#i audibly screamed /pos
averyspoopedcorgi · 2 years
what do you mean THE voiceofsword reblogged my furry:b post
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
It’s Not Love
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➪the one where you’re ‘with’ shane but fall in love with rick. (requested)
Warnings: the walking dead themed topics, near death, blood, death, descriptions of blood, descriptions of death, Merle (enough said), angst, unrequited love (twice, ouch), self deprecating thoughts, this takes place in 1x02 and 1x03 {I wrote this within 2 days, which is super quick for me, sorry if it’s not the best <3}
Word Count: 5.5k | Part 2
If you were to ask your past self, where do you see yourself in five years?
  This definitely wouldn’t have been your answer. 
  Trying to survive the ending of the world, is the only reasonable answer to that question, as bizarre as that sounds. 
  A month ago, you were ready to go back to being a full time nurse, but that all went to hell, literally, as the dead were seeming to be walking the earth. It was a movie you’ve seen countless times, but that still didn’t prepare you for the post-apocalyptic world you were currently living in. What could?
  You were off work for about half a year, due to your mothers illness that ultimately ended in her death, and were counting down the days until you were able to return to your beloved job as a nurse. The distraction was needed badly, but the universe had other plans.
  A few days before your scheduled return, you received a phone call from your close friend and coworker. She told you to come over and be quick about it, but you weren’t quick enough. When you pushed open the blood splattered door to her house, you saw something you’ve never seen outside an operating room. Blood, body parts and guts were strewn all over the living room, your friends lifeless eyes staring coldly back at you as your eyes blew wide in fear and horror. The person-like being that made a meal out of her slowly stood up, it’s attention fully on you now. 
  You turned and tripped over the coffee table, your head harshly smacking off the armrest of the couch as you fell to the floor. Your arms caught your body and you tried to stand up, but the hand on your leg kept you on the carpet covered ground. Screams flooded through your mouth as the thing crawled on top of you, its strength a bit surprising as its body was frail and decomposing. 
  Your head turned as its teeth came snapping towards you, the destination being your neck. Before it could take a bite out of you, its head was blown open, blood splattering on you as well as the already blood covered wall.
  A hand clamps down on your shoulder and easily pulls you to your feet. Standing before you was a man, an attractive one at that. His other hand was on his gun that was holstered to his belt, an expressionless look on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked and you couldn’t seem to form any words. You looked to your right, your eyes tearing up at the sight of your dead friend. 
  Trembling, all you could let out were quiet whimpers. 
That didn’t seem to sit well with the stranger as his grip tightened on his gun and his hand held a strong hold on your shoulder. “Use your words,” he muttered, though you could still hear him quite clearly. “Are you okay?”
  The words were more spaced out, and as his gun was about to be brought up, your mouth released a quick sob. “What’s going on?”
  It was hardly audible, and the man wasn’t expecting you to ask that as his brows furrowed and he stepped away. He looked back and it was then that you realised he wasn’t alone. In the doorway stood a woman and a boy, who you could only assume is her child. He looked no older than ten, and the way the woman held his body behind hers showed how protective she was of him. 
  The three eyed you cautiously as the man released his grip on his gun. “I need you to listen to me very carefully,” he said, his voice low and steady, his calmness making your frantic panting look crazy. Keeping one hand on your shoulder, he pointed to the side without looking over, his brown eyes continuing to stare into yours. “Did it bite you?”
  You were beyond confused at this point, and not to mention in shock. “What?” 
  The man was patient, surprising you as his cold exterior was anything but nice. “Did it bite you? Are you hurt?” 
  Looking over at the thing, you felt sick. You shake your head, swallowing the bile. “No,” you answer, learning your lesson from before and speaking when you were asked a question. “What is going on?”
  He glanced behind him again, the two adults talking with their eyes. “Do you know what’s been happening at all?” He asked, much softer this time.
  “No,” you say quickly. “I’ve noticed that it’s been quiet lately, and the streets are less busy than usual….I don’t know what the hell is going on.”
  He nodded, taking his hand off your shoulder and stepping away from you. “Do you have anywhere to go? Family? Friends?”
  “No,” you look over at your friend again, your heart breaking at the state of her. “She was all I had.” You’re sure you look as broken as you sound. 
  The man and woman whisper back and forth for a few seconds before he turns back to you. “You can come with us,” he offers, smiling at you for a second. “If you have no one else.”
  You look back at the kid and feel your heart fall at his strong expression, masking the scared look in his eyes. “Is it safe?”
  “I’ll look out for you,” the man said, holding his hand out to you. “My name is Shane.”
  And look out for you he did. 
  Shane was like your personal protector. He kept a close eye on you every time you went out for supplies, stayed up with you when it was your turn on watch, and has even given you small gifts like your beloved necklace you were currently wearing. 
  He was also who you went to when you needed to relieve stress or frustration, and you were who he went to. 
  However, recently, you found yourself needing him less and less. He was usually the one to start the intimate moments with you, while you just went along with it. Shane was a good guy, at least he was to you, but there was someone else. 
  She was the woman who stood with her son, behind Shane, the day you met him. The day he saved your life. 
  Maybe that was why you felt like you owed him, maybe it wasn’t.
  Either way, you were tired of competing with Lori. He was seeing both of you, and that was why he has yet to make things official with you. Both you and Lori were his ‘secrets’, though she seemed to have no problem with it. 
  You wished you could say the same. 
  You were collecting sticks with Carl when Shane pulled you away from the group and into woods beside where the camp was set up. You hid your sigh as you had a sneaking suspicion as to where this was going. 
  When you were a good distance away, you stopped and leaned against a tree, your hands pressed to Shane’s chest while his fingers played with your necklace. “What’s the matter?” You ask when he didn’t move in to kiss you or try to slip your shirt off.
  “Just thinkin’,”
  “About your friend?” Before all of this, Shane had a best friend. You didn’t know his name, just that they were fellow officers and partners and saw each other pretty much everyday. His friend was shot just over a month ago, and didn’t make it when the walkers came. Shane said he looked for him, and found him dead in the hospital. 
  Every now and then, he talks to you about him, something you’ve noticed he doesn’t do with Lori. “Yeah,”
  “You miss him?” You run your hands up and down his chest, trying to ease his nerves.
  He sighed and nodded. “Yeah,”
  “I’m sorry,” you say, taking his hand in yours and kissing the back of it. “I wish I could’ve met him. He sounded like a really good guy.”
  “The best,” Shane mumbled, shaking his head afterwards.
  You choose your next words carefully, knowing that Shane can easily take them the wrong way. “Do you think that maybe he’s still out there? That you saw someone else in the hospital and mistook them for him?”
  Shane shook his head, again, his hand gripping your waist tightly. “I’m sure it was him. I know it,” he said, his voice low. “Anyway, I wanted to tell you that some of the group is heading to Atlanta tomorrow.”
  “Atlanta?” Your ears perk up at that. “Really?”
  “Yeah, we need to get more supplies,”
  “Are you going?”
  “No,” he answered. “I’m gonna stay back, keep an eye on things.”
  “Of course you are,” you tease, trailing your free hand up to grip the back of his neck. “You should take a break from being everyone’s hero.”
  “I will when I stop breathin’,” you roll your eyes at that. “You should go.”
  You furrow your brows, standing up straighter. “You think I should go?”
  “Why not,” he shrugged, this time pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “Glenn’s going, Andrea’s going. You should go, too. Get a change of scenery.”
  That surprised you. He wanted you to go without him, when he usually kept you glued to his side whenever you left for town. You couldn’t count the number of times he refused to let you go alone or with another member of the group without him being there with you.
  Maybe this will prove your worth to him.
  “Okay,” you nod before he could change his mind. “I’ll go, but just because you begged.”
  Shane scoffed. “I didn’t beg for nothin’,” he said, leaning down and closing the gap between the two of you. Like always, his lips on yours made you forget about your surroundings, something that could be quite lethal in this new world, and you wrap your arms around his neck as he easily picks you up.
  You’re sure your back is scratched from the tree by the time you make your way back to the group a little while later. Shane cuts off and heads over to Lori and Carl, not giving you a second glance as he did so. 
  You shake off the feeling of being completely used and down right worthless as you walk off to find Glenn and go over the plan for the following day.
It wasn’t love with Shane, that much was obvious. He didn’t feel the same way about you that you did him, and you weren’t sure how much more you could take. It was hard being the girl on the side in the old world, but being the girl on the side in an apocalypse was down right humiliating. 
  You try to take your mind off Shane as you stare at your surroundings, attempting to enjoy the new scenery, like he said you should.
  When did you become so man crazy? After a bit more thought put into that one, you decide to ignore the question. 
  The group decided to take shelter in a store that lined one of the many streets in Atlanta. Glenn had split off and gone to the roof of another building when he heard the sound of the walkers getting excited about something. That was a while ago, and he still wasn’t back yet.
  Just when you nudged T-Dog in hopes he’d go with you to get him, the radio broke the silence. “I’m back. Got a guest, plus four geeks in the alley,”
  You let out a sigh of relief.
  It was only a few seconds later when Glenn and his guest came barreling into the room from the back door. Almost instantly, Andrea’s hand was on her gun, her other hand shoving the stranger into the boxes as she pointed it at him. “You son of a bitch, we ought to kill you,” she seethed.
  “Just chill out, Andrea,” Morales said as he threw off his protective gear. “Back off.”
  “Come on, ease up,” Jacqui joined in on defending the new guy.
  “Ease up? You’re kidding me, right?” Andrea asked, not giving up as she continued to point the gun at the man. “We’re dead because of this stupid asshole.”
  “Andrea,” Morales said sternly, walking up next to her while glancing at her would be victim. “I said back the hell off.”
  The man didn’t look scared, which was weird seeing as he had a gun pointed at his face. No, he just looked confused, and over the situation.
  When she still didn’t move, Morales shrugged. “Well, pull the trigger,”
  That seemed to have snapped her out of her own thoughts, and she pulled away from him, her eyes squinting as she held back tears. “We’re dead. All of us,” she shook her head. “Because of you.”
  “I don’t understand,” the man said, and it was then when you realised he sounded as attractive as he looked. You had a hard time taking your eyes off him, but Morales helped you out by grabbing him by the arm and leading him away.
  “Look,” he muttered while you and Glenn walked behind them, keeping up with their pace easily. “We came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving. You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like it’s the O.K. Corral.”
  When you reached the front of the store, the man paused in front of the glass. “Every geek for miles around heard you popping off rounds,” T-Dog said as he walked past him.
  Andrea stood a few feet behind the new guy. “You just rang the dinner bell,”
  You all look at the front, the groans of walkers being muffled by the doors they were currently pushing up against. There were hundreds, unlike ten minutes ago when they didn’t even know you were in there. “Get the picture now?”
  The glass was cracking by the second, the piercing sound growing louder with every bang against it. When one of the walkers started banging a rock against the glass, you all stepped away, and your hand instinctively held onto Glenn’s arm. 
  “What the hell were you doing out there, anyway?” Andrea asked as she kept her eyes on the doors.
  “Trying to flag the helicopter,” the man huffed.
  “Helicopter?” T-Dog scoffed. “Man, that’s crap. Ain’t no damn helicopter.”
  “Did you hit your head out there?” You ask, making him look over at you for the first time. He stopped his uneasy swaying for a second as you made eye contact, his eyes looking from yours to the hand you had on Glenn’s arm.
  “You were chasing a hallucination,” Jacqui tried telling him, taking his attention away from you. “Imagining things, it happens.”
  “I saw it,” he said sternly. 
  You and Glenn shared a look and you were about to ask him if he also saw a helicopter when Morales spoke up again. “Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B,” he said. “Can you contact the others?”
  “Others?” The guest asked, looking away from the glass again to look at Morales. “The refugee center?”
