#i can just say ''hey i like this dude can i court him''
satan-incarnate-666 · 10 months
have i mentioned how insane the concept of romance is when youre a muslim yet orrr
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luvring · 3 months
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gn!reader | oikawa, akaashi, suna, atsumu, aone
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OIKAWA, predictably, lets his jaw drop and acts as if you’ve broken up with him. he teeters between draping his entire body over yours and whining, or crossing his arms and huffing while turning away. calling you dude feels foreign on his tongue, an insult to you, in tooru’s mind. but he’s nothing if not a little petty, and will call you it until you apologize.
“thanks, dude.”
tooru freezes, plate of cut up fruit in his right hand that mere moments ago, he pictured he’d be feeding you. but now—“dude?”
off the court, he’s nothing but predictable. you bait him with a smile. “yeah?”
“no! what- you called me dude! me?!” tooru holds his free hand to his chest.
“oh, now i’m tooru? sorry, only the love of my life can call me that and be fed fruit from my personalized platter, bro i don’t know.”
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AKAASHI cares a little—it feels kind of awkward and he finds himself overthinking the term. but once he’s comfortable, he can tell if it’s just something you say or if you’re messing with him, in which case he’ll have a knowing smile as he refers to you as his friend. but if he’s tired, he’ll drag out the bit just long enough to make you regret it.
“you okay, dude?” you ask as he finally comes out from the washroom, ready for bed.
keiji doesn’t respond, the pout on his face and his slow steps speaking for themselves. he climbs into bed, curling into your side and draping an arm over you.
his breath is warm against your collarbone. “no, dude. i think we need to stop capitalism. can i have a hug now?”
wrapping yourself around him, you place a kiss on his head, hair more ruffled than usual. “i’ll collapse capitalism for you.”
“you’re the best, dude. love you, dude.”
“keiji, please.”
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SUNA doesn't really care. the times rintarou 'takes offense' are for a bit, and he sounds amused the entire time. if you don't care either, he'll call you “dude” himself and means nothing negative about it. this isn't to say he won't call you "baby" or "babe" or even "hon," but he—in his words—considers a large nickname vocabulary to be diverse and for the better.
"what the fuck are you talking about, dude?" you laugh.
rintarou rolls onto his back to look at you as you rest against the bed's headboard.
he squints at you and frowns—the look of disbelief on his face isn't at the term, but your reaction. "you're supposed to get me like no one else as the love of my life."
you raise an eyebrow. "maybe you should try making more sense?"
"i'm gonna 'dude-zone' you until you take that back."
"what, dude?"
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ATSUMU instinctively responds as if you were osamu, not used to hearing the word in your voice. as soon as it clicks, he's as offended as you'd expect him to be. it becomes nonsensical bickering as soon as you act offended, until you're both laughing and ‘apologizing’ to each other.
“dude, where is my towel?”
“huh? i dunno, why would i touch your nasty ass towel?” he asks, eyes honed in on the game on his monitor.
you blink, and a moment passes before atsumu pauses and whips around. “wait, ‘dude’?”
his expression mirrors yours as laughter builds in your stomach. “what the hell did you just say to me?”
“y’just called me dude!”
“my nasty ass towel?”
atsumu’s own words finally hit him and he stutters, “babe- wait- i thought you were ’samu—”
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AONE’s gotten so used to you calling his first name, or using terms of endearment that he thinks he’s done something wrong. his anxiety doesn’t last long, not when you take a look at his hesitant expression and posture while he works up the courage to ask about it. he wishes it didn’t bother him so much, but he admits that he’d like having a special name, or just his first instead.
“hey, dude, can you pass me my charger?”
“my charger? it’s next to the couch by your feet,” you explain.
takanobu’s brows furrow as he quietly picks it up and hands it to you. he wonders if he’s imagining things when you shoot him your regular smile and thank him.
a few minutes go by, and it’s nowhere near unusual for the both of you to sit quietly together, but he hasn’t sat comfortably since you asked for your charger. moving closer, you apologize and hold onto his arm. “’m kidding, ’nobu, just wanted to see your reaction.”
his body relaxes as the both of you lean into each other, and he smiles, albeit a little embarrassed. “that’s good to know.”
“...i like your nicknames for me more.”
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my new tag list form if you'd like to be tagged! ^^ sorry old tag list. love u.
@dira333 i know u like aone.. i don't write for him a lot but He is here. thought of u. and @reverie-starlight u r of course my local tsumu fan. YAAAY!!!
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loveinhawkins · 20 days
a cherished headcanon I keep coming back to is that Eddie is very much invested in the school basketball team right up until the graduating class of ‘85 leaves. By an incredible series of mental gymnastics, he tries to convince himself that this has nothing to do with Steve Harrington’s presence on the team.
(And maybe Eddie avoiding the championship game of ‘86 in the near future will have more to do with Jason Carver being on the team, but that’s a sadder story for another time.)
The thing Eddie can easily admit he loves about the bigger games is the fleeting anonymity: while he’s got notoriety in Hawkins High, as soon as there’s a rival school involved he can blend into the crowd for a couple hours, lost in the roar of support.
It’s nearing the end of just such a tournament game when the ball accidentally goes flying into the crowd. Eddie’s reflexes kick in and he manages to catch it before it can take out the back row of the marching band.
The clock’s been stopped for a timeout—a kid on the rival team is injured—so more eyes are drawn to Eddie than normal as they find where the ball ended up. He feels acutely like a spotlight’s on him—holds the ball to his chest almost like he’s a part of the game himself.
A whistle cuts across the court. Steve Harrington.
He’s looking right at Eddie, raising his hands for the ball.
He has more than enough time to say something, some jeer that would well and truly break the spell of anonymity. But Eddie knows underneath the knee jerk worry that it’s not Steve’s style; it’s more the kind of thing Billy Hargrove and his ilk would do, and he’d thankfully been benched at halftime.
Eddie inhales then throws the ball, praying that he doesn’t end up smacking Steve in the face.
He doesn’t, thank God; Steve catches the ball smoothly, manages a thumbs up in thanks before the spotlight shifts back onto the game.
Eddie quietly sighs in relief, loses himself in cheering again.
They don’t win, but it’s still a good game. It’s like Eddie’s reasoning for campaigns: not everything needs to be an all-out victory for it to be entertaining.
The parking lot is a nightmare so he contents himself with waiting it out by his van while the worst of the crowds clear. It’s only when he hears a car door opening and closing nearby that he realises Steve is parked right next to him. Of course, of course he—
“Good catch back there, Munson,” Steve says, tossing his gym bag into his car. He notices something on one of the seats—Eddie can’t tell what it is, but he hears Steve mutter under his breath in benign exasperation, something about, “Dickheads, I keep telling them not to…”
“Yeah, thanks. All my years of training finally paid off.”
Steve makes a face at the build up of cars, chatting parents leaning out of their windows. “You could’ve been on the sub-team.”
“Kinda resent that you don’t think I’m star player material, Harrington.”
There’s the beginnings of a grin on Steve’s face. He has no right looking that smug for someone who’s just lost a game, Eddie thinks.
“Dude, I can hear you. You’re loud.”
Eddie wills his face not to flush. “You’ve got no proof.”
“Nah, just firsthand experience.”
“What, do you have ears like a bat?”
“Nope. Don’t need that to pick you out.” Steve chuckles to himself as he gets in the car, sits side-on to face Eddie as he speaks. “You’re worse than Tammy Thompson’s singing.”
“Uncalled for,” Eddie says, firmly locking away the part of his brain that’s screaming in embarrassment, because if he’s unable to fire off a comeback, he’ll actually never recover; he might as well go and tell Higgins that next year is already a wash, because he has to go and live in the woods—
“Hey, c’mon Munson, I didn’t say it was bad.”
“You implied it,” Eddie says, totally overselling the entire thing, like he’s been greviously wounded.
It works; Steve laughs, shakes his head.
“I didn’t,” he insists as he reverses out of his space. “I just meant it’s… distinctive.”
“Wow. Thank you.”
“That’s your whole shtick, man, don’t act like that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Sure. Eddie ‘Distinctive’ Munson, that’s me.”
And post-game sentiment must be in the air, because as Steve leaves the parking lot, he calls out the car window, bright and teasing, “Hey, maybe I’ll miss the cheering!”
But Eddie can’t be sure. Unlike Steve, he might be mishearing things.
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dvrcos · 4 months
more mic’d up andrew minyard when?? mic’d up AARON minyard when?? other mic’d up fox when??
Aaron Minyard Mic’d up
Hes reluctant to do it for a long fucking time
He thinks its kinda dumb
But he mostly doesn’t wanna get scolded for what his mic would pick up
Because my boy is a shit talker
He’s saying everything and anything he can to rile up the other team
He’s even trying to rile up the other foxes tbh
So when he finally agrees he makes coach promise he won’t get in trouble
He body slams the opposing striker (because if there’s one thing Aaron’s gonna do it’s put his all into a body check)
And the opposing striker is mad like visibly fuming
He’s all up in Aaron’s space, a moment away from starting a fight
And Aaron thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
He’s laughing his ass off while loudly crashing their raquets against each other
‘What you’re upset I hit you? I’m five foot nothing dude sounds like a you problem’
And he’s lucky the striker gets pulled away by his teammates cause he’s over 6 foot
And Aaron is all bark, no bite
*whispering into the mic as he walks away* ‘I’ll be honest guys, he would’ve kicked my ass but that was to good of an opportunity to pass up’
His best moments come from when he trips up a striker
*sends the striker sprawling onto their ass* ‘womp womp’
*body slams one into the wall* ‘maybe next time man’
*slams the ball out of their racquet* ‘that’s not yours cmon now’
He flirts with the opposing team but in German
Because he’s discovered that when they can’t understand what he’s saying it really gets to them
And he’ll slip in a word in English so they figure out he’s flirting
And they’re even more pissed and distracted that they mess up what would’ve been a solid play
‘What the fuck did you just say to me!?’
‘Hey, hey sorry just trying to have a nice conversation’ *winks and walks away to start up play again*
*Opposing striker, absolutely baffled and fuming*
His striker accidentally trips him up and gets past to Andrew
And Aaron doesn’t even have to look at Andrew to see the heavy bored expression he’s giving him
Aaron knows he’s probably plotting where to hide his body if he does it again
*Andrew, shaking his head in disappointment as he smacks the ball away*
*Aaron rolling onto his knees and pleading for mercy while laughing* ‘my bad, let’s just talk this out I promise it won’t happen again it was Nicky’s fault’
This happens a lot whenever they’re both on the court
Because making a joke out of Exy is one of the only ways they both actually enjoy it sometimes
And it’s something they can actually bond over
But oh god forbid if someone on the other team says something about Andrew
That’s when Aaron just looses it
Doesn’t matter if the player is ten times his size, he becomes all bite
‘Put your psycho pet brother on a leash already’
And Aaron’s helmets already off and he’s going for his gloves next
*Matt grabbing him and holding him back* ‘cmon Matt it’ll be good, he asked for it, it’ll be good’
‘No Aaron, no red cards’
‘But it’ll be fun’ *tries to throw his helmet at the other player*
He gets a yellow card for it but he proudly displays it by tucking it into the front of his jersey
‘I’m gonna frame this one coach’ he tells Wymack as he sits on the bench for his penalty
Kevin’s always the most annoyed by Aaron’s shit talking because it threatens the game and Aaron’s wellbeing
And he also gets the most riled up whenever Aaron’s turns it onto him
*Kevin storming over to Aaron after he almost gets ejected* ‘Stop saying shit that’ll get you kicked out of the game you idiot’
‘Oh cmon Day I know you like em a little feisty, I’m just trying to make you happy my Queen,’
And Kevin just smacks the top of his helmet and turns to walk away
‘I can get on my knees to apologize if you want, I know you like me on my knees’
And Kevin just has to tune him out cause Aaron won’t stop if he feeds into it
He gets really into the game sometimes though (because he’s competitive and he can’t help it)
Like he’s screaming and cheering so loud at certain points the mic is crackling
*Kevin and Neil scoring the goal that pulls them into the lead* ‘LETS FUCKING GO’
When he’s on the bench he’s the one banging on the plexi glass
He’s screaming at them to get their heads out of their asses or cheering them on even though they can’t hear him
And then he gets out of his competitive streak and he’s lowkey embarrassed
‘If that gets posted online I will never recover’ he mutters after he’s just jumped into Matt’s arms in celebration
When the foxes listen to his recording later they’re shocked by how creative Aaron gets with all of it
And they find it hilarious
And endearing
And they like that they’re getting to see a new part of Aaron as he gets more comfortable with the team
He is by far one of the most aggressive of the foxes when he’s on the court, both physically and verbally
And the fans absolutely eat it the fuck up
But Wymack doesn’t mic him up often because he is lowkey a liability because of what he says
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nillachoco · 5 months
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can't stop thinking about (whatever sport that is but I guess it's rugby?? correct me if I'm wrong)!riki x topstudent!reader (NOT PROOFREAD)
- like imagine your school is having one of the most important matches of the year, against SM, the two school known as rivals since God's knows when
- there are only few minutes left till the end, and altho you're not fond of sports you found yourself sitting at the bleachers, anticipation within you as you wait to find out the winner between the two schools.
