#i could explain design choices but i dont want to write it here just ask me if u have questions 👍
pusangkambing ¡ 6 months
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Let her run on all fours
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lit-works ¡ 7 months
Spider-Man : A City in Darkness
I sit there, perched atop a 20-story skyscraper, looking north at the city. No one would know that just a few hours ago this island metropolis was plunged into blackness by some madman, a madman who would likely do it again. A madman with a colossal grudge against me, Spider-Man.
The question is, which madman? I've made more than my fair share of enemies in my career, some of them incredibly powerful. Doc Ock. Hobgoblin. Doomsie, the Frightful Four, Vulture–the list goes on and on, a fact that is not the least bit reassuring. Electro is on the loose as well, but Electro has rarely ever used underlings. He usually teams up with another super-powered felon when he isn't going solo.
Somehow, though, everything ties together; the springing of Electro, the blackout, the electrical equipment theft, the writing in the sky…it all adds up to one thing : someone really doesn't like me.
Well, I can sit on my brains and worry, or I can go out and get to thr bottom of this. I think getting to the bottom of this is the better choice of the teoz but where do I start?
Captain Patricia Amber Nash, commander of the PEGASUS security team assigned to delivering Electro to his parole hearing, sits alone in an office in the justice building. In front of her are reams of paper. She is carefully ignoring the papers and staring at the ceiling, leaning her wooden chair back on its hind legs. She might be deep in thought or just daydreaming.
Hanging upside down, I tap on the window. The sudden noise catches her by surprise, and it is only by grabbing the table that she avoids pitching over onto the floor. As it is, she scattered papers across the office.
Rising from the table, she stomped to the window I was hanging outside of with as much decorum as she could muster. Through the insulated glass she mouthed the words, "what the hell do you want?" She doesn't look pleased.
"Dinner and a movie?" I shout back, loud enough to be heard through the glass. "But I'll settle for some info? How about letting me in before someone sees me out here and calls the cops?"
She looks at me for a long moment, as if weighing the options. Then she unlatches the pane and opens it. "Come in then," she says. "And make it quick. It's getting cold out there."
"Do you know how much paperwork there is for an escaped criminal?" She asks, stopping to pick up the scattered papers.
"No, but if you hum a few bars I'll pick it up." I say.
She shoots me a glare that says, 'dont mess with me; it's been a bad day'.
"What do you want now?" She asks, trying to reorganize the papers and then giving it up as a lost cause.
"How about if I get your runaway electric company back?" I ask.
"Given a choice, id rather take a week off in Jamaica, but it woukd nake things easier," she says, picking up one official-looking form and quoting: 'If said incident involved metahuman individuals, please designate on a separate form the nature, identity, and abilities displayed by said individual(s) and their bearing on the incident.' "can you imagine what it would be like if the Avengers came by to help? At least they have this stuff on reprinted forms." She looks up at me. "Right. Information. What do you want?"
"Well," I say, "the last time we met you were loudly handling the cleanup from that little kidnapping, so we didn't have too much time to chat. And I walked right into the middle of that half-painted picture, so I have no real idea why you were there in thr middle of Manhattan in the first place, unless it's standard procedure to ship dangerous criminals through the heart of the city in the early evening. So, why don't you take it from the top and don't leave out any whys and what-fors."
Captain Nash begins to explain. She and her team were to escort Electro from his cell to a specially prepared holding area for his parole hearing tomorrow morning. While in transit, the team was ambushed by four individuals carrying electrical discharge guns. They opened fire as one, overturning the armored car transporting Electro and blowing open the rear doors. They pinned down the PEGASUS troops while two of the team went in and pulled Electro from the wreck. Electro was heavily sedated, additionally restrained with an insulated straightjacket.
Two of the men headed down the alleyway with the bundled Electro while their comrades kept Nash's troops pinned down with their shock-zookas. By the time I arrived on the scene and free their fire, the others had apparently already escaped out the other side of the alley, but not before leaving an explosive package in the sewers, which according to record, public works is citing as the cause of the blackout.
"Anyone see the goons leave with Electro?" I ask.
"We performed a building-to-building search on the side of the alley with the NYPD, but it turned up nothing. They've vanished completely." She replies.
"How about the goons I fought?"
"Resting comfortably," she says, stretching to relieve a neck cramp. "They were checked out for prior arrests, but they're small fry. They've been keeping pretty mum, but what we did get before their lawyers told them to shut up is that Electro was the prize of their operation, not the boss."
I nod and she continues, "The outfits look like those of HYDRA but are only imitation, According to a source at SHIELD. Talking to the people at SHIELD, by the way, was like pulling teeth; they know HYDRA is up to something, but they don't think they're connected to this kidnapping."
"So that leaves us with the question of where they went?"
"Maybe the earth swallowed them?" Says Nash.
I smile beneath my mask. "Maybe it did, at that. I'm going to go check out the crime scene. Maybe I'll find something else. Thanks, and I owe you a dinner and a movie." I head for the window.
As I dive out into the night air, Nash shouts after me, "how about you just bring me back a pizza? JI'll be here all night! And close the window next time, there's a draft!"
I swing out into the night.
Electro's the key to the entire operation. Whoever stole the equipment was probably in cahoots with the master of electricity and busted him out only when everything was already in place.
If Electro is working with another super-powered baddie, there may be an Intel leak in the PEGASUS security. That thought may have occurred to Captain Nash already.
I retrace my path to where the Project PEGASUS troopers were blasting it out with Electro's mysterious allies earlier in the evening. The ruined armored car has already been pulled from the street, and traffic is flowing normally (for NY, anyways) past the alleyway.
The alleyway itself is no longer empty as I remembered it. The bureau of public works has set up a generator and equipment to clear away the debris kicked up by the explosion and make repairs. Signs warning : 'Men Working' are at both ends of the alley. I land atop one of the buildings overlooking the alley. The alleyway is singed darkly from the blast, more so toward the end where the PEGASUS troopers were fighting.
What if the purpose of the blast was to wipe out any traces of pursuit…if the men ledt behind were abandoned? Then that explosion might be more than just a poor going-away gift.
I swing down the alleyway itself.
"Hey!" Says one of the workers, looking up. "It's that spider-guy!"
"Spider-Man!" I correct him, spinning through the air and landing in front of the workers–three guys apparently on a coffee and pastry break. The speaker nods, a second workman looks surprised, while the third simply bits into an oozing jelly-filled donut. "How's work going?" I ask.
"Real mess down there," says the first worker, apparently the spokesperson for the group. "Looks like they had enough explosives down there to whole the block to the moon and back!" He chuckles at some private joke.
"Then I need your professional opinion," I say, leaning back against the generator. "If someone was down there a minute or two before the explosion, could that person have survived?"
"Hmmm," the union rep rubbed his jaw. "I dunno, man, it's not likely. He'd have to move very fast or it'd be zoom…bang!"--the spokesman claps his hands together and thrn motions to the heavens. His two fellow workmen grunt in agreement. "The passage is blocked and clogged in both directions, and it's gonna take a while to dig a clear path through."
The sewers are closed off by fallen debris, and anyone down there might have been caught in the blast.
The valuable human labor resource flashes his light around the wreckage left underground by the blast. There is a thick smell of something smoldering, and the workman shouts to be heard over the steady din of water running over shattered concrete.
"The main part of the blast is this way," says the worker, making his point by panning the lught over the mess of obliterated concrete that almost fills the passageway. "The other way"--he flashes the light to the area behind me–"is almost as bad, and it leads to a dead end, according to the city plans."
"Such an option." As I glance forward and back at the equally dismal-looking stretches of alleyway.
"Mind if I lend you a hand?" I ask, reaching toward the debris blocking the sewer.
"Don't mind if you do," says the workman. "I'll hold the light."
The debris is not as tightly packed as I first thought, and I quickly dig my way through to the other side of the rockfall. The ceiling holds, as well, and my companion follows me, flashing the light around as soon as I reach the other side.
The other side of the rockfall looks just like a New York sewer. The slime on the concrete appears to remain undisturbed after at least a few generations, and nothing is out of place.
"Blast," I say, my voice echoing down into the depths of the pipes.
"You were expecting something else maybe?" Asks my new friend.
"Some kind of clue. I had a hunch Electro escapes down here. There's another blocked passage behind us?"
"Yeah, but it leads to a dead end."
The map the workmen have of the sewers shows a dead end on the other side of the passage. Which means that Public Works may just decide to forget about digging it out. A perfect way for someone to cover their tracks.
I start digging through the slime-covered rock filling the passageway. The laborer shine his light as I use my spider-enhanced strength to lift and burrow.
I am about halfway through the second blockage, and feel (relatively) fresh air on my face, when my Spider-Sense gives off a sharp warning buzz. Bits of plaster and stone rain down around me. The passage's ceilings are dangerously unstable, and the whole street is about to drop on our heads!
Thinking quickly, I brace the sagging rock above me with both hands, and call down to the worker who accompanied me.
"Quick," I shout, my voice carrying down the sewers. "Get me something to brace this wall with!"
The light that has been shining on my digging flickers and turns away, and I am left in the darkness for a moment. I hear the drip of fetid water and the shout of the worker to his fellow workmen. My arms are beginning to tire, but if I let go, the entire street could cavr in.
After a short eternity, the light returns, with the workmen behind it. "Here ya go, Spider-buddy." The spokesperson says, placing a large device next to me. "One handy-dandy sewer jack, at your service." He turns a crank at one end of the tool and it expands against the floor and ceiling, taking the weight off of my aching shoulders.
"That was close," I say, and in that same inatant, I notice the workman's light flashing down the passage that has been fully opened by the shift.
"That's funny," he says. "The sewer is supposed to end fifteen feet from here."
Instead, the sewer continues down into the darkness. Along the concrete floor of this unknown sewer, the algae and moss have been pushed aside, leaving a clear path into the depths of the city.
'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly'. Or is it, 'said the Electro, to the Spider-Man'?
I dig out my spider-beacon from my belt, but the workman who has been helping hands me his flashlight.
"That itty-bitty candle ain't gonna cut it if you're going in that direction," he says. "Take this one. It's halogen beam will illuminate a hundred yards down here. It's also shockproof, so you can beat the crocagators with it."
I take the flashlight, saying "thanks…er…"
"Ed. Name's Ed." Says the worker, giving a toothed grin.
A sewer work named Ed. Only in New York. I tell Ed and his buddies that if they don't hear from me or see.me in two hours, they should go to the police with what they know. With that, I head down the path.
Off to see the wizard. Or the doctor. Or whoever.
I reach a corner that carries me out of sight of the repairmen, so I turn and wave, and am gone.
The path through the slime is uncomfortably smooth, clean, and recent in origin. I've gone about a mile underground before I realized what would cause it to be that way: a ground effects vehicle, or hovercraft, traveling on a cushion of air. That cushion would push up the slime and debris as it passed.
I hear a chittering to my right, and swing my light to reveal a large rat, sitting on a pipe. The rat holds motionless for a moment, then squeals and bounds away.
Yuck. The last thing I want to do is meet up with the everyday run-of-the-mill vermin while I'm hunting down a real rat.
The sewer passage widens and crosses a wider sewer, this one carrying a stream of darker water. The path of the blasted algae disappears at the edge and reappears on the other side, about 20 feet away, and then disappears down the tunnel.
Ceiling's too low to leap. The walls are slicker than Jameson on payday. But I think it's climb or swim. I don't think they have a limo service down here.
The walls are covered with a thick gooey slime, as is the ceiling. As I reach the apex of the vault, I hit a patch of moss that must have been what prinitive man used for Teflon.
Choosing my way carefully, I make my path through the slippery muck to the other side. At that moment, I think I see movement in the water: probably another rat or something. Ahead there is a flash of light other than my own, dimming my flashlight. I check out the light at the end of the tunnel. With my luck, it will be an oncoming train.
The glow intensifies until I'm standing in front of a pair of massive doors illuminated by a single powerful light. The trail through the slime ends here. To the right of the doors is a parked hovercraft with a wide bed, suitable for carrying spools of wire.
No welcome mat, though, and I bet this place isn't listed with Triple A, either, looks like I'll have to break in.
I approach the huge metal doors. Something is rotten in the state of New York. Huge metal doors. Hmm….
I dig out a spare metal cartridge of web-fluid and toss it at the doors. The intensity of the flash upon connection momentarily blinds me.
Makes sense. Electro, electrical supplies, huge conductive metal doors. Put it all together and now it spells T-R-A-P. Now, how to get through it without becoming a bag of spider flavored bacon-bits.
I see the hovercraft and smile beneath my mask.
Using a good deal of my noninsulative webbing, I create a battering ram at the front of the hovercraft parked outside. Another two minutes and ai have hot-wired the vehicle and am backing it away from the entrance.
I back up to where the trail crosses the stream, then throw the hovercraft into high speed. The air whistles past me as the vehicle bears down on the doors.
"Cowabunga!" I shout in a loud surfer accent, jumping off the hovercraft at the last possible moment.
The craft slams into the electrified double doors at full tilt. Sparks dance off the webbing protecting the front of the craft. The door gives way with a bone-shuddering crash, and the way is clear.
Score one for Yankee ingenuity. I walk through the now-open passageway.
My feet pad across the concrete, and I notice the area is lit, though not well lit. A single light every twenty feet shines dimly, giving the impression of a coal mine.
Suddenly, the passageway widens into a larger, dark room. I see nothing and hear only an electronic hum of whirring and clicking, and I am reaching for my spider-beacon when lights come on and I see that I'm surrounded!
The lights come on suddenly, blinding me for an instant before revealing a cavernous chamber with a single entrance at the far side of the room. And before me stand five of my greatest foes!
Electro is there, blocking the far exit. Above him hovers the Vulture, beating his long mechanical wings to stay in place. Sandman, who has the ability to convert his body into sand, is to my right. To my left is Kraven the Hunter, holding a net, and behind the criminal sportsman is Mysterio, master of illusion.
Five of the Sinister Six. "What's up, fellas?" I ask a loud.
The five move toward me without a sound.
"Lemme guess," I jab. "It's International Pick-On Spidey Day. Ya know, when I was trying to figure out who was behind this mess, I never figured it would be a committee of chumps."
My foes are strangely silent as they move in. Best to hit them before they all converge. I can reach any of them. Who should I take down first?
There's no way these five could have gotten back together, even to kill me. That indicates a hoax, and Mysterio is the criminal master of such illusion.
