#i could have done so many more but my brain has fried :')
yanderelovlies · 2 years
𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴
Note: something cute and simple for you all
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ, and DMC
Character(s): Joseph, Sunny Day Jack, Dante Sparda, and V
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Sunny Day Jack
Thought other people couldn't see or feel him like you could you still like to occasionally mention him to strangers you know you won't meet again.
For instance, tonight you and Jack had to decide to get takeout since you didn't feel like cooking after work, and pancakes didn't sound good.
So as soon as you got home you called up your favorite food place, and began to place the order.
"What do you want dear?"
"Oh, a simple burger and fries are fine sunshine."
You smiled and nodded "and my husband wants just a burger and fries please!"
Jack's head swung in your direction, and he just stared at you. Did you just call him your husband?
When you were done with your call Jack immediately was at your side his hand on your face as he gives you a very passionate kiss.
When you separated you could see the love and adoration in his eyes "I think I really like being called your husband sunshine."
It wasn't a surprise to see you and Joseph out around town. Ever since he got his job he loves to take you places, and get you things he couldn't before. However this time you insisted on spoiling him.
It was weird for him at first, but eventually, it felt nice to be taken care of. What he didn't expect was when the two of you stopped at In and Out burger for lunch.
You had made your order to the man behind the counter. When the man turned to Joseph for his order you spike up.
"My husband wants the number three please!"
While you continued to talk to the cashier paying for the meal all Joseph could do was stare at you. Not only didn't you remember what he wanted, but you call him your husband??
His face turned red as he looked away trying to hide it. It wasn't until the two of you were sitting at the table does he takes your hand, his face still red, but a smile on his face.
"Thank you my lovely spouse for doing this for me." He kissed the top of your hand his eyes never leaving yours "I love you so much."
Dante Sparda
Being the son of Sparda meant there was always someone trying to pick a fight with Dante. This was no exception as one of the local churchgoers decided it was a great idea to rant and rave in front of the shop.
While they didn't dare step foot in the building their voices could still be heard making Dante let out a sigh. He was seriously getting tired of this.
You would think saving the city multiple times would give him more credit than his name. Finally he stood and made his way outside.
He opened his mouth to yell but he was interrupted by your voice.
"HEY! Don't you guys have any respect? Do know how many times my husband has saved you from demon hoards?!"
The crowd grew silent, but Dante's brain was going a million miles an hour. You called him YOUR husband. Dante felt giddy like kid.
So he practically bounced over to you as he threw his arm around you. From the corner of your eye, you could almost mistake him for his younger self by how excited he looked.
"Now get out of here my amazing spouse and I have some other business to attention to."
The two of you were lying in your room. The light from the silent TV was the only thing lighting the dark room. It has been hard for V to cope with the fact the was no longer Vergil. It got worse when Vergil was around.
"It's like seeing a ghost." That is how V describes it.
Today happened to be one of those days so after the mission he asked to come over which happily accepted. As soon as he came over the two of you immediately ended up cuddling on your bed his face on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair.
You kissed the top of his head as you began to whisper sweet nothings to him. This is what V has been missing out on his whole life.
"My sweet husband. Always working so hard."
V's breath caught in his throat. Your....husband? Did you truly love him that much? He looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes you have seen.
You smiled at him "Yeah one day I would like to make that true. If that's what you want too that is."
He stared at you a little longer before he smiled back at you "I would like nothing more my darling spouse."
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seraphiism · 1 year
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❀ ゚. ༄ ┊ 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐒 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ! ( 𝐩𝐭. 𝐢𝐯 ) ;
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characters : cyno / alhaitham / kaveh a/n : hiii welcome back campus encounters where everyone is a clown pt. i / ii / iii
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↬ cyno ࿐ ࿔
you don't know what to expect in law school. you really don't. you expect high stakes, tension in the air. you expect competition, harsh professors who purposely try to weed out the "weak" and make the class excruciatingly difficult. you're not entirely wrong, you suppose, but the last thing you would imagine is-- well, cyno.
your first impression is entirely wrong. however, you have also known him for-- you glance at the clock-- two minutes.
a sharp gaze, head held high. he radiates an intimidating aura, holds himself to something more grand. you don't have intentions to make small talk; you're too tired for an 8:30am class, anyway, and you hate to admit that he almost frightens you. the professor runs out for a moment. brief technical issue-- something like that. you're already zoning out.
in that small frame of time, the lecture hall comes to life, fills with a thousand conversations at once. you ignore them all, absentmindedly skimming the syllabus. you fail to see cyno's eyes trained on you. intent. focused.
"i guess there's been a...law-l in this class."
you freeze. something in your fight or flight instinct activates. the voice came from your right. cyno is also on your right. surely that wasn't him, right?
you swallow hard, slowly turn your head to look at him.
god. you hope that wasn't him. 8:32 am and you are subjected to inhumane crimes in your introduction to law class. red eyes bore into your soul. his face is blank. you don't know what to make of this.
"you know. like lull. law-l."
it doesn't work that way, you think, and the exasperation almost meets your visage, but you keep it at bay. can't hurt this stranger's feelings, after all. there's something akin to hope in those crimson hues, barely on the surface, but ever so present.
you purse your lips, unable to figure out this delicate situation. you could change this man's life forever. what if you make this future lawyer feel like a clown? what if he dropped out? you are not being dramatic, by the way.
you purse your lips, tight, utterly amused and defeated by the ridiculous predicament. you stare at each other, dead silent.
you laugh. you don't know why, but you do, and maybe it's because of the way he comes off so serious, maybe it's the way you can practically see the hope that his pun will get a reaction.
you may also be delirious. maybe.
"oh, you are hilarious."
cyno smiles. somewhere, he feels tighnari's soul shrivel in the depths of despair.
"no, i'm cyno."
↬ alhaitham ࿐ ࿔
"oh my god." you do not know how many times you have said this in the past ten seconds. twice? three times? a hundred? ( that wouldn't be logically possible, alhaitham says, so you say it again ). "i'm dying. it's coming. i feel it in my bones."
"what is?"
alhaitham stares at you, deadpan.
"you are being dramatic."
"i'm sorry. i will do it again."
you don't mind literature analysis, not really. it's fascinating-- the way you piece concepts together, discover hidden meaning in seemingly superficial words. it's much easier when you enjoy said literature itself, but when you don't? you may as well throw yourself into the void. suddenly you cannot read.
metaphor to metaphor, symbolism in the strangest of things ( okay, so the kitchen cupboards were pastel yellow and not white in this house, so what? ), you grow frustrated as a nearing deadline approaches, brain absolutely fried from finals. you have ten pages to write. you have two done ( those two are the title page and reference page. so no, they do not count ).
you're not sure how it came to this-- 4am and you're huddled up with alhaitham in the corner of the library, your forehead against the desk, your fellow classmate casually drinking his fifth coffee as if caffeine has no impact on him. he's much better at writing papers than you are, and in all his glory, decided to help you. kind of.
it's been about two hours since you've been working together, and while you appreciate the help, the lack of sleep is finally getting to you. you're burned out, tired, and truthfully, you know this is worth 30% of your grade, but you're about to calculate what your grade would drop to if you simply did not turn it in.
you close your eyes. wooden desk or not, red imprint on your forehead or not, you're about to pass out, right here and right now, except--
the feeling of his hand against your back, gentle. he leans forward, just the slightest bit, speaks in that quiet yet firm tone.
"if you finish this, i'll ask you out on a date."
you sit up at an alarmingly fast rate, throw alhaitham the most horrified look you can fathom. his expression doesn't change much, but you see that slight curl of the lips.
"disgusting. i can't believe you would pull such things on me."
"because it'll work."
you roll your eyes, pinch his cheek before redirecting your attention to the laptop before you.
what an arrogant fool. absolute annoyance. menace. idiot. you hate him, truly.
"i didn't say it wouldn't work."
( fine. it works. funny how you're suddenly awake and how everything suddenly seems to make sense after he proposes that offer. )
↬ kaveh ࿐ ࿔
there are three things you first notice about kaveh.
one. he is pretty. very pretty.
two. oh my god. look at his back. hello.
three. he's sleeping in the library. he's also drooling on his ... sketches?
four. wait. too many things to notice. whatever. maybe you should wake him?
you consider the thought, unsure. you'd hate to be woken by a stranger in the campus library-- it'd be off-putting, you think. you glance at the sketches, take in the sights of the blueprints. intricate designs. gorgeous, really, even if you don't have the slightest clue about anything related to said field.
you'd hate to work so hard on such a thing and have it ruined by...well, drool. you place your hand on his shoulder, touch light and hesitant, and shake him gently. once. twice. five times?
he's not waking. surely you're not going to shake the life out of this stranger, right? it's about another ten seconds before you almost give up, letting out a long sigh of defeat before leaning down the slightest bit.
you're gonna speak to him, speak in very soft tones-- slowly ease him from slumber. he's gonna wake up, you'll back away, smile in hopes of establishing your friendly intentions, and that'll be it. done. boom.
that's the plan, anyway, but when your face gets a little closer to his, his eyes open suddenly. two seconds of eye contact. shock twists into utmost fear.
kaveh screams, shoots right out of his seat. you also scream. your life flashes before your eyes when you see him instinctively grab his suitcase.
"before you get the wrong idea-- you were drooling all over your sketches, so--"
you don't think this really helps. he's blushing furiously, from embarrassment or anger, you don't know, but now he's glancing at his sketches, mostly unharmed, and oh, the panic sets in so much more. you watch, baffled, as kaveh throws caution to the wind, frantically cleans the desk and recovers what he can.
it's about five minutes of this. you keep silent, watch in awe and more-so of shock at how this all played out until he turns towards you. he takes a deep breath. you can tell he's tired, weariness on his features. you almost feel bad.
"did you manage to salvage it?"
there's a flicker of curiosity at your words, though the fatigue almost swallows it entirely.
"it'll be okay, i think." his shoulders drop. he smiles, slightly forced. "thank you for waking me-- uh, even if it happened that way."
you'd normally say sorry ( as much as you can say it in this situation, anyway ) and go your separate ways, but there's something almost bittersweet about him that brings a heaviness to the heart.
"sorry. i really didn't mean to scare you like that." you swallow your courage, offer a hopeful smile. "do you want to go get coffee? i'll buy. consider it another apology."
and there is something-- a shift, a lightening, an ease, and kaveh's expression seems to relax at your offer.
( yes, you do go out for coffee. it's one of many future caffeine runs, you both call it, and it's the beginning of a chaotic friendship of sorts. )
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taglist : @oshitgirlie ╰ ♡ ;; taglist form !!
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lemotmo · 2 months
Q. What I'm truly confused by is why they want people to hate Ryan and Oliver so much. Like they aren't attacking Eddie and Buck nearly as much as they're attacking Ryan and Oliver. I'm so confused by that.
A. Everything we are seeing is because they know, in spite of everything they are saying, that Tommy's existence on this show relies entirely on his relationship with Buck. The minute that relationship runs it course story wise he is gone, and they know it. Because of that Eddie became their enemy. Oliver wants Buck with Eddie. A significant portion of their audience wants Buck with Eddie. In their minds they needed the audience to turn on Eddie to make the case for Tommy. But their campaign didn't accomplish anything so they shifted gears and decided to go after Ryan personally. Unfortunately for Ryan, and the rest of us, in the middle of their hate campaign towards Ryan, Lou said some things during his cameo videos, and his Twitter past came to light, and people's reaction to those two things caused his fans campaign against Ryan to become even uglier. What they are attempting to do to Ryan is disgusting. He was completely out of line when he said what he said a few years ago, but he owned it. He acknowledged that he needed to work on some things and better educate himself on things he really didn't seem to understand. And he did it. He went away and genuinely educated himself, and made changes in his life that allowed him to grow and better himself as a human being. Which is all we can ever ask of one another. I will never understand how he could have said it, but that's not the point. What I can see and understand is the work he has clearly put into growing and learning from his mistakes. They don't get to erase Ryan's personal growth because it hurts their already weak defense of Lou. And that's what they are trying to do. And they're trying to do it all in the name of a temporary plot device on a television show. And that's too immature and disgusting to be allowed to happen. So we aren't allowing it to happen. And that angers them.
