#i belive in claude
thelasthippie · 2 months
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I was George Beger in another life.
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randomkposts · 7 months
I asked, and did get enough feedback to do another poll. I can't belive I forgot to include trust issues on a poll about Claude von Riegan. Welp time to fix that. I'm not going to put an other button as while some people did put in thoughts in notes/reblogs/ tags like I asked, the ratio between voters and people who added thoughts was not proportional. Not unexpected, but still disapointing. So I'll just ask here that you write in the notes or reblog and add any thoughts or options that may have been missed.
Greyscale won the previous poll, now lets see how it does against some of these new options
I am aware that friendzone may not be the most accurate/ prefered description term, however I can not think of a better term to use to summerize this poll.
For some well written out thoughts on some of the options, check out awakening girls reblog on the previous poll.
For the fanfic that inspired it,
If you want to vote all of the above, say so in the notes/reblogs please. In the meanwhile, vote for the one you feel influances him the most
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thealmightyemprex · 8 months
The Kolchak Report :The Night Stalker 1972
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Welcome to the Kolchak Report where I am gonna review every episode of Kolchak the Night Stalker,but before I do that Im going to talk about the two TV movies that lead to the series ,starting with 1972's The Night Stalker
Hasbeen investigative reporter Carl Kolchek (DArren McGavin ) is investigating A mad killer known as Janos Skorzeny(Barry Atwater ) is going around draining women of blood in Las Vegas ,when he starts to realize theymight be dealing with an actual vampire
SO in the 70's the vampire started being seen as a kind of a quaint idea ,so a few writers thought "What if a vampire attacked in modern times",so we got stuff like Salems Lot and Blacula but I think the best of them is Night Stalker .Its a pretty realistic take on a vampire .Like all the tropes are there(The crosses,the stakes,the fangs) but the feel is very much that this is a murder mystery/thriller where the villain happens to be a vampire ,and that groundedness makes it legit spooky .Barry Atwater is legit chilling ,with an imposing physical presence and acts more like a cornered animal then a person .However he isnt the main focus,the focus is on the utter denile by the police and politicians to admit there is a real vampire going around
Cast is solid including Ralph Meeker as the token buddy of Kolchak ,Claude Akins as the bullheaded sheriff ,CArol Lynley as Kolchaks girlfriend,and the always awesome Simon Oakland as Kolchaks boss Tony Vincenzo,who would go on to be the main supporting character for Kolchak going forward
The standout however is Kolchak himself played by the great Darren McGavin.....Im gonna see if I keep thios thought to the end of the series,but Kolchak maybe one of my favorite horror heroes .Hes an obnoxious blowhardt but he belives in the truth ,and as a newsman his job is to lay out all the facts,no matter how absurd they maybe and who doesnt want them said .When the supernatural is staring him in the face ,he rolls with it and has to do what it takes to take it on
This is a great TV horror movie ,and a perfect watch around Halloween time .The film has a clear ending so if you wanna watch it as a stand alone,you can find it on youtube
This is only the begining of Kolchak ,as next up we shall talk about its sequel the Night Strangler
@angelixgutz @marquisedemasque @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @makingboneboy
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Rhea: [Takes in orphans and homeless people, allows foreigners to attend the monastary in spite of the other church branches objecting to this, saves a foreign child from literal slavery, allows several people with crests to work for her and never forces them into nobility or marriage] | Claude: [should know all this because he atttended Garreg Mach] | Also Claude: Damn I cant belive Rhea hates foreigners and forces people with crests into marriages, I guess my only choice here is to murder her.
GOD, it's like they saw fanon Claude and said "that's what'll make everyone happy!"
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
The cf/ss choice reminds me of a post I saw that went into how Edelgard is associated with the devil arcana through her post-timeskip design and Aymrs crest stone, and that the devil arcana is associated with attatchment/easy choices/ignorance. As in - its easier to belive in a comforting falsehood than confront a harsh truth. And at the time of the choice, if you have the option to pick cf its probably the easier choice due to the requirements means you must have gotten close to Edelgard. 1/3
So the harsh truth would be confronting the fact that Edelgard is the one behind all the horrible things that has happened despite Rhea being the one set up as suspicious and untrustworthy. The easy choice would be to keep blaming Rhea and dismiss everything Edelgard has done up until that point due to the belief that she is still good or at least has good reasons for what she is doing based on nothing but attatchment to her. Its also why cf doesn't have any major reveals about 2/3
Nemesis, Rhea, Sothis, the Nabateans, etc. because the player already made it clear in the tomb they dont care about the truth as much as they care about Edelgard, and Edelgard herself is so stubborn about her being the only one that knows everything/the full truth that she isn't open to any information that contradicts her. 3/3
I don't know enough about the arcana to comment too much on that part, but it is an interesting theory. I do think Edelgard's Post-TS design is supposed to make you think of the devil. Though the horns could also be her becoming the next Serios.
