#i am v excited about all of this
crowned-ladybug · 1 year
I have always been a "leave me alone about painting" guy
It takes a lot of prep! And a steady hand! And it doesn't let me rest my hand on the paper to make my very-not-steady hand a bit more steady! And you can't erase your mistakes!
So imagine my horror upon realising that the medium that might be the best suited for my chronic pain might actually be a form of painting, bc using a brush doesn't take nearly as much out of me as pressing a pencil to a paper does
Now also imagine my shock upon also realising that i actually enjoy it
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bluestation · 19 days
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🖊 september sketch log (#12)
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prince-liest · 6 months
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I have to go pack and then drive several hours so no more writing for a hot minute BUT please have a snippet of this absolute disaster of a situation that Vox managed to create with his own hypnosis and a mirror in the next 666.
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gorespawn · 3 months
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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aletheialed · 4 months
Right now, wine glass in hand and staring vacantly into the dark corners of the room in which he dwells - Barok can't help but think about his brother. To think about Klint during hard times, the man who he's always admired so much, has always come naturally to him - but it can't bring him any comfort now.
The truth is, Barok doesn't know what he should feel more betrayed about. The fact that the brother he'd wanted to emulate all his life was nothing but a killer, who's actions resulted in the ending and ruining of so many lives, including Barok's own? Or... is it that, until the very end, Klint was too afraid to share that horrible truth with him, even when that fear allowed him to be controlled into committing the most heinous acts imaginable?
It makes him want to laugh with a bitterness he hasn't felt in years. It makes him feel ill; desperate and angry and like a fraying rope about to snap. Perhaps it's sinful, and a sign of Barok's own weak character, that Klint's lack of trust in him might be what hurts the most. Had he thought Barok would break under the weight of the truth, and sought to protect him from that fate? What's worse is that Barok doesn't know how he would've reacted deep down. What's the scarier thought - that Barok would've turned away in despair and been unable to carry on just as his brother feared, or that he would stand with Klint, perhaps even turning a blind eye to his crimes...?
...There's no point in thinking about it now. But if he doesn't think about Klint, then there's no shortage of other things to take his place at the forefront of his mind. Such as the true identity of the Reaper, and how Barok had been complicit in his crimes for the longest time - allowing himself to be used and manipulated like a puppet on a string, even when he didn't see the full extent of it all.
His whole life, these past ten years in which he thought he'd endured so much, all for the sake of the people of London... what were they all for?
When he hears the knock on the door, it's tempting to ignore it entirely - he barely has the energy to stand, anyway. He doesn't know who it could possibly be, considering everything, but... in the end, he rises like a man possessed, and finds himself walking to open the door as if in a trance. What he sees when the door opens is the last thing he expects.
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"Mr... Naruhodo...? You... pray tell, what are you doing here at this hour?"
@tenacquity ( starter! )
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whinlatter · 9 months
Helllloooo! Happy New Year!!!
I just wanted to say that i cant wait for a new chapter in the most possibly less urgent way 😭 Dont listen to me just take your timeee (but cant wait hahhaha)
tfw you promise the next chapter will be up by january and it is in fact now january
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madmadmilk · 2 months
lol i should not b planning for our wedding in 36 days-- i should b writing fanfic and drinking boba idk !! 🤧
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omegalomania · 1 year
new elvis duran interview where fall out boy talking about how touring together has changed:
andy: yeah, we know when to stay away. we still hang out. we go to movies together, get food together sometimes, but then also have our separate times.
patrick: you know one of the things that i think is funny is the way everybody expresses anger, right? not like freaking out anger, but just when you're frustrated about something. it took a long time to understand that, where now it's like, 'oh is pete mad at me? oh, no, he's frustrated with something.' like you can kinda...now it's like this unspoken thing where it's not a lot of like, you leave the room like, what was up with him? you kinda know what the vibe is. you kinda know what everyone's feeling. it's kind of intuitive now after twenty years.
when asked about how they would describe so much (for) stardust
patrick: i don't wanna be...too much of a tangent, but...we made this record, folie à deux, which was our last record that we did with neal avron. and it was very experimental and we were all just kinda pushing things and seeing what we could do, but we as a band at the time were very fractured and very all over the place. and i had had this wanderlust to get back in the studio with him now, because we are a different band of people at this point. we get on so much better, we communicate better, both interpersonally and musically. so i was like, "i would love to see that again." you know, now that...and we've also learned so much. andy, you said it was like superpowers. we all have superpowers now. and it's like what could that be -
andy: that is what i said.
patrick: that is what you said, yeah! and so i feel the sound of this record is really just...us actualized as us, you know...
andy: at the height of our -
patrick: yes! at the height of our power!
