#i can't find it via google and i don't have twitter and i know it was posted there at some point :(
svtskneecaps · 4 months
friends and fiends if this truly spells the Over for the qsmp i may let the brainworms that have been festering in me for MONTHS--A YEAR, EVEN--win.
i may summarize the goddamn fucking lore.
#i CANNOT make an 8 hour summary i CAN'T i SHOULD NOT that is SO MUCH CONTENT#and i still only speak like 2/4 qsmp languages MAYBE 2.5/4 if we're REALLY stretching it#but GODDAMNIT I'M DOING SOME CURSORY RESEARCH ANYWAY BC I WANNA WRITE THAT FUCKING TIME LOOP#qsmp#maybe just the fed lore. haha. eye twitches. maybe just the iverall server lore. maybe i'll even bother caring about the qsmp livestreams.#haha. eye twitch. fucking. eye twitch.#solo lore is B E Y O N D me but MAYBE shit that affected Most or All lore i could do#like code lore and shit. obv it knots in with other lore but FUCK IT WHATEVER#AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm not even gonna worry about it#yknow what. not even gonna worry about it. i gotta do the research first 🤪 whatever bro#if the research gets done i'll think about alllllllllllll the rest of this but this is a YEAR OF CONTENT#mother FUCKER dude it's not possible there's no way#this is a year with like 80 hours of streams per DAYYY at peak who could do this#who could. no wonder no one could keep up. no wonder i had to LIVE in the tag to keep up#good lord GOD i shouldn't do this. i'm not committing. god i want to though. god i shouldn't.#shut up vic#block game brainrot#HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA#WHATEVER HAHAHAHA WHATEVER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA#i will beat this storyline into SUBMISSION i will beat it to DEATH i will FORCE IT TO MAKE SENSE#I WILL PRUNE IT LIKE THE WORLDS WORST BONSAI I SWEAR TO GOD#i'm unhinged i can't i have so wanted to do this but i swore to myself i wouldn't#bc i know i'll go insane and i know it will take FUCKING YEARS and there is no fucking way i'll see it to the end#but goddddddddddddddd i want to i SO FUCKING WANT TO#listen. if there's no more lore. i may summarize the fucking lore. someone will beat me to it 100% bc i take fucking a million years#but people are suckers for long video essays and summaries IT'S ME I'M PEOPLE#anyway if you got this far and have the screenshot of mariana messaging slime to tell him their daughter is dead please send it#i can't find it via google and i don't have twitter and i know it was posted there at some point :(#i want it :( i want to throw it back in slime's face in the time loop because repetition is fun and heartbreaking >:D
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
seeing the influx of gfm campaigns on your dash may be overwhelming- the purpose of this post is to help others navigate through the many gfm links that are circulating here on this site- esp. those that find their way directly to you via your inbox. this advice is specific to tumblr- i cannot speak on other platforms (instagram, twitter, etc.) though some things i say may be applicable
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify any campaigns myself. i simply want people who are willing to engage with these types of posts to do so in a safe manner
read more below:
what to do if you get a message from an account claiming to be 🇵🇸 in your inbox:
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-> step 1: do not immediately dismiss it as spam
to quote one of nabulsi's posts:
"... you cannot generalise with Gazans if their tumblr blog is only a few days or a few hours old.
Gazans on tumblr are making accounts for the express purpose of spreading their fundraisers because it is spreading amongst Gazans that tumblr is a safe place to do so.
They could often be making multiple blogs and even remaking after staff flags them as spam. But don't blanket assume that Gazans are scammers if they're on a new tumblr blog with no pfp or content.
I agree that until a fundraiser is vetted you shouldn't reblog it in case it is someone dishonest taking advantage of the circumstances in Gaza. But you cannot do the opposite and immediately assume they're a scammer. I'm seeing people harass Gazans sometimes who genuinely are people who just don't know how to use tumblr and are falsely raising red flags because of it." (read full post here)
to sum it up: don't hit 'report' right away- marinate a lil and put on a detective hat
-> step 2: background check
the following are accounts that are known to vet/verify gfm campaigns here on tumblr. note- this is not a comprehensive list:
90-ghost* (edit 8/4: recently announced that ahmed will no longer be vetting/verifying new campaigns)
ibtisams* (only has done it on situational basis; is not currently vetting new campaigns- read post here)
rubashabansblog (has been promoting other palestinians who lost their tumblr accounts; currently living under occupation)
heba-20 (unsure if heba takes request to vet others personally but is a reliable source for finding legitimate campaigns)
fairuzfan (says they are less active on tumblr these days/not currently vetting new campaigns but is a reliable source)
i recommend giving these individuals a follow if you haven't already as they provide far more information regarding all things 🇵🇸. they've all put in a lot of work to make the process i'm sharing with y'all as simple as possible. also please be respectful if you try reaching out to any of them. they are likely getting a high volume of asks and may not be able to respond to you quickly
important note: it has been recently announced that nabulsi + el-shab-hussein have stopped vetting new accounts for the time being and are only focusing on campaigns that have already been vetted. read their full statement here and here
to start- check out the person's account. this can be a hit or miss depending on how new the account is. however- you may notice that the person in question has stated that they have been vetted:
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good signs so far- but better to be safe than sorry. next thing to do is search the username of the person who messaged you on tumblr. it's likely if you got a message like the one pictured above, others may have received one as well and did the digging for you:
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if you can't find a clear answer with tumblr's illustrious search bar/want to confirm someone's claim that the campaign in question was already verified, the next thing to do is check one of the following:
el-shab-hussein's pinned post
el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's google sheet
imo, this process is far easier to do while on a laptop/desktop vs. mobile app. ctrl+f is your friend in this scenario as is the ability to click through multiple tabs. for el-shab-hussein's pinned post, i click through the multiple lists and see if any names match. in ruba's case, she was found under List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan:
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and for the google sheet- her campaign is no. 90 on the list:
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tip: to narrow down your search even further- ctrl+f the title of the person's gfm campaign that they've linked on their tumblr account:
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-> step 3: share your findings + follow that account
if everything checks out- ✨share le campaign✨ provide the link to it in your response to the ask + where it was verified. make it easier for the next person who gets a message to figure out that the gfm is real
following 🍉accounts is esp. important since the forces that be are keen on suppressing them at every turn. the more eyes on these accounts- the easier it'll be to determine the legitimacy of any new accounts they may need to make
okay, but... scams 😬:
-> step 1: seek a master
people can be assholes- and anyone trying to make a profit off of an ongoing genocide can eat glass
anyways- the following are accounts that are known to identify scam posts on tumblr (again, not a comprehensive list. these are just the one's ive seen/most familiar with):
kyra45's pinned post contains a plethora of resources to help determine if a post/message is a scam- and not just in regards to 🇵🇸- key goes in on many types of scams. please refer to their guides (and be sure that you are reading the most recent version of key's posts)
-> step 2: if you see sumn, say sumn
we're human and sometimes things slip our radar. so if you ever see someone on here sharing a known scam, do 'em a solid and let them know about it regardless if you are mutuals or not
final/misc. thoughts:
it's good practice to double check a campaign's verification with these tools for yourself regardless of how legitimate it looks. note that checking for a gfm's verification is not the same as verifying them. that work should be left to qualified individuals with experience in doing so. this is why it's bad to attempt things you are not qualified to tackle also- i think it's important to remember that transferring 💵 from a gfm campaign to those in need requires a lot of pieces to be perfectly set in place. if you see 🇵🇸 blogs linking alt. methods of raising funds (ex. p*ypal/k*fi) the reason could be that their gfms were frozen/suspended for a myriad of reasons. as always- check credible sources if you are unsure about a campaign you may come across notice how the spreadsheet provided here has over 100+ campaigns listed. generating a list that extensive requires hard work that is undoubtedly both physically and mentally straining to the individuals who are involved in making it. i've seen some accounts myself that have had to announce that they can no longer continue to vet campaigns because it has taken that much of a toll on their wellbeing. do not let their efforts go wasted
other resources:
some other places/grassroot organizations where you can find vetted campaigns:
operation olive branch (oob)
operation poppy flower (now also linked in oob's sheet)
operation watermelon
project watermelon
strawberry seeds collective
camps breakerz crew
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versegm · 7 months
Coming out of my self-imposed tumblr ban cuz this is the third post I see along the lines of "man we gotta jump ship" so here are some other ways to be social/do fandom/ect. I'm not gonna call them "tumblr alternatives" because I won't lie to you these are gonna be very different experiences from tumblr. But if you use tumblr as a way to meet new people/post your thoughts/do fandom/keep up with folks, then maybe one of these is worth looking into.
I don't use Cohost so idk if it's good or not, but all the people who use it tell me it's A Whole Lot Like Tumblr. Got pretty mixed reviews on this one, people seem to either love it or hate it, either way you could check it out it's free.
My main bitch, so I can actually talk about it.
Lots of cool privacy features
Porn is allowed
Website has been consistently getting updates and listening to the userbase
No ads because it's user-funded
Being user-funded means the website is frequently struggling with money
This one isn't really a social media, it's a host for websites.
You can do whatever the fuck you want here
You have to code it all yourself
If you didn't immediately skip this rolling your eyes, here are some ressources to get a blog running with minimum efforts, and a cool zine to figure out what to put on your blog.
Ye Old internet way to find new peeps in your fandom. It's a list of fans. I'm listing thefanlisting.org here because it's the biggest hub of fanlistings out there, but there are plenty that aren't listed so if you've got a topic dear to your heart it might be worth googling up "[fandom/ship/character] fanlisting" and see what turns up.
