#i can make One (1) male sim face and this is it
yin-shimo · 1 day
(fem to masc frame anon) i see! no worries if not, but would you ever consider doing a mini tutorial on converting masc to fem frame? ik there are tutorials for mesh editing, but i haven't found any that detail specifically frame-switching steps, like how to replace the neck that comes "attached" with mascframe tops that makes femframe sims look like no-neck ed lol
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first you need to export whichever mesh you want to convert
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Highlight the e/a body parts from the clothes (I have 'linked pick' turned on and highlight easily by hitting 'L') and seperate
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Append the fem-frame mesh ( i used the flat fem-frame)
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Sculpting is where it all happens; i use grab tool and elastic deform the most. Solid mode + x-ray on helps you sculpt the mesh correctly to fit the new body 
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And were good!
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Now un-hide the original mesh. What i usually do is click both meshes so i can see what parts of the new body i need to preserve based on the original mesh’s body. What i do is, hit the ‘C’ key and highlight/ go over all the spots in orange as shown above. This is the mesh we need to keep.
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This is what youll have left after deleting the unneeded parts (i ofc deleted the bottom torso area after..)
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You can use bisect tool to further perfect the faces to avoid clipping
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Now transfer the weights from the OG mesh to your new one (and ofc make sure alls well)
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You probably can leave the uv_1 alone (if it has items like bows and theyre moved up/down the body, you need to correct it)
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Open up cas tools and clone the original package
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Import your version
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Make sure to change the tag from “male” to “female”, (you can do the same with fem-masc fashion but it's up to you) and hit restrict opposite frame so fem-frame appears
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Lastly if issues with the uv-1 happens or the arms clip in (or too far at rest) , click the auto-assign slotrays to fix that
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aaaand profit :D (that swatch is a recolor i did lol)
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deggdegg · 1 year
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kwimii999 · 24 days
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Previous updates : #1 - #2 - #3
Previous polls : #1 - #2
Note : this project is going to take me some time because of the reasons under here. Most of it is based on how I want townies to generate and making CAS an easier and less time consuming experience for everyone !
I'm a college student 😭
I have to make sure they look fine for the townies more so that if you use random sim fixes or simler's core mod to get rid of pudding faces, they won't look out of place
I have to make sure each and every preset can be used with one another, so I actually have rules and numbers that I need to respect for the sliders I modify ex. : most of the noses height are set to -50, because it looks good on both genders and all ages and fits the new headshapes and their new height
I have to make sure that even though they're generic, they're also different from eachother and don't have same face syndrome
I have to make sure that they're diverse and find the right balance
Certain sliders I have to add manually (that takes time) because they do not get exported with the Face Preset Editor
As I said in previous update, I will only release this when I'm fully done with every single presets of each category : eyes, mouths, heads and noses, since it's easier that way for me and better for you guys as well :)
What's different this time ?
Well I've opted for a different approach, remember when I said I wasn't going to change the look of the original head presets ? well I changed my mind, since I've been asked to include defined headshapes a few times which I said I would do in a different set of non default face presets but I decided that doing this way instead would be better since it could include defined headshapes but also the other headshapes (Oval, Square, Round, Slightly Longer) - (Excluding the World Adventure's asian presets, they will recieve their own modification)
For the heads everything has been changed to : 2 Ovals, 2 Heart/Defined, 2 Rounds, 2 Squares, 2 Slightly Longer. (10 in total) The same shapes won't be identical of course.
For the eyes, they need small modifications
For the mouths, It needs more of a balance and diversity
For the noses, they need a complete overhaul
All the new flavors
There is now 6 flavors for version 2 of the headshapes with all the polls I've made. Thank you for all the answers by the way it really helps direct this project to better understand what you guys may want :)
Without SmoothFaceNormals
Flavor 1 - Base game compatible
Flavor 2 - Male neck fix
Flavor 3 - Male neck fix + Neck width smaller + Longer necks
With SmoothFaceNormals (Slider set to a specific number for all headshapes, won't be too high)
Flavor 4 - smoothfacenormals
Flavor 5 - smoothfacenormals + Male neck fix
Flavor 6 - smoothfacenormals + Male neck fix + Neck width smaller + Longer necks
What do you mean by longer necks though ? This is what I mean :
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How do the headshapes look so far ?
Well, since I'm close to completing flavor 1, since it's the base of every other flavor and needed so I can work on the others. I've choosen my sims Owen and Shana to showcase them on both genders and the young adult life stage.
V.2 - Flavor 1 - Base game compatible
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I'm so close to finishing the headshapes I just need to make some faces rounders and some more different from eachother and I should be done with the flavor 1 (For reference this is like my 10th WIP.... )
Question - 1 " Why are the presets not in order (ex. Oval 1 then Oval 2) " - Answer : That's because I'm unable to figure it out :(
EA Default headshapes
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In addition
So, they won't immediatly come with the thumbnails once they're out because apparently there's 2 thounsand image files ??? 😀........... I ... BYE. I'm not even sure I wanna do them anymore lol.
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lgbtsana · 21 days
— sim jaeyun one-shot
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GENRE: strangers to friends to lovers, crack fic kinda, you fell first, he fell harder.
PERM TAG LIST: @run2seob
you and your best friend, huh yunjin, were talking about past relationships. but, you never told her you’ve never been in a relationship. so, you tell her you have 1 past relationship.
the day after you receive a call about a shim hyeri, someone who isn't you.
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the chatter between you and yunjin filled the room, “so you’re telling me, that he messed up a pick-up line?” you cackled when she gave you the nod of confirmation. you’d never been hit on, but you sure as hell wanted to be a fly on a wall to see that in real time.
yunjin stared at you, a serious look on her face, “so, let’s talk about you now.”
you froze, realizing she meant talking about your past relationships. you felt yourself gulp, having never been in a relationship before, you couldn’t answer. so, you decided to make one up! what could possibly go wrong?
“so,” your taller friend stared at you in disbelief, “the last time you dated someone was 3 years ago? before you met me?”
you simply nodded, trying to make her believe you, you couldn't let yunjin know you have no dating experience.
when she gave a shrug, you felt your face light up. hopefully this won't come to bite you in the ass, right?
the night went on with drinking, laughter, and just a joyous time altogether. yunjin didn't drink much, but you definitely drank over your limit.
“yunjin, i need to head to the restroom” she gave you a nod of understanding and you wobbily made your way there.
you tripped over your own foot and stumbled into a black-haired man, who was definitely your type, but all you could manage to get out, distracted by this man’s beauty, was a mumble of “sorry...”
what you didn’t realize is that your friend saw this whole ordeal.
