#i am still going to watch for charles and lewis but idk i feel my emotional investment in this whole thing has just taken too many hits
pumpkinnning · 1 month
tbh i think i'm at this point where i can feel the f1 hyperfixation slipping. not gonna stop watching but i need to diversify my focus bc it's just not hitting. i don't think anyone follows me here for my unique f1 takes lmfao but fair warning i might go more into the horror and romance thing on this blog
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bohnsky · 1 year
This race you guys😭😭😭
How am I supposed to sleep tonight? I’m just so fucking happy for Lando 😭😭😭
Damn this time it was way harder to decide but here are my favorite drivers two months (holy shit, it’s been two months already?) into liking f1:
1. Alex Albon
Albono is and will (hopefully) always be my number one (not counting Seb of course lol). And he did so well this weekend! The practices were perfect and today gaining P8 back was so great!! I admit, it again was hard for me to focus on him because of what was going on at the front, but it wasn’t as hard as it was last week lol
2. Charles Leclerc
Again, nothing changed here but I’m not going to complain about that, but the race was not optimal for Ferrari. It was hard for me to cheer for them because I didn’t want them to overtake Alex lol but I’m really sad about how it turned out for them anyway.
3. Sergio Perez
This one was the hardest decision I have ever made. I wanted to put Lewis on third again, but I think I just realized that I’ve been obsessing over Checo for so long now. Honestly, I have so much to say about him, have had for weeks and I feel like it’s about time that I give him the credit he deserves.
And the race today.. Guys, my heart... Quali yesterday made me so sad and I didn’t even understand that he was out after Q1 at first and why, but then I thought about his performance last week and let myself hope. Today wasn’t as good as last week but he still killed it! I did not cheer for him as he overtook Alex and Charles obviously and I hesitated to cheer when he overtook Carlos but I can’t help to be happy for him xD
Also I somehow started shipping Chestappen. Max not being mad at Checo after last week's inchident in turn 1 right at the start launched something in me and idk, I’m kinda digging it tho lol
Honerable mentions:
Lewis. Obviously, I wanted him on third but my soft spot for Checo took over, but you cannot believe how happy I am for Lewis. As you probably all know by now, I always like to see people on the podium for their home race. This week it was not even possible for all Brits to be on the podium as there are four, but I am so happy that two of them made it 😀
Lando. Obvoiusly! After that quali and race! I couldn’t be happier for Lando. And let me tell you now that he was the third competitor for third in my ranking. I’ve been watching so much Lando content lately and I just love this guy. He is the most relatable driver on the grid and he cares so much about his fans. He’s just the best.
Carlos. Well with Lando content comes Carlando content and I love it. Also I have been developing a little soft spot for Carlos as well. I’ve liked him before but it’s stronger now 😊
Might also have to do with how Ferrari treats him lately. He deserves better and the race today must have been awful for him. This triple overtake with Checo, Alex and Charles must’ve been horrible, and I just hope he doesn’t feel too bad after this disaster of a race.
Max. Well, Chestappen.. But I gotta say, Chestappen is more of a fun thing because cute and all, but I’m still a Lestappen shipper and if I had to choose, I’d have to choose Lestappen because they make more sense. And the way he keeps saying ‘inchident’ 😭😭😭
But same tbh, I can’t even say or read ‘incident’ the right way anymore, I always say ‘inchident’.
Also, I feel like being friends with Max must be really frustrating. Like you want to be mad because he always wins everything, and you don't stand a chance, but you can't be mad because he praises you all the time and says that he had so much fun fighting you. That would drive me crazy.
Also, Max' hugs look so comfortable. I want one. And I want to touch his hair.
Daniel Ricciardo. I don’t know why I never mention him. He’s always been one of my favorites and I just feel like that’s a given and I don’t have to say it because it’s so obvious even if it isn't. Kind of like how it is with Seb.
Logan. This is more about how I noticed him more this week. He did a pretty good job this weekend and I couldn’t help but start to become a little Williams fan. The team seems to be heading in the right direction and I love that for them. Mostly for Alex but also for the rest of the team 😊
Oscar. Same with him. He did so fucking well and I love that for him.
Lance. I’ve become a fan. He is such a sweetheart and I want to give him the world.
Pierre. I feel so bad for him today. He must feel awful, and I just want to hug him 🙁
I sadly didn't have much time to check out post race stuff, because I have an exam tomorrow :(
Anyway I think that’s it for now. Thanks for reading :)
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 6 months
Thanks for tagging me @wisteria-wisteria <3
1. Who or what got you into F1?
Basic bitch answer but my dad. He was a big fan, and his dad was a fan. I was plonked infront of the TV to watch it as a kid, and grew up never missing a race. That was until Sky Sports braught it off chanel 4, and now my family can't afford to watch it anymore. I have to pirate it now coz I AINT PAYING 50 A MONTH go fuck yourself Sky Sports.
2.Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
Probably Lewis? Or Jenson? I was (still am) a Mclaren fan as a kid, and my dad always cheered on English drivers, so I just copied him. I still love them both now, my opinions havn't changed on them at all!
3.Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
Current grid? Probably Max, Fernando or Oscar. They are all so so talented, it's just a pivalidge to watch them drive. I think they're all really funny in their own ways too.
My favourite driver ever? Senna, obviously. Or Prost.... Can't ever pick.
4.Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
I support all and any pairings. F1 RPF in all forms is delicious thankyou. My faves are: Prost X Senna, Carlos X Lando, Max X Charles, Peroni X Villeneuve, George X alex, Mika X Michael, and Nigel X Elio.
The only ship I don't really vibe with is Pierre X Charles? Like idk I just don't feel it. But I'll still read it so lol
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
My dad supports Mclaren same as me. My sister isn't really into it? She finds charles hot and will watch edits of him but shes never watched a race or really gives a shit about the actual driving. Shes here for the thirst traps and Ferrari merchandise and I respect that so much.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
Dallas, Texas 1984. What a fucking shit show. Absolute comedy sketch. Everything about that dumb race is so funny to me.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Hungaroing! It was the first F1 race I ever attended, and the joy I get out of watching it and screaming 'IVE BEEN THERE IVE BEEN THERE' never leaves. The first race in person was special, so hungaoring is special now too.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like
Yes. And I don't know why but I was so shocked at how friendly everyone was. I think I was expecting it to be like football, but everyone got along so well no matter the teams ect. I always get general admission now, because its so much fun to sit and make new friends with other F1 freaks!!! Everyone shares food, alcohol, blankets, brollies ect- its alwaus such a good atmosphere at everywhere I've been.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Yes. Seb and Jenson. In the same day. I nearly exploded, but actually managed to come off very normal and composed.
