#i cant express how grateful i am that i got to take one that was joint between the german + jewish studies dept.
borom1r · 2 years
hi i saw you majored in german !!!! i wanted to ask what that was like, cuz im considering getting a minor in it (havent started it yet cuz i tested out of all of my unis german classes except for two of them)
oh it was a ton of fun! i think itll depend on what university yr at, my department was technically "German, Nordic, Scandinavian and Dutch" and you chose either "German" or "Nordic, Scandinavian and Dutch" as your focus lol— I wound up taking a ton of really interesting courses beyond the language. The big thing is there'll be Major/Minor work as part of a course so you receive actual credit
like, I took a course on the Holocaust that was a joint course between the German dept and the Jewish Studies dept and for Major credit I had to do some extra work in the language in addition to the regular coursework. It's usually a short essay or you can do your discussion posts in German, sth like that (discussion posts depend on how many German majors/minors are in the class). Also, if your department is like mine where the Germanic languages are lumped together, you might really enjoy the "NSD" side of GNSD. took a Scandinavian Crime Fiction class that was INCREDIBLE.
if you enjoy the language + tested out of most of the German language classes anyways I'd say it's def worth pursuing. I don't know if minors have to do any sort of capstone so I can't speak on that, but for majors at my university we had the option to take a 5000 level course and use our final paper as our capstone— so I got to use my final essay for a course on "War in German Media" as my capstone project, and that was incredibly fun too
0 notes
marleyybluu · 1 month
Four and Counting
husband!Oscar Diaz x fem!black!reader
Word count: 4.4k (oops)
Warnings: everything is fluff, the cutest couple alive, another pregnancy, hints at abortion (but supportingly?), Oscar being the cutest fucking husband, self-indulgent asf cant lie like I want be in love like this
if i missed any lmk
AN: yall do not know how long this mf has been in my drafts omg I finally finished. This fic is just drowning in love. No smut 🤷🏾‍♀️. A bit rushed in certain places but it all fits pretty well in my opinion. this is not the end of the series but its like the end of the main chapters. there will be lore on the couple obvi, updates on the kids and the family as a whole bcus i am obsessed. hope yall enjoy.
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You didn't know how it happened, you blinked and soon there were four. You had four kids running around your home filling it with innocent joy and laughter, and the occasional attitude. It was a full house and a busy life, but it could be enjoyable. You'd become a stay-at-home mom. At first, you weren't sure if you'd be able to manage, you loved your job a lot and worked extremely hard for it but with your growing family, your kids needed you more.
With Oscar opening a second restaurant you thought it'd be a good idea to bring up what's been gnawing away at you and he tells you that he's behind you no matter what path you choose. You put in your letter of resignation and bid your co-workers a teary-eyed farewell with promises to visit as much as they can. You had to admit it was a nice break, you didn't have to wake up as early, you weren't on your feet as much and the house was nice and quiet for a few hours when your children were either in school or at daycare. But then you had baby Rosie and your house had returned to a screaming, hollering mess.
She was a loud one and very expressive, babbled and cooed to anyone who would listen. "And then what happens after that?" You say laying next to her gently stroking her hair. She kicks her feet with excitement and responds in her usual baby language. "Oh my goodness." You respond. You could do this all day. You hated to admit it but you missed the baby stage so much and you were grateful for your little one. You'd been lounging around all day, only getting up to shower when she had fallen asleep and the occasional time when you needed to grab her bottle.
You pepper her chunky face in kisses and she squeals with happiness. "Que hermosa." You giggle. You two are so wrapped up in your world you don't even hear when the door unlocks and Oscar strolls in, he decides to check in on you since everything at the restaurant was going fine today. He notices the obvious vacancy of your presence downstairs and stumbles into the kitchen thinking you were feeding Rosie but he was wrong. He hears his baby's infamous noises from upstairs and smiles following the sweet noises. He creeps in on you two.
His head lolls to the side and rests on the door frame. He'd seen you like this many times (clearly) and it never got old. The way you lovingly interact with each child at any stage in their life, it was sweet to witness you give the same sweet eyes to Rafa at his big age as you did when he was a baby. Just a gentle reminder that he chose the right woman to marry, the best one to make a mother.
Rosie turns her little head and screams when her eyes land on her father. "Hola, mi corazoncito." He coos entering the room matching the same excitement as his baby which causes her to become even more riled up. He scoops her up and holds her in the air and all you can do is watch and grin like the Cheshire Cat. He brings her down and kisses her cheeks. "Cómo estás, mi mariposa?" He asks Rosie and she nuzzles her forehead in his cheek. Her nonverbal way of saying she missed him. Oscar takes his place next to you on the bed. "How are you, mama?"
You pucker your lips and he smiles dropping a kiss. You pout at how quick it was but quickly subsides when he gives you a forehead kiss. "I'm good. Sleepy. Hungry. Missing you."
"Missed you too, that's why I came home. And I brought some food from work."
You squinted. "Who cooked it?"
He chuckled. "Jason."
"Yes!" You fist pump. "Jason makes the best fucking food I swear."
Oscar's head seems to tilt even more, he's insulted by your statement but you smile sheepishly placing an encouraging hand on his shoulder. "Not as amazing as you do." He rolls his eyes and kisses your temple. Rosie babbles as her little reminder that she's still in the room. "No one forgot you chica" He affirms giving her some more smooches. "Let's go get mommy her food."
You sit up and stretch; some much-needed cracks are heard via your aching bones, and when your arms come down, you feel much looser and less tense than before. "It's okay, iré contigo." (I'll come with you.)
The three of you plop down the stairs and you part ways as Oscar heads to the kitchen while you shuffle to the living room and drop onto the couch, your lounging was short-lived when the doorbell rang. You huff getting back up on your feet. You swing the door open with a mean mug on your face until your eyes land on your mom and your features immediately soften.
"Hi, Mommy." You smile reaching out for her. "Hi sweetie, how are you?"
"I'm great," You pull her inside and close the door behind her. "What are you doing here?"
She shrugs off her jacket and hangs it up on the rack nearby, her shoes slip off her feet and she places those next to Spooky's on the mat. "Came to visit, figured you'd need some... company..." She trails off and— not so subtly— stretches out her neck to see if she can spot the baby. "Mhm." You say crossing your arms, you call bullshit.
"She's in the kitchen with Spooky."
And just like that, your mother leaves you in her dust. You hear her high-pitched, "Hiiiii GG's babyyyyy, helloooo." And you can't help but smile. Your mom always seemed to become happier with each grandchild you produced.
You begin to feel left out when you hear all the commotion in the kitchen so you decide to join them. Your daughter has your mom's nose in her small fist while your mom blows raspberries in her little tummy, she erupts with laughter and you catch a glimpse of Oscar with nothing but heart eyes for his baby girl. You sneak over to him and slide your arms around his abdomen, he drops his arm over your shoulder and draws you close. He plants a kiss on your head. The microwave beeps behind you signalling that whatever was in there had finished heating up. Your eyes widen when the aroma of cheese hit your senses. "Is that lasagna?"
He nodded. "Yeah. He made a little dish for you, told him you've been craving it lately."
You squeal with excitement as you take the hot dish out of the microwave, you set it on the counter and danced over to the drawers in hot search for a fork, your successful in finding one and greedily stick it inside the soft noodles that were jam packed with delicious ingredients. You take one bite and practically faint at the taste.
"Just needs one more thing." You think out loud, you hustle over to the pantry and grab a bag of barbecue chips, you snag a handful and crack them in your hand, sprinkling them on top. Oscar stands there... confused.
"Girl, what the hell is that?" Your mom asks equally appalled.
You shrug and take another bite. "It's good though." You muffle with a full mouth.
"I love you." Oscar sighs and you laugh at his adoration for anything you do, you blow him a kiss before taking another bite. You don't see it but your mom has her eye on you with a very interesting theory brewing in her head. Your husband's phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it leaving you alone with your mom and Rosie, who is quiet and happy on her grandmother's chest, her little eyes slowly closing with sleep.
You try your best not to make too much noise while you reach for more-
"Are you pregnant again?"
You nearly choke on your saliva at the ridiculous question. You quickly shake your head. "No!? Are you nuts? I just had her and she is the last one." You assure but your mom isn't believing it. "This little concoction says otherwise."
You roll your eyes. "I just... like pasta and chips... together."
It did sound ridiculous.
"Since when?"
"Like... a month ago..."
She sucks her teeth. "Mi amor, I'm telling you, I think you're pregnant."
This was insane, this was an insane conversation to be having. You were one hundred percent sure there was nothing and no one in your belly-- just the mere thought of having two under two was giving you the heebie-jeebies. "I'm just saying-"
You groan like the irritated teenager you once were, "Ay Mama, no más charlas de bebé, por favor." (No more baby talk, please.)
She agrees to ease off the topic but it remains in the back of her mind.
-- --
Later that day after Oscar's gathered the others from school, you sneak out of the house to do some grocery shopping. It was a bit of time for yourself, a time when you didn't have to keep your eye on your tiny little humans. You go through the aisles for the essentials and when that's done you browse for treats and snacks for your kids (that you and Oscar will eventually munch on as well.)