“are you okay?” the man asked, helping you up, “now that i met y- i mean, y-yes!” your face flushed, thinking to yourself on why you said that. but then you heard a snicker, knowing all-too-well who it was coming from, yunjin.
when you woke up the next day, you had the worst hangover you’d ever experienced. “why did she let me drink so much...” you whined and fell back onto your pillow.
your phone’s ringtone went off, and you were confused as to who was calling so early. “hello?” your exhaustion showed through the phone's speaker, “excuse me? is this shim hyeri?” a deep voice came from the other end, “who?”
the male laughed a bit, “hyeri, i know you like to play games, but seriously..” the words left you confused. “i think you have the wrong number...?”
“what?” the male's voice was in disbelief, almost sounding sad. “are you okay?” you ask out of concern, “yeah..” his voice cracks, “’m fine.”
you sigh, “listen, i don't know what happened between you and this hyeri, but you definitely don't sound fine.” you emphasize on the word “fine”.
the other end of the line goes silent, as if he hung up, but you know he didn't because the call would've ended. “i thought she was into me, and the feeling was mutual, but i guess she wasn't.”
ah, one-sided love. you smile sadly, “i guess, if you ever need to talk, you can call me?”
he snorts, “i don't even know your name?”
aware he heard you gasp, you quickly answer “it’s seo y/n,”
“ah, pretty..” you heard him try to whisper. “what about you?”
“sim jaeyun, you can also call me jake.” you smile, “alright then, jakey.”
“don’t call me that...” he whines and he receives laughter in response.
“eh.. too bad!~” you tease excitedly. “geez, we get along pretty well, don't you think?” he laughs, and you could sense the smile on the other end of the line.
“yeah, i guess we do.” you smile a bit, “hey, y/n. i gotta go, talk soon?” he asks with a sense of hope.
“sure, i'll save you in my phone!” you shrug to yourself. its not like you’d fall in love over text, right?
as the weeks go by, you both get closer and facetime occasionally. you mostly text each other, which always ends in laughter from both ends.
jake had an idea of asking for you both to meet up, but never actually entertained the idea. he was hoping that fate would come in handy and make you both 'accidentally' bump into each other on the streets one day.
though, as close as you both were, he went radio silent in the following week. confused, you sent him messages almost every hour, considering you both talked a lot.
to get your mind off of jake, you went to a bar and decided to have a drink. as you started to take your first shot, you realized you actually had fallen for sim jaeyun.
sighing to yourself in realization, you took the shot. your love life was never as glamorous as you’d wanted, but it would take a fairytale to make it that way.. or some kind of string of luck.
“y/n?” you heard your name a few meters away from you, the voice sounding vaguely familiar. yet, you didn't care to see who it was, you felt miserable enough already.
“y/n,” the person patted your shoulder making you turn around. soon making your eyes widen, shocked to see jake looking you in the eyes. he also seemed shocked.
“h-how’d you know i was here?” he questioned you, “i should be asking the same thing!” you retorted.
“fate..” he mumbled, making your eyebrow raise. “what?”
pulling you in close, he tightly embraced you. a soft whisper brushes against your ear, “fate.”
“fate?” you whisper back to him as you feel him nod, “the wrong phone number, the random meet up? that’s all fate, my love.”
“my- my love...?” you comment on the sudden pet name, making him chuckle.
a sense of warmth sits on your lips, a soft and tender feeling, jake kissed you. bringing your hand up to gently caress his cheek, you returned the same feeling he gave you.
it was all in fate’s hands, all starting with a wrong number.
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criisolate · 2 years
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Stand Still&Closer Camera in CAS with Custom Poses Mod
It's finally here^^This mod is inspired and based on spagtscully's New CAS and CAP animation options Mod Version1 which will make your sims and Pets stand still in CAS without any movement and facial idles. I edited its jazz script and now other than that, your sims can stay freeze in the custom poses imported into the package file with this mod. And it's super easy to replace them with the ones you like. I'll show you how to do it in the below. I've also noticed that spagtscully's original mod conflicts with closer camera mod. So I replaced its CASCamerasWS.ini file with the one used in Shimrod101's Zoom-In CaS Camera Mod and edited the parameters to keep the camera focusing on toddler's face rather than belly when zooming in. Hopefully this mod can bring more vitality to the sims 3 CAS~
Sims and pets will keep freeze in custom poses unless you pick species and traits. You can customize sim's poses as you want.
Cameras will get closer when zooming in.
Work fine on1.67/1.69 and base-game compatible.
Conflicts with any other mod that changes CAS animations and CAS cameras.
How to customize the poses
These are the animation names I used in this mod.
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For those who know how to create poses in blender and want to customize this mod in an easy way. You can export the pose or animation you want, changing its animation name to the corresponding one listed above and exported it again. Then copy the file you just saved and paste it into the mod in s3pe. It will replace the original file. And that's it, your sims will stay in the new pose you've just chosen. Currently male and female sims are sharing the same pose. I will make a new version that male and female sims have separate animation files if it's needed.
Download(choose only one)
Poses for pets stay the same as the original mod, you can check them out here.
Version 1: Toddlers, children, teen-elder males and females stay in the same pose shown in the first image.
Version 2: Compared to Version 1, teen- elder sims' poses are additionally changed to the one shown in the third image.
Version 3: Compared to Version 1, teen- elder sims' poses are additionally changed to the one shown in the fourth image.
@spagtscully@Shimrod101 for the base mod. This would be impossible without their ideas and work~
@tau1tvec@satellite-sims@chamomilewine for the poses I used in this mod~
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filmofhybe · 8 months
Requesting enha finding out that their idol!s/o is other idols’ ideal type?
Enhypen find out that their idol!s/o is other idols ideal type
Pairing : ot7! x reader Genre : Idol! x Idol! , fluff Warning : jealousy 950 words
a/n: requested currently open :) this is kinda bad I hope you enjoy it tho😞
> masterlist of my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon + 선우 Sunoo
Both of them would be quiet, like the type of quiet where you can hear a fly fly pass by. Is just their way to show they are currently jealous because they just saw a article about how your like half of the male idols ideal type. They know how pretty you are, I mean your the face of lots of famous brand, you have such a sweet and angelic personality and they can’t help but think if you would leave them for those other male idols. They are just a bit insecure baby that are still trying to get use to dating such a gorgeous girl but these bad thoughts are really getting to them. So they would go up to you and ask.
