#i can feel it taking overrrr
It's like....m my voice and my actions have the power to influence things.... But yet something always stays the same.... And to what extent does it change things..... Is there ever positive everlasting change from any of my actions......... What am I doing all of this forrrr who am I doing it for.......
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Local man expresses one (1) boundary for the first time (please do not touch my hair you are going to be very angry at me for what you will see) and mother goes on a Rant (you raised your voice at me how dare you you are being extremely disrespectful) and threatens to kick him out
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yourjughead · 7 months
Attack Dog pt. 4
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
A/N: I really like this part, finally some contact going on hehehe
Sweet Pea POV
“Sweeeeeeet peaaaaaaa, moove overrrr I'm coming in-'' he slurred and stumbled past. What the hell is going on? He crashed onto my makeshift bed and stretched.
“-I amm having a sleeeeeep over here, the Seniors haveeen comman-commaannnder-commandereeed fuck it, they took my housee” I looked out the front door and watched some very drunk, very big men crowd into his trailer and close it. I went to object to him but he was already passed out on my sofa.
“Sweet Pea what's going on?” YN said smaly from my room. I quietly rushed to her and into my room.
“Jones kinda stole my digs after the seniors took his….do you mind if I stay in here?”
“I mean it's your room sooo I can just make my way home”
“No no stay, I don't know who's still around outside and besides it's freezing” there was little to no space between the two of us. It was difficult to fight my urge to lean into her. I forced myself to take a step back from her, taking a pillow from the bed and throwing it on the floor.
“Just sleep in the bed with me Snake Brain, your old man back will break sleeping on the floor” she shuffled back to the bed and slipped under the covers on my side of the bed. My side. I slid in next to her trying not to completely freak out that I was legitimately sleeping with the enemy. Both our eyes were locked onto the ceiling. I should really paint up there.
“What happened with you and Jughead earlier?” I couldn't help myself, I had to say something to take the weird tension away from between us.
“He told me I abandoned him and it was my fault he had to join you guys” she exhaled the words out. Fault? As if we're the worst thing in the world to happen to anyone. I have all the right to kick his ass from my sofa.
“Just leave him sleep Sweet Pea, you won't get anything out of him now” was she inside my head? I moved gently in the bed at this thought.
“You're not exactly hard for me to read Sweet Pea, relax” she laughed a little but I didn't relax. How was I so easy to read? No one has ever said that before. She rolled onto her side to face me, hands tucked up under the side of her face.
“What else did he say?”
“That I should have fought harder to come home sooner….that I might have been able to save him from you guys…basically it's my fault I'm upset” save him from us? Save him from us?! I went to move from the bed, I was gonna kick him out I don't care. I was stopped by the feeling of YNs hand wrap into mine beneath the sheets.
“Just leave it Sweet Pea, defend your honour tomorrow after you sleep-” she yawned out.
“-besides it'll be a lot more fun to shout at him when he's fighting his hangover” she gave a mischievous smile as her eyes gently closed. She's still holding my hand….I'm still holding hers….why are we still holding hands and why don't I want to let go?
I laid awake for half an hour staring at the peeling paint of the roof. The pain in my shoulder growing from my unmoving hand was getting hard to ignore as YN slept peacefully next to me. Caught between my dying nerves and the dying want to not let go I quickly rolled towards her, releasing her hand and catching it with my other. I misjudged the distance between us and clocked her straight into the head with my own as I did. She dropped my hand to place it on her forehead. Damn it.
“You're such a freak” she laughed, rubbing her forehead and then rolled in closer to me, draping an arm across my waist and gently pulling herself into me, resting her head between the pillow and my chest. Great. This is great. This is also very confusing. Again, it was like she read my thoughts, even half asleep and she sat up, leaning on an elbow to look at me.
“Sorry I… I don't know why I did that”
“It's okay YN…it was actually comfortable…I'm okay with it if you're okay with it” she gave me a smile I never wanted to see leave her. She has to know that that was difficult for me to admit. She rolled to face out towards the wall and for a moment I thought Id left myself be vulnerable to the wrong person, that she'd laugh and reject me, call me the silly snake brain I was and leave. But no. She didn't. She instead shuffled down into the bed and laid her back flat against my chest. I cautiously moved my arm to cross her waist and she caught hold of it to move it faster and then held it there with her own. Am I asleep? Is this a dream? Am I being punked?
I nestled my chin against the top of her head, pulling her closer into me, tangling our legs. So close to me…..oh shit too close she's too close. I shuffled a little to try to hide the part of me that was betraying any sense of secrecy I had about my changing feelings to YN. She just moved back to where she was, no hiding from her. I could almost feel her whole body smirking as she gently rubbed little circles with her thumb on the back of my hand. Damn it she's winning.
“You're not…hard to read Sweet Pea” yup, she's definitely smirking at me. I tried to push the embarrassment out of my voice before speaking. She's not gonna win this one.
“Well I hardly think that's surprising, I already told you what I think needs to happen for you to relax” I barely whispered, it was her body's turn to…stiffen in the bed alongside me. Point Sweet Pea. I slowly moved my mouth to hover above her neck. We were both so still, I could almost see the hairs on her neck stand on their end. My lips met her neck almost painfully gently. I began to kiss her there until she rolled her head back slightly to allow me more access. I then started to nip her neck, sucking gently as I went. Her own body betrayed her then as she gave a small moan of approval. Point Sweet Pea.
She didn't let my point advantage last very long as she began to push herself into my growing length, a low growl escaping me before I reburied myself in her neck, more feverishly this time. Her hand wrapped tighter around mine on her chest as she grinded into me, encouraging me on. Electric, I was being electrified by her. She rolled more on to her back and I was hovering above her. I didn't really think then, I just leaned down and met her lips with mine. Truly electric. I'm kissing YN. This went further than I thought it would. This is going to go further than I thought it was. She must have had the same thought separating from me. Sex is one thing, kissing someone like that and feeling how we did while kissing during sex is another thing.
“I…didn't mean to….I shouldn't have…” I didn't know what I was saying, almost begging her with my eyes to say anything.
“I-” she was cut off by the sound of Jones sneezing from the sitting room, causing us both to jump. I had completely forgotten he was out there. We were about to…I don't know what we were about to do but we were gonna do it with him out there.
