#i can never be myself around her even if i keep my mouth shut about being bi and about any type of prejudice she has so yeah lol
th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 3 days
Arranged marriage
Chapter three
Royal au
Princess Natasha X queen autistic reader
Warnings: Natasha being a bitch. Natasha being jealous. Woman flirting with y/n. Swearing (minor) lemme know if there anymore. Natasha getting feelings? Oblivious y/n
Natasha pov
I want to rip out my eyes. Why on earth am I here. This is so stupid. Riding in a carriage with this idiot queen. Those are my first thoughts as I stare angrily out the window of the carriage me and queen y/n are sitting in. Said queen is hiding from the crowds of people outside the carriage. She's so backwards. Never wanting too many people around and only tolerating socialisation for a specific time frame before vanishing for sometimes days. In my opinion she's not fit to be a queen.
Fresh air finally. I think to myself as me and the idiot behind me climb out the carriage into the town square. People have crowded near the carriage. Ofcourse they have. Their "queen" is here. I grumble slightly as the guards help down y/n. Gods she can't even get out a carriage by herself what a useless idiot. I don't know why but my thoughts of rage and hatred have increased towards y/n. Perhaps it's to make up for the fact she's cute and her hands are soft and she really nice. Like right now with how she's thanking the guard who helped her over and over like the absolute sweetheart she is. What. No. Absolutely not. Y/n is a idiot on the throne and I will murder her. I don't find her cute I don't find her sweet and Queen y/n is not a sweetheart.
There's a wyvern on that houses roof. I wonder if y/n will notice it and rant about its species. I already know it's a wyvern because y/n said earl- why am I thinking that. It's just an idiot dragon. And boom y/n has seen it. She's ranting again. Gods I hate it. What on earth is a blood bellied wyvern and why does it matter. That dragon was black not red. I hate cobblestone too now that I think about it. My heels keep threatening to buckle beneath me. Good thing I'm an absolute goddess and can walk in heels anywhere.
Y/n pov
The carriage ride to the town square was quiet. I didn't want to interrupt Natasha too much. And if I spoke even a word I'm pretty sure she'd tell me to shut it anyway. Besides looking out the window was fun. I saw so many different dragons. I wish I could've been able to get a proper look so I could see what species they are. There's so many people outside watching the carriage though. I should've held this off until my social battery filled again. I am going to hate this trip. I really should stop letting Natasha's parents coerce me into stuff.
Finally the carriage stops and the doors open and fresh air hits me like a train. I go to step out but a guard offers me a hand. I have told them to stop doing that. They really should listen I can get out of my own carriage. But I accept his help not wanting him to feel foolish. The cobblestone streets are filled with people and horses and carriages. I like the town. Aside from the bustling people and market stalls scattered around the town square it's a nice break from the palace. A nice break from being a queen. Princess Natasha is scowling. Like always. I am pretty sure it's her default expression.
Me and the princess have walk a little now. Passed a stall selling dragon egg remains. I don't like those stalls. They often steal and break dragon eggs to get the product. I shudder slightly. Natasha hasn't been paying any attention. She's been grumbling about idiots and cobblestone. She wore heels so I guess that's why. Should've worn flat shoes like me. I did tell her so. I look up at the houses around us and.. no way. A blood bellied wyvern right there on the rooftop of a civilian house. They only come down this way in the winter! I've never seen one before aside from in books.
My mouth is running again. I never know why I do this. But I excuse myself mentally this time since I've never witnessed this dragon before. Their scales are reflective of their blood colour which is why they're called blood bellied wyverns. Well the belly part is because you see the actual veins and blood but still. I haven't had a single interruption from Natasha yet. She's just walking silently beside me as I rant. I slow down and pause looking at the queen feeling a bit bad now. I must've pissed her off in some way again.
"are you ok princess?"
I ask hesitantly. I don't like the way Natasha has paused. She's staring at me funny and I'm prepared for her to scowl and scream at me. She huffs instead.
"I'm fine just keep walking."
I blink surprised as Natasha keeps walking and I speed up to catch up to her.
Natasha pov
She's still ranting. Something about the wyverns scales reflecting their blood colour.. oh that's why it's called whatever it was. I can't help but steal glances at y/n. She's so annoying. So very annoying. And absolutely perfect at the exact same time. No. I won't go down that rabbit hole. I am not stupid. Falling in love is for pitiful useless peasants. Not royalty. Why does my heart not agree with my head. It's stupid. I'll fix it.
"are you ok princess?"
Y/n's voice stops me. That's not about dragons. I glance down at her attempting a scowl but I can't respond. She's looking at me with wide y/e/c eyes and I can't help but find her expression adorable. No. No no no no no. She's not adorable and she's not cute. I huff slightly shaking away all those intrusive thoughts
"I'm fine just keep walking"
I scowl again as I pick up pace once more. Y/n speeding up to get back to my side. She's so small. Like a puppy. No. Absolutely not. Puppies and y/n have nothing in common. I'll kill her. And I won't feel bad about it and I won't regret it. Everything will be fine. I go to yell at y/n as per normal but she's not by me anymore. I glance around and.. there. By a stall selling books and scrolls. I stand and watch her annoyed. Ofcourse she'd stop to look at scrolls and books. And judging by her expression it's dragon bullshit again. The woman serving her is leaning over the counter and talking to y/n about different species. That grin on the merchants face. That's not a friendly grin...
It's been ten minutes and y/n has not stopped talking to the merchant. She's bought atleast three books and five scrolls. And that merchant is clearly flirting with y/n. Doesn't she know the queen is engaged. To me no less. Why is this bothering me. I mean I should be annoyed it's taking so long that's normal but why am I pissed that the queen is being flirted with. Why does it irritate me more than the books. I want to tear that merchant's eyes out and turn them into a necklace for y/n to wear and I don't know why.
She touched her arm. That merchant touched y/n's arm. And I don't like it. Rage hits me like a brick. That bitch can't touch what's mine. There is a clear engagement ring on the queen's finger and it's public knowledge that y/n is betrothed to me. I storm over absolutely enraged at this pathetic sellers attempt to steal MY y/n. Swiftly wrapping an arm around y/ns waist I glare down my nose at this merchant. Watching in sick satisfaction as she backs up scared. Good to know she recognises me.
"back the fuck away from my fiancee."
I snarl. Pulling y/n closer to me. She's so small and she's looking at me shocked. I'll deal with it later. That merchant gets the hint and backs up mumbling apologies and handing y/n her books. I grab them and pull the queen with me away and back towards the carriage. I don't y/n until we are both in the carriage and leaving.
Y/n pov
I saw a dragons scroll and books stall. That looked fun so I told Natasha I was looking at it and went over. I haven't seen this stall before and it has so many books and scrolls. Most I already own but a few I don't! I immediately purchase the scrolls and books I don't have. It would be foolish if I didn't. A waste. Besides I'm the queen I can do as I please. The merchant running the stall is wonderful too. She's really friendly. Immediately we are in conversation about gilded bronze dragons and their subspecies. I haven't met a single other person who could talk dragons with me.
Don't recognise the touch at first. The seller just put her hand on my arm and smirked at me. I blink and smile back not really knowing what's happening before I'm grabbed into someone and the merchant is backing away. I frown wanting to continue talking about dragons and books still. I glance at the person who grabbed me prepared to tell them off for grabbing me politely because yelling at people is Soo mean and I don't have the heart until I realise the person who grabbed me is princess Natasha romanoff.
"back the fuck away from my fiancee."
Natasha scowls at the merchant as she pulls me closer. I didn't realise how much taller the princess was compared to me. Jesus Christ am I actually that short. I blink slightly and glance around trying to gouge out if this is normal or weird and nope this is definitely weird the townspeople are looking at us funny. I'm about to speak until Natasha grabs my books and scrolls and begins dragging me back to the carriage. I don't even argue with her I'm in a state of shock. I never thought I'd see the day Natasha would get... Jealous?
A/n: I am sorry this is so late I didn't like the ending originally and rewrote it like three times so I haven't been on much but I've started chapter four and I will go back to normal posting again I promise.
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grlfriends · 2 years
not gonna explain but damn being alive rn is like being in a sitcom but every episode is the most depressing episode ever
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suguae · 8 months
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Toji cannot move on, until he realized too late.
Warnings: Angst, slightest fluff (reader and baby 'gumi moment)
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You were just a girl, standing in front of a man, asking him to love you.
How hard was that for him? Yes, he wasn’t good with his words but he wasn’t good at anything else either. He was just there.
Maybe because the woman he truly loved—he was still mourning over her. His sad eyes every time he watched an old couple dance together, wishing he had been doing that but with her. The cute babies babble with their mothers as Megumi babbles with his father, how he wished his wife was still here instead of you. He never said it, but that’s what it felt like. 
And perhaps that's what it was. 
Sometimes he curses himself out when he accidentally calls you his wife's name. During intimate times only. You tried—trying to keep the emotions in as if it wasn’t breaking every part of you, was the hardest part. “Look he’s walking...” You smiled at the dark haired baby who was walking towards you. Toji smiled, making sure he’d record every second of it; deep down he wished his wife was the one the baby was walking towards instead of you.
And it was wrong—so wrong. 
“This relationship, I’m with you but Toji—Toji this is the loneliest I’ve ever felt.” You whispered while he ate his leftovers, his brows still furrowed from the argument occurring earlier. Having Toji work from 9–5 wasn’t the best but good thing he had you, helping him out with so much. Picking up groceries, picking up his lovely son—until you mentioned that one of his teachers mistaken you as his biological mother. That right there was enough to make Toji angry for weeks at least.
But not this time.
He stopped chewing on his food after you spoke, waiting for more of an explanation. Which you figured he needed, “I don’t think you’re in love with me–” 
“I like you [name], a lot.” He cleared his throat. He leaned back on his chair as his arms crossed waiting for you to continue the sentence he interrupted. 
Right, he liked you a lot. These three rough years you’ve been dating Toji—that particular l word was never uttered once, not even if he was drunk, or having a special moment with you. You huffed trying to find the right words for Toji to understand. That was until little Megumi started crying from his room. “I’ll try to put him back to sleep, finish eating.” He watched as your fragile little body sulked its way to Megumi’s room.
He knew this was gonna happen, he knew you were bound to leave him sooner or later. 
You smiled as you opened the door to see the little Megumi standing on top of his little bed. His hands wiping his tears as he ran towards you, his arms now wrapping around your legs. “Sleep with mama and papa.” He cried out as you leaned down to pick up the little boy. “[name] and papa, not mama okay?” You corrected him, if Toji were to find out that he had been calling you that, then that argument would’ve climaxed.
The little boy nodded, his tears now gone as you swayed him around. “Sleep with you.” He mumbled, leaning his head on your shoulder as he played with a strand of your hair. “Just for tonight.” You whispered, watching Megumi pick up his head and smile. Content with your answer. 
Toji’s heart could just swell at the sight. You treated his son as if he was your own and nothing looked so much better right now, except for the fact that he wished it was his wife.
Megumi was now soundly sleeping between you and Toji, “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” His eyes shut tightly hearing those piercing words leave your mouth. It hurt when his wife left him, but this hurt was different—different because he knew it was coming yet he didn’t want to do anything about it. 
“I’m sorry—”
“You don’t need to be the one apologizing.” He watched your soft gaze stare at completely nothing. He was confused, this was his fault. He never treated you how you needed deserved to be treated. “It was my fault for throwing myself at a man who simply was not ready.”
The next morning was silent—baby ‘gumi was confused at the saddened look on your face. Constantly walking up to you asking if you were okay. He was still just a baby, yet he read the room so well. “I’m sure we can work this out—” Toji now sitting next to you on the couch, some cartoon playing in the back as Megumi’s little head sat on your lap. “You’re not ready, Toji.” You nodded, eyes still glued on the tv as if it was meant for you and not the little Megumi. 
“And how are you so sure—”
“Tell me you love me then.” Your eyes are now fixed on Toji’s. It was hard, he felt as if his mouth had been glued shut. You sigh, bringing your gaze back to the tv, “I love you—but it’s hard when it’s one sided Toji.” 
It hurt much more, seeing you drive away as the clueless Megumi waved you out. Poor thing thinks you’re simply going to the store. The house that once felt like home was so dull now. Toji sat little ‘gumi down on the couch. 
His constant, “mama?” or “[name]?” while he kept his gaze on the door every so often. Nothing prepared Toji for this. Megumi cried that he wanted to sleep with his mama and papa, his heart swelled knowing that he had been talking about you.
You were gone, just like his wife. But it hurt—it hurt so much more knowing that you’re alive trying your best to…move on. He stayed up late that same night, stumbling upon a video from two years ago. When Megumi first learned how to walk. You and Toji had just started dating but the look of happiness plastered your face as you watched the little baby walking. 
That was one thing Toji never forgot about, how much you loved kids. Telling him how once you had kids of your own you would finally be able to live in peace. How he heard of it less and less as the years went on, he wonders if you still think that.
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next part ->
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nadvs · 2 months
I love that a oneshot turned in to all of these blurbs.
Can you write something about their favorite position? 😄
RIGHT, ME TOO!! i’m so happy and surprised that readers love basketballplayer! rafe 🥹 omgomg yes 🤭
based on this fic! 18+!
if she had to pick one word to describe being friends with benefits with rafe cameron, it would be fun.
sex with him is always intense and adventurous. he’s rough and assertive and loves to talk her through it. they don’t limit their hook-ups to just their bedrooms and they try different positions. but there’s one they keep coming back to.
it’s a friday night and he just came over to her dorm after going out with his friends. he’s been texting her all evening about how bad he wants her and how hard he wants to fuck her and how good she’s going to come. she couldn’t take it anymore and eventually texted him i might just have to do it myself. he rushed over.
their kisses are short and hungry as they peel each other’s clothes off and once they’re naked, she knows by the way he props up on his knees on her bed and pushes the undersides of her thighs that he’s eager to fuck her in their favorite position.
she rests her heels on his bare shoulders, her body folding as he puts weight on her, her knees pressing against her chest. he shifts to run his thumb over her swollen clit, staring at her through lustful eyes.
“my texts get you wet?” he rasps.
“yeah,” she whispers. he kneels forward, gripping himself at his base, running the tip of his cock over her heat. she trembles.
“so wet you wanted touch yourself, yeah?” he smirks, loving the effect he has on her. “did you?”
“no,” he echoes in a mocking tone. “no, because this is better.”
she tips her head back, shutting her eyes, aching in need at this point. him and his damn ego. he’s right. he’s learned his way around her body so well that he can bring her to the best orgasms she’s ever had.
rafe can’t wait any longer. he holds himself up with one arm, his hand on her pillow, while he looks down at the mind-blowing sight of his cock slowly sinking inside of her, stretching her out.
“goddamn,” he sharply inhales. she’s absolutely soaked and so warm, gripping him perfectly.
she moans softly, arching her back, but too constricted to be able to move much because her thighs are flush against her torso.
cheerleading has made her flexible and he knows it, pushing it to her limits. her lids flitter open to watch him staring down at where their bodies are meeting. he looks drunk on the feeling and he hasn’t even buried himself in her completely.
rafe curves more over her, his other hand resting against her bed frame as he bottoms out and puts his weight on her.
his eyes find hers, his lips parted, already half-panting as her ankles press against the sides of his neck.
“you like how deep i can get when you’re bent over like this?” he groans.
“yes,” she breathes.
“i’ve been thinking about beating this pussy up all day.”
“rafe,” she gasps with a laugh of pleasure. the more they hook up, the more she sees what a dirty mouth he has on him.
he pulls back and slams into her so hard that her breath hitches. she feels his palm on her chin, his wet thumb digging into one cheek and the rest of his fingers digging into the other, squeezing hard, making her pout.
“i know you love getting fucked hard,” he says. “say it.”
“i love it.” she nods desperately. “don’t stop.”
rafe breathes a self-satisfied chuckle, dragging his hand over her jaw to cradle her head, his thumb on her cheekbone as he starts to move at a faster pace, every slam into her harder than the last.
“that’s so good,” she sighs, her voice shaky.
“i know,” he rasps through a lazy smile. “i know, baby.”
he leans over even more, pressing his forehead against hers, their hot breaths tangling together.
“you’re squeezing me so fucking tight,” he says, stroking her cheek with his thumb. he can hear how shallow she’s breathing, her own legs and his torso weighing on her chest. he’s never pushed her into this tight of a position before.
“can you take it like this?” rafe whispers.
“yes, yes,” she breathes.
his thrusts into her are rough and fast, their noses are nudging, her calves are digging into his shoulders. he didn’t think this position could get better, but he’s fucking her harder and deeper than ever, his hips slamming against the backs of her thighs.
all she can hear is his sweat-sheened skin smacking against hers and her mattress squeaking and their disjointed breaths and her pounding heartbeat as he fills her with the best pressure over and over again.
rafe shifts just a bit to make contact with her clit, smirking to himself when she moans. he knows exactly what she likes, starting to buck his hips so the most sensitive part of her body feels the friction she needs to come.
“keep going,” she whimpers.
“yeah?” he groans breathily, rocking and pounding, feeling his body start to tighten all over. “taking it so fucking good.”
the coil in her core unravels and she takes in a sharp breath, all her senses blurring, tumbling into the euphoria he’s carrying her to. her body starts to shake beneath him, her walls quivering around him.
his peak hits him hard, making his entire body tense then draining him of all his energy.
he pulls out slowly, his chest heaving and thighs sore as he takes his weight off of her. even the hardest workout or the most intense game doesn’t manage to get him as spent as he gets from fucking her.
rafe settles beside her on her small bed as she slowly stretches her legs out, her muscles finding relief now that they’re not being pushed and pulled so hard.
“fuck,” he half-laughs, slowly coming down. he takes in her profile. her lids are heavy, her lips pursed as she breathes in and out.
“yeah,” she agrees with a smile. there are no words to describe how good they are together. even though it’s solely physical, she’s never felt this happy with somebody. neither has he.
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, cheating, divorce, depression, fluff, mind manipulation, the hex being created, pregnancy, kinda dark, think that’s all :)
Wanda hummed as the flavors hit her taste buds, her eyes directed at you as she smiled warmly.
“How do you like the dinner, sweetheart?” You grinned beneath the fork inside your mouth, instantly returning your lips back to a thin line when her eyes left you.
“Well, I hope you’d like it, I spent many hours prepping this.” She chuckled, giving your hand a squeeze from across the table. You still didn’t utter a word, she was growing concerned.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You shrugged, nervously playing with your food as you bit the inside of your cheek, a habit you started and failed to stop, much to Wanda’s liking.
“C’mon, you can talk to me, that’s what I’m here for.” You looked up, noticing her intense gaze that showed she knew exactly what you were going to say.
“You still haven’t signed the papers.” Her body tensed, her eyes shutting as she sighed. Her hand balled into a tight fist as she continued to eat. She could see you were lacking the ring on your finger, the sight making her want to crawl into a corner and cry her eyes out. There was no way out of this, she realized, so she had to make one.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“My fucking God, Wanda,” You slammed your hands down, standing as you paced urgently. She refused to look, instead finding her meal all the more interesting.
“You’re pathetic, you know that? You can’t sign some fucking papers, really? This marriage has been ruined the moment you slept with that tramp.” The realization made her throat tighten, tears nearly ready to spill from her loopy eyes.