“Hey love…why are you so quiet? Are you okay?”
“Sweetie.. this is kinda stupid but will you ever leave me?”
“No I would never! You treat me so well! Why you think I would?”
“Because I saw a article about how a lot of handsome male idols ideal type is you..”
“Ah~ that’s why.. but don’t worry my love you would always be my number 1 and I would never leave you!”
They would feel so much better afterwards and would ask for you to shower them with lots of love and kisses. You would secretly posting a pictures of you both on Instagram just to show off how cute your relationship is!!
your very grateful for them and you hope they would never think you would leave them for other males.
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박종성 Park Jeongseong + 심재윤 Sim Jaeyun +성훈 Sunghoon
WHOOP WHOOP WE GOT THE POSSESSIVE TRIO!! They know you would never leave them, because they know how down bad you are for them and they know you both are like missing pieces of puzzles that could never be separated. But when he overhears other male idols talking about how your their type. They instantly get jealous. No they won’t stay quiet either they will tell you about it. (Also they are the type to make the other males know they have zero chance with you!!)
“y/n love you know your mine right?”
“Hmm? Yeah of course where are you getting this from?”
“Some stupid idols say your their ideal type just want to tell you that your too gorgeous for them.”
“UH LMAO..? Thank you?? But like I would never leave you for them trust me baby.”
“Of course I know.. just want to let you know you belong to me, we stick together forever.”
“Forever and always.”
Would talk about you on interviews and the media would go crazy about it. He isn’t doing it for the views or attention, Is because he loves you so much and wants to show you off. (maybe also a warning for the male idols to stay away from you)
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희 승 heeseung + にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
the ones that would laugh about it but deep down is jealous. They would come across a compilation of male idols saying your their ideal type. And they would laugh about it at first and would show it to you. You would start laughing as well cuz how silly that those idols think they have a huge chance with them as well. Which that’s when they stopped laughing and joking around, and just sat there in silent. You would be so confuse why their mood change so fast, werent they laughing just 5 seconds ago and now they are silent..? They are basically babies that wants comforting and are scared you would leave them :(
“Hey bub Are you okay? Why are you silent now..?”
“did I do something wrong? Are you thinking about something?”
“Nothing is just you started laughing after I showed you the video of compilation of other males saying your their type. I don’t know..maybe you thought they were cute…”
“Oh my gosh no my love!! I just thought it was funny how they think they have a chance with me. Never think like that okay? Your the cutest out of everyone in this world! I love you so much I would never leave you.”
“Thank you darling I love you more.”
You guys continue to laugh at the video afterwards while cuddling cause somehow to you both is entertaining. You both are just couple goals
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
reblog,comment or request to be on the perm taglist!!
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loveryss · 11 months
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Have you ever spent 1+ hours in create-a-sim trying to find the perfect hairstyle and the perfect clothes for your sim, altering each feature of their face until it's perfect... and you're still not happy with the results?
I have.
That's why I decided to let myself spend only 10 minutes creating a sim – one who doesn't need to be perfect! Here's how you should proceed:
Go to cas, take the hair, all clothes, skin details, makeup, etc off the generated sim, and change the frame (male or female) of the sim to whichever you'd like
Start your 10 minute timer
Make your sim! Change the skintone, alter features, add hair and skin details! For clothes, I recommend to only have one everyday outfit
Once your timer goes off, stop working on your sim! This doesn't include traits, aspiration, or name - you can change those afterwards
Enjoy your sim!
If you do this, please tag me and use #10mincaschallenge - I'd love to see all the sims you create!
I noticed getting better and happier with the result each time I made a sim. Try again and don't feel disappointed if you aren't happy with the outcome.
Try to give your sim unique features or use different skin details each time. Have variety!
The fun part about this challenge is that you can make a sim whenever you have 10 minutes of free time and as a ++, you can have new townies that you have made roaming around in your game (make sure to give them other outfits as well if you do this)
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changingplumbob · 10 days
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 1
I missed this family! I hope you're ready for incoming toddlers.
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For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Buongiorno (Italian) Good morning Caro (Italian) Dear Grazie (Italian) Thank you Piccolo (Italian) Little one Schnucki (German) Sweetie but doesn’t have an exact translation Zia/Zio (Italian) Aunt/Uncle
Up in the Pinnacles lies the home of Devin and Luna Villareal. Devin is an established actress taking on movie gigs alongside her role as tv regular on ZBB: Apocalypse rising. As much as she loves her job she enjoys spending time at home with her beloved wife Luna who is a university professor. The pair have young twins toddlers Alfred and Rilian. Living with them is Devin’s younger brother Joey, a tech head who’s main goal in life is to sleep with 30 sims. 7 down, 23 to go.
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Devin: Buongiorno bambinos! Wakey wakey. Time to rise and shine my little stars
The twins blink awake slowly and sit themselves up.
Luna: Who needs some more potty training
The twins look at each other and back at their parents sadly.
Alfred: Mummy I use diaper
Rilian: Me to Mummy, in sleep
Devin: Oh dear, do we need changes
Rilian: No Mama, need food!
Devin and Luna are so pleased that their picky eater wants food that they decide to leave changes for now, they can give the boys baths after breakfast.
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Rilian: Up Mama, up!
Devin: You want up? I thought you don’t like being carried
Rilian: *quietly* I like snuggle
Devin sighs happily as her piccolo throws his little arms around her and snuggles into her hair.
Alfred: Mummy carry me? Food
Luna: I can do that, but you’ll have to pay
Alfred: Pay?
Luna: Kiss attack!
Alfred laughs as Luna scoops him in her arms and kisses his cheek. Since Rilian woke in a good mood Devin decides to chance carrying him to the kitchen while Luna takes Alfred.
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Devin: Grazie Rilian for letting Mama carry you
Rilian: I hung, much hung
Devin: Don’t worry, mama will get you breakfast. Are you okay with cereal?
Rilian nods enthusiastically and Devin grabs him a bowl while Luna brings in Alfred.
Devin: Hey slow pokes, we left you in the dust
Devin pulls a funny face at Alfred who bursts into giggles.
Alfred: We here Mama, we here. I can has cereal Mummy
Devin: Hold on, what do we say
Alfred: I can has cereal… please?
Luna: Perfect. Oh Rilian, have you almost finished your bowl?
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Rilian: I was hung Mummy, very hung
Luna: Can you say hungry? Hmm. Hung-ry
Rilian: Hung… ree?
Rilian looks at Devin quizzically while Luna is sorting Alfred’s cereal.
