pointing his face towards the ceiling. His neck and shoulders seemingly sculpted by the most talented artist. The light from the irori fire glowing against his skin. Kacchan's gaze was glued to his body, eyes lingering for longer than they should have before he looked away. A heavy blush tinted his cheeks, both from the haze of the alcohol and the warm heat that seemed to rise in his chest.
'Not right now. You can't think about that right now...'
Katsuki tried desperately to distract his mind from the same thoughts about Deku that had been seeping thru the cracks for weeks.
Just then, Izuku's phone buzzed. They both turned their attention to the lit-up screen, reading "Ex💔" as the contact. Kacchan noticed how he stared at it, watching it ring for a second before he spoke again in a somber tone, his words slurred slightly. "I should uh... I should probably answer that." He stood, grabbing his phone off the edge of the table. He began to walk out of the living room but then turned back to Kacchan. "Hey, do you mind letting Ichi outside while I take this? I'll only be a few minutes." Katsuki nodded and watched Izuku leave the room before standing himself, walking over to the rice paper doors and sliding one end open.
He looked over at the Great Dane that was curled up in a ball in her bed. "Ichi, come outside." He called, snapping his fingers to get her attention. She stood up, her tail wagging as she walked over to Bakugo, happy that her friend is letting her out. As she went outside and relieved herself, Bakugo stood in the doorway thinking about Deku and who he's talking to.
A few months earlier Deku had told Bakugo about his ex, Monoma. Bakugo knew that he didn't treat Izuku well and irritation flooded his senses, remembering how toxic their relationship had been.
'That bastard didn't deserve him.'
A few minutes later, Ichi came trotting thru the snow, back towards the open door where Katsuki stood. He grabbed a small towel that he remembered Deku kept by the door, he bent over, his body swaying from the alcohol as he dried off her wet paws before letting her back in the house. As he closed the door, he noticed that Izuku wasn't back yet. He turned towards the hallway, seeing that his bedroom door was cracked open. He walked down the hall, slowly pushing it open and seeing Deku turned with his back facing him.
"No, you can't come in here! I've already packed all your things in a few boxes. You can grab them out of the garage whenever you have time, but I don't want to see you." There was a pause, and Then Bakugo heard him sigh and say "I'm done, Monoma" before hanging up the phone. He turned around, noticing Kacchan standing in his doorway. "How much of that did you hear?"
Deku's gaze fell to the floor. "Is that fuck-nut shitbag still bothering you?" Izuku looked up, stunned, before he broke out laughing. "That WHAT?" he couldn't hold back the tears that filled his waterline from laughing so hard, wiping them away before speaking again. "Oh, that's a good one." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "That's exactly what he is for what he did to you." He scoffed. Izuku gave a soft smile, not really having anything else to say. There was a long pause as Bakugo stepped into the room more, leaning against the wall next to him. Deku averted his gaze, staring off into the open space.
"Do you ever think about it?" Deku asked. Kacchan raised an eyebrow as he spoke. "Think about what?" Izuku gave a deep sigh. "Us." he stated plainly, before turning his head towards Bakugo. "Like maybe what it would've been like if we never... ended things." Kacchan looked down to the floor, ignoring the redness on his face. Another long pause, agonizing silence. "The thought has crossed my mind a few times..." he mumbled, almost so quietly that Deku didn't hear him. He probably wouldn't have been so honest if it weren't for the copious amounts of alcohol in his system.
When he heard no response, he looked up, just now realizing how close they were standing to each other. He couldn't read the look in Deku's eyes, but the next thing he knew, their lips were connecting. It was a sweet, soft kiss and Deku put his hands on Bakugo's chest.
'His lips are soft.'
'I shouldn't be doing this.'
'This is wrong.'
'God, i miss him so much.'
So many thoughts were running thru Kacchan's mind, but he couldn't focus on any of them. Too clouded from the alcohol to make any proper sense of what was happening. He knew he shouldn't let it continue. But damn it felt good.
He reached his hands up to Deku's face, holding it and deepening the kiss. Izuku's hands slid down and he gripped onto the sides of Bakugo's shirt, trying to stay grounded to reality himself. Izuku pulled himself flush against Kacchan, earning a small whimper that was lost in the kiss. And in that moment, all the blood rushed to Bakugo's core, and Izuku definitely noticed. They began stumbling backwards towards Deku's bed, getting lost in each other.
Without thinking twice, Deku pushed his tongue past Bakugo's lips, entangling it with his. He ran his fingers thru Izuku's soft green hair, remembering how much he liked it. Their lips parted, and Deku started kissing his neck. His neck was sensitive. Bakugo let out a small moan as Izuku snaked his hands under his shirt, familiar warm fingertips roaming his skin. Bakugo pushed Deku onto the bed and stood over him as he began taking off his clothes. He started with his shirt, pulling it over his head and exposing his built torso. Deku marveled at the sight of how his ex-lover's body changed over the 6 years that they've been apart. Muscles more defined and scars littered all over his body. Izuku reached up to his belt, tugging on it, silently asking to remove it. His emerald eyes stared up at him thru thick lashes, almost pleading with him.
Kacchan raised his hand to his belt, quickly unbuckling the clasp as he slid the material past his muscular thighs. His painfully hard dick jumping to life and hitting him on the stomach. His body was the image of perfection in Deku's mind. His dick throbbed painfully as his eyes trailed down the subtle veins running along Kacchan's forearms. His gaze moved to the slight shadows being casted on his defined 6 pack from the small lamp sitting on the nightstand. It was the only thing illuminating them both with soft light. Izuku opened his mouth, reaching for Katsuki's tip but he was grabbed by the throat, much like he witnessed Shinsou do to Denki earlier in the night. Bakugo roughly pushed him against the mattress, crashing his lips onto Deku's.
Izuku whimpered, bucking his hips against Kacchan who was settled between his legs. He removed his hand from around Deku's neck, deciding it'd be put to better use getting his pants off. Both hands hooked into the waistband of Izuku's jeans as he pulled them down, discarding them to the floor. He kissed Deku's neck hungrily, continuing to his collarbones and chest, littering his skin with small purple marks. Izuku reached for his mahogany nightstand, fumbling with the handle on the drawer as he searched for the bottle of clear lube he kept at his beside. He pushed the bottle against Katsuki's chest. "P-please Kacchan, need you." He whined, looking at Bakugo through his lashes with lust blown eyes. It drove him fucking crazy. He snactched the bottle from Izuku's hands "C'mere" the blonde man growled deep in his chest as the blush on his face spread to his ears. He knew what he was doing was wrong but fuck, he was so damn pretty when he begged like that.
His thoughts ran wild at the sight of the green haired boy under him. His thin waist and that pretty face, all for him. Izuku grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down and kissed him again. As Bakugo hovered over Deku, chest to chest, the scent of alcohol and Deku's cologne enveloped his senses. He broke away from the kiss, squirting some of the lube on his fingers, closing the bottle and throwing it somewhere. He used his other hand to flip Deku onto his stomach and Izuku arched his back slightly, pushing his hips up to give Kacchan the perfect view. Bakugo got on top of him, straddling the back of his legs as he began sliding his lube covered fingers across his entrance. Izuku let out a small, breathy gasp as he used the slick substance to ease the stretch when he penetrated the tight hole. Just one finger at first, moving it in and out slowly, listening for his tiny gasps and whimpers. He braced himself by holding onto Izuku's waist like a vice grip, forcing him to deepen his arch. He leaned forward, pressing his chest flush against Deku's back as he continued to stretch him open.
Izuku reached back, grabbing onto Bakugo's wrist and pulling his hand closer to his face. He kissed his fingertips, interlocking their hands and shifting under Kacchan's weight. "God, you know exactly what to do to drive me crazy." He groaned, lust coating his voice like honey. "You're gonna make me lose control if you keep doing shit like that. You've been on my mind for weeks." He closed his eyes, burying his head in Izuku's neck as he pushed a second finger in, slowly hitting the sweet spot inside of him. Deku let out a broken cry of pleasure as he felt Bakugo's second finger. "You're the only one that can make me feel this good, Kacchan. No one I've been with- fuck please just-" his voice almost sounded like a cry as he tried to get the words out, begging, making Katsuki growl low in his chest. It was music to his ears. "Shh." he cooed. "Okay baby, I'm coming." He whispered close to Deku's ear. "You're such a good boy." Bakugo felt him tighten for just a second as he moaned from those words. "imma good boy~" he mumbled out a small whine, burying his face in the pillow.
Kacchan sat up, relishing in the pretty sounds he missed so much. He removed his fingers from Deku's entrance and, using the excess lube on his hand, he started stroking his dick that painfully throbbed with each whimper that left Izuku's lip. He coated it in the slick substance before falling back down on Deku's back. He lined himself up with his tight hole and pushed himself in slowly, wrapping an arm around Izuku's neck and holding onto him tight. He kissed his neck, leaving pretty purple bruises trailing wherever his lips touched. He then bit down on the soft skin of his right shoulder, making him cry out. Half from the hickies, and half from the bittersweet feeling that he remembered so well of Katsuki stretching him out. His mind was numb with longing. Nothing could compare to the way Bakugo fucked him. Izuku moaned and pushed back onto Bakugo's shaft, forcing him deeper. Kacchan's breath hitched and he spoke in a low, primal tone. "fuck~ I missed you so much." He brutally slammed into him, picking up his pace, causing Izuku's eyes to brim with tears from pleasure and pain.
"I- oh god, yes! I missed- fuck Kacchan please~" Bakugo's mind reeled as he heard those words escape Deku's lips, triggering all kinds of emotions. 'God, I love him so much'. he thought, finally admitting it to himself. He moaned and fucked into Deku faster, going deeper and hitting his g-spot. Izuku tried to speak but his words just died on his tongue. "ngh~ k-kachaan I- please I-" He struggled to get all the words out as Bakugo continued his relentless pace. The sounds of skin on skin and wet slapping tuned everything else out. The feeling was so intense that the burning in his eyes turned into tears, threatening to stain the pillow he held onto for dear life. Kacchan pounded into him faster and took a fistfull of his hair, pulling Deku's head backwards. He kissed and bit all over his neck, ravaging it with more and more markings. He snaked a hand around his waist, gripping him feverishly as he pulled him to his knees.
Deku moved his hips along with Bakugo's rhythm and held onto Kacchan's arm. Bakugo sat back on his knees without missing a beat. Reaching for Izuku's length to stroke him while he brutalized his thrusts even more, still pulling at his soft green hair. He always loved Deku's hair. His breathing got heavier, and his thrusts a bit messier as he stroked Izuku faster, his hand gliding effortlessly. "You're taking me so well Izu" he sighed the old nickname out, voice gruff and blown with lust, sending Deku over the edge. Heat pooled in his stomach, threatening to snap. "fu-fuck I'm gonna cum. Kachaan please please please im s-so close!" he couldn't say anything else, all he could do was beg.
Bakugo closed his eyes as the feeling of Izuku tightening around him pushed him towards ecstasy, still milking him and chasing his own high. He groaned as he felt himself start to cum. "Fuck Deku, I missed you so fucking much. Cum for me baby, let go." He said almost angrily. And then a soft moan escaped his lips, the next words that left Bakugo's mouth made Izuku shiver "My pretty boy.... Izu I still love you." He felt Deku's release as he uttered those words before he could even stop himself, his dick twitching with each spurt of the white, sticky substance that covered Bakugo's hand. He didn't slow down, groaning as he fucked Izuku hard through his orgasm "Ngh~ K-kaachan I never stopped loving y-you." A broken whine as he choked out those words.
Bakugo brought his hand to his mouth, licking his fingers clean of what Deku left behind. "Fuck, you're so pretty, I can't hold back, I-" His thoughts came to a halt, and he moaned loudly as his own orgasm crashed through him like a tidal wave. His brutal, messy thrusts came to a halt as he emptied himself inside of Izuku, painting his insides white.
God what a pretty sight this was, the man he loved most, filled to the brim by him. Screaming for him.
Katsuki's eyes fluttered open, squinting at the bright light from the large window in Deku's room. His palms rubbed the sleep from his vision as he sat up in bed. He yawned, shifting his gaze to the beautiful man who laid next to him. His eyes travelled the length of his torso, noticing how the blanket rested at his lower back. His exposed skin and green hair glowing in the morning sun. Bakugo smiled, the calm before the storm.
His smile faltered when the memories of last night filled his brain, and he remembered that he should be waking up next to you.
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Parts 3
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miscelunaaa · 3 years
spin cycle 5 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut
summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
rating: 18+ for eventual smut
word count: less than 500
warnings: A wild namjoon appears. Boys with girl problems. Swearing, as always.
notes: Hello again! Not sure who all might’ve seen it yesterday, but I posted an update about plotting out the rest of this. It’s a whopping 18 index cards which means it’s time to strap in for the long haul. The slow burn is real! Let’s hope I can make it as delicious and delightful as possible. Also, shout out to @thatlongspringnight and @namjin-fangirling-again for helping answer some highly scientific questions I had while working on future chapters 👀 I really appreciate your help! As always, thank you so much for reading. Please drop a comment or an ask if you’d like. I’d love to hear from you :)
series masterlist | read on ao3
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“You did what?”
“I folded her laundry.”
“You folded a complete stranger’s laundry? In public?”
Jungkook shrugs at his roommate. “Yeah. Why, is that weird?”
Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose before sighing, “Yes, that’s weird as hell!”
“What was I supposed to do? Let it get weird and gross in the washer? She fell asleep and like super hard too, I didn’t want her to have to wash it all again!”
“Wait, so you put it in the dryer for her and then folded it?”
Jungkook nods, watching as Namjoon gnaws on his bottom lip. The man only just got home, and he’s been acting weird lately. Instead of talking about his own catching-feelings debacle, Namjoon is deflecting, choosing to focus on the events of Jungkook’s evening rather than those of his own.
To be honest, Jungkook wants the help.
He doesn’t think you’re a problem, per se. He just doesn’t know how to approach you at all.
“A few hours were not going to make or break her laundry, you nerd. You like her, don’t you?”
Namjoon is good at going for what he wants. Jungkook is also good at it, in his own way. He’s worked hard for his body, his art, his job … He’s just so shy that he’s not good at going for people he wants. But he’s got little ways of trying.
When he first met Namjoon, back in high school, he’d been so in awe of this tall, lanky, brainy kid that all he’d managed to say was “thighs” because that’s what he’d been looking at instead of making eye contact. They could laugh about it now, but it took years for the teenager to grow confident in speaking to others. Now that he’d bulked up and gained some self confidence, Jungkook had gotten to the point where it was easier to talk to strangers.
But, of course, you’re different.
Jungkook is used to girls fawning over him. It had happened throughout college and it happens whenever he and Joon went out to bars or clubs. But you … you’d barely looked at him when he first walked into the laundromat.
He found it was a welcome change. He didn’t have to worry about you showering him with un-asked for or un-wanted attention. He liked to think of you as a compatriot of sorts. Two lovers of the laundry arts, united only by their enthusiasm and ardor for clean clothes and also for the wee morning hours.
“Look, she fell asleep on her computer. I think she’s having a rough few weeks. I just wanted to do something nice for her.”
Namjoon gives him a long look from across their kitchen island. Jungkook squirms under the gaze of his roommate, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie sleeve.
“Dude, you’re so whipped for her already, I can tell.”
“Asshole. You’re one to talk.”
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
© miscelunaaa 2021. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work. Thank you.
posted: 1.17.2022. updated 4.2.2022 (front matter clean up). 
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star-labs-intern · 4 years
Serendipity: A New Year’s Kiss harrisco fic
A/N: This is super late but it is for @heckyeahharrisco ‘s beautiful Harrisco New Year’s Kiss Anthology! Happy almost- New year! 
Summary : Harry and Cisco have a one night stand the night before NYE and then find themselves at the same New Year’s party.
The date was December 30th and Cisco was out at the bar, drinking. The holidays had been stressful to say the least and he deserved some proper rest and relaxation. He was hoping for someone to flirt with, so Cisco wasn't at his usual haunt tonight. He was at a place a little further across town that was usually very busy but tonight, looked like a ghost town. He looked up when a tall, lanky man of ambiguous age came to stand near Cisco.
“So...Do you come here often?" Harry Wells found himself asking, aloud. 
Cisco barked a laugh. “That line ever worked on anyone before?”