You cautiously approach the next aisle that is stacked with condoms, contraceptives and pregnancy tests. You meant to move, your hands ready to push the cart forward but your feet are firmly planted on the floor. You sigh and turn in, quickly grabbing a box and dumping it in the cart as though it's not for you. "She better be fucking wrong." You mutter to yourself.
-- --
With all kids fed, bathed and in bed before twelve it allows you to have the bathroom to yourself for a while. You wedge the knuckle of your index finger between your two rows of teeth, you stare at the box and sigh. "Please prove her wrong." You whisper to no one in particular. You pop open the box and rip open the wrapping of the test. One original and one digital. You sit on the toilet and do what you've done a hundred times, you pee on the sticks and set them aside until the timer goes off.
You clean yourself up and wash your hands, you know better than to just stand there and watch the sticks waiting for that fate-sealing answer but you go against yourself and stare. You're in a trance until there's a knock at the door, it startled you and you clutch your non-existent pearls for dear life. "Que?"
Oscar asks, "You good? Didn't need company tonight?" He's referring to your commonly shared showers which, now that you think about it, is probably one of the reasons you're in this predicament again!
"No, it's not that. I'm just..."
You huff and unlock the door swinging it open with displeasure on your face, your arms crossed as you nod over to the tests on the counter. His eyes follow your actions and pop out when he sees them. "How-"
"Mom said it was weird that I ate the lasagna like that."
He chuckled. "Didn't want to say anything." 
You whine saying, "It's not funny, I just thought it was a change in my palette or something, I mix random foods all the time. I-" You searched for every excuse you could find. Oscar's face softens at the worry in your voice. "I just had Rosie." You sigh sounding depleted. You turn your back to the tests when you hear that all too familiar sound. You squeeze your eyes shut, if you don't look you won't know the answer and you can go about your merry way. Your husband offers to look for you and leans over. You hear the quietest gasp he's ever uttered and you know. You spin around to look at them yourself.
Positive. Both of them show positive.
You look up at Spooky and he's already looking at you waiting for your reaction so he can curate his own. "How do you feel about it?"
You shrug. You truly didn't know, you didn't even have words. Your throat was dry. You pick up one of them and look at it. And you feel nothing. Empty. Just waiting for a sense of gratitude to come across and for some reason, you can't seem to produce it. You put the test down and leave.
Spooky's still standing there with his heart in the pit of his stomach. Maybe he should've listened to you, that two was enough, and then three and four. He's after you, right on your heels as you enter your bedroom. You sit on the bed and fall back onto the sheets, you cover your eyes and shake your head at yourself and him. "I just had Rosie." You repeat to yourself. And then it happens. A tear slips and as quick as you are to wipe it, he knows you like the back of his hand— your breathing gets choppy and choked, you sniffle. The bed dips beside you and the sound of the sheets ruffling as he lays down.
"Háblame." (Talk to me)
You take a deep breath. You can be honest. "I don't know how I feel. I'm not sad but I'm not happy. I just hoped Rosie would be a little older. They all have good age gaps and- Oh god, what if they don't want another sibling? And Rosie and I spend so much time together, they just got used to her-- Emilia was so clingy when I had her, she felt so left out and-and-"
Oscar presses his hand over your thigh. "Cariño. Respirar. Por favor.
You breathe shakily. "It's okay not to know how to feel. If this is not what you want... I'm here for you, your moms here... the kids are here. We have more than enough, Sí?"
You nod. He reaches over and pulls you into him, you rest your forehead on his chest while he rubs smooth circles on your back. "We have some time for you to think about it right? It's your world mi amor, we're just living in it. I got you no matter what."
"Thank you."
He smiles and kisses your head. "It's my job baby."
— — You'd been hiding your belly from everyone, even the kids. It was easy for the most part because you only wore baggy clothes and they made you look a little large anyway but then there were not so subtle signs— like the heavy breathing from doing just about anything, and your walk? Oh, your walk was not normal no matter how hard you tried. So you decide to come clean to your kids and other close family during a little gathering that Spooky's brother, Cesar, was hosting. Cesar was the only person who knew and you two asked if it'd be okay to announce it tonight.
He was fine with it, excited actually.
Your hands shake. You were cautious in deciding on having this baby, it took you a while to feel anything. At first, it was uncertainty, did you want another? Would you be crushed if you didn't have it?
But as the weeks passed you couldn't help but fall in love with the growth, the bigger you got the giddier you became. Modelling in front of the mirror any chance you got, and when all the kids were asleep you'd talk to your belly and giggle with every shift they made.
"Listo?"  He asks and you nod confidently. Oscar whistles over to Cesar giving him a thumbs up. Cesar turns down the music to gather everyone's attention. "I just want to thank everyone for coming out, it's been a while since we've all been in one place, right?"
The crowd mumbles in agreement. "But it's great to see everyone in good health and good spirits—" He raises his Corona bottle and the crowd follows with their drinks (including the kids and their juice boxes) "Salud." He smiles.
"Salud." The crowd repeats. You clear your throat and enthusiastically say, "Oh let me see if I can get a picture. Everyone gets in."
They shuffle into one pile as best they can, you grab your phone and hold it landscape, you press record and say, "Alright everybody in... great, now saaaay... Y/n and Spooky are having another babyyyy!"
There were collective gasps, the word "what!?" Being thrown around in every language. "Excuse me!?" Your mom hollers. You unbutton your cardigan and turn to the side having worn a tight dress on purpose. "Surpriiiiiise." You sing out.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Jasmine screams stretching her arms out for you, you gasp and playfully smack her hand. "Not in front of my kids, puta!"
She tells you to shut up and hug her, your mom joins in and soon the children and in that moment it hits how loved and supported you are by everyone around you. This was your village and it was a damn good one too.
Oscar's friends dap him up and congratulate him. They hug you as well and whisper that they hope it's another girl. They loved spoiling your daughters. Anything they asked for the boys were sure to buy it no problema.
"Well, actually," You begin to say. "We know what we're having."
Rafa, your oldest comes up to you. "Is it a boy?" His eyes gloss over with the hope that you would say yes, he'd been hoping that Emilia (your third) was going to be a boy but he lucked out. You had an idea. You hunch over to match his eye level. "You see that cake over there." You whisper and he nods. "Papi and I were going to cut it, but I think you should get the first slice."
He shrugs and you walk him over to the white cream frosted cake. You and Oscar help him hold the knife and carefully slide the blade into the spongey treat making one incision and you help him make another. He pushes the knife under to take the slice out and plops it on his plate, he reaches for a fork when he looks down to see the inside was blue.
Nobody spoke. Nobody moved with the understanding this was his moment. He looks up at you. "You're having a boy!?"
You nod with tears spilling over and ruining your makeup. "I am."
He puts the plate down and hugs you tightly and that's when the crowd goes wild. "Thank you, Mommy." He sobs which makes you cry even more. "Oh, you're welcome sweetie."
— — Nine months had sped past you and it seemed as if it was just yesterday that you found out you were pregnant. Now, you lay on a hospital bed, covered over by a few blankets to help with post-partum shivers, your jaw rattling and fingers dancing involuntarily. But that wasn't your main focus.
Oscar hovered over you staring at the sleeping newborn in your arms. He made the cutest noises while he nuzzled against your chest. Your finger ghosts over his nose and he reacts by moving his head and sighing. "Are you sick of me already, mi hijo?(my son)" You joke nudging him with your nose. "You get used to her." Oscar chimes in and you suck your teeth hitting him as hard as you could. "Cállate culo."(Shut up, ass)
"Hitting me in front of my son?"
"And I'll do it again."
He smiles and leans down to kiss you. "You know I like you a little feisty, mami."
You sigh, so in love with your new baby, in love with your husband— just filled with overpouring affection. You can't stop staring at your new son and your husband couldn't stop gazing at either of you. He'd been in this room over and over and he swore up and down you made it look so easy, that you looked like a goddess bringing new air and life into this world. Even though you thought you looked like a monster from the swamp.
Oscar tells you in a loving tone. "You're doing an amazing job, seriously, you... you're just amazing."
You blink rapidly to keep tears from spilling over. When you met this man he was so rough and tough, such a brute that it seemed impossible to get him to even admit that he liked you, but under all that fake-cold persona, was the gentlest giant and the biggest sweetheart you'd ever met—a man who spreads nothing but positivity around you and your children.
"I'm so happy, I met you." He mutters. You were his wife, the mother of his children and his best friend rolled into one and that's all he wanted out of this life. You look up at him with glossy eyes. "I'm happy I met you too."
You share a kiss as a tear slips out, you just can't hold them back any longer. He kisses your forehead as his thumb swipes over your cheek. Your attention is drawn back to your son when he begins wiggling in your hold, you press your nose against his hair taking a whiff of that fresh baby smell. As you soak in the presence of your child, your husband's phone buzzes against the fabric of the diaper bag, he looks over and your mom's name catches his attention. He looks to you for some sort of permission and your brows furrow together. "It's okay."
