#i can do colored words woooow
It feels very natural to have hair on my arms, so why do i feel the need to shave my legs every time i see the shadow of a singular hair? Why do i stop wearing shorts or dresses after two weeks? But i never stop wearing tshirts or other tops when i haven't shaven my arms in a while. My arm hair seldom bugs me out. And then i'll look at my legs and jump like i've seen a spider. On the other hand i hate armpit hair and while i try not to shave everyday bc razors irritate the skin, i do it every week. Idk man the dichotomy of woman
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 months
"Ah, there you are! I thought I would never find you!"
The mech stared at you for a brief moment, then scufted a little and kept up with his painting session.
"Did not Ratchet tell you to stop coming into my quarter?"
"Nope! He told me specifically to come every now and then to remind you about your lack of social activity!"
"He's the one who's talking here..."
Despite his attempt to get rid of your presence, Sunstreaker never actually succeeded in it. In some way, he started to think that you enjoyed pestering him—maybe a small revenge from the doctor.
He kept ignoring your presence until he understood where you were putting your organic hands.
"Please stop touching my painting."
"I'm not going to ruin them. You're good at it, you know! Like really good!"
"Pff, like a human, you could even get what I do with that."
"Wanna bet?"
He met his annoyed glare with your challenger one. He didn't need to bet; he knew that a sophisticated mind like his was superior to a simple one like yours! He didn't even want to partake in that silly thing; maybe ignoring you would finally do the trick. He kept it up even after you started to analyze one of the bunches—a composition of lines of different colors—and put it into a strange wave.
"Okay, this one is...chaos, I get it."
"Woooow, Sherlock, nice guess..."
"But I see some order in it. With the color. If it were made with a bunch of colors, I would have stopped at chaos, but I can see that there's a pattern here. You used different shades of red, right? They don't follow some logic themselves, so they can be mistakenly confused with the same shade, but the white and black help to see the differences."
He stopped drawing but refused to watch you, only opting to try to process your rumbling.
"The black line and the white ones don't follow a real one; they look like doodles, but the red ones follow a wave, like an actual movement. There's this blueish tones here and there; they look like...OOOH OHOHOH, it's your brother!"
He finally looked at you, shocked. 
"It-it's...no, it's-"
"Of course it is! Sideswipe behavior always looks quite caustic on its own, but you sense the logic in it! You found an order! And on the red line are his own unique traits? His personality??? Awww, that's so sweet! You must care so much for him!"
He couldn't process the right words; he didn't have any! Which was a surprise; he always had bad remarks, something pitty to say, and now there you were, waltzing around and just leaving him out of words.
You finally decided to leave the painting alone, facing the machine, now in pure confusion.
"Well, as always, I must remind you about Rtachet, Yada Yada Yada, and OH, tomorrow me and Bluestreak are going out; if you want, just call! You know where he sleeps, all right?"
And so you left, like nothing happened. You left him alone in his own thoughts, and he grabbed his brush so harshly that he must have left the sign. He started to torture the canvas on which he was currently working.
"Stupid human, stupid artistic sensibility, stupid psychoanalysis session!"
He stopped passing the brush and started to use it as a knife.
"You can't just come here and be this nice! I don't want you to be nice with me; I don't want you around at all."
He changed colors several times in a row.
"Who needs a human that is this nice and kind?! Who needs a stupid, fleshy person who just cares so much for me?! I don't need you to care for me! They even act like I like them!"
He kept pressing the brush.
"Like they can just come and hang around with everyone! If they like everyone, then why bother with me?! I can't stand it! I-...."
Despite the mess of colors, it was nice. A good view. They looked like flowers—so many colorful flowers. The colors were bright—not too hard, but bright. He held the canvas, realizing that he painted it thinking of you.
And in the center, a bright yellow one stood among the others, screaming, Pick me.
He threw away the canvas, trying to convince himself that that thing was just his imagination and that there was nothing but a bunch of colors and curves.
And, while conversing with himself, he glanced at the small communication device, thinking about your small trip with Bluestreak tomorrow.
@hey-name-arya-name-ar @malewife-overlord @ladyofnegativity
i did it
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backtothefanfiction · 2 months
All The Good Girls Go To Hell | TF!Boys Mafia AU ~ Part TWO
Summary: Phoenix has one last night of freedom before she is forced to go to work for her dad. What better way to spend it than a night on the town? Maybe taking home one of the guys she knows will only wind up Pope... or hopefully get her closer to bedding the man himself?
Warnings: 18+ Only, (Mature Content), Dark Mafia Romance Au, broken family, unhinged female rage, AFAB, OFC, Mixed POV, objectification of the female body, drug and alcohol used, smut, bondage, dom!reader, oral (m!recieving)
Word Count: 5.2k+
A/N: I am sorry this took so long to get done and posted. I also know I could have gone further into things at the end of this chapter but it felt like it ended there for me and it'll give us a place to start in chapter three. Once again we are gonna jump around to a few different character's perspectives. As always if you enjoy please give feedback and reblog, it means a lot. Also I'm posting this without doing a final proofread so may still contain some errors, but hopefully not. Enjoy!
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I haven’t been back in this room for years. Although I was bounced around boarding schools since I was 12, I still came home for the holidays and most weekends- my bedroom becoming a shrine to all the things I loved as a teenage girl. Hunky male actors (who we’re definitely way too old for me) cover my walls. All the half page and sometimes double spread posters from the centerfolds of my favorite magazines. Whatever space lay between was covered in doodles- made by sharpies- in an ever decreasing interest in becoming an artist.
My en-suite cupboards are filled with a plethora of half used bottles of crazy color, that are sat tempting me in my post break up adrenaline. They are probably long past their best before date and not that effective. At least that’s what I tell myself as I’m getting out the old tupperware pots still waiting under the desk and begin dumping out colors. I’ve only really got enough pink and blue to do half my head, so decide to split my hair in half straight down the middle and do a half and half ombré with the two colors a la Harley Quinn. But when my eyes fall on the toxic neon yellow shade, I know I have to find a way to work it in too. So instead of taking the pink and blue right down to the very ends of my hair, I decide to put the yellow on there instead. 
I’m sat on top of my old hand-me-down four poster bed, reading one of the old teen magazines (that have been kept in a box under my bed all these years) whilst my hair develops, when my Dad finally comes up to find me.
“What in hell’s name have you done to your head?” He says, stopping short in the doorway when he takes in the sight of me.
“What can I say? I was bored.” I say bluntly, barely looking up from between the glossy pages of the magazine.
“Give me that.” He says, stepping forward and snatching it out of my hands.
“Hey- I was reading that!” I protest, but he cuts me off.
“You’re 26 Phoenix, it’s time you start acting like it.”
I genuinely look at him shocked. After all these years he’s finally decided to grow a backbone and discipline me. “Woooow.” I begin to sass him when I spot  Ez over my Father’s shoulder, encouraging me to stop.
“Enjoy your last night of freedom Phoenix, because come tomorrow night you’re going to work with Archie.” my old man continues.
My attention snaps back to him so fast I almost give myself whiplash. “What!”
“Don’t give me that shit. You’re back living under my roof, you pay your way like everyone else in this house.”
“What, even Marina?” I snark, knowing she’s never done a single day’s work in years.
“Yes, actually.” my Dad retorts, “She helps me with the books.”
“Yeah, I bet she does.” I roll my eyes.
“Look, you don’t like it- maybe you shouldn’t have set fire to your life all over again. Jesus!” He turns on his heels, growing exasperated with me. “Your shift starts at 7 tomorrow. You can get a ride with Archie.” my Dad barks before he storms out the room without shutting the door behind him.
“I told you, you’ve really done it this time.” Ez chastises me from the open doorway.
“Oh shut up.” I say, getting up from the bed and slamming the door in his face.
I want to scream the word ‘FUCK’ for the whole house to hear, but I don’t want to give them the satisfaction. Only I would get cheated on and then punished for it. 
My fingers instead rub at my eyes. ‘Fuck this shit,’ I think to myself, storming over to my closet. I fling the doors open and survey what I have to work with. Most of it is from when I was 17 and near anorexic. It takes a few passes back and forth between items before I decide on a couple of items and choose to get a little crafty with them.
An hour later I’ve washed out my hair and styled it, throwing on a full face of makeup- complete with glitter and a dark lip- I now don an outfit made up of two spliced shirts, the front an old silver sequin shirt I’ve cut into a square and then fixed to the straps of a black spaghetti strap top. It hangs low enough to just about cover my pleather hotpants covered ass. My bra and tits are almost completely on display, but it’s just the bait I need to not have to buy a single drink tonight. Given that my Dad runs Medusa’s as well, I won’t even have to pay to get in.
I shove on a pair of bejeweled silver ankle boots to match the makeshift dress I’ve scraped together and throw on my old faithful leather jacket- once an oversized fit, that now fits perfectly- and I’m ready to go.
“Hey, give me a lift down to the club.” I say, knocking on Deano’s door frame two rooms down.
He barely looks away from his TV where he’s in the middle of a racing game. His fingers, glued to the controller in his hand, twiddle the joists and the tires from the car on the screen, screech through the sound system he has hooked up. “What’s in it for me?” 
“I’ll finally introduce you to Lucy.”
“How do you know she’ll be there?”
“It’s a Friday night. She’ll be there.”
“Phe, you haven’t been down to Medusa’s for years,” there’s a beep from the TV as he pauses the game to finally look at me, “how are you so sure- Dad is gonna kill you before he lets you go out dressed like that.” he says.
“Well I wasn’t planning on giving him a fashion show before we left.” I sigh, crossing my arms and legs, leaning my body against the door frame. “Besides, he’s the one who said this was my last night of freedom and I don’t plan on spending it sitting on my bed in my joggers 
watching reruns of the old house wives.”
“Fine.” he sighs, rubbing at his face, “But you’re messaging Lucy to make sure she’s gonna be there.” He points at me.
“Doing it now.” I say, reaching into my jacket pocket for my phone and typing out a hasty message to my old partner in crime. “Get dressed.” I bark at him.
“So bossy.” 
“Yep. And don’t you forget it.”
Although most of the people in the clubbing business are in their 40s and 50s, the actual clubbing lifestyle is not suited for anyone over 35. Unless you are a woman in your 40s that is. (You’ll be surprised at the amount of middle aged Mom’s who band together and make a big deal about going out at least once a month, so that they can hold on to some semblance of themselves and their youth- especially if they have kids.)
No. If I had it my way, I would definitely not be spending my Friday night at a club full of sweaty twenty something year olds, all scantily clad or greasy and sleazy, trying to make a pass at anything else that walks or even just looks too long in their direction.  I can’t say the same about Benny though- but he is and always has been the baby of our little quartet. The man still hasn’t yet hit 40, so this ideally is still his game; and out of all of the clubs we’ve bought over the last few years, Medusa’s is without a doubt his favorite.  Marble stone statues dotted about the place, a large spray painted mural of the lady herself, complete with 3D gold fiberglass snakes that protrude from her head and red lights in her eyes. 
It’s also where most of the rich kids in town come to spend their money, so it always turns a pretty profit; not just from the booze, but also the amount of drugs that are bought and exchanged in the toilets. All of it our gear of course. 
Even when we aren’t dropping by for an inspection, Ben will still opt to spend most of his nights here sampling the merchandise, before taking home the prettiest young thing in a skirt he can find at the end of the night. That poor creature will then wake up at the penthouse the following morning and attempt to slip out before anyone else notices her. Unfortunately though, I’m an early riser and usually already sat having my morning coffee in the kitchen in my t-shirt and underwear, so a clean and easy get away very rarely happens.
We’ve barely made it through the door for the evening when he’s already eyeing up some girl dancing around a pole on top of one of the platforms. She’s barely wearing any clothes and has pink and blue hair, definitely Benny’s type. He’s always been fond of something a little more reckless and different- like him. He’s practically salivating as he comes to a stop to stare at her across the top of a couple of booths.
“Don’t even think about it.” Pope’s serious voice cuts through Benny’s thoughts. It has us all looking then.
Pope has never been one to make a comment or cock block any of us for that matter. He’s always said, what we do in our own time is none of his business; but the mere sight of this chick has him growing tight. 
Benny looks like he’s about to protest, his hands rising into the air to indicate back to the chick in a ‘oh come on, how can you say no to that’ kind of way- and I don’t really blame him; this chick’s even got my eyes lingering to places they shouldn’t. But Pope’s face remains firm. “I’m serious Ben, you don’t want to touch that,” he says. “And that goes for all of you.” He adds quickly, seeing the way both William and myself also seem to be taking her in. Because it’s true, she really is like nothing else here. The way she’s dressed, her colorful hair, her confidence- it’s magnetic. 
She sways her hips more, a naughty smile on her face. She knows we’re looking. But her eyes don’t linger on us. They linger on Pope. 
“You know each other?” I ask, observing the obvious.
“She’s David’s kid.” He states as if he’s already exhausted by her. By us. By this whole conversation.
“The fire starter?” Will chimes in. He seems to be eyeing her up with a whole new kind of appreciation now.
“Fire starter?” Benny’s ears prick up and he begins to bounce on the balls of his feet, palms rubbing together as if he’s gearing up for a competition.
“I told you Ben, hands off.” Pope says again. “Now come on. We’ve got work to do.” He says and continues to walk towards the back of the club to a raised seating area that’s reserved only for us.
“Yeah, yeah.” Benny sasses back to him, but leans into me, nudging my shoulder with his as he says, “what’s he gonna do?” He nods in David’s daughter's direction, before giving me a mischievous smirk.
In all fairness, this so-called ‘last night of freedom’ was turning into a bit of a dud until they walked in. There was no real entertainment. It was boring. Predictable.
Lucy was indeed at the club as predicted, flanked by a couple of nobody guys already hovering around her like mosquitoes, despite the fact she didn’t seem to give a single one of them the time of day. My brother of course quickly joined their ranks. No- she was far more focused on doing blow at the table with her “girls” (I’d never met them before… couldn’t even remember their names), but I joined nonetheless. After all, Lucy was loaded. 
She worked as one of those so-called “influencers”. She was constantly charging companies upwards of 10 grand a post, claiming it was such hard work to take a picture and write the perfect caption for her 1 million followers who only followed her for her looks, not her substance- of which she had very little.
So I made small talk, bumped a couple of lines and downed the complimentary bottles of bubbly that kept being brought to her booth and over all, tried to block out the mind numbing monotony of the whole situation. I only started dancing on the table to give myself something to do- but then my new buddy and his friends walked in. Gods he was more handsome and mysterious under the cover of night- and his friends weren’t bad looking either. 
They all wore some version of an all black uniform; casual suits with half open button downs, black T-shirts and leather jackets. I didn’t know which one I wanted to sink my newly single teeth into first, because let’s face it, I’d happily fuck each and every one of them… maybe even twice… or maybe even more than one of them at the same time.
It’s clear the biggest guy wants me too, the way he stands staring, his tongue practically lolling out of his mouth as he salivates, his eyes taking me in like I’m already his favorite meal and he can’t wait to chow down. No doubt he’d take me for the ride of my life, if I let him, but it’d be too easy. I love a challenge and the way Pope has his eyes on me, I really can’t resist. 
As he ushers them to move on, taking the lead as they make their way towards a VIP booth up a couple steps over to the far left of the DJ booth, giving them the perfect view to survey their goods, my mind begins to whir as quickly as my limbs swing around the pole in my hands. I watch tentatively from a distance, taking mental notes of every little thing he does. The way he runs his hands back through his tight curls when he becomes stressed. The way he struggles to relax, always sitting further forward, reaching for his phone or something on the table, or if that fails, fiddling with the buttons of his open blazer as his fist rests against his hip.
He’s uptight that’s for sure. Typical business type who likes to be in control and run the show. If I’m gonna wear him down, it’s gonna take time and not just on the side lines working in this club, but I have to penetrate his inner circle. As I slump back down next to Lucy in the booth, I slowly realize what I have to do. It’s just like in the olden days, if you wanted to bed the King, you had to get yourself in with someone lower down in his court and work your way up- and I knew just who to start with.
I knew Pope had said no, but when had that ever stopped me before? He knew what I was like. Knew I’d rather act now and enjoy myself and deal with the consequences later. Besides, it didn’t matter whose kid she was, if she was in here, she was clearly legal and the way she’s been eyeing me up since we sat down, clearly meant she wants this too. She’s firmly placing herself down on the table- and damn- if that isn’t that most appealing slice of cherry pie I have ever seen.
Actually scratch that, she looks like the embodiment of one of those slushies you can get down at the 7/11 and all the guys know the blue raspberry, cherry mix is my favorite.
“Yo! Ben!” My brother snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, breaking me once again from my fixation and fantasies. “Brother, have you been listening to a word Pope just said?”
“Yeah, of course.” I bristle, but in all honesty, I haven’t got a fucking clue.
“Oh really. Go on then,” he presses me, as Pope and Frankie stand and begin to leave the booth, making their way over to the bar, “tell me what he just said.”
“Something about going and checking in with the team leader that’s on tonight to check about sales or something.” I murmur my reply.
“Lucky guess.” My brother says, rolling his eyes.
“Hey, why did you call her the fire starter?” I turn and ask him. He’s got that look on his face and struggles to meet my eyes, because he knows it’s a bad idea to answer my question and supply me with no doubt deadly information, but he also knows I’ll just keep asking or find it even more of an intriguing game if he doesn’t.
“She set fire to her school.” He finally says, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a stick of gum, unwrapping it and placing it in his mouth. I’ve never understood his obsession with the stuff, but then again, I’ve never understood why he’s such a neat freak either. And to be honest, given my brother's near compulsive need to always have minty fresh breath (despite the fact I know he ain’t been kissing no girls in a long time- not since Kylie broke up with him) I’d probably place my bets on the two things being linked. “Oh and she set her fiancé’s bed on fire when she found him in bed with another girl. Or should I say ex-fiancé now.” Will continued as he chewed down on his gum.
His words had my eyes growing wide. “No, Ben, don’t even think about it.” He chastises me.
“What?” I say indignantly. “How do you know what I was thinking?” I ask him.
“Because I know you. You’re probably wondering what it’s gonna take for her to set you on fire.” I can’t help the small grunt that escapes me as I cross my arms and spread my legs, sitting myself back in the booth. “Yeah- exactly.” My brother says with his know it all attitude. 
I hate it when he does that. He pretends like he’s all high and mighty, but I know for a fact he checked her out too, when we first arrived. And I know he would definitely hit that if given the chance. No doubt she’d be too much for his uptight ass though. But then again, I think to myself as my eyes glance back across the room to her as she gets back up from her seat to begin dancing and wrapping herself seductively around that pole again, maybe that’s exactly what he needs to loosen him up a bit. But given the way she’s currently eyeballing me, there’s no way I’m letting him tap that before me.
I take my time as I wait for the rest of them to finish up for the night and leave- knowing all too well that Benny would stay behind. Between drinks, and the odd extra sniff of blow off the back of one of Lucy’s guy friends’ hands, me and my target for the night have been eye fucking each other like it’s a sport. At 1am he approached the bar. At 1:15 a pink and blue bubblegum flavored drink made its way over to me. It didn’t take two guesses to work out who had sent it- but the bartender told me anyway. 
I raised it in his direction, with a polite smile of thanks, before I seductively brought the straw to my lips. I kept eye contact with him as I began to suck it down and he gave me the dirtiest smirk, before he turned his attention back to Pope and the rest of their group. When I flashed a look towards the elder gentleman he quickly turned his eyes back away from me, but unfortunately for him he wasn’t quick enough for me to not see the look of contempt in his eyes. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.
It was another hour and a half before the rest of them left. At this point Lucy was too far gone. Half of her mates had disappeared. There was only one other girl left at the table with us who was talking to my brother, whilst two other guys who had been thirsting over Lucy all night, finally seized their moment.
“We’re gonna take her home.” one of them shouted as the other attempted to pull a very inebriated Lucy out of the booth. I thought for sure Deano would protest being the sober one and designated driver, but he was far too wrapped up in the red head sat next to him; who also seemed fairly sober considering the state the rest of our group had been getting in most of the night.
Overall though, I couldn’t care less- I had my eyes on my own prize. 
The tall fair haired man finally began to make his way over to me now his companions had officially left the building. He looked like he could be a boxer… or a football player. As he got closer I noticed his eyes were a piercing baby blue. 
“Benny.” He said, holding his hand out to me.
“Phoenix.” I replied with a smile in the corner of my lips, taking his hand carefully in my own and giving it a shake. I noticed Deano notice him and bristle slightly, it was clear he wanted to say something, but the way Benny turned his eye on him, he quickly lost his nerve.
“Deano.” Benny said, laying on the charm.
My brother swallowed hard. “Benny.” He said a little tightly.
“Here-“ Benny said to Dean, slipping a hand into the inside pocket of his blazer, “why don’t you two go treat yourself to a couple of drinks on me,” he said, pulling out a money clip. He peeled off a couple of bills, handing them over to my brother, before he slipped the money back into his pocket. Deano gave me a small reluctant and protective look, but when he looked back to Benny, he knew not to protest- after all he did work for him and knew not to get on Ben’s bad side.
“Come on, Isla.” He said to the red headed girl beside him, offering her his hand before leading her over to the bar.
As Benny sat himself down next to me in the booth, I couldn’t help but smirk. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Deano that scared of anyone.” 
Ben let out a scoff, “Nahh.” He said, denying the claim with a small wave of his hand. “It’s nothing really. Dean’s a good guy. I fought him once actually.”
My brow furrowed at the piece of information- so he was a boxer. “Really?” I pondered.
“Ehh just a small little work match.” He said, sitting himself back and smoothing out his trousers. “We’ve got this boxing gym down near the docks. Some of the guys like to go down there sometimes, let off a little steam.”
“Does Pope go?”
“Pope?” His brow furrowed slightly, but his tone was one of surprise. “Nahh… nah.” He said, shaking his head. “My brother and Frankie do sometimes, more to support me and just watch, but no- Pope doesn’t really go there. It’s not really his thing.”
I pause for a moment, just to take in the information. “So what does he do to let off steam then? I mean, the man seems pretty uptight.” I say the second part of the sentence lightly, I don’t want Benny thinking I’m only using him for information about his Boss.
“To be honest… I don’t really know.” Ben confides in you. “I mean, I come here and do my boxing, my brother likes his bikes. Frankie likes to take off into the woods and go fishing. But Pope, honestly, I don’t know.” He goes quiet then. He’s contemplative, as if he’s never really put much thought into it before. I shuffle myself slightly next to him and he quickly snaps back out of it though. “What about you?” He turns his head and asks me, his eyes raking over me and lingering over my chest on the way. “What do you like to do to let off steam?”
