#i could never be mad at Burrich
spectrum-color · 2 years
The fun thing about spending way too much time thinking about RotE over the past several months is that I can think of so many what ifs that would have changed the series. For better, for worse, or just for different varies, but there were a lot of things that could have gone in another direction in the Fitz books alone. Some I would find interesting:
Chivalry chooses to stay on as heir and let the scandal blow over (this would go very differently based on if he did or did not acknowledge Fitz)
Burrich was not beaten as a child for having the Wit, so he has a more balanced view of the Old Blood and tries to help Fitz handle it
The Piebald Prince was never overthrown in a coup so the “beast magic” taboo doesn’t exist
Verity takes Regals assassination of Kettrickens brother and attempt on his own life much more seriously (tbh it is insane that this was swept under the rug in canon)
Fitz never knocks up Molly (this has implications for him, Molly, and Burrich)
The Skill coteries attacks on Shrewd are discovered before they kill him
Desire dies before she can get Chivalry killed, and he outlived Regal. (Would he want to meet Fitz? More up in the air, would Fitz want to meet him after 15 years of knowing he existed but keeping his distance?)
Fitz remembers Chades lessons and does not take Rosemarys presence for granted, only speaking to Kettricken about their plans when he can verify that they’re alone or with the Fool or only communicating it in Kettrickens native language
Fitz makes the connection sooner about exactly what kind of interest the Fool has in him (crying and saying “when I remember how beautiful you were” and KISSING HIM ON THE MOUTH just goes right over his head)
Fitz doesn’t give his memories of Molly, his birth mother, and the dungeons to Girl on a Dragon, allowing him to process them in a more healthy way and not spending 17 years partially Forged
When Fitz and Nighteyes are traveling the world, they end up in Bingtown at the same time as Amber and join up with Team Paragon
The Six Duchies has a more neutral attitude toward homosexuality (before anyone thinks that’s just boring wish fulfillment, I think Fitzs deep rooted attachment issues are at the real root of his difficulty accepting the Fools love and are a much more interesting character trait than his internalized homophobia)
During the infamous confrontation over the Fools feelings, the two of them are not sick. Alternatively, they have been drinking
When the Fool tells Fitz to leave it and they can just keep going like they always have, Fitz agrees (tbh I think if he didn’t have a Skill hangover he would have given how he prefers to pretend sensitive topics don’t exist)
The Fool chooses not to tell Fitz about his impending death because he fears it will break the fragile peace between them
Fitz undoes Burrichs Skill block and is able to save him (still mad about this; HUGE implications and potential for drama with Fitz, Burrich, the Fool, Molly, and Nettle)
The Fool refuses Prilkops offer to return to Clerres due to his trauma and goes back to Buckkeep instead
The Fool refuses Prilkops offer to return to Clerres and asks Fitz to go to the Rain Wilds with him to continue to track the progress of the dragons
The Fool lets Fitz go with him and Prilkop to Clerres and Fitz becomes the Destroyer as well as the Unexpected Son
Fitz gets the Fools message on Winterfest and goes on a rescue mission, bringing him back in time for Bee to come into the picture
The Fool makes his way to Withywoods before the incident at the market
Lant actually is killed during the attack on Withywoods (how does Chade respond to this?)
Bee kills Vindeliar at the same time as Dwalia, meaning that Fitz is never injected with the Traitors Death
The Fool figures out how to use his Silvered fingers to free Fitz from the pillar. Though this is really only noticeably different if his worm infestation is discovered and destroyed early on by a Skill healing (I am especially curious how Bee would react to the Fools attempts to teach her if Fitz was still alive)
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fitzbelovedhangover · 2 years
"There was no anger in his voice, only desperation.
- Go, Fitz. But we are going to talk of this, you and I. We are going to untangle it somehow. I promise. I will not lose you again.”
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the-perfunctorily · 3 years
While on the subject of Farseer, my hottest take is that, though it seems to be pretty popular to joke about how, despite being called the royal assassin and most of the books about him being titled ‘Assassin’s [...]’, Fitz is actually a pretty garbage assassin, I would argue that it’s not a mistake, a mischaracterization, or a lame attempt to make Fitz seem cooler than he is. I don’t think Hobb set out to write a cool, competent, badass assassin, and failed. I think it’s pretty clear that in a watsonian sense, Chade and King Shrewd failed badly at making an effective assassin.
Honestly, I think Chade was a bad mentor. I think Fitz was never set up to be a good assassin, and never really had a chance at being one.
I think Chade, Shrewd, Verity, all the people who knew about his assassin’s training told themselves and each other that they had to make a new Chade, but none of them ever actually wanted one. They all wanted Chivalry back, and tried to have both, resulting in getting neither in Fitz.
Shrewd said he wanted a loyal pawn, but really, seemed to want the obedient son he could never have in stubborn Chivalry. Chade said he wanted a protege, but really seemed to want his own son, something he could never have by virtue of his bastardy and position as Royal Assassin. And Verity, he wanted his beloved brother back, a relationship he could never have with Regal. And the saddest part is that none of them could have either the assassin or the family member, because they all raised Fitz to think of himself as disposable in their eyes, and then could never actually treat him as the disposable tool they would have had him believe himself to be. At every turn, they told him to be their tool, and then treated him as, expected him to act as their family member.
This isnt even to start on how Burrich and Patience both saw Fitz as the child they could never have with Chivalry. If Chade and Shrewd had actually wanted an effective assassin, they would have cut Fitz off from Burrich, they would never have let Patience become involved. Both of them were emotional attachments that prevented Fitz from being the kind of tool they professed to want. Furthermore they would have sent Molly away at the first sign of a relationship between the two, and above all else, made it clear to Verity that this wasn’t his baby nephew, but a weapon of the crown that was to be used and discarded as the need arose. These were all things well within their power, which they didn’t do, and then got mad at Fitz for.
In Assassin’s Quest, Chade berates Fitz for acting selfishly
“When did you not (do what you wanted)?” Chade demanded just as heatedly. “That’s all you’ve done since you came back from the Mountains. You went to Verity to say you’d had enough of being an assassin just when quiet work was needed. Patience tried to warn you clear of Molly, but you had your way there as well. It made her a target. You pulled Patience into plots that exposed her to danger. You bonded to the wolf, despite all Burrich said to you. You questioned my every decision about King Shrewd’s health. And your next-to-last stupid act at Buckkeep was to volunteer to be part of an uprising against the crown. You brought us as close to a civil war as we’ve been in a hundred years.
These are almost all things he could have just told Fitz not to do, Chade was his boss, Fitz was sworn to take orders from him. He could have told Verity not to indulge Fitz by letting him galavant off on a boat, could have told Fitz that he was needed to quietly kill of forged ones, could have sent Molly away or ordered Fitz not to see her, could have told Fitz not to associate as closely with Patience or not to involve her. Could have listened to Fitz’s correct assessment of the situation with Shrewd and Wallace, or at least explained better what his own understanding was. Could have not betrothed fitz to Duke Brawndy’s daughter, and then not gotten surprised when he then assumed that meant Fitz was in his corner against Regal. Everything Chade is mad at Fitz about were things that he could have easily prevented, or simply ordered him away from. The only actual thing Chade couldnt have easily prevented him from doing in this list is bonding with Nighteyes, something that saved his life in the end anyway. Chade is always telling Fitz not to act the prince, not to make decisions on his own, and then leaving him in situations where he has to act as a prince would and make his own decisions.
This does not an effective assassin make. It’s not FItz’s fault, and its no accident on Hobb’s part.
