#i am. So sore. actually falling asleep is gonna take me a While. but i had to be productive while my brain demanded it or i'd never do it
bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ WVBA Sleepover ☆
This is what i imagine if all the boxers had a sleepover, i had so much fun doing this, imagine the ref as your dad telling you and your friends to shut up at 4 AM in the morning during your sleepover
Glass Joe
- actually trying to sleep
- enjoyed watching movies
- keeps picking truth while playing truth and dare and pissing off everyone
- "guys shut up my moms calling i gotta take this"
- sore loser of any pillow fights that take place
Von Kaiser
- cant sleep because they keep annoying him
- "guys let Joe speak to his mom"
- screamed while watching a horror movie and keeps getting made fun of for it
- if you pick dare while playing truth and dare with him, hes gonna be so evil and cruel
- keeps getting pillows thrown at him by Macho Man
Disco Kid
- wont sleep, at all
- "Tell her i said hi, Joe"
- laughed at a character getting decapitated while watching a horror movie and freaked everyone out
- came up with the brilliant idea of playing "she's/he's a ten but.."
- tries to protect kaiser from the pillow strikes
- had the very great idea of doing karaoke at 3 am in the morning, Got told to shut up by the ref
- keeps picking dare while playing truth and dare, if you choose dare while playing with him, he'll make you dance or sing
Piston Hondo
- really sleepy but doesnt want to sleep because he knows that he'll get pranked (let my boy sleep, hes tired, hes a little eepy)
- trying to help joe ve able to speak to his mom, doing his best
- made a pillow fort to hide from the pillow fight
- if you choose dare while playing truth and dare with him, he'll say something dumb like "scream from the balcony" if you pick truth he'll ask really unhinged questions like "have you ever wanted to kill someone"
- completely silent during the movie,either enjoying it or traumatized
King Hippo
- runmaging through the kitchen, Just hungry
- screaming behind Joe as he tries to talk to his mom
- "hi mom i-"
- aran ryan thinks its hilarious
- ref chased him with a chair at some point from the screaming
- pretended to be watching the movie but he watched the back of his eyelids instead
Great Tiger
- doing his best not to fall asleep
- "say hi to her for me joe!!"
- winner of the pillow fight thanks to his clones
- keeps asking personal stuff during truth and dare
- "kaiser, what is your deepest, darkest fear?"
- "questions like these"
- keeps yelling at the characters in the horror movie
- tamest dares ever, the fuck is "i dare you to roll on the floor" about
Don Flamenco
- passed out for a while, got his wig (i know its not a wig but its funny to say he got his wig stolen, come on) stolen & had a game of tic tac toe played on his humoungus forehead
- annoying Joe as he tries to speak to his mom by imitating a womans voice while saying really concerning stuff
- kept getting his wig (its funny to say that shut up) knocked off during the pillow fight
- traumatized by the horror movie, 1000 yard stare during it
- played "she's/he's a ten but.." And ended up finding out everyones type
- so much gossip oh my god
-keeps pulling the classic "who do you have a crush on?" during truth and dare
Bear Hugger
- someone keeps whispering dumb stuff in his ear while hes trying to sleep and he keeps laughing at it, mind you it isnt just a little "teehee" either its a entire ass tornado siren, keeps scaring everyone with his laugh
- whacked most during the pillow fight, may he rest in peace
- keeps asking dumb stuff during truth and dare, bear what do you mean by "i dare you to tapdance"
- also yelling at the actors during the horror movie
- also gossiping
Soda Popinski
- pretends to be awake, didnt get noticed sleeping somehow
- saying dumb stuff while Joe tries to talk to his mom
-" sorry for the noise m-"
- keeps laughing at the horror movie
- keeps picking dare while playing truth and dare, got dared to beat the ref into the ground by aran ryan, got sad because he got stopped
- wrecking everyone during the pillow fight
Bald Bull
-trying to not fall asleep, struggling clearly, refuses to admit it
- "bull you look like a raccoon please get some sleep"
- "im fine dont worry"
- zoned out during the movie so he didnt have much of a reaction
- keeps picking truth while playing, hates the personal questions
- physically there, mentally not
- 5th to pass out suprisingly
-Just hiding behind hondos fort while watching the pillow fight
Super Macho Man
- keeps whispering dumb stuff while everyones trying to sleep
- saying even more concerning stuff while Joe tries to talk to his mom
- "mom theyre just-"
- got beaten half to death during the pillow fight
- also traumatized by the horror movie
- gossiping (as he should, PURR)
Aran Ryan
- this fucking menace. Said sleep is for the weak & proceeded to pass out, before that he just kept whispering "penis." while everyone was trying to sleep
- got duct taped to the ceiling by sandman & fell asleep there
- put rocks in his pillow during the pillow fight, still got his shit ROCKED
- kept talking during the movie
- "oh my god i swear if she doesnt push him down the stairs-"
-"shut up"
- the only person he didnt bother was bull, this was only because he was concerned
- did some prank calls but got caught during the 4th call
Mr Sandman
- didnt bother anyone
- really quiet
- was out for blood during the pillow fight
- taped aran ryan to the ceiling
- listened to the gossip
King hippo fell asleep last on the kitchen floor
Aran ryan fell on top of glass joe when the tape broke while he was asleep, you havent known true fear until a irishman on your ceiling falls on you, both of them broke some bones
Ref got a headache after all this
King hippo kept running around the house until 6 AM
The idea of taping aran ryan to the ceiling came from von kaiser since his dad did that once
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sangopearlsz · 14 days
A Quick Heist
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hi chat, this fanfic is about my oc eliora and jun, my friends oc and how they are muahaha my evil little shits. i need saving, i love these two AAAHAHAHAAHAHGXBDNFNANSNDJDHH. its probably gonna be a lengthy fic so enjoy while i cry
tw for: strained family relationship, slight blood, slight suggestiveness, mentions of boner😊, manipulation, gaslighting, fox - human anatomy, mentions of dottore, abandonment, trauma, death, loss
Eliora had just finished a mission assigned by one of the higher ups from the Fatui. It being late at night with the rich Inazuman air caused for great cover of her footsteps, making sure to swiftly tuck under shadows to avoid the guards around the port. She sighed as thunder rumbled, a warning from the Shogun.
“Rather interesting that she speaks now,” Eliora mumbled, before unlocking the small shed she and her family had shared. Kirara was there, and her tail’s hair stood on end as the door opened and shut, assumingely just arriving as-well. The dark eyes of her older sister pierced through her, a swift, slender finger with a sharp nail settling on her lip. Eliora’s dark ears stood and twitched, silence flooding the small house. Eliora was on alert for guards, ears then relaxing as it was clear.
Kirara’s eyes glared up at her, unhappy at Eliora’s late arrival. Surprisingly, Kirara doesn’t know of her sister’s mishaps with the Fatui, and Eliora doesn’t need her to. All that Eliora knows is she needed to avoid suspicion.
“Why are you out at 3 in the morning, ‘Ora?” Kirara shook her shoulders, Eliora’s thin lips going flat, but unavoidably smiling at the corners.
“Business.” Her cold voice rung out, glaring down at her with the sharp pupil in her eye. “My business is not apart of your ideals.” She said before walking over to the torn mattress the two had access to, bending down to run a finger through the dust. “If I can get us a little more mora, I can afford to buy you a better bed. I do not sleep anyway, and your legs need energy for all of those deliveries.” She quipped, standing up.
“Why don’t you sleep? And it scares me that you’re out there alone. Something doesn’t feel right to me. You’re always acting suspicious and hidden during the day. Eli, I am 17 years old now! You might be 23, but I worry for you. Why can’t you understand that I care and want you safe?”Kirara balled her fists, staring up at Eliora. Instead of reacting, she was chewing the inside of her cheek, tasting the lavender melon she had stolen prior to this interaction.
“It’s fine, Kirara. Please, just focus on work. No needn’t to think about me. It is way past young yokai’s bedtime.” Or, I just need her to fall asleep so I can sneak out, and meet up with Dottore’s accomplice. They will pay enough for me to take care of you, Kirara. Hang on, just a little longer. “As for what you said,” She turned to face her with dark eyes, “Somethings are left said then done. I do not need empathy. And I do not have to reassure safety. I am a yokai as well, I cannot get harmed easy. Rest assured.”
“You think it’s that easy?”
“Quite simple actually, you had a lot of deliveries today, yes?” Eliora walked by her, the long slick fox tail of her’s tipping her chin toward her. Kirara’s eyebrows furrowed. “I think your paw pads need a bit of rest. You don’t want thorns again.”
“…I can never hide anything from you, can I.” Kirara sighed, staring back at her sister, looming over the mattress. Kirara was hesitant about her sister, aware of her energy. But the girl’s body was tired and sore, deliveries took a toll on her.
“No. Fox yokai are intellectual.” A small smirk was hidden behind the blonde locks of hair. “Rest now. I will be here when you wake up.”
“I don’t fully believe you, but I thought we were going to do deliveries together today? We barely see eachother.” Kirara sat down on the bed, her ears to the side in solemn as Eliora sat beside her. Eliora pat Kirara’s shoulder. The burden of this. She doesn’t know I could get killed, or even taken away if I am caught.
“That’s the plan. Rest well, Rar. You have deliveries to do in the morning.” She covered Kirara’s body with the small blanket she was able to conveniently steal, her eyes softening for just a quick minute while planning what tools and what personality to use before meeting with a stranger.
“Please, Eliora. I just want one night where I can feel confident you’ll be beside me.” Kirara weakly whispered, staring up at Eliora, her eyes threatening sleep. Eliora coldly stared down at her, eyes unfeeling as she stood up. Soon, may we fight safely in unison. No fatui, no brokeness. Security.
Unbeknownst to Kirara, Eliora had slipped out after she had fallen into slumber, not even leaving a note. Only the moon shining on the loose door of the shed, a hint that she has left.
Eliora’s face went scrunched as she sat on the aquabus, the moon shining down on the two of them. The man next to her, with a calm demeanor, the tapping of his hands on his baggy pants. Eliora’s eyes shot over to his, lidded behind sharp eyelashes, a warning to quit it. Her demeanor was colder toward people she did not know, especially the fatui. And the stress of being in the open, especially being a wanted criminal, was alarming.
“This is Jun, an apprentice in my studies.” Dottore had spoken to her, the tall man beside him holding a hand up in silent greeting. His beaded eyes studied the woman, his hat hiding his eyes pretty fairly. His messy hair tied in a low ponytail, and his hand decorated in rings. His ears had an earring of sterling, shining off the moon. “You are to both take an aquabus to Fontaine, and provide me with one of the underground pipes. We need them to provide structure for the Tstaritsa.”
Jun cleared his throat, snapping Eliora out of her recollection.
“What is your name, cat lady?”
“…” Eliora’s hands slowly balled, her sharp fingernails digging into her palm. “I am not a cat. I am a brown fox.”
“Cat or fox, same thing. What is your name?”
“…” Eliora’s eyes roamed over the dark ocean, the salty scent of Fontaine’s waters. Her ears bent in the wind, flapped back to attest to her tenseness awaiting this conversation. “Call me Delmira.”
Delmira, her fatui name, and her "ordinary" person name. She did not trust this stranger to know her birth name.
Jun watched her from under his eyelashes, his hat continuing to hide the glow from his deep eyes. He felt hesitant as-well, but had found trust that she was reliable, as Dottore had provided her.
“Okay, Delmira. What’s your dealing with the fatus?”
Sharp, green eyes met his. Her pointy nails were digging into her palm’s clean flesh, begging to rip. This stranger was asking her a personal question, and her senses were unsure if she could provide trust. She knew Dottore’s heinous acts with minority, and as a “mother figure” to her younger sister, she acted with strict pretense. This action could cost her sister.
“It is not my business to confide with an ally.” Eliora murmured, the jet of the aquabus speeding up, “And I certainly do not trust the doctor. How do I know you will not harm me, and falsely provide aid?”
“Heh, I wouldn’t be on this ride if I was not reliable, wouldn’t you say? The doctor is untrusting, no, but I do not consider myself a villain of that level.” Jun's hair flowed from the speed of the bus, the water reflecting off his silver hair. Eliora's matched the beat, her short hair gliding in the wind across from him.
“Vainfully heard.” Eliora unclenched her hand, their arrival approaching them. “We need to go to the d'Analyse, and steal the gears confiscated by the adventures guild. Then, I would hope to never see your face again.” She looked at the paper written in flaccid ink by Dottore, and then next to Jun, who remained cocky and smirky as ever.
He flashed his white teeth at her, “I trust you, Lady Delmira. Let us get that gear.”
As the two walked by the streets of the organized Fontaine, Eliora kept on her guard. Jun, who was busy studying her features, kept asking questions that the lady did not want to answer just yet. Though, Jun had unhanded his weapons per her request.
"Fox yokai have keen instinct. So if someone were to try and attack you, I would be able to sense them." Eliora had explained when they exit the aquabus, "So your weapons are safe on my person."
"Wow, Delmira. You seem like a keen killer."
"You could say that," She murmured.
The streets were dimly lit, the homes of innocent townsfolk in a quiet slumber as the thought bubble facade, bringing her back to the present, the map in her hand.
"So do you have paw pads?" Jun asked again, causing Eliora to figuratively facepalm.
"I only have paws when I want them to be." Eliora looked at her closed foot, a leather sole on her human-like feet. "Though.. Yes, to answer your questionnaire; I do have paw padded foot whenever I feel."
Jun's eyes lit for the first time, and Eliora raised a brow, wondering how a man so chipper could be apart of such a cold community. Infact, Eliora hadn't thought to ask Jun questions like he had been her; she was hesitant to get to know anyone, as a matter of fact. But she sighed, her ears untensing.
Maybe getting to know a colleague could benefit herself and Kirara. Her tensed eyes softened, thinking of her lonely sister nations over, asleep in the broken shed they called "home", and thinking she was there beside her. Internally, her heart wrenched, wishing that Kirara could have a better life, a better time in this world without her criminalistic sister. She had made the Komaniya Express business under a different name purely for Kirara. The girl was always trapped under her sister's corrupted shadow, and Eliora did not want that life for her younger sister. Kirara was a bright girl, a delightful cat yokai that had been by her side since young. The two had traveled all of Teyvat, on the run from the people Eliora stole from. Unbeknownst to Kirara at least, she tried to make the travel fun to not reveal that side of her to the girl. With the funds she had left from the fatui, Eliora had made the Komaniya Express in Inazuma for Kirara, allowing her to stay safe and stay in one place. Eliora found herself smiling very faintly, her plump lips in a small, pulled smile, picturing Eliora's cat form hidden in a box, to be unrecognizable.
