#i could have stayed and watched lord of the rings with them but nooo i had to leave
leecherish · 6 months
whatever, can everyone go and be all niceys to me please
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: “The Black Gate Opens”
What’s this?? Another chapter review within a week of the last one??? Gasp! Incredible! Unheard of!
(I just didn’t have a lot of stuff to draw for the last chapter, haha. We’ll see how this one goes.)
Haha another reference to people traveling “in the van”. Guess I’ll have to draw another Volkswagen ;-P
Aww, Merry is left behind…poor thing. Poor all of them, really.
“Bergil was with him, and he also was downcast; for his father was to march leading a company of the Men of the City: he could not rejoin the Guard until his case was judged.” Oh nooo, Bergil, bby 🥺 Has to watch his father leave, wondering if he’ll come back. Argh.
And Merry has to do the same thing with Pippin!! Argh! This is just like that one scene in the movie, but without Aragorn at his side to comfort him…
“Everyone that he cared for had gone away into the gloom that hung over the distant eastern sky; and little hope at all was left in his heart that he would ever see any of them again.” Merry noooooooo 😭😭
“He was roused by the touch of Bergil’s hand. ‘Come, Master Perian!’ said the lad. ‘You are still in pain, I see. I will help you back to the Healers. But do not fear! They will come back. The Men of Minas Tirith will never be overcome. And now they have the Lord Elfstone, and Beregond of the Guard too.’” BBY SON 😭😭😭 Bergil has inherited his father’s defiant optimism. You keep up your spirits, buddy.
The king’s head!! They put the king’s head back on the statue!!
And they broke the bridge to Minas Morgul and set fire to the sickly white flowers. Good. This may only be small pocket change compared to the might of Mordor, but any way they can destroy the darkness and ruin and replace it with beauty and light is a good thing.
Imrahil urging them to use the name “King Elessar” for the psychic damage is GoodTM.
Aragorn guessing the mind of Sauron is giving me huge Death Note vibes. “He knows that I know that he knows, etc. etc…”
Oh now this is interesting. Some of the men from Rohan and Lossnarch are too afraid to keep going towards Mordor, so instead of scolding them, Aragorn tells them to turn back and take the port city of Cair Andros back from the enemy if they can. Some of them do, and it’s good, because they’ll still have the chance to prove their courage with a battle that’s more their speed. And others choose to stay with Aragorn, who treated their weakness with kindness.
I could make SO many spiritual parallels here, like SO many, but I think I’ll save that for a future essay post.
Ohhhhhohoho Mouth of Sauron time—
“At its head there rode a tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horse, if horse it was; for it was huge and hideous, and its face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame.” OHOHOHO DUUUUUUUDE
Aragorn: *has a staring contest with the Mouth of Sauron* The Mouth: “I CAME OUT HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND I’M HONESTLY FEELING SO ATTACKED RIGHT NOW”
“And there to the wonder and dismay of all the Captains [the Messenger] held up first the short sword that Sam had carried, and next a grey cloak with an elven-brooch, and last the coat of mithril-mail that Frodo had worn wrapped in his tattered garments.” aND A BROKEN PAIR OF EYEGLASSES HAHAHA F R I C K—
Gandalf: “Bring out the halfling, and we’ll consider your terms!” The Mouth: “👀 Umm…ahaha…about that…er, ah, FOOLS! HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE SAURON!”
I love the fact that the Mouth of Sauron panics here 🤣🤣 HE DOESN’T HAVE FRODO!! SAM CAME AND GOT HIM AND THEY ESCAPED! LOLOL
Actually, if you look at his words carefully, you can tell that Sauron actually has no idea how bad he fumbled this. He speaks of ONE Halfling, not two. He speaks of a SPY, not a carrier of the Ring. He briefly panics when Gandalf demands to see Frodo as evidence. Don’t you think Sauron would take the chance to brag about it, if he’d gotten the Ring back from Frodo?? But he hasn’t!! The Halfling(s) slipped through his grasp! And he has NO IDEA how big of a cock-up this is!!! HAHAHAHAHA GET REKT DIAPER-BABY
But in the moment, we don’t have time to pick apart his words. In the moment, the tiny army of the Free Peoples is surrounded by an enemy host more than ten times their size. It is reasonable to assume that they are all about to die. Hoooolyyyy crap.
Pippin thinking these grim thoughts about the end of his life, noooo. “I might as well die quickly and get it over with. It’s all gone wrong.” And he thinks of Merry, and he thinks of Frodo, and “I wish I could see cool sunlight and green grass again!”, and AAAAAHHHHHHH—
*sobbing* The Eagles are coming! The E-eagles are comi-hi-hiiing!
“‘This is my tale, and it is ended now. Good-bye!’ And his thought fled far away and his eyes saw no more.”
(I would just like to issue a formal note of gratitude to C. S. Lewis for not letting Tolkien HECKING KILL PIPPIN in this scene. You have done the Lord’s work, sir. We salute you.) EDIT: Sorry, this is an unconfirmed rumor started by the RotK movie trivia website. Should’ve checked my facts first. :-P More discussion can be found here.
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SNW 2x04 Among the Lotus Eaters thought-stream
[7 July '23]
You know it's gonna be good when the entire crew are featured in the recap! :D
I love to pieces that Pike is Always Cooking!
"Unless it's a red alert, I'm incommunicado for the next half hour." Allowing so little time, that's being pretty savvy
"Maybe we should pull it back a little." "Your timing is perfect." Yeah, Pike, so you think she really wants to be broken up with /just after she doesn't get a promotion?? Ouch
Erica nodding at "This is an undercover recon mission" - I can just imagine her saying groovy idk why XD
"Oh. You did that thing you do." Yep, Una sees through him straight away
I looove how excited Erica is
Oh nooo! You can't bench her! That's so unfair! She's got the hat and everything!
"I'm fine. Doctors love being tasked for a mission because of their combat skills." Oh, M'Benga.
Oooh that ringing is horrible
La'an, noo, it's not just a headache, you know better than to hide something that's wrong! There's only three of you!S
urely having a way to beam back to the shuttle would be worth the risk?
"We know you come from Starfleet." WELP this isn't going to be easy to get out of then!
"It's High Lord Zacarias.... I'm a long way from yeoman." Gosh I already love this guy as a villain but boy why do I feel this is going to be a tough episode?
"Haven't you noticed how hard it is to think?" Aghhhhh
"Reason doesn't exist here. You'll learn that." Wow.
Yes, we're back on the bridge - will Erica get to save the day after all?! (Moretegas, moretegas, moretegas)
"As long as it stays isolated to Uhura, we should be able to manage it." "Bridge to sickbay" Yeah, no, it's not gonna be that easy, Christine. Aaaand I'm terrified for what happens when the radiation gets to you.
Some random person is really risking themselves to say "Wait" to the guard? That's lovely.
This is a terrifying setup. Perfect for a tyrant to take control.
"You are guided by your emotions. They are your truth. I find them convincing." :3
"What is this place?" Oh no! Oh no! You can't forget the Enterprise!
"I believe the answer is here, but I cannot read this." fuuuuu-
Ohh is Erica gonna find her log from the start??
M'Benga is wild good even without serum, what!
"I'm Erica Ortegas. I fly the ship." Powerful
You'd have thought someone would have thought to get the computer to keep sending out reminders earlier?
Oh no! Pike could kill Zac and he wouldn't even know until after who he killed!
...Or suddenly his memory will come back and he'll freeze as he realises what he's doing?
That's all stuff Erica's done hundreds of times?? Who even is she? Majestic. We stan
"It figures you'd start a revolution." *manic laughter*
Oh jeez, Pike is gonna be so upset with himself after this
Why would Zac taunt Pike so much if he doesn't want to die?
"I don't blame Spock. He's still got a lot to learn." HAH
"Your logic... Feels sound to me." that switch in logic v feeling <3 <3
"There are only a handful of people in the galaxy who get what it is to be a Starfleet Captain." I get that, but that's not really a basis for a whole relationship...
Pike in this really has felt emotionally like the Pike in the pilot episode, when he talks to Boyce, idk? (Mind, I haven't watched that in a good while so might be off)
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mydearburkhart · 3 years
The Amy-verse
(or "if I was in that '70s show" part 4) | previously on The Amy-verse
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)
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Hyde: Does it bother anybody else that these women live in Hooterville?
Eric: Technically, Petticoat Junction is down the track from Hooterville.
Hyde: Okay, does it bother anybody else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?
Donna: It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank.
Kelso: With the dog.
Jackie: It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train.
Donna: It's still three naked women with a dog.
Fez: I want to be the Hooterville dog.
Jackie: Ames, you're awfully quiet. Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah, I was just trying to understand the context of this... scene, then I gave up and spaced out.
Kitty: Coming down... now, don't mind me. I'm just putting some clothes in. Eric, honey, I thought you could wear this on your birthday. It's nice, you look so handsome in it.
Eric: Why would I want to dress nice on my birthday?
Kelso: It's your birthday?
Amy: You don't know when his birthday is?
Kitty: Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday!
Eric: Mom... mom, do not throw a party for me.
Kitty: Oh well, listen to Mr. Popularity. Like I have time to plan you a party. [laughs] Oh, uh... by the way, your sister Laurie is coming home from college for the weekend. No special reason, she just is. [goes upstairs]
Donna: Well, you're getting a party and best of all... it's a surprise!
Amy, to Eric: Your mom sucks at keeping secrets, but she's lovely. You should stop being an ungrateful idiot and appreciate the effort she's putting into this party.
Amy: So...
Donna: What?
Jackie: What are you gonna get Eric for his birthday?
Donna: I don't know, nothing seems right. I wanna give him something... special.
Amy and Jackie looked at each other, then gasped together: He kissed you!
Donna: Shh!
Amy: Donna, get in the car!
Jackie: Yes, get in the car so we can talk!
*in the car, Amy is on the back seat with her head between Jackie and Donna*
Jackie: Okay, what happened?
Amy: Tell us everything!
Donna: I'm not gonna talk to you two about this.
Amy and Jackie, at the same time: And who are you gonna talk to?
Amy and Jackie, to each other: Nice!
Donna, watching the boys play in the driveway: Okay! We get home from the Rundgren concert, and I'm sitting in the hood of the car, and I kissed him...
Jackie: French or American?
Amy: Even though everyone knows Brazilians are the best kissers...
Donna: I can't believe I'm talking to you two about this... [looks out of the window and sees them playing again] Okay! So, I lived next door to Eric my entire life and we talk about everything together, we love the same music, we love the Packers and then I kissed him and everything changed. And now I don't know if he's my boyfriend or if he's my best friend. If he's my boyfriend I lose my best friend, If I screw it up I lose my best friend and my boyfriend. Now, I have to give him his gift...
Jackie: Donna, Donna! I solved it. Get him... a scented candle.
Amy: Oh yeah, good idea.
Donna: A scented candle?
Jackie: It's practical and romantic.
Amy and Jackie: Oh, yeah.
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Amy: Hey, Mrs. Forman.
Kitty: Hello... young lady with an accent.
Amy: It's Amy.
Kitty, laughing: Amy... is there anything I could help you with?
Amy: Actually, I want to offer you my help.
Kitty: You want to help me?
*Amy nods*
Kitty: Oh, well. That's new.
Amy: I noticed that you're busy planning Eric's party and thought you could use some help.
Kitty, laughing: Oh honey, that's very kind of you. But wouldn't you rather spend time with the girls?
Amy: Uh... Jackie went to the mall with Donna to help her find a gift for Eric and I'm... kinda avoiding the mall.*
Kitty, understanding what she meant by that: In that case, I'd appreciate your help. Now, what do you know about American birthday parties?
Amy: Nothing really, but I know a lot about Brazilian birthday parties. See, there's a very popular candy on birthdays called brigadeiro. I can teach you the recipe.**
Kitty: Well, doesn't that sound fancy?
Kitty: Oh, Amy... this is delicious! [laughs]
Amy: I know!
Kitty: Thank you for helping me today, honey.
Amy: You're welcome, Mrs. Forman.
Eric: Look, I know what you're all doing here.
Kelso: What are you talking about, man? We're just hanging out, like always. Except we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything.
*Amy comes into the basement, wearing a red dress and a black jacket*
Amy: Let's party! [sighs] Why aren't you guys excited? I even wore my favorite dress!
Eric: Because I didn't want a party.
Amy: Oh, stop being such a pain in the ass. It's your birthday! Come on, cheer up a little. [she pulls him into a tight hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek] Happy birthday, Eric!
Amy, looking around: Why are you all staring at me? I'm Latina, I'm a hugger!
Kitty, from the stairs: Hi kids, I need your help with something. Amy, Jackie, Donna, Michael, Steven... young man with an accent, would you give me a hand? Not you Eric!
*everyone but Eric goes upstairs to help her*
Kitty: Everybody's ready? I'll call him.
*back in the basement*
Kitty: Eric, honey! Honey, could you come up here for a second? [goes upstairs again] Shut up, he's coming!
Everybody: Surprise.
Eric: Cassettes? Great, thanks, Hyde.
Hyde: You're welcome.
Amy: Open mine now.
Eric, opening the present: More cassettes? Wow, thanks, Amy.
Amy: Yeah, I didn't really know what I should give you. I was gonna give you a book, but I couldn't find an English version.*** So I thought, I'll give him some cassettes with Brazilian songs.
Kitty: Ooh, let's put them in the 8-track and play them.
Eric: Hey... it's a hot shave dispenser.
Kitty: Oh, he won't need that for a long time... a long, long time.
Midge: Of course he will, he's almost like a man.
Kitty: *kinda laughing, kinda crying*
Donna: I got you something...
Amy and Jackie: No!
Jackie: Donna, help me find my purse...
Amy: And I need help to find... my jacket?
Fez: But you are wearing it.
Amy: That's not the point, I'll lose it so Donna can help me find it.
Jackie: Donna, now!
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Donna: Jackie, you didn't even bring a purse... [sighs and points at Amy] And you have your jacket on.
Amy: Like I said, that's not the point!
Jackie: Duh! You can't give him your present in front of his guy friends.
Donna: I am one of his guy friends.
Amy: But you want to be his girlfriend!
Jackie: Look, Donna. I have put a lot of thought into this gift, please do not wreck this for me.
Donna, sarcastically: I'm sorry, I was being selfish.
Jackie, hugging her: It's okay...
Amy: Jackie, she was being sarcastic.
Jackie, gasping: How rude.
Amy, rolling her eyes: You know what? Go ahead, Donna. Give him a romantic gift in front of his friends, who are a bunch of assholes by the way, and his parents. He'll be embarrassed, you'll be embarrassed and it's more entertaining for us!
Donna: How come you're always right?
Amy: It's a talent of mine, you'll get used to it.
*the Pinciotti's kitchen*
Bob: Three fours, I need them.
Midge: Bob is very good at Yahtzee.
Kitty, gasping: The liquor cabinet!
Red: It's locked.
Kitty: What if there's an emergency?
Red: They'll call.
Kitty: What if they run out of chips?
Red: They'll starve.
Bob, standing up: I'm gonna fix myself a drink. Red?
Red: No... Kitty needs one.
Kitty: Well, I am just so worried– [motorcycle noise] Oh my lord, Laurie's leaving.
Red: Oh honey, she's in college. She doesn't wanna hang around with them.
Kitty: Well, maybe I should make a call, just in case–
Red, reaching for the phone before her: Kitty... what could happen?
Kitty: What could happen? [pause] Well, plenty could happen. Oh, plenty!
*fantasy sequence, Forman's living room*
Donna: Now that the adults are gone, we can be as bad as we want!
Jackie: Who wants to give Eric a venereal disease?!
Kelso: Hey, look... coasters!
Hyde: Forget coasters!
Eric: Please fellas, my mom put out coasters for a reason...
Hyde: I think I'm gonna put my drink directly on the furniture, that way it will leave a ring!
Eric: NOOO! Why oh why didn't I begged my mother to stay?
Amy: Oh shut up gringo, have some of my country's exotic food while we listen to samba!
Fez: Quiet you silly Americans, I'm on a long-distance call on your parent's phone.
Eric: But that's immoral.
Fez: Ha, in my country of... wherever it is I am from, I can never tell... morals get in the of a good, dirty time. But first, I need to eat some chips... What? Out of chips? Now I am mad, I must shoot something! [pulls out the gun]
Eric: Not the littlest hobo!
*Forman's kitchen*
Jackie: Wait on the porch, and I'll get Eric.
Donna: It's dark out there.
Jackie: And you're giving him a candle, yeah?!
Amy, shaking her head: Poor Donna, so young and naive.
Jackie: Here, matches.
Donna: He might not want to light it.
Jackie: Don't say that...
Amy: Don't even think it!