He rushes over to answer, and just then your nurse walks in with a smile on her face. "Just came to check on mommy and baby." She announces.
"Ok... yeah, I'll meet you guys downstairs... bye." Oscar hangs up and looks over at you. "Your parents are here, with the kids. I'll just be back okay?"
"Mhm." You hum. He gives you a quick kiss before he speeds out of the room. The nurse smirks as she helps you adjust yourself into a somewhat comfortable sitting position, asking you if you'd like your son to be put back in the bassinet to which you respond yes and she gently takes him. "I apologize if this is forward but... I've seen a lot of couples in here and let me tell you, I've never seen anything like you two. He is so attentive."
You giggle. "Thank you. I just got really lucky with him."
A few minutes had passed and she had finished her check-up letting you know that she'd be back in a bit for another check-in. Once she left that's when your family, quietly, barged in. Oscar approaches you first with a sleeping Rosie in his arms and you happily reach for her and coddle her in your arms. Rafael, Elliana and Emilia gently charged over to you, shuffling off their shoes and finding their places on the bed with you. You greeted them as best as you could, with restricted movement all you could do was reach for their faces. Your parents and Oscar stand in the background of it all observing you in your motherly nature and Oscar can't fight the grin that has been plastered on his face since the day he met you.
"Baby." Emilia chimes in drawing everyone's attention to her now. "Yeah, mira, mommy had the baby."
Rafael seemed enamoured by the presence of his new sibling. He loved his sisters, you knew that, but by the looks of it-- this would be a special bond. "Rafa, would you like to hold him first?" Oscar asks.
He nodded eagerly and readied himself by sitting up straight and folding his arms. Oscar removes your son from his bassinet and carefully places him in Rafa's arms. The baby was a bit squirmy, upset that he'd been disturbed but with the soothing 'shhhh' from his mother's lips he settled down. Your two girls surround their brothers with curiosity.
Emilia giggles. "Hi, cutie."
"He's so tiny," Eliana mutters. Your parents finally make their way over to you after letting you have your moment with the kids. They congratulate you and your dad holds up a Chipotle bag and you beamed. "Thank you, this hospital food sucks." You whisper.
They attempted to take Rosie from you but you assured them it was fine, having missed her snuggles anyway. "Want me to feed you?" Your husband asks and you snicker shaking your head. "Está bien papito, I'll eat when I'm ready. But thank you."
— — After all the kids had their turn holding the baby their attention spans had turned to you and their father, telling you everything that had happened since you left the house.
"And then Ellie licked the cookie and put it back in my bowl," Rafa whines and you hold back a laugh. "Eliana you do not do that, that's gross."
She shrugs and nuzzles closer to her grandfather on the couch who is causing a ruckus with all his snoring. Your mom nudges him awake and he hits his famous line, "I'm not sleeping, I just closed my eyes."
"Think it's time for us to go." Your mom says. "Um.." Rafa chimes. "Is it okay if I stay?"
"I- yeah, I guess so." You answer. Oscar says that you'll keep Rosie since she has now found a new sleep space in his arms. Your mom carries a sleeping Emilia and your dad carries Eliana on his back. They say their goodbyes and are out the door.
— —
The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Rafael had fallen asleep on the couch while Rosie, who'd only woken up to ear and fell back into slumber, lay under her older brother's arm. You sigh contently as you gaze at them.
"Did you ever think when we met at that laundromat, that we'd be here?" Oscar mumbled as he held your baby boy, tracing his finger along his little nose. You turn to him. You shrug.
"Maybe with one kid... two.... But not five." You joked. He chuckled.
"Did you?"
He nods. "I knew you were gonna be my girl from the moment I picked up that sexy red bra you dropped-"
"Spookyyyy." You gasped gently hitting his arm.
He laughs. "Que? Man, once I saw those cups I started barking."
"You are so fucking stupid."
He shrugs. "I know. But I'm stupid in love with you."
You playfully rolled your eyes at his corny, yet sweet, line.
"I'm stupid in love with you too."
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. comments and reblogs are appreciated. hopefully, I'll be back a whole lot sooner. peace and love
tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @realhotgurlshit @skyesthebomb @librarian1002
Who might be interested: @miyahmaraj @bigenergy777 @educatorsareslutstoo @missdforever
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qtboni · 10 months
ugh i cant get out of your fucking page. its like i live here like a rat
im back, hi, have another req bc i just thought of it and needed it in my veins.
how about some comfort from fatherfigure!price? like reader is sad kinda and he helps? maybe reader "accidentally" calls him dad, nothing to /srs
(im mentally okay i swear😭)
idk if you even do price tbh, i haven't seen it on your page tho
anyways i needed to write this somewhere or ill forget and like wither away into nothing or sum shit
im being dramatic. i think.
okay thats it bye bye dearest boni.
(sorry im constently blowing up your asks😭😭)
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PAIRING: Captain 'John' Price X Reader
C/W: comfort & humor! + gn!reader, explicit words, price playin' wit chu, somebody ate your cake (it was soap don't tell him tho /hj)
W/C: 1.3k
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"What's got you looking so down today, sergeant?" Captain Price asked in his usual stern voice as he entered the living room, noticing the dejected look on your face.
You had been sitting on the sofa for hours now, cleaning your holster and moping around. He approached you with a glass of water in hand.
"Somebody ate my cake," you slowly replied, your voice heavy with emotion. You didn't usually get sad over such small things, but today, you feel so tired.
"Are you telling me that you're this upset over a slice of cake?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. Captain Price raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised to hear something like that coming from you.
"I guess I am," you said, your voice barely audible. You shrugged and looked down at your holster, not wanting to admit to being such a crybaby. "I was saving it for this specific rest day to ... indulge myself with sweets.."
Captain Price's expression softened as he placed the glass of water down next to you. He sat down on the sofa next to you and put an arm around your shoulders.
"Listen, sergeant," he said in a comforting tone, "It's okay to be upset about something. Everyone has their own quirks and things that are important to them. And in our line of work, we need to be able to deal with any situation and not let little stuff like this get us down."
"Thanks, Cap'," you said, a hint of embarrassment in your voice. You smiled at him, grateful for the reassurance.
"Any time," He replied with a soft smile. He then stood up and left the room, returning a few minutes later with two fairly large cookies, handing it to you. "Here, this should cheer you up."
"No way," You were overjoyed, your face lighting up with a smile.
"Yes way," He replied, playfully eyeing the cookies then to you. "Have it, yeah?"
"Dad, oh my god," You squealed excitedly, taking a bite out of the cookie, savoring the taste of the sweetness and the tenderness. "This is so sweet of you. Thank you so much!"
Oh no. Dad? Did you just call your captain, 'dad'?
Avoiding the embarrassment of calling your captain 'dad' in a moment of vulnerability, you silently prayed that he hadn't heard it. This was going to be awkward, and the thought of having to explain yourself was making you cringe.
Just play it off...
Now as much as Price wants to give you the other cookie for you to eat, he retracted his hand away from your grabby hands, not letting you get one.
"Cap?" Your hands stay levitated, clearly ready to munch on the cookie on your Captain's grip.
Did he caught on?
You had to think fast. Change the subject before things got too awkward!
"Are.. are you going to eat that?"
"Then why- actually no, just- isn't that for me?"
"Correct," He chuckles as he continued dangling the pastry infront of you.
You stared at him incredulously, your hand visibly itching to just pounce on the cookie and munch on it.
What was your captain doing?
"See, the funny thing is, kid," He trailed off as he waves the cookie back and forth with his hand up in the air. He smirks when your eyes followed the cookie's movement. "I haven't thought much of being a father."
Shit. Play it off...
You hummed in confusion, tilting your head in curiosity.
Where was he going with this? And also, can he just give you the cookie? After all, he gave it to you, right?
Just give me the cookie, dammit.
"Let alone..." He paused and looked at you in the eyes. Shit. "Someone calling me one, aye?"
You feel like you could sink into the ground and vanish from existence. The embarrassment was too much to bear!
Captain Price chuckles at you, "Don't play dumb on me now, sergeant."
Your mind is racing, trying to think of something to say. You stuttered a reply, "I- Capta-"
But before you know it, he interrupts your thoughts with his sharp wit.
"Oh? It was 'Dad' a second ago, wasn't it?" He retorded with a proud smirk playing across his lips, looking at you with an air of amusement and teasing. He knows exactly what to say to get under your skin and he's not afraid to use it to his advantage.
It's clear that he wants an answer, but all you can do is sputter a few incoherent words before retreating back into your shell. You feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration, wishing you could come up with a clever come-back, but the only thing that's clear right now is that Price has you stumped.
"Sergeant?" He calls out to you teasingly, awaiting for your reply to his question.
"Mhm?" You can feel your ears slowly turning red as your Captain's teasing hits a nerve. You can't seem to quite meet his eyes, instead looking at the ground with an embarrassed blush. You fidget with the straps of your holster, unable to quite figure out how to respond.
"Wasn't it 'Dad' a second ago?" Captain Price repeated as he raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a mix of amusement and confusion.
