#i cant tell if the implication is they cant be together because of class or the gay thing
bittersweet-mojo · 2 years
shoutout to the first gay people in the witcher. i sure hope you guys dont die haha. i havent finished the show yet.
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rosewoodconch · 23 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 3
Undercover Princess- Chapter 8
Right! Actually into the school year now. Lets go to classes and absolutely fail at useful communication!
I really like that the uniform can be changed to better fit the students personality. Ljke there s the tartan of the hiuse in skirts and pinafores but also the trousers
I wonder why none of the guys wear the tartan trousers?
Micky wears the shorts i guess, maybe he wears longer version of them in winter
I want a fic wear lottie actually just straight up tells them she spied on them from behind the mirror and their reaction. Someone please
Mr trigwell is such a good name for a maths teacher. And the slenderman reference is just so... 2016/2017
Connie is incredible for that.
Ellie offering to tutor lottie made me swoon so hard as a kid. Especially followed by "i can think of a few things..." GIRL LIKE WHAT? WHAT IS THE INTENDED IMPLICATION?
I am also requesting art of the rosewood cafeteria and also the ivy one from the last chapter please they look so pretty in my head i just cant art.
Shes also being so dismissive of ollie already. Why on earth wouldnt she even tell him oh my god by the way these girls think im a princess????
Raphael being so shit at lying then saying that shes a bad liar is comedic gold i love that boy
Hes an actor for gods sake. Hes doing it on purpose i swear
Lottie at this stage where shes sassy and a lil smug and faking stuff is funny and cute. Im dreading the "caus eim the maravish princess" scene because that is another level of fake entitlement.
Lola is the most iconic ever and no one should ever trust her with a secret ever. How did they make it through this series without them spilling every secret ever
Back to my barbie bullshit. Micky is Porscha coded (barbie charm school again)
Can she not just show them her id? Her passport? Something???
This scene makes me laugh so genuinely and so much its only rivaled by that one scene in I think PiP?
I love that this scene actually feels like theyre real characters. They arent just fitting whats ideal for the story they feel like theyre real and making decisions and trying (and failing) to keep secrets and stop themselves from laughing and it makes me really happy
This is the first time i think we really get to see all their personalities shine but still meld together to see how they are actually friends
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
baby blue- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, tony stark bruce banner, steve rogers, sam wilson warnings: child bucky, language, this is long. why is this so long about: requested by @cherry-season (apparently can't tag you)! bucky turns into a baby/toddler and is clingy a/n: okay so i know virtually nothing about three-year-olds. can you tell? thank you so much for requesting!! I had so much fun writing this <333
bucky’s day wasn’t particularly fantastic to begin with.
he was already exhausted when he woke up in the early lights of the morning, his nightmares had kept him up all night-- which you theorized was due to the mission the day before that took place in one of the same hydra bases bucky had been held in. you had frowned when you realized it the day of, turning your attention to bucky and making sure he was okay with it because if he wasn’t, you would make sure someone else took care of it. he had insisted it was fine, even though the next night proved him wrong. you had done what you could, running your fingers through his hair and humming lightly until you fell asleep and he refused to wake you up, resigning himself to a sleepless night.
his morning started with his flesh arm reaching out to feel your side of the bed, hoping to find your soft, warm skin to pull you closer, but instead being met with the unkind sheets that missed the gentleness of your body. he had frowned when he realized you had already left for a meeting with some important hotshot in space with carol (you couldn’t find a better excuse to go get breakfast at your favorite alien restaurant with your favorite aliens) and wouldn’t be back for a solid few hours too long. groaning, and with no real reason to stay in bed for any longer without the excuse of getting to feel you for a few more hours, he dragged himself out of bed.
it didn’t get much better from there, because he was greeted with the sight of sam eating the last bowl of the last box of cereal in the whole damn tower because everyone rejected to go grocery shopping. since bucky refused to eat any of the frozen breakfasts tony loved so much and the stark kid swore were “the best thing ever,” he grunted at sam and walked away without eating, knowing he’d regret it later when his stomach would growl and you would immediately know he skipped breakfast.
for some unknown reason, tony had found out about bucky’s lack of things to do, and with a few winks and manipulative large-worded engineering phrases, convinced him to join him in the lab, which bucky had only really been able to see through the clear glass that separated the lab from the rest of the tower, and from the occasions where he would take food and drinks to you while you locked yourself away inside, building something alongside tony.
being inside, so close to the various machines and objects bucky cant begin to figure out the purpose of, his memories of being in school and at the top of his math and engineering classes bubble to the surface, filling him with the pride he remembers having every day at school. the thought that he could probably understand everything if you or tony explained it to him passes through his mind and urges him to ask tony to do just that, but tony beats him before he can get the chance.
bruce is eyeing them wearily from the other side of the lab, attention mostly on the test tubes in front of him. he gives bucky a smile when he comes in, but seems to ignore him for the most part until tony shows bucky to bruce’s work station, pointing out a blue liquid in a test tube marked TESTING. bruce’s neck snaps to them when tony open his big mouth, “you know, y/n was actually supposed to test something out for me today,” tony begins innocently, a suggestion laced in his words that bucky catches but decides to ignore because of the high he feels from understanding the equations scribbled on the clear glass, “do you know where she is?”
bucky narrows his eyes at him, then looks up at the clock, realizing it’s still a while before you get back, “not even on earth,” he recipes blandly, slyly sneaking a glance at the liquid for any indications of what it could be.
tony sighs dramatically, his shoulders sagging, “oh no, how do i test this now?” bruce shoots tony a warning glance that is blatantly ignored.
bucky’s shrugging before he can help it, the reminder that since you were going to do it, what could be the harm if he did? “i could do it.”
tony claps, “great!” he gestures to a door behind him, “please go in there to sign non-disclosure agreements and wash your hands.”
bucky’s shoved inside before he can fully understand the implications of his stupid offer.
the thought of asking the basic questions he should have asked before he agreed to test an unidentified liquid comes to bucky nearly an hour later, when the small vial of weird blue liquid sits in front of him, waiting to be drunk. tony and bruce sit in chairs a couple of feet away, clipboards in both of their hands, and interested expressions settled on their features.
“what does this do again?” he asks, squinting at the vial that he doesn’t notice tony isn’t looking at, furrowing his eyebrows when tony waves him off, “something super smart. no side effects or anything.” bucky’s eyes flit down to the little vial again, before they nearly bug out of his head at the humongous laser that is rolled into the room, “what the hell is that.”
“ah,” tony grins, bouncing from his seat to stand next to his invention proudly, “this is what you’re testing out.” bucky cocks his head at the man, “i thought i was drinking blue water. y/n was going to drink blue water.” tony shakes his head, adjusting some dials on the machine, “yeah, no, it was this. pretty sure i told you.”
“you didn’t-” bruce is looking at tony in concern, about to tell him to slow down so bucky has a chance to think all this through again and maybe ask if there is any chance the laser will melt him, when tony clicks a large red button and a bright white light clouds bucky’s vision just as he sees the clock on the exact same time he saw an hour ago, realizing the clock in the billion-dollar lab is broken, and you’re probably getting home any second.
“tony!” he hears bruce yell before his vision goes dark.
it’s only a second until he can pry open his eyes again, a hand curling into a fist, ready to pound stark into tomorrow when he can suddenly feel the nails of his hand digging into his palm. the surprising feeling of it where his vibranium arm should be forces him to look down at a small arm, fully skin and thin. he looks around, noticing his surroundings suddenly have grown very large around him, and the sound of his voice is higher when he tries to speak again.
“what the f-” he mumbles, cutting himself off when a sudden memory of his ma yelling at him to wash his mouth out if he wants to talk like that floods his mind, and he stares down at himself, eyebrows furrowing when he spots his short stature and the tiny hands and feet that look up at him. realization floods him like a wave, raising his chin at the two, tall, gobsmacked men in front of. “was that supposed to happen?” bruce asks quietly, nodding slowly when tony shakes his head, “no.”
there’s a light knock at the door, your hand pushing it open before anyone can stop you, and your tired face peeks in, a glowing smiling adorning your face and your eyes searching for your boyfriend, “hey, do you guys know where bucky is-” your voice cuts through the stunned silence, pausing when you catch the little boy’s eye. at first, you stare at him, your eyebrows pulling together as you get a good look at the familiar cerulean of his eyes and scan the clothing you’d seen on bucky before. for a second, everything is silent, bucky’s eyes are wide and staring as yours bore into them, searching for something you’re nearly touching until you gasp, “bucky?” you choke, reaching for him when he nods, his legs already trying to reach you as fast as they possibly can but they buckle. bucky realizes just then how old he must be now. “oh, baby,” you murmur, gathering him up in your arms before he can fall to the hard ground of the lab. “what the hell did you idiots do to my boyfriend?” you demand, turning to the two scientists who are going over tony’s notes.
bruce glances at tony, tilting his head at him as if to say him. you roll your eyes, not having any more information than when you asked, “tony?” you growl, walking over to the man, not missing the way little bucky’s hand grabs onto your shirt.
“it didn’t- that wasn’t supposed to happen,” tony defends weakly, a lazy shrug pulling at his shoulders. your eyes flash with velvet red, and, without moving a finger, tony’s pulled in front of you, wrapped in red swirls bucky can’t help but gawk at.
“fix it.” you order. tony nods, pursing his lips, “we’ll do that.” bruce looks a little taken aback, looking up from tony’s scribbles and equations. “i don’t think it’ll last more than a day,” he offers helpfully, “whatever it was tony was trying to do wasn’t either.”
bucky’s eyes start to droop, which he assumes is an effect of the sleepless night he just had on his infant body, something that usually wouldn’t affect him in his one-hundred-and-six-year-old self. he hums when he realizes the irony, leaning his head against the welcoming crook of your neck and catching your attention. you turn to him for a moment, softening a little before turning back to tony and glaring at him, “fix it.”
steve catches you when you walk out of the lab, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head when he spots the toddler in your arms, “holy shit, that looks exactly like bucky,” he breathes, scanning the dark mussed-up hair and stepping back when bucky opens his eyes. from next to him, sam looks from bucky to you, “did you two have a kid and not tell anyone, because this-”
“is bucky. that’s bucky.” you interrupt, looking at the toddler, “tony messed up with something and… this happened, i don’t completely… bucky’s a baby.”
steve raises an eyebrow, squinting at his best friend, “ha,” he laughs, “wow, he looks exactly like his pictures. he must be about three years old.” bucky blinks at him. “his ma said he was chatting up a storm at that age, though,” steve informs, looking back up at you. sam grins, “has he said anything? i kinda want to hear if he still sounds old.” bucky frowns at him, his pout deepening when sam bursts into laughter, “his grumpy face is the same!”
you look at your boyfriend, tilting your head and smiling a little when you realize he’s right, “you’re cute,” you coo now that you get a good look at him, “you’re so cute,” you murmur, poking his nose with your finger. bucky can’t help the blush that comes to his cheeks. but he slaps away sam’s fingers, scowling at him, “no.” he argues, “no.”
sam frowns, “no old man voice.”
“i hate you,” bucky says to sam, and you laugh, “i think we should leave for now. i need to figure out what will make three-year-old bucky not as grumpy.” sam looks at bucky’s furrowed brows and the same two little lines between them, his eyes flickering back up to yours, “i think that may just be a bucky thing.”
you bring bucky to the living room, sitting him down at the edge of the couch and crouching in front of him, watching him and his little crossed arms, bottom lip jutted out against his own will. bucky isn’t used to the emotional control of a child who’s three and can’t control the frustration that’s coursing through him at the moment. the only thing he knows for sure is that he doesn’t want you to leave him again.
“bucky?” you start, looking deep into the wide blue eyes that let you know it is bucky you’re speaking to. “what do you want to do? are you hungry? d’you want to sleep?” bucky shakes his head stubbornly at you, “i want tony to fix this.”
you sigh, “i know, baby. i do too, but until he finds a cure to this, you’re gonna stay small for a couple more hours.” he pouts at that, and you smooth your thumb over his cheek, “no pouting. we can do whatever you want, buck.”
just as he’s about to reject any idea you have, his stomach rumbles loudly, directing your attention to the arms that guiltily cover up his middle. “bucky... did you eat breakfast today?” you query, a lecturing tone sneaking into your words. “sam ate my cereal,” bucky grumbles, crossing his arms.
“bucky!” you exclaim, standing up to turn to the kitchen, “that’s no excuse. i told you you needed to eat--” you’re barely three steps into the kitchen when you hear the pattering of his feet towards you, grubby hands pawing at your legs.
“don’t leave,” he whines, hugging your ankles and sitting down on the floor, “you left all morning,” he mumbles, smushing his cheeks against your calf.
“i’m sorry,” you apologize, bending over to brush away the hair that falls over his eyes. “c’mere,” you murmur, reaching down to pick him up again and bounce him on your hip while you head to the kitchen. “what do you want to eat?” bucky thinks about it for a minute, before smiling, “i want pizza and ice cream.” you frown at him, “i don’t think three-year-olds can eat that. actually, i don’t think anyone should.”
after consulting google on what three-year-olds should eat, you have bucky’s head resting on your shoulder, refusing to let you put him down even as you made him the mac and cheese he had agreed to, still a little upset over the fact you wouldn’t let him eat all the other things he wanted. the only time he let you not carry him was when he was eating, still insisting you sit right next to him to watch as he smeared cheese all over tony’s expensive table.
“okay,” you whisper breathlessly after watching him eat his third bowl of the meal, “i think that’s good.” you shove the dirty dishes in the sink, washing bucky’s hands and wiping at him cheeks with a warm cloth to get the mess he managed to create off. “did you forget how to eat?” you wonder aloud when you finally fnish cleaning him up, watching his small shoulders shrug.
“what do you want to do now? anything you want,” you propose.
“i want you,” he says, reaching his stubby arms out, “cuddles. ‘m sleepy,” he yawns, making grabby hands at you when you take too long to pick him up. “bucky,” you chuckle, complying with him and bringing him into your chest, where he leans his head on your shoulder. “you sure you don’t want to play or something? you don’t want to…” you trail off, trying to think of what three-year-olds do, “walk or read or something?”
bucky grunts in your ear, his eyelids already closing again, “cuddles,” he repeats, balling your shirt up in his little hands.
“okay,” you sigh, bouncing him gently while you walk to your shared bedroom. you pick up a stuffed animal you brought for bucky from one of your most recent missions, “did you sleep last night? is that why you’re so tired?” bucky hums, cuddling further into your chest when you lay down with him on top of you. you hand him the little dog plush, pressing a kiss to his head when he takes the gift, hugging it with you. “honey, i’m sorry,” you frown, gently threading your fingers through his short hair, humming the same song bucky sings to you when you can’t get to sleep. it doesn’t take long to lull him into the calmness of rest.
you only wake up when the weight on you is suddenly multiplied, completely taking your breath away, “bucky!-” you exclaim, rolling from underneath him to meet his closed eyes. you shake your head with a light laugh, drawing a strand of hair behind his ear before you press your lips to his cheeks, snuggling in with him again, “sweet dreams, darling,” you murmur, placing the stuffed animal he dropped on your dresser.
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
Yandere FF7 Crew
Ff7 characters with a sprinkle of yandere. Cloud/ Sephiroth/ Rufus/Zack/Aerith
Minors DNI
TW: yandere themes. Nsfw. Manipulation. Codependency. Gaslighting. Slight angst. Exhibitionism. Sadism. Slight dumbification
Sephiroth- "you look so cute like this" it was so easy to get you. You only saw him as a god. Nothing could sway your sights. Asking for his opinion, following only his orders, until eventually you would refer to him for any and everything. Even eating. You trembled at every word he said. Every action of his had you clenching your thighs together at thoughts of what only he could do to you. He would secretly smirk when showing you a particularly close move. He watched you for a long time. You looked at him like he hung the stars and moons. And to you, he did. You dont need to do anything anymore. No reason to open your pretty little mouth. Your opinions are null and void. You wont ever have to use that cute useless brain again- he can take care of you. Mind, body, and soul. Your knees are fractured and bloody but thats ok, the ropes around you are holding you up just fine. You dont need to know how to ..stand up for yourself- so to speak.
Aerith- "Dont fall in love with me" she had practically told everyone the same thing. But how could you not? She had been so kind and sweet to you. Though as the days passed her eyes darkened with shadows at every conversation between you and her friends that were held. Her grip stronger when she hugged you. Fingers pressing into your lips when you questioned why she always wants you alone. Why was she always so heated when you laughed at the teams jokes? She just wants a little time with you before her own time is up thats all. She knows its bad, she knows she gonna leave, but she cant help but add another finger- listening to your gasping whimpers and hiccupping moans. Your face pressed into her shoulder while she takes you apart. Just let her have this one thing. She doesnt care if youre not fully committed. If she has to, she'll take you with her.
Zack- "you dont have to be so mean- im just trying to help🥺🥺" Youve thought to yourself many of times that Zack may not be what he seems. Obviously gaslighting you to get you on his side. To be the only one to protect you. Hes 1st class, of course he can protect you. How stupid can you be huh? Is your brain hurting from when i bumped into you? That was an accident, you know that right? Are you sure you dont need these pain pills? You know i can make it all better? Why cant you trust me? He will also leave you tied up in his room when hes gone on missions because "well what else are you supposed to do while im gone? What if you get in danger!! You gotta stay here. "Commeee onnn be a good girl for me just once huh? If you dont i wont give you what youve been begging for since you've been tied up" You feel ashamed when your mouth simultaneously dries and waters at the implication. You want it so bad and- and hes a good guy right? One more time and then you can promise yourself you'll leave.
Cloud- "Its not like I want you or anything" Thats not the case at all. He hasnt been staring at you for months. No way. Doesnt have time to figure out your everyday schedule. Who would get all your personal numbers and close contacts? He'd never degrade himself like that. Hes a soldier. Though the moment that you try to correct him of his position- it wont be his fault for closing that impertinent mouth for good. Telling all your contacts that youve run away and he'll do anything to find you. They believe him. Cloud is trustworthy- he would never do anything uncouth. Never would he admit to wanting to hold you face down and make you whine his name and ONLY his name. Shakes his head vehemently at the thought of marking you as his own, maybe even putting a collar on you. Hes never had anything of his own that wasnt taken away. He wont admit it, but hes not letting you go- ever.
