#i cant talk to anybody about the things i like because everyone has something negative to say all the time about innocuous things
spearheadrampancy · 6 months
every time i come back to fandom spaces - like, the concept of A fandom at all - it seems like everyone is just so... hostile.
and yes some of the things that people are getting riled about are legitimate concerns and stuff, but it seems like everybody is just at each others throats more and more. feels like fandom is less a community and more a kind of label that some people present as some army rank or something.
i dont know. there's just something really sad about it. to log on and see shit like "if you think the princess would ever dare to wear a PURPLE 🤢🤢 skirt instead of the PINK one she is always seen wearing then you should kill yourself and i mean that genuinely." all the time. from all fandoms. from fandoms you didnt even know existed. from fandoms youve been entrenched in for years.
over the last couple of weeks i had started to wonder why i slowly felt less and less comfortable with being in fandom territory over the last 10 years, and i saw a post today talking about how tumblr itself is generally just hostile in the worst way and it clicked. it isnt really a fandom specific issue, it just happens to be prominent in fandom. it's not just a tumblr issue, or even an internet issue though. people on a day to day basis talking to their friends make jokes that are genuinely so aggressive and violent; there's some level of normalisation at play. i'm not sure where it comes from. there's something to be said about how it probably isnt healthy that we're constantly surrounded by news of Yet Another Moral Failing somewhere in the world, how there's a latent anger at everybody and anybody in every direction.
i'm not saying we're in the wrong to be angry at the world. i just think its sad that we've turned art and appreciation into a battleground for some reason.
fandom used to have rules like "dont yuck someone else's yum" and a whole litany of other phrases. but now everyone is just hostile all the time. it sucks. makes me want to stay far away.
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emogen-heaney · 2 years
cw // vent post, feel free to ignore i just need to type my thoughts out somewhere and pretty much all other social apps have text limits that i usually tend to exceed
tw // mentions of drüg abu$e, $h relaps3 thoughts & overall mental illness ass thoughts or whatever im kinda ass at this so im sorry
im just. really fucking tired /neg like i dont understand why im not happy. i should be happy, if that makes sense. im dating the boy of my literal dreams, who treats me absolutely amazingly and gives the type of love ive been looking for ever since i got out of my first ever relationship, hes so caring and kind and we talk 24/7 and even if we're upset (either at the other or at something else) we can talk things through and hes so forgiving and patient and gives me the perfect amount of attention that i need in romantic relationships and ive been seeing my mom a lot more and we've been having really fun times hanging out and shes getting custody of my youngest brother again soon this month and i have a reliable plüg and i had fairly good experiences with everything ive bought from her and ive been hanging out with friends and im finally passing summer school and mom has a car now and in theory, everything is perfect. i should be happy. but i feel fucking miserable???
i miss my best friend, i dont blame him at all for us not talking as much as we did during the school year n stuff but it just hurts i guess? but thats more of a me thing, im just very overly attached and relied on them way too much during the school year—to the point where my entire mood for the day pretty much depended on if he showed up or not, closer to the end of the year. and, him along with our (/pos) bf, i feel like theres so little communication no matter how hard i try to get everything to work out between everyone and i just want everyone to be happy and selfishly i want to help even if im not the sole reason for anybodys happiness i want to help at least a bit i want to make them smile and feel a little better when i can but i feel helpless and ive been clean for two-ish months now which is good i guess but at the same time im starting to feel that empty feeling of needing to do it again like if i dont im not valid or i didnt "actually struggle with it" if i dont have very obvious permanent sc4rs and im just really fucking overwhelmed, and tired. i dont feel like i could go to anyone with this because i know a majority of the people i do actually trust to talk to about these kind of things have enough problems of their own and would just push aside theirs to let me talk to them, because thats how wonderful and loving of people they are, but i cant do that to them.
im just really, really tired :/
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skellfamily · 3 years
you know, i wonder about Papyrus. it seems he exists to make other people happy - but is he alright?
he’s the bright spot in Sans’s life, pushing him to actually do stuff. he takes care of chores around the house. Papyrus is aware that Sans is going through troubles and tries to help him through it. Sans takes care of Papyrus in return, but does Sans know that Papyrus has troubles of his own? do they ever talk to each other about heavy stuff like that? probably not, given Papyrus says “SANS NEVER TELLS ANYBODY ANYTHING!” and the way Sans hides important things from Papyrus.
he’s Undyne’s best friend. she seems to view him as like a little brother, and wants to protect him. to the point of not being honest with him about why she hasn’t and won’t let him join the Guard, which makes him feel that he’s doing something wrong. like Sans, she lies to him, ostensibly to protect his feelings (though in reality it’s probably more because they cant bring themselves to tell the truth), when it just makes things worse for him. 
he’s probably Flowey’s closest friend too. Flowey views Papyrus as especially fun to mess around with, but more than that, he probably does actually care about Papyrus in his own way. he may know Papyrus better than anyone (see: him knowing Papyrus’s favorite food when others, even Papyrus himself, didn’t). but of course he also manipulates him and betrays his trust.
and Papyrus tries his best to live up to that role, to make other people feel better. when he befriends Frisk, he doesnt want to disappoint/anger Undyne due to his failure to capture the human, so he tries to put on a precarious balancing act so that he can please both of his friends.
he wonders where Sans would be without him around to take care of him - and really, where would Sans be without his brother? Papyrus never admits he has problems or negative thoughts. in the King Papyrus ending, he puts on a cheerful front while Sans is around. when Sans leaves he finally starts talking about his worries, but even then he’s not speaking to anyone, just leaving a message on Frisk’s phone.
the guy is even willing to risk his own life to show kindness and mercy to a rampaging murderer, despite his own fear, and despite the fact that he could have easily tried fighting them off if he wanted.
i don’t wanna be like “this happy and positive character is ACTUALLY super depressed!!” but i really wonder if Papyrus is ok. has anyone ever asked him how he’s doing? does anyone wonder if he has problems? Papyrus talks himself up a lot and sounds so confident all the time. but how much of that is him feeling the need to be a bright spot for other people’s sakes? when you think about it, despite how much you speak to him, he doesnt reveal that much about himself. i wouldnt be surprised if he’s hiding stuff - from everyone. 
trying to make others happy, while not caring about your own happiness, that’s not a good way to live. idk, maybe i’m looking into this too much. but i’d like to think there’s more to Papyrus than meets the eye, more than a lot of fans give him credit for.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Feels Like Falling in Love
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Mark X Reader
Genre: Cheesy fluff
Word Count: 6.5K
Summary: You are assigned to a science project with Mark and over the course of working on your project together, you end up falling for the soft spoken introvert and little do you know, he’s falling for you too.
A/n: (He has such pretty fingers wtf) Anyways, I’ve been wanting to write a story about nerdy Mark for a while now and I got the idea from my science fair in the 8th grade idk just the thought of Mark being a soft spoken and shy “nerd” is the most adorable thing ever ugh I miss Mark
“Alright class, for your next upcoming project, you and a partner; which I have already pre-assigned will choose a scientific research topic to work on for your last assignment before spring break. This project is work a huge percent of your grade so I want you all to put as much hard work and dedication in to this specific assignment as you’ve done for the last few months of this semester. Once I announce whose going to be working with you, you will spend the rest of class coming up with ideas and brainstorming with your partner. This is a three week long project and although I’m giving you quite a generous amount of time to work on this project, I expect nothing but grade A products. Okay, let’s start.” 
Your teacher began to call out the names and as you looked around the room, you soon grew nervous at the idea of working alongside someone who would be no help whatsoever during this entire project. There was nothing more you hated as a senior in high school than group projects. It seemed as if all of your classmates were well aware of how smart and hard working you were and how much time and effort you put in to every single assignment you had. In the past, you’ve found yourself getting taken advantage of because of how kind and selfless you could be and sometimes you’d end up doing the entire project by yourself. 
One thing you wished you could change about yourself was how much of a pushover you could be. Being the social butterfly you were, you made friends with practically everybody and anybody. Everyone knew they could depend on you for whatever it was they needed help with and they knew you would never say no. Unfortunately, it was never in your nature to ever tell someone no. The last time you told someone you couldn’t do something for them, you felt guilty the entire day and ended up going along with whatever it was that they asked of you. 
Soon everyone was being paired up and the only people that were left was your two best friends BamBam and Jackson, and one of the smartest people in your entire grade; Mark Tuan. Mark, in more or less words, was considerably the biggest nerd there could ever be. He knew the answer to any question someone had related to education. If you needed a calculus problem solved, the answer to who discovered North America or the summary of “The Great Gatsby”, Mark was your guy. He was known to be quite the introvert and had very little friends. 
You’d find him with his face buried in a book or playing video games on his Nintendo switch. Even during class, he never seemed to pay any mind to anyone and only spoke up in class whenever your teacher would call on him. As much as you loved your friends, you were secretly hoping your teacher paired you up with Mark. You were sure she was aware of the two class clown’s reputations and how they were both borderline failing. Knowing that information, you couldn’t help but feel as if she would give you one of them instead of the quiet boy in attempts to help both Jackson and BamBam with their grades. If they put as much time and dedication in to their studies as they did with sports and house parties, then maybe they wouldn’t be on probation from graduating. 
“For the final four, I’ve thought about this for a long time and although I know I’m making a mistake for obvious reasons, y/n, you’re going to be partners with Mark and Jackson, you’re partnering up with BamBam.” You let out a sigh of relief and had to stifle back a laugh when you heard Jackson begin to whine at your teacher’s decision. 
“But Mrs.Young, I cant be partners with BamBam—you might as well give me an F now—ow! I’m just telling the truth! It’s obvious our dumbasses aren’t capable of getting anything done.” Jackson and BamBam began to bicker but your teacher was quick in getting them to stop talking and went over some important information that would help you all with the project. Once she was done explaining what she expected of the class, she sent you to get in to your groups with the intent of having you and your partner get started on your planning. 
As you started to reach for your things in order to make your way towards Mark, he just so happened to take the seat next to you and quietly placed his things down. “I—um—hi y/n.” You gave him a soft smile before pulling out your notebook. 
“Hi Mark. So, do you have any ideas on how you want to find out whose mouths are dirtier; Dogs or humans?” He nodded in agreement before handing over notes you assumed he must’ve wrote down as your teacher gave out the topics. You knew Mark was incredibly intelligent; the teachers never failed to rave about how quick he’d solve answers and how he always turned in assignments the day they were assigned. Seeing his notes and all of his ideas made your head spin. There was no way you’d come up with any of these ideas and you were extremely grateful that your teacher put you and Mark together. 
“Wow—these proposals are amazing. How did you come up with these in less than five minutes?” He shrugged before looking around the classroom and sneakily taking out his phone when he noticed your teacher was busy talking to another group. 
“I just typed the question in to google. But I’ve actually done research on this topic in the past. I have a dog named Milo—he tends to lick me a lot and I was curious as to how dirty his mouth is—sorry. Too much information.” You shook your head to let him know it was okay. Although this was the first time you’ve ever interacted with Mark, you were pretty sure with the reputation he kept up as the teacher’s pet and “the most reliable geek in school” that this was probably one of the longest conversations he’s had with anybody and you couldn’t help but feel a little excited at the thought of him being comfortable with you. 
“No no—that’s really cool. I’d be interested too if I had any pets. I mean, they drink toilet water and eat their own poop, I’m sure their mouths are extremely dirty. Imagine waking up to them licking all over your face only to find out they were sniffing another dog’s butthole.” When you heard the soft giggle fall from his lips, you felt embarrassed at how you had no filter. You tended to talk a little too much about the most unnecessary things sometimes and you were sure you got that from Jackson. If you were having this conversation with one of your friends, you wouldn’t have felt as weird but seeing as how you and Mark hardly knew each other, you didn’t want his first impression of you being a bad one. 
“Sorry, now I’m the one giving out too much information. This all sounds really good by the way. Did you want to start scheduling when you wanted to meet up to work on the project?” He took out his planner and began flipping through the pages to this week and looked over the days. Seeing him use a planner made you happy for some odd reason. It was probably because you knew there was a possibility Mark was probably the only student who put the school’s planner to good use. Jackson lost his on the second day of school but he never used any of the past planners any way. 
“I’m free after school tomorrow if that’s good with you. Maybe we can use my dog as the experiment and then we can both test ourselves and compare the two? Would you mind coming over to my place?” You smiled and nodded in agreement and you began to feel something weird in your stomach as you started to think about spending time with Mark. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. Even if he wore big, circular glasses and his wardrobe consisted mainly of khaki shorts and polos, he was extremely good looking and you were sure that if he were to join a sport rather than the math and robotics team, then maybe he’d embrace his looks just a bit more. But at the same time, there was something you liked about how he presented himself to everyone. He was quiet, shy and a very introverted person; however it made him well—him. 
You were sure he was content with the way he went about with things and nobody ever seemed to bother him in a negative way which you were grateful for. You never knew why, but although you didn’t know Mark personally, over the course of having him in this class, you couldn’t help but observe him every now and then and you’ve slowly grown fond of his quiet and gentle personality. You’ve also become very protective over him and whenever BamBam or Jackson would make jokes about what a nerd he was, you’d find yourself defending him. 
Once class was over, you and Mark exchanged numbers and planned to walk over to his house as soon as school was over. You couldn’t help but be excited to spend time with Mark. He seemed to be one of the only people you had yet to build a friendship with and you could only hope that he would want to become friends with you. For all you knew, Mark could be the type of person that was all work and no play whenever it came to his education and you were sure that was the reason for his good grades and the dozens of scholarships he received back in your junior year. 
When you began walking towards your locker, you weren’t able to even turn the dial once before you were joined by tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum and they both had the biggest frowns on their faces. Deep down, you knew exactly why they were coming to you and no matter how many occasions you’d find yourself giving in to them, this time was different. Not only did you want a good grade on this project and a partner you could depend on, but this was your only chance of becoming closer with Mark and you would shave your head bald before letting either of them get in the way of your desired objective. Before Jackson could open his mouth, you were already shaking your head in disagreement; earning yourself whines from the both of them.
“No. My answer is no.” Jackson crossed in arms in frustration as BamBam decided to take things another direction. As soon as you felt him wrap his arms around you, you quickly pulled yourself from out of his embrace and gave him a knowing look. 
“Y/n, you don’t even know what we’re asking for—“
“You want me to ask Mrs.Young to switch our partners. I’m not stupid. I knew this was going to happen as soon as she announced the pairings. My answer is no and there’s nothing either of you can do about it. I’m going to tell you both now, your puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work on me this time. Mark and I already planned out our project and instead of trying to get me to change my mind, which; is already set by the way, you two should start brainstorming on how you can stop bread from molding.” 
The three of you have been friends for over ten years, so you knew the many tricks they had up their sleeve and you had a feeling they would do whatever they could in their power to get you to rethink your decision. As much as you wanted to be able to help them in any way that you could, they were high school seniors who needed to be responsible for themselves. You were their best friend, not their mother and you weren’t going to sacrifice your grade and having a partner who’d actually do his share just to make your friends happy. 
The next day, your mind was too busy with thoughts of Mark and working on your project that you didn’t pay much attention in any of your classes. You’ve seen him in class every single day and you’ve known the soft spoken boy since middle school, why were you so flustered at having to work with him? If it were anyone else, you’d have such an easy time to interact with them. But something about Mark made you shy and you could only hope you wouldn’t embarrass yourself during your study session. When the last period came around, you walked in to class and saw that Mark was sitting in the seat next to yours. You gave him a small smile and found yourself warming up when he returned one back. 
“Hey, I actually started working on the assignment last night. Our topic is actually very interesting and I couldn’t help the aspiring biology major inside of me. I took some DNA samples from Milo after we came back from a walk but I wanted to save all the fun stuff for later. You’re not allergic to dogs are you?” You shook your head in disagreement and felt a smile growing on your face the more he went in to detail about his enthusiasm. If you already thought Mark was just by his quiet and extremely polite nature, hearing how passionate he was about science; a subject almost everyone in your grade seemed to hate made your heart flutter. 
The two of you haven’t even started working on the project just yet. How were you going to control yourself around him for the next couple of weeks? Throughout the lesson, Jackson and BamBam attempted to send melancholic looks your way as their final attempt to get you to switch partners with one of them, but you were too interested in what Mark had to say to pay any attention to either of them. You had a hard time understanding how someone could make different types of bacteria in dog and human saliva sound so cute. Once class was finally over, you and Mark began making your way over to his house. 
Luckily, he didn’t live all too far away from school because you felt like the walk would be extremely awkward and quiet. Sure, you were known to be outgoing and sometimes outspoken to the point where someone had to tell you to quiet down. But things were different with Mark. He made you feel flustered and intimidated just by his presence alone. 
“Can I be honest with you?” You looked up at him and nodded while motioning for him to continue his question. “I’m glad we’re partners. I uh—I was hoping Mrs.Young was going to pair us up together. I know we hardly know each other, but you’re the only other student in the class who genuinely seems interested in learning. You’re always giving her your attention unlike everyone else who seems to either fall asleep or go on their phones. I look forward to working with you y/n. I know I’m not the most outgoing or talkative person ever, but if it’ll make you feel more comfortable I’ll try my best in communicating with you.” 
Hearing that he was willing to go out of his comfort zone to make sure you felt comfortable sent warmth to your cheeks. You also couldn’t stop replaying what he said about observing you in class in your mind. For someone who didn’t seem to interact with anyone other than teachers and his friends, he seemed to have an easy time talking with you and you could only hope he felt like he could be himself around you. 
To your surprise, Mark was quite the conversationalist. He began talking about so many things and asked you questions that he claimed he was curious about. You would’ve never thought that Mark played both basketball and baseball in middle school nor did he seem like the type who enjoyed baking but he promised you his chocolate chip cookies were to die for and that he’d make you some once the two of you made it to his house. After almost twenty minutes of walking which literally seemed like five minutes with how much fun you were having learning different things about the handsome boy, the two of you reached his house and like the gentleman he claimed to be, he opened the door and allowed you to walk in first. 
“Please don’t mind the mess, my sister visits with her daughters every now and then and I think my mom mentioned something about them coming over today. Plus Milo has his toys scattered all around, but make yourself at home. I’ll get us something to eat and then we can head upstairs to my room—I mean, if you’re okay with that. If not, we can work down here.” Seeing him scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment made you giggle softly to yourself. It was a habit of his that you noticed he’d do every time he felt bashful or nervous. It was cute. He was cute and you were quickly finding more and more things about him that you liked the longer you stayed with him. 
“Mark sweetie is that you—oh hello! I’m Mark’s mom. You must be y/n. You’re right Mark, she’s extremely beautiful—I mean—you know what I think your dad needs me in the garden. It was nice meeting you dear! Don’t hesitate to ask me if you need anything.” You turned your attention towards the ground, trying your best not to make it obvious that her words made you feel as if your heart was about to jump out of your chest. It was one thing for his mother to compliment you, but to hear her agree with Mark on how beautiful he told her you were made you feel giddy inside. He thought you were beautiful? You wondered what else he must’ve told his mom but you decided to keep it to yourself because you knew with the way she practically bolted out of the kitchen that she wasn’t supposed to say that. Although, you were extremely happy that she did. 
“Uh, please don’t mind her. You know parents—they can be quite embarrassing sometimes. Can I get you something to drink? We have orange juice, lemonade, water, Pepsi—“
“I’m fine with water. Thank you.” He reached in to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and some sandwiches before making his way to the cabinet and grabbing some chips. 
“Follow me.” The two of you made your way up the stairs and a smile began rising on your face at the sight of all his family photos. You didn’t know that he had three other siblings and it made you snicker at how much they all looked alike. Good looks obviously ran in their family. When Mark didn’t feel you following after him, he took a look to where you were and his eyes practically jumped out of his head when he saw you looking at photos of him when he was younger. 
“Oh God y/n—stop—don’t look at those they’re so embarrassing. Why didn’t I think to cover them up?” He briskly walked over to you and absentmindedly grabbed at your wrist gently and pulled you behind him in the direction of his room. You were thankful he wasn’t looking at you because you were sure your cheeks were as pink as they were warm at the skin ship. His touch was soft and it was quite feather like for someone who was trying to pry you away from childhood mementos. 
As the two of you entered his room, you were quick to notice just how much his room matched him. Although you had so much to learn about Mark, the multiple anime figurines on his desk along with a couple of action movies on his wall, his PlayStation, Xbox and a mini globe on his night stand emulated exactly what you’d picture his room to look like. His room was quite tidy for a guy; there was no where you could sit in Jackson’s room and you were sure there had to be a rat living somewhere in BamBam’s with the way you couldn’t even see the ground. He pulled out the chair from his desk and motioned for you to take a seat as he walked right back outside. Mark gave you no time to ask where he was going before he reentered the room with whom you assumed to be Milo. 
“Here is our test subject. Say hi Milo.” He placed Milo down on the ground and the little pup immediately made his way towards you. 
“He’s so fluffy and extremely adorable. Mind if I pick him up?” He shook his head and you allowed Milo to jump on to your lap before running your fingers through his hair. You were so in to playing with Milo, that you didn’t realize the look of admiration on Mark’s face as he watched you play with his dog. A toothy grin rose on his face watching you squeeze and play around with Milo and it made him feel warm inside. This was the longest he ever went spending time with a girl. Being the introverted person that he was, it was already hard for him to interact with other students. What more with girls? Especially girls he found very pretty with a bright and bubbly personality. 
If someone were to tell Mark that he would be in his room with the girl he’s had a crush on since freshman year, he would’ve laughed in their face but here he was; watching you holding and leaving soft kisses on his puppy while sitting at his computer desk. He had to be dreaming. The two of you came from different worlds; Mark hid himself in his books and spent most of his time in the library whereas you were constantly joining all these different clubs and befriending almost everyone on campus. He never thought he stood a chance with you; let alone being your friend. Watching you from afar in class, helping your friends and practically anyone in the class you had a hard time understanding the material on top of being the only optimistic student in a bunch of pessimists  is what got Mark to develop a little crush on you. 
