#i am so tired of doing it but the character is absolutely INSISTING that his whip look like this
syekick-powers · 1 year
most painful thing as an artist is when you're designing something and you include a design element or otherwise make some kind of specific choice about how the design works that absolutely FUCKS aesthetically and looks SO cool and right, but is absolute teeth-pulling hell to actually fucking draw
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scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
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okayokayokayokay so pretty much all of these questions will be Officially Answered properly in the character design/intro pages im working on but also i am physically vibrating with excitement about the fact that you noticed all these details and i have very little self control so! lore dump time!!!
(minor tw for mentions of leos self-harm/self-destructive anxious behaviors and unhealthy coping skills)
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- mikey does indeed have curly fur! i believe he would be considered a 'rex' rat (pictured on the left) for this trait? though the curls can be more easily seen on mice (pictured on the right). or, at least it seems that way. have not delved too deeply into the details of rodent genes and husbandry, but id assume its the same sort of mutation considering curly haired mice are also referred to as rex sometimes? either way hes a extra floofy bby 🧡
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-as for raphie, unfortunately being more fluff and less shell than the average rapheal comes with its downsides. especially if you and your brothers occasionally encounter things like territorial dogs, hungry cats, or sewer crocodiles while exploring places ur dad said not supposed to go. (most of his scars will have more ninja related stories, but his ear i think got messed up from something very animal. probably around age 11 ish? old enough to sneak out from dads protection but young enough to not fully know how to handle himself alone against real danger. thankfully his ear injury looks worse than it actually is for the most part, as the damage was largely to the outer ear. his hearing wasnt super affected, except that he now has a bit of a harder time being able to track/pinpoint noises origins if its on his right side.)
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-also yep! dons got some glasses that just clip/rest on the bridge of his nose! theyre mostly just for home use, as they do fall off if hes knocked around. in the field he has some goggles he tends to use (theyre helpful as they have multiple additional functions like heat-imaging, extra zoom/telescoping, and recording capabilities. but also theyll give him headaches if he wears them for too long without breaks). contacts are theoretically also an option but he absolutely hates the sensation of putting them in. so sometimes when hes tired he'll just not bother with either clips or goggles and just squint and struggle. leo hates when he does that lol.
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-speaking of leo, he is def an anxious baby :) he has a few patches of fur missing on his hand cos he has the tendency to tug on it while hes thinking. he yanked and chewed on his own tail a lot when he was younger too, which is why when hes older he usually wears some wraps to cover the scars left from that behavior. he finds those scars specifically to be kinda embarrassing and shameful because they werent from any battle or life-lesson, just his own 'inability to control himself'. all of his brothers have repeatedly called him out on the fact that that is not a healthy way to think about his anxiety or mental health, but leo insists hes fine. hes kinda convinced himself that a proper warrior always has control over his own body* and his own thoughts, thus he should be able to just like willpower-brute-force his way into 'being better'. (this line of thinking pisses raph off so much he has to leave and go hit something)
Splinter also tries to talk him through some of that internalized guilt/shame/everything, but splinters very metaphorical, poetic, and indirect when it comes to talking about Big Things, which combined with how much leo gets caught in his own head, makes it kinda hard to gauge how much these talks actually help
*this is made extra fun considering leos also ftm trans, so he is faced with a body that fundamentally disobeys him perhaps more than the average rat-man.
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-and im still going back and forth between a few species for splinter, but im leaning mostly towards an African Spurred Tortoise! they have these beautiful if kinda subtle geometric shell patterns and are the third largest species of tortoise in the world. the only thing that doesnt fit perfectly with Splints is that (allegedly) their lifespan in captivity is around 50ish years, whereas im p sure Tortoise Splinter is well over 75, probably closer to 90 when the boys are born and hes mutated into Old Man Papa.
but maybe hes just a particularly long lasting African Spurred Tortoise.
the Hamato family has taken very good care of him for many decades after all. :)
(well. until everything all fell apart, that is.....)
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autistichalsin · 4 months
When considering Halsin's polygamy, do you think it is just his way of coping with the scars and traumas of his past? He does admit that monogamy is acceptable, but not for him, and he often talks about roaming. However, the more I play this game, get to know him better, and analyze his character, the more I start to doubt that polygamy is not truly what Halsin wants. He has been through so much - pain, suffering, and torture. What if his polygamy is a shield he uses to protect himself from further pain? Perhaps he has realized that he's fallen in love with Tav and now he is afraid of losing them. Just as you mentioned in your previous post, he is afraid of being alone, rejected, and abandoned.
Just a note- it's polyamory, not polygamy. Polygamy refers specifically to marrying more than one woman.
I absolutely do not in any way, shape, or form, think that he's only polyamorous because of his trauma. Polyamory is who Halsin is. There's a devnote in Halsin's scene that says "sincere- this is a core belief of his."
Wood elves are polyamorous by default. The entire cultural belief is that jealousy is a waste of time, and exploring multiple relationships, as long as all people involved consent, is only natural. That is how he was even before becoming a druid.
This isn't an attack against you, anon, I know you were asking a genuine question in earnest, but I am so beyond tired of people trying to reinterpret all of the polyamorous characters in this game as actually monogamous people who are afraid/broken. Why do people insist on doing this? Is it that hard to conceive of a character with an alternative sexuality who actually is happy that way?
Let's just set aside the characterization reasons and look at it from a pure logical perspective. Halsin is the one to bring up polyamory with the player. He is the one to say this is a fundamental part of who he is. If the player answers that they don't have the same nature as he does and don't want a polyamorous relationship, the relationship doesn't progress. If Halsin was actually just pretending to be poly to avoid being abandoned, why would he not jump in at that point and go "oh, actually I'm okay with a monogamous relationship too, please don't leave?" Why would he be okay with the player leaving over this part of himself if it wasn't actually part of himself, just a lie he told to avoid being left alone? Because poly is who he actually is, not a lie he tells himself to engage in emotional self-harm.
Further, if he was so desperate not to be alone that he would deny who he is, he would actually be more likely to lie about being monogamous, not the other way around. Most people will flat-out refuse poly relationships (because it's not for them) and even call poly people perverts or cheaters. Halsin has probably forewent many other relationships before just because of this fundamental incompatibility. If he was scared of being alone, he would be far likelier to pretend he was happy with one person, so that he would be able to find a partner without navigating that situation, than he would to pretend to be some identity that already makes it harder to find a partner to begin with, and that often causes intense strain on relationships when mismanaged to the point that it can easily be the cause of many relationships ending.
Being poly isn't something you lie about because you want not to be alone- being poly makes it infinitely harder to find a relationship just by its nature.
Halsin is "poly and traumatized" not "poly because he's traumatized." It is absolutely absurd to deny his repeated statements that this is who he is and what he wants. Again, no offense, anon, and I hope this doesn't upset you, but I really have no patience for attempts to dismiss a core part of Halsin's identity as a maladaptive coping mechanism.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
could i request headcanons for rindou looking after a fem reader who is recovering from getting sick (ie: more tired than normal, kinda grumpy, still dealing w headaches/congestion or more generic symptoms) ? i am recovering from COVID and i need rindou to look after me so bad LOLL
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sickness begone!!
synopsis: how would rindou act with an s/o recovering from sickness?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ hiii thank you for requesting!! :3 i was wanting to make this a bit longer but i couldn't think of anything else D: i hope it's alright and that everyone enjoys !! xoxo [just as a note, i unintentionally didn't end up using any gendered specifications, so this is gender neutral! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ rindou haitani x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 1.4k+
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❥ rindou is the number one complainer. he isn’t complaining about having to take care of you, no, he’s complaining about how stupid you are for getting sick. it’s an extremely annoying thing to hear when you’re already not feeling well, but it’s his own way of showing that he cares about you!
“how did you even get this sick? you need to take better care of yourself.”  “how ‘m i supposed to know…” “you need to be more careful.” “yep.”  “are you listening to me?” “just give me the damn glass of water.”
❥ he’s actually quite unsure of how to take care of someone who is ill, so he ends up calling his brother for help, asking what he’s supposed to do, (‘aniki, they're burning up, what do i do?’ ‘you don’t know what to do when someone’s sick? you don’t know anything at all?’ ‘i’m hanging up.’ ‘no, no, ‘m sorry, i’ll help you.’). 
❥ when he gets the basic rundown from ran and gets all the supplies he needs, he does his best to try and make you feel better! he doesn’t really say anything the whole time, just squinting at the directions on all the little packages, muttering about how ‘these words are too damn small…’. 
❥ he’s surprisingly soft though, his worry for you taking over his usual snarkiness. he’ll gently brush your hair out of your face and will periodically wipe any sweat away from your face with a damp cloth, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. he’ll stay by your bedside for almost the whole time you are there, watching over you and making sure that everything is alright, (he also insists on helping you walking to the bathroom or kitchen even if you can walk completely fine). 
❥ does not care if you bitch and moan about the bitter taste of the medicine. you will be taking it, no matter what. 
❥ he makes sure to check your temperature regularly, letting out an annoys tsk when he notices that your temperature is still high, (might curse out whatever virus that is tormenting your body at the moment).
❥ his snarkiness immediately comes back when you start to get better, though it comes in the form of nagging like an old grandma. 
“hey, why’re you going out?”  “‘m going to get decongestant.”  “stupid, don’t go by yourself. stay here, i’ll go.” 
❥ he just does it because he cares, so don’t get too annoyed with him!
❥ he secretly compares you to a lazy cat when he sees you lounging around your apartment, sprawled out all over the sofa or even just on the floor, (of course, he will never voice this, but he thinks it's rather cute). sometimes if you’ve ended up falling asleep there, he will snap a few pictures because he thinks you’re absolutely adorable!
❥ i think that rindou knows what it’s like to get bad headaches since having bad vision can sometimes cause them, so he understands what you’re going through when you complain of having a pounding pain in your temples. without any sort of explanation, he’ll tell you to lay down with him in bed or on your couch and he’ll gently massage your temples, doing his best to help ease your pain, (if you try to tease him or bring it up later, he will pretend like he has no idea what you’re talking about). 
❥ when you snap at him while you’re recovering, he’ll either completely ignore you or will call you an idiot and then will continue whatever he was doing. either way, he won’t ever get upset with you and he won’t snap back either since he knows that you’re not really in your right mind. 
❥ rindou likes to sleep, (not as much as ran) but he will stay up for however long you can’t sleep for whatever reason there may be, whether it’s congestion, a headache, or any other pains in your body. he’ll carefully smooth his hand over your forehead to get rid of any sweat and will hold you close to him for comfort, gently rubbing his hand in circles on your back until you fall asleep, (if you say a word about it, he will once again pretend like it didn’t happen. he is the biggest tsundere). 
❥ he does not know how to cook, but he will try his damndest to make you some good meals so that you don’t have to cook. every time you try to help him he will roll his eyes and tell you to go back to bed, ‘don’t worry, i’ve got this’, (he does not got this). he’s on the phone with ran the whole time, which is odd because he doesn’t know how to cook either. 
“oh…wow! it looks great!” “why did you pause?”  “uh, no reason…!” 
❥ it’s the thought that counts…?
❥ you guys end up ordering takeout, and you have to comfort rindou for the whole night that you were very appreciative that he tried to cook for you, (he’s not outwardly upset, but it’s easy to tell that he’s sulking). 
