#i cant believe ive never put the two of these things together and had a mutual coming out
starpirateee · 6 months
Hi! Can I suggest something kinda dumb that's been in my head forever? Pete coming out to Ted as bi and being really nervous, and then Ted's like " oh cool me too. Wait you didn't know that?" And Pete's like "???"
Idk that's just really funny to me lol
First, anon, this idea is anything but dumb! Second, it would be my genuine pleasure! Bisexual brothers for the win tbh 😌
And forgive Pete for not being able to work this out with his incredible logic, it's the tism (and the anxiety) ((see: just like me fr))
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"Ted… I've gotta tell you something…" Pete had been holding this back for a month or more, waiting on the right moment to just come out and say it. Part of him didn't even know what he was worried about, Ted had literally never judged him for anything before, why would this be so different? He was one of the most laid back people he knew, but there had to be a line somewhere, right? Maybe this would be the line, maybe Ted wouldn't be cool with it…
He found his brother on the sofa, halfway through some probably shit movie he wasn't even paying attention to. Swallowing back his nerves, he forced himself to breathe and rationalise the situation. No, he was not admitting to having committed a crime. No, he was not about to say he wanted to elope to another country with nothing but a girl and a dream… How bad could it really be?
Ted paused the movie, turned around, and raised an eyebrow. Pete was known for being a nervous wreck; he overthought like the best of them, and he'd set himself into more than enough spirals that were all decently hard to pull him back from. This was another one of those occassions, apparently. He looked tense, and there was something about the way he was avoiding looking at him that made him believe it wasn't just something interesting on the floor. "Uh, okay? What's up?" He asked, preparing himself for some long story that he'd have to deep dive through.
"I- uh…" Pete hesitated, drawing in a breath, and taking Ted up on the offer of the other side of the sofa. Even when he sat down, he was stiff as a board, worried that somehow this would go wrong. Eventually, he just decided to jump into the deep end and see what happened. "Fuck it. I'm… I'm into guys. And girls! Both! I'm… Bisexual. I might get a girlfriend one day, but- uh, maybe not, y'know..?"
It was silent for a few moments. Pete was starting to let those moments bleed out into eternity, thinking it better to absolve himself in the silence. It was better than rejection!
And then Ted hummed, breaking that precious silence like glass. Pete held his breath subtly, kneading his hands against the fabric of his trousers.
"… Cool."
But that wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.
"Huh? That- that's it..? What, you're just cool with that?"
Just one word. The word 'cool'. He could forgive Ted for being vague at the best of times, but not right now. At least it didn't sound like a bad thing… He had prompted for more, though, and he was hoping that it was going to continue to be a good thing even with that much needed clarification.
Ted scoffed, vaguely amused. "What's your problem, kid? D'you think I was gonna judge you or whatever?"
"Uh… Yeah?"
For some reason, Ted was expecting it to be glaringly obvious that he was on his brother's side here. He thought he made it obvious enough, in any case… "Pete… Jesus…" He tried not to laugh- after all, this was probably serious for Pete, and he'd probably been thinking about how to say that for quite a while, knowing him. "I probably kissed more guys in college than you'll ever even get with. I'm the last person who's gonna judge you for swingin' both ways."
"Yeah, man. Kissed 'em, hooked up with 'em… Hell, I even had a half serious relationship in high school with some poor kid, who pretty much had to dig a ditch just to bury his religious guilt. Sure that guy's got a wife now…" He paused, thinking about that. He'd seen him around- he was sure of it, the guy hadn't changed in the slightest- and there was always some woman with him. Well, repression did normally only lead to more repression…
He shrugged, waving a hand dismissively. "Ehh, you get my point. Good for you for working that one out for yourself, I guess, but there's literally nothing to be nervous about… Actually, I can't believe you didn't figure me out a long time ago, you're smart enough."
"You never said anything…"
"Didn't think I had to. People tend to figure that shit out eventually."
The signs were there, weren't they? Sometimes it was in the way Ted talked about his co-workers, or the knowing glances he'd shoot someone from across the way… Pete laughed. All of the signs had been right there the whole time, and here he was thinking Ted was going to judge him for liking guys… It was funny, now he thought about it, and it did make sense. He shook off some of the tension in his shoulders. "How- uh… How'd you figure it out?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"No, go on! I wanna know!"
Ted sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes it was hard for him to admit he was just as nerdy as his brother, once upon a time. He'd strayed so far from that path that nobody would believe him if he told them how he'd chosen to decorate his college dorm, or how much he made from selling his comic collection.
"… It was fucking Knight Rider. Hasselhoff."
Pete blinked. He said nothing for a while, expecting there to be a different answer, but Ted didn't look like he was going to say anything else. "Wait, are you serious?"
"I don't know what you were expecting me to say, honestly… Yeah, my answer is David fucking Hasselhoff. No, I'm not gonna tell you how many times I watched Knight Rider…"
"Oh my god! You're such a fucking nerd!"
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demonvibez · 1 year
Ghost!!! Ive had a brainstorm!!!
The obey me characters with an MC that has a huge collection of plushies and stuffies :,,(((
Lucifer who preens each fluffy toy like a bird, Mammon who fights, slaps and kicks each plushie out of jealousy when you're not there to mediate him.
Levi who's planning intricate playdates with his stuffies and MC's stuffies. (He replays the memory in his head a lot when he's alone.) Satan who's using MC's plushies to prop up his books, he laughs when the book falls ontop of the poor stuffed animal.
Asmodeus who dotes and teases his favourite of the pile, sitting the soft toy in his lap so it can watch Asmo do a full skincare routine with him! Beel who scoops as many fluffy friends as he can into his arms to squeeze and cuddle!
Belphegor who lazily sinks into the softness of stuffed animals and takes leisure naps snuggled into the warmth.
Gjgjgkkhkggkfknfgggg I cant get it out of my head :,,|||||
Some of them turn the stuffies the other way when nightly cuddles turns into something more passionate and some of them are a bit meaner (COUGHCOUGHCOUGH LUCIFER ND HIS CORRUPTION KINK COUGHCOUGIGOVCIHCOS)
Okay, this is such a cute little imagine I just :') haha took it and ran a bit...or a lot! hope you enjoy - small suggestive/smutty part at the end, minors do not interact!
word count: 1400+ genre: mostly fluff / some smut (MDNI) tags: fluff, sibling rivalry, gender neutral reader, implied poly mc, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, oral sex, sex on camera rating: mature
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It all started when Lucifer had noticed your favorite plushies that you had brought from home on your bed while you were out grocery shopping with Mammon and Asmodeus. He had the bright idea to get a plushie for you himself, and give it to you as a gift. Once his other brothers found out what he had done, of course it launched into a competition, with the other Six giving you plushies as well.
Lucifer is quite serious about the plushie he has given to you - he makes sure it is kept in pristine condition every time he swings by your room. Adorned with many accessories (each imbued with protection spells, unbeknownst to you), the plushie definitely reminds you of him in appearance - of course he would get you a plushie to literally represent him. He even enchanted the plushie to carry his scent, so that when you cuddle with it at night, you can't help but to think of him. He would never admit it, but he put a lot of thought and care into his plushie for you. If he sees any of his brothers even so much as breathe on it incorrectly, he'll make a mental note to add a little extra spice the next time he wants to punish them.
Mammon is naturally the most competitive about the whole thing. Every time one of his brothers gifts you a new plushie friend, he goes right out and buys two more - bigger, better, shinier! NO ONE can outdo The Great Mammon when it comes to giving his human some plushies! He's given you so many that you could make a giant crow's nest out of them that would cover most of your bed. Whenever he comes over, he pushes all of the plushies from his brothers under your bed, arguing that "ya got all these plushies here from yer first man, why the heck would ya need anythin' else?!" and you can't help but to pull him into a tight hug and indulge him once again as you begin your movie night.
You and Leviathan actually exchange stuffies with each other, after it takes you 4 days, 67 texts and three phone calls to get Levi to leave his room after hearing about the small collection you already have from his brothers. Envy floods his brain, convincing him "you would never exchange something like that with him," but you manage to finally make him believe you! And ever since, the lil group of you have a plethora of adventures together. Now when the two of you make cosplays together, you make an additional little mini set for your plushies to wear for your next TSL night! And when he is bored, sometimes Levi can't help but to look back at the photo album of your cosplays together on his DDD fondly.
Satan definitely hates the Lucifer plushie. Like, with every fiber of his infernal being. He would love to set the damn thing on fire - and often has dreams in which he does exactly that - but he loves you more and wouldn't want to hurt you like that, so he gets his own to give you instead. You guys love to have murder mystery parties with the plushies, but had to ban the eldest's plushie from the party when you started to notice it was somehow always the victim. Aside from that, the two of you also enjoy just cuddling up together with his plushie and reading by the fire. You both have tea and cookies while sharing poetry with one another, under the embrace of your favorite fluffy blanket, the plushie snug between the two of you.
Asmodeus makes an entire day of going out shopping for plushies and outfits with you. Little did you know, he had called in a few favors with one of his fashion designer friends to have both the plushies and their outfits custom made to his design. When the two of you get back to his room, you sit down in front of his vanity with your new plushies and start making each other over, in preparation for the fashion show you’re about to have. After getting hair and makeup ready, you slip on your outfits, making sure everything looks just right, both with yourselves and your new stuffed friends. Asmo uses one of the extra plushies from his bed to prop up his DDD to record the fashion show - which still remains at the top of his Devilgram highlight reel.
Beelzebub was probably the only one of his brothers that was unfazed by the whole competitive aspect of this. He was walking back home from fangol practice one afternoon, arms full of bags of food for the two of you from Hell's Kitchen. As he's walking, he notices an adorable plushie in a shop window that reminds him of you. Of course he goes in to buy it, and soon enough he is making a beeline straight home and directly to your room with all of the goodies. He honestly has no idea which he loves more - the look on your face as you eat your favorite Devildom food, or the smile you flash and the glimmer in your eyes as he gives you the plushie. He can't help but to pull you into one of his famous Beel hugs.