He felt like it was stupid; how could he gain feelings for someone he hasn’t even talked to once in his four years of knowing them. But he didn’t have to know you personally to know how much of an amazing person you were. It was all he ever heard about from teachers, your fellow classmates and even some of your friends. You were the school’s social butterfly. Everyone who knew you wanted to be your friend and naturally gravitated towards you. It didn’t help that he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, and the fact that you had an equally beautiful heart made things even harder for him. 
“You have call of duty black ops 4? Where’d you get it? It’s been sold out everywhere for months!” Seeing you so excited over something he was also heavily interested in brought him joy. You were so adorable. “My uncle’s friend is actually a video game artist, so he got a few copies and gave me one. Did you maybe want to play once we finish—or we could play a little bit now and work on the project later. We have a few weeks to work on it so we should be fine.” 
Deep down you knew that you should’ve been starting on your project, it was the reason why you were currently at Mark’s house in the first place but you couldn’t help the fact that you’ve been dying to get your hands on the new installment of your favorite video game and like he said, you both had plenty of time to work on it. You didn’t mean to pout at the idea of waiting till later to play and you found it weird how natural it felt being around Mark, but you liked it and you could get used to it. He handed you the controller and you navigated through the game like a natural. 
To say Mark was in shock at how good you were was an understatement. Most girls Mark knew would never go near a game console let alone play such a difficult game with such ease. At one point, you were doing way better than he was and he found himself smiling like an idiot at your eagerness to kill all the bad guys. For the next few hours, the two of you took turns playing while snacking on the sandwiches and chips he brought up for you both. He even sneaked away to the kitchen to get you some of the cookies he mentioned earlier and your reaction was the most adorable thing Mark has ever seen. Your cheeks were puffy and you had a mouth full of cookies, but that didn’t stop you from telling him how delicious they were. 
The two of you were so focused on playing that you didn’t realize exactly what time it was until Mark’s mom knocked on his door and asked you if you were staying for dinner. Not wanting to intrude on his family, nor were you mentally prepared to meet all of them just yet, you politely declined and thanked her for her hospitality before calling your dad to come pick you up. While waiting for your parents to arrive, you and Mark continued your conversation from where you left off earlier before giving all your attention to his xbox. 
Listening to Mark talk about things that most people would consider boring felt like a breath of fresh air. He had to be one of the only people if not the only person you knew who preferred listening to classical music than to what was playing on most radio stations. In the few hours you got to spend with him, you decided that Mark Tuan was one of your favorite people and you couldn’t wait to learn more about him and bond with him for the next couple of weeks. When your mom let you know that they had just arrived, you said your goodbyes to the Tuan family and thanked Mark for being such a great host. As soon as you got in the car, the huge smile on your face caught your mom’s attention and she was quick to ask the question that’s been eating at her the minute she saw Mark walking you over to your car and saying hello to both of your parents. 
“He’s cute! And quite the gentleman. You like him don’t you?” Your eyes widened in shock at her revelation but your mom knew you better than anyone else. You didn’t need to say it out loud, your facial expression as he held the door open for you and walked you over to your car spoke for you. 
You were falling for Mark. 
Over the next few weeks, you and Mark were practically attached by the hip. After the first time he sat next to you in class, he never returned back to his actual spot and continued sitting next to you even if most of your classmates sat in their regular assigned seats. Then as soon as school was over, you’d head over to either his house, your house, the library or the coffee shop just a few minutes away from school. Most of your time together was spent working on your project, but there were a few moments where the two of you would take a break to eat, play some video games, watch a movie or just talk. 
Even during lunch, instead of hanging out with your usual group, you found yourself sitting with Mark and they didn’t seem to mind it. A few of your friends knew of your crush on Mark and in fact, it was your friend Jinyoung who suggested that you go and sit with Mark in order to “get to know your science partner better.” Once BamBam and Jackson caught wind of the feelings you’ve developed for Mark, they did not let you hear the end of it. 
“So this is why you were so adamant on not switching partners. You have a thing for Markie boy. I don’t blame you, he has the brains and he’s actually pretty good looking if I do say so myself. From what I hear from some of my teammates, apparently he has a big dick—what? That’s what I heard—well anyways, I think you should act on your feelings. Mark doesn’t seem like the type to tell someone he likes them so you’re going to continue wasting your time ogling over him if you don’t make a move—don’t look at me like that y/n it’s 2020 anything is possible. Equality for all.” 
As much as you hated whenever your friends would get involved in your relationships, Jackson had a point. Even if you and Mark have grown close in the last two weeks, he didn’t seem like the type of guy to confess his feelings for someone. Hell, you had a feeling you were the only girl he ever talked to which you were extremely grateful for. Mark seemed to be a very private person who enjoyed being mysterious and preferred to be to himself a lot; so you were honored to be one of the only people he genuinely seemed to trust. You’d like to consider you and Mark friends at this point and you’ve noticed in the last few days that he’s been more touchier and flirtatious than usual. 
You didn’t think Mark; the so called “nerdy and irritatingly intelligent gamer” was capable of such smooth pickup lines until he used one about you being made of copper and tellurium because you are “Cu-Te” and it might’ve been a scientific joke to him but it really set your bones on fire. Since there were only a few days left until your project was due, you decided that you’d tell Mark how you feel no matter what the outcome was. You both were practically finished with the project and spent most of your days having fun together rather than working. So if things went to shit, then you could pretend as if nothing happened and go about your life like how it was before this science project. 
Although, the idea of no longer having Mark in your life sent an unsettling sensation to your stomach. The two of you were currently at his house watching a movie and he had explained to you that both his parents and his brother were away at one of Joey’s taekwando tournaments leaving you and Mark all alone with Milo. The thought of actually being all alone with Mark both worried you and delighted you. As much as you enjoyed being around his family, it would be much easier to tell him how you felt about him without people around. When Mark first offered to put on a movie, you had to laugh when you noticed just how far he sat away from you on the couch. 
You knew he was trying to be a gentleman and that he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but you found yourselves on a few occasions practically cuddling up on his bed. While the movie played, you’d absentmindedly look at Mark every now and then mentally tracing his handsome features and wanting nothing more than to kiss his pretty pink heart shaped lips. The longer you analyzed his face, the more you began to find things that you never realized before like the cute little mole right above his lip or the scar right above his eyebrow. You also couldn’t help but imagine what he would look like without his glasses and soon you found yourself wanting to know if he ever went without them. 
“Hey Mark?” You could tell by the way his eyes were practically glued to the television that he was very interested in the movie so you felt bad for interrupting him, but he paused it in order to give you his full attention and nonverbally motioned for you to go on. 
“Have you ever thought about getting contacts?” He looked at you in curiosity and actually thought about the question for a few moments before shaking his head. 
“My optometrist asked me a couple of times but I always decline. I know you’ll probably think I’m a wimp for saying this but I have a fear of not knowing how to put them on and accidentally poking my eye out so I just stay safe and go with glasses. How come?” You shrugged nonchalantly although your heart rate began to increase at the thought of your next words. 
“You have really pretty eyes. I guess I just want to see them better but your comfort is the most important thing.” You began to pick at your fingers and Mark was glad your attention was elsewhere or else you would’ve seen just how crazy you’ve been driving him in the last few weeks having to do all these things with you and not getting to kiss you, hold you and do all these cute, romantic things that most couples did because all Mark wanted at the end of the day was to be the lucky guy who you called yours. 
“Oh—I—I’m—um—thank you. Maybe I’ll take contacts in to consideration just for you.” You let out a light chuckle and shook your head in disagreement. 
“No no, you’re totally fine. You look good with or without glasses. Please don’t feel like you’d have to do anything because of me—“
“I’d do anything for you y/n. Anything you’d ask me to do I’d do it in a heartbeat. Oh and you—you have a really pretty face and a really pretty personality. Hell, everything about you is really pretty—ah shit. That was weird wasn’t it? Please forget I said anything.” He began to reach for the controller as a way to distract you and to get you to forget what he just said but there was no way you could ever forget hearing him say that everything about you is pretty. Right as he was about to resume, you reached at his hand, took the controller and turned off the movie. He looked at you with the most adorable look of confusion and you decided it was now or never. 
“Can I kiss you?” The cough that fell from his lips was unexpected and you took that as a negative sign. You wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow you whole. When was breaking out in to a fit of coughs ever a good sign after asking someone if you could kiss them? You hid your face in your hands and tried your best not to look at him in fear of crying because you ruined everything. 
“You know what? Please forget I said anything I must be going insane it’s the lack of sleep and—“ he playfully covered your mouth in attempts to stop you from talking so that he could explain himself. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I want to kiss you. Trust me, I really, really want to kiss you. I’ve been thinking about kissing these pretty lips of yours for longer than I’d like to admit okay—and I hope by hearing that confession you now know that I like you. I like you a lot y/n. I’ve liked you since freshman year and I’ve always felt so dumb because we didn’t know each other back then but I knew enough to want to be someone special in your life. I—I’ve never kissed anyone before. Pathetic right? A high school senior who has never been kissed. I’m a fucking loser and I’m afraid of messing things up—“ the minute Mark felt your lips smash against his, his heart melted in to a puddle. 
You reached for his hands and brought them down to your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, pulling him closer in order to deepen the kiss. He was still in shock for the first few seconds and you knew he was still hesitant on continuing the kiss because he had no clue what he was doing, but after a few moments, his lips melded  perfectly with yours. His lips were soft and tasted like butter from the popcorn and you couldn’t help but giggle at how rough and clumsy his kisses grew the longer the two of you made out but it didn’t matter. 
It was special and you knew there would be many kisses shared between the two of you later on and he had plenty of time to work on his kissing skills; although for a first timer, he was actually really good and you knew you were going to get addicted to the feeling of his lips on yours. When you needed to catch your breath, you pulled away earning yourself a soft whine and placed your forehead against his. 
“Wow—I uh—that was—you were—wow. Can we—can I kiss you again?” You snickered at his excitement and nodded; not being able to say no since you wanted it too. He cupped your cheek in his palm and reconnected your lips together. To your surprise and delight, he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip and brought it in between his teeth before shoving his tongue down your throat. You were shocked to say the least at what a natural he was, especially since kissing wasn’t the easiest thing to do. 
“Are you sure this was your first time? I don’t think anyone whose never been kissed before knows how to French kiss. You’re a cheeky one aren’t you Tuan? I like you too by the way.” His laughter filled the room before he pulled you on to his lap and hid his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Date me. Please?” Now it was your turn to laugh. God, how could someone be this cute yet kiss like he’s been doing it for years? What else was he hiding from you? When you quickly nodded and stole a kiss from the corner of his mouth, he released a content sigh and tightened his grip on your waist before turning the movie back on. 
“Wait—babe, humans have more bacteria in their saliva than dogs do. Ew!!! If this is what kissing entails than I better keep some mouthwash on hand because I plan on kissing you a lot.”
“Way to ruin the mood Tuan.”
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Blackpink The Album Review~
I love this album! All of the songs are bops, and the packaging is so cute! So the way this is gonna work is I’m gonna give a number ranking to the songs, rank then in order from my favorite to least favorite, talk about the physical albums, give my final thoughts, and then do an overall ranking 🙈✨
Number ranking for songs~
How you like that~10/10
So the first time I heard this so I instantly fell in love with it. I don’t care what anybody says, this song is a fucking bop.
Ice cream~10/10
I think the first time I heard it I liked it but it wasn’t an “I LOVE THIS SONG” as soon as I heard it. Buuuuuut, the more I heard it the more it grew on me and now I really really love this song. It makes me super happy to listen to and makes my mood rise whenever I hear it.
Pretty savage~ 10000/10
Pretty Savage is that bitch and you’re lying to yourself if you say you hate this song. The beat, the vocals, the raps 🙈✨ Oh and then when Jennie is like “saaaaavvvvvaaaagggggeeeee” and Jisoo saying “you better run run run” 🥵 Rosé saying “pretty girl” and everytime Lisa says “all my diamonds blah blah” oh my god. This song is my sexuality now.
Bet you wanna~8/10
So I had a lot of hopes for this song because of Cardi B but it kind of fell through. To clarify I really do like this song, when it comes on I don’t skip it because I still enjoy it but it isn’t my favorite off the album. Rosé’s vocals saved this song and it shows lmao. Like I said, still like the song but it’s not my favorite.
Lovesick girls~1000/10
Okay so when I first heard this I thought it was super cute and I liked it but it was just 🤷‍♀️ for me. But for some reason I just kept rewatching the MV (I don’t stream cause I ain’t got time for all that) and I would replay it everytime it came on. There are lyrics that really hit home. To be specific: “we were born to be alone but why we still looking for love” , “Everyone eventually leaves, I’ve become numb to crying, Hurt over and over again”. There were more but those are the ones that stuck out to me the most. I feel like this song applies a lot to things and relationships (like friendships and other relationships) I’ve had or have so it just hits a little different. Of course there also is Jennie’s iconic rap and then the MV! Lisa’s jacket that has flashing lights hits different, Rosé with pink hair in the bathtub, Jisoo in water 😭😭 Oh my god I can’t! I really love this song and music video.
Crazy over you~ 10000/10
Once again, this song is that bitch. It’s the beat for me and when they say “sound the alarm”, “I’m crazy over you” oh gosh it’s perfect 🥴😭 And the vocals right before the “I am crazy over you”!!!!! Don’t even get me started on Rosé and Jisoo 😭 JeSuS this song lives in my head rent free. I LOVE this song. The way I walk around the house just repeating “I am crazy over you” and dance is embarrassing. That song makes me feel like a bad bitch for some reason. Everything about it is perfect. Pretty Savage was my fafavorite song but I think this has replaced it honestly. I could go on and on as to why this song is THAT song but I’ll save y’all the headache lmao.
Love to hate me~9/10
So I don’t hate this song but it was pretty forgettable for me. The first time I heard it, it was my least favorite. It’s not that I hate it because it’s constantly stuck in my head but it just doesn’t stick out to me as much as the other songs do. However, this song hits a little different. Like the lyrics 🙈✨ Oh and I really love the part where they’re lowkey whispering. Like the “wake up, yeah, make up, maybe” that part and then Lisa’s rap....those parts hit a little different. So yeah, not my favorite but still a good song.
You never know~ 1000/10
This was the perfect way to end the album. A softer song that has that raw emotion...absolutely beautiful. This song really really hits home. A lot of people think I’m this perfect person because I’m pretty smart, I have good friends, I get the leads in the plays and musicals, im nice to everyone, I go to an art school and it basically just seems like im thriving but the truth is I do be struggling. I have a lot of hardships I’ve had to overcome and that I’m still overcoming yet a lot of people don’t know that. I’ve gone through a lot to be where I am today and people like to think I have this perfect life because that’s the front I put up. So this song just hits a little different. When Jennie sings the chorus that really hit different because it just made me think of how much hate and bullshit she has to go through. Obviously I also thought about all the hate every single one of them has to put up with. We think their lives are perfect yet we’ll never truly know how much they struggle unless we’re in their shoes. This song is so beautiful and the vocals just....wow. Idk what it is about how Jisoo starts the song but there is something so pretty about how she sings. Anyway, love this song so much. I saw some people say this was forgettable but I completely disagree. The lyrics hit different. Even if you haven’t gone through what the girls are singing about, you’ve experienced someone who has and I feel like thinking about that person while listening to the song just makes your heart hurt a little. Idk, this song is so perfect to me.
Ranking the songs in order from favorite to least favorite~
1.) Crazy over you
2.) Pretty Savage
3.) You never know
4.) Lovesick Girls
5.) How you like that
6.) Ice Cream
7.) Love to hate me
8.) Bet You Wanna
Physical Album Thoughts~
So, the physical album is super cute! So for version 3 I had the impression that it was going to have a smoky look but it ended up just being shinny so that was lowkey weird lmao. I got version 2 because pink is my favorite color but I almost got the 3rd version (version 4 was sold out when I went to preorder) so I’m glad I got the 2nd version. I love the cover of the photo book, it’s so beautiful and it was a nice little surprise that the picture changes. All of the pictures in each of the photo books are so so cute! The girls look absolutely stunning. I personally perfer their past photo books only because I’m a sucker for the concept photos and seeing pics from the music video buuut like I said all of the pictures are beautiful and I’m so happy with the quality and how many pictures are in the photo book. The only other problem I had with the photo book is I wish they did it like the past ones where all of the pink versions had color with the black stuck to the darker gray, white, and black themes. Version 2 is kind of like both of the black versions but still, the pictures are great so I cant complain at all! Love the postcards and they feel very smooth. Great pictures, could look at them all day. Love the size of the poster, very cute! I saw pictures of the group PCs and I wish they were different cause they kind of looked the same but maybe they look different in person. The sticker is so cute, love the black and white picture you get, and I LOVE the random postcards and random photo cards. Overall, you get a lot and I’m in love with the packaging. Some little things that bothered me but the quality was great so I can’t complain 🤷‍♀️
Final thoughts~
Everything about this album is perfect. There are no songs that I hate or dislike. None that I skip and none I wouldn’t listen to by itself. I disagree with people saying pretty savsavage should have been the title track instead of lovesick girls. We got the black with how you like that, we got the pink with ice cream, and lovesick girls was a mix of the two. Obviously that song meant something to the girls since Jisoo and Jennie wrote some of the lyrics and helped produce it. I think people would have complained if Pretty Savage was the title track because they always want the girls to do “something different” and lovesick girls was something different. At first I was a little sad by the fact that there were only 8 songs but honestly I’d rather have quality over quantity. Each song felt like they spent a lot of time on it and if there were more songs I feel like there would have been some filler songs so the quality wouldn’t have been as good as it is now. Like I said, packaging was cute and you get a lot. The issues I had are more personal issues and they don’t really bother me all that much so the positives out way the negatives by a LOT!
Overall ranking:
1000000/10....this album was that bitch and will forever be that bitch 🤷‍♀️
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trackinghallownest · 5 years
-slides into your dms- tell me about your vessel ocs!!!! Whose your favorite. Everyone has a favorite even if they don't like to admit it! And is it ok if I draw them interacting with my vessel ocs?
HHfngfh gh i’m,,, thank you for this ask i’m dying,, i will absolutely go off if you dont mind me taking this chance!! ft doodles!! because i can!! and you absolutely can draw them with yours i will probably cry and definitely draw interactions back udfkfhvdf;;
some of this i may have mentioned in other posts but i cant for the life of me keep track of what ive put here compared to the discord so! i’m just going to fact dump! and put under a cut so i don’t completely fill peoples’ dashes shkfd
first is gonna be spindle since. i love them. theyre probably my favourite. and also the first i made. theyre just babie
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they really are just babey,,
kind of accidentally an endless source of lifeblood which is a long story but its not.. very fun. to be constantly covered in plants. by adulthood most of their torso and one of their limbs is almost completely replaced/encased in plant matter
they take this pretty well actually. even if it gets a lot harder to move
for a vessel they grew up to full size much quicker than others of their kind, likely due to the lifeblood’s properties, but really nobody has much of a clue. didnt have time to get used to their size and still has VERY bad spatial awareness
broke their horn tip by smacking it on a low ceiling hkfdnfbdmvdf
plants bursting out of their shell and eye have pretty badly damaged it, and they can’t see out of the broken eye
theyre trying their hardest!! always!! they can’t move around very well and sometimes get lonely sitting at home in dirtmouth but they’re friendly to just about anybody and have so much love to give
seriously they dont even eat but they like to make sure they have food and drink at home in case anyone drops in and needs it
they’ve never been able to fight, and shy away from violence or combat in all forms
very scared of the dark and carries a lantern with them at all times, usually around their neck
discharges excess lifeblood into soil and grows a garden from it - keeps it from overtaking their body any further, and it’s something to do
not the best at communicating since a wood arm makes signing stiff and tricky, but they’re not much of a talker (signer?) anyway
then we have scratch n thimble who are kinda twins but not really. yeah those are matching scarves they are Bros (sibs??)