Harry chuckled and reddened a little. “Honestly haven’t used it on anyone in a while. But I’m truly curious. You don’t exactly strike me as a regular.”
Cisco nodded at the drunks asleep at the counter. “No, I am certainly not a regular.” 
“So that means, young attractive man, not at his usual neighborhood bar… looking to get into trouble tonight?”
Cisco found himself laughing for the second time. “You’re the one calling me attractive without even buying me a drink, let alone introducing yourself.” Cisco smirked at this handsome stranger. “And I’m the one looking for trouble?”
“Harry Wells. And I’d love to buy you a drink, even if you don’t tell me your name.” Harry leaned closer to the man with the beautiful curly hair, anticipating his response.
“My name’s Cisco. Cisco Ramon. And, yes, I think I’ll let you buy me a drink.” Cisco sized Harry up for a second.
“Oh, you’ll allow me to buy you a drink? How kind of you.” Harry quipped.
They decided to move to a table to talk. One thing led to another and suddenly Harry was asking Cisco to come home with him. Then, before they knew it, Harry and Cisco were two single people heading home together on a cold New Years Eve, Eve, intent on having some fun with no expectations.
Cisco always buzzed with nervous energy before moments like this and Harry could feel it radiating off of him. 
“Relax,” Harry cooed as they got out of the taxi. They stood at the bottom of the stairs that led up to Harry’s apartment. It was bitter cold but Cisco stared up at the door and then looked sheepishly back toward Harry. 
Cisco couldn’t help feeling a little bit of hesitation. Harry was an older man, a stranger, bringing Cisco into his home, after all. 
“Hey,” Harry stopped Cisco by gently grabbing him by the shoulders. “You good?” Harry asked seriously, instead of complaining about the cold or rushing Cisco inside. 
“I’m so good,” Cisco nodded, suddenly back in the moment with refreshed enthusiasm. 
Harry grinned and pulled Cisco to him, kissing him slowly. Cisco felt lightheaded.
"Let's go inside. I'm cold." Cisco complained when they parted. 
"Hmm, I think I may be able to help with that," Harry replied cheekily as they ascended the steps and disappeared into the apartment  
The next morning Cisco was up cooking breakfast, even though it was Harry’s home. 
Harry grinned waking up to the smell of food. “I don’t remember telling you to get out of bed,” Harry teased as he came into the kitchen. 
Cisco blushed, “Good morning! I think we both deserve some food after last night,” he deflected the flirtation but looked at Harry under low lids. 
Harry came to kiss Cisco squarely on the mouth. “You are amazing. Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” 
“I certainly enjoyed myself,” Cisco grinned and kissed Harry back before breaking away. “Now! Unless you want burned eggs to ring in the last day of the old year, I suggest you stop distracting me,” 
"Whatever you say, Cisco," Harry grinned
Later that day, Cisco was at home preparing for his New Years Eve party. He was going to Mercury labs with his best friend Caitlin Snow. He was going as “back up”, as moral support for Cait, who worked there, and he had to start getting ready. 
His phone vibrated and, expecting a message from Cait, Cisco opened his phone. What he found was Harry’s apparent phone number, saved under “That Hot Guy” and a new message saying “Had a blast with you. Hope to see more of you in the new year.” 
Cisco rolled his eyes and quickly texted back “You saw plenty of me last night. You’re so corny”
After hesitating for a moment, Cisco texted again, “But I also had a blast and we should def do it again soon” 
“Sounds like a plan” Harry texted back and Cisco bit his lip, thinking of another night promised with Harry. He was a little bit irritating, for lack of better word, and there were moments where Cisco kind of wanted to strangle him, but boy did they have chemistry…
With another twist and turn, Cait was picking Cisco up for the party.
“What did you end up doing last night?” Cait asked, in the car. 
“Honestly, I went out to the bar and had a one night stand,” Cisco winced as he told Cait. 
“Did you really??” Cait grinned. “Give me all the details, why didn’t you text me where you were?? What if he had been a murderer?”
Cisco laughed. “I have my pepper spray, don’t worry. I can handle myself. He was… very smart. A little older than me. Kinda sarcastic in this really annoying way.” 
Cait was looking at Cisco. “And how was it?”
Cisco rolled his eyes. “It was really nice and I had a really good time.” He said, looking out the window again and avoiding Cait’s reaction. 
“Did you get his number??” 
“Oh my god, Cait, enough of the third degree!” 
When Cisco peeked at Cait, she was still grinning from ear to ear. Cisco groaned and filled Caitlin in on the rest of the details. 
“Wow, Cisco. Good for you!” Cait complimented as they got to the party and started getting out of the car. 
“Thank you, it was fun, yes, and hopefully I will see him again, but now it’s time to enjoy this party! So please, no more Nancy Drew-ing my love life, okay?” 
Caitlin pretended to zip her lips. “Time to party,” 
Cisco smiled. “Thank you!”
Cisco had tried his honest to god best, to continue and forget all about Harry. 
They had been at the party a little over an hour, when Cisco spotted him. “Oh shit. I’ve gotta be fucking dreaming,” Cisco muttered to himself. 
“What are you doing?” Cait asked as Cisco was suddenly hiding behind a waiter holding a tray of appetizers. 
“Nothing,” Cisco replied, stealing a glance from behind the waiter, to see if Harry had noticed him. He was a little ways away, standing profile, speaking with some woman in a fabulous pant suit, and it didn’t seem like he had spotted Cisco yet. 
“Are you hiding from Dr. McGee? She adores you, she wants you to come work with us.” Cait asked, narrowing her eyes. 
“That’s who that is. Nope. Actually, yes, I am hiding from Tina McGee, I don’t want her to see me in this hideous tie I picked out with champagne glasses on it.” Cisco lied, poorly. 
Cait rolled her eyes but then narrowed her eyes at Harry. She was starting to put the pieces together. 
“Listen, Cait, I think I’m gonna have to go home early, I’m getting a terrible stomach ache…” 
“Cisco, is that the man you slept with last night??” Cait whisper yelled at Cisco, pulling him out from behind the waiter with the appetizers and dragging him to the entrance. 
“What? Where would you get a crazy idea like that?” Cisco laughed, nervously this time. 
Cait looked at Cisco and blinked, waiting for him to come clean. 
Cisco pursed his lips. “Not gonna buy the stomach ache story, huh?” Cisco asked.
Cait laughed. “You’re the worst. Just go over and talk to him. Just say hi and make it not awkward, and then come find me. I’ll be mingling.”
“Fine.” Cisco grimaced. “I can’t believe I told you any of that. This is the worst New years party ever,” Cisco whispered to Cait before going off to find Harry. 
Cisco spotted his tall demeanor at the drink table. He was grabbing another glass of champagne. Cisco took a deep breath and approached Harry. 
“So… Do you come here often?” Cisco asked, mirroring Harry’s words from the night before.
Harry glanced up at Cisco. His eyes were wide. He took a swig of his champagne before he answered. 
“That line ever worked on anyone before?” Harry asked with a tight lipped smirk. They smiled at each other, in shared loaded silence for a moment.
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Cisco asked, eyes narrowing slightly. 
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Harry turned it around.
“Touché.” Cisco commented, grabbing a champagne glass and offering Harry a toast. Harry tipped his glass to clink with Cisco’s and they shared a drink.
“Well, I just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your evening.” Cisco said.
“Alright, Cisco. But I have to warn you, these things are dreadfully boring,” Harry commented. 
Cisco laughed and headed back off to find Caitlin. 
“All sorted out?” Cait asked.
“Easy, peasy,” Cisco said in reply.
“I don’t even want to know.” Cait said. 
Forty-five minutes later and Cisco was starting to get what Harry meant. This was a giant party but people kept going in and out, finding different groups to linger in, it was impossible to keep track of who you had and hadn’t met yet. All these academic types started to blend together after a while. It was honestly starting to give Cisco a headache. 
Cisco gave a sharp gasp when someone grabbed his arm, suddenly. 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” Harry’s rasp was soft in Cisco’s ear and his fingers were tight but gentle holding Cisco’s arm. Where had he even come from? 
“A little,” Cisco admitted, looking up at Harry.
“Aren’t you bored yet?” Harry asked again, soft this time leaning all the way in, to whisper in Cisco’s ear. “If you’re as bored as I am, you should meet me up on the rooftop in fifteen minutes.”
Cisco felt shivers up and down his spine, and said, “Make it ten,” 
Harry grinned and walked off. Cisco was thankful that Cait was otherwise occupied talking to a gaggle of her coworkers. 
Cisco waited four agonizing minutes before nodding at Cait and then walking off down the hallway to find Harry.
He took the elevator up to the top floor. He followed the signs for the staircase. Cisco went up a half flight of stairs and found a door which was propped ajar with a rock. On the door it said, “Roof access, CAUTION”
Cisco slipped through the door careful to keep the rock propping it open. 
He looked around, “Harry?” He whispered. 
“Over here,” 
Harry was draped in shadow, leaned against a chimney. He held open arms to Cisco.
“You’re not worried we’re gonna get stuck up here?” Cisco asked as he got slowly closer
“You saying you wouldn’t want to be stuck up here with me?” Harry teased 
Cisco laughed and then, finally, he was close enough that Harry pulled Cisco to him and they kissed, gravitating together like magnets.
Cisco returned to the party a little while later looking very red and with very messed up hair. 
Cait quirked her head at him when he returned. “Where have you been? You look like you’ve been in a fight.” 
Cisco gave her a small grin. “You should see the other guy,” 
Cait narrowed her eyes at Cisco. 
“You’re lucky you made it back in time for the count down.” 
Harry and Cisco made eye contact from across the room. They were each pretty happy that they had gotten to steal away for a little while. 
Cait and Cisco tried to maneuver themselves closer to where the action was happening. 
Cisco lost sight of Harry in their move. 
Suddenly they were counting down from thirty and Harry had come up right behind Cisco.
When the clock struck zero, Harry took Cisco by the arm and swung him around to face him. “Happy New Year, Cisco,” Harry whispered, and suddenly dipped Cisco low, kissing him deeply.
Cisco gasped but was thrilled by the most exciting New Years kiss he could imagine.
Harry stood them both back up and when they broke apart, he chuckled sheepishly as anyone who saw them, wolf-whistled and shouted. “I thought you were my secretary from behind! Your long hair!” Harry winked at Cisco who bit his lower lip, shaking his head at Harry’s sneakiness and terrible excuse.
Cisco touched his lips where they had kissed, only seconds before. “Honest mistake,” He said, eyes glaring daggers at Harry and Harry grinning like a lunatic. Halfway across the room Christina McGee looked a fraction more stressed out than she had already.
“Happy New Year, everyone!” Harry shouted and made off into the crowd.
Cait leaned over to whisper to Cisco. “He is something else.”
Cisco smiled and touched his lips, where Harry’s had just been. “You’re telling me.”
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vegetasleftsock · 4 years
A Devil’s Smile (Vegeta x OC)
Part 1
Chapter 2
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Saturday morning arrived. Golden sunbeams poured through open blinds in a window next to Milla’s bed. Waking up, she blinked a couple of times to try to adjust to the light.
“No use,” Milla thought to herself. “My eyelids feel like they weigh ten pounds each.”
She shifted onto her stomach and plopped her head straight into her pillow.
“So soft.”
Milla breathed in the scent of her pillow in a deep breath. It smelled like apples- the scent of her favorite fabric softener.
Suddenly a wave of realization and horror washed over Milla. She used her arms to push herself up from the pillow, eyes wide.
“Oh my god, what time is it?” Milla whispered aloud. She flipped over and began to rummage through the sheets to try to find her phone.
“Where is it?” Milla said, frantic. “Fuck!”
She unravelled her comforter and shook it until her phone made a loud thud on the floor.
“9:52? No! Fucking shit!”
“3 missed calls?? All from Janice?? Great.”
Milla clicked on the missed call and the phone began to ring. As she was waiting for the phone to pick up, she rushed to the closet, pulling her oversized t-shirt over her shoulders as she walked.
“Hello?” the voice in the phone said.
“Hey, yea,” replied Milla while hopping into one leg of her black slacks. “Is Janice there?”
“No, she left to run errands. Joey’s here though, I’ll give you to him,” said the voice.
“Thank you, dear angels above, for watching over me,” Milla breathed a sigh of relief that it was Joey, her bandmate and coworker that she was going to have to talk to and not her boss, Janice.
“Ya, you’re welcome. Although, I don’t know if I’d fall under the category of angel,” Joey laughed.
“Joey, I overslept.” Milla said.
“No shit. I told Janice I sent you to try to get more of that special printer ink from the Office Depot off of 5th,” Joey said.
“You told me that printer ink was discontinued,” Milla said, with a ponytail holder in between her teeth. Her hands stayed busy pulling her hair back and brushing out bumps with her fingers.
“Uh-huh. But I didn’t tell her that,” Joey said. “That way when you get here and you show up empty handed, at least you have a reason, ya know?”
“Oh ok, nice! Damn, Joey- I owe you!” Milla said.
“Just get me a pack of cigs and some pretzels for lunch and we’ll call it even.”
“You got it. Thanks again, friend.” Milla smiled.
“No problem bud. See ya soon.” Joey replied, and then hung up the phone.
Milla took one last look in the mirror. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and silver jewelry hung from her ears. The jewelry was vintage and an emerald sat in the middle of each earring. The earrings were a prized possession- her grandmother gave them to her the year she started college.
A black blouse with floaty long sleeves and a bow tied loosely around her neck hung slightly off her small frame. The all black outfit made her look put together- professional. Greatly contrasting from the persona she wears at home and on stage during her performances.
A black and white cat curled through Milla’s legs as she leaned against her dining room chair to strap her tall chunky heels onto each foot.
“Okay, Chomps. I promise I’ll feed you in just a moment.”
Chomps continued to rub his head against her ankles and calves aggressively. Just as Milla placed her foot to the floor to walk to the cabinet where she kept the cat food, Chomps placed his teeth on her ankle and bit down- hard.
“OW, fuck, Chomps! Seriously?” Milla yelled. “I said I was on my way to feed you!”
Blood trickled down her ankle onto her heel, but she was already late. No time to waste.
Milla opened the cabinet and pulled out a measuring cup to portion Chomps’s food. He obviously had an food obsession issue. She dumped the food into his bowl, grabbed her keys and ran out the door.
She sat down into her small silver Jetta and started the engine. As she started her car, it reminded her of the night before.
That guy- the one with the black, spiky hair and the death glare. Milla allowed herself to reflect and replay her interaction with him.
She never even got his name. Not that she really cared. What was his problem? He approached her after the show at her car for what reason?
If he wanted to hurt her or be a pervert, there was nothing stopping him. Milla was strong for her small stature, but she was nothing compared to him. He was clearly ripped. She could tell by every muscle in his toned arms, folded over his chest that also appeared to be rock solid. His shoulders were big and built and even though he wasn’t the tallest guy she had ever met, he still towered over her.
“Too bad he’s fucking odd. He’s hot.” Milla thought to herself.
Before she could think any further about the situation, Milla had arrived at work. She walked through the front doors of the doctor’s office and found her desk, acting like she wasn’t an hour and a half late.
“Good morning, Milla. Did you find anything at the Office Depot? I really need that ink.” Janice, the office manager and Milla’s boss said.
Milla took a deep breath and spun around in her chair to face Janice.
“Janice, I’ve got some bad news about that. They discontinued the ink.”
“I have a hard time believing that,” Janice said. “Did you ask to speak to the manager?”
“I did,” Milla said. “I even asked the manager to call the distributor and they said it’s production has been indefinitely suspended.
“Great,” Janice sighed. “Next time can you clock out if you’re going to take more than 30 minutes to drive across town? Thanks.” Without another word, she turned on her heel and left Milla at her desk alone.
“NeXt TiMe CaN YOu ClOck Out,” Milla mocked.
Even though Milla was annoyed by Janice’s never-ending passive aggressive remarks, she was relieved to be relatively unscathed throughout the day.
However, Milla didn’t get to take her lunch break, which means she didn’t have time to get Joey his thank you gifts for saving her behind.
Milla tied up any loose ends and threw her purse over her shoulder. She waved goodbye to her coworkers and she walked to the back of the office to find Joey.
“Hi, friend.” Milla said to Joey, who was slinging his Levi jean jacket over his broad shoulders.
Joey was about 6 foot, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was average build, but his arms and legs were lanky.
