#i will say i am slowly learning how to get around my restaurant anxiety
thistransient · 11 months
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Ah, a perfect illustration for me to muse about KL.
- For some reason I expected KL to follow a similar flow; after all, I was also going back after ten years (and thereby redoing a somewhat malcontent experience with the ex). However, I made many tactical errors here. I did not make solid plans, I waffled and faffed about, unable to decide if I was staying here or going there (inevitably, I stayed as it required the least effort), I had no real meaningful social interaction, I stayed in a hotel with no breakfast, I was bereft when faced with description-less menus in down-to-earth local establishments ("what do you recommend?" or "which is your favourite?" to the server is a very dangerous question indeed). I feel somewhat remorseful that I did not commit to a bit, either complete sloth and hipster cafes, or truly dedicated tourist-ing. I also stayed directly on Jalan Petaling, and found in a strange way (okay maybe I'm really stretching for a complaint here) it detracted from the fun of going in search of the place to be if you're staying smack in the middle of it.
- When I went to Seoul I did research. I had plans. Things to see! Places to go! I stayed at a guesthouse and had some friendly interaction with the host, and daily provided breakfast. Most places I ate at had picture menus for wayward foreigners, or at least I was familiar enough with Korean food and Hangul to figure things out. It was suitable weather for rambling around. I was having a bittersweet life transition ending Chinese class, and revisiting Korea after ten years!
It was also not the weather for extended trotting about outside (I did eventually partake in the time-honoured tropical tradition of walking around the giant multi-storey AC'd mall though).
- This is not to say I didn't enjoy the hipster cafes and art spaces (once I actually got out of bed). Or staying in a hotel room bigger than my own apartment, with nice bedding (even if I never figured out how to turn on the hot water in the shower). But in hindsight it feels kind of a coagulated blur. When I was there, it was an elastic eternity, and now that I'm back, almost as if I never left. Perhaps I simply wasn't in the right frame of mind, or perhaps I was just somewhat brainwashed by the blaring music from the bars across the street until 3 or 4 AM my first few nights there.
- I will say though, I had a very heartening experience being gendered unequivocally correctly around 99% of the time. One thing about Chinese is that with no spoken gendered pronouns and a formal "you", it is very hard to tell how people are perceiving me in Taiwan until they are trying to redirect me to a different bathroom, which is really not the optimal situation in which to find this out. Malaysia is very into the sir/ma'am honorifics. I suspect there is also some effect had by a more conservative, illegal-homosexuality sort of culture where clothes and styling are great determiners of which box one gets sorted into, vs Taipei where it's fair game to assume that maybe you look like that cause you're just really, really gay?
- The metro escalators in KL go much faster than I'm used to an escalator going (I'm not complaining). The metro in KL is also disjointed and confusing and the ticket machines are uncooperative for wrangling.
- I don't want to judge a group of people on a whole based on their hospitality personas, so I'll just say at the least, Malay Malaysians working in customer service are very charming and friendly.
- I really intended to eat a ton of fruit and then I just...didn't, maybe because I am used to buying fruit whole in multi-kilo volumes and eating it at home, but the hotel was not conducive to that at all (no mini fridge, no knives).
- Every time I go to Singapore/Indonesia/Malaysia I come away wanting to learn Malay/Indonesian because it is just so delightful to look at the stack of languages in one piece of signage and have no real idea which word matches up to which in English. (Well, that's not entirely correct, I can recognise some basic things à la "saya suka makan pisang" after those two weeks couchsurfing in Sumatera some years ago. But then, I'm always torn because if I want to learn an Austronesian language I should really just go for Filipino so I can actually understand half my tumblr dash- I cracked open a teach-yourself sort of book at a hostel in Cebu once and my brain simply refused to unlatch its death grip on Chinese at the time, but maybe there's room for another grammar system in there now?)
- On the plane back there were (or so it sounded) at least two children who threw a fit and screamed bloody murder at full lung capacity (I am really not exaggerating here, it was impressive) when we experienced turbulence during takeoff and landing, but I had already put in my hotel earplugs, and simply smiled to myself thinking of how I'd learned, through a visit to Teotihuacán one year, that when the Aztecs sacrificed children to the rain god, the more they cried the better the rains were expected to be.
- For the first time ever at Taoyuan Airport the immigration officer examined my passport in minute detail (even some kind of little magnifying glass thing?) and asked how long I was staying, which reminded me a) I forgot to make myself look presentable and b) I claim to live here but I actually have zero guaranteed right to it at the moment (sleep deprived and not having eaten since breakfast, this threatened to send me into an emotional spiral until I reminded myself of those compounding factors and decided to save that thought for after dinner). I said I was leaving on the 19th (because that is the date for which I still have an unused exit flight). The officer seemed pacified and stamped me in for another 90 days. But maybe it is time to finally put some effort into reestablishing my formal alien residency.
- Last but not least, maybe I should have stayed in KL cause apparently Taiwan is having a heatwave and it's gonna be 39C tomorrow, and KL will be a chilly 31 or so.
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
The Light of My Knight | Moon Knight x Desi!Reader | Chapter 1: Lord of Dance
Parings: Steven Grant x femdesi!Reader Warnings: Talking about anxiety and stress, parental trauma, racism, colorism, is this angst? Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Translations will be at the bottom of the chapter xoxo, this is the first time in a long time that I have written something outside of academic writing and I really pushed my brain over the edge with this haha
Taglist: @brekkers-desigirl @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart Chapter 2
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You slowly and groggily sit up, stretching your arms up and over your head, right hand still holding onto your whale plushie. Blindly, you grab around at your bedside table for your phone with your left hand, switch it on and realize that you were awake before your alarm went off.
“Wow, I guess that I am way too excited for my first day of work huh?” You muttered to yourself, trying to blink away the sleep from your eyes.
You knew that you couldn’t go back to sleep, so you swung yourself out of bed and had a quick wash-up, and started to tidy up your flat. As you cleaned, your mind began to wander back to your past, which was riddled with uncertainty.
Indian and Hindu history has always been a passion of yours. You’ve always wanted to be a historian, finally to be the person to share your culture and history instead of hearing it from some vellaikaaran who had only learnt it from the history books and never really experienced the culture. But they never understood, your parents, your toxic, traditional adhering parents. They never wanted you to be a historian, instead, they wanted you to be the normal daughter, the one who would be a doctor, lawyer, or accountant. They constantly brought up your failures, your mistakes.
You look up and you gaze at the mirror in front of you and you see flashes of the girl who your parents wanted you to be. As the tears flowed down your cheeks, you saw the person who wasn’t her parent's daughter, living alone in her flat in London, struggling to get jobs to keep said flat, and enough anxiety and stress to put down an elephant. You think back to all the times you were called ugly by your relatives, how they would put you down for your golden brown skin.
“You are never going to get married if you don’t lighten up that skin of yours.” your grand-aunt once said.
“Your parents are fools for letting you go out looking like this, like someone’s maid.” your other aunt would say.
Those words never left you, no matter how hard you scrubbed at your skin raw or how many at-home remedies you tried. You sob at the times where you were cat-called and thrown slurs at the restaurant that you worked at to get you through university.
You kept to yourself and never made any friends in university, you felt like a loser compared to all of the girls who had confidence levels higher than the Burj Khalifa. The bullies made you feel small, withdrawn and you had nowhere to go.
You were tired, so tired of everyone letting you know that you were not good enough.
As you blink away your tears, and you see yourself again, the you that you wanted people to see. The you who would sit with your great grandmother, your Acchi, for hours on end, listening to all of the tales, myths, legends and even the pain that was endured by your ancestors before you. Moving out of your parent's house and in with Acchi was probably the best decision you made in your adult life.
You were only 18, freshly kicked out of your home for wanting to pursue history and you had no one to help you. But Acchi was there and she insisted that you come and live with her in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, to learn her art. Acchi was a classical dance teacher, she taught Bharatanatyam.
You never knew that you could dance, your parents made you stay at home and learn multiple musical instruments as they noted your slightly plump frame. Despite your protests, Acchi never stopped teaching you. She had a heavenly singing voice that would help you feel lost in the stories that you were dancing to.
You danced till your lungs lost their breath, you danced till your legs were so sore that you could barely move them without feeling waves of pain, you danced till the trauma of your past dissipated and the sounds of your salangai mended your broken heart.
That was until it all stopped. One minute she was there and the next minute she was gone. You knew Acchi was getting old, but she was nimble and healthy and oh you wished that she would live forever. When she succumbed to old age, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You would sit at the temple for hours and hours, staring directly at the idol of Lord Shiva, begging Him silently to bring her back, to heal your misery. Until you felt it. You could never explain what happened that day. Something just told you to follow your gut, to remember everything that you have been taught.
The stories that your Acchi told you had ignited something that could never be extinguished and it burned through you like your lifeline. The gods who kept you alive and the dance that channeled energy that only you could justify. Now, 10 years later, you knew your path.
A weird form of clarity settled in and you felt some healing energy channeling through you. “Only you can write your own history Y/N. Today is the day that you prove everyone wrong and make your Acchi proud!” you muttered back at your tear-stained reflection. You wipe your eyes and step carefully towards your bathroom to get ready for your first day. ☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You stare up at the colossal British Museum in front of you and warmth spreads through your chest even with the cold winds cutting harshly into your delicate skin. You grab your coat closer, say a small prayer and stomp away towards the entrance. The museum was not fully open yet, only a few staff here and there and a man at the security desk giggling at something on his phone.
Suddenly, you spot the magnificent artifact. Standing on a pedestal a few feet away from you was the statue of Lord Siva as the Lord of Dance, Lord Nataraja. Tears threatened to accumulate in your eyes again and you stepped forwards, not noticed by the giggling man. Your eyes scanned the idol in front of you and you felt a small pang of pain. The British were famous for stealing artifacts from the countries that they colonized and now all of them are displayed at their national museum.
You bit your lip as your mind fumbled at the thoughts that were flowing around you. “You're not supposed to be here, you should be at home, in India.” you addressed the Lord in front of you in a whisper.
Talking to the gods directly like this is not a thing, but to you, it felt normal as you believed that god came from within you. Then you smiled slightly and said “Since you are here, I’d like to ask for a small favor.” you hesitate, thinking of how to word your next sentence.
“Please send me a sign that I’ll be safe and I’ll be okay.”
A slight shiver runs down your spine as you breathe in the cold air whooshing through the museum and suddenly, you felt that fire inside of you as you held your gaze straight at the idol, that feeling of home, security as well as passion danced around you. Without even thinking twice, you let it envelop you and you pressed your hands together in prayer and you closed your eyes bowing your head slightly. You didn’t know how long you stood there but then you heard the sweetest sound your brain had ever processed.
You thought you imagined it at first, and you kept your eyes closed but you lifted your head slightly. It was a voice, a soft beautiful voice coming from the direction of the idol before you. Then you furrowed your eyebrows, thinking hard. “Does Lord Nataraja speak with a British accent?” you muttered.
Then you heard it again, soft, welcoming. But then you felt the hand on your shoulder and your eyes flew open as realization dawned, bringing you out of your little trance. Your eyes met with the most beautiful brown baby doe eyes that were framed with long dark eyelashes and laced with worry. You gasped slightly, bringing your hand to your mouth as the person before you snatched his hand back quickly. You took a step back and you couldn't help but stare.
He was gorgeous. Nope, scratch that, he looked like a god, despite being clad in a wild patterned shirt, his pale, olive undertone skin glowing slightly under the soft twinkle of the display lights. His curls flopped lazily onto his forehead and his eyebrows were knitted together in a concerned manner. His cheekbones sat high on his face and it curved down to a magnificent jaw. Your eyes trailed down the hook of his nose and settled onto his lips which were moving ever so gracefully which made your heart skip a few beats. They looked soft, oh so soft.
His lips were moving.
He was talking to you.
“Heya, you alright?” his voice penetrated through your thoughts, still soft and welcoming but confused. You opened your mouth and blinked but couldn't get the words out of your voice box. Instead you nod as your eyes still scan the beautiful man, his hands clasped close to him, his shoulders rounded as he slouches slightly forward. Then suddenly, you catch his name tag in your gaze.
Suddenly it all clicked as your brain started to fire up your neurons again. This was Steven Grant, the guy you were supposed to meet for your first day. You took a deep breath, realizing that you hadn’t been breathing and suddenly realized that you were acting like an absolute moron.
“Hi, there! Oh, you must be Steven, I’m Y/N, I’m so sorry for this, I should have waited for you at the front desk. I’m okay, just slightly overwhelmed by the morning rush, that's all!” you blurt out, earning a beaming smile from Steven.
Oh yea, this man is going to be the death of me.
“Oh, so you’re the newbie! Yea, I’m Steven. With a V! Welcome to the British Museum. So, what drew you to Lord Nataraja?” He asked enthusiastically, averting his eyes towards the statue. You weren’t expecting to be quizzed so early on but you answered anyway.
“Well, I’m a Hindu, a Shaivite, to be exact, and I’ve always prayed to Lord Nataraja. This statue is from the Chola period and it is made in my ancestral homeland, Tamil Nadu. He is in the ananda tandava position as the Lord of Dance, with Ganga flowing through his hair and Apasmara, the dwarfish demon of ignorance, under his right foot.” You say, before catching Steven’s eye again and stopping abruptly. He was grinning from ear to ear, a boyish smile, as kind and as warm as his voice was.
“Oh gods. I’m so sorry, I’m rambling aren’t I?” you say, slightly shrinking under Steven’s gaze.
“No, no you’re not!” He says chuckling slightly. “It's great to know that the people we’re hiring actually know what they’re talking about”
You return his smile. He seems like such a genuine person and radiated a form of happiness that you wanted to be engulfed in. “Come on then, let me show you where you’ll be working!” Steven says cheerfully as he beacons you towards the museum offices.
Oh, it’s going to be a long, long day, gods help me.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Translations for the Tamil words: - Vellaikaaran: white people - Acchi: Maternal Great-Grandmother - Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu: City and State in India - Bharatanatyam: Classical Indian Dance - Salangai: A musical anklet tied to the feet of classical Indian dancers - Ganga: Ganga is the personification of the river Ganges who is worshiped by Hindus as the goddess of purification and forgiveness.
Chapter 2
Reblogs are appreciated <3 love you all so so much *muah*
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crybabylulu · 4 days
Dinner Night
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: Dinner with friends!
As I kept bringing Lin her lunch the same officer that asked me if I’m lost kept staring at me. It was getting weird but it’s whatever. I am currently getting ready to go out to dinner with everyone. I was messing with my hair in the mirror trying to make sure it looked good. “Baby have you seen my gloves?” I called to my lover. “Which ones?” Lin asked as she came into the room. “The sheer long ones.” I said. Lin rustled around looking for them. “Here.” She said then gave them to me. “Thank you.” I said and took them. I put them on while Lin stood behind me, she wrapped her arms around me. “You know maybe we don-” “No no we are going out tonight we already agreed to be there.” I said.
Lin sighed. “And I didn’t get dressed up for nothing.” I said. “You look so beautiful.” Lin told me. “Thank you, you look perfect.” I said and turned to kiss her cheek. “We really could just stay home.” Lin said as she tried to go under the slit of my dress and I quickly grabbed her hand. “You will not ruin the tape again and as I said before I didn’t get dressed up for nothing. We need to go out with our friends.” I said. “Fine, fine.” Lin said then kissed my head. “Also these legs need to be seen.” I said. I was wearing a dark green strapless dress with a high slit. The one thing I love about myself more than anything is my legs.
“Indeed they do.” Lin said and grabbed my thigh. “Hey! No touching the merchandise ma’am.” I said and tried to remove her hands but she refused to let go. “I pay for this merchandise. I bought this dress.” Lin said. “That is true.” I said. I put on some earrings then checked over myself in the mirror one last time. “Ok I think I’m ready.” I said. “Good, let’s get going.” Lin said and grabbed my hand. We exited the apartment and made our way to her car. Lin opened the door for me and I got in. “Thank you.” I said. She nodded then got into the driver’s seat.
When we arrived at the restaurant Lin led me to the table with everyone else. “Oh look who shows up.” Korra said. “Oh we are only two minutes late,” I laughed. “Still late.” Korra teased. Lin pulled out my chair and I sat down. “Thank you baby.” I said. She nodded and sat down next to me. “One thing about you is you’re going to show some leg.” Kya said. “Indeed I am.” I said. We ordered drinks and appetizers and just enjoyed ourselves. I felt Lin rub my thigh as I talked to Asami. I could barely focus on what Asami was saying because Lin’s hand was slowly creeping up my dress.
“We should take a beach trip.” Bolin said. “I’d have to get a swimsuit.” I said. “You don’t own a swimsuit?” Asami asked. I shook my head. “That’s surprising.” Bolin said. “I don’t swim.” I said. “Is it you don’t swim or you can’t swim?” Mako asked. “I can swim, I'm just not the strongest swimmer.” I said. “We have to get you a swimsuit. We’ll go shopping together.” Asami said. “You two go shopping every other week.” Korra said. “I mean I could take her racing with me.” Asami said. “That would be fun.” I said. “You’ll learn how to drive a race car before an actual car.” Korra said. “That would be fun.” I said. “No.” Lin said.
“Why not?” I asked. “Lin you won’t teach her how to drive she’s gotta learn how to drive something.” Korra said. “Why won’t you teach her how to drive?” Kya asked. “She doesn’t have the patience for me, we all know that.” I said. “Lin, you have to teach her.” Kya said. “We could all take turns teaching you.” Asami said. “I feel like that would give me anxiety.” I said. “Probably.” Mako said. “Fuck you.” I said. “I’m just saying you know.” Mako said. I felt Lin tug at the thin fabric of my panties. I spread my legs for her to get a bit more access, she pushed my panties aside and circled my clit.
I tried not to moan and stay focused but it was a little hard. I can’t believe she was doing this in front of our friends. Soon her middle finger slid into me and my eyes fluttered closed for a second. “You ok?” Asami’s voice snapped me out of my pleasured state. “Yeah I’m fine, I’m just a little sleepy. I didn't take a nap.” I said. “You need to take your naps or you get cranky.” Asami said. “I do not get cranky.” I mumbled. “Yes you do.” Lin said. This bitch is gonna be finger deep in me and say this shit. I glared at her. “It’s true.” Lin said. I grabbed her hand and pulled her finger out of me.
Lin looked at me and I just rolled my eyes at her. “You can’t be that offended.” Korra said. “Oh yes I can.” I said. “So pouty.” Kya said. As the night went on Lin kept trying to get under my dress but I wouldn’t let her. She will not be touching me anymore. Korra and I kept throwing back shots and Kya was keeping count for us. “Honey I think you’ve had enough.” Asami said after the sixth shot. “One…one more.” Korra slurred. “No baby.” Asami then ordered a glass of water for Korra. “No, my drinking buddy.” I said. “I’m sorry no more drinking for Korra.” Asami said.
I tried to pour another shot for myself but Lin stopped me. “No more for you either babe.” Lin said. “Noooo one more.” I whined. “You’ve had six shots, that's enough.” Lin said and rubbed my back. “No it’s not. I come from a family of alcoholics. I can handle my liquor.” I said. Kya laughed. “Wait really?” Bolin asked. “Yes really, my dad can drink a whole case of beer in a day.” I told him. “That’s concerning isn’t it?” Asami asked. “Oh it is but fuck him.” I said. “Not fuck him.” Kya said. “Yes fuck him, he’s terrible.” I said. “How bad we talking?” Mako asked. Before I answered I poured myself another shot and tossed it back.
“That’s a conversation for another day.” I said. “Oh no.” Asami said. “On a scale from one to ten how bad.” Bolin said. I leaned over to Lin. “Where do we rank trying to sell your daughters to abusive men for money?” I whispered to her. “Are we just going based on that or is there more because honestly that’s a seven to me.” Lin said. “Ok selling your daughters, beating your kids and thinking your daughters aren’t good enough because they aren’t sons.” I whispered. “Can we go up from ten because that's fifteen and also he should be in jail.” Lin said. I laughed. “Ok so on a scale from one to ten it’s fifteen.” I said. “Fifteen?” Everyone else asked. “Yes, fifteen.” I said.
“Damn now I wanna know.” Mako said. “No.” I said. “You can’t say it's fifteen and not tell us why it’s fifteen.” Kya said. “Do I need to fight him? I can fight him for you. Lin and I can tag team, I’ll beat him up and she’ll arrest him. We can do that for you.” Korra said drunkenly. “Baby you’re drunk you can’t fight anyone.” Asami said. “I can fight. I’m the avatar.” Korra said. Asami sighed and kissed her girlfriend's head. I leaned on Lin and looked up at her. “Can I have cake please?” I asked softly to her. “You want cake from here?” Lin asked me. “Yes please.” I said. “Ok.” Lin said and motioned over the waiter. She ordered me a slice of cake and a glass of water. I got my water first and I chugged the whole thing down.