- the only reason you're here it's because the guy who has been courting you for the past months was playing on the court at the moment.
- within the last minute, your school managed to score the final point, making themselves the winner of the season, the students from Hybe cheered, as you went down to the court you try to reach for Riki but he was surrounded by tons of girls congratulating him.
- finally Riki's eyes found yours as he tried to make his way to you "Hey" he says softly, smiling down at you, "Hey, congrats for the win, sport boy",
- "Soooo, about what you said earlier," you almost forgot about the promise you told him
"if you win this game, I might actually consider being your girlfriend, sport boy"
- "oh about that- I was just kidding", you said playfully as you look away, huffing, "What? no no no- listen Y/n, I know I've probably been annoying you a lot the past months but can't you see how determi-"
- you shut him down with a kiss on his cheek, "alright I'll be your girlfriend, Mr. I'm so determinated but also so desperate for yo- RIKI?!" you couldn't finish teasing him as he lift you up spinning you around
- "NO, YOURE FINALLY MINE" you giggle at his silliness.
a/n: idk man, this dude just be bias wreckering the living shit out of meeeee. also this is really shitty, and spontaneous.
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A flock of elephants
Written for the November warm-up round of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Prompt: Bakery AU
Rated: T
CW: some sexual tension and innuendo
Tags: Baker Steve, Rockstar Eddie
Notes: Can be read as a continuation of this microfic
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“You don't understand how huge a deal this is, Steve,” Dustin says. He’s wiggling in the passenger seat, trying to take in every bit of their surroundings as they pull up to the concert hall. 
Steve huffs and squints at the signs. There's security and fans and staff everywhere and he can feel a headache coming up. 
"A guy asked me to bake a cake, so what? It's literally what I do for a living, nothing-" 
"A guy asked you to-" Dustin sputters. "Excuse me, what did you say? Eddie Munson commissioned you to bake a replica of his world famous Warlock, do you have any- Do you even know who Eddie Munson is?" 
"Of course I know," Steve grouses. "I don't live under a rock." 
"Oh yeah?" Dustin levels him with an unimpressed look. "Name one of his songs." 
"Please," Steve rolls his eyes. "You're blasting that shit on repeat, it's practically seared into my brain. Especially the one about the elephants." 
Dustin stares at him. Steve resists the urge to pinch his nose.
"You know the one! What was it? Flock of Elephants?" 
Dustin crumples into the car seat and slaps both palms to his forehead. "It's A Court of Sycophants, Steve! Oh my God!"
"Synchro-what?" Steve ignores the way his neck prickles and takes a sharp right. "You just made that up. Now help me look for the delivery entrance or we won't have ourselves a deal at all." 
Once they find the entrance, it turns out he forgot the ID badge that the label sent, because of fucking course he did. He spends about half an hour trying to convince the grumpy security guard to let them in while Dustin has a complete meltdown. Just as he's ready to give up, they're rescued by the appearance of a tiny blonde in a pink cardigan who cheerfully introduces herself as Eddie’s manager. 
"Sorry about Hop," she says for what must be the fourth time, while Steve sets up the guitar-shaped cake at the center of the buffet and Dustin inspects the backstage lounge with awestruck eyes. "He takes his job very seriously." 
"Yeah, I noticed," Steve mutters. She seems nice enough, but he really doesn’t wanna engage in smalltalk right now. The bustle of the stage hands and the hot air of the venue are making him squeamish. All he wants to do is get this over with and go home.
Unfortunately fate must hate him, because that is the exact moment that a familiar voice says, "Hey, Chris. No matter what Hop tells you, I didn't order hookers to the venue. I dunno where he got the-" 
Dustin starts squealing. 
"Oh my God, you're Eddie Munson!"
Eddie squints at him like a confused cat. 
"Last time I checked, yeah. And you are?" 
"Dustin," says Dustin, like that explains everything. "I'm with Steve." 
Eddie’s eyes flit over and his face breaks into a delighted, dimpled smile. 
"Baker boy, hi!" 
Steve's mouth goes dry. 
He doesn’t know why, but all of the easy confidence of their last meeting is suddenly gone. 
Maybe it's because they were in the bakery, on his own turf, and now they're on Eddie’s, where the lights and the noise and the hum of the crowd in the auditorium are grating on his nerves. 
Maybe it's because last time, Eddie looked like just some guy in his ripped jeans and ratty hoody, unwashed hair piled in a chaotic bun, and now …
… now he's in a pair of leather pants that are so tight they may as well be spray-painted on and what looks like a fucking harness, hair cascading around his face and shoulders in a halo of messy curls and is that eyeliner? 
"Woah," Eddie breathes, eyes growing large, and yup, eyeliner. Definitely eyeliner, Jesus fucking Christ. With two long strides of those impossibly long legs, he's beside Steve and ogling the cake with an awestruck face. "This is fucking incredible, dude, it looks just like the real thing. You did all that from the photos?" 
By some miracle, Steve manages to channel the incoming blush into a sly pop of his hips and a smug eyebrow quirk. 
"Told you I was the best." 
Eddie is looking at him like he didn't bake a cake but hung the moon, which … in combination with the eyeliner and the leather and the harness of it all? Steve squirms in his jeans.
"Okay, erm … if that's all, I'll send over the bill by-" 
"Wait, what? You're not staying for the show?" Eddie swivels to Chrissy, all righteous indignation. "Why are they not staying for the show?" 
Chrissy shrugs, at the same time that Steve says, "That's really not necessa-" 
"We'd love to stay!" 
Dustin shoves himself between them, elbowing him in the kidneys. While Steve is still coughing, Eddie turns to Chrissy. 
"Show the young man to the backstage area, Chris?" 
Dustin looks like he's about to die of happiness, so Steve resigns himself to his fate. 
"Will you play the one about the psychopaths?" he asks as they trail after him. "It's his favorite." 
"Psycho-" Eddie’s brow wrinkles.
"Sycophants, Steve!" Dustin hollers from ahead. "Jesus!" 
"Anyways," Steve says over Eddie’s rumbling laughter. "You really didn't have to-" 
"I know I didn't." Eddie accepts his guitar - the real one - from a stage hand and slings it over his shoulder. "But I saw what you're best at, so I figured I'd return the favor." 
"Careful there," Steve huffs. "All you've done is ogle my cake. You may wanna try it first." 
"Oh, I'm planning to …" Eddie's smile is sharp as he leans in, close to his ear. "Preferably with less people around, though." 
And then he's gone, stepping out on the stage, making his guitar wail. 
Steve can't quite tell if the roar in his ears is the crowd or the sound of his own blood.
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 8 months
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SUMMARY: Mingyu always fantasied about you and now finally, Jungkook lets him have a taste but who knew this isn't a onetime thing and how you have them both wrapped around your pinky.
PAIRINGS: Jungkook X Mingyu X Reader
WARNINGS: ⚠���⚠️ contains cheating themes , smut, MDNI . Part 1 thank-you for all the notes love the way y’all supported this fic also this can be read as stand alone but part 1 is recommended
This part is the flashback of when they first started fucking and it comes back to present in last.
SMUT WARNINGS: Mingyu sees their sex tapes in Jungkook's phone that's what gets him whipped, Blowjobs , fingering, reader is called slut and whore, double penetration, sex tape, Haerin calls while mid fucking, Jealous gyu kook, that's all ig ? lmk if I miss anything.
A/n: Thank you to the sweetest person for requesting this I tried hard to fill up your requests <3 lmk if you like it. Tumblr works on reblog system please reblog !! Also a simple “it good or it’s great”can make my entire day 💞
Mingyu always wondered how your pussy would feel against his cock, Jungkook would never stop obsessing over your tight pussy you were a squirter, and you were into BDSM, you were also into food play, and you also had a breeding kink!
Today they both were hanging out near the basketball court when you texted Jungkook. “Hey Kook, you have a text from y/n” Mingyu informed while Jungkook was in the court practicing for the upcoming match.  
He throws the ball in the basket jogging over and sitting next to him. Mingyu choked on seeing the text.  
Baby❤️: sent a video ! A gift for you 💞
A low “fuck” is heard from Jungkook’s mouth lifting up his head to see Mingyu giving him a nervous grin.  
“Fuck Jungkook look at her” Mingyu almost curses at how beautiful your ass looks. “Dude back off you have a girlfriend already” Jungkook says almost instantly offing his phone. “Dude fuck her look,at her she is so messy” Mingyu babbled.  
“I know she just gets so dumb and tells me to make a mess over her pussy” Jungkook explained. Mingyu’s cock twitched at the sight “Kook Lemme get a taste, just one time and I’m going to back off” Mingyu begs.  
Jungkook thinks for a moment and shrugs off nodding his head “Cool bro jus once's Kay?” Jungkook says. Who knew this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing you three were up for the ride.  
A few days passed by, and Mingyu tried sneaking out but failed Harein constantly clinging to his side.  
It’s Jungkook’s basketball match he invited you to watch him play. Cheering for him you wore a small black skirt and a white tank top, clinging to Taehyung by your side. In mid-game, you don’t notice but Jungkook and Mingyu share a brief eye contact. His team wins while you go to the locker rooms finding him between the boys.  
“Hey, you did great today” You give him a peck, and the boys soon disperse leaving only you, Jungkook and Mingyu in the room “Yeah? Scored just for you baby” he chuckles his arms clutching around your waist while Mingyu walks behind you.  
Only to notice he is way too close to your ass, now you are sandwiched between both the bulky men. You hesitated to mutter a small “Mingyu?” You look at him turning to see him with your back now pressed against Jungkook.  
“Yes, baby?” He whispers softly his hands coming to grab your cheeks making them in a pouty manner. Jungkook whispers in your ear “Will you be good for him? He wants to have you too” getting a bit confused “Wasn’t he dating Harein already?” 
“Mingyu what about Harein?” You ask him while he scoffs “What about her, nobody’s going to know about this” He clears up while you hesitate for a bit and nod slowly inching towards his lips.  
“Mm gyu” you moan when he bites on your lower lip. “Let’s get out from here yeah?” You suggest that ,Mingyu said he would join you both in your house.  
You were in your panties only when Mingyu arrived. Your hard nipples and the wet spot on the panties made his cock stir in his sweat. You sat there with Jungkook's cock in your mouth groaning and moaning trying to take him completely.  
“Gyu come she was waiting for you, she got so slutty and told me she wanted you to remove her panties” Jungkook groans when you get down to suck on his balls, hallowing your cheeks when come at his tip. Mingyu chuckled while you got shy under his gaze.  
Jungkook walks away to give him space while you whine “Now Mingyu is here baby, let him see your pussy yeah baby?” Jungkook says helping you to lay back and sitting beside you palming his wet cock.  
Eagerly Mingyu reaches to slide those panties off your legs groaning at the site when a transparent string of your slick joins the panties throwing it towards Jungkook “Here kook cum on those make it messy” Mingyu says kneeling at the end of the bed.  
He looks up at you when he sees your hole clench around his fingers when he traces silly shapes on your pussy “Want it baby? I know I can see it. got me so fucking horny when you sent the your sex tape” Mingyu tells you his fingertips just below your hole.  
“Want it, need it, look I’m wet” You give him your puppy eyes your hands coming you grab at his wrist and insert his fingers. “Look Jungkook you got the best girl for yourself she gets her work done on her own, so tight,”He says looking over him and helping you with his mouth now closer spitting at your clit.  
The rubbing made it a bit swollen and puffy. The thrust of Mingyu’s long fingers made you twitch in your place. “You're so perfect baby I’m so fucking lucky to have you”Mingyu comes up and leaves some pecks on your lips.  
You look down to slightly smile “fuck don’t smile like that makes me fucking crazy” he groans “Gyu I want to cum”you whine looking at Jungkook wanting to hold his hands while Cumming.  
You soon reach your high knuckles white by grabbing the bed sheets tight. Mingyu stands tall in front of you telling you to turn around and go sit on Jungkook’s lap kissing his lips you mutter a small “hi”. While Mingyu undresses himself. 
Mingyu reached to grab the strawberry lube from the nightstand took an adequate amount and started rubbing all over his hard cock you turn around to see the leaky tip and the prominent veins.  
You turn around so quickly when Jungkook groans “fuck you Mingyu I had wrapped her around my finger and now she runs away”he complains while you whine wanting Mingyu’s heavy cock in your mouth.  