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
McLaren MP4/4 1988.
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The details, the colours, the absoulte perfection of the livery, and of course the V8 underneath that gave way to MCAREN DOMINATION. Shes perfect.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Gerhard Berger or charles.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Anything that comes out of Alain Prost's mouth. That man should be a fucking poet. Also- "I'm cuming on your camera mate" hahah
I tag @astirian , @bluesourkiwi , @kimizilla , @whobuilthemoon , @penseesauvageand @eliorosb3rg. Or whoever wants to do itttt love u all
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oscar-fastri · 5 months
tagged by @lestappenforever (i'm also very late to this oops?)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
simple answer: ao3
long answer: football summer break in the summer of '23 left me bored and bereft of entertainment. i was browsing on ao3 for stuff to read and somehow landed in f1 rpf and that was the beginning of the end for me
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
lewis hamilton :3 i knew of his existence before i got into f1 because of a feature he did with time magazine so i think i always felt a bit of loyalty to him? also because he advocates for causes i'm passionate about. he's still one of my favorites and i have a lot more context and knowledge about him/his career now!
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
it's a four-way tie between max, charles, oscar, and lewis. i never said i could choose for shit 🤷
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
*climbs onto a table* LESTAPPEN MY BELOVEDS <33
i came for the enemies to lovers and stayed for the lore, poeticism, and homoeroticism 😌
ok but like actual driver pairing-wise... i'd say charles and lewis or max and oscar. i think it would be interesting to see some of the biggest talents on the current grid (and my favorites) match up against each other!
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no one i'm close irl with watches f1 :( i do have a baby brother that i'm slowly brainwashing into the sport though!! his current favorite would probably be max (i'm guessing cause he's a toddler and i have no clue what he's saying half the time) but he loves ferrari in general. (really proving seb right here oof)
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tbh idk :( none of them from this year really stand out and since i'm a new fan i haven't watched any other year!! from 2023 though i really liked interlagos :3
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
also have no clue because i haven't seen all of the circuits. will get back to you later.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
not yet :3 but hopefully i'll be able to go to one of the european races this year!!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
n o p e. though fun fact if i ever did i would be able to talk to 15/20 of the current drivers in their native language hehe
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
rb19 or w11 ✨
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
blerf idk. i would say oscar except i don't think (and i hope) he won't be a one hit wonder, but at this point in time he's only won one sprint, so i'll still say oscar on a technicality?
also i'm not well-versed in f1 history so i don't even know that many one win wonders lmao
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
so. fucking. many.
"i don't want to mature, i'm happy where i am" - lando norris
"just leave me alone, i know what i'm doing" - kimi raikkonen
"i am stupid, i am stupid" - charles leclerc
"i have it printed out" - torger wolff
"i don't think anymore, i stopped thinking a long time ago" - charles leclerc
"yeah it's on purpose" - carlos sainz jr
okay yeah! that's it *fingerguns* tagging @solaireverie @rinador @scientistsinistral and anyone else who wants to do it!! i'm late af so. have fun lmao
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Let's go with F1 x GoT who's the heir to the iron throne
oh god Gin why do you do this to me my mind is REELING at the moment okay you're getting my unfiltered thoughts it's been so long since ive read asoiaf my god so this is gonna be a mishmash of that and this vague fantasy dragon au ive had in the back of my mind for some time!
charles. fuck it all, charles is the heir to the iron throne, and im not gonna connect it to the asoiaf worldbuilding properly bcs i am a targaryen trash forever and ever idegaf, but like, he's the heir to the iron throne. im sorry he has the most mythological vibes ive ever seen a person have in my LIFE. throw in ferrari (i did a fic on ferrari antrophomorphised as old gods in relation to seb mainly, also kimi and charles and ngl that has been influencing me ever since bcs i have feelings abt ferrari), throw that in as the force behind it all.
throw in mercedes as sorta like the north and the starks (because i love the starks i love them) but with the baratheon role, except i dont like baratheons, so a mishmash of it all kinda, them being on the throne for so long after emerging victorious in the battles from mostly within (brocedes brainrot), sir lewis hamilton, the greatest knight of the realm after ferrari's michael schumacher, blessed by the politheistic gods (mixing of the teams) and blessed in general, whose achievements cannot be rivaled in this life or the next, a myth like man with eyes alternating kindness and coldness thrust upon him.
throw in rbr as a mishmash of the north and the lannisters in the other direction, a once promised, prodigy having dynasty that tries and tries to replicate and take what was once promised to them but failing (because there can only be one sebastian vettel, all the others after him pale in comparison, all the others will never carry the sunshine in their smiles or their hair or their eyes, sunshine that warms and makes you smile, but sunshine that burns you when you come too close), clinging to their laurels and trying to get the throne by any means, and failing failing failing.
there's pierre there, acolyte of rb, maybe a snow or a stone or a storm, but he is childhood friends with this one boy that has gold and destiny in his eyes, that everyone knows about and that is taken up in the fight of the old gods, a dragon rider whose shoulders are heavy with burden and responsibility thrust upon him, by the destinies of other men who were supposed to be where he is now (i have thoughts about jules and rheagar oh my god oh my god i cant) and they were childhood friends, and they loved each other in a way thats unnaceptable to those around him, and they get separated and then life happened but they never really completely forgot about one another, and idk what happens but like imagine them as dany and jon without the stupidity that happened after, and imagine pierre in the night watch, sent away by rbr like jon was sent away, and imagine them reconnecting. imagine charles searching for him when he realised his life wasnt his own and he was just being manipulated, imagine him coming down on a red dragon (like wine like blood like the red of ferrari still) in the middle of the battle with the white walkers for some reason that can make narrative sense somehow, and burning them all, and giving pierre a dragon egg of clearest blue, almost white, and a dragon emerging from within for his rightful rider (im mixing in eragon lore just because i can apparently) and just looking eachother in the eyes with i have searched for you for my whole life without knowing it was you and i know your eyes from my dreams i know them and i know you and just-
oh god fuck. i have more thoughts but like. this is a start, isn't it?
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Okay okay okay...since you are contemplating, contemplating, writing f1 I need to know. Who are your favorite drivers in terms of driving? And who are the celebrity crush drivers that you would go on tumblr to read fanfic about? I need to know if we are going to be able to gush over the same people.....
Okay Okay Okay SO!!!