It's literally just adding your name to a list of fans. Low spoon effort.
If you want to talk to any of the people on the fanlisting you have to actually manually contact them via email or website or whatever they provided for contact. High social anxiety effort.
Anyways that's all I got chief. You probably already heard of half of those and the other half might have made you go "hey wtf that's not at all what I use tumblr for why would I need these" and the answer is it's not my problem. I discovered these when looking for ways for me personally to do social media so if you do social media differently sorry I can't help ya. But hey maybe you'll discover something new who knows.
Preemptive answers to things I am sure will clog my notifications for years to come:
None of these are like tumblr! Look bestie this is like the fifth time people consider abandoning tumblr at this point you have to make your peace with the fact that there is no other website like this one.
The websites you mentioned are nearly empty there's no one in my community here! Bro if you want a website with lots of people you don't need me listing off where you can go you already know where people are going (aka: Bluesky) If you're so scared to be alone then invite your buddies to move there together so you can chat together idk. Be the change you want to be in the world.
I'm not gonna use these. Then you've got my blessing to not use these. I assure you you don't need to reblog this post just to tell me you won't use these. I don't care.
Anyways. Peace. Dunno how many people this is gonna be useful to, but if you wanted to branch out of the usual reddit/bluesky/twitter, hopefully this will help.
Bunch of pillowfort invite codes under the cut since I got a bunch. Sorry I got no cohost as I said I don't use that one.
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fandovers · 3 months
This might be a hot take on main, but... Why can't Mr. Puzzles fans and RGB fans just get along?
v-- (Ramble under the cut.) --v
I remember when I first found out about Mr. Puzzles on twitter via his theme song being shared about. I had no clue about TPOH up until I started talking to my friends about Puzzles. In a way, talking about Mr. Puzzles helped me find out about TPOH and RGB in the first place!!
I got to dive head-first into both of these characters at the same time, and it was great!! But the main thing that stuck out was the absolute hate radiating from the fans of either side. These two characters quickly became my comfort characters, and it pained me to see the hate at one another.
If I tried to join, say, a TPOH fan space, they would often be talking about how they want Puzzles dead. Or an SMG4 fan space talking about how RGB sucks and Puzzles is better. I couldn't join any space on either side without seeing burning hate, and it sucks!!
And don't get me wrong, I do acknowledge they look extremely similar!! Whether the SMG4 crew or designers took heavy inspiration from RGB or not, it should be talked about. In a perfect world, the crew would come out and tell us if he was heavily inspired or not. If the people who designed him even had a clue about TPOH, or if it was just a coincidence with how his design came out.
Eitherway, I look at them both as that one meme with the cakes. Instead of "oh, this cake is so much better then the other!" just stop looking at this like a competition!! We get two awesome tv heads with coloured bar smiles, but with their own backstories, personalities, consequences of their actions and you are picking sides?? The way I see it is "holy fuck!! Two cakes!! :D" and I feel like nobody shares this mentality. Why can't we just enjoy both for who they are?
As an ending note here; to the Mr. Puzzles fans who keep bugging modmad (creator of TPOH) with asks about Puzzles; they know about him already and have made statements. Leave them alone. Please don't bring it up with them anymore, as it is an extremely negative topic for them. You can enjoy Puzzles without bugging modmad, it's that easy. (If you want to see their statements/thoughts on it, literally just google modmad and Mr. Puzzles, it will pop up.)
Be safe, be sane. And for the love of god; respect each other.
Anyway, this post was written not only cause I wanted to talk about this, as I feel like a minority by liking both and isn't choosing sides. But also, letting it be known that I will post fanart of both characters on my page!!
My page is my own, and I post about things I enjoy, and the hate from either side isn't going to stop me!! If you come on my page just to hate on the characters I draw, then I will kindly walk you to the door and block you. I don't want that type of negativity here. I am only here to have fun and enjoy silly tv head men!!
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sewmice · 7 months
Hai as a decently new utapri fan I wanted to ask your opinion on how new fans should get into utapri after finishing the anime. Should they play through the otomes games or maybe try listening to the Masterpiece shows instead?
Welcome to Utapri! I hope you're enjoying the ride so far! And as someone who has been here for 12 years, welcome to Utapri hell, this is your life now! (with love of course)
Since the Masterpiece shows are all alternate universes/acting, it doesn't technically matter? So the real question is, do you like the idol side or the romance side more? Idol side, go for the masterpiece shows. Romance go for the games. And honestly switch around as you please. Just get to SOME game knowledge at some point because that's where you really learn about the boys after all. Personally it's best to know at least a little from everything.
Also the next most important thing will be whether you know Japanese or not. Because currently the anime, movies, and Starish special are the only things available in English. So what you can enjoy is more limited. Shining Live was in English for it's lifespan, and has some archives out there. Live Emotion we can only hope will have an English version but we do not know currently.
Now my answer to assist gets real long so gonna put it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
If you know Japanese, absolutely go enjoy the otome games, all of which have updated ports on the Switch! The release order and thus suggested order would be Repeat, Amazing Aria and Sweet Serenade, Debut, All Star, and finally All Star After Secret. And one day we'll have Dolce Vita.
If you want Quartet Night, while you meet them in Debut, their routes start with All Star. Ringo and Ryuuya have routes in Sweet Serenade and All Star if you're looking for them. Mitsuo in Amazing Aria is well....you'll see.
If you don't know Japanese, I still suggest looking into the games, but your options are more limited. ShiningWonderland has a fantastic crew pushing out translations. They're working on Repeat for Starish and All Star for QN currently. Couple of the routes are finished for at least one ending and others seem to be nearing completion. But I can't speak for that team past that. They are all wonderful people though!
If you don't mind getting a shortened, not amazing experience. There are some old summaries floating around from Breadmasterlee. Those, plus some friends who could understand enough, were how I learned parts of the games back in the day. Not the preferred experience though.
You could also technically struggle your way through with like Google Lens translation? Definitely not recommended though.
As for the masterpiece shows, again if you know Japanese, just enjoy them. If you wanna know what order they released in, the sets were as follows: Masquerade Mirage, Tenka Muteki no Shinobimichi, and Joker Trap Bloody Shadows, Pirates of the Frontier, Every Buddy!, and Polaris Lost Alice, Trios, and The Forest of Lycoris Dreaming of OZ, Never Again Neverland, and Faust Last Cantata
I know that next to last set, the Shining Masterpiece Shows, have translations by Kanasmusings. You can also find translations for some other dramas there, and subtitles for a majority of the stage plays (you will need your own file or DVD/BD).
The most recent Dramatic Masterpiece Shows seem to be works in progress at the moment. I know utapri-translations-uuuu is working on Heavens! And the CDs can be found in my masterlist.
The older ones I don't know off the top of my head if translations exist at all.
There are also Discord servers amongst the community, some public and some private, with resources and amazing people. But I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be to post the public ones. They don't allow piracy so as much as I push buying legally, uh, understandably linking from my blog publicly feels wrong. You can very likely find said discords via the Twitter fandom. Or talk to me in DMs.
This is a lot of info I know. Trying to cover as many bases as I can off the top of my head! Enjoy Utapri!
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answersfromzestual · 11 months
I want to talk about something today. Something very important for younger people and newer people coming out.
Research with legitimate sources, aka scholarly articles and medical journals/studies. Wiki is not a good source, people can change info at any point true or untrue.
We want to look for articles with medical and area professionals clearly placing their name in and on the article, or the most reliable sources are called scholarly articles and medical journals/studies, also some gender affirming clinics lay out a lot of information on their websites, most clinics dont mind answering your questions or concerns via email or phone (they may get back to you at a later date). When looking for information, you want peer reviewed medical information. Google has these features that can help narrow down your search for more accurate results. Using quotes around exact words or phrases is a trick to narrow down to more on topic search results.
Also, use Google Scholar (just type "Google scholar" into the search bar to find only actual medical articles and studies. Even lawsuits.
This is the google search bar for scholarly information below:
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****READ THE ARTICLE FROM START TO FINISH OR AT LEAST THE PART(S) THAT PORTAIN TO YOUR RESEARCH!(some articles can include more than one study)****
Don't only use one source for your information, find as many as you can until you feel confident in the field of medicines and your concolusions about them. Information you use should be verified by several responsibly written articles, journals, and/or studies.
Call surgeons' offices, ask questions.
Research doctors in your area or a doctor you really like, again don't be afraid to call or email clinics!
When it comes to surgery and your body, if you have a bad feeling, any bad gut feelings before they put you under, about the surgeron or their methods, even team. You can back out until you are knocked out. You can say no as soon as you walk into the surgical suite. You worry about you.
Please, when going onto transgender groups (facebook and stuff), that not everyone is being genuine with you. People can be anything or anyone on the internet, behind that screen. I see trans people spreading anti-transtional propaganda (not on purpose), and they don't notice or know better. The negative people tend to pick out their victims early, cling onto someone newer in transitioning or even just joining the group. They probably try getting chummy really fast, getting into a lot of detail very early. They will start bringing up [negative] transitional things when they have nothing to do with the conversation you are having. It's a red flag when you can't talk about anything but "transitioning," and its a sign you need to block if all they say are negative, things. Life happens, but you don't need to drown yourself in negativity. Beware of people on the internet. Their intent is not always good, anyone can lie, anyone can find fake pictures for their profile, anyone can pretend to be someone they are not. Some of us should know that well as trans folk. Some people are even legitimate and are perhaps mad/ unhappy about their results and tend to use way overly dramatic words to describe their results, these people usually aren't telling you the whole truth. People also tend not to want to put any blame on themselves. If you aren't being honest yourself about your results and what and where things went wrong thats not okay. That,or telling someone not to do something that prevents transitioning or calming their dysphoria, that's considered transphobia.