Jackie: Now, when he opens it, he'll say cool... or something. And then, you give him a look... like this. [demonstrates]
Amy: Oh no, honey. Don't do that, it won't shine on you. [to Jackie] Jackie, it's Donna, the same girl who wanted to give Eric his gift in front of everybody.
Donna: I'm right here.
Jackie, shaking her head along with Amy: She's right though, don't do that.
*living room*
Fez: So, what did you get from Donna?
Eric: Nothing yet.
Kelso: Oh... maybe it's the big gift. You know the really big gift. You guys... know what I'm saying when I say the big gift, right?
Hyde: Yeah, we got it... and we got it.
Fez: I'm not even from here and I got it.
*Amy and Jackie come into the living room*
Jackie: Oh Eric... Donna's on the porch.
Amy: She's waiting for you.
Kelso: He's getting the big gift!
*Amy, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are spying on Eric and Donna*
Jackie: This is it, he's going for it.
Kelso: Uh-huh, it's his birthday, she should kiss him first.
Jackie: She did the last time.
Fez, Hyde, and Kelso: What?
Amy: Shut up, Jackie.
Jackie: Nothing... shut up and watch.
Hyde: Come on Forman, go for it.
Eric, from outside: The door is open, we can hear you... We can see you!
*everyone hides*
Fez: Is he kissing her?
Hyde: None of us can see them, Fez.
Fez: Eric, are you kissing her?
Amy: Since you can hear me... Donna, I told you not to give him the look, it doesn't shine on you.
*Donna closes the sliding door*
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @snookstheallmighty
let me know if you want to be part of the list ;)
* I don't know if it's clear, but Amy's family is broke.
** Brigadeiro is a little ball made of chocolate, and it's just THAT good.
*** That's actually true, but the English version of the book I chose was only released in 1988.
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aspiring-ginger · 4 years
Thunderstorms Ch. 2 (Fellowship x Reader)
Summary: Reader gets the Fellowship ready for bed, how the heck is she going to have room for everyone?
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2,496
Pairing(s): Platonic Fellowship of the ring x fem!reader, eventual romantic interest (Lord of the Rings)
Who do you want Reader to end up with? Vote here!
A/N: This one was fun to write! Reader is going to have some nice moments with each member of the Fellowship before the final romantic pairing is decided, so this chapter has a bit of Legolas! I am keeping a tally of who you guys want the reader to end up with, so go ahead and put your votes in lol 
Comments and feedback are always appreciated! Let me know if you want more!
Taglist: @thunderdog8​ @kathieycarrerarosshley​ @sleep-deprived-things​ @nabercnm​ @agenerallynicegirl @sammy201d​ @thefoxskinwalker​ @minimxno​ 
(If your name has a strike-through in it, I couldn’t tag you! Let me know if I spelled anything wrong, or check your settings so I can tag you in future parts!)
Masterlist I Previous 
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You left the fellowship standing around your kitchen table while you went looking for candles and flashlights. It did cross your mind that the majority of the fellowship wasn’t even human so they might be able to see better in the dark, but you needed the light and using just your phone wasn’t going to cut it. It was probably for the best that you needed to grab these anyway, so you could use this time to process what the actual fuck was going on. 
No matter how many times you pinched yourself, the fellowship was still standing in your kitchen. It was fucking bonkers and you knew it. Hopefully you would be able to put them all to bed quickly so you could sleep and when you woke up it was all a dream and there weren’t eight strange men in your house. God, you hoped it really was a dream. 
You managed to find a few scented candles that you currently balanced in your arms as you returned to the kitchen. The hobbits were still seated at the table, busy whispering to each other with wide eyes. Aragorn and Legolas seemed to be discussing something in Elvish. They both seemed tense so it could actually be an argument, but honestly you had no idea. Boromir saw you struggling with the candles, so he strode over and took several from your hands. You tried to protest but he simply waved it off saying it was the least he could do for your generous hospitality. He helped you spread the candles throughout your house and watched curiously as you lit them using a lighter. You caught the hobbits’ attention as well when you put the last candle down in the middle of the table. 
“What’s that, there? You tryn’ to use some sort of a weapon on us?” Sam asked, eyeing the lighter in your hands.
You shook your head. “No, no. I’m just lighting the candle, see?” You clicked the lighter so the small flame would come out of the tip, then lit the candle.
“Is that some sort of magic?” Pippin asked.
“Why are you lighting the candles now? Don’t you have any torches or candles already lit?” Merry chimed in.
You handed the lighter over to Pippin so he could get a closer look. Wait shit, was that really the best idea to give it to him, of all people? Well, it was too late now as he was already twirling it around in his hands and fiddling with the trigger to try and light it. It was only a tiny lighter anyway, it wasn’t like he could actually set anything on fire….you hoped.
“Hm? Oh, it’s dark because the power’s out.” Merry gave you a blank stare so you clarified, “Our lights run on electricity, not fire. The storm must’ve hit a generator or something, so the power’s not on. I can’t turn any lights on without it.”
“Does this normally happen, lass?” Gimli piped up from his spot in the corner.
“No, we haven’t had a storm this bad in a long time, and if the power ever does go out it’s usually only for a couple seconds.”
“Well, the candles smell wonderful.” Boromir added with a smile. You smiled back and excused yourself to get them towels. Seriously, they were making puddles on your floor. You saw the lights flicker back on in your office as you grabbed them. At least that was one less thing to worry about.
“Alright, the power’s back on now, but I’m not gonna turn on a ton of lights because it’s late and it’ll be bright.” You explained as you handed out the towels. 
Tackling one problem at a time- the power was back on, and the fellowship was drying off. Now you had to figure out where everyone could sleep. This was going to be a real challenge. Two could fit in your parent’s bed, two in the guest bed. One on the loveseat, and either one or two on the couch. You had a small pullout couch underneath your loft bed you had since childhood, but that would mean one of them would have to sleep with you in your room. That might not sit well with them wanting to preserve your honor and hospitality. They had their sleeping packs with them and you had a sleeping bag as well, but you didn’t want them to have to sleep on the floor. Especially since you had no idea how long they would be staying and they’d been on the road for so long it felt wrong to make one of them sleep on the floor. You supposed you could clean off the couch that was downstairs in the family room, but it was sort of dirty. Sighing, you explained this to them, which they all assured you it would be no problem should some of them need their bedrolls. 
“I’ll give you a tour of the house, and then you all can decide where you want to sleep.” They all nodded in agreement. “So, you’re standing in my kitchen. Do you have any questions?” You asked as you flipped on the light.
“Will you show us how to use your equipment?” Sam asked, “We’d hate to have you cooking all by yourself. And I’d like to learn to help, if I could.”
“Sure, but we can worry about that in the morning. I think we could all use some sleep first.”
You led them throughout your house turning the lights on as you went. They didn’t have any questions, but you figured that all this was overwhelming so you didn’t launch into any explanations unprompted. 
After some discussion among themselves they came to a decision- Frodo and Sam would sleep in the guest bed downstairs, Aragorn on the couch also downstairs (he wanted to stay close to Frodo in case anything happened), Gimli took the loveseat and Boromir the couch in the living room. Merry and Pippin would sleep in your parents’ bed upstairs. Legolas insisted he lay out his bedroll down with Gimli and Boromir, he refused to sleep in your room.
“Please, Legolas. You’ve been through so much, just take the pull out couch,” you pleaded, “We wouldn’t be sleeping in the same bed or anything. I promise, it’s fine.”
“No, I could not. Elves do not sleep the way Men do, you need not worry. I will be alright.” 
“If you don’t need as much sleep as humans, then it would be alright if you slept on the couch! We wouldn’t disturb each other, and you don’t have to stay in there once you wake up. I just want you all to be comfortable. Please, it’s the least I could do.”
“Would it not be improper, my lady? What would your husband think?” Boromir cut in.
“What? No no, I’m not married. Nooo way. It’s just me in the house, my parents are out of town and won’t be home for a long time. Besides this is a...weird situation, but you’re my guests so everything here is yours. I would give up my bed if I needed to, but I have a feeling you guys wouldn’t like that.” They shook their heads. “There’s nothing wrong with a friend sleeping in the same room and hey it’s 2020 so it doesn’t matter what gender. At least for tonight. If you want to move tomorrow I promise I won’t be offended.” You offered a final plea. 
Legolas caved. “As long as it is what the Lady wishes.”
You held up your hand “Okay let me just get this straight- I’m not a lady. Just call me (Y/n), I don’t have a title. I’m not nobility or super rich or anything so you’re not offending my honor or whatever by calling me by my name.”
They nodded in response, but you weren’t sure if they would actually listen.
“Okay, you all can start setting up your stuff and getting ready for bed. I’ll bring pillows and blankets, and I can dry any of your clothes. I’ll get you all some stuff you can wear tomorrow.” 
You set everything up, the fellowship trailing behind you until their respective ‘beds’ were made. Just Legolas was left, so you told him to get ready however he needed and you would change in the bathroom. Oh shit. The bathroom. You would have to explain that to them. You called them back upstairs and quickly gave them a run down of the bathroom, water in the kitchen should they need it, and whoever was the first to wake would come wake you up as well. Racking your brain, there wasn’t anything else you could think of.
You set up the couch for Legolas, then climbed up into your bed. You weren’t sure if you should say goodnight. Honestly, why did you push so hard to have this elf sleeping in your goddamn room? You laid there contemplating if you really should say something, if it would be more awkward to say something or not say anything at all, it was taking too long to decide so if you spoke up now it might be weird-
“Thank you for the bed. Sleep well, (Y/n).” Legolas softly called up to you, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“It’s really no problem. Goodnight.”
You rolled over and tried to sleep. Minutes ticked by but you just could not fall asleep. Your thoughts were racing far too quickly. What if you said something while you were sleeping? Moved around too much? Made too much noise? Oh god, what if you farted? Why, why, why did you push so hard for him to stay with you? There was an elven prince sleeping underneath you. A real, actual elven prince. You flopped around in your bed to try and get a more comfortable position. Every time you did, you paused and winced realizing that your huffing and rustling around could keep Legolas up, too. Seriously, why did you think this was a good idea? By the time you finally began to drift off, you had no idea if Legolas was actually asleep. He hadn’t made a single sound since he bid you goodnight. Well, you could just apologize tomorrow for keeping him up.
You woke the next morning to a soothing voice calling your name. You groaned as you looked around, who would be waking you up this early? Rolling over, your eyes met with soft blue ones. Oh. Legolas was still here, in your bedroom. It wasn’t a dream after all.
“Ah, good morning, (Y/n). I believe I heard some of my friends beginning to stir downstairs. I woke you so you might have time to dress before the hobbits bust down your door,” he chuckled, “They can get quite hungry in the morning, and I’m sure seeing a fully equipped kitchen has only made their hunger worse.”
“Oh, thank you.” You instinctively pulled your blanket closer to your chest. “Did you sleep alright last night? I’m sorry if I kept you up.”
Legolas’s laughter was bright and clear. “You needn’t worry. The dwarf snores far louder than your tossing and turning. I was still able to dream. If you like, I shall step out into the hall so you may prepare for the day in private.”
You hummed in thought. If the fellowship really was stuck with you now, they would eventually see you in your pajamas. It might be better if it was sooner than later so they could get used to it.
“Oh no, it’s alright. I’ll just use the bathroom, you don’t have to leave.” You climbed down your ladder and scooped up a bra and a brush, sticking them under your arm in an attempt to hide the fact you were carrying your undergarments. 
You went through your usual morning routine, double checking to put on deodorant and a little perfume. The non-humans had sharper senses right? You didn’t want to smell bad, ugh that would be embarrassing. As you exited the bathroom you heard loud snoring from downstairs. That must’ve been what Legolas was talking about. When you came back into your room, you found Legolas examining your things. His attention seemed to be on your bookshelf.
He had taken off his outer tunic and bracers leaving just his blue undershirt and trousers. His boots and socks were neatly placed beside the end table next to the couch. His weapons leaned against it as well, the string removed from his bow.
“Would you like some tea or coffee? Wait, do you guys even have coffee?”
“Coffee is not a common drink with the elves, but the halflings might enjoy it. Everyone enjoys tea.” 
“Cool. You can pick out what kind.”
Legolas followed you downstairs and into the kitchen. It was still early, the sun was barely poking over the tops of the trees. Gimli and Boromir were still asleep and Aragorn appeared to be waking up. There was no sign of the hobbits just yet. You pulled out your rather large selection of tea for Legolas to look through while you started on breakfast. Who doesn’t like waking up to the smell of food, right?
You didn’t have that much in your fridge so nothing too fancy, but you did have eggs and bacon. You took what little vegetables you had left and added it to the scrambled eggs- a few mushrooms, some spinach, a little onion, and some cheese. You put some bread in the toaster for good measure. Aragorn came up to join you, taking a seat across from Legolas. He launched into a conversation with him in elvish after saying good morning. Eventually, Legolas handed you a box of regular green tea and you put the kettle on. 
The others began to shuffle into the kitchen when breakfast was closer to being ready. Aragorn, Boromir, and Legolas all offered to help, so you put them to work setting the dining room table and bringing kitchen chairs in to make room for everyone. You were quite pleased with what you were able to come up with, but now you definitely had to go to the store. Which meant leaving them home alone. Maaaybe not such a great idea. 
The hobbits seemed particularly happy with what you made, the mushrooms especially. Everyone happily sipped their tea and enjoyed their meals, making light conversation. Legolas and Aragorn were speaking to each other in elvish again, much to your annoyance, while Merry and Pippin described the dreams they had that night. Boromir and Gimli laughed on and added their dreams for good measure. It was easy to see how well everyone got along with each other, and the hobbits were kind enough to bring you into the discussion as well. This isn’t exactly how you thought your spring was going to go, but it sure was going to be lots of fun.
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ladyideal · 4 years
This Is Us Chapter 6
Pairing: Legolas x OC!Reader
Word Count: 3392
Warnings: Canon violence, character death
Summary: When the One Ring was found, it becomes a journey across Middle Earth to destroy it. Watch as the Fellowship is formed, and crossed the continent, where loyalty will be tested, and love will blossom at the most unexpected places.
A/n: Sorry for taking ages to write this up, but here it is! Thanks everyone for patiently waiting. But y'all know what happens here.
Chapter 5 ~ Masterlist ~ Chapter 7
An elegant ship, carved in the likeness of a swan, flows through a river. Galadriel stood in it. On shore, cloaks were fastened around each of the Fellowship with green, silver-veined leaf-brooches.
"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes," The Lord of Lothlorien spoke as he watched.
As elves prepared for the departure of the Fellowship, Legolas stood among them, shifting parcels into a set of boats provided by the Galadhrim. He held up a thin wafer for Merry and Pippin to see, as they sat within one of the boats.
"Lembas! Elvish Way-bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." The elf prince announced.
You rolled your eyes at him in turn, stepping back onto the shore for last minute provisioning.
"Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin." Celeborn continued. ""Nor will you find safety on the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mark of the White Hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do Orcs journey in the open, under the sun, yet these have done so!"
You sighed. It had to be Saruman doing, that you were sure of. You paused in your steps, and looked down. Celeborn held an ornate dagger before you. 
"Le aphadar aen." (You are being tracked.)
You gently grasped it, and unsheathed it, watching as the blade glinted. "We can still finish this."
He nodded slowly. "By river you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros."
You took one last glance at your reflection on the blade before safely sheathing it away. "It is time, Celeborn. Le hannon." (I thank you.)
"Alena," Haldir whispered, pulling the half elf into a tight hug. "Stay safe. Im mel cin." (I love you.)
They shared a quick kiss, before the marchwarden released his fiancee, and watched as she carefully climbed into the same boat with Aragorn.
"Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrien,
Yéni úntimë ve rámar aldaron!
yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier
mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva
Andúnë pella Vardo tellumar
nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni…"
(Alas! Like gold fall the leaves in the wind,
long years numberless as the wings of the trees! The long years have passed like swift draughts of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,beneath the vaults of Varda wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice…)
"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin," Galadriel spoke when you sat safely within the boat with Legolas steadying you. 
Ever since that fateful night, you had cautiously grown fond of him. Your smiles were less forced when around him, and your laughs were infectious. Love came hard for the elven, and when it did happen, it was an immortal kind. You patted his hand as the elven prince stared in awe of the beautifully gifted carved bow. 
Galadriel smiled at his thanks, and turned to Merry and Pippin next. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war."
Pippin seemed unsure of the weapon in his hand, almost trembling. 
"Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." The Lady of Light spoke with a gentle smile before turning to Sam. "And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."
"Thank you, my lady," He glanced sidelong at the blades held by Merry and Pippin, then looked up hopefully. "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?"
Galadriel smiled at him, but turned to Gimli, who diverted his eyes downwards. 
"And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?" Galadriel spoke, her golden hair shining beneath the poignant blues and whites and greens of the forest.
