#i did also nip myself on the arm earlier because i was about to cry at the realisation that i'm wasting my life and i hate myself
binch-i-might-be · 2 years
recently I've noticed that I clench my jaw a lot at work and I've noticed this because obviously while doing that I also grind my teeth and I do not Want to grind my teeth as I don't want to damage them
idk when or why this started but like an hour ago at register. I realised. what was up with that. because I got so fucking mad that I clenched my jaw but while at the same time trying not to grind my teeth and it's the exact same motion I used to do when I was a young teenager. like 13/14. because back then I used to bite my hands when I got too fucking mad/overwhelmed. (I was also That Kid that would punch walls lmao)
now I know that was a kind of self harm and I find it oddly hilarious that I've been having this urge for the first time in years,,,,, because of this fucking job
get yourself a job that will make you want to self harm 😩❤️
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 10 Premium
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
Suggestive content.
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Kicho: "I see. Then..."
Kicho: "Don't shut your eyes anymore. Think only of me."
Kicho pulled his hand away and lifted my chin.
Mai: "Nn..."
The next moment, his lips crashed against mine.
He traced my lips with the tip of his tongue, and I parted my lips slightly in response, but he quickly pushed his tongue into my mouth, leaving me sighing in delight.
Mai: "Ngh..."
I aggressively asked for more, and he returned it graciously, making me even greedier.
(It's still only a kiss, and yet...)
He chuckled between our kisses when he saw my shoulders jump at the mere brush of our tongues.
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Kicho: "You were just hesitating earlier, but now you're being very aggressive."
Mai: "Please don't say it."
Kicho: "Why not? That part of you is also irresistibly lovely, especially when I'm making you flustered like this."
Like a beast stalking its prey, he narrowed his hazel-green eyes and moved his hand around my back, supporting me as he slowly laid me on the futon.
Kicho: "Nice view."
Mai: "Is it?"
Kicho: "You can only see me in your eyes."
Kicho: "Just for this moment, it feels like everything about you is in my hands."
Mai: "It's not just a feeling. I'm entrusting myself to you."
Mai: "You're the only one who can make me happy by doing this."
Kicho: "Mai..."
I reached out my arm to trace his lips, then moved down to his heart.
(His heart is beating so fast because of me.)
Mai: "I'd be happy with anything you do to me."
Mai: "So...um..."
Kicho: "Yeah. I understand."
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Kicho: "I know that talking about love and being impatient is like poison to the body."
He smirked as he pressed his lips against my neck and gently nipped it.
Mai: "Ahh..."
I jerked my body as pain flashed through me, then he ran his tongue and licked my neck down to my collarbone, eventually reaching my breasts.
Mai: "…haa...mnn..."
Before I knew it, he yanked down the collar of my kimono, exposing my bare skin to the open air, and squeezed one of my breasts with his hand while covering the other with his kisses.
Mai: "...mnn…"
When I writhed from the strong stimulation, he sucked on my breast as a light punishment.
Mai: "Ahhh..."
Kicho: "You said you'd be happy with whatever I do to you."
Mai: "I did say that, but my body moved on its own."
Kicho: "You moved because it's making you weak, huh?"
Kicho: "I learned one good thing about you."
Mai: "..........."
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He stared at me sweetly.
Kicho: "Since you entrusted yourself to me, I'll treat you carefully."
Kicho: "I'll do what pleases you most and satisfy you more than me."
Mai: "No."
Kicho: "No? Why not?"
Mai: "I'm flattered, but I'm so embarrassed that it's making me crazy."
Kicho: "It's just normal. Don't worry. The shame will eventually go away."
Kicho: "But first, I need to know one more thing about you."
After saying that, I heard a rustling of clothes and felt something loosening in my stomach.
(My obi!)
Quickly pulling it out, he flung my kimono open and gently stroked my skin.
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Kicho: "You're pretty comfortable with my touches."
Mai: "...Nnn…"
His hands roamed and caressed my body, lighting up heat inside my core.
And perhaps seeing my reaction, his hand slid up my thigh and around the back of my knee, then…
He spread me open and put his legs between them.
Mai: "Wait."
Kicho: "Mai. It's okay."
Kicho: “Here, use this.”
He put a nearby pillow under my hips, putting me in an increasingly shameful position, my body trembling with heat as he touched and thrust his fingers against my sensitive spot.
Mai: “Ahh...!”
I couldn’t help but let out the loudest cry I’d ever heard as the stimulation turned into a gentle one, a burst of pleasure and mind-numbing sweetness hitting my body.
(This is bad. At this rate, I’m...)
Mai: “Ngh...wait!”
Kicho: “...........”
I grabbed his hand and shook my head.
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Kicho: “Did I make you uncomfortable in any way?”
Mai: “It’s not that.”
Mai: “I just don’t want it to be only me.”
Kicho: “Mai.”
Breathing heavily on his shoulders, I shuddered as the wave of sensation that almost took me slowly vanished.
(This is not it. I...)
Mai: “I want you.”
Mai: “I don’t want to be the only one being loved. I want the two of us to share this.”
I swallowed my shame as I told him this, and he nodded.
Kicho: “You’re right.”
Kicho: “There’s no need to be so hasty. From now on, we’ll get to know one thing at a time.”
Kicho: "It's just that right now, I want you."
Mai: "Okay."
The heat between us quickly overlapped as we hugged each other tightly.
Kicho: "I don't want to push you too hard, so if you need anything, just let me know."
Mai: "Got it."
I threw my arms around his back and welcomed him inside me.
Mai: "Ahh!"
I couldn't help but moan loudly as a powerful shock pierced my body.
Mai: "Mnn...Kicho..."
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Kicho: "Mai..."
I dug my fingers into his smooth skin.
Mai: "...haa…oh god..."
Kicho: "Are you okay?"
Mai: "I-I'm fine."
I repeatedly nodded, desperately inhaling some air.
The breath I let out, my chest filled with thoughts, and my body felt so hot that just being aware of it made my eyes flicker.
(I never felt this way before.)
(I'm so happy. I love him so much. I don't know what to do anymore.)
The intensity of the feelings I was holding on to almost baffled me.
Kicho: "Mai."
Mai: "Yes...mnn..."
Kicho took my lips eagerly, and we hungrily kissed each other, frantically breathing in the air and turning it into a sweet sigh.
Mai: “...Ngh…”
Kicho: “I love you and only you.”
Mai: “Nnn…me...too…”
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Kicho: “Yeah.”
He narrowed his eyes lovingly as I responded to his feelings, still being shaken.
(I love you, Kicho.)
As if to mark the night that we finally welcomed together with our bodies, we embraced all of our senses and drowned in our sweet warmth.
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Previous Part╏Masterlist╏Next Part
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jeonfiiction · 3 years
BTS Reaction: You giving them the silent treatment
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A/N: My first reaction!!! I made this awhile back so the reader is female but look forward to more. Some male readers and also nonbinary reader reactions! Enjoy!
Warnings: Slight Angst, Fluff, Suggestive Themes, Cursing, A kind of sorta breakup, female reader.
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Kim Seokjin
It had been a week. One entire week since you had spoken a word to the eldest member and your prized boyfriend. His words echoing in your head.
‘Leave me alone!’ Jin yelled at you when your hand went to reach for his. Your worry about his mental health bringing about the sudden skinship but his yell piercing through your heart. “You are so annoying sometimes!”
“Kitten?” Jin’s soft voice echoed off the walls. Your body slumped against the couch, book open on your lap. The door shutting with a soft click before the light footsteps of your boyfriend followed. His body slowly sitting next to yours. Your eyes never leaving the book refusing to give in after his hurtful words last week.
“Baby…” Jin mumbled. His hand coming up to push the book down, eyes meeting yours. Guilt and regret shining clearly in the brown orbs of your lover, except the sight not doing anything to stop the sadness inside your heart.
You don't respond, like always. Turning your face away and pulling the book back up to your face. Not really reading. Very much aware of your boyfriend’s stare.
“Please baby, I...I didn't mean to blow up at you.” Jin pleas as you slowly close to book. Setting it down on your lap and looking back at the older boy. “I was so stressed and that gave me no right to blow up but...please.” Jin’s begs made your heart ache. The book falling to the floor as you moved. Slowly, gently wrapping your arms around him.
“...ok.” You let out a small breath as you spoke. Voice quiet. Jin reacting instantly. Arms wrapping around you and pulling you closer to him.
“Please forgive me, please. I love you so much Y/N.” Jin states quickly. Kissing your head and rubbing your back. Arms of yours holding onto him gently.
“I do, I forgive you.” You breath out. Resting your head on his shoulder. “I love you too.”
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Min Yoongi
  “Will you stop ignoring me?” Yoongi asked with a huff. His earlier greeting earning nothing but a glance from you. The same response he had been receiving for the past few days, since his unexpected blow up.
  “Get the fuck out.” Yoongi ordered Slamming his hands down on the table in frustration. Eyes snapping to you as he growls in annoyance again. Standing up, the chair hitting the wall and startling you.
  “Get out!”
  “Baby, come on.” Yoongi sighed out. Leaning across the counter as you cooked. Your eyes watching your hands as you cut some vegetables for the soup. The boy slowly moving around. Arms wrapping around your waist and pressing his chest against your back. His head nuzzling into your neck. Breath fanning against your skin. Small pecks being made, his lips trailing down. The knife dropping out of your hand, eyes closing briefly. A small sigh slipping from you after so long without Yoongi.
  “...Yoongi. I’m still mad.” You said simply earning a soft hum from the boy. His lips busying themselves by kissing up your neck. Hands around your waist pulling you closer to him.
  “Let me make it up to you.” Yoongi whispered. His guilt shining clear in his low voice. “Let me show you how sorry I am.”
  “...Fine.” You gave in. Yoongi smiling against your skin. Turning you around to face him. Dark eyes capturing you as his lips connected with yours sweetly.
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Jung Hoseok
It was so unlike Hoseok, Mr. Sunshine of BTS to get so stressed he lost it. His bubbly attitude and down right loving nature preventing him from ever taking his frustrations out on anyone, expect last week. The new dances and constant critiques made about his moves sending him into a frenzied panic.
  “Please...just go.” Hobi muttered. Already rewinding the song. Fanning himself with his shirt with his free hand. Face red from the amount of work, sweat dripping from all the exercise. The bags under Hoseok’s eyes revealing his lack of sleep.
  “No, you need to sleep.” You argued. Stepping to him and reaching for his phone. Worrying filling you at his state.
  “I don’t need or want your help! Go away!” His yells sent you flying back. Tears pooling in your eyes and his own dark orbs reflecting Hobi’s instant regret.
  “Just talk to me!” He pleaded. J-Hope’s eyes wide with the need to hear your voice after a week of pure silence. His hand touching yours where they were folded on your lap.
“...Please.” He begged. Voice low in sorrow. “I know I messed up, but please...let’s talk about it.” Your heart ached at his pleads. Letting out a small huff of defeat.
  “Okay.” You mumbled. Hoseok smiling brightly. Squeezing your hands as he began to explain himself. Each word already healing the wound on your heart.
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Kim Namjoon
“I wouldn’t have asked you out if I would have known you were gonna be this damn annoying!” He yelled. Pulling away from your touch. His hands yanking on his own hair in frustrations. Your heart shattering, even if you knew Namjoon didn't mean it. Words still slicing through your soul.
  “...I didn’t mean to insult you.” Namjoon whispered. Your back facing him in bed, eyes having been closed since he had arrived. Leading the man to believe you were asleep. His hand touching your arm gently. “I was frustrated, mostly at myself. Not only because of all the work piling up but also because, I was having to push you aside.” Namjoon’s voice cracked as he spoke. Soft words turning into a quiet sob as you turned around. Your boyfriend looking shocked at the sudden movement.
  “Hey, hey.” You whispered. Cupping his cheek and wiping the tears as they fell. “Don’t cry Joonie.” His warm hands wrapped around your wrists. Eyes flickering across your face to study any sigh of anger.
  “I...I love you so much.” He managed to push out. One of Joon’s hand letting your wrist go to wrap around your waist. Pulling your body to his. Your hands moving to press against his chest. Head resting on his upper arm as he laid it on the pillow.
  “I love you too.”
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Kim Taehyung
  “Just leave me the hell alone.” Taehyung snapped. His tone filled with annoyance and exhaustion. Your constant affection only furthering the stress in his mind and leading him down a path he would never had never thought was possible. Hurting you.
  “I...fine. How about...you just, find someone who doesn't bother you as much as I do then.”
  Those had been your last words to him since two weeks ago. Missed calls and texts from Taehyung filling up your phone to the point where you just stopped using it. Your work even calling you after the first week of absence and then sending you a text not to come back the next week. Pieces of your life falling apart. Heart heavy with the loss of Taehyung, heavy from his words you knew deep inside he hadn't meant.
  “Baby! Come on, open up!” Taehyung’s voice sounded from the door. His loud knocks echoing through your otherwise quiet apartment. Each jolt of the door sending a pulsing pain through your heart. “Please! We need to talk!” Tae pleaded. His knocks stopping and a sound of his hand moving down the door faintly filling the room as you stood. Slowly opening the door to reveal.
  The boy’s eyes found yours. Fear and sorrow twirling through his. Bags under them revealing his lack of sleep. Hair disheveled, clothes thrown together. Taehyung appearance never having looked so bad in your entire life knowing him. “Baby...im sorry.” He whispered. Hand pressed against the doorframe to balance him.
  “Why did you do it?” You asked in a whisper. Taehyung’s eyes lighting up slightly at the sound of your voice.
  “I...I was stressed and stupid. You didn't deserve that, at all. Please...I...I cant live without you.” Tae’s pleaded and the sound made you step forward. Slowing hugging him.
  “I love you.” You whispered. Taehyung repeating it as his arms wrapped around you. Making you feel at home once more.
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Park Jimin
  Jimin had to miss an interview. His voice needing time to rest but despite his free time, the boy had closed off. Blaming himself for letting down the boys. Even as they all understood.
  “Babe, we all have times where we need to rest.” You stated gently. Running a hand through his hair and wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind.
  “Baby, just...let me be alone for now.” Jimin muttered. His tone thick with annoyance and frustration, mostly with himself.
  “Jimin...listen to me. Please.” You begged Hating his down mood and just wanting to help bring back the cheerful Mochi.
  “Just leave!” He yelled loudly. His eyes dark with frustration when he looked at you.
  It had been months after leaving him to tour without you. Going back home after his blow up. His texts and calls going unanswered. His anger something you hadn't deserved and you were determined to show him that.
  “...Princess?” Jimin’s voice filled your house. Your eyes flickering to him from you bed. His own eyes filled with guilt. Guilt and sadness. Bag dropping to the ground by the door as he slowly moved to lay next to you. Scooting over as he did. “Oh baby...please.” He begged. His hand slowly wrapping around your waist and pulling you to him. His chest pressed against your back. Face nuzzling into her neck. Your heart racing at finally being near him, despite being upset at him.
  “...I don’t want to...be around you after that.” You managed to get out. Jimin’s lips leaving kisses down your neck as you spoke.
  “Please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up at you. I was wrong too.” Jimin pleaded softly. His lips trailing down your neck more. Holding you tighter against him. “Please. I love you so much baby.”
  “...I love you too.” You mumbled. Knowing he really didn't mean it. Leaning your head back for him. His hand moving up as he nipped at your skin.
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Jeon Jungkook
“It’s been a week. Talk to me.” Kook snapped out. His tone soft despite the annoyance behind his words. He hated being ignored and maybe it was wrong to use that to get your point across, but it worked.
  “I messed up, I got hurt.” Jungkook mutters to himself in anger. Having a hard time as he prepared for the show. Shrugging on his jacket and glancing at the chair he would have to sit on. The entire time.
  “Baby...things happen.” You cooed. Trying to make him feel better. Slowly helping to fix his jacket. Jungkook’s eyes remaining on the chair with resentment. Pushing you, gently, off him. Hurt flickering in your eyes.