It's important to also know that Facebook, Twitter, etc. are often looked at by employers, so many people will not use their own profiles to be a imaginary person.
Edit: Yes, transgender people can be transphobic as well. Look up Caitlin Jenner and what she's said and tried to do. Let me tell you now, she said transwomen should not be allowed to compete in sporting events, claiming "allowing transwomen to compete destroys women's sports" . So please, if you use that card, put it back in the deck. It's not true, and it's just a wrong blanket statement altogether. There are people who finish their transition and forget they had the rights they want taken away.
I want you to know and it's important to know many end results almost solely rely on the person and how they take care of themselves pre-op and post-op (yes taking care of your body before matters for optimum results). If you are heavier, your body has a harder time healing. This can cause complications and less favorable results because of those complications. I do have a post on being larger and surgical complications that are involved with that. (Here are some links about plus sized risks and general risks: plus size, general risks)
From Dad Shadow: Remember, don't tell anyone online personal information, even if you have been talking for years. Also, do not place yourself (ex. "Im gunna to go to the Starbucks on fifth around the corner from my house." this is especially bad if they may know your partial location) Someone can figure out your identity/location. Don't reveal anything you'd be asked to use as an account recovery question. When I was a younger adult, I saw someone post an image of a girl he met on 'Omegle', saying, "They accidentally got disconnected." Within two hours, everything about this girl was on this thread... from her name, where she was attending school, her personal address, her Facebook. All of it. It was more than one person looking and posting as well. People can be like this... I know you know, but the Dad in me wants to remind you. Browse safely!
I hope you read this and found it helpful everyone. I felt this is a need and it doesn't need post secondary education classes to teach you how to properly find sourced information for reports (same as your knowledge on the subject you are talking about).
P.s keeping your skin elasticity is very important, so mosturize your pecks, let it dry, then put on your binder.
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️ 💙 💜
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just for fun!
Thoughts, opinions, and a just for fun timeline. Google and a couple tumblr rabbit holes later....disclaimer lots of rumors with receipts for rumors.
I too find it weird that the same people talking about Johanne used to describe MK, Rikke, and Fanny the same exact way. Down to the same wording. Except they used to go after MK'S tattoos like they're a bad thing. People were awful about her, and the rest. Now Johanne and his family and friends are getting it too.
Now they act like a friendship, spanning 7 years, is something "more"  bc he likes her posts. Lol I bet he likes a lot of people's/friends posts, guys and girls. Probably a lot of private accounts too bc a lot of his friends went private bc people kept posting his friends' videos and pics. I don't understand why he can't like any of the accounts he follows without it causing a stir. Lol liking a post isn't a big deal lol. People can be friends, it's not like he doesn't have TON of female friends lol. I doubt he's still pining for her, and probably hasn't for a long long time.
It's not like he hasn't dated since or before (Olivia who rejected him supposedly 2017).
And he's older now and probably has sown his wild oats and wants to settle down with the woman he loves (Johanne). And I think, personal opinion, that now he has someone who matches him, loves him as he is, and let's him be just who he is. All goofy funny husky puppy energy Alex. That's great imo.
Busy boy in 2018.😂😂😃😃 he was young.
Short timeline with receipts:
Threesome rumors:
Jan 13-14 2018
People were also posting about topless photos of Gee with Alex. They're deleted now.
· Mar 9, 2018When she finally responds to your desperate love letter text that you know she opened 35 min.… twitter (while in England)
Strange tea about Alex, take with grain of salt etc
May 17 '18#1310
"Does anyone follow Alex H. on instagram? His story yesterday so much cringe, or the hashtag #phatasswhitegirl = Alicia A.  :eyeroll: she's the white girl that has fame for being a white girl with a big ass after that scene with Ivar, trying to get her attention alluding her? she's way out of your league, kid."
"He is a creep, he follows her even on spotify when she goes under a secret username but she doesn't follow him back :rofl: smart girl."
Lipstick alley source (I google alex hogh gee hirst threesome and it popped up, the above links. And quote/gossip came from there.)
May 29, 2018 the weekend/pics he took of MK were posted. Cryptic post from her around this timeframe.
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Jun 17, 2018 alex hogh with rikke westi red carpet its official twitter:
"Alex Høgh with Rikke Westi via alexhoeghandersen: "Rikke has always been too cool for school, but now it’s official. Watch out. She’s special. Huge congratulations my friend"
August 20th, 2018, Anonymous asked:
"What kind of relationship is there between Alex Høgh Andersen and Mary Kate Slattery???"
"As far as I know they are friends. For a hot minute I thought there might be something but that passed"
So they stayed friends it seems. Maybe they just realized they're better as friends? Maybe the rejection was mutual after all? Maybe he wasn't trying to be serious, just seeing how it goes? Or vice versa we will never know. Good for them. That's mature to stay friends. 😊 Her boyfriend type seems different from Alex. Not a bad thing to each their own.
Late 2018-2020 he dated a few others, one I think named Kaja? I've researched enough for a day. 😆 😆  there were blondes and brunettes, several women, one at the Zulu awards. One sitting on his lap at distortion which was posted on tumblr May 30, 2019 (edited to fix date).
That twitter/x post and IG posts don't seem to be focused so much on privacy. As some claim he's all about, I've always thought he was only private when he wanted to be. That's his choice. 😊😊 So I'm still not getting how Johanne ever "violated" his privacy.
So MK only likes his RC posts/posts that have Johanne in them. That's sweet she probably LIKES Johanne too. She's probably happy for her friend.
Seems like what friends do to me! Like posts and Support each other and be happy for each other. 😊😊😊
Another long post, but as ever don't expect it to be read. Just want to say what I want to say. 😊😊😊
PS I don't think it's weird that he's dated around before finding someone serious. You gotta shop around, see how the "clothes" fit before you buy them. Dating is what people do before they find their match. You gotta figure out what you like/want/need and what you don't like/want/need.😃
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fans4wga · 1 year
How do I find protests/picketers in my area (if there are any)? I feel like just Googling it won't get me much because, at least based on other protest info, that kind of info doesn't get casually posted because that's how cops find you. How different is this from an event like that? I want to help out tangibly because I don't use social media
Thank you for reaching out about this topic! Long post ahead because there's a lot of info to cover. Tl;dr the answer depends on your location, because the film/TV industry is so geographically specialized. But please know, on the legal side, that picketing is completely legal. It's an organized labor action protected by law! You can't be arrested for a peaceful picket (...even if the studios would love to see writers arrested for striking for fair pay.)
-If you are planning to go picket, please read this thread on how to picket first, then continue reading this post! Includes info on basic etiquette & picketing while disabled—for instance, Amazon, Disney and Warner Bros. studios are the most wheelchair accessible LA locations!
-For Los Angeles and New York City (the major picketing sites; that's where the writers and studios are), the WGA West and East post the striking schedule on their website, and often it's shared on Twitter. Join in on any publicly posted strike! At the location, find your local strike captains, the WGA members who volunteer to organize the picketing, to get instructions and pre-made picket signs.
-There are many LA locations—try to get out to the less-popular ones if you can, because they still need numbers! (Just FYI, Netflix is probably the most popular, and Universal has been sending out calls for additional people recently! Go where you're needed.)
-For LA and NY, plenty of non-industry people are picketing—fans, friends, other union members, and people who just want to support. Please be sure to follow good etiquette: listen to the strike captains, clean up any trash, and don't harass actors/writers who are public figures! Also, please wear sunscreen, hydrate, and eat. Despite the viral photos of abundant food supplies on the picket lines, there are SO MANY strike locations at so many studios, and unfortunately not every location gets well-supplied with food, water, and other essentials.
-(On an aside: it's also possible to get plugged into food & water donations if you aren't located near a picket location. Our Flag Means Death fandom, Lord of the Rings fandom, and more are getting food directly to writers via organized campaigns. It's a super effective morale boost to offer free tacos and La Croix to hungry writers who are walking 10 miles in the sun around studios every day—who knew?) (If none of the already-organized fandoms are your thing, there are plenty of other general fundraisers linked in this fantastic Twitter thread. OR you could start your own fandom-specific fundraiser—reach out for tips and templates!)
-Many fandoms are organizing LA/NY pickets with local groups, like Star Trek and Our Flag Means Death fans. The best way to find people to picket with might be through your fandoms first (Twitter might be the better medium rather than Tumblr fo that, because that's where more people are following the strike in real-time. Definitely consider creating a Twitter account if you don't have one just to follow the WGA and its strike captains for the duration of the strike.) Or if you don't have fandom buddies in the area, just bring a friend or two—the more the merrier! Non-industry people are definitely welcome as long as you can listen to your strike captain and work respectfully with the WGA people :)
-Outside of the major hubs, there are going to be pickets where studio films and shows are being filmed in order to shut down production. (Detect a studio film/TV shoot in your location that's trying to be secretive? Report it to the WGA to get in on the sweet, sweet pro-WGA direct action! Please note that this doesn't apply to films not from a struck company—i.e., don't shut down an independent student film, but DO shut down Netflix, Disney, Sony, Warner Bros., Universal, Apple TV, and Amazon.)
