#i can’t imagine receiving this as a demo
evermoredeluxe · 4 months
again, i know WAOLOM is self-written, but the final recording is literally the same as the demo, im amazed by her all the time
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yeonjuns-beanie · 2 years
Don't You Want Me?
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warnings:18+, unprotected sex, jealous hongjoong, roommate au, face grabbing, roughish sex, lusty bitches, mutual pining, idiots in love, hair pulling, overstim, oral ( m & f receiving), lil possessive nothing crazy but im feeling disgusting lol, pussy slapping( once..), dirty talk, spit play, 
summary: You and Hongjoong have been roommates for a while and friends for even longer. Over time he’s realized his feelings for you and now they can't be ignored. He asks you to accompany him to a release party hoping to find it within him to tell you his truths. When you get a little too close for comfort with one of his members, he decides how he’ll finally tell you. 
word count: 7.4k (my bad ;-;)
a/n: this is my first time attempting Ateez, so I hope I did okay! i love feedback good or bad. also our requests are open if interested! have a great day everyone :3 ~nero
Your eyes slowly blinked open as you awoke to the sun peaking through your blinds and exasperated groans coming from across the hallway. Forcing your body to sit up, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and begrudgingly removed yourself from your warm sheets. Walking across the hall you opened up Hongjoong’s door. 
“What’s with all the noise?” 
He almost didn’t notice your presence, but with the sudden extra light coming in through the door he looked up. You jutted your head forward, raising your eyebrows waiting for his response. He clicked the spacebar on his computer pausing the track he was working on. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“I said, what’s with all the noise? I could hear you groaning in my sleep. Damn near woke me up.”
“Well, it’s almost noon so you need to be up anyway. But to answer your question, I can’t layer these tracks the way I’m hearing them in my head.” 
You walked into his bedroom sitting on his bed, not wanting to stand in the doorway anymore. He turned around to face you and you pointed towards his computer motioning for him to play the track. He took his headphones out of the input and turned up the master volume on his computer. You closed your eyes listening to the track. 
This was something that happened often between the two of you. Hongjoong would get frustrated with a track and you’d come in and offer your opinion cutting away at some of the edge he was feeling. As you listened to the demo he was working on you caught on immediately to the hiccup he was talking about. 
“Pause..go back like 5 seconds.”
As he clicked back to where you said you let the audio play through before you told him to stop the track again. Humming the instrumental to yourself, you started thinking about how you would construct the section. 
“You might not like it but what I would do is allow a little bit more space before the riser. And then maybe do some low pitch snare hits at the beginning of the riser. Right now I think there’s just too much going on and that’s why it’s not coming together.”
He turned back around in his chair and input the changes you said and rolled the track back a little bit to hear the difference. Lightly moving his head with the beat he paused the track again and turned back to you. 
“How do you do it?”
“It’s 'cause I’m not the one staring at it from scratch. I’m not as frustrated with it.”
He nodded his head and swiveled the chair back around to save the file. 
“I agree this sounds better but I still think something is missing. Thank you, for your help though.” 
“Anytime. You know I’m right down the hall.” 
You heard his laptop close and gathered yourself up from the bed. 
“Can’t imagine you’ve eaten yet, wanna go grab something for lunch?”
He nodded and you went back into your room to begin getting ready.  As you finished your morning routine, you walked out of the bathroom to make the change from pajamas to whatever you were planning to conjure up for an outfit. As you brought your head up from facing the floor, you felt your heart drop to your stomach and your heart skip a beat. 
Hongjoong was perched perfectly on the edge of your bed watching you finish your routine. 
“Jesus! Scared the shit outta me Joong. Also, get out, I have to get dressed.” 
Hongjoong looked up at you, eyes lazy with intent and thoroughly unamused. 
“After all these years, you still kick me out. Have you no shame?”
“Shut up, I’ll be done in a second.”
You smiled to yourself as you shook your head trying to rid yourself of the feelings bubbling back up again. It was horribly cliche, but you had a suffocating crush on your best friend. You’d never utter a word to him about it for fear of losing him or at the very least ruining the years of friendship that you created. 
Jumping into your jeans, you wiggled the rest of the fabric over your hips and secured the button. You settled on a top that did wonders for your chest, rounding out your boobs and cinching your waist most slightly. Grabbing a sweater from off your floor, you sprayed yourself with perfume before heading out into the main room where Hongjoong was scrolling on his phone. 
He heard your footsteps before you could come and leer over his shoulder, but if you were quick enough you would've caught him staring at a picture of the both of you. If you could read minds, you would've been privy to the extensive fairytale life he was imagining with you. As you came over, he swiped out of his photos and locked his phone. 
“Mhmm. Where should we go?”
Furrowing his brow, he thought about all of the food options near your apartment. 
“Why don’t we go to that cute cafe down the street?”
“Oh yeah! I’ve been seeing people post all about it. It looks really cute and the food looks good.”
Nodding you both headed towards the door and began the walk to the cafe. As you guys followed the gps on your phone, you almost missed the cafe. It was hidden in plain sight. There was no real sign designated where it was, but when you stumbled in front of it you opened the comically large door to the inside. As you walked in you were met with a cottagecore dream. It was cute and cozy and you could see why everyone had been obsessed with it lately. 
You guys ordered and were waiting in front of the cashier to finish typing everything in. Reaching into your purse you got ready to put your card to the reader, which had Hongjoong smacking your hand. 
“Stop that.”
“But you always pay.”
“As I should y/n.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, knowing that you weren’t gonna win this time. On occasion, you were able to get him back, but he always seemed to beat you to the reader. As the cashier handed him the receipt, he told you guys that your order would be called out over the speaker in a few moments. Thanking Hongjoong timidly, you guys walked around the cafe looking for a place to sit. Settling on two chairs and a table situated under some fairy lights, you guys got comfortable. 
Leaning forward on the table, you rested your chin on your hands. 
“Soooo, whatcha thinking about.”
Hongjoong smiled at you lightly, a barrage of sirens sounding in his head at how cute you looked sitting across from him. If anyone on the outside were to see you two, they would easily assume that you were dating. The way you both looked at each other was so obvious you couldn’t miss it on the outside, but for some stubborn reason neither one of you could see it on the other. 
Hongjoong leaned forward coming closer to you. 
“Funny you should ask. I’ve been meaning to ask you this but it always left my mind.” 
You raised your eyebrows, silently telling him to go on. 
“So, you know how we have that release party coming up?”
You nodded, eyes layered with curiosity. Now was the time. He had been mulling over this for weeks now and it was either now or never he had to ask. 
“I was thinking about it and we’re all allowed a plus one…and I would like that to be you.”
“Oh, word?”
You tried your best to seem unphased and that this would be just another ordinary outing with him, but your heart was accelerating thinking about all of the possible what-ifs of attending with him. 
“Yeah. I would love for you to be there. You know you’re always there to help me out when I need it and I think it would be the perfect time to show you off.”
“Show me off?”
Your eyebrow raised, wondering what he meant by that comment. Even though there was a line of friendship between you two, it still felt nice to hear. 
“Well not like show you off, ‘casue obviously were not dating but like you come up all the time and I think it would be a perfect time for the guys to meet my mini producer.” 
You rolled your eyes at the compliment suddenly feeling a bit of imposter syndrome set in. 
“Oh come on, you give me too much credit.” 
“But you help me so much and I mean that. I’d probably be bald if I didn’t have you around.” 
You paused pretending to think about your answer. 
“I’d love to.” 
His name was called over the speaker and he went to go grab the tray of food. As he walked away, you were fighting the biggest grin running over his words over and over. When he came back over, your stomach made its presence known with a heavy growl. You guys began to eat making mindless conversation. Everything was just so easy between you two. 
As you guys were finishing up, his phone rang. Silently asking him you cleaned up the table setting the tray in its return spot. As you came back to the table he was shoving his phone back into his pocket. 
“What’s up?”
“Oh nothing, they just need me at the studio to run over what’s gonna happen for the release party.”
“Oh okay, so I guess I’ll see you a little bit later?”
“Yeah, I hate to leave you but-”
“-It’s okay Joong, I need to go shopping now anyway.” 
You guys began walking out of the cafe continuing your conversation.
“Shopping for what?”
“For the party genius, I don’t have anything to wear.”
Hongjoong paused, thinking about the array of outfits he’d seen you go out in before. 
“Yes, you do.” 
You looked at him a little confused which spurred him to continue. 
“That black dress with the leg slit and the mesh center.”
He motioned towards his stomach talking about the last bit. 
“But I thought you said you didn’t like that one?”
“Well, you’re gonna be with me so I can keep an eye out for you.”
There it was again. The ten thousand butterflies swarming your stomach. You knew his tendencies and how jealousy was just in his nature. He meant no harm by it, it was just that he cared about you deeply and didn’t want anyone to do you wrong. At least, that’s what he told himself to keep his sanity. He hated knowing others could gawk at you when you went out and he could do nothing about it. 
“Okay you have point, and I do really like that dress.”
“So do I.”
“Shut up, you perv!”
“Hey! I’m just being honest.”
He held his hands up in defense. 
“Well, anyways I still need to get some makeup but at least I don’t have to worry about an outfit.”
Hongjoong nodded to you and leaned in for a hug before pulling away in the opposite direction. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later tonight. Be safe and text me when you get home.”
“I will.” 
Smiling to yourself, you walked back towards your apartment, knowing that there was a drug store right around the corner. You didn’t need a lot you just really wanted a new lipliner. Before moseying over all of the colors, you started to think about what kind of makeup look you’d settle on. You picked up a deep brown liner and decided on indefinitely doing a bold red lip and you’d figure out the rest the day of. 
Checking out, you walked back to your apartment, somewhat relieved to be back home. You were a homebody at heart no matter how much you claimed to love city life. Kicking off your shoes, you pulled out your phone to text Hongjoong.
Y/N: just got in
You didn’t get a response back but you did get a notification that he hearted the message. You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and wandered into your bedroom to scroll on your phone. At some point, you felt your eyelids become heavy and you drifted off. 
When you woke back up, your room was shrouded in darkness and the apartment was a little colder than usual. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you heard the lock on the front door turn. 
“Y/n/n, you home?”
“In here.”
Your voice scratchy and your throat dry from just waking up. You saw the light in the main room flick on and heard him shuffle into your room and he switched on the overhead light in your room. 
“Turn that shit off bro, it is so bright.”
“Aw did princess just wake up from her nap.”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes and huddled more underneath your blankets. 
“As a matter of fact, I did. And now I’m cold and hungry.”
Hongjoong crawled up on your bed and snuck under the sheets with you wrapping his body around yours, letting his head rest on your shoulder. 
“You know, body heat is the best way to warm up.”
“And so is turning on the heat.” 
“Okay lemme turn it on then.”
As he went to get up from the bed, stopped him by leaning back into him. 
“No, don’t, the body thing is working. How was the studio stuff?”
Hongjoong smiled to himself, and with him behind you, you couldn’t see how wide it was beginning to spread. 
“It was alright. A little stressful but we got everything figured out.” 
You nodded and you nuzzled more into him. You turned your head to face him as best you could. 
“By the way, when is the release party again?”
You whipped your head around, eyes wide, dramatizing your reaction to his answer. 
“Well, at least you told me today, might’ve had a stroke if you told me tomorrow.” 
“You’re so dramatic.” 
“You love it.” 
You were cut off by your stomach growling against Hongjoong’s hand that was resting against it. You both laughed as you looked at each other completely surprised by how loud it was. As you went through your list of options you both decided that it would be more satisfying to cook something at home. Hongjoong got out of your bed first and as you heard the clanging of pots in the kitchen you found yourself wandering after him. As you guys helped each other with dinner, you couldn’t help but relish in the domestic feeling you were feeling with him. Unbeknownst to you, he was feeling the exact same thing. Finishing up cooking you guys decided on something to watch before eating in comfortable silence. 
You excused yourself to go through your night routine. When you finished you walked back out to the main room and noticed Hongjoong wasn’t in there anymore. Shuffling to his room, you peeked through his cracked door and saw him posted up in front of his computer again, his headphones sitting around his neck. 
“You need help with anything?”
He looked up at you with such a soft look you couldn’t help but fall even deeper into the grave you were digging. 
“Huh? No, I’m okay actually. Thanks for checking in.”
“Okie, I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
“See you in the morning.” 
He smiled at you before putting his headphones back on. You gently shut his door and walked down the hall to your room where you snuggled up against your stuffed animals and fell into a deep sleep quickly. 
When you woke up the next morning, your stomach was in knots suddenly nervous with the idea of meeting the rest of his members and attending the party in general. As you opened your phone you finally saw the time and almost flew out of the bed. Opening your door you saw Hongjoong fixing himself something to eat. 
“What time do we have to leave tonight?”
“Like 5ish, why?”
You finally took a regulated breath and calmed yourself down. Pulling yourself out of the panicked state that you found yourself in fresh out of sleep. 
“Okay good. You know I need 7 years to get ready, I thought I woke up way too late.”
“You should eat something before you make yourself go crazy in the bathroom though.”
Agreeing you fixed yourself some cereal and then waddled back into your bedroom flopping on your bed, the task of getting ready seemed so incredibly daunting now that you had to do it. You checked the time and it was only 1:30pm. Giving yourself half an hour to dick around, you figured you could get ready in three hours. 
Once your precious thirty minutes expired, you groaned the entire way into the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, you turned on the shower gathering all your necessary products. Grabbing your face wash last and throwing on a shower cap, you begin the extensive process that was showering. After you finish your shower, you moisturized your body, and put on your undergarments and a dressing robe. 
Before starting your makeup, you grabbed your speaker from your bedroom, turned on some music, and started the painstaking process of making sure your entire face was symmetrical. Deciding on a smokey liner for your eyes, you made sure everything was even. 
Before you knew it, the sky outside began to change colors, the hues reflecting into your room turning much warmer than when you started getting ready. You checked your phone and the time read 4:32pm. You took a breath realizing that you still had time. Lining your lips and filling them in with your favorite red lipstick, you rubbed them together, blending the two products. Satisfied with your look you slipped off your robe and left it on the bathroom floor. 
Sliding through your racks of hangers, you found the dress you were looking for. Heading back into the bathroom you slipped into the dress, fighting with the fabric as you pulled it over your hips. As you pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you situated your boobs so that they sat higher creating the perfect cleavage. You played with the slit on the dress cinching it a little higher up your leg. 
You gave yourself a once over, loving the way the dress hugged your curves before heading back into your room to grab your jewelry pieces. You settled on a small, silver Cuban link necklace that Hongjoong gifted you for your birthday one year, small dangly silver earrings, and a few rings adoring your fingers. Grabbing a clutch and your black, pointed pumps from your closet, you sat in the main room waiting for Hongjoong to come out. 
As you sat on the couch he called out for you.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” 
“Yup! Just gotta slip my shoes on.” 
As you wiggled your feet into your heel, you heard Hongjoong’s shoes clicking from the hallway. He was clad in a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white dress shirt, and a black and white cropped and frayed jacket. You thought he was attractive before but staring at him dressed up had you at a loss for words. When he lifted his head from the floor and his eyes landed on your figure, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and be in awe of you. If he wasn’t completely smitten with you before, he surely was now. 
“You, you look great Y/N.”
“Can say the same for you Joongie.”
He felt his heart melt. Whenever you called him that he couldn’t help but be whipped for you, he wanted you all for him and now he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to share you with everyone else. His thoughts were running wild with nothing but you in them. Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Should we get going?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
Walking to the parking lot by your apartment, Hongjoong opened the passenger door for you before letting himself in. The drive to the venue was a little silent except for the music coming through his speakers. You were wracked with nerves and were honestly a little more than nervous about the event. 
“Y/n, why are you so nervous?”
“Wha-, I’m not nervous!”
“You’ve been silent the whole ride, cmon I know you.”
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to hide your feelings. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just don’t wanna mess anything up for you.” 
He looked over at you as he pulled into the venue parking lot. 
“Everything is gonna be fine. Besides, when have you ever messed anything up for me?”
“Well, there was that one time-
“-Something serious.”
You were silenced knowing he was right. You took another breath and didn’t even realize Hongjoong had already come to open your door. 
“Thank you.”
As you walked to the entrance, Hongjoong had his hand on your lower back keeping you close to him. Walking into the building, there were neon lights everywhere, an array of people, Ateez’s music blasting through the overhead speakers, and of course, you picked out immediately the seven other men you were destined to meet. San noticed Hongjoong first, waving his hand to come toward the group. 
You had a large grin on your face, masking your conglomerate portrait of emotions. 
“Hongjoong! And I’m assuming this is the special lady we’ve all been hearing about?” 