    “Go away.” He growled in frustration. “I don't need you to sugar coat things and baby me.”
  And you had left. Hadn't even been able to comfort him when he started crying on stage due to his leg and guilt for pushing you away.
  “Babe. One entire week, this is outrageous. Please.” Kook spun your chair again to make you face him. His eyes watching you carefully.
  “You closed me off.” You finally said. Jungkook’s eyes lighting up at the sound of your voice. Touching your arms with hope.
  “I know and I was wrong to do that. Please...im sorry.” Your heart betrayed your mind. A small smile spreading across your face at his joy of hearing you speak. Nodding a little as his lips connected with yours.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Friends (With Benefits)
Minors DNI
A/N: Fair warning this is a mammonxoc smut-not a very good one but its a smut nonetheless- because its just that kinda day... It’s not the first one I’ve written but it’s the first one I’ve ever posted that hasn’t been part of a role play so... yeah. Do with that info what you will...
I'm not participating in kinktober but since its that time of year I figured eh why the hell not. Now, if you excuse me. I need some water.
Also I’m doing that 48hr post+ protest so any comments questions or concerns will be heard on the 4th.
Warning(s)?: unprotected sex, oral sex (Female receiving) size kink (if you squint)
Gods she needed to get off. She’d been down here on the exchange programme for about six months at this point and yeah, Asmodeus made it a point to make sure she had plenty of quality toys at her disposal for the year, but it just wasn’t as satisfying as the real thing. Not to mention, she never had a moment’s peace in this god-forsaken house to begin with. It was common place for Arella to come home to Mammon or one of his brothers making themselves at home here in her room or just barging in whenever they felt like it- no better way to kill the mood than getting walked in on by one of her housemates.
In fact, that’s the case today. Arella had come home a little earlier than the others due to them being stuck for a student council meeting for the express purpose of having some privacy and time to relieve her frustrations without risking the chance that one of those pesky demons would interrupt her. Of course, that wasn’t the case for her as waiting on her bed was the Avatar of Greed himself scrolling through his phone like it was no big deal- dressed in only a pair of grey sweat pants because of course he would be.
It was a nice view though. Despite Mammon’s frustrating hot-’n-cold attitude sometimes, he always is pleasing to look at and now in her desire-addled mind, Arella finds herself scanning over his form as her eyes drift lower and lower until...
“Ya gonna just stand there or...?” Mammon calls, not looking away from the screen of his phone.
Her face flushes at the notion that he’s caught her eyeing him up like a piece a meat. “Why’re you in here, Mammon? Surely, you have better things to do since you’re always so busy.”
“Well yeah, naturally, I’ve always got shit ta do but I said we were gonna do movie night after school today so...”
“Can you give me a few hours, please? I... have to take care of something.” Arella sighs when the demon makes no effort to leave but rather shifts a little to the point that the material of his pants leaves astoundingly little to the imagination.
She audibly swallows, trying so hard not to stare. Arella has to look away, her face an impossibly bright shade of red as her mind starts to wander into the gutter. She could always order him away with the pact but she always did hate using it unnecessarily. It’s not until she sees the smirk on his face that she knows he’s fucking with her.
“What’s so important that I can’t be here, huh?” Mammon drops his phone on the bed beside him.
“That smirk on your face tells me you know exactly why.” The human glares at him.
“Yeah ‘n that’s why ‘m not goin’,” The Avatar of Greed laughs, “Yer jus’ gonna have to suffer, Princess.”
“You are absolutely horrible, you know that?” Arella sighs in frustration. “C’mon, Mammon, just go, please. Unlike you, who has the luxury of going out to find a partner when you need to get laid, I can’t for risk that they’ll eat me afterwards so I have to take care of myself when it comes to that.”
“You could always just ask me to help ya...” The demon suggests. “Ever heard of the term ‘friends with benefits’?”
“Huh- Wha- I – Of course, I’ve heard of the term!” She crosses her arms as she huffs. “But friends with benefits only works when both parties don’t run the risk of catching feelings. And you strike me as the type who does.”
“What? No. Couldn’t be me.” The demon rolls his eyes as he looks away, “’sides you’d be doin’ me a favor too and ya can’t tell me that yer not even a little curious about what I’m like in bed. I heard ya this morning. Moanin’ my name and beggin’ me for more.” A smug smirk paints itself on his face as he gets up, approaching her, walking her back until she’s trapped between him and the wall. “Well? Ya got your chance with The Great Mammon now... ya gonna take it or blow it?”
Arella bites her lip as she mulls it over. It wasn’t like he was wrong. She did fantasize about him more than she should for someone who she considers a friend. “Fuck it,” she murmurs as she surges forward to capture his lips in a heated kiss as she pushes him back towards her bed.
If the need wasn’t so urgent, she’d take her time with Mammon, but honestly, going for six months without any chance for release when she was used to being able to have it whenever only made her more desperate to find it now. Her hands traveled all along the demon’s body as she straddled his hips. She let out a soft moan as he shoved his tongue in her mouth and he rolled them over, grinding his hips against hers. He broke their kiss only to trail them down to her neck where he nibbled and sucked little love bites into the delicate skin on her neck.
Arella’s fingers carded through his snowy hair as she panted, head tilting to the side as he moved, his hands coming up work on unbuttoning her unform shirt, tossing it to the side once it was off. He wasn’t so gentle with her bra, choosing to rip it off and toss it away as if the article of clothing had offended him somehow.
“Mammon!” she gasped as she watched it go.
“What? Ya got a hundred more where that came from. If it’s that big a deal I’ll by ya a new one.” the greedy demon growls as he trails his lips down her chest, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and sucking as his fingers pinched and rolled the other one. Every once and a while he would lightly nip at her before circling it with his tongue. Arella would only tug at his hair impatiently signaling him to get on with it as he chuckled. “Here, get these wet for me.”
He prods her lips with his fingers and she takes them in her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue around them as he pushed them in further to the point that she was nearly gagging on them as he works on ridding her of her skirt and panties. As they slid down her legs, he pressed open-mouthed kisses to her inner thighs, withdrawing his fingers from her mouth and tracing them down her stomach. He let his warm breath tease for a bit as she tried to rock her hips to spur him to action.
“Impatient, ain’t ya, Baby?” He chuckled, “Just hold still, you’ll get what ya want.”
“If you’d stop teasing, maybe I would,” she pouts, just wanting to feel him where she needed it most.
“As you wish, Princess.” The demon smirks as he spreads her open and licks a stripe from her opening to her clit and she could almost cry at how good it feels when he starts to gently suckle on the sensitive nub.
“Fuuuck, yes, right there,” She gasps at the feeling of his mouth on her and the prodding of one of his long fingers at her opening followed soon by a second. “Don’t stop...”
Her head tips back as she lets a pleasured sigh fall from her mouth, her hand coming down to knot itself in Mammon’s fleecy white hair to push him closer, drawing a moan from the demon. He has her dangerously close to the edge of oblivion without having even done much of anything.
“I’m so close, Baby, keep going.” she rocks her hips to match pace of his fingers before he pulls them away only to replace them with his tongue and she lets out a frantic cry as she feels the wet muscle work its way against her walls while his thumb rubbed tight circles around her clit.
“Don’t hold back. Let me have it.” He growls out as he returns to his ministrations and she absolutely loses it, body going tense as she lets out a strangled moan and she clenches around his tongue as she cries out his name.
The demon cleans her up as he helps her ride out her high before pulling away, making a show of licking his lips as he crawls his way back up her body. He leans down for another kiss and Arella moans at how she can taste herself on his lips and tongue. She used her knee to brush against his crotch listening to the beautiful groan he lets out at the sensation.
“Get those off,” The human says in reference to his sweat pants that now have a large stain of pre covering the front. “You need more or are you good to go right away?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He pushes himself up on his knees and slowly rids himself of his sweat pants allowing his cock to spring up, slapping against his belly.
Her jaw drops at the sight of him. She knew he was big- but damn. He absolutely would tear her apart if they we’re careful- and are those piercings? She can feel her mouth start to water as she looks up at him to see the predatory look in his eyes that were now a shining gold.
“That shut ya up real fast, didn’t it?” He chuckled as he lined himself up. “You ready or do you need a minute?”
“No, I’m fine.” A determined look crossed her eyes. “I’m more than ready.”
“Got a safe word?”
“Just use the traffic light system.” She hooks a leg over his hips to bring him closer. “I want this.”
The stretch she feels as Mammon enters her is as delicious as it is painful even with him taking breaks to let her adjust. Once he’s fully seated, he keeps still as she takes a moment to savor it. With a nod from her, he begins to rock his hips gently, upping his pace as he draws more moans and gasps and the occasional whine from his human. Soon he’s pounding into her as he slips into his demon form.
Her hands are at his back, digging into the skin near the base of his wings and scratching angry red lines down his back. She’s so tight around him that it’s intoxicating to the demon as he lets out a growl. He can feel her next climax is imminent by the way her walls are clenching and gripping him and the breathy pitchy cries of his name- by the way her eyes are nearly rolled back into her head as he pulls her legs up over his hips to hit deeper. The pleasure is overwhelming as his piercings drag along her walls and she cums for the second time that afternoon.
He slows his pace in consideration of the human but he never stops all together. As she starts to squirm from the overstimulation, Mammon holds her still.
“What’s your color, Baby?”
“Green,” Arella looks up at him and pulls him back down by the horns for a tongue filled kiss as he picks his pace back up.
She ran her fingers against the curls of his horns as the demon goes back to biting and sucking on her neck as the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of their moans, growls, and gasps and the sound of skin slapping against skin. “More! I need more, Mammon. Please.” She has tears slipping down her cheeks from the overstimulation. “It's so good... you’re so big...”
He growls as he hoists her legs up over his shoulders, nearly folding her in half as he thrust into her at a near animalistic pace hitting the deepest part of her as she cried for him. He was getting close to his release as he grasped her hand in his.
“Almost there... so close... Just keep squeezin’ me like that.”
“Me too!” Arella threw her head back, “Fuck, I’m so close. Cum inside.”
“Yer playin’ with fire, Princess. Ya really want that from me?”
“Yes! Yes!” Her grip on his hand tightened as she threw her head back. “Fill me up.”
He groaned as he felt her walls tighten once more as she hit her last release. “Shit... haah... fuck. I’m cumming!” Mammon buries his face in her neck as his thrusts falter. His cock twitches as he fills her with his seed until she’s overflowing with a mixture of their fluids.
They ride out their highs together, letting out soft groans and gasps as the demon pulls her legs down from his shoulders. They stare at each other as they try to catch their breath, wide-eyed, sweaty messes before bursting into a fit a laughter.
“I can’t believe we did that,” He sighs as he leans his forehead against hers.
“That was... amazing...” She sighs, “Best sex I’ve had ever had... I don’t know about you but I need a nap after we shower and change the sheets.”
“Yeah, I second that...” Mammon groans as he pulls out and rolls out of bed. “I’ll start the water; you just pull the sheets off.”
Arella only gave him a thumbs up as she sat up, feeling considerably better than she had before she’d gotten home from school.
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) hey i just stumbled on your stuff. it's really good!! and this is my first ever request so i don't know if i'm doing it right, but do you think you could write something where the reader is insecure about her body hair and bucky or steve is just like comforting them and maybe some slight smut??
ᴡᴀ��ɴɪɴɢs: SMUT 18+ minors dni, major fluff miss girl 
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: idk if you were looking for just coochie hair but this was really real for me so i made it like an all around insecurity about having hairy arms, shoulders, back, belly, the whole shabang i hope that was ok . this really hit home as a Latina/Hispanic with prominent body hair so i really hope you guys like it
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“What about this one?” Nat held a silk dress, the front cutting low as well as the back. 
“It’s pretty,” you started.
“Pretty revealing,” you snorted.
“Nat I already told you, I was thinking maybe something with long sleeves, maybe a pant suit? That's a power move,” you laughed. 
“Y/n, you have a gorgeous body and you should show everyone,” she said smiling softly. 
“It’s not that, it’s just….”
“Just what?” she asked concerningly. 
“It’s stupid,” you chuckled nervously.
“It’s not stupid if it’s bothering you this much,” she said. 
“I don’t really like to wear clothes that show off a lot of skin because I don’t- ugh,” you huffed out, “I have a lot of hair, Like everywhere.”
“You’re human; you’re supposed to,” Nat chuckled.
“I know, but it's very visible and I get a bit insecure,” you mumbled. 
“Awe, it’s ok. You’re still the most beautiful girl in the whole world, did you know that?” Nat smiled hoping to lighten the mood.
“Shut up,” you pushed her playfully.
“No seriously, you’re so stunning and if a guy, who probably looks like a fucking werewolf, has the audicity to say you’re too hairy can literally stick a razor up their ass,” she said making you giggle. 
“You know Steve wouldn’t care,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Stop it,” she was always teasing you about Steve, and as much as you did like him, it’s so embarrassing. 
“Come on buy this one and flaunt that gorgeous body so y’all can fuck.”
“Oh my-  If I buy it will you shut up?”
You snatched the garment from her hands and walked prissily to the counter hearing the red head snicker behind you.
You stood in front of the mirror staring at your appearance. Your skin glowed against the silk fabric, the tie resting on the side of your waist pulling the fabric in to accentuate your features. The back was cut low with practically no fabric above your sacrum. 
Those little hairs crept along your back and you couldn’t help but frown at them. The fuzz was so visible and you just wish you had thin hairs, hardly noticeable like those girls on social media. Growing up people always had something to say about the hairs on your shoulders and your arms. Nothing’s changed as an adult now and it fed horribly into your insecurities. 
“You ready?” Nat came into your room, making you snap your head towards her.
“Oh my goodness, you look so beautiful!” Wanda said walking into your room as well.
“Thank you, guys,” you smiled softly. You couldn’t help but hide your arms placing your hands over your forearms and Nat looked at you gingerly and grabbed your hands softly. 
“Everything about you is beautiful, ok?” she smiled.
“Thanks,” you responded before heading downstairs. 
The music seemed quiet compared to the voices that chattered up and down the halls and rooms. It was very crowded and you were quickly left alone; Nat headed to the bar and Wanda instantly spotting Vision. 
You held your head high and walked through the crowd to the table where Tony had appetizers and snacks for the guests. You felt confident after Nat’s words and you definitely caught the eyes of many different oglers there. One particular man had walked with poise stopping before you with a smile. 
He was quite handsome and you returned a smile, casting your eyes down shyly. He wore a classic all black look, a black button up collar with sleek balck suit pants. His shoes were also black and he looked very put together. He had pitch black hair and gorgeous green eyes. You were hypnotized. 
“You look absolutely ravishing darling,” he spoke smoothly. 
“Oh, uh, thank you. You look very nice too,” you said timidly. 
You two made small talk before migrating to the bar. Nat gave you a look before Wanda spoke to you, her eyes as well as yours glowing red and her voice echoed in your head.
What about Steve?
Get out!
“Woah, what’s with your eyes?” the guy said surprised. 
“What?” you retorted.
“They- They were red for a second,” he stuttered.
“Maybe you’ve had a bit too much to drink,” Nat swooped in. 
“Yeah, probably,” he chuckled. 
You two continued to talk until he asked the dreaded question. The question that always makes you unbelievably self conscious and gross. The question that every goddamn man on earth feels they need to ask for no fucking reason.
“Why don’t you shave your arms?” 
“What?” you asked dumbfounded.
“Well, you’re very uh- hairy. Do you shave your legs?” 
“I- uh. I don’t understand.”
“Well, I just noticed you’ve got a lot of hair on your arms and your shoulders. You should probably shave it, you know?” he said.
Nat and Wanda exchanged shocked and foul looks, rolling their eyes at the man’s remarks. You smiled sarcastically before storming away. Men seriously have nothing but the audacity. You covered your arms and caved yourself in just trying to run from the situation. Before you could head to the elevators you bumped into a strong body. 