Nothing." He frowned as though he was changing his mind. "Except to look upon the Lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth."
You grinned at his words, while the elf lady giggled. He turned away to face the front of the boat before looking back at her again.
"Actually, there was one thing , ah, agh, that's quite impossible. Stupid to ask."
Once his request was fulfilled, she next turned to Aragorn. There was silence for a moment. Branches shook, a spider web's glimmering strands swayed in the wind.
"I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you will bear. Take care of her well. She only has me left." She paused, looking out at the river. "But You have your own choice to make, Aragorn, to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin."
He nodded. 
"Namárië. Nadath nâ i moe cerich. Dan ú-'eveditham, Elessar." (Farewell. There is much you have yet to do. We shall not meet again, Elessar.)
Aragorn nodded once more, turning away. Galadriel turned to the last of the hobbits, and handed him a crystalline vessel shaped like a teardrop, filling with a clear water and a shining light.
"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star." and kissed him briefly on the forehead. "May it be a light for you, in dark places, when all other lights go out."
Next, she turned to Alena, who grinned up at her grandmother. "I too have nothing to give to you, as you have the greatest gift of all. Cherish it well, my granddaughter. I have taught you well, and I hope you may come out victorious."
You watched as Alena dipped her head, and spoke quietly in return. A tender smile appeared on Galadriel before she turned to the last member of the Fellowship.
"And what will the daughter of the High Valars want?" She spoke within your mind.
"You know what I wish for," You spoke instead, watching her. 
There was a moment before the elf lady acquiesced with a nod of her own. "You have my word, Y/N."
And drew out a compact compass. "For when you lose sight of yourself and of the Fellowship. I hope that this will guide you in the right direction."
"Thank you," You replied, reaching out to grasp it, half in awe.
"Rinn- safelui bar." (Return safely home.)
A paddle splashed loudly into the water. As the Fellowship rows through the river, past the Elves onshore, out onto the river, leaving Lórien behind. White mountains rise starkly beneath blue skies and green trees. In the boats, Gimli talks to Legolas.
"I have taken my worst wound at this parting, having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Haugh, henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me."
"What was it?" The elf smirked from behind you.
"I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three."
You smiled at the interaction, paddling along. Soon it didn't take long for Legolas to take over the owing. Before long, the Fellowship's boats passed through a canyon. Alena glanced worriedly at Frodo's boat across the water, as she gently rowed hers and Aragorn's boat.
"Frodo, look! The Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin," Aragorn spoke, lifting his head, half-smiled and tapped Frodo on the shoulder.
Two, marble white, majestic statues proudly stood on each side of the Anduin. Their left arms held aloft, their palms facing outwards in a simple gesture of warning. Voices sang out softly in the light.
"Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta!'" 
(Out of the Great Sea to Middle-Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world!)
"Beautiful statues," You commented, laying back comfortably as Legolas rowed. Alena from your left in agreement.
"They certainly are," The half elf replied.
It didn't take long for the group to disembark on a gravel beach, a spectacular roaring waterfall behind. Boromir looks troubled, as though he was fighting a conflict within him. Frodo skirted around the Captain of the White Tower, looking afraid.
"We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north," Aragorn spoke as he carried the items from each boat onto the shore.
Alena and Legolas left the makeshift camp to hunt for any nearby game. You and the hobbits started making camp, a little more cozier than just the dirt and sand for comfort.
"Oh, yes?! It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better!" Gimli sarcastically replied, dragging the heavier weapons towards where Sam was forming rocks in a circle.
"Frodo, Merry, let us gather wood for the fire," Boromir beckoned the two hobbits away. Frodo's eyes locked onto yours briefly, and all you could recognize was the helplessness, the weight of the evil ring around his neck, and the fear, before he followed after the others.
You shook your head.
"Festering, stinking marshlands, far as the eye can see!" The dwarf continued, although half of the company was gone.
"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." Aragorn drawled.
"Recover my-?! Nooo."
"We could leave now," You suggested, interjecting into the conversation with a shrug.
"No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness." Aragorn argued with a matter of fact tone.
"It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it," Your gaze turned towards the dark pine woods, with a dark, brooding statue nestled amongst their needles. "We are not alone."
"Where's Frodo?" Merry piped up, returning with some wood in his arms. 
“Didn't he go with you and Boromir?" You stood up, dusting the dirt off your knees.
"We got split up."
Aragorn turned his gaze toward Boromir's shield laying amongst the rest of his belongings. Then turned to you with that knowing look within his eyes.
Something bad was about to happen. Evil lurked around every crevice and corner.
You cursed loudly, sprinting after Alena and Legolas. Aragorn was hot on your heels, all the while calling for the two.
"Frodo!" Aragorn called from your right, rushing towards the hobbit. Before him was a high structure on the cliff edge, surrounded by the pines. A stairway ran up through its center, to a seat dwarfed by stone eagles on top.
You hurried to the other side of the hobbit, equally concerned. "Frodo, what happened? Where's Boromir?"
"Huh?! It has taken Boromir." The hobbit looked startled. 
"Where is the Ring, Frodo?" You asked.
"Stay away!" The hobbit scrambled up and retreated from Aragorn, who went after him.
"Frodo, please," The Ranger pleaded. "I swore to protect you!"
"Can you protect me from yourself?!" The hobbit turned back to you and Aragorn, holding the ring upon his palm. "Would you destroy it?"
There was silence as the breeze blew. Slowly, the Ranger approached the hobbit, seemingly entranced by the power of it. You on the other hand, grounded your feet into the ground, refusing to let the evil sway your beliefs.
The power was small, compared to yours, but the promises within still affected you. A trial, you realized a little too late, to test your very being.
Aragorn reached out towards the Ring. With both hands slightly shaking, he closed Frodo's hand over the Ring and pushed it back towards the Hobbit's chest. "I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor."
"I know. Look after the others, especially Sam. He will not understand." He turned to you afterwards, and you nodded in turn.
Suddenly Aragorn straightened up, drawing his sword. "Orcs."
"Go, Frodo. Run." You grabbed your bow and an arrow. "Run!"
Quickly, you and the Ranger ran out from beneath the ruin and found a troop of Uruk-hai advancing.
Briefly, he tapped his sword once to his forehead before charging towards the nearest Uruk-hai.
You drew an arrow, and letting it go to see an Orc fell to it.
"Find the Halflings! Yaggh! Find the Halflings!" One of them chanted. 
"Elendil!" Aragorn yelled, slicing two more out of his away. 
In response, Legolas, Alena, and Gimli ran forward from behind the the ruin. As Legolas shot down several Uruk-hai, Gimli landed blows with his axe. While Alena sliced through multiple with her dual swords, you eagerly shot those that came too close to anyone. 
Across the way, Merry and Pippin hid in a space under some fallen tree trunks, before spying Frodo close to them.
"Frodo!" Merry hissed, gaining the attention of the other hobbit.
"Hide here! Quick! Come on!" Pippin indicated a spot beside him.
Frodo glanced at them, then sadly shook his head.
"What's he doin', Merry?"
"He's leavin'."
"What?! No!" Pippin lept out of his spot and toward where Frodo hid.
Soon, both hobbits found themselves out in an open. Several Uruk-hai sprinted down the hill, towards them and brandishing their weapons, teeth bared.
"Run, Frodo! Go!" Merry quietly spoke, before cupping his hands, and shouts louder at the oncoming orcs. "Hey! Hey you! Over here!"
"Over here!"
"This way!" Pippin jumped up and down, arms flailing around.
As both Hobbits ran away from Frodo, the Uruk-hai troops followed with a loud roar of anger. Taking the chance, Frodo made a break for it, running in the opposite direction.
Back at the hilltop, you, Alena, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli continued to fight the Uruk-hai. In one smooth move, Legolas stabbed one Uruk with an arrow then shot it out at another. Gimli wielded his axe. As Aragorn stabbed one behind his back, Alena sliced cleanly through another.
In a hurry,, Merry and Pippin ran across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stopped in horror as the Uruk-hai closed in, both in front and from behind. As an Uruk runs up to them, raising his battleaxe, Boromir came  charging into the mix, roughly knocking the Uruk back, and killing him with his own axe.
Yet more closed in.
"There's too many!" You called, slicing the head off an orc cleanly off its shoulder. Before anyone could respond, three loud horn blasts were heard from down the slope. 
"The horn of Gondor!"
Aragorn was the first to run down the slope towards the sound, but numerous Uruks stood between him and Boromir. The Captain sounded the Horn of Gondor again. This time, the Uruks rose their weapons, and charged at Boromir.
"Run, hobbits! Run!" He cried out, slicing through the first of many enemies that came at him. Soon you and the rest of the Fellowship followed in kind, shooting arrows and stabbing through the troops of Uruk-hai in a futile attempt to reach the Captain.
The captain of the Uruk-hai stepped forward from within the safety of his troops, and aimed a black-fletched bow and arrow before letting go.
You briefly closed your eyes, grimacing as you heard the gasp from Boromir, and the thud as he fell to his knees.
Merry stopped in mid-throw of a rock as Boromir, in shock. As the Uruks came closer again once more, Boromir let out a battle cry, rose, and swung his sword at one, who fell.
The Uruk chieftain growled, walking down the slope. He lifted his bow, and shot again, just as Boromir turned to look at him.
A black arrow flew into Boromir's stomach. He dropped to his knees again, gasping. Merry and Pippin still stood in shock, rocks in hand. You heard a scream from beside. Was it Alena?
He dropped his heavy head again, both gasping and panting at the exertion for air. Boromir stared at them for a moment before getting back up, and swung his sword at another Uruk.
 The captain shot at him one last time, in the chest. Boromir fell to his knees, and this time stayed there, swaying a little and blinking, as though he was surprised that this was it. His horn cloven into two. Merry and Pippin watched him, aghast. 
In turn, they took up their swords and attacked the Uruk-hai. "Ahgh!" "For Boromir!
However the Uruk-hai simply lifted them up and carried them off. Merry and Pippin waved their arms frantically. "Help! Help!!!"
The Uruk-hai troop walked away from Boromir, wholooksed on helplessly. The captain stopped before his foe, who defiantly swallowed and glared back.With an ugly snarl,the chieftain pulled his bow back, ready to deliver the final blow.
Instead, you and Legolas both let go of your arrows, one hitting the neck, and the other at the hand. Now angry that his arrow went awry, the Uruk-hai turned to you, not noticing Aragorn until it was too late.
As Aragorn closed in on the Orc and in a flurry of swordplay, sliced his arm off and then stabbed him through the chest. The captain pulled himself up on the sword, closer to Aragorn, snarling in both pain and anger.
You let go of your arrow, watching with narrowed eyes as it hit the forehead. Before the orc could respond, the Ranger pulled his sword out of the Orc, and hacked off the Uruk-hai's head. 
Panting, you and the rest of the Fellowship lowered your weapons. After a brief pause, Aragorn beelined straight for Boromir. "No!"
"Go! Go after them. Aragorn and I will catch up," You turned to the rest, whom swiftly left. Save for Alena, who hesitated, before agreeing with a nod.
Boromir, pale and bloodied, laid on his back. Aragorn kneeled beside Boromir, who grabbed the other's shoulder. "They took the little ones."
"Be still."
"Frodo! Where is Frodo?"
"I let Frodo go."
"Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."
"The Ring is beyond our reach now."
"Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all."
"No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor," You spoke instead, kneeling on the other side of him. Aragorn placed a hand on an arrow protruding from the captain.
"Leave it! It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness; and my city to ruin."
"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail!"
"Our people? Our people." He reached for his sword. Instead, you placed the hilt in his hand, and helped Boromir clasp it to his chest. "I would have followed you my Brother, my Captain, my King!"
You placed a hand on his chest, and smiled slightly at Aragorn. "Go on. I'll follow soon."
With a kiss on the captain's forehead, the Ranger straightened up, and followed in the direction after the others.
"Boromir, son of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower," You spoke quietly, grasping his hand in your other. "Listen to me very closely."
"Y/N?" He croaked in confusion.
You leaned into his ear. "You have fought bravely, honorably. For your friends, for your people, for your country, and for Middle Earth. You have done much to keep the peace, and I need someone like you in the future."
You paused.
"Sina na- vamme i tyelde, captain. Ni indóme cen- tye en-. Tenna i lú, phata hendulya ar n- at senda. Ni am i -iel -o i valaina manwë ar vesse varda. Let sina n-.       
(This is not the end, captain. I will see you again. Until the time, close your eyes and be at peace. I am the daughter of the Valar Manwë and his wife Varda. Let this be.)
Boromir's eyes brightened up at the recognition, and looked more at peace atthe words, as though he was guilty for earlier. He squeezed your hand one more time with the last of his waning strength in agreement, before closing his eyes. 
And took his last breath.
N- a captain an men. Yare dagor dagornath, tye are -esse maure, yondo -o denethor.       
(Be a captain for men. When Dagor Dagornath, you are in need, son of Denethor.)
Eats Everything: @asraime @mournthewicked @aspiring-ginger
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tagged by @theleavesoflorien
So sorry for the long delay on this, Marianne, and thank you so much for tagging me!! had to do some school stuff and time got away from me :)
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
ahhh i don’t know! i’ve lived in a city for most of my life but went to university in a much quieter area so it’s really hard to decide! I prefer towns, I think (small city center, old buildings, hanging lights, but also nature and greenery and rivers and hills and trees 😍😍) 
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Asdfhjkl there are so many things I want to learn !!! I can play the piano but I really wish I was better ✨✨. And languages! LANGUAGES. There are so many languages I want to learn it’s an entirely unfeasible dream but I just want to read everything and translations just aren’t the same as originals, you know? (including Elvish, obviously, because Quenya/Sindarin are just so beautiful and they actually just sound like what they mean, you can hear the feeling and I love that so much). I wish I could bake (I tried making pound cake with dried fruit and let’s just say I was disappointed 😂😂😂). And do origami. And art (I can’t draw to save my life, but I’d love to be able to. I keep seeing scenes from movies or just pretty landscapes or imagining things from books and I want to draw them and I can’t). On the flip side of the spectrum, I like read and learn new things about science, too. Biochemistry and plants and physiology and the like. Haven’t read that stuff in ages, and there is no need for me to read them now, but I enjoy it :)
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
Nope! Tea only, and no milk or sugar 😊🍵 
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
Does 12 years old fall within the boundary of childhood? If it does, then Lord of the Rings��😆😆. Other than that, hmm, it’s hard to choose. Gaiman’s Ocean at the End of the Lane was the last ‘children’s’ book I read (it’s been 7 years; I still love it). In primary I had a huge mystery phase and loved The Boxcar Children and A Series of Unfortunate Events. And Narnia (though I didn’t finish the series) !! Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series was also one of my favorites 🌲👧🏻
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
I like both :) Baths are a treat though, I usually just shower
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
Not sure...I think I once took a quiz and got ‘faun’? I want to be an Elf in Middle Earth most though! Or a hobbit 🍏🍊
8. Paper or electronic books?
Paper books all the way!! I read with a pencil in hand and if I can’t annotate it just doesn’t feel right 
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
a baby blue cardigan with ‘I need sleep’ written on the back (story of my life??)
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it?
Yup, I like it! It means butterfly. My mom picked it because it was invented by Jonathan Swift for his book ‘Cadenus and Vanessa’ (she said ‘it has character’; do i have character??? who knows but it’s easy to come up with nicknames for my name which makes me happy)
11. Who is a mentor to you?
Don’t know if this counts, but I met a few people a couple years older than me through litsoc at uni and they really made me think/unknowingly taught me so much  
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for?
No - no fame no cameras just nooo :((( I just want to live my life
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
I’m more of a crash-and-sleep-so-deeply-I-can’t-hear-my-alarm person 
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
...I have absolutely no idea
15. Which element best represents you?
Air, I think. Or bodies of water (the sea, lakes, rivers)
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
I don’t know...I hope to stay close to my friends; everyone says people drift after school/uni’s over and I really hope that doesn’t happen 
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
My friends from uni. And just uni in general :((
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
Swingsets!! hahahaha
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Don’t think I’ve eaten anything *that* strange before...
20. What are you most thankful for?
Family, friends, school, books, home
21. Do you like spicy food?
Can’t eat spicy food at all, oops
22. Have you ever met someone famous?
I’ve met a couple of authors! ohmygod if i was old enough to have talked to tolkien or tennessee williams though i would s-c-r-e-a-m (someone pls invent a time machine)
23. Do you keep a diary or journal?
I tried once, I think? I was in primary though
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Pen now, but I annotate in pencil.
25. What is your star sign?
Libra, but I don’t do astrology.
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
Crunchy...why would you like soggy cereal??