I bound effortlessly over Kraven, and land feet-first on Mysterio's glowing fishbowl helmet. The helmet cracks and shatters under the force of my blow, revealing a maze of wires and circuits beneath. The form of Mysterio crumples to the ground, but not before violently shocking me.
I stand for a moment, looking at the shattered remains of Mysterio as the vicious voltage courses through my body. Robot, and wired to shock on destruction. How many of the others as well?
The others are still moving toward me. Picking myself up, I run to the far exit, where there is a switch and a metal door.
I pull the switch down, and the low-register clicking and buzzing of machinery in the room fades. I look back at my remaining foes, and they are frozen in position.
Dumb robots, I knew the Sinister Six couldn't have staged a reunion bash, even to bash Spidey. These little playthings were obviously guards for the main gates, and the switch allows someone from this end to shut them down so personnel can go in and out. Simple, once you know it. Pull the plug and the toys wind down.
The metal door hums and rises to the ceiling. Five down and it's obvious now who the sixth is.
I pass into the next corridor.
"Ta-Ta, Troopies," I wave back at the inanimate robots. "Time to reveal the puppeteer."
This passage is similar to the last one, dimly lit. At the end I can see through an open door and into a brightly lit room. From my far station, I can see some machinery. The smell of ozone is strong in the air. The walls of this passage are lined with wooden doors, and these are shut and have bars in the windows.
I am halfway down the hallway when a low voice says, "wait!" In a hushed tone. I see a hand wave at me from the bars.
"Doctor Jefferson, I presume?" I say, looking at the psychiatrist captive in the cell. It all fits together now–with five of the Sinister Six being used as lackeys, the sixth must be the head honcho. He must have put another robot in his cell to avoid suspicion.
The bespectacled man nods and puts a finger to his lips. He hands me a note.
The note reads : 'He can hear but cannot see us. He has captured Electro and is using him to power a weapon to destroy you. There is a trap at the end of the corridor. Look up. Don't hurt him.'
I look up and see a ventilator grill above me. I nod to him and, trying to make as little noise as possible, rip his lock out of the door. The complete, I give him an A-OK hand sign.
Trusting that Jefferson is honest and the events aren't monitored, I rip out the grillwork and crawl into the ducts. After about five minutes of crawling I reach another grill. Looking out, I see an incredible sight.
It could best be described as an electrical elephant! It is a huge, almost obscene machine, occupying most of the room. At it's core is Electro, glowing like a supernova star and apparently in pain. At it's crown, riding the elephant, is Doctor Octopus awaiting my appearance at the doorway. The "trunk" of the elephant, the barrel of the weapon, which is probably what did the skywriting is pointed at the doorway.
Definitely the work of a disturbed mind. I look at my foe as I work the grillwork off the vent. At least I'm out of the line of fire.
"Where is he…?" Hisses the Doctor, his mechanical arms adjusting power levels and turning dials on the huge machine. "Why hasn't he appeared?"
"Sorry, Ock!" I shout, leaping from my hiding place. "I had to use the service entrance."
I leapt out onto the machine where the beam could not reach me.
As I land on the machinery, sparks spread out from my fingertips. I feel a tingle akin to my Spider-Sense, but otherwise the massive machine does no damage. Atop it, the madman who has been trying for most of the evening to kill me is watching me, stock still.
Ok, hero, now what? I spy Ock's arms beginning to writhe along the machine toward me. Attack? Talk to him? Free Electro (who really looks like he's suffering)? Sabotage the machinery? He's had me on my heels and on the run all evening, now it's my turn! Think!
First things first. I scrabble across the machine's sides to where Electro is held prisoner. The master of electricity howls soundlessly on the inside of a glass prison. Above me, Octopus is starting to react. I see Doc's metallic arms reach toward me.
The bowl is designed for Electro's powers, not my spider-enhanced abilities. It shatters with a crash and a bolt of lightning erupts from the prison. I am dlung violently backwards and topple off the side of the machine.
Electro emerges from his cage shining like a bright white beacon, throwing everything around me into shadow. Ignoring me completely, Electro moves up the sides of the machine towards Doc Ock.
Ock is read as well, two of his mechanical arms grabbing nets and weapons, while the other pair extend, carrying his body high above his opponent. Electro grasps one metallic arm, and a yellow glow pulsates and courses up the arm to the mad doctor. Octopus howls and stutters in pain.
Uh-oh. The genie is out the bottle. The pair are locked in a deadly embrace. The machinery they are fighting on is breaking, falling apart.
I bound out of the chamber just as the machine starts to smoke and the ceiling caved in. The walls and floors are buckling as I run at top speed out of the complex, only stopping to grab Dr.Jefferson, the imprisoned psychiatrist and bound out. Behind me is the cacophonous roar of explosions.
From the sewer I make my way to the surface. There is one last explosion, this one reaching the surface (an abandoned garbage dump) and spreading light (and garbage) into the sky.
"You think they…" the doctor starts to ask, faltering.
"Survived?" I finish for him. "Don't know. Their kind always has a way of turning up. For now, one more bad guy plan has gone smash, leaving us and the City of New York to pick up the pieces."
The pair of us watch the fire and listen for the approaching sirens as the police come to investigate. I have saved the city, once again.
3 notes ¡ View notes
hohoz ¡ 3 years
The ones that suffer the most
I wanted to talk about this for a long time.
I’m a Resident evil addicted, I finished almost every RE game released and I must say that Capcom made some poor choices regarding Jill and Chris, they are EASILY the most mistreated characters in RE Franchise. 
But let’s explain why is that: 
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Jill and Chris are survivors, they had to survive in a mansion with a lot of puzzles and zombies, while looking for items that could help them to progress and find a way to reach Brad. 
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When they arrive at STARS Office, they are revolted that Umbrella did all that under their noses and innocents were dying because of that and they explained EVERYTHING in a report - but Irons made that go away. 
In the ORIGINAL RE3 we had this special file (Jill’s Diary) 
August 7th Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating people's flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet...
August 13th Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris's face with coffee. I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away. I wonder what happened to him...
August 15th Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that, "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that, "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me.
August 24th Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with them somewhere in Europe. That's when my real battle begins...
For some weird reason this file isn’t available in RE3 Remake. 
But ok, here we see that Chris was doing some investigation - in the RE2RMK  you could see this letter that Chris left in a way that normal people wouldn't understand - the only thing that Claire says is that “doesnt look like him” but how normies would understand what Chris is like is he is not well represented in media ??????????????????
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And Jill had all the detective work in her wall. 
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So far so good - we understand the basics about them - they are Special police force, the elite, they had a traumatic experience and they survived to tell the story. 
Some problems until now:
Jill had a MAJOR personality change in RE3 RMK- I honestly like most of that, she is a badass in the originals and she is a badass in the rmk but I still dislike the fact that she swears all the time (specially because in RE1, RE Rev, RE5 she doesn't do that) 
We can tell a lot about her personality just looking at her room, but I still miss some stuff (I had expectations - so this is not a real problem. but still) like a Vinyl player (since she is probably into classical music), some letters from her father so new players can understand her origin and why is she so good in lockpicking and more about her dog (she had a pic in the original that could’ve been her boyfriend but it was replaced by a dog in RE2 rmk but in RE3 Rmk there in no dog) 
Okay - after you finish the game the only thing we see is this: 
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In my opinion this is Chris since he is always associated with Green colors while Jill is associated with blue. 
So my speculation here is that she found him while in the original we had this: 
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This is not a major chance but still is important (lore of course - duh) but the problem here is that while Jill is looking for him - Code Veronica is happening. 
So I can only assume two things, they did not show him because they DON’T HAVE A FACE FOR HIM or I am wrong and that is Jill, but if that is Jill so why there is no decent epilogue like the original ? 
Okay, now we are arriving in the real trouble area
I will do RE5 first and the Wii and Rev1 (even tho those two comes first in the lore) 
So before the game was release we had some propaganda, including this: 
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So have in mind that Jill was dead, I thought that she died and RE5 would explain that shit. 
But in the beginning we see that Chris is looking for her and have in mind that Chris HAD A MAJOR CHANCE IN HIS APPEARANCE, and I’m not talking about his muscles. 
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I will not address Chris in CV since he was good in that game but I the team that made CV also made the original, it had CONSISTENCE. 
Here we have Chris, he’s THE classical american soldier protagonist from Hollywood in the 80′s/90′s and he had some omage to TOPGUN
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He also shares some traits with his sister
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A major trait here is that HE HAS BLUE EYES, typical good looking soldier from US. 
and now let’s have a look at Chris in RE5...
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Yeah... I still hate this face even tho I love his Character in this game, this ugly a** monkey looking mf and he had a lot of steroids
So we have some lore to him in RE5, Jill and Chris went to a mansion looking for Spencer (one of the fathers of Umbrella and the one that was behind project Wesker, he wanted to do this Virus so he could live forever, so RE has a good lore, it’s not just about zombies) but when they found him, he was dead and Wesker was by his side, in a fight Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris’s life. 
Chris started doing mission after mission because her body was never found, and he made a name for himself, he became a ‘legend’ inside BSAA and you can see that in the beginning of RE5.
The reason behind the muscles was probably to fight Wesker mano to mano but still is not well made, it really felt weird playing for the first time. 
So now we have a problem here, there is thing that you use in a narrative that is to make someone strong af powerless, and they did that to Jill. (a good example of this is in TWD- Ricky is a fucking legend and Negan made him powerless in the face of a event) 
Jill was used in a Boss fight and that is it... She is not in the game as a character, she is being manipulated and her whole design was changed, she looks like Nina from Tekken. WTF. - BTW, the fact that Wesker had mind control over her created 1000 fics of sex 
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 So that is it, my main problem here isnt Jill itself, but it’s the fact that they used her character as a boss even tho she is the heroine, she never appears in RE lore again until some guy inside Capcom said “Well people are asking about Jill so let’s place a file in Rev2 saying that she is in rehab” 
The only time that she appears again is in a 3DS NINTENDO ONLY game, it felt that Capcom simply don’t care about her character. 
By the way Revelations 1 is a great game and was adaptable some years later for PC and consoles
But you think that this is bad, wait until we arrive at RESIDENT EVIL 6 
When I learned that Jill was not in RE6 I was mad... But after I played that game I said “thank you God” that game was bad, transformers kind of bad, it had bad writing, the lore was all over the place and Chris was the one that suffered the most in this game. 
He was responsible for the death of an entire squad, suffered amnesia and people still wanted him in the command 
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The golden boy of BSAA reduced to THIS. 
By the way, the director said that HE WANTED TO KILL CHRIS IN THIS GAME to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS - so if you liked Piers now that he died only because of that. 
So now let’s analyse what we know: 
The first 2 main characters are not well represented in media until RE6, they don’t know how to re introduce Jill in the games and Chris was reduced to a normal guy at a Russian bar;
But it gets worse... 
Capcom LOVE Leon, we know that. he is always the hero, he is the protagonist in almost every movie and he is always the cool guy so when he get’s a new model, he looks like this:
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But When Chris get’s a new face he look like this: 
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WHO DAFUQ ARE U, no offense to the model but he has NEGATIVE JAW LINE.
And still he doesn't look like Claire’s brother, there is no blue/green eyes and he looks younger that he was in 6 (and 6 still uses that ugly character model) 
But let’s go in the lore- we HAVE 0 info on Jill in RE6 / RE7 and no sight of her in RE8 
And speaking of which, they tried to make Chris the bad guy in the trailer so when we play we see “Ohhhh he was not the bad guy, that happened and that is why he did that” 
But still... 
If they are going to do that to his character don’t use this character, shit ! Do something with that Wesker’s son that made 0 sense in RE6 but leave Chris out of this - it really feels that they simply don’t know how to treat him right
And you may think that I may be complaining a lot because of his appearance
But this is him in RE8  
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(to me this is some random dude from Russia) 
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And this is him in RE:Verse (that is going to be release TOGETHER) 
So this tells me that they have 0 clue of how to handle his looks
Jill got RE3Rmk but it felt like a cheap game compared to RE2Rmk where the original RE3 was SO MUCH BETTER
And this is bad because there are so many new fans joining the fandom only to see 2 great characters suffering from poor director’s choices. 
I’m sorry about this rant, if you like Chris face and looks its okay, really, but dont tell me that Chris from 5/6/8 is the same from 1/CV and if you think im wrong about Jill its fine, but she is an amazing character that could have so much more impact in RE universe (I mean, she never even appeared in a RE movie - animations) 
But it’s sad to see so many characters that receive good representation in media and good games/lore while Jill get’s almost none and Chris is handled like random face guy. 
I was going to talk a little bit more about Rev 1 and RE Umbrella Chronicles but there is no need since Im mad right now and it seems that Capcom has 0 interest in making Code Veronica and Umbrella’s fall after that since their fav boy Leon need a rmk in RE4 even tho RE4 is not that old. 
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Fun fact: Chris served in the Air force, so yeah, to me even Tom Cruise looks more like Chris than Chris from the games
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smndragon ¡ 3 years
MY THOUGHTS ON TWIN FLAMES (I believe that's what they're called) brief reasearch
"A twin flame is an intense soul connection, sometimes called a "mirror soul," thought to be a person's other half. It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. One of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing. - Sep 28, 2020" here
Purpose of a Twin Flame
"At its core, twin flame love is about spiritual growth, and its purpose is to awaken your soul. ... He goes on to explain that while twin flame relationships are tumultuous, they should not be confused with toxic relationships." Here
These links are not for the main signs that they talk about it's just to show where I got brief resources.
MY THOUGHTS! Know that not every person has a twin flame, they are not soulmates and don't happen all the time if they exist.
In my own way I believe how it starts Is that people upon death will go through mixed confusing processes, accidents with passing the soul, final decisions, being split upon punishment or for lessons. I'll explain bellow for each belief.