When my cake arrived I shared it with Lin then she got the check for her and I. I was sad that I finished my slice of cake. “Linny.” I said. “Yes baby.” Lin said. “Can I have another slice of cake to go please.” I said sweetly. “Yes but I wish you had said that before I got the check.” Lin said. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to get it.” I said. “No I’ll get it for you if that’s what you want.” Lin said and called the waiter over and ordered a slice of cake to go and a new check. We soon all said goodbyes and Lin helped me to the car even though I didn’t need much help. She opened my passenger door and I got in. “Thank you baby.” I said. “You’re welcome babe.” Lin said then closed the door and got into the driver's seat.
When we got home she helped me up the stairs and into the apartment. I sat at the long island table and ate the cake. “Come eat cake with me.” I told Lin. “No babe, it's time for a shower.” Lin said. “No. Cake.” I said. Lin picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. “Come on baby girl.” Lin said. I whined. “Shhh it’s ok.” Lin said and rubbed my back.
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bslack12 · 11 months
End of Week 1 : Louvre, Sainte Chapelle, and Comédie-Française
The first week in France ended with a bang! A detailed description of the weekend is below, but I'll begin with my weeklong thoughts. It has been one of the best times of my life acclimating to Paris and having the city slowly become like a home. Despite feeling like I've done so much and, at the same time, so little, I still have to remind myself of how blessed I am to have the opportunity for such an extended visit to the city. While I had never visited, I have always had a special place for the city and France as a whole and my experiences thus far have only widened the gap between any other place in the world. Having to pick one singular experience as a favorite is too hard to do, but on a macro-level, my favorite part has been proving to myself the levels of ability that I have to take care of myself and survive in a wildly new environment, all while seeing some of the best sights in the world and learning so much along the way. Using another language, managing my own travel, planning a day trip fully independent, maneuvering solo through one of the largest cities in the world, figuring out a new food climate, and trying new things are all aspects that feel so rewarding and that I know will shape me as I move into my future. However, I would have to say my only two negatives thus far are the difficulties with which eating is and the incessant smoking by French people. I'll start with the latter because it is the easiest: the smell gives me a headache and it is quite annoying to have it blow in your face, and it is everywhere here. The former, on the other hand, is a little bit more complicated because it seems like a contradiction to reality. There is quite literally food on every corner in Paris. However, price aside, the ordeal of eating in at a café or restaurant is such an ordeal that is countercultural to what I'm used to that is gives me great anxiety. For how much I prefer French society and life to my American ways, as someone who is always on a mission to do the most in a day, I quite enjoy the efficiency with which food in the US operates in. It is so hard to eat on my terms here without seeming like a rude American that I am still adjusting and get over. Other than those minor inconveniences, I am quite happy in Paris. The history of everything around me ceases to amaze and the European attitude is one that I enjoy very much. If one week felt like a lifetime, I can not wait for what the next two have in store.
On Friday, I enjoyed a full day at the Louvre before enjoying a wonderful violin concert at the magnificent Sainte Chapelle. The day started out with a great tour of the museum's great pieces. It was a great introduction to the ginormous collection and while the Mona Lisa was great, I especially enjoyed our time in the rooms dedicated to Neo-Classicism and Romanticism, as these are my favorite periods of art and included pieces that I had studied in a previous art class. Liberty Leading the People, The Coronation of Napoleon, and Raft of the Medusa were a great trio to get to see in person, as well as get insightful information from Dr. Jones. After the group portion at the Louvre concluded, I was resolved to stay as long as I could, so after a quick sandwich from a museum cafe, I continued my journey where we concluded, spending more time in my favorite rooms, soaking in the aforementioned work, as well as looking around at other pieces. I then began my quest around the rest of the former palace, already concluding that I could not do everything, and just wondering to wherever I ended up. After a wonderful stop in the Galerie d'Apollon with its gilded interior that was not topped by any other room's interior design, I spent a large amount of time in the antiquities section, marveling at Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Near-Eastern pieces, highlighted from the friezes from the palace of Darius I. I then sojourned to the Grand Gallery, determined to walk the entire length of the giant hall on each side. To conclude, I made one of the best decisions of the trip and waited in the Mona Lisa line for one final glance at the lauded image. However, I would not be distracted by the quest for a perfect photo; instead, I would keep my phone away and simply take in the art for what it was, never mind the chaos of the surrounding crowd. After nearly 6 hours in the museum, I felt liked I hadn't even cracked the surface, but I was satiated with the time that I had spent, perusing at my own pace and my own desire.
I then had to settle for a quick dinner at McDonalds (a decision I am content with given the time that I spent at the Louvre) before making my way down to L'Île de la Cité for a concert inside the glorious chapelle haute inside the 13th century church at Sainte Chapelle. Unfortunately, I was enjoying my stroll along the Seine too much, and underestimated the distance from the Louvre, leaving me one minute late to our arrival time. Nevertheless, we queued along the façade and I rather enjoyed the slow wind into the church, giving the opportunity to take in the sights. Once inside, it was a absolutely beautiful sight to behold. Again, the French capitalized on a grand royal color scheme with blue stain-glass windows contrasted with the golden decoration of the hall. The concert, a violin soloist playing Bach selections, added to the amazing ambiance that I was witnessing. Despite the heat, it was an almost heavenly atmosphere to just sit and listen and take in everything, following the notes and discovering the many intricacies of the building. I ended up imagining these wonderful scenarios with the people that used the church and following along to the story of the music. After a long, but filling day, I turned in early, as I had a 5am alarm for my Saturday day trip (to be detailed in its own post).
Picking back up on Sunday, I, exhausted from the previous day, slept in for the first time since arriving, enjoying a lazy morning before picking up a great lunch breakfast at the MyAuchon down the street. I found two pieces of chicken (thigh+leg combined) and potatoes for only 4 Euro and it was one of the best meals that I have had in France. However, the highlight of the day was an amazing performance of L'Avare at La Comédie-Française. It was nice to seen the performance with a lot of background, as despite my extensive (quite small) French knowledge, the fast delivery of most scenes left me picking up words and small phrases. However, despite the language barrier, it was still very enjoyable, and the humor was still quite present. I also noticed how elaborate human communication is and how it transcends mere words. Even without a knowledge of what was happening, the acting taking place was such that I would know when to laugh and that I would be able to pick up on the relationships. Furthermore, the language of performance was interesting to observe, as, for example, during the applause, there is no way to determine anything about language of origin, but severe reverence can be detected through the mere act of clapping alone. All in all, it was an immaculate to put a bow on the first of three weeks in Paris.
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getosboobies · 3 years
reasons i think matchablossom is or has been canon!
once again, i have become overly obsessive and have throughly analysed each and every kaoru & kojiro scene that we currently have. i indulged and created my own list of “ are they besties or are they banging or both “ but i have decided to share it all with you :))
( keep in mind, i’m a reacher and these are just my interpretations. i will go to any extent to prove myself correct - no matter how unlikely )
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so first of all, we have the fact cherry is the only one we have yet to see at joe’s restaurant after hours. this immediately shows that they are extremely comfortable with each other and spend a lot of time together even when they’re not skating. it also potentially suggests cherry is waiting for joe to go home, maybe a habit they’ve developed over time. before these scenes, the producers always show an image of the restaurants front door which states closed. by showing this frame, it obviously gives the impression it’s important for us to know that it is closed and therefore showings us that joe and cherry’s relationship is more than just some rivalry banta and that they have an established friendship built on trust and time. the creators could have just not shown that it was closed and had us assume that’s they were just good friends who spent time together but they went a whole step further and showed us these two men’s personal lives are somewhat intertwined with one another, showing us that they don’t have large boundaries for each other which would be considered strange in contrast to the “ arguing “ we had previously seen between them. if this isn’t enough for you, in these scenes we also see joes uniform unbuttoned so i take this as even more evidence of how comfortable they are around each other. also ! restaurants tend to close quite late ( avg. 8pm-12pm ) and on all the shots of the closed door, it has been dark outside. why wouldn’t cherry be home at this time settling down or something??? or maybe cherry has a lot of love for joe if he’s willing to wait that long for him to finish work... just sayin’. more on this, i analysed the restaurants design and noticed that the plug in the wall is really low down to the ground. maybe this is just one of joes odd design techniques or maybe it was specifically placed for cherry to charge carla, the concept of which, makes me very happy
keeping on the point of joe’s restaurant, whenever we have seen cherry inside he always sits right in front of the kitchen, this is pretty normal unless you think about 1) how much time he spends there 2) how busy restaurants get 3) he came there while he was with a colleague. we’ve already seen that cherry doesn’t mind coming after hours so why did he come during the day if he knew joe would be busy? this is similar to the fact he came in with his colleague in episode 2 - he obviously wasn’t expecting to be able to talk with joe while he was out for a work meal, so why on earth would he sit right in front of where joe would be, which is situated in a considerably inconvenient table for work meal? what i’ve interpreted from this is that cherry’s must enjoy being in joes presence. cherry canonically having anxiety would explain why he likes being close to someone who he knows well, and that cares for him. being able to see and hear joe so close is perhaps very relaxing for cherry.
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now when i watched sk8 for the first time, i gather the impression that joe was a forgive and forget kinda guy when it came to someone who did him wrong. when we’re introduced to adam it’s evident there is some hostility within joe but this does not nearly compare to the anger cherry showed. when suggesting a beef their intentions seem to be completely different. cherry outrightly admitting to his grudge and anger for adam whereas joe seems to just want to prove a point to adam by winning against him ( i mean look at the image above, their facial expressions show it all ). but i noticed that as cherry would speak about adam, joe’s intentions slowly shifted and became far more serious and full of anger. “ there’s someone i’d like to punch “ is a sentence said by joe in episode 8. this is quite different to what we had seen in earlier episodes of him just wanting to make a point. i think this shift was predominantly when joe found cherry at the ocean view. joe knew how cherry was feeling towards adam BEFORE this scene because he knew where to find him, but the realisation that cherry was standing there, alone, and reliving some of his saddest memories probably hit joe that cherry couldn’t do this alone. therefore stepped up his game and met cherry’s loathing so they could do it together. as far as things go, this is one of the most important things they have done for each other because it shows clearly how devoted they are to each other.
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this is one of the most confusing lines in this show thus far. i’m sure it’ll make sense in the oncoming episodes but i have come to two conclusions. so either adam has created this false reality of what happened and has told himself his evil ways stemmed from joe and cherry or, the more likely in my opinion, adam always felt like he was in need of a partner, a rival but also someone to love. this is displayed in the show in his predatory ways, aka, he wants his own ‘eve’. now there’s no ruling whatsoever that a skater needs any sort of dedicated rival, or skate partner, so i believe adam probably got this want from his peers, for example, joe and cherry. adam seems to believe you need to love your ‘eve’ and it gives me the idea that maybe he saw joe and cherry -in love- and decided that was what he wanted, but then as we know he went about it in an extremely toxic way. the “was it so“ was really hard to interpret, he’s clearly quite smug by the way he shrugs and smiles and shows that he’s very confident about what he’s saying but the question is short and leaves a lot unknown, which suggests why cherry and joe don’t respond. either they are as confused as i am, or they have a slight idea what adam could be suggesting and they feel guilty. we all know cherry and joe aren’t bad hearted people but as adam is insinuating ‘no, you guys parted ways from me first’ it could suggest that joe and cherry had perhaps become closer in high school and had developed a stronger bond than they had with adam and this left adam feeling lost and alone. this is more of a canon compliant headcanon that would make sense rather than a fact but it’s certainly something to think about.
one of the most obvious factors in their relationship is how they always know what the other is thinking or planning. we’ve seen in recent episodes that when cherry was racing, joe knew exactly what his motive was even without discussing it, thats enough information to show how well they truly know each other and how connected they really are. it’s also shown with cherry. when joe is racing, and is going extremely fast towards the corner, we see a frame of miya and shadow being worried for him, but then it shifts to cherry watching and there’s not a spec of worry on his face because he KNOWS what joe is planning and knows he will be fine. they know each other’s techniques better than anyone and it shows they don’t doubt each other’s choices one bit.
we learn right from the beginning that cherry and joe like to argue and fight, at first we think this is because they dislike each other but we learn that they are best friends. so when watching back you notice that none of the insults are ever actually insulting. let’s think about it, the most common insults they use are gorilla, dimwit and four-eyes. now to me, none of these actually seem insulting whatsoever and even if they do like to argue a lot it’s obvious they never ever mean any harm to one another.
from analysing the scenes one of the things i’ve noticed the most is how cherry and joe turn up and leave together. when the cops came during the langa x adam skate they both started to run off together leaving everyone else behind. as we know, they spend a lot of their personal lives together but leaving and turning up together every single time we’ve see them there seems like they’re a bit more attached than i originally thought. there’s a chance they meet before hand but why always that late at night? why aren’t they ever at home alone? unless...they live together. i mean it’s a perfectly valid suspicion right now as we’ve never seen either of their homes and we’ve never seen either of them turn up anywhere alone but either way it confirms they spend an awful lot of time together in general life. going back to my original point of them not only turning up and leaving together but they also never leave each other’s sides. there’s a heap of frames that you can see them standing together watching a beef or even just them talking. they’re literally attached at the hip and nothing makes me happier.
the creators of the show have made countless points to show that joe and cherry have a lot of history. from the school references to the fact they have TRAVELLED THE WORLD TOGETHER. they could have just shown one or two so we know that as a general fact they’ve known each other a long time but they bring it up an awful lot for it to be just a general fact. this being shown so much let’s us know that this is important information and that they’ve obviously wanting to lay down a foundation to bring something crucial up. so far they have mentioned their social studies trip, a school excursion, joes love for haunted houses, holiday to La and the Paris bar they went to. now you might be thinking, oh they were in the same school they probably just went on a trip together nothing confirms they were close, well i am here to prove that statement false. joe said he found cherry’s wallet, this not only shows that joe was close to cherry when he lost it but also that he knew where to find it, showing how well he knew cherry. another point is that legal age to drink in Paris is 18 so unless they had fake ID it’s safe to say this is a trip they’ve done since becoming adults and leaving school. it’s also canon that have gone together, so the fact they’ve been travelling as adults together is quite interesting. same with the restaurant in LA, sounds kinda like a date.
over the course of the episodes we’ve seen so far there has been a few comments they have made to each other that suggest a little bit of jealousy. for cherry, these comments are made in episode 6 in the hot spring. cherry brings up joes love for haunted houses and then joe agrees and says it’s because “chicks get scared and grab onto me” * with a smirk *. now what’s interesting about this is cherry’s response. “you really are a scumbag” this insult feels a lot more insulting than usual and the response itself surprised me. at this moment cherry looks away from joe which is an action people tend to do when they’re hurt or pissed off. either works in this scenario but neither make much sense as we know cherry’s already aware of joes status with girls. so why was he mad? well this was obviously a fond memory of cherry’s and joe replying with a statement about girls probably made him a bit angry because that was supposed to be their memory. but joes smirk with the comment makes me rethink, did he state that on purpose to make cherry jealous? obviously we can’t be sure but the entire encounter left me a bit confused. now onto joes jealousy, in episode 2 dub joe says “dude, you’re talking to a machine?” now in context this seems like joe is partially bewildered by the fact cherry is casually talking to his AI skateboard but he also seems slightly jealous that cherry is talking to carla instead of talking to him. this is one of the only scenes where joes facial expressions actually seem insulted rather than just having a bit of fun. he follows this up with “figured you’d give your board a girls name seeing as you can’t get a real one!” why can’t he get a real one? we hear tonnes of girls screaming compliments at cherry when he turns up so he definitely could get a girlfriend if he wanted, and joe no doubt knows this too, so why would he use it as an insult? i’m not sure what to make of this but it’s got to be a factor somewhere.
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more on the haunted mansion chit chat, the line about chicks grabbing onto joe is quite funny when you look at the entire scene, because as soon as they get jumped they grabbed onto each other in fear. seems a little ironic if i do say so myself.
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they both seem very secluded about their personal lives. cherry more specifically does not like the use of his skate name in his personal life or vice versa. joe is the only one we have seen to be aware or use cherry’s real name. the way joe slips up and calls cherry ‘kaoru’ at “S” shows how close they are and how much time they spend together to be able to accidentally mix up the two parts of their lives. this is just an extra point on how conjoined their lives must really be. in the photo above we see how cherry easily calms joe down when he starts to get annoyed. joe is the only one who knows fully about cherry’s life as emotions and cherry is the same for joe.
now one of the most heart wrenching matcha blossom scenes is when joe finds cherry at the ocean view. i have a lot to say about this so let’s start at the beginning. first of all, joe noticed cherry was missing. it’s not like cherry was there for a massive amount of time, so joe noticing that cherry was gone for even as much as an hour or two really says a lot about the placement they have in each other’s lives. there was really no reason for joe to worry about where cherry was considering they’re grown adults but he continued to go out and find him anyways. this is also set in the late afternoon judging by the sky, whereas the previous scene had been set at night at “s”, so this is suggesting the ocean view scene is on a completely different normal day for them (another factor showing how much time they spend together). next, the fact joe knew exactly where to find cherry. this truly shows how much they know and how connected they are to each other but also how well they understand the others coping mechanisms. cherry was dwelling on memories from 7 years ago and yet joe still knew exactly what he was doing and what he was thinking about. plus cherry didn’t even seem surprised when joe turns up. but one thing i noticed is that in this scene is the way they (in this case, didn’t) hold eye contact. while cherry is faced away, joe is staring at him but as soon as cherry meets joes eyes, joe turns away. either joe didn’t want to be caught staring or joe realised something crucial in that moment. i’ll let your mind decide what that is.
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obviously, miyas comment about joe and cherry being his parents is a light hearted joke just to ruin joes chances of flirting with girls but it also implies that the group can tell that joe and cherry are respectively closer than anyone originally thought and they perhaps have caught on that the tension between them is a little bit too gay to be just a bit of banta. obviously in this scene we then see joe looking at cherry’s legs while a blush clearly intensifies on his face. yeah no, this is self explanatory.
one of the things i like about joe and cherry’s relationship is the fact that within that joe also has a somewhat dynamic with carla. although carla is non-living, there has been several interactions between them. for example the beginning of episode 6 on the boat joe recognises carlas voice immediately. i mean straight off i think it’s suspicious as hell that they all happened to be going there at the same time but the fact joe realised cherry must be there because of the sound of an AI skateboard? that’s impressive. also, at the beginning of the series carla is aware of who joe is when calling joe an imbecile, this shows that cherry has obviously had this modified to specifically refer to joe as joe rather than just refer to him as a general person.
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there was a popular tiktok i saw the other day (if anyone has the username of the person please tell me so i can credit them!!) and it showed the two images above. in these photos it shows joes skateboard and his odd looking wheels. the creator of this video further analysed that these reflect the general outlook of a cherry blossom flower. though the actual wheels in real life don’t look as similar to a flower as they do in the show. but now if this is what they’re meant to look like, this is a really sentimental fact and shows how highly joe thinks of cherry in his skating career. but what about his personal life? well that’s where my analysing comes in. i noticed in the dessert joe makes in episode 5 he had a range of fruits displayed on the top as well as a single flower. this flower looks identical to a cherry blossom. once again the reflection of cherry within joes life makes an appearance. we’ve seen that flowers actually mean something in this show (toxic example but adam’s red roses for langa) so it would make sense for this to actually mean something about their relationship. i studied a range of Japanese desserts and, although every chef works differently, most of the dishes tend to only have a display of fruits and no flowers. so i have come to the conclusion that this dish certainly had some symbolism to cherry in joes life, some way or another.
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so overall, their dynamic already shows that they have a very thin and mistakable line between very close best friends and potential lovers. although some of this was based off personal interpretation the majority is cinematic displays and general facts. so take this and use it however you like. let me know your opinions and other factors you have! for all i know i could be completely disproven with the next few episodes but surely if this many people see a bit more than just a friendship there’s got to be a reason for it.
if we can have one lgbt+ character... why not two more?
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He didn’t mean to fall in love...
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A/N: Ahh thank you so much for all of your support on my last CEvans post! I really appreciate it and I can’t thank you enough! This is a little something I’ve had in my mind for a while and I am such a sucker for love so.
Pairings: Chris Evans x fem!actress reader
Warnings: not much, just fluff, mention of anxiety and alcohol (party time!)
He didn’t mean to start falling in love with you, it just happened. Slowly and casually, he started to miss you when you weren’t on set which led to him trying to seek you out whenever you weren’t around. The days you weren’t around or when he didn’t have to show up to film he showed up anyways, wanting to not only see the brilliant performance you put on but be there with you when there was down time to learn more about you
And whenever he got the chance, he would try to make you laugh
That was his favorite part of you. Your laugh was so infectious and the way it varies depending on what you were laughing at.