27. What would you want your legacy to be?
asdfghjkl i don’t know. To have done some good, I suppose. To have been kind, and to have thought deeply and loved well. (ha you really see the lotr coming out here don’t you)
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
I like reading more than I like breathing I think . Am reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ (so so good)
29. How do you show someone you love them?
The little things, I guess?? Through actions. I rarely ever tell family/friends I love them outright
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
Love iced drinks
31. What are you afraid of?
So many things (heights! bugs! rollercoasters!). and sometimes i just feel afraid, and if you asked i wouldn’t be able to tell you why (it’s just a feeling i cannot quite explain).
32. What is your favourite scent?
That smell in the air when autumn has just started but it’s warm, still, and you can smell the air changing and just the sense of something something coming -
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname?
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
No idea...not in a drastically different way I guess. I would still want to study, and I’d want a job too. It’d just feel safer I guess - like I wouldn’t have to worry about buying a house or anything. And I’d definitely travel more 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
The pool...the sea’s too salty
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
Take it to the nearest frontdesk type of place if that’s possible?
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
Yes! I was walking back from the library at 11:45pm or so and I was trying to get it on camera so I forgot to make a wish
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
Understanding, I think - to be true to themselves, and accepting of others; to learn and to think, broadly and deeply; to make decisions for good reasons
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
Don’t really want a tattoo tbh
40. What can you hear right now?
Nothing much, it’s quite quiet here at night.
41. Where do you feel the safest?
At home, I think, or at uni.
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
sometimes I feel like I can’t speak, like I’m not going to again for a very long time. it’s just a feeling, but still
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
I want to go to Imladris more than any era of this world 🍃🍃
44. What is your most used emoji?
Laugh-cry 😂😂😂
45. Describe yourself using one word.
Quiet, maybe? idk
46. What do you regret the most?
every embarrassing situation i’ve ever been in i guess? 😆
47. Last movie you saw?
The Tolkien 2019 biopic (the tcbs friendship was great; unfortunately the Tolkien-Edith relationship wasn’t portrayed well at all)
48. Last tv show you watched?
Modern Family haha (it’s my go-to comfort show)
49. Invent a word and its meaning
I think we need more words for smells! the smell of rain, the smell of the grass at night in early summer, the smell of early autumn 🍃
@shiremaiden, @fool--of-a-took if you guys want to do this, but it’s super long so no pressure at all :)
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Dark and Unknown: Ch 3. Test of Will
Leere yawned as she rested against Bonegrinder. Morning came too early for her. “You awake?”
"No." Bonegrinder shifted his coils and buried further into the pile of blankets and pillows. "Go back to sleep."
“Hmmm. I need a shower. You know anywhere nearby with a water supply?”
"Showers do not exist in Omisha, you have the river." Bonegrinder kept his tail curled around her ankle. "And other creatures inhabit Omisha besides this old snake's kind. You are not going by yourself."
“Then come with me and get out of the pillows.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder grumbled. "It's warm, you are warm, he does not want to move."
Leere frowned, until a cheeky thought filled her. Taking off her clothing, she threw each piece of article on him until she was naked. “Well, I’m off. Your warm body is leaving you.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder simply plucked her up and plopped her on his coils again. "Stay. This old snake is tired and wants to sleep more." He cared not that her bra was hanging from one of his horns or that she had purposely hit him in the face with her thong.
Malik groaned as he saw Leere play around with Bonegrinder, turning away when she started to disrobe. “Princess... stop. Put something on and I’ll take you myself if the brat won’t.”
"Bonegrinder is not a brat, he is too old to be a brat." The Anagari objected with a loud grumble before rising from his pile of pillows. He stretched and yawned. Maybe while she bathed, he could refocus his magic and transfer into a source of energy so he would not feel so tired. "Fine, fine. He will accompany the princess."
“I will accompany too. Least you both waist time.”
Leere quickly covered herself with a towel, embarrassed Lord Killjoy here would be joining them. Perhaps he needed a bath as well. “I’m sure we’re faster than you, my lord.”
Malik frowned at her obvious sarcasm in his title. “Let’s just get a move on.”
Leading the princess and lord to the river, the Anagari motioned for the two to wait a moment. He chanted in Echidnan and a glowing circle expanded from his hands. He placed the circle in the water, and it covered a sizable portion of the river. He then slithered into the cool water and floated on the surface. "Do not swim outside the ring," Bonegrinder informed Leere and Malik. "He cannot guarantee your safety if you do."
Malik looked away as Leere threw her towel away and dove in. He simply stood guard and on watch. “Enjoy your bath.”
"Oooh, Bonegrinder thinks the big boy is too shy." The Anagari took this as a chance to tease Malik. "What do you think, tiny princess?"
“I think he enjoys stank he’s accumulated.” Leere smirked as she ran water through her hair.
“I had a shower yesterday. And I don’t need the Anagari falling for me.”
"Hmm, well, he does have a nice ass, but his personality is very disengaging." Bonegrinder told the princess as he curled himself into the shape of a tube float for her to hang on to his coils if she wished. "Tiny princess here has all the three 'b's. Beauty, boobs, and butt."
“Ha! Thank you.” Leere did so, kicking freely in the water. “Seriously. Why are you a stick in the mud?”
“I’m surprised you’re so care free. Especially around him.”
"Tiny princess is carefree around Bonegrinder because she knows that he will not eat her nor harm her." Bonegrinder stated the truth. "Tiny princess stumbled into his home as a child. She knows that while he is dangerous and ancient, he holds true to his word. He said he will not harm her, thus he means it."
“You have an attraction for monsters, don’t you Princess.”
“Good and bad.”
“From my point of view and the stories you share. Terrible...” He gave a long stare at Bonegrinder. “And tolerable.”
"Tolerable," Bonegrinder snorted in amusement. "He will take that as a compliment."
“I find your claws around the royalty disturbing at most, questionable at least.”
"It is for a good reason, he promises." Bonegrinder decided to attempt to explain. "If you or the pretty prince had found out about us Echidnans before, you or pretty prince would have assumed the worst. Monsters older than the land itself usually have a bad reputation. Humans have a bad reputation with us." The Anagari flicked his tail as if waving a finger to emphasize his point. "Since he took the opportunity to have an advantage over pretty prince, then it allowed time for him to learn our ways, to see how we view humans, and that Mother is interested in only peace. Else, he feared that pretty prince would have done something rash... like send his undead commander after innocents."
Malik had to admit, he could see that situation easily develop. “I wonder how much darkness in Ralnor came from his father, and how much from you.”
Leere frowned at that accusation. “Ralnor is a good man. Darkness isn’t inherently evil.”
“Is that what you tell yourself to feel justified?”
"Ah, that is where you are wrong," Bonegrinder told Malik. "He gave none of his darkness to the prince. Darkness was already there. He could sense within the pretty prince's mind the ever-raging bloodlust. Yet, this old snake knows how to contain that very well. So, he set prince pretty's sights elsewhere, gave him a task to focus upon. Besides," He smacked his lips. "Anyone who is unlucky enough to piss off the pretty prince means Bonegrinder gets an extra snack for the day." The Anagari carefully pulled Leere a little closer to the center of the circle by her ankle. "Besides, darkness is viewed as evil and corrupt, yet there are many who find solace in it. Just because there is an absence of light does not mean the dark is used for solely malicious purposes."
“I suppose that’s true. Ralnor enjoys his tortures and his games. He enjoys his little evils.”
“Excuse me?” Bonegrinder could feel Leere’s anger fester in her core. “Ralnor has done more good. He’s like me. He channels his darkness for better purposes.”
“Perhaps you’re right. You both possess disturbing qualities.”
Leere stopped kicking in the water, her gaze growing bitter and cold. “What nerve do you have to say that to me.”
“You certainly enjoyed trying to drag me to hell as a child. Or torturing those you deem worthy of wrath.”
“You were a bad man who killed my guardians right in front of me. Threw me into an asylum where I was raped. If Ralnor has any evil, perhaps he learned it from you. I remember how you’d beat my siblings in what you called ‘training’. Perhaps our disturbing qualities come from being forced to confront the evils around us. You’re a blunt killer Klinge.”
“Shame you can’t control this killer anymore like a puppet, witch.”
"Good Kaksa, have mercy..." Bonegrinder muttered to himself as the two hurled insults at one another. "You two are behaving like newly hatched spiderlings. Personally, this old snake does not care if you two do not like each other, but for the sake of impressing Mother, and earning her trust you two need to be cordial to each other in her presence." He then added, "Bonegrinder does not care if you argue in front of him, but it must not happen in front of Mother. Do you two understand?"
“Clear enough.” Malik turned his back on them, looking out at the country side.
Leere looked down, holding Bonegrinder’s coils tighter. “Understood.”
“I doubt that I’ll be in danger returning to the hut. You can enjoy the rest of your bath in peace.” Malik trotted off back towards the residence.
Once Malik was out of sight, Bonegrinder turned to Leere.
"He is harsh, and you have a silver tongue." The Anagari stated. "Are you going to be all right, tiny princess?"
“... I don’t know. He’s right in some ways. I’m attracted to monsters, and they’re attracted to me. I hope members of my family isn’t as insidious as he claims. Am I near a ledge of falling into evil?”
"..." Bonegrinder was not sure if he should be the one to tell Leere that there was a reason that Mother had a magical border protecting the mountain pass between Malus and Omisha. While humans were seen as the bad guys from a monster's point of view, the Mortuus were that of nightmares. Reanimating the dead was... tasteless, abominable, and a manipulation. How many times did peace try to be achieved and the Mortuus would dig up the corpses of their loved ones to use as a puppet? It was not just the necromancy which caused Mother to have a sour note against them, but... the use of... demons. Ancient demons of evil. "Darkness finds comfort in darkness, tiny princess."
“I suppose that’s why I love the Dragmires so.” She rested her head against his coals. “May you wash my back?”
"Never think darkness is bad, tiny princess, just remember that sometimes, evil things use the darkness to their advantage." Bonegrinder chuckled at her request. "If you wish it."
“I insist. You have... a good touch.”
"Very well." Bonegrinder circled his long body to where she could still hold onto his coils while he washed her back. He materialized a rag out of thin air, dropping from a portal. The Anagari was disturbingly good at the hardest magic of all; portals. He gently washed Leere's back, making sure to be careful around the scarred areas. "Have you ever thought about this old snake removing that tattoo for good for you, tiny princess?"
“Of it’s magic? Or the ink?”
"Both." Bonegrinder admitted. "It would not be easy to remove the magic, but the ink, perhaps so. Yet, he can still do both if you wish it."
“Oddly enough, I like the ink. Don’t you think it’s rather mysterious?”
"Bonegrinder is not fond of needles, tiny princess, so he looks at it, and thinks 'ouch'."
“Well, you have your pattern in your scales, do you not? Or think about White’s booty sac. It’s art of the body.”
"Patterns he was born with, tiny princess, not obtained by prick-prick-prick." Bonegrinder's finger tapped three times against her back to prove his point. "While tattoos are beautiful, he can do without one." He reached up under his eyes. "These were painful enough. He does not require more."
Leere lightly winced. “I can imagine so. Can’t exactly use those to woo.”
"If one wished to be a shaman, one had to get these." Bonegrinder recalled the day he received the tattoos and his scales actually flexed from the memory in defense. "These allow us to have clearer visions. Bonegrinder thinks that is a load of horseshit, but he had no say."
“What’s the point of a painful magical tattoo you don’t fully understand if you can’t use it to get laid.”
"Well, he supposes it makes him look prettier." Bonegrinder jested in good humor with a flip of hair. "If anything, he supposes that is adequate."
“See. That’s the spirit.” Leere swam out towards the shore. “You think Blue and White are a little too horny for me?”
"Hrm, trick question, tiny princess." Bonegrinder slithered onto the bank and squeezed the water out of his long hair. "Monsters and humans both enjoy sex, but monsters have higher sex drives. Humans, while they may not have as high sex drives as Echidnans, still can go for a bit. Well..." He snickered. "The females can."
“What. No drive left in you?” Leere bent over to pick her towel up, starting to dry her hair.
"Plenty of drive, tiny princess, but he has to be in the mood for it." Bonegrinder chuckled, knowing she was trying to tempt him. "Besides, we need to be ready for Mother's inquiries."
Leere quickly dried herself off, tying the towel around her breasts. “Well now that your best friend is looking her best, I say I’m ready.”
"Heh, the inquiries are not until the morning, tiny princess," Bonegrinder patted her head. "But he appreciates your enthusiasm. Come, he knows you are hungry. He will take you to get food."
Malik wrote in a small journal, detailing events of his journey in Omisha. He wondered how worried his wife and Zarazu were. No doubt they had their own fantasies about the country. No doubt Zarazu would be temperamental he didn’t tell her of his departure.
Bonegrinder had gathered lunch for Leere and Malik. It was a basket full of various, edible fruits and freshly killed rabbit meat. He managed to convince the Tlanuhwans to give him some bread and cheese for his guests after trading a few dead rabbits. Once he cooked the meat, he went to wake Leere from her after bath nap. The tiny princess sure did snore loud when she was in a deep slumber.
“I’m... Im up. I’m up.”
The Anagari kept poking her with his tail until she finally moved.
"Come, your breakfast will get cold."
Leere yawned, thankfully fresh from her morning bath. “What you make for us all?”
"He has already hunted. You have bread, cheese, fruit, and meat."
Both Malik and Leere took their seats, starting to eat. Each glance at one another was filled with awkward tension.
Swallowing her food, Leere tried small talk. “You happy having kids?”
“I am.”
“You like... being alive?”
He looked up at his food, stunned she’d even say that. “... Yes.”
"Bonegrinder is surprised that the bossy metal wife is not pregnant yet." The Anagari had an amused grin on his face. "As much as that one jumps on her. He can smell it."
“She nearly died delivering my daughter.”
Leere clenched her fork more tightly from the sheer cold wrath in his voice. It obviously upset him.
"A risk all women take to bring their child into this world." Bonegrinder made sure to place some of the wild fruit on Leere's plate as well as Malik's. Before he thought, he even blurted out. "Even his own wife---his own tribe, the women sometimes had difficulty delivering eggs. Still, he believed you wished for a large family. Do you to wish to try for more?"
“How about you speak to me about your own wife first?” Malik glared at Bonegrinder, knowing full well he wouldn’t.
"No use to speak of her, she is dead." Bonegrinder pulled the meat from over the fire so it would not burn. "She was not like this old snake. She could be killed. He cannot."
“I had a dead wife before Asakonigei. Her name was Cipher. You don’t honour the ones you loved?”
"Then you know it hurts to recall." Bonegrinder was not going to speak much more of it than this. "Each tribe has their ways of remembering loved ones or honoring them. This Anagari prefers to forget."
“I speak from experience. I too, at a time, tried to forget. It was cowardly.”
"Think what you wish." Bonegrinder cut the meat and offered equal portions to Leere and Malik.
“Leere... don’t you think Malus be left forgotten?”
“What makes you suddenly say that?” Leere glanced up from her food to stare at Malik.
“I’ve talked to some locals. They fear the place.”
"Who talked to you?" Bonegrinder was interested who had the balls to speak to Malik. "Let him guess..." He thought for a moment and then sniffed. "Kiume."
“Big spider? Yes.”
"Blue's and White's father." Bonegrinder gave a short explanation to Leere. "Kiume is a prominent leader in the Iktomi and Jisdvna Tribes."
“Oh! It’d be nice to meet his acquaintance. Assuming he wouldn’t want me to be betrothed to his daughters.”
"No, tiny princess, Kiume will not try to marry you off to Blue or White." Bonegrinder assured her with a laugh. "He will, however, probably suggest the best mushrooms for you to smoke."
Leere has to wave her hand at that. “No drugs. Please. My doctor says I should avoid them if I don’t want to slip into bad habits again.”
Malik was slightly impressed the Wild princess had limits. “Wise.”
"... then Bonegrinder will tell him to suggest the best aphrodisiacs." The Anagari had no filter. "For you and that pretty moo-moo girl."
“Sunshine what?” Leere looked up to him, confused.
"Your sunshine." Bonegrinder simply stated. His visions of the future sometimes came out with no reasoning. "Pretty, blonde sunshine." Then, while Malik and Leere were eating, he decided it was time to consume his own meal. He had caught a wild boar and knew that the two were uneasy about eating boar meat thanks to Ganondorf's influence. He consumed the whole boar in one gulp.
Malik rose an eyebrow. “You’re lucky I prefer a horse as a mount...”
"He eats horses too, but prefers boar." Bonegrinder licked the blood off his wide jaws. "More salty."
“That’s disgusting.” Malik frowned heavily, pushing his plate away and putting his helmet on. Leere didn’t have a counter to it. She’d seen acquaintances devoured alive in a similar manner.
"One must eat to live, and one cannot be too picky." Bonegrinder then nearly drooled. "But a prized hunt is a cow. Fatty, delicious, scrumptious cows..."
“Perhaps we should go and meet your mother before you talk of eating humans.”