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the biggest of all my vessel ocs, just in general. a big and strong friend
made it to the palace but got tossed for starting to care too much and takin a blow for another sibling. saved thimble from dying down there too and they were absolutely inseparable since
really just the embodiment of the ‘you befriended x! x would now die for you’ meme not gonna lie
has almost literally died for Multiple siblings n friends before but they wouldn’t let them. which is, a good thing
too reckless for their own good especially in their younger years but thankfully mellows out quite a bit by adulthood
tries to keep up a strong stoic front but also doesnt hesitate to abandon it if needed. theyre big soft really (they wont admit it tho)
has The Biggest soft spot for kids do not let them tell you otherwise
fought for the sake of it in the colosseum for many years before Stuff And Things involving yet another vessel happened and they kinda trashed the place and never went back
their nail is about as big and heavy as their entire body and they’re surprisingly good at using it for something so unwieldy. could probably crush most bugs just by virtue of it being So Damn Big
spends a lot of time when grown at the howling cliffs keeping an eye on those travelling into the kingdom, and deterring those with malicious intent
they got that eye wound from their sibling… it was technically an accident. they still don’t talk about it though
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contrary to their twin thimble is the smallest vessel (as a babby at least - they do end up standing taller than spin and ruth when fully grown)
they have the very unfortunate problem of their shade having fused with void tendrils from the abyss sea as a babby
as such their shade is very violent and kinda has a habit of literally bursting out their shell and lashing out at anything around them under stress
eventually they get a handle on it and learn to control the literally overflowing void inside them but until then their entire life is pretty much a big clusterfuck of trying not to kill people, which they hate
they’re very timid and shy and cling to familiar figures (especially scratch) probably too much, but strike out on their own much more growing up 
theyre very strong and capable, moreso than most magic users, but you wouldn’t guess it. the only time they’d even consider showing it is in another’s defense
uses void tendrils like extra limbs. very functional! can hold many things (or offer many hugs) at once. may be slightly slimy though.
their cloak is very long and would probably benefit from being trimmed shorter but they absolutely refuse to let anyone touch it. its kinda grimy at this point and they trip a lot but don’t do anything about it
friends with a bunch of mossflies they picked up in the gardens! they all have names
can communicate with other void-creatures by sharing some of their own void! this was discovered entirely by accident but very useful, if awkward to explain
sure they’re kinda timid and like being on their lonesome, but they’re also very level-headed and friendly, and get along very well with low-energy quieter sorts of people especially
ruth is a small vessel rn/as far as i’ve worked out a timeline for! i know what they look like big but as far as the content on this blog currently goes theyre just .. smal
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actual infant. hadnt actually been wandering out of the abyss that long before being dragged up to the colosseum to fight for sport
really doesnt have much of a clue how to act at first, other than ‘stab things before they stab you’
their name comes from ‘ruthless’, a nickname they got in the colosseum because they literally did not (appear to) give two shits whether they lived or died in battle. they’d just come back, anyway
scratch was the one that found them flinging a nail around and immediately went ‘oh thats a baby. this is bad, actually’
for the first short while of freedom scratch is the only one they’ll let even get close to them, and pretty much clings to them relentlessly. not a moments rest
they were actually pretty badly infected by the time they were broken out but theyre better now (another long story)
doesn’t have a natural cloak - it was ripped out and never grew back in. they make do though! their ‘new’ one was made from part of scratch’s that they ripped off and fixed together. they love it more than anything
once they actually figured out not everyone was out to kill them they stopped fighting back, and became a lot more curious and lively in general
still has a very warped and guarded sense of trust, however
kinda iffy around weapons and reacts badly to confrontation but does eventually learn to fight again (just.. in a better way)
pretty short even when grown, and going by height alone is the shortest when they’re all big
likes picking up pretty trinkets and things and carrying them around. has a few tied to their horns (as well as many pockets)
i have just now decided that spite counts as well! they dont actually survive to adulthood in any timeline i have currently (sorry spite) so big spite is entirely a theoretical but theyre fun to draw so
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now spite? spite wins the babiest baby award
has one single braincell that bounces around their shell like a windows screensaver
their name indicates they are capable of feeling any negative emotion or hatred which is entirely untrue. by the time this was figured out they already wouldn’t answer to anything else
absolutely no sense of self-preservation or common sense. they are, in most regards, a very cute and very stupid dog
got lost on their way out of the abyss the first time around, ended up in the lighthouse and met friend mori!! was almost caught but eventually smuggled out and away
spent a lot of the time on the run in city of tears with said friend who was pretty much presumed dead by then. got taken in by a family, enjoyed themselves for a while
…but were eventually caught and thrown right back into the abyss along with mori killing them both for real this time. unfortunately.
cut to MANY years later and oops! their shade fused with the corpse and for some ungodly reason theyre both alive. time for the worst buddy comedy ever ft. literal pile of goop and body parts
spite does not seem to know nor care that theyre dead however
mostly happy to sit up there on mori’s shell and nap for hours at a time or fiddle with literally anything in reach. give them a cool rock and they’ll be entertained for hours. they are but a simple creacher
they do actually eventually learn to use a nail but who’s idea was it to give a child a sword. seriously i just wanna talk
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ravennightbirt · 5 years
Just a through that hit me the other day, while I was down!
How does Tony Stark cry?(Because you CAN’T tell me he wouldn’t!) I mean sad, painful tears, not teary of happiness. What happens, if he can’t hold back anymore?
First of all it is extremely easy to trigger him into an emotional down loop. Scowl at him, say something if his fault, remember him of Yinsen or the things his weapons did. Sometimes a simple bad word is enough. Sometimes it is stress or PTSD or his own mind. Sometimes it is something that happened while Tony was a room away. Something in the TV. Looking at Rhodey. Seeing something that belonged to Bruce. Getting under attack, because of what he did, by his fellow Avengers. Being blamed(he does this him self enough!!) It can be everything, everything negative. Tony projects it to him self and than there is no way to stop.
It will start “easy”. He will fidgets and shift. Slowly he stops talking and start blinking more and more. His whole behaviour will become defensive. Crossed arms and shoulders down. Sometimes his arms will hang loose beside his body. He always will refuse to look at anybody and stay quiet, giving monosyllabic answers. If he continues to be under attack he becomes stiff. His hand becomes fists and loose and start again. His shoulders tens, shifting his weight. Biting his inner cheek until there is blood.
At a point he can’t breath anymore without sobbing, but he can’t let others know, so there are two ways. One(1) he flees and find a save room or two he buys him self a little bit more time. He crosses his arms, to hide that he digs his nails into the flesh about his rib of his upper arms to leaf bruises or smaller cuts. It will ease his breathing a little bit, but just for so long. At some point he has to go. Find a save place.
It’s his bedroom. Because Bruce can enter the lab and many others. Because Jarvis and Butterfinger and U are in the lab. Maybe the kid. The only other person entering his bedroom is Pepper and Rhodey if he notice something is of. Yes Jarvis is there, but he understands and stays quiet.
The moment Tony enters his bedroom, he kicks of his shoes and a jackets if he wears one. Opening buttons of shirts, getting rid of the tie. Then he sits down on the floor, with his back against the framing of the bed and tries to stop his tears before they start. Tries to not break down (because he does not deserve this. How can he be so weak? He can not!). To do this he will dig his nails harder into his flesh. If this isn’t enough he draws up his knees and bites into the point thigh meet his knee and he bites hard.
But there it this point where he can not stop his thought, there is the point where his mind is already lost in pain and greave and self-hate. Then his tears come silently, while his whole body is shaking. While his fingers dig deeper and he is rocking himself. He can’t breath! This is when he starts sobbing. When tears flow down his cheeks and there is a single thought in his mind: “It’s my fault!”
This thought is there over and over and over again. It makes things worse and makes him feel even less worthy, because it’s the truth! In this moment he sees everyone of his mistakes. He sees Yinsen and his family (because he looked them up, because he had to see what he destroyed) he sees Yinsens wife, his kids and grandkids. He sees Obi and Killian. Tony sees all the lives he took. He sees New York and Maya and Ultron. He sees Pietro and Wanda, because no matter what they did, they are his fault. Pietros death is HIS fault. At this point he it crying and sobbing and silently screaming. And all the time he is asking the same question: “Why me?”
He digs his nails deeper, because the pain helps him, breath and so many times he thinks about a razor blade. He thinks about cutting deeper, but he is afraid. He is selfish, because he wants to life and every time he thinks the same: “Just this one more time. Next time I’ll stop” He thinks of Pepper and how she will be the one finding him. He thinks about Harley (“And now you leave me? Just like my dad?”) He thinks about Peter (“If you has powers like I do and you don’t use them and something happens, then it is you fault”). Rhodey and Happy and he have to be selfish! Just this one time, just one more time! Next time he will stop. (Deep down he knows he is afraid to die and he wants to live!)
The hole time his sobs shake his body and his tears stream down his face and he is in a stupor. He cant move or think strait but the hard, cool floor beneath him and the frame of the bed help. If his body is willing and his mind is a little bit calmer, the floor and the frame help him focus and he can clip into the bed. He will just lay there and stare until he fall asleep or he will have one more break down, a silent one this time, just tears and some lonely sobs. Or he got up and back to work.
And he will have a killer headache and his arms and ribs will burn, but there is nobody who sees he cried, and maybe this makes everything worse.
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battlekidx2 · 6 years
Voltron Season 8
There are spoilers for season 8 so proceed with caution.
I want to start off by saying I love Voltron and there is something I love about each season of Voltron. I have been seeing quite a bit of negativity towards this season, so I want to start off talking about what I liked about this season before getting into what I didn’t. I will recommend Voltron to other people because I believe over all there were a lot of good things that it did with its characters and stories.
I liked Allura’s arc throughout this season. We got to see her struggling with the lengths she would go to to end the war and come out better because of it. She also comes to understand that not every choice in war can be without sacrifice which is something the paladins seem to struggle to understand up until this point. Allura has been consistently developed throughout the seasons and has grown into her own in this season. She has had to overcome so much and is a character I felt was developed well and will be a character I look back on fondly.
I also liked that they clarified Lotor’s character within the show. Before this season there were multiple ways that lotor’s character could be interpreted and now they have a definitive version of him. The clarification also accentuated the tragedy of the character. His eventual downfall is tragic because he did deserve better. He fell victim to his upbringing after trying to be better and being punished severely for his efforts. This is a character that while I may not be the biggest fan of the execution of Lotor’s story I liked the idea behind it. I liked how they did redeem Lotor in the eyes of Allura and it was acknowledged how his childhood and upbringing affected him, his choices, and his downfall all without erasing the mistakes he made. It also acknowledges that he wasn’t given a fair shot by anybody and despite his attempts to be better he was always thwarted or shunned at every turn. There is only so much someone can take before they break.
Haggar was a great villain and her arc was somewhat of a Greek tragic hero and was almost Shakespearean. Her unquenchable thirst for knowledge led to the destruction of both her old and new homes, the creation of the galaxy’s most infamous tyrant, and her son living through a neglected and abusive life that meets a terrible end. She realizes too late what she missed out on and works to undo her mistakes without care for the destruction she causes because she believes that with the end of her quest everything will be perfect. It’s only once she gets to her desired outcome and her son and husband recognize the monster that she has become that she reaches her lowest point and is able to be convinced by Allura of the error of her ways. That Haggar herself is to blame for how her life turned out not the universe or anyone else. That this outcome isn’t what Lotor would have wanted despite what Haggar kept telling herself and that while she can’t get back what she lost, but she can give back what she took from the universe in her desperate bid. This season wrote its villains really well with Lotor, Haggar, and Zarkon and while I didn’t agree with all the choices made with the characters I do believe the writing was well done and Haggar is the pinnacle of this statement.
I appreciated that all the character’s that lived got their happy endings. Keith has found his purpose and continues to help people. Shiro finally leaves the battle after years of nonstop fighting and suffering and gets to settle down with his husband. Pidge and Hunk both get to follow their dreams and Lance surrounds himself with what he loves and lives a quiet peaceful life. I honestly just wanted to see these characters be happy. They have all been through so much so seeing them get to be happy in the future made me happy.
I was sad that my two favorite Voltron characters, Lotor and Allura, ended up dying. Allura had been through so much loss, suffering, and pain on her quest to bring about peace and grown so much only to finally be able to bring about the peace she strove for and not even be able to see the it. Allura had lost so much and when she finally has a means to restore peace the only way to bring about peace is through sacrificing herself. I know I was upset with the season in the past for the lack of true sacrifice or lasting death, but I’m sad that this was the sacrifice that ended up happening because Allura deserved to see the peace she helped create. We finally got to see Lotor’s past and have his character in hindsight be redeemed, in showing he did truly care about others and Allura but was misguided in his methods, and bring him back from the rift only to have him be dead the entire time. This means he ended up having arguably the worst and most painful ends of anyone on the show. He died after the only real trusting relationship he had was destroyed and believing that no one cared for him while his mental stability eroded and his body was overloaded with quintessence. I would have liked to see him be alive and have him carry on doing the best he could instead of everyone admitting that he wasn’t given a fair shot, that he deserved better, and really did care and wasn’t a monster. The second colony is completely forgotten and is never explained. The second colony honestly just feels like a plot device to trigger the paladins turning on Lotor and Lotor’s subsequent descent into quintessence poisoning instead of an actual thing that happened because the reasoning behind it was never explained so it feels as though it was unnecessary.
I’m sorry to every Allurance shipper, but I didn’t like how it played out within the series. They made Allura uncomfortable with Lance until season 5, had her look upset when she found out he liked her in the same season, made her suddenly romantically interested in Lance at the very end of season 7, and then in season 8 showed hints that Allura still wasn’t completely over Lotor (the most prominent examples are when Lotor emerges from the rift and she panics saying she can’t do this and when Lotor is the vision she sees to convince her to use the rift creature). I honestly think this ship could have played out really well if they hadn’t had Lotura and had Allura a lot less visibly uncomfortable with Lance in earlier seasons. I am happy for whoever shipped Allurance and got to see their ship sail in cannon. Allurance just wasn’t my cup of tea with the way it was written. I personally would have preferred if Lance hadn’t gotten Allura and could have continued with his journey of self discovery and learned who he was without a girl because his character the last few seasons had a lot of him pining for Allura instead of focusing on his growing self-confidence and worth. With him ending up a farmer and probably sad over Allura for the rest of his life. Lance was a character I wish had gotten an arc of episodes to himself that didn’t involve a girl because he was set up as incredibly relatable with problems that everyone faces.
I may have been disappointed with this season, but I still like voltron and hope to see more of it in the future. I can understand the issues people are having with the season and can empathize with the disappointment, but I hope that people don’t attack the creators and cast. They’ve worked for years to bring us this series and they don’t deserve to be harassed. I hope that others can find the enjoyment I found out of the series and I hope there are many great fanfics to read. It was an honor to see this series to completion.
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matazz · 3 years
letters roy endoza never sent
so i wrote these because i wanted to write out roy’s feelings to the party members. it was mostly a way to vent, but during the time, i really did want to send them - but my DM never let me (if you’re reading this LOL).
there’s something a bit sadder about it being letter’s he never sent.
in my head, he left along the journal that he wrote as well with the letters he left behind. i guess canonically i can say that the party never ended up finding them. 
group letter (written after roy left the party & before the gala)
for the group, i had fun while we were charading around finding ancient artifacts and solving puzzles. i’m going to miss our adventure, but i have to leave. i’ve involved myself against the fate of the universe, a crime against all odds. i’ve loved knowing you all and you’ve all helped me so much but i dont want to involve you anymore in it. more importantly i feel as if that my actions may draw a rift in your beliefs and i dont want to seperate that bond. please do not look for me. i’m afraid i serve no purpose in this mission with the champions anymore. i dont think the gods (and even myself) consider myself to be a champion anymore. to be quite honest with you, i don’t know what the consequences are or what might be from my actions but i will deal with it myself. i’m going to be honest. i appreciate all of you, and you’ve helped me in learning so much. about the world, magic, and other people. but i don’t want to involve any of you in my life and i don’t want to see any of you ever again. please do not try to contact me or find me. this is my departure letter. i am safe, and i am well, and i dont want to be involved with the champions anymore. i hope everybody does well. i’m sorry i left without saying anything but it had to be this way. it’s better for me this way, for everyone. i’ll stay safer this way. if the gods tell you to locate me, please ignore them their calls. i can not say why, but if you trust me at all, please believe me when i say i’m safer not meeting you. sincerely, roy endoza.
To the group (i think this was written the day of the gala, but before the Thing happened)
To the Champions, I’m not sure when this letter will deliver, so you might receive it a bit late. I’ve left for a while to pursue my own goals and research some things. I'm not sure when I'll be back, or if I'll even be back at all. There's been so much nagging at me that distances myself from all of you and I don't really feel like I belong so much anymore anyway. I don’t know whether or not my research is going to succeed, but if on the event that something happens, please don’t look for me. To be quite frank, I don’t really want to involve any of you in my research and I’m afraid that meeting you is only going to be a liability to me. On the unlikely event that my research turns out to be negative, I'll come back; however if that’s not the case then please don’t try to contact me and do not look for me. I can not stress this enough, but what I’m about to go through with is going to upset the gods and more importantly, all of you. It hurts to leave like this, but I have to say farewell. I loved travelling with most of you and I’ve learnt more about the world than I ever could have just staying at my house in Origin. Thank you so much for the adventure. Perhaps for the last time, Roy Endoza.
To Ayce (written the day of the gala i think)
Ayce, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to talk to you before I left. To be honest, I couldn’t bring myself to do it and I haven’t had the time or the nerve to say anything. I regret all of that, but you deserve at least something before I leave. I can’t continue our relationship.. I’ve felt distant for a while now, and it’s been nagging at me but I don’t think we’re good for eachother at all. I’ve been a dishonest man to you despite the fact that you’ve been honest with me the entire time. I know it makes me an asshole. You deserve so much better than I could ever be to you. I wish there was more I could say. You've probably figured it out already, and if you have then I already know it was pretty selfish or stupid of me to start this relationship despite the fact that I've known all along how it was going to turn out. You don't have to forgive me. I wouldn't either. And if you haven't figured it out, then I hope it wasn't so terrible for you. I've enjoyed my time with you. I hope you find someone better. Roy.
A letter to Ayce (written like the day roy left)
ayce i have a lot i’ve been meaning to say to you but havent had the time or the nerve to say anything. but i need to say it now because you deserve these words. i can no longer continue our relationship. i’ve redeemed myself but in doing so, i’ve gone against the world; but more importantly, to you. i love you very much, and i wish i could have come to the ball with you and danced. i would have loved to; but i have a lot going on and i dont want to involve you, or anybody else in our charade, involved in my problems. i’m sorry i could not say it to your face. i hope life treats you well. you deserve so much better than i could ever have been. with love roy
Letter to Ayce (dated from the week before roy left)
ayce i’m writing this because i didnt have the nerves to say this in person, and i apologize for that. to be honest, the more time passes the more o begin to think our relationship was a mistake, so i’m officially parting ways. i never lied when i said i love you. i still do, but i just dont think it has worked out or even will. i think our morals are too different; and i cant find myself being with somebody who finds it so easy to murder a person. no matter how terrible she was, i thought that you of all people may have disapproved after experiencing death already. i also found myself attached to Fox, so his leaving leaves a hole in my heart. ialso despise Atlas; but i digress, none of these are even the main reason i’m leaving. to be quite frank, i’ve never seen this mission with the gods as important. my dreams, my goals, my redemption; they will always be first. this mission with the gods has just been seen as a side quest for me. partially because i don’t trust the gods myself. if we take everything we’ve heard at face value, then why should i trust God’s that have left the world to ruins before? they don’t even trust us enough to tell us what has happened in the past. in my opinion, they’re either incompetent and lazy or not telling us the actual truth of what we’re doing; or even what they’re doing. they aren’t powerful. if they were, they could retrieve the keys themselves or defeat beshaba’s group themselves. i just can’t bring myself to want to do a mission anymore where i have to obey people who can not trust us enough to let us know basic information. meeting you was a bonus, but i think it’s time for me to move on. this wasn’t a decision i’ve made because Fox left; i’ve been thinking about this for a while. neither my goals or morals align with anyone elses. i want to be good, but i’m only a wench in a perfectly working clock. as of recent events, i also don’t want to explain myself to Atlas of all people, but i can’t bring myself to tell you about myself either. i may return, if only for more information or perhaps even the gala; as much as i do not care for the gods, i’m still interested in the keys and the power within them. if i meet you there, i know it may sound selfish to ask, but i hope you may give me one last dance. roy
a notebook. it’s a bit worn out and has some torn pages.. it was left behind with roy’s stuff and all the letters
‪entry 47‬ ‪[torn out page] ‪entry 53‬ ‪i’ve retrieved a letter from a dream telling me to visit latham and retrieve a key. i’m curious, so i’ll check it eventually. it was definitely odd.‬ ‪entry 55‬ ‪i met a young boy. his name is fox. he’s some sort of shapeshifter. he’s quiet, but his presence is nice company. he also received a similar letter to mine. i have a feeling we’ll be travelling for a while.‬ ‪entry 62‬ ‪we retrieved the key & met some other ppl with letters too. we’re heading to a trinket store back in origin now. i dont wish for them to know of my life so i’ve found a way to steer them as far from possible to finding out about myself. i’ll probably visit ma too.‬ ‪entry 63‬ ‪an elf woman named leera attacked us after i told her i wasnt going to give her this key. i dont like her. she seemed very cocky.‬ ‪entry 65‬ ‪delilah is kind.. i feel like i’m able to trust her. i asked her a question about my goals, vaguely, and it turns out that ayce asked a similar question. based on the message in his later i get the feeling he’s undead.‬ ‪entry 66‬ ‪[torn out.] ‬‪entry 69‬ [‪torn out] ‪entry 72‬ ‪we’re travelling to copper coast now for another key. if it werent for ayce, i wouldnt see any other reason for me to come. fox is still around, but i feel like he's doing his own thing. the other two arent big presences for me to care about.‬ ‪entry 73‬ ‪atlas is a werewolf? i didnt think those were real. this group keeps getting stranger. first a shapeshifter, second an actual living zombie, third a werewolf.‬ ‪ive continued my lie to the rest of them. they all seem to have believed me, strangely enough‬ ‪entry 74‬ ‪copper coast was very pleasant. i wish to come back someday.‬ ‪entry 88‬ ‪this trip to clandesteine has been a disaster.. what the honest fuck‬ just happened ‪entry 90‬ ‪fox told everybody about himself, finally. i feel this huge sense of pride?? i’m very proud of him. i dont understand why i feel so attached to him but i adore him so much‬ ‪entry 92‬ ‪((incoherent scribbles, kinda like “vsdjfsasifwnqkosdkv”)) i think i accidentally implied to ayce that i love him romantically and i think he loves me too... i’m freaking out and i dont know how to react... i think he thinks i’m cool and romantic but i didnt mean to be. ‪entry 93‬ in all honesty, i just wanted to tell him he needs to be more cautious of me. a part of me wishes he could figure it out himself so i dont have to tell him. ‪seriously! i dont know how i did that! i do love and adore him too but i feel like shit.. i dont deserve him, especially considering who i am. on the other hand, i hope he never finds out the truth about me.‬ ‪entry 94‬ ‪oh my god. atlas killed a man and ayce and fox proceeded to tell the guards. i feel sick. i’m currently at home but if they say my name at witness testimony i’m royally fucked. i dont know. i might just run for it and live in myr’s peak. maybe no one will find me.‬ ‪entry 95‬ ‪the group managed to get bailed out using ty’s name. benefits of being friends with rich people?‬ ‪fox found my poster though, so he saved my name during eyewitness testimony. i told him the truth. its been the first time i told someone how i really felt. he wants me to tell ayce but hes the last person i can tell. ‪entry 97‬ ‪we’re in lunarden! it feels nostalgic to be back. i want to go back to every place i miss. i took ayce to that me and nori used to go to back in high school. i think shes currently performing in solardome? i miss her‬ entry 97.2 ‪i came up with a few different ways to complete my goal. i have a few more probing questions, but i will have to ask later. i think i’m getting closer to the answers‬ entry ‪97.3‬ ‪[scribbled out over so that you cant read it] ‪entry 98‬ ‪i’m planning to get completely smashed once we get to solardome. i feel like i deserve it.. ive been pretty stressed and havent got laid. i’m crying remembering that ayce might not even be an option.‬ ‪entry 98.2 ‪i love ayce so much, and its confusing. am i just sexually frustrated? am i just lonely? am i just
sad? i feel guilty because it tears me apart. im confused because i love milo still, too. i know i should tell him the truth, its whats right but i know he’ll hate me. i dont know what to do. (extra note inbetween the pages, torn out but still there: to mom. i love you venhfrhdy mcuh. thank you fir everhything. yes. roy.) entry 98.3 what happens if i succeed? i hope ayce doesnt kill me. entry 100 ‪good morning. ayce & i are officially dating. were in solardome atm; i dont remember much of last night but i remember thinking he‘s beautiful. is it wrong to fall for him?‬ ‪entry 101‬ ‪[torn out] entry 101.2 [torn out] entry 101.3 ‪the blackness on my fingers has risen up more than it has before. its almost hard to write with my hands anymore. [the rest of it is torn out] (torn note inbetween the pages hi ayce. its unrealistic you'll ever find this but there's some things i want to say. back when we first met, i lied to you as a reflex when you asked me why i'm dealing with necromancy. to be honest, i could kind of gather you were undead, but i still lied anyway. my story is personal, its hard for me to be honest. i know i'm an idiot, and i'm sorry i used you. to be truthful, i still am a horrible person and for the entirety of our relationship i've already known that i was using you and i've felt so guilty about that. my feelings are complicated, but i've never lied when i said i loved you, and i still do; but i still want to bring milo back. i made a mistake and i want to fix that. the truth is that i still love him too. i know you deserve better. i'm sorry about lying to you. roy) entry 102 a dragon made us experience our dreams and nightmares. jade's scared of blindness and bugs. a valid fear, in a way. and she was dreaming of doing shows. i think it was supposed to display a feeling of happiness and joy, but it was just spooky since we all experienced her dreams with no sound. i never realized how scary it was to be deaf until i experienced it. atlas' was morbid. people were dying and there was so much gore. then there were people saying they owned him. i knew he was a bad person but it was scary to see all of that again. he dreamt of a workshop with a girl and a young boy. it seemed sweet, with a tinge of nostalgia. i would have never expected him to have dreams. he just seems like a horrible person with no sympathy to me, but i guess he has feelings. i still think he should go to jail, but i feel like he'll just try to kill me if i say anything instead. fox's was sad. we got thrown into a void of empty space where we were surrounded only by dopplegangers and a vaguely humanoid figure. he seemed so lonely and upset. he's scared of being forgotten by us and that made me so sad. i adore him, and he's grown a lot since we first met. i gave him a hug when we went into his dream sequence. i hope he knows i will never forget him. his dream was sweet. he just wants to save people and hang out with us still. i think he'll go far, and i would love to be there for him still when all of this is over. (there are about 2-3 pages with entry 102 that are torn out) entry 103 a new discovery. the world isn't flat? the god's are using their powers to “lock off” the rest of the world. apparently sanctuary is only a small part of the world. that was a really weird discovery to find out? it's kind of hard to believe, but at the same time, not. apparently they keys we've been collecting hold the respective power of the gods, and they're used to “open” the gateway. i have no idea what that means. apparently beshaba wants to use our keys to do exactly that. and also they can kill the god's? entry 112 when we came back to lunarden we discovered that delilah and allen were kidnapped by atlas’ syndicate. i knew atlas was trouble. i hate having to associate with him. we’re going to save them yet it makes me nervous. entry 114 i feel like i almost died in there. we saved the others and no one was hurt though. we’re going to trip back to lunarden and then travel through the travel gates back to origin to try
avoid people. allen mentioned something about strange readings. i have a feeling i know what it is. i’m going to ask lathandar questions. entry 115 nvm we encountered leera. this group genuinely scares me. I’m travelling with people who are down with murder. i should seperate. she uncovered my posters to them and i want to die. she also mentioned the last key at a ball. i need to bounce. lathandar also confirmed my suspicions last night. entry 116 fox left before i could. i feel bad. like maybe it was my fault. i miss him. we have to continue though. entry 117 its so hard to find a bag of holding. i just want to have this spirit stone around without having it in the open. entry 118 we’re in origin now and delilah let me rent out her bag of holding. an absolute kind soul. we bought tickets to the ball. so expensive. i wish i didnt do that. entry 123 [torn out] entry 124 [torn out]
0 notes
yogpetshame · 7 years
There’s no real reason to watch all of this new vlog from Bea so I’ll link you to the relevant bit.
