#i could go into detail about why i enjoy writing and reading dubcon so much but that's one of the many reasons
ceilidho · 24 days
binge reading all your fics (and bookmarks) and omg the john/mail order bride au is so so sooooo good can't wait for the next chapter 😭
need more ~dub con~ arranged marriage aus with this bear of a man (which would be in fact 100% consented on my part bc fine. make me you wife ill cook and lay down for you and definitely not think of england)
if could tell your fav price writers/cod in general I'd appreciate it 🩷
by far and away, @yeyinde is my fave writer for Price lmao. but there are sooooooooo many good Price writers on this site and on ao3 - Lev's alpha!Price just really sticks out as a favourite.
but i soooo agree. personally, i prefer dubcon to noncon (even though i've read and written both) because i enjoy a plot where the MMC is very much taking what he wants, but it's done in such a way that the FMC's initial resistance gradually begins to melt.
not to psychoanalyze myself, but this definitely has to do with the fact that i have an avoidant personality and decision paralysis, like i will talk myself out of doing things just because there are too many options or possibilities, but in a dubcon romance, there isn't an option to choose. which in fiction, i like. i want the FMC to just be along for the ride so to speak, like i am as the reader.
also something about the MMC just being immediately fixated on the FMC and not wishy-washy, unsure about his feelings is sooooo refreshing lmao sorry.
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youn9racha · 2 years
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Requested by: @9900z
pairing: hyunjin x fem!reader
genre: smut, hints of darkness, angst
synopsis: After a year of taunting and humiliation from the ever so loving boyfriend of yours, you decided to break it off with him and slowly start to forget about him... Until he comes back asking for forgiveness.
warning: jealousy, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), overstimulation, degradations(whore, slut, dumb...), dubcon(?), piv, mentions of a past toxic relationship, mind break (both sides; mainly reader), hair pulling, cunnilingus, brief breeding kink, choking, angsty but happy ending, aftercare
words: 5.1k
a/n: uhh hi.. it has been a while since i finally put up a fic,, kind of feels overwhelming to be back even though I've been absent for around two months, but I'm back. I don't think my writing has changed much, especially since i forgot how to write smut after not doing so for a few months 💔💔 shout out to @lix-ables and @spilledtee for helping me out and putting me back in my feet ! also i hope you enjoyed this piece. ik its been a long wait but I hope i fulfilled what you asked for 🙏i changed up the plot as well i hope you don't mind that too.
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This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. And if you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT. Readers discretion is advised.
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You saw his beautiful face once again. His eyes captured yours as he sat across from you, almost as if he was examining you from afar waiting for whatever was next. He was what you would consider your, affection reeks every time we would be in contact, but soon his dark side has revealed its ugly truth. His pretty face was there but his gentle touches and words slowly transitioned into a sudden venomous rupture of words. Questions arose within you as he continued to show his sadistic colors; “was I in the wrong? Did I do something to trigger him? Do I even love him anymore?” And many more came and go, leaving it unanswered in the meantime. But after the tumultuous and tiring years of you two bickering and the feelings of resentment started to grow in my stomach, you opted to pack up and just leave him. You thought his toxicity was getting out of hand, you could still hear him yell out as you leave,
“You’ll regret this! You need me!”
To hell with you, you would say, but silence is often the best option for diffusing this situation. And then you were gone from there, never to see him for a good bit. After many months of questioning yourself, crying, anger, resentment, and an awful amount of drinking, you’ve later seen yourself starting to improve on yourself, especially with the help of the small yet great friend circle you are in. So much so, that you have even ventured off into the whole dating world once again. Tinder, Bumble, Her, you name it, you’ve tried them all, and what’s the issue of one going fishing? There would be moments that dates fail, whether it’d be because one has a bad attitude towards the service worker, one’s in it for the sex, or one just generally does not click with you.
Sparing all the details, most of the time it didn’t work out. But how did you end up with Hyunjin right now? You thought you were done with him, and why did you let him into your apartment? Unbeknownst to you, you may have gone on a date with one of his friends, whom you had never met—presumably, they know of each other after you two broke it off—, at one point and they told him about it. Had you known that they know each other’s names at least, you never would have considered going out with them but here you are.
To say when you heard the knock and opened the door, only to see him standing right in front of you made your heart drop would be an understatement. How the hell did he find out where you live?! You wanted to close the door, but you were frozen as you saw his dark brown eyes shoot at your face. You couldn’t detect his facial expression, but his face did not showcase any negative emotions so you’re not as scared… but still, it’s not like you trust him, he could lash out at your face and you wouldn’t be surprised.
“Uh, hey, (y/n) …” he stammered nervously, scratching the back of his neck in nervousness. “Why the hell is he so apprehensive?! I should be the one shitting my pants right now,” you thought to yourself.
“Hyunjin? What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?” You went on with your questions, keeping your composure calm despite the creepy fact that he found where you live.
He shrugged, his eyes looking left and right before going back at you, “I may or may not have asked a friend whom you’ve may or may not hooked up a while ago…”
‘Wait what? How could this be?’ your mind had irrational thoughts. But then a conclusion came up after your mini inner arguments; this would mean that you have gone on a date with one of his friends, whom you have never met—presumably they know each other after we broke it off—, at one point and they told him about it. ‘God, this is so humiliating, had I known that they know each other’s names at least, I never would have considered going out with them and this encounter would have not happened but here we are.’ So many thoughts ridiculing your every mistake, but it’s not like you could change the past
You sigh as you roll your eyes, finally putting your senses together and crossing your arms, “What do you want?! I thought I said I don’t want to deal with you anymore.” Hyunjin smirked at your response, “I see you’re still as feisty as before, huh?”
One of the many attributes you’ve missed least from him is that disgusting cocky attitude he is exhibiting right now. Just reminiscing on that made you cringe even more than just seeing his face right now. You groaned abhorrently as you almost shut the door at him if it weren’t for him to hold the door from shutting and yelling out a “wait!”
If you had the matching strength like his, you thought, you would have had the door completely shut on his face, but unfortunately, he overpowered you and ended up pushing the door enough to open it but not enough to hurt you, which you hoped it did as you didn’t want to endure any more of this conversation. He only stood there while you maintained your scorned face toward him, not wanting to fall for his games and let him in.
“Look, I know this isn’t the best time, I know it’s weird and creepy that I showed up at your doorstep and I know we had our bad past. I’m not here to reconcile, I just want to talk to you,” He calmly yet sternly spoke as he maintained his eye contact with you. You only looked at him with a blank expression, unsure of what to respond and whether to let him in or not. After the pain he had given you, why should you let him in? But for some reason, you could sense some sort of honesty in his tone and that he genuinely does not want any malice. He lifted his arm, “look if you wanna inspect my pockets, you can, I don’t even carry weapons with me,” he chuckled slightly.
‘Why would he even say that? Even if he was trying to make light of the situation, he only made the air more awkward than it already is.’ He realized after he sees you wince at his bad-taste humor as he sniffed and curled his lips, “Okay, my bad, but seriously, I just want to chat with you, and I won’t even take long. Consider me gone after today.”
You glared at him as you couldn’t take his excuses anymore and decided to open the door more so he could walk in. The dumbest mistake you have ever made. You would think that after many months of healing and putting yourself together you would learn your lesson, but you seemingly did not. “You’ve got ten minutes and I want you out of my life permanently,” you spoke sternly as you walked into your living room as Hyunjin followed you.
Usually, you’d serve up something to eat or drink and wait until the guest sat first, but you’re making an exception as you thought that allowing him into the house was enough in it itself. The grudge you held was getting heavier and Hyunjin can sense it from the tone down to the body language. You sat on the sofa, while he sat in the armchair, far away from you—it’s a good thing he can read the room for once. And then suddenly, there was this awkward silence that deafens the entire room, just the sound of you tapping your foot. You didn’t bother to look at him and just started fidgeting with the accessories in your hand, but you could sense him still looking at you, almost as if he was staring at you. Who the hell does he think he is?!
“If you don’t have anything to say, then you better get out.”
After you spoke, Hyunjin shook his head, like as if he got out of a zoned-out state, “yeah, right sorry, um…” he looked away from you, as if he were trying to find the words. This time you were looking at him, the irked face still painted on you, however, you couldn’t help but just admire his pretty features. His beautiful brown long locks, his plump, pink lips, his defined jaw, alluring eyes, strong arms, his long, slender ringed finger that is worthy to get sucked—God dammit (y/n), get your shit together! This is the man you’re supposed to resent not gawk at.
“Look, I know I hurt you a lot in the process, and truthfully speaking, you never deserved the nasty comments I gave you…” as Hyunjin rambled on, you still wouldn’t buy his words and started to tune out. It’s such a shame that a man with a personality of a trash can can maintain the most attractive attributes. There is no denial that Hyunjin was a good-looking man despite everything, and on top of that, the greatest memory I had of him, other than the actual romantic moments we had, was the sex.
Hyunjin was a dancer, so he sure can use his hips to hit the spots no one can easily hit. Doubled by the talented fingers he has, and the wonderful, warm tongue that is so pleasant but has its venom when used incorrectly, which he, unfortunately, has used in that way for the last chunk of our relationship. Hyunjin had potential, he just had to flush it down the train with his attitude.
“… and while I don’t seek forgiveness, I just wanted to say I’m sorry…(y/n)?” After he noticed that you weren’t saying anything, you could only blink at him. Sure, you may not have heard much of his statement, but you couldn’t be bothered as you started to remember the past once again, reminded of his actions and how it’s way overdue for him to apologize.
“Oh, so you came here to say sorry, after what? Six months after not seeing each other and you expect me to just take your words for it?” you spoke disdainfully, eyes squinting at him in disbelief.
“No, (y/n)— “
“No, save it, Hyunjin! The damage’s been done, and I was hurt badly because of you.” you spat at him as you leaned forward towards him as if you were getting closer to him to make your point straight, “You don’t understand the weight of your words, you would tend to brush them off and call them jokes, but when I called you out on it, what did you do? Call me sensitive. And when I wanted you to do me a favor, you’d never do it, what type of boyfriend would do that?!”
You began spilling everything and you could see Hyunjin cringing, and frustration started to increase the more you speak to him. “I’m done Hyunjin, you’ve given me enough hell,” you sighed before speaking, but Hyunjin only sat in silence, his stance was very ambiguous and hard to read as he continued to stare at me. You could only scoff at the lack of response, “so what? You came here to just stare at me like the idiot you are?!”
The question was rhetoric yet unnecessary, however, he knew where to push the buttons when it came to pissing you off, and it made you more irritated than you already are. Now it was his turn to scowl, but then it started to grow into a menacing smile.
“Oh, so I’m an idiot?”
His tone left nothing but shivers, it was similar to the tone he would make when he’s feeling a little aroused. While it was very undeniably hot, you couldn’t just let your guard down like that, and try to keep yourself together. ‘He’s not yours, (y/n), get it together.’ You looked at him with your brows narrowed, “yes… you very much are.”
He could only chuckle at you as he leaned closer to you, you thought you were capable of moving away but for some reason, you found yourself trapped in your couch incapable of moving. It feels as though you were hypnotized by his visuals and voice at this moment, and you should feel bad, but you couldn’t bother to help yourself. As he got closer to you, he ran his hand across the sides of your face, you almost shuddered at the touch, but you kept yourself together and did not give in instantly. Once again, desperate call calls for desperate measures, anything must be in favor right now since the guards you put up are getting weaker and weaker. “Oh, (y/n), my love… you haven’t changed…”
“Excuse me?”
“You think you’ve moved on, yet I could see right through you,” his wording and tone created this odd juxtaposition of gentleness and ominousness that left me shivering once again, “you’re shaking and shivering right under my touch,” he chuckled once again even more menacingly. He got up and sat next to me, using his hand on my face and thigh to put me in place, silently forcing me to look at him and stay put. ‘Keep it together, (y/n), keep it together…’
His face got closer, and seeing his features up close made you ogle at him once again. You gulped at the closeness, and he pushed your hair away from your face, “and I’ve heard about your failed hookups,”
He let out a breathy laugh as he saw your slightly panicked face. “you’d think I wouldn’t know? I wouldn’t know that there are people, specifically men, who just want to see you naked and doing a terrible job at making you feel good?” There was something very venomous in his tone he started to speak about your past hookups. It is true, that most of your hookups have been lackluster at best, but you did not want him to know this sort of information about yourself. But considering you unknowingly slept with his friend, you should’ve known better than to tell a stranger about your sad sex life.
“Save it…” He said it with the most condescending tone as if he was mocking you for interrupting him earlier, “let me show you what these men lacked.”
And there, Hyunjin slammed his lips into yours, vigorously and fiery as his usual kisses are. You didn’t know what has gotten into you, you should push him off and just kick him out for daring to do what he is doing, but for some reason, you couldn’t do it. you only could moan and melt into his mouth. At this moment, you genuinely thought that your brain has melted and kicked out all the logic in it—as ironic as it may sound—and it was true in some sense, but the way Hyunjin’s warm lips were caressing your lips felt too pleasant. It may have had a sloppy beginning, but it transitioned into one of passion and sort of possessive as Hyunjin began to be handsy. Through his groans and his lips exploring yours, he began holding you closer to him as his hands roamed around your body as if it were the first time he has touched you.
He pulled away to grab a quick breath before he pulled you to sit on his lap, as he continued to kiss you, but this time his lips went south into your neck. You gasped at the feeling of his teeth grazing your neck, creating a bruise that would fade in at any time, while he began muttering through your skin.
“Just you wait… when one sees this… then they would know…”
His words were incoherent as he was too fucked out and too focused on creating more hickeys, evident by him ripping the buttons of your blouse, exposing your bralette to him—It wasn’t any special bra, especially since you didn’t expect him to show up, let alone be doing this—and threw the blouse somewhere. He began biting the soft skin of one of your breasts, while his large hand was massaging the other through the bra. you threw your head back, moaning at the feeling of his warm mouth licking through the fabric, letting the slickness indirectly touch your nipples. As you tugged onto his hair, he gripped your bralette and ripped them apart, making you gasp at the sudden action, and he proceeded to have his mouth on your nipples, leaving you with nothing but your shorts and panties.
You began writhing under his touch, with you grinding onto his lap and clenching into nothing the more he stimulated your nipples, he pulled away and looked up at your, “bedroom…” he rasped, holding onto your thigh and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as you told him where the room’s located, and when you arrived, he threw you into the bed, leaving you lying there as he begins to strip.
“You listen real good because I’m not gonna repeat myself,” he said, “you’re gonna be a good slut for me, and you’ll do as I say, got it? You had your chance to say all you want, now it’s my turn.”
“That’s rich coming from y—” your words were interrupted abruptly when you felt a tug from your hair, making you moan, and pulled your head closer to his angry yet lustful face, “I said, it’s my turn.”
You only stayed silent, fearing what to do next as he let go of your hair and continued to strip down to his boxers. You looked down and saw the bulge that was painstakingly hidden in his underwear. While it may not be the girthiest of cocks, he had the length and movement to make up for it. He smirked as he held your hair again to look up at his face, “you want my cock this badly?”
You should say no, but when he’s over here, being the way he is, makes it all the difficult. You could only nod at him, while he drags his fore and middle finger around your mouth, “open your mouth… I want to see if you’re worth it.”
He commands and you obeyed, opening your mouth wide enough before wrapping around his two digits. His movements were still but you moved your head and tongue as you slicked up his long slender fingers and shoved them down your throat.
“Eyes on me, you slut.”
Instinctively your eyes met his blown-out pairs, he enjoys seeing you suffer as shown by his evil face, the sadistic smile was prominent at this instant especially when he tripped your gag reflex when he attempted to shove it down more, humiliating me even more than you already are.
“I bet no one has ever shoved a finger down your throat like I did, huh?” The way he spoke was pure filth, you should stand up for yourself, but the wetness and arousal that seemed to increase the moment he utters a word seemed to betray your logic. The question was rhetorical as he wanted to have at me. He pulled his fingers off as he got down and pushed your legs apart with his other hand that wasn’t covered in your saliva, “take them off,” he commanded, regarding your bottoms. You nervously yet swiftly took your shorts and panties, revealing something he hasn’t seen in so long.
“God, I miss that pussy of yours… it’s a shame that other men have seen, touched…” His speech was hushed and slow the more he spoke, and the more he spoke, the closer he got to your pussy, “tasted… inserted themselves in you,” and there he began his feast as his tongue began lapping at the dripping wetness that you were seeping through. Your breath shuddered as his tongue licked up your clit, putting the most attention to the sensitive bud suddenly. ‘This is so bad,’ allowing your no-good ex-boyfriend just to humiliate you and then eat you out like this is really bad, yet the way he is licking and speaking to you in such a tone feels so good to you for some reason. With the added pleasure he added his fingers as his tongue movements began to increase, sucking and licking any slickness coming out of you, moaning at the taste that hits him.
The noises you made turned from breathing heavily to outright mewling and whining at the stretch and pace that came along with pleasure. He pulled his mouth away with a pop to look at you, “bet ya didn’t find anyone who could make you this noisy wet, huh?”
“Just shut up and continue fucking me with your mouth,” you shook your head as you groaned at his cocky commentary.
“Oh, is that so? Fine, as you wish,” Hyunjin said, before continuing to lap at your clit while his fingers moved at a quicker pace. You felt a surge of release coming out the faster he went with his tongue and digits. You were panting out his name as you groaned out when you’ve finally reached your orgasm. However, Hyunjin never stopped his movement and carried on as if you never came. You began squirming and your hips bucking at the overstimulation he was giving you.
“H-Hyunjin… s-stop—” you struggled to speak as he was lapping you to reach for the second orgasm. All he was doing was torturing you, he was moaning and sometimes pulling away to mention how “good you taste for a slut.” His words were a mixture of both degradation and praise, but mainly the former, as he wouldn’t stop humiliating you and calling you names. You felt your second orgasm coming up, but when he pulled his fingers and tongue away, you could only whine at the odd mix of overstimulation and edge, making him perk up his face, but in a good way.
“I made you come once, and you still want more? You are a whore…”
Your lips quivered as you anticipated more movements from him, as shown by the way your legs are spreading more from. Your labia were swollen from the fingering Hyunjin gave you, and that almost made him even more feral at the sight of you being desperate, but he had to maintain the sadism image he is intending to showcase.
He stripped out of his boxers and began stroking his hard cock slightly, making him hiss at the contact. He was purposefully teasing, and you were whining, your hand going down to touch the ache that Hyunjin failed to relieve, only for him to push your hand away. “What makes you think—fuck… you can touch yourself, huh? A whore like you is not allowed to touch themselves…ah” He grunts a bit in his sentence, but it was coherent enough, which made you mildly upset with you pouting.
He held your cheek before gripping your throat and slightly squeezing with his free hand, “your puppy eyes are not gonna help you—ha fuck—mm you still fucked other men hmm—”
His pace in hand was going faster, his tip started to glisten and spew out precum the more he bobbed, while you just laid there, begging for Hyunjin to ravish you, and holding onto his wrist that was wrapped around your throat.
“Hyunjin… please… please fuck me… please fuck me like the whore I am,” you sniffled, “I am nothing but a gross slut who lets other men fuck me… please let me forget about them…”
Your brain has officially been broken just by the sight of Hyunjin and the remanence of the past overstimulation and edging, which is exactly what Hyunjin wanted from you. You have fed his evil plan and he couldn’t be even happier than he already is. He smirked as he slowed his stroke down and let go of your throat, “that’s what I thought… now get on all fours.”
You instantly obliged without saying another word and got on your hands and knees for him. He aligned himself in your opening before shoving it in in an unprecedented way. You yelped at the further stretch that his finger couldn’t reach, while Hyunjin smiled in an impending way and licked his lips before he started to piston himself in and out of you.
Your mewls began to increase volume along with the sound of skin slapping as his hips were touched against your butt cheeks, jiggling each time they get in contact with his pelvis. He would grip harshly on your hips, bruising them in the process with the way he is squeezing and digging his finger in pleasure the more he hits your spot repeatedly and elicit more moans from the both of you. When your head hung low, he pulled your hair, his fingers dipped in your scalp, with the grip harsh enough to grand you slight pain.
“Tell me now… who’s fucking you this good?” He spoke through his blissed-out state, his words flowing with the pace of his thrust. You only moaned as a response, which resulted in him pulling your hair even harsher, “I said, who’s fucking you this good?!”
“You, Hyunjin! You! Fuck!” You yelped at him when he drilled into your hole even rougher than what he initially started, letting go of your hair as he proceeded to thrust into you once he got the answer he wanted. You started to clench around him as you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm once again, “please, please let me come! You make me feel so good, please!”
You begged, just exactly how Hyunjin liked it. He only chuckled in response as he proceeds to penetrate you even faster, in result making you squirm and breathe heavier, “that’s fucking right come around my cock, bet you never came like that with your other men, huh?” His possessive words could just make you come already, but his movements and use of his dancer’s hips made you come even harder, as shown by how you arched your back and placed your head into the mattress when you’ve reached cloud nine. But once again, Hyunjin didn’t leave you off the hook and stopped.
“I haven’t come yet… don’t you ever think that I’ll stop, I’ll make you come over and over until I come, got it?”
This wasn’t a request, it was a command, and he sure did do as promised, he continues to use you as his sex toy and made you orgasm repeatedly to the point of your brain fully stops functioning—all your head thinks about is Hyunjin and his cock. The truth is Hyunjin purposefully slows down and edges himself to make you come over and over and overstimulates you in the process. However, he has reached your limits, and ultimately his thrusts started to become sloppy, a great indicator that he is getting close.
“God, I’m gonna come inside…you and have it drip out of you—shi—let the other men know who fuck…ed you good—ah!”
It was his turn to have his mind break as he came inside of you with the most powerful orgasm while you matched with your final orgasm for tonight. Once you both bottomed out, you both pulled away from each other and laid next to each other on the bed, catching a breather for the both of you, both of you sweaty and tired.
Once you two came back to reality, you two looked at each other, “you okay?” Hyunjin asked first, still panting, while you looked up at the ceiling, “Yeah… I think…”
Hyunjin looked around and saw a towel laying on your bedroom floor, opting to use it to wipe you down. After doing so, he went up and decided to grab both of you glasses of water. This was honestly a new sight of Hyunjin, how can this be the same man a few minutes ago? You found his gesture sweet and appreciate it, and while the sex was phenomenal and for sure was better than most of your hookups, you still see the same man you saw when you were in a relationship, no matter how nice he was trying to be. Your heart tugged at that thought, but you knew what was best.
Hyunjin walked in with the two glasses and handed you one, which you took from his hand and thanked him, and he sat next to you as you two sat in silence and drank your water. This silence was similar to the silence from when he came in, except this one was less tense than the last one. Hyunjin was first to break the silence, “Look, I know you didn’t expect my appearance, and I promise you I did not come here for” Hyunjin pointed at the two of us, “this to happen. I genuinely came here to simply apologize.”
You only looked down at the glass below you and your finger circled the rim, unsure what to respond, “I know I screwed up big time with you, I wasn’t the greatest boyfriend, and you genuinely did not deserve the way you were treated at the time. I just want you to know that I regret everything I did and that I still love you.”
His confession made you freeze, and he can sense that even though he didn’t look at you, “which is why I’ll not meddle into your life again,” this time Hyunjin turned his head and looked at you with a tight-lipped frown. You looked back confused at his words, “I know my actions earlier sort of contradict what I just said, but I genuinely want the both of us to start over, or at least I start over. “
You were merely surprised and had so much to say but you stayed quiet as to wait for him to finish up his speech, “you’re doing so well, and I was jealous over that,” he sighs and shakes his head, “I don’t blame you for not forgiving me… As I said, I didn’t expect forgiveness, I just want you to know how I feel…”
You nodded at his words, “yeah, I’m not sure if I can actually forgive you…”
“I understand that…”
“But I’ll still support you in your journey to be a better person, I hope you find the closure you deserve, Hyunjin,” you held his hand smiling at him, and he smiled back.
“Thank you, (y/n)… you truly are an angel.”
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msviolacea · 2 months
So, I've been playing Ikemen Villains since its English release a week or so ago, and while I haven't finished a full route yet, I've been thinking about what I like and what I don't, so here, have an early review.
The tl;dr - I like it quite a bit, and am happy to keep playing. I don't like it quite as much as I like Sengoku, but I like it a lot more than I liked the other Ikemen games I've tried. I can recommend it to anyone who likes mobile game-type otomes with a darker tone.
The game setup: in an AU Victorian England, there's a team of men with questionable morals and fairy tale curses who work for the Queen to solve problems of even more awful moral implications. The main character is a letter carrier who accidentally witnesses their deeds and gets sucked into their world while they figure out if they can trust her not to spill their secrets.
What works for me:
The writing is top notch. It's light and fun when it needs to be, and hits the right combination of period melodrama and anachronistic modern that I enjoy in these kinds of games/stories.
The LIs are all very fun, and I'm looking forward to experiencing all of them. Even "wait, Motonari, what are you doing here, why are you alive like 300 years later and why did you change your name?" (I say this with all the love, I adore Motonari, but man I'm pretty sure they just recycled some cut dialogue from his IkeSen routes for Jude.)
I started with William's route, and I really enjoy the themes of "there's no reason to abstain from personal joy, you deserve to be your fullest self" that they're going for.
I also like the level of sensuality/sexuality they have going. If I'm playing one of these games, I want it to feel sexy!
I appreciate that they include content warnings for the darker content - one of the current event stories has a warning for potential dubcon content, which is nice. I don't mind reading the darker stuff, but I do like being prepared and being allowed to make a decision about when I want to read it.
I'm always a sucker for the fantasy Victorian aesthetic.
What works in comparison to the other Cybird games:
The chapter lengths are ... okay? One of the things that made me hard bounce off the other two Cybird games I've tried - Vampire and Prince - is that the chapters/segments felt REALLY short, in a way that felt like an over-the-top cash grab, in the "spend money to get a satisfying amount of story!" way. By contrast, the "5 tickets a day" amount I get from Sengoku feels like an acceptable amount of content - I don't know if IkeSen chapters are actually longer in terms of word count and scenes, but it feels that way, whether it's actual length or just quality of the writing/scene structure. In comparison, Villains chapters do feel shorter than Sengoku, but the content is presented in a way that feels generally satisfying to complete in the free daily tickets. I wish there was a bit more, but I'm okay with what they give overall.
The "oh no there's a time limit" plot contrivance is believable, in the context of the game and the genre. MC saw too much, they're giving her a month to prove herself trustworthy. That feels fair, with the genre conventions in mind. IkeSen's works well - Sasuke's "don't fall in love" warning is weirdly tacked on, but the actual time limit is the wormhole that would get MC home to the future, and the conflict is whether her connection to the LI/the characters in general will keep her in the past. I don't remember what Vamp's is, because I really bounced hard off of that game very early, but I remember that the Prince contrivance was the other major detail that made me ultimately abandon the game. What do you mean, the MC didn't read the whole contract she signed? All of this could be mostly solved if she'd paid attention? That just felt lazy on the part of the writers, and undermined the MC in a way that made me not want to follow her story. Anyway, I'm glad that Villains has one that makes sense and doesn't make the MC feel overly flighty.
The Villains art style is ... fine? Again, I don't like it as much as Sengoku, but it's comparable to/better than the other games I've tried from Cybird.
Some things I don't like:
I'm sure this is a tech issue, but GOD the loading screens in this game are SO SLOW. I can feel myself aging just watching the little lamp flash.
I know this has been a staple of the non-IkeSen Cybird games, but I really dislike the card system as it's integrated into the story mechanics. There's no benefit to the gacha. Oh look, it's .... a picture? There's no story involved, a la Tears of Themis, or anything other bonus content. I'd much rather stick with IkeSen's dress-up mechanic, at least dressing up avatars is a fun mini game. I am not tempted at all to spend real money to obtain so-so pictures that I can easily find on the internet if I really want them.