I find it super interesting the differences between Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard about the lore. Claude actively tries to learn the truth and understand more about it. He thinks its necessary for him to understand other perspectives if he's ever going to achieve his goal. Dimitri's just not interested in the lore. His goals were always smaller scale, focused on Faerghus only, so it makes sense he's not concerned about Serios and Nemesis since knowing that doesn't help him help Faerghus. Whereas Edelgard thinks she already knows everything. She, like Claude, is interested in the lore, but only as it serves to prop up her goals. Unlike Claude, she's not interested in learning more or other point of views or if what she really knows is right. And Dimitri, unlike Edelgard, may not learn the truth, but he's also not going to spread a false history because it suits his narrative.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
“This path leads to the death of the archbishop and the servants of the church.”
“servants of the church”
“servants of the church”
Ah yes, the countless lower ranked monks and priests who have done nothing but worship Sothis/Seiros and done charity and volunteer work under the Goddess’ name (you know like Mercedes) are just as responsible as Rhea. 
LIKE DUDE... listen to the shit that Edelgard and Hubert say in the Black Eagle Strike Force event. “These sacrifices (as in the killing of innocent and defenseless civilians) will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifices again”? “We will force the people of Fodlan to open their eyes to the truth and relinquish any remaining conviction to unite against the Empire”? “We will condemn those who deserve condemnation and forgive those who deserve forgiveness”? “Now that I’m Emperor, we can’t let it slip that I’m following your command in battle, Professor” (as in “I have to take the credit you rightfully deserve” as in the exact opposite of her supposed meritocracy)? Hell, you losing whole ass support points with Edelgard by simply not liking her stupid fucking name for the army after you agreed to join her in her side of the war that SHE started? But she’s gonna get THAT mad at you for not agreeing with her about something THAT small?
Tell me how, in what way, in what fashion, could Edelgard not be the bad guy here? Who fucking else but the baddie calls the actual, literal killing of actual, literal innocent civilians a “sacrifice” on their end, admits to be willing to do the “sacrificing”? Who else persecutes people for worshipping the wrong religion? 
Rhea is a bad guy for hiding the truth about Crests and the Hero’s Relics and rising up as a political leader under the Church of Seiros, no matter what she actually does as a political leader (which includes, you know, giving Fodlan, her homeland, to humans for them, the ones that killed nearly her entire family, to rule?), but Edelgard gets to ban operas and histories that reveal too much of what she did during the war and gets to literally crown herself Emperor of all of Fodlan with a pass? Rhea is the bad guy for killing people who are literally trying to steal and kill from her, people we as players know are part of TWS and are actively not innocent bystanders or simply naysayers against the church, but Edelgard gets to put down rebellions against her forceful rule of all of Fodlan that likely ruined a shit ton of their lives - which I again say that she herself says she is willing to inflict for her cause.
Because god, you have people bending over backwards trying to defend her, trying to say that she’s just as right as the other two lords who aren’t willing to kill the people who look to them for safety in the name of their cause by going to war against two peaceful nations that have done nothing wrong. You have people look at the shit above, look at her tea time quote where she says that she wants to give the throne to an outsider who is brilliant and kind and then look at her VW dialogue with Claude - the brilliant and kind outsider - where she says that she doesn’t think he’s fit to rule and go “oh gee I don’t get why IS wrote that”, her CONSTANT FUCKING SELF-PITYING TIRADES about how her path is soaked in blood and leads to madness and how the pool of blood under her feet grows larger (literal lines from her Hubert supports) but oh she simply MUST persevere through such trials, yes SHE is suffering so much from the war, but since it’s for the common people (that she admits to be willing to sacrifice for her cause anyway and then goes through with actually doing just that) it’s fine. According to the fandom.
Rhea takes in a literal war orphan and gives him shelter in exchange for him doing chores - she’s now a slave owner who forces that orphan to abandon his culture in exchange for hers. Rhea puts down people who not only were trying to steal holy artifacts, kill her personally, but also kill teenagers trying to stop them from doing either of those things - she’s a zealot who kills anyone who doesn’t worship the Goddess (nevermind that she allows Dedue and Petra in the Academy despite them being from places that explicitly don’t worship the Goddes, nevermind that she has Shamir as a Knight of Seiros despite the fact she both doesn’t worship the Goddess and also uh just got out of a fucking war against Fodlan). Rhea keeps the secrets of Crest and Hero’s Relics away from public knowledge (as well as Seteth but we always let him slide) because past experience reasonably led her to believe that humans would kill her and her few remaining family if they knew the truth (proven by the fact that Flayn is kidnapped the second TWS found out who she was) - she’s a tyrannical leader trying to stop people from taking her power.