If it was something that made you lightly laugh, it would start at the back of your throat and come through your closed smile. If it was something moderately funny you would quickly cover your mouth to hide that gorgeous smile he loved so much and would alway wish you didn't do that.
But if it was something that was hysterical you would wheeze and then as you took a breath back in, a high pitched squeak would come out that he would find even more adorable. Don't even get him started on the perfect way the haha’s would come out.
As if you needed to be more perfect you two bonded on many things while on the set of your first movie together. You had been extremely nervous, of course you were, you were starring in a film with the Chris Evans. What if he didn’t like you? What if he thought you were lame?
All that melted away when you went out on a lunch date set up by the producer of the movie before coming to set so you two could get to know each other. You both bonded over your love for musicals and broadway, being extremely family oriented, loving 80s music, and of course, dogs
You had a dog of your own, an Australian Shepherd named Mazikeen from the show Lucifer. He thought she was adorable when you showed him the various picture you had and quickly apologized for how many of them you had
“Hey no worries,” he said laughing. “God knows I have an obscene amount of Dodger”
Packing up to leave, you had to squeeze past a few tables and his hand instinctively went to the small of your back. For a moment you thought time had frozen and you stood still. You felt something within you, and though it was just a small moment you couldn’t help but think about it constantly.
Lucky for you, you weren’t imagining anything because he felt it too. Like a rush of energy and excitement traveled through him. “So I, uh, I’ll see you on set in a few weeks” he said turning to you outside the restaurant
“Yeah,” you replied. “It was nice to meet you” you smiled. God you wanted to hug him. You wanted to do something and he did too. But of course, his anxiety and yours as well kicked in and you both separated
The next few weeks, he just wanted to text you and meet up with you again. You both were in town to prepare more for the movie and he really enjoyed talking with you. He typed out a message “Hey, Dodger keeps bothering me to take him on a walk and to the nearby dog park. Would you and Mazikeen be willing to meet up as well?” He stared at the message, unsure of whether to send it. He didn’t want to bother you but he had this urge to see you again and talk. He bit the bullet and sent it, throwing his phone down on the couch he was sitting on and looked at Dodger. “Let’s hope she says yes,” he said.
You stared at the phone. He asked you to go with him and Dodger. Calm down Y/N he’s probably just being nice, you thought to yourself. That’s what coworkers do. You typed back “That’s funny because Mazikeen was telling me the same exact thing. I would love to :)” And then you typed “I mean we, sorry, we would love to”
His heart practically jumped out of his chest. You said yes. More importantly you said you would love to, forgetting about the dog for a second which was amusing but hinted that he wasn’t making any of the feelings you had together up. “Awesome, meet you in 10”
The rest of the days up until getting to filming you both had talked and met up almost every day, working on your lines of course, but also getting to know more about each other.
When the first day came, it was surprisingly easier than you had thought and you were convinced because Chris was there. The way he assured you, how easy and seamless it was for you two to connect and interact with each other.
“That lunch date must’ve really worked huh?” asked your publicist. “Oh you have no idea” you replied.
At the wrap party, that’s when he knew. He knew you were the one for him, the only one. He knew he saw a future with you in it, no matter what sacrifices from him it would take. He just wanted you in his life.
The party was packed with producers, writers, and the director. It was a little too big, parties weren’t really your thing but spending 3 months with the cast and crew you were able to open up a bit more and let loose. A little liquid courage never hurt either.
Chris was in the same boat and surprisingly you both showed up at the same time. After getting your hellos and catching up with everyone, it was time for the real party to start. Beer pong, blasting music, and party games. If you had to point out the difference between a frat party and this, there wouldn’t be much difference.
The party continued and the dance floor officially opened up with swarming people. May Garens, your best friend in the movie, had grabbed your arm. “Nuh huh Y/N come on we’re gonna dance”
She practically pulled your arm out of your socket. “Show ‘em your moves!” She shouted over the music and the song “Poison” by Bell Biv DeVoe came on. Oh you knew she had done this on purpose. This was your song.
So you started to dance with her, throwing your hips, singing at the top of your lungs, and jumping up and down. Overall, having an amazing time and letting go, not caring what or who else was watching.
But Chris was watching. Infatuated by you, laughing and loving every second. You spotted him and motioned to come over. “Come on, Evans!” you yelled over the people. He shook his head with an almost terrified look. “Please” you mouthed.
He mustered up the courage and took a sip of his drink and made his way over. You both were dancing up against each other, lip syncing and not having a care in the world and forgetting.
That’s when he knew. He needed you in his life, one way or another. Lucky for him, you were all on board
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I know I'm just posting incorrect quotes but I wrote this on Sunday after more than six months without writing anything and I liked it, so I thought someone out there may like it too. Enjoy! :D
Pairing: Jake x Charlie (my MC)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, spoilers for ep 8
Charlie walked up the steps slowly, her backpack weighing down her shoulders, the take-out bags of Chinese clenched tightly in her left hand. She checked her phone the hundredth time since leaving her house, making sure she had gotten the right address. The restaurant in front of the motel was a pretty compelling evidence that yes, she was in the right place, but she couldn’t help but wonder if she had gotten something wrong; if she did, this was going to be a tad awkward for whoever was on the other side of the door.
Reaching the number 543, Charlie finally put the phone in her pocket, letting out a shaky breath out through her mouth. Pushing her hair out of her face, she closed her eyes and counted to five.
You’re fine. You’re in the right place. He’ll be happy to see you, you know that. Pissed maybe, but certainly happy too. Just knock on the door and everything will be okay
Finally, she knocked twice on the door, quiet enough so others wouldn’t hear but loud enough for him to hear; she only hoped he wouldn’t think she was one of the people that were after him. Time seemed to pass slowly and Charlie started to get restless. She tapped her foot on the floor, her breathing getting shakier with each passing second that she didn’t hear anything on the other side of the door. The bags in her hand were hot enough to warm her hand and she changed them to the her right hand, rasing her left one to knock again when there was finally shuffling in the room. Quietly, she waited for something to happen: for him to ask who it was, for him to start packing all of his things in a rush or for the door to open, she wasn’t sure which one.
Not bearing the silence and the lack of reaction, she finally talked, “You know, it’s kind of rude to leave a friend waiting outside in this weather. Specially when she has brought food.”
That, at last, got a reaction from him. Charlie heard footsteps, a loud noise followed by a curse, and the sound of the lock of the door. It didn’t open but she knew it wouldn’t take long anymore. He may not have known what her voice sounded like but he would know what to ask of her to know he’s safe; and she knew exactly what to answer.
“It’s also rude to just stop by the door when we both know you want to ask something so I’ll prove who I am.” No answer. With a sigh, she continued, “What was the first thing I asked about you when we started talking?”
Silence followed by some shuffling. Then, “You asked what kind of hack programs I use and I listed four of them to you.” Charlie smiled. I knew it was him. “What did you tell was your imagination about meeting me?”
“I imagined you were wearing your black hoodie, like you probably are now. I imagined your eyes looked so familiar because you are so familiar to me already. I imagined you would hold me in your arms and tell me everything would be okay because we were together.”
It took five seconds for the lock to turn and the door to open. Charlie stared at him with a soft expression, looking for his eyes to see the familiarity she knew she would find and learning what he really looked like; Jake was tall—a lot more taller than her—his long hair was as black as a moonless sky, his eyes a clear grey, dark bags from sleepless nights under them, his skin thin and pale from being closed off for so long. He was indeed using a hoodie, but this one was a dark blue instead of black, a Metallica T-shirt badly hidden under it.
Charlie knew he was staring at her just intently, memorizing her face, and she let him. She watched his eyes wander through her face, the lines around them softening and making him look a lot younger than he actually was. Amazement was etched in his face, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, and Charlie thought she had never seen someone as beautiful as Jake; she wasn’t sure if it was because she was finally seeing him in front of her, or if it was because of the way he was looking at her, or if it was just the fact that she was so goddam happy for having found him. Whatever it was, Charlie was certain Jake was the most amazing human being she had ever seen.
After a few minutes, Jake finally let out a shaky breath and tentatively raised his hand towards Charlie, hovering it over her left shoulder. She gave one tiny step towards him, placing her own hand on his shoulder and softly pulling him towards her; it was the action Jake needed to pull her hard to his chest and bury his face on her hair, his arms closing tightly around her shoulders. Charlie moved her free hand to Jake’s hair, threading her fingers through it, and pressed her ear against his chest, listening to his heart beat as fast as her own.
She lost count of how long they stood there but, eventually, her bag started to weigh a lot more than it already did and she gently pushed Jake back enough to look at his eyes. “This is all good and great but we should probably get inside. It’s freezing, my bag’s heavy and the food is just getting cold.”
Jake chuckled, his cheeks blushing as he scratched the back of his neck and gave a step back. “Of course, I’m sorry. I guess my surprise overpowered me. Come on in,” he waved his arm towards the room, waiting for Charlie to enter before closing the door and locking it once again.
Placing her bag on the floor, Charlie looked around the room; the curtains were drawn shut, the bed was a mess of pillows and blankets, there were two duffles by the foot of the bed and an array of laptops and wires on the table. Nothing unlike what she had expected from Jake. She turned to him with a smile and offered him the take-out bags. “It won’t be exactly like you wanted but we do get to eat Chinese food.”
“I think the least of our problems are not being at the restaurant.” Jake took the bags from Charlie before placing them on an empty space at the table. He kept his back to her, seeming to be clearing some more space on the table. Charlie frowned, watching as Jake avoided her eyes when he closed the laptops and put them together on the bed.
“Jake? Are you okay?”
Jake’s shoulders tensed before turning back to her, his eyes shielded by a strand of her. “What are you doing here, Charlie? How did you find me?”
Charlie sighed, raising a hand to her shoulder to press on a tense muscle. “It wasn’t easy, I’m gonna give you that. But I knew what to look for and how to do it.”
“How? I mean, I didn’t know you could hack someone if you wanted to.”
“Well,” Charlie smiled, walking to one of the chairs. “I do have a few aces up my sleeve too. And after everything that happened, Richy, Thomas and Jessy finding the kidnapper and being so close they could’ve gotten caught, that last call from the kidnapper, I just…” Charlie sighed, burying her head in her hands. “I just needed not to be alone. And seeming as I promised you I wouldn’t go to Duskwood, I’m here. I’m sorry.”
She heard the other chair scrape the floor before she felt Jake’s hands on hers. He held them on her knees, his eyes staring at her. There were a few streaks of blue in them. “You don’t have to be sorry. I—I know it’s hard to be alone, believe me. And you’ll always be welcome by my side but Charlie… You’re putting yourself in risk by coming here.”
Charlie laughed humourleslly, pulling her hands from Jake’s and standing up. “Putting myself at risk? More than I already am? Have you seen everything that has happened since I joined the group? Richy being marked and then stabbed, Jessy getting attacked, Phil going to prison. Even you, Jake! I mean, they only found you because you were helping me, otherwise, Lilly wouldn’t even know about you and you wouldn’t have been included in the video. Did you listen to that last call the kidnapper made to me? Did you hear him saying he’s going to kill all of them and then me? How much more at risk can I be in after that?”
Jake didn’t say anything but Charlie could feel his eyes on her as she started to pace around the room. She avoided looking at him, breathing deeply to keep her emotions in check; the last thing she needed was to break down now. They still had a lot of work to do and she hadn’t heard anything from the others for hours and it was all starting to get too much. What if Jessy and Thomas were caught in the end? Did the Man Without a Face know where they live? Would he go after them like he said he would? What if the only thing she would find out would be the police calling to tell her all of them were dead? What she would do them? It would all be her fault, she would have let them all get killed and—
“Hey! Charlie! Look at me.” Jake’s hands were on her face, forcing Charlie to look into his eyes. “Breathe with me, okay? Come on. I don’t want you to pass out.”
Charlie took a deep breath, following Jake’s movements, looking into his eyes and trying to count all the different colours in them.When she finally calmed down, Jake helped her sit back on the chair, squeezing her shoulder caringly. Charlie watched as he opened the take-out bags, getting a little of each container on a plate before placing it on her hands. He then did the same with another plate and sat in front of her again, their knees touching as he stared into her eyes.
“I always find it easy to do things if I’m not hungry or even if I’m eating just because. I know it can also help with anxiety if you’re the type of person that eats when anxious, which, and I’m making an educated guess here, you are.”
She chuckled softly, looking down at the plate. “You do know how to make educated guesses. I’m guessing you like to eat while you hack into things?”
Jake shrugged, taking a bite of his food before replying, “I do. Clears my head and makes me less anxious.” Charlie nodded, trying some of the fried rice while ignoring Jake’s gaze. “Charlie, you know you can trust me, right? I know I’ve some mistakes along the way but it was never my intention to put you or any of them in danger. Whatever it is you’re feeling, I want you to know I’m here for you. You can tell me anything.”
“I know, Jake.” Charlie gave him a small smile and shrugged. “It’s just… I have never felt so powerless before, you know? I’m not the kind of person that likes to be controlled, that’s why I know how to fight, why I try to learn a little of everything to have at least some kind of knowledge if I meet someone that wants to talk or do something I’m not familiar with. But now?” Sighing, she looked back down to her food, pushing it around with her fork. “When Jessy was attacked, I couldn’t do anything but watch. The same thing with all the threatening calls and the in-site search and then with Richy—” Charlie’s voice broke and she swallowed back a sob. She felt Jake put a hand on one of her knees, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I had to hear him struggle without being able to do anything. Then I had to watch him choke on his own blood as he tried to tell me something I have no idea what it is. After he dropped the phone, I stared at it for so long, just looking at the sky, waiting, wishing for him to take the phone back, to say it was a joke.” Charlie’s eyes filled with tears and she put the plate on the table. “God, I wish this was all just a bad joke. A really, really bad joke.”
Arms closed around her shoulders and Charlie buried her face on Jake’s stomach, finally feeling the dam break. Jake only rubbed at her back, not saying anything.
“How many of them am I going to have to watch get attacked, Jake? Or killed? Jessy and Thomas barely escaped without any scratches from that house. Dan almost got killed in that accident. Even Cleo’s mom was threatened because of me. How much guilt do you think I can still take it? How much suffering can I put people through because I’m the one who’s a threat to the kidnapper?”
Jake let out a heavy sigh, hugging her tighter before letting go and kneeling in front of her. He took her face in his hands and raised her head so he could look straight into her eyes. “Charlie, I can’t answer that. Not so long ago, you asked me if I thought we had gone too far and I answered how far was too far when it came to someone’s life. You told me it was as soon as someone else was in danger and I see now that you were right. I’ve been so preoccupied with Hannah because she’s my sister and she and Lilly are my only family that I didn’t stop to think that everyone in the group mean something to you; they’re your friends, too.” Charlie nodded, feeling Jake clean a tear form her cheek. “And I should’ve seen that. I know I’m not the best at… understanding other people but I should’ve realized that everything that has happened had to have taken a toll on you just as it did when I saw Hannah getting kidnapped. Even worse because you had to experience things no one ever should have. And I’m so sorry, Charlie, I truly am.”
Charlie smiled sadly, placing a hand on Jake’s cheek. “You remember when I said I thought your eyes would look familiar to me?” He nodded, his expression changing to confusion. “This is what I meant. Even with everything that has happened, I can see everything you’ve shown me through the texts in your eyes. I can see your empathy, I can see how much you care about Hannah and finding her, and I can see your guilt too. Because you also feel it, don’t you? You feel like it’s your fault Hannah was kidnapped; because you weren’t fast enough to call to her.”
“You know,” Jake smiled, turning his head so he could kiss her palm. “You never cease to amaze me. You sometimes understand stuff in a way I can only dream of. Sometimes you know things I’d rather not have anyone know to not let them get too close but I can’t hide anything from you.”
“Well, you actually can hide things from me, for a while. I’ll just end up finding out anyway.”
“That is true. Just like you found out where I was. I’m still amazed by it, to be honest.”
“Okay, it actually wasn’t that hard either.” Jake raised an eyebrow at her and Charlie laughed, gently pushing him away so she could stand up. “I shouldn’t explain just to leave you curious about it and see what it’s like when you keep things from me. But I’m not that mean.”
Jake smiled, following her towards the kitchen. “That you really aren’t. Sarcastic, yes. Stubborn? Don’t even need to answer that. But mean? No, not really. So, how did you do it?”
“Well,” Charlie toyed with the glass in her hands. “Nym-0s is already connected to my phone, that’s why he was able to warm me of the attacks, right?” Jake hummed. “Which means it’s easier for me to actually get into your phone. And considering you weren’t expecting me to hack it, it means there are fewer protections against me. I only needed your location, which is fast to find, and here I am.”
“Who would’ve thought? Tricked by my own program.”
Charlie chuckled, placing the glass back on the sink and stepping towards Jake. “I’m happy you did or I wouldn’t have found you. And I really needed to find you.”
Jake’s expression softened and he opened his arms. Charlie didn’t hesitate before stepping into his embrace. “I think I needed you to find me too. You have no idea how many times I thought about asking where you were or for you to come to me, just so we could meet. Going through all of this alone is incredibly hard.”
She scoffed, shaking her head against his chest. “You can say that again. It’s also, like… I could’ve gone to Duskwood. I know I promised you I wouldn’t, but you wouldn’t be very surprised if I did.” Jake chuckled and hummed. “But I don’t know… I know everyone there is suffering too and would help and comfort me as much as they could, but none of them are you.”
“I know how you feel. I could’ve gone too. I mean, my two half-sisters are there and Lilly is probably suffering a lot more than I am, but it wouldn’t be the same as if I was with you. I felt a lot better talking to you by text than I would’ve if I had gone there. But now that you’re here,” Jake raised her head and Charlie could feel the ghost of his lips on hers. “I feel like I can take on the whole world and win.”
“You do know I don’t make you invincible, right?”
“Certainly feels like it.”
Charlie chuckled, shaking her head. “I feel invincible by your side too. Anyone comes our way, I’ll kick their asses.”
“I know you will.”
They stared at each other, their lips so close it was unnerving, and Charlie wasn’t sure what to do; she wanted nothing more than to just close the damn distance already, but she wasn’t sure if she could. How would Jake react if she did? Did he want it as much as her or would he panic and run away? She sure wouldn’t be able to take it if he did.
In the end, she didn’t have to do anything: Jake bent down and pressed their lips together, so softly Charlie sighed and melted against him, putting one arm around his waist and the other in his hair. Jake’s arms sneaked around her waist, pulling her even closer to him, and Charlie was sure they’d soon become, though she would never complain.
When they let go of each other, Charlie stared up at him with a smile, giddiness bubbling in her chest. Jake mirrored her smile, which only made her heart beat faster. Things weren’t okay yet and they still had a lot to do, but, like she said, as long as they were together, they were invincible and they would find a way to fix everything.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 3 years
I'm not sure if requests are open or not but can you possibly write hc's for milo gordie leon and piers about having a s/o who suffers from epilepsy maybe include their reaction to the first seizure they see, and things like how they handle when s/o starts to seize/show warning signs,
I only do 3 characters at a post so I am going to do Leon, Piers, and Milo since I have Pokemon Shield
(and mama Melany)
Also, I’m speaking and writing this from my perspective of helping my aunt who has seizures regularly and will be answering in what I do and other things that I’ve looked up or found that help, please let me know if I can make it better, thank you! <3 Be safe
Even though he is super directionally challenged, he is so very perceptive. He will be the first to notice when you are about to have a seizure.
The distant look in your eyes and the nonverbal responses when he asks if you are okay are always signs you’re about to go into one.
He’s by your side in an instant, holding the back of your head up steady while rubbing your arm.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N… you’re okay.” He repeats this all through out it, steady and comforting.
When you blink back after a few moments, eyes bleary but answer softly back to him, he knows you’re okay and out of it.
Will immediately stop what he’s doing, be it in the middle of an interview or sees you go down in the stands, he is next to you to help you through it
Wont hesitate to absolutely eradicate any disrespectfully words or jokes towards you about your seizures
When you first went into one, he had not expected it.
The two of you were out having lunch together after Leon had invited you out for a date to get to know each other more closely. He had been persistent, always engaging you in small talk when you were at work at one of the local shoppes in Wyndon. Would offer to help in carrying heavier things to help you out, and to make your work load lighter. 
You had been perfectly fine, sitting across from him eating lunch at a local restaurant that you favored, when you seemed to be staring off into the distance as he was talking.
When Leon saw your Gothita get destressed and practically climbed up on you, he knew something was wrong.
He was scared, and that was putting it lightly.
With Gothita surrounding you in her psychic powers she steadied your body and instructed Leon through her telepathy to hold your head straight to where you wouldn’t choke.
