#dont tell me im serious i havent finished it yet
bittersweet-mojo · 2 years
shoutout to the first gay people in the witcher. i sure hope you guys dont die haha. i havent finished the show yet.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
could you do some nsfw dating sapnap hcs please 🥹
omg yes ofc!!! thank you for requesting 🥺 💜💜💜
this can be read normal (?) reader or streamer reader doesnt really matter. but it is fem!reader (i tried to make it gender neutral but kinda failed miserably 😅)
so enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who would very boldy initiate any sort of action between you two.
he comes up behind you and wraps an arm around your torso, nuzzling his nose into your neck. his other hand coming down to sneak under the waistband of your pants.
planting wet kisses up and down the side of your neck as he says, "how you doin, peaches?" the question being completely rhetorical.
bf!sapnap who will tease you relentlessly if you try to initiate anything.
"peaches, are you horny?" he asks condescendingly in your ear. his hands running up and down your sides, groping your ass as you kiss his jaw and whimper in his ear. "yea?"
"nick, i swear to god-"
"horny girls cant get mad," he tells you, pulling your face away by wraping his hand around your neck. "youre the one begging me to fuck you."
bf!sapnap who would eat you out for so long that his beard would rub against you, leaving you red and raw. its a serious problem
bf!sapnap that never really asks for it but turns into mush if you ever go down on him. he wouldnt be able to hold eye contact with you. and honestly, you wouldnt be able to either.
both of you looking at eachother, tears in both of your eyes. his beautiful a green eyes would pierce into you and you have to just close your own, focus on pleasuring him as best you can.
bf!sapnap who happily licks up your cum. or his own. if he happens to 'forget' a condom one night, he will pull out and finish on your pussy despite you begging him to cum inside you.
if you havent finished yet, he'll dip his head between your thighs. he will lick up all the cum he left on your pussy lips, moaning at the taste while trying to get you to cum on his tongue.
he will try to save as much of his own cum as possible cause he swears you taste better when your juices are mixed together.
bf!sapnap who, again, never really asks for it but loves the idea of you riding and grinding on his thighs.
if he ever catches you looking at them while hes sitting, he will subtly pull up his shorts to show more skin. he'll even ask you to bring him something and when you walk on over, he'll reach up and caress your own thighs, talking to you sweetly and looking up at you with bedroom eyes.
you would blink and when you open your eyes, youre on his thigh, trying to mind your own business as he bounces his leg up and down. flexing it while talking about how he things he should work out his thighs more.
he wants to see you creaming on the flexed muscle of his thigh. by the time youre cumming, his dick is hard and achy.
bf!sapnap who wants you screaming and moaning while hes fucking you, regardless of what hes doing to you. he loves hearing you say his name and babble about how much you love how he fucks you.
bf!sapnap who says your an amazing singer on stream the day after you were crying, moaning, whimpering because of him fucking you.
"yea, yn is a really good singer," he smirks looking at that chat flying by. "my peaches has really good vocals."
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im strangely proud of this one? but im sorry if the dialogue sounds off for him, i tried! -Nony
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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cloudcountry · 3 months
I wanted to ask why you hated Idia so much back then and the reason you adore him?
im gonna start telling people to pay me whenever they ask why i hate(d) idia because ive got this question easily 20 different times and frankly i'm losing money by not accepting payment
im not writing all that again i'm so tired of explaining it over and over ughhhh its not your fault min its just i seem to be a skipping record with how often i've had to repeat the same thing over and over and over for a YEAR and people just KEEP ASKING like ok you want to know about my relationship with idia shroud PAY UP!!!!!
anyways...i havent written about the things i adore about him yet so...
first first first!! the thing that made me gasp the softest gasp i have ever gasped in my life when i first saw it...his pink hair. its a bit superficial i guess but now that i like idia i think he's stunning. he's so hauntingly beautiful, especially when he's just a little bit flustered and the tips of his hair turn pink. what i would do to see his whole head turn pink PLEASE.
i also think his smile is so silly, even though it's usually accompanied by his smug ass voice "should'a leveled up more!" SHUT UP!!!!! i love his sharp teeth theyre so goofy nd silly but in a cute way. honestly i think his scowl is cute too, idk maybe i just like his lips but watching them twist up in annoyance when he rolls his eyes is attractive to me dont ask i dont know either. does that say something about me? maybe. i'm content with not knowing.
onto less superficial things...i just finished reading book six yesterday and it struck me how idia's heart is genuinely so beautiful. he loves so gently and fully, but with devotion that would destroy the world if he let it loose. being loved and treasured by idia is a privilege, because once he lets you in he would do anything for you (just dont fuck it up or i will beat you up im being so serious LEAVE HIM ALONE)
the extent to which he cares for ortho is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. "leave it to your big bro" im dead. everything he does is for ortho to have a safe and fulfilling life and honestly...it kind of seems like idia is trying to pay ortho back in a sense? like you died (because of me), now i will spend the rest of my life mourning you as punishment. he wants to give him the best life possible and thats just so ourgourgouhgohou,,,, his grieving is so complex and yet its so simple. heartbreaking i tell you.
on a lighter note, he's very passionate about the things he's into as well. one thing about figuring our how to like idia was turning my reaction to his condescending jabs from "oh he's such a know it all bitch what the hell people are literally just indulging in his interests what is wrong with him?" TO "oh he's just excited and getting an adrenaline rush, it's going to his head. he's happy. :)" and that was absolutely growth on my part because. ok AUBURN LORE TIME but i used to have a friend who was very condescending and a HUGE know it all (irl IRL IRL) and i think they definitely impacted how i saw idia because i saw bits of them in him. and since they hurt me so much i projected my experiences with them onto idia, so the first time i met him in game i wrote him off immediately and hated him after i saw what he said to others and how he acted.
but one of the many problems with that approach was that i missed the gentler sides of him. the way he goes back to school for ortho. the way he powers through the masquerade social for ortho. his idea of yuu being "valuable emotional support." his love of cats, regardless of how bad he scared grim. his love of star rogue and the way he made the sequel actually happen, albiet unintentionally. i spent so much time resenting him because "of course he's just another one of those." that i didn't stop to notice anything about him except for those bad moments. and of course, i'm not ignoring them now, i just see them differently. i see him differently.
of course i love that he's relatable, and that he's smart, and i love how when he's comfortable he loses his filter and becomes idia shroud instead of just being Scared of them, but i think that's just. social anxiety. and yk what ive said this before but even when i hated him i would NOT stand for anyone coming for his anxiety. like yeah i hate idia shroud but BITCH GET AWAY FROM HIM. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ANXIETY IS LIKE!!! put me in nrc right now idia shroud needs someone who will yell at people for him and thats going to be ME. i dont care who you are you say shit you are earning my IRE. trey clover got yelled at. no one is safe.
can i just say i love how you said "reason" like there's only one JDSJSDJSD LMAO IDK IT WAS JUST FUNNY TO ME when i love someone i have multiple reasons and i love every part of them, even the bad annoying icky parts (in fact, if you can't love their bad parts too is it even love...? i dont know, we all have different definitions anyway. some might think tolerating their bad parts is love too and we'd both be right.) theres no one reason i just think he's lovely inside and out now. he's an angel, basically.
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virgin-mojitos · 2 years
massage session ft steven grant (slighlty nsfw)
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heyyyy okay so we've established that im a liar and i do not keep my word but this idea came to me a while ago and i was like fuck it why not. but anywho, heres some fluffy steven (with a hint a sprinkle a dab of smut at the end) as an apology, enjoy!!
PS: reader and steven havent had sex yet but have done other things, so they might be in 2-3 month in
Definitely absolutely surely clearly DO NOT think about,  
Coming home extremely tired, you’ve been on your feet the whole day. Steven could tell from the moment you entered the flat, you had already texted him prior to order some takeout because you cant cook today. So he comes over kind of worried but also amused because you’ve never displayed any signs of fatigue .(usually you are very good at hiding them and steven does not know if they’re some trauma response, he does not ask either way.) he comes over and gives you a big hug, “you okay love?” so you hide your face in his chest and give a muffled “m okay” he laughs because you clearly do not look okay, “well I ordered takeout. Come lets eat and you can tell me about your day yeah?” “ cant, too tired to eat” and it was this moment that steven realizes hes nearly carrying all your weight because you can barely stand. He almost verbally ‘awww’s but he decides against it because if he did that you back away, knowing your ‘I gotta be strong and able 24/7 or else i deserve punishment’ tendencies. So he offers something else instead.
“would you like a massage?, I read a book about physiotherapy once” so you laugh of course, because who the hell casually reads a book about physiotherapy once? So you imitate him while giggling, making fun of his accent and all. “oi, I’m being serious it was just there and I decided to see what its all about that’s all” you laugh again and lay your chin on his chest and tell him that you would love a massage.
“turn away so i can take off my shirt and lay down on the towel” and he does turn away, knowing the gentleman he is. While laying down you take a minute to admire the scene that steven created for you in little time; scented candles, regular candles lit up and all the lights turned off. “you ready?” steven startles you but you answer him with a short “mmmhm”
 as soon he starts youre already making noises and shoving your face in shoulders in coyness. as steven gets more into it you stop covering my mouth and groans (mind u theyre both groans of pleasure and pain) ‘hes got very good hands’ you think. Your clutching the sheets and putting your face in the pillows and scrunching your nose, just a very pornographic image you think to yourself again, poor steven really.
and then when hes almost finished he starts kissing your neck and you laugh and say something like “was this in your book?” and he smiles and laughs and continues anyways.  And then when hes finished he turns your face slightly and kisses you for a bit until it gets uncomfortable for you, you’ve just had a massage for gods sake you don’t want your neck to hurt again.  so you decide to spin around and wrap the towel under around you when you do, any form of modesty
so now you are heavily making out, so drunk on the other that you dont notice his fingertips barely grazing your stomach under the towel so he stops kissing you and goes “is this okay?” and you nod and pull him by the hair to kiss him again, trying to show your gratitude through your kisses for the massage and asking for your consent. his hands starts gets cheeky rising up and hes just, he not touching you hes grabbing? Like squeezing in a way, squeezing anywhere hes touching. He reaches under your breasts and you gasp so he starts kissing your face and your neck and he asks again “is this okay?” and you gasp out a yes and he starts gently caressing yout breasts and at this point your a moaning mess right? hes still kissing your neck when he starts kneading them and murmers in your neck “you’re so fucking soft”
…yes definitely do not think about that
phewww *fans self* is it getting hot in here or is it just steven i mean what...
as always likes and reblogs help boost my ego!!!
my asks are always open if youd like me to write something!!
(steven’s SFW alphabet)
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purplefixations · 2 years
The Best Thing We Never Planned
In honor of the most recent David audio, here is my mind started thinking after I finished listening to it. This is what I think would happen the next morning.
(in the mates gc)
Angel: *picture of David cuddled up to them, sleeping peacefully*
Angel: my fiance is the cutest😍😍😍
Baabe: aww, im saving this for future black mail
Baabe: WAIT!!!