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Realm of the Quarantine Reread End-of-Book Questionnaire: Assassin’s Quest
Any differences between your first/previous reading experience and this one?
Keep in mind I’m writing this months after finishing the book lol (it’s mental illness innit). I have LOTS of notes to go off but yeah, things aren’t as fresh in my mind overall. With that said the biggest difference I can think of between my first and second experience with AQ is my feelings towards Kettricken. I think the first time around reading you know that Fitz is an unreliable narrator but you are still limited by his viewpoint so you can get a bit trapped seeing things the way he does. For this reason, I think I pretty much just forgave Kettricken when he did on my first read, whereas on this read I was like……. Waiting for her to actually apologise and show some sympathy towards Fitz and it just…. Never happened.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I still love Kettricken as a character and I fully recognise that she has been traumatised. I don’t expect her to be nice or act rationally, and in the case of being willing to take Nettle for the crown… It’s cold but she’s doing what she feels she has to. My issue is - do what you have to, but don’t expect Fitz to understand or forgive you (same with Starling). But I think what bothered me the most was how Kettricken would constantly confide in Fitz and break down to him and he was always there to let her do so, yet she NEVER gives Fitz the chance to do the same. The one time he does “open up” in a sense is when she forces him to air out his traumas in front of everyone, and she didn’t show him any sympathy for what he’d been through then or later. She has been through hell, absolutely, but while her plight may not have been any better than Fitz’s it certainly wasn’t any worse. She pretty much had two modes in this book: completely cold or a crying wreck - but she was only ever crying for herself. She lets Fitz console her but she never consoles him. Again, this is a result of her own trauma and I don’t expect her to act any differently, but it just reaffirmed for me that while she and Fitz care for each other deeply it is not an equal relationship. Fitz feels an obligation to serve her and she - knowingly or not - takes advantage of that. Like, after realising that this is their dynamic it is so obvious that the same is true in Royal Assassin as well, and it will be interesting to see how it changes (or doesn’t) in Tawny Man as I don’t remember it well enough to say.
Must reiterate: Kettricken is still a great character and I still have a lot of respect for her, unfortunately she just falls into the overfull camp of people who love Fitz but have an unhealthy power dynamic with him.
The other big difference I noticed was that the Verity stuff just wasn’t as devastating this time. Not because it was any less sad but it just didn’t tear out my heart like it did the first time. That’s not a fault with the writing at all, I think it’s just the fact that, knowing what would happen to Verity and that we wouldn’t see the real Verity again, I kind of already let go of him at the end of Royal Assassin.
Something you can’t believe you forgot
I guess more of a misinterpretation/wishful thinking but like, realising that there is no passage explicitly stating that Fitz and the Fool were actually spooning in the mountains murdered me and spat on my corpse.
Oh also!!! Fitz yeeting himself out the window at Tradeford castle jskaskjf
Favourite character introduction moments/scenes
I love Kettle in general and the way we’re introduced to her as a cranky old lady sets her up perfectly
Favourite character arcs
Man they’re all so fucking sad lol but I guess the Fool? He goes from thinking Fitz is dead and his purpose failed to reuniting with Fitz, their relationship growing into something really real for the first time, and actually completing his mission - at least for now lol. This book is really the first time you get to see the Fool be properly vulnerable. Even when he was getting beaten up by Regal’s guards he always had his veneer of snark and superiority to hide behind - and I doubt when he went through his sicknesses at Buckkeep he would have revealed his weakness to anyone in order to be helped. But in the mountains he lets so much of that facade of the King’s Fool fall away - at least when it’s just him and Fitz. When he and Fitz meet again he lets Fitz see his grief and pain and hopelessness and joy as the Fool looks after Fitz, and then later when it’s the Fool who needs looking after he lets Fitz look after him. When was the last time the Fool had anyone really care for him like that, ya know? Had someone protect him purely out of love? Ouch dude!!!!
Also he gets to kiss Fitz at the end so good for him!!!!!!!!!! Be gay ride dragons!!
Favourite quote/s
“I would kill Regal. It only seemed fair. He had killed me first.”
“I had looked into the heart of my enemy. I still could not comprehend him.”
“The more I drank, the less tolerable my situation seemed. And the more intolerable I became to my friends.”
“I had never thought to be disdained by a tree.”
“The Fool, the Fool, only the Fool. I sought for him. I almost found him. Oh, he was passing strange, and surpassing strange. He darted and eluded me, like a bright gold carp in a weedy pool, like the motes that dance before one’s eyes after being dazzled by the sun. As well to clutch at the moon’s reflection in a still midnight pond as to seek a grip on that bright mind. I knew his beauty and his power in the briefest flashes of insight. In a moment I understood and marvelled at all that he was, and in the next I had forgotten that understanding.”
“When you can either laugh or cry, you might as well laugh.” - the Fool
Favourite relationships
Also fitz and nighteyes (speaking of which, Nighteyes’ arc in this book is also fascinating and surprisingly complex) and Fitz/Nighteyes/Fool mwah magnifico chef’s kiss
Favourite setting
Kelsingra baybeyyy. I remember the first time reading this having no fucking clue what was happening in that chapter but I guess it was the gay agenda all along
Favourite chapter
It’s gotta be the chapter where Fitz and the Fool reunite, right? Catch me just gradually losing my grip on reality with every lingering stare 
Most loved character
Most hated character
Ya know, for a minute I was actually wondering if I would like Starling this time round but yeah no lol. She was actually okay for a while but as soon as she sold Fitz/Nettle out she became The Worst, just as I remembered her. It’s not even because she betrays Fitz but because, like Kettricken, she expects Fitz to forgive her for it, to the point of running to tattle to the queen because Fitz isn’t giving her enough attention (I’m also not impressed with Kettricken for actually getting involved instead of just telling her to grow up). Not to mention her constantly misgendering/gendering (??) the Fool or just assuming the Fool’s gender and loudly fucking proclaiming it to everybody is just truly fucking disgusting. Like I cannot even explain how furious I was reading her incessantly using she/her pronouns for the Fool despite no confirmation that her theory is right or that the Fool is comfortable with this and despite EVERYONE ELSE using he/him pronouns. God I’m mad now lol. She just acts like a spoilt brat and it makes my blood boil. But that’s probably because I have known many people like this so… Good character writing lol congrats
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by Robin Hobb (most heartbreaking and/or visceral moments)
The whole first chapter/s are just so heavy and carry on that gut wrenching feeling from the end of Royal Assassin. Fitz just has no real desire to live and watching him systematically severing the last few ties he has to his human life is just so sad.
Even though I wasn’t as attached to Verity this time, his goodbye to Fitz still made me cry
As did Fitz giving Kettle her skill back
Verity using Fitz’s body to have sex with Kettricken really got to me this time, mostly because I either didn’t notice the first time or had forgotten just how much it affects Fitz. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to acknowledge Dutiful as his son when the event that brought that fact into being was so fucked up and traumatic. It’s really upsetting.
Burrich saying he almost took Fitz to Chivalry and he should have never let the Farseers take Fitz just …… breaks my heart. Just seeing Burrich so raw like that in general is so unusual it really takes you aback.
Details, observations, spoilery notes made with the benefit of the full picture
Strap in lads this part is lonnnngggggggg
Is it bad to immediately want to cry just from seeing “Sandsedge” on the map and thinking of Sandsedge brandy
I never really thought about how poor Hap didn’t get the real Fitz all those years and how their relationship could have been if Fitz hadn’t been partially forged
Pls I have no idea why but to picture someone as emotionally repressed as Fitz actually sitting down and writing about his life makes me want to fucking cryyyyeeeee
Fitz in the prologue talks about needing a purpose as something to distract himself from sinking [into his chronic pain, mental illness and addiction] and boy howdy if that ain’t relatable. As someone with mental illness and chronic pain Fitz is just painfully relatable way too often.
