#i can and will voluntarily go into and sit down in one alone
Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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thistransient · 11 months
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Ah, a perfect illustration for me to muse about KL.
- For some reason I expected KL to follow a similar flow; after all, I was also going back after ten years (and thereby redoing a somewhat malcontent experience with the ex). However, I made many tactical errors here. I did not make solid plans, I waffled and faffed about, unable to decide if I was staying here or going there (inevitably, I stayed as it required the least effort), I had no real meaningful social interaction, I stayed in a hotel with no breakfast, I was bereft when faced with description-less menus in down-to-earth local establishments ("what do you recommend?" or "which is your favourite?" to the server is a very dangerous question indeed). I feel somewhat remorseful that I did not commit to a bit, either complete sloth and hipster cafes, or truly dedicated tourist-ing. I also stayed directly on Jalan Petaling, and found in a strange way (okay maybe I'm really stretching for a complaint here) it detracted from the fun of going in search of the place to be if you're staying smack in the middle of it.
- When I went to Seoul I did research. I had plans. Things to see! Places to go! I stayed at a guesthouse and had some friendly interaction with the host, and daily provided breakfast. Most places I ate at had picture menus for wayward foreigners, or at least I was familiar enough with Korean food and Hangul to figure things out. It was suitable weather for rambling around. I was having a bittersweet life transition ending Chinese class, and revisiting Korea after ten years!
It was also not the weather for extended trotting about outside (I did eventually partake in the time-honoured tropical tradition of walking around the giant multi-storey AC'd mall though).
- This is not to say I didn't enjoy the hipster cafes and art spaces (once I actually got out of bed). Or staying in a hotel room bigger than my own apartment, with nice bedding (even if I never figured out how to turn on the hot water in the shower). But in hindsight it feels kind of a coagulated blur. When I was there, it was an elastic eternity, and now that I'm back, almost as if I never left. Perhaps I simply wasn't in the right frame of mind, or perhaps I was just somewhat brainwashed by the blaring music from the bars across the street until 3 or 4 AM my first few nights there.
- I will say though, I had a very heartening experience being gendered unequivocally correctly around 99% of the time. One thing about Chinese is that with no spoken gendered pronouns and a formal "you", it is very hard to tell how people are perceiving me in Taiwan until they are trying to redirect me to a different bathroom, which is really not the optimal situation in which to find this out. Malaysia is very into the sir/ma'am honorifics. I suspect there is also some effect had by a more conservative, illegal-homosexuality sort of culture where clothes and styling are great determiners of which box one gets sorted into, vs Taipei where it's fair game to assume that maybe you look like that cause you're just really, really gay?
- The metro escalators in KL go much faster than I'm used to an escalator going (I'm not complaining). The metro in KL is also disjointed and confusing and the ticket machines are uncooperative for wrangling.
- I don't want to judge a group of people on a whole based on their hospitality personas, so I'll just say at the least, Malay Malaysians working in customer service are very charming and friendly.
- I really intended to eat a ton of fruit and then I just...didn't, maybe because I am used to buying fruit whole in multi-kilo volumes and eating it at home, but the hotel was not conducive to that at all (no mini fridge, no knives).
- Every time I go to Singapore/Indonesia/Malaysia I come away wanting to learn Malay/Indonesian because it is just so delightful to look at the stack of languages in one piece of signage and have no real idea which word matches up to which in English. (Well, that's not entirely correct, I can recognise some basic things à la "saya suka makan pisang" after those two weeks couchsurfing in Sumatera some years ago. But then, I'm always torn because if I want to learn an Austronesian language I should really just go for Filipino so I can actually understand half my tumblr dash- I cracked open a teach-yourself sort of book at a hostel in Cebu once and my brain simply refused to unlatch its death grip on Chinese at the time, but maybe there's room for another grammar system in there now?)
- On the plane back there were (or so it sounded) at least two children who threw a fit and screamed bloody murder at full lung capacity (I am really not exaggerating here, it was impressive) when we experienced turbulence during takeoff and landing, but I had already put in my hotel earplugs, and simply smiled to myself thinking of how I'd learned, through a visit to Teotihuacán one year, that when the Aztecs sacrificed children to the rain god, the more they cried the better the rains were expected to be.
- For the first time ever at Taoyuan Airport the immigration officer examined my passport in minute detail (even some kind of little magnifying glass thing?) and asked how long I was staying, which reminded me a) I forgot to make myself look presentable and b) I claim to live here but I actually have zero guaranteed right to it at the moment (sleep deprived and not having eaten since breakfast, this threatened to send me into an emotional spiral until I reminded myself of those compounding factors and decided to save that thought for after dinner). I said I was leaving on the 19th (because that is the date for which I still have an unused exit flight). The officer seemed pacified and stamped me in for another 90 days. But maybe it is time to finally put some effort into reestablishing my formal alien residency.
- Last but not least, maybe I should have stayed in KL cause apparently Taiwan is having a heatwave and it's gonna be 39C tomorrow, and KL will be a chilly 31 or so.
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lymtw · 1 month
Toji watching as you're being buttered up, sweet talked, and undressed with unfamiliar eyes, right in front of him.
His eyes don't waver from your face as you politely smile at the half drunk man on Toji's right side. The man is slurring on and on about how you're incredibly easy on the eyes, and how you stand out even in the minimal lighting of the bar, while you just laugh and try to leave the conversation by disengaging, but once again, you're roped into talking with the man when he asks if you're single.
You would have said no voluntarily, but the question clearly struck a nerve with Toji. His hand went to the small of your back, his palm circling the area slowly. It wasn't that he was insecure, he could tell you loved him from the million times you said it a day, but it was his secure claim on you.
You looked at Toji for the first time in a minute, meeting his blown pupils with attentive eyes. You could see how irked he was by this man continuing to hit on you, and you knew that Toji would get knuckles bloody if you didn't say what you knew in your heart.
You kept your eyes on his, like you were being let into his thoughts. He was dead serious, not a glimpse of light in his eyes. You didn't want him to feel this way, so in an attempt to bring the slightest amount of comfort, you put your hand on his, squeezing with reassurance. After a few seconds of silent communication, he nodded towards the man who awaited your response.
You leaned forward again and told the stranger that you were happily taken by the handsome devil sitting beside you, pointing your thumb in Toji's direction. Toji turned and gave the guy a once over, confidence cascading over him at knowing that if push came to shove, he could rock this guy's shit. His menacing demeanor radiated off of him, making the man obviously uncomfortable. He was now being sized up by someone with much colder eyes. He nervously nodded at Toji, the action not reciprocated by the latter.
The man leaned forward, like he was going to start talking to you again, so Toji turned his attention back to you. He didn't need to keep an eye on him because the man was blocked off by him. Now, if the douchebag were to walk over to your side it would be another story, but Toji would keep him in check until he tried.
You take a sip of your soda water, some of it seeping down the corner of your lip when you hear the man address you again. Toji was quick to wipe the liquid off your face with his thumb, suppressing a grin at the small "sorry", you muttered to him. You were clearly fed up with this man who just wouldn't let up. Toji could see it in the way your eyes rolled every time you had to lean forward and look past him to look at the stranger again. Your audible sigh was the last straw. No one as grimy as this mole rat looking man should have the power to ruin your time out.
Just as Toji turned to face the man again, he grabbed his belongings and stood up, getting lost in the crowd of people around you. Toji was vibrating with adrenaline, his heart pumping in his ears from holding himself back. He had to remind himself that he wasn't out alone anymore like he was used to be. The last thing he wanted was for you to be scared and cry because he decided to make a scene and rip someone's face off.
You on the other hand looked socially exhausted, your head down on the counter.
"Baby," Toji coos, leaning in so that you can hear him. "I just can't take you anywhere, can I?" His hand goes to your head, his fingers running through your hair. "People see you, and they really can't help making assholes of themselves."
"I just wanna go home, Toji," you mumble, holding your hand out to receive the car keys. Instead, he takes your hand, pulling you up and onto your feet.
"Like hell. I'm driving." His hand is on your lower back as you step away from the bar. It goes down into the right butt pocket of your shorts, as he guides you through the crowd in search of the exit.
"You sure you're okay to drive?" You ask, looking up at him.
"I'm sober as a nun, baby." He grins at the little giggle you let out. He knew it was your turn to drive home this time, but he just wanted to lift your mood again after that dickhead drained it.
"You were eating up that loser's attention, weren't you?" Toji asks, side eyeing you then looking back at the road.
"It was nice for two seconds," you respond, looking out the window. "It's always nice to be considered attractive by others."
"So, i'm chopped liver, huh?" He smirks, glancing at you again. You don't respond, so he decides to cool it with the jokes. "It feels good until you start getting unwanted attention. Don't let dumbasses like that make you uncomfortable, mama." Toji's hand goes to your thigh, three squeezes to the plush to comfort you, this time. "Was about to murder the man, but he ran away like a coward." He side eyes you when he hears that intoxicatingly sweet laugh again. "Oh, that's funny?" He asks, a smirk on his face.
"You're insane," you laugh.
"Don't act like you don't love it."
Once Toji pulls into the driveway of your house, he has his intentions clear in mind. He's gonna show you how much he appreciates you. After all, you deserve it for knowing him so well and putting up with him. It's incredible that you know when he's not okay, but also when he's having a really good day, just by looking into his eyes.
You both exit the car, Toji quickly catching up to you on the other side. His hands rest on your hips as you walk, causing you to turn around and look at him.
"Face forward or you'll crash," he says, as you near the front door of your house. He pulls out his copy of your house key, swiftly unlocking the door.
You're glad Toji has a spare to your house. Who knows how many times the door would have been replaced had you not given him one. You have a habit of taking long naps, and because of it, you quickly learned that if you leave his messages unanswered for too long, he will show up at your door and knock aggressively until you answer. There was always the 'next time i'm kicking it down by the third try' comment when you finally opened the door, so you gave him the spare to avoid that scenario.
You walk ahead to your bedroom as Toji secures your house. He locks the front door, shuts the windows, and pulls down the shades before meeting you in the room.
He leans against the doorframe of your bedroom, and allows his eyes to rake over your body as you lay there like a starfish with your limbs extended.
"You gonna make room for me or what?" He asks, walking into the room.