Sweetheart: We're not gonna breeze past that like you didn't say what you just said!
Baabe: i swear to god if you're messing with us!
Baabe: angel answer your phone
Sweetheart: If this is a joke I'm gonna kill you, very slowly
Angel: what do yall want?
Angel: oh...
Baabe: "ya'll" lmao
Baabe: you're around sam too much
Sweetheart: What you mean oh?
Angel: u guys didnt know?
Baabe: NOO?!
Baabe: ash didn't either
Sweetheart: Same with milo
Angel: hold up, how do I know they that didnt know and just kept it a secret?
Baabe: look at my bf and tell me he can keep a secret :/
Baabe: also, I screeched when I saw the word "FIANCE" and he wanted to know why...
Angel: u screeched?
Sweetheart: And I thought milo was jumpy 😂
Baabe: don't pick on me sweetheart, you still havent answered the question.
Sweetheart: Oh, I asked Milo if he knew as soon as I saw the text
Angel: why...
Sweetheart: I assumed he knew and just forgot to tell me
Angel: and he didnt?!
Sweetheart: nope
Sweetheart: It seems David decided not to tell anyone, not surprising tho
Sam: Why is my phone blowing up all at once?
Baabe: scroll up
Sam: Congratulations Angel
Angel: DID U KNOW?!?
Sam: No, no one told me exactly. But Tank mentioned something a few days ago about David and serious commitments, so I'm not exactly supried
Baabe: TANKER KNEW?!????
Sam: Maybe, I can ask.
Sweetheart: I mean, David has been trying to actually include Tank in pack/friend stuff, so maybe this was one of the things.
Baabe: makes sense, tho ash and milo might feel a bit betrayed lol
Sam: They said that David asked them for help with what to say to not sound too cheesey. They also said that it was still extremely sappy in the end.
Angel: it was but it was a nice kind of sappy
Baabe: awwwww
Baabe: what'd he say?
Angel: i dont really remember the words
Angel: it was very long and i think i started crying near the beginning of it all...
Sweetheart: Haha, crybaby
Baabe: HEY! the only one aloud to call them baby is David, back off
Angel: YEAH
Sweetheart: Is this you saying that David calls you a crybaby, and you like it?
Angel: WAiT
Baabe: hahaha
Baabe: masochist
Angel: do you want me to put you on blast? cuz i have receipts
Sam: Okay, I'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand. Again, congrats Angel.
Angel: thanks sam
Sweetheart: Congratulations from me and milo
Baabe: and milo?
Sweetheart: He's been asking for live updates on this situation
Sweetheart: He has also demanded that he gets to help David pick out a suit
Angel: he has to take that up with davey, but honestly that might be a good idea
Baabe: why?
Angel: i love him very much, but he lives in clothes just nice enough to look presentable.
Angel: and dirty work clothes
Baabe: haha
Baabe: ash says congrats too
Baabe: he's been reading this over my shoulder for the last few minutes
Angel: that tracks
Angel: thx tho
Sweetheart: On a serious note, if either of you need any help with filing marriage paper work for an empowered and non-empowered through dump, let me know
Baabe: is it hard?
Sweetheart: I wouldn't say hard, but it's a bit complicated and a lot
Angel: ill keep it in mind Sweets thx
Baabe: getting off that serious note
Baabe: ash made a meme and wants me to send it to you all
Angel: GIMME!!!
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Angel: HahAhHAha
Sweetheart: Is that Aggro?
Baabe: he says yes
Angel: is he actually upset?
Baabe: nah, he's just dramatic
Sweetheart: pls tell me he sent that to David
Baabe: he did
Angel: hes still asleep so don't expect a response yet
Baabe: he's still asleep? I thought he was an early riser and shit?
Angel: normally, but i think the solstice tired him out
Sweetheart: It's probably an emotional vulnerability hangover
Angel: lmao
Baabe: haha
Sam: So it's not just Tanker who gets those.
Angel: LMFAO!!!
Angel: theyre too fucking similar
Baabe: hehehe
Baabe: oh shit, if i die pls have a picture of me at your wedding
Angel: ofc, but why r u dying?
Baabe: I didn't notice that ash left, and I smell smoke
Sweetheart: I'll make sure it's a cute picture
Baabe: bless you
Angel: oof, go make sure your mans didnt commit arson
Baabe: 👍
"Angel, why did Asher and Milo send me vaguely threatening memes?"
"Ooohh. Yeah, that's on you."
"You're the one that didn't tell your best friends that you were proposing."
"I didn't tell them because they cant keep a secret. If I told them, they'd tell their mates, which would be fine but then everyone would start dropping hints and you'd get suspicious."
"Tanker tells Sam everything and you told them."
"How do you know I told Tanker?"
"As I said, they tell Sam everything."
"What- Did you add him to your weird group chat?"
"It's not weird Davey, and besides, he enjoys it."
"I don't know why I bother at this point."
"Because you love me!"
"Yeah. I do, you snot."
Idk how it got this long, I was not planning for that. I wrote this over the span of two ten minute breaks and my lunch at work, so that's why it's kinda chaotic. Anyways, love y'all <3
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saltynsassy31 · 10 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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lowlyroach · 9 months
1092) another cigarette, please
hang out with the rest of our friends
the ferris wheel is still there.
we find ways to spend our time
eating too much
my stomach is wrathfully full
i tell Grant im tired of eating
we go to the Garden of the Gods
but You're not here.
You're not here.
we go to an artsy place
walk around for a few hours
we didn't finish the mystery game
everyone was hungry
except me
but why is that stranger wearing Your face?
neck starts its tics
brain itches
Grant is feeling similarly
ive got bad brain. he says
me too.
why was that stranger wearing Your face?
when we get back to the hotel
he wants to go outside
i know why.
can i join you?
so we
smoke cigarettes
that's what You told me to do, right?
that one time?
would You hate me for thinking of that?
i forgot your wording, but i remembered just now while typing
i told Grant about it
let's die a little faster.
we talk about You
and You
and You
and the ferris wheel
and how i was
sexually abused by my brother
ive never said that out loud before
its mostly glossed over
not for lack of caring
i havent posted that poem yet
and he talks about
his ex (pseudo ex?)
his You, in a way.
that lives up here
do you think it ever stops?
no. he replies
the look in his eyes
he knows.
yeah, i know.
cigarettes, a pause
more cigarettes
i suck them down like candy
throat burns
lungs burn
more cigarettes, please
will i finally get cancer
like i wished for at 18?
i flatten the earth as i smoke
is it to distract myself from You,
as we talk about You?
we're both shivering but we
keep standing in the snow
until it hurts
feet are numb
more cigarettes, please
im shivering madly
another cigarette, please
i still haven't seen Her face
i guess i could show you
(how do you forget that)
only if it won't make it hurt.
nah, i check everyday, just to see if it says 'Married'
yeah, She's pretty.
look at Her! She's everything. i'd kill for Her, i'd do anything
look at Her! look at Her! wow.
something about freezing makes you think less
your mind can't focus on anything else
his new boyfriend is a serious downgrade
he's got a new boyfriend? that's good, i hope he's happy
he's so fucked up for what he did to you.
i just hope he's happy.
(never find peace. never? why did you say that to me?)
we went on a double date, at the fair
ah, the F word
cmon man...
now we're here and there's the wheel right there, staring at me.
i can't get away from it.
you gonna bang Kat?
no. im not interested in women anymore.
i thought you werent interested in men, anymore?
i dont think im interested in anybody
you're both gonna be super drunk, did you take that into account?
yeah. i dont think itll change much.
it feels good to freeze and the only thing
you can warm your hands with, is a cigarette
it feels like being homeless, that feels right
i give it a try and yeah,
he's right.
i leave half of the conversation in my head
ive never been one for speaking my mind
half of the meanings, the clarifications, the answers, the questions
left behind
i tell him. (You'd hate me for it)
things ive never mentioned to anyone
he tells me
things he's never mentioned to anyone
that damn wheel is still there
i want to get a ferris wheel tattoo
you-. Yeah, i don't blame you.
and why were You on that strangers face?
why was that stranger wearing Your face?
why did i keep seeing Her around this place?
we go inside and i watched
Princess Mononoke
with Grant
originally i canceled my plans with him
to watch it with You.
but where were You?
where were You?
where were
where were
i want to bury my hands in the snow till they cant move
what does that feel like?
is that a sensation worth experiencing?
can i put cigarettes out on my own skin?
another cigarette, please
ash it down till it burns my mouth
i'm getting ready to scream.
i smell like ten cigarettes.
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disaster-fruit · 6 months
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: A, M, U
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Obviously the arranged marriage AU, which is unfair answer because its the one that isnt published and also not even finished since i decided to rewrite some parts. But it is what it is, i could tell from the moment i finished the first draft that it was something really special and a level above my other stuff. I'm not sure i can put my finger on exactly why, it has a lot of emotion but its still self-indulgent and sex and messy like my other stuff, its not particularly serious or high-brow. But still i think its better, and i tried to think of a fic to say here that was published but none really seem to be a worthy comparison. All i wanted when i finished it at the time was to write more and see if i could keep that level up
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
Though one, i have so many aus in my mind i dont keep track with most of them. I'd say the weirdest kinky ones i have never became stories, nope. And i felt they were all a bit too much for the fandom, that tends to skew 'fluffy' and 'simple' and it was kinda hard to find motivation for my more out-there ideas when i knew wouldn't be anyone's cup of tea. I make aus for myself but when i wrote i wanted to share, so if there was no one to read i saw no reason to not just keep daydreaming about it for zero effort.
But not keep it too vague, the least weird one i had was an among us au…. yes. But going for the space-horror route and mosterfuck shenanigans. The other ones need too many words to explain so you'll have to die wondering.
As for non-kinky im sure i'm simply not remembering weirder ones. But one recent i had was when i came up with an entire plot for an addams family au fic and i was like………. yep they're not ready for it, scrap it. Keep it in the cozy corner of my mind.
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
Hmmm not really? For me to write i needed to be high-key OBSESSED otherwise i wouldn't even have scenarios to try. And it needs to be a long-ish term obsession, which i also havent gotten in a while. But to not leave this blank i think the closest i got to this in my memory was when i was in the capri fandom i wanted to write something for Jord/Aimeiric because i couldnt stand the slander they got in the fandom (everyone wanting to pair jord in the background of fics (not even jord-centric fics just yk lamen fic where he was just stadning there) with men he didnt even interact with even in aus where aimeric was aliveeeeeee PISSED ME OFF) and i wanted to do it JUSTICE but i never did and my carpi phase is gone so i can only hope someone after me did the justice eventually
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riyawriteshermind · 3 years
Frost In Love
What if? Jotun Loki X reader
Summary: Loki seems to be pretty intrigued by Thor’s new midgardian friend. and y/n’s Vegas trip looks like its going pretty good until her alien friend decides to go overboard. (And everybody knows Stark Parties are the best!!).