“Aw, such a cock deprived slut you are”He mocks while you take his lubed-up cock in your hand palming them while you sway your ass in the air signaling Jungkook to already fill you up. 
“You want me to fuck you while you have his cock in your mouth baby?” Jungkook gets on his knees real quick understanding you and you nod looking back.  
“Want it kook I’m already wet, see? You can slide in just right” you say going to suck on Mingyu’s balls while he is a moaning mess above you.  
“Of course, you are, going in yeah baby?” Jungkook warns slowly sliding his cock into your pussy lips, his red tip kissing your swollen clit and then sliding up your hole after a few teases.  
You grunt out a choked moan when you feel him already kissing your cervix with his hard cock. You lap at Mingyu’s hard cock when he is about to cum, he pushes you off his cock telling Kook he wants in too.  
Now the positions have been changed Jungkook laid on the bed with you on top of him with Mingyu above you. Jungkook’s slicked-up cock nestled between your pussy while Mingyu rubbed lube over your ass tracing his cock over the clenched muscle slowly inching his cock closer towards your asshole. 
  Jungkook growls grabbing your cheeks while Mingyu thrusts inside almost screaming at the tightness. you cried at the feeling of both of their cocks drilling your ass and pussy. That’s when Mingyu grabs at his phone recording how your ass is bouncing and how you were taking Jungkook’s cock too.  
“Kook she is our slut, aren’t your y/n?” Mingyu bends down kissing your shoulder blade your neck nestled in Jungkook's neck. “Yeah, your slut” you cried.  
They both thrust inside you at an animalistic pace “Get louder can your y/n?” Jungkook grits giving up a couple of taps on your cheeks “Mm Jungkook so good” you bawled feeling overwhelmed.  
You face jungkook speaking in between“Kook so good I think I’m going to squirt so fucking bad,”you said, your puffy clit bumping against his abs when Mingyu thrusts hard.  
“Ahh just do it baby, make a mess” he says. When you three were about to come a loud ringtone was heard it was Harein.  
Mingyu ignored it and focused on Cumming when he heard it ring for the third time “fuck you Harein” Mingyu growled slowing up his pace.  
“Why the hell are you calling me?” Mingyu says already pissed off by his orgasm snatched right under his nose. “I’ll be there in a few hours something came up”he says abruptly cutting off the phone and not hearing her blabbering.  
“Cum baby cum” Mingyu tells you soon Cumming inside you while Jungkook drains his load in your pussy you now collapse completely on top of Him panting heavily.  
“Fuck this was the best fuck I’ve ever had”Mingyu chuckled slowly removing himself while his cum dripping down your ass staining the sheets and some dropping in between your pussy and where Jungkook's balls were there.  
“Fuck gyu can feel it dripping down” you moan your arms clutching Jungkook's neck and you purred getting comfortable in his hold. While your ass hole clenched. “Drained me out baby,” Jungkook says petting your hair.  
This continued on for a while Mingyu came at every other chance he got, ditching on Haerin became an everyday thing for him. The sex was rough, messy and new kinks were added whenever you fucked.  
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Today was a bit different, you were busy with your studies when Mingyu comes barging in your apartment when he backed you away at the nearest wall kissing you, you sensed something must be wrong sucking on few purple hickeys on your neck he finally spoke “felt good whoring around with taehyung today?” he questioned. 
“Gyu what are you talking about we were just talking, there is nothing between me and Tae.” you answered your hands grabbing on his neck keeping him at one place “I fuck only you both alright? And you both are the best yeah Gyu?” you whispered in his ear.  
With that Mingyu lifts you off the ground you giggled your legs coming to wrap around his tiny waist. Soon you both made your way to your room . Your back was pressed against the bed he grabbed on your already hard nipples tugging them “no bra? Fuck so good” Mingyu moans his hard on rubbing at your core. 
“Fuck me already, can you? Been dying to have it, I know I'm wet enough” you say removing your cloths getting naked, “fuck alright” he stands up to his full height grabbing on his cloths and getting him naked as well.  
Thats when you heard Jungkook coming in your room. “Started already? Thought we agreed on getting off it together bro? Did she deny the fact she's seeing taehyung hm?i hope she knows he's nothing compared to us, and he should see he won't ever be able to compete with what we got here” Jungkook chuckles taking out his phone. While Mingyu speaks up “make a video yeah kook and sent it to tae, gonna let him know she is ours” Mingyu gets in his position his hard cock rubbing in between your soft dewy lips.  
A string of his pre cum attached to your lips when he pulls back to see in between you. Jungkook sits on the sofa recording you both.  “Fuck me already gyu” you whine your patience running out “yeah baby going in now” he tells you thrusting inside you. “This pussy has me whipped bro” Mingyu speaks in between looking at jungkook .
The room was filled with your crying and chocked up moans his cock hits you right at your g-spot, your clit begging for his fingers to rub on it. And he notices them right away giving you what you want Jungkook still recording you both. His hips shuttered when he was about to cum, “Gonna cum y/n”he warns when he fills you up with his hot cum.  
Jungkook gets a blowjob that night ending it with a soft aftercare session pampering you with an oil massage and your favorite food. It’s good to see your both boys getting jealous once in a while. You thought while silently smirking in your head.  
While having dinner you have a thought which the boys notice by your silence “speak up baby what's wrong” Jungkook heaves out “nothing kook I'm just worried what if tae shows the video to his friends his friends know Haerin really well” you finally speak up while Mingyu makes sure it's nothing to worry and They'll take care if something happens. 
TAGLIST : @jungk97kwife, @kimmingyuswifee , @httpjeonlicious , @meraofc
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
part two
For all their teasing, they do actually leave him to eat.
Maybe they’re feeling merciful. Maybe they want him to focus on eating. Maybe, worst of all, they’re too scared of him, or something.
Or. Probably. After the ninth consecutive minute of him, unmoving, forehead pressed to the worn wood of the table, desperately trying to resist the urge to open up the ground beneath him, they get bored.
ADHD is a wonderful thing, sometimes.
“— I just think it’s suspicious,” Piper is saying, waving her fork in the air, “I mean, she’s never just, like, nice, you know? It’s — oh, hello, Nico’s Face. Welcome back. I was beginning to think we’d only see your unbrushed hair for eternity, curled into a ball of Oh My God A Cute Boy Smiled At Me And I Stopped Functioning.”
His friends snicker. He flushes, a little, but is determined resolutely to ignore their teasing — seems to be a working strategy — and focuses instead on shovelling cereal into his mouth.
As predicted, they fall quickly back into conversation. They are discussing, Nico believes, strange behaviour from Piper’s sister, Drew, although truly Nico is not listening. He’s really into his cereal.
And he is also, out of the corner of his non-bandaged eye, perhaps noticing, barely, hardly at all, really, the Apollo table.
It’s all stupid — Will’s fault. It is. He takes up every stupid room (stupid pavilion, whatever) with his loud voice and gesturing hands and wide, bright smile, practically demanding attention. It’s hardly Nico’s fault if he looks. If he didn’t want Nico to look, then he wouldn’t have — he wouldn’t have said it.
Easily. Unthinkingly. Like liking Nico was normal, was nothing, was no big deal; like the golden child of Apollo, bright-eyed, best medic of the century, charming, clever, shockingly sarcastic Will, had been — is — crushing. On Nico, of all people.
Had been crushing on him forever, apparently.
Nico’s stomach flips approximately four billion times.
“What is modern courting like?” he blurts, and immediately wants to shove his spoon in his own eye.
The conversation halts. His friends, now silent, look at him curiously, four pairs of eyes digging into his.
He shrinks into his seat, hiding behind his hair.
“…Courting?” Annabeth asks, finally.
Nico flushes. “Nevermind.”
“Hey, wait, no.” He startles when a hand brushes his, yanking it back on reflex. Piper doesn’t flinch, drawing her own hand back gracefully. “We’re not teasing you, dude. Just clarifying.”
“Well, I’m teasing you, a little.”
Leo twitches slightly at Nico’s sharp glare, but the impish smile never leaves his face. Unfortunately, he no longer fears that Nico will send him to (another) early grave.
He’ll have to remedy that.
“What Leo means to say,” interjects Jason before Nico can get any dark ideas about his butterknife. He looks pointedly at his best friend, rolling his eyes fondly at his stuck-out tongue. “Is that while the situation is objectively a little funny, we’re here to help. What do you mean, courting?”
Nico shouldn’t have fucking said anything.
“I just. I mean,” he says, haltingly. He’s hyperaware or Piper practically biting through her lip, of Leo focusing so hard on keeping a straight face that his nose catches fire. “My mother had — a list. Of steps?”
He’s sure his face is flaming.
“Steps,” repeats Piper, face arranged very carefully. Annabeth punches her in the arm, her own face similarly particular.
“Go on,” she encourages.
Nico squeezes his eyes shut, pretending they’re not there, and does.
“She told me courting was a — process. Um. Small gifts. Opening doors. Putting down your sweater to sit on. Walking to the door after the date. Flowers.”
“Very chivalrous,” Jason manages after a moment. His face, too, is pinched. Nico scowls at him.
“Whatever. It might not even — I mean, she said that’s how you get a girl to like you. And it’s probably totally different with boys, right, and I’m not stupid I know the culture is totally different now —”
“I think,” interrupts Annabeth, “that a little chivalry never goes amiss.” She waits until Nico gathers to courage to meet her eyes, warm in the late morning, matching her small smile. “Will, especially, will appreciate it.”
Nico stares at the milk pooling in the bottom of his cereal bowl, calculating if it’s enough to drown him. It’s a quarter of a cup, maybe. Not great. And the bowl is to small to shove his face in.
Someone breaks the silence with a giggle. Immediately, there’s the echoing slap as it’s muffled, silent again for a long, tense moment.
And then everyone cracks up.
“I didn’t say anything about Will!” he says, voice cracking on his name. “I don’t — stop laughing at me! He’s just — I didn’t — he’s not even —”
“We’re not — laughing at you —” Jason tries, and Leo straight-up shrieks.
“Not laughing at me my ass,” says Nico venomously. “Fuck you guys. I’m out of here.”
“Nico, wait! Wait, hold on.”
Despite himself, Nico stops mid-stomp, shoulders hiked up to his ears.
“Nico,” says Annabeth, much softer, although laughter still rings in her voice. “Why bring it up now?”
Nico picks at his nails. Without his brain’s permission, he peeks through his eyelashes at the Apollo table — long empty. By now Will’ll be teaching — “teaching” — his siblings something in Arts ‘n Crafts.
(Ninety percent chance they’ve dissolved to launching globs of paint and glitter glue at each other, screaming about which pop star is better than another.)
“He told me he liked me,” he admits softly. Slowly, he makes himself turn around, facing his friends now that they’ve finally quieted. “Just like that. And I —”
He can’t bring himself to say it, throat drying up.
“Then you have nothing to lose,” Piper says kindly. Her eyes sparkle, half teasing, half encouraging.
Suddenly, the storm swirling in Nico’s stomach shifts; skeletal butterflies reminding the storm who’s boss. Something warm and pleasant tingles down his spine.
I’ve been crushing on you forever, and I don’t think you’re any less gorgeous. With or without the scar.
Will had called him gorgeous!
“You know what?” Nico murmurs, smile tugging at his lips. “I think you might be right.”
part four
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weebsinstash · 4 months
*strums guitar* you know who would be a total piece of shit, to be stuck up in Heaven fuckin FOREVER with
This douchebag! Gotta get some Adam content out before the finale drops and then I'm sure I'll be back for more then too!
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I was listening to "You Didn't Know" again and I HATE this man, and because I hate him and he's an asshole, I can then see his wretched character doing shitty and debauched things
Which then means he's conceptually fuckable and we must discuss
I was sitting and thinking about. Ok in the most dramatic fucking way possible can you imagine being in the courtroom with Charlie as a Sinner Representative because you're dope like that, and Adam just starts fucking beefing with you on sight and you give it right back to him because HOMIE BASICALLY INVENTED MISOGYNY, you're standing in HEAVEN while an ANGEL looks you dead in the eye and calls you a CUNT like I wouldn't fucking tolerate it I'd be screaming at him like a feral beast, "why don't you look at your FEMALE BOSS and say that again, you dickless loser?!"