I’m barely thinking about how I just ditched my brother, leaving him alone at the club without even saying goodbye, as Benny slams my back into the door to the penthouse apartment. His lips have been on mine since the elevator doors closed. When the bell dinged to signal we had reached the top floor, we hadn’t even parted; he hooked his large hands underneath my ass and lifted me up, my legs and arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders and hips as I allowed him to carry me like a literal child to the door.
He propped me against it with his hips as he fumbled in his pockets looking for a key card. “Wait, wait, wait…” he said against my lips as he reluctantly parted from them, “just give me a… second.” He said as he finally located the card and held it to the small black box beside the door. There was a beep and the tiny light went green as the door went click. “There we go.” He muttered to himself, pulling on the door handle and pushing it open before latching his lips back onto mine and taking me inside. 
He carried me over to the kitchen island, where he finally put me down atop the cold marble countertop, parting with me for only a moment so that he could take off his, no doubt expensive, designer blazer and hand it over the back of one of the bar stools at the end of the island. The quick break allowed me to survey the room in the city lights that streamed in through the large floor to ceiling windows that lined the far left wall and wrapped around the side of the stairs at the end of the large open plan living space, that no doubt lead up to the bedrooms.
“Is anyone else home?” I asked breathlessly, as he moved back around the island to nestle himself between my legs, his large palms sliding up and down my bare legs.
He shook his head, a small glint of excitement in his eyes. “No, my brother and Frankie had business to attend to.” He explained, his eyes moving up and down my body, taking me in like I was a meal, as he spoke. “They won’t be back for at least another couple of hours.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he immediately began to attack my lips with his own again. 
It was thrilling to finally kiss another man after being with Freddie for nearly five years, even his Ben’s lips were a little rougher. It was clear already that Benny was all about force; his job, his muscles, the boxing, his kissing- and although in the right person a little force in sex can be a good thing, I knew sex with Benny would no doubt be fast hard and over way too soon before my orgasm had even had a chance to build. But I’d been watching him all night, saw that look in his eye when he first saw me. Noticed the double take he did when his brother no doubt told him who I was and what I’d done. I’d seen that hunger in him grow and I knew what he truly wanted.
I broke my lips from his, feigning the need to take a breather; and to my delight, felt his lips begin to travel down my neck instead, affording me a chance to look over his shoulder towards the dining table right in front of the window and formulate a plan. I slowly began to walk my fingers down his chest, making a path right for his belt. My lips attached themselves to his once more in an attempt to distract as I began to push him back, hopping down from the counter as I walked him slowly backwards towards the table, carefully maneuvering him around it in front of the large window that overlooked the city. I gently hooked my toes around the chair leg at my side, pushing it out from under the table and shifting it to just the right position behind him, all the while my fingers worked to undo his belt. He smiled against my lips with a knowing chuff as I swiftly pulled the belt from the loops, the metal of the buckle jangling in my grasp.
I met his eyes with a devilish look as I pulled away from him, gently nibbling on my lower lip and he grunted slightly in anticipation. However that grunt turned into a small moan as I pushed him back down into the chair and sat myself on top of him. I could already feel how hard he was in his slacks, eager to get inside me. 
He reached his arms around my back as he tried to grind up into my sex, but I shook my head. “Nuh, uh, uh.” I chastised him, reaching behind me for his wrists. At my words, he pouted, but that childlike look of wonder quickly returned to his eyes when I moved his arms behind his back and began to wrap his belt around them, fastening them tightly into place, before I stood up and began to step back from him.
“What ya gonna do fire starter?” Benny asked me teasingly as I began to sway my hips back and forth; looking him up and down, taking in the sight before me.
“Who, me?” I teased as I slowly began to lift up my top to reveal myself to him.
“You gonna set me on fire too?” He asked almost excitedly.
“Maybe… someday.” I said, as I began to slide my shorts down, leaving them in a puddle of fabric on the floor with my top. Now stood only in my underwear and heels, I began to slowly walk towards him again. “But tonight…” I teased as I circled him, my finger dragging across his chest, up across the back of his shoulders and back again. When I was back in front of him I slowly began to drop to my knees before him, my hands sliding up his thighs and back down again as I parted his knees, “-tonight,” I said again, my fingers beginning to inch back up towards the opening of his slack, “I think I’m just gonna blow-” I unbuttoned his trousers, pulling the fabric and forcing the zip open, “your-” I reached my hands in below his waistband and pulled out his cock, it was so hard and thick just the sight of it made me begin to salivate. “Mind.” I finally said as I wrapped my lips around his cock, my tongue swirling around his tip, making him moan loudly into the dark room.
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sencrose · 3 years
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pairing: takemichi hanagaki x afab!reader
tags: dubcon (blackmail/coercion), noncon photo taking, femdom, footjob, handjob, humiliation, reader’s a big bully, cum eating, edging, use of ‘good boy’, lmk if i missed anything else!
wc: 1.4k
a/n: i wrote most of this in a sleep-deprived frenzy. #BullyMichi2k21
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Takemichi Hanagaki is a loser in every sense of the word. 
He is still making the same careless mistakes he made on his first day. It’s like he never learns his lesson no matter how many times you nag him. He offers no active effort to improve; only a meek “sorry” that has lost all meaning over the years.
You’ve come to loathe him. 
Today is no different with you picking up after his mistakes. Upside down DVDs, products shelved in the wrong places, accidentally charging a customer twice and begging you to come help him when he can’t figure out how to use the point of sale system. With each moment you spend on the clock with him, you wonder how he hasn’t been fired already.
At the very least, it’s almost closing time. As you sweep the floors of the store, you realize you haven’t seen or heard Takemichi in a while. Disappointing, yet not surprising. You’ll be damned before you go through all the tasks on the closing checklist on your own.
You make your way to the breakroom, expecting to see him slacking off, but he is nowhere to be found. As you look around, you notice the door to the supply room is left slightly ajar, piquing your interest.
“Takemichi?” You push through the door slowly, the sound of muted groans filling your ears.
No way.
Takemichi Hanagaki truly is a loser in every sense of the word.
He’s so absorbed in the video taking up his phone screen that he doesn’t even notice you opening the door. He stands facing towards the back wall, phone in one hand, hard cock in the other.
Your voice startles him, panic evident on his face as he turns around to see you, phone in hand with the camera flash blinding his eyes. The color drains from his face when he sees you looking at him as if he’s the most disgusting piece of garbage you’ve ever had the disservice of laying your eyes on. He struggles to stuff his cock back into his pants, dropping his phone in the frenzy. You pick it up from the corner using your thumb and index finger, examining it like a piece of evidence at a crime scene. The video he was watching continues to play softly, displaying a girl similar to your likeness getting fucked by a man in a convenience store.
“I-it’s not what you thi-“
“Bratty employee gets put in her place by manager?” You interrupt him, dangling the phone in front of his face. His cheeks bloom into a crimson red, as he struggles to get any words to leave his mouth.
“Woooow. I didn’t think you had it in you ‘michi.” You bring the phone back to you, raising an eyebrow as you watch the video play out for another moment.
“I’m sorry, I won’t do it ag-“
“God, it’s always sorry with you.” you scoff, imitating his apology. You step towards him, and he takes a step back. His back slams against the wall as he tries to escape you to no avail.
“Why don’t you get on your knees and beg?”
You’re so close to him that you can see him swallow the lump in his throat. Hesitantly, he throws any remaining shred of pride to the wind as he gets on his knees, lowering his head onto the floor.
“Please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you, I really need to keep this job.” In a way, it’s cathartic to see him act with genuine remorse for once. For someone so desperate to stay employed, it doesn’t show in his actions. Events of the day flash through your head, your ire growing with each misshelved DVD, each easily avoidable blunder. If he’s going to be useless, the least he can do is entertain you.
“Unzip your pants.”
“W-what?” He raises his head, looking up at you with genuine confusion.
“Unzip your pants. Unless you want me to tell our boss about this?” You wave the phone in his face, implicitly gesturing to him to pick up the pace.
He rushes to unzip his fly, half-hard cock springing free. You weren’t able to get the best look at it when you first walked into the closet, but even in its current state, it’s larger than you expected. It lays pretty in his lap, almost too pretty for someone who probably doesn’t get much use out of it.
You lean onto one of the metal shelving units for balance as you take off your shoes, placing them carefully on the floor. Takemichi looks up at you with a mix of fear and confusion in his face, unsure of what’s to come.
With the arch of your foot, you languidly stroke his cock, watching intently as it slowly grows more erect. Takemichi can’t help himself from letting out a breathy moan as your supple skin grazes over the tip, regretting it as soon as it comes out.
“You’re really getting off to this?” You look down on him with a smug grin, wiping a glob of precum with your heel. 
“N-no.” he struggles to choke out through gritted teeth.
“Really? It looks like you are to me.”
It’s embarrassing how aroused he is in this situation, doing everything he can to hold back his whimpers and moans even though his body betrays him with every touch. He can’t deny himself any longer, attempting to rut his hips into your foot to chase his own bliss.
“Oh? What happened to wanting to put a bratty employee in her place, ‘michi?” you taunt him, centering your focus around his swollen cockhead. He’s unable to provide a coherent answer, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he chokes on his words.
Precum leaks from his tip as you continue toying with him, your foot getting stickier with each movement. You run the arch of your foot along the underside of his length, earning a particularly debauched moan from him. You hone in on that sensitive spot, dragging along it faster and faster as his breaths get louder.
“Wait, I’m, I’m getting close!” You abruptly stop your motions, much to Takemichi’s dismay. The tension that was building in his stomach slowly starts to deflate, chest rising and falling from his labored breaths. He looks up at you as if you’ve committed some abhorrent crime in front of his very eyes.
“W-Why did yo-“
“I’ll let you cum,” you grab onto the collar of his shirt, pulling it towards you, “if you beg for it.”                                                                                                         
At this point, what else does he have to lose?
“P-please. Please let me cum.” He looks up at you with glassy eyes, pleading with a quiver in his lip. You never thought you’d see the day where you would see raw, unbridled desperation coming from your least favorite coworker. It’s a sight you wish you could see more often.
“Good boy.” you run your hands through the strands of his hair, twirling your fingers in a couple of the loose strands. 
“Look, I’ll even treat you.” You squat down on the floor, hand making its way to his throbbing cock.
He has a completely different reaction with your hand wrapped around him, his head reeling back in ecstasy, low guttural groans ripping from his chest. Your hands are much more experienced, softer, touching him in all the right places. Even with your slow pace, he can feel himself melting into your strokes; how your thumb rubs against his sensitive tip before going all the way back down to the base of his cock just to come back and repeat it all over again. 
You lean in closer to him to hear more of his moans; it’s cute just how hard he’s trying to contain himself. Your other hand grabs his chin, tilting his face away as you whisper in his ear, 
“What do you say, ‘michi?” You can feel his cock twitch in your grip as the words leave your mouth.
“T-thank you!”
“What? You gotta speak up.” Sarcasm drips from your voice like honey as you start to go faster, his face contorting in pleasure. 
“Thankyouthankyoutha-“ his show of gratitude is cut off by his orgasm, hot spurts of white spewing into the air, landing on your hand and his pants. You bring your sullied hand to him, parting his lips with sticky fingers.
“Lick it.”
He looks up at you in defeat, and your only response is to dart your eyes towards the phone on the floor. He lolls out his tongue as the slick muscle drags along your fingers, licking up every drop. His face scrunches in contempt as he swallows his own seed, coughing once it travels down his throat.
Takemichi Hanagaki may be a loser in every sense of the word, but maybe you can learn to have fun with that. 
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silverrstarrr · 4 years
Headcanons of Eren with a Black s/o!🍡
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(Happy black history month babes! Remember blm isn't just in this month but all year long :p)
• You guys most likely met in your high school years.
• I feel as if Eren would stare a lot at you during freshman year. Not in a bad way but in a Curious/adoring way. I mean all his friends are white lmao💀
• He probably approached you during a class period you guys have together.
• I don't think he would be ignorant? But he'll most likely ask to touch your hair.
• Maybe you have braids, locs, or passion twist or your natural curls out/4c Afro—doesn't matter, he'll ask to touch your hair.
• Of course you can decline and tell him no, he won't really fuss over it. He'll even apologize.
• But trust me, he's going to keep staring 😭 he thinks you're really pretty, don't worry ;)
• He won't care about your Skintone/shade, lightskin, brownskin, dark-skinned. He likes them all, I don't see Eren ever have a preference in girls in general.
• Whoever he likes, he likes.
• You guys hit it off in your freshman year.
• He'll ask a lot of questions about you and your culture and your hair
"Hey, why do you wear braids??"
"Is your hair really this long? Wow 😁"
• You'll have to explain to him about your hair.
• You guys most likely snapped and he sent a streak of him getting out the shower and his hair is wet.
• You'll go on about how you can't wash your hair everyday, that you have a certain wash day and his reaction is like "😲"
• Poor baby is like "woooow" and ever since then, he's been hook up to learn about your lifestyle, your family, cookouts, etc. He just wants to know you.
• He calls you pretty a lot.
• Not in a flirtatious way just because he thinks YOURE really pretttyyyy. He's just stating the obvious queen🙄❗
• He offered to go to the Beauty supply store once or twice to buy your weave/pick out the next color. Or he'll just accompany you.
• Also would pick out your next nail color, maybe hairstyle.
• He doesn't care if you wear lakefront, wigs, braids, or natural. He believes they're all beautiful. Plus he understands that our hair need protective hairstyles and can't really, yjehehejehwhww iykyk.
• During BHM, he would do the mossstt.😭
• He'll buy you food and buy you hairproducts.
• He'll constantly post about African American stories on his social media.
• Talked Armin into making a poem about discrimination and racism then made him read out loud to you in the hallway😭
• Would buy a BLM shirts for him Mikasa and Armin.
"Look y/n! We're supporting your people. Remember we're on your side. BLM!!"
• Don't worry, he's has the right attitude but mann💀
• Depends on the type of person you are: you probably confronted them and told them to relax. Or, you dealt with it and the embarrassment 😭
• You most likely ask him for Reparations 🙄❗🤞
• He deadass would give you them.
• He'll be confused at first and probably wouldn't  even understand the word 💀
• But he'll give you money though LMAO.
This was 15 year old Eren, moving on to when he's older.
• You guys are older. You've been introduced to the rest of his friend squad. Jean, Connie, Marco, sasha etc.
• Jean most definitely thinks you're pretty and fell for you at first sight. Eren didn't like this at all.
• Eren never really understood why he didn't like it when Jean played in your braids. Eren then started to purposely make you lay between his legs so he play with your braids before Jean could.
• They probably reacted the same as Eren about regarding your hair.
• Eren would take it upon himself to explain and even tell them about Lace fronts, sew ins, braids, etc
• He'll probably show off about  how much he knows about your hair.
• Eren would ask to help you with your hair.
• He most likely looked up YouTube videos about how to plate hair or how to deal with your hair type in general.
• You could probably teach him. He wouldn't understand the first time but with practice, he's pretty good. Not better than you though 🙄🤞❗
• Carries Hair ties, brushes and combs on him just for you.
• You also carry hair ties for him because of his long hair.
• You're the person who even puts his hair into that sexy ahh man bun🤨❗
• Most likely help you on wash day. Massages oil into your scalp.
• Supplies you with hairproducts.
• Likes it when you play in his hair. During PE, you guys would sit on the bench. Him between your thighs relaxing as you caress his hair.
• You guys look so cute and perfect while doing this. Connie and Sasha would always tease you about being Eren's gf.
• Loves your food! Like literally, he's in love with it.
• During the summertime, you invited him to a cookout. A lot of your family members stared at him but you know, they're accepting and gave him some food, chatted him with etc.
• Ever since then, he would always ask your mom to come over for dinner or save him a Plate lmao😭
• Sometimes if you were to cook, he'll be in the kitchen watching you
"Why are you watching me?"
"I wanna watch you so I can learn to cook your food and surprise you one day with it."
"Suurree but you can't out-cook me."
• He'll then smirk and accept that challenge.
Sorry I just realized I've only been talking about yall friendly part, lemme get into more intimacy 🥲
• He always have his hands on your hips, waist or ass.
• Maybe you're cuddling in the library or something, his hands are on your ass.
• Black women naturally have curvy bodies In my opinion. And curvy can mean thick, skinny or in the middle. They're still curves.
• He loves kissing your lips. Either that or your neck.
• When you're walking together he always have his hand around your waist.
• Eren seems like the type to hug you from behind and kiss the top of your head.
• I dont think he's big on PDA but that doesn't mean he won't do it.
• You're talking to Jean? Wraps his arms around your waist from behind and places his head on your shoulder- kissing your neck.
• If you so happen to have thay dump trunk in the back, he'll always caress it, give it a pat or smack it. But in the most sly way ever.
You're in the hallway, chatting up with Jean. You guys are discussing the topics of what was recently covered in class. Jean cracks a joke about how the teacher was talking and their looks. You laugh at the small insults he was throwing at your professor. Eren recently just left his class a few doors down from where you and Jean was. He notices your long box braids from down the hall and sees a tall male walking alongside with you. Eren quickly caught up with you guys. As he walked passed you, his hands slides over and grabs a good squeeze from your ass. Naturally you wouldn't mind but for some reason you got embarrassed and flustered. Most likely it was because Jean was there. Before you could respond  and complain to him, he leans over and places his lips against yours. Obviously, you kiss him back as his free hand grabs your chin, deepening the kiss. It was passionate. The kiss was probably to make up for his sudden actions but it was also because he missed your presence and touch. The way your lips felt against his own, his hands grasping and holding your hips rolled, everything. Jean rolled his eyes,
"Okay lovebirds, I get it." You break away from Eren with a small smile. You turn towards  Jean with an apologetic look, since he did just kiss you in the middle of a conversation.
Jean nodded and said his goodbyes, he'll catch up with you another. Watching as his figured faded within the crowd, you turn towards Eren and smack his arm. He let out an "ow" in response.
"Eren, what was that for? I usually don't mind it but we were chatting."
He lets out a soft groan and buries his head into your neck. He released the grip on your rear and just lays it there as his other hand slips down and does the same. You tap his back and he raises his head from it's previous position. You give him a few quick pecks, wrapping your arms around his neck, he quickly to returns the small kissed back. You both smile at one another, letting out a small giggle.
"Its okay baby, I miss you too." You peck his cheek for the last time.
"We can walk home together after school, meet me at my last period class." 
Eren face brightens up when you say those words. Mann, this boy was in love. The bell rang and you notice all the kids scrambling to get to class. He releases his arms from you and grabs your hand as you both scurry along to your next period class.
He drops you off and waves at Armin and Marco that happens to be in your last period.
"Remember your promise y/n!!" He said as he walked off to the direction of his class.
You rolled your eyes jokingly and settled in to class.
Okay bonus:
I feel as if Eren would talk you into making those tik toks that beautiful darkskin/brownskin woman do with makeup and their cute ass hair. Of course you'll end up doing it because he kept hyping yo ass up and wouldn't let it down.
The video actually goes viral and gets a decent 345k likes with 1.1m views. Some of the kids in school  came across the video and started chatting up with you. Even some guys you never knew before started to hit you up but Eren gets so Jealous and has you hold his hands always in the halls 😭
Okay thank you loves! Please request/suggest things for him. I don't mind doing one of these for Jean, Connie, etc. Next up are my jjk men 🤨❗
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mcwriting · 3 years
it's just part of the job
This is a once shot based on a request by @laurentrvn! I really loved the idea and tried to stick as closely to the prompt given, so I hope you enjoy!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1248
Warnings: can't think of any, it's pure fluff
You were exhausted, to be frank.
It was just past 2 a.m. in yours and Tom's London home as he prepared for a late night TV interview based in Los Angeles.
The show was taping his part at 8 p.m. their time, which converted to 3 a.m. yours during the summer months.
Normally it wouldn't have been that big of a deal.
You were so proud of Tom for his upcoming film, but you were actually in the middle of shooting your own movie in the city, something you'd been busy doing all day long.
Crazy hours are just part of the job, though.
The interview wouldn't be long, so you'd agreed to stay up with your boyfriend and make sure he was well styled so he wouldn't have to call other people to the house in those early morning hours.
Thankfully, you were going to have a two-day work break anyways as your film's scripts went through some minor rewrites.
Because of the ridiculous hour, your stomach had decided that 2 a.m. was the perfect time for a snack, so while Tom dressed you had decided to scrounge around the kitchen until you found something good.
You brewed some tea in the meanwhile, both you and Tom deciding that this wasn't an ideal time for coffee, especially considering you hadn't slept in at least 20 hours.
You walked into the bedroom, a small tray in hand with the tea and snacks stacked carefully.
"Hey I got some fruit and some cookies but let me know if- woooow..." you said, brows raised once you saw Tom's outfit in the reflection of his full-length mirror.
He'd chosen to dress in a shirt you loved, a button up with thick vertical stripes tucked into some grey slacks, an outfit which was reminiscent of 70s fashion.
You had to laugh at the fact that he was even wearing pants, though. Unfortunately he'd learned the hard way what it was like to forgo pants on a zoom meeting, so he swore to wear them for any video call from now own.
Who knew, he might even be asked about it in his interview tonight after his boxers had previously gone viral.
Tom turned and smiled at your pleased reaction, walking towards you. After you set the tray down, he snaked an arm around your waist and planted one kiss on your forehead and another to your lips.
"Think I look good, eh?"
"I'm loving the fit, but we need to put a little makeup on you," you said, shimmying from his grip and disappearing into the bathroom to find the foundation his stylist had explicitly told him to use tonight.
When you returned, he was indulging in a chocolate chip cookie, the crumbs all over his mouth.
"While you finish that, I'm going to start on your forehead," you explained as you began dabbing a beauty blender along his hairline. After a few minutes, he had an even layer painted over his face and neck.
"Am I done now? I'm supposed to log onto the call soon," he pouted.
"Almost, I just need to swipe on a little blush and neutral eyeshadow and you'll be all set," you answered, focused on picking out a blush color that would look natural on camera.
"I don't even get why I need makeup. They're going to be seeing me from my shitty computer camera and office lights. I mean look at you. You're not wearing makeup and you look great!"
You paused brushing a light rouge over one cheek to give him a half lidded look.
"Nice try, but we both know I look like I was run over with a truck," you joked.
It's not like you were even trying to sound self-deprecating, it's just that you had been awake far too long after having done a physically taxing shoot all day.
