#i continue to see stupid posts on my dash
goldensunset · 8 months
‘filtering out content about upsetting current events on social media is wrong and disgusting because you’re basically looking away and remaining ignorant’ is a weird bit of discourse to me. as much as we like to joke about being terminally on tumblr it’s pretty wild to assume someone doesn’t have, like, a life outside of the fandom stupidity website and that tumblr is the only source of information they could possibly have access to. buddy some of us actually do read the old fashioned news and talk to people i actually don’t need to hear you specifically talk in order to understand that the world is a nightmare. i use this website to scroll through pretty pictures
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themyscirah · 3 months
Thinking about current continuity Vanessa and just getting pissed off again
Like one, LET HER REST oh my god dc you ruin her FUCKING life like an asshole only to bring her back as a villain after she finally got out oh my god-
But also like its just so bad. This is a whole other woman with her name like why are we doing this. Like first you kill her mom (JULIA NOOO) and erase her YEARS of history growing up around diana (the thing that actually made her villain turn [if you can call it that w the level of manipulation involved] interesting and fucking heartbreaking) for some shitty "oh I saved you we were friends" run of the mill whatever. Then to use that and say Nessie had a crush on her OWN SISTER (Diana, so like informally adopted, but still 😡) now????
And then they took away her curls and made her a redhead but not even the realistic kind. DC SHE DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT
It just makes me so mad. Freaking guys. They could have used another name like oh my god. She's not even the first silver swan why the fuck would they do that if they're not going to explore her history w diana (which she no longer has!!!!) or how intensely fucked up everything got for her. What is even the fucking point of this then other to drag a main character of the ww supporting cast through the mud again for genuinely no reason. They could have easily had her be Valerie Beaudry (sorry Val) instead or just MADE UP ANOTHER NAME because it's obvious that no one actually cared about her as a character they just wanted the wondy villain back so like !!!!!!!!!! Why even bother
#her entire treatment just makes me so angry#like in general it makes me mad and sad and a million other emotions#but the fucking robinson version just makes me enraged. beyond pissed off. because theres no fucking reason for it its bullshit and its the#one in current continuity right now. so i get to see tom king ww panels put on my dash that have this stupid fake vanessa and its so#infuriating. like thats NOT her!!!!!!! oh my freaking god people#her hair is BROWN and CURLY and shes dianas BABY SISTER who she lived with for YEARS like she was a MAJOR supporting ww character for the#longest time. like shes got about 100 appearances (just checked) preboot this is not a minor character#so freaking frustrating#blah#ALSO. FUCKING ALSO. THE FACT THAT THE WHOLE CURRENT VANESSA TURNED EVIL BC SHE REALIZED SHE WASNT SPECIAL TO DIANA BS. FUCK YOU THERE LIKE#OH MY GODDDDD “isnt special to diana” im going to fucking kill you. what do you mean she doesnt care about her specially. thats her FUCKING#BABY SISTER. not to sound like vanessa herself a la silver swan but those clowns at dc would never say that shit about cassie oh my god#not special my FUCKING ass. nessie and her mom were literally the first people invited to themyscira in post coie continuity#like yes diana trevor and steve trevor and even baby julia kapetelis washing ashore but like the kapetelises (and you could even say just#nessie bc again her mom had been there before) were the FIRST ones invited there like you cannot say diana didnt care about them more than#the average joe dc i fucking despise you.#this girl has been through so much why is dc incapable of throwing her a bone ever. nessie i am so sorry they did that to you sweetie.#gonna tag it bc her tag deserves the traffic#vanessa kapatelis#just makes me so mad#doing all that to the normal teen girl character in a wonder woman comic is so fucked actually like dc comics i should not have to explain#that to you. what message do you think you are sending here be serious
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msfantasy-comics · 5 months
The Little Three
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Platonic!Damian Wayne x WonderGirl!Reader x Platonic!Jon Kent
Summary: A short story on “really want to see just a cute little platonic relationship with a reader who’s wonder woman’s daughter with damian wayne and jon kent. like a mini trinity goofing around while bruce, clark and diana are like “oh hell 😐”
A/n: Inspired by this post
Masterlist - Tip Jar
“Obviously Jon will be the best leader.” Y/n declares, finger outright pointing towards the half kryptonian. Damian’s snorts at such a blasphemous proclamation.
“That is ridiculous, I am obviously the best suited to be a leader. If you two went on a mission by yourselves you would not even develop a sound strategy. Jon would come up with a half-baked plan which will quickly crumble, while you would just go to the location and wreck havoc until you win.” Damian accuses, a signature bat frown now adorning his features.
Y/n just rolls her eyes with a groan. “It’s part of my strategy to overwhelm the enemy… it always works.” Which only grates on Damian’s nerves.
“You are only proving my point further. It is reckless and stupid. You cannot be successful by being a brute.” A high pitched gasp escapes, Y/n’s hands now slamming down onto the table.
“Shut up Damian! Just because you don’t like my battle strategy, doesn’t mean you’re better.” Smirking he crosses his arms over his chest, feet now kicked up on top of the hologram table.
“I am better than you, because I am smarter, stronger and better trained than you.” Jon slouches further back into his seat, nervousness creeping up his spin at the familiar dispute.
“Guys… let’s just calm down -“
“Oh shut up you annoying little rat! How about a game of capture the flag to prove who should be the teams leader. Whoever captures the flag wins!” Y/n asserts, fist outstretched waiting for Jon and Damian to fist bump in agreement.
“You are on Little Wonder.” Damian stretches his fist out, bumping the young wonders knuckles with his own. Y/n only clenches her jaw in irritation.
“Don’t call me that, Shorty!”
“Not all of us are born with Amazonian genetics freak!” Y/n and Damian are just about pressing noses, now playing an unspoken game of chicken.
Jon continues to stand behind them pinching the bridge of his nose. The soft ticks and beeps sounding off from the technology around them. The Justice watchtower now shifting and readjusting before settling back to a set position. “Guys… I’m not encouraging this I’m out.” Jon crosses his arms, launching himself backwards into the leather seat again, he turns his attention back to the holographic table, checking for his Dad’s location and only hoping that the pin is moving back towards the tower. Y/n and Damian only meet eyes with a knowing smirk.
“Jon’s the flag?” Y/n asks only getting a small nod from Damian.
“On your mark.” Damian says which only makes Jon’s eye bulge.
“Guys - stop! I said I didn’t want to be part of your games!” The two devils only smile as if not hearing his refusal.
“Get set.” Y/n says, the two now shifting their weight to the balls of their heels. Jon growls twisting and taking off in a quick dash.
“Go!” Damian and Y/n both shout taking off at inhuman speeds, eager to catch their human(?) flag.
Damian pulls out his bat gun, launching a wire and hook into the long wall in an attempt to quick zip line towards Jon only for Y/n to grab the wire and snap it with her bare hands.