"Oh, don't flatter yourself, you'd be all gristle." Bonegrinder jested as he waited for Leere and Malik to finish their breakfast before taking the leftovers back into the hut for later. "Are you two ready? Keep in mind, the questions might be insensitive, crude, or downright crass. Mother does not know any 'human' boundaries. Yet, she will know if you are lying."
“You’re rather forward too.” Leere patted his coil. “How bad can it be?”
"Mother is... well... Bonegrinder is forward, but he has learned some human boundaries." The Anagari tried to think of an example. "He would not ask you to repeat about..." He cleared his throat. "Past negative experiences at the hands of others... Mother has no such filter."
Malik nodded with understandment. “Very well. We’ll brace ourselves. Take us to her. We came to learn and establish a good relationship.”
"Please try to remember she is not being 'rude' on purpose. She simply does not know of human customs." Bonegrinder led the pair back to the temple. He had a touch of apprehension in his chest. What would Mother ask? How would she react? If Mother was anything, it was unpredictable. "Do you recall the rules from before?"
“Yes. Do not speak out of term. Be honest.”
"And bow." Bonegrinder could not emphasize that enough. "No arrogance."
“And bow.” Malik repeated.
Once inside the temple, Bonegrinder heard the overwhelming echo of whispers. Mother was never alone. Her most precious ones, her dangerous treasures, always surrounded her, ready and willing to serve. There was Mother, lounging on her throne, her huge body only accommodated by a section of it. The Anagari bowed and kept his gaze downward to the ground.
"Once more before me, Modoc... Leere... and Malik." Mother opened her arms with her palms upturned, in an inquiring motion. "Are you ready to answer my questions?"
Leere and Malik bowed once more, each answering the Queen of Monsters.
“I am.”
“I am.”
"I don't suppose there is a volunteer to go first?" Mother asked with a sly smile. "Know that some questions are simply for my curiosity and others concern my home and my children."
Leere raised her hand. “May I?”
Bonegrinder was actually surprised. He expected Leere to wish to go last. Still, he said nothing.
"Bold, little princess, yet, here is my first question." Mother asked point blank. "Are you wishing to seek an alliance with Mortuus?"
“No... I want to simply see others like me with my own eyes.”
"You do know that the Mortuus mingle with demons and bring hellish creatures forth for the sake of torment." Mother told the princess in a tone of warning. "Bonegrinder assures me you are doing no such black arts. This is your first and only warning. Here in Omisha, we will not tolerate such arts associating with the fiends of hell. Do you understand?"
“I understand.”
"We will tolerate your art of necromancy for now. However, do not disturb our dead." Mother instructed Leere. "The dead have passed over and do not need their rest disturbed." Then she asked her next inquiry. "Leere, from your memories, your early life was less than pleasant and even as you grew, there were hardships to overcome. I saw firsthand how horrid humans can be from your worst memory. Tell me, if those fiends can do that to you... then why do humans deserve an alliance with Omisha?"
“Because if you read my memories, you already know there are kind, tolerant, and passionate humans in this world. Humans worth protecting from the darkest of evils. Be it mankind, monster kind, or the truly demonic.”
"So... you still have faith in humankind, despite what happened to you?" Mother seemed intrigued. "All your pain, your suffering, your torment... is it worth a belief that humans still have some goodness?"
“Yes. Other humans gave me hope. And despite all the pain and hurt this world has given me, I will endure it all to protect the good and innocent.”
"Hrm... I guessed wrong on your answer. I am surprised yet curious to know how humans can cling so desperately to hope when there seems like there is none." Mother then rose from her throne, the multiple legs tapping against the stone ground. "One last question, Leere, and you are not going to like it."
“Then ask away.”
"The man standing beside of you is responsible for slaughtering your guardians..." Mother stole a glance at Malik. "Do you not think him worthy of my trust? You certainly don't trust him."
Malik started at Leere, certain of her answer. She stared long and hard back at him.
“I don’t like him. He’s a ruthless man. Always has been in my eyes. But I trust him with the protection of Hyrule’s interests. And I put my faith in Hyrule as a beacon of hope.”
Mother actually laughed, not of mocking, but of delight. "Oh, you humans are so confusing and yet so determined at the same time." Mother was satisfied with Leere's answer. "Very well, little princess. I accept your truthful answers. Yet, we still have to question the man who was once undead." She approached Malik, halting right in front of the man. "Firstly, I need clarification. Merely a matter of miscommunication. Kiume informed me that you do not like being called the Lorleidian queen's watchdog yet pretty blonde prince told me that was your title. Why?"
“Because a dog is less then a man. The prince views himself as a successor to his father, Ganon. He views those that are not his family as beneath him. I’ve come with terms that the boy most likely does not see me as family himself. But as Ganondorf once did when he too was blinded by his power, this prince is blind as sees me as a less then him. A tool. An attack dog. I am man. I have risen from the ashes of undeath. I refused to be mocked with a lesser title than a man.” He looked up at Mother, but still kept his knelt position. “The prince, for all his intelligence, lacks proper wisdom.”
"Ah... it is an insult." Mother understood now. "The pretty prince is very haughty, yet he is clever as well. One reason I did not eat him when Bonegrinder brought him to me was because of his silk tongue. He has a way with persuasion." She then decided to switch subjects. "Malik, your memories showed years worth of rage, sorrow, and despair. Yet, this started to change when you met the Lorleidian queen, who with her magic, managed to rid you of undead flesh to turn living once more." She bent down to look the Gerudo in the face. "The very man responsible for the loss of her home, the near genocide of her people, who had a part in killing the queen before her, and last but not least, thought her unworthy of the eldest prince so proceeded to ridicule her and beat her. Yet..." She paused. "The queen views you as a friend despite your callous actions toward her, and despite the losses she suffered. If I were in her place, I would have you strung up like a deer carcass, letting your insides spill to the outside, and watch you die slowly due to your crimes." The Mother then asked. "I wish to know... how did you persuade her not to kill you? Why does she not hate you for what you did? Even more..." She scoffed. "Why does your wife not hate you?"
Behind Malik’s helmet was doubt, his mind trying to find an answer. Finally, he gave it. “I truly don’t fully understand why myself. I’m a good commander, a good friend, a good husband, a good father, but I am not a good man.”
Leere glanced to Malik, shocked to hear him admit this.
“I’ve had centuries of slaughtering others. I’ve taken so many lives, ruining many more by effect. I might be forgiven, but my actions will never be forgotten. I don’t wish them to. If someone wishes me dead for my actions, they have the right to take their shot at me. They will fail, but they have my respect. Perhaps Zarazu and Asakongei found forgiveness in their hearts, where most would not. The kindest humans are not to be underestimated. They are not weak by default. Their strength comes from the size of their hearts.”
"To forgive is human they say. Yet, in Omisha, you rarely see such offenses being forgiven." Mother rubbed her chin as Malik spoke. "The Lorleidian queen and your wife must be strong women to overlook such a severe crime to offer you friendship and love. Maybe, there is an underlying reason, yet I cannot expect you to know their minds." She then presented her final question. "And my last inquiry for you, Malik, is not an easy one. Perhaps more so difficult than Leere's."
“Speak your thoughts.”
"You were married once before, to a..." Mother refreshed her memory. "Cipher. Yes. An Iron Knuckle. Strong and kind woman, and an excellent warrior. Soon-to-be mother." She clasped her claws together while gazing at Malik. "You swore to protect her. You failed. You swore to protect the Lorleidian queen. She was poisoned, yet lived at a cost." She then asked. "What makes you so sure that you can protect your kingdom when you could not even protect them?"
Malik practically snapped his neck up to her, finding it very hard to stay still. “My wife died in battle. While her death left a scar in my soul, I have come to terms with the honour in her death. That Zelda died, while I continued on. The snake who poisoned my friend I threw his frozen body down from a tower. I will protect my kingdom from any threat. I will annihilate any danger that comes to Hyrule. And if I fail, then I will avenge it at any price.”
Bonegrinder could sense Malik's anger and knew Mother could as well. He shot the lord a glance, warning him to control his temper. If Mother lashed out at Malik, Bonegrinder would not be able to stop her. While he was powerful in his magic, Mother was the first, the many, the most ancient and deadly Echidnan to ever live.
"A battle led by Ganondorf, if I'm not mistaken. While pregnant too, and yet you did not even try to change her mind when you knew there was danger. Knew how Ganondorf was." Mother ignored his ire, wanting to know more, to understand more. She repeated Cipher's exact words, her magic mimicking the woman's voice. "But what about Ganondorf? He's our king, he's your cousin, he needs us."
Bonegrinder knew right then what Mother was doing. She was testing him.
“You invoke my late wife?” Malik’s voice dropped to levels so livid, Leere and Bonegrinder were unsure if he’d snap and ruin this alliance. “Cipher and I helped Ganondorf temporally stop Teufel. We were a tribe, a family! The last Gerudo of Hyrule alive after the genocide of that abomination of life. We would not abandon Ganondorf without saying our goodbyes at the very least. When the armies of the goddess incarnate came, we fought with honour.”
Bonegrinder stiffened at Malik's voice. He whispered to Leere, not wanting her to get caught in the crossfire in case Malik did indeed lose his temper. "Get behind this old snake. And pray he retains his ire."
"What was more important to you then, Malik? Your wife and unborn child? Your loyalty to Ganondorf?" Mother remarked. "Strange how loyal you are to this cousin of yours, so much that you would willingly allow your lover to step into harm's way? Fighting with honor is one thing, but... dying at the hands of your sworn enemy is another. And yet, you fell right back into Zelda's grasp when Ganondorf married her for the sake of a treaty. It makes me wonder how far you are willing to go for the incarnation of Demise... even at the expense of your now living wife?" Her eyes blinked one by one, contemplating. "What would happen if someone forced your hand? Are you still willing to give up everything for a man who saw you as a weapon? Oh, how did the Lorleidian queen put it?" She used Zarazu's voice. "You are my tool to use as I please."
“If you are so wise, dear mother, then you would have the knowledge to know that Zarazu was the first to accept me as more than a tool. Your sweet little lie of the past does not work on me.” Malik took a few breaths to calm himself. “I am Ganondorf’s servant no longer. I am Zarazu’s servant no longer. I am Lord of Hyrule. I work with the Queen and King to serve my interests. Those interests are the betterment of all Hyrule. Now, may I have a question for you?”
"Hrm... most astonishing." Mother turned her attention to Bonegrinder. "You were correct to place your faith in this one, Modoc. It seems he can control his emotions, unlike previously thought. He is not easily tricked nor fooled, yet perhaps a touch manipulated by the pretty blonde prince." The enormous Echidnan seemed... pleased. "For a man with tales of horror surrounding him, it seems you truly have changed just like Modoc said." She then glanced at Leere. "Perhaps you are right. There are some good humans and change is possible."
However, she was not expecting a question for herself. Arching an eyebrow, the Mother decided she could amuse him. After all, she had just presented a barrage of inquires. "Very well. What is your question, Malik?"
“Is an alliance between Omisha and Hyrule so hard to believe in? Would it not bring about balance in our world?”
"It is not the idea of an alliance that is hard to believe in, Malik, it's the idea of having to believe in humans." Mother admitted honestly to the lord. "You two are prime examples of change, of hope for your kind. Yet, I am not foolish enough to believe all humans can do this, or are willing to accept us." She sighed, thinking with her eyes closed for only a moment. Finally, she spoke. "I will agree to an alliance on certain conditions. However, there is one issue that must be resolved right away before I will even consider it."
“Name your price.”
"We can deal with Al-Daida's slave market ourselves, we can handle skepticism, and we can protect ourselves if need be. However, this is one condition that must remain unchanged." Mother stated clearly and firmly. "We will never lower the barrier for our mountain pass from Omisha to Malus. Do not ask it of us."
“I did not intend to ask such a thing. But consider it done.”
Leere decided to speak up. “But we can still travel there, can we not?”
"There have been a few, not just yourselves, interested in traveling to Malus." Mother used an example. "The youngest of the Dragmire children wished to travel to Malus to find the lost sister tribe to the Gerudo. Yet, my children scared him away from the mountains. Now, the princess wishes to go to find others like her." She then sounded almost a touch... regretful. "Leere, while I understand your desire to seek out others like yourself, I cannot and will not risk my children by lowering the barrier for you to pass through. If you still wish to go, you will have to find another passageway."
“I understand.” Leere felt that travel to Malus might be impossible at this point.
"However, if you still wish to know of your people I will allow you and Malik access to our library." Mother motioned for one of her precious treasures to come forward. The Echidnan was an Anagari like Bonegrinder. "This is Uktena, who records our history. He will show you to the library. While you may read the books, do not remove them from the room. We will have copies made for you to take to Hyrule for the king and queen to read as well." She then stated. "We shall discuss the terms of the alliance with King Covarog and Queen Zarazu when the time is ready. I will decree that none of my children are allowed to harm humans from Hyrule unless in terms of self-defence. Note that I will hold the king and queen responsible for the actions of their people."
“Of course. You’re free to devour any who are foolish to bring harm. I assure you, with the death of the recent traitors to the crown, all of Hyrule has had a bloom of unity amongst the tribes.” Malik gave a bow of respect.
Leere was silent, but bowed as well. A library was a poor substitute for the experience of viewing the real people.
"Ta-ta, Leere and Malik. Do say your goodbyes before you leave." Mother reminded them. "Though enjoy the library as long as you wish."
Once the three of them were inside the library, Bonegrinder nearly melted into the floor. The whole situation was weighing on his mind and he was so relieved that Mother did not consume the princess or the lord. He tried to look at the bright side of the circumstance. An alliance was going to be formed, Malik passed his test without getting killed, Leere answered honestly, he did not get smacked across the room this time... yet, he still was concerned. Leere wished for passage into Malus. Mother would not allow it.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190050527306/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-2-sweet-mother
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190705569511/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-4-forbidden
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x17: “Goodbye Stranger”
THEN: Meg. Naomi, and her control over Cas. The angel tablet exists and Crowley knows. Dean wanted to do the trials that would seal the Gates of Hell, but Sam is the one who ends up taking that torch. Dean is concerned for Sam, so he prays to Cas.
RIP prototype Dean Winchester. Killed by Cas.
“No hesitation. Quick. Brutal. Everything's back in order.” Fuck you, Naomi.
How long did it take for Cas to do that without any emotion? How many fake Deans did he go through???
Dean going through the Men of Letters archive.
There’s the key to Oz!
Ooohhh a Faberge egg! Dean could sell that and make a buttload of money.
Oh dear, Sam.
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“This is a first edition, dude. You know what this would go for on eBay?” But you won’t sell the Faberge egg??
Dean finds the bloody tissue.
That’s a beautiful house.
“About a week ago, something changed in Ann. She was out of sorts, not herself at all.” Ann was possessed.
“I should have stayed. I should have protected her.” Oh no, sir. He would’ve died too.
“So, somebody's killing demons. Well, that is awesome. I feel like we should send a card or flowers. What kind of flower says ‘thanks for killing demons’?” Yeah, send them to Cas.
Wendy Rice.
Special Agents Lynne and Tandy.
“My dissertation is -- is on the history of this town and, uh, its connection to the Underground Railroad and -- and -- and whatnot. I've been working to re-create a map for years as part of my research, and this -- this is the old Jakubiak orchard there.” I really like how proud she was of her project.
“Ann's assistant called this morning, though, asking if I still had the map.”  Another demon? Or Cas?
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RIP demon. Killed by Cas.
(The look on Dean’s face thoo.)
Aww, Dean looking out for Sam.
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“You heard me, didn't you?” ohh nooo.
Every lie Cas tells takes a year off my life.
“They're looking for a parchment that would allow them to decipher Crowley's half of the Demon Tablet without a Prophet.”
“strange haired demon” haha.
“Well, he puts the ‘ass’ in ‘Cas’, huh?” If ya say so, huehue.
“If he's so sketchy, then why were you praying to him?” FOR YOU AND YOUR HEALTH.
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“I am a celestial being.” pft.
Look who’s bad cop now!
“We have a hostage! It's one of Crowley's pets. She's at the Murray Hotel, down by the interstate. She knows the towns where all the crypts are buried. She saw them all back in the day.”
“And she told you about the parchment?”
No, no, no, possible exposure coming up...
“What parchment?!”
RIP demon. Killed by Cas.
I assume Sam and Dean were cursing Cas during the drive to the hotel.
RIP demons. Killed by Cas.
Hello for the last time, Meg.
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“Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?”
“What's up with the hair?” Why would that be your first question?
Y’all are asking dumb questions, guys.
“A bunch of innocent people died so you could... buy yourself some time?”
“Hi. I'm Meg. I'm a demon.”  
“She’s gonna tell them the truth. Do I have to kill her?” Aww Cas. I love the genuine reluctance at the possibility of having to kill Meg.