He frantically rubbed your arms, while looking for your distant eyes to come back to the cheery e/c he found so attractive.
When you started to move slowly on your own your eyes peered up at him, the distant look fading quickly.
“Mmm…? Leon?” You asked softly, trying to attempt to remember where you were and what happened.
“Y/N!” He replied a smile forming on his face, full of relief. “You’re okay, my God I was so worried, are you ok?”
“Mmmhmm… thanks to you and Gracey.” You replied with a soft smile, giving your pokemon a thankful expression, to which she cried in happiness as a reply.
“Let’s get you to the hospital, to at least get a look at you. Then I’ll make sure you get home okay.” Leon said as he helped you up with his strong arms, letting your body lean against him. “I never knew you had to deal with these. You’re so much stronger than I could ever be, Y/N.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, your stomach knotting up in that similar way it did when you would see him visit your work on his days off from the league. Most people would be so scared and standoffish, more afraid of you than anything. See you as someone that needed to be fixed, someone that was fragile, and needed to be looked after like a child.
But Leon? He shown genuine kindness, he didn’t make you out to be this weak person who had epileptic seizures. He treated you with respect. As an equal.
You were strong, something that you did not hear often in your life.
You gave a small laugh, and peered up at him, your e/c eyes shining against the streetlights. “Is it too late to ask you for a second date?”
Leon’s cheeks uncharacteristically burned a deeper red and low chuckle came from his throat. “Not at all.”
There’s not many times he’s serious, but when it comes to you, he is stone cold serious.
Will constantly ask you if you’re okay if you seem more nervous or shakier than usual.
Always holds your hand when you’re feeling more shaky, will go into any quieter space to get you to a safer environment just in case
Even though his shows can be flashy and loud, he really prefers that you stay home or listen to CD’s of the shows of his that are flashier and with more lights. He’s talked to his producers about incorporating more epilepsy friendly aspects into his shows and videos so that more people can enjoy it safely.
On the times that you do watch him, he makes sure that the place is better lit, and no strobing lights.
Will rub the top of your head softly when you go into one, and holds you to where you wont hurt yourself during it.
He knew you had them, but you said that it was less common these days. So he thought that it would most likely be a while before you had one.
The first time you had a seizure in front of him, he was terrified and confused on what to do.
You were sitting beside him, listening to him strum on his guitar as try to work out the sound to his new song.
Your Kirlia sat beside you, listening too.
When he looked up from the strings and papers he had scattered around him, rewriting certain parts he paled.
Your arms were shaking as you began to fall backwards rather quickly. Luckily your Kirlia predicted this and carefully grabbed your shoulders and placed you on your side.
Kirlia’s eyes rose to Piers and she instructed him to gently rub at your arms as she used her abilities to work on the overfiring electrical impulses your brain was having.
Piers scanned your body frantically, your twitching limbs and far off stare causing his heart to race in nervousness. He didn’t know what to do, but hoped that what he was doing helped in some way.
Your Kirlia called softly as your twitching began to stop and your eyes regained their soft e/c hue. You hummed a little as you blinked back the glaze over your eyes.
“Y/N, hey… are you with me?” Piers asked, eyebrows knitted together, refusing to leave your side.
You gave him a confused stare and nodded slowly. “Yes…what…?”
Your Kirlia touched your forehead and you understood.
“Thank you… for helping me, Piers.” You patted your Kirlia’s hand greatfully. “And you too Meena, you did amazing.”
From then on Piers was sure to be more observant and learn about how to be better prepared for the next attack. The zigzagoon brigade are always alert and ready to go into pillow mode to help you not hit your head or hurt yourself. 
The absolute best at making sure that you are taking you meds and taking care of yourself
Always tries to make sure that you have enough time to get enough sleep and goes to bed at the same time as you to help make it easier
He’s used to dealing and helping new gym challengers that have anxiety problems, so he knows how to relax you and help manage your stress
Being as strong as he is, it’s nothing for him to grab you when your legs give out when you go into one, making sure that you are laid down on your side safely
His big hands will make soothing touches and coax you through it, making sure everyone around you is quiet so you’re not overwhelmed with voices around you
If you ever feel bad about having them, he is so quick to reassure you that it is never a problem and he loves you so much
The first time you went into one
You were battling him as your first gym battle, with your Espeon battling against his Glossifleur.
You seemed so strong, easily ordering move after move from your companion, but that changed when you started to wobble on your feet, your Espeon immediately ran to your side to catch you from hitting your head and braced your body against her own and let you fall at a slower rate to the ground safely.
Milo gave a wave to the stadium, with a shout of “Everyone stop!” and made his way over to you. The stadium went into a quick and silent hush. The rotom camera, now focused on you.
Your body jerked involuntarily, your gaze far off and unfocused.
Your partner pokemon gave a cry and rubbed against your body while Milo held your head to where it would be easier for you to breath.
“Hey, Y/N… it’s okay lass. You’re okay.” He said softly, his hat blocking out the harsh sun above you. He gave your cheek a few soft pats, his green eyes searching your face.
It took about a few moments for your hands to stop seizing and jerking. When they did you let out a steady breath. You blinked slowly and gave a low hum as your eyes refocused and fell upon the grass type gym leader above you.
“There you are, are you hurt?” Milo asked you, his voice lower but understandable for your comfort.
You swallowed, and went to slowly sit up, the sun from above now shining painfully on you. You blinked your eyes shut but nodded and turned to him.
 “Yeah… just...” you began and suddenly noticed where you were and felt the anxiety well up inside of you.
“Would it be possible to…stop our battle for today? Please?” you finished and picked at a part of your nails, cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry but I think I need to lay down for a while, I’m just wiped after…” you tried to explain yourself, your Espeon chittered next to you, rubbing against you softly.
Milo held up a hand with a genuine and kind smile. “Say no more, Y/N. Let’s get you to the nurse on call to get a look at you. Make sure you’re okay.” He rose to hit feet and held a hand out to you. “Can you stand?”
You gave a nod and stood up slowly, but wobbled a little, your legs still unsteady.
Milo scooped you up into his arms effortlessly. “Just rest, I’ll get you there safe and sound.”
And he did, 
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avpdrecovery-old · 3 years
very suspicious minds
at the heart of the suffering with avpd is suspicion. suspicion of the world around us, the people around us, their actions and what they means for us and potentially our safety. every micro-expression, unconscious body language is taken apart and evaluated.
in my case, it is from here that everything else fans out. avoidance, hypervigilence, anxiety to do the simplest things such as run errands, talking on the phone, sending job applications, interacting with people, epecially new people... at the core of it all is the suspicion that nothing is as it seems. that there is some plot i am unaware of and need to stay away from.
pre-avpd, i was still a child, i never thought i was important enough or had done anything egregious enough to warrant anyone “plotting” against me. it just didn’t make sense. i was not a bully, i was not popular enough to warrant jealousy from other kids. i was just average and had no enemies to speak of, who does at eleven?
i think it is because of this (and my trigger, explained here) that my mind grew overly suspicious of everyone and everything. if there had been something to explain the behaviour of my bullies, outside of the fact that they just didn’t like me, i think i would have been able to stomach it better, i don’t know. but there was no reason behind their bullying, which meant from then on, my brain was going to watch out and try to protect me from anyone and everything. whether i liked it or not.
it is normal to be nervous when interacting with new people, whether we’re kids or grown ups. after all as humans, we natually do not want to be rejected or abandoned by the group. as a “former” extrovert i still remember the thrill of walking up to kids on the playground or at family gatherings excited that i had found someone to play with. however, the thrill/fear that i felt then was small and didn’t stop me from interacting, i just pushed through it. and even if there was rejection and they didn’t want to play, the rejection didn’t linger, i would simply find someone else, or play on my own in the meantime.
however, post-avpd, my mind has never been the same and it started slowly. after that summer, we moved again and i changed schools again. i remember telling myself that this time things would be different, after all i had finally left those insufferable girls behind me. in fact i remember walking up to them, after all that had happened, and telling them that i would be moving away soon and wouldn’t have to deal with their bullshit anymore. lil eleven year old me actually told off her bullies, can you imagine?!
anyway, the new school full of new kids was upon me, but i just couldn’t stop the programing that was suddenly running in the back of my brain. suspicion.exe had been started and there was no way to turn it off. every friendly face i encountered felt like it might be hiding a smirk, like it might just be a ploy to get me to let my guard down. after all, exactly that had just happened and it had nearly cost me my life. how was i to know what was genuine and what was a plot? i kept my guard up and slowly turned cold.
i’m sure puberty hormones as well as age played into this as well, but i also became extremely fearful of humiliation and embarassment. not exactly the best thing when you’re at an age where you’re supposed to be learning to make mistakes, grow up and do many things for the first time. but mistakes = embarassment and potential for humiliation. and that meant possible rejection, abandonment or even worse, so the avoidance slowly crept in. i started avoiding other kids, activities, places, etc... unless i was 100% sure i would be safe somehow.
my mother said she observed me, the playground aficionado and lover of swings and slides everywhere, back away from one and insist on going home when i saw a group of kids there. this had been unheard of before, but she just assumed i was growing older and didn’t want to play childishly anymore. little did she know that everything had become a potential trap for humiliation to me, speaking to other kids, speaking to boys, saying something in class, etc...
a few years after that, i viscerally remember being afraid to order something from mcdonalds on my own. this is coming from someone who had spent every visit as a child in those god forsaken ballpits. but suddenly, i just couldn’t, couldn’t even go inside the restaurant. just picturing myself going to mcdonalds, set me off and made me feel ill. if it hadn’t been for a friend who unknowingly gave me a tutorial on how to do it, i would never have stepped foot in one ever again.
making friends became hell, because i seemingly couldn’t read people anymore, couldn’t decide whom to trust and whom not to. in fact, pre-avpd trust had never even crossed my mind. we either got along or we didn’t. if we did we were friends, otherwise we weren’t, no hard feelings. now, i suddenly found myself trying to figure out whom it was even safe to even talk to and whom not. all the while suspicion.exe rattled away in my brain, constantly making me feel i was in danger. looking back, i can say that every friendship i have ever had since (an they are not many), has been somewhat onesided from my end. i never revealed my true feelings, fears and problems, since those too were potential sources of humiliation. and i didn’t trust anyone enough to not use that against me. even though i had several bffs during my teen years, girls with whom i hung out one on one for years on end, i can say that non of them knew what was actually going on in my head, because i never told them. i wore a mask, a mask that was essentially me but watered down, and nothing real ever came to the surface. in fact this level of trust, that you could just tell your friend what you are really thinking and feeling or whom you have a crush on or some other secret thing, is alien to me now that i think about it.
a lot has happened since then obviously, i’ll probably return to this subject again, to explain how suspicion has affected me since. but i can sadly say that that programing is still running today. with other settings of course, but it’s still there. i should also add, none of this was conscious. i was doing all these things, but i wasn’t even aware. only in looking back am i able to connect the dots like this.
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Logan is kidnapped by the Dragon Witch, a notorious super villain.
Putting his laptop in his bag, Logan stood from behind the librarian’s desk. 
“Bye, Logan!” His coworker Patton said. “Have a nice day!”     “Goodbye, Patton. You as well,” Logan slung his bag over his shoulder and started walking to where his car was parked, behind the public library where he worked. Stopping to fish his car keys out of his pocket, his thoughts briefly wandered to his boyfriend, Roman, who would probably be finishing up his shift at the restaurant he worked at.  When Logan got home to their apartment, they would change and then go out to dinner- they had been planning tonight for a few weeks now, and though Logan wouldn't admit it to anyone except Roman, he was quite honestly very excited. 
Right as Logan found his keys after checking all his pockets, he heard footsteps behind him. It was likely Patton, though he new Patton didn’t normally leave until later-
Before he could turn around, a pair of hands clapped over Logan’s mouth, muffling the shriek that escaped his lips.
He struggled, trying to shake off his attacker, but they were too strong. Logan was kicked to the ground from behind, someone still holding him. His head hit the asphalt and his vision became blurry- he was now just dimly aware of his hands being bound together.
He now lay helpless on the ground, his cheek and glasses pressing into the concrete, a knee on his back. 
“Get him to the boss,” someone said before a cloth was pressed over his mouth and nose. His vision blackened as hands grabbed him around the waist and started dragging him away from his car, away from tonight’s dinner plans. 
Roman sat on the couch, looking at his phone and waiting for Logan’s text that he was heading home. As the hours ticked by, Roman became increasingly worried. If Logan was staying late, wouldn’t he text? It wasn’t like Logan to miss or forget plans, so what was the hold up? He and Logan had been planning this dinner for weeks, and their reservation was in half an hour! 
Roman bit his thumb, a nervous habit that Logan was trying to get him to stop, and decided to call his boyfriend. Even though Logan was very strict about his rule that he had his phone on silent while working, surely he would pick up, right? 
    Roman took a deep breath and pressed the call button. It rang once, twice, and Roman mouthed “please answer, please answer, please answer…”
    He answered! 
“Logan! Hey, I was getting worried! Are you staying late?”
“If you want to see him again, you’ll come to number 7 Sanders Street. Be there in an hour or he goes. You will not tell anyone you have received this message, and you will come alone.” 
    The voice that replied wasn’t Logan’s, but it was a familiar one nonetheless. 
“You! Dragon Witch! What did you do with him!?” Roman shouted into the phone, already jumping off the couch.
“You’ll have to find out,” she crooned. “Be there. I’m waiting.” 
She hung up the phone and Roman let out a grunt of anger. How could he have been so stupid? He should have protected Logan better, he should have never made so many enemies! 
Logan blinked his eyes, and for a moment thought he was still asleep. He sat alone in a pitch black room. He tried to stand, but found himself tied to a chair, handcuffs on his ankles and hands, the other end attached to the metal chair. He tried to shout for help, but all that came out was a pathetic “mhph!”, the duct tape digging into his lips. 
And to make it truly impossible for him to escape, a rope was wrapped around his torso, tying him to the back of the chair. 
Suddenly a ray of light fell on his face as a door opened and someone walked in. 
Though he had never seen them in person, he knew exactly who just walked in. 
She stepped closer to Logan, dragging a talon across his forehead. When she pulled away, something dripped down the claw- blood. 
She smirked and, without warning, ripped off the tape that served as Logan’s gag. 
“Dragon Witch,” Logan spat through his stinging, swollen lips. 
A grin spread across her face. “Oh, you recognize me! I was sure I had to do some introduction!”     “Why am I here?” Logan snarled. “Let me go.” 
“Let you go? No, I don’t think I can do that. And as for why you’re here? Well, from what I hear, you’re very smart. So you should be able to figure it out.”
“Wha-” Logan was cut off by her hand covering his mouth- something he was getting very tired of people doing to him. 
Another piece of tape covered his mouth, this one much larger than the last, almost covering his ears that he now realized were not supporting his glasses. 
The Dragon Witch turned around, her cape flourishing behind her. Before she closed the door and left Logan in the dark, she looked over her shoulder and looked at him.     “Oh, and for your sake, I hope you boytoy comes for you.” 
As the door locked with a click, suddenly everything came into place. 
The odd bruises Roman came back home with. The odd scars Logan saw on Roman’s back. And Logan knew who he was here. 
He was bait for The Prince, the superhero who was also his boyfriend. 
    Roman drove, his heart pounding. The only thing he could think of was Logan- how afraid he must be, how angry Logan would be if he found out that Roman, of all people, was a superhero! Roman had planned on telling Logan, honestly! He just… was afraid of what Logan would say! But now Roman drove to 7 Sanders Street with his only fear being that Logan would be hurt. 
    He parked the car a block away and climbed up a fire escape. He would enter the building from above, find Logan, and get out, hopefully without confronting her. His cape dragged behind him and his mask was already sweaty from his anxiety for his boyfriend- oh, if he ever saw that damn Dragon Witch, he wouldn’t go easy on her! 
    Sparks flew out of Roman’s clenched fist, and he took a deep breath. What was Logan always saying? 
Be calm, or else things can go wrong. Anger can figuratively cloud your judgement.
Right, Roman had to be calm. “Logan, I’m coming,” he whispered. “Just hang on, my love.” 
Roman leapt across buildings, illuminated only by the moonlight, until he was on the roof of number seven. He opened the door that led to the rooftop and began his descent, his only light source a spark of electricity held between his fingers. 
He silently trod through the warehouse, looking for any sign that Logan was here. 
If he was the Dragon Witch, where would he keep his prisoners? He shuddered to think that Logan was a prisoner, but thought where he would be anyways. 
Of course! The most central room at the top story- it would be the most secure room, and surely she would be expecting him to charge in from the front door! 
Roman made his way toward the middle, and listened for any signs of struggle. 
There- a faint noise behind one of the doors! 
Roman closed his hand around the door handle and searched for a sign of life- he was able to find heartbeats after he learned from Logan that every human being gives off a small amount of electricity! 
And there it was! A heartbeat! 
Roman slowly opened the door, his other hand ready to blast electricity at anyone who wasn’t Logan. 
But there, in the center of the room, tied to a metal chair, was Logan, his head slumped to his chest. 
Roman rushed in and knelt beside him. 
“Lo?” He whispered, touching Logan’s cheek. “Lo, it’s me, please look at me!” Roman said tearfully. 
Logan’s eyes fluttered open and then widened in surprise. 
“Lo, I’m going to get you out of here. Nod if you understand. Logan nodded. 
“Okay. Okay, this is going to hurt a bit. I love you so much,” Roman said, peeling the tape off Logan’s mouth and cringing as he saw the extent of Logan’s injuries: a bloody lip, a black eye, and a cut on his forehead as well as a multitude of bruises on his arms and neck. 
“R-Roman, I-”
“Logan, I’m so, so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner-”     “It's okay, love. We’re going to talk later,” Logan said hoarsely. 
Roman nodded and began untying the rope around Logan’s torso. With the rope gone, Roman saw the next problem. Everything else was metal- the chair, the handcuffs that held Logan down still, and even the floor. 
It was as if the room had been designed to keep Roman from using his powers. And, knowing the Dragon Witch, it probably had. 
Logan noticed his hesitation, because he said, “Roman, what’s wrong?” Roman could hear the twinge of fear in his voice. 
“I- I don’t want to hurt you,” Roman hesitated. 
“What can you do?”     Roman looked away. “I’ve said too much already, and you probably figured out the rest… but I generate electricity, and- and everything here is metal.” 
“Oh.” Was all Logan said. “Well, that explains the static.” 
“Logan! I’m going to hurt you if I use my power, and you’re going to get even more hurt if I leave you here!” Roman was close to full tears now- he couldn’t see a good solution! 
Logan thought for a minute. “Take my shoes off.”     “W-what?” That was not what Roman was expecting to hear. 
“Take my shoes off,” Logan repeated. “My socks, too. Then I need to put my feet on the floor, and then any electricity you use will be conducted by the metal and away from me.”
“Okay. Okay, Lo, I swear I am going to get you out of here. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, Roman. Now stop wasting time and do it.”
Roman did as instructed and looked to Logan. 
“Don’t tell me when you do it, I need to be relaxed. Now come on, Ro,” Logan closed his eyes as Roman put his hands on the cuffs, ready to spark. 
Concentrating on the cuffs, Roman pictured electricity running through the chains to the locking mechanism, forcing the pins to open. And with a click, the locks around Logan’s wrists sprung open. 
Logan stood from the chair, though his ankles were still bound. 
“One more, Lo,” Roman crouched, putting his hands on the other set of cuffs, and with another click, the cuffs fell off. 
“Can you stand?” Roman asked, holding out a hand.
“I think so-“ Logan got to his feet but collapsed with a quiet shriek.
“What’s wrong?”
“My- my knee-“
“That’s okay, I’ll carry you out of here if I have to,” Roman said. 
“Ro-” Logan was cut off by a shriek. 
“You!” Roman turned around to face the Dragon Witch. “You did this to him!” 
Logan, his knee still injured, stumbled back into the chair as he watched the confrontation with a mixture of fear and awe. How could he be so lucky to be in love with someone who was so fearless? Who would face injury or death to protect him? 
The Dragon Witch unfurled her leathery black wings as Roman’s hands crackled with electricity. 
Roman took a step backwards and put himself in front of Logan, ready to Leo in front of anything aimed at his boyfriend, his love, at the nerdy librarian he was so lucky to have seen that night….
Her wings flapped, a gust of wind blowing Logan’s hair in his eyes. Her taloned fingers began to move in a circle, black mist sprouting from around her. 
Then, before Logan could react to the burst of light shooting from the Dragon Witch, he was being thrown over Roman’s shoulder. 
Roman sprinted out of the small room, the Dragon Witch right behind them. Roman ran up the stairs the way he had come, but all too late he realized the flaw in his plan.