❥ you know those people who tell you to drink water whenever you complain about something? that’s rindou while you’re recovering. your head hurts? did you drink water? your stomach is achey? did you drink water? you’re really dizzy? did you drink water? it’s not even like he knows that water will fix any of those things, he just read an article on how sick people should have a lot of fluids, so he’s constantly shoving water and electrolyte drinks in your face. 
❥ binge watching is the number one activity to do while you’re sick, so rindou will watch any show you want to watch with you. he doesn’t exactly say why, but it’s because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s leaving you alone, especially while you’re sick, (it doesn’t really make sense to anybody but him). 
“wait, hold on. so mary was dating mark but then she cheated on him with kendall?”  “right?! it’s so crazy!!” 
❥ he somehow gets into the crazy reality tv shows you watched because of your boredom. 
❥ going back to this note, he’s not just by your side 24/7 while you’re sick, but also while you’re recovering. it’s completely irrational, but he has this fear that you’re suddenly going to collapse and get even sicker than you were before if he’s not there, so he will not let you leave his sight, (unless he’s going to the store to get something for you). 
❥ if you want something, while you’re recovering is the time to ask for it! rindou is especially weak to your requests, and even more so when you’re feeling unwell, so if you ask him to buy you five pints of ice cream, he’ll end up buying ten, (he enjoys seeing the grin on your face, so he thinks it’s worth it). 
❥ he does not care if you’re sick or still recovering, he will keep kissing you, and no, he doesn’t care if he gets sick. why should he let some stupid virus dictate whether or not he can kiss you? he might not seem like it, but he lives off of the affection that he gets from you, so he can’t even imagine not being able to kiss you. 
❥ no matter the length of your hair, he will braid it. it’s a strange thing, and he doesn’t have an answer for you when you ask him what he’s doing. all he says is, ‘...keeps it out of your face…’, (he only knows how to braid because of ran). 
❥ will walk by and toss a blanket on you if you don’t have one on already. it’s almost like he’s attacking you with blankets, but he just says that ‘you need to stay warm’. 
❥ when you finally get better, he’s so relieved! he will only admit it to you, (and he will only say it once) but he was actually really worried about you. he’s not ever worried about your safety when you’re with him and his brother because he knows that they can fight off anybody who tries to hurt you, but sickness isn’t something that he can fight, so he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with himself. all he could do was hope and pray that you would get better, and he absolutely hated it. 
❥ he takes you out to your favorite restaurant and spoils you rotten when you’re back to your normal self <3
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Beach! Headcanons
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, Nifty, Lucifer, Adam, Cherri
A/N: Hey guys! I am just so ready for summer to come so I can relax on the beach… so i thought it would be fun to do some beach headcanons for our favorite sinners!
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Definitely the one that organized this entire beach day.
Though this is supposed to encourage relaxation, she is sort of stressed making sure that everyone gets along. 
Very adamant that everyone wears their sunscreen.
Drags Vaggie into the water to play around and try to find fish.
Makes sure everything is as perfect as it can get. Snacks? Check. Tons of water and drinks? Check. Umbrellas and tents? Check. Speakers? You bet!
Once she tires herself out, she takes a very well-deserved nap in the sand.
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Spend the trip making sure that Charlie finally gets a day to relax and not worry so much.
The second anyone tries to splash her or throw sand at her, a full blown beach battle ensues.
Will definitely be the one to dig holes in the sand and see how deep she can make it.
Was planning on relaxing and sunbathing, but gave in to Charlie's begging to go swimming (and actually enjoyed it a lot).
The second Charlie takes a nap, Vaggie will guard her to make sure that nobody disturbs her needed sleep. 
Makes sure to put more sunscreen on Charlie while she’s asleep so she won’t get burned.
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This man is allergic to the sun.
Like, he’s covered from head to toe in sunscreen, wearing far too much clothing given the fact that he’s at the beach, and hides in a beach tent for the entirety of the day. 
Angel thought it would be funny to toss some sand into his tent until Alastor sent one of his shadows after him and he ran away screaming.
Like… Why did he agree to come??
He does enjoy listening to some of the music that Charlie plays until he realizes that it’s coming from a phone and not a radio (Al, who the fuck brings a radio to the beach?).
The only person that he lets come into his tent is Niffty, because she just over exhausts herself and takes a nap in the shade.
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🕷️💖Angel Dust💖🕷️:
Definitely the life of the party.
Is wearing the most stylish bikini and the cuntiest sunglasses, just a total beach diva.
Though Charlie insisted that the only drinks allowed were water and soda, Angel manages to sneak a couple bottles of Beelzejuice so he and Husk can actually have some fun.  
Builds sand castles with Cherri Bomb, gets extremely upset if somebody messes it up.
Absolutely demolishes the competition in a game of beach volleyball (Having 6 arms comes in handy). 
Also wins any sort of swimming contest that Vaggie challenges him to (Again, 6 arms really gives you an advantage).
Definitely sees some cute guys and fake-flirts with them to get Husk’s attention.
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He’s a cat demon for a reason, any time Angel tries to drag him into the water, the hairs on his back rise and he hisses in disdain. 
The group eventually gives up on trying to get him to swim, letting him relax in the sand instead.
Drinks almost all of Angel's alcohol stash and passes out in the sand, curled into a purring ball, wings protecting him from being burned.
Angel takes a picture of him like this, and when he later finds it in Angel’s room he threatens to kill him if he doesn't immediately get rid of it (secretly thinks it's sweet that angel cares enough to hang a photo of him in his room.)
After much begging, he agrees to play beach volleyball with Angel, Cherri, and Vaggie. He absolutely sucks and gets pissed if anybody makes fun of him for it (except for Angel. He’ll allow it).
Ends up carrying most of the heavy stuff after they decide to leave.
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🐍⚙️Sir Pentious⚙️🐍:
Decides to bring his Egg Bois, but ends up worried that they’ll literally cook the whole time so he makes a little hole for them in the sand to cool off. 
“Uhh.. Miss Cherri, would you like to build a sandcastle with me?” “Why? I thought we were mortal enemies, old man!” “Uh.. ummm… because I’m asking EVERYONE to build a sandcastle with me…!”
Hangs out in the water the whole time because it’s much easier to maneuver in water than on sand as a snake. 
Built a machine specifically made to drill holes underground, somehow ends up making an entire tunnel system under the sand. This eventually leads to Vaggie walking on a particularly weak spot on the sand and literally falling into the caved-in tunnel. She was pissed off, to say the least, and banned the use of any “inventions” for the rest of the day.
Really wants to impress Cherri and join in on her volleyball game, but is way too shy. He’ll just cheer her on and admire her from the sidelines.
Loves napping in the sun -  being at the beach is like laying under one big heat lamp, so his cold-blooded self delights in it.
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Because there are no bugs for her to kill, she will literally hunt hermit crabs for sport. It’s actually horrifying. 
Sir Pentious soon regrets building the whole tunnel system thing because Niffty starts crawling around in it and jumpscaring people at random. 
Somebody has to have their eye on her the entire time, or she will disappear without a trace and just - become one with the crabs?
Eventually tires herself out and takes a nap in Alastor’s tent (Much to everyone’s relief).
Definitely brings up the idea of going out to get a treat after, like ice cream or snow cones, which surprisingly everyone agrees with. 
Ends up sneaking a few small animals back with her to the hotel.
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🍒💣Cherri Bomb💣🍒:
Thought it was lame when Charlie insisted on a “sin-free” trip, but had a little hope when Angel told her about the drinks he snuck in. Got extra pissed when she found Husk passed out with all of the bottles empty.
Was the one who initiated all of the athletic games, she just needs an outlet to blow some steam off.
When she’s not playing in the sun, she lays on her towel and makes designs on herself using sunscreen so she can have some cute marks after she’s done tanning. 
Thought it was adorable that Sir Pentious set up his towel and things suspiciously close to her because it was “the only spot where the sun coated him evenly” (Like what? Dude could not be more obvious.)
Brought a surfboard because she used to love surfing before she died and tries to teach anybody who’s willing to learn. 
Sets off one of her bombs underwater to create the biggest wave anybody’s ever seen (it ends up soaking everybody else, and she has to make it up to them by covering the ice cream bill later).
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Only came because Charlie insisted that it would be a good father-daughter bonding experience.
Kind of puts everyone on their toes - can they even have fun with the king of Hell watching their every move? (This helps Charlie prolong her nap - nobody wants to joke around or mess with her in front of her dad).
Tensions are high until he joins the volleyball game and shows everyone that yes, the king of Hell can be fun too.
Everyone relaxes after this, but they relax more when Lucifer shyly gives each of them a rubber duck that looks just like them. When Charlie asked him about this, he replied “I guess if they’re your friends, they should be my friends too.”
Has a huge rubber duck inflatable pool float that he brings to float around on.
Claims that he doesn’t like going to the beach, but the matching swim trunks and Hawaiian shirt that he just happened to have in his closet says differently.
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Has the original dad bod and will 100% flaunt it and talk about how sexy he is (nobody is listening.)
Wasn’t actually even invited, but he ended up seeing the rest of them there and hoped that he could make them miserable if he hung out just close enough to them.
Steals Cherri’s surfboard and brags about how he’s about to demolish the waves, but absolutely eats shit and will never hear the end of it.
Doesn’t realize Lucifer is there until he sees him glaring at him from a nearby tent and gets scared shitless.
Will deny it if anybody asks, but he’s secretly looking for the perfect seashell to bring back to Heaven and surprise Lute with. 
Everyone genuinely celebrates when he gets bored and finally decides to leave (cue that one duck meme “ADAM!”) 💀
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undercroft-files · 2 months
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Gif not mine
Various HL Characters & MC
Genre: Scenarios
Summary: After MC's daring solo fight with Ranrok and doing whatever they chose to do with the stored ancient magic, they were admitted into the hospital wing by some of the professors that found them. The nurse just now started allowing visitors, how do they all react?
Characters: Natsai Onai, Sebastian Sallow, Poppy Sweeting, Ominis Gaunt, Amit Thakkar, Eleazar Fig
Warnings: Mentions of cuts, bruises, and bandages but nothing out of place.
Natsai Onai
Once she heard about you being in the hospital wing and knowing you were allowed one visitor at a time, Natty didn't waste a second in seeing you. She knew about Ranrok and the ancient magic but a whole battle against Rankrok alone under Hogwarts definitely didn't sound pleasant.
The hospital wing was quiet, no one else seemed to be there at the time other than you. Natty immediately came to your side and hugged you, catching you off guard.
"I am so happy you are okay!" Natty exclaimed, clutching you around your waist.
"Ow...!" You grunted, your voice was hoarse and gravely from overuse.
"Oh! I apologize! Did I accidentally harm you?" Natty asked, becoming aware of her own strength and letting you go.
"You're okay, Natty. Thank you for coming to visit me." You said, your voice cracking a little from it being hoarse.
"Of course, MC. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't make sure they were okay after what I heard you went through." Natty admitted, pulling one of the visitor's chairs closer to your bed and sitting down on it.
"Ah, so you know." You chuckled, a weak smile on your face.
"How could I not? Most people assumed you were expelled but I knew Black wouldn't actually do that after all the trouble he went through just to get you here." Natty said, hinting to the spreading rumors about you.
"Huh, you got a point..." You replied, your voice cracking again.
"You sound tired, why don't you get some more rest?" Natty offered, pulling some of your covers up for you.
"And miss out on seeing my friend when I need her most?" You replied, smiling at Natty.