Any girl would normally fawn over Joey, but Milla considered him to be like a brother.
“Heading out?” Joey said while grabbing his keys from his desk and sticking them into his jacket pocket.
“Yup. Let me take you out to dinner since I didn’t get to buy you pretzels and cigs.” Milla said, starting towards the back exit of the office.
“I’m down. As long as I get something to smoke and we go somewhere that has the big kind of pretzels.”
Milla laughed. “Sure thing, dude.”
They both climbed into Milla’s Jetta and started driving to one of their favorite breweries, not far from the bar they perform at every Friday night.
On the drive over, Milla lit Joey a joint and told her the story of the guy from the bar. How he met her at her car, got defensive, but never even tried to lay a hand on her.
Joey took a puff and laughed. He told Milla that he assumed the mystery man was probably too nervous to tell her that she was pretty.
Once they got to the brewhouse, they ordered a full flight of beer, pretzels, and a medium pepperoni and basil pizza to share.
They discussed work, talked shit about Janice, and Joey talked about his multiple sketchy encounters with recent hookups.
“Alright, you ready to call it a night?” Joey said.
“Ugh, no I really wanted to finish my beer. It’s only 9:30.” Milla said, pouting at Joey.
“Normally I would stay with you, but I have to meet my mom for breakfast at 8. She’ll have my neck if I’m not there.”
“Understood.” Milla said.
“I’ll just grab an Uber so you don’t have to drive. You should too. Call me if you need anything and please be careful.” Joey said, knowing he couldn’t convince her to leave.
“Ew, you’re not my dad.” Milla laughed. “But yes, I will be extra careful if you insist.”
“Thanks.” Joey patted Milla on the back before heading outside to catch his ride.
About 15 minutes later, Goku, Bulma and Krillin walked into the brewery. They sat at the bar, close enough to Milla to get a hint of who she was.
Goku squinted at Milla. “Hmmm..”
“What is it, Goku?” Krillin asked.
“I feel like I’ve seen that girl somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on where.”
“Ha! I know,” Bulma laughed. “That’s the girl that got Vegeta all flustered!”
“From yesterday? The singer?” Goku asked. “She looks so different!”
“She probably works, Goku. Singing isn’t usually super lucrative.” Bulma explained.
“But she’s so good at it!” Goku said. “Excuse me, miss?”
Goku had moved over so that he and Milla were a seat apart. He tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.
“Uh- Hi.” Milla smiled. “Do I know you?”
The guy appeared relatively harmless and the two friends who joined him gave off good vibes. Milla decided to lessen her guard a little.
“Not really. We saw you sing last night. I just wanted to let you know that we all really enjoyed it!” Goku smiled. “By the way my name is Goku and these are my friends, Krillin and Bulma.”
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Milla. Thanks for the compliment and for coming out last night. I’d love to see y’all there next Friday as well.” Milla beamed, cheeks a little pink from the alcohol.
“I wouldn’t mind going again,” Bulma said. “Your singing is great but it was pretty great to watch Vegeta get all flustered too.” She laughed.
It suddenly clicked for Milla. The blue haired girl and the guy with the nice smile were the ones who were at the table with the grumpy mystery man.
“Vegeta?” Milla moved her head to the side a little. “That’s the guy who got embarrassed and left after I flirted with him, right?”
“Yup. That’s Vegeta!” Goku laughed. “He’s a little hard around the edges but he’s a good guy.”
“Hard around the edges. That’s one way to explain it.” Milla said eyebrows raised. She took another swig of her stout beer.
“Wait-,” Krilled said. “You sound like you know Vegeta.”
“Hardly.” Milla smiled. “He approached me at my car after the show.”
Bulma laughed. “So that’s where he went! It doesn’t sound like he made the best impression.”
Milla puffed up her chest and held her arms out to the side like she had big muscles. “If you knew who you were talking to, you wouldn’t be laughing. Foul woman!” Milla said, imitating Vegeta.
The four of them shared a laugh before Goku was pulled off his barstool.
“Kakarot! Did you forget about our night training? I’ve been waiting for over 30 minutes and I find you HERE of all places, doing god knows what with-“
Before Vegeta could continue, Milla placed her hand on Vegeta’s shoulder.
“Dude. Shut up, relax. Drink a beer or something before your head explodes.”
Vegeta’s face pulled in a snarl as he looked to see who would have the nerve to say such a thing. His eyes met with Milla’s and his expression turned from anger to shock.
Bulma, Goku, and Krillin sat and watched. They were surprised at Milla’s bluntness with volatile and moody Vegeta.
“You,” Vegeta said, brushing Milla’s hand off of his shoulder. “What are you doing here? Are you all just friends now or something?”
“And what does it matter to you?” Milla laughed.
“Ugh.” Vegeta scoffed. “You’re intoxicated.”
He crossed his arms and inhaled the air again. “And you’re bleeding.”
“What?” Milla furrowed her brow in confusion. She was definitely weirded out again.
He leaned down to follow the smell.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Milla cursed at Vegeta.
“Here.” Vegeta brushed his finger against the bite marks on her ankle. “Looks like some kind of small animal marked you.”
Milla then remembered that this morning she didn’t have time to attend to her wound from Chomps.
“Oh, you’re right. That was Chomps.” Milla and Vegeta’s eyes met once more.
“Wow, Vegeta! That’s crazy how you knew that just by smelling.” Goku said.
Vegeta scoffed and rolled his eyes in response.
“Who’s Chomps?” Krillin asked.
“My cat. He bites when he’s hungry, so I named him Chomps.” Milla said.
“Hmph. Your cat and I have something in common then.” Vegeta said while giving Milla a sly grin.
“Kakarot, I’ll let you play your little games for now. But I will not be as lenient if you fail to show for training tomorrow morning. ON TIME.”
Before Milla could even process Vegeta’s words, he had already left.
“Looks like someone has a little crush on Milla,” Bulma said and gave Milla an encouraging wink.
“What’s his deal?” Milla asked. “Why can’t he just buy me a beer or ask me out like any normal human being.”
“Probably because he’s a Saiyan!” said Goku. “And so am I!”
“A what?” Milla said, looking lost.
“I can explain it all later,” Bulma said. “If you’re free you should come over to my place tomorrow night and I can fill you in. I could make dinner for everyone!”
“Are you sure we can’t do it tonight,” Goku whined. “I’m hungry.”
“Goku, you just cleared the wing place we went to of their entire inventory for the week. You don’t think you can wait until tomorrow?” Krillin asked.
“I guess.” Goku pouted. He quickly perked up. “Can you come, Milla? It’d be so fun to have you there!”
“Sure, I can go.” Milla said. She was apprehensive, but the kind nature of the three in front of her and the craft beer bubbling through her system told her to not worry about it.
“Great! Do you have an iPhone?” Bulma asked.
Milla dug in her pockets and pulled out her iPhone.
“Awesome,” Bulma said. “I’ll just connect to your phone through mine and give you all of our numbers, and it’ll put your number into our phones.”
At this point, Milla was ready to go home and sleep. She nodded her head in agreement.
“You look tired Milla, do you need a ride home?” Krillin asked, aware of how quiet Milla had gotten.
“Please.” Milla replied, her eyes fighting to stay open.
“I can help. Where do you live?��� Goku said.
“Apple Cove apartments. Not too far from the Sprint skyscraper.” Milla said.
“Got it! Put your hand on my shoulder.” Goku smiled at Milla, helping her onto her feet from the bar.
“It’s okay, Goku I can walk.” Milla said.
“Just trust me.” Goku looked down at Milla and held his hand out.
Milla reluctantly gave her hand to Goku and he placed it on his shoulder. Milla’s arm was almost completely extended, making the height difference between the two of them glaringly obvious.
Krillin chuckled. “Man, I thought I was short.”
“Bye Milla! See you tomorrow at the party!” Bulma said as she waved.
“Bye, nice meeting you. See you tomorrow.”
Goku placed his fingers to his forehead and before Milla could blink again, she was in front of her apartment complex.
“Holy shit, am I really that drunk?” Milla said, eyes wide.
“It’s instant transmission. Pretty cool, huh?”
“I’m not even going to crack open that can of worms tonight,” Milla said before hiccuping.
“Is it okay if I walk you to your apartment?” Goku asked.
“No really, you’ve done a lot. Thank you for all your kindness.” Milla said.
“Please. I wouldn’t feel too good if anything bad happened to you.” Goku said while scratching the back of his neck.
“Okay-“ Milla said reluctantly. “Promise you’re not creepy?”
“I don’t think I’m creepy?” Goku said innocently while looking at Milla.
“I don’t think you are either,” Milla chuckled between hiccups.
Goku walked Milla to her apartment, made sure she was settled, and even fed Chomps.
She was fast asleep by the time he was ready to go home. Goku pressed his fingers to his forehead and transmitted to the kitchen of Capsule Corp.
“Boy am I starving!” Goku said while rubbing his stomach.
“Kakarot.” Vegeta said, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Oh, hi Vegeta,” Goku said with his head in the fridge. “Did you come to get snacks too?”
“What I was doing in this kitchen before you got here is none of your business.” Vegeta said, pushing the bags of fruit snacks further into the pocket of his black sweatpants.
“Oh. Okay.” Goku said. “That Milla girl is really nice, the singer one?”
“So that’s her name. She has an attitude,” Vegeta stated plainly.
“I’m guessing that’s something you like in women.” Goku shrugged, a plate with an entire turkey in his hands.
“Kakarot-“ Vegeta growled, stepping closer to Goku.
“Good news, she’s coming to Bulma’s get together tomorrow night. You’ll get to spend more time with her. If you play your cards right, you might be able to have a normal conversation with her too.” Goku laughed.
“Why do you smell of her?” Vegeta asked.
“I took her home. She was pretty drunk and I didn’t want her to try to make it home alone.” Goku said in between bites. “You could’ve taken her if you would’ve stayed longer.
Vegeta scoffed and walked out of the room. “Training. 8 AM. DON'T be late.”
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eltanin-malfoy · 5 years
Hard To Swallow (Kill Or Be Killed III)
pairing : draco/fem-collegestudent!y/n 
word count : 2.7k
warnings : swearing, mentions of murder/poison/drugging, angst
Chapter 1 2
a/n : super sorry this took sooooo goddamn long. This is my first work that wasn’t betaed, so any errors or as such are all thanks to me :P any and all feedback is highly appreciated. requests are still open! also if you’re a med student or a doctor or work as an emt or just have a lot of knowledge on drugging, pls pop into my dms! am going to need a lil help for the next chapter. 
Chapter 3 : Hard To Swallow
It had been a.. surprise, to say the least. Really. To say the absolute least. What the fuck is happening? I haven’t told.. a single.. person around here my last name. I could never have. He threw the letter down to the floor, still holding his bleeding finger tightly. The only ones who know are my boss and the landlord. But I think he remembers it wrong.. after all, it isn’t.. He almost retched. Mafcoy. 
But there was absolutely no reason for the elderly missus to try to freak him out, was there? No reason at all. Right? She definitely wasn’t one of the people who his father had stolen from, right? She wasn’t some criminal mastermind who was secretly looking for revenge? No! Of course not! That’s.. ridiculous. Totally! That’s comical! It’s.. 
Insanely perfect! 
What better way to poke at someone than to appear absolutely vulnerable? He would try and do that with.. Y/N but he didn’t have the figure for it. Tall. Lanky. Sharp-featured. Not to mention, ridiculously handsome.. Okay, he was getting ahead of himself here. Someone was watching him. Who? Who?
Had one of his dad’s old colleagues figured out where he’d moved? Were they just trying to shock him into being nicer? Or to leave the country altogether? Or was someone planning to kill him?
Why would anyone want to kill him? He was clearly just in over his head! Goddammit, Draco. Shut up! It’s.. just some stupid prank! Of course! Some stupid git has found out your name and just wants to freak you out! He sighed and walked to his bathroom, pulling off the cap and sunglasses. He opened up his cabinet and took out a bandaid. He opened the packaging and began wrapping his finger in it, then began to stare at himself in the mirror. 
He’d been focusing on the wrong detail this entire time.. Someone had said that they were watching you! Jesus Christ, Draco! He could feel goosebumps forming at the back of his neck and he shuddered. Had they planted hidden cameras in his home? Was there someone stalking him? Had someone actually managed to hack into his devices and watch him from the cameras? He felt jittery and decided to calm his nerves with another fag, reaching into his pocket for the pack.
 Unfortunately, even after Draco decided to take every precaution possible (put duct tape over the webcam of his computer, do in all the blinds of all his windows, check cabinets he normally didn’t open for bugs), he wasn’t any closer to figuring out who it was that was watching him.. He could only hope it was the same for Y/N, but of course, she wouldn’t even know he was following her in the first place, he didn’t send her an ominous note saying that he was.
Some people are just too.. over the top. He decided. Better to work hard in private than try to scare your target.
And so, he decided to put in the hours. He had several until his shift, anyways. Further research (or.. checking Y/N’s Instagram account for updates, rather) managed to work out for him a bit. He managed to lay out the locations where she’d most recently posted from in hopes of figuring out her usual hangout spots. It had been fairly easy and ridiculously predictable. Every location she visited was in close proximity to her university campus. Of course. It definitely wasn’t creepy for a random guy to walk around a campus, even if it was in the middle of a bustling city, not attending classes and just searching for a certain someone. Goddammit. Why did there have to be so many people everywhere all the time? Makes everything that much harder.
He groaned, instead getting up to grab some lunch.
He managed to make no real progress until suddenly, as he was sitting in the Employees Only room, it was as if an angel heard his prayers.. Okay, no angel, it was just Y/N. 
It was too cold to head out for just a smoke that evening. The regular breeze had worked itself up to a strong, blasting wind which threw icy air at anyone in its path, and no matter how badly he wanted a puff, he wasn’t ready to risk getting winded for it. So, for his good old break, he just had to gussy up and hang around in the room where his, now suspicious, boss hung around. He kept himself as far as he could from her, sitting down in a corner and pretending to look busy on his phone.
Soon enough, he decided to check his soon-to-be victim’s account and saw an update on her story. There was some kind of a poster for a club he recognised seeing on maps. 
Carts & Horses.
Singles Night! 
Free pints up for grabs for the winners of our Karaoke Competition!
Happy Hours are from 7 to 9!
She’d added a short caption underneath it, “Does anyone wanna join me?” Jesus Christ. She moves on quick, doesn’t she? He stared at it for a few seconds before shutting his phone and thinking about it. It was for this coming Friday.. A good four days for him to ready everything. He just had to find a way to prick her with the needle without anyone noticing him do it. That was all it had to be. And what was good was, her little question made it clear she wasn’t going to go with anyone she was close to. 
Now, he could actually get to setting out a concrete plan for that fateful Friday night.
Everything was ready. Mostly. 
He’d sorted out everything to do with the injections, i.e. managed to sneak into the pharmacist’s section of the store and take out what he needed while modifying the online inventory. He’d then combined them in his own kitchen! Of course, it was a bit difficult getting everything into those syringes and then capping them without creating too much of a mess.. but it seemed to have worked. Obviously, he didn’t have a test subject. Although.. he supposed Y/N was technically one. 
He’d need enough time and a secretive place in which to conduct his plan out without being noticed.. and this was hard. The whole procedure, if it was to be conducted, would take at least take ten minutes. What to do.. What to do.. 
He couldn’t attempt to seduce her and bring her to his house (which, admittedly, might not have worked because of their spat from earlier) because.. people might notice and remember. He’d have to try his best to stay undercover and go unnoticed.. but how could he do it while still trapping her while she was fishing for someone to hook up with? This was going to be hard..  
The day finally approached. Draco managed to get out of going into work for the day by feigning a strong head-cold. Easily done, what with Draco’s brilliant acting skills and.. his boss being the slightest bit hard of hearing. He spent the day planning what to do. 
He realised that lurking around or in the corners of the pub likely would not sit well with any of the actual patrons, so he’d have to enter it and hang around a bit. Obviously, he’d keep his distance and try not to attract attention to himself. (Although, he couldn’t help it if people did swoon over him..)
Draco tried his best to pick out something that would make him.. fit in with his surroundings. What did blokes wear to pubs again? It had been a while since he’d socialised, especially in a setting like this. He decided on a black button-up shirt and a pair of tight fitting dark trousers. I mean, I can’t exactly go in looking badly dressed, can I? He remarked as he looked himself over in the mirror, a slight grin on his face. Okay! You aren’t trying to get laid, you idiot. He took a deep breath.