Their entire problem with Oliver is that he doesn't appear to be friends with Lou, and he isn't promoting their preferred ship. He promotes and talks about his preferred ship, which is what Oliver has always done. Oliver isn't doing anything he hasn't always done. What he has with Ryan is what they're trying to demand he have with Lou. They are completely dependent on Buck, and Oliver is making it pretty clear they're fighting a losing battle. Somewhere along the way someone convinced them that even though there aren't that many of them if they are nasty enough, and loud enough they can bully Ryan, Oliver and Tim into submission. It was an absurd plan and is of course a complete failure, but they're going to be as horrible as possible on their way out. We're nearing their end though, and Oliver and Ryan completely ignoring them is causing them more anger than we ever could. Our boys will be just fine. 💗
Thank you Nonny! :) Again much appreciated!
I admit that my brain has been fried by that deleted Eddie and Christopher scene we just got. So you won't get anything interesting out of me at the moment. xD LOL!
I also don't have the same insight in fandom dynamics that Ali does, so I'm just going to let her do her thing and answer this question as only she can. :)
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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blu3-j · 1 year
Overworked! GN! Reader X Welcome Home Crew
Chapter 1
TW: none
The beginning of a grand new friendship, and a bunch of new adventures yet to come. It appears as though our main character has yet to see just what they're about to go through. Such a busy bee!
Chapter 1 l Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 l Chapter 4
You slowly trudged up the steps of your porch, completely exhausted. Work has been awfully busy lately, with customers constantly coming in and out and being...."fun", as your boss put it. Not only that, but the workload your college classes have been putting on you lately has been overbearing! You've barely had any time to yourself. You haven't had time to indulge in your favorite hobbies, talk to any of your friends, or even look much at social media. It was a constant race to get things done and keep that money you so desperately needed rolling in.
You slid the key in the keyhole and turned. The door clicked open and a dark, dusty house welcomed you. An exasperated sigh sounded from you. Unfortunately, with your busy schedule, you also haven't had much time to clean your house.
You had been passed down your house from your great grandparents, who had both passed away a few years back. It was completely paid off, and even had some forest property to go along with it! Unfortunately, it was also pretty far in the forest, so you had to get up a bit extra early to make it anywhere on time. It also took up quite a bit of gas to get anywhere from there. You would move in with somebody to make it easier on yourself, but you didn't have many friends that lived in town anymore. None of the ones that did wanted or needed a roommate. Additionally, being a skeptic and cautious person led to not trusting many people on the internet. There was always a chance they would screw you over or possibly even murder you. You never knew.
You dropped your heavy bag on the floor and your stomach, quick to catch the cue, growled. There was barely a thing in the fridge for ready-made food, and all of your dishes were dirty and disgusting. Even the thought of taking the time to wash them all made you feel more exhausted than you already were. The pantry didn't have much, either, but there was one thing that you could make in a few minutes without any extra work needed. Instant noodle cups.
"I really do play into the broke, tired college kid stereotype, huh?" You grumbled as you grabbed a cup from the pantry. It only took a few minutes, but you decided upon waiting for it to finish cooking to turn to the living room. The tv was dusty and rarely used, but you figured with the little free time you had you would watch something. "Anything to get my mind off of those Susans and Karens I have to face at work." The remote sat lonely in its spot on the tv stand as you walked over and picked it up. The screen was full of static for a moment, then to a news broadcast station. Humming, you flicked through the various stations, eventually settling on the most colorful one of them all.
A children's cartoon had just ended, and the colorful characters were saying their final goodbyes to the viewers.
"Maybe something simple will let me veg out for a bit. I don't need anything complicated right now." A small ding from the kitchen caught your attention. "Sounds like the noodles are done." One last mumble came from you as you turned your back to the tv and walked away. "My brain is already fried enough as is." When you got back and plopped down on your couch, a new cartoon had popped up. You figured it was a cartoon, anyway, from the extremely colorful title card. "Welcome Home" it read. "Must be a new show."
The colorful title card faded away and the camera panned down to a live set. The colorful scene caught your attention in full, and you felt yourself almost entranced. A house in the middle of a small neighborhood with eyes stared the viewer down with a supposedly friendly gaze. It waved with a window shutter before opening the door to the viewer as the camera wandered in. Inside, sitting at a canvas and easel was a small yellow puppet. He was humming away the show's friendly tune, slowly squeezing paint onto his palette. Finally, he noticed the viewer.
"Oh, hello, neighbor!" He waved to the viewer. His voice was gentle and slightly monotone. Strange, as he seems to be the main character. "Don't they usually have the main character of children's shows as more extraverted and full of energy and emotion?" "I was just about to start painting a lovely new painting for my friend Barnaby." He hummed and grabbed a brush, but hesitated upon moving to dip it in the paints. His gaze went back to the viewer, and he laughed. It was just as monotone as his usual voice, but what was even more off-putting was it being almost robotic in nature. "Oh, no. Thinking about it, I actually don't know what to paint." The handle tip of the brush was put against his cheek as the small puppet thought. "Say, neighbor," He looked back at the viewer. The small puppet's gaze distracted you from your food.
"That's weird...why does it feel...?" "As though he's looking directly at me?"
"Do you have any ideas? I'm sure there's some great ones in that head of yours!" His grin widened. Is that even possible for a puppet? You decided to remain quiet and stare back at him, completely entranced by the dark pools of his eyes. One minute went by. Then two. It wasn't until a third went by when you realized he hadn't gone back to painting. He was still staring, quiet and patient. "Neighbor?" The monotone voice caught you off gaurd, and you jumped in your seat. The puppet laughed and his gaze fell away from you for a moment. Just one. "Oh, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" You felt your blood run cold as he spoke once again, his voice even more gentle and ominous than before. Are you just that tired? Are you dreaming? You must be! "I can see you, you know." There it was again. That same, monotone laugh. His voice went back to normal. "That's okay if you don't want to answer me! It must be so strange for you. That I can see you. That I'm talking to you. But you don't have to worry! I won't hurt you!" The yellow puppet's eyes went wide. "Oh! I have an idea, now! You gave me the perfect idea, neighbor! I'll paint you!"
A breath left your lungs as you watched him turn his attention back to his canvas and start painting. One you hadn't realized you'd been holding. He hummed the show's tune once more as he went to painting on his canvas. It would be comforting, if it wasn't for the fact he was indeed painting your unlit living room.
"It's nice to have a new neighbor." He mumbled out just loud enough for you to hear. "Not many come to visit anymore." He glanced back at you for a moment before he went back to painting. "Oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! I was too excited...I'm Wally. Wally Darling." The puppet, as you now knew as Wally, went silent. Not even a theme song played in the background. Just the silence of his livingroom...and his occasional humming.
Time rolled by. After a while, it almost felt like normal. Like you two had known each other for a while and were just on some sort of quiet camera call. Your tense shoulders eventually relaxed, and although you were still too cautious to speak to the puppet, your eyelids slowly, ever so slowly, shut. Overworking yourself had gotten to you, and no longer could your body continue to stay awake. A small, gentle, monotone voice called to you. So small, you barely noticed. So gentle, it sealed the final nail in you falling into the deep depths of dreams.
"Goodnight, neighbor."
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mysteriousdragon2 · 2 months
Howdy everyone. Been a while since I posted anything, hasn’t it? Well, now I finally have the time to sit down, and talk about my feelings and what’s been happening. So, again this is venting, if you don’t want to hear it, you may disregard this post. But if you want to read, everything is in the “keep reading” tab. Thank you.
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First of all, I’d like to say that it’s been difficult drawing digitally. My art device keeps acting up, and I’m fed up with it. So for the moment, you will most likely see me draw traditionally. A shame too because my traditional doodles don’t get as much love as my digital pieces, but it is what it is. So if I owe anyone any art pieces, chances are they’ll be done traditionally.
Second of all, which is relevant to the first point, it’s been getting hot where I live. 30+ degrees all week, making it hard to draw. I just apologize for taking so long in terms of art in general.
Third of all, my “parents” keep shaming me for who I am. Whether it’s as an artist, or for my body. But they adore to mentally bring me down, sometimes accusing me of having a mental illness or depression.
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This household of mine is indeed a curse, you’re damn right Hol Horse. It’s simply infuriating that nobody understands my feelings around the house, everytime I express a single thing about myself, it goes to rot and put themselves first. And they say they worry for me for being away from home…please, it’s for my own good. My mental state has been declining a lot since then. The heat fries my brain, and my household is making me feel insignificant about myself. It’s bad enough that my self-esteem isn’t the greatest due to my past.
Fourth point, I’ll be honest. Making friends with a lot of people at this point feels pointless because 70-80% of the friends I make abandon me without saying a word, or neglect. Not a pleasant feeling. Hurts me a lot. There’s been many friends I’ve made that did just that, and even if I try to reach out to them every now and then, no luck. So I’ve kinda…stopped trying. People can be busy, or have more going on in life than expected and that’s understandable. But if you don’t say anything, I’ll never know a single thing.
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What does it mean? It means that things have been very slow on my behalf. Too much stress on my mind, and I hardly have any time for myself anymore. It’s saddening, but I’ll still keep drawing, even if it’s severally slow. Just wanted to inform to those who’re reading this post that I’m still around, just exhausted from life.
I’d like to mention a couple people in this post: @spamtonjuice420 , @stardust-vi , and @fellow-traveller
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Why, you ask? Simple. You guys have been amazing people in my life in many ways. Very talented artists, very kind individuals, and chill to talk to. We all know Hol Horse, so that’s a massive plus…I love how I’ve converted some people into liking Hol Horse too hah. But I just wished I could speak to some of you more often. But I can’t control what happens in one’s life, and I’ll simply have to be patient until I get an answer. But…even to all of my followers, it means a lot to me that you guys stick around too for my content. Even if it’s not that great. Thank you so much.
I’ll try to post commissions too. Even if they’re traditional, the prices will probably have to be juggled, but I’ll do something. Chances are, they will be rather cheap for a while. Just something to think about.
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Thank you guys for sticking around, and have a good one. I’ll be trying my best to post something soon.
(Sources are from the Anime, OVA, and CDDH volume 1, chapter 1 pages 10-11)
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bratdotcom · 2 months
Songs that remind me of Invincible characters!! ☆
( this includes some songs from the show/ SPOILERS for S2 so proceed with caution!! )
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Mark Grayson - Broken Boy by Cage The Elephant
☆ : you already KNOW this is his anthem it literally played during one of his scenes also it reminds me of him so fucking MUCH that I made it a title in one of my fics ( mark grayson I love you mark grayson you shoulda been at the club instead of what angstrom put u through 😭 )
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Eve Wilkins - When You Die by MGMT
☆ : the song and tone read as Eve to ME!!
Go fuck yourself
You heard me right
Don't call me nice again
Don't you have somewhere to be at seven thirty?