“I told you it was a mistake, it meant nothing-”
“That doesn’t stop the fact that it happened, Wanda! Do you think it’s easy for me to have to live here daily? To see you and constantly be reminded of what you did? I worked so hard to even convince myself I was worthy of you, and you go and do this?” She cowered down, wiping her hands on the small cloth in her lap while you stared at her, nostrils flared and eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sorry doesn’t fix what you did-”
“God, will you let me fucking speak?” She yelled, growing frustrated with the constant interruption. You didn’t refute, instead placing your hands on your hips as you waited for her voice to return.
“I told you, I was drunk and she looked so much like you. We were fighting, I was upset, you were too, so I went out and got wasted to the point I could barely walk. I saw her there and I…I let her take me home, but when I woke up I- I realized what I did and I knew I fucked up.”
“Yeah, you did.” You already heard the story before, the same one that haunted you in your dreams. You imagined someone else being able to hear the moans she promised were only for you, it made you violently ill.
“I made a promise to you, and I plan to keep it. I will never, and I mean never, touch a drink again. I won’t even look in another woman’s direction because I don’t need to when I have my wife right in front of me. My perfect, breathtaking, loving wife that I care for so much.” She wrapped her arms around your waist as she dropped to her knees, placing her forehead against your thigh.
“Please, baby, I don’t know how many times I have to apologize before you forgive me, but I’ll continue to tell you for the rest of my life.” She placed small kisses against the covered skin, feeling the warmth that you supplied, the same warmth that brought her comfort at night. Now it brought her shame and guilt, but she’d rather carry that burden for the rest of her life than lose you for even a moment.
“I don’t want to have to be reminded of what you did for the rest of my life, Wanda. I’m constantly having someone down my ear telling me how terrible you are, and how I should never forgive you. For fucks sake, even our friends have told me to leave you! How am I going to look them in the eye again knowing all they see is someone who’s too gullible to even leave their cheating wife?” You sobbed, and the look on your face only brought misery to the woman. You seemed so lost, so exhausted, and she was the cause.
“I know, I know, and none of this is fair to you, and I’m so sorry I caused this-”
“Stop saying sorry. Please, I can’t do this.” You begged, your voice cracking as you drew more emotions.
“But I mean it! I never want you to feel like I don’t want you because I want you more than anything. I need you, Y/N, I need you in my life.” It was true, she didn’t know how to properly function without you. You were the only one who kept her going, you were the one who held her when she felt like she couldn’t stand. When she was ready to give up, she had you holding her back. Without you, she’d be nothing.
“You say you need me, but you don’t consider what I need. And what I need is for you to let me go, and sign the papers.” You wanted to give in, to fall into her embrace and let her make it up to you. But you couldn’t, your mind would never let you forget the scene you walked in on. And maybe you’d still remember it vividly without her, but at least you wouldn’t have to be in the exact place it happened with the person who did it. At least you could move on and find someone who wouldn’t hurt you like this, intoxicated or not.
“No- no, I won’t do it.” Tear stains painted your shirt from where her head rested, you knew you’d have to throw this out sooner than later.
“Wanda, please, just do it.” You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to ignore her pleas.
“I’m begging you, Wanda. If you truly loved me, you’d want me to be happy.” She rushed towards you when you tried to escape her tight hold.
“You’re happier with me-”
“I can’t be happy with you, not when I can’t stop thinking about what you did. It ruined me, Wands, and it continues to haunt me every breathing moment.” The nickname brought a crack to her rotting heart. Her body felt like it was decaying the more you pulled away and the more she tried to hold on.
“You’re going to sign the papers. And then I’ll be gone. This is best for the both of us, you’ll learn to live without me.” She felt as though she was going to be sick, why were you still denying her? She couldn’t let you go. No, she couldn’t.
You leaned down to her level, moving the hair that covered her face out of the way. You cupped her cheeks, smiling sadly as her sobs caused her hands to shake lightly. She reached out hopefully, copying your action and bringing herself closer.
“Can I- can I have one last kiss, at least?” You looked down, sighing as you shook your head before returning her gaze.
“If I kiss you, I don’t think either of us will be able to stop.”
“That’s not a bad thing, is it?” You chuckled, and it felt like music to her ears. She smiled warmly, even though her chest tightened and her breath cut short.
“I love you, Wanda, I always will. Maybe we were just never meant to be, and that’s okay. But if I don’t let you go now, I’ll never be able to be happy.” But you could’ve been meant to be, she realized. You could’ve been the best, most loving couple. Your kids would’ve grown up in a healthy, safe household full of love. But that all came to an end when that night left her hopeless, she pleaded with God constantly to rid her actions but they were never heard.
“I love you too, Y/N, and I want you to be happy, I just wish I could’ve been the reason.”
“You were.” The past tense was what caused her body to crash into yours. She lost all control as your arms brought her a sense of comfort she lacked for so long.
“I’m sorry I failed you.”
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In a few months, the divorce was being settled and you officially moved out. You had been staying with a friend for some time, and she was more than happy to help you out. She had been in a similar situation before, so it was clear what she had to do when she saw you standing on her front porch. Wanda thought she would be able to see you when you would gather your stuff from her place, but a multitude of your friends went instead, all of them giving glares to the older woman as she refused to look at the empty home. It seemed wrong without your stuff here, and all she had were pictures of the two of you that she couldn’t remove.
She felt hopeless as time progressed, and the lack of messages or calls from you only made time move slower. Every day felt like a decade as she failed to execute basic human needs. She often struggled to get out of bed or brush her teeth, and now it’s been two days since she last showered. She wondered how you were, she hoped you weren’t in such a horrid state like herself. But a part of her also hoped you were, just so she knew you still cared.
Eventually, it all became too much. She hadn’t slept in her bed in over a year, the constant reminder that another laid where you once were disgusted her. The couch had become her home, but even the couch seemed to shame her. Her favorite movies didn’t feel the same without you laughing with her. The sitcoms she loved so much now annoyed her; she had changed completely, and it was all her fault.
She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she broke. Her small, empty home in the town of Westview became full once again. She didn’t know what happened. One moment she was sobbing uncontrollably while huddling close to the stuffed animal she had won for you on your first date, then the plain walls filled with hope. Her heart slowly gained a beat, and her hands felt warm again. She stood in front of a door, her fist finding the wood and creating a small knock.
“It’s open!” She heard, and she stopped in her tracks. It was you, it was your angelic voice that was slowly fading from her mind. She gulped fearfully before twisting the knob, letting her legs take control as she stepped forward.
“Love, you’re home!” You greeted with a smile, turning to face her as Wanda’s eyes fell on the toddler being held in your arms. She had the same hair as Wanda, and while it wasn’t easy to spot from so far away, she could see her green, piercing eyes looking back at her. The child giggled and pointed her chubby finger her way, causing a smile to break out on her face.
“Everything alright, sweetie?” You asked when she didn’t move, her mouth agape and her hands nearly releasing the briefcase she held.
“Yes…everything is just perfect, my love.” She mustered out, rushing towards your figure and embracing you in a tight hold. The replica of her was left with a small kiss to her forehead before she took her into her arms, blowing raspberries on her exposed tummy. Alana giggled again, and it felt like Wanda’s ear would explode. She felt like she was dreaming, only this wasn’t the nightmare she fought with every night. No, this time you were here to cure her.
“Momma!” She heard from a distance, seeing a young boy running to greet her. He hugged her leg tightly, causing Wanda to stumble before she leaned down, ruffling his hair before she gave him a small side hug, the baby in her arms restricting her from embracing him as much as she wanted to.
“Hey, kiddo! How was your day?”
“It was amazing! Me, Mommy, and Alana made dinner!” She gasped, showing her appreciation towards the excited boy before he ran off to the kitchen as she requested. He was still too young to carry his little sister, so she continued to do so.
“And hello to you, my sweet baby.” Wanda placed a small kiss against your stomach, placing her hand against the bump and rubbing her thumb in small, soothing circles.
“Have they been giving you any trouble today?” She asked, resulting in a small sigh from your end.
“They’ve been kicking all day. I swear, if they’re not professional soccer players, I don’t know what else they’ll do.” Wanda laughed before leaving multiple pecks to your lips, grasping your hand in hers before leading you to the kitchen.
“Well, it’s only a few more months until they’ll be out of you, I know you can do it.” You stopped in your tracks, eyeing her and causing the taller woman to stall. Nobody wanted to see you angry, especially when you were pregnant.
“First of all, I don’t see you carrying two demons in your stomach, so I’d shut up if I were you. And, second of all, this is the third time I’m doing this, you are no longer allowed to go without a condom.” She placed her hand on her chest as if she was offended and you grinned, leaving a kiss on her cheek before walking through the kitchen door where your son laid out all the dishes for you four. You thanked him before he climbed onto his seat, still finding himself to be too short for the chairs you had. Wanda placed your daughter in the high chair before taking the seat next to her. You noticed her smiling large, her eyes being filled with more joy than usual.
“What’s got you all happy?” She admired the scene in front of her, Pietro Jr and Alana sitting peacefully, both of them sharing the genes she was blessed with. Her partner, smiling back at her while they carried her twins, she couldn’t have asked for anything more.
“Oh, nothing, I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have all of you.” You blushed, tilting your head slightly as you bit your lip.
“Well, that’s never going to change, sweetheart.” ‘I’ll make sure of it’, she thought.
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worldofkuro · 5 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XV
Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Because I wasn't satisfied with the last chapter I decided to post the next one right now. I’m so excited about your thoughts because the plot is finally beginning !  I can’t wait to hear about your theories. 
“ It makes your boobs look ugly, another one please !”
You were being tugged behind the curtain already being undressed to put on another dress. Today you were with Alice, in one of the most expensive shops of all New Orleans, to find your wedding dress. It was an exciting, amusing and stressful experience. Alice was being, as usual, honest about the dress you have been trying for almost an hour. 
“ Alice, how many more dresses do I need to try? You know we still don’t have a date for the wedding? Alastor’s father is still missing.”
“ What about it? His loss if he misses the wedding. Now, I think I’ve found the perfect dress for you~!” 
You laughed behind the curtain. Alice didn’t even know Alastor’s father, she never met him but you have told her once that you didn’t feel comfortable with him and she decided that she would hate him until the end of time. You looked at the dresses you have been trying, a part of you was happy to be here with your best friend and yet you wondered…Were you selfish? You knew Alice was in love with Alyzée but they couldn’t get wed to each other… Were you hurting Alice without being aware of it?
“ Alice–?”
“ This one. This one will fit perfectly your waist, your legs, your shoulder, your chest. For heaven’s sake, I’m the best.” she said looking at her nails. Why were your best friend and your future husband so full of themselves while you were always insecure ! “ Come on, try this one.”
“ Alice.. I’m.. You’re okay?” you asked, taking the dresses off her hands.
“ Yes? Well, I’m still shocked about what you told me about John, but you know what we say, we don’t keep trash around us.”
“ Who is “we”?”
“ Me, Myself and I. Now, try the dress, doll ! I’ll find the shoes!” you laughed as you watched her running away. You sighed with a smile, you were surrounded by amazing people, you should try to be more sure about yourself.
The workers from the stores helped you put on the dress and your shoes. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt.. pretty. Really pretty. You smiled at yourself, moving the pans of the dress, loving the movement it was doing.
“ Can I see?”
“ Of course Alice.” you turned around. Since you could remember, Alice always knew how to dress you up. From her Christmas’s Eve’s soirée where she had found that beautiful dress from today, she would always come with outfits from other countries, always being new, unique, something Alastor scoffed most of the time. He was always saying that Alice was running toward the future without being aware of her surroundings. And Alice was always saying that Alastor needed to shut up because he was lucky to look good in anything.
“ Oh my Lord. You look ravishing, my friend!” she clapped her hands together, her eyes whelming up a bit. “ Oh God… I’m… I’m so proud of you.”
“ I haven’t done anything yet.” you laughed nervously.
“ Take the compliment for once. So, what do you think? I , personally, think it’s the perfect dress for you. But what do you think?”
“ This is my favorite too. but the price–”
“ Let me buy it.” you opened your mouth, ready to complain but Alice stopped you with her hand.” I know, I know, you’ve never liked me paying stuff for you, expensive things mostly. But please, just this one, let me buy it. I… The next time I go into this kind of shop might be for my own wedding, which won’t be filled with laughter and love like we just did. It might be selfish, but just.. I want this moment. I’m sorry–”
“ Okay.” you smiled, almost moved to tears by her comment “ But Alice, for your wedding, no matter with who, I’ll be there. There will be laughter and love, because you won’t be alone in this.”
You saw Alice nodded, wiping some tears from her eyes. You looked at her, your best friend might never be married to the one she loved, but you will never let her feel loveless. 
You took off the dress, as Alice went to pay in cash. You joined her once you were dressed with your own clothes and you both walked toward her place. You saluted the butler, who bowed to you.
You both sat down in the huge living room, sighing in relief. You took off your heels, your feet were killing you. 
“ By the way, if we need to find Alastor’s father to be able to have your wedding, do you want me to… pull a few strings for you? I could call the best of the best!”
“ No, no. I won’t lie, the fact that he is missing isn’t… bothering me.”
“ I’ll cheer for that. “ she winked at you before asking for wine. You laughed, she always loved Rosé. It wasn’t very strong in alcohol, it had a very good taste but when the alcohol hitted. Dear lord…
You didn’t drink too much, you had to walk back home yourself after all. You smiled when you saw Alice put on Alastor's broadcast even though she was rolling her eyes at the radio sometimes.
“ Are you hearing him? Gosh. I knew you when your voice was cracking, Alastor !” she shouted at the radio.
“ Alastor voice never–”
“ A woman can dream, dear. Gosh, now I hear his voice anywhere I’m going.”
You laughed behind your glass. Alastor was gaining popularity surprisingly quickly, which was good of course. It was the best outcome you could imagine.
“ Now, about my cottage.”
“ Alice, we told you we don’t have the money and you just bought me my wedding dress.”
“ Who is “we” my dear?”
“ Me, Myself and I.” You stuck your tongue at her, making her laugh. Alice was a girl ahead of her time with her manners and way of talking, she always felt like a breeze of fresh air. 
“ Well, if you all say so.” She took a sip of a drink before looking at the door, her father making his entrance. You stood up as the big man smiled at you, he always has been nice, never raising his voice, always wanting what’s best for Alice.
“ Oh, good afternoon ladies. Alice, I just wanted to tell you that you might have a date with the son of the–”
“ Yes Daddy, I know, don’t worry I’ll go.” she said, looking away. You saw her father smile sadly before leaving after giving you both candy you used to like when you were younger. You looked at her, worried. Was she going to be okay? “ Don’t look at me like that Doll. It’s going to be the same as usual, I’m going there, bat my pretty eyes and at the end, I’ll just say to Daddy that the man wasn’t what we needed for the family.”
“ How long do you think you can keep this game going?”
She stared at the large windows in silence. Alice was just like a bird in a cage, she felt like freedom, but would never taste it for herself.
“ As long as I can.”
You stayed with her until the sun was setting down. The maid took her to her bedroom as she was sleeping on the sofa. Seems like going on another date was getting harder and harder for her. Was Alyzée aware of it? You sighed as you gave your goodbye, before walking out of the mansion. 
You decided to go into a park, walking between the trees. There weren’t a lot of people outside, even though we were in March, the weather was still cold. You stopped when you saw an old man fall not too far from you.
“ Oh sir! Are you alright, let me help you!” you said as you took the cane that had fallen from his hand. You helped him sitting down on a nearby bench. 
“ Oh, thank you little lady.”
The man was tall, black with brown eyes, a white beard, he was wearing a hat, helding on his cane, he seemed like he had injured his leg.
“ Do you want me to take a look at your leg? I’m no nurse, but I used to help my father when he came back from war.”
“ Ahh, war. You don’t need to take care of me, little lady.” he smiled warmly at you. “ You look sad yourself, do you need to talk about it with an old man?”
You looked at him, he felt so warm and he was… cute. His aura was gentle, cute like a kid that wanted to learn something new. You haven’t seen your grandfather since he died during the war, you haven’t had the strength to go back to your old country to go to his grave so… Maybe why not indulge yourself and talk with this man?
“ I’m… I want to help a friend, she is in love but can’t marry that person.”
“ Aah, love. And why can’t she?”
“ She had to marry someone from “noble blood”.” you sighed, rolling your eyes. It was bullshit. “ She has no choice.”
“ Mhn… I think she does, little lady. We always have a choice, when you think you don’t have one, it’s because you already made up your mind. “ he smiled at you with eyes that held so much wisdom. 
“ But… What if the other choices are more dangerous?” you asked, feeling like you weren’t talking about Alice anymore.
“ Well, little lady. What would you do?” 
You stopped talking. You killed to be with the one you wanted. You had a choice and yet..
“ Are you unhappy with the choices you made?” 
“ No, but I’m afraid of what it will bring at my door.”
“ Aah.. Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.”
“ What?”
“ You will see, little lady. Your friend is maybe so blinded by what she has to do that she can’t see what she could do. Love is the deadliest poison and yet the sweetest remedy in the world. She should try to think for herself, don’t you think? Would you rather live your whole life in misery or be happy for a short time of your existence? The difference between existing and living is thin, little lady, but it exists.” he nodded before looking at the sky, seeming lost in thoughts. 
You stared at this mysterious man. He seemed to be around 60, maybe that is why he seemed so wise. You looked at the sky and gasped when you saw the moon in the sky. It was already dark!
“ Oh, I need to go!” you stood up but before leaving you took the candy from Alice’s father. You smiled at the man, placing the candy in his veiny hands. “ Thank you for that useful advice.” You beamed at him as he looked curiously at the candy before smiling at you. “ Maybe we’ll see each other one day again !”
“ May our ways cross again if needed, little lady, may our ways cross…”
You ran back home, feeling better than when you left Alice’s house. You walked inside and saw your father with Jeff in the living room. They were still trying to understand how Alastor’s father could have disappeared like this. You smiled at the men, walking toward them.
“ Nothing news?”
“ No, my sweet daughter. We are trying, but from the moment he left the bar he wasn’t seen anymore.”
“ I’m sure the wife was having an affair and decided to kill the husband. Classic scenarios.”
“ And how could she have done that?” you sat on the sofa, staring at Jeff with an innocent smile. You almost smirked when you saw him puffing his chest, feeling so much pride in vomiting all the information he should kept away from you.
“ The man came home, drunk. She could easily poison him, hide the body somewhere and end the story.”
“ Mhn… But without a body, you don’t know. What if he was the one having an affair and ran away? From what I understood, he seemed to be someone who drank a lot, maybe he was being ambushed in an alley because we know for a fact he never made it back home.” you smiled at him, your father smiling with pride by your side.
“ That what they say but–”
“ No, that’s what we said. I was there. I’ve never seen this man come back home.” you stared at him down. He shut his mouth. “ You see, I really want to get married and the fact that you are trying to put the blame on my future family in law is getting on my nerves. So please, do me, us, a favor, find out what happened. And if you are unable to, just give up.” you looked at your father. “ I don’t want to wait forever, I want to get married.”
Your father stared at you before kissing your forehead.
“ Alright sweetie, we have a new man who’ll help us in this case. I’ll give him three months, if he doesn’t find anything, I will close the case and we will concentrate on your wedding.” you hugged your father with a happy grin. Finally! 