My favorite is Charles Leclerc for Ferrari in both of those categories. I just think he's a brilliant driver all around, and he's so drop dead gorgeous I want to [redacted for Islamic purposes]. I know it's a typical response, but my family has been really big on Ferrari since I was young (if we were ever running around the house my dad would go 'ay, Schumacher, slow down!'), and so I just naturally gravitate towards that team. Charles has a really smooth and fast driving style, and he's just smart with the way he races. He's extremely talented and a real joy to watch, especially alongside fierce competitors like Lewis and Max.
Who, speaking of, I don't really like the way either of them drive lol. Don't get me wrong, I thin that they're both super talented (and Sir Lewis is fine as all get out), but the brute force style of driving doesn't appeal to me. I just feel like it's too aggressive (which is hella ironic coming from a Gavi blog). I think they both deserve the accolades they have, but not my personal faves.
I really like the way George Russell drives as well. Same thing - he's a smooth driver who performs really brilliantly. I'm still rather new to F1, so I am basing this off of the 2 GPs I watched live and a few previous ones I have seen online (and ofc DTS we're not gonna hide that).
Drivers who I think are hot but I don't like how they drive: Carlos, Pierre, Daniel, and sometimes Lando it depends on the angle.
Drivers who I cannot stand (IDK why their aura just puts me off): Lance, Kevin, Checo, Valterri.
Again, these are just base opinions as I start to get into F1, and they will probably change in the future. Pls let me know y'alls opinions under the post, in the ask box, or in messages! I'm eager to hear what everyone thinks.
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 13 - Hungary
Alrighty, here we go again. I think I’m halfway through the season now? (as in, the races that had Seb, soz Bahrain & Saudi). Anyway, I don’t remember much from this race bc I was still reeling from Seb’s retirement but I’m pretty sure Verstappen won so... woo
(Please let there be Seb and Bono sightings to make up for it 🤞)
I’ve actually had to mute the replay when the intro’s on bc I’ve heard it so much at this point 😭 Like the F1 theme is fine, it’s just not The Chain
I am obviously still watching the intro, bc Seb looks pretty in it
I’m sorry what... GEORGE IS ON POLE???
how tf did he drag the W13 into pole????
ugh Seb in P18 whyyyyyyy 😭
Red Bull’s in 10th and 11th?????? What happened during Quali?????
Right hopefully I’ll process all that before the start
oh god there’s raindrops on the cameras.
Starting this at quarter to eleven at night is looking like A Mistake™️
[Formation Lap]: And the RBRs are going off the grid like snails because????
Oh they’re running new power units. Should mean that they should be running like snails, but anyway
TEEEEEEEEEEED (Yes, I watch all the replays on F1 TV in the International feed for Ted crumbs)
[Start/Lap 1]: Russell gets a surprisingly good start considering how long he was sat on the grid while the tail end cars lined up.
The Ferraris are looking zoomy though
rip Albon’s front wing endplate
[Lap 2]: and a wild VSC appears
oof debris all over turns 2/3. lads.
Lewis jumping both Alpine’s at the start?? iconique
[Lap 3]: aaaaand we’re green
Seb up into P16!!!! I’ll take it!!!
So, how are Ferrari going to mess up having P2 and P3 then???
It is a very sorry state of affairs that I’m just expecting Ferrari to mess up, but alas. Clowneria Ferrari reigns supreme.
[Lap 4]: idk if I want to call it racing but, the cars all seem to be following each other pretty well, but idk if anything is going to come from it. But it makes a change from all the massive gaps between the cars in France
[Lap 5]: and as I say that, Verstappen passes Alonso
...I’m just going to acknowledge Fernando asking for team orders and move on
[Lap 6]: Why did we cut from Kevin v Dan to Perez v Alonso???? I want my midfield spice!!!
I mean I know Alpine are a midfield team, but whatever
[Lap 7]: “Dry for the next half hour” idk if I want to trust that Mr Engineer
Meanwhile the Red Bulls are carving their way past the Alpines.
SEB INTO P15!!!! Hanging onto every single crumb I can
[Lap 8]: Bold of Crofty to assume Ferrari are going to be smart with their strategy to even think of trying a one stop. That’ll only happen if they just forget about Charles and Sainz
[Lap 10]: Lewis catching Lando 👀
ayyyyy Lewis has a rainbow helmet!!!!! 🌈✨
brief disgruntled Toto sighting. I feel you bud I don’t want to endure Lewis v Verstappen either 😭
Euros Crofty. The Lionessesses were competing in the final of the Euros. smh.
Anyway F1.
[Lap 11]: Norris v Lewis v Verstappen. I am unwell and not in a good way.
[Lap 12]: Yeahhhhh Lewis into P4 on the inside of turn 1. noice.
Seb watch: up into P14!!!
[Lap 14]: Now Charles hinting for team orders. Chaos children.
Cut to the Ferrari pitwall, I’m surprised they didn’t start playing clown music.
(Sorry to any Tifosi I assure you it’s coming from a place of utter disappointment)
[Lap 15]: oh god incoming Ferrari on Ferrari violence I don’t want
anyway people are starting to make their stops, Seb included, he’s out in P17.
Oh and so does Russell and Verstappen.
[Lap 17]: everybody do the pit stop shuffle!! *70s Disco music plays in the background*
[Lap 19]: cut to some focused Merc engineers
Hello Mr Merc mechanic 👋
[Lap 20]: I can only assume we’re already on Lap 20 bc the Hungaroring is so short bc the race is starting to drag a little bit.
[Lap 21]: “What do you do if you’re Ferrari?” I know Crofty was asking about strategy, but we do not have enough laps remaining to properly answer that question.
The RBR pitwall being immensely unbothered about Leclerc’s stop really sums up the 2022 season in a nutshell 😭
[Lap 22]: anyway, Seb watch: back into P14 after the pitstop shuffle!!!
[Lap 23]: oh jeez not live chat from the Ferrari pitwall. idk if I’m strong enough.
wsfuhaeuh nvm the connection either went or he’s just not answering.
[Lap 24]: oh not Dan picking his way past the Alpine squabble dvuhedsauh king shit
oh yes please replay that it was so funny
[Lap 25]: ah we are hearing from Binotto on the pitwall
It was two seconds of the Number 5 Aston but I’m taking it with both hands
[Lap 27]: Leclerc into Russell’s DRS range 👀
oh god first mention of Seb’s retirement fuck off Crofty 😭😭😭😭😭😭
[Lap 28]: ohhhhhh Charles trying the outside of turn 2 on Russell
(Seb watch: P12 BABY!!!!!)
[Lap 29]: don’t cut to the pitwall show me the cars!!