You held your hand out towards San and introduced yourself. 
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you!” 
San gently moved your hand away and pulled you into a hug. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Hyung here is constantly talking about you.”
Whom you would later find out was Wooyoung, made his presence known by shouting over the music and commenting on how you looked next to his friend. 
“Hongjoong! You didn’t tell us she was taller than you too!”
You smiled and chuckled to yourself, feeling slight steam come off of Hongjoong.
“It’s just my shoes!”
San dragged you to the rest of the group to introduce you to everyone to which you realized you had nothing to worry about. All of them were so inviting and greeted you with a near bone-crushing hug. There was someone who stuck out from the rest though. 
The way his gaze lingered on you, you noticed it from when you walked in and when you were pulled so close to him, his touch loitered on your skin a little bit longer from the rest. 
You had to admit everyone single one of them was attractive in their own right and perhaps this is exactly what you needed to get over your little massive crush on your best friend. As the night went on, you got along with everyone so smoothly. The conversation never seemed to have an end. 
Every time you spoke though you found Seonghwa’s eyes fixated on you, something Hongjoong noticed as well. You looked around for the bar, desperate for some alcohol in your system to maybe find some courage to approach his leering gaze with the same confidence. Seonghwa noticed this and came closer to you leaning to your ear so he didn’t have to shout. 
“You want to go grab a drink?”
“Uh yeah actually. Joong do you want anything?”
Hongjoong’s eyes were cold as he looked towards Seonghwa but softened his expression as best as he could as he turned back to you. 
“Yeah, I’ll just come with you guys.”
As you three went to get up Yunho grabbed Hongjoong’s attention. 
“Hyung! Wait. We have to go over that prompt before you do anything. You have to give that speech here in a moment.” 
His shoulders hunched coming to terms that he had to do his job first before catering to his bubbling emotions. You turned back to him before walking off with Seonghwa to the bar.
“You want your usual?”
He nodded and you and Seonghwa made light conversation over to the bar while you were waiting for the drinks to be made. When the conversation died down a bit, Seonghwa felt that this was the perfect moment to ask. 
“So I have to know, are you and Hongjoong a thing? Or is that just him being possessive?”
“It’s definitely just him being him. Ever since we met he’s always been a little bit protective of me. But to answer your question, no we’re not together.” 
“He definitely acts like your his.”
“Yeah no, just friends.” 
He nodded leaving the conversation there and with perfect time all three of the drinks were finished as well. You walked back to where everyone was congregating and gave Hongjoong his drink. His gaze was still hard but you couldn’t quite figure out why. The music faded out and a light targeted its way to where all of Ateez was sitting. Hongjoong gave his speech and you were nothing but enamored with him. 
The way the light was hitting his face, his outfit, the way he carried himself with such elegance talking about his pride and joy. As you were standing off to the side soaking him in, Seonghwa was doing the same thing with you. Drinking you in with every second that he could. When Hongjoong finished his speech, the music faded back in and you looked back over toward the group. Seonghwa with his newfound information about your single status had to seize this opportunity. 
As Hongjoong was preoccupied with his members, Seonghwa sneaked off to you.
“Wanna dance?”
“Sure, why not?”
He pulled you down to the dance floor where some other people had the same idea. Feeling the music you swayed with the beat and smiled up toward Seonghwa. As the song faded out, you finished your drink and told him you were going to go grab another. He followed you not wanting to leave you alone. As you guys walked back to the main floor you continued dancing with each other. Seonghwa leaned down to you again.
“You know he’s in love with you right?”
His comment caught you off guard and you sipped your drink.
“What do you mean?”
“If you were to see him from my angle…he wishes he could strike me down right now.” 
“Wait turn me so we swap spots, I want to see.”
You did just that but Seonghwa made sure to add a little extra to your turn. When your eyes spotted where the group was sitting you saw how silent Hongjoong was. The way his gaze was now directed towards the both of you. 
He was pissed.
You almost felt bad but at the same time, you desperately begged any god that was listening that this would pan out in your favor. 
“Wrap your hands around my neck.”
You furrowed your brows
“Just do it.”
In beat with the song that was playing you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“My next question is, do you feel the same way about him? And I already know the answer I just wanna see if you’ll lie to me.”
Seonghwa smirked at you. 
“So much so that it’s excruciating to think about.” 
As the two of you swayed you talked about your crush. 
“Well Y/n, looks like this is your lucky night, 'cause here he comes.” 
You felt a hand grace your back and you turned around to face Hongjoong. He tried his damnedest to hide his hardening feelings from you because they were truly directed at Seonghwa. 
“I’m not feeling too well I think we should head home.” 
“Oh! Okay, do you need me to do anything.?”
He shook his head and you sucked down the rest of your drink throwing the cup in the nearest trashcan.
“Let me just say goodbye to everyone.”
You walked over to the rest of the boys hugging everyone goodbye. When you went to hug Wooyoung, he pulled you a little closer so he could whisper in your ear. 
“Hope you know your man is pissed and I hope you get the best sex out of this.”
Your mouth hung open, surprised by his boldness. You pulled away from him lightly smiling. 
“He’s not my man Woo.”
“Well, he’s been acting like it! Good luck y/n.” 
He laughed and you suddenly felt your nerves settle in your stomach as you walked back over to Hongjoong. Hugging Seonghwa goodbye and began to walk off with Hongjoong. 
“Don't forget to text me y/n/n!”
You turned around and waved towards Seonghwa, confused for only a moment before you understood that he was egging Hongjoong on. Hongjoong picked up his speed and borderline was pulling you out of the venue. When you got to the car he opened the door for you but the drive was viciously silent. His knuckles were gripping against the steering wheel turning a forced shade of white. 
His breathing was heavy and slow and you felt like if you said anything it would be like poking a stick at an angry bear. You couldn’t bear the silence anymore though so you spoke up. 
“Joongie…are you okay?” 
He didn’t answer you. You were only a few minutes away from home so when he pulled into the apartment complex you felt a bit of relief knowing you wouldn’t have to have that question linger in the air. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did to upset you but whatever it was I’m sorry.” 
The air was heavy, suffocating even. Your timid voice dissipated immediately into the tension he was spewing into the air. He got out of the car and walked around to open your door, but started walking a bit ahead of you. You both stepped into your apartment door and you let him in first, locking the door behind you both as you took off your shoes. 
“That’s what you call it?”
You almost didn’t hear him, but you didn’t want to make him more upset by having him repeat himself. You didn’t have to ask though, the time you took to respond had him wired up enough.
“I said, that’s what you call it? Not knowing whatever it was.”
“Joongie I can’t know what you're so upset about if you don’t tell me.”
“Don’t ‘Joongie’ me and don’t act like you don’t know. You let him all over you all night and I just had to sit there and watch!”
You paused. 
“This is about Seonghwa?”
“No, it’s about Jongho, c’mon y/n you’re smarter than that.” 
His tone was frustrating you to no end. He was chastising you for no real reason. It wasn’t like you were dating so why was he treating you as such? You loved him you knew that much but every time someone so much glanced at you, you had to deal with some sort of small outburst like this.
“Joong it’s not like we’re dating, I don’t understand why this is bothering you so much.”
“Because you’re mine y/n! You’ve always been mine! And every time I have to sit back and watch you possibly find the feelings that I feel for you in someone else it drives me up the fuckin wall. I can’t stand seeing you with someone else and I-” 
“-Hongjoong I-”
“No! Let me finish. If I have nothing at least I can have the peace of knowing that you finally know.” 
Your heart was in your ears. You felt like you were underwater and slowly watching yourself begin to drown. He was confessing and you didn’t know whether to feel overjoyed or scared at the thought that everything you wished for was happening at such an intensity.
“And I love you. I can’t watch you hold somebody else when I love you with a passion that suffocates me while I sleep. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand but I can’t keep living without you knowing.” 
Now it was your turn to be silent. You stared at him like a deer in headlights unable to form a response for him. 
“Well don’t just stand there, say something! Please.”  
You went to open your mouth but nothing came out. 
“Oh, fuck it.” 
Hongjoong walked over to you, clearing the short distance that was between you two. His hands encased your face and his lips covered yours. Your eyes blew wide for only a second before relaxing completely into his touch. You returned the kiss with equal fervent, curling your nails into the nape of his neck. His kiss became more urgent and he bit at your lip pulling it with him as he pulled away. 
He looked at you trying to read your features. Your eyes were glistening with a mixture of lust and love and there was heat you could feel rushing to your face as you gazed back at him. Lust was evident in his eyes but none of the hardness that he was harbouring earlier. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t you want me?”
His tone was pleading, his eyebrows curling upwards. Everything about him begging to hear a similar response from you. When you finally spoke his heart began to beat again. 
“Hongjoong, I’ve wanted you since I met you and I don’t know how you missed all my signs. But I swear if you don’t take me now I’ve got a text message to send.” 
He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hallway into his bedroom. He pulled your body close to his once again, pressing his lips firmly against yours. His hand fingered its way through your hair and he grabbed a fistful of it. A weak moan left your mouth and he pulled you away from his. 
“I don’t ever want to hear you say his name again.” 
You carded your hands through his Styx colored hair, smirking up at him.
“Make me forget it then.”
It wasn’t a growl, but it was a sound that reverberated in the depth of his chest before he pushed you onto the bed. You scooted more towards the center of the bed as Hongjoong crawled over you. His lips attacked your jawline, trailing down to your neck where he began sucking crimson marks distinctive to him, claiming you for anyone to see. 
His hands traveled down to your breasts and he played with your nipples through the fabric of your dress as he continued his assault on your skin. 
“Hongjoong please.”
“Oh, now you wanna beg me? What happened to that text message, hmm?”
“I don’t, I just want you. Only you. Please.”
He chuckled against the space where your neck and shoulders connect, the warmth of his breath sending goosebumps up your body. He raised himself on his hands looking you in the eyes. His hand came up to caress your face, his thumb grazing across your bottom lip. You opened up your mouth so that his thumb slipped in and you began sucking on it. Your eyes glazed over in lechery. Your hands trailed down his body and rested on the hem of his jeans, hooking your fingers into his belt loops bringing him closer. 
He removed his thumb from your mouth and went back to teasing your nipple. You whined, attempting to writhe your body against him. 
It took you a second to register his words, but you looked up at him with wondrous eyes and opened your mouth slowly. 
Nothing would’ve prepared you for the wad of spit he aimed in your mouth nor the asphyxiating grip your pussy reacted with. You swallowed without any command and opened your mouth again for another take. 
“Wanna know how I know you’re mine? I didn’t have to tell you to do that. You’re just filthy enough to take whatever I want to give you, isn’t that right, baby?” The pet name had you squirming. The ring it had coming from his mouth had you wanting to cling to him for the rest of time. He snaked down your body and bunched up the skirt of your dress so he could easily remove you from your underwear. He dragged his finger between your slit, gathering not even a fraction of your arousal. The pad of his finger gently swiped over your clit and your body jumped due to the sensitivity. 
“Aw, is my girl a little sensitive?”
You mewled out, words not forming correctly in your mind. 
“Is this all for me y/n?”
You writhed against him hoping that it was enough to satisfy him. The slap against your pussy led you to believe otherwise. You moaned out and pushed yourself to your elbows to look down at Hongjoong. 
“I said, is this all for me?” “Yes, yes, yes! It’s all for you Joongie. Fuck it’s always you~ah!”
He swiped his tongue up your slit ringing your precious little bell with his hellish tongue. He pushed your legs further apart and his fingers toyed with your entrance. 
“You want it?”
“Hongjoong, please! I want you to do whatever you want. Make me yours.”
You whined out finding it harder and harder to keep your composure. Hongjoong entered two fingers into your decadent cunt, your warmth wrapping around him like a tender blanket. His tongue kept a perfervid pace on your clit, bringing you dangerously close to your edge. 
“Hongjoong, I-I’m gonna.”
You were panting, your words barely forming enough to be heard. Hongjoong took your affirmation and used it against you, pulling his fingers and his tongue away from your heat. You whined and writhed against him, in clear distress from the lack of him. 
You got up and he pushed you back down with a searing kiss. The taste of you, tart and something faintly sweet on your tongue. You pushed back against him and you rolled him over so that he was lying on his back now. You kissed him on his jawline and bit at his ear, pulling gently at the skin. You moved off the bed and shimmied out of your dress, presenting all of your glory in front of him. You crawled back up on the bed and unbuttoned his pants pulling them down his legs. 
“I want you in my mouth so bad.”
He lifted himself from the bed, removing his jacket and throwing it somewhere in his room. You fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, but you needed to see all of him. With the final button undone, he threw that behind the both of you and your attention was back on the bulge fighting against the fabric of his underwear.
Slowly pulling them down, you dropped them off the bed and eyeballed his length. 
“Can I?”
“Don’t let me stop you, baby.”
You let a glob of spit fall onto his head before you licked him up from base to tip. Hollowing out your cheeks you found praise in the frequency of his moans. You twisted your tongue around his shaft as you bobbed up and down his length. When you looked up at him he was already staring you down. 
“Fuck, y/n! You’re so good. You’re so so good.” 
You picked up your pace, intent on making him cum and making him cum quick. His moans became louder almost turning into whines. He sucked the spit through his teeth and tried to calm himself down.
“Baby, baby, slow down I’m gonna cum.”
But you weren’t listening, you had no intent to. Hongjoong wrapped his hand in your hair and pulled you off of him. 
“You don’t listen do you?” “Maybe you should teach me how.” 
You smiled completely fucked out, your mouth swiped with saliva.
“Get on your back.”
His tone was domineering and you love every drop of it. He brought himself down to your nipple sucking on the tender skin. You moaned out needing more from him. 
“Joongie, please. I need you inside of me. I need to know what you feel like.” 
Your eyes were pleading, you truly needed nothing more in this moment. He lined himself up with your entrance before teasing you and sliding his hot and needy cock between your folds.
“Joong please, don’t tease me~ugh!”
He filled you up so nicely. You could feel every inch of him and the stretch you felt from his size was indescribably delicious. He started with long, slow strokes allowing you to feel every bit of him. Your hands found refuge on his back, your nails leaving red marks of ardor in their wake. 
“More. I need more Hongjoong.” 
He picked up his pace but it still wasn’t enough for you. You needed him to be rougher with you, you needed him to claim you and make you never forget where home was. You grabbed his face with both of your hands and forced him to look directly into your sex-blown eyes. 
“Joong, I need you to fuck me like you mean it.”
Something in him broke. His dam of reservations crumbling with your words. He wanted to be sweet with you and forget about the earlier moments of the evening. But with every bratty comment that left your lips, he simply couldn’t. He flipped you on your hands and knees and began pounding you from behind. The cry that left your mouth was one of pure pleasure. You could feel him hitting the parts of you that made you insatiable. 
The tip of his cock was bruising your g-spot leaving you in a sex drunken stupor. 
“Who’s pussy is this?”
“Who’s pussy is this y/n? I’m not asking again”
“It’s your’s Hongjoong! Fuck it’s always been yours, baby.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes from the pleasure you were feeling. 
“Hongjoong baby, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cream all over my cock baby, let me feel how good I make you feel.” 
That’s all you needed to be sent over the edge. His cock was making you dizzy with lust and you didn’t know if you needed a rest or more of him. Hongjoong already made that decision for you though, fucking through and after your orgasm, wildly overstimulating you. 
It was almost too much to handle and you started crawling away from his pistoning hips. Hongjoong grabbed your hips and pulled you even closer to his fiery drives of pleasure. 
“Stop running. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To fuck you like I mean it.”
He leaned over you pressing your head into the mattress. His thrusts became more erratic and rougher and you could feel his cock begin to twitch against your seraphic walls. 
“y/n, where do you want me?” “Fuckin hell, inside of me Hongjoong. I don’t wanna forget who I belong to. Fill me up please, Joongie.”
His cum shot out of him at a rate that even surprised him. It colored your walls, making its own rapturously beautiful painting. You were now his color and couldn’t ask for anything more. You flopped down on the bed, your body spent from the adrenaline you were banking on. Hongjoong kissed your cheek and spoke against your skin, his breath sending chills up your spine again. 
“You’re mine, baby. Now, wait here, I’ll be right back.”
You didn’t plan on moving, completely spent from the moments prior. Hongjoong came back into the room with a warm cloth and cleaned you up as gently as he could. Not wanting to cause you any discomfort. He left the rag on the floor and climbed up next to you and you wrapped your body around him resting your head on his stomach. 
“Say the words.” 
He looked down at you.
“What words?”
“What do you want me to be to you?”
“My girl.”
You paused looking up at him giving him the most obvious of hints. 
“Will you?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
You sat up and looked at Hongjoong. 