You bid your goodbye before going into your bedroom, getting ready to go to bed. You listened to the noises downstairs, waiting for Jeff to go and your father to go to bed.
You were concentrating so much on trying to hear what was going downstairs that you didn’t notice the shadows behind you. You almost shouted as a gloved hand fell upon your mouth, muffling your screams. 
“ You’re such an easy prey, dearest.”
You sighed in relief as you closed your eyes. Alastor was really the quietest being you have ever met, which was surprising when he was the noisiest man on the radio.
You turned your head toward him, looking at his mocking smile. He was so full of himself. You bit his finger before letting it go, going for a hug. He hummed against you.
“ How did you come here?”
“ Well, the windows, dear.” 
You scoffed before forcing him to sit on your bed. You sat on his lap and took his hand with yours, playing with his fingers.
“ I have my wedding dress.” you smirked when you felt his whole body tensed underneath you. “ And you won’t see it, because I left it at Alice’s.”
“ Do you really need Alice in your life, dearest?” asked Alastor with an amused voice.
“ Yes! Come on Alastor, be honest with me, you enjoy Alice’s company?”
“ Hah ! I enjoy Alice’s contacts nothing more.” he rolled his eyes, pressing you against his body. “ She is useful and she can be amusing, when she is having problems.” he smirked at you, making you slap his shoulder, trying to contain your laughter. He was such a…
“ Well, I have some news on your father’s case, my dear future husband.” you smiled as you explained what happened with Jeff. You couldn’t help but grin when you saw Alastor beaming with pride as he listen to what you have told the policeman.
“ My, my… So, they think my Mother did it?”
“ For now, we know that we have three months until we are completely free of it.”
“ Have you felt it again?”
You tilted your head.
“ What?”
“ The need to kill.” he asked you, gripping your waist, pressing your body against his. You felt lightheaded.
“ N-N.. Well… I thought for a second.. to kill John.” you saw Alastor’s pupils dilated as he stared at you before kissing your neck. You tilted your head to give him more room.
“ Mhn, interesting, go on, why?”
“ Because he was bad mouthing you.” you tried to contain the anger in your voice, you didn’t want to wake up your parents. “ Who does he think he is?” you rolled your eyes, you were still hurt about what John has said but now you weren’t feeling sadness over it, only anger.
“ Would you like to kill him?”
You looked at Alastor who had his chin against your chest, looking at you in a way too innocent face for the conversation you were having.
“ Alastor, we can’t. There would be too much suspicion on us, we already have your father’s disappearance on us, if we kill John–” he kissed you feverishly making you sigh in the kiss. Oh, how you loved the feeling of Alastor’s lips against yours.
“ Do you hear yourself, darling?” he smiled against your lips. “ In your mind, you are already ready to kill him… ” he sighed against your skin. You stared at him, stroking his cheeks. You wanted to see the Alastor you had seen the first time you killed.
 The difference between existing and living is thin, little lady, but it exists.
You kissed Alastor on the nose, with an excited smile.
“ Not now.”
You fell asleep with new marks on your thighs and your neck. When you woke up the next morning, you were already smiling.
You stayed with your mother all morning, spending time with her until you decided to go to Alice’s. You didn’t know when her date was supposed to be, but if you could help her morally before she had to leave, it would be great. You took some pancakes you’ve made and walked toward her mansion, the butler let you enter, escorting you to the living room.
“ Miss Alice shall be here soon.”
You nodded before sitting on the sofa. You put the pancakes on the table and wait until you hear the familiar footsteps of your best friend. You turned your head and smiled at her, as usual, she was beautiful. 
“ Hello Alice.” you stood up and you both hugged each other. She sat next to you, holding her head in her hand. “ Mhn, the wine doesn’t taste good the day after, right?” you laughed as she groaned.
“ Please, not so loud…”
“ What a hangover.” you whispered, mockingly. She stuck her tongue at you before digging into your pancakes. “ Well, someone is hungry.”
“ I don’t want this man to think he has a chance with me because I seem eager to eat.” 
You smiled, crossing your legs. You told Alice that you needed to wait three more months before finally concentrating on your wedding. You laughed as she let out a sigh of pure relief.
“ Thank God, since when do we stop living because a man disappeared.” she rolled her eyes before eating the last pancake. You look at the butler who came to announce Alice’s date. And like an actress, Alice put on the fakest smile she could conjure, Alastor would be proud. You stood up as a man, looking around 40 came into the living room, he was sweating so much you could see sweat pearling on his forehead.
You gave Alice a look, encouraging her with your eyes before leaving, you even made a face to the butler who nodded at you, with a disgusted face. You laughed before leaving, going out to buy some pastries. You walked to the park, thinking about your weddings. Where should you do it? What about the honeymoons? Did Alastor want children? 
You stopped when you saw the same old man from last time, sitting on the bench, smoking a pipe. You grinned and walked toward him.
“ Hello, sir.”
“ Hello, little lady.”
“ Might I sit a moment with you?”
“ It would be my pleasure. You seem happier than yesterday.”
You smiled as you sat next to the man. You felt safe with him, maybe it was because his aura reminded you of your deceased grandfather..? You didn’t know. You began to talk, mostly about what was going on in your life until you began to talk about your wedding.
“ Mhn, you have quite the ring.” the old man said with a little grin. He didn’t have a ring on his fingers, did he never get married?
“ Yes, in less than three months, I will be able to concentrate on my wedding.”
“ Who is the lucky lad?”
“ If you are listening to the radio you might have heard him, his name is Alastor.”
“ Alastor heh..? Quite a name, quite a name…”
You smiled, happy that Alastor was getting a name to himself. You took your box of pastries and held one for your new friend. He thanked you before eating one éclair au chocolat. You smiled as you kept talking with him, the man mostly listening and giving you wise advice.
“ Being too confident is not a good thing, your insecurity might be a blessing on some occasions.”
“ What do you mean?”
“ Don’t be afraid, to feel afraid. The ones who don’t fear are gods, spirits…”
“ But it’s irrational.” you frowned, how many times you felt jealousy when you didn’t need to be.
“ Yes, but it’s instinctive. Here is some wise advice from an old man: trust your feelings.  Did they ever betray you in the past, when you needed them, little lady?” he looked at you with a warm smile.
You looked at the ground. Your family always told you, you were sensitive, you would easily be overwhelmed by what you were feeling or what was going on around you. 
But when Alastor’s father took the bullets, you didn’t know why, you felt it in your guts that something was going to happen. That’s why you had run outside to find Alastor and that's how you killed his father. 
But then, why did you not feel John’s romantic attention towards you ?
“ People who feel a lot are trying to balance themselves by becoming observant. That way, they feel more grounded, they think they are being rational, which can be good sometimes. But you mustn't discard your feelings, you’ll lose yourself like that. You seem like a sensitive little lady, it’s not bad and it’s not good, that's what you seem to be. Why would you want to be like others, they are already busy being themselves.”
“ So.. I should listen to myself more?”
“ It’s a choice you can make. Feeling emotions is a good thing, it connects you to the rest of the world.” he nodded before looking at the sky, smiling warmly. “ And isn’t it beautiful?”
You stared at the man. He was such an.. intense person in a way. Would he talk to you the same way if he knew you had killed someone and you didn’t feel any kind of remorse?
“ What if… by being connected to the world, I might be a bad person?” you whispered.
“ That’s your choice. For some people you will be a bad person no matter what you do, no matter what you think.” he looked at his cane before eating the rest of his éclair au chocolat. “ Soldiers killed during war, the winners are seen as heroes, and the losers as cold blooded killers. Who is right? They all killed people, they all did horrible things and yet they aren’t seen as the same. Your father have killed during the war, right? What made him different from an enemy soldier?” 
“ Because… he was fighting for what’s…right..?”
“ Who says?” he tilted his head, always having a gentle expression. He wasn’t judging you, he was just curious about your thoughts. 
You couldn’t find an answer to his questions.
You stayed in silence for a moment, thinking about the man’s words. What was strange, was that his words weren't shaking your morals, but it was making you accept them. You had killed, you wanted to kill again, maybe not as strongly as Alastor, but you wouldn’t be opposed to killing again, if it was to protect. You knew it was the difference between you and Alastor, you would kill to protect while you knew Alastor would kill.. Because he wanted to.
And you accepted it, you accepted him, you accepted yourself. 
You would be the wife to a murderer, maybe he would kill again, maybe not. You didn’t really care. You would be by his side, as promised. 
You opened your eyes, feeling lighter. You didn’t expect to feel burdened by all of this, but maybe, the fact that you were trying to make the wedding happen was a way for you not to think about what happened.
You felt better.
You turned your head toward the man who was looking at the people walking in front of you. They weren’t looking at you, just walking, not even caring about you. You smiled.
“ Thank you. I feel… better.”
“ Is it a good thing?” he asked, amused. You grinned.
“ Well, for my own happiness, yes!”
“ Then, everything is good.”
“ I’m going to meet a friend.. But, can I have your name sir?”
The man stared at you with his usual gentle and wise expression. You waited politely, maybe he thought you were being rude, asking his name out of the blues?
“ Legba.”
You bid your goodbye before walking toward Alice’s home. You were going to encourage her to break free from her chains! She didn’t need to marry a sweaty man, she could handle herself perfectly! You entered the mansion, the butler escorting you once again in the living room. Now, you just need to wait!
You opened your eyes, not even realizing you fell asleep when you heard shouting at the front door. You walked toward the entrance and saw Alice and the sweaty gentleman, your friend was shouting at the man, demanding his departure from her house while he was clearly trying to calm Alice.
“ What is going on?”
“ This man is just a filthy pig! Touching me like I’m some kind of harlot.” she was fuming, trying to contain her rage. What did that man do? The man, who didn’t seem sure of himself became more confident, pointing at Alice.
“ Maybe that’s what you are, kissing the mayor’s daughter like this. What a scoop that would be, unless we come to an agreement of course. I think you would make a darling wife Miss Alice. I’ll let you think about it, and if you need more convincing, I have proof. Now, have a great night ladies.”
And just like that, he left.
Alice closed the door before dropping to her knees, breathing heavily. You took her in your arms, looking for a butler or a maid but nobody was around, which was weird. You tried to calm her but she was panicking.
“ He saw us.. He saw us kiss.. Oh lord, what could happen if he were to open his mouth about it.” she was shaking, nipping at her nails. 
You calmly took her hand with yours.
“ Do you have any way to get rid of him?”
She looked at you, seeming torn to speak before sighing.
“ Don’t think I’m a monster but… Most of the richest families have.. people who do their dirty jobs? Sending… assassins or things like that..? I’ve never done that of course, but I feel so trapped right now… Oh, what Alyzée is going to think.”
“ She won’t need to think about it. Use your assassins.” you wondered if you were shocking her. Maybe you were a little too at ease with the idea of killing someone ?
“ No. They would report everything to my father and if they see the proof… My father would know about me and Alyzée.” she sighed, rubbing her face with her hands. You knew it was dangerous, you knew it could backfire but…
“ What about me?”
“ You? What you?”
“ Do you want me to… ?”
Alice stared at you before laughing so hard she was crying. Or was she crying so hard that she was laughing ?You waited for her to calm down before staring at her.
“ Are you serious ?”
“ Seems like she is.”
You both turned around to find Alastor, standing in front of you, the door open.
“ My dear, we don’t talk about taking trash out at the entrance, I taught you better than that.”  he smiled widely at you. Alice was looking at you then at Alastor, seeming confused. You sighed before helping your friend standing up. “ Is there a place we could talk about getting rid of the trash?” asked Alastor with a beaming grin.
Alice seemed to come back to herself, and she tugged you to her father’s office. She locked the door behind Alastor, staring at you. 
“ Explanation ?”
“ Nothing too serious. You’ve been caught in a big scoop Alice, and you need us to clean the mess you’ve made!” you paled, asking Alastor how did he know, did the bastard already told everyone? “ Oh dear, no, but from Alice’s expression, the only things that could make her so upset would be you or her lovely Alyzée. I took a lucky guess.”
“ Alastor, you are… your father… oh… that explains so much.” Alice let herself drop on her father’s chair. “ So, that’s why you didn’t want me to help to look for his father, because he killed him?” asked Alice, looking at you, confused.
“ We killed him.”
“ Of course you did.” she sighed, putting her head on the desk. “ I need.. a fucking glass of whiskey, I’m not having this conversation sober.” She took a bottle from the cabinet before sitting back in front of you. She poured herself after giving you and Alastor a glass. “ So, let me get this through, you both killed Alastor’s father and now you want to kill the man who knows I’m in love with Alyzée?”
“ Well, Alice, for once you made your brain work. I would almost be shedding a tear if I cared.” said Alastor as he sipped his drink. “ And furthermore, this man is a pig that needs to be slaughtered.”
You felt relaxed. You didn’t know why, but the fact that Alastor was referring to the man as a pig made you feel even less remorse than you could have felt.
“ What are you winning from this?”
“ Nothing–”
“ Doll, I know you don’t want to manipulate me. I know. I’m talking about your murderous husband. He wouldn’t help me freely.”
“ Using your brain for the second time? What a day folks ! It’s simple really, you are at the head of one of the richest families in Louisiana. Having you on my side is a plus.”
“ I’m already at your side–!”
“ No Alice, you could be cutting yourself to prove your faith and I would still doubt you. But a crime, that is a win-win situation. The pig is slaughtered, you are free, my darling and myself are doing what we need and everything is back to normal!” exclaimed Alastor with his usual smile.
“ … Fine.” 
As Alice and Alastor were talking about the contract, you felt shivers down your spine. You closed your eyes, trying to comprehend what was happening. You don’t know why but you remembered Legba’s words. You need to trust your instincts. You couldn’t hear Alice and Alastor anymore, you could hear footsteps… You could hear…a shovel digging into the ground.
“ Darling?” 
You gasped as you felt Alastor hand on your shoulder. What just happened ? They both were looking at you, worried.
“ I’m okay.. I just.. I’m okay.” you nodded, feeling extremely tired all of the sudden. “ Alastor… Where is your father's corpse?”
“ Six feet underground.”
“ I think.. I think we should check it out.”
“ Why dig up dirt from the past?”
“ Because I think someone is trying to dig him up.”
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora
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strniohoeee · 8 months
chris giving reader the princess treatment
My Baby
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is Chris’ baby, and he would do anything for her. Even if it means walking in the rain because he loves her🌱
Warnings⚠️: None but like this shit gave me butterflies and this isn’t even my man LORDDD😭😭 also it’s kinda short
Song for the imagine: So Into You- Tamia
I really like what you’ve done to me
I can’t really explain
I am so into you
I slid my socks on and grabbed my purse and phone, quickly spritzing myself with perfume as I shut the light and walked out my room.
Placing my phone and purse down my apartment door rattled with the knock of a fist. I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Smiling as I saw Chris
“Hi baby” he said leaning down and pecking my lips
“Come in” I said moving out the way for him to walk in
I walked ahead of him and let him shut my door, turning around to be surprised with a bouquet of flowers.
“Chrissss” I said with an open mouth and bright eyes
“For my princess” he said winking at me
“Thank you my love” I said taking the flowers to the kitchen and placing them in a vase with water
“You’re welcome baby” he said leaning on the island as he watched me place them on the counter
“I just have to put my shoes on and then we can go” I said
I grabbed my purse and phone and walked over to the shoe rack, Chris tracking behind
I couldn’t slip my foot into my platform uggs, so I placed my hand out to balance myself when suddenly Chris grabbed my hand and helped me balance myself
“Thank you” I said looking up at him as I placed my other boot on and he nodded while smiling
He opened the door for me and let me walk out, shutting the door behind me and allowing me to lock it.
“Before we go to the mall, do you want to hit up Starbucks?” He asked me as we walked down the stairs
“Yes my love” I said looking back at him
When we got to his car (ik he can’t drive but shhhh) he opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in before shutting the door
Hopping in he backed out and we made our way to my local Starbucks. Waiting in the drive thru line as we talked about what was new which wasn’t much because I saw him about everyday.
We ordered our drinks and he paid.
“Thank you but it should’ve been my treat” I said taking a sip of my coffee
“You pay? Don’t ever say no outlandish shit like that again” he said raising a brow at me
“Chris please” I said playfully smacking him
We opted for an outdoor outlet mall because it would be less crowded. Chris parked and came to my side opening the door and grabbing my hand to help me out
I was wearing leggings with no pockets and brought a small purse so I was struggling carrying my phone, coffee and bag.
Before crossing over to the street Chris’s grabbed my purse and held it for me
“I can hold it” I said laughing
“I got it, you’re struggling to hold everything” he said looking both ways so we could cross
“It was fine babe” I said walking across the street
Chris slowly came around me walking on the outside and keeping me close to the parked cars.
“And beat me looking this stylish holding your bag? I mean look at me I’m a babe” he said posing with the purse
“That is true, you do look cute” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Case settled” he said winking at me as we walked towards some stores
Chris and I were shopping for a bit, and anything I grabbed he took and got me. I appreciated it, but this boy was treating me too well.
“Christopherrrrr” I whined as he got on the line to check out
“Y/NNNNNN” he whined back looking at me
“Why are you buying me everything” I said huffing at him
“Because you’re my girl? And I want to spoil you” he said shrugging his shoulders
“But you always spoil me and plus I have those boots in black” I said pointing to the platform uggs I was currently wearing
“Okay and now you have them in blue duhh” he said smirking at me
It was a pointless argument because he would never tell me no. So I sucked it up and let him buy me my shoes.
We went to a few stores he liked and I was able to return the favor and get him some shoes and shirts that he liked.
The mall had a restaurant, so we decided to eat dinner and relax our feet.
“Thank you Chris for everything you do, I really appreciate it” I said taking a sip of my soda
“Of course baby I got you” he said nodding his head
“Want to spend the night?” I asked him
“Yes” he said almost instantly
“Good and then we can take a bubble bath and I’ll give you a back rub” I said smiling at him
“Ouuu you’re too good to me” he said caressing his heart
“And maybe even- but I was cut off my him
“Maybe even a dick rub?” He said laughing
“Christopher” I said bluntly giving him a glare
“I’m kiddingggg I’m just joking” he said laughing
“Yeah you better be or you can sleep on the couch” I said pointing my finger at him
Chris and I had finished our dinner and he decided to get a dessert. Our personal favorite. a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream.
“This is why I love you because you let me get dessert Nick and Matt never let me get one” he said frowning
“Aww my poor baby” I said pouting and rubbing his chin
The waiter came back with our dessert, but they only gave us one spoon. There was something so intimate about sharing a spoon. It seems corny, but the idea always gave me butterflies. To be so close and in love that sharing a spoon didn’t seem gross or weird.
Chris took the spoon and cut the brownie getting some ice cream with it and brought the spoon towards me. I opened my mouth and he put it in my mouth.
Being fed dessert by the love of my life was not on my bingo cards, but I’m glad it was happening.
We sat sharing the dessert, my eyes darting to him as he looked out the window licking the brownie off the spoon like it was nothing. It made my heart explode and my stomach flutter. I mean sharing a utensil is nothing compared to the things we’ve done, but it made me flustered….
Soon after we finished and when the check came he almost immediately snatched it from the table not letting me take a glance.
