#i can watch what i want and you cant say anything
yk what ima just say it. what the fuck is up with all these sturniolo tumblr account fucking complaining. all some of yall do is sit here and talk about everything they’re doing wrong or what they’re not doing. they don’t owe us any content. they don’t have to post videos for us. so be fucking grateful that we’re getting any content at all and stop complaining about not getting enough. i don’t blame them for wanting to cut wednesday videos or them getting rid of the intro.
“they took away the shitty intro and blamed fans for it” MAYBE BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE COMPLAINED ABOUT THE INTRO. YOU COMPLAINED SO THEY TOOK IT AWAY. people like yall are the ones who ruined it for them and us fans who enjoy what they’re putting out. they are 20 year old men who started doing youtube for fun and just so happened to blow up. let them have fun sitting in their car bickering with each other instead of complaining that they put too little effort into it. and the fact it’s sturniolo accounts complaining makes it even fucking worse. why have a account for them if you don’t even like them in the first place.
“if they weren’t attractive they wouldn’t be nearly as famous as they are now” the fact you even say that shows that you only like them because their hot and not because of their content. what i find so funny is when they started becomin famous and moving to LA yall complained that their content was too professional but now it’s not professional enough. yall really cant be pleased can you. also just cause they mentioned twitch prime subs in their stream and was thanking everyone does not make them money hungry. it makes them decent fucking human beings who are grateful they are where they are.
“they played fortnite when no one asked them to” IT WAS THEIR DAMN STREAM. they don’t have to do anything we ask. yall all have been BEGGING for them to bring back the twitch streams and now that they did it’s a damn problem. yall are upset that they want to take wednesday videos away but when they do a THREE+ hour stream instead that’s a fucking problem.
“they keep promising bigger and better things but they never come” yall have no clue what they have planned. they could have so much stuff planned that’s just taking a while. or maybe not. maybe they’re bring back old sturniolo triplet videos just like yall wanted. but let me guess that’s not good enough either.
anyways what i’m trying to say is they’re not money hungry, they don’t hate their fans, they’re not using us they’re simply doing what they can to try and please everyone but when it’s impossible to please yall it’s kinda difficult. if u don’t like their content don’t fucking watch it but quit being a fake fan and delete your account please and thank you.
if you think this is aimed you… well it probably is. anyways bye yall that’s all i have to say
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rationaliity · 21 hours
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gonna just drop a bulletpoint story out there because this aint a lot to go off of but you're soooo right, speak your truth i love you. you're putting two of my favorite things together, ratio and kitsune / foxes
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♡ kitsune! ratio who got eight tails, some joke its one tail for each subject that he's graduated college with a master's degree for
♡ he's really is far more playful than people give him credit for, although in his own deadpan kind of way
♡ like, no, he doesn't outright make jokes, but he'll say stuff that goes over people's heads and then loudly exclaim " why do i even bother ?! " with a feigned annoyance, but it's okay because its ratio and it's cute
♡ he really takes the ' sly fox ' thing to heart. i mean, he already works in the shadows, sly is just a part of who he is
♡ but he is still a good person !! people may often assume that he's not because of how he acts and they attribute that to being a kitsune, but he really does care about humans
♡ especially one stupid little human who likes to visit the shrine he lives at a lot
♡ yeah, you caught his attention, but he would much rather die than admit that to you
♡ he doesn't say anything when you offer him the good tuna while he's in his fox form, even though it irks him a little bit because he's a fox, you moron, not a wild cat
♡ shouldn't you be trying to run away from him anyways ? why are you so brazen about walking up to a fox ? don't you know that they're wild animals and they can hurt you if they wanted to ?
♡ you're so lucky that he doesn't want to, otherwise it would be a problem on your side
♡ he eats the tuna every time you bring it for an offering, enjoying it even though he bites back a snarky comment every single time
♡ he's smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds him. his shrine is so far out into the woods that you're really the only one who comes to visit him from time to time, something that he was silently grateful for
♡ he's not tied to the shrine, he can leave if he wanted to, and he's often out and about doing whatever he wanted to, usually finding a hapless human like you and quietly guiding them towards a better solution
♡ but you liked to visit the shrine every wednesday, so he made sure he was there every wednesday
♡ why ? because he wanted to
♡ when he finally revealed his true form to you, it was purely to educate you on something stupid that you had done, at least that's what he told himself
♡ you'd gotten cut by the bramble out in the forest while making the trip to him, and so of course he had to show his true form to bandage your wounds, that was only proper of him
♡ while biting your ear off about not even worrying about the wound until you were at the shrine. what if it got infected, or worse ? you truly were a foolish human
♡ all eight of his tails are angrily flicking the ground below him as he patches you up the best he can, meanwhile berating you for your idiocy, something that he cant stand
♡ and you're just smiling like a moron, too, despite being injured ! he can't wrap his head around you !
♡ finally, once youre all taken care of, he has to ask why you offer him food, when he just looked like a regular fox to you at the shrine
♡ possibly the most annoying thing ever, you don't have a good answer. no profound understanding, just because you want to
♡ he's so frustrated with you he's sure he may pop a blood vessel, and you offer to leave, but he tells you to stay. it would've made the trip and your injury meaningless if you left so suddenly without staying for anything
♡ and when the sun begins to set, you find him... following you away from the shrine ?