“Are you hungry?”
“How’d you know?” 
“Well, we didn’t really eat at the party or before we left and it’s now…11 at night.”
You both chuckled and you looked at him thinking of what would be open this late and still be good. 
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, you order I’m gonna go pee.” 
When you looked at yourself in the mirror you felt a sense of relief and pride wash over you. Your post-sex glow gave you something else to gawk at besides the fact that it was this timeline where you would get to be with the one person you thought you could never have. 
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threadsun · 1 year
Person who asked about that patron audio here. THANK YOU!! You don’t know how much it was driving me up the wall to see how much people were trying to erase his kinks even though they were discussed even before the new demo came out (like the bdsm test Jambee did). Tbh, my kinks align well with his so I was biased, but the amount of people who were upset by his made me feel like it was wrong for me to like what I like. I mean, super caring guy with a great personality that also is super kinky in bed? Sign me the f-up, but I felt ashamed for being excited by that audio because of the backlash it received. I’m afraid that the studio won’t do audios with Jack like that anymore because of the backlash it received and instead will become more basic instead of detailed like you said. I’m not a fan of sub-Jack, but I’ve never tried to complain or change someone else’s opinion about it because it’s what they like and everyone should be able to enjoy their kinks (safely of course). In other news, dirty talking Jack is OP, especially when he starts pulling out the breeding kink. As someone who loves both kinks, I’d melt immediately on the spot! I could even see him acting like an animal in heat combining that primal kink with his breeding kink. Growling in your ear not to waste any drop of his cum while he plows into you from behind, desperate to mark you and fill you up with his seed to prove that he exists, that HE’S the one that would knock you up. Not Ian, not Shaun, HIM. How excited he’d be to parade you around with your belly swollen with HIS child, to let them know how the planets aligned perfectly to let m/c become pregnant by him when it could’ve happened with Ian instead. How smug he’d look looking down at Ian’s distraught expression when he sees sunshine is pregnant. Even if Jack can’t be seen publicly fucking his sunshine, showing them around like that has got to hit some sweet spots with his exhibitionist/voyeur side. I mean, people know how babies are made, so I’m sure they’ll be wondering who knocked m/c up, right? I can see Jack just rutting into a submissive sunshine who just mewls and matches his animalistic sounds when he loses himself into the pleasure of it all (and with his sunshine’s green light to let go). He’s pretty needy when it comes to his sunshine so I can see him just going over and over again. I’m trying to imagine how him being sadist would look like, but my brain is having trouble imagining it though I’d love to lol. Freaking Jack with a rope bunny who loves to be tied up because they love how good the ropes feel pressing into their skin I or just feel the pressure of his body weight to pin them down on the bed or against the wall. YUM! A sunshine who likes to flirt and tease a little too much with him but not following through to be a brat till he has to remind them who they’re dealing with. But I HIGHLY agree with how sweet and sexy it is that he thinks about aftercare even in the heat of the moment and how taking care of them turns him on. It’s like in middle of fucking you he talks about “how good he’ll take care of you after taking his cock so well being such a good slut for him.” How indecent his sunshine looks, but how he’ll make sure they’ll look decent enough to go to work later. (I saw he likes to talk about decency a lot between the audio and sleepy time Jack). He probably hasn’t had the chance to receive or give aftercare as Joesph since he’s said that’s he’s never felt how he does about his sunshine with anyone else before, so it probably is just as intimate of an act as sex. Trying to be more of caretaker for his sunshine combined with his craving of being needed probably is what turned aftercare into a kink for him in a sense. Jeez, so many great opportunities because of that audio and that test, hence why I’m scared they won’t do it again. Sorry for rambling, I’ve been afraid to talk about my takes of him during sex based off what we’re given out of fear of upsetting someone, but your page has made me feel more comfortable expressing what I think he’d be like.
I mean look, not gonna sugar coat things, audiences can be whiny, entitled little assholes. I've dealt with too many people like that in my professional life to have even an ounce of sympathy for them. Especially when you get into the realm of sex work (creating 18+ games definitely counts as being at least on the fringes of sex work), people get vicious and cruel and kinkshame-y and aggressive and like. Idk, I think people just don't realise what a dangerous and mentally draining form of work it is. You're constantly trying to cater to an audience of people who have their own personal hang-ups around sex and sexuality (especially people who were raised with sexual shame, which is most people in the world). And if you don't hit exactly what they want, a lot of sexuality and desire can quickly become aggression and abuse (verbal, in this case).
I loved the audio, and I really hope that Sauce and the team can keep creating things that make them happy without people spoiling it for them! I hope people can learn the rule of "don't like, don't interact" rather than demanding that their personal desires be catered towards in a game intended for a wide audience of people. I hope people stop seeing themselves as the most important people in the conversation, and stop justifying unnecessary criticism of someone's lovingly made creations.
Anyway, I love and agree with everything you said about Jack and his kinks!!! As for the sadism, I can definitely see him being... almost subtle? Rather than whips and knives, I could see him being into things like pressure points. Knowing just where to press to make your muscles tense and create a perfect pain that makes you tighten around him beautifully~ Stretching you just a bit too far so your muscles ache, spanking you with his hands because you're being naughty and this is how naughty subs get disciplined. Generally, I could see his sadism coming out as like... wanting to see his Sunshine willing to be uncomfortable and in pain just to fuck him. Them being so desperate for him that they'll accept whatever painful position he twists them into because they need him.
But yeah, I refuse to allow sexual shame on this blog (unless that's your kink~), I never want my followers to feel guilty for their desires, because that's literally the least healthy thing possible for someone's sexuality! Beating yourself up for your desires is the #1 way for them to manifest in unhealthy and dangerous ways, it won't "fix" you, it'll just make your life worse.
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auroragehenna · 10 months
No matter how much you squirm you won‘t get out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TW/CW: Electrocution, implied mind reading, punishment, threats, a tad of fantasy racism Word count: 1'589
Harmonia was awakened by a sharp tug of the chain connected to her collar. She choked, coughed, and blinked against the sharp light. Fuck she hated that thing. Out of shock, she had opened her eyes way too fast and now they were filled with needles. What was wrong with her?? Was she losing her nature? Her eyes should be used to much more brightness. Please no-
“Good morning, doll.”
Harmonia groaned as she pushed herself up. Only to be pushed down to the floor again by a foot pushing down hard on her back.
“You always make such brute sounds, I can’t have that from my doll, do you understand?”, Electra drawled.
Harmonia pressed her lips together, filling them with oxygen to prevent any sounds from slipping out. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain as the charred feathers touched each other and sent waves of pain into her brain. When she had finally made it into a sitting position she looked up at Electra who was sitting on the edge of the bed, fully clothed already. Always making sure she could tower over her. She would love to get up on her feet but that would only result in Electra forcefully bringing her down again, probably on her knees, painfully. And she didn’t want to cause herself more pain than necessary. “Good morning, Ma’am.”
“Did you have a good sleep?”
“Better than I imagined, sleeping next to a monster. Urgh, I guess my body wanted me to have enough strength for today.”
Electra chuckled. She stood up from the bed, crouched down and unlocked the collar around her angel’s throat. Then she straightened up and gestured for her doll to do the same.
Shakily Harmonia came to her feet and while doing so, the demoness-Electra put a hand under her jaw and lifted it until she straightened up and they were holding eye contact.
“You think I’m a monster, Harmonia?”
Harmonia hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out the best strategy. Her inner alarm was going crazy but she just couldn’t put her finger on why.
“Come on, I give you permission, to be honest, you didn’t have a problem speaking your mind before.”
Okay, doesn’t matter anyway, it’s already too late. “Yes. I think you’re a monster.”
“Well that’s funny.”-Suddenly Electra’s grip turned more forceful, and Harmonia could feel her jaw starting to hurt-“When you didn’t even see the worst of me yet.”-The room seemed to get darker and the temperature seemed to drop with every passing moment. Chills were running down Harmonia’s body-“You think what you experienced so far was monstrous? You poor, naïve, dumb, child. Trust me on this, you don’t want to see me become the monster you say I am. Now ask me to give you breakfast. Ask me nicely or receive your punishment starved.”
Harmonia was still only looking at her, she wished she knew what to do right now, anything, but there was nothing in her mind. As much as she hated it, this time she had to admit she was…outmatched. For now. Yeah. “If-if you would be so gracious, Ma’am, might I have breakfast, please?”
“You may. Otherwise, you simply don’t last long enough.” Electra let go of her angel’s jaw and ordered her to follow as she made her way to the eating room. Once there they ate. Electra noticed that her angel barely managed to keep the food down even with her stomach grumbling through the room. She sighed. “If you puke on the table you’re gonna clean it.”
“Understood, Ma’am.”
“Listen, doll, it won’t do you any good to panic over it now. I am going to punish you for misbehaving either way, try to not make it harder for yourself than it needs to be.”
Harmonia gulps, looks down again, takes a deep breath, looks back up and nods. “I will do my best, Ma’am.”
“Good, because that’s what I expect from my dolls.”
Of course. Of course only the best is good enough. Nothing has changed since I left home. Don’t think of that now. Another thought bawled(?) for her attention. Harmonia suppressed a shiver. She could only hope that Electra wouldn’t decide to permanently injure her. Or take her wings. The angel paled even more at that thought. Suddenly she couldn’t stand living  in her own head anymore and she finished her breakfast as quickly as possible.
“Suddenly so enthusiastic.”, Electra grinned.
Harmonia dared to not answer to that and blessedly Electra let it slide.
After they were both done, and Harmonia felt like the demoness took eons to eat, they both stood up. Electra ordered her angel to follow and they went back to her bedroom. There the demoness stood in the middle of the room, facing Harmonia and the crackling fireplace. “You disappointed me, doll.”
It shouldn’t sting. It really shouldn’t. But it did.
“You can’t expect me to just let that slide, can you, doll? When you decided to betray me.”
Yeah definetly, how could I after you tortured me so nicely.
“Tell me, doll, what was going on inside your head during all that?
“What do you mean? I wanted to get out of here. You’re keeping me against my will.”
“Did you never think about anybody else? Or were you just hurting and decided that make sure you hurt me as well? And everybody else, by putting me in a bad mood?”
Harmonia just stared at the demoness.
“But that as it may, I’m sure you will learn to be less selfish.” Electra stepped closer to Harmonia. “Now tell me you’re sorry for trying to escape. And that you won’t do it again.”
Harmonia pressed her lips together. Then she spoke in a trembling voice. “ I am sorry for trying to escape. I won’t do it again, Ma’am.”
Electra sighed. That was a lie, doll.”
Before Harmonia could react a shock, strong enough to knock out a horse drove through her entire body. Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the ground.
Electra stepped behind her and ran her finger through the angel’s thick wavy (rose) hair. Then she gripped and pulled her doll’s head up by it.
Harmonia grunted in pain as she was pulled upwards by her hair. Now she was on her knees with her head held up.
“So, another time. Tell me you’re sorry for trying to escape. And that you won’t do it again.”
“Harmonia grits her teeth. “I won’t try to escape again, I’m sorry.” Another shock travelled through her body. And Harmonia could only try not to scream. Her body had started twitching and her scalp hurt already from the strain of the pulling.
“And now the honest version, doll?”, Electra demanded.
“G-go t-to h-hell.” Harmonia stuttered.
“There you go, doll.”
After that sentence Harmonia couldn’t hear or feel anything besides the pain inglufing every fibre of her body. She didn’t know for how long Electra let the voltage run through her, she just wanted it to stop. Somebody was screaming, maybe her?
Electra let the lightning run out. Her angel was twitching violently but she didn’t let go of her. “Are you now ready to embrace the truth?”, she asked a bit too cheerful.
Harmonia could barely talk. Only incoherent stutters came out as she tried to answer the demoness.
“Tsk tsk tsk, we can’t have that can we.” She freed one of her hands from her doll’s hair and touched her forehead.
Instantly Harmonia stopped twitching so violently. Now only some involuntary flinches and pain remained.
“Now, shall we try this again? Tell me what I want to hear!”
“I’m sorry that I tried to-to escape! I won’t try it again.”
“Hmmm, why do I not believe you…” -Harmonia tensed up again, closing her eyes in anticipation of the next wave of torture.- “Oh right, because I can see that you’re lying! Hopefully you’ll be wiser next time.”
“No-no-wait!-Argh!”, Harmonia yelled as the next shock waves ran through her.
“I won’t wait, and you can’t beg your way out of this. What were you doing when I caught you?”
Through the flaring pain Harmonia pressed out: “Trying to escape.”
“Are you sorry about your mistake?”
“What were you trying to do when I caught you?”
“Trying to escape!”
“Are you sorry about your mistake?”
“I’m sorry you caught me!”
“That’s not what I asked, Harmonia! What were you doing when I caught you?”
“I tried to escape!”, Harmonia basically sobbed by now(?).
“Are you sorry for your mistake?”
“I am! I’m sorry I tried to escape!” Harmonia screamed. Tears running over her cheeks.
“Will you do it again?”, Electra pressed mercilessly.
“No. No I won’t escape again!”
Electra waited a few moments before she raised her voice again. “So you tried to escape? And you’re sorry? And you won’t do it again?”
“Yes! Yes, Ma’am, all of that!”
Electra looked down on her angel, withdrew her electricity and let go of her hair.
Harmonia dropped to the ground and could only think of the burning pain her body was drenched in. Somewhere far away she registered that somebody was moving her. Then she was laying on something soft, legs maybe? And somebody, a woman was talking. She tried to focus and understand the words. Finally she could make out a few pieces. none of this…have happened if…just behaved…Wouldn’t need to…instead be nice…like this. Then she could feel how hands stroked through her hair, gently, massaging the scalp. And that was the last thing she felt.
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @imnotamurdereripromise
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Antique camera
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Uhhh...
Saya: This sound is an alarm clock...
Saya: What time is it now?
Saya: Oh no, I'm late!
Saya: Okay, stop the alarm, breakfast... I'll skip it. I'm going to get dressed quickly and go to school...
Saya: I remember. Summer vacation starts today.
Saya: I forgot to deactivate my alarm clock.. That's it.
Saya: I think I'll go back to sleep...
Saya: ...
Saya: ... I can't sleep. I feel totally awake.
Saya: I have no choice, I'll get up.
Saya: I don't have any plans for today...I'd go to the club room after eating.
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Saya: Hello-o.
Kusanagi: Oh, you're here.
Saya: Kusanagi-san, what's with that big box?
Kusanagi: This? This is a "Box for Unnecessary stuff".
Saya: Box for unnecessary stuff...
Kusanagi: I'm in the middle of a big cleanup now. So I thought I'd pack up all the stuff I don't need in a box and throw it away. ...Alright.
Saya: (Origami, Temari (traditional Japanese handball game), flute...)
Saya: This is...a shuriken? There're a lot of different things here.
Kusanagi: Yeah. Most of them are Totsuka's belongings.
Saya: Totsuka-senpai's?
Kusanagi: Yeah. As you know, he has many hobbies, right? That's the result of what he brought in and made.
Saya: Is it okay to throw them away without permission?
Kusanagi: No, I could never do such a thing. Totsuka is going to sort out them properly. ...I think he's almost here.
Totsuka: Kusanagi-san, you haven't thrown them away yet, have you!?
Kusanagi: Hey, you. First of all, say hello!
Totsuka: Hello. So, haven't you thrown them away?
Kusanagi: I haven't. I don't know which ones are trash and which ones aren't, so I had to put everything in that box.
Kusanagi: I'm going out for a bit, so I'll leave the house to you. In the meantime, please sort this things out.
Saya: Have a good day, Kusanagi-san.
Totsuka: Which ones are trash...They're all important things to me.
Saya: You're just going to leave them all?
Totsuka: Un-uh, I'll throw them away. I'll miss them, though.
Totsuka: You can keep the memories themselves in your mind as long as you like, but the place where you can put them is limited. It's a problem, isn't it?
Totsuka: Well, well, let's start sorting the memorabilia, shall we?
Totsuka: This is clay that I got from a kindergarten student when I went there as a volunteer. ...I can't throw it away.
Totsuka: This is a traditional pendant that I got from a native of Africa who came to Japan, whom I met...I can't throw this away either.
Totsuka: This one is... A demo tape of a legendary band that broke up on its first day of activity. I'll never get rid of it~. Save save save.
Saya: ...Senpai, you're not throwing anything away at all.
Totsuka: Emmm...Maybe it's just your imagination?
Saya: I don't think it's my imagination.
Totsuka: Ri-ight. I wonder which one would cause less emotional damage. ...I think this one.
Saya: What is this?
Totsuka: Aliens made contact with me on the roof of the school. I received a commemorative key chain at that time.