“Leave me alone!” Jon shouts, the sonic sound of his shout vibrating the objects around him.
“You’re mine!” Y/n springs out, grabbing the corner of Jon’s jacket only for Jon to step away launching Y/n head first into the large computers and screens with a loud crack. The screens glass sprays across the floor, the Amazonian only jumps up and bounds towards Jon without a second to spare.
“Launch emergency Kryptonite!” Damian shouts into his suit mic now throwing lethal batarangs and recalling the projectiles. Jon only evading the objects by mere millimeters.
The projectiles where only continuously puncturing the steel walls and solid objects around. Sparks fly as Damian hits an electric reserve.
The red emergency lights now blaring a warning.
But the three pay no mind to the danger alarm, Y/n and Damian too absorbed in capturing their objective. Jon too distracted to not getting injured.
“Code Red, Watchtower is under attack.” An AI Voice announces into the earpieces of the Justice team. “Permission to counter attack the enemy by any means necessary?”
“The kids!” Superman exclaims, Batman redirecting the route of the Batship.
“Permission denied.” Batman grumbles into his mic. Worry now coating the features of Clark.
“What foe could be attacking the tower right now?” Diana voices, hoping that the answer will relieve some distress. Batman only grumbles a reply.
“Probably the kids.”
Arriving to the tower the big three stand at the teleport entry, eyeing the mass damage that has occurred on the tower in the short moments they were gone. All of the screens are cracked and ruin, the holographic projector now laying on the floor in a broke heap. Sparks flying away from live wires.
“I caught him first!” Damian shouts, yanking Jon towards him.
“What are you stupid?! I caught him first!” Y/n shouts yanking Jon into her grasp. Jumping up she locks her legs around his torso, arms wrapping firmly around Jon’s neck in a lock. “You can claim him if you wretch my dead body off of him.”
“Fine.” Damian says coldly, taking a step back and launching himself onto the two making them tumble over with a loud thud. Yelps and grasps coming from the three now strewn a-crossed the floor. Jon now trapped between his two friends, thrashing limbs.
“What is going on here?” Diana yells making Y/n instantly release her grip and scrambling to get up only to slam into the floor as Damian’s grip is still wrapped around her ankle. The three slowly look up at their parents faces who are angry to say the least. “How could you let this happen.”
Y/n kicks her foot at Damian, before finally standing up, Y/n slouches under the angry gaze of her mother. “We couldn’t decide on a leader so we made it a competition of capture the flag… Jon’s the flag.” Diana’s eye twitched at the absurdity of your words. The watch tower was destroyed because their super kids decided to settle an argument with ‘Capture the Flag.’
“And added inflicted millions of dollars in damages in the process. You’re all in big trouble.” Clark reprimands, his usual friendly demeanour now replaced with stern anger.
“But Dad! I didn’t even want to be part of this stupid game!” Jon whines which only makes Y/n and Damian shoot Jon a silent deathly look.
“A good leader would’ve prevented a dispute in their team.” Clark reprimands Jon which only makes him bow his head in shame.
“You’re all clearly not ready for a serious role in the hero’s league if you plan of settling disputes with childish games and inflicting mass damage in the process - Clark, Diana and I will re-evaluate your readiness. Until then, the Little Three team is banned from missions.”
“What?! This is so unfair!” Y/n exclaims in exasperation. The hero’s team banned before they even got started. They hadn’t even picked a leader for crying out loud.
“What is unfair is that Jon, Damian and yourself have destroyed perfectly good resources all for a game.” Clark reprimands. “Jon your grounded, you will be staying home for the rest of the summer completing all farm chores including mine.” Jon groans at his punishment.
It was Bruce’s turn to supply Damian a punishment. “No vigilante work until you move stocks to cover the cost of your handiwork.” Damian stands stick straight, accepting his punishment without resistance.
“Yes father.”
Diana leans over, her brows knitting together in irritation. “Listen here missy!” Before Diana could utter another word, Y/n’s hands reach out to her mothers face, pressing her fingers into her mothers pinched brows, as if making Diana not frown would resolve her anger. Y/n begins to jut her lip out and stare up at her mother with big shining eyes.
“I’m sorry Mama, please don’t be mad.” Her soft and delicate voice pulling at Diana’s heartstrings.
“…it’s okay baby…” Diana folds instantly to her adorable daughter. “Just don’t do it again.” She coos giving her precious girl a big kiss on the cheek. Y/n only looks at her fellow mates with the cheekiest of grins.
The two boys stare in disbelief as Y/n escape parental punishment, especially as she is the instigator of the incident. Jon decides to take the plunge. “Dad-“
“Don’t even try it son.”
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lunaeclipse1057-ao3 · 21 days
My Love Letter To The Community
The QSMP was everything, to me. It was such an amazing thing that not many people could even dream of, yet Quackity and his team had the vision, and not only that, but made it a reality. Thank you, Quackity. Thank you, Quackity Studios. Thank you, CC's. Thank you, Admins.
But most of all, thank you, QSMPblr.
You guys were by far the best part of this experience for me. Every event, every important moment, it was made better for me by the community. The fanart, the theories, the silly little liveblogs we all did for our favorite POV's. I laughed harder at some of your guy's stupid little chat messages or Tumblr posts then some of the actual in-stream moments.
I would not have fallen for the QSMP as hard as I did if it wasn't for the community. Before I joined Tumblr in September, it was just a little hobby I liked to check up on from time to time, but it was you, all of you, that helped me realize what a truly beautiful thing this was.
There are a few people I want to thank specifically. Putting it under a thing cause this is about to get LONG
@okaioh, my fellow Philza main, my best friend in the QSMP community. We bounced back and forth on each others ideas a lot, and you've made me laugh really hard. Thank you.
@rainbowchaox, Death Family truther. I feel like we've interacted a lot, and I've appreciated your company. Thank you.
@ultra-raging-ghost and @q-starhalo, for being my main updates on the insanity that was BadBoyHalo this year. I've really enjoyed seeing you two pop up on my dash. Thank you.
@theroseyhues, for being a new addition to my list of friends, but one I look forward to continue to interact with.
@genevawren38, BOLAS!!! You've been fun to see on my dash recently. Thank you.
@disfrutalakia, for being the only reason I knew anything about the chaos that was the Portuguese this year. Thank you.
@miscellaneoussmp, a new addition to my dash but a very welcome one. It needed more q!Pac. Thank you.
@etoilesbienne, for being the reason I got into Etoiles and learning french. Thank you.
@kadextra, for being you and making me laugh so hard with your reaction images. Thank you.
@cellgatinbo, for being the number one cannibal cellbit truther. I got most of my QSMP news from your reblogs. Thank you.