“I have never forgiven myself the triumph I ceded him when I took poison and died.” Fitz :(((( my guy :((((((( forgive yourself for surviving however you could baby!!!!!
This book mentions Bingtown providing slaves to Chalced
It’s so funny to me when people expect Fitz to have social skills as if he didn’t literally live as a fucking wolf for weeks at a time. It’s a miracle he bloody speaks
The state Fitz is in at the beginning of this book was literally Burrich’s greatest fear for him, yet Burrich doesn’t just say I told you so and leave. He stays, is patient and even optimistic.
“He (Burrich) is not bigger than I.” Why does this feel so wrong lol??? I just can’t picture Fitz as bigger than Burrich
“When you were younger and not supposed to go into taverns without me…” So it’s fine if the child goes into taverns and gets drunk as long as you’re also there. Got it, Burrich.
Fitz calling Chade “the grey one” wow get rekd old man river
Seeing Chade and Burrich interact is so bizarre
Fitz is still having seizures at the beginning of this book! I had forgotten that
God okay so idk if I can articulate this point super well but the whole thing of Fitz going through this extensive abuse and then essentially becoming an animal feels like a metaphor for the way your brain’s “higher” needs and functions just shut off sometimes under certain levels of stress. Like in order to cope with the trauma you don’t think about concepts, or long-term goals, or other people. You just take care of your basic needs - food, sleep, shelter, water - long enough that you start to feel safe and secure again, at which point your brain can open up a bit more and allow you to really think again; to want again, to plan again etc. Like obviously literally becoming an animal is a heightened version of reality, but the functionality of it is the same; our wounds and our fear stop us from fully embodying ourselves.
Burrich be like, Fitz was getting way too dependent on drugs before all this so let’s steer clear of those. :) LET’S GET HIM ABSOLUTELY SHITFACED INSTEAD
I  love how Fitz has his own unique relationship with Lacey and she’s not just Patience’s servant in his mind
Fitz talking about how even his memories from before his time in the dungeons are soiled by his trauma :( baby boy
Dude it’s so rich Chade lecturing Fitz about not making a life for himself, having friends or just chilling out like???? WHO TRAINED HIM TO BE AN ASSASSIN CHADE?? Like I get your point but what the hell kind of life did you think he was gonna have? Who ever took the time to teach him the importance of making connections with people for their own sake, and when would he have ever had the time anyway? I think Chade himself doesn’t actually know what he expects from Fitz.
Fitz saying he’s bad at making decisions because he’s never actually been allowed to make any is literally a point I’ve made lol. This is what happens when you teach teenagers how to murder in lieu of any basic life skills.
Burrich + Chiv were luv at first sight. No I will not elaborate.
“We kept you a boy, looked after you too much.” Huh??????? Fitz was never fucking sheltered lol. He didn’t have autonomy. There’s a difference.
I’m so fucking glad Fitz hugged Burrich before he left and that they actually left off on okay-ish terms. I didn’t remember that and it vaguely dulls the blow of knowing we don’t see Burrich again til Fool’s Fate (and that he thinks Fitz is dead the entire time between now and then).
“If I shaved my hair back from my brow” bitch disgusting
“Honey was the older of the two women. Perhaps my age.” jskfjnajgbl my guy those aren’t women then those are children!!!!!! U freak
I was wondering for ages why Fitz doesn’t mention the Fool like literally at all bc that’s so unusual right? Even in Assassin’s Apprentice he thinks of him when he goes to Moonseye and just in general the Fool usually enters Fitz’s thoughts pretty frequently. So why now, when Fitz doesn’t even know if the Fool is okay, is he just not thinking about him? And then I realised that that is exactly why. Because the only two people from his old life he doesn’t think about are the two people whose fates he knows nothing of: Kettricken and the Fool. So he can let his mind wander to think what Patience and Lacey might be up to at Buckkeep, or who Molly is with or whatever, because he knows they are all safe. But in such a fragile state I don’t think he can bring himself to really wonder whether Kettricken and the Fool made it to their destination - he probably doesn’t really believe they could have, and that is far too painful a road to go down when you are trying not to think at all.
I know the first act of this book is slow and that bothers some people, but I think it is so necessary, not only for Fitz’s arc but also because it really demonstrates just how severe the situation has gotten with the red ships and forged ones AND it shows just how destructive a king Regal is. Without this perspective it would probably be much harder to buy that the extreme measures taken at the end of the book are really worth the sacrifice.
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit A: when Honey is coming onto him, all he can think about is Molly.
Fitz is so scared of the Forged ones :( his trauma affects everything. He has no faith in himself and less heart for the violence than ever.
Speaking of trauma metaphors: the way Fitz tends to drift off into the wit or Skill after a traumatic experience is… pretty much just dissociation but magique
I forgot that witted folk can apparently communicate with each other mentally, not just with animals
“Her head was the size of a bushel basket.” Ah, yes, a bushel basket, a thing whose size we are all intimately familiar with.
Fitz finally finds others like him and even then he is not fully accepted. Told he is doing the wit wrong. Othered by the Others. It’s the queer experience innit.
Also forgot that apparently the forged are attracted to the wit as well as the Skill?
“I wondered if I had as many wolf mannerisms as they had halk and bear.” Yeah no probably not you only bloody LIVED as a wolf, Fitz.
Okay I know it doesn’t need saying but Patience is just so fucking cool!!!!!
Jesus fucking christ, Fitz skilling out to Molly when he knows Will knows he’s alive and is looking for him is just… so dumb. So so dumb. I know he’s just fixating on her because he’s miserable and she’s like this unsullied thing he had before everything went wrong but holy moly is it frustrating 
Not to mention he doesn’t connect the dots between the fact that Burrich went to “help a friend” and every time he reaches out for Molly he sees Burrich sajkdbshkhja dude
Nighteyes leaving just goes to show that Fitz cannot rely solely on Nighteyes for companionship. No matter how innately the same they are they are equally as innately different. Fitz needs Nighteyes but he shouldn’t have JUST Nighteyes (which is why he, Nighteyes and the Fool are the holy trinity). When Nighteyes leaves, Fitz is in way too fragile a state to be left alone, but Nighteyes cannot think of the future or what might happen. All he knows is he’ll be back at some point and that’s all that matters.
“My anger fed my competence” whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie
I think I had blocked out the fact the Regal was keeping animals trapped in filthy cages so they could ravage people in the king’s circle uggggghhhhhhhhh I hate him
Fitz is down on himself saying that without Shrewd’s largesse, Chade’s information and Verity’s protection his idea of himself has been stripped away and that he’s not actually competent etc. but like. This is an extreme situation!! You’re literally alone in the wilderness with nothing and no one!! Who would thrive in this situation? And nobody gets by without help anyway! The people in our lives do define us to an extent. You don’t have to be able to stand 100% on your own at all times with zero resources to be considered capable. It’s human to depend on others. Yes I am chiding myself as much as Fitz here :))))
Burrich’s earring is the repressed gay earring. No I will not elaborate.
Fitz refusing to sell Burrich’s earring is frustrating yet something I would 100% do lol
Direct from my notes: Celery hiding out in caves?? Bad bitch
“I felt I was within the flames looking deeply into the Fool’s eyes” um okay gay
It’s actually surprising that Fitz admits he would not have gone after Molly even if he had known she was pregnant when she left. On one hand so self aware yet this doesn’t stop him from completely idealising their relationship.