Rufus- "You know what youre good for" and you do. Your jaw has been aching for hours- holding him inside your mouth while he purposefully drags on the meeting. Hes not even hard. And that thought shouldnt bring tears to your eyes, but it does. Maybe also the fact that everyone that has ever known you- is sitting at the table watching you choke and gasp and snot on him. He just shifts his hips up and chokes you just a little more with a shitty grin. "Make me come and maybe i wont kill you"
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hxneekyuu · 4 years
best friends to lovers headcanons || suna rintarou (f!reader)
request : Hello! I saw ur request open so imma slide in those dms 👀 may I request hcs or texts of bestfriend to lovers trope with Suna Rintarou? F!reader. Thank you so much I love your content ✨💌
warnings : i will now and forever mark miya atsumu as a warning im so sorry 
a/n : before so many people started requesting suna texts and stuff i never really knew how to feel about him, but lately,,,, i get it >_> -- i hope you like it!! i tried out a new hc style bc i was feeling ~inspired~
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you guys were assigned to the same little table block in kindergarten, and the only thing you knew about him was that out of the four of you at the table, he liked nap time the most 
hes never been much of a talker, so you didnt really get to know him
until elementary school, when you got paired up together as seat mates
you felt like you had to try to talk to him but he still wasnt having it
naturally you thought he hated you bc all he would do is sleep and do his work quietly 
to be honest people tried to pick on him for being the odd one out but he really is not someone you can pick on
he cares so little what people think of him that he just never gave in to the boys that tried 
until they also tried to pick on you just by association
and bc you were probably the only one that figured out to leave him alone but not be wary of him 
the boy that sat in front of you liked to turn around during break times and get in the way of you doing your work
until suna kicked his chair right out from under him without even looking at him
you end up developing a weird little dynamic
you barely talk but you become strangely protective of each other
he keeps the boy that sits behind you from pulling on your hair and you nudge him a little when the teachers looking so he doesnt get in trouble for sleeping in class
this continues into middle school
it gets to the point where if he gets assigned to sit with someone else, he looks at you until you gather the courage to ask to be reassigned
doesnt mattter if you sit behind him, he will be turned full 180 during class just to annoy you into doing it
at some point you guys start talking but its sporadic and nobody can figure out how youve gone so many years without exchanging more than 10 words in any given week
at some point near the end of middle school you realize you could be going to different high schools so you become a little more outgoing, trying to spend as much time with him as possible
he eventually shuts you up by telling you hes also going to inarizaki but that just excites you and he just has to get used to you being the talkative one 
the rest of middle school is just you inviting him places after school and spending basically all your time w him
which he would never admit that he really likes
you become a pair without realizing it, until you get to high school and people who dont know you guys start associating you two immediately
you wait for him to get out of practice, even if its mad late, and he walks you to school when you have weekend club meetings and just spends his saturdays sitting at school when he could be at home
but something changes when you meet the miya twins
or more specifically, one of the miya twins
osamu is always nice to you in a polite acquaintance kind of way, but atsumu wants to be friends
good friends
hes always saying hi outside of practice and stopping you in the hall to ask about your after school plans
which almost always involve suna
who doesnt like the fact that someone else is asking for your attention
guys have asked you out before, but youve never been interested, and youve always rejected them politely
so he cant figure out why hes so unnerved when atsumu just straight up asks you out one day when you come to watch them practice 
he doesnt like it
at all
“so are you going to go out with him?” you two are sitting on the floor in your bedroom studying quietly when he asks you about what’s been on his mind for hours now. you look up at him, but he almost stubbornly refuses to look up from one of the many volleyball magazines you started collecting for him a few years ago.
“with who?” his brain stalls for a moment, and he blinks up at you in confusion.
“has more than one guy asked you out recently?” you smile, shaking your head as you go back to your math homework. he knows you’re saying no, but you haven’t actually said it, and that bothers him for some reason. “well?” you give him an incredulous glance, smirking as you put your pencil down and lean against your bed frame, giving him your full attention.
“no, rin. believe it or not, guys tend not to approach me because of a certain someone.” he hesitates before pointing at himself inquisitively, and you can’t help but laugh. how he could possibly not have noticed the way guys avoid you in the halls when suna’s around is almost absurd. he huffs beside you, returning to his magazine.
“that didn’t stop piss head from trying.” you pluck the magazine from his hands, holding it out away from him when he reaches for it.
“you almost sound jealous, rin.” he frowns, and you don’t miss the way he flushes at the implication in your words. you also don’t, however, realizing you’ve also started blushing, but suna has. in a rush of confidence that is completely unlike him in all aspects, he leans forward until his nose is brushing against yours and he can feel your uneven breath on his lips. glancing down at them and wondering if he has it in him to close the distance, he chooses instead to smirk and meet your eyes as he snatches the magazine back out of your grasp and pulls away. settling back into his spot on the floor and flipping the pages until he finds where he left off, he sends you a look that has your heart jumping into your throat.
“maybe i am.”
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sixtyeightdays · 4 years
Only you, Marinette. Only you.
in which marinette lifts thors hammer with no knowledge of how great it is to wield mjolnir 😔✋🏻
kind of crappy but thats okay
Normally, when Tony Stark's name was brought up, the following words would be either 'Avengers', 'Iron Man', or something along the lines of cool and amazing.
But this time, as Tony Stark's name fluttered through the compound of College Francois Dupont, the following words were 'Why her', 'What happened', and'Marinette Dupain-Cheng'.
See, throughout Lila's entire reign at Francois Dupont, unknowingly to the Italian, a certain bluenette had been giving her and all of her classmates choices.
Lila chose to ignore Marinette's warning.
Alya chose to believe Lila and cut off all ties with Marinette.
Nino chose to follow Alya and ignore Marinette.
Adrien chose to remain quiet for fear of Lila getting akumatised.
The class chose to believe Lila, drinking up her lies and claimed connections to celebrities that'll 'boost their careers in the future'.
Now, Marinette wasn't normally one to show off her connections to the world, unlike Lila, who lied about celebrities with every breath she took.
No, Marinette preferred not to mention her celebrity contacts.
However, this time, she had thrown all caution out the window and texted him.
mari <3
cant wait to see all of you soon!
do you think you can pick me up at my school drop off point after i end school instead of the bakery next week?
the one and only
sure thing, mari
everyone misses you too and they cant wait to see you again
any reasons why the sudden change though
mari <3
no reason
It was a week before he arrived. A week full of taunts and bullying from the people who used to be her friends.
But the day had come, and Marinette was about to leave this place for the summer, and was finally going to be where she wanted to be again.
It was the last period, and Marinette, having finished her work already, started on a new design. She had just finished it when the door crashed open, making Mlle. Bustier and the class jump.
The shock turned into exciting adoration, however, as standing there in all his glory were the Avengers.
Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, and of course, Tony Stark. Pepper was also there, trailing behind with Natasha who were muttering about how dramatic the boys were.
Alya immediately jumped to her feet, fumbling for her phone that she held with shaking hands, and started a livestream.
'Hi everyone! It's your Ladyblogger here, and today the Avengers came to visit! Oh, I bet Lila got them to come, she is Tony Stark's goddaughter after all.'
No one noticed Marinette snort into her palm.
Max gaped at his idol in the doorway, his glasses sliding off his face in his shock before he hastily placed them in it's proper position.
Thor ignored the reporter, making his way to the back of the class where Mari sat, placing his hammer on top of Mari's sketchbook, much to her chagrin.
The devious smile the god gave her confirmed that he did it on purpose, and Mari smacked him in the arm and glared at him.
'Was it really necessary to break down the door?' She deadpanned, unimpressed.
Alya gasped. 'Marinette! Don't be so rude to the Avengers! They're here for Lila, not you.'
Thor frowned in confusion. 'Who is this.. Lila you speak of?'
Alya gasped again. 'She's Tony Stark's goddaughter!' She frowned at the god disapprovingly.
'She spends her summers there, how could you not recognise her?' The Italian in question was sinking into her seat, regretting the lie she told.
Tony clicked his tongue.
'I have a goddaughter, yes, but it isn't this Lila girl. I have never heard of a Lila. No, I'm here for Marinette, my actual goddaughter.' He shot a pointed look to Alya at the last bit, before he and everyone else walked over to Mari.
Pepper passed by Alya and handed out two stacks of papers.
Alya cautiously picked it up and Pepper said, 'These are lawsuits for both you and Lila. It is for defamation and slander of different celebrities, as well as spreading false information.'
Alya gaped at the blonde as she made her way up the stairs to where Mari and everyone else was before turning to Lila with a glare.
'Were you lying the whole time?'
The class erupted in shouts at the girl, until she broke and called out that Adrien had known, but didn't say anything.
'It was for the best! Her lies weren't hurting anyone!'
'I didn't submit my music portfolio because Lila said she'd guaranteed me a spot.' Nino uttered quietly, realising that he had lost a chance to have his big break.
Mylene looked gobsmacked. 'I passed up the offer of meeting Alexander Hamilton because Lila said she'd get him to meet me for free.'
One by one, the students began listing everything they missed out because of Lila's lies, from Alix not being able to be in the X-Games like she was promised, to Kim, who had quit his swim team because Lila told him she'd get Michael Phelps to train him personally.
Adrien cracked and admitted that yes, he was wrong, but Marinette knew too!
The class suddenly remembered Marinette.
Marinette, who had been telling them all along that Lila was lying.
Marinette, who they had bullied because they thought she was jealous.
Marinette, who was scolding Tony Stark right now, wait what?
Sure enough, the bluenette was reprimanding the billionaire, who's head was hanging low like a kicked puppy, with Natasha smirking in the corner.
'I told you to come after school! There's still 15 minutes before school ends, Uncle Tony, you couldn't wait another 20 minutes?'
He hung his head and Steve snickered, until Marinette turned to him.
'Why did you let him come so early? I thought you were the responsible one.' She pinched the bridge of her nose.
The class took advantage of the momentary silence to swarm Marinette, until the Avengers glared at them and they backed away slightly.
'Girl, we're so sorry for believing that liar! Will you forgive us? We'll be best friends again.' Alya looked excited, a gleam in her eye.
'Do you think you can get me an interview with Tony Stark?'
Marinette looked at her in disbelief.
'So you want to be my friend again, just because I'm Tony's goddaughter.' Pepper and Natasha looked furious as well, while Tony eyed his goddaughter's class.
Steve placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder.
'Besides, Marinette already has a best friend.'
Alya spluttered. 'Who?'
A swarm of black and blue flew into the room and crashed into Marinette, causing her to fall back into her seat.
'Peter!' She laughed. 'MJ! Ned! Great to see you guys too!'
Peter smiled gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek, while MJ gave her a hug and Ned fistbumped her.
'Oh! That reminds me, MJ, I'm done with the design for the dress you wanted! Let me show you!' Mari looked around for her sketchbook before noticing it under Thor's hammer.
Thor, noticing this, moved his hand forwards to pick up the hammer, but his jaw dropped as Marinette easily picked up the hammer with one hand, holding it up while she moved the sketchbook underneath it away before placing it back on the table.
She flipped through the pages of it, not noticing the shocked looks on her classmates and family's faces, and the pale face of Lila. She had become enemies with a girl who could lift Thor's hammer!
Alya, who was still live streaming, looked like a fish, and her hands, which were still raises in the position of recording, trembled.
Marinette let out a small 'aha!' when she found the page she was looking for, and looked up to see her friend's shocked face.
She frowned. 'Do you not like it?'
Adrien, still rather astonished, spluttered out. 'Marinette.. you just lifted Thor's hanmer!'
At the sound of his name, the god snapped out of his stupor, and lifting his hammer, he pointed at the bluenette. 'She is worthy! I must take her to Asgard with me!'
Marinette cocked her head. 'It's just a hammer and it wasn't even that heavy. Now you big babies, let's go back to New York!'
She grabbed MJ's hand before picking up her bag and running out, she and MJ excitedly chattering about the dress, Marinette having not understood the implications of lifting Thor's hammer, and MJ, who had seen weirder things in her life.
The Avengers, Ned and Peter blinked before filing out of the room slowly, following the excited bluenette and brunette.A certain blonde god staring at nothing in particular.
'She doesn't know what lifting my hammer means?' He snorted. 'Only you, Marinette. Only you.'
well yeah there isnt exactly a ship for this but i wanted to write something where mari lifts thors hammer bc i dont see enough of those
mj and peter are together, in case u didnt know
kind of lost interest in the end but thats okay lmao so the endings kinda crappy but i think weve established that i cant write for shit
thank u for coming to my tedtalk ok byee
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 8-13 thoughts! again, under the cut bc I blew through 6 episodes in one go...
-LOVE THE WAY THE GHOST ZONE LOOKS. but theres fucking ghost cops??? ghost jail??? that SUCKS imagine dying and going to jail in your AFTERLIFE. danny going to JAIL WAS NOT something I expected. but seeing all the enemies together and work with danny to bust out. SO ICONIC I love that actually. and the thing about real world stuff acting as ghosts in the ghost zone is very cool.
-'there are some things more important that hunting ghosts!' mrs fenton says, about her husband forgetting their anaversary (FOR THE 18TH YEAR IN A ROW?? CHRIST) and not about, idk, their son clearly freaked out. she didnt even notice he was gone into the ghost zone!!! he might be a bad husband BUT shes not the best mom. they suck and I don't care about their relationship problems I care about these kids. danny doing his best to clean the house to keep his mom from getting mad at his dad?? hes such a good boy I want to cry, this is not his place, his dad should be cleaning his own shit up!!!
-maddie's butch lesbian sister is living my best life in her lil cabin. also being a snarky bitch to jack. queen. and her getting a 10th anniversary of her divorce. LOVE IT.
-mr. lancer being a cheerleader in his younger years makes perfect sense to me. king shit.
-dr. spectra's cat ears/mullet hairstyle?? sooo cute. I also just love the concept of a ghost just. sucking out people's positivity and feeding on emotions. a great villain. she put danny in a fucking diaper what the FUCK. and keeping it cold so no one would suspect shes a ghost??? INCREDIBLE. and her gay little blob sidekick. wlw mlm evil solidarity.
-JAZZ FOCUSED EP. YEAAAH!!! her first thought when she saw the ghosts was like 'omg i gotta tell danny :)' and her going to the teacher and also councilor trying to get help for him...shes just 16 but shes trying so hard to help him out :( watching this when youre younger I can imagine ppl are like omg annoying!! but watching this when im older im just like :( jazz baby im SO sorry </3 SHE BODIED THAT GHOST THOUGH. and the fact she didnt tell danny she knew surprised me. like, shes patient and waiting on him to tell her when hes ready!! thats so so sweet.
-christ the parents talking about 'PEELING IT LIKE AN ONION. AND EXAMINING REMAINS' of ghosts RIGHT INFRONT OF DANNY.
-'why am i so depressed and angry all the time!!' DANNY YOURE 14. i mean it IS a ghost this time, but...
-579$ top?? VALERIE NO ITS NOT EVEN CUTE IT DOESNT EVEN GO WITH THAT OUTFIT AAAA. tho this ep is called shades of gray..VALERIE FOCUSED EP FINALLY????! *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE* I already knew about red huntress from my redesigns, but I didn't exactly know what that entails or how/why, so, it's fun to see the Origins.
-ghost pubby! ghost pubby!!!!! why is the dog a ghost?? the implication that the company had guard dogs and got rid of them...what did they DO. is it just the unfinished business?? of not having that toy it was looking for?? god I hope so.
I feel SOOO bad for valerie tho, my god. her friends are shunning her for what, because her dad lost her job and she had to move??? horrible. (and the fact the dog wrecked the moving van too...) I also love how 'from wisconsin' on the package was an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG FOR ME. WISCONSIN=EVIL NOW. vlads so petty.
-it took valerie like 5 mins to get the hang of hunting ghosts and shes already a much bigger threat than his parents tbh. who've been trying and studying this for years. and a more valid reason <3 love her shes so cute and cool. new daughter alert.
-'i should do SOMETHING to help valerie' no shit danny???
-'who is that, awesome outfit!' -top gay sam moments. i was going to say. before it immediately cuts to sam kissing danny LMFAOOO. don't think I like that, it puts tucker in a weird third wheel position... the next ep involves them holding hands and blushing when danny's cold...URGH No. not a fan ngl. the trope of 'if theres a girl in a trio she has to end up with one of the two guys!!'
-right as I say that they take it to extremes!! and ember shoots him with a love ray gun that makes him OBSESSIVE OVER SAM. AND SHE TAKES HIS HANDS AND SAYS 'YOU DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT ME, I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU' and her saying she doesnt want to be together like this. and tucker saying 'i always knew you two would get together!!' dont manifest it tucker please. the show pushing for it so hard makes me not want it KSHKJKJD I KNOW its probably canon. it sucks though. im a hater.
-EMBERRRRR YOU WILL REMEMBERRRRRR . this is the one thing I kinda remember from when I was a kid EMBERRRRR ilu. top 10 cartoon bops. sams being a hater. popular things are popular for a reason. mr. lancer also being a hater. also everyone wearing her color scheme ..its a really good look, the purple, black, and minty color...
-penguins exist in the ghost zone. confirmed.
-EMBER JUST SHOWING UP AT A RANDOM HIGHSCHOOL TO PLAY?? UNANNOUNCED, MID DAY??? girl get a tour schedule. make some money or smth damn. I know shes probably doing it for the power boost but. lord. anyway if your show doesnt have a concert scene/ep, is it even valid.
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-hey, she had an undercut at some point!! my redesign!!! was accurate!! in..a way
-I feel like danny has a lot of pent up aggression ngl, him being heartbroken about sam and immediately going IM GONNA GO TAKE IT OUT ON EMBER. I mean she needs to be stopped I guess But. jazz has the right idea he needs therapy and a HEALTHY outlet.
-tucker singing > my singing
-girls cant be gamers -tucker and danny sexist moments. her being chaos in the game OWNED.
-it was actually nice of lancer to let danny retake the test, and he go to play games again. smh. epic cringe gamer moments compilation. and driving him home!!! I actually like him as a character. anyway teachers like lancer are SO appreciated. I was failing middle school because of mental problems, and felt so dumb and got embarrassed by teachers who would just get onto me instead of bothering to ask what the real problem was, but when I was taking my ged classes I had a wonderful teacher who kept reassuring me that I was smart, and I got honors!! danny is SUCH a little shit to him (understandable, 14, but) but seeing them getting along better and danny putting in effort. SO CUTE. THATS MY SON, STUDYING HARD!!!! and being so PROUD OF HIMSELF!!! 91!!! BITCH!!! A- is STILL AN A!!!
-'why dont they ever realize thats me in a dress' mr lancer i am CRYING. i realized.
-technus being my ghost grandpa who cant game asking tucker for help. bless his heart. his out of date old ppl lingo circles back to being endearing <3 tucker not recognizing him despite the like, lack of any kind of serious disguise...I do love their lil in-game outfits....sam being the tank rules. I like technus' spider design also. more characters need to be giant freaky spiders, imo.
-finding your gf a new host because she cant maintain her ghost body outside the zone? amazing. using jazz as the host? ILL KILL YOU. jazz immediately accepting a ride home from a guy she just met and letting him know where she lives. letting him IN THE HOUSE??? nooo girl no lets use common sense </3
-sooo cringe the parents were like 'good job for spying on your sister' tho wtffff. doesnt matter if hes a bad guy, thats fucked. everytime these parents BREATHE im like. these are MY kids now <3
-BAD LUCK BEING A THEME OF THE 13TH EPISODE. thats super fun. johnny 13 being his name is so. iconic. your last name is a NUMBER? also goth tucker. I actually love the look. everyone looks good goth. 'the ladies love the eyeliner and onyx nail polish' sam you are sooo right every man needs to at least try those two things. im a lesbian and I agree. same, danny, your bff is gnc af
-LOVE kitty's design. and just, the concept of a ghost with a bike. couple goals, except yes stay away from jazz.