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amynchan · 2 months
ok, look me in the eye for a sec, ok? *holds ur hands* sometimes, your fanfictions are gonna say things about you. Those things aren't moral or just or immoral or unjust. They just are. And here's the important part *rubs thumbs over the back of your hands* no one's gonna know what it means except you.
I'm serious. look at my fics. look at the comics comments (girl why). people aren't interested in psychoanalyzing even my most messed up fanfics from when i was younger and didn't know better. they only care about the facets of my life that I choose to share with them. like if I got an ice cream at a store. or if I made a dress. or something that I share.
hun, you may pour your entire soul and issues into your fanfiction, but no one's gonna know or analyze it for those things unless you tell them to. and even then, there's a huge chance that they'll miss what you're terrified of them finding out. people bring their own experiences to art, after all, so what's an obvious play to you may mean something totally different to online strangers.
write your fics. explore your themes. be reckless and silly with your written words. even if you write your soul and your flaws and your insecurities for the world to see, there's still a sense of safety in the fact that when someone else sees your work, all they see is another story to enjoy.
go. *lets go* be free, and write.
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Okay but fr I hope Dan and Phil don’t feel pressured to actually do a 25-day gamingmas bc that’s like. SO much work for them. They don’t need to upload every day leading up to Christmas. They can just do like 5 days or a week, but even then they don’t need to do that, that’s just if they wanna do some sort of gamingmas-type thing
I just want them to take care of themselves and not burn themselves out 😭
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villainsrph · 11 months
tiny late night update ... I'm at the end of another head-cold, so I'm hoping to be here tomorrow fully and get caught up on messages! in some good life news though, I finally was able to go to the doctor today, as well as get some other appointments scheduled, and we're starting the process of getting some answers for my chronic health. so that's a win! ♡ I'll fully be here for the next week and a half as long as my body complies! ♡ ( and I did manage to make a new carrd template while resting in bed yesterday, so I'm hoping to get that posted tomorrow! )
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magnifiico · 8 months
literally copy/pasting this from one of my other blogs where i made this post YEARS ago, but it still applies, so i want to communicate it again (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ✿)
i’m not asking anyone to do anything or requesting this be done for me specifically, but i do want to just sort of encourage this among folks in the rpc willing to engage:
please just… when someone writes you a starter, replies to an ask you sent, replies even just to a thread you have going on, let them know you like it and appreciate it.
now, tumblr makes that easy for us. we can literally just “like” the post and let the person know we’ve a) seen it and b) approve in some way/shape/form. but for anyone who doesn’t get anxious doing so, actually approaching the person or leaving a lil comment on it really is such a sweet thing to do, imo.
in my experience, i’m always more engaged and eager to write with someone who shows they appreciate my writing and characterization. and you really don’t have to jump through hoops to show it. you don’t have to be someone’s best friend or therapist or any of that; even just being in a strictly “writing partners” relationship leaves room to tell your partner:
hey, that starter you wrote for me was perfect and i love it; tysm for writing it. i can’t believe your character just said that!! i’m screaming omg can’t wait to reply. your ask response killed me; i adore the way you write your character. and so on.
the point i’m trying to make is that i think everyone here deserves to be told they’re doing a great job. everyone here deserves to feel accomplished and wonderful for the time and effort they put into their muse. but i also think 99% of the people here don’t actually get to hear that as often as they should.
so if you have it in you, let your rp partners know you appreciate them, their character, their writing, their headcanons, any of it. because you do. otherwise you wouldn’t be writing with them—just go that one extra step of point-blank expressing it. <3
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
@5judgements​ found the dancer . chapter 5
An evening to celebrate and honor the passing of another year of the Archadian Emperor, Gramis Gana Solidor, was an occasion that no citizen or imperial guest wished to miss. With the emperor’s health declining over the recent months, there was an additional care to ensure that the commemorations would be remembered by those in attendance, regardless of their ties to the actual ruling house of Archadia.
Judge magisters, the superior officers among their troops, the head scientists from Draklor, diplomats from allied nations, members of the Senate, military personnel serving as liaisons to occupied territories, the capital’s very own elite - everyone received an invitation for a ball held within palace grounds, which again served a double purpose as propaganda and suggestion of intent for those keen on threatening Archadia. Although there was no actual display of power from their best among military ranks such as the tournament held months before, security was impossibly high and Emperor Gramis decided to make an appearance, health concerns notwithstanding.