The second you'd gotten home, you'd showered and gotten rid of any trace of makeup, leaving you bare faced with damp hair that wet the collar of your old t-shirt.
"Well I think you look beautiful," Tom reiterated, kissing your forehead again as you went to grab eyeshadow.
You hummed in response and quickly brushed a light tan color over his eyelids to complete his look.
"Okay, all done. You did a good job on you hair," you commented, still instinctively reaching up to reposition a curl.
"Well that's perfect, because I need to get logged on. Why don't you relax and I'll come get you when I'm done, yeah?"
You nodded and let him go, watching him head across the hall as you sat at your vanity, sipping on the tea you'd made for yourself.
Though it took almost 30 minutes of sound checking and ensuring a good connection, Tom's interview had only lasted about 10 minutes.
When asked about the time in London, he'd only had one answer:
"It's just part of the job"
As expected, he'd had to show off his pants and make sure everyone knew he was wearing them despite the wee morning hour. Also unsurprisingly, he'd been asked where y/n was, explaining her taxing day and praising her for helping him get ready.
Once he closed up his laptop, he got up and turned out the office light. He then untucked and unbuttoned his shirt, ready to put on some comfy clothes and get in bed.
"Hey I'm don-" he paused and stopped in the doorway, grinning.
In the 40 or so minutes since he'd left you, you'd fallen asleep with your head down on the vanity, a half-eaten cookie in hand and your hair splayed all around the desk.
"Darling, are you awake?" he asked in a whisper, his hand gently placed over your shoulder, to make sure that you weren't just resting your head.
When he got no response, he knew you were actually asleep.
Tom quickly removed his unbuttoned shirt and exchanged his slacks for sweatpants. He also haphazardly took a makeup wipe to his face, knowing that leaving makeup on his face would cause it to break out.
Once he was cleaned up, he came back into the room to take care of you, starting by removing the cookie from your hand and placing it back on the tray.
He sat you up, your head rolling backwards until his hand could catch it. Thankfully you hadn't scooted the seat forward at all, so all he had to do was hook an arm below your knees and the other around your back.
He stood with a little huff, your dead weight no match for his strength.
Though you were asleep, your head instinctively turned into his chest as he transferred you a few feet and laid you gently on the bed where he had folded back the covers.
The missing warmth of his skin awoke you as he shuffled to the other side of the bed, so you stretched and yawned.
"Sorry that I woke you love, I was trying to be gentle," he whispered, sliding onto the mattress as you rolled to face him, still exhausted.
"It's okay. How did it go?"
"Amazing of course," he punctuated the statement with a forehead kiss. "He asked what you were up to."
"Hmm. What did you say?" you asked, cozying up to Tom.
"I told him you were out partying while I worked all day, as usual," he joked.
You snorted, not having the energy to fully laugh at his joke.
"It's just part of the job," you retorted. You were starting to slip away again.
"G'night, Tom. Love you," you slurred hazily.
"Good night, darling. I love you, too."
A/N: Ugh this was so cute are you kidding me??? Pretty much all the credit goes to @laurentrvn like I said before. I was given pretty much the backbone of this fic and just filled in the missing pieces, so I hope it's what you were imagining with this!
Thanks for reading!
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astranva · 4 years
Dad!Harry having all daughters and all of them are either doing his hair or putting makeup on him while asking him silly questions about himself 😙
Title: Beautiful Chaos
Word Count: 1.9k
Category: dad!harry fluff
Warnings: Not proofread but none other than that.
That was lovely to write, too, my heart is about to buRST although I couldn’t find a suitable photo for the Instagram post I add at the end oops
There were a lot of things that your husband, Harry, enjoyed. Like, you spooning him after a long day at work, like smelling your coconut scent through the house, and like the fact that he was a father of 3 healthy girls.
Perla, Emerald, and Ruby were 3 girls whom Harry could go to hell and back for, not to mention you, but it had always been like that since the moment he met you.
Perla, being 7 years old, frequently took pride in her “big sister” title, wearing it like a sash around her and especially at her school and around her friends. Out of her sisters, she was the most protective of her family and it was something that had never failed to make you and Harry melt.
Harry even often found himself going on his phone, watching a video he had discreetly recorded when she was only 2. She was sitting on one of the kitchen stools, her eyes following your every move as you made her a sandwich with your baby bump showing, in your 9th month.
“careful, mummy.”
“Mummy, careful!”
“Thank you, mummy. Thank you, little baby.”
She had said during the video, adding a kiss to your bump after her last sentence.
Then Emerald came into the world, and Harry sometimes found himself wondering if his heart had doubled its size to fit all the love he had for his family.
Being 5, Emerald – or Emma as you all frequently called her – was quiet. She was a collected, flexible child who enjoyed art. Harry’s music? She would be listening carefully to it, saying comments that not all 5-year-olds would say;
“I like the piano here.”
“Uncle Mitch did a great job here!”
“Daddy, the bass is so low.”
And it only made sense that yours and Harry’s phones were full of pictures of her with her toy guitar around her shoulders, strumming as she cutely sang Harry’s songs or even some Fleetwood Mac into her green microphone.
And then came your youngest, being 3 – Ruby.
Ruby was a funny and hyperactive child. No hairstyle could sit still for her and more often than not, she sat with messy and chaotic brown hair, clothes a little disheveled. She was definitely more of a risk-taker than her sisters.
You remember only months ago at the beginning of the year, before the pandemic outbreak, when you and Harry were visiting a friend of yours from work and they had a big dog, a Great Dane, Perla and Emerald hiding behind you and Harry as they saw the dog but Ruby thrashed in Harry’s arms, demanding he put her down so she can “play with the puppy.”
And the one time you were at Anne’s, Ruby had curiously poked Dusty’s stomach, which the cat didn’t like to defend itself, it scratched 2-year-old Ruby’s hand.
Everyone stared in shock, waiting for Ruby to break down and cry but were surprised when she stared at her hand with a frown before looking at Dusty who walked off,
“Sorry!” She had only shouted at the cat before standing and grabbing a grape to eat.
With the pandemic outbreak, your family of 5 was quarantined in your London home. Refusing to leave the house unless it was absolutely necessary, you had guided your daughters to understanding how important it was to wear a face mask while outside because it was their duty towards all people, you and Harry included.
But with the pandemic, you and Harry were busy at creating ways that would keep the kids busy as well. From movie nights to activities, you both had tried to keep the kids entertained as well as aware of what was going on as best as you could.
It was one day when everything was just slow-paced, quiet, and chill. Harry had shaved his beard and left a mustache, one that your daughters were very amused by and had been all week.
You sat with your laptop on your lap, earphones connected as you watched The Good Place, but keeping the sound low enough for you to hear what your kids were conversing about.
Harry sat beside you, reading a book he had picked up a couple of days ago, his hand behind your back, fingers gently and mindlessly caressing your back, stroking it up and down in a comforting and soothing manner.
Perla and Ruby were sat together, coloring the most recent sketched you had printed them, while Emerald was sat on the floor against your legs, trying to make you and Harry a beaded bracelet from the toy set Harry had gotten her earlier.
“Mummy, does this look nice?” She asked, turning to look at you as she raised a pink-beaded thread string.
You lowered your laptop screen, looking at her. “It looks very nice, baby. Do you want me to tie it?”
“Yes, please.” She stood, handing you the string and watching you in awe as you did as if you were doing pure magic. You tied it in the way you had learned years ago, when friendship bracelets were a thing, making sure that it can get tighter or looser, however the wearer wanted.
“There you go.”
“Thank you, Mummy.” She grinned as she took it before moving to Harry, attempting to climb him which earned her a giggle from him as he helped her up, putting his book aside before mentally cursing himself because he didn’t know where he stopped.
“Look! I made you this!” Emerald grinned as she handed Harry the bracelet, watching excitedly and waiting for his reaction.
Harry gasped dramatically, “Woooow!” He looked at the bracelet lovingly, feeling like his heart was about to burst as he put it on, vowing to never take it off to himself. “I love it, Em. Thank you so much, baby.”
Emerald grinned bashfully, raising her shoulders closer to her cheeks as she did, Harry grabbing her to press a kiss against her hairline.
You watched with pure love, show long forgotten as you paused and gave your full attention to the scene.
Noticing what was going on, your oldest and youngest paused their coloring to approach you and look at their dad’s new jewelry.
“Good job, Em. Can you make me one?” Your oldest, Perla, asked excitedly as she eyed the bracelet before grinning at her shorter sister, who excitedly nodded at her.
“Me, too!” Ruby chimed, “But blue!”
“First, Mummy,” Emerald pointed at you, “Then Per,” she pointed at her older sister, “Then Rube.”
“Starting a business, aren’t you?” Harry joked, bringing her close to his chest as he playfully gnawed on her cheek, smiling as she squealed out in laughter.
As if the idea had been in her mind for a while, Perla suddenly blurted out a question:
“Daddy, can I put makeup on you?”
You grinned, looking at Harry and waiting for his reply.
He looked at you quickly before moving back to Perla, “I don’t see why not. Go on, get the stuff you need.”
“Ruby, you think we can paint daddy’s nails?” You asked your youngest with an excited grin, hearing your husband laugh.
Ruby nodded with a squeal, holding your hand as you stood up before Perla ran in front of you, you and Ruby following her as you ran towards yours and Harry’s room to get the stuff needed.
“Blue!” Ruby pointed at the blue nail polish bottle while Perla stood with your makeup bag, “And pink.”
“Yellow, too,” Perla added.
“How about we take the whole thing.” You chuckled as you gathered the box in your hands, walking behind your squealing, excited daughters.
At the sight of you, Emerald lit up, “I’ll do daddy’s hair!”
“You girls are giving Daddy a whole makeover, huh?” Harry laughed lovingly, welcoming all the attention.
You sat on Harry’s right, Ruby on his left with the blue nail polish bottle in her hand as she sat on her stomach with Harry’s hand waiting for her. Perla sat on Harry’s lap while Emerald climbed and seated herself on Harry’s shoulders, scrunchie around her wrist as she played with Harry’s hair.
Harry would have been lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how everything was right there and then. His wife was painting his nails in pink, pastel yellow, and baby blue while his 3-year-old was having her go with his other hand, getting polish on his cuticles but trying nonetheless. His oldest daughter brushing his cheeks with her mom’s blush brush, while his 5-year-old was gently pulling on his hair.
“Okay, done,” Perla closed the blush before moving to choose a lipstick, ending up with your red Mac one and opening it, “Daddy, do like that.” She instructed, puckering her lips. So Harry did, looking up as he did and trying to stifle his giggles as she put on lipstick on his puckered lips, “Okay, no more.” So he set his lips back, Perla continuing on applying the vibrant red color.
You hunched a little forward, a smile making its way to your lips, “Looking beautiful, baby.”
He hummed, his chest shaking with laughter as he felt the lipstick above his upper lip before Perla pulled back and looked back in the bag to apply anything more. He looked at you as you painted the last nail in pink, keeping only his middle finger’s nail in pastel yellow while his thumb and index were in baby blue, his ring and pinky’s being in pink. “Feeling so, too.” He said as he closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows, letting out a sigh of contentment for emphasis, overly dramatic, making you laugh.
It was 20 minutes later when his girls were done with their work and pushed him towards him and his wife’s bedroom, where they had a full-body length mirror.
He looked absolutely chaotic, and he loved everything about it. While his hair stuck in all directions, some lockets were collected by Emerald’s peach-colored scrunchie, one hand was nicely painted – which was painted by his wife – while the other was an absolute mess of blue but you can spot the attempt and it was nothing a nail polish remover couldn’t fix, his eyelids having some glitter on them, red lipstick nicely put except for a smudge right above his upper lip, cheeks too pink.
“What do you think?” Perla asked excitedly.
“Wow!” Harry breathed out, moving closer to the mirror, “I look glamorous!” He put his hands up in a peace sign, puckering his lips and popping up a leg as he posed, making his family laugh.
“Wait, let’s take a picture.” You grinned, raising your phone up as everyone got into a spot; Emerald had her arm thrown on Ruby’s shoulders as she smiled, Ruby sticking her tongue out, Perla choosing to sit down in front of her sisters, crossing her legs as she grinned with her eyes closed. You stood behind the hugging sisters, against Harry’s chest. Harry wrapped one arm around your shoulders from the back, the other around your waist as he smiled into the mirror, his head leaning down to press his cheek against yours. You held your phone with one hand, the other reaching up to hold on to Harry’s arm around you as you grinned before taking the picture.
“Let’s frame that.” Harry whispered to you in bliss, looking at the photo from behind you before moving to wrap both arms around your waist, “Thank you, love. For making me the happiest man alive.”
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Blackpink Reaction To Their S/O Surprising Them W/ Dyed Hair
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A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! Thank you guys for being patient with me on the requests, I really appreciate it. This is my first time writing a reaction, so let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy. Happy reading, everyone!
Everything is under the cut :)
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"Say hello to everyone," Jisoo requests through the phone, looking back up to the screen in front of her with that signature smirk playing on her lips. As fate would have it, she was in the middle of doing a live when you called. The fans love you -- especially since you're so funny and chaotic when you're around -- so you're happy to greet them.
"Hi, Blinks! I'll be there in a few minutes with a special surprise." 
Jisoo lets out a shocked noise at this, considering you hadn't told her about your plans. 
"Oye! Hurry home so we can see it." She says excitedly, lightly bouncing up and down on the bed. With a smile that's evident in your voice, you tell her goodbye.
In one swift motion, you scoop up a cheery Dalgom in your arms, laughing at how he licks your cheeks in greeting. 
"I love you, too, buddy."
After setting your bag down on the couch, you make your way to Jisoo's room. Little do you know, she has a surprise of her own in store.
"BOO!" She shouts, keeping her phone steady to capture your reaction to the scare. You tense up and shout, nearly dropping Dalgom in the process, but you recover after a moment. Both of you break out into a fit of giggles, and you look over at the computer on the bedside table to find the fans blowing up the chat. Jisoo wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes, and looks at you again; only now does she notice your new hair. 
At first, she's speechless -- only capable of looking at you with hearts in her eyes. Eventually, though, she finds her voice again. "Y/N! Wow, it looks gorgeous!" She smiles, running her hand through the newly dyed locks. Her accent made the compliment even more special, and you don't even try to stop the grin that tugs at your lips. 
Now seated on the bed with Jisoo beside you and Dalgom in your lap, you flip your hair around exaggeratedly as you show it to the audience. The positive comments roll in, and you take turns reading some of them out loud. From her position against the headboard, she can see the different hues of your hair shine and shimmer brightly in the gentle lamplight; she can't help but admire you.
After half an hour or so, she decides to end the live. You pull Dalgom into your arms again and smoosh your cheek up against Jisoo's, making sure to crowd in enough to fit into frame. Something must have gotten into her, because she leans around to press a lingering kiss to the corner of your lips, right in front of the camera. You can only imagine how much harder the fans are going to ship you now.
With a final wave and goodbye to everyone, she ends it. She wraps one arm around your back as her other comes to rest on your thigh, reaching up every now and then to pet Dalgom's head. 
"I'm so happy you like it." You say after a few minutes, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the room. She lifts her head from its place on your shoulder to look at you. "Of course I do, Y/N. Did you doubt that I would?"
"Not exactly… I was just afraid it might not turn out pretty. You know?" She nods in response, but her heart breaks a little: you have no idea how amazing you are.
"I understand, but you don't ever need to worry about that. Everything about you is beautiful because it's a part of you. You make everything pretty." She gushes, tracing little patterns on your hip. 
You attempt to dismiss her words, throwing a hand into the air while making a little "pshh" sound, but she doesn't stand for it. "I mean it, Y/N. I'm not just saying that. I'm glad to call you mine; you're so special." Her words affect you more than you thought they would, and soon tears are blurring your vision. Who knew dying your hair could lead to all this?
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Jisoo, but I love you so much. You always know what to say." And it's true -- she does. She knows you get insecure sometimes, and she's always there to reassure you of her feelings when you need it most. 
"And I love you." She affirms, allowing her head to rest on your shoulder again now that you're happy.
Feeling left out, Dalgom lets out a little bark; he wants attention too. In an instant, the room is filled with kissy noises and the sound of your high pitched voices as you both talk to him and shower him with love.
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"Jen, I'm home!" With a shrug of your shoulders, the warm material of your coat falls down your arms. As you hang it on the rack beside the door, a smile tugs at your lips; Jennie gave you that coat, and it's always done well in keeping you warm and comfortable when she can't be around to do so. You make a mental note to thank her properly. 
With that, you amble into the kitchen.
"Yah, jagi! What took so long? I missed you." Jennie whines, her words slipping past the cute little pout that's surely adorning her face. She's preparing a snack at the counter, her back turned to you as she struggles to open the sauce jar. 
"Here, let me help," you offer, approaching her. 
As she hands you the container, she turns to look at you for the first time tonight. Her eyes widen as she does a double take at you. You don't notice, though -- your focus is elsewhere.
"Jisoo and I saw a new gaming store when we were out today and we decided to stop in. We didn't expect to be there for so long; we just got wrapped up." You tell her, answering her previous question as you finally manage to pop the lid open. Upon sliding the jar over to her and meeting her gaze, an instant blush begins to make its way to your cheeks. Her pupils are blown wide now, and her lips are pursed as she appreciates the sight of you. You never fail to send her heart wild.
"I'm convinced you can rock any color," she flirts, smiling widely at the reaction her words garner from you. 
"Why don't you come a little closer and get a better look?" You ask, fighting the shyness that threatens to take over you. She quirks an eyebrow before sauntering over, swiftly moving to tangle her hands in your hair. "It suits you so well, babe." She compliments, toying with the soft strands that fall down into your face as you lean in closer to her. Her embrace is comforting, as always, and you sigh at the feeling of her fingers against your scalp. Before she can stop herself, Jennie leans forward and connects your lips in a sweet kiss. She tastes like fruit, and you can't get enough of the flavor. Working with a sneaking suspicion, you open your eyes and glance over at her work station. Now, with your fears confirmed, you abruptly pull away.
She groans at the loss of contact, but you're quick to speak up. "You made tanghulu without me?? Woooow, Jennie. I'm hurt." You tease, acting truly upset as you take a step away from her. She shakes her head, letting out a little chuckle; for a second, she worried you were upset about something serious.
"Shush, we can always make more." 
You don't drop the act so easily, though, and the playful glint in her eye tells you that she's enjoying the banter. 
"What else have you done without me today? If you watched that new drama without me then you're sleeping on the couch tonight." A guilty expression falls over her features, and she avoids your gaze.
"About that…" she starts, rubbing the back of her neck as a dry chuckle slips past her lips.
"I'm messing with you, babe. That would be treason." She pulls you into her arms again, raising a hand and giving you a sort of "scout's honor" gesture to prove that she isn't lying. After narrowing your eyes at her one last time to ensure she's being truthful, you give in and kiss her again. 
"Fine. You'll just have to keep kissing me to make up for the tanghulu."
"Oh, really? I'll have to start making it without you more often, then." She laughs against your lips as you pinch her for that remark. Your mood brightens exponentially at the sound of her giggles, and you wrap your arms around her even tighter.
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“I'm home, my love!" You shout, slipping your shoes off and setting them beside the door. A content sigh leaves your lips as you undo the top few buttons of your shirt, finally able to relax and see Rosé. Her excited footsteps carry out across the house as she makes her way downstairs, Hank following right along. You crouch down to pick him up, smiling at the precious way his ears bounce around as he runs into your arms. 
"Oww, my heart," Rosie exclaims with a grin, holding her hand against her chest in mock pain. Nothing can compare to seeing her two loves so happy and carefree. She pads her way over to you, and you kiss the top of Hank's head before setting him on the ground. Her arms wrap around your waist, and you pull her in for a warm embrace; the two of you stand like that for a minute, swaying back and forth. Eventually she pulls back to press a kiss to your lips -- something she's been dying to do all day -- and she takes your hat off in order to run her hands through your hair. 
"I missed you, babe." The words come out quietly, accompanied by a frown. You peck her lips again until her pout turns into a soft little smile, and rest your forehead against hers. 
"Me too. But now I have the next 3 days off, and I'm all yours." Her eyes look into yours lovingly, but quickly shift to look at your newly exposed hair. 
A sound of surprise stutters past her lips -- you've truly taken her breath away. She has a special twinkle in her eye as she looks at you, completely in love. Her fingers skim across your collarbone and neck as they move to play with your hair. 
"It's beautiful, just like you." You tut at her and bring your hands up to cover your face, taking refuge behind them. She's quick to pull them away, though, pressing a kiss to your knuckles and wrists before interlocking your fingers. 
"I mean it, Y/N. You're always so stunning." There's no denying the effect her words have on you; even after being together for as long as you have, her compliments never fail to set your heart aflame. 
"How'd I get so lucky, huh?" You ask her as you let your hands settle on her hips. She's clad in a crop top and jeans, and the soft skin of her abdomen against your fingertips is a wonderful contrast to the rough material of her pants. 
It's her turn to blush now. "I love you to the mountains and back and to the far far hills--" your giggles interrupt her recital, and she just laughs along with you. "I love you, too, Rose. So much." She presses another kiss to your cheek before leading you up the stairs and calling out for Hank to follow.
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As you walk down the hallway of the dance studio, destination set on Lisa's rehearsal room, you can hear the strong beat of "Candy" by Doja Cat pulsing inside. A stray staff member passes by you, looking nearly entranced as you run a hand through your hair to readjust it and smile at her. She watches you walk away, incapable of taking her eyes off of you, and that simple act boosts your confidence tenfold. You had been a little nervous to see how people would react to your new look -- Lisa, in particular -- but all of the approval you've been receiving has eased your worries so far.
With one final, steadying breath, you release your fears and open the door. 
Your girlfriend doesn't notice you come in at first, given that she's totally in her element, her body winding around as she performs the moves expertly. You lean against the doorframe now, taking in the beautiful sight. During one particular part of the song, she does a set of body rolls, putting the muscles of her abdomen on full display as she flexes them. The low lighting of the room sets the mood perfectly, creating just the right ambiance.
"Damn, baby. Am I crazy or are you somehow getting even better?" The words startle her ever so slightly, pulling her from the other world that she was just in. She glances at you from across the room, and a look of confusion crosses her face for a split second. After she registers that you're you and not some random staff member, her jaw drops to the floor. 
Totally disregarding your previous question, she's quick to replace it with her own as she runs over to you. "Y/N! Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me??" The words come out in a rush as she engulfs you in a tight embrace, and you snuggle into her warmth. 