That Rhea apologies for everything that she’s done and recognizes that she was in the wrong and immediately removes herself from power, in all circumstances that she lives? Nearly completely isolates herself from all of society to live an unimpactful life of seclusion? Well, that means nothing of course, that’s nothing compared to how Edelgard gives away her power years and years after she takes the throne (in some of her endings) and how she definitely, totally lives up to her promised meritocracy and letting people live as they want as seen in, for example, her ending with Bernadetta where she literally forces her to take hold of the Varley house against her wishes. Of course, silly me.
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fanfictionsworld · 2 years
Then,darling since you forgive us we would like to fuck you sensless,like we intended to last night
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The night before:
You know they told you stay home and not go to this party,but hey how made them the boss of you thats rigth no one.
So last night you snuk out while they were taking care of some stuff which you nothing about,so took this chance and snuk out.
The party was wiled dirnks,music,dancing with your friends,but suddnly you felt a chill run down your spine and you felt like someone was staring at you glaring daggers into your head.
You turned around at it was your two demon boyfriends looking pretty angry at you for not listening to them.
It was truly scary like your worst nightmere comeing to life.So not to angered them more you told your friends you got go home.
The ride home was pretty quiet nobody said a word,until you got home and you knew the lecture was coming honestly they can be such dads sometimes.
,,I just can not belive that you snuck out after we told you that you can not go what were you thinking."said Sebastian very much displeased.
,,Well i wanted to have some fun for fuck sakes i am allowed to do that and you can not tell me what can or can not do."
,,Well yes we can and imagine if someone did something to you".said Claude
,,Well i just wanted to have fun and for once be free from this rules that you set i am sick and tired i want a life and you can not take it away am not one of your contracst i am human for fuck sakes and i have rigths!" I said i did kind a felt bad for saying that i knew i should not have but it was the truth.
,,Well if thats how you feel then we can slepp in separet room tonight!"said Claude
,,Well i do not mind one bit!"I said as i slam the door to the gest bedroom.
Then next day:
I wake up to the Sebastians and Claudes voices.
,,What the hell are you two doing cant you see i am sleeping!"
,,Draling wake up pleas we got to talk."said Sebastian
,,We wanted to say we are sorry you were rigth,but we just wanted to protect you your the only human we care about."said Claude.
,,Do you accept our apology dear we are truly sorry pleas now that."said Sebastian who was on his knees kissing your hand along side Claude who was doing the same thing.
You could help but blush at this,who yoh could not accept an apology like this.
,,Yes of coures i do."
And in a split second you found yous self in between two of them.You felt there erections poke at you.
,,Then,darling since you forgive us we would like to fuck you sensless, like we intended last night."said Claude his hot breath next two your ear.
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lochnessies · 2 years
3h fandom: The tragedy of 3h is how all the lords want and belive the same things so the war could have been avoided if they just talked 😔. The actual lords: Dimitri: A ruler is meant to serve their people, not the other way around. Claude: I wish for everyone to be able to coexist no matter their race or background. Edelgard: When you sacrifice your people for your own selfish ambitions by starting a war against the subhumans lmao bottom text.
one of these is not like the others…. 🤔
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mogekolover · 4 years
WMMAP Fairy!AU(LP universe)
WARNING: THIS ENDED UP BEING TOO LONG OMG (and i didn’t even got to talk about the Fairy plants...
AU Details: 
- Athy has fairy power. 
 - Athy likes the fairy flowers(she doesnt know they are fairy flowers) 
 -Fairy flowers(and fairies) also like her a lot bc she next queen. 
 - All hail Diana the previous FQ
(My friend told me to write this here bc I forget in which of my 847683974698379123 Twitter accounts I posted this)
(This will be more of a description than an actual... “writing” because I’m a very lazy person and I have no motivation to do so, let’s just hope I don’t start making bullet points all of a sudden)
Ok so.
Diana was what was left of the spirit of the previous Fairy Queen (FQ for short) because all went to hell when some people(emperors and the like) became too obssessed with experimentating on magical creatures, the fairy forest was lost completely. 
Now, because intelligent people ALWAYS have a back up plan, the FQ essence/spirit manages to reincarnate in a human body so it will be easier to make a new forest (they have managed to pass down the seeds to make the forest again) and each reincarnation dies and we now have Diana. Because of how much time has passed Diana doesn’t remember why she always carries the seed bags with her, she just knows they are important to her, and that she needs the perfect place to plant them (something that never happens).