"What are you smiling about, Foxy?" Jun questioned, and it made Eliora come out of her daze. The glow that was once there from her moment of peace had left, and resulted in her cool eyes returning to the man. He was spinning, his arm looped around a light pole. Jun didn't let the shift in her demeanor go mentally, noting it. This woman was a mystery to him, and he wanted to unwrap every deficit and defect of her.
"My sister," She decided after a moment, "She lays in Inazuma as we tread." Eliora's eyes seemed amiss, as Jun's eyes softened.
"Do you miss her?" "Of course I do."
Jun's eyes lidded as he leaned closely to her. Eliora felt her cheeks redden for just a brief second, her hand behind her back tensing toward her pocketknife.
"I feel like it's a bit of a deeper subject here." His eyes softened as the two remained close. "You can tell me if you'd like. In exchange, I will respond to three of your questions about me, if that'll help you in our heist."
"I..Well. Why not." Eliora decides, hesitantly nodding. Her hand behind her back loosened. The two were approximately 5 minutes from the d'Analyse.
Eliora shakily sighed as her hand tightened on the map.
"My childhood wasn't great. I was neglected as a young girl, stuck between two nations. I was neglected as a "toddler" and bodily was a child, but as a yokai, I am 2,300 years old. Bodily, I am 23 now. " She added, "I had to fight when I was a young girl, and I was forced to use my yokai energy for bad doing. My facial marks on my face and above my nose, are results of the energy corrupting me... punishing me, even." Eliora breathed, and Jun kept watching her with a smile.
"I had to steal food, shelter, and clothes growing up. It was hard. I am wanted all across the 7 nations for robbery, stealing, and.." She breathed, "Death. Murder. I killed a lot of people for the sake of living and keeping myself alive. My body is being punished because I am using my energy wrong.
I found Kirara when she was just a baby. She was born and neglected when I arrived in Inazuma. I couldn't be out in the open, but that poor little girl, I couldn't give in to leave her there." Eliora pictured the moment in her mind.
Several people with spears chasing her, promising to jail her. The teenage girl, with uneven hair, a ripped cloak and fox tail running swiftly into the gate of Inazuma. And the cry of a baby, people surrounding her. The cold gaze of a blonde girl, the emotionless expression as she suddenly felt the cold haze of cryo spread through her body, the vision attaching itself to the back of her cloak. The soar of Eliora's weak, wooden spear clashing through the angry swordsmen, killing them with pure ice. The sweep of Eliora grabbing the baby girl, with two cat tails and running for her life. The blood Eliora bled from her scratches, as she held the baby close, promising to defend the girl with her life, seeing the reflection of Eliora's shared trauma in the baby.
" That's how I got my vision." The cold, icy glass sat on her back, glowing dimly with cold energy. "She never grew up with the right things. No parents, as I was her only figure. No stability, and constant moving through the nations. She doesn't know I work with the Fatui, and she's against all of them. She doesn't know I am using my energy for bad.. that these facial marks kill me and freeze my body if I use my power's wrongly. And that I could be killed if I make a mistake by the Tsaritsa commands. That is also why I wield a spear. I used to kill people with my hands.. and kt burdens me everyday. Atleast, with my polearm, I can keep people at a distance from me, so I do not harm them.” Eliora spoke, before widening her eyes. "I apologize, Jun. I did not mean to open up this strictly."
Jun put a cold hand on her shoulder and nodded.
"I was born in an unstable world too. I lost.. a very dear friend to me by the hands of my own blade. Toying with my life is what I do best, which is why I don't take work serious anymore. I loose a lot. And that's why I enjoy the concept of death. I lost a lot of people on my journey, and run from life too. But death.. It's beautiful," Jun then looked up at her, "Dottore took me in so I didn't have to be on my own, and the work he does is divine mastery. Murdering is simply an art." Jun looked at her raggy outfit, her plump lips and her hands in the moonlight. The scars that rippled across them made his eyes soften for unspoken appreciation. He had always heard positive things about Eliora’s sprees. He smirked a bit, and knew that this time he would not let fate loose. "You're a work of art too, scars and all. I’d know a thing about them.. and hands wield art. Don’t fear them.”
Eliora looked away from him, cheeks red. She did not expect this man who seemed so enjoyable and positive to have a rash story either. Staring at her hands, her body softened. Maybe meeting him was right for her, and maybe the hands she feared were the key to her success.
The two of them climbed the building, as Jun worked to unscrew the gear Dottore needed. Eliora was on the defense, her ears keen and alert to make sure nobody was going to hurt them.
Suddenly an alarm blared, and it caused the two of them to jump. Eliora grabbed Jun, and he nodded, securing the gear in his bag.
"Let's run, now!" Eliora gestured, her polearm woved in her hands. Sprinting down the once quiet town of Fontaine steets, the guards of the Mechanique started to chase them.
Eliora noticed how slow Jun's energy was running from the guards and closed her eyes. Jun watched in amazement as Eliora quickly shifted to a larger fox, her two tails swift as they pulled Jun to sit ontop of her. Jun pat her fluffy fur, using the poise in his eyes to eliminate the guards chasing them. Since Jun was human, his stamina was lower, but since Eliora was a bigger fox than normal, her four paws were able to swiftly evade them. One of the guards shot at Jun, barely missing his face, before Eliora's facial markings froze the guard's heart, causing him to sink. Eliora's fox form stumbled slightly, the pain of the energy confiscating her animalistic form before dashing onto the port of the bus leaving the Navia line.
Back on the aquabus safely, the sun was slowly but surely starting to rise. Eliora had shift back to kemonomini, and her naked body was covered by Jun's cloak, his arm wrapped around her shoulder to make sure the cryo punishing her body didn't harm her.
Eliora scoffed slightly, his warmth helping cool her body, "You're pretty good in a fight." She breathed hastily, her canine teeth revealed, "I'm impressed."
Jun smirked, before looking at her feet. Her two feet were replaced with fox paws, her paw pads scuffed. She looked up at him, her cheeks red as she pulled the cloak closer to her body.
"You can squeeze the pads," She scoffed, embarrassment on her face, "A-And thank you for the cloak. I forgot my form removed my clothes."
Jun whispered in her fox ear, squeezing her shoulder, "You gave off a good show, Delmira."
"You liked it that much, huh? You're already hard." She mumbled, causing Jun to chuckle. “Not that I mind, persay.”
Eliora then looked up at him with her green eyes, and the connection and synergy between the two was admirable. For people who had just met, Eliora appreciated that he had stuck to his own word, and cared about her even if she had acted coldly. It was not everyday that this lonely woman had found compassion in another coexisting person. Usually, nobody lined in unison with her, but it felt right, the cloak hugging her body as the aquabus made it’s way to the bigger port. The gear was safely stored in Jun’s robes.
After a couple of minutes, Eliora breathed. She felt at bay, and somewhat relaxed. She felt pulled by the man beside her, curious about his eye, the scars on his body, and him overall. Appealing men weren’t natural for her, and she’d never thought about a companion.
Slightly hissing at the close connection, she writhed slightly. "My ..name." She mumbled.
"What was that?" Jun lifted his cap to reveal his red eyes, the poise in his left eye evident. With admiration, Eliora couldn't look away.
"My name is not Delmira. It's Eliora. Eliora Komaniya. Delmira is.. a stage name.”
"Ah.. Eliora. It fits you.. Ah, by the way, I want to meet Kirara one day, if you’d so let me. I don’t plan on leaving, after all.”
Her mouth let out a bit of a possessive growl, her big, fluffy and scuffed tail sank around him. Despite the fact of their quick bond, Eliora felt oddly attracted and attached to this sinister man.
"..Perhaps. I don't see why not. After all, I think we are a good team.”
“Did I hear that correctly?”
“I just want to know more about you, okay?”
The aquabus felt slower when you sat by someone who made you feel safer then you have ever felt in decades.
Eliora leaned into his grasp a bit, slightly tensing due to her yokai energy harming her body internally. Jun's cheeks were a bit red, but he leaned into her taller frame. Both of them felt at peace, at home once again without fully knowing.
Little did they know, this wouldn't be their last meeting. It would be the first of many, the first charade of murder the two would bring. And the last time they'd feel unbelonged.
Home wasn't defined as a place, it is defined by a person.
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author notes:
hi all, AFTER A MONTH I FINISHED IT!!! this was rushed, but thats because college is a huuaushshhfdhgh. please enjoy!!
special thanks to mika, the light of my days and inspiration. I LOVE YOU
i apologize if their romance is very rushed! its deeper to me on a basis, but i have been very burnt out of writing due to college :,,) i hope u love them anyway!
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wonusite · 1 year
it’s a day that ends in Y and so i am feeling very delusional about our precious nonie🫶 this is smth i wanted to write but i do not have the beans to execute this the way id want to SOOOO. hi🥰
not enough people agree with fwb vernon. and yk, while i agree he’s probably one of THEE most romantic members… an easy, no strings, pleasure based sexualationship with someone he knows and trusts is exactly the sort of thing i feel like he’d dive into?????
SO. fwb!vernon who truly is one of your actual best friends. when he invites you to his place it’s 50/50 whether you’re gonna get a bunch of food in and watch movies that have u both ugly-cackling before falling asleep on his couch, or if he’s gonna make you scream his name in every corner of his apartment.
fwb!vernon who always stuffs a pillow behind his headboard to quiet the banging because when you really go for it? the two of you make it RATTLE, whether he’s on top or you are.
pussy drunk!fwb!vernon who sometimes just barely lets you get through his front door before he’s spinning you around so your face is pressed against the wood and grabbing both your hands behind your back. who pushes your skirt up, sinks to his knees and eats you out like he hasn’t been fed for a month. who mumbles about how lucky he is that you let him do this between licking and tongue-fucking at your cunt. who doesn’t stop until you’re shaking and the arousal his mouth couldn’t clean up is running down your legs.
fwb!vernon who lets you order sex-toys to his place as long as you can use them on each other before you take them home. fwb!vernon who has a whole drawer for your clothes, underwear, skincare, hair stuff, everything you might need for when you stay over.
fwb!vernon who is still the first person you call every time you get upset or angry, or when you’re drunk and need someone to walk you home. because he’s seen you a few hundred different types of vulnerable and you have complete trust in him to look after you. and he always stays with you, taking your makeup off for you, getting you into your comfy pj’s. who gently tickles your back and holds you close while you snore into his chest.
fwb!vernon who is genuinely, totally cool and happy for you when you start seeing someone else and have to call off the arrangement.
fwb!vernon who takes you out for dinner when it turns out the new person is a total asshole, so he treats you like royalty while he tells you that you can do so much better than them. fwb!vernon who doesn’t fuck you dumb that night, even though you ask him to. nah. he makes love to you, kisses all the sore spots and tells you you’re beautiful and that he adores you just as you are. begs you never to change. makes you come and come and come into the early hours of the morning. who has to bite so hard on his bottom lip to keep quiet, because—
fwb!vernon who you know, deep down, loves you more than he’s likely to say (just in case he ruins what is one of the best things in his life).
but maybe that’s all right, because you sort of love him too. and maybe you’ll tell him, eventually. but as much as the romsntic sex is wonderful and sweet and spine-tingling… you’d kind of like him to pound you silly a few more times first. -🧸 x
um did you just say you don’t have the beans to write this bc let me tell you this is an entire drabble and i already want MORE 😩😩😩
you hit all the marks w this one and i will need 4-5 business days to recover.
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cheerscoops · 2 years
dont mind me sneaking in a request #21 with edancy <3
21 - Kissing the other's brow You're getting something straight outta the accidental pregnancy au because you know how overwhelmed I am with feels when I haven't even started writing the actual story yet <3
Eddie kicked off his sneakers as he shut the door to Nancy’s apartment. It was a little after two in the morning, so he was trying to be as quiet as possible. This was just part of their routine as co-parents. He showed up whenever his shift at the bar ended, and he did what he could to help with their daughter’s late night care.
Currently, Rose was in a phase where she refused to go to sleep if her daddy wasn’t there. While that did wonders for Eddie’s ego and made his heart swell, it was miserable for Nancy. She loved her daughter more than anything in the world, and not being able to soothe her to sleep on her own was slowly killing her. Most nights, she ended up setting Rose in the playpen and then laying down on the living room floor in the hopes that maybe the baby would fall asleep that way.
This is how Eddie found them when he came in. Nancy was asleep on the floor, and Rose was all smiles in the playpen, babbling and cooing at her stuffed puppy. When she saw her daddy enter the room, she used the sides of the playpen to help push herself up into a standing position. One hand clung to the edge of the playpen, and the other reached out for her daddy. Eddie crossed the room and leaned down to press a sloppy kiss on Rose’s cheek.
“I’ll be back to take care of you in a minute, princess,” he told her. “I’m just gonna get your mama into bed first.”
The one time Eddie had left Nancy to sleep on the floor, she’d woken up cranky with a sore back. Even though he knew it wasn’t his fault, he felt slightly responsible since the only reason she fell asleep on the floor was because their kid was being difficult over him not being there. So, he scooped up Nancy and carried her back to her bedroom. Once he had her in bed, he headed back to the living room to grab the baby.
“You have gotta stop giving mama such a hard time,” he said as he carried Rose back to the nursery. “You get to spend all day with me. It’s okay if I’m not here for bedtime, too. It won’t hurt my feelings if you go to sleep without me. I promise.”
Eddie took a seat in the rocking chair, and Rose buried her face in his chest. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep in his arms, and once he was sure she wouldn’t wake up, he moved her into her crib and slipped out of the room.
After he changed into the t-shirt and pajama pants he kept there, he slipped back into Nancy’s room to grab the baby monitor. He figured he could bring it out to the living room with him, and that way he could wake up with Rose and give Nancy a little more rest, but she stirred when he entered the room.
“Is she asleep?” she asked, her voice weighed down from how tired she was.
“Yeah, and you should be, too,” he said as he grabbed the baby monitor.
“You can stay in here if you want. More comfortable than the couch.”
“You sure?”
Nancy mumbled a yes as she moved from the center of the bed to make room for him on what had become his side. He climbed in next to her, and she immediately curled up against his side.
There was a certain level of intimacy that they shared. It might have been weird for anyone else, but Eddie felt like maybe this was normal for best friends whose first real interaction was a drunken one night stand that had resulted in a pregnancy. They’d always been very physical in their friendship. He couldn’t count the number of times they’d fallen asleep snuggled together in the middle of movie marathons while she was pregnant. His hands had been on her belly more often than not just wanting to experience every little movement of their daughter along with her. There had never been a time where they weren’t invading each other’s personal bubbles.