You cross your legs together and throw your arms over your face. "Is that enough space for you? Or should I roll onto the floor to make more room?"
"Uh-uh. Nah, baby." Toji chuckles, reaching the end of your bed. He crawls towards you, effortlessly pulling your legs apart. "You're not gonna try this attitude with me. I haven't done anything to you, so put the brat away before I do it for you."
Your heart races at the threat, and you wonder if it's real, so you spare a glance at him from beneath your forearm. Contrary to his stern words, his hands are touching your skin so delicately. His fingers trace the harsh indentations the straps of your high heel left above your ankle.
"The cost of looking so fine all the time," he mutters, under his breath. You reacted like a child, only wincing at the pain once Toji paid attention to it. You didn't spare a second thought when you undid the buckles on your heels, opting to throw yourself on the bed immediately after they were off, but suddenly you needed Toji to make it stop hurting.
Toji kisses the damage, his hand wrapped around your ankle, loosely. "My own little shard of heaven," he hums into your skin. Your arms fell beside you on the bed as you admired the image before you—Toji's very high functioning attempt at healing you.
It was a welcome change, compared to the usual effect he had on you. Being Toji's lover turned you into a flammable substance, and he ignited you. He did everything he could to make his touch your greatest weakness, and now flames rise within you every time his hands meet your skin. Your body emanates heat when he trains your flammability with lingering touches.
This time was much different.
He was the chemical that put out forest fires, he was a breath blowing out a candle, he was soothing water.
He moves up your body, his lips trailing your shin before reaching your knee. His gaze meets your twinkling one. If he looks long enough, he can locate stars in your eyes. It's something that motivates him to keep going.
He takes up the space between your legs, his hand hooked into the waistband of your shorts. His fingers fiddle with the metal button and quickly undo it, pulling the zipper down before he leans forward to kiss you. You can feel the button to his jeans on your stomach, the warm metal heating up even more as it rubbed against your skin.
He chuckles, holding himself above you. "Feeling it, too, huh?"
You run your hands up his chest and the sides of his neck, before going up one more time to cup his face. You pull him closer, allowing your lips to lock with his again. Toji could tell you wanted to devour him by the way you held onto him so tight. Your hands balled up the back of his shirt into your fists, your thighs squeezing his hips.
He breaks the kiss, looking straight into your dilated pupils while you catch your breath. It was precious seeing you this way, so needy that your body started reacting on it's own. "You know, i'm always feeling you, princess," he murmurs to you, his face inches away from yours. "Want you all the time... It's almost ridiculous how often I think of fucking you." His lips press to the corner of your lips, tracing your jawline afterwards. "I say almost ridiculous because..." his lips go further, now beneath your ear, "it's my business, and I don't care."
You giggle at his attitude, your eyes shut as you thread your fingers through his hair. His breath reaches your earlobe, bringing goosebumps to your skin. "You don't care?" You repeat.
His eyes are lidded when he leans back to look at you again. "Not one fuck is spared for anything but you, ma." His hands go down to the bare skin your unbuttoned shorts revealed, feeling up the soft warmth of your waist. You squirm slightly at the roughness of his hands combined with his lustful gaze on you.
"I've got my eyes on you anytime you're in a room, got that?" He says, bowing down to kiss below your bellybutton. He looks at you through his lashes, seeing the small nod you respond with. "Do you get it or not?" He murmurs into your skin. "Gotta give me more, pretty girl."
"I know," you respond, propping yourself on your elbows to nervously meet his green eyes.
"Good. You don't take shit from anyone but me. Am I clear?"
You laugh, letting yourself fall back on the bed again. Your sudden fit of laughter brings a smirk onto Toji's face as he continues to kiss your lower body. You compose yourself, before responding to his question. "Only you, Toji."
"Mhm," he hums, his lips grazing the lace trimming of your panties. You lift your hips to let him roll the material of your shorts and underwear down. Your legs come up to kick them off. Toji sighs, "I know you wouldn't do me dirty, ever. You're too sweet. Practically incapable, mama." Your thighs became victims to his lips. Your delicate skin gained bright red blotches in uneven patterns, an act of worship from your lover.
You knew Toji this way—dominant and possessive. This was just the start, but even if he were to only mark up your lower body, you both know they're there. You'll think of him when you change your clothes, and if you don't mind them, a simple look in that direction from Toji will remind you.
"So wet, already." He can see the glistening of your arousal coated folds. "I've only been teasing you... and you're already this wet?" It's a rhetorical question. The sight has Toji practically zoning out, almost missing the flush on your cheeks from all the attention.
"Toji..." you whine, embarrased by the amusement he finds as he keeps observing you.
"Bless you, mama," he mutters, bringing his hands towards your cunt. The tip of his middle finger is the first part of him to make contact with your pussy. He glides it up and down once to see how much of your slick he can collect. You shudder at the contact, a sharp inhale lured from you.
"See that?" He holds his hand up, showing you the shiny coat on his middle finger. You look and in a split second you see him commit a heinous act, popping the finger into his mouth to suck off your juice.
"Jesus, Toji," you put your arms over your face again to hide the furious blush that ambushed it.
"Acting all disturbed when you know i'm about to put my mouth all over your pretty pussy."
You're in no place to argue when you know he's right, so you peek at him until you feel your nerves subside a little more.
"It's so perfect. Almost don't wanna make you cum." He stares at your glossy cunt, his eyes slowly trailing up your body to meet your flustered expression.
Your heart sinks. Toji was good at maneuvering his tongue. He's made you cum more times than you can count using just the muscle, so him telling you that you possibly weren't being given that option this time scared you a little.
"Could stay here forever... between these very pretty thighs." His hand caresses your one of them, his fingers splaying on it before squeezing the plush. "Say you'll let me edge you for hours, darling." He's asking out of courtesy. If he really wants to do it, there's no need to ask for permission.
"Toji," you laugh, dropping the smile when you don't see him laughing. "Please, no." You prop yourself on your elbows again, looking down at him.
"It'll be so good. Don't even worry your pretty little head." His hand presses against your stomach, signaling for you to lie down again. He goes back down, his gaze on your cunt again. He blows on it, watching you squirm at the gentle sensation. Something about the reactions makes him chuckle, lowly. You were so weak for him, you wouldn't last five minutes. With that in mind, his tongue peeks out, testing your reaction to it against your clit. Your hips push back against the mattress when the warmth meets you.
"Stay still," he says, before trying again. The tip of his tongue glides up from your entrance to your clit, eliciting a tremble from your thighs. He smirks to himself at the sound of your quiet breaths. Another stripe is traced between your folds, a more audible moan leaving you. Your thighs falter in their ability to stay open.
"What did I just say, ma? Stay still." He pries your legs open again and hooks his arms around your thighs. Won't tell you again. I'll bring out the rope next time you interrupt me."
"I-I can't do this, Toji," you say, your nervousness clear in your gaze.
"You've barely given me a chance, and you're already a nervous wreck?" He kisses your thigh, the act somewhat settling your nerves. "Just wanna play with you... and ruin you..." Toji can feel his cock throbbing more with every second that he holds back from devouring you. "...and make you cry from how bad you wanna cum. That too much to ask for?"
"N-No, I guess no-"
"Good," he cuts you off, a grin on his face. "Just lay there and look pretty. Take everything with grace like the good girl I know you are."
You sigh, not prepared for the next couple hours you would have to withstand.
"Wanna cum?" Toji asks for the nth time that night, a twisted smile on his face while he steadily curls two fingers inside of you. Your legs tremble in your mind fucked daze, your cunt messily covered in slick and Toji's saliva. You know the answer he's gonna give you and yet you still respond with the remaining ability you have to think.
"P-Please..." you hiccup, a fresh stream of tears falling down your cheeks to accumulate with the ones that already dried. "Can I?" you attempt to sit up, your abdomen trembling as you bend slightly before falling back. "Please, Toji?" Your chest caves in with a deep breath as you try to suppress a sob.
"No," he simply says, slowly pulling his fingers out of your pulsing cunt. With all the slick that webbed onto them, he was sure you would cum so quickly if he didn't manage his pace. He sighs, fascinated by the texture of the sticky fluid on his fingers. "Poor thing," he coos, as if his boxers aren't drenched with a significant amount of precum. "You look angelic when you cry for me." His hand strokes your thigh while he peppers kisses onto the other one.
You breathe shakily when you feel his hand getting close to your pussy again. "Ready to go again?" He asks, a sly grin on his face when he meets your glossy eyes.
"Toji..." you swallow, shaking as he narrows his focus on your ruined cunt.
"Hm?" He hums, dizzy on his own obsession with making you beg for something he doesn't want to give you just yet.
"Please, I can't wait anymore. You're killing me."
Toji didn't mean to take it this far, at first. He solely intended to make you feel loved after seeing the switch in your demeanor at the bar. He was gonna kiss up your body and whisper his favorite things about you while he made love to you. Then he was between your legs and you were looking down at him with that warmth in your eyes, visually proving that you loved him to death, so he decided it was best to break you instead. He had to make your eyes roll into the back of your head.
"You can handle it. You're my good girl, and you know this gets me off, so you're gonna take it, right?"
Once again, you're left with no chance of refusing. What's another while of not being able to cum?
Toji was lapping at your cunt like you were fading away and he would never get to taste you again. He was relentless with your clit, pointing his tongue in order to abuse it with precision.
"A-Ah, fuck...Toji," you whimpered. "Please... please, Toji, please. Can I..."
"Mmm..." Toji hums, sucking on your clit. He's ignoring your pleas for mercy, too enveloped in your sweetness to think about your aching need to cum. He knows you want it, and little do you know that he's getting it to you.
"Wanna cum, baby?" He asks you one more time, his middle finger teasing your entrance.
"Use your words, mama. Try that again." It doesn't help that he's thumbing at your clit, rubbing slowly, causing you to stutter and your thoughts to fall through.
"Y-Yes, please," you respond, shuddering afterwards. "Please, make me cum."
His fingers reentered you, immediately curling and abusing the sensitive spot hidden within you. His tongue focused on your clit, swirling around it with that devilish pointed tongue. You were completely ruined by the time you came. Toji pulled his fingers out of you, in favor making out of with your pussy, his lips gliding up and down your slit as you vibrated beneath him. You fisted the sheets beneath you, loud, broken moans leaving you as wave after wave of pleasure was inflicted onto your core.