“Night Sweet Pea” was all YN said, rolling away from me again to face the wall, this time not taking my arm with her. Fuck.
I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, the thought of what could have been controlling me. I don't think she was asleep either but I didn't challenge her on it. Fuck.
I got up and got dressed, heading into the kitchen for coffee as the sun hit the inside of the trailer. Jones sat up extremely groggily and groaning. Karma.
“Morning” I smiled at him, only getting a huff in return.
“Sweet Pea I'm gonna go before Jughead wa-” YN whispered as she entered the living area. Not quiet enough. Jones' head shot to hers then to mine and back again. If he wasn't green before he certainly was now. I didn't know what to think or where to look. Karma? YN just looked down briefly at her feet, surely just trying to take any break from his giant eyes. Then she looked back, directly at him.
“Morning Jughead, I gotta say, I kinda get the Serpent thing” she beamed. Oh she's evil, she's really really evil, she would make a great Serpent. She then practically bounced out of the trailer, leaving me back to face the brunt of his darkened eyes. Point YN.
Part 5
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taystarotoverload · 1 year
how to properly heal
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~ my comeback post !! please pick one pile :) ~
pile 1
the magician - queen of wands - the high priestess - 10 of wands - 9 of pentacles - 10 of cups - 4 of cups
really quickly my lights flickered extremely fast that may or may not be a sign? pile 1 you are a very resistant group at times. you WANT change you WANT to move on from this and get better but there’s fear. there’s a sense of anxiety when it finally comes to actually changing. you are a very strong pile mentally but your battle cry is terrifying. i see you may be someone who carry’s a lot of burdens and for a lot of you i’m seeing this being from family. lots and lots of family trauma in this pile. pile 1 you are a very psychic pile as well. speak to the universe. let them hear what you really want don’t hold back. you can receive anything you want. but? take that brick off your chest. untie those sandbags that weigh down your shoulders. you didn’t put them there in the first place so WHY should they stay? some of you may be sooo scared of spending too much money. go on a shopping spree. go crazy. text up an old friend. one you haven’t talked to in a while. text a grandparent of yours. they would love to hear from you right now. pile 1 you’re very resistant right now but you know if you move on your life will become better. so why are you holding back? don’t let this life changing moment go away. snatch it up. don’t let it go. it’s meant to be yours so let it be yours. if you look away from this you won’t see another just as amazing as this one. pile 1 you want to properly heal? change how you live. life feel like it’s repeating? don’t let that make you lose your sanity. one small thing you change day to day will make you feel human again. pile 1 i’m seeing that if you just change how you live for yourself and not for others you could heal. smoother and more balanced. you will come out of this feeling like you’ve accomplished more goals in your life then ever before.
(as i’m typing this i saw 222. this is a sign.)
pile 2
death - the emperor rev - 2 of pentacles - 3 of pentacles rev - the star rev - the chariot - 7 of swords - 10 of swords - queen of wands - 2 of wands - ace of wands - temperance - 2 of swords
getting rid of old habits. i heard old habits being people. getting rid of things that no longer serve you for good. finding balance in your day to day life with things you ACTUALLY enjoy. you’re too bored constantly. you feel so slumped and angry and bored because your environment is just one big dump. get out of there fast! go outside go see a friend go out to eat. do something other than being THERE. (this can also refer to thinking differently. get out of that gloomy mindset. think about things that actually matter.) you feel so tired right now. go get that rest. you’ve been sleeping too much? get up and do a walk around wherever you are. stretch your legs. pick up the things in your life that offer you a good future full of abundance and clarity. leave what DOESNT!!!!! oh wow some of you really need to kill of that old you. the death card and ten of swords are screaming START OVERRRR. really think this time. what do you want to do with your life and how do you want to live it? where do you want to go in the future and what will you do to reach those goals? the universe is offering you out a hand an offering. take this as a time to really sit and think. think about yourself. you’re mostly in a battle with yourself at this time. it doesn’t have to stay this way forever. start living a life where you’re in control and not living by others rules. you’re in control. take back the life you always deserved to live.
pile 3
4 of wands rev - 5 of swords - knight of swords rev - knight of wands rev - death - page of cups rev - 6 of cups rev - the moon rev - 6 of pentacles - 7 of wands rev - 8 of cups rev
soooo many reversals for this pile o.m.g. pile 3 not even a hug can fix your wounded heart. lol in all seriousness. pile 3 recently you’ve been in a LOT of conflict. and some of you hate to admit it… you’re the ones who start it a lot of the time. this doesn’t mean you WANT conflict hearsay. but you are someone who is a force to be reckoned with at times. take what i say personally because this is a biggggg wake up call to some of you. there are people in your life who love love love to see you fail. they crave the validation of watching you mess up in life. don’t believe me? how many so called friends actually are worried about how YOU feel? if you haven’t been able to open up with somebody due to fear or someone’s lack of interest they are NOT your friend. they’re an energy vampire. get rid of these people immediately. you may also experience a lack of focus recently followed with extreme frustrations. do some shadow work. why are you feeling these emotions? they’re not just showing up out of thin air. where are you when you feel these emotions? at home ? with a friend ? at work ? etc. what is happening in this setting that is making you feel such frustration? somebody talking too loud ? a loud chewer ? or just merely being there in the first place ? figure out what this reason is and try to understand it. maybe if your willing copy that thing. does it feel good to do? or does it only make you angrier? a lot of you cannot move on and properly heal because you’re stuck in the past. something has hurt you in your past badly but you can’t seem to let it go. you feel fearful? you’re very similar to pile 1. you’re afraid of change? some of you have become very very comfortable in this dark part of you. you’re afraid of leaving this headspace because you’ve lived in it for so long. start giving to others more? ask people how they’re feeling and about their day. soon enough you’ll see a change. more interactions less frustration. but don’t just ask other people, ask yourself. how are you feeling today? are you comfortable right now? what are you feeling is yummy for lunch/dinner? etc. do NOT by any means get up and walk away from this. you are capable of becoming that desired you. don’t let these thoughts interfere with your way of life; you are worth it.
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xoluvx · 18 days
buenos días mami - young miko fic p3 (finale!)
part 3
you turn in your seat, pulling her in for a heated kiss. you inhale the scent of weed on her from earlier and it completely clouds your mind, and you’re surprised at the vulgar thoughts running through your head. miko lightly caresses your cheek, eyes full of adoration and lust, moving to connect your lips once again.