“I just wanted to look” I said
“Yeah right I know your trick your pretty eyes can’t fool me” he said looking at me over the checkbook
I playfully rolled my eyes and smirked.
After paying we grabbed our bags and walked outside and realized it was raining
“Oh shit” I said stepping back under the awning
“Give me the bags and I’ll go get the car” Chris said
“No it’s fine I’ll walk” I said looking at him
“Babe just give me the bags and I’ll be back” he said taking the bags from me
Chris quickly walked to the car across the street, smiling to myself at his actions.
About five minutes later he drove up to the restaurant putting his hazard lights on and getting out. Running over to me with a hoodie in his hand and placing it over my head as we ran to the car. He opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in without barely getting wet
However Chris was soaked when he got in the driver seat.
“Aww Chris you’re all wet I feel bad” I said as he put the heat on and drove off
“It’s okay baby I’ll change at your house” he said looking at me and smiling
When we got back to the house we placed our stuff down and headed to the bathroom. Taking a warm bubble bath together to warm ourselves up. Chris shampooed my hair for me and me rubbing his back as we indulged in the warm water.
I was soo in love with him and all he does for me<3
The End
I’m just rolling these bad boys outttt. I hope you enjoyed this one. The rest of my stories are all Matt LMAOAOA😭😭 love yall 🥹🖤🖤
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princessmaybank · 7 months
Wet Dream
Pairings: Bsf!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Talking in sleep, Perv!JJ, somno (?), non-con oral (f & m receiving), talk about p in v, kissing, hickies daddy kink, etc
Summary: You were having a wet dream in front of JJ.
Authors Note: I hope you like this one!
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Y/N was laying on the couch, peacefully sleeping while I played on my phone, sitting in the chair across from her. Everyone else had gone to bed already or went home. Y/N and I were spending the night but she was supposed to sleep in the bed.
"Jayj..." She must be awake now. "What's up?" I never looked up from my phone, I waited for a response but it never happened. I glanced at her and saw that her eyes were still shut. She must have just gone back to sleep.
"Mmm Jayj..." I looked back over to her, but nothing. I'm assuming I'm just hearing things, especially because the room was silent for another 10 minutes.
"Mm yeah right there..." My cheeks flushed. I didn't know what to do, I don't think she remembers that I'm here. When I moved my eyes back to her body, she was still sleeping. "Yesss, jus-just like that." Was she having a wet dream..?
Fuck this is the hottest thing I've seen in a long time. But she is my best friend I can't act upon this. "Mmm" She was moaning and making some beautiful sounds. "Jayj, stop teasing.." My heart burst and my dick sprung up. She was having a wet dream, and I was in it.
My hand slowly met my dick through my shorts. I couldn't help but palm at myself while I watched her face and listened to every word she said. "your tongue is cold..." She moaned. It's crazy how well she's forming these little thoughts, but I'm so glad she's able to. I stroked myself slowly through my pants and bit my lip.
At that moment I had a beautiful idea. Was it wrong? Yes. Did I care? Not really. I walked over to her spot on the couch and put my hand on her thigh, underneath the blanket. I rubbed up and down gently. Luckily I've been around Y/N before when she sleeps. She can be a very heavy sleeper. I'm praying that's how she is today.
I flipped the blanket off her legs so it would sit on her torso. My hand went to her pajama shorts and moved them to the side, that's when I realized, she wasn't wearing panties. That's even better.
I needed to see if she was going to wake up or not so I dipped my head between her legs and gave her a small kitten lick. "Mmmm" Her moan scared me but she's still asleep, so I think I'll be okay to continue. Who am I kidding? I would've continued regardless.
My head found its way between her legs again. I started slowly licking stripes up her cunt. After a few good licks, I stopped on her clit. My lips wrapped around the sensitive bud and I sucked on it.
A gasp escaped from her lips but her eyes were still closed. It wasn't until she put her hand in my hair and started pulling, that I realized she was awake. "Fuck yes-don't stop- please..." She dragged out. It was my mission to make her cum now. My middle and ring fingers found their way into her hole. "oh fuck" She almost yelled before I put some fingers from my other hand in her mouth to shush her. "Gotta be quiet *lick* don't wanna get caught Y/N/N" I realized just exactly what I was doing when I said her nickname, but I couldn't stop now.
I tried my best to keep her quiet while pushing my fingers in and out of her noisy ass pussy. "Fuck Jayj- I think I'm gonna cum-" She said and I couldn't be happier. I stuck my tongue in her hole and used the fingers that were in there, to rub her clit in fast circles.
She was wiggling and made little shrieking sounds, so I knew she was close. I fucked her with my tongue a little faster until I felt her warm liquid spill onto it. "oh jay...." she moaned as her hand tugged at my golden locks.
I kissed up and down the inside of her thighs. Once she came down from her high, she came back to reality and gasped. She shot up, fixed her shorts and hid her body under her blanket. Y/N was all balled up in the corner of the couch just staring at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I wiped the side of my mouth with my thumb, clearly being a smartass.
I dodged the pillow that was thrown at my head and let out a giggle. "That's not very nice to do, especially after I just made you cum." Her cheeks turned red. "What were you doing?!" She nearly screamed. "Shhh, don't yell, we don't wanna wake up JB and Sarah." I shushed her. "Why did you do that JJ?" She questioned quietly this time. "You were begging for it!" I said and quickly realized when I saw her face that what I said came out bad. "No no no! Not like that! You were legitimately begging me. I heard you moaning my name, and you looked so pretty...I-Im sorry.." My hands flew to my face, I felt like such an asshole.
The next thing I knew I felt someone tugging at my shorts. A pair of hands moved mine away from my eyes and made me pull down my cargo shorts. "What are you doing?" I asked almost like she did earlier. "I can't be the only one to cum Jayj. Since you already made this a thing, I'm gonna at least finish you off so we are even instead of us never talking to each other again."
"You think we'd never talk to each oth-" She cut me off by wrapping her lips around my tip and slowly swirling her tongue around it. "ohhh fuck.." I rested my hand on her head and I tilted mine back and bit my lip. I lightly pushed my hand down to make her start bobbing up and down. "Mmm faster baby.." I didn't care about the nickname right now, I'm sure I'll call her some other things soon. When I asked her to speed up she did, and fuck it felt amazing. "Just like that- fuck just like that..." Y/N was going even faster, and apparently she didn't care about making too much noise...or a mess. There was so much spit on my dick I couldn't fucking think straight. This was the best head I've ever received and I haven't even cum yet. Well, I was about to. She reached down with one hand and played with my balls while the other was stroking some of my length. Most of it was in her mouth but when she needed a moment to breathe her hand had no problem taking over. "I'm almost there, fuck don't stop." My head fell back again.
"Cum for me daddy.." She said which caused me to whip my head up as I came in her mouth. It caught me so off guard, but it did help me cum. I watched as she swallowed my load. My best friend just sucked my dick and swallowed my cum...what the fuck is happening. "Feel better Jay?" She asked innocently while retrieving some toilet paper from the bathroom to clean me up. "So much better."
About 30 minutes later we were cuddling on the couch, setting up a movie. I sat up and she straddled my lap. "I think we need to talk." She said putting her arms around my neck. "I couldn't agree more." I smiled back, placing my hands on her ass. "But that's for tomorrow, let's have fun tonight." Her lips met mine. We moaned into each other's mouths as she grinded her hips downwards onto my dick. "Someone's not satisfied with my impressive pussy eating skills?" I giggled. "It was very impressive from what I was awake for, and you'll have another chance to impress me with that tongue, but I wanna see what that dick is capable of..." My eyes widened, not only did she say I would have another chance, but she also wanted me to dick her down. FUCK YEAH!
"Just gonna sit there with those googly eyes, or are you gonna take me to the bedroom and show me what you're made of bestie?" She taunted.
I picked her up and entangled our tongues once again before walking us to the bedroom.
After I closed the door we heard a loud "THANK YOU" come from John B and Sarah.
"I guess we were a little loud baby." I giggled when I set her down on the bed and crawled between her legs. "Sorryyyy" "Never said it was a bad thing baby..next time we are home alone, I promise to make you scream for me." I smirked and started attacking her neck, leaving only hickies behind.
"You're my bestest best friend ever." She moaned out as I stuck my dick in her. "Stop friend-zoning me, especially while I'm fucking you." I pushed in harder waiting for her to respond. "Fine. Fuck me harder! Fuck me until my legs shake Jayj! I'm all yours daddy!" I stopped what I was doing because she called me that name again. "And that's why I don't call you that! Fuck me Jayj!" She teased. "Call me daddy again..it's fuckin hot." I said as I slapped her ass. "Stick your huge fucking cock in me and fuck the shit out of me...daddy.."
I did as she asked. By the end of the night we were tired, sweaty, and definitely more than just besties.
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babybluebex · 1 year
def write more best friends dad!cillian orrrr maybe you can dip ur toes into dads best friend!cillian??? i feel like that would be awesome!
here you go, lovelies, the long awaited dad's best friend!cillian! enjoy! warnings for smut (oral f!receiving, fingering), age gap (cillian is 46, reader is in her 20s)
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The moment you surfaced from the water, you felt his gaze on you. You had known Mr. Murphy for years, for long enough for him to insist that you call him Uncle Cillian (although you didn’t,  but you were never sure why), and his bright blue eyes were hard to miss, especially when they were fixated on you.You swiped the droplets of chlorinated water from your eyes as you looked around for him, dodging the various people that were in your backyard. It was a hot Saturday evening, and your parents were putting on a little summer party to celebrate you being home from college; of course, Mr. Murphy was invited, and you had briefly greeted him when he arrived a few hours before, before you got in the pool. But now, you felt him watching you, and you found him standing by the back door that led into your kitchen.
You watched as he averted his eyes, obviously having been caught looking, and he slipped inside your house quickly. You scrunched up your eyebrows in confusion at his hasty exit, and you swam to the edge of the pool, tugging yourself up and out. Your towel laid nearby, and you quickly dried off and wrapped it around your waist as you padded barefoot by your dad. “Don’t track water into the house,” he told you as you passed, and you absently nodded, still intent on following Mr. Murphy inside. 
You found him all alone in the kitchen, standing with his back to the door, leaning against the island, sipping at his beer. He had his phone in his hand, scrolling too quickly to really be looking at anything on his screen, and you purposefully opened the fridge louder than usual to get him to look at you. “What’re you doing in here?” you asked playfully when he looked at you, his paralyzing blue eyes scanning your body, from your soaked hair to the almost-too-small white bikini top you wore. “Don’t you know the party’s out there?”
Mr. Murphy shrugged. “Got hot outside,” he said. “And I know where your dad keeps the good beer.” 
You nodded, not really believing him, and you pulled out a can of soda and shut the fridge door with your hip. “Well, wearing sweaters and shit probably doesn’t help with the heat,” you said, reaching out for the corner of his navy cardigan. “You should’ve brought your swim trunks, you could’ve gotten in the pool with me.” 
“Ah,” Mr. Murphy scoffed. “Nobody wants to see me parading around in my bathing suit. I’m too old and out of shape for that.” 
“As if,” you said. “You look fine, don’t stress too much.” 
“Thanks, love,” Mr. Murphy said softly. “Sorry, I’ve just… Ever since the divorce, I haven’t really felt like myself.” 
Ah, right. The divorce. Your parents and The Murphys had been friends since they were your age— you had seen the scrapbook pictures of college-aged versions of your dad and Cillian getting up to no good— and you had to admit that you were always a little closer to Aunt Yvonne (not to say you didn’t like Mr. Murphy, because you did, but you always liked Aunt Yvonne more). When you were at college and your dad offhandedly mentioned on the phone one night that Yvonne and Cillian were separating, you had frowned. “Is Yvonne okay?” you asked. “What happened?” 
“I’ve only talked to Cillian about it,” your dad had told you. “And he hasn’t said much. People just grow apart, I guess.” 
You screwed up your mouth at the mention of the mysterious divorce, and you popped the tab of your soda. “That’s okay,” you told him. “You just need to find someone new.” 
“Really?” Mr. Murphy asked. “A rebound? Is that how you deal with breakups?”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged. “Whenever I get sad about my ex or whatever, I just go find someone else to focus on for a little while.”
“First of all, that’s not healthy,” Mr. Murphy chuckled. “Second… I don’t know, I was married for 20 years. I have two kids. I can’t just go find a girl at a bar and hook up with her and expect to get over it.” 
“I don’t know, man,” you mumbled. “Just trying to help, I guess.” 
“I appreciate that,” Mr. Murphy said. “You’ve always been a sweet girl.” 
Oh. Oh no. You felt a stirring in your lower belly when he said that, one that made heat flood your bikini bottoms, and you shifted your weight on your feet as you nervously sipped your soda. You had to admit that Mr. Murphy, with his high cheekbones and greying hair and brilliant eyes, was quite attractive, exactly your type, and you had considered fucking him before, but, because of Aunt Yvonne, you had pushed down that desire and pretended it didn’t exist. It was just a fantasy about your dad’s best friend; that wasn’t that uncommon, was it?
“So,” he started before you could think anymore. “How’s college?” 
You shrugged. “Fine, I guess,” you said. “Classes are okay, but exams are hard as hell.”
“Oh, yeah?” Mr. Murphy said softly. “Any boys catch your eye?”
“Honestly, not really,” you said. “They’re all kind of… Eh, I guess. I don’t like any of them the way I—” You cut yourself off before you could finish your sentence, the way I like you, and you stammered, “I-I should.” 
“What’s wrong with them?” Mr. Murphy asked. “I mean, I know college boys can be dumb, but what’s wrong?”
“They’re just not mature enough,” you said softly. You set down your drink and wrapped your arms around your middle, and you added, “I don’t want to worry that my boyfriend will do some stupid shit on a night out. And they just, umm, don’t do things the way I want them to.” 
Mr. Murphy wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion, also setting down his drink, and he leaned his hip against the kitchen island. “What do you mean?” he asked. 
“Well…” you started. “Boys my age don’t, like… Whenever I’ve hooked up with a guy, I’ve always asked him to do certain stuff, and he never does. At least not well.”
“Wait,” Mr. Murphy said. “Are you telling me that the boys you go out with don’t go down on you?”
Your skin prickled at the sound of those words coming out of his mouth, and you eyed him suspiciously before you cleared your throat. “Um, not really,” you said. “Like, they do it, but never well.”
“Oh, darling,” Mr. Murphy sighed. “You need to find a really good guy that’ll do that. And he’ll treat you like the princess that you are; don’t ever let a man do anything less.” 
You huffed out a laugh. “Thanks, Mr. Murphy,” you said softly. 
He smiled softly, tilting his chin down to look at you, and he said, “Now, how many times have I told you to call me Cillian?” 
Your heart skipped in your chest, and you mumbled, “A-A few.” 
“And yet, you don’t,” Cillian said. “Why not? You called my wife Yvonne, why not me by my name?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “I never felt like I was close enough to you to really… Deserve to call you that.”
Cillian took a step towards you, then hesitated, then reached out for you. You expected him to grab your hands or touch your shoulders, but his fingers tucked in the towel around your waist. He waited for a moment before he slowly unraveled it from your body, and his eyes hungrily took in the sight of your legs. “Wow,” he whispered. “I knew that you would be so beautiful…” 
“Cillian?” you said gently, nervously looking over your shoulder to the outside door, where everybody else was still outside. “Wh-What if someone sees?” 
“Sees what?” Cillian asked. He set your towel on the counter, taking a step closer to you. “We’re not doing anything.” 
“Yeah, but…” you started. “But—”
“If you want me to do something, all you have to do is ask,” Cillian told you. “But ask nicely.” 
You swallowed thickly. “I-I don’t even know what I want,” you told him. “I’ve thought about this, sure, but…” 
“Do you want me to go down on you?” Cillian asked. “Just say the magic word, love.” 
You blinked, fluttering your eyelashes at him, and you softly said, “Please?” 
Cillian’s face softened, and he took your hips in his grasp, pulling you close to him. He gently moved you to the counter and helped you jump up on it, and he buried his face in your neck and took a deep breath as his fingers danced at the ties on your bikini bottom. “Sweet girl,” he whispered. “How long have you wanted this?” 
“Umm…” you started, and your breath caught in your throat when he deftly undid your ties, pulling your wet bottoms from your skin. “A long time.”
“Yeah?” Cillian breathed, and he carefully moved down to kneel on the ground in front of you, his face level with your pussy. You felt almost shy as he looked at you, and you wiggled on the countertop as his dull fingernails pressed into the flesh of your thigh. “And how long has it been since you’ve had sex?” 
“A few weeks,” you told him. “I haven’t since I moved back home.”
“Oh, you’re dying for it, aren’t you?” Cillian cooed softly. “Your little vibrator isn’t enough, right?” 
“No,” you breathed. Cillian leaned forward and littered soft kisses on the inside of your thighs, coming close to where you wanted him but never landing exactly there. He was teasing you, the bastard. Your hand left the counter and curled in his salt and pepper hair, urging him closer to your pussy, and he smiled, looking up at you with those brilliant eyes. You felt shocked, like his gaze was electric, and Cillian sighed heavily, focusing back down between your legs. 
“You’re so pretty, baby,” he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your core. “My sweet girl…” Then, before he could say more, he pressed forward, touching his lips to your pussy. You jolted in surprise, letting out a quick laugh to try to ease your nerves, and he chuckled lightly. “You alright?” 
“Yeah,” you said softly. “Just… Nervous.”
“Why’re you nervous?” Cillian asked, smoothing his hands up your legs to rest on your back. 
“If someone catches us—” you started, and Cillian furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head. 
“They won’t,” he told you. 
“But if they do?” you countered.
“But they won’t,” Cillian said firmly. “Ease up, love, just enjoy this. Let me take care of you.” 
“O-Okay,” you said softly. Your fingers rested against the back of his head as he continued to kiss all over you, and he finally put his mouth right where you wanted him to, almost like you had led him there. His tongue darted out to taste you, playing gently with your soft clit, and you closed your eyes blissfully, letting the wet warmth of his mouth overtake you. “Fuck, Cill…”
“That’s it,” Cillian whispered, and his lips captured your clit, sucking on it for a brief moment, just long enough for you to moan softly, and he broke away. His tongue ran a thick line up your wet cunt, tasting you from throbbing hole to quivering clit, and he went back to your hole, teasing you with the tip of his tongue. 
You clenched your teeth to keep from being too loud, and you watched Cillian eat your pussy like he was starving for it, lapping up your wetness and sucking eagerly at every inch of flesh that he could get his mouth on. He held you tightly, yet tenderly, wanting all of you that you would give him, and the warmth of an orgasm began to build in your belly. God, that was quick, but you suppose that Cillian had years of experience. He knew what he was doing, far better than any kid from your sociology class could do. “Cill,” you whispered, and he looked at you through his eyelashes, shocking your system again. “Fuck!” 
“What is it, baby?” he asked softly. His fingers itched to your pussy, lighting trailing up and down your slit, and you whined as you felt an intense and sudden need. 
“Want you,” you mumbled. 
“What do you want?” Cillian asked. 
“Anything,” you panted, jolting your hips again at his light teasing. “Everything.” 
“Unless you have a condom,” Cillian started with a laugh. “I’m not having proper sex with you. I’ll do this and finger you and everything else, but…”
“Why not?” you asked. “Are you worried that I…?”