-There are relatively few pickets scheduled in advance at non-LA/NY locations. It's very dependent on 1) a scheduled event far in advance, such as the Chicago pickets at the downtown studios, or 2) discovering a studio production being secretly filmed. In the second case, it's super essential that the WGA has sufficient people to form a picket line at the very last minute, and at odd hours, so please offer your support in those cities if possible!
-Philadelphia people should follow WGA strike captain Warren Leight on Twitter to get plugged in with their ultra-cool guerilla tactics to shut down production in that area (...via reconnaissance missions to find out where people are secretly filming! It's kind of epic.)
-Chicago people should follow WGA strike captain Zayd Dohrn on Twitter. There have been a handful of organized pickets downtown, but they're not every day. (A certain fans4wga mod might be in town and attending a handful of Chicago pickets if they're still happening in June, so on the downlow, feel free to message if you're a Chicago-area fans4wga person who wants to form a fan picketing group and make some cool signs!)
-Atlanta has just this week started organized picketing through the WGA East. No official news yet, but we'll add more info when we get it; it'll probably show up on the WGA's official schedule too.
-And this is neat international solidarity: board members of the Deutscher Drehbuchverband (Screenwriters Guild of Germany) recently picketed at the European Headquarters of the MPPA in Brussels, alongside people from the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA), in solidarity with the US writers' guild. There might be activity wherever you are in the world—look up local guilds and see what they're doing!
Please feel free to reach out with any clarifying questions, location-specific questions, or other strike captains to follow on Twitter! If the info's out there, we'll find it :)
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mdzsbigbang · 11 months
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Thanks so much for all of your interest!
It's amazing to hear how excited you guys are for this event, thanks so much for all the signal boosting and the interest check forms you guys filled in! It seems like everyone is happy with the schedule so far, which is great news. If you didn't get a chance to fill in that form and still want to, it's here.
Also a big thank you to everyone who signed up as a mod! We'll be reviewing sign ups and contacting you in the next few days.
We thought we'd make this post just to answer a few questions that were submitted.
Do we need to submit our portfolios?
This event is open for everyone, no matter how much or how little experience you have in creating, so there's no need to submit anything except the sign up form in order to participate.
How do the signups work when they open up?
Sign ups will open on 20th November and will be via a google form (much like the interest check). Writers, Artists, and Beta Readers sign ups will open simultaneously and we'll make a post on tumblr to announce it with the links to the forms - keep an eye out! We don't have an exact time that they'll open yet but will probably end up scheduling a post for midnight (GMT or similar - currently mods are in europe) but it'll be self reblogged throughout the sign up period, so hopefully no one will miss it.
We'll ask for your contact details (name, primary handle, email address and discord if you have it) and any details on co-authors/artists if you have them. Writers don't need to submit fic details yet (though we'd certainly encourage you to start work on your fic once you're signed up) as the fic details form that we'll use for claims will be sent out in january. So yes - you can sign up with 0% of a plan, as long as you'll have one by January 22nd, when fic details forms are due.
What are the rules and guidelines?
We have an about/FAQ here (or alternatively linked in our pinned post) which we're trying to keep updated as we get new questions! But anything you can't find on there or anything that doesn't make sense, please do send us an ask.
Is it for ao3 only or tumblr too?
All fics must be posted on AO3, where we will have a collection for this event (that we'll create and explain nearer the time) so if you're considering signing up as a writer and don't have an AO3 account yet, please join the waitlist for an account. Fics can be posted and promoed on tumblr too - we'd certainly love to be able to reblog all works onto this account - but they don't have to be.
As for art, it's up to the artists to discuss with their team how art is going to be posted. It can be posted on AO3, or on tumblr, or even twitter, but wherever it is it must clearly link to the fic (and vice versa - the fic must clearly link to the art)
Will artists/betas know during claims what adaptation an author is basing their work off? [NB: i rephrased this question from a suggestion]
Yes! This will be part of the fic details forms that writers will submit ready for claims.
Since art can take many forms and doesn't necessarily have to be drawing, we won't put any restrictions on what art can be made and in what style. However, it needs to fit into the rating and tags of the fic it will go with, and we'd recommend that an artist stick to the particular adaptation/s that the fic is based on.
Is there a twitter page to retweet?
Not yet I'm afraid. We're working on that, and have just created a bluesky. We'll update you is and when we get a twitter up and running!
Is it possible to sign up as a pinch hitter only?
Yes definitely! Pinch hitter sign ups will open on January 7th, as author sign ups close, so just keep an eye out for that. Please note we can't guarantee if there will be anything available for you, or when it will come available, or what exactly it'll be.
Once again thank you all so much for your excitement, and we'll see you at sign ups!
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bestsmmpanelworld · 2 years
3 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt You
Picture this.
You request a thing on the web and it requires much more investment to show up than it ought to. Furthermore, a couple of things are absent in the bundle. Disappointed, you take to the merchant's Facebook channel to voice your interests and hope to be redressed.
Also, in spite of continued nudging, there is finished radio quiet at the opposite end.
best smm panel
The experience didn't feel significantly better right? You think perhaps this business couldn't care less about you - how you confided in it to give you a decent encounter and it broke this trust all things considered. So you do what any baffled individual would - you promise at absolutely no point ever to arrange anything from here in the future and hit the "in contrast to" button.
For web-based entertainment specialists, there is an illustration to be learned here. A web-based entertainment promoting system can ultimately flounder with a couple unlikes and negative remarks.
As an entrepreneur, virtual entertainment allows you restricted opportunities to establish a decent connection. How you make the most of these possibilities could make your business or break it.
The evidence is in these details:
71% of clients who have a positive online entertainment experience with a brand are probably going to suggest it - Diplomat
As per a review, scarcely 20% of web-based entertainment posts barely produce any profound response via online entertainment - Havas Media
42% of Twitter clients hope to be anticipate that a business should answer their requests in something like 60 minutes - Minister
As a web-based entertainment advertiser, the most ideal way to further develop your virtual entertainment system is to initially find the reason why it flounders in any case. Here are a few slip-ups that you could have neglected:
1 - Being thoughtless with negative input
In the event that you have at any point managed a sales rep, you wouldn't anticipate that he should become cautious when you have a protest or be thoughtless about your interests.
So how could your devotees via web-based entertainment?
Remember, at whatever point anybody criticizes you via web-based entertainment, your other supporters can see them. Furthermore, they will be as intrigued to perceive how you answer.
For organizations, this is a nail-gnawing situation. Yet, it is absolutely avoidable. How it's done:
Put somebody equipped in the driver's seat: Experienced experts like online entertainment specialists will adopt an impartial strategy to the cynicism and know that being imprudent about it fills compelling reason need.
For instance, they know that being inert to remarks like "your administration sucks! I need my cash back" doesn't actually help anybody. An eloquent answer then again, helps both your standing and pacifies rising attitudes.
To represent, your answer ought to resemble, "We are grieved that you had a terrible encounter. Could you at any point tell us precisely what occurred so we can offer to set things straight?" Along these lines, you are bound to ease baffled clients.
Perk up to makes reference to by utilizing on the web apparatuses: It's not difficult to disregard something you don't experience consistently. Remarks via virtual entertainment are something very similar. You can't follow all of them. Nobody inboxes them to you and there is no assurance that devotees will label you.
To monitor all remarks, you can utilize instruments like Google Alarms which tell you when anybody utilizes your watchwords on their virtual entertainment fields.
2 - Utilizing web-based entertainment the board apparatuses to plan same posts on all stages
Web-based entertainment the board apparatuses permit advertisers to post similar substance on a few virtual entertainment stages immediately. Numerous organizations use it to plan posts. What's more, it has worked for them as well, saving the time they need to zero in on different errands.
Be that as it may, customarily, individuals utilize these instruments as an easy route to plan same posts on a few stages. It's a languid strategy and shows that it doesn't matter at all to you how your substance is gotten by crowds.
Remember, what works on Facebook or Twitter will not be guaranteed to deal with LinkedIn. Each web-based entertainment stage was made in view of explicit interest groups. A 140 person tweet, for instance, will not agree with LinkedIn crowds who anticipate more exhaustive posts.
Use devices to plan upgraded posts
To take advantage of social sharing apparatuses, further develop your web-based entertainment procedure first. Carve out opportunity to find out about the interesting capacities of every stage. Restrict yourself to a few stages in the event that that is the stuff. For instance, posts that are wealthy in symbolism are more effective on Google+.
Hootsuite and HubSpot are two of the numerous virtual entertainment the board apparatuses that you can use to robotize posts and even see which channels are driving the most commitment. Notwithstanding computerized content sharing, these stages additionally offer free web-based social showcasing instructional classes that can assist you with taking full advantage of every stage like advancing your posts for various online entertainment channels.
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3 - Holding back on friendly offer buttons
Entrepreneurs ordinarily save their best happy for their sites. Content like enlightening online journals, for instance, lay out them as specialists in their specialties.
It likewise allow guests an opportunity to remain longer on these sites. Maybe they might want to glance around to see what else is on offer?
Sadly, you could highlight content that everybody couldn't imagine anything better than to share - yet in the event that guests have no method for sharing it, it won't get the openness you are searching for.
To make this work for you:
Make your social sharing work on portable: Insights show that more than 15% of tweet specifies are from the tweet fastens that are implanted on your site. This likewise demonstrates to show that individuals share a ton on cell phones.
Apparatuses to make social offer buttons for WordPress: You can utilize online devices to make tweaked social offer buttons for various crowds.