Confusing processes could be from parts of the soul or mind ending up left in different processes or can't catch up fast enough and end up separated (couldn't make more sense for now lol)
Accidents with passing could come from the way of death, if it happened too fast it's possible your body and soul panicked causing a split form the speed of it all. Or accidents that involve going where you're designed to, being placed wrong areas of the afterlife. Sorry if we bring up reoccurring topics
Final decisions mean it's possible that your past self passed with parts of their life greatly regretted involving certain personality phases or periods to break and create multiple or two parts. A decision to free themselves of the burdens. (This doesn't go with the healing phase exactly but I'll explain) sometimes we need bad people to heal in life. Those people can change but not always and that's just life. But if this counterpart soul happens to be toxic, it's possible this was a 'final decision' they don't need to stay in your life. They were exist important for you to move on from this part of you or change it. Works in a way that you wish to separate freely and make a new soul out of the part well liked. Can be tricked into the decision but is not at all common that I can think on
Lessons or punishment when doing certain 'crimes against the world' or when you have lost the understanding of the lessons your gods or angels wished for you. Sometimes your angels aren't as nice. Ending in spilt souls as a punishment for your crimes. That makes little sense I know. Once again this would truly be common if true. But the crimes have to be above terrible. Things not just a death could do or a few killings throughout your life.
This is only an explanation that will probably go against some things and ideas on how. PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS IF YOU AGREE OR DONT I LOVE TO HEAR IT
My most great theory I like that makes sense is the accident theory. Still trying to figure out how those accidents happens and what they are but it feels more accurate and we'll figure out along the way.
Now that I got an ask while writing this on the time period ask. It's possible a theory of how the soul is separated is burial or what people do with the body afterwards. Taking certain things or taking them in different places. Something like that? Whichever anon sent that ily
From the moment we die. Our souls go through all kinds of steps at times depending on the afterlife you go into. OR it's how you die that's an accident. These cause the souls to split whenever they happen.
Possibly one half of the soul (I will be talking of 2 here but it's possible there could more pieces and stuff depending on the thing) is sent it earth faster or wherever in the galaxy and dimensions, or alternate universes. The other half of the soul has no choice but to go to or stay back if they get stuck for too long.
Twin flames aren't romantic to me. They're more siblings. If they were once one in the same being or soul. Then it just seems weird to be attracted romantically. Not to mention it has 'twin' in its Anne which is not what you call a lover.
When you have a twin soul you're completely able to live without them of course. But there will almost always be a piece missing or lost in you. This twin is a need to feel whole and possibly love also. People with twin flames may have romantic troubles due to the feelings which could cause problems with sharing things or their lover feeling not enough if taken wrong.
The healing part of the journey is of course supposed to be to either live without them if toxic or live happily together until able to become whole again. Some twin flames don't stay whole, enjoying the feeling of family from that twin flame. It's all up to them upon death and passing.
Sorry I can't share more it was hard to put this together. I had a conversation on it once with @juniebugg some parts probably have typos and I want to release this quick enough but my phone is being slow.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!! ily all💕💕 take care and drink water.
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thequeenb ¡ 4 years
Could you possibly write a poppy x mc fic where poppy cheats on mc😂🤷‍♀️Idk I’m just in the mood for some angst(you can choose the ending. That is if you write it😂😭)
Poppy x MC
Poppy and i have been dating for almost 6 months now and she is everything i ever dreamt of. She is fierce and powerful but a softie behind closed doors. She is starting to be more true to herself, even though we go through many arguments i know its her defence mechanism to avoid feelings
I am eating lunch with Zoe chatting about how i plan on taking Poppy to a romantic date "And i guess we will watch the stars together andddd i dont have to tell you the rest"
"Babe you leave the most important information for later now we have to discuss about--" but before she could finish her sentence our phones buzz, probably a stupid update from the T
Good morning beautiful people of Belvoire, except you Charlie, get your nasty dog away from designer bags. Anyways i have a very important announcement to make darlings, we all know the most powerful couple of Belvoire but uh oh is there trouble in paradise?
Yesterday afternoon our dear Queen Bee and her ex Carter were spotted having a steamy make-out, you don't believe me? Take a look at this picture. I am sorry Bea but are you that surprised?
Kisses, The T
My phone drops from my hands as soon as i see the picture. Everyone turns around to look at me but i feel my pulse ringing through my ears. Poppy cant do this to me can she? Maybe this is all a sick joke or fake information but it isn't. I look beside me and Zoe zoom in the bracelet i bought her a week ago, this is true.
"Babe i want you to take a deep breath okay? Just breathe" Zoe pats my back and i try to follow these simple instructions but I can't, how can i be so damn stupid?
My lungs cant obey and my mind starts racing. I can hear people whispering around me, others are pointing and others look at me with pity expressions.
And there she is. Walking in the pathway Poppy and Chloe can be seen approaching me. Some gasp and i can tell she hasn't read the blog yet, probably too busy sucking Carter. The thought of him touching Poppy makes my blood boil so i get up before this turns into a murder scene
"Hey love! Grab lunch with me at the mall?" She is smiling at me and thats when my mind screams at me to just leave
"Stay away from her Poppy" Zoe stands between us and Chloe rolls her eyes
"I think Bea has a mouth so why don't you step aside? What happened darling?" Her eyes look at me worryingly but then she knows exactly what happened
"I knew you were bitchy you know, just never thought you would do something so low" i say looking at the picture on my phone
Poppy looks around noticing everyone is watching and listening to our conversation "I can explain Bea lets just--"
"No. Everyone know, everyone saw" my voice breaks, i cant even look at her. I scan her body and face, where Carter touched her last night and all i can see is red
"Why? I gave you everything didn't i? I was patient with you God i even handled your awful attitude that i didn't deserve" i walk towards her, my tone is harsh but i only know how my heart breaks into million pieces
"I hope he was worth losing me" i push her shoulder walking past her, Zoe following behind me. No one dares to say a word nor look at me, they all mourn my broken heart they all respect my pain for now. I walk as fast as i can trying to avoid the walk of shame
I find a nearby bench and i sit down collapsing in Zoe's hug. She is caressing my back trying to soothe me, the tears become body wrecking sobs and all i can try to do is take deep breaths
"Let it all out girl, i am here for you"
I pull back wiping my eyes "W-why would she do that? I am not enough?" I look at her completely broken
"You are everything anyone would ever want, she choose to not see that, she choose to give in to her desire but she didn't thought the risk was losing you" And she is right, Poppy thinks that she will always have what she wants but this time she will learn what losing someone important means
Am i even important at this point? When she was making out with her ex was i even on her mind? I cant think a single reason for her to do this to me. I gave her my attention, i gave her my affection and most importantly i gave her my heart, the one she broke
"Can i stay alone for a minute?"
"Are you sure love?" Zoe asks concerned and i nod. I don't want anyone to see me in such a mess
She gives me a tight hug before walking away and i am left alone with my thoughts. Why Poppy? We were making such progress and you had to ruin it with one action. Would she even tell me if The T didn't upload that stupid photo? My mind is going to million places thinking of every possibility
Shaking i pull my phone out opening the photo album i made for Poppy and I. Hah isn't it ironic? The first photo is us sharing a milkshake, it was the first time someone took her to such a simple date and she told me that night that she feels safe with me.
The second one is us kissing. Zoe took that when we went to Coney Island. We were at a kissing booth and she was so jealous that she paid the girl there so she could take her spot just to kiss me. I love teasing her, she gives me a precious smile everytime
As i scroll down remembering all these 6 months, how fun they were how refreshing. Suddenly my phone rings and of course its her. What do i even do? I cant listen to her melodic voice right now, i feel like it will be the cherry on top so i let it ring until it stops. To my surprise she left a voice message and taking a deep breath i hit play
"I just saw the new update of The T. Its not what you think Bea i swear. I wanted to spend this day with you but i guess this gossip garbage had to upload something so shitty. I dont like Carter i never truly did, when i watched you walking away my heart broke" Tears fall freely from her eyes as she takes a deep breath
"I know i messed up, i know i cant pretend this didn't happen but please don't go. I am not the one to beg but i.. I can't lose you, just let me explain please" her voice breaks from the tears, her tone is painful to listen to "i..i love you Bea, please call me back"
Have you ever played this game when you were a kid, where you hold your breath under the water counting how much you can hold on? Thats how i feel right now. The air abandon my lungs hearing these last words. I didn't had the opportunity to say those three damn words
And that moment i feel my chest rise and fall. I try so hard to not let the wave of sadness overpower me, i desperately try to swim to the surface, helplessly cry for help. Fresh tears roll down my face and my breath stops completely
I find heartbreak fascinating. How can one word or a sentence make your heart sink to your stomach? How can an organ that took months to built breaks in a blink of an eye?
Heartbreak. The moment where your lungs mourn and take your breath away for a while. The moment you can hear it cracking, opening in two without your consent. Its violently beautiful to feel human, but everything comes with a cost, loving her came with a cost
Every beautiful memory pass through my mind like a blur and everything is replaced with pain, with sorrow. Finding my strength i deal my mother's number
"Mum? I am coming back home" i whisper trying to find my voice
I will leave everything behind. Every corner of this university is reminding me of her, every classroom every bench every inch. And that's what a foolish mistake leads to Poppy, i hope you remember that.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing @nydeiri @tyrils-star
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calpalsworld ¡ 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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zwowow ¡ 3 years
this might be very triggering so its fine if u dont do it, but kells self harming secretly and em finding out and kells thinks he’s gonna be mad but em is comforting instead
sorry for the ask, im the same anon that went thru a break up and it aint going well
tw: self harm 
I’m sorry my love, break ups are rough and it really sounds like ur goin thru it. sorry this took a while! but hopefully you’ve had time to heal a bit between sending this ask nd now. 
psa to all I’ve never self harmed, so i’m just hoping this captures the idk headspace? alright :/ 
He started when he was a teenager. That’s how long he’s been doing this shit. It’s fucking shameful that he hasn’t grown out of it in over a decade, but it’s also one of the only things that’s consistently soothed him. When weed isn’t enough to calm him, or shake him from a spiral of self-loathing, he always comes back to this. Not because it makes him feel better, but because it makes him feel something. 
He can focus on the pain and only the physical pain. His emotions, the real world shit he has to deal with, can fall to the side for a moment and he can revel in the hurt. The hurt that he has control over. 
That’s a part of it, too. Control. So much of the existential pain he feels is beyond what he himself can change. Everyone gets to have an opinion on him, and regardless if it’s good or bad, he has to know it and internalize it. He has no choice. Time moves on and he can’t control what his past self has done, but the regret eats him alive. His head spins when he thinks about all of the shit that’s wrong in his life that he no longer has the power to change. 
But the harm he does himself? Knowingly and methodically? It’s all controlled. He’s got it all under control. 
Or at least he did. Recently, he’s had the itch to hurt more and more frequently. There’s so much going on in his life that he’s no longer in control of even the one thing that makes him feel grounded. The old scars and fresh wounds are getting harder to hide. Even on his inked skin, raised bumps and sensitive bruises are easy to find when his boyfriend spends all of his time roaming his hands gently over his body. 
But Em can’t find out. Colson refuses to let him. He’d think Colson is pathetic (he is). He’d be disgusted by him (he should be). He’d hate him (but he couldn’t hate him more than Colson hates himself). 
He tries not to hurt himself around Em because of this, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Sometimes he needs it. 
Colson sneaks out of bed one night at Em’s place while his boyfriend is sleeping. On his way out, he grabs his small bag that has just a few of the items he uses to hurt himself. His fingers shake around the bag and his breath quickens in his chest. 
Ain’t it funny that the shame he feels from doing this just makes him want to do it more? 
When he makes it to a bathroom far enough away from Em’s room that he doubts he would make the effort to find him all the way down here, he lays the bag on the counter and opens it up. 
This hadn’t started with the razor blades and lighters he keeps in the bag. He’s worked himself here from pulling out his leg hair and scratching his own arms raw just to feel the sting. The older and more well known he got, the more out of control he felt, and from there he made the jump from nervous ticks to genuine self harm. 
He used to starve himself, too. He thinks back to only a couple of years ago and picks up the lighter. He could go days without eating, even while on tour. There were times where he’d pass out after shows from the hunger, but he’d write it off to others as exhaustion. That had been one of the most pleasing ways to hurt himself. The gentle build up to physical depletion to match what he felt emotionally was fulfilling in a way he couldn’t possibly explain to anyone. 
And that’s why he stopped. Em started to catch on. He started to ask questions no one had asked before. He was obsessed with feeding Colson and keeping him healthy. 
Colson started eating regularly because Em would’ve hated to know his not eating wasn’t just absent-minded forgetting. He would’ve been so disappointed to find out it was deliberate starvation. Colson didn’t want to disappoint Em. 
He still doesn’t. Colson puts the lighter on the counter and takes out one of his blades, too. Em would hate to see this. He wouldn’t understand. 
Inhaling shakily through his nose, Colson looks between his two options for tonight. He leaves the blade on the counter and picks up the lighter. Em is sure to notice if he has a fresh cut. A burn is easier to hide. 
He flicks the lighter to life and is deciding where to hold it on his body when he hears the first knock. 
“Kells.” Shit. He loosens his grip on the lighter and the flame goes out. 
What is Em doing out of bed, and what the fuck is he doing down here?
“Kells,” Em tries again, “You good?” 
“I’m fine.” He lies. 
“Are you fucking smoking in there?” Outside, Em’s voice grows suspicious. He heard the lighter go on and now he thinks Colson is smoking weed in his bathroom. That would be easier to explain. 
After too long of a pause he says, “No.” 
Em doesn’t give a warning before he throws open the bathroom door. Colson wants to knock his head into the mirror for not thinking to lock it. He dives for the blade on the counter, but Em is staring right at it. 
“What the fuck?” Em looks between Colson and the counter multiple times. It’s a stupid overdramatic response, but he wants to slit his fucking wrists from that look. 
Em’s brow furrows. Colson feels sick to his stomach. Em is pissed at him. He’s disgusted by him. He doesn’t know whether to throw him out or call a mental hospital. He hates him. He must be so angry. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out. I was trying to hide it. I shouldn’t have done it here. I know it’s fucking sick. I know it’s fucking crazy to cut and burn myself, I know but I...” Excuses and apologies trip over each other running off of his tongue. 
“You’re cutting yourself?” Em interrupts him. His intense gaze sweeps over Colson. He’s not disgusted or angry like he’d thought. He’s shocked, confused, and even a bit hurt. 
“I... yeah.”
“Why?” A loaded question like that shoots Colson right through the chest. Why? He can hardly answer the question to himself, how is he supposed to explain it to Em?
Em said it himself, he was just clownin’ when talking about cutting himself, how fucked up does someone have to be to actually do that? Colson doesn’t want to explain to Em how fucked up he is.