Ultimately, it's nice to have another otome that has grabbed my attention, and after playing a couple of the new event stories, I'm going to sit here and wait impatiently for Victor's route because I love him. But I'm certainly not going to be tempted to spend the kind of money I spent on IkeSen - which is good, I have a mortgage now, and I don't have the excuse of wallowing in my own grief + pandemic lack of leaving the house to excuse it, lol.
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
tw for rape and sorta mentions of suicide (just basically saying kys in context ) for those very sensitive or triggered by these!!
but like i went through all the posts i could find and they never said anything bad about non con or dubcon she said rape fics were bad- and the point of her being a “hypocrite” for writing dubcon confuses me as why would someone who didnt support that stuff write it? it doesn’t make sense to me. i understand not liking her point on the kys bit but you guys got really hung up on it and completely missed the point of it about literal rape being romanticized and used as a fetish, not noncon and the likes used as a coping mechanism. it breaks my heart to see especially from people i supported and enjoyed a lot and got me into this community supporting rape. ive dealt with lots of sexual assults and have been raped myself a few times starting from a young age and let me tell you, its horrible. me and my boyfriend do get quite rough at times and do indulge in things like noncon- something that is used to cope and can help- and it is so much different than actually being raped. if you like it rough and dirty trust me girl i completely get it but actually being raped is the most demeaning, violating, and live devastating things that can happen- not to mention the other physical side affects of it. not trying to spread hate, maybe i should be for supporting it, but im more just sad? like seeing a community im so into and my biggest comfort character ( who also has dealt with rape) supporting and defending it all just feels like a betrayal and so debilitating. so many of my safe spaces have been ruined in a physical and metaphysical sense and it just reminds me of the sa when i was a teenager and other boys on my team (i was raped and abused by multiple wrestlers as i was the only girl in the sport in a very large state wide tournament hosted by my school) joking about it and making it not serious not taking me serious and sexualizing the whole situation and thinking i was lucky for a chick. just sickening and heartbreaking to see and the worst throwback thursday ever.
Hi love. First of all, I'm truly sorry of what happened to you. No one should ever have to go through that and you are truly amazingly strong.
Thank you for sharing your point through respect and calm.
I'd like to throw you back to this essay that explains my point of view here. Of course, it's understandable if you don't accept it. I'm not here to convince anyone on this. This is sharing a point of view.
Here, hoping that you fully understand.
This will however be the last time I'll debate on this subject, further comment or anons will simply get a copy paste.
I- dub-con, non-con and CNC kink in fiction.
A- the place of these themes in fiction and how it separated from reality.
I think the line has to be drawn. A line people seem to forget too easily. Obviously, rape is a horrible thing. This fact has never been refuted in any fics or novels or books. No writer will ever tell you, ‘rape is awesome and soooo romantic’.
Fiction is absolutely fiction. We are aware of it. There's a big difference. This obviously something readers choose to read being aware of fiction. Being aware that the real thing is horrible. Warnings and tags are always there to avoid readers unaware of it.
B- the differences with other themes
One thing I've been asked is what kind of difference writing rape is from writing dub-con or even pedophilia?
On dub-con, the line is blurred. Softer, protagonist may be in a path where the sexual action is wanted but blocked by the mind or pushed to it by the other protagonist, forcing their own need to give in. It is still seen as rape as consent is not fully given. There's not much difference from non-con. Writers usually use this tag to avoid any triggers to people.
For pedophilia, let's see this in a more details. I think we can all agree that all these themes, dub-con, CNC, non con, always involve adults. Whatever it is the kink, or in stories, it’s adults. Adults who are aware of what sex is and what this kink it. Children should never be near any of those themes. It's not about kinks anymore, children don't have kinks.
II- the reality of voicing your opinion on internet
A- SA victims and SH victims, sexual shame
Now there's something we need to talk about. Writing theses themes are used by many as a coming mechanism. SA victims may often use these writings to help the aftermath of these events in their own life.
In the kink itself it's something that obviously causes a lot of shame towards people who are not part of it. But many things need to be said. It's a need for a control of a situation that is dangerous and traumatizing. It's a sign of truth with your partner. Fiction is a way to live that fantasy in full safety as they are clearly aware of the truth of that situation in real life.
Now the thing that has started this whole conversation was the ‘don’t forget to tell rape kink writers to off themselves’.
It is not a small detail. Not at all!
This is where fiction is separated from reality. You are telling a real person to commit a real act that could lead to fatal consequences.
Obviously I think we’re all aware that many people on this website suffer from depression, self harm tendencies and bullying. I do too. Your words matter. Trust me. We’ve seen it with Inquisitor’s death while a live TikTok.
Many other tiktokers who had helped not only spread rumors but bully the creator only realized their mistake once he killed himself.
This is a no turn back situation.
Do you think you have the guts to wake up in the morning, knowing someone killed themselves because they wrote something you were against? That you are the reason they died? Their families are grieving?
You can find an article on the CNC kink here:
B- respect even through anger
We have established one thing. The internet is a wild, free universe. Anyone can say or write or post whatever they want.
You are free to voice out your opinion, anger amongst these binary and servers. But one thing that is not ok is the way you say it.
A point doesn't need to be full of hate or threats to be said. Especially when serious consequences could be blown by it.
Everyone has their opinion, things they don't like. You are free to avoid tags, not read, block people. Protect yourself first. But attacking isn't protecting yourself. You’re simply causing another kind of harm.
People need to own up to their words and actions.
If you tell someone to kill themselves, it's horrible. It's an actual crime. A full crime.
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izukuwus · 10 months
Consummation Training (NSFW) (Original Work) (F/M/M)
Masterlist - Read on Ao3
A/N: welcoming in my poly OC trio from the novel I'm writing! some days you wake up and you spend literally like 12 hours straight hyperfocusing on your keyboard and it turns out pretty well I think. this is technically an AU of the novel that I wrote instead of working on the actual novel but I think it counts for something!
I could do sooooo much background worldbuilding here and I'm tempted to ramble about it separately but I will abstain from now. please enjoy!
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Summary: The Prince's Familiar hated the Knight. She hated him for having all the skills she lacked, for convincing her that it would be better for the two of them to teach the Prince before his wedding, and of course, for being right.
There would be no courtesans in the Prince's bedchambers. Just the three of them, the student and the teachers, to ensure that the Prince would be ready to please his wife come wedding night.
Warnings: exhibitionism/voyeurism, threesome, technically sex magic, implications of pregnancy (non-explicit), there's at least one vampire present, biting/blood, multiple orgasms, double penetration, technically dubcon if you approach it from the wrong angle, porn with feelings, porn with left plot, fuckin uhhhh some dom/sub shit going on, honestly there's a lot going on here lmao
Word Count: ~6100
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The Prince's familiar hated the Knight.
It was a matter of fairness: he hated her from the first day, after all, and though she'd tried to bridge the gap between them, the fact remained that she was a vampire and he was sworn to protect their prince.
So she hated him.
She hated his duty-sworn personality. She hated the glares he leveled only at her. She hated the deferential way he looked at the Prince, and the sweet-soft tone he used with him. She hated the way he took immediately to the gorgeous noblewoman the Prince courted and agreed to wed, and she hated it more for the fact that she was the only soul who knew the Prince would never be happy with her at his side. Right now, before any of that, she hated the Knight's deft fingers, torturously unlacing her corset after having undressed most of the rest of her.
The sweet-soft tone reserved for the Prince was muttering in her ear from behind as he worked. "I would appreciate it if you bared with me and relaxed a bit for this demonstration," he said. "We are honor-bound to this, for our Prince's sake."
The Prince in question sat across from her, eyes marked with interest at the show they put on. The Knight had her spread out between him, carefully detailing each step of the process until she was presented, naked, for her Prince to see.
His face was a churning red at the sight of her; as far as she was aware, it was his first time seeing any more of a woman than the modest daily-wear they were held to, which was why they were doing this at all. But they were not there just so it would not be the Prince's first time seeing a naked woman when his wedding night came, and so the Knight did not stop at undressing her.
"The first thing you should know is that every woman is going to be different. Our little familiar here is not going to respond the same as your fiancée might. You can ask her, outright, what she desires from you, but she is a Lady and may not answer you truthfully, if she gives you an answer at all."
"So what do I do?" The Prince's voice cracked with a dry throat. He cringed, then swallowed, apparently doing his best not to appear too interested in his Familiar's naked form. “If—if they won’t tell me what they, um, like.”
“There are ways that they’ll tell you without words. You’ll see by the time we’re done with her.”
Her walls clenched involuntarily at the thought. She knew better than to voice any trepidation here—the moment she did, the Prince would back out for her comfort, and unfortunately, the Knight was right when he’d told her the Prince would need this and it would be better coming from them than from some untrustworthy courtesan hired to do the work for them.
She shuddered at the thought of anyone else being put on display like this for her Prince, then again at the thought of how the rest of the night would go.
The Knight chuckled at her back, a low rumbling sound that infuriated her. “There’s one of them. You probably can’t see from over there, but she’s shivering.”
“Should we warm her up?”
Another laugh. “In a manner of speaking, your Highness. Now, as a rule of thumb, there’s a few spots that are nice to pay attention to, depending on your partner. Obviously, there’s the main act, but if you want to produce magical heirs, you want to make sure you’re not the only one cumming.” He brushed her hair out of the way, and then soft lips were brushing a spot behind her ear. Unprepared, she gasped, eyes fluttering closed.
She’d never laid with a man before, and now she was perched between one’s legs while another studied her.
“Tell him more about the magic involved here. You’re our resident expert,” the Knight mumbled against her flesh. When she didn’t respond, he continued: “Or else I’ll get a lot meaner with you.”
Teeth grazed a soft spot near her throat in warning, and she couldn’t stop the whine in her throat. “He’s—he’s right. There’s magic released during an orgasm. Some of our—our researchers have found links tying release with the magical potential of the child, and your best shot at an heir is—" Her words caught in her throat when the Knight found a particular spot on her throat that made her legs weak. "—sorry, it's to ensure that both of you release as much as possible during a session."
"Are you certain you're okay with this?" The Prince asked her as she screwed her eyes shut. She could not give the Knight the satisfaction of knowing he was doing a good job, not even for her Prince's sake. "You seem almost like you're in pain."
"Depending on you and your partner, pain isn't always a bad thing." The Knight's mouth left her neck to speak. "But she's completely fine. Isn't that right?" A hand slid up her bare stomach. The cold of his rings followed the warmth of his fingertips, and she firmly stopped herself from shivering this time.
"I'm alright, your Highness, just—perhaps a little bit embarrassed at the situation."
He was always quick to reassure her. "Oh, no! There's no need to be embarrassed, this is all purely educational, after all!" 
"If you're embarrassed now, wait until we move past the barest forms of foreplay," the Knight hissed in her ear. Then, louder, in that soft-sweet voice again: "Would you like first-hand experience with this, your Highness?"
She opened one eye to see her Mage's expression. His eyes were wide, cheeks more flushed than before at the suggestion. "Are you asking if I'd like to—"
"We exist for your benefit, your Highness, and I expected to have you directly involved at some point. Watching can only take you so far, after all."
The Prince's eyes met hers, and she nodded slightly, though she hated that she did. Anything for His Highness. Anything for her Prince. She could see him swallow, and then he was standing and coming to the pair of them. "Okay. If everyone's certain they're okay with this..."
"She's all yours, your Highness. Behind the ear, down the jawline, across the throat... they're all generally sensitive, although your Familiar here seems to be particularly so."
The Prince was close. He was leaning in, staring at her throat, and she shuddered in a way that nearly sickened her. Who was the vampire here? Who was the prey, and who was the predator? Not her, not anymore. 
"If it helps, you can kiss her. Typically, that eases one into it, your Highness."
"Is that okay...?" he whispered, and the Familiar nodded.
He slotted himself between her naked thighs, cupping her chin gently and capturing her lips in a soft, sweet kiss. She returned it, careful not to appear too eager even as her thighs twitched to close around his waist. 
It was true, he needed the practice: he was not a practiced kisser. She did her best to guide him in technique with her lips, to show him how to kiss her back. She knew by now that her Prince was a fast learner, and he exemplified it here: once he had a rhythm, his lips molded against hers, she felt teeth graze her lip, and damn it all, she moaned into his mouth.
He pulled back almost immediately, searching her face in a near-panic. “Was that alright?”
Her eyes drifted open a moment later. Shit. This was bad. “Perfect, your Highness. You’re doing wonderfully.”
“And you’re not simply telling me as much to appease me?”
“I exist for your benefit, your Highness. You would not benefit from me lying to you in this instance.”
The Knight’s hand squeezed at her side gently. She took it as an approval of her words.
“Okay. And if I—if I wanted to continue?”
“You have my full consent, your Highness.”
He exhaled a shaky breath, and then his mouth was on hers again. She was dimly aware of the Knight speaking behind her, delivering instructions to her Prince: how to move his lips, how to bite hers, how to slip his tongue in her mouth if he wanted to. She didn’t give him access, not at first, but another pair of lips attached themselves to her throat and bit, and in the shock of her moan, her Prince’s tongue entered her mouth to explore.
“Good girl,” the Knight hissed in her ear. The whine caught in her throat.
She nearly lost herself in it, but the Knight did something good for once: when she brought her hands up to pull the Prince in closer, firm hands slid down her arms and pulled her wrists to be held behind her back. 
“Hands to yourself,” he whispered, and despite herself, she moaned around the Prince’s tongue.
“Those noises she’s making are a good sign,” the Knight explained as the Prince pulled away for air. Her breasts heaved with her breath—she cursed herself for getting lost in the moment. If she wasn’t careful, she’d even begin to enjoy this, and she would not admit to enjoying it right now. “You want her to make noise. Not every partner will, and you’ll learn your wife’s signals well if you spend enough time with one another, but not only is this one sensitive, she’s noisy, too. Really, she’s perfect for teaching with.”
Oh no. He was not making her feel like this with his words alone. She struggled surreptitiously against his hold, but he merely laughed.
“Are you feeling better to move on to the next step, your Highness?”
The Knight nodded in approval, and the Prince left her with one last kiss before slowly, uncertainly moving towards her jawline.
This was torture. Where the Knight had been suspiciously skilled with his mouth, the Prince was slow and careful, lacking confidence in where he dragged his lips.
“Here,” the Knight said after a moment, “let me mark a good spot for you, your Highness.”
The Prince pulled away, and lightning-quick, a hand left her wrists to tug at her hair and crane her neck for him. She keened, and the Knight paused, chuckling. “Aw, apparently this one also likes having her hair pulled. It’s almost cute.”
“It is,” the Prince agreed. 
She was boneless as the Knight found a soft spot and sucked hard on it, writhing in his hold. He cursed as he popped away, satisfied with the mark he left. “Earth below, you are sensitive,” he growled as he released her wrists to wind an arm around her waist and hold her down. “See that mark I’ve left on her, your Highness? That’s a good spot.”
The Prince nodded, drinking in her expression, the subtle bounce of her breasts as she tried failingly to catch her breath. Her pride surged a bit at the tent in his pants, and when he slotted himself between her legs again to attack her neck, she jolted as that tent brushed against her dripping core.
This time, he did not stop at her whine, even as the Knight was admonishing her for being so squirmy. Instead, the Prince attached himself to the darkening spot on her throat, kissing, sucking, licking, even once biting her, until her head had gone fuzzy and a coil was tightening in her core.
She couldn’t help it—she squirmed against the Knight’s hold and the Prince’s ministrations. Her prince’s hands were on her hips, rubbing soothing circles there, and the Knight shifted to hold her thighs open before she wrapped them around her Prince’s waist. The immobility killed her—being held open for him, two pairs of strong hands holding her down, a low voice giving calm instructions in her ear, the delicious feeling of a mouth on her neck, it was all so much, and then she managed to buck her hips just a little against the Prince’s growing hardness, and he moaned against her throat, and the Knight bit down on her shoulder, and she needed, more than anything, to warn her Prince before he took it too far.
He beat her to it. His voice filtered into her mind, a feature of their little soul bond. ‘Still okay?’
‘More than okay, my Prince. If you keep this up, I’m going to—‘ Even in her mind, the words caught. This should not feel this good. She’d scarcely been touched, and here she was, moments from careening over the edge.
‘Isn’t that the goal?’ her Prince asked, and then he was biting down in a new place, and she was thrashing against the men’s holds, the coil in her stomach snapping, and she needed to grab onto something, anything for purchase. Her hands found the Knight's thighs behind her, and he cursed as her nails dug in. Her head dropped backward, onto his shoulder, and when she was back in her mind, she glanced up to see that her Prince was watching her with hungry eyes.
She shuddered.
"Back with us?" the Knight asked, and crooned her name. "I wasn't expecting you to cum just from having your neck kissed. Is it that you're truly that sensitive, or are you enjoying being watched?"
She wouldn't dignify him with a response. Not, at least, until he nipped at the shell of her ear.
"Both, I think," she managed between gasps.
Shit. She wasn't supposed to say that.
His eyebrows shot up in amusement. "Well, look at you. Nice and honest. Big change from how you normally treat me. We're not done yet, though, so catch your breath."
A low keen left her throat. This was shaping up to be an eternal sort of night.
"Was that good?" 
It was. It was extremely good. But she was nearly wordless, and she'd honestly hoped he was asking the Knight, but the Knight didn't answer him, either, merely clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Answer him." In the time it took her to search the soup of her mind for a response, all she came up with was a nod. That earned her a light slap to her inner thigh, and she jolted and whined. "Use your words."
"S-so good, my Prince."
When she looked, he had relaxed into a smile, but it wasn't the usual sort he afforded her: in the lighting as she finally caught her breath, he looked wicked. 
"Why whine over him hitting you?" he asked, innocent. "Are you that sensitive between the legs?"
"Mm," she managed as a reply. "Everywhere."
That earned her cruel laughter from the Knight, and his hands left her thighs. She was sure, if she looked, she'd see outlines of his hands on the pale skin there, but he merely nodded to the Prince to step back. "So, so honest. But we've got a lot of information to cover. Are you ready to move on, your Highness?"
"Please," he said.
"Good." Already she was tensing in anticipation. Hands slid up her sides, causing her to squirm as he cupped her breasts. "Now, this is yet another case where your partner may like this more or less than our little familiar here. Honestly, usually this is more for you than the sensation it gives your partner, but judging on how this one has been reacting—" He tweaked one of her nipples between two fingers, and her back arched into it. "—ah, there it is. She'll be good to play with and learn from, it seems."
He began massaging her breasts, and amid the sensation, she was a little proud that, as large as his hands were, her breasts were bigger. Already heat was pooling in her stomach as her Prince watched the Knight toy with her.
"Now, it's unusual that you end up with someone this sensitive. By now, you probably won't have come close to drawing an orgasm out of your partner. I'd encourage you to take your time and learn how best to pull them out. Combine your techniques. Let her feel your mouth, feel you worship her body. It's a wonderful body to get to worship."
At a sharp tug to her nipples, she whimpered and arched into it once more. She could feel the Knight's cock through his pants, heavy and hard against her ass, and fuck her, she was growing more and more desperate for any of it.
"She's so needy," he tutted. "But see how I cup her from below and pull? Come give it a try."
The Prince was fast as he returned to nest himself in front of her, and only one of the Knight's hands pulled away. The intent was clear: both men groped her, shame having left the room ages ago. The Knight's free hand again came to rest between her legs, achingly close to what she needed. Close enough, at least, that he lingered on the edge of where her wetness had soaked her thighs.
"As much as she's enjoying this, your Highness, I feel comfortable setting a goal for you to achieve tonight, if it pleases you."
Dread pooled in her stomach as her Prince's eyes dragged up from her chest. His lip was caught between his teeth. He was enjoying seeing her this debauched.
"Tell me."
"Since the goal is for you to learn how to please your partner, I'd suggest that we not move on from one stage to the next until she's come. Normally, this would be extraordinarily difficult, but she's easy. I think you'll have no trouble at all working her to completion until you've truly mastered something."
Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
His fingers, which had been rolling her right nipple between them, tightened their hold, and he pulled perhaps a bit tighter than he'd been intending. She gasped out a weak 'your Highness' in reply, and he glanced down at her.
"You're right. She is really easy. I think I can manage that."
He was actually going to do it. They were going to pull countless orgasms out of her—how many 'sections' had the Knight designated? Was he about to add more to the lesson plan just to torture her? Was she even going to survive the night, at this rate?
So caught in her thoughts, she didn't notice her Prince leaning down and capturing her nipple in his mouth until he was already there, until she was already moaning. 
"How—how much did you have planned, Sir—" She gasped before she got to his name, but he seemed pleased with the effort.
"You can just leave it at Sir tonight. The deference suits you."
That sent another pang of heat straight to her core. This was unbearable. Her Prince was groping her, playing with her nipples, sucking on her breast like a man who'd die otherwise, and the Knight was simply massaging her inner thighs, driving her insane with his words and how close he came each time to actually touching her. 
"To answer your question, we'll be going until he can make you come from these tits alone, then we'll be adding magic into the equation, which I expect you to teach him—"
"Me?" she interrupted. "You want me to—Moon above—" The Knight nipped harshly at her throat. Another bite mark to add to the collection. "While I'm getting my third orgasm of the night drawn out of me? Do you have any idea how—ah—"
The Prince was lost in his ministrations. Too lost, she thought, to notice the heated conversation she was having with the Knight. 
"Just as difficult, I'd imagine, as having to watch you fall apart again and again and not do anything about it," he growled in her ear. "Be good, and if you make it to the end of these lessons without passing out, you'll be rewarded by both of us."
A low whine.
"And after you've taught him how to incorporate his own magic into making you feel good, we'll teach him how to bring you to orgasm with his fingers, then with his mouth, and you'll teach him exactly how to work your clit, and then we'll see how you fare getting passed between us for educational purposes. And yes, I will be teaching him how to tease you."
Another whine. Her hips bucked a little—her Prince had pulled her tits out by the nipple, as far as they could tolerate, and let them fall weightily back to her chest. He did it again, enthralled with the way they bounced. He would be the death of her, she thought, if the Knight didn’t run her through first. “That’s… that’s a lot, Sir.”
“You’ll take it.”
“That’s six orgasms in a single night!”
“It’s seven, actually. You’re starting to let them cloud your mind already.”
Shit. It was seven. “That’s worse!”
“Like I said, you’ll take it, and you’ll be rewarded for your compliance at the end. You’ll do it because we are honor-bound to serve him, and you, especially, are going to serve him. Perhaps, by the time this is done, we’ll consider training him to have better stamina when it comes to his wife. Would you like that, little one?”
Another thing that infuriated her about him: he was taller than her. No one was taller than her. She was a vampire, and here he was, making her feel tiny.
Lips attached to an unmarked stretch of flesh on her throat. The Prince did not stop kneading her chest as she leaned into it. 
“Well? Would you?”
She thought about it, truly and honestly. Her Prince, kissing her neck, licking her neck, biting her neck, torturing her nipples with his soft hands. Such a stark contrast to the Knight’s calluses catching the skin of her thighs. 
She felt the cock pressing into the apex of her thighs, the fabric she was certainly dampening, and the cock pressed into her back, and her mouth watered. What would training his stamina entail? Fucking her over and over, until he couldn’t take anymore? Allowing her to get on her knees before him and take his cock into her mouth? Would the Knight train her on his cock, first, to ensure she knew how to suck him properly? Would he watch the entire time? Continue to instruct them on how to please one another?
A harsh twist to her nipple had her crying out and jerking. ‘Answer him. I want to hear you tell him what you want.’
And oh, was that delicious. Momentarily, she forgot she was serving her Prince, simply Serving, and she nodded. “I would. I want it. I want it. I—“
‘Good girl,’ her Prince echoed in her mind, and she snapped again, somehow cumming harder than before. He was a fast learner, for sure, and for once, she feared that more than she took pride in it.
“You really are perfect,” the Knight cooed as she came down from her second high. “Not many who cum just from having their breasts played with or their neck kissed. Now go on. Teach him how to use magic to make you feel good.”
Her mind was entirely blank. He was her student, where magic was concerned. This was not a strange request, to teach him how to use magic. But its application to sex? She’d never had normal sex before this. Never even considered the application of magic to fucking her. She stammered something out, did her best, but it only earned a sympathetic coo from the Knight.
“You don’t know, do you? Have the orgasms made you dumb, or have you never brought it into play before?”
She merely shook her head.
“Aw. Well, I’ll just have to teach him, once we’ve shown him how to punish a disobedient partner.”
Her whole body shivered at that. Punish?
“Oh, she likes that idea. How about you, your Highness? Would you like to learn how to punish her properly?”
He nodded. “Signing on to help teach me, then not even teaching me when asked. I think she’s earned it.”
Oh no. He was becoming cruel, too. 
Before she knew it, she was being expertly bent over the Knight’s lap, ass perked up for easy access.
“This is one way I like to punish them, your Highness,” he said, and then she was keening as a sharp smack landed on her flesh. Several more followed in quick succession, her body jerking with each one. When he was done, he rubbed soothing circles into the raw red, cooing sweetly over her. “You want to make sure to cup your hands like this, see? There’s good ways to hurt her and bad ways to. This is one of the good ways. Isn’t that right?”
Tears slipped down her cheeks, and she nodded. “Mhm.”
Another smack. “How did I tell you to address me?”
She sobbed, and she moaned. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Your Highness, let’s see how you hit her.”
Several more smacks against her ass, these less certain, less practiced. He kept going until tears streamed down her cheeks, and then a bit more as he perfected his technique. She’d lost count from the moment her Knight had landed several.
“How is that, darling? Feel good?”
It did. It was humiliating, her cheeks burned, but it was good.
“I think so. Look at her; she’s making a mess of the floor.”
Callused fingertips collected juices running down her thighs. “Oh, yeah. She’s enjoying this. How many was that, little one?”
“Seven… seven… teen?” She honestly wasn’t sure. Seventeen seemed like a good number.
When he let out a dark laugh, her heart stopped. “Your Highness, since she got it wrong, may I show you another good way to punish her?”
“By all means.”
She was maneuvered into sitting up. The fat of her ass was raw from all the hitting. Her Prince soothed her with kind words and a wandering hand, a gesture which helped only until she realized her Knight had undone his belt and taken out his cock.
It was bigger than it had felt. Her mouth watered at the sight, and when he beckoned her over with a pat on his lap, she moved automatically. He positioned her over him, pressed himself inside, and she keened as she sunk down on his length.
“Make her wait for it,” he explained, and suddenly, she understood.
He did not move. In fact, he was busily explaining to her Prince how to heat and cool his fingers to add an extra layer of play to her nipples. It was good, and she moaned and panted and arched, but still the Knight did not move.
“See how desperate she’s getting, just from sitting on my cock, your Highness? Let her sit there a while, and soon, she’ll be apologizing for what she did and begging for you to fuck her.”
She would do no such thing. Not for him. She felt him twitch inside her, and she ached for friction, but received none. Simply his hand, pressing healing magic into her ass until the raw fire turned into a dull, pleasant sting.
One day, she’d get him back for this. Find some way to punish him for treating her like a toy to be played with. He was hot and big and filled her deliciously and he wouldn’t move and someday she’d get down on her knees in front of him and take him into her mouth and leave him groaning until she came off him and didn’t finish him.
…fuck. She was thinking about sucking his cock. She’s already lost.
“Now, you can’t tell, but you can actually feel her walls moving around you like this. That’s how, even when she’s being a brat, you can tell that she’s enjoying this.”
Oh, fuck you.
“Have you got a handle on the temperature play?”
“I think so. How’s she holding up?”
“You’re doing a good job. Every time you pull her nipple like that, she flutters around me. I think she likes having her tits played with. You could probably lay her down and fuck yourself between her tits and she’d come from that alone.”
She couldn’t help the flutter in her stomach at the thought, nor at his low rumble. “Oh, she really likes the idea of that.”
“Might I feel?”
The Knight pulled out of her, and she nearly sobbed, a broken wait leaving her mouth as she was suddenly emptied.
“First, let’s look at how to get her off with your hands…”
Fucking hell. Okay. They were both good with their fingers. The Knight showed him how to curl them to drag another orgasm out of her, then laid her down and showed her Prince how to work his tongue around her clit and move it inside of her. Each time, she was quicker to cum, quicker to cry out and clench around them. 