  “Yeah, the refugee center,” Jacqui said sarcastically. “They’ve got biscuits waiting in the oven for us.”
  “Hey,” you said, making her look over at you. You gave her a look, seeming to be the only one, other than Glenn, who realised that this guy really didn’t know much about what was going on in the world.
  When you looked back over at him, your shoulders tensed up when you saw that he was already looking at you. “Got no signal, maybe the roof,” T-Dog suggested, making you break eye contact with the handsome stranger. 
  Just as he said that, a gun shot was heard from the roof. “Oh, no,” Andrea sighed, frustration lacing her voice. “Is that Dixon?”
  At the mention of the last name, you all groaned and began making your way to the stairs. “What is that maniac doing?” Morales seethed, pushing past Glenn as he stormed towards the front of the group. 
  “I knew we shouldn’t have let him come with us,” you muttered, pulling away from Glenn and running after Andrea. 
  “Come on,” Glenn said to his guest, waving him towards the stairs. “Let’s go.”
  Morales pushed the door open and ran out onto the roof, shouting, “Hey, Dixon, are you crazy?!” 
  Merle laughed from his stance near the edge of the roof, firing off another shot. 
  “Oh, Jeez,” Andrea sighed again.
  “Are you out of your friggin mind?” You ask angrily, feeling Glenn’s hand grab your shoulder as he pulls you away from the madman.
  “Hey,” Dixon said. “Y’all be more polite to a man with a gun, huh?” 
  He jumped down from the platform, landing on his feet as he began walking towards the group. 
  “Only common sense,”
  “Man, you wasting bullets we ain’t even got!” T-Dog was fuming as he jumped down the stairs, coming face to face with Merle. “And you’re bringing even more of them down on our ass, man, just chill!”
  “Hey! Bad enough I’ve got this taco-bender on my ass all day, now I gotta take orders from you?” His words made you close your eyes as you tried to calm yourself down. Man, you really couldn’t stand this guy. “I don’t think so, bro. That’ll be the day.”
  “‘That’ll be the day’? You got something you want to tell me?”
   “Hey, T-Dog, man, just leave it,” Morales tried deescalating the growing argument, but to no avail. “It ain’t worth it.”
  “No,” T-Dog said, holding his hand up to his friend while he faced Merle.
  “Merle,” Morales tried again. “Just relax, okay? We’ve got enough trouble.”
  Off to the side, you stood behind Glenn, a worried look on your face that matched his. “This is bad,” your quiet voice caught the attention of the stranger, his eyes flickering between you and your best friend.
  Glenn shook his head at the man, seeming to know that he wanted to step in and involve himself in the fight that was about to break out. 
  “You want to know the day?” Merle asked, being met with a ‘yeah’ from T-Dog. “I’ll tell you the day, Mr. Yo. It’s the day I take orders from a-”
  Your eyes widened at the slur, as did Glenn’s, and before you knew it, T-Dog was swinging at the taller man, who easily dodged it and instead hit him with his gun. “Hey, come on, that’s enough,” the stranger said, ignoring Glenn’s silent pleas as he lunged forward. 
  The second he got closer to Dixon, he was met with his fist that sent him tumbling backwards, close to where you and Glenn were standing once again. The fight grew bigger, Merle very clearly being the one with the upper hand, and you crouched down to help the man up as Glenn took off towards Merle. 
  T-Dog’s face hit the metal pole and he fell to the ground. “Stop it, Dixon! Get off him!” Andrea yelled. “Dixon, you’re going to hurt him!” 
  You tune out the sounds of punching and kicking as you pull the man up to a kneeling position. His hand went to his face, making you instantly look for any blood, your inner nurse coming out. When you concluded that there was none, you helped him to his feet, watching as Dixon delivered a quick punch to Morales’ gut.
  In a second, Merle had his gun out and pointed directly at T-Dog’s face, making your heart drop as you ran up to them, dodging the stranger’s outstretched arm as he tried to keep you next to him and away from the man with the weapon. “Dixon, don’t!”
  “No no no, please,” Andrea nearly whimpered as she stood next to Jacqui. 
  Everyone was panting in fear and adrenaline as Merle angrily spit on T-Dog’s chest. “Yeah. Alright!” He shouted in his hoarse voice as he stood up, the gun still pointed downwards. “We’re gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh?”
  He looked at the group, making Glenn grip your arm when Merle’s eyes landed on you.
  “Talk about who’s in charge. I vote me. Anybody else?”
  You wrap your arm around Morales as Glenn, Andrea and Jacqui pull T-Dog away from the aggressive man. 
  “Huh? Democracy time, y’all,” Dixon continued. “Show of hands, huh? All in favor? Huh? Come on, let’s see ‘em.”
  From beside you, Morales hesitantly raised his hand, his other one resting on yours that was pressed to his lower stomach. “Oh, come on,” Andrea begged. 
  “All in favor?” Merle asked again, making Jacqui and Glenn raise their hands as well, Jacqui’s middle finger sticking up. “Yeah. That’s good.” He said once Andrea and you raised your hands. 
  You didn’t want to, but what else was there to do? Merle was crazy, and he had been since the day you met him.
  “Now, that means I’m the boss, right? Anybody else? Hm? Anybody?”
  It seemed as though Merle forgot there was a new guy in the group as he got his unexpected answer to his endless questions. “Yeah,” and just like that, the man knocked Merle to the ground with his own gun. He immediately got to work, handcuffing the winded man to the nearest pole, tugged him upwards and making him sit against it. 
  “Who the hell are you, man?!”
  “Officer friendly,” the man muttered and you worried yourself when you felt your body get turned on by his words. 
  Not the time, but also, you know, the time.
  “Look here, Merle. Things are different now,” the man said, taking the gun that was a few feet away and emptying it. He threw the slur back in his face, making Merle squint his eyes in anger. “There are no dumb as shit, inbred white-trash fools, either. Only dark meat and white meat. There’s us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart.”
  “Screw you, man,” Merle muttered, not seeming to realise the seriousness of the situation. 
  The man’s eyes met yours again, and you tried to hide the heat that rushed to your face by pressing your cheek to Morales’ shoulder. “I can see you make a habit of missing the point,”
  “Yeah? Well, screw you twice,”
  In a second, Merle’s gun was pressed to the side of his head. “You ought to be polite to a man with a gun. Only common sense,”
  Oh, yeah, this man was too attractive to put into words. 
  You tried to hide your grin as you helped Morales steady himself, your hand leaving his lower abdomen.
  “You wouldn’t. You’re a cop,”
  “All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and his son,” he said slowly. “And anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose. I’ll give you a moment to think about that.”
  Before he stood up, the man patted down Merle, finding his powder in his pocket. 
  He flicked his nose as he stood up. “You got some on your nose, there,”
  “What are you gonna do? Arrest me?” Merle laughed. The smirk was wiped clean off his face when the police officer threw the container off the side of the roof. “Hey! What are you doing, man?! That’s my stuff!”
A little while later, Glenn assigned you and Jacqui to keep watch over the entrance to the basement, Andrea and the guest to watch over the store, while he and Morales scoped out the sewer. 
  You were sitting against the wall, your legs stretched out in front of you with your right one crossed over your left. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Jacqui asked after sitting in silence for about ten minutes. 
  “Nothing, really,” you mumbled, glancing into the hole beside you.
  “You sure about that? Don’t act I didn’t see the way you were eyeing officer friendly up on that roof,” she teased from her seated position across from you.
  You shake your head, trying to wipe the smile from your lips. “He’s got a wife,” was all you said.
  “So be his friend,” she offered. “Better yet, be his ally.”
  “I was a nurse,” you mumble, not wanting to go into too much detail about your past life. “I have no training in fighting or….protecting people.. I can’t even protect myself.”
  “That’s not true,” she bumped your foot with hers. “I’ve seen you out there. Sure, you could be a bit quicker, but we all can learn from each other. Learn from him. Borrow his strength. Lord knows we all can use some of it. We just met him and he’s already shown us that he’s got a better handle on things than most of us do.”
  You nod, looking up at her. “I don’t even know his name,”
  “Well, don’t let that stop you,” she teased again, making you laugh. “You deserve someone that will cherish you, honey. One day, you’ll find that person.”
  Your smile faltered at her words, and you realised that you had wasted a lot of your time with Shane, who hid you from the others, who didn’t cherish you like you deserved. Finally, you realised it was time to move on. He saved your life, and you would be forever grateful for that, but you spent the last month owing him. It was time to let go.
  Later, Glenn, Morales, Jacqui and yourself were met with the sound of glass breaking as you met back up with Andrea and the officer. The first set of doors to the building had shattered, leaving only one barrier between you and the undead. “What did you find down there?” The man asked.
  “Not a way out,” Morales answered. 
  “We need to find a way,” Andrea said.
  “And soon,” Jacqui added, her hand grabbing yours as you stood next to her. 
  “We should get back up to the roof,” you suggest. “Check on things up there.”
  The group agreed and that’s where you are now, trying to figure out a way out of the store. You were standing a few feet away, down to do anything they came up with to escape, and admired the view you got from this high up.
  If it weren’t for the walkers and their grunts and groans, this place would actually be pretty peaceful. It was a few minutes later when the stranger you were quickly becoming fond of broke away from the group and stood next to you, a mere five inches between the two of you. “Have you thought of something yet?”
  “Gettin’ there,” he answered, glancing between you and the crowded streets below. “Listen, I don’t mean to get all nosey, but I noticed how quick you were in aiding me when that piece of shit Merle took a swing at me. I wanted to say thank you.”
  His words caught you off guard and you looked over at him, shrugging slightly. “It’s no big deal. It’s kinda in my nature,”
  “What is?”
  “Helping people,” you say, looking up at the tall buildings that made up the city. “I was a nurse before all this.”
  This time your words surprised him. “You seem very young to be a nurse,”
  You laughed. “I’m twenty six. If I’m right, within the next few days I’ll be twenty seven,” you trail off. “I’ve kinda lost track of the days since, you know.”
  “Well, happy birthday, then,”
  “Thank you,” you grin up at him, your heart skipping a beat when he matches your smile. “I also wanted to say thank you for standing up to Merle. A lot of us have been waiting for the day he got what was coming to him and met his match. So thank you.”
  The police officer shrugged, taking his eyes off you to glance back at the man himself, still cuffed to the pole. “I’ve dealt with men like Merle for most of my career. It’s no problem,”
  “Yeah,” you nod. “I guess you would’ve, huh?”
  You stand in silence for a few seconds before you look over at him again.
  “You know, we just had a whole conversation and I still don’t know your name,”
  That made him laugh, his head tilting upwards. “Rick Grimes,”
  “Y/n,” you smile at him again.
  He smiles back before Glenn calls the two of you back over to the rest of the group.
You considered it a miracle when you heard the sound of the box truck through the store’s cargo doors. Jacqui grabbed a hold of your hand and pulled you with her to the truck. “Y/n, get up front with Rick, the rest of us will hold them off while he gets us out of here,” Morales said as he jumped into the open back of the truck. 
  Opening the passenger side door, you take Rick’s outstretched hand and allow him to pull you up and beside him. It took one glance in the back for you to quickly ask, “Where’s Glenn?” Rick glanced at you before he took off, making your eyes widen in dread.
  As soon as you were about to ask again, the sound of a car alarm going off, followed by the screeching tires of a red Dodge Challenger was heard and you quickly looked in the mirror. You sighed out in relief, slumping back against the seat as the car quickly passed the truck. 
  Ten minutes into the drive, while the group in the back talked about how they left Merle and how pissed Daryl was going to be, you stared forward, your eyes on the red car as you absentmindedly played with your necklace. 
  Rick glanced over at you before looking back at the road. “That’s a pretty necklace,”
  You hummed, looking at him then at the charm. “Oh, yeah,” you trailed off. “My friend gave it to me.”