"I wanted to surprise you. I've been wanting to switch it up for a while, and somebody told me that this is your favorite color." You say, unwrapping one of your hands from her waist and bringing it up to toy with your hair. "Do you like it?" You ask, biting your lip as the nerves begin to creep back in momentarily. Lisa hasn't said anything yet -- she's just been studying your features with the hint of a smirk on her lips. 
"No, I don't."
"I love it, babe. You're so beautiful." She says as she rests her forehead against yours. 
With a sigh, you nudge her playfully. "Hey, don't do that to me! I thought you didn't like it." You pout, avoiding her now incredulous gaze.
"Look at me." She commands, cupping your cheek gently as she lifts your head to face her. "Did you seriously think I wouldn't like it? You could be bald and I'd still be just as in love with you as ever. But that color looks absolutely gorgeous on you." 
She always knows just what to say. 
"I love you, dork." You grin, pressing a kiss against her soft lips. 
"And I love you. Now, come dance with me." Her hands skim down your arms on their journey to your hands, and she interlocks your fingers. She walks backwards towards the middle of the room, doing a goofy little shimmy on the way. Her antics draw a giggle from you, and she reciprocates. Before long, the two of you are having a full on dance battle as another new song blasts through the speakers.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Dark Interrogations (With a Light Spin)
Roman gets interrogated for the robbery of a hoodie, a hat and a deodorant. Remus, Janus and Virgil work together to make Roman confess to his crimes and admit as to their location...
This has the 'tickle interrogation' trope going for it so if you're uncomfortable with that, I am very sorry. There are also some swear words, so you have been warned.
This fanfic goes out to @smileheart110 on Tumblr. Link
This fanfic also goes out to @kennabelee because I wanna. XD
So Smileheart and Kenna, I hope you both (and others) enjoy!
A pair of high heels could be heard echoing through the room...a paper was shuffled with...and a pencil was heard being used despite the pitch black darkness.
“Roman ‘Princey’ Sanders…” Someone said.
The name called, hummed in confusion as he registered who the voice belonged to.
“...What in royalty are you doing, Library boy?” Roman asked.
“Oh...Right I forgot he could recognize our voice.” The person admitted.
“We have the same voice.” Someone else said.
“I’m gonna turn on the liiiight~” someone else said before switching on a lamp. Roman squinted at how surprisingly bright the lamp was. He expected one of those modern lights with the slow build up to brightness. You know, the eco-friendly ones? But nope. Not here. The voices of the ‘strangers’ didn’t always have a green thumb.
Roman looked up at the faces that were staring him down. One of them was holding a clipboard and a pencil. Another one was holding pieces of paper. And the last one was giving him the death glare with a small box in his hand.
“Welcome to the interrogation room. You can refer to me as Deceit...Or Janus, if you want to.” Janus started.
“You can refer to me as Virgil...I prefer it that way. No ‘emo’, no ‘panic at the everywhere’, and no ‘kitty cat’ either. I’ve heard you and your list.” Virgil warned.
“And I’m starving.” Remus admitted.
Virgil sighed. “Remus we know.” Virgil growled.
“Can we hurry this up?” Remus asked. “I haven’t had my hourly deodorant because SOMEONE STOLE IT!” Remus smacked his hand onto the desk to scare him.
But hilariously enough, Roman didn’t even flinch. “Awww, boo hoo.”
Remus looked at Janus. “Can I slap him with your heel?” Remus asked.
“NO.” Janus and Virgil both shot back.
“Dammit…” Remus muttered.
“Heel?!” Roman looked down and sure enough, Janus was wearing heels. “...Huh…”
“Eyes up here asshole.” Virgil ordered. “Where are our things?” Virgil asked.
“What things?” Roman asked, pretending to be naive.
Virgil slammed a paper onto the table, revealing the hoodie...But the picture used to represent it, looked really poor quality.
Roman smirked. “Did you get that from clipart or something?” Roman asked.
Janus sighed. “It was the best we could do. Please stay focused.” Janus told him.
“Where is it?!” Virgil asked.
“Chill out man! I didn’t mess with your hoodies!” Roman reacted.
“It’s ONE hoodie, and it’s MISSING. And you’re the only one dumb enough to take it.” Virgil spat.
“Emo.” Roman spat back with a smirk.
“Prick in my ass.” Virgil shot back.
“Oooooh! Okay, boogeyman~” Remus teased.
“Ew!” Virgil turned to Remus. “Don’t you dare use your serial killer references on me!” Virgil ordered.
“Sorry, sorry…I’m just hangry…” Remus admitted.
“Really? What a surprise…” Janus muttered.
Roman chuckled. “Someone should make a tv show based on all of you.” Roman reacted.
“Brooklyn 99 is the equivalent of that already.” Virgil reminded him.
Virgil placed another paper down. “What about this? Where is it?” Virgil asked.
Roman sighed and looked down. This time, it was a picture of deodorant...but it had a leaf on the label with the word ‘Peppermint’ on the front. Roman guffawed. “No, I haven’t seen Remus’s ‘peppermint’ deodorant!” Roman laughed.
Janus blinked and checked the label. “Oh...Oops.” Janus admitted. “Anyway-” Janus placed the paper down. “You know what we really mean in this situation. Where is it?” Janus asked.
“I don’t know. I thought you hid it with your magic?” Roman replied, looking at Remus.
Janus sighed. “And as you can tell, this:” Janus showed a colored picture of Roman holding his hat, with the bowler hat circled with a red marker. “Where is my hat?”
Roman giggled and changed his voice. “Look! I’m Woody! Howdy Howdy Howdy!” He imitated.
Janus snapped his fingers and pointed at him. “AHA! So you DID steal it!” Janus declared. “And that means you stole everything else TOO!” Janus yelled.
“Whaaaat...if I was simply making a reference?” Roman asked.
“You weren’t.” All three interrogators said at the exact same time.
Roman’s smirk dropped. They really could read through his tricks…
“Where’s. Our. Stuff. Roman?” Janus asked, leaning forward to glare at Roman closely.
“Up. Your. Scaled. Tushy.” Roman spat back.
“Alright get the tools.
“Tools?! Seriously?!” Roman reacted.
“Yes, of course! We need to scare our thief into confessing to their most evil crimes known to man!” Remus told him. “Stealing. Our. Precious. Props.” Remus told him.
Virgil pulled out a toothbrush and clicked a button to turn it on. The electric tooth brush started humming and vibrating, leaving Roman confused. “You’re...gonna brush my teeth to death?” Roman guessed.
Virgil giggled evilly. “Think again, Ro.” While Janus held Roman’s hands behind his back, Virgil walked closer to Roman, pulled up a stool and brought the humming toothbrush closer to Roman’s belly button.
The toothbrush had only lowered a couple inches from his belly, when Roman started whining and biting his lip. “Ohohoho noho, you’re worse than yzma.” Roman muttered with a slight wobbly smile growing onto his lips.
“So...Where...is our stuff Ro?” Virgil asked.
“I-I don’t know!” Roman replied.
It was then that Roman SCREAMED and wiggled around as the toothbrush landed right into his belly button.
“I hope you like tickles, Princey~” Virgil teased. “Cause this is gonna last a while if you don’t confess.” Virgil added.
“Woooow! Begging already?” Remus reacted. “I’m surprised! You can defeat a giant dragon witch, but you can’t handle a little tickwing to the bewwy button?” Remus teased.
Roman tugged on his arms to try and get out as his belly button was tormented with only a single little circular toothbrush. Man, being ticklish sucked right now!
Virgil stopped the electric toothbrush, but kept the toothbrush in his belly button. While this was happening, Janus leaned into Roman’s ear and clicked his tongue. “You gonna tell me where the stuff is?” Janus asked softly.
Roman felt tingles down his spine from both the hot air against his ear, and the super soft voice Janus was using.
Roman looked towards the ear Janus was whispering into. “Jeez, you could do an ASMR video or an ASMR channel if you wanted to! Holy crap!” Roman reacted.
“Answer the question.” Janus ordered with a more stern voice.
Roman looked at Virgil and Remus. “Guys...I seriously don’t know.” Roman told them.
“He’s lying. Vir-”
“Way ahead of ya, Jan.” Virgil pulled out a huge fan brush, turned on the electric tooth brush and used both items on Roman’s belly button region.
Janus smirked as he leaned in, and blew cold air onto his neck. Roman squealed and curled his neck, throwing his head back in the process. “JAHAHAHAN!” Roman begged.
Then, Janus grabbed a feather and started tickling up and down Roman’s spine. “EEEEEK! WAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!”
“Hey Remus...Do you wanna have some fun?” Virgil asked before turning off the toothbrush. Janus stopped the feather and looked at Remus with curious eyes.
Roman took the time to breath in and out as much as he could before the tickling started up again.
“Sure! And I know just the spot~” Remus grabbed a foot rest, placed it between Roman’s lower legs, and tied Roman’s legs to the bars on the sides of the foot rest.
Roman shrieked and tried to lift the foot rest, but a 50 pound dumbbell had been tied to the bottom of the foot rest as well! “NO! YOU’D BETTER NOT PULL THAT ANKLE-BREAKING MOVE FROM MISERY!” Roman shouted at him.
Virgil and Janus widened their eyes at each other while Remus wheezed. “Look around the room, you dumbass! There’s no sledgehammers anywhere here!” Remus reacted through his laughter.
“Except for in the closet…” Virgil muttered.
Remus hummed. “Wait what?”
“There actually is one in the closet…” Virgil muttered again.
“Hey Janus, do you have an extra hand to cover up his mouth?” Remus asked casually...too casually.
Janus nodded and covered up his mouth. With Roman’s screams covered up enough to focus, Remus got up to do his thing. He walked to the closet, grabbed out the sledge hammer and made a large portal. Roman was still breathing heavily and freaking out. But Remus gave the sledgehammer a heave, and threw it into the portal. A loud “OW!” could be heard from within the portal before it was closed up.
“There! No more sledgehammer, and no more scared Roman.” Remus told him.
Roman’s scared face lessened dramatically as he registered the lack of a sledgehammer.
“You can uncover his mouth now.” Remus told Janus. Janus nodded and uncovered his mouth as Remus walked back over. “Now what I was ACTUALLY gonna do...” Remus sat down onto the foot rest, and scooted a bit closer. “Was this:”
Remus reached his hand out and started tickling the inside of Roman’s thigh. Roman widened his eyes, gasped in surprise, and leaned his head to the side as the craving to laugh filled his lungs. Roman tried to hold them back as best he could...But the moment the fingers reached the lower thigh, it was all over.
“Only if you confess to taking our stuff…” Remus reminded him as he moved his fingers to the other thigh.
Virgil smiled eagerly as Remus stopped his fingers. “Well?”
“Fihihihine...Yohohou wihihihin…*huff* I… *huff* I took ‘em…. *huff* *huff* Took ‘em all.” Roman finally admitted.
Remus smiled proudly and cheered. “YAAAAAY! I did it!” Remus declared.
“Totally didn’t see that coming…” Janus lied with a smirk.
“But wait:” Virgil looked at Roman. “Where did you put them?” Virgil asked.
Remus stopped cheering and looked at him. That was a good question! Where DID he put them?
Roman shook his head. “You said you’d let me go if I confessed. I confessed, so you need to let me go.” Roman told them.
“That’s why we have a tape record-” Virgil looked over at the tape recorder and noticed there was no tape in the tape recorder…
Virgil growled in pure frustration and anger the moment he heard crunching plastic on the other side of the table. Remus had moved himself to the other side of the table and…
..was eating the cassette tape.
“Whath? I goth hungryyy!” Remus reacted. “I’ff been hungry’fr hourth!” Remus added.
“And you couldn’t ASK FOR A BREAK?!” Virgil shouted.
Remus swallowed. “Mm mm. Go on. Keep going.” Remus told them, waving his hand to move them along.
Virgil sighed and looked at Roman. “Are there times you don’t associate with him?” Virgil asked.
Roman nodded. “All the time.” He replied. Rokman yelped as the circular spinning piece from the cassette tape smacked against his forehead. “OW!” Roman yelled.
“Thorry!” Remus reacted.
Virgil grabbed out another item from the tool box. “How about some oil?” Virgil asked.
Roman squeaked and wiggled around. “Uh uh! No way! Absolutely not! Get that stuff away from me!” Roman threatened.
Virgil giggled and poured some oil into his belly button.
“NOOOOOO!” Roman begged. Virgil grabbed a silicone oil brush from the tool kit, and started brushing and spreading the oil across his whole belly. Roman giggled and snorted as the brush moved everywhere across the regular skin, AND the shiny oiled skin. Whenever the brush would go across the oiled skin, Roman’s laughter would increase 10 fold, or even 20 fold! The oil made so much of a difference on Roman’s belly.
“And now for my new favorite part:” Virgil grabbed out two- TWO separate back scratchers. The metal back scratchers had paws on them rather than the usual fingers, which gave the back scratches metal claws rather than dull nails. Virgil handed one of them to Remus, and got ready to attack.
“NO...NOO PLEASE NO…” Roman pleaded.
“Where are they~” Virgil asked as he and Remus both brought the bear scratchers closer and closer to the belly.
“VIRGIL! REMUS! PLEASE! I DON’T KNOW! I! DON’T! KNOW! AAAAAAAAH!” Roman screamed and fell into loud cackles as the bear claws started scritching and scratching all over his poor, oiled belly.
“Where is it, oh ticklish prince of-”
Virgil widened his eyes. “Nightstand?!” Virgil reacted.
Remus got up, placed the bear claw scratcher down and sprinted to Roman’s bedroom. Roman took this moment to breath like his life depended on it. “Yohohou’re...lucky...I’m a side...otherwise...I will have...p-perished…” Roman said slowly.
Virgil laughed. “You wouldn’t have died, you drama queen.” Virgil fluffed his hair.
Janus smiled as he let go of Roman’s hands and wrote down the thief with the location of the items. “A criminal has pleaded guilty today. I say a job well done.” Janus told him. “And I mean it.” Janus clarified, telling him that he wasn’t lying.
Remus sprinted into the room with their stuff, and a mouth full of deodorant. “Hoodie!” Remus threw the hoodie to Virgil. “Hat!” Remus threw the hat frisbee style to Janus. “And MMMMMmmmmm!” Remus dug right into his deodorant like a mad man.
Virgil and Roman both bursted out laughing at Remus’s face, while Janus fixed his hat and hair. “There…” Then, Janus whipped off the high heels. “Finally! My feet can rest happy without these stupid heels!” Janus declared.
“FREE HEELS!” Remus declared, picking up the heels and sprinting out of the room.
Virgil shrieked and sprinted after him. “REMUS GIVE ME THOSE HEELS NOW, YOU ARE NOT HITTING PEOPLE WITH THEM!”
Roman bursted out laughing at their silliness and looked at Janus. “So...You gonna start that ASMR channel?” Roman asked.
Janus leaned into his ear with a smile. “Maybe~” He whispered.
Roman giggled nervously and covered his mouth. The teaser was already a huge indication that he was gonna DIE listening to Janus’s voice!
...A loud “OW! VIRGIL!” could be heard from all the way down the hall…
Those silly dark sides...
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jj-bxby · 4 years
Rudy Pankow x Reader Request - Who’s Who
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gif credit @toesure
Request - Can I make a Rudy Pankow request pls?? One where the reader and him are dating and the reader is part of the outer banks cast. They are doing The Who’s Who interview with Buzzfeed. They’re just being like super cute during the interview. Thanks! 🤗
Word Count - 1.2k
A/N - This is a piece where the reader is a part of the OBX cast as another character :)
“Rudy, I swear to god if you don’t stop shaking your leg right now,” you mumbled to your boyfriend as the camera’s light flickered on. He looked at you and grabbed your hand out of frame, giving it a squeeze as he smiled at you. Both of you were rather nervous, this was your first interview since you had told your friends you were dating but hadn’t brought it to public light, at least not yet. Luckily your friends were supportive as always, JD sending you both dumb memes about couples, Madilyn and Chase inviting you on a double date, and Madison always being there for you to talk about any relationship questions you had. It was like a fairytale for now, but the both of you had a few different late-night conversations about how your relationship being in the public eye could affect you. Gently sliding your hand from Rudy’s, you turned to look at Rachel, your interviewer for the day as she scribbled on a piece of paper.
“Alright guys, we’re going to be playing Who’s Who today. I’m sure you know how it works already, but I’m going to give you some questions and you’ll point to who is most likely to do the thing in question! Just be yourselves and feel free to talk more about the questions, okay?” The group chattered in agreement, and Rachel nodded.
“Okay, first up. Who’s most likely to mess up their lines?” You smiled and pointed to Rudy, as did everyone else. Well, everyone except Rudy himself of course, who had looked to Chase. He gave you a mock-gasp, when he saw your hand pointed to him, clutching his heart dramatically. “Seriously? Woooow. I just make up my own lines, sometimes is all!”
“To be fair, you making up lines stems from you forgetting them in the first place,” Madison pointed out, nodding to him.
“Look we got some of my best lines that way. Dare I say some of the best lines in the entire show,” He cocked his eyebrow and you laughed.
You mimicked your boyfriend's voice as you recited one of your favorites, “I can’t walk bro, I got polio.” Everyone erupted in laughter, while Rudy rolled his eyes. “Like I said, best lines in the show, man.”
Once the laughter had dropped off, Rachel moved to the next question. “Okay, who’s the most likely to fall or trip while filming?”
Everyone pointed to Madilyn, including herself. “Yeah, y'know that scene where I walked on the log after the storm? We had to do more takes of that than I’d like to admit, just because I kept falling off the log!” She laughed and looked at you, “And Y/N had to help me cover up the bruises the next day!” You smiled, remembering trying to brush color corrector and foundation onto Madi’s skin to cover up the nasty bruises she’d gotten, and failing horribly.
“Now that I think about it, Y/N did have one pretty hilarious trip at one point.” Madison said, glancing at you. “When we were doing a take of the Midsummer's party and she was wearing heels, she totally tripped on her own feet!”
Chase flashed a shit eating grin as he continued the story. “Yeah! And she wouldn’t have even fallen but Rudy tried to, uh, “catch” her,” Chase air-quoted, “but he ended up making them both fall. Luckily Rudy is just such a gentleman.”
You scrunched up your face and groaned while remembering that scene, but your boyfriend just threw his head back and laughed. “Hey you could have at least let me fall on top of you, that day, mister.” You joked as you bumped your shoulder into his lightly, giggling at the thought. He bumped you back, but it was harder than either of you had expected, and you fell off of your stool.
“Oh shit, babe,” Rudy said as he rushed to help you up. You sat there giggling on the floor as your boyfriend hopped out of his seat and held out his hand.
“Y‘know, I seem to fall a lot more with you around, ya dork.” You smiled as you took hold of his outstretched hand, him helping you to your feet while apologizing profusely. “Oh my god, it’s fine, Rudy! Look, I’m not broken!” You said, spinning in a circle before you smoothed out your dress. You glanced over at the others as you took your seat again, seeing the others had taken to staring at you both and grinning knowingly. You rolled your eyes as Madison wiggled in her seat at you, raising her eyebrows.
Rachel cleared her throat as she went back to her questions. “Alright guys, who is most likely to be found staying up all night?”
The votes were split between you and JD, both of you having pointed at each other. “Look I always get notifications from you texting me memes or dumb reddit posts at three a.m., JD!”
“Aha! So why are you checking them at three a.m., huh Y/N? You know I got read receipts on,” he accused, wiggling his finger at you.
You narrowed your eyes and slowly pointed your finger back towards yourself. “Touché.”
“Who’s most likely to be the ‘Cast Mom’?”
You perked as you pointed to yourself, pumping your fists in the air when everyone else did as well.
“I swear to god she has everything you could ever need in that damn purse of hers.” Rudy said with a laugh.
“She even kept fruit snacks in there for when I wanted something to snack on,” JD nodded. “Oh she has chips for me!” Chase chimed in excitedly.
“You don’t want to be around these boys when they’re hungry,” you explained.
“Yeah, y’all also have like an unlimited supply of Band-Aids and bobby pins in there too,” Madison added, Madi nodding in agreement.
“It’s true, she basically knows what we need before we need it! She’s also the best at making plans and getting all of us to show up to them!”
You look to Rachel dramatically. “What can I say, it’s hard raising five twenty-something’s all on my own.” You let out a little nose laugh at your own joke and saw the others smiling back at you, trying to contain their laughter.
“Alright, and final one for the day here, who’s most likely to end up together?”
Your eyes widened and darted to Rudy’s, before you both looked to your friends. All of them were making heart hands at the two of you while grinning devilishly. The blood rushed to your cheeks at their antics and you squeezed your eyes for a second shut as you smiled.
“Well I guess the cat’s out of the bag for everyone now, huh?” Rudy said as he passed a hand through his hair. He ducked over to give you a kiss on the cheek and flash you a grin.
“C‘mon, you guys are too cute together to keep it a secret!” Madison exclaimed.
“Yep, Madison’s right, guys,” Chase said, Madi and JD agreeing.
“Alright, alright!” You pulled out your phone and opened up your instagram, pulling Rudy over to you for a kiss as you snapped a picture of it. You tapped away at your keyboard as your friends “Awwwed” in the background. Rudy read the caption over your shoulder.
“well, it’s official now. @rudeth and i are dating 🥰”
After sliding your phone back into your pocket, you grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and laced your fingers with his.
“So I think we win the ‘Cutest Couple’ award, sorry guys,” Rudy said solemnly as he nodded to Chase and Madilyn, smiling at the giggles coming from you.
“Hell yeah we do.”
tags + moots ~ @joshy-obx @jjsredhat @jjsbxtch @jjsmaybcnk @drewswannabegirl @starksweasley @starlightstarkey @stargazingstarkey @aesthetic-lyss @shawnssongs @futuretaxcheat @overly-b
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when tomorrow comes 🌳
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good gods i know it's ship day but this is solely a gen michael & lucifer & raphael & gabriel fic :')
Inspired by Sam & Dean's S.W & D.W carvings on Baby. Who's to say the Archangels weren't first in that idea?
Rating: G (Gen Archangels fic)
Special thank you to my beta!
Playlist & Fic available on AO3. (it's also under the cut, if you prefer that!)
Heaven's lush hills always seemed greener and livelier when all four archangels lay against them. A rarity the occasion was, a trivial shard of diamond in the cascading abyss. It always seemed that Heaven needed an archangel here, there, everywhere at once; It made familial bonding far more complicated than things used to be.
However, a special day plucked from each year never failed to offer the archangels plenty of time together. A day of thanks, a day where Heaven displayed gratitude for their eldest brothers—Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangels.