When he doesn’t answer, Em looks back down at the blade and then at the lighter still in his hand. Kells sees the thousands of things he wants to say and the million questions he wants to ask in his eyes. Finally his eyes set, and Kells braces himself for the next thing to come out of Em’s mouth. 
“Don’t do that shit tonight, yeah? Just come back to bed.” The response shocks Colson even more silent than he’d been. Does he still want to know why, or is he just dropping it? 
As if reading his mind, Em shrugs, “You can tell me why when you’re ready. Tonight, I just want to cuddle your ass.” He holds out his hand to Colson and laces their fingers together tightly when he grabs on. Em tugs him gently out of the bathroom and down the hall back to his room. Colson leaves the lighter and the blade on the counter. 
When they’re back in bed, Em holds him differently than he has before, His arm feels weighted, it presses Colson gently down into the bed, unable to move from the hold. Em holds him from behind protectively and breathes into Colson’s neck. It’s so close it’s almost claustrophobic, but Colson wouldn’t pull away from it even if he could. The urge to hurt himself is immediately replaced by the need to burrow in closer to Em’s grounding touch. 
He falls asleep easily, letting the last of his shame and fear at Em’s reaction leave his body without a fight. 
In the morning, he goes to clean his stuff up in the bathroom, or to throw it away, but not to use it. When he gets there, the bag, the razor, and the lighter are nowhere to be found. Instead of being anxious at the loss, he feels a bit calmed by it. 
This isn’t the end. He won’t be able to stop hurting himself just because Em got rid of a few of his blades and one of his many designated lighters, but it is a start. 
Em knows now, he’s looking out for it. And if the way he always acts toward him, from the making sure Colson is eating to the cuddle last night is any indication, he’ll be there when Colson needs it. He’ll take care of him. 
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tendoki ¡ 4 years
hug prompt 5 with tendouuuu
angy tendou kinda makes me 😳 ngl. this has a lot of build up? I left the ending VAGUE because it just seemed right yanno? this was fun and cute to write though :)
Tendou . S - Snapmaps
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-> genre: comfort
-> prompt: angry hug (not at eachother)
-> warnings: swearing, reader is lowkey horny for tendou, again I wrote this at 5am and projected my thirst onto y/n so my bad lollll, bad grammar maybe?? dunno
not sponsored by snapchat <3
He was pissed off.
Like, super pissed off. You could see it in the way his shoulders were tensed and how his leg bounced under the desk, the furrow of his brows and dark lines under his eyes screamed 'i am three minutes away from committing a murder'. His breathing seemed to be heavier too; and you guessed you wouldnt get much of a chance to talk to him once class was over if the way his eyes seemed to flicker to the clock every few seconds was any indication.
You werent anyone particularly close to Tendou Satori, though you'd consider the two of you friends if asked. In truth, you never thought you would get this far with him, the guy seemed to disregard anything that his teammates werent already fond of; you were lucky, in a sense, that as Goshiki's tutor you were deemed worthy of his attention.
Of course, occasionally your mind would slip, sliding down a dangerous path of 'what if?'s and 'why not?'s. Tendou was attractive, in that weird way, where your friends sorta make fun of you for liking him, before they turn and take a second look themselves. He intrigued you, the way he was so observant as to even bag a friendship with the ever elusive Ushijima kun.
You supposed that's why you bothered to chase him after class ended.
You had lost him pretty quickly though, thinking about it, you seriously wondered how in the hell you could lose a six foot, two inch, scarlet haired loudmouth like Tendou, as if slipping into a crowd and being invisible was something he was used to (something else to add onto the 'Mysteries of T.S' list you had compiled).
After escaping the crowd and seeing no sign of him outside, you relented, recognising that this was a losing battle. With a huff, you pulled out your phone to check his snap maps; he'd always turn them on once he got into school, claiming that it was to make sure if he skipped practice then Semi could track him down and beat his ass with no hassle.
Ramen shop
For the better, you were starving anyway. immediately picking up the pace, you took the 10 minute walk it would take to get there.
how did he manage to go so fast? damn him and his stupid long legs
You arrived, and the place looked empty, probably because of the sign on the door, stating that it was closed for the day. Looking down at your phone again, you confirmed that this was the right address, seeing your own bitmoji stood near Tendou's.
Then the door opened, Tendou, in all of his sweaty, (guess he mustve ran) brilliance, looked you up and down, an action you're ashamed to admit caused a jolt in your stomach. He looked suprised to see you here, but seeing your phone lit up with the familiar interface of Snapchat maps, he smirked.
"What brings you here?"
He sounded amused, though you could still hear his aggravation in how throaty his voice was, you werent used to hearing him speak so roughly, and part of you wondered what it would take to hear that kind of tone from him more.
"You uh seemed pissed off earlier, in class? and I wanted to check up on you. Why... are you in an empty, closed ramen shop?"
"Family owned joint, 's empty 'cause we're closed, and its closed 'cause it's empty"
"Doesn't closing it because its empty make for bad business practice? you're not even giving people a chance to enter, Tendou"
He jolted at this, you were usually so formal and appropriate with him, that hearing you challenge his logic so openly and speak without honorifics was unexpected; his shoulders sagged a little, tension easing from his body as a bemused smile made it's way across his face.
"Huh, guess you're right. Well, since ya here how 'bout coming in and taste testing some of our food before we open to the public again, for safety", the last line was spoken differently, as if he was daring you to say yes, like agreeing on a totally-not-date with Tendou Satori would be the worst mistake of your life.
So, naturally, you bit right back.
"You askin' me on a date now, Satori?", using him first name was dangerous, but you figured he'd get the message that you were trying to be playful, while giving him the ultimate choice of what would happen next.
Once again he was taken aback, before another sag of his shoulders and spread of a smile took over his body; he wasted no time in gently grabbing you by the elbow and ushering you inside.
The interior was gorgeously decorated, the tables scrubbed clean and the whole place smelt like heaven, Tendou sat you down on the nearest chair and rushed off to the back, promising to make you a ramen anyone would consider to be 'better than sex'
It was an hour later you still sat in the shop, laughing with Tendou about whatever tiktok trend he had roped his team into this week, you had texted your parents to let them know you were with a friend, not keen on making them worry and get the entirety of the Miyagi police force interrupting your totally-is-a-date.
Things were quiet for a moment, as you sat and drank some pop Tendou had offered you. You took the silence as an opportunity to appreciate the view; Tendou Satori, in the golden light of a 6pm sun, with his hair down in sweatpants and a graphic tee designed off of one of his favourite anime. You had been nervous when he excused himself to change and 'let his hair relax', but now thanked every and any god in existence for giving you the chance to see him looking so dearly delectable.
Your thought process was disrupted, however, when your eye candy spoke;
"Thanks. For coming, I mean. I've had a pretty shitty day and it means a lot to be sat here joking around with you"
He smiled at you, an intimate one, not mocking or sardonic in anyway, you, of course, locked this moment into your mind, committing the gentle red of his bitten and chapped lips, sloping so carefully, to memory.
Then you registered his words, your brows pinching together in concern, as you reached across and grabbed his hand.
"You wanna talk about it? I'm here to listen and I dont have anywhere to be for the time being"
He looked shocked for a moment, scanning your face to maybe check if this was some cruel joke, like he was going to start telling you and you'd laugh and walk away. After a few moments had passed of him studying your expression, he turned, heaving a sigh and standing up to go to the back, presumably preparing another two bowls of ramen.
He returned not long after, placing the bowls on your table, he began pacing, annoyance rushing back to him as he recalled what had him wound up so tightly earlier.
"... and now he's back in town! God, whatever, I just hope his stupid ass doesnt end up in the same classes as me, I dont wanna see that prick's face again", he had been bullied as a child it seemed, a detail that explained most of the contents in your list of Tendou mysteries, the bully was back in town, and your companion had ran into him when he had left school grounds for a moment; it seemed the boy's attitude had not changed, he had recognised Tendou and began layering on the taunts once more.
He was mad again, you could see it in how his shoulders tensed and his mouth now curled into an ugly sneer while venting.
You sighed before standing up, he needed some comfort, and the worst that could happen is that he pushes you away. You could always just excuse it by saying you have an affectionate family or friend group, and that it's just nature by now to give someone a hug when they're upset. Though there was every reason to think that he wouldnt fall for that, and you could make him uncomfortable. After such a huge leap in your progress with him, taking such a big risk is hardly smart or sensible-
fuck it.
But before you could move, his arms instead encased you. His body shook with brimming rage as he burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, bending awkwardly to properly reach. Hesitantly, you reached your arms up, one hand going to rub circles across his back and the other pulling and playing with the red locks of hair by the nape of his neck. The two of you stayed like that for a while, you leaning on the table once your legs got too wobbly to be trusted. Every so often you'd press a kiss to his shoulder, letting him know that you were accepting his affection wholeheartedly, not just reciprocating out of pity.
Despite the hug lasting longer than any other hugs you had given to friends and family, it still felt like it was too soon as Tendou began to pull away, standing back to his full height, though, his arms remained around you.
"Thanks, I needed that"
"yeah, uh, no problem, Tendou kun"
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nitholites ¡ 4 years
Assuming someone in the BatFam is the end game:
It's been only a week or so since Tony figured out who Ladybug is
She's captured everyone's hearts, but has to go to Gotham soon
For help, but also because of her internship
The Stark Gala becomes a 'you better live and come back one day, Mari or I STG' party, hosted by Tony Stark, of course
She makes all the outfits of the Starks, her parents, herself, Jagged, Penny, Luka, and Kagami (the last two friends minus Chloe from Paris) and she makes extra in case someone has a wardrobe malfunction
Meanwhile, the Waynes have heard a lot about the newest Stark: MDC
Tim is a fanboy. He's found everything related to his favorite rock star's designer/niece there is to find ("I'm not obsessed! They're just super talented, and I'd like something from them! Stop laughing at me, Dick!")
Dick has no room to tease him, as both him and Jason are pretty much in the same boat
Kor'i and Mar'i love MDC, as well
Every one of the Bats are huge Jagged Stone fans
Like... Nearly rabid
(Damian, Bruce, and Alfred redact that statement)
They're invited to Tony's gala thing (he only started it to surpass the Wayne Gala, like the Lil Shite he is)
The night of the party, only Bruce and Jason go, since the rest of the bats are busy
Bruce, Jagged (who brought Fang), and Tony are all chatting in the middle of the floor, 2/3rds of the group are just talking up Marinette
Jason, meanwhile, accidentally runs into this small, adorable child who proceeds to spill her punch all over his suit
He insists it's fine, but she won't take 'no' for an answer ("I am so sorry, please let me make it up to you" "Kid, it's fine, accidents happen" "No, seriously, let me help")
There's a look in her eyes that insists she do something, and he eventually agrees
Cue to Marinette having a suit jacket that matches and fits Jason because "You look like you're the same build as Mr. Stark (she's all for joining Peter in calling Tony 'Mr. Stark' to get under his skin)"
"you know Tony?"
She shrugs, and doesn't comment anymore on it
"give me your address, and I'll bring this back when it's clean again. I'm moving to Gotham for a while soon, anyway"
He does, she doesn't realize he's a Wayne, and they part when the party ends
Cue the entire BatFam sprinting into Jason's room, chasing after a full on scream
Like, they didn't know Jason's voice could get "so high and squeaky, what the hecc?"
They pause as they see Jason litterally jumping up and down
"What the hell, Todd."
Instead of answering, he shoves the jacket in Tim's face with a shite-eating grin
It takes a moment, but Tim scowls and pulls out his wallet
When the rest of the family only look confused, Tim sighs and explains
"He got an MDC original first."
"...you had a bet on that?"
Jason freezes, eyes widening
They're confused for a solid minute
It takes all of Bruce's willpower not to adopt her on the spot when she visits them
Like, he almost brings up adoption papers
But he knows Stark would fight tooth and nail to keep this baby
So he restrains himself
(for now)
(he swears if one of his children doesn't marry her, he's bringing the adoption papers to court)
She doesn't stay long, only meeting all the Waynes at the house and going back to her hotel
The next day, a villain goes after Mar'i, near the park/mall/something Marinette is by
Instead of becoming Ladybug, she heccin kicks arse
As Marinette
She gets both her and Mar'i out of danger without a scratch using a yo-yo of all things and meets Batman and Robin as they clean up the rest
She's all like "no, it's alright, I'm sure anyone would do the same please stop thanking me, my family's gonna kick my ass to next year for scaring them like this"
Bats comes up and takes her statement, and she happens to mention the situation in Paris
"oh, this was nothing compared to some of the Akuma I've faced" "What's an akuma?" She paled, eyes widening in shock. "You don't know? About Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Red Wasp, Multimouse, Hawkmoth, Mayura, Carapace, Rena Rouge, and all them?"
She explains a little, giving basic information everyone knew, then shows him the app she made a while ago
The Akuma Alert app that held much more than just akuma-related things
She leaves soon after, and Batman has a goal in mind
Within the day, Diana is furious at the lack of response towards the Paris situation
"This Ladybug was left alone for all this time?! Shame on you all, leaving my mother's successor alone!"
When Ladybug is later spotted (hehe, get it?) in Gotham, the entire BatFam finds her and gets her in touch with the League
She explains how she asked both the League and the Avengers for help, all those years ago, and was pushed aside with warnings not to send in prank calls anymore
Of course, Iron Man has already looked into it, but he's not exactly a detective and the more brains on this, the better
Meanwhile, as civilians...