“mi nena linda” she licks her lips, very clearly undressing you with her eyes. she nods to the back, signaling you to get in the backseat. eager as ever, you quickly climb over the center compartment, sitting in the right seat, waiting for her next instructions. 
she follows your movements, climbing into the middle seat, caressing your waist with her tattooed hands. miko pulls you closer to her with her hand behind your neck, and you lock lips once again. her smooth lips slowly travel down your neck, slightly sucking on your sweet spot, causing you to let out a soft moan, urging her to continue.
she unbuttons your top, her lips following where each button rested on your skin, traveling in between the valley of your breasts. she leaves marks at each spot, temporary bites being imprinted in your skin. you’re getting more impatient by the second, her lips feeling like fire on your skin. 
you tug at her maroon locks, causing her to look up at you, her lips having already made it to the waistband of your skirt. you pull her up for a kiss, it turning into another steamy makeout session while you move to straddle her, grinding on her in the process. her hands travel down your back grabbing your ass and hips, moving them to grind on her faster while your lips and teeth clash.
she groans as she slides her hands down in between your legs and pulls your panties to the side, fingers sliding in between your wet folds. you moan into the kiss, grinding on her hand making her slide two fingers into you, rubbing your clit with her thumb simultaneously. a sudden thrust of her fingers against your g-spot causes your body to tremble, your head falling onto her shoulder. she pulls her glistening fingers out of you, wrapping her lips around them, moaning at your taste. you take her wet fingers and drag your tongue along them, making her shudder as her head falls against your shoulder and she nibbles at your skin lightly.
miko lifts her hips slightly, freeing your favorite accessory of hers from its restraint in her sweats. you lick your hand and reach it in between the both of you, stroking the rainbow shaft, curses falling from her lips, almost as if she could actually feel it. you rub the tip against your folds, before easily sinking down on it, your wetness being a personal lubricant. 
you both let out moans when you lift your hips again, your arousal making the experience more pleasant. she places her hand behind your neck, pulling your bottom lip in between her teeth, causing your eyes to roll back. your hips move at a consistent pace as you bounce up and down, the haze that was originally floating throughout the car starting to dissipate. 
she thrusts up into you, meeting your pace, and you place your lips on her swollen ones once again, swallowing the mess of curses and continuous groans of your name. she snakes her hand down between your legs, rubbing your clit. she knows you’re close because of the way you’re clenching around her, and you can almost feel the vibrations she’s experiencing from the other end of the strap. A sharp thrust into you leaves curses slipping from your mouth, and the way she watches your pussy swallow all the colors of her strap has her finishing with you, groaning in pleasure. she cups your face, placing one last kiss on your swollen lips.
“i love you more than you know”
-🥸 i hope i didn’t disappoint with the smut (thank you for letting me write fics for you!! love you amor mucho besitos)
oh this was so delicioso thank you baby like what??
thank you this was incredible i love you. certainly did not disappoint. i'm sad it's overrrr 😭
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sweetheart-satoru · 2 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐏 / gojo satoru
when you wake up, something feels off. you sit up and rub your eyes, why do you feel wrong? you feel so wrong. you look at your hands and they're huge. fucking huge. you look at your chest and you have abs? the room you are in is wrong.
you pull off the covers and see yourself in grey sweats. you've been in this room, though. multiple times. you know exactly whose room it is. you run into the bathroom and stare at your reflection with pure horror.
gojo satoru.
you look exactly like him. it's terrible. but the real question is do I look like gojo or am I in gojo satoru's body?
this is fucking crazy
you try and remember where it went wrong from yesterday.
"ugh, you're so annoying." you roll your eyes, he smirks. "whatever, sweetheart. i'll see you tomorrow." you stick up the middle finger at him as you walk away. "kill yourself, asshole."
"i love you too, baby." he only hears you scoff and watches as you walk off to your car. you hate your job. you hate the fact he's in your friend group. everywhere you go, you see him. he's everywhere you are.
it's irritating.
once you get to your apartment, you take a shower. a nice, warm shower. and when you have finished, you make some food for yourself and watch something on your laptop.
gojo: hey sweetheart, u up?
you: no
gojo: come overrrr i miss you and im bored
you: no
gojo: :(
you just leave him on read before you fall asleep.
you continue to stare in pure horror. how does he look so pretty even when he just woke up? genetics, you answer yourself. i mean, have you seen his mom? god damn.
your shoulders slouch before you feel it. you need to piss. real bad. jaw dropped, you shift your attention from staring at the mirror in horror to staring at the toilet in horror.
'do you think i could hold it?' you ask yourself. you shake your head, 'it's only a dick, you can even sit down and pee, right?' you don't even know anymore.
we'll let that sort itself out, i guess.