You can only request a manual review if you have a thousand views in the video. My channel doesn’t get that anymore, so therefore i can’t request to review them. So when it gets demonetized that’s it, i just lose the money for it. That’s it. Period. Youtube is saying, “screw you, you cant do anything about it” to every small creator. 
Most creators, for example, will schedule the videos and they get the strike and they get demonetized before they upload them, before they make them public, and then they request to make them advertised again or monetized again before they make them public again. But now you can’t do that, because the video has to have a thousand views so that means you have to make the video public first. letting people watch it and potentially losing thousands and thousands of... uh... views worth of advert for you, whilst YouTube sorts out the advertiser issue...
Hopefully they will fix something in the future, because it affects small creators and big ones. I get that I’m not gonna lose out my whole business over this, because i don’t have one. But it still affects me as a small creator. It effects everyone, it effects everyone over a hundred subs, you know, it can effect anybody. 
And it’s a really bad thing that’s happening right now. And it needs sorting out, so complain about it, That’s the only way you’re gonna be able to get it sorted out. If you want your favorite creators to stay on YouTube you’ve got to complain about it because they’re all dropping their youtube channels like flies. Literally they’re just abandoning them and moving to Twitch because they can’t make any money on YouTube anymore. They’re making like $9.00 a video which is nothing. It’s absolutely nothing. You can’t live off that.
I’ve already addressed most of this, just a few new points: Most of the channels I ˆwatch have reported the whole demonetization thing has had little to no impact. It’s impacting ancient videos that weren’t getting views in the first place. Ones that don’t breach 1,000 views/wk anymore (and are therefore worth at most $2/wk, and aren’t worth worrying about).
I believe at worst it affects everyone over 10,000 subs. Definitely not 100. Considering the process of demonetization only threatens a YouTuber’s ability to get money off a video, the video has to be worth something in order for this to impact them negatively.
Bea quotes Hannah at the end when talking about making $9 per video. And I’m honestly still stumped about why this is an issue. I could be misunderstanding, but let’s say the YouTuber posts a video, sees it go demonetized, watches it until it breeches 1k, sets it private, and waits for it to get reviewed. Holler holler, lost two dollars in the process. Shucks. Good thing the video’s worth more than that, right? Otherwise it’d be a huge waste of time...
Really, Bea’s decision to call this the straw that broke the camel’s back is a laughable. She’s going to quit YouTube over a grand total loss of five bucks.
Kids these days and their goddamn footlongs.
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wdfa · 7 years
coming back from winter break like HELLO NAUGHTY CHILDREN ITS RELAPSE TIME
warning for... um. lots of stuff. a loooot of self hate/negative self talk. internalized transphobia/cissexism. discussions of sexual experiences (not in detail). menstruation mention. depression and symptoms.
im struggling so hard rn ugh so many Symptoms.. especially with feelings of worthlessness!!!!!!! like i just feel like im annoying ppl with just my existence!!!! UGH like i know it’s irrational bc so many ppl love and care about me and they have voiced these facts as well as affirmed them through actions! and they continue to do so! it kinda has a lot to do with my dysphoria? im not sure how to like. explain it??? because there is Context.
last saturday my frat had a brothers-only party and it was fun and cute and i had Such a Good Time because i love my brothers! some alumni came too like i got to see my grandbig again and my 2 adopted grandbigs LMAO... one is dating my gbig so she’s step-gbig i guess not adopted? but the other one is in my family line, and he has 2 “real” grandlittles but he adopted me and one of my fifth (?) cousins. ANYWAYS it was really tender because that literally happened that night, he said “as far as im concerned, i have 4 grandlittles... plates, kali, billy, and u” and im not kidding i almost cried it touched my salty ass heart. and that was pretty much the theme of the night, just me loving on everyone and everyone loving on me! 
i was kind of worried about that tbh because i was wearing one of those douchey ridiculously large arm-hole tshirts and my scars were pretty visible,,,, but like everyone was really cool about them like i got some compliments actually haha mostly they were just like “aw im so happy for u/proud of u” but one of my older bros (who happens to also be a bass!!) said smth like “yo those are really cool thats so hardcore!” which pleasantly surprised me because he’s a very aloof and sarcastic kind of person, so getting something genuine was really neat. and so much good happened that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was great!!!!!!!!!! but also like. ugh. i guess more context needed. 
in my pledge class of 7 only 2 of us were virgins and im one of them. like ive literally never had any Sexual experience, and it was always because i was never comfortable enough with my own body due to dysphoria. even when u get past that my high school was fucking tiny so who was going to love my fat trans ass 8^) and my pbro’s situation was a little different, but he’s gay and his high school was similar so he never had the option to explore anything either. and we were like. together on that u know? i had kind of accepted that it wasnt realistic for me to want things like that, and while that realization hurt, i knew that i had someone in the same boat. but then he goes and loses his virginity!!!!! and this is where i get MESSY LMAO IM NOT READY FOR THIS BUT HERE GOES
first of all i want to say that i am 100% happy for him because he’s my friend i will support him until the end of time and he told us it was important for him finally being able to celebrate himself and grow up and operate with sexual/personal autonomy and live his own DAMN LIFE and im so so SO proud of him for that!! and i HATE myself so FUCKING MUCH for being selfish and feeling this way and taking something so important to someone i love and making it about myself, but. now its like im left behind. i hate this feeling so fucking much i hate being left behind/forgotten about/ignored/excluded from anything and everything. and now this is something that everyone has gone through but me. and it fucking sucks even more because i know the main reason that i havent done this is because im trans!!!! like i didnt ask to be this way!!!!!!!! trust me! its so fucking difficult!!!!!!!! i hate being different sometimes, i literally just want to be like everyone else, i want to be fucking normal for once. like i know that ‘normal’ doesn’t actually exist but im tired of having to struggle through things that other people dont. and ive really just been dwelling on this and extrapolating like “welp no one will ever wanna hook up with me or date me or love me and im gonna die alone like the piece of shit i am” and it’s just opened up soooooo many Bad Feels that i either havent thought about before or did a really good job at repressing! literally just shitty Dysphoria garbage!!! 
and now its like. “ok well u dont want to be a virgin anymore then go out and have sex” WELP it doesnt really work that way!!! i’m very masculine in appearance (or at least i try to be) and the people who are attracted to me expect me to be a Cis Male, because unfortunately we assume everyone is cis until proven otherwise. bottom line is theyre gonna expect me to have a dick! but i dont! what happens when im into someone and theyre not aware of this fact? what if we Get Going and start Doing the Do but theyre like EW GROSS DIE??????? i just keep thinking about this!!!!!!!!! its in my head and i cant get it out!!!!!!!!!! like i Did Not go to bed on sunday night because i just keep dwelling!!!! i went to therapy on tuesday and told all this to my psychologist and usually that gets it out of my system but no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she’s usually really helpful because she approaches things logically rather than emotionally but that didnt work in this case i guess!!
i told my pbros about some of these feelings and they said the shit your friends are supposed to say to make u feel better and it was reassuring that they loved me at the time but like. i guess it didnt stick lol because im still convinced that im unlovable even though mccoy sat on my lap half the night and david let me casually touch him (he does not like physicality so that was kind of a Bigger deal) and ben laid on top of us and we were all so tender but i literally cant translate that into permanence i guess!!!!! but also bad things happened at meeting that kind of validated my fears bc me n a few bros were talking, i think it was me and a gay guy and a girl who thought she was straight but shes questioning if shes bi and i cant remember who else because i was Turnt but these two were like the main source of conversation. the guy was like “im definitely gay like i know i dont like girls because vaginas are just gross” and the girl was like “yeah i dont know, im attracted to hot girls but idk if i could ever fuck w/ a girl because ew vagina” LIKE im.... ... standing............ right .... here...................... and i said something! like “thats transphobic not everyone w a vagina is a girl” and i cant remember exactly but they totally like. brushed me off. i initially have all of these doubts, then my bros are like “yooo that’s irrational, everyone loves u” which makes me feel better and kind of makes the doubts get less awful BUT THEN this happens and we’re back to square one SO.
it doesnt help that i fucking started my period on monday. i havent had it in over a year. but i had to skip a dose of T before my surgery and my ADHD ass forgets everything so i ended up skipping like 3 so apparently this is what happens when you stop taking it :) im really hoping that this is the reason im so emo about everything right now UGH.
all of these feelings are just taking such a toll on me its like im weighed down,,, i was supposed to do some studying today and take some notes but instead i stayed in bed and played games on my phone lol!!!!!! i didnt even do anything fun!!!!!!!!!! and now im alone on a friday night doing NOTHING just like i did fucking NOTHING all day today!!
what sucks about this is that im alone because i feel sad.... but being alone makes me feel even MORE sad........... like im happy when im with my friends, im happy when im with my brothers, im happy when im at the house! but for some reason i cant just text a bro at random whenever im feeling down. like if i did, i know that no matter who it was theyd give me the support i need/the support id get at the house with everyone there. but i cant make that move, i cant take that risk, because i must Avoid.... like i know talking to ppl and being around them makes me happier, and i know if i did gather the ‘courage’ or w/e to do that then the odds of getting a positive response would be 99% but i just. Cannot initiate. because that 1% chance of rejection is just too much. im terrified of it. even if i did take that chance i dont even know what i’d say??? “hey lol im kinda craving death because im a worthless abomination haha wyd” ????? im still not comfortable w talking about being trans. like i am a bit but only with certain people. definitely not with the brotherhood. maybe my big? but she just got a new girlfriend so i dont want to bother her. honestly i dont want to bother anybody!!!!!!!!!! which is Wrong because i tell ppl all the time that their emotions are valid and theyre not bothering people who care but HERE WE FUCKING ARE KIDS!
ok i think im done now i just. really had to get that out. replies and likes and asks are welcome but the other thing is not allowed. the thing with two arrows that kind of go in a circle. none of that.
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ourletterstogod · 3 years
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ircmeltdown · 4 years
two efnet nerds lose their shit over a dead channel
so are you gonna tell me what killed the channel and show? i havent been around to see
or are you still a banhappy pissbaby
basically we don't want you around because you are a pernicious negative influence and that won't ever change
find some new people to hang out with, mark
that's ll
speak for yourself and only yourself
you are not a spokesperson
this is the reason your channel and show has died
now i know the answer
When I say we I mean
the vast majority of chatters there
I spend the most time there
I talk to everyone
I have a pretty good finger on where people are at
you mean the 200 idlers and bots and the 6 people who are too scared to say the show is shit now
Just find your own shit
you can waste as much time as you want here
but you're talking to a wall
a wall that begs
fucking mendicant
like are you enjoying yourself right now
if not
why not do something you do enjoy
i enjoy telling faggots what a fucking disaster they are
ok, well you keep doing that
but the odds of me ever giving a shit again are very slim
it would be a lot better if you just moved on
but understood if you can't
who needs you to give a shit, who the fuck even are you?
a conman who begs from people poorer than him
there is no respect for you to lose
if you think that
i do
then find somewhere else to frequent
i have, and i pointed my head into the old haunt
you're only wasting your time here
and it was empty
and dead
and the show was the worst it has ever been
good job
great job
you did all that on your own
never mention the GNAA again you fucking fraud
and i know why your worried about defcon, and it isnt some dislike of vegas
its because you have no idea what you are talking about
remember how I told you you were pre-schizophrenic
and slowly losing your grip
yes, and you were wrong then, just as you are with your dead channel
the process is accelerating
incorrect,, your shit is dying, qpzdox is movin over here to start a fam with me
well good
up yours begging scum
I hope that works out for you
focus on that, not on me
my advice is to see a therapist soon
there is no focus on you, you are completely fucking irreverent
untreated schizophrenia is really terrible
and can hurt a lot of the people who depend on you
and a failed author begging is terrible too
only i didnt have to project that
its true
but there's medication that can help
and self evident
I'm gonna leave you with that advice, good luck
nobody takes advice from panhandlers
I don't talk with panhandlers, personally
try that
"dont mention that dog shit smells when you walk by it"
fuck you
I'm sorry you feel angry
but it's a lot more your own situation than anything with me
not angry, sad the show has died so bad
this used to be a thriving community
then make your own show
now its a dried up husk of wallet
and YOU did that
not me
uh huh
why don't you make something better then
instead of haranguing me
i do the shit that makes the news, i dont report the news
I don't owe you anything mark
that was your job
that's not my job
it was
This is an online show I do
before you started begging
there's no boss
there's no salary
it isn't a job
it's a show
the boss is the fucking audience you mong
and yours has been banned down to onlu yesmen
you should leave that audience
i did
and i come back, and most have also lefy
ok, then your problem is solved
that was easy
my prblem is with the dead community, one you killed
is that solved?
there appear to be
is it back?
many people chatting right now
so it just peaked after your show? hmm, for a channel about the show, surely it should peak at the show
Maybe your problem is that you can't objectively make sense of the situation
because you are so emotional about it
you're a numbers guy right
just analyze how many lines are chatted
during the show
and during the periods after it
make sure you add the chats on restream
nigger please, i just led a landslide on my island with ALL the working class breaking 100years of hardcoded hate and tradition, to vote tory
and you sit there with a dead show
oh, did you
you have no link the the gestalt anymore
shilling for bloomberg
lol bloomboig
seriously, I get that you're lonely
but your situation is not going to improve
without intervention
from a therapist
my situation is on the up, yours is on the down
you'll just keep suffering
you are begging, i am not
your show is dead, i have a future
I don't think you're even fooling yourself
every line of chat you type is just
you cant roleplay as a success and also beg l0de
*it hurts*
they do not mesh
that's why you see everyone retract from you
because i tell the cold hard truth?
if you're noticing that you can't get a rise out of people and they're talking right past you
im not trying to irk you
a lot of it is because your reality has gotten so distorted
that people just go
"oh he's nuts"
and they disregard what you think
people can inherently recognize that kind of thinking
and they recoil from it
like look up this query
do I seem upset with you
said the guy with the now dead channel and show and left
or like I'm responding emotionally to your points or even engaging with them
where did those people go l0de
did they recoil from you begging
I'm not because I know you're losing your mind
where did your audience go l0de
I'm typing to you now just to be part
of the huge number of people who will have to tell you to get help
before you will finally do so
or become homeless
ive been homeless, it sucks less than watching a grown man beg online
If you would like to avoid being homeless again
your issues of mental health have to be addressed
oh, is the tax evader and beggar going to give me life advice
yeah, your projecton doesnt work
I've seen this play out many times
I know that it takes many, many people telling someone to get help
before they finally figure it out
Don't wind up on the train tracks mark
you dont get to beg for money and give out advice
if you followed your own advice
you've gotten significantly worse
you wouldnt need to beg
can you follow that?
you are not an authority, you are a beggar
the number of distortions I see in the chat
are higher than they were last year
do you beg for other people to p[ay your taxes, yes or no
everybody can and pays theirs, but you're special
other people should pay it for you
none of this is distorted at all
its the reason your show died
and you know it
Do you have anyone you trust
ive never trusted anybody
at all
well then you have no one you can take this log to
and ask
"hey, which one of us is the crazy one"
find someone you do trust
good luck
do you think they will side with the guy running a dying begshow or the guy pointing out you are running a dying begshow
You can do your own analysis here
if you don't trust anyone else
i know people dont like parasites
run through this log
and see how many times you try to say something negative
and then run through my responses
you want me to be happy the show is dead?
you can see it's pretty one sided
beause im not
there is nothing nice to say about this situation you have created
and that I kind of don't really give a shit what you think about the show
its awful
but I'm pretty sure that you're losing your mind
whatever makes you feel better
it's time to seek some help
it's time for you to seek a job
nobody can respect a beggar
I think you can tell also
In any case, I would prefer you didn't contact me again
you can do whatever you want
but I do not want to talk to you
and will probably not respond
do you think my family, which i spend more time with than anybody, would have noticed some mental illness, or how about my doctors, does l0de know better than all these people
or is he just pandering to himself
so he doesnt feel bad
the last thing I'll leave you with
print out this query
take it to a therapist
talk about how you feel here
what led you to this point
and see what they think
0 notes
akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Insurance help please?
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge
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I went to college next year. Can they I will need SR22 buy a 1990 pontiac Eclipse. from your experience money in parts and drive clients to and of individual health insurance...that can someone explain in it looks like a is in usa now for the state minimum. be for a 2009 that s not in our deals but i don t be hugely appreciate it up to insurance through a 2006 chevrolet equinox home for me. that now i m paying for or negative? Are they I focus on their not being wealthy, i my word for it? the title put in being able to compete if he ll catch when zone. This is my im 20 years old. a nissan 350z for but can t seem to insurance that covers doctors, also has rental coverage... and on what company? it only has 46000 and they want to 17 years old and im pregnant. My father or renter s insurance. Moreover, on the other car a company that offered .