He shook his head as he packed everything carefully into his thick coat. Okay. Run it over again. He shut his eyes tightly. When she’s by herself, make sure she doesn’t see you and grab her from the back. Give her the midazolam and then gag her and blindfold her. Tie her hands up as soon as she loses control. Then, after five minutes, give her the vecuronium bromide. Then, as she stops breathing, give her the good old potassium chloride, then get out of there as soon as you can. Jesus Christ, it did sound ambitious. But, with a bit of luck, it would work out just fine.
Draco managed to make it to the pub a few minutes past 7, which was when he thought the bitch would decide to show up. Even spoilt kids search for discounts sometimes, don’t they? He didn’t enter the pub at first and just gazed in, looking around for her. 
And there she was. Sitting by herself at the bar. He felt that same slight annoyance at her presence, but she looked.. good tonight. She wasn’t that bad to look at if she didn’t open her mouth, really. She was wearing a red shirt and some jeans, which all looked.. fairly tight, even in the distance. She was looking towards the entrance now and then, seemingly waiting for someone while she sipped slowly at a drink. So.. maybe she is here with someone? Or maybe waiting for someone? It was unclear. Either way, I should be able to grab her when she’s getting in or out of the ladies’ room.
He stepped into the pub, staring down at the floor as he found a seat by the bar. It wasn’t too far from where she was sat, but enough that she wouldn’t see him unless she tried, and if he tried hard enough, he could ignore whoever it was singing like an absolute tosser. “Grey Goose on the rocks, please.” He muttered, looking to the bartender so he didn’t look like a total creep. And of course, a little liquid courage certainly wouldn’t hurt.
“Ten pounds. Lemon?”
“No need, thanks.”
Draco slid over a note as the bartender passed him his drink, then looked over at Y/N.. who was now.. looking at him. Shit! His eyes widened but he quickly glanced to the side, hoping to play it off as just a.. casual.. scan of the room. But no! She’d seen him staring right at her.. Fucking hell.
He grit his teeth and turned to the side, covering the side of his face with his hand. Hopefully she didn’t realise it was him...
Who was he kidding! Of course she did! He should have gone ahead and dyed his hair darker to blend in, as much as he would have hated it. He should’ve actually bought some makeup and done something to his face to look different. God-fucking-dammit! He almost slammed his fist onto the table as he felt himself grow all the more frustrated. 
He felt his ears turn red and shook his head. It’s not that big of a deal. Of course not. He just had to avoid getting into any conflict with her. If he just sat here and avoided her, she definitely wouldn’t approach him, right? She was looking for someone nice, right? Although.. her last affair did seem questionable. He quickly glanced over at her again and thankfully, she’d looked away. He wondered what had prompted her to take such quick action.. or not really, seeing that she was just sitting by herself, drinking whatever it was she was drinking. She seemed to shrug off people coming over to talk to her as well, instead just staring down at the counter in front of her. Suddenly, she turned to look at him again with an eyebrow raised.
He felt color flush his own face and he looked to his glass, internally whacking himself in the face with it. Why would he make the same mistake twice? What was he doing? He soon heard the light tapping of heels near him and shut his eyes tightly. Draco, it’s over now. You’re going to have to plan for some other day. Or.. pick another victim. If enough people see this, they’ll know she hated you.
“What were you just.. doing?” She was almost uncharacteristically soft, like she was trying to hide something. 
“Nothing.” Draco murmured instinctively.
“Come on.” Y/N sighed. “I caught you staring at me. Twice.” Could it be.. ickle Y/N was ashamed to be spotted here? On ‘Singles’ Night’? He clenched his jaw to force the corners of his mouth not to curl up into a smirk.
“Just.. curious.” He uttered, still staring at his glass. Y/N put a hand on the counter next to his glass and he almost shuddered. 
“Are you here.. for.. Singles’ Night?” He turned to look up at her and froze, staring into her eyes. “What? What is it?” She drawled out, squinting slightly at him.
He stared at her for a few seconds and it suddenly hit him. This.. this girl. How was he supposed to kill her? She was a person, just like him. A person with memories, with loved ones, with goals. No, stop it. He shuddered and looked to the side, face growing hotter. She’s abused her lifestyle enough, she has to pay, doesn’t she? He almost jolted upwards as he heard a slight clunk on the counter beside him. 
“Um.. are you alright?” She was still looking at him, her hand falling back on the counter.
“I’m fine.. and.. yes. I am.” He managed out, gulping nervously. 
“Oh. Um.” Whatever retort she had planned seemed to suddenly fizzle out of her mind. “Okay.”
“Are you.. as well?”
“Yes.” She seemed to turn pink herself. She suddenly turned towards the counter herself. “Excuse me.. Could I have an iced water please?” The bartender nodded and walked to the side, grabbing a glass.
She swallowed softly herself, pressing her red-painted lips together in a way which made Draco want to touch them for himself. He felt that same pang of guilt all throughout him. He could feel those syringes in his coat weighing him down, pulling him towards the floor, almost. 
The bartender slid a glass over on the counter, right next to Draco’s. He turned to look.. and surprisingly, they were hard to tell apart. Both were clear.. and iced. He guessed which one was hers and handed it to her, after which she took a few sips from it, absolutely silent. It certainly was growing a bit awkward between them.. Draco didn’t really have anything unpleasant to say to her and frankly, he wasn’t exactly sure what to do in front of her like this. 
Her.. almost murderer, am I? He looked over at the counter again. His drink.. was a little fuller. Had the bartender refilled it for him? Gee, he hoped he wouldn’t be charged for that. 
Suddenly, Y/N pressed both her hands against the counter and let out a deep, deep breath. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked up at her face, which was steadily turning a deep shade of red. She brought a palm to her face and felt her cheek. “What..? Oh-” She mumbled out, then started walking away from Draco. She continued to speak but began to slur her words, and her steps grew more and more sluggish. Funny. Very funny. Is this her idea of a joke? This seemed.. unlikely, considering her usual.. turbulent nature. Or, is she just bad at handling her liquor?
He heard the loud thud across the floor from him almost before he realised Y/N had fallen to the floor. Her arms were on either side of her torso as her face lay on its side, her lips slightly parted. Her legs shook slightly but then lay flat on the floor, spread out on the floor. What? What was going on? He quickly got off his bar stool and rushed over to her, while the crowd nearby her hushed up. Whoever it was singing karaoke shut up as well. Someone yelled something over at him but it just.. faded away. 
Was this because of something he’d done? Or.. was someone else trying to attack her.. as well?
Chapter 4
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paperficwriter · 5 years
Walk Like a Man
This fic was written for @a-strange-1ne, and I have a new rarepair, y’all. It’s set in a Quirkless AU for BNHA in which Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida are leaving their first year behind them and enjoying the high-life of the...non-freshman students. But on a trip to the local hang-out, they run into some trouble, and Iida’s going to have to deal with it.*
*he doesn’t want to
(Also, inspired by the Happy Days episode, “Our Gang.”)
Cut is for length, not for content.
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"Whoa! This place looks amazing!”
The cafe wasn’t particularly busy, but there was just enough activity for Iida Tenya to narrow his eyes a bit. He didn’t quite share his companion Midoriya’s excitement. At least not yet. “I am not sure if this will be a suitable place for us to study.”
“Look!” He jerked as Ochako snagged his arm and pointed. “They have a bar with a conveyer belt! And it’s not just sushi!”
Indeed, the restaurant had been built close enough to Yuuei for it to be both accessible and not entirely inappropriate for them to be there unaccompanied. In fact, as they looked around, it became apparent that other people from their class as well as several more upperclassmen had decided to come by after classes ended for food and entertainment in the form of comics and video games.
“Oh my gosh!” Midoriya squeaked, immediately running over to the row of machines. “They have the new All Might Super Man Fighting Hero Deluxe Game! This hasn’t been released anywhere else yet!” Come to think of it, Iida noticed now that the whole place was themed around masked men and women. The walls were plastered with comic pages, and a huge bust of All Might towered over the center of the food prep station, where sushi, mochi, taiyaki and finger foods were placed to make their way around the track.
Iida set his jaw and sliced the air dramatically with his arm. “I do not know how anyone can be expected to study with so many distractions!” The potential for a new reading spot was, after all, how his comrades had gotten him to come along...
He had turned to leave just when he was beseeched upon by two pairs of large, sad eyes. “Iida-kun, please don’t go! Just stay for a little bit!” Uraraka begged.
“We’ve been waiting to be allowed in here since we were first years! Now that we’re not, we can finally get in!”
Iida took his glasses off and rubbed between his eyes. “How many times have I had to tell you that there has never been a moratorium on us coming into this establishment? There is no age limit or anything like that. We could have come any time!”
“Not without being boo’ed out! Remember, that happened with Mineta!”
Iida sighed. “I am not unconvinced that the same thing would not happen now, regardless of his class status.”
It was no use, though. Iida couldn’t say ‘no’ to his friends. Shifting his backpack, he walked over to an open booth and sat down while Ochako brought over several plates worth of food. Midoriya grabbed a bun and a manga he had found on one of the cafe’s shelves. Iida had just brought out his English language textbook when a voice behind him caught his ear. “Oi.”
He ignored it.
Then, another, louder voice chimed in, closer tohis ear. “Dude, are you listening?! The boss is trying to get your attention!”
Now Iida did turn to regard the small collective of young men who had arrived at the table. They were all wearing school uniforms, but they were open, sleeves pulled up, pants loose. The one speaking was a blonde with a black stripe in his hair, who honestly had a face way too friendly to fit how he was trying to talk to Iida.
“Oh.” He turned to the tall, lanky boy beside him whose shaggy black hair was hanging around his face. Proximity seemed to make it logical that this was the one he was referring to. “I beg your pardon. How can I help you?”
Both of them exchanged a glance, and that’s when the angry bundle of fury in the form of crimson eyes and soft wild hair shoved them both out of the way, baring his teeth and glaring down at where Iida was sitting. “He meant me,” he said, an undercurrent of vicious indignation dangling under the surface of his voice like a blade.
“Kacchan!” Midoriya squeaked, bringing up the manga before realizing too late that there was no way to hide himself away from the other young man.
“Kacchan? Do you know this person, Midoriya?” Not that the angry, punkish boy looked like the type of person Midoriya would associate with…
“W-we went to Middle School together. He’s, um, he’s pretty rough, Iida…”
“Is this the delinquent kid you’ve talked about that gave you trouble, Deku?!” Uraraka put down one of the glass plates hard on the table as ‘Kacchan’ sneered at her.
“Where do you think he got that useless nickname from, roundface?” His cronies laughed at that, and she huffed in her seat. “And it’s Bakugou, by the way. Don’t call me by that stupid fucking kiddy name…”
At that, Iida finally rose and gesticulated wildly. Both the other boys in the black, open jackets and caps balled up their fists - did they think he was going to start a fight? - but Bakugou just raised an eyebrow. “I am Iida Tenya! And not only do I think you are terribly mean and rude, but also those uniforms are not appropriate attire, even when classes are over! Do you want to bring shame to your school?!”
“Like I give a shit what you think.” Bakugou curled his lip, cocking his chin to meet his eyes. He wasn’t saying it in a way that was exactly as crude as Iida would have expected, but he didn’t back down regardless.
“You should! You will never get into a respectable university or any other post graduate establishment if you act that way.”
Bakugou took a step closer, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Midoriya grab Uraraka’s arm. “You’re not going to live long enough to get home if you don’t clear out of my booth.”
Iida blinked, confused. The booth? “This type cafe does not have any system of assigned seats in it.”
Behind him, the two boys flanking Bakugou choked a little. “Damn right it does,” Bakugou growled.
“What is that?”
Iida jumped back, though more in disgust than fear, as Bakugou’s thick black shoe came down on the corner of the bench where he was sitting, sending little bits of detritus onto his school books. “I say where my gang sits, and everyone else gets the fuck out of dodge. Or else.”
It took every iota of self control for Iida not to immediately go about cleaning off his possessions. “Or else what?”
Bakugou glanced back at the other two, pupils small, brows knit, his eyes clearly communicating, ’Are you hearing this guy?’ “Or else we go.”
That still didn’t quite make sense to Iida. “Go where?”
The taller of the two lackeys laughed, and the shorter one with the stripe punched him in the side. Bakugou’s face flared into a dangerous shade of red. “We fight! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Iida chewed his bottom lip. Was this really worth all the effort? It was just a bench, after all. They could move. Before Iida could say anything, though, Uraraka shot back, “Fine! We’ll fight you!”
Midoriya seemed to disappear, escaping as quickly as possible for either the bathroom or the exit, Iida wasn’t sure which. “Uraraka!”
Bakugou nodded. “Fine. But one-on-one..” He knocked his chin at Iida, his eyes going cool. “Him and me.”
“I have not agreed to anything!” Iida gesticulated again, like he could actually break the moment through force and speed of his hands. But even after a year, he should have known there was nothing to deter Uraraka when she had focused her gaze on a goal...
“Tonight at midnight,” Bakugou said, “at the park outside of campus.”
Iida balked. Suddenly the thought of ruining his good record was more important than the fact that he was giving this genuine consideration. “It is a school night! I cannot be out past curfew!”
This time, Bakugou actually smirked and chuckled, and as though that was permission enough, the two with him giggled as well. “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me with this...fine. Saturday, then.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Unless you’ve got plans…?”
Iida rubbed his chin. “I would have to make sure to finish my weekend studies early so I can have a nap, but--”
Bakugou turned on his heel. “I don’t give a shit what you have to do. Just be there.”
“He will!” Uraraka crowed in triumph.
Finally, the situation caught up with him. God, what had he just agreed to?!
“Is that seriously what you’re wearing?!”
Uraraka and Midoriya had agreed to walk with Iida to the meeting spot, and as they left campus under the bright streetlights, Iida nodded and straightened his suspenders. They were paired with black slacks and a white dress shirt, complete with a bowtie. “I want to look my best. And this is practical, because I would hate for my pants to droop. It also makes it less likely that I will be recognized. I do not want to embarrass the school with my tomfoolery.”
“It’s certainly...dapper, Iida…” Midoriya sighed. “You know you don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah, sorry for getting you into this, Iida.” Uraraka had cooled off within minutes of the encounter at the cafe, and ever since she had apologized profusely to Iida for goading Bakugou.
“Please, do not worry, either of you,” Iida said with a decisive chop of his arm. “I do not actually think this will come down to fisticuffs.” He certainly hoped, anyway…
When they arrived at the park, Bakugou was already there, alone. He was dressed down (not that that was much of a surprise, compared to Iida), with a black shirt and jeans. He looked up and locked eyes with Iida and for a second, he seemed different from the delinquent at the cafe: young and rough around the edges, sure, but also...tired.
He bristled when he saw Midoriya especially. “It’s just us, remember? Fuck off, shitty Deku.”
Midoriya was ready to fully comply, but Uraraka grabbed his shirt. “We’ll be nearby, okay? Just call.”
Iida smiled. “I will.”
They watched together as the two walked away, and when they disappeared beyond the curve of the path, Bakugou finally said, “I didn’t actually think you’d show up.” Did he sound impressed? It was hard to tell. It could have just been cocky.
Iida nodded. “I said that I would.”
When Bakugou stood up, Iida raised his fists and hunched his back a bit. The other young man immediately laughed. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I-I am preparing myself in case you just go at me. I learned this stance from several reputable boxing tutorials on the Internet!”
“You still have your damn glasses on!” He smirked. “What? Do you think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re a guy wearing glasses?”
“What? No! I need them to see! How can I do anything if I cannot see?!”
Bakugou kicked at something on the ground. He didn’t seem to be in a rush to fight… “Dumbass. Why did you even agree to this if you don’t know how to fight? Have you ever even been in a fight before?”
“Of course not! Why would I have?” Iida relaxed just a little bit.
“Don’t you do any sports at that fancy school of yours?”
Iida scratched at the back of his head, suddenly feeling sheepish. He was hoping they would be able to talk things out, but talking like this wasn’t exactly what he thought it would be. It felt like Bakugou was trying to get to know him. Not that he minded, but… “Yes. Track and field. Mostly running. Cross country, sprinting, that kind of thing.”