@isa-ghost, for just chatting with me from time to time and being as much of a c!Phil apologist as I have. Thank you.
@royalarchivist and @mcyt-archives, for being SUCH A FUCKING GOAT WITH THE CLIPS AND VODS, HOLY SHIT! Your blogs never fails to amaze me. Thank you.
@elcucurucho, for making me laugh so much with your funny little shit. Thank you.
@scheepstep, for being another big Death Family obsessor. I only recently discovered your blog but it's really fun to look through. Thank you.
@pixiecaps, my FitMC update blog. You seem really cool, I want to interact with you more. Thank you.
@qsmpincorrect, @qsmptwitchupdates, @qsmppollshowdownblog, and @which-qsmp-egg-would, for feeding us with your content and funny little things. Thank you.
@sweevanna and @lionheartedmusings, for your contributions, not just on the community but on the QSMP itself. Thank you.
And to everyone else. And I mean everyone. It's been real.
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emmyrosee · 8 months
lol Brandon Farris and Maria Gloria wrote this 💅🏼
You don’t film specific videos with Kenma often, but when you do, it’s usually at his expense.
For this installation of his quarterly stream, he’s got you set up with an eye tracker just beside him. Naturally, you’re decked out in Kodzuken merch, and he can’t stop looking at it as he explains the rules.
“So- there’s gonna be two sides. One side is gonna have one picture, the other of another one-“
“Revolutionary, Kenma.”
“-Shut the hell up. Anyways, your going to look at one of them; if you look at the one of me, or the picture on the left, it’s free. If you look at the right one, I have to give 5 subs. Got it?”
“One question.”
“Why do you set yourself up for failure?”
Kenma looks you up and down, “because I already settled for you.” You jaw drops in faux offense while he sets up the pictures. “Okay- cover your eyes.” Your hands come up to childishly cover your eyes, and Kenma is quick to set up the first set of images.
One of him in a compression shirt, post workout with sweat making the fabric cling impossibly closer to his muscles.
The other, of Maesi at just a small 8 months old.”
“Alright babe. Open.”
Your eyes do, and they small orbs tracking your eyes dart to your child.
“Awww, my baby,” you coo, hands coming up to your mouth as you look at the picture of Maesi while he pouts next to you.
“Wow… thought you would look at me, not gonna lie,” he snickers, adding five gifted subs to his total. In his monitor, he sees your eye tracker finally dart to his picture, fixating on his abs. “Yeah no, that one glance of our infant cost me 25 damn bucks, let’s try again.” You laugh next to him and gently clutch his arm affectionately.
In the next slide, there’s a picture of him in a worn out nekoma hoodie, and a picture of Bokuto in his MSBY jersey-
Inconveniently, your eyes dart to Bokuto’s hair.
“I’m sorry!” You cackle. “His hair is just stupidly exciting, it’s a habit.”
“You see my luscious hair every day, and you pick his?”
You suck in a breath and Kenma glares at you. “Luscious?”
“Im gonna leave you.” He tacks on another five subs, and he looks over at you in playful offense. “I’m letting you know now; this next one is Toppo and Appa snuggling. If you look at them, this stream is over.”
“Why on gods decaying earth would you tell me that?” You whine. “Now I wanna see my little kitty and puppyyyy.”
“I am your Kitty. So shush.” With that, Kenma’s index finger clicks onto the next slide, and he’s gotta give you credit, your eyes dart to his side finally, then immediately dash to the picture of Appa sleeping in a ball, with Toppo curled on top in an extremely similar fashion. “At least you looked at me first.”
He adds one gifted sub to the total, trying to ignore your snickering next to him.
“But look at how cute they are-“
“Don’t try to save yourself,” he says, clearly trying to hide the smile in his voice.
“Okay,” You giggle.
This continues for more than Kenma would like- as amusing as he finds it.
One look at him. Another look at him. One look at an anime poster. Another look at a random picture of a panda bear.
He’d love to pretend that this is annoying him; but his teasing of you and your laughter and rapid explaining have him cackling to his own self.
The last picture is, naturally, the biggest test, and Kenma gives you a look before clicking the next link. It’s a picture of him, asleep with a newborn Maesi on his chest and hair sprawled everywhere- it’s one you took of him when you first brought her home. On the other side, is a stupid picture of the stupid actor you stupidly like so stupidly much.
Your eyes dart to him and Maesi. And he immediately leaps up, cheering and thrilled as you laugh at the reaction. “SHE LOVES ME, CHAT! WE FUCKIN’ DID IT! WE RIIIIIIDE!”
“Dramatic ass!” You snort, laughing in your hands while he celebrates in the background. “It’s because you had Spawn in your picture.”
“Worth it. Whoo!” He sits down next to you and leans over to kiss your cheek, arm tossing around you to keep you close. You titter and try to shrug him away, “the only woman to exist ever. The love of my life. Beautiful mother of my child.” The chat floods with donations and cheers, but all he can focus on is your playful bats against him. “Game over. I’ve won. Next task chat.”
“You’re annoying.”
“And you looked at me.”
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nabulsi · 1 month
ok, I'm gonna say this again, because whenever my friends have said it, people don't seem to listen.
this is not targeting any specific person, but I'm seeing certain kinds of posts on my dash again, which are basically insulting and belittling people who are against voting for biden by continuing to refer to him as a lesser evil and implying that people who don't want to vote for him are stupid and "not seeing the bigger picture" or whatever
I don't wanna see that shit on my dash
if you can find it in your heart to vote for biden after ALL that has transpired during his term, after he actively participated in a genocide, then you fucking do that. thats none of my business. But DO NOT insult and belittle the Palestinians and antizionist allies who do not feel the way that you do.
Do you not think that we are of equal intellect and mental capabilities? or do you just enjoy being patronizing assholes?
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lesbianralzarek · 2 months
im sorry, but if you make a callout post where your "smoking gun" evidence is someone reblogging a normal post from a terrible person one time, im blocking you instead. do you know how many times ive reblogged from somewhere else in the notes to get rid of a stupid addition because everyone else is deactivated? or following someone for their art, reblogging some posts in their tag for a fandom im in, discovering they suck, and then promptly unfollowing them? a once-beloved mutual who suddenly started posting loli? i also dont see every post from everyone i follow because my dash contains thousands of posts a day. maybe a mutual makes a post coming out as a serial killer and i didnt notice it and continued "standing by them for months after everyone knew they killed people"? its fucking hard to "prove" any guilt via association. unless theyre constantly @'ing one another bestie-style and one of them posts 90% vile dogshit multiple times a day, YTA and im not buying it
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The Hunter
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Warnings: open ending, possible character death. Not nsfw, but mdni.