When at last, the Knight pinned her down on the bed so the Prince could watch him fuck her, she nearly sobbed all over again.
“I can’t—I can’t take anymore,” she gasped out. “It’s too much.”
“You’ll take it just fine,” he said simply, and that was the end of that before he shoved himself inside. 
He set a slow pace at first, explaining patiently between grunts how to move his hips, how different speeds were good for different things. 
“Like this, it’s slow. Intimate. It’s a good way to show your love.” He looked away from the night to glance back down at her, fuck-drunk, eyes almost fully-lidded as she stared up at him. 
She pulled him down into a slow kiss.
What was she doing? This was not in the plan. This was the exact opposite of the plan.
And yet, the Knight kissed her back, slow and sweet, one hand cupping her cheek. When he pulled away, his gaze lingered on hers for a moment before he remembered what he was doing. “See? Like this, you don’t even have to say it. Would you like to try, your Highness?”
The Prince must have nodded, because the Knight gave her one last kiss as he pulled out. She lay there, staring at the two of them. Watching as the Knight kissed the Prince slowly. 
“That,” he said, “was meant for you, my Highness.”
He didn’t miss a beat. He kissed him right back, just as slow, just as sweet. “Keep it. I’ll get my own.” 
Then, he was climbing over her, carefully guiding himself to insert his cock into her. He was pretty, his cock deliciously long and on the thinner side. She thought she caught a glimpse of a vein before he entered, and then he was setting a slow, torturous pace. 
And gods above and below, she was thrilled at it all. She was sore, whimpering, overstimulated, but when he slid himself inside and kissed her, it felt right. She kissed him back, eager and slow, letting him take his time and figure himself out.
She didn’t even notice the tears sliding down her cheeks.
‘I don’t want you to marry her,’ she whispered in the back of his mind, and his hips stuttered. ‘I love you.’
He paused inside her, pulling away to stare at her with wide eyes. “I never thought you’d admit that,” he said, and it was now that she realized: she fucked up.
There was a weight next to them on the bed. The Knight, sitting beside them, lacing his fingers with hers. “Did she tell you?”
“She did.” He nodded.
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered, and planted a kiss on her crown. “You should know, there is nothing forbidding a Prince from wedding his familiar.”
It was her turn now to freeze, as her Prince began to work his hips inside her again. “What?”
“What he said. I will be the King. I can marry whomever I want.”
She couldn’t process it. She didn’t know how many orgasms she’d had that night, but clearly she wasn’t thinking clearly, because that could not be what they were implying.
“If I decided that, say, I wanted to take my Familiar and my Knight into my bed, not as partners in sex, but partners in marriage, there is nothing which would prevent me from doing so except the desires of those partners.”
His hips were picking up the pace, and still, she was staring at him, dumbfounded. He paused suddenly, pulled out.
“Marry us,” the Knight said and lifted her. She was being maneuvered, contorted until she faced the Knight, not the Prince, and two cockheads lined up at her entrance.
“Why—why you?” she managed, eyes wide at the Knight’s face. “Why both of you—why any of this?”
“Because we love you,” the Prince whispered in her ear from behind. “Because we’re going to be together the rest of our lives, him sworn to me and you bound to me, and because I want that to be in a capacity not just as my servants, but as lovers and partners in ruling.”
One of the cocks slid into her, and she moaned quietly. “Even—even Sir—“
The second joined in, stretching her beyond what she thought was capable. Again her head dropped back, mouth hanging open.
“Yes, I love you. You’re brilliant, and kind, and as much as I hate you, I cannot imagine a life without you. Either of you. I would not choose it if I could.”
She was speared with two dicks at once. Before tonight, she had been a virgin, and now, she was unable to think, unable to process anything except the feeling of being so full and the kisses being pressed against the back of her neck.
“Say yes,” her Prince mumbled against her skin. “Tell me I don’t have to marry her. Tell me not to, and we’ll stuff you senseless, and then I’ll go straight to my desk and draft a letter calling off the engagement.” He began to move inside her, achingly slow, until he was nearly entirely out. As he pushed back in, the Knight, too, began to move, and she let out a long moan. 
“Say yes,” her Knight gasped out. “Fuck, you’re tight. Tell him to call off the engagement, love. Please.”
A lifetime with them. Every night in their shared bed.
“I love you,” one man whispered.
“I love you,” the other man groaned.
It was all too much. They were moving, faster and faster they were moving, and her teeth gleamed in the moonlight. She needed to bite to think. She needed blood on her lips to make sense of anything.
She lurched forward and bit down on the Knight’s shoulder as they fucked her, and he groaned and fucked her harder. They’d established a rhythm, and the feeling of flesh beneath her teeth was all that kept her sane in light of that rhythm. When she had her fill and was sure she hadn’t killed him, she lathed her tongue over the marks, and she sighed.
“Yes,” she mumbled into him. “Fuck me harder, fuck me senseless, and I’ll marry you both. Please, please, please—“
One of them came.
She couldn’t tell you which one, but it didn’t quite matter, because the other followed not long after, and she was flooded with their hot seed, and then she was cumming around them, and both men groaned. The Knight had to hold her up, the Prince holding her back as she thrashed something violent, and when they both pulled out and all three laid alongside one another on the bed, she cried with overwhelm.
“It’s so much,” she managed as one stroked her hair and the other danced magic-laden fingertips over her to soothe her. “It’s so much.”
“We’ll bathe, and we’ll rest in the few short hours before morning, and then we’ll work out the plan,” her Prince promised. “First to call off the engagement, then to make this one official. You’ll make a wonderful Queen, my love.”
She let out a little guttural noise. There were hardly any words left in her, except one important question: “There is no possible way that was your first time.”
“It wasn’t.”
“It was hers, though,” the Knight said, amusement playing in his voice. “I think we’ve ruined her for anyone else. What do you think, my Prince?”
“Good. She’ll never be with anyone else.” The Prince trailed fingers over her bare shoulder with a loving sigh. “And, ideally, neither will we.”
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
If you'd like to be tagged, shoot me a message or an ask, or ask here in the replies, tags, or reblogs and let me know what you'd like to be tagged in (all works, all works specific to a character, all smut works, etc.).
As always, thank you for reading! <3
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arminsleftnut · 3 years
hi!! i’m so excited to see a blog that writes for death note, it’s become a recent hyperfixation of mine and i can’t find any good fics!!! 💗💗💗💗
could you provide some nsfw content for L? any is fine really, hc’s or a full drabble if you’d like!! i’m desperate for L content lol 💗💗
YES oh my god of course 💗💗 deathnote is one of mine too (i rewatch it like once a week) n L is my major comfort character. i did a kinda cross between a drabble and headcanons for this! I hope it’s what you were looking for <333
CONTENT WARNING: smut (MDNI, 18+), female-bodied reader (gender-neutral pronouns), fingering, begging, mild pain kink, overstimulation, L being .. himself and also mildly obsessive, voyeurism (read: L is a creep misa was right), slightest bit of dubcon if you squint, masturbation, pillow humping, dom!L and yes i will die on this hill, sub!reader, L is actually a little mean in this one, dacryphilia, thigh slapping, fluff at the end if you squint, let me know if i need to add more!
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being physically intimate with L was something you never really considered when you first got together. you weren’t even sure sex was something that was on his radar; he had so many other things to think about, and physical pleasure seemed like something he didn’t pay any mind to.
and you were right— for the most part. it’s not something L ever stops to consider. it’s not that he’s necessarily disinterested, it’s just never been a priority. he usually just takes care of himself when the urge arises.
with you here, though, it’s different. he’s not alone anymore, and your own desires are something he assumes he needs to factor in, and as many times as you assure him that it’s completely okay if he doesn’t want to have sex, that you can take care of it yourself and it’s a nonissue, he’s still . . . curious.
he’s seen you before on the monitors; those times late at night when everyone else has gone to bed and you forget there’s cameras everywhere, that he can see everything you do. he watches you as you’re spread out on the shared bed he rarely sleeps in, slipping your fingers in and out of your little cunt, your mewls and soft whines carrying through the speakers and shooting straight to his cock. he wonders if it’s wrong to watch you like this, but even as he ponders if misa amane was correct, that he is a pervert, he still doesn’t tear his gaze away from the screen. there is the possibility you hadn’t forgotten about the cameras at all. perhaps you wanted him to see.
he doesn’t say anything, less to save you any possible embarrassment and more because he’s found that a subject is least genuine when they know they’re being observed. it’s human nature, he knows, to alter yourself beneath the lens of others, to hide, and he doesn’t want that. this is a side of you he hadn’t considered might exist— an obvious oversight, and one he aims to correct.
that was how L always was. he loves you, yes, you can say that confidently. but as quiet and soft-handed a man as he is, his love is not simple, nor is it gentle. like him, it’s invasive and relentless. it’s not uncommon for you to feel somewhat neglected, or that perhaps he forgets about you altogether, but he never does. in fact, it’s quite the opposite. you are just as much a fixation, a complex puzzle to be torn apart and examined as any case, and rarely does a minute go by in which he doesn’t think of you. it’s perhaps not as romantic as you might like, with his owlish gaze pinned on you whether through a monitor or when you’re sitting next to him, picking apart every detail, but you can’t say he doesn’t pay attention to you. sometimes, you think he pays too much.
when he finally touches you, it’s no different.
he watched for weeks before he broached the idea. the hours you spent trying to satisfy yourself, with your hand between your legs or rutting desperately against a pillow— yet you never seemed truly satisfied. it was obvious in your expression, face screwed up cutely in obvious distress, frustrated tears welling in your eyes and streaking prettily down your flushed cheeks. you could only ever take two of your own fingers, he noticed; you’d tried more a few times, seeming to find your own two small ones dissatisfactory, but you could never quite make it, leaving you in a painful limbo that always has you in a particularly sour mood the next time he speaks with you.
the more he watched, the more he realized how truly unsatisfied you were. one night, you spent thirty minutes rocking against your pillow, and despite the wetness that darkened your pretty panties, you eventually gave up, tossing the ruined pillow away from you with a small, frustrated shriek. he wondered why; and more still, why he suddenly found his own hand unsatisfying, and why he could only curve his own thoughts with ones of you on the monitor, spread out prettily.
it was horribly distracting, really. and with anything else, L had to make sense of it.
in the end, he ends up with more questions than answers.
it’s not his fault, really. it’s yours. you’re so fascinating to study, and so eager to let him learn. you’d been so utterly pliant as he pried your thighs apart, stuttering out reassurances that he didn’t have to do this, asking over and over if he was sure. he doesn’t bother to tell you that this wasn’t for you— he wouldn’t be able to think properly until he’d gotten his answers.
there’s none of the awkward hesitation you might’ve expected, no unsure fumbling of hands or knocking teeth. no, L is sure of this as he is anything else he studies, tearing it apart as he sees fit until he’s satisfied with the conclusion. you’re no different, and he’s just as relentless as he always is.
there’s a certain desperate edge to it when he touches you, like he’s trying to tear everything from you by force. he watches you squirm beneath him, mewling and pleading incoherently as the walls of your pretty cunt spasm around his fingers for what feels like the thousandth time (it would seem you can, in fact, take three), and the only thing he can think of is how many more you’ll be able to give him. surely this isn’t your breaking point? no, he knows better, that can’t possibly be it. you can take more, and he tells you so, deafened to your mindless babbling and choked sobs as you try to push him away.
it’s strange that you do that. you get so upset when he actually does pull away:
he has to pin your hands down eventually; clawing at him the way you are is only a hindrance, and it reduces his overall effectiveness significantly. fortunately, you seem to learn quickly, responding especially well to a sharp slap to your inner thigh. (he isn’t sure if it’s a carrot or a stick, given the way you clench around his fingers when he does it. regardless, it works, so he does it again).
it really only occurs to him to stop when your body seizes again, this time falling entirely limp, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. he might’ve worried, but your eyes flutter open only a few seconds later, and it’s then that he considers that you might be rather exhausted.
“are you alright?” his voice is quiet, hoarser than normal, and uncharacteristically gentle. he cocks his head at you, the puppy-like gesture such a stark contrast to the delightful hell he was inflicting on you only moments before that you can’t help but giggle tiredly.
at your assurance that you aren’t on the verge of collapse, not anymore at least, he takes time to clean you up, his touch feather-light and familiar in its softness. he lets you cling to him, winding his awkwardly long body around you in a sort of cradle, tucking your head beneath his chin.
he counts the minutes until you fall asleep, measuring your breaths against his own. as much as he enjoys tearing you apart to see what’s inside, there’s a strange satisfaction in putting you back together again.
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this is my first published smut i apologize in advance.
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
onlyfans #2 [ransom drysdale x reader x lee bodecker]
A/n: !!!! part two is here and I’m literally so excited lmao. It was supposed to be twice as long, but stick around because I’ll start writing part 3 asap!! I love this concept!! Come talk to me about it!!
Summary: Ransom decides that what his onlyfans account needed to get more traction is a threesome. So here he is, Sheriff Lee Bodecker in all his glory. (SMUT) 8.9k
Warnings: unprotected sex, double penetration, oral (both receiving), humiliation, degradation, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, domestic submission, daddy kink, slapping, spanking, dubcon/noncon, filming sexual acts... they’re both assholes, you have been warned! Absolutely DO NOT READ if any of these upset you or make you uncomfortable in any way! Also, 18+ in case that wasn’t clear lol. That being said... ENJOY!!
 You can read part 1 here, although this works as a standalone too!
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Despite your fingers nervously trembling around the small brush in your hand, your makeup turned out just about perfect. And now, you were just standing there, in front of the mirror, studying every inch of your face, searching for any small detail that had yet to be fixed. There wasn't one. Just like always, you now looked perfect too. 
Still, the will to stand up and leave was absent. It was perfectly silent around the room, creating the perfect environment for you to get lost in thoughts. Your stomach was buzzing with enthusiasm and your palms were sweaty, yet you wanted to delay the moment for as long as you could - maybe the eyeliner wing on your right eye was a bit too thick - maybe you needed to start over. And you were just about to do so, to grab the makeup remover inches away from your hand, and undo the work you've put so much patience in. But you didn't get to.
The door opened and Ransom walked inside. 
You didn't turn around, as his frame showed up in the mirror, right behind you. 
"You look beautiful, love" he said softly, his fingers dancing through your recently styled hair.
"Thank you"
"Look at me" he cooed, tilting your chin.
You fell back against his hard abdomen, smiling deeply as you searched for his stern eyes. They were cold, you knew he had something in mind.
It was one of those days when he wouldn't allow anything to go wrong. Although always a control freak, throughout your relationship, you learned when it was absolutely necessary to not piss him off - and it was more than easy to tell that this was one of those times.
"I love you" Ransom smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
His touch warmed you up from the inside. Slowly, his hands descended from your shoulders, caging your chest into a sweet embrace, before grabbing your breasts into his palms. You moaned lightly, your eyes falling closed.
"Such a good girl" he chuckled, squeezing harder until you squirmed under his touch. "Does it hurt?" he asked, his grip not loosening up.
You nodded, eyes still closed and your smile just as wide. "But I like it," you confessed.
"Of course you do, baby" he laughed, "I know exactly what my baby needs"
Cheeks on fire, you spun around in your chair, and wrapped your arms around his middle. Ransom rubbed your back a few times, before harshly pulling you up to face him, "How are you feeling? You feeling good? Excited?"
"Yes" you nodded eagerly.
He took a deep breath, kissing the top of your head before returning to look at you with a serious glare in his eyes, "Lee's gonna be here real soon, and I need you to be real good for me, ok? I know you can, but you can also be a pain in the ass, sometimes. Now is not the time, Y/n, ok?"
"Yes, I know" you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, "I'll make you proud, you'll see. I wanna do this right, Ransom, I won't let you down, I promise."
Hearing your words, the corners of his mouth tilted into a devious grin, "Why aren't you always like this?" Despite his words being somewhat cold and condescending, there was awe in his eyes. It didn't always look like it, but he loved you more than he could ever put into words - he did it in his own fucked up way, but he did, and you knew it.
"I try" you giggled, "You know I always try to be good, it's just that sometimes it's hard with you"
"I wouldn't be so hard on you, baby girl, if you didn't ask for it"
"Ok" you sighed, smiling as you spoke inches away from his lips, "You know I never actually mean to upset you, right?"
"Of course, angel, you're not that stupid"
"Oh my god" you rolled your eyes.
Laughing at his antics and at his ways of making everything that came out of his mouth sound demeaning, you turned around to give yourself another look in the mirror.
"I'm not finished, baby" he sighed, grabbing your elbow to spin you around. "Now, I know you're not dumb enough to say no to me, but it's not gonna be just us two today-"
"I know" you cut him off, stomping your foot, already growing annoyed with what looked like his lack of trust in you, "I won't do anything to piss him-"
"No," Ransom said harshly, grabbing your chin. Your blood ran cold as his demeanor changed. "Why do you have to go and make assumptions, hm? Told you to be a good girl and listen to me. He's not even here yet, and there you are, interrupting me when I'm speaking to you. You know how much I hate that. Are you capable of shutting that mouth and listening?"
You nodded against his grip, eyes wide with regret.
"Good" he cleared his throat, "What I wanted to say, you dumb slut, is that if he does anything you don't like - and by anything, I mean so much as breathes the wrong way, you tell me, and he's out, got it?"
"Yes" you whimpered, taken aback. You did not see that coming.
"You'll be a good girl, listen to him and do whatever he says, yeah? If you don't like him, you come to tell me. If you don't come and tell me, I'll assume everything goes, understood?"
"Use your words, full sentences, come on, Y/n, I know it's hard for you, but you can do it," he growled, shaking your entire frame to get your attention.
"If- if I don't like him-" you mumbled, "I'll tell you. Otherwise, I'll do everything he says"
Instantly, his face contorted into a sick smile, letting go of your chin, "Was that so hard?"
You weakly shook your head, "No"
Ransom opened his mouth to say something else, but the sound of the door bell ringing beat him to it. A wave of anxiety washed over you, but he never looked more excited. Ransom hurried towards the door of the bedroom, stopping just before waking out, "Is that blow job proof?" he asked, pointing to your lips.
"Yeah" you nodded.
"Good, I like a challenge" he grinned, "Come downstairs whenever you're ready"
"Wait-" you hurried to stop him, "You never told me what to wear"
Ransom frowned, looking you up and down. You had a violet bralette on, and a pair of shorts. This wasn't right.
"Wear whoever you want, love" he said confused, "You won't be in them long anyway"
"Ok" you whispered, head buzzing with a million possibilities, "I'll be right there"
"Take your time, baby"
And with that, he left. 'Fuck' you thought, rushing over to your closet. Nervous sweat coated your entire body as your eyes scanned over the multitude of clothing options laying before you, yet none of them seemed to fit the occasion. You knew better than to wear something unnecessarily skimpy that would make every one of your movements uncomfortable, but at the same time, you knew sweats wouldn't cut it. After a moment's worth of careful consideration, you took off your bra and instead put on a black cashmere shirt, with the top buttons undone to the point where your cleavage was nothing more than suggestive, and tucked it into a pair of high waisted shorts. For a second you considered adding heels to your outfit, but figured none of the two men patiently waiting downstairs would think twice before asking you to put them on in case that was what they wanted. So, you hooked your fingers around the heel of the shoes, and left the bedroom.
As you tiptoed your way down the circular staircase, Ransom's familiar tone became audible. When you rounded the corner, his voice came to a halt, and instantly, his eyes met yours.
"Babe!" he called, his proud smile lighting up the room. He raised one hand to wave you over as he sent a knowing grin to his guest.
From where you were standing, you could only see the back of Lee's head. Now, you had seen pictures of him, yet a buzz of anticipation coursed through your body. As you walked across the living room, Ransom's eyes never left your frame, but Lee took his time. He had only turned to look at you when you reached them, deep, hungry blue eyes scanning your frame.
You knew he was a sheriff two towns over, so that was why you found yourself just slightly disappointed with the fact that he seemed to have left his uniform at home. It made sense, but you still wished he had brought at least the hat. 
His attire resembled a police uniform, however these were regular clothes. Nothing more than a black shirt tucked into some worn out pair jeans, and a leather jacket to top off the look. At a first glance, he wasn't the type to take your breath away, but still, your eyes remained trained on him.
He looked about a few years older than Ransom, which made him maybe 15 years older than you, only the thought tugging the corners of your lips into a frenzied grin. You did your best not to stare, but you found yourself somewhat drawn to him. He wasn't your type, not even by far, especially considering the way his belly pushed down on the belt of his jeans, but the circumstances allowed, and you couldn't deny the pang you felt between your legs when you remember what he was here for.
"Baby?" Ransom called. With a small jump, you came back to reality, and turned to your boyfriend, a polite smile on your lips. "Sheriff Lee Bodecker, Y/n. Y/n, this is Lee"
Before he even finished making the introductions, you had already tiptoed your way over. "Nice to meet you" 
Up close, there was something different about him. He didn't bother standing up, instead just spread his knees a little wider, taking your hand into his and kissing your knuckles, "Nice to meet ya, sweetheart"
Tingles went up your arm from where he had just pressed his lips to your skin, and as your mind was busy processing the situation, you failed to say anything else.
Ransom saved you the embarrassment, cutting off the silence, "Love, grab us something to drink, ok?"
"Yes, of course!" you jumped, eager to change the tone. "What would you like?"
"I'm a whiskey man myself-" Lee snickered, "I'll take whatever you guys have, though. Just make it cold. Ice, if ya got any"
You turned to Ransom. "That Toussaint no.05 bottle, baby, you know which one?" he asked.
You nodded.
"Good, now hurry"
And you did - you almost stormed out of the room, rushing into the kitchen. Being out of their presence felt like you could finally breathe again. Planting your hands on the cold, marble counter, you leaned forward, taking in breath after breath. 'Calm the fuck down' you thought to yourself. 'The fuck is wrong with me? He's not good looking-' you cringed, squeezing your eyes shut, 'Then why am I-' 
You stopped yourself before even articulating the thoughts. You were afraid of what it meant. That was not something for you to process right now. So, forcing yourself to not make any wrong move, you took out the good glasses stashed on the top shelf of the kitchen counter, added a couple of ice cubes, and watched the whiskey linger along them. 
Cringing at the thought of announcing the drinks were ready, you decided to walk back inside without another word, and placed the glasses on the small coffee table between them.
"Where's your glass, puppet, ya gonna drink straight from the bottle?" Lee asked, not even hesitating before attacking his whiskey.
"Oh, I don't really drink"
"Why not?" he asked, cringing from the sourness of the drink.
"I-" you stammered, turning to look at Ransom.
"Have a sip" he laughed at your innocence, pointing to his glass, "See if you like it"
"Come on, angel, you'll love it." Lee chuckled, patting the spot next to him on the couch, "Pour yourself a drink and come sit down with me"
Against your better judgement, you did as told. You went and fixed yourself a glass, but when you returned, it was as if the alcohol had already gotten to them. You knew they couldn't have been drunk yet, but it sure looked at if it was what they needed to get the vibe going. Ransom gestured for you with a simple nod to join Lee, and on shaky knees, you did so.
In your mind, you were going to walk over there and sit at least 10 inches away from him, but he had other ideas. When you reached him, Lee spread his legs, tapping his thigh, "Come 'ere, doll"
You gulped and sat down in his lap, his hands instantly finding your hips. "You good?" he asked, rubbing his big, calloused hand up and down your bare thigh, "Seem a little tense"
"I'm good" you smiled shyly.
"Ya sure?" he asked tauntingly, throwing you a wicked smile that exposed his teeth. It sent shivers down your spine, but you nodded obediently. Wanting to release some of the tension, and due to a lack of a better answer, you turned to Ransom, who much to your dismay, had his nose buried into his phone - his attention nowhere near to whatever was going on in the room.
Lee was quick to cry for your attention, not too shy to grab your chin and get you to face him again. "Don't you think you and I should get to know each other a bit?" he taunted, "Or do you not have any kind of problem fucking a random stranger?"
"I-" you muttered, eyes widening with surprise, "Yeah. You're right, yeah. We should"
It was as if he could feel the tension in your veins. And it was if he feasted on the uneasiness that enveloped you. His proud stare showed just how much he was enjoying the moment.
"Let me see you, then, doll" he hummed, rubbing the back of his fingers up your side, tracing the curve of your breast. "Got no reason to be shy" he added, tugging at your collar.
"I- I'm not shy" you sighed, shaking your head.
"Told ya to drink some of that whiskey, doll, would've made things easier." Lee grabbed the highest button that was still done on your shirt, playing with it between his fingers, "Wanna see your tits, baby"
Determined to at least start on the right foot, you didn't hesitate to open a few more buttons and then pull the shirt over your head. Never in your life had you felt more exposed, and the pain between your legs reflected that perfectly. 
"Sorry to interrupt-" Ransom laughed, standing up from his spot.
His voice nearly startled you. Embarrassment took over you when you put all the pieces together, and your palms got sweaty just thinking about what he was about to say.
"I'll give you two some alone time-" he continued, "Gotta set up the room anyway. But I need to post a picture before, a little hype never hurt nobody, right?"
"Right" you nodded, waiting for further instructions. 
However, they didn't come from Ransom. Lee grabbed your waist and spun you around, your back now facing him. Straddling his right leg, you pushed your ass back against his crotch and brought your chest forward, tilting your head to the side, as you waited for Ransom to take the picture.
He was chuckling as he did, shaking his head with an expression on his face that you failed to read. Instantly, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked over to you. He laced his fingers through your hair, looking down into your eyes.
"You gonna be a good little girl for Mr. Bodecker?"
"You'll do anything he asks, ok?"
"Yes, I will" you nodded.
"Promise me?"
"Yes, I promise" you smiled up at him.
"Don’t piss him off, Y/n, you'll regret it later" Ransom threatened, but he did so with an eager grin on his lips.
"I won't" you giggled, "I promise"
"She can't piss me off" Lee butted in, his whole frame shaking with laughter under your weight, "Look at her"
"I see her" Ransom smirked, walking towards the bedroom, "I fucking see her but you'll be surprised how big of a fucking pain in the ass she can be when she wants to"
"You look a fucking gem to me, doll" he grinned.
You turned around in his hold and settled back on his thigh, but this time facing him. "Thank you" you smiled.
"Can't lie," Lee chuckled, "Curious what you could do to piss your daddy off"
"Nothing on purpose"
"Course not" he agreed, every now and then his glare slipping down to your exposed chest. "Can tell you're a good girl, and you know your place. Wouldn’t be standing here if you weren't, would you?"
"I guess not"
He took a deep breath, "I tell you what-" Lee sighed, grabbing your glass and shoving it into your hands, "Drink this. All of it, like the good girl you said you are, and maybe then I won't have to force the words out of you, hm?"
"I'm sorry-" you tried to excuse yourself, "I'm just-"
His tone made the temperature in the room drop, and you didn't hesitate. The alcohol burned its way down your throat, upsetting your stomach before you even finished the drink. The bitterness became too much, and feeling your gag reflex threaten to stop you from ingesting any more of the whiskey, you straightened your back and pulled the glass away from your lips.
"What did I say?" he raised an eyebrow, "Finish it"
And he helped you with it, guiding your hand back up to your lips, forcing the remaining liquid to pour down your throat. A few stray drops escaped and dribbled down your chin, giving him the perfect excuse to gather them with his thumb and then shove his digit into your mouth.
You gathered your lips around his finger, your eyes shakily looking for his.
"See it wasn't that hard?" he laughed, and you nodded no, without breaking the eye contact.
"God damnit, girl, got my cock all hard already"
You watched him carefully, unable to answer with his thumb still knuckles deep into your mouth. It was clear you were driving him insane, his cock bulging against the material of his pants.
"Come 'ere" he eventually said, moving his hand to grip your chin, roughly pulling you towards him.