And then you have Molly who says he was supposed to come after her “so she could forgive him”, that he was supposed to be the one to light the candles for her childbirth etc. The fact that she in any way thought he was mature enough to be a father just shows how little they really knew each other.
Burrich treating Molly like a horse while delivering Nettle is way funnier than it has a right to be jskakjasd makes me think of Dwight treating Phyllis’ back injury in The Office lol
The first thing Burrich notices about Nettle is that she has Chivalry’s brow are you fucking kidding me. Gay!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit B: He had no interest in Tassin whatsoever until she literally started kissing him. At this point his body reacted, which is normal, but as soon as he got a second to actually think about it he stopped, because for him it would not be satisfying to sleep with someone he didn’t have feelings for.
“It seemed to take years for the dried beans and lentils to soften.” Okay mood
I love how Fitz just assumes Molly will take him back. “I have a woman and child awaiting me.” Says who bitch?
Small ferret? More like big legend
Ya know, we give Fitz so much shit but honestly with so much physical, mental and emotional stress on this journey how can we expect his mental faculties to be at 100%? I wouldn’t be making good decisions either, in fact I would be long dead.
Starling telling Nik that the earring once belonged to Chivalry is truly a smooth brain move
“Do not fear, little brother, I am here to take care of you again.” Words can’t explain how much I love Nighteyes and how often his dialogue makes me smile :’)
It’s so cute how Nighteyes is worried about Molly and Nettle until he knows that Burrich is taking care of them
It’s really interesting when Fitz claims “I’d rather be with Molly even if it meant rocking a crying baby in the middle of the night” because, well, he’s literally made other claims to the contrary, saying he wouldn’t have gone with her even if he’d known she was pregnant. Because at the end of the day as much as Fitz is compelled by others to do work for the greater good, I think deep down a lot of the time it is what he would do anyway. Like I really don’t think he could actually enjoy being with Molly knowing that the world is burning down around them. He would want to get out there and help somehow; not only to secure their own future but to reduce other people’s suffering as well. He’s an empathetic boy even though he’d like to be selfish.
Every time Fitz calls Molly his wife I lose ten years off my life
Again, I understand why he’s thinking like this, but Fitz’s ownership of Molly is just so uncomfortable. The fact that he can’t imagine her not having a place ready and waiting for him in her life when he returns just illustrates that she is not a fully realised person to him. She is just a comforting idea.
Oh yes, it was definitely Starling’s “pillowtalk” that got you captured and not the fact that you fit the exact description of the witted bastard right down to having Chivalry’s earring and a whole ass wolf
Somehow forgot that Jhaampe is basically a city of tents with only a few permanent buildings and people constantly coming and going
Fitz’s first words to the Fool are “I’ve come to you.” I’m gonna fucking die
Literally every single word from the moment Fitz realises it’s the Fool and starts describing him is a full body assault and personal attack I am seeking reparations
God the tenderness, the angst, the relief……… shall i pass away
“I doubted he was much taller, but his body was no longer a child’s.” My dude this is a gay awakening if I ever saw one
Fitz be like *spends 87 pages describing the Fool in painstaking detail* anyway I love being a heterosexual male
I’ve heard ppl cite Fitz’s descriptions of Kettricken as evidence of a crush (hard disagree) but literally nothingggggg even comes close to the way he describes the Fool. Not just this once but over and over again it’s insane.
“Talk fell off between us. The bottle of brandy was empty. We were reduced to silence, staring at one another drunkenly.” skjakfnajghajgnaLNGJ is it gay to silently gaze into thine homie’s eyes
The Fool protecting Fitz from everyone - especially Starling - in Jhaampe is often hilarious and always heartwarming
Realising Fitz was skinny enough for the Fool to lift on his own ahhh no wonder he said the famous “When I recall how beautiful you were” line, Fitz is a total wreck
I love that the Fool actually gives Chade shit for his plan to take Nettle. I love him.
“Too few folk cared for me. I could not hate a single one of them.” Oh, Fitz :(
I always wonder how the Fool really feels about Molly. Is he jealous? Does he compare himself to this woman Fitz idolises and he doesn’t know? Does he know that Fitz is barking up the wrong tree or is he stuck thinking Molly must really be Fitz’s soulmate since he won’t shut up about how much he loves her and can’t wait to get back to her? He just never really lets on how it makes him feel when Fitz has relationships with women. We know Fitz gets jealous of the Fool (for litch rally like no reason lol), so with the Fool being much more honest with himself/in general about his love for Fitz and having much more legitimate reason to be jealous, is he? Or is it just something he’s made his peace with, that these women give Fitz something that he cannot? Is he okay with that cos he has to be or does he have a different, less monogamous view of love and relationships (he does have three parents after all). I dunnoooo dude I just have so many questions. Like obviously - OBVIOUSLY - if Fitz and the Fool didn’t have romantic feelings for each other before, there is no doubting that romantic feelings appeared the moment Fitz appeared in the Fool’s hut. Fitz won’t admit that but mere chapters later the Fool is talking about how he loves Fitz in every way so like. He knows. So how does he feel when Fitz is calling out for Molly in his sleep, or openly speaking of seeking her out when all this is over, and lying to the Fool to protect Molly and his daughter. Really makes u think!!!!
Fitz reuniting with Sooty and going to see her every day in Jhaampe is so cuuuute and made me so happy. Sooty is a good girl :’)
Fitz be like *leans against the table where the Fool is carving and watches his fingers at work like a true repressed gay*
Verity is literally so strong???? He submerged himself in skill and was able to pull himself back from the stream can u imagine? Go off king!
Bro I literally can’t with the Fool mentioning Jofron so casually and Fitz immediately thinking wow oh my god they’re definitely fucking oh my god the Fool has a girlfriend - Fitz sweetie calm down
I love how Fitz and the Fool just naturally walk together :))) and Nighteyes babysitting Kettle is so cute
Molly never once says that she misses Fitz. She says she always expected him to do the right thing, to come after her and not leave her alone with a child. But she doesn’t look back on their time together fondly or have much positive to say about him as a person. And all that is fair, but it’s also just… Not really the behaviour of someone who’s been separated from their soulmate. It’s more just someone who’s been left in a shitty position by someone they cared about but hardly knew.
Fitz asking the Fool what is between him and Starling when they’re literally just being civil is sooooo fucking funny. Not everyone finds the Fool as irresistible as you do, Fitz.
The Fool just casually finding a pretext to call Fitz the light of his life
Fitz telling Kettricken firmly that he will not travel if the Fool is ill is one of the only times he ever puts his foot down with her GEE I WONDER WHY
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again…… there really do be something about the way Fitz can’t meet the Fool’s eyes………. It’s not like they’re weird and colourless anymore like they used to be!!!
The Fool already talking about Clerres in this book!
Fitz and the Fool and Nighteyes playing in the stream is too fucking pure omg, it’s what they deserve
And then Starling has to bloody ruin it bc she’s homophobique
But seriously, Fitz actually lets go for the first time in ages and has a nice evening only for Starling to go tattling to Kettricken, and Kettricken having the gall to confront Fitz about it. And then Fitz solves the problem by saying he doesn’t disdain her when like!! He has every right to!!!! She sold him out, sold his daughter out. She never even apologised but instead has just been totally petty and self-righteous and stirring up trouble amongst the group. She hasn’t earned or even asked for his forgiveness. So fitting that she’s the one constantly judging Fitz for his relationship with Lord Golden in Tawny Man lol, she just cannot let Fitz and the Fool be the queer icons they are!!!