Morning sun rays highlighted soft violets and dusk plums of aster flowers, a humble gift for the very firsts of their species. By nightfall, bright angel-made clusters of heat-producing hydrogen and helium littered the black sky in the name of each archangel. Fledglings flocked to watch the fiery protostars burn in the cosmos.
While Lucifer happily revelled in the praise, Michael hid his jittery hands by tucking them behind his back and flashed a polite, yet photogenic smile to his newest siblings. Raphael, seemingly indifferent to the holiday, remained by Michael's side, occasionally shooting their brother a subtly reassuring look. Jovial, yet also graciously wanting to include others, Gabriel mingled in the crowds with the fledglings to watch the protostars, enthusiastically explaining to Heaven's children how the young stars would eventually grow to become massive beacons in the night.
By the time the thick, yet routine night fog had clouded the view of the protostars, the flocks of angels had dissipated. It was their cue to leave; The archangel hideout awaited. Or, as Lucifer liked to call it: the Badass Lair.
The refreshing air genially accommodated them, the chilled wind carried their wings as they flew. There was always a sense of thrill around the Autumn Equinox, nearing Michaelmas—perhaps it was the comforting thought of familiarity, a high from nostalgia of sorts. Whatever the seed, it didn't matter; Focusing on the blossom of a sibling’s love and appreciation was much easier.
Raphael's garden always seemed to flourish increasingly with every rare gathering the four indulged in. Even midair, as they descended upon the immense greenery below, Michael had already begun to muse about how the banyan trees had expanded since his last visit. Raphael quietly, yet blithely soaked in the adoration from their archangelic brothers.
The softness of the grass, however, always remained the same. Lucifer was the first to land, being the quickest flier of the bunch. He cracked an astonished grin as he surveyed his younger sibling's growing garden, slightly pivoting to catch the vibrance of Raphael's indigo feathers amongst the blackness of the sky.
"Not bad, Raph!" The Morningstar loudly called out, adding more quietly with a snicker, "For a kid."
The thunderous sound of strong, flapping wings echoed behind him, prompting Lucifer's playful smirk to widen.
"I'm literally only four hundred years younger than you," Raphael's familiar voice remarked, and Lucifer turned once again to meet his sibling's deadpan expression.
"And despite the age difference, Raphael has created far better things than you have, brother," Michael offhandedly commented as he silently landed farther away from the pair. Lucifer's face contorted into a pout, and Raphael fought to contain their own appreciative smile at the eldest angel's words.
"Woooow, Mi! I'm hurt!" Lucifer faked offense.
The heavy fog of nightfall seemed to become almost pellucid at the very presence of Heaven's firsts. Peeks of sheer luminosity from the protostars of Michaelmas seeped from the impervious midnight clouds. Even the banyan trees seemed to lean into the comforting presence of archangelic grace.
Lucifer squinted into the elegant cloak of the night sky. "You think Gabe's gonna break his neck when he crashlands?"
Raphael turned their attention to the sky in search of the youngest archangel in question. "He's been getting better at landing. He'll do fine."
Lucifer hummed in response, brightening slightly when he caught sight of Gabriel nearing the garden. "Mn, doubt it. Wanna bet? Loser has to listen to Michael's fifty page manifesto on why ducklings are Pop's best creation."
Raphael blinked, looking over to Michael in bemusement. "Your-... your what?"
Michael's eyes darted to Lucifer to glare daggers at him, who only sniggered in response. A gust of wind washed over the trio, and frantic fluttering of golden wings broke Michael's glower. Beside him, Gabriel was close to landing—or rather, close to failing at landing. It was really more similar to falling, with his limbs flailing all about and eyes squeezed tightly shut in preparation for impact.
Michael sighed hopelessly at the sight, extending one of his grandiose fuschia wings low to catch his younger brother. Upon the soft sensation of Michael's velutinous feathers, Gabriel's eyes reopened in surprise.
"Hey, no fair! You interfered!” Lucifer huffed at Michael, who merely rolled his eyes and helped Gabriel to his feet.
“I almost made it, I was so close!” Gabriel whined, furrowing his brows as Michael thumbed a smudge of leftover party sweets that was stuck to his cheek.
“Next time, bug. You’ll get it next time,” Raphael reassured, and Gabriel’s grace seemed to relax at his older sibling’s encouragement.
Lucifer yawned, and the twinkle of the protostars above them began to reflect the dew on the grass. “M’kay, new bet. Last one to the tree has to listen to Michael’s manifesto.”
Gabriel perked up curiously and cocked his head at Michael. “What manifesto?”
Michael shook his head and stubbornly huffed. “I was two hundred years old, Lucifer. The duckling phase of my life is over.”
“Oh? So you’re saying ducklings aren’t the greatest living creatures?” Lucifer pried, exaggeratedly leaning his ear towards Michael to hear his response. Raphael and Gabriel eyed the two bickering brothers and exchanged amused glances.
Michael shifted uncomfortably in place in an attempt to keep in his passionate ramblings; He ultimately failed. “I never said that. Ducklings are the epitome of absolute goodness and commendable purity in the universe. The best traits of all of creation can be found in their small yet mighty little bodies. Not only do they bring togeth--”
“Blegh, no more lectures! Lulu, your bet’s on!” Gabriel groaned, spreading his sets of still-developing golden wings.
"'Atta boy," Lucifer impossibly brightened, his grin quickly returning. "On three! One... "
With one singular number down, Lucifer watched in incredulity as Gabriel mischievously laughed, a flash of golden feathers passing them all by. After the initial shock wore off, Lucifer briefly hummed, nodding in approval.
"Touché, little brother, touché," The Morningstar muttered to himself, before theatrically shrieking into the night, "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT, GABE!"
Gabriel's boisterous bursts of both elated and happily frightened screams in the distance elicited an endeared smile from all three of the older angels. With a whistling streak of vermillion wings, Lucifer chased after his youngest archangelic brother.
Michael and Raphael observed them in comfortable silence, the illumination from the protostars just bright enough to see the vivid colors of their wings against the midnight sky. As the breeze audibly raked through the trees, Raphael slightly swiveled to curiously peer at Michael.
"I'd actually like to hear about these ducklings," Raphael calmly stated, gesturing with their head towards the specific tree that Gabriel and Lucifer were headed for.
The blinding look of pleased excitement on Michael's face was enough to bring a smile to Raphael's lips.
In contrast to the vivacious growth of much of Raphael's garden, the Badass Lair retained all of its youthful glory.
The haphazardly-built abomination of a fort from sticks and logs stood distinctly adjacent to the veiny streams of the garden. Across from it dwelled a meager hill of lush grass and florid lilac petals of asters—A place where Michael taught all three fledglings to fly, a place where Lucifer created his first defective star, a place where Gabriel grew the lavender flowers as a gift to Raphael. It was their safe haven, a site of alleviation and bliss.
In the center of both dear venues settled a special banyan tree— their banyan tree.
Against the smooth, grooving bark of their tree, Michael’s ginger fingertips almost seemed to purr. The swaying aerial roots that veiled the intricate trunk wavered joyously over his head, and in a sense, their tree looked overjoyed to see Michael. Behind him, Raphael sincerely watched at the way their older brother’s fingers reverently traced the markings on their tree.
“You know… it’s not just gonna disappear, Mi,” Raphael’s voice was soft, a kind whisper carried by the midnight wind. Michael’s hand never halted against the tree bark, marginally turning his head to look at Raphael with a sad smile.
“That’s true,” Michael’s gaze fell back to the etchings on their tree. “It just seems like it was yesterday when… You three have grown too fast.”
Raphael sympathetically tilted their head, stepping forward to place a soothing hand on Michael’s shoulder. Up close, the carvings on their tree stood out boldly, a beloved memory held close to all of their hearts.
Under the then-small aerial roots of their banyan tree, each fledgling archangel had carved their names into the young bark. Something to hold onto, Michael had stated, a bittersweetness as Heaven had first begun to flourish; The eldest had an inkling that duty would steal time spent together—And he was right.
Raphael could still make out the places where Michael had once helpfully guided Raphael’s shaky hand, the spelling mistake in Lucifer’s name, the heart that Gabriel had drawn after his name, and Michael’s near-perfect handwriting, even in carving-form.
“Lusifer?” Gabriel, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, squinted as he approached the base of their tree. Both Michael and Raphael struggled to repress a thoughtful smile as Gabriel sounded it out again.
“That’s how my name should’ve been spelled!” Lucifer called out from above, and his siblings gazed upwards to catch him resting against an exposed branch. “Lucifer with a c… ridiculous! Looks like luck-i-fer.”
Michael’s rapture remained as he lightly shook his head. “Brother, you are just stating this because you lack efficiency in spelling.”
Lucifer playfully stuck his tongue out at his older brother. Michael scoffed in good nature, and Gabriel giggled at the sight. Raphael’s attention wandered outwards to the perched hill, a peaceful silence enveloping the archangelic siblings.
The argent light from the protostars shone divinely upon the lucid green and lilac of the hill, an invitation of sorts. The sifting breeze was cool, a grateful lullaby to its archangelic inhabitants. The night was the epitome of perfection, though not because of nature—rather, because of the familial love that radiated energetically from each of their graces. A comforting peace, a cherished silence of nostalgia lingered between the four… until Gabriel’s reticent, yet hopeful voice proposed a profound request.
“I wanna stay with you all forever,” His voice was dreary, a sweet innocence embedded into his tone. It prompted all eyes to shift to him. “Let’s stay together no matter what, okay?”
A beat of tranquility followed, their banyan tree leaned in to listen. Michael was the first to react, tugging Gabriel into a tight hug, a sentiment that few were blessed upon. Gabriel’s toothy beam was evident in his quiet giggles as Michael held him close, before the eldest pulled back with a gentle smile of his own.
“Of course,” Michael assured, crystal emotion brimming in his eyes.
A rapid flash of vermillion flared from the top of the tree, and both Gabriel and Michael’s squeaks of surprise induced a jump from Raphael. Lucifer, who had quite literally deliberately plummeted from the tree, now held both of his brothers in a deathgrip hug, a wide grin across his face.
“You’re a real dumbass if you think you’ll ever be able to get rid of me,” Lucifer sniggered lovingly, and Gabriel leaned into his brother’s embrace. Michael lightly elbowed Lucifer for the profanity, yet his delighted simper lingered on his face.
Raphael shuffled closer, eyeing their brothers with absolute admiration. Their hand moved to lightly ruffle Gabriel’s hair, who turned his cheery beam to his sibling. Raphael’s brothers observed them with a giddy sense of euphoria, the aura resonating a promising hopefulness in anticipation for their response.
“Without a doubt.”
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hi friend. Thank you so much for your offer!!!! I am torn because I would honestly love a rundown of the vlamburn live, but I again don’t want you to put yourself out too much. Knowing you even spent an hour on the Vlamis one makes me feel bad!!! Maybe if you get bored haha, I would love it but please please don’t put yourself out and please also take as much time as you want, no hurry at all IF you decide to do it. Thank you again for everything 💗💗
Okay, nonnie, this took a tad longer to transcribe, but it’s done, now.
Putting the transcript behind a READMORE bc it got quite long. Hope this will help you (and maybe others, too). Sending much love your way, and I hope you get to watch the live. Happy Sunday! ❤️
Vlamis: *goes live* *opens can of Mountain Dew* “I’m gonna thirst my quench. Because I am thirsty for Malex. That’s what I’m thirsty for.”
“Where you at Tyler” (waiting for Tyler to request him)
Vlamis notices a few of his friends have joined the live (a girl who gave him his first hug in 6th grade, and Parker Seaman, famously responsible for pranking with SunBum)
“What’s up, Vlambase?” Makes sure to differentiate between *the* Vlambase (that’s us) and Vlambase (the merch company).
*spots Jeanine in the chat* “Jeanine’s the Real Vlam. We had fun shooting together today. They said they needed to get better focus on Vlam, and nobody knew which one they were talking about because Jeanine and I had a scene together.”
“Tyler? Guys, does anyone see him? Get in here, Tyler.” *looks straight into the camera*
“Oh, he requested, there he is.” *keeps walking around his house until Tyler pops up on screen eventually*
V “Ohhhhh, there he is!”
T “I was listening to you saying ‘where is he?’ And I was like ‘I’m here, I’ve requested you already’.”
V “A lot of people requesting. You’re very popular.”
T “Yeah, that’s why.”
Both zoom in on the merch they’re wearing. Vlamis the black MALEX hoodie, Tyler the black COSMIC hoodie. Tyler’s also wearing a MALEX hat tho.
V “Whose handwriting do you like better?”
T “Honestly, yours reminds me of the writing from FRIENDS, the show, FRIENDS.”
V “That’s right, you told me that before. I love that.”
T “I don’t really have a favorite. I think we’re unique in our own way.”
V “I like yours.”
T “You do?”
V “Yeah, like it’s prettier, dude.” *drinks more Mountain Dew
T “No, yours is nice.” *nods to show the MALEX hat* “That’s yours, right?”
V “Yeah, that’s me.”
Vlamis explains, that they both tried different versions of MALEX and COSMIC in their respective handwriting and ultimately settled on what’s been released (with the help of Jesa).
V “3 minutes in, do we have enough people? Oh, lots of friends here.”
T “Jeanine!”
V “We love you, Jeanine!”
V “Oh, Tanner’s up in here. What up, Tanner? Big brother Greg!”
T “Big brother Greg?”
V “Yeah, Tanner’s in there.”
T “All the hearts. Oh yeah, Tanner, my buddy! I thought that was one of your friends from Chi-town”
V “[girl who hugged Vlamis in 6th grade] she says ‘love me some Tyler’ She’s getting in there.”
Vlamis says they have a list of questions, and they want to answer some of them before they talk about anything else.
V “Sounds good?”
T “Hell yeah .”
“Each of you, describe S3 Malex in one word”
T “You go first.”
V “I’m scared to go first.” *another sip of Mountain Dew*
T *perks up* “You’re literally drinking Mountain Dew right now?”
V *cracks up*
T “You remember what I said about your health? And I was like ‘you don’t really drink that shit.’ And you were like *impersonates Vlamis* ’no, no, no’”
V *cracks up some more* “You thought I just got it for the photoshoot.”
T “Yeah.”
V *drinks more Mountain Dew*
T “That’s disgusting!”
V “I know, dude.” *laughs* “You’re like a health freak. But man, it’s diet. It’s diet.”
T *mock relieved* “Oh, good.”
Back to answering questions.
T “So, S3 Malex.”
V “The reason it’s hard is because we only know up to episode 3x06 as of right now. So we don’t even know fully S3 Malex.”
T “Exactly, yeah. I mean, thus far, I would sayyyyy— tension.”
V “Woooow. Okay. I agree. You know what I’m gonna say?”
T “What?”
V “With the tension, I think there’s a hopefulness. So I would say hopeful.”
T *ponders* “Okay. Okay. Now is that you talking about your feelings about Malex?”
V *laughs*
T “Like you’re hopeful?”
V “Yeah, dude. Sometimes I feel bad like just being so about Malex. But— give me Malex or give me death, man. I love Malex.”
T “Hell yeah. I think we’ve gotten some great scenes and then people really respond to them whether they are themselves queer or not and it’s like. If you can speak to people universally like that? That’s incredible.”
V “Yeah, dude. Speaking of that. I think it’s important that we tell everyone… Usually we don’t— I don’t know, guys, if you’ve been paying attention to it in previous drops but we always donated a percentage of our proceeds to a charity. We don’t really announce that because we do that not to tell you guys what we’re doing but because we like to do it. But this drop specifically, it’s important because we’re donating to one of our favorite ones. And I know you’ve worked with them in the past before. So yes, it’s going to be the Trevor Project.”
T “Yeah.”
V “—for this specific drop. They have no idea, it’s not an official partnership or anything but that’s—“
T “That’s our plan.”
V “Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do.”
They’re moving on to the next question.”
V “What has been our favorite part about putting this merch drop together and whose idea was it?”
T “It was yours.”
V “I think it was Jesa Joy’s idea.”
T “It was Jesa Joy, but between the two of us, it was you coming to me.You and Jesa. Because you’ve been like killing it with all the Vlambase merch and stuff. So it was kind of like the next best thing.”
V “Duuuuude, you— you’re an inspiration for a lot of things, man. A lot of things that I do and Roswell, and like clearly even before this drop with Boys Will Be Boys or just any of these other designs. So this is something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Jesa Joy has been wanting to work with you since… I think you commented on a vintage t-shirt she was wearing at a premiere of yours like six years ago. She was like wearing a Nirvana vintage tee and you complimented her on it.”
T “Wait, why is it that this is the first time I’m hearing this story?”
V “I think… I don’t know.”
T “You never told me this.”
V “She probably asked me not to because she’s probably very embarrassed.”
T “No, I love that story! So I commented on a vintage Nirvana shirt.”
V “One of her shirts from her company Blank Clo.”
T “And she was wearing it?”
V “And now you’re making merch with her which is just so sick.”
T “Honestly, she’s truly just the best.”
V “She is a beast. I don’t know how. She doesn’t sleep. I bought her a Nespresso machine for Christmas to keep her—.”
T “You’re enabling her!”
V “I have to, man, someone’s gonna get the work done!”
Both laughing.
V “But yeah, I think my favorite part’s just been working with you, collaborating with an outsider. It’s always me and Jesa so working with you, doing feedback and then probably because we’ve spent so little time with each other - or anyone - during this pandemic, I would say the photoshoot was… We don’t do that anymore, you know.”
T “I know. No, I know. That really was fun. And I just feel like it’s actually kinda— my favorite part is like more general. You and I have been working together as actors but it was fun to work on like a different kind of creative endeavor together, you know what I mean.”
V “Yeah, definitely.”
T “Going back and forth about like colors and like what kind of writing should be on this merch and what about this photo, and you hearing a lot of like ‘no, I have three chins in that photo, so you’re not gonna use that one, buddy.’”
V *cracks up*
V “Nah, dude, you look beautiful, man.You always look good.”
V *pretends to getting hot, fans himself*
V “Jesus, man, every time I talk to you I just get a little worked up. I gotta—“
V *takes off black MALEX hoodie, reveals pink MANESQUEEZE hoodie underneath*
T *laughs and shakes head* “I hate you.”
V “It’s true, I get so hot and— oh, I didn’t realize I have more merch on. I get so hot and bothered every time I’m talking to you.”
T *laughs* “It’s not that cold here. It’s only like 40F(4C) degrees here and you have layers and layer and layers.”
V “Well, the heat’s out, man, the heat’s out, you know.”
T “Oh, in your house? Nice.”
V “No, no, no, it’s not out, dude. You’re just that hot.”
T “Aurora!”
V “Oh, Aurora’s here!”
T *reads from chat* “Malex forever. Tyler’s handwriting!”
T “She likes it better? Is that what she’s saying?”
V “Yeah, she’s a fan.”
T “She’s gem.”
V “She watches Roswell for you to be honest.”
T *laughs*
V “Which is a little weird but that’s fine.”
Next question is also about the merch making process, and they decide they’ve answered that.
V “The collaboration of it all.”
T “Yeah.”
V “What did you say?”
T “I said yeah.”
V “You blowing me a kiss?”
T *cracks up* “No!” *giggles*
V “Man, I’m seeing things that I wanna see. 
Next question “What is your favorite thing about each other?” from a fan from Argentina. 
“I went to Argentina last year. Well, 2019. Big fan.”
T “I’ve never been, I really wanna go.”
V “Oh, you’d love it, dude. Good steak, good wine.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “It’s all you need. It’s all you need.”
V “Okay, favorite thing about each other? Do you wanna go first or should I?”
T “Ooooooh, that’s a tough one. There’s not a lot to like.” *cracks up* “No, I’m just kidding.”
V “Yeah, right, dude.”
T “No, honestly, I feel like I’ve said this before, actually, in like actual interviews and stuff. But I think like you’re very multi-dimensional. I feel like you can get along with any type of person but it all comes from a very genuine place, and I think that— it’s very familiar and comforting, I think you’re like a really well-rounded guy who’s in touch with every emotion in a very healthy way. In a good way, you know.”
V “I really appreciate that, man. That means a lot to me. I definitely pride myself on being able to connect with people and I enjoy meeting all sorts of different people. Sometimes to the point where I’m like… I feel like we’re so quickly to judge people nowadays. And don’t get me wrong, I judge, too, it’s hard not to. You look at something and you have preconceived ideas, but staying open through the process to meeting them and getting to know them, that’s something else. And the more as I get older, I realize that, dude, like we all have a ton of faults. So we got to be open with that person even though they may believe something that we don’t like. There’s like fifty other things you might like about them, you know?”
T “Totally.”
V “So that’s—“
T “Absolutely. I mean, you don’t have to like everything a person to *like* them, do you know what I mean?”
V “Yeah.”
T “And I feel like, the things that we don’t like in other people, are usually things that remind us of the things we don’t like about ourselves. So, in a way it’s like a mirror, you have to kind of look at that.”
V “Dude, yes. So, I will say two things I love most about you. I would say number one: your openness. And that goes with: you always say what you’re thinking - at least to me, right?”
T *nods*
V “Like, you always say what you think, you always say what you feel. And I think that goes along with how much of an empath you are. I mean, dude, I’ve said that before but that’s why some of our scenes are my most favorite is because one of the most easiest people I’ve ever worked with. Dude, I look inside you, I know you’re *genuine*, man. And that comes with you being open and available. And, I don’t know if a lot of people know it, they must, but—“
T “I’m nervous.”
V “You have a sick, twisted sense of humor, just like me!”
They’re both cracking up.
V “A lot of people might not know that.”
T “I accept that, I accept that. I do feel though that you bring it out in me. I feel like we can just “bro down” a little bit. As lame as that is to say. You bring it out in me. It’s obviously there, not everybody sees it, but you can bring it out in me.”
V “There’s nothing wrong with a little bro-ing down, dude, we’re not that pretentious where you can’t be a little bit of a bro.”
T “Nah.” *changes topic* “Ashley Benson just did these hands [in the chat].”
V “Wow, is she trying to come for our love right now?”
T “Probably. But dude, our love was first. Haleb was first before Malex. So step down.”
V “You can never beat a first love. So—“ *raises Mountain Dew can* “Ashley, this Mountain Dew’s to you. *guzzles down fluid toxic waste* “Thanks for joining!”
T *smiles* “Yeah. I love you, Ashley. Miss you.”
V “Okay, so one more question. Oh, this is a good one. From aimz_623, what up, aimz... Oh, I know who this is! Because I did a meet & greet last year with her, and she was hammered at like 11 in the morning in Australia.”