this is so short i didn't wanna keep @readxeer00 waiting anymore, sorry 😭
i genuinely hate this, im gonna re-write it, I just need yall to know that I AM working on it
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missamyrisa2 · 9 months
I keep coming back to your blog to reread your posts and my girly pearl keeps throbbing every time I do (/ω\)
Ooooh I love that sooo soo sooo much~!!! Just okayyy try not to imagine thenn how these teases are gonna get your pearly pearllll~! Maybee you'll be reading my silly words and you'lll sense something has changedd~ and you won't realize that I've come to playyyy~ and we're gonna play to cum mmmmhmmm~ that pearly pearl is like a tickly beacon don't ya knowww and you've just drawn the teasingest teasesss ~ because you're gonna be gently spread on my heart-shaped bed now and I thinkk you're gonna confessss to me which teases you like most while I draw this stifffff adorable swan feather up your leg ~ ooohhh careful my angel ~ the feather is going up your kneeee to your thiiigh oooh is it going back down? Noooppe nope up higher and higherrrr there's only oneee regalll tickle this feather is made for~ ahhh! But you need to tell me moreee! Let's tickle that belly and see what confessions come out shall we? Squeeezy tickles on your sides and tummyy while the feather dips into your navel like soooo~ yess cutieee tell me alll about it ~ tell me how reading those tickly words makes you feeel~
My my my such a naughty thinggg look at how naughty you areee~ getting all worked up just from some tickly words? Awweee ~ Does your royal girly button just want tickles mmmh? Sooo wantyyy yeahh? I'll bet you want this feather on that pearly huh? Let's seee how ~throbbbyyy~ we can make you when I tickle your royal girly buttons up here with my feather tip and I'll just whisper cooochie coochie coooo over and over and overrrr in your sensitive ear~~ mmhmm coochie cooochieee~ who's your favorite tickle teaser ~ yeahhh? You want your ticklesss? You want them sooo bad huh? Sooo neeeeedy this lil butterfly ~ alright darlinggg ~oooh my gooodnesss~ look at thatttt~ ever the volunteer huh? Your sweet clittyyy is just aching for ticklessss and attention yeahh? I know what you need sweet one ~ my sweet wanting aching throbbing girly girly~~ you need some sweetness overload~ ooh yesss tickle mama is gonna give you all the tickles you can take and moreee~
That's why my sweet feather is gonna dance on that throbbing swollen pearl like sooooo ~ yesss tickle tickle hereeee ~ that feels good huh? Litttle feather strokes just liiiightly caressing as you are urged along and thennnn ~ bellly buzzesss~!! Mmhmm kissy kissy on your tummmy and raspberries alll along the wayyy ~ let's get you soooo sweetly snickermoaning mmhmm~ ooh you can gigglecum anyyy time you want but it's gonna be through those beautiful giggly laughs ooh yess it issss~ don't worryy the feather won't stoppp your pearly is gonna get alll that attention now, all my attention ~ and loook ~ I come with an extra tickle tool~! My braid tip is soooo soft and teasy my lovely~ maybe my braid can dooo it ~ let's get my feather stroking your pearl and ooh yes my soft braid tip is gonna brushyy brush up and downnnn ~ and you can squirm and moan and screeeeam your giggles to the sky ~ i'll tickle you alll the way through and beyond~<3
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rry2k · 8 months
wait! Tommy if you can read the orbs, what does white mean??
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Um.. I.. i dunno.. I’ll have to see it to read it..
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Ahh.. User?.. is.. everything okay?
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You seem.. tired.
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Peopleeee and... emaillllsss.. ....wonntttt... shuttt upp.... Thouuggghhh...
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The peaceeeee....issss niceee.... dontttt youuu... think...?
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… yeah.
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We could sit in silence if that will make you feel better, User!
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Thatttt'dddd be niceee....
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Silenceeee.... Nooo worrryyyy overrr small things....
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No worrryyy... Overrrr being trapppeeddd....
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Nooo... Worryyy... Over everythingg... falllinggg apartt.
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A niceee.... yawn escapeee frommmmm realittttyyyyy....
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[Tommy stays quiet for a moment, a bit put off by Lackadaisy’s words]
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Well… I’m sure it’s.. r-really stressful.. being trapped..
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I-I’m glad you can find a way to.. f-feel better, during this..
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Drrifffttitnngggg offf to sleeepppp.... annddd... innttooo... dreaaamlaanndd... isss alrr...eeadddyy... doinggggg... theee.... jobbbb....
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Pink and rosy means.. I’m growing dozy!
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Uh.. do you.. need a nap?
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Nooo oneee.... issss leetttinngggg... meee.... napppp... thoughhhh...
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Well.. you can take a nap on my lap if you want! I-I don’t mind
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Thaattt'ddd... beee... nicceeee....
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spocks-husband · 3 months
Guyssss I can feel the demons taking overrrr guys helppppp I'm gonna make an Invinciblesona helppppp helpppp meeee
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yamahex · 2 years
can you done where you are doing like reverse cowgirl on jack while he’s driving like don’t drop the car
17+ smut
A/N: I’m going to assume you meant don’t stop the car but that’s so dangerous. Fuck it we ball💀 Also for reference they are on a back road in the middle of no where. DONT TRY THIS
“Jack please pull overrrr.” You tugged on Jacks right arm which held onto your thigh.
“Be patient. We still got some time left and I’m not stopping.” You smirked at the idea that came in your head.
“We don’t have to stop.” His head turned to look at you.
“What do you mean?”
“Let me ride you while you drive.” Jack choked out a laugh.
“You crazy.”
“Please Jackkkkkk.” You moved his hand under your dress and pressed it against your wet underwear.
“I’m so wet for you baby, please don’t make me wait.” Jack bit his lip feeling your soaked panties.
“Fine.” You smiled and shimmied your underwear off. Jack unbuckled his pants and pulled his dick out of his boxers. You climbed across the console then straddled him instantly sliding down onto him.
“Fuck.” Jack tried to keep the wheel steady and his eyes on the road. You leaned against his shoulder making sure he could see past you.he moved his free hand to your ass. While his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the wheel as you lightly bounced on him.
“You feel so good baby, thank you.” You praised him as you continued to bounce. Your fingers moved to your clit putting extra pressure to get yourself off.
“God Y/N what am I gonna do with you?” Jack moaned out feeling you clench around him. Your breathing stuttered feeling your orgasm approach. “Mm Jack I’m gonna cum.”
Jack bit his lip enough to make it bleed, he was trying so hard to focus on driving. “Hurry up and cum Y/N I can’t focus.” You nodded against his shoulder and moved your hips fluidly.
You came on top of him and immediately climbed back over to the passenger seat.
“Finish me off.” Your thighs clenched at his demand and you leaned over to take him in your mouth.
His free hand instantly went into your hair and pushed you down on his dick. Your tongue swirled against him and his grip tightened.
“Fuck Y/N just like that.” He pushed you down a little lower making you gag against him. You felt him shutter as his cum filled your mouth.
He let go of your hair and you sat up wiping your lips.
“You’re gonna kill me one day ma.”
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grossrottie · 2 years
YOO got an idea.
✨ Brat Fireheart surprisingly behaving himself through most of the gathering which leads Tigerclaw into a false sense of security snjssn ✨
Seeing that Fireheart is being a good boy dispite the journey to the gathering (no teasing, keeping his paws mostly to himself and actually listening to what his Daddy is saying for once kddnsm) Tigerclaw feels confident enough to leave Fire alone while he talks to other deputy's or something
Tigerclaw: Daddy is going talk to some important cats, can you behave yourself until I'm done?
Fireheart: hmmmm ok Daddy
Nrksjs Big mistake, Tiger leaves to talk to others but he still keeps Fireheart in the corner of his eye, you know just incase.