You blush in embarrassment as you realize he wouldn't let you get off easily withyour slip-up. You look down at the ground.
"I'm sorry, sir," You quickly clear your throat, hoping to regain your composure. Still unable to break your gaze from the floor, you mutter, "It won't happen again."
Suddenly, the cookie appeared in your line of vision that was still situated at the ground. You heard your captain sigh and tutted, drawing your attention back to him.
The cookie! The cookie?
He held the cookie out to you, a small smile playing on his lips as he waited for you to accept it. You were initially taken aback, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude toward your captain.
"Didn't ask for an apology, kid," He said with a playful frown, seemingly amused by the situation. He took your hand and placed the cookie on it, his gaze locking onto yours. "Was just surprised is all, hm?"
"Still," You cleared you throat as straightened your posture and looked up at him, albeit still feeling the sting of embarrassment. "It's my bad."
"Mhm," He hummed softly and raised his hand up to your head. He gently pats your head affectionately, yet his hand ruffled your hair, leaving it disheveled. "Whatever floats your boat, kid."
The soft pat on your head sends shivers down your spine, and you give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Cap', again." You beemed up with a smile, raising the cookie to his vision.
He gives a small nod before turning to leave, leaving you with a sense of warmth and contentment that stays with you long after he's gone. You watch as he offered a small wave goodbye and you respond the same, feeling a sense of gratitude for his kindnesses and understanding.
You were about to take a bite out of the delicious cookie he had given you. But just as you were about to revel in the sweet taste, you heard his voice once more calling out to you and startling you.
Turning around, you saw him standing there infront of the doorway, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he continued to speak.
"Though," he began, his voice low but full of laughter spilling through, "The cake's delicious, kid. Would have it again, 10 out of 10," he finished with a wink, and you couldn't help but gape at his leaving form.
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heeseung-min · 7 months
"Oh! You got flowers again! It's the fifth time this week."
You stared at the bouquet of lillies. It's your favourite flower but you felt creepy after reading the notes that this person left for you.
I hope you like this flowers just how I like to see you every night you come home.
You discarded the flowers while your coworkers stared at you with confusing expression.
"Why did you throw that?"
"Yeah, you should be grateful you got admirer."
"Can you guys just shut up and mind your business?"
With that, your coworkers started to leave your table and went to their seats. You spent your day with stressing over the work and about the secret admirer words. It made you feel agitated on your surrounding.
"Y/n, do you want to have lunch together?"
Heeseung asked you as he keep his place nice and tidy before turning to you waiting for a response.
"Sure, let me finish this first."
While you were eating with Heeseung, you got a text from unknown number. You put your cutlery down before taking the phone.
Even when you're eating, you still look beautiful.
And below the text, there was your picture captured while you were eating. You immediately looked at your surrounding trying to find someone suspicious but everyone in there seems busy with their work and foods.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yea...yes. I'm good."
"Did something happen? Why were you looking everywhere?"
"Nothing, can we just hurry up? I remember I still didn't finish the report I need to do. I don't want Mr.Park to be mad at me."
Within five minutes, Heeseung and you finished lunch and paid the meal. Your eyes were looking everywhere when you went out from the restaurant. You felt frustrated when you didn't see any weird person.
It's night and you were waiting for your bus when suddenly a man sitting too close to you.
"Hi, I've seen you few times here. I also work in the same building as yours but in different department. Would you like to go out together?"
"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend."
The man scoffed and then hold your hand tightly while insulting you.
"Oh you think you are that pretty? Am I that ugly? Do you think I'm dumb to not know you don't have a boyfriend?! You whore-"
You gasped loudly when the man got punched by your boss, Park Jongseong. The tight grip on your wrist finally went off and you winced a bit while trying to move your hand.
"Stay away or I call police on you!"
The man quickly ran away after Jongseong said that. He turned to you and checked on you in case the man hurt somewhere else.
"Are you okay? Do you need to go hospital?"
"I'm...I'm fine. Thank you so much, Mr. Park."
"Let me send you home. I don't trust that guy."
When Jongseong reached nearly to your house, you realized that you never tell him your address. You glanced at him who looked so relax while driving as like he really knew where do you live.
"Make sure to lock your windows and door, Y/n. Who knows the guy might be trying to break in."
"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Park. I really appreciate it."
After he went off, you immediately ran to nearest police station in your neighbourhood and told them about Park Jongseong possibly being your stalker.
"With this info, we can't really confirm him as the culprit. So, we hope you can wait for any update from us."
You came home with disappointed feeling when the police officer said that. Even when you wanted to sleep, you keep thinking about it. You decided to swallow a sleeping pill before laying on the bed.
Beep beep beep beep
While you were deeply in sleep, a man pressed on your door lock pad and you didn't notice or even heard your door got unlocked from outside. You can't even heard footsteps coming towards you.
The man aka your stalker smiling at the sight of you sleeping peacefully. He went to sit beside you and caressed your face.
"You worry about wrong person, darling."
[Part 2]
Ayo, it's really been a long time🤓🤓so sorry for not posting anything😣😓 i hope this one can satisfy you🤗 i bet yall cant guess who the stalker is🤣🤣
Taglist: @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @duolingofanaccount @stacey-stonem
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whitemancumslut · 2 years
~Pregnancy Announcement Extended~
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 24,378,920 others
yourinstagram glowing and growing💞
view all 20,848 comments
harryfan6 IM SO NOT WELL
florencepugh MAMA!!!
annetwist 😭❤️ !!!!
yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan5 IM CRYING
harrystyles So fucking gorgeous .
harryfan9 IM IM WHAT IM WHAT
ynfan8 CONGRATS!!!😭😭
harryfan39 CONGRATULATIONS OMG????!!!!!
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram, and 23,660,002 others
harrystyles And just like that, life got a whole lot sweeter🤍
view all 23,838 comments
yourinstagram Made sweetly💕
harryfan1 😭😭😭😭😭
harryfan2 YALL ARE SO CUTE
ynfan14 y’all are the reason i believe in love and soulmates fr
harryfan19 A FUCKING BABY???
annetwist ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by zendaya, florencepugh, and 14,001,900 others
yourinstagram these past couple of months have been a dream💞
view all 12, 555 comments
yourbestfriend youre fucking ethereal
cardib 😍.
dovecameron you're so babe
yourinstagram babe
ynfan8 OMGGGG
harryfan2 i still can't believe you're pregnant ynfan1 ikr??? it does not feel real
harryfan3 dilfrry dadrry really coming true
yourinstagram’s instagram story
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harrystyles' instagram story
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liked by annetwist, dovecameron, and 19,999,120 others
yourinstagram Welcome Home, Baby Aläia🤍
view all 16,333 comments
harrystyles ❤️
dovecameron So happy for you guys!!🥹🥹
yourinstagram ❤️❤️
arianagrande 💕💕💕Congratulations babygirl!
yourinstagram Thank you angel❤️
harryfan2 ALÄIA!!!😭😭😭💕💕💕💕
ynfan1 THE NAME !!!
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liked by harryfan7 and 49,220 others
view all 2,999 comments
ynfan1 this is so 😭
harryfan3 gosh this such dadrry
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liked by zendaya, billieeilish, and 10,272,777 others
yourinstagram Grateful🤍
view all 14,000 comments
arianagrande Perfect🥲!
florencepugh Y’all are so precious ARGH
harryfan1 crying.
harryfan2 FIRST AND THIRD OMGGGGG???!??😭😭😭😭
-three years later-
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liked by annetwist, arianagrande, and 7,000,829 others
yourinstagram baby girl 💞
view all 10,008 comments
harrystyles So precious!🤍
harryfan1 DADRRY
harryfan2 my heart is melting
harryfan3 ALAIA!!
ynfan2 her hair is literally beautiful.
harryfan4 LITERALLY 😭😭
annetwist Beautiful !❤️❤️😊😊
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1, and 31,112 others
harrysupdates Harry smiling and waving to Y/n and Alaia during LOML last night 😭😭
harryfan3 this is too cute
harryfan6 this is going to be the death of me
ynfan22 my seats had a perfect view of y/n. i couldn’t take my eyes off of her. she’s so beautiful it’s insane.😭😭
harryfan7 she kinda stole the show😭
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liked by harrysupdates and 525 others
fan last night was just simply the best night ever. dream come true. seen two of the lomls yesterday. i met one of them and i truly can’t express how grateful i am for this experience. yourinstagram was the sweetest person ever and gives the best hugs, i love you yn. thank you so much for being such an angel. and harry i love you more than life it’self thank you for tonight, for everything. ❤️
view all 133 comments
fan YES. CRAZY TO SAY YOU CAN GET STARSTRUCK BY A 3 YEAR OLD😭 but yn was perfect. she’s a fucking angel. she also smells really good
ynfan3 oh my gosh she is an angel
harryfan3 it’s the way she probably told harry about you!!😭
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liked by yourinstagram, harry_lambert, and 8,109,282 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City I. August, 2022.
view all 12,612 comments
yourinstagram baby
ynfan1 stop i’m 😭😭
harryfan1 ‘BABY'😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
harryfan2 i’m so unwell. y’all are too cute 😭
ynfan2 they’re so in love
harryfan7 LIZZO!