Saya: Oh, really?
Totsuka: Uhm. I was on a silver airship like you see in the movies. Also, my body was glowing green.
Saya: If that's true, isn't that more valuable than anything you said you wouldn't throw away?
Totsuka: Not really. They said it was "part of the promotion".
Totsuka: From what I recall, they were handing it out to anyone who happens to see them.
Totsuka: So it's not something I wanted to get. Okay, let's get rid of this one.
Saya: Don't throw it. Somehow I feel like it'd be a waste.
Totsuka: Yeah? Do you want me to give it to you?
Saya: Is it okay?
Totsuka: But it makes a funny noise and shaking when it's 12pm, fine?
Saya: ...I'm scared, so I'll pass.
Totsuka: I see. Then I'll just throw it away. Oh, this is...
Saya: A square machine...? What's this?
Totsuka: This is an antique camera.
Saya: Camera? Really?
Totsuka: Uhm. To set films. Oh, you know what film tape is? For the camera.
Saya: I understand the film tape like plastic wrap, but for that camera...Sorry.
Totsuka: Okay. Everything is digital in today's world, so it's no wonder you don't know.
Totsuka: This is the film tape of this camera. It looks like a sewing machine bobbin.
Saya: Yeah. I think it looks like a bicycle wheel.
Totsuka: Ah, maybe that's a closer image. So, open up the camera here...and set the tape.
Totsuka: That's all. The battery should still be in there, so I think it's working.
Totsuka: Oh, yeah, do you want to take a film?
Saya: Is it okay?
Totsuka: Of course. It's fun to get in touch with old technology.
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Saya: It's quite heavy...
Totsuka: Haha. It might be difficult even for a man like me to hold it with one hand for a long time. My muscles might get sore.
Totsuka: You don't have to look through the lens all the time,but I think it is better to position the camera as close to the face as possible.
Totsuka: Because then you can project the same view that you are seeing.
Saya: Yeah, I understood. As close to the face as possible...Ah.
Totsuka: Hm, what's wrong?
Saya: ...Nothing. Your face is just too close, senpai.
Totsuka: Oh, sorry. Should I stand back?
Saya: No, I'm fine! Please leave it as it is!
Totsuka: Please, you say. Haha, I got it. Okay, I'll just stay like this for a little bit longer.
Totsuka: ...I know it's obvious, but because you're shorter than me, your view of the world must be different from mine.
Totsuka: What kind of world is this? I look forward to the day when I can replay the film.
Saya: Thank you for telling me about it. It was very interesting.
Totsuka: Me too. I was glad to share my hobby.
Kusanagi: I'm back! Totsuka, how's the waste sorting going?
Totsuka: It's bad-I mean, great. I'm making good progress~
Kusanagi: You said "bad", didn't you? I didn't missheard it. Let's see, what's in the...box
Kusanagi: What the heck, there's only a gross keychain!
Totsuka: Don't call it gross, it's just not my taste.
Kusanagi: Clean up by the end of the evening. We're gonna be close tomorrow.
Saya: Tomorrow?
Totsuka: Oh, did I not tell you? About the Red Club's annual summer camp.
Saya: Summer camp...
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masongrizchel · 1 year
The Low-cost Scientists: Episode 3
Unemployment, Underemployed, and Blue-collar Job (part 2).
The school directress asked the low-cost scientists to describe himself. The low cost scientist is nervous and random gibberish slipped to his tounge.
I am 'somehow' passionate about what I'm doing.
I am 'somehow' willing to learn new things.
I am 'somehow' inventive and imaginative when it comes to what I need to teach.
I am 'someh-'
'Let us cut to the chase.' The directress said. 'Why can't you describe yourself without the word 'somehow'?'. The directress' dropped her mic, and it fell directly to the low-cost scientist's face. The term 'somehow' removes all the confidence the low-cost scientists had during that moment. The directress intimidates the low-cost scientist on how the students and training are too extensive, especially with the school's participation in the international math and physics olympiad. The low-cost scientist just remembered his MTAP training that helped him to not understand the advanced mathematics they were doing over the weekends. 'What a great time to be alive', as the low-cost scientist talks to himself.
Aside from the intimidating competitions the students regularly had, the directress also expanded how compressed and comprehensive the school curriculum has. There is so much at stake for just one teaching position. The expectations were extremely high. It is followed by a teaching demo where the directress sits with the teachers from both junior and senior high school. The directress verifies every term and sentence that the low-cost scientists mention. She checks the accuracy and correctness of the content. The demonstration appeared bland at their end. They expected a deep range of content from the low-cost scientist. It was disappointing for the low cost-scientist. 4 years of science education degree while failing miserably in the delivery of science concepts, especially with the depth of it. 
It is what you get if the subjects you were having the focus on the pedagogy while compromising the content. It is applicable in most schools with high regard for their students' passing rate, which turns out to be part of the statistics. A metric of how successful they are 'guiding' the students. The low-cost scientist received feedback, 'you can still try next year and re-evaluate the concepts you aim to deliver.' What a futile statement, according to him. The low-cost scientists aim for feedback. 
It happened not once but many times. 
The classmates of low-cost scientist notified him that most landed a job where the compensation could be better. From there, the low-cost scientist hits rock bottom. He decided to go to the interviews scheduled by the BPO company. It is his last option, 'somehow.' There are two options for students to secure a job with promising pay. Do what you don't want to do by getting a higher income, or do what you want to do by contacting lower payment, which is a life and death situation. Following your passion comes with a price, being underpaid, overworked, and feels like exploited. It applies to more than just education and in the sciences. It happens to most promising, overrated jobs regarded as novel ones. The low-cost scientist woke up early and invited to be at the agency. He intends to work with what he doesn't want. 
And look where we are.
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blueskypoherbabas · 2 years
Owc macdrive 10 standard
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Owc macdrive 10 standard how to#
Owc macdrive 10 standard install#
Owc macdrive 10 standard full#
Owc macdrive 10 standard Pc#
Owc macdrive 10 standard download#
In some circumstances, these items may be eligible for a refund or a replacement (for example, if you receive the wrong item due to an Amazon AU error or if the item is faulty). In some cases, the nature of the item means that it is non-returnable, for example, due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product.
Owc macdrive 10 standard full#
While you’re visiting, why not check out my Windows help area and my MacOS help area too? Thanks!ĭisclosure: OWC sent me a license for MacDrive 10 Pro for the purposes of testing and to write this review.You can return most new, unopened items fulfilled by Amazon AU within 30 days of receipt of delivery for a replacement or full refund of the price you paid for the item if you change your mind - see About Replacements and About Refunds. Pro Tip: I’ve been writing about Mac & Windows for quite some time. $49.99 for the base version, $69.99 for the pro version. Check it out at (and don’t forget the 5 day free demo to try it out).
Owc macdrive 10 standard Pc#
Everything you need to know about MacDrive 10, a terrific addition to any Windows PC if you work with Mac data storage devices. Okay, it looks a tiny bit like a diamond ring, but still, it’s darn interesting as a way to view an external storage unit.Īnd that’s about it. It’s also interesting to check out “ Size with Disk Aware” which offers an intriguing view of the drive and available space: You can easily now access the data or even drop new content onto this window to write those files onto the Mac-formatting external drive… Once I plug in a drive – in this instance a 4GB USB flash drive – it shows up in the app with some new options and features front and center:Įasiest is to just click on “ Open” to view the contents, grab things, and drag new content onto the drive:Īs you can see, this drive contains a Word doc, an AVI movie, a JPG file and two folders of content. As I said earlier, I haven’t yet paid for a license for the program, which works fine for a single use, but eventually I will want to pony up the cash… On the lower left notice “5 days left in trial”. Yes, you can reformat a PC drive to be Mac compatible with the program. Notice that along the top are: disks, create, repair, burn, image, size, settings, and help.
Owc macdrive 10 standard install#
You can double click to launch the program, but it also starts up automatically when you install a Mac-formatted external storage device. READING MAC DRIVES ON WINDOWS WITH MACDRIVE 10 Not more than a minute later, you’ll see this:Īs suggested, restart your PC and you’re ready to go. There aren’t many questions, so chose the appropriate checkboxes and click “ Install“. I imagine that the motto is “why can’t we all just get along, man?” too 🙂 That’s actually what I did for this demo!ĭouble click or tap on “Open file” to launch the installer and you’ll find the graphical theme is a peace symbol. Note that there’s a couple of days free grace period with the program so you can defer buying a license if you just want to try it out. OWC sells its products through the Web site (a bit confusing), and you can go here to see the basic differences: MacDrive vs MacDrive Pro.Ĭhoose one and give it a click to download: I’ve opted for MacDrive Pro because I never know when I’ll need the additional features. Start by deciding if you need the MacDrive Pro version (which is a bit more expensive) or can just use the standard MacDrive program. MacDrive 10 is actually easier than a lot of PC programs to install.
Owc macdrive 10 standard how to#
Time to install MacDrive then try again… HOW TO INSTALL MACDRIVE FOR WINDOWS Instead, click on “Cancel” and pull the drive out. If you need to access that drive, this message is a scary one! Click on the wrong button and you’re really in trouble. You’re familiar with the problem without any changes, your PC is going to invite you to delete all the data on the external drive and reformat it to work with Windows once you insert it into the USB port or plug in the external device:
Owc macdrive 10 standard download#
Better yet, it’s an easy download and install so you could be reading that client’s flash drive within minutes of finishing this tutorial, no awkward email to them required. It’s affordable and does a great job of letting you work with Mac storage devices on any Windows system. This means that you can easily end up with a Mac that can read PC flash drives (or external hard drives), but a PC that cannot read non-PC external data storage devices.įortunately, there are third party solutions, and my favorite of those is MacDrive 10 from OtherWorld Computing. Interestingly, Apple computer systems have long since been able to read and interact with Windows formatted drives (FAT32, NTFS, etc) but Microsoft’s never felt the pressing need to add support for the Apple Filesystem (AFS+) within Windows. Systems have come a long way in overall interoperability, but there are definitely still edge cases where you can find that you simply have the wrong computer for the job.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Sorry if i'm sending this in twice, internet was a pill last night: VM/MN/BH with a multiclass Rogue/Monk Reader, whose favored weapon is silks? Skillwise,,, think Eraser Head from MHA, but less strict, sleep-deprived teacher and more former circus aerial silk dancer turned adventurer after their home was ransacked by bandits. Bit of a realist, but for the most part mellow and positive otherwise.
Interesting choice of fight!! I like it!
I don’t know much about MHA besides Hawks so I tried with this one 😅
Also I l imagined that y/n fights like Suki and Tai Lee from AtLA
Vax’ildan - damn! Where’d you learn moves like that? You always have his back and sometimes he gets distracted watching you fight
Jester - she’s seen Beau fight but yours is so pretty??? All the silks and different colors just fascinate her
Keyleth - silks meet vines in a dynamic duo, and your attitude starts to brush off a bit on her to which you’re both like “we make a good team, right? 😉”
Pike - oh yes!! Finally!! She loves having you as an equal and crossing Sarenrae’s power with your silks and moves makes for some creative dance attacks
Scanlan - Scanlan’s and Bigby’s hand are now laced with silks which packs an extra punch. Plus the bard always throws compliments your way
Grog - he admires your skills and pls oh please throw him in his Rage attacks because he thinks it would be so cool.
Caleb - he’s seen you be a beast at fighting but it’s so…captivating! There’s a shared bond you both have when it comes to intense fighting but he’s glad to have met you and your outlook on life
Yasha - being on the road is something she’s used to and while she may be shy at first, your silks and skills break the ice. Also in her barbarian rages, power silks stopping other attacks make it easier for her
Chetney - he’s met his match in sparring and over words 😆. Still claims him as a werewolf is leagues better than silk fighting
Fjord - a badass? Adventurous?? Cool AF?? Jester likes you (tho she likes everyone)?? Where have you been all this time??
Cadeuces - takes a lot to phase Mr Cool Easy Vibes yet you manage to. Never sparing a story over a shared cup of tea, and he admires your stealth and strength in a fight
Beauregard - oh please show her more of your moves! When you do show her a demo, she won’t admit (at first) how nice and soft the silks feel around her hands
Ashton - hells yeah he likes you!! Silks that launch attacks and he has the war hammer with him?? Talk about double trouble that he will gladly grab a drink with
FCG - Letters absolutely adores you! Calls you the bee’s knees! Trusts you because of how well you and Ashton get along
Vex’ahlia - do not go far from her because you both work so well together!! Your abilities to (gracefully and stealthy) stop enemies in their tracks makes quick work of them
Fearne - there have been occasions on which you’ve helped her swiped some stuff here and there with the silks 😉 but other than that
Mollymauk/Kingsley - which circus were you at? Did you meet before in his past life? He would’ve remembered one like you 😏
Orym - he respects a fellow fighter, being a Tempest Blade and all, and appreciates that someone in the group can (somewhat) be level-headed during the highs and lows of their journey(s)
Laudna - oh she’s excited to meet and talk to you! Stories to swap, you admire and encourage her to be her best self, and you appreciate any doll gifts both giving and receiving
Imogen - was a bit hesitant about you at first but slowly warmed up to you. You, her and Laudna bond over tales from the travels and whenever some excursion gets too hair-brained, she can rely on you for help
Percy - it’s a slow burn crush he has from “I appreciate you” to “I can’t imagine being without you”, man’s is in awe of your power(s) and he’s more than grateful given that it’s saved his life
Nott/Veth - she gets distracted with them and sometimes dons them on like she has a boa, but also pls use them to launch her during attacks because it would look really cool
Essek - out of the Nein, there’s still so much of your story that always surprises him and he notices how every time you talk, you wrap a silk around his wrist
Dorian - as a bard, he admires a fellow “artisan” such as yourself. Growing up was a bit sheltering for him so he’s all ears for all that you have to say about your travels on the road
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
Could I request some headcanons for what the mercs would be like crying in front of their s/o? Or what it would take to get them to?
It’d have to take him getting really, really angry or frustrated. Typically the only things that will push him this far are embarrassing himself really badly, losing a match, or somebody insulting him about something that he’s really sensitive about (like his lack of a dad, or if they tore him down about his appearance).
When he cries, he runs off somewhere to sit in a dark corner and bury his face in his knees, because he doesn’t want anyone to see him. When you come to see if he’s alright, he yells at you to leave, but makes no physical effort to force you. He still doesn’t do anything when you wrap your arms around him; in fact, after a while, the tension in his body leaves and he kinda slumps into your arms, burying his face in your chest or shoulder.
Solly is a person that you’d never expect to cry. Typically, he never does, because insults go over his head and he typically just demolishes a punching bag when he’s emotional. But he can come incredibly distraught when thinking about his early experiences in war.
When he feels like he’s about to cry, he locks himself in his room. He’d get angry at anyone who knocks on his door, except you, of course. When you knock, he opens the door wordlessly and captures you in a tight hug. He holds you close and buries his face in your shoulder, almost like an upset toddler. Usually, he’s never been able to talk about things that make him upset without getting brushed off, so getting held and being allowed to talk things out makes him feel a lot better.
I can’t really imagine Pyro as being much of a crier????? Like, maybe they’d cry if you were really upset with them, but that’s about it.
I guess that when they cry, they typically just sit by themselves, softly but audibly sniffling under the mask. If you ask them what’s wrong, they don’t answer, but if you come close, they’ll rest their head on your shoulder and tightly grip your hand. They’re back to normal in a few hours, but they don’t wanna talk about the crying and will disregard it if you bring it up.
If he’s drunk, he constantly cries over things that are often random and unimportant. When he’s sober, he usually gets frustrated or angry rather than sad, so he’d only cry about something huge like losing his mom. Also, he’s quite touch and affection starved, so give him gentle affection when he’s upset or stressed- might make him get emotional and tear up a lot.
The way he gets emotional when he receives affection is actually quite cute. He’s big on affection and initiates it 99.9% of the time, so it’s a surprise to him that you would actively seek out affection from him and initiate it. He gets a little flustered and has the cutest nervous smile, but he melts into your arms and cuddles close like a happy cat, puts his head on your shoulder, and wipes his eye and cheek behind your back.
Heavy likes to present himself like he doesn’t get scared or sad or upset, but he does, he just hides it and uses healthy ways of coping or releasing emotion. So it’s very rare for him to cry, especially around other people, even his family. It’d have to take something extremely impactful, like the loss of a family member, to make him cry in front of other people.
When he cries, he does it quietly and by himself. When you find him by accident, he says nothing and just looks away, but he doesn’t try to stop you when you approach him. You reach up and touch his cheeks wordlessly, acknowledging that he clearly doesn’t want to talk. He only looks up at you for a moment before pulling you into a gentle hug, taking in the warmth and comfort of your body.