♡ ask him what he's doing and he's just going to give you a simple answer, and if this should've been common knowledge to you all along, and you were an idiot for asking
♡ " of course, someone has to watch over you to make sure you don't accidentally get yourself killed. "
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— ♡ rationaliity 2024
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Thigh lover - Matty Healy
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mdni 18+ in which you tell Matty you’re obsessed with his thighs and what you’ve always wanted to do with them.
content warning: thigh riding (obviously), male masturbation,
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The sun shines brightly as you and Matty cruise down the highway. The car's low rumble is a comforting background, and you can't help but watch Matty as he drives. His eyes are on the road, one hand gripping the steering wheel, the other resting on his thigh.
You’re mesmerized by the sunlight on his tattoos. The tightness of his pants around his thighs accentuates every line and muscle. You trace the contours with your eyes, feeling a warm flush.
You’ve always had a thing for thighs, especially Matty’s. When he’s wearing jeans like today, they’re even tighter bringing his crotch and thighs to bear.
You have never gotten further than grinding on his lap or just innocently sitting on one thigh. Sadly. Because you want to get off on them, feel how they flex under you. God. You just don’t know how to tell him.
You’re open with kinks in your relationship. But it’s mostly Matty who wants to try new stuff, you are open as well, but you never suggest anything.
You don’t know how long you can go before climbing over the control to sit down on him and start grinding on his jeans.
You feel you panties get wet at the thought and you’re clenching your thighs, adjusting your position in the search for friction to give yourself some relief.
“You alright?”
Matty’s voice is a hit to reality. You look at him offering him a tiny smile. “Yep, just hot.”
He glances at you quickly before his eyes turn back to the road. "D'you need me to turn the AC on?"
"No, it's fine," you say, but your mind is racing. You cant stop thinking about him and you can’t even turn your eyes off of his thighs.
His hand sometimes resting on his right thigh, wanting to replace his hand with yours.
“You’re acting off, love.” Matty says, squeezing your hand to make you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
You bite your lip, glancing at him and then quickly away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and desire. "It's nothing," you mutter, but you know you can't keep this to yourself much longer. The thought of his thighs under you, the way they would flex and move, is driving you wild.
“C’mon, spill it.” His eyes are narrowing slightly with concern. “You haven’t said one word the entire car ride.”
You nod, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. It's just... I feel weird bringing it up."
"Try me," he says gently, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
You take another deep breath, trying to gather your courage. "You know how you always tell me to let you know when I want to try something... in bed?"
He raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Yeah, f’ course,” smirks, “you want to try something?”
You look down at your hands, twisting them nervously.
“Yes but, oh god, it’s not really something in bed I guess.”
He smiles at your nervousness, knowing exactly that you hate speaking up on those things.
“You got me, tell me. Want me to piss on you or what?” He jokes knowing damn well if you would ask him to do that it wouldn’t take long for him to actual fulfill your every desire.
You groan and your face flushes. You cover your face with your hands. “No, not that,” you stammer, peeking at him through your fingers.
Matty bursts into laughter, the sound filling the car. "I'm just kidding, love. But seriously, what's got you so flustered?"
You mumble into your hands a low “thighs,” which is definitely understandable for him but he always wants you to elaborate.
“What’s that?” He asks, both hands on his wheel now, pushing his hips up a bit to settle into his seat. You’ve been on the road for quite some time now and he’s complained every ten minutes that his ‘arse hurts.’
“Matty,” you say softly, maybe convincing him to act before asking you what you exactly mean.
“Nah, love,” he chuckles, “don’t know what you mean, what did you say.”
You turn your head to the window, looking at all the houses passing by, familiar houses. Which means you’re almost at Matty’s.
“You’ve got my attention. Out with it.”
“Fine,” you groan, looking at him again. “Your thighs.” You say, “I’ve been thinking about them.”
The shit eating grin on his face is making you more nervous but over all even wetter. “Forget about it Matty.”
“Love, c’mon ease up a bit yeah?” he says, his tone softening just a touch. “You’re not getting out of this one. You’ve got to spill the beans now.”
You sigh, feeling the heat in your cheeks. “I just... I really want to try something with your thighs.”
His grin widens, and he shifts in his seat again, clearly enjoying your discomfort. “Oh, now we’re getting somewhere. What exactly did you have in mind?”
You look at your lap, “want to grind on them.”
Matty licks his lips before his lips part, his breathing getting heavier. “Oh want to use ‘em hm? Get off on them, s’that it?”
Matty's suggestive response sends a shiver down your spine. You clear your throat, trying to maintain composure. "Yeah, I... I think it could be really hot." Your voice wavers slightly, betraying your nervousness.
“Fuckin’ yeah that’s hot,” he lets out a chuckle, looking at you. “Wanted to go home the whole day, now I have something to look forward to.”
You can’t help but smile at his response. “So you’re okay with it?”
“More than okay, love.” He says giving your thigh a playful squeeze. “If we weren’t two minutes away I’d pull over.”
You squeeze your thighs together, this time with Matty noticing. He pushes them apart with his hand. “Eager much?”
The next to minutes feel like hours, the giddiness spreading through your body as you can only imagine what’s going to happen when you get home.