While choosing fitting modules, a decent guideline is to choose those that permit you more opportunity in the sort of friendly offer buttons you can make for various stages.
For instance, to further develop commitment with versatile crowds you can advise your engineers to download WordPress module instruments like Straightforward Offer Buttons Snake to make modified share buttons for your web or portable crowd and add them to each of your virtual entertainment posts. Another module apparatus is Addthis.
Have a social spending plan: On the off chance that anything merits doing, it merits doing well. Apparatuses like Straightforward Offer Button Viper are allowed to download and utilize. Be that as it may, if you truly need to make your portion buttons sparkle, it's ideal to have a spending plan for itself and use it to buy their ace or premium bundles. These proposition more customization choices and retail for around $10 to $100 dollars.
Select shareable substance shrewdly: to exploit virtual entertainment, your substance should be something that individuals would need to share. Picture rich posts, for instance, are shared significantly more than text-based content.
To delineate, consider infographics. Concentrates on show that infographics are shared and "loved" via web-based entertainment multiple times more than some other kind of happy.
Wrapping Up
Use apparatuses to keep yourself alarm to negative remarks and depend on proficient assistance. Try not to take the sluggish way out by dumping the auto posting methodology. Focus on the sort of satisfied you post, how your supporters share content on your social foundation of decision and upgrade it for versatile to extend your range.
0 notes
positivemotivation · 2 years
People living in the USA need to know this:
Do not organize a protest or discuss reproduction health issues via text, Facebook/messenger, Whatsapp, Twitter/DM, Discord or Reddit. That information is not private and you could be accused of committing a crime.
You can use Signal App for texting and have instant disappearing messages. Information is not saved or tracked. They have recommitted to this.
Take your face ID and fingerprint ID off your devices. If you are arrested, or incapacitated, law enforcement can use the biometric tools to unlock your device. Use a numerical or pattern code instead.
Turn off as much data tracking as you can on your devices. Look up the directions for your specific device.
Stop using Google Chrome, especially if you are trying to find information about reproductive health. Download and use Firefox instead.
Get a VPN. Have it use a server in a country that won't share your information. Romania is one of those.
Know your rights. Do not say a word to law enforcement. Do not give your name. Do not say anything but "I invoke my right to counsel."
All protesters should cover themselves so no identifying marks are seen. Cover tattoos. Wear a wig under a hat. Wear protective glasses. Bring water and try to wear cotton clothing.
Do not use whatever trending code word is being used. For example camping has been used so much everyone knows what that means. You'll get caught.
Our infrastructure is tenuous. It's probably a good idea to stock up on water and non perishable foods if you can.
Team up with a local mutual aid group now. Trust me on this one. It's gonna save a life.
Non USA people should and can share this. Most of us here (75-80%) can't leave and don't agree with what's been going on here since 2016. We will not qualify as refugees, so please at least help spread this information.
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literaticat · 3 years
Do you think booktok is starting to have a major impact on the success of books that come out now, especially if they're by pretty young authors? As in, if you're a Gen-Zer, do you think you'd be expected by an agent/publisher to have a social media presence on an app like that if you're an author and you want to market your book?
I don't think any publisher is putting a lot of eggs in booktok's basket specifically. It feels like the things that are truly blowing up huge on booktok are NOT author driven, at all -- rather they are fan-driven. And there's literally no way for an author (or anyone else) to predict or control what will "go viral" there -- or even get views! In fact, the algorithm favors organic content, so the more people TRY, the less likely it is that they will get a hit.
Don't get me wrong - I watch tiktok WAY more than I should, it's addictive, and very fun, and it's great that it's boosting books, and some books have had HUGE jumps in sales due to popularity on that app. I just don't think that publishers think that many or most authors (even "pretty Gen-Z'ers") are going to automatically be amazing at it and harness it's power -- and they can't really make that a contractual obligation anyway, since for all we know by the time the author's book comes out a year or two from now, BookTok will be dead and the new cool thing will be doing author signings via smart-watch or writing book reviews on paper airplanes or something. ;-)
Publishers CAN (and DO) often say something in their contracts obliging creators to post on their own website and social media around the book launch, or committing to XYZ amount of promo (though they don't, in my experience, talk about specific apps, because again, those wax and wane in popularity) -- however, agents worth their salt will try and eliminate this, or limit this to something like "the author will make best efforts to post on their own website and social channels to promote the book, to the extent that they are able to do so, but not doing so because of other commitments, physical/mental health considerations, etc, won't put them in breach of contract" -- because at the end of the day, what if you CAN'T promote it heavily on socials? Obviously most authors want to do what they can do to support their own book, but not every author is willing or able to have a robust twitter or booktok or *whatever* -- and forcing an author to have a social media presence that they are bad at and hate, or that endangers their mental health or something, would be counter-productive for all parties.
IMO the most important thing to have is an updated website where people can find out more about you, the book, and any big important stuff (like hi-res photos of you and your book, and your art if you are an illustrator, BUY LINKS to the books, major reviews of your books, a schedule of where you will be appearing, how to contact you, school visit info, "bonus" stuff for your book like downloadables or teacher guides etc) -- this will be basically a landing page for anyone googling you! And then social media is a bonus.
There, you should find the things that you enjoy doing (or at least aren't super-onerous for you), and that you are likely to actually use -- which WON'T be every possible platform/app/whatever -- and lean into those. If you love taking photos, do instagram. If you are good at banter, do twitter. If you'd rather post something on a page and then kinda leave it alone, do Facebook. If you love TikTok - GREAT! But if it gives you hives, please stay off of it.
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Would you mind sharing a list of visual artists that you know of if it's not a problem? ❤️
Oh, seriously wonderful question - I appreciate it so much, thank you!!
Assuming this is in response to my post about Black and Indigenous creators, I've tried my best to make a good list here. But to be honest, visual art isn't typically a thing I pay a whole lot of attention to except in passing (like, I see a post or something and am like 'OMG!!!' and maybe I think about it for a little bit afterward, but otherwise I tend to move on from it fairly quickly. If you've followed me for a while, you know I tend to obsess over music, and sometimes movies and TV shows, but also literature. Visual art is where I'm, like, a fan, but not usually a super fan, if that makes sense. LOL), so I really had to think and research some in order to properly respond to this ask. But that's not really a problem, so with that preface out of the way, here's my recommendations for you!
Wait I'm sorry one more preface to note: these are contemporary artists and thus they present contemporary art, so if you were wondering about historical art, I'd have to do more research about that. LOL Also, per my previous statement, I'm honestly not familiar with very many visual artists, so those I am listing here will mostly be Indigenous or Afro-Indigenous/Black Native artists. Since I'm not super into visual art as a medium, I shamefully can't name very many Black visual artists (contemporary, in this case, as that is the theme I'm trying to represent by this list). But I'm going to do more research on my own, and once I do, I'll edit this post with my findings or better yet make a whole separate post, since this post is going to be super long. If you were hoping for recommendations of Black and Indigenous historical visual artists, I'd have to get back to you on that another time...although I will say as a gentle reminder: Google is free, and so is Wikipedia. I would probably, to be honest, use Wikipedia as a jumping off point to discover said artists, but it wouldn't be the last or only place I would look (I use Wikipedia as a jumping off point to discover musicians and bands all the time, but as I've found out via this method, lists on Wikipedia and such are often frighteningly incomplete, so I use other methods – even looking for recommendations via the artists I found on Wikipedia at first – to make my research more thorough. And you can do that, too, if you don't already. :) ).
One more (sorry) crucial preface about contacting Indigenous artists and folks in general.
@ChiefLadyBird on IG and Twitter (Chippewa, Potawatomi) - Artist, illustrator. Via social media, this is one of the most well-known artists I could think of off the top of my head (apparently she even has a Wikipedia page, LOL! But actually, that's pretty neat). She makes a lot of nature-themed art, as well as art of Native people (like Buffy Sainte-Marie, AHHH!!!) and erotic art, all of which is simply BEAUTIFUL. She's also made social justice-oriented art, as well, which you might've seen a print of if you're aware of #CancelCanadaDay (since that was quite recent).
@Paige_Pettibon on IG, aka Paige Pettibon, website (Afro-Indigenous/Salish, Black, white) - Visual artist, beader and jewelry maker. For the longest time I only followed her jewelry account (@plain_to_sea) on IG, but when I visited her visual art account I NOTICED SHE DID A PRINT OF BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE AND I'M. :')))) She does all sorts of art judging by her website and IG art account - digital art, charcoal drawings, watercolor paintings, acrylic paintings, and of people and nature and Native art designs, which is all truly beautiful. (I'm a big fan of her charcoal drawings of Audre Lorde and James Baldwin, in addition to her print of Buffy. :'))
@PlateauPop on Twitter and Etsy, @sandrawpb_arton IG, aka Sandra Warriors (Coast Salish) - Artist, jewelry maker, traditional tattoo artist. I've recommended their art before, but I'm more than happy to have an excuse again to recommend them. Their art is some of my VERY FREAKIN' FAVORITE; it moves me and gives me feelings like other art forms I tend to prefer (music, literature) does, which is to say it is incredibly powerful and so beautiful. My favorite piece of theirs is an ink print depicting generations with the Universe as the first generation supporting three future generations of Native people (the first time I saw it I almost cried. It's so gentle and hopeful and just...so achingly beautiful). They mostly make digital art, but they've also shared their ink drawings and if you follow them you can be privy to their paintings and hand print textiles, too! If you've seen my past Settler Saturday posts, they also make and sell jewelry and I would like to buy some some day, heh heh.