You leaned into his touch and followed his lead. Slowly, you found yourself bent over him, your chest pressed to his, as he welcomed your lips into a greedy kiss. It took you aback, but you gave in completely. He took the lead, one hand on the back of your head and the other on your waist, his tongue exploring your mouth with nonchalance. For better support, you planted your palms against his shoulders, hoping you could pull yourself up and straddle his hips. 
"Like this" the sheriff grunted against your lips, effortlessly guiding you higher up his thigh. You settled with a small huff, holding onto his chest for better balance. The hunger on his lips was consuming you as he kissed down your neck. His hands reached behind your back, pressing you down into his leg. Unconsciously, you started to rock back and forth, slowly and subtly, not wanting things to escalate, all you needed was a bit of release.
But Lee caught onto it, snaking his fingers under the hem of your way too revealing shorts, "Wanna get yourself off on my leg, doll?" he whispered against your jaw, tightening his hold on your ass.
You whined lowly, not giving him any kind of answer.
"Is your cunt wet?" he asked, his hands not leaving your ass.
"Yes-" you cringed, pressing yourself harder down against his thigh.
"Then fucking strip, and get yourself off"
"Now?" you gasped.
"No, tomorrow" Lee rolled his eyes, slapping your cheek hard enough to get you to realise just how serious he was. 
For the first time, you felt actual fear in your veins, but at the same time, your fingertips buzzed with determination to please him. So you scrambled off his lap and undressed, your jeans sliding off your legs with ease, followed by your panties, drenched and already slick with your juices. His glare burned your skin but you returned to your place against his leg.
The feeling of your bare core against the material of his jeans drove you insane. It was rough and slightly painful, but once you started to move, rolling your hips along his muscles, the pain started to fade into pleasure. With your hands gripping the sides of his shirt under his jacket, you worked on getting yourself off.
"Look at me" the sheriff commanded, slapping your ass, "What goes through that head of yours now, hm? Tell me"
"You" you panted, slowly looking up at him with shame in your eyes, "Now- what I'm doing now-"
"Makes you feel like a slut?"
You hesitated, but answered, "Yes"
"And you love that, don't you?"
"Yes.. I do"
"Should've figured that out sooner" Lee shook his head, his hands lewdly gripping your breasts, "You whore yourself out for money everyday, don't know why I thought I should go easy on you. You don't want that, do you? For me to go easy on you? You wanna be roughed up real good. Saw what your daddy does to you everyday, you can take it"
"Yes, I can take it" you whined, doing your best to work with what you got. No matter what you did, you wanted more. More pressure against your clit, needed something to enter you, needed Mr. Bodecker to push your buttons just a bit more. 
"Were you always like this?" he taunted, guiding your hips towards a more profound release, his nails deep in your skin as he spoke through his gritted teeth, "Whiny, and with no fuckin' shame? Eager to please whatever man touches you?"
"No?" he questioned surprised, "Ransom turned into into his fuck doll, didn't he?"
You nodded, feeling your walls start to clench as you were getting closer and closer to an orgasm.
"I bet you like it better now, don't you?" Lee pushed, "Bet the fuckin' is so much better now that you got yourself a man that knows how to treat a whore like you"
At this point your core was numb as you sweated through every pore, your high moments away. "Never- I- I never had anyone else" you confessed in a shaky tone.
"What?" Lee exploded, perverse enthusiasm threatening to burst out of him. He smiled like you've never seen him before, his pupils dilated as a rush of jealousy washed over him. "That fucker, shoulda known" he shook his head.
"He loves me” you tried to articulate, your words coming out all whiny and muffled.
“Show me how much you love your daddy-” Lee growled, grabbing your chin into his hand. He immobilized you so that you couldn’t look away, his eyes so vile and crude that you felt violated to your bones, “Cum for me if you love him, you know that’s what he wants”
“Yes” you cried.
“He wouldn’t have you in this position if he didn’t love you, baby” he huffed, his lips wet with spit as the anger in his words took over, “He trusts you to be good, don’t let him down”
“I don’t want to let him down”
“Then be a good fucking slut and cum”
You felt pleasure roll up your spine, your eyes squeezing shut as tears broke away at the corners. You bit down hard into your lips, coming undone into the hands of the stranger Ransom chose, and you didn’t have anything against it. As wave after wave of liquid ecstasy surged through your frame, you moaned out loud, profanity after profanity, until your body reached its limits and you fell into his hold, body limb in Mr. Bodecker’s lap.
“Knew you had it in ya” he commented, rubbing your back, before rolling you off of him. With minimal effort you settled by his side on the couch, naked and sweaty, your thighs sticky together as you waited for his next move.
“I know sluts like you think better after their pussies get some attention, so now you can listen to me” Lee taunted, his hand exploring your body.
With big, doe eyes, you remained silent.
“Got a few rules for you, doll” he grinned, slipping his fingers along your sensitive folds, “Think you can keep up?"
“I can” you responded, just his condescending tone making your clit buzz all over again.
“Once that camera is on, I’m not a fucking sheriff and my name isn’t Lee, got that? I’m Sir to you, or whatever that brain of yours manages to muster. Don’t care what you have to say anyway, so you can go ahead and call me whatever you deem appropriate. If you choose anything stupid, you’ll regret it, so I’m counting on the fact that you won’t”
“I won’t” you shook your head, finally slipping in the right mood for what was to come, “I’ll call you Sir”
“Good,” he slowly nodded, his eyes scanning your body. His hand still between your legs, was teasing your opening, making you crave more, but you knew better.
“What are the other rules?” you asked innocently.
“Had a couple more” Lee admitted, standing up from the couch and motioning for you to follow suit, “But won’t it be so much more fun if you figure them out as we go?”
“I don’t want to do anything wrong” you pouted, scrambling to your feet.
“Sweet-” he grinned, slapping your ass and pointing towards the bedrooms, “I’m sure you will though, and I can’t wait”
“I won’t” you beamed, turning around and walking backwards up the stairs, “You’ll see!”
“Wanna make me real proud?”
“Figure out what the other two rules were, and maybe then I won’t think you’re just a dumb fuck toy”
“You’ll see, Mr. Bodecker” you giggled, rushing up the remaining steps before reaching the bedroom, “I’m more than meets the eye”
He shook his head, amused with how eager you turned. Your whole attitude changed, you turned from a sweet girl, shy but still determined to do right by her daddy, into this completely other version of yourself, walking naked around the house, smiling proudly when a stranger decided to openly degrade you. Did you care? Not in the slightest.
It only came to you as a sudden realisation that you had no clothes on when you walked into the bedroom, and saw Ransom chuckling under his breath after his eyes landed on you.
“Is that how you get to know people?” he shook his head, opening his closet and fishing out a Tshirt for you, “You fuck ‘em?”
“Jesus-” you scoffed, turning the shirt around in your hands and then pulling it over your head, “We didn’t fuck”
“So you’re just naked and flushed for no reason”
Before you got the chance to say anything you might soon regret, you heard the floorboards creak, as Lee entered the room and walked around you towards the bed. His cock was threatening to rip away through the hard material of his pants, and it wasn’t only you who noticed.
“On your knees, Y/n” Ransom commanded, still on the other side of the room, playing with the camera set-up. 
Without questioning his words, you dropped to the floor, only to have to crawl all the way over to Lee. He looked satisfied, his cheeks red and he seemed on the edge, but he had controlled himself enough. He toyed with your hair as you leaned against his knees, smiling up at him.
“Ok” Ransom said, coming up behind you to face Lee, “Record with this-” he added, handing him his phone, “It doesn’t really matter how good it turns out, the main camera is the one over there-” he said, nodding to the side, “But still, you got the best point of view”
“Yeah, yeah, got it” Lee nodded, taking the phone into his hand.
When no command came for you, you looked up at Ransom confused. 
“What?” he asked, “Want me to teach you how to suck a dick?”
You almost said no. You almost answered probably the most rhetorical question Ransom had ever spoken, and couldn’t help but giggle to yourself. The moment was cut short however, as Lee stood up and undid his pants. Your palms watered as you listened to his belt being unbuckled, and then you didn’t find the will to look away as he started to lower his jeans down his thighs.
You didn’t quite know what you were expecting, but your breathing became unregulated as soon as his enlarged member came into view. More thick than long and with dark veins protruding at its sides, you watched precum leak out of the inflamed head of his cock. 
Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands, Ransom’s, grab your cheeks from where he was standing behind you, and pull you back with force so that he could look into your eyes. He bent down until his breath fanned against your skin, “Don’t hold back, baby, yeah. Suck his cock as good as you suck mine. Don’t fucking disappoint me. You take it down your throat, you swallow and you say thanks, got it?”
When he received your answer in the form of a nod, Ransom pushed you back. He easily guided you forward until you were standing between Mr. Bodecker’s legs. Placing your elbows on his thighs, you picked up his cock, and lowered yourself as deep as you could, planting your tongue as the base of his shaft. You licked your way up until you reached the tip, expertly twirling your tongue along his slit, delighted by the grunts he tried so hard to conceal. 
Pumping him in your hand a few times, you prepared to take him down your throat. You knew he couldn’t last much longer, every sign pointed to him being already close to his release. Wrapping your lips around his tip, you sucked mercilessly from between hollowed cheeks. 
"Love-" Ransom sighed, fisting your hair into his hand and harshly pulling you back. He spoke into your ear, in a grave tone that shook you to the core, "I know you can do better than that”
Hyperventilating, your eyes shot up to meet Lee’s, his expression coated in a crude, hazardous shade of darkness. He brought his hand up to rub his thumb across your bottom lip as he, much to your surprise, guided you back, “Come on, doll”
You obliged, and resumed your work as Ransom’s hold on you loosened up.
You bopped your head up and down against the tip of his cock, chest tightening with the anxiety of going further. It was the fear of the unknown that took hold of you, but it was short lived, your suspicion based dread soon being replaced with a fear that was solely rooted in the acts of the two men around you.
Lee curled his fingers around the roots of your hair, forcing your mouth to slip all the way down his cock. He stopped when it was no longer your will resizing him, but the fact that he couldn’t physically push you any further.
You slumped under his grip, your knees falling weak as your back resumed its curved position, trying - hoping to make some way - any kind of way for air to still pass to your lungs. But it was in vain, as your throat convulsed around his bulbous head, your eyes wet with still unshed tears. Deep down, you knew you could keep going, but your instincts begged for a release. 
Slowly, you curled your fingers into the flesh of his thighs, pressing down hard as your legs squirmed under your weight. You tried to move away, but were only met with the pain of your hair being pulled, as Lee continued to keep you in place.
“Stop fighting it, you little slut. You know that's what you're here for” Ransom called, bending down behind you.
His right hand snaked up your shirt, his greedy touch exploring the skin of your sides and then he went further up your chest. It was suffocating and exhausting, a wave of shame rushing up your spine as the first row of tears rushed down your cheeks.
A loud sob tried to escape your throat but it was muffled by the way Lee’s cock filled your mouth. That didn’t stop you however from continuing to choke back pitiful wails as your air supply was running dangerously low.
No matter how hard you fought him, it seemed in vain. He enjoyed his moment of pleasure too much, his chest shaking with every grunt that passed his dry lips.
“Fuck, yes” he eventually cried out, throwing his head back as he released you from his furious grip.
You stumbled backwards, gasping for air, right against Ransom’s chest. He brushed the hair out of your eyes, looking down at you. His breathing was calm and regulated, almost a mockery compared to the heaving way your chest struggled to make up for the time you spent without air. 
“See?” he laughed, kissing your temple, “Told you you could do it”
It took a few seconds for your vision to focus again, your eyes instantly capturing Lee’s frame. His eyes squeezed shut as he worked himself into his hand. You knew you’d regret it if you let him finish by himself, so you pushed your limits, and despite every muscle of your body trembling out of control, you resumed your position ready to get it over with.
“So eager, you slut” Lee shook his head, gripping your chin. Ransom helped guide you, shoving you back between the sheriff's legs, but this time you didn’t need any assistance in taking him all the way down inside your mouth.
You ignored the pang in your chest when his tip brushed against the back of your throat. Your eyes already wet and lungs close to their breaking point, this time you had no chance in lasting as long as you did the first time. Ransom took it upon himself though, squatting down behind you. His muscled thighs caged your shivering frame, as he pinned you down. 
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he laughed against the shell of your ear, “The way he’s fucking your mouth? And you just sit and take it, cause you’re a smart girl, right?”
A joke - he amused himself, as if there was any way for you to actually answer.
“You like having your whore mouth filled with a fat cock? Especially when it belongs to a man you met about an hour ago, don’t you?”
This time, you blinked uncontrollably. His devious tone and rude words made your body respond in a jerk like fashion, your pussy starting to throb, all while accelerating the rate at which your body was starting to run out of oxygen. You curled your fingers into the thick material of Ransom’s sweater, your gesture begging him to stop. But he didn’t, not yet.
“Don’t be rude, slut” he taunted, and you heard Lee chuckle, deep and raspy as his hips bucked into your mouth, “I know your limits and you know how fun it is for me when I ignore them”
At this point, tears streamed down your cheeks, ruining your makeup, your glittery eyeshadow now coating half your face. You coughed harshly, your throat closing up against his cock as your gag reflex settled for maybe what was the final warning.
And as it turns out, Ransom did now your limits, as just when you thought you literally couldn’t take any more, not even just one second longer, he grabbed your hair, pulling you back. His action was met with a loud, pleasure infused moan from Lee’s part, all while you broke down. You clawed away at Ransom’s chest, gathering yourself into a ball between his outstretched arms, as you waited for your body to get accustomed to air again.
“Shh, baby-” he cooed, stroking your hair, “You’re ok, look up at me”
And you did, eyes watery and searching for any kind of warmth or understanding. There were traces of what you knew and called love, but they were hidden behind a perverse satisfaction rooted in seeing you at his mercy.
"Do you want to make daddy angry?" he asked, in such a sweet tone it made it feel like a crime to give any answer other than what he wanted to hear.
"No" you nodded sincerely.
"Then finish him off, pet, don't waste my time" he urged you, pointing to Lee.
Without even bothering to wipe your tears, you spun around and faced Mr. Bodecker again. He was far away from you, head tilted back as he chased his release by himself.
"Open" he commanded, rubbing his thumb across his slit. 
As it turned out, you were not fast enough to comply, as he broke out of his daze, his palm connecting to your cheek, "Fucking open that whore mouth!"
In a matter of seconds, your lips parted, tongue poking out as you waited. And it wasn't a long wait, his hot cum shooting out of his cock and directly into your mouth in an instant.
You swallowed with every chance you got, licking your lips in search for any drops you may have missed. He cursed his way through the earth shattering orgasm, the chain of profanities that come out of his mouth managing to make all the hairs on your body stand up. 
He finished with a low grunt, "Yeah.. yeah.. fuck.." milking his cock until there was nothing left for you to take.
"Good fucking job, you slut" he chuckled along with a shake of his head, almost looking surprised, "Had plenty of practice, didn't you?"
"A bit" you mumbled coyly.
"Oh, so then you're a natural" he laughed, "Makes sense. A whore mouth of yours should always be stuffed"
Due to the lack of a better response, you looked up and muttered a shy "Thank you"
The rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts that stormed through your head at this particular moment made it absolutely impossible for you to keep up with them, but judging by the way he grinned down at you, it should be safe to assume they were not expecting anything more.
With each moment that passed, you found yourself slipping deeper and deeper into a vicious and twisted state of mind, and you let yourself get carried away - both mentally and physically.
In a haze, Ransom grabbed you and threw you on the bed, not even giving you a chance to settle properly before ruthlessly tugging at the shirt you still had on, ripping it off your body with one excruciating screech. His action accentuated the pain between your legs, and you ended up rubbing your thighs together as you sat naked on the bed while the two men looked at you like prey; 3 cameras still pointed at you, still recording.
You licked your lips as Ransom shuffled out of his clothes, your heart rate fibrillating with anticipation. “On your back, pet” your boyfriend commanded.
Following his orders, you let yourself fall back against the plump pillows, your hands around your chest and knees innocently pressed together. Ransom rounded the bed, coming up behind you. He leaned down above you, coming into your line of sight. Even upside down and with his features mostly hidden away by the shadows of the room, his eyes still shone that familiar shade of darkness that brought you to submission in an instant.
As he bent down all the way to press his lips to yours, you felt your legs being pulled apart. Just because you couldn’t see what was going on aroused you to no end, making you moan into the kiss. Ransom’s hands traveled down your body, caressing your breasts with that amount of pressure he knew would have you squirming. And it did, it worked, as you arched your back, whining against his tongue as he tortured your nipples between his experienced fingers.
He almost monopolized your full attention, your mind concentrating solely on the feel of Ransom’s touches, and this too, again, worked in their favour. Out of nowhere, while you were still enjoying the calm moment, a painful slap echoed around the room, the pain only propagating across your body after you processed what happened. 
That was Lee’s way of demanding your attention, or maybe his way of reminding you that this day wasn’t about you and your pleasure. The slap he delivered against your exposed and sensitive pussy had you whimpering out in pain as you pulled away from Ransom’s lips and gathered yourself into a ball.
“Come back here, darling. Where do you think you’re going?” he laughed, pinning your shoulders down against the mattress, as Bodecker aggressively straightened your legs again. “Wanna make this hard?” Ransom questioned.
“No” you shook your head, “No, no, please”
“Then fucking behave!” he yelled, his instant mood swing taking you aback. 
“I’m sorry”
“Fucking pull away like that again and you will be, you dumb slut” he scoffed, slapping your face again.
In the meantime, Lee crawled between your legs, his sordid nature shining bright as he decided you weren’t worth even a warning, before he rammed two fingers inside your pussy, knuckles deep.
“Fuck!” you screamed, fighting against your instinct, and resisting the urge to close your legs together.
Your reaction won you another slap, this one more tame from Ransom, who towered over you, “Who the fuck do you think you are talking to like that?”
“I’m sorry” you whined, breathing heavily as Lee picked up his pace, his fingers fucking your pussy in a way that was neither painful, nor pleasurable. He worked on driving you close to the edge, tormenting you in the slowest way possible.
“Full sentences from now on, sweetheart” Ransom chuckled, gripping your hair into his fist and forcing your head up to look at Lee, “He’s fucking your cunt, what do you say?”
The look in Bodecker’s eyes cut your breath away, as you’ve never in your life felt more humiliated, but you pushed through, “... thank you?”
Ransom pulled on your hair, “Full sentences, you dumb slut”
“Thank you for fucking my pussy” you said barely above a whisper.
Lee grinned wickedly at your words, “Haven’t even started yet, darlin'” he shook his head, lowering himself between your legs. He licked his way up your folds, his tongue brushing against your sensitive clit a few times before he pushed himself up.
“Just messin’ with ya, doll” he mentioned, lowering himself again.
His words confused you as he resumed his position, his lips finding your clit again, sucking profusely. Your hips bucked under him, the pressure of his teeth brushing against your bundle of nerves, starting to be too much for you to bear. When you moaned out loud, eyes squeezed shut and back arched to the extreme, he pushed himself up, and slapped your pussy again.
“You cum on my cock” he grunted, moving further up the bed.
He leaned on his back, Ransom effortlessly guiding you on top of him. With your body like jelly in his strong arms, you settled with a soft huff, knees on either side of Lee’s hips.
He groaned in pleasure, your thigh brushing against his cock, which much to your surprise was already hardening again. Arching your back in search of some pressure for your clit, you felt the bed dip on your side as Ransom climbed in behind you, his hands coming up to grip your hips.
He lifted you up, sinking his fingers into your pussy. You moaned in pleasure, only to have your heart stop when you felt him caress his way higher up.
“Ransom?” you called with a shaky tone, as you tried to look at him over your shoulder, “What are you-”
“What?” he laughed, slapping your ass hard enough to bruise, “Didn’t think I was gonna stay and watch the whole time?”
“No, no-” you mumbled, shaking your head, eyes meeting Lee’s in the process, “But I don’t-”
“Don’t like it? Don’t want it? What were you about to say?” Ransom taunted, spitting on his fingers as if that would help with the pain in any way. This pathetic excuse for lube made the hairs on your body stand up.
“I dare you” Ransom threatened, “Tell me ‘no’”. As he waited for your answer, he teased your asshole, his fingers aggressively pushing in to stretch your muscles.
“Please-” you whined, afraid the actual wording would send you down a road you didn’t ever wish to explore.
“Please, what?” he asked, “Please Daddy fuck my ass?”
Tears stung the corners of your eyes, as you felt legitimately lost. Uselessly trying to find a way to delay the inevitable, you felt the tip of Lee’s cock toy between your fold before his warm breath hit your skin as he spoke.
“Fuckin’ get on with it already” he huffed annoyed, “Whatcha listening to her for?”. A sob rushed past your lips, making Lee slap your cheek, “Stop fucking crying, take it up your ass like the good slut your daddy said you were, before I lose my patience”
His words stung, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of Ransom’s cock stretching your ass beyond what you ever thought would ever be pleasurable. You screamed out in pain as tears lingered on your chin before falling against Lee’s chest.
Ransom grunted out, his fingers digging into your hips as he felt himself reach another level of ecstasy after watching you mess around all afternoon. The depth his cock reached knocked the wind out of you, your mouth falling agape with absolutely no sounds coming out.
You settled on suffering in silence, hoping it would all end soon. Realisation painfully hit you when you felt the second cock start to penetrate you. Lee spread your folds with his massive cock, stretching your walls.
“So fucking tight” he shook his head, breathing heavily against your face as he forced himself in, “Never thought a whore like you’d be so tight”
And it was all bearable, a pain you considered yourself able to stand. However that all changed when they started to move, their cocks pumping in and out of your in tandem.
With every thrust another cry escaped your lips, the feeling of absolute no control over the abuse inflicted on your body being something you never thought you’d ever dread to this extent.
“Why did we use lube before?” Ransom laughed, letting go of your hips so that he could spank your ass, hard slaps against already inflamed skin, hate in his touch and anger in his tone.
Whenever he pulled out of you, you felt yourself come undone, but when he rammed himself back in, the air was punched out of your lungs, throat closing up with the torment that was getting too much.
Your continuous string of cries was muffled by Lee slamming his lips against yours, his tongue barging in with no warning. He dominated the kiss, not bothered in the slightest by your whimpers or by the fact that you remained motionless against him. He continued to thrust his hips up into you, his hands holding onto your chest, as if you’d ever dare try and pull away.
Despite how wet and needy you already were before he both entered you, you still cursed yourself when you realised just how close you were to another orgasm. 
With each thrust, you were pushed closer and closer to your limit. You arched your back, falling down against Lee’s chest with a cry, “God- it hurts…”
“You lying whore, think I didn’t feel your pussy clench around my cock?” he taunted, tilting your shin up against your will, “Can feel ya milkin’ my cock”
You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping you could at least avoid seeing what was going on if you couldn’t stop it. With each passing second, every one of their movements became more and more aggravated. Hoping to speed up the process and still chasing a release, you snaked your hand down your body, your fingers instantly finding your clit.
You focused on working specific, intricate circles around your bundle of nerves, as the pain seemed to slowly but surely transform into pleasure. For the first time since you found yourself caged between the two men, you actually smiled, as your eyes started to roll back.
For a while, your orgasm seemed to mock you, inches away but still seemingly so far that you were almost out of breath.
What threw you over the edge however was Ransom changing his position, solely his pleasure infused grunt tickling your ears and playing with your senses in such a way that you were instantly hit with a ravening wave of unbridled bliss, the feeling propagating along your limbs until you were shaking from head to toe, crying out as you came undone, for the second time, in the arms of a stranger.
And if until now you felt like you couldn’t take anymore, as you came down from your high, every feeling, every touch, every jab and spank felt infinitely more dire and extreme, your overly sensitive and freshy exhausted body unable to keep up anymore.
What followed turned out to be all a haze. You lost track of time and had absolutely no idea how much time passed until you were finally free. “It fucking hurts-” you whined again, your ass and pussy sore and aching with each thrust.
“Good,” Ransom said, bottoming out. He pushed himself as deep as he could, cursing out from the feeling your body provided for him.
“Please, stop-” you cried.
“Shut up and take it” he screamed, pulling your hair so hard your head was thrown back, “Stop being a fucking bitch. I don’t wanna fucking hear you”
Choked back moans still echoed around the room as they continued to use your body, but you refrained from making any more comments.
Ransom was the first to finish, shooting his load deep inside your ass, “Better fucking keep it in there” he panted, spent and consumed as he pulled out and fell on his back on the bed.
As he stopped guiding your hips, you fell down against Lee’s chest, making him scoff when the position made it more difficult to keep up. Grunting in your ear from the effort, without pulling his cock out of your pussy, he spun the two of you around, pinning you down into the mattress.
He hovered above you, slamming himself balls deep into your pussy, moaning all sorts of profanities against your cheek.
You held onto his back, hooking your legs around his middle, “Come on” you whispered, “Cum inside me”
“Oh, now you want it, huh?” he chuckled in the crook of your next, shoving himself into you a few more times, until he finally had enough. His movements became irregular and sloppy, his growls lower and more aggressive as he fucked himself into you a few more times. He finished balls deep into your pussy, coating your walls with his hot cum before pulling out, and throwing himself down on the bed, in the same manner as Ransom did mere minutes before.
Although no one spoke for a few seconds, the room was far from silent. Rugged breaths echoed around the room as you shuffled closer to Ransom, ready to curl yourself into a tiny ball into his side, “Hold me” you whined against his shoulder.
He wasn’t quick to react, but Lee on the other side, seemed to have been waiting for the right moment to speak up. “Bring us the glasses-” he sighed, slapping your bare ass, “And a refill, doll”
You gulped and searched for Ransom’s eyes, hoping he’d take your side. He did turn to you with a smile, “Yeah, love-” he nodded, caressing your cheek with the back of his fingers, “I’m parched”
Seeing none of them about to change their minds, you shuffled out of bed. Every muscle ached and your bones seemed close to collapse, but you pushed through, limping your way to the living room and returning with their glasses and the bottle under your arm.
After you placed them down on the nightstand, you turned to them, “I’ll go run a bath” you said, pointing to the door.
“Good, babe” Ransom nodded, motioning for you to lean down and kiss his lips. You obliged, finally feeling warmth against your skin after everything that went down.
“I love you, baby” you whined, rubbing your thumb against his cheek bone.
“Love you too, y/n” he smiled. You turned to leave, but just when you were about to pass the threshold, he called for you again. “Lee’s staying over tonight, so when you’re done with your bath, be a doll and fix up the guest bedroom for him, yeah?”
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jinkicake · 4 years
Love You Like I Can
Hinata, Kenma, Tendou when their darling finally breaks up with their s/o.
Hinata Shouyou x Reader
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Tendou Satori x Reader
Anon, I apologize, I kinda branched off into something much darker than you maybe intended,,,,,, I couldn’t help myself/still can’t believe I wrote this LOL........ For those wondering what my Feitan writings are like, it is like this but much worse,,,,, sigh. Also! Please let me know if I forgot to tag a tw, I think I got it all,,,,
TW : heavy implications of yandere themes, stalking, kidnapping, sadistic/masochist behavior, dubcon (kinda),,, 
Take this into consideration before you read ^^^
WC- 2,171
Hinata Shouyou
Do you know Yoosung from Mystic Messenger,,,, LOL I think you guys know where I am going with this,,, Yoosung is the same type of yandere that Hinata would be like…. In this situation/in my mind
Hinata is so sweet and pure that it almost seems unreal for him to be possessive and protective,,,, not to mention obsessive and controlling,,,, so you never see it coming
Pls, if he sees you talking to any guy that isn’t him ,,,,, or any person even,,,, I think he would get really riled up 
He’d want to be with you always and be the only one that you’re thinking about…. 
Hinata just reminds me of that soft boy™ who would turn out to be a mf yandere type….. 
Let’s say you go to Shiratorizawa and you know Hinata from volleyball,,, bc your s/o also plays volleyball. When word gets out that you and your s/o break up, Hinata would be the first to comfort you and would be so supportive with everything you do
Then it kinda goes to shit because one minute you’re drinking something and then the next you’re waking up in an unknown room that you’ve never seen before. You’re all tied up and can barely move, can barely focus on what is even in the room
When you finally wake up Hinata is so happy and he still has that exciting energy he always has,, he’s like ‘ah I’ve been waiting for ten hours and now you’re finally awake!!!!’ And if you try to ask like where you are and stuff, Hinata would just say some bs like ‘you’re with me?’