Belphegor was feeling a bit bratty when he heard that his brothers were in this stupid little plushie competition for you. He ended up disappearing for a couple of days, nowhere to be found and completely ignoring all attempts to reach him via DDD. You eventually find him upon looking for him in the attic a second time. Upon entering you see him asleep in bed with a giant plushie, one as long as he is tall. You sit on the edge of his bed and call out to him a few times with no reply. After calling his name the fourth time, you reach out to touch him, only to have his tail wrap around you and pull you down into his cuddle pile. He presses a kiss into the top of your head, mumbling something about how ‘he got you this gift because you are his,’ before drifting back off to sleep. You smile and press a kiss to the bottom of his jaw, cuddling closer before joining him in slumber.
When it comes to moments of intimacy, most of the brothers are rather respectful, and don’t like the feeling of the little plushie eyes on them during your love making. Two of the brothers in particular are a bit more devious than the others, though . . .
It was one of those rare evenings where Lucifer was spending time with you in your room instead of his. One thing led to another, and now here you were; the Avatar of Pride thrusting into you as you grip the sheets and moan out his name. Right as you both are about to hit your climax together, Lucifer breaks eye contact with you as he releases, his eyes locking with the Satan plushie right as he fills you with his seed. As he is coming down from his high, a sadistic idea plants himself into the back of his mind. He had been looking for a new way to punish his brothers, and the audience of plushies watching the two of you had proven useful in giving him this devious idea. The next time his brothers did something especially egregious that warranted punishment, he will simply string them up from the ceiling and make them watch as he takes you - even just the idea of it fills him with enormous pride.
One night, after your little fashion show date, things were getting hot and heavy in your room. Asmodeus was making out with you in a rather passionate fashion as your hands found the way to the hem of his shirt, tugging it off. As you begin to pull on his belt, he grabs your hands, a devious smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes. “Wait…I have an idea…” He pushes himself off of your bed, pulling one of Mammon’s plushies along with him. He props the plushie up on the dresser across from your bed before pulling out his DDD, making sure the plushie is holding it and the front facing camera is on. He looks back to you as you nod your consent, and he makes his way back to your bed, peeling off your pants and pushing your underwear to the side, leaning down to taste you as you let out the first of many moans. He would never dream of posting the video anywhere - but he definitely does text you little clips from it to tease you when he is craving more of you.
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gabyun · 8 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ he likes me, he likes me not. - n.riki
pairing - niki x fem! reader
genre - highschool! au , bestfriends to lovers , fluffy fluff, teenage love, awkwardness in some parts, amusement park date
warnings - none besides like a few swear words😭 AND ITS VERY CHEESY
summary - you and niki hangout consistently, multiple times a week. the air started to feel different between you two, but both of you just tried to ignore it. niki, unfortunately wasn’t able to ignore it so easily. he felt butterflies from such little things you would do, little things you would say. he lately had a fuzzy feeling around you, but he just kept telling himself ` i don’t like her, we’re just too close. i don’t like her, i don’t like her, i don’t like her. or do i? `
wc - 2.7k
a/n - ahh this is my first time even writing something like this, i hope its not cringe or anything and i hope it doesnt seem way too rushed. i’ve been wanting to write stuff for awhile now and i finally had the chance to so i hope this came out good 😽 lmk if theres anything i should keep in mind for the next one !! i also finished this at like 2am so its not entirely proofread but definitely give me advice 🙏(also this entire time ive been listening to ur so pretty by the wasia project so this is like the background song of this story.)
you and riki were inseparable. firstly, you guys had almost every class together so it truly added onto the fact that you both were rarely seen without each other. secondly, you both lived on the same street since second grade meaning you two walked home together everyday. so, obviously people had speculated that there was something between you both. but, you guys consistently turned the idea down. it was now last period, english class. you guys inevitably sat beside each other. " hey niki " you began. "hm? whats up?" he perked up after having his head laying down on his desk. "do you wanna stop at the convenience store before we head home? im kinda hungry and both of our parents dont get home until 6pm." you asked. "hell yeah i do!" he looked up at you excitedly. "but you have to pay this time. i didnt bring any money" "ugh, fine" you sulked. "y/n i literally payed last time." you shot him a dirty look. "fine. but dont get $30 worth of snacks like that one time." "yeah yeah whatever.."
the bell rang, and it was time to go home. you and niki excitedly walked to the convenience store you both previously mentioned. you walked up to the door, opening it and jokingly saying "ladies first" to niki. "tch" he said sassily, rolling his eyes. the door chimed whilst being opened, and the employee greeted you both. you guys walked around the snack isle, the brightly coloured drinks illuminating certain sections of the store. one in particular caught your eye, so you walked over and grabbed it "i cant believe you dont like milkis." you said. "there are way better drinks y/n. " "yeah? like what." you challenged him. "um, anything besides milkis?" he sarcastically smiled. you walked over toward the icecream bin, selecting your favourite one. "niki, u want ice cream? they have ur favourite." you reached in deeper to grab it. "yeah sure. thatll be nice on a day like this" "ugh, i don’t want winter to come.. it’ll be so cold!" you shuttered. "you’ll survive y/n" niki sighed. you walked up to the checkout counter with niki, placing your items down. "that’ll be $14!" the older, but sweet looking woman said. "thats much less then last time." you pulled out your wallet, giving her the money. you both walked out, and you sat down on the concrete steps next to the store windows. niki followed, sitting right next to you. you never noticed before, but he smells good. like a mix of shampoo and some sort of cologne. you never knew he wore cologne. you guys simultaneously unwrapped the ice cream together, and started indulging in the sweet snack. "this is so good!" you said. "i bet mines better." niki remarked. "let me try yours." he put his ice cream in-front of your mouth, and let you take a bite. "mmh.. its alright.. niki i just think my tastes are better then yours" you shrugged playfully. your relationship was always playful. you guys were constantly teasing each other, and it felt good. it felt good to be so close to someone. as you guys continued, he looked over at you. the lights of the convenience store lit up the back of your body as the sun started setting earlier due to it getting slightly colder, making your hair glisten. he never noticed how pretty your hair looked under the bright lights. you both finished up, starting to get ready to finish your walk home. as you guys cleaned up, you looked over toward his face. you giggled, reaching your hand towards his mouth. "you’ve always been such a messy eater." his eyes widened, a hint of pink slightly covering his cheeks. "i-i can clean my own face.." "oh. sorry niki." you trailed off, confused. this wasn’t your first time cleaning off his face yet to him it felt different. he felt an unusual feeling, his heart fluttered and his stomach felt warm as his face did too. throughout this whole interaction, the convenience store lady observed quietly through the window. "i miss my high school years." she sighed.
late summer turned into fall, and fall turned into winter. nikis feelings just kept getting harder and harder to ignore. niki was in the change room after gym class with his friends. "are you sure you dont have feelings for y/n?" his friend jay asked. he hesitated momentarily. "yes. i am sure.. why are you asking..?" he questioned, worriedly. "so you wont care if i ask her to go out with me?" niki looked shocked by his comment. "you dont even know her.. why would you wanna ask her out." he said, annoyed. "niki, she is really beautiful. im sure theres a lot of other guys who would love to get a chance with her." his other friend heeseung added. "still! y/n doesnt need to be dating shitty guys like you. she deserves someone who will treat her right.. especially not you guys." he huffed, even more annoyed. "and i dont like her." jay and heeseung shrugged in defeat. "or do you?" jay added. "i dont.." niki trailed off, thinking about it more. "whatever you say, buddy." heeseung said, sarcastically. niki finished changing quickly, grabbing his bag and leaving for his next class. once the door shut, jay and heeseung and a few other boys began talking "he definitely has feelings for her." "yeah, 100%" "i don’t doubt that" "its getting extremely obvious" "mhm"
he stood outside your house, waiting for you to come out so you both could get headed to school. he oddly felt nervous. you opened the door, and waved, cutely. you were wearing a scarf, as niki was also. you both had big puffy jackets. you walked towards him. "lets go! i dont wanna be late again." he took in your beauty. "mhm" he answered, quietly. as you were walking, you offered him your other earphone. you guys had similar music tastes. ‘somethin stupid’ by frank sintara had begun to play. "i love this song." you said, softly. "yeah. it is really nice." he breathed out air, the cold made it look like smoke. you opened your pocket mirror, adjusting your hair. "do i look good? i had such a bad hair day yesterday." niki turned to you, not surprised by your question, but hes never truly seen you that way before. hes always known you’re pretty, but he never actually felt that way. "you look beautiful. you are beautiful." he said. "w-what?" you said, completely taken aback. he’s obviously complimented you before, but about your looks more specifically? this time, it really sounded like he meant it. you looked away from your pocket mirror, facing him. he looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes. you both stood there for a couple seconds more. "n-nothing.. forget i even said anything." he looked down at his feet. you could practically feel his embarrassment radiating off of him. you guys continued walking, listening to your shared playlist. a couple minutes go by and you began to speak. "thank you, niki." "hm?" "thank you. for calling me beautiful." you looked down at your feet, smiling. "oh.. don’t worry about it." he rubbed the back of his neck. both of your feelings were becoming more and more apparent as the days went on.
you were laying in bed, reading your favourite book with a comforting lamp on. you were under your fluffy blanket, and your curtains flowed softly as your window was the slightest bit open. you felt the buzz go off on your phone sitting next to you.
riks : omg y/n
you : omg niki
riks : remember that amusement park we mentioned wanting to go to for awhile?
you : yes ofc i remember?!?
you : NO WAY FR??
you : is that even a question.
riks : alr alr IM SO EXCITED
you : ME TOO
you shut off ur phone, kicking around in your bed out of excitement. you and nikis parents would always take you guys to amusement parks or fairs when you were little. you guys haven’t gone in quite a while, so this was gonna be fun, but also nostalgic. big rides were always your favourite thing, but he hated them. he was always so scared to go on them, so this time you were absolutely determined to make him go on one with you.