T *cracks up*
V “Drinking like a blue slurpy drink. It was awesome! Okay, she said ‘Are the meet & greets joint or individual?’”
Neither says anything for a moment, waiting for the other to talk. Vlamis breaks first.
“Well, joint!”
*both cracking up*
T “I was like ‘am I gonna answer that?’ Yes, they are joint. We’re gonna be together.”
V *nods* “We’re gonna be together.”
T “Not even like this [in two separate places like during the IG live]. We’re gonna be in person together in the same room.”
V “You’re gonna be next to me in bed. Oh, well, next to me.”
T “Yeah, yeah. In the bathtub.”
V *cracks up* “In the bathtub. No mask?”
T “With mask, but that’s it.”
V “You like it with the mask?”
T “We’re gonna do mask and nothing else.”
V *cracks up*
T 😏
V “See, dude, you are sick!”
T “Maybe a few rubber duckies to hide some things.”
V “Dude, all this talking, man.I’m just so hot.” *takes off pink MANESQUEEZE sweater, he’s wearing the MALEX FOREVER t-shirt underneath* “Sorry about that.”
T “I just want everybody to know that he told me he was going to do this shtick.”
V *doubles over laughing*
T “I just want everybody to know that this is pre-planned. He’s a great actor but he just wants to show off as much merch in one live as possible.”
V “Sorry, dude. You know how it goes.” *pretends to take off t-shirt* No, no more!”
T “Nooo!”
V “I can’t put anything else under here. Oh guys, I’ve been messing around with one of our MALEX LOVE INTENTION candles. I’ve been messing with people and how it smells on Twitter, saying that it smells like vanilla bean and just basically you, and your body, you know.”
T “Me?”
V “Yeah, and your armpits. But what it really smells like is crème brûlée with a hint of jasmine.”
T “So, my body. 😏”
V “Basically your body. After a good wash, dude. Not my body. My body’s disgusting.”
T “You have a good smell, actually, I’ve told you this before. You have a good smell, and I don’t know if it’s like the shampoo you use, it’s *something*. But there’s like a natural— like, I’ve never smelled that on anybody else, and I don’t know what it is. But you do have a good smell.”
V while Tyler’s talking: 😊
V “You mean it’s good?”
T “Yeah! Yes, absolutely.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “You never even had bad breath during kissing scenes in the past, I don’t understand. You look homeless a lot, but you like you don’t smell it.”
V “My character is homeless, basically.”
T “Yeah, he is. He’s literally always dirty. Physically dirty.”
V “One time I ate like a chicken salad before one of those scenes and then we had to do a quick scrub but most of the time we’re pretty good.”
T “Oh yeah, but we put a mint or some shit like that in the mouth.”
V “Remember when I was doing keto, though, and I was eating all the bagged tuna?”
T “First of all, never talk about that again. That was disgusting.”
V *cracks up*
T “That was disgusting. You ate *bagged* tuna.”
V “Yeah, that was messed up, man.”
T “My doctor told me that tuna has the highest level of mercury in it and we shouldn’t eat it.”
V “Well, that’s what— I mean. Jeremy Piven, I heard he got mercury poison one time, from eating too much sushi.”
T “Probably.”
V “Too much tuna, man. If you wanna be like Jeremy Piven, eat a lot of tuna, guys.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “No, nobody wants to be like… Anyway. So, another question. Do the sweatpants have pockets? Believe it or not, this is very hard.”
T “Hi, Carly! My cousin Carly just came on. Remember, you met her on set that one time. ”
V “Oh, she came and visited.”
T “Yeah, she just said hi.”
V “When your mom was in town, too.”
T “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
V *waves at camera* “Hi, Carly!”
T “Was that last year? Yeah, that was last year. Anyway, sorry. Sweatpants!”
V “No, no, it’s good. We have to say hi to the people that support us. I appreciate that. But no, sweatpants, do they have pockets.”
*explains why it’s hard (and expensive) to offer sweatpants with pockets, so sweatpants from this drop don’t have pockets, but they’re working on offering that in the future*
T “But like a lot of these sweatshirts have pockets. Like this has—” *shows his COSMIC hoodie’s front pocket*
V “Oh yeah, we got those. One hundred percent. And there’s a big mix and everything. Uhm, also because it’s a pandemic, it’s a lot of the colors, the sizes, they’re so hard to find. And normally, we don’t really buy—in the past, we hadn’t bought a lot of merch upfront, we waited to see what kind of things you guys ordered and liked and then we made our orders. Now, I’ve been putting money upfront to purchase merch, that’s why stuff’s selling out so quickly. So a lot of it is really “limited edition”. So tomorrow at 10.30am PST when it launches, if you want something, grab it, because it might go quickly, and I’ll feel bad, if you don’t get it. Okay, and the last thing, this isn’t even a question, I just have a note for it because I’m excited about it. Everyone who’s ordered before knows that the first hundred who order, always get a little surprise in their package. And this time, it’s a picture, a Polaroid of us, and we will both be signing it. Isn’t that right?” 
T “We will.”
V “I’ll have a lot of them and put them up in my trailer, around the candle.”
T *cracks up*
V “It’s gonna be real nice.😏” 
T “Yeah.”
V “Okay, what do you think. Should we tell everyone how they can win a meet & greet?”
T “Yeah.”
V “I don’t think we missed anything, right? I think we did it all.” *guzzles last sip of Mountain Dew*
T *ponders* “Yeah, I think we did. I think we’re good.”
V “Okay, meet & greet time, guys.” 
Vlamis explains how people can win a meet & greet. Find a pic on the Vlambase account and a comment that says “Meet & Greet” and the first person to reply to that comment with the name of the band and the song that was playing during Malex’s first kiss at the UFO Emporium in 1x06 wins.
V “[The song] It’s a favorite one of mine.”
T “Oh, it’s so good!”
V “So good!”
T “So nostalgic for me, too.”
V “A hundred percent, man. I actually just watched that scene right before we jumped on here. Is that strange that I watch scenes of us all the time?”
T “I got to go.”
*both cracking up*
V “Ashley, you still here?”
T “Yeah, I gotta hit up Ashley. No, it’s not, I think it’s cute. It’s cute and that’s sweet.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “So, that was kind of a lengthy scavenger hunt [for the meet & greet].” *explains once more how to win a m&g* 
T “We’ve been on this for a while now, and we still have over a thousand people here.”
V “I know, it’s really cool. That’s definitely the most people I’ve ever spoken to live.”
T *laughs*
V “I think so.”
T “Maybe.”
V “Find the photo, find the Vlambase comment. You’ll know the comment when you see it, you have to search through. Comment, name the band, and then name the song that played during Malex’s first museum kiss. We were so nervous, dude.”
T “🤨”
V “We were so young.”
T “Oh, you mean in real life or in the show?”
V “In the show.”
T “Oh yeah. That was fun, though. That was fun bringing up those emotions, though.”
V “Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between real life and the show.”
T “I know. We’re just *that* method.”
V *cracks up*
V “Dude, so, yeah, 10.30am PST tomorrow. michaelvlamis.com, everything’s going to be live. If you guys have any other questions, I don’t know.”
T “I’m also gonna have the link in my bio of my instagram.”
V “Oh yes, I will do that, too. I always have it in there, though. I’m a narcissist.”
T *laughs*
V “So, anyway, people are saying “I’m confused”. No, they’re not. I think people understood.”
T “Someone else says “what does the comment say”?”
V “The comment says “Meet & Greet”.”
T “And that’s all that it says? Just “Meet & Greet”?”
V “And it says “Be the first to reply”.”
T “Oh, okay.”
V “So, you have to reply directly to that comment, and you got to say the name of the band, name of the song playing during Malex’s first kiss in the museum. Find the comment on one of the random pictures of clothing that was posted today on the vlambase instagram.”
T “We couldn’t let you guys get off easy, you know.”
V “Oh my god, the other vlambase account just said it’s already answered.”
T “😮”
V “So, it’s over guys, sorry. Aww, littlecupcake just said “I lost already.” Sorry, littlecupcake.”
T “Is that someone you know?”
V “No, but I know littlecupcake because I did a live once, and she tried to request to come in and talk to me, and it said that for everyone else who’s seen her screen it said that she was waiting for me to accept but on my screen it wasn’t showing up, so I feel bad about littlecupcake.”
T “Well, we shouted her out big time. Are we sure it’s a she? Maybe it’s a he?”
V “I think it’s a she.”
T “Okay, well, either way.”
V “Dude, you’re working tomorrow, aren’t you?”
T “Yeah.”
V “Then I’ll see you next week.”
T “Yeah, you will.”
V “We’ll be on set together.”
T “Yeah, we will.”
V “Gonna be nice.”
T “Next Tuesday.”
V “I gotta do extra Covid testing because it’s a close contact.”
T “*inhales* I know. I did mine today.”
V “Ooof, we’re gonna be so close.”
T “So close, yet so far.”
V “Alright, dude, get some rest. I’m excited for tomorrow. I love you, man, talk to you later. Thanks everybody for joining!”
T “Thanks so much for coming on, guys!”
V “Alright, see ya.”
T “Bye!”
V “Bye, guys.”
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honey-boyyoongi · 4 years
All I Want Part. 3
Pairing: Jungkook x Yn | Yoongi x Yn
Genre: Angst; A lil fluff
Rating: E
Warnings: None that I can think of
Word count: 1.4k (my longest one so far)
A/N: Woooow it’s been a while huh. Okay y’all part 3 of All I Want. Honestly this part has been the hardest to write, but kinda worth it honestly. I do apologize in advanced for any mistakes this was not beta read or edited. 🤡
P.S. I wanna thank @minloop for letting me torture her emotions to see if I was on the right path with this. I hope you guys enjoy. 💕
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It's been months since the wedding. Things have been so different since he, and Sooyoung got married. It seems like everything is just about Sooyoung. The details that made his apartment comfy, are now replaced by what Sooyoung deems appropriate. Gone is the old brown couch he and Y/n got from a sketchy guy on craigslist, a new stiff mute gray one took its place. His paintings, figurines, vinyls, and even his succulents got banished to his studio. ‘A minimal aesthetic is so much better’, she said,’ it’s not cluttered and we can start new.’ He knew better, everything in the apartment was picked by either him or Y/n. All his knick knacks that she knew were his, are neatly inside a box on top of his desk. Anything from Y/n went in another straight to the donation bins, or trash. Jungkook was able to save a few things here, and there by fibbing that his other friends gave them to him.
He still couldn’t understand why Sooyoung had to replace everything in the apartment. It didn’t feel like home anymore. It lacked color, and life. Everything was stiff, and felt untouchable. The pictures of his friends were banished to the studio, a single wedding photo was left to give off a ‘homely touch’. Everything screamed Sooyoung, and it was unbearable.
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It’s been months since the wedding. No calls, no texts, not even a dumb snap. You’ve seen the honeymoon photos his mom sent you, as well as the photos from the wedding. You hated every picture you were in, all of them showed how miserable you felt. Mrs. Jeon talked your ear off about what Jungkook and Sooyoung did. Yoongi and Namjoon would come over to make sure you were eating appropriately, and taking care of your hygiene. They’d take you out on days off, when you tolerated it, and stayed home on days you couldn’t bear to leave your bed. ‘Yn-ie we know it hurts,’ Namjoon would whisper,’ but you can’t stay here neglecting yourself. We miss you.’
Yoongi would try his hardest to cheer you up. Before work he’d call you to see how you slept, after work he’d come over and have dinner together. He spent more time in your home, than his own. Eventually you started getting out of bed on your own, you’d call Yoongi before he started work to say good morning. You surprised him for lunch a few times, it made your heart skip a little seeing him stutter through a thank you with glowing red cheeks. You even surprised him with a few of his favorites one of the nights he came for dinner. Maybe it was all in your head, but everything felt so domestic, so right, whenever Yoongi was around. It felt like you could breath, and Yoongi was the fresh air you didn’t know you needed. It was terrifying.
You called Namjoon, and explained to him how you were feeling. How you were feeling, you didn’t know. It was unsettling, to say the least. You explained that you couldn’t stop thinking about Yoongi, how your chest and stomach were full of butterflies whenever he called you in the mornings, even if it was brief. How elated you were, when you overheard his coworker teasing him about your impromptu lunch dates. You enjoyed seeing his gummy smile on the days you’d go to the dog park, because he missed Holly. You told Namjoon about the lazy days you’d have whenever he couldn’t come, and how it seemed natural. To you it was a mystery, but Joon could clearly see you had feelings for Yoongi.
Namjoon was surprised when Yoongi called him, on a rare night he wasn’t with you, to come over for a drink. He wasn’t even on the couch, when Yoongi blurted,”I think I’m in love with Y/n.” A second went by, and then another. Namjoon couldn’t hold in his chuckle. Yoongi looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him for being so hasty. Yoongi explained how much he enjoys seeing you surprise him for lunch, and how you choose his favorite spots. He calls you pet names on purpose, because he likes seeing you blush. He loves that you make his coffee in the mornings after he stays the night, and how you always give him a thermos of it to take to work. Best of all, he likes coming to your home after work, and seeing you make his favorite meals makes it feel like you’re really together. Namjoon encourages him to confess his feelings, assures him he has a feeling about you sharing romantic feelings as well.
Yoongi agrees, reluctantly, to ask you out for lunch. He wonders if you’ll catch on to the connotation of his question, or if he should be more obvious. He has no time to decide, as he’s already at your door, fist raised mid-air. He dressed up a little more than usual today, he swapped his sneakers for dressier loafers, and his normal T-shirt or hoodie for a nice green sweater Seokjin helped him pick out. Before he talks himself out of it, he knocks on your door. He swears his heart stopped, when he sees you smiling at him, and asking him to get inside.
“Yoonie, you look so nice where are you going?”
“I was planning on going to the cafe down by the dog park,” he explained. Before he talked himself out of it he uttered,” Y/n do you want to go out to lunch with me?”
Yoongi could tell something was going through your mind, maybe you didn’t understand he was asking you on a date. Or perhaps you did and were figuring out how to reject him. “Forget what I said,” he mumbled. He quickly got to his feet and started to make his way out. He heard your footsteps right behind him, and the warmth of your hand enveloping his arm. “Yoonie,” you whispered,” when you say go out to lunch do you mean as friends, or..?”
“Or not friends. Like as in a date?”
“I was hoping for it to be a date, if you said yes of course,” he answered. He looked up at your blushing face as you nodded your answer. He rushed you off to get ready, and hopped everything would go well.
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Jungkook was starting to get tired of Sooyoung. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his wife. What he didn’t love was her need to have the final say in decisions. Today for example, Sooyoung absolutely wants food from the cafe they had a lot of their dates at. No, ifs or buts about it. While exiting the cafe, there he sees Y/n with Yoongi. He can’t shake this feeling of jealousy in him, when he sees her laughing at the dumb joke Yoongi makes. Why did she bring him here? This is their place, isn't it? Yes he brought Sooyoung here, but they were dating then, and now they’re married. Is Yoongi dating Y/n? No, she would’ve told him about it. Right?
Jungkook has no time to stop himself, when he sees Yoongi leave for the restroom. His feet move faster than his thoughts to find out what is happening. “What are you doing here,”he blurts out,” this is OUR spot. Why did you bring Yoongi here?” He’s never seen Y/n so speechless. She breaths in and as calm as he’s ever heard her says,” This isn’t OUR spot. It hasn’t been OUR spot since you brought Sooyoung. And not that I should be giving you an answer, but I’m on a date with Yoonie and he suggested coming here.” Jungkook can feel his heart break just a little, and he can’t figure out why. He grabs the bag of food, and mindlessly gets home.
After running into Yoongi and Y/n at the cafe, Jungkook can’t stop seeing them everywhere he goes. Every day he’ll see Yoongi come in with a lovesick smile, and a thermos full of coffee Y/n made for him. Sometimes she’ll come in to surprise him for lunch and they’ll leave giggling like teenagers. The worst, in his opinion, is when he went to Y/n’s to apologize, and witnessed more than what he intended to. The image of Y/n on top of Yoongi is going to forever be burned in his memory, and so is the envy he feels.
A/n: Feedback is appreciated 💕
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wolffesimp · 4 years
This is What War Does to You
summary: y/n is a doctor for the GAR. after a stressful day, obi wan seeks comfort from her. 
warnings: 1.4 k words of trash. hurt to comfort fic. there is a lil bit of angst and there is also happy endings cuz i don’t write unhappy endings in MY CANON! 🥰
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Rex was the first to run in, holding a trooper in his arms. In obvious disarray, he was looking around to try and find Y/N. His desperate eyes locked with hers. Y/N gaped, running to Rex. Just then, more injured troopers entered. Many familiar faces were in pain. 
“Wh-what happened?” she was horrified, grabbing Rex’s arm to lead him to the medic bay. “I need all hands on deck! Troopers will be coming in soon!”
Rex set down the clone in front of Y/N. 
“Leg and left arm.”
Stripping the clone of their armor, she found the sticky blacks hiding underneath. They had been bleeding profusely. She cringed as she unveiled their injuries. Two deep gashes from bullet wounds. Looking up, she found Rex’s tired eyes. He can’t be here, it’s just too much for him right now.
“Rex, honey, you need to leave. They are safe in my care.”
“But ma’am-”
“Do not fight with me right now. We cannot afford to have such arguments when your brothers are all in critical condition.”
Rex frowned as she began to turn on her medical droids and ready her tools. “I-I understand.”
She caressed his cheek gently. In no way did she mean to come off cold. But right now there was too much happening. Y/N couldn’t have him in her way. “Thank you, Rex. You are one of the bravest soldiers I know.”
And with that, he walked away. Assessing the troopers injuries, she mentally prepared herself for a long night. The entire bay was filled with clone troopers and their short-staffed medical team. Emitting a sigh, she began to work on the man in front of her. 
How many more would she have to treat tonight?
Well, Y/N was beyond stressed. By the time of 6 AM, she was still working. The last trooper was being treated. Their injury wasn’t extensive, unlike the others that she treated. She made her medical team go to sleep earlier in the morning. So, she worked silently in the shroud of stars and hyperspace. 
Suddenly she felt a presence. Looking behind her, she found a sleepy Obi Wan. He approached her, standing beside the head doctor. In his hands he held a tea and coffee. Completing the last stitch, she exhaled deeply. Y/N turned to the Jedi who offered her the coffee. Warmth filled her palms as she latched onto the cup. Eyes softening, she gave the Jedi the best smile she could muster in her drowsy state. 
“I could just kiss you right now, Obi Wan. This means a lot to me.”
Obi Wan laughed. “How are you doing, Y/N?”
This is a dandy opportunity for Y/N to release all of her internalized stress and anger! Obi Wan sat down in a nearby chair. Y/N paused to take a sip of her coffee. 
“I thought this was going to be a great way to help the GAR! Which, it is, but there is so much other shit going on! Like, I’m not just a doctor. I serve as a soldier in some situations where my medical attention is needed on the field. I help Cody and Rex strategize and provide mental support to any clone that needs it. And now, I have not one pain in the ass, but two entire legions of pains in my ass! No offense, but you Jedi are also crazy! Next thing I know you motherfuckers are gonna start flying around with your weird mind powers!”
“So, to answer your question, I am doing fan-fucking-tastic Obi Wan. Especially since you guys brought in at least 15 new soldiers for me and my team to scramble around and try to help without giving me any heads up!”
“I admit, that was inappropriate of me. But it wasn’t like we were expecting everything to go wrong.”
Sitting beside the General, she ran her fingers through his hair. “I know darling. There’s nothing you can do about it now though.”
He yawned. “Suppose so.”
“Have you gotten any sleep?”
“Only woke up a few minutes ago.” 
Like a puppy, he curled into Y/N’s side. 
“Just let me stay here for a little bit.” Obi Wan said
His arms wrapped around her waist. Burying his head into her upper chest, he intently listened to her heartbeat. Their position was slightly awkward, as the arms of the chairs separated their bodies slightly. But they made it work. Comfortingly, she continued to run her fingers through his hair. It always worked like a charm on the Jedi. 
“Everything went wrong. No matter what we did-”
“What happened happened. You cannot go back in time, no matter how much you want to. There will always be lives lost in war. I am not saying that these deaths are meaningless. They most certainly are not. But, it is the expectation that people you love will die. That is why I hope there is a place we go after we die, reuniting with everyone who is gone.”
“Fate works in strange ways. Like how I joined the GAR and met all of you magical people. Nothing is a coincidence. In the end, we are all connected one way or another.”
“Now, you can look at the clone’s deaths however you like. But me personally? I will be thinking about the next time I see them. Not in pain, not sick, not dying in my arms, but happy. It is what they deserve. Only the best the afterlife has to offer.”
“War is ugly. You can never forget or escape it. I know some moments still haunt me in my sleep, and I haven’t fought nearly as many battles as they have. But what we have to do is get through it. To see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know it’s there and if we fight long enough, we will find it.”
Obi Wan was crying, she realized soon after her compelling speech. His body shook as silent sobs racked through his body. Arms tightening around her waist, grabbing at her supple skin. He needed something- anything to make him feel better. Like a child, he was deadlocked onto her. The pressure of being the perfect general and Jedi was prevealant in the wrinkles on his handsome face and the callouses on his hands.
Hot tears stained her shirt as they continuously fell from his face. Y/N held him impossibly closer, hoping her affection was enough to quell the sadness in his heart. Tears also began to fill her eyes. An immense sense of guilt fell over the two. 
This is what war does to you. 
It breaks you slowly. Even the strongest of people cried.
“It’s alright darling. It’s alright.”
They both knew it wasn’t. 
“Nothing is lost so long as we continue to dream in color and fight with all we’ve got.”
To Obi Wan and Y/N, dreaming in color was fantasizing the ideal future. One where the Jedi weren’t held up to such high standards. One where the clones lived a full life doing whatever they liked, not judged by society because they all looked the same. One where Ahsoka felt like a real teenager and did teenager things. One where Padmé and Anakin get their happy ending. They could make it a reality so long as they fought hard enough. 
Obi Wan tilted his head up. Just the sight of his heartbroken eyes cued Y/N’s floodgates. His bloodshot, golden orbs continued to be beautiful even in moments of pain. Neither were used to letting their guards down. She cupped the sides of his face, thumbs running over his deep and silky beard. Tears dripped down her chin and jaw as they shared the intimate moment. 
“You stop that.” Obi Wan said 
Weakly, he kissed her tears away. Soft lips collided on her skin. Heat coursed through her veins at the gesture. Closing her eyes, she let the last of her tears slip out. The salty taste lingered as he pulled her into his lap. Her legs wrapped around his torso. Pressing their foreheads against each other, they stared back at one another. 