But can you imagine just having this insane BEEF, you guys are having MUSICAL DIAGETIC SINGING BEEF, and then, like. Either there in court or later on in the plot, hey, everything is good now, Sinners/you can ascend or we can go from heaven and hell and visit our families and everything is good now, yaaay! Or your name was mispelled on a form and it's like oh shit you were supposed to be in Heaven all along our bad and ONLY you are cool to "go upstairs"
And you can't even be happy about it because it's literally "oh cool I DO belong in Heaven!">wait but my friends are in Hell > oh fuck THAT ANGEL THAT HATES ME IS HERE, and sure enough he's standing there at the pearly gates to personally welcome you into Heaven, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, making it EXTREMELY CLEAR that he's basically gonna be stalking you because he wants to personally witness you fuck up and get sent back to Hell where he can kill you himself
Homie is back at base posting photos of you all over the walls like an insane person, "look at this tricky fucking bitch, fucking scheming, fucking planning something, fucking bitch" and even Lute is standing there, ".... that's a photo of them eating a sandwich, sir" and she's like TRYING to see where he's coming from but these are photos of you like SLEEPING and the suspicion that you might act out becomes an excuse to stalk you as he gets progressively more unhinged and perverted and frustrated (in more ways than one)
Let's also just discuss some baseline ideas! Abso fucking lutely do I see him as some, frat boy piece of shit who is always at least vaguely hostile to women so we're discussing female Reader specific ideas. Like imagine he's trying to actually be friendly and be cool with you or maybe you guys even hang out on good terms or whatever, maybe you both play guitar and he likes how you can shred it, and, he's the kinda guy to invite you to hang out and not specify other people are gonna be there so you get there and he's with his buddies and they're all talking about, gross shit like the size of the tits on the girl they last fucked, "oh hey did you sleep with Stacey" "fuck yeah I slept with Stacey you know that slut takes anyone", like, Adam deadass expects you to stand next to him with your red solo cup as they all talk about "the massive cow tits on that bitch" and if you even mildly imply this isn't entertaining "you're just bein a prude babe!"
Like Adam has no self awareness, he'll be saying horrid shit about women and then one of his buddies makes the most MILD of comments about you, "yeah your friend is kinda fuckable" and Adam is like in a RAGE, "hey man, that's not fucking cool! Let's go, outside NOW, fuckin step up, bro!" and he's brawling dudes for shit he's said about their conquests PLENTY of times
Just picturing the idea of like idk Saint Peter or even Emily flying around and they see you sitting on a bench outside far far away from where other people are and they fly down to greet you with the biggest smile, "hiya, how are you?" and you um look at them with such a genuinely dead, depressed, empty expression that they like cannot even fathom it. You're??? Unhappy??? In HEAVEN??? they cannot even comprehend it.
The real kicker is if you started to CRY and look this angel or seraph directly in the eyes as you ask, "can i... go back to Hell? I'm allowed to leave, right?" and THAT'S what raises massive red flags and sends that angel straight to their fucking boss. Sera would be over here, "oh she's having problems with Adam oh that's unfortunate but they'll sort them out -- WAIT WHAT DO YOU M E A N SHE WANTS TO LEAVE????" And,, oh, NOW they suddenly care about how happy you are, NOW they're suddenly willing to help maybe mildly keep Adam away from you. Because why? Because now you're potentially going to damage Heaven's perfect track record, and, geez they can't have you running around DEPRESSED, with your face looking all... ICKY and SAD! What if you made the other darlin-- I mean other residents of heaven sad and they maybe wanted to leave their precious angel protectors too? Huh? Ever think of that?
I love how I was sitting over here "what if like the entire Spider Society was yandere for the Reader" and ever since then my brain is like a puppy chasing treats, "what if I made this entire community mentally unhinged"
Also. Carmilla Carmine and her family + Zestial protecting Reader from Adam or any other angels because 👏 we can have as many mommies or daddies or fake family members as we want down here and that's the facts on that 👏
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anastasiabowe · 5 months
Aomine was playing basketball with random people at the basketball courts down the block from his house. You were walking with friends, when you saw him dominating them all.
You gasp and run to the tall fence that surrounded the court.
“Aominichi!” Your pretty voice called out to him. Your friends giggling at the other men who were shirtless and sweaty.
He looked back at you and his energy was… off, but you obviously didn’t notice!
You ran around to where the fence gate was, and your friends followed in awkwardness. You ran to the bench where his stuff was, and he walked over to you, looking a bit annoyed.
“Can you not be here right now…” he looked off to his left and it seems like he was a bit embarrassed you were here.
“I wanna watch you play!” Your bright smile beamed at him, his gloomy cloud not faltering around his head.
“I kinda came here to play to get my mind of things, and you are kind of not helping.”
“Well, I promise I won’t say anything!” Your voice was getting whinier, babier, and he wanted to yell at you so you can take a hint.
“Please, just go do something else away from me.” His voice didn’t sound so cautious anymore, he sounded mean.
“But aomi-“
“Y/n, can you ever just get the fucking hint? Right now I don’t want to hang out with you, I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to see you!” His voice raised, and your friends looked at him in annoyance.
Your friend tizzy understood him, but understood you more so she helped you up and walked you away, your other friend Kira glared at him.
“Still got a small dick I see,” She spat and looked him up and down. “Fucking bitch.” She walked away towards you both and you were now holding back tears.
Aomine pinched his bridge and turned back to the game. Everyone looked a bit upset at him, not a single person in the mood to play the fun game they were before.
“What?” He annoyingly asked them.
“Who talks to their girl like that? Especially a cute one?” One said.
“Yeah dude, you’re lucky you have a girl that wants to spend time with you.” Another said.
“Would hate to date someone like you.” One whispered.
“Right.” Another agreed.
Aomine rolled his eyes, but truly, he knows they’re right.
“Y/n, please stop crying! He’s probably just in some mood!” Tizzy rubbed your back at a bench far far far from the basketball court.
“He-he’s always in ‘some mood’!” I wiped my eyes, and Kira looked like she was about to kill someone.
“He’s such a dick! You are such a great person, and he is basically using you. I think you should have dated Kagami or some rival of his.” Kira angrily said.
“No, I-I love Aominichi!” My tears finally drying up.
Kira cringed. “He doesn’t deserve to be called ‘Aominichi’,” she mocked in a Whitney voice, not mocking you though.
“Thanks guys, I-i think I wanna go home for now.” I softly said, standing up.
“Do you want us to hang with you, or do you want some alone time?” Tizzy offered.
“I just wanna play with Loki and be alone.” I smiled. They hugged me and we parted ways.
I had walked down to the train and got on. My phone dinged and I looked at it.
Aominichi💗: Hey, can we talk?
I opened the message and closed it, I wanted him to know I read his message but don’t care. Yeah, it hurt to do that, I love talking with him, but again, like many times, he hurt me and I can’t give in to that!
Another ding.
Aominichi💗: come on Y/n don’t ignore me😒
I opened it again and closed it.
I finally reached my house, and outside was Aomine.
“Shit.” I groaned to myself. I walked through my gate and right part him, I didn’t even give him a glance. I opened my door and tried to shut it, but he pushed it open.
“Y/n, talk to me.” He sounded irritated. Good.
“I have nothing to say to you, Aomine.” The name you gave him struck his heart. Yeah it’s his name, but you’ve never, no matter how upset you were, you never called him by his actual name.
“Y/n, come on-“
“I have nothing to say to you.” I grabbed Loki and sat on my couch. The white cat glared at Aomine, knowing he did something wrong.
Aomine stood there like “🧍🏻”.
I looked at him, heart hurting. I’m not a cold person, this kills me more than it kills him.
“I’m sorry,” He finally said. I looked at him and wanted to hug him, but no. “You know how I get!”
“Mhm.” At this point my cold facade was faltering, tears burning at the back of my eyes. My throat was starting to close and tense.
He walked over to me and got on his knees.
“I love you so much, please forgive me.” His hands clasped together and his eyes wide.
“If you loved me you wouldn’t treat me so bad.” A pout formed on my face, slowly giving into his apology.
“I know, I’ll work on it.”
After looking at him, seeing him on his knees asking for forgiveness was not like him, so I guess I could forgive him.
“Alright, I forgive you.” I smiled and his face lit up, but then a smug look appeared on his face.
“Yep. Don’t think I’m getting on my knees for you ever again.” He hopped on his feet and leaned over to kiss me.
“But seriously, I’ll work on my attitude.”
“I know you will.” I smiled and he rolled his eyes.
“Also never call me Aomine again. Doesn’t sound right coming from you.” His face cringed at his own name.
“Yeah, yeah, you big baby.”
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eddywoww · 6 months
Okay but tempted to write a Christmas fic
Steve gets his first big job during college and unfortunately it’s a temporary gig. Robin gets him the rec and Steve deeply regrets it from the get go.
Because yeah, he has to wear stupid striped tights and a green tunic and a humiliating hat. He has to be one of Santa’s elves.
He doesn’t love it but it pays alright, even if it’s just seasonal. The kids are mostly okay (bar the ones who are not okay at all) and Santa himself is an alright guy. The only problem with being home and being in the Most Populated place on earth (ie the mall) is that Steve keeps seeing people he knows. And then he sees his ex.
It’s fine. It’s whatever. Except it totally isn’t and he’s just gotten off his shift, so as soon as she calls his name, he ducks right out of the way and goes flying past her. Nope, absolutely not. He’s not shooting the shit with a girl who stomped methodically on his entire heart like it was fun.
So what does he do? He runs into the nearest open store and hides. Like a coward. He darts right into the changing room and shuts the door and he doesn’t care if he causes a scene because what the fuck? Could she not see the literal panic in his eyes?
Steve tries to wait it out and starts to get anxious thinking someone will come knocking eventually. And they do.
“Uh, you can come out now,” A voice says just behind the door. A male voice. “I think the girl following you is gone. Which, hey. That’s the first time I’ve seen THAT happen. You good? You on the run? You need an alibi-“
Steve can’t take anymore yapping, his face burning already, so he throws the door open and nearly hits the dude on the other side. Who is like- he’s weird, that’s what. He’s lanky and kind of goth. Long hair, tattoos, black clothes. Maybe some eyeliner, Steve isn’t sure.
He’s hard to not look at.
And then he does the most ridiculous thing.
His surprised expression quickly morphs into something flirty. He lifts one hand and touches the doorframe like a jackass, eyes trailing over Steve. A move Steve has literally used on girls before. And then there’s Steve. Who is still in the dumb outfit, of course. It’s never felt more cumbersome than in this moment.
“I guess Santa brought my gift early.”
Steve blanks out so hard that the guy immediately starts apologizing. Which isn’t entirely necessary, just-
“I’m straight.”
And then the guy just looks at Steve. Gives him another once over and shrugs.
“You wanna get lunch with me tomorrow? In the food court?”
He has no reason to say yes. So explain why he actually does say yes. Explain why he does it and he has a good time with a hot topic employee (also a college student) named Eddie.
Cue Elf Steve’s Big Gay Adventure
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artiststarme · 1 year
I've seen a few people talking about how cool a hellfire 'adopting' steve fic would be and since youre my favorite steddie writer I immediately thought of you. If you want to, I think you'd write that situation really well
Thank you! I'm really glad that you like reading my fics and I hope this meets your expectations!
​​Eddie was long in the business of collecting lost sheep. He himself knew what it was like to be alone, to be ostracized and isolated for being a little bit too different in a town as bland as Hawkins. So whenever he could, he tried to help people. He looked for those that needed support the most and tried to befriend them because he knew what it was like to go through life without it. If he could be the shepherd needed to guide the lost sheep, he would. 
In the late fall of Eddie’s senior year, something happened that no one could have predicted, an event so shocking that it shook the entire town. All of Hawkins was in a state of surprise, and all of the students at the high school were rattled. Steve Harrington had lost his title of King. He went from having throes of close friends and confidants at the top of the social hierarchy to having no one and resting at the bottom. 
Eddie didn’t know what had happened over a single weekend to make King Steve lose everything but when he saw him sitting all alone at one of the empty tables in the corner at lunch, exiled by his peers and poking at his food, Eddie felt compelled to step in. 
He stood up from his seat at the head of the Freak table with his eyes still on Steve. He took one step before a hand grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks. 
“What are you doing?” Gareth hissed at him, trying to plant him back in his seat. 
“I’m going to go talk to Steve.”
“Harrington? What the hell is the matter with you? Are you insane? He was bullying us just last week!” Grant whisper-yelled at him. 
“Okay, no he wasn’t,” Eddie defended. “He didn’t say anything and he told Tommy H to leave us alone when he was messing with us.”
That didn’t seem to help his case as much as he thought it would and he sighed. “Look guys, something obviously happened to him since he’s sitting there alone and picking at a bag of peanuts while all of his old friends are ignoring him and enjoying their lunches. We don’t judge here and we don’t know Steve enough to form an accurate opinion. So, I’m going to go get him and you’re all going to be nice. I have a feeling he needs that right now.”
His friends blinked at him wordlessly and he nodded. “I’m glad you’ve come to your senses. I’m going to go get him.”