Characters: unnamed OFC, unnamed OMC, unspecified monster. A/N: I wanted to post this a while ago but didn't get to it until now. This is the one shortstory from the creative writing course I'm not planning to continue. The task was to show a character's character trait in a situation, well and this took a darker, scary-ish turn. Word count: ~700
Enjoy ❤🌸
The Hunter
It is a day like any other. The men had returned from their work out in the fields and forest, hungry and exhausted, in need of a hearty meal and ale to quench their thirst. So the tavern was quite busy. The dimly lit room smells of sweat and ale, fire and roast meats. It’s loud, voices mingling to an incomprehensible chatter. I pick up bits and pieces now and then, but it’s not the usual gossip. They all talk about a hooded stranger they saw on the road. I try listening more, but there is too much work to be done.
But the moment he enters the tavern, I can’t take my eyes off him. There is something so intriguing about the way he carries himself, and the weapons on his back. I try listening in on his conversation with the barkeep, but my attention has to be on the other patrons as well. There were mutters. “We don’t want his kind here.” Some even worse. 
Still, I keep my eyes on him, trying to get a better look at him, this monster hunter. I hear his voice, too, through the murmur of the tavern. A deep voice, almost a growl. Scary. Intriguing. He’s asking something about a contract, recent attacks, but before I can hear more, another tray is placed in my hands and I’m sent off to serve another round of ale to the patrons. Once I return to the bar, the hunter is gone. I hear the creaking of the tavern’s door and look over, just in time to see the hooded stranger leave.
I frown, and without thinking for longer than a split second, I put the tray down on the bar, take off my apron and hurry after him.
Damn, he’s quick.
He had already started walking towards the forest. The sun was already beginning to set. A cool gust of wind announces the end of summer.
I follow the stranger. I couldn’t help it. I know it was dangerous; he was, and so was his profession. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To see a monster hunter at work. And I am not going to miss out on it. So I follow the hunter, quietly and keeping my distance. I don’t want him to catch me. Deeper and deeper into the forest. It’s dark by now. I know I should turn back. But I can’t . But I have to see this. 
The hunter suddenly stops and crouches down. He looks around and I dash behind a tree to hide.
I hope he didn’t see me.
I watch him as he leaves the path and heads even deeper into the thick forest, following the traces of the beast. And I follow him. 
Turn back! Turn back before it’s too late! 
But I don’t. I need to see this!
The full moon stands high, its light breaking through the thick roof of leaves occasionally.
The beast’s lair must be close, the hunter draws his weapon. A silver glint in the darkness. I hold my breath in anticipation. Now… This would be it. The moment I’ve been waiting for since I first learned about the existence of these monsters and the hunters.
A growl. A snapping of a branch. A scream. My own!
 I feel the beast’s claws dig into my skin, I hear its jaws snap close right by my ear, smell the stench of its maw. I scream again. Fear and pain, and a voice in my head telling me I should have turned back when I had the chance. But you had to see it, stupid girl.
Then, a shout, and the unmistakable slashing of a blade through air. The beast yelps and I feel it let off my body. I gasp for air. Another shout and slash of the blade, and the beast lets out a final, bloodcurdling scream, before it collapses on the ground with a thud.
I see the hunter’s face, blurred, as he leans over me. I feel his hands. It stings when he applies pressure to my wounds.
“Stupid girl,” he mutters, it sounds far away, before my world goes black.
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ri-writing · 6 months
Would you survive as Jonathan Harker?
A post on my dash asked whether I would survive as Jonathan Harker. I suspect the question is meant to be: Would I end up captured by Dracula? And to that, my answer is: Absolutely.
With regard to the question "would I survive as Jonathan Harker," though, I know the answer to that, too. But we're going to put a cut and note "cw: abuse." I also moved this to its own post instead of replying to the original because this got pretty heavy.
I lived the real life version of Jonathan's horror. While I did not literally get captured by a blood drinker or imprisoned in a castle with the requirement of completing the hardest parkour session of my life to get to safety, I was a young lawyer who was emotionally abused, manipulated, and controlled by a more-senior lawyer for years. In doing so, that lawyer made a lot of money while keeping me completely dependent on them. Whether I kept my job - and therefore a roof over my head and food on the table - was dependent on this senior lawyer continuing to keep me around. No matter how hard I worked, the vampire demanded more. More nights. More weekends. More holidays. All while telling me I was not good enough to do this without them. Sometimes, the vampire was kind and compassionate. Sometimes, the vampire acted like they were trying to help me succeed. But this was all window dressing (though I couldn't see it at the time) and, in the end, the vampire would do what vampires do.
Until one day, I realized the truth. And then I escaped. Although I got away from the vampire, I had to start over and I had no safety net. I made a deal with a firm where they'd give me a year and I'd need to find a way to build a practice and prove my worth. The entire year, I was on the wall of that castle, wondering if the next foothold I found was going to hold or send me tumbling into the abyss below. Somehow, I made it to solid ground.
Even once I was safe, I mentally struggled. I questioned whether my abuser was right - whether it was only a matter of time before I failed and be in dire straights without them to protect me. But I embraced the support of my friends. I did the work in therapy. I grew stronger. I realized I was an excellent lawyer. I built my practice stronger, and in a way that I would never again be dependent on a single source of work so that no vampire would again control me.
Still, I would dread what would happen the next time I ran into my abuser. Finally, it happened. My path did cross once again with theirs. And I realized I wasn't scared of them any longer. I'd escaped. I'd healed. I'd built a community. I survived. And my vampire could no longer harm me.
So - would I survive as Jonathan Harker?
I did.
A lot of people have called Jonathan weak or stupid. Adaptations remove him or water down his role. Those people and adaptations are wrong.
Jonathan is why I love Dracula. His character arc is a metaphor. It's also hope. Jonathan finds love and support among his friends and family. They do not reject him when he struggles with his trauma, but support him and uplift him. Jonathan grows stronger. Jonathan survives. And it is Jonathan who, with Quincey, finally kills Dracula.
Thank you, Bram Stoker, for giving me Jonathan Harker. Through reading Jonathan's story, I was finally able to make peace with mine.
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mrsmothmom · 2 years
this is tea for new tumblr users about how REBLOGS work. they're different from retweets in some important ways.