"T-Toji!" You moaned, whimpering as he continued to devour you. Your juices covered the lower half of his face, dripping down his chin, and onto the collar of his shirt. Your thighs clamped around his head and your hand pulled at his dark locks as you rolled your hips against his face until you couldn't stand it anymore. "Oh god... oh fuck!" you pant. "N-No more, no more, Toji." Your thighs are shut tightly around his head, barely working to get him to stop.
He unlatches from your clit with a pop, his hands coming up to pull your thighs apart. You look at him through heavy, lidded eyes. His lips are glossy with your cum on them, his chin was dripping in it as well. After a minute of just listening to your heavy breathing, Toji climbs up your body again, your sensitive cunt twitching at the feeling of his jeans brushing up against it. His hands go to the sides of your head, sparing him stability so he lean down and kiss you. You can taste yourself on his lips and his tongue as the flavor is distributed between your mouths.
He breaks the kiss, his face still inches away from yours. "You taste that, right?"
"Mhm," you mumble, lightheaded from your lack of breath.
"I can have that taste in my mouth whenever I want. Aren't you jealous?"
"Mm... no, 'cause you can always share it with me. Put some of it on my tongue. Some mouth to mouth action..." you spare a lazy grin for Toji
He chuckles. "That was a once in a lifetime thing, doll. I'm all for sharing anything with you, but that's all for me."
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dirtysvthoughts · 1 year
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oh, so y'all thought i wasn't gonna write about this? everyone's gonna suffer along with me on this thursday, bc he's literally my adonis, his sexy ass </3
general tags/warnings: boyfriend!chan, female! reader, sexting into video call sex, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, reader (kenny) is obsessed with chan's muscle groups
word count: 1.3k
notes: y'all this chan dropped this morning, had me feeling things, and then this was born, god he's so sexy, wanna suck him off so bad.. anyways, hope y'all enjoy and lemme know if ya liked it :')
imagine chan working out after his schedule, alone in the gym, finishing his last set of weights. he notices his phone light up from across the room, picking it up from where he left it on the floor. he smiles as your name appears along with the green message icon, envisioning your sweet voice as he reads your text:
baby: heyyy, how was ur day? been thinkin about you 🤍
you lie in your bed, in nothing but one of chan's t-shirts and a pair of panties. chan was coming to see you later on the day, and you couldn't wait. even though it had only been a few days since you last saw each other, you couldn't get enough of him. as your mind continues to wander, the ping of a new notification immediately brings you back to reality.
channie: it was pretty good, i'm about to finish my workout. i've been thinking about you too, pretty girl :)
you clench around nothing as you read his new message over two things. one, he called you pretty girl which always got you going; two, he was at the gym. working out. probably shirtless. all of beautifully shaped muscles on display.
you never admitted this to your boyfriend directly, but you were obsessed with his muscles. his shoulders and back are so broad and strong, you felt them up whenever you could. whenever his arms flexed while doing something, you couldn't help but bite down on your lip, thinking about what it would be like to slightly tighten his grasp when his hands were on your throat. and his abs? you so desperately wanted to sink down on them and ride chan, praising him for how sculpted he is and how he makes you feel so good.. all this was on your mind and more as you typed out your response.
baby: oh? ur working out today? 😏 knowing you, ur shirt's probably somewhere across the room 🤣
chan smirks, laughing to himself at your guess. he still had his white shirt on with his sleeves rolled up, but something in him wanted to take the conversation in a new direction.
chan: i mean, it's not, but who's to say i can't take it off right now?
chan: maybe send you a pic or two...
you freeze at the most recent message. you were already needy for him, and he was voluntarily giving you the chance? you couldn't pass this up.
baby: chan, don't tease me.. pls..
baby: if ur serious about this, then lemme see
baby: wanna have you pin me down with those arms 😩
without a second thought, chan takes off his shirt and tosses it across the room. he angles himself in the mirror correctly so you can see all of him, his left arm holding the waistband of his shorts as if he wants you to see more.
then, he takes a video, the camera facing him this time. not saying a word, he smirks at the camera as it goes from his face all the way down to his waist, making sure you could see his defined muscles up close.
he can feel his dick get hard as he types out his next message, sitting down on one of the benches, already thinking about what he would do to you later on that night.
channie: [image]
channie: [image]
channie: [video]
channie: how is it, pretty girl? like what you see? 😏
you were already gone, hands playing with your clit outside your panties, thinking about the last time you had sex with chan. how he pinned you down, how his thrusts were so strong, and how his muscles flexed so deliciously...
you grab your phone with your free hand, and you whimper at the pics he sent you. but you're not ready when you press play on the video, moaning at how insanely hot he is, and he wasn't even doing much.
baby: fuck, channie
baby: ur so fucking sexy
baby: i need u so so bad 🥺
chan moves to lock the door of the room he was in, making sure no one could disturb or see him. he sits back down and opens up the camera again, this time taking a video of him from the waist down.
channie: [video]
channie: need you too, baby
channie: so much that my dick is rock hard now
channie: need you inside of me too
you open the video to reveal chan's big dick, his hands running up and down his shaft, his tip starting to get red. you were in a trance at how he moved, your hands starting to hurt from moving faster.
an idea pops in your head, and you find the voice recorder, tapping on it and the numbers appear across the screen.
"mmm, channie, a-ahh, channie... i'm so wet for you, i'm touching myself but it doesn't f-feel the same at all," you whine feeling your stomach starting to coil, "want you to make me come all over my sh-sheets, a-ah!"
you hit send, and sit up, not wanting to come just yet. you get your vibrator from your drawer, glancing at your phone and noticing that chan has listened and kept your dirty little voice message. seconds after, his name flashes across your screen as a video call. you toss your vibrator on the bed, and set up your phone on top of your pillows. you accept the call just before it disappears.
"damn, my pretty girl doesn't waste any time, does she?" is the first thing you hear as you lift up your shirt so he could see your lower body. you grab the vibrator and slowly place it on your clit, looking directly into the camera as you begin to grind down, loudly moaning at how it amplified how you were feeling.
"s-shit, ch-chan," is all you can manage to say in the moment.
"does it feel good, baby? i know you already wish it was me filling that tight pussy up," he groans as he goes back to touching himself. "god, you're gonna be so in for it tonight."
"i wish you were here, this vibrator only does so much, you're so much better, fuck, those pics you sent me turn me on so much.. you're so big and broad, i just want you ruin me and make me yours."
he smirks, wanting to take you further to the edge. "well, who makes you feel this good, baby? who always gets you so wet your panties are soaked? say my name, baby, tell me you're mine," he tilts his head back as he moves his hand faster on his dick.
"i'm yours, chan, i'm yours! 'm gonna cum, gonna cum, love you s-so much, are you close? " you whine, feeling your climax quickly approaching.
" 'm getting there baby, but you're gonna cum? do it for me then, baby. cum all over those sheets while you're thinking of me fucking you, can't wait to get inside of you.."
you gasp for air as you finally release all of you, chanting his name as if it was the only ting you knew. seeing you cum, chan comes into his hands, his fingers coated in his own juices.
"channie," you sweetly say as you bring your fingers to your mouth, licking them clean, teasing him by taking them in and out. "don't you wanna come taste me yourself?"
he groans out, clearly enjoying the extra show you were putting on for him. "you better take off those panties and get ready for me," he says as he comes out of view to grab his shirt. "i'm hightailing it to your place, i need to have you."
"then come make me feel good baby," you say as you blow a kiss, smiling at chan, ending the video call.
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weneeya · 1 month
Another request 👉🏼👈🏼
Depressed geto × reader , Their first meeting and their attraction to each other, and how geto finally felt like he could breathe after he felt happy with her and fell in love with her.
saving his life w/ geto m.list | rules
note. thank you for your request!! I'll try my best then <3 requests are open :)
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The last few days, or even weeks, were pretty hard for Geto Suguru. Since the incident with his best friend and their mission, Suguru hasn't been the same. He was clearly overthinking all the time, and getting out was a real difficulty for him. He was doing the bare minimum, when he was able to. Depression was hitting hard, even if he refused to admit it. 
He was outside today, as he had to do some groceries. Nothing too much, but it was a necessity. Long black hair running down his shoulders, and visible dark circles under his eyes ; no one would dare even approach him like this. No one except you. 
He was in front of a display, looking for something, when he heard someone clear his throat. You were right behind him, with this soft look on his face, all shy at the idea of talking to him. You looked away, playing nervously with the handle of your bag. 
“Excuse me, can you help me, please? I need this, up there, but I can’t reach it,” you said, pointing out the thing on the top shelf. He looked at it, before looking back at you. He stayed silent, before grabbing the said thing, and giving it to you. A smile appeared on your lips, before you let his gaze again. 
“Thank you!” You told him, before slightly waving at him. In those words, you left to go back to doing your own groceries. He stayed there for a few moments before a soft smile left his lips, going back to what he was doing. 
After this, you met each other a few times. It was like fate wanted you to meet again and again. It was in random situations, and soon or later he learned your name. He wasn’t really in the mood  to meet anyone, or even to let anyone come into his life ; but you were so sweet, all the time. 
You were like a ray of light in the dark hell of his mind. You were constantly the only positive thing that happened in his day every time he was meeting you. You were just here, with your bright smile and your soft voice. No matter how bad he felt, it was always better when you were here. 
He wasn’t so sure about how he felt about you. It was a bit messy in his head because he was so lost with himself and his own emotions. But after some time, he started to see you voluntarily. In fact, he was asking you out for dates, but he wouldn’t admit it. He wasn’t ready to even think about a relationship right now. 
But you were, and you knew that you started to like him. Suguru was a man who was getting killed slowly by his own mind, and you didn’t want to let him stay in this hell alone. You wanted to help him, and he was willing to let you do it, then you would. 
Day after day, you were growing closer to each other. And finally, Suguru started to realize how he felt towards you. You were a new breath in his life, and he knew that he couldn’t get out of this alone. He needed help, and letting you get into his life would probably be the first step for this. This is why he decided to speak to you about it. 