And with that, he stalked over to the fallen king with the entire student body glaring at him in appall. He stopped just short of Steve’s chair and flashed his biggest grin at him. Upon seeing Steve’s concern however, he muted his grin into something less ‘I’m a maniac’ and more ‘you should be my friend’. 
“Hey Harrington, how are you today?” Eddie asked him. 
Steve just blinked up at him for a moment. His eye was bruised and his cheekbone was bloody. He looked like utter shit and that was saying something coming from Eddie. 
“Um, I’m alright. How are you?”
Eddie’s smile brightened, “I’m great! How are you?”
“Still alright? Can I help you with something?” Steve asked him in confusion. 
“Yes, I saw you over here by your lonesome and decided to sequester you to my table instead. Your former court doesn’t deserve to feast on the sight of your suffering.” Eddie may have gone a little bit overboard on that one. 
Steve squinted at him. “Dude, I might still have a concussion but that didn’t make any sense at all.”
“You have a concussion?” Eddie asked in concern.
“Um, yeah. Byers has a mean right hook. He’s tougher than people give him credit for, I guess.”
“Byers? Like Jonathan Byers?” Eddie’s eyes widened. What the fuck had he done to piss of Jonathan ‘The Wallflower’ Byers?
“No, his little brother Will. Yes, Jonathan Byers,” Steve snarked sassily. 
“Jesus Christ, I did not know he had it in him. He looks more like a lover than a fighter, you know?”
“Not really?” Steve shook his head slightly. 
“Anyways, I feel like we’ve bonded. So since we’re friends now, do you want to come sit at my table? We hoard chocolate pudding, gossip about the popular kids, and play the amazing fantasy game that Christian mothers everywhere like to hate. You in?”
Steve watched him for a moment before biting his lip in thought. “How much chocolate pudding are we talking?”
“Tons. Grant’s mom is the lunch lady so we have a near endless supply and an ally on the dark side. We also get extra apple juice and all of the carrots one could ever want. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.” That was a bit of an over-exaggeration considering Grant had to steal her work key to get them the food but it was still kind of true. 
Steve grabbed his bag of chex mix and his backpack and stood toe to toe with Eddie. “Now that’s an offer that I can’t refuse. Lead the way, Munson.”
Eddie smiled, he’d added another lost sheep to his herd. “After me, Harrington!”
They both stalked across the now-silent lunch room back to his table. Jeff, Gareth, and Grant were looking up at the two of them in surprise like they hadn’t expected his amazing personality to win over Steve Harrington. 
“Alright, this is Jeff, Gareth, and Grant. Boys, this is Steve. Steve-O, take a seat!” Eddie announced boisterously. He pushed Gareth off his chair and motioned for Steve to take it. “Oh, look! An empty chair right next to my seat! Steve, you can sit right here!”
He saw Steve give a sympathetic look to Gareth but he sat down regardless. Eddie planted a cup of chocolate pudding right in front of him and smiled deviously. “Now Steve, what do you know about Dungeons & Dragons?”
“Um, I know that the kids I babysit like to play it and it’s some sort of storytelling game with lots of math?” he muttered.
Eddie just gasped along with the rest of Hellfire. “‘Some sort of storytelling game’? That’s the worst possible way you could’ve described it, Harrington! It’s not a game, it’s an experience!”
All three of the guys defended it at once.
“I can’t believe he just said that!”
“Lots of math? It’s a reasonable amount!”
“Next he’s going to say he doesn’t know what a dungeon master is!”
“Oh is that some sort of dice?” Steve asked them in confusion. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” one of the guys muttered.
“No, I’m the Dungeon Master. I tell-” Eddie tried to explain. 
“Sounds kinky.”
“What the fuck-” Eddie yelled. Looking at the smile on Steve’s face, he knew that bringing him into Hellfire's fold was a good idea. He was a little concerned at just how easy he was riling up the guys but he had a good feeling about this sheep. Very good, indeed.
(Eddie starts dating him two weeks later after Steve lets it slip that he knows what a paladin is. How is Eddie not supposed to kiss him when he made his way to his little nerd heart?)
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euphoricimagination · 9 months
First Interactions
Feat. Oikawa, Kuroo & Osamu
Your friend has been bugging you for what feels like forever for you to go to see the volleyball team practice with her, and you have been denying it for the same time. It’s not like you didn’t know that your school was one of the power houses in the whole Miyagi when it comes to volleyball, you did know that. You’ve seen them play, and you actually like them enough to go to support them in official matches.
It’s the amount of girls screaming what annoyed you.
You understand it, really, Oikawa IS handsome and has a flirty personality, it’s no wonder so many girls like him. But you’ve never been fan of loud places when it’s not in the appropriate place. On a real match? Sure, it makes sense to cheer loudly for them, but it was unnecessary on a practice match.
But still, your friend has tried so hard to convince you that you could at least accept once.
You were entering the gym, but since you didn’t come here often outside of PE classes, you enter the building through the normal doors instead of the ones leading to the viewing area. A big mistake from your part.
You could hear the sneakers running around, the loud sounds of the ball hitting the players arms. Seijoh versus a school named Karasuno. After a point passed to your team, you started looking for some stairs to get out of the floor, completely missing that the infamous Oikawa was about to serve.
A loud sound from his hand hitting the ball and a loud sound from the ball hitting the court was enough to make you look that way. Just on time to see the ball coming directly at you with an ungodly speed and force. You hear some screams your way, but couldn’t make up what they were saying to you, you were only able to lift up your arms right before the impact.
Before you realize it you were on the floor, your wrist hurting so much that you couldn’t even scream in pain. Your ears were ringing, your eyes were watery; yet you could hear sneakers getting closer and some shadows appearing in front of you. They were moving their mouths, but you couldn’t make up any sound until someone kneel in front of you, making you sit properly while holding one of you arms.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?” you finally were able to process, your vision less blurry helping you make out the brown hair and worry eyes of the perpetrator of the serve. A bunch of the players looking at you with worry
“My…my wrist” you say. At that Oikawa takes your wrist on his hand carefully, making you gasp in pain
“She should go to the infirmary, Oikawa’s serves are too strong for a normal person to take” one of the coaches say as the players quickly start to disperse to resume the game
“I suggest Shittykawa to take her there. He hurt her, he should do it” said the spikey black hair dude, hitting the back of the Captain’s neck when he complained “or I could always punch you”
“Okay, okay, I’ll take her” Oikawa says, helping you up carefully “Let’s go”
The walk towards the infirmary wasn’t long, but it was awkward to the say the least. You knew he didn’t hit you on purpose, yet you didn’t know what to say to him. Once there, the nurse instructed him to hold an ice package on your wrist for a few minutes before bandaging it up, so you both stayed in silence sitting there, you in a horrible pain.
“I’m…I’m sorry” he finally says “I did saw you there, but I didn’t thought the ball will go directly at you. I’m still working on controlling that serve”
“It’s okay, I guess I shouldn’t have enter that way” you also say
“No, it’s totally my fault” he lifts up his head, looking at you with a small smirk on “if I didn’t knew better I would think that you did this just so I could hold your hand”
“You are full of yourself, not everyone likes you, you know?” you defended yourself, hearing him laugh
“And yet I’ve seen you in every match I’ve played” he smirks again, making you blush. He has noticed you multiple times, something about you always makes his eyes find you even in the largest of crowds. Maybe it was because you absolute indifference towards him in particular, maybe it was because you solely seem to focus on the sport, but that was enough to spark some interest in him.
“Me liking volleyball has nothing to do with you” you say blushing
“Sure…Let’s have a fresh start, okay? One that doesn’t involve me hurting your wrist?” he smiles at you, that smile that he gives whenever he wants something. And that something now was getting to know you.
After returning to the gym, this time entering through the right doors, your friends greets you excitedly, asking a bunch of questions about Oikawa. However now you’re with a hurt wrist and a promise to grab some coffee after the match finishes.
You were late.
You were on cleaning duty for your class today and were supposed to meet your classmate around 10 minutes ago to start arranging the tables and chairs, but something had happened in the subway and you had to go on a big detour just to be able to arrive on time.
You quickly took the school shoes out of your locker and put them on, getting it done on a record time in comparison of how you normally do it. However, is well known that speed can blind you from your surroundings, which was the case here.
Kuroo had arrived while you were getting ready to put your shoes on. On a normal morning he would say hi to you, after all his shoe locker was a mere few rows away from yours, but he saw how quickly you were doing your things. Honestly, he didn’t even knew that your locker was near his. He had see you around more than one more time, walking to your classrooms, on school events and such, and he honestly had thought more than one more time how pretty and elegant you were; however, since he has captain duties early in the morning and until late in the afternoon, he hadn’t found the time to properly greet you.
Until you bumped into him.
Once you were ready with your shoes on you immediately turn around to run towards the classroom; however, instead of finding a free corridor, you only found something sturdy in your way, crashing directly on it and almost falling if it wasn’t for some arms wrapping quickly around your waist. You look up to find out that you had bump into the chest of the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, the captain of the volleyball team that was making noise not only for his handsome looks but also for how smart he was. When did he got here? How did you not noticed? Those were the questions running around your head.
“Sorry! I didn’t see you arrive” you say apologetic, only to receive a light laugh and a big smile
“No problem! Be careful though, speed is a curse, it narrows your view and makes it harder to breathe” he says, stabilizing you before letting you go “what are you even rushing for?”
“Eh... I’m late, I’m on cleaning duty today” you manage to mumble, still in shock
“Late? It’s 7.15 and classes start at 8.45, I would say that’s plenty of time to get your class ready” he smirks at you, which grows even wider once you realize the time.
“Ah” it’s the only thing you manage to say, it turns out you weren’t even late. This only makes him laugh louder
“Well” he starts saying as he stops laughing “since you’re here already and I could probably bet you didn’t even had breakfast, want to go and grab something from the convenience store with me?”
“Ehh…sure, why not” you say quite embarrassed, chuckling at your own mistake “I’m Yn by the way”
“Kuroo Tetsurou” he smiles at you widely “next time take things slowly, okay?” he says as he waits for you to change back your shoes. Sure, he had to be at the gym by now, but he could arrive late once in a while for occasions like this.
Your day has been getting worse and worse by the second…or at least that’s what it feels like right now.
First thing in the morning you somehow managed to get your locker confused with someone else’s, almost getting into problems when a teacher find you there. Then you received a bad grade for a test that you actually did study for. And now that it’s lunch break you made one of the Miya’s fan girls mad by simply existing.
Well, being in the same class as Miya Atsumu has always been full of squeals of girls, random confessions throughout the day, and an unbearable amount of random gifts sparse through the floor; so in a way you were used to being around those type of girls. Today, however, your teacher decided to pair you up with the famous Miya.
It’s not like you didn’t like Atsumu, despite his cockiness he’s actually quite nice and even caring; which showed when he approached you during lunch break and sit with you when he saw you alone in there. It was a great gesture, you knew that he did it so you wouldn’t be left alone, and you knew that he didn’t know what the implications for that may be.
His fans were staring at you like you were the most disgusting person ever.
This lasted until Atsumu had to leave to some quick meet up with his team, when one of those girls decided to drop her water on you ‘accidentally’. This leads you here, outside of the school grounds and in front of the vending machine trying to buy a goddamn coffee to feel some comfort through this horrible day. But of course, the machine decided to not work this time, it didn’t even gave you your money back. Nothing could be going worse today.
“Fuck!” you cry in despair, kicking the vending machine to release some of your lock down emotions
“Hard day?” you hear from behind as you lay your forehead in the cold machine
“Horrible” you whisper without even looking back
“I saw my brother talking to ya through lunch, did some of those stupid girls did something to ya?” you hear, making you curious about who was talking to you. The other famous twin was looking at you in a mixture of confusion and empathy as you turn around and lay your back against the machine
“Yeah, but honestly the whole day has been awful” you admit to him “and now I can’t even drink coffee”
“Ha! That machine has some weird tricks on it” he says, moving closer to it and carefully moving you aside. He puts some coins on it and press the button hard, the sound of the drink going down as he puts more money to buy something else. Right after he hands you one of the drinks, the coffee you tried to buy, not before opening it up for you “Ye’re Yn, right? I’m Osamu, my idiot brothe r has said some things about ya, how ya were a good classmate and all”
“Yeah, that’s me” you drink a sip of the warm coffee, finally some comfort rushing through your veins. You didn’t know if it was for the coffee or Osamu though “Thank you for the drink”
“Well of course, if ye’re having a terrible day I can at least offer ya some coffee” he says with a small smile. He has heard some things about you from Atsumu, however he recently started to notice you himself whenever you both go to the nearest convenience store to buy some food or when you pass next to him in the halls, always exchanging a snarky remark with his brother and a polite smile to him
“I can’t wait to this day to be over” you sigh
“Ya know, our captain just told us we don’t have practice today…do ya wanna go grab some food after class?”