Verrrrrrrrrrry interesting that Fitz only “suddenly missed the human warmth and comfort” of Starling taking his arm or sleeping against him literally IMMEDIATELY after the plumbing and love confrontation with the Fool. I mean he has been doing all of those things with the Fool (sleeping together, walking arm in arm etc.) so it’s not about human touch at all, it’s about convincing himself that a WOMAN’S touch is somehow inherently different.
He does the same thing with Starling as with Kettricken. She technically apologises but it’s not sincere and that’s not why he forgives her. Same as Kettricken, she tells her sob story and he can’t hold onto his anger. It makes sense, but it’s just very toxic. It would be nice if at least one person would really recognise how much they’ve hurt Fitz and really, genuinely want to atone for it, or apologise without expecting forgiveness. The onus should not be on Fitz to forgive Starling but on Starling to grow up and not need Fitz to like her in order to remain civil and do what they have to. Also “I do not find your wit bond offensive” has the same energy as someone telling you out of nowhere like “It’s fine that you’re gay :)” like wow thank u?? lol
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit C: “I wanted her with a desperation that had nothing to do with love, and even, I believe, little to do with lust.”
“By his love he is betrayed, and his love betrayed also.” So fate agrees with me, Fitz and the Fool are in love? :)
Anytime the potential that Fitz might have to choose between Molly and Nighteyes I lose brain cells. That’s ur brother Fitz!!! It’s not even a choice!! How dare u
It’s just sooooo intentionally laid out for us in this book that Fitz’s relationship with Molly really wasn’t good or healthy and that his fixation on it is misguided, and I think that’s why I struggled sooooo hard with the ending of Fool’s Fate, because it kind of implied the exact opposite. I’m hoping on this reread I will pick up on it being laid out as a result of Fitz getting his memories/teen feelings back rather than it just feeling like a lowkey retcon, but I guess we’ll see lol
“I felt I was a bit in love with him, you know. That sort of lift to the heart.” the confirmation that the Fool KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO BE IN LOVE sends me deep into the swamps goodbyeeeeeeeeeeee
“The one who loves him best will betray him most foully.” So fate agrees, the Fool loves Fitz best :)
“You do love me! … Before, it was words. I always feared it was born out of pity.” Godddddd Foooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!! 
Everything about Fitz, the Fool and Nighteyes meeting in the skill for the first time is just truly perfect iconic unparalleled.
Fitz’s love for Verity hurts my heart so much. Just think of the relationship they could have had if they weren’t stupid royals.
Kettle’s whole speech about Fitz and Molly… Just yes to every word.
Look I’m just gonna say it… The way Burrich reacts to Molly’s advances … like I know it’s probably not intentional but it just reads as very much fitting in with my headcanon that he is gay. As soon as she makes it clear she wants to sleep with him he like leaps across the room lol. I do believe he cares for her and loves her in his way, but it does feel mostly like he’ll just do whatever he needs to to care for her and the baby.  Sowwy
I wonder why the Fool wasn’t as affected by his giving up of memories to Girl-on-a-Dragon?? Or was he, and he just gets them back before we see him again in Tawny Man?
“Take my hurt that I never knew my father, take my hours of staring up at his portrait when the great hall was empty and I could do so alone.” um this is so fucking sad
It was the Fool who sent Starling to find Fitz after Verity uses his body and again I have to ask, wtf is going on in your mind, Fool!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit D: Even once he actually sleeps with Starling he has no enthusiasm about it, he just kind of goes along with it, likely to prove to himself that he has really let go of his past/Molly. 
I always wonder why the Fool leaves now. Is it because he thinks their work is done and doesn’t want to risk messing things up by hanging around his catalyst like at the end of Tawny Man? Does he intend to come back and find Fitz again but get sidetracked by a lead or a new dream? Like it’s just weird because at first he was like “Prophet and Catalyst stick together” and was gonna stay with Fitz - or was that just an excuse because he was obsessed with Girl-on-a-Dragon? Fool u spicy lil enigma
It’s blood and the wit that wakes the stone dragons so does that mean King Wisdom was witted? Or is that obvious lol
Fitz isn’t even bothered by the Fool’s kiss, just shocked. I am looking.
Patience shouting orders at Verity-as-Dragon is beautiful ksjjk
Of courrrrrssse Burrich names his first son Chivalry
In the epilogue, the Fool is the only one Fitz actually says he misses. Exquisite.
I know some people have an issue with Regal’s death but personally I find it delicious
Okay that’s all (I say as if this wasn’t 139841989 pages long). See y’all in 92 years when my sister finally starts reading Liveship!
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the-blue-phantom · 4 years
Thank you SO much for sharing the headcanons!!! It's exactly what I wanted and I'm obsessed with the idea that Burrich keeps pictures of Fitz in his belt; during my re-read I noticed how Burrich subtly showed care towards Fitz like by GENTLY reminding him to wash blood off his face in Verity's study or how in AQ he legit called Fitz the "centre of his life" and honestly I haven't stopped crying since (now my Farseer brain is activated fhjsdhjshd)
glad you enjoyed them!! and i knowwwwww i love their relationship so much. their relationship has its problems but they still care so much about each other. I’m always thinking about how after Fitz’s first big battle when he went berserk, he got super drunk and depressed and Burrich just led him home and kept an eye on him. Plus!! After he finds Fitz after Galen’s attack and is taking care of him he’s very, very certain to make sure that the case he can make for challenging Galen is a) valid and b) won’t come back to hurt Fitz. You could easily contrast Fitz’s punishment under Galen to how, in AQ, he tells the story of the time he was 6 and Burrich was like “a kid can take a harness off a horse, right?” and when Fitz completely dismantled it Burrich wasn’t even mad because Fitz technically followed the rules and how else would he know? Or! In the Mountain Kingdom, when Fitz is telling Burrich he’s not going back and Burrich is like “no, I’m staying with you until the end.” Or all the times Fitz is upset that someone else is replacing his position in the stables and all the times Burrich pushes him to do things and reminds him that he’s Chivalry’s son and not just some bastard.
Not to mention all the time Burrich thought Fitz was dead (like at the end of book 2) or in book 3 when he came back devastated because he thought Fitz was dead dead and he was blaming himself and going “maybe if I had just kept him in the stables and not the palace he would still be alive”. It kills me. It kills me.
I really do wonder what their relationship would have been like if there wasn’t the ever present threat of death either for being Chivalry’s son or having the Wit over their heads.
Because like yeah, there are times when Fitz uses the Wit and Burrich is furious at him--I think he didn’t speak to him for a long time, once? Or all the arguments they had. And I don’t think all the ways he reacted is reasonable, but I understand why he did that and where he’s coming from. In my opinion, Burrich deals with a lot of--I don’t know if I should call it self-hatred? frustration, maybe--due to a lot of things: him being left behind by Chivalry, his leg, having the Wit, etc. And seeing the child of a person he swore himself to and promised to protect and watch have something that’s so dangerous is scary! And then Fitz doesn’t listen to Burrich when he says to repress it and its probably not helping any fears. But Fitz isn’t Burrich and repressing the Wit wouldn’t have ever worked for Fitz.
Its complicated! Its a complicated relationship and I find it fascinating. But what’s most important is that despite it all they care deeply about each other and they only want what’s best for each other. That’s what I think at least part of the reason was for Fitz leaving everyone behind at the end. Like, yes, there was nothing left for him, but showing up would have only caused problems between him, Molly, and Burrich. So you know Fitz was betrayed or shocked by that, but he was also seeing Burrich live the life Burrich had always wanted but never had, especially when those were related to some of the last words Fitz said to him.
