#i can’t calm down
thankyouforthev3n0m · 4 months
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my friends when i’m telling them about mcr:
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justtogetthrough · 7 months
I need a sensory deprivation tank but one that also doesn’t force me to be alone with my thoughts
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lauryn-order · 1 year
My roommate who I was supposed to get a place with just told me he saw a room today while he was out and he’s moving in tonight.
I’m officially completely alone.
I have to be out of here on May 8.
No idea where I’m going to live.
All I know is I’m losing my cat because she can’t come with me to the two temporary options I have.
Today was my last day of work, although I had it off. Nobody from HR will talk to me. I have no details about my severance.
I lose my insurance in two days. I have a specialist appointment for my ankle in four days. I couldn’t get the cost of it without insurance today because they won’t pick up. I think I’m going to have to cancel it.
My ex reached out for money for the gas bill as if I have any money or a job.
I have to pack up my whole apartment, but I have nowhere to store any of it.
I have to pack up my whole apartment on a badly injured ankle.
I’m alone. So alone. And I’m losing absolutely everything.
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volvolts · 1 year
I’m so irrationally upset today
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luunarmoon · 2 months
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beannely · 7 months
I cannot catch my breath….. the room is spinning… just struggling to breathe…
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napping-sapphic · 4 months
PLEASE tell me about all your problems so i have an excuse to try to kiss it all better for like six hours minimum
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frindoka · 2 months
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biowho · 2 months
Have you heard that Game Informer just shut down? Their staff were laid off with no warning, and (less comparatively important but still notable) pulled all their articles, including the DAV ones.
@felassan leaves us for two days and look what happens
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bwunnishit · 10 months
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
You know I stated it before as a response to this ask, and I know a lot of people hate it, but Kendratello is unironically a fantastic ship imo.
Kendra is Donnie’s type to a T and then some. She’s “cute, but mean”. Her color scheme is purple. She’s into tech. She’s cool and is a “bad girl.”
Like it works way too well for there to not be something there. Whatever it is, it’s chaotic as all hell and at least pseudo toxic, but it works for them.
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sammygender · 3 months
s10 of supernatural has dean under the influence of something that is specifically described as just ‘making you more of what you already are’, and sam makes allowances and excuses for him again and again. he almost kills sam & sam forgives him immediately pretty much while he’s doing it. he puts it down to it being the mark, not dean. it’s not who you are, it’s just this thing that was done to you! (nevermind dean actually ASKED for the thing) ‘you will never hear me say that you, the real you, is anything but good.’
meanwhile, s4 of supernatural has sam “disobeying” dean via drinking demon blood, using his powers and lying to him about it (bc dean has already shown to be awful about it, literally hitting sam to the point of splitting his lip for using his powers/not telling dean which is the real thing deans mad about), which as far as dean & sam know isn’t causing anymore destruction than their normal activities and is actually saving more people - and dean goes ballistic, locks sam underground, tells him he’s a monster and he’d want to hunt him, and that it isn’t even about what he’s doing, it’s who he is. it’s not this thing you’re doing that i disagree with, it’s YOU, you’re fundamentally wrong and evil. ‘because it’s not something you’re doing, it’s who you are. it means you’re a monster.’
and there are still so many people who think sam and dean are equally culpable in their toxic dynamic. that they treat each other in similar ways. lol. lmao even
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
felt compelled to make this post after seeing the absolute mess that is my inbox this morning.
I feel like I’ve somehow made people think I’m an authority on this strike for some reason, and I just want to say that I am a random person simply trying to do my best, just like the rest of you. I’m neither Palestinian nor Jewish so please stop asking me to speak for either side and I am no more enlightened or educated than the average joe. I really can’t emphasise enough how much I am Just An Artist who makes comics sometimes.
I am happy to direct people to resources when it’s within my ability but I’m not like especially qualified to give advice. I am working with the exact same resources available to all of you and, I mean this as kindly as possible, there are some asks in my inbox right now that I know for a fact you could’ve just searched for on your own, instead of coming to me so I could spoon feed you a course of action. I am truly begging you all to have some initiative yourself in seeking out information and resources.
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satosugu get into very tense debates about what kind of animal you’re most like btw
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beannely · 1 year
I’m not okay….. I’m not okay….. I can’t…. My head is spinning….. the walls feel like they’re closing in…. It’s hard to breathe…. My heart feels like it’s in my throat….. I feel like I need to run but I’m paralyzed….. I can’t…..
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bicheetopuff · 9 months
Can y’all stop making Deku pregnant for like five minutes?
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