And then you do get home and he’s already on the couch spreading his thighs, calling you over.
“C’mere now, can clean this up later. Want to make you feel good now.” He pats his right thigh and you can’t help but smile, walking towards him in your shorts. You settle down on his lap and he tuts, “not like this.”
You blush, he extends his arms to help bring you to your knees, lacing your fingers with his as he keeps you balanced while you shuffle forward to straddle his leg.
“S’ no different than grinding on my dick alright,” he grins, already taking the piss out of you. “Jesus, love, I’m already as excited as you.”
“Yeah?” Your teeth roll over your bottom lip, a flutter of excitement dancing in your belly.
“Fuck yes,” He grins up at you, head resting back on the couch "You get to enjoy yourself, and I get to watch while you do it. S’ some hot shit.”
You nod your head, excited, allowing yourself to rest your weight fully onto him. Immediately, the simple pressure of his wide thigh against your thin shorts is enough to send a surge of heat dancing up your spine.
Resting your hands on his shoulders to get comfortable, you lean in for a kiss, capturing his bottom lip between yours and dragging a sleepy little growl from his throat. He guides you slightly higher up his thigh, the shift in angle pushing your clothed clit tight against his leg making you whimper helplessly against his mouth. The rumble of Matty’s low chuckle vibrates warmly in his chest.
“Don’t hold back, show me what you want to do with m’ thighs.” murmurs reassuringly, hands resting firm either side of your hips, urging you to move.
The roll of your pelvis is tentative at first, figuring out what pressure and speed work for you. Settling into a rhythm, the friction builds a delicious pressure low in your belly. You feel yourself getting wetter with each grind against Matty’s thigh. An appreciative little groan from beneath you has your eyes opening to see him staring right between your legs - at the little damp spot you're marking him with.
His hand on the small of your back brings you towards his mouth, tongue sliding wantonly between your lips with a fiery possessiveness that makes you rub faster and tighter circles full of need against his thigh. You feel a coil tightening, pulling at your insides, when he stops, gripping your hips.
“Stand up f’ me,” you whine, pouting your lips and he laughs, kissing them. “Only f’ a second, need to get these off.”
You stand up infront of him and he quickly tugs the shorts off of you, looking down at your panties, the wet patch very visible. “Christ, darling, you fuckin’ love this.”
“Get back here,” he demands, pulling you back onto his thigh and you immediately start rocking your hips back and forth.
"Fuck," you whimper, thighs shaking slightly as you continue the abuse toward your swollen clit, somehow Matty’s jeans make the stimulation even better through your thin panties and it almost causes you to lurch forward in shock.
Matty chuckles at that as he throws his arms over the couch casually, "hm, feel good?" you nod quickly, too lost in your own pleasure to comprehend a word.
His hands slither onto your hips from behind and press you harder against Matty’s flexed thigh causing a silent scream to escape your lips.
Matty’s cock begins to twitch inside his already-too-tight pants and he unclasps his belt skillfully with one hand, undoing the button and lowering the fly.
“Keep using my thigh, want you to completely ruin my jeans.” You moan and nod in agreement your eyes trailing down his body to where Matty’s hand disappears in his jeans.
He’s pulling out his hard cock from his boxers, "you can’t believe how fuckin hot you look, riding my thigh like this" His other hand slides down from your hip to your knee, giving a light squeeze.
Matty swipes his tongue over his bottom lip before giving his cock a tug, “Christ.”
“Just like that, darling,” he groans, “can’t believe’ s the first time we’re doing this.” The lustful nature of his words alone sends a shiver down your spine, only encouraging your arousal as his leg bobs perfectly against your throbbing clit. Suddenly, the slick of Matty’s' tongue meet your neck, gliding down to your exposed clavicle as a familiar knot begins to wind in the pit of your stomach.
“M’ close.” You slip a breathy moan, pumping your cunt faster against your boyfriend's leg.
“S’ that so? Fuck-“ Matty grins, pulling your heat further against the rigorous motions of his leg - your agile fingers tugging at his shirt "Cum for me, darling." He strokes his cock still in a torturous pace, not wanting to cum without you.
“Make a mess, love,” you mewl into his shirt and clench around air, hips picking up speed while you grip his bicep. Matty’s thigh is damp with your arousal, the warmth seeping into the fabric and vaguely hitting his skin.
You feel his body shake with each passing stroke of his fist. The fact he is getting off to you getting off on him makes you shiver with delight. You lift your head from his shoulder and crash your lips against his messily; teeth closing, tongues swirling.
He speeds up his fist, grunting himself as his orgasm approaches. His eyes stay on you though the whole time, not wanting to miss a second of you grinding on his thigh.
“Oh- fuck,” You call out as your orgasm hits, chest rising and falling rather drastically as your body takes to instinctively adjusting.
“Good girl- fuck,” you ride out out your orgasm but instinctively you replace Matty’s hand with yours, jerking him off in a brutally fast pace. “Keep doing that.”
His lips press against yours once more, tongue flicking over your bottom lip before pushing it in. Your hands come up to cradle his face while you swallow down every single moan and grunt leaving Matty’s throat just as he spills himself into your fist.
You are both panting, grinning into each others mouths when you let your head fall back onto his shoulder.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you this soaked,” he states, starting to prep kisses down your arm. “I think you need to tell me your fantasies more often.”