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Day 7
Prompt:  There is a string tied around your pinky the end of which leads to your soulmate.
Word Count: 2,647
Main Taglist: (Send an ask to be added or removed!) @starlocked01,​​​ @spoopy-turtle,​​​ @lizluvscupcakes,​​ @more-fandon-than-friends​, @i-cant-find-a-good-username, @vindicatedvirgil, @star-crossed-shipper, @justaqueercactus, @gayboopnoodle, @sanderssidesweirdo, @the-sympathetic-villain, @8-writes Soulmate taglist:(Send an ask to be added or removed!) @elizabutgayer, @melodiread, @tsshipmonth2020, @mikalya12, @8-writes
Note: I modified the prompt a bit. In this world, everyone can see the string tied around the finger. When the string is intact, it’s red like normal. If the string has been cut, it will turn gray and both soulmates will be seen as ‘lesser people’ for denying their destiny. If a soulmate dies, the string will turn black. Another thing to note is that Logan is asexual. It’s briefly alluded to in the beginning but not brought up again.
Virgil wandered the campus, shoulders hunched in a clear indication that he didn’t want to be seen. He was glad to be able to be here at all after what happened in high school. Even so, he made sure to wear the gloves and stay out of people’s ways. The first semester was hell as he still wasn’t sure how to do anything but still tried. It seemed all his teachers had it out for him on day one as soon as they caught sight of those gloves.
It wasn’t until his second semester that he met someone who wore gloves just like him. He was sitting by himself during the time he’d scheduled for lunch, reading a fanfiction off his phone and trying to block out the world. Someone sat beside him and started watching a nature documentary while eating. He glanced over and frowned in confusion. Before he could gather his things to move to a different seat, the person spoke.
“I see you’re just like me.”
Virgil’s frown deepened. “How is that?”
They held up a gloved hand. “How did yours happen?”
Virgil relaxed into his seat. “I don’t know. I was in the middle of math class in high school.”
They winced, nodding. “That’s tough.”
“You?” Virgil didn’t know why, but he felt a burning need to know their story, to know he wasn’t alone in his struggles.
Their wince turned sour, a look one step away from a glare entering their eyes. “I cut it myself. She wasn’t willing to treat me right, didn’t accept my pronouns and sexuality, so I cut it. I know my worth and she didn’t deserve me. As far as I care, she still doesn’t.”
Virgil nodded, almost in awe of them. “I never met mine but they’ve stayed with me for a while now. I’ve always wondered if I was ever going to be good enough for someone or if I was simply too damaged.” He had no idea why he was telling a random stranger his life’s story but it felt too right to stop.
The stranger shook their head. “They cut it, you didn’t. It’s their fault but you’ve had to live with it. That shouldn't have been the case.” They turned to look at him, a fierce expression in their eyes. “If they didn’t want you, they didn’t deserve you, simple as that. You never got to know them or be known by them, thus it is their fault for cutting it. Never blame yourself for the actions of others.”
With that, they put their headphones back in and played their documentary. Virgil felt his phone buzz and looked down to find that he had ten minutes to get to class. He hastily ripped out a paper from his notebook, scrawled his number on it, shoved it over to the stranger, and ran off to get to class.
He didn’t see the stranger again for a few days but got a text from them that night. They chatted late into the night, talking about classes and life outside of soulmates. They commiserated over their lack of soulmates and the shunning it causes. Virgil was able to complain about his gloves and how much he hated them and have someone agree and understand, something he’d never had before. He was able to understand when the stranger, Logan, complained about the stares they got while washing their hands, how they hated everyone looking at the gray string that hung limply from their finger.
Virgil soon found not only a soulmateless companion, but a companion in academic pursuits as well. They seemed to be intellectual peers so Virgil understood most of Logan’s science babble. Logan seemed to have taken a biologist major as they spoke of creatures found in rainforests constantly. Virgil, on the other hand, was in an arts major, focusing mainly on building models of commissioned structures.
Slowly, brick by brick, Logan rebuilt Virgil’s self confidence. They helped him regain his self love, told him how strong he was for surviving the most grueling years of his life. Logan would never let Virgil apologize for the simple things like running late or using the wrong pronouns for them. They always made sure to let him know that they were not upset and were proud of his progress. Virgil’s sense of self worth grew stronger and larger, finally allowing him to see what Logan had known from the start: Virgil’s soulmate didn’t deserve him.
Over the semester, they grew closer, their bond growing strong. Virgil’s panic attacks lessened, he could stand to hear the word ‘soulmates’ without wanting to curl into a ball and cry, he didn’t jump at the sight of a math textbook, didn’t feel the need to hide his high school passions. He grew enough that he could look at the gloves he had to wear with something other than disdain.
Soon, they had decided to room together the next semester. Luckily, their requests were easily approved as it seemed the faculty were more than happy to have the two students without soulmates room together.
They finished their degrees and managed to graduate without dying, which Virgil counted as a plus. Logan simply said Virgil was being overdramatic. Once they graduated, they found an aquarium with a rainforest section that allowed Logan to work with the animals they loved and gave Virgil a lot of opportunities to make or upgrade different terrariums and enclosures. He was also able to design more enrichment activities for certain animals. They saw each other in the back rooms and in the halls. Most times, they ended up sitting with each other to eat lunch as not many people wanted to interact with them.They still lived together in a small apartment as they didn’t feel the need to move.
Over time, Virgil got to know Logan better and knew he was falling for them. One night, he’d accidentally had too much to drink. He leaned against Logan, who’s arm around his waist was the only thing keeping him upright and relatively stable. Logan deposited him on the couch. “Stay here, I’ll go grab you some water to sober you up.”
Virgil whined, reaching out for them. Once he took hold of their hand, he pulled his roommate close. “No! Don’t go!”
Logan sighed but sat down on the couch anyways. Virgil leaned heavily to the side but before Logan could catch him, his head landed in the other’s lap. Virgil wiggled a bit before he managed to throw his legs over the arm of the couch, fully laying down now. He giggled, looking up at Logan. “You’re really handsome.” He muttered.
Logan smiled fondly, a hand reaching out to stroke through Virgil’s hair. “That’s nice, Virge. How about you try to sleep now?”
Virgil shook his head. “No, no sleep. You’re too nice to me.”
Logan’s smile turned into a frown. “How am I too nice to you?”
“You’re very patient with me, never getting angry at me for jumping at small noises, or randomly leaving a room. You take such good care of me when I’m sick. You’ve treated me with more basic human kindness than most people did during college.” Tears started to slide down his temples but Logan brushed them away. “I love you, L.” Virgil curled up, his face pressed against Logan’s stomach.
Logan stayed still the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep. When they woke, Virgil was moving around in the kitchen. “Sorry, did I wake you?” He asked genuinely.
Logan groaned but shook their head as they stood. “No, but I think we need to talk about last night.”
Virgil nodded, turning the burner off so he didn’t burn the scrambled eggs. “Is this about my drinking? I promise that was a one time thing.”
“No, I trust you on that. I’m talking about what you said to me before you fell asleep.”
Virgil nodded again, shakier this time. He put the dish towel he was holding down. “Oh, that.”
Logan nodded. “I only really have one question for you.”
Virgil looked at the counter, pretending to wipe at the already clean surface. “Sure, shoot.”
Logan put a hand on his arm, staying his movement. “Did you mean it?”
Virgil’s head shot up so fast he was sure he popped something. “Of course!”
Logan smiled, leaning over to kiss Virgil’s cheek. “Good, because I love you too.”
Virgil stood there, dazed, for a few minutes while Logan walked away to shower and get ready for the day. When they came back out, they had a discussion of what their relationship was and decided that they were datemates.
As time went on, they stopped sleeping in separate rooms for one reason or another. Sometimes, one of them couldn’t handle the pressure of the world anymore and ended up crying themselves to sleep on the other’s bed, sometimes they were cuddling and talking before falling asleep. Eventually, they simply decided to share a room. With their combined savings, they toured apartments and found one they liked, with a bedroom they could both make theirs.
A few more years went by and they were happy. When around Logan, Virgil could almost forget about the grey string tied to his finger, the string that decreed he was unlovable, unable to marry, unable to adopt. The string and all implications that came with it ceased to exist the moment he caught sight of Logan.
It was in one of those moments that he knew: he wanted to marry this beautiful human beside him, the one holding him close, the one who makes him forget the world, the one who loves him just as much as he loves them. He also knew that the gray strings hidden under their gloves denied their marriage. Only soulmates bound by a red string could get married, adopt, love.
Virgil raised his head from it’s position on Logan’s chest, looking them in the eye. “Marry me.”
Logan chuckled, a hand running through Virgil’s hair. “I’d love to but you know we can’t.”
Virgil shook his head. “If our marriage would never be legal, why should we use legal means?”
Logan’s smile slid into a frown. “I don’t follow.”
“How does a wedding go, babe?”
Logan’s smile returned at the pet name. “It usually involves the soulmates saying vows and swapping their soul strings, which proceeds to glow golden around the base of the finger while the rest of the string stays red.”
Virgil nodded, his smile growing. “So, let’s do that! We don’t need any witnesses if we’re not able to make it legal anyways. What do you say?”
Logan had gotten a look in their eye while Virgil was talking that he knew all too well. His datemate was plotting something. “Well,” he said finally, “if we’re doing this, I’d want to do it as best as we can.”
Virgil nodded, moving to sit up so he could see Logan better. “Like what?”
“You mentioned vows?”
Virgil smiled, feeling excitement and just a bit of anxiety growing. “That’s doable.”
“I could pick up cupcakes instead of a wedding cake?”
Virgil nodded, grinning. “Would it be too much if I were to wear a suit?”
Logan smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Not if I wore a dress.”
They continued to plan their ‘wedding’ over the course of a few days, both preparing vows in their free time. Virgil was once asked about what he was doing by a coworker but said he was giving a speech at a relative’s wedding, not wanting to give away that what he was doing was technically illegal.
The day they’d set arrived. It was a joint day off so neither had to go into work. Virgil woke up before Logan did, depositing a kiss to their forehead before slipping out of bed. He ate breakfast, making one for Logan to find when they woke up, before heading to the spare bedroom to prepare.
A few hours later, he walked out to the living room they’d decorated the night before. He stood at the arch of paper links, his gloves discarded and suit on. He fidgeted with the edges, wanting everything to be perfect for Logan.
When they walked out, it felt like his breath was sucked out of him. His eyes swept over Logan’s frame, their dress accentuating their features. Logan’s smile could have sent birds singing when Virgil’s eyes finally made their way back up. He held out his hand for them to take as they arrived. “You look gorgeous.” He murmured in awe.
Logan chuckled, dropping their bouquet gently onto the couch. “Thank you. You look amazing as well.”
Virgil gripped Logan’s hands tightly, knowing he was first. He looked directly into their eyes while he spoke. “I’ve chosen you. To be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you and trusting who you will become. In a world that is based on who you were destined to love at birth, I’ve chosen to love you. It is free will but that does not mean it is false love. I will gladly share your name and care for you, in sickness and in health, in fair weather and storms, in every battle life throws at us. I will stand by your side and fight with you. We shall always be equals in this marriage and I would never wish it any other way. I love you and take you, Logan Croft, to be my unlawfully wedded spouse.”
Logan smiled, squeezing Virgil’s hands before beginning. “All I have in this world, I freely give to you. I promise to love you every second of every day, not just for a moment, nor for an hour, nor for a day, nor for a year, I will love you until eternity ends. Until the mountains crumble into the sea, and the oceans rise to consume the land, I will love you with everything I have. I will put you back together when you are falling apart, I will laugh with you, grieve with you. Our love is unique and something I will cherish beyond anything. I found you without the aid of a string, without anything tying our souls together, and our love is stronger for it. We have fought to love, fought to live in a world that does not want us, and we have grown and clung to each other through it all. I cannot tell where I end and you begin and I would have it no other way. I love you with all my soul and take you, Virgil Storm, to be my unlawfully wedded husband.”
They both carefully untied the gray strings around their pinkies, Virgil tying his around Logan’s left ring finger before Logan tied theirs around Virgil’s. Once they did that, they shared a kiss. Logan was the first to pull back, their eyes going down to look at the soul string tied around their finger.
The part tied at the base was now a glowing silver instead of a muted gray. Following the ends, one ended as normal while the other had grown and now connected to one of Virgil’s ends. His own string was also glowing a bright silver while the connecting string was a soft pink.
Virgil stared in shock before locking eyes with Logan. “Do you know what this means?”
“That people who have cut strings can choose their next soulmate? Or that the prejudice against those with grey and black strings is no longer justified? That we could probably go register at a courthouse and be lawfully wedded now? That-”
Virgil surged forward and captured their lips with a kiss. “It means that no one can tell us we are broken. No one can rip us apart.” He whispered before Logan tilted their head up for more kisses.
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fics-not-tragedies · 5 years
A lesson to teach me: Part One
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one - two - three - four - five
I know how all of you waited for this parted fic, but my thirsty bitches deserve a special dedication: @keanu-fics; @keanuchillz; @fanficsrusz; @pkg4mumtown & @mikaneonox - darlings, this is for you! Professor!AU or you can call it the University!AU. @keanumarvel threw in a request for it, so here you go hun!
SUMMARY: Keanu, your English professor, writes on your essay that you have to see him after class, which leads to few surprising things. Words: 2998; Warnings: smut;
Readers tag list:
@spookier-than-u; @sparrowsparrow; @wickedlangdon; @bodhi-black; @derangedcupcake; @oreofenyloetyloamina; @geostarr; @catsmieow; @bugalouie; @onebatch--twobatch; @fandom-lover-4; @drunkonyellow; @semtempoirmaoo; @spadesandaces2342; @harrisongslimited; @a--1--1--3; @hhighkey; @lunilate; @i-cant-remember-my-old-login; @sgt-morgan; @coloursunlimited; @childrenofthegun; @weminiaturestrawberry;
See me after our lecture. Those words written on the essay you submitted before the due date and the bold ‘F’ written in juicy red ink right next to them made your heart beat faster. You gripped the sheets in your hands, almost wrinkling the paper. He couldn’t fail you. This was the last, crucial paper you had to write before your final exam and if he failed you it means that you can’t do that exam, which means you weren’t graduating.
There were still 15 minutes left of the lecture and you noticed how he was eyeing you from behind his desk, speaking to the whole room, but his gaze was focused only on you. There was something dark in it and it felt like he was trying to undress you with his eyes.
Of course there were times you fantasized about him while you were listening to his dulcet voice. Everything about him was mesmerizing: the way he talked, the way he walked, the way he was gesturing in his hands… oh yes, his hands! You could imagine him touching your naked body, fingertips sliding down your naked back, gently grazing your hips… you’d love to feel his large hands wrapped around your neck, squeezing it, as he fucks you roughly on the huge wooden desk in his office.
People around you were gathering their things and walking out of the auditorium. You got so consumed in the filthy images that ran through your head that you barely noticed that, snapped out of them when the doors closed behind someone with a loud thud.
He was sitting by the small desk placed by the blackboards, writing something down in his calendar. You were almost right in front of him and since the auditorium got all empty now, except for you two, you could finally stare at him without being given weird looks from your colleagues.
His hair was slightly messed, like the wind got a hold of it when he was on his way here; he was focused on whatever he was scribbling down now, his nose scrunched, the lines on his forehead visible. The neatly trimmed beard on him looked stunning and you wish you could touch it or feel it tickle your skin when he’d kiss you.
Suddenly he moved his gaze to you, your body shuddered a little, face turning red instantly, “Miss...” he spoke your last name softly and you felt obligated to do the same.
“Professor Reeves” his last name rolled off your tongue in such a manner it almost sounded filthy to you and you noticed how he raised his eyebrow, probably thinking the same.
“Please call me Keanu” he stood up from the chair and slowly moved closer to you, his leather boots clicking on the overly-polished floor.
“Professor Keanu…” you blurted out as he was almost in a hand reaching distance, leaning onto the edge of your desk with his both hands.
“No. Just Keanu, please” the way he said ‘please’ was turning your guts upside down and you just couldn’t stop staring at his hand firmly gripping the edge of the wooden plank that was the only thing between you two, well except from the obvious sexual tension of course.
“Erm, sure, K-Keanu…” when you looked up at him, leaning back in your chair, he couldn’t hide the smirk that crept on the corners of his mouth.
“I asked you to stay after the lecture, because it’s our, almost, final meeting and there are few things I’d like to discuss with you” he rolled the sleeves of his baby blue shirt, the slight tan on them being a great addition to his look and wetting your lips you glanced back and forth between his face and his gorgeous arms, “and I bet you are quite curious why you get ‘F’.”
Keanu reached behind him, taking his notebook and his glasses. He put them on and you couldn’t help but gasp a little, upon hearing the tiny sound that left your mouth he looked at you for a second, before looking down to his scribbles, flipping the pages to find the right one, a big smile on his face.
“I don’t feel like my essay deserved ‘F’ since I submitted it few weeks before the due date and also I poured my heart into it-” he silenced you raising his hand into the air and you bit your lower lip, placed your hands onto the desk and entwined your fingers together taking a deep breath.
“You’re right, your essay was outstanding and it absolutely deserves an ‘A+’” he recited and you just shook your head in disbelief.
“Then why you gave me ‘F’ then?!” you raised your voice slightly and he leaned closer to you, glasses sliding slightly from his nose, his eyes locked with yours.
“Because I wanted to tease you, like you’ve been teasing me all the time” he fixed the glasses then firmly gripped his notebook, “I never actually kept a secret diary about any of my students in my whole career, but there’s something about you, little girl…” what did he just called you... “She likes to stare, a lot; fancies deep necklines; puts the end of her pen inside her mouth, probably thinking about my cock; juicy lips, looks great in glittery red lipstick; overall: she’s a tease” he read and you were happy to be sitting, because your knees got weak, “It’s about you, little girl and it’s just one percent of everything I wrote about you.”
You swallowed hard, his stare piercing right through your body, “Well then…” leaning forward to him you placed your hands under your chin, “perhaps you should give me ‘D’” flicking your tongue across your lower lip you saw his reaction, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. He threw the notebook back onto the desk and moved closer to you, your faces inches apart from each other.
“Perhaps I should give it to you now” he grazed your juicy lower lip with his finger, smearing your lipstick a little, before he firmly pressed his mouth to yours.
When you jumped up to a standing position he placed his hand on the back of your neck, pressing you closer, cupping the side of your face with his free hand. That damned desk being an obstacle between you two, so you just crawled atop of it, wrapping your arms around Keanu’s neck, pressing your chest flush to his.
“I think…” he panted a little after he drew back from you, “I think we should move it to my office, someone might catch us here.”
“Oh yes, absolutely!” you were unable to form a coherent thought, the lingering taste of his mouth left you absolutely breathless. After jumping off your desk you gathered all of your things, put them inside your backpack, waited for him to pack his stuff into that leather briefcase he always carried around with himself, then followed him to those doors that had his last name on them.