*cue Claude and Diana love story*
Because of Dianas death, the spirit/essence was supposed to technically die with her(like, definitively)
Because of Claudes genes(his magic) the spirit manages to transfer the wish to make the fairy forest again into Athy, and because of her crazy amount of mana, the fairy magic part of her started revitalizing essentially making Athy into a half fairy and also the next FQ.
PS: in my crazy mind blackie ONLY has her Obelian magic, not her Fairy magic, making it so that Lucas never ate any of it when he ate Blackie, leaving Athy with her (at the moment) dormant fairy magic/genes. Her magic waking up little by little when she gets the seeds.
- She got the seeds from Lily on her 15th birthday and she’s the only one that takes care of them,she doesn’t even let Lily to help her.
- She gets so “interested” in her new plants that she ignores and declines(and even fakes to be sick or bussy) all of Jennettes invites to tea and along the way stops caring about Claude.
- It was already rare to her to go out, but now she just stays inside the Ruby Palaces grounds, only going out when it’s an event she can’t ignore(or if she gets forced by Lily). 
- The more the plants grow, the more her fairy part starts to wake up, and because of that, the plants start growing faster, which in turn maks her fairy part more awake. Also, because this plants are supposed to make a new fairy forest (that kinda acts like the “Fairy Kingdom”) andAthy planted the seeds in the back of the Ruby Palace, when the plants are fully growm, it looks as if the Ruby palace has its own forest, a very dense one might I add, big trees everywhere, obstructing the view of everyone to see the inside of it and also hiding a little bit the Ruby Palace.
Because of this everyone in the palace is pretty worried because obviously from some seeds you don’t get a forest like that, but Athy shrugs it off, saying that if the plants don’t harm anyone, they can continue to grow.
- Now that she has a fully grown forest on her backyard, she spends A LOT of time inside of it, coming out in time for tea time, her meals and her study lessons.
- on her 18th birthday all hell broke lose because Rosalia insisted that Athy had something to do with Jennettes poisoning (even is Athy basically lived like a reclused in her palace), and Claude being a dumb f*ck believed that.
Because Athy’s 18, she’s supposed to grow her wings(idk dont ask me i forgot why) and obviously she doesn’t know anything, the poor soul. And because of how angry she feels, her magic kinda goes out of control and in front of everyone, her wings appear/grow. 
SCENE:  This will be the "declared guilty" scene (not gonna write in detail btw, maybe some parts)
“ Athy is in the throne room, and doesn't know why the f*ck she's there. She had just came from a stroll in her forest when royal guards forcefully took her to the Garnet Palace, not answering her questions, so when she asks in the throne room "You are guilty of poisoning Princess Jennette!" was what one the nobles present at that moment said angrily. 
She frowned "I haven't seen nor talked to Her Highness in the last two years." 
"Liar!" said another. 
"What prove do you have?" she was getting angry now.
"There is no need of proof when it's something as obvious as this." 
 Everyone looked at Claude. Athanasia was very angry now. 
"You are to be hanged tomorrow at sunrise." She wanted to scream in rage and pain. Rage because of this idiots blaming her without proof. 
 And pain... *rip*
Because her back felt as if it was going to break. And she screamed. 
*cue big and grotesque description of wings growing out of her back* Through all that, she heard little voices. 
 "𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺!" 
 "𝘔𝘺 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯!"
She heard a commotion, but she could barely listen now as the pain increased tenfold, making her double herself on the floor, letting out tears and screams. 
Then she saw white... and then she saw visio- 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 
 Memories from the ones before her  “
So basically Athanasia got all the memories from the FQueens before her(she didn't get the memories from all of Dianas previous "mortal" lifes) and now she isn't angry, she's LIVID.
after the light fades(bc she didn't imagine the light, she emitted light to finish her transition from normal human to Fairy Queen) everyone looks at her surprised bc now she has this big majestic wings and a breathtaking dress.
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[The wings is a combination of first image (for the color) and the second image (for the form). The dress is the one she wears after her “transformation”]
And her eyes are sharp and full of hatred. while everyone is surprised the fairies go and greet her, and she greets them tenderly, doing a 180 from pure hatred to pure motherly/familial love
When she finishes greeting, she goes back to her cold demeanor, and says that she doesn't want to see any of them near her forest or obelia will suffer more than it will do in the upcoming months
With that she teleports to her castle deep in the woods The fairy castle
Long story short, obelia will go into chaos(bc no one will belive her until it's too late) so Claude has to suck up his pride and hate for her and apologize This is where Lily becomes the savior of the empire. Why? bc she will be the one to convince Athanasia to put everything back to normal bc she(Lily) could die if this went longer (contaminated water, all crops ruined, no rain + contaminated air, yep, pretty apocalyptic) so Athanasia considers that, and accepts Claudes "apology" and makes Lily live with her in her castle
Obviously she restores the empire (it takes like 2 weeks or so) and tells Claude to not bother her and that she doesn't want to see his nor his "offspring"(Jennette) faces near her forest. 