  Rick shook his head, a smile playing on his lips as he looked in the rearview mirror and at the group. “Is this friend’s name Glenn?”
  Your eyes widened at that and you quickly looked over at him. “Oh, no,” you say, but notice how he didn’t look convinced in the slightest. “Glenn has sorta become my best friend. He looks out for me, I look out for him. We’ve bonded during all this.”
  Rick nodded, seeming to believe your words. 
  “We’re just friends,” you say, mentally kicking yourself at how unbelievably single you just made yourself sound. “The guy who gave it to me, his name is Shane.”
  “I have a friend named Shane,” Rick says quietly. 
  Your brows furrow at that, your heart skipping a beat. There was no way that the man beside you was Shane’s friend, right? He told you he saw him in the hospital, dead. He wouldn’t have lied to you, right?
  You brushed it off as a coincidence just as Morales nudged Rick with his hand. “Turn right up here and go all the way,” 
  Within minutes, the familiar camp came into view. Glenn had beaten you home, though that was obvious from the start. The truck stopped, and while the others eagerly got out from the back, you stayed in the front, watching as Rick looked around. “It’s not much,” you say quietly. “But it’s home.”
  With that, you exit the truck and walk past the hugging sisters and towards the tents. You were barely a few feet past them when Shane made his way to you, wrapping his arms around your body. “You were gone so long,”
  “I’m sorry,” you mumbled, not being able to bring yourself to fully return the hug. “We got stuck and this man, Rick-” 
  Your words were cut off when the man himself got out of the truck, his eyes meeting the ones of Carl. It was then that you realized that the “coincidence” wasn’t a coincidence at all. Shane looked at him, as well, his eyes widening. 
  The tearful yell of the word “dad” was all that was heard before Carl was sprinting out of his mother’s arms and towards Rick. The scene brought tears to your eyes for two reasons, one; the fact that this man was lucky enough to find his son and wife in a world like this, and two; because it was true. Shane lied to you. For weeks. 
  Rick’s arms were around his son within seconds, the crying father falling to the ground for a moment before standing back up. In the midst of things, Shane’s hand slipped into yours, knowing that he had been caught in a lie, but not knowing how to face it. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him at this point. 
  Carl was carried back over to Lori, where the two adults shared a kiss before embracing their son. 
  Now you knew why he hid you from Lori and the others. Finally, it made sense. 
   “You lied,” you muttered as you backed away, pulling your hand from Shane’s. He tried calling out to you but you turned around, leaving him behind as you walked into the woods, the air drying the tears that formed in your eyes as you left the safety of the camp.  
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Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Just dropping in because I saw a Tweet that immediately screamed "hunger au!Grian" in my mind, and I needed to share.
Your hunger au is one of my favourite fanfictions of all time, and I had a few planned asks about it that I'll send sooner or later, but for now I'll just say that I clicked on it for the Scarian but stayed for the worldbuilding. Your ability to worldbuild tickles something in my brain and I have all these questions and theories and general curiosity and... When I have the time to draw again I need to try and make fan art of it, 100%.
As of now, expect future asks from me, because I took notes!
(This is the tweet btw)
Ohh this is such a sweet ask!!! Omg im so glad hunger au is one of your fave fics 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that makes me so happy to hear!!! Im very much looking forward to any asks you send in the future :DDD
Okay im ngl i wasnt expecting that to be the tweet and when i tell you i AUDIBLY gasped when the video started playing.... [insert horse staring at the sea meme] Man..... /pos /pos how dare that video be SO ON THE NOSE TOO HELP... THATS SUCH A GOOD POST IM OBSESSED THANK U NEIGHBOR, ITS SO GOOD
Also im so glad you like my worldbuilding!!! Hunger au is perpetually so funny to me bc i used it as an excuse to try and brush up on my abilities in that respect, since i felt like it was a skill i was pretty weak in. Apparently it paid off tho, bc i get a lot of comments telling me that people love it, which makes me SUPER happy :]]]❤️❤️❤️❤️ i have a ton more worldbuilding posts i want to make in the future too, ive just gotta scrape up the energy to actually write them all first 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but its on my eventual to-do list for sure!!!
Thank you so much for such a sweet ask :DD it really made my day to get this, and i hope youre having an excellent day as well!!!
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Red time :D I’m watching Ranboo
I am so behind on vods but it’s MCC day baby!!!!!!!
This team is gonna be so good, so silly but I think they could win
THE DRESS IS STUNNING KING but why the magenta eye makeup?? it adds to the unhinged vibe lol
Ranboo doesn’t know what sequins are?????
“I don’t mean anything that I say ever, any of the time, just so everyone knows” my streamer
“Don’t be pissed at me if I don’t do well ❤️” why are they like this /pos
Ranboo’s religious side screaming for help every time he wears a dress 😭😭😭
Bad news: freedom of speech isnow behind a paywall, Good news: the money goes to charity
The M rating is exclusively so they can say death threats
“I swear to god, be funny!!! ‘Haha I said funny jokes’ I KILL YOU!! Guys it’s all jokes <3 it’s all jokes and it’s all love <333”
Shelby INSTANTLY gaslighting Ranboo into believing the audibly farted, I adore this duo with all my soul
Ran and Shelby are now pushoverduo <333 /s
I love this team so much
You can watch Ranboo but watch out, it’s a slippery slope to the “HELP HELPPPPP” vocal stim
Bingo enthusiasts my beloved
Ranboo just screaming when Shelby called them sexist 😂😂😂
Michael is a genuinely good sandkeeper, he just needs a team that will hype him up and respect him
The way I knew exactly where Ran was going lmao
Ranboo staring into the camera when they start talking about saw
Oh…. Ok……
Bingo but Fast
I missed bingo so much, it’s not even funny
He found a Michael you guys
“Wait can we take fall damage?” “I don’t think so” *falls to his death*
Gosh, I am still not used to the new caves, they’re so beautiful and scary
“I’m so smell and dumb :(” “that’s okay!!”
Holy crap the top 4 teams are all so close
“That was fun… well, it’s all downhill from here” SHELBY 😂😂😂
Parkour Tag
Them being excited to play it because they all hate it lol
Ran losing their absolute mind in parkour tag, maybe this game is fun
Shane is killing me actually
“I don’t feel strongly about anything” same!!!
This team is so funny holy
“Oh we’re in tenth right now” “No we’re not” Shane 😂😂😂
“Guys we’re better than a bunch of 40 year olds” “they’re not 40!!!!!” “They’re 50 theyre 50 theyre 50” this team oh my god
Ran calling Skeppy homophobic and Shane’s “I mean… is it-?”
“Who are we going up against? Who am I?” “You’re Ranboo” “Oh ok, that’s right” their chemistry has no right to be so good what the
I love Joel and Shane’s rivalry, neither of them know why they’re rivals but they are
I haven’t laughed this hard in absolute ages holy
“I can’t believe we have beef with the goddamn Pack”
“Are we supposed to be doing something?” THATS MY S-TIER
Tubbo threatening to tweet Ran’s address, beeduo crumbs /s /s /s
Red and pink’s beef is the funniest thing ever oh my god
Hole in the Wall
They’re so all over the place they mean everything to me
My streamer’s favorite color is 3, so true
“Skeppy’s having problems” “aren’t we all?”
The reactions to Shane saying his nose is bleeding lmao “What we’re you inhaling?” “Air”
“GUYS ITS BLUE- oh wait, it’s red” Shane 😭😭😭
“We’re all just gamers” “We’re all gay” so true
Everyone hyping her up <333
Ranboo insisting they’re not bothered by different pronunciations whilst sounding progressively more bothered
Parkour Warrior
Ranboo?? Screaming????? Noooo…. /s
Vod muted Sadge
They’re popping off!!!!!!
Ran screaming at purpled to get a job and then instantly apologizing 😂😂😂
That drop lmao, it happens to Ran’s team every time
Ranboo got prescribed adhd meds today FINALLY /lh (I’m a psychology student and have adhd lol)
They’re surviving!!!!
Ran 2nd!!!!!!
Them avenging Michael’s honor my beloved
Shelby and Shane hiding in a hole lol
I could go off about how the amount of alcohol on MCC day correlates to how chill contemporary events are, everyone’s just here for a good time and it’s so much better this way
WHY ARE WE PLAYING TGTTOS?????? I thought the final two were sands and grid :( /nm
Nothing like spontaneous karaoke over discord <333
Ran was tabbed out but I’m imagining Michael and Scar holding the door open for each other lol
I have a headache lol
Grid Runners
I’m actually entirely okay with this tbh
Shane cheating pogchamp
Ran and Shelby “no u”-ing in the stone pyramid lol
That search the house was CLEAN
Michael is so tipsy lmao
Ranboo in third, who woulda thunk
This was an amazing time, this team was wild
Oli v Ollie!!!!!!
“Everyone’s scared of Jojo and they should be” SO TRUE SHELBY SHUBBLE
“I actually have seen Sapnap miss these” lmao Shane
Them chanting Gem’s name <333
Aw rip, gg
Great times, great vibes <3
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r0ttingsystem · 5 months
Obsessed with you all! I check your blog everyday, please keep posting forever and ever <3
Thank you for existing and making this blog and doing everything you do and just ya'know overall being so, so cool!!!!
Audibly screamed /pos
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alliumdykes · 1 year
I let out an audible smalll scream at that. /pos of course. that was. One of the best things I’ve had happen to me today
i saw it and immeadititly was like, i know exactly who would like that. I'm glad you liked it :3
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I let out an audible scream when you first followed me back /pos you’re so fuckicgn cOOL!!!!!!
WAIT FR???? 🥺???????
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shoppingcartshells · 1 year
YELLING AT YOU OH SO AFFECTIONATELY i need to scream but I will spare you from the all caps
your fic!!!!! is!!!! beautiful!!!! it reminds me of EVRYRHING GOOD and it reminds me of such happy times in my past and it smells like this bakery but then again to me everything good smells like baked goods but YOUR FIC!!! CRADLES IT. it has become my comfort fic and gaHHkfhsjak. I’m sl normal about it I need to chew your writing. chews it. I’m chewing it.