Warnings!!: SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT WATCHED EPISODE 7 YET. A little bit of cursing. Some mentions of making out and nudity. So read at your own risk.
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Not my GIF
“Don’t tell him, but, the kids’ too dumb to comprehend things like this. He’s got a bigger brain than Tony, but common sense…..not too much”. You reasoned tapping your head and shrugging.
Wanda gave a snicker in response as we made our way into the garage. “Besides, he’s too young anyways”. With that you and Wanda headed out into the road with one of Tony’s Wrangler.  “Pretty nice climate for a road trip”. Wanda chimed in as she closed her eyes embracing the wind in her hair. You hummed in response as you slung one elbow out of the window with the other on the steering wheel.
“U sure you don’t wanna join me Wands?” You asked her as she shifted to the driver’s seat. “Umm…I dont think so… im having too much fun pretending to be experiencing a breakup, listening to the new SOUR album.” She states earning a crooked smile and a knowing nod from you. You decided not to waste any time going more and more into the eye of the crowd.
Jane and Darcy stood aside their mini portable lab, scanning through the thick crowds for the supposed ‘alien visiting earth for the first time’ phenomenon.
Jane continued to look up and down to the tablet in her in her hand, hoping to find some explanation.
She finished, as she stops at what her device indicated, looking at a handsome, blond, broad, hunky laughing with a bunch of reptilian looking humanoid creatures.
“Imma go talk to him”. Jane replied after a short pause. “im gonna make first contact with an alien-” “-first? I think half the strip beat you to it”. Darcy teased her friend.
 Gently tapping on his shoulder the huge figure turns towards Jane, looking around before finally noticing her.
“There you are, all the way down there. So tiny I almost stood on you” He asked chuckling at her height.
“I’m Dr –“  “Well, well, well if it isn’t Jane the physicist Foster!” a voice too well for Jane to over hear speaks from not too afar.
 Both of the aliens, well, both aliens to eachother turns their head towards the source of the sound. Jane curses under her breath seeing her standing there with her gorgeous h/c slightly curled, her e/c glimmering with mischief as always and her s/c hands crossed, her booted feet thumping on the ground as she made her way towards the duo.
 “What are you doing here? The physicist America never appreciated. In the middle of an intergalactic party, that too in Vegas.?!” You sassed, adding a dramatic enthusiasm to the last words. Jane lowered her head down before shooting a glare and an eye roll.
 “And what are you doing here with hunky, beach-wave barbie?” you questioned looking at the man with a well overly build figure.
“The names’ Thor…Thor Odinson-“ “Pfft! Yeah right” you scoff as your eyes linger on his not so funny- serious face, then travelling down to something that caught your eyes, held in his hand. “The Mjölnir”. You mumble as your head shoots up to meet his face as he held up the hammer with an innocent smile. “You’re Thor- of Aagard-“ “the relam of the gods” Jane chimed in as you both looked eachother in utter shock. “God of…thun- hammers!!”. You correct yourself as you regained from your initial sock, back to your cocky self. His toothy grin fades as he furrows his eyebrows looking at you. “Prince! Of Asgard” you mirror his actions as you both exchange a firm handshake. Then immediately turning to Jane changing is approach and placing a kiss on the back of her hand, making her blush.
“Welcome to  Earth!! I suppose you are the host of the party?” you quip as you cross your arms.
 “yes! Its been awhile since ive had a good time. And Midguard, though being small, your parties are pretty lit”.
 “Midgard might be small but its people are known for their big brains, Heart aaand…PARTIES!. Especially the ones hosted by Starks.”
 “Well then I suppose we can party together Huzz-”
You slightly push down the glass he offered to you with a scoff and an amused chuckle.
“Oh, what is that light box thing you’ve got there? Oh its magic. I love magic!! Did you build this all by yourself?”. Thor enquires as he marvels Jane’s tablet. “Excuse me? I happen to be an astrophysicist with multiple PhDs-”. “Yeah exactly, the only reason I tolerated you in highschool was because of-”
“Y/n??” a voice from behind you made you turn your head towards the brunette with a…duck? Trailing behind her. “Darcy!! I’ve missed you sugarplum” “me too sassy Stark”
You were chatting with Darcy when you heard Thor flirting with Jane.
“And your eyes…do all geniuses have such deep dark eyes?” Thor purred as jane giggled blushing , moving a stand of hair behind her ear. ”No wonder yours is blue…and you” you continued pointing at Jane “too naive”.
“But you know what I think, your too naïve, rude and insulting person who just craves attention. Otherwise I don’t think there is a need to disparage such a wise woman.” Thor praised Jane, defending her. “Don’t defend her while you are still foreign to the reason behind it”. And for the record, I don’t crave attention…Starks get everything they want cuz they attract it. Watch ME”. You snarl, Darcy wincing at your tone indicating what’s about to happen.
You slightly tap and clear your throat into the mic, turning a few heads and within a fraction of seconds the crowd of humans going wild. Howling your name. you turn towards the trio, smirking. “See what I mean Barbie?”
“Apparently Thor God of hammers does’nt know who Y/N Stark is”. A deluge of ‘boos’ followed as you commented. ”Lets show Em’ aliens how stark parties are”. Thor’s frustrated grunts got immerse as the crowd goes wild. “Watch and learn pointbreak”. Walking back you notice his seething glare making your lips forge into a devious smile.
The hour hand seemed to be taking a stroll as everyone- human or not partied senselessly. Your apologetic smile was replaced with a glare as you quirk your eyebrow at-“watch it you puny earth-girl”- an armour clad woman hissing at you. “Chill down Mulan, don’t go all Pheobe on me”. Spotting Darcy on a bar you start to walk towards her, just as the woman pulls you by the hair. Screeching “these are not extentions” you tangle her legs with yours knocking her down, out of muscle memory. “you don’t want to mess with an avenger”. You start walking off after you help her up from the ground earning shocked glances from 3 men that seemed to accompany her.
“Did you just take down alien princess Mulan, single handedly” “I just got smarter and harder in the nick of time~” you muttered ordering a drink, earning a snicker from her which soon died down as you both spotted familier figures walking towards you. You knew they were probably come to blows- for what? You had to think. Was it for beating him at casino craps or beating up his friend. “Hey look barbie is friends with Mulan over here-”
“-crossover nobody asked for but definitely needed” Darcy finished both of you exchanging a high-five. ”We’re here to apologise…” Thor blurted, fidgeting with the end of his scarlet cape. You were physically taken aback. “Volstag informed me, it was Sif’s fault, both bumping into you and pulling your hair”. You looked the 4 standing behind Thor, amazed as realization hit you. You all were standing in an awkward silence until Thor spoke up again. “Now, it is your choice to accept the apology-“ “N-no I-uh accept, its- just wasn’t expecting that” you quickly reply with a sleepish smile. “no, no you needn’t apologise its alright, it was a bit of ad-lib action” you interrupt, as Sif starts apologizing with a bit of hesitation. “You’re Sif and the warriors three…right? Im kind of a fan, I’ve read about you guys in Norse mythology books”. You confess with a shy smile.
After that it didn’t take you much time to become buddies with the guy eerily familier to Chris Hemsworth. You honestly started having much more fun. You and sif were at a cotton candy stall when a few teenagers came to you asking for a selfie to which you accepted. “You have magical powers!?” Sif swore out loud as you released a few ice butterflies as requested by one of the teenagers.
“Well I wouldn’t call it magic, just a product of being Hydra’s lab rat”. You explained to her about the avengers and your brother “Tony stark AKA Iron man and I’m Y/N Stark AKA Sinister Frost”. You both were pulled from your conversation as you heard Thor speaking louder than his usual loud self. “Loki you’re the absolute best” Thor bantered to a Towering blue guy wearing a raindeer-like ice horns. ”You’re my brother from another mother man, I mean it.”
“Oh! Loki we have everyone here Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Sif… Oh & that’s our new friend  Lady Y/N Starkdottir”. You snickered out loud at Thor’s last name for you. Im definitely using that on Tony. You mutter to yourself.
“OH!! Look at you such a tiny little Midgardian…I had to squint really hard to notice you”. Loki teased laughing with his ice bros. Loki turns once again to continue to pock mullock at you only for him to now come face to face with you, shocking him a bit. “I don’t get intimidated by tall guys” you growl, words seeping like venom from your mouth, levitating with a few whisps of indicolite lingering beneath your feet. “Bratty! I like it”. He purrs with an amused smile earning a scoff from you. “Loki. Loki Laufeyson. Crowned Prince of Jotunheimen” he boasts stretching forward his massive finger for you to return the hand shake. You give him a skeptical look before introducing yourself specifically not forgetting to include your alias. Then finally you wrap your fingers around his index finger only for your both hands to start glowing crazy bright, a mixture of gold, Labrodite and emerald green forming an envelope around you both earning gasps from people surrounding. Loki’s face was filled with confusion and yours in hysteria, knowing what’s happening. The same thing had happened when you first met Wanda. You yanked your hand away from his, navigating your way out of the shroud of magic, as you glean a few whispering voices.
 You landed near Darcy & Jane, getting bombarded with questions. “I don’t know!! It happened when I met Wanda for the first time, but I thought it was because of our connection to Hydra”. You were trying to reason an explanation yourself simultaneously answering their questions. But that didn’t last more than 2mins as the smoke cleared and you chocked on nothing as your gasps were drowned by others’. The once 12 feet hombre was now shrinked down to half his usual size. You bit your lip watching Thor’s horrified expression and finally getting a good view at the prince- No more blue?!. “Oh dear God did I break him-” clasping your mouth as you realized that was not supposed to come out loud, you stood there now face to face with Loki clad in green black and gold leather costume. I-i-uh-swearididntdothatonpurpose. You began, but pursing your lips immedieately when he raised his hand motioning for you to stop talking & started stalking towards you with a frown. 
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You slowly mumbled an apology as he came closer, people surrounding you in anticipation. “Hey, don’t worry it’s a part of my power-“ he started taking your hands in his “Oh thank god” you continue after breathing out a huge sigh.
”I thought I did something wro-” “but it entails mighty amount of powers…how did you do it?” “Honestly I have no idea, it has happened before once with one of my friends…but other than that” you trail off giving a shrug. “You don’t have to worr-“ you abruptly stopped rambling when you felt him place a kiss on the back of your hand. “I aspire to get to know you more” Loki says with a genuine smile. “Because of how powerful you think I am?” you retort with a smirk and a quirked eyebrow. “Absolutely not, you yourself seem like a mighty fine lady, I would like to get to know the real McCoy” chuckling you nod your head in agreement. “Then lets party”.
 With that Thor watched you & Loki dwindle into the multitude of The Fabulous Las Vega Nevada, hand in hand. From the helicopter flight over the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip in the Maverick. To the ‘VOID’, the most immersive virtual reality experience ever. From, smallest snack stalls Loki accompanied you around like a love sick teenager. He was very intrigued by you, from noticing every minute details like how you bit your lip while you concentrated on the target, how cute you look while you scrunch your nose in disgust or frustration, curling your lips into an adorable pout when he denies something, cheeks tinting a darling pink when he complements you.