In a hurry he unlocked them, pulling you inside, switching on the light, throwing his briefcase onto the floor, his lips back to yours in the moment they closed behind you two. Stumbling to his desk he held you tightly in his arms, fingers tangled in your hair. When he slid his tongue inside your mouth you gasped, tasting the coffee he drank in the morning and the tobacco from the cigarettes he smoke right before your lecture.
“You’re such a tease, little girl” Keanu touched your neck sliding his hand down too your deeply cut neckline making you purr, feeling the touch of his large hand.
Suddenly he froze, as you heard quick footsteps approaching his office, then stopping right outside his door.
“Get under my desk.”
“I’ll explain it later, little girl” he ran around his desk, sitting onto the chair, gesturing to you that you should do it quickly. You tiptoed to him and crawled under the wooden desk, he pushed his chair further forward and towards it, making you move further underneath it, “Just place be silent. I promise I will explain everything to you later.”
When you were about to say something, the doors opened with a loud thud. You identified the steps as heels clicking on the floor, much more aware of them from where you were now, trying silently to adjust your uncomfortable position under the big piece of furniture.
“Does something happened?” he asked, shifting when the door shut, implicating that the disturber was here to stay and you sank further under the desk, pressing yourself against the other side of it.
“Since we’re close to the end of the final semester, I thought I should talk to you...” female voice explained, the woman took few more steps that suggested she decided to sit down.
Your eyes had slowly adjusted to the darkness under the desk now and you looked up at Keanu sat in his comfortable leather chair with his legs spread slightly, covered with those tight suit pants, that were making you insane every time you looked at them, straining over his thighs, a visible bulge right below his belt. He wasn’t hard, but you weren’t surprised that it was visible nonetheless, he probably was hiding a good piece of cock there. 
As you shifted slightly, lifting your body from the floor slightly, trying to adjust your sitting position, until you were placed right between his legs and you could tell he was trying to maintain his own position, trying not to allow you to do anything to him. You could tell he was aware of your movements, but there was really nothing he could do in this situation.
You reached up to push his legs further apart, the sudden movement making him jump and he covered it up instantly with a clear of his throat, “I see...” he leaned forward slightly trying to prevent his body from those things you wanted to do to him now.
But he was powerless now, the silent resistance of his wasn’t going to help in any means.
“I know I haven’t really had the chance to get closer to you, but I feel like it’s my final chance to tell you about my feelings.”
Perfect, now a professor whom you luckily didn’t knew was about to confess her love to him, while you were trapped under his desk.
“I think I am in love with you, Keanu” the woman blurted out.
You closed your hand around the bulge in his tight pants without a second thought, making his knee fly up against the desk top.
“Oh, f-fuck” he drawled. “Fuck, Janet, I had no idea.”
“Well, I could’ve told you about it earlier, but I felt like I shouldn’t and you know...”
“I don’t feel like it’s the right moment to talk about it” he growled through his gritted teeth.
You dragged your nails along his inner thighs, then placed your both hands at his belt buckle and he tried to push his thighs together, but he was met with the resistance of your elbows, unable to use more force without raising the woman’s suspicion, sat too close to the desk to slip his hands underneath it.
He was tense.
And after you undid his belt buckle with ease, it felt like there was nothing else that could stop you.
Janet sighed, “Keanu…”
“Please, not now. We can talk about it when the semester ends.”
Not making a sound when you kept massaging him through the fabric of his trousers, was your main focus. His hips were bucking involuntarily against the touch of your hand, his breaths becoming more hitched in his throat.
“It’s because you have someone, Keanu?”
He sucked in a breath, his hand slamming down on the table when you pulled down his underwear enough to free his now slowly hardening length from its restraints, “N-No…” he groaned, his voice shaking, “I mean, y-yes, I-I mean no.”
“Well…” she said, clearly irritated but not letting that stop her, “I wish we could get closer”
“Oh, yes, right...” he drawled again, coughing it off, merely speaking to disguise his reaction.
You took the opportunity to wrap your hand around him, giving his length few slow tugs. His whole body was tensed up, pouring all his strength into appearing unfazed by your actions, to not raise the woman’s suspicion.
But the truth was that you only just started.
“I still think that we should talk about it when the semester ends” his dulcet voice was now surprisingly steady, his fingers shaking slightly and he pushed himself back, making you stretch your arm but it still wasn’t enough for him to slip his hand under the desk and do anything.  You were now steadily stroking him, he knew that you were only building him up slowly.
“But why you want to wait?”
He swallowed hard, for a moment it broke his self-control and you used that moment to adjust your sitting position, lifting your body onto the knees and steadying yourself with one of your hands sprawled out on his thigh, nails digging into it, using the other hand to guide him into the warmth of your mouth.
His reaction was everything you, in fact, hoped for, his hips instantly lifted off his chair to push his cock deeper into your hot mouth, he breathed out shakily, coughing again to conceal it again, his legs shaking slightly as he tried to compose himself.
“F-fuck, well...” he muttered, biting his lip, “I’m not really a fan of work affairs.”
Your tongue was swirling around him, hand pumping at the base when you couldn’t hold him all the way in your mouth, head bobbing up and down.
His eyes threatened to flutter shut and he forced them to stay open, his whole poise threatening to falter now. “I will talk to you after graduation ceremony.”
“I don’t think I can wait that long...”
Keanu didn’t wanted to argue, he couldn’t, his hips almost snapping forward automatically now as you took him deep into your mouth, held him there and swallowed around him and he gripped the edge of the desk, trying to play the moan that was threatening to fall from his lips as a groan of annoyance, “It’s not that long…”
He was struggling to breathe evenly, tensing now as you held him in her throat for so long, with fingers still wrapped around the base of his shaft, tongue dancing around him, determined to drive him absolutely mad. He knew that your glittery lipstick would be all over him. His legs were trembling, he was getting close.
“I want you, Keanu, I want you so badly…” she got up from the chair, her heels clicking on the floor.
“As I told you: I’m not a fan of relationships in my work environment” he drawled, once again stifling a moan that potentially would’ve been too obscene to cover up.
 “I will wait for your call then” she sighed.
Your body tensed and you moved your head back when you felt his hips bucking up again, now only pumping him slowly to keep him on the edge, anticipating the moment he’d snap.
There was no more word uttered before the doors fell shut and Professor Reeves pushed his chair back, not missing a beat, his eyes dark, threatening and you sat on your knees for a moment, holding his glare, then crawling forward, taking merely his tip back into your mouth, suckling teasingly.
“Little girl, what are you doing down there?” he spat out.
You tried to stand up but before you could even take him out of your mouth and move your body just an inch, his large hand came down on the back of your head, firmly gripping the nape of your neck, making you close your lips tighter around him, as he kept himself buried in your warm mouth, “Oh, no, little girl” he drawled, leaning back into his chair, “You have to finish what you started.”
Struggling to breathe, when he pressed his length all the way down to your throat, you protested a little, but it didn’t helped much. He gripped a fistful of your hair and drew back your head away from himself for a moment, hissing loudly when he saw that he really was covered in your lipstick, pushing his cock right back down your throat when you had the chance to take a breath, “I knew you wanted to feel me inside your mouth, but had no idea you wanted it THAT much little girl.”
You were sucking him more eagerly now, since you had more room to move your head, the sounds you made obscene and bringing him closer to the edge, the way he was slipping in and out of your wet mouth making him even harder.
“Please look at me, little girl.”
He didn’t give more of a warning, his hips simply snapped up and his grip at the back of your head tightened, making you whimper around him, the vibrations building him up even more and he came with a loud groan, your name rolling off his lips, as his release filled your mouth, sliding down your throat. Keanu held your gaze and he breathed out shakily when you swallowed around him again. Then he drew back, lifting his hips and tucking his cock back in, fixing his belt.
“Who was that?” you asked him, when you finally could breathe properly. He leaned in to kiss you passionately, his tongue lapping at your lower lip.
“Janet, one of the substitute professor, she apparently loves me” he shrugged a little.
“She loves you, but I was the one sucking your cock under your desk” teasingly you slid your hand across his thigh making him whimper again.
“Oh yes, you were, little girl and you did it perfectly. ‘A+’ for the cock-sucking skills and another ‘A+’ for your essay.”
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Don’t Praise the Almighty (Part 1)
Also on AO3
hold on to your hats everyone - this is part one. i was going to put them together, then i realised part two is 6000 words and thats just too long 
TW for: implied abuse of all kinds, straight-up physical and emotional child abuse, gaslighting, all might if he was a terrible person.
Things you must sacrifice to make a hero: Humanity, Empathy.
Things you must sacrifice to be a hero: Everything.
izuku wants to be a hero, imagine the first ep happens etc. yagi doesnt so much say "you can be a hero" as "ill make you a hero"
an aside: inko is an absent parent, to make ends meet and a poor way of coping with a missing Hisashi. Izuku grows up without any positive adults figures in his life.
yagi makes izuku train and train and train, the kid’s hands bleed and his legs ache but allmight makes him keep going. allmight says he's useless and pathetic and a crybaby and izuku believes him, because he's allmight
they spar and yagi just holds back enough to not let izuku get hurt too badly to train. even katsuki is disturbed bc quirkless deku is coming to school with black eyes and swollen wrists
when katsuki calls him pathetic izuku just nods
"ill get better though"
and katsuki feels so gross he doesnt try to fuck with izuku for weeks
and so izuku is so convinced this is normal because katsuki does it, and mum does it, and now allmight? thats just how you treat kids he thinks. or quirkless ones at least
hes still a big fan of allmight because he doesnt see whats wrong. hes just pathetic and useless but then he'll get a quirk and he'll be worth something for the first time in his life
he barely sleeps, barely eats, just trains and studies and trains some more. he collapses. all might stands there until izuku gets back up and makes him keep running
reasons all mights like this
he is 1, suffering from internalised quirk discrimination
2, nana's dead bc she wasn't "strong enough"
3, he thinks he can shape izuku into the perfect selfless hero, and better person than he ever was.
hes convinced this is for the greater good. hes a dick but hes so sure hes in the right here
by the time of the entrance exam izuku is,,, kinda fucked up
he passes with flying colours because he used his quirk for the first time, broke his arm, and immediately moved on to snaping finger after finger. the teachers watched on, horrified as this child mutilated himself to get points
all might smiled. because this is what he wanted.
he saves ochacco too
he gets in and allmight is pleased with him, even more pleased than the time izuku admitted he hadn't slept for 72 hours and still got a perfect score on his test
and izuku thinks this was all worth it to see his hero smile at him
izuku is in 1A
izuku actually listed that he feels less pain due to his quirk, which aizawa believes but hes still not sold on the idea of a hero that destroys themselves. he doesnt know if izuku heals better or faster, but he's sure that may broken bones cant be good
aizawa is convinced he's going to expel izuku during the quirk test. the look he sees on izuku’s face when he says he's expelling the lowest scorer makes his stomach churn
because all of the other kids look worried, nervous
izuku looks like hes going to throw up.
the kid is trembling and pale and aizawa watches as he turns to ochako, smiles brightly and says "let's do our best" while he holds back full body tremors the other kids don't see
he breaks toes and fingers and he cries but he doesn't flinch at the pain
the only time he flinches is when someone looks him in the eyes, if someone speaks too loud, and at the firecracker pops of katsuki's quirk
and aizawa feels sick
the ball toss, he just can't watch this kid break anymore, and he stops his quirk
for a second he freezes, because this kids quirk manages pain, he'll be feeling all of those broken bones, he'll obviously notice
but izuku doesnt notice his missing quirk until he throws the ball. he turns around, looking sick. aizawa feels so lost when he looks at him with pure relief
"oh, you're eraserhead"
izuku tears up for the first time in that class.
"please give me back my quirk"
aizawa feels so lost he blinks, and his quirk drops with it. there is something totally wrong about the utter relief the kid feels having this horrifically damaging quirk back, and there is something bothering aizawa about it, but he doesn't know what
"dont use your quirk for the rest of this test, kid. not unless you can use it without breaking something"
izuku nods but aizawa knows the kid will just try to hide it. he takes him by the shoulder when the others have moved on
"i mean it, midoriya. no quirk, or i'll expell you on the spot"
and izuku just looks so lost
"but, i have to? i'm-"
"you didn't flinch when i took your quirk. you can feel every broken bone, can't you?"
izuku just nods, like walking with broken toes is normal, like throwing a ball with broken fingers is easy. aizawa knows it's not
he just sighs.
"no quirk. we'll work on training it after. you're ahead enough not to fail the course, go to recovery girl now. you aren't expelled"
izuku just looks hurt
aizawa shoos him away and almost misses the thin form of all might slink out from behind the wall to follow izuku
he's worried, and confused. But he can't just, abandon a field of kids
he texts hizashi bc that's just who he texts when he's panicking, and he asks him to look out for smallmight and izuku, somewhere on the way to the infirmary. so present mic turns on the first movie he finds on his computer (an english language copy of rocky) yells "ENGLISH PRACTISE TIME" and runs out the door
1C is so lost
anyway, present mic can be quiet when he tries and when he hears the sound of allmight sternly talking to a student that's crying? he tries real fucking hard
he basically catches
"you're supposed to be stronger than this, why did he make you stop?"
"he saw my bones breaking-i couldnt-"
"and so you flinched? didn't we train?"
"i didnt flinch! he made me stop!"
allmight backhands him
"dont waste it. either get better at hiding it or learn to use your quirk without breaking bones quickly or ill find another successor. one that isn't useless."
present mic hears izuku agree and cry and he feels ill. he sneaks back a little further, then loudly walks down the hall. allmight smiles at him, and he wants to punch the man
izuku smiles at him too, tears in his eyes but like he's happy to see another hero. present mic cant understand why izuku is pressed so close to a man that hurt him, like he's more afraid of present mic than allmight
he walks with them to recovery girl, chatting like he was meant to be there. hes so grateful allmight is new, because he totally has a class he's meant to be teaching right now and that would be so suspicious if he knew his schedule 
he walks them all the way to the door, and he lingers. there is a touch of steel in his eyes when he tells allmight to take care because what he really means is "take care of yourself because i will not"
and hes halfway down the corridor before he freezes
why did izuku seem so comfortable with a man he shouldn't know
anyway present mic is having a quiet breakdown for 20 seconds before he sprints back to his class, pretends he never left, and panic texts aizawa
so aizawa, with a little great context, knows that that, particular, conversation wasn't as,,, unsavoury,,, as it could,,, be implied,,,
but like,,,,,, he's really lost on why izuku would know small might and he's very worried
bakugo is fuCKinG PisSed
izuku left?? and he wasn't expelled???
Any,,, unsavoury implications arent something I'm going to talk ab in this au bc it doesn't need to be worse,,, but it's very much intentional
so aizawa is having an actual moral crisis rn bc hizashi isn't a liar and he doesn't want to like, not believe when he saw. but really? the symbol of peace is terrible??? and hizashi doesn't want to believe it either. both of them as so sure they are just missing context or something
bakugo stalks up to recovery girls office after class bc wtf deku?? and he walks in to just see izuku blankly picking at new white scars
he actually perks up when katsuki enters
and there is this man standing over izuku. this man he's seen with izuku before, yelling at him, but someone izuku seems happy to be around. it's not deku’s dad, he knows that. and the guy is too blonde and tall to have literally any relation to him.
a lot of the fire in katsuki goes out when he sees how tired izuku looks, and the question he was going to yell becomes more of a mumble
"so, you have a quirk now? just like that?"
he looks up and he sees that man's hand on izuku's shoulder, curled like a claw, so tight it must hurt. but izuku doesn't flinch or shy away, he smiles softly
"i'm really lucky, huh kacchan?"
and as much as izuku looks like he believes it, katsuki has the strongest feeling that this is the worst possible thing that could have happened to his once-friend
he just leaves
and he almost runs straight into his new teacher. they lock eyes and even though katsuki doesn't know whats going on, aizawa doesn't know whats going on, they both just know something is happening
and its not good
but what can they do
hes the symbol of peace
recovery girl is 100% in denial bc she new baby toshi and he's a dork but he's a good boy
izuku gets knocked tf out by recovery girls heal and toshi carries him out of the school grounds and shes like "how cute"
honestly they get to they gate, he wakes izuku up and reminds him to run home to get in the extra cardio, and izuku does. all the way home.. not only bc yagi wanted him to, but that's a big bit but bc if he was late hed wouldn’t get dinner
so the battle trial
so aizawa is like,,, : | ab everything
so he attends the battle trial rather than take the nap he really fucking wanted
the kids come out in their costumes and something sits poorly about the way izuku positively preens at almighty compliments. so basically it goes like the show, but allmight doesnt try to stop Bakugo. aizawa doesn't have audio, but he sees what the kids see and rips the mic out of allmights hand to tell bakugo to stop
he doesnt have to, though
because izuku has already vanished from sight
bakugo looks lost, aizawa is worried, but allmight just looks smug because a second later, izuku drops from the ceiling where he swung up, and punches bakugo in the back of the head
allmight grins and it looks nasty
izuku gives bakugo a once-over to make sure hes ok, wraps his wrists, then puts him in the recovery position and scampers out of the room to ochako
aizawa is lost, because that is c l e a r l y combat training. from the back of the room, todoroki starts watching in earnest
with ochako, he grabs the bomb. they walk out of the exercise and all might congratulates them on winning and izuku looks so happy! but allmight isn't done
"young midoriya, why didn't you use your quirk?"
the only people that notice the way he pales are todoroki and aizawa
"sorry sir, i didn't want to disappoint mr aizawa"
allmight nods, and he smiles but aizawa doesnt like it
"thats ok my boy, we'll have to see about getting you some out of class quirk training, huh?"
izuku smiles. hes happy, but he looks panicked
he looks guilty about being afraid
aizawa silently tells his agency he needs the week off to investigate something personal, and they readily give him the time off
izuku mumbles happily to himself about the exercise, stilling when all might looks gazes with him. he stops, flushes, and apologises. allmight nods.
he begins again, but hes not mumbling anymore, hes speaking clearly and concisely with the other students, even though he doesnt want to talk to them, he just wants to think. but allmight says to talk clearly to everyone or to remain silent and he just wants so badly to talk about the exercise
todoroki looks between izuku and allmight and he wonders
USJ time baby
allmight uses up his time, like before
the difference is, when the nomu comes for aizawa? izuku doesnt hesitate to jump in. thats what allmight wanted. he wanted someone so selfless that "would i give my life for them" isn't even a question that would cross their mind, they would just move
izuku stalls. he's shivering and shaking, walking on broken toes but he stands between aizawa and the nomu and he smiles
shigiraki looks at izuku and doesn't see a hero in training. he sees someone like him, like his league. someone who has be stepped on and ruined and reborn
and he wants him
when he sees something he likes, he wants it. like his sensei and his quirks. shigiaki collects people like action figures to use how he likes
anyway, he sees this little 'hero' and for all his stubbornness he knows he won't get izuku today
so he does what his sensei did to him all those years ago
he shows kindness. just enough to break him
he looks izuku in the eyes and says
"hero society is so rotten they break children into weapons to fight other broken pieces. whats fair about that?"
and izuku looks stunned. he drops his smile.
