#??? i think ??????
clockwayswrites · 2 days
Danny/Duke, Yellow, Train horn @apersond
Duke was dreaming.
He knew that he was dreaming because everything looked like before. Before his powers developed. Before he could see all the befores and all the afters. Before he knew that he wasn’t fully human. Duke liked dreaming because of that.
Seeing everything he saw was exhausting. It was more information than and human mind was supposed to handle. And, well, he wasn’t fully human, but he was still half. There were days where Duke wondered if he was really able to handle everything. (Those days were usually migraine days.) But when he was dreaming, Duke could still feel normal for a little while.
Unsure what he was dreaming about (and honestly not really caring), Duke wandered the distorted version of Gotham that his mind had made up. The major points were all there, but everything had been squished together like a city in a snow globe. Duke past a new stand full of magazine he couldn’t read in the dream, the covers full of people he knew, and found himself suddenly on Gotham U’s campus in the main quad.
The whole square was bathed in a green light. A green light that Duke knew, but he shouldn’t be seeing in his dream. His dreams were supposed to be like before. There wasn’t supposed to be the distortions here. So why did his boyfriend still light up the world around him with green?
It was almost blinding as Danny turned towards Duke. Danny’s eyes were endless pools of green.
“Help me.”
Danny’s voice echoed through the quad, bouncing off the old stonework buildings like they were in the Cave and Danny was using a megaphone.
“Help you? What’s wrong?” Duke shouted back, struggling against the sudden wind that had picked up.
“Help me.”
There was ringing under Danny’s voice now. Like the city train's whistle when the winter air caught it and made it travel further than you could normally hear it. It matched the way the earth rumbled and shuttered under Duke’s feet like a passing train car.
“I don’t know how! What’s wrong?!”
“Help me.”
The grass fell away from under Danny’s feet, breaking apart and falling into a swirling green void. Danny hung there, perfectly posed in midair for a moment before he started to drop.
Duke dashed forward, screaming Danny’s name, but the shattered hole in the earth kept getting further away and Danny kept falling and—
Duke woke with a gasp.
His clothing was soaked through with sweat. The cold aid from the ac hit him and chilled him instantly and Duke burrowed deeper into the blankets despite how good it also felt wicking the sweat away.
He’d been dreaming.
What had he been dreaming about?
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izzybluebell · 1 day
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with the ghovie now just a day away from releasing i wanted to share my personal papa v theory :)
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chongoblog · 2 days
I can't say I expected a new Danganronpa game to be announced this Direct, but here we are I guess
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tweedvamp · 2 days
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The holy trinity of lesbians in videogames
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nanaonmars · 2 days
i know people have been talking about it but i’m going to lose my mind if i don’t say anything. the new ultraman:rising movie is SO SO GOOD. SOOOO GOOD. i’m genuinely losing my shit because i didn’t expect it at all. i was just looking for something to watch with my sisters. imagine my surprise when we played it and it was more emotional than i thought it would be. first of all: the reluctant father trope is gonna get me EVERYTIMEEE. and they did it so well. in fact i think it’s my favorite portrayal of the trope so far. ken had me tense as hell for the first bit bc i wanted to see how they were gonna redeem him, but honestly, the pacing and character development was amazing. watching him progress felt natural, and i absolutely adored seeing how emi made him a better person.
the scene when he met her for the first time and the clouds cleared?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? he loved her from the moment he met her. and i love love loveddddd that he actually treated her like his daughter. he called her baby, he called himself her dad, he played with her, he fed and washed her, etc etc. i feel like it’s very common to see the father figure still keep that distance, especially when they’re not raising a human, but for the most part, he went all in. you couldn’t tell that man he didn’t birth her! i so badly want to see more of them together, even if it’s just a mini series of him raising her on kaiju island. she impacted every area of his life. he needed her just as much as she needed him.
dr. onda did drive me insane, but i did feel for him just a little bit. i understand why he let his vengeance fuel him. also maybe i’m overthinking it, but i like the parallel of him and ken with their sunglasses. they both hide their sadness, grief, and vulnerability with them. i think it’s neat that they know they can’t hide how their eyes express their feelings.
ultradad and mecha gigantron messed me UP. i was so scared his dad would actually die, but i was also very happy to see gigantron was actually alive. she was very valid in attacking the kdf for stealing her baby!! i hope they can fix mina because emi needs her grandmas. every single scene of ken and emi nearly brought me to tears. this movie was made with so much love. i heard it took 25 years for them to get this movie actually approved and going, so congrats to shannon tindle for having a vision and seeing it through!! thank you for sharing it with the world because it’s easily one of my favorite movies of the year. i hope the end credit scene actually leads to more of this universe, because this movie has truly blown me away.
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blarrghe · 19 hours
the thing about ADHD is it really isn't the forgetting stuff disorder. We remember everything extremely well we just get distracted and don't look at the memories. Like, if my partner asks me to look out for a package in the morning but neither of us sticks a note where I'll see it, there's like a greater than 90% chance I will not do that. But when something comes about to remind me of it (usually too late, such as partner getting up and checking for the package, shameful!), I will remember that conversation where I agreed to watch for the package in excruciating detail. this is true of any thing that I later "forget". when the reminder comes I can remember where I was sitting, what I was wearing, the precise wording of the conversation in question, or the reason for why I put the thing where I put the thing, etc. Memory's great I just didn't access the memory because I was distracted by the bees in my brain. The things are there they just aren't getting the attention because the attention can only go so many places and I don't control where it goes. This is why it is the attention deficit disorder.
Well what about the times when you do forget every single word of a conversation you had, you ask? Like, someone can say they remember me saying something in response to them and I 100% do not remember saying those words? well. wasn't paying attention to the conversation happening at the time I was having it. Sorry. Not your fault you probably weren't boring. There were bees in my brain while we were talking and so when I look back there's just buzzing. Hope that helps.
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The finals were kicking my ass but I am free now!!!! Feels great. Here is some shameless whump I sketched to get back into it!
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Smile for the camera~
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piowasthere · 9 hours
imma be honest i don't even know what to say here
here's Moon NEXUS in space
it's intense what can i say he's fucking up pretty badly.
but that ain't no Moon. rant for later art now
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khaosssss · 9 hours
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Howdy,,, Howdy my beloved,,,
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will you post the complete story? like along with the shorts you made before?
for the werebear story? yup thats the plan
i think once i finish i'll make one post on here with all of them together and i'll put it up on AO3 as one story as well. not sure about the timing on that though
not to plug my own stuff too much lol but if ur looking for something of mine, with similarities to the werebear heat story, to read while you wait:
'Snapped' has a similar 'i'm in heat but we cant mate because u dont want to and its dangerous' but with an alien
'Finally Woken' has heat smut at the end with a naga but the story overall is friends to lovers and pretty fluffy
'Sacrifice' is about someone dubiously sacrificed (to a forest god) to help the town, via the council
otherwise, i'm pretty focused on this story and am trying to run with it as fast i can lol i've also decided to split the next chapter in two after all, which means it'll hopefully b up soon
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incorrectjokerout · 17 hours
Jan:A sprite is anything not static.
Kris:A sprite is a variable object,be it 2d or 3d.
Bojan:A sprite is a fucking soda.
Bojan:You god damn geekass bastards.
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23fallencomets · 17 hours
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the-xen-den · 2 days
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day 6 of @deadboystims event: board based on your favorite aesthetic
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hexplaything · 2 days
if ur reading this ur horny
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zubin-bus · 3 days
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literaphobe · 1 day
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me in approximately two weeks
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