“Food? After class?” you say incredulous
“Yeah, that way ya have something better to look forward until the day is over. It’ll be my treat too”
You look at him surprised at the sudden invitation, and honestly, a little worried as well, he also had a lot of fans here. However he was right, this day has been one of the worst ones so far, so why not take this opportunity to go out with this boy?
“Sure” you smile
“Then look forward for that instead. See ya” he says leaving, a smile on his face too.
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
My relationship with SJM characters
Sjm: Hey look there’s a hot teen assassin and look! Sexy dark-haired prince? Isn’t he hot? Me: *falls for the captain of the guard* Sjm: wait what? lemme fix that. *writes crown of midnight* Me: Nope, still love Chaol and WHAT?!!! YOU RUINED MY SHIP????! Sjm: Not to worry! Big fat hot Fae males will make you forget all about Chaol! Me: Ew who is this stupid Rowan. Bring back Chaol. Sjm: … *writes Queen of Shadows* Come on you HAVE to hate Chaol now, choose a big Fae male! Rowan, Fenrys, or Aedion. Not Lorcan though, he’s a big ass amirite? Me: NO! CHAOL WAS COMPLETELY VALID. Sjm: *takes Chaol’s mobility* Me: NOOOOOOO *cries* Sjm: Ha, he won’t even be in the next book. So you HAVE to choose somebody else to like. So who will it be? Rowan, Fenrys, or Aedion? Me: Fine, I’ll pick someone else *chooses Lorcan* Sjm: NO. YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. *writes ending of EOS* Me: NOOOOOOO ELIDE HE DID IT FOR YOU *sobs* Sjm: Aelin is in a coffin and you’re worried about Lorcan? Anyway here’s a Chaol book for you. Me: YESSSS CHAOL IS FINALLY HAPPY Sjm: Nice nice ok. Now here’s some pain. Me: FLY FARASHA FLY FLY FLY *sobs* Sjm: FINE! I’ll convince you next time! ACOTAR: Sjm: Look hot Katniss wannabe! Hey look, hot male High Lord! He’s sooo hot amirite? Me: *falls for courtier and emissary* Sjm: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO FALL FOR THE PRINCE NOT THE LOYAL FRIEND. Me: What can i say, I have a type. I’ll still ship Feylin tho, it’s pretty good. Sjm: Oh you’re gonna forget all about Tamlin and Lucien. Look! Hot bat boys! Me: BITCH! YOU RUINED MY SHIP AGAIN?!!! AND WHERE IS LUCIEN?!!! Sjm: *retcons Tamlin* you must hate him now?! Me: DUDE EVEN WITH RETCONS HE CAN’T BE WORSE THAN THESE SLEAZEBALLS. WHERE IS LUCIEN???!!! Sjm: You’re gonna hate him now! *writes Lucien scene at night court in ACOMAF* Me: YES. SAVE HER LUCIEN. YOU GO HONEY!! Sjm: ???? *writes end of ACOMAF* Me: YES POSSESSIVE FERAL LUCIEN STEP ON ME. Sjm: …FINE. if you can’t beat em, join em. *writes ACOWAR* Me: *sighs* Feyre and Lucien would’ve been so good together. Sjm: yeah but rhysand is better amirite Me: NOOOO IANTHE YOU BITCH Sjm: *writes Ianthe’s arm breaking scene* Me: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS Sjm: so you like Feyre again right? Me: What? No! Lucien was the better friend! Sjm: … *brings Lucien to night court* Me: NOOOOOO LULU IS DEVASTATED HIS MATE IS HOLLOW Sjm: But look, elriel! Three brothers three sisters amirite? Me: FLOWERS NEED SUNSHINE. ELUCIEN FOREVER. Sjm: Yes yes i was just joking. Anyway, sending off Lucien to find Vassa. Me: We’ll get his POV tho right? Sjm: … Me: right????? Sjm: *writes ACOSF* THERE. He’s barely in this book. So you HAVE to pick somebody else to love. So, Cassian is hot too if you don’t like Rhysand. Me: FINE. I’ll CHOOSE SOMEONE ELSE. *picks Eris* Sjm: …I have learned my lesson. CC: Sjm: Look! Hot sorority girl who’s also an illegitimate princess! And her loyal knight! Hunt is sooooo hot amirite? Me: I’m too smart for you. He’s the first love interest so he’s NOT endgame. Don’t get attached. Sjm: wait he’s endgame this time I swear! Me: NOPEEEE NOT BUYING IT. Sjm: I’m fr this time. Isn’t he so hot? Me: *falls for the tattooed warrior prince* Sjm: … Sjm: I give up
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Heaven is not fit to house a love (like you and I) | Part 2
Word Count: 4.8k
Genre: smut, angst
Summary: When you first met your boyfriend, it was love at first sight. No, more than that. It was love before you even met. It felt like you had known each other in another life and were meant to find each other again. 
But that's not actually true, is it? You and Beomgyu don't actually know each other from another life, and the dreams you've been having aren't memories of your past life either. That's ridiculous. 
But then why does Beomgyu get so defensive about them? And why does each dream feel more real than the one before? 
A/N: this is the sequel to my series YAMQN but I'm trying to write it in a way that it would be comprehensible to people who have never read YAMQN. The parts in italic are the dreams. 
Warnings: unhealthy relationships, jealousy, dom!reader, sub!beomgyu, riding, toys, orgasm denial.
If you want to commission me, click here.
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Now that Taehyun is working with you, Beomgyu is not content to just drive you to work as he always does. No, now he has to walk you inside, arm wrapped tightly around you to make sure everyone, especially Taehyun, knows you’re claimed.
“Oh, hey.” Taehyun greets when he sees you. “You look beautiful today.” 
You don’t get the chance to properly glare at him for purposefully annoying your boyfriend before Beomgyu twists you around and smashes your lips together, pulling you into a kiss that is far too indecent for public.  
Yet another co-worker snorts. "We get it dude. She's yours. Are you gonna pee on her to claim your territory too?"
Your cheeks flame up and you shove Beomgyu away, absolutely mortified by the spectacle he has made of you. “Beomgyu!”
“What? Don’t want him to see who you belong to?” He asks, daring to sound upset at you.  
“Everyone knows we’re dating. Get your head out of your ass.” You smack his hands completely off you, livid at his underhanded accusation. 
“Wouldn’t hurt to remind him.” He mutters, and you roll your eyes, ushering him out of the cafe before you get fired for an indecent act in the workplace. “Leave. You’ve done enough.” 
You don’t give him the chance to respond before you step back into the restaurant and slam the door in his face, trying your best to avoid everyone’s gaze. You quickly get dressed then step behind the counter, getting the orders ready for the customers streaming in, trying to shake off the strong sense of deja-vu you felt at the way Beomgyu behaved. Those dream are really messing you up. 
“Your boyfriend really doesn’t like me, huh?” Taehyun comments, working alongside you. 
“Don’t take it personally. He gets jealous easily.” You sigh, brushing it off. 
“It sure feels personal though. It’s like I killed his cat in the past or something.” 
“Funny you should say that.” You snort, but don’t elaborate, not wanting to deal with another guy ridiculing you for your dreams.
But Taehyun is intrigued, and he doesn’t drop it. “What do you mean?”
“Forget about it.” You brush him off, handing a customer their drink with a forced smile, but that makes him even more curious. As you go to make another drink, he takes the coffee pot from your hand, forcing you to look at him. “No, tell me.”
“Taehyun, there are customers waiting.” You snap but he just shrugs. “So? They can survive five minutes without their morning lattes.” 
You give him a pointed look. “Yeah? Have you met our clientele? They’re mean when they’re low on caffeine.” 
“I can handle it. Just tell me.” He reassures you, but conspicuously starts making a new drink. 
“Okay fine, but don’t laugh. You asked for it.” He nods, waiting patiently for you to explain. “So I keep having these dreams about me and Beomgyu in another life, a past life. He’s a prince and I’m a lady of the court and we want to be together but we can’t because he’s betrothed to someone else and so everything is all fucked up but we love each other so much and want to be with each other anyway. It’s all very fanciful and silly but then again the dreams are so vivid, it’s like I’m really there. It feels more real than my actual memories, you know?”
He nods, a small smirk on his face that tells you that he doesn’t really buy what you’re saying–you don’t really buy what you’re saying either–but he’s kind enough to hold his tongue and not make fun of you like Beomgyu does.
“Anyway, you’ve been appearing in the dreams lately too.” That catches his interest, and he listens even more intently. “You’re this powerful lord from another city and we start getting close which dream Beomgyu really hates. He tries so hard to keep us apart that he even ends up locking me in my room so I wouldn’t see you but you sneak in to see me anyway, and then… Well, I don’t know what. That’s all I know so far. He basically wants to kill you because you won’t stay away from me. Dream him, I mean… though, I’m not too sure real Beomgyu doesn’t want to kill you too.”
“Oh, please, I can take him.” He says confidently and you look him over. Sure, he looks like he’d be able to take Beomgyu. Physically he appears stronger than your boyfriend, but there is just something about Beomgyu you don’t like to think about that causes the hairs at the back of your neck to stand up.  
“Anyway, that is all very intense.” He finally says, “You have quite the imagination.” 
“I knew it. You think it’s stupid.” You flush, embarrassed that you revealed all of this to him. 
“No, no. It’s not stupid. It’s not real, but it’s not stupid.” He reassures you, or at least he tries to. “Maybe these dreams are your brain’s way of working through issues you’re having with your boyfriend? I mean, I didn’t show up in your dreams before you saw me, right? And it was only after seeing how Beomgyu got so aggressive with me that you had the dreams about him trying to keep us away from each other, right?”
“I guess…” What he’s saying makes sense. Maybe it’s just your brain trying to make sense of the whirlwind that is your romantic life with Beomgyu. 
“Well, there you go.” He proclaims, “Maybe the way to stop these dreams is to work out the issues you’re having with Beomgyu.” 
“Easier said than done.” You snort, and once again Taehyun is not letting your little passive-aggressive comments pass by. “What do you mean?”
You sigh. “He’s impossible to talk to about these things. He either gets so defensive you can never fault him for his behavior or he freaks out about us breaking up that I end up needing to comfort him for his own bad behavior.” 
Taehyun wears a frown on his face. “That doesn’t sound too healthy. If you can’t even talk things through then how can you expect your relationship to survive?” 
“Don’t say that. Beomgyu is a wonderful guy and a loving boyfriend. He just gets insecure and needs reassurance. It’s because his ex fucked him up or something.” You mutter the last part bitterly. If she hadn’t messed him up so much, Beomgyu would have literally been the perfect boyfriend. 
“But that’s not your fault. What she did to him has nothing to do with you. If he can’t separate the two then he doesn’t deserve to be with you.” 
You shake your head. “You’re being too harsh on him.” Yes, Beomgyu is acting like an ass right now but that doesn’t take away from all the wonderful things he is. 
“Am I? If you let this go then he’ll only get worse.” 
Maybe he’s right. Maybe you should stand up more to Beomgyu. Things can get really bad when he gets into his head, but when he’s good, he’s really good and that always brings you right back into his arms. 
As if he could read your thoughts, Beomgyu takes you out on a much needed date at the local arcade, seemingly aiming to make you forget about the erratic way he has been acting lately. 
You’re both video game fans, especially those old games you used to play growing up, and so this is like Disneyland for you. You have so much fun recalling all the good times you had playing these classic games, only you get to enjoy them with the person you love this time around, and damn does it feel ten times more fun with Beomgyu. 
“Oh my god, oh my god!” Beomgyu screams, trying to keep up with you but failing miserably, messing up his steps on the dance dance revolution game, and allowing you to take the lead. “No, this is too fast–ahhhh!”
You laugh at his exclamations, messing up a few steps of your own as you sneak glances at him, enjoying the way he makes such a show of it, always aiming to entertain and get a laugh out of you and everyone else. You know he doesn’t actually care about losing. He just wants to make it fun for you. 
The machine makes a noise that indicates the game is over and that you’ve won, and the small crowd that has gathered to watch you because of your boyfriend's antics cheers for you. 
“Thank you, thank you.” You give a gracious bow, before pulling your stupid boyfriend into a kiss that receives a couple of woohoos. 
“I know. I know. I can’t believe she’s dating me too.” He says and you smack his shoulder shyly. “Shut up. You’re such a simp.” 
 “No, I’m not. I’m just appreciating my beautiful, wonderful girlfriend who–”
“Get a room! Some of us actually want to play.” A teen shouts out at you, and his friends jeer in agreement, forcing you off the game with embarrassed giggles. 
“Wow, kids are mean.” Beomgyu exclaims and you laugh. “Kids? We’re barely a couple of years older than them.”
“Yeah. I guess so.” Beomgyu comments, not seeming to share your laughter. 