around a week passes by, and its time to get ready to go to the amusement park with niki. it was still pretty cold, so you had to take that into account. the park was opening back up for some sort of winter event, apparently it was supposed to be really pretty. you’re getting ready, styling your hair and doing your makeup. usually, you dont put that much makeup on. but this time, without even realizing, you were doing alot more. you put some really pretty eyeglitter on, using waterproof mascara so your eyelashes hold better, just overall doing stuff you wouldnt usually do on a day to day basis. "wait.. why am i so worried about how i look, its just niki." you told yourself. just niki. as you were continuing to get ready, you were getting increasingly nervous. "this isnt a date y/n, this isnt a date. you have nothing to be worried about. its just a regular hangout with your bestfriend." you kept telling yourself. you put your jacket on, and you also grabbed a fuzzy scarf. little did you know, niki was telling himself the same things in the mirror as he tried to lessen the sweat on his palms.
you and niki arrive at the amusement park. it was beautiful lit, even though it wasn’t late the lights of all the fun rides illuminated the place wonderfully. you and niki looked at each other and smiled brightly, bringing back tons of memories. niki ran over to the bumper cars, and you followed. it was always his favourite thing to do. you hopped in the car of your choice and niki went in the one beside you. the game started, and you tried your best to hit niki as hard as you possibly could, whipping him forward practically giving him whiplash. you were basically pissing yourself laughing as he gave you the nastiest look. it took him a few tries but he finally ended up beside you once again and repeatedly rammed into you. you guys went 2 more rounds before becoming tired and finally leaving the bumper car area. you both adjusted yourselves, but niki noticed your shoelace was untied. "y/n, hang on." he knelt down in-front of you, and began tying your shoelaces with his slender fingers. "i could’ve done it myself but thank you niki" he looked up at you, smiling and nodding. you ruffled his hair and he shot up. "hey!! i spent a while trying to make my hair look good.." you laughed at him, continuing to look for other things to do. one of those water gun games caught your eye. "niki look! we used to always try and win plushies on that." his head swung toward you, immediately challenging you to see who could score higher. you both were trying your hardest, and you obviously won. he sighed in defeat. the employee handed you this adorable hamster plushie. you looked at it, smiling. "niki you kinda look like a hamster when you’re sulking." you put the hamster up to his face to compare, jokingly. "tch, yeah yeah whatever y/n" he said. "niki, you should have it. it looks like you anyways, and you’ll be reminded of me everytime you look at it." you shot him a joking wink. he took the plushie as you said he should. some time passes by, and you guys already ate and drank stuff, went on the carrousel and all of the basics and its been a few hours. the sun was starting to set, and the lights of the park continued to get brighter. "niki. we need to go on a big ride." niki looked at you for a split second, as if you just told him his pet died. "um absolutely not?" he answered. "niki pleaaaaaase" you clung onto his arm, pretty close to his face. "cmonnn just this once?" you blinked at him. he was looking directly at you, but no words were escaping his mouth. "f-fine.." he looked away, with a tinge of pink covering his ears. you were unable to tell if he was blushing or if he was cold. "i never thought you’d actually agree. this is like the best day ever?!" you grabbed nikis arm, and rushed into the line of one of the relatively larger rides, but not too large so niki wouldn’t be too terrified. after a bit you guys got seated beside eachother, and the employee pulled the over the shoulder restraint on you guys. you could tell niki was obviously nervous. "y/n i cant believe you made me do this. i actually despise you right now." "im sorry!!! only this once okay, i’ve always wanted to go on one with yo-" your sentence was cut short as the ride began, making a loud noise. "y/n i cant believe this." niki panicked. you giggled slightly as the ride made its way up to the highest point. you put your hand out for niki to hold, and he grabbed it immediately. after a few more seconds of comforting him the ride reached its highest point. after the it holding for a few seconds, it let go and your free hand went up. niki squeezed tighter and screamed loud. "Y/N L/N I DONT KNOW WHY I AGREED TO THIS" "I DONT KNOW EITHER" you yelled back. after around a minute, the ride came to its final stop.
you got off smiling and happy, whereas niki came off completely disheveled. it was a funny scene, you looked like a joyful golden retriever puppy and he looked like a grumpy black cat. you looked back at him and noticed his messy appearance. "sooo, how was it." you asked curiously, fixing his jacket along with his scarf. "never again." his eyes met your face. "it couldnt have been that bad." you reached your arms up, fixing his fluffy hair. you smiled at him whilst he stared into your face, unable to think of anything besides you.
it turned late, and it was 10 minutes left on the clock before the beautiful fireworks started. you guys found a decent place to stand, and you were both snacking on a pretzel. you witnessed multiple couples walking by, and thinking about how you wouldn’t be so opposed to being in a relationship. "gosh, theres so many couples here today." "theres couples here constantly." he added. "okay, but still. they’re all so lovey-dovey." "i guess so." you guys continued talking and the fire work show started, beginning with a few small ones. you both looked up in sync, mesmerized by the bright colours. twinkling eyes, niki looked over at you. it took him a while to take it in, but at this very moment his feelings truly solidified and he wasn’t so unsure anymore. it was forever since you spent a day together at your favourite childhood place, and now its the place where he recognizes how much he likes you. "y/n?" he says your name. "mhm.. whats up..?" you say slowly, completely and utterly enthralled by the fireworks growing in size. "i-i.." he trailed off, still facing the fireworks but his head facing you. "i think i like you." a huge firework exploded. "no, i do like you." it took you a moment to process. you turned towards him in shock. "i hope this doesn’t ruin anything, i cherish our friendship and i don’t ever want to lose yo-" you cut him off, grabbing his face. "you could never lose me. i like you too, dummy." you gave him a quick peck as another firework exploded. it felt like there were mini fireworks exploding in both of your hearts.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
ok leaked 2x01 clip observation post
(watch the clip here)
God. Izzy looks completely wrecked in this- hes scruffy and his hairs not slicked back properly he just looks. tired.
i want to know WHY he stutters there- what was he going to say instead?
for me, the way fang asks izzy how hes doing is not just a sign that things have gotten so bad, but it implies prior emotional connection. fang had to be the one to breach this conversation because he Knows Izzy (perhaps the others were too nervous to start because the situation is Obviously tense, but fang knows him) idk thats what i get from it.
'dont help me, dont help me' izzy sweetheart :( they are your friends.
the way jim says 'unhealthy relationship with blackbeard' sounds like they were coached, like they were repeating something someone else said. i love two unemotional assholes trying their best. unhealthy relationship is such a frenchieism to me i can just imagine jim noting it down in their journal like. 'good wording. practice saying it a few more times. toxic??????'
i believe theyre called archie and i love them so much. lesbianism hours.
rhino horn i assume is a drug? hm.
'hes cut off at least two more of your toes, hasnt he?' HOLY SHIT
the way frenchie says that is like. it wasn't infection or an accident its purposeful. they KNOW something is happening. ed Took two more toes. at least, that they know of. how do they know??? are they listening? can they hear his screams? is he asking for medical help from them? rotating round them all so no one person knows just how bad it is? (but theyre talking. theyre talking to each other now. about him, theyre worried)
maybe his first really did heal fine and it was a later infection. maybe. maybe ed took the whole leg. on purpose. whats izzy been doing to 'make ed do this'- did ed even anything to justify it? was he protecting the crew? smuggling rations to lucius? at best he was disobeying orders, but given their reactions it obviously wasnt anything that endangered anyone- imo he would have been looking out for them (maybe that why he is instructing them to throw away loot. hes protested that one too many times)
the way he immediately starts crying at that too. its like. hes been thinking all these things for a while and didn't want to say it out loud, or was thinking it was all on him and that he deserved it- but then someone comments out loud its not a good situation and he just. thats his oh moment and he falls apart.
god a fang hug looks so good- even when hes obviously trying to respect izzy being uncomfortable it
the way he is desperately trying to hold back sobbing- like if he breaks apart now he knows its the end, he will never be able to put himself back together. he needs to remain strong remain put together, he will never survive otherwise. it doesnt even really feel like hes trying not to cry because its weakness, not appropriate of him anymore, its simply that he cant afford to.
also making unconscious noises when uncomfortable. me 🤝 izzy autistic bitches. (this is only to me)
JIM IS SO UNCOMFRTABLE ALSO (and archie?) god. i desperately want happy izzy & jim dynamics i think they would work SO good, neither of them want to touch an emotion with a ten foot pole wtf please get jim out of there and a knife in their hand.
god. god. theres so much here. the crew dynamics. izzy found family canon confirmed i love it so much. this is everything ive ever wanted izzys getting love! hes getting a good arc! hes making allies and friends and they care about him!!!! theyre worried about him!!!!!!
god. i was already so excited for season 2 but this is everything to me. i just know this is going to be so good. i have SO much faith
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headkiss · 2 years
its been a minute since ive been by your ask box! how are you darling! <3 i hope your february is starting off on the right foot :)
here are some vday ideas rattling around about my favorite stranger things boys:
soft steve harrington that gets emotional bc hes never been treated so well before
friends to lovers neighbor!eddie that sees reader get stood up by date
steve & reader both in denial about their feelings, so the kids try to scheme & get them together
its been years since high school at a vday singles party, eddie spots reader getting into some trouble when jason cant seem to take a hint
i’m alright lovely!!! tysm for requesting i had a hard time choosing one but i went with r getting stood up and neighbour!eddie noticing </3 | 0.6k fluff!
Eddie doesn’t mean to keep an eye on you, but he does.
He’d like to say he has better things to do on Valentine’s Day than look out his window every couple of minutes to see if you’re still outside, but he doesn’t. He’d gotten home from a drive and spotted you stepping out onto the porch of your trailer.