“No, I’m not worried about that,” Cillian said. “I know you don’t have anything, it’s not that. I just… I don’t want there to even be a chance that you could… That we could…”
“I don’t understand,” you said, looking down at him through half-open lids. 
“I don’t wanna knock you up,” Cillian said quickly, as if saying it quickly would lessen its impact. “And I’m not going to fuck you if I don’t have a condom, because, once I get inside you, I know I won’t be able to control myself from cumming inside you.” 
“Oh,” you said softly. “It’s not a… An Irish Catholic thing?”
That made Cillian laugh. “You know, just because ‘Irish Catholic’ is a thing doesn’t mean that all Irish people are Catholics—”
“No, no, I know,” you said quickly. “Sorry, just checking.”
Cillian smiled softly, laughing gently at you, and his fingers gently touched your hole, waiting for you to do something in response. You sighed, flexing your hips down to urge his fingers inside you, and he did as you requested, pressing his middle finger past your flesh and inside you. You gasped at the feeling, loving him so deep, and you mumbled, “Cill…” 
“I know, love,” Cillian said, placing a soft kiss to your clit. “Does it feel good?”
“So good,” you whimpered. Cillian began to slowly thrust his finger inside you, moving gently as he sucked lightly on your clit, and you gasped quickly. “Cill! Oh my God!”
“That’s it, lovely,” Cillian said. He pushed his second finger in, pausing to let you adjust to the feeling of it, and then he started up a relentless pace, fucking you quickly on his fingers as his mouth and tongue explored your pussy. “God, you’re so tight, s’good…”
The heat inside you was becoming too much, tingling even down in your toes as it grew in your belly, and you whimpered and let out a cracked moan as his fingers hooked up inside you, brushing that sensitive nerve. “Cill!” you yelped, your hand flying down to grab at his wrist, as if that would stop his quick fucking. “Oh my God, I’m gonna cum!”
“Mhm,” Cillian hummed, burying his face fully into you. “Let it out, baby.”
You whined high in your throat, everything becoming all too overwhelming, and your legs shook as the heat burst in your belly. Your head fell back as you moaned, maybe a little too loud, and Cillian fucked you through it, whispering out “Yes, love, you’re so good, you’re such a good girl for me.” You tugged on his hair as your orgasm crashed through you, trying to keep him right where he was but also pull him away all at the same time, and Cillian smiled into your pussy, letting his tongue linger a bit at your throbbing hole. “Now,” he started softly. “Was that better than what you’re used to?” 
“Yeah,” you sighed. You looked down at him, still kneeling on the floor, and you brushed back his hair out of his eyes gently before he started to stand up. “Thanks.” 
“Of course, love,” Cillian said. He grimaced a bit as he stood, mumbling out something about that damn knee, and he added, “When’re you going back to university?” 
“Not for a few months,” you said. “It’s summer break.” 
“That’s nice,” Cillian said. “Well, erm… I’d like to see you again.” 
“Oh, yeah?” you chuckled. You slid off of the counter and retrieved your bottoms, and you did the ties back up as you tried to stand on your shaking and weak legs. Jesus, he really did a number on you. “When?” 
Cillian took his drink back into his hand and sipped at it for a moment, thinking hard. “Well,” he began. “Whenever you’re free. I’m at your mercy, love.” 
“Right,” you said, laughing softly. “I’ll let you know.” 
At that moment, the door to the backyard creaked open, and your heart stopped as your dad came into the kitchen. “There you two are,” he said. “I thought you were still outside.”
“No, I cornered her to ask about school,” Cillian chuckled, and he looked at you. “Remember what I said: school first, parties later. Right?” He winked at you, and you huffed out a laugh. 
“Yeah, sure,” you smiled. “Whatever you say, Cillian.” 
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recklesssturniolo · 10 months
HIIIII, I NEED a chris x soft reader where she like gets flustered and nervous very easily and yk chris is a freak so can you do an imagine where they are all making a video (it can be one of the cooking challenges on in a store) and reader drops something so she bends over to pick it up and since chris is behind her he does the hitting it from the back motion and she blushes like crazyyyyy 😍😍🥰😘
Blushing - C.S
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Request! Dom!Chris but like soft dom if that makes sense, & reader n Chris are friends in this, reader is pretty innocent (i dont know if this was supposed to be smut but I’m a whore so it is)
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
The triplets had invited me over to film a video and we decided to do another baking challenge. We were split into teams, Nick and I versus Matt and Chris.
“Y/N and I have got this in the bag, there is no shot you guys are gonna win” Nick laughs.
“Bro we’re making muffins it can’t be that hard” Chris replies.
I smile as I watch Chris argue with Nick for a couple minutes. I’ve always had a crush on Chris but could never get myself to tell him. We begin making the muffins, Nick and I already ahead of Matt and Chris.
“Oh my god you guys are actually so shit at this” I laugh to Chris and Matt as I watch them struggle to not get egg shells in their batter.
“Shut it Y/N we’re trying to think positive” Matt replies, Chris just laughing in response.
We all continue on, but I end up dropping a measuring cup on the floor. Thinking nothing of it I bend over to pick it up, not realizing Chris was directly behind me. I feel my ass against his groin and already start to blush. Chris then takes it a step further, placing his hands on my waist and moves my hips forwards and backwards as if he was hitting it from behind. The blush on my face now impossible to hide.
I turn around and smack his chest “Chris!”
“Yeah I’m definitely editing that out” Nick says while rolling his eyes.
“You look cute when you’re blushing, didn’t know I had such an impact on you” Chris winks at me.
“Oh bring the ego down Christopher” I say to him while rolling my eyes.
Leaning down to whisper in my ear, he says “Keep using my full name and I’ll bend you over and fuck you right here, right now”
After he walked away, I stood there basically frozen. In disbelief that he had actually said that to me, refusing to acknowledge the fact it had turned me on. I was only snapped out of my day dream by Nick yelling at me to help him. We finished the video and Nick went up to his room to edit, while Matt, Chris and I just sat on the couch scrolling on our phones. I still couldn’t get what Chris said out of my head, and the fact that I actually wished he did.
“Matt can we please go to McDonald’s I’m starving” Nick whines walking into the living room.
“I guess but only because I’m hungry too” Matt sighs.
“Y/N? Chris? You coming?” Nick asks.
“No we’re good, just bring us some shit back” Chris smiles, not even giving me a chance to answer for myself.
Nick and Matt head out, and it was now completely silent as Chris and I sat there.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about how you responded to my touch” Chris smirks, moving closer to me.
“Chris” I whine out, feeling embarrassed.
“I like my same coming out of your mouth like that” He replies.
He leans closer to me, our faces now only inches apart. He places his hand on my cheek before asking “Can I kiss you?”
I don’t respond and instead grab his face and close the distance between us. The kiss almost instantly turning into a make out session, full of need, our tongues colliding. Chris pulls me so I’m now straddling him. I’ve had sex once before, so I knew if it went that far that Chris would be way more advance than me.
“Grind your hips on me” He mumbles through the kiss.
I do as he says, his hard on now rubbing against my pussy causing me to let out a moan at the sensation.
“You like that?” He asks.
“Yes, it feels good” I respond.
“Lay down pretty girl” He tells me.
I get off his lap and lay down on the couch, situating myself so he could comfortably get on top of me. He does just that and begins kissing down my neck, getting to my chest before asking “Can I take your top and bra off?”
“Y-yes that’s okay” I reply.
He lifts up my shirt, taking it off and unhooks my bra. I suddenly feel a bit insecure knowing I’m now half naked.
“So pretty” He mumbles.
He takes one of my breasts into his mouth, flicking my nipple with his tongue, sucking and gently biting on it. His other hand toying with my other nipple.
“Fuck Chris” I moan out, my back arching as he continued.
“You gonna let me taste you?” He says looking up at me.
“Oh my god yes, please” I whine out.
With that he removes my pants, toying with the band on my panties, pulling them then letting it snap back against my waist, me yelping in response. He moves down and places kisses on my pussy - still covered by my panties.
“Mm so wet for me already” He groans out, his voice raspy.
“I’ve never been eaten out before” I mumble.
“Don’t worry I’ll make you feel good pretty girl” Chris replies back.
He pulls my panties off, whispering, “Such a pretty pussy” before getting to work. His tongue going between my slits, sucking and flicking his tongue my clit. He was fucking incredible.
“C-Chris oh my god” I moan out.
“You taste so good” He mumbles from between my legs.
He suddenly pulls away, my head snapping up.
“Wait what why did you stop?” I ask confused.
“Because I want you to come around my dick pretty girl, you want me to fuck you?” He smirks.
“Oh god yes” I reply. Feeling myself become wetter at the thought of him inside of me.
He takes his pants and boxers off, moving his dick between my slits, using my wetness to make it easier. He slowly starts pushing himself inside of me but I let out a quiet yelp, not used to his size.
“Does it hurt?” He questions, stopping his movements.
“A bit but it’s okay, just go slow” I respond.
He nods and resumes pushing himself into me, slowly, and watching my face for any signs of me being in any type of pain. Once he’s all the way in, he begins thrusting.
“Fuck you’re so tight” He groans out.
“Chris that feels so good, go faster” I whimper.
“You sure baby?” He confirms.
“Yes yes faster please” I beg.
Chris then picks up his pace, now slamming into me, perfectly hitting my g-spot.
“Oh fuck this feels so good” I moan out while my back arches.
“You take my dick so well, such a good girl” He grumbles.
“I’m - I’m gonna come soon” I whimper. The pleasure getting better with each thrust.
“Come on pretty girl, show me how good I’m making you feel” He replies.
Without warning Chris slams into me harder, only causing me to moan out louder.
“Fuck oh my god I’m coming Chris don’t stop” I whine.
“Look so good coming all over my dick baby, could watch you like this forever” He smirks back.
My climax dies down but Chris isn’t done. He continues fucking me senseless, my sensitivity causing whimpers to roll out of my mouth.
“Mph fuck I’m gonna come, your pussy feels too good to hold back any longer” He says, his voice even raspier than before.
“Fill my pussy with your come Chris” I reply.
Moments later I feel his dick twitch and him release himself inside of me. Him laying on me afterwards with his head in the crook of my neck.
“For a seemingly innocent girl you can take dick real well” He mumbles.
“Oh hush” I reply.
“I’ve never loved a sound more than you moaning out my name, fuck it was so hot” He continues on.
“Couldn’t help it, you felt so good” I respond, blushing although he couldn’t see it.
After a couple minutes of resting, a few comments from Chris being said, we realize that Nick and Matt could be home any minute. We get dressed and clean up as fast as he can, Chris adding one last comment before his brothers walked inside, “Don’t think that was just a one time thing pretty girl”
TAGLIST: @sturnphilia @thatonekid536 @cupidisworld @devsturniolo @loveesiren @daddyslilchickenfingers @christinarowie332 @ilovemattsturn @mattenthusiast @its-jennarose @lxvlysworld
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chimielie · 1 year
cw f!reader , mild fraternal violence , atsumu’s terrible lying skills
“I know something you don’t know,” Osamu singsongs, standing in the doorway of their shared bathroom and peering over his brother’s shoulder at his reflection in the mirror.
“Yeah?” Atsumu grunts, yanking a comb through his hair and glaring back at his twin. “Spit it out, shitty ‘Samu. I got places to be, you know?”
“Ouch, don’t shoot the messenger,” Osamu drawls, leaning against the doorframe. “I know that you have a date tonight and you think you’re being sneaky about it.”
“Do not,” Atsumu scowls immediately, dropping the comb and turning around, because he is the worst liar ever. “I don’t even—what are you—I’m taking myself on a date, how about that, it’s called self care, ever heard of it? Huh? Okay? Huh?”
“Okay,” Osamu says, “You’re wearing a tie.”
“I can wear a tie if I want to,” Atsumu sneers, fiddling with it.
“Last summer, at Uncle Jun’s wedding, Ma had to literally threaten to shave your head to get you to wear one.”
“I’m a man now,” Atsumu sticks his chin up, examining his jaw. “I can wear a tie. Hey, did I miss anything while I was shaving?”
“You don’t have any facial hair to shave. And you have a hickey right there.”
“What? Seriously? Where?” Atsumu panics, turning back and forth.
“Ha, I got you—hey!!! Don’t hit me, asshole! I’ll tell Ma!!! And you—you left your fucking bouquet out on my desk, by the way. I told you to stop putting your stuff—no I swear I’ll kill you get offa me get off!—on my desk just because yours is too messy!”
“It was there for five seconds! You left all your laundry on my bed the other day—“
“Where was I s’posed to put it, the floor?”
“Your closet!” Atsumu roars. “Oh, shit, what time is it?” He drops his brother’s shirt collar abruptly.
“5:30,” Osamu says, dusting himself off. “What time you gotta be there?”
“She’s walkin’ over here now, probably,” Atsumu says, rushing back to the bathroom. “Fuck, well since you know, can I use your cologne?”
“It’s the same one you have?”
“It’s better, I don’t know,” Atsumu argues. “Just gimme it, it’s like one spritz.”
“Fine,” Osamu grumbles. “Hey, ‘Tsumu, I know something else you don’t know.”
“What,” Atsumu rolls his eyes as he walks around, frantically shoving his keys and wallet into his pockets, picking up the bouquet—delicate red and white flowers, not bad, scrub, thinks Osamu.
“This ain’t your first date,” he says smugly.
“What are you, Sherlock Holmes?” His brother says. “How d’you figure that?”
Osamu mock-stretches before counting off on his fingers. “One, you never walk home with me and Suna anymore. Two, there’s some flowery shit that appeared in our shower, and I know I didn’t buy it, and you’re not walkin’ around smelling like lavender and honey, so you’ve gotta be sneakin’ someone in. Three, you came to practice two weeks ago with an actual hickey, y’know, when you kept missing sets ‘cause you were in such a good mood.”
Atsumu blinks at him, finally lost for words.
“And,” Osamu says, tone somewhat gentler. “You seem a lot happier lately. Less, y’know, hard on yourself. Whoever it is, I think she’s good for you.”
“Thanks,” Atsumu says, swallowing roughly. “You’re so sappy.”
“Says the guy holding the flowers.” And trying not to let his eyes water over, but Osamu doesn’t say that bit. He can spare some of his brother’s dignity.
“It’s our six-month anniversary,” Atsumu says quietly. “Please don’t tell Ma yet, okay? She’s always on about volleyball bein’ enough of a distraction from school, I know she thinks dating is too. I just wanna—I want her to like my—”
He says your name just as the doorbell rings.
“Her? You’re dating—?” Osamu’s tone is incredulous. “Hold on, you can’t go yet. She’s like a million times out of your league—”
“I know!” Atsumu beams at him. “Keep your mouth shut or you’ll regret it. Tell Ma I’m sleeping at the dorms with Suna. Bye!”
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amara-scott · 11 months
One more step.
pairing: mattheo riddle x slytherin/reader themes: angsttt, fluff summary: Mattheo Riddle was known to be impulsive, doing everything he wanted and not caring about the outcome of his shenanigans. But what if he actually took it a little too far?
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How can it be that I've never, until now, noticed the beauty of a silent autumn evening? I know being a Slytherin comes with loads of bias. Not all Slytherins are ready to party at all times, and not every one of us seeks trouble.
Well, except that one group of boys, maybe. And even more precisely, Mattheo Riddle.
I sigh, shaking my head to myself and re-read the paragraph of my history of magic chapter. My once steaming hot cup of green tea is nearly empty and my fingers get tired of scribbling down notes as I try to remember all that I read. I really don't mind tests and exams- it's just that I would rather go out with Pansy and Cassandra. The only reason I am not is that I actually care about every grade I receive. Maybe a little too ambitious for my own good.
I shut the book with a mark in place and collect my belongings while taking a look around. The library is rather empty. Some gather around the fireplace, having their eyes glued to their books. I know, a fireplace in a library? Doesn't seem too smart. But good god, we're not muggles.
I stop in my tracks, on my way to the exit, as I made out a certain head of brown curls close by a nearing bookshelf. He disappears behind it, his eyes searching intensely for a specific book.
I took that as a sign to quickly make my way past the isles. I hurry, my robe flowing behind me and my hair bouncing with every step.
I freeze in place, inhaling for the first time since I walked. I carefully turn to the side, Mattheo smirking at me from head to toe.
"Mattheo." I get out and want to keep moving, but he steps outside the isle and right in front of me. My eyes glued to him, not daring to miss what could be a meaningful move.
"You know, it's quite early to be studying for the test on monday." He tilts his head slightly to the side glancing down at the book I am holding onto. He is wearing a smug expression, obviously aware of how intimidating he can be. And that really bothers me. A lot, actually. Maybe also the fact that he's using that to constantly bully my friends, Harry and Hermione. She is the smartest witch in Hogwarts, besides me. If not beyond.
"Move aside, Mattheo, I want to get dinner before it's too late." I got out, harsher than I thought. Good.
I step to the side and want to walk around him, but he blocks my way once more. I glance up at him and frown, pressing my teeth together. "What is it?" I ask rudely.
Mattheo steps forward, making me take a step back to not bump into him. "What's gotten you in such a sour mood, huh? You should be glad you're in Slytherin - otherwise I would -"
"- you would what? Constantly pick on me because I'm only a half-blood? Make me feel uncomfortable or embarrass me any chance given? Well, news flash, Riddle, you do that to many friends of mine and I despise you for that." I spit out and am surprised at my sudden burst. I quickly regain composure and push his frame slightly to the side to get around him.
His eyes were wider than usual and his mouth unusually closed. I don't hear any comebacks, so I don't bother turning around and briefly hurry out, to get to dinner.
The pumpkin soup filled my nostrils long before turning into the Great Hall. I spot Pansy, Draco and a few others sitting at the Slytherin table. I hurry over, setting my books below the bench before sitting down next to Cassandra. She sends me a smile and I return it.
"- She was so stunned, quite like stone."
"Did she leave you alone then?" Draco asks Pansy and she continues a story I didn‘t bother to get into. Besides, Draco wants her all for himself anyway.
More people join the table now and I feel someone sit right next to me on my right. I glance up and see Theodore taking a seat, winking at me. I roll my eyes and turn back to my bowl, filling it with soup from the cauldron in the middle.
"Would you mind?" Theodore holds up his bowl and I take it, filling his too. "Thanks, love." I nod and begin eating. I stop before I can take a bite of toast when Mattheo joins, sitting opposite of Theodore.
I sigh internally, placing my spoon down in my bowl as our eyes meet briefly. The awkward tension in his eyes made me feel a little bad for my words earlier. But I don't regret them. He looks away and focuses on Pansy and her story, throwing in a few sarcastic remarks here and there. Acting like nothing happened.
"Hey, are you good?" Cassandra asks me, a little hushed. I stop stirring the soup, glancing up and noticing more eyes on me that have caught onto Cassandras question.
"Yeah, you look a little pale?" Pansy adds, her observation sounding more like a question.
Draco chuckles, "Nothing new there" earning a kick to the leg from Pansy, followed by a glare. The rest of the boys looking at me now too, trying to figure out if it's true.
"Uh- nothing? I think I'm just tired, it was a long week." I grab my book from below me and stand up. Not able to hold their stares as I feel judged.
"- where are you going? You haven't even finished the soup?" Theodore tries and I wave him off.