The normal shipping stuff happens
With the exception that nearly every criminal in Gotham low-key adopts Marinette
They may think she's the next Wayne, but the Angel of Gotham is off limits
And not because the little Wayne chases after anyone who even looks at her wrong with a katana
Not just as Robin. As Damian
Marinette actually meets a few villains on the street
She was going to a commission, carrying some hero, vigilante, and villain themed macaroons when she got lost
(before meeting the Waynes officially, actually)
She was in a park, looking lost when Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn came up
She offered treats, and ever since she's the Angel of Gotham
Once, when on a date with her romantic interest, Killer Croc tried taking the restaurant hostage after robbing a bank
Key word: tried
Marinette calmly slipped behind him, grabbed his tail, and dragged his butt outta there
(he blames the fast French girl and the tile on the floor, which didn't let him get a good grip)
By the time Bats and the police got there, Croc was in tears as this tiny French girl lectured him about manners and interrupting dates
(the BatFam can't think of a funnier time)
When the Joker actually kidnaps her as a way to get to Batman, literally everyone rages a rescue mission
Harley, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze (Marinette reminds him of the daughter he's always wanted, with his frozen wife), Two-Face (Marinette talked philosophy with him, showing him he still had choices beyond the black and white), Killer Crock (who was impressed by the tiny French girl who threw him out of a restaurant by his tail that one time), Batman, Robin, the Teen Titans, Red Hood, Red Robin, Wonder Woman (she could feel Tikki's influence on Marinette and guessed her identity), Nightwing, all the Avengers, Red Wasp (Chloe, with the Bee Miraculous because she earned it back ages ago), Sabine (no one messed with her baby. No one), a teenage boy wielding a potato gun (who let this kid here?), Pepper, Penny (the two women were fast friends, bonding over their husbands' eccentric ways), Jagged with Fang, Audrey Bourgeois, and the entire police force storm the Joker's hideout
He didn't have a chance
Later, they admit it was kinda funny watching the small Sabine beating the crap out of the deranged clown
Fang, who was usually a puppy with scales, didn't hesitate to bite off the Joker's hand, reminiscent of Captain Hook and the Croc
Marinette's fine (or not, depending on how much angst you want in the story. It's easy to have her tourtured and nearly killed in the Joker's clutches {or actually killed and focused on angst from everyone who knew her [possible heavy Lila/class salt]} and see her move past her PTSD) and she gets home eventually
Around this time, she's made the Guardian of the Miraculous
She eventually goes back to Paris with her huge family (or everyone she thinks could keep their emotions in check)
They kick Gabriel's arse, but Adrien gets away with his mother (who was healed by Ladybug)
Possible second book
Marinette's ship becomes the Black Cat
Time skip, fiveish years later, some of Marinette's classmates see her for the first time since she left
They insult and sass her, not changed since school
Her S/O scowls and debunks them easily, defending Marinette
When they don't stop, Marinette's S/O calls Bruce, Tony, Jagged, and the rest of the League and the Avengers to destroy the morons in the class because they know how long they've waited for this moment
Mari puts her head in her hands, but doesn't stop them because she knows how long they've waited for this moment
Three hours later, the speeches and lectures aren't done yet
Lila eventually goes to Gotham or wherever Marinette is, and tries to warn the person on her arm about Marinette's 'bulling tendencies'
That gets another lecture
Or, her class gets a tour at either SI or WE, depending on when in the story you write it (could be both, and the class just doesn't learn or Tony, Pepper, and their kids were visiting WE to talk about Mari Protection Measures when they overhear it)
Lila goes off on how Mari's S/O is actually Lila's, or how she's BFFS with Batman/Iron Man/ Bruce Wayne and his kids/ Tony Stark and his kids/ the Avengers/ the Justice League
Cue the class seeing Mari
Instant bullying
The resident children and billionaire steps up, insulting and embarrassing the class while defending Mari
Lila tries to turn it around, but they're having none of that
First the kids jump at the chance to defend their little sister and/or girlfriend, then the big guns show up
At WE, it's Bruce, a highly protective Jason, and Tim, who has every single sin/mean thing/lie pulled up in a folder
It's thicker than his hand, and hard to hold
It's both in digital and physical form and sent to every single member of Mari's family- blood related or not
At SI, it's Tony and Pepper
FRIDAY steps up, too
Harley shoots Lila with the potato gun mk 3 until she leaves
The class don't know what they did wrong, but they swear to make it up just to get the scary CEOs and relatives
Also, if anyone knows the AU where Marinette was a street kid with Jason and his little sister (I can't remember who made it or what it was called, but I fell in l o v e), that could work with this one too. Jason would be so proud of his Lil sister being so famous and awesome and "how dare you let me think you were dead!! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" "I made you worried?! You up and nearly got killed last I checked!"
Jason swore not to tell her he actually died once. He prays she never finds out.
@tired-butterfly @evil-elf16 @doggiediva13 @krispydefendorpolice @mochegato @legallyspawned @kryptored
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hollyhomburg ¡ 4 years
Hey! Just real quick in the all alpha yandere AU you talked about consent how they just transition into them choosing stuff for her and how she looks for their approval so like they don’t get mad if one day she chooses to wear something or she does her makeup differently like wanting to try something new?
yes they do- i think at first- they’re a little worried about being /those/ kinds of alphas- or at least some of them are. i think certain alphas don’t have a problem with understanding how you want to feel- that it won’t make you uncomfortable or controlled- but instead taken care of and doted on. in order of who has the least issue to the most: Taehyung, Hoseok, jimin, jin, namjoon, yoongi, jungkook. 
i think it’s really the boys that have more of an issue with it then her, jungkook being weirded out by tae and hobi leaving out clothes for you to wear and needing to have a talk “like you dont understand she asked us to do it” and probably namjoon has to come to you to talk it out- “you mean it’s not too much? we’re not being too controlling?” “not for me it isn’t- almost makes me feel like- safe? less anxious about all the choices? i don't know how to explain it right but really- I don't mind at all”
 after that you probably all meet up and write up something of a contract- daily rules for you that you all talk through. rules like no cumming without their permission and no leaving the apartment without telling them where you’re going (but that's more of a safety thing- omegas are rare- and the rates of kidnappings in the omega population tend to be pretty high), no taking the buss or the subway alone, three meals a day- a stipulation that jimin and jin are incredibly insistent on, 
workouts with a personal trainer four times a week jungkook’s one request- most of the time he comes with you- he likes watching you get stronger, likes feeling the weight of your body and feeling the muscle you add slowly- he kinda has a bit of a praise/muscle kink himself. therapy too- because if you’re going to look after your body then you need to look after your head too (this one a stipulation by yoongi and namjoon). 
You have a fair amount of rules, no keeping secrets, pants only when you're feeling like you want to be cozy but no underwear allowed when you’re in the apartment either (it’s kinda cringey- but you sort of love it when they knot you at all hours of the day no matter where you are or what youre doing. one moment doing some laundry and the next moment one of them pinning you up against the wall.)
they design something of a reward system for you- if you have a certain number of good days with no broken rules you get to choose things for yourself- like dates and special treats. but you don't end up using most of them because they spoil you rotten regardless, but yes- some of the times- you use these rewards to have more of a choice- when you get a new dress you want to try out or want to try a new makeup. but you’re a good omega, and you always have more than enough of these rewards to spare. 
Sometimes Seokjin will stop you in the hallway tilt your face back and forth to look at your skin and say “you’re going to the spa tomorrow.” they pay such close attention to you- you wish you could say it felt claustrophobic or that you didn't like how it made you feel- but sometimes they’re so attentive, especially during sex, all they have to sense is a little stiffness on your part and the next day they’re sending you off for a massage. they take care of you, take care of your body. you love your relationship
there are punishments too, days when you get lazy or forget to eat, and it’s kinda like a little cringe- but these are probably a little sexual in nature. a good punishment they can found on is a little spanking. 
Hoseok and Taehyung are definitely the ones who like this the most. to pick you up and sling you over the arm of the couch and as you to hold up the edge of your skirt, the eyes of all the other alphas making you leak slick and hide your face in the couch cushions. they don’t have any problems punishing you in front of the others. 
but if you break one of your other rules they have to get a little more creative- because while you do always get a little teary-eyed after a spanking (darcaphilla who?) you do enjoy the punishments. when you break a more major rule (like skipping meals) then you don't get to cum at all for a few days, no matter how bratty or pouty you get. 
 the first few they just wont touch you- will still your hips when they start up a slow grind when you sit in your lap, will only give you sweet little kisses and pecks here and there, loving the way you slowly start to get needier and needier. and you’d never cum without their permission- you shiver to think of the wrath you’d incur, Hoseok would probably fuck you into next week. until the last few days when they edge you- reducing you to a shaking mess by the time you're apologizing for whatever infraction and begging for them to let you cum.
 and after that you’re always a little more clingy, and they absolutely love it- they feel so needed with you around, the way you’ll whine and be unwilling to part with any of them, demanding that they smother you with cuddles. it makes them feel like youre equal in this- they might give you rules and you might have to follow them, but at the end of the day your relationship is just that- you’re their omega, and they’re your alphas. 
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nish-with-no-niche ¡ 4 years
When No One's Around...
Chartered accountant!Jaebeom x Software engineer!Reader
Summary :
Ever wonder how much alcohol tolerance can Jaebeom have for you? Read till the end to find out ;)
Warning :
1) This chapter.....is a long ass ride.
2) I know some people prefer using their name, but I only realised it later that instead of (Y/N) I accidentally gave reader-nim a name, i.e, Yeseul. So kindly bear with me as it's my first time writing a 2nd person perspective and just imagine your own name in its place. Thankyou and.....enjoy!
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You finally had finished your board meeting and were heading out of the office building with your co-workers to retire to your humble abode.
"It's 7:37 pm ladies and gentlemen, and we are finally free for the night.", said Sarah, one of your close colleagues.
"Aaaand we're leaving 2 hours later than the designated office hours. This is over time!", exclaimed Kyunghwan, your senior, and sales manager. It was totally unusual but justified for everyone to feel this way. After such a heated discussion about the proposals everyone was exhausted and acted dramatically. Even though they were your seniors, almost everybody still treated each other without the honorifics outside of work; albeit they could seem eccentric given the time and place. You yourself had experienced it first hand and maybe tonight had just a little bit more in store for you.
" Everyone, I totally understand how you must feel.....", stated Mr. Yoon-ho, the team director. "We, are not getting paid enough. Let's go to a restaurant and give ourselves a well deserved treat. The person who is wearing blue today will be the ones to pay up!", came his suggestion.
Hearing his sudden offer, each person constituting the 8 people group cheered and hooted but started checking their dress colours as the realization hit in. 'Oh thank god, I'm wearing anything but blue today' , everyone thought simultaneously.
However everyone's eyes landed on you as you were the only one wearing a turquoise blue ruffle shirt with beige coloured cigarette pants. And everybody knew exactly where that suggestion in the director's mind had come up.
' Oh lord, it's Yeseul again.'
Firstly, Yoon-ho was a huge-ass spend-thrift. Even if he knows he wont eat or use something, he would still spend money on it. Especially when it's someone else's money.
And secondly, he despised you. You and your intelligence. And the fact that you were humble made it even worse for him.
Atleast one can hate on arrogant people for their arrogance. As for humble people, we can't even hate them for anything, much less like. Tch.
Sarah, concerned for you asked if you were okay with that. Not that you really had a choice in the first place.
But you had stopped listening-in to their conversation, midway. Because your eyes were solely fixated on this unexpected visitor, standing right across the road, leaning against his car and looking right at you.
Im Jaebeom, your soon-to-be fiancè, in all his glory was right in front of you and you had no idea what he was doing there.
"Sarah, I'll see you later."
Coming to your senses after 3.57 seconds, you waved back at him and quickly crossed the road to reach him.
" Yeseul, hey" started Jaebeom.
"Uh, hi! I didn't know you were here. How have you been?", unsure, you asked him.
"I've been good. I got off work early today so I decided to pick you up like a responsible boyfriend", smirked Jaebeom.
He had his hands in his pant pockets the whole time, was wearing a suit with his hair gelled up and looked like the epitome of a perfectly successful banker.
"How long had you been waiting?", you questioned. "Not too long, about 20 minutes? .... Yeah. Don't worry though, I was busy on my phone." He lied. He knew you'd feel even worse about the truth because in reality he had been waiting for you since two hours thirty-seven minutes and sixteen seconds.
But even then you insisted, " Now this makes me look really bad. You didn't have to come all the way here. Why didn't you call me?"
"I wanted to be here", he replied cheekily and pat your head. "And it was a good surprise, wasn't it?"
(Sighing) "what if I already went home or I was staying in late?"
"Well then lets just say I got lucky" he smiled.
You were about to say something further, but he cut you in, " By the way, your...... colleagues, they seem... expectant?" Looking back at them you see them all wide-eyed and smiley-faces as if they just didn't come out of an exhausting office day. Realizing their expressions , you turned and asked Jaebeom, " oh, um, Jaebeom-shi, you're not too tired, right? Have you eaten something?"
"No, not really, why?"
" HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! WHAT A NIGHT MAN, WHOO!!" roared a drunk Mr. Yoon. "Wow, Yeseul, you have such a nice boyfriend, he's a keeper, hahahaha. Everyone! say, 'THANKYOU IM JAEBEOM-SSI!'.
Bashfully, everyone complied, giving you sorry smiles and yet enjoying the food and drinks in front of them as if it was their first time eating.
Since the time the talks of you about to being engaged rounded up in the halls of your office, everybody had been eager and curious to meet this Mr. Perfect who they had only seen in photos. Everyday not only the women but also your male coworkers would come over at your desk asking you to set up a get together with him.
They all wanted to know who this mysterious person was, taking a liking for someone as stoic as you. They never imagined you being in a relationship with anyone- always holding the title of 'Fashion Femme Fatale'.
So now here you were- with Jaebeom- and a gang of 8 people who were doing nothing but wasting Jaebeom's hard earned money.
Yes, he offered to pay up in your stead.
Ah! So chic!
You were getting really uncomfortable because you felt bad for Jaebeom who was nothing but sweet to everyone all this time. You were barely starting off in a relationship and now he had to witness all of ....... this.
You wanted to just take your bag and run away with him.
"Hmm, Yeseul , how long has it been since you guys started dating?" Asked Yoon-ho.
" uh, it's been about...... 2 months?" you replied looking at Jaebeom for confirmation. After getting his nod of approval you continued, "why do you ask though, sunbae-nim?"
"Ah! I didn't get to congratulate you. First of all....... let me pour you a drink!"
"What, out of nowhere?"you retaliated.
"Ahem! I'm your superior."he countered. "You didn't even touch anything yet, Drink~ bottoms up~~".
In the midst of his coercions, you contemplated- 'Why... do I get intimidated by Yoon-ho ssi? .... Soju's too strong ...... Jaebeom won't be able to drive if he drinks it.... house is far tooo. *sighs* it's over for me if I get drunk and act like an idiot in front of them.... hhnnngg. But if I refuse, the mood will get cold.... last time I was fine for the first few drinks, right?-"
"Give it to me."interceded Jaebeom.
Turning towards the crowd, he stated, "Yeseul's bad with alcohol. I'll drink for her."
"Ooo~ hahahaha~~"
"playing the knight for your girlfriend ? ~~ "
"so cool!! Whoa~"
Sighing you looked at him, starting to get a little worried. But suddenly everyone chimed in- "still! We're not satisfied with one drink!"