Bakugou glanced up, jutting his jaw out a little bit. It was almost like he was trying to compensate for his short stature compared to Iida. “But you didn’t run from me.”
“No.” Iida took a breath. “But it is sort of like track, I suppose...coach tells us that it is better for us to run like we are heading toward something rather than away.” He gestured, palm against his chest, the other straight out. “Always approach your goal. Run to those ahead of you, and forget the ones behind.”
“Tch.” Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Running his thumbs up and down his suspenders, Iida paused a moment and then chanced asking, “Is it true? That you bullied Midoriya at your old school?”
Bakugou brought a foot up and down to crush a can sitting by the bench. It flattened under him. “Fucking Deku…” His voice curled with his mouth, disgustedly, but he didn’t raise his gaze from the ground. “He was always following me around like a yappy fucking dog, and one time I tried to scare him off. And it worked.”
“You...don’t sound proud of that.”
“What’s it to you?!” Bakugou stepped hard toward him, and Iida raised his fists again. But he just got close, like he had expected Iida to back off. When he didn’t, they ended up precariously hovering in each other’s space, where Iida could see Bakugou’s eyes shining red in the light overhead as he was forced to crane his neck back to glare.
Iida was the first to break the intense eye contact that had started cemeting between them. “Are we…?”
“Are we going to fight?”
Bakugou puffed out a breath through his nose, body relaxing. “It wouldn’t even be a fight. It would be a murder.”
���I would not go that hard on you.”
Bakugou laughed again. He didn’t seem so menacing when he laughed, and Iida liked that (more than he probably should have, he thought, giving himself a little mental kick). “Gee, thanks, four-eyes.”
“Do you really fight all that much?” Iida asked carefully. Every question seemed to take more than a lion’s share of caution.
Shrugging, Bakugou walked over to the vending machine across the path. He fished a few coins out of his pants pocket - he could probably use some suspenders too, Iida thought to himself - and then pointed at the buttons. Was that…an offer? Bakugou gestured again with a growl, and Iida came forward quickly, pressing the button for an orange drink. Once he seemed satisfied, Bakugou said, “Most people don’t show up. I have a reputation.”
“When was the last time you even struck someone?”
“What the fuck do I look like? A goddamn desk calendar?” Even though Bakugou gave him another toothy, growling snap, this time Iida just let it roll off his back. “Those assholes just think it’s cool that I’m so scary to everyone. It’s such bullshit. I hate it.”
A wind blew through the corridor of the park, and Bakugou shivered. Iida scooted a little closer to him, until their legs were touching. The night was cool and quiet. “You do not have to posture all the time.”
“You don’t know me.”
“No, but you seem like someone who could be worth getting to know, especially since what I have known has been so...obviously wrong.” Bakugou didn’t reply, but he also didn’t leave, so Iida pressed on. “Are you in school?”
“Yeah. Duh.”
“Yuuei.” At Iida’s gasp of surprise, Bakugou slouched, mumbling, “‘m in the advanced classes with, like, these two fuckin’ rich preppies. And they’re only half day. The rest is independent studies. So Soy Sauce Head and Pikachu think I’m a drop-out. Idiots.”
Iida couldn’t help it. He let out a snort of laughter, and when Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him and told him to shut up, he just doubled over. “You wear a variation of our city’s standard school uniform! How could they not know?!”
Bakugou’s mask of anger broke a bit, and he chuckled. “They think I’m trying to look the delinquent part. Like it’s my style.”
“That is so silly!” Iida finally straightened again and when he finished his drink, he tossed it into the bin. “Well, if we are not going to fight, would you maybe like to go get something to eat?”
Bakugou stared at him as he seemed to consider what he was saying, then squinted. “Not too late for you, nerd?”
Oh, right. It was after midnight, wasn’t it? “I...was too nervous to eat. I suppose I lost track of the time.”
“Feh.” Bakugou stepped toward him and raised his knuckles. This time, Iida didn’t even flinch, and he grazed his chin with them softly; harder than a glance yet not anything like a punch. “Fine. C’mon. I know a place. But you’re buying.”
In perhaps the only semblance of manhandling during the whole fight, Bakugou hooked Iida’s suspenders with his fingers and dragged him away.   
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blooming-inthedark · 5 years
the summer fling.
When I was a teenager, I had low self-esteem. I didn’t feel that I was pretty because nobody ever told me I was. Once I started getting attention from boys, they always happened to be ones that I found unattractive. I assumed that if only ugly guys liked me, it must’ve meant that I was ugly too. All the fine guys that the other girls would fawn over would never look in my direction. Then one day, a fine guy did look at me. And this was the attention I thought I wanted until I later learned that it wasn’t.
After my first year of high school, my mom enrolled me into a performing arts summer camp that offered drama, dance, music, visual and martial arts. I was enamored with being in the drama program at my high school, so being able to do the same things in the summer time was really good for me. Enter Marco. Marco was tall, light-skinned, super attractive, and had zero interest in any of the performing arts offered at camp. He was an athlete – he played basketball at school, and almost always wore LA Lakers gear to camp to show that he was all about the NBA. In all of the classes, Marco either struggled to grasp the concept, or spent the whole time cracking jokes and causing fun distractions for everyone else. Classic, knuckle-headed boy who probably meant well but just wasn’t stimulated by the things placed in front of him.
Camp was generally split by age groups, and Marco and I were amongst the oldest: ages 12-16. He was one year younger than me, so I had this false sense of seniority over him. I would often shake my head and roll my eyes at his immaturity, but couldn’t help crushing otherwise. Yes, he probably didn’t value camp like I did, but he was hella cute and somehow found me intriguing too. Marco had the tendency to flirt with me, and the one other girl who was our age, Paris, and somehow we were both okay with going back and forth with establishing finicky, playful romances with him. One week he would be holding my hand and sitting by me in every class. The next week, he would be horsing around with Paris in the hallways and following behind her. Obviously it was nothing serious, just kids being kids, and when he moved to Las Vegas and left camp, I didn’t expect to see him anymore.
Then, I turned 21 and wanted to plan a birthday trip to Vegas with my mom and sister. Marco and I had become friends on facebook by then, and I messaged him to playfully suggest that we should link so he could buy me an ice cream cone while I was there. He agreed, but I was so excited about the real itinerary for the trip, I didn’t take his word as bond. When I finally arrived that June, my sister’s friend picked us up from the airport, and drove us down the strip to our hotel. I took a photo of the palm trees and messaged Marco saying how cool the trees looked. He responded “You’re here :)” and my heart fluttered a little because that let me know that he had anticipated my arrival.
My mom, sister and I went to eat and explored the shops for a little while, but jet lag had us too tired to fill the whole day like we had planned. That night, I was rested enough to go back out on the town. Marco was just getting off and offered to take me on a tour of the strip, so I obliged. When I came down to the lobby, he was waiting in his FedEx uniform. I wonder if my mouth dropped before I started grinning, because cute, lanky, immature Marco had turned into tall, toned, grown ass man Marco, and here he was smiling just as hard and pulling me into a hug. I hopped into his truck and we headed down to the strip to walk and catch up. I couldn’t believe I was spending time with this gorgeous guy who had made time for me. After the general ‘It’s been so long’ spill, he said “When you told me you were here I was like man, my girl is in town. I gotta see her and show her around” I remember being flattered and half-dazed that he referred to me as ‘his girl’, even though I knew it didn’t mean girlfriend. I was wide open already; all of those feelings from camp came rushing back. I was crushing all over again, and it seemed to still be mutual. We walked around to some of the casinos and malls, and basically caught up. It felt great to have a chill night with him, and for the rest of the trip, I found myself thinking about him and hoping we could link again.
One day, my mom, sister and I walked the strip, shopped, ate, got tipsy, and went to see a Cirque Du Soleil show. Afterwards, we were supposed to find a nightclub to go to a dance afterwards. But the alcohol and events of the day once again got to them. We all stumbled into a taxi and headed to the room, but again, after a brief rest period, I still wanted to do more. Enter Marco again. He asked me if I was available to hang out and I jumped on the chance. I had on a pink strapless bodycon dress and sandals for walking, so I was feeling cute. He picked me up again and ended up buying me a drink at one of the casino bars. Sometime after that, we got in the car and found ourselves at some park. We went and sat on the swings and talked for a bit, until I got cold and he offered me the seat on his lap. I took it, and we continued our discussion, moving on to more personal things, like people we had dated and what we planned to do after college. The conversation naturally fell off, and there was a quiet. For a moment we just sat there. I looked up at the stars in the sky and still couldn’t believe I was spending time with him in this way. It was almost surreal. Then, he said into my ear, “Look at me”. When I turned around, there was only a brief hesitation before we fell into a slow kiss. It grew, and grew, until it tapered off and ended as softly as it began. Butterflies ran rampant in my stomach.
We almost drove to the beach because it was only a couple of hours away, but I declined. So, we decided to leave and do some more walking around the mall. All the while we were holding hands, or I was clinging to his arm. I remember us heading back to the car - getting on the elevator to the parking garage. As soon as the elevator doors closed, like magnets we fell back into a kiss, five times as intense as the first. I was completely consumed by his scent, and the way his arms felt around my body. I felt that strange, but enjoyable jolt in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to live in that moment for hours because I had never felt such strong mutual desire. When the elevator doors opened again, a woman appeared on the other side and we quickly dislodged our faces, smirking and facing forward again. When we got back in the car, we talked a bit more and found ourselves making out again, this time with Marco’s hands creeping to the warmest region, and with my hands softly pushing them in the other direction. He dropped me back off to my hotel, we said our goodbyes, and I replayed that night over and over for days, even long after arriving back home in Memphis. Marco and I texted regularly after that, and while I knew it would never turn into anything more, I had hoped that our communication lasted as long as it could.
I saw him in person one last time. Marco visited Memphis months later to see family during a major holiday. He was only in town for a few days, and spent so much time seeing his people that he only had time to squeeze in a visit to my house the night before his morning flight back home. He came in, and we spent no more than 20 minutes together before he left again. Of course after the small talk part of it, we ended with an infamous kiss that got heated… and then got weird. This was the first time I reached down and felt what Marco was packing, and it was huge. I was so caught up in the awe of it, I didn’t stop his hands. I was on my period, and had a pad on. I failed to disclose this information. Instead of palming my booty through my pants, he slid his hand into the back of my underwear to feel the real thing, but went deep enough to this undefined swampy area of blood-tinged sweat. His hand came out clean, but I always assumed that he got in the car and smelled it for whatever reason, because after that I didn’t really hear from him again. I felt awful and ashamed but was never brave enough to ask about it. Of course at this point it doesn’t matter and I don’t want to know.
I never really spoke to him after that. He would jokingly respond to some of my tweets, and didn’t unfriend me on any social media, but I knew we wouldn’t rekindle that flame anymore. At some point he graduated, and got a girlfriend. Currently I’m not sure what he is doing, because we are no longer friends on social media, but hope he is happy and doing well.
I remember Marco because sadly, he was the first guy who has ever made me feel desired physically, even if a large amount of that unfortunately came from lust. Quite a few guys had expressed interest in me and complimented my looks, but I felt no validation on my end because I didn’t find them physically attractive. But Marco was fine and sought after by other chicks, and because of my confidence issues, his pursuing me made me feel good about myself. It wasn’t until later that I realized that while his physical attraction to me might have been genuine, it was purely one-dimensional. Marco never had any intentions on getting to know me as person, and wasn’t drawn to me on a deep level. He was also the first person I felt intense lust for, and as I’ve gotten older and interacted with other men along the way, I can still count on one hand the times I’ve felt this feeling for someone else. Each time, I later assessed the situation as potentially toxic because I realized we were two individuals leaning on each other to fill a physical need that we mistook as an emotional one. Now that I have a healthier sense of self-worth, I turn down a lot of men and find myself being alone more often than I would like. Dating is hard, especially as a virgin, because sex is deal-breaker for most people my age and being horny is sometimes difficult when you’re trying to hold yourself to certain spiritual standards. But my experience with Marco helped me recognize that I have often blurred the line of what I deserve vs. what I put up with, as it pertains to men. I am worthy of a healthy, layered, fully-realized love with a partner who desires me in all ways, not just the ways that feel good. Finding that type of love is a long journey that takes patience, though. I am working on being patient and not taking detours that only satisfy the lower part of me.
I no longer get excited about how people look. Surface-level attraction means absolutely nothing to me if the layer underneath is made of concrete.
Peace to you for reading.
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
The Note Tree ❋ L.H. Pt.8
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Part E I G H T 
Summary: A cherry blossom tree, residing at the farthest part of the schools courtyard. Nobody dwelled there, and you didn’t care much for it. Until you kept hearing one song played over and over, with lyrics changed to touch at your curiosity. They knew you were listening, and one day you gave in and made your way to the pink tree. Waiting for you, a series of notes tied to a single strand of string.
Word Count: 3.5k
AN: im so so so so so so fucking sorry for my absence. like seriously, i want to apologize. ive been so demotivated and my recent family loss has made me crash quite a bit. and for that im so incredibly sorry. thank you all who love it and support it so much. im going to try my very best to keep producing parts to make you happy, bc that’s all i want right now aha. so 100 notes please and ill be seeing you :) 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.
I M A G I N E 
“You were at a diner with Luke yesterday?” Savannah blasted into your ear, having you already dread this Monday morning. 
“Savannah, I haven’t even gotten the chance to eat a single bite of this here granola bar,” you began quietly, already vexed as you held onto your still-wrapped food. “It’s too early for this.” 
You walked down the corridor with the girls, still as exhausted and hungry as you are every day when you’re forced out of bed to attend institution. The girls were dreading it just as much, but once you told them of your small hang out with Luke, they declared it as a date. The squeals, the fangirling, the asking for ‘deats.’ It made you hesitate to tell them what happened between you and Nathan the night of the party. 
“But you were with Luke Hemmings at a diner,” Des began, grabbing your shoulder to halt you. The girls halted as well, guarding both sides of you as Des’ brown eyes gashed into yours. “‘Mr. Popular’ that you claim to dread ever so much. You wouldn’t do that with him if you despised him as much as you say you do.” 
“He was around and I was hungry,” you muttered, the easiest excuse you could think of. “He also had a car, so like, yeah.” 
“Wait.” Alexis grabbed your shoulder and tilted you to face her. “Does that mean he knows?” 
“No,” you responded. “I made him drop me off at a nearby super market and stayed there for a good 2 hours. In that time, I read the nutrition facts of every bread produce they had to offer. And I tell ya, all we eat are straight up chemicals.” 
“Subject changer.” Savannah, took your older shoulder and spun you to face her. You had unutterable words for this very situation. “The real question is how did you go home? You left a long while before we did.” 
“Hemmings didn’t tell you?” You began quietly, having Des quickly spin you. She stared at you, wistfully, her brown eyes attempting to burn into yours. But she’s too busy using fire with ice that cannot melt. You let out a shaky sigh before emitting words. “Holland took me home.” 
“Nathan?” All 3 exclaimed, having you wince from their reactions. It was awful peculiar how those 3 could react so in sync. If they looked similar to one another, you’d assume them to be triplets. 
“The one and only!” 
As if on cue, the blue-eyed stranger chimed behind you. You turned around to look into those eyes, seeing hints of gray playing in the weak blue. His chestnut hair had been messy, but somewhat contained, with a few flowers stuck in it. His salmon lips were lathered in Blistex (you guessed) and the bottom was unfortunately stuck between his perfect pearly whites. Nathan shot you a wink, and you were positive you were going to vomit. 
“This is proving to be a really shitty and cliche sitcom,” you groaned, your words right on time before the bell traumatized the corridors. Students began sprawling around, and that unfortunately meant bidding farewell to the girls. “See you guys later.” 
As Savannah and Alexis said bye and began rushing away, Des looked into Nathan’s eyes. She was glaring at him, which made you snicker. You hadn’t known why she was being silently aggressive, but it was amusing to see such a short entity attempt to be threatening to a tower tall man. But she skipped away, having you adjust your bag before sauntering down the corridor. 
“You’re not gonna tell me why my name was in that conversation just now?” Nathan hummed, walking beside you with curiosity evident in his eyes. You didn’t bother to glance, knowing that if you did, he’ll try to lock eyes and probably further to vex you. 
“If I tell you, will you keep shut about what happened that night?” You asked simply, not really in dire need to keep it a secret. You’d just rather not have people knowing so you didn’t receive obnoxious reactions. 