This mf,,,,, I feel like when he tortures you, he kinda twists it into a way that it makes it seem like he is doing it for your own benefit. Like him carving his initials into your skin is to protect you and for everyone to know who you belong to, that sorta thing
Hinata would put all his energy into showing you why you belong with him, why you two need to be together, he’d probably punish you for not seeing it sooner and that’s where the angry sex comes in….
“Didn’t you know I was there for you all along?” Hinata asks curiously, still thrusting three of his fingers inside of you while ignoring the muffled whines and cries that leave your lips. “Why did it take you so long to come to me?” He continues to ask, a frown taking up his face as he voices his thoughts. His fingers inside of you once brought pleasure but now they are bringing pain, he has made you cum five times and has not once stopped. Your walls are feeling so stretched and every touch to your clit feels like you’re being shocked with electricity, it hurts. “Don’t you realize how much I love you? Why not me? Am I not good enough for you?” 
His orange hair dips as his frustration oozes out of him and he flicks his wrist as he curls his fingers inside of you, dragging along your walls to find that one spot. 
“You’re all mine now, I don’t have to worry anymore, right?” He growls and stares at you, his eyebrows furrowed and the dark look on his face makes him look unrecognizable. 
“You don’t have to worry anymore, Shouyo-“ You cry, and your back arches into the air as he finally drags his fingers along that spot. 
“Good, good.” He sighs happily and uses his other hand to rub your clit with four of his fingers. “I love you (Y/N), I love you so much and now you’re all mine!” 
Hinata’s eyes light up with need as he stares at your swollen clit getting tortured underneath his fingers, his mouth waters at the sight of your cum spilling down his wrist. Hinata sticks his tongue out of his mouth in concentration as he repeatedly snaps his wrist to thrust his curled fingers along your walls and his mouth drops out when you squirt all over him. 
“You must love me so much, don’t you (Y/N)?” Hinata asks you and you don’t have the nerve to tell him that you hadn’t just cum, not when he is like this. His orange hair dips once again between your thighs as he mutters to himself. “It is so obvious, how did I never notice before.”
Kozume Kenma 
Now,,, with Kenma….. I think his feelings would be really dormant for a while,,,, like he would always have these obsessive tendencies with you but he would be able to control it and hide it
He’d become your friend and gain your trust,,, then stick cameras in your room when you’re not watching so then he can always know what you’re doing 
Kenma is the type where your friends would joke about him having a little crush on you and you’d all laugh it off but in reality,,, Kenma is obsessed with you…. He doesn’t simply have a crush on you,,, he is in love with you
And as soon as you break up with your s/o, all his restraint will fly out the window. He will have zero problems taking you back to his own apartment/room and keep you there,,,,, Kenma does this in a way so that it makes you think you have control over the situation like you’re going to his place because you want to
He kinda reminds me of 707 type yandere you know? I don’t know why I keep referring to mystic messenger character but it helps me write this so…. 
Kenma won’t pay any attention to you or give you any attention but just simply having you in the same room as him makes him feel calmer, he lets you talk or rant for as long as you like,,, he is very manipulative with this whole thing
However, when Kenma finally has enough of you talking about your stupid ex s/o that he cannot stand ,,,, he will shut you up
Cue him kissing you and shit~,,, this will go from 0 to 100 real quick like what you think is your ‘friend’ trying to make you feel better will turn into Kenma’s dormant feelings exploding with every touch
All his previous feelings of rejection and just an obsessive need to make you his will surface,,, but he does it in such a way that it isn’t that intense and you’re into it…… even if he has an entire closet filled with sex toys that he wants to use on you 
Kenma will leave physical marks on you….. You’re not coming out of this the same, no, he has a hold on you now and he is never going to let go 
“Kenma!” You cry out as his slender cock rubs along your walls, his arms tighten around you and you moan again at the feeling of his warm skin.
“I can fuck you so much better than they could,” He whispers into your ear as he twists your leg up into an odd angle, one that makes it easier for him to dive deeper into you but also makes your muscle scream in pain. 
“W-what?” You ask, unable to focus on what Kenma is saying due to heat taking over your body. 
“You never moaned like this with them before,” Kenma mentally notes and begins to bite down on your neck, letting his thin hair tickle your jaw. “I’m going to show you how much I care about you.” 
You can only nod at his words, even if you have zero clues what he is saying, it doesn’t really matter when he’s fucking you this good. It’s like you can’t even remember your own name.
“You like that, don’t you?” He coos in amazement and tests his theory as he sits up on the back of his calves, holding you up by your waist with your legs draped over his shoulders, practically fucking you upside down. This new angle makes you feel everything, and the gravitational pull on your breasts makes you grab onto them which brings a new wave of pleasure.
“Oh, Kenma I’ve never been fucked like this before,” You mewl happily and take pleasure in the way he is quite literally rearranging your guts. Kenma smirks to himself and digs his nails into your waist, watching as you wince slightly.
“I know, I know.” He mutters quietly and continues to smack his hips into your ass, watching with heavily lust-filled eyes at the way you squirm at the sting. “What kind of filthy whore likes this kind of play?” Kenma wonders in amusement, the deep crescent moon shapes are left into your skin by his nails and Kenma starts to wonder what exactly else he can get away with you.
Tendou Satori 
Tendou,,,, ah,,, I kept thinking about this one for a while…… 
He would somehow always be able to keep tabs on you,,, even if you’re not really friends and if you go to different schools. Whether it be that he just always keeps himself updated on your social media or hears a lot about you, 
Any aspect of your life… Tendou will somehow know about it without you even realizing it… He also is very attentive with your s/o too and always keeps tabs on them as well and very soon it turns into an obsession like Tendou has to have you 
Tendou wants you so badly and all to himself, to the point that he can’t hold himself back and he needs to talk to you 
Even if you go to different schools Tendou will coincidentally run into you, it is so perfect that you’d never expect that every minor detail was planned, and he slowly builds up your friendship from there
Tendou seems like the type to be very clingy and always touching you but not to the point where you’re weirded out by it,,,, he does it in a way that you genuinely come to like…. You and your s/o probably break up because of Tendou 
I feel like Tendou would manipulate his actions so that you genuinely fall for him,,,, which works perfectly for him because now he has you all to himself
It’s like a flip is switched and Tendou goes from your caring friend to the possessive person he is, all his feelings come pouring out and he can’t help the way he treats you
I feel like when you cry it turns him on so he wants to see your tears when he fucks you,,,, Tendou plans everything he does and manipulates every aspect so you start to enjoy it and you think it is just some hot sex when really….. it is just Tendou showing you everything he feels for you 
You are literally his after this,,,, Tendou is not going to let you go,,,, and you wouldn’t want it any other way
Your elbows give out after a particularly hard thrust and you fall face-first into the mattress. Tendou grins and cockily rolls his shoulders back before pressing on the back of your head with his palm to shove your face into the sheets. You can barely fucking breathe but with the way Tendou is slapping his hips into your ass and the way his balls are deliciously slamming into your clit, you don’t care.
“You’ve always wanted my attention, haven’t you?” Tendou spits and narrows his eyes down at you. “You always wanted me to fuck you like this, I know how much you like me.” He throws out into the air and if you could nod, you would. “That little Seijoh boy can’t fuck you like this? Can he?” Tendou mocks and you moan loudly at his words. “If only he could see you now, see how good I am fucking you.”
Tendou brings his hand down to slap your ass, the arch in your back has your ass practically shoved into his face. His grin only widens when he sees how your ass jiggles for him and how each thrust has your tits slapping your face. 
“Tell me I’m the biggest cock you’ve ever had.” He twists your hair around his fist and yanks your neck so that your face is slightly up again. You take in a deep breath of fresh air and whine loudly. 
“Yes,” You cry and Tendou raises an eyebrow before slapping your ass again, laughing at the way tears fall down your face at the sting. 
“Yes, what?” He asks darkly and places his had right against your spine, right above your ass before pressing down hard. The pressure makes you sob even harder and you whimper at the pain.
“You have the b-biggest cock I’ve ever had.” You repeat and relax into the sheets when he starts fucking you again, the fast pace is something you refuse to try and even keep up with so you lay against the sheets with your eyes closed.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now (Y/N), we aren’t even close to being done.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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monipoka · 3 years
Addressing Content Warning Concerns
I am writing in response to points that were brought up concerning my recent post. If you haven’t read that post, you can find it here.
Be warned that this is a very long post (2.8k words). It deals with the topics of pedophilia and rape. Opinions expressed are my own; however, I do offer some resources for you to better educate yourself on this post’s content.
I will not provide a link to the user that responded as she had no ill intentions. Disclaimer if the said user reads this post, I write with peace and love at 4:00 A.M. There are a couple of places where I may sound aggressive or petty, but it is analytical and not meant to invalidate you or your opinions.
Red = user’s response with minimal changes (adjusted for grammar and clarification)
Black = my response
Part 1: Age Regression and Infantilization
To learn more about age regression, here are two lovely articles describing what age regression means medically and socially.
“Age regression [agere] is a form of coping meant to eliminate stress in potentially triggering situations. Agere is not a part of sexual play and never should be. I believe [Moni] is confusing agere for age play.”
This completely misses the mark. I understand that age regressors enter a younger psychological state often as a coping mechanism. There is nothing inherently wrong with age regression as therapy. My complaints are that people are FETISHIZING age regression. As stated in my post, age regressors enter the mindset of a child commonly called a “little space.” These individuals are to be treated like children as it helps them feel safe and loved.
In my experience on Tumblr, writers commonly misinterpret Daddy Dominant, Little Girl (DDLG) or Age Play (the larger, umbrella term) for age regression. For the purposes of explanation, I am going to be using DDLG and she/her pronouns. DDLG is a type of BDSM relationship where the dominant partner (male) takes on the role of a care-giver while the submissive partner (female) takes on the role of a child. This dynamic is pretend and intended for sexual interactions. Keyword here: pretend. While the submissive portrays childish behavior, she still has an adult mindset; therefore, she can give meaningful consent. Once writers describe the submissive slipping into “little space,” her mindset is corrupt as she has age regressed; therefore, she cannot give meaningful consent making the interaction non-consensual as she embodies a child.
“Infantilization is treating somebody as if they’re a child. For example, ‘babying’ someone is the best explanation for it. This, in my opinion, is not pedophilia because it’s not inherently sexual. If it IS sexual, I wouldn’t necessarily classify it as pedophilic, but it is questionable.”
Again, this misses the mark. In a non-sexual context, infantilization is completely okay. My complaints are that people are FETISHIZING the infantilization of characters. I used this term as an alternative language to age regression because I have encountered both on this site.
“Age Play, in my opinion, is pedophilic due to how the 'older’ of the partners is benefitting from it. So if [Moni] and I are thinking the same thing, but not really using the same terminology, then I agree.”
Age Play is a kink in the BDSM community between two consenting and level-headed adults.
Age Regression is characterized by regressing back to a younger headspace.
Sexualizing age regression is pedophilic because age regressors feel, act, and exhibit childlike qualities; they genuinely believe that they are a child.
If age play includes “little space,” then it is pedophilic because the submissive has age regressed.
“None of these is what I would consider illegal due to the fact that both parties are consenting adults. But age play definitely is pedophilic. But, obviously, if both people are adults, it can’t be considered illegal.”
I called pedophilia (and rape) illegal. In the eyes of the law, sexualizing age play--given that the individual is of age--is legal. This point used the transitive property of equality (Trans POE) to point out the hypocrisy in condemning pedophilia but supporting the fetishization of age regression. To clarify, it may not be illegal, but it is morally wrong.
“Infantilization and age regression aren’t inherently pedophilic because they revolve around the idea of a mindset and not physicality.”
This is contradictory to your previous point and only half true. Age regressors largely rely on physical objects (ie. clothes, stuffed animals, pacifiers) to feel safe. While the root of age regression involves a change in psyche, it is reflected in their appearance and environment.
Part 2: Dubious Consent and Non-consensual
To learn more about rape, here is a wonderful article on non-consensual sex.
“Secondly, I’m quite confused on what she [Moni] is saying regarding calling dubcon [dubious consent] and noncon [non-consentual] rape instead of dubcon and noncon.
They are rape, or at least some form of sexual assault, but I don’t think anyone’s trying to mask them from being as such.”
I whole-heartedly disagree. It is apparent by the staggering number of dubcon and noncon posts that people use these terms to try and justify writing rape because they consider it a “fetish.” The reason I am against these terms is that writers never specifically condemn them. Oftentimes, writers mix the content of the fic into their warning section. So, by writing ‘blowjob’ next to ‘dubcon’ it underscores the severity of the situation.
“Categorizing both of the two as 'rape’ could potentially end up being very damaging. Rape is a very triggering and harsh word for some people, which is why I believe a lot of people use non-consensual sex as a term to avoid potentially triggering people.”
Again, I believe that people use dubcon and noncon to try and justify their rape “fetish.” However, if using the term “rape” is triggering to some individuals and the terms “dubcon” and “noncon” are used as a substitution, why aren’t these writers coming out and explicitly saying that they do not support these types of interactions? Furthermore, why are they writing and sharing this content in the first place if they acknowledge it as rape?
“Also, I think it’s important to clarify whether the 'sexual assault’ in fiction is dubious or non-consensual. There’s a big difference between both parties being drunk in a fic (dubcon) and hard rape, and it’s important to distinguish the two in warning columns.”
Drunk people can’t consent. Both situations are rape. The “level” of rape that you refer to, being how consensual it is, is more damaging in my opinion. Because they were drunk, it means less than if they were sober. This perpetuates victim shaming. She was asking for it. She shouldn’t have drunk so much. Rape is rape. It is never okay. And one rape is never better than another.
“Dubcon is also very important to clarify in fics due to the fact that dubcon is only a fictional concept. It helps indicate the level of consent given in the fiction because someone could be not triggered by sex under intoxication but can be triggered by hard noncon.”
I’m going to use a quote I cited from this source because I feel that the writer describes dubcon more eloquently than I can: “What bothers me the most about this situation, and what I think you are partly getting at here, is when people say that their fic isn't "noncon" or they say it is "dubcon" or "noncon depending on your point of view." Come on! Have the guts to admit that what they're writing is rape. Dubious consent bothers me as a qualifier because if you aren't sure whether someone is consenting, you don't do it or it's rape. No excuses. So, I think that people should just bite the bullet and say, this is a rape fic.... If people want to write rape fic, go for it, and I will probably read it, but let's step up and acknowledge what it is we are writing. I take issue with these qualifiers because I think that it is far more insidious than out and out rape porn. At least when we say it is rape, then we can move on to the next step: saying it's wrong, just a fantasy, etc. But avoiding the label perpetuates the rape myths that have had such a damaging effect on victims and justice: did she enjoy it, she didn't really say no, she was a tease, they've done it before. None of those things matter, and when a person labels their fic, they need to stop pretending they do.”
Essentially, the writer is reiterating what I explained in my previous comment that rape is rape. Another statement that I found describes how damaging fiction can be in real life. While most readers understand that what occurred didn’t really happen, there are real-life consequences attributed to it: “...However, not everyone in fandom uses those terms in those ways. And I think that's a problem that we need to fix. Because, especially when situations that exist in real life and that would be called rape in real life are labeled "dubcon," I think it does real harm to us all.....We currently live in a culture where not fighting back - because, for example, the rapist has threatened to kill you, or someone else, or your pet, if you don't go along with it - will very often get a rape case overturned in court. Where judges and juries and god knows the popular media will pick out and analyze every detail of a person's life to determine whether they were asking for it, whether they secretly wanted it, whether they could have conceivably fought back more than they did, why they didn't scream, why they didn't report the blackmail that was used to control them, whether or not their "consent" might've been implicitly given by winks or nods or secret handshakes or a general miasma of sexual invitation. In other words, we live in a world in which rape culture, a thing we all unwittingly participate in at one time or another, works very very hard to label things dubcon when they're really noncon.”
“Most people 'romanticizing’ non-consensual sex are victims who are trying to gain some sort of control over their trauma, so they have every right to do so. If a victim of rape should have the ability to choose whether or not they want to read/write a noncon fic and if they don’t want to use the word rape because it makes them uncomfortable, they don’t have to and shouldn’t be forced to.
As a victim of rape and sexual assault, I find peace in having the control and ability to write about my trauma. It's a way for me to gain back control that I lost and the word rape does make me uncomfortable, it makes many victims uncomfortable, and if I prefer not to use that word then I should not have to if people know synonymous terms.”
Romanticize: deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.
If you are writing/reading smut, you are trying to get off. If you are writing/reading dubcon/noncon smut, you are getting off to rape. Instead of writing/reading about how heinous rape is and how disgusting rape culture is, you write/read fics romanticizing rape since as a reader you enjoy the content to some extent: it is with your favorite character, it takes place in a cool universe, it got you horny, you felt good after reading it. Romanticizing rape is damaging to society as it subconsciously makes rape appealing. I doubt that is the intention, but you can’t deny that these underlying connections exist.
There is a difference between writing to cope and writing to entertain. My intention has never been to victim shame. But writing non-consensual sex between anime characters and a reader-insert is a form of entertainment. Remember the purposes of writing we learned about in elementary school? Yeah, I have a hard time believing that this is therapeutic. Journal therapy uses reflective writing to work through trauma and mental health issues. In sexual assault cases specifically, victims often write about their experience and/or letters to their perpetrator(s). However, if this is your way to cope, that’s fine. But writing rape fics is not the same as sharing rape fics.
“People know the severity of noncon and dubcon, which is what I think [Moni] is missing. No one is trying to not make noncon rape because it is rape. People know that it is. Most people just chose to say 'noncon’ to avoid unnecessarily triggering others.”
Do they? I think to my previous comments in this section, people use these terms to downplay the seriousness of rape.
“And there are far more 'consensual’ fics out there than noncon/dubcon fics, so I don’t exactly understand what [Moni] means by 'romanticize’ or 'normalize it.’”
Two comments up I describe what romanticization is and how it is being done in the community. I’m going to ignore the number part of this statement because I feel that there is no relevance; If there is a platform for rape fics and people are engaging with them, numbers don’t matter relative to another type of fic. I call that authors romanticize consensual sex because it is oftentimes not explicitly stated, and I think it should be. The character(s) and reader are in a relationship and sex is a byproduct of that (I do not consider this dubcon). Personally, I have found very few fics where explicit consent is written in. People sometimes think that asking for consent interrupts the flow and ruins a moment. Works of fiction have an impact on real life, and writing/reading about consent serves to reinforce healthy practices.
“Going off of that, I don’t understand what [Moni] means by 'fairly young’ audiences. I'm hoping that most 18+ consumers are, you know, eighteen or older (obviously that's not the case in all situations), and eighteen is a legal adult. Most people over the age of eighteen are very aware of what these terms mean, and they know right from wrong. So, there should be no need to clarify what 'noncon’ is for them.”
My point is that this community is relatively young. I have not encountered many writers or readers who are over the age of 25 (if you are, kudos). At this age, you lack experience. Many of these readers have never had sex or been in a relationship before. While you might know the difference between rape and consensual sex on paper, some of these things are more subtle--especially in person. You referenced drunk sex as something that you’d classify as dubcon although intoxicated individuals can’t consent. I recently read a fic where the reader was drunk and picked up at the bar by a character. He asked the reader if they consented to sex and they agreed. This is still rape as you cannot consent while intoxicated since alcohol impairs judgment. Regardless of enjoyment, which the reader experienced, this is still sexual assault. Can you see the confusion by labeling that dubcon? What is a young adult to think when they’ve been manipulated into sex but told they consented? It’s confusing, so these terms should be clarified.
Part 3: Fiction
To learn more about how fiction affects reality, here is this interesting TED-Ed animation that summarizes fiction’s impact. Also, I read this article that cites more examples.
“Also, our writing shouldn’t have to equate 'good practices,’ because a healthy-minded individual knows how to separate fiction and reality. Give people the freedom to write about whatever they want, whether it’s in private or not, that's what fiction is for.”
You claim that you don’t want to use the word rape to trigger people, so you acknowledge that not all readers are health-minded as they could be suffering from trauma or mental illness. Likewise, some individuals can’t discern fiction from reality.
More importantly, there is a connection between fiction and reality.
“Finally, I don't think we should be so open with connecting real-life issues with fictional ones. No one is going to become a rapist or want to be raped because they read fiction on it unless they’re truly a rapist or have been raped. Equating fictional works to real-life problems is a little insulting, whether [Moni] intended it to be or not.”
Watch the video and read the article. Fiction directly impacts culture and society. It may be insulting, but it’s factual.
“Because in the end, in rape fiction, no one actually got raped. In pedophilic fiction (I don’t support it don’t get me wrong), no one was actually a victim of pedophilia. Because they’re all fictional.”
That doesn’t make it okay. Again, my problem is that writers ROMANTICIZE these topics which reflect poorly on society.
“If someone is concerned about pedophilia and rape fiction, I believe it would be best to work towards real-life solutions to those real-life problems compared to criticizing fiction authors.”
If you’re concerned about pedophilia and rape FICTION, I’d hope you’d criticize FICTION authors. Honestly, this seems to be a diversion tactic to avoid accountability.
Part 4: “No Offense, but You’re Wrong About Everything”
“Overall, I think [Moni] had good intentions, but it was poorly worded.
You pose a counter argument to each of my points and make it sound like I did not educate myself beforehand. You then deflect to talking about rape and pedophilia in real-world context to downplay the severity of pedophilia and rape in fiction.
I sound petty here, and I do not mean for my words to hurt. I wish that there was some communication beforehand since it seems that there was confusion. If my original post was unclear, I hope my comments help.
This is for everyone:
Please check out the resources I provided and do your own research to understand the situation before forming your own opinion.
No hate to the writer of the response. I just wish you would have reached out directly for clarification before taking my words out of context and assuming their meaning.
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authoressofdarkness · 3 years
His Perfect Model - Chapter 1
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Tony doesn’t need the money from porn shoots, Lord knows. It’s just a fun, extremely well paying side gig. But when he somehow acquires permanent... ah, custody... of the omega from his latest shoot, he knows he’s found his perfect model. And their fun together is only beginning. It may take him some time to convince Peter of that, but really, he’s not too worried.
Read on AO3 here. Notes, warnings, and Chapter 1 under the cut.
Notes: Hello hello! I'm back again! This is another random plot bunny that I've been fidgeting with for a while, but I was eventually convinced to get it up sooner rather than later, so here it is! This first chapter is very explicit, and it probably will be rather smutty most of the way through. Not sure how long this will be yet or what it will deal with, but just for transparency, there may be talk of past trauma that could extend to noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, human trafficking, and more. I'll tag each chapter accordingly as we get there, but none of it should be too explicit. Also, anyone familiar with GMSTS will be familiar with how I write ABO, but, as simply as possible, omegas have vaginas, alphas have cocks, and betas are what we would consider "binary." Again, I say so ahead of time just in the interest of transparency so I don't accidentally trigger anyone's dysphoria. Aaaanyway, if you've made it through my rambling and are still interested, yay! Thank you for being here, read on, and I hope you enjoy! <3
He tries not to judge.
That was probably why he gets hired for so many gigs. That and his insane amount of talent, but — well. Anyone could have that amount of talent with working with equipment if they tried. Now the fact that he builds his own… that is something special, he knows.
And, really, his technical prowess was what pays his bills more than anything, and is what made him rich. That, and his father’s name, but he tries to keep that part more under wraps. He’d turned away the responsibility that normally came with being a Stark a long time ago; but the intelligence and the mechanical prowess is practically in his blood. Unable to be rejected.
Anyway, the point is, he doesn’t need to do porn shoots; yet he still enjoys taking these side jobs. He always had, even on his way to the top, and he never made any attempt to hide it.
He doesn’t just shoot porn, of course. He’d lend his camera skills to anyone who asks and has the money to back up the offer. But of course the dirty jobs tend to be his favorites. Any alpha that says they don’t like to pose an omega how they like and look at their pretty pussy for any amount of time — and get paid the big bucks to do it — was certainly a liar.
And yeah, he takes some weird jobs included in that. But he doesn’t ask many questions except on the preferences for stylings of the job, and he’s kinky enough himself to never dream of judging the extremism of it, so… yeah, he makes pretty good money.
Today might be testing the extent of it, though.
The scene he is shooting today isn’t particularly extreme or out of the ordinary, on first glance. The omega was to be strapped to a chair with a wand tied in place to tease his pussy, and Tony is supposed to capture it in photo and on video as his torture goes through stages of multiple denials until he’s hypersensitive and begging to stop. The rest was put as to be determined based on the way it comes out.
It is far from the craziest thing he’s ever shot, and he planned it out easily enough, with a few of his favorite toys and set pieces, and he’s easily ready to go.
The weird part starts when the omega gets there.
It’s apparent immediately that this is no porn star. Aside from his experience in the field and the number of them he actually knew from it, Peter doesn’t carry himself like one. He is small and shy, with a lithe, gorgeous body, as Tony can see from the moment the two gruff alphas accompanying him strip him out of the poor excuse for a covering the omega had been wearing. All he was left in then was a slip, and it’s sheer fabric did nothing to hide the pretty nude form underneath.
Most people arrived in normal clothes and then would either change or strip.
The second thing was that he is already bound. Again, unusual. Clearly he hadn’t driven himself, of course, but… this must be a really elaborate scene for him to already be tied up. And the rope isn’t even the good stuff; it’s plain and grainy, certainly hurting his wrists and not at all his color. Tony always used rope that complimented the style of the scene and the person’s skin. It would be a waste not to.
Peter is gorgeous, and he could have used a lot of colors, admittedly. But the boy is delicate and pale — his pussy much the same in the photos — and so he’d chosen a light pink, one that didn’t wash out his already pale form and almost matched the pretty color of the soft bits he’d been paid to pay special attention to. It’s easy enough to match the background of the scene and the colors of the toys and rope together, thematically.
But that aside, all of the choices up to this point were strange. Stranger than he’s used to. But he makes it a point not to say anything. He’s not being paid to judge.
Even if Peter looks almost scared of the two men he came in with. Even if something rings off about this whole gig.
Tony isn’t stupid, but he doesn’t care much for the loss of business — at least — pushing for the truth would cause. So he pushes the thoughts down and finally approaches the omega.
“Hi, princess. Gentlemen.” He kneels down to be at Peter’s level. “My name’s Tony. I’m going to be the one taking your photos, honey. Can I get you anything before we start? A water? Bathroom break?” The omega silently shakes his head. “Alright. Let's get started then.” He holds out a hand to help him up.
Peter takes it, and Tony helps him to his feet and guides him over to the chair. “Now we’re going to start with some photos on the floor and make our way into the chair. I’m going to change out your ropes. I want you to leave the slip on, for now.” It’s white, a nice color to highlight the details of the creamy skin underneath, and doesn’t contrast with his ropes, either.
He cuts the bonds on the omega’s wrists and reties them in front of him with the pink rope, then has him lay down on the floor, propping his ankles up on the edge of the chair so the slip falls back to expose creamy thighs and stomach and the top of that tantalizing slit from above his pressed-together thighs.
Tony suppresses the urge to purr. “Perfect.” He moves behind the chair and starts taking pictures, ignoring the stir of arousal in his gut at the sight of the gorgeous omega as he does, throwing out occasional changes in position for him to follow.
Peter, for his part, is pretty demure throughout all the photos. He’s quiet — whether shy or afraid to speak, Tony doesn’t ask — but he doesn’t look sullen or make any faces to spoil the photos. He just complies with Tony’s directions, usually silently or with an occasional “yes, sir,” allowing Tony to direct and shoot him in a dozen different positions before allowing him to actually sit in the chair.