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sophygurl · 7 years
RotE feels spewage
Okay, so now that I’ve read everything currently written in the Realm of the Elderlings series (but boy howdy am I excited about the new short story coming out soon!), I’m gonna try and capture some of my overall thoughts and feels. This will be very long and undoubtedly spoilerific. 
For the record, I started the whole series about a year ago and have just raced through it all. The first thing I read was the short story Homecoming and it so fueled me with all of the mystery and magic that I started in on the first Farseer trilogy and then banged out through all of the other short stories and novels in order. 
I am happy to see there are lots of RotE fans on tumblr, but sad to see most of the posts go back months and years ago and there isn’t a lot of current discussion. Woe is the fangirl who finds a fandom later than everyone else. But I won’t let that stop me from sharing my thoughts. 
Okay so I have some new all-time favorite characters from this series. Strangely enough, Fitz is not one of them. NOT that I dislike Fitz, and I sure did enjoy reading 3 sets of trilogies from his perspective, but he’s just not a fave-fave. 
A lot of the people (and animals) around him became faves, but I have to admit to being somewhat in the minority from what I’ve seen, in vastly preferring the Rain Wilds/Bingtown stuff over the Six Duchies stuff. Again - not that I don’t love all of it, but just those were my fave bits and the stuff I personally related to more and want more of.
Most Fave Characters:
Paragon. Oh my dear mad ship, how I love you. How can my favorite character be a sentient ship made out of dragon cocoons who has literally gone insane? IDK, Robin Hobb that’s why. I am so pleased for Paragon that he got to finally be dragons, but oh how I’ll miss my crazy traumatized liveship. I hope we get to see more of his dragons in future works?
All of the Vestrits, but particularly the women. Especially Althea, Ronica, and Malta. Their character arcs were phenomenal and I’d love to read any and all side-stories of their lives and adventures between the Liveship Traders trilogy and the Fitz and the Fool trilogy, as well as anything in their futures. 
Bee! Bee Bee Bee Bee Bee. Bee Farseer. Bee the Destroyer. Bee....loved. I love her. Every single thing about her. More Bee! MORE BEE!
Thick. He was probs my favorite part of the Tawny Man trilogy and omg the picture of him as an old man with a cat in his lap teaching Bee how to make skillsongs and being happy and comfortable and cared for is just killing me. ILU Thick!
Thymara. Best part of the Rain Wilds Chronicles imo. And the bits we gleamed of her and Tats and their kid in the Fitz and the Fool trilogy made me so happy. The way her wings grew! I bet she flies all the time! Oh please please tell me more about Thymara’s life once she settled into Kelsingra! 
Nighteyes. I don’t know that I can discuss my feelings for him without sobbing, so I’ll leave it at that. 
Nettle Farseer. What an amazing arc, and getting to see her from being a baby to having her own baby. MOAR Nettle! 
Perseverance. Where is the Per fandom?! I adore this little due with my whole heart and soul. So brave, so kind, so patient, so loyal. I cry just thinking about him and how good he is. 
The Fool/Beloved/Lord Golden/Amber/whatever all else... I think I loved his Fool persona the most, but they’re all fantastic. 
Chade Fallstar. Look, I know he’s a real son of a bitch, but I love him anyway. I’m a sucker for old wizardy teacher types and prankster/trickster types and just always wanted for him to find some happiness and belonging.
Kettricken. Such a strong, sweet, fierce, stable, amazing woman. Who was so in love with Fitz and you can’t tell me otherwise! 
Ophelia - my second favorite liveship and one I think might... even?? want... to stay one??? Maybe??? We’ll see. Hopefully. Please tell us. 
Patience. Quirky mom/grandma figure who couldn’t have her own kids so protects the ones that need protecting forever in my heart! (Also Lacey, who I am certain in my heart of hearts was her lover as well as her friend and bodyguard.)
Spark/Ash. Another wonderful genderbender in the series. I hope they get to keep being both sides of themselves. 
Motley. How can you not love a crow who calls Fitz “stupid” every chance she gets and who bonds with Heeby and loves all the same characters we love? I hope Motely finally finds a good wit-bond. She deserves it. 
Every cat we ever encounter in any of the books. 
Characters I love but with some reservations:
Kennit Ludluck - I mean I hate this man, but I also love him. He was a fascinating character and his relationships with other characters were interesting, and his whole ... thing ... with Paragon was so emotional and intense. And I could have forgiven every other awful thing he ever did up until he raped Althea and then it was just - nope. Sigh. 
Dragons - particularly Tintaglia, Sintara, Mercor, Heeby,and Relpda. Dragons can be terrible, but they’re also a lot of fun.
Rapskal - loved loved loved him before he merged with the Elderling memories. Still kinda like him, but not quite as much. His relationship with Heeby is always sweet. 
Ships (as in shipping not liveships)
First a note about Molly. I always felt like Molly’s character was strangely un-fleshed out. She was just Girl who is a Friend, Young Woman who is Attractive, Woman Fitz Loves, Woman Fitz Longs For, Woman Fitz Finally Gets to be With, Woman Fitz Loses. And then from Bee’s perspective she’s Mom. But she never felt like a fully realized character to me??
So it was hard to love her, to ship her with anyone, to really understand and empathize for Fitz’s feelings for her. She was just kind of this Figure. Which is really such a shame, because Hobb has so many other wonderfully filled out female characters who are so varied and fleshed out and amazing in such different ways from one another. And then there’s just Molly. Woman Fitz Loves. For ... some reason?? 
IDK - is this a thing that other fans feel? Did I miss something that everyone else gets?
I mean, I understand that the fandom mostly ships Fitz with Beloved/Fool, but did anyone ship Fitz with Molly? Or ship her with Burrich for that matter?? 
I personally shipped Fitz the most with Kettricken, but I obvi get the Fitz/Fool thing too. I always thought when Fitz grew up into himself more, he’d realize it was for the best that Molly and Burrich had ended up together and leave it at that, and then eventually the feelings he and Kettricken obviously had for one another would have a chance to blossom. But whatever. She gets to raise Bee now, so that’s something. 
So anyway, my ships for this series:
Fitz/Ketrricken, as stated above. 
Fitz/Fool, cannot be denied.
Fitz/Nighteyes - not in a romantic or sexual way but they were true soulmates. 
Fitz/Burrich and Fitz/Chade and Fitz/Verity as son/father.
Fitz/Dutiful and and Fitz/Hap and Fitz/Per as father/son.
Fitz/Nettle and Fitz/Bee as father/daughter.
Fitz friendships - Fool, Riddle, Thick, Nosy, Smithy, Myblack, Fleeter, Motley.
Fool/Shrewd as friends or even a touch of father/son.
Fool friendships - Fitz, Prilkop, Verity, Kettricken, Nighteyes, as Amber: Althea, Brashen, Paragon, Jek. 
Chade/Shrewd as brothers.
Verity/Chivalry as brothers. 
Patience/Lacey - mirite?
Chivalry/Burrich - right?? right??!?! Come at me about it. 
Althea/Brashen - perfectly coupled. 
Malta/Reyn - especially once they’ve actually had some time to get to know one another better. (their courtship was kinda yikes in a lot of ways tho)
Etta/Kennit’s charm necklace lmao.
Nettle/Riddle - so sweet together. I’m glad she gets her happy ending, so to speak. Getting to be recognized for who she is at Buckkeep, having a job/calling she’s good at and loves, getting to marry the man she loves, having a child she gets to actually raise. All the stuff Fitz never got to have. 