Baby, I'm ready
I'm ready, ready, ready to blow my brains out
( from the song btw ^ the singer sounds absolutely done with whoever they're speaking to but still have an upbeat tone that is eve coded to me )
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Rex Sloan - Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO
☆ : do I even have to EXPLAIN why this song reminds me of him? I've heard this song so many times that the guys singing start to sound like Rex in my head ( 😭 ) also I think he'd say sorry for party rocking unironically to Rudy or something
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Donald Ferguson - Starman by David Bowie
☆ : GODDDD his character development in s2 makes me SICK ( I love him so much ) he's the underdog of the show to me and he always puts people over himself not just because of his job, but because he actually, genuinely, cares for people ( donnie I love you donnie )
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Cecil Stedman - Man of War by Radiohead
☆ : I'm gonna let the lyrics speak for themselves on this one WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH THIS SONG REMINDS ME OF HIMMMM
Search the whole world
But drunken confessions
And hijacked affairs
Will just make you more alone
When you come home
I'll bake you a cake
Made of all their eyes
I wish you could see me
Dressed for the kill
You're my man of war
( the dressed for the kill and hijacked affairs parts remind me of cecil SO much )
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Nolan Grayson - Do The Evolution by Pearl Jam
☆ : the pacing, the lyrics, the way it gets increasingly and increasingly more static/fried as the main vocals say the title of the song remind me of Nolan and his true intentions of coming to Earth - to conquer it.
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Damien Darkblood - Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles
☆ : my entire playlist for him has 1960s songs on it I don't know why but they remind me of him ( 😭 ) a lot of ppl don't want him around, and that's why this song reminds me of him
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That's all!! Let me know if you listen to any of the songs and your thoughts on them!! :3
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crissiebaby · 9 months
Sissy's First Date: Chapter 2
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, forced crossdressing, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Anonymous
An audible squelch accompanied every step I took as Becca and I exited the women’s room. It didn’t matter how much Becca tried to calm my nerves by saying that it was all in my head and no one could hear it. No amount of reassurance could stop my paranoia from obsessing over the soft, spongy sound. The sheer panic of it all had my heart rate through the roof.
Speaking of heart rates, between the fear of being caught and the endless sexual tension between Becca and me, my blood was pumping at high speeds. This, unsurprisingly, affected the size, sensitivity, and stiffness of my genitals. Every time my swollen diaper shifted or my engorged cock twitched, I feared my buckling knees would give out. The only solace I got was from the cooling sensation that came from the chilly water that kept my boner at least somewhat in check but that was far from a consolation prize if you ask me.
Meanwhile, walking only a few feet ahead of me was the living embodiment of confidence and grace. If I hadn’t been the one to pour a full bottle of water into her diaper, nothing about the way she composed herself would’ve ever made me guess she was padded. It begged the question in my mind: exactly how many times had she worn a diaper in public?
“I can tell you want to ask me something,” said Becca, spinning around on her heel and walking backward in front of me. 
I must’ve been quiet for too long. Either that or she was a literal mind reader. Placing a hand on the back of my neck, my eyes instinctually shot toward Becca’s feet as I responded, “Sort of. I-I didn’t want to offend you, though.”
“Oh, well, now you HAVE to ask,” teased Becca, planting both feet on the ground and forcing us to stop in place. It was clear this date would not be moving forward until I said what was on my mind, “And I’d better get to see your pretty eyes when you do.”
Butterflies filled my chest before exploding out of my body. I didn’t have a mirror but I instantly envisioned myself with visible smoke rising from my circuit-fried brain. “It’s just…you seem so…comfortable. It has me wondering how often you’ve done this stuff,” I said, forcing myself to look deep into Becca’s eyes despite how warm and heavy it made my cheeks.
“Eeeeee!” squealed Becca, catching me completely off-guard as she rushed toward me and pulled me into a hug. To say I was confused would be an understatement, something Becca must’ve sensed through my body language from how quickly she broke from her embrace, “Sorry. Sorry. It’s just…the way you blush. I just can’t get enough of it.”
Steam had to be shooting out of my ears at a constant stream by this point. How did Becca do it? How did she know exactly what to say to ruin my composure every time? How did she make me want to die of embarrassment while simultaneously making me feel more alive than I’d ever been? Everything about her was a conundrum.
Luckily for me, Becca must’ve taken pity on me as she quickly pivoted to a response. “To answer your question, yes. This is far from the first time I’ve worn publicly before, both on my own and with…partners,” she said, watching as my head sank a little, “Buuuuut, if it makes you feel better, you’re doing a lot better than anyone else has. Most people I’ve spent time with while padded either lie about how much they’re willing to submit or, even worse, try to take charge of the situation.”
“And you don’t want that?” I said, struggling to wrap my head around the relationship dynamic that Becca was after.
Thankfully, Becca was more than happy to fill me in on exactly what she expected from a partner, which in this case, just so happened to be me. “Not at all. If I wanted a dom, I could find some pig-nosed idiot to diaper me any day of the week,” she said, closing the gap between myself and her as she grabbed me by the cloth of my dress and pulled me into her chest, “No, I want a subby sissy who will jump when I say how high. And on that front, I don’t think you have anything to worry about, my precious, little Cherry.”
My eyes were wide and my breath was heavy as Becca whispered her expectations for me into my ear. I should’ve been running with my wet diaper tucked between my legs. Everything about Becca was firing off red warning signs in the manly ego of my brain. So…why did submitting to her sound and feel so fantastic? It was a thought that lingered in my head as Becca looped her arm through mine once again and set off toward a set of midway rides. “Now, that’s enough questions for now. Let’s get that padded butt of yours moving. Daylight’s burning and I’ve had my eyes on that Ferris Wheel since we got here,” she said, forcing me to waddle awkwardly alongside her as she led us into the heart of the fairgrounds.
As we walked, the hyperawareness I felt toward my attire drifted away a little. My walk became more casual as I learned to sway my hips with the diaper. My back straightened up as I no longer felt the need to duck my head down and hide. My expression relaxed, allowing a genuine smile to grace my lips. If I had been alone, none of this would’ve been possible. But with Becca at my side to keep me safe, I felt… invincible.
“Someone looks like they're starting to have some fun,” said Becca, who had been watching every microscopic change to my expression and mannerisms from the corner of her eye. I opened my mouth to say something back but found myself at a loss for words, too blushy to counter what Becca had said. In truth, she was right, something I clearly didn’t need to tell her with the way she was looking at me.
Mercifully, it wasn’t long before we arrived at the line for the Ferris Wheel, which gave Becca something else to hook her attention on. “Good thing we got here before the rush. Last year, this line was like an hour long once evening rolled around,” she said, attempting to engage in the kind of mild chit-chat one might expect on a first date.
The easy conversation allowed me to respond without much pressure, something that was likely Becca’s intention but she made it feel so effortless somehow. “No kidding. Though, I can’t say I’m one to balk at lines easily,” I said, recalling my recent trip to Disneyworld and the sometimes multi-hour waits that came with each ride, “Abby’s the weakling when it comes to theme parks so you’ve got nothing to worry about with m-”
“Huh?” I said, my attention snapping away mid-sentence at the flashing sound of a photo being taken on someone’s phone. This undoubtedly spiked my anxiety as noise yanked me from the private, comforting world that Becca was trying to keep me in. While I had no way of knowing that said camera was aimed at me, it didn’t stop my paranoia from skyrocketing. My head whipped back and forth, searching for the source of the snap but finding nothing.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Becca to notice my shift in attitude. With her arm still entangled with mine, she tugged me in close to her before shifting her arm up and around my shoulder. “Doing okay, rocketman?” she said, the oddness of her sentence breaking me from my monomania. I gave her a confused look, causing her to chuckle, “Sorry, you were spacing out so…rocketman. It’s a C-tier joke, I know.”
A few seconds passed before the logic of her joke connected in my brain, making me feel slightly dumb for not connecting the dots sooner. I snickered both at her joke and the tiny hint of rosiness spreading across her nose, enjoying the brief role reversal. “Yeah…yeah, I’m doing great,” I said, looking deep into Becca’s eyes and sharing a moment that felt more intimate than any instance of kinky fun, “You could even say I’m…feeling out of this world.”
“Pfffft! Oh, my Goddess! You are such a goober,” said Becca, bursting into full-on laughter. It may have been a touching scene but the joke was too good to pass up on.
“Next!” shouted the impatient fair employee who was in charge of the Ferris Wheel, looking particularly annoyed by the fact that Becca and I were holding up the line with our lovey-dovey dorkiness. Becca’s arm broke from its hold on my shoulder as we hurried into the bottom-most passenger car. We barely had our squishy butts planted in our seats before the Ferris Wheel lurched forward, sending us up in our own private gondola.
The fair may have been one of the most public places you could be but as soon as Becca and I were in the air, it somehow felt like we were the only ones there. Especially with how small the fair began to look the higher we ascended. “It’s such a pretty view,” I said, breaking the silence that had been building since loading onto the ride.
“Right? If there’s one ride I make sure to do every year, it’s this one. I’ve always been a Ferris Wheel girly,” said Becca, looking incredibly cute as she cheerfully swayed from side to side a little. I thought about pointing it out to her in hopes of recreating her rosy reaction from earlier. However, I bit my tongue as I contemplated the possibility that such a taunt might escalate Becca’s desire to see me equally as embarrassed, if not more so.
Meanwhile, as I considered the ramifications of teasing my domineering date, Becca took the restful moment as an opportunity to do a bit of touch-up work. Placing her purse in her lap, she pulled out her cell phone and a tube of lipstick and began expertly re-coating the edges of her mouth with a yummy-looking red. I stared longingly at her perfectly plush lips and wondered how amazing it would feel to kiss them again, which we had yet to do since our night of passion at Abby’s slumber party.
Unfortunately, when Becca caught me gawking at her as she applied the finishing touches to her upper lip, her mind went in a completely different direction than mine. “Aww, does someone want to play with Mommy’s lipstick?” she asked, pulling the slick, silky tube away from her mouth and inching toward me, “If you’d like, I’d be happy to doll you up a bit. I may not have Sarah’s skills but I’ve definitely been itching to take a crack at your pretty face.”
In the end, it didn’t matter if I made Becca blush or not. She was going to press every one of my buttons until I combusted. “I-I…uh…” I stuttered, unable to put my thoughts into words. I had felt a tad thankful that Becca hadn’t forced me to try my hand at make-up before the date. I probably would’ve looked more like a clown than a girl. That being said, now that the prospect of having Becca do my make-up was on the table, I felt incredibly torn. Why did being treated like her doll make me feel so…alive?
Fortunately, for the sake of my sanity, Becca decided such a decision was far too big for me to make. “It’s okay, Cherry-baby, Mommy knows exactly what you want. Just lean forward and let me take care of everything,” she said, her words sending my mind into a deep Little Space. 
How could I say no to her now? Not that I even wanted to say no at all. There was no denying it now. I was a sissy, through and through. “Just don’t do anything too over the top, okay?” I said, not wanting to stand out from the crowd more than I already was.
“Hehe, trust me, you have nothing to fear. When I’m done, no one will see you as anything other than what you are, my baby girl,” said Becca, shivers coursing throughout my entire body as she did, “Now, let's get you puckered up, buttercup.”