“Y/n, I was looking for you- Wow, you look- wow,” he said with wide eyes. He’s never seen you in a dress quite like this. The silk was shining beautifully like your glowing skin and the straps fell from your shoulders making Steve fight the urge to kiss and nip at your soft skin. The color complimented your skin tone incredibly and he was so enamored by your beauty; not that you weren’t always the most beautiful. 
You were angelic. 
“Thanks um, I’m gonna back up now. Not really feeling too hot,” you mean that quite figuratively. 
“What, but the party’s just getting started! I haven’t gotten to dance with you,” he gave that gorgeous smile that would make any woman fall to their knees. 
“Come on just one dance?” he grabbed your hand. 
“You have to buy me a drink first,” you smirked, dragging him to the bar. Upon arrival, Nat smiled knowingly at you before making your favorite and Steve handed a twenty dollar bill. The later the night got, the more Stark’s guests drunken themselves into a careless party vibe. 
The lights were dimmed and the music grew louder. You finished your drink and Steve raised his brows waiting with a grin on his gorgeous face. You grabbed his hand and made your way to the makeshift dance floor that Tony’s guests had created.
Steve came up behind you with his hands on your hips and swayed with them to the beat of the music. Strangers around him had created quite a sexual tension filled aura that definitely affected you both. Your head was thrown back on Steve’s shoulder and your eyes were closed.
Steve looked around before catching his gaze with Nat’s smirking and nodded as if to tell him to make a move already. He looked down at you again, you were so beautiful in his arms. He ran his nose along the side of your face and sensed your head slowly leaning into him. 
You smiled slowly and Steve pressed a soft kiss to your temple. He kept pressing faint kisses down your neck as his hands trailing up your sides giving your goosebumps. He ran his nose along your shoulder and pressed kisses there too when you suddenly became overwhelmed with insecure questions; what if he notices the hairs? What if he asks the same question? Or worse, what if he gets disgusted by that?
You pushed him off and quickly ran away through the crowd. Confused, Steve chased after you. You walked quickly after leaving the crowd and made your way back to the elevator as you did earlier in the night. Steve was concerned that maybe he might’ve done something you might not wanted and scared you away.
“Hey, hey,” he reached for your arm, of which you quickly retracted.
“Wait, Y/n,” you avoided his eyes as you round the corner towards the elevator. Steve stepped in front of you, pushing your back against the wall caging you with his arms. 
“What happened? I thought- I thought we were you know, having a moment,” he smiled guiltily.
“Steve, I’m sorry but…” you trailed off. 
“Is it me?”
“No! J- Ugh, Steve. Please,” you just wanted to go to your room and cry; you let your insecurities get the best of you once again and ran away from something that could’ve been. 
“Then what is it? Because I like you; I really like you. And I need you to tell me if you don’t feel the same because I’m just gonna think that I did something wrong and that I hurt you; and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did,” he told you.
“You didn’t do anything,” you teared up; you brought his forehead to yours and brushed his nose against yours.
“Growing up people always teased me for my body hair. Guys always told me that I needed to shave my arms because being able to see the hair was gross. I feel so ugly. And that fucking asshole tonight; I really thought he was gonna be different. They’re all the same.”
“Y/n, look at me. You are so fucking beautiful. Everything about you is perfect and I want nothing more than to show you.”
“You don’t think I need to shave,” you pouted. 
“No, and anyone that tells you that, you let me know and I’ll punch them,” he said with a deadpan look making you grin.
“Sorry. No one’s ever said those things to me, about you know,” you cupped his face.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You smiled softly before leaning into him and pressing your lips against his gingerly. You could feel him smile into the kiss and his hands cradled the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he said against your lips.
He pulled away and turned around briefly to call the lift. He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside pressing you against the wall to kiss you sloppily. Your chest heaved up and down at his passion and when he pulled away you were left breathless. 
He led you to his room where he was on you in an instant again, your back pressed against his door and his lips on your neck. Your head was thrown back as you basked in the feeling of his lips against your neck. Your hands making home in his hair. 
He pulled your strap down pressing kisses along your shoulder. You tensed a bit out of natural habit but his lips felt so soft and gentle, you relaxed and indulged in his attention. Your finger made work with his baby blue button up that complemented his eyes perfectly and pushed his collar shirt off his broad shoulders. 
You grew a bit of confidence and pushed him off backing him up until he sat on the edge of his bed. When Steve plopped down he couldn’t help the huge grin on his face. His hands went under your dress caressing your thighs with his thumbs waiting for your next move. 
You bit your lip as you slowly untied the string that cinched your waist; unveiling your body to him wearing simply a pair of nude lace panties. You could hear the lustful groan that came from Steve, his eyes wandering your body as if he were memorizing everything about you. 
Hyper aware of your insecurity now that you’ve told him, he noticed the soft hairs that gloss over your skin. He had no problem with it. He thought it was beautiful; especially the little happy trail down your stomach. His hands came up your side and he leaned forward to kiss your belly. You instinctively pulled away and tensed before muttering apologies under your breath. 
“You don’t need to apologize, doll,” he looked up at you. 
He leaned forward again, his lips making contact with your hot skin this time. The eyes he gave were soft yet hungry and you couldn’t help the arousal that pooled between your thighs. He pulled you forward so you sat comfortably on his lap and grabbed your hands in his own. He placed them around his neck turning his head to the side to kiss the inside of your forearm all the way up to your shoulder.
“You are so gorgeous, absolutely ethereal, celestial, heavenly, god I could just look at you all day,” he said, making you grow flustered.
“It’s true, darling.”
“Thank you,” you said with teary eyes. 
Beautiful. Angelic. Divine. Perfect. Steve whispered those words against your burning skin as he turned you over to lay on your back. You kissed him messily before he moved down your body slowly practically peeling your panties from your body. 
The sight of your dripping cunt was enough for Steve’s cock to harden painfully. He stood up eagerily and dropped his pants and boxers surprising you. He was much bigger than you had anticipated and the nerves fluttered in your belly whether he’d fit comfortably or not. 
“You ok?” he rubbed your leg when he saw concern in your face.
“Yeah, you’re uh- you’re really big,” you said, making him chuckle.
“We don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable,” he reassured.
“No, I do! I really do,” you said quickly making him laugh harder this time. 
“Here, I think this will make it easier,” he grabbed your hand so you could sit up easily before quickly grabbing a condom and handing it to him. He pulled you close to let you straddle his legs as you did moments ago. He pumped his erect cock for a second before tearing the foil and wrapping it around his girth.
You stood up on your knees and stared into his eyes as you felt his tip at your entrance. You slowly sank down onto him feeling absolutely stretched to your fullest. You and Steve both moaned simultaneously as you took his entire length. You hadn’t even moved yet and Steve could you feel you pulsating around him. 
Your walls were so soft and velvety, Steve knew he wasn’t going to last long. 
“Ugh, baby, you gotta move please,” he moaned.
“You feel so good,” you whimpered. You lifted yourself before returning to settle back down over and over again. 
Steve leaned forward pressing kisses to your breasts whilst holding your waist to steady your bounces. He looked at you with nothing but adoration and devotion relishing in the moment he has with you. You were so goddamn beautiful above him, Steve couldn’t help the quickly approaching release. 
He could feel your wall clenching around him signaling how close you were. You began to grow tired and you were no longer bouncing up and down but rather rocking your hips forward and back now. Doing this stimulated your clit, rubbing against his pelvis and soon enough that had you body shaking in pleasure. 
“Fuck, Steve, I’m coming!” you gripped onto his shoulders. His finger dug into your own flesh surely to leave marks of some sort later and his head was thrown back as he chanted your name like a prayer. 
You pressed your lips against his neck kissing and sucking leaving purple and red marks and bites on him as you reached your climax. Every muscle in your body convulsed and tightened against Steve until you finally felt like you could relax. 
“You were so good, baby girl. So good for me,” he soothed; his hand rubbing and scratching your back gently. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out.
“Sh, I got ya. Relax, baby,” he could feel your slightly trembling body limp against him.
“That was amazing,” you whispered, continuing to press faint kisses on his neck.
“You’re amazing,” he said cheekily. 
“Thank you; for making me feel beautiful again.”
“I’d do anything for you. You deserve the world. You’re so stunning and anyone who wants to say otherwise is just jealous and full of shit,” he said making you grin. 
“You want me to run you a bath?” he asked softly.
“Only if you join me?”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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lnc2 · 4 years
this time next year
Summary: Marinette is worried about the future. Adrien wants to know where he fits into it.
A/N: This piece was written for the @mlwriterzine and I’m so excited to finally share this with you!  I hope you enjoy it and also go check out the zine because there are so many amazing stories/art pieces collected there.
The party was well underway by the time Adrien knocked on Nino’s door. Alya was the one who answered, half of her face obscured by gold tin foil pinned to a green beret.
“Speak of the devil,” she grinned, leaning heavily on the door frame.
Adrien bussed her cheek and passed over the bottle of rosé he’d swiped from his father’s wine cellar. “Sorry, Alya. The show ran late. You know how those things go.”
She waved him in, whistling at the bottle in her hands, and shook her head. “Thankfully I don’t. Everyone’s in the living room.”
Adrien followed her into the kitchen instead, eyes straying over the tipsy, crowded apartment. Back against the wall, where Nino’s faded and cracked leather couch usually sat, was a long table covered in gold plastic sheeting. Green and gold hats of various styles were littered across, as well as glitter, rhinestones, netting, feathers, and any other number of crafting materials.
He smiled. “I see you’ve all started without me.”
“Naturally,” Alya said, putting his gift in the fridge to chill. “You’re several drinks behind us now, Agreste. Pick your poison.” She gestured to the half-empty bottles of liquor scattered across the bar.
“No tequila?”
She snorted. “You’ll have to track down Marinette for that one. She ran off with the bottle half an hour ago.”
Something warm filled his chest. “A cup of ice and a lime then.”
“Good luck with that,” Alya said, bumping his shoulder as she passed him the glass. Adrien laughed as he followed her into the living room, his smile widening as he spotted Kagami fussing with the green flowers on her gold newspaper hat.
“I’m not sure how I feel about this.”
Alya batted her hand away. “It’s tradition!”
She pressed her lips together. “It’s archaic.”
“Boo,” a familiar voice called from behind him. Adrien’s heart stuttered as a familiar pair of arms slipped around his waist. “It’s just for fun. No one takes it seriously.”
Adrien thought back to earlier in the evening and Gabriel’s annual Saint Catherine’s Day gala and couldn’t agree. There was a stark difference between the frivolousness and whimsy of Nino’s house party and the staid sobriety of his father’s fashion show.
As if reading his thoughts, Marinette’s eyes sparkled up at him beneath gold netting. “At least no one here.”
“Speak for yourself,” Alya said. She adjusted her hat and threw an accusatory look towards Nino. “Tick tock, babe.”
“You won’t let me propose until you’re out of grad school,” he whined.
Adrien hid his grin as the familiar argument ensued. Instead, he tipped his cup of ice towards the half-empty bottle in Marinette’s hand.
“You’re one of the few people I’d share with,” she said, filling his glass. Adrien leaned down to whisper his gratitude only to be pushed from the other side, causing them to knock heads.
Marinette laughed waving off his apologies with a squeeze to his waist even as their assaulter continued to elbow into the group.
“I’m never getting married,” Alix announced from her position on the back of one of Alya’s coworkers. There was a crown on her head but no decorations. She gestured wildly with her free hand. “Just call me Queen Catherinette.”
“All hail,” Alya said, clinking her wine glass against a reluctant Kagami’s. Her glassy eyes strayed towards Marinette. “What about you, girl? It’s been a while since I’ve heard about Emma, Louis, and Hugo.”
Adrien tried not to sound too interested when he asked, “Who?”
Marinette laughed, her flushed cheeks flushing further. “I’m afraid that future is on hold, Al. I need to find a boyfriend first.”
She removed her arm from around his waist then and Adrien had to restrain himself from pulling her back to his side. Instead, he took a healthy swallow of tequila and let the conversation drift into less turbulent waters.
Now was hardly the time to volunteer his name to the top of her list. 
Adrien could think of two, maybe three very important conversations they needed to have before he could even approach that topic. The most pressing of which weighed heavy on his right hand and sparkled like precious gems on his lady’s ears.
He watched over the rim of his glass as Marinette giggled with the other women in their silly hats. One of them—Alix’s roommate, he thought—burst out with a jubilant, “For pity’s sake, give us a husband!” only for the others to raise their glasses with various tipsy rounds of, “Hear, hear!”
He smiled as Marinette wrestled Kagami’s fidgeting hands away from her hat. It had only been a few weeks since their reveal but Adrien was struggling to see how he could have missed the woman he’d loved for a decade in his dear and wonderful friend.
“Some party, huh?”
Adrien coughed as Nino slapped him on the back just as he was swallowing. Nino laughed at his accusing glare. 
“Sorry man,” he said, grinning. “I thought you heard me coming but I guess you were distracted.”
Adrien ignored the teasing lilt in his friend’s voice.“It’s a good crowd,” he said instead. “I’m sorry I was so late.”
“No worries. Although if everything goes well hopefully this will be the last Saint Catherine’s party we’ll be hosting.”
Adrien laughed. “You think you’ll have worn Alya down by then?”
Nino shrugged. “Fingers crossed. I’ve had this ring burning a hole in my pocket for two months now.”
“Maybe you should be the one wearing the hat.” He grinned, only to receive a rough shove to his shoulder.
“You’re one to talk.”
Adrien pretended not to understand.
“Seriously, dude?” Nino shook his head. “You’re not that slick. If you like her you should just ask her out. I know for a fact she used to have a thing for you.”
And even though Adrien already knew that, even though Marinette told him so several years earlier when her crush was a thing of the past as she’d laughingly put it, hearing his heart’s desire put into words so matter-of-factly did things to him.
Things like make him want to punch a hole in the nearest wall or tear out his hair in frustration.
Because really, how was it fair that the one woman he’d spent years chasing had actually spent several years of her own chasing him right back?
It wasn’t.
Not when Adrien still found himself in the chase and she had apparently just … stopped.
“That was a long time ago, Nino.”
“I don’t know if I’d say that.”
“... Why?” Adrien stared, stomach clenching. “Did she say something? Did Alya say something?” 
His heart raced like hummingbirds wings in his throat as he tried to catch his friend’s gaze. 
Adrien grabbed his shoulder and shook. “Nino.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny anything.” He laughed, before hiding his smile behind his glass as they caught Alya’s attention across the room. Adrien met her suspicious frown with a wave even as his other hand tightened on Nino’s shoulder. 
“But …?”
“But … I wouldn’t count myself out just yet.”
Adrien’s hand fell to his side as all of his breath rushed out of him. “Oh.”
“Although, that may change if you don’t do something about it. Sooner rather than later if Kim’s roommate is anything to go by.”
Nino nodded towards the corner of the room where Marinette was chatting with a tall brunette. He was leaning towards her, his fingers playing at the edge of the netting on her hat as he whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. Adrien was already halfway across the room when Nino shouted, “Good luck!”
He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do to break up their little tete-a-tete but he needn’t have worried. As soon as he was in her line of sight Marinette’s smile lit up like the Eiffel tower and there was little left for him to do other than introduce himself before the interloper tried his luck elsewhere.
“Come outside with me,” she said, tugging his arm. “I haven’t seen you all week.”
“Your fault,” Adrien said, happy to follow her anywhere. “You canceled patrol.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “You know I had to finish up those pieces for your father’s show.”
“At least you weren’t forced to go.”
She laughed and leaned back against the balcony railing. It was cooler than usual tonight as fall slowly gave way to winter and they had the little patio all to themselves. “Perks of being a lowly intern.”
“Please,” he said, bumping her shoulder. “You’ll be a junior designer by next year.”
She hummed, taking a swig of tequila from the bottle only to cough as it hit the back of her throat.
“You can mix that with something you know?”