"Trust me, MC. You will not be missing out on anything because I will remain here until I'm told otherwise. Get some rest, you deserve it." Natty almost commanded, helping you shift into a comfortable position for you to sleep.
Sebastian Sallow
He didn't even wait from word about where you were after the events of the goblin attack were confirmed, he just bolted to the hospital wing. Sebastian had a lot on his mind since you last talked to him, the events between him and what was left of his family shattering and you stayed by him, despite when he got difficult. He needed to talk to you.
The nurse almost didn't let him enter but you called out and told her that it was okay. Sebastian gave one final glare to the nurse before he rushed to your side, grabbing your hands and holding them in a comforting way.
"Are you okay? You look absolutely terrible." Sebastian stated, looking over all the markings of your face and arms.
"Well, I've definitely been better." You joked, smiling a little.
"You should've told me. I could've helped you." Sebastian said, sitting on the bed by your legs but never letting go of your hands.
"No, Sebastian. It would've been useless. Professor Fig was with me but I told him to leave because it was too dangerous for him, I would've told you the same if you were there. Besides, you had your own things to worry about—"
"No, no, no, don't say that. You've done so much for me this year that most people wouldn't have been able to accomplish in a single year, the least I could've done was protect you." Sebastian said, his grip slightly getting tighter but not overbearing.
"I'm fine, really." You tried to push away his concerns but he insisted.
"Fine? MC, have you looked at yourself? Your arms are covered in bandages, you basically look like a mummy! If that's your definition of 'Fine' then I'm deeply concerned for you." Sebastian confronted, causing you to give me a pitiful smile.
"I'm sorry, Sebastian. I just didn't want anymore trouble nor did I want to risk losing someone I care about." You admitted, giving a small smile.
"I forgive you, just promise me next year won't be as dangerous as this one? I appreciate adventure, but not death wishes." Sebastian joked, causing you to laugh a bit.
Poppy Sweeting
"MC! Are you okay?!" Poppy greeted, rushing to your side at the hospital wing.
"Yeah, just a bit bruised." You admitted, smiling to Poppy.
"Don't ever do that again! From now on, I'm gonna make sure Highwing always has her eyes on you because you're just so... so—reckless!" Poppy exclaimed, her worries and care pouring out like word vomit.
Poppy had more to say but you didn't want to interrupt her in her worried rants, so you just listened with a smile on your face. She finished with an exaggerated sigh, her lungs trapping a bit of air at the beginning of her rant that needed to be let out.
"Feel better now?" You joked, seeing her calm down.
"A bit, I'll be way better once you're well enough to leave the hospital wing." Poppy admitted, sighing a little.
"Couldn't agree more." You stated, smiling brightly.
Ominis Gaunt
Word about the goblin attack spread through the school and surrounding areas like wildfire, everyone's talked about it at least once. Ominis knew you had some quarrels with a goblin named Ranrok and knew the dangers that came with it and he didn't question that you played a major part in defending Hogwarts.
Sebastian was the one to inform Ominis about you being in the hospital wing but that you hadn't woken up yet, so it felt only right to check on you, even if you didn't know he was there.
Ominis used Floo Powder to get to the hospital wing to make travel easier and located you from his wand, still unconscious. He sighed a little before sitting down in a nearby chair, waiting for either you to wake up or for the nurse to tell him it was time to go.
He wished you stayed mostly out of trouble when you got here or at least only worried about the goblin issues, sensing the bandages on you made Ominis have the feeling that if him and Sebastian had been more reckless when you helped them that this would've happened sooner.
Ominis heard you shuffle a little in your bed and tensed up a bit, trying to hear if you were awake or not.
"Ominis...?" You asked, answering his question.
"Hi," Ominis paused, not really knowing what to say. "How do you feel?"
"Like I just got attacked by a magical dragon." You chuckled, causing Ominis to give you a more concerning look than he already had. "Sorry..."
"Don't apologize, you did what you had to do." Ominis paused again, he's not used to comforting people or being comforted so he really didn't know what to say. He gently found your hand and held it. "I'm just glad you made it out alive."
You smiled, Ominis had always been nice to you unless he was upset but somehow managed to forgive you easily. You know you and Ominis got off on a lot of wrong starts but tried to make it up whenever you could, like if you saw his struggling in potions, you'd help him.
"Thank you, Ominis." You said with a smile, gently squeezing his hand.
Ominis smiled, "Just promise to not get into as much trouble in the future, you got lucky this time, I wouldn't test it again."
You chuckled, agreeing with him.
Amit Thakkar
He was anxious all morning during breakfast because he had heard of what to you the night prior, he wanted to see you but knew it wasn't worth the risk of getting caught when he didn't want to be. Finally, after leaving the Great Hall, he hurried to the hospital wing to find you quietly eating something yourself.
"Oh, hello Amit." You greeted, seeing him approach you.
"MC, what happened? Are you okay?" Amit asked, sitting down in a chair next to your bed.
"Well, goblins happened. Hopefully, I gave them enough of a scare that they decide to never mess around with Hogwarts again, and yes, I'm okay." You explained, smiling a bit.
"I've been so worried since I heard about the rumors of the goblin attack. I knew you were trying to keep them from whatever they were looking for but I was hoping they were just rumors." Amit admitted, sighing a little.
"Honestly, I'd have wished the same thing. It's over now, though. There will still be a nasty goblin here and there but they seem like a pesky bug now after I fought Ranrok." You joked, smiling to Amit.
Amit chuckled, finding a weird sense of admiration from your bravery. "I guess fighting a goblin who had been using wizard magic makes everything else seem like an assignment for school." Amit agreed, smiling back at you.
He decided to stay as long as he could with you as good company, some of your other friends came to visit and bring you gifts but he never left.
Eleazar Fig
He had been the one that carried your unconscious body to the hospital wing after you collapse from the powerful fight Ranrok gave you and from keeping that ancient magic from branching out where it doesn't belong. You had told him to run to safety after Ranrok destroyed the crate the magic was concealed in, he hated the idea of leaving a student he cared for in the jaws of potential death but he had no other choice.
He helped the other professors fight the goblins that came before rushing back to check on you, finding Ranrok dead, the magic concealed once more, and your body motionless on the ground. He expected the worst but didn't give up hope, he knew you could pull through.
After the nurse patched up your wounds and gave you a bed to rest in, Fig spent all his time by your side. He had a few cuts and bruises on himself that he got taken care of as well but never left you out of his sight for too long, not wanting to miss when you woke up again.
Hours passed, maybe even a full day passed before you slowly opened your eyes. Fig's attention was brought back to reality when he heard you sigh and saw your hand instinctively rub your eye.
"Professor...?" You asked, your voice raspy from the battle.
"I'm here, it's alright. You're in the hospital wing, Ranrok is dead, and the ancient magic has been concealed. You've done it." Fig smiled, gently taking the hand you weren't using and holding it.
"How long...?" You began but trailed off, finding it hard to use your words.
"You haven't been out long. Maybe a day, but I was expecting you to be resting longer." Fig admitted, gently brushing his thumb over your knuckles.
You hummed in response, letting Fig know you heard him. Words became something nearly impossible for you to use as tiredness and the weight of your body needing healing overpowered you.
"Rest, MC. Merlin knows you deserve it after all you've done." Fig said, seeing how exhausted you still were.
You nodded before letting yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber, the most peaceful you've had in a long time. Fig smiled before he leaned back in the chair he was sitting on, thinking to himself, 'I could use some shut eye too.'
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diorysuss · 1 month
i’m gonna be honest I do NOT blame khan for leaving uzi. the circumstances were not lined up in his favor, and we had an entirely different perspective from him as well, like
1. it was a complete lose-lose, he was going to lose his daughter either way if the dissasmbly drone got into the bunker, so he chose to minimize casualties.
2. he didn’t know uzi’s railgun worked, as uzi had lied to him and insisted she was inspecting doors. all previous renditions of the railgun had failed so logically he had no reason to believe it would work now
3. disassembly drones to workers at the time were the equivalent of a xenomorph. bloodthirsty. animals. khan did NOT know N like that.
4. he is obviously very guilty and mournful of leaving uzi. this is not a decision he wanted to make, hell he even hesitates before backing down.
now, am I saying this magically forgives khan? hell no !! he still emotionally neglected uzi, was a coward, and failed to connect with her in his grieving of his wife (which leads to his obsession with doors but yall ain’t ready for that conversation) but i’m tired of people completely assassinating his character for the sake of victimizing/traumatizing uzi more
he’s still my absolute girlfail
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rosehiroto · 5 months
Patessiere luxiem(+sonny and alban) x gn reader pls
The hanging out at the back while making sweets 🍮
Hello anon! Thank you for the extremely adorable request! I'm so sorry for taking so much time to do this, I hope you enjoy reading it♡.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about vtubers based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Fandom: nijisanji luxiem, noctyx.
Pairing: luxiem + Sonny, Alban x Mc
Category: fluff, men being absolutely wholesome
Love sweeter than cake
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Luca Kanashiro
• Luca met Mc during their interview as he owned the shop, it was family business passed down from generation to generation.
• Luca took a liking to them since meeting them on their first day and hired them right away, he'll check up on Mc for the first couple of day to make sure everything is okay and no one is annoying them.
• Definitely loves sneaking in a few of Mc's pastries when no one is looking.
• Luca gets absolutely overjoyed when Mc notices, and brings some pastries to him after work with a cup of tea in the staff room so he can enjoy them.
• Won't allow them to be on work if they're sick or tired, or will have them on cashier duty if they insist on working.
• Gets the courage to ask them out with a small cupcake 'go out with me?' written on it in with yellow frosting.
• Dates with him consist of drinking milk tea while eating pastries at the park after work.
The sky was baby blue, as clear as ever, with small white fluffy clouds moving through it, it was truly a beautiful day, the best for for a picnic.
Mc was walking hand in hand with Luca towards the park, basket in hand as Luca swung their hands back and forth together, another basket in his hand, as he chuckling slightly at something Mc was telling him about their day.
"It's such a pog day! You pick out the best days" Luca hummed happily enjoying the sun that was warming up his face, Mc chuckled softly and kissed the back of Luca's hand at the compliment.
"Oh you know, it's nothing amazing really, the sun just was nice to us today, now that seems like a nice spot right?" Mc mumbles as they walk towards an empty spot in the park, the grass crunching under their shoes as they walk hand in hand.
"That looks like a good spot" the male aggred setting down the basket in his hand and stretching his arms over his head with a small yawn, Mc taking out the blanket from inside their basket and placing it on the ground, patting Luca's back gently as they sit down the male quickly sitting next to them and laying down to rest his head on their lap grinning widely up at them.
"Well, hi there little lion" Mc chuckled softly pressing a gentle peck to Luca's mouth moving to grab some of the food inside the basket.
"All this sun got me all sleepy now" Luca pouted softly yawning once more, opening his mouth once Mc held a small cookie towards his lips, humming gently at the taste.
"Well, you did sleep late last night" Mc took a bite out of loaf of bread filled with cheese, as Luca whined a bit and moved to lay on his side grabbing a sandwich and starting to eat.
"How can a sandwich taste so good" the male sighed happily munching on the sandwich, Mc patting his head gently, pushing his hair away from his face as they grab a croissant luca made and started eating it.
"Because it's full of love" Mc chuckled softly, Luca staring up at them with a wide grin, taking a big bite out of the sandwich and kicking his feet up in the air.