At first, you’d been standing, hands tucked in your jacket pockets and your hair still intact. Then, you were leaning against the wall, hugging your coat around yourself.
Now, you’re sitting on your porch steps, looking at your watch constantly.
He can’t even believe what he’s thinking: that you’ve been stood up. He can’t believe it because what person in their right mind would ever skip out on a date with you.
Eddie remembers meeting you when you first moved into the trailer park months ago, he remembers noticing how pretty you were and how warm your smile made him feel. He remembers thinking about asking you out.
He didn’t, and sometimes, he still wishes he did. He’d like to say you’re friends now, but the way his heart flutters around you isn’t friendly at all. He likes you. A lot.
That’s probably why he puts the kettle on, why he shrugs his jacket on, why he grabs the softest blanket he has.
With one more glance through the window, Eddie walks outside with a blanket draped over his arm and two steaming cups of hot chocolate. He has to walk slowly and carefully over to you to avoid spilling any.
You can hear the crunch of his boots in the layer of snow that coats the ground, the February chill leaving you shivering by now. Getting stood up is embarrassing enough, but waiting outside trying to pretend like it isn’t happening is even worse.
When you see Eddie walking towards you, you shut your eyes and hope that you’ll open them to find it was all a dream. Instead, you open them to find him standing in front of you, holding out a cup of hot chocolate.
You take it from him and hold it in both of your hands, warming them up.
“Thought maybe you could use some warming up,” he says, setting his own mug down on the steps beside you and draping a blanket over your shoulders.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say. “I probably look like an idiot right now, huh?”
“You couldn’t look like an idiot if you tried.”
Eddie sits down next to you, not the least bit concerned about his ass getting wet from the snow. He’s close enough that you can feel the warmth of his body, the brush of his thigh beside yours.
You stare down at the mug in your hands and try not to lean into him.
“Wanna know who is an idiot?” He asks.
“You’ll tell me either way.”
“Whoever was dumb enough to make you sit out here, freezing—still pretty—but freezing and upset. Whoever did that is the biggest idiot ever.”
Your stomach does a stupid jump. Eddie’s a good person and he’s let you see it from the moment you met. You think, if you had been going on a date with him instead, things would be much better.
Though, with him sitting next to you, they aren’t so bad now either.
“Think I’m pretty, Munson?”
“S’there a problem with that?” He feels braver than ever now. Fucking Valentine’s Day.
You scooch closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. “No problem at all.”
Eddie rests his head on top of yours and something shifts, right then. He was never one to think Valentine’s was all that special, but this might just change his mind.
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dykeseesgod · 4 months
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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daily-midori-posting · 5 months
Shadow & Claw (and why you NEED to read this book[s?])
Im gonna do a bunch of spoilers so just uhh read the book and THEN come here and read my super cool ideas please?
There are many, many reasons this book is excellent. When im reading, one of my (personal) favorite things is worldbuilding. For some reason, seeing the inner complexities of an unfamiliar but consistent world is just so fascinating for me, and Wolfe DELIVERS. The sci-fi/ fantasy fusion environment is so engrossing, and trying to reason out what Severian is actually seeing is consistently entertaining. But thats not the only reason that this book stuck with me. There are two scenes that are truly very special to me, because they feel to me so HUMAN in a way a lot of other media i interact with doesnt. And HUMAN in such a pinpoint accurate way i feel like it calls me out. I need to write this for myself, because i fear otherwise this book wont leave me. I doubt it will even if i do.
The first 100 or so pages of this book set up Severian's background and conflict. As an apprentice torturer he is assigned to care for a chatelaine, Ostensibly a form of noble women. She is sent down to the torturer's dungeon as a result of conflict between a rebel and the king, and so although she is innocent she currently sits as a pawn in said dungeon in an attempt to lure out said rebels. She believes that she will be let out when its over. Severian knows better but doesnt say. This is the conflict that comes to define Severian and the chatelaine's awkward relationship. Severian falls in love and comes to greatly value the time he spends with her, but also knows how this will end. This culminates in a scene i empathize with in a way i havnt really seen otherwise. The chatelaine is being brought to be tortured. Severian and the head torturer are to bring her up. The whole walk, Severian (or the Severian in the future writing this) thinks on how to save her from the awful fate about to befall her. Hell use his knife, hell kill his friends. hell brake her out. Itll be a rough time, but its worth it. She is put in the device. He tells her that it will kill her in 30 days. He lets her kill herself to avoid that slow creeping death. This action gets him expelled, and so in the end he still loses his friends and home. It was for nothing, and he knew that.
Severian always knew more. She may have been older, and wiser, and had more knowledge. But Severian always knew more. He knew how this was going to end. And he pariticipated in it anyways. The cognitive dissonance with the scene in which he contemplates her freedom only to kill her is an example of something i so often feel i do. Its something ive never seen put into writing well. Its beautiful.
The second scene that made me fall in love with this book is much later. And really, its two scenes but you cant have one without the other. The first is a fascinatingly surreal piece of worldbuilding, and its done very well. Severian consumes something which gives him every memory that the chatelaine he loved had. And this recreates her, in a sense. Severian gains ALL of her lived experiences, and he becomes her. We are no more than what we have lived, and so Severian is now two people, at least for a while. He describes with lurid detail how he and the chatelaine love and interact and are together, not as one mind but as two now one, and that it didnt make sense and that they didnt care. It was also beautiful. This is not the scene that stuck with me, however much i liked it. No, my favorite scene in the book comes later as a result of that. As time passes, the chatelaine's memories fade. Severian becomes Severian again, more or less. But as he sleeps in a dungeon in the palace that the chatelaine grew up in, he experiences a "state posing as sleeping". This is not a dream. The chatelaines memories are the only ones present during this time. And so she begins to wander around the palace, baffled as too where she is. She describes the environment differently, given she understands it in a way Severian does not. She looks at her hands. They are wrong. She comes to the lock and realizes shes in the dungeon (she does not call it the dungeon) when suddenly. ... Severian looks around. There is a little girl there. She asks where the women went. She tells Severian that she knew there was a women by the way she walked, which was all she could see in the dark. Severian realizes what has happened. He leaves.
I cant explain how much that scene spoke to me. It is so BRILLIANTLY crafted, this smooth transition (no pun intended) from Severian to the chatelaine's perspective is so well done, the mild confusion but not outright horror as the reality of the situation has not set in for the chatelaine, the realization and acknowledgement but no direct confirmation by Severian. her hands. She just couldnt understand what was wrong with her hands. Sometimes i wish my self to be like the chatelaine, but in know myself to be like Severian. Knowing, but never changing, never acting.
I have a lot of thinking to do. This book makes me think. And i love it
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closure - J.S
evermore masterlist | marjorie | evermore
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Warnings: mentions of sex, morning after, allusions to death, war, breaking up
Summary: you knew your relationship was just for fun but when he broke up with you to protect you, you weren't going to let that happen.
Wordcount: 1.2k
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Your friends with benefits situation with jake seresin was complicated to say the least.
He was a naval aviator for the US navy and you were just a bar maid working in the nearby area. 
For the last 6 months you had been sleeping together, grasping the warmth of the lonely nights and holding him tight when it all got too much. 
There was something special about Jake seresin that you had never seen in anybody before. 
He was cocky and arrogant and it seemed like he was the epitome of a narcissist. But with you, he was soft and caring and seemed like he wouldn't even hurt a fly. 
It was something about him that you could study for hours, the switch of his personality when it came to someone he loved fascinated you. 
It was a no strings attached situation but very quickly into it, you had fallen head over heels for the tall blonde man in ways you never thought you would. 
His friend who was stationed with him, Phoenix, had warned you of his playboy ways. She had told you that he was known to sleep with girls and leave them quickly - although she did note that he seemed uncharacteristically attached to you. 
You couldn't care less about whatever anyone else had to say about your unconventional relationship, it wasn't hurting either of you and you were getting something good out of it. 
Or at least you were until one night as he held you under the covers, you could feel the tension in the air. 
He was holding a secret from you and though you tried to ignore it, you couldn’t bear it. You took a deep breath, looking up at him to see he was staring at you. 
“You know I can sense that something is wrong,” you said, not even looking at him. Something was going on and you needed to know. 
He took a deep breath, looking down at you, a hand coming up to caress your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing your cheekbone. 
“Ive been called back to Top Gun for a mission and its going to be dangerous,” he explained, breath hitching in his throat, “I don’t know what its about, i just know that I might not make it back,”
You took a deep breath, averting your eyes from him. You didn't want him to see the tears pooling in the corner of your eyes as you thought about him not coming back. The words cut deep, down to the bone and you didnt know what you would do if he didnt come back. 
He brushed the tears from your cheeks once they spilled over your waterline. You sat up, one of his old shirts covering your frame and he sat up as well, the covers falling off to show his nude torso. 
He felt guilty for what he was about to do but he knew what was going to be the best thing for you, he knew he had to put something between you and him, something that would save you from the torment of losing someone. 
“I think we should break up,” he said. 
Your eyes darted to his, more tears spilling over as you contemplated what he had just said, “Excuse me?” You questioned, almost in disbelief. 
Jake took a shaky breath before looking at you, “I think we should break up, I cant let you get hurt,” he said. 
He thought that it would be the best thing for you, breaking your heart now before his permanent absence would 
Jake expected you to just be another thing he regretted a wrinkle in your new life. You weren't going to stay friends after this and he was ready to accept it if it meant that you were going to be saved from the heartbreak of it all. 
You were in shock, your upset turned into anger at his ridiculous reasoning. You weren't going to let him give up on the two of you so easily. 
“You can't push me away!” You exclaimed, “I can't believe that you’re treating me lie some situation in the Navy that has to be handled. Like a job,”
He sighed, “My job is why I have to end it with you, I’ve seen women cry over their dead husbands and I can't do that to you,” he explained. 