“You are the one that started crying first.” she teased softly
They both laughed despite the pain. It was something you learned to do after so many hardships. She rested her head in his neck. 
“I forgot how tired I was...”
“Then go to sleep, darling.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. Just as she was doing to him a few moments ago, he began to play with her hair. Coaxing her to sleep, he mumbled things into her ear. But she caught one thing before she succumbed to slumber. 
“I love you.”
a/n: WOOOOW IT HAS BEEN A MINUTE, Y’ALL! I am so glad that I worked past my writers block! I really do hope to be posting more content soon. Sometimes it’s just hard to force yourself to sit down and FINALLY write! But I did it! I’m hoping you guys enjoyed! 
And as I always say, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO INTERACT! My ask box is ALWAYS open! My direct messages are OPEN! Comments are welcomed, as well as reblogs. I love you guys!
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imjusthereforbatfam · 4 years
Never-Ending Encore, ch 7.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chapter Summary: Very Drinks Café. That’s the name of the café. I’m literally not even joking. Anyway, would you like a slice of unresolved childhood trauma with that stalker mix-up?
Warnings: minor swearing, extremely minor mention of su*cide (like, you might even miss it), panic attack
Note: Ede is pronounced “EE-d”, like “need” or “greed”, and Edie is pronounced “EE-Dee”, like “needy” or “greedy.”
Being a professional actor was a more tiring and time-consuming line of work than Eden had originally thought. She was so accustomed to her old community theater’s three hours of practice three times a week that she’d expected something similar when she arrived in Gotham. Landing her first “real” gig was a wake-up call. Six 8-hour days in a row taught her just how much time and energy professionals put into their craft.
In Gotham’s theater world, Monday was considered the weekend. There were no performances for audiences to view and no practices for cast members to attend, so Sundays were often filled with tired actors excited to go for drinks or eager to sleep in.
This particular Sunday, Eden was brimming with energy. So much so she actually volunteered to take someone’s place on the daily mid-afternoon caffeine run. The director, Daphne, gave Eden a half-amused smile as she put in the usual order on her phone then sent the small group on their way.
“Somebody’s chipper today,” Aaron grumbled, still sour about not being able to convince anyone to take his turn.
Eden ignored his mood. “Yep! A sort-of friend of mine might be coming over tonight and I’m excited to see him.”
Veronica glanced over her huge sunglasses with an approving smirk. “Oooo, yeah?”
Even when it wasn’t her turn on the caffeine run, Veronica, one of the show’s leads, almost always joined the group. She had a very particular drink from a very particular café in the area she adored, and she would always lead the group there before grabbing everyone else’s drinks at Stardunks. She always bought the other runners something for their trouble too, which was probably the politest thing Eden had seen in Gotham.
“Good for you, Edie,” Veronica went on. “I didn’t take you for the friends-with-benefits type.”
“Friends with—?” Her brain froze. It lumbered over itself, trying to comprehend the idea of Red Hood – big, strong, muscles-for-days Red Hood –, the infamous vigilante, being friends with benefits… With her.
Her face exploded with color.
“Ohnononono! I mean, I meant like, meaning we aren’t exactly friends yet, is what I meant! Like we’re almost friends but not exactly, like— I mean— You know— Not— Not that there’s anything wrong with being friends with benefits, of course! Of course not! Who doesn’t like a good benefit— friend— thing?”
Aaron let out a low, dry “Woooow” and Veronica made an unimpressed face, the girl not caring at all for Eden’s fumbling. Knowing this, Eden’s face grew hotter and her words came out higher and faster.
“It’s just that I, you know, I personally— I mean, the guy’s sweet-as-pie and funny-as-heck but I don’t really know him that well and, you know, it just seems like a bit of a personal thing to jump into, and I’m really not all that—”
“Oh my god, it’s fine, Eden!” Veronica finally shouted with a roll of her eyes. “You’re not in Alabama or Indiana or whatever backwater state you’re from—”
Eden nearly lost her footing, her body stumbling as her brain stumbled over the insult. Veronica, now tuned into her phone, didn’t notice.
“—I was just trying to be supportive. No need to be a spaz about it.”
Eden gaped at Veronica, still not quite believing her ears. But disbelief didn’t stop her blood from boiling.
“Anyway!” Aaron said quickly, grabbing Veronica’s attention. “Have you seen pictures of the dress they’re putting you in for the ball scenes yet?”
“Have you? Ugh, it looks atrocious. Can you believe they want me to wear that shade of yellow? Like, seriously? I’m supposed to be the most beautiful sister, not the one who looks like she’s covered in mustard!”
Eden glared at Aaron from behind Veronica’s ranting head. He caught it and threw a warning look back, shaking his head minutely. Fuming, Eden sharpened her gaze then turned away, ignoring the both of them as best she could.
Veronica was a bit spoiled. The way she spoke about the vacations across Europe and the galas she and her father attended up and down the Northeastern coastline made it impossible to miss. Even so, Eden usually thought she was nice enough.
She was incredibly friendly for a Gothamite – especially a wealthy one – but she often tossed out carelessly ignorant comments that left Eden balking. It didn’t help that no one in the cast ever really corrected her, either. Even the director, though firm, was careful when critiquing Veronica.
Eden didn’t understand why they did it, but she didn’t care for it at all. It left a burning itch under her skin in desperate need of a scratch. But every time she went to, someone else interrupted her or stole Veronica’s attention away and gave her a warning look. It was infuriating.
As they approached the fancy café, Café Très Boissons written in thin white print across the window, someone’s phone started to buzz.
“I have to take this,” Veronica announced, shoving her purse into Eden’s hands.
Eden, not paying attention, nearly dropped it. “Whoa! Wha—”
“Go in and ask for my usual drink and whatever you two want. Use the pink card, yeah?”
She put the phone to her ear. “Hi, Daddy, how was your flight?” She made a shooing motion at Eden then turned to focus on her phone call. Eden gaped at her, but she didn’t notice.
Aaron, who didn’t seem offended at all, nudged Eden and headed toward the door. She looked between him, the purse, and the infuriatingly oblivious young woman who’d handed it to her, before shaking her head and following him in.
She’d been to Café Très Boissons once before, about a week ago with Veronica and another cast member when it had officially been her turn on the caffeine run. Letting the door close behind her, she found the place just as unpleasant as the last time.
Everything was too… crisp. Too light and bright and minimalist. It was like stepping out of real-life and into a far-too-expensive décor magazine. The air was stiff, too. Suffocating, even. How anybody was supposed to relax in a place like this, Eden didn’t know.
The other patrons weren’t very welcoming either. They all dressed in smart, sleek clothing and held themselves like incredibly important people, all too busy with incredibly important things to pay anyone else any mind. Those who did happen to notice Eden and Aaron – who looked distinctly “artsy” amongst the ironed slacks and sleek skirts – quickly dismissed them.
The only ones who didn’t match the rest of the crowd – in both attire and actions – was a group of young men tucked into one of the corner booths. Eden could immediately guess which of them had suggested the spot, as he was the only one who roughly fit the dress code and seemed to be enjoying himself. (The pre-teen next to him fit it perfectly, wearing the same fitted attire as everyone else, but he had a distinctly unimpressed frown fixed to his face.)
The other two with him were easily Eden’s favorite people in the place. Amongst all the prim and pomp of everyone and everything else around them, those two were wearing hoodies.
The tired-looking teen in the black Superman hoodie still sat up nicely and gave some regard to where he was, but the one in red did not give into the café’s demands of refinement in the slightest. In fact, the way he was lounging in his seat with his arms crossed and hood drawn up, he almost looked ready to take a nap. His resolve to not give a damn was nothing if not admirable.
“Hi, Veronica!” the barista chirped, startling Eden both with the name and how happy he sounded to see her in this unfriendly place. “I already started your usual but what else can I…” He blinked at her. “Oh, whoops,” his tone, though still professional, dropped. “Sorry, miss, I thought you were somebody else.”
“Uh, that’s alright. I’m actually ordering for a Veronica who comes in here every day, so…”
“Veronica Bradford?”
Eden nodded slowly, then turned to Aaron to be sure.
“Yeah, that’s her,” he confirmed. “And I’ll have the same, but with the blueberry whip and no caramel.”
The barista nodded, writing that down, then turned to Eden, who was awkwardly fishing through Veronica’s big white purse to find the girl’s wallet.
“And you, miss?” he prompted.
“Oh, uh, do you have sweet tea?”
“We have tea and sweeteners we can add? Sugar and sugar-free options.”
“No, that’s— I’m good actually, thank you.”
“Are you sure? We have plenty to choose from.”
“No, that’s alright. Thank you.”
“Just get what we’re getting,” Aaron pressed. “It’s not bad, and you’re not paying for it anyway.”
“Neither are you,” she reminded him.
He shrugged.
“They are really good, miss,” the barista added. “It’s not tea but it is a sweet latte. It’s one of my favorites to recommend.”
“Oh, alright,” she sighed a little. “I guess I’ll take one, too.”
She went back to digging through the purse. When she finally found Veronica’s wallet, she almost blanched at the luxury brand name printed clearly across the front. Carefully, she opened it and delicately handed the barista the pink credit card. Aaron took over from there and left a huge tip that almost made Eden faint.
She stared at the receipt, blindly following him to a table. The three-digit number stared back.
“You’re giving her this,” she said suddenly, shoving the thin paper at him. “I don’t want nothing to do with that.”
“Oh, calm down, Eden. Her daddy dearest is so rich she won’t even bat an eyelash.”
Eden carefully set the purse onto their table, noticed the same brand name in rose gold on its front, and gently pushed it away from her. “I feel like a thief.”
Aaron scoffed, pulling out his phone. “With that bag? You look the part.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
After a moment, she straightened and lifted herself up to see out the front window. From their high table near the corner, she could just catch the top of Veronica’s head. It moved in such a way that clearly meant she was still on the phone.
“Do I really look like her?” she asked in a small voice, sitting back down. “Like Veronica?”
Even if she wasn’t currently happy with the woman, Eden couldn’t deny she was a little flattered to have been mistaken for her. Veronica was undeniably pretty; beautiful in the way rich folks could easily afford to be. Like every inch of her was perfectly tailored to meet the highest of society’s standards.
“Hmm.” Aaron briefly glanced up from his phone. “I guess I can see it. You could easily be her double for some, like, security reason.”
Eden snorted. “Well if I was, I might just call out sick with the way she was talking to me earlier.”
“Oh, don’t let her get to you,” he said waving a hand. “That wasn’t too bad. She orders everyone around like that every once and a while.”
“That’s not what I was talking about, but that’s definitely rude, too.”
He raised a brow.
“Whatever backwater state I’m from?”
It took him a moment, then, “Oh. Yeah.” He went back to his phone. “Don’t take it personally. She’s just a spoiled little heiress.”
“She basically called me a moron from a state full of morons. How am I not supposed to take that personally? And then she just threw out different states like everyone south of New Jersey is a moron.”
Aaron shrugged, not really caring. “Veronica says things without thinking all the time. She’s nice enough most of the time, right? She’s still buying you a drink.”
“I really don’t give a damn that she’s buying me a drink,” Eden threw back. “She upset me, and she should know it and apologize. Nobody says anything when she does something wrong, and I’m sick of it. I hate how everybody walks on eggshells with her just ‘cause she’s rich.”
“Listen, Eden.” He sounded tired. “You can do whatever the hell you want but I’m trying to give you a heads-up. You’re not from around here and this is, what, your first show with Veronica?”
She nodded.
“Well, the reason nobody says anything,” he said copying her accent (and earning a glare), “isn’t because she’s rich. It’s because if you get on her bad side, you get on her dad’s bad side. And William Bradford pours a lot of money into Gotham’s theater scene. Understand?”
Eden blinked at him. There were a few old, well-to-do families that lived near her hometown who liked to have their fingers in a lot of pies – the Henriksens especially so – so she understood what he was saying perfectly. But still, she couldn’t quite believe her ears.
 Pulling that kind of nonsense in theater? And in Gotham City of all places? Wasn’t there something a little more… underworld-y that Mr. Bradford could focus on?
 “You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope,” Aaron said popping the p. “Happened to one of Veronica’s best friends— ex-best friends, Christina. They had a huge falling out and Christina couldn’t get a single call-back for over a year. She ended up moving to New York to try finding work there, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how cut-throat their theater scene is.”
Eden frowned at the table, then looked up at him again. “Well, that’s a best friend she got in a fight with. I’m nobody to her. If I’m polite about what’s bothering me, she won’t have any reason to ask her daddy to do something like that to me.”
“That’s just it though!” he said leaning over the table, lowering his voice. “Veronica didn’t ask her dad to do it. She didn’t have a clue what was happening with Christina! Just like she doesn’t have a clue why she keeps getting a lead role in every show she auditions for!”
“It’s… not because she’s a good actress?”
Aaron gave her an annoyed, unbelieving look. “Would you have cast her as Jane?”
“Well—” Eden sat up straight. “Well, I mean… Maybe not me personally, but— I mean, she is very pretty, and Jane is canonically the prettiest girl in town, and— and she’s certainly not a bad actress, I mean…”
“No, she’s not,” he agreed. “But she’s definitely not lead-role material. Daphne’s lucky she wanted to play Jane and not Elizabeth. Can you imagine her playing Elizabeth?” Aaron made a scandalized face and obnoxiously rolled his eyes at the thought.
Eden, unable to deny how awful Veronica would likely be in the role but also unwilling to say such a thing aloud, stumbled over a response until a barista called out Veronica’s name.
Eager to take the escape, she hopped out of her chair. “I’ll get that and you guard the purse.”
Aaron just hummed and picked up his phone again.
On her way to the counter, Eden spared a glance at the nearby corner booth, the one with the boys in the hoodies. The four of them were having a lively conversation and she enjoyed the small snippets of back and forth she could catch.
The one in the red hoodie no longer looked ready to take a nap but was instead hunched over the table, his jaw resting in his hand as he made small jabs at the people around him. The younger two snapped back quickly, and the smiling, eldest-looking one laughed while still trying to keep the peace.
The way they were digging at each other reminded Eden of her own “brothers”. She couldn’t help but smile. She sighed, unintentionally loud, missing her loveable idiots.
The one in the red hoodie lifted his head toward the sound but, thanks to the hood covering half his face, Eden was able to turn away before he caught her eavesdropping.
The barista waiting with the drinks gave her a wide smile. “Hi, Veronica! We’re still making your last drink but—” She cocked her head suddenly and squinted. “Wait…”
“No, I’m not Veronica,” Eden said with an amused smile. “But I am here for her drinks.”
“Oh.” The girl laughed at herself. “Sorry about that. The last one’s just going to be another minute.”
Eden nodded, picking up the two that were ready. “Thank you.”
As she returned to her and Aaron’s table, she glanced toward the boys again. This time, the smiling eldest was grinning and whispering something towards red hoodie boy, who was looking in the opposite direction and not-so-subtly flipping him off. The teen in the Superman hoodie accidentally locked eyes with her and the both of them quickly looked away.
Eden then noticed a man in the opposite corner of the café watching her. When she looked at him, he jerked his head away and quickly took a sip from his cup. Eden slowed her walk and furrowed her brows, a tightness forming in her gut.
“Yaaasss,” Aaron called, stealing her attention as he reached for his drink. “Give me that Rich Bitch Latte.”
“Is that what you call it?”
He shrugged, taking a sip. “Mine has blueberry whip cream. If that doesn’t scream rich bitch, what does?”
Eden made a slight face. Blueberry whip cream didn't seem all that luxurious to her – it certainly wasn’t hard to make – but even if it was, she couldn't imagine it tasted good with a latte.
“That barista mixed me up for Veronica too,” she said after a moment.
Aaron snorted. “Maybe you should be her double. You’d get paid good money for it, I’m sure.”
Eden hummed. She turned her attention back to the curious man in the opposite corner.
At first glance, he fit the establishment fine. He wore a simple grey suit and a hat and was now totally engrossed with his phone. But the suit was a little too non-descript and untidy, and the hat a bit beat-up. Not to mention, slouching in his seat like he was, he didn’t match the prim, properness of most of the other patrons.
Though… maybe she was being unfair to him. After all, she’d praised the guy in the red hoodie for the same thing, hadn’t she?
She glanced to the booth of boys again. The one in the red hoodie must have been looking at her because his head moved the second hers did. Eden didn’t get a tight, sinking sensation in her stomach when he did, though. Nor had she when she locked eyes with the teenager.
She turned back to the older man, still fidgeting with his phone. What was the difference between them? Maybe it was weirder because he was older. The other guys were closer to her age and therefore… what, safer?
Eden huffed at herself. Age wasn’t an indication of danger, she knew that. The people who came to the farm looking for safety were hiding from men of all ages. (They were almost always hiding from men.) From young men full of piss and vinegar and a sense of superiority; old men with strings to pull and favors they could call in; men of any age with a brutal mean streak that came from years of privilege, or hardship…
So it wasn’t their age. And none of them were dressed “appropriately” for the cafe – though the hoodie boys even less so – so it wasn’t that either. Maybe it was how stiffly and forcibly the man had reacted when Eden noticed him staring. Though that, too, didn’t necessarily mean any—
“Veronica Bradford!” the barista called again, breaking Eden’s thoughts.
On her second trip back to the table, Eden watched the man from the corner of her eye. It seemed like he was looking at her again too, adding to her concern. He moved his hands a bit and then—
Eden stopped. She turned to stare directly at the man, who hurried to shift his torso so his phone was no longer pointing at her. She scowled. She knew exactly what he was now. But what in the world was a scout doing here of all places?
A scout – as Mama always called them – could be anybody. A private investigator or a random person off the street; it didn’t matter. Their job was simple: find their mark and get proof of where and when they were and who they were with.
But… who was this guy’s mark? It couldn’t be Eden. He was taking her picture, sure, but… The only people who might be looking for her were her parents, and neither of them would have recruited someone so… obvious.
Still, she reported it to Aaron as she sat down. “There’s a man taking pictures,” she told him gravely.
He glanced up at her, giving her a weird look. “O…kay? Everyone takes pictures here. It’s a wannabe Snapstagram influencer’s wet dream.”
“I meant,” she said frowning, “he’s taking pictures of me.”
“Huh? Who?” He looked around without a hint of subtlety.
Eden smacked her head with her hand. She could’ve kicked him. Of course, it was her own fault for thinking he would understand. Aaron wasn’t one of her “cousins” or semi-siblings. He was just some guy from Gotham who knew nothing about life on Paradise Farm.
“Would you stop!?” she hissed, trying to hide her face from the scout. “He’s behind you, in the corner booth by the windows. Grey suit, brown hat— Don’t be obvious.”
Aaron, bless him, finally caught on. He turned his head slowly from one end of the café to the other. He stared at the man a few beats too long then turned back to her.
“Are you sure? He just looks like his phone’s giving him trouble.”
Eden shook her head. “I caught him doing it, so now he’s nervous. He was just staring at me the first time I got up, but the second time he had his phone pointed at me and everything.”
He looked over his shoulder at the scout, then back again. “Maybe he’s paparazzi,” he offered. “The baristas all thought you were Veronica. Maybe he does, too.”
Eden blinked at him. She hadn’t thought of that. Despite not being anywhere near the farm, the idea the man could be anything but a scout hadn’t even crossed her mind. But it made some sense… After all, who would he even be scouting? Nobody here was in hiding.
“She has paparazzi?”
“Local heiress constantly landing lead roles who models on the side?” Aaron shrugged.  “She’s not headline news or anything, but she pops up in local shit every once and a while.”
Eden frowned at her drink. She glanced over at the man again, taking a sip of her latte. “And are paparazzi people always so nervous when they get caught?”
“Do I look like I know the answer to that?”
“You’ve been around Veronica longer than I have,” she insisted. “You’d know better than I would.”
“I guess,” he huffed, rolling his eyes. He thought about it a moment. “I don’t know. She doesn’t usually notice them, but I guess some of them get a little embarrassed when other people do. But, like, it’s their job. They can’t exactly be bashful about it or they won’t get paid.”
She nodded thoughtfully and took another sip, reluctant to admit it tasted extremely good.
Her eyes slid over to the man once more. Then she stopped and glared. Loudly, she slammed her cup onto the table — startling Aaron and catching other patrons’ attention as well. Including the man, who’d been pointing his phone at her again.
He scrambled to put it away, stood, and started grabbing his things.
“I think you scared him, Veronica,” Aaron muttered sarcastically.
“Good.” She leaned back in her chair and took a celebratory drink, not taking her eyes off the man. “Paparazzi, huh?”
“Well, what else would he be?” Aaron asked, rolling his eyes again. “A stalker? The guy doesn't exactly scream danger. Anyway, he’s leaving now so it doesn’t—”
Eden jerked up in her seat. “Uh-oh.”
The real Veronica stepped through the door. Looking around, she spotted Aaron and Eden near the back corner, smiled, and started walking toward them. A flabbergasted expression crossed the man’s face when she passed him by.
The oblivious heiress didn’t notice him stop walking or the way he was watching her. But Eden did. And she knew that look in his eye.
“Oh, no.”
The scout had found his mark.
Eden didn’t think about it. One second she was sitting in her chair – buzzing with wild, nervous energy – the next she was grabbing Veronica’s drink and taking long strides across the café’s shining floors. She grinned playfully at the unsuspecting girl.
Veronica’s smile didn’t fall, but her brows furrowed slightly as Eden approached. “Hey, sorry about that. Daddy always calls me when he gets to a new hotel.”
“Oh, no problem, Eden!” Eden said handing Veronica her drink.
Veronica took it, went to speak, then seemed to short-circuit — suddenly blinking and staring at her in a baffled way. Eden took the moment to link their arms and move her away from the scout, who seemed stuck in place.
“Actually, my daddy does the same,” she said in the same, polished Rich-Girl-Gothamite accent she’d used before. “We’re super close. Oh, and tell me if you like the drink, yeah? It’s my favorite. I get it every day.”
Veronica glanced down at her drink, then up at Eden, totally lost.
As they approached the table, Eden did a quick sweep of their surroundings and was glad they were sitting where they were. Their table was near the side exit and all the nearby tables were empty, save the now silent booth of boys.
Though none of them were looking in her direction, Eden couldn’t help quirking a brow in theirs, wondering what had dulled their lively spirits.
“So… what’s going on exactly?” Veronica asked in a nervous pitch as they reached Aaron.
“Eden thinks she has a stalker,” he explained.