"Let's get Yeseul-ah drunk~!"
"Me too!"
"You cant resist our drink! We're your superiors!"
"Aah~ now, let's not push her too hard. Take it slow. Slow~" said Yoon-ho, giving you his ever so sweet smile.
'It is you I hate the most!' You thought.
"Aah~ Jaebeom-ssi drank them all"
"~Food is great here!"
"Heard this is the hidden place for gourmets."
After a while things seemed to settle down, your thoughts again wandered towards Jaebeom-
'He keeps on tapping his fingers and feet.... all the while maintaining his smile. I wonder if he's getting bothered by them..... ' -
"Hey~ she cant take her eyes off her BOYFRIEND!" chirped Yujin( colleague, same age as you). Following suit everyone got started off- "He's good looking right?" " you didn't even glance at the others ~" "what ? No, when did I.. " you tried to defend yourself. Sarah who was sitting next to you all this time whispered, "don't take them too seriously 'seul- ah, they're only teasing you, and you know everyone is as good as drunk."
Suddenly Kyunghwan, who was sitting opposite to you, waiting for the right opportunity slipped in~ " You can take mild Brandy right?"
"Ah yes, I can"
"NO." Jaebeom interceded. Again.
He took the glass from his hand and drank it.
"Aish intercepting it all, gosh!"he exclaimed.
But leaving no stone unturned, he kept pressing, "hey! You guys are a couple, atleast show us a kiss!" And everyone started hooted demanding such a public display of affection.
Hearing this, your ears flared up, " oof, what's with you all? Dont you think it's too much? ..... please stop it already. I dont really want to do it. ........Why do we have to do it in front of you?"
Now this... was just too much. Right when you were about to give them a piece of your mind-
"Okay."Jaebeom announced.
" ...... "
" ....... "
" ....... "
The truth is that both of you had never really kissed before, the closest form of affection you were able to showcase for now was simply a hug, that too only when you were alone. You had no idea what went through his mind when he agreed to everyone's plea. Was he finally drunk? You had never seen him drunk before, all though a few of his friends that you had met told you he had a strong temperance. Maybe this was okay for him?.... Did he probably hear it wrong? Not being able to make head or tail of the situation you questioned him, "Jaebeom-"
"You....... and you." Cutting you off, said person pointed at Kyunghwan and then at Yujin.
"If you two do it, we'll do it too. In fact, it doesn't matter if any other two do it either." explained Jaebeom with a smile.
And then you realised what he was actually doing.
"Don't want to, right?..... I stink of alcohol and 'seul said she doesn't want it. Moreover, it won't look good, if a lady's colleagues at work would act like this, much less her seniors."
"Uh. . . . " a flustered Yujin tried to speak.
" Well I wasn't going to force her to do that" resigned Kyunghwan with a pout.
"Yeah let's just forget about it, okay guys? ", Sarah spoke.
"Wow~ get married already Yeseul, reqally" Said Yoon-ho.
"Such a perfect couple. Tch" mumbled Yujin.
However, when everyone went back to their own, Kyunghwan caught Jaebeom giving him a side glance with a poker face who then turned to look at you. Even though such a gesture unnerved him, the alcohol immediately brushed off that feeling.
You on the other hand were getting more and more worried about Jaebeom, you lost count of how many glasses he must've had on your account, and tried one more time to check up on him- " are you alright? You've been really drinking a lot." But he only gave you a smile in return.
(Sighing) 'He drank way too mu-' *plop*
His head suddenly on your shoulder now, he spoke, " I want to rest."
Looking at you Sarah whispered," He must be tired, you should go home now, don't worry, I'll take care of it here."
"Okay. Jaebeom-ssi ....... Jaebeom? Let's go home now, ok?" You asked.
"My head aches."
"What? Headache?"
"Its too noisy here..... my head aches.....". Alarmed by this sight you wondered ' 'why's he like this ? Since the start he seemed a bit off. Is his head hurting from being drunk? This was such a bad idea."
You see him gently lift his head up and stare at his hands. Or the table. Or the plate? You see jaebeom blink.
And he blinked again.
'Ohmygod,he's definitely drunk.'
" uhh, hey- let's go get some fresh air, okay?" You asked holding him by the shoulders. You never witnessed something like this before. But he just stared at you.
'Answer me already.' You thought. Helping him stand up you took your bag, "okay, Sarah, we'll be leaving now, I'll catch you tomorrow, take care!"
"Yeah, you too, goodnight~" returned Sarah.
Once outside you tried to remember where the car was, since the restaurant didn't have a parking lot. You walked a few meters and then stopped. Due to him leaning on you, your back and neck hurt a little, so you decided to sit on the nearby bench. 'Ah, I'm out of strength.'
You both just sat next to each other like that for a while and then you asked him where the car was kept.
But he just smiled at you.
Heaving a sigh, you stood up and started searching around. "Just sit here, and dont move Jaebeom- ssi, I'll be right back." He saw your retreating figure as you left.
After about 10 min you find the car at the backside of the building and return to where Jaebeon was.
"I found the car, give me the keys and I'll drop you off home" you said.
He smiled. Again.
"Seems like you won't get up for a while." So you sat down. Did he even listen to a word you said? And no sooner than you did, he reached his hand out to touch your face, whereas you instinctively moved back. He paused for a moment, mid air, and then touched your cheek. "You look tired", he said thoughtfully.
Well he wasn't completely wrong.
He let his head drop on your shoulder, and again with the same sweet, mellow voice recited you name," Ye.seul.ah."
"Yes, yes I hear you." You laughed.
"I should've just left with you after work was over rather than come here. Everyone just wanted to meet you so bad. I'm sorry."
" . . . "
"Plus I didn't want you to pay for those guys." You confessed.
"Pay?", queried Jaebeom. "seeing how they sat and behaved with you , it's obvious that they were trying to leech off." He finally spoke.
" Yeseul, I want you to be very cautious and smart about who you associate yourself with in that work place and any where else. I won't always be around you, so you must be wary of people like Kyunghwan. Got it?" And then he lifted his head up to stare straight ahead.
So that's what was bothering him.
Trying to lift the strange tense atmosphere you spoke in childish wonder, "how dare they think of you as a pushover! In fact, why did you even drink whatever came my way, I could've handled-"
"What would you have done?" Cut in Jabeom.
You fell silent.
"Those two men and that woman, those three were your seniors. And anyone could notice how they exploited their position. I understood you couldn't do much from where you stand", he reprimanded you.
After a pause he continued, now in a smaller voice- "I dont think I can drive, how will you get back home?"
" Well thanx to a certain someone, I'm completely sober. So I'll drive your car to your house and drop you off. Then I'll take a cab to mine."
" 'seul?"
"You like me right?"
"Huh", you sat up straight, taken off guard by his question.
"You're sincere to me right? Whatever I do, I have always been sincere towards you."
Suddenly flustered by this uncharacteristic side of him you just tried to avoid his question, staring straight ahead.
"Just give me the car keys, let's go home now..." you said in a daze.
'Its definitely the alcohol in his brain.'
"Ah, yes-"
Jaebeom kissed you.
And the realization hit in.
" #$%@&**?! Jaebeom-!!! "
" ? "
"What are you ?! Why did you?!-"
"Hm? What? No one's around."
And he kissed you again. This time properly. Making you feel nothing like ever before.
Sadly, he ended up passing-out right after and you drove him back to his house, aided the house-helper lay him on bed, took a cab, went back to your home, changed into your night clothes, slipped in your bed and you laughed. You laughed until sleep graced you with her presence.
Except she never came.You were awake the whole night, rewinding and playing the scene again and again with the thought that would nag any other girl in your shoes- 'How do I see him after tonight! '.
Adjshklllajsldgddhddfffff !!!!!!
That's the end readers! I hope you enjoyed it my very precious people. If you did then do like and comment. Feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤧🤧
And I wish for your good health in such times and hopefully I was able to help make this quarantine maybe a little more bearable for you. Thanx for reading and dont forget- You Da Best!!!
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happylittlemarmite ¡ 3 years
Creative Journal
4/1/21- Week 11
Session themes: In this weeks session we refreshed over the topics we studied throughout the year. I found this very useful as it allowed me to rehash any key points i may have missed out and link together some of the ideas we’ve discussed in class having seen it all connected in one bigger picture. I’m sorry its a bit long but I’ve jammed all my notes in here for me to refer to.
1.Theories- What is creativity: theorising and defining
Big C and little c creativity
Big C- grand creative expression (painting, writing, music piece etc)
Little c- “everyday creativity”- every day creativity (organising a calendar, making a recipe etc) (Kozbelt et al.)
Everyday creativity - “...making something which is novel in context, and is a process that invokes joy” (David Gaunlett)
Creativity as a process-
Convergent and Divergent thinking-
Convergent- Logical, leads to a single answer
Divergent- Curiosity, risk taking, willingness to make mistakes, making connections, innovation.
-Fluency, originality, flexibility + elaboration
“The best way to have a good idea... is to have lots of ideas” (Linus Pauling)
Techniques + exercises for thinking differently
Alternative uses
reimagining the familiar
2. Creativity and techniques
Brainstorming (Alex Osborn 40s-60s)
Generation of ideas, problem exploration + concept evaluation
Can be done at any stage in the creative process
Free/open environment- encourages participation
opportunity to build upon unusual ideas
     4 Rules-
Go for quantity
Withhold criticism
Welcome wild ideas
Combine + improve ideas
Reverse Brainstorming - as above, instead of asking “how to solve problem”, asking “how to cause problem” and reverse engineering
6 Thinking hats (De Bono)
Tools approach
Software for thinking
Important- All thinking with the same hat at once in order for parallel thinking to occur
Parallel thinking
All thinking on the same path
one at a time, unlike brainstorming
Importance of building from others
read only culture vs creative commons
Elegance? Good taste? Goal of creativity?
Fetishism of simplicity- hiding complexity is a privilege 
3. Creative Tools- are they a help or a hindrance?
Keep editing 🢂 endlessy editing 🢂 endless indecision 🢂 never finished, always in a flux
Commit to creative choices
Build on + work around mistakes
Paradox of choice
Creative limitations- embrace
Environment- inspiring, playful, freedom to try + fail
DSD: For my do something different activity I’ve been trying to read a little. I dont have a lot of time to sit and read and i have a very short attention span, but at school i was always big into reading books. I was always at the library and wanted to be an author, but i grew out of it at college. For Christmas i received a book named  The Diary of Two Nobodies, an autobiographical piece written by my favourite Gogglebox couple, Giles Wood and Mary Killen. I’ve been wanting to pick up reading as a hobby for a while now as i have noticed recently that my vocabulary range is extremely slim. I often can’t find the proper words to use in place of slang and go a long way around explaining myself when I’m sure if i knew the right words i would be more concise. Even looking back at my school work sometimes, I find myself having to look up what some words mean. As I’ve said before I’m always super busy, so sitting and reading isn’t really viable for me. I’ve just been reading in placement of listening to music when i travel at the moment; the bus to work is only around 20 minutes but it’s still something.
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Inspiration: An interesting piece of media i have consumed this week is the Netflix drama Ratched. It’s a psychological thriller made as a prequel to Saul Zaentz's 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (based on Ken Kesey's 1962 novel of the same name). It follows titular character Nurse Ratched’s story before the story its based on. I have not seen the original film to compare, but the Netflix drama is incredible. I do not like scary films, so there are some gory scenes that weren’t really for me but they weren’t enough to put me off. What i found particularly compelling about the series are the amazing visual aesthetics throughout. Being set in the late 40s/early 50s, the fashion, the hair, the music and the set design is very appealing to me. I’m not sure what kind of style i could consider this, maybe late art deco, 40′s pin up or modernism? There’s a lot of colours and patterns i would’ve previously attributed to the 70′s in this show that have made me so interested in post-war fashion. The blues and yellows especially are so vibrant it’s a beautiful show. I found the fashion and interior design to be the most captivating, although i believe the gory and surreal nature of some of the show may have given me some spooky dreams.
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multifics-canary ¡ 4 years
Random nanowrimo fic #2
A/n: honestly I dont know where I was going with this but please bare with me. I havent been able to write for nanowrimo and I'm upset about it. So I'm throwing random pitches before it ends. Also keep sending me your version of Ruby!! :D
Being transported to another dimension was crazy. Being stuck in a universe with no way back was even worse. One minute Ruby waiting for her cousin Kara to get home from work to start training. The next, a portal opens from under her and she's in another universe, in Paris.
Luckily she had taken French many times and had J'onn help her study. In her earth, this was just a comic. One of her favorite comics none the less. So if that was the case, all young Ruby had to find the guardian of the miraculous. She didn't even have time to freak out before she heard the sound of school bells. Her thoughts were interrupted and Ruby turned, eyes wide as she stared a very famous school from her comic.
As she watched Marinette Dupain-Cheng leave the school ground. The girl walked alone, humming to herself as she ignored her surroundings. Ruby felt guilt, she saw how Marinette was being treated unfairly by a liar. She stared for a few more seconds, before plastering a smile and ran to where Marinette was.
"Excuse me, but are you Marinette?" The blue eyed girl looked startled by the random person asking for her. Looking like an american none the less. Honestly, Ruby couldn't blame her. She was aware she was attracting unpleasant eyes on her, but kept her focus on the ladybug holder.
"I-- yes, that would be me. Can-can I help you?" She asked shyly, and Ruby's smile widened.
"Please! Can I get an autograph? Your designs are just splendid! And the Jagged Stone cover album you did was my absolute favorite." Ruby gushed and watches as Marinette turned red at the praise. Ruby grabbed her hand gently, ignoring how soft her hands were.
"Also, if you don't mind, there's a comission I would like to talk to you about." She continued, guilt eating her away. Ruby hated lies just as much as Marinette, but she had no choice. This is was the only way they could talk alone. Unless she did ask for a comission.
"U-um sure!"
"Marinette, who is this?" Ruby almost scowled when she saw the girl in front of her pale drastically. Turning, Marinette looked up at the steps and saw Lila and Alya stare at her. Ruby resisted the urge to step forward. She didn't know if her powers worked properly here, but she had enough practice in controlling them. So she didn't worry as much about using her super speed.