He seemed to think that breaking up with you and sparing you from being the girlfriend of a dead man was better then actually being there for him. He seemed to think that this was some sort of closure. 
“Would you have married me Seresin? Do you have these feelings for me because clearly you care,” you explained, asking him that important question. 
He sighed, biting his lip to keep the words in, “Of course I care about you Y/N and that’s why I can't let you get hurt,” he explained. 
You shook your head, disagreeing completely with his absurd ideas. 
“I’m going to leave now,” he said, standing up and reaching for his clothes, “I hope you have a good life babe,”
You knew he had told you not to come but you went to the air base with the second phoenix message and said that they were coming back. There were a handful of other people there, parents, husbands, wives, and a small child. You just couldn’t wait to see Jake again. 
Other people started rushing towards their loved ones and Jake just started to walk ahead, not thinking anyone had turned up for him. 
You froze on the spot the second you saw him, his hair rushed back in worry from his hands running through it and a defeated but proud look on his face. 
You called out his name and he froze. He turned to look around for you and the second he saw you standing there, his jacket wrapped around your shoulder all time stopped. 
He had told you to leave, that it would be better for you if you had no part in it all. This was the moment he knew that you were the one for him, the person he was ready to spend the rest of his life with. 
Once the shock wore off, a smile lit up his face and he started running, feet heavy on the tarmac as he englufed you in a hug, lifting you up and spinning you around. You grinned as you held him tight, glad that he was alive. 
As soon as he set you down and before you could talk to him and ask him how he was, he captured you in a kiss, a deep and passsionate kiss that meant that he loved you. It was a promise that 
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gomens trending again got me thinking about the parallels between aziraphale & crowley and of course the alltime faves warp & buzz... [SPOILER FREE POST]
idk its just! something ive been pondering is the structure of star command and its grabbag mix of peacekeeping / police / military / law enforcement functions and its ineffective & flawed structure and principles. even in blosc canon i think buzz is unquestioningly devoted to it because he is not, and has never been, directly opressed by, if i may call it that, the police state + he does believe that he as a space ranger works for the great good and general forces of justice... and yet! and yet he regularly goes against sc's rules and regulations on a whim! from disrespecting lives and privacy of perceived criminals (mocking, mind probing, other stuff i cant remember explicit examples for) to, on the other hand, not bringing them to justice or generally showing sympathy (looking at the ending of ancient evil of course, but also gravitina & millenial bugs bc ozma was breaking the law for sure there, no?). and he is also AWARE of how the system is not fair and "stacked against us" as shown in lone wolf! which makes me think he has some unexamined internal conflict about his job/calling--like aziraphale!!!
and on the other hand... sighs lovingly. and in the other corner we have warp who is obviously against star command (to what extent and based on what beliefs we unfortunately aren't shown) yet i think has never challenged its systems and operations openly, only subversively worked against em. maybe that's because in canon the whole time he had been a space ranger he was also secretly working against sc & for that reason he never cared enough to ever attempt to change sc or convince buzz they/he needed to change it ("convince buzz to do it" because buzz's a posterboy & the best & wrote actual RULEBOOK for star command--so he probably could've done a lot of improvements). and also for warp this whole star command thing was always just a job/cover so he wouldn't do all this hard unpaid work of Bringing On Systematic Changes that wouldn't benefit him immediately. BUT! imagine!!! if warp HAD to stick with the job--if he was forced to live and work under a fucked up rigorous unfair system encouraging blind obedience--as the angels and crowley had to!!--he wouldve rebelled SO FAST. punk demon warp + autism angel buzz for forever and a day!!!
so in conclusion in gomens/blosc crossover warp quits heaven day 1 and then after a lot of talking and questioning the established order of things and gomens-typical shenanigans buzz&warp must go from "a demon and an angel" to "two blokes fucking around" & go awol together married style. love wins?!
edit [STILL SPOILER-FREE]: i wrote this post before watching gomens season 2 and rereading/recontextualizing it now i keep thinking Wow. Did I Hit That Nail On The Head, especially with the buzz and aziraphale parallels. as i put it on twitter: "stubborn holier than thou autistic guy who genuinely believes the oppressive system hes working for is good and just" and "sexiest motherfucker on earth (who secretly cares)". the ending of s2 was almost a reversal of the buzz&warp main conflict which is DELICIOUS actually... with much more explicit gayness mixed in. fun! fun fun fun.
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ladyryukyo · 11 months
*breaks down door* I have been asleep for 100 years, but now I have awoken
I hope it's okay to send in more than one emoji for the wip ask game-
📄, 🔎 and 💗
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
the first thing that comes to mind is a ryukyo undercover kind of canon compliant fic ive started. its pretty old now and everything ive written for it is in german but i did have plans to translate it into english and finish it like that. id really like to do that because it was such a fun idea and i really liked what i had already written.
most of my older stuff is ryukyo which i think is a ship the english speaking fandom isnt a big fan of? but it was the first mfb ship i ever wrote fic for and i still have so many old ideas for them GFLDHDS i cant not revisit this once i find some time tbh
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
okay since were already on the topic of the undercover fic, ill give you a hint about what it is actually about. funnily enough, i have an old collage that i made way back then which i will just put here and let you draw your own conclusions (all pictures from pinterest lmao)
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💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
still keeping on the topic of the undercover fic, as you can see on the collage, there is some big, ostentatious halls, some dancing, (obviously) some undercover work. ive always wanted to write a scene with two characters dancing slowly and observing the room and the people around them, relaying the information to their partner while pressing close to them so that no one can see them talking business right in front of their enemies SLFDLFSH
unfortunately ryukyo is kind of always a stubbornly slow burn ship which is why they require tons of trust exercises before they would agree to work together and thus dance together. that is why i havent written that scene yet but i believe ill get to it eventually ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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spricket-central · 2 years
heya! i suppose i better start out with a sort of intro/background post.
my apartment gets a lot of greenhouse camel crickets in it. its far from an infestation, but theyve been common visitors for years. i grew pretty fond of the little guys, and maybe a couple months ago i began toying with the idea of catching a few of them to keep as pets.
this happened suddenly on december 6th 2022 when i found crouton, my first and youngest spricket (short for "spider cricket," another name for camel crickets). i wasnt prepared with supplies yet, so i had to keep him in a badly mangled plastic tupperware for the night until i could go shopping the next day.
here's a picture of him investigating his new home!
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crouton is VERY shy compared to my other sprickets, so its hard to get pictures of him. this is still one of the clearest pictures of him i have.
heres one more of crouton, demonstrating his small size.
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if youve ever seen a greenhouse camel cricket before, you probably know just how big these guys get. crouton is about 1/4 - 1/3 of the size of an adult. as of writing he still hasnt molted yet while in my care, but im excited to watch him grow!
on december 11th, i was unexpectedly graced by the presence of two more sprickets, biscuit (male) and cookie (female).
heres a picture of them together in Gay Baby Jail (the small enclosure i put my sprickets in while i clean their tanks).
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you can tell the two apart by the presence of an "ovipositor" on cookies rear. it looks like a big "stick." some mistake it for a stinger, as greenhouse camel crickets have a very large, slightly curved ovipositor, but its a harmless organ they use to deposit their eggs into the soil.
both were adults, and i was nervous about keeping the two with crouton because of his size, so i went out and bought a second tank for crouton to live in. hes been doing well!
biscuit and cookie ended up mating, and cookie laid a LOT of eggs.
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i have no plans to start a colony, so i froze the eggs and the soil they were in for 48 hours before discarding them. i ended up regretting this decision though; cookie ended up dying only a day or two later (december 27th), presumably from age combined with the enormous effort needed to lay this many eggs in about 24 hours. i wish i had kept a few to hatch, but alas, the eggs were already dead.
i was hoping to find another female tankmate for crouton, and last night (december 30th) my wish came true.
enter, peanut!
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i believe shes an adult, but if shes not shes likely close to it, as shes only the tiiiiiniest bit smaller than biscuit.
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shes missing one of her jumping legs, so im extra happy to have been given the chance to take her in. i think biscuit likes her, ahaha. i cant be sure, but i believe ive observed him attempting to court her a couple of times? he would turn his back to her and start wiggling his butt rapidly while doing what looked like a little jig with his jumping legs.
peanut was not having it, and just walked away. damn girl thats cold 🤘😔
id be remiss to not take a moment to talk about biscuit on his own for a little, because he is QUITE the character, ahaha. hes so animated. ive loved bugs all my life, but i never anticipated one could have such a big personality!
...this is the 2nd time hes managed to do this.
i think thats about everything i can think of for now? i have adhd, so theres a good chance im forgetting several things i wanted to mention, but my attention span cant last any longer, so I'll end this post for now.
im looking forward to spending more time with these guys and learning more about them, and im excited to see what 2023 will bring!
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deciding to use this secret account as a journaling to express my emotions better because keeping everything inside me is not the healthiest way.
i dont know what to write because theres a lot in my mind at the moment.
the uni stuff, the issue with money, job, my relationship, my past relationship (mainly the trauma from it), my daily nosebleeds, depression etc.. theres so much in my mind right now i cant stop my brain from thinking.
i had a thought or two about relapsing. With both, self harm and drugs, but i didnt. I dont want to tho. its just thoughts that occur my mind. Ive been clean and sober from drugs for a year now and from self harm for about a month or more.
But those thoughts... oh god. How i wish i could just do it, if i didnt have a loving partner i would hurt myself a long time ago, but i am trying to be clean from it, they dont deserve to see me like that again. They dont.
The last time i did it, they took care of it, they cleaned my wounds, put band aids on it and kissed it. They kissed my wounds and scars and told me they loved me. Held me in their arms and let me just hold them and silently cry. I felt loved.
They make me feel so loved it makes me cry while typing this.