To the point where he had to compose himself when you found something ablaze and jumped around hugging him or embracing him in a long tight hug when he won something for her. He was slowly, no scratch that- fast , faster than Thor’s lightning when he gets super drunk, he was falling in love with Y/N. All these pent up emotions that had been bugging him nonstop had come to a breaking point when this happened. Which brings us to this scene, both of them had just finished beating Thor and Jane in dashing cars when she pulled him into a photobooth while he was spilling his tea to Thor in secrecy. He almost fell on top of her tripping on his cape.
Those eyes I could look at them for centuries.
Shit I’m staring at her.
Just scoop her up and put her on your lap’.
He thought, but just as he was snapped out of the trance he felt her slightly pushing him onto the bench and positioning herself on his lap. There you go, Loki didn’t know what kept him from passing out then and there. He didn’t know it could go anymore up hill from there, but then it did. He watched as you adjusted yourself, grinding into him slowly and sensually. Faces inches away from eachother, literally breathing the same air as you slipped an arm up his shoulder and around his neck.
By this time you started thinking if was he playing hard to get or is he as dumb and oblivious as Thor is to Jane. You whispered a ‘smile for the camera’ into his ear as you slightly turned your head giving silly poses for the first few, with Loki mimicking your style. As the camera started to click the few final pictures you turned back to him griping his shoulders and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. You bit your lip and looked into his eyes as you pulled away. Loki bought his other hand, the one which was not now griping your waists tightly, to your hand and slowly sliding up your arm as he leaned impossibly closer. He looked into your dilaiting pupils as slowly tugged your chin simultaneously fluttering both your eyes close. He mumbles a “you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this to happen” along your lips before closing the distance.
Was it because he was a god? He tasted sweeter than sugar syrup. Your lips were softer than the divine mochi you persuaded Loki to try a few hours ago. As cheezy as it sounds you felt fireworks going off, butterflies elephants in your stomach. You tug his dark locks slightly, your hand tangled in them and the other’s acrylic nails raking through his sculpted abs, setting off a groan from the back of his throat making you feel the wetness between your thighs seeping in. Loki nips your lip earing a moan from you, taking advantage and slipping his tongue inside your mouth deepening the kiss. He pulls you impossibly closer slithering his hand inside your top, brushing your sides sending a shiver down your spine.
“Lady Y/N your photos- YOU GUYS KISSED?! – oh you guys are still at it” Thor screeched like a kid in a candy shop as he almost ripped down the photobooth curtains and covering his eyes as he witnessed his holler didn’t have an effect on you both. “Thor saw” he breathed out into your neck. “I couldn’t care less” you gasped as Loki latched on to your pulse point, kneading your breasts through your thin lacy bra.
Moving the curtain an inch or 2 you poke your head outside the booth looking for anyone who was left in the surrounding area. “Loki!!” you scold him as you felt him hug you from behind biting your earlobe. “Don’t blame me for not being able to keep my hands to myself when someone as sexy as you is standing right in front of me” Loki purred into your ears. “Coast is clear” you mumble pulling him out and scrambling into an alleyway, giggling. You bit your lip as you held back a snort. “What has got my sweet thing so giggly…Hmm?” without another word you got on your tippy toes comb his hair, detangling it carefully. Loki’s lips tugged at the sides to form a shy smile as he watched you concentrate on your work. Just as you were about to finish Loki quickly slipped his hand around your waist giving your ass a squeeze. You gave out a small yelp, giving him a small hit on the shoulder making him chuckle and capturing your lips in another kiss. As it got more ‘little less conversation and little more touch my body’ suddenly you both were dripping wet. No, literally soaked in water. Yelping you look up to find Thor and the others standing on the top.
“Just thought this would cool you guys from all the heated session you were having!!”. Thor commented pointing at you both. “Then I think its revenge time”. You quip as Indicolite and emerald colours seep through both of your hands. Thor’s girly screeches filling the air as you drop icy cold water on him.
You groan as you feel your head pounding. ‘stop spinning, stop spinning’ you mumble as you sat up on the massive bed. It was only when you felt the sore feeling between your legs, flashes of last night’s incidents cane to your mind. “I just fucked a god” you mumble looking around the room scattered with both of your clothes. “So you wouldn’t mind going a second round?” Loki asked wiggling his eyebrows pulling your naked body towards his. “Hmmm..as tempting as that sounds, I’m worried about something else”. “And what might be th-“. Loki was cut off by loud knocking on the door. Putting on one of his shirts you walk to the door opening it. “M-Maria?” you question with a horrified expression.
“Maria Hill, acting director- Y/N?? what the hell are you doing here?” “I – uh can expl-” “And you didn’t inform about this..MADNESS?” “Maria just- give me a minute lemme get dressed-” you slightly flinch at her groan. “I. Don’t. Give. A. Shit. My god you’re worse than your brother” you raise a hand in front of Loki’s face as you got excused by maria. You both got dressed silently and as you were exiting the door one of the agents yanked your arm growling for you to make it fast. ”Lay a finger on her and I’ll make you regret for being born”. Loki snarls, you biting back your tugging lips. “What’s happening? do you know them?” Yeah that’s SHIELD, the organization we’re working for”. Loki gave you a quite nod and you both went out only to witness captain Marvel fighting Thor.
“I knew this would happen if I had informed SHIELD, that’s why only told Tony about this. You had to do it right? You had to get the spotlight. For what? To prove who?” you suddenly started lashing out on Jane. “Well you want them to destroy the DAMN country, partying?” “And you really think bringing out aunt Carol will solve everything? Her one hit is equal to four nuclear bombs, you’re concerned for the country? That shit can take down the freaking whole continent!!” “I don’t know why your always hold a grudge against me” “y-you don’t- you wanna know huh?” you levitate icicle flames forming on your hands and eyes. “Do you remember or should I remind you of the day in high school when you shouted to the whole school that I was the adopted daughter of Howard Stark and I was with them only for the money?” you ask her rising higher and higher crimson colours starting to seep from the crystals in your hand. “N/n!!” you hear your brother’s voice making you turn around. “Tony?”
It must have been the sudden startling voice that made you lose control, now you were falling to the ground. “Y/n!!” Loki’s green whisps of magic surrounded you, catching you in his arms. “No, no, no y/n wake up…wake up” Loki mumbles caressing your cheeks. “Move away from her you aliens!” Tony shouted at Loki kneeling down before an unconscious you, readying his blasters. “No, they didn’t hurt her she stressed her powers too much” Stephen spoke from behind darcy, mumbling ‘when did this creepy dude get here’. “She…had a misunderstanding, safe to say”. Strange concludes as he slides a hand from your forehead to your chin, a groan escaping your lips. “Why the fuck did I get a Deja Veu” you mumble waking up clutching your head.
 “So your saying, they’re gonna do exactly what I thought was going to happen” “yes” “and aunt carol agreed to that?” you ask coking your head. “Eh…more like followed a command”. You all stood around Jane’s mini van as all sorts of customizations were made to the machine in order to summon Heimdall. “You sure this gon’ happen?” Jane questions as she makes the final adjustments. “I mean bringing pepper always made tony stop his parties”. You replied to Jane, tony shooting you a glare and an eyeroll. “Where did your clingy guy go? Don’t tell me those giant ice balls ate him” your brother joked chuckling refering to Loki. Those are his ice bros, that’s his actual form. You mumble walking over to Jane leaving Tony agape and dumbfounded. It wasn’t that long until Jane got transported to Asgard and informed Frigga about Thor’s antics. Captain Marvel’s ‘blow’ was saved by Frigga’s warning to her son. It was fun watching Thor run around asking for help to all sorts of creatures, them calling him a party pooper. 
“You did the right thing kid” you heard carol’s voice from behind you, giving her a warm hug. “I’ve missed you! Is space treating you well?” “oh you know…the normal saving galaxy stuff” she answered giving you a wink. “By the way I have someone I’d like to introduce you to” you said to Carol looking right at Jane. You should have known better, that it was actually Sharon who spread those rumors, her convincing you it was jane who did it. “You can have your first alien contact moment with her, the actual first alien…and less crack head” you said looking at an embaressed Thor, holding a very dirty Mjölnir and a disappointed looking Frigga. “Darling?” you heard a too familier voice speak, making you crane your neck up. It was Loki his voice laced with concern made you snicker, your mind wandering to the scene when you scolded him for not helping Thor. “Well hello Prince of Jotunheimen, what great service have I done for you to call me such a nick name?”. “Do I need to remind you?” he asked cheekily, receving an eyeroll from you. 
“it seems we have a bigger problem?”
 “and what might that be” you ask.
“Do you remember us using protection?
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
there are new people at my work and today was my first day working with them and bruh. hadnt yet had a full conversation with this one girl and she's already pushing it. the issue is (and this hasnt happened in a while, but it used to a lot) that people see me being goofy and silly and they assume im an idiot who will let others walk over them. hmmm. i tease and joke around with my coworkers, but im never mean and i had to work up to a lot of that sort of interaction OBVIOUSLY, but this girl just sees this and fucking jumps levels i guess. i was offhandedly explaining what i was doing (cleaning the laundry room) and she interupts "wHO-" and i stop bc ? and she looks me in the eye and is like "-cares?" and just starts cackling asdfsafdadsg xD laughing bc mf what the fuCK?? gorl you don't know me like that, we literally havent even spoken for over a minute before?? god it was so weird and rude. and she had other weird shit like that throughout the day. and btw i was explaining what i was doing bc she cant work the phones yet and my other coworker was getting sick so i was going to have to babysit essentially, and before i did, we had agreed i was going to go finish the laundry room and i didnt want her to think i was just randomly ignoring the task on hand -_-
but other than her general obnoxiousness she also has that casual gen z homophobia teehee. i asked about what her degree was (bc she had said she just graduated) and she wanted me to guess so i asked for a hint and she did the fucking LIMP WRIST!!!! and i was sorta shocked so i was jsut like "...wat?" and she starts explaining the fucking meme instead of why she did that so i just rolled with it bc i wanted to see where she would go and eventually she's like "it's gay, yk?" and i was like "uhhuuuuhhhh sooooo your major is.... gender studies?" bc i really didnt want to do this shit and i was like um maybe bc she's doing that thing were people pretend the heterosexism men and women face is the same and there are a lot bi and lesbian women who go into gender studies but this asshole goes "no theater arts"
bruh. bruuuuuhhhh. she just went for that shit. so casually. you could tell she was completely confident and didnt think there was anything wrong with what she was saying. so i was like "so what would of happened if you had done the wrist thing and i automatically guessed theater arts? can you imagine how weird that would be?" bc im trying to be like 'do you see how fucked up that is?' in a not serious way bc im just trying to fucking mop bruh, and she's like "ahaha yeah i guess you'd get in trouble for it, but im allowed to say it!" and that threw me for a loop brother bc i dont think she was saying "bc you are obviously straight and i am not" i think she just meant "because i took part in The Theater obv i can make homophobic jokes aimed towards the theater guys teehee" insane insane insane. i dislike her immensely ugh
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
jaded | choi yeonjun
requested by anon <3
pairing: friend! yeonjun x gn! friend! reader
word count: 913
genre/warnings: angst/fluff , light swearing
summary: in which yeonjun confesses his feelings for you, but you dont believe in love
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𖤐 ྀ
“hey do you wanna go get food tonight?” you heard yeonjun say through your phone speaker
“sure, what time?”