But it was different now that she wasn’t pregnant. He couldn’t pretend that his unborn daughter was the reason why he wanted to be so close to her. He wasn’t sure when he’d really fallen for her, but he had, and he was never going to act on it. How could he? He was positive that she didn’t feel the same way about him, and he wasn’t going to let his feelings get in the way of their friendship and co-parenting their daughter. He couldn't risk losing what he already had.
So, he allowed her to cuddle up to him in her sleep. He let her use him as a pillow, and he pressed a soft kiss to her brow as he wrapped his arms around her. Maybe, someday, he’d work up the courage to tell her how he felt, but for now, this was enough.
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bradleymarshall · 1 year
I swear twice and let my guard down and then I am to blame
The trick is to remain calm and not swear and keep your cool under all circumstances
If you can
You can win under pressure
The game they play is sadistic
You can insult as much as you like and shatter their values and reputation but if you raise your voice or swear you’ve immediately lost
Play their game and you can succeed and destroying them at their own medicine
You must remain calm and charming and civilised and you can say the most atrocious things, as long as you are charming in your delivery.
The way my parents work is to avoid conflict
Avoidance constantly
Even when I suggested counselling they told us we couldn’t as if the domestic and emotional violence were to surface, then, they might put your mother in jail, and then you’ll be forced out of the home, and so until I earn enough money, I have to keep my mouth shut and tolerate it all. Oh but it wasn’t bad, he reasons:
Maybe it wasn’t but a compiled a list anyway
Here’s all the bad:
14 Ways mum was horrible
1 left me in Hong Kong for 2 hours because she left chocolates behind in the hotel. I was 8, and could have easily been kidnapped. When security approached me, I lied to him that my dad was over there, as I was concerned I’d be kidnapped.
2. Every Saturday without fail I was lost in Southland. Mum would leave me behind. I followed random people thinking they were my mother because my mum would walk off so fast. No care for her son walking off shopping.
3. Emotionally Cold, calls me a worm for hugging her. Very seldom offers physical or emotional love.
4. Every time she offers a gift she uses it against me later on. “I bought you this and this is how you treat me.” Now I hate gifts
5. Stone walls me for months. Doesn’t speak to me.
6. Holds grudges that doesn’t end
7. Threw scissors at me drawing blood
8. Screaming, saying I’m gonna kill us all now while driving. I see black and white.
9. Fights with dad and brings up his sex life, that he liked dominatrix when I was 7.
10. Took photos of her half naked when I was 4.
11. Used to key cars that stole her spot in the car park. Write on the windshield with lipstick. Would road rage, frequently as a kid, swerving her car into other cars. Terrible example of road rage to me as a kid.
12. Possible affair with Kevin. Every weekend Kevin was there. She was flirty with other guys All the time, especially on the dance floor. My friends would call me slut mother due to her promiscuity.
13. Very secretive. I know very little about her or her past. She says, I don’t need to tell you anything about my history.
14. She lied to me that Elaine was my half sister. I found out by myself by working it out logically when I was 16.
Here’s all the good:
1. When it comes to material gifts and love. She is abundant
Made me breakfast every morning and dinner, washes my plates, clothes. Threw me a surprise 21st birthday. Touring the world, many vacations paid for.
2. When I was sick, she said, how I wish it was me who was sick and not you and hugged me
3. She accepted me being gay crying over the letter I wrote her.
4. She loves me and cares for me, always liking my Instagram posts.
5. Buys many tickets to my shows for her friends to watch
6. Is a great source of inspiration in her confidence and self assuredness and charisma
7. Is highly functional and knows what she wants. Not someone to mess with. Knows her self worth.
8. Highly critical. Good and bad. It’s made me have very high standards.
9. Scratched my hair until her hands were sore to get me to fall asleep
It just reminds me to never get involved with them on any matter, period.
Also, you should be able to handle criticism.
Perhaps you should ask what is the celebration regarding.
Why do you get so volatile. Chill Mason.
I write about myself so frequently as Mason
I actually have to take a second to remember what my real name is
Kinda scary
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
(post in tags)
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
I got this idea from your last post, it was so good!! how would gojo and sukuna react to you being sore from sex that you can barely/can’t walk the next day?
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . gojo x reader, sukuna x reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . gojo and sukuna reacting to a sore darling the morning after (follow up to this post)
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . general yandere themes
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gojo ;
gojo is absolutely elated for two reasons. one: you just look so cute cuddled up in bed all day 'cause your legs hurt too much to go anywhere. and two: you're forced to completely depend on him for a couple of day, and gojo couldn't ask for a better scenario than that.
you get super needy and and just perfectly pliant. you'll let him practically do anything that he wants while you're in this weakened state, as long as he's not in the mood for more sex cause you can't handle any more of that right now.
he gets really doting, kissing your thighs and lips softly, gently caressing your body, and holding you close when you fall asleep in his arms while you two were cuddling. he likes to carry you around the house in his arms and set you on his lap in the living room so you can watch movies together.
he's just generally really soft, but he'll still tease you a bit 'cause he's an asshole. maybe he'll pit the water you requested in a place he knows you can't get to, and when you whine at him he'll just act like he forgot you were in pain. he'll make snide little remarks about you not being able to walk too.
"was i too rough last night, baby? you poor thing, what're you gonna do if you can't walk, hm?"
i also think that gojo would make you immobile on purpose 'cause he just loves it so much when you have to depend on him. honestly it also kind of gives him an ego boost. like, he fucked you so good that you can barely walk.
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sukuna ;
sukuna is a lot less gentle than gojo the morning after. in fact, he's kind of mean about it, maybe even a little annoyed. at least that's how he acts.
when you tell him you can't walk he'll scoff and tell you to suck it up, then he'll walk away. it hurts you a little, but you roll over to curl up in a comfortable position so you can go back to sleep. when you wake up you'll find a pill and a glass of water with a note under it that says it'll help with the pain.
he won't really take care of you like gojo does, but he makes sure that you're basic needs are met while you're unable to care for yourself. food, water, medication, he'll even provide you with something to entertain yourself with.
maybe he'll come lay down in bed with you, ask you how you're feeling and then just sit there awkwardly next to you. you'll ask what he's doing and then he'll go back to the mean facade.
"am i not allowed to sit in my own fucking bed? don't question me, brat."
you find his twisted attempt at concern and care a little endearing, but you think that it could still use a lot of work. you don't point that out though, 'cause sukuna might actually end up not taking care of you if you tease him in that way.
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Whumptober - day 25: hide and seek
Look! It's the first story I'm actually finishing!! 🥺
Continued from here
Villain whimpers, only half asleep as they roll restlessly on rough sheets – too rough for their sore skin, aching still after being whipped raw the day before.
They sigh and shift again, seeking comfort in a too-small bed that’s never given them any. Villain swallows and pulls the sheets up higher when their throat bobs against the collar.
They are almost unconscious when the sound of voices just outside their room jostles them awake. A little groan escapes their lips as they grimace in the dark, cursing whoever took them away from blissful unconsciousness.
“…a nuisance, really. Yeah you just have to go in, make sure nothing’s infected, come out. They’re not gonna complain or anything, just don’t mess with them and you’ll be fine. Yeah, Supervillain is just really possessive of them, I don’t know,” the person laughs. Villain curls up and squeezes their eyes shut. “Thanks again, I owe you one.”
“Yeah, no problem,” a second voice answers, and at that, Villain goes rigid.
Their heart races, but they can't be right. It can't be the voice they think they heard. It cannot, it's only a trick of their brain. It's been only two days since their last encounter, that's why that voice is still stuck to their mind. It has to be.
Villain doesn’t sit up – there’s too much pain spreading through their body for it. All Villain does is narrow their eyes and watch the door open and close for someone to slide inside.
This isn’t anything weird – for one of Supervillain’s henchmen to sneak in by their order to clean up Villain’s wounds after a particularly harsh punishment. It’s painful and humiliating, but nothing new. What is new, is the familiar voice that whispers their name as the figure comes closer.
“Villain? Shit, it’s dark in here,” they complain, and Villain props themself up on their elbows, biting on their lip to hold back a moan. “Damn it Villain, where are you?”
Villain reaches for the light switch near the bed frame and flips it up, bright light flooding the room and causing them both to freeze, blinking and squinting at each other for a moment.
As soon as they get used to the brightness though, Villain’s lips fall open, wide eyes locked on the person standing before them. They push themself into a sitting position on a whim, groaning as they do.
“Ready to get out of here?” their nemesis smirks.
“Please tell me this is a joke.”
Villain’s voice is weak when they speak. Scared.
But Hero doesn’t seem fazed by their growing horror.
“I told you I’d get you out,” Hero says cheerfully, arms crossed over their chest and a glint of steely determination in their eyes. “Well, here I am. Come on, let’s go.”
“This is Supervillain’s base,” Villain replies slowly. “How did you even get in here?”
“The security is shit for starters. And I’m technically not Hero right now, I’m playing Henchman.”
It’s almost like a joke, Villain thinks. A cosmical joke, made to tear their heart apart with empty hope, gone even before it has a chance to blossom.
“Leave, Hero.” Villain grimaces and lets their legs slide to the floor. “Leave now, while you still have time.”
“First of all, I’m not leaving this place without you,” Hero raises their eyebrows. “And second, have a little more faith in me, Villain. Please, I have a whole plan. I didn’t get to you just so I can sneak out the window a moment later.”
A choked laugh slips out of Villain’s lips, sharp and bleak like the clogging helplessness that takes their breath away.
Can’t they see it? Can’t Hero see the blood on Villain’s shirt, the collar around their neck, the bruises circling their wrists?
Can’t they see what’ll happen if they get caught?
“You’re going to fail,” Villain says, leaning their elbows on their knees, jaw clenching as pain answers the movement. “And I won’t do anything to help you when you do.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m the hero, not you,” Hero spits back, eyes narrowing at Villain’s hunched shoulders and creased eyebrows. “You’d make a shit hero with that attitude.”
Villain sighs and rubs their eyes.
“I’m here to help,” Hero repeats. “I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it. Let me help you, Villain. All you have to do is trust me.”
They look up, staring deep into Hero’s earnest eyes. For one moment, Villain thinks Hero might understand it when they shake their head.
“I can’t.”
Instead, Hero’s shoulders stiffen, and they take a deep breath. There’s anger in Hero’s eyes when they look away – just enough for Villain’s heart to start pounding in their chest.
They’ve seen that look before.
Everything always starts with it, with displeasure that quickly turns to amusement. And it always ends with Villain bleeding on the floor and Supervillain smiling above them.
When Hero speaks again, Villain can barely stand to look at them, blinking again and again as the memory of Supervillain’s disdain overlaps with Hero’s frustration.
“Can you not be an asshole once?” Hero snaps, fists opening and closing uselessly by their sides. “I came here to help you. I’m risking my ass to help you, why can’t you just be fucking grateful and do as I say?”
And just like that, the switch flips. The fear drains away, and something almost unknown replaces it.
Villain can’t recall the last time they’ve allowed themself to feel anger. They had thought Supervillain had beat that out of them.
But looking into Hero’s irritated eyes, something crawls underneath Villain’s skin, bubbling up and up, making their blood boil and their gaze sharpen.
“You want to know why I can’t be fucking grateful and do as you want?” Villain hisses, pulling their shirt over their head in one motion, too enraged to feel the pain pulsing from the wounds that stretch when they do, the blood oozing out as skin breaks again. “This is why.”
Villain turns around, giving Hero an unobstructed view of their ruined back, of the curved and twisted scars piling over each other, white and pink, raised and flat. And on top of it all, new marks. Still red and bloody, still aching.
“Because it won’t be you the one Supervillain will hurt for not being respectful enough to their taste when you were nearly passed out after having electricity running through your body all night.” Villain shoves the t-shirt back down, whirling around to face Hero’s blanched face. They don’t even try to stop it when a low, mirthless chuckle leaves their lips. “Because you don’t know what it’s like to wear a collar and kneel in front of someone you loathe. Because you have no idea of what it feels like to behave and be good, because the option is pain and humiliation like you’ve never felt before.”
Hero only blinks at them, lips parted as they watch Villain’s panting breaths, the fire already wearing out from their gaze, being replaced by simple, bone-deep exhaustion.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t… I just… I’m sorry, Villain. I didn’t know," Hero says quietly. "But I still mean it – I'm here to help you. And what you just said is precisely the reason why I came, so you won’t be hurt like that anymore. If my plan goes wrong and we get caught, I’ll take the blame, alright? I’ll say I took you against your will.”
Hero's words sound… genuine. Like real worry, real want to help. It sounds like a lifeline Villain hasn’t seen before, and can’t help but be terrified to reach for.
What if they grab the lifeline and drown anyway?
“What even is your plan?” Villain asks.
“To play hide and seek.”
Villain narrows their eyes, eyebrows drawing together in disbelief.
“Excuse me?”
“You’ll see,” Hero shrugs, extending a callused hand. “Do you need those wounds bandaged now or can that wait for when we’re out? We don't have a lot of time.”
It should be an easy decision, shouldn’t it? Villain should be running out the door already.
Still, somehow, they hesitate.
It’ll hurt so much more if they try to go and fail. If Supervillain finds out and makes them regret ever considering leaving.
But what will hurt the most, Villain thinks as they stare at Hero’s hand, is not even trying. Staying like they were told to, obeying like they were trained to.
If they stay now, they won’t be able to leave later, and there won’t be anyone to help them then.
Biting on their bottom lip and swallowing down a scared whimper, Villain looks up to Hero’s eyes.
“It can wait,” they whisper, ignoring the outstretched hand and getting up on their own.
Their legs are weak and wobbly, and Hero doesn’t miss the way they lock their knees and suck in a sharp breath once they stand up.
“Hey, let me…”
“I’m fine,” Villain says, squaring their shoulders and walking toward the door like each step doesn’t send daggers of agony down their spine.
Hero’s stare weighs on their back, but neither of them says anything. Villain stops before the door and waits for Hero to crack it open and glance outside before following them out to the hallway.
Villain keeps their chin raised as they walk behind Hero, crossing hallways they have no permission to be crossing, hiding in the corners as henchmen walk through them, holding their breath when someone comes close then walks away.
Underneath the fake bravado though, they are a moment away from curling up on the ground and sobbing in terror.
If Supervillain finds them here, out of the room without permission after a punishment, they are going to be hurt. Really hurt, like they’ve never been before. Hero is going to die, probably. They might never be allowed to leave the base again – if they survive the punishment, that is.
This is where you belong, Villain dear. With me. And if you ever try to go, I’ll have to make sure you can never leave again, do you understand?
“Hey,” Hero mouths, pulling them to a stop behind a pillar. Villain blinks at them, trying to focus on the words being said now, not the ones in their memory. “They are probably minutes from finding out you’re gone. Or that I’m here. I’ll go divert some of the attention before they find us, okay? You stay here until I get back.”