I have never felt more loved by someone as i do now, and thats the reason i eill fightj for them. Why i eill fight with those thoughts. Why im teying to get my life together. They are the reason why im keep going. The reason i wake up every day even tho its the harderst thing to do sometimes. Why im looking for a job, a stable long term one, so i could solve the issues. The uni issues, the money issue and that i would be able to see them. To be more financially stable and move with them in a future. To go to places together and experience all the things we talked about. To get our cats. To get them the things they want. Just to experience happiness and joy togetjer.
They are my pilar even tho they dont know about it. They are my light in the dark. They are my shining sword in a dark fight with darker demons. They are my everything.
I have never thought i would find someone who i wrote in my diaries when i was 13-17 i thought the oerson i wrote, dreamed and wished for is non existing, yet, here there are. Lretty much alive and tbey love me. They love me more than soemoen before.
They see me, they feel me, they hear me.
They are here.
They are my everything and i cant believe i finally have the oerson i always wanted to have
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skatetragedy · 2 years
lately therapy has been pretty intense, i feel like i’ve had a couple therapists before that mostly only touched on surface level trauma. my new therapist is pretty intense, shes very sweet but sometimes i genuinely feel like my brain can’t process whats happening because it’s not use to digging as deep as she wants me to. It’s a bit humbling, hearing her consensus on why i act the way i act, its very vulnerable and embarrassing. i want to be better tho, i want my brain to get as deep as it can so i can be the healthy. in other news updates on some relationships :
athena and i have been talking more, and i think its good. nick really clouded me on many relationships because i was just too embarrassed to admit and talk about it to some friends that knew the extent of how he treated me and how we worked together. i missed her and i dont want a man to make me feel like i cant talk to my friends ever again. shes still with kayla, which is good i believe shes very calm and collected with her and i think shes been needing stability like this for a while. 
ive seen nathalie a couple times recently, shes been talking to ali again which is disappointing but as ive said, i know how it feels. nathalie and i are always good, theres really nothing that will keep us apart or anything like that. we locked in forever nothing to really say about it. 
sal and i are good as well. I do feel a bit of sadness when i think of putting sal thru what i put him thru with nick. i feel embarrassed and like a bad friend, but i dont understand why i couldnt help it. i wouldnt talk to him about it because i didnt want to put him in the position of listening to how his friend is with me and vice versa. eve though nick would never stop complaining but it was two sided when it came to complaints. i would just never say anything. i feel guilty and i dont know how to express it or make up for it. ill try my best. 
nick and i havent spoken. he texted me to wish me well with therapy/work/school and i didnt respond at the moment. i called him one night to express i couldnt/didnt want to be friends with him. i dont think its okay to be friends with an ex let alone one that got you pregnant. he told me i could get over the pregnancy but its just not that easy, i was in n out of the ER, received chemo therapy, and had to be locked in my room for two weeks. it was mentally and physically taxing. he really has no emotion or regard to how i could feel, and i dont understand why i hadnt realized that sooner. i hope he gets the help he needs and that things go well for him, with me excluded from his life. he asked why we couldnt be friends and i gave him a list of reasons, he gave me solutions, then i said i had been seeing someone new and im trying to go my seperate ways, he said “oh so you only called to tell me youre seeing someone new i dont want to hear that” why ask for reasons, give solutions and only fixate on one reason you dont like. i hope he matures, he cant stay alone for very long and his toxic cycle he learned from katie will just continue.
i have a new friend, named mark. hes very attractive, funny, and sweet. we only recently started becoming a bit romantically involved. i had liked him from a distance when i first met him and i didnt understand why. i was talking to n*ck at the time and he was all rocky over the fact sal andi had become friends again and we were hanging out regularly. i believe i met mark on halloween, with a group of others with us. we didnt talk much, i just offered him poppers and he thanked me. end of story for halloween. i pursued him, embarrassingly enough not much came of it, until recently as im used to men being horny and ready to fuck whenever i say hello. i guess thats nice though, we went on a first date to a couple different bars and i had a great time, many embarrassing things happened around him and hes still stuck it through so im hoping that means something good. our first date was refreshing for me, he was gentleman and very fun to be around. aesthetically we are very different people, but mentally very in sync with anything we say or want to do, which was a little scary at first. i do like him, he stayed the night yesterday for the first time and i havent felt someone that comfortable and happy around someone for a long time. we spent all morning giggling and being silly in bed and i dont remember the last time i did that with someone without having sex. its refreshing that everything isnt about having sex at the moment, that he could possibly be around me because he likes who i am. i hope that doesnt change.  
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its-a-hil · 2 years
i said id answer the ask game in full so here we go in all my oversharing glory:
1 - who is/are your comfort character(s)? oh there are a few lmao - rinwell (tales of arise), eleanor hume (tales of berseria), velvet crowe (also tales of berseria), oginome ringo (penguindrum), kagemori michiru (bna) yes i am a fucking weeb how have you not figured that out yet
2 - lighter or matches? im bad with matches but they feel so much more real so them
3 - do you leave the window open at night? i only did that for about a month ever in my life since my freshman year dorm didnt have a/c, besides that no i love feeling warm and stuffy
4 - which cryptyd being do you believe in? i mean none of them really, but not out of some principled skepticism i dont have an emotional connection to any cryptids so i dont really care about them actually that's not true i believe in the insulindian phasmid, despite it being fictional as well as a fictional cryptid
5 - what color are your eyes? standard brown tbh ive been complimented on them multiple times by multiple different ppl, many of whom i had never met but idk they dont really seem that special to me
6 - why did you do that? i wanted to answer all of these (said as much in my reblog), but i didnt have the motivation to until i desperately needed something to distract me from my piercings itching they feel pretty much fine now but well i started so i cant stop
7 - hair-ties or scrunchies? both! hair ties are great for when i part my hair into two different things i forget the name or for when i (rarely) braid scrunchies are great for just holding my hair together when i need to sleep or get my hair out of my face or go out lazymoding
8 - how many water bottles are in your room right now? just my one reusable stainless steel bottle, which i really need to refill and drink from brb okay thanks for the reminder i wont go to bed dehydrated today
9 - which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? lol. lmao. i have intentionally consumed a meaningful amount of caffeine on about 3 occasions in my life, and none of them were from coffee also it smells like shit
10 - would you slaughter the rich? <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> of course they would be given all opportunity to become not-rich and thus escape <redacted> <redacted> <redacted>
11 - favorite extracurricular activity? this is a weird question to comprehend! i'll just interpret it as 'what was your favorite club-type thing you did in school?' and to that i would have to make it a tie between rock climbing and puzzlehunt-style puzzles 
12 - what kind of day is it? a good one! granted i didnt get nearly enough sleep last night but besides that we vibing
13 - when was the last time you ate? like 3 hours ago
14 - do you love the smell of earth after it rains? i love the smell of earth rainy or not, the smell of cities, and generally the smell of outside! except of course for the smells of cut grass and vehicle exhausts, each of which put me into a blinding rage for a couple seconds
15 - are you a parent? (all answers qualify) not even a little bit but if i can reach a point of stability in my life i would be happy to adopt if im not actively prevented from doing so or in the massive pipe dream scenario where i can get a functional womb implant, i would totally go through a pregnancy
16 - can you drive? yes and i need to in order to get to my job >.<
17 - are you farsighted or nearsighted? well this is a false dichotomy i did wear glasses at one point but that was mostly bc my left eye is weird and didnt actually have anything to being far- or near-sighted
18 - what hair products do you use? i mean. shampoo and conditioner im not very picky tbh
19 - imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? if you asked me to absolutely i mean i wouldnt touch you without your consent ofc but i would almost never turn down a low-stakes opportunity to help anyone im in proximity to
20 - do you say soda or pop? soda im a marylander (i also drink like. one can of sierra mist a year) however every time i think about soda i remember how fanta exists bc coke couldnt resist nazi money and that feels much weirder than a minor linguistics quirk
21 - something you’ve kept since childhood? i dont really have an answer to that (assuming im counting childhood as like. pre-age-13) i mean sure theres a lot of stuff thats just been in this house with me since i was 4, but i never did that consciously all of my most treasured possessions now (hello kitty velvet plush, pentagonal trapezohedron that my teacher made and friends signed when i was sick just before graduating high school, a few books, blåhaj, etc) have only been mine since i was at youngest 17
22 - what type of person are you? im not answering this it's too vague
23 - how do you feel about chilly weather? HATE okay that's a little harsh it's pretty fine once my body's used to it, but the first real chill of autumn fucks my body up
24 - if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? idk probably just talking about random stuff maybe playing cards or something since im much better at life when i have something not-directly-social to concentrate on oh definitely looking at the sky and pointing out the clouds/birds/stars/moon to each other that one's mandatory
25 - perfume/body spray or lotion? i put a moisturizer on my body after i shower so my eczema doesnt flare up and make my life hell but that's about it i dont really care how i smell beyond just using deodorant
26 - a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? oh god. media: various trans shouma and shouma x ringo and trans shouma x ringo scenes other ships but that's really the important one by an order of magnitude not media: when i was younger i used to imagine my crush being my gf and kissing me or w/e then after a certain point it was getting rejected / being alone with the hopes that it would convince me that i could be okay like that since i had reason to believe that my crush followed the imagining and not the other way around i dont do either very much anymore now it's just media or being a teacher trying to convince transphobic adults not to hate crime me or their children i may or may not have issues
27 - about how many hours of sleep did you get? depends very much on the day, i need about 9 hours on average but i am extremely flexible in where those hours are allocated over a 4-5 day period
28 - do you wear a mask? i absolutely wear a kn95 almost all of the time that im indoors, and some of the time outdoors (like if im cold) speaking of i need to get a good warm cloth mask so i can go biking in the winter without freezing my lungs
29 - how do you like your shower water? warm but not quite scalding 
30 - is there dishes in your room? there are some wrappers but no my room is on the 2nd floor why would i bring dishes up here that sounds like a big hassle
31 - what type of music keeps you grounded? flare by clark powell there are a few other songs, some are homestuck and some aren't, but it really depends on how im feeling in the moment flare doesnt
32 - do you have a favorite towel? no i just wanna get dry
33 - the last adventure you’ve been on? ??? i have not been on adventures my life is quite boring, which is why it's good that im equally boring so i can enjoy it
34 - is there a song you know every word to by heart? bad apple!! i think (jp obviously have i mentioned being a weeb) a few other jp songs and some crane wives songs i also have a solid grasp on the lyrics to, but i couldnt recite them the same way i could for bad apple, at least a couple years ago
35 - what’s your timezone? est (eastern summer time) (what do you mean thats not what est means and that its not est right now)
36 - how many times have you changed your url? i dont think i have, but my tumblr acct is fairly new so thats pretty expected ive been considering moving away from the 'shill' branding, but ill probably do that when/if i change my name for real
37 - someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? if youve gotten this far youve probably already read my answer to the actual ask for this suffice it to say i have a friend from elementary school ive stayed in contact with up to and including now and i love him
38 - a soap bar that smells good? soap bars dry my skin out so i dont use them
39 - do you use lip balm? when i remember to (almost never)
40 - did you have any snacks today? girl i would not be myself if i wasnt grabbing a cookie every time i remember that they exist
41 - how do you take your coffee? this is bullying
42 - an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? twitter (T_T) discord i just got on the cracking the cryptic app bc sudokus are fun i also have a crossword app i also have bandori on my phone but i havent opened it in a month and im scared to bc of the downloads
43 - what’s your take on spicy foods? spicy foods are generally good bc the ppl who make them know how to make food im neutral on spice though like i have a decent spice tolerance but it doesnt really taste better or worse when a food is spicy hot similar feelings to garlic, like garlicky foods taste good but so do non-garlic versions of those same foods
44 - you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? im not answering that cop
45 - can you remember what happened yesterday? yeah i went to work, got some b day congratulations, and ate dalbati + cake with my parents it was good
46 - favorite holiday film? i watched knives out during that period of time in 2019 so im counting it and i dont care that its not a holiday film at all i dont care about christian holidays beyond decorating the tree bc my family's done it since i was a baby
47 - what was the last message you sent? "okay here's a promise for yxll: im gonna stream tomorrow (tomorrow being wednesday, im not allowed to claim that it being past midnight means shit)" my twitch is twitch.tv/its_a_shill if you care i stream tales games
48 - when did you first try an alcohol beverage? summer solstice party 2021 (i was 3 months out from being 21 so like. not exactly transgressive) it was just a bottle of apple cider and since then i really havent drank anything more than that
49 - can you skip rocks? not to the point that i could get 4-5 skips in a row, and it has been a while, but i know the general mechanics and ive gotten a couple good skips
50 - can i tag you in random stuff? id prefer if you dm'd me but sure
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fantasy-innit · 3 years
high | wilbur soot x reader
first one shot! enjoy!