"I'm just exhausted, I'll see you later." I quickly turn around, ignoring Pansy calling my name and only stop walking once I'm outside the big doors and around the corner.
I really couldn't stand sitting there across from him, while he is who he is. I've finally had enough. I tried to ignore him being absolutely rude to countless people. But I can't pretend anymore.
The others weren't innocent either, don't get me wrong. But he was far from that.
I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking. Actually thinking about nothing. More so just staring.
"Can you tell me what's with you?" I hear Pansy as she sits down on my bed and looks down at me, frowning. I haven't even heard her come into our room. "Is it Riddle? What did he do this time?"
My eyes dart to her and I come up, leaning on my elbow. "No, that's not it-"
"- if it's not Riddle, then why have you bolted as soon as he sat down at dinner?" She raises an eyebrow at me and I fall back onto my pillow, holding back a groan. "I'm not stupid."
"He is ridiculous, truly infuriating." I tell her and she smirks at me.
"Well, you sound like you think about him quite a lot."
*It's not like that Pansy, I swear." She sighs, standing up and shrugging her shoulders.
"If you don't trust me enough to tell me, so be it. Just don't come running to me when he breaks your heart." She's out the room before I can reply. I sit up in bed and look at the door.
Breaking my heart? I wouldn't let him get that close to me. Never.
"(Y/N)!" I look behind me to see Hermione running up to me, falling into my step.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask and she shakes her head, giving me a worried look.
"How bad?" I ask and she stops, I copy her and turn around to look at her.
"He's in the Hospital Wing. They were already done once I saw them." I shake my head in disbelieve, not sure how to respond. I just had that talk with Mattheo and he still goes around, fighting and bullying others.
We both make our way to Harry. He sits on a bed, Madam Pomfrey smiling at us as we enter. "Hello there, you two." I smile at her and leave Hermione to talk to her while I check on Harry.
"Hey you." I say, sitting next to him as he rubs his bandaged arm. As he looks up at me, I see a deep purple bruise forming on his right cheek bone. Dried blood still sticking to the skin below his nose and upper lip.
"Don't look at me like that." I take his arm and look back up at him.
"How, Harry?"
"Like I lost the fight." I raise a brow and he tries to smile but hisses, touching his cheek bone. "He looks worse, I promise."
That oddly doesn't make me happy and I look down, letting go of his arm as Hermione joins us, sitting next to Harry's other side.
"You're an idiot, trying to win against him in a fight!" She taunts and I agree with her, Harry only rolling his eyes.
"What, you want me to run away? Tell him to please stop? Whatever I do or say doesn't matter. Our parents did that for us. We're only fighting their fight now." He mutters the last bit, his eyes fixed on the tiled ground.
"That's enough." I stand up with one goal only. Making this stop. This has to stop.
"(Y/N), don't-"
"- I have to."
Walking down the cold stone stairs, I spot them around the corner in the open common room area by the fireplace. Talking and laughing. Pansy smiling, Blaise shaking his head with a smirk and Mattheo- grinning. He hasn't even bothered to change his shirt or clean his face, which is still bloody. Wearing it like a trophy.
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"Hey!" I shout, all their eyes on me now as I storm up to the group. My eyes boring daggers into his brown ones.
"Who the actual fuck do you think you are!" I stop behind the couch where Pansy, Draco and Blaise sit on. My eyes not once missing him.
"You heard me, jerk. How dare you-"
"Whoa, whoa, (Y/N)-" Theodore stands up from the floor with raised hands and Mattheo follows suit, his stare could kill me.
"Theo, don't." I warn him and step around the couch, walking up to Mattheo, not afraid of him. His breathing quick and his eyes dark.
"Answer my fucking question, Riddle. Who do you think you are?" I stab my finger into his chest a couple of times, feeling my cheeks warming up and eyes glossing over.
"I am his worst fucking nightmare. And don't you ever make the mistake of believing you could stop me from being just that." My mouth is agape as I feel a warm tear running down my cheek, stunned at his cold heart.
"But -"
"- No! You don't get to come in here and question me about something that doesn't concern you in any fucking way!" He yells, throwing his arms up and huffing, almost smiling at me with a crazy glint in his eyes.
"Harry is my concern, he is my friend - and so is Hermione! I can't believe that you can't see past that."
"Then why don't you go, leave! Run to your precious Gryffindor friends if you love them so much! No one will fucking miss you here. Not a single minute."
"Guys, maybe we shouldn't talk about that here." Theodore says, coming closer to us both, holding Mattheo's shoulder now.
Mattheo pushes his hand from him, his cold stare now turned onto him, allowing me to take a breath.
"Pathetic half-blood." Riddle mutters, only for me to hear.
Pansy now pulling at my hand quickly from behind me, "come on" and I slowly take a few steps backward, glancing at Theo and Riddle one last time.
"- you think I would hurt her?" I hear before Pansy takes me to our chambers. I don't remember how long I've been sitting here on my bed, tears running down my cheeks. Her hand runs up and down my back.
"What happened?"
I look at her and I feel my head throbbing now. "He went too far with Harry. I can't just sit back and watch."
"You know, if that sorting hat had asked me, I would have placed you in Gryffindor anyway. How bravely you protect your friends." She smiles at me and I huff, chuckling.
"You're forgetting how stubborn I am, I wouldn't survive a day there. Plus, green is more my color." It's her turn to laugh and she nods, agreeing with me. Her smile leaves her lips and I know what's coming next.
"Jokes aside. This can't keep going on. You both have quite a lot to say to each other, despite claiming to hate each other. What happened to two years ago? You both were on such a good way to becoming wonderful friends."
Honestly? I don't know myself. After the winter break, when we came back to Hogwarts two years ago, something had changed. I noticed it right away but didn't want to talk to Mattheo.
Mattheo POV:
"Really now, what's gotten into you? I know Harry isn't the greatest but why pick a fight with him so often, especially while knowing it will get a rise out of her?"
I shrug, picking at the dried crimson blood on my knuckles. It's turning brown now.
He sighs as he scratches at his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut before looking at me once more. "Matt, please tell me you're not doing anything stupid anytime soon, yeah? Give us all a break."
Theo stands up, walking out and I stay on my bed, biting at my split lip, chewing my skin. She is all I can think about. Good or bad- but those teary eyes were torture. I wanted her attention, yes. But not like this. Not if her heart is already with someone else anyway.
(Y/N)‘s POV:
I skipped classes for the whole next day and only ate what Pansy brought me. I don't know what I'm more afraid to face. Mattheo's angry gaze or Harry's disappointed one, once he figures out I failed to stop the bullying.
I crumble up the tissue and toss it across the bed, it lands with some others near my feet. With closed eyes, I can't make out who entered the room but I'm guessing it's Pansy by the way she sits on my bed and sighs.
"I'm not hungry -"
"- you haven't eaten all day."
"Yes, I have -"
"- the dry toast I brought you eight hours ago surprisingly doesn't count." I open my eyes and glance at her sideways. She frowns, her brows being pulled together and she seems to wince at my sight.
"Seriously, come with me and get some dinner, you can go right back to bed, okay?" I shake my head and look back up at the ceiling.
"Alright, that was the last time I asked nicely." She stands up and pulls me by the leg.
"Hey!" I try to hold myself on the bed but she janks once, hard enough for me to fall off the bed.
"Get up now and let's go!" She helps me stand up and I hiss, holding my bum.
"That was mean." I mumble and she shrugs, not seeming fazed in the slightest.
"I don't care, now come on." She throws me one of my sweaters and pulls my hand. I sigh, giving up, not ready for another fight.
I decide then I would sit at the Gryffindor table, not daring to sit close to him. I couldn't face him now. Not with what happend and what was said.
"I'll see you later Pans-" I walk right to Harry and Ron as I spot them, leaving Pansy by the entrance. Walking down the isle of benches I take a seat next to Ron, facing Harry.
"Hey." I greet them and they share a worried glance.
"You look worse than Harry- no offence." Ron states and makes a face, pushing his mug of tea over. "Here."
I take it and gulp it down, thanking him.
"What happened?" Harry asks, his broken glasses fixed once more probably by Hermione. Who isn't here yet, I notice.
"Nothing really, just trying to keep him off your back." I try sending a weak smile but it's probably more a grimace.
"(Y/N), don't. That's a thing between me and him- I don't want you to get hurt-"
I tune out his speech and glance toward the Great Hall doors as he enters. An unreadable expression on his face. His eyes go toward the Slytherin table but he frowns, his eyes trailing along until they meet mine.
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In the gloomy light the shadows dance across his face. His lips slightly ajar as I try to peel my gaze from him, unsuccessfully.
"(Y/N) -" A waving hand forces me to blink. I glance over to their owner, Harry. Hermione sitting now next to him.
"Have you heard a single thing I just said?" I shake my head, not in the mood to lie. She sighs and glances behind her at the Slytherin table where Mattheo sits down next to Theo. Him patting his back. His eyes finding mine once more. I can't help the tears coming back and quickly stand up, running toward the big doors.
"(Y/N)!" I block out Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's calls, just running out.
I don't stop in the hallway and follow the path to the courtyard. The cold air slowing down my movement and I take a few deep breaths. I sit down on a bench near the tree and pull my knees up. No one's around. Even if- I don't care anymore. I start sobbing, my face hidden.
I fully realize the impact his words have on me now, the strength he has over me. The feelings he hurt. My heart he broke.
Pansy lies with me now. The covers warming me up from the cold air. She found me outside, not knowing she would find me where she did. But she did. She really is the greatest friend I have.
"You know, he probably feels terrible having hurt you so bad." I wipe away the dry path of my past tears and shake my head.
"He doesn't have feelings. He is a shell of nothingness." I mumble and feel my eyes getting heavier.
The knock on our door pulls me back out of my soon overtaking sleep and I sit up with Pansy, sharing a quick glance. It's nearly midnight.
"Can I come in?" Theo asks and carefully pulls open the door, his right eye blinking through the crack.
"What are you doing here?" Pansy asks, getting out of bed and opening the door. Theodore seems uneasy, stepping left and right, scratching the back of his head. Stumbling along his words.
"Well, I know it might not be a good idea, but we didn't know if -"
"- get to it, Nott." Pansy says, sighing with a hand on her hip.
"It's Mattheo -"
"- no, not a chance." She wants to push the door in his face but he holds it open, placing a foot in the door.
"Wait, listen, please."
She sighs and I stand up now, walking forward and stopping next to Pansy. Theo's eyes on me now. He gulps and stutters.
"He- he's down the hall in the dungeons, picking a fight with Harry -"
I don't need to hear anymore, grabbing my wand and pushing past them, running up the stairs in the common room to get out. I hear them hot on my tail but don't turn around.
"- you shouldn't pick a fight with someone like me, Potter!" I make out Mattheo's voice and pick up my speed even more.
"- And you shouldn't even be alive, Riddle!" I intake a sharp breath of air as those words leave Harry's lips, neither of them noticing me and start casting spells at each other.
I step up and hold my wand out, pointing it at Mattheo. A hand on my shoulder stops me from talking. "(Y/N), don't-"
"Accio!" I yell and a wand flies through the air and straight into my palm. I look up and Mattheo's eyes find mine as he tucks away his own wand before walking over to a wandless Harry.
"No, Mattheo-" I run over as they start throwing fists, pushing each other to the ground. I look back at Theo, who comes to my aid, trying to get ahold of Harry's shoulder who sits atop of Mattheo, throwing a fist in his face. I hold my hands in front of my opened mouth, gasping.
Theo pulls Harry from him as he struggles to get out of his grip.
Mattheo quickly gets to his feet but another arm holds him back. Draco. "It's not worth it, trust me."
"You're just like your father!" Harry yells and I watch as Mattheo's eyes loose all light, his hands hanging by his sides. He stopped struggling against Draco's restrain.
My feet carry me quicker than my brain can register and soon I place my arms around his shoulders, holding him, hugging his frame. His chin laying on my shoulder.
"Get lost, Potter, before we call for Snape." I hear Theo say but don't turn to look. My heart swells with anger and regret. Mattheo's arms soon find their way around me, pulling me even closer, clawing at me shirt. I feel my neck soaking with his - tears.
I glance over his shoulder, the others gone, leaving us two.
"He's wrong, you know?" I whisper, scared of him leaving this position. He doesn't answer at first but his silent crying turns into sniffling.
He pulls away a bit, looking at me. "You don't have to pretend to feel bad for me." He gets out.
"I don't, Matt. I just know the whole truth now." He frowns, his pretty brown eyes sparkling with the remaining tears.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I know why you pick so many fights. And I know why you hated Harry particularly much." His eyes leave mine and glue themselves to the floor between us. He pulls away from the embrace. My hands falling to my sides.
"I don't know what you-"
"-Matt, you don't have to pretend to be a big, bad boy all the time. I'm sorry I made you feel invalid."
"What happened to calling me Riddle, huh?" I sigh, shaking my head to myself. Of course that didn't make it any better.
"I'm so sorry."
"No, I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. I was the biggest dickhead to you, even when I rather should have just asked you to Hogsmeade."
"Matt, I-" I stop myself once I understood the whole sentence. "-Hogsmeade?"
"Yes, since two years actually."
Two years. Two goddamn years in which I tried to figure out what went wrong between us. Nothing.
"You idiot." I say.
"I know. I know, I am. And I won't blame you if you say no-"
"-You, Mattheo Thomas Riddle, are the absolute worst dickhead to ever have walked these halls." I stab my finger into his chest and look up at him, his lips curling into a small smirk, showing his teeth. One of his hands takes my finger down and holds my hand there.
"Nothing new, love." He states, raising his brows and biting the inside of his cheek.
"First- you terrorize my friends. Then you actually fist fight one of them- until you're both ready for the Hospital Wing. Just for me to end your duell in the dungeons before one gets the other killed. And now you're asking me to Hogsmeade?" I can't help but my stunned expression is probably quite visible on my face.
"Uh- is that a yes?"
"Well, of course I'm going with you! But only if you, for the love of Merlin, stop fighting with Harry. That's not getting you anywhere except maybe Azkaban once you finally killed each other."
He stops for a moment, coming even closer and I freeze in place, not knowing if what's about to happen is really the start of something good. But right now, right here, it feels truly amazing.
„You‘re cute when you’re angry.“
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devilfic · 4 months
❝right place, right time❞
vignette. strawberry candies.
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parts: previously / next plot: while at your place, you discover that someone has hurt judith. you turn to the only person who can help. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, mostly bruce-centric, fluff, a bit of angst, bruce dealing with kids, mention of guns (no shooting), mentions of alcohol and smoking, bruce will get on this old lady's good side if it kills him. words: 3.2k. a/n: while outlining the next chapter, I thought up a sweet little filler chapter that takes place all in one day before and during the events of chapter 9. warning for the POV change after the first scene.
"Judith, what happened to you?"
The old lady feels your thumb brush the bandage above her eye and closes her fingers around your wrist, dragging it away, "It's nothing. It's nothing."
"Hell if it is," you rush her inside your apartment, shutting the two cops out with a kick to the door. You lead Judith to your couch, sitting her down as you kneel before her. Other than the bandage on her eye, she looks the same except for something small. You've noticed her nervous shakes before, never peculiar, but they were hard to ignore today. They rock in her lap as she keeps them folded, "Did you fall?"
She looks insulted at that, kisses her teeth at you for it. She'd had very few falls in the past, as sturdy and stubborn as a bull. But even as you examine her demeanor, you know it isn't that. Uneasiness sets in your chest. "No, I... I ran into some boys on my way home from church. That's all."
Your uneasiness begins to bubble into wrath, "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, child."
"Judith, I'm serious." Her eyes bore into yours, trying to show herself immovable, but you can feel yourself begin to tremble at the thought that Dimitri might have-
"It was some kids on the corner." She finally relents, looking away from you. "They wanted my purse, that's all."
"The corner where? By the liquor store?" Her eyes cut away from yours, guiltily, "Judith, what were you doing walking that far? You never get off the bus that early."
It was why she started taking the bus in the first place. People lingered on the streets that late, waiting for any easy target to snatch from or snatch up. With the rise in dropheads, people would take whatever money they could get, however they could get it.
The men on the corner usually kept to themselves though, nursing paper bag bottles and hiding out from the rain underneath the overpass. They usually cast a sneer and let you keep on walking if you ever found yourself around their side of town. You'd never gotten close enough for them to want to attack.
Judith frowns, "I missed it. I thought I'd walk."
"What did I tell you about walking home alone? If you have to, you call me, or you call one of the deacons, or a cab-"
"I did call you," Judith snaps, making your blood run cold, "and you didn't answer. So I called again. And then I figured you were busy or working late, so I walked on home. I'm old but I'm not senile."
Your frown deepens, "I didn't mean it that way."
"I even came to your door and you weren't there. So I handled it myself."
"You were right. I was working late." Your fingers brush your pocket where your phone lies dead, "I'm sorry I wasn't there."
Proud as she is, she doesn't look you in the eye, but you feel some of her anger melt away over time. Her hand finds yours and squeezes it, "It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've known better."
You want to bite your lip until it floods your mouth with blood. You couldn't imagine what might have happened if she'd been hurt worse, left to fend for herself in the dark. If they'd been angry, looking for someone to take it out on, and she'd been in the wrong place...
And Judith with all her pride. You can tell she barely wanted to talk about it, had hoped you might not notice. "Listen, Judith," you begin, feeling her watching you from her peripheral, "I'm not gonna be around for a while. I won't be far, I'll still be in the city, but I won't be... here."
"You're finally getting a real place?"
You laugh, "Sort of. It's temporary. Look, I won't be right here anymore so I need you to take care of yourself. I'll come running if you need me but-"
You're silenced by her two, chilly hands cupping your cheeks in between them. Stern as ever, Judith fixes you with a strong look, "I'll be okay. Don't you worry."
"You sure? I don't wanna have to call the nursing home on you."
One of Judith's hands takes your cheek into a pinch and pulls, hard, "I said I'll be fine." Despite the pain, you smile all lopsided at her and she eventually releases you.
You make her tea, but all the while your eyes keep finding the white gauze above her eye, itching and itching at you until you think you might scratch yourself raw. You couldn't let this one go.
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This feels decidedly more sinister, posing on an old lady's fire escape instead of yours. Bruce can see through the lace covering the window that Judith is still up, putting on a pot of tea, and he hesitates in knocking on the glass. He couldn't exactly walk through the front door, and if he came in through the rooftop, he'd risk being seen by neighbors in the hall. This was the only way, and it just might scare the living shit out of this woman.
Gently, he curls his fingers in and knocks.
Judith does not move from the stove. He knocks again, a little louder this time. Still, no reaction. He's seconds from asking you to call Judith to get her attention, looking away for just a second, when his eyes drift back to the window and there she is.
She's got a cast-iron skillet up above her head and the meanest mug he's seen this side of the east coast. It could put Penguin to shame.
They both stare at each other for a while.
When Bruce makes no move to leave, Judith yells through the window, "Go away, demon!"
Bruce had never gotten to know his grandparents on account of them all being dead. There was no old woman at Christmastime to spoil him with gifts and candies, no lovingly crafted wrinkles and sweet smelling perfume to remember a grandmother by. He had never been the type of person to walk old ladies across the street, either. He knew his place.