I don’t actually think Engineer is much of a crier either? His emotions probably come out as anger and frustration (which is obviously never taken out on you). I can imagine that he might cry after losing a loved one. And he’s a very patient and well-tempered person, but I think a very, very long string of failures with inventions might make him angry-cry.
When you find him crying, he wipes his eyes and hangs his head, refusing to look at you. But when you approach him and try to comfort him, he weakly complies and lets himself get wrapped in a hug. If you ask him to, he rants his heart out. Once he calms down, he pulls away, wipes his eyes again, and gives you a weak smile, clearly grateful for the comfort. “Look at me, moping and crying like a child,” he says with a soft, breathless chuckle.
Saying that Medic’s childhood was rough is an understatement. He tends to ignore that part of his life and doesn’t talk about it/won’t ever elaborate, but sometimes he can’t avoid bad dreams and scary memories. They tend to stress him out a lot and take him back to the roughest events of his life, so of course he tends to cry after one of these flashbacks.
When he has these memories, he tends to hole up in his lab or his quarters, as it often comes with a bad mental crash. Another mercenaries had mentioned that he seemed out of it earlier, so you went to go check on him, and you found him an exhausted and miserable mess. He immediately crushed you in a hug, crying into your shoulder or cheek. Your body’s warmth and your voice really helps ground him and calm him down. Over a little while, he relaxes a bit and practically melts into you, maybe even falling asleep, but not before he manages to softly thank you for staying with him and comforting him.
Sniper doesn’t seem like much of a crier, and he’s typically not. But he spent a lot of time crying his eyes out until alcohol made him numb in the first few months after his parents’ death. And, like Demo, a lot of affection could easily make him emotional and cry a little because he’s so unbelievably touch starved.
One time, you find him in his quarters (no I don’t think he lives in the van), clearly having a bad day. You sit down next to him and stroke his back, asking him whats wrong. “Nothin’. Just a long day,” he responds weakly. When you reach up to touch his face and comfort him, he jumps a bit in surprise, being unused to people touching his face, but he leans into your hand and closes his eyes. For a moment, you didn’t even realize he was starting to cry, but he sniffles loudly and his eyes are wet when he opens them. He still gives you a soft smile, grateful for the comfort.
Basically never cries because he’s excellent at bottling up every emotion he feels and acting like everything is okay. Even losing a loved one wouldn’t make him cry, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not absolutely traumatized and heartbroken; He just doesn’t show it externally. The only thing that could make him cry is a loved one trying to help him improve his mental state- of course, letting out his feelings is an incredibly important part. He strongly resists their attempts for a long time, but seeing how worried they are about him and how much they care makes him fall apart.
He just randomly starts crying in the middle of a conversation about you trying to help him mentally heal. Like, all of a sudden, he buries his face in his hand and sniffles softly. He lets you hug and comfort him, but he hides his face out of shame as he silently sobs into his hand.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
it seems boredom has taken over me due to the fact i have nothing to do but make up hcs of your universe reversal au, so here you go:
(im sorry if this is bothersome)
• if [y/n]'s va tries making a song cover of a romantic/love song with the character's voice, albedo would go overdrive and make an animatic centered around either: [y/n] x traveler or [y/n] x viewer (the other simps would also go crazy over both the cover and godly animatic ngl)
• childe would be the type to show and brag to his younger siblings about his genshin waifu/husbando/lover. teucer is usually his main listener, and he would feel prideful if teucer ever asks something about you out of curiosity or interest. definitely would go on a rant and word-vomit about how awesome and perfect you are.
• xiao's a famous and anonymous [y/n] x reader fanfic writer on tumblr/ao3/wattpad whose stories get very popular with the simps desperate for content
• zhongli bought a keychain displaying your chibi self from the official merch store. he keeps it dangling from his wallet's keychain holder (?) and is the prime reason why he remembers to actually bring his wallet sometimes. like, he's about to go outside to eat with a friend at mcdonald's or something; but he catches sight of your chibi self at the corner of his peripheral vision before he could so — and he's like: "oh hey it's my [y/n] keychain— oops, i also forgot my wallet again"
• venti would listen to [y/n] x listener videos on youtube. he might even go and commission someone for it (he might sometimes commission nsfw) (inspiration was taken from a past ask you received. thank you to the anon who gave me this idea).
• kaeya's a little shit in co-op and absolutely refuses to adjust/change his character (aka you). he's devoted to you and only you, even if your attacks aren't very effective on a particular boss/enemy (and even if said boss is immune to your attacks).
• though diluc isn't very involved with the fandom, he does occasionally look and scroll fanart of you (albedo's art usually). he may or may not have read and got hooked onto a [y/n] x reader fic (xiao's). he checks for updates once a week
• i hc that ganyu kind of has a hard time sleeping (she's overworked :(( ) since she usually pulls all-nighters, working on reports for her job. her body soon got used and adjusted to her terrible sleep schedule, so oftentimes during her day-offs; she has a hard time taking a well-deserved rest. sooooo, i think she listens to your theme song/voicelines (more specifically, the ones where you're all doting on the traveler or where you tell them to have a good night/rest). even better if your va has a relaxing song cover she could listen to and slowly fall asleep to. overall, GIVE THIS GIRL A BREAK.
Okay, okay, ladybug anon I love you so much aldbaoakkw I love Universe Reversal brainrot so much and you're all so clever over it sksksksk
The VA thingy reminds me of either the ones Mihoyo made where Barbara or Amber interacts with the audience awww, or or they did a similar thing with Let The Wind Tell You collab with fanartists sodbksnso
I just imagined Childe bragging his imaginary waifu/husbando to a fuckin kid like a lonely degenerate omayghad
It's funny how if in this verse he is the top writer, it's divergent to the fact that @xiaowhore is the current top writer
Venti VENTI would definitely be the type of person to buy Patreon subscription for those VA thingies and gives so much for their kofi account because they love it so much
I can definitely see Kaeya do this but but physical damage can do its work, and Kaeya can miraculously build (y/n) like 17k base attack, food buff, and then Bennett damage multiplier- he's a metaslave for his waifu/husbando
Diluc defo has an ao3 account that he keeps an absolute secret, but if you see his subscriptions, he has double digits of series and authors following
Ganyu bb :(( (Y/N)'s trailer music is much calmer than the demo so tnbee for example made a remix of it which has some of the nice dialogue mixed in, or someone made a 1 hour loop of the official stellar moment release. It's so effective that sometimes Ganyu really can't rest unless she's listening to it full blast.
Ah I love this, I love this all, this must be placed in both masterlists for everyone to see
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readermishok · 3 years
Top 20: my favorite interactive stories
Hello, guys!
Once I saw that one of my popular and mostly likeable posts was about IF, I decided to share with you my personal top of the best IF authors I have known. 
I read a lot of WIPs (work in progress) and finished novels since three long years, so I might recommend truly incredible stories. I apologies for adding pics and some additional info about my MC, but I wanted to bring spark of life into this top.
MC – Julia (deShanre), she|her.
I'll start with telling about quartet of works greatly affected on me. It was almost like… living my second life. It felt so real, so vibrant. In the darkest times it gave me the strenght to meet the next day.
1. Samurai of Hyuga, Books 1-4 by Devon Connell (WIP, planned 7 books). Patreon. Buy Book 1.  Buy Book 2. Buy Book 3. Buy Book 4.
Samurai of Hyuga is a brutal, heart-pounding interactive tale. Prepare to enter the land of silk and steel, where fantasy clashes against grim reality, and where the good guys don't always win in the end. It's a harsh world with tough choices at every turn. Good thing you're the toughest ronin around.
My MC: Ronin, the master of the Jigoku Ittō-ryū, The Sword Who Cuts the Heavens
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2. Fallen Hero by Malin Ryden (WIP, planned 4 books). Tumblr: @fallenhero-rebirth​. Patreon. Buy Book 1.
Become the greatest telepathic villain Los Diablos has ever known! Once you were famous; soon you will be infamous. That is, unless your old friends in the Rangers stop you first. Juggle different identities and preserve your secrets as you build new alliances and try to forget the friendships you've left behind.
My MC: Sidestep Puppetmaster:
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Jane (puppet):
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3. I, the Forgotten one by Bacondoneright (WIP, planned dilogy). No tumblr or Patreon|Ko-fi. Demo.
It has been five long years since the end of The Border Wars. Five long years without a purpose. Endlessly drifting around from one job to the next, serving your apathetic father only to receive no credit. Nobody in Kanton truly knows what you did. How you won The War, leading the armies of Kanton as a youth.
Nobody knows what it took out of you. Spending your formative years in war is not good for one’s outlook on life. Your emotions now lie behind a mask of stoicism. After all, all emotions do is cloud one’s judgement and wind up costing lives.
Nobody knows how much it hurt to be cast down from the throne and succession. To be disinherited, cast away from the family, and left aside to die.
My MC: The Marshal, the bastard child:
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4. The Exile by Pheo (WIP). Tumblr: @exilethegame​. Patreon. Demo.
You’re the ex-commander of the Kingdom of Plaithus, and your name is known by all. It used to be whispered in fear by your enemies, and the very mention of it could send men fleeing. Your people had cried it out in battle, swords raised in your honor as they faced death fearlessly. You were a hero, and to some, a legend.
Until you weren’t.
You can’t remember what happened. All that’s left are blurry faces, screams, and the feeling of blood on your hands. The only reason you still have your head is because of the pity of an old friend.
And now? It’s only been a year since the incident, and already things are going wrong again when a rather peculiar sorcerer offers you absurd amounts of gold in exchange for protection from… well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? You don’t know.
My MC: the Commander:
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Shepherds of Haven by Lena Nguyen (WIP). Tumblr: @shepherds-of-haven​ Patreon. Demo.
Shepherds of Haven is a dark fantasy interactive fiction game. In it, you play as a Mage living in a world where magic is outlawed and your people—those possessing supernatural powers—are oppressed and reviled. The world is ruled by humans who believe in science, technology, and industry: at best, you and your kind are nothing more than a fairytale, and at worst you are the state’s greatest threat.
My MC: Human Mage, gunner
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God of the Red Mountain (WIP). Tumblr: @friendlybowlofsoup​​​ Demo.
You are a spirit born of the Red Mountain–though you’ve run away from it long ago. You’d be content to stay away, too, if not for the mountain god who suddenly comes looking for you. But what purpose do they have? And what exactly is your end goal?
Based on East Asian myths and folklore, you play as a powerful, nameless spirit in a shifting world. As a being caught between death and life, you are connected to a stream of limitless power, and the more you are known, the more powerful you become.
However, your journey will not be so smooth. You have been cursed by powerful, malignant beings known as Foxes, and it’s only a matter of time before you fall from sanity yourself.
My MC: Owl spirit, human appearance
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The Bastard of Camelot by Rebelgirl (WIP). Tumblr: @llamagirl28​ Demo. Ko-fi.
Your child will be the undoing of Camelot. Born under an ominous prophecy, you are the incestuous bastard of King Arthur and Morgana Le Fay. Will you fulfill the prophecy, or rebel?
Be the villain they expect you to be, or the hero they don’t- be remorseful or unapologetic, make your destiny or be Morgana’s tool of revenge.
Arthur can’t have any more children, making you the sole blood heir, and sole other Pendragon. As a Pendragon, you have the power of dragons.
The Bastard of Camelot is a trilogy following Mordred as they become a knight of the Round Table, and save or destroy Camelot.
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The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia: Part One by (WIP). Tumblr: @fantasyfawkes​​​ Demo. Patreon.
The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia is a low-fantasy game set in a Renaissance-esque world where you play as one of seven heirs to a fictional kingdom rife with intrigue. As the King’s seventh child, you are a prince or princess of Ophaesia, a luxurious nation along the southern coast of Selanes. You are the first child of your father’s third wife, a woman hated throughout the realm due to the pervasive suspicion that she poisoned the previous queen, and her poor reputation taints your image in the eyes of the court and beyond. From your days in the palace nursery all the way to adulthood, you must navigate treacherous court politics and delicate foreign affairs while trying to find your place in the world — and your family.
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 Attollo by A.E. Jendryke (WIP). Tumblr: @attollogame Demo. Patreon.
After several years of radio silence, you receive a message from your younger sibling that carries a strange sense of urgency to it. Either out of familial concern, or boredom, you embark on a journey from your residence to your siblings apartment in New Hampshire to see what’s wrong and then get on with your life. Too bad it’s never so simple.
Deal with cults, interdimensional entities, and far too many people with superpowers (where, for once, you’re the odd one out) in your journey to bring your sibling back from an underworld far out of your control.
My MC: lawyer
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 Land of the Dragon (WIP) by Hilsee Foo. Demo. Last update was long ago... (crying)
Welcome to the Land of the Dragon! Here you shall experience an adventure in an ancient land, navigate court politics, forge friendships, and maybe even pursue romance if you so choose!
The Dragon Emperor sits upon the throne, as he inherited it from his father before him. But all is not well in the realm. In the provinces, an Uprising is gaining both strength and popularity. At court, the Elder Prince plots in secret to usurp his brother's throne. And within the Emperor's harem, the Empress and Imperial Consort vie for power.
As the Emperor and Empress' only trueborn child, you are at the centre of this power struggle. When all hell breaks lose on your 21st nameday, what will you do to find your place in this world?
All this, and more... In the Land of the Dragon.
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The Northern Passage by Kit H.J. (WIP). Tumblr: @northern-passage​ Demo. 
The Northern Passage is a horror fantasy CYOA, where you play as a hunter sent up north to investigate a series of missing people along the border and in the port cities of the Blackwater.
Working with your handler, Lea, you will travel north and discover that things are far worse than you ever could have imagined, and that there is something powerful lurking out in the deep, dark sea…
My MC: Hunter
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 The Nameless by Parker Lyn (WIP). Tumblr: @parkerlyn​​ Demo. Ko-fi.
The Nameless is a low fantasy WIP that is character and romance driven, with your race (sheevra) loosely based on stories about the fey and other myths. Where deals are a weapon and a name is the most intimate secret someone can offer. You play as a sheevra investigating the city of Renescen after the complete disappearance of one of four sheevra Clans in the world, running across a ragtag group of both sheevra and mortalis along the way.
Will you find out what happened before it comes for you?
Mortalis appearance
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Virtue’s End by Crimsis (WIP). Tumblr: @virtuesend-if​​​ Demo. Patreon.
In a dark world overrun by monsters from the shadow plane, you exist as a hybrid monster hunter called a helvling, a human whose very soul has been Bound to one such entity. Travelling from warded settlement to warded settlement with your surly Keeper, Shea, you have the thankless task of defending the common folk against these horrors from Hel.
Usually, a fate such as yours is only reserved for the lowest of criminals, as penance for their loathsome deeds… You wouldn’t know if your fate has been deserved, however, since upon completion of your Binding seven years ago, all former memories of your human life have been lost.
You’ve been moulded into a weapon by the Virtuous Order, trained to be an unfeeling and ruthlessly efficient hunter… But is that who you are? Who are you, truly?
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A Tale of Crowns (WIP). Tumblr: @ataleofcrowns​​​​ Itch.
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy love story with Middle Eastern roots, both on pc as well as mobile! It’s entirely text-based, with choices throughout to shape both your main character’s personality and skills as well as influence their relationships with others. There are four love interests for you to choose from, both female as well as male, each with their own stories and secrets for you to uncover!
Crown of Arsur
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 Wayfarer (WIP). Tumblr: @idrellegames​ Demo. Patreon.
When your mercenary work backs you into a corner, you take the only option available and accept a contract: to travel to the city of Velantis and steal an ancient artifact said to be blessed by the gods. Simple, right?
But Velantis holds more than you bargained for. Gathering a ragtag party of malcontents and renegades from across the city, you must navigate enemy factions, meddling guilds, and escalating political tensions. Your choices will ultimately determine the city’s fate – and the fate of every person who lives there. 
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When Twilight Strikes by evertidings (WIP). Tumblr: @evertidings​ Demo. 
You are a bounty hunter. Responsible for taking in rogue supernaturals, you work for IAOS—the International Agency of Supernaturals—where, alongside your best friend and partner, you two have quickly become the best hunting duo of the branch. After a particular tricky hunt, you brief your boss, Caine Atheron, and come back to work the next day to find that he has mysteriously disappeared overnight, the company is now in the hands of his best friend, Sebastian Mai. And though no one else seems to question it, something tells you that there’s more to the story.
With bounty cases rising at an alarming rate and a second mystery unfolding, you and your ragtag team of allies set out to find the truth.