He called you, asking you to join him in his own apartment, which you did without hesitation. You were a bit worried about him, because he wasn’t really letting you in too frequently. Something inside of you was telling you that something happened. You were glad to see that you were wrong. 
Suguru offered to come sit on the couch with him, and you did without saying anything. Both of you stayed silent for a few moments, before he broke it. He sighed slowly, before massaging his temples. He looked at you, hesitating for some time. 
“I wanted to thank you. You’re helping me, probably more than you would think, and I needed to say thank you,” he started, and you were ready to answer when he stopped you by raising his hand a little. “Let me finish, please.” 
You nodded slowly, and he pursued his words. “I think I’m ready to get some help, for real I mean. But I can’t do this alone. And…” He sighed one more time, rubbing his cheek as he was searching for his words. “What I’m trying to say is that I would love to have you in my life. More than this, I mean.” 
You looked at him without saying anything, processing what he had just said. You weren’t so sure of what he meant, or at least you were scared that you understood it wrong. You were looking into his eyes, before you finally answered. “Are you… asking me out?” 
He looked away, and you could see a hint of a blush over his cheeks. You took it as a yes, and a soft smile appeared on your lips. You slowly grabbed his hands, making him look back at you. “I’d love that, Suguru.” 
This time, it was his turn to process your words. He hoped with everything that you would say yes, but a part of him was scared that he would make you run away. And as you were ready to say something, he simply took your face between his hands to kiss you like his life was depending on it. 
It was only the first step, but he knew that with you in his life, nothing could go wrong.
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hope you liked it!! I've done my best, sorry if it's not perfect :(
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Hi! Saw that you write for Carina De Luca and I am so hyped!! Can I request one where Reader waits for Carina at the bar after work and while she waits, there is thus woman who flirts with her? Carina has to watch it, swears un Italian before she goes all jealous mode? (Romantic)
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Authors note: My Italian is not that good that I can say I translated everything correctly but I tried. Also, I did not really use swear words, but rather statements that show Carina´s anger because all the swear words I know, somehow did not fit Carina since she is more of a classic woman with decency.
You looked around, lost in thought. You stood in the front door of the bar, looking for a beautiful Italian woman you had arranged to meet after work here. Your gaze wandered around, but Carina probably had not arrived yet.
You went purposefully to the bar and took the last two seats that were still free. Before you could even take off your coat, the bartender sat down in front of you. She gave you a cheeky grin and you smiled kindly, trying to forget all the crap of the day.
"What can I get the pretty lady?" she asked and you looked at her helplessly. When you went to parties with Carina, you always held back your alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, you were not usually the person who would drink this brew voluntarily.
But on those days when nothing made sense and everything went wrong from the first thing in the morning, you needed something strong. "I dunno, just bring me something strong, please" you answered and she looked at you skeptically but nodded.
You looked around the bar again. There were small groups of tables everywhere, which were all occupied on a Friday evening. People were talking motionless and laughing while you were the only one still sitting alone.
"How come a woman like you is here on her own tonight?" the bartender started mixing the tequila in a shaker with some strawberries that had previously been strained. Her green eyes, sparkling like emeralds in the bar light not leaving you for a second. She scanned you up and down, her head cocked and a faint smile on her lips. "Like me?"
"Sweet, beautiful, charming, classy.. shall I continue?" she poured the strawberry margarita into a suitable glass and placed it in front of you. "Thank you. Both for the compliments and for the drink,"
You thought the bartender would let go of you and get back to work, but she stayed. She leaned on the counter with her elbows, her white blouse revealing a plunging neckline through an open button. You looked at your opposite and took a sip of your drink, it burned in your throat sharply and made you grimace.
The woman in front of you laughed.
"Too strong?" you looked up slightly annoyed and hoped that she would let go of you. You were not a person who would strictly forbid anyone to speak to you or seemed generally antipathetic, but this was something else.
The woman saw the ring on your finger, did you often catch her eyes glancing at the diamond-encrusted, glittering stone in the middle of a silver band that held it in the setting. Still, she was not counting on stopping flirting with you.
Her hand lay on your forearm, gently stroking it up and down with her fingertips. Her long sleeve was perfect cuffed at the elbows, showing an winding tattoo. This woman was persistent. You withdrew your arm from under her touch and leaned further back in your bar stool to gain some distance.
"We do not know each other and I.."
"Hi, I am Ava," your counterpart introduced herself quickly, interrupting your sentence. The brunette held out her hand and a slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "And you are?"
As soon as Carina entered the old bar, drunk guests fluttered towards the Italian and prevented her from getting a precise overview of the room, in which she was only looking for a single person.
But even though she burned every physical feature of you into her eyes and memory, she could not find you anywhere between the numerous people. You had been swallowed up by the turmoiling crowd in front of her and she groaned in annoyance. "Excuse me,"
Carina tiptoed through the people with difficulty, making the walk into a breakneck slalom while being careful not to pick up spilled beer on her expensive suit or touch any lit cigarettes and get burned.
As she rounded the little corner, she stopped abruptly in her tracks before her jaw dropped. In front of her stretched out a little scene that she had experiences many times before, but which made her incandescent every time. Anger rose up inside her like a thundercloud and she bit her lip in frustration.
Surprisingly, she spotted you sitting at the bar with your back showing to her. In front of you, a brunette whose hair was pulled back into a messy bun, some lose strands of hair framing her face. Her lips covered with red lipstick grinned cheekily at you while touching what was Carina´s.
"Per il mio bene, c'è un giorno in cui non flirta?" (for the sake of myself, is there one day where she does not get flirted on?). Visibly judging, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The brunette wrapped her arms around her body and darted looks were thrown in your direction, which unfortunately were not fatal to the young woman in front of you. Sciocco, che non conosci limiti quando vedi quel fottuto anello a lei dito (Fool, that you know no bounds when you see that fucking ring on her finger)
She walked skillfully and with an upright, straight gait towards the bar while being able to catch the conversation just in time before you could answer the bartender.
"In a relationship. With me. Hi, I am Carina DeLuca,"
Startled, you jerked around in your seat and looked into your girlfriend´s delicate face. Her voice was deep and sounded annoyed, a dark gloming look in her eyes as she looked down at your lips and then back to your eyes while cocking her head to the side.
You could feel your heart start to beat insanely fast at her close presence, the smell of her expensive perfume, that expressed your wife´s contradictory and timeless nature, intoxicated you. Almost like she was trying to lure you to her lips instantly. "You really took your time,"
Carina´s jaw clenched at your remark and her body came dangerous close to yours. With her upper body, she leaned into you, smirking while her lips ghosted over yours. You felt your cheeks heat up at your close distance. Flustered, you watch up at her, feeling your body beaming at the graze of her soft skin on yours.
A strand of hair that managed to free itself from behind her ear fell onto your cheeks, momentarily pulling your gaze away from her lingering eyes before your eyes shut at her close proximity, butterflies filling your stomach. "Ochi su di me, bella" (eyes on me, beautiful). Carina mumbled darkly into your ear, making you shiver at the close distance of her lips on your earlobe, feeling your heartbeat raging in your throat.
Her hand was laying still and quietly over your throat, gently wrapping her fingers around it. With a little bit of pressure on the sides of it, you let out a whispered moan, leaving your mouth gasping before her lips slammed onto your own.
You melted into her touch as she pulled you even closer, your hands unconsciously gripping her waist. "Ti possiedo," (I own you). The brunettes voice was deep and husky. You could feel your breath hitching as you looked into her darkened and heated eyes, filled with lust. Her lips made contact with your jaw line, prepping it with a few small kisses. "Cazzo, mi fai impazzire" (Shit, you drive me crazy)
Carina let go of you and pulled you a little closer before putting an arm tightly around you. She threw a wide, cheeky grin at the bartender but at the same time a glare that reflected pure jealousy.
Unsure, Ava´s fingernails scraped the dark wood beneath her. The whole thing, that played out in front of her made her slightly uncomfortable. Nonetheless, question marks flooded above her head and could lit up whole Seattle. Her curiosity was piqued.
"So.. you are her wife?" she pointed to the ring on your finger and Carina started to chuckle loudly. Carina pulled your jacket off the bar stool and hastily held it open for you to slip into. She was impatient, almost jittery. "No, princess. I got the ring from a children's vending machine and just gave it to her,"
Ava raised her eyebrows sharply and grabbed your empty cocktail glass from the table as quickly as possible. Nervously, she pulled a washcloth from her shoulder and made a beeline for the other side of the bar. Her gaze was constantly lowered without once looking in your direction again. "I did not know you were the jealous type?"
Fully dressed to go out again, Carina grabbed you tightly by the wrist and dragged you through the crowd. She wasted no time pushing people out of her way, just wanting to get you out of here and bring you back to the apartment where she had you all to herself. "Woah, where are we going? I thought we were supposed to stay a little longer?"
"I need to do something about that little flirt you just pulled, teaching you some manners"
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hello, I wanted to make an ask, if you are accepting of course. How about the women of Inazuma being caught on a bad day by the male reader looking deep into their eyes and talking "I need you to sit on my face, no time for explanations" and if they do, he stays there serving them until they get better
Facesitting headcanons with Inazuma girls!
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Raiden Ei // Sangonomiya Kokomi // Nagonahara Yoimiya // Yae Miko // Kuki Shinobu // Kujou Sara // Kamisato Ayaka
CW: Male!Reader
NSFW under the cut.
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"Listen. I need you to sit on my face, right now. No time to explain."
Yae Miko
“Hm… I will take you up on that offer, little one.”
Miko steps closer, and pulls your chin up with her hand. As you see the pure thirst in her eyes, you feel all the confidence you once had leave your body. She grabs your collar, and pulls you by it towards the bed. 
Your tongue was numb by the time Miko was feeling better. 
Kujou Sara
“Alright… ? Lead the way…”
Poor Sara, she’s so oblivious. She realizes what this is about only when you pull her panties aside and dive in. 
“What are you d- Ah!”
Five minutes of clit sucking were able to make her forget not only the troubles of the day, but her name as well.
Sangonomiya Kokomi
She gets a little shy and scurries away, returning with two of her favorite toys - a leashed collar and a pair of handcuffs. 