There was no way to make himself small enough for her to not see as a threat, and so they each watch the other, waiting for them to make a move. He certainly wouldn't be first.
After a good few (painstaking) minutes, she points the pan at the window and asks, "What do you want?"
"A friend sent me."
Her brows furrow, and then an even deeper frown overtakes her face (if that was even possible). "I don't want your help."
"Our friend is worried about you. And worried about anyone else those guys on the corner might hurt."
"Leave or I'll call the police!"
Bruce considers his options. On the one hand, she might call and they might show and think that he'd just scared the woman creeping by her window. He'd get a slap on the wrist and a reminder to take the roofs next time. On the other, he might get a trigger-happy recruit who'd need disarming and a detective who'd need explaining.
He figures he might take his chances with this one, if only to be a true glutton for punishment, "What did it look like?" Her eyes narrow in confusion, "Your purse. What did it look like?"
"I said I don't want your help."
Bruce hides a grumble in his throat. He has half the mind to just leave. He'd take the verbal lashing from you if it meant ending this conversation sooner.
But there would be a million more grumpy old ladies, and he'd be no better at talking to them then. "You used to keep a lighter in there. It was your husband's." Judith stills. Bruce feels himself getting a bit more confident, recalling what you'd told him, "He always kept it on him. I can get it back for you."
She doesn't say anything for a while, still holding her pan at arm's length. He feels a bit silly talking at her through the window, curtains still partially drawn, and he doesn't suppose he looks any cuddlier shrouded in shadow. But all she does is stare at him.
Bruce feels more elated than he expects to when the pan lowers.
"I doubt you'll find it," she starts, and he can almost barely hear the next part through the glass, "it was silver with our initials engraved on it. C and J."
Judith is looking away when she says it. It feels as good a time as any to get going, but he lingers there until she's looking at him before making his escape. He'd like her to know he heard.
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It's not hard to find them.
A group of about five men are standing on the corner, all of them just as you'd described. They look inebriated enough to not even stand straight, and Bruce wonders how they'd had the brainpower to handle a woman like Judith just walking by.
Bruce hangs in the shadows, perched on a ledge above them as a train rumbles by above his head. One of the men flicks open a light to light his cigarette, and Bruce's eyes zero in on it. He can't see initials from this far, but its silver glints under the streetlight just so. It's enough to go off on.
Bruce drops from his ledge, catching only one of the men's attention as he lazily turns his head over his shoulder at the sound. He's slow to recognize him, but quick to gather close to his friends on the brick wall, "Fuck!" He shouts, slurring a bit, "Let's get out of here!"
The one furthest from him starts to run, but Bruce's grapple gun wraps around his legs and yanks him onto his back, dragging him further into the alley and closer to him. The others look loyal enough not to run off without him, but their fighting stances are weakened by their stumbling.
"Fuck you man, we didn't do anything." One argues, raised fists wobbling in front of his face.
"Yeah!" The others chime in.
The one held captive at Bruce's feet is whimpering and clawing at the wire digging into his ankles, pulling at it to no avail. Bruce places a boot on his chest and forces him back down, "I hear you've been stealing from old ladies."
"What? No way, man. We don't do that shit."
Bruce digs the heel of his boot into the space between his ribs, feeling him squirm in anguish, "Last night you did. You took her purse. Where is it?"
"I'm telling you, we didn't do that shit. We... we weren't even here last night." The man under his boot is pushing at it, desperate to get away. Bruce has the sinking feeling as he watches him, like a rat with his tail caught in a trap, that he's telling the truth.
"We're not the only ones who hang out on this corner, we swear," one of the bigger members of the group pipes up, looking worried for his friend, "some assholes beat us here yesterday. We hung out by the docks instead. Honest."
Another chimes in, "Yeah. Ask boss inside. He lets us hang all the time. He knows we weren't here last night." He gestures toward the liquor store and Bruce watches them for a moment longer, eyes probing. They had every reason to lie: they were all drunk off their asses, and his reputation preceded him. Even with the five of them, he'd have it handled.
But that sinking feeling comes back.
Bruce gives it a little bit before he finally takes his foot off the man's chest, and he watches him scramble to his feet, running back to his pack. Before they can run to safety, Bruce grabs the one with the lighter and snatches it from his grip, checking the sides. All silver, no initials. He tosses it back with just as much kindness.
"You know who they are?" Bruce asks, holding him by the scruff.
"You gotta promise not to rat boss out," he stutters, looking back at the store, "he knows the guys. One of 'em's his nephew."
A flash of irritation rushes down Bruce's spine. These things were never easy.
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Bruce catches the store owner on his smoke break, seconds from lighting a cigarette before he makes himself known. The store owner shrinks back, and before Bruce can even ask, his voice comes out in a tremble, "Where is he?"
Bruce gets the feeling it would be better to say nothing.
When he doesn't answer, the store owner starts to beg, inching closer to him even as his expression contorts in fear, "You didn't hurt him, did you? He's just a kid!"
"Your nephew is the one hurting people."
The owner winces, but doesn't refute it. "Please tell me you didn't hurt him."
"Not yet," Bruce sidesteps the man, circling him in the low light, "and I won't if he stops robbing old ladies."
"He'll stop. I promise. I'll handle it."
"You knew what he was doing and you didn't stop him before."
"I... I've tried, okay? He doesn't listen-"
Bruce grabs the man's shirt and shoves into the side of a dumpster, the sound reverberating through the near-midnight air as he stares down at him. His name tag reads "Brian", and the sweat that slicks his brow is starting to coat the collar of his shirt. "Where is he now?"
A click sounds from behind his head. Bruce doesn't turn at first, but he already knows what's pointing at him from behind.
There's a kid there, no older than 17, holding a gun to the back of Bruce's head. He trembles like his uncle, "Let him go."
Being held at gunpoint doesn't get any less frightening, even if it happens to you every night.
There's still this primal urge clawing under Bruce's skin to duck and hide, something he shakes off the second he grabs the gun and forces it out of the kid's hand. The thing clatters to the ground and he kicks it away not a moment later, taking the teenager and shoving him into his uncle's arms. Bruce almost feels sick at the scared look on his face. As if he hadn't been the one about to pull the trigger.
Bruce leans down to pick up the gun and goes to unload the chamber, but there's nothing. His gaze coasts back up to the kid's and he feels his stomach churn at the sight, the thought. This kid had seen Bruce and still thought, even if it was a long shot...
Bruce holds the thing by the barrel, "You know how to use that thing?"
"Yes!" But Bruce doesn't believe him.
"Not loaded, but it's enough to scare old ladies, isn't it?"
The kid forces himself to look tough and mean, falling flat to Bruce regardless, "How the fuck would you know?"
"Her purse. Where is it?"
"What? What are you talking-"
"If you don't have it, your friends do. Do you want me to look for them too?"
A flash of fear. The kid hardens his expression but he's too late, "There wasn't even anything in it."
Bruce glances at Brian. He hasn't taken his eyes off him. He looks as if he'll jump between any blow he might throw at the kid. His eyes glide back to the kid's and he forces his voice to soften, "There was a lighter in it. Engraved. She wants it back."
Recognition replaces the fear. The kid is hesitant to move or say anything at first, but when his uncle places a hand on his shoulder, it's enough to push him forward. He swallows down his pride for just a moment, "It's in the store. Upstairs in my room. I... we spent the cash already but all the other stuff's in there."
Bruce stares at him, and without another word, the kid runs back into the store. Bruce listens for the sound of feet pounding against the staircase to make sure he wouldn't try to book it, but he returns just as quickly as he'd left, shoving the purse into Bruce's hands as if he couldn't wait to be rid of it.
A quick ruffle around in it reveals the lighter and a pocket Bible, among strawberry candies and pens. True to his word, the wallet looks and feels empty.
He wants to leave it at that.
But one more look at the kid and Brian and he's shoving the empty gun into Brian's chest, gritting through his teeth, "You clearly love him. Don't let him do something he'll regret."
Brian goes rigid. Fixes his jaw tight. He says nothing in response, but it's enough.
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He'd meant to leave it at the window, but Bruce is surprised to find Judith still awake in her recliner, fingers twiddling with another copy of the Bible. No wonder she only mentioned the lighter.
Bruce knocks and Judith does jump this time, genuinely surprised. He holds the purse up and she moves as quickly as she can, prying open the window a crack. Just enough for him to slip it in.
He's careful as he slides it through and she snatches it from his grasp, digging through it until her fingers grasp the lighter. Bruce takes advantage of the opening to speak to her, quieter this time, "The cash is gone, but they didn't touch anything else."
She says nothing. She holds the lighter in her hands and it shakes, her lip trembling just so. Bruce feels his chest swell with nervous feeling. Three years of this and he was as if a novice all over again.
He's about to leave when he feels a hand tugging on the bottom of his cape and when he turns, he sees the window propped wide open and Judith's hand fixed into the material of it. She isn't crying but she's misty-eyed, holding onto him with all her strength. He forces himself still. He awaits a "thank you" or even a firm nod of approval, but in her other hand, she holds out a candy. One of the strawberry candies. His brows furrow. He can't make out where it's from, but he knows he can't refuse.
He plucks the candy from her palm and tucks it into his utility belt. Judith releases him, saying nothing more, but as he begins his descent down the fire escape, he feels her eyes watch him all the way down.
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You stare at the candy in wonder, eyes twinkling. Bruce cannot understand why you're so excited, "This familiar to you?"
"You've been given the Judith seal of approval, just one step down from getting invited over for tea." Bruce frowns. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've never had one of these before. Everyone's grandma has 'em."
"I didn't know my grandmother."
Your eyes soften, chuckling nervously, "Ah, well. To be fair, your grandmother was in another tax bracket. She probably would've given you... I don't know, gold-flaked truffles."
Bruce narrows his eyes at you, though a smile creeps up not far behind, "Colorful imagination. Is that what you want for dessert tomorrow night?"
"Don't you fucking dare."
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pshcomforts · 8 months
➳ fine line | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader, non!idoljay x fem!reader (kind of)
“there’s things that we’ll never know”
synopsis: you like sunghoon, and sunghoon likes you but it’s not that easy.
warnings/content: written in third pov. not proofread. angst! a little bit of fluff? cursing. age gap — sunghoon’s 21 and reader’s 18. reader can’t swim. open ending!
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s partner), min-su (heeseung’s partner), ji-woo (jake’s partner) and mei (some random girl). this was originally uploaded on my old account but it got taken down so.. enjoy! also written around heeseung’s birthday.
current song playing: fine line by harry styles
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
2:21 ────────|─────────── -3:56
“are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna make a move?” min-su asked with a disgusted expression.
y/n’s head snapped at the question — “uhm..” she took in a harsh gulp after breaking eye contact with sunghoon’s tall figure in the distance.
“you really have to do something else other than stare.” dae commented, head shaking from the disappointment. the girl rolled her eyes as a response with a slight scowl. “how can I if it seems like he doesn’t even want to talk to me?”
“girl, you make it seem like YOU don’t want to talk to him,” ji-woo intervened.
“shut up! i don’t know how to!”
her friend’s face morphed into a mischievous grin. “i can always tell jake to ask him what he thinks about you.” y/n’s mouth dropped at her words — “UH, no way am I making you tell your boyfriend about my crush on his best friend!”
“oh heeseung could help too.” min-su interrupted.
“and jungwon!” said dae with a smug smile.
“you guys are ugly! i don’t want anyone’s help on this, especially if you guys are all in relationships with his close friends.” y/n yelled, slight humiliation hitting her cheeks as her face became flushed.
“girl, why not?? it’ll help you get with sunghoon faster!”
“no! i don’t want to be in a relationship with him, i just like him! well.. i mean, i can see myself with him but… i don’t know! and plus, he’s three years older than me..”
y/n let out a deep sigh at her friend’s faces once she came in eye contact with them. “i know i know.. but i feel like he doesn’t see me more than just a little sister…” her head drooped low at the finishing thoughts. “does he even see me as anything else other than that?”
dae giggled at her words — “oh, you definitely want something more.” the others bursted out with laughter as y/n remained a little frustrated.
“girl, you want sunghoon, just admit it!” ji-woo yelled with a beam that highlighted her dimples.
“i can’t! i won’t! i’m leaving.”
with the last words said, y/n left her friend group as she hurriedly sped elsewhere; not forgetting to hear min-su’s echoing words — “BITCH, COME BACK!”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
days and weeks passed after the conversation. the whole friend group (including the enha members) eventually agreed upon having a sleepover at jay’s house in celebration of heeseung’s birthday.
y/n and ji-woo arrived together, while dae and min-su came with their significant others. jake and sunghoon arrived together as well, whereas niki and sunoo carpooled.
“finally! long time no see!” sunoo exclaimed, going in for a hug with each of the girls and dae.
“so glad we can finally do this!” ji-woo yelled, as she found her way to her boyfriend’s embrace; in which leaving y/n alone.
“go ahead and feel comfortable guys, my parents are out of the house for the week so it’s just me.” said jay with a grin.
y/n’s cheeks blushed at the boy. though sunghoon was the obvious one she liked, she couldn’t help but feel her heart race towards the silver-haired boy. she shook away the thoughts though after coming in eye contact with min-su who was silently judging.
“shut up” — y/n worded to her friend, before searching for sunghoon as if on default. the boy seemed slightly pissed as he walked away from the scene, a cold look evident while making his way to niki. she couldn’t tell if it was just her who had observed how bitter he suddenly became.
she grasped ji-woo aside, breaking her away from jake who was still talking to her. “did you see hoon?” her whisper was harsh, an anxious tone apparent in her voice as her grip became tighter on her friend.
“ow, y/n! i did sort of see but jake was still talking so i didn’t notice a lot. he did look a little mad though?” she reasoned.
“girl, what was that look sunghoon just gave to you and jay?” their friend, min-su interrupted with a gasp.
“wow, you’re actually away from heeseung?” y/n snorted a laugh while the girl rolled her eyes. “shut the fuck up. did you see sunghoon give you that look??”
“i think someone’s jealous.. i mean- who said that?” dae joked. the four cracked out laughs as they remained further away from the members.
“you don’t think he could be..?”
“girl i wouldn’t be surprised.” ji-woo said with an eyebrow raise.
“mm.. no, i don’t think so. maybe he just wanted to talk to niki. i don’t think he’s jealous…”
“you know what, y/n?” dae called, heads turning to the boy who had a smug grin. “maybe you should just talk to sunghoon.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “bitch, you know that it’s hard for me to do that!”
as min-su was about to give her input with a dirty joke in mind, heeseung intervened with an arm slinging around her. “sorry to break this group huddle, but can i steal my girlfriend?”
“you always steal her from us.”
“sorry but i just want to be around my baby on my special day.”
the others fake gagged at the comment. “yes, yes, just take her and go away, geez birthday boy.” y/n said with an appalled look plastered.
the boy grinned at her words; the obvious displeased tone deafening out in his ears as his attention went to his girlfriend, dragging her away from the group.
“love, come here for a second?” jake called out to ji-woo. she looked back at her two friends who still had the same disgusted look. “oh, just go ji-woo!” y/n yelled, pushing her away so she could reunite with her partner. “you should go too, dae. jungwon looks sad without you.”
“but what about you!”
y/n’s lips curled into a soft smile. “i’ll be fineee. just go to your boyfriend like they did!”
the boy remained persistent in staying with her, though eventually leaving for his boyfriend as well once y/n confirmed it’d really be okay.
she sighed at the sight in front of her; all of her friends with their lovers while sunghoon was near niki and sunoo. her eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, heart thumping just from the admiration of how gorgeous he was. eventually, they wandered to where jay’s figure could be, which was in the kitchen of course.
“hey jay,” y/n softly beamed.
he greeted back with a smile — “hey y/n” —attention still persistent on the marinated meat for dinner.
“can i help?”
jay gave a playful laughing scoff at her words. “wouldn’t you rather be in the living room with niki and them?”
she shook her head. “i don’t really have anything to do, and i feel a little bad that you’re doing it all by yourself honestly.”
“alright, if you wanna help then you can put some gloves on and mix the marinade.”
y/n complied with excitement surging through and soon began helping the male with dinner preparations.
as long minutes passed, she continued to work around the kitchen with him. meanwhile, the couples stayed in their own spaces while the remaining three played on the shared nintendo switch.
“y/n, don’t do that!” jay yelled from the kitchen, her loud cackles of laughter immediately intensifying after.
“what could be so funny over there?” sunghoon mumbled under his breath. a scoff left his mouth as his hands tightly gripped on the controller.
“you that jealous?” niki snorted.
the older male rolled his eyes as he felt envy starting to build up. “no.. why would i be? y/n’s too young for me.”
“your excuses are becoming worse, hyung.”
sunoo let out a laugh at niki’s words — “they really are, why can’t you just admit that you like the girl?”
hoon’s eyes slightly widened. “shut up! don’t say that too loud; dae, min-su, and ji-woo are literally near us.” he harshly whispered to the maknaes.
“they’re lost in their own world, hoon. seriously, look at them and tell me they’re not in their own world with our members.” niki remarked with a laugh.
“you could be like that with y/n too, just saying.” said sunoo with a devilish smile.
“it doesn’t seem like she even likes me. she always ignores me and doesn’t talk much to me when she can clearly talk well with jay or you guys. seems like she likes him more to be honest.” his head darted towards the male in the kitchen who was still chuckling and being playful with her.
“maybe you just haven’t taken in the fact that you guys are both introverted?? and maybe she doesn’t know how to talk to you because you barely respond back?” sunoo replied.
hoon let out a sigh at his members’ words. “I don’t know..”
“you overthink this too much, hyung. i heard from someone that she’s literally been in love with you for so long! also, how have you guys not talked much when you’re in the same friend group?” responded niki.
sunghoon’s heart immediately raced at the potential thought of his crush liking him back; blocking out the question asked. “does she really..?” he bit his lip as he awaited for a response, only to be interrupted.
“i’m gonna be grilling outside but we also have a pool, so if you guys want to go for a swim, you guys can!” jay yelled.
everybody grinned at each other, racing out of the back door to swim in the said pool.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
splashes of laughter were heard in the air as everybody swam in the cooling water.
y/n remained persistent near the shallower parts of the pool while the rest splashed around. ji-woo attempted to stay near as well but could only be pulled into the deep water by her determined boyfriend.
dae was with jungwon, giving soft squeaks of laughter as they were sweetly playful. from time to time, y/n could hear the sound of their laughs tangling in the air with soft music exuding in the back.
min-su and heeseung were in the pool as well, but would always go back to singing their favored songs that’d echo aloud. followed by ji-woo and jake softly humming along.
y/n took in the sight in front of her again. her eyes followed each of her friends and the joyous moments they were experiencing. something she wanted to experience.
she softened at what she was observing. her friends have truly never been this happy and she loved it.
“hey, you okay?” a familiar voice said, snapping her into reality.
“hm? oh hey, hoon.” she nervously replied.
he beamed a half smile as he took a seat next to her. “they look pretty happy, don’t they?” y/n turned her head to respond back but paused.
he was observing just like her. she fought back a smile as her eyes twinkled with affection. “yeah.. they do. i’m so glad they all found their other halves.” she said in admiration.
“now it’s just your turn huh?” sunghoon gently turned his head to look back at her. his demeanor was softer than she was used to, and it made her heart flutter.
she cleared her throat and looked away. “we’ll see what the universe plans for me” — her voice almost weak from his simple question.