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
On Edelgards views on Almyra isn't it weird she belives that the Almyrans will listen to her just because they dont belive in the goddess? Not sure if its mentioned anywhere if Almyra has gods but Edelgard somehow fully beliveing that they are more reasonable because to her knowledge they aren't religious is either stupid or really naive.
Yeah, that’s what I drew from those lines too. Claude references various Almyran spiritual beliefs and traditions (which I’ve read pull from real life Zoroastrianism...which I know very little about, so ask someone else about that), so just because they don’t abide by the faith of Seiros doesn’t indicate that they have no religion at all. It also says nothing whatsoever about how likely they are to be open to diplomatic relations with Edelgard’s Empire, when Almyra and Fódlan have been intermittently hostile neighbors for centuries and when Edelgard may have killed the heir to the Almyran throne.
I can imagine her immediately putting the issue out of her mind, and only much later thinking to have Hubert send the Almyran royal family a fruit basket.
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bloomandcoffee · 4 years
Fe3h ABO headcanons
So yesterday I had a lot of fun in the anon meme writing some ABO worldbuilding for FE3H. Some of it was inspired by the amazing @theeeveetamer. I decided to post it here for easier access, and in case anyone wanted to read them/get some inspiration/play in the sandbox.
All questions and comments are welcome!
Let's start shall we?
Faerghus has a tradition to not give a fuck about omegas. Loog was an omega, and all Blaiddyds are as well. Omegas can inherit and can be leaders of their houses or clans. They prize Chivalry and Duty above all else, and with the harsh conditions of Faerghus they can't afford the privilege to dismiss a third of their population. All are trained to fight before they learn how to write, no exceptions. If they want to partake in the battlefield, become part of the royal guard, command armies? They can.
Which means of course Faerghus is the nation expert on omega nature, heats and all subtle intricacies of omegan behavior and its relation with other spectrums. As a nation that values righteous fury and devotion (to the King) Omegas are very prized as well because of their emotions and relentlessness when it comes to protecting their own. This clashes with the other nations and their concept on what is the proper omega behavior. Faerghan omegas find it stiffling to not be openly passionate and determined in the presence of people from the Alliance or the Empire.
Alpha/Omega unions is most desired between crest bearing nobles because they needs the crests (remember The crest of Gautier is the only thing between Faerghus and a Sreng invasion) and a huge litter will up the chances of getting one. But it is far more common outside the nobility for omegas to mate with Betas.
Betas and alphas too are held in high regard, but for different things. There's no hierarchy based on the ABO designation, but on political nobility designation and chivalry.
The Empire has made a long effort to scrub from history the fact that an omega rallied an army, fought the empire head on, and won somewhat successfully. That is, people on the Empire and Leicester (to a lesser degree) belive Loog was an alpha, while it is is common knowledge in Faerghus that Loog was an omega.
Adrestian Empire
The Empire is very conservative with ABO designations. Alphas on top, betas as servants/retainers and omegas ought to be quiet, domestic and be a perfect wife (see Bernadetta).
Omegas cannot inherit Houses, not even if they have crests (See Mercedes' mom) and while it is common knowledge in the Empire that it is not a woman's fault if the child they bear lacks a crest (or is an omega) it is still fairly common to be shunned culturally.
It is fairly recent that the Empire has allowed omegas to enter in fights, though many nobles would first have them married than allow an Omega of the Family join the battlefield and "decrease their value" (because what if they get scars and become undesirable?!), and those that do usually expect the omega to bring home a respectable wellbred mate.
Of course this doesn't mean that the empire never had noteworthy omegas in their ranks, but they easily scrubbed their designation (or outright changed them) when they excelled in fields that were deemed inappropiate. I.e. an omega excelling in the arts was fantastic, but one that excelled in martial arts and warfare was a disaster.
(It also goes the other way around, an alpha that excells in arts but is mediocre in the activities the Empire demands alphas to excell in is a disappointment, and many families have either disinherited their alpha children or tried their best to hide the shame.)
As for alphas, they are on top, call the shots and have all the rights -but so are their responsibilities. They must excel in the areas that the Empire has traditionally viewed as given for alphas like science, politics, diplomacy, warfare, management and such. The field is extremely competitive (alpha women are held to a higher standard because the Empire made the notion that Seiros was an alpha woman, so they all are compared to her) and a perfect manners and form of conduct is expected at all times.