(yes that even includes stressed Toto, there is stuff! happening! on! track!!!!)
[Lap 30]: ahhh so nearly on the inside of turn 2 and the outside of turn 4. Charles please think of my nerves.
This is fun to watch though
Yeah. That was hot. sorry not sorry.
ugh down the inside of turn 1. NICE.
[Lap 32]: Ah. so much F1 tech, but sometimes you just gotta stick your hand out into the air and see if it’s wet or not. A Serious Sport™️
“It shouldn’t get any worse, famous last words” I find it so funny that commentators are aware of the Commentator’s Curse.
[Lap 35]: Half distance klaxon!!
I’m nether underwhelmed, overwhelmed, or even whelmed. It’s... a race I guess???
Seb onboard as he chases Esteban. And goes wide. It’s okay Seb I still adore you.
Livery watch: Aston Martin preeeeeeeetty 😍👌
[Lap 37]: So apparently the hard tyres aren’t working. Watch Ferrari use them at their second stop.
[Lap 38]: Oh no. There’s more raindrops on the cameras.
If I had a penny everytime Seb passed an Alpine on the inside of turn 1, I’d have two pennies. AND I LOVE IT.
[Lap 40]: Oh no Ferrari did pit Charles onto the hards I DIDN’T WANT TO BE RIGHT 😭
circus music
[Lap 41]: So Verstappen goes from P10 to P1 thanks to a combo of strategy, and OP car, and Ferrari clowning. Sounds about right.
oh. he spun.
[Lap 43]: Considering how pissed Charles was at his tyres, I don’t think he’s suddenly back in the race Crofty.
(I miss Alex Jacques comms SO MUCH. The things I do for Ted).
[Lap 45]: Well, the battle was tasty while it lasted.
Don’t hurt yourself trying to understand Ferrari’s clownery Crofty. Just call them fools and move on.
[Lap 46]: Lewis catching Sainz 👀
[Lap 47]: ahhhh AM doing the double stack
Pitstop shuffle 2 electric boogaloo! *80′s synth blares in the background*
Nooooo not Dan on Lance violence 😭 BOYS
[Lap 50]: Lance passes Dan and Seb passes Zhou. My lads!!! 💚
Team Green here to make passes into turn 1 and look gorgeous while doing so.
[Lap 51]: George catching Charles like it’s almost nothing. I will be taking a sledgehammer to those hard tyres. 
And Seb passed Dan into turn one for P12. niiiiice
[Lap 54]: And George goes round the outside of turn 1 to take P2.
They’re pitting Charles again. 🥲
I once again support Charles rights to burn shit down.
[Lap 55]: Bono I love you but please don’t mention anything about light rain I don’t want to hear it.
Yes, it would make the race spicy, but it would also make me stressed and it’s 25 to 1 in the morning as I watch this.
[Lap 57]: Lewis fastest lap!!! we love to see it!!!
oh yes please let’s manifest another Merc double podium. George and Lewis dragging the W13 kicking and screaming as they should.
[Lap 59]: oh not Mattia leaving the pitwall and walking to the back of the Ferrari garage. I think he figured out he just lost his job.
[Lap 60]: Nooo this was Bernie Collins’ last race with Aston?! We’ll miss you queen!!! 
[Lap 62]: Binotto watch: He’s back on the pitwall. Maybe he just needed a cathartic yell at the back of the garage.
oh yeah Lewis v Sainz let’s go!!!
[Lap 63]: And he makes the move down the main straight. NICE.
Angela’s proud happy clapping is a mood.
Oh Lance takes Bottas on the outside of turn 1??? NICE
oh fuck not Seb on Lance violence for P10 again. HELP.
[Lap 64]: Merc on Merc violence happening behind AM on AM violence. I’m not strong enough.
Oh Lewis with the switcheroo 👌
cut to the Astons, please play nice fellas.
And Lewis on track for his 5th podium in a row. That’s my Kings!!!!
[Lap 68]: Oh no Bottas’ Alfa went poof.
[Lap 69]: Poor Charles’ suddenly worrying about his car. Lad’s gone from championship leader to being traumatised by reliability. 
screaming crying etc
[Lap70/Finish]: DRS disabled so it’s actually raining raining
*distressed yelling*
all while Seb’s chasing down Ocon.
LEWIS P2!!!!!!! SEB P18 TO P10, THAT’S MY BOYS 🖤💚
And fastest lap 👌
And he takes the record for most laps led a circuit. Legend behaviour.
Well... idk how I feel about that race tbh. There was some really good bits and kinda dull bits. The battles we had were good, but it again felt more of a strategy race than anything else. So a solid 6 front wings out of 10. Next race: Belgium!
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parcoeurs · 3 years
Extremely fascinated by your wag AU tag 👀.
thanks bestie so am i.
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okay lmao so this isn't an actual fic that'll ever be written but. i was talking to my friend about it who still hasn't finished dts season 3 unfortunately but it means that i've switched around ages and years etc. i promise this has the potential to be a fun and sexy time but there's just s o much background shit that needs to be discussed. tw for mentions of irl deaths etc:
but pierre & charles meeting when they're 5-6 (which is what i think charles actually says irl but someone said it might've been closer to when they were 10-11? regardless.) and charles' dad passes away when they're 9-10, and jules when they're 13-14 and charles quits racing then. (fyi i know that irl jules passed away first)
he thinks about quitting when his dad passes away but keeps going with help from jules. so when the accident etc happens, it's not even like an active decision he ponders. he just knows there's no way he'll race again.
and pierre's been with him throughout everything, his best friend who he can talk to when he can't bear looking at his own family. so he doesn't understand when pierre tells him he's going to keep racing. when charles had told him he was never going to get into a kart ever again, pierre had nodded, grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. important to note that they're barely teenagers rn so yes charles feels betrayed that pierre isn't feeling the same things he is and isn't choosing the same future for himself etc.
they have a huge fight, lots of crying, lots of dramatic teenage angst. but it ultimately ends with charles shutting pierre out of his life. which is easier said than done when it's your best friend whose family is super close with yours. but it works because pierre is off racing around the world and charles has done all he can to never have to think about that stuff.
so charles goes to school, is doing uni somewhere in europe. studies something generic like business or maybe if i'm feeling suuuuper indulgent i will have him major in environmental studies like moi <3 pointedly does not come to monaco during grand prix weekend or the week before or the week after.
and then anthoine passes away too. (they're 20-21 now)
they see each other again at the funeral but don't talk, they meet up afterwards. pierre breaking down in charles' arms, clutching at his back, telling him he was right. pierre should've quit, he can't do this anymore either. they haven't said a word to each other in 7 years but charles still knows pierre, and knows that this isn't actually what pierre wants. or what he should do. (charles vaguely knows pierre's in f1 but doesn't know he's with redbull, doesn't know redbull's the top team etc)
"you can still do this, you will," charles tells him.