Devin: Try again bambino, hungry. If you want food you are hung-ry
Rilian tries a few times to say the word while Alfred pats at his cereal.
Devin: Alfred, caro, you need to put the food in your mouth
Alfred: *singing* ce-real, ce-real, I like ce-real *whoops*
Rilian: *giggles* Mama Alfe make messy
Devin: *laughs* Yes I can see
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Luna: *quietly* Tell them not to play with their food
Devin: But you- you know…
Luna: *guiltily* That’s why I can’t tell them off
Devin: *sighs* Rilian, Alfred, you can’t keep playing with your food
Rilian: I no play, I finish
Luna: Well done on eating schnucki
Rilian: Mama, Mummy, what we do today? Can I has bath?
Luna: *laughs* And they said kids hated baths
Devin: Can you do the baths Lu? I think we need to work on our please and thank you because some of us are forgetting
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Alfred: Why
Devin: Because we want to grow up to be nice polite people
Rilian: Mummy do we have to
Luna: Yes. Like your Mama said, we need to learn manners. If you’re lucky maybe she’ll teach you the words in Italian when you get the hang of it
Alfred: Then we speak Iti!
Devin: Si piccolo mio
Luna: Who wants first bath
Rilian: ME! Me!
Luna: Hmm, what a shame. No one wants a bath
Rilian: Me Mummy! I do
Alfred: Please Ri...
Rilian: Oh. Me please Mummy
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While Luna and Rilian head for the bath Joey comes into the kitchen.
Joey: Buongiorno Devin, Alfred
Alfred: Bon gee no (Buongiorno) Zio Joey
Devin: This seems early for you
Joey: Hey, I’ve already hung the washing out
Devin: We really need to hire a maid
Joey: Yes! A hot one
Devin: You going to be working on your video game?
Joey: Just until you need to head out, then I can hang with my best little buddies
Alfred: We get time with Zio Joey? Yay!
Devin: Yeah, while Mummy and Mama go out together
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Devin: Okay caro, do you remember why we say please
Alfred: It… it nice word
Devin: It is a nice word, yes. But we say it to be nice to others
Alfred: Why
Devin: To be polite and friendly. We say it when we want or need something. Shall we practice?
Alfred jumps up and down excitedly nodding his head.
Devin: Let me just get in character…
Joey: This should be something
Devin: Shh please Mr-I'll-only-play-a-robot, I’m focusing
Alfred: Zio Joey let mama focus so we have fun
Devin: *in accent* Hello, I’m a merchant from a far off land with many things to buy. How can I help you today
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Alfred: What for sale
Devin: I have many pretty... colourful... birds!
Alfred: *gasps* I want bird! Can I has bird… please?
Devin: Of course, we always save our best birds for our polite customers. What kind of bird would you like
Alfred: One that goes caw *imitates bird*. Caw bird please
Devin: Of course sir, I will give you our best noisy bird
Alfred: Yay!!! I got bird
Joey: *with a mouthful of breakfast* What do you say when you get it?
Alfred: Umm… tank Mama?
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Devin: Th…Th…Th…
Alfred: Thank Mama! Thank!
Devin: Very good job. Remember we have to say thank YOU or thanks
Alfred: Thank you! For caw bird
Devin starts making bird noises and snuggles Alfred close, getting in a tickle or two. Alfred begins to laugh and also make bird noises.
Joey: Woah, who let the birds out? That’s some good acting piccolo
Alfred: Thank you Zio Joey, thanks
Devin: Well done caro, good memory
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Meanwhile stubborn Rilian and his fragrant diaper walked to the bathroom where Luna was waiting patiently.
Rilian: I ready, I can walk self see Mummy
Luna: Okay, here we go. Time to take off that smelly diaper
Rilian giggles and wiggles out of it with Luna’s help. He’s still too small to get in the bath by himself so once Luna has checked the water temperature she helps him in. Rilian absolutely adores water, he’d have baths multiple times a day if he could. Luna does her best to get him scrubbed clean but the toddler is more focused on playing with the water.
Rilian: Water for Mummy!
Luna: Oh no, I’ve been hit! Going down
Rilian laughs and continues to play between sponge scrubs.
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Could you make your cc links available? (If that wasn't too much to ask) Or at least the objects and skins 👉🏻👈🏻 Your Sims are so beautiful ❤️
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But thank you for the ask 😂 Hey I really do wanna help, but I use so much cc on my sims, it's impossible to list it all. However, I will help as much as I have time for at the moment. Most of my sims you see often have personal skin blends, so I can't link to those. But 99% of my sims use Ephemera skins as a base. What I love about these skins are, that they are quite detailed, but they are not HQ so they are not hard on your computer :D YAY! My favorite Emphemera skins are: Fresh, Rhys, Skinny, Tan, Chaos and Lion. You can find a link to the skins here: https://www.tumblr.com/pitheinfinite/184172979667/ts3-skin-collection-by-ephemera-just-saw-a-post A lot of my makeup and eyes I got from S-Club. It's really good quality, and again not HQ which means it wont murder your computer ;) I also suggest using their eyelashes for a realistic look, but be sure to download the eyelash sliders in that case. Link to S-club cc here, you gotta skip many pages before makeup starts coming, see it as a treasure hunt: https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/S-Club/downloads/browse/category/sims3/skipsetitems/1 The majority of my makeup is from Tifa, they have a lot of great pores/eyebags/eyes/lips that I use a ton of times! But most of that cc is only available on creepy Russian sites full of mallware, so I don't suggest you download from those, please. Edit: @perseusx42 was kind to share the link for the backup folder of Tifa makeup: https://mega.nz/folder/NmpzVRSC#_0Jn-YtPc8UfOJDDtbGTVQ I also use a good amount of Pralinesims makeup, again you gotta skip a bunch of pages to find their makeup: https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Pralinesims/downloads/browse/category/sims3/skipsetitems/1
I also use hairlines/babyhairs on most of my sims, but it's such a long time since I downloaded them, I can't remember where I got them. Perhaps you can find some through cc finds sites or Google. Eyebrows: Sk-Sims <- Brntwaffles (These also work for males) <- Andhisrabbits <- Kurasoberina (I suggest all brows and the makeup) <- I use this face shadow blush a lot on males: https://synestesi-vtmb.tumblr.com/post/45610726195/have-made-it-some-time-ago-may-be-youll-also As for female blushes, I mostly use Sehd's blushes, and also some of their lips: Lips <- Blushes, mouth corners, chin cleft and more lips, nose shine, I recommend it all <- Nose masks is another good thing. I most often use the ones called Glow, Pancake, Blueberry, Nectar, Cherry and Strawberry. link: https://leafvy3finds.tumblr.com/post/628683325013360640/brntwaffles-inspired-by-the-nosemasks-of-lilith That said, I do use NRAAS mod to layer makeup, with that you can have multiple makeups in each category, which helps a lot making sims much more detailed. (You can find that one on Google I think, if you need it) Last but not least, I do have some sims up for download, and I will hopefully upload some more one day soon, that's also a way to get sims similar to mine, if you like :) Have fun!
