#i cant wear heels at all
beenovel · 2 years
The older I get the more like Virginia from Meet Virginia by Train I become which is weird because I grew up on that song
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lyss-sketchbox · 2 months
This isnt even about shipping them fack that just they. NEED. TO. TALK.
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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ryann-44 · 13 hours
Would Saedith ever wear a dress? She doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would think of wearing a dress on purpose (despite looking very good wearing it) but I bet she would enjoy the soft fabric and the way the skirt goes whoosh.
I cant see her ever dressing up or anything. BUT shes my oc and she dont got a choice
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Quick question, how old is Seb in the boy king au when they get married, I'm asking because I was rereading the fic & directors cut from September and you said he’s so obsessed with calling Seb little. Is Seb shorter than Nando or is Nando trying to feel a bit taller when actually he is a itty-bitty war criminal kitty? If Seb is shorter but still has time to grow how badly will Nando take it
Hello! This one is much easier to answer than your other one(You're really making me think deeply, thank you 🥺), so I think I can answer this pretty quickly(hopefully)
So you've probably noticed that I don't mention actual years too much which is just bcs the timeline is so vast and I've not decided on a lot 😭. But they basically have the same age gap as modern day, so I'd say they were born in 1681 and 1687 respectively(which matches up well enough with the real world history.) Irl, the war that I'm canon divergencing away from takes place 1701-1714, so stuff regarding when their coronation and marriage happens is somewhere in there. So I'd say Nando becomes king in like, 1705 and then they marry somewhere between then and 1710(when seb ideally becomes emperor??)
So to answer your actual question. Seb is def taller than Nando by the time they get married. But in that ficlet, Fernando is obsessed with calling Seb small because he wants to make himself feel bigger!! It's less about actual height and more about power dynamics. He's belittling him by literally calling him little! And it's also about Nando being older than him. Seb became a king as a boy(hence boy king), whereas Fernando became a king as an adult so he calls him little because he still sees him as that little boy king who is too young to have that amnt of power.
They first met pretty young, not knowing what their future would be like, and didn't really see each other for a while. And so until they meet again, when the marriage plans start happening, their perceptions are: Nando thinks of Seb as some little boy king, and Seb has a childish crush. So it's very odd for Nando to suddenly now meet this kid, all grown up, and he's now taller and even more powerful. So I think Nando still associates Seb with that image in his mind, thus calling him little all the time.
Conclusion: Fernando IS shorter, and he wears heels and calls Seb little all the time as a way to cope
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
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more fashion dreamer pics! more Dave plus I made my OC Meena (that one of many OCs i made off a dream LOL) as a second muse! i dont have a very close hair colour for her vaguely pinky creamsicle colour i usually paint her with rn so she just has fully pink hair for the time being jhkfldskjrf also raven showed up at my showroom! and some isaac fits because they say shit like %#^[#!{%#% so i always wanna talk to them LOL
can u tell "flirty" was my favourite style in style savvy DS vhjbelkfrfe
#fashion dreamer#the very first game the original DS game. i miss u flirty. i know it got like#divested into mostly bold and a bit of girly and pop#irl i think its supposed to be inspired by like gyaru-ish stuff and a lot of general 2000s hot pink shenanigans#looks like jirei kei but more tube tops and fur and a more saturated pink LOL#it was a bit redundant of a style so it makes sense they got rid of it after the first game#but listen. black and hot pink and bows and lace. i just love it HJKDLSJFKDS#attempting to single handedly make as much flirty esque clothes as i can now#thats one thing thats nice about the clothing making aspect of this game. its a bit more limited than i would like rn#but now i can make ALL the flirty style. i can even make type b flirty.... im unstoppable#like everyone else i expected but am still a bit bummed by the genderlocking in this game#i expected the clothes but the socks and shoes being locked is a bit of a killer sometimes..#i want type a's in dress shoes and type b's in heels is that so much to ask#also i want fishnets for type b so so desperately#let dave wear fishnets. please#what was a bit of a shock tho was the npc poses u unlock are also type a or b only#which SUCKS because NOW type a's cant look half asleep like sleep deprived simon#and type b's cant do a tadaaa pose like woodland whateverhernamewas#its so sad because my oc dave would be perfect for the tadah! and my oc meena would be perfect for the half asleep#THAT i hope they update especially cause like yeah u need to alter things for the different rigs but its an animation man#pwease. pwetty pwease i want those poses to be universal ;-;#still playing like daily tho LOL intensely addicting gameplay despite the many flaws
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warcats-cat · 9 months
Logince shipping bingo? :3
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Hot disaster 💜💜💜💜 They're like that picture of a fire tornado. Homestuck kismesis personified
I love my logince spicy. They love each other but are always just a little bit competitive. <Oh, you made breakfast? Well surprise, I bought your favorite super expensive coffee.> <You took me to my favorite restaurant for MY birthday? Well I MADE your favorite meal for your birthday!>
But it doesn't work unless Roman is complete himbo and Logan is a secret softie. 👀
Roman asks Logan if they want to take a tussle in bed and they somehow end up wrestling on the floor in just their underwear like morons.