“Any of you dummies got a map?” They got something better.
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“What’s there now?”
“Do I look like Google to you? None of these buildings were here way back in the day. Figure it out, genius. Is there any booze in this dump?”
“You really do know how to make a girl's nethers quiver, don't you?”
“I am aware of how to do that. Although it doesn't usually involve cleaning wounds.”
ngl, I lowkey ship Megstiel. 
“Would it kill you to watch a movie, read a book?”
“A movie, no. But a book with the proper spells -- yeah, it could, theoretically, kill me.”
Pfft. Never appreciated that line before.
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“So, your noodle's back in order?” Not quite.
“Yeah, my... noodle remembers everything. I think it's a pretty good noodle.”
“Really? You remember everything?”
“If you're referring to the pizza man... Yes, I remember the pizza man. And it's a good memory.”
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“I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot.” Agreed.
“We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?” Oof, that’s hot as all hell.
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RIP demon. Killed by Crowley.
"If you want something done right...blah, blah, blah.”
Team Free Will, plus one.
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“No, you're not. Sam... You're damaged in ways even I can't heal. Dean's right.“ Shit dude.
“You should stay here and protect Meg.”
“Since when do I need protecting?”
“Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year.”  
Walked right into that one, Meg.
Sam and Meg getting left behind by the people who want to take care of them.
“Wait -- so I took how many bullets for you guys, and you didn't even look for me?” Aww, poor Meg. Don’t worry Meg, Sam didn’t look for Dean or Kevin either.
“Look, no disrespect, but you haven't exactly been the most, uh, trustworthy person in our lives, Meg.”
“You're not gonna tell me? Seriously? How am I not team Sam?”
Seriously tho! They have history going back aallll the way to S1! That’s a long time.
“Deep down, in parts you never let see the light of day, you want to live a long, normal life away from creepy old things like me.”
“I do. You know, I spent last year with... someone, and, um... ...now I know that's actually possible.”
“Wait -- that's how you spent your last year? With a chick? Lame.”
AGREED. (Well, it wouldn’t be so lame if I actually liked the “chick”.)
“Tell me -- how'd you meet this unicorn?”
“I found it.”
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“the Winchester” he HAS A NAME.
OOHHH LOOK AT THOSE BI COLORS. Unintentional as they may be, it damn sure looks like it. 
I’m already getting tense, I know what’s coming.
“Winner, winner, chicken dinner.”
“Good. Hand it to me, and I'll take it to heaven. “
I don’t like this.
“I can't let you take that, Dean.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Wait -- h-hold on. There's one part I don't understand. You hit a dog and stopped. Why?” pft.
“You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed, I cried, I puked in my mouth a little. And honestly, I kind of get it.” :’)
“I won't hurt Dean.” AWW NO
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RIP demon. Killed by Sam.
RIP demon. killed by Meg.
“Cas. Cas. I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Cas... It's me. We're family. We need you. I need you.”
“You have to choose, Castiel -- us or them.”
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There are no words for the love and angst I’ve got for the crypt scene.
“Go. Save your brother... and my unicorn.” Aww.
“Timon and Pumbaa...tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the Gates of Hell, sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons -- you included.”
“You had me at ‘kill you’, Crowley.”
Cas caught Dean up to speed...then leaves with the angel tablet. Damn it, Cas.
“I could beat on you for eternity.”
“Take all the time you want, pig...No Cas in the back seat. Your stone is long gone.” Meg’s last words.
RIP Meg. Killed by Crowley. I’ll miss her.
“If you remember our time in Mesopotamia the way I do, you know I'm a lover, not a fighter.” Crowley and Naomi knew each other?
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*Naomi leaves* “Tart stole my move.”
“So... what happened? I mean, Cas touched the tablet, and it reset him to his factory settings or something?”
“I don't know. And I don't care.”
Yeah, you do. You care.
“Listen, I may not be able to carry the burden that comes along with these trials... But I can carry you.” !!!
“You... realize you kind of just quoted ‘Lord of the Rings,’ right?”
Come on, man. But it's the Rudy Hobbit, all right? Rudy Hobbit always gets a pass.”
Of course, Sam (the Rudy hobbit) was the best!
“Goodbye Stranger” by Supertramp.
Apparently this isn’t a typical song Dean would listen to, because Sam gave Dean the “You’re really gonna listen to this song?” look.
Aww Cas. :(
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mazurah · 7 years
Lost in Time Ch. 27: Children - An Elder Scrolls Fanfic
Chapter Summary: Ma’zurah gets into a fight and tells a story.
Cross posted from Ao3. Chapter Rating: T for swearing, including swearing at children, and the aftermath of very implicit child abuse.
First Chapter - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Lost in Time Chapter 27: Children
Ma'zurah led Logrolf down the hall from the room of sleeping children to the entrance hall. “Ma'zurah needs to talk to you. Ma'zurah has to warn you that Molag Bal is determined to make you submit. He tried to get Fayrl and Ma'zurah to bring you to him.”
“So you have heard of me,” Logrolf laughed. “Well, of course you have! I am sure that Molag Bal did ask that of you. I have desecrated his altar on multiple occasions and he has been powerless to prevent me! Lady Boethiah gives her faithful her protection, so I am free to spit in the face of her enemies. Once I have gathered the necessary reagents, I will venerate his altar in Boethiah's name, as I did before.”
Ma'zurah looked alarmed. The man might be rude, but he didn't deserve to be subjected to whatever Molag Bal had planned for him. No one did. “The House of Troubles are not Princes to be trifled with! They provide trials to be endured and survived! Even with the protection of the Covenant, dealings with them walk the edge of a knife! And Mazurah can assure you, desecrating their altars is not under the Covenant!”
“You do not understand. How could you? A Khajiit would have no understanding of the power of such a god.” Logrolf looked at Ma’zurah with smug sympathy. “You think the pitiful Molag Bal can best Boethiah's faithful? I have won this contest before! I leave the rescuing of children to you, but you leave the work of the Queen of Shadows to those who know her best."
Ma'zurah bared her teeth. How dare he?! She was trying to help him! She had numbered him among her allies and he was questioning even her competence! “Logrolf knows not to whom he speaks. Ma'zurah is the Champion of Azurah. Ma'zurah is well aware of the power of Azurah’s brother-sister, and she is giving Logrolf this warning: to become involved in the wars of the gods is to risk becoming crushed between them. Ma'zurah speaks from firsthand experience. She provides this warning out of the respect she holds Lord Boethiah and his teachings.”
“Champion? You?” Logrolf curled his lip at her in derision. “I think you misunderstand the meaning of the term. And even were you using it correctly, you are still young. I have a lot of experience in these matters. I understand the risks and rewards involved. The Queen of Deceit has shown her pleasure with my efforts! Your warnings are unnecessary. Though I suppose I should thank you for using so much of your mental faculties to relay them.”
Heat rushed to Mazurah’s face and she was filled with a blind need to make this man respect her authority. Her tail puffed and she gave a low warning growl. “You will show respect! This one is at least four times older than you could ever hope to live! She has learned more than you could ever hope to learn! She has spoken with Princes and Gods and retained both her loyalty and her sanity!”
“Not as though you had much to lose,” Logrolf scoffed. “Still, you have proven your usefulness in freeing me from my confines at the hands of those butcher barbarians. I shall have to give you a payment befitting your deeds when I have my possessions back. I think ten gold is fair for your hard won efforts.”
Ma’zurah’s temper snapped. She hissed and her tail lashed behind her. She held out both hands, palms toward herself, claws unsheathed, displayed the Ring of Azura and the Signet of Sheogorath sitting side by side her wedding ring on one hand, and the Ring of the Redoran Hortator and the Moon and Star on the other. “Do not insult this one! There can be no doubt that this one is who she says she is! You may think this one a weakling of Azurah, but this one exists because she has the will to do so! And she shall remain as long as there are signs of her handwork!” She dropped her hands and took a menacing step toward the taller man. “This one has suffered much that cannot be suffered! This one has weighed matters that no astrolabe or compass can measure! She warns you, there is no bone that cannot be broken except for the Heart bone; this one has seen it twice in this one's lifetimes!”
Logrolf crossed his arms and pressed his thin lips together, looking thoroughly unimpressed. Ma'zurah barreled on, angrier by the moment. “Your actions in the past may have pleased your Lord, and that is all very well and good. But this one thinks perhaps you do not truly understand the teachings of the Deceiver of Nations. To truly understand, you must know that the secret of weapons is this: they are the Mercy Seat!”
The priest snorted and rolled his eyes. Ma'zurah kept going, snarling as she spoke, determined to make him back down. “This one offers you one last warning for the sake of your devotion to the Devourer of Trinimac: peril falls upon those who offer insult to the Child of Azurah, for she guards her name with all the selfishness of the sea! You will show this one the respect this one has earned!”
Logrolf looked at her as one would a piteous thing; as though she was someone to humor. “I cannot deny you have bravado. You are well learned in your practiced speech as well. But I am not so as blind as to be swayed by mere trinkets or pretty words. I follow the God of Deception. And yes, let me guess, you're a master of theft as well as of killing savages. Bravo. But I hardly think there is much impressive about a Khajiit thief. It is what your people are good at. Why, I hear half of Riften these days are just your sort of people. Though, from the level of importance of your prizes, I am going to assume you befriend the great followers of the Daedra then steal from them. Is that why you are truly here? To try and steal from me as well?"
Mazurah saw red.
There was a yowl audible from outside the fortress. Squeals came from the room of Forsworn children as the ground shifted slightly.
Fayrl stopped playing his lute and laid it gently on the steps, giving the horse a reassuring pat and whispering to it to sleep until he woke it.
“Fjotra, I will check inside. Stay with Miss Horse and make sure she doesn't wake up. If something bad happens, I want you to get on Miss Horse, tell her ‘Hava’, and ride her as far from here as you can.”
Without waiting for confirmation, he ran back into the fortress. He only hoped that Ma’zurah was alright.
Ma’zurah had the priest pinned to the ground at the bottom of the steps of the entrance hall. She was straddling the man’s chest with one forearm against his neck and attempting to grab his wrists with her other hand.
From around the side of the door at the top of the stairs, three heads watched the scene unfolding in the hall.
“Ma’zurah was trying to give a friendly warning!” Ma'zurah hissed in the man’s face, baring her teeth. “But Logrolf had to be disrespectful at every turn and accuse this one of lying and of attempting to steal from him!” Her tail swished through the air angrily, all her fur puffed on end.
“Ma’zurah!” Fayrl yelled, “you cannot kill him!” He ran and pulled Ma’zurah bodily off the the priest, his arms under hers, gripping her by the shoulders.
The moment Ma’zurah was off him, Logrolf began coughing and scurried backwards until his back hit the stone wall. “She's mad! She's trying to kill me!”
Ma’zurah’s paws scrabbled under her, trying to gain traction to stand. “Why not?!” she demanded. “We shall have the trial of Boethiah’s proving! This one will live because that one will die!” She hissed in the priest’s direction and her lashing tail whipped at Fayrl’s legs.
“Mephala's left testicle!” cried Fayrl. We can't just kill a priest of the Three! This isn't one of Boethiah's provings! We are here to rescue people! Not to murder them! You haven't done any of the rites for that sort of thing!”
Logrolf drew the sword he had taken from the undead Forsworn. “I will defend myself if necessary, I warn you, cat!”
Fayrl whirled towards the man with one outstretched arm and summoned webs, pinning the man flat against wall. “You, shut up!”
He looked at Ma’zurah in his arms. “Have you forgotten about the children you were not supposed to be waking up?”
The three heads popped back behind the door with a collective gasp.
Ma’zurah gained her footing and stood, wrenching herself out of Fayrl’s grasp and brushing herself off. She glared at Fayrl. “Ma’zurah was trying to warn this wafiit about the plans of the Lord of Domination! But then he insulted this one!”
Fayrl sighed. “Do you kill everyone who insults you?” he asked tiredly, feeling the strain of using so many of his taxing skills in a row. It had been a long time since he’d had to fight so much, and he had grown unaccustomed to it. “And what are we going to do about the children now?”
The door slammed shut and there was a great commotion of scraping furniture behind the door.
“What is this disgusting pile of white excrement!” Logrolf spat. “I am a revered priest of Boethiah! How dare you treat me in this manner, you horse sodomizing simpleton!”
Ma’zurah gave Fayrl a sweet smile. “Nooo… Of course Ma’zurah does not try to kill everyone who insults her! Only the ones who should know better!”
Fayrl stalked over the the priest, ignoring Ma’zurah. He glared at Logrolf. “I thought I told you to be silent. You can do it on your own, or I will make you do it.”
“Oh, a threat! I see neither one of you can escape the confines of your natures. A thieving cat and a violent Dark Elf. I am sure I have never heard of tha--”
Fayrl ripped his bloodied tunic over his head and jammed it in the priest’s mouth. “I see what you mean,” he told Ma’zurah. “Let's let him stew while we see what the children have gotten up to. Hopefully they don't have any more knives. I feel I've been stabbed enough for one day.”
“Sure, just one thing first.” Ma’zurah walked up to the glaring priest and kicked him in the shins. “Jekosiit!” she hissed. Logrolf gave a muffled cry and shouted something incoherent into the tunic in his mouth.
Ma'zurah turned and walked with calm poise back up the stairs into the hallway and knocked on the door. “Hello?” she called.
“Go away!” came a small voice on the other side of the door.
Fayrl followed Ma’zurah. He wasn’t sure how they would get the children out without frightening them further.
“This one is Ma’zurah! Ma’zurah is sorry for acting scary! What are your names?”
“Go away!” said a different voice. “We aren’t telling you anything!”
“What if she tries to open the door?” asked the voice from before in a hushed tone, still audible through the wooden door.
“We have all the furniture up against it, she can’t get us,” said a third voice.
Fayrl gave Ma’zurah a look. “We need to be delicate with this.”
“Maybe Fjotra can help,” Ma’zurah suggested. “Go get her?”
Fayrl gave her an uneasy look, but obeyed with a sigh. He made his way back down the stairs, flashing a warning look at Logrolf before he went out to where Fjotra was.
“How are we doing out here?” he asked the girl.
Fjotra looked up from petting the horse. “Fine. Can we go now?”
“We are almost ready. First, we want you to come and meet the other children that were kept here. That way we can all go together. But they are scared to leave. Do you think you could talk with them?”
Fjotra gave him a doubtful look but nodded. “I guess. Why are they scared to leave?”
“Well, Ma’zurah was having a disagreement with that priest and she was a little bit upset. I think the children are afraid she might be angry with them too.”
“Oh. Okay.” Fjotra walked inside, making a face as she skirted the blood summoning circle.
Fayrl hurried after her, cursing himself for not catching up before she could see the remnants of whatever horror occurred in the entranceway. He caught pace with her and walked up the stairs, hoping that Ma’zurah hadn’t blown the door open while he was gone.
Ma’zurah had entered the empty bedroom opposite the children’s room, and emerged holding a book and a pair of leather boots when she heard them coming. “Hey,” she offered.
Fayrl looked her up and down. “I brought Fjotra,” he said with a smirk.
Ma’zurah blinked at him. “What? Nevermind! Here.” She shoved the leather boots into his arms. “Try these on. Yours keep getting ruined.”
Fjotra giggled, and Ma’zurah winked at her.
Fayrl sat down on a step that didn’t look too messy and began to unlace his boots, grumbling under his breath as he did.
Ma’zurah turned to Fjotra. “So these children are in there. We need to make friends with them so they will not be scared anymore.”
“Okay,” said Fjotra. She went up to the door. “Can you hear me?”
There was a smattering of hissed whispers.
“Let me answer!” said one voice.
There was a brief silence.
“I can hear you. What do you want?”
Fjotra sat down on the floor in front of the door. “Um. I’m Fjotra. What’s your name?”
“Morva. What do you want?”
“To make friends. I heard you were scared, but you don’t have to be!”
“Who said I was scared? I’m not scared!”
“Oh! That makes it easy then. You’ll come with me? I want to go home now, but they said we couldn’t leave because you were scared.”
Ma’zurah opened her mouth as though to speak, then closed it with a look of consternation.
Fayrl grinned, one boot on. The kid was good.
“Why should I care about if you get to go home?” asked Morva.
“Um… Because you’re a nice person? I was kidnapped last night, and I had a dream that a lady with big furry ears came to rescue me, and then it happened! She’s really nice, you’d like her.”
Ma’zurah shot Fayrl a smug look.
Fayrl rolled his eyes. He was a bit jealous, but he would never admit to it.
“You’re supposed to be in the shrine!” Morva cried. “How’d you get out!”
Fjotra looked confused. “I just told you. I got rescued. Don’t you want to go home too?”
“This is my home! Momma said you were a gift for the gods! You need to go back to the shrine.”
“How’d she get out?” asked another voice.