"from one broken piece to another, i wont shatter you today."
kurogiri moves izuku and aizawa just outside of the usj
they cant get in, aizawa has no quirk to break through the walls and izuku is shell shocked
he takes a second to look at aizawa like his world is falling down and aizawa understands.
and then
allmight appears
and aizawa hates himself for how relieved he feels
allmight looks at izuku and izuku smiles so wide. and then he frowns
"they want to kill you"
"they aren't the first, my boy."
and izuku pauses
"they seem pretty sure they can, sir."
and allmights smile looks meaner
"what, you really think so little of this old man?"
and izuku shakes his head violently
"not at all! no, im sorry-"
allmight looks at his student and suddenly there isnt a wall anymore, blasted into tiny shards by allmight’s punch. izuku scrambles inside after him
aizawa tells him to stay outside, to stay safe. but allmight levels a glare at him that almost hurts to meet. aizawa cringes and rushes after them, cradling broken arms
the fight ends much the same, but upon seeing izuku in the way on his hand, shigiraki closes his fist
allmight doesn't miss that
and, with that the other teachers arrive. and again, present mic and aizawa wonder why izuku knows allmight small form
oh also just as a weird powerplay thing, allmight calls izuku by his first name in private while izuku calls him sir everywhere
aizawa has the worst of the injuries, but years of sleep deprivation mean he can pretty easily resist the call of sleep after recovery girls quirk. not that anyone knows that. so he hears the edges of a conversation between hero and student
he hears sobs and a slap and apologies from both parties. he hears a louder conversation on training after class to better use izuku’s quirk and aizawa decides he's going to force himself into this 'training' because he doesnt like the optics on any of this
allmights angry that the villains were fond of izuku, bc that means izuku was doing something wrong, right? and he's also angry izuku barely used his quirk, but he does kinda understand needing to be able to walk still
anyway in the training we get the joy of a creepy scene of yagi assessing the physique of a barely dressed izuku
aizawa isn't there yet and boy howdy does he feel ill when yagi walks out of the changing rooms a few minutes before izuku does
anyway so it doesn't take long for yagi and aizawa to get izuku using his quirk w/o achy breaky bones and izuku is proud, and so is aizawa
but yagi just kinda pipes in with "about time" and izukus face crumples
aizawa just says "better late than never" and izuku gives a watery smile
yagi scares enji but he just royally pisses off todoroki
bc todoroki just looks at the guy
"big strong me, what you gonna do, punch me? yeah right bastard and i'll go screaming to the press. I dont give a fuck what you think you dick of an old man!"
please izuku is totally convinced that this is just normal training, that yagi is doing his best and a teacher, is doing right by him. and shouto is just,,, he doesnt know the whole story. just knows that all might scares izuku and that all mights secretary has a connection to him
but he knows that yagi was creepy enough to make his old man have bad vibes and thats an achievement
Enji sat, reigning back a snarl as the green boy threw Shouto -his Shouto- from the ring, to land on his back in a graceless cloud of dust. Beside him, All Might’s secretary grinned. It wasn’t a nice grin, like the hero, but a nasty crawling one that made Enji feel cold even with his flames dancing around his face.
Enji had never liked the man, his instincts telling him there was something horrifically off about him. But the number one hero had resources he couldn’t dream of, so he kept his lips shut.
“Well done, my boy.”
There was no familial resemblance between the skeletal man beside him, and the boy who stood both victorious and broken where his son should have been. No resemblance to the hulking oaf of a hero either. But their quirks were markedly similar, as were their smiles, if the boy’s was a little kinder.
The man turned to him, all polite smiles and condolences for his son’s loss.
The smug aura around him so strong that Enji allowed himself, for just a second, to pity the boy in green.
Its just tenya and todoroki who know
and quickly bakugo too, bc he was there for shoutos tragic backstory reveal, which included izukus too
and like,,, mic and aizawa are in denial bc jesus christ its the number one hero and hes normally so nice
izuku v katsuki babey!
basically izuku starts to panic and bakugo stops the fight and grabs his hand
"pull yourself together deku. forget everyone else, this is just a fight between me and you, go it?"
and izuku gives a shakey smile, and nods. bakugo releases his hand
"lets start this again, huh izuku"
"sure thing kacc-. Katsuki"
and then fiGHT and its great and its a tie bc they are both so fucking exhausted. izuku and bakguo have to get hauled to their feet by midnight, but both of them are grinning
izuku has trouble w his hero name, like, a l o t bc everything he comes up with yagi says no
but yagi wont give him any ideas eventually izuku just ends up with his hero name being "nine" bc yagi liked that one
katsuki can just,,, tell izuku doesn't like it (bc it reduces him as a hero down to his quirk)
(he wants the name jackrabbit)
he has no supports in his costume bc "it makes you look weak" and no support gear either
ok so , his bones are less fucked than canon zuku but hes willing to break them fucking constantly
aizawa actually comes up to him before the sports festival and says "you break your bones, you get disqualified. no excuses"
yagi is p i s s e d but just nods politely to aizawa tells izuku hed better do as aizawa says, as stupid as a request it may be
also izuku really,, wants to paint his nails dumb glittery colours like ochako and mina do so they paint his nails for him! and then at lunch yagi scrubs the polish off with a dish scrubber
to make it worse, mina is sad izuku took it off, but she just
when she sees his fingers are almost bleeding
"midoriya, what happened?"
"oh haha funny thing, one of our teachers said i might get a uniform violation so i got a little enthusastic with scrubbing it off, sorry!"
aizawa just winces
one of the finals nails in the coffin is todoroki asking if "the tall thin blonde guy" is izukus dad
aizawa says no
todoroki says "good"
s t a i n a r c
so izuku finds iida and steps between iida and stain, starts fighting him, todoroki shows up, stain starts rambling about how allmight is the best hero and todoroki gives him a strange look
"i used to agree. but seeing allmight at school, i dont think hes the icon of morality everyone says"
izuku is spluttering, denying it, stain is just watching them. so stain isnt even fighting them, hes interested. bc this selfless kid is the one shigiraki wants
iida is lost too and he gets this,,, look in his eyes like he's starting to connect some dots
anyway, fight proceeds, they win the nomu tries to carry izuku off, stain stops the nomu and saves izuku and vaguely he realizes the way izuku just, sits in his arms, like he doesnt know how to react to being touched, and he pushes it aside
and he holds izuku close because all he knows is that this boy is kind and good and the world has hurt him and he says that this boy he is holding is the only hero hes ever worth met their salt
oh but after the hero killer thing, yagi storms into the office and hauls izuku out by his injured arm
and tenya and shouto just feel sick
"should, should we tell all might? about how his secretary treats midoriya?"
shouto just glares at the half-open door, quiet apologies drifting down the hall until they turn another corner
"i'm quite sure that man already knows."
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years
Scorpion Season 3
I have read several posts that Toby is really irritating in this season I have never seen it before but will be keeping an eye out. Interested to see how Happy explains herself and how Toby reacts....
3.01 - Toby dealing with it in a typical genius way practically looking for her husband
Poor Toby he looks so hurt when Happy walks through the door
For him to say he doesn't trust her must of really hurt Happy. I still dont get why she cant tell him what's going on he looks in so much pain. The only time I dont like Happys actions.
We heard Happy tell Toby she loves him for the first time, presume it has been said behind closed doors but nice to hear she does love him
Walter knows who Happy is married too! Has he kept it a secret all this time thats gonna really hurt Toby's feelings.
Toby is still on point with his behavioural skills
I know that they are dealing with a lot but Happy really needs to be more understanding of Toby and tolerant of his questions she must know what he is like and how he wont stop until he finds the truth
Toby telling Happy he is hurt and angry and she offers no source of comfort I think she finds it easy to switch from work Happy to home Happy and now she is completely focused on work
She says Toby has her heart and soul which is romantic but I'm sure that is not what Toby is feeling - Happy still has some work to do with herself but she has come so far and Toby really should remember that
Toby says he is resinding his proposal but Happy doesn't want that Toby us lashing out in anger Happy looks so hurt
Happy is retreating into her hard shell - maybe she is expecting Toby to break up with her or she feels guilty either way she is acting slightly like the beginning of season 1
Can I just point out Toby may of hit the bottle understandably but he didnt gamble even in his darkest moment his promise to Happy still means something and he didnt want to hurt or disappoint her
Favourite quote- 1. I am married 2. I didn't delete anything 3 I dont like t you 4. I'm in love with you
Favourite scene- it's not a favourite scene because it's so heart breaking but Happy and Toby talking for the first time
3.02 continuation from last episode
Happy still snapping at Toby it may be the next episode but still the after he found out
Toby maybe upset but he still worries for Happy when she is in the pipe with Paige
Favourite quote- you pretend you dont love Paige and I will pretend Happys not married to some yaho
You think the fish are farting away from the submarine
Favourite scene- the end scene Happy telling Toby they will be a family if two and eating there tea together there is hope
3.03 - not much quintis to evaluate...... Toby is meditating not sure how productive it is
The question is how much are Toby and Happy hanging out, outside of the garage. He may be avoiding hounding her about it but has he forgiven her enough to spend time with her
I like Walter and Toby's relationship they both respect each and what they do
It's quite noticable in this episode how far apart Happy and Tiby are usually they work together, stand together even after the failed date now contact is limited
Favourite quote- some world class behaviourist like me would say this will drive you crazy
Favourite scene- my favourite scene is not because of the story but its Toby in his denim shirt looking beautiful ❤🔥❤
3.05 - oh no Collins a short cameo I hope!
Toby must be desperate to ask Collins for help just shows the extremes he will go to, to find the answers. Surly Happy should have told him by now. It shows just how much Toby loves Happy to stay with her with this huge secret between them
The U Dog need I say more........
Still a lot of distance between quintis and Happy berating Toby for talking to Collins when she is the one keeping the secret
Side note- this is a really important episode showing the true struggles of Autism something which many families deal with and not enough attention is made of it is written and played perfectly by all the writers and cast. Well done 👏👏👏
Happy showing a glimpse into her childhood is heartbreaking and gives an insight to why she can be closed off
I cant imagine how hurt Toby must be when he finds out it is his best friend Walter who Happy is married too. Why did Walter keep it a secret he could of told Toby years ago, whenvtgey guest got together or now, makes you understand why Walter was so against the relationship
Happy drops a bombshells........ I'm pregnant
What I would of loved to see is Toby and Happy conversation straight after the bombshell what did Toby say???
I hope she wasnt to marry Toby because she loves him not just because she is pregnant
Favourite quote- frustraters riddle solvers incorporated, you riddle I fiddle
Favourite scene- Toby finding out Walter is the husband
3.06 - glad got to see the meaningless wedding proves it was just for a green card
Toby is showing signs of jealousy and is obviously keen for them to get a divorce
Happy is being very hostile towards Toby I can however imagine Toby is being very full on with pregnancy and is probably worried about being a mother due to her childhood
Walter is being slightly selfish he should be doing whatever he can to make it up to Toby
Toby is being an arse in this episode I think he still has hostility built up in him and cant air his frustrations with Happy as he is over worried about her so takes it out on everyone else
I switch from being annoyed with Toby to feeling sorry for him in this episode
Happy wearing Toby's clothes gives me all sorts of feels!
Happys face is very Happy when she hears Toby's voice over the comms
Happy and Walter having to live together...... and Toby wanting to be with Happy so stays on the floor. This shows Happys love for Toby as she is willing to do something which makes her so uncomfortable and Toby is there to support her. I like to think that she isnt used to bring vulnerable with anyone else so lezbs towards toby in the night holding his hand or moving to the floor as she isnt used to sharing a bed with anyone but him
Favourite quote- who was your caseworker mr magoo
Perhaps I should wax my chest incase the milk comes
Favourite scene- Paige giving Toby advice first time you get to see a friendship between these two
Happy has always been a strong independent women I think having someone sharing her burdens is taking her some getting used to I hope she can learn to share her burdens with Toby
3.07 - l love this episode mostly because Toby looks fine in the overalls and slightly tanned!
Poor Happy she looks so uncomfortable the things she does for love
Happy looking after Ralph is funny she gets an insight of what its like to raise a child
I always like to see Toby in his medical element its when his character really shines
Toby phoning Happy because he knows she needs his support he does his best anticipating her needs
Toby made a rocking chair for Happy so sweet man of many talents
Favourite quote- maybe you could save that costume for the homeymoon
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby talking on the rocking chair both admitting their fears to each other is good progress
3.07 - this episode is funny at the beginning and ends on one of the most emotional scenes I've ever watched
Poor Ralph trying to get a sensible answer from geniuses
This episode touches on a couple of important issues 1. The importance of voting and the implications of voter fraud 2. Pregnancy loss
Happy and Toby seem more of kilter this episode working and talking together and back to shared looks
Is this the first compliment Happy has given Toby
Toby negotiating with the Chinese is a great scene only Toby could do this!
I watch the Happy Toby scene several times- hearing Happys voice crack is heart breaking she had come to terms with the pregnancy and wanted a family so bad
Toby looks destroyed between Happy's pain and his own he tries to comfort her with words but in the end its the action of still wanting to marry her even without the baby which shows her she can lean on him at this difficult time
I would like to think after this they leave and spend some quality time together comforting each other
I love how Toby finally understands and loves Happy enough to give her space and not force physical contact on her because it's not how she deals with lsin even though it's the one thing he needs and I love how Happy eventually learns into to Toby for comfort and provides him with what he needs even though it doesn't come naturally
Favourite quote- I screamed into that crap pile for 20 minutes
Speaking of the fetus I can't wait to meet us when is your overdue pre natal check up
Favourite scene- the end scene with Happy and Toby so superbly acted by Eddie and Jadyn you can feel the emotion and end with Happy finally agreeing to marrying Toby
3.08 -
As Toby and Happy stayed back at the garage I would like to of seen a bit more conversation over the false pregnancy it seems to have been glossed over when in real life this can effect couples for longer then a day or 2
Love how Happy wants to get married straight away she feels the need to secure her family
Toby wants a big wedding
Happy shows real anxiety thinking Toby is having second thoughts but Toby just wants to show of his 'babe' of a wife
Another way Happy shows her love for Toby by agreeing to a big wedding the one thing that makes her really uncomfortable
Favourite quote- my baby's got a heart of gold
Whats the scoop kitten
You're a softie - be glad I am because that is why your getting a bug wedding - really- if that grumpy can smile at his wedding maybe this grump can too
Favourite scene- each quintis scene they may only be short scenes but they really show there love for each other in their own unique ways
3.09 - the next few episodes lack quintis scenes many rumours why this is I think Toby and Happy are dealing with a lot out of work so use work times a chance to get some space and thinking time
Although they are not in many scenes the ones they are in show they are comfortable in their relationship
Favourite quote- Walter if my Turkey is not cooked in time your goose will be
Sweetheart you have some explaining to do
Grandmas a jail bird
Favourite scene- Toby getting pelted by golf balls is always funny
3.10- not much quintis in this. I have come to the conclusion this means that are settled into a relationship and comfortable with each other they simple exist together
Toby agreeing that he knows what it's like not to be a great guy with no direction before meeting a special women. I think the playboy life was a bit much and Happy obviously disagreed to. I hope she liked hearing Toby admit how she had changed him for the better
Favourite quote- I smell a rat a ripe raw rat
Favourite scene- no favourite scene but a nice episode I like that Ralph teaches veronica a valuable lesson
3.11 love this Christmas episode send favorite next to the one in season 2
Toby's jumper is horrific
I love that Toby is trying to make perfect Quintis memories for Happy trying to erase the memories of the past
Happy must really love toby dressing up in order to get Toby's present plus she knows him well enough to know she couldn't make him something without him knowing
Toby and his costume fetish poor Happy the things she must have to wear to get Toby's motor running
Love Toby and Happy snuggled up together I think Happy is trying to keep Toby Happy
Toby showing his immature side by pointing out Tim was photo shopped out of the picture
Happy is like a sister to Sly I like their relationship
Toby looks so happy that Happy loves her gift if a little hurt by her lack of thanks but her gift more then makes up for it
I would like to think they have there own Quintus Christmas at home after
Favourite quote- ok you heard my lady let's home alone their arses
I'm a pissed off ex navy seal and even I'm scared of her
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby exchanging gifts
3.12 - fantastic episode the team working well together
Toby is amazing in this episode what a doctor!
Ahhh Happy loves having Cabe around he is like a surrogate dad
Now Happy is with Toby her jokes and sarcasm are flowing
Toby is always confident to tell Happy how he feels or how hot she looks no matter who is with them
Everyone has faith in Toby no jokes today
Quintis work so well together with Toby there Happy can overcome her fear of blood. Toby needs Happy and he knows how hard it is for her to deal with blood. There he is with his soft voice he uses just with her
I would of liked to have seen Happy tell Toby how amazing he did
Toby looks like he has had a rough day looked like he was going to throw up at one point, it must be very hard and emotional to work on your friend/father figure. I hope he manages to unload and Happy provides support to him when they get home
Favourite quote- winner winner fermented fish dinner
Isn't that the cutie who's hot for your bootie
Sly I'm wearing Cabe on me like a sock puppet sterile went along time ago
You kiss me with that mouth
Hey, I'm really proud of you
So many great funny quotes in a tense episode
Favourite scene- any scene where Toby is being a doc he really is amazing
3.13 - this episode shows the light hearted quintis its nice to see them back to normal
Walter and his conch is a recipe for disaster
The thought of them both up all night discussing wedding venues is too much I love to imagine at home Quintis
Happy is particularly touching in this episode hold Toby's hand and she is the one instigating looking at the winery as a wedding venue
Toby is pissed how funny 🍷🍷
Cute quintis kiss Happy pulling Toby towards her
They work completely in sync with each other
Walter using his 197 IQ to override everyone's opinions
Happy actually chooses a wedding venue then Toby admits he is in debt love he expects Happy to overreact yet..... she is also in debt doesn't blow up at Toby such growth
They are both just desperate to get married dont care where. Happy has really developed emotionally she is not afraid of bring with Toby now and is actively wanting her family
Favourite quote- my opponent is a dork I win
Why dont we roam around the grounds there could be a sweet spot to tie the knot
You drive I'm pickled
Favourite scene- quintis at the winery and quintis talking wedding venues
3.14 - I think ive said this for the last few episodes but I love how easy their relationship is at the moment gentle banter, loving looks and advice they are in a great place
Love that even before they were together they had their own secret projects likd the Waltercon something they had just between the 2 of them
Both Toby and Happy know and are open about Happy bring able to deal with Walter emotionally or not as the case may be
Favourite quote- you will be the first politician taken down by a never had sex tape
I dont have time to babysit that emotional stunted genius
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby showing paige the Waltercon
3 15 - perfect Toby episode funny Toby moments plus heartfelt Quintis moments
Toby fulfilling a childhood fantasy of being a pirate I think he had to he fo grown up as a child with his parents that he never got the chance to play smart being a pirate
Toby getting bored is funny shows how a genius mind needs to be kept active
Toby being the hero is very rarely seen, seeing him jump to rescue Toby is great to see even with a cheese knife in his mouth
Happy has grown and is now more comfortable in airing her concerns and fears with Toby.