"Your love tastes very pog" Luca hummed once more, taking hold of Mc's hand and kissing their fingers gently.
The two love birds continued to eat their food together enjoying the nice weather, hearts full of love.
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Shu Yamino
• First time Shu met Mc was on his first day at work, he had just started working at the shop and they were the one showing him around and telling him about his shifts.
• Was absolutely amazed by how nice they were, and will preferably hang out with them on breaks.
• Loves sharing whatever he's eating with mc whether it's something he made, noddles, or simply just something he's drinking, bought Mc a penguin keychain that reminded him of them.
• Will definitely take over Mc's shifts whenever they're tired or sick, might excuse himself from work too to take them home or take care of them if needed.
• Insisted once on taking Mc to his favourite ramen restaurant, and paid for everything they ate, now he takes Mc there on a regular basis, on lunch break too sometimes.
• Asked Mc out after he walked them home from the ramen restaurant, while Mc was opening their door and saying goodbye, he suddenly took hold of their hand and asked them to go out with him in a mess of jumbled words, face extremely red and hands trembling slightly from nervousness.
• He takes Mc out to eat, or go to the arcade and try to beat each other while giggling like kids together.
Shu was walking next to Mc, pulling his beanie down to cover his head better, his breaths appearing in small puffs in the air, the sky snowing gently.
Mc pulled on Shu's elbow gently, lowering his hands to pull the beanie properly on his head, holding his cold cheeks gently and pinching them gently.
Shu gave Mc a big grin, kissing their palm gently before moving to hold their hand and starting to walk towards their favorite restaurant.
"I'm so hungry" the male whined slightly pushing his hand that was linked with Mc's into his pocket, feeling giddy all of a sudden.
"Me too, I'm definitely gonna order the big bowl of ramen" Mc hummed gently, already tasting the very delicious ramen, shu humming in agreement.
They entered the small restaurant after a few minutes of walking, sitting quickly at their usual table, relaxing immediately at the warm atmosphere of the place, as the chef passes a smile their way and takes their orders.
Shu starting eating immediately when his food arrived, almost burning his tongue with the hot ramen, Mc snickering at him and pinching his palm that was resting on the table the male pouting softly.
"Let's go to my house after this and bake cookies, it's too cold to stay home alone" the male pouted, Mc humming gently while eating their food, it was truly too cold to stay alone and making cookies did sound extremely fun.
"Sure babe, but you better not get my clothes dirty with flour, or so God help me because I will kill you" Mc huffed, Shu giggling and wiggling his eyebrows, making a thoughtful face, nodding his head with a chuckle when Mc raised their eyebrow at him.
"I'll have you know I'm an absolute gentlemen, since every single time I clean your clothes and let you borrow my amazing and more comfortable clothes" Shu tsked pinching Mc's cheek, and stealing half of their egg from their ramen bowl, laughing when Mc pouted at him, giving them his egg to make amends while chuckling.
Shu and Mc continued to eat their warm meals, their bodies warm and their hearts full, going to Shu's house after dinner and throwing flour at each other, cuddling together after, dirty clothes ordeal forgotten as they warmed each other up full of sweet cookies and love.
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Ike Eveland
• Mc and Ike were childhood best friends who lost touch when Ike moved to another city, they met again when Ike once passed by the shop Mc worked at to eat something sweet.
• Both were absolutely overjoyed to see each other again, he waited for Mc until they finished work to walk together and eat out while catching up.
• Since then he visits the shop all the time, working or writing in the great atmosphere of the shop, and walks Mc home after they finish work.
• Will stay home with Mc whenever their sick and take care of them, makes them some food and sweets to help them feel better.
• Takes Mc to their favourite park when they were kids to hang out, enjoy the weather and eat ice cream together while reminiscing about the good past.
• Exchanging books together with Mc was something they did since they were children, so once he slipped a note saying 'would me make me the happiest guy on earth and go out with me?' inside the book and exchanged books with Mc as usual, Mc reads the book and calls him upon finding the note and he simply answers with a soft chuckle and says 'so what do you say? Let me take you out to our favourite restaurant?'.
• Going on dates with Ike was so normal, as they always went out together, so their dates are at home where they watch a movie while eating sweets together or simply being in each other's presence.
The sound of the doorbell ringing grabbed Ike's attention, the male quickly placing his book down on the coffee table and getting up to open the door.
The sight of Mc mc standing outside brought a wide smile to his lips as he ushered them inside, the same smile on Mc's lips as they got inside a few books in hand as they took their shoes off.
Ike took the books from Mc, placing a gentle kiss to their forehead and walking towards the coffee table to place the books down, Mc walking after him and taking a seat on the couch Ike sitting next to them quickly.
The two started a simple conversation, talking about their day, Ike getting up halfway through to make them tea, Mc trailing behind him like a puppy, talking about their day at work, both of them cuddling after and drinking tea together.
"So, what do you think of the book älskling?" The male asked as he took the book from the coffee table handing it to Mc and curling into their side to watch as they open to the marked pages they liked.
"It was so nice! It's a nice change of pace from the romance one, this one focuses on family and siblings and I really like it, definitely made me cry, you can feel the emotions of the characters through their words and body language and that shows how good the writer is" Mc explained showing him their favorite pages, Ike's lips pursed slightly before turning into a wide grin as he took the book from Mc's hand showing them his favorite pages.
"What about you? Did you like the book I gave you?" Mc asks resting their head against his shoulder as he opens the book Mc gave him trailing his fingers across the cover gently.
"Definitely, I usually don't read horror books, but this one is definitely good, I love how it's a mix of horror and fantasy, it definitely gives a lot of fan service while also keeping you on your toes" Ike rambled opening a few marked pages to show mc, telling them of his favorite character as they discuss their books of the week.
"I wanna read something more exciting this time ikey, fantasy or thriller will definitely be great" Mc explains, when Ike passes them a book from the coffee table, Mc opening it and checking the first page humming in satisfaction before grabbing a book from the table and passing it to him.
"Thank you älskling, fairy tail huh? Looks rather exciting" the male hummed happily flipping through a few pages, kissing Mc's forehead gently taking the book in their hand and placing both books on the coffee table.
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"What movie shall we watch today? I'm feeling like watching something funny, what about you?" Ike asked, grabbing the remote from the arm of the couch and turning the TV on, flipping through the movie list to pick one, Mc hums gently against his shoulder, Ike deciding on a movie, grabbing a blanket from next to him on the couch and covering both him and Mc with it as they both watch the movie together, cuddling close.
Mysta Rias
• Mysta met Mc when they started working at the shop, he was a regular and noticed when a new employee was at the cashier taking his orders.
• Doesn't really react much at first, as it wasn't really any of his business who worked at the shop, but he'll start to enjoy Mc's presence slowly.
• He insists on only eating whatever Mc made after getting closer to them, as it 'doesn't even compare to anyone else's even if he did eat it before', he'll start to visit even more and now knows Mc's working hours and visits then to enjoy their baking.
• Will be slightly upset and worried when he goes to the shop and doesn't find mc at the cashier, will call them to check up on them after getting their number from another employee who was their friend, buys Mc some stuff and goes to visit them after getting premission from them and their address to spend some time with them.
• He doesn't go out to many places, so he prefers to hang out with Mc at the shop after they finish work.
• He gave Mc a note while he was paying for the pastries he bought, which had his confession, and left the shop in a hurry, Mc passes him the note the next day with a 'yes♡' written on it at the bottom under his confession.
• He takes Mc out to an ice cream place, and they just walk around town while eating ice cream and enjoying their time together.
Mc sighs in relief stretching their hand, their shoulders cracking as the walk out of the staff room already out of their work clothes, Mysta who was practically bored out of his mind, perked up at the sight of Mc.
The male got up to slump himself over Mc with a small whine, Mc patting his back gently and pressing a kiss to his temple.
"Ready to go baby?" Mc asked gently waving goodbye to their coworker as Mysta grabbed his bag from his table waving towards the worker at the cashier and linking his arm with Mc's with a small hum.
"So what does my sweet darling wanna do? Should we just go home or wanna go out somewhere?" Mc hums out, already thinking of a couple of places they can go, before deciding that home was a better idea when they noticed mysta's expression.
His lips were formed into a pout, eyes blinking slowly which definitely told Mc he was sleepy, his movement slightly sluggish as he was practically slumped forward.
"Home sounds like the better solution right now, as much as I love going out, you look absolutely exhausted baby" Mc mumbled gently patting Mysta's cheek gently the male leaning against their touch.
The male hummed gently in agreement, a small 'thank you' leaving his lips as he and Mc walk home, slowly with his sluggish pace.
Mysta draped himself over Mc's couch the moment they arrive home, eyes shut as he breaths deeply nuzzling against the soft pillows, Mc chuckling softly at him and covering him with a blanket that was on the couch already, kissing his head and moving towards the kitchen.
About two hours later, Mysta is woken up by Mc gently kissing his forehead to wake him up, plates of food in hand as they brush his hair away from his face gently.
"Get up honey, I made you some food, eat and then we sleep together yeah?" Mc hums gently Mysta getting up with a small yawn, hand shaky when he tries to take the spoon from Mc's hand, who shushs him gently and moves the spoon away from his hand and started to feed him slowly.
Mysta hummed gently after he finished his food, leaning against Mc's shoulder as they walk towards the bedroom to sleep, the male falling onto the bed and nuzzling up to the comfortable pillows shivering slightly at the cold sheets.
Mc joins him after changing clothes quickly, pulling the warm blanket over them as Mysta nuzzles into their warm embrace, mc and Mysta fall asleep in each other's arms happily, sharing their warmth that lulls them gently to sleep.
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Vox Akuma
• Vox met Mc for the first time when they came into the shop to buy some pastries, the male as usual a bit of a flirt made some flirtatious comments here and there, Mc giving him a small smile and leaving after taking their order.
• He's absolutely smitten, talks all about it to his coworker shu, who tries to support him somehow, 'Mc is just so UGH' he said slamming his forehead into the wall.
• Loves it whenever Mc visits and will be extremely attentive, even paying for whatever they want, will be so happy when they sit at one of the tables inside the shop and start working on something, he'll check on them every once in a while to make sure they don't need anything.
• Will be very worried when Mc doesn't come at their usual time and comes a few hours later with a red nose and watery eyes as they sneeze, will take Mc to the back and scold them gently giving them some of the medication he had in case he got a tummy ache or felt sick, and will wait until the end of his shift which was in a few minutes, then walks Mc home, will call them for the next couple of days to check up on them until they're fine and healthy.
• He takes Mc to his house to hang out while he bakes sweets, and makes Mc try them, makes a mess of the kitchen when Mc insisted on helping, they'll both be covered in flour by the end of it.
• confessed when Mc was at his house while making sweets together, asks Mc while busying himself in kneading the dough, thankfully he didn't get to see Mc's wide eyed expression as their face slowly turns scarlet red, or Mc would've never heard the end of it.
• He takes Mc out on night or early morning strolls, loves to take them to the park or just chill at his house anywhere is fine as long as they're there.
" 's too early to go out" Mc mumbles sleepily against vox's chest, said male helping them dress with a gentle coo as he smiles down gently on them, hair pulled back into a ponytail as he wraps his arms around Mc.