You giggle into his neck, leaving a kiss at the same spot, when you finally get off of his lap, the stickiness almost gluing yourself to him.
He smiles at the wet spot on his jeans proudly, “hm, are you feeling alright?”
You nod, watching him tug himself into his pants again to stand up, “more than alright Matty, thank you.”
“You’re joking, f’course baby, hottest thing you’ve ever done.”
You laugh, “definitely need to shower now.”
“Oh what a coincidence, me too.” He laughs standing up, already pulling his shirt over his head revealing his tattoos and his skin covered in some sweat. “Let’s go.”
He grits his teeth together before yanking you over his shoulder, playfully smacking the skin on the back of your thigh. “You’re my little minx”
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paiges-1vur · 2 days
welcome to the party pt. 1
paige bueckers x oc!
cw: language, alcohol (no smut yet 😉)
a/n: hi guys this is my first time writing a fic so im totally open to any constructive criticism or tips for writing! let me know if you like this ;)
wc: 3545
Friday 9:00 pm
I looked at myself in the mirror, my jaw dropping immediate as I turned to my proud best friend. My roommate Riley looked down at me.
“What do you think!” she asked smiling ear to ear.
Despite being somewhat of a girly girl, I never had a good sense of style. (thats where Riley comes in). Tonight when I heard we were going out to the bars I decided to let her get me ready. Turning back to the mirror I saw my long golden brown hair straightened reaching almost past my butt. My hair has always been one of my favorite things about me. She had also done my makeup, and had gone for a soft glam which suited me well. i never looked good with lots of makeup on. If anything i feel more confident without any at all.
“Do you the think the skirt is too much?” Riley says, snapping me back into reality. I scan my outfit. Im wearing the infamous “is this too much for a little bar in jersey..” top and i laugh to myself. Riley paired it with a jean mini skirt. Emphasis on mini.
“I like it” I smile up at her. Despite my smile sees right through me.
“But what” she asks, anticipating my reply.
“Don’t you you think i look like a..” I trail off, “a whore?” Don’t get me wrong i loved the outfit, but being blessed as a C cup and having a good ass on me made me worried about what people would think if they saw me in this outfit. I loved playing volleyball at Uconn, and being one of the shortest players to go D1 at 5”1. It was one of my biggest accomplishments.
Im not one to brag but I do have a pretty good body. I have a toned stomach from hours of being im the gym, and a good ass from weight training with my teammates. I just didnt want anybody to get the wrong idea about me based off of my outfit.
“Ana, dont worry about it. If anyone has something to say about the way you look tonight, then they can talk to me first.” Riley reassured me. Her confidence is something i only wish i could have. I took a deep breath and gave her a hug.
“Thans ry. By the way i love this outfit. 10/10, chefs kiss.” I do a little spin for her showing a full 360 of the outfit.
Riley hypes me up before grabbing my hand and taking me into the kitchen of our small apartment. Its not much, but its nice to live off campus. I watch her grab the fireball from the kitchen counter as she flashes me a smile.
as shes pouring me a shot i secretly pray to not get alcohol poisoning tonight. Tonight was one of the biggest going out days at Uconn, especially because the woman’s basketball team had just won the big east tournament. I wonder if the team would be out at teds tonight.
“Ready?” I get pulled out of my delusion to see Riley handing me the shot. I throw it back and immediately feel the burning in my throat reaching for a caprisun as a chaser.
“Shit its 9:30 already and we cant miss the pre game come on!” Riley grabs me by the hand and rushes us out the door.
“Who’s dorm are we going to again?” I ask basically screaming over the Drake blasting in Rileys car.
“Remember that girl Azzi I had cognitive science with?” She looks at me. “Her and some of her friends are going to Teds tonight too and invited us to pregame with them.”
I feel anxiety wash over me. “But Riley she doesn’t even know me! And you know how i get… I’m not good at socializing or meeting new people.”
“Don’t worry she told me i could bring a friend, and shes exited to meet you and introduce you to her friends. I promise it’ll be fun, they are all nice girls.”
We park next to her building, getting out of the car to walk up to her dorm together.
I fix my hair and bit my lip anxiously waiting for Azzi to answer the door. What am i getting myself into?
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poisonedarchive · 2 days
can we please talk about the movie th1nsp1rat1on/st4rving in suburbia and how its the only 3d movie ive ever seen that DIDNT make me wanna get worse??
major spoilers for the movie so my rambling will be under the page break but please read if you've seen the movie :3 ↓
my explanation : i always put myself right in the main characters shoes. usually this works out, because no matter what happens to the main character, it doesnt scare me. i want to be sk1n and b0ne, i want to be close to de4th, i want this to k1ll me. of course its sad, and they always make me cry, but they dont make me want to rec0ver. but this one said i got something for your stupid ass!
its not her that suffers the most. its her little brother. and he suffers in silence, until the very end of the movie. you spend nearly the ENTIRE movie putting yourself in her shoes in a d1sord3r3d little fantasy, and boom! they say hey stupid. open your big dumb eyes. they only find out he has an 3d when he's in a coma that his 3d caused, and then he d1es like immediately. no one suspected a thing, probably because hes a boy and "boys cant have 4n0rex1a." i know it's just a movie and all, and im probably being dramatic, but for some reason it just really hit me and HURT me. i felt sick, guilty, stupid, and like i needed to check on my little sisters. it just really hit home.