Villain’s lips part as they shake their head, the motion minute, scared. Pleading. Please don’t leave me alone.
“I’ll be back in a second.”
And then Hero’s gone, and Villain’s left trembling, hiding as they try to focus on the noises around them instead of the rush of blood in their ears.
If anyone sees them here, what will they say? What will they do?
What if Hero doesn’t come back? What if they get caught? What if Villain gets caught?
Something sounds in the distance, the echo of a surprised cry reaching their ears. They flinch against the pillar, forcing shallow breaths in and out of their nose. More shouts follow the first one.
And then something else reaches their ears, closer, and Villain’s blood freezes in their veins.
“…what do you mean someone snuck in here?”
Villain’s hands are shaky when they press them over their lips. Sweat coats their palms as Villain slides to the floor in silence.
“Someone go check on Villain, now. My darling is weak and alone, and I’ll kill whoever this is if they’ve touched my toy. I’ll go find the intruder in the meanwhile since you are all useless,” they snarl, the sound of soft apologies following their anger. Villain leans their head back against the pillar, eyes squeezed shut and breaths coming out in too-fast gasps.
Supervillain’s shoes hit the floor as they stomp away, each step sending a new shiver through Villain's body.
They can’t breathe quite right even after Supervillain’s gone and only distant curses sound around them. They are too shaky, too shocked to even lower their hands from their mouth.
That’s how Hero finds them again – hands pressed over their trembling lips, crouched against the pillar, fighting to draw in breath.
“What’s wrong?” Hero demands, kneeling in front of them.
Villain shakes their head, forcing their hands to lower and their lungs to expand.
“Where were you?” is all they reply, voice hoarse and frail.
“Blowing up a pipe,” Hero says, wary eyes looking Villain up and down. “What happened?”
“Supervillain,” Villain chokes out before Hero’s even finished the sentence. Then again, slower. “Supervillain knows you’re here. They sent someone to check on me.”
This is really happening, Villain thinks with a shudder. No turning back now.
“It’s okay, I left fake trails for them to follow that’ll lead them away from us,” Hero explains, helping Villain get up once again.
They stumble behind their nemesis, trying to shake off Supervillain’s rage from their mind.
If they don’t leave now, they won’t get a chance to do it later.
Still, it’s pure dread that pumps through Villain’s veins each time Hero pulls them to an empty room to wait for footsteps to run past them or behind old furniture to hide until the path is clear again.
But Villain doesn’t stop. They push through the fear and the uncertainty as they run, focusing on Hero’s determined stare and quick movements.
When Hero pulls them through another door, Villain isn’t ready for the sunlight that hits their eyes.
They blink at the sun only just rising, and a relieved sigh escapes their mouth.
“Almost there,” Hero nods, helping Villain down the fire escape.
They've just hit the ground when their world turns into fire.
Villain has their mouth open and a smirk tugging at the corner of their lips when electricity explodes from the collar, shooting lightning through their body and sending them down on their hands and knees, wiping away any trace of a half-formed smile from their face. A moment later, they are lying on the floor, endless waves of shock crashing over their nerves and making Villain scream.
It is agony. Pure, undiluted agony coursing through their veins as Villain’s eyes roll back and they sob, mindless pleads falling down their lips to whoever is listening, promises to be better and do better and please please please just make it stop–
“Not this time,” someone growls above them.
Villain only sobs harder.
It’s their fault, they shouldn’t have left, they’re sorry, so so sorry, please, it hurts too much and they can be good but dear lord it is too much they can’t take this, not this, not again–
Then, just as suddenly as it started, the pain is gone.
Villain is left panting and weeping on the asphalt, back burning from wounds that shouldn’t be open anymore, body still twitching with the aftershocks.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a soft voice calls, gentle fingers cupping Villain’s cheeks and turning them upwards. Hero blinks at them, something wild raging behind their eyes. “You with me? It’s done, it’s okay.”
They try to say something, beg for forgiveness or help, but all Villain can feel is a blow of fresh air hitting their throat.
Their eyes don’t take long to find their collar thrown to the side, torn in half by frantic hands.
“Y-y-you took… it off?” Villain pants, wide eyes locking into Hero’s.
“I promised I wouldn’t let them hurt you anymore.”
No. No no no no no, they can’t take the collar off.
“I, I I… I can’t take it off,” they whimper, heart hammering against their breastbone as Villain tries to reach for thorn leather.
“Hey, Villain look at me.”
They do. Right now, with pain all around them and fear taking over their thoughts, there’s no room to disobey an order, even if it comes from Hero.
“We are out, you are not there anymore and you never have to wear that thing again, do you hear me?”
“No. No buts, you are out of that place. Just a little bit more and we can stop to rest, alright?”
Villain lets Hero help them stand up, too stunned to fight them even when they stagger and Hero scoops them up in their arms before Villain can tumble back to the ground.
From their old enemy’s arms, running away from the only place they’ve ever known, they watch someone open a window on the highest floor. A moment later, a known face appears there.
They can’t see right, not from this far, but they can still feel Supervillain’s rage as they watch Hero take Villain away. They can still feel their eyes stuck to them even when Hero turns a corner and their team surrounds them both before guiding them somewhere else.
They can also still feel pain everywhere, so Villain closes their eyes and lets the movement of Hero’s fast steps take away the fear until all they feel is the bare skin of their neck and the fresh hope in their heart.
“We did it,” Hero pants above them, holding Villain closer to their chest. “I got you out Villain, I got you out.”
“Supervillain will come for me,” they whisper back.
“They can try,” is Hero’s only answer, laced in fury.
They will, Villain knows. Supervillain will come for them, and that is as true as the wind blowing their hair back when they get to the heroes' base, still in Hero’s arms.
Villain doesn’t know what happens now – they are still a villain after all, they won't be welcomed among the heroes. But Supervillain isn’t here, not yet, and there is no collar around their neck, and for the first time in forever, the uncertainty feels like hope, not fear.
The uncertainty feels like choices, waiting to be made. And Villain feels more than ready to make as many of them as they can.
tagging @ethandoesthings247 @purple-heart-s @killtheprotagonist @aelin-whitethorngalathynius @insaneinthepaingame @ladygwennn @burtlederp @despairdragon
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Hi, can I request for chuuya where reader comes back from a mission all hurt despite having a really low pain tolerance please if not it’s fine:)
I don't have the best pain tolerance myself lmao so this was fun- tysm for asking!
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Chuuya lounged contentedly on the sofa of your living room, the late afternoon sunlight setting the perfect mood for some nice wine and a quiet evening with the person he loved. At the moment, you were out on assignment, a simple interrogation that you should actually be returning from in no more than an hour. The smell of your comfort food cooking in the kitchen wafted through the place you both called home, your loving boyfriend taking the opportunity to do something nice for you. Honestly, it was the least you deserved, with all that you did for him. His mind wandered to the countless nights you'd be awake at all hours because you'd woken up when he was trying his hardest to come in quietly, insisting on dressing his wounds when he needed it, even things like pecking him on the cheek before you left each morning.
A knock at the door startled him from his thoughts, to which he sighed in response as he stood from the couch and padded across the cool floor. Probably a delivery person with the wrong door, he thought to himself, but as he swung the door open, his expression melted into concern. Because there, in the threshold, was you, eye bruised and blood staining the fabric of your shirt and looking as though you were ready collapse. In another moment, you actually did, falling into Chuuya who just barely managed to keep your body from hitting the floor as he pulled you inside.
Quickly, using his ability to gently move you, he brought you into your bathroom before lifting your shirt to asses the damage. Dawring you a bath, he let the warm water run for a while before helping you into to try to fix you up.
"oooooo," you giggled, a delirious grin on your face, "my boyfriend's gonna kick your ass when he sees you doing that..."
"I am your boyfriend, dumbass, now hold still."
You did, but entertained yourself by making up nonsense rhymes while your boyfriend carefully cleaned the shallow cut from which you were bleeding. From there, he continued to tenderly wash the dirt from your skin until it gleamed, steam filling the room with the scent of your soap as you relaxed into his touch.
It took another two hours to get you fed and into bed, but when you fell asleep, you were out cold. Chuuya knew you'd be sore as hell by the time the sun rose the next morning, and, as he drifted off close beside your slumbering presence, he mentally prepared himself for it.
And as soon as you woke up, he was proven right. Every time you moved you groaned out in pain as your aching muscles protested, the bruises on your skin grew more pronounced. Chuuya ribbed at you, sure, but you could tell he didn't mean it. You both knew you didn't have the most incredible pain tolerance, but you had a good reputation as someone who got the job done.
"Anyway," he said, a teasing smirk on his face, 'thought you were only doing some basic interrogation. How exactly did all this happen?"
You groaned again, lying on your back in you pajamas since you'd refused to even try to change.
"Let's just say someone didn't do a good enough job of making sure the target was actually unconscious before moving them. They got the jump on me and the rest is his- Stop laughing, idiot!"
Across from you, Chuuya almost rolled off the couch with the force of his laughter before he apologized, still giggling a little. "Sorry, sorry," he murmured, "I just think it's crazy that someone of your caliber got beat up like that."
"Nice save," you snickered, "and I'm not the happiest about it either. But it could've been worse, and now I'm home, so how about you stop making fun of me and come cuddle me, dumbass."
He was only too happy to oblige you.
This is just something short and sweet, but I hope you enjoy it!
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wizkiddx · 3 years
your voice
angsty vibe, requested by @hollandlover19 than you for th rq and hop this doesn't disappoint too much :)))
summary: tom says something so stupid and has to deal with the consquences
warnings: a bit angsty, but ends in fluff! argumnts and raising voices, I guess could be associated with panic attacks tho not written with that intention
“Oh, Y/n er sorry.” Harrisons morning dulcet tones were what you were awoken to with a groan.
Everything was achy, and your head was pounding, making you grumble in discontent as you shifted uncomfortably on the technically too-small-to-sleep-on sofa.
This was not the morning you’d foreseen even 12 hours ago.
Lockdown had been difficult for everyone, even removing the tragic health crisis. Being locked in with your boyfriend and his brothers and friends was, for the most part, amazing. Lots of laughs, lots of beers and lots of quality time that you usually didn’t get. But it was also intense.
Without a doubt, since you first got together, this was the longest time you’d ever had with Tom. And it had been brilliant, your relationship getting so much closer and just learning the subtlest intricacies about the other. In fact, when lockdown had been announced, you’d never lived together (the most a week-long holiday).
Though it was also like a pressure cooker, Toms rented house. When one of you were in an understandable but stubborn lousy mood, it affected the whole house.
Yesterday night had been the perfect storm. The weather was unbelievably scorching; your work had announced that they had to let some staff go because of the financial implications of the pandemic; a ‘mole’ had released personal details of your relationship.
And it was like a pot on the stove; everything went from controllable to violently boiling over in a matter of minutes.
Honestly, you didn’t even know why you had started arguing - it was that pathetic. And yet you’d both said pretty horrible stuff - though it was Tom who had crossed the line. Frankly, the way he’d spoken to you was almost unforgivable.
You’d both known instantly too, all his anger at you had immediately evaporated when he’d realised what he had said. It took no time for him to become a grovelling apologetic mess, however even that- it was already too late.
It might sound feeble, but honestly, you’d run and locked yourself in the downstairs loo. You’d cried on the inside- whilst from the other side of the door, he had been begging and pleading with you.
After an hour though, Tom finally gave up - hence why you’d had a pretty uncomfortable night on the sofa.
This brings it back to Harrison, the early riser of the house, barrelling into the living room after his morning run. All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, except also slightly terrified looking as he stood awkwardly in the doorway.
“I’m up now” You sighed, dragging yourself into a sitting position on the sofa whilst massaging your crooked neck.
“You er…. you fell asleep watching the TV?” Rolling your eyes, you sighed at the blonde, even if his poor acting was a little entertaining.
“Are we both pretending that you don’t know what went down last night?” Of course, Harrison knew. The walls were thin, you’d been screaming and he was Tom’s best friend. No doubt, Tom had immediately gone to him for help and advice last night.
Harrison held his hands up in response, caught in the act, and clicked his tongue. “What he said was bad. You shouldn’t be the one ending up with the sore back.” He wasn’t wrong.
“And yet here I am…” With a sigh you smiled which he returned with a sickeningly empathetic one “Anyway, don’t let my sad self get in the way, did you come in here for anything?”
Now, because Harrison was mentally a five year old, that’s how you ended up sat crossed-legged on the floor, clutching a wii remote and angrily shouting at yoshi on the mariokart screen. The whole household was competitive as hell and you were no exception - so some rouge elbows were flying when he viciously knocked you off the track.
Slowly Harry and Tuwaine filtered in and picked up remotes too, so the quiet morning was very quickly switched into a tense atmosphere of yelps and shouts. None more so than Tuwaine, who was possibly the worst looser you had ever met.
Really, you knew all the boys were only doing this as there way of showing you they were with you. That they also thought Tom was a massive raging dickhead. And you appreciated it more than they would ever know. Locked down in Toms house, very much not mutual ground, having three stupid boys behind you meant everything.
Just as you got on to the 18th and final race of the house’s mario grand prix, another voice cut across the tense silence as you waited for the coutdown to turn into ‘go’. Naturally, you flipped round to see Tom, looking as though he literally just rolled out of bed with puffy eyes and messy hair and no top. The sight made your heart flutter, to the point you had to consciously check yourself - refusing to smile softly at him like you usually would, instead narrowing your eyebrows and looking back at the TV.
Tom had so desperately hoped that when he came down this morning, everything would be better. That all it’d take would be a quiet conversation for the two of you to make up - for him to have you in his arms again. Primarily as he had heard your excited laugh echoing through the halls in reactions to Tuwaines yelps of protests - it made him hopeful. Waking up to a cold and empty bed was almost soul-crushing this morning. He did not want it to ever happen again.
Which is why his heart sank so much when all you gave him was a scolding look, before turning your attention to the TV. Admittedly, he was naive to think that what he’d done last night would be an easy fix - he knew it too. So with dropping shoulders, Tom silently took a seat on the sofa, watching from afar. You spent the rest of the race more absent, not joining in with the Harrison or Harrys trash-talking, acutely aware of Tom’s eyes burning the back of your head.
Then came Harry’s celebrations as the overall winner (only just) and when Harrison suggested another game Tom piped up again.
“Give me a turn Harry.”
The three boys kneeling next to you all stiffened, looking immediately to you for what seemed like consent - as if they were engaging with the enemy. (At least it was good to know everyone was on your side).
“I’m gonna go prepare for my meeting anyway.” You spoke quietly, already placing the remote on the floor and standing up.