I KEEP. LIKE. quoting it too!!! like a lot!!! its just too good and is the first fic in a while that has made me smile so many times and audibly giggle. the jokes are very very funny and you capture the turts so wonderfully and I am Going To Go Insane about how you write ninpo.
sorry for yelling jn your ask box I just finished ch30 and I saw the tumblr link and im like Aight. ANYWAY THANK YOU for this fic I am cradling you /pos /pos /pos eueueue
i did my best to make the fic as funny and in character as possible! in make, the only reason i made it aside from wanitng that good ole crossover "hey wtf" was that the rise characters were always boiled down to things that they werent (and i could go onto a whole rant about how fandom characterization is so far removed from their actual characters that it is the sole reason i dont really interact much with the fandom and make my own content but thats not what this is about) so i am VERY glad that you enjoy how i write them!! i really wanted a chatfic that was in character as well as funny and im so glad i pulled it off!
and YES the ninpommmmm i could go Onnn but i already made a post about it so i shall refrain lmfaoo
dont be sorry about yelling in my ask box i loved to see it! thank YOU for sending it! cradles you back
#ask#tired-lamb#ok wait maybe i lied and have more to say about fandom characization#bc fandom twins are my Enemy#and like if i speak i am in trouble but i DO belive that its bc of how popular the hc of leo being gay is and the projection of fans#that his character has in some aspects gotten twisted (this goes also for non aroace ppl hcing donnie as aroace to a certain extent)#which is NOT to say that its a wrong or bad hc at all and i myself am queer and hc all the turtles as queer#but i do think that there are a lot of steryotypes in leo (and donnies) fandom portrayals#and this shows up pretty heavily in chatfics (which is to say almost entirely in them + certain fandom jokes)#wherein they make leo Very fashionista slay queen beyonce#which rise leo is - despite being fairly flamboyant and confident - just Not like At All#and futhermore donnie has MULTIPLE instances of showing care and affecion#and he is SO hyperexpressvie with his facial features#his tone just isnt Always The Best#and when hes concerned you KNOW hes concerned bc his brows scrunch up and his eyes get wide and his voice gets all soft#and he doesnt HATE physicall affectiom#and in fact in one ep he INITIATES a group hug#but he prefers it on his own terms#and its not RARE for him to say i love you or give affection in different ways#and to a lesser extent i see this also with raph and mikey#very heavily with mikey always havign a perfect handle on his emotions#and being this sweet innocent uwu bean#im really just not the biggest fan of how some ppl took the dr feelings bit and RAN with it ykno??#and in gen raph is actually the most on point but there are still instances where some things are meh#and sometimes i fall victim to that too and OOCness isnt a death sentence ofc but it rubs me The Wrong Fucking Way with leo and donnie#they arent snarky sarcastic cool guys theyre Losers. leo is quippy and donnie is a doofus and no one gets them right
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lanshappycorner · 15 days
i was rlly hoping that id have coherent things to say over your akuta and akushio threads on twt but i fucken dont have anything except just incoherent screaming and keysmashes /pos running through my head everytime i reread them so im just settling on just to say, one? HANDSHAKING YOU AT MACH SPEEDS I ALSO WANT TO AKUTA BREAKDOWN IN FRONT OF DAY2 BC CMON!!!! (side b tls arent complete but ive been spoiled a bit) but god the amt of breaking points (which i all favorited on eitori as i read along the tls bc why not) i was SO sure wouldve shown akuta outwardly disheartened and then DIDNT happen was just, felt like a damn chekovs breakdown in this instance, just WAITING for the shoe to drop, (which it does seem to, eventually, and im waiting to get absolutely WRECKED once tls for that moment drop) i absolutely love the way you break down akutas incapability of showing vulnerability as a whole bc of this just. notion that if he "breaks character" he'll just. lose the ppl that he has in his life? im bad at verbalizing my thoughts but everything on ur thread just had me pointing like YES, YES EXACTLY!!! i think. like looking back a lot of ppl in the game comment "wow nothing rlly brings akuta down!!! im glad!!" and it just makes me want to hit a wall, i am so so SO sad that hes able to hide this so well??? or at least, just, in a way that ppl around him just go "oh he'll bounce back, this is good ol' akuta, i dont need to worry too much"???? and the specific mention of his um vocal tics? vocal quirks? makes me want to revisit said chapters where his voice does that bc its such an interesting thing that i did notice but cld again never articulate, and how he always leaves- no, rather he tries to get away from people once he gets dejected and loses that rasp in voice and, adopting This into the belief system, him being on the verge of crying (which is such a thought that breaks my damn heart so bad) i remember reading the tl for akutas novel and just feeling my heart absolutely Crumble at the way his thoughts were running once the whole jig was up with sayochan "as long as no one gets hurt, its whatever" and like WHAT ABOUT YOU!!! YOU GOT HURT FROM THIS!!! (and im so so so glad that day2 and the whole of HAMAhouse was angry on his behalf n went to cheer him up and just, good god kid you have ppl who love you they wont leave if you show some vulnerability i promise, fuck) this isnt short anymore i apologize, ,, (1/?)
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HELLO ANON THANK U FOR THE ASK THIS MADE ME VERY HAPPY !!!!!!!🫶🫶🫶 I've been stewing over what to say so it took me a while to reply but . Yeah
ANYWAY SO if you have not yet read side B you are in for a ride ....some of the things he says about himself will have u screaming crying throwing up fr (spoilers i guess but one thing he straight up says is that he's (or rather, his existence is) a nuisance . so thats great <3) he made me audibly gasp in horror.......it probably hits different too because throughout the story he has kept his cool and insists that things don't bother him so when the dam breaks...ohhh...💀💀
(Also speaking of his voice I went back and replayed that chapter where he's in the theater dressed as a crab and you can kinda see that in his voice again😭 and also his usual coping mechanism happens when the mc suggests they wait a while longer for more ppl to show up and he just jokes that his butt hurts from sitting, but his laugh was really weak like he was completely trying to play it off😭 He also somewhat drops the usual raspiness in his voice when he starts to ramble right before the movie but it's not because he's sad but because he's genuinely excited to talk which makes me so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
BUT SAME THOUGH . HIS NOVEL MADE ME FROWN SO HARD.....he downplays a lot of his own emotions in favor of other people's feelings and he doesn't express his own anger....I'm so glad the ppl in HAMA House are there to support him😭 I hope one day he learns he can be more vulnerable with them because they all care for him and would never abandon him😭😭)
as for the Akushio thread!! I have to agree that their appearances do betray how you'd expect them to be, as with a lot of day2 tbh !! Like a lot of their 1st impressions don't line up with how they actually are/think (i would talk abt it but if I did we'd be here all day so that's for another time💀)
I can't say for sure but I feel like u might be onto smth abt Akuta twisting a lot of stuff ppl say into compliments. Like as long as it's not straight up an insult, he can appreciate that ppl r taking time to talk to him I think
(I agree I hope he gets to talk to taichi although that might be because I'm biased as a taichi akuta oshi)
OOO OKAY so I think that if Ushio ever confessed I think. I think it would break Akuta's brain for a second😭 probably because it's Ushio of all people like rly??? USHIO?? but also he might find himself doubting it for a moment he might think that it was a joke but also he knows Ushio wouldn't joke about that ....so he might have to take some time to himself to think abt this, and he might need Ushio to like. Talk to him in depth abt how he feels abt him😭 (speaking of which I've kinda had an idea similar to an akushio confession but not rly ?? bouncing around in my head for a while now so mayhaps I will draw that sometime...)
NO YEAH IM OBSESSED....Akuta going to Ushio for affection is so cute (although I'm pretty sure he goes in expecting that Ushio would not agree💀) ....I hope one day Akuta goes to Ushio for affection again and Ushio actually does it and this freaks Akuta out so bad he gets really red and nosebleeds or smth idk
Anyway to answer the last part of ur ask, don't worry this isn't imposing or anything I love talking abt my blorbos<3 there's very few ppl who like this ship and stuff anyway so I rly appreciate it, ty for the nice ask anon!🫶🫶
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koko-heads · 2 years
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neapolinyan · 3 years
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sea babies
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berrymoos · 2 years
I think my ask the other day was sacrificed to the Tumblr gods and I have school in the morning so have this little thought
Also alluding to major spoilers for ST V2
Steve's first experience with age regression and caregiving was definitely when Dustin regressed after a nightmare (maybe or maybe not involving eddie) and called him dada bc he was very small and scared :((
Steve's unknown protective caregiver mode kicked in and he just went along with it because Dustin obviously needed the comfort and who's Steve to deny it to his little brother in all but blood \(°- °)/
While Steve's first experience with regressing himself, Robin had bought him a gag gift of a winnie the pooh stuffed animal and he was ecstatic about it /pos
Nancy who was jonnys cg at times immediately knew what was going on and helped him when he begged her to open it and she obliged, how could she not?
After Steve went to sleep cuddled up to winnie, Nancy decided to explain what was going on and that's how they found out robin was a regressor too!
hngehgheh maybe it did get sacrificed to the tumblr gods bc i cant find it in my inbox >:~[ hate when that happens!! but i hope your school year goes well, aiden!! i don't start until after labor day, but im pretty sure i have 2 orientations to go to before that time 💔
sorry this was so delayed btw, i've been pretty drained with lack of sleep & other summer things, not to mention this concept got SUPER long
something about these two events makes me think they happened in like the span of a few weeks maybe? hekdjwodksk idk why??
like ,, steve & dustin had been having a sleepover (rlly less a sleepover more of a "we fell asleep during our movie marathon" moment) when dustin is startled awake in the middle of the night by a nightmare. The Nightmare – the one about that night, after a certain someone ... you know :(
it's particularly scary in this case bc he woke up in the dark on a couch, in a place that wasn't home; even with that nightmare, being at home & able to instantly recognize where he was, able to snatch a comfort item in a blink offered some instant comfort, especially with a rapidly regressing brain. not being at home adds more of a scare, regardless if he actually knows the place (steve's house)
the exact moment he starts whimpering upon getting greeted with darkness (the thing he was in) & then full on crying, unable to properly see exactly where he was, something in steve’s slumber begins to feel wrong. he stirs to hear sniffling coming from where dustin had been sleeping. he's got a knack for knowing in his gut when one of his friends are crying, especially the kids
"dustin?" he mumbles, already getting up to go to him, but dustin kicks off his blankets as best he can to get to him first, but he ends up getting tangled so he can't – no no NO the bats got him he's gonna get EATEN – now crying audibly & reaching out frantically for him. steve, naturally being concerned, is now even more concerned for him, but when he untangles dustin from the mess of blankets & the kid crashes into his arms, sobbing "dada...!" over & over again into his chest, every part of him SCREAMS oh my god, he cannot let him out of his sight for the rest of the night
steve sits there for as long as it takes to calm dustin, rocking the sobbing little guy back & forth in his lap, messing with his curls to ground him until his cries tamper off into simple sniffles & hiccups. he asks, in a gentle (bordering on parental) voice if he wants to talk about it, but when dustin responds with a low whine, steve doesn’t press. instead, he carries him to the kitchen (given dustin refuses to let him go no matter what) & offers him a bottle of water: “don't drink too fast, mkay?”
dustin proceeds to drink too fast even with steve's hand partially keeping it steady, choking a little on the water
“that's exactly why, buddy.”
dustin looks at him – god, the look in his eyes is so innocent. “so’hy dada...”
steve smiles; if had any doubts about what dustin called him before, they're all gone now. he definitely called him dada. “it's alright. just drink a little slower.”
he spends the next hour getting dustin to relax by taking him to his room to playing numerous made-up games (ranging from peek-a-boo to some kind of tickle game he made up on the spot), indulging in junk food, & continuing their movie night (but forgoing any horror movies). dustin gets fussy when he starts getting sleepy, afraid of another nightmare, but steve brings him close to his chest, bounces him on his knee, & plays with his hair – in minutes, dustin's snoozing peacefully on his lap with two fingers lodged in his mouth
as cute as it is, steve can't help but wonder: what was that all about?
come the next morning & dustin is so embarrassed – like more than he's ever been in his entire life. literally the moment he wakes up & notices steve is up as well he's LAUNCHING into this apology, how he didn't mean for any of that to happen, how he knows steve isn't his dad but in the moment with his scrambled & terrified brain it just slipped and he'll never do it again, god he's so weird–
“dustin! dustin, it's fine! i'm not mad or anything, i promise.”
“you're– you're not?”
“no, ’course not, dude. i'm just ... a little confused about what happened last night.”
brief relief washes over him. thank god he's not mad. “okay. okay, cool ... great.”
dustin tells steve about everything that went on that night over some breakfast he made, but dustin is more playing with his food than anything; steve already said he wasn't mad about it, but will that hold up after he tells him about how this isn't his first time feeling small & how it's formally called age regression? will he still like him after it all?
"oh. okay."
"yeah. okay. you said it helps you deal with ... what happened, right? that it's a reaction your brain has when things are too much?"