892 notes · View notes
star-girl69 · 4 months
DUDEEEEEE. She calls me baby youuuuu ate that harrrrrrrd. Like I had to go back in for seconds and thirds and fourths fr fr. Cause are we even surprised or are we just grateful that you give us mortals a second of your time and talent????
Babe you are so incredibly talented. The way you write is sooooooo amazing its like you just know how to manipulate your words into something that will and has had me in tears in like 2 seconds. Don't even get me started on how you write your characters. Like I don't know how I can fully and most genuinely express the astonishment you leave me in all the time.
I believe that you are one of a kind and a treasure to be cherished. I know that doubting is inevitable but I hope that you know that I'm always gonna be in the obsessed with addie corner no matter what. Like I meant it when I said that there won't be a time when you have no fans. Ever. You will forever be my favourite gorgeous goddess❤️❤️❤️.
(I'm sorry I've been so absent school has been actually eating me alive)
(I think about you everyday though and it makes life just that much better)
(I hope you don't think I'm exaggerating😭😭😭😭All of this that I've been feeling without releasing had to be sent in a long ask my bad)
(I missed your little bonuses though, I hope you're doing okay)
(I'm always here for anything you may need, even if its literally just to tell you how amazing you are)
(love you ❤️)
TREASURE IS INSANE BTW 🤭 anyways omg. i’m so grateful wtf like i’m sorry i cant come up w something more poetic like you i just love these asks so much i get so happy and idk how to express that other than ilysm and i’m just so happy and so so grateful
also gorgeous goddess… i giggled 🤭🤭🤭
(EVERYDAY??!?!?!?! i think about you everyday too tho….. thinking about that one day you were so active and i got like 5 asks from you… BEST DAY OF MY LIFEEE) (also pls don’t take this as me pressuring you TRUST i am grateful for whatever you give me 🙏🙏)
(idk i’m okay i’ve just been really feeling pressured to write stuff bc the fandom is dying down (guys pls come back) and i am now firmly addicted to the praise and number of notifs i get…. lol. the bonuses have always been weird bc sometimes they come so easily to me like the first one i did was so it goes and i didn’t even have to think about it and then someone said they liked it so i went back and did it to my other fics and started doing it and idk yeah basically what i’m saying is sometimes they’re so easy and other times i have to force myself to come up w something which sucks but people like them so i’m happy to do it!!!!)
(tbh i’ll probably go back and add a bonus to she calls me baby bc i have just a little teeny bit of ocd and it will bother me but also i’m trying to let the little things go but idk we’ll see how strong i am 😭😭)
(sorry i will stop ranting now) (shoutout to anyone who actually reads that incoherent ramble)
(i need to be told how amazing i am 24/7 so that will be hard 😔) (BUT I APPRECIATE YOU SAYING THAT)
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tootoomanycats · 11 months
Levi w/a much taller stubborn partner
I need there to be a fic about a tall (like 6 foot) fem that is not in ANY military branch, that is the love/smut interest of Levi. She's not outrageous or against working as a team, but they but heads from how stubborn she is. I want her to not put up with ANY of his nonsense and call him out constantly to where they argue in front of his team a few times. 
Imagine them constantly being at eachothers throats when they argue. Imagine Levi getting so frustrated during the argument that he tries to give her an order, only for her to throw it back in his face laughing. The whole reason she is around at all is to be the temporary fill in as a horse caretaker. Being recommended for the job by Oulo, they grew up on neighboring ranches and he remembered that her family bred specialty barrel racing horses.
One day a Titan pops up out of nowhere while they're helping evacuate a small town.A kids lost out in a field, crying and frozen in place, with no trees around and the Titan is getting closer.
The team is stuck helping others and no one is free or in a place to go get the kid. When out of the corner she jumps on her personal horse-no saddle or bit and bolts out to the kid. Just as the Titan reaches down to grab the kid, dust is kicked up a large cloud. The horse does an outrageous maneuver under the Titans arm.
No one can see what's happening from the dust cloud.
Until they see her, the horse and the kid speeding to where everyone was. She keeps looking over her shoulder and then back to where the tree lines start, and to where Levi is already waiting.
After Levi takes down the TItan and everyone is settled in for the night, he grabs her and pulls her outside to lay into her.
“The hell is wrong with you?”
“No one was available, I saw it and so did you. You should be grateful that someone with the experience for that EXACT situation was there.”
She emphasizes with a poke to his chest, leaning down an inch to make eye contact with him.
“You've got to be the most irritating person i’ve ever had to keep alive”
Gray eyes glare into deep cinnamon colors.
“Am I irritating because I’m right, or because you're wrong?”
Before he spits back a comment he realizes that she's been staring at his lips. Oh?
He reaches out and grips the front of her shirt to pull her down more, her breath was shaky. Her facial expression goes from angry to stern…..but also nervous.
His hand reached up to grip the back of her hair and she whimpered. Her eyes were closed and he took the moment to memorize the facial expression in front of him. The light blush that was already on the tips of her ears, the relaxed jaw with her mouth slightly open and the furrowed brow. He gave a light jerk to the occupied hand and let out a soft grunt when her hands reached out to his shoulders to steady herself.
Thinking straight was no longer on the table.
He grips harder and her mouth opens in an “O”, as a gasp of breath leaves her chest. The response was all he needed, glancing around until a dark and secluded spot was found, he led her next to him, hand still in her hair.
Her body was being guided in a position that was awkward and made her feel weak. Leading her behind a wall of bushes, he shoved her, making her land on the ground below him. Turning over onto her back she looks up to see Levi already unbuckling his belt.
From there it's a rush, clothes can't come off fully-cant get caught. She groans in frustration at the clumsiness of her hands pushing her pants to her knees, but freezes at being dragged by the ankles closer to him. His fly is unzipped, but his small clothes hide what she hoped to see.
He leans over her so fast she has to put a hand to his chest, unsure if he was actually going to stop where he did, hovering over her. They lock eyes and she can feel herself trembling, under the weight of him or the intensity of the gaze he was bearing down on her she couldn't tell.
A moan leaves her mouth at feeling his hand on her mound and his thumb rolling over where her clit was. The shock on her face broke Levis focus enough to almost beg out,
“I…is this…..do you-fuck!”
His forehead crashes to hers as she wraps a hand around the warmth of his cock and gives a slow languid stroke.
“Don't you dare stop”
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
“your cunt was made for him, and him only” OH I AM FOAMING TO THE MOUTH???? i have no idea how to express how I feel rn. idk how to put it into words hello???? all i gotta say to this man is that denial is a river in Egypt !!!
B L E A C H E D HAIR HOON??? zadie you’re different. you KNOW what your readers want. YOU ARE ALWAYS FEEDING US BY DOING THAT HELLO$>%{%{!?! HIM TUGGING ON HIS OWN HAIR WITH HER IN MIND when i tell u i shed a tear cuz of what that did to me… I LITERALLY CANT wait for them to be so down horrendous for one another…
Y/N ITS UR TIME TO BLAST THIS SONG GIRL “never had a bitch like me in your life” SING IT LOUD BAE
lowkey for hoon if i had to give him a song i think this song works since y/n is exploring 🤭 “all those other men were practice for me” claim ur girl ???!
OK im gna stop but ofc before i send this i have to give some love to you ????? im so grateful for you, you have no idea 🥹 you’re spoiling us WAY TOO MUCH girl wdym u were out with a friend and still had the energy to write up something to drop ☹️ hope you get rest and never hesitate to take a break when you feel even the littlest that you need it ❕💕💞💓💗💖💘💝🩷
ps. ur stories should not be free. id pay to just to read them… like if i had to pay a daily membership, i would not regret a single cent spent just in order for me to read your work.
my sweet love, my baby my angel, thank you so so so so much for this i hope you know this literally made me giggle and blush and literally twirl my hair i love and appreciate your love, support and kindness so much 🥺🤍
AAAH PLS YOU GUYS IM GONNA CRY 😭😭 i am so happy you enjoyed the chaps and its details sm bc with the moaning one inliterally got myself all worked up like OMG ?? so knowing you guys loved it makes me extra happy 🥺
sometimes i personally forget that CH!hoonie is pass the mic!hoon and its like ??? i have to mention his bleached hair to remind myself and i love how you guys go crazy esch time 😭😭
the was i would literally write you a love letter and sign it with a shit ton of kisses just to send tonyou rn if i could just shows how much this ask means to me, thank you baby 🥺🥺🤍
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softrozene · 1 year
Miss Me
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peppercet asked: Josiah Trelawny getting his face cleaned up by reader when he comes to the camp after that one mission where he gets kidnapped by bounty hunters? Subtle fluff?? They’re not in a relationship, but it’s just a really tender moment 🥺🥺🥺 I’m in love with Josiah rn I cant get enough of him!! Thank you :} 💕💕💕 
rdr2 masterlist
I am in a soft mood right now so I do hope I made it the right amount of fluff! I hope you like it Hon!