This means of course that the Empire has the leading knowledge on alpha supressors, because they can't have their alphas behave like beasts. They are civilized individuals, the land where Seiros and the four saints lived, they must lead by example!
(There's a black market for omega suppressors as well. It moves better in the lower classes, but has higher profit margin in the businesses in the noble class)
Leicester Alliance
The Alliance being mainly a mercantile and business nation holds Betas in higher regard. Time is money and businesses that get postponed because someone got a heat/rut is money lost. The logistics of the whole thing are a nightmare for merchants, and after the third time a big negotiation or deal got frozen because of the biology of one of the parties some rules just had to be set.
So betas that don't have to get into this biological mess are valuable. Though it is also fairly common for commnfolk to procure alpha and omega suppresants to be able to conduct businesses as well.
The only people that look down on the use of suppresors are some noble families because the willful ingestion of something that impairs your body is not very noblesse obligue. They think it is either addictive like alcohol, or poisonous.
It is not uncommon to hear the rumor that ingesting suppresors will leave you sterile as a means to dissuade noble omegas from consuming them. (Of course that doesn't mean they won't ingest them from time to time when there's one big summit or deal on the line. The excuse of "oh it seems my rut/heat is coming late this time" is fairly common)
Nobles of course employ trusted beta families to close negotiations in their name, and it is a major honor for a beta family to be adopted into the noble family as their main negotiator.
The Alliance also gets a few cultural cues from both Faerghus and Adrestia. Namely that Alphas should be exemplar and omegas should use their passion to excel in the arts (which includes oratory and negotiation), but in all Alliance fashion the reason why they shouldd excel is because they must make up for the time they are impaired to support the Alliance.
Also all nobles should act in a maner befitting to their station, which means of course that alphas are hold to the manners and etiquette standards of Adrestian alphas (but without the help from suppresors) and omegas should be outspoken and passionate but in a diplomatic and well mannered way that doesn't include outbursts or displays that can be considered shameful.
Garreg Mach
Garreg Mach has everyone on suppressors, and is very liberal with contraceptives as well. There is no ABO orientation shaming because everyone is a child of Sothis and the monastery is a refuge for everyone, and those serving within the church or in the Knights of Seiros should be available at all times to reprieve and help those in need. (Of course this is mainly because Nabateans don't have ABO designations and what better way to hide it than to have everyone be the same?)
Because they are not affiliated to the church, it cannot force any of the students on suppresors. However they make it available for anyone who wants to have them, and make the transaction discreet and private. It is not uncommon for students to go to a "confessional" and leave with suppresors.
Of course the Monastery also has repurposed heat rooms and rut rooms, but they aren't many. The academy does ask the students to give their rut/heat schedules to the administration so they can properly manage the heat/rut rooms and avoid inconveniences.
As for some people:
Dimitri is an omega. But what has (and had) the Kingdom worried for a long time was the fact that he hadn't presented at the proper age (13) but at 17. (This of course is related to his extreme PTSD, survivor's guilt and the almost mortal injuries he sustained in Duscur and while saving Dedue) His heats are terribly irregular and painful. There's also the fear that he might be sterile given how late he presented and the issue with his heats. He believes he can't be a proper omega on top of not being able to be a proper prince, and that it is one more sin that has to be added to his shame.
(Of course in full Dimitri fashion, he buried all that self loathing and insecurity behind a princely smile)
Claude is an alpha passing as a beta with the aid of suppressors because he needs all the advantages he can get in the Alliance. No one really knows because he was presented as a Beta in the Alliance. (Judith knows of course, and complains that it is a pain in the ass to procure the exact brand of alpha suppresors because not all of Fodlan's suppresors work on someone that is used to Almyran suppresors). He finds it fascinating the strange cultural concepts pertaining ABO in the different countries and Almyra.
(Almyra does have a respect for omegas, with a myth that mostly resembles that of Amazons. Claude has a laugh when he realizes the fabled amazons live in a cold Kingdom and not a tropical island)
Edelgard is an omega turned alpha by Agarthan experimentation, because Adrestia cannot have an omega emperor. Among the mess of things she has, there's some internalized omegaphobia, and part of her hatred with the church stems from the fact that Seiros was an alpha (and never realizes that the Alpha Seiros thing was all Adrestia propaganda).
Lysithea is an omega turned beta. A failed Agarthan experiment (they wanted alpha) but the Ordelia family still took the small victory because Betas are more valuable in the Alliance. She doesn't care much about ABO, though it stings when an omega she knows goes into heat, and is more worried about curing herself.
Ferdinand is in fact an omega on permanent suppresors who knows very well that the only reason he's Ferdinand von Aegir is because he's the only legitimate heir. His competitive behavior and manners is he overcompensating and an attempt to hide the secret.