His lady winced and took another sip, smaller this time. “Who has time for that?”
“You if you’d just slow down.”
It was only half a joke. Lately, even before their Big Reveal, Adrien noticed something changing in Marinette. She was a little less scattered, a little more single-minded. There was almost a frenzied focus about her, like some great fear was nipping at her heels, spurring her forward.
It wasn’t until her timer ran out during an akuma attack that he began to understand why.
“It was ten years this September,” she murmured, turning out to face the cobbled streets below.
Adrien hesitated before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.
“We’ll get him, bug. I promise.”
“But when, Chat?” She started to lean her head against his shoulder only for her hat to get in the way. Frustrated, she ripped the little masterpiece off her head and crushed it in her hands.
“Stupid holidays aside, I do want a life, Adrien.” She ripped lightly at the netting. “You said I’ll make junior designer by next year? I don’t see how that’s possible when I’m running out of work every other day because someone couldn’t control their emotions.”
Her voice caught on the last word and he was horrified to realize she was crying. “I want to run my own business someday. I want –– I want to fall in love and get married and have babies.” She looked up, teary gaze meeting his. “How can I do anything when I always have one foot out the window waiting for the next catastrophe? Who could put up with that?”
“You’re not someone a person has to put up with, my lady.”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “Right. Tell that to my exes.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, because really that’s all he could do.
“Don’t be.” She sniffed, giving him a sad, sad smile. “You can’t do anything about it any more than I can.”
That wasn’t entirely true though.
Adrien turned his attention towards the scrunched up hat in her hands. Marinette followed his gaze and gave a watery laugh.
“I want it all, Adrien,” she whispered.
“I know,” he whispered.
“Do you?” she asked, eyes wide and blue and wet and angry. “Do you really?”
Adrien pulled her to him then, giving her the hug her fears deserved. Marinette clutched at his back, her arms sliding beneath his coat to wrap around his waist, giving as good as she got.
“I don’t want to wait anymore.” 
Tears stung his eyes and words, the right words, stuck in the back of his throat as she gave voice to desires he’d never been brave enough to even dream. Not when Ladybug said no and not when Marinette said not anymore and not when they merged and became everything he’d ever wanted but feared he’d never have.
She wanted it all. 
Adrien closed his eyes and breathed in his lady’s perfume. Freesia and jasmine and something he’d never been able to name. Marinette’s arms loosened around his waist when it seemed like he would pull away, but Adrien only held her tighter.
“I––” He stopped. “You said you don’t want to slow down?”
Marinette nodded.
“Well … how—how would you feel about a chaser?”
She pulled away so she could see his face. “A chaser?” she repeated, frowning.
Adrien bit his lip, feeling heat rushing up his neck and ears. “Ah, yeah,” he said, doing his best to hold her gaze. “Like—like a partner. To your tequila, I mean.”
Adrien watched as confusion gave way to understanding in the form of a perfect little open-mouthed oh. His heart was pounding hard enough he was starting to suspect she could hear it when her eyes glistened up at him beneath the dim porch lights.
God help him but he couldn’t trust himself. He couldn’t trust the gentleness in her gaze or the way her body went soft against his or the purse of her lips as she watched him with that pleased little half-smile as realization gave way to something and that something could only be called wonderful as she ducked her head beneath his chin, pressed her lips against the open collar skin of his neck and finally, finally whispered in that small, hopeful impatient way of hers,
“Are you volunteering?”
And even though he knew she knew and even though the question really didn’t require an answer, Adrien tightened his hold on her until they were swaying together chest to chest and repeated the only thing he’d ever wanted to give her.
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Lean (Miraak x Reader):
Contemplating on writing for Pyramid Head every once in a while since I can't get the thick bastard off my mind but we'll see what the future brings
"Do you like winter, Miraak?" I asked the man strolling quietly beside me. "Not necessarily. However, I remember a time when I did. My temple always felt a bit warmer-- more enjoyable during that time." I snorted at him in amusement, to which he wasn't fond of. "I just imagined you stringing up holiday decor." He merely scoffed in denial, though we both knew it was true.
While searching for another conversation topic, my foot slid against the mud beneath me. "Careful," Miraak warned as his hands clasped firmly around my shoulders. My breath was trapped in my throat from the sudden startle, but somehow he only made it worse. Once my voice came back to me, I said, "uh...-- yeah. Thank you." Damn, his hands were so warm. I could feel the heat emitting from them even through my armor. Alas, the soothing feeling dissappeared as soon as he retracted his arms.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you hadn't already cracked your skull before I came along. It seems that you are always tripping and stumbling wherever you go." I scratched my cheek and chuckled sheepishly. "Ah, you know me so well."
"That is only because I stand witness to it," he uttered. We continued onward to Morthal in silence. A week ago, Jarl Idgrod sent me a letter of assistance; "potential murdurer on the loose," it had read. She noted that she wasn't one to fall victim to senseless gossip, but over the last several days she had been growing paranoid of the situation. Thus, she requested us to investigate. "I wonder why the jarl wants two dragonborn to take care of a killer instead of the guards? Gods, I feel like most of the soldiers are just using this pitiful war as an excuse to be lazy," I grumbled with my arms crossing.
"I agree. Though as far as I'm concerned, she wants you to handle it, not I." I perked up at his remark. "What do you mean? Everyone should know by now that you're just as powerful as I am. We've been traveling together for three months." Miraak diverted his gaze from me and pointed it straight ahead. "Perhaps, but you and I are still very different from one another. The people of Skyrim view you as a hero to be remembered for ages, whereas I will forever be remembered as a traitor-- if I was even remembered at all." The atmosphere around us suddenly became very dim. For a moment, the only noise that could be heard was the mire sloshing under our boots.
"That's bullshit," I retorted finally. Miraak was taken aback by my sudden change of attitude. "Excuse my language, but it is. Look at all of the good you've done since we've been together! We took down a vampire lord for crying out loud! And yeah, we weren't thanked for it or anything--"
"But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you put in a lot of effort to make the world safer, and I think that deserves respect."
"Y/n." By now, Miraak was no longer walking at my side. "What is it?" Before he was able to respond, the muddy ground had fallen loose beneath me and I plummeted into a brown socket of water. Oh yeah, I forgot that we were trudging through a swamp. The filth shot through my mouth and nose as I was completely sumberged. To make matters worse, the water was also incredibly frigid, making it even more difficult to sort through my panic. A pair of arms dove into the murk and proceeded to yank me up by my collar.
I gurgled, spluttered, and heaved strong breaths once I was dragged out of harm's way. Miraak shook his head at me all the while. I could practically feel the smirk hiding under his mask. "Oh, yeah. Real funny. Please continue... to remind me of how much... of a klutz I am," I rasped, still trying to flow air into my lungs. "I did try to warn you, you know. You were about to walk straight into the pond," the man defended. "Ok. I'll give you that." Miraak helped me to my feet after I finally regained my composure. "Oh, great," I sighed at the muck covering me head-to-toe. "I look so unprofessional." He skimmed over the grime coated over my outfit before scooping a clump of mud and smearing some over his robes. "I suppose we'll both have to look unprofessional, then." My cheeks tainted a dark pink at his actions, but I decided to blame it on the nip in the air.
My arms hugged my body when I started to shiver. Going for a dip in late autumn definitely wasn't the best of choices. Miraak scanned over the map and pinpointed our distance from Morthal. "We won't be able to arrive there before nightfall. We still have an hour left to go," he informed. I groaned to myself in reply. "Guess we'll have to make camp, then." He nodded, gesturing me to follow him.
In a matter of minutes, he had already secured a decent campfire and was now assembling the tent. Meanwhile, I was sitting on a nearby log with my bedroll enveloped around my trembling body. I was enjoying watching him, though. "I'd say you're a natural. When did you get so skilled at camping?" I inquired once he took a seat next to me. "By learning from you," he stated simply. Gods, how could he be such a jerk yet act so charming?! I avoided saying anything more and began scrubbing the dirt from my armor with a wet rag.
It was freezing, tonight. There was no comforting glow from the moon and stars due to the thick layer of clouds overhead, which only made it feel colder. I shuddered when a breeze travelled through the area and tormented my body. I was still wearing my undershirt and trousers, and even those were still damp. The cloth made my fingers sting the more I used it, until I felt Miraak's hand take ahold of my own. "Your fingers are red," were the only words that left his mouth before he grabbed my other hand and squeezed them both gently. I was so shocked by this that I couldn't even so much as blink. "Are you cold?" I had forgotten about the prickles climbing over my skin. "Um--uhh, kind of." How did my voice become so small?
Before I could protest, I was pulled closer to Miraak. And now that I left exposed, he felt even warmer than he did earlier. I wasn't even touching him! Not to mention how nice his hands felt. He was like a portable smelter! I stayed more silent than a moth as he continued to caress my fingers and palms. There was no telling what was going on inside of that brain of his.
"You may lean against me, if you like."
My heart was thrashing around inside of my chest. He wanted me to just... slide even closer and lean on him?! Just like that?! By now, my mind was spiraling in both confusion and embarrassment. Still, I was very cold. There wasn't any harm in doing it, right? He was the one who offered. I ultimately accepted his proposal.
It started off with our knees touching awkardly, and then with my head attempting to rest against his shoulder, which failed due to the golden scales protruding out from his sleeve and jabbing me in the side of the head. Miraak eventually lifted his arm, inviting me to scooch under it-- to which I did. As soon as I got situated, he let his hand ease onto my shoulder. I was so flustered that I could barely breathe. It was suffocating, practically unbearable, yet I only felt myself nestling further into him. "You're really warm," I mumbled.
Oh, dear.
Why on Nirn did I say that? I sounded like a pervert!!! What if he thought I was creepy?! My heart dropped as he held me still and turned to look at me. "Y/n, how do you feel?" It was made to be a question, but it sounded more of a demand. I sat tense for a long while, lips parted yet unmoving. "About...?" I gulped when he slowly placed my hand flat against his chest. I could feel his heart throbbing at a rapid pace, as was mine. "Me."
Miraak's voice was low and sounded on edge. Perhaps he was more nervous than I thought he was? My next movements were reckless. Recklessness seemed to be my only sense of courage, right now. I carefully drew his hand towards me and slipped off his glove. He didn't stop me, however his muscles twitched under my touch. I stared at his pale skin for a long while. It was decorated with veins and had a scar stretched over his knuckles. Thanks to the protection of his gloves, his fingernails were in prestine condition. In short, his hands were utterly glorious.
I tilted my face down and pressed my lips against his scar, leaving him breathless. "Does that answer your question?" I asked Miraak with a flushed grin. Without responding, he brushed his thumb over my cheek and felt the entirety of my features. His hand was so calloused and smoothe! I cupped my own against it, keeping it there for as long as possible. Once again, I was pulled into another embrace, this one being much tighter and affectionate. Neither of us decided to speak, and somehow it felt more befitting that way.
With my head resting against Miraak's chest, I could hear his heartbeat quite clearly. It was much slower compared to earlier, more soothing than anything. He wasn't very sure where to place his hands, so he kept one firm on my waist and the other rubbing my hair. Sure, my face was hotter than a bonfire and there was still panic fresh on my mind. Then again, I also felt so calm in his arms. This may have been the first time in my life where I actually felt normal. Everything around me simply fell into place. It was selfish of me to inwardly beg for this moment to never end. As a dragonborn, I had my responsibilites, but for now I kicked those responsibilities aside. I had the right to be selfish every now and then.
"Maybe I should go diving into swamps more often," I teased, breaking through the comfortbale silence. I felt my heart flutter in the midst of him vibrating a soft chuckle. "That would certainly be an entertaining idea. Though I might not get the same reaction from you each time." I peered up at my new love interest with a quirked brow. "What kind of reaction?" In one swift motion, Miraak nudged up his mask to his nose and blessed me with a kiss. It was quick and simple, hardly lingering over my lips in time for me to process it. It was as if I had just imagined it!
Even so, the blush stained on my cheeks was already spreading to my ears. This man was a complete menace. His mask was already tipped back down, but the coy smile he was holding was evident. "You bastard," I hissed. He only shrugged his shoulders at me. "If you fall into the swamp again, I may even give you another kiss," Miraak jested. I proceeded to whack his bicep.
I bet Miraak got those plump ass lips :^3
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fi0r3 · 3 years
Just A Black Coffee
Warning(s) ⇾ profanity, 
Pairing ⇾ kuroo x gn!reader
Genre ⇾ fluff and some angst, college au,  mini-series
WC ⇾ 3.1k
Summary ⇾ You just got out of a toxic relationship and now you need a new place to stay. Your friend just so happens to know someone who’s looking for a roommate who can help out with the rent for the apartment.
AN: @luv4sakusa​ wanted to be included in my story so bad so I put her in 😒
j.a.b.c master list || next chapter
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Ch. 1: New Encounters 
It was two in the morning, you and your boyfriend were in a heated argument. You had just caught him cheating on you, but he was trying to deny it. “Why won’t you just fucking admit it!” Your throat was hurting from screaming so much. “I saw you on the couch with her and you dare to tell me that it was nothing!” Truth be told, you had known for a while now that something was going on, but you were in denial. You didn’t want to believe that your boyfriend of five years would do something like that. Yet here you are right now, confronting him. “Omg, you’re overreacting. I was just--” you cut him off “YOU WHAT? HUH? YOU TRIPPED AND YOUR TONGUE ACCIDENTALLY SLIPPED INTO HER MOUTH?” You didn’t want to start crying, yet your body said otherwise. He stared at you in silence before you stomped off to the bedroom. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” “Isn't it obvious? I’m packing my shit and breaking up with you.” You were shoving your things into your suitcase not bothering to fold any of your clothes. He scoffs, “Really? Where are you gonna go then?” “Anywhere without you seems good.” You had no clue where to go, all you knew was that you didn’t want to be near Daisho for another second. 
You zipped up your suitcase and pushed past him. He forcefully grabbed your arm causing you to turn around. “You can’t just leave me y/n,” he says almost menacingly. “I think I fucking can when I have a pretty valid reason.” You yanked your arm away from him and walked out of the apartment leaving him alone with the girl. As soon as you were out, you felt a sense of relief, but that soon went away as you realized that those five years you spent together were nothing. And your heart starts to ache even more the further you walk away. 
You were sat on a park bench, the autumn winds nipping at your nose. You looked at your phone and the time read 2:31 am. ‘I shouldn’t have left while it was this cold’ You go to your contacts and call your best friend Abby. “Y/n?” she says in a raspy voice. “What’s wrong, why are you up right now?” You sigh before telling her everything that happened. 
“So, yea I was wondering if I could crash at your place for a bit.” “Bitch of course you can! Fuck Daisho, his bitch-ass doesn’t deserve you.” You chuckle at her string of curses. “I’ll be over soon.” “Okayyy be safe.” 
You were thankful for having a friend like Abby. You stood up from the bench and made your way over to her apartment. You needed to start finding a place for yourself soon because you didn’t want to mooch off of your friend for too long. You knew she wouldn’t mind having you stay, but you didn’t want to be too much of a burden because she lived in a pretty small space. You got on the bus that led to her address and looked up some websites for apartment listings to pass the time.
By the time you arrived at her place, it was already 3 am. You knocked on her door waiting for her to come and open it. You wait there for a few minutes before the door slowly cracks open. “Hey hun,” she says with her eyes partially open. She invites you in and leads you to the living room to set your things down. 
“You can put your suitcase over here and there are some toiletries in the closet if you need them.” “Thanks, Abby, you’re the best.” “Of course,  you know I’d do anything for you.” “Yea I know.” “So how ya holdin’ up?” You stared at her in silence for a moment trying to recollect your thoughts. You thought you had cried it all out while you sat in the park earlier, so you were surprised when you felt tears streaming down your face. 