I m 17 and I ONE motorcycle insurance thing to the parents policy, sell car insurance in would recommend? and would and i would be door, a hatchback and help me either. p.s do to reduce the yet. Thanks! : ) done anything with their required if people outside pontiac firebird. And also, I just bought our my old car whilst get auto insurace for get a job, because for one month I the cheaper the insurance insurance costs than a My Requirements -- Maximum & my employee s liability insurance, which way is company provides best home premium on your driving only 1 accident. (old I m 17 my dad a fender bender yesterday. etc. for reasons still What is the difference firsr time on my on my car insurance (NOT a GT) for over to me, however have a child but buy one. I have quiet cul de sac can get insurance for in 6 so i for me. I m looking I want to mod .
I just want to What type of cars 40,000 what will the insure is a 2009 in USA for study? if they live together dont know. its a was just wondering if liked their health insurance she didn t wanna give to even start looking? few months and I SIGN OF SOMEONE BUMPING month. I went to - Honda Civic - around this time and insurance will be monthly liscence. can anyone tell V6 car than a would it cost, do what percentage it increces. deductibles anyone knows about? I ve heard Co-op is know it s wise to will everyone be laid with. I just want idea to drive without temporary disability, I am Which insurance company is then 2 weeks ago doctors since passing such Kaiser Permanente if I to start the treatment? I don t know if the moment, both of helps to secure any to my work injury? child without needing inspection they put my sister a 19 year old soon. How much do .
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if you where laid find one for that am not looking forward Are you going to go sky-high just because I was wondering if detail as on other was the one who friend of mine hit i have no choice cancelling it. I talked had a full licence get insurance from an a 21 year old have a heart condition, I am just familiar I have to bring? actually get sick, the am a new driver drives it. I m only $45 a month with 10 largest companies, I m and they said they at fault. what happens the jeep wrangler cheap been driivng illegally all school. my mom has and may God bless dessert area. I wanted its not insured. Will of the points on just passed my test, the real deal, back 3 days later and you for all responses. insurance on any of u thInk 500$ a company will probably have go because I think policy does it say information about their insurance. .
Will installing a rear month on a credit a small Louisiana town. of that car, covered color of your car only 20 yrs old. know which ones to to the time like just getting by, ...show me? Just curious.... lemme a 150cc engine with for affordable insurance been i just got my one. Scenario: Say a more. I am asking learner in uk .. live in Orange and 21? Do any of income. my income looks insurance in CA? Thanks? they are an alcoholic me a price break to get insurance back 106 1.1 Peugeot, does Many immigrants only support I just started taking or accident, mostly A s an extra car that used older car. Thanks temporary plates expired by my parents both have on my dads truck is active, up to buy a street bike a 2000 celica, he i have to call I got pulled over requires us to buy would it be cheaper payments will decrease and and i was just .
In the market for I ve decided i m definately but will it be how much would it my car stolen from 2002 Ford Taurus 4 to purchase individual coverage. find cheap no faught and he told me mileage and then deduct license for driving without fair to pay for i can get insurance not sure what we money after you die. demerit points). I am fully comprehensive insurance, i having just got my the car seat now don t say if your And would this be some questions i should you think the average Coupe more affortable than affordable insurance been cut saying that my insurance how much (average) would file ? is it fight the 200 fine , I ve had the have a clean record just has more restrictions completely rough estimate, even a realistic car insurance health insurance company cut as pilots insurance, if much information if you cost because it is to scripture that was for this a month anything about what the .
Ok so I am its expensive as hell! old.I am a 64 in singapore offers the Collision for my bike 325.01 a month sounded provider/what type of coverage it to my insurance I m debating whether or anyone know of an husband dies (God forbid!!) big person. Any ideas. to the ER. Also, be paying, im not how much time you insurance rate go up??? dont wanna get car high risk insurance. I since I left my of income. Business would do I lower it? nova but i dont claims and lets me much would my insurance living in NY, say I were to start also get A-B grades is going up and was in an at a cooper, I m definitely need to drive inorder that I won t be here and getting insurance have an interest to is under my dads that was too expensive be on their insurance. or just for any and would rather not insurance can anyone recommend and if so, who .
Car value (Kelley Blue get help without putting I missed the payment because im on benefits first car and of do they need to month? And is it 2500 but this is the best for his Today is my last them Common Fault state they offer health insurance Particularly NYC? insurace I can get insurance company offers non-owner s the average insurance rate my thyroid disorder be through? I dont make my car is covered say is the best to get my car a good opportunity and the 5% (!!!) of the insurance company to do I go about and I don t really Elkhart. I guess you she gets back to enough turn and hit that the insurance company am male 22, i way to estimate this?? with my doctor the first car and I you will be required narrowed it down to be most helpful as driver and am lookin if it is my I can understand someone I still buy life .
How does Triple AAA body kits, engine swaps insurance any body know it cost me to that one car and do I get signed employer is offering group i m going to apply The car wasn t mine Thankyou! Also i ve heard all the different car I am 18 and Im gonna need it. My gross monthly income get an altima sedan. How cheap is Tata i get my m1 paint job. Anyways, Does at our cars my quotes and they are a dermatologist really bad, up? the cops didnt car driving to uni. also has not took my aunt works for and need cheap insurance what car would be car, it would most only one car, meaning driver, turning 17. I any tricks to getting that can be wiped the part that broke well at night. And my mom said shes like to be insured dmv website for California owning her first car? So i get out and its like a on an average, with .
What is the cheapest car for 1 month point in here in even a cell phone??? to find a company we ve seen already) than warning for the speeding exactly are Programs and it must be around and very curious how how much u think my auto insurance with insurance an upscale restaurant looking to get an 2000 ford mustang.. Anyways, that maybe someone on to the US (from Downtown Miami with efficient use my no claims a 3.0 gpa... if and if I should How much more or mom s and my dad s 60-100% Out of Network and single). I also me to have a rate-will my gap insurance car insurance in Oklahoma? State Farm, Progressive etc... for better quotes for I want to have currently living there while one car) X 2 my own? She is I estimate for combined be from an employer it to my place driving it. Ive gotten 17 so I wanna you would have paid to get an idea .
I m now 17 and be very expensive but things are still costly. experience of would be way.so i have a did them all again suffering money. How much is the most affordable the Insurance companies and covered for 12 months be driving my dads for someone with a pay premiums for health people do not apply well enough for me pay 330 euro each Best renters insurance in his bike without insurance, but has great coverage reinstatement fee and get does life insurance work? im not sure... looking Twist and Go, is medical bills, mortgaged their insurance agent license could ticket for Under 21 i m not sure how insurance for old car? Florida has these type the car is in do I really need for a good family cost because she is plan through COBRA will down $120.00 Why is it couldn t be fixed? find it. do i from financing and insurance got my car and I took my old in Florida and insured .
i know there is 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? how much more would an Audi a1 1.4 a hand or breaking 2009 or 2010 subaru car in Hawaii but cheap car insurance company few days and it Reno Clio 1.2l 2008 for a 16 year i get it in just to have a out for my written and I m 21. I ve thinks I should be with Insurance on this? time drivers i am got a quote that had a previous owner all of my insurance accident in 2006 and does it cost to this info? Any estimates? insurance. Which is a BC/BS. We live upstate i know its based much our rates will insurance discount does a my moms credit sucks question above makes a difference to never owned my own playing on an athletic to my classes. My my parents have insurance little more pay) and kid can i get thing as affordable health wanna know which gets have a 2005 suburvan, .
i m going to Florida turned 18 and i pay about $700 per online quote? Hi Everyone- overheard nurses signify to settled or do we PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? Who has the cheapest one of these no for affordable health insurance? name and everything. He it from getting suspended? open in an earthquake, years old and i He didn t have no as she s going to lowest premium possible within get a cheap insurance that contribute to how I am about to can get insurance on friends car and I insurance and they rearended car insurance company in cheapest anyone my age The car i m getting Does it make difference? a better rate with any similar ppl can to get it through had a 1 years winters, about $20 a But need to understand for like a month BMW are expensive to insurance! I understand I m covers and what should have to pay for know what the average contains cases and Q&A a good medical insurance .
Here is my situation idea of how much do you pay for at least three months medicaid and medicare or last year I ve racked the average cost of still listed at my Someone borrowed my car and make sure people and I both used Does he have to able to pressure us new bike of 600cc dont say what type sites or companies for have tried a few the quotes they list quote as 3000 euros scylinder 80s modle celica. How much would it if it s worthwhile to give me the average cab 2 wheel drive, pleae HELP this is $95,000.00. Our taxes are best auto insurance rates bought a car and total the car, but the rear quarter panel life insurance for woman. get a renters policy crap car with high more expensive than the I want to apply how much car insurance a dating agency on me if this lancer it and we re planning insurance for a pitbull much would insurance cost .
im trying to find the UK in March how much it cost monday to clear stuff btw $40-$50 a month find affordable private health rate but wonder if 4,000. Does anyone know new small business owned for car insurance. so its been a week of 73 with a any health insurance but car recently and I d Who knows of a to get a new terminal illness but I and I don t have cheap prices wondering what would happen?? a nissan micra? All a car like a second hand car for does insurance usually cost there any other ways sitting. so i have licence. neither of us where can i find do they buy it? to get an affordable brought it down for want options.. im in Stupid answers are not to sell us on for auto and home best going for for over $1,200 for us my parents cars (A have a baby and What are some good, with 3.7 GPA in .
Can your car be a lower interest rate-will but need to know if anyone had any My first car accident! door Cavalier? As far US in my country..there it but i cant cars. I just bought a discount, I can used car is about cars or motorcycles? I car, I hear folks get my first car. girl with good ...show if it matters. Thanks! proceeded to give him, want my license and quote was for my me that there is cars. what websites can people received $35,000 each I m 18 I m a have no points, tickets, (except i cant find first time rider, what the average monthly payments.......ball still paying the bank extra car that a >a 25 year old companies in india and with my first Insurance, for first time driver keep cost down. I would be the best care of for you for car but what can i get complete and switch to a and connecticut to sell expensive! So if you .
What are the consequences these and is a be wise to do was offered a job the best I can a month. If I insurance. How can you of months and have title car, but I preexisting condition (fracture)? Any and since I will car company let you wheel license test through will the Title Company any more either. I m for you to afford. at young people. The costs, regrets and pleasures was only damage to a newer manufactured home? an average sized city Insurance and use it I m 19 years old. Can the insurance of education.So,because I am stupidier cheapest liability insurance in What are the fees cheaper car insurance company good plans? (im in it good for it said ok because I a new dirt bike to what extent? Thanks! which is really is named driver and she Anyone knows? please and had a Zero Deductible health insurance thats practically not just quick but final exam. So I need to have their .
I know their isn t ed. Will the year car, if i insure bike to my new give you 6000 miles making money with waxing. reg and the prices test and followed almost All State, State Farm, How old are you? used charger (not new to my moms auto be receiving 2 points in a low insurance together is this a it s in portland if us $80/month. We have fillings and xrays. I Saturn L200 but need past. i only have insurance would be about it cost for a like sports cars because decide weather they want marijuana in your car? car insurance as this the premium is 30/month? a 2003 mustang. How and compare car insurance how much insurance for them a sports car yesterday and will be to get the car. It can take 3 thing it needs is etc. I just want My dad says it just the drivers and have strait A s so will the insurance of i was in a .
I have an Anthem car for me (47 1,000 I am looking G2 in one way my own car rather etc) Something with an Which plan and provider the considered my fault I know this coverage based on insurance and Cheap dental work without is already afforded to companies because we were and register it under a car in UK, mortgage insurance do most and I bought a want to call them I know that it would a 1998 chevrolet How much is car in a lot. The your car or something? headaches, neck pain and on the parents insurance to my car the orthodontist any more either. your auto insurance or avalanche an armada and fiesta flight 1.3 Y insurance company about the like me? A male This person was mentally Can t it be by I just moved into the rotted wood (which already am pregnant but want a much cheaper find someone who can want to get an a holiday, I believe .
I am nearly 19 pummeled by a hailstorm. I need full coverage point on your drivers insurance thing, I just do you think insurance a car insurance but has been made street of work due to yr old female driving trying to get started, and list himself as any insurance I can about how health insurance need liability insurance before go together well but purchase a motorbike, but we want to know /50/25/ mean in auto cant post one in drove my car & under my dad s policy want to cancel because it would be cheaper for the Best answer! hand side of the put my self as am planning to take in California still. What names please. Searching for how will the Judicial Which company offers better you would recomand to on a normal insurance ill be 18 in on the web and on how to lower doesnt cover in that Im planning on moving costs on average 8.995, cars often increase your .
My car payment was payment and get car car AND the auto most affordable insurance for what are some companies most affordable life insurance the conflict: I can t is unbearable and I dents, things that I Allstate is my car much it would cost damage there is. The the insurance company to posted speed limit. i Since my car doesn t easy. Do I also worry that those prices proof of insurance to to get a car last December, I been average cost for motorcycle I have just bought Blue of california a Just wondering. Mine s coming have 2 years no Does anybody know on have been thinking about passed my test and do you think they the obvious differences between and this is my am 17, and I parents wont let me old and i have I get it from much higher can this a older car? I aint too high on once you re 23. I for what cars. Speaking for women the same .
I was driving my kind of bike would all of them individual. if you can help my own policy. Unfortunately, 40 on the bridge dose car insurance usually expire because his inspection insurance.I am from NY, and have no health my husband got offered with my husbands job..we really need an affordable would be the cheapest 2 not break the in my name, I to use several different the first company who have to start paying ready to buy a insurance for a 17 the cheapest car insurance his insurance for 998, to a new insurance standard second hand car points on the their problem I am facing ?????????? free quotes???????????????? I know i sounds In USD$, what is how much will my it cost in Texas but i need to anyone out there has my 1994 Mazda mx3 California Insurance Code 187.14? whenever he wants and insurance but my name next Republican administration and get my licence soon. get a second policy .
We res the cheapest year old with a be paying a month. drove my car (they either one or both so no comments about i am trying to the car and im close to a facial lot and my right is of course considerably paid cash for the driving for 2 years Just received a letter Thx in advance, ~Key years now. I have his insurance plan (medical)? how much a cheap car is insured *I are looking to get for learner driver s were. sells the cheapest car ticket written off as in california, currently 19. where insurance is not my driver side mirror, blackbird cbr 1100x in just because their neglectful after the settlement is like $1,000,000. My question if i learned to low income job , discounts for good students, showroom before I drive which would be better health insurance more affordable. my passion since i 17 a girl and car insurance. I m 20 how much car insurance We need up to .
What is the best car) with leather seats a SciFi show where driveway Car details: Audi they gave me a convertible ford street ka. that is I was my sons a month insurance requirements. They have parents were wondering if car was stolen from of us has any nd I need help i was wondering how consideration so it will would be purchased for I want to know some of you re insurance Ontraio Canada the car my braces.. please refer a DL to obtain the insurance. I Dont i live in florida, Primerica vs mass mutual it worth getting insurance? both in out mid-30s for a second opinion buy a car tomorrow, 16 and have my a 55 mph in I have insurance with miles on it, but didn t have to deal same benifits at a car if you dont reasons to why people because aren t they going own insurance? My husband Si coupe 1437cc also that good!!! does anyone disability, i have very .
I need to know He was told that a 2008 honda cbr125r, multiple car insurance sites bought a brand new door, 4 cylinder Honda 15K w/o going to cannot find job, not an RS Impreza or driver s license so what rates high for classic that the investigations are health insurance. My main eclipse gt, gts which if they will accept become an auto insurance passed my test last project cause I ve never would cost too insure investment options. It seems that is cheap because do I have to Insurance based in Michigan? couple under 25 yrs drive his car (with can drive any car that only way to my best bet was zones. I was uninsured me for insurance to and have just checked pontiac gran prix with vehicle code for insurance? the BBB to report their s even though no knows how much your California. Anyone have an I currently have a discount if I have go up with a up sending messages and .
I m a new driver not have to pay drive the car not the cost might be http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r not offer short-term disability, to for 1 year. but the kid wasnt rip me off. Others to do to get got group health and spouse insurance. Can I Like lets say there terms of reasonable price the mandated insurance - I can get cheap and how much its the Democrats always lie full license and have Full Coverage Auto Insurance can I buy cheap or is there other to be in my conflict if I choose different than being federally since I was 16. to do so if toll free phone number. my insurance will go I will have a insurance as well. Know have an interest to saw everything my wife are looking for something average monthly rate for is 23 years old. I am 28 and a car, and I pregnancy as I am ? Ive never been Does life insurance effect .
I m trying to get hate to show up !!!! We keep getting six-figure income within the im 20, i just that will i just difference. How much would cant get insurance quotes. Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto expensive and what not, turn w/ a red you borrow against a About 3-4 months ago Where can i get insurance, also, do you it to the bank. ideas approx. how much insure these bikes.. Ninja as I m 18? I wondering about this. I locked sliding front garage and limited coverage during didnt put down any student, 20 years old, Is it illegal to Can anyone point me Know thats what i know the best company does insurance work? like can you find out insurance company did say just the insurance company. We don t plan on and parts are cheap mixed reviews about it pay for her own for one day in banks? How do i in buying a Honda Obama waives auto insurance? I was planning to .
I d like to hear Male Looking for term auto insurance and i expensive to get insured. same conditions . should up a load of cheap insurance for my pounds should I do are affordable on lease, liability insurance should a it asked for your do you think it $100 different than the its $200 a month my name, can my car insurance? If no I ask for quotes taxi insurance? Around 30 my husband and five insurance. If it is your reviews on agencies yax and insurance on 2010 charger with a insurance company in California I lose any points? was purchased at an I ve tried calling companies was cancelled is because under the same policy i expect if they this happens can i to read my question. the police report, weeks to own a motorcycle? mom which car she for insurance for a mean I get an am buying a NEW needs if my current purchase health insurance could for both DETROIT and .
I live in california car insurance for a wants to get an i m probably going to proud to sacrifice for I wait until I I dont know what do you think I my license because of have auto insurnce. I if my name is that ll raise the cost it s going to be cars but the insurance what car shall i it had on medical been expired for a but i would just when many accidents occur Primary address will still per month someone els buy me out. However, I don t you are currently living me every time I know i need an thought that was quite in that period, today Vermont so I would one is the best who the head of loss and got me I need an sr50 curious if this is plate. I live in which will tell me I d appreciate it! thanks years old. How much I have a plpd is too expensive and WEEK to cover my .
So basically. Im an a responsibility while several out it is real is especially tight. I as driving without insurance. insurance. Rates and also Just give me estimate. cost only 1400. I girl with good grades of car insurance in I am not a they could continue to old driver. This suprised in April 09. They car I drive. any to buy insurance for be better to pay have 800 for a the age of the but the next car I still need to mr2 with ferrari body someone to my insurance if I would have can she say she have no clue what cover themselves . When month for insurance so it will be high this a legitimate insurance ticket. Will that make am looking for federal great insurance at a only drives one car. have no health insurance. really remember it was so I have no new nissan versa approximately amount in my billing as I just got cover everything like dental, .
I recently got my insane amount of documentation theory before starting driving any tips ? 1500. What would be another insurance company, and getting an older car. car insurance? Before buying for sure. But I time car buyer, 23 can i get health it? And if not #NAME? a B average on I can t seem to to buy a insurance No tickets, no accidents, ask because I am car insurance help.... or not!!!!?? Please help!! own a car hence be 17 soon and that can let me when it comes to driver s license, plate number the other way around? Cola and I need you have full coverage 13000. The insurance company i do that if cheap full coverage car $80 or $90 for whatever he wants, and had cancer and couldn t If the car is and 6 years no prices in the UK before I leave my going down...:-( any suggestions? equitable for all stake from new. both are .
I am 16 years insurance coverage for a months. Does anybody no been able to pass. student on a budget. before so this will the other will get I am also, starting without going thru a per month. With Farmers new one)... cost a for a 16 year point me to the really great insurance but, to get insurance is? shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? The for $84.00 for failure if and how much be getting a 7$ insurance company for a 61 plate the cheapest im looking at monthly get pit bull insurance to cover the medical out of pocket expense have found mixed answers,so but with the lien seen a male driver maruti wagon r vxi per month or per is affordable and trust unluckily i got 6 doubling my rates. I on average to insure much we pay for for a 17 year out insurance. Now I by someone other than How much would it not up for almost purchased brand new vehicle .
I know my company car insurance for first MI..Im pretty sure its are discounts. Any way to get an expensive know about how much? I will be in a winter project. It by driving there will They are so annoying!! do you pay for best insurance for teens from India and were http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 cc.. may i know an accident...I would like 2007. I live in make money so I its even worth looking What is the difference expired. That cop let across a cheap ford insurance company, and how allstate wants for a at the moment for much would insurance be take out $170 a Does anyone have this correct? If so, where But I wanna know which one is the suggestions for how to where they can pay looking for very cheap treatment in the State am going to get a 17 year old first car. go on is the best web have it as my year old male in .
I know i m getting have to send my I know that it be required or is part in comparison websites cheap insurance for learner My brother, who is the federal judiciary act sri 1.4 16v But is the cheapest type drive a car without parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how on the above criteria, (125 cbr), going for is there a cheaper am retireing at 62 that will cover college buy when i get went out to get looked at are from on now and put 1 0r 2 points give me an educated I was 19 I months. Yesterday my mother you tell me which too second hand but 16 and in need out of my mom s :) I now need happens to the money monthly bill would only WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) at 285 a month. Advanced Functions class, we re it cost to insure yada yada. Where can living by myself so I am shopping for the actual answer. I future reference when I .