"not without you again."
so then comes the challenge of mending their relationship while still working through the shared trauma, and the Layers of past trauma. and also just the general awkwardness that comes with a friendship breakup/makeup situation you know! they can't just act like nothing happened but would it be easier that way?
they start texting first, then they play fifa or cod together. (sometimes pierre's british friend lewis joins too.)
slowly slowly slowly, they become friends again and then inseparable too. maybe even closer than they were before and charles only now realizes how much he missed pierre. while pierre still can't believe he has charles back now, it's as good as he let himself imagine.
the part i'm unsure about is if i would want pierre's career trajectory to be the same or not. because i think the demotion adds SUCH a painful but interesting aspect to his ~storyline. but ultimately i think maybe he just doesn't get the second seat immediately. spends more years with toro rosso/alpha tauri before getting "called up" (sorry i have no idea what the proper terminology is haha ignore the nba/nhl terms).
he invites charles to his first race in the red bull and charles says no. immediately. pierre's quiet on the other side of the phone, internally thinking he messed this up somehow. he thought things were going well and he takes this as charles doesn't want to see him. but he knows there's a lot more that's stopping charles and he also knows charles will definitely pull back if pierre asks about the other stuff. so he moves right along, asking charles about school, the weather, and tries not to let it show in his voice that he misses his best friend and needs him too.
"i'm going to try to watch," charles says, after pierre's yawned goodnight through the phone and is waiting for him to hang up. because you know pierre's not going to hang up first.
"the race. i'm going to try. goodnight!" mentally charles slams the phone shut but really he just smashes at the red button before shoving it under his bed and looking at his hands trying to get answers for what he just did.
his only relief is that he didn't promise pierre he would watch, just that he would try. couldn't even choke out a, "good luck." (insert long paragraph about charles letting pierre down or thinking he has).
he only watches qualifying. pierre p3. already knows on saturday that there's no way he can watch the actual race.
but on sunday when he's supposed to be going over his notes for his climate change science & policy course (yes.... i did it...) he finds himself with his heart in his mouth refreshing formula1 dot com. watches the random names move up and down while keeping his eyes on 10 - gasly. (starts shaking for a second when he sees pierre's name drop until the IN PIT sign comes up across his name. fellas the thing about triggers is-- anyways.)
the scariest part is that by the time he's scrolled through all of red bull's socials to look at pictures of pierre on the podium (he finished p2 sorry i know this truly does not matter), he's forgotten about the race. the anxiety sits small in the back of his throat, his happiness for pierre is bright and loud in front of him. charles sends him a message, asking him to call whenever he can and adds a blue & red heart emoji which feels like a Big Step. but basically pierre calls and acts like nothing has happened since the last time they talked. mentions the breakfast he had in detail as if he didn’t get a podium in his first race with red bull. finally with a big team. but charles embarrassingly realizes that maybe his text didn't exactly imply in literally any way whatsoever that he knows the results of the race and was trying to congratulate pierre with this call. charles probably feels so embarrassed at this point but somehow still can't manage to say anything about the race until the next day maybe.
maybe texts pierre, good job. or, you were great. or something about him and not the race. or maybe reposts a picture from red bull but not one of pierre in his car, pointedly. only one of him on the podium. and pierre probably reposts it with the squid emoji and/or my favourite sentence in the world, merci petit calamaro.
charles cries when he reads it.
not to be lazy now but [insert 10k words of them building their friendship. meeting up in monaco with both of their families. meeting in milan or london or paris idk where pierre would live. but he flies charles out. not on a private jet because charles flat out refused lol. not because he's an environmentally conscious king he's just too, embarrassed? overwhelmed? by pierre doing Things Like That for him. even though he wants it lol. like when he graduates he's soooo annoyed that pierre couldn't come celebrate immediately because it was race week. but when he comes home his apartment is filled with flowers (roses, his favourite) and balloons and a giant teddy bear as tall as charles. and he DOES post 12 instagram stories to go with the other 30 from his other friends congratulating him. so yeah charles goes through a lot of personal growth and therapy. to the point where he's watching pierre race again, and waiting for him to invite him to a race again!!! do not even think about actual dates i'm fucking begging you but the one he goes to is monza :))))]
ultimately charles' path to understand/accepting/moving on from, his trauma, happens once he has pierre back in his life. it's also encouraged by pierre, but it's also not entirely because of him. not sure how to word that but yeah. these things are happening at the same time but charles still has to go through them by himself.
pierre takes him on romantic dates all around the world and charles doesn't realize that's what they are. fully in his bestie vibes only mood while pining for pierre in a way he doesn't even quite understand. almost a self deprecating, jeez whoever gets to date pierre is going to be so lucky :/
fanpage on ig: met pierre's alleged bf he's so pretty and sweet, i complimented his shoes and he was so nice. charles reading that: i didnt know he was dating someone :( why wouldn't he tell me :( well at least someone complimented my shoes today :(
pierre doesn't necessarily think they're dating, but he does know charles doesn't quite realize what they're doing so he's just waiting for him to come to terms with it.
not to give this au 10 different subplots but yeah that miscommunication plot becomes our prize for surviving through the first part of this.
but yeah at the last race of the year, that pierre wins because i said so? charles finds him before he goes on to the podium, kisses his helmet. says i love you, i'm so proud of you.
THEN, finally, charles does become pierre's wag. we made it kids. we did it joe.
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alfalfatauri · 4 years
How safe would I feel in an elevator with the 2020 grid?
I’ve been thinking about this for days and I tried to keep this as unbiased as possible, however I simply couldn’t let the serial non-kneelers rank highly, so the criteria was what I know about them combined with looking at the first page of google images..
Sebastian Vettel: I’ve never seen a man give off bigger dad vibes. This is both good news and bad news for Seb. On the one hand, he’s not going to say anything creepy and he’s going to be checking couple of minutes to see how I’m hanging in there…. But on the other hand, I get the feeling his concern could turn from comforting to overbearing and claustrophobic. I’m safe but mildly annoyed. 8/10. 
Charles Leclerc: Oh this kid thinks he’s top shit and he can crack that smile and make everything better. He’s not intentionally a sleazebag but it can come off that way. I’d still feel ‘safe’ but I’d be wary of him for sure. Not giving out any detailed answers, keeping my self to myself. 5/10.