tw, smoking and drinking
words: 1222
cc!wilbur x non cc!reader
2am- brighton, england.
a pearly pool of water splashed around wilbur’s grey sneakers, soaking his white socks into an uncomfortable slush around his feet. he shielded his body from the rain with a black, compact umbrella and a maroon, zip-up sweatshirt he picked up before he left.
wilbur was adorned with only a yellow t-shirt and track pants, the yellow now a deep mustard with water seeping through to his chest. his soft coils flattened against his forehead as he tore his body through the nocturnal winds.
what was supposed to be a tipsy, middle of the night walk, turned into a search for shelter- this rain wasn’t going to get better. 
wilbur searched his brain, thinking of someone’s place he could wait the rain out in- he needed someone who was awake at 2:13 AM. 
the only person he could think of was y/n, his friend who was studying at the university of brighton. it was a quick walk to their dorm, and there wasn’t a doubt in wilbur’s mind that they weren’t awake.
y/n had been in his life for so long- he had always admired their caring personality that never failed to make him smile. they are my soulmate. the only person i feel like i can be myself around.
wilbur found an awning to stand under and sighed, pulling out his phone, finding their contact and calling anxiously.
“yo, wil? whats upppp?” they smiled through the phone. y/n sat at their desk studying for their english exam with music running through their headphones and into their ears.
wilbur laughed quietly. “im near your dorms, its pouring, please let me in.”
“did you even try to check the weather?”
“its not my fault i indulge on a cherry vodka every once in a while! the thing is that i’m a tad intoxicated and i would loveeee if i could come over for a bit and dry off.”
y/n rolled their eyes and closed their spiral notebook that was labeled ‘english :)’ and slipped on a pair of slippers. “ok, im coming down to let you in. be here quick.”
they hung up and wilbur quickly ran to their dorm complex, he had been there plenty and knew where it was even if he was under the influence.
he pounded on the glass door that could only be unlocked with a keycard, scaring y/n who was standing on the other side of the door scrolling on their phone.
they opened the door and stared at him. “wil you are a mess. i have a shirt you can change into, but your out of luck in the trousers department. you can sit on one of my bath towels. don’t you dare get naked again.”
“dude that was like 6th form... let it go....” he joked.
y/n puffed out a sigh. “i’ll let it go when the trauma goes away.”
“that was a fun time, though.” wilbur said, walking alongside y/n on the way to their dorm room. “that was the first time we drank together i think.”
“yeah,” they smiled, sarcastically. “that’s also where my smoking addiction started!”
wilbur laughed. “you’re still on that?”
“well i wouldn’t call it an addiction. its more of a social thing.”
“speaking of social...” wilbur trailed.
y/n furrowed their eyebrows at him as they unlocked their dorm room with their key. “what does that mean?”
“its a friday night. shouldn’t you be.. partying? like every other uni student on a friday?”
they smiled and grabbed a towel from their closet and setting on one side of their bed for wilbur. “well my roommate is down at a club or something so i decided i would take this time to study up. guess i wont be doing that. want a drink?”
“sure. what’ve you got?” wilbur asked as he grabbed a sweatshirt from your closet, turned around and slipped off his shirt. he threw the sweatshirt over his head and sat on the towel y/n placed for him.
they opened their mini fridge and examined the drinks on the bottom shelf. “i got a 6 pack of stella and a 6 pack of wine coolers. your choice.”
wilbur smiled, and pointed to the wine cooler. “you know im not a beer man.”
“that makes one of us!” they laughed, grabbed a bottle opener and popped open his wine cooler. they cracked the tab of their drink and took a few cold sips.
“well now that this is a social thing, you got anything?”
y/n rummaged into their desk drawer. “pre rolled, the way you like it.”
“i just cant roll, okay?”
“yeah..” y/n laughed and opened their window.
the night went on, the two smoking and drinking inside of y/ns cozy dorm.
the warm smoke drew into y/n’s lungs, and they enjoyed it. they had missed wilbur’s company, even if they had only not seen him for a few days.
“look, y/n- tonight has been amazing. but i have to ask- what are we?”
y/n turned their head and put out their joint, their ceramic ash tray filling up even more. they mumbled, “i dont know. what do you want?”
“i dont know. but i know for a fact that this isn’t the wine coolers talking. you’re such a puzzle, y/n. i can never figure you out. some days you love me, some days were just like two best friends.”
y/n looked at their feet. “i don’t know. i think it’s obvious that i like you but i  guess im just scared to commit. what if we dont work out? what if you find someone new? ive always felt inferior to you, especially now with all your fucking followers..” they laughed quietly, but sighed.
“you are the only person that makes me feel worthy of anything, y/n. no matter what i’m going through, i can go to you.”
y/n chuckled and grabbed the joint from in between wilburs fingers. they drew from it and smoke sprawled through the air.
“so beautiful even when you’re abusing drugs.” wilbur joked
“don’t even start that, wil...” they laughed and rested their head on his shoulder.
wilbur fiddled with his fingers. “i think you’re the one- i really do.”
“you’re crazy.”
“i dont care! please, can we just give this a shot? if it doesn’t work it, which it will work out, we can still be friends. just.. please.”
“...” y/n thought, passing the joint back to wilbur. “fine. fine.”
wilbur put the joint in the ashtray, smoke still in his lungs. he whisked it out and turned to them. “so does this mean-”
y/n grabbed the collar of the sweatshirt, pulling it in. “this is definitely the beer talking.”
“i dont care.” wilbur softly took their cheek into his hand and pulled them into his lips.
for the first time, wilbur felt love in a kiss. as if it had been stored in their throat and jetted into his as they kissed, like no feeling he had felt before, he pulled away and flopped backwards onto their bed.
“wow. i cant believe i just confessed my undying love for you under the influence of like 4 wine coolers.” wilbur laughed as he observed the small cracks in the dorm ceiling.
y/n laid down next to him, staring up at the ceiling as well. “maybe you’re just a light weight”
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kirislut · 4 years
Hii! Can I pls request for tsukki, akaashi, and kenma’s fem s/o meeting the team for the first time? And like the time doesn’t know that they have an s/o? Headcanons pls! Thanks 😊
a/n: omg a haikyuu request finallyyy thank you anon, ive been wanting to write for my haikyuu boys but had no inspiration. also some feedback would be very appreciated because i’m worried that my portrayal of them might be a little ooc, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader, akaashi x fem!reader, and kenma x fem!reader
taglist: @katsushimaa @meliorist-midoriya @bbakougo @grow-a-smile-for-a-while @finndaydreams @deephasoceanmagic @nieve-blancas @bunnythepipsqueak
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kei tsukishima
he tries to hide you from the team for as long as possible, not because he’s embarrassed of you
but because he knows that he’s going to get teased and also because he’s embarrassed of his teammates
specifically two teammates
everyone else only found out because you came into the gym, wondering where your boyfriend was since practice was going on for longer than usual
“excuse me do you know when practice is going to be over?” you walked in, just to ask yachi since you didn’t want to disturb everyone else
“i’m not sure sorry, but um who are you?” the poor girl is confused to why you’re asking because she doesn’t know you.