“Hey, are you okay? They were jerks but they’re just teens, you know?” You try to comfort him. You know how mean teens can be, but Beomgyu just shakes his head and gives you a big smile. “Oh no, I’m not thinking about that at all. I just remembered something… doesn’t matter. Let’s go play another game.” 
“Okay…” You trail off uncertainly, unsure if he’s really okay. But then you spot something that takes your attention away. “Oh, let’s go play that shooter game! There is a toy there that I really want!” 
You step towards it, but as soon as you do, you’re being pulled back by your boyfriend. “I don’t really like shooter games. Too violent, you know?”
“It’s an air gun.” You explain slowly as if he doesn’t grasp the concept, and he shrugs.  “Well, it still teaches violence to kids. Today an air gun, tomorrow a school shooting.” 
You roll your eyes at his silly dramatics. “Too bad we aren’t kids then. We’re a whole couple of years older than kids. Now come on.” You drag him behind you, sights already set on a teddy bear that reminds you of Beomgyu. 
“I wanna win that one! Add it to my beargyu collection at home.” You clap excitedly, and the man at the stand hands you a gun to use.
“She’s got a good eye. She picked the best prize.” The man tells Beomgyu then turns back to you. “You have to shoot all the cans down to be able to win that one.”
“Yeah. She has expensive taste, that one.” Beomgyu comments and you pout, playfully shoving him. “Gyu!” 
“Is it not true?” He cocks an eyebrow at you and you push your head up defiantly. “I just have high standards, that’s all.” 
“I know, baby. And you deserve the best.” He says, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it, making you blush. 
“Are you going to shoot?” The man asks impatiently, bored with you and Beomgyu’s public displays of affection. You don’t care though, sending Beomgyu a kiss and a wink.. 
Still, it’s gonna be challenging winning that bear, and you have to concentrate. 
“Okay…” You take a deep breath and get into position, turning towards again Beomgyu and squeaking a quick ‘pray for me’ before you look back and start shooting. 
And damn, you’re a lousy shot. 
At the start, the cans are all lined up next to each other so you manage to fell a lot of them just by generally shooting in their direction, but as their numbers dwindle, you start completely missing them. 
“Baby, you’re trying to shoot the cans, not the other patrons.” Beomgyu quips and you glare at him, almost shooting him too, and he raises his hands in surrender. “Just saying.” 
“Well, don’t say.” You grit, missing even more shots. 
“Damn it!” You exclaim in frustration, seeing your chances go down with each missed shot, and eventually running out of ammo. “Ughhhhh.” 
“Cheer up, baby. You tried your best.” Beomgyu tries to comfort you, “You just–”
“I wanna try again.” You proclaim, smacking more tickets down on the counter and gesturing for the worker to reload your gun before trying again. 
And again. And again. And again. Each time failing more miserably than the last, the frustration getting to you. 
“Baby, we’re running out of money here. Soon, I’m gonna have to sell my kidney to give you arcade money.” Beomgyu appeals to you once more, urging you to give up.
“Fine!” You give a huge sigh, finally handing over the gun sadly. “I just really wanted it.” 
“Why? We have a million teddy bears at home.” 
“I know but I wanted that one.” You pout, moving a finger across his chest coyly. “Can you try to win it for me?”
“Pretty, please.” You turn on the puppy-dog eyes that you know have been very effective on him in the past.
He sighs, looking defeated. “You know I would do anything for you.” 
“Yes! Works every time.” You congratulate yourself, preparing to watch your pacifist boyfriend flounder just like you did, but planning to enjoy anyway. 
Except he doesn’t. To your absolute shock, Beomgyu clears the game on the first try. 
“Wow, you’re really good at this.” You clap, amazed, and give him a big hug. “When did you learn this?”
“Oh. I used to play this game a lot as a kid.” Funnily enough, you feel like you’ve watched him do this before. Maybe it was in one of your prince dreams…
“See? And you didn’t become a violent psychopath. You were worrying for nothing.” You tease him, holding your hard-earned teddy bear up and giddily spinning around with it. 
“Excuse me.” A small voice calls out, halting your merriment and you look down to see the most adorable child tugging at your skirt. Well, you see a blurry, double vision of an adorable child as your poor brain tries to recover from the celebratory spinning. 
“Oh, hello. Aren’t you just the cutest thing?” You gush. “What’s your name?” 
“Ben.” He says, and Beomgyu gasps, equally as dramatic as you. “Well, that is just the cutest name ever.” 
“Thank you.” Ben plays with his fingers and swings shyly from one foot to the other. 
“Are you lost, Ben?” Beomgyu asks, getting down to his knees in front of the child. “Where is your mommy?” 
The child points off somewhere.
“Do you want us to take you to her?” You ask, but he shakes his head. “No. I just wanted to say that… that I like your bear and and–can we trade? You can have my toy instead!” He presents you with a small bright orange and yellow toy truck.  
“Aw, you cheeky little thing.” Beomgyu tuts, “That is very generous, but I just won this for the pretty lady and I think she wants to keep itt.” 
You do. You really want to keep it. But Ben looks so disappointed at hearing that, that you don’t have the heart to refuse him for long. 
“That’s okay, Gyu. He can have it.” You intervene, and Beomgyu raises an eyebrow at you skeptically. “Are you sure? You made such a fuss about it.” 
You shoot him a glare. “I know but he’s a kid and he wants it.” 
“The way you were acting earlier, one could’ve easily mistaken you for a kid too.” He mumbles and you smack the back of his head in indignation. “Hey!” 
The sound of Ben’s purely ecstatic laughter at what you did grabs both your attention and prevents you from further squabbling. 
“You like seeing me smack the stupid man?” You raise your hand towards Beomgyu threateningly and he cowers dramatically. “I stand corrected. I shouldn’t have been worrying about kids learning violence from games when they can just learn it from people like you.” 
“Aw, you wound me, baby.” You let your hand down to smooth down his hair affectionately. “This is just a tried and true discipline technique. I’ll show you more when we get home.” You give him a wink and he blushes. 
“Alright, let’s take you to your mum.” You announce to the kid, handing him the toy bear and giggling at the way he struggles to walk while holding the giant thing. 
When you’re within sight of his mother, she calls out, relieved. “Ben! There you are!” She runs to hug him. Or tries to hug him but she can’t really with the stuffed animal in the way. “Where did you get that teddy bear from?”
“We gave it to him.” You explained happily and she gasps, turning to scold him. “Did you ask them to give it to you? You know I told you you to stop doing that. It’s not polite—He’s always asking strangers for things, pretending to be all cute and innocent to swindle people out of their belongings. It’s really not nice… or safe!” She explains to you, before turning back to her son. “Now give the bear back to the nice couple.” 
“But I don’t wanna!” He throws a tantrum, and you and Beomgyu exchange an amused look. 
So the little rascal was playing you. Well done. 
“That’s fine. He can keep it.” You tell his mum, but she won’t hear it. “Not, it’s not. You don’t have to–”
“We want to.” You reassure her, and Ben looks at his mother expectantly, his little face praying that she’d allow him to keep the bear and she sighs. “Fine. Though you’re only enforcing bad habits.” She gives you both a stern look and Beomgyu gives a small apologetic bow. “We’re sorry, ma’am.” 
You fight to contain your giggles as she turns to her son. “What do we say, Ben?”
“Thank you!” He chirps happily. 
“You’re welcome.” You both laugh. “Enjoy it.”
“I will!”  
“See you, Ben.” Beomgyu crouches down to say goodbye to him, raising his hand up so Ben can give him a high five, which he does enthusiastically.  
“Bye.” You wave goodbye to Ben and his mum, walking away with Beomgyu. 
Seeing how sweet Beomgyu was with Ben… how naturally he acted and how at ease the kid was with him… it made you yearn for things you can’t have. It made you want to have that–to have a child that is yours and Beomgyu’s. But you can’t ask him that of him, not after what he told you, not for a while, at least. 
Too preoccupied with the thoughts, you don’t think to hide them from Beomgyu, and he quickly notices the shift in your mood. 
“What?” Beomgyy asks, and you look at him in confusion, so he explains, “You’ve been quiet for a while.”
“Oh.” You blink away the tears from your eyes, not even having realized they had gathered there, silently fighting against the weird emptiness that seeing him interacting with the child has opened up in you. “Nothing. I'm just suddenly really tired. Let's go home."
You can tell he doesn’t buy your excuse. “Did you want the bear? You know you could’ve said–”
“No. No. It’s not that, really. I just…” You trail off and a look of realization comes over his face. You quickly add on, “Beomgyu, it’s really nothing. Let’s just go home, okay?” 
Still, he doesn’t believe it. But he gathers you in his arms anyway and gives you a sweet peck on the lips. “Okay.”
He’ll always give you what you want. 
“You can be so good to me. Why do you have to be such an ass sometimes?” You murmur against his lips.
“I just can’t afford to lose you–ah–” He trails off in a moan as you continue to ride him. 
"You really will do anything to keep me, huh?" You clench around him, making him automatically buck under you. “Ah-ah-ah, I said no moving, baby.” 
"Yes, darling.” His hands fist at the sheets in an effort to keep his body from reacting to the way you’re fucking him so tortuously. 
“Call me princess. I liked it when you did that.” 
“Baby…” He protests, and you move your hands up his torso to brush your thumbs across his nipples before you bend down and lick one. “Come on, my prince, you said you’ll do anything for me.” 
“Yes, princess.” You could practically feel his cock twitching inside you as you let go of his nipple with a pop to sit back and properly ride him, really quickening your pace to reward him for his compliance. 
It’s so easy to get Beomgyu to do what you want. He’ll bend over backwards to keep you happy. He just gets too in his head sometimes and starts getting paranoid so you need to shut his brain down. 
And shut down it is, right now. He’s entirely under your mercy, laying down for you to ravage him and loving every second of it. “Oh god. Close, princess. So close.” 
“Don’t cum yet.” 
“Please, I can’t.” He croaks. Oh, how you love to see him struggle. It’s like a drug to you, seeing how much he needs you. 
“Hold it.” You pant, bouncing on top of him, intent to push him right to the edge, and when you feel like he’s about to fall over it, you quickly get off him, his red cock smacking against his tummy, dribbling precum as it twitches from the denial. 
“Fuck… fuck…” Beomgyu curses, his body entirely wound up from the pent up frustration and lust. 
"Shhh." You hush him with a kiss that he hungrily reciprocates, the wet sounds of lips and tongues meeting echoing around the room. When you pull back his lips are shiny with spit and his eyes are drowning with need. But he never reaches out for you, never tries to take what he wants. Your pretty prince. 
You lean forward to open up the bedside table, taking out your vibrator. Beomgyu stares, wide-eyed, as you grab his cock and sink down on it once again. But this time instead of riding him, you swivel your hips around and turn on the vibrator, pressing it to your clit.
“Oh, you’re going to kill me.” He groans, squirming under you as the vibrations and the way your cunt is clenching around him build his high up once again..
"No cumming until I do." You order, and he’s unable to keep his hands to himself anymore, choosing instead to grab at your thighs, his body needing to latch onto yours–just holding onto you to keep him tethered, never forcing you to give him more no matter how much he wants it. 
"I don’t know if I can hold it.” 
"You will. Or do you need me to put a cock ring on you?" You threaten, but the small involuntary thrust of his hips surprise you. “Oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I like anything you do to me.” He confesses, making your skin tingle. 
You grind on him faster, moving the vibrator up and down your slit, feeling your release looming near. 
“Oh my fucking god, princess, please.” 
"What is it, baby?” You gasp, thighs starting to spasm from the impending orgasm. “You wanna cum?"
"Uh-huh." He whimpers pitifully like a dog begging for his master to reward him. “You know, I do.” 
Of course, you do. It’s so obvious, he’s practically on the verge of crying, but it’s always so fun to tease him about it. 
"But I thought you said you'd let me do whatever I wanted to you, and I like keeping you on the edge. Love seeing you go all dumb for my pussy." You pout, acting like you’re upset and he eats it all up. 
"I’m sorry… I just need it." He cries, head thrown back and his nails digging into your skin. "Close–so close–please–oh god, please—"
“Cum for me, gyu. Fill me up.” You finally have mercy on him, taking the vibrator away as your pussy clenches around him, milking him of his seed as you hurl over the edge. 
“Yes—oh, princess–ahhh–” He holds your hips and ruts up into you, releasing his cum inside you and filling you up just like you wanted. 
It takes you both a while to come down from your orgasms, the delayed gratification bringing out a very intense high. But when you do, he pulls you down to him, wrapping you safely in his arms. 
“I’m sorry for being so crazy lately. I just love you so much.” He presses a kiss against your damp forehead. 