He wouldn’t be able to jump around the rooftops and carry Logan at the same time. 
Logan saw his hesitation, and, as Logan was prone to do, came up with a plan. “Roman. The authorities, while utterly useless, always come to the fights they think are going to cause collateral or infrastructural damage, right?”     “Yeah, but I don’t see what that has to do with getting you out of here!” Roman shouted back, still running. 
“It means you need to put me down and fight her! Then the police will come and take me to the hospital or something! I’ll say I got in the way of her plan or something, so she took me to this warehouse and then you saved me!”
Roman realized that Logan was right, as he usually was. 
“You might get hurt!” Roman had reached the rooftop, the Dragon Witch still thundering after them. 
“I know. But that’s a risk we have to take if we want to get out of here,” Logan explained, cupping Roman’s cheek as he was set down by some discarded wooden pallets. 
Roman turned to face the witch as she climbed up to meet them. 
“Dragon Witch,” Roman said with more anger than Logan had ever heard. “You hurt him. You will pay for this!”
“Will I, now?”     She lunged at Roman, the black mist gathering again. A bolt of electricity shot out of Roman’s palm, striking her in the wing. She howled in pain, forcing Logan to clamp his hands over his ears. He watched with a morbid fascination as flurries of blows were exchanged, each landing hits on the other. 
Roman’s fist connected with her shoulder while her talons scratched his arm, blood dripping onto the concrete roof. Angling himself into a sitting position behind the pallets, he clenched his jaw as he heard sirens approaching from below. 
“Hey! Up here! Help!” Logan shouted, peering over the edge and waving his hands. A firefighter looked up in horror and began to run inside while another started to set up a ladder. The Dragon Witch looked over and let out a yell of fury. As Roman, unaware, readied another bolt, the witch dove in front of Logan just as Roman let the bolt go. 
Logan couldn’t move, only seeing it come towards him. The white hot energy crackled through the air as it pummeled toward Logan. 
It hit him square in the chest, the electricity spreading out through his arms and legs. The tingling sensation spread until he was numb all over and his eyes closed, but not before seeing Roman’s screaming face. 
Logan woke in a hospital bed, IV tubes and heart monitors and other medical equipment in and on him. 
The first thing he registered was the beeping, and not a moment later a group of nurses came in. The next hour was a blur of activity, of being asked questions like what did he remember (he was on the rooftop, watching the fight), who’s the president (that orange asshole, but not for long!), and who he wanted to see. 
The last question was the only one he truly paid attention to. 
“Roman,” he said. “I want to see Roman.” 
A minute- or perhaps an hour- later, a nurse came in, followed by Roman, red eyed and disheveled looking. 
Roman gasped and ran to his side. 
“Logan, I-”
“Ro. Roman, I love you so much. C’mere,” Logan put his hand over Roman’s.
“Logan, Logan! I thought I lost you, and I couldn’t live with myself if I had. It would have been my fault, and I love you too much to ever be able to let go. Starshine, I love you so, so much. I love you more than there are stars in the sky.”     Roman began crying again, and Logan put a hand on his face to wipe away the tears. 
“It’s not your fault, Love. Please don’t blame yourself.”
“But Logan, I hurt you!” 
“No, no you didn’t. You saved me, Roman. If you hadn’t come, I would still be tied up in that dark room, and I wouldn’t know where you are. But I’m here with you, and that’s what matters to me. Now stand up and kiss me, you sap.”
Roman knelt over the hospital bed and met Logan’s chapped lips. Never had he been so glad that he was kissing his boyfriend, his Starshine, the love of his life. 
And in that moment, Roman resolved that nothing, nothing would ever lay a hand to hurt Logan ever again. 
And in that moment, Logan knew that Roman would do anything for him, and he would do anything for Roman. 
“I love you so much,” they murmured against each others’ lips.
131 notes · View notes
Our first scene...
I had met her through some friends and we hit it off instantly. She was so beautiful and I couldn't help but get lost in her eyes as we talked. This talking led to an exchange of phone numbers and the first text from her later that night. The text was nothing special just a simple "Hi this is Megan, really glad to have met you today". I responded that I was glad to have met her too and then we fell into a rhythm of talking via text every few days.
Then one night that texting turned into a phone call and a sly joke about being tied up with work led to an interesting conversation. Megan told me she had always had an interest in kink but was always scared to bring it up with her previous partners. I told her I had slight experience being a Dom but that I was a switch meaning I play both sides of the dynamic. Megan seemed extremely curious and we decided to do a dinner date that Friday.
That day seemed to take forever, I mean don't they always? You get excited for something and then it seems the thing before that event takes forever? You could just sit there and stare at the clock but that just makes time freeze. So I tried to focus on work but it was harder than it should've been to do so. But finally it was time to leave work and I rushed home to get ready.
A quick shower to freshen up, brushing my teeth and then picking out what to wear. I decided on a nice button up with a vest, not too fancy but also not under dressed. My phone went off it was Megan "Hope you aren't planning to skip out on our date now, not gonna get cold feet with it being only an hour away are you?". I responded "Definitely not a chance of that happening, see you soon".
The ride to the restaurant I just played some music that keeps me calm. Dating with anxiety can be hard because the anxiety triggers my overthinking and only leads to bad things. Well not exactly bad things it just leads to me overthinking how things could play out and being scared to do them. So I played a Playlist I made that keeps those thoughts at bay. And before I knew it I had arrived at the restaurant. Now the one thing I've learned is it's always best to be early even if your date isn't just shows what you are there for is important.
Time again slowed as I waited for Megan to arrive. Car after car pulling in and the thoughts of did she get cold feet begin to sink in. Overthinking sucks so much I wish I could get rid of that part of me but alas I can not. Finally I see her walking towards me and it must've put a doofy smile on my face because she just laughed and said "what?". I just said "I am glad you made it" as I opened the door to the restaurant and followed Megan inside. I told the maitre d the name on the reservation for two and they sat us at our table.
A drink and some food later and the conversation finely made its way to kink. I asked Megan what her interests were. She admitted she really liked the bondage aspect, seeing people helpless but smiling. She also really liked the different gags but she had never tried any. I asked Megan if she had any experience with impact play and she told me she had been spanked before but not much else but that she would love to try more. I asked if she had any experience with being submissive or dominant in her past relationships. Megan stated she always seemed to take the submissive role in her eyes but that both roles interest her.
The conversation went back to normal from there just talking about our days and plans for the coming week. The check came and I paid for the meal while Megan covered the tip. I walked her to her car and wished her a safe drive home and I left smiling the entire walk to my car. But that was where our conversation stopped until later that week anyway. Wednesday I get a text that says "so I really enjoyed dinner and our talk and I'd like to explore things further with you".
Now this had me blushing at work do I asked when Megan had free time and we could set something up. Megan told me her weekend was free and I asked about her Friday night. She was free so we decided we would do another date Friday night and if she still wanted to she could follow me home and we could have a scene. But before we do that we had to discuss limits and how we wanted to scene to play out.
So via text we discussed how Megan would like our scene to play out. She said she would like to be bound and I told her I had some cuffs that can help with that as well as some hooks in the ceiling that they can be attached to. She also stated she would like to try some impact play but nothing too crazy this time. I said never anything too crazy your limits determine what we do and how long we do it. I asked if she wanted to try using a gag and she quickly replied yes and I said ok and listed the options I had.
I have a ball gag, a ring gag, bondage tape and well a clothes pin. Megan decided on the ball gag which is always a lovely choice in my opinion but you'll hear more on why soon enough. And then we discussed safewords and signals for when she was gagged. The safewords chosen were the traditional red, yellow, green and for the signal we went with her opening and closing her fist multiple times. I advised we would do a test run before we got into the scene just to make sure we were both on the same page.
The next two days of work went by like a snail and I don't think that is at all surprising. But as the time began to tick down Friday the excitement in me built. Again I drove home and freshened up this time just wearing a button up and the drove to the restaurant for date number two with Megan. Now I know only two dates and you're thinking me and Megan are about to have sex. And to some that may be the point of bondage or bdsm sure but not to me. And if you think back no where in our scene discussion was sex mentioned so that was not on the table for me at all.
So I arrived at the restaurant and this time me being dressed down a bit but Megan did not. Megan arrived in a lovely purple dress that hugged her curves in all the right ways. My gosh I couldn't help but freeze as she got closer and just take in the beauty in front of me. All I could say was wow as I opened the door and followed her in. We ate and as we did I made sure to tell Megan not to rush herself we have all night ahead of us and rushing to eat won't help. I know this from experience as rushing to eat absolutely ruined a scene in which I was the submissive. Take your time let your food settle and don't worry about time I said and smiled.
I think this helped Megan relax as she slowed down and we just had a wonderful dinner and chat. One of those chats about nothing in particular but both parties enjoyed it. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to get a second date with her let alone the honor that would be her submission later that night. On this night no drinks were had by me I just wanted a clear head for the nights events which I think is important when I lead a scene. So finally the check came and I asked Megan if she was sure about how she wanted this night to go.
Megan smiled and said I'm very sure and she grabbed the check and quickly handed it back to the waiter with her card. Now that is a simple move but oh I definitely took it as a power move by her. She just had this smirk afterwards that drove me wild. I left the tip and said alright you can either follow me to my place or we can come pick up your car tomorrow your choice. She then decided to follow me home and I thought to myself as the drive began how lucky I was.
The drive felt like forever but it was only maybe 20mins tops. When we got to my place we went over safewords and the safe signal and made sure we were on the same page. Then I brought up aftercare because this is a extremely important piece of the puzzle. I wish I had learned this in a better way but I think our bad moments teach us to be better. Knowing what the other person needs for aftercare is extremely important. And I can say based off experience I will never do another go with the flow scene again. Because it led to me not knowing what a partner needed and them not telling me what they needed but saying I failed.
Hearing from someone you cared about that you failed because you didn't have all the information. That is the worst feeling and one I was not going to repeat with Megan. So Megan being new, she wasn't sure what her aftercare needs were but we agreed on cuddles to start and we would go from there. So I went into my room bringing out cuffs, my ball gag and a length of rope I attached the rope to one of the ceiling hooks. I then sat next to Megan and had her put her hands front of and I secured to cuffs to each wrist. "Now we can do this with your lovely dress on or we can take it off, whichever makes you more comfortable" she smiled and leaned in next to my ear. And with a whisper she said "Oh I am making you take this dress off so you can see whats underneath" and with a giggle she stood in front of me and turned around.
I stood and slowly lowered the zipper on the dress. Then slowly slid the dress down her arms and then down her body. Underneath the dress she was hiding a lovely matching purple lace set. I couldnt help be admire her ass for a moment as I let my hand slide down it. "Wow, you came dressed to impress today didn't you?" I said with a smile as I spun her around after having he step out of her dress. "Well you only get to do your first bondage experience once may as well amaze you the first time right?" She quipped with a smirk.
I giggled and agreed with her as I clipped the cuffs together. "Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked and she confirmed that she did. I walked her over to the hook and had her turn around so I could put the ball gag in her mouth. Once the gag was in place I had her turn around and connected the rope to the cuff chain. "Well look at you all helpless and oh my already drooling" I said with a smile as I wiped up some of the drool leaking down her chin just to show her. She turned a lovely shade of red on her cheeks and I could see the smile in her eyes.
I stood there for a bit just watching her lightly struggle and test the bonds that held her. Now for me I really like gags because they lead to drool which I really enjoy for many reasons. But the other thing I really enjoy about gags is the muffled talking and moans made by the wearer. So as Megan began to struggle I enjoyed watching her slowly drool more and more and the cute little sounds she was making. Watching the drool slowly cause more and more of a shine down her chest.
I went and grabbed my flogger and then turned on the TV. "Well you seem very content there, so I'll let you go about your struggle and see what's on TV." I said and giggled. Megan tried to say you're mean but all that came out was mumbles. "Awwwww you poor thing you have to speak up if you want me to understand you." I started a random show just to make it seem like I wasn't paying attention all the while I kept watching her hands for any signal that she was done or needed to stop.
A few minutes and plenty of drool down her chin later I stop watching TV and walk over to her. "Are you doing ok?" I asked and she nodded and I asked "would you like to do some impact play with this?" As I slid the flogger over her chest. She thought about it for a moment before nodding and mumbling out a "yes please". I start with a few hits watching her to gage her reaction and making sure it's not too much. "Would you like me to do more?" I ask and she nods. This process continues for the next several minutes, me continously asking if she is ok and would like more.
I stop when her butt has the same shade of red as her cheeks did. I quip with a giggle "Awww seems your underwear isn't the only matching set you have now is it?". I untie the cuffs from the rope and then take the cuffs off of her. I then unbuckle the gag and slowly massage her jaw. "Are you ok?" I ask and she says "more than ok that was amazing". I hug her and tell her how proud I am of how she did there and that she took it all so well. I then grab a cup of water and a paper towel.
I hand Megan the cup of water as I slowly clean up the drooly mess she had on her chest. Then I grab a blanket and wrap it around her shoulders. "Would you like cuddles?" I ask and she nods a yes and I lead her to my bedroom. We lay there in my bed for about the next hour and Megan actually drifted off to sleep for about 45 minutes of it. When she awoke I grabbed her a quick snack and some more water. I told her again that I was so proud of how she handled that and asked if any of it was too much. She told me that she felt it was perfect and asked if she could stay the night as it was now 11pm.
I told her that she absolutely could stay and we sat there just talking about how the scene went. She told me that she enjoyed all of it including the impact play and would love to do more in the future. Now it was the next sentence that excited me a bit. Megan turned and smirked at me and said "maybe next time you'll be the one bound and I'll get to make your cheeks match" I began to blush unable to hide the fact that I would absolutely love that and she smiled at me and then kissed my cheek. "I will take these red cheeks as a yes to that then" she said with a smirk as I cuddled her and we both drifted off to sleep.
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heyimviri · 4 years
Track 13. Calpol
“Love Is Exciting.”
A/N: This series is about to be over, but I’m still changing things like a dummy, so I’m going to start writing in 2nd person. Note to self, write in 2nd person and default pronouns are they/them. Okay 😡
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It was 10:45 on a cloudy day that was accompanied by a slight breeze. Cars drove by and people lived their lives, going around about their day. Your sitting on the worn down, wooden bench, that you now call “our bench.” From the moment Keiji deemed it “our” bus stop, you hadn’t been able to stop referring to it as “ours” as well.
For once, you showed up before Akaashi, but you expected to see him making his way there right after you got there. It wasn’t a big deal or anything, it was just strange that 15 minutes had already passed, and not a single call, text, or sign from Akaashi came through. A few more minutes passed, and it’s now 10:57. Finally, you could see Akaashi down the street, but he’s not walking, he’s running. When he reaches you, he’s out of breath, he’s wearing a panicked expression, and his anxiety has kicked in.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I know you probably got here very early, and I didn’t even call to tell you I might be running late. I’m sorry if you were waiting long.” A giggle slips from your mouth as you hold up your phone to show him the time.
“Look, Keiji. It’s 11:00 on the dot, so you’re not late at all! It’s okay, I don’t think I was waiting too long, and I was enjoying the scenery anyway.” You pat him on the back as he regains his composure, but it’s quickly lost again when he averts his eyes and his cheeks flush pink.
“I’m still sorry I was not as early as I normally am, but it was with good reason. I was out shopping because I wanted to buy you something, but I’ve never really bought gifts for anyone but Bokuto, so it was more difficult than I expected.” He mumbled through his words, embarrassed with himself for not having any idea of what he could buy you.
Taking your hand in one of his, and he pulled the other from behind his back to give you a single rose. “In the end, I went with something simple, but I hope you like it...”
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“So, where are we going on this surprise date?” You put the rose in your hair, thankful that the dull thorns helped it get tangled up and stay in place.
“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, now would it? Just follow me and take my hand, if you please.” He held his hand out to you, but quickly recoiled it after realizing what he was asking of you.
A familiar, fire-like feeling built up in your body, as a pink tint overtook Akaashi’s face once again. You smiled at him, pulling his hand back towards yours to intertwine your fingers. It took him a few moments to respond, but when he did, he squeezed your hand tightly and began walking.
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After a few minutes of mindless walking, you come upon a little shopping district with lanterns lining the walkway. He looked back and gave you a gentle smile, one so genuine it made you want to cry. A few more minutes of walking and couple of turns lead you to a cozy restaurant that was built into a wall.
The waiters gave you both a warm welcome, guiding you to your seats. It seemed like you needed reservations for this place, so Keiji must have planned this date before you even told him how you felt; and just like that, you’re heart dropped at the thought of what this could have been, had you not taken your leap of faith.
As if he could tell exactly what you were thinking, Keiji reach out his hand and lifted your head, telling you not to worry about anything right now, and just to enjoy a day away from drama. You took the advice and placed your order, making small talk while you waited for it to come, learning more about each other with every word.
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“The food was great. Thank you for taking me, Keiji.” Your gaze held his, and for what felt like eternity, you shared a look of appreciation
“I’m happy that we could get away for a little while. Relax and talk about everything that’s happened.” It’s hard to believe that it had only been about 2 or 3 months since you both first met, and in that short amount of time, you both feel as if you’ve become insanely close.
The black haired male hastily got up, pulled out your chair, helped you up, and walked you towards the exit. “Come on. Our adventure isn’t over.”
“Hurry, y/n! We need to catch the bus.” Before you knew it, the two of you were running hand in hand towards a bus stop, slowly drifting away each other, as Akaashi progressively got faster.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
About half an hour later, you finally reached your stop, which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. The only noticeable thing was a trail that lead somewhere only Akaashi knew the name of.
“We have to walk a bit more, but I promise that the end is worth it. Do you think you can do it?”
If you were being honest, you feet hurt like hell by now, but it was too early for you to throw in the towel, especially ‘cause you were already there; but then again, why would you want to do something like that? At least that’s what you were thinking until you were half way down the trail, and that alone took 27 minutes.
“Y/N?” You were too tired to form actual words, so instead you hummed in response.
“Get on my back, okay? I’ll carry you the rest of the way, it’s not much farther.”
You declined his offer, keeping your slow pace, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He was worried you’d pass out, so you were picked up as if you were weightless, and you kind of just went with it. One little nap later, you were gently rocked awake, opening your eyes to an unreal sight. Your energy was restored in seconds, and your first thought was to pull out your phone and take a picture.
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The sun made your skin glow, and the breeze felt so nice against your face. You turn to Akaashi, and as soon as he say that your smile shone brighter than the sunlight, his heart exploded into a million piece. He felt as if he’d drop every responsibility he had just to kiss you and live in this moment forever.
“What’s up, ‘kaashi? Your staring is making me feel all warm...is there something on my face?”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that…you’re just a very attractive person.” You laughed and took the opportunity to hug him, as a physical way to thank him. Though he was nervous, he graciously accepted the hug, holding you tight against his chest.
You two stayed like this for a while, laying in the grass, hanging out until the sun went all the way down. On the way back home, you rested your head on his shoulder as his rested on your head. This was the most intimate either of you had ever been with anyone else in a very long time, and it was more comfortable Than you thought it would be. Per usual, Keiji insisted that he walk you home, and he did. He had wrapped his jacket around you earlier, and told you to keep it until your next date.
“I had a lot of fun today, y/n. I hope we can do this again soon, I’ll take you anywhere I can.” Akaashi waved a goodbye to you.
Standing at the door, your four roommates dragged you into the house so you could tell them all about your day. The first thing you said when you walked in?
“God, I wish I would have asked to kiss him.”
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
Track 12. | Track 14.
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @officiallykuute @winunk @sayakaaaaaa @simplesammyx @anngelllla @elianetsantana @peteunderoos @tamaguchi @sugawater
54 notes · View notes
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Part 3 of my little Dad Calum series featuring Lucy. This is fairly PG-13, mentions of sex and pregnancy and the girlfriends.
You’re ready to tell your daughter Lucy she’s going to have a new sibling, but you and Calum are worried how she’ll react to the news. Both you and your husband think back to when you learned you were expecting Lucy, and how truly unexpected life can be.
"Whatcha making babe?” Calum grabbed the pitcher of sweet tea from the fridge, ducking around the island to stay out of your way.
“Cookies and cream cupcakes for Saturday. Kay's overwhelmed being stuck in the house with three kids, I guess four if you count Ashton. I think it’s better for everyone involved if I volunteer my services. Wouldn’t you agree, your majesty?”  
“What are you-ah, I forgot,” he laughed, removing the plastic crown from his head. He’d been playing dress-up with Lucy to keep her occupied.  “Are you saying Kay can’t cook?” He poured himself a glass before moving to the faucet and refilling Lucy’s water bottle, screwing the lid back on.
“I am not saying that, but I’m not saying she can either. I remain neutral about the subject for the record,” you responded as you weighed out your dry ingredients.
