#i cant think of a popular song that does this off the top of my head right now but you know what i mean?
normalsnails · 3 months
All about hidehisa (backstory and third high rise world plot)
A hugeass post all about her ig - also, most of the things im describing are meant to be slightly exaggerated but real, she is not over the top lol
1. Backstory / Pre-THRW
So, family life.
Her family is the typical family youd expect to raise bullies :
•Inattentive to what their children are doing to others and themselves (heavy implications if this was ever written that hidehisa smokes, and does other things because of the terrible influence from her similar peers, her brother and her parents) <- note : mainly her peers are to blame (school)
•Lack of care for their children (physical and emotional)
•Speaks to their children like pure shit (entirely based off of my past bullies parents lmao, all of them speak to their kids like shit istg)
Obviously, juo (her brother) decided to become “evil”, not necessarily raised into it, but it surely didnt help him that their parents dont care and were in fact as bad as him. (If not worse)
Their parents wanted a girl when their mother was pregnant with Juo, so they decided on Emiri because they “knew” it was going to be a girl. They were pissed when Emiri turned out to be a boy so he was called that anyway. The same happened to Hidehisa, they wanted a boy so they could have two sons so they decided on Hidehisa, but then she was born a girl and they were more pissed. (Weirdass parents 😭 part of me still wants to write them as cool but like, theyre not the best parents clearly)
I originally wanted her to be one of 4 (siblings) but i decided that it should be just her and juo tbh
Obviously, this is just what i think is fitting! If you have any ideas for their home life and family life then feel free to share! This is just my opinion ofc :)
2. School life
Obviously, the basics of her character: gets into fights alot.
Like wayy too much lolol (she literally has to have bandages on her hands 24/7 because theyre so bruised)
This makes her ehh popular-ish because people dont wanna really mess with her and, to highschoolers, fights = peak entertainment. And she provides tons 😭. But also the fact that her brother is probably well known around the area (not in a gang way, i think of juo as more of a solo criminal) and he’s terrifying lmaoo i would not wanna meet him in real life holy shit
Because of this, she does not go to school often (gets suspended and/or kicked out) because unlike her brother (who was stealthy in being a huge piece of shit) she doesn’t hide it (nor is she a bully like he was, as i said in another post, she’s more of a bitch to everyone and anyone) like he did. Mainly because she doesn’t target people and bully them until suicide (no hate to Juo ily king).
i like to compare her pre-THRW character to this song lolol!
THRW plot I dont know what else to say tbh im too tired to think
She kills people in thrw because shes a suzuki why wouldn’t she 😭
She may or may not have gotten the title “seraph” (ironic i know)
Her, myra and Takeshi eventually found out about eachother and went to “war”
Then they became besties idk
I think
Send me an ask if you want any specifics because i cant think rn!!
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berries28 · 2 years
this is gonna get a bit long but its been bothering me a lot so just wanted to put this out there Looking at some of honeyworks’ songs and comparing them to other idol series, sometimes i reeallyyy think Honeyworks is wasting budding singing talents like Shimazaki Nobunaga (AIzou’s VA). He used to be an utaite (japanese cover singer) before becoming a voice actor, and while he wasn’t the best by any means, he’s slowly but surely GETTING there. Listen to PrinceXPrince and Aoi Pierce and you’ll get it. Honeyworks’ songs don’t seem to flatter or show off his talents at ALL. 
And dont get me started on Uchiyama Kouki (Yuujirou VA). He wasn’t a singer at any point before, and you’ll really notice it in some of LIPxLIP’s first songs, but Honeyworks, again, does not show off or flatter his good parts at all.
And what bothers me about it is Honeyworks DOES have good, banger songs that makes the best use of what the VAs are good at. They just seem to fall off in LIPxLIP’s case. You may argue, “But LipXLip is one of Honeyworks’ best selling units/solos/albums, even more than some of their other songs/couples, most of whom are voiced by voice actors who also have a rich history of singing and VA work! Surely they wouldn’t be this popular if they werent as good as them!” And I think it has something to do with the fact that Uchiyama Kouki and Nobunaga Shimazaki arent part of any other virtual singing groups, but they’re both VERY popular VAs with large fanbases who understandably want to hear them sing, especially together, since they have such lack of roles together in any anime. And I think Honeyworks was wasteful with a lot of their VAs as well. Some were done justice with songs that flatter their range and singing skills- Yuji Kaji as Mochita, Kamiya Hiroshi as Yuu, UCHIDA YUUMA AS RIO (seriously brilliant job on FT4 Haniwa, all of them are top tier casting and all their songs let them sing how they sing best).... but then I cant think about the few most unutilized of all, Hanae Natuski as Kotaro and Matsuoka Yoshitsugu as Koudai... both genuinely good singers with a great singing voices (You can go listen to some of their songs, and Hanae Natsuki is also in Enstars and several other idol games) who only have 1-2 songs in haniwa.  
TL DR; Honeyworks cant figure out how to bring out LIPxLIP’s VAs’ best singing voices or what kind of and while Haniwa is the reason I get to hear my favorite VAs sing about love and stuff, I sometimes wish some other composer group/ idol game got hold of these two first
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duck-era-lexi · 1 year
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topster album chart (ranked it by listenablity as an album)
deepdive under cut
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five seconds flat is first, it is my absolute favorite album of all time and i think it is an incredibly coherent album. it encompasses my aesthetic so well and is so soft and beautiful. doomsday, reckless driving, and ceilings are some of my favorites, but there are so many good songs on this.
the next four are just taylor albums, evermore is better than folklore in my opinion. folklore has more coherence yes but evermore has ivy so therefore it is better. i'm glad you understand. red is pop, it is screaming in the car but also sobbing in the car and while i love it dearly my vibe is more chill than that. midnights is iconic and i have a lot of memories with it, as it was my first taylor album. out of all of these i also listen to midnights as an ALBUM the most.
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We start off the next with the other lizzy album because ofc, she's just amazing and she somehow does the same quiet powerful voice over and over again and still keeps her songs from all sounding the same. lizzy's songs make me want to cry but in a good way, in the way that i can actually process my emotions instead of keeping them bottled up inside.
cigarettes after sex is the album on here that i think is best as an album, and i would never really put any of these songs on a playlist. that's because they all sound the same. :D but i find the original cas particularly memorable because of the association i have with my ex best friend, as well as my sleepy times before i even MET her. basically we bonded over this album and it's special to me.
parachutes by coldplay is a very popular, well known album and while i do have emotional attachments to it, i don't as much as the others. this album is pure depression and sadness, while i feel as if most of my other music focuses on processing the sadness and moving forward. regardless, it is high on this list because of how each song is similar but all amazing in their own right.
speak now! i would've put the original speak now on this, but yk, taylor's version. it's only been out for a week so i haven't gotten to bond with it that much but me and the old speak now go wayyyy back. major comfort album, would be above folklore in a perfect would but alas the rerecordings didn't achieve quite the effect i had imagined.. looking at the vault tracks when i say this.
harry's house by harry styles, another very coherent album that is another one of those things that i would not put in my playlist but is amazing on aux. perfect aux album imo
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punisher... emotional trauma... <333
good riddance, great but i dont know what's going on with those vault tracks. songs themselves are great but as an album i don't feel like it's super put together. i am only being negative because with how much hype i have around gracie and this album it really should be in the top section, but i don't think it feels right there.
rep, overplayed but amazing. no emotional connection tho like with speak now and such. obv getaway car but that cant hold the entire album on its back. also note that my friend influenced this
adventure island, gotta give a shoutout to purrple cat and this is the best of their albums
rapunzel i don't really listen to but it fits my vibe and i could hypothetically listen to it.
positions, super coherent album but a bit overplayed. absolute girlboss feelings though, and i think it is the best ariana album (even though everyone thinks dangerous woman is better...)
okay, so i don't really have much to say abt the rest of the albums but they're great!!
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a9saga · 2 years
“fuck you” by cee lo green is a masterpiece. i was 11 when that song came out. i remember the first several times i’d heard it on pop radio i was like, what...??? this song has to be from the 50s or 60s. i was extremely confused to be hearing it on pop top 40 radio. i’d never heard a contemporary song that felt so retro it sounded alien to me, i seriously did not realize it was a new song that came out that year. i couldn’t even think, the first several times i heard it, if it was good or not, because all i heard was its old soul. i eventually did come to hear in it why people were enjoying it, why it was so big on the radio, and i only enjoy the song a lot more as i’ve gotten older. there is one thing i resent about its pop success though, and i don’t blame it on the song as much as the laziness of censorship in its aftermath.
correct me if i’m wrong.... did this song not singlehandedly popularize the words “forget you” in place of “fuck you”? “forget that” instead of “fuck that”? because we’ve heard it a good amount of times in the years since. replacing “fuck” with “forget” in that song made enough sense, the sentiment was ultimately shared with the original, even if inherently more understated by it. “screw you” would sound off, "flip you” would obviously be a little silly. and it’s the very title of the song. it’s a great title for the song, but if it was gonna be played on the radio, which we wanted it to, it needs a title. straight up bleeping or silencing it isn’t gonna work if you’re supposed to recognize and call it by the very title.
and i wanna restate, i honestly love the use of cursing in the chorus. it’s fantastic for the song in a way that’s even funny. it wears influences on its sleeve of artists who would’ve never been able to title a song “fuck you” in their time. the song is soulful, lively, gorgeous, as were many songs about heartbreak back in the day, but it’s so ironic for it to be such simply and crassly stated anger and frustration amidst all that. but do you not side with the narrator here? fuck that guy, and fuck her too. i really feel for him and he has every right to be hurt. yeah, fuck em. hats off the cee lo green, bruno mars, and everyone else who wrote and produced that, because it’s a clever idea.
and then to copy the use of “forget” over “fuck” in such a singular, unimportant instance in a song... well, why?
i feel like even playing the clean version takes some of the steam and power out of the original song. that said, i still wouldn’t mind hearing the song in public or in some pg setting. songs following it that have changed a “fuck” to a “forget” without need just feel kind of silly. often we don’t even really speak like that. just silence the “fuck” for a clean edit. you remember this thing you’ve offhandedly said “fuck” to in the middle of your song. at least in cee lo green’s song, he’s still empowering himself to get over his hurt by telling himself to just forget it. the sentiment doesn’t hold up the same. “forget” sounds silly in other times, and honestly it just sounds like a copy. not everyone has to do that every single time now...??? stop it. anyway, fuck you.
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a03bkdk · 3 years
no quirks bkdk fic rec list (p 2)
thirsty gay wingman fic by lalazee
Oct 11, 2019 "Thinkin abt besties-since-birth BkDk goin to college together, Dk begrudgingly bein Bkg's wingman w/chicks & lamenting his big gay crush. One nite, Bkg cant get laid, hes drunk in a shitty mood, so Dk propositions him, which turns into the best night ever & the WORST consequences."
My tweet got 366 likes & 66 reblogs, so that was more than enough reason to write about it.
romeo and romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
mechanical bull by warschach
Katsuki has a track record of bad choices, it's a condition, but Izuku might be the one choice that's right.
battle of the bands by roadtripwithlucifer
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
oh my god! they were roomates! by phatye
“Don’t go through my shit, and if there’s a tie on the door, then fuck off!” Katsuki growled. “...what?” he asked. Katsuki glared at him. “This is fucking college, and I plan on getting laid a lot! I don’t need some nerd cockblocking me! And what is with all the fucking toys here!” Katsuki had moved over to his shelves. “Are you a fucking child or something?!” This was not what he was expecting.
shades of blue by young_crone
Echoes filtered down the white hall as he descended the stairs toward the locker rooms, reverberating from the pool. A whistle, the sound of breaking water. He swiped the towel over his face, paused. The sliver of cerulean catching the sinking sun pouring through the skylights, the red and white lane buoys, the burn of chlorine.Izuku ran a hand through his curls, snagging on a knot. The clock on the wall reminded him how late it was. A minute wouldn't hurt. He worried his lip. Just a glimpse.
k-9 by warschach
((smut- 18304-1/1))
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
sucker punch by warschach
But, whatever, Disney Boy over there was—
Prettying up real damn good that Katsuki got kind of distracted—totally understandable, like god those CGI pine eyes—and didn’t see the straight path he made for the metal trash bin in the center of the area until he was tipping forward and waist deep in discarded bottles, plates, balled up tissues sticky with he prayed was chocolate ice cream and nacho cheese.
Mina howled behind the gate. “Look, Katsuki returned to his home.”