Erek and Detozi! How cute are they and how adorable was the way their relationship was shown in the books? Awwwww. (I did think for the first couple books that they were both dudes so I was slightly disappointed when I figured it out, but still sweet.)
Alise/Sedric as friends.
Alise/Thymara as friends.
Sintara/Mercor - can you ship dragons? I think I do. 
Fave Places:
Rain Wilds - anything to do with the Rain Wilds, Trehaug, Cassarick, Bingtown, Kelsingra, etc. Love it, want more of it. 
Withywoods. I fell in love with this quiet home and the people in it, especially as seen through Bee’s eyes, and especially once she discovers the places in the walls.
The Pirate Isles - fun stuff and I liked that we got to see a little bit about how it’s developed both as far as appearances and it’s political/trading place in the world. 
Stuff I especially want more of, questions I still have, mysteries I want solved, etc.:
I’ll honestly take anything in this world at any time, but here’s the stuff particularly weighing on me....
Magic: SO much more about magic and how it works and where it comes from. For instance, the Silver.
How is it in the dragons?
How did it get into the memory stone?
How is it related to the Skill?
How did the Farseers get access to this magic?
How do people not related to Farseers sometimes get it?
Is the Skill/Silver related to the Wit or are they totally separate things?
Do dragons have Skill and Wit? And also something else?
What, exactly are (were?) The Others.
Speaking of cats - why can they talk to anyone regardless of Wit?
Are cats and dragons related somehow??!
And what about pecksies?! 
What about The Whites? Where does their magic come from? Is it related to all the silver/skill/dragon stuff at all? Where did they come from and how are they related to humans, Elderlings, etc?
Also what in the freaking frak IS the skill-current and how does it woooorrrrrk? 
HOW are the Vestrits all so linked to magic?!?! I keep having these theories that Ephron did something to all his kids and grandkids, maybe to protect them from the blood plague, that made them all more susceptible to things like dragon glamour and skill-healings and the like. And why did he decide to stop trading with the Rain Wilds and magical items? What did he KNOW? Am I making stuff up in my head, or is there something there? I feel like there’s something there.  
History: grand-scale and smaller more personal things I’d love to see explained more either in short stories or as characters learn more in potential future trilogies and such - like as Nettle and the coteries learn more from the skill-cubes or as the new Elderlings and dragons learn more from their artifacts and buildings. Some examples:
Chade’s life. Would ADORE a short story about his life pre-Fitz, his many adventures as Lady Thyme and other identities, his life as Lord Chade and all of the secrets he never told anyone, his various spy networks and how they worked, etc. 
How did the Servants get so corrupted? How did their unholy alliance with The Others get formed? What was Clerres before it was the White Prophet/Servant place? What were the bones and skulls from? Some creatures bigger and badder and older than dragons?? 
FITZ’s Parentage! Especially his mom! We know she was Mountain-born, we know she had an affair with Chivalry who was not one to go about having affairs like that, we know Fitz’s grandfather forced his mom to give Fitz up, but that’s literally it. How did Chivalry and his mom meet and what happened between them? Why did his mom’s family decide she couldn’t keep him? Did she have the Wit - is that how he got it?? What was little toddler Fitz’s life like?? What happened to his mom after she was forced to give him up?? Did she marry and have more kids - are their Fitz-siblings and their kids and grandkids out in the world, maybe in the Mountains?
And that time really early in the books, maybe the second one? When he encountered some people in the market from the Mountains and there was a young woman who started screaming and pointing at him and crying and was held back by the others - I mean, that was his mom yea?? Why did we never come back to that scene. I kept waiting for Fitz to remember that and link it to what little he remembered of her. Sigh. 
Stories about Dragons and Elderlings of old! Maybe some about their destruction but also just ... what their lives were actually like?? How they came about?? How they made their art and architecture and stuff?? IDK. I’m so curious about this part. 
Maybe something about King Wisdom and how he sought out the Elderlings for aid, or if the Elderlings were already gone by then how he discovered the putting-your-life-into-stone thing? Maybe some stories about skill coteries who traveled together up the skill road to make their own dragons? TELL ME HOW THE FARSEERS ARE LINKED TO THE ELDERLINGS!
The gods, too. Sa and the priesthood of Sa and how all that got started, how it got corrupted, etc. How Sa connects with El and Eda. Are they real? Are they representations of the Skill or the Skill current or???  
Chalced’s history is one I’m very curious about. Are they connected to the Servants and Others in toppling the Dragon/Elderling civilizations, or did they just hate the Stone Pillars for other reasons? How did they get to be so ... terrible? 
Future:  Some of the stories I wanna see about what comes next!
BEE!!!! Bee and Kettricken and Per and Integrity and Hap and Motley and Spark riding through the Mountains together with Fitz/Fool/Nighteyes-as-stone trailing them! How all of their lives progress, and how Hope and Promise grow up together and what their lives are like and maybe check-in with Steady and Swift on occasion and yea. 
Are Fitz and the Fool and Nighteyes happy now that they’re whole and in the Skill together? How long can they stay active and watch over Bee? 
Gosh, I’d really like to see how the folks at Withywoods continue to heal and recover. Too bad they don’t have therapists in this world...
Will Prilkop be able to take the dozen or so Whites left and build something new? Maybe use their powers for good? Will Bee ever be prompted to find and use a Catalyst or will she continue to refuse to be a White Prophet? Will another White step in her place, and if so - will it be good or bad?!?! 
Will Motley find a wit-bond? Did Fleeter ever find one?? What about Swift - we never found out if he got one did we??! More wit-bond stories! 
Chassim, the Duchess of Chalced! How is she faring? Is she able to make progressive changes to her country? Do she and Selden keep in touch??
How are the Rain Wilds and Bingtown Trader’s societies being affected by all of the changes? Same for the Pirate Isles. Are they able to adapt and prosper? Would love to see some stuff about their times both between when TRWC ends and Fitz/Fool trilogy begins and also after all the dust settles as the Liveships turn into Dragons and whatnot as well.
How are Erek and Detozi doing??
Geography: I’d love to see some complete maps of the Realm. Maybe have some stories set in or around the Spice Islands since we hear so much about them but have never been there. Will we find more Elderling ruins? Where the Whites originally came from? Are the icy glacier areas in the North covering more ancient ruins? More about this world!!
So yea that’s a lot. And that’s just what’s occurring to me right now. I feel some deep re-reads are gonna be in order. This might one of those series that I just continually find myself reading and re-reading. 
I’m dazed.
Come talk to me RotE fandom!! (my inbox is open)
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redscullyrevival · 8 years
Fool’s Fate: The Tawny Man Rundown
@sonnetscrewdriver I’ve moved on to Dragon Keeper!
Holy shit???
I need a moment
Alright, so lets start easy
Being the Age of Sail nerdo I am this book’s voage bits were amusing and then a bit dissapointing; an apprecaition of sailing and living the sailor LifeStyle isn’t really a Six Duchies thing it seems, huh?
I was SO excited with getting a glimpse of my precious Bingtown babies in the last book that I was stoked for a high sea adventure in this book but wah waah mostly it was sea sickness and brooding 
Honestly I let myself down because this is a Fitz story and, well, how else would the sea be depicted?! LOL 
Poor Thick
Poor everyone for the most part, yikes
Farseer had a lot of mystery to it, a lot of slow burn world building/concept reveal with answers eventually given; Liveship Traders showed it’s cards on the table for the most part but thrived of the suspense of all the threads coming together or possibly unraveling; Tawny Man is the first series where I understood events before the characters did, the results of which made the series much more subdude than the last two. 