“Very diplomatic, not at all like you,” he teased, leaning with his back to the counter watching you work.
“What can I say?  I’m in a good mood, I got laid last night.” You shrugged while turning away from him to check your mixer and add the oil and eggs. When you bent down to grab the muffin tin, you heard a low whistle behind you, making you shake your head.
“Stop it,” you protest, “I look like a potato right now.”
“Don’t you dare,” Calum scolded, scowling at you.
You paused, looking back at him, momentarily confused at his sudden change in his demeanor until you saw the little crinkles around his eyes giving him away.
“That’s my wife you’re talking about. Those are fighting words.” You could feel his presence behind you, close but not touching. His voice a low rumble next to your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
“You’d fight a pregnant woman? I thought you were a gentleman.” You turned around, batting your eyes at him.
His fingers grazed your jawline before cupping your chin. “You are most fortunate, for while I would fight to the death for my Queen’s honor, I could never strike a lady,” he proclaimed, adopting a Scottish accent that never failed to give you giggles. He leaned in closer, dropped the accent, and lowered his voice, both in tone and volume.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t bend you over give you a spanking if you don’t watch that mouth.”
You shivered despite the heat in the kitchen from the oven. Or was it something else? His lips were so close, so tempting, and the next thing you knew you were on your tiptoes going in for a kiss. His hands slid around your waist and his thigh pressed between your legs.
“Why are you kissing? You said I could have a drink, Daddy,” Lucy interrupted before you got too carried away.
“I’ve got your cup right here, Lulu,” Calum said over his shoulder. Turning back to you, he whispered, “I’ll take care of you later.”
“Feels like you need taken care of yourself, Daddy,” you purr in his ear, brushing against his crotch with your hip as you turn back to your cake.
“You’re gonna get it later,” he hissed.
“Promises, promises,” you reply.
You turned towards where your daughter was waiting for her dad to return to their game. You stifled a laugh at the sight of her, hands on her hips, her toes brushing the edge of the tile floor, knowing the kitchen was off limits without permission.  She made quite a sight in her yellow princess Belle dress, and green butterfly wings she’d squished her pigtails into her blue sparkle crown to keep it somewhat balanced while wielding a light saber. 
Lucy loved making up characters and thanks to after Halloween sales she had a trunk full of costumes and accessories. Queen Koa, Ruler of the Butterflies, was her new favorite. Since they brought Astro home last week she even had a sidekick. The only costume that fit the corgi/shepherd mix was a pair of reindeer ears from the previous Christmas, and while he patiently wore the headband, the dog did not look pleased.
“I’m coming, Lulu, we’ll leave Mommy to finish her baking. Come on, Max, we’re hitting up Whoville in the morning.”
“He’s not Max Daddy, he’s Astro,” Lucy scolded, shaking her finger at him.
You rolled your lips in tightly to keep the smile off your face and turned away so she wouldn’t see. Lucy was a handful and a half already, and she definitely didn’t need her sass encouraged.  
“Are you making cupcakes for me?” Lucy asked, spotting the paper muffin cups in your hand.
“I’m making cupcakes for Annie’s birthday, Saturday,” you answered.
“Annie is my other best friend, she’s gonna be five,” Lucy told Astro before turning back to you. “When do I turn five Mommy?”
“You know that Lulu, your birthday is in two months,” Calum reminded her.
“Can we pretend it’s my birthday? Then I can have cupcakes and presents.” Lucy tugged on her dad’s pant leg, turning her pleading dark eyes on him.
“I think you get enough presents, sweetpea. You just got a dog five days ago. That’s a big present for it not being your birthday.”
“You buy Mommy presents all the time, and it’s not her birthday,” Lucy pouted.
Calum reached down and pushed her bottom lip back in before scooping her up, careful not to knock off her wings.
“That’s because she’s the love of my life, that’s why I married her.  Mommy takes such good care of all of us, and I want to make sure she knows how much I love her. She gave me the best present I’ve ever received. She gave me you,” he told her, tickling her ribs and making her giggle.
“So you don’t get divorced like Uncle Luke?” Lucy asked, and you exchanged concerned looks with your husband. Lucy questioned everything. Recently, she and Annie, the eldest of Ashton’s three girls, discovered the concept of divorce and kept bringing it up.
“I’ve told you sweetpea, you don’t have to worry about that. Now let’s go play and leave Mommy alone. Maybe she’ll let us have a cupcake later,” Calum winked at you before setting Lucy back down. As he did her wings knocked over his tea glass, spilling the bit of remaining liquid onto the counter.
“I’ll be there in a second, let me wipe this up,” Calum told her, but she stayed where she was.
He reached across you to grab a paper towel, and you couldn’t resist landing a kiss on his bicep as he did. He paused and flexed his muscle allowing his t-shirt sleeve to ride up revealing a line of slightly paler skin.
“Come on, Daddy,” Lucy whined.
You kissed him a second time, right on his tattoo of Lucy’s baby footprints. You then gave him a little nip on the tattoo just above it, a brightly colored geometric floral design which he let you pick out. He’d gotten the ink when he took you to Costa Rica after being kept apart ten weeks by a lockdown.  You had a similar flower on your shoulder, right where Calum landed his own quick kiss, leaving a heated spot on your skin despite the fabric of your shirt.  
“I’ll take care of you later babe, after she goes down for the night,” you whisper.
“Not if I get to you first,” he growled before grabbing his crown and following Lucy and Astro back towards the playroom.
The vacation to Costa Rica was the first vacation you’d taken without any of the other guys, and for the first two days you’d barely seen anything past the walls of your bedroom. Finally, on day three you’d dragged Calum, who pouted but went along with you, to peruse the shops and wander the beach. He’d found the tattoo shop and after talking to the artist, he’d convinced you to get one along with him.
The artist inverted the color palette of Calum’s design for your tattoo when Calum had explained how you were opposite expressions of the same thought. He’d held your hand the whole time, and you’d been so giddy from his presence you didn’t remember feeling any pain. Afterwards  he’d taken you out to a restaurant overlooking the beach.
You’d split a bottle of wine with dinner before walking back to your beachfront cabana. Calum’s cheeks were flushed red as he kissed you and pulled you into the hammock tied up on the screened-in veranda.  You shifted so your head was resting on his chest with his arm behind your neck. At first you were both quiet, listening to the waves crashing and the faint sounds of other tourists in the distance.You were getting drowsy, but then Calum began talking. He started by going through all the ways he’d kept himself occupied during the previous couple of months. He told you he’d been trying to write while stuck at home, but boredom combined with anxiety didn’t birth creativity. You were so enchanted with the sound of listening to his voice that you weren’t concentrating on his words and almost missed it.
“That morning was when I finally realized that I was in love with you,” he confessed.
In that moment your world contracted, time seemed to stop, all other noise ceased as your brain focused solely on him. He pressed you against him skin to skin so you could feel his heart racing and knew he could feel yours. You had barely let yourself imagine this happening.
The past eight months had been the happiest you’d ever been in a relationship. You were hopelessly smitten since he’d kissed in the car after your first date. He’d given you every sign he was seriously into you. You slowly met the friend group, first Ashton for coffee, followed by dinner at The Clifford’s house and finally, Disneyland with the group. Six weeks ago, his sister’s trip to the US was canceled, delaying your chance to meet his family.
The way you caught him staring at you or playing with your hair when he thought you were sleeping. The small gifts and notes he sent you from around the world when he traveled, when he found something that reminded him of you. Staying up late discussing life and love and later hearing your own words woven into the lyrics of a song. Experimenting with different pancake recipes to make you breakfast because you hated the smell of cooked eggs. Calum showed you he loved you before he ever found the courage to say it.
The words made it real.  Your throat constricted in fear, as his words made you admit the enormity of your own feelings. Everyone you’d ever loved had used it against you. You shifted, lifting your head from his chest so you could look into his eyes. You felt a twinge of pain seeing the same apprehension and fear of falling you were feeling. Despite that, Calum was trusting you with his heart, and if he would hold your hand, you were ready to jump with him.
“What did you say?” You whispered, needing to make sure you heard him correctly.
Calum frowned, disappointed you hadn’t been listening. You shift again, moving in the hammock so you were lying on top of him.
“I heard you, but can you please say it again,” you were embarrassed how squeaky your voice sounded in your own ears.
Calum smiled again, and the sight made you flush warm and tingle all over.
“I said I realized I was in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for quite some time. I was too chickenshit to say it, and I knew you’d never say it unless I did first.” Calum paused, biting his lip, waiting to see how you’d respond.
“You know me so well, another reason I love you.” He met your words with a kiss, followed by many more kisses. After some careful maneuvering to get out of the hammock, Calum pulled you into bed and showed you the love he struggled so hard to put into words.
You remembered every electric detail of that night and thinking about it made you squeeze your thighs together, standing there covered in cake flour. Calum swore it was that night, making love for the first time after his confession, tangled in each other, looking down at you, and proclaiming his love as he found his high, your daughter was conceived.
You smiled to yourself as you measured out the cupcake batter, trying to remember how many times as you’d made love on that trip. You made yourself stop thinking about it. You had to open the freezer and let cold air calm you down a bit. This pregnancy had your hormones raging and if not for Lucy you’d call your husband into the kitchen to have his way with you for the next 22-25 minutes.
Lucy’s eyes went wide when she saw the bright wrapping paper and bows as Calum pulled two boxes out from behind his back. She’d scarfed down the cupcake you’d given her for dessert. It was no mystery where she inherited her sweet tooth from. You spotted crumbs on Calum’s shirt, and he’d already stolen one earlier, before you even frosted them.
She began clapping gleefully and bouncing in her chair, “Pretend birthday, birthday, birthday,” she sang out, catching Astro’s attention.
The dog wandered over and rested his chin on her chair. You pulled her out of her booster seat, took her hand, and the three of you followed Calum into the living room.
“Ok Lucy, Astro, come sit down with me,” Calum sat on the floor and placed the packages in front of him.
“You can help me open my presents, Astro,” Lucy plopped down and grabbed for the closest box.
“Hold on now, what have we told you about grabbing without asking?” Calum snatched it out of her reach.
Lucy thought about it a second, her face flashing from outrage to sadness, and you thought she might cry until she saw tears would not sway her father. She frowned, and you saw a stubborn glare settle in that made you cringe a little knowing she got it from you. As she glanced at the presents and back to Calum your daughter decided to skip the theatrics tonight and went straight for her secret weapon. Her brown eyes went wide, and she smiled sweetly.
“Please, Daddy, can we open my pretend birthday presents? Thank you,” she paused. “I love you, Mommy,” Lucy blinked up at you, covering all her bases.
Calum pretended to think it over until Astro whined and he couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. He handed the packages over and Lucy tore into the paper and ripped the lid off the box. She stopped short when she found a folded up garment instead of a toy.
“Its clothes,” she stated, still excited but very much puzzled. She pulled it out and tried to sound out the letters across the front. You and Calum both took time with her each day for “reading time” and she was getting good at her ABCs and some small words. She worked out “I’m” before she needed help with “going.” She shushed him and carefully read “to be a big” word for word until she got stuck.
“Sss sss is,” Calum prompted, and you saw it click in her head.
“Sister, it’s sister,” Lucy was so hyped about reading that the meaning wasn’t sinking in.
“Read it all together,”  he pointed to each word.
“I’m going to be a big sister,” she read out loud. “What did Astro get?” Lucy loved presents and unwrapping was her favorite part.
You held back a giggle as Calum shot you a frustrated glance where you sat, still recording the scene. Astro’s present was a smaller box with a bandana. She held it up, recognizing the words that matched her shirt until the last one.
“Brother,” Calum interrupted, a bit impatient now.
“Babe, she’ll get it,” you winked at him from behind your phone. “What does it say, Lulu?”
She looked up at you and held it up, posing for the camera with a big grin before turning it back around. “It says, I’m going to be a big brother.” Now she was hamming it up and using her Miss Menkin voice from her favorite show, “She-nanigans.”
“Lucy honey, what does yours say?” you asked, trying to keep her attention.
“I told you, Mommy,” she let the tiniest hint of exasperation creep into her voice. “Mine says I’m going to be a big sister.”
“What do you think that means, sweetpea?” Calum prodded.
Lucy’s features scrunched up as she pondered it for a second before she looked up at him.
“Are you getting a puppy?” She asked and Calum cracked up at her crestfallen face, which made Lucy mad because he thought he was making fun of her. She still held a grudge against all puppies for the one that peed on her last week, so she was not happy at the thought of them getting one.  
He tried to apologize and pull himself together, but she squirmed away and came to you almost in tears.
“Mommy, I don’t want a puppy,” she threw her head in your lap. “Please don’t give Astro back to the fosters.”
“Lucy, sweetheart, please don’t get upset.” You pulled her up onto the couch with you as Astro’s wet snout nudged your ankles. You glanced at Calum who had stopped laughing and now had the hiccups.  He was fumbling for his phone since you’d put yours down. “Astro isn’t a foster puppy. He’s part of our family now, he’s got going anywhere, I promise. I need him to watch out for you and the baby.” You gave your belly a pat and smiled at her. The words hit with a jolt and her hands fluttered up to her face.
“You’re gonna have a baby?” Lucy asked, her eyes dropping to your stomach. “Like Aunt Kay?” She leaned over and placed her hand on your belly the way Kay taught her.
You held your breath, waiting for her reaction. Annie cried both times when they told her she would be a big sister, but it had delighted Kat. Lucy’s face broke into an enormous smile and she leaned down to kiss your stomach.
“Hi baby,” she said before you scooped her up for a hug.
She gave you a hug before hopping off the couch and jumping up and down in place. This got Astro riled up, and he started bouncing on his front paws, throwing his head back and barking at the ceiling. She ran over to Calum and tried to hold still so he could pull her big sister shirt on over her clothes. She chattered excitedly into the camera, telling her Nana Joy about how she was gonna be a big sister.
“I wanna call Nana Joy,” the whine that crept into your daughter’s voice made you check the clock, and sure enough it was almost bedtime.
You started to get up, but your husband stopped you.
“I’ve got this darling, you need to rest,” Calum told you.
“I’m fine, Cal,” you insisted, standing up. “While you put her in bed, I’m gonna finish up in the kitchen so I’m not worrying about it later.”
“Say goodnight sweetpea, it’s bedtime. We’ll call Nana Joy tomorrow and we can all tell her together,” Calum told her as he cleaned up the torn paper and discarded ribbon.
“Goodnight mama,” Lucy looked up at you as she wrapped herself around your legs. She reached up and patted your belly. “Goodnight baby.”
Your heart melted at the gesture and you bent down to give her a kiss before sending her off with her dad.
“Can I have a story and a song?” Lucy asked, and you knew Calum wouldn’t be back for a while.
You puttered around in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher and making overnight oatmeal for Lucy’s breakfast. You could hear the faintest sound of Calum whistling and you grinned, picking up the tune yourself. “Little Surprises” was Lucy’s favorite song and one of the band’s biggest hits. Not to mention your one and only number one hit as they used your whistle on the track, giving you a writing credit.
Ashton heard you whistling at Calum one night while visiting the guys in the studio, three weeks after you’d gotten back from Costa Rica. He’d made you record the cadence while everyone else took a break to eat. Calum was waiting outside the booth with a kiss and a plate of food. Ashton was fussing over Kay, who had a paper plate with two slices of pepperoni pizza carefully balanced on her hugely pregnant belly.  She was set to have the baby any day now, and Ashton refused to let her out of his sight. The baby bag was resting in the corner, ready to go at a moment’s notice.
You settled next to Kay on the couch while the guys sprawled on the floor. You hadn’t cared for her when you’d first met. She reminded you too much of yourself, boisterous and opinionated whereas Sierra and Crystal were much more chill. You’d sorted things out over a love of hockey and Wednesday ladies’ night at Kyoto Sushi. You realized however that she needed a forceful personality to be with a man like Ashton. Ashton was prone to dark moods, as he called them, and she’d been his rock when he’d crumbled just weeks before their wedding. Ashton had recovered in time and then managed to get his new wife pregnant on their honeymoon. You had no doubt her ability to find serenity amongst chaos would serve her well juggling a new baby and Ashton.
You looked at your plate and your stomach turned at the sight of the grease congealing on top of the gooey cheese. You pushed the pizza to the side in favor of the salad. You nibbled on a cucumber, listening to the guys until you caught Kay looking at you with narrowed eyes.
“Are you ok?” She asked dipping her pizza crust into the cup of garlic butter sauce and you laughed at how happy she looked. She’d mostly stuck to a super healthy diet throughout her pregnancy, but pizza was her weakness. Normally you’d be fighting her for the garlic knots and she noticed.
“Yeah, I’ve just had terrible heartburn this past week. I’ve eaten two rolls of Tums in three days,” you told her.
“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Kay joked, “because that was me seven months ago. My doctor put me on famotadine. It saved my life.” She fished a bottle out of her bag and handed you a pill.
“What the hell, don’t try to curse me just because you got knocked up,” you felt your cheeks get hot as you mentally counted backwards to your last period.
Her eyes met yours before they dropped to your belly, then Kay winked at you and laughed. You looked over at Calum who was laughing along with her until he caught your expression.  His eyebrows shot up in a question but before he said anything he glanced around remembering where you were. Kay yelped with pain, drawing everyone’s attention to her.
“Wooo that was a big kick. Your daughter has strong legs babe,” Kay laughed and conversation picked back up. Ashton got up to check on her, unable to keep his hands off his wife for very long.
She thinks I’m pregnant? Holy shit, what if she’s right? You didn’t want to think about it. Calum picked up on your change in mood and nudged your knee and motioned for you to lean down.
“Everything good?” He asked, and you kissed his cheek.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything’s fine,” you replied, but you were trying to do the math in your head.
Calum grabbed your hand and brushed his lips across the back of your fingers.
“We’ll leave soon. I think Kay’s reached her limit for the day,” He nodded towards Ashton, helping his wife make her way to the bathroom.
You watched Michael drag Calum back into the booth to work on something. Ashton came back in trying to whistle your tune, but he kept messing up the middle.
You whistled back, hitting the notes in order. “I want a writing credit for that,” you told him.
“Tell your boyfriend to write something then. He’s helped fuck all with lyrics lately. Hard for him to write when he’s happy,” he teased, but you felt a little guilty.
Ashton saw your frown, and he plopped down next to you on the couch.
“Hey,” he nudged your knee with his. “Calum’s really happy, I’ve never seen him like this before, and that can be hard to write. Turmoil, heartbreak, anger, those are much easier, and that’s why we have Luke. We’ve been riding that codependency train for a few albums now.”
You were skeptical. “You’ve been writing, and you’re happy.”
“I’m thrilled,” Ashton grinned at you, “but I’m also fucking terrified. I can’t believe we’re gonna have a little girl. Who decided I was grown enough to be in charge of a baby?”
“You’re gonna be fine. You’ll make a great dad, and besides, Kay will not let things get too out of hand,” you told him.
He reached his arm around you and gave you a little squeeze. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said. He tried to whistle again, frustrated when he couldn’t get it right.  
“Keep trying, you’ll get it,” you laughed as he pouted.
Ashton never got it, neither did Luke. Fortunately, Michael and Calum figured it out rather quickly. These days the audience did it for them. You were still whistling as you kicked the dishwasher door shut and Calum walked in just as the water whooshed. Your husband whistled back and began playing air bass and beginning to sing the song.
You hopped up on the counter and watched him bop through the kitchen. You loved watching him on stage. He came alive under the lights, in front of a crowd, playing with his brothers and bandmates. The way he smiled and teased the crowd, sticking his tongue out, his fingers working over the strings, turned you on more than anything else in the world. Although having him singing and dancing in your kitchen looked pretty good right now.
He leaned in for a kiss at the “never knew love, until I found you,” line, and when your lips met, the song was momentarily forgotten. You pulled him closer, so he stepped between your legs as you wrapped them around his waist. You gave him several quick kisses on the lips before you landed one on his nose. You were kissing your way across his jawline when he whistled again.
“Really?” You laughed as you pulled back to look at him.
“Sorry,” he said with a sheepish grin. “It’s really stuck in my head.”
“I was thinking about the night in the studio when Ashton got all pissy when he couldn’t get it but Michael could. That night was something else,” you said.
Calum’s eyes got huge. He shook his head, and he exhaled in a rush of air. “That night, yeah, it was something else all right.”
On the way home from the studio, you’d been quiet. Calum asked you several times if you were ok and you brushed him off until he finally pulled into the parking lot of a CVS Pharmacy.
Calum reached over and rubbed the back of your neck. “I heard what Kay said and you’ve been acting weird ever since. How about we get a test and see if there’s really anything to worry about?”