(or Katsuki works security at Six Flags and moonlights as a derby dude and continuously looks uncool around Izuku)
may I take your order, dipshit? by supercrunch
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
raise me so high (your sins become my pedestal) by stardust_painter
After his boyfriend cheats on him, Izuku wants to do something stupid. The question is how stupid does he want to be.
The answer is very stupid apparently.
eye for an eye or whatever by tobiyos
“I’ll make it up to you!” Izuku says brightly, lifting his head from Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he isn’t still pushing Izuku away so. Progress. “Fuck are you gonna do to make it up to me?”
“Hmm…” Izuku says quietly, tapping at his chin. “Oh! You’re still a virgin, right?”
Katsuki chokes on his own spit and promptly renews his efforts of pushing Izuku away by the forehead. “Fuck off,” he wheezes, “get out of my room.”
leap of faith by ladyofsnails
Midoriya Izuku is just a random kid who loves art, analyzes everything, and is obsessed with the (in)famous hero Mighty Spider. He's got a loving mother, a great uncle, and maybe not too many friends that aren't those two but he's working on it.
And then a random cute boy shows up at his school, a spider bites him, he meets his hero under the worst possible conditions, and it all goes to hell. Now he's got villains on his tail, a promise to keep to a dead guy, and a washed-up hobo as his mentor.
Here goes nothing.
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
“Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
you and i collide by ethereals
And not that Bakugou’s the type to sexualize a potentially dead body; especially one that he just accidentally murdered, but the man has some pretty solid DSL’s. He would hit it, with more than just his car.
in which rich fratboy! bakugou is a badass who accidentally hits poor med student!izuku with his car and chaos ensues therefore.
97.6 FM by jamjars
Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Or Radio Host! Baugou x Listener! Midoriya
give me that sweet love by xsxuxgxax
Things Katsuki needs to excel at: be hot, be clever and pretend to be nice, let Izuku kiss him publicly, let Izuku fuck him privately…
(sugar baby katsuki and sugar daddy izuku pretty much)
dance with me by astralchaos
Mina pulled up a video of a young man, seemingly teen, dancing to a popular new hit, and Izuku felt his heart drop to his stomach. His skin prickled and felt clammy as he started sweating nervously, not daring to move or make a noise. His eyes were glued to the screen but he didn’t see anything – his brain was too busy going into overdrive and freaking out.
Because Mina was showing him a video of himself. The one he uploaded last night.
How on Earth did she find this? He had barely a few thousand views, he wasn’t popular, and it’s not like he was even any good, especially compared to her or Kacchan–
“That move was sexy as hell,” Kacchan said, and that was when Izuku realized that his childhood friend – his longtime crush – also leaned in to watch the video Mina was showing him.
puppies puppies by Esselle
"So after doing all that," Katsuki says, "you're just going to settle here? Tatting up wannabe bad boys?"
"You think all guys who have a lot of tattoos are wannabes?" Midoriya asks, so smoothly that it throws Katsuki.
"Wh—no, I mean—maybe!" Katsuki says. "You'd know best, wouldn't you? Are you a bad boy?"
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes it, and he regrets them immediately. There's a figurative list of things that one should never do, and probably high up on it is asking dark-haired sailors with ocean green eyes and black swirls of ink all across their barely concealed muscles if they are bad boys.
Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
im gonna make a part 3 later ergaegrggjnjuvuh
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dancingazaleas · 4 years
Can you write a modern au Historia Reiss x fem!reader imagine where the reader is in a band and has a very punk rock style, and Historias the popular cheerleader everybody drools over, and they hate each other but at a party some girl is flirting with the reader so historia takes her and fucks the reader silly in a bathroom and after confesses her feelings to r?
historia reiss | promise
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ofc!!! pls i literally love cheerleader!historia. i hope this is good enough <33 !!
18+ pls ! [unedited]
warnings/notes: cursing, use of alcohol and drugs, eventual smut, jealous dom!historia, modern au!, college au!, cheerleader!historia, bathroom sex, degradation, slight praise, enemies to lovers supremacy, fem reader!, finger fucking, hints at pegging, and aftercare
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you’re pissed, so pissed that you’re seeing white. you only know that you’re sitting under the bleachers of your college campus and that your best friend, annie, is sitting beside you.
historia reiss, the popular cheerleader adored by everyone, decided it would funny if she pulled a prank on you. the prank being drenched in ice water and then pouring pink glitter on your body from the second floor of campus.
the glitter stuck everywhere, even in your mouth. before you scrubbed some of it off, you looked like a bath bomb. the water made it stickier and made you cold.
you don’t know what kind of vendetta historia has against you, you’ve only just met her two years ago! you hadn’t even really talked her up until your freshman year of college. even then, you don’t think you had said anything rude or wrong.
you just assume she gets pleasure out of your suffering.
you’re ranting about historia to annie, who witnessed the whole incident, still covered head-to-toe in glitter. she’s smoking a cigarette and listening to you absentmindedly, a sign that she’s getting slightly annoyed. she grabs your jaw with her hand and turns your face towards her. she’s taking in a breath and you know exactly what she’s about to do.
when she pulls the cigarette away, she blows the smoke into your face and let’s go of your jaw.
“thanks for that,” you grunt, the smell always seems to calm you down for some odd reason.
“y’know, instead of ranting, you could go home and take a shower,” she looks sleepy as she holds onto her cigarette.
“i know. but she’s just so frustrating! wanna know what makes her even more frustrating?!”
annie decides to play along, she thinks you ranting is funny, “what?”
“she’s hot. scratch that, she’s literally gorgeous. she looks like a fucking goddess and has the personality of a witch,” you shout angrily, following annie’s movements of getting up and walking towards your dorm.
“i dunno,” she snickers, “she’s pretty nice to me.”
“yeah, cause she’s got some sort of vendetta against me. i swear—i have never done a single thing to her!! do you remember when she bashed our band?! does she even listen to punk?!”
annie’s made a mistake in encouraging you, “anyways. speaking of our band, don’t forget we’re playing tonight at eren’s house.”
“you mean at his frat house,” you snort, bumping your shoulder into her’s. you immediately regret it when you pull away and see pink glitter stick to her shirt and a shiver going down her spine.
“yeah, whatever. thank god he’s loaded enough to pay for a band. i can’t believe his dad just gives him and zeke cash,” annie coughs while she chuckles, smoke puffing out of her nose.
you’re laughing at her coughing, slapping her firmly on the back as you walk.
you don’t notice large blue eyes staring at you from far away.
you’re trying to ignore the idiotic comments annie’s making while mikasa does your eyeliner.
you, mikasa, annie, and—surprisngly—jean are getting ready for your show tonight.
originally, it had just been you, annie, and mikasa until mikasa and jean had started dating. she vouched that he could play the drums—and he definelty could. he also gets along surprisingly well with you and annie.
mikasa usually sings back-up for you—despite your begging for her to be the lead—and plays the electric keyboard.
annie’s on bass guitar. she gets stupidly smug everytime she’s done playing and the praise she gets from her girlfriend doesn’t help. annie also writes most of your songs.
“guys, we should make a bet,” annie’s twirling some of her hair, eyeing you and mikasa.
“what’s the bet,” jean smirks and raises a bushy brow. mikasa and you give a hum of approval.
“i bet that one girl is gonna be all over (name) tonight,” you snort sarcastically.
“elizabeth? i think she’s trying to seduce me so i’ll partner up with her for this project we have coming up in our music history class,” mikasa’s pullled away, screwing the cap of the eyeliner back onto the bottle. she hands you coal black lipstick.
“you know what i bet,” jean starts, you know it isn’t gonna be good, “historia’s gonna be eyefucking (name) all night.”
you’re in the middle of applying lipstick but you stop at his statement.
“no, before you say something, jean’s gotta point,” mikasa muses, fanning her hand.
“yeah. dunno how you didn’t noticed,” annie shrugs, hopping out of her chair and stretching her arms upwards.
you’re irritated and finished with your lipstick, eyebrows furrowed bitterly.
“anyways,” you grit your teeth, “it’s showtime.”
it’s been five minutes since you and the band performed, and after all that belting you just want a drink. you’re walking through the messy and huge kitchen, trying to avoid stepping on spilled shots and egg yolk—who knows—because these boots were expensive.
luckily, most people are partying like a mob in the main room of the smelly frat house. it smells like weed, everywhere. and when you open the fridge you see a long platter of chocolate brownies, is eren alright? you shrug internally, snatching a water bottle that’s sitting on the top shelf.
after you’ve closed the fridge door and opened it, you’re chugging the water bottle like your life depends on it. when you pull away, you try to not notice the lipstick stain and that you’ve drank the bottle more than halfway. you’re leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen, you don’t plan on partying too much since you’re supposed to be the designated driver for annie, mikasa, and jean.
you’re about to take another swig of your water, eyes staring down at your phone and continuing to read a article. before you can bring the bottle to your lips, teasing laughter from your front is distracting you.
it’s historia, wearing a baby blue v-neck tank top that ends at her ribs. she has a white skirt on, pulled up to the middle of her bellybutton and stopping at her upper thighs. her shoes are white and chunky with sparkly blue butterflies on the sides of them. her makeup’s cute, a light blue sprinkling on the outside corners of her eyes that tickled her cheekbones, a light and natural (for her at least) pink lipstick on her lips coated with shiny gloss. she’s pretty.
“fuck do you want,” you frown with narrowed eyes, you’re praying there aren’t anymore tricks.
“nothing, nothing!,” she’s got a cheery smile on her face, “just wanted to see how you were doing! i cant even do that?”
rolling your eyes, you scoff, “not after you drenched me in ice cold water and then poured glitter on me. it took me two hours to get rid of the glitter in the shower.”
she’s opening her mouth, but you’re already done with her shit, “fuck off, dude.”
you’re stomping out of the kitchen, huffing with frustration. what the fuck was historia trying to play at? she’s such a cunt, pulling these mean pranks on you with no provocation and then coming up to you after and asking how you are?
you’re seething. you’re so angry you’re not even paying attention to where you’re going.
but it’s interrupted when you bump into someone’s back. lower... back.
said person, turns around and looks down at you. she’s tall, and you’ve seen her around campus with eren and zeke. she’s quiet and cunning, you’ve heard rumors that she gets paid to beat people up sometimes. you can’t really judge her, money’s money.
but she’s also gorgeous. glowing gold eyes and choppy blonde hair. she’s wearing a loose black blazer that closes at her sternum and down, with nothing underneath. she’s got some kind of necklace—you think it says ‘p’ or ‘z’—and pretty silver rings on her fingers. her heels make her tower over you more than she probably would without them on.
“shit, my bad,” you sigh and look away.
she shakes her head, the tiniest smile painting her face and her cheeks turn a little red.
“you’re alright,” she hums, “i don’t think i’ve met you. i’ve definitely seen you around, but no one’s ever given me a name.”
“oh, i’m (name),” you smile shyly, “i don’t know your name either.”
she chuckles a bit, somehow wrapping her hand in your’s and leading you to a nice loveseat. her nails are painted black and you feel inclined to put your legs over her lap.
“i’m surprised,” and that’s when you notice zeke and pieck on the couch next to you, “there are a lot of rumors about me. however, i guess whoever told you—or didn’t—left me anonymous. i’m yelena.”
you give a laugh, watching her throw her arm up onto the top of the couch. you’re cuddling her side within seconds, drawing a deep chuckle from her. her other hand reaches to your cheek, making you look up at her. she’s holding your chin with her thumb and staring at you with her hypnotizing eyes.
“you’re just the cutest,” she mumbles, letting go of your face and tapping your nose.
you’re getting embarrassed at the attention, and you don’t know what to say other than ‘thank you’. you’ve never been pussy whipped a day in your entire life, but you think you might change that.
she’s leaning in closer, ignoring the couple, who was staring at you two with amusement, that sat on the couch cuddling. you feel like you recognize them for a moment, but the thought it forgotten whenever yelena kisses you fervently.
she’s running her tongue across your lip and the shiver that goes down your spine makes you realize she has a tongue piercing. she’s pushing you down to lay on the couch, to which you happily oblige, her hand crawling up to your neck.
before you can even let her shove her tongue in your mouth and choke you, your hand is being tugged and all of a sudden your upper torso and body is on the floor and your head is aching. you’re dazedly looking at yelena, who’s just as surprised as you are, then turning to the couple on the couch.
holy fucking hell, how did you not realize that the couple was pieck and zeke. that isn’t even your main focus when another tug to your wrist pulls your lower half off the couch.