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[IMG ID: a retweet featuring Lady Gaga]
retweets are an extension of the original tweet that is to say:
they only exist as long as the original tweet exists
you can only retweet a single tweet once
they take the place of your own tweet, meaning they can clog up your feed
they can sometimes SPAM the original tweeter with notifications and thus be a bit annoying
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[IMG ID: an image showing where the reblog button is on a tumblr post]
reblogs are their own post separate from the original:
they are a COPY of the original post, now posted on your own blog
you can reblog the same post, including your own post, infinitely
they will live on even if the original post is DELETED
they are considered your own post and therefore do not clog up your feed
the original poster has control over whether they continue to get notifications for them
reblogs are an essential part of tumblr culture
you share things you like with your audience and give each other a boost by reblogging. it's normal and expected to reblog a ton on tumblr.
this is why tumblrinas are annoyed that new people quote "don't reblog". reblogging is considered good tumblr etiquette.
this structure devalues likes because reblogging is considered normal (and is also considered the way to share posts with your own followers), likes have less value on tumblr.
your post becoming super popular can therefore be hell for you your post will become a mummified version of itself, getting reblogs, likes and shares forever. if this happens and your notes are making you want to die simply delete your original post. your content will live on without you, in infinite bliss.
a note on tags when you reblog, the tags from the original post don't stick with it unless you check a box that says "keep original tags":
sometimes keeping the original tags is ok
other times, the original tags will include things like "my art", or other personal tags used on the original posters blog to denote their own posts. reblogging with these tags can be confusing for your followers and theirs
generally, i would recommend adding your own tags or simply omitting them. reblogs are for sharing, so unless you think there's a tag that hasn't seen the post for some reason, the original tag should do the job of sharing it.
the original post will continue to collect notes (unless it is deleted, at which point each reblog will individually collect notes), which means by reblogging you not only make your own post sharing the content, but the original also gets a boost.
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[IMG ID: tumblr tags with helpful names - the first 5 tags feature game of thrones content, and the rest explain that after the first 5 tags the rest are only for search and personal blog organization]
you can comment on reblogs (similar to quote tweets) on twitter, you can "quote retweet" a post to add context or more information. on tumblr, you reblog the post and add some text of your own. tumblr lets you choose if this text goes on the top or the bottom of the reblogged post. this means that reblog chains are common (where a bunch of people add something in each reblog and you get a long chain of edits). this means that sometimes you will see multiple reblogs at different stages of the chain on your dash. people will comment and add context, text IDs for visually impaired or deaf folks, opinions, anything you can think of. it's cool!
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[IMG ID: nesting tumblr reblogs in the old style - the reblogs discuss punching a child for various amounts of money]
you can also comment in the tags
want to comment on a reblogged post without the intensity of adding text? say something in the tags! on tumblr you can write tags as long as you want, with spaces. it's NOT GOOD to add unrelated tags when they're meant for sorting and organizing (i.e. don't add #art if it's not art), but you CAN write stupid long tags that no one would search for to leave a little note for your followers or the original poster.
I HOPE THIS HELPS! you should reblog this post, as practice, totally as practice. and, also, add a note so i can see what you think of it, or maybe if you have a question or something to add.
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voulezloux · 8 days
To celebrate it being the last show of FITFWT, what have your favourite moments been of the tour? 💕💕
the BEST one in my opinion is the collective meltdown we all had when louis wore a tank top for the first time in cuyahoga falls. but i also really enjoyed going to three of his shows!! i put them under the cut bc im being nice and not flooding the dash from everyone else’s posts
so i had planned my vacation last year so my official first day was the cincinnati date (a christmas present from regretfully my dad). it happened that i think the next two shows he did (i might be wrong) were within 2 hours of me, columbus and indianapolis, during my vacation. indy is where my ex lives so we decided to go together and i went to cbus and cincinnati by myself.
these are from my cincinnati date! i had a joke beef with louis because the past 3 times i saw him, he wore a white polo. v glad to not have that beef w/ louis anymore
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my favorite story from this show is that there was a mom and her 2 y/o daughter at the show near me. it was the daughter’s first show and she was really excited for it. everyone around us kept giving her little gifts and bracelets and just 😭 really sweet to see!! at the end of the show, the girl starts crying because louis left (same girl) and she asked her mom where he went and she kept telling her it was his bedtime and he needs to sleep
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these are from cbus! the venue was weird and there was a minor league baseball stadium next to the venue that had a game at the same time as doors opening. so all of us are in line waiting and these baseball fans are going inside and wondering why there’s this long ass line next to the venue. it was also hell in line because of the game and doors opening. BUT i did see tank louis in the flesh so 🫶🏻🫶🏻 worth it
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and these are from indy!!! this was the show i went with to my ex. he had previously seen 1d on otra so he didn’t know what to really expect (he also is into kpop and those concerts are notably different than other genres). after a few songs, he leaned over to me and told me louis walks around like he has the biggest dick in the room and it’s hot to see (same). the only story i can remember from this show from the audience is someone threw up in pit. venue had like alcoholic slushies??? and someone threw that up. also i’m on the official LTHQ ig for that photo dump. i only know this bc i wore my fucking shrek bucket hat to this show and there’s a shot you can see my stupid hat in.
i will also miss shirt bets and @allwaswell16 forgetting to do shirt bets. and the meltdown we all continued to have with every outfit. i love my favorite little white man 🫶🏻🫶🏻
bonus: a sneaky photo of joshua i forgot i took during the cincinnati show. i saw him in cbus and i messaged one of my servers like … i think i just saw joshua and someone went yeah he’s interviewing people! talk to him! and i DIDNT bevause i have ANXIETY
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inchidentally · 5 months
Ngl little bit sad that you're becoming kinda negative on here. I miss when you used to post those super cool thoughtful discussions and analyses, without the need to trash talk or bash on other ships.
(just to say, I'd normally post something like this behind a cut and I promise I always will in future. it just feels like today in particular is a good moment to state a few of these points. I'm not normally this serious lol I just want to kind of mitigate any more drama.)
I've always posted about wanting rpf to be kept out of the drivers' and teams' public spaces and I've always said it's stupid/unnecessary drama when fans of certain fictional ships get genuinely loudly "competitive" over other fictional ships and I've really always been against people hating on the girlfriends who get caught in the crossfire of the fans who truly believe their two drivers are in a secret gay relationship. it's how I've always personally felt and apart from it being my opinion (which is fair for my blog) I also feel like having even a smidgen of traction on my posts means I can potentially prevent landoscar going down the road of certain ships that have fans who've fully crossed over into aggressive/publicly disturbing territory. and who've been doing so for years and only gotten worse.
hell, I've even always openly hated when Lando's individual content gets taken over by people bringing up Carlos or Daniel or even sometimes Oscar or Max F. the man has a life beyond all of those friendships and he very much deserves for his content to sometimes stay just about him. only people like his family or Jon/Lando's team of 10+ years deserve any significant share of credit for Lando's successes but no one's bothering to bring them up in the comments etc.
also, it's still very early days for landoscar as a ship and we have at least two more years of Lando and Oscar as teammates (fairly likely more) so if we can keep out the element of fans who take rpf into widely public spaces/directly to the people involved, then I'm going to continue to occasionally post about it. those types of fans absolutely hate reality intruding and they hate real life partners even more so I'm absolutely going to post about reality and girlfriends regularly. even apart from the fact that I'd feel weird excluding girlfriends, there's a solid reason to do so.
especially when even apart from rpf, the girlfriends always get shit from people who want the guy for themselves or who have decided they get a say in who he dates. I'm not going to pretend like all of that doesn't happen just to avoid all negativity.
as far as the tricky/controversial asks I get, I always put them fully under a cut and tag appropriately so they're incredibly easy to skip. I also batch them up so one of those posts happens maybe once every couple weeks - if that. my content has always been massively on the side of fun content vs anything drama/wank related.
the one thing I will say is that I'm getting a lot of repeat anons about ship drama that I would otherwise not hear about (I rarely look at twitter and my tumblr dash is lovely and tidy with just a few things blacklisted) so I'm going to write one sort of roundup post to cover any more of those and not answer any more. I'm just repeating myself atp.