Feet on the chair. Legs crossed. Legs open. Spread your folds with your bound hands. One leg up, then the other. Knees bent. To your chest, pussy exposed wide without your fingers. Pull the sheer over it for a few shots. Hold the wand to it. Hands above your head. Hold still while I get shots of it resting there. Tied with the rope like it will be in the video. Lick the wand. Close your eyes and hold it there. Take off the slip. Repeat a few sultry shots without it.
Finally, he picks up the slip and helps the omega to his feet. “You can sit in the chair now. Put the slip back on for a few minutes.”
Peter nods and does as he’s told, and Tony watches, unable to help himself. He doesn’t find himself incredibly attracted to a lot of his clients, at least after so long of doing it, and what with his tastes being so specific… but Peter seemed to hit everything on the head, and god, it was a bit of a problem for him. He’s supposed to be setting up his camera right now, but instead he’s admiring the curve of the omega’s spine and his plump ass as he heads for the chair he’s going to tie him to and-
He snaps out of it. He’s going to shoot the video he’s being paid to shoot, and that’s it. No fantasies allowed. At least not until after when he’s jerking off to the memory of this.
He sets up his video camera, then returns to the little omega, waiting patiently for him to come to him so they could shoot the scene. Tony grabs some more of the pink rope, setting about tying the pretty thing down, wrists to the arms, ankles to the legs, back to the back, and the wand added with a loop through the middle tying his back to the chair, letting it sit perfectly against Peter’s pretty pussy. He tops it off with a blindfold, and purrs at the completed look.
“Perfect. I’m going to get a few more shots before we start filming. Just relax.” He can smell the omega starting to get slick, even just from the wand resting against his pussy. He definitely knows what’s coming. Even though it’s not Tony’s idea, or Tony’s omega, even, he’s getting slightly excited at the thought of being in control and being the one to do this to him.
He gets a lot more excited when they actually start.
He does. He can’t help it. From the moment he turns the toy on and watches the omega’s head loll back in pleasure, eyes fluttering under the blindfold, he’s rock hard in his pants, watching, smelling the omega’s slick as he goes from slightly wet to absolutely drenched and dripping down his own thighs by the third denial. And his moans… the way he meekly whines out for alpha and those little cries of pleasepleaseplease! when he’s on the cusp of orgasm… it’s pornographic, there’s no other word for how obscene and arousing it is, matched only by the way his lithe body squirms in his bonds, fabric around his eyes darkening from tears-
By the fifth denial, Tony is convinced he could probably come in his pants right now from this, if he let himself. He’s half-ass tempted to. The alphas that had brought him in have stepped outside, and Peter is slumped as much as he can be and panting in the chair, still blindfolded, just waiting for him to turn it back on. It would be so easy to rub himself to a quick and dirty orgasm out of any of their lines of sight.
He doesn’t. He turns the toy back on and lets his cock twitch and strain in his pants at the sound of Peter’s broken cry instead, finding this edging to be just as satisfying for him as how it’ll probably end for Peter. At least it’s fair.
One of the alphas that brought him in returns sometime around the eighth denial. He joins him off to the side this time.
“How many?” He sounds almost bored, eyeing the crying and squirming omega with minimal interest.
Tony tried to keep his voice even as he answers, despite the arousal threatening to roughen it. “When I turn it on again, it’ll be nine.”
“Good.” He nods, looking satisfied.
There’s a long moment of silence except for the pitiful whimpering of the omega. Tony breaks it again. “How many times am I supposed to deny him?”
“At least ten.”
“And then?”
The other alpha turns to him. “That depends on you, I think.”
“On me?” He can’t hide his surprise. The paperwork had said to be determined, yes, but he assumed it was to be determined based on what Peter could take. “What do you mean?”
The older alpha gives him a once over and purposefully scents the air before answering. “You want him. Don’t you?”
It’s not like there’s any way of hiding it, but his cheeks still tint pink. “Yes. Who wouldn’t?”
“Well, you have a chance at him before anyone else.” The alpha tilts his head. “How much are you willing to pay?”
“Excuse me?” Tony straightens. “Pay for what?”
“Him.” The alpha tosses his head in Peter’s direction.
Tony lets out a little breath. God, is it tempting, but he doesn’t need anyone else used whore, no matter how pretty he may be. “He’s pretty, I grant you, but I’m not paying to fuck an omega used by how many others before me. Thanks, but no thanks.” It sounded crude, but really. Why would he take a risk like that?
“He hasn’t been. He’s fresh meat.” The other male shrugs. “The shoot is for material to advertise him. He goes online for sale tonight… unless you pay me for him right now.”
Tony doesn’t need him to say it flat out to understand that his suspicions were right — there’s definitely something illegal going on here. And he has a choice.
But what kind of choice is it, really? He only knows two people’s names out of what is surely a ring, and in all likelihood, they’re fake names. These two alphas probably wouldn’t have shared this with him if they weren’t confident that he wants Peter enough to take it. And even the fact they were here and they did this shoot would be enough to get him in trouble, even if he turned it in himself. Not to mention the fact that they know his real identity. These two men or someone else would surely come back after him if he tried to turn them in — if they didn’t kill him flat out.
But if he bought Peter and kept quiet… it was better for him, better for business, and surely better for Peter. He couldn’t be as bad as whoever the boy would end up being sold to on the black market.
Tony meets his eyes. “How much?”
The alpha grins, pretending to think about it. “To have first go round at him? A couple grand. I’ll go back outside and let you have him until sundown, if you give us our material and the cash. To keep him? Well, I still want the photos for promotional material, but… a mil or two.”
Two whole million. For a pure, untouched, gorgeous, terrified omega straight out of his wet dreams.
Tony swallows. It’s hardly a decision. Not when he’s smelling how wet and ready Peter is sitting a few feet away and he knows he could have the money out of the bank as quick as a phone call. It’s not as if he doesn’t have it. “How soon do you want the cash?”
By the time Peter reaches the tenth denial, Tony officially owns him.
The two other alphas leave with a flash drive with the photos, the money in an account, and the promise that they’ll get the finished product of the video soon.
Soon, but not today, or the next couple, probably. He’s going to be a bit busy.
He fixes the angle of the camera so it’s situated mostly below the neck; the focus of it, of course, on the omega’s creamy open thighs, and the wet pussy forced open between them with the wand. Then he moves around, approaching the omega from the back while he’s slumped in the chair, panting and crying weakly.
He slides the blindfold off the omega’s wet eyes from behind, and Peter immediately straightens, tugging at his bonds. “H-hello? Alpha?” His voice is thick and raspy from crying.
“Hi, honey,” Tony purrs, setting his hands on the omega’s shoulders, enjoying the way he jumps at the touch as he runs them down his body. Deft fingers free the wand from its loop, and Peter sobs in relief.
“Oh alpha, thank you, gods- ngh- “
Peter starts to thank him for removing the wand, but chokes off with a broken cry when it returns, this time in the alpha’s hand. Tony smiles at the response as Peter’s head lolls back into his shoulder, turning it up a setting and shushing him gently at the sob that tears from Peter’s lips again.
He runs his other hand back up Peter’s body and settles it against his chin, grip firm on his throat, forcing him to keep his head back and on his shoulder. He drops his lips to the omega’s ear. “You can sob and struggle all you want to. I’m not going to let you come. And I’m not going to stop torturing you until you stop all of it. Don’t cry, don’t struggle, don’t beg me to let you ruin yourself. When you start saying please and thank you for the pleasure and for what I’m doing to you, and be a respectful, obedient omega, we might stop.”
“It hurts-“ Peter whimpers. “Alpha, daddy , please… I’ll do anything- oh- “ His face presses against Tony’s chest with a tortured cry. His thighs tremble viciously against Tony’s hand, back arching a little over the chair.
Tony feels a pang in his chest, but presses on. They have to finish this video before he starts going soft, at least. “You’ll sit still and be quiet. Here. I’ll even help you.” The hand not holding the wand in place comes up and covers his mouth, holding his head firmly against his shoulder. “Now be good, and I’ll make it stop.”
It takes time. Another few denials, kind of time, but it doesn’t matter. He has as long as needed. He’d given the omega an order, and he’d learn to listen, or they’d keep going all night.
Eventually, shaking and exhausted, Peter goes limp against him, eyes closed, pitiful little sobs audible but no words even trying to come from behind the alpha’s hand, still clamped on his mouth. Tony makes a triumphant little sound, and pulls the wand away. “Look at me, omega.”
Peter’s eyes flutter open, red and wet, fixing on Tony.
“Since you’ve listened, now, we’re going to be done. I’m going to take my hand off your mouth, and I want you to thank me. Don’t stop thanking me, and don’t say please, again, or we’ll stop until you can get control of yourself. Am I clear?” A nod against his hand. “Good.” He lets him go.
Peter takes a small breath. “Thank you.” His voice is barely a hoarse whisper.
“You’re welcome, omega.” Tony presses a kiss to his neck and lets the wand trail back up Peter’s thigh, suppressing a smirk at the way his breath hitches again. “Again.”
“Thank you, Alpha.”
“Good boy. Remember, don’t beg. Just be grateful.” He pauses, then slides the blindfold back on his eyes. He knows they want his full body in this shot, but he isn’t too keen on the possibility of the omega being recognized, either, knowing what he does now. Then he steps away just enough to tilt the camera back up, allowing it to get Peter’s face, and a small portion of his own neck and torso behind him.
When he returns, he takes his chin, turning his head toward the lens. “Look toward the camera, now. Think about how many people are going to see this, honey, and try show them how good you are. Let everyone see how pretty you look when you’re coming, just this once, before I take it all for myself.”
“Yes, alpha. Thank you, alpha.”
“Good boy.” With that, he turns on the wand again.
The omega’s body jumps visibly in the camera lens when the toy finds his swollen clit again. He lets out a broken little cry, but his hips don’t move, even as he starts to tremble again immediately. “Alpha- feels so good, Alpha, thank you- so close, Alpha, so close, thank you- oh god, oh- ngh- “
The force of the orgasm rocks his little body, and he nearly screams at the intensity before going completely limp in the chair again, clearly seeing stars, seeming to have blacked out.
Tony flicks the toy off and lets Peter’s head go, watching it fall to his chest as the omega pants and struggles to regain his senses. He walks over to the camera, taking it off its stand and coming closer.
He trails his fingers from the inside of Peter’s bound leg, up his core, pausing for just a moment to tease that oversensitive little bud, tearing a strangled cry out of Peter that he shushes, and then clear up to his face. He cups his cheek, stroking it as the omega’s unfocused eyes try to open under the fabric, clearly barely holding on to consciousness.
“You know you want one,” he murmurs, just loud enough to be heard. “So come get it.”
Then he shuts the camera off, setting it aside and turning completely back to Peter. It was time to get the omega home.
Taglist: @snowstark @serrabloodsong​
Let me know if you would like to be added! <3
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
this isn't a real mermay prompt, but if the mood strikes you: indulgent supernatural sugar daddy indrid? roleplaying that he's finally reached the limit of his patience for duck's teasing and now he's going to tie him to the bed and use him however he sees fit
Here you go! I riffed on something we discussed on the discord. CW for mentions of stripping, blood and booze, the roleplay could be read as dubcon but it's clear what they're doing and that everyone is consenting and enjoying themselves. After care is show.
“Damn, guess they ain’t kiddin when they say it’s the city that never sleeps.” Duck stares from the window of their suite onto the flashing neon and 11 pm traffic of the Las Vegas strip.
“I thought that was New York City?” Indrid looks up from where he’s laying their dinner out on the shiny black table.
“Maybe? I dunno, only ever been there once, on a trip with my folks as a kid.” Duck slides into his chair across from his grinning boyfriend. They picked up a massive spread of food earlier tonight, their friend Barclay having lots of intel on the best food in the city and the affection for them to write out a detailed list where to try.
Indrid grabs a pill from his bag on the bathroom counter, then settles across from Duck with an excited grin, “There, now I can dine without fear.”
They’re well into dessert when Indrid wipes his lips with a thoughtful hum.
“You know, sweet one, this never silent, ever bright environment lends itself well to certain activities.”
“Oh yeah?” Duck leans across the table to take his hand.
“I have more details that we can discuss while we digest, but to begin; how do you feel about dressing like the loudest man on a college campus for the night?”
Duck strides into the main floor of the Wynn, the industrial strength air conditioner practically sending him into shock after the heat of the pavement and desert air.
En route to the agreed upon Blackjack table, he makes eye contact with his reflection in a bank of windows. Only the flip flops were in his suitcase when they arrived; the mint green muscle tank and khaki shorts came from the nearest thrift store. He picked up special underwear once he and Indrid separated, suspecting it will make his boyfriend laugh. He loves making him laugh, even during their most intense scenes.
He gets his chips, his seat, and his hand within ten minutes, signaling a waiter for a screwdriver. God only knows why, but it feels like what this kind of guy would order on a Saturday afternoon. Duck’s decent at Blackjack; Juno taught him how to play and Ned helped him refine his technique. So he’s holding his own when a new player sits down two stools to his right.
“I intend to play the eccentric millionaire.”
When Indrid uttered that sentence, Duck pictured a slight variation on his usual evening wear; the suit he brings on trips just so he can take Duck out for nice meals without--as happened on one occasion-- being forced to borrow a jacket from a waiter.
He was not expecting this.
Indrid’s suit is jet black, blood-red lining flashing when he unbuttons his coat. His usual red glasses perch on his nose, and he’s done something to his hair that renders it sleek rather than it’s usual silvery tangle. His back is straight, his smile wide, and his manners pure perfection.
“May I join on the next hand?”
“One sparkling water please. Do add on a nice tip for yourself, won’t you?”
“Twenty! Oh, how delightful.”
Indrid wins more than he loses, careful to go over or come too far under enough times to avoid accusations of counting cards. Duck’s stack of chips dwindles, and he directs his frustration at this fact towards Indrid, muttering unkind things whenever the older man says, “hit me.”
When he’s down to thirty bucks, he taps out. Pushes back from the table with the huff of a man who’s used to getting what he wants. He finds the nearest bar and takes a small table for himself.
The chair across from him doesn’t stay vacant long.
“Hello.” Indrid folds his hands on the table, smiling pleasantly.
“What the fuck do you want?” Duck grumbles.
“To see if you were alright. You seemed rather upset when you left the table.”
“Ain’t upset, I’m fuckin broke. Came to vegas to get laid and get rich and I’m strikin out on both so far.”
“Perhaps I can help. I, ah, we are both here alone. Why don’t we keep each other company? Two bachelors taking on the city.” Indrid gives a very awkward “ta-dah” with his fingers.
“Dunno, I don’t really feel like slummin.”
“You won’t be. I promise.”
Duck leans back in his chair, arms crossed, “Oh yeah?”
A knife-edge enters Indrid’s smile, only to be covered by a menu, “Let me buy you lunch as proof. Order whatever you like.”
He calls the older man’s bluff by ordering a craft beer, the most expensive burger on the menu, and three appetizers, only to discover it was not, in fact, a bluff. Indrid pays for everything without so much as glancing at the prices.
“There now” he smiles at Duck as the waiter clears his leftover steak (“as rare as possible, please”), “have I proven myself a worthy companion?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Excellent” Indrid claps his hands together, “then let us see what else this town has to offer.”
While they digest they peruse the malls and casino hop wherever there are shaded routes that allow them to do so. As they’re maneuvering through the throng near the aquarium, Indrid says, “tell me a bit about yourself, Duck. Nono, wait, let me guess; southern prep school, expensive college, a family very happy to support you while you search for your place in the world?”
Duck nods (the only ways he’s able to lie during their scenes).
“I certainly hope you didn’t burn through your trust fund playing the slots.” Indrid elbows him playfully.
“Nah. Set myself a limit for what I could spend gamblin each day.”
“Clever young thing.”
“Indrid, how old do you think I am?”
The crowd presses them closer together as Indrid murmurs, “You don’t look it.”
“If we’re goin for personal questions, how old are you?”
“Oh, a bit older than yourself.” Indrid replies breezily, “ooh, look, rays!”
When the thermometer flashing in-between advertisements for Lady Gaga and The Osmonds cracks a hundred, Indrid ushers Duck to the indoor pool at their hotel. His new companion lounges in a reserved cabana while Duck soaks in the cool water, other swimmers floating past him or propping themselves on the edges to talk with their partners.
And every time he surfaces, he feels a red tinted gaze watching him. His new friend isn’t even trying to hide it, flat out ogles him whenever he’s in shallow water. Duck’s far from the youngest or most ripped guy here, but Indrid’s eyes never stray. It’s flattering.
It also makes sinking further into his role as easy as slipping into the deep end.
If the rich weirdo wants to buy him fancy shit because Duck is hot, he can knock himself out. It’s not like Duck has to fuck him. But teasing him might get him even more free drinks and expensive souvenirs. If he plays his cards right, he won’t pay for a single thing the rest of his trip.
He hops out of the pool, takes his time drying off and stretching before laying on his belly on the swanky deck chair, facing the opposite direction Indrid is to give the other man a better view of his ass.
“Where to next?” He tries for a purr and only succeeds at exaggerating his drawl.
Indrid’s smile widens all the same, “I have a few ideas. But let’s linger here a bit longer.”
After that he stays as close to the other man as he can, let’s their shoulders bump and fingers brush as they make the rounds for some pre-dinner drinks. He even whispers a flirtatious word or two, makes Indrid blush when he orders a drink called “silver fox,” looks him dead in the eyes and grins, “my favorite.”
He’s plenty tipsy when Indrid steers them into a hallway where bass shakes the floor and pink light disguises the cracks in the walls.
“Can’t say you’ve been to Vegas unless you’ve seen a little sin.” Is all the explanation given before the doors open on a two story strip club.
“Holy fuck.” Duck lets Indrid shepherd him to a stage where several men with abs that look painted on play at fucking the air, the stage, and each other, much to the delight of the two bachelorette parties and the single men dotting the audience.
“You’re a fuckin genius.” Duck growls, sitting when Indrid pushes down on his shoulder. The older man takes the seat to his left, watching the proceedings with polite detachment. He orders a cocktail for Duck and water for himself.
In spite of his apparent disinterest, the dancers all come to Indrid, one after the other. In theory, some of them should pass by Duck afterwards. But they all go right back to the stage or to other patrons. The few times one even looks at him, their eyes immediately slide away onto Indrid.
The fact the other man is handing out fifties and hundreds like they’re singles probably helps.
A tall brunette is currently in Indrid’s lap, and the silver-haired man whispers something and points at Duck.
Suddenly there is a very hot man in a glorified thong in his lap, who gives him a vaseline slick smile, “Your friend over there bought you a dance.”
Indrid waves, the movement grating on Ducks pride. He glares in response.
The older man calls “you looked lonely.”
“I don’t need your fuckin charity.”
Indrid cocks his head, then shrugs, “very well. Please come back here, for double the tip.” He holds up three hundred-dollar bills. The instant the dancer is out of his lap, Duck stands and stomps out, swaying more than when he came in.
The onset of evening has worsened the crowds. He slogs and weaves through them with every intention of getting back to his room, ordering room service, and bandaging his scraped ego
“Why so down, Duck?”
“Fuck! Jesus, let a guy walk in peace will you?” Duck snaps as Indrid falls into step beside him.
“We're on the strip, there's no peace here. No quiet either. Makes it easy to do what one wants.”
Cool fingers find Duck’s wrist, keeping him from breaking ahead to the crosswalk. As they stand and watch the cars and buses roar by, Indrid murmurs, “How about a little friendly game as an apology?”
“Better not be fuckin blackjack.”
“Nono, I’m thinking Poker. If you win, you win bragging rights and whatever else you like that I can give you. But if I win...you have to walk me back to my room. I’ll still buy all the drinks, of course.”
Neon glints off a fang Duck pretends not to see.
“Fuck it, sure. I'm gonna wipe the table with you, old man.”
“I look forward to it.”
In spite of Indrid making good on his promise of drinks, Duck only has one Whiskey Sour before switching to water; being full-on drunk would make him worse at Poker, something he’s complete crap at on the best days. Figures Indrid would choose a game where bluffing is key.”
His card shark of a companion is beating him, and everyone else at the table, soundly. He also declines any food or drinks for himself. After two hours of play and countless hands of defeat, Duck surrenders. Indrid preens, tips their dealer, and wishes everyone else at the table a good night.
“Why are we takin the stairs to the top floor?” Duck stares up the winding flights, unable to see their stopping point.
“It’s good for one’s health. And it’s, ah, far more private.”
“Why do you need privacy gettin to your room.”
The footsteps behind him stop as they reach the next landing.
“Simple. I'm hungry.”
Duck whirls just in time to catch Indrid as he lunges at him, fangs bared. It turns out to be a useless movement, the vampire trapping him in a corner effortlessly.
“What the fuck, fuckin let me go.” Duck hisses.
Indrid licks a fang with a thoughtful hum, “I can, though it comes with its own risks.” He sighs, put upon, “But you have been such pleasant company, I suppose it’s only fair to give you a choice. If you let me feed now, I shall be as gentle as I can be and only take a little. Or you can take your chances at outrunning me. However, should I still catch you, then I will take as much blood--and whatever else I like--as I please.” He brushes their noses together, “It’s up to you, sweet one.”
Duck takes a deep breath, the game fading while Indrid gives him time to decide how he wants to play.
Then Duck shoves Indrid away from him and bolts through the nearby door, running down the maze of corridors until he finds his salvation. Indrid’s laugh is still ringing in his ears when the elevator door finally closes.
When the ding announces his floor, he pokes his head out like a prairie dog watching for a hawk. No sign of the vampire. He comforts himself with that though, and with the fact that there’s no way Indrid could catch up to him now, as he click his keycard into the lock.
He shuts the door and reaches for the light switch.
Chilly fingers circle his wrist.
“I win.”
Duck is dragged, then carried, through the darkness, the light not clicking on until he’s tossed onto the bed. Indrid stands at his side, grinning hungrily.
“W-wait, fuck, please, I, how’d you-”
“Quiet.” Indrid tosses his jacket on the floor, straddles Duck with fangs unashamedly on display. Duck whimpers, tries to curl in and protect his throat. Indrid noses at it all the same, “don't worry you spoiled excuse for a man, it won't hurt too much.”
“‘Drid” Duck gasps, tipping his head automatically at the purr in the vampires voice.
Cool lips tenderly meet his own, “Indulge me a bit longer?’
“Hell yeah I will, sugar.” Out of habit, he guides Indrid’s glasses off and sets them out of crushing range, “Uh. Please, my dad is real fuckin wealthy, I'll pay you whatever you want?”
Indrid traces a sharp fingernail along Duck’s collarbone, “What I want is you. All those years getting what you demanded, not lifting a finger, you'll taste very rich.”
“Please don't kill me.” Duck can feel himself getting harder whenever teeth brush his skin.
The vampire cups his cheek, “Not a chance. I need to eat often, after all. And you're perfect to be my new pet. Spoiled, handsome, and no one will miss you.”
“Fuck you” Duck kicks weakly at Indrid’s ankle.
Indrid tuts, “Do I need to tie you down? I could hold you down easily, but I need my hands free to cover that sinful mouth and enjoy this lovely body while I feed.”
“N-no, no I’ll be good, I’llAAH!” His whole body tenses as fangs pierce his neck. He wants to cry out more but it’s perilous, might make him jerk away and tear the skin. But his body has to do something to release the tension, or the taught coils that replaced his muscles might snap and leave him in pieces.
He’s saved by a rush of pleasure melting every tendon, caressing every nerve into calm. Duck sinks into the bed, his body registering the suck of Indrid feeding but feeling no need to intervene. The vampires right hand creeps down to hold Duck’s left, his satisfied hum setting arousal buzzing in his chest.
Duck only realizes he’s been slowly grinding on Indrid’s slacks when the other man laughs, muffled and bloody. The vampire raises his head, lapping at the wounds so not a drop is wasted, “greedy boy. Even when you're dinner you think your pleasure deserves priority.”
“Please.” He wants his teeth in his neck forever, he wants his fingers and tongue between his legs every night.
Indrid kisses the wounds, sits up while daintily wiping his mouth with his shirt-sleeve, staining the starched white with red, “Delectable. Don't go anywhere, pet.”
“Not your fucking pet.” Wooziness pulls any teeth left in his tone, “and, and I thought you wanted me up here cause you were hungry. Now you ain’t. So, so I can go.”
“Oh no, that” he points to the marks on Duck’s neck, “was because I was hungry. The rest of tonight is happening because of your endless teasing.”
“I, uh, I don’t-” Duck turns bright pink.
“You were rather obvious. And silly me, indulging you because of your charms. Well, now it’s time to show me how grateful you are. Let me just slip into something a bit more comfortable.”
Indrid snaps his fingers. Reality gives a sickening crack. Then a mothman stands at the foot of the bed, feathers of soft browns rustling as he stretches his wings. He doesn’t have mandibles, but when he yawns it reveals rows of sharp teeth, the two where his human canines would be noticeably longer than the rest.
“Much better.”
Duck yelps, scrambles back into the headboard as Indrid dives onto the bed.
“Ah-ah” Indrid pins his arms and thighs to the bed with his four hands, “we had an agreement, little one. I get to do whatever I wish to you because you lost. And, more importantly” a long tongue drags up Duck’s cheek, “because that is how spoiled little humans earn their keep.”
“Oh god.” Is all Duck gets out before claws rip his shirt and shorts to colorful pieces. Indrid tips him sideways to finish mauling his shorts and pauses.
“What in the-” the vampire flips him onto his belly, stifles a giggle, “‘Bite me? Rather fitting underwear choice.”
“Thanks” Duck smirks into the blanket.
“Well, since I find myself incapable of denying you things, pet…” reality cracks once more.
“Wh-AHFUCK!” He yanks the nearest pillow over to muffle his cries as Indrid sinks his human fangs into the meat of Duck’s ass. It’s a different kind of pain, not as heart-pounding but just as fun. Indrid isn’t feeding, so he bites down only a few seconds before lifting his head to target another patch of skin. He doesn’t let up until Duck sobs his name into a silk pillow.
The vampire pulls back, but keeps Duck on his forearms and knees as he kisses a curve from his lower back to one of the innermost bite marks. Another shift and claws prick his legs.
“Mmmm, I can smell how turned on you are. I wonder….”
“Fuck, ohfuck” Duck pushes his hips back as Indrid’s tongue infurls down to tease his folds, “Indrid, please, please fuck me like that.”
“‘Ike ‘is?” The tongue presses in, thrusting lazily and without much pressure.
“Yes but, fuck, but more.”
A growl and Duck is slammed onto his back, Indrid looming over him with his wings outspread, “Have you forgotten the purpose of this evening?”
“No.” He stares up into red eyes, too turned on to be sheepish.
“Then why do you keep making demands? You have spent all day asking things of me and now it is time to show me why I tolerate such behavior.” He grabs Duck’s knees, holds them up and open with his lower arms, and purrs, “though there’s no denying your appeal from this angle.”
“Fuck yeah.” Duck fists the blanket in anticipation as Indrid adjusts them to put his head between the human’s legs. Indrid’s tongue caresses his dick, filling the room with slick, obscene sounds.
Then searing pain flashes through his left thigh as Indrid sinks the fangs of his form into it.
“FUCK! I, I thought, moths don’t-”
“Vampire moths do.” Indrid grins before smearing a line of red on Duck’s skin, “and I intend to drink my fill.”
Duck yelps again, slams a hand over his mouth when he remembers there’s two other suites on this floor.
“Be as loud as you like; I cast a little spell on this room to make sure no one hears what I’m doing to my new pet.” He thrusts his tongue into Duck without warning, fucking him on it until he’s bucking his hips, then pulling out to lap and suck at his thigh. When he next returns to sucking Duck’s dick, the feathers around his mouth are as red as his eyes.
Heat builds in Duck’s gut at the sight and he moans, “‘Drid, please, I’m so close to cummin just from this, please just let me cum.”
“Absolutely not.” Indrid drops his legs, dragging him into his lap with a hiss, “you have still not learned your lesson. You think you can get whatever you want just by looking sweetly at me. You’re so very wrong.” His upper arms trap Duck’s own behind his back while his lower set prick his hips, “now be a good pet and keep your legs open.”