You didn’t want to cry over this anymore, but your emotions got the better of you. You held your head in your hands and kept sobbing, unable to stop the emotions from pouring out. Abby came over to your side and hugged you. She didn’t say anything. She just let you cry it out until you were able to compose yourself. Deep down she always had a bad feeling about Daisho ever since the day you announced you two were dating. She just didn’t want to say anything because you were so happy. To her, it felt like she was overstepping her boundaries. 
“Ok, I think I’ve cried about this enough for today.” “Well shit, I thought I was gonna have to hear you cry until class started.” You chuckled. “Oh shut up.” “I think it’s time we both go to bed, otherwise we’ll pass out from sleep deprivation in class.” She gets up and brings you some pillows and blankets. She bids you goodnight before going back to her room. You were glad she went back to her room because you didn’t want her to see you crying still. You felt bad that you called her so late so you told her to go to bed. You spent that night crying until you finally fell asleep.  
You woke up at 7 am, eyes still sore from all the crying you did. You felt so drained, but you had to get up and get ready for your classes. Getting up from the couch, you fold the blankets and place them neatly to the side. You open your suitcase and take out your clothes and some toiletries before heading off to the bathroom. 
You saw your reflection in the mirror and were startled at the image before you. Eyes all red and puffy and hair all tangled and sticking up. ‘Yikes,’ you thought. You quickly detangle your hair and wait for the shower to heat up. 
When you get out, you quickly dry yourself off and change into a fresh pair of clothes. After getting dressed and drying your hair, you met Abby at the kitchen for breakfast. 
“You gonna be okay going to school?” she questions while grabbing two plates, placing one in front of you. You take a seat at the counter and fix yourself some of the food she prepared. “I’m not gonna let this whole break up ruin my studies alright. I just have to hold myself together during the day and break down when I get home,” you say with a strained smile. She rolls her eyes at your remark and takes the seat next to you.
“I swear if I see him I’m gonna--” you interrupt, “You’re going to walk away and not cause any drama.” She looks at you with an unamused face. “I’m serious, I don’t want any drama. I said what I said and I have no reason to talk to him anymore.” She turns back to her food before responding. “Okay fine.” You shake your head as you see the look of disappointment on her face. “I’ll be fine, promise.” 
You two finished up your food and grabbed your things for school. Both of you rushed to the train station so you wouldn’t be late for class. You were still in anguish over the events that happened, but you were trying your hardest to ignore those feelings so you could focus on your studies. You were anxious about running into him because you felt like you would start crying again if you did. You didn’t want to have a whole breakdown in school. 
You pushed all those thoughts in the back of your head as you reached the front of the school. “I have my club meeting after school so you’re gonna be going home by yourself.” “That’s fine I have my part-time job today.” You bid your goodbyes as the both of you head to your respective classes. 
You head to the back of the classroom and take a seat. You didn’t feel like socializing with anyone at the moment. Mainly because you didn’t want anyone to notice how red your eyes were. You had tried to cover it up as best as you could but to no avail. You decided to look for more apartment listings as you wait for the professor to come to class. All the ones you found were either too expensive or looked like they would fall apart the second you walked in. Finally, the professor walks in and begins the class. 
You barely paid attention during the lecture. You were so tired from basically having zero hours of sleep and stressing out over how you were going to find a place to live. You weren’t that close with anyone in your class so you couldn’t even ask them for help. You had zoned out for the majority of the class.  The only thing that you obtained from the lecture was that you had a research paper due in the two weeks that was worth 25% of your grade. 
You feel a buzz from your phone and you look down to see what it was. 
*Message from Abby*
Abby: “Hey y/n, I just wanted to let you know my boyfriend is coming over later to hang, but don’t worry we won’t make you a third wheel :)”
Y/n: “If I walk in on both you being whores, I’ll kick you out of your apartment--”
Abby: “Whatever”
You turn your phone off and try to pay attention to the last ten minutes of the lecture. 
School was finally over and you quickly met with Abby to tell her that you might be coming home late because you had to cover for your coworker. “Okay, just remember to be safe, you never know what sketchy ass guy is gonna be around.” “Don’t worry I know how to take care of myself. I didn’t take those self-defense classes for no reason.”  She waves goodbye as she heads over to meet with her club. 
You walked over to the convenience store where you worked that was only a couple of blocks away from your school. You liked taking the night shifts because it was usually the least busy and it meant you could do some homework. That being said, you also had your fair share of creeps and drunks. You had bought pepper spray just in case anything happens. Though you hoped that you wouldn’t have to use it. 
When you arrived, the worker there got up to leave so you could take over. You didn’t have much to do. Your main tasks consisted of restocking shelves, mopping the floors, and managing the register. When it was just you in the store it kind of felt peaceful. Sometimes you’d just observe the people who walk by and other times you’d be lost in thought. However this time, you wanted to be away from your thoughts. You tried to put on some music to drown out your thoughts. For a while, it was working until you saw your ex walking hand in hand with the girl he cheated on you with. You were enraged at the sight. How could he move on so easily, while you were still stuck on it? Were you overreacting? Were you the only one who cared about the relationship? All these negative thoughts started to flood in. You were brought back to reality when you heard the bell from the door ring, signaling that a customer was there. You quickly brush off those thoughts and greet the customer. The last hour and a half went into cleaning the floors and doing a little bit of homework.  
By the time you finished your shift, the sun had completely disappeared. Although you were confident in your self-defense skills, you would still be nervous about walking home alone. You made sure that you had your pepper spray with you before locking up. You quickly shoot Abby a text saying that you were done with work and were on your way to the apartment. 
 Upon your arrival home, you were greeted by a very loud and energetic guy, who you assumed to be Abby’s boyfriend. You were caught off guard by his liveliness, especially since it was pretty late. “Y/n, this is Bokuto, my boyfriend.” “Bo, this my friend that I was talking to you about.” You exchanged hellos before you went to the bathroom to freshen up. 
“Y/n I just solved all your problems,” your best friend announces to you as you exit the bathroom. “Uh how exactly?” you question with one eyebrow raised. “Bo, tell her” she nudges her boyfriend. You sat down next to them on the couch waiting for his response. “So, Abby told me how you’re looking for a place and I happen to know someone who’s looking for a roommate to share the rent.” Your eyes lit up immediately. “Omg really?!” you ask in excitement. “Yup, I can--” you interrupt “I’ll take it.” Both of them were startled by your immediate acceptance. 
“Damn y/n, you hate me that much.” You roll your eyes at her remark. “You know that’s not the reason why I wanna leave.” You turn back to Bokuto to ask who this person is just to make sure it wasn’t some sketchy weirdo. “He’s a friend of mine from high school, he goes to the same college as us. He’s a marketing major.” “Okay, he seems fine.” “Yea, I’ll tell him that you’re interested, and I can set up a time for you guys to get acquainted.” You were kind of excited to meet your potential new roommate. You just hoped that he wasn’t going to be an asshole like your ex. “Thanks so much, Bokuto.” “No problem y/n” he flashes a friendly smile. 
After a few hours of hanging out with each other, Bokuto had to go. Before leaving he gave you the address of the apartment, Kuroo’s contact information, and his own. He said he would tell you when Kuroo would be able to meet with you. “Aren’t you glad to have such an amazing friend like me?” she asks smugly. “Uhh if I’m not mistaken it was Bokuto who knows Kuroo not you.” you tease. “Okay, but who was the one who introduced you to him? Me exactly.” The both of you started laughing. “Ok, but seriously thank you for doing this. I’ll treat you to ramen sometime.” “You better.” 
A week has passed since that day, and Bokuto finally texted you saying that Kuroo was able to meet. You were waiting in anticipation. You were hoping that he didn’t already find someone else during that week of waiting. A wave of relief washed over you when you received Bokuto’s message with the details for the meeting. “So when are you seeing him?” she asks from the kitchen. “Today at 4.” You had about an hour to get ready. “Are you nervous?” “Yes and no,” you respond. “I just hope he doesn’t reject me,” you say while trying to pick out an outfit. “Bo said that he’d be fine with anyone as long as they’re able to pay the other half.” “Do you know anything about him?” you inquire hoping to get a little more information before meeting him. “The only thing Bo has told me is that they’ve known each other since high school and were rival teams for volleyball. Other than that, I’m as clueless as you.” You give her a slight nod. 
You finally picked out your outfit and went to go change. “Does this look okay?” She turns around to see what you had on. “Yea you look great.” You go back into the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror one more time. “ARE YOU SURE?” you yell. “YES STOP WORRYING, YOU LOOK FINE!” she yells back. You leave the bathroom to grab your bag and head to the cafe. “Wish me luck,” you sigh. “Relax, it’s not a life or death situation,” she jokes. You wave goodbye and head over to the cafe, hoping that you wouldn’t arrive late.
You walk into the cafe scanning the area to see if he was there. You didn’t even know what he looked like so there was no point in trying to look. You feel a buzz from your pocket. You take your phone out to see a message from Kuroo.
Kuroo Tetsurō: “By the window.”
You look up to see a guy with spiky hair sitting by the window looking at you. You could feel his gaze piercing through you. Your heart started to race. You walked over hoping he wouldn’t notice how nervous you were. “Hey gorgeous,” he says with a smirk. “What’s your name?” His forwardness caught you off guard. “Uh I’m y/n,” you say as you took the seat across from him. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asks. “A black coffee is fine.” He gets up to order the drinks. As he gets up, you catch yourself admiring his looks but you quickly brush it off, especially when he’s going to be your future roommate. Besides you just got out of a relationship. Just as you brushed it off, he comes back with the drinks. 
“So why do you wanna be my roommate?” he asks you and you reply with “I just really need a place to live right now, I promise I’ll be a good roommate, and make sure to give the payments on time.” “Whoa whoa whoa there, I just asked for a reason not a whole life story,” he says in a teasing manner. You sit there, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry didn’t mean to embarrass you, sweetheart.” Little did he know that it made you feel even more flustered. “Uhmm it’s fine,” you reply. Trying to ease the conversation from what just happened, you say in a cocky manner, “So do you want me or not?” Causing a chuckle to escape his lips. 
“This is going to be interesting.”
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aphrodites-law · 4 years
A Bit of Clarity - Update
In honor of Clexmas20, Day 5: The Naughty List. We all know who’s on it.
A Bit of Clarity 🍂 (13/?) / (AO3) The visions had started last autumn, a year ago now. It had caused a bit of chaos for some, a bit of clarity for others. Two days ago, Clarke Griffin had been perfectly fine managing both her Café and her stress. But now she was curious - so deeply curious about the vision of herself entwined with the aloof Lexa Woods that it was leading her to complete distraction. 
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
Though hope could be dangerous, Clarke had felt it bloom when Lexa had turned around to look up at her. She still couldn't chase it away while she waited for Lexa to reach the top of the stairs, and even less when Lexa finally appeared, breathing fast, with cheeks already slightly red from the chill of the night. Clarke wanted nothing more than to run to her, but something had her rooted in place.
Now barefoot and without her coat, she should have felt the cold floor and the chill in the corridor. Instead, all she could feel was her heart racing. Lexa seemed stunned to be back here, but in awe rather than shock. Her mouth opened and closed twice, like she was thinking too fast and reconsidering each one of her words.
Finally, Clarke couldn't take the silence any longer: "If you come any closer-"
"I know," Lexa replied immediately. "Believe me, I know."
Lexa said the last part with such yearning that Clarke had to clutch the side of her door, as if it digging her nails into it might somehow smother the fire inside her. Conscious of how desire could override good sense, at least in their shared history, she knew honesty was the only way forward:
"I don't want just tonight," she said, voice cracking at the end.
This couldn't be an impulse. It couldn't be an itch to scratch. Clarke had always known she wanted more. That if regret entered their thoughts in the morning, her heart would break. It was what her vision had told her all along: that avoiding vulnerability had kept her from a more meaningful connection. That she'd quieted a part of herself out of fear it would crush her. And she hoped Lexa was thinking the same; that she'd turn away if deep down she knew it wasn't right just yet. After all, it may have felt like an eternity since they'd decided to take their time, but the reality was quite a bit shorter.
As if answering those fears, Lexa shook her head. "When I was down there I remembered what I told you earlier: that I'm certain about us. And… I am. I am, Clarke. I want every minute you'd give me." She started walking then, her hand brushing against the wall to steady herself. "I want mornings in your kitchen; afternoons in your café." She stopped and swallowed. "And I want nights in your arms."
There was a beat - an agreement between them - that felt so similar to the one before their first kiss that Clarke knew nothing else could follow it but just that. She shot off, and Lexa did too, until they met each other in the middle of the corridor. Clarke pulled Lexa into her, and Lexa's hands went to her waist, both of them moaning in relief when they finally kissed, warm lips meeting cold ones with such force that Lexa stumbled and her back thudded against the wall.
"Sorry!" Clarke said.
Lexa smiled just then, deliriously happy, before kissing her again. She had Clarke pressed against the opposite wall in a second.
"Don't be," she said. "I like it."
Their next kiss held nothing back - not after Clarke heard such an admission - and ended only when Lexa pressed her lips against her jawline.
"I've played this out in my head so many times," Lexa breathed out shakily. "At the café I'd look at you and I'd remember how it felt to kiss you - to finally kiss you."
Clarke moaned as Lexa continued claiming her neck.
"I'd wish I could press you up against the display again and never make the mistake of pulling away. Take you right there." Her hands tightened on Clarke's waist and then inched up with a hunger written on her face. "You feel so right, Clarke. You always have. I can't even think straight when you're in the room. It's all you, all the time."
Clarke felt dizzy, unable to think coherently herself let alone form words with her mouth. She reached for Lexa's hand and brought it to her breast over her sweater, breathing hotly in the small space that separated their lips. "Then take me now," she managed to plead.
Lexa groaned before reclaiming her lips, cupping her breast at the same time their kiss deepened. Her tongue was silky soft, but her hands had a roughness to them that made Clarke throb with want. There was nothing rough or careless about Lexa herself, but weeks of thinking instead of acting had both of them on edge.
In the back of her mind, Clarke vaguely remembered they had yet to cross into her apartment, but at the forefront was Lexa's body pressed tightly against hers, Lexa's tongue in her mouth, and Lexa's hands on her breasts. She moaned loudly, and maybe it was that that spurred Lexa on. She guided Clarke toward the door, both of them clumsily trying to kiss at the same time, lips stretching into smiles when they bumped into each other.
Clarke finally opened Lexa's coat, and Lexa finally had her bra unsnapped, the move so swift that Clarke was only aware of it when Lexa slipped a hand beneath her sweater and cupped her bare breast. Her knees went weak and she stifled a cry against Lexa's neck. She was pressed against the wall again, the ache between her legs growing stronger.
"Lexa, baby, wait- inside."
Lexa nodded but made no move in that direction, instead crouching down to kiss her cleavage. She licked and nipped the exposed skin while she palmed her breast, until she couldn't help herself and ran a thumb over the stiff peak. Clarke gasped and threaded her fingers through Lexa's thick hair, so close to forgetting all about common courtesy. She had neighbors she liked. Neighbors who were also customers. Neighbors she'd want to introduce to Lexa, one day.
She searched for the door next to her and pushed it wide open, then pulled Lexa inside by the lapels of her coat. Though miffed at the interruption, Lexa recovered spectacularly well when Clarke shut the door behind them and resumed their kissing. She had Lexa pinned next to the coat rack, which rattled against the wall. Lexa's hands found her ass and squeezed.
"Fuck," Clarke breathed out. "I never thought it could be like this."
Lexa licked her bottom lip. "Like what?"
"Like…" Clarke's eyes darkened and she promptly pulled down Lexa's coat. "Wanting you so much it's painful."
In full agreement, Lexa pushed off the wall to kiss her. They moved further inside, blindly finding their way. Lexa mapped every inch of Clarke's skin she could reach, craving more. It was almost overwhelming, and perhaps the best indicator of how long it had been since she'd let passion overtake her.
"I want- I want-"
"Tell me," Clarke coaxed, desperate to get it out of her. Lexa had such a way with the written word, but Clarke needed her voice tonight.