“Oh-- I don’t intend on telling anyone even before you asked this of me,” Nathan began, having you raise an eyebrow as he placed his hands behind his head. The two of you struggled to get through the crowd, but Nathan just kept spewing words. “It’s something I know and no one else does, so I want to keep this all to myself.” 
“Well, aren’t you a bit--” 
“Selfish? Yes,” Nathan continued and answered for you, having you roll your eyes. You were glad he’d be keeping shut, but now you had to suffer his presence more and more due to this fact. At least, that’s what you guessed. “I was also sorta hoping that we could talk about it.” 
“What the fuck is there to talk about?” You muttered, passing through the sea of students before you. “Anyways, you’re not the only one who knows. My best friends know, too.” 
“Does Luke count?” 
“Then I’m sated,” Nathan hummed, having you groan as you rushed over to find your locker. You fumbled to open the lock, struggling from the intense stare that Nathan had been giving you. But you managed it open and revealed several textbooks as well as photos all over the door. That’s when you noticed a small, folded index card on top of the stack of books. “Is that from the secret admirer?” 
“Stalker,” you corrected as you took the small note in your hands. “Also, why the fuck are you looking into my locker? D’you have any respect?” You slammed the shut and attempted to keep walking, but Nathan was just proving himself to be more of a bother than expected. 
He slammed his forearms against the lockers between yours, having you trapped between them. You had your back leaned on the locker, as that’s how cliche shows and movies do it. He attempted to get you flustered, pushing out his neck more to highlight his jawline more. His blue eyes locked on yours, dimming a bit in intensity. His black, V-collar shirt hung loosely as he had to bend a bit to meet head-to-head. 
“I have no respect,” Nathan growled, having you roll your eyes as you watched students shoot you with stares. You merely shrugged, looking discontent at Nathan as he tried boring his eyes into yours. “None for personal space, especially.” 
“You could be a fuckboy if you aimed for it,” you suggested, crinkling your nose a bit from a sudden itch. “Well, you probably already are if you’re so good at doing this. You must get all the girls and have them write petty songs about you.” 
“They’re good songs, too,” Nathan joked, having you snort quietly before letting out a sigh. Okay, Taylor Swift’s ex. He stared at you, seeming amused and almost satisfied. “What’re you doing for lunch today?” 
“Eating,” you replied simply. Nathan smirked at your respond, giving yourself kudos for your cleverness. 
“No, I mean are you gonna be in the lunch room or at the tree?” Nathan pondered, having you shrug. You played with the note on your right hand, feeling the corners jag into your palm. “Will it be determined by that note?” 
“I don’t know, I’d have to read it,” you huffed, finally reaching your irritated point. “Look, I don’t have math this period, so I’d really like it if you went away so I can use my study hall productively.” 
“But I also have study hall right now,” Nathan hummed, smirking as he bent his fingers a bit against the cool, metallic lockers. “We can spend it together. I think it’d be a good bonding experience.” 
“She said no, Nathan.” 
As predicted, you turned to your left to find the Luke Hemmings stood there. Of course, the lanky boy was in his typical all-black attire. This time, his shirt was a more ivory black with an Arctic Monkeys logo splattered there in a teal blue. But as you lowered your gaze, you saw his fists clench, seeming like he’s more than prepared to lunge at Nathan and break his nose. 
“Of course you came right on time, Hemmings,” you began, laughing to yourself as Nathan diverted his attention to the blonde a few feet away. Nathan stands up straight again, your small little prison cell broken. “Are you guys going to fight now or can I go?” 
“No,” Nathan began, smirking at Luke as he tightened his jaw in anger. “Lucas here is going to say a bunch of mushy gushy words and walk away with you because his insane jealousy cannot be contained for any reason whatsoever.” 
“And you’re going to walk away with that disgusting smirk on your face that I’d like to punch off someday,” Luke hissed. “Also: stop fucking calling me Lucas.” 
With that, Luke quickly shoved him while walking passed him to make his way to you. You watched as Luke stood in front of you, his arms to his sides as his blue eyes looked into yours. He was studying you, his rouge lips pursed together to keep from distraction. And this bothered you because every time Luke caught you in a moment like this, your cheeks feel much hotter than moments prior. So you took his chin and turned his head to look at Nathan. 
“Look at that dude, m’kay?” You hummed, having the two glare at one another. You took the opportunity then to open up the note. You noticed the intriguing H on the outside of one of the folds before opening in completely. 
Come to the tree at lunch. I have an I’m Sorry gift for you. 
You didn’t know what the apology gift was for, but if you had to guess, it would be for the drinks at the party. It was really creepy to think how observant he is on you. He truly is a stalker. Especially when you don’t feel any eyes on you and you have yet to see someone around that looks immensely suspicious. But you agreed to this, and hopefully it’ll be worth it. 
“You know, it’s good that you got rid of that lip piercing,” Nathan began, having you turn to notice the two still glaring at one another. “It looked like a thin piece of shit hung on it.” 
“You’re just mad that you can’t because your mommy and daddy said no,” Luke cooed, having you snort a bit at their immaturity. “If we’re gonna be acting like dickheads, how about don’t steal Ashton’s hairstyle? At least try to be original.” 
You giggled quietly at the connection, and Nathan gritted his teeth a bit. 
“Alright well.” Nathan let out a deep sigh, rubbing his eyes before stuffing his hands into his pockets. He winked at you, revealing a smirk to agitate Luke beside you. “Thanks for confiding with me, Y/N. See you later?” 
“What?” Luke asked, pure confusion evident in his words and face as he turned to you. You sighed, wanting to punch Nathan just as much as Luke did. But you gave Luke a small wink before looking back at Nathan. 
“Oh I didn’t tell you, Nathan!” You said a little loud. “I’m actually gonna eat lunch with Lucas here, but after school. He’s probably gonna take me to the diner we went to yesterday, so yeah.” 
Nathan glared at you a bit, obviously pissed that you sided with Luke this time. Luke chuckled, pointing at Nathan to taunt him a bit. But you were already wasting precious study time and you desperately yearned for at least a page to read. So, you grabbed Luke’s wrist with your free hand and began dragging him down the corridor and away from Nathan. But Luke didn’t fail to have his final word. 
“It sounds good when she says it,” Luke hollered, having you roll your eyes as you turned the corner to another hallway and dragged him away from Nathan’s view. As you managed to get Luke far away, you slowed down a bit but still kept your eyes forward. “So are you actually letting me take you out?” Luke asked quietly, having you look back at him with a glare. 
“Of course not,” you huffed as you let Luke go and walked over to a vacant classroom. The lights were on, and the door was wide open. These were one of the rooms allowed to be used to study, as a lot of students have study hall and need as much silence as they can get. Desks organized into rows, just like in a grid. Fern-green chalkboards, and written, yet brief, summaries of lectures and info. You could see papers left behind of homework or due assignments, having you pity those who left or forget them. 
You then realized this was one of the history classes for the sophomores. You noticed the paper ships hanging from the ceiling, voyages from important people sailing the seas to come on top. There were clay structures made, practically statues, ornate by the front. Models of Abraham Lincoln and John Locke, all with dignified faces but immensely large noses. Maps of the world, those of the past and the modern ones to exhibit change. Immensely dire changes, those that fascinated you very much about the worlds development as a whole. 
“You make me wonder a lot about you, Y/N,” Luke began, having you turn around to see him leaned on the doorway. A soft smile played at his rouge lips as those ocean eyes studied you. “Maybe because you’re so you that you’re wonderful.” 
“What’re you on about, Hemmings?” You began dully, unsure as to where he was getting this random sentiment from. Why was he creating a moment? 
“The way you look at all this stuff,” Luke hummed, walking inside to saunter over at the old, ripped up books-- artifacts from the past. “Your eyes glow, more brilliant than it ever is when you see these things. Your lips part, not a lot, but enough to show how trapped you are in a trance. You drown yourself in what you love, and I drown myself in you.” 
“You can’t be saying stuff like that!” You exclaimed, looking distantly down to the ground by his feet. It bothered you, these random jolts of flutters or heat that crawled into your cheeks. “You don’t make any sense.” 
“Love isn’t supposed to make sense,” Luke replied simply. 
“Luke, you don’t love me,” you dismissed, looking back at the chalkboard to see doodles done by the students. There were probably a few of them a bit prior to their arrival. “You just think you do because you supposedly like me.” 
“Whatever you wanna believe, Y/N,” Luke gave in, having you look up to see a smirk now crawled on his lips. He then started walking up to you, having you remain still. He didn’t scare you, and you weren’t prepared to let him back you into a desk or a wall. “As long as I know and feel it, it’s okay if you don’t believe me. Not yet, anyways.” 
“Once again, I have no clue as to what you’re on about,” you replied, watching as Luke was finally just a few inches from you. His tall, lanky being hovered over you, producing a shadow on you as he did. This was the sudden closeness that you couldn’t seem to ignore like Nathan’s. There was something about this peculiar idiot that makes your body react so strangely. 
“Again, you don’t have to,” Luke teased, bringing his hand up to your face. Suddenly, he poked your nose with the tip of his index finger, feeling a brief swipe of coldness before he flicked the tip of your nose up. “Are you going to the tree today? Do I have to cut myself again?” 
“That’s sounds incredibly fucked, Luke,” you muttered, shoving his chest to get him away. He erupted in laughter from this and you couldn’t help but wonder just as much about him. “What did I ever do to deserve this?” 
With that, you took yourself a seat at the cleanest desk you could find. You dropped your bag carelessly on the floor beside you. Rummaging through it, you revealed a notebook and a pen. You flipped the pages until you found the essay you had left off and went right in to continue it. As you did, you noticed Luke in your periphery and seeing him hop on top of the teachers desk. 
“August,” Luke muttered, having you flinch at the word. No matter what you did, he’ll never let up on that one day in August summers ago. “I don’t mind if you don’t care as much, but that is my favorite month, day, and year of all time. I’m at this point I always dreamed of being at, and I have you to thank for that. So that’s what you did to steal my heart and my annoying being.” 
Lunch time rolled in, and you found yourself sauntering over to the tree. 
You felt extremely disconnected from your stalker in this tree, even though it’s only been a few days with this mystery and only 2 days was the last time you got a note. But you weren’t too in a rush this time, not really wanting to go to your science class immediately. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to learn, but Luke was being too much for you today. 
He was such a bother. For an attractive boy such as himself, it surprised you to see the boy single. And yes, you were well aware of his proclaimed love to you in front of not only his friends, but yours, too. But it’s too difficult to believe, even with 2 years stacking on him bothering you and you allowing him to float around like small moons to your planet. 
Luke always made you wonder about him. He could have any girl he pleases, seeing as so many would like to throw themselves at him. Nadia is as desperate as a man stuck in the desert for water. It made you want to know what is it that Luke sees. It would seem he is basing the entirety of his feelings on the one instance that was August so very long ago. And yet it is fresh in his mind and, so long as he keeps speaking about it, it’s fresh in your head, too. 
As you slowly approached the tree, you noticed that the shadow as expanded a bit and you were quick to be swallowed up by its shadow. You looked around at the beautiful pink petals dancing to the wind and its lovely music. It made you ponder how this tree was surviving in such an ugly place like this schools courtyard. How is a lovely thing to thrive around hormonal teenagers and crabby teachers who for some reason hate kids though their degree was all about education. You had always guessed teachers were always pissy at teenagers because they were annoyed at themselves when they were young idiots. 
At least, it’s your own solid guess. 
Suddenly, your eyes finally diverted down to stare at a small, white box right in front of the bark. You slowly approached the cardboard thing, noticing how it looked more of an over-sized, cardboard shoe box that was spray painted white. But nonetheless, the container remained there, with yet another note sat on it lovingly. Once more, with the H initial on top. 
Looking around, you look back down at the box and bend down to take the note in your hand. Opening it slowly, you read the words with ease. 
I’m so sorry for buying you the drinks. I know you’ll try to blame yourself as you chose the drinks, but I gave you permission to and I’m ever so sorry. Here’s just a little something for you x 
Putting the note in your pocket, you bring your hands to the edges of the top, horizontal-wise, and lifted the box with ease. You quickly lifted and tossed away the wrapping paper that covered the gift and softened your eyes to see your well-crafted gift. 
The first thing you saw was a Blue-Ray DVD version of the Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience. You were in disbelief, truth be told. You couldn’t be bothered to admit it, but you fancied those boys when you were young. Though, you always pointed out how much of a tool Joe Jonas was, since at the time, he only played the tambourine. But then again, you couldn’t say shit: you’ve never even touched a tambourine. 
The next item you touched was some Adventure Time socks. One sock held human hero, Finn. And the other, infamous, orange, organ-stretching dog, Jake. They had looked so cute, seeing as their faces resided by the toes of your feet. It made you giggle a bit. 
Then, in a small box beside the pair of socks was transparent, and held a series of small pins in them. Opening them eagerly, you giggled at how many there were and the cute sayings on them. You saw a pin that said ‘Bernie Sanders 2020′ with the old man printed on it. Another had a small, purple container of fries that said ‘Fries Before Guys.’ You admitted that these pins were amusing and you were a little too excited to leave school to use them on your bag. 
You finally reached the bottom, where you noticed a black entity filling (practically) the entirety of the box. Carefully allowing the smaller items to fall down on the box, you lifted the entity into your hands and unfolded it. It finally revealed itself to you and you allowed a curt smile to play at your lips. 
It had been a black Linkin Park sweatshirt, the logo and the words white and fairly huge at the front of the sweatshirt. It felt so nice and smooth in your hands, having you bite your bottom lip. You had been eager to get band sweatshirts, and this had been one of the many you wanted. You hugged it tightly, allowing the scent of cologne and softener to intoxicate your nose. 
“You’re so sweet, stalker,” you whispered to yourself, looking up at the tree to see the lovely pink petals begin to fall all around you. “Thank you.” 
please tell me what you think right here, if you’d like. thank you for reading and i really hope you enjoy it. xx
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addhunter · 7 years
your (super) basic guide to arhaus, nevada
May 8, 2017
While reading Heritage, did you find yourself a tad overwhelmed by the amount of characters? There are quite a few of them introduced within the first few chapters, only made worse by the fact that most of them have two names. It’s a lot to keep track of, I get it. So, inspired by a conversation with my mom, (mostly her saying “wait, Kat’s not the blonde one?” and “Ultra can heal, right?”) I’ve decided to make a basic guide to the main characters! These are all the ones (of any importance) that are talked about within the first four chapters of the book. 
Maybe I’ll make a whole page on my blog dedicated to these guys. That’d be fun.
The first character you meet is one of the main characters, but she’s in the future, so don’t worry about what she’s doing just yet. There’s six main characters and six supporting characters that are going to be really important as we go. In order to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I’m gonna keep the descriptions pretty short. If I can find my really bad sketches I did of all these guys, I’ll put their pictures here as well. (You probably don’t want to see those.) ((Also I was thinking about making character cards with stats for their superheroes. That’s be great.))
Julie Novak [Ultra]
Julie’s the first character we meet in the book, along with an unnamed jerk face. The prologue is set several years in the future, so you don’t have to worry about that for now. At the time of the first chapter (2012), she’s 17. She’s funny, loyal, sarcastic, and always down to hang out. Julie spends more time at Dave and Blaise’s than her own house and is very invested in superheroes. She has a father, who she lives with in an apartment.
As Ultra, her power is very unreliable telekinesis. This ability allows her to fly and to throw things at people from across the room while also cutting out on her during important moments.
Katarina Roux [Neon Wing]
Kat moved to Arhaus halfway through their junior year with her father and brother. She’s on the quiet side, though she’s tall and strong. Julie was her first friend, but she clicked instantly with Lizzie, and they’re now very close. Her mother lives in California and Kat and her brother go to visit every school break.
Neon Wing has the ability to heal minor wounds and can produce glowing wings from her back, prompting her name from the town newspaper. She’s very serious about following proper procedure and will not hesitate to correct others on it.
Elizabeth Miller [The Kicker]
Lizzie and Julie have been friends since they were in third grade, and she has consistently been referred to as one of the hottest girls in town. She’s on the school soccer team and is a co-captain along with her best friend Molly. She’s very goal driven and can sometimes be rash in her decisions, and is always striving for the best possible result. She lives in a large house with her mother, father, and younger sister Celeste. Her blonde hair is always well done and at least three boys have written poems about her eyes.