@lauren.nicole.creations on IG, aka Lauren Nicole, website (Tongva, Chumash) - Beader, jewelry maker, visual artist. Lauren Nicole not only makes utterly gorgeous beaded jewelry, but she's also a visual artist! I'm most familiar with her floral prints (actually her logo is a calla lily aka A ME, LOL), but she does lots of cool nature prints and stunning abstract art as well as art of people, too. And you can buy her art (or jewelry!) via her website where she has links to her jewelry Etsy shop and Redbubble visual art shop. One day – mark my words – I will own a print of her calla lily painting. :')
@jacobvjoyce on IG, aka Jacob V Joyce, website – Artist, illustrator, singer. I only recently found this person, but it turns out I was almost aware of them much earlier because they're the lead vocalist of the band Screaming Toenail. Their art – occasionally short comics, zine illustrations, digital art, murals – is really lovely, and even if Screaming Toenail isn't a band musically that I can get into (I tried, I will say), I really appreciate Jacob Joyce's art!! Quite a lot of the art on their IG is also on behalf of Out Proud African LGBTI, a UK organization supporting London-area local LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees.
@nalakwsis on IG, Etsy (Cree) - Beader, illustrator, photographer. I only just recently found this artist via prints shared on behalf of residential school victims and their families (so fucking powerful), but I noticed that they've also shared art depicting what I would consider as: queer love, people, nature and animals, horror (spirits, ghosts...very haunting art, which is tbh also completely up my alley). I love that their art ranges from deeply moving, intense art to calming and curious and maybe vaguely unsettling art.
@emilykewageshig on IG, aka Emily Kewageshig, website (Anishinaabe) – Painter, illustrator. Her art features incredible Native art designs of nature, people, and social justice-oriented art! I didn't follow this artist before now, but when I checked out her account I realized I'd been more aware of her art via other people I follow than I realized.
@inkstitcher on IG, aka Sarah Ayaqi Whalen Lunn (Inupiaq) - Artist and traditional Inuit tattoo artist. I only just now found her account but one of the prints she did of a woman in an eventide gradient is so fucking beautiful I almost started to cry. And she also makes beaded jewelry so, you know, that's an instant follow from me. LOL
@destinyariannastudio on IG, aka Destiny Arianna (Afro-Indigenous/Black, Wampanoag), website - Multidisciplinary artist. She makes absolutely stunning women-centered art that, I would say, also does an incredible job challenging anti-Blackness in Native art. SO IMPORTANT!
@jasmine_shawnaf on IG, aka Jasmine F (Kichwa) - Digital artist. She makes a lot of what I would consider empowering art of Indigenous women, which is so beautiful and touching! She's also done social justice-oriented art, which I also love, ya know. :')
@khavenart1 on IG, aka Kaitlyn Haven, Etsy (Diné) - Digital artist. She does a lot of anime (Ghibli redraws and ATLA-inspired art with Indigenous representation!!!!) themed art, which you can buy on Etsy as stickers and prints. I'm obsessed with her Indigenous ATLA-inspired art oh my god.
@PhilipKaiten on Twitter, website – Digital artist. I found this self-taught artist on Twitter when I happened to stumble across his art not too long ago and thought it was STUNNING. Such beautiful Black art!! And you can buy it on t-shirts and all sorts of products on his TeePublic page (linked), so check it out!
@project_562 on IG, website (created by Matika Wilbur who is Tulalip and Swinomish) - Photographer. Why do you need to know who the fuck Edward Curtis is when Matika Wilbur exists? I'm just saying. (Which, for the record, is not an invitation to look up Edward Curtis, who was a white dude who photographed Native people in a way that heavily contributed to the "vanishing Indian" trope that still persists across the world to this day. You don't need to do that when Matika Wilbur's Project 562 is RIGHT. THERE.) Project 562 is Matika Wilbur's documentary project which endeavors to photograph over 562 Indigenous nations. So if you want to see and be aware of contemporary Native people (of the U.S.A.) in photography FROM a Native photographer's perspective (which is, for example, the best way to consume art about Native people), this is hands-down one of THE BEST photographic examples you can find. Personally, when I look at her photos I can feel the love that went into them, and of course you can visually see the love there, too. :')))))
@artbyciara on IG, website (Chamoru) - Artist. I'm most familiar with her art as the episode covers of the All My Relations podcast, which is always SO beautiful and soft and just...ahh, heart eyes! Apparently she's self-taught, which is incredible as her style feels so familiar and informed. She also makes cool nature and food prints, and she makes and sells jewelry, too! She also sells stickers, socks, bandanas, and enamel pins in her art shop, where you can find and buy all of her art and such!
@deboraiyall, aka Debora Iyall (Cowlitz) - Artist, singer, songwriter, poet. If you've followed me for long enough YOU BETTER KNOW WHO THIS IS. Yeah - she's not just the lead vocalist and songwriter of Romeo Void, one of my very favorite bands ever, but she's also a visual artist and an art teacher!! She was the artist of Romeo Void's It's a Condition album cover art and she's done a lot of amazing art in that linocut style (the style It's a Condition's cover was done in), and she shares her own art as well as her students' art on her personal IG. I adore her and respect her so much, you know, I just can't even.
@lukeswinsonart on IG, aka Luke Swinson (Anishinaabe) – Illustrator, muralist. His art style is so smooth and serene, and I think that such a concept applied to animals which are featured in his art quite often is so amazing...
@ndn.o on IG, aka Otaes (Ramapough Lenape), website - Artist, educator. Does a lot of street art with important Indigenous people-related statistics and facts - seems very (necessarily!) driven to present the truth about Indigenous people and how their well-beings are affected by racism, colonialism, etc.
@morning.star.designs on IG, aka Lanah Jewell, website (French and Oneida) - Illustrator, painter, muralist. I don't know if you all will recognize this piece posted on behalf of MMIW, but I sure recognized it, without knowing the artist the first few times I saw it (now I know!).
@MichaelaGoade on IG and Twitter, website (mixed Tlingit) - Artist, picture book illustrator. Most famously (I personally would say?) she's the illustrator of the book We Are Water Protectors written by Carole Lindstrom, which is a children's book highlighting Indigenous-led movements on behalf of protecting the Earth and water. She's done cover art and illustrations for other books, as well, though! She also did the Google doodle honoring Tlingit activist Elizabeth Peratrovich.
@ty_rushnell on IG, aka Tyler Tabobondung Rushnell, Redbubble (Wasauksing First Nation) - Artist. He does a lot of abstract art with saturated colors, and apparently he's self-taught. His art is SUPER, SUPER cool, and some of his art incorporates pop culture references (Indigenized Addams Family Values, Tupac, Spiderman...) which is a bonus to me. :)
@cedarsageskoden on IG and Twitter, aka Bailey Macabre, website (Cree-Métis) - Artist, writer, beader. I believe they mostly do digital art, but they've drawn comics, social/environmental justice-oriented art, abstract art, and really great prints Indigenizing pop culture classics . :) To be honest, I don't remember seeing their art so much as I see their activism-oriented tweets on Twitter (which is quite often...but certainly not unwelcome!!), but seeing their art now is amazing and so much of it GIVES ME SO MANY FEELS.
@sweetmoonphoto on IG, aka Tenille K Campbell, website (Dené, Métis) - Photographer, poet. I'm not exactly one to recognize what is outstanding in terms of photography, but to me her photos are incredibly striking. And of course, as a writer, I fucking love her poems RIGHT IN THE FEELS.
@salish_artist_margaretaugust on IG, aka Margaret August, website (Shishalh) – Artist. I'm most familiar with their art via Salish Style (mentioned a little bit below), but it turns out Margaret August also makes amazing glass art, cedar sandblasted art, and serigraph/giclee prints, which you can see examples of on their IG and their website. SIMPLY. AMAZING. I was already in love with their art prints and paintings for sure, but their cedar art especially and bentwood boxes are fucking incredible. :')
@ovila79 on IG, aka Ovila Mailhot, website (Nlaka'pamux, Sto:lo) – Graphic artist, designer. You wanna know how much I like his art? I own one of his prints on a mask, and I also bought a sticker of one of his designs for my mom which she put on her water bottle. :) I adore his style, and the recognizable Coast Salish formline style incorporated into his art with a modern touch is just lovely. (DNKHNFHJBFHJD HE ALSO DREW ANIME STYLE ART WITH SALISH INFLUENCES AND IT'S FUCKING AMAZING. CALL ME A FAN.)
@moe.butterfly.art on IG, aka Moe Butterfly Hoffer, Etsy (Seneca) – Artist. He mostly does digital art, which you can find especially on his IG and Etsy, but they have some traditional art they've shared, as well. The quality is seriously fucking stunning. And so much queer art, omg! Their art makes me smile so muuuuuuuch.
@gaysalishart on IG, aka Chase Gray, website (Musqueam/Tsimshian) – Artist. No matter what kind of visual art you were hoping to find via my recommendations, you should NOT be surprised that I’ve recommended an artist who draws Pokemon with Salish influences. COME ON, THAT SHIT IS AMAZING!!! ...well, I love it, at least. :’D
@ninalikesbutts on IG, Etsy (Indigenous) - Artist. Her art is mostly of brown and Black women - nude, half nude (I mean, her handle is "ninalikesbutts" so there's a lot of butts in her art. I'm not complaining. In fact I will NEVER complain. There's your one TMI in this entire post from me, you're welcome) - but she's also done prints and stickers of motivational-type art of (clothed) women in everyday situations. To be honest, I'd call ALL of her art beautiful!!