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theworldofkirby · 6 months
i adore you, noble haltmann… (president haltmann x reader fanfic)
A/N: hai guys i wrote a haltmann/rader fic as a kind of sequel to the dedede dating simulator bc i dont feel like coding another game to make a haltmann dating sim so take this haltmann x reader fic instead
ok so like u are in dream land right??? well :) it was taken over by capitalizm!!!!1 omg
you, (y/n) the SEXIEST freak in planet plopstar is almost crushed by one of those leg things on the haltmann works company star dream thingy ok? yea so you dodge that and like… there's a window or somethin and a guy falls out of there
you watch as he falls. he falls for like 10 minutes. but then he lands on the ground next to you and you hear a crumch.
"ow" the male says
"omg!!!!! are u ok" u ask the masculine man
"i think i broke my pelvurouscula" he says
"omg no……" u say and hold him gently. u have magic healing powers so u heal him
"gasp" he gasped. "i don't feel like dead anymore"
he gets up and u cant help but admire he. his beautiful egg shaped bod and wicked pinstripe suit. and his luscious hair and mustache.
"newayz my name is haltmann. max profitt haltmann" he said with not a trace of happy
"haltmann….. my name is (y/n)" u smile
"ok" he says. "i have to go home. bye"
he goes into his headquarters but u follow him. u keep talking to him "um so wat are u doing? i almost died" u frowned
"oh no" haltmann says. "did i accidentally park my plant on u"
"ya" u nod
"im so frickign sorry" haltmann starts crying. "i'm such trash i cant commit capitalizm without almost killing peopel"
u frown at the egg's sadness. "dont cry haltmann…" u say comfortationally
"no it's not okay i'm shaking and crying rn. i might throw up" haltmann starts crying
haltmann cries and opens his office door and runs in and throws himself onto his bed dramatically like a sad disney princess. u enter his office and hear some haunting lyrics…
"I pull away to face the pain
I close my eyes and drift away
Over the fear that I will never find
A way to heal my soul
And I will wander 'til the end of time
Torn away from you
My heart is broken
Sweet sleep, my dark angel
Deliver us from sorrow's hold
Or from my hard heart"
u turn off haltman's ipod. "Haltmann" u say
"no my music" haltmann sobbed
"haltmann." u say again but more like… asssertively
"ouuu" haltmann screams into his pillow. "first i break my airpods and now my music is dead"
"HALTMANN" u grab him and sit him up
"what" haltmann sniffs
"whats wrong" u ask
"u see (y/n) i lost someone in da past… i forget who that was tho… but like someone died ok? and now im sad" haltmann explaines
"halmann" u look into his deep blue orbs. "i…"
"yes (y/n)?" haltmann blinks his beautiful sapphire saucers at u
"i…" u blush "i…"
"..." haltmann …ed
"i think u need to seek therapy" u gently stroke his bangs
"omg… ur right" haltmann tears up. he gives u a hug. "thank u (y/n)"
"ur welcome" u smile
"im so tired of depression. i will defeat this evil inside me. thank u (y/n)"
u get on his computer and start googling local therapists in dream land. "here's one," u say. "call them and see if they're accepting new patients"
haltmann gets his sexy cellphone out and calls the therapist. "hi mr. therapist, my name is max profitt haltmann and my friend (y/n) says i need therapy"
"ya we can take u in" says the therapit. "we will have u do an intake next month ok"
"n. next month." haltmann starts to tear up
u look at haltmann ernestly. "better late than never, haltmann… ur patience will be rewarded"
haltmann sighs haltmannly. "ok. we will do next month"
haltmann finishes scheduling his therapy appointment. u look at him with a pleased look on ur face. "that was kinda sexxy of u haltmann, working towards self care like that" u smirk and wink
haltmann blushes "haha yea i guess that is pretty sexy. um, not that i'm trying to be cool or anything" he stutters
"hey u can call urself sexy and cool all u want," u laugh. "ur epic even"
"(y/n)..." haltmann blushes. he leans in and gives u a kiss. his cute little mustache hairs tickle ur upper lip.
"teehee" u giggle. "ur mustache is so cute"
"thank u" haltmann says. "star dream says its ugly"
haltmann knocks on ur door. u open it
"hi (y/n) my sweet honey bunches of oats" haltmann wraps his hands around u and dips u for a kiss
"h-haltmann" u blush "where did this come from"
"so u see, i followed thru with therapy like u suggested. little did i kno this would change my life" haltmann says. "going to therapy made me realize that i wasn't treating myself with respect, and if i want to feel respected by others, i need to develop respect for myself. without respect for myself, i won't be able to recognize gneuine respect from my friends and employees. and i cant live being so cynical anymore. i need to love myself, (y/n). i need to be my own bestie becuz who will be there for me when everyone is gone? i need to be there for myself"
u look at haltmann like this:
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"haltmann… u… u mean…"
"yea. i love myself, (y/n), and its thanks to u…" haltmann kisses u again. "sory i didnt talk to you for the past 2 months btw i was depressed amd busy with therapy lol"
"its ok haltmann i love u no matter what" u stroke his egg head
"yea" haltmann nods. "um btw i like need some new music to listen to bc my therapist says i shuld stop listening to such depressing music if it makes me wallow in sadness more"
"say no more" u say as u smirk and take out of ur bookshelf a CDs of Hannah Montana 3 and the High School Musical Sountrack
u and haltmann spend the night picking out the best disney channel songs to boost his self confidence. soon enough its morning. "omg its morning" haltmann gasps
"it was nice spending the night with u haltmann" u blushed "we should do it again someday"
"no, (y/n)" haltmann gives u an onion ring "we will do it again today. marry me"
"ok" u blush
u and haltmann have a beautiful wedding with the stupidest most extravagant dress and cake bcuz hes rich. ur live happy ever after the end
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berisims · 1 year
Gosh your Morgyn is stunning! Is it possible to link all (or any) of the CC used? I'd love to have your Morgyn in my game. Thanks!