"I know baby, I promise you'll love it when you see the sunrise, you don't have to do anything the park is just down the street" the male promises pressing a gentle kiss to their forehead, as he grabs a bag he set on the bed and taking hold of Mc's hand gently pulling them towards the door, it was very early in the morning and Vox thought of how great it would be to watch the sunrise then and there.
Mc whines gently for a bit more before giving up and following vox, who ties their shoes for them with a grin, walking towards the park at the end of the street after.
Vox pulls out two blankets from the bag on his shoulder, placing one on the ground and covering Mc with the other when they sit down, sitting down next to them and pulling the blanket over his shoulders.
Mc nuzzles against Vox's shoulder with a small yawn watching as the dark sky started to turn blue, the sun starting to appear more and more with the passer of time.
Mc breathed deeply as half of the sun rose, the world basking in it's gentle eternal light, Vox's grin growing wider as he wrapped his arm around Mc's shoulder gently.
"It's so pretty isn't it?" Vox hummed gently Mc looking up to watch him looking at them with soft eyes and wide smile.
"Yeah, the sun looks absolutely breathtaking" Mc hummed back, Smile growing on their lips as Vox's grows wider, snickering for a sec before kissing Mc's head.
"As beautiful as the sun is, it'll never look prettier than you under it's glow" the male sighed gently, chuckling when Mc flushed nuzzling against his shoulder knowing how extremely cheesy he sounds.
Vox sighs happily resting his head on top of Mc's, watching the sun rise happily with his own sun by his side.
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Sonny brisko
• Sonny met Mc when he bumped into them while they were opening up the shop, the male in a hurry to get to work apologizing quickly and going on his way, he visits the shop again after his work, and apologizes to Mc once more while ordering some cupcakes with a sheepish smile.
• Feels kinda guilty for bumping into Mc in his hurry and tries to make it up to them with visiting the shop from time to time and buying pastries from the shop for himself and his coworkers sometimes.
• Definitely notices if Mc is the one who made the pastries or someone else, and will compliment it every single time, definitely teases Mc about how red they get.
• Will be slightly surprised when he enters the shop and didn't find Mc at the cashier, will call Mc on his way home after buying some stuff and check up on them, will insist on visiting them the day after and that he'll buy them anything they need.
• Sonny at first didn't really take Mc anywhere as he wasn't that close to them, but with time he started to wait for them and walk home with them, sending them pictures in work with his coworkers, or simply hanging out with them in the park.
• While he and Mc were walking home once, someone randomly ran into Mc making them fall on the ground, Sonny helped Mc and took care of the man who turned out to be a robber, after the incident he visited Mc to check if they were okay and confessed in his panic and worry for their well being, face turns extremely red after.
• Sonny likes to take Mc out to eat, or do domestic things together, go shopping, buy groceries, or go to the fair and play around.
Sonny yawned gently stretching his arms while getting up from bed, running his fingers through his messy hair with a huff.
The smell of cooking made Sonny hum gently as he walked towards the kitchen lazily, his lips lifting slightly at the form of Mc pulling out batch of fresh cupcakes out of the oven, a smaller pan sizzling with the cooking of an omelette on it.
Sonny hugged Mc from the back making them jump slightly, as he nuzzles into the shoulder mumbling a soft 'good morning', Mc melting against his embrace with a soft chuckle ruffling his hair.
"Morning sonny boy, how are you feeling" Mc kissed the man's forehead gently placing the omelette into a plate while waiting for the cupcakes to cool down.
"Good, hungry too" Sonny sighed gently and nuzzling more against Mc who ushered him gently towards the dining table to sit down, placing breakfast Infront of him with a gentle hum.
Sonny started eating as soon as Mc sat down on their chair next to him, taking a sip of the coffee Mc made for him.
"Where shall we go today? We both have the day off, we should use that chance and go out somewhere" Mc asked eating a strawberry from the plate full of fruits, Sonny hummed in thought eating a bite of his sandwich, he was feeling rather lazy today, and going to bed again after breakfast sounded like a very good plan.
"We should stay home, and nap I'm still really sleepy" Sonny hummed, stretching his hands over his head with another yawn, Mc ruffling his hair gently with a soft chuckle.
"Sleep does sound like a good plan" Mc aggred starting to gather the empty plates sonny taking them from Mc's hand and placing them in the sink, and starting to wash them, Mc drying the plates.
Sonny was in bed again after half an hour nuzzling against the pillows, Mc next to them as they watched animal videos chuckling every once in a while.
And to the soft sound of Mc's chuckles, Sonny falls into peaceful deep slumber, happy and content.
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Alban Knox
• Alban met Mc on their first day of work, they were a new employee on their first day of work, the male deciding to help them around as there weren't alot of people working on the shop.
• He thought Mc was extremely nice, and loved how shy they were around everyone, he also admired how diligent they were while working and how much of a fast learner they were.
• Makes Mc cookies all the time, and treats them to his special pastries when they come over and play rhythm games together, loves eating Mc's cooking especially it makes him feel extremely happy and warm.
• Noticed how was Mc was starting to show sickness from the day before, and excused them from work, will visit them after work and will makes soup for them and spend some time with them watching a movie hoping to make them feel better.
• Mostly hangs out with Mc at his house or shopping together, doesn't like eating out much since Mc makes lunch for them anyways, they also hang out in the staff room during break and eat snacks.
• Once they were watching a movie at Alban's house, the movie was extremely sad with the two main love interests dying, after the movie Alban turned to Mc with teary eyes and confessed and hugged Mc after they said yes.
• Likes to take mc out to extremely random places he saw online, doesn't have any sort of routine at all, just as long as Mc's with him he's fine with it.
Alban held Mc's hand gently leading them through a grassy field, the fabric covering their eyes doing nothing to less their worries.
It started when suddenly Alban popped up at the shop after their working hours, insisting that he made them a great surprise and that they need to come with him, after walking for some time he covered their eyes with a bandana he had in his pocket.
They have been walking for about 5 minutes, and Mc was begining to whine, wanting to know why their eyes were covered for so long, Alban chuckled and assured mc with a pat that they'd arrive in about two more minutes.
When they finally arrive at Alban takes the blindfold off Mc's face, they gasp suddenly at the sight infornt of them, eyes taking in the white blanket thrown over a few tree branches, two small beanbags pushed next to each other with pillows on them, a projector infornt of the beanbags, a small blanket with a bowl full of popcorn and a few other plates of food on it.
Alban throws his arm over Mc's shoulder with a happy grin, feeling extremely proud of himself, Mc pinching his cheeks with a pout.
"It's beautiful Alban, thank you but you didn't have to blindfold me for so long" Mc huffed moving to take a seat on the comfy beanbag, Alban trailing after them with a pout and big eyes rubbing his sore cheek.
"It wouldn't have been a surprise if I didn't" the male whined throwing himself against Mc's side who sighed and kissed his head ruffling his hair gently.
"Thank you for the surprise baby, what movie are we watching though?" Mc asked placing their head on top of Alban's who turned on the projector and showed them the movies on his laptop a grin growing on his face when he showed Mc their favorite movie.
"Your favourite!" Alban says excitedly turning on the movie with an excited hum placing his laptop next to him, and nuzzling into Mc's shoulder while watching the movie.
The two sat under the stars watching the movie together, feeling happier than ever, since they were together.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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tulypes · 1 month
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summary: where you are insecure and jadon comforts you.
materlist. | open orders
warnings: slightly selfish reader & mild anguish. – english is not my official language. | inspired of "insecurity", by pixote.
The sky was already light outside when you decided to get out of bed, exhausted from tossing and turning in unpleasant insomnia. Next to him, Jadon seemed to sleep peacefully, comfortable between the white sheets, oblivious to his internal mess.
Despite feeling the fatigue consume your body, weakening you mercilessly, you simply couldn't fall asleep.
You started walking barefoot through the dark corridors of the house, heading towards the living room, in an attempt to banish the nagging thoughts that insisted on stealing your peace.
There was a petty need subconscious to project insecurities about her relationship of so many years with the English player, that lying down next to him seemed strange. The mattress had suddenly turned into jagged rocks.
The restlessness inside you made you question your relevance in Jadon's life, despite the beautiful story between the two of you, which resulted in little Zion — identical to his father in absolutely everything.
The years-long relationship had felt painfully fragile. You didn’t want to tell him what was tormenting you. No. Jadon already had so many things to worry about at that moment, the champions final was coming up!
Sitting down on the couch, you scanned the room. The house in Dortmund seemed to have tripled in size; you had the impression that the furniture was even further away from each other.
The incessant urge to cry consumed you. You had been holding back your tears for days, just like your words. You ran away from him, dodging all of your husband's advances. Dialogues were scarce, always inventing strange excuses to justify his behavior.
You turned on the television; something very colorful was playing on the screen and the characters were running through the forest, however, their attention was not on the television set. His head fell back, resting against the back of the sofa. You hadn't realized when exactly the tears started streaming down his face, but now they were free, thick and warm on his cheeks. You remained like that — silent and contained — until Jadon's image appeared in front of you, scaring you.
— What are you doing here, love? — He asked in a low tone.
— What a scare, Jadon! — you replied, trying to wipe away tears surreptitiously, avoiding looking at him. — I can't sleep, that's all.
— I noticed, you didn't stay still in bed... did something happen? Want to talk? — Sancho approached you on the sofa.
— No, it's okay, I'm just watching TV.
— Masha and the bear?
You looked away from him and back to the television. Indeed, Marsha and the Bear was passing by, and the little girl from hell continued to torment the poor bear.
Jadon ran a hand through his hair. He looked tired.
— There's something going on, i know you! You're acting strange, we never talk again.
— We're talking, Jadon.
— You were practically ignoring me before. Did i do something that hurt you? If i hurt you, if i did something you didn't like, please tell me.
His voice was choked. The words had a painful weight; the weight of truth. You felt eyes water again. The mind is deceitful, it plays tricks, and you have acted selfishly during the last few days. You had fears, insecurities, but so did Jadon and it wasn't fair to close yourself off.
— [Y/N], I don't want to lose you. Please, let's talk. I am your friend, i am your husband, i am here for everything.
— I don't know, Jad, i'm afraid... i don't know...
— Fear of what? Speak to me. — he grabbed your hands urgently, keeping your brown eyes fixed on his.
— Fear of not being enough for you. I'm afraid you'll leave me, betray me. — you replied, slightly exalted, lowering her head, trying to escape his gaze. — Wow, i see so many women trying to approach you and…
— Hey, hey... look at me, love. — he interrupted you and, gently holding your chin, continued:
— For the love of God, take that fear out of your heart. I love you so much! Please don't think that. I am faithful to our relationship, to our marriage. I'm faithful to you.
— But, Jadon, what if you get tired of me? Sometimes it happens.
— No, it won't happen! It's impossible! — he looked at you seriously with teary and wide eyes. — We have a history together, a son, a years-long relationship. We were together at all times, through the good and the bad... [Y/N], i won't cheat on you with anyone, i won't exchange you for anyone. Never! You have my word.
Jadon pulled you into a hug, stroking your hair as he placed kisses on the top of your head. You reciprocated with need, squeezing his body with all your strength. You were each other's home. Insecurities existed in any heart, but Jadon was there to expel them from his.
— Everything a man needs, [Y/N], i have at home.
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witchymadness · 1 year
(w/ Gwendoline Christie's Characters)
(A/N): literally wrote this for myself bcs I just can't with how hot and sweet this woman is, but I thought you guys might enjoy too! 🥹 literally Stan Gwen for a better life. Did not proof read, pls enjoy.