Duck doesn’t get a chance to ask why; a cock, covered in vertical ridges with a very thick tip, shoves halfway into him.
“Mmmm, that’s lovely.” Indrid thrusts hurriedly, “now I remember why I put up with your demands all day. Spoiled though you may be, I’ve never had someone fit my cock so well. Ohhhhh” he opens his wings, grinning, “someone likes that.”
“Like you, fuck, Indrid, I swear I wasn’t, uh, wasn’t not teasing, no, fuck FUCKfuck” He takes as much as he can in one thrust, the last third still pulsing outside his body.
“Don’t lie, sweet human. I know you let me spoil you endlessly, teased me mercilessly all day, all while thinking you would spend your evening asleep and alone, rather than where you belong.”
Duck whimpers as his thighs fight to keep up the pace. They give out a moment later but nothing happens; Indrid’s grip on his hips is so strong he’s moving him without help.
“Fuck that’s so fuckin good.”
Indrid flutters his wings “You see how easily I control you, sweet one? You may be strong and handsome, but at the end of the day you’re nothing more than a toy for me to use and discard as I please.”
He whines at that, let’s himself go limp so it’s easier to hide his face in Indrid’s fluff.
“Don’t worry, pet, I shall not discard you. As I said, you are perfect for me, a lovely little gift to myself after a day spent giving them to you.” The hands restraining his arms let go and he instantly wraps them as far around the vampire as he can. Then clawed fingers gingerly stroke his dick. He groans out a thank you and Indrid laughs.
“Oh no, this isn’t for you. I just find that humans taste even better during orgasm.”
Any noise Duck makes in reply is drowned out in fluff and Indrids high, trilling moans as he sinks his teeth into his neck. Duck thrashes helplessly as his orgasm burns out his veins and muscles, leaving a melted man in its wake.
“Perfection” Indrid purrs, licking at the bite to close it as he grunts and pumps his hips, “my spoiled little human is finally worth something OHyesss, yes.” He holds a squirming Duck down on his cock as his spurts into him, the human unable to do anything but cling to him and moan his name.
A sweet voice lilts in Ducks ear, “if you ever forget what you’re for, or dare to tease me so again, I will strap you down in my lap and fill you until it sloshes.”
Duck nods to show he heard, but only gets through half the movement before wincing.
“Oh, oh dear, is the bite too big?”
“N-no, think, think it’s just real sore. You bit hard both times.”
“Let me look to be certain...yes, you’re right, the wounds are the usual size. Come, let’s get you in a bath at once.”
The next thing he knows, spindly arms lower him into the fancy jacuzzi. Indrid chirps over him, telling him how wonderful he is, how well he did, promising to fetch him anything he desires for dinner, all while bandaging the bigger marks and scrubbing blood from his chest. When the vampire is satisfied with his efforts, he takes his human form and joins Duck in the tub. The human immediately waves him into his lap and guides him into a kiss.
“Insatiable thing.” Indrid purrs, nuzzling his cheek.
“Damn right. And you love me for it.”
“That I do.”
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Dear Yuletide writer,
I’m 100indecisions on AO3. just based on numbers of requests/offers in the signup summary, it seems fairly likely that you matched with me on Avengers Academy, but it’s also slightly possible it was Silent Hill 3 or The Bifrost Incident. numbers also indicate nobody else requested or offered my other two fandoms, but I’m including them here anyway in case you or anyone else wants to take a stab at them. (there’s also this post if you want a little more info about why these fandoms are cool and where to find them.)
regardless! the important thing as always is that you have fun writing the fic, and for the most part everything that follows is just a suggestion. whatever you come up with, I’m sure I’ll love it.
I feel like…most of the fandoms I requested aren’t too likely to lead to fics with my major DNWs, probably. I wouldn’t want to see dubcon or significant manipulation in a relationship that’s supposed to be positive and healthy, for instance. I’m not opposed to explicit sex scenes of any kind, although I often end up skimming them because I’m the type of ace person who is just Not Interested in most of the physical aspects, so…you’re welcome to write sex scenes if it’s relevant but you absolutely don’t have to feel like you need to.
in general, my biggest DNW is unhappy endings. I’m thrilled to see my favorite characters go through all kinds of hell to get there, so for most of these I would be very happy to get something tagged Crueltide, but I also like things to be okay or at least hopeful by the end. if canon is the unhappy part in one way or another, I’m always happy to read fix-it fics. Between post-canon fix-its that could reasonably happen in the future and canon-divergence AUs where things are okay now because of some mid-canon change, I have a slight preference for the former, but both are good.
as for stuff I like, well, the other thing implied by my main DNW is that I do often enjoy fairly dark fics, as long as they end okay. I also like Loki a lot, as you can probably guess from my requests. if you ended up matching me on Avengers Academy Loki or Bifrost Incident Loki, and/or you want to take a stab at one of the other Loki-centric requests, the Loki fics I’ve actually written are pretty representative of stuff I like in my Loki fics, which basically boils down to “sympathetic interpretations always, with loads of angst and/or whump on the way to a reasonably happy ending”. I tend to take a somewhat lighter tone in general with my Avengers Academy fics (I’ve written several of those and only one of them doesn’t involve Loki at all, so…yeah I have a one-track mind where Loki is concerned), although I did also write a pretty damn whumpy fic for AvAc Loki. I’m very invested in the relationship between Thor and Loki as brothers, although Thorki is usually a personal squick. for things that aren’t necessarily Loki-related, I like found families and deep friendships, sibling bonds, stories about characters reclaiming their own agency from some outside force and/or figuring out how to take control of their own narratives, and probably plenty of other things that aren’t coming to mind at the moment. I’m equally good with plotty fics and little slice-of-life or introspective pieces. I will always always always be happy to see queer characters, especially asexual ones.
more detail about my specific requests, basically just expanded versions of what I wrote in my sign-up:
Silent Hill 3 (Heather Mason). I love this game and that’s mostly because of Heather–she’s resourceful, brave, and incredibly tough, and the game is essentially all about her reclaiming her agency (in a very literal, physical way) from people who used her for their own ends. Anything that gets into Heather’s head would be great, whether it’s a missing scene of some kind during the game or something afterward that explores what she does next, how she recovers from a frankly massive amount of trauma, and how she reconciles the various layers of her identity. The ways in which Heather, Cheryl the child, and Alessa both are and are not the same person are endlessly fascinating to me, and it seems like she probably has a lot of weird memories bouncing around in her head at this point--and possibly some extra trauma from Alessa’s memories of things Heather never physically experienced, as if she doesn’t have enough to deal with already. I would also really love to see something involving Angela and/or Maria from Silent Hill 2; I’m not sure how the timelines would line up (although realistically, considering the setting, that part would be trivial to handwave) but the way Heather basically said “fuck you, you don’t own me” to the cult makes me want to see other female characters find their own agency as well, and it would be really awesome if Heather found a way to help them do that, either by helping them directly or just by influencing the way the town operates. in general, I love these games for their atmosphere and symbolism, so anything you can do along those lines would be great.
Avengers Academy (Loki, Thor). I still miss this game. I especially miss Loki, who was a snarky little bastard but really not a bad dude. Mostly I’d be thrilled to see anything that focuses on him (or her, I super loved Loki’s canonical genderfluidity) developing actual friendships at the academy, with any characters who might be relevant (Steve, Natasha, America Chavez, Nebula, Union Jack, Angela, Jane Thor, really anybody). Working things out with Thor and/or the rest of his family is always good too; Loki’s Frost Giant storyline didn’t involve Thor at all, for instance, probably because it was written long before Thor was added to the game, so I’d be interested to see how things went when he found out his brother was a Frost Giant. I’m also always happy to see crossovers of some kind with other Marvel universes, especially considering AvAc was an interesting patchwork of film and comics canon; meta stuff where characters are aware of their multiverse counterparts is always fun (again, my own AvAc fics are pretty representative of what I like…and if you wanted to build off anything in those, I’d be thrilled). and hey, if you want to pick up or expand on any of the plot threads the game never really got around to, like more about the Academy’s supposed mole, the actual nature and origin of the timefog, or other worldbuilding-related stuff, that would be awesome. random slice-of-life stuff is also fun; so is expanding on any of the event plotlines or digging into in-world reasons for various gameplay decisions (way back during the Civil War event, for instance, Loki was one of the characters who could do stuff to earn points for Team Cap even though this didn’t come up in dialogue--it was almost certainly because they needed another non-event character to round out the rosters, but it would also make a fun premise for a fic). I’d also be happy to see something post-canon, showing what characters are up to now or doing some kind of reunion. I’m realizing somewhat belatedly that last year I only requested Loki because that’s the character I wanted most, and this year I requested both Loki and Thor even though my actual wishes haven’t changed, which...I’m not sure if that’s a potential matching problem or not. But just to be clear, the only character I require is Loki, and everything else is basically a suggestion. If there’s a character I haven’t listed but Loki had an interesting interaction with them, or they never spoke but you think they’d play off each other in fun ways, go for it.
The Bifrost Incident - The Mechanisms (Loki, Thor, Sigyn). I...need a fix-it. Like, for these characters specifically, but also for the universe in general, because the premise of this album is absolutely fascinating but I can't deal with tragedy, so--I need somebody to fix it. Somehow. I mean, I would also be very interested in pretty much anything about Loki and Sigyn, backstory or otherwise (especially if there’s Loki whump due to cosmic horror in general or Odin being a dick specifically, because...I am who I am), or Loki’s relationship with Thor, or...yeah, pretty much anything Loki-centric? But also I am a baby who cannot deal with tragedy so I gotta have like...at least a hint that things are going to end up differently than in canon. Or if you really don’t want to do that, speculate on this universe’s version of Valhalla or something, I don’t know. And yes, even though this isn’t a Marvel universe, I would also be very happy with some type of crossover/fusion with the MCU or another Marvel universe.
Loki: Where Mischief Lies - Mackenzi Lee (Loki). I had a lot of issues with this book and I’m not sure how much of that is just me not appreciating what the author was doing with an unreliable narrator (in part because I’m already pretty attached to certain interpretations of Loki) and how much is the author not quite doing it right, but I’d love to see something that would…make it make sense internally in terms of Loki’s motivations and actions. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a fix-it, although I’d love one of those too, with Loki reuniting with Theo and/or actually reconciling with his family. A giant crossover that includes this Loki with other major versions of Loki could be fun too. I’ve been planning for a while to write up some kind of actual review to articulate what about this book didn’t work for me, and I’ll update this post with a link when I do that, although…again, I know nobody else offered or requested this one. (if you think it sounds fun or you just want to read this book in general, my library actually has the ebook on Hoopla, so it’s worth checking to see if your library does too.)
What If... Thor Was Raised by the Frost Giants? (Loki, Thor). This is such a great little AU and I need MORE. Slice-of-life stuff with Thor and Loki growing up (and Laufey being an abusive bastard to Loki)? Fix-it where Freyja survives or somehow gets brought back? Post-canon fic picking up immediately after the end of the comic? Far-future speculation about what the present-day Marvel universe might look like with this change in its history? Literally anything post-canon about Thor and Loki tentatively reconciling? YES PLEASE. As always, biggest DNW is unhappy endings.
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily plays a fanfic ask game
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
The alternate ending for Resurrection Blues--a fic in which Mara Jade accidently kills the original Luke Skywalker on Wayland, and takes custody of the clone Luuke as penance--would be that Mara meets Luke's ghost, and he forgives her for murdering him (as in the current ending), but he vanishes at the end of their exchange, and doesn't come back. However, Mara is inspired by this conversation--and by Ghent's explorations into cyber-neuroscience--to come up with new ways to help Luuke recover from C'baoth's mind-rapes and become his own person.
This process is amplified when Mara meets Cilghal, a talented Force healer, and asks her for help--although it takes a while for Cilghal to come around because of the Mon Cal bias against smugglers. Luuke eventually recovers enough to be a functional human being, taking on the identity of  the original "Luke Skywalker," --and while Mara does love him, she's always wistful about what might have been if the original were still around.
Depending on how evil I'm feeling at the moment, Mara either sleeps with Luuke BEFORE she has that chat with Luke's ghost, or afterward, once he becomes his own person. If the former, it's probably borderline dubcon, because it's unclear whether Luuke is competent enough to consent, or if he's just mirroring/reflecting Mara's own desires back at her. Also unclear if Luke's ghost witnesses the clone!sex (probably yes, because he's haunting Mara in an attempt to get her to let go of her grief and forgive herself for killing him) and how he feels about it, but it's entirely likely that he openly forgives her for that, too, and encourages her to make a relationship with Luuke instead of pining after what could have been with him.
Also, Artoo never really trusts Luuke, because he's NOT the same person as Luke, no matter what the rest of the galaxy thinks--but he and Ghent are now best buds and get up to ALL KINDS OF TROUBLE TOGETHER to the amusement and chagrin of Mara, Karrde, Leia, and Garm bel Iblis (and Fey'lya, lol).
It's such a bittersweet, angsty soap-opera! Aren't you glad that I went for a happier ending (for once)??
H: How would you describe your style?
Realist. Once the parameters of the world-building are set, no matter how zany, I keep it consistent and plausible. I try to ground my work as much as possible in real-life details and consequences, and think through setting, tech, and character beats so that they feel plausible and compelling to me.
The setting is never "just" scenery--it's a character in its own right or a mirror/reflection/amplification of the characters' psyches. I am always concerned with the inner lives of my characters, and their responses to events, especially trauma.
I also shoot for lyricism if I can--how a story SOUNDS both in my head and in speech--but I'll settle for "functional" prose in a rush, where it's clear what is happening to which character at any given moment, and WHY it's hapenning.
So, "grounded but lyrical?" I'll also settle for "low-key hilarious," especially in my intentionally comic fics.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
From Single Human Jedi Seeks Life Partner, about Luke Skywalker's online dating adventures:
[SlicerKidAlpha]: but she didn't have a body??? [LS56733]: That was... less of a problem than you might think. [LS56733]: It turns out you don't need a body to have a good time.
This is a completely accurate summary of Luke and Callista's romance in Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly, and I crack up every single time I read this passage in my fic. Every. Single. Time. Most readers raise their eyebrows at the infamous "ghost sex scene" that is Legends!canon, but not Luke Skywalker! He's TOTALLY on board.
Also, anything with Ghent makes me giggle uncontrollably. Like this passage from the same fic:
[SlicerKidAlpha]: nobody lets me bet with them anymore because i kept winning all the time [LS56733]: Did you cheat? [SlicerKidAlpha]: of course not! it's not my fault they suck at math
LOL, Ghent. His view of the world is so different from most of the other characters I write, and I always enjoy the juxtaposition between his incredible technical skills and his social ineptitude and total lack of boundaries. Priorities, amirite?
Most of this fic, is, in fact, dialogue, which cheers me to no end, because I got to cut out all the unnecessary descriptions and just ROLL with the conversation--and because it was fun to think about wording, phrasing, and punctuation to convey emotion instead of using said descriptions. And I’m so proud of coming up with the framing device of chat logs in the first place, because it’s so much funnier to hear Luke’s summaries of his awful dates (and Ghent’s reactions) than it would be to describe the dates directly. This is a great example of “everything is better in the reader’s imagination,” and I’m so proud it actually works (especially since the THEME is online dating).
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millllenniawrites · 4 years
millllennia’s frequently asked questions
Last Update: November 19 2021
Who the heck are you?
I’m Mack (though there’s a couple people on here that have called me Milli which I thought was adorable and that is also a perfectly fine thing to call me) I’m a full-time uni student from Canada that’s been writing on here since 2016. I use she/her pronouns usually but like really what is a gender. I used to be fanfiction-trashpile (which is still my user on ao3). 
Can I translate your work? 
Short answer: no. 
Long answer: still no, but it’s more complicated than that. No one has permission to repost or translate my work. Even if you message me and offer to give me credit, I will say no. If you want to create for fandom, you should do it yourself and I will stand by that. 
I welcome fanart, podfic, and fanfic of my fics, and I’d love if y’all would message me/send it to me/tag me in it so that I can hype you up! 
If you decide to write with my original characters (the Helix universe or Dear Love of Mine) I will ask that you give me credit for the characters, but I don’t mine anyone else writing them. The only canon content created for the Helix universe belongs to myself and vampy ( @vampirewithbedsidemanners) but even we write alternate universes of the Helixverse, so it’s totally okay for other people to do that too.
Why are you so darn specific about the style you write in? 
Okay so there are a few things about this that I’m really picky about: 
I never use y/n or any other derivatives of the term (y/e/c or the like). For me, it’s much harder to avoid using those kinds of stand-ins for terms, so I like to challenge myself by never ever using them. If the fic calls for the reader’s name to be directly said, I’ll just give the reader a last name (like in dear love of mine where the reader’s last name is Dean) 
(NOTE: this is not to say that people that use y/n are taking the easy road or whatever. it’s entirely a personal decision and writers that use it are still good. it’s just not for me)
All my sfw fics are completely body/gender neutral unless otherwise specified
All my nsfw fics are with an afab reader (because I only know my own biology and I’d hate to try to write something for another biology type and end up getting it wrong and just alienating everyone)
I’m specific about these things because I do not look like the skinny/blonde/straight-haired/blue-eyed/wattpad version of a reader in RI fanfic. It alienated me back when I read on that platform and I’d hate to make anyone feel like that. I’m still learning, and I’m not perfect, but I really want people who read my content to feel like they can actually be immersed in the story, no matter what they look like. 
That being said, I do not write readers from specific backgrounds/with specific features because I am whiter than white and that’s not my place (though I have reblogged some stuff that has specific readers so there definitely is some on my page! check out the recommended tag) 
My own personal tastes obviously affect my writing (because everyone writes from their own experiences) so there is often dancing/hair touching in my fics because I like that stuff. There will be warnings for basically anything that could alienate the reader including but not limited to: hair mentions, the reader getting picked up, the reader’s clothing being mentioned, and abnormal physical activity (dancing, swimming, etc). If you
Are requests open?
Requests for moments, headcanons, one-shots and drabbles are open! please send me headcanons i love hearing what y’all are thinking! with that being said, i reserve the right to not write or respond to requests that i don’t want to do because at the end of the day, this is my space and my writing makes me happy. 
What fandoms do you write for?
I am currently writing for:
Star Wars (literally any character including rebels/CW) 
James Bond (Craig era) 
Dune (I love the books and the film so I write based on both!) 
Marvel (including all movies and the Punisher)
But I will generally write for any content I have consumed in the last 2 years (so I'd be super down to write for mortal instruments/shadowhunters, for example, it might just take longer). If you request something I am not currently writing for, I will keep your request until I recirculate that fandom/character/concept because I am basically a garbage disposal for fandom. 
Do I need to give you plot details in my requests?
Requests can be as simple as “Fluff with Poe Dameron!!” but can be as complex as you would like. Some formats include:
dialogue prompts (ie. “I missed you” with Jace)
type of fic (ie. I would love some Billy Russo angst)
relationships with canon characters (ie. can you write some reader x kylo ren where the reader is Rey’s sister?)
any amount of plot details (ie. thanksgiving at the Weasley’s where you and Percy get stuck hand washing dishes)
Moments Collection prompt (ie. I read your Poe “The moment they first saw you” fic. Can you write one with Dani from Prodigal son?)
Headcanon prompt (ie. how do you think Poe finding out you’re alive after thinking he had lost you would go?) 
Or any combination!! I like writing what you guys want to see and challenging myself with your ideas. 
What “out of the box” ideas are you willing to write?
Many writers will not write the following, so I wanted to be clear that anything on this list can be requested and will be written without being altered (assuming it’s in my lane). If any of these things are used in a work, they will be listed in the Warnings category at the top of the post.
graphic descriptions of violence (including but not limited to: injury, torture, emergency surgery)
death (major characters and reader included. I just won’t write drowning for my own personal safety) 
nightmares/night terrors/forced dream sequence/drug trips/things like in spiderman: far from home before peter gets hit by a train 
lemon/smut/that kind of thing (but I’m very new to this so take it easy on me folks)
panic attacks
dubcon/noncon/dark fic 
I will also write the following things that are not “warning” related but not all writers will dabble in: 
alternate universe (though I usually prefer canon-compliant work) 
crossover content 
polyamorous relationships 
What don't you write?
I absolutely will not write: 
suggestive content with underaged characters (I’ll age them up)
the act of self-harm (I will write post-getting clean or talking about self-harm vaguely, but won’t write the action or witnessing the action for my own safety)
drowning/water boarding/violence involving water (I know, very specific, but I don’t write this for my own safety)
readers that deal with transphobia/racism (I am blessed to not have experienced either of these things and it’s absolutely not my place to think I can write about these struggles. I will however reblog content I find and enjoy because it is so important to talk about these things and bring awareness to these communities)
mental illness other than anxiety/depression/ptsd (outside of canon determined elements)
specific pronoun requests. all of my sfw work is gender neutral. the reader insert/imagine space has been historically very heteronormative and I want everyone to be able to enjoy my writing, no matter how they identify and which pronouns they use. if a fic is requested with pronouns, I will still write the request. it will just be gender neutral
real life people. non-negotiable. this makes me feel icky. no judgement to those that do it. I just won’t
abo!AUs. not my jam. 
magic AUs.
I hope this clears some stuff up! I’m looking forward to hearing from you guys! my inbox is always open so feel free to come chat! 
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vi-olia · 5 years
Yuletide 2019 Letter
Dear Writer,
Hi! I am violia over on AO3 and viiolia here on tumblr.
I am so excited that you have been matched with me for this year’s Yuletide. This letter is intended to expand upon the small details that I gave you on the AO3 signup. If you’d prefer to not have any more details from me, then I understand! Good luck, thank you for writing in these small fandoms, and I can’t wait for the 25th!
On the other hand, if you’d like some more info from me, then please read on. What you’ll find here is a list of my likes and dislikes, and then a rundown of each of my requested fandoms, in which I explain why I love the characters and fandoms that I’ve chosen, so that you may get an idea of what I’d like to see in potential fics, without me just straight up telling you what to do.
If there’s only one thing that you want to remember about me, please let it be this: at the end of the day, I will love any fic if it is driven by strong, well-thought-out characters and relationships.
Happy endings! I enjoy angst and hurt/comfort, but please let there be a happy ending for all.
Snappy dialogue.
I love canon! All these canons. I also like canon divergence and post-canon fics.  
Humour, romance, mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, drama, adventure, magical realism.
I generally enjoy fandom tropes, as long as they’re adapted to suit the specific characters and relationship dynamics. Friends-to-lovers, or 5+1 things, are two tropes that immediately come to mind. The same goes for AUs: I love an AU if there’s been good thought and worldbuilding put into how the specific characters and relationships would fit into a different canonical universe.
I love slash. All my requests contain characters that I love to ship together. I love smut and romance and getting-together fics and established relationship fics. But if slash really isn’t your thing - I won’t mind a gen or pre-slash story either. Again, at the end of the day, if the fic is driven by strong, interesting, emotional characters and arcs, whether in relationships or not, I will be loving it!
In terms of smut, I really enjoy (again, I’m a broken record) when it’s informed by the characters’ emotions/dynamics/relationship at that certain point in the story. I enjoy reading more vanilla smut and more kinky smut; specific likes include praise kink, consent play/dubcon (where it’s still clear that both parties have consented to this kink), body worship, semi-public sex (preferably close calls, or without being caught), tender sex, and rough sex (not too much actual pain though). My bookmarked works on AO3 can be pretty, uh, enlightening in terms of what smut I like to read. Also, this is pedantic but I prefer the word “come” rather than “cum”.
Animal and child abuse/death.
Character death, or characters with cancer/terminal illnesses.
Unhappy endings.
Horror, zombies, cannibalism, and extreme/non-canon-typical violence.
PWP. Don’t get me wrong - I love porn. But please have some plot in there!
Student/teacher relationships, and any circumstances/relationships/power dynamics where a main character is taking unfair or malicious advantage of another.
First person POV.
In terms of smut, I’m really not a fan of BDSM, scat, watersports, vomit, extreme humiliation, body horror, or bestiality.
BLACKKKLANSMAN Ron Stallworth, Flip Zimmerman
This film really got me good. Everything about it struck me - the message, the characters, the plot, the cinematography, the music. I quickly fell in love with Ron and Flip and the idea of those two becoming friends (or something more).
I love Ron Stallworth for his courage and wit. I love how he approaches life and people. He’s so open, low-key and easy to get along with. He’s not quick to judge anyone. Perhaps this stems partly from the time he spent at college. But I truly feel that if someone were to come out to Ron Stallworth, he would never discriminate against them. Maybe he’d need some time to fully understand. Maybe he’s needed some time to fully come to terms with his own sexuality. But he’s not one to judge. And he’s so smart and such a quick-thinker. And probably a little kinky, which I love. Okay I’ll stop rambling about Ron now.
Time to ramble about Flip instead. Flip Zimmerman: the Gruff, Quiet Romantic. I love how Flip can seem so immovable, always unfazed. He and Ron are similar, in this way. But Ron is way more in touch with his emotions, whereas Flip is not so much. Or maybe he is in touch with his emotions, but he just doesn’t often express them. I love that Flip needs to really trust someone before he lets them get close. He’s not quick to judge others, either, but I think he can certainly hold some judgements about himself, and out of the both of them, I’d say Flip would have more trouble coming to terms with his sexuality, or admitting his feelings for Ron. But oh boy - I think Flip would be fantastic in bed. Yes ma’am. Mmm… anyway.
One thing I’m very aware of is that being gay or exploring your sexuality was not totally fun or freeing in 1970s America. It came with a lot of serious dangers. Being outed could cost you your job, your safety, your family, and more. Writer, I would appreciate it very much if you could take this historical context into account. It directly informs whatever friendship/relationship Ron and Flip have. I would find it very difficult to feel immersed in a story about two men, one Jewish and one African-American, who are coming to terms with their feelings for one another, or entering into a romantic and/or sexual relationship with one another, or forging a close friendship with one another, if the story did not take into account the serious issues of racism and homophobia which pervade the era and setting of this film. (AKA, please don’t have them sitting in a public cafe holding hands, or something else that’s unrealistic for this time period.)
My preference for these two characters is clearly skewed towards slash. I would love to read about them forging a relationship, romantic or sexual or both. Maybe they go from friends to lovers, or they do the only fun thing there is to do in Colorado Springs and hike into the wilderness for a private moment. Or maybe they’re in an established relationship, and navigating their lives as a closeted gay couple who both work for the police department. Or maybe you think of something else entirely; I can’t wait. Alternatively, maybe you’d prefer to write gen or pre-slash instead, and in that case, please feel free. I would love reading about the growth of Ron and Flip’s friendship, or more of their time working together as police officers. Ultimately, I am just so excited to potentially receive a fic from you, for me, which I think is so special.
Although the first year or two they spent as hosts of Weekend Update was fairly rocky at times, Colin Jost and Michael Che have really come into their own with this segment on SNL, and the hate comments I used to see on their videos a couple of years ago have almost all changed to comments of support and appreciations of their comedy. What makes them so good at this is their dynamic. They bounce off of either other constantly on the show, and they work so well together - they have to, in this job!
Michael Che is the one true trash fire that I know and love. What is he doing? I don’t know. I don’t think he knows either. And I love him for it. One thing that really stands out to me about Che is how good he is at comedy, and particularly stand-up. I can tell that he seriously puts a lot of thought and effort into his delivery. He makes it sound so effortless and off the top of his head, but in reality he is practiced and professional and knows his craft. His humour often comments on big issues like racism and gender, and I personally really enjoy this commentary-style comedy, where you can poke fun at everyone but also have a serious message to convey as well. Personality-wise, I love how Che is a selective over-thinker. He can be so overly conscious of some things, and so oblivious and apathetic about others. I think he might struggle, or has previously struggled with his sexuality; but I also think Colin makes him weak at the knees, and Che finds himself simultaneously wanting to take Colin on a date, and fuck him into the mattress, and run away and hide in another country, and fall asleep for three years, all at once.