“What if I’m not ready?” You snapped, hating how you sounded. You knew you were being stubborn, but you got defensive easily. You expected Calum to start an argument or at least get mad. He’d never had a temper with you, but you kept waiting to see when it would come out. Every man in your life, except Calum, had let you down. You didn’t want to be wrong again.
Calum took your hands in his as he looked you in the eye. You could feel his hands tremble, but he didn’t let go.
“Whenever you’re ready, this isn’t about me. I mean, I’m involved, but I’m not going to push you to do anything you don’t want. I love you and I want to be with you no matter what. Will you at least come back and stay with me tonight?”
You nodded, and he started the car. You stopped him as he reached for the gearshift. He shut the car off and looked at you. You opened the door and hopped out, not looking back as you made your way into the store. You bought three pregnancy tests and got the female pharmacy tech to ring you up so you could avoid the bored teenage boy playing on his phone working the cash register up front. You rushed back out to the car where Calum was waiting.
“Just drive, please,” you told him. You stared out the window the whole way there, chattering the entire way.
“This is so dumb. We used protection most of the time and I was only a couple weeks late getting the shot because they canceled on me. They tell me it can take months to get pregnant after being on Depo so there’s just no way. Kay has my brain scrambled with all her pregnancy energy.” You stopped talking when he turned onto his street, and he reached over and squeezed your knee.
“I have to pee, anyway. I’ll be right back,” you told him.
“You wanna do this now?” He asked, and you saw the fear he was trying so hard to hold back.
“Would you rather stare at the bag and wonder?”
“You’re right. I’ll be in the kitchen. Do you want a cup of tea?” Calum asked, and from the way he was fidgeting you knew he wanted a cigarette.
“Thanks Cal, why don’t you go smoke, and then  tea would be nice. Love you babe.“
“I love you more,” he called out, and you heard the backdoor slide open and then close.
You took two tests out of bag and managed not to make too big of a mess peeing in the little cup. You laid the little square piece of plastic out on the sink before you unwrapped the other test and took the cap off the end. You took a deep breath and dipped the rest edge before adding three drops to the test window. You refused to look or even clean up and ran out of the bathroom straight into Calum’s chest where he was waiting. You were shaking, unable to figure out what you were feeling as your emotions whirled and fought for control of your brain. Calum said nothing. He hugged you and stroked your hair, but you could feel his heart racing against your cheek.
"How long do we wait?"
"I forgot to look"
He pulled out his phone and looked it up. "It says three minutes. Has it been three minutes?" Calum asked you.
"I think so."
Calum grabbed your ass, "Jump," he commanded, and you did. He grabbed you under your thighs and carried you into the bathroom with him.
"I can't look," you told him, burying your face in his neck.
You felt his head move, and you waited for him to tell you the results. When he said nothing, when he didn't move but slowly took a deep breath, you knew what it said. You lifted your head to see for yourself, but your vision was too blurry as you tried to hold back tears. Calum set you down, so you were back on your feet and wrapped his arms around you, clutching you to him as you sobbed. When you heard Calum sniffle and felt his chest heave your feelings of guilt overwhelmed the fear. You pushed back, not wanting to let go of Calum, but you had the hiccups and needed to blow your nose if you wanted to breathe.
When you finished you wiped your eyes and finally saw the tests. Both were positive. You sat on the closed toilet lid, unable to look at Calum.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," you told him, and started crying again. "This is all my fault. I should've been more careful."
Calum crouched down in front of you and pulled your hands away from your face. His hands cupped your chin and lifted your eyes to meet his.
"This isn't your fault and there's nothing you have to apologize for. There were two of us in that room, and I'm the one who didn't wear a condom. If anyone should apologize, it's me. It's a bit late for that now. I love you and we'll figure this out together."
You nodded, but you couldn't stop crying. "I love you too, but I'm scared. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I know how to do this."
"I'm scared too, and we don't have to figure everything out tonight," Calum stood up and held his hand out. You let him lead you out of the bathroom and into the living room.
"I know how you are, you need time to think and process everything. We don't have to talk, but can you cuddle with me, please? I just really need to be close to you right now."
You sat on the long lounge side of the couch propping yourself up against the armrest and Calum laid against you, his head resting on your shoulder, your hand held in both of his as you turned on the TV. Neither of you paid any attention to the show, both lost in your own minds until you fell asleep holding on to each other. When you woke up Calum was already awake, writing lyrics in his journal.
"Come back to me" Calum stroked your cheek , and you smiled at him. He didn't like to think how afraid of losing you he'd been when he started writing that night. Between your parents multiple divorces and your own rocky history you were more afraid of commitment than he was. Together you'd been able to overcome that fear, but Calum wasn't sure you even wanted kids. The line "nothing scares me except the thought of losing you" was the first line he wrote of what would become "Little Surprises."
"Remember how we were rudely woken up after we finally fell asleep?" Calum asked.
"That 6 am phone call," you shook your head, the melancholy moment drifting away as you remembered the panic when Kay went into labor the next morning. It took 14 hours for Annie to be born, and Ashton didn't leave his wife's side for more than a few minutes. "Remember when Kay said the baby looked like a potato and Ashton got mad when we all laughed."
"Not as mad as when Luke asked if Annabelle Rose was a name they got from Twilight," Calum responded.
"He was completely over the moon with Annie. Remember how he'd hold her like he was afraid she'd break?" You mused, thinking back to Ashton holding his tiny baby girl in those enormous hands, so proud and so nervous.
"We got our first number one hit out of it though," Calum responded.
Ashton managed to tear himself away from his new family after a month to team up with Calum to finish his song. They got it recorded just under the deadline for the album. The fans were in a frenzy leading up to the album's release with the guys telling them this album contained the most personal songs they'd ever written, especially from Calum.
The lead up to "Little Surprises" each of the guys dropped a picture of how their family changed since the last album. Michael posted a sunset pic with his wife, two dogs and a new puppy. Luke posted a behind the scenes look at his dance rehearsals with Sierra for their first waltz as a married couple. Ashton posted a collage of artsy black and white silhouettes of his wife while she was pregnant. Calum was so secretive that no one even knew you were in a serious relationship with him.  
"I'm still amazed we kept it all a secret," you told him. While some fans suspected something was up, most overlooked you as not being his type.
The fans lost their minds when the day the single dropped Calum released a picture of his then three week old daughter's fingers grasping his thumb. The caption "I'd like you to meet Lucy Koa Hood, I've never been happier. Life's really full of little surprises."
"I believe I made a promise earlier that I intend to keep," Calum raised his eyebrows and pulled you down off the counter. You looked at him, puzzled, as he tugged your hand till you were standing at the far end of the kitchen.
"Turn around," he instructed, and when you did he pushed you up against the kitchen island so your back was to him, you could see the entrance to the kitchen, while keeping your lower half hidden from view. He eased your yoga pants down over your hips and got on his knees behind you.
"Keep an eye out for the little one and try not to be too loud," you heard his muffled voice before you felt him kissing his way up your thigh.
"I'll whistle," you half moaned as your husband hummed against your skin.
(If you want added or removed from the tag list lmk. I’m really flying blind on this one)
@sublimehood​ @tea4sykes​ @be-ready-when-i-say-go​ @scribblesos​ @wildmichaelflower​ @notinthesameguey​ @sexgodashton​ @irwinkitten​ @mermaidcashton​ @malumsmermaid​
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taytayize123 · 3 years
How one night can change your whole life ✨
THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FOR MGK. So please I ask you fans and mutuals who love him to be kind. I hope you like it. 🙊💞
It had been a fucking shit year and a half for me given, going through health issues, doctors and nurses that truly didn’t give a shit about how you felt about treatment where they’d just throw endless amounts of pills at you when you clearly tell them that you’ve done your research and other people have achieved remission through eating healthy, working out, and keeping anxiety low yet of course they don’t actually care how you feel. You are just there for them to get a buck out of you and keep the chain going. That whole experience had put me into two depressive meltdowns and to seek professional help by gaining a therapist. When I started therapy I began to realize how much resentment I held in about family members and past friends who’ve treated me like shit and i’m done being walked all over. A strained relationship with my mother. A barely existing relationship with my sister. The only person who seems to take interest in hearing me without having overly dramatic reactions is my dad yet, having a sit down conversation with him is hard so often I got left on my own. My solace in life is music and lately it had been one man that I kept going back to when I was feeling defenseless, stressed, not good enough etc. That was Machine Gun Kelly aka Colson Baker I had really taken a liking to Hotel Diablo about a year ago, something about him had intrigued me so much that I needed to hear every song and lyric. While I may have not struggled with poverty or coming from a broken home as he did, I related to his inability to express emotions the way he needed to be okay in life so he then found an outlet to channel all that rage, anger, sadness, sacredness etc into something that was not only powerful but got him out of that life of struggle, yet it also created new issues for him like finding out who his real friends are in life. Anyways, when he rapped or sang it made me say to myself; “Peyton you are gonna be okay.” an actually believing that for the first time in awhile. 
While, vibing hard to Kells listening to every album as well as learning all the lyrics by heart. Started to develop favorites of his, my attitude started changing as I dove deeper into his music and overall personality. I began to appreciate how he simply didn’t care if he pissed off people as he was being his true self in the process I began to have the confidence in myself to put up or shut up and really stop letting those around me walk all over me and tell them no when they ask me to do something for them knowing they aren’t ever gonna return the favor or assuming I should do something for them just cause I’m family that’s bullshit. Within, this new feeling that i was experience maybe a little good karma came my way because I had gotten a ticket to his latest tour. It was fate or destiny I swear to god because he sold out in my town in ten minutes flat. It felt like I was rewarding myself for really working on my self but also the angels above putting something positive in my life for the first time in a long time and I was so thankful! 
The day was here, October 13th came fast and I was so excited that I was getting this opportunity to see him live and I am stoked. Now, given that my mother asked me to use my car that day, I ended up telling her she could take it but to drop me off early at the venue and I would just chill all day before the concert. It wasn’t an issue, the venue had a hotel on the premise as well as a restaurant, bar, cute outdoor beer gardens and wooden areas to explore. I had chosen to go to the bar and order some lunch and sit up at the bar and read for awhile. 
“Hi, yes could I order the cheese burger with tots please.” I ask nicely to the bartender. She pressed the buttons on the order device and smiled back at me. “Of course. Your order should be up in a minute hun.” she said in a pleasant tone and walked off. I had put my purse up on the counter and dug out my book which happened to be a book about Jimi Hendrix and his life. I’ve always been drawn to musical types I guess, my want for caring for those who struggle and need support somehow has always been attached to people I find interesting. “Here you go love,” the bartender places down my order and my drink as I thank her nicely and turn my page popping a tot into my mouth getting lost in the words yet it stops when I hear
“Do you mind if I sit here?” 
I don’t even look up from my book, and nod happily. As I pick up my drink to take a sip I look up and see him. Machine Gun Kelly sitting next to me. My heart started beating a thousand times a minute but my brain tells my body to PLAY IT COOL. As I smile at him he smiles back,  Hi. I’m Colson, what’s your name? and what are you reading?” he asks me  peeking at my book. “It’s a book about Jimi Hendrix. I am really big into music and just find people who do something in the music field interesting plus he was one of the best guitarists in the world. I’m Peyton nice to meet you.” I say, slowly swallowing still trying to keep my voice even yet on the inside I was FREAKING OUT rightfully so I think. He grins at me as his order arrives, “Yeah, he was an inspiration to me to start playing guitar.” he says picking up his burger and taking a bit. He puts it back down. Noticing a bit of ketchup on his chin I let out a little giggle as I hand him a napkin. He lets out a boastful laugh, “Oh thanks hun, damn where are my manners eating like a savage in front of a pretty girl like yourself.” I look down at the floor. “Nah, I’m not pretty I’m sure you’ve met prettier girls than me.” I say, my happy upbeat tone dropping to one of unsure and self doubt. Still looking at the floor, as I feel fingertips on my chin. He brings my face up to look at his. “Peyton, you are pretty, even beautiful there’s something so real and authentic in your eyes and that is true beauty.” he spoke with such a low but meaningful expression. Staring into those kind blue eyes of his as he is looking back at mine an explosion of a unnameable feeling is spread throughout my whole body. I let out a shy giggle even letting out a short snort, which I snapped back to reality I groaned putting my face in my hands. Colson lets out another sweet chuckle, as he pulls my hands away from my face now holding them in his. “Stop it Peyton, that what you just did was adorable. I have to ask you, will you come back to our backstage area so we can keep talking. There is this pull to you and I can’t figure it out but I need to know more about you. Please.” He spoke with such a gentle tone as his eyes pleaded with mine looking for any hint of a positive answer. I smiled, “Of course, I’ll go with you Colson. Let me pay and we can go.” I said, fishing in my purse for my wallet as I took it out. He already handled the bartender his black amex card and she had cleared the purchase. I stand up in my wedged heels bringing my short 5′3 ass to maybe 5′6, still only coming up to his mid chest looking up at him. “Colson you didn’t have to do that.” I whined, once again Colson cracks another grin looking down at me. “You’re just so adorable. Good thing I don’t mind a bit of whining you’ll learn when to or not.” he smirks at me as he cracks a dirty joke making me laugh again. We turn to leave the restaurant, his hand intertwined with mine. His hands are strong, calloused; years of playing guitar and holding a microphone for hours on end. Fingers wrapping into mine. His other hand firmly placed on the small of my back guiding me which way to go. I thought to myself, as I walked with him; “Whatever will be tonight will be and live life to the fullest.” as the lyrics from his song 27 floored my brain. 
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“ Yeah, forever young, though, haha Always be those crazy kids running wide-eyed down the boulevard, huh 27.” 💞 
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [2]
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-> Pairing: Yuri x Fem!Reader
-> Gang!Au | Modern!Au | Enemies to Lovers
-> Word Count: 2.4k
-> Warnings: Blood, Violence, Cursing, Angst, Crack
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn’t mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you’re running with the wolves.
-> A/N: okok i know this is a lot shorter than the last chapter BUT y’all already heard my struggle with it so i’m actually kind of happy with this and liked where it ended. i’m sorry it’s boring, i think this was just a chapter where i do some introductions and go further into characters and a teeny bit more into the world of the gangs idk more info in later chapters because reader will NOT suddenly get a huge info dump of shit - also i hope you all like my two oc’s in here!
if you’d like to be put on the taglist, send me an ask or a message!
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In that second, Yuri began firing shots at your pursuers again. Hapi gave her gun to Balthus, who began using both his and her pistols to keep them back as well. She turned and grabbed your arm- the same one that was bleeding before recoiling.
“Who hurt you?”
“Yuri dragging me around.”
Hapi scoffed and reached for the other arm, leading you out the back door and into a small white car. She cranked the engine and backed out before you could even get buckled, narrowly missing a larger black van parked beside it. You held onto the door frame, your fingers turning white as Hapi whipped the car down a smaller, empty street.
“Why are you driving like a fucking lunatic?”
“They could easily follow us! Look behind, do you see anything?”
You turned as well as you could as Hapi made another sharp turn. “No, there’s nothing behind us.”
She slowed the car just a little bit. “Keep checking. We don’t need someone knowing where we’re going.”
You stayed turned in your seat, heart jumping out of anxiety every time you saw a random car or person pass by. “My home is the other way.”
“Wh- Oh, honey, no. They think you’re a part of us, you can’t go home.”
“What? Why not? I could just explain to them what I was doing- they’ll understand-“
“No, they won’t.” The redhead leaned her head back against the seat and bit back a sigh before mumbling to herself. “We weren’t even involved in their little spats with the other places. Why the hell would Edelgard come after us?”
You checked back one more time. “Didn't she say something about how ‘she’s the boss now’? Whatever it’s about, it’s because she’s apparently in charge or whatever. I- I just want to go home.” Your nose burned as tears filled your eyes, but you willed them to not fall. Hapi would definitely be the kind to make fun of you.
You thought back to the others- Yuri, Balthus, and Constance. Ellie had said that they were just some random college kids, making money to get by. Obviously they were more than that.
“What about the others? We just left them there.”
“They’ll be fine. They’ve had their fair share of fights. We’ll meet them back at the house.”
You could only nod and try to soothe your shaking body. Your arm still burned from the wound, but you didn’t want to look at it. Knowing the severity of it would only make it hurt worse.
Eventually, Hapi pulled into a normal looking house. It seemed inconspicuous, with a fraternity sign hanging out front to complete the “normal college kids live here” look. You shuddered. Things are not as they seem with these people, and their house for sure isn’t a normal one as well. Hapi got out of the car and scouted around it, searching the entire car before once again muttering to herself.
“... Can’t believe I forgot to look for a tracker-“
“Look who’s finally home! Hapis and- who’s this?”
Suddenly a loud, annoying voice shouted from the front door of the house. You looked up to see a new man, slowly putting down his waving hand as he saw you. From the top of the brick stairs, he looked quite tall, but as you continued to ascend, the shorter and shorter he became until he was scarcely a few inches taller than you.
“Hiram, this is Y/N. She was, uh, put in an unfortunate circumstance and had to come with us.”
His white eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Hapi confusedly before nodding. “Uh, yeah, okay. Come on in, then. Rhys is out getting takeout. What’s the circumstance?”
“Edelgard attacked the café.”
Hiram was still confused, but it was cut short as the same black van you saw earlier pulled into the open garage. Hapi motioned for the two of you to come inside, saying that Yuri would explain everything.
The house was more normal than you expected. The living room walls were painted a light blue with a couch surrounding the fireplace and a TV on top of it. The colors of that room contrasted greatly against the honey yellow walls of the kitchen, where everyone had gathered and sat at the table. You squeezed yourself between Hapi and Constance, the only other girls there.
“We should wait for Rhys-“
“There's no time.” Yuri scoffed at Hiram and leaned back on his chair. “Somehow, Edelgard took power from her father and is now the leader of the Black Eagles. I’ve yet to figure out what her plans are- attacking us, out of everyone possible- but I’m sure they aren’t good.”
You sighed and leaned against your arm, but stopped. You really, really needed medical attention for your arm. You also really, really needed to go home. You stood up.
“Okay, well, have fun with that. I’m out.”
Yuri laughed. “No, you’re not. Sit down.”
You whipped around to face him, your cheeks burning in anger. “I am! I’m going to leave this house, go to a hospital, fix my arm, and go home. I have no business here.”
You moved to leave again, but a pair of pale arms wrapped around you. One arm gripped your waist tightly as the other flicked out a knife, holding it against your neck. You tried to struggle, but the person- a tall man- tightened his hold even further. Yuri rolled his eyes.
“Easy with her, Rhys. You started having business here the minute you decided to open your stupid little mouth. Hasn’t anyone ever taught you to shut up? To think rationally in the face of danger? Did you even realize the danger you were in, or are you really just that dense?” He sneered, walking towards you. “You, Princess, have gotten yourself into a Hell of a lot of trouble. You’re right, you shouldn’t be here, but now it’s time to reap what you sow.”
You grimaced at Yuri’s close proximity and spat at him, making him stumble back and wipe his face in disgust. This caused Rhys to lift your chin with the knife, pressing down enough to leave a small cut. A trail of blood dripped down to your collarbone.
“I suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut.” Hiram laughed almost maniacally from the table. “Rhysie’s silent but deadly. Don’t mess with us.”
Said man finally let you go, pushing you back to your seat, which you took with a huff. Constance handed you a tissue from the small pocketbook she carried and you thanked her, smiling wearily.
Hapi, who had stayed silent the entire time, coughed awkwardly. “So, what’s our next move?”
Yuri shrugged. “We’re no longer neutral, obviously. But we don’t know if the Golden Deer or the Blue Lions are on our side either. Edelgard had to have had a plan when she attacked us.”
The six others sat in thought for a minute while you, on the other hand, had never been more confused. “Wait, what’s even going on? Why do restaurants kill each other?”
Hiram giggled and plucked the bloody tissue out of your hand, beginning to mess with it and look at the new stains. “You’re tellin’ me that you really thought this was just some dumb restaurant rivalry? Hah! Sweetheart, we’re gangs. Y’know. Drugs. Illegal trades. Turf wars. The usual.”
You tried to put more pieces together. “So, Edelgard’s gang is the bad guys?”
“We’re not good. None of the gangs are. Our sins are irredeemable- we’re not the good guys. Edelgard’s people aren’t the bad guys. We don’t know what’s going on right now.” Hapi cut off Hiram.
Said man snorted and ran a hand through his ponytail. “Hey, Rhys, say fuck for me.”
Rhys’s freckled skin flushed a bright red and he avoided the eye contact of everyone around. “...I can’t.” He mumbled.
“See? Rhysie’s good.”
Hapi closed her eyes and suppressed a sigh again, and you wondered what was up with her and sighing. “The next move is to wait. Maybe do a little digging in their computers and communication, but that’s Hiram’s job.”