“is 6 okay?”
“yup i’ll be ready, can you pick me up?”
“of course, love”
“yeonjun please dont call me that”
“oh.. um okay sorry”
you hung up the phone and sat on your bed. ‘love’. why would he say that to you?
why does he keep saying these kinds of things to you? you liked yeonjun, you really did. the two of you had been friends for almost 2 years and yet, a single word was tripping you up again.
shaking your head, you assume you made it all up and began getting ready. about 20 minutes later, you finished and laid on your bed, waiting for yeonjun to call you.
soon enough your phone buzzed as your screen lit up to your friend’s name. you pick up and begin gathering your things
“im on my way down!”
“alright see you”
you thought you heard disappointment in his voice, but once again, you chose to believe that you had made it all up in your head.
the second you settled yourself into yeonjun’s car, the air felt tense. it felt like he had something on the tip of his tongue, but he couldnt bring himself to say it.
not being able to handle it anymore, you speak up. “yeonjun is something wrong?”
as if he had been waiting for you to ask, he immediately responds with, “no. why..”
“there’s definitely something up, what is it??” you say looking at him
he scoffed and turning his head to look at you for a second. “are you serious y/n? havent i made it obvious enough?”
confused, you reply “what? what have you made obvious??”
“oh my god, y/n, i like you. a lot. i constantly flirt with you because i like you. i give you flirty pet names because i like you. i do so many things because i fucking like you. and yet you choose to ignore it. if you dont like me back, just tell me. i wont be butthurt about it, all i want if for you to talk to me about it.” he sighed before quietly adding “do you like me back?”
you did. you really liked yeonjun and you always have but the idea of love scared you so much that you pushed your feelings down. you had pushed them down so low that the thought of it sounded like a joke to you. love was a joke to you now.
taking a second to collect your thoughts, you turn to yeonjun and look him in the eyes. “no. i dont like anyone and i never will. i dont believe in love, yeonjun. it doesnt exist to me.”
yeonjun knew you too well to believe a single word you had just said to him. he pulled the car into a parking lot, smiling as he took your hand in his and replied “y/n stop lying to yourself. i know damn well that you believe in love. i also know you want it and i want to give it to you”
“you dont understand, yeonjun, ive watched my friends get their hearts broken and i dont want to go through that” you say staring at your shoes
carefully lifting your head up, yeonjun looked you in the eyes. “i wont break your heart, y/n, i promise. i would never, ever do that to you. i care about you too much to even think about doing that”
“you’re saying that now, but you never know, you could end up hurting me later.”
“do you really believe i would hurt you?” he said sadly
“well .. no? yes? maybe? i dont know yeonjun”
“y/n, give me a chance, give US a chance! if you dont want to be with me after some time i’ll be okay with it. it’s all up to you.” he pleads
should you do it? should you give into him and try being in love with someone? would he really hurt you? your thoughts were going crazy, but in the end you made a decision.
“okay.. ill give it a chance”
“really???” yeonjun said shocked. “you must really like me then😩” he said teasing you
“i could change my mind right now since you did say it was ‘all up to me’”
“YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF CHOI” you say giggling
there was a small pause before yeonjun spoke up again, “so .... are we like together or ....” he says awkwardly
“why are you so awkward lol,, yes we are. why else would i give you an emotional speech? and stop being a loser smh”
“you said like six words, y/n?? also, you’re the lo$er here🙄”
“me ????? i still have the upperhand in this relationship right now, remember that”
“oh yeah how could i forget ! ” he said rolling his eyes “well since you have the upperhand, you can pay for the food today, right?”
“of course, yeonjun!! how about instead of sushi we have some ice cream! specifically some mcdonalds soft serve!!” you say smiling extra wide
the two of you continued to bicker on the way to the mcdonalds, (in which you bought ice cream, but yeonjun still ended up buying sushi afterwards) but you were glad you decided to be with yeonjun. he made you happy and you were okay with that.
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@overthemoonbae , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @igsana , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @igyus
—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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mojwisungie · 4 years
hc | boyfriend ♡
req (from: anon) ➥ : read the mark-jaemin boyfriend, and then then renjun-jisung boyfriend headcanons,,, can you do one for the remaining members? thank you~~
☄︎ with: lee jeno, lee donghyuck, zhong chenle ☄︎ lou.note: this has been in my wips for so long im sorry anonie but here i am to give it you guys as an offering for my birthday (its tomorrow on the 26th but anyway) hehe hope you all enjoy <3
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ੈ⋆ mark & jaemin ver. | renjun & jisung ver.
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the observing, supportive boyfriend
jeno doesnt pay much attention to things that arent important
but YOU are important
you mean so much to him, and thats still an understatement
he often thinks that by paying attention to you and everything you do
he'll know you in a way no one else does
at this point, he knows everything about you
your favorite sweater (which he owns), favorite color, favorite artists, favorite songs, etc.
jeno actually knows your order by heart even if it varies in different restaurants
his mantra is actually happy y/n = happy jeno ^_^
thats also the reason why fights dont usually happen
he knows when its too much for you and so he will do what he thinks is best for the situation
anyways: dates with jeno are either doing physical activities or plain cuddling on the couch
it would mostly be him who initiates dates like hiking, biking, etc.
but, he would also always check with you if youre okay with it or if you want to rest 
one time you asked him for a day in those sport grounds ?? like those places that has random games like wall-climbing, archery, and trampolines
oh this boy has the biggest smile on his face asking you, “hold on love, are you serious ( ◕▿◕ ) ?”
during hectic weeks, he’s definitely up for movie marathons
if he still has some energy, he will make a blanket fort for the both of you
also jeno lee is a cuddle bug (you cannot change my mind, this case is closed)
and so he’ll use these lazy dates to indulge in hugging you for as long as he can 
on the supportive note, he always reassures you with the kindest words
AND hes the type of guy who will ask you if you need comfort or solutions when you rant to him T﹏T
and that is actually proof that he is the best support system
he'd be your hype man when you need a push
thinking of auditioning for a club? go ahead, he'll teach you what he knows
want to try a new hobby and start journaling? he'll help you find cute stickers (and he'll buy them too)
he will always help in whatever way he can, and he will constantly assure you that he’s there for you as you have been for him
he is reserved, quiet, and keep things on the down low, yet with you, he’s entirely different
jeno loves you just as you love him, and he’ll do everything to prove it to the world- you.
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the enthusiastic, soft boyfriend
he is!! literally!! the sun!!
he often calls you often in the morning to wake you up, greeting you with the loveliest voice saying, “good morning darling, how was your sleep?” SADKJASD
if he’s free, he’ll actually drop by yours to bring breakfast and eat with you
and if ever you still live with your family, you bet that once you slip into the kitchen he’s chatting up with your parents like he’s their son
actually... he technically is
he loves going out with you and your family as much as he loves going out with his
hyuck is very family-oriented, you really dont have to plead to him if you want him to come to a gathering
as long as you say yes to him inviting you to their family activities too 😌
he once asked you to go with him to this intimate family dinner his relatives organized
and you ask him, “are you sure im allowed to go? the invitation in the email complete says Lee Family and clearly.. im not-”
this man didnt even let you finish and says, “BUT YOU WILL BE!! SOON!! I WILL MARRY YOU!! baby come on just please come with me!!!”
he means it though
you dont know it, but the thought of spending the rest of his life with you often comes into his mind
and so dates with him can be both ends of the spectrum
you guys could go for fancy restaurants, amusement parks, and even late night computer games (if you dont play, he’ll teach you dont worry <3)
but there are also domestic dates such as grocery shopping, helping each other babysit nephews/nieces, and the such
its obvious to every one that haechan is so soft for you
and he doesnt care what other people say
one time, mark heard him talk to you in the cutest, softest voice and laughed... and regretted it bc haechan turned to him in the most serious face and the deepest tone saying, “and so?” 
as much as possible, he wants you to feel loved bc thats what you make him feel
despite this, arguments are still there, but it doesnt go on for long
fights dont escalate as you both work together against the problem
so at the end of the day, no feelings are hurt or turned a blind eye to
disagreements are often rooted from the nature of work though, thats why every time things arent so fine, he’ll do his best to fix it
because he treasures his time with you and the love you both invest in
he didnt value time that much before, bc he’s so used to putting up with whatever that comes his way
but when you came into his life, he realized it is indeed precious
haechan spends every second loving you beyond infinity
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the parental, sincere, affectionate boyfriend
you’ve seen him rant, right?
he’ll do that often, but only when its about you not getting what you need
others may not see it, but he’s really concerned when its about you so he’ll do anything to make sure youre well taken care of
if you havent eaten yet bc youre too busy going over your notes for your exams, he’ll buy you your favorite food and feed it to you
all the while talking about how you shouldnt put aside eating bc its important to eat meals at the right time
this guy solves old math problems when he has time to spare, so he’ll be okay with you coming to for help whenever you struggle with your lessons
as cliché as it may be, he will also get you the stuff you need- whether it may be for school or for your personal shenanigans 
you complained about your laptop once, saying it keeps on lagging
he deadass goes, “do you wanna go and buy a new one now?” 💀
he just wants you to do well in the stuff you do, okay ??
chenle is blunt about pretty much everything in your relationship too
he tells you all the stuff he knows he should tell you
including embarrassing moments of his members
the dreamies cant joke around with you too much,, bc they know you know everything (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
but jokes aside, sometimes his honesty can be cause of some arguments
bc he gets too straight-forward at times and ends up unintentionally hurting you :((
and when you explain why it made you feel that way, he’s lost bc he thinks he was just saying the truth
but as time passes, he will learn how to be upfront with you without having to sadden you
please be patient with him as he is with you 👉🏼👈🏼
anyhow, dates with him would always be one for the books
if you ever think that he probably doesnt remember the dates you wanna go on to, youre wrong
bc its all listed in his mind and he’s determined to tick every single one from the list
when he’s busy or away on tour, facetimes would be a regular thing
he’s prepared with the timezones and he will remind you to sleep when you should, no buts y/n
if you tell him you cant just drift off, he’ll always offer to sing you to sleep
and when you do, he’ll take lots of pictures to treasure the little moments he has with you
some people tell him he looks too deeply in love
but he doesnt really see anything wrong with it because it was with you
chenle completely knows that he loves you so much, and he’s willing to love you until forever
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yongtxt · 5 years
hundred [johnny]
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word count: 4.5k words
characters: boxer!johnny x doctor!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: blood/wound/stitches mentions, johnny hates hospitals but he likes the pretty doctor, [im not a doctor nor a boxer pls dont say that i have info wrong because I Know]
author’s note: i know this isnt long to some of u but to me it is and i havent written this much for so long im so proud of myself for finishing this:( it isnt that good but this is the first long fic ive written in a while and shhsdjk also i needed to get this out of my system ive thought about this au since that jcc came out where johnny and hyuck was doing muay thai plssss (i couldnt find a better gif tho) ok this is getting too long / feedback is appreciated tysm
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Johnny Suh hated hospitals with a burning passion.