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(also fls this image makes me just want to sin, mame)
Brienne of Tarth
-You're a princess and she's a knight.
-Classic trope.
-You were on a journey and your father, the king, sent his mightiest guard with you in your quest, whatever it may be.
-All that good shit.
-So, one day in your seemingly endless travels with Brienne, you were bound to encounter the following scenario:
-"I profusely apologize, m'lady, but there seems to be only one more room available in the inn. And it only has one bed."
-I mean, it wasn't like you had the hugest fucking crush on this gorgeous-ass fucking woman next to you--
-So you arrive at the room and the bed was quite spacious, seemingly a bed for... Couples.
-But your internal screaming was ceased when your amazing (mountain) of a knight offered to sleep on the floor. And of course, you couldn't let her do that!
-"Oh, it's absolutely fine, Brienne. I insist."
-"B-but m'lady--"
-"It's fine, Brienne. I could use the company."
-*insert internal dying pt. 2*
-You trying not to stare while she takes off her armor was a successful, yet gruesome process.
-Facing away from her in bed because you might just freeze to death if you accidentally met her icy-blue eyes.
-"(Y/N). I understand that you are not comfortable with our predicament. Cease the civilities and let me sleep on the floor, please."
- >:0
-"Brienne, I-- listen, it's not you that I am uncomfortable with. Well... It is you. But--"
-She let out a quiet sigh as she had started to stand, but you, frustrated and quite tired of the bullshit, grabbed her arm and caused you two to come face to face.
-This slightly took her a back, but she kept her usual composure, propping you up as you still held on tightly on to her arm.
-"Lady (L/N), what on earth are you doing?"
-"I'm not letting you leave. By god, you are as slow as you are gorgeous."
-"I don't understand, m'lady."
-"Brienne, I do wish for your company. Not just this evening, but the evenings ever since I've met you and the evenings in the many moons to come."
-*exe.brienne has stopped working*
-"I understand that I may have been a little too aggressive. But my offer still stands the same. You can have the bed. It's the least I could do for the bravest knight of Tarth."
-"(Y/N)... Are you true?"
-"With every word that I have given you. By the old gods and the new, Brienne. I mean it."
-You saw the spark in her eyes, a spark of hope and maybe... Love? So, you continued.
-"I meant every compliment I have given you, every thanks, every laugh and each of those chaste kisses on your cheek when I tend to your wounds that I wish could be longer. They're all true. I mean it when I say that my bed shall always be yours. And I'll mean it everytime that I tell you how much I love you, my Brienne."
-"I love you too, (Y/N). I always have. I'll always be by your side. I shall protect you and offer my life to you, my (Y/N). Know that in my dying breath, the memories of your smile shall put me into the deep slumber with joy."
-You cried because, whew! Did you guys just get married?
-"Let us sleep then. As I await every tomorrow that I'll spend with you."
-Move over, Will Shaxbeard!
-You woke up with Brienne holding you close and you the same. You knew instantly that that is how you wanted to spend the rest of your eternity.
Lucifer Morningstar
-Little less pure than Brienne.
-So, Lucifer abandoned their post, went down to earth and met you.
-You we're a psychic.
-Well, kind of.
-It didn't matter, because Lucifer seemed to think so, so they dragged you along to fulfill their great escape of their father's plan.
-You really did not believe them, but hey, they've got money.
-You we're visiting a demon in Las Vegas.
-Suffice to say that you've seen quite the shit that day and just wanted to get some rest. And probably a beer or two before travelling of to the dreaming.
-Lucifer didn't really like sleeping, and they usually just... Do things while you're asleep.
-They're a very busy person.
-In your slumber, you'd sometimes awaken to the Morningstar cursing under their breath, contemplating their life.
-It was a strange ass mid-life crisis.
-Besides being the Devil, you had to say that they were quite charming. Polite, infact.
-They never bothered you unless they needed to.
-No one ever saw them in their raw form of vulnerability, except you.
-Or atleast, no one ever survived to tell the tale.
-Well, that night in Vegas, you've drank MORE than a beer or two.
-Lucifer said that alcohol never really worked on them. It's a celestial being thing, you wouldn't get it.
-"Well why don't you just get some rest then, angel?"
-That nickname irritated them to no extent.
-"I told you (Y/N), I don't sleep."
-"Like... You can't? Or you just don't wanna?"
-*annoyed Lucy activated*
-Usually, you'd back off. But in this case, you had no control and you were face to face with the Devil, for Christ's sake. Of course you were curious.
-They looked at you incredulously.
-"(Y/N), just go to bed, angel."
-They did not just say that.
-You burst out laughing. Does the devil have blood? No. Can you see clearly? Absolutely not. But are they absolutely blushing like a tomato? Yes.
-They marched to the side of your bed, demanding you to shut the fuck up but to no avail.
-Going as far as to straddle you and attempted to choke you, out of their childish frustration.
-Part of them knew they couldn't kill you as you were still an evident part of the prophecy.
-But, God they wanted you to shut up so bad.
-It's an itch that grew unbearably annoying to them, to listen to you laugh. And now, especially, that you were laughing at their misfortune.
-"(Y/N), SILENCE!"
-When you realized the position that the two of you were in, you suddenly quieted down.
-Samael was the most beautiful angel in the heavens, and still retained their features even after their fall from grace.
-As the dim yellow light shone a faux halo above them, it was bitter irony.
-Your angel.
-You pulled Lucifer down next to you, then almost successfully straddling them in the same manner they did.
-"You look so beautiful, my angel."
-You couldn't remember what happened next but when you woke up, you were on top of Lucifer, head resting on their chest.
-They were wearing their own silk pajamas and you found it adorable.
-"Good morning, my angel."
-They decided that they liked that nickname better.
Larrisa Weems
-You were a fellow teacher.
-Well, you liked thinking that you were.
-You were just an intern, or as most people like calling you, Ms. Weems' assistance.
-It didn't really bother you as much.
-It meant that you got to spend more time with the Head Mistress, who to be completely honest, you were absolutely smitten with.
-You slept in your own chambers, of course.
-But one day, something completely unfortunate happened.
-A fur just happened to burst into your room while they were morphed, through the windows.
-You were sleeping at the time, but luckily, you only had a few cuts from the window shards, thanks to your duvet.
-Larissa, being the headmaster, had to take care of the whole debacle.
-She dragged you inside her chambers and started patching up your arms and the few stray cuts littered across your face.
-Larissa did look sorta pissed, while doing so.
-"Ms. Weems, I understand that I'm intruding. I can stay with Mr. Ramirez tonight and I can patch myself up, if it's troubling you."
-You offered, as Mr. Ramirez, or Gary, as you knew him, was a friend of yours before getting into the academy. And before Principal Weems, it was him who you spent most of your time with.
-"Wouldn't Gary be fast asleep by now, (Y/N)? Although, it is you. I doubt he would refuse his own girlfriend, no?"
-"Oh, am I imposing? Forgive me. I just see the both of you lovebirds hanging around, couldn't help but notice." she hummed.
-"Ms. Weems--"
-"Larissa, please, darling."
-Ignoring the butterflies dancing in your stomach, you responded.
-"Yes, Larissa. Gary and I are just friends."
-Her expression was unreadable, and so was her tone.
-"I suppose you haven't set your eyes on any of our staff, then?"
-"Actually, I have..."
-You let out a small wince as Larissa pressed the cotton ball a little too roughly on a wound.
-"Sorry, sorry."
-Soon after she was finished bandaging up your cuts, she offered to walk you to Gary's room.
-But then you heard loud snoring and after a few more countless attempts to call the man, you gave up.
-"(Y/N), this is getting a tad ridiculous. I wouldn't mind you spending a night in my chambers instead."
-Ignoring the underlying meaning that the statement had, and you wished she meant, you agreed.
-The walk back to her chambers was a quiet one.
-"Thank you, M-- Larissa. Goodnight."
-Without thinking, you placed a soft kiss to her cheek.
-Larissa was left dumbfounded, while sleepiness visited you as soon as your head found the pillow.
-"Goodnight then, (Y/N)."
-She reminded herself to ask you in the morning on who was the staff member you liked.
-Waking up was a surprise, as you found that Larissa's hand had snaked it's way to your waist, while you had your hand on top of hers, keeping in in place.
-That's how Enid pays her 'Thing' Massages.
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Everything Will Bring a Chain of Love
Request: "It would be so fun if you name it after me!" "No, it wouldn't." where it’s one of the Greyhounds other than Jamie trying to convince Roy and the wife of your choosing
I already miss Roy and Bucky, so this is a little blurb about their sweet future together!
0.8k words Warnings: Language, pregnancy, absolute fluffffffffffff
Something There Masterlist
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“To Baby Kent!” Jamie called out at the end of his little speech- the one Roy begged him not to do and Bucky insisted on- and raised his glass.
“Baby Kent!” everyone gathered in the Kents’ backyard echoed, amid shouts of laugher and little cheers.
It was a bit of an unconventional baby shower, Roy admitted to himself. Rather than a party populated by women in summery dresses sipping lemonade and cooing over baby clothes, Bucky’s baby shower was attended by athletes who drank beers and took the shower games a bit too seriously.
Roy turned to his wife now, wrapping an arm around her. “How is Baby Kent?” he hummed as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Bucky smiled and dragged Roy’s hand down to her round belly. “Kicking up a storm,” she said with a playful eyeroll. “She’s already training for the 2040 Olympics.”
“I am never going to win an argument again,” he growled playfully, “when both of you have Olympic gold.”
Her laughter warmed his heart. “Would you have it any other way, Kent?”
Before Roy could assure her that no, he absolutely fucking wouldn’t, the couple found themselves dragged over to a corner of the yard where several Greyhounds and Whippets were gathered. Roy felt got a fuzzy little feeling in his chest as he gazed at the assembled group, his weird little family. This was the life he and Bucky had built together, a life filled with these big smiles from people who were tied together by a love of football. A life where these same people came over for dinners, travelled to matches and holidays together, and now came to his and his wife’s baby shower. It was something he wouldn’t have imagined before Bucky, and something he now couldn’t imagine his life without.
Isaac spoke up, interrupting Roy’s musings. “Alright, we’re tired of waiting,” he announced. “Coach Buck said you guys still don’t have a name for Baby Kent, so we’ve come up with some ideas for you guys.”
“Oh, this should be good,” Bucky snorted, tugging Roy close to herself. Roy simply chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.
The group took turns offering up their ideas- foreign names neither manager could pronounce, trendy names that the couple had already privately wrinkled their noses at, book and movie characters that meant nothing to them. Every suggestion was met with polite nods and tight smiles from the new parents, both secretly waiting to be alone so they could tell the other one little word: “No.”
Finally, Dani stepped forward, looking particularly proud. “Dani,” he said simply.
Bucky shot Roy a quizzical look before turning back to the Greyhound. “That’s your name,” she reminded him.
“I know,” he chuckled, all smiles and sunshine. “It would be so fun if you name her after me!”
“No,” Roy said flatly. “It wouldn’t.” His voice brightened. “Besides, she’s already got a name.”
Before the group could ask what it was, Bucky whirled around to look at Roy with narrowed eyes. “Oh, she does, does she, Coach?” the very pregnant coach scoffed at her husband.