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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novemberhope · 6 months
Soooo… guess here are my current obsessions One Piece OCs
@auxiliarydetective I did give it a try… not everything is final yet. Might not be a great introduction like this but it was fun to do and if anyone has different questionaires (or whatever they're called) just tag me.^^
Ideas, criticism, inspiration, all is welcome :) I've never so openly done this tbh
Animal Resemblances Neri: Betta Fish Niara: Emerald Swallowtail Azura: Arctic Fox Cordelia: Bombay Cat Ellaria: Splendid Fairy Wren (Not 100% sold on that yet but it will be a beautiful bird) Ginny: Leopard Seal (looks cute but could actually kill you)
Specific Numbers Neri: 5/1/4 (ka – i - yo) (her last name) Niara: 22 (ni - a) Azura: 26 (a - tsu - ra) (eh, close enough^^) Cordelia: 5 10 0 2 (Ko - da - lei - a) (lol again close enough - but the many numbers look weird, this one might definitely change in the future?) Ellaria: 3-6-1 (Mirai = future) (it's a vision thing - but might also change if her name happens to fit better when she eventually gets one) Ginny: undefined yet
Specific Colors Neri: turquoise, light blue Niara: pale green, pale pink Azura: white, gold Cordelia: black, red Ellaria: white, grey, silver, very pale colors Ginny: a fiercy, angry red
Specific Smells Neri: ocean breeze, salt water Niara: apple & honeysuckle Azura: citron Cordelia: amber Ellaria: jasmine Ginny: honey & rose
Favourite Type of Island and Season Neri: summer on a spring island Niara: spring on a summer island Azura: winter on an autumn island Cordelia: autumn on an autumn island Ellaria: spring on a winter island Ginny: spring on a spring island
Favourite Food Neri: Seafood Niara: icecream, watermelon, blueberry pancakes, cupcakes Azura: oysters, shellfish, salad, filet mignon Cordelia: sunday roast, fried shrimp, spicy food Ellaria: Mushrooms, coffee, asian cuisine Ginny: strawberries, meat, soup
Least Favourite Food Neri: greasy food, meat, alcohol Niara: most vegetables Azura: fast food, cheap food, candy, cake Cordelia: lentils, fish sandwiches, anything with pumpkin Ellaria: fried foods, asparagus, ketchup Ginny: rhubarb, olives, brussels sprouts, eggplant
As a Family Neri: the adopted sister that comes from an entirely different culture Niara: cheerful youngest sister, always getting into mieschief Azura: the wine aunt Cordelia: oldest sister, often annoyed at her younger siblings but quick to defend them/come to their rescue Ellaria: the mother Ginny: (distant?) cousin
Real-World Nationalities Neri: Danish (as Denmark is associated with the little mermaid) Niara: Dutch (the Netherlands are described as the country of flowers and her devil fruit power is flower-based, so…) Azura: English-Irish (the latter shines through when she's drunk…) Cordelia: Italian Ellaria: Japanese Ginny: Scottish
Inner Brain Neri: probably lot's of excitement over various things that are happening around her or that she wants to give a try Niara: having fun with her friends, pretty things she likes, crushes (well one crush in particular) Azura: is annoyed at stuff and/or people half of the time so that's in her head a lot. Also, training. Cordelia: work hard, party harder, looking hot while doing both Ellaria: the fate of the world, secrets Ginny: training, anger, distrust, more anger
Suited Flower Neri: water iris Niara: sunflower Azura: white lily Cordelia: amaryllis Ellaria: tall garden larkspur Ginny:
Are they Strawhats? Neri: yes Niara: joins after the timeskip The others: no Azura: is a warlord of the sea Cordelia: works at a bar - it would be a different bar in cannon but she could keep her overall story I guess - might have to join a crew at some point though otherwise the characters would move on without her Ellaria: is with the revolutinary army (at least for some part of her story) Ginny: is with the revolutinary army
Ideas that first popped into my mind when certain OCs came to exist… Neri: it's a show about pirates, there's GOT to be a mermaid Niara: I want a character that uses a devil fruit mmmh what about plants/flowers (strangely enough, none of my pokemon oc's ever cared much about the grass type lol) Azura: I want a cool sword fighting lady Cordelia: I want a hot fierce type of character that looks good in black and that doesn't take anyone's crap Ellaria: came into the picture much later, I only recently decided somewhat on her looks, only things I know for sure is pale green eyes and can sort of see the future. Might never make it into any kind of story but she popped into my mind so here we go. Ginny: falls into the category "looks cute but can probably kill you".
Made some Picrew of them coz I saw other creators doing that
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Niara: (fun fact, she's currently one of my favorites)
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Ellaria: (I'm almost certain I'm gonna keep the color palette and probably the hair...)
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Ginny: (not her final look probably but I kinda want to keep the scars idk)
I took her pictures out because I decided on a different look for her. She will be a redhead now. She definitely has a scar or two on her face.
Bonus: A picture drawn by @indig0pearl featuring Neri and her own OC, Sora, as well as Nami, Robin, Chopper, and three of our friends (here also draw as OCs - yes the alpaka is one of them, she ate a devil fruit^^)
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Editor's note: this ended up longer than intended, but I think it was worth it
Submitted for the approval of the horny Tuesday society:
Lately I've been thinking of a cross-country road trip to all the viral food, challenge meal, "Guy ate here," "world's largest ___" restaurants in the nation. All culminating to a stop at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas
Imagine packing a set of clothes that fit for the eating partner. Maybe they're even a size too big, just in case. Before leaving, you weigh them. They're under Heart Attack Grill's threshold for free burgers, but you think you can change that before you get there.
This trip is slower than many other cross-country trips. Turns out, there's a lot more famous eateries than you two initially anticipated. That's fine though, your feedee is beyond excited to visit more eateries.
It quickly becomes evident that eating several massive resturant meals a day is having an effect on the feedee. They are absolutely blowing up, getting bigger and softer with every passing state. The clothes that you originally packed have become inadequate for containing them and wardrobe malfunctions become increasingly common. What they don't know is that you've been saving all the buttons they pop along they way.
After a long trip, there's only one stop left. The Heart Attack Grill. Your road trip buddy has done so well this entire trip and has gobbled up everything put in front of them. They've really grown, it's completely undeniable. They waddle up to the massive scale at the front of the restaurant excited to see the progress they made on this journey.
Your guess at the start of the trip was right, they have blown way past the weight threshold. After a moment of celebration, they hurry back to you and tell you with short breath that they plan to take full advantage of the free food. You tell them how proud you are and present them with a necklace made with all the buttons they popped throught the trip. They thank you as they put it on before you two head inside.
They weren't kidding, they're scarfing down burgers and fries like they were starving. All washed down with rich shakes and soda. Their clothes become more restrictive and you tease that you'll need to make an addition to the necklace by the end of the meal. Your waitress decided that such a display of gluttony shouldn't go unnoticed. She starts encouraging them each time she comes back with more food and loudly announcing the count of each sandwich they finish for the other patrons to cheer on.
By the end of the feast, they are absolutely stuffed and whining that they can hardly move. With all the attention they ate far more than they had before and now they're practically begging for some care. You give them a gentle rub and tell them they deserve anything they need for being so good today and during the whole trip.
I’ve been waiting all day to answer this bc I wanted to give it the attention it deserves. I wanted to write something inspired by this but my brain isn’t cooperating today. You’re a fuckin hero for sending this to me; thank you so much.
there’s a lot of soft bits in here that are so cute - the button necklace (which tbh could be cute as hell depending on the design), the aftercare, the challenge to gain x amount of weight before the final destination, the romance of an American road trip…
I’ve talked before about how fun a feedism road trip would be, eating at all fun places as you cross the country and I think the idea of ending it in Vegas is perfect.
Thank you again!
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goldensunset · 7 months
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i’m not about to draw a minimum of twelve entire pictures but i wanna do this anyway (i guess i could just edit the images in there but that’s lame lol)
•my favorite gym leader is probably either tulip or clay! something about tulip i just always found very endearing and respectable and i love clay’s no-nonsense attitude and sheer strength. plus he gets bonus points for his daughter being lacey
•fav champion is clearly volo. like how could you not classify that as a champion fight. that was so freaking hard man. runner up goes to kieran though bc he was also really hard for me. but of course if we’re talking official true pokémon league champions then cynthia
•fav elite four member has gotta be lacey. i adore her. first time i’ve ever lost to the same opponent multiple times in a fair fight (aka being prepared and on-level). she’s sooo cute and fun! she also terrifies me severely
•favorite protagonist is akari no surprise there. la does such a good job of making it clearly important why the protag is the protag. it offers a legitimate in-universe explanation as to why this one child in particular is so much more powerful than all the others. out of place in time and space, literally chosen by a god… the way certain characters question her humanity, both in a good and evil way… it’s so good
•favorite rival… well pokémon fans use the term rival really loosely. it can mean any friend character that you battle for funsies even once. it can mean literal arch nemesis. idk. arven stole my heart with his story but i don’t consider him a rival like most people do so that goes to cheren. i love his story and he has also mopped the floor with me several times
•favorite antagonist is also volo next question. i’m sick in the head about him. n is a strong and clear second place obviously though. i’ve done enough rambling on here about them
•professor laventon is the guy ever he feels like he actually personally cares about akari so much. that’s her dad. the way he’s actively involved in plot stuff, he accompanies the team on field missions even when he really doesn’t need to… he’s always there. you see him a lot. and he’s clearly writing the pokédex entries himself and they’re absolute gold. but seeing as professor is also a broad term because they’ve been really breaking up the older tradition in recent games, i nominate director clavell as second place bc i respect the guy a lot. that old man (tm) enjoyer here
•fav battle facility leader… well. i don’t really have one bc i’ve done very little with the battle facilities in the two games i’ve played that had them lol. so i guess throwaway answer is ingo but mostly for pla reasons. actually i think he counts as a battle facility leader in pla with the daybreak update and i’ve done some of his stuff so he does in fact count for me
•for fav clan member i’m gonna say arezu i like her a lot. she tried doing the right thing in a very chaotic way and i respect her for her efforts. plus her design is cute and she gives great haircuts and her noble is adorable
•character from other media… well i’m obsessed with the way n is portrayed in pokespe. perfect blend between sad prettyboy and freak behavior. they just made everything so intense. and i love oshawott from poképark 2 with the way he’s trying so hard to be serious and cool but snivy keeps getting on his nerves lol. that’s the reason i chose oshawott in pla bc that was the only of those pokémon i recognized
•i’m classifying arven as miscellaneous bc like i said i don’t consider him a rival but MAN!! man… this guy just got shortchanged so many times but i’m glad he was able to get closure for his parents’ disappearance and death and that he can move on and just live his own life. also certified dog lover moment
•top fav character… yeah you all know it’s volo LOL. completely shrimp fried my brain. the absolute hyperactive high i was on when he revealed himself. made even more insane bc i had literally been spoiled that he was a twist villain but i had no other context so i was just waiting the whole game for him to be evil. imagine the sinking in my gut when the credits rolled and it didn’t happen i thought i’d been embarrassing myself the whole time but then the postgame punched me in the gut HARD. i thought he’d end up being like the sad sympathetic frenemy guy where you don’t really want to fight him but NOPE full on evil full on he was just using you. made even better by the context that he had been your biggest fan throughout the whole game while everyone else had been suspicious of you. i lost my entire mind. once again second place to n though
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cozage · 1 year
Hey folks-
Im sure a few of you have probably noticed that all I’m posting right now is Daughter’s Return updates. And maybe you’ve even wondered why (if not, you can keep scrolling! Just gonna be a long winded explanation)
Im still going to be working on requests, just not right now. My life is super busy at the moment and for the next few weeks. I’m working a full time job, transitioning into a new (very demanding) job, and taking college classes online.
I bit off a little more than I could chew in life, so right now writing has to take a back seat, even if it is just about the only thing I want to be doing.
I have two-three more chapters of The Daughters Return already written and in various stages of editing. So when I get a few moments to decompress and write, that’s my easiest thing to work on, since the writing portion is already done. This is why it’s been getting so many updates (and will continue to get some even though I’m not writing anything else rn)
I will be writing other stuff! Very soon! Hopefully once I get out of my transition period for jobs, I’ll be able to really write again and give you guys some good content with other characters besides Ace.