"Just don't hold back, please."
You need a strong pair of arms for this. She'll get very squirmy after two orgasm, desperate to get her overstimulated pussy away from your merciless tongue. Kokomi wants you to stop only when she literally passes out from your assault on her folds. 
Kuki Shinobu
She nods, and leads you to the couch. After you get into position and start serving her cunt, she can't help but notice that tent you pitch in your pants. She sets your cock free so she gets something nice to look at while you work your tongue. 
Yet Shinobu has quite a lot of frustration to get rid of, and your dick seems so lonely. It's just standing there, hard and throbbing with a perfect pair or round, sensitive balls at the base, just begging for her attention. Her Vision lights up, and you know how it goes from here… 
"Ugh, stop crying! Or do you want me to give you a real reason to cry?" 
Nagonahara Yoimiya 
Her mood instantly lifts. She chuckles, and drags you by the wrist to the bed. No point wasting time, she thinks. 
“T-thanks y/n… ah… m-means a lot…”
Being the good girl she is, Yoimiya will feel a little guilty about having all the pleasure to herself. So, she’ll lean down and voluntarily choke on your cock (as much as your tongue allows her to). Every oral session with her turns into a sixty-nine, as the girl just can’t keep her hands and throat away from you.
Raiden Ei
She licks her lips, and approaches you. Her hands start to circle around your chest, lightly teasing your clothed nipples. 
“How thoughtful of you, my love. But I’m afraid…”
You gasp as she presses against you, hand clasped firmly around your hardening length. She leans down to your ear.
“... that your nimble tongue is the least you can offer me, yes?”
The archon will pull you into her Plain of Euthymia. After she’s done with you, your unconscious, limp and completely fucked out body will be dropped right on your bed. 
Kamisato Ayaka
Ayaka blushes, and looks down.
“Would you… really do it for me?”
She doesn’t want to take off her dress, so you’ll be working underneath the fabric. Ayaka really likes it, because it makes her imagination work. And the filthy, wet noises of you sucking and just devouring her folds certainly make her mind work overtime. She’s going to try and pleasure you as well, but her pussy is just too sensitive, so your dick will be left alone, leaking precum and throbbing at every beautiful whine that falls from her lips. 
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Thanks for reading!
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Hedwig asks #1
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Next one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: a little suggestive, yandere, manipulation, blackmail
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How would Hedwig react if s/o left on vacation without telling her?
...what has she done to you? Hedwig will 100% freak out. She'll be so anxious and scared that she faints and won't be able to go to school. She stays shaking under her sheets with tears running down her cheeks. She'll call you hundreds of times and leave a dozens of messages where she BEGS you to answer. She's nothing without you, so why can't you just answer?! When she gets to know what you've done and why you have left her alone, she'll be so mad at you that you regret everything. She'll book her own flight and go to you because you can not escape her. Wherever you go, she goes.
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How would Hedwig deal with an escape artist s/o who doesn't leave, lets say her s/o rejects her she kidnaps them and ties them up only for her to turn around and their sitting down like it's a regular Monday morning and is just like "It's pretty nice here I think I'm gonna stay😀"
"W-What did you say?" she stutters.
She can't believe how you got out of the ropes so quickly or why you aren't screaming. She'll be white as a ghost trying to understand that you're staying voluntarily. Suddenly, she'll feel ashamed of kidnapping you.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I-I thought that ... you know ... that you didn't want to be with me. You rejected me ... remember? But I'm not mad! Not anymore! Not when you accepted to stay. I will make up for the bruises you got. I apologize for that. Should I get the first aid kit?"
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would like to see a scenario where readers parents are protective and wary of rich people bc they think rich people look down on people and hedwig tries to get them to like her
You try to convince your parents that Hedwig is different, but they're not buying it. 'Every rich person is the same, only caring about themselves', they say.
Hedwig has invited them over for dinner to show how well mannered and down to earth she is. Or that's at least what she hopes she is. You're trying to calm her down, but winning your parents over means everything to her. She wants to be the perfect daughter in law.
When they come over, Hedwig is on her best behavior. You think she's acting silly, being too friendly, too well behaved. It's unnatural. Your parents are reserved and quiet. You can see their eyes light up slightly when Hedwig tells them that the chef has prepared their favorite meal. She adds on that you've helped her make this special.
During the dinner, Hedwig asks your parents questions and tries to hold back her usual talk about things she does. She doesn't want to seem unrelatable. She engages in conversations, just like she does when talking to you, and gives appropriate comments. It almost feels rehearsed.
Hedwig even gives them a gift. Nothing flashy, nothing expensive. Just a box of chocolate as a 'thanks for coming'. She gives you a hopeful look. Maybe your parents will start to change their attitudes about her.
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Can you do Hedwig and her s/o who doesn’t know what to do with their life? Like any career doesn’t really interest them
You sigh, rolling over on your stomach to let the sun grace your back.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Hedwig asks from the towel beside you.
"Nothing, I've just had time to think now that we're free from school and ... I realized that I don't know anything. I don't know what I want to be, i don't know myself and I don't know how the world works. I don't think school prepared me for anything."
Hedwig sighs and sits up to look at you. Her white bikini glows against her sunkissed skin. Hedwig thought that you and her could spend the first week of summer break at her house by the pool.
"You don't have to stress", she says. "It's not like you will become homeless. You have all the time in the world to figure out what you'd like to do ... but you could just be a stay at home partner. I wouldn't mind. I can always pay for the both of us. You could dive deeper into your hobbies instead of working!"
Hedwig won't admit out loud that she'd rather have you be a stay at home partner than go out into the big, scary world every day to work a heartless job. She doesn't want to share you with the world.
"Do you know what you want to be?" you ask her.
"I don't have to be something", Hedwig smiles back. "I have enough money to last a lifetime. But ... you're right. It's boring being able to do everything you want anytime you want it. Getting a job would make me a bit more occupied. Model, maybe?"
"You seem to have an idea at least."
"Darling ... you don't have to stress it. I have a wonderful future planned for us. We're going to go on a lot of vacations and just enjoy life. Doesn't that sound nice? Don't stress about it. Just stay with me and you won't have to worry."
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Hedwig trying to explain to reader why they would make an amazing couple and family
If the laws of physics doesn't bend to her will, she'll force them to bend :)
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If I may what is Hedwig's finger size??? Asking for research purposes obviously ☺️ (HEDWIG PLEASE MARRY ME IM SO GAY FOR YOUUUWUVVVWWBINFRRFCE💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖)
Hm yeah, research purposes oBVIOUSLY. hedwig will marry you in a heartbeat.
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How would Hedwig react to a teasing reader marking her neck. And then when things start to get even more passionate, they just completely stop and walk away like nothing happened
Her entire body will go weak with your touch. She'll start to use grabby hands to get you closer and whine. She's pudding in your hands. You pull her closer, making sure to put pressure points where you know she likes them only to let her go and walk away. She blinks in confusion.
"Y-Y/N, no, don't leave! You can't leave me like this! Y/N, come back! Please!"
Hey ! I love your fic about hedwig and the f-boy, and after reading it I wondered what would happen if he actually leaves her because she broke his trust ??Ps: your blog is so pretty &lt;3
[thank you so much!!]
oneshot this is based off of
She won't let him. Hedwig's a fantastic manipulator, but if he can see through that ... she'll take drastic measures and keep him with her. She'll blackmail, kidnap and convince him.
"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. You know I love you. A lot. That's why I'm doing this. You have to understand that what I'm doing is the right thing. Now, please open your mouth so I can feed you."
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How do you think hedwig would react if her darling wasn't into women
Hedwig would be so sad. In her perfect world, you love her and she loves you, but if you're not into women, she'll try to act platonic with you. if she can't have you romantically, she'll at least have you as her friend. She can't imagine a life without you in it and will do her best to be the person you want her to be.
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GOSHHH, I LOVE HEDWIG SO MUCH..I just wanna spend a day just purely spoiling her with attention. You write so well!! It made me developed a hunger for this type of writing. 😖
Oh my god thank you so much! i'm so glad you like both Hedwig and the writing <333
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hsgucci94 · 2 years
The sex talk
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Content warnings: none :)
Word count: 900
When it came to your relationship, Harry was all about talking things out and making sure you were both comfortable with each other. You, however, had a hard time mouthing your opinion and expressing how you felt, and that was the main reason why you had been avoiding him all day.
You joined him and the boys on tour a couple of days back, and after a few months together that were mostly spent separated because of his touring schedule and your college obligations, Harry just wanted a few minutes alone with you to discuss some things regarding your relationship. You knew what that meant, you were clever enough to read between the lines, so you were well aware the conversation was going to revolve around sex.
Sex, sex, sex. A three-letter word that you found equally fun and embarrassing. Even though you were not a virgin, you still found sex talks uncomfortably unpleasant. Maybe it was your parents’ fault for always making it feel like such a big deal, or maybe if was your ex’s for never making you feel confident enough when practising it.
Either way, there was just no way you would voluntarily sit down to talk about it with your boyfriend, so you were now hiding in places you knew he wouldn’t be looking for you. First it was Niall’s hotel bedroom, where you and him casually played some FIFA for about forty minutes. Then it was the catering room, with the not-so-excuse of helping Sara’s Kitchen get lunch ready for the whole team. Now, you were on the small lounge no one ever used, hoping that Harry wouldn’t think about looking for you there.
But he did.
“Baby?,” you heard him calling you from afar. You froze, and instinctively closed your eyes, as if by doing so he wouldn’t be able to spot you as soon as he opened the door, which he did. “Oh, here you are,” he smiled, looking at you on the couch, “Was starting to think you were avoiding me,” he half joked, half not, chuckling a bit. You bit your lower lip, showing him a guilty smile. He then walked over to you and took the empty seat next to yours. “What’s up?”
You gulped at his question. You really didn’t want to do that now, or ever. You passed a hand through your hair, strategically avoiding his gaze.
He frowned when he realised so and only got closer to you, his hand now resting on your knee to try get your attention, “Alright... What’s wrong, baby?”
“I know you want us to talk about sex.”
“Yeah,” he simply nodded, “Now that we’re gonna spend the next three weeks together I think it might be likely to happen, so I want us both to be on the same page.”