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very few things have made me want to rec0ver more than the fear of my sisters suffering and dy1ng of this same thing. i literally needed to take a moment to reflect after i finished that shit. (and well im still not going to recover, obviously, i watched this movie over two years ago and im still here. my big dumb eyes shall remain closed) THAT is how movies about 3ds should be made if the goal is actually to make people want to rec0ver.
we dont care what happens to us. show us how badly our families and friends are hurting for us, show us how we would feel if someone WE love was suffering from the same thing. the "THIS COULD BE YOU." fearmongering does not work, we literally want that to be us more than anything in the entire world.
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mattsobvimyfav · 2 days
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For Sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo) PT 19
A.n—Hey, y'all, this is gonna be a very, very slow burn. I already have some chapters written, so I will probably fire them quickly. It will be toxic, with angst, smut, and everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
y/n pov
Me and Matt have been basically avoiding each other for the last week. I ended up apologizing to Chris about the whole sleeping with him thing, I cant do that to his and Matt’s relationship. It was Friday night and I decided to skip another party because it was not worth my sleep.
I was laying in bed when I felt my phone buzzing.
Matt Sturniolo - Im coming over. We are talking. Just us.
I rolled my eyes and continued to lay in bed watching Matt’s location as he got closer to my house. I heard my downstairs door open and close with feet running up my stairs.
“Do you want this.” Matt said standing in my doorway “What?” I asked sitting up and looking at him, he had on grey sweats and a sweatshirt and he looked like he had ran the whole way here “Ill drop her for real this time, tell me if you want this and ill do it” I rolled my eyes at him “I dont trust you” Matt walked over sitting on the side of my bed “Ill do anything and everything to prove it to you. Your the only one I want” I starred into his eyes, I felt like he was telling the truth but I could not trust him at all. “Maybe you can try to earn back my trust but let's see how that works out.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. Matt jumped onto my bed laying next to me “We have to pick up Nick and Chris at 2.” I laid back into my bed rolling my eyes “Fine, you guys can just sleep here” Matt smiled looking at me “Lets watch TikTok”
After two hours I had to throw on a sweatshirt for us to go pick up the boys. “You have aux, as a gift” I smiled at Matt plugging my phone on and turning on ‘die for you’ by The Weeknd, it was so late it was time for just chill music. We got to the party after thirty minutes of driving, I called Nick letting him know we were there and all I could hear was a bunch of shouting and Nick screaming Chris was in a fight. Me and Matt looked at each other before getting out of the car super fast, When we walked in there was a bunch of people circled around and me and Matt pushed through them all.
Chris and this kid from our school Kaleb were just swinging haymakers at each other, I looked at Matt and he looked at me before jumping in and shoving Chris back into me. I grabbed his arm and once he saw it was me his face softened “Dude what the-” before I could finish my sentence Matt was turned around swinging on Kaleb and at the point he was sitting on Kaleb just pinching him in the face. “Matt! Baby! Stop!” I heard from next to me, I looked to the side seeing Maddy “Oh bitch shut the fuck up” I yelled and half the group turned looking at me. I realized in this moment as she walked towards me now was my time to shine and make Matt stop fighting. “What did you say you cun-” before she could finish I swung directly at her nose.
Maddy surprisingly hit me back right in my cheek. I pretend to not feel it and continued to just swing into her face, after about four hits to her Matt was pulling me back and I had blood flowing down my nose “WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU BITCH” I yelled as Matt dragged me out and Nick dragged Chris out.
they threw us into the backseat together. I looked over at Chris’s bloody face as he looked at mine and we started laughing hysterically and took a picture of each others faces to show each other, Matt turned around and started laughing with us seeing as he also had a bloody nose. “Nick you HAVE to take our picture” Chris said I scooted closer to Chris as Matt leaned towards the back and we all smiled with a thumbs up “Im glad you idiots had fun.” Nick said shaking his head at us.
I grabbed my phone back and studied all of our faces. Chris had a cut right below his eye and one on his lip, Matt has a bloody nose and a cut on his lip, and me I had a bloody nose and a nice cut across my cheek from Maddy’s ring. “Lets get McDonalds” I said “Lets get home and get you three cleaned up” said nick, I slumped back into my seat “no fun” Nick rolled his eyes at us as we drove home singing lil skies.
“Dad! Are you awake!” I yelled as we walked into the house “Hey honey where did- What the fuck happened” He said stopping right in the door way “Sit, well give you the run down” We all sat on the couch and started telling my dad everything that happened.
Chris explained how the Kaleb kid had started saying I was a slut swapping between Chris and Matt so Chris ended up just hitting him, which in retrospect is really sweet and worth all the troubles of tonight.
I got up stairs as Chris and Matt cleaned their faces in the downstairs bathroom and I showered again, I quickly cleaned the cut and cleaned the dried blood off my face. I got out of the shower and posted the picture of us three on my instagram story, I decided to tease Matt sending him picture of my body in the mirror and got dressed before walking back into my bedroom.