It kinda sucks. I know. It sucks for me too. I want to write new stuff, but usually by the time I’m done with my daily obligations, my brain is totally fried. I’ll be back with new fun writings soon. I hope you’ll stick with me in the meantime, and check out my weekly updates of The Daughter’s Return if you’re interested, at least until we get back to our regularly scheduled program.
Im so honored to have your support and love. You have no idea how much it means to me.
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rigelmejo · 3 days
9/19/2024 some updates!
Glossika Japanese: I finished the A1 section, it was about 3000 sentences. The full glossika japanese course states it has 6400+ sentences and 5000+ words. So with how MANY words were in A1? I am predicting A2 will have 2500-3000 words and then there will be a small amount of sentences in B1 and B2. Also: the course's claims of A1 etc categorization do not actually match up to any A1-C1 clearly. I'd say everything in the "A1" module felt beginner, except for a few grammar points I didn't learn in japanese 1 in college. But it was beginner enough material that I don't think I could pass an N5 or N4 practice test with 90%.
What is good about the A1 module? It did at least cover a decent amount of new words. While there were a lot of repeated words and words conjugated multiple ways, I'd say at least 1500-2000 new words were covered. Maybe there were even 2500+ new words covered, but I'm going to guess closer to 1500-2000. I've done the beginning of Nukemarine's LLJ memrise courses before, years ago, and studied 2000 words in that. So a lot of glossika japanese A1 has been review for me. But I do think the sheer volume of sentences has been useful, with the various grammar and conjugations. While I don't think I learned very many new words... possibly only a few hundred... I DO think going through A1 has improved my listening skills in japanese. Now, that improvement could just be because (according to glossika app) I studied for 63 hours in the last few months. And yes, I recognize I should expect solid project in a language like japanese every few HUNDRED hours, not every few dozen, so I need to keep studying for longer to truly judge how much progress glossika materials can help me get to. But I will say even just the 63 hours? It's clearly helped. I can understand about half of the lines/phrase chunks in Death Note, I can understand enough of kids shows to just Watch them (so I suppose I could start immersing by watching shows).
I watched Criminologist Himura and Writer Alice yesterday for about 15 minutes and I could follow the main plot. Many details were fuzzy, and to be fair the show is Very Visual in showing what's described so that helps me follow Himura's lines of reasoning and reactions, and my brain felt FRIED trying to focus.
But its the first time I watched a jdrama and could just FOLLOW it (if roughly). When studying chinese, I could start doing that around 5-6 months of learning (when I'd studied 2000 words brute force in memrise and 800 hanzi in a book), i would feel exhausted and couldnt do it longer than 20 minutes at a time until I kept trying and eventually could handle a full episode of chinese shows. But I could Start building up stamina to watch/focus and try to comprehend at that time. So I'd guess my japanese is now around knowing 2000-3000 words overall (some from prior to glossika, many reviewed with glossika recently, som new words). Listening a LOT just tends to help me, personally, with improving comprehension and comprehension speed. I suppose I could start watching japanese shows now, but im going to be real, I am a chicken. Id rather learn more words first. I could probably rewatch a show I already saw in english, but a new show in japanese would probably make me need to focus so hard id get exhausted if i try for too long at a time.
Anyway, overall? Id say glossika is presenting new information SLOWER than I'd like (I do think Clozemaster is faster with new word introductions, but last time I used it maybe a year ago their Radio mode just didnt give you the same pick-what-to-study-new control that glossika does). But glossika is faster than pimsleur. And I do think I may be getting to a lot of genuinely NEW words for me soon, which will be the biggest test of if the material is actually useful for me more than another program that may only have 2000 words. So I'll keep going. I'll update again later.
I'd also like to try Listening Reading Method with Alice in Wonderland in japanese again, if i can get myself to focus. I think I know enough japanese now that a wall of (older childrens book) text is not going to immediately exhaust me. Or at least, exhaust me less than last time I tried.
My chinese is still in a weird holding zone. I have been listening to audiobooks still. Its like I lose all my instant recognition of words after a few days not listening to chinese, but then within a few hours the instant recognition comes back! But the first few hours of listening after those days of a break, i can't understand fully the audio i COULD nearly fully understand just before the few-days break in audio. So it's like my recognition goes UP each time I study then DROPS every time I take a few days break. I think it's probably normal, and the recognition that drops then goes back up is probably just words I know LESS fully or that are less common than the core-words I seem to recognize immediately even after long breaks. I imagine what will fix this is simply listening for a LOT of hours. I'm just lazy. I need to listen more.
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justadeadreaper · 10 months
This is another part to part to me adding to the God COD AU which I was inspired to write as @frogchiro said that my idea for Makarov is “literally the same thing I planned for Makarov, I wanted him to be the god of death, illness, disease and Winter, bringing pain and suffering wherever he appears so please do go ahead with your idea since it's literally the same” and since she gave me the go ahead to write it and she’s probably busy with all of her asks and other things planned I decided to write for Makarov to give his fans (cough cough me cough cough) some content. This will be very long as it is longer than my ideas for God König as I have thought of a few more things and could be even more confusing as my brain is absolutely fried at the moment so please hear me out as this is 7440 words of explanation. TW: they are mentions of death and a brief mention of suicide in the backstory so be warned and mentions of what happened with Modern Warfare III.
My idea for God Makarov could be him being one of the most hated and feared Gods to exist in the AU but due to the fear he inhibits into every mortal in existence he is one of the most heavily worshipped Gods as people believe that if they do not give him any sacrifices or worship him that they receive his wrath. Surprisingly there is not many cults worshipping him, but instead his worship is nearly exclusively done privately in homes of individuals, although, recently a certain big cult has been growing him that are situated in the undergrounds of the North who see themselves as superior due to believing they are part of Makarov’s bloodline due to coming from the North where he first formed. Now the reason as to why they are underground is due to how they worship Makarov with the sacrifices they make; this includes torturing people, experimenting on people to make new diseases, brainwashing people to create new followers, and so much more. Due to the cult’s practices this has caused a new wave of fear surrounding Makarov so this has begun a spike in the worship he receives privately as they are begging him to save them when he is revealing in their fear. Like how I did with the last one of these, I will be breaking down each aspect, why he has them, how powerful each aspect is due to the size of the cult, and what parts of the world would worship which aspect. Winter- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of due to how he is as cold and destructive as Winter itself. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North because that is the region where it is most affected by Winter due to how it is an already snowy and rugged region that has horribly low temperatures and snowstorms more times than it sees the Sun which would only be made ten times worse when it is actually Winter as we all know that Makarov will not be easy on people so I see them as worshipping Makarov for his Winters to try and make him more merciful and have him move the brunt of his Winter to other places that do not experiences as horrid Winters so they for once can experience some peace. The powers Makarov gets from this are the abilities to control snow, ice, bring Winter, a tiny bit of control over Winter animals, and resistance to the cold and he can grant to his followers resistance from Winter for this aspect so they can more easily survive the harsh Winter compared to others.
Plagues/Diseases- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of due to how he is a literal plague upon the world with all the horrifying acts which mimic how horrifying and gruesome plagues can be, and because of the fact that we romanticise him and act like he is good for us which people have been doing to plagues for years as there was the whole romanticism of tuberculosis. This aspect is mainly worshipped in no region but instead the slums of the most major cities in the world where disease is rampant due to the poorest of citizens having to live there and them not being able to access the medicines that are needed compared to others. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to control and inflict diseases or unleash plagues on any person or settlement he sees fit and he can grant to his followers a certain immunity to different diseases for this aspect so they do not suffer from it as badly as compared to others.
Death- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Death due to how he causes so much death but compared to König who is the overall God of Death Makarov is instead the God of specific torturous and meaningless Death that have no reason for occurring except for the matter of fact that the person who wanted them dead did it. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the dungeons of the major cities where many murderers are or it is being worshipped by similar cults that worship König or the big cult that is growing around him. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to cause an agonising death upon any mortal he wants and he can grant to his followers a type of luck that means they are less likely to die that type of death for this aspect.
Obsession- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Obsession due to how obsessive he is with completing his goals. This aspect is mainly worshipped by stalkers, royalty, and the armies of the world as they need the obsession to drive them forward in what they are doing and they hope that Makarov will make the obsession come to fruition. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to easily obsess over something until it comes to the point of it coming true and he can grant the fruition of the obsession to his followers for this aspect.
Strategy- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Strategy due to my idea of Price also being worshipped as the God of Strategy. Makarov and Price are seen as equals and enemies so I wanted them to have a common factor that links them but also sets them about in their own ways by them being worshipped for the different kinds of strategy. We know from Modern Warfare III that Price does not think ahead as much as we like to think he does as we see that he tends to make a strategy for the moment and not further ahead in time otherwise he would have killed Makarov when he easily had the chance as he knew how risky that man was but we know Makarov is the opposite of that where he will plan everything out ahead of time with meticulous detail so everything goes according to his plan so I envision Makarov being worshipped as the God of Long Term Strategy compared to Price who is the God of Short Term Strategy. This aspect is mainly worshipped by generals and royals as if they plan out everything ahead it means they can stay in power or win battles depending on what is needed at the moment. The powers Makarov gets from this is the ability to easily make convoluted plans that are extremely long but always seem to work out and he can grant the exact same thing to his followers for this aspect.
Horses- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Horses due to a story I used to be told as some of my family is dodgy and my uncle was friends with this Russian man (do not ask because that man was friends with many dodgy people that he had no right knowing) who used to babysit me and a few of my other cousins a lot and he would tell me a lot of stories as it kept me from playing up; this story in particular is Vasilisa the beautiful as I was obsessed with Cinderella and it was the most similar one he could think of. It is distinctly this story I remember because he had actually brought some figurines that me and my cousins got to decorate to go along with the story and three of these figurines were men riding horses. A man in white armour on a white horse followed by daybreak, a man in red armour on a red horse followed by the rising sun, and a man in black armour on a black horse followed by the cloak of the night sky, all horseman distinctly linked to time and Baba Yaga who is such a feared figure that even I was terrified of as a child as I he also threatened me with her if I misbehaved. These men also remind me of the “Four” Horsemen of the Apocalypse as there are technically seven depending on which ones you believe in as you have Chaos, War, Conquest, Pollution, Pestilence, Famine, and Death which can very much depend on what you grew up with but these are the seven I know of. These horsemen are linked to horrible things such as death and plague which are linked to my version of Makarov and due to the story inspired me to make Makarov the God of Horses as a reference to these two groups of horsemen. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North and West because in the North horses are needed for transport due to the long ranges and harsh conditions and for work while horses are more common in the West due to the large plains of wildlands next to forests where these horses can live freely. The powers Makarov gets from this is the ability to talk to horses but to also control them and see through their eyes to an extent and he can grant lineages of strong horses to his followers for this aspect.
Mothers- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Mothers as the protectors of mothers due to his backstory that I have made for this AU and how we know from the somewhat joke trailer for Modern Warfare III that they have a close bond. This aspect is mainly worshipped by nowhere as it is absolutely everyone who worships it, especially the cult members as there are rumours that Makarov will smite anyone who hurts their mother. There are no real powers Makarov gets from this ability and he can not grant anything to his followers for this aspect but he is known to have a temple that is a safe haven for mothers to flee to if they are in danger and need somewhere safe to go.