"then why wouldn't it be okay? a lot of shit has happened and after so much of it, your brain kinda..." steve makes this whistling sound as he dives his finger toward the table, then an exploding sound when it hits. "so it's just trying to protect y- dustin? you okay?"
he asks bc dustin is crying over his plate of uneaten breakfast & that cg surge from last night comes back, though not as strong as before. he's ready to hop up from his chair to comfort him, but: "th-thanks, steve. you're- i love you, man."
steve smiles gently & takes his hand in his. "i love you, too. now eat your breakfast, i slaved over that stove for you and my hard work is getting cold!"
for about two weeks, steve & dustin are like even tighter than before with their new dynamic: dustin feels small, he walkies steve, steve comes over, & they take it from there. all is well, really! nothing too out of the norm, but steve learns some things abt this little guy in the process – like how he loves stuffing foreign objects in his MOUTH, dustin you canNOT eat this WATCH
of course, things are relative in the norm – yknow, baby dustin / cg steve – until steve is presented with a winnie the pooh stuffie from robin when he visits her & nancy three weeks after dustin's nightmare, & this sudden yet pleasant fuzzy feeling washes over him the MOMENT he sees the cute little tail sticking out of the wrapping paper. he knows INSTANTLY what the gift is bc he was like, the BIGGEST winnie the pooh fan when he was little (& actually still is 👀), so he doesn't even have to see the whole gift – he just knows
he's so excited he can't even get the wrapping paper off, it keeps slipping thro his butterfingers 😭😭 "nancyyy!! nancy nancy nancy nancy!!! need help!! help help help, p’ease!!", bouncing on the balls of his feet & wiggling like a little worm AUGH ╥﹏╥ nancy is MELTING on the spot as she goes "i got it. bud, give it here." & opens it for him - IMMEDIATELY steve grabs it & tugs nance & robin along to play with his new toy ,, robin is a little bit confused bc ?? what's up with her best friend?? he doesnt usually act like this?? but she never ever judges him – that's not who she is!! in fact she might've played a little harder with him than nancy did 🤭 not that that was a problem, bc nancy was sitting there monitoring the two of them, soft around the edges thinking about how similar little steve is to jonny ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
& when steve starts drifting off to sleep & nancy tucks him (and winnie, ofc <3) into bed, robin's earlier confusion comes back
"hey, nance? uh ... what was that? not that i'm gonna judge or anything like that! i'm just ... a little confused? i've never seen him act like that..."
"oh! it's called age regression. kind of like when the mind reverts to a simpler stage in life for one reason or another. usually it's because of trauma, but other times it's for stress and whatnot."
reverts back to a simpler stage because of trauma or stress... "nancy...?"
"yea, rob?"
"can people .. regress just for fun, too?"
"i'm pretty sure they can."
is that the fuzzy feelings that comes to her when she passes the care bear stuffies at the store or sees one of their movies at work?
is that why she gets so giggly at simple things like watching dogs play fetch at the park or going up high on the swings?
that ... has to be why she feels much smaller than normal when she has a doctor's appointment & cries more freely when she has to get a shot, right?
that's ... the same feeling she kind of felt while she was playing with steve.
"robin? are you okay?"
"oh– yeah, just .. figured out a few things about myself, that's all."
even though she's not very explicit about what she means, when she meets nancy's eyes, it's clear that she understands by the way she smiles
& in that hour or so later, after steve wakes up, out of his newfound headspace and finds robin & nancy chilling in the living room, talking amongst themselves, winnie still in his arms, nancy is prepared to talk to steve about what just happened - like homegirl has a speech at the ready
"hey, steve?"
"hey, nancy."
"you're probably really confused on what just happened-"
"mh, no. not really. age regression."
well. her speech is thrown out the window instantly 💀 she spent that entire hour practicing with robin & he just. already knows?
"wh–? you already know? you've regressed before?"
that night with dustin – and all of the days following it – come barreling into steve's mind. a fond feeling softens his heart
"yeah. a friend told me about it."
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Fuck the context and the way you portrayed shinso in your brother fic of him was so hot. Can’t wait for him to become unhinged and not even care what his parents would think/if they’re home and just defile you whenever he wants bc he’s just that desperate
Prelude -  gonna call this mess “FaMiLy BoNdInG” and bruh trust me it’s a mess but I tried so enjoy k gbye
Pairing - Aizawa X Reader X Shinsou
Prompt - at the top and combined with these two!
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Warnings - psuedo-incest, NSFW, non con, dubcon, all the cons. Step dad Aizawa and step bro Shinsou are a force to be reckoned with. Mentions of DP at the end.
Music - I listened to https://open.spotify.com/track/1xFfbxmfenEpn4WawGWXiA?si=OUFp4ANsSR-6V_H187Eblw while writing even though it has NO relation to the fic spsosfnjsdhgsslfdn dead
You were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking soda and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when your stepbrother had come up behind you, looping his arms over your shoulders as he leaned down.
“Hey girlie, what’re you doing?”
“Nothin’.” You shifted, moving so his mouth was away from your ear, squirming uncomfortably. 
There was a beat of silence, before Shinsou stood, his presence looming behind you like a harbinger of evil. “Come up to my room? I’m tired, wanna hold you.” You sighed, hunching your shoulders and curling in upon yourself. You knew it wasn’t a question, wasn’t a request that you could ignore or refuse. He was just giving you the illusion of having a choice. Well,  you did have a choice;  go with your brother willingly, or get dragged, risk him getting angry if you said you were feeling sick, get into a fight with the man that could pin you to the ground without breaking a sweat.
“Shinsou…. “
“C’mon.” He didn’t wait for you to figure out how to beg for him to leave you be, grabbing your arm and hauling you to your feet with ease. You went limp, what else could you do?
The purple-haired man reached under your skirt, a modest, knee-length thing, wrenching your panties down with one hand.  You squeezed your eyes shut when his hand brushed against your hip, when he eyed the panties clutched in his fist.
Then he was tugging you along, headed towards his room. 
You were so tired.
Mind almost shutting down, you stumbled when the audible clanking of the garage door beginning to open could be heard.
Dad was home.
Wide eyed, you caught Shinsou’s equally-surprised gaze, the man in front of you tightening his grip on your arm. Without another word, his pace was quickened.  Aizawa wasn’t supposed to get home until midnight, was supposed to be working late at the office. 
Shinsou tugged you into his room, slammed the door shut,  pushed you onto the bed. He had a sense of urgency; he was stressed, thrown off by the sudden and unexpected arrival of your father. “Gotta be quiet now, don’t want dad to hear us, right?”
You nodded, dazed, exhausted. Nothing had happened yet and you were already retreating inside your mind, resigning yourself to whatever your older brother was going to do today. He had said he wanted to cuddle, but that usually meant lazy sex while he hugged you, kissing your neck and falling asleep after making the both of you cum.
Without any preamble, the man climbed onto the bed, putting a hand on your shoulder to gently guide you to lay back. Then he was scrabbling at your shirt, pulling it over your head and leaving you in nothing but your bralette and skirt. He kneeled between your legs, pulling your skirt up to mid thigh to give him more room to maneuver.
“Shinsou please don’t, dad’s-“
“Shhhh, just do what I say and you’ll be fine.”
Shinsou spat into his palm, the sound making you cringe as you thumbed at the soft blankets underneath you. He was unbuttoning his pants, shoving at his underwear until he could get his cock free. The man went quicker than usual as he slicked up his length with his spit, very much aware of the presence of someone else in the house. 
At this point, Shinsou really didn’t care.
He had been fucking you for so long, pulling you aside for a quickie when your parents ran to the store, taking his time when they went away for a weekend,  fucked you on the couch when they went out for date-night. Feeling particularly bold today, he barely thought to pause when your father had gotten home. Right now, he wanted to lay down with his little sister, fuck you until you fell asleep, and then cuddle with your pliant body. Dad home or not, he was determined.
Your skirt was pushed even further up your body, the material bunching at your waist so your stepbrother had unfettered access to your bare pussy. Clenching your eyes shut, you turned your head away as you felt Shinsou pull your hips into his lap so he could rub his cock against your folds. He hissed at the sensation, spitting into his hand again before reaching around his cock to smear his saliva onto your puffy slit, too impatient and hurried to properly prep you.
It was odd to see the purple haired man like this; usually he was very laid-back, slow and gathered in his movements. Right now he was rushing, pushing the tip of his cock slowly into your entrance when usually he would still be making you cry on his fingers. The stretch was immediate, almost burning, and your lungs tightened.
A hand reached up to cover your mouth, Shinsou’s thumb massaging your cheek as he hushed you. You grabbed onto his arm, not to pull him away (it would be useless, he was so much stronger than you), but to ground yourself,  able to do nothing but hold onto the man causing you pain.
The sound of dishes clattering down in the kitchen had Shinsou’s hips bucking forward suddenly, filling you up, pressing too far, too soon. He swore lowly, hand tightening around your mouth as you let out a pained noise.
His hips stilled, the hand not at your mouth petting soothingly at your hip in an imitation of comfort. Funny, you thought - you wouldn’t need comfort if your stupid step brother could manage to keep his dick in his pants.
As the seconds passed, both of you aware of Aizawa down in the kitchen, your muscles slowly relaxed. The stretch burned less, felt more manageable. Still, you were entirely unprepared when Shinsou drew his hips back before rutting into you.
You screeched, the sound muffled by his hand but undeniably loud.  Shinsou leaned over you, unwittingly pushing himself deeper as he tried to soothe you with his quiet “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
If you were able, you would scream that you weren’t. You weren’t okay, nothing was okay. Everything about this was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. The way his hips were twitching into you, the way he kissed your cheeks and thumbed away your tears. The pleasure that was sparking in your core, the fact that it was your stepbrother getting ready to pound you into the mattress.
He was thrusting smoothly now, cock drilling into you a a steady pace. You were getting wet, the slide easier and less painful, pleasure slowly filtering in. When Shinsou plucked at your clit, you squirmed, hips shamefully moving to meet his own. He started increasing the pace, breathing heavily as the two of you rocked together on the bed. Occasionally his bed creaked, the wood rubbing at the joints and squeaking. 
On one hand, you hoped dad didn’t hear. On the other, you wished he would -  that he’d come save you from his son.
You got a mockery of your wish.
“Kids?”  Aizawa was walking up the stairs, the third step that always creaked whenever someone tread on it announcing his ascent.
“Shit.” Shinsou breathed, pulling out of you, manhandling you quickly. He threw back the covers of his bed, shoved you down, settled behind you. He didn’t have to tell you to be good - the taboo, disgustingly wrong nature of what he had been doing was too embarrassing for you to reveal to your stepfather. Accusing his biological son of assaulting you? Raping you? Would dad even believe you? You didn’t want him to see you like this, you couldn’t.
Dad knocked as Shinsou pulled the covers up, covering your state of undress. You knew your bralette straps were still visible, and Shinsou still had his shirt on. It would probably just look like the two of you had been napping, but then again, it would still seem odd. Whenever your parents were home you stayed as far away from your brother as possible - you weren’t one to just go cuddle with him.
The door creaked open, and your dad peered in. You were so embarrassed, half-naked and utterly humiliated underneath the covers. You didn’t know what to feel or what to do, frozen in fear and indecision. 
“Hey dad, need something?” Shinsou rumbled from behind you, voice steady and monotoned.
Light eyes scanned the room, before settling on you and your brother. Aizawa gave you a confused glance, obviously not expecting you to be in here, before his eyes shifted to the man behind you. “Wanted to let you know I’m home. Mom won’t be back until late, do you two have any specific requests for dinner?”
Shinsou shifted closer to you, so close that you could feel his rapidly beating heart through the warm flesh of his chest.
“Nah, we’re fine with whatever.”
Aizawa nodded, giving you one more confused glance. Maybe he could tell something was up? You felt like you couldn’t breathe. As the dark-haired man turned, obviously moving to shut the door and head back down to the kitchen, Shinsou was pushing his cock into you, his heart trying to beat out of his chest against your back.
Before you could stop yourself, you were whimpering.
Shinsou froze as Aizawa turned back, stepping further into the room. You were quiet, tears budding at the corners of your eyes.  You couldn’t make yourself utter another word, completely unsettled at the situation. What were you supposed to do? You wanted him to save you, but you didn’t know how to ask. Your stepfather was studying you, was waiting for you to say something more. His gaze was flickering between you tearful eyes, your bralette straps visible above the blanket, the position you and Shinsou were in. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
All three of you were silent, the moment seeming to stretch on forever. 