She loves him so much that she fears that he will get bored with her Toby needs to reassure her how much she means to him everyone else knows his love for her but her past still makes her worry
Favourite quote- you are the treasure I've been searching for my whole life
Toby hold onto your frilly hat I see something coming into view
Favourite scene- Happy showing her fears that Toby will get bored with her
3.16 - this episode shows just because quintis arnt together doesn't mean they dont have each others backs.
The emotion Happy shows in this episode just goes to show the depth of Jadyns acting ability she really nails these scenes
Toby looks good in any type of hat 🧢
Toby knows Happy needs a bit of space before ge goes too her so her comforts Cabe before going to provide Happy with the comfort and support she needs
Favourite quote- that is not a coat hook it is a coat rook
Love bug we'll check in with you later, Paige it's time to carbo load
Look what I learned from my main squeeze
Favourite scene- Happy watching her dad go to prison such raw emotion
3.17 - so much about this episode I love one of the best quintis episodes so far
Happy is now so comfortable in her relationship that she openly displays affection by resting her feet on Toby may not seem like a big deal for for Happy this is huge
Toby makes a great surrogate uncle always providing Ralph with great advice even when it's hard to hear
Toby is so worried about Happy and feeling helpless as he cant be there with her
Another superb acting job by Jadyn the emotion she puts in is heart wrenching
Happys biggest fear is Toby rejecting her I love that Toby got to realise this and it proves how much she does love him and she admits she is perfect for Toby
God that speech from Toby melts me everytime his soft voice his love for Happy is probably my favourite scene of all seasons so far
Happy sees Toby in front of her he is her security and what age needs
Favourite quote- my biggest regret in life is that we didnt meet when we were 8 cause I would have fallen in love with you from that moment, the truth is you've never been alone my love for you has always been there it just took a while for our paths to cross so I could share it with you and underneath all those neuro toxins in your head you know I'm right. You have nothing to be scared of ever
Favourite scene- Toby talking Happy out of her hallucination
3.18 - now Happy has a family and lover she is branching he friendship circle even if it is online
Toby is very concerned when Hsppy goes off on her own
My question is who does Hsppy call Walter or Toby - I like to think its Toby hes always the one she turns too
Toby knows this is something Happy needs to manage so he supports her without taking control
l love how Happy calls on Toby everytime she is worried about Ava and how Toby calls Happy out for her lack of friends
Favourite quote- do you know how long it's been since I slept, I need my jammies
You must be Walter, Happy said you were a wackadoodle
Favourite scene- opening scene especially when Happy throws the wrench
3.20 - a great quintis episode which is funny yet shows their love for each other
Seeing them in therapy is a great step and the fact Happy initiated it shows how much Toby means to her and in Toby's eyes she can do no wrong
Watching Tobh attract the monkey always makes me giggle how Eddie Kaye Thomas did this without falling apart is beyond me. Always great acting whether funny or serious
Although Happy is perceived as slightly mean in this episode if you think of all the other episodes she is never this mean and he loves it anyway her sarcasm and his immaturity are part of what attracts them to each other
Toby in his denim shirt 🔥🔥
Favourite quote- she's my spicy Asian noodle
Wow nobody looks good in that hat
The hat and I are one
Whats Toby talking about - a pile of crap - doesn't he always
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby in therapy
3.21 - nice to see Happy involved in wedding prep even if its begrudgingly
Happy and Toby working in sync together show that he helps Happy with mechanical projects in the garage and in the field. Happy never would of allowed anyone to help her mechanical so she now must trust Toby
Happy struggles knowing his to deal with a girl friend like Paige she obviously hasn't had any before Paige giving her a valuable lesson in friendship
Poor Toby having to electrocut Happy even with her permission, knowing you are causing pain to the person you love cant be easy
He looks so concerned for Happy when he pulls them off the rope
Hsppy doesn't want to let Toby down I love how she looks at him with pure love
Favourite quote- get ready for Sly heartbreak in 3 2 1
Man they sound like they've been married for years
You cant get rid of me that easily Quinn
Favourite scene- Paige and Happy talking in the ambulance it truly shows Happys trud feelings and worries about the wedding but solidifies her feelings are strong for Toby
3.22 - I don do wonder how much they pay Eddie kaye thomas as he always has to do things that make him look stupid
Happy Quinn is at a spa a sight no one would ever have predicted
Oh Walter where is your romance
Even though Happy tells Toby and Walter to shut it over the Astriod / Meteor debate she continues to call it a meteor showing her alliance with Toby
Favourite quote - Walter weddings are about love and magic and hope.
Well I would love to hope they buck the trend, but the best approach is preparation and magic is nonsense.
Why does Superfun guy have a helicopter when he can fly?
Its for when he gets tired
Favourite scene- Quintis at the Spa - completely out of character yet they seem so at ease
3.23 - quintis on batchelor parties this I would love too see
Happy struggling to adjust to Toby moving in with her. You don't see Quintis disagreeing often to reassuring to see it does happen as with every norms couple
Happy worrying about Toby is always great to see as its usually the other way round
Happy doesn't deny having sexy dreams about Toby!
Happy and Toby are willing to do what they can to make there relationship work counselling, making room for each others things
Favourite quote- she's hotter then a street corner Rolex
I kissed paige on the rocket - you should of kissed her on the mouth
Maybe you had a sexy dream - gross - there's nothing gross about them there perfectly normally Happy has them about me all the time ' gross
Favourite scene- Happy giving Toby the framed picture all these scenes over this half of the season shows how much she loves him in her own unique way
3.24 - this episode ❤❤❤❤❤
When I first watched it I was confused as the episode went on why are they working on their wedding day but as I rewatched it I realised how completely Quintis the episode is a perfect nod to an amazingly unique relationship
Toby couldn't comprehend Happy looking at Ryan Gosling only the suit
Happy getting bolshy at Walter with the fear he will screw up her wedding day for all her hard shell exterior she wants the perfect wedding
Happy not keen on flowery wedding vows Toby knows this and Happy knows Toby is the one for words
They are both devested thecweddingvis seemingly cancelled
Best thing Paige has done in all the episodes impromptu wedding!
Both Toby and Happy stay true to themselves Happy in a simple dress understated hair and make up and black boots! Toby in his American Pie tux and converse trainers
Tobya face when Happy walks down the alse stunned, in love, in awe that one look says it all every girl dreams of finding someone to look at them the way Toby looks at Happy
At crunch time all Toby can say is I love you he is actually speechless
Happys vows are beautiful honest and very Happy they blow Toby away
Does anyone else notice its Happy who is leading the way very quick to say I Do and goes to kiss Toby as soon as they are pronounced husband and wife
I love Eddie kaye thomas dance moves
The only thing I dont like about this episode is the writers chose this episode to put Paige and Walter together
Happy has secrets..........
Favourite quote- happy saw Ryan duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster
Its Gosling and she lingered, she likes the threads
You ever think she lingered on Gosling
Favourite scene- wedding vows don't need to say anymore
3.25 / 3 26- highly tense episode love seeing Quintis transition to husband and wife
2nd time we actually hear the words I Love You from Happy
Loving Toby's medical abilities in this episode
Happy has more secrets not as big as being married to Walter but she needs to start opening up to Toby
Poor Toby learning lots of new facts about the love if his life
Working together as a great team as always Toby has obviously been watching Happy work as he is getting better at engineering work. Happy thinking like a doc as well
Its nice to see Toby can be annoyed with Happy its usually the other way round
Love Happy speech she doesnt show her love often but when she does its honest and real. Her marriage to Toby means a lot to her and she realises that her past has lead her to her future
Favourite quote- please remain in your seats until the captain turns off the crap your pants sign
Who's Jake Gylinhall is he related to that Gilligan fellow
Oh so my physic needs some fine tuning, it's not Gylinhall enough for you
Sorry about that we were just looking to grab a couple of coconuts - me too
Favourite scene- Happy telling Toby outfit all the things she's been or will ever be, being his wife is her favourite
Happy and Toby having some private time and Ralph and Cabe catching them
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legolasgoldy · 5 years
Tagged By: @blind-mutant ty!! :D
Tagging:  @mikhailvalhidris, @driftinglightofthewoods, @admirable-mairon, @bouncingbeleg, and anyone else who wants to do it!! :D
// This will be for Finrod’s x-men au //
1. what does your muse smell like?
In modern x-men aus Finrod prefers lighter scents than harsh colognes, and his scent often resembles fresh wildflowers mixed with a less offensive musky amber-like scent, perhaps an underlying richness reminiscent of honey. Almost like a deep musky honeysuckle flower. This is achieved with his favorite cologne, soap, and shampoo/conditioner combined with his body chemistry. He often smells quite clean due to part of his mutation being a healing factor, bacteria cant fester in his pores to create an excess of body odor, but it can sit on his skin. That being said hes a human being so he does sweat and his skin will take on smells from other places. So if hes exerted himself enough to sweat a lot his normal scent will smell warmer and saltier. Or for example, after working in a garden or greenhouse, his skin may take in the smell of soil, etc. So it really depends on what hes done in a day like anyone.
2. what does your muse’s hands feel like?
Soft and warm. Finrod’s skin doesn’t callus easy or become dry unless hes in extremely poor health to the point his mutation cant work properly. Though, despite their softness they can feel very differently according to implications behind a touch. To most people, especially those he loves, his hands give off a very stable, safe, and warm feeling. To those threatening him or others, they can equally be just as threatening. Very much like Finrod in general. Hes a handsome and gorgeous man with a very sweet smile, but he can be terrifying when he needs to be. The same goes for his hands, they can convey exactly how strong he can be with a squeeze of your hand, and you know he could break yours with little effort, so back off and leave who ever youre threatening alone.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day?
Some sort of breakfast in the mornings. It could be anything from eggs fixed in any way you can think of, fruit, toast, anything really. What ever hes craving. However he doesnt usually eat anything greasy, or eat meats for breakfast unless its linked sausages which are his favorite, or occasional bacon. He loves both tea and coffee so it depends on what hes in the mood for. At lunch he almost always has tea. He often eats vegetables of some kind as a side to a small meal with his tea. Maybe just a salad. In between lunch and dinner he may also snack on veggies or fruits if hungry. Dinner is probably his heaviest meal of the day in terms of it not being a lot of raw foods and moreso a prepared cooked meal. This would also be when he usually has dessert, but this is only an example, all this varies day to day depending bc no one is perfect. He may very well have sweets in the middle of the day. 
Sidenote, he doesnt eat a lot of candy or soda unless its something specific he likes bc his heightened sense of taste and smell makes a lot of artificial flavoring taste awful. It just depends if its a good fake taste or bad.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice?
Yes! Music is his passion, and that includes a lot of singing. He was a good singer before he gained his mutation, and afterwards when his vocal chords changed as part of his mutation it allowed him to reach any musical note and range without a problem. Which means he doesnt have a set range, but generally when singing he’ll stay a mix of baritone and tenor unless hes doing a dramatic note.
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Finrod has the tendency to make noises without realizing it? Its not exactly a /bad/ habit but can be embarrassing for example if disrupting a class because he was whining thinking of his partner. He can be overly polite sometimes, and at times expect the best of people until given a reason to think otherwise. Which may not sound bad either but * coughs and motions to werewolf thread*. It just highly depends on situation. He doesnt want to judge anyone unless given a reason but to be fair he usually can tell when something is up. He may also gnaw on his lip or tongue with a fang when nervous. He can accidentally break things when excited or distraught as well. Essentially when experiencing extreme emotion or feelings he forgets to keep his strength in check. Like running up stairs and breaking them, or crushing something hes holding. He sometimes perks up when hearing random noises much like a dog, or make little quick sniffs trying to smell something which isnt always welcome when someone thinks hes being rude haha. I guess those arent bad habits either, just funny/misunderstood ones. Theres a lot of little things specific to different situations but i’ve already written a ton so i’ll leave it there!
6. what does your muse usually look like/wear?
Finrod normally looks well put together. He’ll take the time to tame his curls into smoother larger curls, and likes dressing in his own style. He enjoys button up shirts, but does wear pull on shirts too. He also really likes shirts with collars, and leaves one button undone when able. As far as pants go, he’ll wear most kinds as long as they are a more fitted pant, not loose. Seeing as his body regulates his temperature more than a normal persons would, he can wear pants in the summertime without much problem if he wants to, but he will wear shorts when its hot out, ranging from short to mid and lower thigh lengths depending on activity. He enjoys wearing all shades of green, as green is his favorite colors but he wears a lot of different colors. The the only thing you will never catch him wearing are vibrant primary-blue jeans, he wears jeans in more muted colors, and he would never wear khaki colors. Jewelry is something hes always wearing, including emerald green studs or dangly earrings, and one ring on a ring finger unless hes married then more than one. As for shoes it really depends on occasion, it could be boots, dress shoes, or tennis shoes.
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so?
He is very affectionate both verbally and physically. When listening to someone talk he’ll make little noises occasionally in response to what theyre saying, sometimes without even realizing. These could be human hums or canine like whines and whimpers. Finrod is definitely a hugger, and loves hugging his family and friends, as well cuddling them, and letting them cuddle him when ever the notion strikes to.
With a romantic partner, he is very verbal with whines and whimpers just from  looking at them. Whether hes thinking how happy he is, or how beautiful they are. Hes very affectionate, loving, and sensual in a relationship, so he gives a lot of affectionate touches and kisses. For example, he would often hold their hand and play with their fingers affectionately. He nuzzles his partner a lot too. Basically, a lot of touches, cuddles, nuzzles, and whines.
8. what position does your muse sleep in?
Generally, he’ll either sleep on his side or stomach, and have his face partly covered in some way. Its a wolfy habit of his to have at least his nose covered, it makes him most comfortable. When cuddling with someone, he’ll hide his face on them in some way, depending. He doesnt mind not hiding his face if someone is sleeping on his chest or something. 
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Probably. He doesnt go out of his way to be extremely quiet, but also doesnt go out of his way to be noisy. He just in general would walk normally unless hes actively trying to be quiet. In which case, he’d make sure not to make any verbal noise and walk very lightly. Then he probably could walk down a hall unheard, but he doesnt normally try to.
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tropicalgoon · 5 years
Spoilers for the Homestuck Epilogue below.
First things first, i had caught up reading Homestuck on the exact day the Gigapause started (10/16/13). So long pauses and people arguing about canon was pretty common. Then the comic ended but later we got snapchats. Once the snapchats started coming people were unsure how ‘canon’ the snapchats were. Also    
i was surprised with how fast the rest of the Epilogue came out. I figured it would have been drip fed like the comic was but reading it now i can see why that was not the case. If you haven't read the Epilogue i have one thing to say.
With that out the way, i think the biggest shift in the Epilogue vs the actual comic is that everything is way more mature. While Homestuck was full of angsty, snarky teens and a lot of jokes, ironic and not, the Epilogue overall has a more somber, powerless mood to it.
Also one more thing, i do not have a fav character or ship. So that might be why im upset about how it is.
Now i read the Candy choice first so ill talk about that. Now as soon as i saw the juju i knew it was going to have an effect. And i was right, the juju makes people feel okay with their surroundings and so when John ate it he felt at ease with the chaos his life and friends were becoming. But hoo boy did everyone suck all around. 
i knew Gamzee was gonna be back and i was not wrong. i think the whole iVe bEeN GeTtIn mY MoThErFuCkIn rEdEmPtIoN On sO EvErYtHiN I Do iS GoOd was a funny bit but maaaaaan did it get a lil crazy. Jake has always been a doormat and easily manipulated. So nothing too new there but it was nice when he ran off with lil tavros. Also i guess hes the earth c equivalent to a kardashian.
 It really surprised me how fast Roxy got together with John. In fact the Candy Roxy is way different than the meat Roxy. i guess thats the juju at work. Rose was sick with an “illness” but soon after the candy was ate she got “better”. What actually happened was she stopped trying to open her mind to the infinite degree and just let herself live in the moment and be truly happy. It was nice to see her and Kanaya have a happy life, at least until everything went bad. As for Dirk i felt bad for him because he always had that whole meta textual self importance thing going on so when he offed himself i was like oh no. Its nice that him and Dave had bro-sesions.
And now time to talk about Jade, Dave, and Karkat. It feels like Dave and Karkat have mostly stayed the same with a few big differences.1) they both are a little less insufferable, 2) Karkat has accepted he is a leader and 3) their tip toeing around relationships was kinda annoying. Which brings me to Jade. She was butting into all three of their relationships trying to force them to admit feelings. While ive seen some people say Hussie killed Jade i personally dont think so. Jade was always a headstrong, stubborn person who would go after what she wanted and i mean she was on an island by herself for most of her life if she wants to have fun let her. 
Jane really went off the deep end. Which i dont think was so far off her canon personality in the comic. Her denying being xenophobic while being incredibly xenophobic was funny but also pretty real. While i didnt like they way she interacted with Jake it honestly fits in with what happens in the comic. (the trickster stuff, the crockercorp kidnapping). Her whole shadowy rise to hidden power was inevitable also i feel like she was really echoing the Condense on earth. Allowing Gamzee to spread his faith while funneling her wealth and fame into passing the policies and laws she wants. I do not think its out of character for her and Dirk to hate trolls since their lives were so affected by them. 
Johns depression clouding his judgement and making him not want to react was sad to read. It really felt like he was just drifting around, letting all of the situations and chaos just wash over him. So when he was talking to Terezi and she helped him make sense of things it was a nice turn of pace.
Speaking of Terezi, its sad how long she went chasing after (Vriska). As of this moment i dont really think the quadrant system is really in place anymore (at least relationships with humans in it). With John and Terezi talking to each other it really felt like blackrom.  “1F 1 W3R3 3V3R TO DO BL4CKROM 4G41N, 1T WOULD H4V3 TO B3 LOW K3Y”. It is sad her obsession with finding (Vriska) led to her dying in the void.
Seeing Aradia and Sollux was a surprise but they really didnt add much to anything (esp. Sollux). It was kinda funny how much of a dickhead Cade (Calliope Jade) was towards her. Cade was interesting. i really feel like she acts like she did in the comic. 
(Vriska) returning was also not a surprise. She THE most known character. Of course she would be back, but not by her own accord. She wants the spotlight, she HAS to have it. Now that she is trapped on earth c she is now out of canon and so she is out of the spotlight. Thats why she was wailing about needing to SEE it. I think its kinda funny she ends up having a quick fling with Gamzee, and he tries to sell her on his redemption arc bullshit. It really shows how far her obsession has let her fall.
And now its time for meat. Honestly im glad i read candy first because meat was really nice to read after candy. As i said with candy, i figured meat would be the more active of the two (duality like the cherubs). 
First off it was really nice to see how much Dave believes in Karkat and how he thinks Karkat would be leader earth c NEEDS. In Meat they still have their relationship drama with themselves and Jade. I really feel like shes slightly more direct in this one. After the blowup 
John dealing with Roses instructions, finding and bringing together the younger versions of themselves so they could go fight a younger Caliborn and getting sucked into the the house juju was not a surprise since its been theorized thats what would happen. Of course Rose did not warn him, or even tell him what to do. Even when the younger versions of Johns friends die and get hurt he still tries to save them. 