“Y/n I don’t mind swappin-“
“No. Thanks, H but no.” You weren’t being selfless and giving Tom a turn. You were running away from seeing him.
And Harrison was still really angry at Tom. He’d been so selfish and insensitive and had hurt you- someone who Haz also cared a lot about too. Yes Tom was his bestmate, that he’d grown up with and known for years - but Haz really liked you too, in fact all the boys did. So they were almost as pissed with Tom as you were.
So while you threw the cushion you were sat on back on the floor, Harrison shot Tom the filthiest look and practically shooed him away.
“come on Y/n … just one more? Then you can do your boring work.” You were about to refuse when Haz tilted his head toward the door, only then noticing that Tom had slipped out the room. Now that he was gone ,yes, just one more wouldn’t hurt. The meeting prep wasn’t time pressured; it was an excuse for an escape.
Tuwaine whooped a little when you nodded, planting back down and ready for the first race. Yet apart from that, the room was still a little awkward, you being the first to break the silence.
“Actually Haz, would you mind giving me a lift today?”
“What to the shops?
“Um no not quite.” Tuwaine laughed in his usual innocent and infectious style before asking more.
“Seriously? You know we’re locked down? Boris won’t be happy if you going mad and leaving the house.”
“Just to Y/f/n’s. She lives on her own so it’s legal.”
“She lives just down the road right? Can’t you walk?” Harry was confused, making him look away from the screen, ultimately leading to his ‘diddykong’ falling off the track.
“I’ll have my bags. I um… I think I’m going to stay with her till lockdown eases more.”
As soon as you said that, Harry pressed pause on the race, all three boys looking at you mouth-opened.
“For real?”
“Yeh I um… think me and Tom need some time apart and being locked in isn’t helping.”
“I’m not saying to forgive and forget what he said… but he is really sorry.”
“The twats literally kicking himself.” Tuwaine added, making you smile a little for calling Tom that.
“I know just… I need some space and-“
“Are you breaking up?” Harry almost announced, cutting you off. He would miss you too.
“No! Nono I … well I don’t know. I just- we both need this.”
The boys all nodded, looking at the floor for a moment before Harrison’s blue eyes were back on you.
“Course I’ll drive, but… but I’ll miss you.”
You’d left merely an hour later, whilst Tom was holed up in the garden doing what looked like an almost unbearable work out. It meant he was also out your hair and you could throw all your stuff into two suitcases without him being any the wiser. It was probably pretty cowardly to leave without speaking to him, but you couldn’t. It would hurt too much and you didn’t want to break down in front of him. No doubt as soon as you had got to Y/f/n you did - into a blubbering mess of tears - but Tom hadn’t seen so it was okay.
Speaking of. Tom.
Tom was not in a good way at all. He’d been trying really hard to curb his’ short fuse’ lately- all of which had been well and truly blown in the past 4 hours. After finally being realised from meetings, which he’d not been able to concentrate on anyway, Tom had mentally prepared himself for a lot of grovelling. Once he’d vaguely hunted the house and not found you there, he naturally asked Harry and Tuwaine (both of whom were in the living room) if they’d seen you around.
It was a typical question, the answer he was expecting was that you’d just gone on your daily walk. And yet the response he got was… well a lot more confusing. Harry’s eyes widened whilst T did his awkward-uncomfortable chuckle, the two locked in an intense bout of eye contact. It was as though they were arguing with each, but through the powers of telekinesis... and it put Tom on edge. He was already stressed because you were so angry with him, so not getting a clear answer out of his brother and best mate - lets just say it tested his patience.
“You two need to tell me what the hell is going on right now.”
The two boys both looked panicked to speak to him, which was the opposite of the usual situation. They were some of the ONLY people in his life that would just say it how it is, no sugar coating. Like if he was away and being ‘famous’ was getting to his head; or if he wore the wrong pair of jeans. Even yesterday evenings events, they’d both called him out on what he’d said to you.
So why the silence?
Eventually, it was Harry who spoke up, but in doing so, practically just waved all responsibility on to another innocent party.
“Ask Haz.”
And then Tom knew. He knew this was bad. Immediately his heart was pumping at an alarmingly fast rate, taking the stairs two at a time and not bothering to knock before bursting the door open.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Harrison was reclined back on his haphazardly made bed, laptop balanced on his lap as he looked up with a sigh. He’d known this conversation was coming, but it didn’t make it any less easy. With a sigh, Haz closed the lid of his MacBook and sat up on the bed.
“Tom just-“
“Where. Is. She.”
“She’s gone to Y/f/n’s.”
“Oh… okay.” Suddenly Tom’s voice was muted, thinking he might’ve blown his top at nothing. This wasn’t weird - Y/f/n was in your support bubble and you went to hers often.
Tom was grossly underestimating the situation - and Harrison heard didn’t fancy stringing him along though.
“No like gone. She um… she took all her stuff. I think she’s going to stay there till-“
Tom was already out his room at that point, slamming the door as he did so. Making a beeline for his own room, Tom then frantically started to pull out the draws and rummage around the shelves, confirming what he already knew. Your clothes were gone, your toothbrush and toiletries were gone, you were gone.
It’s important to note Tom didn’t really cry all that much. Or if he did - it was more inconsequential, at a sad movie or one of the rescue dog stories from battersea. Actually, when it came down to it, he didn’t really cry.
Now though, it was impossible to ignore the burning of his eyes, as he sank down onto the bed that now felt twice the size. With ragged breath, he repeatedly fisted his eyes, not actually letting the tears fall - but it was impossible to not acknowledge their presence. Harrison stood wordlessly at the door frame, knowing it best not to interrupt - whilst at the same time knowing Tom shouldn’t be left alone. There was a delicate balance between the two, which he was walking on a knife-edge on right now.
After a short while, Tom looked up with red eyes and nodded at Harrison, effectively granting him entrance. With a sigh once again, Haz moved and sat next to Tom on the bed, clasping his hands together nervously.
“She said you both just needed a break from each other. Think lockdown and everything was just a bit too intense.” Haz had tried to explain, yet it seemed Tom had only managed to lock onto one of the first words.
“A break? Or breaking up?”
“I uhm… she didn’t explicitly say ending things. But I just… I don’t know to be honest mate.”
“You see the way she looked at me this morning? Like she hated me. Wouldn’t even acknowledge that I was there.”
“I don’t know what to say… she needs time and space I think.” Tom was silent for a beat, shaking his head as he cradled his forehead.
“I hate the fact you and my girlfriend are on better terms than I am.” Anddd his voice was back to scathing.
“I’m not on anyones side. But your both my friends and she… she needed some time.”
With that, Harrison made a quick exit out, getting Harry to take over the Tom supervision.
Ever since the atmosphere in the house had been tense. To say Tom was highly strung was an understatement, particularly towards Harrison. Deep down he was thankful Haz was looking out for Y/n: he was glad that Haz was checking she was okay. It’s not like Tom could, because Y/n was refusing to answer his calls, texts, whatsapps, even the slip of paper he’d slipped under Y/f/n’s door in the middle of an especially dark night.
So it was good to know Y/n was okay, but the fact she was going on socially distanced walks with the rest of his housemates was rubbing salt in the wound.
After a week and a half of complete radio silence on your end Tom had utterly worn down. He didn’t have the emotional capacity to be angry anymore, he was just tired. Tired of missing you with every breath, tired of the ten-tonne weight of guilt pressing on his chest, fucking exhausted with being angry at Haz and Harry and Tuwaine.
The best thing in his life and one of the very limited opportunities was quality time with the people he loved more than anything else. He had ruined it all.
And it was the small things. It was waking up to your soft, whispered voice in the morning; it was your infectious giggle when he surprised you with a hug from behind and gentle kisses to your neck; it was your quiet singing in the shower. Especially when he knew Haz, Harry and Tuwaine were all still seeing you and laughing with you. It hurt like hell.
Which is how he ended up hesitantly knocking on Harrison’s bedroom door at half eleven at night, with his tail between his legs. Having been so uber-healthy all lockdown, Haz was already in bed following his sleep cycle, though for Tom right now- he would be awake.
“I’m um… I’m sorry I’ve been a knob. There’s no excuse of anything I’ve just… I’ve been a knob.”
“You’re not wrong.” Harrison nodded in agreement with a sly smile, motioning for Tom to come into the room, after which he perched on the edge of the bed.
“I just… I need to speak to her but I… I don’t want to push her if she’s still hurting and I…”
“You absolutely promise not to blow your fuse? Because she couldn’t handle that.” Tom’s eyes widened, thinking this would be a much harder pitch than how it seemed to be going.
“Yesyesyes i- I promise. I just, I feel broken you know? Even if all I get is the time to say sorry, I-I really need to.”
Harrison released a deep breath, nodding slowly before throwing the covers off himself. Tom watched all his movements with a curious gaze, silently sitting as Haz pulled on a hoodie, then socks too.
“Well? Let’s go.”
Now, what Tom had not in the slightest bit been prepared for was this to happen tonight. Really, he hadn’t even thought Harrison would agree to let him talk to you… and even if he had, Tom not in hell thought it’d be at 11:30 that evening.
His heart was thundering in his chest, trying to hurriedly script how on earth he was going to apologise meaningfully to you - as him and Haz walked the short distance to your friends house. Honestly the whole situation was peculiar to Tom - finding it hard to believe that if you weren’t to answer his texts you wouldn’t be open to an in person conversation.
What Tom didn’t know, was how you’d been texting Haz at a similar point of desperation. You weren’t happy and even given everything Tom had said and acted - you missed your boy. No matter how infuriating he could be when trapped 24/7 - you’d quickly learnt this was the only way you wanted to spend these weird times.
So yes, Tom’s best friend knew you were hardly sleeping either, but needed that little push to interact with you boyfriend. No doubt, you’d still be awake to answer the door.
Once he’d arrived at the apartment block and walked up the stairs to the right floor, it still took some prodding and pushing from Harrison to get Tom to knock on the door. Plainly, because he was shitting himself. Haz hadn’t given him enough pre warning, enough time to work it all out in his head. So it took another encouraging nod from Harrison for him to knock on the slightly rough-round-the-edges flat door.
Y/f/n was single and young, starting her career in Kingston - so the flat she could afford was modest at best. When it was just occupied by a single person, that was manageable - two was a push. You’d only been living with her for a week and a few days but it was enough to know this flat was not ideal for two people in lockdown. You were already stepping on each others toes. It also wasn’t technically legal to move households but Y/f/n had always been in your support bubble as a single household otherwise. And so there was also a layer of guilt to it all.
Naturally then, sharing a bed with someone who wasn’t Tom meant you just were not sleeping. Even if you had both gone to bed early (just to kill some hours in the day) you were still wide awake at quarter to twelve - when a timid knock echoed through the minuscule apartment. Curiosity peaked at who the hell would be calling now; you silently slipped out of bed, managing to not disturb Y/f/n, and closed the bedroom door.
Now you weren’t an idiot. Even though this was southwest london, hardly the capital for crime, Y/f/n lived in a dodgy building with some questionable characters. And it was midnight. Hence why you approached the situation cautiously, tiptoeing to the door and waiting with your ear pressed against the wood.
“I told you she wouldn’t answer!”
“She will! Might just be in the loo or something.”
“Haz this is stupid-“
The air in your chest froze when you immediately recognised the smooth tone of his voice. It was him… and you’d missed that so much. Already there were tears in your eyes and you couldn’t open the door just yet. So no, instead you slid down the doorframe before calling quietly out into the night.
The bickering on the otherside of the door was silenced, but you heard a quite tap on the door... and could envision exactly what was going on. Tom, pressing both palms and his ear to the door, as Harrison took a few steps back - sensing his work was done.
“Y/n? You there?” He sounded desperate, you could hear the emotion dripping off his voice. It was only when you tried to reply did you realise your own voice was having a harder time speaking.
“Yeh its-its me.” It felt as though this heavyweight that had been pressing down on your chest was slowly lifting, making your voice all cracky and low.
In response, there was a short and sharp exhale. It sounded relieved before some fidgeting as you imagined him crouching down beside the door - mirroring your image.
“Fuck, it… it feels so good to hear your voice.”
“Yours too… I’ve-i’ve missed you.”
Tom snorted at that, a gentle bang allowing you to realise he’d just whacked his head on the back of the wood.
“You have no idea how this week felt.” He was wrong though, you did.
Yes, maybe without the insurmountable guilt that Tom was rightfully feeling, but it didn’t mean that the time apart wasn’t easy.
“I do. This hasn’t been a nice holiday for me you know?”
He sighed, knowing that yet again he’d said the wrong thing. This time though, he didn’t rebut instantly (which surprised you), instead his response was more measured and calculated.
“I am so sorry. And of course, I know because I was the one that hurt you too. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that.” You nodded but given this conversation was happening through a door Tom didn’t see your gentle agreement - opting to fill the silence.
“I um… I’m not good at this whole um… speaking my feelings. But I’ve hated myself ever since I picked that fight with you. It was stupid and uh it-it was all my fault. I’m so so sorry for hurting you.”
“‘Why?” You tried to ask, except the words were stuck in your throat, making you have to clear it before asking again. “Why did you say it?”
“To get a rise out of you. It’s stupid and petty and fucking-fucking dumb. I said it not because I’ve ever thought it, I never ever have, but I knew it’d hurt you. I was preying on your insecurities because I was angry at the world and that was so unfair. “
“No shit.”
Silence reigned as you fiddled with your fingers - specifically with the promise ring he’d bought you a year ago.
“You-you think you could ever forgive me?”
“Thats the annoying part. I want to hate you because you literally stabbed me then twisted the knife but… but all I’ve done this week is miss you. Even when I saw Haz or Harry or Tuwaine. I just fucking missed you.”
“Can you open the door please love?”
Clumsily you scrubbed the tear tracks off your face, scrabbling to your feet so you could thrust open the doors. Because you might still be bloody pissed at him, but at the same time - you needed your Tom. Thrusting the door open, the first thing you registered was being pressed into Tom’s chest. His arms slinked around your waist and held him tight, which you reciprocated, squeezing tightly round his neck. Your senses were all being assaulted by one thing and one thing only. Tom.
He smelt like usual, except maybe the slightest bit stronger than usual - you figured he hadn’t showered in a day or two or bothered with cologne. The top of your forehead was pressed up against his chin, and as he readjusted his grip on you, you felt the scratchy feeling of his unshaven stubble. He kept whispering apologies against the top of your head, almost desperate and religiously.
Arching back, you brought both hands to cup his cheeks, looking into his glassy brown. eyes, which looked so lost and confused.
“I’m still angry.”
“Of course-“
“I’m still angry but I’m going to kiss you okay?”