You were so tired.
Breaking the stillness, Aizawa took another step into the room, brows slowly drawing down as the realization dawned upon him.
“Shinsou.” HIs voice was low, he rolled his son’s name in his mouth quietly, almost hesitantly. “What the fuck is going on.”
Your brother’s cock was still inside you.
“I was tired. (Y/N)’s cuddling with me, she was telling me about a dog she saw-“ Aizawa snorted, arms crossing as he took another step towards the bed. “Nice try. Don’t lie to me. Tell me what the fuck you’re doing.”
Shinsou was silent behind you, his heart beating loud and fast against your back.  
“(Y/N), what’s going on?” His voice was softer as he asked you, throaty still - but softer.  The tears clouding your vision finally flooded, streaming down your cheeks as you looked up at him. 
“Please… I....” You couldn’t formulate the words, mortification surrounding your body, Shinsou’s hand squeezing bruises into your hip. It was too much. You wished you had never existed,  that none of this had happened.
Unable to get an answer out of either of you, Aizawa strode forward, grabbed the covers, ripped them off the bed and dumped them in a heap.
You sobbed.
Both men were silent as you cried fat tears, embarrassed at being revealed, gratification at dad finally discovering the awfulness you had been subjected to these past few months.
Shinsou thrust his hips further into your warmth.
You choked, eyes snapping up to Aizawa. Shinsou was supposed to stop the second the two of were caught. He wasn’t supposed to keep going. Why wasn’t dad saying anything? Telling Shinsou to get off of you, get out of the house? Why wasn’t he calling the police? Why wasn’t he pulling your skirt down, trying to preserve your modesty?
The man was staring at the mess between your legs, Shinsou’s cock sliding in and out of you as you sobbed. Aizawa was breathing a bit heavier, his face, stance, demeanor no longer angry.
Dread filled your bones, settled like hot glue.
“Can you see how wet she is? She’s dripping.” Shinsou prodded, Aizawa frozen in place, mouth dry as he watched. “She’s always so warm inside, feels so nice.“
He was egging Aizawa on, seizing the moment and capturing his dad’s hesitance, manipulating it. You let out a whine as Shinsou’s pace picked up, cock beginning to hammer into your pussy. The purple haired man looped an arm underneath your thigh, hefting it into the air to allow Aizawa a better view.
“Doesn’t she sound so sweet? She tastes just as good, feels even better.” He was breathing heavily now, as he rutted into your warmth. Dropping your thigh, Shinsou reached for your clit, trapping the nub between his fingers and flicking at it. You cried out, your own hips squirming in indecisiveness , unable to choose between puling away or pushing back into the delicious sensation. It didn’t take much more to have you cumming.
Shinsou grunted as your walls squeezed around his cock, giving a few more frantic thrusts before he shot his load deep within your cunt, hips twitching as he worked through his own orgasm
You watched Aizawa sit down on the bed, close to your knees.
“How long?” He sounded strained. Shinsou shrugged, still panting.
Aizawa’s rough hand rested on your knee, his flat eyes closing as he paused. “Get up.”
The command wasn’t directed at you, but at your brother. Somehow, you didn’t think it would end up with your stepdad kicking his son out of the house.
Shinsou seemed to think the same as he pulled out, uncaring to the way you flinched as his cock dragged against your sensitive walls. He was silent as he shuffled to the end of the bed, tucking his dick back into his pants. 
Aizawa grabbed your ankle and in one smooth move, dragged you to him. You squeaked at the sudden movement, eyes wide as you watched Aizawa look you up and down. The front of his slacks were tented.
He pulled you into his lap, your back to his chest, turning so the both of you faced Shinsou who still stood at the foot of the bed.
“Does he make you feel good?” The older man’s stubble was scratchy against your cheek. You didn’t know where this was going, felt so lost and bad and sick.
It was impossible to lie. You knew if you did, Shinsou would cut in, tell his father how he made you cum everytime. How most of the time, you were screaming in pleasure before he would even take his pants off. 
Looking at the floor, you missed the look between father and son.
“He touch you here?” You gasped as a large hand grasped at your chest through your bralette. Aizawa’s hands were bigger than his son’s, rougher and more confident in their touch.
“What about-“ tears streamed down your face as the hand slid further, over your tummy, over the fabric of your skit, down to your abused, sensitive cunt. “-Here?”
“Please stop, please.”
Aizawa didn’t answer, let his hand rest over the top of your pussy, feel his son’s cum slowly leaking out. “Shinsou, come here.”
The purple-haired man obeyed, stepping closer, falling to his knees at the edge of the bed when Aizawa motioned for him to do so.
“Clean up your sister.”
You weren’t too surprised. It shouldn’t have been hard to see where Shinsou had learned his nasty little tricks from. Still, it hurt your heart, struggling in your step-dad’s lap as he held you in place. 
Shinsou was smiling, leaning forward to shove his face in-between your thighs, chuckling when you yelped as he tongued over your hole. You used your hands to shove at his head, pull at his hair, but he caught them in his grip. They were pulled down by your sides, where Shinsou held them still.
“No, no! Stop! You can’t, no—dad!!” You were sobbing, pleading as Shinsou continued his assault on your cunt, licking out his own cum from your insides. Aizawa was holding your legs, keeping you spread-eagled and open.
“I’m not a good guy (Y/N), neither of us are.” His hardness was rubbing up against your back as you squirmed. “And from now on, you call me daddy.” “No! I won’t, let me go!” You thrashed, putting all your energy into loosing the iron grip holding your legs. Shinsou pulled back, licking his lips as he glanced up at his father.
“She was like this when I first had her. Mouthy little thing, still hasn’t learned proper manners.” He didn’t wait for Aizawa to respond, leaning back forward to continue slurping at your swollen lips.
“That’s alright, she’ll learn… I am a teacher after all.”
You wanted to vomit. You went limp, sobbing raggedly in Aizawa’s arms - completely demoralized and humiliated. There was no use fighting when Shinsou had been hurting you.  Now with two fully grown men focused on you? Forget about it.
Aizawa was quiet as Shinsou worked you up to an orgasm, the only sound besides your crying the wet, squishy lapping of Shinsou’s tongue suckling at your pussy. When he switched his focus to your clit, you wheezed, jolting in place as his tongue started laving over the little bud rapidly, quickly throwing you higher and higher and-
You wailed through your second orgasm, almost unable to breathe. 
Moments passed before you were able to calm yourself, ugly-crying and begging the two men to please, please leave you alone. Please leave, don’t touch you.
If you weren’t numb from your orgasm, you would feel sick.
“Shinsou, where’s your lube?”
Purple hair bounced as your brother cocked his head, still kneeling between your legs. “She doesn’t need lube, she’s soaking wet.”
“She’s gonna need it if we’re both going to fit.”
Neither man seemed to be able to hear your panicked pleas, too excited about prepping you to take both of them together.
What an awful attempt at family bonding.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 14
It’s Monday and it’s new chapter time.
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First of all... the gif above is one of the most hilarious scenes in Top Gun, so when i started writing this chapter I knew I had to re-enact it. The manoeuvre is called buzz the tower. 
This chapter is a moment of respite from what’s going to happen next. it’s a bit angsty at the beginning, but then it gets lighter.
CW: hurt/comfort,  PTSD, panic attacks, and also a bit NSFW,
She was in a room, of that she was sure. The heat was becoming unbearable by the second and the smoke enveloped her in a tight grip. Her eyes burned and she felt lost. Everywhere she looked there was smoke. Slowly she walked to a door and once she opened she saw fire. She walked in. She had to find him. She moved a step and her skin felt on fire. She walked and walked.
“Help,” she heard a male voice. She moved towards it. But when she found the person she noticed it was too late. She could still recognise his features: Sam. He was dead and she was too late. She started running as the tongues of fire chased her and the sense of being lost got worse. She ran and collided with something metallic. It was a plane. Its wings were broken, the canopy smashed. She noticed a figure in it. She walked to the aircraft and her heart stopped when she noticed the silver hair: Row— an explosion filled her ears.
Aelin woke with a scream, she threw the duvet aside and launched herself off the bed, crashing on the floor and then ran for the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach in the toilet. Over and over again. Tears pricked her eyes and she noticed her hands shake visibly. Exhausted, Aelin plopped on the floor and let the tears fall. It was just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. But she could still smell Sam’s charred skin and the odour of kerosene. Her sobs intensified and when she started hyperventilating she realised a panic attack was building up.
“Rowan…” she called but remembered too late that he had gone out with Aedion. She tried to bring her breathing under control but failed and the sense of terror grew stronger. Slowly, trembling she dragged herself back to the bedroom and once she reached the nightstand, with trembling hands, grabbed her phone and called Rowan.
His answer was immediate “hey you, miss me already?”
Aelin could not reply straight away, she tried to calm her breathing “I…” she started sobbing again “I am scared.” Was all she managed before her sobs took over completely.
“Aelin, where are you?” Rowan’s voice was panicked “Are you at home?”
He and Aedion had driven her home before going for their night out.
“Yes…” he voice barely audible.
“I am on my way.” And he closed the conversation.
Aelin dropped the phone and collapsed exhausted on the floor.
Rowan had cut his night short and drove back home like a madman. He should have never left her alone. He knew she was suffering from nightmare and panic attacks. But the idea of going out with Aedion had been very tempting. They had a great night and they had a fascinating chat that helped him a lot. His heart raced and growled at every single set of traffic lights. He had to be back home quickly. Aedion had mentioned to keep an eye on Aelin for PTSD. He hadn’t told the man that Aelin was already showing two symptoms. The nightmares and the fact that at night she struggled to sleep. He was getting really worried and his finger tapped nervously on the steering wheel.
He finally made it home and ran in the house, sprinted to the bedroom and found Aelin on the floor. Her mobile had slipped from her hands. He hoisted her in his arms and took her to the bed noticing her clammy skin. Gently he deposited her on the bed and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth. With it he brushed her face and cleaned it. She had been sick. He stood again and went to grab a fresh pair of pyjama and changed her making sure not to cause any more injury to her arm. Gently he tucked her under the blanket. She was sleeping and he did not want to wake her. He kissed her head and then he went to get himself ready for bed. Once he joined her under the blankets he pulled her to his chest and enveloped her body with his. His strong arms looped around her frame and his leg draped over hers in a protective embrace.
It was early morning when he woke, kissed Aelin’s head and brushed her blonde hair away from her face. She had managed to sleep throughout the night and he relaxed. She must have been exhausted after whatever happened. He imagined she had another nightmare and a panic attack. She was his brave and fierce Fireheart and it destroyed him to see her like that.
Rowan felt her move and slowly shift to awareness, her body turned and blue, beautiful eyes met his.
“Morning.” He smiled at her and kissed her briefly.
“You are here.” Her hand brushed his face.
“Of course I am here.”
“You…” but she stopped and shook her head “it’s nothing.” And she turned.
“What is it, Aelin?”
“Nothing.” She repeated and curled in a foetal position turning her back to him “you will leave me eventually. Everyone does.” He heard her cry.
He rolled her over and made sure she faced him “I am not going anywhere.”
“You will leave me, just like Sam did…” she whispered against his chest “and I will be alone again.”
His heart ached painfully. He wanted to make her a promise that he would always come back but his job was just as dangerous as hers and he could not utter that promise and lie to her.
“Do you want me to give up my job?”
She looked up at him “no.” she kissed him “no, I could never ask you that. No matter how much it scares me.” She leaned a bit more into him “Just come back to me.”
“It will be my pleasure.”
They remained in bed holding each other for a while. Aelin had told him about her nightmare and telling him felt good.
Rowan looked at his phone and groaned “damn I need to go to work.”