Lewis Hamilton: He’s calm. He’s collected. He probably has the lift technician’s number on speed dial. He has a bottle of water to keep us hydrated and he wants to know what I study. If he asked to buy me dinner afterwards, I’d say yes because I know he’s a good guy. I feel safe in this elevator. 9/10.
Valterri Bottas: I feel like he’d make a stupid joke to try to put me at ease and it would have the opposite effect. He has the added effect of being a rather large looking adult man. 4/10.
Max Vertstappen: I don’t feel actively unsafe but I don’t feel actively comfortable either. He’d gonna be wearing a cap and a Red Bull branded jacket and shorts and I’m going to want to avoid eye contact. I might warm up to him after a while, but he also might say something dumb. 5/10.
Alex Albon: It’s not that I want to be stuck in a lift, but if I had to be stuck in a lift with Alex, I wouldn’t be mad about it. He’s so soft spoken, he’s funny, he’s kind, he’s level headed, he’s a bean pole, he’d show me pictures of his pets on his phone. 9/10.
Lando Norris: Sir, this is a child. We weigh the same amount. If I needed to, I could overpower him. He’s more scared of the elevator being stuck than I am. He giggles too easily. He’s not a threat. 8/10.
Carlos Sainz: Get this man out of the elevator please. I don’t like his vibes. I do not like his vibes. 2/10.
Daniel Ricciardo: The way I feel about Australian men, this could have gone either way. However there’s something about Daniel that makes me feel related to him? Like I’ve been to a family BBQ and he’s also been there. And we’ve all seen what he’s like with kids… I don’t trust him not to jump up and down just to see if he can get the elevator to move though so that drops his score a little. 8/10.
Esteban Ocon: He’s another bean pole. He’s a smiley bean pole. He’d be fun to talk to. 7/10.
George Russell: I know I’ve said this before. Here’s the thing with George… Sometimes he looks like the kindest man on the face of the planet. Other times he gives off big ‘I was the Cool Kid in high school’ vibes. Like… I would warm up to him, but the first time he stepped in the elevator I wouldn’t make eye contact. 7/10.
Nicholas Latifi: Before I watched Nicky interacting with people I was kinda ??? and :o about him. He’s got a thick rugby player neck. It scares me. 4/10.
Lance Stroll: Nope. Absolutely not. I know he’s nice irl I know it I want to like him I just can’t. I don’t want to be in an elevator with him. 3/10.
Sergio Perez: Also dad vibes but in a slightly more ‘get your shit together why are you freaking out’ way than Seb. He’s okay. 6/10.
Antonio Giovinazzi: Um.. no thank u sir. 3/10.
Kimi Raikkonen: Absolutely not. Do not pass go. I shall be taking the stairs from now on. 2/10.
Romain Grosjean: He’s okay I guess. I don’t feel any particular way about him. 5/10.
Kevin Magnussen: Nice face, slow spoken, he’d set up a full kitchen-picnic table-living room in the elevator and we’d be having a nice chill conversation by the time we were rescued. 7/10.
Pierre Gasly: All I need to do is point you in the direction of a video of him giggling and call it a day. He’s small, he’s giggly, I love him. 9/10
Daniil Kvyat: he looks a bit scary but ultimately I think he’d be very head down, let’s get this sorted, you stay on your side of the lift and I’ll stay on mine, when we get out of here we’ll laugh about it and maybe shake hands. 6/10.
Nico Hulkenberg: Like Dany, he looks scary at first but then he starts talking about Zeus and showing me pictures of him, and he smiles a little and it’s all well inside the elevator. Idk something about large blond men makes me ….. but he gets a 7/10.
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vaguepositivity · 6 years
Darcy Lewis Poly Pairings Fic Recs
by @amusewithaview
1. “The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum),” by The Cheeky Girls, post-CA:tWS
Author Summary: “Thor just texted me,” Jane reported. “He says they’ll be here within the hour and they’ll be hungry.”Darcy nodded decisively. “Right then. JARVIS?”“Yes, Miss Lewis?”“Can you play my ‘Getting Shit Done’ playlist through the main speakers in the common area? I’ve got a lot of shit to do – “
by @amusewithaview
the best part of waking up (soulmates in your kitchen)
Author Summary: It had taken Darcy about a month of living and working in Stark Tower to go from OMG THERE ARE SUPERHEROES HERE to oh, the superheroes are back, fuckers better not eat my granola. She was still in awe of their capabilities, grateful for their actions, and respectful of their space, but – after the sixth time Hawkeye stole her last KitKat – it was safe to say the bloom was off the rose.
by @amusewithaview
3, with Darcy/Nat/Clint trio?? ;)
Author Summary: Clint walked in just as the Alpha on the screen leaned over the Omega and growled, “I can’t wait to see your belly swell with our perfect babies.”  He briefly considered walking right back out, but Nat was behind him and shoved him through the door before he could run.
by @becisvolatile
Author Summary: “Are you sure he’s up for this? Because, I have to be honest with you, he looks like he’d pass out from an overly enthusiastic high five.”
by @pepperpottsblogs
I Will Be A Gun (And It's You I'll Come For)
Author Summary: "At first, Darcy thought she was hungover. The kind of epic, dry-mouth, gritty-eyed, pounding-headache type of hangover that she could usually blame on Clint or Tony.
But then she registered the tang of copper in her mouth and the cold, pocked surface of concrete under her shoulder and an odd, metallic weight on her ankle and reconsidered."
by @amusewithaview
charles x darcy x erik(ish)
Author Summary: "Charles x Darcy x Erik feels like, drown me EVERY TIME you post something about them and it's always a surprise. The first time you wrote something for them (An ABO ficlet I think?) I was over the gosh dang moon and then a few weeks ago you put up that brainstorming bit about Darcy dreaming and Charles and Erik and just - Gosh, Amuse. Gosh. Not mad in the slightest though, continue making me ship ALL THE THINGS, cue thumbs up and very rosy cheeks"
by @amusewithaview
10. “Come Softly to Me” by The Fleetwoods, Thor AU
Author Summary: Darcy noticed Fan-dude and - she didn’t remember his name, but he didn’t seem like the type that was particularly verbose – having a very intense conversation. She would assume that it had something to do with Thor’s…Thor-ness, only the badass warrior chick and the guy who looked like a ginger Santa Claus were both watching their friends in confusion and what might be concern. Thor was off in la-la-land with Jane until badass warrior chick walked over and punched his arm, hard.
by @amusewithaview
to be loved a whole life long
Author Summary: Darcy finds missing pieces of herself on a rooftop and in an abandoned parking lot.