The footballers braced themselves for a fight, remembering the bickering they’d witnessed before the two managers finally got together. They were ready for the shouts and swears, and a good heaping of sexual tension. A few of them were already grimacing at the memories of the arguments that echoed around the Dog Track during those first tumultuous months.
“’course she does,” Roy hummed, reaching down to rub Buck’s belly. “It’s Brandi. For Brandi Chastain,” he clarified unnecessarily.
There it was, that wide, red-lipped smile, the one that still sent Roy’s heart into overdrive. She wrapped her arms around Roy, pulling him as close as her stomach would allow. He chuckled and returned the embrace tightly.
“We like the name?” he whispered into her hair, allowing himself to forget about the fact that their teams were watching them. All he wanted to think about right now- alright forever- was his little family.
Bucky pulled back, revealing the tears in her eyes- a rare sight. “We fucking love the name,” she assured him. She tugged him towards herself so she could kiss his lips. “She’s got no choice but to wear the number six now.”
The two held each other, lost in their little world, thinking of the precious little girl that would be coming soon, whose first word would be ‘fuck’, who’d be kicking a football the moment she could walk, who’d grow up on the pitch, with the loudest parents in the world. A little girl who would be so loved- by her parents, by two football squads- it was ridiculous.
Dani cleared his throat, bringing the new parents out of their daydreams. “Or,” he said pointedly. “Maybe we could revisit the name Dani?”
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
i loved your venti/chubby reader post/thoughts very much... do you have any thoughts about other genshin characters and a chubby reader?
i am ALWAYS having chubby & fat reader thoughts 👀👀👀 this is not an extensive list, but just who i felt inspired for. if y'all like it, i'm definitely willing to do another set of characters!
CW // suggestive, mild mention of fatphobia in diluc & childe's section, breeding kink for gorou's section, and possessive behavior in zhongli's section.
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⤳ perhaps obvious, but... childe - as someone who grew up in the cold and unforgiving winters in snezhnaya, he is enamored by his chubby partner. you're so soft and warm... he loves to squeeze your soft body and coo about how perfect you are. loves pressing himself against your back when he's hard. he's driven wild by your hips - it ignites the breeding kink in him.
childe loves to see you dressed up in tight clothes, marveling at the way the fabric rests on your curves. if you have a double chin, he's very fond of giving love bites to it. he simply cannot keep his hands off a chubby partner. he has a high sex drive and wants his cock buried in you as much as possible. he likes to hold onto your tummy when he fucks you.
(and it goes without saying, but... if anyone were to say anything unsavory, they won't be alive for long.)
⤳ diluc - diluc has always been bothered by the way high-class society demands a certain look. (he's not a fan of high-class society in the first place.) he'd always found his eyes drifting towards those with fuller figures, imagining running his hands over their generous flesh and laying his head upon their bosom... he's 100% whipped when it comes to you.
your body is the pinnacle of beauty to him - there's nothing more he loves than to admire you. he's insistent on getting you extravagant clothing that lays across your figure in ways that highlight your curves. he'd be thrilled to have a room full of paintings of your nude form. loves to put his hands under your tummy and warm them there, even though his hands are usually quite warm. he can't get enough of your chest, and he's delighted if you give him a titjob.
⤳ gorou - the moment gorou lays eyes on you, he's down bad. whilst he certainly admires hard & toned bodies like his own, he's always loved full-figured bodies as well - and yours is absolutely perfect. his little doggy brain sees you and thinks 'PERFECT FOR MATING. SOFT. WARM. MUST PROTECT.' he has to excuse himself for a bit to calm down.
there's not a day that goes by that gorou doesn't tell you how beautiful you are. he's easily embarrassed, but he's determined to let you know just how much he loves you & your body. he's obsessed with cuddling you at night and loves to lay on your big and soft thighs. during his ruts, he's insatiable - your body is just so perfect. it's like you were made for him, and you're going to have bruises on your generous hips from how hard he digs into them whilst he fucks you.
⤳ heizou - he's seen countless bodies throughout his life, but he's never found anyone who even comes close to your beauty. heizou is constantly working, so coming home to your soft body at the end of the day is like heaven to him. unlike the harsh world, you're soft... he never tires of seeing your chubby cheeks, delighted by how round they look when you smile.
one of his favorite things to do is to use you as a pillow late at night, resting his body on you whilst he reads through cases. and if you're okay with it... he likes to sit on you completely. his small stature lends well to this, and he finds it comforting to sink into your body. of course, he LOVES to have you sit on him as well. if you worry you'll crush him... you won't. he's stronger than he looks. he loves when you ride him so he can see every inch of your body.
⤳ zhongli - you are, without a doubt, zhongli's greatest treasure. he's quite sure of what he likes - and your abundant body is the most beautiful thing he's ever laid his eyes upon. the way your body curves, the cute rolls you have, the way your body jiggles so cutely when you move certain ways... he's charmed by all of it. zhongli knows he'll never tire of your body. to him, you are divine - and as a former god himself, that's the highest form of honor he could bestow upon a person.
zhongli likes to show you off, but the instant he sees someone else checking you out he's wont to whisk you back to your shared home and fuck you full of his cum - a mark that you belong to him. it's the dragon blood that still runs hot through his veins making him so possessive. he can control it, of course... but you certainly don't seem to mind when he lets himself give in.
he'll adorn you in fine jewels and expensive fabrics, though he prefers you best with no clothing at all save for a necklace that bears a design he made himself, featuring cor lapis in the center.
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shuchu · 2 years
u should do 18 (event fluff list!) with milord vox akuma ... 18 is definitely something he would say (*≧∀≦*) -🌸
˗ˏˋ₊ °.♡ romantic words ♡.°₊ˎˊ˗
shuchu’s 100 follower event ♡
prompt: “i desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but i also want to grip your hair as i watch you writhing underneath me.”
characters: vox akuma ; streamer!reader
warnings: suggestive, minors DNI ; gn!reader 
author notes: thank you for participating 🌸 anon!! i’m so sorry this took eons to get out (╥﹏╥) you’re right though, vox would say this >▽< thank you for being patient with me lovelies, i have a small break in between assignments and tests soon so hopefully i can use that time to write up more for y’all ♡ decorative divider: @/mykaesu on twt ⋯♡ᵎ
enjoy! ♡
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previously vox lived an hour away but when you found out that he moved nearer to you, you were elated. the both of you were already pretty good friends so you would pop over to his place to hang out pretty much every day.
you would end stream and text vox saying, “voxy i’m coming over.”
“sure thing! i’ll leave the door unlocked.”
most of the time the both of you would be working on projects together, being productive but other times, vox would insist that you have to watch so-and-so movie with him now that you can hang out with him in person.
vox would then proceed to talk your ear off about the movie after it’s done, resulting in the both of you staying up till ungodly hours and having to chug coffees and teas the next morning. 
there are some days however, where vox is in a sentimental, emotional, sappy mood. he opens up about it and shares his thoughts with you. you sit there listening to him, resting your head in your palms. 
you find yourself falling in love with this man that is so brutally honest about who he is and isn’t afraid to show some vulnerability. not only is he that but he’s caring, has a huge heart, helpful, hardworking and a bit egotistical at times but that’s all part of his charm.
you would lie in bed at night wondering if he felt the same. unbeknownst to you, vox did feel the same. 
the way you sat there listening to whatever he had to say, not rushing him, never judging him. even if you had absolutely no idea what he was saying, you still listened and made an effort to get to know him. he liked that he could throw a flirty remark your way and have you shoot a witty comment back in return. vox finds it really attractive when you’re in the zone working hard on projects and brainstorming ideas for streams. and that smile, gosh, it makes him melt.
today was like any other day, you were at vox’s house after wrapping up stream and since you haven’t had anything to eat yet, he offered to cook dinner for you. 
you sat at the kitchen island, watching as vox cooked up a storm in the kitchen. the both of you having a little chat, asking how has each other’s day been. vox had poured you a glass of red wine to sip on whilst waiting, knowing that you loved having a little red wine to wind down after a tiring day.
the conversation eventually died down and all you could hear was the sizzle of the steak in the pan. you take in the scene before you and think: this feels oddly domestic; as though we’re dating…who am i kidding, he probably doesn’t like me that way…
lost in your thoughts, you let out a soft sigh subconsciously.
“a penny for your thoughts?” vox asks after hearing you sigh.
“vox, what do you think of me?”
vox hums softly, “well, i think you’re a wonderful person y/n, i really enjoy your company.”
you pout, not getting the response you hoped for. vox turned around after hearing you go silent to see you sulking. his eyes softened and he turned back to carry on with the cooking.
he chuckles and asks, “what’s wrong y/n? why’re you sulking like that?”
“it just wasn’t the response i was looking for.” you grumbled. 
vox plates up the food and places your plate in front of you before grabbing his plate and cup of wine, seating himself next to you. “what did you expect me to say then hmm?” vox asks with a teasing smirk.
maybe it’s the alcohol in your veins, giving you the liquid courage to say what you were going to say next.
“i don’t know we’ve been spending a lot of time together recently and i’m starting to feel a bit different towards you.” you said, your cheeks flushed. whether it was from the alcohol or from you blushing, you couldn’t tell at this point. 
vox lets out a breathy laugh, he gets where you’re going with this but he decides to tease you a little, liking how flustered you’re getting. “um…you might need to elaborate a bit more on that y/n. what do you mean by different?”
“vox akuma!” you glare at him, “you know damn well what i’m trying to say, don’t even try to act dumb.” you huff in annoyance.
vox grins and leans towards you to intertwine his fingers with yours, “y/n, look at me.”
you turn towards him, still pouting. 
“if you want me to be brutally honest. i desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up,” your heart melts from vox’s romantic words. 
vox then leans forward to whisper into your ear, “but i also want to grip your hair as i watch you writhing underneath me.” he pulls back with a smug grin plastered on his face. you feel heat rising to the tips of your ears from the suggestive ending to his confession.
“well i mean, you’ve already done the first part. why don’t we do the other things you mentioned hmm?” you smirk at him with a mischievous glint in your eyes. 
your gaze falls to his lips and back up to his eyes. vox does the same, before dipping down to kiss you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss in which you return with the same amount of hunger and yearning. he swipes his tongue against your bottom lip slightly before pulling back to whisper, “i hope you’re ready sweet thing because we’re going to be up all night.” 
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 months
I am LIVING for the Chris reblogs. He truly is one of my favorite whumpees of all time. You have mastered the art of a subtle “perfect victim” with him. I may be dead wrong but realistically, what has he done that was even controversial through his whole storyline, you know what I mean? Like just as a few examples of your wonderfully written Not Perfect victims and (this isn’t to victim blame or shame at all,) Jameson did sign up for WRU, his and Kauri’s recoveries were FAR from smooth or perfect, and don’t even get me started on Antoni, yikes! Even Nat, who is doing the lords work now, has a shady past! But Chris genuinely perfect. Even the things he thought were his fault weren’t. And like I said it’s not his main character trait is being THE perfect victim, it’s one of those things that was nicely left not outright said, and for the readers to use critically thinking and I LOVE IT. I think that’s a really difficult feat to pull off and you did a fantastic job.
Also like I said I may be dead wrong but I genuinely can’t think of one true misdemeanor committed by Chris.
Having said all of that I also love all of the character flaws you bestow upon the rest of the gang! Either them being fucked up before, or the aftermath of all of the traumatic experiences leaving them fucked up and with significantly poorer judgements that lead to them getting in situations they maybe would not have if it wasn’t for having a new and definitely not improved way of thinking! Okay, yap over. Keep up the great work!!