“It’s just… Why do we need to talk about it? It happens when the moment feels right, no need to foresee it.”
“Yes… but no?,” he giggled, and waved his hand in his direction, motioning you to get closer to him. He grabbed your leg and passed it over his, your shoulders now brushing together. “Talking about it makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it?,” he mumbled, and you rested your head on his shoulder so that you could hide from him the crimson red that was starting to cover up your cheeks.
“It isn’t something I’m not familiar with but, um, I don’t know… I kinda feel embarrassing letting someone know what I do and don’t like during sex,” you admitted.
“Hiding any weird kinks?,” he joked, rising his eyebrows.
You giggled, “No, you idiot.”
“You sure?,” he chuckled, tickling you.
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes, smiling.
“Alright, alright… Then maybe we can discover some together?”
You giggled again, lifting your head to be able to properly look at him, “Would you be up for that?”
“Trying new things with you? Only if you’re up for it, too,” he admitted.
“That’s new…”
“What exactly?”
“Having someone who wants me to find things I enjoy in that sense as well.”
“Really?,” he asked, surprised.
“Yeah, so far it’s just been me adjusting to what they liked…”
“Damn. You weren’t lying when you said you’ve only dated douchebags, baby.”
You giggled a bit, and pressed your forehead against his shoulder trying to both stifle your laugh and somehow hide your embarrassment. Then you looked up at him and fixed your eyes on his lips, suddenly wanting to taste them so bad. “Can I just kiss you and… see where it leads us?,” you softly spoke.
“On one condition,” he replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You waited expectantly for him to continue. “You have to let me know if you aren’t enjoying it.”
You nodded, and then slowly pressed your lips against his, burying your fingers in the back of his hair. Harry’s arms wrapped around your lower back and pulled you to him until you were fully sat astride on his lap. The soft, delicate movements of his lips on yours felt like magic, and made something in you light up. You grabbed his hands from your back and slowly moved them up inside your t-shirt, positioning them over your boobs.
He smirked mid-kiss, “Baby…, I think we should lock the door first…”
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tigersullivan01 · 11 months
Mother figure Alma Peregrine x teen reader - little trouble pt3
After breakfast with my amazing face-plant Miss Peregrine puts me on a folded up towel on the kitchen table as she does the dishes. 
“You’re really not a morning person are you?  Common you need to wake up foxy, how is your forehead feeling?” She gently grabs my snout and inspects my forehead. 
“Mmmm it looks fine, you’ll probably be a little sensitive but that’s it” I slowly start to wake up as she makes a picnic lunch and packs it into a basket before gathering all the children in the hallway, I groggily jump down from the table and head to the hall and leans lazily against the door. 
“Alright everyone I expect you all to behave when we go out, stay in my sight at all times and don’t go too far out into the water”  Miss Peregrine says before opening the door and ushering everyone outside including me, I walk a bit behind everyone as I look around at the different flowers and butterflies as they fly around. I hear Miss Peregrine’s footsteps closing in as she walks beside me in an even pace. 
“Do you prefer to be a fox? You appear to often be in that state, can I accommodate you better in any way so you can be more comfortable?” Wa-?…..that’s a first I simply rock my head from side to side to give her a no. Honestly I’m to shocked to answer, why would she care about that stuff? 
We get to the beach and I feel the warm sand underneath my paws and the salty breeze coming from the ocean. I walk up to the water and testing the temperature, god it’s freezing!……….I slowly waddle out into the water and tries to not shiver, with one slightly bigger wave I’m completely soaked, I start swimming around a little as  the other children get into the water. Millard laughs and pulls me with him and Hugh further out into the ocean, the water doesn’t feel that cold anymore. Miss Peregrine comes into the water and joins us, putting a hand under my stomach so i don’t need to constantly swim to stay afloat. 
“Y/n you’re freezing” She comments and picks you up in her arms above water, staying in the water a little longer playing with the children before walking back on the beach and wrapping me up in a big towel before she sits down on her beach chair and putting me on her lap as she takes out the packed lunch. 
The children return to eat as I stay in her lap getting fed a sandwich and small pieces from the others. 
“Children Y/n isn’t a pet, eat your own food and let them eat their own” Miss Peregrine scolds lightly before taking out the fruit from the basket, grabbing a strawberry and holding it up for me. It’s really good but weird, being close to someone, getting to choose what i eat, getting touched by others voluntarily and happily. It’s a little overwhelming, so many people so close, so loud when they eat or laugh, the sun so bright you can barely see, the white towels reflecting the sun even brighter, the birds screAMING, THE WATER HITTING THE ROCKS, THE GLASSES CLICKING TOGETHER, THE PAPER AROUND THE SANDWICHES CRUMBLING, TH- 
“Y/n?…foxy it’s okay” Wha- I’m in Miss Peregrine’s arms holding me tightly, me pressed back against her abdomen, the half eaten strawberry in the sand. 
“Y/n listen to me, it’s okay you’re just overwhelmed, it’s okay” She grabs a dark towel and covers me with it, darkness, voices dampened, a hand on my back,….alone….alone with people…a strawberry? I’m not saying no to that. 
Happily munching on a strawberry as Miss Peregrine slowly lifts the towel up and looks down at me. 
“Feeling better?……you seem to like strawberries, the children left the rest for you. Look you have a hole bowl of them” she says encouragingly and holds up another one for me before she chuckles slightly and grabs a tissue wiping off my snout. 
“Someone has a little pink beard and mustache” happily munching on the fruit as I watch the other children play in the water, it’s quite peaceful like this.
pt3! Finally, apologize for the wait / Tiger
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thetarttfuldickhead · 5 months
As big an OT3 shipper as I am, I have to admit that both Roy and especially Keeley both would have a bit of a way to go based on how they end the series in order to be fully happy in the OT3. Jamie on the other hand I'm fairly sure has been up for it since s1 ep 1, and up for it without thinking it would be mostly hate sex from Roy since about S2 ep 6.
Hiya, nonny!
Keeley, I think, absolutely need some time alone. Some time voluntarily alone, I should say,
because she was single there for a bit in season 3, but she sure as hell wasn’t happy about it. While there are issues she need to adress in order to function well long-term in a relationship  (I am still rather upset that Roy is the one to apologise in 2x07, for instance), I also believe she just needs to be on her own for a bit; focus on herself, find out who she is outside of her romantic and/or sexual relationships, decide what she wants the balance between her career and her love life to look like… all that. Interestingly, and for all that she’s emotionally competent, I think that Keeley’s the one of them furthest from actually facing her issues face on. She needs to sit with herself for a bit, come to terms with the fact that there’s things she need to work on, and things she need to figure out… (Also, for her own sake, she needs to give Jamie and Roy time to figure out how the two of them can resolve their conflicts without turning her into a mediator; but the risk of that was arguably bigger earlier on.)
Roy now… Once he understands and accepts wanting to be in a relationship with Jamie, I think he would be very happy to be in the OT3 – but that’s when it gets dicey, isn’t it; when he starts to think he’s too happy? Because then he starts to question whether it can last, whether he deserves it, whether his partners will put up with him, and why should they, when he’s suck a fucking useless twat whom they’d be much better off without? Our Roy boy certainly has some way to go yet – but he’s brave and stubborn and has already taken the first step into Dr. Sharon’s office, so I’m confident he’ll get there. (There might be some macho jealousy bullshit for him and Jamie to sort out, too… and they might get so caught up in that they initially completely miss the fact that Keeley gets jealous, too, and feels left out sometimes, just because Jamie and Roy’s thing have grown so intense over the past year when Keeley was busy with other stuff. Then there’s the whole coach/player deal which I think Jamie is very happy to disregard and Roy… might not be so much, especially not when he’s new to the manager gig. And as much as Jamie might get off on Roy being rough with him, and as much as he understands Roy in general, I think Jamie needs Roy to be a bit more expressive with his affection down the road, or Jamie will start to feel insecure and… Well. Jamie doesn’t deal well with feeling insecure.)
And as for Jamie, I agree that Jamie would have been down for a threesome right from the get-go, but I think it’s fair to say that he would not, at that time, have been able to handle a proper triad relationship. The sex? Absolutely. The rest of it… Eh. Our darling prick had a lot of growing up to do, and while you certainly can do the growing while in a relationship, I think that as hot as the hate sex would have been (to Jamie and to me!), it would have been too volatile to last -- even given the fact that Jamie would probably soften a bit with Roy when given the attention (and reluctant admiration) he wants, which would in turn have Roy soften on Jamie a bit. (That said, I adore fic that explore them getting together early, when things are still very tense between Roy and Jamie, because them trying to navigate that is just messy and delightful.)
But Jamie’s spent the last year and a half reflecting and working on his issues, and he’s also been single for that whole time (as far as we know). He is, I should argue, very ready for a relationship; but he’s not gasping for one, desperate to be with someone just to not be alone. That’s a very good place to start from, so yeah, I certainly agree that out of the three Jamie is the one best emotionally equipped for the OT3 to commence at the end of S3. Which isn’t to say that Jamie doesn’t still have issues and work to do. Roy may have been first to escalate the argument in 3x12, but Jamie went right there with him, and Jamie also has shown a tendency to overcorrect when trying to adjust his behaviour, which may well cause some hiccups down the road. Additionally, while Jamie is often very open and forthright and expressive, he also has a habit of lying when he’d rather not delve into his real feelings or reasoning. That’s going to take some dealing with.
All in all, it’s likely to be a bumpier ride than we sometimes allow for – but to me that’s a feature, and not a bug! I like my ships messy – and at the end of the day, Ted Lasso was never about achieving perfection, but about trying, and trying again. And because – I think – of how much these characters love each other and how well they complement each other, they will keep on trying, stubbornly climbing back to their feet each time they fall down, doing better for themselves and for each other, offering support and encouragment and forgiveness – again and again, as they keep moving toward better; together, and so much happier for it.
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girldewar · 2 months
How bout 🌠
shockingly, no stargazing scene from me, which is insane. here's a scene from kirill/hartzy arranged marriage fic instead, which is on a plane, so like, technically about the sky kind of!