Philosophy- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Philosophy due to how inside Makarov's bedroom in the safehouse, there was a book titled ‘Philosophy, Politics, and Poetry’ and because I headcanon that each God has a more wholesome aspect that you would not expect them to have as that did happen with real Gods as they would have an aspect you would not expect from them and so for Makarov I picked Philosophy. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the major cities where most of the philosophers are. The powers Makarov gets from this is the very useful ability for him that allows him to get into the minds of others and make them question many things that philosophers normally debate but he always makes sure it will land in his favour and he can grant the knowledge to know and understand the answers to his followers for this aspect or if they are a particular favourite follower of his he will allow them to win the philosophy debate.
Like with König, I could honestly spend hours explaining each aspect and the backstory of how he got it and how it would be worshipped and explain the influences more clearly, but that is the basics for each one, and if people ask I may go into them more and explain them more.
Strength of the aspects from strongest to weakest: -Winter -Plagues/Diseases -Death -Mothers -Strategy -Obsession -Philosophy -Horses
My inspiration for God Makarov was not actually from an already existing God but instead from a surprising source. I do not know if most people who will see this are the ones who have heard of her as we are quite unholy people but my inspiration was Saint Olga of Kiev. This will seem extremely strange at first but I will give some context as to why I picked her and how she relates to this.
Unlike how unholy I act as I simp over these men online and write analyse of them to make the smut I write later make sense, I was born and raised as a Catholic, I grew up going to Church and a Catholic school and read about the bible and about Saints a lot to satisfy a special interest which had been born from how my older cousin had read these stories to me mixed with undiagnosed autism at the time. Surprisingly, for my confirmation I was allowed to pick Olga as my Saint but I think they just allowed me to get me to shut up with the two hour rants I was yapping on about when talking about her. Now it may sound strange but please watch the video Puppet History did about her because it may not as thorough as other videos but is honestly extremely fun and has an amazing song at the end or the video by Biographics which is more thorough and pact to the brim with facts; they both explain her history which is the main reason why I picked her but if you do not want to watch it I will be giving a summary that you can skip if you have watched it.
Saint Olga of Kiev who was also known as Olga of Rus or Russia was a very big figure in the early history of Russia (and technically going into some surrounding areas as Rus also covered some of Ukraine and Finland) and a key player in the Christianization of the Kievan Rus. Olga was born in Pskov around 890AD and belonged to a noble family. She married Igor I, the ruler of the Kievan Rus, around 903AD. Her husband Igor's died in 945AD as he was killed by the Drevlians, which were a tribe that refused to pay so Igor went there to get the tributes but they tied him to two birch trees to rip him apart. Their son, Sviatoslav, was too young to rule so until he came of age Olga served as the regent for him. With the power she had she enacted her revenge for her husband. The first step was by killing around twenty people in the Drevlian leadership after they came to offer her a marriage to their Prince Mal after he had killed her husband; her people carried the men in their boat to a trench before dropping them in and having them buried alive under rocks. The next act of vengeance was to have Mal send more of his most powerful delegations to her and he did just that, but Olga had those men go to the bath house because by the time they got to her they were filthy. While those men were in they she had people lock the door before commanding it to be burnt to the ground including the men inside. Now to avoid Mal getting suspicious about all of his men disappearing and to enact the next step, Olga finally went to the Prince but she had requested that while she was travelling there that they prepare food and mead so she could have a funeral feast for her late husband. For some unknown reason Mal agreed and Olga had ordered her men to not drink but to keep pouring out drinks for the Drevlians and when the Drevlians were drunk enough she ordered her men to slaughter them all which ended up in around five thousand deaths. The surviving members of the Drevlians bordered themselves up in Iskorosten and after a year Olga was fed up. Olga decided to enact her last bit of revenge upon them. She requested a tribute of three pigeons and three sparrows from each house which seemed like a reasonable request so the Drevlians did but this sealed their fate. Olga turned the birds into weapons by making her guards tie a piece of burning sulphur and cloth to each birds’ talons; she then released them and the birds flew home to their nests and spread the fires causing the city to burn down and when people fled the city they were killed or kept as slaves. Her revenge may have been over but later in life when she wanted to get out of a marriage to Constantine the seventh who had asked for a hand in marriage. At first she said she could not as a Pagan could not marry a Christian but once she was baptised as an Orthodox Christian she had him be her godfather and so she technically counted as his daughter meaning they weren't allowed to marry.
It may seem odd and you may be thinking about how this relates to Makarov but it will make more sense when you have heard his backstory as Olga reminds me a lot of Makarov with how strategic they both are and the acts of violence they commit for their cause.
Like I mentioned earlier I have a backstory for Makarov, which would be considered very thought out compared to the backstory I have for God König but it will be a lot longer as it has a lot more context to it compared to König's mainly as it revolves around some history I have thought of for this AU.
We will start this backstory by talking about some of the history which will provide the needed context. I see Makarov being one of the oldest of the Gods alongside Nikolai, König, Graves, Shepherd, and Price although I think that Makarov may be the oldest as it would make the most sense for the history I have thought of. Makarov, like the others, was born in the Dark Age of the AU he was in fact the first modern God to be born as most were born after the Great War that ended the Dark Age. What I envision the Dark Age to be was a point in history where there was not Gods as we have now currently in the AU where they are well known across multiple regions for their aspects but instead there were much smaller Gods that would be worshipped by a small village or town in a specific territory for what they did for the place that was their own. This led to multiple Gods being worshipped for the same aspect but it made them extremely weak due to how small and localised their worship was which in turn led to the much smaller Gods having their followers plunder other villages and take the people from there as prisoners and slaves who would worship the God that sent the attack. Now that we have that context I will explain how it relates to Makarov.
Makarov was originally a Demigod. I envision that his mother was a small Goddess of Ice and Snow in the village that Makarov grew up in while his father was one of the leaders of the village due to marrying and having a child with a Goddess. Due to his unique DNA Makarov could not be a normal child as he was forbidden with playing with normal children as he was seen above them while he was worshipped by the other villagers, this in turn caused Makarov to have an extremely close bond to his mother as she was one of the only few people who understand him. As I am mixing both the original and reboot Makarov together for the God Makarov I have given him the extremely close bond with his mother as in the trailer for the reboot as even if it is a joke we see that they are close and Makarov’s mother has influenced him as he made a promise to her relating to what he is doing. Since I have made this version of Makarov close to his mother I can not make him a psychopath even if in the original games he has most of the traits so instead I have made him high functioning autistic with psychopathic traits meaning that he can form emotional bonds but they are unique but he has no empathy to most but even with the people he has bonded with he has low empathy. I envision that he inherited it off his mother as it is just in their nature as Gods of Ice and Snow to be more psychopathic due to having a cold heart, and so she encouraged his violent and manipulative tendencies as a way to stay in power but also because she only saw it as natural which did make them closer as it drove home the idea of only her understanding him. Then one day his village was attacked. Makarov watched as the world he knew crumbled around him as he watched with his very own eyes, taking his father and nearly his mother alongside it. A young Makarov woke up one morning to find the villagers that had worshipped his mother running and screaming for their lives as everything burnt around them, and just a few feet away from him was his father's hanging body. His father had killed himself instead of fighting to save their village as he had seen it as the easy way out instead of dying in battle or being humiliated and made a slave. Meanwhile Makarov’s mother had been tied to the sacred birch tree she had planted when the village had just started out and Makarov had to watch as the villagers from a village that was located in the West tried to burn her alive as their God was pissed that she dared reject his marriage proposal. Makarov had to watch as his mother burnt alive in front of him as fire is a God of Ice and Snow’s only weakness. Although Makarov was lucky enough to be able to save her as in an adrenaline rage he unleashed his powers as he may have been a Demigod but a Demigod filled with rage is as powerful as any other God. He unleashed a fury of snow upon everyone, even his mother in a bid to save her life. Makarov then carried her away to a nearby mountain where he had to defend for himself and his mother as he slowly healed her back to full health but she never fully recovered, making her weaker then she already was at full power. As Makarov spent years healing his mother he came to despise his father and hated how humans could be so weak willed especially a man who had promised to take care of them both, not to mention the utter volatile rage that he felt to people of other regions as no one in the North would have dared to attack his village but those villagers from the West had ruined everything. He also hated how the other leaders of the village had failed which had brought about the loss of everything, his home, his father, his life, his everything. He had made a promise to his mother that he would not make the same mistakes as those humans and so began his lifelong obsession that was driven by a will to keep himself and his mother safe.
It may have started off small but his plan was never small to begin with. Once his mother was strong enough to be able to stay by herself and not worry about predators, Makarov went to the West. His plan was to kill off villages all over the world and cause fights between the different Gods until there was none left but only him. For places that weren’t used to harsh Winters like what would appear in the North, the snow storms Makarov brought with him were fatal. They killed thousands of people and it caused Gods to turn their backs on each other thinking that their once allies were the ones who did it. This started the Great War between the Gods and where Makarov got his moniker of the Winter King as all the Gods knew of a God much powerful than them who brought Winter and death with him wherever he stepped, who only grew more powerful as more people feared him. And Makarov turned up his antics. Makarov started carrying rats along with him as they were able to survive his Winter but also for their ability to spread plagues, only killing more as he would release them to go back to the villages he found them at after they were fully infected so as to infect the rest of the villages. Of course the Great War had to end as most Gods had been killed but it also left a power vacuum which the leftover Gods and Gods that had newly formed due to the bloodshed took.
I imagine Makarov to look like his original design mixed in with the reboot design and the Winter King from Adventure Time as he seems the closest to what the Snow Queen would look like and that is what I imagine Makarov’s mother to look like. He is stocky like in the games but with longer legs and arms that give him an unnerving edge as the proportions are not fully like a human and make his body stand out compared to humans but he has been affected by the plague and Winter he carries along with him. His forearms, hands, feet, and calves are frozen and have been blackened by the plagues and frost, which if anyone touches will immediately freeze whatever part of them touched it as their body is overcome with the plague. Like in the original game he has heterochromia, with his left eye being blue and his right eye being green but surprisingly his green eyes is actually from his mother and is like it was made from the finest of emeralds as it glows slightly in the dark while his blue eye is from his father, a fading blue and a constant reminder of how he is technically still only half a God genetically even if he is considered a full God by everyone else. He has pale skin which makes him look like he is a snow sculpture that has come to life. His hair is short and spiky like in the original but is a mixture of dark brown and black as in the reboot his hair is black while in the original his hair was a dark brown but as a God his hair has slighted frosted tips on each hair follicle from him always being in the snow. His body has multiple scars, but some noticeable ones would be the one on his right shoulder and the ones covering his face but you can find other scars lining the rest of his body with a few burn scars from when his village was burnt down. Makarov has tattoos similar to ones in the games that are mostly based on his ones from the reboot with them covering his arms and torso and I feel like his tattoos would mostly be references like his godly symbol or what he has been nicknamed as in his centuries haunting the Earth. A breakdown of all his tattoos are his god symbol that is above the mountain range where his village once was on his back with the Northern Star on his right shoulder blade and a snowflake on his left shoulder blade, a ice themed Grim Reaper on his right pec as a reference to how his plagues caused so many deaths, ruins of protection from his mother on his stomach, a two headed bird on his left pec that looks like a mixture between a raven and an eagle with one head being more eagle like with the other more raven like, a skull on his right arm that has blood trickling down its sockets into a river of blood that gets bigger as there are impaled bodies oozing blood surrounding it, and his left arm is decorated in a flurry of snowflakes that blanket a forest in a snowstorm as one glowing green eye looks out from the darkness. He has more tattoos but I can not decide on what so anyone can add to that. For his clothing, I imagine him being a lot more clean or sophisticated compared to the other Gods as he dresses like the royalty of the North that have grown in wealth and power due to deposits of crystals in the area. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/07/16/romanov-costume-ball-1903/ , I want people to look at this and find Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich as I imagine Makarov wearing something similar in appearance to it but with Winter inspired patterns or it being a lot more simpler and sleek which gives it that luxurious but still cold and menacing vibe to it.