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girlspecimen · 6 months
i dislike tradwives so much like not only are they just fucking annoying and racist and antifeminist etc girl you are literally at home all day and do your NOSE CONTOUR........
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good morning! i just put a.khos on the f/o list!
#had to happen eventually hehe! I've fallen head over heels for my biggest enemy and i love him sooooo much!!#ash rambles 💚#i had a pretty eventful weekend#went out of town and on a shopping spree! twas very fun and i ate lots of yummy food and the such#i'm home now but so.. tired... cant bring myself to get out of bed just yet BAHAHAHA#i keep thinking about a.khos' arms around me keeping me close to him#i had a kinda creepy interaction with a man in public the other day and although i'm ok and safe#it was the first time that had happened to me and i'm still sorta shaken up#im ok!!! but i keep thinking about f/o comfort and the such just to help some more. i'm completely safe and doing so much better than I was#you see... theres this character... i don't love him. i think he's a horrible man. but he's so hot i start questioning things about myself#and my s/i for that source is a known flirt- so i wouldnt put it past them to have gotten it on a few times#but i've been thinking... what if theyre actually bitter exes? maybe that's why my d.mc s/i hates serious relationships so much..#but that aside. this character wears this heavy coat and i keep thinking abt using it as a weighted blanket!! it looks really really cozy#sir you're an asshole but... give me your coat!!!!! (grabby hands)#oh also! me being home means i got to see a.qua plushie!!! i missed her!#but yeah. that's what's up. so much goddamn a.khos brainrot.#he's stolen my heart#and don't tell anyone i said this but...#i love it. i love it so much. no better feeling than me being his and he being mine#also i've been thinking about my xb1 fankid a lot as of late.. but if i start rambling about Nalia we'll be here all day LMAO#but yeah! hope everyone is doing well! i'm doing okay too#ALSO AJDHWJEHW SO MUCH S.KYRIM ROT!! I LOVE R.UNE BY THE WAY AJDJAJS I#I HAVE BEEN DOING SO SO MUCH S/I WRITING FOR THEM#ALL OF THE THIEVES GUILD ARE MY BEST FRIENDS BTW#also did i mention i got to visit one of the largest bookstores in the world? goodness i love books soooo much!!!!!!!!#but also... reading next to a.khos.. enjoying that comfortable silence..#(swoons) what a man
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straykats · 1 year
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misoforbreakfast · 1 year
O dio maneskin makes me feel things
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gifti3 · 1 month
okay i milked the whole boxes thing for a good while now, i need something else to overthink about now lmao
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my heels have been raw for a WEEK now from the flats i wore to my interview last week. i had to go out, get a decent looking outfit JUST for it, had to put on some makeup -i don’t wear makeup-, had to buy a cheap ass pair of dress shoes from walmart to go with it, couldn’t just show up in my old tennis shoes… only to get there and for all the guys i was up against to be wearing jeans and their tennis shoes like they just came from the gym- and MOST of them got the job. every single woman in there was dressed nice, hair done, modest yet professional clothes, PRESENTABLE. and almost every guy was dressed like they just came from a bar. idk.