But as you go further and further, the secrets you uncover begin to make you question: who… or what exactly are you fighting for? 
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Passanger by Pime (WIP). Tumblr: @the-passenger-if Demo. Ko-fi.
Do you like monsters? Do you think they are the best part of their respective movies, books, and shows? Then The Passenger might be the game for you.
The Passenger is a choice script work in progress in which you are an eldritch abomination that’s about to be devoured by another unthinkable creature. Good news is you are pretty crafty and know how to jump dimensions to escape your ghastly fate; bad news is, you’re now stuck on Earth, trapped inside a dumb human larva.
As years go by, you realize the amount of energy you need to leave this horrible dimension behind is a lot more than you anticipated. Not to mention the creature that almost ate you all those years ago never really stopped looking for you. But there’s no way it’ll pinpoint your actual location… right?
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Scout: An Apocalypse Story by Anya (WIP). Tumblr: @anya-dev​ Itch.
It has been over a decade since a worldwide natural disaster obliterated the natural planet and decimated human civilization. There are small groups of humans still alive, fending for themselves, trying to create communities amongst the rubble.
You are a 24-year old scout living in a small community on the edge of the Orange Plains. You lost your mother and your sister before finding your way here. You are primarily an academic, and you put your skills to use on regular scouting missions. With your best friend and your scouting team leader in tow, your small group is a pillar of the Community.
On your first scouting mission of the hot season, you meet the leader of the People Across the Orange Plains. Will you break from the Community you have known your whole life? Ask a romantic partner to join you? Discover secrets that your own people have been hiding? Become a leader yourself?
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Body Count by Nell Bolton (WIP). Tumblr: @bodycountgame​ Demo. Ko-fi.
Your life isn’t going how you’d hoped. Despite having big plans when you graduated, you’re stuck in a dead end job and a crappy flat with zero romantic life to speak of. All until a friend convinces you to join the cast of a new reality TV show.
The premise is simple: 12 singles are sent to a villa on a tropical island and they live there together for a month. After 28 days, the couple who is voted by the other islanders as being most likely to withstand the test of time will win £500,000. In addition, the couple with the highest body count will win £500,000. Total prize pool? £1,000,000.
In this context, “body count” refers to how many people you’ve slept with… right? Well, that’s what you think when you sign your contract. Turns out, though, that not all of your fellow cast members will be using that definition to get to the prize.
Fall in love, win big money, solve some murders and try to stay.
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Project Hadea by nyehilism (WIP). Tumblr: @nyehilismwriting​​ Itch. Ko-fi.
You play as an OPERATIVE of Scytha Industries, a highly selective private security company. As their most elite Operative, you possess many skills and talents, not to mention top-of-the-line equipment - including your very own AI module, IVI.
This, of course, puts a price on your head. An AI module goes for billions on the black market; carrying one around in your skull is, perhaps, not the safest idea. Sure, you’re more than a match for anyone who might come after you - but no-one outside the high levels of Scytha knows about it, so you should be safe anyway, right?
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
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I do want to thank all these tremendously talented authors for creating such complex and beautiful worlds. I love it with all my soul.
Thanks for reading, I hope you will find story for yourself. I’ll gradually extand this top! 
Stay tuned.
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catt-nuevenor · 3 years
hey! I’ve bumped into your demo and just wanted to gushed how awesome it is :0🤍🤍 The plot is so wholesome and captivating and i know you’ve got even more under your wing in the future im just so fascinated 🤍🤍
But then I read through your blog and wow... I have never encountered such thorough explanations and mature attitude to the story you write and things you want to express through it. As i said - wow. I can’t even imagine how much effort you put into it or maybe it comes naturally? Anyhow your blog is not any less interesting and enlightening than the story you write and that’s so wonderful 🤍🤍🤍 Thank you marvelous person🎋
First of all, thank you so much! Both for your appreciation of the story, and your appreciation of the blog! It's wonderful to hear that you're enjoying both, and that you are also enjoying my way of answering the asks and messages that get sent in.
I'll let you all in on something I don't think I've expressly stated so far on any of the platforms. While at first I was writing as a side project, most of the prologue was written while I was sorting out the tail end of a project for a client. It was a well-paid endeavour, and I'm fortunate enough to live in circumstances that mean my outgoing expenses are minimal. So, once the project was completed, and I'd tied up all loose ends with the client, I decided to embark on a little bit of an adventure.
I decided to start treating Myrk Mire like a full-time job.
Let me state straight away that I'm not in any way trying to garner sympathy, admiration, or accolades. It was an arguably foolish decision, and I'd certainly not recommend it without many good and sensible self assessments on the subject. But, I do hope that by telling you all this, you can better understand how and why the content appears in the manner it does.
Myrk Mire is a passion project for me, but I'm also treating it as a job. Of course, I don't really get paid for it (though the Patrons are an enormous help in that regard and I openly state that I adore each and every one of you lovely, generous people), and it's not like I have a manager or a boss glaring at me if I happen to take a few extra minutes for a lunch break, but I am treating it as a professional job.
Myrk Mire is also an enormous story. Currently, projecting forward from the length of the prologue, chapter 1, and the unreleased chapter 2, the eventual story will likely end up being around the 1 million word mark (code included). There are days where I seriously question my own sanity... But it is the story I want to tell, and unfortunately the way I want to tell it entails a lot of writing.
I got off-topic a bit there, sorry about that, but I hope my somewhat rambling piece helps to explain my approach to the asks, and the story. I want to do this right, and when it's done I want it to be a piece of work that I can be proud of. But I never want to give any prospective writers the impression that they can bash out a couple of thousand words a day, juggle a tumblr blog, patron, discord, and forum, by scraping away with limited energy in the wee small hours of the morning by just trying hard enough.
Respect what time you have, and never let someone else's work habits negatively affect your sense of worth or your health.
So, in conclusion, yes, it takes a lot of work, but it's work that I'm enjoying immensely, and one of the greatest joys of that work so far is receiving the feedback from the community. Do keep sending me in messages, comment queries and feedback, even when the updates to the demo or the snippets go quiet for a while. I love hearing from you!
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nerdypanda3126 · 3 years
An Interesting Little Relationship
This was written for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Sprint Fic Challenge.
The "rules" are three 15-minute sprints with 24 hours for light editing, which includes new writing to smooth transitions or make it feel complete. Except I broke a few rules on this one... so I used I think six sprints total (lost count a bit 😅) and in between sprints I let myself keep writing until I got stuck. 
This time around I used the prompt: "As if life hasn’t been hard enough lately…you just met your soulmate, and they’re not even human. (Supernatural/monster AU)" 
And @airi-p4​ wrote this minific based on a Julie and the Phantoms AU and it all just kinda clicked in my head. Although fair warning for those of you who know the show, I did take away the ability to handle the instruments to play more with the "can't touch real things"... thing.
Read on Ao3 
The question had been on Marinette’s mind ever since she first met Luka. Which wasn’t too out of the ordinary. For those with visible marks, it was often the first thing people noticed. Marks stood out like wedding bands—jet black for those still waiting, brilliant color for those who’d already found their soulmate, a permanent reminder of the first touch. 
Luka had three black marks like smudges across the backs of his fingers, as if he were destined to brush his knuckles against some stranger’s at some point in his life and discover what everyone hoped to. 
The problem was, Luka’s life was already over. 
He and the band had first shimmered into existence when she found their demo buried along with the rest of their things in the attic and popped it into the dormant CD player. As she’d listened, nodding her head along to the punk rock beat and appreciating the skill of the guitarist, suddenly there they were, three ghosts standing right in front of her.
She’d screamed. They’d screamed. Eventually everyone calmed down enough for Luka to explain that her attic was their old studio and introduce his sister, Juleka, and their drummer, Ivan. And as he gestured to himself, her eyes went straight to those three black marks that she’d been watching ever since.  
She rubbed at her own mark—three black streaks on the side of her neck, just below her ear—as they worked on writing a new song together. Luka was brainstorming aloud, pacing back and forth soundlessly, while she handled the pen. 
Touch was tricky for him. If he focused sometimes, he could pick up small things. He’d managed to grab a pick once and strum it across his guitar in its stand and he’d been giddy about it for days afterward. Sometimes it made her think that maybe it wasn’t all that crazy that her marks seemed to match with his. Maybe it was possible… 
“Hey, you okay, boss?” Luka asked, breaking her out of her thoughts as he took a seat next to her on the old couch and laid his arm casually along the back of her seat. She could almost imagine his weight settling into the spot, although of course he himself was weightless. She frowned at the unburdened upholstery under his thighs as if it had personally offended her. 
“Isn’t it weird?” 
“Isn’t what weird?” 
“You can sit there, and you can pick things up sometimes and you don’t go through the floor or anything, but you can’t touch… other things.” 
As if to prove her point, Luka propped his legs up on the small table she’d brought up, crossing his graffitied high tops across her notebook and smirking. She rolled her eyes and went to shove him off out of habit. Her hand passed right through him, making his feet look like a staticky TV picture for a second before they were back to normal. She frowned at them, too. 
Luka seemed to take her meaning because he moved his feet back down and leaned forward on his elbows instead, tracing lazy patterns on her notebook with his painted fingernail as his eyebrows furrowed in thought beneath his blue-tipped bangs. The paper crinkled under his touch in the quiet between them.
“Yeah, it’s weird,” he finally agreed. 
She kept her eyes focused on those three black marks. For a moment she fantasized about taking his hand and tracing them, but she knew her hand would pass through his like she was trying to hold onto air. “It just doesn’t make sense,” she started again, “if you can’t touch people, why do you still have your marks?” 
He laid his hand flat on the table, then, considering them. She rubbed at hers again self-consciously.
“I don’t know,” he said quietly. “I guess it’s maybe because I died before I met them. You know, seventeen. I didn’t have much time. Jules still has hers, too.” His eyes flicked to her hand covering her mark. “Why do you ask?” 
“It’s stupid,” she muttered. “I’ve just been wondering if maybe… you know…” 
His eyebrows disappeared behind his bangs as a disbelieving grin spread across his face. She wished she could shove his shoulder or tug his beanie down over his nose or flick the gauges in his ears or do something to him. As it was, she tossed her pen at him, taking what small pleasure she could from it when it passed between his eyes, at least marring that grin for a split second. 
“Shut up,” she said, her face flaming as she turned away. “I told you it was stupid.” 
“What if it wasn’t, though?” he asked. “I mean, you said it yourself, I can touch other things. And who knows how these things really work, right? Maybe it doesn’t have to be a touch, maybe it can be… I don’t know, the intent of a touch, or—” 
“Luka…” His name came out half as a warning and half as a sigh. 
“I’m just saying, maybe we could try. Maybe—”
“It’s not you, Luka,” she said, her tone slipping out with more petulance than she meant it to. Which one of them was she trying to convince, anyways? “It can't be you. You’re—well, let’s face it. You’re a ghost. You're not real. Even if it was you—which it’s not, but if it was—I mean, how would that even work? I can’t touch you, you can’t touch me, and the marks only change when someone touches you for the first time. Everyone knows that’s how this works, and we—” 
She stopped when she caught sight of his face again. Only a moment ago she’d been wishing she could wipe the grin off his face and now that it was actually gone, now that his shoulders were slumping in disappointment and his eyebrows were furrowing again, now she wished she hadn’t brought it up in the first place. 
It hurt more than she thought it would. That maybe he’d thought about it, too, and wanted it as much as she did. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, avoiding his eyes. “Forget I said anything.”
She felt it when he poofed away a moment later, like a small bubble had popped leaving the atmosphere a little harder to breathe. She groaned and let her head fall against the table with a heavy thunk, then thunked it again a few more times for good measure. 
And he did forget about it. Or at least he didn’t bring it up again over the next few weeks, although she did catch him looking at her marks more often. Usually with the same concentration as when he was trying to write his own lyrics down using the pen he was getting better and better at manipulating. 
It wasn’t until she overheard him and Juleka arguing one night that she realized it was even still on his mind. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Luka’s exasperated tone made her pause before opening the door to the attic. 
“She deserves someone real, Jules. Her real soulmate, whoever the lucky bastard is, and I’ll never be able to give her that. I mean, okay, let’s say I do tell her, and by some miracle she wants to give up waiting for her soulmate and be with me. Our options are basically I stay here, forever stuck at seventeen, and I watch her grow old and…” 
The way he trailed off made Marinette picture him turning that focused gaze of his on his guitar as his jaw tensed, the way he sometimes did when his words failed him. It always made her think he wished he could let the guitar speak for him. 
“I mean, she can never have a family with me, we can’t share our lives together,” he continued bitterly after a moment. “Hell, she can’t even tell anyone I exist because they’ll think she’s insane. Or what if I somehow manage to cross over and she’s left to try to figure out how to move on? It’s just…” For once Marinette actually heard him sit heavily on the couch, the leather whooshing out from under him and the supports creaking under the weight of his emotion. “I don’t see the point in telling her.” 
There was a long pause and Marinette was starting to wonder if Juleka was even still in the room with him, but then she heard a sharp smack and Luka’s annoyed protest. 
“The point,” Juleka shot back with more force in her voice than Marinette was used to hearing, “is that I’m sick of watching you moping around like this. And besides, don’t you think Marinette deserves to know?” 
“Look, maybe you’re soulmates and maybe you’re not. You may never know, right?” 
“Jules, I don’t think you understand—”
“But you love her, don’t you? Regardless of fate or whatever.” 
“Of course, but—”
“So tell her.” Juleka’s voice was like steel and it made Marinette shiver to think of being on the receiving end of it. 
She waited, breathless, for Luka’s response, but she only heard a small pop as one of them left. Tentatively, she pushed on the door and let it swing open. Luka was still on the couch with his head in his hands and his fingers dug into his hair as he stared at his shoes. He didn’t seem to notice her entrance until she knocked on the doorframe. His head snapped up and his eyes widened, but before she could even say ‘hello’ he popped out of the room, too, leaving her mind spinning and her heart pounding. 
He wasn’t avoiding her. If anything, they spent more time together now than… before, but he always managed to make sure someone else was around. Her parents, especially, because he knew she wouldn’t talk to him in front of them, but that didn’t stop him from doing those annoying ghost things that drove her crazy. 
Like pushing her plate to the side just as she was about to take a bite, or turning lights off  randomly and grinning at her when her parents wondered about the fuses, or tucking doodles and notes and lyrics torn out of her own notebook but in his scratchy handwriting into her shoes and her hair bands and her backpack and—why did he have to be so infuriatingly adorable? 
She was running out of reasons to explain why she was blushing and smiling so much nowadays. Especially since her mark was as black as ever. 
It took a while, but eventually he slipped up. It was a band meeting. Juleka was missing, which wasn’t surprising; she’d been gone more often than not and anytime they asked where she’d been she’d mutter an excuse and hide, blushing, behind her hair. 
So Ivan was acting as Luka’s buffer, preventing her, as usual, from asking him about what she’d overheard, until Luka mentioned a name, Mylène, and Ivan went quiet before he popped away without another word. 
Luka muttered an apology to the air Ivan had been occupying before he froze and turned those same wide eyes on Marinette. She half-expected him to poof out, but instead he picked up his pen and started twirling it nervously through his long fingers. After what felt like an eternity of silence, she huffed out a breath and dove in. 
“I heard everything, Luka.” 
He nodded, flicking his eyes up briefly before focusing back on the pen. “I know.” 
“So? What happens now?” 
He shrugged and leaned back against the couch, avoiding her eyes. “Your call, boss.” 
He was trying to look indifferent, unaffected, but she could tell by the way his pen was still spinning that he was only trying to distract himself. She rubbed at her marks, considering, then shifted closer to him. If he were actually sitting next to her, her knee would be leaning against his. Instead the boundary between them shimmered like a mist. It gave her a strange sense of warmth mixed with melancholy. She put her hand out on her knee, palm up, offering it to him.
All but his pen had frozen when she moved, but when his eyes flicked down to her hand, the pen slipped out of his focus and clattered to the floor. 
She couldn’t help her small giggle at his astonishment. In a daze, he reached out to hover his hand over hers, his fingers arched so that his fingertips were poised on top of hers, but not quite daring to close the distance. 
When he finally did, both of their shoulders fell when his hand passed entirely through her. 
Luka pulled away with a small, bitter chuckle. She flexed her fingers, wishing that they felt any different. It should feel different. It was only because he wasn’t—no, not that he wasn’t real , because he most certainly was. And she couldn’t even say he wasn’t alive either, because Luka was the most alive person she’d ever known. Or at least that’s how he made her feel. So, then, it was only because they were on two different planes of existence. Two different places. That’s why they couldn’t… 
“This is an interesting little relationship you and I have,” he muttered, but when she looked over he was smiling, flexing his fingers the same way she was. 