Colin’s humour is more silly and less ‘controversial’ than Che’s. I don’t enjoy it less, just differently. Colin definitely has his life more together than Che does - or at least, is great at acting like he’s got his life together. I love that Colin is easygoing and quietly calm and confident, but beneath that, I think he struggles with some overthinking tendencies too. And sometimes he really doesn’t feel confident at all. I think he’s pretty in touch with his emotions, but when it comes to expressing them, sometimes he might just need a moment to get the right words. Especially if he’s nervous. But I love that Colin really likes Che. He finds Che so hilarious (and vice versa, of course). I love how Che can always make Colin laugh out loud, or do his cute little smile that’s a twist of his lips. I love that they can bounce off each other in progressing a joke to the point where it seems like they’re the only two people in the room.
Truly, I think they’re both trash fires in their own ways. I think it’s a minor miracle if they get together, because they’re both second-guessing themselves at some point, and they both treasure their friendship so incredibly much. But that’s why I love them so much - because of how closely tied together they are. They truly value each other in their lives. They are best friends and close confidants and they’ve gone through a lot together.
I love reading about Colin and Che and their lives working at SNL. The work week is incredibly hectic at that show - even more so now that Colin and Che are head writers, as well as managing and appearing in their own segment. I find the whole cast of SNL fascinating and hilarious, and I think a lot of people romanticise what it might be like to work in such a demanding job with such a close-knit community of people. I think who they are at this point in time is tied very closely with their jobs, especially because they work together. If you’re writing a story or some scenes that take place at SNL, I don’t mind if you include other SNL cast members in passing interactions, for the sake of verisimilitude.
Writer, I would love it if you could just pretend that Colin Jost is not engaged to Scarlett Johansson. Or if there’s another way you want to deal with that, then go for it. Please just heed my DNWs: no infidelity, and no unhappy endings. Other than that, I’m so excited about any story you have about these two guys. I clearly ship them together; I’d love to see some aspect of their relationship, maybe getting together or in an established relationship, maybe during the SNL season or something they get up to during their summer holidays. If you’re more of a gen or pre-slash writer, I totally understand - just their dynamic as it is now, as friends who bounce off one another and get on each others’ nerves but ultimately understand each other on a deeper level than anyone else around them, is so interesting and entertaining for me to watch and I’d love to read more of it.
Side note: Colin and Che did an advertisement for Red Nose Day on the Weekend Update desk in which Kate McKinnon, in an old-lady character that I think embodies all of fandom, lobbies for them to kiss. Colin kisses Che on the cheek, but Che was totally ready for a peck on the lips. THIS VIDEO IS MAYBE POSSIBLY REQUIRED VIEWING FOR THESE CHARACTERS. Search their names + Red Nose Day on Youtube to find it; requires a VPN if you’re not based in the USA.
LEGALLY BLONDE Elle Woods, Vivian Kensington
I have two words for you. LAWYER WIVES. Or law student wives. That’s more than two words, but you get the idea.
A couple of months ago, I rewatched Legally Blonde for the first time in many years. My biggest takeaway from this viewing? ELLE AND VIVIAN NEED TO DITCH THOSE GROSS GUYS AND JUST GET TOGETHER INSTEAD. Seriously! Warner is a sexist and self-absorbed asshole. Both Elle and Vivian deserve so much better… aka, each other.
The biggest thing I love about Elle Woods is her positive and caring attitude. She rarely lets things get her down, nor does she fall into self-pity. And Vivian Kensington just screams smol baby gay to me and I adore her for it. Please can someone (Elle) walk into Vivian’s life and pull her out of the humdrum of repetitive, lame, often orgasm-less intercourses with self-absorbed men and into the beautiful world of women pleasuring other women one, two, three times over. But also I do love how Vivian puts on a strong, confident face and is so dedicated to her studies and career but you can tell, beneath all that, she’s still figuring all this stuff out.
I think Vivian can learn a lot from Elle about how to let go, have fun, and most of all, how to be more considerate of others; I think Elle can learn a lot from Vivian about discipline, duty, responsibility, and the more realistic/gritty aspects of being a lawyer. I think that together, these two women could balance each other out incredibly well. They could learn and grow together and support each other.
I think Elle’s naïveté could sometimes get annoying, especially to someone like Vivian, who is incredibly knowledgeable, realistic and down-to-earth. But that’s not to say that Elle is not those things as well. And in fact, I think Vivian can be quite naive herself when it comes to emotions and relationships; this is an area she’s not totally confident in. It’s pretty clear that Vivian’s internalised some sexist and misogynistic attitudes (see: slut-shaming Elle when she was sexually harassed by Callahan). I think Vivian’s jump to conclusions here can also be attributed to her tendency to act first, and ask questions later; she’s quicker to judge others than Elle is.
I hope this whole bunch of random thoughts I have about these characters gives you some idea of why I love them so much. What I’ve written here leans more towards femslash; but please know that, if you prefer to write gen, I would of course gladly accept any gen fic that you gift me. Because it’ll be from you, to me! And that is something so special and exciting. At the end of the day, I just want to read about these two characters growing closer together, whether that be in a friendship or relationship.
Note: if you want to include Emmett and/or Warner in some capacity, I don’t mind, just as long as the main focus of the story is on Elle and Vivian. Tbh I think Elle and Emmett would be awesome best friends.
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tmararepairs · 4 years
Claimed, thank you!
Pinch hit #1
Deadline is February 13. If you can fill in for this, please send an ask and include your ao3 username!
All requests are for fic. Details under cut. Ships include: Eric Delano/Mary Keay, Georgie Barker/Alex Brooke, Georgie Barker/Karolina Górka, Georgie Barker & Jonathan Sims, Georgie Barker/Jonathan Sims, Gerard Keay & Gertrude Robinson, Gerard Keay & Jonathan Sims, Jonathan Sims & Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood/Sasha James/Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood/The Vast
Request 1 by Rozzlynn Eric Delano/Mary Keay (Fic) Summary A closer look at their relationship would be interesting! How did Eric reconcile the sort of worldview that let him judge Gertrude for 'ruining lives' with his love for Mary even knowing she was a murderer? How did his love of ghosts and danger play out in his job and their marriage? How useful was he to her, before she decided to get rid of him? Did he have any qualms about the way Mary was raising Gerry those couple of years when he was trying to quit so he could be there for his son? Could go for something set during canon, or a divergence where he survives for longer somehow? (Doing something that convinced Mary he was worth keeping once he was blind? Doubting her and breaking up over Gerry's future, with Mary's part in those events shown? Third party interference triggering a different path, e.g. someone targeting the Archivist's assistants, and Mary stepping in for Eric's sake, with butterfly effect consequences?) Creepy pregnancy fic? A second child?
DNW: - Pure PWP (though explicit content is welcome in fics that also show their lives outside of sex). - Eric committing sexual violence. (On the other hand, if you have a plotbunny that involves Mary being awful to Eric as part of their relationship deteriorating, feel free to go with that. But don't feel that you have to write violence between them, of any sort.) - A sole focus on book-ghost Eric, since by then the 'real' him is dead and he doesn't feel quite how he did while alive, and the show's covered his state of mind at that point. - Child!Gerry dying or suffering beyond-canon-typical abuse. - Noncanonical side ships coming up. (To err on the side of caution.) - Waterworks/scat.
Request 2 by Rozzlynn Georgie Barker/Alex Brooke, Georgie Barker/Karolina Górka (Fic) Summary What sort of chemistry did Georgie have with Alex? What sort could she have with Karolina? Something about fairly fearless and practical girls sticking together. Prompt ideas:
- Alex comes back as an end avatar. Georgie, with her emotions still not really working, but no fear in the mix, and some lingering love still present, has a hard time figuring out how to react. (Tries to work out what happened to Alex? Tries to rekindle whatever she thinks she ought to feel? Finds out Alex is taking victims, and destroys her to save others, leaving her emotions all the more a mess? Could be before she met Jon, or something she hides from him while they're friends or dating, or Jon is really creeped out and worried by all this - maybe Alex almost kills him.)
- Entity swap alternate encounter for Georgie and Alex at uni - something where Georgie still comes out fearless, but things play out differently for them?
- Karolina seems extremely unflappable, showing no fear even in the statement nightmares when she's crushed to death. And yet the fears still have more of a foothold with her, since she's not as wholly immune to dream violence as Georgie. Something where they meet, and are both interested to see how someone else is dealing practically with the horrors of the world they live in? With Georgie relieved that, hey, here's someone who won't imply she's stupid for not fearing danger. And trying to help Karolina find even more genuine equilibrium, if she figures out that she's still struggling on some level - a heavily repressed fear response buried under fatalistic acceptance? Is she too fatalistic to fully enjoy life, her feelings choked by the pressure that has her still shedding dust everywhere? Does Georgie manage to help?
- Possible Georgie/Melanie/Karolina, if Melanie's already in the picture, maybe trying to bring up things learned from therapy.
- Sensory play, to help process things, with plot- and characterisation-relevant discussion of the results.
- (For dark humour, could add Georgie and Karolina falling asleep together, and both of them being in an 'oh fuck off, Jon' mood when they see him in their nightmares a few minutes later. Not that they can talk in the dreamscape, but, y'know. Mood.)
DNWs - Georgie dying, or still feeling fear. (Not counting something partially set before her encounter, so long as she's fearless afterwards.) - Melanie getting excluded from anything around the time she'd be there in canon. - Noncanonical side ships coming up (besides passing mentions of prior partners). - Apocalypse - Noncon (though dubcon from the extreme difficulty any of them might have processing feelings would be ok, so long as they work with each other when they actually piece things together). - PWP - Waterworks/scat.
Request 3 by Rozzlynn Georgie Barker & Jonathan Sims, Georgie Barker/Jonathan Sims (Fic) Summary I'd be really interested in something from their uni days! Building on what Georgie's said about that time: "I numbly got myself some water, and ignored my weeping mother. She tried to hug me, but her arms just slid off my limp shoulders. And that was my life for several months. Eventually, the memory began to fade, and I started to feel again. I took the year out of university under the umbrella of ‘medical reasons’, and by the time I met you I was, well, I don’t think I’ll ever be the same person I was before, but I had started being able to actually live again."
Given that Georgie was only starting to be able to feel things again (minus fear), and Jon seems to have always been an emotional wreck to some degree even when he tried to come across as functional, and uni's a place where young people tend to have some ups and downs adapting to adult life for the first time even if they're not dealing with supernatural trauma... well, that must have been a weird time for them, right?
- Jon being bad at dealing with anything on an emotional level, still getting used to not living with his grandmother, trying to keep up academically, exaggerating his accent, getting carried away with things he dives into with his problems with moderation, but maybe still having trouble focusing on the sort of work that requires him to 'read the same book twice'.
- Georgie having enough trouble processing her own emotions that she doesn't register as an issue things that she'd criticise Jon for by the time she's gotten to where she is in canon.
- Both of them going through the motions a bit, with 'functional adult' life things as well as relationship things. The presence of another person encouraging them to somewhat keep up healthy habits like food, rest, study breaks and keeping deadlines, even when they'd feel a bit dissociated on their own? And/or one of them going off the rails in a 'students making bad life choices' way, and getting some solidarity from the other (sure, let's stay up three days in a row to study, then build a marshmallow fort just because we can and fall asleep in it and wake up with sticky hair').
- Experimenting with sex/kink? Any shade of ace for Jon; if sex-repulsed then figuring out what other kinds of intimacy they'd enjoy, if sex-indifferent or -positive then figuring out how much they feel from that kind of activity (and from nonsexual stuff too, cause why not)? (I'm not looking for PWP, but would be interested in stuff with awkwardness, character/relationship development, humour - including any plotbunnies where they give up on experimentation that's not working out and have a laugh about it.)
- Either or both of them getting triggered by a reminder of their supernatural encounters, and trying to cope without actually explaining what happened. The sound of knocking at a bad time bringing up memories of Mr Spider? A friend watching a crime show with corpses on screen that act as a reminder of things that are still unpleasant to recall even if they don't incite fear? Georgie missing Alex and needing some space? Jon's survivor's guilt flaring up and making him a bit paranoid for Georgie's safety, trying to subtly check friends' bookshelves for Leitners when they visit (and not being subtle, so just coming across as really weird)?
- Going on a trip during the holidays or after graduation? Georgie learning how prone Jon is to wandering off and getting lost? A restaurant meal where Jon sees a spider and has to kill it, even if it means getting too close to another table / the kitchens / the ceiling? Georgie getting annoyed at rude posh people and wistfully thinking that Alex would have confronted them (and possibly punched them), and maybe feeling pleased when Jon questions them over something a bit pedantic until they want to punch him?
- Breaking up when Georgie's recovered to the point where she's getting more functional than in her first few years after the End incident, and seeing more of a problem with Jon's behaviour? And Jon seeing that as things ending really badly because it feels like she's gotten to know him and decided he's not good enough, even over things that she didn't used to mind?
DNWs - Self-hate over asexuality as an orientation. (Worries about compatibility are fine, and they could get upset over activities going badly, so long as heavy acephobia isn't involved; if he doesn't blame his orientation any more than he blames hers. Or they could both be biromantic ace, with no reason to blame that for their problems.) - AU where they didn't break up, or where they got back together. In other words, keep them exes for the parts of the timeline where that's canon. (But the fill could be set entirely before the breakup.) - Noncanonical side ships coming up (besides passing mentions of prior partners). - PWP (I like plotfic, with or without explicit content) - Noncon/waterworks/scat
Request 4 by Rozzlynn Gerard Keay & Gertrude Robinson, Gerard Keay & Jonathan Sims (Fic) Summary Some Gerry lives fic? With some of the same prompts as the Gerry ships request, if you feel like using them as a setup for platonic bonding rather than a shippy polypile:
- Gerry helping with Gertrude's plan to kill Jonah and destroy the Institute, which succeeds this time, and maybe meeting & bringing in some of the others while they're still working in Research / Artefact Storage / the Library. (Since non-Archive staff can quit without blinding themselves, fair to assume they're not tied closely enough to Jonah to die if he dies? So only Gertrude has to worry about that part. Maybe Gerry helps her to the hospital?)
- Gerry finding out that Gertrude is part-desolation (she mentions burning inside, and her ritual circle mitigating the worst effects - can she light a cigarette with her bare hands?), and/or finding out she's working with Leitner too. Possibly precipitated by a spooky attack that they deal with together?
- Gerry being alive and meeting Jon, giving him more info/warning about Beholding at some point in the timeline. (Early enough that Jon tries to turn down the Archivist position and warn off the others too? Gerry knows that Jonah killed Gertrude and tries to enlist some help in taking him down? Early s1 Jon gets warned off live statements by a Gerry who learned why Gertrude usually avoided them, and they try to protect themselves and the archive assistants from Jonah's attempts to organise attacks on the Institute to traumatise Jon with every entity?)
DNWs: - Completely mundane AUs. - Character death or full monsterhood for Gerry, Jon, or Jon's assistants (canon's got that covered in many ways and I'd like to see their living potential explored). - Apocalypse - Shippy Gerry/Gertrude or Gerry/Jon (except Gerry and Jon in a polypile, but that's in another request, see below). - Other noncanonical ships, in general. (Platonic focus preferred for this one, but if, e.g., Basira/Daisy or Georgie/Melanie somehow comes up, ok to mention that that still happens.) - Noncon/waterworks/scat.
Request 5 by Rozzlynn Jonathan Sims & Alice "Daisy" Tonner (Fic) Summary Something exploring their friendship post-coffin? They seem to end up getting each other's mistakes without condoning them, understanding how much of it was supernatural coercion, trauma response, and their own flaws, and sharing a very dry, dark sense of humour. They've seen some interesting sides of each other, and moved past the attempted murder and supernaturally inflicted trauma nightmares even though both must've been pretty awful at the time. Neither of them have many other friends who could get exactly how badly messed up their lives are and stick with them, besides those who are actively unrepentantly evil like Helen (and whatever mix of denial and turning a blind eye Basira's approach was, and Martin who wanted Jon to do better but refused to get directly involved during his own crisis).
- Jon and Daisy supporting each other's attempts to stay relatively human? Discussing the past, and the others? Daisy keeping an eye on Jon while Basira and Rosie are dealing with the people who come to the Institute to give written statements - the sort of thing that led Jon to tell Martin that their intervention was exactly what he needed?
- S4 canon divergence, with one of the finale episodes taking a different turn?
- Jon and Daisy managing to do something positive for the others (Basira, Melanie, Martin)?
- Passing mention of the 'normal' institute staff being creeped out by running into Jon and Daisy (both of them looking dangerous and half dead, with rumours about murders and disappearances still following them around). Daisy coping better than Jon with this. Basira effectively being the archivist everyone deals with if they can help it. (Melanie's not quite as scary as she used to be, but she's barely around... Who'd have thought Martin would end up siding with the evil new boss...?) Though if you go with this prompt, at least part of the fic from Daisy or Jon's pov preferred, rather than entirely outsider pov.
- Melanie trying to pass on therapeutic advice and activities (based on whatever mundane version of events she told her therapist about them); Daisy and Jon trying to listen, not necessarily liking all of it, and putting some of the activites into practice bc they need to keep busy (maybe not necessarily lasting long before making a dark joke of it, maybe finding it helpful anyway).
DNWs - Feral!Daisy within the fill, unless she manages to come around without permanently reverting to the Hunt or going on a killing spree against innocents in the meantime or anything. - Jon taking statements within the fill (except from other monsters if they bring on a crisis, like with Peter). - Apocalypse. - Shippy Jon/Daisy, except in a Basira/Daisy/Jon/Martin polypile where some of them share and/or are friends with benefits. - Other noncanonical ships coming up. - PWP - Noncon/waterworks/scat.
Request 6 by Rozzlynn Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan SimsMartin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker (Fic) Summary Have fun with an AU that gives them a chance to shine? Divergences from the canon while Gerry was around, or alternate settings, so they can be alive together. Prompt ideas:
- Gerry helping Tim after Danny's death, or meeting Danny in time to avert it.
- Gerry telling Jon more about Gertrude and the supernatural than he had the chance to in canon, and helping his statement addiction stabilise at around the same level as Gertrude's, questioning any impulsive use of compelling so that Jon thinks it through and gets stricter with himself (especially with Martin and Tim's input), trying out protective measures to mitigate the statement nightmares for everyone involved (since with the tattoos and everything he learned working with Mary and Gertrude, Gerry seems to know a thing or two about channeling and hiding from the eye, using supernatural powers without losing himself).
- Jon still finding Eric's tape eventually, and Gerry hearing about his dad's life that way, while the others deal with the knowledge of how to quit.
- Exploring the tunnels and Jon meeting Leitner under different circumstances, Gerry finding out 'wait that really was him?' and Leitner still being scared after he beat him up that time, Martin trying to stop another fight, Tim wanting to find out more about Smirke from Leitner.
- Gerry meeting the others while they're still working in the Research & Library departments; they all help with Gertrude's plan to kill Jonah and destroy the Institute, and make enough of a difference that it succeeds. (Since non-Archive staff can quit without blinding themselves, fair to assume they're not tied closely enough to Jonah to die if he dies? So only Gertrude has to worry about that part. Could include Sasha helping as a friend, and Basira and Daisy lending police support? Maybe after Gertrude quits, the next Archivist that Beholding picks is someone at the sister organisation in China or America, and Gertrude gives them some advice.)
- Alternate careers with section 31 equivalents. E.g. Jon as a surgeon (his grandma made him study medicine) with an eye for dealing with supernatural injuries? Tim got into architecture or the occult side of publishing, or became a cop? Martin got into something really random from applying to absolutely everything with a fake cv - maybe working several jobs / nightshifts and giving a statement after running into spooky trouble? Or working at the occult store with Jane and Oliver, and meeting Gerry while he worked at the bookshop? (How much more exasperated would Martin have been if he knew Jane before she went wormy and she still besieged his flat? Maybe Gerry helped, and Jon worked for the ECDC?)
- Mixed feelings over the holidays, since they all have/had difficult family situations. Learning to look after each other (Martin feeling appreciated for his efforts to take care of his loved ones, Tim feeling supported, Jon feeling that he can protect them all and there's no crisis to jump at or information he's missing, Gerry feeling understood by people who know about the supernatural and want to build a life free of the worst of it alongside him). Holiday preparations with their friends - Sasha, Georgie, Melanie, The Admiral. Jon's tendency to need mental stimulus and to get carried away manifests as ridiculously overdoing something like gift shopping, cooking attempts, or planning a trip (and still overlooking things he should've foreseen - so it's a good thing problem solving is a team effort).
DNWs: - Completely mundane AUs. - Other noncanonical ships coming up. (Unless you want to include Sasha in a plot where she lives, joining the main polypile, or a triad with Melanie and Georgie. Mentions of oc previous partners are also ok.) - Self-hate over asexuality as an orientation. (Worries about compatibility are fine, so long as heavy acephobia isn't involved; if Jon doesn't blame his orientation any more than he blames anyone else's. Any shade of ace is ok.) - Character death within the ship. (Not keen on book!Gerry for this, as he didn't want to exist that way for long.) - Anyone in the ship going unrepentantly evil as a full monster. - Apocalypse - Noncon within the ship. (If you want to include an element of hurt/comfort over any of them having previously suffered bad things outside of this ship, then feel free.) - PWP - Waterworks/scat.
Request 7 by Rozzlynn Martin Blackwood/Sasha James/Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker (Fic) Summary Have fun with an AU that gives them a chance to shine? Divergences from the canon while Sasha was around, or alternate settings, so they can be alive together. Prompt ideas:
- Sasha meeting the others during a misadventure in Artefact Storage (while Jon and Tim worked in research and Martin worked in the library).
- Sasha finding out how Gertrude really lived in time to help with her retirement plan, getting the others involved one way or another. They kill Jonah and make plans for what to do after the Institute's destroyed, counting their blessings that they never worked in the Archive.
- During the chaos and panic of Prentiss' attack, Sasha accidentally knocked Elias into the tidal wave of worms before she made it to the fire suppression system and saved the others. (Jonah's body in the panopticon is alive and kinda stuck there, so they all live). They're upset about losing the head of the institute... until they listen to Gertrude's tapes and learn what's really going on. Jon tells the others how much he's becoming like Gertrude (nightmares, compulsion), and when they know everything the audience knows as of current canon, he quits with the others' support to stay human.
- Hurt/comfort over near-death experiences
- Going on a long holiday together after it's all over. Sasha and Jon picking museums to visit, Jon and Martin lingering in bookshop cafes, Martin and Tim picking scenic outdoor routes to visit, and Tim trying to get the others involved in sporty outdoor activities (too bad they're all nerds, but they give things a go, mostly).
- Alternate careers with section 31 equivalents.
- Mixed feelings over the holidays, since they all have/had difficult family situations, assuming Sasha fits Jonah's trend of hiring people without many attachments. Learning to look after each other (Martin feeling appreciated for his efforts to take care of his loved ones, Tim feeling supported, Jon feeling that he can protect them all and there's no crisis to jump at or information he's missing, Sasha feeling intellectually fulfilled with nothing left to truly fear). Jon's tendency to need mental stimulus and to get carried away manifests as ridiculously overdoing something like gift shopping, cooking attempts, or planning a trip (and still overlooking things he should've foreseen - so it's a good thing problem solving is a team effort).
- Sasha and gay!Martin bonding platonically in a polypile, finding it's a relief to be able to talk to each other without the particular kinds of pressure that come with their romantic relationships with Jon and Tim, to the extent that the ship feels all the more like found family for each of them thanks to the other's inclusion.
DNWs: - Completely mundane AUs. - Other noncanonical ships coming up (besides mentions of oc previous partners). - Self-hate over asexuality as an orientation. (Worries about compatibility are fine, so long as heavy acephobia isn't involved; if Jon doesn't blame his orientation any more than he blames anyone else's. Any shade of ace is ok.) - Character death within the ship. (I've had my fill of 'the others mourn Sasha' for now.) - Anyone in the ship going unrepentantly evil as a full monster. - Apocalypse - Noncon within the ship. (If you want to include an element of hurt/comfort over any of them having previously suffered bad things outside of this ship, then feel free.) - PWP - Waterworks/scat.
Request 8 by Rozzlynn Martin Blackwood/The Vast (Fic) Summary Okay, so Martin canonically: - is claustrophobic - had many bad times besieged in buildings and lost in tunnels and corridors - wrote poetry about wandering the countryside like a cloud - is bitter about never having had the chance to travel - is a bit conflict avoidant, and ended up feeling so trapped by a terrible situation that he found some relief in isolating himself (didn't miss the shouting, couldn't bring himself to want to deal with his problems anymore), even while he was suicidally depressed over it all.
What if the Vast got ahold of him? Prompts for various bits of a possible timeline:
- In s3, Martin insists on accompanying Jon on his research trip abroad, to help with the work and to look after him. (Nobody can deny that Jon needs looking after, by that point, and Martin is his assistant.) They have an encounter with the Vast in a plane, or on the road through China or America's wide open spaces. Though they survive, Martin's infected in a way that builds over time, like with Melanie and the Slaughter.
- When they're back in London with the plan for the Unknowing organised, Martin persuades Jon to use the Archives budget for a corporate team building day in the countryside, to try to address the interpersonal issues between the staff. The event goes a bit strange.
- After the Unknowing and the Flesh attack, when Martin stops expecting Jon to wake up and says goodbye, maybe he nopes out and flees into the Vast, aware that it's been stalking at his heels? (Intending to lose himself there forever, not become an avatar who hurts others.) - Maybe, months later, he runs into Simon Fairchild while falling through the sky, and hears news about the Institute. When he hears that Jon's awake, that he's still got something tethering him to the world, he drops out of the Vast. - In his absence, Peter made a deal with Basira? (She already thought she couldn't trust anyone but herself. Peter figured she was lonely enough, and had to find the Extinction research to convince her to work with him.)
- Or Martin still makes the deal during Jon's coma, but Peter adapts his approach, sensing the Vast's influence. Either he thinks it'll help draw Martin to the idea of seeing everything via the panopticon, or he worries it'll put him off staying underground there, no matter how unlimited his vision may be as a result. So he either encourages Martin to isolate himself in a Vast-aligned way (research trips out in desolate places, with enough Institute paperwork to avoid withdrawal), or tries to train it out of him (confining him to the building, trying to instill agoraphobia). - At the office, Martin opens the windows even in awful weather, works on the rooftop on his phone or tablet, gets distracted by the sky, etc.
- Things reach a crisis point one way or another, and Jon follows Martin into his space within the Vast. (With different avatars having different powers, and several places falling within each entity, like Forsaken having the graveyard, ocean, beach, suburbs, etc... Maybe Martin's Vast niche is a cloudy sky far above a beautiful green landscape that never gets any closer, evoking an overwhelming mixture of grief and relief that everything below is out of reach; beautiful from a distance, but closing the distance would be too painful to consider.) Jon still tries to talk him out of it, unwilling to leave without him. Either they both leave, or neither of them do? - If Peter doesn't manage to send Martin to the Lonely & tempt Jon in after him, Jonah gets frustrated over the bet being useless. (Mike Crew's already covered the Vast, why couldn't Peter do his job properly??)
DNWs - Peter/Martin, Simon/Martin. In general, Martin being genuinely ok with anyone he knows is an unreformed mass murderer. (If the prompts give you a whump idea that leans on assault by one of them as an extra factor in his depression, making the Vast a relative sanctuary of gentle fear, then go ahead with the noncon, but don't go out of your way to include it otherwise.) - Jonah ships. - Martin knowingly & willingly killing a victim. (Fighting another avatar in self defence would be ok. The Vast maliciously messing with his perceptions and reflexes so he's not actually sure what he's done while badly dissociated could work, if a plotbunny needs something like that.) - Martin or Jon dying more unambiguously than being Vast-stranded indefinitely (as the upper limit for a worst case scenario). - PWP. (Though that seems unlikely here, as any smut between Martin and an entity would need a plot to establish even what and how. And honestly, I can't say I'm keen to read about Martin jerking off in midair. So, uh, don't reach for explicit content unless you've got a plotbunny that involves it in an emotional arc?) - Heavy internalised acephobia. - Waterworks/scat.
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