Originally published on September 17, 2020
Josiah Trelawny x Reader (Gender Neutral/Nonbinary)
Warnings: fluff, hints of past violence from that mission
Words: ~900
You felt a little bit worried. Only a little. Or that is what you kept telling yourself. It must have been obvious because Miss Grimshaw finally came over with that stern look on her face that she usually gives one of her girls.
“Standing around diddle-daddling is not going to make those fools come back faster. I know you are worried about them but do not neglect your chores,” She says.
You nod your head and Miss Grimshaw gives you a reassuring smile before walking off. You huff at the worrying thoughts that come back as you settle on helping Mr. Pearson out (and making sure Sadie does not murder him). Your mind stays focused on the man you are worrying about. Arthur and Charles should have been back with him now and every moment longer the more your nerves feel like they are on fire.
The said man is Josiah Trelawny- A rather mischievous yet elegant man (in your opinion). He has been nothing but kind to you so of course, you are worrying for him like crazy. Your relationship is a bit of an odd one as you are close but not that close to the man who always leaves. You enjoy each other’s company and you always loved to hear about his own adventures away from the gang.
He probably enjoyed the pure kindness radiating off of you as you soaked up his every word and not once gave him shit for leaving as the others do. Or that is what you at least like to imagine he thinks. You have not spoken about how he feels towards you but since he always makes sure to visit with a souvenir you assumed he at least has a good opinion about you.
As you chop up some vegetables and ignore Mr. Pearson and Sadie slowly getting louder, you take notice of Abigail standing up rather fast beside the fire camp and you realize why. Charles has brought back a badly beaten up Josiah. Your heart feels like it stops upon seeing blood and you nearly cut off your finger as you hastily put the knife down.
You feel for your gun as you rush over to them. Charles leans the battered man by a tree near the horses per his request. He smiles upon seeing your worried expression and lazily lifts his hand.
“It does not feel as bad as it looks. I promise,” Josiah says with a chuckle, but he ends up coughing and the pained emotion crosses his face.
What a terrible liar despite being one of the best. You and Charles quickly gather supplies to clean him up as he explains what has happened that led up to this. Your eyes widen and your blood feels like it boils at the thought of stupid bounty hunters roughing up the gentle man.
“Thank you, Charles. Next time you see Arthur tell him I am grateful that you both saved Josiah’s life,” You say sincerely prompting the man to nod his head and pat your back as you take the supplies from him.
You hurry back to Josiah who sounds like he is wheezing, and you huff at him. You quickly dunk the rag you got into the small bucket of water and begin to gently wipe away at the blood and dirt on his face. He says nothing as he examines your worried face and your eyes fall upon seeing the bruises that were hiding underneath the dirt.
“Nothing but only time can heal I’m afraid. I said before it is not too bad,” Josiah states trying to cheer you up.
It does not work as you reach for a new rag and douse it a bit with alcohol. He flinches when the stinging arises from you touching him with it before he actually laughs. It leaves you dumbfounded.
“Nothing is funny about this. I was genuinely worried about you!” You mumble as you keep a gentle touch while wiping at the open wounds.
You will not be able to wrap them so you deem them done, all he needs to do is make sure they stay clean. You stay sitting beside Josiah and he nods his head acknowledging your words.
“I meant no offense when I laughed. I just realized you really are the only person who would miss me if I left for good… I- Thank you (Name), for always welcoming me back with open arms and genuine kindness. You have no idea what it means for a foolish man like me,” He mumbles as he reaches for your hand.
Sleep is calling for him and you smile as you squeeze his hand. You whisper, “Of course, Josiah. I would miss you like crazy. Where else would I get my favorite magician stories?”
He laughs at that and lets his eyes close. “Yes. I best get some rest so I can bring you some more glorious tales fit for royalty to hear,” Josiah mumbles.
He feels safe with someone as kind and loving as you. Out of everyone here you are the one who would hold no doubts about him. Unlike Arthur and Charles who were out to find him in case he would sell out the gang but he would never even think of it- The lot of you he finds entertaining but you and your genuine nature hold a special place in his heart.
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merscylilith · 2 years
「𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 」
Bonten Trio + Kakucho
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Bonten Trio + Kakucho 'Hitto' + y/n
Synopsis : Never thought a man with cold attitude could turn to sweetheart when they were in charge as a babysitter. As the sister of the baby that they will take care of, nothing more than the man can melted your heart.
" Oh, boy, let's get married already , wink, wink "
♤ Ran Haitani
This man offered himself to become a babysitter as a part time job. When he was in highschool, he used to treat people around him as a baby, even the teacher. When he saw a poster of some family desperately to have a babysitter, he grab the change, well, meeting you is his bonus ;)) More excited when he got to take care of baby girl. He really love them. The 3 years old baby clapped her hand when Ran presenting his make up skill on his face, " Oh , baby, you love it, right ? I am handsome, right ? Come here, come here , gimme some hug ", he spread his arms to allowed the baby hugging him, he swing the baby side to side gently, and you, who watching them both from a far, just make a weird expression. As Ran let the baby go, he spotted you, which you just came home from college, he immediately threw his flirty smirk. " Tch, how come this man change from being goofy to flirty in no mean time ", rolling your eyes doesnt stop him to tease you, " Aw, does the big baby wanted hug to ? ", his mock pout really wanna make you wipe your poke onto his face. Everytime he come home to babysit, he always comes up with something new. He would bought his haircare product to let the baby have them too. The family never complaint about it though, the parents really love him. Not to mention, they are really love on how good Ran representing himself, the way he talked because sometime, he will gossiping with your mom about their cheating friend, and Ran clearly good in the way of thinking his life pathway, he hates cheater , " doesnt matter girl or boy, cheating is a bad thing" , and that makes your mom heart flattered. Your younger sister seems really love his haircolour and hos soft they are, yeah, Ran dye his hair almost twice in a month, you cant denied how creative and careful him about his hair, he basically passes being a material girl, " No, baby, you cant chewed my hair, it's very unhygenic thing to do, ok ? Now, baby, let's see what hair colour should we get for you ", his expression really show that he thinking of the hair colour for the baby which doesnt make sense at all to you, well, the baby seems pretty excited , showing her teeth that looks pretty good as someone in her age. Overall, Ran can take this oppurtunity to flirt with you and shamelessly call your parents, "dad" and "mom", they doesnt mind either tho. It's not like you hate it, either.
♤ Rindou Haitani
Rindou never take care of baby, which was far from having an experience. The only reason he wanted to be a babysitter is because *eherm*eherm* to practice being a good dad in the future, yes, he know, he's still young but anything could happened, right ? He glad the baby is a boy, usually he will got nervous and all sweaty if he will take care of the girl. " Amusing ", he mumbled when he saw the boy can play a piano at the such young age. Totally, have a bickering session with 7 years-old boy, be grateful for the patience practice that he had when his borther constanly teasing him at home, " Heh, show me what you got, pretty girl ", the boy curled up his right mouth, if ears can produce a volcano, Rindou would be one of those, he stood up and push the boy down, " Watch me, you wimp ", and there's the most addiction melody notes you ever heard, you stepped to your younger brother music room and find Rindou playing piano with breath taking side profile. But the imvisible fume that out from your younger brother could chocked anyone around him, " Ouch, what's that for ? ", Rindou looking at the boy whou just pulled his hair, " Teach me how to play like yours ", it must be hard to be nice with anyone as Rindou stared at the young man that just looks aside, Rindou kmew that nothing serious arguement that ever happened between them, " Alright, but first, dont call me pretty girl. I am a man ", the boy just looks him boredly , " You got long hair like a horse tail ", Rindou widen his eyes at the boy comments. Then, the bickering between them almost getting worst, " hellooooo, you are young and not supposed to talk to elderly in that tone ", the kid didnt want the lose the debate, "oh yeah ? No wonder you talks like a old man in the heat ", Rindou doesnt wanted to lose to the kid but he should control himself, maybe this is his karma for being a jerk brother to Ran when he was a kid. So, Rindou decided to stop then, tell him that he will make a dj-music in his phone which caught the attention of the kid, " Show me how exactly", then the string between them bith become great as they shared the same hobby. Ran said the love that Rindou spending less tims in club to dj-ing but he did it in your house instead, which he can saw his younger brother grew so fast amd he like it how Rindou spending his life in a good way with you. You just laughed at them both, which disturb their session and they both respectively turn their head to you, " Hi, sis, i just show this girl how to play piano", " Hi, pretty lady, mind to join us ? ", nahh, because they both definitely a different person when you around them, a clinging person. Which is, that added to the list that they both being competitve who adored you the most.