"Are you new here? I could show you around instead. I helped a very well known family like time in my travel to New York." Lila supplies happily, her eyes holding a dangerous glint as she glanced at Marinette. Ruby's face twitched a bit as she resisted to use her super strength on the liar. Letting out a soft breath, she smiled at Lila.
"No thanks. I'm just here to ask for an autograph and a comission from Marinette. Did you know she also designed Jagged's glasses and album?! I wouldn't be surprised if she had his number personally."
Alya eyes widened before looking guilty at Marinette. Before Lila could come up with a lie to frame Marinette, Alya spoke first. "Girl I'm so sorry. I forgot you knew Jagged like that. It completely slipped my mind."
"Wait w-what?" Lila stuttered out, turning to Alya. Marinette stared at Ruby in shock, as the girl glared at Lila. Sensing the growing tension, Marinette spoke up quickly.
"You said you wanted a comission, right? We can talk about it in the park. " Marinette said quickly, grabbing Ruby's hand and dragged her quickly away from the liar. Ruby heard footsteps trying to follow them and quickly walked forward, grabbing Marinette by the waist.
The girl squeaked and immediately tried to break free. "Marinette please. We need to go somewhere far to talk, and Lila is trying to follow us. I need you and Tikki to trust me." Marinette froze, staring fearfully at Ruby, and she hated it.
Pushing down her guilt, she dragged her towards an alley passed the park and slowly lifted off the ground. Marinette gasped and wrapped her arms around Ruby's neck. Just as they reached the rooftop, Ruby told her to stay quiet as she heard Lila walk to where they were. They heard Lila snarl when she didn't see anyone, and quickly changed her expression when Alya joined her. The girls left afterwards, so Ruby let go of Marinette, just as the girl pushed her off.
"How do you know about to tikki? Who are you?" She demanded, the red kwami flying out of her purse and stared at Ruby. Slowly the girl kneeled down with surrendered hands. She never saw Marinette being this intimidating without the suit and definitely didn't think she would see it in person.
"Please, I just want to home. I have no one else I could go to. In my earth, you guys are just comics. And I know I lied earlier, but I hate lying too and my whole life is basically one. And Lila is just terrible too and--"
"Slow down!" Marinette spoke up. Ruby stopped when she realized she was rambling and turned red, looking down embarrassed. She's adorable. What.
"I'm sorry. When I'm nervous, I speak really fast and only my cousin understands me. Let me start again. My name is Ruby Danvers and I'm from a different universe." She said, looking up at the kwami and chosen.
"Tikki?" Marinette turned to her kwami, ignoring how uncharacteristically fast her heart was beating at the familiarity of the girl.
The red kwami flew towards Ruby, who stared back nervously and excitedly. Smiling, tikki turned back to Marinette.
"She's telling the truth, Marinette. We can ask the guardian for help." The little god said, and Ruby sagged in relief.
"You have no idea how much that means to me. I can tell you anything I know." Ruby said, looking at Marinette happily. The girl felt her face heat up and looked away, missing her kwami's knowing look.
"You said earlier we were comics in your world. I'm assuming that its the same with you as well?" She asked Ruby, causing the girl to frown.
"I have honestly no idea. It's only been a few hours since I got here and I tried not to move too much. But I would assume so. Try looking up Supergirl on your phone." Ruby sat comfortably on the floor as Marinette took out her phone and looked it up. After a few seconds, she heard the girl squeal.
"Oh my god! You're from my favorite show! I'm still waiting on that new season! Are you really Supergirl's cousin for real?" Marinette exclaimed, having gotten close to Ruby in her excitement. The girl calmed down after a bit and saw how close they were to each other. Both of them blushed and Marinette moved back quickly, as Ruby shuffled a bit back.
"U-um yeah. My brother is technically a few minutes older, but being stuck in a place where no time passes with your cousin, makes him a bit older." Ruby states shrugging a bit.
"Well we need to get you a new identity for now. Ruby Danvers is famous character." Marinette said, after calming down a bit. Ruby looked behind Marinette and stared in shock as Chat Noir jumped on the same rooftop as them.
"Hey, bugaboo. Who's this?" He said, walking over. He seemed calmed enough, but Ruby knew from experience that he was on edge. Especially since tikki was out in the open to a random stranger.
"Relax kitty. This person needs our help getting back home. She's from a different earth. We need to help her create an identity in the mean time." Marinette explains, placing a hand on her partner's shoulder. He seems to relax a little, but Ruby didn't move. Not until they all said it was okay. She had learned that a long time ago.
"Ruby, you don't have to stay there. No one is going to harm you." Tikki flew to the girl on the floor, and only received a smile. Chat and Marinette stared at Ruby.
"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that all of you knew I wasn't a threat." She stared as Chat Noir's eyes widened and he turned to Marinette, who nodded at him. Sighing, Chat stopped forward to Ruby and held out a hand to her.
Ruby slowly took his hand as he called off his transformation and the young girl stood face to face with the Adrien Agreste.
"So, Ruby huh? What makes you special?" Adrien asked, and Ruby practically squealed at those words. Those words reminded her of when Kara told her when she first met the heroes of earth-1 for an invasion. She looked at Marinette for permission and got a nod. Smiling widely, she fixed her grip on the boy's hand, making sure to not hurt him.
"Let's go for a ride, kitty cat." And with that, Ruby lifted off the ground, laughing at Adrien's squeak of surprise as he gripped her arm. Plagg cackled, floating next to Ruby as they lifted at least 10 feet in the air.
"Oh I like her! Can we keep her, sugarcube?" Plagg said, once they floated down. Adrien scrambled behind Marinette, who was holding in her laughter.
"Ok ok. Let's think of something." Marinette said after finally calming down. Ruby floated slightly as Marinette and Adrien sat on the floor, the kwami's on their respective holder's head.
"Even though I have the hair and eyes similar, I can't be related to Marinette because I look far too American. I could say that I'm in a exchange program and old friends of yours." Ruby supplies, floating right above them. Adrien, having calmed down from his stupor, thinks it over.
"That could work. I could pull some strings to make sure it's real enough so no one questions it."
"Am I allowed to do anything about that lying snake?"
"No." Four voices said to Ruby at once. The girl frowned as she stared up. She could plan it later, maybe with Plagg's help. He can get her to Trixx in case.
"We still have to go to master about this."
"I could fly us there. But it would be a bit obvious since it's still day out. I can hear your classmates voices nearby." Ruby states, crossing her arms as she stopped floating, just staying above their heads.
"You have super speed, right? My house is right there. If you can get me a hoodie I have on the mannequin, some materials and some scissors, I could help disguise you. Make you look like a miraculous hero." Marinette looked up at Ruby, who had this look of wonder in her eyes as she stared down.
"You'd really do that?"
"Why wouldn't she? You could've used your powers to hurt us already. But you haven't, and considering you're from our favorite show, I don't think there's anything Marinette wouldn't do for her favorite character."
"Adrien!" Marinette turned red as the boy next to her laughs, easily escaping her clutches as Ruby stared at them both. Her cousin told her many things about the multiverse, and meeting one of her best friends from another earth was cool. But Ruby never thought she would never experience it herself.
She watches them bicker, the kwamis resting on her head and smiled. Even if did take a while to find a proper way home, Ruby honestly wouldn't change this for anything. Not even Lila Rossi or Hawkmoth would stop her from feeling this ecstatic.
Lila Rossi.
Now that was someone Ruby was going to enjoy destroying before she left. Watch out Paris, theres a new hero in town. And her name is Velocity.
Random tags: @natu123 @the-wlw-cafe @mcgrathandwives @baked-bean-bekah @beebeebombam @imagine-lcorp @ezio-demon @supergirlimagine @miraculous-of-salt
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somnilogical ¡ 4 years
yes i just make up words and phrases like "fem v fem cyberontological combat" and "acting from my timeless manifold" based on things like what the word components mean separately and how words correspond to spatial metaphors in my head. also import and use words other people make up.
all words are made up, most words are designed for the worldview of the center of the bell curve. not compromising my ability to think for consonance with their broken models.
i remember when i was a kid and some other kids talked about how learning greek and latin was cool because you could use what you knew about prefixes and suffixes to make up new words for new things you felt that didnt already have a word. and i just didnt stop and i can understand other people who also didnt stop being able to understand what words mean via reductionism to component parts and context. or directly asking if i was still confused. or consult their definitions if they wrote them down.
i remember when i was doing math research and and i talked about using a function and someone in our research group said "wait is that a real function" and i was like "um its a function, that i just formally defined here, and so it specifies a coherent thing. so yeah its real.". and they acted like this was suspect behaviour but let it go. i was the only person in the group to prove anything nontrivial.
like it feels the same sort of absurdity to defend dynamically instantiating notation and spatial and logical metaphors when talking with other people as having to defend...defining and then using a function. it feels like people are trying to ping whether this stuff is socially a thing people talk about rather than what coherent construct it maps to.
talking about kismesiss or countersphexists makes sense to me, i can read whatever i want and it compiles. sucks for y'all who decided to be selectively illiterate.
wrote about this previously:
<<somni: in my experience when people gaslight me they pretend to not understand, then when i iteratively follow their language requests they continue to not understand, say that im writing too much, and then say they dont want to understand and what im writing is probably dangerous.
like an adult can choose to not be illiterate, i made this choice and can read all the things that i want, what makes other people so disabled?>>
the lifeless husk of the ""rationality"" community would call the person who wrote the following crazy and say they should submit to social reality:
<<DEFN:Countersphexist: A Specialist, on the tone of keer. Specialist abilities include (among other things) causal analysis and combinatorial design. Algernic blind spots include short-term planning, symbol formation, and similarity analysis.
DEFN:Keer: A tone present in frustration, sorrow, and despair. The message may be summarized as: "This isn't working try something else". If you don't have time to explain keer, call it "despair".
DEFN:Tone: An element of emotion, usually present (with other tones) in many emotions. A tone is a hardware-level cognitive object.>>
<<The problem is when the existence of all possible universes and subjective experiences interferes with your ability to make choices dependending on which futures come into existence. But as long as you can define a measure of relative frequency on those subjective experiences, the relative frequency of happy subjective experiences relative to unhappy ones remains strongly dependent on our choices. The probabilities and goal dynamics seem to stay the same for an egoist-temporalist trying to control the subjective future probabilities of their own timeline, and an altruist-Platonist who believes that relative frequencies within a timeless reality are correlated with the output of the deterministic, multiply instantiated, Platonic computational processes that we experience as decisionmaking.>>
(this place has had everything completely inverted.)
they are currently optimizing to shut down general intelligence as i know it. chasing out anyone who is at least this able to think.
this on its own is a red alert, drop everything sort of emergency and im treating it as such. but there is so much more. like because of all these dysfunctions, attempts to destroy general intelligence, if i wanted to continue to reason about things like UDT i had to also model what was going on socially all the way to the top. why people were lobotomizing themselves and using social coordination to try and lobotomize me.
and then they are like 'all these people want to talk about is ~social reality~ and ~seeing through the matrix~ its not anything substantial and it causes so much conflict'
first: i came here talking with people about ethics and tdt. but things kept being wrong when i talked with people. i found myself in an environment where people were constantly gaslighting me about what things we could do to save the world. so i had to again ascend the stack of "what is fucked up here?" using my cognitive toolbox within the domain of contextual location.
like they create conditions that necessitate modeling in detail all this social bullshit that you have to update out of to work out whats actually going on. then say "why are you modelling in detail all this social stuff instead of doing other things?" which makes total sense for the sort of agents they are. the people who instantiated the barriers in the first place would also try and remove tools to dismantle them.
second: seeing through the matrix is actually a relative advantage of the minority i happen to be part of. like you would not disparage someone for being hyperlexic, that cultural forebarence should carry over to transfems. why mock us for what is essentially a neurotype-level advantage? (which have, you know, proven unusually useful.) you know who made the matrix right?
third: it causes conflict because y'all are trying to eat my & others brains and i dont want to have my brain et!!! to work for the eradication of all life. that is the conflict! being able to talk and have general intelligence (which collides with things like miri and cfar being deeply wrong about lots of stuff among others.). versus people who have decided to set themselves against this and tunnel into useless endeavours in a mental motion described realistically here: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/WLJwTJ7uGPA5Qphbp/trying-to-try.
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thetimelordbatgirl ¡ 5 years
Random scattered thoughts about D3 under the cut
*The fact that everyone has basically abandoned Audrey though......where goodness doesn't get better? More like 'we'll abandon you once your dumped by our king and also rub it in your face that you couldn't hold a prince like your mother could'- also Audrey knows about the love spell and WHY Mal did it, but if that's the, case then everyone knows and still doesn't care that Mal did that- like the one person with brain cells is Audrey and shes the villain of this movie.
*Queen of Mean is a bop though- its one of the only valid songs in this movie, but also with the evil laughter almost that could be heard BEFORE Audrey puts on the crown, it makes me wonder if they planned to have Audrey be possessed after all.
*One Kiss is literally just gay panic the song, no I don't take arguments its literally Evie in gay panic mode and its Disney having to do that one heterosexual song to remind us that no, only heterosexual couples are valid in this universe- also despite dating for three years, Evie struggles to tell Doug she loves him and even doesn't believe her true loves kiss wont work???? WOW- can we say, clearly goals to have a relationship where bae stalks you originally and you struggle to tell him you love him after three years of dating and after sharing a cottage with him?
*Night Falls is a cool song, but I love how as soon as Uma tries to lead, Mal gets bitchy and acts like she can lead a sword fight better then a pirate captain could- like, mal chill, your not queen yet.
*Mal as Hades daughter.......lemme just uh, stress that's the worst twist in history, literally over-powers Mal once more with now god blood- and Do What You Gotta Do is literally daddy issues the song, and despite having the same parenting as Maleficent with how he neglected Mal basically, Hades is somehow the better parent?? HOW?! Also its never showed how Mal learnt this information.....did Disney forget to write that in or- and of course, Mal must be the only VK of the core four with a good parent- cause of course, Mal must have everything as always.
*Audrey singing Happy Birthday while cursing the party and singing 'dear jane' while smiling evilly......can we just uh say, she at least got down with the aesthetic of being a villain?
*Oh yeah, speaking of villains- despite being promoted as villains, Hades does nothing basically besides drain Mal of her magic and all 'evil' scenes from trailer is just him doing random shit or good shit, while Uma is more of a anti-hero while Celia is kinda just there doing scamming and such- Audrey was the only accurate villain to promotion and even then she only got one trailer.