Darcy/Janet Van Dyne/Hank Pym
by @amusewithaview
2. “Falling Off the Edge of the World,” by Heaven & Hell, nebulously post-CA:tWS and AU for everything after
Author Summary: Darcy rounded the corner on the way to the labs, grinning and waving at the workers who were in the middle of replacing one of the large windows that Hulk had destroyed during the last incursion on the Tower. Stupid Doombots.
by @amusewithaview
4. “Look Through My Window,” by The Mamas and the Papas, post CA:tWS
Author Summary: Darcy woke up the sound of people arguing.The first voice was masculine and slightly familiar: “You stole her from her room? What were you thinking?!”“I wanted to meet her,” the other person, a woman, said calmly.“There are other ways of meeting people! Normal ways! Ways that don’t involve felonies!”“Tch. ‘Normal’ is overrated,” the woman said, sounding… fond?
by @shu-of-the-wind
between disaster and atrocity
Author Summary: “People who are different have a knack for finding each other,” she remembers her therapist saying, and Elektra had never believed him. Not until now.[In which three furiously passionate and passionately furious people unexpectedly find mirrors in each other, and Foggy really, really, really needs a drink. Alternating POV. Inspired by, but not a part of, The Price of War 'verse. DevilSaiShock.]
The Source of Darkness
Author Summary: It's been nearly a year. Really, things should stop piling up. If they could stop doing that, you know, that would be great. But it's her life; when do things ever not implode?[In which Darcy Lewis meets assassins, attempts to bake and fails, has the rug ripped out from under her feet, gets a new nickname, argues a lot, questions everything, snags a new toy, and starts wondering if she ought to look into a quiet life in Milwaukee. Though, you know. She'd probably be bored.][A sequel to The Price of War. Heavy spoilers for both The Price of War and for season two of Daredevil. Darcy POV, some alternating. Season 2 Rewrite.]
by @amusewithaview
sweet sensations (hot temptations)
Author Summary: The moment Pepper breathed in the smells of the lab, everything went sharp and gilt-edged. Her eyes scanned rapidly while her lungs strained to take in as much air as she could. In her peripheral vision she saw Foster and Selvigg look up and freeze, she saw Boothby back away with his hands up to show they were empty, but her focus was on Lewis. Her eyes locked onto Darcy and everything she’d been worrying about, every other concern faded into insignificance in comparison to this, meeting the omega she and Tony had quietly hoped for.
the three faces of Eve
Author Summary: Three ways Darcy and Pepper could have happened, loosely strung together by Clue references.(That film has a stupidly catchy theme.)
what happens in Vegas (waking up in New York)
Author Summary: I ACCIDENTALLY A D/P/T.It almost developed a real plot about halfway through, but I killed it. TOO MANY, TOO MANY ALREADY.
you gotta fight for your happy ending (ABO-AU)
Author Summary: The first time Tony was sent sprinting from their bed not by nightmares, but by an urgent need to vomit, Pepper wanted to write it off as food poisoning.  She had a niggling feeling that that wasn’t it, but she was comfortable living in denial.  Tony seemed to feel the same way, too, judging by his marked silence on the topic.  She noticed that he stopped drinking the next day, but neither of them brought it up.
by @twistedingenue
adore and be adored
Author Summary: “You’ll come with us and everywhere we go, people will think it’s quite a scandal, that I so openly let Tony flaunt and flatter a younger woman.” Pepper’s voice drops low and still, her finger tracing down and down the space between Darcy’s breasts, “But we’ll know exactly whose pet you are, won’t we?”
by @amusewithaview
Not in love with you yet (but the odds are in your favor)
Author Summary: Darcy was expecting pizza and an awkward post-world-saving movie night.She was not expecting them.(A "What if?" spin-off from the main continuity of "Nothing but love in view.")
by @shu-of-the-wind
wrap your roots all around my bones
Author Summary: Darcy’s five, but she’s already learned to read, so she knows precisely why her grandmother gets that weird pinched look to her mouth when she sees Darcy’s marks. On her left wrist, the handwriting—a bit loopy, a bit cramped, but clear all the same—spells out, I am sorry, can we perhaps talk about this later? And on the right, in crooked, hasty script, reads, Maybe when no one is shooting at us.It sets the tone for a lot of her life, to be entirely honest.
Darcy/Remy/Victor Creed
by @amusewithaview
First sentence: "The next one who growls at me is getting whapped with a rolled up newspaper." Per favore?
by @amusewithaview
“You’re so cute when you’re tired, you know.”
Author Summary: “What?” Sam said, blinking slowly.  “I’m awake.”
by @amusewithaview
Starbucks twitter story
Author Summary: "omg that Starbucks twitter story all I'm seeing is Darcy/Sam/Natasha/Bucky and I'm dying the caffeine addicted quartet (Steve is the sex-repulsed ace cuddle buddy who does not need caffeine in the morning to be hyper-awake and the other four hate him for it between the hours of 5am-1pm)"
by @amusewithaview
1. “Something,” by Jim Sturgess, post CA:tWS
Author Summary: When she’d put in the emergency extraction call, Darcy had expected to get some sort of elite security team, or maybe the cops, possibly even a couple of super-advanced-robots – she’d called Stark, after all. What she had not expected, not even as a gal on a first name basis with Thor, was to get the Avengers.
an unexpected (long awaited) reunion
Author Summary: “I hate you,” Darcy whispered fiercely.“No you don’t,” Jane said absently, scanning the room.“No, I do.  I really, really do.  I would have been happy to never see any of these people again, Janey!  Really, really happy!  Incandescent with freakingjoy, even!”
by @amusewithaview
untitled soulmate drabble (IDK what number, probably 1,000,000 at this point)
Author Summary: Steve meets Thor during the events of the Avengers, but things don’t settle down long enough for them to really talk until after.  Thor and Steve realize they’re soulmates (to be fair, Thor met A LOT of different people in his short time on Midgard) at the schwarma restaurant and while Thor is overjoyed, Steve is just plain overwhelmed.
Darcy/Wade Wilson/Logan
by @amusewithaview
a girl worth fighting for
Author Summary: It is the single thing about this day (and, possibly, all of her life choices up to this point) that Darcy is not currently regretting.  She is aware that noreasonable human being could have foreseen this, but she works with a large group of highly unreasonable people.  She should be prepared for everything.