He’s groggy on the plane back to Minneapolis. He’s not quite sure why — it’s an afternoon flight and it’s not like Hartzy kept him up late last night (and isn’t that a thought that makes him blush) — but he ends up dozing with his head slumped over one of the little card tables.
He’s alone on the plane save for Hartzy and Guerin — the officiant had taken a different flight, while his father and Theofanous headed back home. Hartzy sits in the seat across from him but doesn’t attempt any conversation, headphones on and eyes fixed on the dim light from his phone screen. Guerin sits a few rows away, giving them their privacy, which makes Kirill want to devolve into hysterics.
He keeps it together. Mostly, he falls asleep.
They land briefly in New York, long enough to refuel the plane and grab lunch from one of the overpriced airport restaurants, whereupon Guerin finally joins them at the table.
He folds his hands. “So. The media team released a statement earlier this afternoon, a couple hours before we landed. We’re not gonna make either of you give a press conference or anything, you just have to be ready for the shit people are gonna throw at you online.”
“And on the ice,” Hartzy mutters.
“And on the ice,” Guerin agrees grimly. “Look, we all know that this doesn’t change anything about your careers, or your skills, or what you do for the team. But some people are gonna see it that way, and there’s not a lot I can do about that.”
Kirill runs his fingers absently down the flank of his sweating water glass. He knows all of this, expected it and factored it into the final decision, but it still leaves his gut roiling to hear Guerin talk about it out loud like this. Like it’s a matter of fact, and not just the least appealing possibility.
“It’s up to you what you wanna do about it. Ignore it, engage it, engage it on the ice — we’re all in this mess together. I’m behind you guys and you know it.” Guerin’s gaze flickers from Hartzy to Kirill and then back, deep and imploring. “But I don’t want it to affect the team. Anything starts up in the room, you go to Dean or you come to me. No buts. We’re not letting this fuck us up this year. Got it?”
Hartzy makes a noise of assent, and Kirill nods dutifully. That was never going to be a problem, he’s sure. It’s not like anyone on the team was ever going to think they’d gotten to this point voluntarily.
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aingeal98 · 5 months
cass visiting cain in blackgate for intel/batman reasons and/or for personal reasons?
"What have you done with Poison Ivy?"
David Cain grins up at the man who stole his daughter. Batman stares back, intense and angry as always.
"I voluntarily put myself in prison and have been here all the time. The question isn't what I've done with her Batman, it's what mistake you made. Like say for example, letting stray members of The Colony escape with their special Batsuits."
He leans back, enjoying the stress on Bruce's face. All he needs is a bottle of vodka and this would be perfect. None of that in solitary confinement sadly, so angry Batman is just going to have to be enough.
"It's going to be such a great look, those stupid Batsuits descending with full force to attack an innocent civilian yet to violate her parole. Does it make you sad, Batman? To see people take a symbol you spent all of your time and effort lovingly crafting, only to have it warped into representing your enemy?"
"Answer the question, Cain."
"Already did." Cain smirks. "I've done nothing. The Colony on the other hand... well who knows. Those idiots always did seem a little trigger happy, and not too good at distinguishing bad people from those attempting to change their ways. Sad, that."
Batman says nothing further, although the rage emanating from his eyes is palpable. Cain detects a slight tremor as he walks away and out of the room, leaving Cain alone.
He waits patiently. Bruce was never going to be the one to make him crack and he knew it. He was just the good cop, the easy way out.
But Cain hasn't seen his daughter in a while. Pleasant visit or not, maybe it's nice to just get a face to face chat every now and then.
Someone grabs his face and slams it all the way off his chair and onto the ground. Excellent technique, if Cain wasn't in so much pain he'd tell her how happy and proud he was that her skills don't seem to have diminished.
"Where is she?" The voice growls out, with a rasp so deep not even Bruce can mimic it.
"Sternativo Drive. 12th house unless they've moved her."
The pressure on his skull eases off. David pushes himself up so that he's sitting facing her.
"I did it for you." he says. "But you already knew that."
Cass glares at him. He sees disgust and fury there, but he also sees recognition. She knows exactly what he's talking about. The fight that sent Ivy back to Arkham last time, the poisonous vines that Cass took on to save another of Bruce's pathetic inferior children, the toxin levels so high she was in a coma for a week.
If David hadn't gotten her resistance to poisons so strong as a child, she would have died. Not that Batman's ever going to thank him for that, or appreciate the masterpiece he created. No, David alone can see all that makes Cassandra wonderful. One day maybe she'll understand that he loves her and wants her to get everything she deserves. After all, Bruce just let Ivy go right back into Arkham. Not even any excessive force used to avenge the girl who was supposed to be his daughter now. Pathetic.
He waits for Cass to reply, to yell how much she hates him. As much as he did it to avenge his daughter, he did it to get her attention too. Doesn't have much else to live for nowadays.
Cassandra sees that, because of course she does. Her expression goes carefully blank, and David's heart sinks.
She turns and walks out without another word.
He sighs, leaning back against the wall. His nose is broken, blood slowly trickling down his face.
Maybe it's time to look into Blackgate's vodka smuggling options.
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quietlyimplode · 8 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: day 5 - It’s broken
Warnings: broken bones, nightmares
Word Count: 1.8k (gif not mine)
Summary: grief comes in many forms, sometimes it’s the things we didn’t or couldn’t do.
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A/N: if you’re going through a rough week, know you’re not alone. <3
Whumptober Masterlist
The plane is waiting for exfil.
Clint paces.
Natasha has been in the toilet for a long time.
He knocks again.
She doesn’t answer.
He has tried to give her space, but the concern is overriding.
He’d laid it all out.
Blonde hair.
Russian accent.
Dreykov’s daughter.
The woman was at the very least a widow.
What this all meant for Natasha; it was a lot.
On top of that, she was injured.
They’d reached the airport and she’d found the toilet straight away.
“I’m coming in,” he decides.
The door unlocks voluntarily, his words must have held conviction.
Clint pushes it open, and she sits on the toilet topless.
Red burns litter her side, not deep, just red.
Bruises adorn the other side.
Wounds on both sides, she moves slow, but he doesn’t think it’s the pain.
“You’re sure?” she asks.
“Yelena is here?”
Clint shrugs and nods.
“I think so.”
He motions for her to stand and turn.
“Nat, are your ribs broken? How did you land?” he asks, quietly, looking the the bruise, touching it gently and feeling her flinch.
“If she’s here, we have to go after her.”
Of course that’s her take away.
Her sister, probably brainwashed, under the control perhaps of someone, certainly working for someone else, and Natasha just wants to save her.
“We need to strap these,” he tells her even though she’s not registering anything, not the pain, or realisation; just that her sister is here.
The difficulty is that if he straps her ribs, he’s going to irritate the burns.
“Does it hurt?”
She looks to him.
“She’s alive, I couldn’t save her, I didn’t go after her, and now she’s here.”
He sighs.
He grabs the strapping tape and best he can, he straps what he assumes is cracked ribs.
Sad eyes look at him.
“She’s here, Clint, we have to help her.”
He doesn’t answer.
Yelena just tried to kill her and all Natasha wants to do is help.
“We should go,” he says softly, motioning to the plane.
“But if you don’t want to, I’ll follow you.”
Natasha stares at him.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
They speed to the only other airfield in the surrounding area, assuming that if anywhere, Yelena’s exfil may come and get her from there.
There’s no one there when they arrive and Natasha asks to stay and wait.
Clint agrees, their plane long since gone, it doesn’t matter now, they’re traveling home in economy.
They sit in the car, Natasha clearly uncomfortable.
He sighs, handing her water.
“Where else would she go?”
Natasha shrugs.
“I don’t know, I don’t know her anymore,” she says sadly, “was it really her Clint?”
He sure hopes so, because the amount of hope he’s given her is slightly too much pressure.
“Describe her?”
He does the best he can, telling her he’ll tell it to Steve too so he can draw her.
She smiles at that, a strange idea but one that seems to calm her slightly.
“You need burn cream,” he mutters as she adjusts again.
“Do you think Fury will care that our surveillance mission has ended in the mark being killed?”
Clint smirks.
“Yes, but I think for once not our fault.”
Sunset is beautiful.
Red clouds are surrounded by even brighter orange ones, makes the sky burn bright.
“What are you going to say to her?” he asks tentatively.
“If she comes, what are you going to do?”
She moves tentatively, wounds and bones clearly sore.
“I’m sorry?… I don’t know. What do you say to a sibling for abandoning them. I’m sorry, doesn’t seem to cut it.”
Clint grasps her hand.
“You didn’t abandon her Natasha, you were physically ripped apart.”
Natasha doesn’t meet his eyes.
“But I didn’t go looking.”
He could tell her that she had her own difficulties, her own demons and challenges, her own route to go down; one that wasn’t easy, but he doesn’t think it would do much; and definitely wouldn’t absolve her of her guilt.
They’re silent in the car.
“She’s not coming is she?” Natasha says as the night turns into morning.
Clint doesn’t want to say no, but it’s as he feared.
She’s not coming.
They stay the night at a hotel in the city, their plane not leaving until the following night.
He’d called the mission in, and of course Tony had contacted back.
Clint wonders at what time he had hacked communications.
Tony had offered to send a plane, and then on a whim had upgraded them if they promised to come back to tower.
Clint had taken one look at Natasha and agreed.
What’s another month at a place they both feel safe?
He thinks sometimes on the lives he took, let’s it wash over him. Natasha has so much more on her hands, he wonders how she copes.
She stays in the shower for a long time, he thinks he can hear her crying but doesn’t comment on it as she exits.
He makes it a point to tell her it’s not her fault, as he redoes her bandages and rubs some burn cream they got from the the local pharmacy.
Clint crawls into bed and watches as she stares out the window, knowing she probably won’t come to bed.
Natasha doesn’t want to sleep, it won’t be restful and her unconsciousness will likely be worse than her thoughts are now.
She considers leaving Clint to go and find Yelena, but given her current state, she doubts that she would get far.
What she hasn’t told him, is that when the building exploded she managed to get into the bath, the shockwave of fire covering over her, the porcelain protecting the majority of her, but not enough as the roof had fallen.
Arms up, she’d felt the debris hit bone and she suspected that the bone in her left arm was broken.
It feels fitting.
Her whole body hurts, but it’s her being that hurts more.