Not in a bad way, just, ya know, different. 
“Life Is Change” is very obviously the big overarching connecting theme between the Realm of the Elderling series and I only have praise for the fact each series has it’s own distinct tone and approach to the same (and shared) characters - it’d be a hallow utterance if the book narratives themselves did not change and grow series to series. 
The change in Tawny Man is big; it’s big for the narrative space and it’s big for Fitz and it’s big for the reader.
And you can accept the change or reject it, that’s a option we as the reader has.
I choose to embrace it.
But oh man, oh my god, I will miss The Fool. I’ll miss “Fitz and The Fool” as a unit. I know there is a new series and I’ll get to it eventually but I’ve got four Rain Wild books (YAY!) before I come back to Fitz and his part of the map so this is a solid goodbye for a while and it feels odd to part with them in the place we do.
Odd, but new. 
I’m talkin’ out my butt - I’m a little sad okay?! But I’m happy too. 
And I think that’s what this book was going for; a kind of reaffirmation that life and change is hurt and happiness and a lot of effort went into guiding readers through feeling that message as well as understanding it on an informative level.  
Ultimately I enjoyed Tawny Man more than Farseer, it’s just much more my-type-of-story. 
I never really agreed with/bought into Fitz’s choices within much of the Farseer Trilogy. I understood Fitz’s logic of course, so his choosing to let expel his pain and hide away (and all the other choices along the way) were not make or break issues for me; there is much to enjoy simply being along for the ride.
But with Tawny Man it was very satisfying for me to see Fitz come back again and again to his past decisions and not cast them off as impervious to change or impossible to face. 
That’s a beautiful message.  
I embrace that message very much in my mind and I will try to embrace it within my own life as well. 
And this isn’t relevant to anything but a little thing I’d like to preserve for my own amusement: This was the first book I’ve ever read on a Kindle! Lee got me one for my birthday for my “Year of Book” project. It took a little time get use to but once I adjusted I really enjoyed it - particularly the fact that if you are reading a borrowed book from an online library it shows you what others have highlighted as they read! I found that very interesting and I enjoyed highlighting my own favorite bits (which, not shockingly, coincided with many other people’s favorite bits).
For Rain Wild Chronicles I may start a new section for these write ups where I relay some of my highlighted sections, ‘cause why not? These are already long and useless, might as well really own them. 
I know there is a lot we could talk about when it comes to Fitz in this book 
But I kinda already covered him in the setting/plot/narrative section above
And I really just want to let anyone bothering to read this know that I’ve never liked Fitz more then when he cleaned up and donned fancy Jamaillian digs and walked into Molly’s family chaos to tell a grieving family he is FitzChivalry Farseer and he’s gonna look after them.
I was shocked and horrified and thrilled and laughing
Fitz truly changed! It wasn’t just description of his inner change (although that was lovely, good for The Fool, thank you Fool) but the end of the book drags a bit as it does so as to allow Fitz to act on this inner change - which is something I’ll never hold against Hobb. 
So many books end quickly after their narrative climax but Hobb likes a good post cuddle and god bless her for it. 
Cutting a story off after the final movements have played is dramatic and can help events stand out as an experience in an audiences mind; but there is unique pleasure in seeing the individuals of an orchestra pack up their belongings and shuffle out isn’t there? There is a true affection for humanity’s relentless plodding along in those final chapters. Fine by me. 
The Fool
So I freaked out towards the end there, ya know? 
And much like with when it happened to Fitz, a part of me thought it a cruel thing to do, to bring someone that far gone and that brutalized back.
I understood the thematic ouroboros of The Fool’s return and as a fan it was a relief of sorts but there is still that small part of me that found it cruel all the same.
I’m floored with how moved I was by the aftermath of the Fool’s death. Fitz’s quest to find the body and then to restore dignity to his friend - that was some rough stuff. 
It wasn’t “true grief” like with Nighteyes (for me anyways) but rather a form of anticipatory mourning, but in reverse? Hard to explain.
The point is yes, I cried.  
Oh oh oh how I hope The Fool can learn to manage in a world they can’t see into or shape. I hope to see the Fool again after visiting the Rain Wilds. 
fuckin’ Hap
I love this idiot 
I love how all around Hap epic and fantastical things happen and his story is just him coming of age and figuring his shit out
Good for him
Does he know who Fitz really is though?! This was never addressed?! 
Prince Dutiful
Dutiful cracks me up
I love how he’ll go into PRINCE MODE and be near perfect Sacrifice and royal and awe inspiring 
then he laughs at boogers
Dutiful is hilarious to me, how I see him switch back and forth between mature young prince to out-of-his-depth-survivor brought me much joy
I love his friendship with Thick; I love how he falls for Elliania’s transparent baiting; I love how he’d be cool outwardly but skill “WTF is happening?!?”
What a joy! 
In the last book Chad really slipped through my fingers but now we’re back to our normal rocky relationship.
I like Chad
but then I don’t
And I think, finally, I’m okay with that duality 
My sweet little man
Everything about Thick is my favorite thing
I especially love how he is often described as being bored
Discussing intrigue and espionage and dragons? BORED 
No wonder he and Nettle get along so well
I especially loved how he decided, for himself, to stay with Fitz on  Aslevjal
I’m excited to come back and hear more, learn more, about Thick
I wouldn’t wanna be on Nettle’s shit list, would you?
What a storm of a person!
Nettle isn’t very defined still, she is a bit reactionary and never quite gets totally fleshed out by the end of the book. 
Which is a bit of a shame.
But! Nettle of the Dream World is a different story. 
She feels much more defined there and I dunno, maybe that’s intentional?
I like her but I’d have to spend a lot more time with her in the solid narrative space rather than the abstract dream/skill narrative space to really have opinions or emotions over her as her own character rather than her as a character and how she relates/involves/moves Fitz, Burrich, Molly, or Thick.  
Elliania has a similar disadvantage as Nettle does but at the same time she still has more definition (to me) then Nettle; her motivation and actions are followable and her personality is filled in with Outisland society.
And she ain’t afraid to smack a bitch up with her titties out.
So she gets some mad bonus points right there.
I really felt for Elliania’s struggle and she totally won me over in the scene where she comes up from inside the Pale Woman’s domain dragging her forged sister and mother with her.
One of those scenes where the grandure, emotion, and awe of it all was very powerful
loved it, love her
Don’t need permission to do what’s right - fuck yeah
Web’s the friggin’ best guys
I want a spin-off of him teaching Old Blood children and Fitz
This little shit
I love him, I love all of Molly and Burrich’s wild children, but Swift gave me anxiety lol
I’m actually really intrigued by Swift but he’s too brief and wild at the moment, I hope he mellows out a bit but still keeps that confrontational fire and uses it for good
When my man showed up on Aslevjal I was shocked
I was so mad 
I was also very happy of course but ughgughgu
I WAS CONFLICTED and had good right to be
Oh this man, I really adore Burrich even though he is a flawed person - that’s what is so compelling about him though.
We kept learning things about and from Burrich up until the very end. 
I’ll miss you, Heart of the Pack.
I’m devastated for Molly
I’m Happy for Molly 
I’m very pro-Molly in general even though she is a bit vague
Like, she is more than just a plot device but not by a whole lot, ya know? 
What I wanna do though is sit her down and have a real heart to heart; ask her if she really thinks Fitz will ever be truly free himself of his duty, from his duty to the Farseers or from his own idea of honor.
That man is going to leave off on some quest or some shit you know it, I know it, she must know it! 
Be safe Molly, but happy, but alert
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