And Fireheart uses the opportunity to talk to Onewhisker (who is very much aware Fire and Tigers..."thing" and does not want to be murdered by the tabby) and he starts borderline flirting, giggling, being closer then needed and just smirking cause he can feel Tigerclaw glaring at him and knowing that he can't do much about it without causing a scene hdksns
Meanwhile Onewhisker just awkwardly standing there every once in awhile looking up at the tabby only to look back down, Tigerclaw is giving him the death glare (cause Tiger is very much so protective/possessive towards his brat)
Tigerclaw excuses himself, and marches up to his brat (Onewhisker seeing him coming dips) and Fire is just calmly sittin there not bothered the his huge Daddy glaring down on him.
Tigerclaw: Hope your proud with yourself Kittypet cause the second we get home there is going to be a punishment waiting for you
Fireheart battling his eyelashes: but I have been a good boy all day Daddy 🥺
Tigerclaw: oh really? I saw a different story
Fireheart pouting now: I was just taking to a friend.
For a second Tiger is worried that he misunderstood the situation but then sees the mischievous glint in his brats eyes and immediately understands what's doing on.
Tigerclaw: don't play innocently sigh all this just to get my attention tsk
Fireheart grinning like a cheshire cat: hmm you caught me Daddy ✨
Tigerclaw: tsk you really are a attention whore (he ignores but notices the way Fire squirms at his words) serves me right for spoiling you so much...you need discipline and I already have a punishment in mind kittypet.
Fireheart: what kind of punishment 😳?
Tigerclaw: You'll see 😏 now i have to go back to the other deputy's, i would recommend being good and maybe I'll go easy on you
Fireheart: o-oh ok Daddy 😳
(no surprise Fireheart was not good for the rest of the gathering nsssjsss)
Anon: oh I have an idea
Also anon: *drops this bEAUTIFUL piece of fiction in my ask box and gives uncontrollable serotonin out for FREE???*
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Onewhisker being stuck there talking to Fireheart, glancing over at Tiger every few seconds thinking “Ooooooh no I’m in danger” whenever he sees that amber gaze locked on them.
It’s so mfing sweet that Tiger took a moment to second-guess himself and make sure he was reading the situation correctly, and I loVE DADDY TIGERCLAWWWW SO MUCH!
Him using certain words to get a reaction out of Fireheart, and both of them knowing that the tables would turn as soon as Tigerclaw was in a situation he couldn’t act out in. They love teasing each other almost as much as they love loving each other.
Akdjdhdhdhbdh that last line got a huge chuckle from me
Fireheart: Yes daddy, I’ll behave. *doesn’t*
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owo-shenanigans · 3 years
Hey, hey, can I ask for a scenario with a flirty S/O (not like Hanamura, please), and whenever people ask why they do it, or if they do it with everyone etc. They respond that not everyone can appreciate the art of flirting and someday they tell their S/O that they do that because they're insecure about their personality.
That for Mikan, Mukuro, and Angie please
Yeah, sure <3 this took me a while to write but i still had fun with it haha. If it was like Teruteru I would have rejected the request I really hate him jsjfjwjswj
Mikan, Mukuro and Angie with a flirty S/O
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She faints. A lot.
“Hey Mikan! I need to rest up, because I keep getting short of breath whenever I think about you.” You wink and lean in… And catch her before she bangs her head on the floor.
After you beat up Teruteru for the third time, Kazuichi asks why you flirt with everyone so much.
“Well, handsome, not everyone can understand the art of flirting, especially when cretins such as this-” you gesture to Teruteru, “exist.”
It takes months after you start dating for her to (timidly) bring it up.
“Uh-uhm…. Dearest…. Why do- do you always flirt with me?” She hides her face but doesn't flinch and immediately start apologizing, which is a major step up.
You take a few minutes to respond, but you take her hands and rub circles on them slowly as you do.
“My natural personality… My dear, is not as wonderful as the one I put on. I hate it. I just… Don’t want everyone else to hate it, too.”
Mikan grabs you in her arms into a tight hug, sniffling. “I could never hate you! I-I care for you deeply, S/O.”
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Chief she takes minutes to understand your flirts.
Ten minutes after class started when you had been flirting with her up until it began, her face turns red and she hides behind her book.
Junko starts crying from laughter at how oblivious her sister is, but everyone is used to her random outbursts.
She’s actually the one to ask you why you flirt with everyone so much. “So, squirt,” she says in her foot high platforms, “how come you flirt with the class so much? We all know you aren’t serious.”
“I’m practicing an art, I’ll have you know. Flirting makes people feel good about themselves if you’re good at it.” Is your casual response.
A few months after you start dating, you’re hanging out at the weapons range, Mukuro practicing her knife throwing.
“I’m not mad or anything. But yesterday was the third time someone assumed you were asking them out. Can you stop flirting with people who aren’t me?”
“Ah, uh… I’m sorry.” You shift uncomfortably on the bench. “I just… It’s instinct, at this point. My real personality is garbage, so I taught myself to flirt instinctually.”
Her next knife almost missed the target as she turned to you in disbelief.
“I would date you no matter what. I want to know your real personality, not whatever facade you put on.” Mukuro set her knife holders carefully on the ground before walking over to you, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips.
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She’s a naturally friendly person who is very physical, so her words are taken as flirtatious often. So she usually takes your words in a friendly tone!
Whenever you two talk to the same person, they overheat from two pretty people in their face.
Kokichi is the one who asks why you act the way you do. “Cmon cmon, Y/N! Why do you act that way? I mean, you aren’t as much of a slut as Miu is, but it’s preeeeetty provocative!”
“Don’t be an ass, Kokichi. Miu isn’t a slut, and neither am I. I’m just an expert at the art of flirting- not that you’ll be on the receiving end of it. And I figure, since I’m good at it, I may as well make others feel good too.”
“Yep yep! They’re just using their Atua-given blessings to make others happy! Which isn’t something I see you doing, Kokichi.” Angie popped up behind you, hands on your shoulders and a terrifying smile to the boy.
“I’veeeee got something to do! Overrrr there!” He blabbered, and ran off.
A few weeks into your relationship, as her head was in your lap, she asked the question of why you flirt so much.
“My former personality… People made fun of me a lot. When I started flirting with people, they… actually liked me. I loved it. So I got better and better so people would be nice to me.”