♤ Sanzu 'Akashi' Haruchiyo
" Are you done baby ? Now, let's get sleep ", yeah, it's definitely the way he babysit. Today, you have no plans, amd insisted Haru to get home if he felt tired, but he refused, " It's my job and i have to be responsibilty", hmm, judge how he always said "sleep" to the baby, you were not sure if he that responsible person. Also, you camt denied how good he taking care of your younger sister, more good than you. Even your sister said so. When you focus on the drama on television screen, you felt your sister shifting around and asking " where's haruchiyo ? " , when you about answering her question, you could hear the loud noise from the backyard, " is my baby already woke up? ", you saw your sister jump into Haru's arms, he lifting her up to the air and the giggle from both is the calmness thing you ever know, you sat on the couch with gasped , cant believe your sister spending more time with Haru while you took a rest day for her. " dont wver let the boy get into your pant , ok ? They are not worth ", the girl just nodded and asking so many question about life, " Then, what about you ? I wanna marry you, you are so nice and really hygenic, i really adore you ", suprisingly Haru didnt mocked at her inoccent words, " no, kid. You still got a lot life ahead you ", he just caressing her hair and tie them up, then, he bend down to her ears level, whispered something that probably with "no" good intention, " but i can marry your sister, then, we will have a lot time together, you want that right kid ? ", your younger sister's eye bright up at the idea and eagerly nodding her head, then she looked up to you and shouted, " Sister, can you marry Haruchiyo-san right now , please ? I wanted to play with Haru everyday ", she run towards you, grab your hand with the plead in her eyes, the pink shades spread wide on Haru's face at how bold the girl babysit's attitude can be, " it's your bed time, kid , let's get you to sleep ", he lift her up to his arms and put him into her bed, " Night, Haruchiyo-san ", " Have a goodnight ", he close the door and saw you still on the couch with television on, " You hungry ? I can make some food for you before i back home ? ", you stared on his infamous face, " Yes, can you make spaghetti. Oh also, you can sleep here tonight, it's gonna be rain ". One reason why Haruchiyo agreed to become a babysitter because he miss taking care of his sister, Senju, and you, that's two reason, he doesnt mind taking care your sister because she's so cute.
♤ Kakucho 'Hitto'
He's became a homeboy to you. You intentionally making his works getting hard, reasons ? No, only one reason. You like his frustrated face. " nii-chan, stop making Kaku-chan sad ", sure, your brother much mature than you in the way of thinking skill. Sometime, when he teach your brother mathematics, you will suddenly sat on his lap, " ops, sorry, i thought no one there", you just chuckled while Kaku try to brush it off how hard to deal with your attitude. Well, at lrast you got brother that apologies for your behalf , " Kaku-san is a sweetheart , why nii-chan always bother you ", your younger brother always love Kaku, he crave to have older brother in which he can play football together, swimming together, stidy together without being all whiny because get tired and bored, like you always did. " Kaku-chan, can we play lego for tomorrow ?", Kaku smiled and noded at him. The atmosphere between him and younger brother really comfortable not until you screamed Kaku's name. " Can you helped buy pad for me ? I ran out of it ", Kaku sighed and left to buy some for you. When he came home, he handing you the plastic and he felt the soft hand of your brother on his arms, " Kaku-chan, dont let nii-cham bullied you. You are strong, right ? You helped me from bully the other day, so, you must deal with nii-chan attitude. He told the boy it's nothing to worried about as you really need helped in that department. He's no good at being a gentleman, but Kaku always make sure to tell your younger brother to treat woman they love really good as they both busy looking at the right amount of salt that they should put on the meals. " Kaku-chan really good at everything, you are my idol ", he said as Kaku told him the amount of salt should be on point otherwise the taste would be awful. Kaku always make sure the boy didnt hurt himself, " You will make it to top husband, Kaku-chan, you deserved good wife AND make sure you didnt choose someone lile nii-chan", the tingled in Kaku's heart make him smile, if only the boy know that you're the reason why he babysit him im the first place, Kaku love you in the first sight when he spotted your kindness helped kitten from the drain, then, he found out at the time you saved the kitten you were in mission to find someone babysitting his brother, and he took the poster and dial the phone number, which is yours.
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Have a nice day ^^
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demxters · 1 year
—𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 2022
✧ why am i posting this, you ask? it just hit me that the year is almost over and it got me reminiscing. it’s been a hell of a year and i just wanted to say a huge thank you to some of the people who helped me get through it. i’ll try not to be sappy and take up too much of your time but i cant make any promises….
❥ @x-lulu @annab-nana @stfukie @jellyfishbeansontoast @sunflowerbecca : thank you for being there for me since the very beginning. i know we don’t talk as much anymore, and that’s on me, but i wish i reached out to you guys more than i have. i think about you all often, and you may not know it but you’ve all helped me in some way or another through the darkest of times.
❥ @whisperofsong @bobfloydsbabe @joaquinwhorres @t-nd-rfoot @liraketo : to my new friends i’ve made this year, you all hold such a special place in my heart. thank you for being such kind, warm, and welcoming people. i have never been more grateful to have met a group of people all because of a silly fighter pilot movie. your creativity and your art is a gift and i am so glad to have discovered it. thank you for taking a chance on me and just being you. i love u guys to the moon and to saturn <3
❥ @intrepidacious @thesewordsareallihavetogive @buckyseddie : to the friends i wish i kept up with more often, but have been there for me for quite some time, you guys are constants that i am so grateful to have. not only are you all special and incredible people, you are supportive. you are kind, but most importantly you’re inspiring. i look up to you and your writing so much, sometimes i still can’t believe you guys read my work?? and are friends with me?? i really can’t express how much it means for me to still have you in my corner even after all the time that has passed. love u all so much.
❥ @briseisgone: léa, darling, you are such a breath of fresh air. thank you for being so kind and open minded to my american ass. i love talking to you, but most importantly i love learning from you. about the culture of france, about you and your writing, i love it all. thank you for making me feel a little less lonely and a little more loved every day. you don’t know how much it means to me that we talk as often as we do. sending you the biggest hug! thank you for being a friend.
❥ @traitorjoelite : to think that we started talking not too long ago, yet i feel like i’ve known you forever? very few people have made me feel that way and you are one of them. thank you for reaching out to me first (i’m such a wuss so i’m glad you did it first). you have become one of the few people i’ve really opened up to and can call a close friend. you’re so funny (yes. i admit.), sweet, and one of the strongest souls i know. sometimes i’m afraid that i’m too clingy (as i’ve been told when i get close to people) and yet you still reach out to me anyway, and it really helps me a lot more than you think. thank you for being such an incredible person. thank you for being a good friend. i love u so much, tiff, i hope you know it.
❥ @starryblueeyesandstarryblueskies @callmemana @mountainrooster @potato-girl99981 @smoothdogsgirl @ilymoonie @teacupsandtopgun @wildxwidow @hallecarey1 @gretagerwigsmuse @the-navistar-carol @blue-aconite @gigisimsonmars : we haven’t really interacted too much but i am so incredibly grateful for you all! i see you constantly in my notifs, liking posts, reblogging, etc. and it means the world. i just wanted you to know that i notice you. i see you, i remember you, and i appreciate you all so much <3
❥ to the anons that have sent me the sweetest of messages and the kindest of thoughts. i think of you often and appreciate you taking the time to hop into my inbox and being so kind. it really means so much to me that you find me worth any of your time really! thank you thank you thank you.
❥ finally, to everyone who follows this blog : whether you interact with me or not. i appreciate you all just for being here. i love you all and thank you for indulging in my silliness <3
—okay. i’m done rambling. thank you for making my year and making me feel loved when i needed it most. happy new year my darlings, wishing you all light and happiness into the new year.
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heich0e · 11 months
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if you've sent in an ask lately that i didn't respond to, it may be answered under the cut! i'll be dividing these posts up by general subject matter so no one has to scroll for too long to find any asks they may have sent. feel free to block the tag #liv got mail if you don't like seeing posts like this. i'm sorry to have kept you waiting, and p.s. i love you very much <3
part one: love letters ✉
✉ @ayeputita asked: thinking about you and hoping you’re doing well💕
thank you little guy!! i am doing very well and i hope that you are too!!
✉ @shibaraki asked: happy wednesday darlin I hope u have a good day if I could I would treat you to a little coffee n snack ✨
my precious moo i hope you are doing well and that life is treating you kindly!! the other day i went out and there was a kitten in the window of an apartment i was walking by and i stopped outside the window to wave at them and as i continued walking to my destination i went 'oh NO i should have taken a photo to send to monty!!!' and i'm sorry i didn't but pls know that the thought (and the love) was there <3
✉ @a-girl-cant-decide-on-a-name asked: I hope your Wednesday has been good Liv!
I HOPE YOUR WEDNESDAY/WEEK HAS BEEN SO GOOD SWEET ARIEL!! u deserve absolutely nothing less than that!!
✉ Anonymous asked: hello liv!! hope you're having a lovely week. did you get to wear any cute outfits lately? 💖💖
hello sweet thing!! i hope your week has also been super lovely so far!! and LET ME TELL YOU it has been SOOOOOOOOO terribly warm lately, but the air conditioning in my office is SO cold. so every morning i have to wake up and plan an outfit that i can easily convert from a hot outside outfit to a cold inside outfit while still being cute. truly one of the greatest tests of my skills </3 i am seriously considering investing in some of those pants that zip off into shorts that were popular in the early noughties (honestly....... i think it could kind of be a look)
✉ Anonymous asked: hi liv! dropping by to tell you how much i appreciate you. not just for the phenomenal writing that you so generously share with us, but also for the gracious, smart, funny and kind person that you are. thank you for allowing us to step into your fertile imagination and for being such a wonderful character.