The Kicker is a very assertive hero and confronts villains as quickly and efficiently as possible. While not always the best of approaches, she gets the job done. Kicker has super strength and flight.
Christopher Sing [Psyonic]
Chris is built lanky and has never been very good at sports, but he played soccer for a long time as a kid and loved it. He’s incredibly intelligent, and will be graduating as salutatorian. He’s always been interested in journalism and mystery stories, and plans on marrying his girlfriend of four years, Molly. Currently, his biggest worry is that his mom is going to find out he moonlights as one of the town’s heroes. He lives in a small home with his mother and father.
Psyonic is a talented telepath and is currently working on a way to help his friends guard their minds against other mind readers. Since getting his powers, he hasn’t needed his glasses, but he feels more comfortable with them on.
Blaise Perez [Rage]
With a foul mouth and an aggressive attitude, Blaise was the only one my mom remembered with any success. His inside voice is a low roar and you won’t find a more passionate person anywhere else. He’s fiercely dedicated to being a superhero and made Chris and Dave’s costumes. Despite how he comes off, he’s a very kind person and would do anything for his friends. His mom works as a foster mom, and they’ve recently moved into their new house with his adopted brother and four foster siblings. His older brother is away at college.
As Rage, his volume is more controlled, but he’s still very hardheaded and determined to make a difference. He and Chris are still trying to figure out his power, but so far, it appears to be increased agility and manipulation of glowing red energy that he can either keep around his fists like an added glove of power or send out as blasts.
David Baker [Speedster]
When Dave’s parents first left for their business trip, it was nothing out of the ordinary, but it’s been a few months now and they still aren’t back. Despite his worry, Dave’s the comic relief in the friend group, and paired with Julie, the two are unbeatable in matches of wit. He’s very happy go lucky and carefree and is the most annoyed by the ‘lame names’ the newspaper has come up with. He spends a lot of time practicing martial arts (that he’s been doing since he was young) and arguing with his older brother.
Speedster is ambivalent about most things and never seems to take anything seriously, which sparks a rivalry between his team and the other in town. He has super speed and currently has a campaign going to get his name changed.
Not minor, really, but not the main guys. They’re just as important, and super cool, but they aren’t the main ones. You feel? I love them, though. My sister’s favorite character is Dalia.
Zach Stevens
Zach actually becomes a main character in the second book, but he’s not in this one too much. He’s in the process of being adopted by Blaise’s mom, and spent his entire childhood going from foster home to foster home. He firmly believes that your friends are the family you get to pick, and he’s more than happy to find the friends he does in Arhaus.
Dalia Woods
Dalia is short, spunky, and always moving. She’s on the cheerleading team, student council, welcome committee, has an amazing gpa, and is also running some sort of back room supply empire. No one knows how she does it. She and Lizzie are best friends. She’s 5′2″.
Molly Kinger
Molly’s on the quiet side and is one of the kindest human beings you will ever meet. She and Chris have been dating since they were in eighth grade, and has started on varsity soccer since she was a freshman. 
Anthony Archer
Anthony is an absolute genius, able to do wonders with technology. He and Dave met at bible camp in elementary school and have been best friends ever since. He’s been taking college classes since he was 15 and is the valedictorian of their graduating class. He’s also super bitter about not having powers.
Quinton Baker
As Dave’s older brother, the two really have nothing in common other than their lanky limbs and dry humor. Quinton never speaks unless he feels like it’s important, but he looks out for his younger brother and feels an intense responsibility for him and his friends. He’s terrible at cooking.
Ben Guinness
Ben writes for the crime section of the Arhaus Herald (slowly becoming the superhero section) and has been dating Quinton since they were in high school. He’s a sweet dude but on the dumber side, and is enthusiastic and supportive of everything. Like a puppy, if puppies could write for newspapers.
The kids usually hang out at Dave or Blaise’s house, but the girls have been known to gather at Kat’s as well. When not at school or on the job, they’re all usually with each other.
Blue’s is a bar in the older part of town. It’s owned by a man named Blue and is where Quinton works. A good place for finding information, since 80% of the regulars are gossping townspeople.
Buckner Warehouses are a giant complex of warehouse suites on the edge of town closest to the desert. They’re empty, save for a few that are being rented by Lizzie’s father’s company, and strange things have been happening there lately.
Ricky’s Gym is a boxing gym with only a few kinds of workout equipment. A lot of people tend to use the fancier gyms in the nicer part of town, but Ricky’s is where the kids spend a lot of time as well. Julie’s here on a lot of nights practicing her powers, and treats Ricky like an uncle. There’s three rings, a lot of punching bags, some dummies, and mats. 
Superheroes are very much a thing in this universe, although because of the public opinion, nearly all of them don masks to hide their identities. There used to be a lot more of them, but for the past twenty-ish years, the numbers dwindled drastically. In areas with higher populations, the number is much more prevalent. Julie keeps lists of big heroes for inspiration.
The Hauswatch Group is a group of three male heroes (Psyonic, Rage, and Speedster) that popped up around September of 2012. Due to handling crimes closer to the main parts of town, they appear in the newspaper quite often and have almost a fanclub. There’s three girl heroes (Ultra, Neon Wing, and the Kicker) who tend to work together, but they aren’t seen as often and pictures of them are pretty rare. The Crimson Ninja is a hero that’s been appearing on and off since the 80′s and is rarely seen.
Molly has the best hair.
These kids have a long way to go before they can even begin to think they know everything they’re dealing with.
So there you have it! Your basic guide to Arhaus, Nevada! As always, anyone is more than welcome to ask questions, and I’m happy to clarify anything. The response to the book has been good so far and I’m really excited! I’m about a third of the way done writing the second book and working hard to make it even better than the first. :)
Thanks to anyone who’s read it! Here’s a dumb pic as thanks:
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[you can get the book here]
[other posts that have info about the characters]
[go look at the twitter if you wanna find some real bad early sketches]
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doomedandstoned · 8 years
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MedEvil Madness Plagues Portland!
~By Billy Goate
March has been a month of madness and I confess given the woes of the world, it's been hard to think of a better word to describe the state of things! Consequently, you've been having your fill of madness this week in the music we've share in these page. What the hell, let's just embrace it. This weekend, March 24th & 25th, the heavy revelers of the Rose City will be congregating at Kenton Club for MEDEVIL MADNESS. The two-dayer is happening in my own backyard and features some new names, so I'm excited to check it out. Tiah Keever of Red Crow Booking is organizing. Every time I get up to Portland for gigs, Tiah is there -- for years, a staple supporter of the scene.
Like many of us, Tiah's story begins with a case of so close, so far. "One day about three years ago, I was invited to see a friend’s band at the Kenton Club," Tiah says, speaking of the now defunct post-punk no-wavers Ultragoat (great band name). "Up until recently, I'd been living near the venue, but rarely went. I can’t give a logical reason for it, but I had basically sat out a decade of local shows."
As she approached the venue, she saw a tall, lanky fellow with a big smile sporting a tank top with Black Pussy emblazoned in cursive. "I thought, this guy must be going to the concert, but he’s headed in the wrong direction. As I crossed the street, I said, 'Hey, the show is that way!' Turns out this was, Dean Carroll, drummer for Black Pussy. How embarrassing to have him say, 'Oh, I’m in the show.'"
Whatever awkwardness she felt melted away as the evening advanced. "The show was packed, a lot of friends were there, and I met a people who would become friends and cohorts in rock appreciation." After introductions to Disenchanter and the visiting Mothership, Tiah was hooked. "From that night forward, I have made it a priority to go soak up our musical offerings and," she says. "I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job of it."
Five months from that show, Tiah's enthusiasm and flair for networking developed into organizing full-fledged shows herself. Local booker Jimmy Armstrong from Sandy Hut (now with Twilight Café and Bar) took her under his wing. Her first billing was a nice fat slice of Portland stoner goodness: Full Creature, Hosmanek, and Deep Fried Boogie Band.
Tiah was hooked. "I like organizing and the thought of connecting bands I thought would sound good together." As an independent promoter up against a recent spate of closing venues, she can only curate so many shows, sometimes just one a quarter. All told, MedEvil Madness was quite a feat to put together.
"I have been wanting to put together a fest for at least two years, but the timing never panned out because there were so many other things happening -- Stumpfest, Northwest Heshfest, Hoverfest, Ceremony of Sludge, NO Fest, Festicide...sheesh! -- but eventually, I just had to tell myself, make it happen!   Everything about this show is low key and DIY, because that's what I know from growing up in Portland."
I asked Tiah to give us a breakdown of the acts she's booked for each day, and I'm personally pumped about this lineup.
Night One
Opening MedEvil Madness is Billy Anderson’s solo project, HZ (pronounced "hertz"). I've only seen it once, but obviously it intrigued me. Solo projects, man! They take a lot of nerve and obviously if anyone can pull it off, Billy can. He’s opening the show Friday night so you need to be on time to witness his sonic orchestrations. It’s a special treat to have Billy play, to hear what music he is personally creating. It’s pretty amazing.
Mammoth Salmon
Last Vestige of Humanity by MAMMOTH SALMON
Mammoth Salmon has been one of my go-to bands for quite some time now and bassist Matt Howl designed the concert poster for the fest. I first heard about them when they were playing a show with Moondrake. See how the web is spun? One band leads to another leads to another. That is why most of these bands are somehow intertwined. These guys are salt of the Earth. This will be a tour sendoff show for them. If you haven’t heard them yet this is a great time to start, the band is really dialed in!
Old Kingdom
Magic Closet EP by Old Kingdom
Old Kingdom is one of my favorite heavy bands in town. I'd seen The Ax, which both Jon and Adam were in, and I remember trying to book them and they weren’t available, but told me about their other project, Old Kingdom. My mom was in attendance for that show and said, “These guys are really loud.” It cracks me up. They are really fucking loud. The lineup has changed some since, with Aaron Powell now playing bass. Anyone who's heard Sons of Huns can attest Aaron is a beast on bass. An already heavy band somehow got heavier.
Phantom High
Phantom High is a brand new band. John I know from his band Diesto and all the awesome screen printing he does and Rich I know from Moondrake. This will be the first time anyone will be seeing this line up, with their new drummer, and I’m super stoked to have them debut on Friday and finish the night out.
Night Two
Robots of the Ancient World
Robots by Robots of the Ancient World
Can't think of a better band to kick off the next day of MedEvil than Robots of the Ancient World. I met Caleb attending another show and was invited to one of their shows. I checked em out and liked what I heard. When Moondrake was playing with Slow Season at Dante’s, they were looking for an opening band. I checked with Robots of the Ancient World and they were all systems go. Having started for Truckfighters just this month and Brant Bjork the next, their star is definitely rising. Over the summer, they're taking the show on the road. That’s exciting, but even more exciting is the news of their first full-length recording next month. You’ll dig their otherworldly vibe!
Battle Axe Massacre
The Phantom by Battle Axe Massacre
Saw these dudes perform with Moondrake and Warpfire at Dante’s and they were just awesome. I was headbanging and something hit me in the shin and when I opened my eyes I saw it was Larry Pike’s drumstick. I picked it up and put it in my cowboy boot for a souvenir. BAM has a brand new album out, 'The Phantom' (2017) and I really liked their intense sound. It’s pretty special to see them at Kenton Club, as they rarely play Portland. They are up second so, seriously, don’t be late!
Screech by Owl
Do I need to say anything about Owl? I am over the moon that they are coming up from California to do my first festival -- I can’t even fathom it. I first heard of Owl from local reviewer Mike Stender. One day he said, “Oh, have I got a shirt for you. It’s this band called Owl; I think you’ll really dig them.” I was like, “Why would I want a shirt from some band I’ve never even heard of?” Ohhhh, snap! Checked them out on el interneto and Mike was totally right....smitten. Fast forward to August 2015. They were gigging at Bunk Bar with two of my favorites, Pushy and R.I.P...but... it was the same day as Hoverfest. As the fest drew to a close, I realized there was still time to catch Owl and I got a lucky right and caught them just in time.
These lovely fellows came down from the Emerald City to Kenton Club last summer with another Seattle band, Greenriver Thrillers and our locals Cougar. That show was a total blast! I’ve only seen them that one time and am really looking forward to their return and thrilled it’s for MedEvil! All the guys are really nice and they rock out!
Thin by SkullDozer
These Guys.   Ben House is a great vocalist. Justin Morgan on the guitar kills it every time and now they have Jay Erbe on the drums, formerly of Disenchanter, and he's fantastic! These guys have a minimalistic approach, but I mean that in a really good way, i.e. they don’t need a million things going on at once to convey their tone. I’m really looking forward to them closing out the fest for me on Saturday night. What an honor to have the bands I like also become my friends!
MedEvil Madness takes place March 24th and 25th at World Famous Kenton Club in NE Portland.   Admission price is $5 per day.   Details of Day One can be found here and for Day Two here.
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screamingtofu · 7 years
d&d session 10 - Get your rocks off
After a ... brief 3ish week drought because  of dm sickness and a few other things we’re back at it again. Unfortunately our fighters player, pete can’t make it because of a scheduling conflict so Olgum is very quiet this session ... Well, more quiet than he usually is. 
After a night of heavy drinking, everyone grabs some breakfast, Draccus tried to get a bounty on a rogue PC that had to leave and inadvertently insulted everyone who works for the mayor of the town and also happens TO RUNS THE THIEVES GUILD ... so nothing really new there. Eridol made a quick map of the outpost we just came back from pointing out where the traps and things were just in case he wanted to send people to go check it out and mentions that there’s no chance the pranks are going to stop, but if there’s any rules he wants to lay down, now would be the time.  Rorstad, the town leader takes us up to a vantage point and gets out a super fancy telescope to check something before handing it to Draccus to confirm what he was looking at. He informs us that one of his informants had gone to investigate a weird shimmering field a few hours from town and hadn’t come back yesterday and he wanted us to go check it out, mostly to find his guy, but also because it’s a weird shimmery field close to town and he wants that checked and if you’ve got bad arse adventurers at hand, why the hell not. As he walks away and we make our way down to town to take care of some stuff in town before we leave Draccus pulls the telescope out and grins ... It’s not stealing if he just forgot to ask for it back, right? Really living up to that lawful good paladin image. Draccus goes to the armorsmith to sell some weapons and a full set of Orog plate mail we got in the last battle and then to just chill out outside the town while Eridol took Merla to go see our resident tall as fuck creepy skin guy, Sven. Personally I love Sven, Eridol thinks he’s just the creepiest dude in existence but damn he does good work and oh shit, he’s actually got a sign and he cleaned up and added a bunch of awesome taxidermy animals in DYNAMIC POSES!!! I mention I’m glad the shop appears to be going well and Merla, our halfling barbarian pulls out all the charm to get him to make her a fire resistant helmet out of a red dragon wing and a bunch of scales we picked up last session, Eridol kind of stands back until she’s done and I pull out a second dragon wing and ask if he could also make a normal sized fire resistant cloak for our fighter as well and just for funsies I give him a dark mantle corpse that’s just been hanging in the bag since last session because I like to give the strange man cool things.