“what the fuck?!” you’re suddenly not dazed anymore, “let go of me!”
you’re snatching your arm away and scrambling to your feet, tugging down your short dress that rode up. you turn around to face the assaulter, only to look down and see historia.
historia grabbed you?!
before you can even scream or slap her, she’s, once again, pulling you away by your wrist. for such a small girl, she’s got a tight grip.
you’re stumbling as you follow her, not like you couldn’t, yelling profanities. you pass by annie, who spits out her drink at the sight of you, it startles her girlfriend, hitch. you mouth a ‘help!’ towards her just as you’re swung forward.
it takes you a second to balance yourself out, and before you can turn yourself around, you’re being shoved forward.
what the fuck is her deal?!
you’re pushed into a bathroom, finally turning around to see historia as you fall on your ass. she’s slammed the door closed and locked it, staring at you on the ground.
“the fuck is your damage,” you scream, leaning against the bathroom counter.
“you’re a fucking slut, that’s what!” she’s yelling back, now standing in front of you. her hands are trapping you against the counter, and you’re looking down at her.
“you’re a dirty little slut. you can’t help but get down with a woman when i’m not with you for five fucking minutes,” you can’t even open your mouth and opted to push yourself towards the counter more as you squeeze your thighs together.
“look at you,” she’s laughing mockingly, “you look like a dog in heat. are you enjoying this, you fucking whore?”
you whimper, shaking your head side-to-side.
“you’re a liar,” she’s laughing again, standing on her tip toes to brush her lips against your’s.
“i’m not.”
“if you’re not, go ahead and push me away then,” she smirks, leaning closer.
you look away, listening to the mocking giggle that she was releasing right in your face. her left hand is grabbing you by the jaw and forcing you to look at her.
“can i kiss you,” her look softens and you nod at her.
“yes,” and within a second, her lips are on your’s. the kiss is surprisingly gentle and sweet.
with a bit on your lip, her tongue is rubbing against your’s and her hands sliding under the thin straps of your dress. you’re whining when she pulls away and laughs. your dress is halfway down your body, chest jumping up and down as you pant from the lack of breath.
“look at you, baby,” she turns your head to the side, which gives you a profile view of yourself in the mirror. your lipstick’s smudged in the corner of your mouth, eyeliner’s smuged as well as your eyeshadow.
weak product.
“you need better makeup,” she’s giggling as she leans her head towards your neck.
she’s kissing and sucking almost everywhere on your neck and chest, as if she were marking her property. moans are bouncing off the walls as her hands release your boobs from the strapless bra you’re wearing and sucking on your nipples. honestly, you’re glad it’s off. it’s been tiring having to pull it up everytime it slipped even just a bit.
you tug at her blonde hair when her small hand gropes one tit and her mouth bites at the other. she’s tugging the rest of your dress down with her free hand, and it pools around your boots. she goes back up to kiss your lips, laughing in your mouth as you struggle to kick off your boots. she’s kissing at your cheek and ear, tugging at the waistline of your fishnet tights.
“might wanna take these off too if you don’t want them ripped,” yelping when she bites at your earlobe.
“i...,” you’re catching your breath, “need help.”
she giggles while nodding, helping you shimmying the tights down to your knees.
“jump up on the counter, babe. it’ll make it easier for me,” you’re obident and jumping on the cool bathroom counter, it makes you shiver.
historia’s on her knees, shoes kicked off, and her fingers tickle your legs when she’s sliding the tights off your legs. she’s got a sultry look on her face when she throws said tights over her shoulder, palming your kneecaps. she bites back her smirk when she pulls your knees apart, showing off your black panties. you fall back against the mirror and you lean mostly on your elbows, ignoring the loud bang that came from it.
her mouth’s leaving open mouthed kisses against your inner thighs, pants leaving your mouth. her fingers hook around the waistband of your panties, tugging them down quickly whenever you lift your hips.
your going to close your legs, but her hands prevent you from doing so. her eyes are glued to your pussy, lips spread open and your wetness shining in the light. you’ve got a little hair on your pubis, but that isn’t going to stop historia reiss from changing her name to sasha braus.
she’s sucking at your clit and spreading your legs apart as far as she can. she pulls away from your pussy just for a second.
“keep your legs open,” she says, a thumb rubbing circles into your clit.
it’s lazy and it’s satisfying, but it’s not enough to make you cum. she knows that.
you’re letting out high pitched moans and fingers tangled in her golden locks as she eats you out like a man starved.
‘i wish i had realized that i’m gay sooner,’ you think as historia slowly slides her middle finger inside of you.
you’re throwing your head back against the mirror when she suddenly adds a second finger, claiming that you could take it since you’re a slut.
considering your wetness is dripping down your ass and onto the counter, you can’t really object the statement.
she’s curling her fingers inside you, mouth closed around your clit. your moans go up an octave when she finds the spongy part inside of you, thrusting her fingers in and out of you after she angles her digits.
“fuck!” you moan and start clawing at historia’s free arm, which is holding down your hips.
“h-historia...,” you pant, “gonna cum... pl..please let me cum.”
her laughter sends vibrations across your clit, and that’s what sends you over the edge. you’re crying out as historia helps you ride out your orgasm by slowing her fingers down and pulling away from your clit. historia’s admiring you while she wipes off your juices from her chin, a small smile adorning her lips.
your head is thrown back against the mirror—once again. eyes rolled back and mouth opened in a silent moan. the hand that was gripping at her arm is clenched in a fist that has your knuckles painted white. your toes are curled and your back is arching in the air.
she doesn’t pull her fingers out of you until your calm, letting you catch your breath before she does it all over again.
your legs are trembling as she helps you sit down on the toilet.
you know you look like a mess—historia’s been forcing you to watch yourself. the eyeliner and mascara you have on is now smeared and ran down your face since you cried. your lipstick is smeared up and down, worse than last time, and your hair is messed up and tangled from historia pulling on it.
historia’s squatting before you, looking for a rag to wet down and clean you up with.
“next cabinet over,” you breath, throwing your head back.
“you know who’s bathroom this is?”
“yeah, jean’s in this frat too. him and marco share it. this place is pretty nice when there isn’t a party going on,” you giggle, somehow this whole situation seems funny to you.
she’s running hot water over the rag she now has, staring at herself in the mirror. historia’s got hickeys on her neck too and teeth marks on shoulders. she’s got glittery blue on her cheek, must be her mascara.
she turns off the water and wrings it out. she walks over to you, nudging your legs open with her knee. you comply and absentmindedly reach for one of her hands to hold. she takes the offer, squatting in front of you and cleaning up the slightly dried cum and juices on your thighs and vagina.
you shiver and let out little whines and whimpers, still sensitive from the previous orgasms. historia was also still wearing something. something that you didn’t even know she had.
a fucking 6 inch strap on.
“by the way,” you start, “how’d you get your strap-on here?”
“i came to the house before eren started throwing the party. i brought a bag with me and just hid it in the empty cabinet. i think eren wanted to hook up with me and mentioned something about pegging. brought it in case,” she explains, small smile spreading across her face as she starts cleaning your face.
you start giggling again, the hand that wasn’t holding her hand weakly grabbing at her wrist.
“hisu... can i get a kiss,” you pucker your lips when she pulls away the rag from you. she flips the rag to a clean slide, rubbing herself in the same areas as she did for you.
historia holds your cheek and gives you the sweetest kiss you’ve ever had.
“i’m gonna take you back to mine and ymir’s place. you’re still in sub-space and you wobble instead of walk,” she says, squatting down again to help you get your panties on.
she’s able to get your dress on the lower half of your body, but you both realize there’s a fucking cum stain on the chest. historia gives you a jacket that was in her bag, zipping it halfway. the dress stayed sitting at your waist, you’re to tired to get it open even if you have a cover up.
she’s done cleaning everything up within ten minutes, including herself. she throws the rag in a hamper in the bathroom closet that had jean’s name written on it in sharpie.
she’s slipping the bag on her shoulder and helping you walk with the other one. when you walk out, ymir is leaning on the wall by the door with a smirk.
ymir squats down a bit, laughing at your shaky legs every time you took a step. historia and her manage to get you on ymir’s back. you fall asleep before you three can get to the car.
when you wake up, your whole lower body is sore. your eyelids feel heavy as you open them, coming to your senses. you recognize ‘dance moms’ playing in the background and historia eating cereal as she watches.
you groan lowly, and historia finally notices your consciousness.
“so...,” you yawn while you stretch your arms up into the air, “talk about last night?”
historia nods while she chews, “so basically, i was jealous that you were hooking up with another girl that wasn’t me.”
“but why would you be jealous...? i thought you hated me,” you rub your cheek against the pillow you’re laying your head on.
historia blushes as she looks away with a pout, “i never hated you... i just... i didn’t like the feelings i have for you.”
“oh,” you lay on your back and ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks, “what are.... the feelings..?”
“i may or may not love you,” she hides her face by holding her bowl full of cereal to her chin.
you don’t say anything for a few moments, trying to think of what you wanted to say.
“i... i love you too. but, that doesn’t just mean i forgive and forget all the horrible shit you’ve done to me. i’ll start dating you when i feel that you’ve... ‘atoned’ for your sins,” you sigh, “it’s gonna take some time but if you want this to work or even start, you’ve gotta make it up to me and understand where i’m coming from.”
she looks at you with slight excitement, “i... of course! i was really mean to you and you didn’t deserve that, no matter how much i disliked you. i promise to make it up to you.”
she’s holding her pinky finger up to you.
you smile and link your pinkies with her’s, “promise.”
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aurora-daily · 3 years
AURORA’s Reddit Q&A (July 13th 2021)
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Kmilalv: Hello aurora we love you, I'm @ aurora.s_love on instagram ✨✨🥰🥰🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ Aurora: oh hellooo!!!! Exportmusic: Meep Aurora: meep < 3 Lisxnne: WELL HELLO AND THANKS FOR YOUR NEW SONG! 🙏🌟💕 Aurora: HELLO!! and thank you for being open to it 24681357900: Thank u for making music Aurora: thank you for inviting it into your heart Emergency-Club-7529: This is have some upper case , it's the real Aurora Aurora: yes!!! Helloooooo brunamombach: hello ✨🃏🧚🏻‍♂️🤘🍇🍄🧚🏻‍♀️ when are you coming do Brazil? so glad to see you here!!! Aurora: I think I will be coming to Brazil next year  I love being in Brazil because I feel like it awakens my heart and soul to be there !! Brunamombach: if you were going to an souless island, what book would you bring with you? 🧚🏻‍♂️🍇🍄🧚🏻‍♀️🤘🃏 kisses from Brazil Aurora: I would either take: "The name of the wind" and "a Wise mans fear" or the LOTR trilogy. Or the "Mistborn" trilogy. or "warbreaker" or "the good omens" or "the ocean at the end of the lane" or "Anne of Green gables" or "The alchemist" or just all the books in the world oh no I cant decide
all DanParis: Hey have some karma you cool bean 🤌🏼 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Aurora: thank you < 3 Ok-Estimate8468: Tell us something you can tell us about the second track on the Cure For Me vinyl, “Potion For Love”. I'm very curious...
Aurora: its the song I decided for the B-side of the vinyl, and I will probably release it digitally one day too. Its the sister song to "exist for love" but from the other perspective. where love does not fill you up, but love has left a big hole within you < / 3 Ok-Estimate8468: Did you get a lot of unfollows and hate from bad people due to Cure For Me? Aurora: I got a little hate from homophobes, and also abelist, and racist comments from people claiming there was nothing wrong with their mindset. BUT it does not bother me. and I will never stop speaking up about the things I find important. because.. what else would our meaning on this earth be? if that makes sense. Some people have attacked me personally, but sadly mostly its people defending their own hateful ways of being. I cant even imagine how it really is to be a victim of racism or violent homophobia, so I feel like the least I can do is to try the best I can to show support. and speak up. and be an ally.
So a bit more short - yes, and I really dont mind!!!! unfollow me if you find speaking about equality and the right to live, and love and be loved unsettling <3 thank you for this question! Ok-Estimate8468: How was the process of creating the studio version of Cure For Me? I heard your first acoustic performance and saw that it's much smoother than the studio, so I was curious to see how you managed to create another even more amazing version. Aurora: Me and Magnus just played around, and we really tried to go with our emotions, and to be playful and to not think too much about what was "AURORA" or what was even...pretty! we just laughed! and danced! and did what felt lovely to us.
I think this is why the making of this song is one of my favourite memories, and also I think that is why it sounds so playful! because it is!! it was like playing a game. and I did also play alot around with symbolics in both the lyrics and the way this song is produced. it all has a meaning you see... but of course I will let you figure that out yourself!!