Edit: I also noticed that the small business Earth Daughters were showcasing Black and Indigenous visual artists on their IG; I’m familiar with Earth Daughters because of their sister business, Piña Soul, who I’ve bought earrings from before that are made by Indigenous Mexican artisans (in case you were also interested in other types of art besides just visual art, consider that a recommendation, as well!). Earth Daughters primarily works to “uplift transnational Indigenous WOC & LGBTQ2S+ through mutual aids & sustainability.”
Also, if you like Pacific Northwest Native art (I do, although of course I've pretty much grown up around here and am pretty familiar with this art), there's this cool website I found a little while ago that sells a TON of different products in Northwest Native art styles, ALL created by Native Northwest artists, so, for example, if you want to peruse different PNW Native nations' art styles and get to know some artists' names, this is a good place to start. As far as I know, the products are available to those living in the U.S. and Canada...I'm not sure if they sell/ship to anywhere else in the world, though, as I haven't bought anything from here YET. I have a list of things I want to buy from here one day, LOL.
Another similar suggestion to the one above: Salish Style is an Indigenous-owned small business that sells a bunch of different products (clothing, stickers, face masks, hats, buttons, etc.) with prints featuring art all designed by Coast Salish artists. So, once again, it's a PNW Native art thing, but still worthwhile! (And since it's local, it's all the more important to me, but also familiar in that way, too!) There's art designed by a bunch of different artists, so you can find more artists that way and look them up if you want to see what other types of art they create.
Finally...I know this post is super long, but I want to end it by recommending that EVERYBODY across North America especially know whose land you are on – the land you reside on, but also whose land you're on WHEREVER you go, like if you visit somewhere new. Even if you don't necessarily use the information to do something activism-oriented, or even if you don't verbally acknowledge it to someone (although that would be great if you COULD do that, especially if you live there), being able to acknowledge it to YOURSELF is a small, but, I would suggest, important step toward decolonization – decolonizing your mind, at least, if you will, and hopefully also a step in supporting Indigenous sovereignty. But why I really said all that is: if you want to support local to YOU Indigenous artists, which is what I WHOLLY encourage, knowing whose land you're on can help you find artists who belong to that/those nation(s) and who you can then support. Like, the reason I recommended so many Coast Salish artists is because I live on, work on, and regularly travel across Coast Salish land; they're the people I want to support so I've done the most research to find them. It can be that way for you, too, wherever you are, if you care enough to do so and put in the effort. (Which is not supposed to sound passive-aggressive, my apologies. I mean it genuinely. It's something that means a lot to me could you tell? so I hope this sort of thing can and will be as meaningful to others, too.)
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Catholic Church Spent Millions Lobbying Against Abuse Victims Rights & Scientology Cult Exposed
Published on 6 Dec 2020
Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Trial Magazines Editor Farron Cousins discuss a report showing that the Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars lobbying against the efforts to hold their own clergy members liable for molesting children. Legal journalist Mollye Barrows joins Mike Papantonio to talk about a lawsuit filed by a former Scientologist against the Church and its leader, David Miscavige, alleging that the Church of Scientology engages in forced labor, harassment, and human trafficking.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
A report shows that the Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars lobbying against the efforts to hold their own clergy members liable for molesting children. You know, I look at this, I'm look at this story. Everyday you go to the newspaper when you see another molestation story and you hear the, you hear this, the same thing. Oh, we feel terrible about this as the Catholic Church. We apologize. We're trying to turn a new leaf on this. We're so sorry. While they're saying that they're spending five, six, $7 million state by state, trying to make sure that the statute of limitations doesn't change, so they're old priest can't be held responsible for, for going after little boys. I mean, and that's that, that's the Catholic Church. That's this, that is this crazy culture, this, this, this, this cult like thing that we call the Catholic Church nowadays. We accept as a church. It's a cult.Yeah.But that's, that's, that's the dichotomy here, isn't it?Well, you know, I actually would describe it more as a modern day corporation because their public face is saying, oh listen, we don't want anybody to be harmed. We are absolutely going to take the right steps. We're going to make this right for the people who are harmed. And then of course, behind closed doors, you know, with their checkbooks, they're sitting their funding and lobbying to say, hey, all those rules we've broken, let's not change them. Let's not make it worse for us. We're still going to tell the public we're, we're trying to help and make things better. But just like a corporation will do, they're still sitting there saying, hey, we got to get rid of these regulations. We don't ever want to be held accountable. And that's what they're doing because right now you have these states, they want to change the statute of limitation from 23 all the way to 55 so suddenly you open up a huge area.Well New York, great example.Yeah.They did that in New York. The clergy, the Catholic Church, money came directly from Rome, by the way. You know that, those palaces that they have in Rome built with the gold and the marble and you might, you would think God lived there, you know. But the point is, the point is the money came from them directly to New York to beat back this statute that would have extended the right of a person to sue for a, for a, on behalf of a child who's been raped, who has been sodomized and raped by a Catholic cult priest. And now you tell me, you know how that can be a bad thing to open the door. Let's open the door. And when I hear them say, oh, we just feel so terrible, this is just awful. We, you know, we apologize. If you look at the number, it's startling.I mean, some of the numbers on here, if you just take a look at who's, who's doing all this. A hundred and about 150 priests. Hundred and 50 priests, were responsible for raping 3000 children. Okay. That's, that's the numbers that come out of here. Now, so we say, and then you start asking the question, where does all this come from? Where did we get this idea that a priest shouldn't be able to marry? There's not a word in the Bible anywhere. New Testament, old testament says anything about a priest not being able to be married.
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sol1056 · 6 years
Something I don't understand. According to those stats you posted, VLD has got more or less similar traffic rates as other shows like Castlevania and The Dragon Prince. So why is its Twitter and Tumblr presence so massively higher? For example the trailer for S8 on Twitter has 12k likes, but the trailer of S2 of Castlevania has only got 3.6k, almost just 1/4 of Voltron. I know you said Fandom can't be used to detect actual traffic, but I thought different Fandoms could be compared to each other.
You can compare fandoms, yes, but what you’re comparing in twitter stats vs the stats I listed is the difference between engagement and viewership.
We can determine engagement by looking at traffic on twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram, and google searches. As google is the only one of those five that has a reach beyond 20% of the internet-using public, I find it’s the best for a blunt-force measurement of audience engagement, which really boils down to “how much people are talking about it.” 
Wikipedia’s page views are an extrapolation of viewership. That’s a massive segment of the population who don’t get on twitter, use facebook for family stuff, aren’t into instagram, and have never heard of tumblr (yes, lots of those people exist). 
Remember, a controversial show can get people talking but that doesn’t translate automatically to them watching. If you go by twitter stats, S7 should’ve been THE most watched season of VLD ever, ‘cause boy was it blowing up the charts in terms of engagement. Thing is, its viewership stats were just fractionally higher than S6, and still nowhere near S1/S2 levels. It didn’t bring in that many more eyeballs; it just got talked about. A lot. 
The other thing to keep in mind is that you’re comparing one show’s seventh season to another show’s first season and a third show’s second season. VLD has had 2 more years to build up its audience than tDP, and a year more than Castlevania (which also doesn’t come with the massive marketing push that DW puts into even its half-assed-marketed shows). 
On top of that, Castlevania’s audience skews older, and those of us with jobs don’t have the time to spend all day on various platforms, so our engagement may be as strong but it’s rarely as noisy. (in other words, we’ll miss stuff ‘cause we don’t have the time to go back and see everything in our feed that happened while we were busy elsewhere.) Meanwhile, tDP’s audience skews slightly younger, and twitter is much more a 18-30 kind of platform. So tDP’s audience is either slightly too young for twitter, while its other audience (parents) are just a little older than twitter’s core audience. 
So, comparison graphs. Colors for each show in each graph are:
blue: Voltron (VLD)green: She-Ra (SPOP)red: The Dragon Prince (tDP)orange: Castlevaniapurple: Trollhunters (TH)
Viewership stats (via Wiki)
Stats run from 6/1/2016 to 11/17/2018. 
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VLD’s S1 viewership peaked at about 38K; TH’s S1 peaked at about 21K, same as SPOP over on the far right. Castlevania hit about 72K in its first season, so its S2 drop to around 48K is about standard. tDP managed almost 50K in its first season. 
Viewership drops by 30-40% with each subsequent season for the average show; a drop of less than 20% means you have a major hit on your hands. The last season almost always shows a spike, as people come back to see how it ends. If a show ends without that spike, consider it dying a quiet death.
That reality of each subsequent season losing viewers means SPOP is in a really bad place right now, unless it can do a turn-around like TH and have a powerful ending. If SPOP has more than three seasons, by the time it gets to its final season (and that resurgent viewership for the finale), it might barely be a blip on the scale. The longer the show, the higher you want the S1 levels, to offset that expected decline over the seasons. 
Engagement stats (via Google)
Here’s the chatter, of people searching for each show (or related topics like toys, merch, news, fic, art, etc). Same colors as above, for each show, for the same time period. 
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Unfortunately, Castlevania drowns everyone else out by such a degree that we can’t really see much until we get that out of the way. So this second one, I narrowed it down to ‘Castlevania netflix’ to temporarily quiet it, a little.