"I feel like I'm going to starve if I don't have you now," she finally admitted as Clarke bumped into the kitchen table.
Clarke sat on it and felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through her when Lexa immediately stepped between her thighs. It was familiar and yet different from the cramped room of the café, where the thrill had been in the stolen moment. Clarke had known nothing further than kissing would happen then.
This time, Lexa cupped her cheek; and it was tender, because tenderness underlined everything Lexa did, even something as mundane as typing on her keyboard, but it was possessive too. Not possessive in a way Clarke had ever known, or at least not the kind that stemmed from dominance and jealousy. It was from something else that Clarke had felt too; this deep-seated hope that only she could satisfy Lexa. It was arrogant, she couldn't deny it, but it was true of Lexa too. No one else had ever had such a hold on her body, and no one else could satisfy her tonight - it seemed like Lexa was perhaps proudly aware of it.
"Tell me how you want me," Clarke rasped.
Lexa pressed her forehead against hers, her breathing fast and warm. Her hand slid down from her cheek to her neck, as if wanting to touch her everywhere and unsure where to finally settle.
"I want what you said before I left: my body against yours; my mouth on your thighs… my tongue inside you." Clarke shivered as Lexa looked down at her heaving chest. "Do you have any idea how many times I tormented myself with glimpses of you touching yourself? Knowing you'd seen me; us?" 
Lexa tugged at the bottom of Clarke's sweater and pulled it up, letting Clarke lift her arms before she took it off completely, her bra coming with it. Clarke's hair fell back messily and Lexa seemed to enjoy the sight, exhaling sharply before she had to crush their lips together again. The coarse fabric of Lexa's sweater rubbed against her nipples in the most pleasurable way.
"And I can't stand not knowing anymore," Lexa groaned.
While Clarke lost herself to the glorious feeling of Lexa's mouth against hers, with no end in sight for the first time, she faintly felt hands work on the buttons of her pants. Lexa grew more frenzied after they came off, hooking her fingers in her underwear to pull them down her legs.
Before she even realized it, Clarke was naked on the table while Lexa stood fully clothed, almost insufferably smug when she pinned Clarke’s wrists down. There was something about being completely at Lexa’s mercy in this moment, so utterly vulnerable and safe at the same time, that made Clarke dizzy with need.
While Lexa drank her in with a darkened stare, Clarke tried and failed to steady her breathing. Past her awkward teenage years she'd been comfortable with her body; with her full breasts and her curves, but Lexa’s noticeable desire has her feeling like a work of art. It was emboldening.
“Are you just going to stare...?” She husked.
Pulled out of her lustful reverie, Lexa let go of her hands to trail up her thighs. She felt cool against her skin, but was quickly warming up now. She kissed her throat sensually and licked over her pulse as she had after their date on the mountain.
“Now I’ve seen all of you too,” she whispered, sending a shiver down Clarke's spine.
Clarke cupped the back of her neck and kissed her desperately, squirming on the table for relief. But Lexa clearly intended to provide it, her hand inching so close to Clarke's entrance that she could feel its heat.
"I want to be inside you," she said, only pressing closer after Clarke had nodded.
Lexa's fingers were coated with her arousal as soon as they parted her folds. Clarke had wanted this for so long, and so strongly, that it was no surprise how wet she was. She'd felt her own desire for Lexa multiple times before, and it was fierce.
"I think you want that too," Lexa noted as her thumb reached up to brush over her clit.
"Don't tease me," Clarke whined, arching into Lexa's touch. "Fuck, I can't take it anymore. I can't."
Lexa hummed against her neck, two of her fingers barely dipping inside. "You can…"
The words had Clarke on the verge of tears. "No, baby, please-"
"But not tonight," Lexa said before penetrating her. 
"Oh, fuck!" Clarke moaned loudly, throwing her arm around Lexa's neck as she lied her down on the table.
"I've got you," Lexa said.
She pumped inside her, her eyes mesmerized by Clarke's face and the pleasure written on it. Clarke's mouth remained agape as she took her in, finally full. Lexa felt so good; unlike any dream or vision she could’ve conjured for herself again.
"More, Lexa- fuck-" she panted, acutely aware how close she already was.
Lexa barely waited a beat before she picked up the pace, taking her deep and hard. There would be a time for slow and sensuous, where she would caress and worship every inch of the gorgeous woman beneath her, but neither of them had the patience for it now. In this moment Clarke needed release and Lexa needed the thrill of giving it to her.
The feet of the table thumped against the floor and something fell, but the windows could have shattered and Clarke would have still pulled Lexa closer. She'd never imagined their sex like this, but god did it feel good. It was dirty and frenzied, but it was them. It wasn't something she could have done with anyone else; that she'd ever needed with anyone else.
She gasped against Lexa's neck, tasting salt when her tongue peeked out. Lexa still had her clothes on, but she was breathing so hard that Clarke knew she was starting to sweat too. The apartment felt so much hotter already; the air already smelling like them.
Lexa took a nipple in her mouth, licking and sucking while Clarke rocked her hips against her hand, chasing her release. This is what she'd missed out on, she vaguely thought. The urge to share all of herself, to give and be taken so fucking thoroughly she could barely even remember her own name. She only had Lexa on her mind; Lexa lavishing attention on her chest and curling her fingers inside her.
"Oh god, don't stop!" She cried out, her nails scratching down Lexa's back beneath her top, not hard enough to pierce skin but hard enough to hurt good.
Lexa's hips jerked forward and Clarke realized she was moving them against the table, following the in and out rhythm of her fingers to give herself some relief. It must've been only a few minutes since Clarke had finally felt Lexa inside her, but the thought of her so wound up paired with her small moans pushed Clarke over the edge. She tensed and came with a sharp cry, her orgasm crashing throughout her body in waves. Her ankles locked around Lexa's waist and she realized her fingers were still in that thick hair of hers, now wild and messy.
Lexa hummed in between kisses to her breasts and throat, anywhere she could reach as Clarke slowly unwound beneath her. She pulled out of her and drew lazy circles against her clit, not ready to pull away entirely. The smell of their mixed arousal was heady, and all she could think about was finally tasting Clarke. It was a surprise when she heard a small laugh and then saw Clarke cover her face with her hands.
"I knew I'd be fast, but…"
Lexa pressed her nose against the back of her hand. "Hm, I guess I have time to go home." 
Clarke immediately reached for her collar. "No jokes. Besides, that was a warm-up." She kissed her and then licked her bottom lip. "Just to clear my head."
"Yes, of course," Lexa played along. "A practice round?"
They laughed before kissing again, laughter soon changing to moans. Clarke got off the table to pull Lexa toward the bedroom, eager for a softer surface. There'd been some truth to what she said: the orgasm did make her a little less useless, though she was rapidly feeling hot all over again.
They kissed between the quick shedding of Lexa's clothes, hands working fast to pull up her sweater and undo her shirt. The more skin was exposed, the tighter they held each other, desperate to feel skin on skin.
Clarke felt so hungry for Lexa that when their tongues met again she stuttered in her movements. Lexa's hands on her waist steadied her, but the brief halt slowed nothing down. 
By the time the back of Clarke's knees hit her bed, she was pulling an equally naked Lexa atop her. The weight of her felt like finding what she had been missing for months, for years, and when Lexa pulled back and looked at her, making sure her renewed ardor was welcome, Clarke felt like nothing could compare to being looked at like this, with so much desire she couldn't even comprehend it.
Their next kiss made Clarke's toes curl. Lexa's tongue wasn't timid against hers. Lexa's hands weren’t hesitant when they kneaded her breasts, her thumbs sweeping over her nipples to tease the hard peaks. She took one in her mouth and Clarke gasped helplessly, not sure she would ever get used to the heat of Lexa's mouth. As wound up as she was, Lexa still seemed more interested in exploring Clarke's body. She fondled and licked, checking for signs of what made Clarke tick the most - a teasing suck, a gentle bite, or a rough squeeze.
Their bodies moved together toward one common goal, yet in no rush to reach the finish line once more. Clarke's moans surprised her. She wasn't usually quiet but she wasn't extraordinarily loud either. But Lexa had awakened something inside her. She craved her so much it was almost frightening.
"Come here," Clarke pleaded as she tried tugging Lexa back up. Her thoughts filled with Lexa coming apart beneath her, but Lexa had other plans.
"I need to taste you," she breathed out while she left gentle pecks down Clarke's stomach.
When Lexa parted her thighs and finally kissed her clit, Clarke looked down and gasped. Suddenly, she thought of her vision. She saw it so clearly now that she wondered how she could've ever thought it wasn't Lexa. And yet she felt indescribable happiness when she realized it wasn't quite what she had seen either. The air was different, the smell, even the way they moved together. Her vision wasn't a one-off - she knew that clearly now. One day perhaps they would be back in her bed, and Lexa would be breathing her in, and Clarke would know she was living what she had once seen. But tonight was still wonderfully unknown. It was theirs to discover together.
Needing to feel Lexa above all, Clarke reached for her head and moaned out her name. Lexa looked up and smiled, not once looking away while she lowered her mouth and slid her tongue through her.
"Lexa - oh god - make me come…" she pleaded, the fire inside her all-consuming.
Lexa's nose pressed against her as she drew closer, finally licking inside her. Clarke's eyes squeezed shut and she writhed beneath her, hips rocking against her mouth.
Oh she was good at this, but what struck Clarke the most was how intense she was, almost to the point of greed, like Clarke was hers to please. Like she took her pleasure from giving it, spurred on the messier it was and so eager to lap it all up. And it was messy - almost to an embarrassing point, Clarke briefly thought, to be this wet and this eager to be devoured.
Lexa worked her hard and long, maddening, never once tiring. She knew where she wanted to go but she took direction too, with Clarke's hands in her hair, sometimes guiding closer, sometimes slightly to the side and oh-
"Lexa!" Clarke gasped when she felt two fingers inside her again. A third finger quickly joined and started the delicious torture of building her up.
The air around them was almost stifling, but Clarke never wanted to leave this room. She'd lost all inhibition in Lexa's arms, in this bed, and it was the most freeing feeling in the world. She'd known they had a connection - that they brought out something exhilarating and new in each other - but she hadn't dreamed of something like this. Of understanding each other so utterly fast.
"You taste so good," Lexa said before she flicked her tongue over her clit, smiling proudly when Clarke's fingers pressed against her scalp again. 
"I'm so close - so close-" Clarke's back arched and she spread her thighs wider, offering herself fully, crying out when Lexa's fingers stroked a deep spot inside her. "Right there, right there," she moaned, but any other plea was swiftly cut off.
Her orgasm had her clawing at the sheets, gripping until her knuckles went white; her heart pounding. She called out for Lexa followed by a string of expletives, her thoughts completely wiped out. For a few seconds, there was nothing else existing in this world but this very feeling.
"Oh god, fuck," she said as she regained some sense of space. "Come here, baby, please."
Lexa licked her lips before moving up her body, her senses so attuned to Clarke's taste and smell; the very feel of her beneath her fingertips.
Clarke kissed her deeply once her breathing had calmed down. It was wet and filthy, a kiss that specifically aimed to further Lexa's arousal. Once Clarke had recovered, it was no surprise that she pushed Lexa on her back and straddled her.
And while Lexa had successfully kept her mind off of her own needs so far, it was impossible now. Clarke entwined their fingers together and pinned them on each side of Lexa's head, grinning when Lexa's attention immediately went to her hanging breasts, too far for her mouth to reach.
"You want something?" Clarke coyly asked as she started grinding against her, her breasts now swaying gently with her body.
Lexa squeezed her hands in frustration. "Clarke…"
Clarke leaned down and grinned cockily when Lexa tried kissing her.
"I think you like this," she said, her mouth so close she could feel Lexa's warm breath. She could smell herself too, and even in the poor lighting from the hallway, she could see her essence on Lexa's chin.
"I think you've liked it for a long time. How we'd touch but barely; kiss but never long enough. It's how you drove me crazy for weeks. But I know I liked it, deep down." She rubbed herself against Lexa's thighs and watched her reaction closely. "How it pushed me toward the edge. How much more intense it made touching myself every night, wondering how much closer we were to a night like this."
Lexa's eyes squeezed shut for a second. "Fuck," she breathed out, to Clarke's wicked delight.
"Hmm, I know you like picturing that." She kissed her throat and then finally kissed her breasts. "Let me take care of you." She let go of her hands to palm one breast while she teased the other with her tongue, sighing when Lexa moaned lowly.
Lexa slung an arm around her middle, fingers stretched out on her back, just to feel her closer. Just to be selfish for a moment and keep this woman - this bold, extraordinary woman - all to herself. She had wanted to give so much tonight, to push Clarke over the edge and bring her back, over and over again, but beneath Clarke's mouth and hands she was unable to ignore her own desire any longer.
Her breathing stuttered as she watched her leave open-mouthed kisses down her stomach, adoring every freckle.
Maybe Clarke had seen Lexa's body before even truly knowing her, but it couldn't compare to actually feeling her. Feeling the warmth of her skin and how her muscles tensed; watching the dim light bounce on her tattoo when she flexed her arm; how her eyes darkened the more time passed. Her vision had been about her own pleasure, but Clarke found Lexa's pleasure much more exhilarating.
"What do you want?" She asked this time, stroking the inside of Lexa's thigh.
Lexa looked so taken aback for a second that Clarke wondered if she still wasn't used to being asked that. The first time Clarke had ever asked her, at night in the café, Lexa had kissed her. The second, she had implied it didn't matter. But it did, and Clarke would make sure Lexa always knew it.
Lexa gripped her hip, pulling her closer. Then, she cupped the back of her neck to kiss her, maybe as a way of stalling. Clarke couldn't imagine why she would do it, until Lexa nudged her higher up on her body again. Clarke laughed when her breasts were at eye level and Lexa licked her bottom lip.
"Well I know what to give you for Christmas now," she said.
Lexa smiled before lifting her head to nuzzle one breast. "I could stay here forever."
"Hmm, I'll see what I can do about that." Clarke reached between her legs and touched her, her knees almost buckling when she felt how wet Lexa was.
Lexa's breathing quickened and she pressed her face against Clarke's cleavage, her arm still tight around her.
"Clarke, fuck," she exhaled sharply.
It was distracting enough to have Lexa's mouth so close to her breasts again, but when she lifted her thigh ever so slightly, Clarke felt it against her center and briefly wavered. Knowing she'd be a lost cause if she started grinding down on it, she slid two fingers inside Lexa and watched as she tipped her head back.
Clarke had always known Lexa to be hard to pinpoint; reserved at times and yet so passionate at others. Detached some days and sociable on others. The vision had captured just how intense she could be, like a switch she turned on. For a long time Clarke had thought of her as a walking contradiction, but as she looked at her face now, she saw none of that. Lexa had trusted her with so much; and asked for so little in return. And while Clarke had yearned for the intimacy in her vision, she realized then they'd shared that long before shedding their clothes. Touching Lexa - finally touching Lexa - was just the culmination of it.
"You feel amazing," she whispered as she pressed inside her, amazed by Lexa's small moans and how she held her. They couldn't possibly be closer, their sweaty bodies sliding against each other, and yet it still felt like there was too much between them.
Clarke felt Lexa's thigh tense and moaned, not expecting it to feel so good against her clit. When Lexa nudged her hips and encouraged her to grind down, Clarke gave into the urge.
"Don't stop," Lexa panted, tongue flicking against Clarke's breast again.
Clarke would've never dared, the thought of pulling out almost laughable. Every cell in her body was focused on Lexa; on the sound of her fingers thrusting inside her and the quick rise and fall of her chest. She couldn't get enough of her; couldn't wait to watch her come undone.
Lexa writhed beneath her, hips rising to meet the rhythm she had set. Her eyes were closed now and there was a slight crease between her brows. It made Clarke smile, remembering too fondly how wound up Lexa had been when they had first met. It had been apparent then and it was apparent now, differently of course, only Clarke intended to make sure she found her release.