“No,” Eden corrected in her own voice. “I think Veronica has a scout— stalker— whatever thing. And they think Veronica is me.”
“They…” Veronica looked between the two of them, then laughed nervously. “Oh, Edie, that’s… I seriously doubt anyone would think you were me.”
“Two of the baristas thought I was you.”
“Brayden thought she was you,” Aaron confirmed.
Veronica’s mouth fell open. She stared at the guy behind the register in disbelief before turning it on Eden. Eden just grinned and moved her head to the side like she’d heard something funny.
There, in the corner of her eyes, she could see the man inching back to his corner booth. Watching them.
“Oh my god, Edie!” she said loud and clear in her Veronica voice, setting the real Veronica into a seat facing away from the man. “You are just too cute!”
“Wait.” Veronica leaned over, talking low. “Why are you talking like a normal person now?”
A flash of anger broke Eden’s character. “Excuse me?”
“Why are you talking like a normal person now?” she repeated, apparently unaware of her offense. “And why are you calling me Eden?”
Eden took a deep breath, trying to regain her cool. “I’m not talking like a ‘normal person’,” she explained slowly, being sure to sit up straight and hold her head in the proud, haughty way the rest of the patrons did. “I’m talking like you. And I’m calling you Eden so that scout-stalker guy leaves you alone.”
“She’s being your double,” Aaron said with a grin. Eden glared at him. “Am I wrong?”
She looked away. “No,” she grumbled.
He nodded, satisfied.
Veronica looked between the two of them, not getting it, then turned back to Eden. “Why are you doing this exactly? Are you expecting me to pay you for it?”
“What? No! I’m helping you because you're in trouble, obviously.”
The other two stared at her. Somehow that simple concept seemed foreign to them.
“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “Don’t you two act like you’ve never helped anybody out before just to be nice. I know this is Gotham but come on now. Not everybody in this city can be that heartless.”
“Oh, you sweet summer child,” Aaron cooed, resting a hand over his heart. Eden glared at him.
Veronica tried to say something, stopped, then tried again. “But… why? It’s not your problem, so…”
“So what? That guy’s trouble.” Eden tilted her head. “Do you… want some scout-stalker taking your picture? Knowing where you’ve been and when you go?”
“No, but… Are you sure he’s trouble?” she asked. “Maybe he’s just, I don’t know, some weirdo who likes taking pictures of pretty girls.”
“Could be.” Eden shrugged. “But I seriously doubt it, the way he’s been acting. It’s just sorta… obvious he’s here for you.”
“Obvious?” She made a face and started looking around the café – thankfully never over her shoulder – trying to find the trouble herself. “I don’t see anyone making it obvious.”
“You’re just not used to it.”
“And you are?”
Eden opened her mouth and shut it. She shuffled in her seat, not really sure how to explain it. Back home, she’d never had to explain it. Everybody just knew. And not just her small town. The whole county knew.
They knew Paradise Farm and its famous little bakery. They knew Mama and Eden and her mismatched group of semi-siblings (or of them, at least). They knew if you needed a place to go, Paradise Farm had its doors open, and “cousins” were always welcome.
Some who came, came for simple reasons. Wandering free spirits who enjoyed earning their stay and living more-or-less off the land, people who needed a little space after an argument, a partygoer looking for a safe place to sober up before heading home; simple things like that.
But sometimes it was more. Sometimes the reasons were complicated. Kids who’d been kicked out of their homes, kids trying to escape their homes, abused spouses who just wanted to disappear, people who couldn’t go to the law because an officer or a judge was a part of the problem; the kinds of folks who had nowhere else to go, no one left to turn to. The kind who needed help.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Aaron lowered his voice and moved closer, his eyes sparkling. “Are you, like… some kind of small-time hero? Is that why you moved to Gotham? To like, meet Batman and become a vigilante?”
Eden recoiled at the notion. “No! No, no, I’m—!” She chomped down on the words trying to fly out of her mouth, trying to control herself. “I’m not— I don’t— Don’t get me wrong, I like helping people and stuff,” she said fiddling with the table’s edge, very aware of Aaron’s eager, penetrating expression. “But I’m not like— I’m not a, a—” she couldn’t even say the word. Not when it was being tied to her.
Still, Aaron just nodded along. Looking for all the world like an unmasked hero was sitting in front of him and begging him to keep their secret. Eden’s hands started to shake. It was like talking to her father all over again.
“Really, Aaron. I’m… I’m not,” she said, trying to be firm. “I couldn’t do the things they do.”
“You could try,” he insisted, sounding just like him.
Eden went numb.
She couldn’t. She really, really couldn’t. She knew because she had tried. She’d tried, and tried, and tried so many times. But no matter how many times she tried, no matter how many times Frank had told her it was her purpose, her destiny, her responsibility, she just plain couldn’t.
When Mama found out, she was furious. Not with Eden. But with Frank. It was too much for a kid to handle, especially one like Eden, she’d said. She never wanted her daughter to endure that kind of sacrifice and pain—
Oh, the pain! Every time – every goddamn time – there was always so much pain!
Not that she had any right to complain, as Frank would remind her. She was a metahuman; her body always healed.
And it did.
It healed, and healed, and healed. Erasing every bullet, every blade, every hand that ever left its mark on her; stealing away every scar she might’ve earned, every wound she might’ve carried. It healed, and healed, and healed. So perfectly, so flawlessly, so unnaturally — and it never stopped.
Even when she died, it didn’t stop. It didn’t matter if someone killed her themselves or if she took on someone else’s death. Even if it was by her own hand, it didn’t stop. She always came back. Her body always healed. The universe always demanded an encore.
It never, ever, ever stopped.
“Are you okay, Ed— I mean, Veronica?” Veronica said obviously, garnering some of Eden’s attention. “You look a little sick.”
“She’s just freaking out ‘cause I figured out she’s not the everyday normal person she pretends to be,” Aaron said smugly.
Eden still couldn’t speak.
Veronica smacked him. “Don’t be an idiot, Aaron. You’re freaking her out because you’re insisting there’s something remarkable about her when there isn’t at all! E— Veronica is completely normal and average in every possible way.”
Eden winced at the unintended insult. Aaron made a slight face too, but, of course, Veronica didn’t notice.
“Anyway, Veronica,” she continued, turning back to her. “You’ve done this sort of thing before, yeah? What do we do now?”
Eden blinked a few times, still pulling herself out of her spiral, then glanced over at the scout. “Well… Normally I’d try to get a picture of the person, but…”
“But?” Aaron asked eagerly.
She froze again. She took a long, deep breath. “Well… since I made such a fuss catching him in the act earlier, I don’t think we’ll see him again.”
He pouted. “Really? You think a stalker’s going to give up just like that?”
“No, he—” Eden huffed and shook her head. “He’s not the real problem. He’s just some guy who’s supposed to be taking Veronica’s pictures. Maybe figuring out her routine or whatever. But he got caught twice, so whoever sent him probably won’t send him again unless they’re desperate. Or stupid, I suppose. Either way, I doubt taking his picture would really help much. Though I guess it could help us figure out who hired him in the first place, but I don’t really know who I’d send it to here—”
She stopped her rambling, noticing the open-mouthed, wide-eyed way her companions were staring at her.
“Oh— I— Uh—" She quickly took a sip of her nearly forgotten latte, trying to hide behind the cup. “Sorry,” she murmured.
Aaron shook himself, almost violently, out of his stupor. “Oh, okay, yeah, you just know all this crap and you’re not a vigilante or something?”
“I’m not,” she grumbled. “My mama taught me what to watch out for, so I do.”
“So your mom’s the vigilante?”
“My—" Eden blinked and shook her head fervently, trying to follow his logic. "What?”
Not that she’d admit it to a pair of acquaintances, but anyone who her mama – like, really knew her, not the role she played – knew Louanne Smith was more likely to be on a most-wanted list than be considered a vigilante. Though Red Hood was probably on a few wanted lists himself, now that she thought about it, and her mama certainly broke the law not turning over certain people to the sheriff, so maybe she would be considered a vigilante?
“Ugh, ignore him, Edi— Veronica,” Veronica said rolling her eyes. “Aaron has a total hard-on for Gotham’s bats. He loves the way they break the law and—"
“What is wrong with breaking the law if it means helping people?” he burst in.
“We have laws for a reason, Aaron,” Veronica insisted. “I can admit Gotham’s vigilantes help the little people here and there—” Eden bristled at her tone “—but in the grand scheme of things—” 
“In the grand scheme of things, they help people. End of story.” Veronica shot him a dirty look, but he made no move to try and placate her. This, apparently, was a hill worth dying on. “End of story,” he said again.
“Oh, yeah right, like you really care. Everyone knows you’re just in love with Red Hood’s thighs.”
“I can care about what the vigilantes do for this city and still appreciate how sexy they are,” Aaron said proudly. “Red Hood’s jacked and has the thighs of a god and I’m not ashamed to admit I would tap that in an instant.”
Eden made an involuntary high-pitched sound. She stared dead at the table, trying not to think about Red Hood as her face grew piping hot and she curled in on herself.
“Besides, you’re one to talk,” Aaron continued, either ignoring or not noticing Eden’s discomfort. “You always go on and on about how hot Nightwing’s ass is!”
“Which it is, but that’s not the point! They might be hot but vigilantes are the reason we have so many crazy supervillains in this city!”
“Those hot vigilantes are the only reason we have any sort of justice in this city!”
Hiding her burning face in her hands, Eden just shook her head, trying to phase out of existence as they went back and forth on their stances of law, order, and whether or not Batman was a dilf.
Eventually, she peeked through her fingers and found the scout watching them with an uncertain look on his face. His phone was still in his hand, however, close to his chest and pointed in her direction, so they weren’t out of the woods yet.
Eden groaned and ran her fingers through her hair as she dropped her head. Then she popped back up, her expression taut, like an heiress who’d been ignored for far too long.
“Ex—cuse—me!” she said clapping her hands, forcing the bickering to finally stop. She gave them a tight smile, speaking lowly in her own voice. “Y’all can have this… discussion some other time – preferably when I’m not here – but right now, we’re in the middle of something.” She stood from her seat. “So I’m gonna need you two to stop. Now.”
The guilty party shared a look then muttered an annoyed agreeance.
“Thank you,” she said with a nod. “Now then.” She grabbed Veronica’s big white purse and confidently slung it over her shoulder. “Are we ready to go?” she asked loud and clear in her Veronica voice, gesturing to the side door. “I’m sure Daphne and the rest of the cast are waiting for us.”
“Sure thing, Veronica,” Aaron said a little louder than usual. “Lead the way.”
Eden smiled and linked arms with the real Veronica, constantly shifting to keep the girl’s face hidden from the scout as much as possible. As they exited the café, she pointed to something down the street, giving Veronica an excuse to keep her head turned.
Eden on the other hand tried to catch a glimpse of the scout from the corner of her eye. Instead, she ended up latching on to the group of boys one last time.
A few of them looked uncomfortable but all four were quiet, each seemingly lost in their own thoughts. But Eden could tell that wasn’t right. Even if they didn’t seem focused on anything in particular, she knew they were. It was almost like she could see that they were… were… She didn’t know what to call it. Ready? On? Something like that. But why? What for?
The guy in the red hoodie shifted back, leaning lazily against the booth cushions. His hood stayed in place despite his head tipping up toward the ceiling. Though unable to see his eyes, Eden had the sudden sense that he was watching her.
Should she be nervous? Had she set too much of her attention on the man on the other side of the café? Should she have been watching these boys as well? She didn’t feel like she needed to worry about them. Had she made a mistake?
She walked arm-in-arm with Veronica until they reached the end of the block and crossed the street. There, she released the girl and spun around, scanning the stream of people for the face of the scout, or perhaps even one of the boys.
She suddenly wished she had snuck a picture. Maybe back home it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but this was Gotham. And Veronica was a high-profile local. As much as Eden preferred giving people the benefit of the doubt, this wasn’t a safe situation to assume anything but the worst.
Not seeing anyone from the café, she sighed and rejoined Veronica and Aaron, who were giving her nervous looks. She smiled at them.
“All good.” She took the purse from her shoulder and handed it back to Veronica. “You might want to consider having someone else get your latte for a while. Maybe an assistant or something? And maybe some kind of security for yourself. Just to be safe.”
Veronica nodded mutely, then muttered out a small thank you before taking Eden’s arm again. She held it tightly, with a concerned look on her face, so Eden didn’t complain. Every few blocks they would stop or slow down and she would check the crowd around them for caution’s sake.
The walk to Stardunks and back to the practice hall was fairly quiet, giving Eden plenty of time to think. Mainly she wondered if she should bring up the day’s events to Red Hood. It wasn’t anything vigilante-worthy, not yet anyway, but Veronica’s status certainly made it a possibility. And Eden stepping in as her double probably counted as doing something stupid, which, even though he'd been joking, he’d asked her not to do.
In fact, when they stepped into the practice hall and Veronica started telling everyone what had happened and how Eden had “saved” her, and Aaron reiterated her “vigilante-like knowledge”, and a number of people started looking at her with a curious sort of twinkle in their eyes, the stuttering, blushing Eden was quite certain she’d done something very, very stupid indeed.
Next chapter
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mmm-veggies · 3 years
chapter 1. Hope
Warning- slight violence, death but not described, mentions of past abuse (if there's anything else let me know)
The sounds of panting and sticks breaking mix together as I run through the woods trying to get away. Mom?! Please please don't do this. You don't have to do this. We can figure out a way, voices and screams overlapping as I try and get the memories out of my head. I have to stop thinking about stuff. I can't change what happened. The only thing to do now is move forward, I say to myself, oh who am I kidding like that's going to make me feel better. Every breath I take has a burning sting in my lungs. Looking over my shoulder to see if I'm far enough away from them.  Frantically looking for something to hide behind when an old, tall and wide tree catches my eye. Wait, I've never seen these trees. The tree could've easily hid 3 large men behind it. Oh no, my face goes numb as I realize that I'm hopelessly lost. Putting my hands to my face to cry in my frustration. God how am I supposed to get away when I don't even know where I am. I sigh into my hands and whisper, "I'm gonna die." 
My stomach drops as I hear a branch snap. Slowly picking my head up trying not to raise too much suspicion, what was that. Cautiously looking at my surroundings, I can't see anyone. Slowly creeping around the tree.
There it is again, someone has to be here. I stopped walking around the tree and started searching for the person cloaked in the darkness. That's when I start to feel someone's hand slowly come from behind and quickly cover my mouth. They thrash me up against the tree, their hand still over my mouth. The other is close to my waist, trapping me in.
"When I take my hand off you don't scream, got it," they say darkly, their voice low and raspy, with some feminine touches to it. I Look up to see a hooded figure, their face hidden perfectly in the shadows. They are at least a head taller than me, and more lanky looking. The cloak they are wearing is a charcoal color that completely engulfs them, with sleek black pants to match, and a white poet's blouse. Slowly they moved their hand off my mouth; They looked  me dead in the eyes, making sure I didn't try anything. As I raise my hands above my head to show mercy they start to rest their hand on my throat, most likely a warning to make sure I stay compliant.  i 
"Now who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Listen I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just trying to get away from some people alright," I state lightly; trying to persuade them so I can get out of this predicament. 
"Ahh so you are running away from them," they say with a smooth voice.
"Yes, and I need to get going now", As the words pour out of my mouth I cringe at my failed attempt at sounding confident. 
Smugly, they tilt their head to the side like they were planning their next move, "hm why should I, there might be some money on your pretty little head," smirking as i suddenly tense up, "or maybe," they give a feral smile and reveal their dagger like fangs, "I'll just kill you."
"Wait wait wait wait I uh," think of an excuse quickly, "I can help you."  I hope they ignore the squeak at the end of that statement. 
" Now why would I need your help," their voice hinting at slight curiosity.
"Well I don't know exactly what, but I'm sure I  can be of some help to you. I'm fairly strong and independent," I rush out, trying to convince this stranger to let me go with them so that I can at least get away from those horrible people.
A slimy voice comes out from the trees farther away but it's starting to inch closer to where the stranger and I are standing. The fear of going away with them or getting caught even paralyzes my body. I gotta get out of here, think think think. Thoughts rapidly go through my mind for a possible escape route. 
"Hey," the  smooth,deep voice snaps me out of my thoughts, "you can come with me for a little while, but not a long time, we can start our trip after I take care of these pathetic humans, alright?"
I simply nodded my head, not trusting my words as relief floods over me like a storm. But why describe humans in such a way? The only people I've ever heard describe humans like that would be my family but we are...unless. I shake my head at the thought. No they couldn't possibly be like me. Why would I even think like that, I'm the freak here, not them.
"Now close your eyes, and whatever you do, don't open them until I say otherwise.", their tone is urgent as they spit out directions to me. "Oh and hold on to my rat Enzo and don't squish him."  I look down to see a snow white rat with red eyes sniffing my hand. They move their hood so I can only see their mouth. Nodding my head, I do as they say, "good."  Hearing footsteps from different directions I try to comprehend what the stranger was doing. One human seems to be running away after a distinct crack was heard and then a large thump. More footsteps could now be heard running in the direction the first two were heading in. My eyebrows furrow,  trying to figure out what was going on.
"Why do you look constipated?" 
"What I-"
"Oh yeah, you can open our eyes now and give me my rat back"
Handing over the rat and I look up to see the stranger's face for the first time. They had short, dark brown hair, with a slight wave at the top of their head. Freckles were splattered across their cheeks and nose and spread out across the rest of their face, giving a slightly softer look. Their jaw line however,  was sharp and complemented their highly defined collarbone. Do they even eat? The Eyes are what really caught my attention though. Two ruby caverns, staring at me in a lazy, almost bored look.Once our little staring contest finished they went on to fixing their cloak to brush off the dirt that was on it, I could see that they had lanky hands, the ones that were good for pick pocketing and picking locks. The rest of Their body was lean, yet still had defined muscles, the kind you get from moving from place to place and working odd jobs.As for their skin, it was pale as if they were a corpse. Seriously, do they even know what the sun is? 
"Alright we better get going before any other moron delays me from getting you to where you need to be, so then I can be on my merry way," they state sarcastically while putting their black cloak on.
"Hey wait," I stutter out while reaching for their arm. They stare back at me, oh god I just grabbed onto a random stranger who I just met, "listen I don't know what you did sir- uhh ma'am- ummmm mysterious...," Stars, I can't tell what gender they are. Sure they look masculine, but they have a lighter voice when they talk. And have some feminine looking features. But still they could go both ways. Staring up at them with a stern look in my eyes, "um I don't know what you just did, but I do know that it doesn't make sense so you better start talking or I'll turn you in for killing a human.", I say in a matter of fact tone and crossing my arms over my chest. Okay that wasn't too bad, maybe I can take control of this situation. After all, what could they possibly do that could harm me of all things.
 They cock an eyebrow at me, look me up and down and start to slowly walk closer to me. Well there goes taking control of the situation. I purse my lips tilting my head up to look at them, trying to stand my ground but it is harder to sense they're like 6'1. 
"Listen here lady, one how do you even know I killed a man when you were closing your eyes the whole time unless you got some abilities yourself, and two it's sir for today but it changes from time to time, but don't worry I'll keep you updated." 
"Ok, well then sir, if you explain to me what happened then I'll tell you anything you want to know about me, deal," I reach my hand out for them to shake with a smile, waiting for my answer.
He looks at me for a time before giving me a sigh and putting his hand out to shake mine as he nods. 
"Well come on we haven't got all day and  I can explain as we walk," he stated ,
"Well if we are going to be taking a long walk together we should probably introduce ourselves," He looks me up and down once more in slight judgement then sighs as he starts to explain, "my name's arrow, but just like the pronouns I'll tell you when they change."
"Alright," I say with a smile, "It's very nice to meet you Arrow, I'm Hope."
"Wait so you're a vampire...woah," I say in disbelief. I never really thought one Vampires existed, and two there would be other people who weren't human. 
"Yeah, pretty much been on this dumb planet for what feels like way too long, " he says in a nonchalant tone, "now what about you don't think I forgot the couple times you slipped up on yourself."
"Oh I uh," should I really tell this guy? What if something bad happens because of it? No, no he told me his secret so it's not a big deal if I tell him mine, "I'm a, uh , a werewolf." I say with a hesitant voice. 
It's weird telling someone this, growing up my mom taught me from a young age that I should never tell anyone that I'm a werewolf or bad things would come to me, but if I'm being honest it's nice to tell someone and someone who I can kinda relate to I guess.Still would have been nice to tell them on my own terms though.
"Woooow, Aren't we supposed to be like mortal enemies or something," a teasing voice coming from him.
"Pfftt whatever," I manage to say while laughing at his joke. I hear a small chuckle from him as well, "so, how much longer do we have to walk for?" I question peering up at his face.
"Mmmm I'd say probably another couple hours." Darn it! My feet are killing me!
And throughout those hours were probably the most interesting moments of my life. I mean I finally got to meet someone and tell them I'm a werewolf and have a pretty good time with them. The only people I even remember socializing with was my family, and they were, how do you say it...interesting. 
"Oh and by the way," I say. He looks down at me with a cocked eyebrow, "thanks for saving me from those people."
"Don't worry about it, I got hungry anyways."
"Well here we are," he says as we peer down a pretty large hill to see a small trading town. The tavern lanterns glowing, workers moving around like ants at the docks. 
"Wow, it looks awesome," I say in disbelief.
Bending over to my level, looking at the town then to me, "you look like you've got stars in your eyes from seeing a lame trading post. I don't think I've ever met someone with such low standards to be gleeful about something."
"Hey that's rude," I say, crossing my arms. "I've never seen a town, I've always been told to stay home."
"Oh well I wouldn't get your hopes up, but we should head to the tavern," pointing to a wooden building with a drunk person puking next to the side of the building, and right as we look over a fight had broken down next the person.
"That one right there are you sure?", I laugh nervously.
"What you seemed so happy a couple seconds ago."
"I-," opening my mouth to say something but then just closing it knowing I wasn't going to win. Making our way down a trail to get there. Stop panicking, you'll be fine, there's no reason to panic. I'm sure the people there are lovely and it's only the people outside like that, I think trying to be more hopeful about what's going to happen inside the tavern.
Oh no. My face darkened as we got closer to the rowdy, loud voices coming from inside. The dark alleys with sketchy people, and weird people right in front of the door.
"Come on don't fall behind," Arrows voice grabbed my attention, I nod back to him. Walking in, seeing people getting even more loud which I didn't even think was possible. From laughing to arguing there was so much. How could a person even concentrate? Oh boy this is going to be one fun experience.
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