“oh i’m tsukki’s girlfriend, (y/n)! i was just waiting for him, so i’ll be outs—“
hearing the words girlfriend, and tsukki together definitely caught the attention of yachi. well actually it caught the attention of a most everyone in the gym.
the practice match they were playing literally paused, eyes wandering to you then going to the tall blonde. it continued like that for a little bit since EVERYONE was wondering how tsukishima got a girlfriend.
honestly i’m surprised too like what the hell youre so adorable and too good for him
“TSUKISHIMA I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT TELL US YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!” suga(mama) was the first to break the stunned silence. as he passed by the middle blocker, going to greet you, he made sure to give the poor boy a karate chop on his side as he passed by. suga only did this because he was hurt that tsukishima never mentioned you
tsukishima was literally shocked by that karate chop because he’s never been on the receiving end of one, definitely has more respect for daichi now since he always get chopped
the next to react were none other than tanaka and nishinoya. they rushed over to the middle blocker and started to bombarde him with questions and mostly teasing
“oooo tsukishima you have a girlfriend!”
“tsukishima you can always come to your senpai if you need help with this relationship”
“how did you get such a cute girlfriend anyways?”
“-just be careful when you grab because-“
tsukishima became so annoyed, “can you both shut up, you’ve never even had another girl like you back.”
that, that definitely hurt their feelings. cue the emo music
actually that made them realize that tsukishima for a girlfriend before they did, so now they were going over to kiyoko and asking for her to be their girlfriend. poor kiyoko i swear
suga and daichi (ugh mom and dad are so cute) start to converse with you, daichi apologizing for everyone’s behavior while suga was congratulating you for being able to handle tsukishima
the only person who wasn’t surprised was yamaguchi of course, who do you think tsukishima went to when he realized he had feelings for you?
kageyama really just, didn’t care at all. if anything he was kinda annoyed because this was eating into their practice time. you had nothing to do with volleyball afterall
very rude kageyama
hinata was waiting behind daichi and suga so that he could ask you question, so when those two stepped away to go back to practice. the orange haired boy was practically bouncing in excitement, he was about to open his mouth when a hand came over it
tsukishima had come to your rescue, he noticed you were looking a bit overwhelmed with suddenly being thrust into the spotlight. honestly he didn’t like it either. “come on (y/n), let’s go.”
your tense feeling was immediately eased, you mouthed a small thank you to him then looked back to his team. “it was nice meeting you all, hopefully next time we can talk properly— ah tsukki don’t pull so hard.”
tsukishima was dragging you out of the gym because one, he was tired, and two because he never wanted to experience that again. especially suga’s karate chops
you were probably never going to show up to a practice again because it was a distraction for other, especially tsukishima, but you were always there during the games because you were one of his biggest supporters for volleyball afterall
also tsukishima only wants you to watch the games because he wants you to think he looks cool while playing volleyball, only so he can brag to you about it later or hear you fan girling about his blocks
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keiji akaashi
akaashi really wants you to meet his team, because volleyball is very important to him and so are you. it only seemed fitting
however you were always busy with other things so it took a month after you guys started dating before you could come meet everyone
you arrived just as they were finishing up some drills, just before they finished for the day. akaashi saw you coming into the gym, giving you a small smile right before he set a final ball to bokuto.
akaashi started to head over to you, but bokuto didn’t want him too since he just wanted to hit one more ball. just one more perfect straight.
akaashi explained that he needed to see you, his girlfriend, so do you know that time it is?
it’s bokuto emo mode time
“fine! if you really cared about me and volleyball you’d stay, but go. leave me for all i care.” this adorable dramatic idiot i swear, i still love him though
akaashi spares his best friend a glance then just nods, jogging over to you with no hesitation. also yes bokuto knows about you, he knew if bokuto didn’t know he had a girlfriend he would be devastated for way too long
other teammates notice akaashi heading over to you which makes them confused, they’ve never seen you before.
the setter comes up to you, giving you a hug, like the adorable boyfriend he is. akaashi hit me up
if the boys weren’t confused before they were now, and just to further that confusion he took your hand and walked with you towards his teammates
oh and don’t think that he wasn’t asking you how your day was and such, he’s always going to be considerate of you. he’s really the nicest boyfriend ever
“everyone i want you to meet (y/n), she is my girlfriend.”
it now made sense to who you were, but no one was very surprised. well maybe a little surprised but, akaashi was a good person so they could see him with someone
also they all know he’s pretty so of course girls would be going after him
you politely smile and wave at everyone, “hello, i’m sorry for the intrusion but akaashi wanted me to meet you.”
konoha immediately picked up on the fact that you called akaashi, akaashi and not keiji. “akaashi you still have her call you akaashi?”
the others nodded in agreement, you guys were dating so why the formality
you smiled sheepishly, cutting in before your boyfriend could talk, since he also looked confused. “ah sorry, i just. i wasn’t sure if i should call him keiji, i wanted to be polite.”
that, that was the moment you captured everyone’s heart. you’re little embarrassed expression, just because you wanted to be polite? approval straight away
komi jumped forward, smiling as he put his hands on your shoulders. “(y/n)! you don’t need to be polite, in fact how did akaashi ask you out? or was he too shy and you made the first move?”
komi and konoha proceeded to ask you question about your relationship with akaashi. mostly curious but maybe also because they wanted to tease their setter later if they heard anything silly
when you were finally finished answering questions, you joined akaashi who was talking to bokuto
“bokuto-san please calm down, i’ll set to you more next practice.”
it seemed that akaashi was still trying to lift bokuto’s spirits from earlier, you knew about his infamous emo mode. akaashi sometimes would ask you advice for how to handle him, but it was rare since the male could handle his best friend
“bokuto, i saw your last spike, it was really amazing! if anything you need to rest too, because that’s how your muscles get stronger!”
bokuto blinked twice as he processed your words, his slightly slouched posture and sad demanour straightened up. literally.
“you really think so (y/n)?” his lips were pulled into a pout and eyes were shining like pouting puppy eyes.
“of course bokuto!”
the owl haired boy inhaled deeply as his chest swelled with pride. “you’re right! i will rest and spike even harder tomorrow!”
the ace walked off, full of pride once again, leaving just you and akaashi. he looked at you and offered you a small smile, “thank you (y/n), i’m glad everyone likes you.” he reached over, placing his hand in the top of your head to gently pat and rub your head in appreciation. you smile up at him, nodding. after that he makes sure to walk you home, giving you a sweet goodnight kiss
dang i want head pats too, also catch bokuto also asking for head pats of praise from akaashi during their next practice
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kozume kenma
kenma was wary about letting you meet his team, only because he knew it would be a whole ordeal that he was in a relationship
but a week after you guys started dating, you went to one of kenma’s games wanting to cheer him on.
so there you were on the stands, chanting with everyone else and cheering for the team and kenma as well
at the end of the game, you rushed down to the halls where the team would be after just winning their match.
as soon as you saw kenma, a wide grin spread across your face. “congratulations on winning kozume! that last dump you did was so cool!”
the stoic setter saw you, a small sigh leaving his lips because he knew that everyone would wonder who you were. so to avoid the hassle he quickly walked up to you, gently grabbed your hand and straight up walked away from the rest of his team
and as expected, he was right. everyone else just kinda stood there in shock and very confused because they had no clue who you were. they were just watching the two of you walk away, kenma mumbling to you about how he was grateful for your support, but just wanted his hand held game console back
the whole team just turned to kuroo, since he was the only one grinning during the whole situation. “did you not know? that’s kenma’s girlfriend.”
kuroo of course knew because who else would kenma turn to when he figured out he had feelings towards you? of course it would be his best friend and personal idiot
jaws just on the floor, and man did kuroo think it was funny to see everyone’s expressions
the next practice yamamoto and lev come up to kenma immediately
“KENMAA WHY DID YOU TELL US YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?” poor kenma because he was just trying to play his game and nearly dropped it, if he did oh yamamoto would probably have been murdered
kenma’s face twisted in a look of annoyance, “i didn’t think it was important that’s all.” he brushed the topic off, not wanting to make a big deal of it because he didn’t see it as one
yamamoto was personally offended by kenma’s words because um, kenma had a girlfriend and he didn’t. “not a big deal? KENMA HOW C-“
“yamamoto, shut up.” kuroo cut in because kenma was just getting more annoyed, and also because he was just being too loud
poor yamamoto, he also wanted to know if you had cute friends. but also knowing him, he would probably run away if he met said cute friends
however it didn’t stop lev from following after kenma, “hey hey kenma, how did you even get a girlfriend?
for once kenma would rather play volleyball then answer these questions about you. it’s not like he doesn’t want to talk about you, it’s just he doesn’t feel the need to share about his relationship
luckily they stopped bugging him, but when you showed up at the end of practice, the attention was brought back to the both of yours relationship
but instead of lev or yamamoto going up to him, they went to you instead.
“hey kenma’s girlfriend, why do you like kenma? don’t you think he’s too quiet?”
“do you have any cute friends by any chance.”
“also you’re short, but maybe taller than yaku..”
lev was then immediately kicked by yaku, you think he would learn by now
you were kinda overwhelmed by the two guys, especially lev because he was well, tall. you laughed sheepishly, taking a step back from them
kenma quickly picked up on your discomfort and speed walks over to you, kuroo has only seem him walk this fast when going to the bame store
the setter stepped in between you and his two teammates, shooting them a glare and small frown. “leave (y/n) alone, she is none of your business.”
after that yaku drags away lev before he could continue pestering or start teasing, while kai leads yamamoto away to console him about wanting to also have a cute girlfriend
that left you and kenma, and wow you were kinda stunned by kenma coming to your rescue. because you know that he isn’t the most expressive or affectionate but this action threw away any possible doubts you had before
kenma made sure to walk you all the way home that day to make up for his annoying teammates. lucky for him the topic of his relationship didn’t come up again. besides he didn’t want to share all the precious moments he has with you anyways, you were all his afterall
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