Pingouiin_: What's your favourite mountain around bergen ? Aurora: mine is Løvstakken!! and Magnus loves Ullrikken!! but important to NEVER stop a Norwegian person walking on the mountain. just say. a quick hello and wander off your own mind. become at one with nature Whoamiandallthat: Thank you for existing, I love your art and you inspire me so much 💙 You are one of my favorite artists 😊 And just the other day I found out that you are just two years older than me, and so successful... I'm wondering how it was for you to become so popular, did you feel like people thought you needed a cure? I'm also in the sphere of arts - filmmaking; but I feel like my films are not good enough... I have a YouTube channel with some videos - if you ever see this comment I would like for you to check it out 😊 Aurora: Ive felt through my life like something was a little off, ive never resonated that much with the people or the "system" around me! it didn't bother me so much even though I. was teased a lot for it ( so again I was very lucky) but I never felt like I understood the world and my place in it. or how I. could fit in, in this worlds society and with other people ! and becoming "famous" which I dont really feel that I am, but I guess that I am a little "known" (meep) was very strange, and very hard to handle at first. as impressions affect me a lot, and noises and people etc. but with time I got better at handling all these impressions, and avoid getting a.. sensory overload! and I am so happy now, that I can look directly at strangers and actually listen to them, and understand them, and even love them I guess what I am trying to say, that ive now understood that this is the very thing that connected me to all of you. and now I see my place here on this earth. and I see all of you, and you give my life so much meaning!! Lets_Fight_Dragons: Firstly I wanted to say I recently discovered your music and I love everything about it. I have two questions, I hope that’s ok 1. How do you start writing songs because I’m trying to get into songwriting and I’m not sure how you write such amazing songs 2. What’s your favourite song you’ve released? Aurora: 1. well I dont really know. ( I am sorry!!) but I feel like it started really natural for me.. I. kind of just sat down with my piano.. and then I started playing around with the Keyes, and I figured out I could make an endless amount of melodies by simply pressing the keys in a different order!! remember finding this extremely magical (I was around 6 years old then) and after a while I started adding lyrics, and I just spent time looking into myself, trying to figure out. - what do I want to say? what do. I need to hear in a song? what do the world need to hear in a song? and etc. I always think about songwriting as storytelling. and I always start out by figuring out what story I want to tell, what matter I want to dress, or what pleases me, or annoys me with the world, or what emotion I need help dealing with!! and then I write a song!!! and if you feel like its difficult to come up with melodies, I would recommend finding a song you like, and learn the chords of it (or find an instrumental version. online) and then you make your own melodies on top of that! many of the songs of the world share the same chords, and often the melodies on top is the thing separating them. music belongs to all of us, and its clear that every song in the world comes from the same magical source. 2. I think its the seed. or couples creatures!! or infections of a different kind!! tiffnoir: Our dear AURORA, your b-side A Potion For Love is helping me a lot (broken heart since a few days ago). I wanted to ask (if I can haha) if would it be included at the upcoming album, or maybe a relaxing, vintage video for it? Thanks for helping all of us with your music ^_^ Aurora: thank you som much for letting this song into your heart  after writing exist for love, I figured that I should also make a sister-song that could belong for the ones with a broken heart as well  it will not be on the album, but for you I will try to put it on the deluxe version FedahpWithThisWurld: Hello, Aurora! I'm a neurodivergent person and I have always felt a lot of shame over being the way I am, like I'm not good enough. Your music makes me feel better and it makes me feel that being me is okay. Thank you for that.  I want to know how you manage to be so confident? Do you ever get nervous before a show? Aurora: hello!!!! I have had a lot of similar experiences with myself in this world too.. so I am very sad to hear you've lived your life with this feeling I think after a while I understood what makes me different also makes me special. and special is good. and if you think about it, special isn't even that different, because in one way or another we are all... unique. but of course, some people have had to fight their. way through life more than others.. making it less easy to learn how to love yourself. and accept yourself. I guess, now I've surrounded myself with good people who understand my quirks and sensitivities, people who give me time. and space to be me. I have also been lucky, because I have a family that have always encouraged me to be myself. and to love myself. and I guess that is why I am trying to convey to all of you now, because now we are like al little family. where being who you are - is cool. and you're cool. and were all cool. and I get nervous all the time, of all sorts of things! but I just accept that feeling as a part of being human. its uncomfortable yes, but I know at least it won't kill me! 3charmplease: What was it like recording for Frozen? Aurora: it was magical  and also slightly scary. but it felt safe and good calling at the mountains. and I feel warm thinking about it. especially now. cause my father just walked over to me with five little strawberries in his hand. he gave them all to me. and they were so small, and sweet. im currently sitting in my childhood home, right next to the very piano where I wrote "runaway" and so many other songs. Tiny-Sink-2397: Boom shake shake shake the room Aurora: that was actually during the recording process of Cure For Me! Tiny-Sink-2397: I thought it was!! Seemed like an epic party Aurora: YES Joelynxyzs: what's your favorite movie ? Aurora: Practical magic BUT ALSO THESE: The LOTR triology ALL GHIBLI MOVIES avatar once upon a time in Hollywood Hannah the perfume fantastic MR. fox Star Wars: a new hope rouge one isle of dogs the hunchback of Notre dame! the arrival stypop: If you were to get the chance to work on a sequel to another Disney movie, which one would you want it to be? Aurora: since Disney owns Lucas films I would love to be a part of the Star Wars universe  or to play either a magical fairy, witch mermaid, forest nymph, or a scary beast!! WE WO brisot: The masks in CFM remind me of theater plays, do you ever watch any and how much of an influence for you is the art of acting? Aurora: this era of my life is very influenced by the ancient times where theatre was all they had. no CGI or special effects etc. and I really wanted all these videos to feel very authentic, and down to earth! The shell in "exist for love" was handmade by someone, and I painted all the masks in "cure for me" myself! so I like it when it feels... human Clear-Champion-1833: i love you Aurora:
Jicuhrabbitkim: How do you like your fried eggs cook!! I like it when its very crispy!! Aurora: as long as its from a local farm that has free healthy chickens that walk about freely and eat good food I like my eggs crispy too. GhostReaper3: Hi I have a question as well: How do you keep positive? Many people including myself find this difficult sometimes so it would be good to hear your technique or way of keeping upbeat and positive! Also, thank you for sharing your music with us! Aurora: I know what you mean, i've struggled with it myself at times. but I guess I tried separating in my mind what I can do something about, and what I cant? if that makes sense?? we are all just here on this planet. and though we all seem to be going though the same things we still feel so alone, in our thoughts and in our minds. And I've been very aware that with music, and with this fandom we can all finally connect, and see each other, and know that we are not alone! and if there is one thing I love, it is to dance a little after I've cried. I think its important to. shake these emotions out of our body. like animals do! and then I made CURE FOR ME. because I thought about all the warriors out there feeling. a little crazy... after isolation! or after being depressed! and being l rocked in with their families that might not accept them for who they are.. and I thought I needed to make a song for us all, that felt a little uplifting. and uniting. just so we know where not alone, and just so we know that we are worthy.. of everything! and that we are worthy of celebrating ourselves!! ALWAYS! aniri003: Were the dancers freestyling in the last part of the video Aurora: YES! I told them to put their freak game on. And they were amazing. L_pls_use_revive: Hei Aurora! Apart from inspiring me with your music for emotional people, I also dicovered my love for Norway and the Norwegian language through you - now studying it in my second year at university. Tusen, tusen takk! I want to visit soon when traveling is safe - So which place should I not miss out on? Have a great life! Aurora: I think the whole of Norway is worth visiting! there are so many beautiful places. and beautiful people! I would ofc. recommend Bergen! (haha!) but also places like Tromsø, Trondheim, Stavanger, lofted and The Geirangerfjord and the Northwest!!! HAHA KakSetoKaiba: How's the progress of the album that you've been preparing which will be released after your death? Aurora: its going well, I take one song for every chapter and I put it on my death album instead of the album I'm making  its going well. and im excited about it! maria_fernandez_: This is not a question but I just wanted to tell you that discovering you and your music has been the best thing that ever happened to me. What your music makes me feel cannot be described in words. I love you so much. Greetings from Spain!! Aurora: thank you!!! applepieaurora: Whats your favorite pie? 🐉 Aurora: apple pie  and blueberry pie!! Ok-Potato7244: Thanks for sharing your time ... a warrior here to welcome you...Have some tea...And i don't need a cure for disliking keeping animals in cages...Especially birds...💚... Aurora: thank you pekaraseva: what do you feel when you perform Ioadk or Adkoh for people? Aurora: I feel so full of emotion and love and despair I could almost explode  and its wonderful. I also feel insanely connected to the audience when I sing these songs.. I. think. its because they are such important pieces of my soul targaryenblood02: omg what do you think cure for me would smell like? 🐛 Aurora: like something Brazilian! like Asai! or caipirinha! or Brigadeiro!
sproutingephemeral: Hello Aurora, Thanks for your new song, I've gotten quite addicted to it😊 I have a question that might be a bit difficult to answer. I am a Warrior from the U.S. currently without a clue of where I should be and what I should be doing. I'm done with school, and in the process of moving to a new town with my parents. I'm applying for jobs, but I feel like I can't find my reason for being in a smaller area with not many people my age. I feel like my parents are trying to mold me into a certain person, which doesn't feel authentic to me. I probably should be making more of my own decisions at my age, but I'm a bit scared and confused, if what I think is deemed too unrealistic or out of line with their expectations for me (like a childhood dream?). I tried talking to them about it, to little success. Is there something inherently wrong with me? Or am I just being spoiled or lazy? I read about how you were initially opposed to starting your career until your mother convinced you to change your mind. How do you know whether or not to trust in your parents' plans for you? On a lighter note, do you prefer cookies that are more soft (chewy) or hard (crumbly)? I don't need a cure for...my autism, and tendency to talk regularly to my deceased cat at his grave (??)😿👼 Looking forward to seeing you in New York! Take care❤❤ Aurora: you should ALWAYS. only do what feels right for you. this world is very absurd, and people tend to think they know what is meaningful and what is important. but we all know, money and success isn't important beyond what you need to simply survive. this one life is yours. and you should be just who you want. and do what feels right for you. because its yours. its only yours. drink tea. work hard. be lazy. dance. be shy. laugh, cry. drink wine and eat good bread. be good. fight for something you care about. and either live for your work, or work a little and then just... live. get a garden, grow tomatoes, get a cat. or a dog. or a parrot. life can be so random, and it can be both so little, and so large at the same time. some days were meant to TAKE chances, and live. and sometimes were just meant to exist. and do nothing. you should never feel guilty for not "being enough" because you are enough. just who you are. just how you are. is enough. good luck on your strange journey my warrior, maybe our paths crosses and maybe they dont. but know, when you walk out of your door, that anything can happen! and the whole world is yours. Hippolyte_gray: is the name of the next album hidden in your previous songs ? Aurora: mayyyyyybeeeeeeeee rashadalt: what do you think about your fans who are racist/homophobic etc.? Aurora: I feel sorry for them. because I know I cant be easy l living a life so full of hate. and even spending your precious. time on this world bringing other people down. and I know how easy it is for people to be driven by fear, and how difficult. it can be to have an original meaning and stand up for what you really mean. so I dont judge them, or hate them,
but I do feel sorry for them. and I am also very disappointed in them. because its such a. waste of human potential to live your life in the paths of hatred.
but as long as we face hate with love, we will eventually win. when we show them. we are not the enemy, just people trying to make a better world, I think, and I hope that eventually we can all agree that being able to live, and being able to love is a human right. Brivera726: I noticed you said you would bring LOTR trilogy with you to an island- I’m reading them for the fourth time right now  I feel like if Galadriel sing songs it would sound like you! Anyway I really like your art so yah just keep doing u- love from PFC Rivera, USMC Aurora: this is then est thing ive ever read thank you Aurora: I am. sorry people, but my time here (for tonight) is up </3 but I will probably be back looking at your questions and thoughts because I did really. enjoy this. and I. love you all so. much.
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Katarina, the Sinister Blade build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games. In b4 Tumblr gives me ToS for this picture.)
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In my defense I had this build planned since pre-Tasha’s. With Katarina being absolutely nuts in preseason right now along with her just generally being one of League’s most popular champs I’d have to get around to making a build for her eventually.
Look it was either her or Zac. The only other build I really want to do right now is Miss Fortune and truthfully I’m kinda stumped on her. This build isn’t a build it’s a cry for help.
Preparation - We’ll need to always be ready for a fight, with a weapon in hand and ways to rush in.
Shunpo - We’ll also need a way to jump on our foes, or jump away.