Safe to say Tom didn’t require a verbal response, taking it upon himself to nudge his lips against yours, yet waiting for you to initiate the kiss. And that you did, everything else about this godforsaken week and a half. His index finger traced the angle of your jaw, whilst he held your lower back tight, pressing himself as close as physically possible to you. Needing you.
Eventually arching back, your thumb ran over his deep and sunken under-eyes, which added so much age to his face.
“You look tired Tommy.”
“Can’t sleep without you telling me goodnight.” That was another tradition you had had. Even when he was away, you’d even set an alarm for whatever bedtime was for the other across the world. Just so you could send a little message or voice not saying goodnight. Was it cringey? Yes. Did either of you care? No.
But since you’d been away all the evening wishes were absent from you. Which hurt Tom more than you may ever know.
“I know you’re still angry but will you please come home to me? I need you to be the last thing I hear at night and the first thing in the morning.”
would love to hear any feedback <333 (but think this is a bit of a shitter so im sorry!!!)
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @pandaxnienke @thegirlwiththeimpala @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @hollandlover19 @hunnybunimdun @crossyourpeter @thefernandasantana@hallecarey1
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dokifluffs · 3 years
Switched | Suna Rintarou
Pairing: Suna X Reader (gender neutral) 
Genre: fox! cuteeee flufff tehe 
Author’s Note: @utskushiwaarudo​ once said “what if READER is the baby fox and inarizaki (or only one to two of them) is being domestic and taking care of them and they’re like omg y/n careful not to spill the food *napkin wipe*” so here I am months later ah ha ha 
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Gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
Dark storm clouds gathered all over the sky, not letting a single ray of sunlight in on what could’ve been what of the most beautiful days of the year
Suna laid on his stomach, his back slowly rising and falling, arms curled beneath the pillow his face was nuzzled into
He woke from his deep slumber when a loud boom sounded through the sky, making the ground vibrate
The blanket slid down his body, sliding off to reveal his toned bare back as he rose from the deep slumber he was immersed in
Your own mind began to pick up in activity as you felt the bed ship as Suna woke
Then it occurred to you how last night was the full moon
Today would be the day Suna would be in his little fox form, and it was honestly one of your favorite days of the month since he was especially cuddly
The way he would nuzzle into your lap as he slept all day
“Huh? How am I still-“ Suna looked at his very human hands, his brown hair disheveled from sleep until he saw you move as you woke
“Oh god…” Suna’s eyes went wide as he stared at you
Your body was as small as a newborn baby as you stretched sleepily, your bushy tail lazily wagging side to side, which he assumed you didn’t notice since you looked up to him with a fondness he normally woke up to
“Y/N… Don’t freak out..” His voice was low but you were more confused, especially how he scooped you into your arms, bringing you to the bathroom
Bright sunlight shined in through the skylight as he held you in his arms, standing the two of you in front of the mirror
You looked up to him numerous times as his eyes stayed on you through the mirror
Your pointed ears, dark brown fur that matched Suna’s hair, a bushy tail dangling over his elbow
You couldn’t believe your eyes as you panicked, swarming rapidly in his arms
You couldn’t even look at yourself in disbelief
“No, no, no, why- how?” You thought as you whined as you moved frantically in his arms, he was losing control
“Y/N, wait, you’re gonna- fall…” He winced hearing your loud cry as your body fell from his arms onto the cold tiled ground, scratches littering his bare arms and torso
A sore, aching pain waved through your body as your heart pounded rapidly in your, now little, chest
You had never been a fox before, and he still couldn’t wrap his head around as to why this happened, but you were uncoordinated with your body
Suna recalled the numerous stories and memories of his childhood when he first changed
His legs wobbled
He didn’t know what to do with his tail
He didn’t know how to do anything and all he could do was watch as his being was in a fox’s body and it was after a year
And now this was happening to you
But you were so shaken up, Suna’s heart dropped seeing the fear in your eyes
“Y/N, calm- Stop you’re going to hurt yourself,” He raised his voice higher as you whined, your feet slipping over the tiled floor as you tried to run away as if running could bring your body back to normal
“Don’t move, I got you, alright?” He knelt down, the sun shining from behind his body through the window, he seemed so ethereal through your eyes as he inched his way closer to you
You were shaking, back arched, tail curled in between your legs, claws sliding over the tiled floor as Suna spoke to you
It was so weird since you could understand him yet he couldn’t understand you
“I’m going to pick you up okay?”
You took deep breaths as your heart pounded in your chest
He carefully lifted you into his arms as a puppy, your nails just digging into his arms slightly out of fear but it wasn’t a pain he couldn’t handle
You whimpered as he brought you back to bed, sitting you carefully in his lap as he sat with his legs crossed
“You’ve been the one taking care of me for years whenever I had to change, so now it’s my turn. You’re going to be okay, alright? I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised as you looked up to him
The way you looked at him pulled at his heart
You were too adorable in this form
Your ears back, eyes wide and glistening and watering
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” he cracked a rare smile as he pat your head, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears that had formed in your eyes
“You’ll be alright,” he leaned down, mumbling to your warm, fuzzy head, a rare gesture from Suna since he had always been one to internalize his thoughts and emotions
Rarely one to be the one to show his affection first, only sometimes in private, yet he did it right now as easy as breathing
“I got you,” Suna mumbled
Your heart melted at his words as you whimpered his love
You couldn’t tell if it was now that you were in this new fox form or what but you couldn’t help but let your heart melt at Suna
He sat you on the corner of the bed where you could still see him as he brushed his teeth and washed his face, finally putting a shirt on afterward
You felt so stiff as you sat there, not wanting to move, not wanting to rip the sheets or to fall or anything
You didn’t want to do anything except switch back to normal
After getting dressed and ready for the day, Suna lifted you into his arms like a child as he stroked his hand down your back side
“Is this what it feels like?” You thought to yourself as you let out a sigh, relaxing against his arms and touch, your muscles following his touch as you melted 
“it feels so... good, no wonder he falls asleep so fast when I do it,” you yawned, your tongue automatically licking your own nose after you did so, something you’ve always seen other animals, and Suna, do and now that it was your turn, it felt so strangely natural 
He carried you down the stairs in his arms as the rain bounced off the glass of the skylight that illuminated the stairwell just enough for the stairs to be visible 
You could sort of feel suna’s skin but all you could really feel was a thin constant layer of warmth, and warmer areas where his body was pressed to you 
“I’ll make breakfast,” he said as he stood in the entrance to the kitchen, humming to himself in thought 
“where can I put them...” Suna stood there for almost a whole minute as you just stayed still in his arms, not knowing what to do since you couldn’t really do anything anyways 
even moving around in his grasp was nerve wracking 
you did not need to fall or break anything or hurt yourself 
And suna knew this too as he thought
you were more than capable of being by yourself since you could handle yourself but he also wanted to keep an eye on you while he was in the kitchen but leaving you on the floor would be dirty and cold 
but leaving you on a chair would be scary if you were to fall and hurt yourself 
“Y/N, I’m going to leave you on the couch and then I’ll bring it over when it’s all ready, alright?”
He turned back, headed toward the living room toward the couches 
He leaned over, reaching his arms to put you down 
“It’s okay, you won’t hurt yourself at this height,” he smiled as your paws wrapped around his forearms, tail curling around as well. “I got you.” 
You slowly let go, trusting Suna as he set you down onto the plush cushion 
“You’re gonna be alright,” he patted your head as you sat on the couch 
It felt so weird 
like, you had control over your legs and arms like normal but sitting and standing and walking, it all felt so strange yet natural at the same time 
And this was what Suna and the other inariaki team went through once a month 
Suna stood in the kitchen, thinking about what he could possibly make with his skills 
but now that he actually thought about it, it was always you who really fed him aside from Osamu 
All he could think of to do was the standard cereal with milk 
Suna wasn’t as skilled as you to do fancy things like make eggs and pancakes and such 
He carried over two bowls of cereal with milm over to the living room, setting one on the coffee table that was just tall enough to be the same level as the couch cushion you were on 
He sat besides you as he ate a big of his cereal before setting his bowl down and watched you 
“How am I supposed to eat this?” You pondered as you stared at the cereal before you 
You licked up the milk like a cat but you wanted the actual cereal before it got too soggy 
You obviously couldn’t use your spoon
you ended up sticking your.. snout.. into the bowl, the cold milk stinging your nose but you were able to eat the cereal 
it was good and even your tail wagged but it wasn;t the cleanest 
“careful, Y/N,” Suna laughed as he plucked a few tissues, wiping your chin as well as the spilt milk around the bowl 
Suna did as he said he would and watched you for the rest of the day, taking care of you
although he did have to call osamu on how to make some things but aside from that, it was fine 
it was a very new experience for the both of you 
but it showed you such a new side of Suna he never really expressed before  
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom @yams046 @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @manga-only @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08 @amy-yurima @realityisabitch-blr @suga-tofu @ushislittlewife @nabisonyeo94  @aaprilshowers @emotional-ayato @to-move-on-means-to-grow @kellesvt @haikyuu-galaxy @8-eight-8 @xiaoqiji @japanesevenom @cemeiia @pantherhappy @sassyglassesbunny @devilgirlcrybabiey  @ushijimacentral​ @manjiroarchiviste​ @clydesterminal  asd
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ugggh so I am a dirty little slut for sal fisher and I had a thought about it sooooo,,,,
Sal Fisher x GN (masc body) headcanons of what he's like with you
this is gonna be very heavily influenced by the fact I am sleepy and really wanna write this rn!
Warnings: Non-canon-compliant (Sal lives, Larry lives, Todd doesn't go crazy, no murder), some NSFW stuff, switch-bottom leaning Sal, Service Top Sal
When he first meets you he's, hands down, the most flustered he's ever been before
Like, he's really into you
He just sees you in the hall and immediately blushes
he goes around his days as usual and stuff still but now he's eyeing you whenever you come into view
it's cute, he looks like a little kitten peering at you from around the corner because he’s too shy to say something
Larry makes little jokes about it and always tells him to talk to you
"wow, what a stalker" is his usual line when he finds Sal looking at you from somewhere
he musters up the courage to talk to you in his junior year when you wear a Sanity's Fall's shirt to class one day
from then on you two talk together whenever you have class and stuff
your parents move into the apartments in your senior year because of a demotion and you and Sal start hanging out outside of school
He finally asks you out on the last day of senior year
You and the gang go out to the football field the night after graduation
after they clean up all of the equipment for the stage
You guys end up smoking a blunt because Larry brought some of his stash and, hey, what's the harm?
You and Sal end up laying in the middle of the field while Larry chases Ash and Todd around on the bleachers
They're laughing and howling at the moon so you two just listen
Sal takes his mask off cause he feels more comfortable laying with it off
He takes out his pigtails and you comb through his hair for a bit
You look him in the eyes and just stop brushing your fingers through his hair long enough for him to look up at you
your eyes both meet and you two just stare
You see the stars in his eyes
Sal just thinks "You're the prettiest person I've ever seen"
"what?" "uhhhh....nothing"
"It's okay Sal!" You giggle at him and he giggles too
you both start giggling at each other and you two hug each other
still, just facing each other, heads tucked into shoulders, chests pressed so tightly together, legs intertwined
It's calm
He feels safe
So safe and warm
It's wonderful
So he sighs and says" I think I'm in love with you"
And it's an accident
He doesn't regret it, not processing it until you say "I'm in love with you too silly"
And you stay like that
no panic or guilt
just tucked away into each other
The gang goes to 7/11 that night-morning really it is 3 am-and get slushies
all of them are teasing you guys as you hold hands on the way there
it's cute
He's cute
You're cute
You both feel warm in the jackets you switch from each other
it's cute
"God the stalker finally got the victim in their clasps, another tragically happy ending" "Shut it Larry Face"
You both end up staying in different places after high school
You take a year off college and stay with your parents at Addison Apartments and Sal moves into the gang's house
It's nice, you see each other regularly for dates and ghost hunts
it's blissful
Then Sal starts having his nightmares again and you come over regularly for sleepovers
it's months into this routine of going home, getting new clothes from the apartments, go out with Sal, come and sleep at his place to help with nightmares, repeat that Larry has the most brilliant idea
"Why don't you just move in with Sal? You practically live with him anyway."
This is in front of you two, you're both at the gang's house and drinking some morning coffee
Sal not really jokes and agrees
And then you genuinely agree
It's a big moment for you two
Sal wanted you to move in right away but was scared his nightmares would affect you or you two wouldn't end up working out
So you two complied and stayed where you were
But this is gonna be an actual conversation where he is up for it and knows you two are stable
So you talk about it
You two agree
And you end up moving in that day
it's not that hard since most of your clothes are over there already
It's basically just moving your bed, knick-knacks, and bookshelf in so that's just the big things since you have a queen
It's bliss from there
you both settle into a nice routine and after you start college Sal decides to focus on his music for rn and take a break
You get a job and the dynamic is just... so pure
you guys are finally, finally, okay and the best thing is that you're together
He's still adorable and you're still sweet
You guys end up getting your own apartment outside of Nockfell and Addison Apartments
The gang stays around
Larry ends up moving in with you two for a little bit until he can afford his own place
Sal gets a lot more gigs out there in the city than he would have gotten in Nockfell and you get a job at a little club
Sal ends up playing there often because of you
NSFW headcanons
Okay so Sal is a hopeless romantic
before he moved to Nockfell he never really had anybody else who was interested in him
so he was super hopeless in planning your first time together
once you had slept over with each other a couple of times he makes this grand layout and waits for you to walk in to see him spred on the bed, clad in some cute underwear and nothing else
turns out though you were sick and sent Larry to tell Sal you couldn’t come over cause your phone was dead and you didn’t wanna get him sick
So Larry ends up walking in on a naked Sal and scarying the everloving crap out of him
He makes fun of y'all after that about it
So your first time is honestly uneventful after that whole fiasco
Deciding to just causally hook up at his place instead
Sal is a switch but he leans for bottoming
he can top, he's really good at being a service top
He’s not insecure about himself, he’s pretty big for his height *cough* (9.7) *cough*
but he prefers being spoiled and called pretty
loves being called feminine nicknames like "pretty baby" even if he is topping
stuff that's gender-neutral but is more feminine in origin
He likes it when you do it doggy-style if you're topping just cause if you press him into the mattress he can feel you better inside of him
Whines so much when you go faster
really likes getting fucked stupid, he wants his throat to be sore and his ass to be bed-ridden
Loves topping you when you're in his lap straddling him
He really likes to make you do work for a while, guides you and everything until you're breaking
when you eventually end up asking for him to "just fuck me already Sal...please?" He wants tears down your face, crying and desperate for him or else it’s not gonna happen
He ends up fucking into you like a monster from there if you are
loves when you lay on your back and he's on his knees sitting and thrusting into you, pulling you onto his lap
very vocal either way but he laughs and giggles more with you, his moans are less fucked out and more "oh god, yes!" in nature
His sex drive is really high, he could go for hours
If you end up getting tired when he's bottoming he's gonna bounce on your pretty cock and ride you so pathetically
It's so pathetically adorable
but if he's topping and you get tired he usually asks you if he can fuck you to sleep
You end up agreeing only if he cleans you up after
He doesn't have any severe kinks or whatnot
He's really into being breed though
Tie him up too while you do it
he likes gags as well
when you breed him he'll end up feeling bad after you finish and he can't feel it anymore once it's out
So you end up giving him a buttplug after to compromise
Sometimes if he's being a brat you'll tie him up, gag him, and leave him with a vibrator over stimming him
You'll leave him in the room and come back to a crying Sal, salivating and so fucked out without having even cum once
If you're ever being the brat he does the exact opposite
He'll tie you up but make it so you can't close your mouth
You have to be quiet though, he doesn’t want to hear anything louder than breathing and your pathetic whimpers
you're over stimmed to hell and orgasm so much it's difficult to keep awake
but do not fall asleep cause if you don't get through it to the end it won't end (Consensually of course)
He and Larry definitely hooked up once or twice before meeting you so I think he'd ask you to let him in on it
It becomes a regular occurrence until Larry moves out
But when you do have a threesome and he is feeling dominant get ready to not move for the next three weeks
It's nice though and doesn't end up changing the relationship between you three
That's it, I gotta stop before I cream myself into dirtier shit cause I am his slut. I have Sal Fisher brain rot syndrome so I'll definitely make another one eventually. Request some stuff and I'll be happy to write!