“I know, baby. I love you too.” You reciprocate fully, but as the high wears off, doubt starts to set back in. “But you can’t keep acting that way. I am not going to cheat on you with Taehyun and it hurts me that you would even doubt that.” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just… my ex. She–”
“Let me guess, cheated on you.” You roll your eyes, not meaning to diminish his pain but you just hate his ex so much. “But baby, I’m not her. I love you. Only you.” 
“I know, but… it would just make me feel better if you didn’t talk to him.” 
“He’s my co-worker, I have to talk to him.” 
“Plenty of people don’t talk to their co-workers. In fact plenty of people maintain a very healthy mutual animosity with their coworkers. I think you should try that.” 
“Beomgyu.” You deadpan, exasperation clear in your tone. 
“Fine. I’ll try to tone it down.” 
“Thank you. I really don’t want to… lose you.” 
He frowns, pushing you back so he can fully see your face. “You won’t. You will never lose me.” He says it with absolute certainty, and maybe his promise was meant to sound reassuring, but something about the way he said it makes you shiver. 
“Are you cold, baby?” He asks, concerned. 
“I… I guess.” 
“Come here.” He pulls you down into his arms, wrapping you up in that warm embrace that seems to always make you forget about all the wrong he’s done. When you’re in his arms, it’s like the world slips away and it’s just you and him and the love you have for each other. None of those troubling thoughts can reach you here, none of the doubts. 
Just you and him. Forever. 
“Don’t talk to her that way.” Beomgyu snarls at Taehyun, looking like he is going to spring forward and attack him but you hold onto him tightly.  
“Beomgyu, stay. Let me talk to him alone.” You whisper to him but he shakes his head. “No.” 
You lean closer to him so only he can hear you. “Come on, Beomgyu, we had a deal. Anything you want after, just let me talk to him.” 
He throws a hateful look towards Taehyun, obviously not happy with what’s happening, before he looks back at you and pulls you into a sudden kiss. Your hands shoot up to his chest, trying to push him away but his own hands hold onto you, one grabbing the back of your head and the other squeezing your ass. 
“My lord, this is not proper.” You hear someone reprimand, making you flush with humiliation and reminding you that you have more than one witness to Beomgyu’s mortifying display of ownership over you. 
“I can still taste my cock on your tongue, princess.” Beomgyu says loudly enough for Taehyun to hear before finally letting you pull away, ignoring your incensed look in favor of smirking at Taehyun. You follow his gaze to find that Taehyun looks to be seconds away from exploding. 
“Fucking stay here.” You grit out at Beomgyu, your outrage giving you the strength you need to make your way towards Taehyun without trembling anymore. 
“Is this what you left me for? Just to go back to being treated like a piece of meat?” Taehyun denounces in disgust once you’re standing in front of him. 
Left him for? What?
It is at that moment that you wake up from your dream, filled with feelings of shame, disgust and guilt. 
Now what could this mean? If Taehyun is right and your dreams are meant to express your discomfort with the way Beomgyu is treating you, then why are you dreaming that you and Taehyun were together? Are you completely overthinking this? Is it just weird dream happenstance? 
You mean, it did mirror what happened earlier with Beomgyu kissing you in front of everyone so maybe that’s what your mind was going for and it just started acting wonky the way brains on dreams do. 
But why, as always, does it feel so devastatingly real? Why do you still feel like you’ve betrayed Taehyun somehow? 
A/N: our dear old crazy possessive beomgyu ❤️😂
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Hey-hey 👋
I'm absolutely in love with your writing for Narnia from M!IK!! Thank you so much for your work!
What do you think Narnia's courting human!reader will look like? Bonus points if it will be kinda rituals (since we know Naberius clan is connected with dogs 😉)
If you feel uncomfortable with that request you can ignore it, it's ok 👍
Hihi!! No, thank you so much for reading it! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I thought about waiting to start this till the big 'betrayal' of the Deviculum arc was revealed, but it'll be a two-week hiatus till the new crowns are revealed, much less that big boy of a thing. So here it is anyway!
This was written from the POV of an Iruma's parent reader, but if anyone also wants one of a non-Iruma associated reader, just let me know!
Narnia Courting a human!reader (spoilers for up to chapter 197 ahead!)
First, knowing what we know now about his feelings for humans, I honestly don't think he would have considered it in the beginning. This old dog would probably fight tooth and nail at first to deny it.
But once he admits to himself he likes you? You're in for a ride.
I'm thinking you first met at the Deviculum, having been invited as the daughter of Sullivan and as another 'guard' for Amaryllis, and he was disguised as Fenrir 'Fen-chan'.
At first, while he had set you on edge, you had simply thought him a funny little dude who had a thing for dog shaped hand gestures. And with a name like Fenrir it had been easy to write off the dog like qualities as wolf ones, probably descended and named after the Norse mythology wolf.
And so, despite your feeling, you had laughed at his jokes and little quips and thrown some back easily.
Until he scared your son.
Then all bets had been off.
You were no 13 crown head of lust, but you were a parent too. A parent who also had fangs and nails, as blunt as they may be in comparison, and was more than willing to throw down with a border patrol demon for your child.
Narnia hadn't been impressed with Iruma's quick submission, simply affirming what he thought of humans being too weak to be allowed in the Netherworld at all, much less in positions of power, but you?
You had done a complete 180 from how you acted before. The second he had leaned in to get closer to Iruma, you were suddenly there with all the rage and fire of any demon parent he had ever seen before.
Eyes that had been shinning prettily in awe of the ball were now narrowed in on him, lips pulled back in a snarl and tiny canines bared at him. Threats fired off without a second thought.
(His personal favourite was when you threatened to rip his tail off and shove it down his throat)
If he hadn't known better, he would have thought he was looking at a demon returned to origins with the feral look in your eyes.
And he was absolutely certain, that if Amaryllis hadn't stepped in and slapped him, shocking you out of that state of mind, you might actually have tried to lunge at him.
He fell in love at that moment.
Though he wouldn't realize it till later. Still reeling that a human had acted so much like a demon.
So he starts looking into you more carefully once the whole Deviculum thing is over.
Approaches you as Narnia, rather than Fenrir, so that he can get the full picture of who you are, without the negative feelings of the Deviculum in the way.
You had known it was the same person anyway from his mannerisms, the dog hand symbol he occasionally made, even in Narnia mode, was hard to forget.
The more he got to know you, though, the more he was he fell and eventually conceded that yes, humans weren't so weak, and also yes he wanted this particular human.
And once he did, he would waste no time trying to initiate a courtship.
I fully believe that demons follow courtship rituals that start with offerings.
Something meant to entice and say 'hey I'm an option, look at me' and if accepted, delve into gifts on why they would be such a good choice and spend time together.
In ancient times, this was usually a kill of some sort to prove they can provide. Nowadays, in modern times, that was far less likely and was generally more tailored to the couple in particular.
His first gift is actually an apology for the way he acted and a promise to protect both you and Iruma from any future harm.
His second gift, given right after you accepted his apology, was a circular hair brooch with two sticks chained to it, made from a material that looked most closely to rainbow obsidian.
The brooch part had an intricate design that looked quite close to Kalego's seal only with different characters, that likely spelled Narnia's name instead.
The two hair sticks had wolf heads attached where the chains met the stick. All in all it was a gift to say that you were claimed by him and therefore an attack on you was an attack on him. A rather forward gift, usually given later on in courtships, but that he felt was right. (And since you’re human, you can use it to call him when needed)
He gives plenty of other gifts too over the courtship period, from other pieces of jewellery (he custom ordered earpieces that covered the roundness of yours to give the illusion of pointed ones), to clothes in both Naberius and your favourite colours, to treats, to books, and your plenty of items to do with your favourite hobbies.
It’s canon that he has an exceptionally good nose, even among demons, and being a dog demon I firmly believe he absolutely loves and adores your scent.
So don't expect any perfumes or cologne from him.
Unless it's made from his scent, like Sullivan's pheromone perfume, so that he can indulge in inhaling the beautiful mixture your two scents combined would make.
(I personally think he smells something along the lines of a rose but darker and more dangerous, if that makes sense, and also smelling of sandalwood, parchment, and ink. Take that as you will.)
He's big on scenting you the natural way, too. Nuzzles and cuddles galore, especially when he's been away for a while.
Running his nose, and rubbing his face into your neck, was a common occurrence once you had given the go ahead.
Being in the Border Patrol and as a 13 Crown, he doesn't have a lot of spare time, so texts or letters are probably a common thing as well. Especially when he's been sent on a spy job.
While Kalego is the silent acts of service, gift giving and quiet quality time type, Narnia is much more into physical touches, quality time and words of affirmation type.
In other words, he will always be touching you and wanting praises. I wasn’t kidding about the nuzzles and cuddles galore.
With how strict the Naberius household is, I don’t think they’d be too big on touching, and doing well isn’t praiseworthy but expected. Not exactly the healthiest of households to grow up in,
Plus, I'm betting that he had to raise Kalego while also doing his schooling and training, since it doesn't look like there was a mom in the picture, their uncle is canonically lazy, and their dad was probably working like 24/7, and when he wasn't, he was training them. Bloody hell no wonder he snapped
So he craves the touch of another a lot, much like Shichirou.
I genuinely think that if the Naberius house had given them even a bit more freedom, he'd probably be somewhere in between how Clara and Shichirou acts. Not quite as in your face as Clara is, but a little more energy than Shichirou has.
But because he is trained so well in the Naberius way, he probably won't do much more than hand holding or hand on your back for PDA.
Alone, however, he's all over you. Using you as a headrest when you're cooking, head in your lap while you read, wrapped around you while you sleep, playing with your hair, letting you play with his hair
By the gods, his hair
His hair is the epitome of silkiness (minus the horn-like cow-licks, which are surprising hard yet still feel like hair. Just like over gelled hair feels, probably)
While you're courting, he will let you do whatever you want with it because he loves the feeling of your fingers carving paths through the strands, nails scratching his scalp pleasingly. It's one of his favourite things to just sit between your legs, while looking over case files, or reading, or even just laying there and just let you do your thing, whether it's a simple braid or an elaborate design.
He usually falls asleep to this, by the way.
Speaking of case files, he'll occasionally ask you for your thoughts on them.
This got so long, I had to create a new text box, oh gods. Did you know there's a 4096-character limit per text box? Because I just learned that, and now you did too!
Having your literal out of this world thinking has solved far more things than he would like to admit, but he's also so damn proud? Because yes, that's his partner solving these cases that no one else had been able too. (He constantly gets in trouble with Henry for sharing confidential info. He does not care and continues to do it.)
I also headcannon that Narnia can sing and dance will often do so for you.
Can hold long notes like a wolf howls, so very long.
Will just randomly pull you into his arms, humming a tune, and dance with you.
Also, while you're courting, he will be both surprisingly helpful and absolutely useless with Iruma. He's already raised Kalego, so he thinks he can raise a human teen too.
He's dead wrong.
So, so wrong.
But he tries, and it leads to a lot of funny moments.
(Kalego is horrified that his most troublesome student and co-worker has a very real potential of being a part of his family, but also secretly pleased)
Listen, Narnia's also pretty much confirmed as returned to origins, or at least heavily implied. The only reason he is drifting back to your side is because Baal's group would 100% hunt you for sport, along with other things.
Obviously, he can not have this. So Baal's group has to go. However, that means that all those instincts he's been letting lose? They have to be channelled somewhere, and they are. On you.
He will definitely have some yandere tendencies, is what I'm saying.
Gotta know where you are and who you're with. Needs to know your schedule by heart, and any deviancies will give him a heart attack.
Literally hates the fact that you're always surrounded by others, and he almost never gets alone time. But is also happy and proud that you're so needed and an integral part of so many demon's lives.
Tries to get you on your own so much, but you literally have the entire staff of Babyls, the misfit class, several crowns, and the three greats wanting your attention. Oh, and one deity because of course Toto wants to know all the stories and knowledge you have from the human world too, not just Iruma's.
Has thought about just straight kidnapping you and Iruma (because you wouldn't be happy without him, and he may or may not have grown attached to the little blue bean) on several occasions, but almost every single one of these beings is high ranked and 100% would hunt him down for you because of course they are.
Also thought about trying to convince you to join Border Patrol so that you could go on cases together, therefore able to keep an eye on you and spend more time together. But you enjoyed working at Babyls, and there's no way Henry would allow a human to join.
So he takes what he can get, but will pout and occasionally honest to gods whimpers when you have to separate.
He takes this out on captured prisoners. They thought he was bad before, now he's got feelings, and they're going to understand real quick what real no mercy feels like.
May or may not have tried to convince you to return to origins with him at one point, but a quick whack with the school's newspaper said what you thought of that.
In conclusion, he is a feral dog who is only tame for you.
I have more I could shove in this, but it's already so long and so all over the place ಥ ͜ʖಥ
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