Thank you so much! Y'all are gonna make my heart explode, I stg 😭💞
I'd be quite happy to! I'll be including a couple of pictures and tagging this as WCIF so people can find it better while navigating through my blog.
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K, buckle up, the list is WAY bigger than I thought, here it goes:
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Skin details:
Skinblend (face) - Poppyseed by @sammi-xox
Skin overlay (face + body) - Male skin 12 by @remussirion
Eyelids - @faaeish (this particular piece of cc is retired, but the creator has shared all folders containing old cc of hers. You can find the eyelids in this one.)
Face structure (contour) - @faaeish (also found in the link above)
Beauty marks - Moles N4 by @s-e-l-e-n-g
Hairline - Whispy Hairline by @rheallsim
Nosemask - Nosemask N2 by @obscurus-sims
Hand definition - Defined hand overlay by @sims4nexus
Body Preset N1 by @silumeo
N7 MM Velvet by @pralinesims
Queen of Pentacles by @sugarowl
Glowing Tattoo by @ms-marysims
Sage of Untamed forehead rune by @gerbithats
Nicolas by @simandy
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Outfit #1:
Dress - Herakles by @zeussim
Shoes - Celia by @madlensims
Outfit #1 Accessories:
Crown + Halo (separate) - Queeny by @erschsims
Earrings - Ember of Spell by @aithsims4
Lashes - 3D eyelashes MV1 by @sclub-privee
Rings - Metal Claw by @natalia-auditore & Obie Rings by @greenllamas
Outfit #1 Makeup:
Eyeshadow - EA (My Wedding Stories pack)
Eyeliner - Lynette by @pralinesims
Cheeks - Peony blush by @capitalco
Lips - Genesis by @remussirion (+ clear lip gloss by @pralinesims, found in tattoos)
Eye contacts - Eyes N7 by @obscurus-sims
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Outfit #2:
Top - Cygnus V2 by @zeussim
Bottoms - My Spells Are Hotter Than Yours by @adelarsims (Bless them for these, they have FIVE waist height versions! A total game changer.)
Boots - Holz by @madlensims
Outfit #2 Accessories:
Halo - Luxury by @sugarowl
Earrings - Ghoulish Gems (Moon) by @nolan-sims
Lashes - Same as outfit #1
Rings - Same as outfit #1 & Nico Rings by @greenllamas
Outfit #2 Makeup:
Eyeshadow - Pyrite by @twisted-cat
Eyeliner - Same as outfit #1
Cheeks - Same as outfit #1
Lips - Same as outfit #1
Eye contacts - Materia by Screaming Mustard at TSR
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My Obey Me (remake) Sims are done!!! I've compiled a full list of my CC I used that i'll include in links below. I am planning on uploading them to the gallery but there was a conflicting mod that kind of messed things up so I have to make sure it's all fixed. But i'll let you guys know when they are uploaded if you want to play with them! They are also all spellcasters, so Realm of Magic is recommended! I'm also working on Diavolo and Barbatos, and i have some cc to make Simeon at some point too.
I used a lot of stuff from @scyllasims because they are absolutely amazing for creating all the Obey Me cc. Like, I know you aren't active anymore but just know I love you. Giving you literally the biggest, squeeziest hug. I also got a majority of my stuff from @demonsongbird as well on LoversLab. Thank you, you also get a huge hug from me!! I'm so thankful that you shared them with us!
Alright, Sims are below the cut! Let me know if you have any questions! There's a few things i couldn't find again for the life of me or I may have just forgot.
Edit: I forgot to mention their “human” forms have the horns because I literally can’t remove them without removing from the entirety of the outfits 🙄 I could have taken them off for the sake of the photos but oh well lol
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Hair: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Wings: Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims (one preset in eye colors, gradient overlay in tattoos)
Eyebrows: Pralinesims April Eyebrow Pack
Skin Overlay: ArchiveFaction boyband Genic Set (i think)
Vest/Jacket/Pants: Scyllasims
Shoes: Kingsmen Set by thisiskiro
Demon Form Jacket: from Demonsongbird on LoversLab NSFW 18+(I can't find the original creator's cc link T_T)
Jewel Tattoo: Diamond Seal Face Paint
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(god i'm so excited about his sim i actually spent so much time making the demon form)
Hair: Kijiko or you can use Scyllasims. I just like how Kijiko's looks on him.
Horns: Scyllasims
Wings: Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims
Glasses & Demon Markings: Mammoney by Dro
Jacket 1: Darte77 Bomber Jacket
Jacket 2: TEOS Male Leather Jacket (clips a little into the jeans)
Jeans: Belted jeans by Darte77
Pants Demon Form: TIME Combat Trousers
Shirt Demon Form: Male Clothes Set by Nell
Harness: Regina Raven
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Hair: Kijiko or you can use Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Tail: Scyllasims
Headphones: Aurisk Headphones
Scales: Pyxiidis Interstellar Alien Overlays
Jacket: The Sims 4 University
Sweatpants: The Sims 4 High School Years
Shoes: The Sims 4 Spa Day
Demon Form Jacket: The Sims 4 City Living
Demon Form Jeans: The Sims 4 City Living
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Hair: Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Tail: Scyllasims
Skin Overlay: Fugue
Eyebrows: Pralinesims April Eyebrow Pack
Sweater: from Demonsongbird on LoversLab (NSFW 18+; i can't find the original creator for the cc)
Jeans: The Sims 4 (i think it's just base game)
Jeans 2: I seriously couldn't find them I'm so sorry
Demon Form Jacket: Bomber Jacket by Darte77
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Hair: Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Wings: Scyllasims
Earrings: MYOBI Cross Earrings
Earrings 2: Giuliettasims Scorpion Earrings
Scarf: S-Club Scarf
Pants: SSTS Pants
Demon Form Vest: F.A.T.E zip up top
Demon Form Pants: Spank Leather Leggings
Lipstick: Stability
Eyeshadow: The Avocado Collection by Pralinesims
Demon Form Heels: The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff
Bracelets: The Sims 4 base game
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Hair: Kijiko or you can use Scyllasims Hair
Eyes: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Wings: Scyllasims
Skin Overlay: Fugue
Freckles: Freckles #4 by Pralinesims
Joggers: jogger pants by Darte77
Shoes: The Sims 4 Spa Day
Jacket: The Sims 4 Base Game
Demon Form Jeans: The Sims 4 Realm of Magic
Demon Form Boots: The Sims 4 Base Game
Demon Form Jacket: The Sims 4 High School Years
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i seriously tried to give him cow spots in his demon form but it didn't look right i was so sad. T_T Also couldn't find a cow print hoodie to save my life.