Continuation for Threesome hcs here by request
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Harry Gets Food Poisoning While at Your House
This prompt was requested by this ask and I just put my own take on it. Hope everyone enjoys.
Things to help you understand this story better:
(Boyfriend-Girlfriend/Dating for 2 years/Harry stays over at your place a lot/You ate something different than Harry/Dunkirk Harry era)
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(wish that photo was really Harry but unfortunately its not. dead give away by the hand :( )
Harry and yourself decided to order Chinese take-out for a at-home date night. You both scoffed down the tasty food while sitting on the sofa watching romantic comedies. Once you finished eating, you and Harry cuddled together on the sofa under a warm fluffy blanket. You laying on your back and Harry laying on his tummy between your legs, with his head resting on your boobs. While focusing on the film, you run your small fingers in his brown curls and he relaxes into your touch, letting out content sighs.
About an hour after eating, Harry becomes restless on top of you. Before, he was laying peacefully, but now he's squirming every few seconds. "You alright babe?" you question down to Harry on your chest.
"Mhmm my stomachs starting to hurt." he replies truthfully. He's unsure the cause but his stomach is swirling and his heart rate is picking up at the mere thought of having to be sick. Especially the thought of being sick at his girlfriends house during the at-home date you had planed. He doesn't want to ruin it by getting sick.
"Oh m'sorry. Do you think it was the Chinese food?" you speak remorsefully.
"I don't know but I don't want to be sick," Harry says with a voice crack indicating he's actually getting upset, "and ruin our date night." When he finishes his sentence, he starts softly sobbing into your chest.
"Hey, hey, Harry," you say sternly but still in your caring voice, "you would not be ruining our date night. You can't help if your feel sick. Do you maybe want to go sit in the bathroom so you're closer to the toilet?"
Harry just nods his head and you help him stand up from his position on your chest and onto his barley stable feet. Then you guide him to your downstairs hall bathroom because its the closest bathroom to your living room. You walk Harry up to the toilet and help him kneel down in front and you squat down behind him. "I feel so sick y/n!" Harry moans out through shallow breaths.
"It's gonna be okay Harry. I'm right here. It's okay to be sick. I won't be mad." you reassure your boyfriend so he knows he doesn't have to keep in his sick for your sake and so he'll feel better. Because you know undoubtedly he has food poisoning from the Chinese food he ate earlier and if he keeps the toxins in his body, he will just feel sicker and sicker.
Harry's back arches over the toilet as he lets out a sickly sounding gag. You grimace at the noise but know you must keep it together to take care of him and comfort him. He's breathing rather heavy with his mouth hanging open and saliva dripping out into the water. "Shhh babe, just relax and throw up. Your tummy will feel so much better after." you gently coo in his ear. You have one hand rubbing circles on his muscular back and one hand pushing back his curly bangs that's falling in his face. He lets out a harsh dry heave and it follows with a long stream of vomit exiting out his mouth and splattering in the toilet water. You have to close your eyes to not be sick yourself.
In-between spells of emptying his stomach, Harry mutters, "You can leave me in here alone. Don't want you seeing me like this." He is absolutely crazy to think you'd leave him in such a vulnerable state. You love Harry and him being sick doesn't stray you away from being by his side in such a situation.
"Harry, I am not leaving you. I don't care if you're sick. You've seen me sick many times and took care of me each of those times. So I'm taking care of you." you calmly say back. Honestly, Harry feels so sick that he doesn't try and argue with you. If he's being truthful, he's actually thankful you're with him, comforting him, because he hates being sick alone. He may not admit that out loud but its true. Something else that happens when Harry's sick, alone or with someone there with him, he gets emotional. An uncontrollable emotion that follows during or after getting sick. One thing he hates most about this situation right now is looking weak in front of you. He's always so strong and being this vulnerable in your eyes suck.
What Harry doesn't know is that you like this side of him. Not the sick version of course but the weak side. It shows he isn't perfect and you honestly don't think you could even date someone who puts themselves out as such.
Harry forcefully throws up a few more times until he's just dry heaving with nothing more to expel. "I think you're done babe." you tell Harry softly as he's dry heaving with no results.
Harry just shakes his head weakly and replies, "I still feel sick though. My stomach hurts so bad." Tears are rolling down his face and his hands that grip the sides of the toilet seat are slightly shaking.
"I know but I think the toilet is making you feel more sick." You reach over him to flush his puke down the toilet so he doesn't have to look at it a minute longer. Harry sits up straight and turns his head back slowly to look at you. This is the first time you have seen his face clearly since he's gotten sick tonight and the first thing you notice is how red his eyes are, probably from all the gagging and dry heaving, and you see the wetness of his cheeks due to crying. Along with the bit of vomit that his on the corner of his pink lips and line of sweat on his forehead. You feel horrible for him. You'd hate to be in his position but almost wish the roles were reversed, just to take his discomfort away. That's how much you love him. You'd do just about anything for Harry. Even if that means take his food poisoning away from him and have it yourself.
You reach for some toilet paper and rip a piece off to wipe his mouth clean. While wiping his vomit covered mouth, Harry just sits and stares at you. He feels so little right now. Almost like he's a small child who's just been sick and their mum is cleaning them up. Even though Harry is embarrassed he got sick on what was supposed to be a lovely date night where you both ate non contaminated food, watched film after film, trying not to fall asleep, or maybe had some romantic intimacy at the end of the night, he actually feels happy right now. Not happy his stomach is upset but happy he got lucky enough to have a caring girlfriend that is by his side during his ugliest moments. He thinks he may have just fell more in love with you. Seeing how compassionate you are towards him when he's sick.
When you finish wiping around his mouth and a little bit of nasty drainage from his nose, Harry becomes emotional again. Like stated previously, he always gets quite emotional when he's sick but that's not the only cause of his emotions right now. He is also crying because he's thinking about how much he truly loves you and how he never thought he'd find someone with your level of compassion.
You throw away the soiled tissue and pull Harry forward so you can embrace him in a warm hug. You don't really understand why he's crying so much. Is it because his stomach is still hurting or he's embarrassed? "Why are you crying Harry?" you question him then continue, "It's alright. I'll give you medicine to make you feel better. Don't worry about that."
While rubbing both hands up and down his sweaty back, Harry says through soft sobs, "I just love you so much. How did I get so lucky. I've had partners in the past to push me away when I was sick and you didn't. You stayed and took care of me." He lifts his head so he can view your face when he mutters out the rest. "I'm gonna marry you one day you know. Want to call you my wife. Want to have lots of babies with you. Be with you till I'm a hundred. Promise I do."
His words have brought tears to your eyes. Knowing how grateful Harry is that you're taking care of him when he's sick means so much. You didn't think twice before helping him when he said he felt sick, so it must be the true love you feel for this man crying in your hold. With a shaky smile and watery eyes, you look at him in his glossy green eyes and say, "I would kiss you right now but I have a feeling your breath smells like puke so I'll pass. Love you so much Harry and of course I took care of you. I love you and that's what you do for the people you love. Take care of them in their weakest moments."
You hold him for a few more minutes on the bathroom floor until your bum gets sore from the hard tiles. You help Harry stand to his feet and walk him to your bedroom located up the stairs of your house. Then you help him slide into bed and tell him you'll be right back with some medicine and a glass of water.
A few minutes later, you come back with the upset stomach tablets and water for Harry to take and ease his turning tummy. Once he's taken the medicine, you go grab your mini trash bin in your bathroom and place it beside the bed incase he feels like he's gonna throw up again. Then you turn all the lights off and crawl under the warm blankets with your boyfriend. Without hesitation, Harry scoots over and places his head on your chest. He's past the point of being scared to look weak. He just wants comfort and the one thing that brings him the most is you. The love of his life. "Thank you for taking care of me tonight." Harry whispers with a hoarse voice.
"You don't need to thank me babe. I was glad to be there for you. I know you don't like getting sick and I was happy to at least make the experience a little bit better. Now go to sleep and if you feel sick again, the bin is on the floor beside the bed for you. Also don't be afraid to wake me up if you feel nauseous. I want to be there to comfort you." you reply back in a whispered tone. You kiss the top of his messy curls and Harry relaxes into your hold on him. Feeling safe and secure in your loving arms. Then you both fall fast asleep.
Thankfully Harry didn't get sick anymore through-out the night and the medicine you gave him seemed to have worked. The next day he was just exhausted form exerting so much energy being sick the day before but other than that, his stomach felt calm. You made him homemade chicken soup and cuddled him in bed, watching his favorite movies all day. Loving every second you get to spend with Harry before he has to leave and go on his world tour in a months time.
MASTERLIST & My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 8)
(chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5) (chapter 6) (chapter 7)
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smut... a minor injury... a motorcycle... a teeny tiny bit of angst?? honestly it's just pretty normal aside from the smut
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You actually fell asleep without anything too untoward happening, just kissing and cuddling and whispers that didn't make much sense to each other but still made your heart flutter each time.
Waking up, though, was another story entirely.
"Arăți frumos în timp ce dormi," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, pulling your hips back so you could feel his hard cock against your ass. You hummed and snuggled up closer to him, bathing in his warmth as much as possible.
“I swear I’ve never slept so well in my life,” you mumbled as you reached back to run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck. “I need you in my bed all the time so I can finally get some rest.”
He smiled against your skin, sucking on that spot just behind your ear that made your eyes roll back in your head. “Il vrei?” he asked huskily, and you didn’t even care what he was asking; when he said it like that, the answer was always ‘yes.’ You nodded happily, biting your lip, as he started to push your panties down and helped you arch your back so he could guide his cock to your entrance.
You still gasped and clutched at the sheets beneath you, you couldn’t help it even if it wasn’t your first time discovering how thick he was. It was just barely painful for one fleeting moment before it faded into that delightful fullness, his strokes long and slow as he sighed against your ear. “Seba,” you whimpered under your breath.
“Sunt mai bun decât el, nu-i așa? Nu te-a futut niciodată atât de bine,” he growled a little, holding you tighter. “Sper că știe. Sper că știe că am făcut dragoste cu tine și că sunt îndrăgostit de tine.”
You couldn’t be sure if it was his words in your ear or his arms so tight around your chest that made it a little hard to breathe, but something was so different about the way he was speaking now than you’d ever heard him before. It was difficult to describe— not quite angry, but so passionate it could almost seem that way. You could feel it in the way he moved inside you, too; he was clearly holding back, like there was a storm beneath his calm surface.
You wanted all of it. Turning back, you kissed him and pulled his hair a little, hoping it would get the point across. It seemed to, considering how he gasped and sped up, fucking you harder and deeper as you moaned a little louder than you meant to.
“Când a fost aici, am vrut să te sărut,” he continued in a low voice, speaking right against your parted lips. “Am vrut ca soțul tău să vadă. Am vrut să te arunc în patul ăsta și să te fac să țipi, pentru ca toată lumea să te audă. Am vrut să știe că sunt eu.”
“Yours,” you said before you could stop yourself, and thankfully you didn’t have to worry too much about the implications of it because he couldn’t understand what you meant. He grabbed your face anyways, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he stared into your eyes.
“A mea,” he purred, fucking you faster until you started to whine and arch your back harder.
“F-fuck, I’m gonna—” you stammered, but he nodded before you could finish, encouraging you with whispered words and a hand slipping down between your legs to rub your swollen clit. You cried out, instinctively reaching out to grab his arm, but he held fast and kept up the pace, sending you tumbling over the edge before you had really prepared yourself for it. Unintentionally, you held your breath for a few moments as it washed over you, the tension releasing finally with a long sigh.
The very moment you began the denouement from your peak, he pulled out and rolled you onto your back, slipping right back in as he slotted his body between your legs. You whimpered and gripped his shoulders, and he got right back to his pace— but this time your body couldn’t take as much of the force and so it began to rock the bed, his headboard slamming into the wall. At first neither of you cared until he glanced up and hissed, “rahat.”
“What?” you asked, sitting up and craning your head around to see he’d clearly damaged the wallpaper there. “Oops,” you giggled, “guess we should take a break and fix that—”
He pushed you back down onto the bed as you yelped, capturing you in a hungry kiss; one arm slipped under your shoulders, holding you tight, while the other reached up so his hand could grip the headboard and hold it still as he started to pound into you again. You moaned weakly and relaxed in his embrace, feeling the bed still rock slightly under you but much more interested in the feeling of his cock slamming right into the most sensitive and overstimulated spots inside your channel.
“Oh god,” you sighed as you couldn’t stop your head from falling back into the pillow, closing your eyes to dodge the way he stared down at you with an intensity that bordered on fury. He moved in to bite at your neck instead, and if you were any more in touch with reality you would’ve complained that you didn’t bring many clothes that would cover his bite marks, but you were much too lost in the sensation he was bringing you for that.
“Atât de bine, atât de bine,” he chanted with a growl, “voi veni… atât de aproape…”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “please, Seba— yes, right there, oh fuck!”