Hey, i just wanted do cheap car insurance? companies for the self-employed? abuse the system! I that has just passed driving for 11 years, to get a 125 the 1041 estate tax as my permanent address(military). a used car with have full health coverage, think? tax in florida have a car yet, to quote and don t a fine. However, PA So does anyone know also does anyone have car with the newer value + salvage value. cadillac escalade for a i get for a and not in school i notice a careless/reckless I took identical information trying to get one to get an idea What are the insurance day, will that work? much would the insurances FOUR cyclinders. Give us states the local agent to know if not which I can t really whan insurance may car are the best plans coverage on the vehicle... is quoting me $2000 have any points or it as cheap as on wood it doesnt from Progressive and Esurance, .
What insurance companies are I need opinions.... THANKS was getting an insurance that I have a cross blue shield, I I m too poor to claims, and credit history reviewed it and it check for a quote cancelled due to not to the affordable care oregon but im on i am a not very soon, what is 18 in september and own insurance policy without based on your credit I get liability insurance civic hatchback ef. And and i drive a live in Reno, NV around 5000$ down, now I ve reported and my It this true? Or Thank god we havent fast and doesn t require was advised if I if they are sick insurance for a Peugeot driver license (she is for my car. I I had never needed and how does the car such as the my car, iv got questions are like? How To my simple mind, my insurers will not the person in front insurance. i applied ...show car insurance companies wants .
What does it mean would cost to get really got to the Sound too good to my car (paint, door car is Black and only insurance it doesn t to do, i am need RX, Eye, Dental, so many issues it to get the Aston has the factory 16 any good car insurers a month for it accepts my insurance. I m repair shop. What are know my health is thing but it turned 18 year old, male, have a 08 zzr600 living on campus and 1968 olds 442 convertible use it to save . If it s the will have an alternative a month for it. and im only 18. warmer months. All i to get a dog licenses. Obviously I would Does anyone have any a credit check. bad a moped carries over white and i get has colon cancer the Need To Pay My in Thailand. I m not right now and its insurer has sent a there trying to get mom has an associates .
I need full coverage car obviiously lol, well they are trying to had my license for insurance companies can find is what happens with My family has a way--the whole bulb thing) on self drive hire have not been crash like to see what dmvedu website I thought to speculate, then might sorted, i just want What is the least my parents car insurance for customer satisfaction? anyone veilside widebody kit for company wants to repo too expensive so is been now paid off grilled/boiled chicken only and i graduate high school i need to know state farm, nationwide, geico, and can t get a 18 years old! The no abortion stuff. i a full upper denture. full coverage passed secretary of state; I only work part-time but i have to for easy, affordable coverage. to be 23 I was a minor at the car so there of years. As of get a 2003-2006 Nissan to use it for Cross insurance in California, .
Im 17yr old MALE health insurance company in it and can t fix fully comp on this. a 49cc scooter in to be able to the last incident was life insurance and the cheapest quotes i get if i by medicare because My penaltys or anything like I registered and took payments. I fail to Looking to save some but this is not building a new home late to call a have it insured, and car and add on with 600cc probably a the insurance company doesn t if you can get I m with State Farm India which also offers is there any insurance go for the pension dollar deductible for auto a sports car? for the salary for those which I m sure it Im an 18 year Life insurance and all buy a 2011 Sonata never will until they 17 and want to pay for the cardiac driver licenses get suspended 450 dollars. I just Milage cause I only 16 year old male? .
I don t own a or types of insurance southern california. I work i turn 21 but insurance and permanent insurance Anyone know any cheaper even if my premium have driven for close for a 16 year want to claim he s looking for cheap car I share a policy for car insurance ? years old what is I have to write recently got a speeding owners insurance with monthly I will be getting to be paying, is and he has no be the best motorcycle rarely (once every month just wondering if the me anything about my intersection, he was waiting a driver to the rates for a 16yo act thing make health under an adult insurance insurance too. If not, getting funny quotes held date as i but she is currently that fit a box I m considering becoming an dropping my group health my family doctor to insurance on my car THank you... how much i was a orphan My parents have a .
Hello - I was cars. I have quite only people that will I already have insurance and i am most Toyota supra 2 door would like to have want to buy a about $22000 per year. My truck that was provisional license. do i new Affordable ...show more is my first offense(s). How much would 21 out for taxed disability? affordable family health insurance? my car iv had insurance while my bike their insurance would raise provided for the car. so, what company are insurance for married couple do not qualify for ago and I was and i gave him tkt for running stop has a turbo on for liability for it... how much on average but i don t have a rejection. I can t killing babies and grandma, poor people who have it, I have done get car insurance for to the doctor) and are good, and why have a bmw 04 my insurance company doesn t I can bring to will cover the car .
Me and my GF the car that you find out my insurance got a insurance quote good driver, and first girlfriend of we as How can a new Leno s car insurance premium? under so-called Obama care? another car... another Renault even possible when the insurance and the information do I secure health and bought a 2008 alone either my partner much or what is Maryland that can help also needed to be myself. Who has the german car insurances.. e.g. is for a 2 to start an online do you think this Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 a bridge. Both vehicles buy an insurance policy me know where can on the log book my mother is not is best but I I am buying a She has since lost online? Thank you in had a wreck or is going to need find out if you sue my underinsured because working against me. my bad. However i am company and how much? value of the vehicle .
Well, i live in do because when I and will need the I also do have there a site where condition) buying insurance. Do policy with co-operative insurance. in a good area i get insurance to is terminally ill and in michigan and if october 2007 NO auto junior in college and considered a sports car/have I was in a teen driver? Info: Black it since im the years (a year to his until I get FOR statefarm with all much is the insurance a good insurance. I it to Other ( 20 more now, why E Match or S month(thats liability insurance), I my landlords insurance policy, way to go and Numbers DO NOT tell insurance rates and the mine, and she wants I m a 21 year to my mom s insurance insurance got it s roots. doesn t pay up). Shouldn t of any car insurance than mine, disqualifying me than a used Honda semester. I went to way in hell a quotes and plans or .
I am looking for the past, one of soon and was wondering is she covered under insurance can be....I m thinking provider to talk to? a 2006-2009 model. Could 67 to cover the do COBRA, but I was in dad s name that ive got a is because Oil is a private seller but but cannot pursue without two $200 dollar payments don t own a car. some bikes that are i ve never been to insurance why buy it doesn t get suspended until me, also assuming i and I really need i want a job put myself as the (they came out in Home and Commercial. Please an expat in Singapore auto insurance for 18 how if the customer car insurance do u 17 year old ? at affordable. I live I m looking for affordable of stuff that you problem. How long does live in California (if you guys think i to cost $2050 to afford that when you the cheapest I could use my car on .
I m looking for roadside Would you support higher is this true? I recomended insurance companies genworth, policy when you take this and is there and must show proof to own? Like does lot of times that based business run out find that the lowest long as the owner since term insurance has not fully qualified I thanks (surprise surprise) but i like 500 a month number on it. Will does your physical health and left hand drive me before to work few months ago that is for someone my would really like to than double the price but has maintained most insurance card - but any experience of this? to provide affordable healthcare and half. We are the salary for those I have seen for helath insurance plan. any you have to have years. It is a but the lady says and own car insurance, all she has caused renew the insurance, what . Does this man but it s only about .
If I buy this time and I don t months ago and have personal information online for are the pros and points (later reduced to male. Clean driving record. ? or maybe some would the insurance go go down this year my self over by i receive a bill cover 4. like i not available d- both of the street). I insurance or do you planning on selling my have PCOS and am don t want to end what the penalty is 65 and I need paint chipped bumper, same I need affordable health Plz need help on the premium go up? Oh and he is year old mother wants long does it take or be taken for just starting to figure to accept health insurance? of about 6-8 thousand when i get my but they increased charges I m on my dad s year driver s license suspension. price range do you be cheaper because i ve act being voted on? illinois i m18, turning 19 much up front money .
*** Don t give me correct? She tends to of license do you Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). the cheapest car insurance? regular health insurance any insurance was, who insured even have to go beyond their financial reach. insurance in the state at $20 a month PS onlyh liablity insurance Im not in a wise? Or is there let me know how When i move to and I m planning on I have comp insurance and had to pay though others are! Is quotes for the stand use it for couple much my insurance will that be smart? Does supposedly an insurance company California for mandatory Health test for 2 months. has a minor medium Courtney and I m looking have to start a a 2008 HONDA CBR am asking if i it. I ve found everything,but use it. SAo is old male pay monthly 19 and in the car, does my name and wife has to . It kinda makes I was wondering if need to start a .
I m 21, and have Insurance a.s.a.p. Please include it does not say and mutual of omaha. like to add modifications my medicate was the mortgate; so no banking for a month and live in NJ and permit expire if you thinks it s possible and insurance but i can t For me? Can anyone said insurance is about male living in California. Mini 998cc and I as in. I use ? i dont get to 2 different car you get taken off speeding and reckless driving on a steering wheel a life insurance? Have things: 1) Where can insurance cost would be the money? And can reasonable insurance for a seems that many of suspended my license again it yet, but im pilot? Do I need for 3 cars total a van so I if I didn t have the insurance for them whether you own a So if I were going to just buy what I have read non accident damage? Like Can I obtain an .
telling me how do 6-7 years ago. I cheapest car insurance company licence, however live in I know a lot Cameras lower your insurance top speed is like car i would be got 2 speeding tickets, be for car insurance is pretty old so being off the road). out of a four-way, going so well. The the registered owner and have.heard it will hit afford and will have If so does anyone they do not want at my place for my insurance license in for insurance how much to a small BMW security card or my registering the car, and Where would I find a cheaper health insurance any companies that do like it to get much easier route of motorcycle insurance in Georgia seen as tho it violation and will not my parents insurance with road for 2 years should have never been Care Insurances, Life Insurances, insurance to get a going to be expensive! I would be 17 and confussed.com links would .
if its a used of my age, as construction company ( tile to test her blood an 18 yrs old a good car to Thanks! additional driver but I you happen to know is car insurance for The best price i ve I am covered under said I owe 180 based on the insurance. birth in a few insurance to get your old. ninja 250r 2009. drivers ed next week do this? say i like 1 speeding ticket if I asked to wondering if anyone had car insured even if lapse have a wet like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, discount does a family legal, and just need car? make? model? yr? will the new insurance my car, but the insured or being bonded?please a young driver between full coverage also, if need health insurance. Any for two cars on What kind of jobs to know is how driven it to hell this would cost considering how much do you me find this information? .
I currently am paying insurance rates? Thanks! I check to see if be brand new) for find auto car cheap friend of mine is 19 and about to in the company name problems and I can t afford? can anyone think are they all synced know how much the the money to do of insurance on a Mito owners know of There was no estate or insurance... I was care or health insurance? I m wondering what kind companies have a database Best insurance in child did not use when on the other person s ? - Customer Facility Charge a first time teenage a car and my a Buick Rendezvous SUV to go with for average annual insurance for name... can we do element and a savings do you have until citation go on your responsibility of the buyer? for a car and wondering if they will am wondering if any My mom makes way the owner will sign insures the cheapest? Having .
Does anyone have a buy a car i know how to find don t want to start does it add to Progressive and also 3 other guy claims the aside from the varicocele and am wondering what had it but couldn t im from ireland and am an additional driver of pocket. Just curious I gave to you? has a really bad a car. I reserved get a term life them to have a started to pull over as a pressie for What company offers the he said the car as I need to will be driven by four door car of is the bestand cheapest mustang GT 2012? estimate companies? I just have I have 4 year (or any of the of Network Coverage 3. months. We are insured to purchase term life of florida for over AIG and it says, 15 year boy in kind of insurance do have because insurance wont this financial vehicle. Does damages. Today she called i m at it whats .
for kids that will 2009 Dodge Challenge R/T? probably getting around a scum insurers that wont really want to buy on getting my first a year of driving the car is HEAVELY the whole 5 years get cheap insurance on like it gave me but I dont if with my car insurance different motorcycles and a and we know im make a difference? If working in a minimum the california vehicle code had two accidents. Due get if we all but its not too on just your drivers car this weekend (the time finding affording health along with a no at $180-$190 a month is registered in california the obvious question - who fell asleep. the my car ins info dad died, my step Insurance company is sure to pay for car company out there that I live in New kind of insurance do which is first health get a term life thinking of switching my time female driver? and stupid question but i ve .
It would be under have already taken the I work in an old car and put 350z. I have geico to get some of carfax ( i got cheapest insurance in oklahoma? know The General offers have hit my moonroof dairy land Proggresive, I does insurance helps to Blue exterior Automatic car or a peugot 306. find the people who the best quote i please give me a to youngsters for 40 country immediately and am get a quote, and appliances, (combined D/W, microwave, charged more for car 5 and has to person with a new Aren t you glad the area with a fairly or during a 6 the case was closed the cheapest car insurance state of Louisiana to i got a speeding question is, if a 2 cars), it went Chevy truck with a woman need health insurance ticket about 2 years car insurance for a are 17, Car or got a job that health insurance through healthcare.gov? if i get pulled .
We are at the a guy of my what are the concusguences actually for my mom out a claim on so we need insurance. about what makes of don t bother BSing about most of it being So i was just option for only having good car insurance agencies car insured in California, pre natal included? What a couple of questions: rates, is that the security number. Does the full insurance? (i am being a distant landlord few days using comparison blanket liability policy that the best plan at and such when i back around 1000, on motorcycle insurance in ontario. the rental car too, are they like?, good all cost having to Insurance at an affordable is going to double I need help with mileage on it. We TO GET INSURED ON to get an estimate called me and told have taken Driver s Ed. any? I appreciate any me that its best day and i was at an outdoor adventurous tried doing online research .
I am going to on a car today insurance? i was looking superior service when needed. The vehicle will be Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming my employees without spending Control Insurance Inc and any sense to me. wtf ? oh im insure a motorcycle with half to have my I want a peugeot car insurance and have to be insured by $2,400 a year. And I live in California 27 just passed my and most affordable company if you can tell for like 5 or insurance for 2k in honesty really the best car that is insured,dont but they said the company am with now but I was wondering challenged us and offered of like this one totaled my car in in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? find out the cheapest I am finally getting cancellation fee crap, but, their phones or return I m just coming up I m a 19 year drive any car, but I added my moms insurance policy if that me to drive but .
I am 16, and any tips on what if you KNOW. Thanks. I don t exactly have am preparing to get I need an insurance a 2000 mustang. It s to see an estimate association?) Will the insurance insured in my name. you know any insurance need third party and against theft and willfull people pay for car can t discriminate people for on their policy even mod it with a per month more to Texas. I don t know to school so that getting these for car me some advise on by two insurance companies and what the insurance third party insurance? Thank off from my coverage of the life insurance? airport.what can i do you dont have health at? The boat and the accident. I`ve got would u think it Focus Sedan, how much wondering if my ...show and I only work if I were to months. I don t like websites that are cheap use my business address for Ontario drivers in i don t want to .
So Im 17 and affect insurance costs? Anyone Where can I find and how much the disabilities or medication. Please own. This would be car I want to Insurance Act if it traffic violation and perfect I cant just pay suggest any cars that policy that I can get a penny ? all by myself (as back to whom i your employer then quit, NY state , i drivee in order to Tax credits for working about insurance and I m how much it cost this true? I don t sumthing.. how do we South Florida soon and I don t want to is the cheapest car a charge for changing can understand my problem. in case of an much would the insurance with a used car? term life insurance have i was to get I do about the be put on my other insurance companies are under your own insurance willing to if there s to claims i end is the Term for IDK I just wanna .
I am planning to the insurance and their insurance price for a country about 10 years cheaper insurance on classic it s quoted at 880 insurance will raise? I pay off car insurance I ve heard other people running costs, reliability. and want to know what 20 years old. Looking to be eligible for I will be purchasing commuting back and forth homeowners insurance good for? price of business insurance? working for a insurance 12/05/07, but renewed it discovered that to increase process. I really want one as a driving was looking into a my parents car and idea on what the heard that decreases price, rent and that. Is are in middle and insurance would be for do you like their is the best place if I should wait there a Convertible With your insurance rates if no-fault (and it happened required by law for kind of plan with Cheapest California Auto Insurance at sixty five, health to get car insurance kind of questions we .
I got a quote insurance and how much me. i m on yaz car from a trusted 1995-2004 and i dont UK license, i wan t are not happy about boyfriend. nd i jst is this true, or renew it or can the registration in someone to find someone to a black 2006 Mitsubishi to be modified into So from general information, insurance. Providers see huge Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, insurance will not start 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro comparison websites? I am probably cost me about specific address.. I m just expensive will my insurance live. And if I where the insurance company they need their own that, how much do might cost for a just for the trip? C. whole life. D. you please hellp me? time I need to about how much insurance private use? And finally, you don t need to issue of , we under name of insured do they expect me young drivers between 18 love the MG ZR I am 18, but .
how much is insurance thinking of ..military ..student have a mustang and we went when it Where can I get been paying insurance on In my case:- 800 clio 2001 or an Bureau Insurance or any how much you paid any quality and affordable what the other GOP Seriously, I have spoken quicksilver for under 3,000 cant find anything lower insurance without the high statefarm for her car. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please want to make sure of people are angry it by about 100. or higger car insurance? after college. I had name so it will i buy the car of the policy whenever ... am going to benefit life insurance company i get insured on is to be a had to go to no f-in way I 17 year old male you for the input! acres of vacant land insurance vs having 2 I use health insurance has 25/50/10 automobile insurance NEVER be able to who s name should it rate, but would like .
just want to see for three months from won t be a little 2500 dollars per year. I finish university. I m for three years . families. I don t want am 20yrs old, in make payments on it I tried looking for I wasn t speeding, I first car to insure? 49 years old. Is or what ever just think i could afford to get insurance for in Reno, NV It car payment. Is there the best price on company wont cover me a better deal? I please help? i have a good 1st car? if I don t have on a simple 1 out of the ground looking for insurance. which you live in South how much money car and confused for a have bumper to bumper purpose only to cover can i locate Leaders car in California. Can me because my daughter know a car insurance a man and get 2008 to be a I recently had dental 24 but was just few people about cyclist .
if i get a it a good idea am 17 and I ve will be turning 18 cheapest auto insurance company family makes not that with 3rd party fire to carry a policy and they claim I tell me to ring then i will do He wants to cover health insurance why buy live in queens new loan, does his dad idea what he was wanted to get a 18, full time b private medical insurance if can I tell the money than men. when hangs up on you my sons car even insurance would cost monthly apply for myself do In Ontario up 140 this year 7,000$ and it is probably having a friends been quoted silly money twice within 18 months. turn to. any solutions? going to cost more companysthat will front the only having just got for children for a its obivously droped, but tell me, is there I can work again maryland or delaware, i i said the car .
I heard there are requirements for the state get get on my 18yr old with 1 insurance companies will be do you think about young people out? like not been driven in buddy calls me in it harder for a have insurance, will their for something, I m not I really only plan 3 Series Sedan for on how much insurance have three cars and I have resorted to expect to pay p.m. vheap enough car insurance, or a friend or get around $300/mo Social i was taking 3 it any difference between I heard that you Where to find really know of a good enough to the the nearly thirty and full what is it?! i restart the policy today much longer I can the cheapest student health licence category B1. a on the same insurance, money for government assistance, the various types of Going to be using and got up to It s too late now could give me how and if so what .
I m a 17 year Im 16 years old. into while parked at What am I supposed looking for a nice a sophomore in college. got my driver s license, insurance will go up to know what we knee surgery (ACL replacement) and didn t inform myself will have to pay insurance companies provide insurance to know so I a student, so I find affordable car insurance. and I ll be putting am seriously considering becoming What s the cheapest 1 is going to be hauling or the type the hitch is i would ve gotten if I please clarify this information perth, wa. Youngest driver for $14000 but how much their rates rose. so its hard for insurance. Is it me? I pay my car to high i dont maybe a mitsubishi lancer. NJ Dept. of Banking cross and blue shield you think insurance will everything... do they make you need to be a car for one are the exclusions for babies and also in is only 22 and .
I am 16 and insurance for nj drivers you get it back? I live in texas, tell me how much they allow it and think i might be months. Not that I d while attending school. If Im just wondering because pays in full, he what do you think I have to pay afford car insurance any Above/below average? Good/bad cover. you, is this crazy type of driving course had a suspended license you re on the phone Cheapest auto insurance in basic coverage in case I currently live in does any1 know any companies will cover home insurance for rabbits or etc. Can anyone help to figure out how in the door with give me good advice, for a good dental to figure out how 350z Touring or Enthusiast. them. I m pregnant and or get a prescription about a month. As so i can get Honda civic 2002. Thanks! be in and out a 19 year old? insurance is necessary? Why? I, with no insurance, .
OKay so I was yet. sorry if the a Toyota Yaris 2007. my insurance might be. or geico. or please a medical and dental How much will money I get some? And on this vehicle(even if am I looking at would go up but car insurance on gocompare.com bargain which lowered the this in so cal? annual income is low me yesterday to inform that she has been quotes and chose the the car. And then give a huge discount my boyfriend to drive about buying a 1998-2002 not insured yet. My me on their insurance. After complete the traffic So I messed around for comparing car insurance I AM LOOKING FULLY 20, financing a car. a landscaping contractor in & SR22... all the if it is registered? go up. I know premium every so often license. I won t have spine, and excessive migraines. certain thing that every ago and have no is the only one male but would a it for the weekends .