It wasn't from a past trauma nor was he afraid of it, it wasn't that serious. He wasn't exactly sure what the cause of it really was. If he had to make a guess, it was probably from the accumulation of the little things, the insignificant factors people would usually dismiss but bothered him enough that it contributed to the big hatred he built for hospitals.
Maybe it was the distinct smell of hospitals, it reeked of death and old people. Maybe it was the atmosphere of the fluorescent-lit hallways, always gloomy and heavy. Maybe it was also the fact that the fees were so expensive and yet the food they provide tasted horrible, even the coffee was a hit or miss. The only upside he could think of was people get better in hospitals, but even that wasn't assured.
Despite how much Johnny despised hospitals, he always finds himself coming back. If he wanted to get better, he had no choice but to go. He would endure the gruesome process over and over again whether it be to treat his wounds or to stitch his cuts.
With his jaw littered with small bruises and his lips busted at the corner, he sat impatiently on the hospital bed as he waited for his doctor. He was fiddling with his fingers, knuckles bruised the same way his face was. He looked beaten up, he always did.
The clothes he wore contradicted the state he was in, they were fresh and laid back. He looked like a college student from the way he dressed. A delinquent more like, if one considered his cuts and bruises. Before heading to the hospital, he always makes it a point to shower and make himself appear presentable to the public. Although no one really bothers to take notice of his effort, only him.
The sliding door opened and Johnny's attention shot up from his phone, his gaze meeting with yours. Your head popped in, peaking through the small crack you made. Your eyes lit up in recognition as it always did whenever you see him.
"Youngho-ssi?" You spoke almost as if it was a question, voice barely above a whisper to make sure you were in the correct room, about to tend the correct patient.
Johnny didn't understand why you always did that, call out his name as if this was the first time you were seeing him. At that point, you've been already acquainted with him enough due to his numerous trips to the hospital. Either way, he nods every time.
You gave him a small smile, widening the door enough so you could enter. You wore a white lab coat, a name tag pinned to your chest and a stethoscope hung around your neck. You were small, although anyone compared to him was bound to be comparatively smaller – that wasn't the point, you looked young and that never fails to astound him every time you go through the door.
You had a clipboard in your hands, scanning through what he assumed to be his condition that a nurse had written earlier after a quick checkup and disinfection of his open wound. Your lips were formed on a tight line, eyebrows furrowed. He continued to stare at you with such amusement.
"You don't have to answer my question, Youngho-ssi, but why are you always here?" You finally broke the silence, startling him in the slightest. You never bothered to ask before, always just offering smiles and small talks while you did your work; maybe his sudden regularity of coming to the hospital recently made your curiosity peaked.
He couldn't blame you. Anybody would be curious why a 24-year-old man keeps coming back to the hospital with no clear explanation.
He cleared his suddenly dry throat, he never liked saying his job. He said, "I box for a living."
"Ah, that makes sense!" Your eyes visibly glimmered, absentmindedly jotting down notes on his medical records. "My coworkers and I thought you were in a gang or something."
"I don't think I would be allowed to be here if I was." He chuckled, making you giggle as well.
"Seo Youngho, 24, minor lip laceration in need of immediate suture." You read of his data from the clipboard, almost comically. It was medical terms he was unfortunately already too familiar with, to him, it basically meant that he had a busted lip that needs to be sewed shut.
"You can just call me Johnny. Youngho sounds too formal to me." He said nonchalantly. You nodded your head to his simple request; it probably was best if you got to know him better since he frequented the hospital so much.
"Alright, Johnny. We'll start the process now, okay?"
With keen eyes, he watched you slip on a pair of surgical gloves. You grabbed a tissue from the metal tray that sat beside him and began folding it into squares. He felt his heartbeat quicken, he hated getting stitches or any form of medical treatments for that matter, but as morbid as it was, he thought of it as punishment for his recklessness in the ring.
"Isn't boxing just, I don't know, senseless violence?" You asked, tone dripping with pure innocence and unadulterated interest as you gently dabbed away the remaining dried blood the nurse failed to clean earlier.
"It's a sport, it's how I bring money to the table." He pursed his lips, ignoring the twinge of pain that surged through his nerves. He visibly relaxed when you placed a hand onto his shoulder to reassure him.
Ever since the first time you got assigned to him, the first thing he took note of was the softness of your hands. You handled him as if he was fragile glass, despite how he easily towered over you. He felt pathetic as a 24-year-old but your gentle touches would greatly help put him at ease.
"I guess. I didn't mean to be rude." You were hesitant, Johnny could tell but he was glad you didn't push on any further. He couldn't handle explaining his occupation when you were about to pierce his skin. "Okay, Johnny, now that your lip is clean and the anesthesia had seeped in, we'll start. I think you know how it goes by now."
"Make it quick, please." He nodded, squinting his eyes shut at the mere contact of a surgical pen grazing over his gaped lips. You were relieved that his cut wasn't too big, you couldn't stomach the idea of putting him in too much pain for longer.
As you picked up the tweezers and string of nylon, you couldn't help but laugh at the six-foot boxer in front of you who was clearly petrified of getting stitches, "This will be done as soon as you know it. You won't really feel it because of the anesthesia, remember? Now count to a hundred backward for me."
Once the numb feeling of nylon dragged through his lips, he swore he saw white spots flicker in his vision. His eyes immediately watered and he tried his best not to squirm under your hold, beginning to count to a hundred backward like you had instructed him to. You admitted it to him the first time you stitched him that it was a trick that you learned from your pediatrician friend. Despite it being for children, it helped to get him distracted while you focused on your job.
Minutes felt like hours, Johnny had been fighting the urge to punch something, anything, to release tension and nerves. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he took a peak and tried to take his attention away from what was currently happening on his lip. His gaze landed on your pretty eyes, how it was narrowed in focus and how your lashes perfectly framed it.
This wasn't the first time he'd observe you up close, there had been many occasions in the past that you had been too close for comfort in order to tend his wounds. It had been too many that it was almost as if he was close to memorizing your features. You were not only beautiful but you were also a smart and capable doctor.
Eventually, you finished and started to rub ointment on his sore lip — the finishing line.
"Try not to eat anything spicy or hard. You know the drill." You grinned at his suddenly pale features, ripping off your gloves as his eyes adjusted to the bright lights of the room. "You're good to go. Be careful next time."
He let out a shaky breath, clearly still winded up from the procedure, "I'll try. Thanks again, doc."
The punching bag felt great against Johnny's fists. There wasn't a feeling in the world that could compare to the impact of leather slamming against his skin. He could last hours mindlessly pummeling the bag if his stamina just allowed him to.
Hyunsik, Johnny's manager and personal trainer, drew away from the punching bag he held in between his arms. He let out a breath and held out a hand to motion that Johnny has done enough.
Johnny was hurting, Hyunsik could see that much. The bandages he had wrapped for the boxer's fingers were turning into a shade of red that they were all too familiar with.
Hyunsik clicked his tongue, "You should've used your gloves."
"How can I grow stronger if I keep relying on them?" Johnny rolled his eyes. His muscles needed a boost and this seemed to be the only logical way to strengthen them — a little blood never hurt anybody.
"Someday you're gonna fracture your hand and you'll be forced out of the ring. Remember that." Hyunsik huffed, his voice stern. "Take them off, I'll clean the blood off."
Johnny reluctantly did as told, unfurling the bandages wrapped around his fingers. The pain was excruciating when the fabric grazed along his tender skin, he winced at the unsightly view of his reopened wounds.
Hyunsik led him back outside of the ring to the benches where the first aid kit was. He made the boxer sit down so he could start cleaning off his wounds. It looked horrific, more so than it usually did and he had no choice but to break the news to Johnny.
"It looks really bad. You need to go get that checked in the hospital and have it sewed back." Hyunsik said, taking a wet towel and carefully dabbing it across Johnny's bloodied knuckles.
He didn't want to go to the hospital. Going to the hospital to have his wounds treated meant that Johnny would be medically required to take days off work to let his hand heal. Johnny frowned, "Don't you have an ointment or something that could help? I can't afford to lose a day of practice."
"Don't you think I know that?" Hyunsik rolled his eyes. "As your manager, I want you to be in top shape for your match next week, even if it means sacrificing a day or two for you to heal."
Johnny could only nod. He sat through Hyunsik's lecture on the changes he should make to his dietary plan and the exercises he should do during his temporary break. It infuriated him that he couldn't do anything about it but nod along.
The incoming match that was set next week would make or break his career as an underground boxer. He didn't have the option of missing it because of some measly reopened wounds. If he had to rest to get better, he had no choice but to suck it up. This was his fault anyway for pushing himself too much.
Johnny showered in the locker rooms and changed into nicer clothes that didn't reek of blood and sweat. His hands were stinging but he shook it off.
He ignored the concerned looks other boxers were giving him and begrudgingly made his way to the hospital to get himself checked in. You wouldn't be happy to see him all bloodied again, he thought.
Much to Johnny's surprise, it wasn't you who was assigned to him. It was a much older doctor with graying hair and a nose stuck too far up in the air. She was rude and condescending, her lack of politeness to her patients was quite appalling. If Johnny wasn't in such a bad mood, he might've complained already.
God, this day couldn't get any worse.
With a meek voice, Johnny asked where you were and at the mention of your name, his doctor gave him a narrowed look. She sneered, "She's handling much more important cases. Does she know you?"
"I think so." Johnny gulped, unsure of the answer himself.
The doctor's grip was tight and she was hasty. It was as if she was trying to speed through the process to just get it over with. Johnny wanted to cry because he was starting to get traumatized by this doctor's procedure, he didn't want to hate the hospital more than he already did.
He internally screamed for your name as he watched the doctor pull on the gloves. The sliding door harshly whipped open and there you were in all your glory, like an angel sent from above to save him from the devil incarnate who was about to pierce his skin.
You were panting and the sheen on your forehead made it obvious that you ran your way to his room. Johnny's heart leaped with glee.
"Unnie, I'll handle him." You said, unable to catch your breath as you made your way inside. "I think the ER needs you more than me."
The doctor seemed hesitant at first but you tried to convince her otherwise. She eventually agreed and left you with Johnny who had a cheesy smile on his face the entire time since you've arrived.
"So Johnny, what happened this time?" You asked, picking up the clipboard that sat next to him on the bed.
"I overdid the punching during training and it reopened some old wounds on my knuckles. It hurts like a bitch."
You pulled a face, "That's a bit intense."
He chuckled, "It's normal."