I also went on my first ever blocking spree in this fandom today when a post I'd rb had a bunch of ragey hardcore rpf people jump onto it and I also blacklisted a few more things. so that's the last I'm personally ever going to see of that drama myself. I still casually ship carland0 and dand0 as well and a whole lot of us are nothing to do with the people publicly pushing shippy shit or doing the whole - god I cannot believe this still happens - 'my rpf ship is real and yours isn't'. they're also the people who call all girlfriends "escorts" and "beards" so they're easy to identify.
one last thing anon is that I hear you but I've got to mention I delete a LOT of borderline hate asks and I leave a fair amount of trolls frothing by refusing to respond to their asks. so I'm very much always trying to keep the content on my blog free of useless drama or negativity.
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bimtheory · 5 months
I've recently done something I never thought I would, I've gotten in anime. I think the innocent girl next door bimbo act is a style that works best for gaining power while not being perceived as a threat. I'm studying it more and learning how to adopt it in my daily life and interactions. I love your perspective and ideas so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this and on the innocent girl next door act.
I have to be honest, I'm not overly familiar with the "girl next door" archetype because, to me, the girl next door is everything a bimbo isn't. But that's really just a preference, bimbos aren't that cut and dry. Just yesterday I was considering making a post about the basic bimbo types because I tried watching Jersey Shore and it made me realize that when we talk about intelligence, well, lack of intelligence -- there are pretty consistent forms it comes in. People get REALLY hung up on the intelligence loss aspect of bimbofication and claim "bimbos don't need to be dumb" but its all about one's personal perception of what "dumb" is. Chances are whatever alternative they suggest in place of intelligence loss is something that can also be read as "dumb".
Excuse me for going off on a tangent here but I'm going to continue. I also almost made this point on the main blog several months ago using My Little Pony characters as examples but I kept debating the... ethics? of that. Anyway, I'm gonna do it now.
Let's begin with Twilight Sparkle (These will be very loose examples btw). You may think "how could a character who's whole thing is being an egghead bookworm represent a lack of intelligence?" Very easily actually. A character like Twilight's stupidity would come in the form of the Absent-Minded Professor archetype. Basically, picture a bimbo who's very competent or intelligent but also a total klutz. We can have a bimbo character who's technically smart but express a sense and perception of stupidity by making them clumsy, oblivious, and socially unaware.
Then you have Fluttershy, who would probably fall more into the innocent girl next door type as you've described. A Fluttershy type bimbo would be perceived as unintelligent through being docile, passive, meek, (I personally prefer these words to just "submissive") or gullible. But she could still technically be smart.
Rarity... kind of goes without saying. A "lack of intelligence" would be expressed through perceived superficiality, an interest in glamorous and feminine things. This is literally the plot of Legally Blonde. Rarity and Elle are girly and glamorous but also kind and intelligent. Of course you could also make this type of bimbo much more vapid and uncaring, even cruel, and get the more trophy wife-gold digger social media influencer type of bimbo. Again, there are A LOT of different bimbo types. Moving on.
Pinkie Pie. Pinkie would represent probably the most common and popular type of bimbo. Silly, giggly, bubbly, hedonistic. Of course, this doesn't mean the character would actually have to be "dumb" in a technical sense, and Pinkie definitely isn't.
Now... Rainbow Dash. With her and AJ being the tomboys of the group there's bound to be a bit of overlap but I'd argue the perception of stupidity tied to RD would be that of a meathead jock. You don't see bimbos like this often, if ever, but it'd be the type of bimbo that's very brash. While a Pinkie type bimbo would probably exhibit eager playfulness an RD-style bimbo might be more aggressive in her pursuits. Her "stupidity" would be expressed through recklessness, cockiness, and probably like crass vulgarity.
And finally, Applejack. While I mentioned there being overlap between her and an RD-style bimbo it may be more accurate to say an Applejack style bimbo would have more in common with the Fluttershy-style in that the Apple-bimbo would appear stupid via a lack of pretension. Sort of the "Farmer's Daughter" type, there's a traditional aspect to it. The Applejack style bimbo would be marked by simplicity above all, the most likely to settle down and be a housewife. There's also possibly the connotation of being and ignorance stemming from small-town seclusion, refusal to change, or a refusal to question things. Consider the episodes:
Applebuck Season
Look Before You Sleep
Bridle Gossip
Over a Barrel
Made in Manehattan
Applejack's Day Off
The Cart Before the Ponies
Honest Apple
Sincerest apologies for the very long detour, anon. Like I was saying, I'm not familiar enough with the "Girl Next Door" archetype to truly comment, maybe not familiar enough with anime either because it took me forever to come up with even one example -- Orihime Inoue from Bleach, and I can't think of anyone else. But it does seem like something to consider and definitely look more into, if you're comfortable sending another message I'd love to know specifically what anime you've been watching and what characters you had in mind. Also curious as to how you plan on employing these tactics IRL. It does strike me, now that I'm winding down, that by "gaining power" you may be referring to like Emmet Till shit, performing innocence and vulnerability to get men be very protective of you.
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reddragon-cowboy · 9 months
CW: Anti-blackness, Racism.
I usually don't make posts of this nature, but something had to be addressed since it involves my racial identity as a black women. This involves my experience in the server with one individual.
This is a post to share my experience concerning an individual who displayed direct and indirect racial prejudice towards me in the @bebopcrew server. First and foremost, I must say that the Bebop crew is an amazing server and, although I am particularly shy as it can take me awhile to feel comfortable enough to socialize in groups, the members there made me feel welcomed and supported me, as well as many writers/artists alike.
But one member in particular, @/Drasino, stood out to me that treated me differently than the rest. I thought I could put the situation behind me and let it rest, but due to seeing them on my dash often continuously calls back to mind what occurred.
This happened when I had begun to try to come out of my shell, attempting to socialize and engage in conversations in certain channels. I left a compliment on some insight they shared in a channel, but I never got a response that showed he acknowledged me. I also tried to engage in them again, but he didn't acknowledge me and proceeded to ignore me. Interestingly, he would engage with other people in the server and their stuff, but nope, not me.