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Compare this to the viewership, and you can see some interesting behaviors. People talked about TH a lot more than VLD, despite TH having such lower viewership stats. There was a major spike when SPOP released its character designs, and kerfluffles get people talking. For VLD, its S3 viewership dropped as in standard but the chatter went up; S3 and S7 came close to matching S1 levels of engagement (for not always good reasons, natch). 
Notably, tDP may be somewhat quiet (comparatively) over on twitter, but it’s got people talking, too. If you’re wondering, the most common related search terms are for the cast overall, then ‘avatar the last airbender’ and then Ralya, Callum, Amaya, and Claudia. Going by frequency, Rayla is the most popular character by a large margin.  
The dotted line in green, at the far right, is Google’s prediction based on the past few days’ traffic, as we haven’t quite completed the first week. (A query for a year+ gets compressed to a weekly Sun-Sat view.) 
Speaking of which, let’s take it down to just the past 90 days, and remove the narrowing filter on Castlevania. This graph has a bumpier view because it’s back to a daily value for each. 
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tDP and SPOP look very close, and there’s really only a few points difference: tDP maxed out at 43%; SPOP maxed at 37%. (Basically, take Castlevania’s highest-rated day as x, and tDP’s highpoint is 43% of x.) If I narrow Castlevania down again, we can see tDP vs SPOP chatter. 
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People are talking about SPOP but still not quite to the degree of engagement as tDP. Then again, SPOP also hamstrung itself by releasing three days early without a lot of warning, so it’s possible we may see another spike similar to tDP’s once word gets out that the series is actually released. Or, once early adopters create buzz and lure more people into watching. 
bottom line
What people talk about isn’t always what they’re watching. And people will watch and not have the place, time, or energy to chat about it online. All of these shows are on Netflix, too, so no advertising income as a comparison point. That makes engagement a more useful data point, because the income doesn’t change based on viewership. 
By that measure, TH is probably DW’s most successful series of these, followed by VLD, and then SPOP. TH is the only one inside shouting distance of what tDP managed it its first season, and none of them come close to competing with Castlevania’s numbers. 
Hell, if I were DW, right now I might be having serious regrets of making VLD a Y7 property, considering Castlevania’s M rating. By platform and viewership, Netflix might be the best home for adult-oriented series where stories can explore darker themes. Of all the franchises DW has right now, VLD was possibly the best candidate for taking advantage of the platform. That M rating hasn’t hurt Castlevania in the least, and in fact may’ve been part of what propelled it so high. 
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omegangrins · 4 years
[Kingsmen 3: The Golden Service] Harry Hart turns "villain"
TL;DR: The Lepidopterist is the *perfect* name for a "colorfull" megalomaniac who's trying to save the world via villainy.
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I've allways had a nagging feeling that Colin Firth's Harry Hart is destined to become a villain. Like Valentine and Poppy, our Hart will break.
Why do I think this? Let's start simple:
1) "I always felt that the old Bond films were only as good as the villain. As a child, I rather fancied a future as a colorful megalomaniac."
Now you could take it as face value veiled metaphor in their cat and mouse game. A game recognize game moment. Though when you look at it from a character angle, it is rather apparent that Galahad is not lying here. Look at the giddy nature in which they both talk about the subject. Almost lost in a moment of childhood nostalgia. Neither man is lying. So if Valentine tried to save the world like his younger self wanted, then it stands to reason that Harry has that childhood dream himself.
Harry even has a flair for the dramatic already. "Manners maketh man" is all about him causing a dignified scene to teach a lesson to all watching. In the Freebird church scene, you can see it BEFORE he starts fighting because of Valentine's machine.
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Feels like a simple "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I'm hot and need to breath outside for moment" would have sufficed and gotten him out of there without hassle from the crazy Baptist and he KNEW that but didn't care. Arthur implies this subversiveness in their conversations about choosing candidates. Then there's the *way* in which he kills everyone there. Not just defense or trying to kill quickly but lots of slow, painful, and fucked up deaths. The killing is Valentine but the style is ALL Harry. It's part of the reasons he's disgusted. Not the enjoyment, but the ease with which he turned so gleefully. That slow motion fade in smile in the middle is proof of this. Harry *wanted* to punish those people the same way Valentine did. That's proven by what he says at the start. (Don't blame him either, just character commenting. Fuck those people.) Part of me thinks the Freebird is playing in *HIS* head. He's a bird freed by blood.
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2) The Lepidopterist
I know the clip is from Venture Bros but it's meant to show how two "good guys" became bad. Kinda the perfect coincidence. But I digress... it was a shameless plug to #SavetheVentureBros. 😎😙😍
The hobbyist collecting of insects, fauna/flora, and what-have-yous has looooong been a trope of "colorful megalomaniacs".
Then there's the added bonus that The Lepidopterist sounds like the *perfect* name for a Bond villain.
Butterflies even symbolize death and rebirth and the violence inherent in transforming something for the better.
Is Harry's butterflies a set-up foreshadowing to his coming transformation from "hero" to "villain"?
"I doubt whether I'd work for anyone who drowns their employees. I want to go home. I want my butterfly collection. I want to see Mother."
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3) As we know, all the best villains are ones we sympathize with and understand WHY they do what they do. Valentine was trying to solve over-population and save what he could of the species so it wouldn't happen again. Poppy wanted drugs to be legal, partially for vanity reasons but mainly for anger at global government hypocrisies (the same governments which had their heads blown up for trying to kill humanity for their own gain). Wouldn't it fit perfectly for Harry Hart to have seen the horrors inflicted by the world governments and the corruption of not only Statesmen, but his beloved Kingsmen themselves, and say "No more." What's he gonna feel when he finds out Arthur sold the Kingsmen's soul and got him killed? How long has the "shoot the dog" exercise been in practice? Why is trying to drown someone thought of as a reasonable way to help them? Does the rot go to the core? All things any reasonable person would ask after being shot for an organization that was just blown up by a drug dealer.
"When I was shot, can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind? It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love. And in that moment, all I felt was loneliness and regret."
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Who's to say what he would do or the methods he would take, but villains are merely people casting shadows in the way of the light.
4) I put this last because it's more pun than the others and because I only realized it while writing their names out loud. Valentine. Poppy. Hart. A valentine is love, poppies symbolize death, and a heart combines both (a Hart is also the name for an adult male deer over the age of five but I'm not British enough to understand what the fuck that has to do with anything.) There's also Richmond Valentine/Rich Man Love (Rich dude saving the world). Poppy Adams/ Poppy of the Earth (Death of the World). And finally Harry Hart/Harry Heart. An attacking heart. Yeah, that's the old definition of "harry". To harass. (Or Power Ruler of the Five Year Old Male Deer. This isn't an exact science 🙃 ). Honestly, as I write these out, the puns become the hardest piece of proof for me. Brits love a good wordplay foreshadowing.
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"... this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
AND what else do they have in common? They're all things associated with the color red. And what's red?
Sorry, couldn't resist the touch of drama. 🤣
P.S. I know it's not really related but I also subscribe to the Poppy is a former Statesmen theory as well.
Making this an even more thematic connection. Good guys gone villain because of shitty situations.
5) HE'S WEARING AN EYEPATCH!!! How autistic am I that I missed that in my explanation. Eyepatches just seem that normal to me but they're like the ultimate villain accessory. Unless you're a pirate.
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6) /u/Bespoke3 pointed out how the one thing keeping this from happening is Eggsy and Harry's relationship, and I contended that it was true. While making an interesting movie, you need a sufficient reason for those two to be on opposite ends of each other. And in rambling through comments, I found it. This is why you write shit outloud:
It's Princess Tilde!
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The first movie showed that world leaders would gladly sell their souls to save themselves, Princess Tilde being one of the few exceptions. The second showed that even after those figureheads exploded (see what I did there 🤣), there was still terrible people left in charge making even worse decisions.
What if Harry's plan is to attack all of the "leaders" of the world as a way to show people they have the power to govern themselves. This would put Princess Tilde, and moreso her family, directly in the line of fire and force Eggsy's hand to intervene and choose.
Save the girl or save the world.
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7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
7) As /u/baddestmofointhe209 pointed out, Harry *was* shot in the head. That kind of thing does tend to mess with people after the fact. Maybe turning villain isn't such a stretch. Not evil, but morally grey.
8) My wife was telling me about how Colin Firth has allways wanted to play the villain too.
"Whenever you take on playing a villain, he has to cease to be a villain to you. If you judge this man by his time, he's doing very little wrong."
“I’d never rule out a part in Doctor Who or Torchwood – especially Doctor Who, I’d also love to play a villain like Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes."
9) Thanks to some pushback from /u/The-Reddit-Giraffe, I decided to Google Kingsmen 3 rumors and stumbled on this little nugget about it, and specifically the Harry/Eggsy relationship:
"I'm really not allowed to say anything, but there is a script. It's a really neat idea."
Outside of it telling the finale of Eggsy and Harry Hart's story, we don't know all that much about the plot for the third movie.
"People will either freak out in a good way, or freak out in a bad way, but they will freak out," Vaughn teased. "We're literally finishing the script off as I speak – but they go on a journey that, if anyone sees it coming, then I'll give up."
To which I would like to thank YOU. This is why I love being shown how I could be wrong. I can't help but feel like this is EXACTLY what they're talking about. You don't have a script finished that fast if you didn't already know where you were going with the first two.
It HAS to end like this. Now I can't see any other way. Maybe The Rock is the Big Bad they have to team up to stop at the end but I will say with 99% confidence that Harry Hart will turn rogue for the first 2/3 of the movie.
10) This wouldn't be the first time I was right about something like this either.
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