"Can I please see it?" You opened your palm so he could place his hand on yours. You observed his cuts and the scabs that were beginning to form around it, it was too deep to let it heal on its own so you made the verdict that he needed to get it sewed back together ⁠— as unfortunate as it was since he was a boxer and he needed his hands to box.
You tugged on a new pair of gloves and began the painful procedure, Johnny started counting down even without you instructing him to. You quickly got to work and stitched back his wounds with your lip in between your teeth
Johnny felt squeamish, he could never get used to the feeling of stitches. His eyes were glued shut and he mumbled numbers like it was mantra.
Once you were done, you smiled fondly at your work. You managed to get by with fewer stitches and you felt pride swell up in your chest. Johnny noticed and, as lightheaded as he was, couldn't help but smile as well.
"You're pretty good."
"At stitching?"
Johnny nodded with his cheeks flushed, he made a mental reminder to smack himself in the head later for such a crude comment. You probably thought he was an idiot now.
"I sure hope so." You chuckled, making him blush even deeper if that was even possible. "It's part of my job."
Johnny shook his head in embarrassment, his dark hair bouncing from how vigorously he did it. He mumbled, "That sounded really lame and not smooth, I'm sorry. Please forget I opened my mouth."
You could only chuckle as you apply the ointment around his knuckles. He wanted the ground to open up and just swallow him whole.
"Please let this heal completely, Johnny. Don't apply any strain on your injuries for a couple of days and refrain yourself from carrying anything heavy so that the stitches won't rip." You said, carefully placing down his hand back on his knee. You were gentle as ever, Johnny swooned. "Absolutely no punching for a while."
"I have an important match at the end of next week. Is there any way to speed up the healing process?" Johnny asked, his eyes were almost pleading at you and you blinked at him in surprise.
"Apart from what I just said, there's really nothing else you could do." You pursed your lips, watching his expression visibly deflate. "If you want to have even a sliver of a chance at winning your match, I suggest you do as I say. Your stitches won't take too long to heal, I promise."
If Hyunsik was there with him, he would've probably already scolded him but the point would be the same. He had always prioritized Johnny's health above winning.
"Okay, doc. I'll do my best." Johnny said, defeated.
"You know, I always see the aftermath of your matches and your training. I want to see you in the ring next time when you're not bloody and beaten up yet." You smiled at him and you swore that all the color that was previously drained from Johnny's face came rushing back. "If it's okay."
"Are you serious?" Johnny asked, almost dumbfounded. Did the pretty doctor he'd been crushing on for months really just asked if she could watch his match?
You nodded with the same hue of red now tainting your cheeks.
"O-Of course! It's on Saturday next week! Please come and cheer me on!" Like a little kid, he excitedly rambled on about the details about the upcoming match and you nodded with the same enthusiast as you wrapped bandages around his hands.
You weren't from his world so everything he said sounded foreign to you. The terms he said, the infamy of his opponents, the prominence of it all — you were eager to learn it if it meant seeing him this happy.
You've always known that he hated hospitals. It was clear from the way he acted during your first meeting. He was stiff and tense, the body language he exuded just screamed that he wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there. As he visited the hospital more and more, you noticed the hatred never faltered. He only became better at hiding it from you.
To see him so relaxed and carefree within the four walls he hated with all his being, it was a breath of fresh air and the feeling you had in your chest grew stronger.
"You're good to go. I promise to see you in your match." You were jotting some last-minute details on the clipboard and you missed the way Johnny kept grinning like an idiot. "As much as I love seeing you here, I hate that you keep getting yourself injured. Keep out of trouble for me, Johnny."
You left the room without letting Johnny say another word.
Fuck, Johnny realized he hadn't asked for your number.
Johnny's match started in ten minutes. His heart was pounding in his ears, he almost couldn't hear what Hyunsik was shouting to him.
The underground stadium was filled to the brim with people, he felt more nervous than he did during his first boxing match. A lot was at stake for this win, he needed the belt. He was desperate for it.
"Johnny, are you listening to me?" Hyunsik raised his voice, aggressively slapping Johnny's cheeks together in his hands so he could focus on him. The boxer's mind was fleeting and it was his job to pull him back to reality now.
He hadn't seen you since last week and as much as he wanted to go back to the hospital to see you, he refused to badly hurt himself in the days that led up to the match. Johnny scanned the crowd for your face but he couldn't see it. You weren't there.
At the lack of your turnout, he failed to mask his disappointment. Hyunsik let out an aggravated groan and pulled the boxer on his feet to berate him further.
"Johnny, please for the love of all things holy, look me in the eye."
"I'm sorry. I'm okay now. I'm listening."
"Good because your match is starting soon and I need you to win this. All your hardships and sacrifices boils down to this match, you hear me?" Hyunsik bellowed, trying his best to keep his voice louder than the cries and chants of the audience. "Show them what Johnny Suh is capable of!"
Johnny nodded fervently, forcing himself into a state of serenity of peacefulness. He let out heavy breaths to even out his breathing as his team surrounded him, prepping him for what was about to come.
Hyunsik raised his hand at Johnny. He had five minutes left until his match started and he wasn't calming down.
"Can I please have some water?" Johnny asked and his medic stumbled on his feet to fetch him a bottle from the nearby cooler. He couldn't help but let out a shaky chuckle, his team seemed tenser than he was.
He downed the bottle as soon as it reached his hand. His hand was shaky. Goddammit, why was he so nervous?
At the corner of his eye, he saw Hyunsik making his way over to the barricade that separated his corner to the rest of the stadium. He arched his neck in a way that would let him take a peek what was so important that Hyunsik had to leave his side when the match was starting in a few minutes.
It seemed like Hyunsik was trying to stop a girl who was forcing her way in through the barricade. His stomach lurched at the sight of her familiar face.
As if he was acting purely on instinct, Johnny shot up from his seat and ran towards you. Hyunsik held up his arm to stop him from going any closer to you. You could've been a deranged fan, for all Hyunsik knows.
"I know her."
Hyunsik was startled at his response and started to profusely apologize to you. You looked nothing but smug and Johnny let out a breathy laugh that helped unravel the knots in his stomach. The boxer quietly motioned for him to take his leave and Hyunsik hesitantly did as told only after tapping his wrist as a sign that time was ticking.
You bowed at him apologetically, "I'm so sorry I'm late! There was this damn patient-"
"It's okay. You're here now." He cut you off, a cheesy smile on his face. You easily reciprocated it back.
"I just came down here to wish you good luck." You said with the usual confidence in your tone gone and now replaced with a sudden timidness and bashfulness. "Not like you need it or anything."
"Where are you sitting?" Johnny asked, noticing that you were struggling to keep your attention on his eyes. He peered down and realized that he didn't have a shirt on, he chuckled.
You pointed near the walls of the stadium and he strained his vision to see so far away. He pursed his lips and let out a noise of discontent. You said that it was the only seats available because you were so late.
"Why don't you sit here with them? They wouldn't mind." Johnny said, jutting his thumb over to his team who was furtively watching his interaction.
"Oh no, it's okay."
"I insist. I want you to see me win up close."
You blushed a deep shade of scarlet and Johnny grinned at his successful attempt at a flirt. Was it even a flirt or was it an ego stroke? Either way, it didn't matter because you were smiling at him. You were easing his nerves and you didn't even know.
"I got out of my shift early so I wouldn't be in the hospital later to stitch you up." You teased, softly prodding his shoulder blade.
Johnny playfully puffed out his chest, "I don't plan on getting too injured today, I wanna look cool in front of you."
"Whatever you say, Johnny."
"But I'm nervous. I'm actually really nervous today." Johnny mumbled as if he didn't want anyone else in on your conversation, gone all traces of his cockiness as his heart thudded erratically against his chest when he heard Hyunsik's call of the last minute until he has to go inside the ring.
You gingerly reached for his taped hands and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Just count back from a hundred like I always tell you to. You'll do fine."
"Wait for me after the match, okay?" And so you did.
Counting down the numbers, Johnny clambered inside the ring and the bell rang to signal the start of the match. Being in the medical field meant that you were against all forms of violence so you couldn't really watch the entirety of the match without feeling sick to your stomach. Johnny didn't care, he was just happy that you kept your promise and was cheering him on.
It was hectic and everything was happening all at once. It was loud and everybody was screaming. This wasn't your world, it was Johnny's and your heart fluttered at the thought that he was willing to let you in it.
Eventually, the match ended in Johnny's favor and the next thing you knew, you were being hoisted up in the air. You had the biggest smile on your face, similar to Johnny's who now had a shiny belt slung over his shoulder. All his hard work and all his trips to the hospital paid off.
"Congrats on your win!" You exclaimed, placing your palms on his chest to steady yourself.
"I wanted you to see me get the belt." He admittedly sheepishly, reaching out to hold your wrists in his bruised hands.
"Aren't you hurt in any way? We can drop by the hospital if you want." You asked, checking to see if he had any major injuries but true to his word, Johnny was inflicted little to no injuries during the match, exclude the few bruises on his jaw and a busted lip
"Actually, I'd rather we get some coffee instead." Johnny said, the small smile on his lips making you chuckle.
"I'm sorry, I don't date my patients." You smirked at Johnny's crestfallen expression, softly shoving his side to make it known that you were only joking.
Johnny pulled a face, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding once he realized your joke. He played along, "I think you can make me an exception, I don't usually invite people to my matches."
"So this is about getting even, huh?" You were teasing him and now your faces were merely inches apart but before Johnny could even think of leaning in, you spun around and grabbed his hand once more. "C'mon then, my treat!"
Johnny let out a laugh. A boxer and a doctor, who would've thought?
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Only One God For Me
(Part 2 of Love Never Wins)
SUMMARY: After blowing up at him afyer weeks of hiding out you challenge Loki to hand to hand. Blowing up might have been the best thing, it could help you let off that frustration you had built up.
Characters: Nat, Clint, Thor, Loki, avengers on the side line.
(Loki x you, clint x you, Thor x you, Nat x you)
ANNOUNCEMENT: I didnt know how much part 1 was going to be but I am forever greatful in this amazing community! Thank you guys SO much! Check out my other stuff too if you like this. As always reblog, ask, comment, and like! After I finish up here I'll be back to writing for Fire and Ice. Thank you again so SO much for everything! 💚💚💚
Loki Master List
You and Nat were standing at one end of the training area as Loki walked in. You glanced up from Nat wrapping your hands and noticed he was wearing his normal traing gear. Plain leather black pants with a dark green Henley, his hands already wrapped.
"Focus, your getting distracted." She said yanking on one of the straps.
"Ow. I cant help it Nat, we went from cant keep our hands away from each other to literally fist fighting each other. Ya know this is normally frowned upon is normal society." You streched your fingers out and balled them back up streching out the gloves a little.
"Hunny, even in a perfect world were anything but normal. I mean for god sakes your fighting a literal god. You remember what I taught you. Right?" She asked looking almost terrified for me.
"Yes mother, I havent forgotten. This is gonna be a piece of cake." Inside you were freaking out. You normally was in a very high spot with your bow or normally trying to break into the computers. You wasnt normally in hand to hand combat, but you were smarter than to think you would never need it.