Hair: Scyllasims
Eyes: Scyllasims
Horns: Scyllasims
Tail: Scyllasims
Freckles: Freckles #4 by Pralinesims
Eyelashes: 3D lashes by Miiko
Sweater: Imadako
Pants: Willy Pants by Birba32 ( I think?)
Boots: Urban Boots
Demon form Joggers: Sims 4 Get Together
Demon Form Jacket: High School Years
Gloves: Sims 4 Base Game
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Creating the yanbois in Sims 4 and "accidentally" trapping them in the basement:
(I was inspired to do this after Nick creates Fone and Krow in Sims 4. And please dont attac me, ik their appearance is not accurate bc there's a limited male cc that fits on them, and im using mostly maxis match cc bc alpha cc is not my taste so yea, its hard to find exactly the hair and their exact ootd. Just doing this for fun, instead of doing my laundry and going to grocery)
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(From left to right: Ezra, Friend, Harper, Fone, Krow, Ren, Nova and MC)
DAY 1:
- MC just invited them to a dinner party. They didnt suspect anything, maybe MC just like the basementcore aesthetic they've said. Until they realized, the door wont open and MC is nowhere to be found..
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- its time for a group huddle with Mallows (the cat in a bee costume) as their advisor. Mallows keeps going down in the basement, maybe bc Fone is there? Idk but yea, im just going to make him my warden. Mallows will be MC's eyes.. But something happen:
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- well, Mallows the Cat in a Bee Costume, is a strict warden. He keeps hissing and ends up fighting with Nova and Fone (the betrayal). Everytime they do group huddle, Mallows are doing jiu jitsu on them 😂 The reason: Mallows just woke up and choose violence that day.
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-and theres Friend, the type of roommate who loves to clean, like the first thing he do is judge my kitchen counter and brushed it aggresively, like hey its not even dirty!? Friend doesnt care that he has been trapped in a basement. The most important thing is to make this place clean. The entire time, besides Mallows Wrestlemania segment, Rens infamous Mac & Cheese and the group meeting, he goes back cleaning and washing the dishes.
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- and here is Ezra questioning how MC pulled a reverse uno card on him and yep! thats the face of pure regrets of eating Ren's Mac & Cheese. (I missed to take a screenshot of that moment when Ren is cooking Mac and Cheese, Fone and Nova keeps teaching him how to cook, Ren dropping the salt shaker in the pan and Ezra being the first one to eat it)
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- Nova and Harper fighting for this one bed, even tho there are 7 beds. They keep doing a staring contest, whoever blink, will lose this bed (like its always this bed, sometimes if Harper is the one who sleep on this one, Nova would sleep on the floor instead of choosing another bed 😭 Nova, i have this urge to put a vent on the basement just to spite you.. Stop sleeping on the flooooor!
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- Ren and Krow napping peacefully on their first day as long as Ren promised to never cook again. And yes, finally they used their own bed! They discovered that the bed I put in there is for sleeping not for just aesthetic n shit, praise the lo-
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- and a rare photo of Fone exercising 😊 after turning off the tv everytime someone watches it. Fone cares about MC's electric bill. Be like Fone. I refuse to use motherlode so you really need to save on electricity guys.
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- and introducing MC, was recently turned as a vampire and instead of buying a blood pack, they choose to build a basement, and put all the yanbois and make them her own blood bank.
Will try to add the another yanbois like Virgil, Robin, Morogh, Henry, Keith, Ten etc. Just hoping that my Sims wont crash 🤞 (bc the maximum household members including pets are 8, so i think but im hoping that it will not be laggy when I add another batch of yanbois hahahahaha, i can hear now my pc cursing me in c++ language 😂)
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alchemistoftheend · 3 months
TMA: Season 1
Anglerfish (Case #0122204)
Jonathan Sims introduces himself, as the New Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
Gertrude is dead 🪦 (apparently~)
Magnus is an organisation dedicated to academic research into the esoteric and the paranormal
Elias Bouchard is Head of the Institute
hired Jon for the position
the Institute was founded in 1818
“the Institute prefers the ivory tower of pure academia to the complicated work of dealing with statements or recent experiences and you have the recipe for an impeccably organised library and an absolute mess of an archive” (this feels important 🧐)
Jon plans to reorganize the almost 200 files scattered around the archives
He’ll have the help of Tim Stoker and Sasha James, and Martin Blackwood who’ll be doing supplementary investigation to see what details may be missing from what we have
At the time of the incident, he was out at a pub celebrating his friend’s acceptance into a Masters Program
He was violently ill around midnight, and decided to walk home via Old Fishmarket Close
About halfway down the street he drunkenly takes a tumble on one of the steeper hills
Rattled, he rolled a cigarette to calm himself, when he hears a voice asking, “Can I have a cigarette?”
Speaking was a figure in an alleyway across the street
their voice was masculine
no intonation
they seemed to sway ever do slightly
Nat offered a rolled-up but the figure was unmoving and simply asks the question again
“I stared at the stranger” 🤔
Their face appeared blank, expressionless, and their skin seemed damp and slightly sunken, like they had a bad fever
reminded him of an anglerfish
this swaying got more pronounced
They asks a 3 time “Can I have a cigarette?” and Nat realizes
Its mouth hadn’t opened once and it’s feet weren’t quite touching the ground
The stranger’s form was being lifted, ever so slightly, and moved gently from side to side
The figure disappeared, sort of folding at the waist and vanished back into the darkness, as if a string had gone taut and pulled it back
The next day, Nat returned to the scene to discover nothing, but but an unsmoked Marlboro Red cigarette
Few days later, a missing appeal goes up for another student, John Fellowes, who was at that same party.
His missing photos shows the same brand of cig sticking out of his pocket
Sasha looked into police reports between 2005-10, and there had been 6 disappearance in the area
Before Dobson’s disappearance, she had sent a photo to her sister captioned “check out this drunk creeper lol”
The picture matched the Nate’s description of the alleyway
No one appears to be in the photograph
Sasha did some work on the photo, and by increasing the contrast, was able to make out the outline of a long, thin hand, roughly waist level on a male of average height
the stranger was mentioned multiple times and well
the imagery of long, thin hand and a blank face perhaps alluding to what stranger looks like
tbh my smart brain doesn’t have any more thoughts 😐🤷‍♀️
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chaoscheebs · 1 month
So I've gotten into visual novels a bit more recently, do you have any recommendations? I've been a gamer all my life but vns are kind of a blind spot for me. Maybe some of the more popular ones on the DS and a handful of PC ones are about all I know.