“We’ve got to figure out something for the rat to do.She can’t just sit here and be in the way.” Yuri mused. “Housekeeping, perhaps?”
“I am not a rat!” You hissed, “You are!”
The purple haired boy only smirked. “Whatever you say, Princess. Go upstairs to the first room on the left. There’s a big stack of manila folders with profiles on the desk. Bring them back down here.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat, practically stomping your way to the wooden stairs. Opening the first door on the left, you found the folders Yuri was talking about. You reached for them, but hesitated and looked out of the window beside the desk.
It would be so easy to leave, you thought, but jumping from this height would definitely lead to a broken bone.
You committed this room to memory and grabbed the folders, taking your time down the stairs to plan an escape route if needed. You were going home, whether they liked it or not, you decided. You were close to the bottom of the steps when a paper slid out from one of the folders. It was a profile with a rather familiar looking face on it.
Yuri Leclarc, It read, Age 24. Affiliation: Ashen Wolves. Family: Father (unknown), Mother (missing).
You heard footsteps walk through the living room and you quickly snatched up the paper, stuffing it in a folder before you finished reading it all. Hiram became visible, one hand carrying a large laptop and the other, a basket of cables and other equipment. He didn’t say anything to you. Instead, he barely spared you a glance as he walked back into the kitchen. You followed.
“Here.” You huffed and slammed down the folders. Hiram was busy plugging up different cords and routers to the computer, still completely ignoring your presence.
Yuri nodded and stood, sifting through the papers before landing on one labeled “Black Eagles”. He pushed the other folders to the side and opened that one. He laid out 8 profiles, all of people around your age. You could’ve sworn you’d seen some of them around campus, but you nearly vomited as your eyes caught one certain profile.
Ferdinand von Aegir.
“It’s up and running!” Hiram’s voice knocked you out of your stupor. “A piece of art, truly!”
Constance snorted. “A piece of shit, actually.”
Hiram ignored her comment and grinned, placing his hands on his hips proudly. “I call it the Computer of Chaos. COC for short.”
The silence in the kitchen was practically screaming.
Yuri looked up from the profiles. “The what?”
“The Cock, Yuri-bird. Didn't you hear him correctly?” Balthus nearly choked trying to hold in his laugh.
“Exactly! And it works for everyone here, you just have to say your name and it’ll unlock for you.” Hiram motioned for someone to give it a try.
Yuri still looked at the computer quizzically, but walked towards it nonetheless. He leaned down and said, “Yuri Leclarc.”
“Access Denied.”
“What?” Hapi questioned, pulling the computer toward herself. “Hapi.”
“Access Denied.”
“Ohhh, that’s right.” Hiram’s grin turned mischievous. “It only answers to the nicknames I gave you all.”
If looks could kill, Yuri would have committed a murder. He sighed heavily and violently moved the computer back to him. “Yuris.”
“Permission Granted.”
“Go die.” He growled at Hiram, who only laughed.
“What nicknames?” You had to ask, but regretted it once Hiram’s smile was directed at you.
“I add an -is to the end of everyone’s names! Yuris, Hapis, Constis, Balis, but I call Rhys ‘Rhysie’, he doesn’t tell me not to~”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t fucking talk, that’s why.”
“Can I have a nickname?” If you were going to be stuck here, you may as well make friends.
“Hmm,” Hiram pondered, “No.”
So much for making friends.
Yuri interrupted the awkward moment by slamming his hand down on COC, making Hiram gasp in protest. “Fucking- Hiram, try to find something- anything- to find out Edelgard’s intentions. We had a neutrality pact, she shouldn’t have broken it.”
Your head was starting to hurt from the events today. Rubbing your temples, you stood up, making everyone look at you.
“Listen, I’m tired. I’m stressed. Is there like, anywhere I can sleep? I can’t do much more.”
Constance nodded. “I’ll take you up to the spare room!”
She led you up the stairs and past the room you had gone into earlier. Opening the door to one of the bedrooms, she gestured for you to enter.
“I’ll have to lock you in, but I’m sure you won’t mind. You’ll be sleeping, after all!” Constance smiled, “Goodnight!”
You waved back at her and waited for the click of the lock before turning on the lamp and peeling your sleeve away from your arm. You grimaced- blood had dried and caked around the wound, which was still slightly bleeding. You needed medical attention, but you didn’t blame the Wolves for not thinking about it.
They certainly were stressed- being previously neutral and suddenly attacked. They’ve got enemies now and you suspected that was something they haven’t had in quite a while. And then there was you, the epitome of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. Who would’ve thought that you’d end up accidentally in the middle of a gang war when you moved here? Certainly not you.
Guilt tugged at your stomach. These people were different from you. You didn’t belong here and you needed to get out of their hair. Yuri made it obvious that you stuck out like a sore thumb, unaware of what to do like they did.
You glanced at the window in the bedroom and stood up, making your way towards it. You could easily unlock it and risk an ankle injury. You’d already hurt your arm, it would be fine.
Your two choices were to try to survive a mob that wanted to kill you all, or get a foot injury while escaping and get back to your normal life.
Unlocking the latch on the window, and sitting on the edge, you had already made your decision. You jumped down and ignored a loud crack that resounded in your ankle, slipping into the depths of night.
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @mifuyuyu @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz
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darriness · 3 years
Klaine Fic - You’ll Always Be The Home - Chapter 1
Author: darriness
Fic Summary: Everything is finally settled in Kurt and Blaine's life...right?
Rating: T
Link to: Prologue
Chapter Word Count: 3172
Chapter Summary: A wedding.
Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, or just read the prologue to this. Here’s chapter 1! As always thank you to my amazing beta @darrenismydarcy
AO3 Link
Four years is a long time. A lot can happen in four years. A lot can change. In one four year span for example, Kurt and Blaine met, became friends, became boyfriends, graduated high school, broke up, and got back together again. 
In the four years since their reunion, Blaine and Kurt have moved in together, graduated college, gotten engaged, started careers, and planned a wedding.
But if you ask Kurt and Blaine? The past four years have felt like both a lifetime and a milli-second in equal measure.
Blaine adjusts his cuffs and fidgets with his lapels as he stands behind the rows of chairs in front of him. Before he can once again reach for his lapels, his hand is grabbed and he turns to smile sheepishly at Bethany.
“Sorry.” He mumbles.
Bethany smirks and squeezes the hand she has in her own, “You’re adorable.” Her eyes soften as Blaine’s eyes flit around the room, “I am so happy for you...you know that right?”
Blaine’s eyes train back on his little sister and he smiles, “I do know that.” He says, softly, squeezing her hand in return.
*Four Years Ago*
“Can I paint my room any colour I want?” Bethany asks as Blaine fumbles for with the keys in the lock.
“Hmm?” Blaine hums distracted as he tries not to drop the bags in his hands.
“I said, can I paint my room any colour I want?” Bethany repeats.
“Oh uh, I don’t know. We’ll have to ask Kurt, I guess.” Blaine responds, finally getting the key in the lock and opening the door to the small apartment for only the second time. He hasn’t been back since he and Kurt got back together and now he and Bethany are going to be living here.
Bethany sighs as she pushes past Blaine in the unrefined way of a 12-year-old who wants to be the first one in, “We live here now. Can’t you make the decision? Or are we going to have to ask Kurt for everything now?”
Blaine sighs as he drops the bags he’s been carrying just inside the door. The apartment is empty, Kurt is at class. The pair had decided it might be easier to move in when Kurt wasn’t home.
“Just…” He doesn’t know how to answer. He’s never lived with anyone beside his family which means he’s never moved into someone else’s house. He’s not sure what the ‘rules’ are, or even if there are any.
Bethany rolls her eyes and flops down on the couch, letting the backpack she had been carrying fall on the ground next to her, “You said this would be a good thing for us.” She says with a raised eyebrow.
“It is.” Blaine says with a surety he doesn’t really feel. He knows Bethany was fine with moving and happy that Kurt was back in their lives but she’s also twelve...who knows if this really makes her happy.
*Present Day*
Music starts to play and Blaine takes a deep breath as he realizes that’s his and Bethany’s cue to walk down the aisle. He feels Bethany shake his hand in hers and he looks over at her with a smile. She smiles back at him before the pair begin to slowly make their way down the aisle.
He tries not to look over the crowd but can’t help but cast his gaze quickly over the faces. Friends and family all with beaming faces but unlike the former that is a mixture of friends they have as a couple and separately, the latter is all Kurt’s. Blaine threads Bethany’s arm more tightly in his own and keeps walking with a polite smile on his face.
When he and Bethany are finally at the altar he lets go of her hand and takes his place in front of the officiant as she takes hers just behind him as his ‘best woman’. He reaches to fidget with his suit jacket one more time as the music changes to signal it’s Kurt’s turn to make the walk he and Bethany just made.
He turns, like the audience in front of him does, to look at the back of the room and takes a deep breath when he sees Kurt standing arm in arm with his father. He feels Bethany nudge him in the back and he would turn to look at her if he wasn’t so transfixed. He has a feeling she would be beaming at him and maybe winking, anyway. 
*Three Years Ago*
Blaine gets home from class with a tired but happy sigh. He loves New York, he loves school, he loves everything about his life right now.
“Bethany I said no!” He hears Kurt say from the direction of the kitchen and pouts his lips thoughtfully, pausing as he takes off his scarf.
“You’re not my dad!” Bethany shouts back at Kurt and Blaine hisses in a breath.
There’s quiet for a moment and Blaine is wondering who is going to blow first. Since moving in, Bethany and Kurt’s relationship has changed slightly. They’ve gone from partners in crime, so to speak, to something more resembling father/daughter, or at the very least, caregiver/child. Blaine knows Kurt tries not to act that way but it’s unavoidable when living under the same roof. Blaine isn’t necessarily surprised but there have been times, like the one right now, when he wishes they could go back to the way they were before.
Finally, Bethany lets out an unintelligible growl and stomps off toward her bedroom, not even realizing Blaine is there when she huffs through the living room.
Kurt follows a moment later but at a slower pace and doesn’t appear to want to actually follow her as her bedroom door slams. He sighs when the slam happens and swings his gaze to Blaine - fixing him with a resigned expression.
“She wanted to take the subway, by herself I might add, to a concert in the park.” Kurt recounts.
Blaine’s eyebrows shoot up, “Well, thank you for saying no.”
Now Kurt’s glance is slightly withering, “Of course I said no.” He says before sighing and looking back at Bethany’s door, “I honestly never imagined I’d be a parental figure to a teenager in my early 20s.”
It sounds more like he’s saying it to himself than Blaine but Blaine’s stomach still clenches with anxiety, “I’m so sorry, Kurt. I’ll talk to her.” He swallows thickly.
Kurt does a double take before he seems to realize what he said and he moves quickly to Blaine’s side and puts his arms around his waist and his forehead to his temple, “Hey, no. That’s not what I meant.” He says before sighing, “Just because I didn’t think my life would be this way doesn’t mean I don’t love it.” It’s Blaine’s turn to give Kurt a withering glance. Kurt shakes his arms around Blaine, “I’m serious! In a few minutes I’m going to go in there and talk with Annie and everything will be fine. Just because she and I fight now doesn’t mean I’m not happy with our life.”
The sincerity in Kurt’s voice makes Blaine breathe a little easier.
*Present Day*
When Kurt and his dad finally, after what feels like the longest walk down the aisle ever (definitely longer than Blaine and Bethany’s was), make it to the altar Blaine can barely contain himself. He tries to wait as patiently as possible for Kurt to hug his dad and then take his place in front of Blaine but the wait for that to happen feels almost as long as the walk did.
Finally, FINALLY, Kurt is smiling at Blaine and reaching forward to grab his hands. Blaine feels like he can truly breathe for the first time all day. He is so ready to marry this man.
*One Year Ago*
“Are you sure I can’t film this?” Bethany asks.
Blaine chuckles nervously, “No, you cannot film this! I’m already nervous enough as it is.”
Bethany smirks, “Yeah but don’t you want to remember this for all of eternity? I mean, unless he says no or you get a divorce or…”
“Annie!” Blaine exclaims, making Bethany giggle in a way she doesn’t usually do anymore. Blaine’s learning there are a lot of things 15-year-old girls ‘don’t do anymore’.
“He’s here!” Bethany squeals, pointing over Blaine’s shoulder.
Blaine turns around in his seat to watch Kurt talk to the hostess before getting shown to the table where Blaine and Bethany currently sit. It’s a fancy restaurant where the hostess even pulls out Kurt’s chair for him before he sits down.
“Oh, thanks!” Kurt says with an amused chuckle at the gesture as he takes his seat, “Hey!” Kurt enthuses, reaching forward to grab Blaine’s hand and smiling at Bethany.
“Hey!” Blaine smiles back as Bethany waves.
“So, what’s the special occasion? I mean, not that I don’t love fine dining and a chance to wear one of my fancier outfits…” Kurt asks, looking back and forth between the siblings.
Blaine swallows. He had originally wanted to wait to do this until later in the meal but…
“Kurt,” He starts and he can feel Bethany’s eyes on him. She had also been under the impression this would come later and obviously understands the tone he’s using. Kurt seems to understand something big is coming too because he sits a little straighter and he tilts his head in interest. Blaine swallows one more time, “Kurt, when you came into our lives my only focus was Annie. And while I love her to death and have never for a second regretted becoming her primary caregiver...I wasn’t really living.” Kurt’s eyes have widened in seeming shock but he stays quiet, “And then you came into our lives and...everything got more colourful. You opened my eyes and my heart to a love I don’t think I could ever even imagine and I am so thankful to you for that.” 
Blaine sends one more glance at Bethany who is beaming at him and nodding before he takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee. The tables closest to them are looking on but Blaine only has eyes for Kurt - who is currently staring down at him with wide glistening eyes.
“I love you more than words can say, Kurt, and you would make me the happiest man in the world if you would agree to become my husband.” He produces a velvet box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a platinum band with inset diamonds. Kurt gasps, “Kurt, will you marry me?”
Kurt is nodding before he even finishes speaking, “Yes.” He whispers breathlessly.
Kurt pulls Blaine to his feet and into a kiss as the tables closest to them begin to clap. The loudest cheers are, of course, from Bethany, who makes the pair laugh as she whoops and hollers.
*Present Day*
The ceremony is simple and yet perfect. They debated writing their own vows but decided, instead, to go the traditional route; saying ‘traditional’ words in a ‘non-traditional’ situation really appealed to both of them.
It turns out Blaine cries more than Kurt, but Bethany cries more than both of them to the point where Blaine pauses and asks the officiant to wait before turning and hugging Bethany to him for a brief moment. She cries into his shoulder and their photographer captures the moment forever. 
When it comes to their first kiss as husbands, Kurt goes off script just a little bit and bends Blaine in a dip to press their lips together. The room cheers around them at the action and the pair come up laughing - Blaine slightly embarrassed but overjoyed, and Kurt exceedingly proud...and also slightly embarrassed.
As they walk back up the aisle hand-in-hand, they smile at their family and friends who are all beaming back at them.
*One Year Ago*
“Kurt, why are we still doing this? You’re already engaged!” Bethany exclaims as she helps Kurt move the coffee table.
Kurt grunts as he shifts the table into its final resting place against the wall and out of the way, ���Because I have been planning this for weeks and Blaine deserves to be proposed to.”
Bethany smiles, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
It was no surprise that Bethany had been in on Blaine’s proposal but she had been surprised and ecstatic when Kurt had come to her the month before to enlist her help in his own proposal. Bethany had to keep both secrets for the month while inside she had been bubbling over with excitement.
Kurt takes a deep breath and looks around one more time, “So...is everything ready?”
Bethany also looks around before looking back at Kurt, “All we did was move the coffee table and put out champagne. You know, for someone as dramatic as you...this proposal is super low key.”
Kurt rolls his eyes, “Because this proposal is for Blaine.”
Bethany pouts her lips like she hadn’t thought of that before nodding, “Okay, that makes sense.”
They hear keys jingling in the hallway and both of them jump. Kurt shoos Bethany toward the door and she goes with a skip, making sure to wink at Kurt first.
She opens the door before Blaine can get his keys in and he looks up in surprise before smiling, “Thanks Annie.” He says.
Bethany rocks back and forth once, trying to contain her smile, before sweeping her arm into the apartment, “Right this way.”
Blaine quirks an eyebrow as he toes off his shoes, chuckling at the formal gesture, “What’s going on?”
“Would you just come?” Bethany asks with an eye roll, hooking her arm into Blaine’s and pulling him along.
When they get to the living room Kurt is standing where the coffee table usually sits. Blaine looks back and forth between the pair, “What’s going on?” He asks again.
“Blaine,” Kurt starts and Bethany unhooks her arm and shoves Blaine forward a little. When Blaine is standing in front of Kurt, Kurt grabs both of his hands in his own and continues, “You have brought so much into my life - love, laughter, joy,...Annie.” He winks at Bethany who is standing just behind Blaine and the teenager giggles softly before quieting, “And I know you already proposed to me and technically we’re already engaged but you deserved a proposal as much as I did.” He takes a deep breath and goes down on one knee. Blaine, inhales sharply and his eyes are already moist with tears, “You are the love of my life, you are my everything, and I would be forever grateful if you agreed to marry me.” 
He opens a ring box to reveal a simple platinum band. Blaine stares at it for a long moment, silence ringing in the room before Bethany breaks in, “Would you mind saying yes? Kurt said I could have some champagne after.”
Blaine and Kurt chuckle from their position. Blaine shakes his head and bites his lips together as they quiet before kneeling on the ground in front of Kurt, “I will, of course, marry you.” He whispers before pulling Kurt into a kiss. 
There is clapping this time, too, but only from Bethany as the pair pull apart and Kurt slips the ring onto Blaine’s finger. They beam at each other like they are the only two in the room before Bethany coughs behind them.
They chuckle again, “Did you really tell her she could have champagne?” Blaine whispers.
Kurt smirks, “One glass.” He says.
*Present Day*
“Bethany!” Blaine exclaims.
Bethany freezes with her glass halfway to her mouth and gives her brother a sheepish smile, “Uh….Kurt let me?”
Blaine rolls his eyes and holds up his index finger, “One.” He says as Bethany cheers and takes a sip of wine from her glass.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to be trouble with this whole drinking thing.” Blaine asks, leaning against the bar next to her. The reception has been raging for hours now, dinner long since over, and Blaine is slightly alcohol loose, a lot in love loose, and thoroughly enjoying himself.
Bethany rolls her eyes, “I’m not stupid.” She says and Blaine nods, leaving it at that for now.
“Wanna dance?” He asks, gesturing to the dance floor as a slower song plays over the speakers.
Bethany takes another sip of wine and jerks her head behind her, “Go dance with your husband. He told me half an hour ago that he’s sad you guys haven’t been able to dance as much together with all the entertaining and hosting. I’ll finish my wine and cut in later. Maybe after I ask Finn to dance.” She winks at him and Blaine chuckles as he scans the room for Kurt, who is looking at him from across the room where he’s talking to one of his relatives.
They smile at each other before Kurt pleads, wordlessly, with his eyes and Blaine chuckles before kissing Bethany’s cheek and heading over.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt.” He says when he’s close enough and Kurt’s relative coos at him, “I was wondering if I could steal my husband for a dance.”
The relative, who Blaine is sure he’s been introduced to but can’t remember her name to save his life, agrees easily and Blaine leads Kurt to the dance floor. They settle quickly into each other's arms and Kurt sighs in relief, “Thank you.” He breathes as they start to sway, “My Aunt Jenny is lovely if not a little...over the top.”
Blaine chuckles, “Well, that’s my job now. To save you from well meaning but exhausting relatives. It’s in the contract.”
Kurt’s face suddenly goes somber as they continue to sway and Blaine tilts his head slightly, “What’s wrong?”
Kurt sighs, “I just…” He pauses and cups Blaine’s cheek softly. Blaine looks at him curiously, “Are you upset your parents aren’t here? Were you...expecting them to show up?”
Blaine’s eyes widen in surprise slightly before he chuckles, “Well, considering we didn’t invite them, it would be very strange for them to show up now.”
Kurt sighs again, “Blaine…” He starts.
Blaine sobers before sighing himself and looking off to the side slightly. He notices Finn and Bethany dancing and smiles slightly before turning back to Kurt with one scrunched closed eye, “Maybe...part of me was hoping they might actually show up.”
Kurt’s heart breaks a little at the admission even though he’s the one who asked about it and he’d assumed that was going to be the answer. His heart breaks for Blaine who may never fully heal from the trauma of his past.
He puts his hands on either side of Blaine’s neck and leans in to kiss him softly. He can’t magically make everything okay for Blaine, but he can love him and remind him of how loved he really is.
He plans on spending the rest of his life making sure that happens.
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