“Well, Atua says that they’re stupid. My muse, I will love you come rain or shine, storm or drought. I would never abandon you over this. I want to know the real you.”
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 19
Request: Yes or No
In the last few chaps two years have passed, in this one three have passed so the five year gap is overrrr. Endgame is three goddamn hours longgg. I'm sorry this one feels short. I just hate doing more than one or two timeskips
"I'll visit soon, Sarah. Tell the boys I said hi, alright?" You smiled softly, saying bye to Sarah before hanging up. You sighed softly, putting your phone down. You buried your face in your hands, sighing heavily. You heard your phone buzz, looking at the text on screen.
Starks Bitch Ass
You still coming for dinner?
You picked up the phone, going to answer Tony before you got another text. You furrowed your brows, clicking on it.
I need your help
You know
You frowned, gaze lifting to the picture of the Barton family, your family. You sighed again, eyes shutting briefly. The last time you had seen Clint had been three years ago.
And also with Stark
We're outside
You scoffed, standing up and walking to the front door. You watched the car stop, dust and dirt flying up behind it. You went down the steps, approaching the car. You saw Steve driving, Natasha in the passenger seat.
"How you been, (Y/N)?" Steve asked, unlocking the doors.
"Shitty." You got in the back, glancing at Scott.
"I thought you were dead."
"I thought you were like fifteen last time I saw you." Scott replied, looking you over. You cocked a brow, putting on a seatbelt.
"So.. What do you need me for?" You asked, brows furrowing.
"Convincing Tony of time travel." Natasha answered as Steve began to drive. You stared at her, confusion evident in her face. Scott noticed, clearing his throat.
"Okay, so-"
"If it has to do with science or math, I don't want to hear about it. I'll only get a headache." You waved him off, leaning back against the seat and shutting your eyes. You took a nap on the drive, waking up when the car came to a stop. You yawned, getting out of the car and walking towards the the lodge.
"Momo!" You called, smiling softly. Morgan's eyes lit up, wiggling in her dads grip. Tony set her down, watching her quickly run over to you. You chuckled, picking her up.
"Hey, Momo. Missed me?" You asked with a gentle smile. Tony turned and headed into the lodge.
"We didn't get to finish our story." Morgan said, pouting. You chuckled, watching Tony bring out a tray with drinks. The others stood at the porch, explaining their idea to Tony.
"And you came along because..?" Tony turned to look at you after you convinced Morgan to head inside while the adults talked. You took a seat, shrugging lightly.
"Had nothing better to do." You replied. You slightly spaced out as they spoke about science stuff, taking the drink Tony offered. You looked at the nature around the area, eyes squinting slightly.
"Are you gonna entertain this, (Y/N)?" Tony questioned, turning to look at you. You looked back at him.
"Wouldn't hurt to try, Tony." You said softly. Tony stayed silent, sighing through his nose. He turned his head when Morgan came running out of the lodge, climbing onto her dads lap.
"Mommy said to come save you." Morgan said. Tony held her, standing up as he looked at everyone. His gaze settled on you.
"Will you be joining us for dinner?" He asked, brows raising slightly. You licked your lips.
"Yeah, I suppose so." You nodded, standing up and smiling softly at Morgan. Tony nodded, walking inside. You looked at Natasha.
"Let me know when you find out where he is." You told her. Natasha understood, nodding. You followed Tony into the lodge.
"You were brought along to convince me. I knew it." Tony set Morgan down, facing you with his hands on his hips. You gave a small nod.
"Yeah, I was. I wanted to see you as well. Nat wants to find Clint." You told him gently. Tonys' gaze softened, nodding. He had Morgan go to Pepper before sitting down on the couch.
"You ready?" He asked gently. You sat on the couch, grabbing a pillow a gently hugging it. You stayed silent, staring at the floor.
"I don't know. I.. I don't know if I'll punch him or scream at him when I see his face."
"I wouldn't blame you. I'll punch him next time I see him."
"Tony." You shot him a look, raising your brows. Tony shrugged, leaning back in the couch. You watched him, shifted and sitting criss cross.
"So, the.. Time heist-"
"Is the stupidest idea I've ever heard."
"Can you at least give it a try? Stop being a Negative Nancy, that's my job." You gently kicked his leg.
"If his theory even works.. Who's to say we can snap them back? What if we make things worse? Make that fifty percent into twenty percent?" Tony questioned. You could understand his concerns. He had a kid to worry about.
"I know, Tony.. Could you at least.. Think it over? Do some small tests?" You asked softly. Tony stayed silent, thinking it over. He took in a deep breath, rolling his eyes when he noticed your puppy eyes.
"Fine! Fine, I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y run over some tests after dinner."
"Thank you."
"You think you're up to this?" Natasha asked softly as the jet neared Tokyo. You nodded, watching the city lights come into view.
"Yeah, of course." You replied softly, slight nerves bubbling in your stomach. Natasha gently grabbed your hand, giving it a light squeeze. You gave her a small smile. Natasha landed the jet in an empty parking lot, getting out. Natasha took out an umbrella, wrapping an arm around you to keep you under it. You and Natasha followed the sound of gunshots, hearing them ease. You slowed down, watching Clint kill a man. You swallowed.
"You shouldn't be here." Clint said. Hearing his voice made your jaw clench.
"Neither should you." Natasha replied, watching him. Clint turned to face you and Natasha, features hard. His gaze softened when he saw you before he looked away.
"I have a job to do." Clint said, the water dripping down his face. You scoffed softly, stepping out from under the umbrella. You didn't mind the rain as you walked towards him. Clint looked at him, lips parting to speak but you didn't let him, slapping him as hard as you could. Clint stumbled back, fingers brushing over his reddening cheek.
"You had a job. You were supposed to be my dad! You left me to do what? Kill some guys?! I was drowning in my own fucking grief and where were you, Clint?! You missed out on 5 years of my life. Five years you'll never get back. How could you call yourself my dad and then abandon me when shit gets hard? I lost Laura too. I lost Lila, Nathaniel, and Cooper too. Then, I lost you and you left by choice." You stared at him, vision blurry. The tears mixed with the rain.
"Tony fucking Stark was there for me when you weren't. The selfish asshole himself.. Was a better father figure than you were." You breathed out, sniffling.
"These men dying won't change shit but what we're trying to do might. If not for me, do it for the kids. For a chance of seeing them again." You stared at him. The old feeling of safety you used to get from him had disappeared.