I would say his sacred animal would be a rat as when someone is a traitor they are normally called a rat and we know that Makarov would betray anyone with no remorse if he saw that it was for his greater good and help him progress in his goals. But also because rats are typically associated with bad things like disease, pestilence, and dirt which fits with how Makarov is the God of Plagues and he is just purely known for terrible things as he is considered scum of the Earth and it fits as those creatures helped him out with spreading his plagues as they were loyal to him so it would make sense to honour them in such a way by making them his sacred animal for helping out in such a significant way. Another point to add could be how rats when not being associated with disease are actually associated with cunning, resourcefulness, and survival in certain cultures which fits Makarov well as he would do anything to see himself and his ideas survive, he is extremely cunning and resourceful as he is portrayed to be extremely smart and an amazing strategist. Plus rats are extremely smart like Makarov, I have three pet rats and they can easily solve the puzzles I make them and they can do some basic tricks that I have taught them, also in lab settings when scientists test on rats they are known to pick up on skills easily and pass through experiments that show they have a high cognitive ability. So overall I think rats fit him a lot.
Although another option could be the main birds in the corvid family that you think of when you hear the words corvid. Most people know how smart birds such as magpies, ravens, and crows are as they can mimic humans and will use cars and wolves to their benefit (if you do not know crows will drop nuts and seeds into the road so cars can run over them and break them open so the crows can eat what is inside while ravens form relationship with wolf pups and basically adopt them even if that wolf is kicked out of the pack when they are older so they can eat the scraps that the wolves leave behind or to take the wolves to carcasses so the wolves can eat). This reminds me about how Makarov will make bonds and use others to get to goal and to his own benefit to keep himself alive. Also magpies are known to be some of the most revengeful, petty, and obsessive birds. If you do not know Australian magpies are known to hate particular humans that piss them off and they teach that to the rest of the group of magpies and even future generations of magpies just so if that human comes near them again the whole pack will attack them. I just thought it was funny but also matched how Makarov will attack anyone who he has deemed as betraying him and can be obsessive in his goals that he will build an entire army to get revenge.
Now I am adding in something that I did not do in the original idea for God König but will be doing when I do his part two. This is a God symbol, a sacred tree, a sacred crystal, and a sacred flower as I want to flesh out the characters more and I noticed how Gods tend to have sacred things such as those.
I would say that his sacred tree would be a birch tree due to it being significant to his mother as I purposely made the tree his mother plant be a reference to the influence of Saint Olga that I had when making Makarov’s backstory and making him a powerhouse. The reason why I gave his mother the birch tree as well was due to its symbolism of being a tree of new beginnings and purification which made sense for when his mother planted it as it was supposed to represent how she was beginning a new start by having her own village that would not be tainted by the influence of other Gods who could take over her power over her own village. Plus, birch trees reminded me of trees in Winter that are covered in snow due to the tree’s colours and pattern.
However, if we take out his mother’s influence his sacred tree could instead be the strychnine tree. It may seem a weird choice at first but it makes sense once you hear about the fruit the strychnine tree has as these fruits contain a unique type of toxin called strychnine that if consumed can have some fatal effects such as muscle spasms that lead to a fever and surprisingly fevers can be very deadly as I can attest to as it can cook your brain alive if you are not careful enough. Also, the inside of the fruit and the powdered version are both white and crystalline just like snow and ice which is a very good reference to Makarov as it kills people while still having a reference to his snow theme, and the tree blooms in Winter, not to forget how fevers make you feel cold when you are actually boiling alive. The part about it causing a fever is also interesting as there is a phenomenon called paradox undressing related to hypothermia where people are close to death due to hypothermia and are overwhelmed by an excruciating feeling of warmth that they have to take off their clothes which is the opposite of what can happen with the overwhelming feeling of cold you can get from a fever and I believe that Makarov when on his killing sprees have given both of these to people. I hope people can see my vision with this tree but if anyone has better suggestions I wholeheartedly welcome them.
I would say that his sacred flower would be an Autumn Crocus as purple colours such as violet are traditionally colours of royalty, nobility, spirituality, mystery, and magic so the purple crocus and consequently the autumn crocus stands for all these qualities with it is also being a symbol of success, pride, dignity, merriment, hope, and youthfulness. I thought it would be a good fit for Makarov as merriment, hope, and youthfulness are the exact opposite of what you would think of when thinking of Makarov but actually makes sense if you put yourselves in the shoes of the people who worship him as they may think that by associating him with such things would actually help them in the long run as they think they would be dulling him down a bit which would make him safer as those traits go against his actual traits and could be used to cancel each other out making him less dangerous overall. But the other traits such as success, pride, and mystery fit him as he is very successful in his plans especially in the original games and we know he is very proud of himself and his heritage even if we do not know much about his life before joining the military in both games except for the reboot where we know his father died by suicide. Also, I think nobility fits him due to how infamous he has made himself that he is on the level of royalty with how well known he is but also how he is virtually the Winter King in this AU due to being the God of Winter.
I would say that his sacred crystal would be topaz, specifically blue topaz. This was an easy pick as it is a reference to his backstory as topaz is not seen as a more precious stone in my experience compared to other stones such as emeralds or diamonds which reflects how he would have not originally be seen as much of a God compared to full Gods such as Ghost or Price due to being born as a Demigod and one of the biggest topaz deposits in Russia are found in the Ural Mountains which I fits Makarov nicely as he was a gem that came forth from the mountain region compared to the other Gods of the time which were like stone in comparison in worth and power. Not to mention blue topaz is normally associated with clarity which you need when strategising to make sure everything goes perfectly.
Makarov’s God symbol is very similar to the Konni symbol but I would change what type of skull it is to a raven skull that instead has a frozen branch going through the middle of it which I think is so simple but at the same time horrifying and I really wish I could draw so I could show it (if I can I will try to get someone I know to draw it). Why I picked a raven is because ravens are associated with death, my favourite use is in Macbeth when Lady Macbeth talks about how when the raven croaks the call of Duncan’s death, and it could possibly be one of his sacred animals but it is also a fun reference to how he is going to kill Price one day as ravens are less popular symbols of Wisdom and @stariepie headcanons Price as the God of Knowledge/Wisdom so it would be funny if Makarov’s symbol is a somewhat threat to Price. I also decided on a frozen branch instead of a dagger as he can easily make branches weapons by making them stronger and more solid by freezing them and it is a reference to one of my favourite birds the Great Grey Shrike which impale their prey on spiked branches which is normally through the head.
If König’s relationship with the other Gods are messy then Makarov’s relationships with the other Gods is an unholy dumpster fire mixed with nuclear waste that should not be touched by anyone who wants to stay alive: Of course due to the games Makarov is going to hate all the members of Task Force 141 but I will specifically say why for each one.
Price- Like how in the games Price and Makarov are the absolute biggest enemies but the reason for it in this world is because of the Great War that Makarov caused as Price was alive to see it. Price and Makarov actually fought against each other in the War as at the time Price was a minor God compared to the God he is now and led his own group of Gods to fight in the War but due to his strategies being small scale in the grand scheme of things led to his whole group being killed slowly one by one where he had to watch them all die and be the only survivor and of course Makarov was the one who killed them all. This rightfully made Price hate Makarov and Makarov hates Price in return as Price keeps trying to find ways to kill Makarov or at least stop him but somehow Makarov seems to escape by an inch at the last minute every time due to Price not thinking of one little detail and Makarov always sends Price teasing gifts to taunt Price about how he is still alive and still oh so powerful.
Ghost- Ghost hates Makarov for a few reasons while Makarov just hates Ghost because he is in an alliance with Price. First reason Ghost hates Makarov is because he tried killing Soap and Roach who I headcanon as being his best friends which is an obvious reason as to why he would hate Makarov. The second reason is more petty but Makarov had purposely killed off all of the gladiators at Ghost's favourite colosseum which obviously infuriated Ghost. The third reason is that Ghost hates how Makarov reaps some of the benefits when Ghost kills people in torturous and horrendous ways. And the fourth reason is just because it is Makarov and he has tried to kill Ghost multiple times.
Soap- Based on what happened in Modern Warfare III I imagine that one time Makarov tried killing Soap after Soap had tried to stop Makarov from inflicting a plague upon Soap’s favourite city due to it having one of Soap’s main temples there but it went horribly wrong as the plague was still released. Makarov had laid a trap by purposely keeping Winter in a certain area instead of letting Soap’s Spring take over and Soap of course went to see what was going on but Makarov was waiting there with an icicle blast forming in his hand that he then launch at Soap and it pierced through Soap’s skull as if an icicle is strong enough and is going fast enough it can actually penetrate and kill someone. Luckily Soap did not die due to hitting his frontal lobe which he could easily heal from due to being a God but ever since then the two have hated each other and try everything to kill each other when they have the chance.
Gaz- Makarov only really hates Gaz due to him having an alliance and being close to Price as I see Gaz as the golden boy of the Gods who is the most behaved and can not really do any wrong and has barely caused any wrongs.
Roach- Makarov hates Roach for the same reasons as Gaz but also because he somehow always survives all of Makarov’s plagues and has survived being attacked by Shepherd which was annoying as Makarov now has to find a new way to get rid of him.
Shepherd- Makarov and Shepherd have a weird relationship. Yes they hate each other as Shepherd wants Makarov dead but Makarov also has some respect for Shepherd as I see Shepherd and Price as enemies due to both games and just because I hate Shepherd in both games. But, Makarov purposely uses Shepherd’s pride against him to drive Shepherd insane so one day Shepherd will break and go on a killing spree like Shepherd has tried to do before so Makarov sees Shepherd as a toy that he hates but has to keep in his box for the future so his plan can happen with the least amount of casualties for him.
Yuri- Before the Great War and during some of it Makarov and Yuri used to be friends and had an alliance after Makarov saved Yuri from being killed by some other Gods back when the two were much younger but once Makarov got a bit too crazy Yuri cut off all his ties to Makarov to join Price and his groups of Gods. Makarov hates Yuri for this as he was betrayed by one of his only friends and he nearly successfully killed Yuri but Yuri luckily survived as being a God makes it extremely hard for you to be killed but he now has to live in hiding because Makarov hates him but wants him dead.
König- Like I mentioned when talking about God König these two are rivals with respect for each other and a sort of alliance between the two of them. They have things they want from each other and know that there is no reason to kill each other yet as it will be better for them in the long run if both stay around for longer as more Gods will die and they both have less work to do.
One little fun fact: a headcanon I have for God Makarov is he is actually the God who is the best at mimicking accents to the point he can make people believe he is from another place entirely he is that good which is inspired by how he mimics an American accent then a Scottish accent when speaking to Soap and then a British accent when he spoke to Price in the newest Modern Warfare game when they were flying away once they had captured Makarov. It is not well known at all so sadly he is not the God of it.
Credits: @frogchiro for the AU.
-This is Ozzie signing out, and I am extremely sorry for not posting for a while and going on a few tangents in this, also sorry for any mistakes as I have finished writing this at 2AM and I honestly do not have the brain cells to reread this and check for any mistakes so please tell me if there are any and I am so fucking sorry if there are any formatting issues Tumblr is being a total fucking nightmare and a bitch which I will try to fix when I have time. I also caught some unbeknownst sickness that had been taking out all of my professors and it just left me dead in my bed for a while and then I had to catch up on all the work I missed but hopefully now I can post every few days and I will finally post the summaries for my AUs. My next post will most likely either be for the Slashers, a part to for God König, or one of the summaries.