I walked in to see Chris and Matt with their jaws wide open looking at me, I realized Chris had been watching Matt's phone “Great so now you've both seen me naked.” Chris had a huge grin on his face and started nodding and Matt hit his shoulder “Get the fuck in bed” he said and I giggled jumping in next to Matt and closing my eyes. Matt wrapped his arms around. my waist pulling me closer to him as we all drifted off to sleep.
@maryx2xx @larnieboox88 @worldlxvlys @luvangelbreak
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pip3wire · 2 years
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They’re boyfriends.
Prove me wrong.
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puppyeared · 4 months
i wanna post my skip to loafer art but i cant do it knowing ppl are gonna put it on tiktok and pinterest bc itd be like. bringing an invasive species ykwim
#my meds just kicked in so im feeling talkative but truly idk how to explain it#its like. with anything else id be more than happy to introduce it to ppl like monkie kid and mp100. witch hat maybe but its personal to me#but skip to loafer is special to me. and i feel bad for saying this bc other ppl do deserve to watch smth they will enjoy#hell the reason i got into it was bc my friend was kind enough to lend me her copy and i got hooked#its so ironic im saying this esp given how insecure i am abt depicting characters wrong. but i really dont want to look thru the tags#and see them on a 'can i copy your homework' tier list. or ppl getting mad abt why egashira mitsumi and shima cant just be a throuple#its just!! i wont stop you if thats how you like to engage with the show or how you interpret it bc ill just ignore it and leave u alone!!#and theres no objective wrong way of doing it!! and i know that interacting with the work is what forms a community after all!!#but keeping it tight knit is just easier for me bc nobody has to worry abt making each other laugh and we can enjoy it for what it is#fully aware im saying this as someone whos drawn monkie kid art with text post memes and owl house draw the squad templates#but at the same time i just. dont want to explain myself or give ppl reasons why shima and mitsumi are ace coded just bc it 'feels right'#fandom is a communal thing and it feels so hypocritical thinking this. too many conflictng thoughts that idk what to act on#yapping
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okay wait laughingstock concept Incoming: so im imagining some of the neighbors (maybe Julie & Frank) noticing that Barnaby & Howdy are a lil fruity, yk yk. and Julie's like damn, i guess we have to play matchmaker here.
so naturally they wind up getting the whole neighborhood involved. everybody's a wingman here. Poppy's dropping hints when Howdy drops off groceries, Wally is constantly asking Barnaby to go get him things from the bodega, etc etc. Howdy and Barnaby are facing this sudden change in town-wide behavior with slight concern and bemusement
eventually - lets say Julie, Sally, and Wally - get Barnaby into the bodega and then abruptly leave like "don't have too much fun without us you two *wink wink nudge nudge*". once they're gone (read: very obviously hiding outside & watching through the window) Barnaby & Howdy turn to each other like:
Barnaby: you think we should tell them we're already married?
Howdy: let them have their fun - they'll figure it out eventually
#dont have the mental fortitude to Draw This but i still wanted to share the thought#'but how would no one notice that theyre literally married'#easy: theyre very relaxed and secure in their relationship. also howdy has a strict 'no pda at work' rule#also because its funny. we can stretch rationality for the Bit cmon now#through the power of the bit Anything is possible#and we all know the neighbors are Peak Sillies so. yk#it strikes me that once they get Bored of the constant 'matchmaking'#barnaby and howdy stage this whole thing where they 'confess' to each other So dramatically and So publicly#they make it an Event#sally is swooning from the drama and spectacle of it all. wally is trying to paint the moment as fast as possible#julie is so excited she's close to passing out. eddie is crying. so is poppy. frank is taking the credit. home is just happy to be there#as soon as barnaby and howdy retreat out of sight they burst out laughing for a solid ten minutes#GAH THE BRAINROT THE BRAINROT#laughingstock#wailing and sobbing they are so so good together and FOR WHAT FUCKING REASON#i cant even put it into words they just Fit! like puzzle pieces!#theres something so natural about em. i look at them and its like. they Would be perfect for each other huh#i already know theyd have such a healthy wholesome relationship They Just Work. Theyre The Dream Couple#howdy says the most confusing sentence ever said. barnaby nods along with genuine love in his eyes. etc. you get it#now watch! canon is gonna absolutely set this on fire!#which would be Fun. painful. but Fun. seriously tho im curious as to how/if barnaby and howdy will interact/develop....#i mean personally i love it when shit gets messy so i hope it Hurts So Bad or at least Goes Downhill#i hope its a rollercoaster on all accounts
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dailykugisaki · 3 months
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Day 127 | id in alt
They hangin out on a building fr.