“almost sunghoon’s time isn’t it?” niki suddenly boomed.
y/n’s brows curiously furrowed at the boy who swam near them. “it is?” she stupidly questioned.
“yeah.. sunghoon’s been talking to mei. isn’t that right, hyung?” his eyebrows wiggled around playfully. the obvious teasing tone of getting the poor girl jealous wasn’t clear enough as she felt her heart sink. her mind went blank as everything else became a numbing pain.
suddenly finding it hard to breathe, she stood from where she was and laughed off the heavy feeling. “oh that’s right sunghoon, how is it with her so far?”
her attempt to look fine was a success as hoon didn’t notice the sudden change in becoming tense. “oh.. mei? it’s fine.. i haven’t talked to her in a while.” he mewled out.
it was like taking one step forward and three steps backwards. their moment of potentially being more had been ruined; and with the thought of mei in mind, it seemed like everything had taken a pause.
y/n swallowed the lump in her throat as she forced the tears away. “well uhm, i should go to dae and them. i wanna see if they’re tired of being in the pool yet.” she stood from where she was, feeling her legs become like jelly as her lips trembled from holding in the pain.
the heartbroken girl walked away with deep breaths. she fought the urge to breakdown and cry, leaving niki and sunghoon in the shallow water.
hoon let out a slightly frustrated sigh. “what was that, niki??” his brows pushed together in an irritating way.
“sorry… i thought it’d help..”
the maknae mewled out another sorry before leaving to sunoo.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
y/n let out another deep breath before arriving to dae and jungwon at the other end of the pool.
“hey guys,” she gently said.
her shaky voice had apparently became noticeable as dae stopped his movements to carefully look at his friend. “what’s wrong y/n??”
in an instant second, her eyes watered at the question. ‘fuck!’ she mentally cursed to herself. “i knew it was a bad idea going to you, dae!” she yelled before speed walking away.
he followed after her, catching min-su and ji-woo’s attention as well. the loud questioning of ‘is she okay’ came to mind as they all followed behind and left their significant others.
“guys it’s fine!” the girl tried to defend.
“girl you’re on the brink of tears. what happened? are you okay?” min-su said.
“uhm.. yeah…” her voice cracked as she softly smiled at the aching feeling.
“stop lying!” ji-woo yelled.
y/n broke out another smile as she admired how caring her friends were. “it’s fine guys.. seriously! i’ll tell you when we’re not surrounded by them.. but let’s go back. i don’t want them to wonder why we’re having our own group talk.”
“girl if sunghoon made you cry, you just let me know.” the dimpled girl threatened.
everybody giggled in unison as the other two agreed. eventually, they all went back to their significant others while y/n decided to stay near jay. she couldn’t stand being a third wheel, and sunoo had remained around niki and sunghoon; so jay was her best choice.
“you’re really not gonna go in the pool?” asked the boy who was barbecuing.
“i can’t swim jay.” she replied back with a head shake.
“oh that’s right… seems like hoon can’t swim either.” the name call caught her attention and almost immediately, her eyes landed on the 5’11 boy.
sunghoon continued to stay around the shallow parts of the pool where he was before. her heart stopped for a moment as the repeating words of him and mei were in her head.
“that’s funny,” she mumbled.
jay’s face scrunched at her monotoned voice. “if you don’t think it’s funny, you don’t have to say it is.”
her lips curled into a soft smile. “no i didn’t mean it like that jay, geez.” she rolled her eyes as he smiled as well, turning his attention back onto the grill.
“how are you and hoon though?”
“shut up, i don’t want to talk about him right now.”
“so you guys are going through something then hm?”
“jay.. please.”
he widely grinned at her plead. “fine, i’ll let it go.” she beamed a ‘thanks’ before changing the topic to something for both of their liking.
from time to time, sunghoon turned his head to see how they were easily conversing. he let out an annoyed scoff. “maybe she does like him..” his hands clenched in fists as the continuous words that fell out of sunoo and niki’s mouths were drowned out by jealousy.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
after long minutes passed, dinner was finally ready. throughout the various conversations everybody had, hoon and y/n had none together. in fact, they didn’t even look at each other. a few glances would be made to each other but other than that, no one dared to make a peep.
when dinner had finished, a cake had been brought out to celebrate heeseung’s birthday. a bright smile was plastered onto his face as his girlfriend stuck by his side.
loud laughs and joyous occasions were shared upon one another. everybody sang happy birthday to the boy who was contented enough for a cake.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when the long day had come to an end, everybody found themselves settled into the living room with warm blankets and soft smiles.
little murmurs of “this was so fun!” and “we gotta do this again” were heard before all had passed out for the remaining night. all except y/n.
she stepped out to the backyard after making sure everyone fell asleep. a sigh left her mouth as the heavy feeling in her chest came back. “fuck..” she whispered, after situating herself in the same seat of the shallow pool, letting her legs dip in. her breath hitched while inhaling another breath of air. she thought to herself that she shouldn’t be this bothered about someone who wasn’t hers.
“you okay?” the low voice said, shocking her as she immediately recognized who it was.
y/n subtly sniffled her snot back inside before looking at the direction of the voice. her heart dropped just by looking at him.
“you’re awake hoon?”
her voice weakened as he awkwardly chuckled while taking a seat next to her.
“i saw you come outside so i just wanted to see if you were okay.”
she nodded at his explanation. “i’m fine..” but she wasn’t. and it seemed like her excuse wasn’t convincing enough, but hoon let it go.
it had become awkward and tense too soon. they had always slightly been like this, but it only seemed to intensify this time.
sunghoon took a deep breath, wondering if it was something he should say but he had to know.
“do you like jay?”
his question was sudden and it had y/n whipping her head to him.
“i’m sorry?”
“sorry that was sudden.. but is jay the one you like?”
she kept her eyes on him in search for how he meant his tone to be but he couldn’t even look at her. the awkward boy was too scared to even say such a thing.
“why would i like jay?”
“well.. you seem to enjoy being around him and… seems like he likes you back too.”
y/n eyes closed at the tightness in her chest. she liked him. how could he not see that?
“i don’t, sunghoon. and i’m sure he doesn’t like me back either.” she confirmed with a gulp. her gaze observed how soft his body language had become.
“i uhm,…” the girl paused for a moment. she felt her heart in her throat as the conflicting thought of confessing tortured her. “.. i don’t like anyone right now..”
the searing pain in her heart increased as she mentally cursed to herself. she wanted to tell him that he was all she’d been thinking about, but how could she when she remembered he was talking to someone like mei?
“oh.. okay.” — was all hoon could mutter. he was pleased and yet, somehow still devastated. she backed off of confessing and he didn’t even realize it.
it was then that things got quiet. they didn’t know what else to say to each other after the sudden call out.
their eyes remained to stare at the starry night that had come upon them. perhaps they partially enjoyed the quiet scenery together while partially still finding it difficult to break the silence.
“y/n?” hoon suddenly squeaked.
✩ ‘we’ll be a fine line’ ✩
his head turned to face her. “hm?” she looked back at him.
“are we okay?”
her heart shattered and she felt the pulse hitting her hands with the words spoken out. she forced a half smile that had reassurance written over it.
“of course we are sunghoon..” she breathed for a second. “we always are.”
he reflected the warm smile back but nothing else was done. “good.. i hope we remain friends and become reliable to each other.”
“yeah.. me too.” she mewled out, fighting the pressure that had been suddenly pressed on her heart. “i hope you can get with mei soon, hoon. she seems great for you.”
y/n compelled a smile onto her lips while his grin slowly dropped (and she didn’t notice). “oh yeah.. mei.” he mumbled with a sigh.
given that he didn’t deny how he liked the girl, she took it as a sign that she should back off so something could happen with them. but she didn’t know that the only girl he could ever love was her. hell, he was head over heels for his friend that he had to play the long game with. the only reason why he didn’t deny liking mei was because he thought y/n liked jay, and couldn’t find it in herself to admit it.
“we’ll always be okay, right hoon?” she hesitantly asked.
“yeah.. always y/n.”
they both swallowed down their feelings as they kept eye contact for a moment, admiring each other from the bottoms of their heart before looking back at the night sky. sunghoon gulped down a harsh reality check as he wished they remained eye contact a little longer; to stare deeply into her eyes like she was holding the whole universe.. his universe.
“always, hoon..”
✩ ‘we’ll be alright’ ✩
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strniohoeee · 8 months
Can you do a Matt x fem reader where she is sick with the flu. Like has a fever and everything and tries to hide her sickness from Matt and the other two? Up until she almost collapses from how sick she is? Which makes Matt worry and get all protective of y/n. And he ends up just taking care of her, getting medicine, snacks, and of course cuddles, cuddles, cuddles.
Btw I LOVE your writing, it’s so good!
Cough Drops
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N figures out she might have the flu, but feels bad having Matt worry about her; so she keeps it on the low. This is until she almost faints…
Warnings⚠️: NONEEEE, kind of short?? cute little Matt moment. Plus IM BACKKKKK
Song for the imagine: How To Fight Loneliness- Wilco
How to fight loneliness?
Smile all the time
Shine your teeth till meaningless
And sharpen them with lies
My hearing went in and out as my breathing began to shallow. My eyes were glued shut as I tried to focus on anything else other than the way I was feeling right now.
My body was aching as I involuntarily shuttered here and there. My teeth chattering together as I tucked my hands into the sleeves of my hoodie.
Matt and his brothers were at my house to hang out which I didn’t mind but right now I needed my bed and a thick warm blanket. My head began to pound about an hour ago, and up until now I didn’t want to take any medicine.
Reluctantly I got up from my couch and swore I almost passed out, but I shook those feelings away.
“You okay baby?” Matt asked looking back at me
“Ugh yeah I’m okay my head just hurts” I replied smiling at him
“Are you sure? You look a bit pale” he said looking at my face
“I think I’m just super exhausted from this weekend” I replied
“We can leave and you can rest” he said and his brothers nodded their heads
“Noo don’t worry I’m okay” I said shaking my head
He nodded at me and I walked to my kitchen, opening the cabinet and taking out two extra strength Tylenols. I popped them in my mouth and washed them down with water from the sink.
Suddenly I sneezed and I tried to mask it by turning the sink back on. Luckily they didn’t hear it so I shut the water off and grabbed my thermometer. Placing it in my ear and waiting for the beep
I looked down at the temperature 103.2 Fahrenheit. My eyes popped out of my head. I’ve never had a fever this high, and suddenly I began to rack my brain on how I got sick.
Finally I realized I visited my friend last week and the following day she told me she tested positive for the flu. Fuck I thought to myself….. I got the flu….
I walked over to the couch and sat down with a cup of water not really sure what to say, but about 30 minutes later I started to cough.
It was a dry cough, but then I realized my throat began to get scratchy. There was a movie playing so my coughs went unheard.
I hated being sick around Matt because he dropped everything for me. And I appreciated it, but I felt bad he was too good to me.
An hour into the movie I began to feel super weak and nauseous, and it got to the point where the movie and the lights being on was starting to annoy me.
I got up and started to head to my room
“Hey where are you going?” Chris asked me in a playful way
“I think I’m going to lay down my head really hurts” I replied rubbing my temples
“Do you need anything?”chris asked
“No I’m okay” I replied and suddenly I began to cough
“Babe I think you’re sick” Matt said
“No I’m okay I promise, it’s just allergies” I said shaking it off
“Y/N you are so pale right now” Nick said getting worried
“I just….I just need-
Suddenly my hearing began to go out and my vision became tunneled and I couldn’t even focus on what to say. Suddenly my knees buckled and I felt myself getting woozy
Before I could hit the floor Matt ran over and grabbed me
“I got you I got you” he replied lifting me up
“Come on baby” he said and walked me to my room
He laid me down on the bed as I was incoherent and walked out the room.
He came back and sat next to me
“Smell this” he said putting an alcohol soaked pad under my nose
“CHRIS OR NICK BRING ME SOME JUICE FOR HER” he yelled as he turned to look at the door
“You’re coming back to me baby” he said rubbing my hair
“Matt what happened” I said blinking slowly
“You passed out, but you’re okay” he said as I began to sit up a little bit
“Take it easy” he said helping me sit up
Chris and Nick walked in with a cup of juice and gave it to me
“How are you feeling?” Nick asked
“I’m okay, but I think I have the flu. My best friend has it and I saw her last week” I said sipping on the cold drink
“Oh no! Chris and I are going to leave and leave you with Matt” Nick said
“Thank you” I said offering a weak smile
Matt had dropped them home and came back to my apartment.
He was gone for a while so I fell asleep and the sound of my bedroom door woke me up
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you” he said coming in
I turned on my lamp and looked at him, giggling
He had a face mask on and had target bags in his hand
“Okay so this is my first time taking care of a sick girlfriend, so I got a lot of shit” he replied placing the bags on my bed
“Matt you don’t have to” I said laughing
“Nooo I want to” he said whining
“I appreciate it” I said taking a sip of the juice on my night stand
“Okay sooo I got cough drops, but different ones for different things, and then I got Vicks tissues because I know you and your Vicks go hand in hand, and I got some Robitussin for severe colds, ummm I got some aguaphor for your lips because I know they get dry when your nose is stuffed. Gatorade, water, soup and I got some snacks you love” he said placing everything on my tv stand
“Matttt thank you I love you” I said getting up
“I love you too, now how are you feeling?” He asked getting concerned
“My body hurts, my throat hurts and my nose is getting stuffed, but I think I broke my fever” I said opening up a bag of cough drops and taking one
“Let me feel your forehead” he said waving be towards him
He placed his hand on my forehead and nodded his head
“You feel normal to me” he said
“Good because I need a shower” I said dragging my feet to my dresser
“You shower and I’ll make some soup and what not” he said walking out my room
After my shower I walked out to Matt sitting on my bed eating soup
“I made your favorite chicken noodle” he said
“Ouu yay” I replied and hopped onto my bed
Enjoying the soup and crackers as we talked
Matt decided to put a movie on, but he sat so far from me
“Come closer” I replied looking at him
“You’re infested” he said cleaning up our dishes
“You’re already exposed we made out this morning” I said rolling my eyes
“Ahhh very true” he said removing his mask and snuggling under the covers
Snaking his arm over my waist as he pulled me in closer as we watched Girl, Interrupted. His fingers played with my hair as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
“Get some rest my love” he whispered before placing a kiss on my temple.
Matt made being sick less insufferable. I laid in his arms with a smile on my face as I dozed off….
The End
YALLL IVE BEEN GONE FOR ALMOST TWO WEEKS. I’m sooo sorry ya girl had Covid, but I’m back and better than ever. I love yall sooo much🥹🖤🖤
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Outside the Throne Room
RK-T glanced over at GD-S.
“So…” RK began.
“Ssh!” GD replied, sharply. “Keep your mouth shut! You know the boss doesn’t like us to, you know, appear human in any way.”
“Boss isn’t here,” RK replied. “Well, he’s here, but he’s not here here. He’s on the other side of that door.”
“He could come out of that door at any time, you know that,” GD said. “We’re supposed to be silent and intimidating. And red.”
“Dude does like red,” RK mused.
He frowned, behind his mask. “Though… I actually wanted to ask. Why exactly do we exist?”
“What are you getting at, man?” GD replied. “We’re… imperial guards. We guard… the Emperor. Literally our only job. It’s in the description.”
“That’s what I’m getting at,” RK said. “We’re imperial guards, and in there right now with the boss is a Jedi. Like… the first one there’s been in decades.”
“Nah, there’s loads,” GD shrugged. “There were like twenty thousand Jedi, you’d never catch all of them.”
“Still, you get my point, right?” RK asked. “Vader goes in there with a Jedi, and the boss tells us to leave.”
GD shifted slightly, his force pike humming. “He’s the boss,” he pointed out. “His word is law. In fact I think his word is imperial dictat which is even more certain than a law, you know.”
“Not what I’m getting at,” RK replied. “He told us to leave. Literally. That’s the biggest threat possible, a rebel Jedi, and he’s told us to leave. And, what’s more… you’ve got to have thought about this yourself, but the boss is also… the boss. Most of the time he doesn’t need bodyguards… it’s not like he’s going to need us to stop him from being beaten to death by a mob, he could just electrocute them all.”
“That… is true,” GD admitted. “Now you’ve got me wondering why we exist at all. Thanks.”
“Sorry,” RK said. “I thought you’d have an answer.”
“Well, I don’t,” GD said, a bit snippishly.
The two red-clad guards stood in silence for a long moment.
“Maybe I should check on him,” RK suggested, and flicked on his comlink.
Then, a few seconds later, flicked it firmly off again.
“Well?” GD asked.
“Boss told the Jedi to kill him,” RK reported. “Then I heard the sound of a lightsaber and the boss laughing. So… I’m going to assume that any kind of, fighting noises or whatever, are his plan.”
GD sighed.
“It would be so much easier to do our jobs if the boss told us about this sort of thing,” he said.
Another pause resulted, this one longer and more awkward.
“Ever wonder if maybe our purpose is just eye candy?” RK suggested. “Looking good while the boss is doing something?”
“That’s depressing,” GD muttered. “But, yeah, that checks out.”
He looked at his force pike. “It’s not like these weapons are going to be much good for actual bodyguarding…”
“They can do the stun thing,” RK pointed out. “There is that.”
“Yeah, which is short ranged and really awkward,” GD answered. “I think I’m coming around to your point of view. If we were supposed to be proper bodyguards we’d have blasters.”
Silence returned, curling around and around like a cat preparing to settle in for a nice nap.
“...seen any good movies lately?” RK asked, eventually.
“This is doing great at maintaining the mystique,” GD groused.
“Do you see anyone to care?” RK replied. “Myself I actually thought the latest Starflare holodrama was good.”
“Isn’t her husband Baron Fel?” GD said, then shook his head. “Great, turns out my weakness is gossip.”
“If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll check in on the boss again,” RK offered, reaching up to flick on his comlink, then turned it off again. “Yeah, he’s fine.”
“Fine?” GD repeated. “Is that a proper report?”
“All right, all right, I heard several seconds of someone screaming, then the boss said ‘and now, young Skywalker, you will die,’” RK informed his coworker, copying the Emperor’s voice as best he could. “Is that enough of a report for you?”
“Yeah, whatever,” GD said. “Sounds like he’s having fun, at least… sounds like he might nearly be finished, though. So no time for gossip.”
“Whatever,” RK sighed.
Silence came back for the encore, and the two Red Guards stood either side of the door, defending someone who didn’t need defending from the absolutely nothing that might threaten him.
Then the door hissed open, and Darth Vader came through.
So did the Jedi, supporting Vader on his shoulder, and RK and GD both stared.
“...um,” RK began. “...halt?”
“He’s with me,” Vader replied, his voice strained.
“Where’s the nearest shuttle bay?” the Jedi asked.
RK and GD both pointed, completely unsure what to do, and the Jedi and Vader hobbled off down the corridor.
“Wonder what that was about,” GD said, eventually.
“Attention all decks!” a panicked voice said. “Attention all decks! Rebel fighters have entered the Death Star, they’re headed for the reactor, we can’t stop them!”
Two blank red masks gazed at one another for several seconds, then RK and GD bolted for the shuttle bay.
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