they tell you not to have blue hair or visible tattoos or piercings “BeCaUsE nO oNe WiLl HiRe YoU!!” and so you never dye your hair like you want to, you dress nice, you put effort into your appearance for this one day, you wear uncomfortable shoes that shred your heels and you have to wear bandaids for the next week, you give your most thoughtful answers to the interview questions, and it still might not be enough. meanwhile Mr Burger Grease Stained Shirt McGee beside you in his beat up sketchers bullshitted all his answers and landed the job
#i shouldnt still be thinking about it. but i just had to change my bandaids AGAIN and my heels dont look like theyre getting better at all#theyre still raw#it was a group interview and the only other lady in there didnt get the job#only a couple guys out of thr entire pool for my time slot were dressed Nice#like not in their every day casual clothes. one guy wore a marble looking maroon suit jacket which i respect the hell out of#he got the job.#but almost everyone else was in casual wear. hell I was the only girl in pants!! business type pants but still#ALL the women were dressed up. only a few of us made it through#a lot more effort was put in on our part. and yet#idk. im not trying to articulate any specific point here. just kinda cant stop thinking#about how none of the guys are having to wear bandaids on their heels for a week#after their 4 hour interview process#i was only in the damn things for 4 hours. from start to the time i already had the job and drug tested it was only ~4 hours#just my life#vent#im not complaining that they got the job…its just the fact that they didnt put half the effort into looking presentable as we did yknow?#why did i have to put concealer on to be taken seriously. why couldnt i have gone in in my old tennis shoes and still gotten the job#because LAST time i went in for the same interview i DIDNT wesr makeup#and i DIDNT wear flats. i went in in my tennis shoes and formal-ish pants and a sweater and didnt get the job#im not saying how i dressed this time is what did get me the job…but i know that i put more effort into looking the part of an interviewee#this time and i did get the job. so idk. did it make a difference? it was the only thing i did different this time so i have to think it did#idk. i guess i just would like to see the same amount of effort put in. either that or dont make ME put in so much effort.#let me show up in MY casual wear and MY comfortable shoes.#idk. my heels hurt and its annoying
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clownboy-yeehonk · 4 months
Something about the wretched florescent lights in a tj Maxx dressing room simply removes both my self esteem and my will to live with a surgical precision that boggles the mind
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racingmiku2018 · 7 months
this job has taken a lot from me (all of my saints patience, my willingness to play nice when people in charge are fucking idiots, the ability to still be kind to said idiots, and the shred of my will to live that ive been trying to maintain for the past 15 years) but in exchange ive become a relatively ok cook, a dab hand at baking, and now i can call my boss an irresponsible unprofessional idiot who should never have passed middle school to her face so its almost evened out
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guttednights · 4 months
Older boyfriend Simon (Pt 2.)
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Pt 1 here
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Older boyfriend simon: who pays for your nails and toes to be done every 3 weeks.
Older boyfriend Simon: who told you, you were gonna get cold but you refused to bring your jacket and is now wrapping you in his jacket.
Older boyfriend Simon: who takes you shopping every time you ask because ur his princess and will do anything for you.
Older boyfriend Simon: who pays for everything and glares you down if u even reach for your wallet/ purse
Older boyfriend Simon: who slings you over his shoulder anytime you give him and attiude and throws you on the bed.
Older boyfriend simon: who gets home from work late, and kisses your forhead gently to not wake you
Older boyfriend Simon: who makes breakfast for you as an apology for being home late last night :(( (HOW CUTEEE)
Older boyfriend simon: who 100% punishes you for any attitude or stubbornness
Older boyfriend simon: who carries you to the car and house because your pretty feet hurt so bad from being in heels all day, he cant stand seeing you in pain:((
Older boyfriend simon who keeps a photo of you in his pocket while hes busy "fighting bad guys"
Older boyfriend simon: who rubs himself raw to the pictures you sent him to "not forget you" he could never forget you sweetheart.
Older boyfriend Simon: who bear hugs you for hours when he gets home from a grueling mission, cause he missed his pretty girl so much.
Older boyfriend Simon: who has your name in his phone as "wife", all tho hes not into all that "cute couple shit" he cant help but remind himself why he's fighting to get home when your notification pops on his screen :(
Older boyfriend simon: who loves the cute lil texts u send him. "baby what time is it for you?" "baby i miss you:(" "baby wheres that one hoodie? the grey one? i wanna wear it" "baby are you ok?" "baby promise youll come home"
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side notes: no typo checks sorry lol. also kinda lost things to drabble on about, so sorry if this is dry lels
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