#dailykugisaki#jjk#kugisaki nobara#itadori yuji#fushiguro megumi#tokyo trio#PEEP THE NAILS YALL#i had to draw Kugisaki with a watermelon sometime it's a thing of its plus i just wanted to state the obvious of where i stand again#i got into an argument with the politician major again yall#i dont wanna say anything out of context but they just said something extremely tasteless and it pissed me off a bit#thinking about the fact i watched a fucked up rose bush strangle another plant and thinking about Kugisaki like a freak#all plants can be a little weird#i enjoy drawing Kugisaki with scars. she deserves them#a friend drew Kugisaki earlier and i had never felt so much joy before.#everyday i am taken aback because i think of Kugisaki in lost beloved one movie scenes its dumb as shit#I DO NOT WANT KUGISAKI TO JUST SHOW UP OUT THE DAMN BLUE I WANT HER TO DO SOMETHING INSANE AND THEN SHOW UP#i cant elaborate because idk soul cannibalism for some reason idk ifk#Kugisaki's fit is like just a different colored fit of what i saw megan thee stallion wearing#famous people can rock shit if you find the right ones#im trying to do backgrounds more and i do refrence but what i do is called “getting references and then fucking it up”#i dont get down yall i fuck up#Nanami cameo because i just wanted to draw him looking technologically incompetent when it comes to face timing#ive just been tweaking as of late#ive been reading too much where people think Kugisaki barely knows anything due to her origin#YALL THINK SHE WOULDN'T DO A BUNCH OF SHIT OR LEARN SHIT JUST FOR FUMI??? WILDING OUT HERE#just realized why i can't do backgrounds in a certain way. its bc i dont do lineart.....
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gibbearish · 7 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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deadqueernoldor · 16 days
Thinking thoughts about those from Cuivienen and how they later treated the Valar, especially after Cuivienen was destroyed.
I imagine a foundation of sorrow and a layer of betrayal and pettiness. They had promised safety. And how did it turn out? Kin of Tata and Tatie their first leaders, slain in Valinor by the Dark Hunter from which the Valar promised protection in Valinor.
And then, the War of Wrath comes and with it the destruction of Cuivienen.
If any of those were re-embodied in Aman, I wonder if they make it a point to always turn their back to Valar and Maiar. I wonder if they only speak in the tongue they had first devised all those millennia ago and spoke in Cuivienen before time and different kindreds changed the tongue, not Sindarin or Quenya from the Great Journey's time or later. I wonder if they sing songs in their ancient tongue, songs about the beauty and unsullied health of Cuivienen every time any of the Ainur are near.
I wonder if the Valar feel any shame when those who they once looked upon in wonder and love gaze back at them with indifference or disgust.
#i am so normal about the elves of cuivienen feeling the betrayal worse than anyone in aman including feanor and co#they PROMISED safety from Morgoth and orcs. they PROMISED beautiful lands without sorrow. they PROMISED all that and down the line#decided Mogoth had played pretend well enough to warrant him probation during which he immediately killed again#returns to the east and sullies what beauty had been left. and then even from afar he manages to hurt those from cuivienen with the WoW#dont get me wrong i think the cuivienen elves knew there had to be war against Morgoth for him to be defeated. but the fact that the valar#decided not to only abandon those of beleriand for over 5 centuries before that AND once the war is won also abandon#those of cuivienen to watch their beloved lands drown without as much a warning must sting.#i want there to be a concious decision of 'you abandoned your promise to us twice why should we ever trust you again even in your own lands'#a 'you promised our people who folowed you safety. you didnt deliver. you promised us freedom from morgoth. you didnt deliver. in fact your#inadequacy and decision to let him loose made everything worse for us in the east. why should we ever listen to anything you say'#and thus a concious effort to shed association with Aman as the Valar govern it. they cant leave. the way is shut. but they can establish#a sticking to their own tongue and traditions without the interference of the Ainur. they've done enough. not enough and yet quite enough.#the avari are welcome should some be reborn.#i never know if i want those of cuivienen to be reborn in aman or fade into unexistence entirely both have merit and sexy hcs#but if any were reborn i think they would get along fairly alright with the exiles. kinslaying exiles? 50/50 depending on repentance#but anyone who does not believe the valar's words and respects their decision to not ever be associated with them is welcomed neutral-warmly#they teach them songs about cuivienen. the sweet waters. beautiful meadows. the birdsong that sounds extra cheerful. fish in abundance#and in turn they get taught songs about beleriand. bewitched forests. victorious battles. wild rivers. frothy shores.#it is seen as an honour to be taught a song about Cuivienen by the people who sat by its shores once. in their language/dialect/whatever#instead of in sindarin or quenya. some millenia into the 4th age tou have a surge of ppl speaking cuivienen dialect#it becomes a clear distinction of who still has fondness left for the valar and who would feel indifferent if they vanished suddenly.#this tag essay has gotten way too long again. sorry besties it will happen again.#tag essay longer than the fucking post???? help#tolkien headcanons
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vaxxildamn · 3 months
very happy Matt decided to clarify his stance on the genocide of the Palestinian people rn. Pretty unhappy with the way he worded it, who he centered in his video, and disappointed to see the responses to it on Twitter.
kinda scared to even post about it bc CR fans can get so defensive about their favorite white people that they can often leave little room for criticism or nuance. but man I have thoughts.