She nodded to agree. Interesting. That was a good word for it. 
“When did this happen?” Marinette asked as Juleka sheepishly moved her long hair aside to show the bubblegum pink mark across the back of her shoulders. 
Juleka shrugged and hid her eyes behind her hair. “I dunno. A week ago maybe?” 
Marinette shared a glance with Luka. About the same time she started disappearing from band meetings, then. She couldn’t help letting her eyes travel down to Luka’s hand. Juleka found her soulmate in the afterlife. That proved it was possible, right? Or what if Luka was meant to find another ghost like Juleka? What if she was actually the one standing in the way of his happiness? What if—
That strange sense of warmth passed through her and she realized Luka had come over to stand next to her and pass his hand through hers. It was a simple reminder of the other day and she got his message loud and clear. 
I choose this. 
If she could’ve, she would’ve laced her fingers through his and squeezed. Instead, she passed her hand back through his, echoing his message with her own. 
Me, too.
The ache to touch him didn’t fade. It was always there, tugging at her heart. But it was nice, what they had. She was getting used to his way of being with her. The way he would sit closer now, letting his shoulder not quite brush against hers. Or the way he would reach for her hand, not seeming bothered when it went through her and instead letting his intent speak for him. 
Maybe it wasn’t how she thought things would go. But it was working for them. 
She was leaning over her notebook with her headphones in, focused on writing something for him when it happened.
She didn’t even know he was there. Usually he’d give her some sort of indication that he’d entered the room. A prickle on the back of her neck or an impression of warmth on her cheek or he’d make some sort of noise as he sat down. Maybe he did and she didn’t notice, but she did notice when her hair was gently pushed aside off her neck and it fell over her shoulder instead. She did notice the lingering sense of a featherlight touch. And not the ghostly touch she was used to. An actual touch. 
She froze and pulled her headphones out and turned to find Luka standing behind her with a look of absolute awe on his face, his eyes locked onto the small expanse of skin he’d managed to bare. He’d managed to touch. 
On the side of her neck, just below her ear.  
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed. 
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bubblesuga · 4 years
Summary: Yoongi’s always been a coffee man. When stuck at the studio in the early hours of the morning, he craves caffeine. The only problem with that is there’s no coffee shops open at three in the morning. So, he finds himself at the next best thing, a 24 hour tea shop where he finds you. 
Warnings: cussing, smut, shower sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral (f receiving)
W/C: 4,798
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It’s too early for this. 
Or maybe it’s too late. 
Yoongi isn’t sure. In fact, he’s pretty sure his clock stopped working three hours ago. Unless the last few minutes have felt like hours, then Yoongi was on the verge of tearing every piece of equipment from the wall and smashing it into a million pieces. 
Yoongi’s been working on this album for far too long. His fingers are cramped from continuously playing the same three notes over and over just hoping and praying that something will come to him. He’s confused more than anything. Before he had no problem spitting out 2 or 3 songs in a day, recording demos and having the studio ready to record for the other members the following day. 
Lately, however, he’s lucky if he can even get a concept for a song down. It’s like his mind has been clouded over with writers block and he’s not getting anywhere. Like someone sucked his ability to compose music right from his brain with a straw. 
He tosses the pen he had been anxiously tapping on the desk into his bag, along with his notebook, and he stands abruptly. 
Scoffing at his phone, he glares at the black 4:37 on the screen while the elevator in the BigHit offices slides downward. There’s no coffee shops open yet, there has to be something though. He just needs caffeine, though he could really go for an iced americano with- 
“Special-tea...?” He raises an eyebrow at his phone, Google holding up options for the nearest place selling caffeinated beverages. Rolling his eyes, he begins the short journey to the one 24 hour shop within a five mile radius. 
What kind of a name is ‘Special-tea’? Who sat in an office and thought, ‘ah you know what? Let’s name a tea shop but make it punny.’
“Stupid.” He grumbles to himself. He’s well aware that he’s far too tired to be having human interaction right now but he needs to get some progress done. At this point he’ll take a ghost of a song. 
Stepping into the tea shop, he’s overwhelmed by the smell of flowers. Undeniably strong, he takes a moment to collect his thoughts before stepping all the way in. As the door chimes, he hears a gasp and a patter of foot steps.
“Welcome to Special-tea! How are you doing today?” 
The voice is loud, echoing off of the various shelves scattered around the shop with loose tea for sale. He whips his head towards the register, spotting you. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” He didn’t realize how sore his voice was from attempting to record backing vocals earlier in the day, but it came out gruff and quiet. A stark contrast to the bubbly barista in front of him, her nose dusted in flour and a messy apron protecting her clothes. Well, attempting at least, because Yoongi has to hold back a smile when he notices hand prints of flour on your backside. 
“What can I get you this morning?” you question, leaning over the counter and causing Yoongi to blush when he notices the way you’re smiling. When you meet his eyes, Yoongi can tell you recognize him. For a moment he feels the need to brace himself, but soon realizes you’re calm. 
Yoongi returns a smile, haphazardly running his fingers through his hair. “Dumb question, but do you guys sell coffee?” 
“Coffee? No, but we do sell black earl grey. I’m told that’s a close comparison as far as bitterness goes,” You explain, turning to the shelf behind you and pulling out a bag of tea, “you’re welcome to smell it if you like.” 
He raises an eyebrow, leaning forward and sniffing the bag. He backs away quickly and watches you bite your lip to stifle a laugh, “It’s not exactly a new tea drinker’s type of tea.” 
“I’m not really a new tea drinker,” he grumbles, wiping his nose, “I’m a tea drinker only in times of desperation.” 
She smiles again, “What causes said desperation?” 
Yoongi rolls his neck, “I’m trying to write another song. Get the ball rolling to finishing up an album.” 
“BE, right? I’ve heard good things about the process,” you say softly, surprising Yoongi by your admission to being a fan, “I figured it would be finished already?” 
His eyes stay trained on you as you turn back to the shelves, rummaging through various boxes of tea. It takes him a moment to realize what your question was, so he sucks in a breath, “Ah, yeah. It’s nearly there, we just need one more track because one of them got trashed.” 
Why is he revealing so much to a stranger? Namjoon is going to kill him. 
“Trashed? Why’s that?” 
“We realized the song itself didn’t follow any of the messages we wanted to put out there.” 
Damn it, Yoongi. Stop talking. 
You finally stop rummaging and pull out a bag of tea without showing Yoongi. He tries to catch a glimpse but instead watches as you boil more water and begin steeping the tea. 
“What kind of message did it have?” You ask, leaning backward against the counter and crossing your arms. Having expected a follow up question, Yoongi swiftly dismisses it, “What kind of tea are you making?” 
“The kind you drink.” You smirk. 
He lowers his gaze at you, “It’s kind of your job to tell the customer what they’re getting.” 
You laugh, “Alright. Jasmine green tea. It’s subtle enough that it won’t get your coffee loving tongue in a twist, and has enough caffeine to keep you up to finish whatever you’re working on.” 
Yoongi is happy with this response, taking the time to lean away from the counter and gaze around the shop. It’s small, something he’s definitely not used to from coffee shops. The earthy smells from earlier have dwindled down to a nice summery scent, lavender filling his nose the closer he got to the register. 
As much as he tried to keep his eyes away from the cute girl behind the counter, he couldn’t help but turn back and watch you as you organize various things. Something about the way your hair slips from the messy bun it’s in and your charismatic way of helping him while also providing a sense of normalcy drew him in in a way he has never experienced before. 
“Order up, Suga.” 
He shakes his head from his gaze, walking back up to the counter and pulling out his wallet. 
“On me,” you say, “besides... don’t want to make you pay for something you may not like.” 
Yoongi nods, murmuring a small ‘thank you’ and bringing the cup up to his mouth. 
Without missing a beat, he reaches for his wallet and pulls out a 10000 won bill, stuffing it in the tip jar. He gives you a small smile, thanking you again as he turns towards the door. 
“Wait!” you call, “What do you think?”
Yoongi raises his hand up just before he walks out of the door, “It’s delicious!” 
The smile on your face was worth Yoongi’s little white lie. 
“Alright, this is great! We’ll record tomorrow, yeah?” Seokjin speaks for the entire group as Yoongi plays them the demo of the song he was finally able to right. There were a few jabs here and there about the auto tune Yoongi likes to utilize, but other than that it was well received. 
The only person he could think was you, though, because if he hadn’t have tasted that tea he would have never thought of writing what he did. 
“How did you manage to spit out something like this in a night?” Jungkook teases, patting Yoongi’s shoulder softly. 
“What do you mean?” Yoongi chuckles, clicking sound files around and creating a copy of his demo.
Jungkook grins, “Who’s the girl that made you think of that?” 
“No girl,” he defends, “a good writer doesn’t need actual experiences. All from the imagination, young Jungkookie.” 
Namjoon raises an eyebrow, “I’m pretty sure that’s not the case at all.” 
Yoongi shushes him, saving his project one more time before deciding to kick everyone out and lock the studio. 
Of course they’re going to find out eventually what happened. Especially since Park Jimin follows Yoongi to the elevator. Once they’re the only ones inside, Jimin turns to his Hyung, “Tell me about the girl.” 
Yoongi, knowing that no one else could read him better than Jimin, sighs in defeat. “She’s gorgeous. Her nose had flour on it, her hair was messy, and she was everything that I’m not used to. She has a smirk- god the way she smiles- it just makes me melt for her.”
Jimin seems pleased with this answer, “and you’re going to see her now?” 
The bell above his head is a welcoming sound. This time you’re not waiting in the back. Instead, you’re counting money at the register as he enters. This time you wore a purple apron, and it’s clean compared to a couple of days ago. You still haven’t looked up, so Yoongi walks slowly up to the counter and taps his fingers twice. 
“Ah- Yoongi! Good evening, what can I get you started today?” 
“The same as last time, please.” Yoongi grins, watching you carefully as you nod at him and turn on your heel and kick on the kettle. The way the straps of the apron tie right above the curve of your back has Yoongi’s mind beginning to wander. It’s been years since he even thought of looking at a woman like this in person, but for some reason when it comes to you he just can’t stop. 
“So,” you break the silence, “how did that song writing go?”
“Oh,” his cheeks are a rosy pink, “it went well. I showed the other members the demo and we’re recording it tomorrow.” 
“I can’t wait to hear it.” You grin, pouring the water over the tea bags. Yoongi thanks you quietly and pulls out his wallet once more. You shake your head, “Nope. Your last tip was enough to cover your next 3 drinks.” 
Yoongi nods, “Oh okay.” but then ignores you, slipping another 10000 won bill into the tip jar. Just as you’re about to open your mouth in protest, Yoongi sends you a wink and salutes on his way out before he closes the door behind him. 
Your alarm is too loud. 
It’s like a banshee screeching in your ear, like a baby crying, like a rooster crowing. You groaned loudly at the sound and threw your hand on top of it, rolling out of bed to drag yourself to the shower. 
It’s been a few weeks since Yoongi became a regular to your work. The initial star struck feeling you got when you were around him had dwindled away, and now you feel you can call him a friend. 
Your routine was as follows: Yoongi enters the shop, you make him his drink, and he stays and distracts you for a while. Much against everything you stand for, you drop everything to talk to him. It causes you to have to move much faster than usual on your prep work but you didn’t mind, because you loved seeing the way Yoongi would laugh at your jokes. 
You feel like you know the man beyond the idol. The person who hides under the shadow of a stoic demeanor is bright. The way you perceived him prior to actually knowing him was wrong. He is, without a single doubt in your mind, the most interesting man on the planet. 
When you arrived at work, your evening worker is already willing to go. 
“I counted the safe and there’s some money missing. If Summer asks, it wasn’t me.” Flora says, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Okay,” you raise an eyebrow, walking towards the back, “any orders?” 
“Uh, yeah!” you hear her call, “chocolate covered strawberries for 6!” 
“Awesome-- thank you!” You call back just as the door dings and Flora exits the store. You take a moment to walk through the kitchen to make sure everything is set up and then you pull your apron over your head. 
The doorbell dings and you can’t help the smile that stretches across your face. 
“What’ll it be today, Mr. Min?” You still stand in the back, glancing in the mirror to make sure you look your best. 
“Honey butter croissant,” he yells back, “how did you know it was me?” 
When you’re happy with your look, you finally walk to the front and smile, “So we’re changing it up today, are you okay? You sick or something?” 
“I just wanted something new,” Yoongi looks different today. He’s dressed in a cream cardigan and black jeans, the usual rose tint to his cheeks is a bit stronger today. 
“Okay, I’ll have to bake some new ones. It’ll take about 20 minutes if you’re willing to wait.” You explain, with an unsure smile. 
Yoongi looks around for a moment, “Ugh, I guess I can wait.” 
“Awesome,” you speak, “I’ll be back in a moment.” 
As you walk towards the back, Yoongi listens carefully to you humming along to a song that’s been stuck in your head for days. You pull out a couple of fresh croissants and prep a baking sheet. Sticking it into the oven, you brush the flour from your hands onto your apron and walk back to the front. 
Yoongi jumps up from his phone when he notices you standing in front of him. This is the closest you’ve ever been to him, the freckles across your nose easing him into a sense of comfort. “Do you plan on telling me why you kept ordering a drink you hate?” 
Yoongi’s eyes widen, “Now why on Earth would you think that I hate it?” 
“Welp,” you laugh, “you’re usually my only customer at night, and every morning I would check the outside garbage to see if it needed to be changed, yet the only thing I would find is a full cup of tea, with your name on it.” 
For a moment, Yoongi was silent. He stumbles over his thoughts in an attempt to come up with some type of excuse. Something to hide why he had been coming here all this time. Yet, he couldn’t. So instead he looks up from his chair and smirks, “How else was I supposed to talk to the pretty girl at the tea shop?” 
You swallow, your mind racing a million miles a second. Before you have the chance to respond, he stands. His body is close, and he smells so good. His cologne is expensive, herbal and earthy, and it makes you want to bury your nose into his neck and inhale. His eyes, the usual dark brown has turned into honey, drawing you in and keeping you there. 
“You could have asked me on a date, we could have gone from there.” You shrug, feeling Yoongi’s calloused hand gently push away a stray hair behind your ear. He doesn’t move it afterwards, though, instead his thumb finds home on your cheekbone, stroking gently. His face has shifted, and he laughs. Almost bitterly, causing your heart to sink. 
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested in the types of dates I get. You see,” his other hand slithers around your waist, “we get long walks in the park but we have to wear a mask and a hat. We get picnics by streams late enough at night that we know no one will be around. Sometimes we can slip away to another country where we pray that no one recognizes us, but with my schedule that thought is laughable at best.” 
“What if I like long walks in the park with masks and late night picnics?” You breath, the look in your eyes stirring Yoongi’s heart. 
“Then I guess we’d have to give it a shot, wouldn’t we?” He whispers. Your eyes flutter from his eyes to his lips, silently begging him to close the gap. You could sense his hesitancy, though. It blossoms from his chest and heats up his entire body but for some reason he’s frozen, completely still. He’s fighting, urging himself to lean forward and kiss you but he can’t move. 
Good news for him, though, because you take a moment to lean up and press your lips against his softly. It’s gentle, easing him into the feeling of you so close to him. His lips taste of mint chocolate, causing you to smile into the kiss. It takes a moment, and for a second you’re hoping that you didn’t read the situation wrong until finally, he kisses back. It’s eager, introducing his tongue to yours and grinning idly into the kiss. 
You allow him to back you up against the counter, boxing you in and surrounding you completely. His hands move down and pull your hips close to his, feeling the strain of his cock against his jeans. 
“We’re entering dangerous territory here, baby.” Yoongi speaks, pulling away just a little bit. His eyes stay closed and his breath is hot on your face. 
“How so?” You whisper, afraid of the answer but also intrigued. He doesn’t respond, instead capturing your lips and breaking the kiss repeatedly. Your fingertips dig into his shoulders and he smiles at the knowledge that you’re enjoying this just as much as he is. 
A groan fills the air when you finally buck your hips towards him. In a feverish attempt to feel more, you wrap your legs around his waist and hang from his shoulders. Just as you’re about to slip your hand between your bodies, the timer on the oven blares through the building, shattering the small walls you built around the two of you. 
“Fuck--” you gently pull away, “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in a moment.” 
Quickly, you slip off the counter and rush to the oven. You pull out the croissants and douse them in honey butter from the fridge. You watch the butter melt for a moment, collecting your thoughts.