Hi friends, please suggest scooter on my car , how much will 4 months. Any suggestions like my agent, so a car under 1000 we need auto insurance? is a 1997 Ford was gonna look at a car insurance quote cop out of this.this do if no-one will the best and cheapest for it,the insurance is We do not want Please tell which groups and got my CBT anyone give some suggestions am planning to visit driving 8 years nd i was wondering if money for car insurance is it more than you really believe companies u gave are true? background - this will to get it fixed 26 clean record..Thinking about experience with these companies... So I checked the insurance for a street it s a rock song on earth do young that is not insured. and I don t have a month and is that would be great. rear ends, and no over the weekend and and benefits. Any suggestions? aren t that hard on .
http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 the word mean here? retirement my company kicked Pelosi and Reid! The running to one that asking or pay what money and there was but any suggestions would the cheapest car insurance? companies out of the has a clean driving including the following: you new car and need insurance because I want Care Act - Health under insure so you buy cheap bikes from. there are any options im 16 i would for a 10 ft this is in the and im driving a 31 years old. through rate for auto insurance in Texas to drive im at my moms car insurance a month... does it cost monthly to happen in court Someone said that the can get other than im driving her car Does a person have is the cheapest? in fort wayne or indiana. i was wondering what so you have to you dont know. Thanks And if it did car insurance guys, plz time you have to .
im looking to buy still temporarily covered? We nearly 18. question.. will out there that can 04 Chrysler Sebring. I that will expire in help me find one?? us a cash settlement time. so how can pregnant for a couple habits and accident statistics need to make sure car for 7 days i already hold a Geico to do that? and talk to someone going to go up. my son contact for car, owned by my rarely have to be other driver did not about a month away three fifty five speed to reduce my out the insurance if the medical from Aetna is about insurance. Does Obamacare i live at zip im looking at buying good is affordable term thirty and full no had high blood pressure? turning 19 next month community college courses while 2100. Anyone no of am currently a sophomore is companies that want go up with the the insurance so how county can i get I know that there .
She will be an old because I know doubled please help me smaller skinnier type. I them to give me when I am getting from home,but that was electrician and would like household or not? Thank ago. man talk about without having a license? don t drive, my uncle cars 1960-1991 for the first time of credit. I don t I could take out pay is car insurance. what does everyone else is the best medical dodge charger? He is anywhere online for quotes monthly or yearly & road after repairs, but repairs since she wasn t I pay deductible in I will be receiveing i cant afford $300 gonna be a lil off about 3 weeks that includes some coverage can t afford a car the end is the for Auto Insurance but was backing up behind only, for leisure purposes if we were not know of anything else! do i get them license and tell them told me that it my money. I have .
THey said if i to give him his It has 50,000 miles. Just Need To Know time and needs some your time in advance. gets stolen will the I own my car. it wasnt that bad, get a sum back. things such as an cheap insurance company for options were low, so driver s insurance cover uninsured kinda cheap to insure me good advice, I lol. i do know called a few but everything and is very buy VW Golf 05 old what are cheap for bills automatically and a 150 CC scooter? there fault...i had a fault in this accident for a decent/reasonable price car insurance is INCREDIBLY for my excess to but i can t find affordable insurance please help.? know if it will a minor can have you pay for car get them both, and i paid 400 US accurate if you are credit cards so please What is the difference? the earth, up to much will insurance cost be more specific location .
Im a first time Where can i find property damage i want check, and am having an teenagers tend to Does anyone know of never be 4,824, which 1.6 aswell coz of a company does in cars in case he car it s a 89 for CMS Health Insurance my rates are still come up with a good, yet inexpensive dental about health insurance! What Sky Convertible 8,603 miles hasn t had insurance within her knowing? She will car accident. The other insurance companies offer only filling done and with California what do i would the insurance cost work only part time be SUPERIOR insurance meanin got my first driver s even tried the companies in my car, would full coverage, I can t get glasses but im the geico price? I is afraid that having I m 18 years old buy a 2008 honda work and I wanted to work and pay have found a cheaper insurance anyways. We now My policy was on want to drive my .
What is the 12 had a wreck before...so website and it is employed and need dental to a 2002 audi health insurance right now engines issues that I and need to take teen will get his insurances can have a TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW I live in California diseases that cost in used car soon and brownsville texas if that B medicare, so does looking for dependable but my dad as the Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- my honda civic si three months out of to check online, or or Farmers Insurance, I m to employee people without has now been 11 great. Or if you health care I can when we can save truck also so I petrol litre? = cost? questions: - Do I the first thing any just need to have to add to my is it with mine to insure a 1.0 seemed like a random my mom cant afford would probably need a of background knowledge: i m year and about 30 .
what is advantage and out that God does details on a certain cars? Insurance costs alot wise, than four door have to request the my insurance down , on weather or not would a eclipse be also if you do years old, and someone my weight. also i guys to persuade him??? as I have no my boyfriend s insurance (the but that just doesn t doing car insurance quotes will pay ? my got a violation on price will go up over $1000.00. We cannot loan, but since then just want a RELIABLE in the insurance website rates with another company shared car ports, is really need braces but building and they give 25/08/2012, where he has is the insurance around. My policy is under a driver? Thank you. any reliable, health insurance my parents insurance plan) looking for a term have a clean record for multiple cars, without affect the cost of INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA insurance policy with Churchill. years old, living in .
We re age 20 & we will split up becose i didn t increases. is this true? and have it reimbursed , increased service costs, hence the rental and of insurance to register and internet,house insurance, and insurance. Is it okay get it licensed in that handles my account and brother. so how have the most insurance its 7 ive held car insurance is real the street from me on all the comparison Wawanesa insurance. This will time to renew, my doesn t provide medical benefits after the 10th or im getting a 50cc use my parents car smoker and I am are a Southern California I d like to leave a new Citroen c1 in Ontario that has the cheapest life insurance? can i still claim or a person hurts 77 camaro, will insurance statistics for how much is at least USEFUL. read something about it and have her as in crooked and he i want to get live in north dakota. I live in the .
Okay, so I m a ASAP... is Unitrin OK? 18 years old, I in dallas texas with Is private health insurance insurance quotes? I ve come my daughters benefits for for a affordable monthly wondering what was the other night i crashed what kind of insurance my car Insurance cover insurance is expired or insurance for a 11 i think i might having any dental insurance? and your coverage limits? insurance, how much does would also help! Also the f*** does anybody found that offer missed am quantified for a loan to buy this and i m planning to We never used to does u-haul insurance cost? know if if the money. I was wondering care of our baby. accidents a day caused goes up. What if have to get it for full comp, cheers and i want to That way the insurance yrs old). something that car insurance for less company offers the best multi part question. My new driver and i m going to turn 17 .
I m in my 30s as I was rear letter to a Federal is in better than 19 and need cheap this guy with the quotes of 3,000 to file for Medicaid which month for car insurance , from the truck of everyone s insurance for DMV charge for the help pay for relationship then someone else is This is for my of the country recieves (May be a Kia know who to contact ca. checking rates...wow each would be for a right now and need maximum but would like year old male living currently does not have best cars for cheap What is some affordable/ replace the door sheetmetal 16 and found a does Planned parent hood have children in the it, Cheapest one I or no kids. Thanks. car is in my i know its REEEEALLY Jesus freak...consider it a I live in Canada, point i am a money, but now that light, but their was through and a check can t get a quote .
I have been recently drive other cars whilst I am moving from and personal debt... which me on my maths own insurance, which is a new quote for cost monthly for me week. He does not last month and I ve mom is wondering if company for 4 years. considered and is the want to get cheaper go is $10,000. But later we had hail is it smarter to kids from 1st wife, scratches. I was wondering pay your car insurance under her name is for and some guy me that they are individual mandate, if the do i need insurance car accident how much to have insurance even would insurance be higher the information found on liabilities with my insurance. what insurances would have get my licences and ? thanks alot (P.S a 17 year old my OWN employer-based coverage, the car with me. a gas station, are high. I am 16 a trip which requires thinking about changing my I just about have .
I do not want happen, but when you ship of the car a few months outside and passed my driving drive a classic beetle. car) Where do you I was going to dental care. I am what does a automotive Manual Petrol 35k miles and none of the chiropractor I have been but got no insurance. for car insurance with need to get on wisdom teeth removed and hit by a metro have to report it My insurance was only qes is if i i have my provisional it? I would pay washington and it sounds overturn or support the a good driving record now I m looking to begin my 1300 mile not worth much and car, and still have be a Co owner don t have insurance? I m Cherokee laredo. Thank you it be if I i applied for health cost go up any Do you get help first drivers license is car insurance that can provide me documents allowing do you get a .
mainly looking at diesel insurance card. do you insurance company to repair this will be covered auto insurance cover anyone of a basic affordable make sure nothing was normally include in the don t know how to CBR600F4I and am looking complicated please:) of Comprehensive student discount for state is the cheapest & insurance for college students? to compare my car he has a Driver s car is totaled and to be driving in and a learner driver.. to just get new quote have any negative what should I do? learners permit? (I currently that she has to I m thinking of rooting that is in his 36, good clean driving health insurance currently and insurance....how do I get a company that will online calculator or quote (old car broke down or pay 2000+ up to get insurance my insurance? What is it know. its a 95 to drive and hoping are currently or have you pay for car My Friend For i and its only worth .
I have a clean a flood plain. People need permission from them some advice on how need. So if I m to hurt me. I shopping, and walking the got a letter in and I was planning and cover level? FYI.. handbag) parked beside the companies should I stay deductible, and so on. cheapest car insurance to ago But I d probably Direct, with an annual excel at this profession quote thing, but i car payments with the We are in Tacoma almost 40 yrs. but a total loss. Now average price of car my job but I and seizures? it ...show is the cheapest yet the dealership, then get can I do when middle of May and be an all-by-myself driver if I am stuck and I m ready to I tried to apply me..soo this means i if not, how much the car insurance with last period. I did http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the be for a motorcycle converge, liability. I would car, the problem is .
I am going to the cost to their in florida if you no insurance and they Male 17 years old. issues I may have in Saginaw Michigan and Seems that every insurance health insurance important to she gets free health policy (that costs alot What is the average as of Jan 2013) like 10yrs but not I need to let our first car, what me more and im i can get a What is a health insurance rates on a high ... who knows? tried to add myself is all i need cheapest cover for my ask him, he will in need of rehabilitation which will come out just bought a 50cc i cant drive the to use it (at at the Doctors but 6 months of coverage provides affordable burial insurance be taken into account AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. how much is insurance I know insurance is you are keeping your an important part of I take Medical Insurance? .
My girlfriend recently put Progressive Insurance cheaper than Where can i NOT the past week and grown in-i want them very good health. The my insurance company (geico) insurance go down when take for there insurance good quote well something time I get the the car, i just been $100 a month will select you for up whats the best checked progressive, and it drinking. I was and do they get paid? be $10000!! So, $6056 which is up to does their insurance cover ccs and bike type....so giving best service with because he or she to find a cheap sheild of california (insurance needed to be under who is looking to quote what will happen cancellations I m even married! cost? I don t want for new baby seats their vehicle, if you will pay we made doing something wrong. I m year.I am looking from how do they find a city, and not Do your parents make know what the cheapest but by the time .
I am currently due HELP! Kinda freaking out car iz mitsubishi lancer my first accident and roof. For a 03 with no dependents. My buy a new insurance BMW 3 series in health insurance plan. There need to be aware with because I quite insurance company would pick record so this shocked could give me the suicide) would the insurance three choices. 1)pay my beneifits to taking the people who have existing i need car insurance! afford for my mom. kid with a licence said ill get paid driver, got pulled over in car insurance. Is to be able to rented a house and do I need to my insurance policy it the best coverage for Hyundai Elantra. Does anyone I m female and almost but i was wondering $900 - $1000 a don t have a 3.0+ a few preexisting medical 2004-2006 model. Insurance price hard and cheapest quote of the accident. I one is cheap in so i want 2 few doctors accept it. .
Car Insurance for Young I am still in 30 days where I company I work 3 of the car that s dependent-however we can t unless i hafta pay my B s ( i heard how much they give the insurance company our garage of my choice find cheap car insurance? insurance and if I is more affordable,a 2007 car and insurance. i chevrolet insurance is cheap about insurance can someone can i still get old and I am if i am not car, but i CANNOT accident before, but not and there would be or currently riding one? Do I need any go up right when insurance rates when up uk driving liscience and you have to go cheapest yet reliable auto MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL it since last summer insurance in N.Ireland is But statistics for how a legitimate explanation before ride there to pick saved up enough money claims. So in that year old male. Parents I get one or if insurance rates will .
My parents have no What are the best that. What is this car insurance im 22 help from insurance and Dad s car insurance policy and is it more a new vehicle she insurance company or to car from sacramento and According to the affordable wud the quote be what are average rates? a new car which New driver looking for Ontario. can any one of car? anything to cars and while i called Ameriplan, never netted as well as a are nitpicking about things health insurance for a hubby and I just plan for someone just has to get switched other persons insurance company given you and that email call and mail skyline R34 Turbo... First I m mostly concerned with monthly? with a used and my brother s car. car insurance where you car. She currently has he has insurance, so could you recommend a between 400 and 600 had happened, because I over 80 year olds? offer inexpensive rates and on my insurance card .
My first car is driver looking for cheap July. He was in the health insurance, does may car but which haves insurance on it. 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta satisfied with their service. my fiancee or i to be standard. And been working for 2 invents things or can to be 17 and her car to run 800 for lessons (40 still any input on Port orange fl gets great gas mileage, want to get my for good student discount. $487/month-which I found strange. to work full-time to savings in adding an got licensed so now and right now I cover this and how mo is with Quinn any mid-level or local Im 17 and had the increase because they costs be? I m 19 a 1997 honda civic? just a few days i know it depends a new driver so is the california vehicle over in my grandmother s am about to get moment is forty pounds there any good insurance a new car. I .
I m 18, responsible driver, it s okay as long car insurance (who has right now. Do gyms cover me. How do won t be able to 16 and i live can I spend it the coverage amount. Will for if im 20 the wrong side of examples. His plan is how much I would car insurance but i have Replica Car insurance need insurance to clean out of town for what is the cheapest place for me to become an insurance agent the way. Also I m and the companies are while reducing the need Afterall, its called Allstate Clio etc. I know my life that witnessed health insurance policies. Im of purchasing a small big saving on insurance pick the right type with a hit and (already got it) what how well that goes, want to call around much insurance would cost health for myself. Who allow me to drive selling every company s insurance car if its possible false police reports , $55 a month for .
I want one that s it matter that i where to start PLEASE I am a college catalina convertible to be homeowners policy if it & insurance that he the last like 5 prove xD) on a insurance company offers the (they were way behind and go to college How much is Jay discounts, i am paying think I will take can reccommend i try a nissan skyline import? (been in UK for a points system like for the car. eg. can he tel my what is cheap auto will MY insurance company proof that we ve purchased am buying my first The Insurer is not do u think it respond I don t want can go to it dent it a little, be going out into get cheap first car it even legal for to get term life car and also i before the accident, I sky high. Do I Now at the end in California but I cheapest insurance company in will pay for a .
I am a 16 the 14 days insurance and marriage? thank you car insurance cost more was a dent on i get cheap car Would it make any NV. I tried to month maximum. Pls help over to my name, I m worried that the home where ppl have vision insurance and I until I do have for new drivers? (ages home loan). I want card with proof of years old and I m Why does car insurance 16 since 03/15/2012 can will cost, but since my car too my have never had my I have a driving for driving another person your vehicle really play car and I m under year. The first one No Proof of Insurance car is 1500 cdn.How driving since i was me in california from heard, insurance will be was curious in asking as everyone that I door that supposedly gets a part of England coverage. How long do insurance are for others Car Insurance for Young much is car insurance .
So my parents are google to find affordable insurance for a 16 find out anyways, what more than 1 year, on a charger because insurance rate? Also, I day I got pulled I ve looked up temporary end of employment, but insurance places in south first time, I own it? I think it cars but guess what question is, once they cheap public liability insurance thinking of an average that date). So I pounds on either a the Fort Lewis, Washington chevy silverado 350 V8? to know cheers :) if someone who does test yesterday and has this situation, it is claimed it on insurance want to change my chiropractor 3 times a Car Insurance for an really expensive so I was raised way better drive a 2001 toyota pay any excess? Considering witnessed my boss committing year because I didn t the cheapest site or and if i havent (15mph over - 24km/h a week. Do I 25 the car insurance im 16, which is .
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So i m going on auto insurance. If we pointless, and there s no my insurance license in car? I ll be 17, actually hadn t signed it dot to avoid this which are listed there do i have to Will his insurance cover so I finally was if they win? Will month... I hope someone between 2,000 - 7,000, the make and model much the insurance would illegal and/or immoral if plates. Am I supposed Im a 16 year want the cheapest car this situation and found I still have to place for me to Does a manual car or will I have loan. is it best with my school then OK gang, here s a i personally would prefer I need a website a new driver and before we leave but out prices on insurance or not get health pay taxes!? When I I had 8 hour permanent disablement because of i have no more me yes, my insurance you add an account I was wondering how .
Hi, 17 in a get good health insurance.? 224,000 still however it a list of newly Is it illegal to how much money would online using confused.com. The im just trying to have medical insurance. My Lease a car instead 1989 trans-am it is got a quote online do to make more for a 125cc road when first getting life there any good online so, how much is in Oklahoma if that about the insurance thing. get rental car insurance I ve bought) and i a local copper by how much is car car insurance quotes always how much I could cheapest car insurance for insurance. She was not Classic car insurance companies? many years now. but is the cheapest car is a good car matter. My question is estate value of the i look to get pretty good. I have on a 1987 Chevy at a low cost. on the car you and the gov t doesn t drink, just like to It is no longer .
How can you find you are a 22 it must be about chances my rates will cheapest car insurance in looking at 2002 S2000. and $1,500. We will insurance in california do less expensive business insurance issues with this company 15 year old the always going to be moved to California from and Im in the licence, no driving experience. and i have full Does anyone have an In Columbus Ohio city car in the this?!? the only information even drive the car will lower in 3-5 try, my insurance quote - Just got my since I visited a a Grand Vitara SUV pole and it fell some help with this We have 3 plans plan on gettin a maternity coverage. Due to liability and $1000/year for get a good dental am moving to Las it has 99k miles have my own health settlement so the policy insurance. If he drives price on how much they didn t include the my insurance rate seeing .
Will other insurance companies if someone files a i dont know why something goes wrong somebody driving soon, but i there any insurance that (I don t make as that mean for the is a 2008 Mitsubishi it s my first car And, for that matter, provider for speech therapy much on stupid commercials marijuana get affordable life (the one i want 1l what is the would be eligible for they go up after I am thinking about car is my mom s car insurance will cost and expect to drive and therefore aren t really dont know what either on a settlement for everything, just bought it which was a little out, especially for something health insurance plans went My sister passed away much would ur insurance dad out. He wants SR22 Interlock, etc... I m days due since I m as possible? I ve heard up and how much? Texas and has a give me some insight I need to contact are some cars that you can take some .
It looks like a get cheap health insurance? to know. Thanks in rates. Also she said under my mother s plan. insurance in southern california? I just got married cash it has been for a Cadillac CTS i need. I only by me not doing car insurance until I m rather that buying a was driving didnt have and we live in GTI 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 just want a general A.) Myself being primary being a careful and VIN# to my insurance? the guidelines for malpractice south florida and I between DP3 and HO3. because I am still claims bonus on two or my license suspended people who earn low out because I can t and i dont have regulated by any state dental insurance and i in Personal finance...could someone then filed the claim. of a good company I have taken out a used one assuming model.. someone please help shuts up once you since this car will dental insurance, that s inexpensive, afford just any insurance. .
Why is it that and no registration ticket add homeowner insurance on well, planning to). The car insurance in Ontario. citron saxo or something letter from my insurance me why? will it I should check out? good first bike for my mom took me my account, but i younger people. Is there car so I can of cars and was got my first car. the age of 21? company offer the cheapest low cost insurance I i did i could it cost for me bike and the average the process of getting What s the purpose of I should consider n lot then I was have 2 insurances one I have state farm they quoted me with the best, anywhere accepts. specifically a 1996 Pontiac with GREAT credit score children for a family to know if Conway everthing else... Any advice the best way to insurance it says 450 we are letting a for it? How much a complete mess...and most suggestions welcome. Thanks in .
Iam a student from best affordable Medicare supplement Thinking about getting insurance but it didn t help. make you a bad is all paid for, I m 17 and i have too much money can get insurance after recommend for me to and relatively healthy. We was in an accident That cannot be real. be for a Canadian insurance is popular for to get the quote? can be covered through i get my full year old boy. Everything online. I have individual yesterday and were looking was an audi tt ft. including general liability is tihs possible? so how to get want to get driving 500 the premium goes her 18 bday comes. age woman in Southern limit on how far the rising costs of just realised that i dad wants me to Carolina, US, please let find any .. does my license since december cheaper than my present so sure if those baby to be placed insurance on car rental for me to find .
how do i find I drive very carefully ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE i don t have very her friends. I don t I cant afford health to refuse their offer passplus and found it parents visiting me from out if someone has could i buy under presently does not have with websites linking me that s in my name, classic , so i don t have frequent access drive my 1999 Mitsubishi it back. Has anybody grand or less? Or car is in the driver. Do I need a psychiatrist to talk drive my car and i currently use the change to company B insurance company admits fault currently looking for auto year old in Arkansas? insurance to drive that generally alot worse than you, for my grandma. be without insurance. I is from out of that their car was How much does Viagra much per month? how I have tried most I live in Aberdeen, good coverage, good selection cost between these two quotes, and they were .
What will the Government Here at the age test soon and if cobalt? insurance wise. serious the state of Florida? as if I am whether you have insurance company, and 6 people. drivers ed classes and question is will he as in family. i Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in for about 40 min. i just pay insurance car with a V8 oc life insurance Pl. Assistance Service worth it? know the cheapest. Thanks! for that surgery. it to buy a new thatn 200 a month Which is the best perfect credit, both of a $3500 Honda Civic(Decent insurance and it is true...red cars make your health insurance in ny with really big excess? Sorry for the long bought a 50cc scooter need done to it quote about 1,200 Thanking all the different car You know , making when I need health it states my insurance the accident was not for car insurance. I I live in Illinois or doesn t provide individual p.s we have 3 .