Melissa was there, among those graced with an invitation - something only possible thanks to the backing and meddling of the Marquis of Ondore, of course. For all intents and purposes, her season was supposed to have ended a few weeks before, when she was even transported to the Sky City with the 8th Fleet, a personal courtesy given the woman’s non-official diplomatic status in the city. However, the dancer returned a couple of days later with news of an extension - for a full year, with an exclusive contract with the local opera house.
While initially her role had seemed to be one to foster curiosity and goodwill for Bhujerba, Melissa explained that her craft had indeed drawn the curiosity of many from the Empire - enough to secure sizeable revenue for the venue promoters who sought to retain her as a fixed attraction. The Marquis signed off on such dealings, evidence of his continued support of the fragile but sincere collaboration of the Sky City and Archades. 
Behind the scenes, however, the intentions of the Ondore administration were very different - Melissa had met with him at their homeland, and explained the status of her assignment in a way to highlight that she needed time - only on the very eve of the meeting had she been successful in breaching Ghis’ final layer of armor and ensnaring him. The delay did not please the Marquis, but the account of her travel instigated him to continue with the charade - and Melissa was able to return with the fanfarre her created persona required, even if deep down she had no intention of following through with the Resistance plans anymore.
The Bhujerban had decided to use the time to find an alternative - anything that could help her country, but not at the cost of her beloved magistrate’s life.
The renewed season, the possibility of meeting Ghis frequently, the life in the capital to which she had been growing used to - all these things filled Melissa with excitement for the evening of the ball, Drace being immensely helpful with recommendations for a good seamstress as well as getting the woman in touch with those who could not only secure her an apartment but also a decent one (after all, a hotel was no longer suitable for the Bhujerban considering her long-term presence). Zargabaath had also provided counsel and the last weeks had been used to finalize her move into a new place, decorated to her preferences (with everything she had brought from the Sky City after her meeting with Ondore).
The only thing missing was speaking with Ghis - since they said their goodbyes at the Bhujerban aerodrome, she had not seen him again. Presumably too busy with the Marquis, and then dispatched elsewhere when she returned to Archades. Melissa was itching to share the good news with him - and to talk about what it represented for both of them; Ghis had hinted at a relationship before - would he still be amenable to it if they both lived in the same city? It seemed like a silly thing to fret over with war on the horizon, but her heart could yearn for nothing else.
However, his colleagues within the magister circle told her to not send word - both Drace and Zargabaath suggested doing so personally at the ball, which Ghis would be sure to attend (as well as all of them). Besides, Melissa’s fresh anxiety in relation to the oldest judge did not escape the trained eye of his peers - despite the dancer never outright gossiping about her trip with Ghis to the Sky City, she had alluded to certain events - Drace immediately understood.
So that brought the dancer to the night at the palace, for once dressed like an Archadian (it was the Emperor’s birthday, after all). Her dress was one of shimmering fabric mimicking the colors of the sunset, with crossed straps around the neck that turned into billowing twin capes trailing after her steps while leaving most of Melissa’s back bare. The front of the dress had no embroidery save for the right side of the waist, where crystals had been sewn into a delicate flower pattern, decorating a small section there where some skin was visible in a tasteful manner (but considerably less if one compared to her usual attire).
The slit for the right side of her legs offered ample movement - and combining with the soft fabric used for the outfit, there was a lot of freedom for her to walk as if wearing one of her own adored costumes. Her long, dark hair was styled with a half braid, the only Bhujerban concession being the jewelry added to her tresses, earrings and arms; nothing else on Melissa hailed from the Sky City, and if not for the choice of vibrant colors, she could perhaps be confused with one of the local ladies in attendance.
With a glass in hand, Melissa walked around the main room, looking for familiar faces - one in particular, which she had failed to locate despite the assurances of the other magisters that he would be there. It was a most curious feeling the dancer experienced then - almost like stage fright, but of an extremely personal nature; the woman felt hot and cold simultaneously, and longed to see Ghis’ face while at the same time hoping he would share her enthusiasm for the news. There was hardly anything she could do but wait more - but the weeks without contact had turned her into someone almost desperate for his presence, and, more importantly, his approval.
An assassin turned soft - if only Ondore knew how well his own agent had lied to him.
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magical-girl-04 · 2 years
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risingsunresistance · 27 days
finally got every rabbit to lv220, time to start buying up the entire shop
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hotmess-exe · 5 months
the talk with my stand-up teacher was amazing!!! i'm prob gonna be bringing up that comedy debate show a shit ton in coming months :]]]
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