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 8 - Azerbaijan
alternatively titled: F1 Liveblog - Well Done Baku edition
Very much no memories head empty on this one, truly going into it blind. oh boy.
I really hope Seb did well bc idk if I can handle watching this for 2 hours for nothing 😭
at least he looks very pretty in the intro
I was very briefly on the F1 tv comms and Ben Edwards my beloved I had no idea he worked for F1 now. 
Alas I still switched to international. For Ted crumbs ✊
oh christ he started next to Fernando
2012 called they want their quali results back
Ah. Charles on pole. So he’s not winning then?
(I know I’ve seen this film before, and we all know the ending)
[Start/Lap 1]: Aaaaaaand Perez takes the lead at the start
all clean into turn one though??? Well done Baku
...so far all clean on the first lap??? You mean everyone had their braincells???
ayyyyyy Seb up into P8.
[Lap 2]: Perez with over a second gap already. oof.
also. a completely clean first lap. I am astounded.
oh nvm Nicky got a stop go penalty for a starting grid infringement. ouch.
[Lap 3]: ahhhh Seb’s behind Lewis
besties that race together thrive together
even though Seb’s 1.4 back bc AMR22 gonna tractor
[Lap 4]: “Red Bull is quick” yeah no shit Carlos
[Lap 6]: Charles probably has jaws music playing in his head rn. I feel it’s inevitable that Verstappen’s going to pass him.
[Lap 8]: There has been zero Ted crumbs. Was he not at Baku???
These are the things I think about bc not much has really happened.
[Lap 9]: and as I say that Sainz has stopped at the turn 4 run off
ouch mechanical failure
[Lap 10]: Two seconds of Seb before cutting to Leclerc in the pits.
Can I at least get a Bono or Antti sighting to make up for it?
oh Seb jumped Lewis at the stop!!
The Ferrari mechanics kicking the tyre after the slow stop is a mood.
and VSC gone
[Lap 12]: Seb onboard!! chasing Ocon for P9
Lewis following behind munching on some popcorn
Seb was second fastest in the speedtrap in quali?? that’s my boy!!!
[Lap 13]: And he was in P9 for two seconds before binning it into the run off 😭
the spin he did to rejoin was sexy though
Livery watch!! Italian flag Alfa Romeo v stunning
[Lap 15]: oh. Red Bull on Red Bull violence-ish
“No fighting” 
....if I speak
[Lap 16]: ANYWAY back to Esteban v Lewis
[Lap 17]: Ouch Perez with a 5.7 stop. Just to rub salt in the wound.
[Lap 18]: ooooh nice pass from Lewis on Ocon for P9
[Lap 19]: and Leclerc into the lead. How long will this last? 😬
[Lap 20]: ayyyy Seb sighting!!
also Baku alert the McLaren’s are thinking about fighting
aaaaaand Ferrari engine go poof. Again.
Clowneria Ferrari strikes again
[Lap 21]: Dan and Pierre are fighting
Cut to Mattia looking dead inside. Sums up Ferrari’s 2022 tbh.
[Lap 22]: And Gasly passes Dan like it was nothing 😶
“The big battle now is in the midfield” The battles is almost always in the midfield that’s where is spice is in races
oof the Alpha Tauri’s are racy rn, Yuki just got past Ocon.
Esteban v Seb v Guanyu for P8 👀
pls don’t mess it up again Seb
aw no Zhou has some kind of mechanical problem 😔
[Lap 24]: Esteban v Seb 2 electric boogaloo
Livery Watch (you know the drill): AM preeeeeeetty
that was a v pretty pass. We love to see it.
(Unrelated, I miss Ted)
[Lap 26]: And Lewis also gets past Dan like it’s nothing for P5
“We know that Alpine was slippier than an eel on steroids in the straight line” Crofty?????
I mean tbf he was overtaking a Haas
[Lap 27]: And Alonso gets past Esteban
I do not know if I can take a Seb v Fernando battle at half past 10 on a Tuesday evening
Shoutout to the midfield for once again carrying the entertainment levels of a race
[Lap 29]: Yikes, I have never heard Lewis sound in pain over radio before. The whole porpoising stuff was a mess
You can actually hear the car skidding over the sound of the engine. BIG yikes.
[Lap 32]: Pretty sure Esteban is going for Perez’s Minister of Defence title, he’s like a mobile blue and pink brick wall.
[Lap 33]: And a very slow Haas. And another Ferrari engine going poof.
Ferrari PUs clearly not Baku fans.
and another VSC
[Lap 34]: ...McLaren are going to pit Dan right? He still needs to stop
oh phew they did.
Seb up into P7 😏
Though he is once again behind Lewis.
[Lap 35]: And we’re green!
and a Seb sighting!!!
[Lap 36]: Lewis did indeed have a tyre advantage he got past Yuki like cutting through butter
15 laps left, and this race has felt both long and short at the same time.
[Lap 37]: Somewhat distressed Toto sighting
oh shit Yuki’s DRS is split down the middle, that’s not fun.
Yup, black and orange flag, that’s such rotten luck. Although I have never seen DRS break like that ever
[Lap 39]: I love it when they just slap duct tape on things. Peak motorsport.
[Lap 40]: And Seb up into P6, once again behind Lewis, they clearly had some magnetic pull going on in Baku.
[Lap 41]: And suddenly Verstappen can’t use DRS??? 
Red Bull branded teams not being besties with DRS it seems
[Lap 43]: Lewis really catching Gasly 👀
[Lap 44]: And he gets the move done into turn 4. noice.
Ouch. Cut to Ferrari starting to pack up the garage and pitwall. Cue distant Italian sobbing.
[Lap 46]: Anyway Seb’s still holding in P6!!!!! We really do love to fucking see it!!!!!
[Lap 47]: Lewis’ seat has gone cold???? W13 gonna W13 I guess.
and Lance mechanical DNF
Also trying not to think about Verstappen breaking Seb’s Red Bull podium record.
[Lap 49]: Shoutout to Gasly dragging the Alpha Tauri into P5. We love the midfield continuing to smash it.
oop the McLaren’s are thinking about fighting
[Lap 51/Finish]: Aaaand Red Bull 1-2.
Granted the Ferrari’s both DNFing helped Merc, but shoutout to George and Lewis dragging the W13 into third and fourth. I could never.
Well... honestly idk how I felt about that race. Stuff happened, and there were some medium spice battles but it felt more of a race by strategy than anything else, with the mechanical failure induced VSCs. Though Seb did get his season-best result so we’ll always stan that.
6 and a half front wings out of 10.
Next Race: Canada
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