Ironically, a day or so later right after, Drasino posted an image where he outwardly mocked the Afrikaan language. That was the first red flag for me. I asked one of the admins about what they posted, what his intention and motives could be about the crude image. The admin got right on it and confronted Drasino about it, to which he acted oblivious and played innocent. But after that incident, the admin updated the rules to emphasize how racist and other toxic content, comments, or memes are not allowed.
Afterward, there wasn't no more images of that sort again. However, he proceeded to deliberately ignore me and my stuff while engaging and initiating conversations with other people. I also tried to involve a few people in a channel where he and other people were talking, which he easily could've engaged with me as well, but instead, he proceeded to switch over to another channel to try initiate a totally other conversation, again, deliberately and willingly trying to exclude me from his presence. There was also a comment a admin told me where Drasino made a joke about monkeys as well.
All of these things began to pile up. Even though he acted oblivious about the picture he posted, you have to remember, Drasino, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. THE WAY YOU TREAT OTHERS IS ENOUGH TO KNOW THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE. I am not stupid; I knew exactly what you were doing, and your actions towards me further proved my case. I do my utmost best to extend kindness towards others, try to make others feel welcomed, and I don't like it when others feel left out. I extended kindness towards and courtesy towards him in the same manner as I try for anyone else. But he didn't for me; the fact I'm the only black person ( plus with the only black oc) in the server who he outwardly and deliberately chose to not give me the same courtesy and respect as he gave other people stuck out like a sore thumb. Plus, that image was all I needed to know because he knew exactly what he was doing and proceeded to downright ignore me.
This type of behavior something I wouldn't expect to experience in this type of community, but here we are. Shinichro Watanabe created a show with a diverse cast of characters; Cowboy Bebop is abundant with diversity of different languages, cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities-it is an element I love about the show. Anyone who is a fan should understand and appreciate the message and vision that Watanabe delivered for us. If Watanabe appreciates and respect others, no matter their race, culture, or language, a fan of his work should share that same openness. With that being said, showing racial prejudice, anti-blackness, xenophobia, or any other type of prejudice towards another person is completely unacceptable here.
I decided to make this post to make others aware of my experience with this individual, and for others who look like me to be wary of their company, so they don't also have to go through the same thing I experienced.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 6 months
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Jackunzel Month Week 3 - Lost in the Clouds
Late night, relapse Driving steady but I’m ready for the whiplash Coffee and cigarettes Almost empty, but we’re buzzing from the regret
Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Just you and me, lost in the clouds Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Don’t wanna wake up right now Don’t wanna wake up right now
Barefoot in tall grass We’ve reached the palace but I’m betting that it won’t last Bright lights and mirrorball We might be hurting but I’m ready for the freefall
Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Just you and me, lost in the clouds Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Don’t wanna wake up right now Don’t wanna wake up right now
And if I open my eyes If I open my eyes Will it unravel? And if I turn the page If I turn the page Will I lose my shadow?
And if I open my eyes If I open my eyes Will it all unravel? And if I turn the page If I turn the page Will I lose my shadow?
Just you and me, dancing in a daydream You and me, lost in the clouds You and me, dancing in a daydream Don’t wanna wake up right now
Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Just you and me, lost in the clouds Just you and me, dancing in a daydream Don’t wanna wake up right now Don’t wanna wake up right now
Rapunzel's been having the strangest dreams.
There's a boy, his face always unchanging. The one constant.
Sometimes, his hair is white. They're dancing through the sky, twirling round and round among the clouds. Dashing over snow-covered forests and sweeping in and out of ethereal castles floating in the air. Racing across airwaves until they're lost to the horizon.
Other times, his hair is brown. They're running barefoot through a meadow, trying to reach a distant castle. It feels like an eternity before they get there, crouching behind a hedge and watching strung lights in the palace gardens illumine the dusk. They whisper and giggle as they creep into an unguarded corridor and dash for the bustling ballroom.
She always wakes up before they get in a dance.
It's probably stupid, putting so much thought into some random visions cooked up by her unconscious mind. Fantasizing continuations for them in her waking life. But there's something about them that feels so...transcendent.
Rapunzel wishes she could talk to Jack about it. She feels like her bleach-haired coworker--one of the few people who accepts her eccentricities and random tangents without question--would understand.
The dreams are just awkward to bring up, considering he's the one starring in them. More awkward still that she's been having these dreams since long before she met him.
Rapunzel's been at the downtown 24-hour coffee joint for a little over a year now. Jack's a new hire--a college dropout trying to make ends meet.
Of course, Suddenly swooping in with the information that you've been dreaming about someone since you were a small child could do a lot to dampen an otherwise-promising friendship.
Rapunzel read somewhere that your brain never forgets a face. The unconscious can't make up a new person, so it's forced to use existing people you've met--no matter how briefly--as characters in its dreams.
The thing is that Rapunzel's pretty damn sure she never met Jackson Overland-Frost until three months ago.
Then, in the wee hours of one post-graveyard-shift morning, everything changes.
They're sitting in Jack's car, sipping mocha-hazelnut lattes and laughing about some diva of a customer who wanted a secret menu item they stopped carrying 7 years ago. Rapunzel takes a few drags of Jack's pack of cigarettes. It tastes disgusting, but she wants to impress him.
"You know, you don't have to do that if you don't like it," he says with a laugh. "I don't want to see you miserable."
And somehow, that warms her heart more than the approval she was seeking ever could.
When the sun finally peeks up, rosy gold outlines two entangled bodies. Crushed into the passenger's seat, pressing further and further into each other with frantic lips.
He was supposed to give her a ride home and be on his way. Now he's dropping her off 3 hours after her roommate was expecting her, stumbling through the apartment door disheveled and manic.
The panic and regret doesn't come until later.
The massive trouble they'd be in with their manager is only the tip of the iceberg. What would happen after a bad breakup, with them both trapped with each other at the same lifeline job? And the idea of just going out and trying to land another job? In this economy??? Absolutely unthinkable.
There's also the fact that Rapunzel has been in all of one serious relationship in her life. She fell hard for the resident Bad Boy With A Troubled Past in high school, and things fell apart precisely because they took things too fast. She and Eugene Fitzherbert had lip-locked not 48 hours after meeting for the first time, and things only picked up pace from there.
The incompatibilities emerged little by little. Things that didn't matter individually, but when blended together, painted something that just couldn't work anymore. Rapunzel blamed teenage hormones at the time, but it isn't as though she's doing much better now.
But the heart has a way of speaking louder than the mind, and Jack and Rapunzel continue their secret trysts in the staff parking lot and the grounds storage rooms. It isn't until 6 months after their first kiss that Jack says something that sets her mind at ease.
It's a cold December evening, cafe emptying out as people try to beat the coming snowstorm. They're stirring peppermint lattes for a couple of exhausted nursing students when Jack breaks the companionable silence.