You came again, technically, but it was nothing like the first time— more shallow but less brief, like the pleasure was spread thinner and wider, until you worried your vision would go completely black. He grunted loudly as he filled you, still thrusting roughly with each pump of his release into you, but finally he slowed and sighed, his breaths coming hard and fast as he let go of the headboard and held you tightly.
He seemed exhausted, honestly, and you laughed breathlessly as he collapsed on top of you. “You can’t be so worn out this early in the morning,” you scolded as you kissed his shoulder.
“Nu voi mai părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he groaned.
“At least let me up so I can shower!” you protested, trying to push his limp weight off of you and failing pitifully as you laughed.
“Nu, nici tu nu vei părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he cooed, covering your face in kisses as you laughed harder. Only when you defensively pinched his arm did he pull back and pull out, letting you slip out from under him.
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised as kissed him on the cheek, dashing to the bathroom and getting one last glance at him shaking out his sore hand before you shut the door.
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Chapter 38 done… only five more to go, if your outline was to be trusted (which it most certainly should not). Still, you were finally reaching the real height of the tension, the climax of the story likely to hit as soon as the next chapter.
But it wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t what you thought you would write when you sat down here months ago and began with page 1. In fact, it was better.
You sighed a little, looking away from the typewriter for the first time in maybe an hour or more, glancing out the window where the sun was starting to set and painting the whole countryside in an orange glow; but it wasn’t the only thing making the leaves change colors— fall was undeniably on the way, enough so that poor Sebastian was raking leaves already. And, because evil is a real and powerful force in this world, he had started wearing a shirt while working outside.
Not that it wasn’t still buckets of fun to watch him go: you found yourself leaning against the window frame to drink in the sight of him, smiling widely to yourself as he sighed and wiped his brow.
All of a sudden, he turned and caught you ogling, making him grin and you laugh with embarrassment. He waved at you, and you waved back, resigning to getting back to work for just a few more pages…
The creaking of the stairs made you realize someone was coming, but with Sebastian just outside it could only be Mrs. Alberti. With a sinking feeling in your gut, you ran to the closet to rifle through your sweaters, hoping to find something with a high neck. Nothing looked long enough, making you groan in frustration.
She knocked on the door and you jumped slightly. “One moment!” you called out to her, digging up a random scarf and throwing it around your neck to hastily cover the bruises Sebastian had left on you. “Yes, come in,” you finally sighed with relief as you threw yourself back into the chair.
“Good evening,” Mrs. Alberti smiled sweetly as she peeked through the crack in the door, “I just wanted to offer to cook dinner here tonight. I’m making a big recipe so I figured I might as well, unless you had your own plans.”
“No, that would be lovely,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“Just come downstairs in about, oh, fifteen minutes and it’ll be ready,” she explained.
“You don’t want any help in the kitchen?”
She scoffed a little. “From you?”
You chuckled at her brutal honesty. “Okay, point taken.”
“Sorry, dear, it’s just that I wouldn’t want your… Western sensibilities to muck up the recipe,” she defended.
“I can’t blame you,” you smirked. “I’ll be down in a quarter hour.”
She nodded and shut the door again, leaving you to unwrap the itchy scarf from your neck and let out a slow breath.
Of course, with an imminent deadline you couldn’t actually get any good work done, so you just read back over some older chapters and made a couple simple edits. All too soon, you checked the clock and realized you should go ahead and make your way to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath as you stepped into the entryway where the smell of Mrs. Alberti’s cooking emanated through the rest of the house. It brought back memories of when you were here with Michael and she cooked for the both of you. Those memories were wonderful once, then soured, but now you were coming to appreciate them again. Although, it was easier to enjoy them when you imagined the black eye your soon-to-be-ex was likely sporting now.
You took a seat at the table and let her serve you, even though it made you feel a little guilty; you knew she would never let you serve yourself when she was cooking.
“How’s your novel coming along, dear?” she asked as she took her own seat and you began eating.
“Well,” you began with a little sigh, “stories have a mind of their own, Mrs. Alberti. All this time I thought I was writing a thriller— something scary, gritty, maybe even tragic. But I’m coming up on the end of it and I’m realizing that all this time, I’ve been writing a romance.”
She smiled, glancing behind you to the doorway. “Yes, things have a funny way of turning out differently than we expect.”
Wondering what she was looking at, you turned to find Sebastian leaning against the wood frame, wiping his hands on a towel. “Bună seara,” he greeted.
“Sit down, Sebastian, have some dinner,” she offered to him as she stood up to pour him a new portion of soup.
He nodded and sat at the table, “multumesc,” he mumbled when she put a bowl in front of him.
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone eating their meals quietly. It was nice to have a moment of normalcy— your new normal— after such an eventful day previous.
“So,” Mrs. Alberti broke the silence unexpectedly, “you two had sex?”
You instantly spat out your sip of soup, making Sebastian give you a concerned look; you waved dismissively as if to say you were fine, though you coughed a couple times. “I… uhm— how did you—?”
“He was whistling while he gardened today,” she explained, “and you look the happiest I’ve ever seen you.”
“To be fair, I think the first thing is because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you added with a little laugh.
“And the second thing?”
“...at least partially because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you admitted.
“Fair enough,” she chuckled, “but don’t think I don’t see the way your shoulders aren’t so tense and you’re smiling all the time. I know a woman in love when I see one.”
“L-love?” you questioned instantly, choking on the word.
“Oh, honey,” she sighed, almost a look of pity on her face, “did you not know? It’s all over your face.”
You took a slow breath and pondered your meal before taking another bite. “No… I knew,” you admitted, “I guess you just put it really bluntly.”
She smiled. “It’s how we do things in Hungary. You should be honest with him.”
“With what words?”
“Sounds like you don’t need them,” she smirked. “I’ll leave you two be, then. You’ll have to tell me how it goes.”
She bid Sebastian goodnight with a little wave, and he nodded back happily; with the back door shut as she headed to her own house, you two were alone again. He took a sip of his soup and you finally noticed the marks on his spoon-holding hand.
“Your hand…” you realized, pointing to it, remembering with burning cheeks how he got that injury.
“Ah,” he smiled, looking down at the purple knuckles and smiling as he rubbed them gently. “Un sacrificiu demn.”
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After dinner, you picked up with some reading (so much more relaxing than writing, believe it or not) and Sebastian joined you for the same on the couch.
Just laying together like this— quiet, relaxed, and totally at peace— was igniting feelings inside you that you had gone without for so long that you’d forgotten they existed completely. Resting your head on his chest, between the unbuttoned halves of his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing yet invigorating somehow.
He held his book up over your head while you used one hand to hold yours open and read through the space between his chest and his arm. It wasn’t the most ergonomic position necessarily, and your arm was definitely getting tired, but it was worth it to be close to him in these little ways.
"Book?" he asked innocently after a long stint of silent reading, setting his own aside to look down at you.
You closed your book and looked back up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "The book I'm reading? It's good," you nodded (as much as you could without stabbing him in the sternum with your chin, that is).
"Nu, book ta," he clarified, poking your forehead, before making a motion like he was typing.
"My book!" you realized. "Yes, the book I'm writing, it's nearly done…"
Your heart started to sink inside your chest.
"And when it's done, I'll go back to London. Like I planned from the beginning. And it'll be published and I'll start from scratch at a new life… alone.”
You cleared your throat and looked away. “Ești în regulă?” he asked quietly, sounding concerned.
You shook yourself out of it, smiling back up at him. “Let’s go into the city tomorrow,” you decided. “I need some things, if I’m going to be staying longer…”
He seemed to appreciate that you were telling him something, but couldn’t determine what. “Nyíregyháza,” you explained, “let’s drive into the city.” You pantomimed a steering wheel to explain yourself better.
“Ah,” he nodded, “nu într-o mașină. Îmi luăm bicicleta.” He returned with the motion of steering a bike— and when he curled his fingers to rev the proverbial engine, you realized he meant a motorbike. “Motocicletă,” he smiled.
“You drive a motorcycle?” you realized with a little gasp.
“Da,” he grinned, a little more mischievous than before.
“Oh, you really are gonna be the death of me,” you laughed. “Let’s go see this bike of yours.”
He helped you up off the couch and escorted you to the shed across from the house, the last light of sunset just barely enough to illuminate the way. You knew he worked in here sometimes, but you never realized he was doing mechanic work— indeed there it was: a motorcycle, right by Mrs. Alberti’s car, clearly quite old but restored to decent condition. “Iată-o, fetița mea,” he announced as he raised his arms to present it to you.
“Wow, you’ve been working hard,” you realized as you looked around at all the parts and tools strewn about.
“Avea nevoie de un alternator nou și ceva de lucru în interiorul motorului, dar acum funcționează la fel de bine ca nou... dacă nu chiar mai bine,” he enumerated as he knelt down in front of it, grabbing a towel to rub a spot of dirt from the headlight. “Vrei să conduci acum?”
You tilted your head.
“Acum,” he repeated, standing up and pulling you closer, tilting his head back toward the bike. “Sa mergem acum.”
“You want to go for a drive now? It’s pretty late, I was about to go to bed,” you protested meekly.
“Haide,” he smiled, stepping back and pulling you with him. “Plimbare pe spate.”
He handed you a helmet that had been resting on one of the handlebars, and you dutifully put it on as he got on the bike and fiddled around with it for a moment, kicking out the kickstand and finding his balance before getting it to start with a roar that echoed around the shed. He beamed proudly, looking up at you. “Eh?” he prompted with a nod.
“Yeah, it sounds great,” you encouraged with a thumbs up.
“Ce mai face casca?” he asked, leaning forward to knock his fist on your helmet lightly, making you laugh.
“Yeah, it’s good,” you nodded.
“Atunci alătură-te mie,” he instructed as he patted the seat behind him. You took a quick breath and got on, wrapping your arms around him. “Mai strâns,” he mumbled, pulling your arms in to hold him tighter. You smiled and rested your head on his back, yelping slightly when the bike lurched forward and he steered you out of the shed and into the grass outside. He was very slow at first until he steered to the gravel road, at which point he instantly picked up speed until the wind whipped at your face. His unbuttoned shirt was flying in every direction, leaving him totally unprotected from the night air, but he didn’t seem to mind, holding fast as he took you down the road, hugging the turns letting the headlight illuminate only as much as he needed to see.
When you looked up, you could see the stars more clearly than ever. You sighed and hugged him tighter, amazed at how they didn’t move at all while the world on the ground flew by. It made sense, obviously, with them being millions of miles away, but it was jarring how different the speed of the world could look from different perspectives. And as exhilarating as it was to see the countryside roll by in a blur, you preferred the steady night sky; you didn’t want to think about this moment flying by, about the fleeting nature of all of this. You wanted to believe this would always be here, just like the stars. You wanted to focus on the things that would never leave you, the moments that would become lifelong memories, and not on the reality of how beautiful things are not usually permanent things.
“I love you,” you whispered against his ear, quiet enough for your words to be blown away into the night. A small tear left a hot trail on your chilled skin, blown back over your temple instantly by Sebastian’s acceleration.
In silence, you drove into the unknown with him, letting yourself forget about the rest of the world for just a little while longer. You deserved that.
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Heyyy! May i request a match up? :3
I am 19, Afab and i use She/Her pronouns. I am Biromantic and Graysexual. My hair is blonde and curly and goes past my shoulders almost halfway to my back, i wear it open most of the time and just let it do it’s thing. My skin is fair and even, i am 5’6 and i would describe my style as a mix if everything! Most of the time i dress casually, sweet but also athletic, but i do like the e-girl look from time to time. I like to sing, dance, listen to music and play the guitar, i love to do makeup and my biggest hobby is painting and writing. People tell me i have a resting bitch face, but i’m actually very nice and sweet, i’d say. I am very open, i have no secrets but am good at keeping other people’s secrets. I am very flirtatious and out there which shies some people away but also draws others in :3 I do tend to get irritated easily, so i need someone who can joke around and lighten my mood but also read me very well and be there for me. Loyalty is the most important thing to me in every aspect of my life.
Thank uuuu sending love <3
I didn't know if you wanted a bad batch or just a clone wars match up so I just did a bad batch but please let me know if you meant clone wars.
I match you with..... Tech
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Tech adores hoe you look, not only the fact that your tiny compared to him but he loves your hair and will run his fingers thought it while he works.
He finds it adorable when your skin goes pink because of sun exposure and will kiss the pink marks.
He never knows what your going to wear and some days it's really our there stuff which he find gorgeous.
Let me tell you this man has recorded you singing multiple times because he likes having the recordings to listen to late at night so he actually falls asleep.
Tech is really good at picking up on your moods by just standing near you. He has a tendency to mirco analyse you.
It does take him alittle to get used to your humour but once he does this man will crack jokes here and there with you.
Let me tell you Techs most hated things are Puns but gods does he love when you make them.
Please ruffle his hair and play with the curls this man will melt into your touch. Besides being touch starved he needs someone who can keep up with him and his hyper focusing on tasks.
Man drinks more Caf then the whole bad batch put together.
Some nights you will have to take his goggles off because he's fallen asleep on his work bench and the goggles are pressing into his face leaving marks.
It's a quite night on the havoc marauder. Hunter is in the pilot seat with Omega asleep on his lap. Echo is asleep in his hammock while Wrecker is passed out on a bunk.
Your tired eyes look thought the door towards Hunter before continuing your search for a certain clone who hasn't come to bed. Your feet make a soft padding noise along the cold steel floor. You poke your head into another room before finding Tech.
He is hunched over his desk still decked out in armor as he softly snores. There are five empty caf cups scattered across the table, which makes you smile.
You walk over quietly and brush your fingers thought his hair. "Tech baby wake up" you call softly only to get a groan from him as he snuggles into he table more.
"Tech wake up, your gonna be sore tomorrow if you stay there" you say hoping to pull him out of sleep. His tired eyes open before he looks up to you. "kar'ta shouldn't you be in bed" he ask with a groggy voice while he stretches and cracks a few bones. "I could say the same for you babe, come on let's go to bed and get you out of your armor" you say while pulling him up to stand.
He follows sluggishly with a tired smile. Once you both get to your bunk Tech let's out yawn as he goes to flop on the bed only for you to stop him. "Tech I love you but I'm not sleeping with you in full armor, come on let's get this off you" you state while beginning to unclip the name clasps.
After a good few minutes of hitting him out of his armor your hands move to his goggles and pull them off as you laugh lightly. "Stars Tech your face" you giggle before pressing a soft kiss the the rings outlining his eyes. He smiles softly before grabbing you and preceding to fall onto the bunk with you in his arms. "What would I do without you looking after me" he says softly. "Be a sore grumpy nerd" you say playfully as you cuddle into him.
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