Her face turned sad and he kissed her pout away, then he had an idea “Come with me.”
“You are still a consultant. I know that Lorcan has continued our project with Aedion. But you can come and see for yourself what we have done.” Then he gave her a big smile “you can see me fly as well. The guys and I will be probably running some drills as well as we have a performance review coming.”
The smile that she gave him almost made his heart melt. With renewed energy she jumped off the bed, ran to his side and began pulling him out of bed “come on, shower and we are going.”
“Fine, fine,” he complained and dragged himself out of bed, then he grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom sack of potato style. Aelin trashed in his arms, he pinched her buttocks in reply and she squealed. He deposited her in the bathroom and once free he started to undress and Aelin stared at him while leaning against the sink with a wanton smile on her face.
She peeled off her clothes and walked to him. Her hands brushed his chest, following the lines of his tattoo and then her tongue traced the same path. He folded his arms around her and pushed her in the shower and opened the jets. Another step and she was pinned to the wall. Aelin looked up at him “I do love a good wall in the morning.”
In a second his mouth was on hers, a hard demanding kiss. Her mouth opened to him and his tongue brushed against hers “well, let’s try and not disappoint you.” He pulled her legs around him and with one thrust he was in her.
The shower took longer than expected but it had put Aelin in a better mood and that’s all he cared about. He was getting ready in his uniform and smiled when Aelin hugged him from behind “What?” He asked softly while tying his tie.
“Thank you for being at my side last night.”
Rowan stiffened “I should have been with you all night, but I didn’t.”
Aelin placed a kiss on his back “but you came back straight away and it helped. In your arms I slept peacefully. You made me feel safe.”
“Well,” he turned and faced her “I need to make sure we do that every night.”
Aelin nodded and went to her side of the closet to grab her clothes “did you have a nice time with Aedion?”
“I did. And he helped. He went through this a few times and well, it felt good to talk with someone who could fully understand.” Then he stopped and looked at her “I don’t mean that you can’t. You have been supportive and amazing.”
Aelin stepped up to him “I know, but Aedion has been in the military. I haven’t. He can help you talk about things I might not understand. That’s why I asked him to take you out.”
“Thank you.” He said leaning over for a kiss “Are you ready?”
Aelin twirled in front of him, she just had jeans and a hoodie and he still thought she was the most stunning creature he had ever seen “I am, captain. All ready to see my top gun in action.”
My. Rowan felt a tug of deep joy at hearing her using that possessive for him. Since she forced the topic after the opera he realised that he had been fooling himself when he tried to convince himself he had no deep feelings for her. He wanted her. To be with her. To commit to her. And he was going to show her just how much.
He took her hand and together they walked out of the house.
They arrived at the base not long after “do you have your badge?” He told her as they reached the first check point.
Aelin fished it out of her bag and showed it to him.
“Captain,” the man in the booth said acknowledging Rowan “captain.” He added towards Aelin.
They drove through the second check point without being stopped and then Rowan parked in the staff car park. Aelin put her lanyard with her badge around her neck and followed Rowan inside, taking his hand.
They walked into his office and Aelin took in the room. She had been inside the first time she had visited him but not bothered to notice anything around. The place looked immaculate and super organised. A big filing cabinet at his back and a bookshelf full with books. Aelin went to have a look and discovered they were all books about flying. Then at the top of the shelf she noticed metal planes all lined up.
“This one,” he said, pointing to a plane with propellers “it’s called a spitfire. It’s quite an epic one.”
“Did you fly it?”
Rowan laughed “No, it’s an old plane. I wasn’t even born when it was used but it’s just gorgeous.”
“It looks cool,” said Aelin looking at the other models.
“These are some of the other planes I have flown.” He pointed to the remainder ones. 
“And this?” She took in her hand the model of an aircraft carrier.
“That is the first aircraft carrier I have served on. I met some great people there.” And lost a lot as well, but he did not say that out loud. “It was my first mission and like a proper newbie I was all excited and eager to prove myself.”
Aelin smiled and then her eyes noticed a picture on the wall behind his desk “is that you?”
Rowan nodded and walked closer to her “the day I graduated from the academy. I was nineteen.”
She took his hand feeling the anguish in his voice “you look quite dashing.”
“I felt smug as fuck and invincible. I had finished the academy at the top. I came out number one.”
“Such a nerd.” She gave him a smile.
He turned her and grabbed her shoulders “don’t tell me that you were not a competitive brat at the academy.”
“I was the only woman at the time. I had to fight twice as much. I showed them all and I finished at the top as well and I made captain well before some of the morons who thought that they were better than me because they allegedly, had the correct reproductive apparatus.”
Rowan snorted and Aelin glared at him “don’t tell me you are one of those because I am going to dump your arse so hard you have no idea.”
He kissed her “No. I have been fighting with Lorcan for a while to get women to serve in the airforce if they want to. The navy has them, the army does as well. We are the only corp that doesn’t and I have been losing this battle for a while. Lorcan is one of those and since he doesn’t believe in the fact that women should be allowed in the airforce he never brings the fight to the higher levels.”
She kissed him and she felt like her heart could explode with love for him.
“He really is an arsehole.”
“I am not his biggest fan either recently.”
“Can’t you take the fight higher up? Go over his head?”
Rowan sighed “we are run by a bunch of old fashioned mummies who are even more retrograde than Lorcan.”
Aelin was about to reply when someone knocked at the door. At Rowan’s invitation she saw the man called Gavriel enter the room “We are all ready to go. We got clearance from the tower and the guys are getting changed now.” Then he noticed Aelin and gave her a big smile “hello, captain.”
“Hello, Commander,” she greeted him remembering his rank. She had liked the man from the start.
Rowan kissed her “I’ll be back in ten minutes. I need to get changed. I’ll come and get you.”
Aelin nodded and he left with Gavriel.
“So, you finally decided to do the right thing,” said the other man to Rowan.
“Stop grieving and being scared and finally try to be happy.”
Rowan gave him a tight smile “she is worth it.”
Aelin waited in his office and when she got bored she grabbed one of his books about flight and started reading. She had been doing some research on her own to understand his job a bit more. She grabbed one that seemed to start from the basics and began reading how a plane did manage to stay in the air. She was so engrossed in the book that she missed him coming back. When she lifted her eyes she saw him standing in front of her in his flight suit. Gods, he was… she had so many naughty thoughts crossing her mind.
“What are you reading?” He asked her, noticing the book abandoned on the desk.
“Oh…” she cleared her voice “just discovering how a plane can stay up.”
Rowan laughed “four forces: thrust, lift, drag and push or gravity” he told her with a smug smile and then he offered her his hand “come on.”
She followed him and they walked to the hangar and every so often she checked him out. In the jump suit he was even hotter than usual.
They entered the hangar and Aelin noticed a lot of people swarming around the five jets “the engineers are getting the planes ready,” he explained her as they got closer to his.
They stopped and Rowan got to open the canopy and finished to dress by adding what he had told her was a G suit used to help with the pressure with manoeuvres where they had to pull a lots of Gs. She stared at him doing all the checks to his suit and then gave a man at her side the thumb up.
“This is Greg,” said Rowan nodding at the man at their side “he is my engineer. Once we are ready to go he will take you to the observation tower.”
Aelin smiled. She was really going to see him fly.
“Give me a have fun kiss,” he said leaning into her.
Aelin brushed his hair and kissed him deeply, then she broke the kiss and her forehead was against his “Be safe.”
He kissed her nose “I love you,” he said very softly.
He left her and climbed into his jet. She studied him finishing to don his helmet, do some checks and then he waved at her. He gave Greg a thumbs up and Aelin saw some other people take the jet away. No taxi, she corrected herself using the right term.
“Miss, you can come with me. They are taxing out and it’s going to get loud in here.”
Aelin nodded and followed the man, casting a glance ever so often to where Rowan had disappeared.
They climbed up the tower and Aelin gasped at the view. She could see the jets lined up on the runaway.
“They are waiting for final clearance from the tower. They will go that way for a bit, but eventually will come back here.” He passed her a pair of binoculars “these are handy.”
Aelin thanked him.
“Don’t leave until someone comes back to collect you. Probably captain Whitethorn will come himself. You are safe up here.” He explained her and Aelin nodded.
The man disappeared and she leaned against the wall. She stared at the jets and then realised she had no idea how to tell them apart.
One at a time all the jets took off, they disappeared at the horizon and eventually came back a flew by the tower. One of them rolled its wings up and down and she had a feeling that was Rowan.
She giggled and grabbed the binoculars.
A moment later she felt a presence at her side. Lorcan had joined her with a thermos of coffee in his hands “Enjoying the view?” He asked in a bored tone.“The fun should start soon. Whitethorn is probably explaining the parameters of the exercise and creating the two teams, that’s why they are still in formation. As soon as the game starts you will see them veer up and break into two groups.”
“How can you tell them apart?”
Aelin rolled her eyes.
“Whitethorn is that one,” he pointed at the jet at the head of the formation.
“That’s it.” Said Lorcan and Aelin saw the team break apart like he had told her.
Lorcan brought out a radio and he changed to a channel that allowed him to listen to radio chatter of his pilots.
“Do you do this often? Coming up here and watch them, I mean.”
“Every time they are out. I am not as much as a monster as the captain depicts me.” He sighed and looked at his pilots “I care about them. They are my team.” then he chuckled and pointed at the jets in the air “Fenrys is already trying to get a lock on Whitethorn. Can you see how he is flying?”
Aelin followed the scene with interest and the radio went silent as the man probably concentrated on their job.
“Moonbeam is sneaky but there is a reason why Whitethorn is the best.”
“I got your arse, Iceman.” She heard Fenrys over the radio. Then something amazing happened. She saw the jet in front of the young lieutenant pull up in a vertical and breaking and letting the other jet pass him the he pulled down and Rowan ended up behind him and over the radio she heard a noise.
“Another time, wolf.” She heard Rowan laugh and the sound warmed her heart “you can sit this one out, pup.” 
“That was awesome.” Said Aelin in awe.
“Whitethorn is not an easy one to get. I think in many years of drills only Gavriel managed the feat a few times. And we all believe it was because well, he was not himself.”
Aelin had an inkling she knew when that was. 
“I think he needs this today. Losing that student has sent him back to a dark place.”
“How so?” Asked Aelin curious.
“Not my story to tell.”
They went back watching the exercise “that is a high G barrel roll, isn’t it?” She remembered it from thew video.
“Well done, captain.”
“Rowan has told me about some manoeuvres.”
“You see why he did that?” Lorcan pointed at the jets.
Aelin nodded, “the plane behind him is too close for comfort so that is an option to shake him off.”
Lorcan nodded “That is Gavriel. He probably painted him once already and had Rowan’s tail and a firing solution as well so Rowan pulled that manoeuvre to get rid of him and succeeded.”
“That’s Connall being his wingman. And Vaughan is with Gavriel.”
Then she gasped. Rowan had just flew in between Vaughan and Gavriel in a vertical line then she saw him bank and get back in formation.
“That’s Connall gone as well. It’s just Whitethorn against Vaughan and Gavriel.”
Gavriel was fast and sneaky. Even someone like her could see that. 
Rowan was on his own but Lorcan did not seem worried. His planes flew mere metres from a second one, their bellies almost touching. He rolled away and then pulled into a dive chasing the plane that was trying to escape. He stood at the other person’s tail playing chase until she heard over the radio curses coming from Vaughan and she knew the man was out as well.
“Now things get interesting.” Commented Lorcan who seemed cheerier all of a sudden.
“Rowan told me you are against the idea of having females in the airforce.”
His face turned hard again “I was just starting to like you, captain.”
“What is your problem with our gender?”
“You cannot do that.” He pointed at the fight scene in front of them.