"There's a chance we can get them back. If we do... Things won't go back to normal. You easily abandoned me and I can't forgive that. I'll never forgive that. For three fucking years.. You never bothered getting in contact, never bothered checking in, never bothered being a father. You wouldn't have left if I was Cooper. You wouldn't have left if I was Lila. You proved it." You took in a deep breath.
"I was in pain-"
"And I wasn't?!" You snapped, chest heaving. You noticed you didn't feel the rain anymore, seeing that the rain drops had stopped mid air. You took in a deep breath like Tony had taught you, feeling the rain resume before it eventually eased and stopped completely.
"Are you gonna help the team?" You asked, studying his face. Clint gave a silent nod, gaze flickering back to Natasha. You turned around, opening your palm and feeling the water on your clothes and body move towards your hand. The water mixed together, making a large water bubble. You let it drop to the ground as you walked back towards the jet. You entered, getting in the pilots seat and buckling in. You were incredibly angry but you didn't want to accidentally cause a tsunami so you focused on your breathing. You set the course as Clint and Natasha quietly spoke. You stared at the night sky, watching the clouds pass by. You called Steve, watching the blue screen pop up with his face
"We got Clint, Cap. We're heading back now."
"Copy that." Steve replied, nodding before his gaze shifted onto the two behind you.
"How have you been, Clint?" Steve asked.
"Never better." Clint answered, sighing softly. You frowned, focusing on the clouds as the jet flew back to the facility. Steve and Clint caught up until Steve hung up, leaving the jet in silence.
"Did Bruce have any luck with Thor?" You asked, glancing back at Natasha. Natasha nodded, gently toying with her braid.
"Yeah, he mentioned it was a bit tough to see him. Thor wasn't himself." Natasha stood, approaching the front and placing a hand on the chair. You hummed softly. You felt your phone vibrate, taking it out and seeing Peppers contact. You answered the call.
"Morgan wants you to tell her a bed time story. She's sad you didn't have time the other day." Pepper explained in a slightly apologetic tone. You smiled, chuckling softly.
"Yeah, okay."
"(Y/N)?" You heard Morgan's soft voice, immediately feeling relaxed.
"Hey, Momo." You cooed, making sure the jet was on auto pilot before you leaned back in your seat.
"What story do you want today?"
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pxnk-velvet · 4 years
can I rq headcanons for Kakashi falling in love with another kid during his academy years and still having feelings for during his time as Anbu?
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Warnings: love sick kakashi 🥺
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when mans first laid eyes on you it was game overrrr
he literally froze in place, “what is this feeling? and why am I feeling it?”
just imagine little mini kakashi blushing hard asf under his mask whenever he saw u or if someone even mentioned ur name
he would die if you smile at him or waved at him or just acknowledged him in any way
he was soooo in denial at first, it was crazy
head over heals head ass for real
but would he ever make a move to talk to you.....nope.
he would just simply watch from afar
and whenever you two were paired/grouped together for a school assignment/mission he had to tried soooo hard to be able to think straight
it worked for the most part
i mean this kid was so driven when it came to being a ninja and his duties
but every so often he would find himself looking at you for a little too long while working together
then he would have to mentally kick himself for getting distracted
oh boyyyyy, when gai finds out he will basically chew kakashi’s ear off about it
poor kakashi would never hear the end of it, even to this day
eventually as years passed, the feelings subsided, or so he thought
when he had been assigned to the anbu he still found his mind wandering to you and what would’ve been if he had spoken up
he sees you around the village but not as much as he used to when u guys were in school, or as much as he would like
one day you just happen to be taking a late night walk and he runs into you. literally.
neither of you had gotten any sleep and just decided to take a walk when you just so happened to bump into each other
he was so shocked, it had been a while since he had last seen you
“Had Y/n always been this gorgeous?”
I mean yeah you were cute before but wow....you had just matured so much and grew into yourself and kakashi didn’t know if he could handle it
n e wayssss.....you two some how end up finishing your walk together and he uses all the courage he has to ask if he can walk you home
ofc you say yes!.....why wouldn’t you say yes to a cute guy asking to walk you home
when u finally get there, it’s ur turn to be brave and ask him on a date
........mans was not expecting this at all.....I mean AT ALL.....
he’s absolutely over the moon
so some time passes and you two have gone on a couple of dates, he is still pursuing his anbu duties, being sent out on missions and all
but sometimes he can’t help but worry what would you do if something happened to him? What would he do?
before every mission he’s sent on he tries to spend some quality time with you
one day he’s assigned a highly ranked mission in particular, he’s freaking out
not about the actual mission, but what would happen
So right before he leaves, he stops at your place to confess
“Y/n, I know it’s kind of late but I have to tell you something important....”
“I-I just- I like you.”
He hadn’t realized it but his eyes were screwed shut so he couldn’t see the bright ass smile on your face.
“I like you too, Kakashi.”
Then almost as if it was bound to happen you two both say, “Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner?”
Y’all are both blushing like crazyyyyyyy
Ofc u both accept and everything goes well.....