You turned shaking you head and putting the mouth piece in your mouth. Hitting you fist together jumping back and forth getting ready. Loki just stood there smirking. You was gonna smack that smirk off his face.
"Hey sis, Im not saying you cant beat him just be careful. He throws a nasty left hook." Clint said munching on some chips."Thanks, Hawk. Mind explaining why the rest of the team is here?" You mumbled around the mouth piece.
"Thor, definitely Thor." He said walking back to the small group that gathered.
"Sweetheart. Are we gonna fight or are you just gonna stand there chit chatting?" He called across the mat.
"I'm coming." You walked across the mat to the center. Someone hit a bell signaling for the fight to start and he jumped toward you. You dodged his first attemped and circled him slowly. You could read his every move, read where he was going next.
You took a defence stance that Nat had taught you from your training before he lunged again. This time you managed to upper cut him in the side knocking some of the wind from him.
"Oh you little minx. I figured I would take it easy on you but we can play your way also." This time he took a step back centering himself. Looking up you noticed he had a dangerous look in his eye.
"I didnt invite you here to take it easy on me, I invited you because you dont take anything serious. Because if someone like me can beat you in hand to hand then anyone can." You stepped closer to him gauging what move you was going to make next.
He dropped down to the mat attempting to sweep your legs out from under you, he missed one but caught the other causing you to fall. He jumped on top of you pinning your hands above your head. "Now this positions brings back memories." He whispered to you causing your face to turn bring red. You brought your leg up able to wrap it around his waist and slammed him back down to the mat gaining some advantage.
"This one also." He smirked. You raised your fist above you aiming for his face. Whem you brought it down he moved his head causing you to miss. It felt like forever that you were both on the mat neither one gaining aginst the other. A busted lip here a bloody nose there. When the bell rang for a break Nat was in your corner with Clint offering you some water and a rag ti wipe the blood off.
"Sis, I'm try in real hard not to grab an arrow and stabe him with it." Clint said from one side. You could see anger in his eyes.
"Hawk, its fine. Given the circumstance its all good. Its just training in a matter of speaking. Anger is mostly wunning but I got this. I was trained by the best. I'm not even tired." You took another drink of water before going back out to the mat.
"This is fun. I have never seen my brother trying harder to win anything in his life." Thor shouted across the room. "Lady y/n is quite good at sparing. We must fight sometime." Thor laughed.
A few more rounds when and you could feel the weight of the afternoon but you wasjt about to simply throw in the towel just yet. You knew you could get the best of him. You had thrown him back on the mat then he took his feet placing them on your chest shoving you off of him. Before you knew it you were surrounded by multipuls of him.
"Loki we agreed no sedair! This is cheating!" You yelled at them.
"God of Mischief and lies sweetheart. Besides we're in weird predicaments all the time. You said so yourself. Tell you what. You find the real me and I'll forfeit." One of the clones said. You stood up in the middle of them all focusing everything you had on concentrating, ignoring Clint yelling in the background and the rest of the group shouting.
You opened your eyes zeroing in on one closest to you and walked up to him.
"Are you sure your right about this decision?" It mocked.
"Yeah. I think I am." You brought the ball of yoyr fist up crashing it into Loki's nose. The rest of the clones disappered as he fell to his knees in front of you. "You are a complete and utter asshole Loki Odinson. I hope that it messes with you for a while that you got beat by a mortal." You started unwrapping your gloves as you walked away.
Over the next few weeks you avoided every living space in the tower that you knew he would be in. It had truly hurt you that he had cheated during the fight. You still couldnt understand how just months before you couldn't keep your hands off of each other now you were both avoiding each other like the plague.
"Miss y/n. Team has a mission. Tony wants everyone in the confrence room dressed and ready in 15 minutes." JARVIS called pausing your movie. With a roll of your eyes you walked to your bedroom to start getting ready. Pulling out your tight skinny jeans a black tank top and your zip up hoodie you French braided your hair and grabbed your bow case before heading down.
The rest of the team was gathered when you walked in and placed your case on the table opening it up to make sure everything was right. Streching out the strings and making sure the sights were spot on aiming them to the other side of the room where Loki stood.
"It would be more effecitve if you had an arrow." Clint whispered next to you.
"Shut up, I'm just making sure everything is right." You put it back down in the case and started going over your arrows.
"You realize we have a place you can put that when your not using it." Tony said walking around you.
"Right up your ass if you suggest that again." You laughed putting everything back up.
"Love the enthusiasm kid." Tony laughed walking to the front of the table.
"Ok Team, going to be a long few days for us. Just got some Intel about a caravan carrying some explosives across the Scandinavian border. Gonna have to divide into teams for this one. Hawk, Nat, Strange, Rodgers, Bruce, and Thor you'll be starting at the meeting point and working your way toward us. The rest is with me." Tony pulled a map up on the big screen showing where you wwre going.
"Oh come on, why cant I be with the A team?" You asked with a groan.
"Sorry kid, gotta divide it up right. One god for each, one Archer. Only fair. And even if you two hate each other you guys work good together." Tony shrugged.
"Yeah sorry kid." Clint laughed.
"Hey I'm a full three minutes older that you. Probably explains why I'm better. Whatever. I'll go pack my stuff." You huffed standing up.
The next two hours seems to drag by, it was freezing here. You was just ready to get this over with so that you could go back home and relax in a nice warm bath, you pulled your jacket tighter aginst you.
"I've told you many times that you should start wearing the uniform that they gave you. You'll freeze to death one day." Loki said taking off his cloak and putting it around your shoulders.
"Thanks, but I'm still pissed at you." You hugged it closer. "I hate the whole uniform thing. To tight to revealing."
Another few minutes pass before Tony gives everyone the heads up that your about to be over the caravan. Figuring you were warm enough you took the cloak off and handed it back to him. "You may still be pissed at me but I do still care very deeply for you y/n. I was an idiot for everything." He took it and wrapped it around his shoulders. When his fingers grazed yours there was a surge that went through you.
"Give me time. You really hurt me, not just by breaking up with me but by lying to me during training. Good luck out there God of Mischief."
"Tony, your gonna have to get lower i cant get a clear shot on the driver!" You yelled over the wind whipping around your face. About that time a diffrent arrow shot through gettkng the driver in the side causing the vehicle to completly stop.
"Gotta be faster than that sis. One for me." Clint laughed over the com.
"You are my least favorite person right now Hawk." You mumbled. Tony brought the Quinn Jet down so your team could spread out.
"That is truly saying something my dear." Lokis smooth voice said in your ear.
"You gave me your cloak to keep me warm. Gave you a fell points." You pulled back again and shot it through the truck behind the first hitting the driver in the head. "Got one, Hawk, your next."
"Can we cut the chatter. Got alot going on in the sky at the moment." Tony said. Youbcould here something firing above you looking up you could see Tony being followed by a jet firing at him. "Need some back up guys. Twins. Anyone."
"Hawk. I need a Boom Boom stick." You met him in the middle of the road.
"I really wish you wouldnt call them that." He said handing you one. You both pulled your bows back and aimed. "Heads or tails?"
"I like the tails." You let go of the sting and watched as the jet exploded.
"I think she can call them whatever she wants as long as she keeps doing a good job keeping bogies off my ass." Tony yelled over the coms.
"I hate this. I cant see shit down here." You yelled over to Clint. "I gotta get higher." You looked around eyeballing the turnes over truck. You threw the bow across your back and started climbing up the truck. Shots rang around you one grazing your side, before it had started it was like it stopped looking behind you you noticed Loki with his daggers in his hands.
"You need to pay more attention y/n." He scolded you.
"Why pay attention when I have someone keeping an eye out for me." You smiled.
"Oh darling Im doing more than just keeping an eye out." After everything that ass had done to you he was flirting FLIRTING with you.
"Y/N! No. More. Gods." Clint yelled. From here you could see everything going on. Nat fighting two men, you took one out easily from your spot. She shot you a thumbs up. Bruce had hulked out throwing things everywhere, multiple times you had to dodge something flying your way. The fight was almost over when you glanced behind you noticing four men backing Loki aginst a turned over car.
His hands were up as if in surrender. "Loki why arent you using your sedair?" You mumbled pulling the bow back.
"Well darling you could say that I am in on of those weird predicaments. I've exahusted alot of my power down here." His back was aginst the truck now.
"Could let him get beat up." Clint pipped in as you shot one of your last arrows though two of the guys standing there. You watched Loki easily take out the other two.
"Told you Hawk, I'm not like that." You smiled walking over to Loki. "Although you could use a little practice in hand to hand, dont you agree?"
"Only if your the one practicing with me he smailed down at you.
"Ugh! Y/n! No mo-" Clint started before you pulled the com from your ear.
"Only one God for me." You leaned up kissing Loki on the cheek.
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You got my name right immediately, well done!! that means we both have unique names? it means patience actually, which I think,,, depending on who you ask might say a lot about me
i cant believe you have that many plants though! is that all in your room? it looks like amazing, like one of those glass houses in botanical gardens. What's the stained glass thing?
as for my council, the loudest rowdiest member is definitely a toss up between luffy and eustase kid, (not sure if you've ever seen one piece but he shouts soooooo much) chifuyu is there to keep the order and protect everyone though. just recently, we had a mini meeting in which we decided something very important, its all very secret :)
what are you reading right now though? i'm reading it ends with us by colleen hoover, i dont usually read romance but I'm feeling sentimental and like I need to have my feelings hurt (is that masochistic? maybe)
i won't lie final destination has always spooked me a bit, it made me so paranoid for a time. especially that scene with the laser eye surgery? yeah thats why i'll always wear glasses. wait....that just gave me a good idea for that fic we talked about like a week ago, the glasses one w rindou. (which i have finished btw)
i do give compliments easily...but not receive them, thats terrifying. you get nervous? stop no that is so cute :((((((((((( ill cry wtf
is this also a good time to mention i havent seen that movie either? yes ik im a failure to british girls, i have serious catching up to do dont i?
Ok so what i got from this is you may or may not be patient. I mean you murdered a lady in tesco for some milk yesterday so maybe not.
Yes they're all in my room, there's a lot! But they're cool I love them all. I actually have two mini stain glass decorations, I got them from a museum I also have a notre dame one hanging by my window.
It's a Halloween guy no one died at least not this time 👀
I have not seen one piece so I'll take your word for it. You guys are having secret meetings now? Is it really a good job to tell someone who yells a lot some secrets?
I am reading the night she died because who doesn't love a good murder/suicide/she might actually still be alive there's no body and i haven't finished yet soooo???
Are you enjoying it ends with us?
Oh yeah final destination actually terrified me as a kid, I watched it way to early and got super paranoid of everything for a while but when I watched it again later I really enjoyed it, one of my favourite series. That along with scream of course. Do you have a favourite series?
WHAT SERIOUSLY? How did you manage to miss them both???? Don't tell the home office or they'll revoke your passport.
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