“She said she was rescued.”
“But how do you get rescued from going to see the gods? Why wouldn’t you want to be there?”
“I don’t know! I’m just telling you what she said.”
Fjotra frowned. “They weren’t taking me to see the gods! They were going to kill me! They said so! And they put blood all over Dibella’s statue! Why would they do that?”
“That’s how you go to see the gods. You can’t be alive and see them, dummy.”
“But I don’t want to die! And I can see the gods anytime I go to the Temple! Sometimes Dibella comes to me in my sleep too! Dying isn’t the only way to see the gods!”
“It is not,” Ma’zurah chimed in. “Ma’zurah has seen seven gods with her own eyes, and talked to many more than that. Some of them even gave her gifts, and Ma'zurah is not dead yet.”
There was a hushed discussion inside before anything else was spoken.
“What do you want from us?” Morva asked finally.
Ma’zurah moved closer to the door. “Ma’zurah promises she will not hurt you. She just needs you to come with her to Karthwasten. That is all.”
“Just come out?” Fjotra pleaded. “Please? I wanna go home.”
“They’re gonna do something bad when we go out there!” cried another voice.
“Oh, hush, Tyran! We never said we were going out!” hissed Morva.
“I think that’s the angry lady’s voice,” said another child. “The one that did this to Dryston.”
“Yes, Ma’zurah was angry,” Ma’zurah explained patiently, “But Ma’zurah is not angry at you. She will not hurt you, and she did not hurt your friend. He is only sleeping, and Ma’zurah knows how to wake him up.”
There was a gasp inside. “Morva! They can wake Dryston!”
“I don’t trust it,” said the other child.
“Me either, Petra. They’re up to something.”
“Why are none of the grown ups stopping them?” asked Tyran.
“That’s a good question,” said Morva. “Hey! Dummies! What’d you do with our parents?”
Ma’zurah hesitated. “They are not here anymore. That is why you need to come with us to Karthwasten. Ma’zurah cannot leave you here by yourselves.”
“What do you mean, they aren’t here?” cried Petra. “Mommy wouldn’t leave me!”
“It’s a trick, Petra, don’t listen to them,” said Morva. “As long as we are in here, we are safe.”
Ma’zurah sat down on the floor in front of the door. “You like Hircine, right? Would you like to hear about the time Ma’zurah met Hircine?”
“How would you have met Hircine?” scoffed Morva.
“I wanna hear,” said Tyran.
“It’s just gonna be a lie anyways.”
“It is all completely true. Ma’zurah was on the island of Solstheim with her friends Julan, Shani, Constance, and Jasmine, and she was visiting an Imperial fort when the fort was attacked by werewolves.”
“Who are all those people?” asked Petra.
“I think the grey one is Jasmine and the guy the lady was beating must be Shani. I don’t know about the other two though….” Tyran trailed off.
“That’s not right!” said Morva. “Jasmine is a girl’s name! The grey one must be Constance. That’s a good man’s name.”
“No,” Ma’zurah explained, “the Dunmer with Ma'zurah now is named Fayrl, and the other one is Logrolf. Julan and Shani are both Dunmer, a boy and a girl, Jasmine is a Redguard girl, and Constance is a Bosmer girl. But it does not really matter. So these werewolves attacked, but Ma’zurah did not know they were werewolves. When they ran away, Ma’zurah found out that the commander of the fort, General Carius, had disappeared. So Ma’zurah went to the Skaal village to ask them if they knew where he was. The Skaal are a tribe of Nords who worship a god called the All-Maker and live in a very snowy part of the island of Solstheim.”
“This story has too many people. It’s boring,” said Tyran. “I want a better story.”
“I thought the story was about Hircine,” said Petra, disappointed. “Let’s get back in bed, Tyran.”
“This story is about Hircine,” Ma'zurah explained hastily. “Werewolves are the children of Hircine, do you not know that? And it has so many people because the world has a lot of people in it. But Ma’zurah will get to Hircine soon. Ma’zurah found out that she had to prove herself to the Skaal, so she did a lot of things to help them. Then, after a while, werewolves attacked the Skaal village too and kidnapped the Skaal leader. One of the werewolves even bit Ma’zurah and everyone thought she was going to become a werewolf!”
“Did it eat you?!” cried Tyran with excitement.
“She couldn’t be telling the story if it ate her, dummy!” mocked Morva.
“No it did not eat Ma’zurah,” she laughed. “It also did not turn Ma’zurah into a werewolf.”
Ma'zurah realized this was a difficult story to tell to children because she had to simplify it so much. She felt rather lame leaving out so many details. It had been significantly more complicated than she was making it sound, but she was trying to cater to the children's brief attention span. “Ma’zurah tried to find out where all the werewolves were coming from, and while she was looking for them she found out that all of the horkers had been killed and were lying dead on the beach!”
“Eww!” said Petra.
“Cool!” said Morva and Tyran.
That was a much better reaction than Mazurah had expected. They were engaged with the story now at least. “The shaman was very worried about this because the dead horkers were one of the signs of the Bloodmoon Prophecy, which foretold coming of the great hunt of Hircine. The shaman sent Ma’zurah to a castle made of ice called Castle Karstaag. Castle Karstaag was full of Rieklings. Rieklings are small blue goblins who live in icy places. Ma’zurah had to swim in freezing water to get into the castle, but when she got there, she met a Riekling named Krish. Ma’zurah was very surprised, because she did not expect any Rieklings to talk to her. Krish told Ma’zurah that the Riekling leader, a frost giant named Karstaag, had disappeared, and that Krish was trying to take over the castle. He made a deal with Ma’zurah to let Ma’zurah into the castle if Ma’zurah would help Krish become the new leader. So Krish took Ma’zurah into the castle, and inside Ma’zurah found out from the other Rieklings that werewolves had kidnapped the Riekling leader, Karstaag.”
“Did the werewolves go like ‘Rawr!’ and eat the head off the reekly things?” asked Tyran.
“Why would a werewolf want to eat a ice goblin?” Petra retorted. “It’d be too cold to eat.”
Ma'zurah was losing their attention again. She huffed a frustrated breath. Why was she so bad at telling stories to children? “Ma’zurah did not see any werewolves in the ice castle,” she explained quickly. “She only heard what the Rieklings said. But Ma’zurah thought that it was very strange that werewolves would kidnap an ice giant, so she went to tell the Skaal shaman. That night, Ma’zurah got kidnapped by werewolves!”
“And then did they eat you?” asked Tyran.
“Gods, you’re so thick!” said Morva. “If you get eaten by a werewolf you don’t get to tell a story about it.”
“Unless you’re a ghost,” said Petra.
There was a tiny gasp from Tyran. “You’re a ghost lady!”
“I should throw you outside with the ghost lady,” said Morva.
Ma'zurah sighed. “Ma’zurah did not get eaten by werewolves, and she is not a ghost. When Ma’zurah woke up, she was in a room full of werewolves and a man with skin like the coat of a deer and a head like the skull of a stag told her he was Hircine and that Ma’zurah had been chosen as Prey for the Wild Hunt, and all the werewolves were going to hunt her now!”
“Coooooool!” said Tyran.
“Lucky,” muttered Morva.
“Not so lucky! Ma’zurah did not want to die!” It was one of the worst memories of her life, but she could hardly tell the children that. “Hircine did not give her a choice about it. The next thing she knew, she had been taken to a giant maze under the ice! And there she met General Carius, the Imperial commander who had disappeared! Hircine told Carius and Ma’zurah that there was a key out of the maze, and that only one person would be able to use it. Carius was a nice man though, and he said that maybe we could find a way for both of us to escape, so we worked together to run through the maze full of werewolves until we found the key and got to the center of the maze. General Carius got hurt though, so he told Ma’zurah to take the key and use it to get out of the maze. He thought Ma’zurah stood a better chance of surviving whatever Hircine was going to throw at us next.”
“How did you breathe under the ice?” asked Tyran.
“Just shut up and listen,” said Morva.
“It was a great big cave that had been carved into a glacier, that is how. But Ma’zurah used the key to open a portal, and the next thing she knew she was in a different maze, and there was the leader of the Skaal who had also been kidnapped. So Ma’zurah tried to team up with him too, but no matter how much we looked, we could not find the key. When we made it to the center of the maze, the Skaal leader turned on Ma’zurah, and Ma’zurah found out that he had the key the whole time, and he was actually a werewolf too!”
“Woah!” all three of the children cried.
“Did he--”
“I swear, if you ask if she was eaten one more time, I am throwing you outside,” warned Morva.
Tyran was silent.
“Ma’zurah fought him and took the key, and this time Ma’zurah found herself in a room with an ice giant! Hircine appeared and told Ma’zurah that the ice giant, Karstaag, was going to fight her for the right to enter the last part of the Wild Hunt! So Ma’zurah had to fight him to survive the Wild Hunt!”
There was silence for a moment.
“What? You said I couldn’t ask,” pouted Tyran.
“Good,” said Morva.
“So how did you fight a frost giant?” asked Petra.
“With fire, of course! Ma’zurah threw fire at it until it fell over, but it was very difficult.” It had been more than difficult. It had been a long and exhausting fight that Ma'zurah had only survived by flying to a high ledge to heal herself and wait for her magicka to regenerate. “After that, Hircine appeared again and asked Ma’zurah what skill she thought a hunter needed the most, strength, speed, or cunning. Which one would you have picked?”
“Strength!” said Tyran.
“Cunning,” said Morva.
“I think cunning too,” said Petra.
“Ma’zurah also picked cunning, and Hircine told Ma’zurah that the last part of the Wild Hunt was to defeat Hircine himself! But he said it would be unfair to fight him at his full power, so Ma’zurah had to fight one third of him; the third she had picked. So Hircine divided himself into three, and the Avatar of Hircine’s Cunning appeared and started to fight Ma’zurah!”
“What did it look like?” asked Petra.
“It looked like Hircine, just a little smaller. A man wearing kilt, with skin like a deer’s coat, and a head like the skull of a stag. He had a spear that he twirled around a lot. Ma’zurah had to be very smart to get out of range of his spear. She ran around the room and threw ice at him until she defeated him. Then she got to keep his spear.” She was hardly doing this story justice, but she did not want to tell the children just how harrowing the fight had been and how close to dying she had come. “Hircine was very shocked that Ma'zurah had won. He promised to come back and host another Wild Hunt, but he only gets to host one Wild Hunt per era.” Ma’zurah paused with a look of alarm on her face and glanced at Fayrl. It was a new era now.
Fayrl dropped the old boots he was holding in hand and met her eyes. That was not news he wanted to hear; not at all.
“Cool!” said Petra.
“Do you have the spear right now?” asked Tyran.
Deciding it was pointless to worry when there was nothing she could do. Ma'zurah shook her head. “No, but Ma’zurah does have the Ring of Azurah if you want to see that. Azurah appeared to Ma’zurah and gave it to her in person.”
“Can I see?” asked Fjotra.
“Yes, it is right here,” said Ma’zurah holding out her hand. She indicated the silver oval ring with a blue stone like the night sky at its center that she wore next to her wedding ring.
“Wow… It is so pretty!” gasped Fjotra. “Can I try it on?”
“Ma’zurah supposes that would be alright, but it likely will not fit. It was made for Ma’zurah. Give Ma’zurah your hand?”
Fjotra held out her hand obediently, and Ma’zurah slipped the ring onto the girl’s thumb. It was still too large, but Fjotra didn’t seem to care.
“It has an enchantment on it,” Ma’zurah told her. “Can you feel it? That is the power of Azurah.”
“Wow…” Fjotra stared at the ring with round eyes.
“I wanna see!” cried Tyran.
“Oh, me too!” said Petra.
“I don’t know. What if there is no ring?” said Morva.
“I wanna see the ring!” insisted Tyran, voice turning whiny.
“It’s too dangerous,” said Morva.
“I wanna!” Tyran cried again, then sniffled.
“Don’t cry, you baby,” said Morva.
“You’re so mean,” sobbed Tyran. “I wanna see it!”
“Fine!” shouted Morva, “Go see your stupid ring! And when you end up captured by the weird white lady and the grey man, don’t come begging for my help!”
Tyran broke into a full cry.
There was a loud screech as something large was dragged across the floor.
The door opened just enough for the small, tearful face of Tyran to appear around the door. “I wanna see it,” he moaned, squirming to get out of the door.
Fjotra stood up and held out her thumb in front of the door, displaying the ring.
“It’s real!” he cried and scrambled forward, tripping over his own feet for a moment, but momentum kept him moving and he caught his balance, grabbing at Fjorta’s hand to look at the ring.
Petra’s head appeared around the edge of the door then popped back in. “They aren’t doing anything yet,” she whispered, still audible enough for Fayrl and Ma’zurah to hear.
“Can I wear it?” asked Tyran, his tears stopped, but a trail of snot coming from one side of his face. He wiped it on his sleeve.
“Yes,” Ma'zurah replied. “Fjotra do you want to help him try it on?”
Fjotra beamed at being given responsibility. “Hold out your hand!” she said, taking the ring off.
Tyran held out his hand, using his other hand to keep it steady. The rest of his body bouncing with excitement. “Like this?”
“Tyran’s getting to try it on,” said Petra. “Morva, can I try it too?”
“If you go out there, I’m not responsible for what happens. I can’t protect you. If you want to turn your back on Dryston and me, go ahead! But he’s like this because of her ! He protected us.”
“They don’t seem so bad,” said Petra.
“Go, then! Get out!”
Petra fell forward out of the door as though she were pushed and the door shut behind her.
Fjotra solemnly helped Tyran try on the ring. “You feel the enchantment?” she asked. “Like you can see everything more clearly, and your tiredness is slowly going away?”
“Woah! I’m like a warrior hero now!” Tyran made slashing and chopping motions with both hands. “Smash! Hack!”
Petra got to her feet and dusted herself off before looking at Ma’zurah, Fjotra, and Fayrl. She didn’t say anything, just watching them while Tyran slashed at the air, lost in his imagination.
Ma’zurah smiled at Petra. Fjotra giggled at Tyran’s antics.
Petra took a tentative step forward, eyeing Ma’zurah.
Fayrl was starting to get anxious. He didn’t know why. Everything was going fine. And yet he couldn’t help but feel nervous. Was something going to happen?
“This ring is amazing!” giggled Tyran. “I bet I could defeat an ice monster right now if one came at me!”
“Would you like to give her a turn?” Ma’zurah gestured at Petra. “I bet she would like to feel like a warrior too.”
Tyran held the ring close to his chest. “But I just got it!”
Petra took a couple more steps away from the door.
Fayrl stood up and Petra backed up against the door. “I’m going to go and check on the horse,” Fayrl said, and headed down the stairs.
Ma’zurah reached into her pack and pulled out a honey nut ball. “Ma’zurah will trade,” she offered Tyran.
He came over at once and extended his hand. “Deal!”
Ma’zurah took the ring and gave the boy the honey nut ball, then she turned to Petra. “You wanted a turn?”
She nodded and cautiously stepped forward, her hand out.
Tyran took his treat and started running around the entrance hall chewing on it and dancing, apparently oblivious to the remains of the bloody ritual in the center of the room. “I got a sweets and no one else can have it!” he taunted in a mocking melody.
Ma’zurah gently took the girl’s hand and slipped the ring on her finger. “Does the world seem brighter? That is the power of Azurah.”
Petra’s eyes widened and she looked around the room as if she did not know where she was. “This is Azra? This power?”
Tyran picked up a rock from the floor. “You think you can have some of my sweets. But you can’t!” he yelled at the rock, then threw it at the wall.
“Azurah made the ring. She put a piece of her power in it to make the enchantment.” Ma’zurah smiled at the girl.
Petra scrutinized the ring. “It just looks like a pretty stone. How did the power get inside?”
Tyran continued to pick up discarded items from the ground and scream at them about how they could not have his honey nut treat.
“Ma’zurah does not know how Princes do it, but when Ma’zurah does enchanting she uses a soul gem. Now. Would you like a honey nut ball too?”
Petra smiled. “I can have one too?”
In his circuit around the room, Tyran finally came across the priest stuck to the wall with spiderwebs. “I bet your want some of my sweets too!” He stood as tall as he could and pulled the gag from Logrolf’s mouth. “Ew, that’s gross! Don’t eat clothes Mr. Sillybeard.”
“Listen here you little shit,” spat the priest, “I am an illustrious priest of the great Queen of Deception, Boethiah! I demand you free me from my bonds at once! Or else I will curse you and every one of your little friends!”
Tyran frowned. “You’re a big poop! I was gonna share, but you’re mean.” He picked up a rock and shoved it in Logrolf’s mouth to replace the tunic.
Logrolf spat the rock out in Tyran’s direction. “I am going to make you pay!”
“Hey! Leave my brother alone!” yelled Petra.