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canayams-art · 1 year
the immortality concept in tgcf is always interesting to think about, especially with the age range that the human mind cannot really comprehend... but maybe it's best for me not to think too much about it at midnight when i have uni early in the morning 😞😭 there are a lot of thoughts tho
you described the dynamic i had in mind for them perfectly!! mq's way of showing care by scolding and nagging and teasing that at time could come out as a touch too sharp. lqq's of being loud when defending and engaging into banter but keeping it light and not taking the teasing too close to heart unless it comes to his morality stands. they just weirdly compliment one another, especially with the way you said lqq takes the spotlight on the stage while mq is more "behind the curtain" type when dealing with things. you're so right, thinking about them makes me deranged as well
i do feel like the gods would be more vocal about the dislike towards mq when he was still a young god, and yeah especially those 33. while mq we see is well respected, and still very much disliked and distrusted, it is mq of 800+ years of presence in the heavenly court, and i do think many would be tight lipped around him regarding whatever his business are. but thinking about the backlash he would be facing during their earlier years/ centuries of friendship, i think they would be more vocal about it, if a bit sneaky with the way they would talk considering mq's temper with fx and general reputation that has been following him. 🤔 and well... there's also the broom throwing thing that has been going on apparently :'))
and he would definitely be on the bigger receiving end of it than lqq, especially considering their backgrounds and what the heaven considers "right". while lqq may be considered naive, he is still a noble that technically belongs in a way mq never could in their eyes.
but lqq still not standing by the bullying, even during the 'fight' is ekejjejejeej especially because i lqq knows that bullying is wrong no matter who's at the receiving end and, parallel to the mulian situation, there would be no shielding behind the higher authority to make it stop, just a very straightforward way to handle it. and i feel like mq, even if he is somewhat even struggling to admit he's miserable without lqq, would feel extremely touched knowing the way lqq would handle it 🥹🥹
no shade at mulian, literally my fave ship ever! i talk about them so much to my friends i feel like all of our brains are fried at this point lol they can fit so much angst and there are honestly dozens of ideas for fics that would likely never see the light of the day but we have the hope cuz we're all delusional 😔✊
just the parallels between them make me absolutely crazy, especially since i always kinda pictured mq as a type to get particularly adopted by the idealistic "sunshine type" people around him and get dragged around while he scowls and acts like he doesn't enjoy it, and then eventually ending up genuinely liking them, no matter how much they would clash at times with their ideologies. xl, sqx, i have an ongoing rants about mq and qyz friendship every other week. kinda pissed off that i didn't remember lqq until recently but it's never too late to start the brainrot anyway
i also went and checked the extras qianqing interaction, and it was actually mq seeing that lqq was in an awkward position being both the victim and the culprit and trying to send him back to heaven (it was the extra chapter where xl felt pain bcs of the guoshi mask he melted into a key?? i only searched for their names so again i have no idea/) but that was enough to have me covering my mouth and squealing
no at this point i will have to write *something* about qianqing, it would literally eat at me alive if i don't. life is busy and hard rn, but it will have to be done in this lifetime 😭
Mq has always given me the sense that he seeks out people with more emotional freedom than he feels he has. He spends so much of his time showing restraint and being distant that whenever I read sections of the book where Fu Yao makes an appearance, I see the way he lets his personality come out more. Maybe choosing the name “Fu Yao” was (among other reasons) mq’s way of literally saying he’s giving himself more freedom.
So like— it makes sense that mq has a pattern of associating with people who express themselves so freely— even if he sometimes takes shots at those people (mostly fx but also occasionally xl). Lqq is entirely unrestrained in a way that’s familiar but still unique. He’s one of the few gods who would step in or stand up for another without any ulterior motives— there’s nothing lqq would want to gain by standing up for mq in their early years. Whether he’s still angry with mq or not— it’s the right thing to do and that’s enough for him.
Meanwhile I feel like mq hates feeling like he’s once again being seen to hide behind another prince for protection. Mq likes to be in control of his circumstances— even if he could ask for help.
“I don’t need anyone fighting my battles.”
“No— but someone should have your back.”
Maybe that’s what it is about them actually? Lqq is so quick to jump up and declare injustice that mq thinks lqq would be trying to shield him when lqq is actually trying to advocate for his better treatment. Lqq learned the importance of unity and he practiced it well before ascending, so his type of support might be less about defending mq personally and more about shaming the gods for not setting a better example. Maybe he doesn’t even give mq the option to hide behind him.
(Related note, I can’t help thinking this type of tension would rise if lqq caught mq throwing a broom or snapping it in half— like ofc lqq is still mad but ofc he’s gonna try and connect the dots— maybe he even heard some of the gods laughing about their “gifts” to the young General.)
But okay now I’m thinking about the extra you mentioned and oooooooo
Mq confronting lqq in the mortal realm and failing to convince him to return to heaven. It’s a side of lqq mq has never seen. He’s not driven by a sense for justice anymore, now lqq wants revenge— maybe mq tells him that. Maybe it only angers lqq more. Either way, lqq doesn’t return.
(I actually have a similar scenario in my brain between lqq and newly-mortal pei xiu, which was actually the idea that got me started in qianxiu rarepair hell but that’s a separate space altogether LMAO)
Anyway—! If writing is too exhausting given life’s demands I am always happy to keep exploring these deranged (affectionate) scenarios. Life persists, but so does the brainrot!
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
Tsurune: Irodori no Issha Episode 6: Shiragiku-san Goes to Karaoke
Tsurune translation masterpost here
Translation notes
1. Shiragiku is doing some exercises to memorize verb conjugations in classical Japanese
Shiragiku: This is...this is...
Shiragiku: This is a karaoke room, isn’t it!
Hanazawa: You’re way too impressed by it
Seo: Oh? Is this your first time being in one?
Hanazawa: No way!
Shiragiku: Of course it’s my first time! The first time in my life!
Hanazawa: Noa-chan, before, you also said that it was your first time eating okonomiyaki
Shiragiku: Okonomiyaki! That was wonderful as well.
Shiragiku: The spicy sour-sweetness of the sauce. The dancing katsuobushi (small slices of dried bonito). And, the fluffy, melting...
Hanazawa: Okay, that’s enough of your okonomiyaki hymn. Anyways, let’s get our textbooks out, okay? 
Shiragiku: Um, um...I heard that at karaoke places, food and drink are transported to you automatically, but is that really true?
Seo: The automatic part is a bit ambiguous, but if you order on that phone over there, a staff member will bring it to you.
Shiragiku: ! How revolutionary! 
Hanazawa: I’ve always wondered about this, Noa-chan, but just how detached from the real world is your family? Could it be that you’ve never fought over fried chicken or anything like that?
Shiragiku: Why would we fight over it? It’s all distributed onto everyone’s plate equally and lined up on the dining table
Seo: They don’t pile up all the fried chicken on one big plate at your house, Noa?
Shiragiku: Did I say something strange?
Hanazawa: Nope. Actually, it’s what I expected
Seo: Well, what we’re here to do today is to study for exams. Let’s start now
Hanazawa: I wish they’d open up the school library to everyone. During this time, you have to book it
Seo: If they do that, there’d be too many students wanting to do study sessions like us
Shiragiku: As a result, I was able to experience the new world known as a karaoke room, so perhaps you could say that fate is unpredictable
Hanazawa: You’re so positive! I should learn from you
Seo: Okay, okay, let’s study now
Hanazawa: Yes, ma’am
Hanazawa: Seo, you’re really good at English
Seo: It’s more like I really like it. I want to get a job that has to do with English in the future
Hanazawa: You’re already thinking about your future?
Seo: It’s just dreams. Like wanting to study abroad or how to do simultaneous interpreting, stuff like that
Hanazawa: That’s so cool, Seo. I feel like you’d be good at it. Being able to do kyudo and good at English, you’re awesome! 
Seo: I don’t know about that, but I feel more confident when you say that, Yuuna.
Hanazawa: Huh~~? Wait, wait. For me, when I get lectured about the differences between transitive and intransitive verbs, or present perfect tense and progressive present perfect tense, I just think, “What is this? Who cares?”
Seo: Increasing grammar and vocabulary is the key to improving
Hanazawa: I know that
Shiragiku: Ari ori haberi ima sokari (1)
Hanazawa: Eh, what? What’s that?
Shiragiku: Nani nunu runu renu (1)
Hanazawa: Hey, Noa-chan, stop that! 
Shiragiku: Koki kukuru kure koyo (1)
Hanazawa: The English that I finally memorized is getting pushed out of my brain!
Seo: Noa. If you do too many irregular verb conjugations, you’ll be charged an extra fee
Shiragiku: Eh!? It’s a joke...right?
Seo: ...Is that what you think? 
Hanazawa: Actually, it’s not done often outside of study sessions and karaoke. It's an optional fee
Shiragiku: Is that so...my apologies. I was jealous of you two talking about your futures, so I couldn’t help but...
Hanazawa: We were kidding.
Shiragiku: Eh?
Hanazawa: There’s no optional fee or anything
Seo: Noa, you should learn more about the world
Hanazawa: I wanna hear about your dreams for the future, Noa-chan. What is it?
Shiragiku: For me...it’ll probably be something decided by my parents.
Hanazawa: Eh? In this time and age?
Shiragiku: Yes. I have my own personal ideas, but I am also a member of the Shiragiku family, so I believe it’s only natural to do what my parents want. 
Hanazawa: I see
Seo: But, it’s not like they’ll go against what you want, right?
Hanazawa: Do they properly respect you?
Shiragiku: Yes, they do.
Seo: Then, you should broaden your knowledge of the world
Seo: And find what’s best for you in it
Hanazawa: Seo, that’s a cool thing to say!
Seo: No, I’m also admonishing myself
Shiragiku: I understand. I’ll also study even harder 
Hanazawa: Yep, yep
Shiragiku: First, since we’re here
Shiragiku: I want to learn how to do karaoke!
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Yesterday I was having a real hard time because I was sleep deprived and it was my last day off for the weekend before a five day work week and I wanted to read and write so, so much, but my brain was fried and I was mad. I eventually journaled about it, giving myself a refreshing release from my own bullshit and I was actually able to do just a little writing and some reading, but just a little.
And now I'm working (I swear!) and feeling a very specific kind of despair.
I'm not saying that things would have definitely worked out differently, but I have, in some way or another, been artistic or creative at various periods of my life. For 20 years I just didn't really bother because I thought I just couldn't, or at least not in any way that would satisfy me. But now I'm doing it again and I love it! Except it's conditional: I work best when I've had good sleep and I've got the morning to focus on it. Unfortunately for most weekdays that's my prime job-working time. Once I'm done with work I'm pretty tired mentally and I just don't have enough to devote to my own creativity.
The very specific kind of despair I'm feeling is when I think about how many other people have had their artistic expression and their creativity squashed or shoved aside because they had to work in some way that diverted their energies elsewhere, limiting the time they could work on projects they liked. And I know this isn't something that every artist has gone through, that there are those who burn the candle at both ends and find a way to make a living while pursuing their passions, but I just don't have it in me, and I know that I'm not alone. Maybe if I was in my 20s, maybe, but I'm officially more than halfway through my 40s and my energy is just not what it used to be.
So I'll turn back to work now, using my brain to try to find creative ways to tell people that no, they can't do that, and they should do this, and then I'll do it again, and again, and again, while my digital folders of half-finished work sit on some cloud server getting more digital dust on them.
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