Jake is a very powerful figure in the new earth, he doesnt even realize it. Which leads to everyone trying to get him on their sides. I honestly feel like this is partly his page powers (but then again the classes and aspects dont mean all that much) but he has always been unconfrontational and a doormat. Dirk, Jane, Dave, and Karkat only want to use him for his ass and fame so they can further their agendas. 
i think its rather fitting that (Vriska) doesnt get to see how the battle against Lord English ended. It was GREAT to see Davepetasprite^2 make a comeback and fight Lord English. She KNOWS the final battle isnt her battle but she is still THE ONE who turns the tide. She’s the one who has brought the winning piece so its still a victory of hers by proxy. Also she does not have the talk with Vriska (rose and kanayas kid) on a clown throw pillow so she does not get to do the self reflection she needs. Instead she gets sucked into a black hole.
The Jane and Dirk combo was not surprising, they both had the hangups about Jake and i feel like it ended the same way. Once they got what they wanted it was no longer exciting, or mysterious. But reading the political sabotage and Dirks plans coming together made me realize he was using her for his own gains too. 
Now the whole Rose dying because her physical body couldn't contain the infiniteness of infinity was truly heartbreaking. Especially when Dirk was fucking with Kanaya. i do not know how much of Rose was being manipulated by Dirk and how much was her wanting to end her chronic suffering(2real4me). Addressing all of the....implications around those two. i really do not think they ran off to be together. i believe Rose is the first person Dirk has really connected with on a actual personal level. From what ive seen he does not really treat people as well... people. I think him and Rose are feeling the, “i am the only real person here and everyone else is a puppet” feeling John and Terezi was talking about. But unlike John, Dirk was never one to sit idly by, hes a mechanic after all. All the pieces have to be in place.
The whole bit with Cade and dirk taking control of the narrative was something i feel like has been building up for a long while. The unreliable narrator has been established a few times in the comic, in friendsim, and now in the epilogue. But it does raise a good question about who has been narrating the story and can they be trusted to give us the truth. We saw Dirk acknowledge that he is not unbiased and says things as he sees it. Cade says shes unbiased and just gives the whole truth but all i can think about is how she made Jane carefully cradle the juju and put it on the mantle. Watching Dirk outsmart Cade was defiently exciting to read. I cannot wait to see where all of this is leading to. 
Do i think thats the end of both of Davepetasprite^2 and Lord English? No, as the comic has always said,” Don’t turn your back on the body.” We dont know where they ended up but we’ll just have to wait for more to come out and i cant wait. Does Rose, Dirk, and Terezi (i guess) have an agenda, yes. Do i have any goddamn idea what that is? Nope, and im fine with that. Overall i enjoyed both of them.
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richietoaster · 7 years
Now I’ve Got You In My Arms
Pairing: Richie Tozier/ Eddie Kaspbrak
Warnings: hickeys, lots of hickey talk, implications of oral sex, implied top!eddie, a lot of fluff sorry
they are 18
word count: 2,726
@delicateloser @killerxqueer @richiietozierr
THANK YOU @tastes-like-cherry-coke FOR BEING MY BETA
AO3 Link
Eddie sucks in a breath when he watches Richie slide on a clean shirt, his back muscles flexing. He shudders and shakes away the thoughts because, Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie Tozier are not gay, okay? Especially not together. Just sometimes they kiss and give each other hickeys when they’re alone. (They don’t admit to anyone they’re from each other, but they wear their bruises proudly.) (Okay, so they’re a little gay.) (They’re hella gay.)
It’s just another day in Derry. The Losers are in the hallway grouping up before their classes start. Richie and Eddie are running late. Again.
Just as the warning bell sounds, the two are rushing in toward their friends.
“Where have you guys been?” Stan asks, his eyes immediately adverting to Eddie’s neck, “And what the hell is that?”  
“Richie’s truck wouldn’t start,” Eddie said, initially ignoring Stan’s question before he covers his neck, “Yes, shut up, it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“From who?”
Eddie side-eyes Richie nervously, “S-some girl.. I went out last night.”
“Out?” Bill asks.
“Yeah..” Eddie trails off, remembering the night before.
He and Richie were both shirtless, Eddie in his lap, slowly moving himself around, moaning loudly as Richie attacked his neck like the leech he is.
“Eddie,” Bev calls out while dramatically waving her hand in front of Eddie’s face, “You good? You spaced out for a minute there.”
“Yeah, m’fine. I’ll see you guys at lunch.” Eddie turns and walks away in the opposite direction.
“Not gonna kiss your best friend goodbye?” Richie laughs when Eddie flips him off without turning around.
“Is it me or did Eddie seem really off when he responded to our questions?” Mike asks as the group watched the smallest boy go.
“Maybe it’s because he got fucking mauled last night. Did you see the size of those hickeys?” Ben makes a face and chuckles with Bill.
Richie awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and it must be his lucky day, because before his uncomfortable stance could be sensed by the group the second bell rings, “Yeeaaahh.. I’ll catch you guys later..”
After Richie leaves, the group disbands.
Two periods later, Eddie is in science when his phone vibrates on the desk. He slides it between two books, trying not to get caught checking it.
Richie: what’re you doing  [9:56AM]
Eddie rolls his eyes and types back, ‘im in science. cant skip today.’  [9:57AM]
Richie: you dont even kno what i was gonna ask  [10:01AM]
Eddie: was it that?  [10:01AM]
Richie: ok yeah but this time its different  [10:04AM]
Eddie’s mouth turns into a frown. Different? How? Everytime he skips with Richie they always go get fast food together and only sometimes he convinces Eddie to smoke with him.
Eddie: what do you mean?  [10:06AM]
Within seconds he gets a message back, but this time it’s a picture attachment. He opens it, almost regretting he did (he really doesn’t), eyes widening. Richie had taken a picture of himself- only showing his mouth and below. He’s biting his lip and- Eddie slams his phone down when he sees it- Richie has a hand down his jeans. Eddie’s face is flushed red.
“Mr. Kaspbrak, are you okay?” His teacher turns around from the chalkboard, shooting him a worried glance.
“Yes, fine. Can I use the restroom?”
“Sign out, please.”
Eddie does quickly and nearly runs out of the classroom. He unlocks his phone, Richie’s contact still up, and types out a blatant, ‘where the fuck are you’
Richie: downstairs bathroom, near the music department  [10:12AM]
Eddie narrows his eyes and walks down a flight of steps, turning a few corners, before attempting to pull open the bathroom door. It’s locked. That bastard fucking planned this.
“Open the door, asshole.”
The lock clicks, and the second it does, Eddie is pushing himself through the doorway, locking it again. He faces Richie.
“You’re such a little shit. You know that?”
“What’re you gonna do about it?” Richie challenges.
Eddie shoves him against the sink, “I shouldn’t do anything about it- you’re practically begging me to.”
Richie smiles cheekily, “Hm. I am.”
Eddie pulls Richie’s head back by his hair, lips immediately attaching to his neck, sucking hard. He has his other hand on the boy’s hip, tucking his fingers into the hem of his shirt, yanking it over his head, throwing it on the counter. He marks up Richie’s entire chest.
“Enough marks, I look like a fucking cheetah.”
Eddie gives him one more on his hip just to spite him. He stands back up, cupping his cheek, leaning in to kiss him on the mouth, but isn’t surprised when Richie doesn’t let him. Richie doesn’t do mouth kisses. He thinks back to a few weeks ago when they were sitting in Eddie’s room when he first tried to kiss him.
��No,” Richie had said quietly, “Too intimate. No kissing.”
But Eddie still wants to kiss Richie. No homo, of course, because that’s gay and Eddie Kaspbrak is not gay.
Those thoughts are interrupted when Richie flips him to the counter, kissing down his neck softly, taking off his shirt.
“You don’t always have to be in control, Eddie,” He whispers against the smaller brunettes pale skin.
“I know, but I want to. I like it.”
“Let’s change that..” Richie kneels down, unbuttoning his jeans, shoving the clothing to his ankles.
“Richie-” Eddie tries to protest, but cuts himself off. His eyes flutter to the back of his head and brings one hand to his mouth to bite his wrist, and the other one to pull on Richie’s hair because good god.
The next time The Losers meet up again is at lunch. Everyone but Eddie is there.
“Hey-hey, you guuuys,” Bev sings, setting her tray down. “Anybody want to trade their french fries for my tater tots?”
“T-They’re the same thing,” Bill tells her.
“You’re a fake friend. Everyone knows it’s about the texture.”
Ben rolls his eyes, “Nuh uh, it tastes all the same. You’re so weird.”
“No, you both are weird. Texture is everything, it-”
“I’ll trade with you, Bev.” Stan speaks up. “I understand.”
“At least someone d-”
Mike cuts her off when he sees Richie parading over, bruises covering his neck, “Holy shit. You guys. Horton spots a hoe.”
“That’s not the correct quote.” Richie says while narrowing his eyes behind his glasses.
“Look at this, kids! What do we have here?” Ben pokes one of the many hickeys. Richie hisses in pain.
“Whoever gave you those must have been fucking rough. I mean damn, you’re wincing like a bitch. They’re so purple they’re almost black,“ Mike said with a small laugh before digging into his fries.
“You look like a cheetah.” Ben laughs.
“I told him that.” Richie mutters. If they heard him, they don’t say anything.
“W-Why did you let someone give you all of those i-if it h-hurts? And in s-school?”
“Because, my dear Billy,” Richie slings an arm over Bill’s shoulders, “At the time it felt fucking amazing.” He ignores Bill’s second question, but it’s just his luck that Eddie walks over just as he kisses and tells. Richie winks at him.
“Hey, Ed. You missed it. Richie was just telling us about his new lover,” Bev says, her voice filled with a tone salty enough to season McDonald’s fries.
“Excuse me,” Richie sputters, “You guys were pestering me about my hickeys- I said nothing about a lover.”
“Yeah, because there’s so many,” Ben says, reaching to poke at them again but reviving a slap on the wrist from Richie.
“You should see his chest.” Eddie tells them absentmindedly.
Richie shoots him a look, but it’s too late.
“There’s hickeys there, too? Damn, Richie.. Wait- Eddie, how do you know that?” Bev asks, almost knowingly, that salty tone almost tripled.
Eddie panics, “We have gym together.”
They don’t have gym together.
Mike changes the topic for Eddie’s sake, “Hey, are you gonna eat lunch, Richie?”
Richie looks at Eddie, “Nah, I ate earlier.”
Eddie’s face turns a bright red.
Eddie lays on Richie’s chest, tracing patterns onto his stomach. The other boy had fallen asleep minutes after Eddie snuck into his room. He’s been playing with his hair for merely an hour and his hand is getting tired. He retreats it slowly, resting it on Richie’s cheek, rubbing his freckled skin softly. He pauses his movements, suddenly extremely interested in what his lips would feel like, pressed onto the other boy’s. He doesn’t stop himself from leaning into Richie’s space.
Eddie places his lips onto his friend’s, cautiously, not trying to wake him. He pulls back only to do it again, however, this time he was not so lucky.
Richie’s breath hitches, and his eyes open. He sees Eddie hovering over him, and judging by how close he was, he realizes what he was doing. He sits up abruptly, letting the sheets fall from his body, and Eddie detangle from him. Richie searches Eddie’s eyes, unsure of what he could be thinking.
Eddie tries to speak but Richie touches his face and he closes his mouth.
Richie grabs Eddie by the neck, dragging him closer. His lips ghost over the smaller boys, before pressing his hickey-littered chest to Eddie’s, and parting his lips with his own. It’s not needy, surprisingly. That’s all the atmosphere has been between them, recently. Richie lets himself lay back down, not breaking their kiss.
Eddie gets the hint and crawls on top of him, mouths never leaving each other’s. It’s slow and open-mouthed and really, really messy. But it’s great. Fucking fantastic, actually.
The two kiss lazily until they fall asleep, Eddie still on top of Richie.
“Rise and shine, princess.”
A pillow comes in contact with Eddie’s face. “Did you know that you doing that could have like, killed me?”
“What? Me, kill you? I’d never, Eds.” Richie leans down, kissing him gently.
Oh, okay, so that’s a thing now.
Eddie sucks in a breath when he watches Richie slide on a clean shirt, his back muscles flexing. He shudders and shakes away the thoughts because, Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie Tozier are not gay, okay? Especially not together. Just sometimes they kiss and give each other hickeys when they’re alone. (They don’t admit to anyone they’re from each other, but they wear their bruises proudly.) (Okay, so they’re a little gay.) (They’re hella gay.)
“I don’t want to go to school,” Eddie groans and throws his head back onto the pillow.
“You have to, bubba. C’mon, up, up, up.” Richie pats his legs.
“Don’t have clean clothes,” Eddie says.
“You can wear some of mine.”
Eddie picks out a hoodie (it smells like Richie) and a pair of basketball shorts (Richie’s jeans are too long for him- curse that long ass bitch).
They brush their teeth together quickly before heading out.
It takes a few minutes for Richie’s truck to start. They end up having the neighbor help him jump it.
“Think we’re late?” Eddie asks.
“Nah, we should be fine. If not, we could skip first.”
Eddie catches the wiggle of his eyebrow. “You’re fucking disgusting.”
Richie grabs Eddie’s hand, raising it to his mouth, and presses a soft kiss to it. “Kidding, babe.”
Eddie’s heart soars.
“Well if it isn’t Richie and Eddie, almost late. As usual.” Stan gives them a look.
“My truck wouldn’t start this morning, again.”
“Hey, aren’t those Richie’s clothes?” Ben points out.
“Yeah,” Eddie shrugs, “I stayed over last night and I didn’t have any extra clothes with me.”
“Isn’t that s-sweet.”
“Yeah, sure.” Richie rolls his eyes at Bill’s snickering.
After the warning bell goes off, Richie and Eddie had never left The Loser’s so quickly.
Despite Eddie’s whines, they spend all of first period making out in the bathroom.
“You’ve never wanted to kiss me before,” Eddie says into Richie’s mouth.
Richie pulls back, “Mhm, I was missing out, obviously.” He connects their lips back together, weaving a hand into his hair, nudges his head into an easier angle to work with. Richie has his tongue shoved so far down his throat, Eddie feels as if he could choke (not that he’d complain).
But here he was, that feeling coming back again. Eddie groans, pulling away.
Richie notices and trails butterfly kisses down Eddie’s neck, making sure to kiss all of his hickeys.
“S-Stop.. Stop.”
Richie jerks back immediately, his heart about to leap from his chest, “Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?”
“We can’t keep doing this if we aren’t going to address the elephant in the room.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t.. Don’t act so incredulous, Rich.”
“I’m not, I-”
“We can’t keep fooling around if we can’t discuss.. Us.”
Richie swallows and avoids eye contact.
“Look at me.. Look at me, damn it.”
The older boy does as he’s told.
“Richie.. I-  I can’t do this unless.. Unless we can be more. I want more, I want all of it. I want to go on cute dates with you, and I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you in public. Hell, I want to kiss you all the time. I want you. I want all of this, because I have fallen head over heals in love with you, Richie Tozier.”
Richie stares in shock as his best friend confesses this to him.
“Please, say something..”
Richie is too speechless. Yet the second he tries to, Eddie is backing away. “Forget it. I-I’m sorry.”
Which means, the next few days are really awkward. Eddie ignores Richie in school. He doesn’t go visit him in the middle of the night, and he locks his window so Richie can’t, either.
Eddie has been trying to eat his lunch as quick as possible and get the fuck out of there before Richie spots him.
Today he was not that lucky.
Just as he is throwing his trash away, he turns and bumps into none other than the boy he was avoiding.
“Hey,” Richie grabs at his arm.
“Let go.”
“We.. need to talk.”
“Oh, we already did. Well, I did.” Eddie pulls out of his grip. Richie watches him leave.
“Eddie Kaspbrak!” He calls out. When he doesn’t turn around, he sits on the seat next to Bill.
“W-What did you d-do?”
“Eddie is in love with me.” Richie states.
“Whaaat? Nooo,” Stan said without looking up from his textbook, his voice filled with sarcasm.
“Wait, so you guys knew and didn’t tell me?”
“Not our place.” Ben says, also without looking up.
“Yeah, plus we didn’t know what you guys were doing. You two have been out boning god knows who, because you both are stupid.”
Mike is clueless, Richie thinks.
“You guys.. Eddie and I have been.. Um.. hooking up with each other for the last few months now.. But, we finally kissed. On the mouth. Just a few days ago. And he doesn’t think I want him as.. As my boyfriend. But I do! I just was shocked to even say anything when he told me. Now he wants nothing to do with me.”
His friends are surprised by that (all except Stan), because they didn’t actually think they were with each other like that.
“You fuckass.” Bev rolls her eyes. “Eddie has been leaving school early, so if you go now.. You might be able to catch him.”
Richie has never run so fast in his life, and, obviously, The Losers needed to see this. They’re having trouble keeping up.
Richie is standing in the bed of his truck when he sees Eddie walking in the opposite direction.
“Eddie Kaspbrak!”
This time Eddie turns to look at him. The students around him are looking, too. He rolls his eyes and walks back to him. “What are you doing?”
“I want it too, Eds! I want more, I want all of it. I want to take you on those cute dates and I want to hold your hand and kiss you in public, in private, all the time. I, too, am in love. More specifically, in love with you, Eddie Kaspbrak. I want to give you so much more.. But I think you’ll have to be my boyfriend first.” Richie hops down from his truck and reaches out for Eddie’s face, “What do you say, bug?”
Eddie nods, his eyes brimming with tears he tried to will away, “Took you long enough,” and lets Richie kiss him into oblivion. “I’m so in love with you.”
“And I you.” Richie leans back in, capturing Eddie’s lips in his own, with every ounce of energy he has inside of him. There are stars behind his eyes and honestly, Richie never wants to leave the presence of Eddie’s arms.