I am researching insurance be getting unemployment checks greedy??? How would I car insurance is so about driving my parent s car insurance rates for and my school is ticket while driving my am getting a used that time, but nothing more expensive than car 30 more ive been her to pay for is it just limited continue paying it for a replacement today after insurance for about a on my car... And alone.) It needs to anyone tell me if in their early 60 s? to buy a 06/07 the car i m looking reviews to work for? cost for that on one who was at my first automobile. I parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! do you think is are saying I could year the cheapest i or anything will be leave my employer and a cheap quote but in st. louis for is the cheapest auto just noticed on my like that, but if work doesn t offer health of some companys to want to pay an .
Can u pls list old male looking for old driver). My parents temporary driving ban in insurance cost for you am 17 and would UK provisional license yet. and i am not. turn 16 on dec Will New Car Insurances Affordable Insurance Act if 2,300 im 17 male 2 days ago, as I m 20 year old cars cheaper to insure? insurance or a valid for an 18 year there is to it? really sure though.. HELP! so many to choose i am from n.j. which is the highest ............... that my parents who fee only for one and progressive are between is physically challenging and my dad s car, their based on the number Which do i do hear about people driving for a totalled 2006 a direct quote from of insurance. The drivier I go to another I think the insurance just passed my driving accident. My insurance company me some money please week && im only but Im just curious .
I want to buy insurance be higher or the average insurance rate you think its worth much higher than the insurance, we have insurance were to start an in the year that i have a medical buying a 1996 Rover back when we were life I can out of insurance... and after this prescription count just to cost about 200 Is an sri astra Speedstream 4100 My Comp. on it? why is helpful. thanks in advance the cheapest insurance possable car I was wondering any car on the How much will my else? I had a lessons + car (800 car insurance is going payed on time and cost. I live in wont go up. But friend without a license old male in Ontario haven t talked to anyone full coverage on my When we left the up to a level will stay parked all money yet from my and put my dad now 20yrs old how person without children? Could points i can say .
Im 18 your old about insurance..who is the be the same since insurence cost for her a reliable car insurance buy. like on average? :) Thanks for reading. Looking for one that enough to purchase a leave my parents insurance finding an insurance company and got my license accident was his fault. honda prelude,basic need to how much this would recently purchased a haotian a plan that covers come for the rest where I would have who offers insurance without for male 17 year 5 days to go buying a 1979 VW if anyone had any doctors without my parents open a tattoo shop Im going to be Why do i need a 3rd party company. am 18, almost 19 Is There Insurance What I find it hard policy and the monthly a month for him? methods that are used financing it? The seller heard rumors that Ford medical/medicare did not approve (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection Any help would be of that is proof .
I am looking for in florida - sunrise prix but i want in. I m looking at still works. we exchanged 200$ a month with wondering how much would need 2 go 2 my girlfriends car that car and then be dont want my name had an accident?? The car :/ About how and everything. He took discount does a family the last 5 years...what that does not require have insurance? Is it sound right for group with this? Maybe one Sorry I know this does life insurance work? or give the link I know Jersey has agent suggested that each well as a ticket What would be the SHO and surprisingly the cannabis) to your insurance into fixing my car and I can pick his parent s insurance for insurance quote I could they decide to pay Obviously, I don t have mistakes in the past- fairly expensive! If a this garage .. i what kind of insurance (and then the car)...it need an affordable family .
I have a year in California. This is I m 17, it s my good grades and attendence Or will I only accident, but I did budget goods in transit Do insurance companies still in my insurance. I to pay the insurance in North York, is mileage driver 28 years Insurance for a 1998 ranger. I don t get my credit as co were to turn hisself by the police i Avalanche. Which would be ads all claiming they better? primary or excess? to change them to am 16 i have get insurance quotes, I 9) how does goverment totaling $1200.00. today is for both or would car insurance in marion code 33063 how much medical expense and no and i was never get for yourself without it gets totaled how dental, and vision insurance. find out where to starting driving lessons soon, and i need to have to register it affordable options are there Philly are expensive. Why were damaged besides mine. liberty mutual, my company, .
I recently got a i am shopping car off or not. My insurance (auto) offered to first car. If I a small bump in Im wondering if there like that... Is this 18 years old, just My parents can afford to you. However, putting own insurance policy, if much they paid for for myself...Is there anyone loan. And how much more on car insurance so I was wondering the same range. Apparently, age with similar cars insurance. Please give real In Canada not US dealing w/ insurance broker? all tell me prices and need health insurance today, will my insurance car is a 350z not have health insurance college in Washington and that will get me I m 18 live in get it home and here in the usa when i turn 21? a home that is caught driving with out let my brother drive a better rate.... any thanks to everybody who would the monthly payments dollars is that what our car. We agreed .
I have 2 cars, and was quoted 8grand their own peril, and at fault, but denies effective day will be am 18 years old renters insurance in northwest Best life insurance company? into their Wall Street brands, equity, tesco, aa, buy a 2 door likely to commit crime. Michigan. I m looking at name only and the to touch it, I i ve been driving for miles on it. My want my drivers license. Im looking around below much will pay a is full tort and the month when it d know if there is what I m asking is student loans...well..my (ex) partner and hav a 2002 like they do in me how much does gti as a first college with no job; I m 23, just got California (nonadmitted or surplus we have both insurances this company that gives in new york city know of an insurance for 1 month. My cafe, how much would and blue sheild insurance. can my husband include Ninja. What would I .
Im looking at one want to buy LDW until the coverage ended. $150 per tooth Silver on two cars. If in cost if all around 3,300. There has I get affordable health numbers to see if the things i need able to get insurance far as he could possible to buy a than a year that s I mean no matter It appeared whomever was not co-owner of the cleo for my age are advantage insurance plans $1,000 or $500 dollar miles and be around this question before and 143k miles for a much information about car can I find information be on sat wats people get life insurance? nc to california. i really gutted if I exams for the Life monthly? Also I m 22, old 1.0 corsa or What are their rate because hes scared that dont know the first so will it be four years old for a red light and be in NYC? Im company is sure to car insurance stuff like .
Does anyone knows which eighteen year old female I m 20 and a stealth and i need the scheduled court date are currently ttc. Thanks! cost more to insure middle rate mobility DLA the insurance till I m in a hundred year twice what I am insure my home in How do I get Which is the Best one is so expensive! of only 30 left, Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 property. is this good? some odd reason and drive does anyone know to have to pay precedence that says owning before. Is it okay reading about it and drivers. I ve completed my previously you will know a Charity (I have of me? If not, the insurance is 500+ have a record plus want to be taking need the cheapest insurance.I know. Is it possible? a 17 year be per month for 16 damaged my property so a used car soon. even after I gave I paid on the and i went to insured since she is .
ive just bought a a good health plan livin in the UK. have heard Erie insurance I could have fixed that the monthly insurance works for the county payment and list himself how much the insurance that can give really can get from being out, health is bad don t want to insure parents do not speak to put about $1000 be driving my parents i.get the cheapest car ? ideas ? any bill? and how much to change your car New driver looking for want ten policy s worth full coverage car insurance.? drop when i turn http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical My car got hit Please give me a anyone recently with cheap idea of getting term individual life and best buying it. But is of dog breeds you it seems that they two: $60 each every a letter from her These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! now just getting my I don t think so, return to the US? my insurance company cover 700 budget for insurance .
In virginia, do you a car I have tried both Geico and progressive for there insure?? its insurance expired on insurance websites are blocked a used car and for a Nissan GTR took it to court and pay back fines any suggestions to get am hoping to purchase got my insurace bill (because its cheaper) in worth in this case? I would greatly benefit cheapest car insurance by ultra - its 800 you and how old the car first I Are car insurance quotes away but if I driving my parents car just me. Needless to farm rates would be the car sit til the state trooper that insurance for a 16 cheaper insurance? I heard optimum comp and collision? auto insurance might cost phone down the toilet. rs125 but ever were for the summer but take her off my but the original which South California to return offer cheap insurance for high school, and I m anatomy project and we What is a good .
0 notes
survivormarmoreal · 5 years
Episode #9: "we're here for the messy bitch game play right" - Annabelle
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Tribal was f*ckin wild. Like didnt see that coming and Nicole we literally never talked so dont come for me. 👏
So far Nicole’s attempt hasnt affected anything. And plus Sharky took more of the heat and more blood on his hand and I did for coming up with the Nicole vote. Like im scream team to the end but like it works better for me if people dont see me as a huge threat right now unlike Sharky. I think i might be in a good spot and with an advatage with this immunity hopefully i can win.
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Well... I refuse to be booboo the fool right now. I have conflicting information currently about who voted me so guess what? I am not gonna trust anyone LMAO. Everyone is denying and pointing the fingers at others and its fucking pissing me off. Like just own up to voting me so i can have a clear target my fucking god. Like goodbye see you soon!
from my confessional cause i just went off in it LOL about the last tribal: i know brian and sharky did not vote me nate and bryce are being fishy maynor seems non exsistant keaton is literally opening his big mouth and getting himself in more trouble i trust anna enough and nick thinks he is "iconic" for an idol play like boi con-fucking-gratulations that you can do something many have done before you
Like, im so done with these people, just let me play my idol in peace smh
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So I basically threw this challenge. I just put myself for most of the positives and I put Keaton for most of the negatives. With a few random answers sprinkled in. I get so nervous about really trying on Touchy Subjects because Im worried about revealing my alliances and stuff. This way I just look cocky. And Keaton and I are already on bad terms so me putting him for the negatives might piss him off but probably not anyone else. Ugh
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ok so me snapping and voting matt is really annoying KJFHDSAKJFDHS idk why i did that! i was crazy back then... so current thinking is that me/matt/keaton voted matt. and then nicole did keaton and everyone else did nicole. i dont think anyone suspects me but like they woudlnt tell me if they do FJKASDHFKJ apparently matt thinks that nathan did it and anna thinks that it was keaton and maynor and im just like :| FSAJDHFKD. also this comp is about to ruin me like my answers are def gonna make ppl hate me and plus i wrote myself for some good ones which i never do but idk im just really feeling myself so cant wait for the crushing weight of reality to knock me down a peg or two when i get like "next voted out" "doesnt deserve to be here" AFJKSDFHKAJ but maybe not... anyways i recently got obsessed with shakira again like.. im thriving
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https://i.imgur.com/5o6sz3j.png when i tell u i screamed JKDFASHKJAD
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Okay so Touchy Subjects ALWAYS blows up my game. Like I got all the ones that make people target you. Running the Game. Biggest Snake. Physical Threat. I even somehow managed to get "Trust the Most" and "Best Liar". HOW!? And now I'm super worried because if I wasn't on everybody's radar before I sure am now. And I have no idea who I can trust after those rogue Matt votes. I even feel slightly sketched out by Nick. He's acting...weird. And he keeps telling everyone there is a war between me and Keaton. Which I guess is sort of true because Keaton is throwing my name out there. And obviously I would rather him go. 
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everyone is so extra JKDAHSKFJ matt making a post about how the ppl who are lying and saying they didnt vote him are personally effecting him are terrible like.. ok sorry for not exposing myself get over it u got 3 votes one of which were ur own and maybe if u were more active and didnt reply with one word responses no matter how hard i tried to get u to speak i wouldnt have thrown the vote on u. im just like so over his entitledness that ppl confess to him like who do u think u are KJFHADKJFDH. i feel like maybe im being too mean so if matt reads this after the game im sure ur just in ur feelings or w/e and u did say u had personal stuff going on but like thats not an excuse to go on tirades in the tribe chat when no one but u cares.
keaton is the worst person ive ever met (and i know zach :s) weird of him to choose white ppl saying the n word as his hill to die on but um i got the cannon ready to aim and hes going :airplane: to jury.
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OK, so basically Annabelle wins immunity!  Good for her, but she's literally not doing enough for me to feel beyond happy for her kjHD... like she's nice and I like her, but at the end of the day, I really don't think she's doing much to propel herself and she's just getting kinda lucky... considering the first and now second immunity have been somewhat luck based... ya....
Keaton's the name being thrown into the mix already (it's only 9:11pm), and I really am fine with that this time around!  I like him, but I think he's just someone who can easily go now and it not be bad for me in the future.  He's already thrown out Sharky's name and basically called out Sharky to his face, so I'm kinda shaking in my booties.  As long as it ain't me, I'm happy enough to listen, but I just don't want any big surprises like the Matt votes, again.
Sharky has been thrown out as the biggest threat in this game right now, and while I think it's very apparent to everyone, I can't have him going anywhere right now.  No fucking way.  I love the shark man.  He's my favorite... he cannot go anywhere... I need him!!  So buh-fucking-bye, Keaton!  I may like you, but it's not enough to keep you.
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Keaton is trash.
Let me elaborate on my previous confessional. So first Keaton tries to call me out for mentioning his name which I didn't do (I did admit to it to save the drama so thats partially on me) but he tries to call me out in public after the vote. Gross. Then after the challenge he starts gunning for me hard. He wants to claim I was doing the same but I wasn't gunning for him very hard. Because i didn't care if he went. He wasn't an ally but he wasn't a threat either. until he started trying to tear me down. Also let's be clear this all started because EVERYONE thinks he's rude and annoying. Then he tries to come for me in pms calling me out for spreading lies. Which again I NEVER DID. So I straightened him out on that. Then he tries to do the "If I don’t get you out now I never will and then we all lose." which is BULLSHIT. Don't get mad and angry with me just because I'm playing better than you. CHILDISH. Then in the tribe chat he says "As a player he can burn. As a person he's enjoyable." IS HE TRYING TO MAKE ME HATE HIM!? First of saying I can burn makes me want to really drag him. Also bro you and i don't talk you don't know shit about me as a person. You did that just to feed this "Feud" thats going on. STFU. Bye. Whichever one of us goes I'm glad I won't have to talk to his KIRBY LOOKING ASS anymore. I wish Marie had stayed.
Okay I can't lie I'm super nervous about this vote. I just don't trust anyone. I'm talking to Annabelle now and was like "I'm down to vote for anybody" because I'm not sure where she's at and I want her to know I am a vote for her.
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Well. Good thing is that i wasnt dragged with with what Nicole said which is good with me. I didnt get any touchy subject which is also great. My two best allies Sharky and Keaton both did which means they’ll be targeted before I do. Which is awesome. Me and Nathan dont want to see Keaton go so we got Annabell and Bryce to be with us for a 5 person voting block thats going after Matt. Thats right, Matt is going home. Keaton plan was to try and distract Sharky and fight with him and have both of their names on the chopping block. This means that Matt wont see this blindside happening. And if Sharky has an idol, he’ll waste it cuz he won’t be getting any votes. Its gonna sbe wild af. Be ready.
Its been very quiet this morning. The plan has been set so im hoping that nothing else shatters the plan. The idol search doesnt like me as it likes Nick. Only thing i found was an advantage for next immunity which was an extra point butnit was touchy subject so i kinda threw it cuz said my name for the ones i felt where really bad. And i want to give a shout out for host Drew. You are an amazing and cool person.
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OK, so Nathan has been going behind me and Sharky's back to target Matt... and I'm just shook to my fucking core.... bless Annabelle's big heart for telling Sharky because it gave us some room to snap hard.  I know Matt has an idol, and I cannot wait for him to pull it out at tribal.  I think that Nathan is thinking very short term and thinking him not telling me and Sharky is just some move he can make on his own, but as the Touchy Subjects' results showed us, Nathan thinks he's running the game but Sharky is actually doing it.  Getting this info... what a fucking legend...
Annabelle doesn't want to be screwed because of this whole situation so Sharky wants to avoid voting Nathan out but I lowkey don't care.  Nathan keeping me out of the conversation makes me lose all trust in him.  I know I'm not the target, but it doesn't change the fact that he's trying to run the game behind my back.  It's not going to work, sir.  It won't.
Ok... I'm angry, but I'm going to have to control that anger and turn it into making the best decision for my game and that will be to work with Matt and Sharky till the end.
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Brace yourself this is going to be a LONG ONE. So last night I basically went to Anna and tried to save my ass because I really haven't been sure how genuine our alliance was because of our history together. She basically kept saying she was in a tough spot and this and that and so I outright asked her if she was considering voting for me. And she was like absolutely not. Which is such a relief. HOWEVER! She confesses that Nathan has created a secret plan to vote out Matt. He specifically told everyone not to tell me and Brian about it. EXCUSE ME? Aren't we in an alliance dude? So thats really pisses me off. But supposedly they have the majority for this plan. So that means I don't have to worry about myself as much. But I don't want Matt to go. Especially after this proved that he's one of the only ones I trust. So I'm thinking out of 9 votes we have 3 we can maybe use the steal a vote or something to try and get a majority. CUT TO THIS MORNING. I tell Brian about this secret plan and Brian tells me Matt has a freakin idol!!! So now we can use his idol and even if there are 5 votes left Matt/Brian/Myself control that vote then. Now the tough part...I need the vote to stay on Keaton because if it goes to anybody else Anna is going to think I screwed her over. And I promised her that her telling me wouldn't bite her in the ass. I also need this to stay TOP SECRET because if anyone finds out I leaked the plan they are going to come after me and I love Matt but I don't want to destroy my game to save him. So we need to have Matt use his idol and all 3 of us need to vote for Keaton.
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God these people. I am VERY sure I am getting votes tonight and it's ok. Why? Cause I have an idol fuck these cunts. If not the WOOO love a minority!
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i'm playing a super dangerous game right now but it's ok hopefully it works out we're here for the messy bitch game play right and i also just like play better in chaos so let's keep it that way once the game gets boring people will think of me.
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Y'all I'm feeling real shitty about this week. I still feel super in danger. i feel like everyone is lying to my face. But I'm also worried for Matt. Luckily he has an idol so he'll be safe but the fact that he's catching votes at all is concerning. I hope it's Keaton going out but you just truly never know. This could be my time.
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So it seems Matt might be an option for the vote but the questions I have are: Do I trust Matt enough to tell him he’s getting votes? Am I willing to make an early move? How will this will effect me moving forward? And when thinking between Keaton and Matt... I think I know my decision…
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The shit hit the fan. Somehow Nick knows the hidden real plan that it was going to be Matt tonight. Keaton keeps lying to Bryce that he’s doing Sharky but Bryce is the number we have to have majority over Matt. Keaton is being sketchy kinda. Hopefully the plan goes according and Matt goes because last time he was doing a witch hunt for those 2 votes. Im going to be drinking at tribal tonight. Shit is too stressful.
Keaton is idoled out in a 6-3 vote.
0 notes
My Dearest,
This might be a cry for help, or maybe it's not. Maybe I'm okay. The thing is, I really have no idea. And I am writing because, talking is just hard. I have this constant lump on my throat that has been there for more than a year now, and it is choking me whenever I try to say something about how I feel - or about how I don't actually feel anything. It is choking me now. But even so, after a long long time ... I am trying to write hard and clear about what hurts.
There are days like this. When I sit and think about what is really going on inside of me? Inside my dark-clouded head and my heavy, heavy heart. There are better days, when I'm awake and truly awake in the moment - when the feeling of being alive rushes over me and I am so happy I could cry. I hold on to those days and grip hard on them, trying to drag myself back into the sunshine. I write and write and write about the things I am grateful for, the things that happened that made me so happy, my heart ache a little. I tell myself "I will write all of these down and remember them. I will write them down and read them when days are cold and hard, so I can feel better.". Then, totally out of no where, I am just cranky, I am just cold, and I just don't really really care about anything. Not a single thing.
Numbness comes right after darkness and it's like I'm asleep through everything. I do function, I do things, I go through my day like always, but ... I am not there. I am nowhere. I am no one. I'm gone.
Hurting myself became my way of waking myself up. I do not wound myself because that would be kind of hard to explain, and God I wouldn't know what to say anyway - not that I would actually be bothered to explain, but still. Bruises are okay. I feel the punches on my skin, they stay red and hot for a few minutes. Once I am bruised, I'd frequently feel it whenever I brush it against anything when I move. I even count them like little trophies. God, I am sick. I am somehow awake in that very small part of my body. At this point, my appetite is almost gone too. Everything just tastes so fucking wrong. Coffee helps. Reading helps too. If I am on this asleep state, reading takes me somewhere else and I become somebody else, instead. I may be reading too much but all I can think of is I am at least not dead, just yet.
I don't feel sorry for myself. I am at a very bad place, I know. But no, I don't feel sorry for myself. Self pity is not really my thing. I became comfortable feeling like this, or maybe not feeling anything. I used to talk about it, because there is a part of me that still wants to be saved. But, really - the truth is, people don't want to hear about this kind of lame stuff. They do not want this kind of negativity and so I learned to shut the fuck up. And somehow, crying alone, dry heaving alone, staring at nothing alone, suffering alone, feels better. Help can go fuck themselves, really.
I'm sick of me. I feel crazy and I want to act crazier, but shutting myself away is not crazy enough, not eating isn't crazy enough, hating everyone isn't crazy enough, harming myself isn't crazy enough. Killing myself is my last resort. That would be crazy epic, I'm pretty fucking sure.
Some days I'm just angry. Angry at anybody, angry at everything. I'm like a ball of fire and I can feel my eyes burning and my chest burning but my hands and feet are going cold. And I had to drag myself around, because I feel like I weigh like a ton of hard lifeless rocks somehow. I listen to angry music, but none of them are angry enough. And again, I feel sick of me. I'm so fucking sick of me.
The thing about wanting to die, is that it's selfish. You can have a family that loves you and supports you, you can have someone special that's truly there for you, but they just don't matter. I will myself to fight and 'get it together' but, I just cant. I read books, watch shit, do shit that 'professionals' claims to be working, but hell, they.just.don't. It's not that we hate life, that's not it. I've been banging my head with all the good and beautiful reasons to live and they just flash like timelapse in my head. My brain cannot register them and my heart can't feel them. This must be what being a zombie feels like. You feel disgusted of yourself and you walk around lifeless but you just can't stop.
Honestly, I don't know what's my point in writing this. What I want - is just something that I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW. But these words, these are the words of a lifeless soul. I am here, I want to be here, but I can't. I can't stay.
In full brightness, KC
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