(Also because I love the idea of two of the most prominent and greatest minds of the empire being fucked over by Adrestia's ABO expectations)
Lorenz is an alpha born out of Beta and Omega parents, who is trying very much to prove that being an alpha in the Alliance should be an asset instead of a burden. He will stop at nothing to do so, but has a pouch of alpha suppresors that taunt him every night.
Marianne is an omega, but she is on suppresors. Margrave von Edmund justified it by saying that the suppresors helped Marianne's health given that her heats were irregular. But in fact, while her heats were irregular, she has them because her heats react strongly with her crest. It was usual for her to vomit blood or destroy the whole omega heat room. That's also another reason why she's terrified of her crest.
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Wow! I can't believe I made more Post-Golden Deer Route Headcanons!
Disclaimer: You guys should know this by now. Though I have to admit, I might add in a little au.
During the five years war, Dimitri and Marianne actually crossed path. What happened was Marianne went back to her old home alone. She wanted to have closure with her deceased parents. And that when she found Dimitri, severely exhausted and his left eye was bleeding. Marianne did everything she can to heal him.
Despite how exhausted and still seeking vengeance, Dimitri felt a rare moment peace with Marianne. He was able remember the sweets moment that they have together like feeding the birds, walking under the moonlight, and give eachother comfort. Indeed, Dimitri is lucky to encounter Marianne. But sadly, still driven by revenge, Dimitri have to leave her one day.
Whenever Claude's parents visits Fodlan. Baha keep his status as former king a secret. The reason why is because he's apprehensive toward the people of Fodlan, and not to be trusted. However, Claude and Byleth effort to make Fodlan a peaceful have made people more open to outsiders. Baha can be adamant, but there are things that can change his mind.
There been nights where Byleth would wake up in cold sweats after having a nightmare. Claude would try to soothes, reminding her is only a nightmare. But still, Byleth keep having a recurring dream of Dimitri and Edelgard.
One day, Marianne made a surprise visit to Byleth and Claude's home. Byleth is always happy to see her student to come by; however, what surprised her more is that she brought along a child. Marianne introduce her three years old son, Azure. Byleth couldn't belive it at first, but the small boy does have his mother hair color. The one thing that strike Byleth the most about Azure is his resemblance to the fallen prince, Dimitri. A part of her want to know who's Azure's father. Until Claude, of all people, tell her is best not to get into details of Marianne's personal life, and let her decide if she feels ready.
Thanks to the combine effort of Lynhardt and Hanmen, they were able to remove crests from Lysithea. The process also made her hair color turned back to normal.
Cyril slowly become more loyal toward Byleth than Rhea. All thanks to Claude and Lysithea, giving him a better perspective than what church taught him.
Ignatz would later become one of the professor in Hilda's Academy of Arts. Helping student to paint portraits and landscapes.
Byleth have summon all the nobles with crests to comes to an important meeting they need discuss. With the help of Claude, they were able to tell them the truth behind the crest and the relics. Many couldn't believe it, but thank evidence they were shown, many believe them.
Nader and Judith decided to drop a big bomb that they're together now, Claude can only pray she doesn't take advantage now they're sort of family.
Years later, Azure(Marianne's son) , Mélody(Felix&Annette's daughter), Fernard(Ferdidnand &Bernidetta's son) Feray and Skye (Claude&Byleth's twins) become childhood friends as they grow up together.
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As a trans person, sometimes I feel life is terrifing. Most days, I can deal with the hate, the cruel jokes, the people in my back saying their "harmless opinion", my clauds of darkness in my mind, devouring every happy memory I have. The empty voices of my family, loving me so much that it kills me not to be the daughter they want, and I hate myself for hating them sometimes. Every time they misgender me, deadname me, force me to go to a church I dont belive in, a God that is not mine, when they make me betray my Gods and my belives. When they hurt me with their irrevocable idea of a "good person".
Some days, the air burns down my throat, while I hate myself for hating everything and everyone around me. My brest, my voice, the blood coming out of my vagina every month of every year of my life, reminding me that this pain, this emptiness in my heart will never go away, becouse I'm forever traped on this broken shell that I don't want, that I never asked for.
Some days I'm fine, I can survive.