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thereoncewereflwrs · 4 years
in where i find myself in the absence
i read an article last night that spoke of the fallacy of cooperatives. more specifically, it spoke on how cooperatives in actuality create the conditions for workers to actively participate in a capitalist market, rather than encouraging them to engage in deep class struggle at the workplace through union building. i instantly thought it was an argument missing in analysis, but i also found myself with each new paragraph asking out loud ’what exactly is the idea of a socialist economy in practice if it cannot start with a business set up that allows workers to become owners of the means of their own commodities?’ also and at the same time, i found useful how the article aimed at articulating the real tension in whether worker-owner businesses can exist within or outside of a capitalist political economy all together. this article didn’t make me think of you, but i did dream last night that you called me to tell me you had been married to a man - out of potential convenience on his end? because he had been terminally ill, you said - and he had died recently. you berated me for being so careless and caustic with my words and tone over the phone, and maturely told me i should calm myself because you just wanted to talk. clearly even in my dreams a similarly singular tension continues to prevail about whether i can in fact exist beyond my own conditioned responses or whether any improvement simply exists within those confines. my body, muscle memory, and even (sub)consciousness are like the boundaries of capitalism, and maybe my aims to improve myself beyond what i am are mere attempts at participating in my own free market under the guise of pseudo-socialism. 
i don’t know why i felt like writing to you - or maybe this could be considered reaching out? i woke up from the dream carrying the emotions and thoughts i had held while dreaming it, and i spent all day attempting to untangle myself from the made up scenario my sleeping mind had conjured that had felt so tangible it had made me lose track of reality. in the dream you had insisted that we meet up (again, your suggestion was met with childish remarks on my end) and throughout the day i kept thinking i needed to rush home and shower so that i could get ready for this meeting, as if you had jumped from my sleeping mind onto a table at a nearby coffee shop and were ready to continue scolding me. beyond this sensation that i haven’t been able to shake off regarding this fake conversation that never took place but was so real in my mind it feels like it did, it’s become increasingly hard to reconcile just how much i’ve wanted it to have happened with how much i know it won’t ever happen. you see, i’m just all types of fucking angry all the time about you and everything that went down, but this isn’t an email about that or about my anger, i promise. this statement is just to say that i am upset with myself for wanting what my logical mind has strictly placed off limits: to just be in your orbit without the memories of the past year and a half weighing me down. 
i’m not asking for that now, so don’t worry. i’ve thought over and over again about your general anxiety with receiving emails from distant folks whom you feel bound and committed to in some way or another. probably you’ve already done the work to extricate yourself from those ungrounded self-imposed obligations, but maybe you haven’t. and if you haven’t, well maybe you’re reading this email (maybe you’re not at all, maybe you didn’t even open it, in which case these words are just space on your google cloud and don’t matter at all and I can make some ridiculous confession that will never be seen) and feeling pangs of anxiety and dread at the idea that soon after you’re through you might have to set time to process it all and then perhaps consider actionable steps around whether you type a response or not. or maybe you haven’t worked through this particular anxiety but you have worked through our failed friendship and no longer feel or think anything about me and these words are just boring and slightly sad because you had wished i had just stopped thinking about you all together and would leave you alone. in deep retrospect i can understand that this particular anxiety that you have, combined with my conditioned response to pretend that nothing or no one i deeply care about can hurt me in a real way, is a dangerous thing. 
anyways, this email is sort of pointless. it acts as a creator of self-inflicted anxiety and self-indulgence more than anything else. i’m not going to ask anything because that would put us both in a really awful position, right? it forces you to decide whether you answer me back or not and brings with it all the implications and annoyances that come with either of those things. and it puts my pride on a heavy and potentially unbalanced line, in where the only proper way of restoring it would be for you to send me something in return. if you do, then that’s a mess, and if you don’t, well that’s just a mess too in its own way, just less compromising and collective. instead i’ll say sometimes i think about you and wonder so many different things, and sometimes amongst that wondering i wish certain things. i can imagine all kinds of shit about how you are, where you are, what you’ve become in the last year, and most of the time i have no choice but to let my imagination do its thing. but ~sometimes~ im able to actively wish you were well, healthy, somewhere you want to be, with the people you want to be with, and that you are no longer entrapped in relationships that make you feel cornered or unable to set your boundaries. those wishes don’t come often, but in the spirit of having felt that we had talked on the phone, set up a meeting time and place, and felt that we would be alright after all, i wished that today. that’s good enough for now.
p.s. here is the article i mention above, but be warned, it's not consequential enough to even warrant a read, imo https://organizing.work/2021/01/you-cant-win-without-a-fight-why-worker-cooperatives-are-a-bad-strategy/?fbclid=IwAR07R1hJogQ8cemiH9vZfLbSOJa6AnoCufPTeEG-QzzpDW_X3Qt2h8tZm9Y
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s-driesen · 4 years
time may change me (but i cant trace time) chapter 2/6
Ten is for Learning- 3k words
Read on ao3
previous chapter / next chapter
Summary: Summer comes around again at ten and eleven, and Robbe is starting to wonder if he really does have a crush on that girl in his class, despite something feeling massively OFF.
Featuring: Fifa, sore losers and the shambles that are Robbe's parents.
TW: implication of violence (two adults arguing), uneducated stance on mental illness (Robbe’s like ten lmao)
Robbe didn't exactly know the science behind global warming, but in the thick of Antwerp's heat wave he had a reason to believe in it. All the window's in his house had been thrown open as soon as him and Sander had rushed inside, hiding from the sun. After hours of wandering aimlessly around their neighbourhood, they were sick of the beating heat, thirsty and ready to laze about doing absolutely nothing. It had been a great day so far, both of them in the best of moods, joking and laughing in the way they usually did, but with an extra layer of carefree glee on top of the normality. In fact, Robbe's cheeks still hurt from laughing an hour after they had sprawled onto his couch, ready to pig out until Sander had to leave. The entire day, Sander wouldn't stop making absolutely stupid jokes, the one's verging on crude that made the other boy lose it every single time. Even as Robbe turned his Xbox on, he was giggling, telling Sander to 'shut up' in fear of his mum overhearing (even if he knew she wouldn't). It took them both a couple of long minutes to calm down enough to figure out what game they were going to play. It was Fifa of course, Sander would usually complain, but he knew Robbe was too tired to move from the couch to change the disks over.
Robbe's shirt was sticking to him and the room was so stuffy despite the light breeze that streamed in from the open windows. The water he'd got for the both of them had turned warm in minutes of coming out of the tap, unpleasant and nowhere near as refreshing as they'd hoped it would've been. His hair clung to his forehead and his neck- Robbe's mum was right, maybe it was way too long for such hot weather. For a second he thought back to Sander a couple of years previous, in his big hoodies under the sun. Robbe didn't know how he'd dressed like that on the warmest of days without passing out. Honestly, Robbe never grew to understand why he did wear such baggy clothes. And it was too late to ask. Sander had changed his 'fashion sense' now, donning short sleeves and 3/4 cargo pants, decked out in a t-shirt Robbe was pretty sure he'd seen Sander's older brother, Ross,wear.
''You keep on missing! What are you even doing, Robbe?'' Sander teased, gesturing wildly at the footballers on screen, laughing as he scored yet another goal. No matter how much Sander complained about Fifa it didn't stop him from beating Robbe nearly every time they played.
''I wasn't paying attention! Oh my god, stop, at least give me a chance to pass-'' Being younger than Sander sometimes made Robbe feel like he was at a disadvantage, it wasn't a big gap (only a year and two months between them), but Sander always seemed so much more sharper than his friend. The infinite amount of wisdom an eleven year old had compared to a ten year old seemed massive to Robbe. Sander scored again, and Robbe was pretty much done.  
''You're not even playing properly now!'' Sander grinned, knowing that he'd won quickly enough to annoy Robbe ''Don't be a sore loser, Ijzermans...''
''I'm not a sore loser, I just wasn't paying attention! Re-match, come on'' Robbe sat forward, in a slow effort to make himself pay more attention, hoping that he might suddenly get better at the game- despite the fact he didn't really know what he was doing. He could feel Sander's amusement even if he wasn't facing him, that toothy grin and the slightly patronising eyebrow raise he always shot Robbe before he made a fool of himself. Sander scored nearly as soon as the match started. There was a short silence as Robbe dropped his controller in mock disbelief, before Sander burst into a fit of laughter, falling backwards on the couch and Robbe shook his head.
"HOW? That's so unfair...You suck!" He had to shout over Sander's laughter, gesturing wildly at the TV screen. Robbe was laughing too now, and his was tummy hurting from the way he doubled over, hand clutching his chest. Every single time there was a dip in the severity of their giggles, Sander would look at Robbe and the tears in their eyes would make them lose it all over again. In moments like those, Robbe realised how Sander was the only one who could make him laugh like that, all incoherent noises and snorts, loud and boldly uncontrolled. Jens and the other kids at school were funny, but they didn't know how to make Robbe's eyes water, and his dimples pop, like Sander did. Through spluttered giggles, after a couple of painfully joyous minutes Sander managed to say "That was embarrassing...Seriously" Robbe merely stuck his tongue out at him in response, still flushed in the face and warmer than he had been all day. Sander, huffing, put his controller to the side before glancing at Robbe sideways- clearly mischievous. "What would your Noor think of that?"
Robbe's grin faltered for the first time since that morning. And he didn't know why, exactly. That was the issue he'd been having recently.
Noor was a girl in Robbe's class. A friend, as well as a girl. She sat opposite him on their group's table, and the pair of them got along so easily. Like they'd known one another since kindergarten. You see, Noor played video games too, her brother had a PS4, and her and Robbe would sit and talk about GTA when they were supposed to be doing classwork- much to Miss Visser's dismay. Surprisingly, to Robbe's dense 10 year old brain, she was very good at them, knowing tricks that he hadn't gotten around to learning yet and being happy to help him. Fifa wasn't her thing though...He wondered for a second if that was why he was so bad at it.She'd smile at a remark like that. Noor smiled a lot, and she wouldn't hesitate to laugh at Robbe's stupid jokes either- the one's that he'd definitely stole from Sander. She make Robbe laugh a lot too, it only took him a couple of weeks to realise that being friends with her was almost as fun as being friends with Jens. The only downside to talking to Noor was the whispers that followed their every interaction. That was the issue Robbe had had recently. A boy and a girl talking, laughing, joking, smiling together meant one thing to everyone- one of them had a crush. And Robbe didn't exactly know what one of those was.
He'd made the mistake of asking Jens, of course. Which didn't help. Whilst Jens was one of the smartest in their class, he'd never really had a way with words. The pair had been sitting on one of the playgrounds walls during recess when Robbe had blurted out ''How do you know if you have a crush on someone?''
Jens had stopped eating his crackers to crane his neck in Robbe's direction, quirking an eyebrow whilst brushing a long strand of black hair out of his eyes. He shrugged at first, slowly chewing as he paused to think. After such suspense Robbe was expecting a groundbreaking answer, one that would provide clarity and help him decide if he actually did have a 'crush' on Noor. But instead, all he got was something mildly underwhelming, mumbled through a mouthful of cracker dust.
''You...like them a lot. And they make you feel nice....And you think they're, like, pretty, i guess?''
''That's it?'' Robbe had shaken his head in dismay, even more confused than he had been before he'd asked. The thing was, Robbe could apply that logic to a lot of people. Sander made him feel nice, he would always compliment Robbe when he did something good, laugh when subjected to his poor attempts at original humour and listen when he told long, winding stories. Robbe liked Sander a lot. Objectively he was pretty too, all of the girls in Sander's year said so. They'd stand by the football pitches sidelines, crooning, whenever he played; all gushing and grinning. Robbe thought that was gross, for some reason. The idea of girls blushing over Sander was definitely gross. The idea of someone having a 'crush' on Sander was even more repulsive to Robbe.
''Yeah, that's it Robbe...'' Jens dusted the cracker crumbs from his pants, crumpling the packet in his grubby hands before shoving it in one of his trouser's pockets. He took a second, as Robbe ran over that shabby definition one hundred times in his head, before curiously asking ''Are you asking because of Noor?''
Robbe didn't want to answer that, so he didn't say anything at all. His mum told him silence was always an acceptable answer. But what he didn't know was the numerous ways silence could be interpreted. Because, in response to his friends silence, Jens made the answer up for himself. The other's face broke out in a blossoming grin, all Cheshire-cat like, as he hopped down from the wall. ''You have a crush on her?'' He said the words too loudly for Robbe's liking, bouncing like some sort of excitable puppy, just ecstatic enough to draw attention from the younger kids hovering around them. A pit grew in Robbe's stomach of the idea of that rumour spreading...Of Noor hearing. Of Noor wanting to be his girlfriend.
''No!'' Robbe's vehement defence just egged on his 'best' friend, though. Jens was laughing too loudly, insisting that he thought so, and profoundly declaring that Robbe was 'in love'. It was embarrassing, Robbe could still feel the heat his cheeks had filled with, as he sat on the couch staring at Sander.
''Earth to Robbe...Ground control wants a report'' Sander cupped a hand over his own mouth, mimicking the sound of a walkie-talkie as he shuffled up the couch in order to stab at Robbe's arm with his finger. He shook his head in response, letting out a strained laugh as the slight dread in his stomach lifted- Sander's idiocy never failed to make him feel better. But after his and Jens' conversation, that fact made Robbe scrunch up his face.
''How did you find out about that? Did Jens tell you?'' He mused, trying to act cool in the face of such an awkward subject. Sander could read him like a book though, and he only smiled wider at Robbe's mannerisms, folding his arms to exaggerate his smugness.
''Yeah, but Noor's friends are LOUD so...It wasn't like that was the only way I could've found out'' Sander was undeniably proud of himself and his nonexistent detective skills, he was looking at Robbe expectantly, like he was supposed to say something. Robbe stared at him in confusion, mouthing a small 'what?' before Sander rolled his eyes, still positively beaming. Of course Sander was thriving off this stupid situation. Crushes and girls were his thing,after all, despite how much he'd protest that exact fact. Sander had gotten his first girlfriend a couple of weeks after him and Robbe had met. To no ones surprise, her and Robbe hated each other. She was mean, to be fair to Robbe, always calling him 'little' and a baby. Sander had boldly broken up with her in the middle of recess after she tripped Robbe for 'stealing' Sander... Whatever that had meant. ''Are you not going to tell me anything about her then?''
''There's nothing to tell you about''
''But you have a crush on her...'' Sander protested ''I told you everything when I had a crush on Engel last month'' Robbe was starting to realise how many of Sander's crushes he didn't like. Engel was annoying, and loud, and too girly. All of them were too girly, too obsessed with makeup and clothes, stuff that Robbe didn't care about. But, Noor wasn't. In reality, Robbe liked Noor. He just didn't know if what he felt qualified as a crush.
''I don't know if i have a crush on her'' He hesitated before continuing, looking down at the controller he still gripped in his hands, fingers incessantly fiddling with the buttons to ease his nerves ''She makes me happy and I think she's pretty, but I don't know if that's what a crush is...Like-' Robbe paused for a moment, pursing his lips as he thought. He swallowed quickly before mumbling ''I don't want her to be my girlfriend, girlfriends are kind of gross.''
Finally, he managed to look at Sander, suddenly grateful for the influx of warm weather and sunburn due to the heat radiating off of his cheeks. Speaking about girls was new territory for the two...Robbe was spectacularly uncomfortable. He was expecting Sander to still be beaming, delighted at his friends discomfort and embarrassment when speaking about his speculated crush like Jens usually did. But instead, he looked oddly serious- as serious as an 11 year old could get.
''Why do you think girlfriends are gross?'' It was a sincere question, asked out genuine curiosity, but Robbe still couldn't think of an answer that sounded logical.
''They just do. They, like, take up all of your time. A-and speak about girl stuff. And...'' Robbe's words all came out in one breath, frustrated and confused ''I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with you, you know?''
Sander nodded in agreement, understanding as always. Robbe liked when he did that, always seeming to get what he was saying without ever really trying. It helped Robbe be able to breathe easier, the initial panic at his teasing subsiding after one loaded look. Being unable to hang out with Sander because of some girl was something Robbe never ever wanted, he decided that then in that moment. And it looked like Sander had come to his own conclusion, his mouth open to say something that he'd never get to say. Because, all of a sudden, there was an ungodly barrage of shouting and screaming coming from above them, the ceiling shaking with the weight of retreating footsteps. The worst part was that Robbe didn't even jump, expecting his parents to start a war sooner or later- it was that time of the day after all.
The fighting had been getting worse recently. His mum was tired, constantly, always snappy and lazy. Picking at conversations until they bled, like a scab, into some sort of row. Robbe had been living on takeout for the past two weeks, with his mother unable to cook and his dad working night shifts. A month ago, that would've been an absolute dream, but lately he found himself missing the home-cooked food she'd made before thing's went downhill. During the day (If Sander wasn't there) Robbe found himself to be lonely more than bored, with both of his parents sleeping- his dad recovering from a night working in warehouses and his mother weighted like a stone, unable to do anything for herself. To be truthful, Robbe was angry at her. Mostly because he didn't understand what was going on, and why she liked to shout at his dad so much. Robbe's father had always been antagonistic, but these days it seemed that whenever they were in the same room a thick band of tension weighed over the entire family. It was exhausting.
The sound of, what Robbe presumed was the vase on his parent's rooms dresser, smashing was what brought him back to reality- the previous minutes of shame forgotten. Sander looked horrified, quietly scared, like he knew he wasn't supposed to have such an outward reaction. After a lull in the yelling, only whisper-shouting echoing down into the living room, he looked over to Robbe with those big, sympathetic eyes. The ones that Robbe didn't know how to feel about, yet.
''Should I go?'' He questioned, quieter than before. Robbe merely pressed his lips together in a grimace, before forcing a nod. He really didn't want him to leave, but Robbe's dad would kill him if he found out their neighbour's son had overheard a domestic. Sander began to get up, reaching for his shoes (which were strewn haphazardly near the TV) as the shouting started up once again. From what Robbe could make out it was something about money, loans, and his mother's job. She'd stopped going to work, and despite his ignorance to the adult world, Robbe knew that was a bad thing. He dug his fingers into the sofa's material as the room suddenly felt a lot stuffier, like the windows were locked shut and it was two degrees hotter than it already was.
He could tell Sander didn't know what to say, as he slipped on his shoes. Robbe didn't blame him, his family were probably too perfect to deal with stuff like this. Envy wasn't a thing Robbe was conscious of yet, but it lingered over their every interaction, when it came to family. Sander's mum was the type of woman to bake a cake after every single one of her kid's achievements, be that minor or major, the type to cut up carrots and cucumber in cute ways to make her children's lunches interesting. Robbe's was the type to sleep until 4pm and only come downstairs for water and takeout. And for whatever reason, his dad expected Robbe not to even slightly resent her.
''I-I'll speak to you tomorrow, Robbe?'' Sander was hovering by the door, looking unbelievably awkward in front of Robbe for the first time in years.
''We'll go for a walk down near the high street? My mum will give us money for ice-cream if I ask nicely, hopefully'' He said it quickly, painfully aware that the noise coming from upstairs was escalating. But, being one of the kindest humans alive, Sander was still intent on letting Robbe have something to look forward to. The other grinned in response, letting his friend know that that was cool with him, before Sander gave a short wave and walked out of the door.
Robbe heard him leave after a couple of long seconds, the latch on his front door clicking shut. Whenever Sander left Robbe's house it sucked, but then it hurt in a different type of way. Because then it was just him and the pair of dysfunctional adults fighting upstairs, still screaming and thudding and shouting like they didn't have a child, meek and reserved, sitting downstairs. Robbe wondered for a second if they even cared about him, as something else vaguely porcelain smashed on the stairway. If they even considered him when they had their shouting matches. Picking up his game controller, Robbe loaded up a solo match on Fifa, feeling warmly empty.
Even if his parents didn't really care about him, even if no one else that knew him cared about Robbe Ijzermans, he always knew he'd have one person to fall back on. And that was the kid he was going to get ice cream on the high street with the next day. Not the girl he was supposed to have a crush on.
Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on twitter @ s_driesen
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