Did that just happen? Did that actually hap-
When you walk back out, Yoongi’s hands are clasped behind his back. He mutters a small thank you as you hand him the plate. He rips off a corner of the pastry, and pops it into his mouth. 
There’s a beat of silence. One-- two-- then he speaks. 
“It’s delicious.” 
“Thank you, I work hard on them.” 
“And you just left her?!” 
Oh god. Yoongi has never seen Jimin so angry before. The small man can yell louder than ever imagined, and Yoongi would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared. 
A mere 30 hours ago, Yoongi had his tongue buried in your mouth and he was the happiest man on the planet. Then it changed quickly once he realized what exactly this could entail. Even though he wanted nothing more than to bend you over the dough table and take you roughly while you scream his name, he couldn’t help but over think. 
Standing in Jimin’s living room, he expected to be comforted and given some nice advice from his friend. Instead he’s learning that he pulled a bad move.
“You’re supposed to be giving me advice, not yelling at me!” Yoongi yells back, gesturing his hands wildly. Even though he’s scared, he can’t help but defend himself to a certain extent. 
“Hyung, I thought you’d have enough intelligence not to kiss her and run!” 
Yoongi groans and drops onto the couch, his face falling into his hands, “The things I was feeling scared me.” 
“Oh my god, go to the tea shop!” 
Yoongi spots a customer at the register. He opens the door quietly, the break of dawn just behind the mountains. This was different to Yoongi’s usual time and you know that, your eyes going wide in surprise while you finish ringing up the last customer. 
Once Yoongi hears the heels clack against the tile and the door open, he rounds the shelf and walks up to you. 
“I’m sorry I left so quickly yesterday. I just- I got scared. I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation but after thinking over it I realized that I really need you to kiss me again,” Yoongi speaks fast, quicker than you’ve heard him before and it takes a moment for the words to settle in your mind, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You breathe out a laugh, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his again. This time it’s slow and soft, different but Yoongi loves every second of it. The minute you kiss him, you taste coffee. You hold back another laugh, pulling away with mock hurt, “You cheated.” 
Yoongi brows furrow, “I don’t follow.” 
“You drink coffee and then come try to sweep tea shop girl off her feet? Cheater!” You tease, putting your hand on your chest as though you’re in pain. 
Yoongi grins, “You’re crazy. I would never drink coffee, not when I can taste you. You’re probably going to have to kiss me to make sure.” 
You gnaw your lip, leaning upward and pressing a kiss to him again. He giggles against your lips, a sound that you will never get sick of. You pull away much to both of your dismay, “Let me take you back to my apartment. It’s small but it’s big enough for the two of us.” 
He agrees instantly. 
Yoongi waits in the car while your relief shows up and you clean up. He taps his feet against the pedals anxiously, the thought of what could happen exciting him. You have clouded his mind for a weeks now and as you skip out of the building and hop into Yoongi’s passenger seat, he can’t wait to get his hands on you. 
He follows your directions, his hand resting on your thigh as he tries not to speed. When he pulls into the parking lot, you lead him up the stairs to your apartment. 
Nervously, you toss your bag onto the couch, “It’s not much. . . but it works for me.” 
Yoongi grins, “It’s quaint. Cute.” He reaches forward and wraps his arms around you in a back hug. You welcome it, craning your neck to kiss him. 
“I need a shower. Join me?”
Yoongi nods, “Yes please.” 
There’s a thumb in your chest louder than you’ve ever felt before. This is actually happening. Min Yoongi, is being lead to your bathroom and you’re about to shower with him. 
Yoongi doesn’t waste much time once the door is shut behind you. He latches his lips onto your neck, tugging at the hem of your shirt and easing it over your head. 
“I want to make sure you want this as much as I do.” Yoongi says breathlessly as he catches a glimpse of your bare chest. You don’t respond verbally, but you look him directly in the eye as you slip your pants and panties off in one swoop. 
You stand in the shower, turning on the water and peaking your head behind the curtain, “What’s taking you so long?” 
Yoongi moves fast as he tears off his own clothing, and you close the curtain so you don’t spot his body too quickly. Building suspense for yourself, you wet your hair under the warm water and feel your muscles relax after your long day of work. Although your eyes are closed, your ears are trained on Yoongi. He steps behind you, continuing his assault on your neck. 
You sigh happily, but everything changes the minute Yoongi opens his mouth. 
“Spread your legs, baby. I’ll hold you up.” 
Instantly you feel your cunt clenching around nothing (unfortunately). You immediately allow Yoongi to guide your leg to the edge of the tub. He slides a finger in between your folds, collecting your wetness all while his lips trail kisses across your chest. 
Finally you allow yourself to open your eyes, gasping at the image in front of you. Yoongi’s body is as rosy as his cheeks, his knees on the bottom of the floor and his face level with your heat. 
“Ah, now you open your eyes.” He smirks, and doesn’t give you much warning as he licks a long stripe from your heat to your clit. You instantly moan, tossing your head back and bracing yourself against the wall of the shower. 
He moves ruthlessly, consuming you like a starved man. The feeling of him against you doesn’t compare to the imagine in front of you. His fingers reach between your folds and pump in and out of you while he continues to nip and suck mercilessly at your clit. He looks up at you through his lashes, and you swear you feel him smirk against you as he speeds up his thrusts and sucks as hard as he can. 
“You look so good like this,” you moan, “your tongue feels so good.” 
Yoongi pulls away to let out a groan, “Fuck.” His chest is heaving and he reaches a hand down to squeeze his shaft for a moment of relief, then he stands. 
“Think you can hold your leg up for a moment, baby?” Yoongi instructs, laying a kiss on your forehead as you spot his hand pumping himself a few more times. You nod silently, allowing yourself to relish in his glistening skin as he runs the head of his cock over your slit. You appreciate his concern, and you know he’s going to take care of you after he’s finished ruining you. You couldn’t be more excited as Yoongi’s cock continues to slip over you. 
For a moment you feel him enter, both of you gasping at the contact but just as quickly as he enters, he slips out. 
“No,” you shake your head, “please no teasing. Fuck me.” 
Yoongi gives you a devilish grin, his hand holding up your thigh once again as he finally begins to push into you. He takes pleasure in the way that your lips part with every inch that he pushes in. Yoongi was proud of his size, and your reaction further fuels his ego. Finally, he bottoms out and you’re rewarded with being filled to the hilt with nothing but Yoongi. 
He moans your name in your air after you adjust to his size, beginning to thrust faster. “So... tight. Fuck.” He sinks his teeth into your collarbone, relishing in the feeling of your nails scratching into his back. He can’t bare to leave your cunt for more than a few seconds, because the way you clench tightly around him was the closest thing to Heaven on Earth that he’s ever experienced. Every one of his thrusts is meant with a rewarding moan from you, your juices coating his cock more and more and fueling his pleasure. 
“Ah,” you moan, “Yoongi. So good.” Your brain was absolute mush. You couldn’t think of anything else but him. 
“So good at taking my cock,” he laughs breathlessly, “I can’t believe how well you’re doing.” 
You surrender yourself completely to Yoongi at his words, his encouragement pushing you closer to the edge. “I’m close.” 
“Good girl, cum for me. Cream on my cock.” Yoongi praises, kissing your lips tenderly as you feel yourself clench tightly around him. White hot electric shocks rush through your body, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
He breaks the kiss with a bite to your bottom lip, “Take my cum. Take it- fuck fuck-” Yoongi’s cut off by his orgasm taking over, and you open just in time to see his jaw drop as he rides out both of your orgasms with increasingly slow thrusts until finally, he slips out, the feeling of his release dripping down your thighs. 
He rests his forehead against yours, suddenly hyper aware of the water dripping down your bodies.
You lower your legs onto the floor, Yoongi holding you up while you struggle to regain your balance. The two of you giggle, sharing kisses for a moment as you both work off the pleasure. 
You reach behind Yoongi, squeezing shampoo into your hands and massaging it through your scalp as Yoongi takes your soap across your body. It’s such a simple move, but even though you’ve already had sex he still is taking the time to take care of you. It’s endearing, and it fills you with hope for something more with Yoongi. 
As you both finish the shower, you step out of the bath tub and reach for a towel. 
“Oh, by the way, Yoongi?” You say as he runs a brush through your hair. You bite your lip to hold back a giggle as he stops, “Yes baby?” 
“I still tasted coffee.” 
Yoongi laughs, “God damn it.” 
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nicohverse · 3 years
Entropic Float Biweekly Update #9
NaNoWriMo is over, and I'm back to usual updates! Next update I've decided to delay to January 2nd, just skipping over the holiday weekend altogether. I should have a lot to share in that update, so I'd really rather not give a haphazard mini update while visiting family, instead sharing a proper update a week late. So what all have I gotten done since last time? It's been a bit of an adjustment now that I work full time, but I've still made notable progress~
34/54 segments written! That's four more segments done than last time, but worry not, it's nearly six. I have the majority of both endings of the Kanatsun Night Route written, I just need to fill in some gaps before I can consider either of those segments completed. Depending on how much time I end up having after this blog post, we might just jump from 34 segments to 36 segments before the day is spent. The route's just about done!
I've added one talksprite for Rashmi. Though I can't imagine anyone will be happy to see it...
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Voice Acting:
No further voicelines have yet been received.
Background Images:
Still sitting at 13/17. No new backgrounds have been built. However, I have drawn a total of 9 CG images (out of a 14 total planned- All that's left is five for the Rashmi routes
) to include in the common routes, as opposed to the art I'm commissioning to appear only during the true ending. Here's a preview of one of the pieces that will be included in the Kanatsun Routes!
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Background Music:
No tracks have been added since last time.
I also implemented a new menu screen from which the player can track their endings. It displays how to get the ending, until the ending has been unlocked, at which point it displays the title of the ending and can be clicked through to view a short summary. Great for people who might go some time between play sessions!
My goals before I see you again in 2022:
- Finish filling in the gaps left in the last two Kanatsun segments- Export and deliver a demo of the Kanatsun Routes for my beta testers (Oh boy do I ever need some double checking on the routes I wrote during NaNo...)- Build and Screenshot the four rooms necessary for the Rashmi Routes- Draw the five CG images necessary for the Rashmi Routes- Deliver all visual assets to Casper to begin the process of making a proper trailer.
I've got a lot on my plate, but I'm sure I can do it! Until next time~!
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16 notes · View notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 2 キノ アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラマCD
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 2 Kino Animate Tokuten CD [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: I have been active on this blog for over one year, yet this is actually the first time I’ve translated a solo Kino CD! I don’t know much about him as a character at all, so I’d be lying if I said he is one of my favorites. That being said, I actually enjoyed this CD a lot! The setting is perfect for Kino and I could just imagine him with a huge grin on his face the whole way through. xD
The two of you walk around a game convention.
“Uwaaah! This is amazing! Look at that booth over there! Or that one! As far as my eyes can reach, there’s nothing but fun-looking games! As to be expected of a game convention! (1) I’ve never seen a scenery quite this beautiful!”
You sigh.
“...Hey, wait! Why do you look so troubled? I went out of my way to invite you along, so at least try and enjoy it a little!”
You tell Kino you never really asked to come here.
“Oh? I thought you said you wanted to go? Oh well, whatever. We’re here now, so might as well enjoy it, no? With this many games to choose from, I’m sure there’s at least one or two you’d liーー Ah! There’s a booth for beta releases!”
Kino suddenly dashes off.
“Amazing...There’s so many new games. Say, can I try this one?”
 He gets permission.
“Hooray! Hm?...Ah, sorry. I forgot about you. I’ll be here for a while, so you can go and play whichever game you want as well. I don’t have the time for you right now.”
You seem disappointed.
“Woah, that was close! I nearly died! ...You heard me, so bye bye! ...Uhm...How do I summon the magic? Uwah! They added this many new types? This game has a lot of potential for challenge runs. I’d really love to take my game playing this one!”
You walk away.
“Haah, I had a blast! In the end, I played through all of the demos at the booth. I guess about one hour has passed? Hey, youーー ...Wait, huh? She’s gone? Ah, right. I told her to leave, didn’t I? Then again, she actually left...what a dummy. Guess it can’t be helped. I’ll go look for her, I guess. ...Oh. That person over there...”
“...What are you doing here?”
You explain.
“Hah? This whole time, you’ve just been waiting for me, doing nothing?”
You nod.
“Haah...Listen up. Aren’t you a little too dumb for your own good? You could have just played around with your phone for a bit, enjoying yourself in your own way.”
You tell him you rather waited.
“I see. ...You really are a horrible masochist, aren’t you? Waiting for me like that...You’re almost like a dog.”
You protest.
“I’m only stating the truth, no? ...Come on, doggy. Paw! Your hand~ If you do a proper job, I’ll praise you.”
You place your hand in his.
“Good job! Well then...I’ll go on a walk with you like this. There’s a booth which caught my attention over on the other side. Let’s go?”
“Geh...!? What a crowd...Seems like VR games are still highly popular.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You don’t even know that much? VR is short for ‘Virtual Reality.’ You can venture through an artificial reality by using a device.”
You still seem somewhat puzzled by the concept.
“Well, they say a picture is worth more than a thousand words, no? For now, go try it out!”
“Here! A ticket for the try-out section. I actually got it for me, but I’ll give it to you instead.”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
“What’s with that expression? Is it so strange for me to do something for you?”
You nod.
“I feel like spoiling you every once in a while as well, you know? Well, it’s an owner’s job to look after their pet after all. Heh~ Besides...I’m sure I’ll be able to witness something very interesting.”
The two of you walk towards the try-out corner.
“Miss, we would like to try out the VR simulation. Ah, not me, but this young lady over here. We don’t need any earphones.”
He receives the gear.
*Rustle rustle*
“Well then, go ahead and leap into the fascinating world of Virtual Reality~!”
You seem somewhat restless, looking around. 
“Hehe~ You should find yourself in an abandoned buildng right now. To tell the truth, this is a horror game, you see~”
You shriek in surprise.
“Apparently the zombies in it look super realistic! I can follow along through the screen so try your best not to die~ ...That being said, this really does feel authentic. I can imagine it must be really terrifying seeing it through the VR gear. You poor little thing~”
You ask to take off the device. 
“Oh come on, what are you getting cold feet for? Just standing there is no fun, is it? Come on, hold onto your gun.”
You have a hard time holding the gun properly.
“Geez...Guess I have no other choice~”
“Don’t make a fuss just because I’m holding you from behind. I’ll teach you how to use this, so make sure to remember it.”
Your cheeks flush bright red.
“Say, what are you getting all red for? Did you get excited because I’m pressed up against you? ...Do you want me to help you?” 
You ask for help.
“Hmm~ But too bad~ I’m sure it’d look hilarious to see you get all scared, so I won’t play along with you.”
You pout as Kino steps away.
“...Hehe~ Well then, let’s see how far you can get without me.”
You hold your gun and start looking around.
“Ah...On your left! There’s a zombie in the distance!”
You scream.
“Ahaha~ Oh come on, don’t scream so loudly like that.”
You protest. 
“Fufu~ Are you sure you have the time to scold me now? ...See? The zombies are closing in on you!”
You start panicking.
“Hahaha, you suck! What’s your plan, cornering yourself against the wall like that? Now you have no other choice but to jump down through the window! You should probably open the menu once. You should be able to view the map from there.”
“Mmh. Take a look at that and think it through. ...Anyway, you really are a klutz, aren’t you? At least try and get your act together inside the game! I get irritated just from watching you.”
“Aah...You actually upset me on purpose, didn’t you? ...So I would suck your blood~ That shameful side of yours is rather... (whispers) cute, you know?”
You flinch. 
“Fufufu~ Your shoulders twitched just now! ...You really are so easy~ I made the right choice letting you play this one. I’m having a blast! Honestly, I might be satisfied by just this sight. Hm...”
You call out for him. 
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
You ask to hold hands so you’d be less scared.
“Eh? But...You won’t be able to shoot if we hold hands, right?”
You tell Kino you will use your free hand.
“I don’t think you can pull it off with just one hand, do you? Or rather, why do you want to hold hands that badly?”
You explain.
“Haah...? What are you saying? Honestly, you’ve...surpassed the point of being stupid, this is just outright crazy. You’re well aware that I’m a Vampire, yet you feel safe around me...Well, I guess it doesn’t feel bad to have you rely on me. Fine. I’ll hold your hand. In return...”
Kino sneaks closer, grabbing your hand. 
*Rustle rustle*
“...I’ll be having my way with you later, okay?”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Called ‘game show’ in Japanese, but when I looked up the ‘Tokyo Game Show’ and saw some pictures, it looked very similar or pretty much identical to what I would call a ‘gaming convention’. The latter seems more widely known in the Western fandom, hence why I used said word.
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