Some days, All I have is myself, and I am something unbearable.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Sci Fi Month :Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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In this 1977 film , Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfus ),is among many who witness a UFO,becoming utterly obsessed with it while the government lead by  Claude Lacombe (Francois Truffaut ) investigates this possible chance at first contact
For the purposes of this review I watched the theatrrical cut ,I dont know if that was the right call,cause it did feel like stuff was cut out ,but this film blew audiences away in 1977 ,so I wanted to see that version
So back in the day this movie was a big deal ,Stephen Spielbergs second blockbuster,helping lead to the Sci Fi boom of the late 70's and 80's ,it was praised by Ray Bradbury , and even when I was a kid it was considered a big deal .....That has stopped,I dont really hear people talk about this as one of Spielbergs greats anymore ,in fact its not discussed that much at all nowadays
As for me ?I like id ,thought it was pretty good ,though it is not a favorite . Honestly I get both why it was a big splash back in the day but why it isnt as talked about now
What makes the film work is it really dials up the mystery ,for every clue there is a question and the ones that dont need to be answered arent answered .I also commend the film for telling a belivable first contact narrative ,with no monsters or villains ,and handling sci fi with a realistic lens.ACticing is all good ,Richard Dreyfuss is a good lead , Teri Garr was solid as the struggling wife ,Tobert Blossom has a fun small role as a farmer who witnesses the aliens ,Melinda Dillon is belivable as a frightened mother and Bob Balaban is really good as a translator .The performance and charaqcter I like the most though is from a non actor ,French filmmaker Francois Truffaut really stole the movie as a UFO expert ,and his performance really impressed me .The reaql star of the film though are the effects which hold up even 45 years later,like these effects are spectacular
The problem with the film really is the main characters arc ,cause it is very polarizing What I think the film is trying to do .He's a normal guy whose find himself drawn to something grand...PRoblem is well,the interpertation I got is the guy is having a meltdown due to an obsession ,which destroys his realtionship with his family and is....REwarded for it.I guess the fact we get NO closure with the family doesnt help.I know Spielberg regrets the ending ,but the ending itself doesnt bother me ,I think its the right ending ,the way getting to it does .I also have seen the film interpreted as an allegory for mental illness and due to my own experiences ,I cringe at this interpertation ,cause if it is ....How Terri Garrs character handles it is not how ya deal with mental illnesses
OVerall though I do like the movie,though the main arc doesnt work for me .If you havent seen it check it out ,its still a spectical
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @marquisedemasque @filmcityworld1 @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @angelixgutz
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yusuke-of-valla · 5 years
Imagine that when they’re done eating or after school, the lords and Byleth would look for a hidden spot in school to train. They can’t let their skills rust and magic is allowed only at home to avoid accidents. When Morgana walking around Shujin while Ren was studying in the library, he caught sight of Edie and Mitya throwing axes and lances at long distance targets, and Claude shooting arrows at Byleth as they cut down all the arrows with a dagger while shouting instructions to the three lords
Ren isn’t sure whether or not to belive Morgana, becuase that just sounds crazy, buy Mona’s also not the type to just make things up.
I feel like once they discover Mementos, they’ll start going there to train since there are fewer prying eyes
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plastic-tulips · 5 years
20 songs tag
tagged by @lipstick-tactics ta pal x
1) A song you like with a color in the title: Blue Monday- New Order
2) A song you like with a number in the title: 007 (Shanty Town) Desmond Dekker
3) A song that reminds you of summertime: Glad Tidings by Van Morrison (i’ve actually got a whole playlist of summery songs on spotify bc whats a better combo thait sunshine and tunes right
4) A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget: oh god any of the songs that were playing in the indie night that i went to on the pull every week for my first year of uni lol 
5) A song that needs to be played LOUD: Beautiful Ones- Suede 
6) A song that makes you wanna dance: Grazing in the Grass- Friends of Distinction (thanks theme time radio hour i owe u my life)
7) A song that makes you happy: Nice Weather for Ducks- Lemon Jelly
8) A song that you never get tired of: La Vie En Rose- Edith Piaf
9) A song you want to be played at your wedding: i don’t belive in marriage but Northern Sky by Nick Drake
10) A song that is a cover from another artist: I was just thinking today about how bizarre it is that Placebo did a cover of Daddy Cool and how much i love it 
11) I song that you would sing as a duet at karaoke: Groove is in the Heart, i can DESTROY that rap trust me 
12) A song that makes you think about life: This Must be the Place- Talking Heads
13) A song with a persons name in the title: Angela- Jarvis Cocker
14) A song everyone should listen to: Clair De Lune- Claude Debussy
15) A song that makes you want to fall in love: Just Like Heaven- The Cure
16) A song that breaks your heart: Waterloo Sunset- The Kinks
17) A song by a band you wish were still together: Disco 2000 by Pulp biggest tragedy of my LIFE that i never got to see them play 
18) A song by a artist no longer living: Just in Time- Nina Simone 
19) A song you remember from your childhood: Bike by Pink Floyd
20) A song that reminds you of yourself: Irresponsible Alcoholic Cat Theme from that audio post 
I tag the tune masters
@achapnamedtom @iwatch-thebees @rock-n-rollin-bitch @partyclowns
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