So this is kind of an interesting thing for me, because I really do try as much as I can to steer away from that "perfect victim" archetype, but Chris kind of fell into it despite how hard I tried not to have him do that.
His basic disposition was always going to be a sweet kid who had been absolutely tortured and who had nonetheless come out of it with a resilience that would allow him to start rebuilding from that shattered foundation.
Unfortunately, it does mean that he didn't end up with a lot of the more kind of exciting to write and interesting faults and imperfections and occasionally outright malevolence that I have in other characters who are not bad guys, they're just people who had to do bad things to survive horrifying situations.
But of course, the biggest impact there as far as Chris's story is that he never saved himself. He didn't do anything against his own moral code to escape. He was saved by a woman who realized what she was looking at, driven several hours in the middle of the night by a man he'd never met before, and dropped on the doorstep of a whole new group of strangers he had no idea whether or not he could trust.
So Chris does hit that damsel in distress archetype in a way that I don't normally like to go for in main characters. But he really insisted on it, and I think there's this thing about archetypes where we see them so often that we get kind of tired of them, but one of the reasons we do see them so often is because they resonate. And there really are people like that in the world, not everybody of course.. probably not even most people put in the same situation would react the way that he reacted to things. But people do.
And what Chris did to survive was pull back inside of himself so thoroughly that when he started to come out of his shell, all the basic goodness in him was more or less intact and untouched. They could destroy so much of him, but they could never make him anything less than inherently a good kid in a bad situation.
If you were to ask chris, he would probably tell you that the biggest character flaw in him is cowardice, because even as an adult he doesn't really fully understand why he has the freeze and fawn, and hates himself a little for never having been able to fight in any real way. He would call himself a coward, not just for not fighting back but also for the times he's been too afraid, like when he walked away from Rafael the first time they met. That he was able to screw up the courage in the museum to talk to him then was an enormous feat of bravery for Chris. He was absolutely wrecked for days afterward. It took everything he had in him to do it.
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anakinsafterlife · 8 months
More thoughts on WOT (Season 2, ep 7 and 8)
The series continues to absolutely light the sky on fire, and yes I mean that literally, given the season finale. I know that there's been a lot of hate from certain quarters, expressed towards the television writers, but imo there have been so many smart changes made to compress the gargantuan source material that I honestly now see this as a completely different universe from the novels. In many ways, it's the universe that I imagined when I first read the books in the mid-90s, the potential that I glimpsed that still made me a fan when I was frequently frustrated by Robert Jordan's prose.
For example, the Forsaken were fascinating because they were different than other villains of the time. They weren't actually faceless archetypes. They were professional people who had been influential in their fields, as well as strong in the One Power, which made them useful tools for the Dark One. Over time, post-Breaking, people began to think of them as archetypal demons who had existed for as long as the Dark One had existed but when we were exposed to the Forsaken as individuals in the narrative, we saw that they were petty and venal and self-interested and nihilistic. The books do this well, but, dare I say, the television show expresses this more clearly. So far it has shown Ishamael as a man who is deeply depressed, who sees no point to living when the mistakes made in one live will simply be made in the next (and since he has empirical prove of reincarnation, there's no refuting this). He's tired of the cycle and wants out. Unlike what we know of the other Forsaken, at least from the books, his did not swear to the Dark One for material or artist or emotional benefit. He fully supports the Dark One's ultimate goal of breaking the Wheel for all time, and this is the reason why he is the devil's main man. (It's also the reason Lanfear did and must betray him, despite their closeness). Keep in mind also that his profession in the AOL was "philosopher." Presumably, this means that, like Lanfear and a couple of the others, he was an academic. He published or perished. His wrote nihilistic books that became very popular. Also like Lanfear, he personally knew Lews Therin. In the books, they knew each other well but weren't necessarily close friends. I think the writers have merged Demandred’s role with Ishamael's in the show, however, because they portray Lews Therin, Lanfear, and Ishamael as having been the best of friends, a golden trio. I adore the change and the tension and sorrow it brings to their interactions, but despite their closeness, these characters were still very different from each other. Unlike the philosopher Elan Morin, Lews Therin was a professional politician. His goals were practical, if not always tenable, his moral code (which is entirely of his own making) seemingly strict and unbending, by the commentary we've been privy to as well as the flashbacks (which are probably my favourite part of the whole show; the nuanced portray of Lews Therin is magnificent), and it was probably that endbending nature that drove his friends away from him.
Like Ishamael, Lews Therin also wrote books, but books of social theory and political commentary. He was less of an abstract thinker than both Ishamael (philospher/logician) and Lanfear (scientific researcher, probably a physicist). A scientist and a politician think very differently. While the former might painstakingly determine why a theory will or will not work, the latter is likely to simply insist that an idea is good and force it through--which is exactly what Lews Therin did. Despite evidence of a harrowingly poor outcome, he leads the attack with the "Hundred Companions," his closest supporters in the Hall of Servants, on Shayol Ghul.
Where am I going with this? Essentially, that there are no villains here in the mythic sense, just selfish people, and likewise there are no heroes, just people skilled enough to fight when required. Ishamael and Lanfear swore oaths for personal reasons. Lanfear supposedly joined the Dark One so that she could win Lews Therin back. I expect that's not entirely true, and she's probably harbouring a great deal of unexamined motive, but it is very human. And other Forsaken swore their loyalty to this extradimensional being that they actually know very little about for surprisingly silly and petty reasons. Sammael wants to be taller?? Asmodeon wants to write better music? Very genre blind. There is a great deal of artistic lore regarding selling one's soul to the devil for increased artistic ability, but we are talking about an eternity of damnation here, and the bill always comes due. So Asmodeon is not a demon or an archetypal villain. He's a man who made a stupid decision. And so are the they all, excepting perhaps Ishamael, who is the only one who seems to know what he got into (maybe he had a few ancient books of lore about deals at the crossroads in his library).
This humanization of "the bad guys" has been a theme throughout the show, and we have seen it again and again across political lines. In the finale, we see Lanfear and Ishamael sitting together, still friendly even in their antagonism. We see the antagonists making poor choices for very human reasons, like Liandrin wanting to save her son and then losing him anyway. Like Barthones becoming a Darkfriend to advance his position in the city and please his mother, only for his mother to retreat in horror and imprison him. These things render their choices absoltely moot, but their vows hold them in chains. With few exceptions (Lord Ingtar now and you know who later) no one ever tries to reject those vows, because these people continue to rationalize their choices as they go along, inventing new excuses for themselves, like Liandrin, who continues to serve even after Lanfear murders her son. It's brilliant and insightful, and it's the primary reason that I not only love the series but looked forward to examining it on a technical level every week.
The finale ending did not disappoint. Mat blows the Horn, and whatever anyone says, it makes so much sense that he was one of the Heroes already. My guess is he was Aemon the last time around, since Mat's always been closely tied to Manetheren. I love that Ishamael set him in to kill Rand too. That was wonderfully clever, since Ishamael does not wish to do it himself, and it displays his skill in manipulation to great effect and gives Mat a more active role.
Perrin is now fully a Wolfbrother (my personal headcanon about Wolfbrothers is that they were wolves in their previous lives). Elayne heals Rand's wound and sets their romance in motion, while Egwene is transformed utterly by her experiences. The girl from the Two Rivers is gone forever. In her place is a soldier with an iron heart. Moiraine (clothed in a costume that resembles that of an Asian warrior) does her part to proclaim Rand the Dragon Reborn (and there's a warning in Ishamael's statement that he is so very like Lews, when we just saw the extent of Lews Therin's ruthlessness in the flashbacks, so we can expect dire things to come as Rand undoubtedly will begin to unravel under the stress of war as well as the Taint). And Ishamael gets not only what most would say he deserves, but what what he desires: death. But he leaves a little surprise for Lanfear on his way out the door. Moghedien is so very creepy/scary and seems genuinely mentally ill. I love that they show her still in the clothes of the previous age, just awoken from her sleep and ready to do her absolute worst. It's a great starting point for the next season.
The only thing that I really missed from The Great Hunt, and hope will show up soon in some form, is the journey through the Portal Stones that reveal alternate pasts and futures for the characters. I do wonder if it might have been thematically replaced by the tea that reveals past lives. This is one of my favourite innovations in the show, and actually something that's been my headcanon since I was a teenager reading the series for the first time. There had to be some reason, I thought, that these people of the far future treat reincarnation not as a matter of religious faith but of concrete, undeniable reality. They know with absolute certainty that everyone dies and is born again, endlessly. They know that when the Dragon comes, the title will not be symbolic, but one that belongs to the man who was factually Lews Therin Telamon in a previous life. That is why they fear the Dragon. Because he will be the one who broke the world, come again. And so there must be a proof, a way of truly knowing that souls are reborn. My idea was always a ter'angreal, but perhaps the tea is a psychotropic substance which opens up the pathways to the soul and its migrations. And of course, the way of demonstrating that these aren't just hallucinations would be to access memories of a recent lifetime and track down physical proof of it. So I was delighted that someone saw the necessity of such a proof in the world of WOT, just as I always did.
I've already seen that Season 3 was confirmed and has begun production, and I am so excited to see it and all of the new exciting changes and directional choices!
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soapywankenopy · 5 months
I watched PJO ep4 last night
I was too tired to say anything about it but now I can't sleep so
I liked it. They changed some things as per usual. It wasn't as offensive to me as the last episode (even though i really did like the last episode). This episode is interesting because instead of making them take a detour in Saint Louis just for fun, it makes them veer out of necessity (a seemingly common change they seem to keep making in the show) and while not bad, it was a little disappointing. In the book, it gave me more of a sense of Annabeth's character, I liked seeing her really excited about something. It made her seem like an actual kid with interests. And even though in the show, she does have a few "nerdy" things to say about the architecture of the Gateway Arch, you don't get the same sense of a "nerdy" girl leading her bored friends somewhere because she really likes something and she's making them go along with it (a feeling I have known all too well :p). But the change they made was utilitarian (a common thread in this show), and I understand (to some extent) why they made that choice.
Something I didn't like as much was the change to make Echidna a conventionally attractive, slightly older woman. It's been a common thread that this show is allergic to casting people as "ugly" as book Percy decribed them to be. It's not a terrible change, but I am noticing a pattern.
Now on to the stuff I liked:
Grover and Annabeth putting Percy in the fountain is absolutely delightful. I loved that. Grover being grumpy when he gets woken up? Perfect. I loved that. Grover saying 'I need to eat' as what I assume was a reference to all the times when he would just groan and say "fooood" in the book. Really good, I liked it. Percy and Annabeth starting to get along? You love to see it. Annabeth being adamant that the gods love them and want to protect them, and then, being seemingly proven wrong about her mother? Yes. Good. Percy insisting that the guy who has never been there for him and only claimed him when it was convenient maybe doesn't have his best interests at heart probably doesn't deserve praise and will probably not help him, and then being proven wrong? Yes. Great. Do I think it's absolutely ridiculous that Athena was so ashamed of her daughter that she let a monster (that definitely should've killed Annabeth) into her temple? Yes, but it just proves the point. The gods are petty. They are not infallible. And just like with Arachne and Medusa, Athena is trying to prove a point, even if it comes at the cost of her own daughter's life.
All in all, a really good episode. And while not completely faithful to the actual plot, it is faithful to the spirit and themes of the story.
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