The priest laughed. “If you don’t free me I will make sure that you never see your parents again.”
“No!” shouted Tyran.
The door to the room opened and Morva rushed out, a crude bone dagger in hand. “Leave them alone!” she yelled, facing Ma’zurah.
“Another idiot child of the inbred savages,” Logrolf taunted. “What a delightful sample of the Reach’s quality.”
Morva turned to the priest, realizing that it was not Fayrl or Ma'zurah who had threatened the other children. She had the knife up and her body tensed as if deciding to attack.
Ma’zurah sighed. “It is alright. You are not in any danger. Any of you. Logrolf the Idiot is tied up. He cannot hurt you. He is just very rude.”
Petra started laughing. “That’s why you were sitting on him and hitting his face!”
Morva lowered her weapon. “He is tied up?”
“I am! Now free me child! If you do I will give you a grand reward.”
“What kind of reward?” asked Tyran.
“To become an apprentice to the great Logrolf the Willful and serve the Lord Boethiah in all her needs.”
Petra and Tyran both frowned.
“That’s stupid,” said Morva. “I don’t want to serve some stupid god who makes people like you.” She stepped closer to Ma’zurah.
“It is not stupid! It is a great honor!” cried Logrolf. “You ignorant barbarians could not even comprehend what you are declining!”
Petra picked back up the tunic and hurriedly shoved it in Logrolf’s mouth. Tyran ran up after her and shoved it further in. The man struggled again and screamed behind his gag, though nothing he tried to say was intelligible.
Fjotra tugged on Ma’zurah’s sleeve. “Can I have a honey nut treat too?”
“Alright.” Ma’zurah retrieved one, then held out another to Morva. “Fair is fair.”
“I can see why you have him tied up,” Morva commented, accepting the treat.
Ma’zurah nodded. “He is very disrespectful.” She moved to peek into the room the children had been in. The boy was still asleep on the bed, but the rest of the furniture had been rearranged. She turned and walked down the steps into the entrance hall and looked out the front door. Fayrl was nowhere to be seen.
“Where are you going?” asked Morva as she saw Ma’zurah disappear down the steps.
Ma'zurah leaned out the front door to pat the horse and spotted the bodies lying in the road. She cursed under her breath.
“Trying to find Fayrl,” she explained.
The children sat at the top of the stairs watching and waiting. Tyran licked sugar off his fingers.
Ma'zurah closed the front door and turned around, noticing the door on the right side of the entrance hall slightly ajar. She peered inside.
The bodies of the Forsworn still rested where Ma'zurah had last seen them. The man Fayrl had injured lay sprawled across the floor at the side of the bed in a pool of blood, obviously dead. Fayrl stood in the center of the room redoing his hair.
“Hey,” Ma'zurah said to catch Fayrl’s attention. “Ma'zurah needs Fayrl to clear off the road and then come let Ma'zurah know when he is done.”
Fayrl turned around, tucking the last pin into his hair. “Very well. I will gladly go and take care of that, my dear.”
Ma'zurah nodded and walked back up the steps into the hallway and entered the children's room. The children came running after her.
“You can wake him up, right?” asked Petra, standing nervously next to the unconscious boy.
“Yes, but we have to take him to Karthwasten.” Ma'zurah started opening chests and nightstands until she located a set of packs. “Okay, help Ma'zurah pack your clothing. First one done gets another honey nut ball. Somebody show Ma’zurah where that one’s clothing is.” She gestured at the unconscious boy.
“They’re over here!” cried Tyran, tugging Ma’zurah’s sleeve towards a set of drawers.
“But his spare tunics are in here,” said Petra, pulling on Ma’zurah’s other sleeve.
Fjotra sat on an empty bed, blinking at the other children stuffing their meager belongings into packs. In a few minutes she was fast asleep.
When they finished, Ma'zurah scanned the room for anything else they might want, and tucked a lost rag doll into Petra’s pack. “Are you ready? It is not a long walk. It should only take an hour or two to get to Karthwasten.”
Petra nodded, slipping the pack onto her back.
Tyran put his bag on his head, trying to balance it. “Wooooaaah!” he said as it fell to one side. He caught it and put it back on his head.
Morva stood beside Ma’zurah with a wary expression on her face. “We’re ready. But I don’t understand. Where are our parents? Why won’t Dryston wake up? Why are you two here?”
Ma'zurah lifted her eyebrows at the teenager. “That is a lot of questions, and they all have long answers. Ma'zurah thinks she is getting a bit too hungry to answer so many questions at once. There will be hot meals at Karthwasten. If you ask Ma'zurah again after we have eaten, she promises she will answer them all. It is not too far to go or too long to wait, but it is only midday and Ma'zurah is already tired. Is that fair?” She gave a small smile and cast telekinesis on Dryston, lifting him gently.
Petra and Tyran watched their friend floating with wide-eyed fascination. Tyran waved his hand underneath and, upon finding nothing, walked under Dryston. “Magic!”
Morva tightened her grip on her pack straps at her shoulders. “What if our parents come back and we aren’t here? They’ll be worried.”
Petra looked worried at this prospect. “I… I don’t want mommy to think I’ve run off….”
“It will be alright. They will not worry. If you are still afraid, Ma'zurah will try to use magic to contact them once we get to Karthwasten. Ma'zurah is a Mystic. She knows a few rituals.” Ma'zurah stuck her head out of the children’s room, keeping an eye out for Fayrl.
“But where are they?” Morva insisted. “They put us to bed after we stayed up most of the night waiting for them, and then where did they go? They wouldn't leave us behind.” Tears of frustration and fear welled in her eyes.
Ma’zurah set the boy back down on the bed and knelt in front of Morva. “Ma’zurah does not know. She is sorry. Ma’zurah will try to contact them for you. She does not think she can do it here though. It is not a far trip. It will be alright. Ma’zurah will make sure that no harm comes to you if she can do anything to stop it.”
Morva looked like she was warring with herself. After a moment she sighed. “And you can wake Dryston? You're positive?”
“Yes.” Ma’zurah gave a firm nod.
“Then I will go.” Morva stood and Petra took her hand. “We are ready.”
“Alright, one second. Let Ma’zurah find Fayrl and see if he is ready too.” She walked into the hallway, closing the door behind her, and went to the front door. She spotted Fayrl hiding the last body behind a large juniper bush, and called out to him. “They are ready. Ma’zurah will bring them out.”
Fayrl nodded. “Go ahead. I'm ready.” He walked back to his lute and began playing a pleasant song.
“Alright. When Ma’zurah brings the boy out, make sure he will not wake soon, please.”
She went back inside and roused Fjotra from where she had been dozing. She smiled at the children, cast telekinesis again on Dryston, and led them outside. “Fayrl has his lute out, do you like songs?”
“I like music,” said Petra. “Daddy sings a song about a spotted stag who plays with wolves.”
“His song about the bear is better,” said Tyran, his pack on his head again, though he kept one hand on it so it wouldn't fall.
Petra snorted “You just like it cause the bear eats everything.”
“That's the best part!” said Tyran.
Morva walked in silence, clearly deep in thought.
Fayrl turned to the children with a goofy smile. “Look at this band of adventurers! Why we have four mighty warriors here! I shall be your bard and Ma’zurah your wizard as we hike on our way towards adventure. Let us hurry to the castle so we can wake the sleeping prince. Come, wizard, let us set our prince upon his steed!” Fayrl helped to guide the sleeping boy onto the horse’s back, stroking the horse to keep it from spooking. “Fjotra, I know you are good with horses, why don't you take the reins and I shall play a tune to keep away evil spirits.”
Ma’zurah gave Fayrl an amused smile, and the small group set off down the road to Karthwasten.
End Notes:
Ta'agra Translations: http://www.taagra.com/ wafiit = idiot jekosiit = sheep shagger
Fayrl’s tumblr: @talldarkandroguesome
Screenshot of Fayrl Screenshot of Ma’zurah Check out my art tag for more pictures of Fayrl and Ma’zurah.
Constructive criticism is welcome. We also really like it if you leave comments on Ao3.
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About: A famous blogger and her friend. Genre: Contemporary. TW: Mentions of suicide. 
Go the distance - Robert Bart Immortal - Elley Duhé Don’t Kill My Vibe - Sigrid
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Keep reading to read the story directly on the blog. Feedback is always appreciated. 
August 10 11.47 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Anonymous said: Where are you?
Anonymous said: Where have you been?  
I took a break, but I’m back now.
Anonymous said: Kinda though you had been kidnapped my aliens.
I wish.
Anonymous said: Are you okay?
Yeah. I’ll start posting again tomorrow or something.
Anonymous said: We were worried. Remember to drink water.
What the fuck have you guys been smoking? I’m fine. And relaxx, you’ll get your regular dose of conspiracy theories tomorrow. Promise. Peace out.
August 10 11.49 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Innbox
Private message from anonymous: Have you finally killed yourself? I fucking hope so. I’m so sick of seeing your ugly blog. Do everybody a big ass favor and NEVER COME BACK.
Private message from anonymous: Really, you just can’t disappear from a famous blog like this. Fucking ungrateful shit. I’m unfollowing, just so you know.
Private message from anonymous: Whore.
Private message from anonymous: I’m going to start following sunnyalienn instead of you. At least she can keep us updated.
August 11 9.15 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #107
Theory: According to a transcript and a documentary, Marilyn Monroe was killed because she intended to leak the existence of aliens. Marilyn, according to some people, had an affair with JFK and his brother. The threat is a result of her being ignored by both of them. She probably didn’t know how dangerous the american government was and what kind of resources they used to protect the secret about the existence of alien life on earth.
My opinion: Not one of the most interesting conspiracy theories, but just think for a second what would happen if this was true, and Marilyn hadn’t been killed? Could we have known the truth about life on other planets as early as 1960?? And how scary is it to think about this happening to other celebrities. What the fuck did Elvis, MH and Robin Williams know??
What do you think?
August 11 11.05 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Hey girl, have you seen Alien: Covenant yet? I won’t spoil it, but damn, it’s worth seeing. Are you up to an Alien marathon soon? My boyfriend seriously wants to see all the Lord of the Rings movies. How in the hell did I end up with this idiot? SAVE ME.
nostromojinn: I seriously think you have to break up. Lord of the Rings? LORD OF THE RINGS?? That’s strike one, by the way. Also, wasn’t he the one that made you listen to One Direction?
Theodyssey51: Are you going to kill me if I tell you that Harry Styles’ music isn’t THAT bad? He’s gone solo now if you haven’t heard. All the members have, but Harry Styles is the only one worth listening too.  Listen to Sign of the Times. Okay, did I just write a whole paragraph about a pop artist?
Nostromojinn: Yes, sir, you did. Strike two.
August 12 1.05 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Far away
Does anybody feel like they belong somewhere else? That they where meant to be born on a different planet, but then some cosmic disaster happened and you were born here on earth? Maybe that’s why I like everything connected to space and aliens. Because I am one. Too weird? I’ll go to bed now.
August 13 2.13 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Have you seen that new blog everyone’s talking about?
nostromojinn: Yeah, what the hell is that? Fan-fiction about us?
Theodyssey51: Looks like it. Someone asked her about it and she didn’t deny it.
nostromojinn: Sick.
Theodyssey51: No it’s cute.
nostromojinn: Is that Vinn person suppose to be me? «It’s seemed like it dripped experience from Vinn’s eyes, like they were too eager to share all the beauty they’d seen.» Don’t think she wants to know what’s really dripping from my eyes.
Theodyssey51: Bile? She mentioned you in her first posts, so it’s probably you she’s writing about.
nostromojinn: Isn’t that kinda weird?
Theodyssey51: Can’t you just take a compliment like a regular person? Now be a cool celebrity and comment on her blog.
nostromojinn: Funny.
Theodyssey51: My character seems fun though. You think Tana is the girl who writes these stories? Maybe she needs friends.
nostromojinn: Maybe she needs a life.
Theodyssey51: You’ve reached you sarcasm limit today. Please try again with a different response.
nostromojinn: (~˘▾˘)~
August 13 5.46 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #108
Theory: God was created by aliens that landed on earth for many, many years ago. According to this website: ufointernationalproject.com, it was aliens who created all religions that exists today. The humans are apparently not smart enough to invent religions, and that’s why it’s more likely that aliens created them. And also, they’re headed towards earth right now to take those religions back, and put all humans in quarantine to prevent a cosmic disaster.
My opinion: This is BS. It has to be. Humans have figured out that the universe are made up off quarks, I think we’re smart enough to make up a man in a white dress yelling «LET THERE BE LIGHT!» And I’ve met enough stoned people to know where that «the world is a turtle» - theory stems from. Sorry guys. It was a fun one though.
What do you think?
August 15 11.30 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: HEY, guess who just got fucked.
nostromojinn: What? That’s nasty.
Theodyssey51: Ha ha. It’s not me. A friend stopped by with her cat, and we might’ve made kittens! Or our cats have. All i did was put them in a cage and wait until they got so bored and didn’t have any other choice than to mate.
nostromojinn: That’s still nasty. What if we did that to humans?
Theodyssey51: We already do. It’s called SCHOOL!
nostromojinn: I’m so happy we went to different schools.
Theodyssey51: OMG. Have you seen this?
nostromojinn: What?
Theodyssey51: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostromojinn
August 15 10.31 p.m Wikipedia / Nostromojinn
Nostromojinn From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nostromojinn is a famous blogger who runs nostromojinn.tumblr.com. She frequently blogs about aliens, but also about songs, feelings and every day life.  
Origin and name.  Nostromojinn has been blogging for three years and have several thousand followers. The name nostromojinn stems from the ship Nostromo from the movie Alien. The blog’s tagline (In space no one can hear you scream) is from Alien’s tagline (In space no one can hear you scream). She also calls herself Random chick no. 426. Something that probably refers to the planet where the Xenomorphs are from, LV-426.
Personal life Nobody knows Nostromojinn’s real name or what she looks like.
Links https://nostromojinn.tumblr.com
August 15 10.35 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
nostromojinn: WHAT THE FUCK? Did you do that?  
Theodyssey51: No. I promise! It’s kinda cool, though.
nostromojinn: It’s weird. Like, sooo weird. Who’s interested in reading an article about me??
Theodyssey51: Me. And you.
nostromojinn: Nope. I’m good.
Theodyssey51: Are you going to show your face on your blog soon or what?
nostromojinn: NOOO. How do you figure that’ll go? I can fucking hear all those anonymous bastards. I thought you were prettier. Have you always been this ugly? Now I understand why you didn’t show your face.
Theodyssey51: Fuck those anonymous bastards.  
nostromojinn: Easy for you to say.
Theodyssey51: Yeah, i’m an unpopular and unimportant fart.
nostromojinn: Exchange lives?  
Theodyssey51: Yes plz.
August 16. 5.25 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #109
Theory: I’m not sure if this is an conspiracy theory about aliens, but when I fell down this rabbit whole, I couldn’t stop falling. Okay, so the theory is that there’s an elite (celebrities and presidents and kings and the likes) of reptiles. REPTILES? Yep. They’re shape shifters and apparently they can take human form. And they control the world. And yeah, apparently both Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are reptiles. Just check out this youtube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C83f40Z9azM
My opinion: Maybe I’m a reptile? Who knows?
What do you think?
August 17 11.17 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Excuse me, but did you change your bio to random chick no. 427 just to be an ass?
nostromojinn: Wikipedia don’t know shit.  
Theodyssey51: And the price for the most petty celebrity is…. You.
nostromojinn:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theodyssey51: You’re VERY funny.
nostromojinn: ?
Theodyssey51: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodyssey51
August 17 10.38 p.m Wikipedia / Theodyssey51
Theodyssey51 Fra Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodyssey51 is an unpopular and unimportant fart.  
Links https://theodyssey51.tumblr.com
August  17 10.41 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
nostromojinn: There you go, you’re famous too. Now you have nothing to complain about…
Theodyssey51: You’ll regret this.
nostromojinn: I’m so afraid.
Theodyssey51: How do you change wikipedia.
nostromojinn: Just go to edit.  
Theodyssey51: Where?
nostromojinn: Omg, use your eyes.
Theodyssey51: I CAN’T FIND IT!
nostromojinn: No problem, I’ll help you.
nostromojinn: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodyssey51
August 17 10.45 p.m Wikipedia / Theodyssey51
Theodyssey51 Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Theodyssey51 is unpopular, an unimportant fart and fucking great with technology.
Eksterne lenker https://theodyssey51.tumblr.com
August 17 10.47 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: I hate you.
nostromojinn: I love you.
Theodyssey51: Why are you so CUTE? I can’t stay mad at you.
August 25 9.49 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Innbox
Private message from anonymous: Why don’t you answer everyone’s questions?? It’s fucking rude.
Private message from anonymous: Why haven’t you updated your blog in several days?
Private message from anonymous: You’re pathetic.
0 notes