-one of your little guys
p.s. please don’t feel pressured to respond to this ask as you may be taking a little break from this app 🤗
this is the kind of message that makes my heart squeeze all tight n sticky in my chest. the thought that you would take the time out of your own day to say something so sweet to me, with nothing to gain or show from it, just because you care, means so very much to me. i know that i thank people effusively, because often i don't know what to say to express just how deeply grateful i am to you for being here and for being so kind. love u so very much, little guy!!
✉ Anonymous asked: send you love liv ❤️
sending u so so much love right back!!
✉ Anonymous asked: I HOPE U FEEL BETTER SOON 🙌
these asks came in within moments of each other and idk if i think it's cuter that they could be from the same person or if two random unrelated people out there in the big wide world both decided to yell lovely things at me at very nearly the exact same time
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reid! im the anon who lost her shit the other week and i just wanted to say i got through the field season and it was the most amazing fucking thing ever. (funny tho cos i did end up getting sick like thrice but that’s its own thing HAHAHA) but wow wow wow. im sitting in the airport rn waiting to board my flight back home and i just dont even know how to express how happy and grateful i am to have experienced something so amazing, even to the point that i think ill volunteer here for next year’s field season and i might even do my master’s thesis in conjunction with the ongoing project 🥹
just wanted to say thank you again to you and all the people who chimed in cos everyone’s advice got me through and i was almost convinced that field archaeology wasnt for me but having that advice really helped me stick it out through the hard parts til the part where it got REALLY really good :,)
just wanted to update too cos maybe there are other newbies like me going through rough digs or anxious preparations (or god forbid ppl who got scared from my panicked ask WAHAH) and i jus wanted to come on here and say it myself: i made it through and i would do it all over again if i could. it wasn’t easy but it was so so so worth it. meeting amazing people and working alongside people with the same (but also different!) ideas, excavating a site SO RICH with so so much history, every single time i dig up a bone or a bead or a sherd, it’s just so fucking amazing :,) i still have so much to learn but now i am so confident that there is so much waiting and i really would go through it again <3
(and YES everyone was right — take breaks when u need to !! i got really sick for 3 days and had to take one day off and everyone understood and looked out for me. u cant work efficiently anyway if ur pain/stress is clouding your mind and i rly learned that the hard way)
Congratulations, anon. I am so, so proud of you, and I hope you are too. You did a very hard thing—believing in yourself to tough it out in a difficult situation. You were resilient. You advocated for yourself. I'd be willing to bet that you learned a lot about what you're capable of.
This was very similar to some of the field experiences, and I expect there are other archaeologists who will say the same thing. It's one of the wonders of fieldwork in this profession. I'm so glad you've been bitten by the archaeology bug (but remember to do a tick check at the end of each day).
Thanks for checking in. It made my heart very happy to read this.
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cosmobrain00 · 8 months
the *pikachu face* i made when i just read motr and got the hiatus update… objectively a bit heartbreaking for me BUT!!!! all love n respect for u, just wanted to lyk that i read this whole series in a span of like 24 hours? which is insane bc yes it’s sooo long but oh well. i was hooked. as one writer to another i totally sympathize w ur reasoning for leaving it alone as well haha. also wanted to say that even tho the byler was rather scrumptious in a tortured way i was indeed looking for will&max friendship fics so obv coming across ur series was mind blowing for me. i was brave and read it all in order too.
anyway i just wanted to heap praise on u even if u are unsatisfied. as a reader i Did think holy fuck this is really long but the will & el & jonathan siblingism and will & upsidedownism and will & max bestieism was everything to me. and i was rly impressed by ur horror n descriptors of monsters/possession/manipulation/BODY HORROR! i do be thinking abt the car scene w will’s eye so thank u. i feel like for a series like stranger things i don’t see a lot of fics that rly delve into how fucked up this could be so i was pleased to see this work!
anyway that’s it just wanted to say thank u n share my love for this work n for your efforts as a writer. the plot twists i did get to experience were very twisty n my heart is tattered n bruised. your max lives on in my heart forever like seriously i’m obsessed w herrrr
i’ll leave this message w a post i made as soon as i finished reading this lol: “like seriously when you're reading a ship fic but it's more like the most insane take on an au/character study that has ever been.......... i'm not above admitting that i was hooked”
THANK YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!! screaming crying possibly throwing up ovr this PLEASE this is quite literally evrything i love to hear how did u know??? im soso incredibly glad u enjoyed all of these bits specifically bc these were all of my absolute fav things to write n I hope u know im going to cherish this forevr n evr no matter a lot of my personal opinions on my series<3 cant express how grateful i am either tht u took time to tell me all of this mwah ur a star🫶🫂
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
Here's an mini essay on why I love you and your work and why you're one of my coolest friends ❤️❤️❤️
1) You regularly interact with everyone and try your hardest to be a positive creator!
Sometimes you don't take care of yourself enough because you're always online, which...I will be in your dms fighting you so take care of yourself!!! 😘
2) You are just a straight up cool person to hang out with!
I cant count the amount of times you've made me laugh and smile, and everyone else in the discord server absolutely loves you and being around you. (There's a reason there's a YaBoi Simp role ❤️)
3) You work really hard.
I don't think you hear it enough, but you work really hard at everything you do, you push through problems, you're willing to ask for help when you need it, and you genuinely care about your projects. Even when everything feels really hard around you and life is slapping you in the face bc it's being a lil bitch, you take a moment to scream into the void, then keep on going. I will always tell you just how proud I am of you.
You deserve a rest. You have done more than enough. We are all so proud of you, and we are all grateful to you for sharing a small piece of your brain/heart with us.
On a funnier note, Friend got theM haNDS 👀
c r y i n g Words can not express how grateful I am to you and everyone. Thank you, this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. (T o T) You're all so amazing and you all are very important to me. <3
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princesstokyomoon · 2 years
Relationship status: I has girlfrien!
Somehow! Despite my Ridculously high levels of trust and commitment issues! :D And it has NOT yet fallen apart despite my Debilitating fear of intimacy! I am VERY grateful for how fuckin patient she is with me and I do NOT understand how on EARTH I managed to get her to like me, but I will take it!
Favorite Color: Pink and Red! both are Perfect uwu
Favorite Food: uhhhhhh...... logically thinkin about it, I think the only answers i CAN give are pasta, chicken nuggets, and salmon. not combined of course. well... actually no im ngl, that sounds like itd slap. just a load of buttery pasta with chopped up chicken nuggets and smoked salmon, covered in cheese. god thats the dream.....
Song Stuck In My Head: uhhhhh... i dont know im too dissociatey to have one. and as soon as i tried to figure it out, i was Gifted with "Neptune's Jewels" cus i was listening to night vale while curled up in bed.
Time: 11:47pm
Dream Trip: God I'd love to do a roadtrip across the US. maybe its not as romantic (i nthe anne of green gables use of the word, not the lovey dovey use) and stupid and silly as tv makes it look, but like,,, it sounds like a fuckin Riot.
other than that, im so DESPERATE to go back to new york, i had an AMAZING time when i went with uni, and itd be Wonderful to go without havin to follow rules of other people
Last Book Read: i have been unable to Actually focus on reading since uni (uni broke me, i miss books), and i cant listen to audio only format things without gettin distracted, so i cant do audio books. the last thing i read bits of was "The Beatrice Letters". actually, was probably the last thing i Fully read.
Last Book I Enjoyed Reading: see above. I feel in Love with the way lemony snicket expresses love in that book when i was a kid, and i still think it's the Height of romance.
Last Book I Hated Reading: if you think i can remember that far back you are SORELY mistaken
Favorite Thing To Cook/Bake: [cries in "cooking hurts me nowadays"]
Favorite Spare Time Craft: i.... am not sure what this means exactly?? but i do digital art when i have the spoons, im trying to learn guitar, i want to learn to write again and have begun to Dip my toes into "flatsound style" poetry, and i want to learn mini painting but i dont have great lighting in my room, so ive yet to finish any of them.
Niche Dislike: does this mean its something i hate no one else has heard of? or something that only i hate that everyone else seems to like? if its the former, then i dont know, cus i dont remember things like that. if its the latter, BOY could i come up with a LIST and a half, theres a Reason i labelled myself a hipster as a teenager. like,, off the top of my head, the beatles, beyonce (her music, not her as a person), star wars (one of the dullest things i was forced to watch), harry potter (not so controversial now, but as a kid and teen HOOO BOY people thought you were a freak for it), marvel and DC films. i know theres more, but i honestly prefer to Not think about things i hate.
Opinion On Circuses: the Aesthetics are my life, and im Exceptionally sad that i never got to run away and join the circus, and i am filled with Immense jealousy when i remember that thats Essentially what my mum did when she was in her 20s, why cant i go to italy and be a circus person, this is bs
i am FAR too lazy to tag people, so if anyone else wants to do this, feel free babyyyyyyyyyy
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