Death Lotus - When push comes to shove we’ll need to shred through everyone close by spinning and throwing daggers at a rapid pace!
Katarina is a human but with some special, magical talents. I’m sure by now people know my aversion to Variant Humans and my love of Eberron Dragonmarks so the Mark of Finding is perfect for finding marks and ending them.
With the Mark of Finding you get some Ability Score Improvements but thanks to Tasha’s we can get a +2 to our Intelligence and a +1 to our Dexterity. You also have Darkvision up to 60 feet, and Hunter’s Intuition, letting you add a d4 to Perception and Survival checks. Finally Finder’s Magic giving you some innate spells.
15; DEXTERITY - You’re an assassin who hops, skips, and jumps around the battlefield.
14; INTELLIGENCE - For whatever reason Katerina does AP damage? I mean she did. Now she builds Kraken Slayer because lol Rito balance.
13; CHARISMA - People don’t only main you because you’re strong.
12; WISDOM - Kata in lore is a bit of a hot-head but Wisdom is attached to many skills that an assassin needs.
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re a squishy midlaner.
8; STRENGTH - We simply don’t need Strength and with your build I doubt you have much. Even if jumping around like that requires a lot of muscles in the legs and chest.
So apparently Katerina is part of a Noxian Noble family? Regardless as a Noble you gain proficiency in History but I’d suggest swapping your Persuasion proficiency with Intimidation instead. You also get proficiency with a gaming set and a language of your choice.
Thanks to your noble birth you have a Position of Privilege, meaning that other nobles will welcome you within their circles and common folk will do their best to please you in order to avoid getting a dagger in their throat. You can even secure an audience with a noble if you need to! Perhaps you need to put a knife in their throat? An assassin doesn’t ask questions.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as a Rogue for skill proficiencies also because yeah duh. As a Rogue you get proficiency in four skills from the Rogue list: Acrobatics is an obvious choice, Athletics will help your poor Strength score, Perception will help you spot incoming hooded assassins, and Stealth will let you do Rogue things. Rogue things like Sneak Attack if an ally is near an enemy or you have advantage, granting you an extra d6 on the attack roll.
You also get Expertise in two of your skills: both Stealth and Acrobatics make sense for an assassin. Speaking of assassin Thieves’ Cant will let you communicate with them in a way that your enemies can’t understand. And to top it off Finder’s Magic you can cast Hunter’s Mark once per Long Rest. Smite and Ignite to get First Blood.
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. "Never play fair."
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype and there’s two important things about your knives:
They do magic damage (for some reason.)
You throw them a lot.
With that in mind we shall be going for the Soulknife from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. As a Soulknife you get Psionic Power for a pool of d6 Psionic Energy die that can be used for a variety of features. Psi-Bolstered Knack will let you boost your ability checks as long as you’re proficient, and Psychic Whispers will let you keep assassination plans to team chat.
Of course what we’re really here for is Psychic Blades, a magic d6 psychic damage knife that you can make when you attack which can be dual-wielded and thrown up to 60 feet. You can also attack again with your Bonus Action if you already stabbed with your main action, but the extra attack will only do a d4 instead of a d6.
Speaking of magic: you also get Locate Object from Finder’s Magic. Perhaps not as useful as Find Person, but thievery isn’t beneath you. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 2d6.
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement: turns out Dexterity is pretty important for a Rogue so increase that by 2.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
Time for an AP boost. First level Wizards get Spellcasting because what else did you think they got? You learn three cantrips and six leveled spells when starting out as a Wizard, even if you can only prepare a number of spells equal to your Wizard level plus your Intelligence modifier:
Instead of making a dinky d4 knife empower it with Booming Blade for some Thunder damage, and even more damage if the enemy moves.
To twirl around with Voracity Sword Burst will strike everyone near one of your daggers with your knives.
For a long ranged damage tool that inflicts Grievous Wounds Chill Touch will let you make sure your lane opponent doesn’t run away and heal up.
Mage Armor will help you avoid a few more hits.
For a Bouncing Blade (sorta) take Ice Knife to hit your target and anyone close to them.
For a shield thanks to Gunblade (like it’s TFT) take False Life to bolster yourself somewhat.
Disguise Self will be helpful for any infiltration missions.
Detect Magic likewise is useful to locate any magical traps.
Every good Rogue has a backup plan: Feather Fall is always useful in a pinch.
You also get Arcane Recovery, allowing you to recover spell slots with a combined total level of half your Wizard level.
Second level Wizards get to choose their Arcane Tradition. There is actually a school for magic knives and that school is the art of Bladesinging! As a Bladesinger you get Training in War and Song for proficiency in Performance along with a one-handed melee weapon of your choice: for whatever reason Rogues don’t get proficiency in Scimitars so grab that I guess?
But much more importantly you can invoke a Bladesong as a Bonus Action, which lasts for 1 minute but ends early if you are incapacitated. (Or if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. I guess.) You can also dismiss the Bladesong at any time with no action required.
While your Bladesong is active you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you have advantage on Acrobatics checks, and you gain a bonus to Concentration checks equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can activate Bladesong a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
You can also learn more spells like Color Spray for a getaway option, or Cause Fear of incoming ganks.
Third level Wizards can learn second level spells like Mirror Image to be everywhere at once, and Misty Step for legally not Flash.
4th level Wizards get an Ability Score Improvement: more Dexterity means more AC and deadlier stabs with your knife.
You can also learn more spells like Invisibility for some Duskblade resets, and Enhance Ability (ty Tasha’s) to make sure you’re the best around. And you can learn another cantrip like Prestidigitation for some generic utility sorcery.
5th level Wizards can learn third level spells like Haste to up your APM, and Spirit Shroud to make all your stabs all the deadlier.
At 6th level you get an Extra Attack as a Bladesinger, but unlike most Extra Attacks you can also cast a cantrip along with attacking! The interesting thing about this is that (rules as written) you can attack twice after casting Booming Blade with this! And depending on your DM you might even still have your Cunning Action!
And on the subject of spells you can learn two more such as Clairvoyance for some Farsight Alterations, and Nondetection to... not be detected...
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(Artwork by Atey Ghailan. Made for Riot Games.)
5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge. When you’re hit with an attack you can use your reaction to halve the damage. Additionally your Psionic Energy die increases to a d8, and your Sneak Attack increases to 3d6.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: Perception will help you avoid ganks and Intimidation will help you extract information.
7th level Rogues get Evasion. If you’re forced to make a Dexterity save you can make some pro plays to dodge, taking no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.
Your Sneak Attack also increases to 4d6, so you can jump onto them after dodging their skill shot.
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement: since your Dexterity is maxed let’s invest in that Intelligence... sorta. The Observant feat will let you increase your Intelligence by 1 along with granting a +5 bonus to passive Perception and Investigation so you can watch those wards, and the ability to read lips! Definitely helpful for an assassin.
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(Artwork by Katie “TeaTime” De Sousa. Made for Riot Games.)
Hey how about we get your actual abilities at total level 15? Finally with level 9 in Soul KInife you get Soul Blades for two new abilities that use your Psionic Energy die. Homing Strikes will let you add your Psionic Energy die to an attack roll if you miss, and Psychic Teleportation will let you throw out a knife and teleport to it!
Something something read how the ability works yourself because these are guides on how to make a character and I won’t tell you what every class in Tasha’s does. Oh your Sneak Attack also increases to 5d6 now.
7th level Wizards get 4th level spells like Phantasmal Killer to make your own jungler (one who’ll actually gank!), and Dimension Door to Teleport into lane. Or out!
Level 8? How about an ASI? You may notice that we have two uneven ability scores: increase both your Intelligence and Charisma by 1.
You can also learn more spells but there honestly isn’t much I want from fourth level so hop back to level 3 for Sending. But you can also take Greater Invisibility for some Duskblade resets. Look I just really need a 5th level spell but it’s hard to justify magic on a champion who throws knives and nothing else.
Time to finally get the last ability we’re missing: Death Lotus. Or more precisely Steel Wind Strike to hit everyone with your daggers and then maybe Shunpo to them after the fact. Speaking of Shunpo for seemingly unlimited jumps take Far Step, allowing you to be everywhere at once. Just know that you’ll only have one 5th level slot.
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(Artwork by Esben Lash Rasmussen. Made for Riot Games.)
Picking up our last two levels in Rogue: level 10 means another ASI. Capped off Intelligence woo!
11th level Rogues get Reliable Talent, meaning that you can’t roll below a 10 on any skill you’re proficient in. As a capstone skill let’s check what the minimum roll you can get on your skills is:
27 on Acrobatics and Stealth
24 on Intimidation
23 on Perception
21 on History
18 on Performance (Bladesinger lul)
15 on Athletics
And to top it off your Psionic Energy die increases to a d10, along with your Sneak Attack capping off at 6d6!
They fear my weapons? I am the weapon - Regardless of your choice of tools you are extremely deadly. On one hand 6d6 sneak attack daggers you can apply 3d8 Booming Blade damage to, and on the other hand plenty of potent spells like Haste and Spirit Shroud.
If you run, you won't see me stab you! - You are also incredibly mobile with Misty Step, Far Step, Psychic Teleportation, Bladesong, and just general Cunning Actions. Not to mention that Bladesong gives a big boost to AC which combines well with Uncanny Dodge and Evasion.
A victory is sweetest when it leads to another - Rogues are meant to be skilled professionals and you are certainly that. The skills you are proficient in can be boosted by psionics. Oh and 28 Passive Perception thanks to Observant is just a little bit nutty.
Ready for trouble? - While you have many a skill you have many more that are lacking. You can put on a mean face sure, but for an important check like Arcana your psionic potential won’t save you.
Better dead than dull - Your spell slots are limited, and quite notably you only have one 5th level slot for Death Lotus IE Steel Wind Strike. While magic can supplement you nicely remember to ration yourself appropriately.
Come on, live a little... while you can! - You know what class doesn’t have a lot of health? Wizards, and half your levels are in Wizard. With a 10 in CON and most of your hit die being d6s your enemies won’t even need to hit you to Power Word Kill you.
But as an assassin you prove why your house is the best in the business. Talk is cheap and you’re always prepared: go in with knives at the ready, take out your target and anyone in their way before slipping out unscathed. You can always reset after a rest; just be sure to remember your cooldowns.
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(Artwork by West Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
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nonagesiimus · 3 years
1 4 8 12 for the final girl asks
1. Lila Crane - Do you ever get creeped out in hotels/motels?
all motels are creepy on principle im less creeped out in hotels but anywhere i cant comfortably put my back to a wall has me creeped out and those beds are all in the middle of the room, so yes
4. Stretch Brock - Favourite horror movie soundtrack?
house of wax 2005 has helena by my chemical romance as the first credits song and that RIPS. other than this i literally cant think of a horror movie off the top of my head where i had strong feelings about the music one way or another
8. Natalie Simon - Tell us a creepy urban legend you grew up hearing
did we have any of these in REDACTED HOMETOWN i dont really remember any regionally specific ones. i remember bloody mary being popular in the cafeteria bathroom in elementary school do you remember that. one time i was in there with imani and she was doing it and the fucking lights went out and it was PITCH fucking black in there. realistically im sure someone turned the lights off but i only remember imani and she was in front of the mirrors so...
12. Dana Polk - Realistically…are you the final girl/boy/person? If not, which character are you?
this is great i have that disease in my brain that just does not let the option of failure compute im literally like well ill just do it and itll happen because it will. so either yes im the final girlboyperson or im not but im the character who THINKS i am
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sugoi-writes · 4 years
Hawks Ramblings!!!
You're invited to a photoshoot for a magazine spread (you're an up and coming hero, let's say top 50 or 60), but you have a HUGE fanbase. You'd be featured with other heros who have been doing well in popularity polls and OOPS... there's Hawks, as SOON as you get there, wrapping up his session.
Turns out, he's heard about you! And he jogs up to you, shaking your hand in earnest. He says he's a huge fan of your work (WHAT?!?) and how your quirk is really fascinating. It's not quite a "I Look Up to You" but more or less like a peer! You guys oogle on about how cool or amazing the other was, and you cant help but find his genuine, soft nature to be startling and refreshing!
Keigo stays behind, and he waits around while you do your shoot, chatting with other heros. But you're nervous and hella stiff. So he just comes up behind you, and he taps you on the shoulder.
" 'Mind if a Pro could help you out?"
Hawks walks you through a few pointers. Chin up, keep your core flexed/engaged, and he helps you relax your shoulders. He gets you to scrunch as tight as you can, roll your shoulders back theeeen.... relax. His hands are guiding your movements, and there are a LOT of behind the scene shots of you two (no clue what they could be used for in the future).