"Do you believe in reincarnation, Zellie?"
She nearly knocks her latte over with her stirring stick.
"Do I what?"
"I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like..." He sighs. "We've always been on the same wavelength, but it's more than that. It's like I knew you in a past life or something. Is that stupid?"
"Not at all." She shakes her head firmly. "I get it."
He hesitates for a moment, as though debating whether or not to add something.
Apparently he decides to. "It's weird. Even before I met you, I was always having these dreams about a girl who reminded me a lot of you. And now that we're here together, it's like I found you again."
He chuckles, shaking his head. Rapunzel leans forward, rapt with interest.
"It was always the strangest things. I'd be dancing through the sky with her, or running through these floating castles, or--"
"--sneaking into a palace ball," Rapunzel finishes. "Because we were commoners, and we couldn't have gone otherwise."
"Oh shit!" Jack's eyes widen in delight. "You get them, too!"
Her entire being goes weak with relief. "Yes! Yes, for years! I thought I was crazy."
"And you lived in that cottage on the edge of the meadow." Jack screws his eyes shut, trying to remember. "With the crazy apothecary who never let you do anything. And I was--"
"--the shepherd's son!" Rapunzel beams. "We always danced in the field together, after your dad put the sheep to bed. But you wanted to crash high society, right? And I would have followed you anywhere."
He blushes a little at that, and Rapunzel can't help but giggle.
"But we never get to do that first dance, do we?" he says ruefully. "Not before I have to wake up at 5 am and go to work."
"Well...it's not too late, is it?" She holds out a hand. "May I have this dance, Sir Jackson Overland-Frost?"
"Why not?"
And so they twirl around the hardwood floors, surrounded by coffee machines and flavor syrup and rubber booths and the falling snow outside. Lost in their own private daydream, entwining their lives in this lifetime and the last and the next.
And maybe taking things fast wasn't so foolish when you've had a millennia to get to know them.
They could have gone all night were it not for the interruption 10 minutes later.
"Guys, please. Please. You're cute together and all, but my roommate and I have a final tomorrow and we need our caffeine fix. Please. We've been waiting on our lattes for 30 minutes now."
PSYCHE! I WILL get all my shit in by the end of the bonus week if it's the last thing I do!!!
Tfw you set out to do one prompt and accidentally ended up incorporating another XD So I guess this also kinda counts for "In Another Lifetime", whoops ^^;
I see your coffee shop AUs, and I raise you: Coffee shop AU, but they're BOTH baristas XD And they were coworkers!!! Just impulsively decided to do that because I thought it would be funny XD Truly nothing can make romance bloom between service workers like their shared disdain of The Customer™️
Actually very pleased with how both the moodboard and the minific came out :O The fic I did crank out in one day, so hopefully it won't look too sloppy later on XD
There's actually a whole series of cloud castle photo edits like the one in the bottom left moodboard pic, and I am in LOVE with them :O Picking just one for the moodboard was one of the hardest things I've ever done!!! They all have this kind of ethereal, liminal, eerie-yet-comforting quality to them that I am just enamored with. Like that would be the setting for exactly my brand of dark fantasy book :O If it doesn't exist out there somewhere then maybe I'll have to write it myself aaushdkshu
Poor Jack and Rapunzel. All they want is to hang out with high society and go to fancy balls, but they're doomed to continually be reincarnated as the poorest MFs alive 💔Although it would be funny as hell if Gothel kept getting reincarnated, too...and she steals Baby Rapunzel from a rich, powerful family every single fucking time for one reason or another. Hopefully one of these incarnations, Punz will find out about it ^^; Then she can be Jack's sugar mama ajhkuhdueyfg
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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davekat-sucks · 13 days
>Pride month includes trans pride, and who’s deemed canonically trans by the Huss? THAT’S RIGHT! HOPE YOU LIKE SEEING JUNE EGBERT ON YOUR DASH A WHOOOOOOOOLE LOT AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MONTH!
(hopefully this formats the text right i dont use tumblr a lot and i usually only lurk)
Listen anon, this shit aint gonna work. June Egbert is not canon and she wont be, it doesnt matter if she appears on HSBC because let me tell you, its already on its name: BEYOND CANON.
You are not owning transphobes or helping trans people by screaming that June is canon everywhere you go, all you do is annoy people who arent trans and help make those trans stereotype become even worse and that just makes everything more awful than it already is. What you are doing is not helping ANYONE and it just makes you look like an asshole.
In fact Homestuck trans rep sucks as a whole. Vriska sucks in general and people like Kate will use her being "canonically" trans as an excuse when like I said all that does it make things WORSE. June is forced and people like you usually try to force people that its canon when its not and the Roxy one from HSBC is the same thing but nobody gives a shit about one so people usually dont talk about it.
And no just because Hussie said it doesnt mean its true (ie. Andrew Hussie Formstring) and sure the circumstances are different but the webcomic is done, its like if George Lucas claimed Luke Skywalker was actually a trans girl in secret all this time or some shit, it would be nonsensical to suddenly say that when theres never evidence for it + the main material having ended years ago. It has already ended and HSBC is just a non-canonical continuation.
And I don't know how much it "being planned from the beggining" means but I'm pretty sure its about being planned since the epilogues or something and not since the Homestuck Beta from april 10th, look at me in my invisible eyes and tell me that the Hussie from that era was thinking about transgender rights and not about his next webcomic and i dont fucking know that creepy puppet he had as a kid or horses.
AND before you assume Im transphobic, Im not and support trans people because i know how gender dysphoria feels [even though i do feel like some people online are faking it for attention or are there not for support but because they have some fetish which is pretty fucking bad (and Im unsure if fit the label or if I want to fit it considering I dont tell anyone about it at all and everyone online nowdays seems to suck overall and I also dont want to go around telling online strangers on a public profile about it)], so please understand this. June Egbert is not canon and is not a good rep, if you like it then keep it on the parts of the community that like it and stop trying to force "dubiously canon" on everyone. You are causing more harm than good, in fact I think that you are doing might not be doing any good at all.
And because I feel like I didnt let enough steam off Im gonna say this
Fuck June. Fuck her stupid fucking name. Fuck her rep. Fuck Post-Canon. And she and other shit reps deserve to be forced to take a permanent vacation straight to Hell.
Oh and davekat-sucks please keep existing and dont let these people put you down, you are one of the few people in this community nowdays that seems to not be overly aggressive and you allow people to show their opinions without having to fear getting harassed on or getting dragged on a full blown warzone just for not thinking like most people on the community do. Your blog means a lot for fans like us and remember, just because a lot of people seem to disagree with you it doesnt mean you are wrong! ^U^
Thank you for the kind words, Anon. And thank you for this amazing post here too. ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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