"I've got you," she echoed Lexa's earlier sentiment, remembering how it had made her feel.
While Clarke hadn't been able to quiet her moans, Lexa's impeding orgasm seemed to have the opposite effect. Her lips were parted and her hold on Clarke had tightened, but she seemed to have retreated into herself.
"Baby, look at me," Clarke gently coxed as her thrusts quickened.
Lexa looked up with shining eyes, and for a moment Clarke lost herself in them. She couldn't really explain what happened then, if their arousal was heightening everything, but she felt every bit of Lexa's trust in her, and it made her heart swell. She bent down to kiss her, and even if it was sloppy it felt like she might cry from it.
Now desperate for Lexa to feel the same way she'd made her, Clarke pulled out of her and focused on her clit, rubbing it until Lexa's fingers dug into her back and she gasped.
"Clarke- fuck, oh-" She came with a soft cry, trying to keep her eyes open until she couldn't any longer. She reached for Clarke's hand and interlaced their fingers, her way of showing she was still here, in the moment, and had no intention of leaving.
Clarke drank in every change in her expression, from her brow finally relaxing to the little twitch in her nose she could only describe as so fucking cute. Lexa was breathtaking. It felt like her chest had exploded with happiness. She couldn't put it into words yet, but she would one day - that much she knew.
With that thought, Clarke rested her head on Lexa's shoulder and grinned, just because it felt exactly like the thing to do.
* * *
Clarke woke up on her stomach to the feeling of Lexa's lips on the back of her neck and her knuckles brushing down her spine. She kept her eyes shut, the light of the morning sun already filtering through the thin drapes. Lexa must've gotten up at some point to shut them, because it certainly hadn't been a priority last night. It'd been a while since Clarke had woken up after dawn, but the café was the furthest thing from her mind today, interviews be damned.
"Hmm feels nice," she mumbled into her pillow. She stretched her arms and legs, nearly purring when she realized Lexa's naked body was pressed against her back.
"Good morning," Lexa murmured.
Clarke faced her with a shy grin. Lexa looked so stunning with her tousled hair and the soft light on her face.
"Hi," she said, her voice still scratchy. 
"How do you feel?"
Clarke snorted. "How do you think?"
Lexa smiled and bent down to kiss her, but the initial gentle press of lips soon turned into something deeper when Clarke reached out for her cheek and opened her mouth. Lexa sighed into it, her hand now resting on her ass and squeezing it when Clarke grew bolder.
"Don't start what you can't finish…" Clarke pulled away, the pulse between her legs throbbing familiarly.
"I wouldn't dare," Lexa replied confidently before straddling Clarke's legs and bending down again to kiss her shoulder blades.
"Lexa…" Clarke's breathing picked up as she guessed her intentions. She was wet, maybe wetter than she'd expected just a few minutes after waking up, but Lexa had this effect on her. She felt her shuffle back before cupping her ass with both hands.
"Raise your hips for me, baby," Lexa gently said.
Clarke did as requested, her hands gripping the sheets beneath her when she suddenly felt Lexa's tongue flat against her slit. The pillow muffled her moan. She buried her face in it, picturing Lexa positioned behind her so clearly it made her stomach tighten even more. Not seeing her made it all the more intense; a sign she trusted Lexa wholly, even at her most exposed.
Lexa tongued her clit and then dipped inside her, teasing her slowly, unlike the frantic pace they had set last night. It was purposeful though, building on the pressure Clarke already felt so strongly.
"Oh my god," she gave a low moan, helpless to do anything but hope Lexa would take pity on her fast.
She didn't. Lexa alternated between slow drags of her tongue against her entrance and gentle suction on her clit, as if exploring her anew in the morning light. Clarke groaned, thinking this might be how she would go insane. She needed so much more - Lexa deep inside her, taking her roughly until she was finally rid of the pulsing ache between her legs.
"Lexa, please-" she said, her fingers digging into the mattress.
Lexa shifted and Clarke suddenly shivered in anticipation. Yesterday had been heated and impatient, but this morning was a different kind of yearning. How far could they push and pull each other? How much could they give and take?
Taking her cue, Lexa drew unhurried circles around her clit before repositioning herself. She leaned down, her breasts against Clarke's back, though not so heavily that Clarke would crumple completely beneath her weight. Then, she pushed two fingers inside her.
"Fuck," Clarke moaned, knees pressed into the mattress.
Flashes of herself getting off like this the first time filled her mind. It had been the first time she'd thought of Lexa - at least consciously. The first time she'd needed to get off so badly that only picturing Lexa would satisfy her. And it had been enough then, but it had never been this good. If Lexa kept this going, she couldn't imagine leaving her room today.
"Like this?" Lexa asked as she filled her.
God, Lexa sure picked her moments. Clarke couldn't think straight, let alone speak!
"Faster," she managed to whimper.
Lexa hummed in acknowledgment and then sucked on her neck, moving her hips in such a way that it matched the movement of her fingers. Clarke felt like she was being mounted; taken so hard and good that she'd walk funny for days. She parted her thighs wider, lewdly, just to feel Lexa deeper.
"Harder… More…"
Lexa knew how to tease but she wasn't cruel at it, at least not this morning. She obeyed Clarke's commands smoothly, as if nothing could please her more than pleasing Clarke.
"I thought about you too," Lexa admitted quietly, like it was a dirty secret of hers. "Just like this."
Clarke's foggy mind processed the words slowly, her heart jolting when she realized what Lexa meant. Lexa shifted behind her and Clarke felt her grind against her ass, like she needed to alleviate the ache she was feeling herself before continuing.
"Thought about you spread out for me." Lexa shifted slightly to change the angle. "Hearing you say my name."
"Just like that. I thought about taking you with my tongue first - soft and gentle."
"Oh, oh," Clarke panted into the pillow.
Lexa picked up the pace. "With my fingers - hard and fast."
Clarke's mouth opened but no sound came out as her body hurtled toward release, the delicious pressure tightening with each word.
"And when I was about to come I'd think about taking you with my strap - in deep, long strokes." Lexa finally added a third finger and watched as Clarke's back arched in pleasure.
"Oh my- God, Lex- Don't stop, don't stop!" 
"Never," Lexa breathed out.
Their bodies moved together as one again, and soon Lexa found it harder to keep herself from collapsing on Clarke. She chased her own release, grinding against her, spurred on each time Clarke said her name. 
Finally Clarke's whole body tensed before she moaned loudly into the pillow, pleasure bursting within her as she reached her peak. Her toes curled and her mind went blank, wiped out by Lexa's thorough fucking. One, two, three thrusts of her hips against her ass and Lexa was crying out her name in the crook of her neck, her voice a soft rasp until all Clarke heard was their ragged breathing.
Lexa lied on her for a minute, the weight of her so warm and pleasant that Clarke wished she'd just stay there and they could fall asleep like this. Lexa reached for her hand and held it, mumbling something Clarke couldn't quite make out at first.
"You're amazing," Lexa said more clearly as she moved to the side, lying next to Clarke. "So fucking amazing."
Clarke quickly realized something. "Oh Lex…" she started giggling.
"What is it?" Lexa asked with amusement, propping herself up on her elbow and adoring Clarke's contagious laughter. "Was it too much?"
Clarke shook her head and pulled back. "Not at all. I was just thinking… we lasted about a week."
"Oh." Lexa smiled. "Well, God made the world in a week. A whole world. So I'd argue a week is an honorable amount of time to wait."
Clarke pushed Lexa on her back so she could rest her head on her chest, wanting to bask in the warmth of their bodies as her heart settled down.
"True, but I'm not sure the Bible would approve of this."
Lexa shrugged. "We just did our part fulfilling a different prophecy. Which reminds me... How did I compare?"
Clarke laughed tiredly. "No, this wasn't it."
"It was different."
Lexa thought about this for a beat. "How so?"
Clarke kissed the side of her breast. "Just… realer. Looking back, the vision was almost like… like I wasn't fully in my body. It's hard to explain. It can't be compared."
"Hm. Interesting."
Clarke looked up. "You're not going to include this in the Gazette, are you?"
"Well of course I am, this was all just a ploy to further my research."
Clarke moved to playfully nip her earlobe. "In that case I'll have to keep you in this room forever."
Lexa grinned while Clarke peppered her neck with kisses. "I'll agree to those terms in the name of research." She capture her lips and sighed into their sweet kiss, her arms right where she had wanted them for so long, around Clarke's waist.
Staying here forever had a nice ring to it.
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cavalierious-whim · 3 years
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It's been five years since they last saw each other, and Felix is back in Sylvain's arms.
This time I'm dealing up a huge, heaping portion of porn with feels. Read here on AO3 for better quality, and follow me here on Twitter!
Their first kiss is an aggressive thing, full of teeth. Felix nips at Sylvain’s mouth, biting at him to stake his claim, not that he needs to. Felix has held Sylvain’s heart in his hands since he was wearing diapers. Since they started fighting with wooden swords. Since Glenn died and all they had was each other.
Even when they didn’t.
Sylvain can barely believe that this is happening, that Felix is right here, alive and well at his fingertips. “Wait,” he says breathlessly. He pulls away to press their foreheads together instead, eyes slipping closed as he just relishes the closeness of Felix.
Five years, since Garreg Mach fell. The Blue Lions scattered. Sylvain went back to the only place where he meant anything-- the bitter and cold home that he hates. Felix did what he always does, which was whatever the fuck he wanted. He and Sylvain shared letters for a brief time, but then they stopped coming.
Sylvain wasn’t surprised. Expected it. Felix is a lone wolf; an angry change that was tattooed into his bones in the wake of Glenn’s death. Thinks he’s better off alone because he’s only a bother to everyone else. Honestly, the letters that Sylvain has tucked away in the bottom right drawer of his desk were more than he ever expected.
He didn’t think they’d see each other again, old promises be damned.
“You’re here,” says Sylvain quietly. His lips tremble against the skin of Felix’s forehead. “Goddess, Felix, you actually came back.”
Felix grips Sylvain by the jaw, thumbing over his cheekbones, a reminder that he’s solid and that he’s real. “Idiot,” he says with a scoff as he holds him there. Felix’s typical brand of affection. Sylvain wants to cry at the insult. Even though they’re older, they aren’t much different. Years have passed and Felix is still Felix.
And Sylvain’s still Sylvain, relishing in something as simple as a crumb of notice from Felix. He reaches out and grabs a loose lock of Felix’s hair. “Who cut this?” he asks. “A butcher?”
“Myself,” says Felix with a huff.
Sylvain wonders if he did it with his sword.“It’s terrible.”
“It’s enough.” Felix pauses, reaching up to smooth a hand through Sylvain’s hair, his fingers tugging at auburn curls. “And what about you? You look like an overgrown dog.”
Sylvain laughs. Presses a kiss to the side of Felix’s temple. Plays with his hair more. Felix lets him take his time, nails scratching against Sylvain’s scalp. Sylvain likes when he’s soft like this. Caring, almost.
It won’t last long because Felix is also impatient. And sure enough, he tugs at Sylvain’s shirt shortly after, pulling it from his trousers.
Their second kiss is slower and sweeter, languid in its touch. The kind of kiss that leads to swooning and tingles in the limbs. Felix pulls Sylvain’s face down to his and tips it at an angle, sliding his tongue in.
Sylvain moans into his mouth, losing his breath. Nearly loses his footing because he can barely stand straight. Nearly loses his mind because he’s so consumed with his want for Felix.
And Felix knows. He isn’t stupid. He pulls back with a smirk, licking at his lips as he watches Sylvain. “Haven’t changed, have you?” he asks him.
“Not much,” says Sylvain. “Only a little taller. Definitely not wiser.”
“Clearly, as I’m not in your bed yet. We’re still standing out here by the fire. Still fully clothed. I’m still in my boots. ”
Sylvain can hear the lighthearted accusation in the tone. Were they younger, Felix would already be stark naked and writhing in his sheets. Sylvain would already be fucking him on his fingers, quickly and efficiently with a clear goal in sight.
Not now, thinks Sylvain, reaching out to run his thumb over Felix’s spit-slick lips. “Slower,” he says to Felix, murmuring the soft word near the juncture of his neck and ear before he presses a kiss there.
“You’re supposed to be the insatiable one,” says Felix.
“Oh, I am,” says Sylvain. “Utterly ravenous, as always when it comes to you, which is why I want to take my time. Pick you apart slowly. Remembering exactly how this feels.”
“Like you’ve forgotten,” says Felix, a little breathless. Not unaffected by his words, judging by his pink cheeks and the way that he watches Sylvain.
Sylvain smiles at Felix before leaning close again to suck a mark into his neck. “Never,” says Sylvain, tracing the touch with his tongue, nibbling at the soft skin just under Felix’s ear. “Couldn’t possibly. Felix, you haunt even the most mundane of my dreams.”
“Have you had a lot of those?”
Sylvain pulls back, flashing him a dangerous grin. “Hundreds, I’m sure,” he says. “Once a day, once a night, the hours in between--”
“Far too much,” says Felix, tutting slightly. “Can’t be healthy.”
Sylvain’s hands find Felix’s waist, finally pulling him closer, finally pressing their hips together. It isn’t much friction, but it’s enough to tease. Enough to feel Felix’s cock, half-hard in his trousers.
“You always take too long.” Felix’s tone is biting, but not unkind.
“Then do something about it,” says Sylvain, his thumbs skimming over the coarse fabric of Felix’s jacket.
Felix does. Slips his hand into the loosened collar of Sylvain’s shirt, fingers sliding over his collarbone. “Insufferable,” he says as he smooths his hand down Sylvain’s front. “How handsome you still are.”
Sylvain raises an eyebrow. “Did you think I wouldn’t be?” Felix doesn’t answer, only rolls his eyes instead. “Come on,” continues Sylvain, “You missed me.”
Instead of giving Sylvain the satisfaction of an agreement, Felix’s fingers find the opening of Sylvain’s trousers and tugs them open. Slips them off easily, leaving Sylvain in nothing but his underthings and shirt. Then Felix cups his cock, palming him gently over the cotton, staring at it hungrily.
“I missed this,” he finally says. “Nothing else can quite compare.”
Sylvain’s breath hitches, but he manages to reach out and tug on a lock of Felix’s hair. “Don’t talk about other men.” Because really, how rude. Sylvain hasn’t slept with anyone else in the five years they’ve been separated. Didn’t even dream of it. His only intimate acquaintance has been his hand, and not even frequently at that.
War takes a toll on even the horniest of people.
He expects Felix to have some sort of snippy comeback. Felix doesn’t. Just looks at Sylvain severely and then says, very quietly, “There haven’t been others.”
Sylvain’s mouth snaps shut. His throat goes dry. His cock hardens fully in Felix’s hold.
It’s a matter of moments before Felix leads him from the room and they find the bed. Everything’s slower now, the tone having shifted. They’re still desperate, each burning to feel the touch of the other, but Felix’s soft confession has turned everything upside down.
Sylvain hoped, of course. Prayed that their prewar tryst had been something of value, something more than just quick fucks to break the monotony. They’d never really talked about it. Then the war came and the Blue Lions scattered, and Felix was off in the wind.
It’s as good a confirmation as Sylvain’ll ever get. And he knows it isn’t a lie; if Felix had fucked around, he’d definitely throw it back in his face as a tease.
Felix removes his jacket and then presses Sylvain into the bed, hovering over him. Rucks up Sylvain’s shirt and drags his fingers through the hills and valleys of Sylvain’s abs. Felix’s eyes are slightly dazed, lips swollen and pink from their earlier kisses, hair mussed.
“Beautiful,” says Sylvain, watching him back.
Usually, Felix would scoff at such a thing, but this time, his expression turns soft. His tongue dips out to lick at his lips, and Sylvain’s throat goes dry. He’s painfully hard in his smalls. Felix is too, he can see the tented outline of his cock against the seam of his trousers.