Though you're still really awkward and flustered, his help nails you some rad photos for the magazine/article.
You wanna thank him, but he's already dashed off. But someone (probably one of Hawk's secretaries) swings by and hands you a note.
When you open it, it's an invitation. A fashion show. Luxury designers and celebs from EVERYWHERE would be invited. And with the invite, you see a red feather. It must be your voucher to get in. You couldn't believe it, and yet... you would be the first to be there.
But when you get there, OH BOI... You kicked yourself in the leg. You were not part of the elites that usually flock here. But you bring another Pro! Hero with you for company and helps you blend in. When the show is rolling strong, there's a music change. Something jazzier, something incredibly smooth and tantalizing. (Think "Feeling Good" by Michael Buble).
Who is it??? Hawks, obviously. Shirt unbuttoned halfway down his torso, his natural face markings intensified, and dressed to the 9s. When he makes it to the end, his wings flash outward, and he strikes a very, VERY cocky pose (you are VERY close to front row). After a lick of the lips, he flicks his eyes over to you and winks, before sauntering away.
The whole things has you in awe, and you would 100% be more into fashion and photography because of Hawks now.
After the show, at the afterparty, Hawks of course finds you, dressed in a modern tux. He has his arm around your waist, holding you close while he mingles with everyone with you. You weren't sure how this was happening. Are you dreaming??? Is this real life??? Is this... more than a casual invite???
And at one point, he apologizes, stepping to the side while patting your shoulders," Sorry for bein' rude there, but this right here is my little chickadee, Y/N."
And it is through all of this that you realize: Hawks considered this A DATE. And you're so fucking shook. The night goes well, and the two of you roll out together now, in the same rental that took you to the event. You confront him and ask him what all of this was about.
And just as always, he's coy and cocky," What? Had to make our first date together memorable. And, I can always use the company while at a gig, on the road... busy on patrol..." He gives your thigh a pat, as the car pulls to your apartment. When Hawks opens the door for you, he takes your wrist, haulting you for a moment.
"...meet me at that little cafe on 4th street. I got plans for us tomorrow too."
You were mind boggled. Of course you consented, of course this was WAY more than perfect and fine, but: Hawks had already carved you into his crazy life and schedule. And it absolutely shakes you. You had NO idea that he had any inkling of an interest in you. But now that you know he does... you're not gonna back down.
And let's just say, the next few dates are a competition. Who can be the most spontaneous? The most unpredictable? And most importantly... what boundaries are you willing to cross with your idol turned lover?
(I know from what I've read that Hawks has gotten gigs modeling and in fashion in general, so this dabble is stuck in my head!!! And the song that I mentioned too dhhsjsjs)
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naktergalen · 4 years
Rivamika Fic Suggestions List
Hello! First time posting on the Rivamika side of Tumblr. I just wanted to leave some of my personal recommendations for Rivamika fan fics on here to possibly help pass the time. I know that some people in the Rivamika chat will ask or put down some fic suggestions and it sucks that the messages get deleted after 1 week. Some of these stories are widely known in this community and some I think need a little more love lol. But I hope that you enjoy these stories as much as I have. I’ve split this list up into four categories. I wanted to let people know the status of some these fics in case they did not want to start an incomplete or in progress story. I know that many people are going to noticed that the Western Passage is not on this list. Sadly, I never got around to reading it when it was written for Levi and Mikasa and I can’t seem to find it anywhere for the life of me.
All of these fics can be found on AO3. I would link them but Tumblr apparently has an issue with links. If you guys want another list of fics, just let me know or you can tell me to GTFO and I will take the hint lol! If you have any fic suggestions for me, feel free to message me with them and I can add them on to the next list if anyone wants that. If any author sees their story on here and they want me to take it off the list, please let me know I don’t wish to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Also, last thing, I highly recommend leaving comments and kudos to the authors. I know that they greatly appreciate it and it helps them with improving their writing through feedback. I’ll shut up now.
DISCLAIMER: I know that not all of these stories are not for everyone, these are just my opinions and suggestions.
- Finding Comfort in Burning
Author: LittleWhisperer
Rating: Mature
This is a classic Rivamika fic and I know that the community loves it (as do I). If you are looking for superb character development, look no further than this baby right here. LittleWhisperer’s writing is so well done I can’t believe that this ain’t just a famous author writing in their spare time (oh wait I think they are). They’re so descriptive with the environment that you feel as if you are there watching as the scenes unfold. It’s a captivating story from start to finish and the building of Mikasa and Levi’s passionate relationship is soo scrumptious.
- Part of Me
Author: kenken_chan
Rating: Mature
Every Rivamika fan out there has to read this story!!! I cannot describe how absolutely wonderful this fic is! I was literally left speechless after finishing the last chapter because my mind was just blown away by the conclusion of Levi and Mikasa’s relationship. This really takes you on an emotional roller coaster and you can really grasp each character’s emotions through out the story. I will give a warning before hand, there are heavy subjects and situations presented that some people may not feel comfortable with. I personally think those subjects and how they are handled is what makes this fic such a diamond in the rough but if you are feeling uncomfortable then I understand that as well. I also know this fic has been out before and that the author had made changes to it since it was first released. If you haven’t read the edited version of this story, I would say give it another read now. I would love to hear what people think after they finish reading this gem.
- A Dangerous Game
Author: LittleWhisperer
Rating: Explicit
OMG! What a ride this story was! Once I started to read the first chapter, I could not stop! It just sucked me into the story’s world and I felt like I was actually there seeing the action and environment that the author was describing. This story keeps you in suspense and on your toes for what is going to happen next in this crazy Mafia AU. The relationship between Levi and Mikasa is magnificently done as they come to realize they have more in common than they think. I enjoy LittleWhisper’s work and I recommend checking out more of their works.
- The Taste of Pomegranate
Author: alienheartattack
Rating: Teen/Explicit
I have to say that I would have not expected me to like a Ballet AU story for Rivamika, but I absolutely enjoy every second while reading this one. The way the author creates the tension between Mikasa and Levi is splendidly done in this story. There are two more one-shots that follow after the original fic but they honestly feel like two more chapters that are just continuing with the story. I would certainly read the two one-shots after your finish reading part 1, you will not regret it!
- The Song Remains the Same
Author: MoraLeeWright
Rating: Mature
I enjoy MoraLeeWright’s writing so much! I think I binged read this story in about a day, I couldn’t stop myself. This fic does a really great job of slowly building the relationship between Mikasa and Levi. It gives their perspectives on the challenges they are facing together as well as the conflicting feelings each have about the growing bond between the two of them. I know that this is a Rivamika classic among fans but if you have yet to read it, definitely check this story out!    
- Who Are You Calling a Bitch?
Author: xx_ciela
Rating: Mature
I was terrified that this fic would not ever get updated again, but good news its BACK! I am so excited to see where the story leads and whats going to happen to Mikasa, Levi and the other characters that are present. WAYCAB does an amazing job of mixing and twisting many different types of lore together to pull you into this fantasy type AU. Just when you think you have finally received the answers to your questions, it only lead to more questions lol. This story will keep you pensive and excited to find out what exactly is going on in this city. Its a slow burn in regards to Mikasa and Levi’s relationship, but I have a feeling that the wait will be well worth it. Undoubtedly recommend checking this out and leaving a comment for the author telling you want more!
- I Just Miss A Good Cup Of Tea
Author: EJelly
Rating: Mature
I discover this fic because of how it was blowing up in the Rivamika tag on tumblr lol. I’m soo happy that I decided on checking it out because I binged read the 28 chapters that were out already. Attack on Titan meets The Walking Dead in this baby. The way that EJelly writes action is spectacular, it feels like I’m watching a TV show. I also love the way they write in each character’s POV in order for you to understand the mind set of the characters during this zombie apocalypse. The relationship between Levi and Mikasa is beautifully built over the course of this story and I cannot wait to find out what lies ahead of them. Again, another slow burn that I have a feeling will be well worth the wait (it already has been)! Go check it out and leave a comment telling EJelly that you are excited for more!
- Just Until The Storm Has Gone (?)
Author: MoraLeeWright
Rating: Explicit
Put a question mark by this one because I’m not sure if this is still ongoing or not. Regardless of that, I urge everyone to go read this indescribable work of art. MoraLeeWright’s writing has just blossomed into such beauty and she does nothing but keep getting better as time goes on (I don’t even know how that is possible but she doing the damn thing). JUTSHG is in a class of its own, for me, in the world of Rivamika fics. This baby is from Mikasa’s perspective and it delves into her psyche as she is dealing with the after affects of war. Her relationship with Levi is so mesmerizing in this story and the way that MoraLeeWright creates their smut scenes is so yummy I just want to eat it for lunch. I can’t even call it smut because its so much more than that. You can feel the connection of two souls finally finding the other they have been looking for as well as passion they have for each other. I could go on about how much I LOVE this story but I’ll stop. This one is on my top 3 favorite Rivamika fics of all time.
- No Rest for the Wicked
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Explicit
Freaking love this story and I’m SOOO SAD that its incomplete! Mikasa has to deal with the paranormal while also running a business in this fic. The budding relationship between Levi and Mikasa is well paced and so gracefully displayed that even though it is an incomplete story, it’s well worth reading the 19 chapter that have already been published. Everything you could ask for in a paranormal story is presented; ghost, action, spirits, and lots of angst! This is such a unique story its literally burned into my brain and I will never forget it. I hope that Hallow17 miraculously comes back to finish this baby off one day!
- Romance and Rivalry
Author: AmayaOkami
Rating: Explicit
I AM SO HEARTBROKEN THAT THIS STORY IS NOT COMPLETE I CANT EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN MY FEELINGS!!! Ugh, this story is soo freakin good! I know that this is another story that is popular in the Rivamika community but I have no choice but to put it here! The build up in this story is amazing that you can’t wait to read the next chapter to see what happens with Mikasa and Levi. This is such a great take on a typical romantic trope but AmayaOkami puts so much personality into the characters that it gives off such a fun and exciting vibe. The comedy and awkwardness is displayed so well that I have to stop reading because I get bad second hand embarrassment lol! Omg please read it even though its incomplete, its too much fun to pass up on. AMAYAOKAMI PLEASE I BEG YOU COME BACK AND FINISH THIS RIVAMIKA ROMCOM I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!
- Intertwining
Author: Livysan
Rating: Explicit
I’m staring off these one-shots with two of my favorite Rivamika “smut” stories. This is such a wonderfully written love scene between Mikasa and Levi. Livysan really expresses the yearning passion that Levi and Mikasa have for each and unfolds it in such a sweet and loving way. A must for any Rivamika fan to read.
- Until the Stars Disappear
Author: noiresetoiles
Rating: Mature
This is just an exquisitely done love scene between Levi and Mikasa I almost have no words for it. Its just down right BEAUTIFUL that pretty much all I can do to describe it. I really enjoyed how noiresetoiles decided to not use any dialogue in this story, it really shows how Mikasa and Levi’s actions tell how they really feel about each other. Again, a must read for Rivamika fans.
- Clean-Shaven
Author: hashire
Rating: Mature
The cute domestic fluff that we need from Levi and Mikasa! This is a one-shot but it is part of hashire’s Happily Ever After collection. The whole collection is about the domestic bliss between Mikasa and Levi after the war has come to an end. I definitely recommend reading the entire collection, you will not be sorry.  
- Pure Dawn
Author: sulkyfuckingcat
Rating: Explicit
A Holiday AU that has sexual tension and smut? Count. Me. In. Pure Dawn has all the build up and smutiness that any Rivamika fan needs if they are craving it. Go check it out if you haven’t, I know that its pretty popular in the Rivamika community and I can see why lol.
- Begging for Thread
Author: villanelle
Rating: Explicit
I believe that this one has been talked about a lot in the Rivamika community but I still have to leave it here just in case someone hasn’t heard about it. Its a must read. Written from the perspective of Levi the story explores his mindset as he is trying to deal with his emotions towards Mikasa. Mikasa has some taunting tendencies in this fic which I love as well.
- Looking Into the Heart of Light
Author: hashire
Rating: Explicit
Again, another domestic bliss fic about an eventful evening between Levi and Mikasa. Its a pretty quick read but its too cute to pass up. If your looking for a quick Rivamika fix then this is the fic for you.
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passionate-reply · 3 years
This week on Great Albums: Ministry’s 1983 debut, With Sympathy! It’s not a metal album, and it’s not even an industrial album--it’s just some damn good synth-pop, despite who made it! Whether you’re curious where Uncle Al got his start and why he hates his first LP, or you just want some excellent New Romantic music, you should check this one out. Full transcript of the video under the break, as always.