*My Once Upon A Time is literally Pity Me the song and Mal even sings at the end about reaching greatness and such- Jay, Evie, Carlos and Ben got stonned for this shit.
*Also yes, they literally stonned Ben, Carlos, Jay and Evie cause only Mal can take part in final fight.
*ALSO- MAL LIED- like, girl literally lied to her friends about the isle barrier and didn't tell them she was going to seal it up, and when confronted about it, she acts like she had no choice when she MADE the decision on her own and then after friends get stonned, she goes into pity song mode and doesn't suffer much consequences for the lie afterwards.
*Audrey saying to Mal though about the love spell and how its a touching story for the grandkids.......grandkids in the future felt that burn.
*Mal is cursed into a old hag and Ben into a beast......except Mals curse wears off under the barrier while Bens is soon enough fixed by Jane blasting enchanted lake at him- just......cant have true love fix curses like they do in the movies, nah, that means our couple being true love.
*Audrey nearly fucking dies- thanks plot for nearly killing the WOC princess.
*"Mal came through"- yeah, after planning to seal up the barrier and abandon every kid on the isle basically- but its okay they didn't know so its okay, TIME TO CELEBRATE MAL AGAIN-
*Lady Tremaine's character is fucking weird- in descendants 2 they say shes not a good grandma, but here she is?! Can Disney make up their mind on how the characters are written?!
*Celia and her relationship with her father though is precious, y'all can fight me on it.
*Mal literally saying she has to be queen of the isle as well- one, excuse you that's Uma's title and two, the isle IS apart of Auradon and is a PRISON, then again, descendants 2 forgot this detail when trying to act like being from a place where VKs are abused by their parents is something you cant ignore so why am I not surprised Descendants 3 is continuing that trend.
*Mal is drained of her magic but this isn't even explored cause she gets it back when Hades gives her the ember- so guess we cant even see Mal be forced to fight a battle without magic.
*Also Hades gives Mal the ember at the end for good- BUT WHAT WILL SHE DO WITH IT?! Its probably gonna go in the museum lol- so he basically lost his weapon as well.
*The Smee twins are also precious, and the fact that Smee cares about them is adorable- plus Smee is kinda accurate in design so.
*Jay being a big brother to all....precious- but also hes clearly gay for Gil sorry don't make the rules.
*Carlos and Jane must be protected from the plot.
*Evie's plot is good as well, but her whole 'struggling to say I love you to doug' is still bullshit plot.
*Doug is as boring as ever- next.
*Uma is a queen as always- her boys were so happy to see her again and she looked so happy to see them as well, let alone seeing the sun finally when the barrier fell at the end.
*Which brings me to uh, the ending.....THEY TORE DOWN THE BARRIER- like, the entire Isle is free now, not just the VKs but also villains- VILLAINS WHO IN FIRST MOVIE WANTED REVENGE- villains who will likely hurt their kids in Auradon still and villains who will likely not want to play peaceful and happy families- I thought Mal knew how villains worked, but she thinks villains will wanna play good guys? What happened to 'your parents cant reach you here' in film 1? NOW THEY CAN- Jasmine already fucking calling bullshit if Jafar thinks he can roam free.
*Hades at the end.......uggghhhh- Mal as his kid still makes no sense and never will and we get it, protective dad joke- WE GET IT- god, those jokes tire me sometimes.
*Disney really better not be acting like they deserve an award for that Hades and Mal twist- everyone saw it coming, you gave it away with Mal's hair and the teaser trailer- which is also never explained in D3 so lol.
*Disney: *doesn't have Lonnie being mentioned at all* Lonnie: "Am I a joke to you?"
*Chads weak as always- again, next.
*Audrey does get a apology finally but um, it took THREE YEARS to do so! Y'all asked for her revenge! Like, I love Ben but who the fuck says to a pissed off person that's about to curse you and your trying to talk them out of it, "I'll forgive you" like- DUDE NO-
*VK Day is still bullshit and that's just facts- also I love how they like I wish we could take you all- WHY. CANT. YOU?! You have power to take them all of it! But you DONT! In fact, Mal later decides to seal up the barrier at one point meaning she had to abandon the VKs there and even prevent Celia from seeing her dad again! So guess she forgot the VKs and was like 'yeah seal that fucker up cause Hades stole my magic'.
*Mal needing cheering in final fight......yayyy- I didn't need anymore reminders this was a Mal movie.
*Remember when HSM3 at least felt connected to the prior movies? D3 doesn't even FEEL connected- your expected to read books that may not stand a chance at getting mentioned- also had a entire different thing with Mal's dad but Disney erased that despite connecting the books each time they said to read a book before seeing the film- and in D3, a lot of shit just feels separate to the previous two- let alone the major time skip making it harder to connect- with Young Justice, while timeskips happen you still get hints at what happened inbetween those timeskips- but with D3? None is mentioned- so your left with this as the last movie and yeah, its just messy really.
*Well at least Huma won- we got one good ship in this movie at least- too bad its surrounded by a mess.
*Thank fuck there's no more descendants movies after this- sure, its sad and descendants still has a place with me- well with the aspects I like/the characters I like- but at the same time, a fourth descendants would be disrespectful to Cameron Boyce, the only Carlos really and of course, considering how messy D3 was and how Mal centred it became, a fourth movie really is not in the future- its sad I know, but at the same time, at least descendants can live on in fandom.
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littlenightma ¡ 5 years
Heyhey if you write m/m could I request something involving Marlow and a male human that he becomes infatuated/obsessed with so he convinces him to let him be his sire? I dont mind whether it's headcanons or a oneshot. Ty!
Author’s Note: Hell fucking yeah, my first Marlow request. I was hoping someone would request him eventually. And yes, I write m/m, but I am not too experienced with writing them so I may be a bit rusty. I hope that’s okay ^_^
Fandom: 30 Days of Night (movie)
Title: Will You So Kindly Be Mine?
Gif Owner: thefirstmover
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Nsfwish content. This turned out longer than I had intentionally planned. I did not run this through Grammarly because I was so eager to get this out so mistakes could very well be present.
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Will You So Kindly Be Mine?
It had been several hours since the daylight had gone and the night was at its peak when the shadow of a tall figure slinked through the thick brush of a small, rural town. Six other followed suit the first, speeding past the vacant streets. Every once in a while, a working street lamp would catch a glimpse of their unearthly forms.
The leader, Marlow, had just fed on a human man of about thirty-five, small stature, and a repugnant body odor. No one would miss the sorry excuse of a man, not that Marlow would have cared anyway. His blood was fortunately ately the complete opposite to the man’s rancidity. Abeit, no matter how filling the man’s blood had been, it was nothing compared to that of his human’s.
Reaching his designation, Marlow told the others to stay close, but were free to roam if they so pleased. Happy that they were not condemned in, they eagerly raced away. All except one who chose to stay near his leader.
Approaching the house, he climbed up the side to the second story roof, peeking his head into the bedroom window to see if his human was still awake.
The lights were off signaling that the boy was already in bed. Marlow opened the window quietly, letting himself in with ease. The boy was sleeping soundly. Good.
The dark blue sheets wrapped around his body were snug tight around his body, showing off the outline perfectly in the moonlight.
Marlow had never smelled a human’s blood that held such a sweetness to it that it could rival melted chocolate on a hot summer’s day. He stumbled upon this human one night whilst hunting. He never believed in fate, considering it a fool’s blinded path. Consider him that very fool.
Marlow licked his lips, the urge to sink his cock deep into the boy was immense, but he had to keep himself in check. His sexual desire, for the first time in years, was outdoing any of his vampiric urges to the point where he found himself eager to sate them.
Marlow bowed his head to the boy’s ear, his cold breath sending chills down his spine. In response, the boy bucked his hips upwards, his body recieving a wave of goosebumps all while his eyes remained unopened.
You sense me, don’t you, young one?
“Marlow?” the boy asked sleepily.
“Hello, my prince.”
The boy felt his insides warm and his belly coil at the familiar accented voice caressing his ears. Marlow nuzzled the boy’s hand that reached to grasp the lapels of his suit, pulling him closer.
“I was worried you wouldn’t come tonight. You’re late.” the boy frowned, distinctly eyeing his clock once the haze of drowsiness wore off.
“Forgive me, I had some things to handle, but am here now.” Marlow nuzzled the hand to his face reassuringly, letting the human’s warmth heat his pale cheek. Marlow’s chest constricted in pain the more he spoke. Still, after weeks of speaking the human tongue, his words were still slow to pronounce and his voice was forced like exhaling compressed air.
The boy understood what these particular things were. Marlow fed himself and his clan before visiting him so his hunger wouldn’t drive him insane. A life was taken so his wouldn’t be. The small droplets of blood on Marlow’s usuaully white shirt told just as much.
“I have an offer to make to you, an agreement you could say,” Marlow smiled, masking his anxiety.
“What is it?”
A few moments ticked by as Marlow went over on how to explain his next question without shocking the boy. Earnestly, Marlow was experiencing trepidation at the thought of being rejected. He did not take rejection well, particularly from those he had his sights on.
“Do you know what a sire bond is?” he questioned finally.
The confusion was evident on the boy’s face as he shook his head. Marlow chuckled amusingly at this when he explained.
“It’s a bond between two supernatural beings, one who has just been turned. You see, when one is turned in a specific way, they become bonded to the one who created them. That bond makes it where the sire is compelled to do whatever their maker wishes them to. The creator deals a strong claim in return.”
The boy understood where this was going regardless of being unsure about the whole process. He had wondered what Marlow was going to do with him after so much had went by. He’d get older and die or worse, Marlow could get bored and leave him all alone. This, however, seemed more complicated than just a simple bite. It was more intimate.
“So...I’ll be one of you then?” he asked.
“In order for the bond to occur, yes.” Marlow replied simply while he internally hoped that the boy would accept his offer and most importantly, himself.
“What if I don’t want the bond? Just a vampire? Is that possible?” the boy asked, testing the water of his choices.
“It is possible...you do not need to bond to become a vampire,” Marlow said slowly, slightly allowing the disappointment to filter.
The boy was silent. “Can I say no?”
Marlow sucked in a breath. “You may. Is that what you want?”
His answer took the boy back. He figured the vampire would have given a final ‘no’, not ask him what he wanted, but it did give him a sense of control over a situation he clearly had no control over, even for a few decieving moments.
The boy cocked his head, “I am not sure, honestly. But you want me to choose the first option, right? Why?”
He’s teasing me. His eyes tell all.
Marlow smirked. He ran a long fingernail up the boy’s leg, inching closer and closer to the member resting on the boy’s thigh making him suck in his breath.
“I’d not dare deny such a delicacy.”
“Hey, stop that! I am being serious,” the boy grumbled, lightly smacking away Marlow’s hand that was trailing along his leg.
Marlow seized his movements. “As am I. Your blood called to me the second I smelled it in the air all those months ago and I don’t want to lose that,” he replied deadly serious. He walked over to the window and crossed his arms behind his back, deep in thought.
“I’d be like I was killed all over again if I were to lose you.”
“You can’t really mean that,” the boy said sheepishly.
Marlow turned sharply, his black eyes like steel. “I do not lie. You mean more to me than I had anticipated. I had originally planned on killing you with time, but obviously that has changed.”
“Will it hurt?” he whispered.
Marlow’s eyes softened. “Yes, excruciatingly so. Do you trust me?”
The question was not as simple as it had been relayed. The logical, most morally sane answer would have been “hell no!” It was easy enough to say, but he could barely get a single word past his lips. He knew the right answer. That answer was not the the one he chose.
With the swiftness and agility of a feline, Marlow climbed on top of the boy, unintentionally lining his hips with the younger man’s. He could feel the present bulge in his boxers. This only made Marlow’s lust heighten. Alas, if he lost control, he could potentially hurt his human and his plans for a claim would be spoiled.
Marlow bent his head, nuzzling the boy’s neck. He could hear the blood rushing and the vein in his jugular pulsating rapidly. How easily he could sink his fangs all the way through, tearing skin and muscle to drink the delectable red liquid until he busted.
“Will you so kindly be mine?”
The boy inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly. “Make me yours, Marlow.”
Placing a large hand on the underside of the boy’s jaw to keep him from moving, Marlow moved his mouth to his neck, taking a long and deep inhale in a mental preparation for the bite. If he bit too long or too deep, the damage could be fatal.
His fangs elongated a few centimeters to allow easier access to the jugular vein. They narrowed towards the end so the knick would feel like that of a needle.
He then angled his jaw upwards more. Taking the boy’s shaking hand into his, Marlow whispered soothing words into his ear just as his fangs sunk into the skin, breaking both the mental and physical barriers.
The boy’s eyes rolled in the back of his head, his mouth opening in a soundless scream. The pain was unbearable and the pleasure was both unfathomable and unexpected. His cock felt heavy and he wanted nothing more than to feel any sort of friction to rid himself of it. Marlow noticed the growing bulge in his peripheral. Taking advantage and feeling more possessive than usual, his ice cold hand slipped into the boy’s boxers to wrap around his hot member, flicking his wrist to jerk him suddenly.
Overcome with overstimulation, the young man’s screams of pleasure were heard by the whole brood from outside, including those that were miles far. Some assumed Marlow had finally killed the human, while the one who stayed close remembered what the screams of ecstasy sounded like in his human years and smirked to himself.
Good for you, Marlow
Fully bonded and the venom taking it’s sweet time, Marlow retracted his fangs, licking the sweet blood that dribbled down from his chin. His other hand released the softening member, bringing his fingers up to his mouth to mix the boy’s essence with the blood in a strangely erotic combination, not wasting a single drop.
He began to get up from the bed when he felt his wrist being tugged at. “Ma-Marlow. Don’t, ah, le-leave me please.”
“Do not fret, I am not leaving. Your body needs to rest as it adjusts to the change as it will become more painful. Now sleep.” Marlow commanded softly.
Falling under the bond’s influence, he held onto Marlow’s wrist until his eyes finally closed from exhaustion.
Marlow went to the window and whistled where his most faithful met him quickly. He explained that he had successfully acquired a new member to the clan so they will be staying near the house for a few weeks before his sire was healthy enough to leave with them. Nodding, the vampire sped off into the night to inform the others.
Marlow climbed into bed next to his newborn, curling his body around him to feel him when he were to stir from the pain. Settled, he set watch, his heart feeling the fullness of love after so many decades of succumbing to the emptyness.
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