#lemme just say. if you have a public platform that has set a precedent for philanthropic work. messages of positivity and love.#and have called attention to various political and social conflicts *in stream*. & whose employees and cast members are vocal#on socials about political topics#then it is NOT unreasonable for fans to expect them to address one of the deadliest orchestrated conflicts in recent history#a literal genocide is happening. thanks in part to the US.#it is good that they donated as a company and as individuals. so good!#but to everyone saying that publicizing good deeds like donations is virtue signaling or demanding CR cast to show their support is#or that activism shouldnt be all about what you post bc then it becomes performative#are kinda missing the point. and theyre not listening to palestinians at all#a huge issue with this conflict & the way its being received in the western world - ESPECIALLY the US bc of its partnership w israel -#is the sheer amount of disgusting minsinformation and propaganda convincing ppl this genocide is either not that bad or that its necessary#everyday citizens CANNOT change foreign policy. we cant do anything!#so what have Palestinians been asking us to do?? SPREAD AWARENESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. MAKE PEOPLE AWARE. UPLIFT PALESTINIAN VOICES. SHARE LINKS#SHOW PPL THE TRUTH.#and yes its hard! its difficult to watch what theyre going thru. but we HAVE to.#i didnt rlly like matts statement. he said he didnt have the spoons to engage in the discourse. which i get. god i get it.#but ive also seen many many creators/influencers who are also disabled or whose families are directly involved gather their spoons to help#and no one was asking CR to harm themselves in the name of helping palestine. we only wanted them to spread awareness#bc the comments on their tweet about finally donating were full of mostly white centrist takes not able to see any benefit to donating or#addressing the issue at all. which is EXACTLY why CR should addresss it. bc they can reach so many who dont understand#but theyd been radio silent for almost 5 months. i didnt like that he didnt really apologize. i didnt like that he centered himself#i didnt like his lowkey flippant language either. saying all that.. ridiculousness in regards to a genocide not well worded.#but i dont feel right holding that against him. should he have thought it through better? sure but i get it#& unfortunately his parting message left a bad taste in my mouth - one of positivity & self care & hugging each other#nice important words but it didnt feel like he was talking about ppl who are affected by this conflict. but rather ppl who are watching#it just felt like a very white thing to say in response to this. we are not burdened and easily victimized bc of it#we are responsible. and so we must center palestinians.#if i were him i wldnt have gone in detail about how hard the palestinian genocide is for me to watch.#but thats just me#*CORRECTION: radio silent for almost 4 months
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betasuppe · 3 months
Ok, so not able to really go deep into it right now after a long day at work, but I started thinking about a Tron coming to AFTER being Rinzler & getting time to think on all the horrible things he's done as Rinz & how post-Rinz Tron turns into a terrible gloomy presence, a new type of unbeatable monster, impossibly afflicted by all the pain he's caused & deaths he's wrought. A Tron that's so ashamed of what he's done, he turns into a different sort of disaster from what he was at Rinz, one that no longer can be the rescuer but one who needs to be rescued from himself & lost all agency in fear of harming anyone else again. Reminded that he is not only to blame for all those he lost to his own fiendish ways, but for all the terrible things he's done.
The hero needing his own rescuing, but made of claws & fangs, lashing out at anyone that dare take another step his way & risk his harm or dare consider a monster like him deserves an ounce of kindness at all.
One who's desperately in need of saving but thinks he himself unwanted, undeserving, and the more he isolates himself & less he thinks of himself, the more he devolves into something else entirely...
Biting & growling & retreating into a state that can't be held at bay, a malignant form toxifying the corner of the Grid he makes his home, poisoning & killing everything in a radius of self hatred or uh. Something like that.
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
lemme tell you im starting to get a little sick of when im complaining about when a show or movie is writing a major female character with not as much depth as her male cohorts or she's written oddly plot device-like for a main character and people always tell me "oh but it's intentional, we're seeing her through the eyes of the male main character and he has a crush on her so he doesnt see her flaws" because like
FIRST of all yeah i get it but its hard to write that trope interestingly to me at this point without a lot of work put into subversion so intentionality doesnt make it any less boring
SECONDLY half the time people say this about ensemble cast stuff and like why is the random dude suddenly designated as the most perspective of all perspective characters when it comes to this specific woman. why dont we get to see the other characters perspectives on her too?
AND THIRDLY do people view women they have crushes on as bland plot devices without lives of their own enough irl that this is so universal in writing? isnt the point of having a crush wanting to hang out and know more about your crush, know about their likes and dislikes and all that. am i missing something here
#im gonna sound insane for what im about to say. but i grew up watching way to much harem anime for a 10 year old#and im gonna be honest. maybe that spoiled me? those things were not without their flaws but at least the 5 different magical giant#goddess demon vampire women with multicoloured hair inexplicably in love with random normal guy at least had like. inner lives#like thats why the guy is so normal and bland. because the focus is on the magical women and their pink hair and their complicated#backstories and familial lives and whatever outside of the main character#like theyre still big boobied colourful haired fantasies but at least they showed me something about em#when it comes to these other stories where a woman is treated like a plot device love interest and written like a dead wife in an#action movie but like. alive. i cant help but feel like. are you holding out on me? i want to know her. show me her LIFE i want to SEE IT#grabs writers by the collar ARE YOU HOLDING OUT ON ME???#its nuts because sometimes you see the bones of a really cool character but the writers are more interested in what she can do for the main#male character and how he sees her than whats going on in her head. i dunno im just getting annoyed. i think u can do this trope well#like how i think you can write basically any trope well. but i see intentionality used an excuse so often so i wanna see you do#SOMETHING interesting with this trope if ur gonna do it at least. subvert it in cool ways i dunno just do ANYTHING hfjdkjfkd
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simcardiac-arrested · 8 months
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i want to put them in a room together and see what happens. a demon an angel and a god walk into a bar
closing my inbox thanks everyone i'll see you all in purgatoruy
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