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! Today, I’ll be tackling the debut album of one of the best-loved industrial bands--though it actually isn’t all that “industrial.” This is With Sympathy by Ministry, first released in 1983. Ministry are one of those acts that have gone through many stylistic evolutions throughout their career, and if you’re familiar with some of their more acclaimed works, it may surprise you to learn where they started out. While With Sympathy was the first full LP released under the Ministry name, it’s not the very first thing in their discography--that honour goes to the 12” single “I’m Falling,” released in 1981.
Music: “I’m Falling”
With a springy post-punk bass line and a tinny mechanical rhythm, “I’m Falling” is a rough-edged piece of cold wave. It was released on the famous Wax Trax! Records, well-known as the home of many of the most illustrious industrial acts of the 80s and 90s, from Coil and Laibach to Meat Beat Manifesto. But for their follow-up LP, Ministry would work with a major label, Arista, and twist that bass-heavy sound into something with less hiss and more groove.
Music: “Effigy”
On the opening track, “Effigy,” a bright synth line artfully fences an electric guitar riff for dominance, showing the extent to which the sonic blueprint of British New Wave acts like A Flock of Seagulls prefigured With Sympathy. This is an album that could only have been conceived in 1983, in the full flush of synth-pop’s mainstream popularity, and it does feel like a cash-in on the success that imported European synth-pop achieved in the first few years of the 1980s--even in Ministry’s native America.
While I’ve covered some albums with somewhat controversial legacies before, With Sympathy probably sets the record for the work that’s most despised by its own creator: Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen has disowned this album even harder than Ralf Huetter did the Kraftwerk albums before Autobahn, even going so far as to claim its affable, fairly commercial sound was entirely the product of Arista’s executive meddling. As with all legends of how great art was made, I don’t particularly believe or disbelieve this legend, or think it’s possible to know if it’s “true”--I simply present it to you as a piece of context, a myth that informs the history of this work. It’s worth noting that the acerbic, aggressive track “Here We Go” is often held up as a form of evidence for this story.
Music: “Here We Go”
The lyrics of “Here We Go” seem to imply that the song is, itself, intended as some sort of offering to the pop charts, but the confrontational style of the vocals is hard to overlook. I suppose it’s somewhat catchy, but not exactly in the same way that a real hit song is--there’s a certain fetching incompetence behind it, that makes its energy that much more compelling. “Here We Go” was released as a single, but only as the fourth selection from the album to receive that honour. A similar quality of dissonance between words and music can be found on the closing track, “She’s Got a Cause.”
Music: “She’s Got a Cause”
Like so many pop-leaning albums by artists who belong more on the underground side of things, With Sympathy has this constant tension bubbling within, and that crass, subversive industrial mindset is straining within the soft prettiness of its synth textures. The darkly playful “She’s Got a Cause” presents us with a narrator who seems to enjoy an idealized abuse at the hands of their lover, in a manner that’s reminiscent of the common industrial preoccupation with sado-masochism. And yet, it sounds downright bubbly--surprisingly so for a closing track, too. The album’s third single, “Work For Love,” is another that plays with this dysfunctional relationship theme.
Music: “Work For Love”
With tight handclap percussion, a call-and-response hook, and even a rhythm break, “Work For Love” certainly delivers on a “work chant” feel. Like “She’s Got a Cause,” it’s a very fun track, on the surface, but the more you think about its gleeful commodification of love and intimacy, the more sour it seems. Given the expected hard R in “work,” this seems like as good a time as any to note frontman Al Jourgensen’s apparent decision to ape something of a working-class English accent, by far one of the most derided features of With Sympathy. Personally, though I’ve never found this all that offensive--there are many styles of music in which vocalists adopt something of a trade cant, and the conventional twang of country singers is as much of a stylistic convention of the music as country guitar. I tend to see a person’s art as a deliberately crafted creation, where the self might be re-imagined in creative ways, and I think the unrelenting demand for complete “authenticity” from artists is little more than rockist hogwash. But that’s just me.
The cover of With Sympathy is one that really puts the capital-R “Romantic” in “New Romantic.” An artfully splayed hand, with very vampish black nails, gestures ambiguously towards wilting, crumbling red roses, an iconic symbol of the impermanence of youth, love, and idealism. The out-of-focus backdrop for the image might be interpreted as veined marble, adding a classicizing touch, or perhaps a stormy sky filled with lightning, adding to the sense of melodrama. The title “With Sympathy” calls attention to the album’s gothic morbidity in a gleefully tongue-in-cheek fashion, and I wish it weren’t so easy to miss on the cover, placed as red-on-red text in the middle of the roses.
As I hinted at earlier, Ministry have never made anything else that sounds similar to With Sympathy. Their second LP, 1986’s Twitch, is a marked sonic departure, featuring harsh, mechanistic industrial assaults. An extremely different album, for sure, but one that I also like quite a lot, in its own way! By the 1990s, Ministry would adopt an increasingly guitar-driven sound, eventually blossoming from industrial into full-blown heavy metal--a transformation that makes With Sympathy look even more bizarre in the context of their catalogue.
Music: “Over the Shoulder”
While I’ve provided a lot of contextual information about With Sympathy, I do want to mention that when I first discovered this album as a teenager, I didn’t know much about industrial music at all, let alone Ministry. And I loved the album! At the end of the day, I think With Sympathy is a very enjoyable New Romantic album, in a vacuum, and I’d recommend it to anyone who’s interested in early 80s synth-pop. Don’t let those later metal albums scare you away from some damn good pop.
My favourite track on With Sympathy is “I Wanted To Tell Her,” the album’s second single. It gets off to a great start, playfully introducing us to an impressively groovy bass guitar, and features a duet between Jourgensen and one Shay Jones, who’s also credited as a co-writer on the song--the only writing credit on the album besides Jourgensen. While Jones would later release some house singles under her own name, she seems to have been a session musician at this point in her career, but does an astounding job for a hired gun. The instrumental of “I Wanted To Tell Her” is almost identical to a bonus track from the “I’m Falling” single called “Primental,” albeit with a bit more studio polish--but that extra bit of professionalism, and its superbly bitter and bitchy duet, push it over the top for me. That’s all for today--thanks for listening!
Music: “I Wanted To Tell Her”
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
Love your blog ♡ may i request main 6 headcanon (or just lucio and julian if u dont feel like doing all the 6) for them reacting to a mc that really love theatre and is a very good actor?
I know you! I’ve seen you in my notications a couple times!! (I try to remember everyone who pops up there. Please don’t think I’m being weird and stalking you)
Anyway! Yes of course I can but to be honest I prefer doing it with all six main characters (And courtiers if specifically asked) So that no one gets bummed that their favorite character wasn’t in the scenario. I love the all the babes and i wanna make them happy, I don’t want them not to ask me to do the scenario over with their favorite character because they don’t think i will. (Plus this keeps my masterlist cleaner) also thank you so much
Main Six With An Actor MC
Truth be told Nadia has a thing for the theater. In fact she’s probably wanted to be an actor at one point but being the Countess doesn’t allow for such free time
(Plus she can’t act to save her life...)
She’s known you were an actor even before you both met. (Be it full time or pastime acting)
She saw you in a few of the plays done at the Theater in town, and can i just say, she LOVED you.
Your emotions on a whim, your attention to detail of your surroundings, the improv moments when someone messed up a line, your ability to remember your lines, the—
Oof! She can go on and on about how much she loves and adores your acting.
She goes to EVERY. SINGLE. SHOW.
She’s always bringing you gifts backstage or just singly waiting for you there to encourage you in between acts.
If your shy about your acting then she’ll simply encourage you more.
If you like to keep your work life and private life separate she can understand that and wont mention it that much at home (Because we all know she could go on forever about skilled you are)
To be honest you didn’t tell him. You figured it wasn’t that important or it never came up.
Well not until auditions at the theater where you both found each other wanting the same part.
At first he’s very surprised.
You both argue over who’s going to step out and let the other have the part when you realize you two are the only ones who made it to the finals.
The head man(? I don’t know theater talk) Decided you’d take one main character part, and Julian could ALSO play a main character.
When you guys are home you’ll probably do skits together a lot.
Maybe sing a few songs from musicals you were both in/have seen.
You guys are often in shows together and seen as the Theater power couple!
Be prepared for role play in the bed room
Make sure to punish him when he gets a line wrong ;)
Asra wasn’t surprised.
Don’t forget he basically raised you from when you were resurrected.
He was happy to see your love for the theater stayed even after death
He often takes you to shows, even after you’ve been together a while he’ll surprise you with tickets to the newest play/musical.
He’s probably the reason you started acting after he encourages you to go to an audition.
“If you don’t get the part, you don’t get the part but at least you had fun trying. You’ll never know unless you try.”
Definitely has helped you with your lines when you need someone to practice with.
He goes to every single one of the shows your in
You always know he’s there because he’s sitting in the front row and shushing ANYONE who dares make a sound durning your parts.
Brings you flowers, balloons, chocolates, hell its like its Valentine’s Day when he comes backstage to congratulate you after a show.
You had mentioned once that you had been in a few plays/musicals to which he swiftly replied; “I know... I’ve seen them”
at your confusion he started to go red whilst also explaining that he watches them from the raptors sometimes and once saw you come on to try out, he thought you did great and started noticing you appearing in more and more of the plays.
Compliments you then continues to tell you that you should do more of them.
Though he will never mention it to anyone (Well maybe Asra) But the first time he heard you singing in a musical he thought you sounded like an angel.
Another thing he will NEVER admit to is how he kind of got excited when he first met you.
He still watched you from the raptors and refuses to sit in the crowd.
Once you started to get things backstage sent to you from the audience he started to get kind of jealous it after a little bit he got used to it.
If you do ever get famous because of it (As much as i hate to say it) It’s most likely a deal breaker for Muriel.
Not because he’s jealous or that he doesn’t want you get popular.
It’s just that with popularity comes people, and we all know people is the one thing Muriel cant take. I mean he might learn to be okay if it was just a few people coming up to you in town or something but if it turns into ull on crowds every time you go out or people following you back to muriels hut like creeps I don’t think he could take it.
He’ll still be your friend though and he’ll still worry about you and come to your acts!!!
Oh god she loves it
Brags all over town that your the best actor in the world
Comes to every single one of your shows. You always know she’s there because she’s the one clapping the loudest and wolf whistling at you in the crowd.
She once got into your fan-candy backstage and ate so much she got sick.
“I thought they were for everybody!”
Definitely shows you off to Julian first though!
Has hosted a mini theater show when you asked for help with your lines.
said mini theater show consistented of Julian, you, Portia, and Pepi being the actors (Pepi was always the bad guy) and Mezlinka being the audience. All of this done in the living room of Portias house.
Has nodoubtly cried over your actings before, even once or twice when just practicing the lines with her.
You made a mental note to not practice sad scenes with her.
I’m sorry, WHAT!?
You had to preform a scene for him right away. After he’s whistling and applauding even if you chose to do one of you least favorite scenes off the top of your head.
“You know I’m something of an actor myself.”
But seriously, he does intend to tell E V E R Y O N E whenever he gets the chance.
Important meetings? “Hey did you know I’m dating an actor?”
Talking with any of the courtiers about the mascarde? “did you know MC is like the best actor? Like ever!”
Being yelled at by Nadia for not paying attention to said meetings? “Hey! Did you know MC was one {Play name}”
He donates a good portion to the theater because “My lover is NOT performing in some run down community theater!”
Always watches your plays from the highest seat in the theater.
Invites as many people as he can to your latest show.
You’ve single handedly gotten him into theater, weather your in the play or not (Though he perfers your acting over everyone else’s)
Stroke his ego by letting him practice lines with you and you’ll be doing the whole play with him.
Bonus points if you let him play the love intrest and it ends in kiss.
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shifting-cat · 4 years
Answering questions as my DRself for this
Ask game (sorry it’s so big I’m on mobile chbdmsbfjrn)
There will be Deltarune spoilers in this post
Also I still haven’t shifted yet,..
🗡 Who would you want to join you in a fight?
Kris! They always seem to know what to do, and haven’t led us wrong!
🔥 If needed, would you sacrifice yourself for others? Or would they sacrifice themselves for you?
I prefer not to think about this, but I suppose I’ll see if the time comes.
(I can’t see this emoji on mobile lol) Do you have a lover?
Not yet, but I hope I will eventually.
(I can’t see this one either asfkfjdjsv) Who is one person you look up to? Why?