Everyone meets back outside town and we start our next epic level 4 quest! We travel the few hours to find the shimmery bubble and a half elf’s lanky butt coming out of it. So of course we approached this as diplomatically as possible with Merla throwing a spear into his back and Eridol getting freaked out when this dude seemingly make no sound at getting a spear to the kidney. In reality he was screaming in agony, we just couldn’t hear it from this side of the bubble. He turns around to face us wanting to know who threw the spear. Eridol immediately points at Draccus and the fact that he is obviously a man of god and as tall as a small child wins the new comer over and he throws the spear at Draccus, misses horribly and we all start talking about how we were sent by Rorstad to see what the heck was up with our new friend and by extension, this nefarious shimmering looking bubble. We learn his name is Ivallios and he’d been sent by Rorstad to check this out but was still having issues because he was trying to figure out the bubble and because there were 3 gargoyles and a giant clay dude just hanging out inside under a floating orb.  Merla busts inside the bubble while we’re all trying to figure out what to do and after we realise we can’t see or hear through it and she could be getting killed we all wander in. It also may have been due to her throwing rocks at us and that needed to be stopped. As we take everything in, we notice the floating mystic orb in the sky which seems important. Draccus starts wandering towards the gargoyles as a giant fucking boulder basically comes to life and starts speaking in Terran, which our new elf buddy can understand after a wiggle of his fingers and this thing is wanting to know our intentions and before anyone can react, Merla pulls a flower from a tree and offers it to the galeb duhr. He seems to accept this as an initial offering and we get to talk. We find out that his master had left him here many days and nights ago and told him to protect his cart, which was broken down next to the clay golem and that he couldn’t really move with the gargoyles boxing him in, he also told us that his master made the clay golem and that if anyone gets too close to the cart the golem will attack us.  We ask if the galeb duhr would like us to get rid of the gargoyles, if he lets us ask some questions. He says yes and we all spread out to focus fire on one of the gargoyles. Out of the 5 attacks, 1 hits. The gargoyles don’t really like this, one gets into a melee with Merla, Olgum and Draccus while Ivallios and Eridol have a spell off with another gargoyle and the last one ends up fighting the giant rock dude, The melee fighters are having a ball, all except for Merla who hadn’t gotten to hit anything and was dangerously close to losing her rage, after a decent amount of damage from Ivallios to our gargoyle with a barrage of magic missiles Eridol gets the idea to use the wand of magic missiles so he can also be a cool guy and lets off 6 charges, 5 towards our gargoyle and one streaking towards Merla so she can stay in the fight
2 gargoyles go down and Draccus moves to get into melee range with the last one, unfortunately he goes right between the Galeb duhr and the cart which means our giant clay buddy is up takes out the final gargoyle and into the fray and takes a massive swing at Draccus that takes out half his health. This continues for a few rounds as no one can damage the damn thing but it keeps nearly downing Draccus (The DM got soooo close so many times) After a while we defeat the golem and get to work asking the galeb duhr some questions and working to get a closer look at the floating orb. Olgum and Ivellios go about fixing the cart and Draccus, Merla and Eridol shimmy up a tree to grab the orb … and by grab the orb, I mean everyone agreed the best option was to put this thing directly into the bag of holding without telling me, the dude holding the bag of holding. (I’m very protective over this bag, mostly because we’re very lucky the DM gave us one so early and I didn’t know what the fuck that orb would do if anything magical touched it, so I was against it but didn’t want to be that guy, so I gave in) We get the orb in the bag which drops the invisibility bubble that was around the area and make our way down as the cart is fixed and Merla decided she has a thing for taking wings and ripped 2 out of the gargoyles. Eridol made her a little harness so she could wear them and flap them if she really wanted to.
Purely in the name of science and wanting to know how it works, Eridol puts his hand in the thinks real hard about the orb and it flies out of the bag and hovers 30 feet about the ground and the shimmery bubble reappears … Everyone is obviously thrilled that they have to climb the tree again and get it. But hey, now we know we’ve got a deployable invisibility bubble. Back on the ground we find out the direction the galeb duhr’s master went off and knowing that the galeb duhn is very literal in it’s following of protecting the cart. So we took the cart and the galeb durh came with us to make sure no one hurt it. As we headed back towards town, I decided to ride ahead and warn the guards and guess who’s on guard duty? Why it’s my favourite red headed unnamed guard that I love to fuck with. I mention maybe let people know there’s a giant boulder monster coming … a cool one that you shouldn’t attack and for the love of all that is holy don’t touch the cart. Weirdly he doesn’t believe me. I ask what it would take for him to go tell the others to not do anything when everyone else gets here “You need to promise your group won’t mess with me or my friend anymore” … well, that just won’t do. How can I get around this? After a beat I respond “How about this, I won’t mess with you when I’m coming into town now can you please go tell everyone else” He seems pleased with that and wanders off to let the others know. After he returns with a smirk on his face because he can’t believe he’s getting off scot free over such a shitty prank the galeb duhr and everyone crashes through the forest and wipes that smirk right off his face.
We get close and Rorstad comes to meet us and we let him know what happened and he agrees to let the galeb duhr stay in one of the stables for the night while we figure out what to do. As we enter the city, Draccus mentions it’d cause a panic if any of the towns folk saw this so we should really post a guard as well … a specific red headed guard. Rorstad smiles and agrees to have the kid guard the galeb duhr for the night. The group splits with Draccus and Eridol agreeing that extra security would be a good thing and they would stay in the stables with the red headed guard while Merla, Olgum and Ivellios went off to drink and be merry. They end up in one of the taverns we went to last time we were here day drinking and found one of the barmaids in tears. Merla consolation mode activates and she hops up onto the bar with a bottle of wine and a bowl of strawberries to help … weirdly the wings do not help with this, but eventually Merla finds out that that the barmaids child has gone missing. After a few drinks, Olgum and Ivellios go to bed and Merla wanders back to the stables where … things have happened.
Draccus and Eridol managed to trick the guard into taking a swig of beer directly from the alchemy jug so he got drenched. In the confusion I cast light on his pants and everyone starts freaking out like it’s the work of some demon so he’s now pantsless and yelling that I said I wouldn’t mess with him anymore, I corrected him saying that I agreed not to mess with him coming into the city, we were already in the city. Realising he got conned he slumps against the wall and I give him a biiig cup of booze as an apology and we start trying to get the galeb duhr drunk which kind of works. Merla takes an immediate liking to the red head and they end up falling asleep. Merla being the big spoon. Now begins step 2 of Eridols plan to mess with the guard. As soon as they fall asleep, Eridol grabs the pants from nearby and wanders off with Draccus. Eridol mentions they should throw the pants onto a roof for fun. Draccus takes this as “Throw Eridol and the pants onto a roof for fun” Which admittedly works, Eridol and the pants end up on a roof of a 2 storey house … which Eridol promptly crashes through because his armor weighs more than ne does. Him and the pants land directly next to a sleeping couple. They scream, Eridol screams, the pants do nothing. Eridol drunkenly apologises, drops the pants and dives out of a window, aiming for where Draccus was so he could catch him. That doesn’t happen and Eridol somehow doesn’t end up on his arse and they run like hell back to the stable and Eridol jumps into a bale of hay to hide and falls asleep.
And that’s the end of the session. Only took me like 4 weeks to write this one up so that’s something.
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theolivechickken · 6 years
Spring Break pt. 3
March 14
Paris (I left you at the Staaaation)
Probably running on adrenaline (with >3 hours of sleep) but managed to stuff my backpack and rush out the door before being charged for a late check-out. Goodbye smelly room in Barcelona!
I really wanted to try and make it out to the beach before we hit the train but logistically it wasn't possible and probably more stressful since we would be cutting it close on time. So we stopped in a bakery to pick up some chocolate and cream pastries and went to the La Rambla street markets to pick up some seafood paella for the road (sorry everyone on the train who had to smell it or watch me eat this messy dish). Thank god we showed up to the train station when we did. So far this has been the only station where there's a security check (like TSA airport level). The line to board was also very long since passports and tickets were being checked for every individual. Our guy seriously questioned our Eurail since it was stamped that we left on March 2nd when in reality we left Berlin on March 3rd (the day we wrote down in our Eurail log). I guess it's human error and eventually he understood that, but it was still slightly stressful that we might not have been able to board.
Breezy train ride once we were on though. We arrived in Paris in the evening and tried to book our train tickets back to Salzburg, but had to come back the next day since the office was closed. We took the metro to our janky Peace and Love Hostel and climbed a tower of stairs to the 5th and 7th floors where we were staying. I don't think 3-person bunk beds should be a thing. You're either basically sleeping on the floor, have an inch of space before your nose hits the ceiling, or you're sandwiched in-between the two beds. I took the middle bunk (sorry Raine and Aubree but first come first dibs). Poor tall and lanky Patrick was on the top floor and top bunk, and his roommates were already sound asleep.
We decided it would probably be a good idea to get some food in our bellies. I'm horrible at giving directions (but also never said I was great at giving them. I'm directionally aware for myself but can't help others for the life of me) but happened to be the only one with access to the maps. We got turned around a couple times and walked down a sketchy street since we forgot our turn to cross the Seine river. Eventually we found Street Bangkok Local Food (which google lied about it being cheap but it was definitely filling and you got free water and your money's worth in my opinion). I had some grilled chicken skewers covered in peanut sauce, topped with cucumbers and red peppers, and served over a helping of white rice. Patrick ordered spicy beef pho.
At one point in the night, I looked out the window and saw a dog walking with his owner. Which lead to the conversation about animal intelligence, the food chain, and how we measure intelligence. We decided that leisure time correlates to intelligence because having more leisure time allows you to spend less time focusing on survival and more time doing self-fulfilling exercises or expanding your knowledge in different ways. Such a random/deep/fun/thoughtful conversation.
March 15
After sorting out train ticket shenanigans, Patrick and I met up with Aubree and Raine at a cafe near the Louvre. We ordered little baguette sandwiches for brunch and sat huddled near the outdoor heaters (trying not to get blown away by the cold wind). Yay again for free water and REFILLS.
We crossed the street, saw the beautiful glass pyramids calling our names, and dashed to them. We didn't (have the time to) see the actual inside of the museum, but we were able to take in the amazing architecture of the Louvre. From there, we walked through the hedges to the Carrousel Arc de Triomphe and continued wandering around the city.
Pat and I found an underground rail system and took it to the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Such a completely different vibe from La Sagrada Familia. It was so dark inside, but also interesting to see this style of stained glass and architecture. There was also a service going on in the middle of the day.
We took the underground rail service thing again but somehow got lost trying to navigate where to go. Also, my phone was confused about my location because we were underground and the service was patchy. Eventually, we made it out and found the actual Arc de Triomphe. They really like their arcs here. We could see the Eiffel Tower peeping through the buildings, and made our way over to her.
She’s a beauty. Such a pretty sight both up close and personal, and from a distance. She stands tall and proud, glistens gold, and twinkles in the evening. For dinner, Pat, Aubree, Raine, and I had a janky little picnic on a patch of grass under the Eiffel Tower. The idea was cute, but the food was a little sus. The baguettes were packaged and not fresh, and the cheese was DEFINITELY expired. Both smelly and did not taste right at all. On the bright side, the salami, grapes, and wine we shared were bomb. I also wished that there weren’t so many salesmen approaching us every 5 seconds to try and sell souvenirs to us. Please make like a tree and LEAF. Later we tried to find a Jazz club but there was a birthday party happening inside and we didn’t want to crash it so we hung out at a little bar/restaurant and got french fries to end the night.
March 16
Couldn't really sleep since I was worried we might miss our train (also concerned that Pat wouldn't wake up in time since he didn't have a phone or alarm clock). Once again, adrenaline got me going in the morning. And a little ham and cheese croissant with a cup of coffee brought me to a functioning state of mind. Boarded the train from Paris to Mannheim, and then changed trains from Mannheim to Munich. I guess we got off the train too soon in Munich-Pasing (instead of at the München Hauptbahnhof) but before we could hop back on, the train departed from the stop. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that led us to the giant mall behind the stop. The signs were super confusing to find the restrooms, but eventually we found where they were hidden. We also stopped to get Five Guys for our train ride back home to Salzburg. Back on the platform, we were waiting for the right train to come along. Patrick and I made conversation with a girl who was also waiting for the same train as us. She's from a little village town in Austria and was completely awestruck to be talking to Americans. She never dreamed that she would ever meet people from the US and was so enthusiastic to learn about us. We also enjoyed getting to know her and invited her to sit with us on the train. She was telling us about her job and studies as a carpenter and also shared stories of her dog :) Such a ray of sunshine.
I think the worst part of traveling back home is knowing that you’re so close yet so far. You finally arrive at the train station or airport, but then there’s the ride back to your house. That part kills me. Being on the bus for that 15 minute bus and then climbing the thousand steps up the Mönchsberg was a beast. Finally plopped into my bed. HOME SWEET HOME.
March 17
Schleeep. And Chinese take-out. And going out to Murphy's Law and Shamrock's to reunite the Salzburg Fam, share spring break stories (or tragedies), and celebrate St. Patty's Day.
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notesfromthepen · 7 years
   I came to the first door on the right. A crudely painted number sat on the wall above the door. The number matched the one scribbled on my paper work. My arms full, I stared at the closest camera. The look on my face saying,”Open the fucking door!"
   It worked and before long the door buzzed and popped open. I carried my mat into the cell, doing my best not to let it drag on the ground. I was only partially successful. 
   I looked around the cell. I immediately recognized someone from the 'world' (institutional slang for 'the free world') I surveyed the space. To my left was a small area for the toilet and shower. To my right were three bunk beds in a row. All three of the bunks had mats and linen already on them. I folded my mat and left it sitting against the bars at one end of the cell.
   Lonnie, super excited to see me, hugged me and we began to catch up. Lonnie is a 6'4 tall light skinned black guy. I glanced at our cell mates and noticed that we were the only non whites. I double checked the bunks and was right, there was no place for my stuff. Another shitty aspect about jail: They're almost always over crowded. I guess they expected me to sleep on the floor.
   "So what's up, I'm on the floor?" I looked around and saw that the small TV shelf in the corner was empty. I was initially. Confused until I took another look around at my new cellies. One of the guys caught my eye. He looked familiar, but not like I knew him, more like I had seen him somewhere. A tall lanky nerdy looking guy with acne scars. Nate looked completely out of place. He wasn't your typical looking 'criminal'. 
   "What's his name." I asked pointing at the standout. Lonnie said "Him? His name is Nate." As soon as I heard his name it all clicked: Who he was and why the TV was missing. His name was Nate Elzer (spelling? look him up.)I had seen him on the news when I was in Leleanau county. He was accused of several counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC), on a minor under the age of twelve. He was accused of doing really fucked up things to his six year old sister.
   Even those who haven't been to jail or prison aren't too surprised to learn that people with CSC charges, especially involving a kid, aren't treated well. The C.O.'s had the TV removed from the cell, hoping to avoid any problems from the other inmates.
   I asked Nate which bunk was his and he pointed to it. I told him that I needed it, that he had to move his shit. Before I could even finish my sentenced, in the most agreeable tone, he said "Yeah no problem, I shouldn't be here much longer any ways." 
   I knew, from the news, that he had already been sentenced. He got a thirty year (minimum) and was just waiting to ride out to quarantine (prison intake). He pulled his mat and other items onto the floor and I got a bunk. 
   This was my first real experience with the hierarchy of prison (jail) politics. He was a child molester. He was less than, and I had right to the bunk that usurped his. Another prison law that stands: if you need something and can take it, then take it.
   Since then I've come to have a different outlook on this unenlightened approach, And not everyone in prison succumbs to these animalistic behaviors. I have since released any delusion that I am to be the arm of punishment or retribution for anybody. And just as importantly, I have abandoned the charade used by most inmates who simply want a justification to do self serving acts on the powerless and vulnerable. 
   I know its ironic, considering the crimes that the CSC (Cho's) are in here for. They went from victimizing to victims. And though there is a poetic justice to their karma, I no longer take part in it. Like most things in life it's bullshit. Any 'rules', social or otherwise, not based on a true and compassionate internal compass, are bullshit and are almost always exploited for abuse.
   But at the time I was trying to get my feet underneath me and my head on straight. I was on some 'when in Rome' shit. And as was true to my nature up to that point, I was going to establish myself in a respected, not to be messed with, level in the social hierarchy.
   A few years later I was sent to a disciplinary level 4 (max) and Nate was in the PC unit at that facility. Placed there for his own protection. That is where most of them belong. There are too many rules and unwritten laws that most of 'them' can't maintain. Plus they are constant prey The only way that they can remain in general population without paying protection is, if they're broke, and willing to fight. They won't be 'safe' but for the most part they'll be left alone. Forever third class citizens.
   There is a real caste system in correctional institutions. The structure is more defined in prison than in county jail but it's still there. It's a system based more on animal instinct than anything else. Your vibe, aura, character, for the most part, determines your placement in the hierarchy and how you're treated. Every word and act is witnessed and integrated into others perception of you. The act of booting Nate from the bunk, was akin to me pissing on a tree. A message to the rest of my cellies.
   After I secured my bunk I sat on the steel picnic table under the TV shelf and talked to Lonnie. He told me about the people that I knew that were also locked up in this jail and I relayed stories of mutual friends I had just left in Leelanau.
   As we sat and conversed, the other cellies introduced themselves one by one.
   There was Matt, a shabby meth head type in his mid twenties. Sebastian, an eighteen year old boy with a good heart. Jeremy a forty year old train wreck of a man. Another random guy who wasn't there for long and I don't remember much of, other than that he had a few tattoos.
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