She knows Clint is right when he tells her that it’s not her fault.
But she’s also right when she says she should have gone after Yelena, once she was free.
Not waited until aliens came to the world and her sister found her.
Fatigue pulls at her.
Against her better judgement, she closes her eyes curled on the couch, and drifts into a light sleep.
White dress, black veil, guns raised, Natasha advances forward.
Black dress, white veil, her doppelgänger holds the gun.
Striking first, Natasha’s movement is mirrored, they fight hard, even though neither gain the upper hand, strike after strike, they hit each other. Dresses ripped, veils used as makeshift nooses, they draw knives and use them as part of the dance.
Feigning right and swapping hands, Natasha twirls the knife and stabs hard, only to find she’s impaled her sister.
“Finally, huh?” she gurgles blood, “finally the one to kill me?”
Natasha stares in fright.
“No! Nononononono! What are you — Yelena!? Why??”
Hands cover the stab wound as she tries to compress the blood back in.
“I’ll save you. Okay!? Just hold on. I’ll save you.”
Yelena smiles an ugly smile, blood in her teeth.
“There is no saving me.”
The tower is exactly as they left it, and both Steve and Tony greet them as they arrive home.
Natasha retreats but Clint stays.
He clasps hands with Steve, moving to the kitchen together. Tony asks if Natasha’s okay, and he shrugs; vowing not to stay with the others too long as he needs to take her medical.
“I need some favours,” he asks.
Turning to Steve, he asks if he can draw him a picture from a description.
Steve agrees of course, but looks uneasy.
“It’s not like… bad is it?”
Clint laughs at his friend.
“Nah it’s not, it’ll help Nat though,” he tells him.
Steve seems to brighten at that, and leaves to get his pencils and a sheet of paper.
Tony nods up to the tower of residence.
“What happened?”
Clint sighs not wanting to tell Natasha’s story.
“How good are you at finding people?” he asks, mysteriously.
Tony frowns.
“I’m the best, why?”
Clint smirks.
“I thought so. Think you can find some people for me?”
Tony smiles back.
“It’s be my pleasure.”
He enters the room, finding Natasha sitting in the corner, blanket on her lap.
“What did you tell them?”
He produces a picture and hands it to her.
From the change in her face, he knows the run in was with Yelena.
Gently, she stokes the side of the picture.
“Steve?” she asks.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “he’s not half bad huh?”
“It’s her,” she sniffs, biting her lip.
“He’s got some work to do.”
Clint sits close to her, squeezing in tightly.
“I asked him to look for Barney too, whilst he’s at it.”
She rests her head on his shoulder, clutching the picture staring at it.
“Do you think he’s out there too?”
Clint feels his heart sink like it always does when he thinks about Barney.
He wants so badly to say yes but he pauses and chooses not to answer.
“Did you know his actual name is Charles? He’d punch me when I’d call him it and get so angry. No one really knew, and even the teachers wouldn’t mention it.”
Natasha shakes her head against his shoulder.
“Barney was his second name?”
He nods.
“Charles Barney Barton.”
Natasha adjusts and then lays back against him.
“Sometimes I wonder if my name was always Natasha. I wonder if her name was always Yelena; or if they named us, gave us names they thought would fit in.”
She sighs heavily.
He kisses the top of her head, his heart sore at all her unknowns and all of his.
“Either way we’ll have some answers huh?”
She turns to him.
“If the outcome is not what we want, if we find them, and they’re… not who we… not what we..”
“If they can’t be a part of our lives?” Clint supplies.
“Mm yeah, if they can’t be that… do we still do it?”
“Do what?”
“Marriage,” Natasha mumbles.
He can’t help the laugh that bubbles up.
“I don’t know. Do you want to? We promised when we were at deaths door but never really spoke about it more. Is it something you want to do?”
She considers the question and nods.
“I want to be with you. Only you. You are mine, and I am yours.”
She says the words like Clint says them to her when she asks him if he loves her.
“Then we better get on with finding them, hmm? Before more aliens come.”
She smiles.
“Yeah. I think I’d like that.”
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tothemoonandback · 1 year
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For Anon
Wednesday opened the door to her dorm. The room was empty, meaning Enid must be out. Closing the door behind her, Wednesday immediately took off her shoes. Classes had been long today. All day long the words on the pages of her textbooks meshed together, and her head felt fuzzy and unfocused. In short, Wednesday was exhausted. Wednesday flopped facedown on her bed, feeling the softness of the blankets underneath her.
Now that she was alone, Wednesday felt even less focused than before. There were thoughts in her head, but all of them were muddled and filled with innocence. Why was this happening? Wednesday had never been the ray of sunshine type, encompassing more of a raincloud personality. Usually, Wednesday avoided positive feelings of any sort, but today she seemed to be out of control of her emotions. Involuntarily, her sleeve cuff made its way into her mouth. Wednesday used to do this when she was younger, but it was strange that she would revert back to such a childish habit now. Wednesday's pondering was interrupted when the door opened.
"Hey, roomie!" Enid called. Wednesday sat up in bed, taking the cuff of her sleeve out of her mouth. Setting her bag down, Enid asked: "How was your day?" Wednesday tried to respond, but no words came. A small "hm" was all she was able to force out. Enid tilted her head, which reminded Wednesday of a puppy. "Are you okay?" she asked. Wednesday shrugged and nodded in reply. Enid approached her carefully. The blonde-haired girl sat down on the edge of Wednesday's bed and looked at her inquiringly. "I see now," Enid said after a couple of seconds. "You're feeling small." She stated.
"What does that mean?" Wednesday questioned defensively, finding enough mental energy to be able to speak.
"You've never heard of age regression before?" Enid asked kindly. Wednesday shook her head.
"Well, it's when one reverts back to a younger state of mind. This can be done involuntarily or voluntarily and is often used as a coping mechanism." Enid explained. "It kind of explains why you're being so quiet too. Many regressors find it hard to or don't speak when they're regressed." Wednesday huffed, but at the same time, she didn't really have the energy to fight Enid on this. "Is there anything I can do for you?" Enid then asked. This question made Wednesday slip even further into this "younger state of mind" that Enid had mentioned. She began chewing on the sleeve of her shirt again, letting go of being unfeeling and not quite sure how to answer the question. Wednesday wasn't used to asking for help. She began to rock back and forth, a small whine escaping her throat again. "Hey, it's okay!" Enid comforted.
Enid got up from Wednesday's bed and rushed over to her side of the room. Wednesday watched her bustle around for a bit before the colorfully dressed girl retrieved something and walked back over to Wednesday's bed. Sitting down, Enid handed Wednesday an object. It was a bat that was made out of a hard rubber material and just a bit bigger than her palm.
"You put it in your mouth and chew on it," Enid explained. Usually, Wednesday would retort, saying that she knew that already, but it was nice of Enid to think of her, and Wednesday didn't have the energy, so she didn't say anything. Nodding in thanks, Wednesday put the chew toy in her mouth. She immediately felt content and suddenly sleepy. Enid smiled. "Are you tired?" She asked.
"Yes," Wednesday said. Her words were muffled through chewing.
"You want me to help you go to sleep?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded. "Okay. Come on, up we go." She said gently. Both of them rose from the bed. Enid pulled back the covers of Wednesday's mattress and fluffed the pillow. "Hop in," Enid said with a smile. Wednesday climbed into bed. Once in bed, Wednesday extended her arms toward Enid. Wednesday wasn't usually big on physical touch, so Enid decided to make sure. "Is it okay if I touch you?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded again. Enid climbed into bed, wrapping her arms around the other girl.
The two of them lay in bed like that for quite some time, feeling comfortable in each other's company.
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downinthehull · 1 year
hi there! can you do little!renfield headcanons? thanks so much -@bellanotchewrites
I'd love to share some little!renfield hcs! its honestly my favorite movie right now, and i have so many ideas
here you go, friend! hcs + moments i think have age regressor energy! because why not? i hope these are fine! :>
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age range
i can see him regressing from 1-5! i don't really see him regressing any older than 5, but i can see him sometimes being a little younger than 1. it really depends on the circumstance.
reason(s) for regressing
decades of serving dracula, missing his family, and having to adjust to a new home/place every time he and his master have to flee must be beyond exhausting.
looking for dracula's victims must be taxing as well. especially after so long.
vent regression
his regression before meeting rebecca and the support group is almost entirely all vent and involuntary.
its only after everything that he's able to work towards most of his feelings and worries enough to be able to regress voluntarily and happily.
loves being outside
it's nice being able to sit and relax outside, not having to be confined to whatever dark and dank "home" he found for his master to heal in, or having to go out and find dracula's next victim.
he's very fond of laying down in the grass and staring up at the sky, trying to relax as much as he possibly can.
has trouble being cared for
"i am your only friend, the only one who cares for you"
its incredibly difficult going from someone whose own needs haven't mattered in several decades, to being able to only worry and care for himself.
of course, with how many times his needs and wants weren't validated throughout the years, he has to learn (or relearn) how to be cared for by someone else. especially when he's on the younger side.
he likes being alone
learning to take care of himself means quite a bit of alone time. and while he might not have enjoyed being alone in the years before dracula, he certainly enjoys it after.
for the most part.
while he's happy with being alone most of the time, there's certain instances where he absolutely needs to be around someone else.
when he's on the smaller side is usually when he feels especially lonely. or when he's sad and upset. its much easier to calm down when someone else is there.
has trouble sleeping
one of the main problems he faces after dracula; nightmares and trouble sleeping.
the nightmares more often than not result in him waking up small or quickly regressing afterwards.
the trouble sleeping involves waking up during the night and having trouble falling asleep. as well as just not getting any sleep at all.
likes baking
baking provides a sense of normalcy to him. it provides something fun to do while also rewarding him with whatever baked good he creates.
he loves showing his caregiver everything he makes! reading the recipe out to them and having them taste test for him.
agere moments:
"i went to Macy's" he sounds so proud of himself/happy
when he shows up to give his witness statement with flowers for rebecca and hands one to chris
the "how to defend yourself against a narcissist" scene
holding hands + the little arm rub he gives mark before being found by rebecca and chris in the gym
the fact that he made cookies for rebecca
"there's no need to be mean"
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