y’all spent some quality time together in bed before he left for his mission 😏
he returns from his mission with barely a scratch on him because he finally has someone to go home to 🥺
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shrimplicitly · 3 years
ok ok ok ok does anyone know that audio post thats like a huuuuuuge mashup of a bunch of rock/poprock songs that starts out with the piano for the black parade and then the beginning of geeen days good riddence, which turns into blink 182s whats my age again to check yes juliet to "CAN I GRADUATE if i can just find the time i would never let another day go by its overrrr GETTING OLD AND I GOT UR PICTURE IM COMING WITH YOU DEAR MARIA COUNT ME THERES A STORY AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS BOTTLE AND IM THE PEN AAUGH WE WERE MEANT TO LIVE FOR SO MUCH MOOOORE IF WE LOST OURSELVES SOMEWHRE DEEP INSIIIIIIDE well if u wanted honesty thats all u had to say and if u want to let me go ill have you go its better off this way TODAY IM ON MY OWN I CANT MOVE A MUSCLE AND I CANT PICK UP THE PHONE AND IF I CAN FIND YOU NOW IT WOULD GET BETTERRRR (oh oh OH) im in the business of misery lets take it from the top she got a body like an hourglass and its ticking like a clock but seldom do these words ring true when im constantly failing you walls that we just cant break thru and do you understAND I DONT WANNA WASTE MY TIME bdhdbd TRAGEDY WITHIN SOCIETY and stacy cant u see ur just not the girl for me i know it might be wrong but. im in love with stacys mom i wake up every morning. (in feelin it) with a big smile on my face and it never feels out of place (im feelin it) PLEASE TELL ME WHYYYYYY MY CAR IS IN THE FRONT YARD. AND IM. SLEEPING WITH MY CLOTHES ONNN CAME IN THRU THE WINDOW. LAST NIGHT AND UR. GONE. GOOONE...... ive been let loose and now im crawlin up the waaaalls WHYYYY DO WE LIKE TO HURTTT SO MUCH I CANT DECIIDE YOU HAVE MADE JT HARDER AND WHY HYYYY ALL THE POSSIBILITIES.... WHERE I WAS WRONG EVERybody! put up ur hands i dont wanna be in love i dont wanna be in love the inside lingo had me at hello and we go where the money goes i rmemeber the morning u try to forget... now im closer to.. the edge" and theres a lot more songs but i really dont remember the lyrics or the names of the songs so i cant look them up but anyway it ends with fall out boys sugar were going down and it was really popular in like 2016 or 17 and its since been deleted but i was wondering if anyone. has it saved or smth
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? No. I would love to have one, though, because I have so many clothes and it’d be nice to be able to see everything I have. Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? Like, all my things basically. Do you use Google? All the time. Would you like to go swimming right now? Uh, no. I don’t like swimming for one, but it’s also wintertime. Can you play electric guitar? Nope.
Do you have an HDTV? Yeah. When was the last time you drank something through a straw? I drink all my drinks with a straw. Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? Yeah, there was a time I briefly tried to learn German. What do you think makes you unique from others? Nothing. How long was your last phone call? Maybe like two minutes? I’m not a talk-on-the-phone kind of person and any of my phone calls I do have are super brief. Do you need to repaint your nails? I haven’t painted my nails in like 5 years. Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? *shrug* Possibly. I’m not into that stuff. Are you a fan of industrial metal? No. Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Just one is fine. Do you have a wall calendar? I have two old ones I keep up because of the photos. Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? Yep. Can you handle the cold? A lot better than I can handle the heat. I like getting all cozy when it’s cold, but when it’s hot it’s just miserable. Have you ever been to Canada? No, but I’d love to go someday. Do you believe in superstitions? Nah. When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? Several years ago. Would you ever join the army, airforce or navy? No. I couldn’t even if I wanted to because of my physical disability. How old is the person you last kissed? He’s 32. Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I have my mom. What was the most embarassing thing you've had to buy? Uhhh. Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? Haha, yes. Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurences? I believe in the supernatural. What was the most expensive thing you've broken? A laptop.  Has anyone texted you yet today? Nope. Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? It scared me and that was nowhere near the level of this pandemic. That was like a small preview of what would come years later. I remember the word “epidemic” being mentioned and people were using hand sanitizer a lot, but like I said it was nowhere near what we’ve experienced with COVID. Is there a light on in the room you're currently in? Yes. Are your feet touching the floor? No, I’m on my bed. Have you ever been in a car accident? No. Do you usually make back up plans? Sometimes. It depends on what I’m doing. Can you focus well in high-stress situations? Nopeee. It doesn’t take much at all to make me feel stressed and overwhelmed, though. Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? No. Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Yes. Well, that’s not as easy for me to do anymore because my emotions finally took control over me these past few years. Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? -- Is there anyone you dread going into public with? No.  Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? No. Do you buy things online? I do like all my shopping online. Are you easily frightened? Yes. I’m so jumpy. Do you have a favorite model? No. Have you ever watched Titanic? Yes. What's your current facebook display picture of? Myself. How about your IM display picture? I don��t have any instant messengers. Is there anyone whose hair you envy? A lot of people.  Would you act in a movie if offered a role? Uh, no. Definitely not. Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? Extremely. So glad the days of presentations and giving public speeches in class are overrrr. Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? It makes me nauseous. Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? I’m the shy one. Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? Yes. Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? That sounds extremely terrifying and incredibly stupid and reckless.  Everyone has a weakness, what's yours? I’m just a weak person all around. Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? Maybe? Thoughts on the Dunkin Donutcommercial that says "America runs on Dunkin'"? I don’t have any thoughts about it. What’s there to say? Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I just use streaming services. Do you listen to Daughtry? I liked some of his songs. I haven’t heard any of them in quite awhile, though. Now I have one of his songs stuck in my head. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? No. How do you take your coffee? With flavored creamer or cream and sugar. If you have a dog, what breed is it? German Shepherd and Lab. Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? My doggo. Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? -- Would you swap names with a friend? -- Do you plan on going to university? I did and graduated with my BA in psych. Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? I don’t care. Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? I don’t listen to her. Do you make playlists on iTunes? I used to back when I used iTunes. It’s been like a decade since I’ve used it, though. I do make playlists on Spotify, however. Have you ever forgotten someone's birthday? I’m pretty good about remembering birthdays, actually.  Are you scared of being left behind? In life, yes. Do you remember your last dream? No. I rarely remember my dreams. Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? My mom and I are. What's a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? I don’t want anyone coming for me lol. :X Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? I didn’t think of it that way. Is there a pet that you desperately want? No. Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? Nope. Are you musically talented? No, sadly. Have you ever shot a gun? Once. I went to a shooting range with some friends before. Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? -- Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? No, I am. Well, on certain topics. I keep a lot to myself. Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? No. Is there a word that you will always find humorous? Not that comes to mind. Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? No. Do you try to have an intimidating impression? Haha, there’s nothing intimidating about me. Living in the big city or chilling in the country? I like living in the city, but chilling in the country does sound nice as well sometimes. No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? Obviously not “no one”, but certainly a lot of people don’t. Do you like your country's flag? Sure. Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? I’ve never made a snow fort, period. Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? Yeah. Some other brands, too.  
Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? Behind, definitely.  If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? I don’t plan on ever getting married. Do you feel your slowly losing one of your friends? I don’t have any friends. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? I don’t draw. Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? I don’t think so. Do you ever go on Tyra.com? No. Allergic to anything? Tangerines and seasonal allergies. How many cars have you owned? Zero. What are you going to do after this? I’m going to warm up my pizza from yesterday.
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