“That is exactly what I heard all throughout the academy. I was the only woman at the time. I was told I did not have what it took. That as a woman my body could not sustain the heavy training regime, that I had no chance of becoming just as good a firefighter as a man. They thought that me being born with a vagina prevented me from being a firefighter.” She explained, not removing her gaze from the two remaining planes “I proved them all wrong, sir. I finished the academy at the top of my class. I set the record in one of the exercises and no one has broken it just yet. I made captain before many of those pricks and I am still to this day the only woman who did so.”
“This is a dangerous job.”
Aelin scoffed and showed him her bandaged arm “I almost died after running into a building on fire. And I do that on a daily basis. Don’t talk to me about a dangerous job.”
Lorcan breathed out “you made your point.”
“Elide has her own ideas as well on the matter. She might be tiny but she is one scary woman.”
His face all of a sudden lost its hard edges. Oh look, the man had feelings.
“She is quite an amazing woman.” He confessed.
“You’d better remember that.”
“She told me about… her past.”
Aelin knew. Elide had told them.
“It doesn’t bother me. I mean, it bothers me what the fucker did to her but not that she… has no experience.”
“Good, because Elide is very nervous about all that stuff.”
“When she is ready.”
Aelin nodded and went back to the fight. It looked like Rowan was trying to get on Gavriel’s tail. The older man pulled into a vertical but Rowan never left him. Aelin stared at the climb and wondered how many Gs they were pulling. The jet flew with the canopies facing each others. Aelin then noticed Rowan’s plane break formation. Pull, again the strange breaking manoeuvre and make a precise loop that landed right on Gavriel’s tail. 
A moment later she heard the long beeping sound and soon after a barrage of curses from Gavriel.
“That was damn sneaky.”
Aelin laughed and waved at him, not sure he could see her “That was awesome.”
“Oh, they are not done yet. Rowan’s drills are quite intense. We are in for much more fun. Now they all want revenge.” Added Lorcan leaning again against the wall and taking a sip of coffee from his thermos. 
“He really is good.”
Lorcan nodded “he was the best since flight school. And his cool temper helps him to be great in a situation of great stress. That’s why we have been fighting recently. He has been rash and impulsive. That is not him.”
Aelin did not make any comments on that.
“Rowan and I have known each other for a very long time, since we were both still in Doranelle.” He told her “he is very respectful of rank and etiquette but with me and in private he had always spoken his mind and a few times he had pegged me down a few notches. We both have clashing tempers and it tends to end badly at times.” He sighed “I had no intention of suspending him but I had to. And I have a feeling he looked for a fight on purpose to get suspended. To be with you.”
Aelin gasped. She was not expecting such revelation. She had assumed Lorcan had followed the rules.
“I hope you realise he put his career in jeopardy for you. A captain pulling a stunt like that and breaking aerospace lockdown was bad. And leaving his post at the airbase in Doranelle was just as bad.”
“I am grateful that he did, though. I might be selfish but he helped me greatly and he is still doing it.”
“Don’t fuck up his life, captain. One woman did it already and I think it’s enough.”
Lorcan’s words toward Lyria sounded quite harsh.
The exercise eventually came to an end but Lorcan stood there with her.
She heard Rowan ordering the team to go back to base.
“Tower, this is Iceman, requesting permission for a flyby.”
“Request denied, Iceman.”
“Get your arse back to base, Whitethorn,” shouted Lorcan over the comms.
Aelin stared at Rowan’s jet, the only one still in the air and looked at the very strange trajectory.
Then it was a matter of a second and a deafening noise startled her and a second later she heard a curse. Lorcan had spilled his hot coffee on his uniform and was now threatening the worst punishments for Rowan. She wanted to laugh but she restrained herself.
“Let’s go back down, captain. Your boyfriend is in for a treat.”
They got back inside and by the time they were back in the hangar the five jets were parked as well and Rowan was complimenting his team for a nice training session.
“Whitethorn.” Shouted Lorcan marching up to him “The tower clearly denied you the flyby. What is your problem?”
His green eyes landed on her and she saw a flash of amusement in them. 
“I should ask you the same thing, sir. Your uniform needs a change.” With his head he pointed at the stained clothing.
“Your arse in my office. Now.”
Rowan stood to attention and followed Lorcan. He looked at Aelin and winked at her.
“Did you enjoy that, captain?” It was Gavriel’s voice at her side.
“Immensely. It was super fun to watch.” She sighed “I know that when you guys do it for real is not fun, but this drill was awesome.”
She turned to where Rowan and Lorcan had disappeared and got worried “Will he be okay?”
It was Connall who answered “they will yell at each other for a while. Lorcan will call the captain reckless. Explain to him what regulations say with regard to the dear practice of buzzing the tower.”
“What’s buzzing the tower?” She interrupted not recognising the expression.
“The manoeuvre the captain did. It’s a very low pass made to startle or frighten someone. The noise of the jets, as you have experienced is quite high. The captain knew the commodore was with you and very likely had coffee.”
“It was a stupid thing to do.” Added Gavriel not happy “he knows that manoeuvre is dangerous.”
“Let the man have some fun. With all the shit that is going on he has been in a foul mood.”
Gavriel growled at Fenrys “first of all, our job is not to have fun. If that’s what you want, well I have got news for you, boyo. You are in the wrong job.” Gavriel moved closer to the young lieutenant “the captain has lost a student. Have some fucking respect for someone who is grieving.”
Gavriel shouted some orders to the ground crew and moved away “it was a pleasure to see you again, captain.”
She waved back at the man. She liked him. The three young men followed as well.
Not knowing what to do she found her way back to his office, thinking it to be the best and safest option. He came back to her half an hour later and he did not seem too mad.
“Are you two still alive?” She asked him as he walked into the office and lay down on the sofa.“Yeah, he is still alive. I told him to fuck off only once.”
She stood from his chair and walked to him “buzzing the tower was not a great idea.”
He looked at her with curiosity.
She tilted her head “they guys explained the manoeuvre to me.
He stood, closed the distance and his arms went around her waist “I was saying hi to you…” he kissed her “and when I saw Lorcan I knew he’d have coffee with him. He always does.” He kissed her again “and can I add how much of a turn on is when you use technical terms?”
“You are evil.” She poked him in the chest.
“No news there,” another kiss “did you enjoy the show?”
“It was awesome. So, so awesome. And you are quite incredible, captain. And I also recognised one of the manoeuvres from the book you were reading on the beach.” She told him all excited.
“Which one?”
They were so close their bodies were now touching “the high G barrel roll when Gavriel painted you.”
His jump suit was unzipped down till his navel and her hands landed on the t-shirt he wore underneath and he had the suit sleeves rolled to his elbows. He was stunning.
“So… so turned on just now…”
She pressed against him, his hands found their way in her hair and pulled her close for a hot kiss.
“I have so many naughty thoughts as well…”
“And I feel like breaking another rule…” he whispered in her ear and Aelin felt heat pool at her core.
He went to the door and locked it and when he turned he saw that Aelin had removed her hoodie and t-shirt and was sitting on his desk with just trousers and a bra.
Rowan closed the distance in a second, and his mouth claimed hers with an intensity that took Aelin off guard. She had quickly learned that sex with him was never boring and that the man had the power to reduce her to an exhausted mess. Not that she complained…
“I love naughty Rowan,” she teased with a finger on her lips. He moved between her legs, pulling her closer and took the finger in his mouth sucking it and licking it suggestively.
Aelin removed her bra and heard his gasp, then she proceeded to free him from the jump suit and leave him in his black briefs and his grey TAF t-shirt. She looked down and discovered him hard for her. He grabbed the back of his shirt and tugged it off.
“Are we doing something about those trousers, captain?”
Aelin smiled and slowly and with provocation unbuttoned her jeans and started lowering the zip. In a swift motion he pulled them down and away, taking her underwear with them, leaving Aelin stark naked “in a rush, captain?”
He bit her earlobe “the door might be locked, but people might still come and look for me.”
“Well, we better be quiet and pretend there is no one in the office.” And she kissed him eliciting a moan from him “I said quiet, captain.”
Aelin jumped off the table and a moment later was on her knees in front of him. Her hands grabbed his butt and then pulled down his briefs “lean against the table, sir.” He did so and a moment later her mouth was on him and he had to restrain himself to stifle the loud moan that threatened to escape from him. She looked up at him in his green eyes and with her tongue licked the tip.
“Fuck,” swore Rowan never breaking eye contact with her. She looked at him and could see lust in his eyes. Her tongue licked the length of him and then she took him in her mouth fully and Rowan let out another curse “If you…” his hands tightened on the desk when she added a hand “continue like this I might not— ” and his protest was cut off when she gently added teeth as well. She still looked at him in challenge and then sucked hard and that was Rowan’s undoing. He pulled her up and deposited her on the desk on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist.
“You wicked, wicked woman…” he told her silencing her protests with a sizzling kiss while a finger slipped into her and Aelin’s back arched at the feeling he coaxed from her. With her legs, she pushed him closer and felt his hardness nudging at her entrance and pulled a bit more as if to tell him what she wanted. He kissed her and his finger hooked inside her teasing that sensitive spot inside her.
“Whitethorn,”she ordered him.
“Such a demanding woman,” and with those words he pushed into her and Aelin had to cover her mouth with her hands to stop the indecent moan that was about to escape from her.
It hadn’t take them long to reach their peaks and now Rowan was leaning on top of an equally spent Aelin. It had been short and intense.
He kissed the space between breasts “I didn’t even have time to greet your friends here,” he added posing gentle kisses on each breasts.
She pulled him in for a kiss “it’s okay… this woman here feels very pleased and satisfied.”
He smiled at her “we better get dressed again. Just in case.” Very quickly they got their clothes back on then Aelin walked to him “I blame the jump suit.”
He raised an eyebrow “not the amazing content inside?”
She kissed him “the jump suit makes the content tastier.”
“Come on,” he took her hand, unlocked the door and walked out of the office “I promised to show you what we did.”
Aelin squeezed his hand and followed him. He took her around the airbase and they covered all the places that she had mentioned needed changes. The works on hangar bay 2 were almost over and the place was still empty but in far batter shape that last time she had seen it. Aelin walked closer to the walls and touched them “fire retardant paint?”
Rowan nodded “Aedion suggested it. The whole of hangar 2 is painted in it. And once the works here are all done, we will do the same in the main hangar.” She walked around impressed that they had taken on board every single suggestion she had made “I am impressed, captain. The place looks amazing.”
“Given the budget we got, Lorcan had ordered to do the same in the main hangar.”
“So, the man can do his job. Good to know.”
Rowan took her around the rest of the base and Aelin approved of what she had seen.
“What time is your doctor appointment?” Asked Rowan as they got back to his office.
“I will need to go soon.”
“Will you text me?” He asked her brushing a wild lock of hair from her face.
“I will let you know.”
She had a meeting with a doctor about her return to work. She knew it was only for desk duty but the idea of going back at the station was quite exciting.
Rowan pulled her into an embrace “go get them.” In response she kissed him.
“Don’t kill Lorcan, captain.”
He gave her a huge grin and she left.
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the gif above gives you an idea of one of the trick our bird boy pulled.
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metfell · 3 years
I feel like every time bestnightmares sees you in his askbox he's just like "Oh it's this fucker again" /pos
every time i make a post or send an ask to bestnightmares ran audibly screams in agony
13 notes · View notes
fluffydancer618 · 3 years
Short summery of how my daily scroll past The Board went today:
“The Board. It grows longer. I fear that one day I shall not reach the…” *sudden realization* *audible scream of torment*
I still can’t believe that I am too a part of such a... majestic horror. It's like watching your neighbors' child grow. Yeah, you are not the parent, and didn’t really help them throughout life. But you still played a tiny part in shaping them into who they are. So you are kind of happy to see them doing well
Science isn't about why, it's about why not 😌
How dare you write something that beautiful about a thing I just added a full Bee Movie script to /pos /lh
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