Most of the ones I've played are adult ones (i.e. have sex scenes in them), but I can give some recs if that's not an issue.
All Ages:
-Jack Jeanne for the Switch is a really solid one and for something that includes hiding the protag's gender (she's in an all-boys school for theater), it doesn't fall into weird/horny tropes about it? Like no "oh no someone walked into me changing oh me oh my" nonsense, for example. Plus there's some characters that read very trans/gender non-conforming and I am living for it.
It's very slice-of-life, very pretty, and if you like/can work with stat-building dating sims and the rhythm game sections, I'd recommend it!
Guys Who Like Ladies (not all-ages):
--Princess Waltz is like my favorite VN of all time, it's so fucking good. It's about this (seemingly) normal dude who ends up entangled in this other magical world's tournament to pick a bride for the prince of a country in said other world, and boy howdy for something that is aimed at straight male audiences it is REALLY GAY (affectionate/positive).
The main "girl"? The prince. Who reallyreally comes off as a trans dude. It is awesome.
There's all sorts of cool fights, girls in cool/cute outfits, the "token loli" acts her actual age and is probably one of the most mature of the lot (god i love Suzushiro), it has Lun-Lun, the second best proper girl, yaoi fangirls, and a cute lil' dragon man.
I will provide a quick warning tho': it contains (accidental, they had NO IDEA beforehand) incest, potential adoptive sibling banging, and depending on how you see Chris, potentially misgendering. :c
If you can get past that, tho', it's fantastic and has a bangin' soundtrack.
--9-nine is a urban fantasy-ish multiverse-spanning mystery series in 5 parts: 4 for each girl and one extra epilogue game that wraps up the loose ends nicely. It also contains cool action scenes, has a great cast of characters, and even makes a Wild Arms 2 reference, which cements it in my heart forever.
Each game is a route, and while you could skip one and still get the story (and you might want to, one of the games focuses on the protag's main full-blooded sister who, uh, yeah, they eventually bang), but each part connects to the next and gives you more information to piece together, and it all comes together wonderfully. ;A;
Also, the male lead has a face, is voiced, and has a personality, which is a rare triple-crown in the VN world when it comes to het-focus stuff.
9-nine also has an "all-ages" cut, which can be found on Steam, if that makes a difference.
--Ne no Kami is a yuri VN which is in two parts (with a loosely-connected "prequel" that is plot-light called Sacrament of the Zodiac and has a successor plot-heavy series that has one part out called Watamari, all of which are yuri stores) and IT. IS. SO. FUCKING. GOOD. It and Princess Waltz battle for my heart for the number 1 spot.
The protag is a "normal" girl named Len, who gets drawn into this secret war against the ayakashi thanks to a mix of her childhood friend coming back into her life and her parents up and disappearing on her, and it gets... the actual images are never graphic in the violence sense, but it gets a bit brutal in the fight scenes. Which fucking rule.
It's a good balance of slice of life and battles (and girls kissing other girls of course) and the music fucking rules.
There is also an "all-ages" cut on Steam.
--No,Thank You!! is a BL VN, and it is also really good, but really fucking heavy and I have to give several caveats before recommending it. There is references to (and at least one on-screen instance of) rape, references to in-universe snuff films, non-consensual body modification to the point of body horror, drugs, and child trafficking, tho' everything mentioned past the rape is never shown on-screen.
If your can get past all that, you're in for a wild fucking ride. Haru is the (openly bi!!!!!) protagonist, who seemingly got amnesia in an accident saving this middle-aged man, and so the middle aged man, who is the protag of his own story that's interwoven in the background as he searches for his missing son and dips his toes into some Serious Shit(tm) as a result, sees to it that Haru has shelter and a job until he recovers.
Also, yakuza and a secret underground society that does Seriously Fucked-Up Shit(tm) are all interwoven into the plot, especially the latter.
Also Hiroyuki is best boy I make the rules.
Anyway, that should be a pretty good starter kit. I'd also throw in Yume Miru Kusuri, which is a more grounded in realism story, but also it's really meta and not a good starter VN (... although it was MY starter VN, please give me a route for the canon gay dude in a fan disc I am begging you). It also. Um. Deals with heavy subjects (bullying, drug use...). So maybe see how you feel about these before that.
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rstarsims3 · 1 year
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Hi @reiynisa​
I hope you don’t mind me answering here, but as I was writing a reply yesterday I figured I’ll wait and give you a proper answer as soon as possible. Oh, and thank you for the nice words 😊
Alright, here we go:
1. I’m using Master Controller + Cheats + Integration Module. I have set 4000  as the value for maximum sliders in CAS and face/body sliders range is multiplied by 3.
“4000 = because I have lots of facial sliders; yet somehow my sims still end up looking like carbon copies of each other 😅
2. I never let my sims be too skinny, so all of them (regardless of the age and gender) have the base sliders (the ones under name, gender & skin) set a little further away from the starting point (including muscle sliders).
3. The sliders I mostly use for young adults:
10 new CAS Sliders (Breast, Hip, Waist, Butt, Head and more) - all of them, all the time and on all my sims. For breasts I combine the game slider with the one in this pack.
Butt mass, Thighs Distance & Chest Width -  the butt mass slider here gives plumpness, while the one in the previous pack pushes the butt back. They work well together. The Chest Width one helps getting rid of the wings on the torso (right under the chest) when enlarging the shoulders. As for the thighs distance slider, I just started using it so I’m still finding my way around the right value for me.
Upper neck Slider - for male sims, fixes the slope behind the jaw.
3. Other body sliders I have installed but use sparingly:
Adjustable Female Breast sliders
Sims Body Essentials: A Complete Set of Body Sliders
Body Shape Sliders - careful with these ones as your sims might end up looking like this ⬇️😂
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Also take a look at this list - part 1 & part 2 -  maybe you’ll find something you’d like to use on your sims.
I’m not using this option, but for males you can install custom torsos. They’re available here, here and here. 
You might like curvier sims or a mix between my style and curvier so you should also check out these videos:  How to make your sims curvy in SIMS 3 and The Sims 3: Tutorial | HOW I MAKE CURVY SIMS.
I’ll try to post later some photos of the most recent sims I made using the sliders I mentioned - HERE it is.
Happy simming!
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