I’m gonna have to choose two people for this. I look up to Ralsei because he’s very caring, and I hope that I can be as caring and kind as him! I also kinda look up to Asriel, because he was there for me when I needed him. I can’t wait to see him when he comes back from college.
🐾 Do you have any pets?
Not currently, although I’m pretty fond of Alphys’s cat.
🍁 What’s your favorite season?
Fall, so I’m pretty happy that it’s fall right now. (In the light world at least. There aren’t really seasons in the dark world.)
🌓 Do you prefer to travel by darkness?
No, but it doesn’t matter to much for me, since I can see in the dark.
🪐 What do you think of the stars?
I think that they’re very pretty. Sometimes I’ll just sit on top of my house and watch them. (My house is inside a hill, so I just sit on top of the hill. I’m not going to sit dangerously high!)
🌬 Favorite weather?
Sunny weather. I don’t really like when it gets hot though. Also rain sucks! I hate the way it feels on my fur abdvdmdb.
🌊 Sea or land?
I like being on land, but water is pretty. I think I would like going to a beach. (Minus the heat-)
🍋 What’s a meal that reminds you of home?
Toriel’s cinnamon butterscotch pie. I had it a few times while visiting Asriel. And while it’s not my home, her place is so inviting. It really does feel more like home than my actual house.
🍓 Who is someone you will remember all your life?
Definitely all the dark world inhabitants and probably Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. But mostly, probably Asriel. I know a lot of people think of him as the popular guy, but he’s a very good friend. He helped to keep me safe when I really needed it.
🦪 Where are you from?
Ooh, I’m not too keen on answering this one, but it’s about an hour away from hometown if you’re driving. (About 3 hours if you’re walking)
🍷 What is one thing you’ll never forget?
Finding the dark world.
🏹 What is your preferred weapon?
I prefer ACTing, but If I need to attack, or Kris isn’t there to give me advice and I can’t figure anything out, I’ll use my claws, or this blue bat type thing I can summon in the dark world.
🎻 What kind of music do you like?
I really love music that utilizes natural sound. And this is a really weird thing that happened now that I think about it more but- A few days ago, a little white dog (from the library I think??) dropped off a set of CD’s and a CD player with some songs on it and they sound nice.
🌌 What’s one thing you like doing before you go to bed at night?
I usually take showers before bed instead of in the morning, and unlike rain, they’re really nice.
🕯 Name one thing you couldn’t live without.
The creek in the woods near my place. It’s so nice to go sit by and relax to.
(Another emoji I cant see-) What is the currency where you’re from?
Dollars. We have some coins, and some paper money. I’m not from the dark world, but the currency there is “Dark Dollars.” I legitimately didn’t believe Ralsei at first when he told me that. I though him and Kris were playing a trick on me.
🔮 Do you believe in magic?
There’s some conspiracy theorists that don’t, but it’s pretty well documented that magic used to exist. And in the dark world, it pretty much has everyday uses, and is definitely a thing.
📜 Can you read, and is literacy common?
Yeah. And literacy is common.
(I can’t see this emoji) If you could ask an omnipotent being one question and they answered truthfully, what would you ask?
I’d probably be cliché and just ask who my soulmate is cbcndbme.
❄️ Ice or Fire?
They both look pretty, but Fire is kinda cooler. It is scary, though.
🌲 Describe yourself in three words
Cat-like, relaxed, and uhh... short.
Conga rats on reaching the end of this post.
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insomnihan · 4 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Boca”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG HAD THE F UCKING NERVE THE AUDACITY THE GUMPTION AND THE GALL TO BE AS BOMB AS IT IS literally the moment i heard that rain and thunder i was f cukity F CIKED the way that they just know how to work with more gentle verse parts and theN PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE WITH THE CHORUS ITSELF SPEAKING OF THE CHORUS ITS F UCKING CRAZY??????????? THAT????????? GODDAMN GUITAR????????????? OWNS MY ASS??????????? OH MY F UCKING GOD JUST THE WAY GAHYEON STARTS IT OFF TO EASE US INTO IT HMMMMMMMMMM- THE ABSOLUTE POWER IN DAMIS FIRST RAP........... SHES SICK™ FOR THAT!!!!!! ‘HOLD UP’ YEAH HOLD UP I WASNT READY DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN DAMIS AND GAHYEONS RAPS IN THE SECOND VERSE YOU CANT EXPECT TO BE OKAY AFTER THAT™ ARE YOU SERIOUS- just all of their voices............ the way theyre just so powerful and emotional and you can tell............. siyeon pls your high notes holy f uck-
WHAT IM SAYING Is this song was such a good follow up to scream like F UCK i literally ask after every comeback ‘will they top this’ and tHEN THEY DO
i was so boo boo the fool like i really thought since diamond and breaking out fell into the same genre that it wouldnt be intense like This im 🤡
SO I WILL BE USING THE COMEBACK SHOWCASE TO TALK ABOUT THE DANCE BC OH MY GOD- so they all said that this song was their hardest dance yet................. queens of dance I F UCJUNG SWEAR
both the upside down triangle hand symbol AND then for ‘boca’ where they make their hands like a mouth................... Iconic™
and then dami................................. i-
the flags............... sua and jiu and yoohyeon.......... Thinking A Lot™
this part with jius bridge lives rent free in my brain
sua sitting on the dancers shoulders and singing the most hard hitting lyrics in the song thats it thats the bullet point
just................. the WHOLE ENDING
shouldve really just put the entire damn video here but i already wrote it out
okay................................ everyone who follows me KNOWS that im just so whipped for all these women if i was a Brave Bicth™ id tell them they were all beautiful every day to their faces but if this is your first time seeing this CHAOTIC AS F UCK series of posts then-
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BELLE????????????? BELLE IS THAT YOU???????????? why does Miss JiU over here just got to be one of the most beautiful women in the GODDAMN UNIVERSE I CANT STAND THIS LOOK AT THIS PICTURE!!!!!! i wont lie to yall but it was gonna be this one or the one kinda at the beginning where shes wearing red..................... and....................... her neck- THE RED IS FIRE BY THE WAY AND THE SAME OUTFIT BUT IN LIKE R.o.S.E BLUE WITH THE CHAIN STEP ON ME- and the black one that we dont really see a lot of.................. the sheer of it............ bicth-
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yes it was absolutely necessary for me to use this shot
OFC MY BICTH ASS NEARLY FELL OFF HIS F CUKING BED WHEN SHE SHOWED UP IN THE TEASER JUST COVERED IN WATER I SWEAR I COULDNT BREATHE FOR LIKE TEN MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all the red and blue ones just one sleeve and those shorts and all those belts I DUNNO JUST THIS WOMAN AND CROP TOPS OKAY IM LOSING IT IM THIS 👌 CLOSE and then the white dress i cant stand her i really cant-
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HOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MISS LEE SIYEON OUT FOR MY NECK I SEE- i just wanna point out first that i love her love for pants like the rest of the outfits are gonna be worn for performing and they all have those baggy pants she loves so much pls shes everything im 🥺🥺🥺 tho the braids and the high ponytail without and yknow what WITH BANGS TOO im........................ i cant stop staring at this picture-
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this specific hairstyle in the screenshot........ the braids the safety pins with the brown and pink or whatever it was like three different colors just the Serve™ she is serving in that with that outfit and the back of her skirt is long than the front im weak in the knees for you maam- oH THAT F UCKING RED ONE GRABBED MY NECK NAILS INTO MY SKIN AND ALL AND ENDED ME HONESTLY and that chain necklace.......................... keeping words to myself-
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SHES SO HOT AND FOR WHAT my god this blue hair she is WORKING IT- i had such a difficult time even finding a good screenshot of her and i know the moment i just decided with this one that i was just gonna keep getting distracted by it and i am rn as i type this GOD- the all black outfit she shows up in the very first time in the mv..................... [REST] the blue one with the thing on her thigh with the low ponytail................. [REST x2] herself....................... [D*AD]
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THE MOMENT SHE JUST SHOWS UP RIGHT AT THE START SHE GRABBED US BY THE NECKS AND LET US KNOW SHES KILLING IT LIKE THIS this pink hair is doing her like two million favors like the space bun look right here???????? STUNNING just left long and straight??????? BEAUTIFUL the fit with the beige(?) sweater and skirt and that black outfit during her rap verse the pink dress iM D*AD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked)
Break the Wall
oH BICTH the way this song took me back to my edgy middle school years listening to music like this MY GOD THEIR VOICES SOUND SO COOL ON IT like they were using megaphones and s hit THE CHORUS IS SO GOOD IM GOING FERAL™ I FEEL LIKE I CAN CONQUER THE WORLD WITH THIS-
Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind
ALL ENGLISH SONG BICTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its all about the yearning its so catchy and good i was literally already singing it randomly right after the highlight medley like honestly this and break the wall are so nostalgic highkey- their pronunciation is so so SO good!!!!
JIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 IM SO SOFT DONT LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she wrote this herself and its just so full of love and thankfulness and gratefulness and appreciation for insomnias SOMEONE PROTECT HER- and then the rest of the members singing so gently and beautifully there are real tears in my eyes...............
LIKE im just gonna say it every comeback now i guess THEY👏NEVER👏DISAPPOINT👏EVER👏 i love being an insomnia so much yknow??? love them as people love them for always providing content and always showing that they love and appreciate their fans and how they always make me laugh and feel better and most importantly of all is THEIR MUSIC not implying anything with capitalizing and bolding that............... unless they are so incredibly talented and show how versatile they are in so many different genres AND THEYVE GROWN SO MUCH IN POPULARITY THIS YEAR AND ARE NOW BEATING THEIR OWN GOALS im so happy to be their fan 😊😊😊 this just became a paragraph of me and how much i love them ANYWAY-
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wavetapper · 4 years
just do all of the music ones except for the Beatles one. i dont care about that list
oh epic style ok :)
1. what song off a otherwise popular album do you think more people need to hear?
idle worship is the best song on after laughter but i think its relatively overlooked :(
2. what band/ artist needs more love?
WOOZE should be the most popular indie rock band in the universe but 2 people listen to them
3. who do you think is/ are the most overrated artist/ band?
hozier :^I  cool epic haha hilarious answer tumlr cringe (in all seriousness i get why people like his music its just not for me)
4. what are your favorite subgenres of music?
5. share a little known fact about a band/ artist you love?
tri4th is pronounced as triforce, which was the band’s original name back when they had 3 members.  they changed it to tri4th when they added a 4th member but kept the name when they added a 5th
6. when someone asks you for a music recommendation what bands/ artists do you say?
7. how much do you actually like those artists, be honest.
a lot! i only really recommend music that i personally enjoy
8 what is your biggest musical guilty pleasure?
headphone-destroying rhythm game speedcore is actually very epic and cool
9. how do you make your playlists?
depends on what its for. usually i just scroll through my Big Main Playlist and add everything that fits and then search for more after
10. what are the best playlists you’ve made?
superscript and barry the benson’s epic nice funny music deluxe :)
11. what artist have you pretended to listen to to fit in or sound cool?
12. what was the first artist you remember being pretentious about?
frums probably
13. i know you say you hate modern pop, but do you actually? if so, why?
eh i guess its just not for me. i tend to listen to Weird music so like. by definition pop music isnt really in line with my tastes. some of it is pretty epic though
14 skipped and also answered
15. be honest, do you listen to any female artists? if you do do you feel superior to the other pretentious music kids because of it?
yeah i love to hear a girlboss winning. i feel superior to other pretentious music kids anyway because i have better taste than them
16. how do you feel about artists “selling out”?
its never happened to any of the artists i particularly like so im not sure
17. do you think going to a big venue is worth it to see an artist live?
eh, meh
18. how do you feel about venues with seats?
ive never actually been to a concert but i love sitting down
19. what artist did you know about before they got big?
jack stauber. and im super glad to see that he’s more popular now, i absolutely love his stuff
20. how does it make you feel when an unknown artist you like blows up?
epic they deserve that money and recognition
21 “no one should be judged for their taste in music” do you agree with this statement?
unless its like. very offensive or made by a publicly shitty person then whatever dude music is epic
22. what artist did you try to like because you thought they were “cool”, but just couldn’t get into?
tame impala 😔
23. what artist can you absolutely not stand?
cant think of one off the top of my head :(
24 what artist do you think influenced your style the most?
graham kartna’s epic weird webcore techno shit makes me want to dress like the internet
25. do you watch anthony fantano? if o how much do you let him influence your taste in music?
no but i saw that he didnt like 10 by tricot all that much so i hate him violently how dare you not have the same opinion as me
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