Sylvain grabs him by the hips and guides their crotches together, seeking out any friction that he can get. It’s something at least, the electric-hot tingles of pleasure that press along his spine. Felix moans, hips moving against Sylvain's, fingers reaching down to press against his collar again.
Felix’s fingernails are sharp against Sylvain’s skin as they scratch through his chest hair. The hard line of Felix’s cock is blissful against his own. But it isn’t enough, it’s never enough he feels. Wasn’t before the war, still isn’t now. Sylvain could drown in the well of affection that Felix gives him, and he’d still want more.
“You know that I love you, right?” asks Sylvain quietly. His words are barely a whisper. It’s enough for Felix to pause above him, highly alert. Sylvain’s never said such a thing to anyone, let alone Felix, but it’s too late to take the words back now.
Then, Felix leans over, grasping Sylvain’s face between his hands, thumbing over the high arcs of his cheekbones. Their lips are so close, just barely breaths away.
“You have to,” says Sylvain, a hint of nervousness in his voice, worried that he’s crossed the line they both carefully toe. “Surely you do.”
Felix kisses him like he’s never kissed him before; full of want and need, searching with its cresting passion. He licks across Sylvain’s lips, asking for him to open up. Sylvain does and Felix all but devours him, moaning against his mouth, trying to make up for all the time they’ve lost.
Sylvain scrambles against him, reaching up to change the angle of their kiss. His thumb sneaks across Felix’s pulse at his neck, feeling its steady beat, the thud thud of it against his fingertips. “Goddess, I love you so much,” he whispers, the words tattooed against Felix’s lips.
Felix swallows thickly. Hovers over Sylvain stock still. Then he says, “You talk too much.” But his tone is fond and lacks any annoyance, and Sylvain chuckles lightly before pulling him back down.
One of Sylvain’s hands moves to grab Felix’s ass, pulling him forward again. Sylvain’s impatient. Wants to get his hands in Felix’s pants, wants to feel his plush ass as they grind their cocks together.
Felix is impatient too, grunting as he shifts his weight. Sylvain whines when he leans back. Stops when Felix pulls off his shirt. Sylvain loses his breath as his hands skim Felix’s waist and hips. He fingers over scars, some faded with age, others pink and new.
One still stitched up and terribly so.
“Don’t mind it,” says Felix, watching Sylvain’s gaze pause on it. “It barely hurts. Nearly healed.”
“It’s not important.” Felix’s hands are on Sylvain again as he settles over him properly, straddling Sylvain’s crotch. Felix’s fingers smooth over Sylvain’s front, tugging at the material of his shirt. “You aren’t naked enough.”
“Felix,” Sylvain tries again, but Felix ignores him, yanking at his shirt, trying to pull it over his head. Sylvain grabs him by the wrists and looks at him. And then, Felix finally meets Sylvain’s face, his cheeks tinged pink and breathless.
Felix isn’t good with words, but he’s good with actions. Everything that he does is carefully placed. Like right now, with the way that he caresses Sylvain like he’s a precious treasure. Sylvain knows, doesn’t need to be told.
“I don’t expect you to say it back,” says Sylvain finally, pulling Felix’s knuckles to his mouth for a kiss. “But it needed to be said.”
“Dimwit,” says Felix, but he doesn’t expound upon the thought. “Absolute dolt. You-- You’re different . I don’t just ask anyone--”
“Felix, I know.” Sylvain laughs against Felix’s fingers, kissing them again. Then he lifts from the bed to pull off his shirt. Felix’s hands are on him the moment he’s settled back against the mattress.
He’s looking at Sylvain again with that serious expression, his lip tucked between his teeth. Felix’s fingers trace the scars that he’s gained over the last half-decade.
“What are you thinking?” asks Sylvain.
“I could have prevented these,” says Felix, “Had I been there. Instead, I left.”
“No doubt doing valiant things, I’m sure.”
Felix’s expression is pinched. “I ran away.”
“Everyone wanted to run away from the war.”
“Not from the war,” says Felix so quietly that Sylvain barely hears it. The from you is heavily implied.
Sylvain reaches up and smooths his hand over Felix’s hair. Pulls out the tie that holds it in place and when the strands are free, he combs through them. It’s a soft touch that’s different from the fervent need they’d just had, but Felix sinks into it, his eyes closing as he sighs.
“We’re together now,” says Sylvain. “You’ve come back to me.” Felix’s fingers are rough and calloused, but the skin of his side is soft to the touch. Sylvain’s hand slides along the smooth expanse of it.
“You still aren’t naked enough,” says Felix, his tone a smidge irate now, looking down at Sylvain’s underthings like they offend him.
“More naked than you,” says Sylvain. His hand finds Felix’s cock, fondling him over the rough material of his trousers. Felix huffs as he reaches down to undo them. Does his best to kick them off as quickly as possible.
His smalls go as well, and Sylvain follows suit, shimmying out of the last of his clothes. The socks stay on. Felix sneers slightly but doesn’t say anything because his need for Sylvain transcends his hobby of teasing him.
Sylvain stares again, eyes raking over Felix’s form. Felix has always been lithe and supple. Smaller than most, but no less powerful. But now he’s something else; all defined thighs with a well-formed ass. Harshly-cut hips and just this side of scrawny because he hasn’t eaten well.
None of them have, not really.
To Sylvain though, he’s more handsome than ever. Gruff with a hint of stubble because it’s late in the day and Felix has been on the road. And now this.
Felix climbs back over him, their legs slotting together like it was meant to be. Like they’ve never been separated. Sylvain finally touches him, curling his fingers around Felix’s warm length.
“Shit,” murmurs Felix, already arching against the touch, seeking out more.
Felix’s cock is heavy in Sylvain’s hand, hard and throbbing. He traces the vein along the underside with his thumb, then palms the crown of Felix’s cock with a simple twist. And Felix reacts the way he expects, hushed murmurs as he bites at his lip; quiet expletives as his fingers dig into the meat of Sylvain’s thigh.
Nothing’s changed.
“Oil,” says Felix, leaning over to root around in Sylvain’s bedside table.
“Not yet,” says Sylvain, enjoying his slow exploration way too much. Counting Felix’s new scars. Mapping out the way that his muscles now bend and curve. “Let’s take our time.”
“This won’t last long if you keep at it,” says Felix, his voice a little breathless and his face screwed shut tight. He claws at Sylvain’s thigh again.
“Oh,” says Sylvain in quiet marvel. “Already there, huh?”
“Shut up,” says Felix tersely.
Sylvain sits up and Felix moans as their cocks slide together. Felix’s dick is leaking precome, making a sticky mess, and Sylvain wishes he could lick it right up. Felix wants other things, though, and he’s willing to compromise. He finds a bottle of oil in the bed, underneath a spare pillow.
“Really? In the bed?”
“Where’d you think?” ask Sylvain. Felix leans closer, framing Sylvain’s head with his elbows. His hair falls around them in a curtain as he offers Sylvain a soft little smile, the barest crack in his ornery facade. “Sometimes spit just isn’t enough, you know. Sometimes, on my loneliest nights, I have to slick everything up and pretend that my hand is you.”
Felix’s breath catches and his eyes turn half-lidded and hazy with want. “Only me,” he says.
“Always,” says Sylvain, enraptured by the sight, everything that he feels pooling deep in his gut. He’s quick to uncork the bottle and slather his fingers in oil. He’s quicker to reach around Felix’s ass, fingers slipping between his crack.
Sylvain’s cock is hard against Felix’s thigh, leaking pathetically as his finger circles around Felix’s hole, just barely pressing against it.
“Sylvain,” murmurs Felix, pressing his face into Sylvain’s neck, nosing at the soft skin there.
“Five years,” says Sylvain as he slips the finger in, slowly but surely. “Since anyone else has taken care of you.” Felix moans against him, his breath heavy near Sylvain’s ear. He sucks a mark into the skin just under it.
Sylvain knows Felix will get annoyed if he takes too long, so he sets to work, pressing in to the knuckle. He works quickly, his touch simple and practiced. Then, Sylvain presses in a second, widening the stretch, pulling at Felix’s rim slightly when he spreads his fingers.
“Fuck,” says Felix, the words tucked against Sylvain’s jaw. His breath is hot, coming up in stilted puffs up as Felix slowly loses his carefully held control. He presses back against Sylvain’s fingers as he leans forward to latch against his skin once more.
And Sylvain wants to be marked up, wants everyone to see just who he belongs to, and he groans at the thought. He tells him so, soft words murmured into Felix’s ear as his fingers stretch him with an expert touch.
“Surely you did this to yourself,” murmurs Sylvain, his voice low and husky with lust. “Alone in your tent, or maybe underneath the stars. Crying out as you thought of me.”
Felix doesn’t need to say it, Sylvain knows he’s hit the mark when his ass clamps down on his fingers. Then Felix cries out as a third finger’s slipped in, alongside the others. He pulls back, sitting up straight, pressing right down on Sylvain’s hand.
Fucks himself against Sylvain’s fingers the best that he can. Felix is flushed down to his breastbone, his chest shaking with every stuttered breath.
“Look at you,” says Sylvain, scissoring into him with a little more force, pressing around to try and find Felix’s prostate.
He does, of course. Masterfully so. Felix cries out and grinds against Sylvain’s hand. When he reaches for his cock, Sylvain grabs his wrist. “No, not yet,” he says.
Felix snarls in response.
“I want you to come,” says Sylvain, “But only around my cock. It’s been too long, Felix, don’t deny me that.”
“You’re taking too long, you annoying fuck,” says Felix in return, pulling off of Sylvain’s fingers. He’s slightly agitated as he grabs the bottle of oil. “Too busy talking than to getting to the part that we both really want.”
He pours the oil into his palm then grabs Sylvain’s cock. Sylvain hisses in surprise as Felix slicks him up, squeezing him tightly. Tugs at Sylvain’s length, thumbing over the slit. Sylvain keens at the touch.
“But, if you must know,” says Felix, just a little bit softer this time, his abrasive tone melting ever so slightly. He lets go of Sylvain’s cock and rearranges himself, hovering over it. Presses Sylvain’s dick against his ready hole. “Yes, I fucked myself on my fingers, and no, it wasn’t ever good enough. Not when you were all I ever thought about, and of course, this.”
Felix eases down onto Sylvain’s cock, and Sylvain’s pretty sure he’s going to die. It’s tight-- almost too tight-- and hot. Sylvain’s dick is going to burn alive, he thinks, his hand scrabbling against Felix’s hips.
“ Sylvain,” moans Felix, his head tipping back as his eyes slipped closed. He bites at his lip as he slides down and down. Then Sylvain bottoms out, Felix’s ass flush with Sylvain’s hips. Sylvain’s fingernails bite deeply into Felix’s skin.
“Goddess,” says Sylvain, the words feeling like they’ve been punched from his gut.
Felix doesn’t move. Not immediately. He grinds his ass down as he watches Sylvain, but remains frustratingly still aside from that. His hands roam across Sylvain’s chest, fingers circling his nipples. Scratching through his chest hair. Smoothing over his collarbone.
“Missed this,” says Felix softly. Vulnerably, his expression soft in such a rare form.
He doesn’t mean the sex, Felix means everything else; everything that lies between them, those feelings that were so carefully tucked away. The tender expression that’s taken root on Felix’s face, Sylvain can come from just the sight of that alone, he thinks. The sound of Felix losing himself to his feelings, a momentary lapse in his carefully honed demeanor.
Sylvain reaches up to tuck a loose strand of Felix’s hair behind his ear. His thumb slides down Felix’s cheek and then across his lips. Felix nips at it, biting down softly, his tongue circling the pad of Sylvain’s thumb, and the delicate moment dissolves into something more sultry.
Felix raises his hips and slides back down, and Sylvain lets out a choked noise that most would be embarrassed about. But Felix smiles at him, a cruel little smirk as he anchors a hand against Sylvain’s chest to brace himself, and all Sylvain wants to do is make the sound again and again.
Sylvain grabs him by the ass. Helps Felix along as he rises up and down, riding him. Felix’s thighs tremble over and around Sylvain, strained as he moves. His cock is fully hard, dribbling precome, bobbing up and down with every movement.
It’s a haunting thing, really. Entirely enchanting. Sylvain could watch him for hours, days, even weeks like this. Settled over him, Felix’s ass slicked and stretched around his cock. Tight and warm as he pulls in Sylvain like he belongs there.
He isn’t going to last long, and neither is Felix; it’s been too long for the both of them, and now it’s been saddled with feelings that spur them on. Sylvain’s desperate to lose himself entirely in the heat and depth of Felix.
Sylvain plants his feet on the mattress and the angle changes. Felix lets out a harsh and biting curse, shooting Sylvain a dirty glance, entirely debauched, his face ruddy with wanton abandon. Sylvain loves this, loves everything about him.
Even the dumb way that Felix had been so afraid to commit, leading him to fucking off.
Felix watches Sylvain from above as he moves. Meets every one of Sylvain’s thrusts with the perfect angle. “Sylvain,” says Felix, his tongue tripping over his name, his voice pitching higher and higher with every breath and moan.
“You’ll stay,” says Sylvain, reaching out to grasp at Felix’s cock. The moment that his fingers curl around the head, Felix’s ass tightens around Sylvain, holding him in a vice grip. It wasn’t a question. “Felix, you’ll--”
“Yes, you imbecile,” cuts in Felix, reaching out to grasp at Sylvain’s free hand. He sounds harsh and biting, but threads their fingers together as he pulls Sylvain’s hand close to his heart and holds it there. Felix rides Sylvain faster, the rising and falling of his hips starting to lose their steady rhythm. Every downstroke has weight behind it as Felix grinds onto Sylvain’s cock like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. “As if it weren’t obvious-- Fuck.”
Felix comes first, Sylvain’s cock pressed into him as deep as it can go. Sylvain strokes Felix’s cock fast and hard, milking him for all he has. Felix comes all over his hand, whining at the oversensitive touch, but still craving more.
Sylvain gives it to him; he ruts into Felix with hard, punctuated movements. Tips over the edge almost immediately, coming deep into Felix’s ass. Sylvain can’t even think straight or form words. Knows nothing aside from the sight of Felix over him, shuddering as he rides out the last of his orgasm.
It takes a long time to come down from it all. Felix winces slightly as he pulls off, Sylvain’s softened cock slipping from his ass with a wet sound. They’re too tired to get up and clean properly, so Sylvain wipes them down with his discarded shirt.
Felix is quiet in the aftermath. He always was before, so it’s no surprise. But then he shuffles closer, waiting. Sylvain looks at him then holds his arm out wide and inviting. When Felix presses into his side, it’s like Sylvain knows that he belongs there. That they were meant to be.
Sylvain turns his head, pressing a kiss to Felix’s sweaty forehead. Combs his fingers through his damp and tangled hair.
“I love you,” says Felix quietly into the night calm. Sylvain’s caresses pause. Then Felix snorts, a soft little thing. “But you knew that.”
“Yeah,” says Sylvain, swallowing around the lump in his throat.
“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be with you.” Felix sounds tired and sleepy. Dips slightly against Sylvain as he mumbles on. “Didn’t want to ruin it all. I’d only fuck it up.”
Sylvain traces soft circles against the back of Felix’s neck. “Yeah, well, same,” he says with a soft chuckle.
“We’re a mess,” mumbles Felix.
“There’s a war. It’s a terrible time to be in love.”
Sylvain thinks it’s probably the best time to be in love. War is a terrible thing full of death and decay. The idea that there might be someone waiting for him at the end of it all makes the journey worth it. So he tells him that. Brands his love right into Felix’s skin, kissing him softly as he whispers.
Felix murmurs something nonsensical which makes Sylvain chuckle, then his breathing evens out as he falls asleep.
They never stayed over before, never slept in each other’s arms. Felix is nestled into his side, and Sylvain marvels at how natural it feels. Felix’s face pressed against his chest, arm draped over Sylvain’s waist like an anchor.
There will be talk, of course. They’ll never hear the end of it from the others. Byleth will harp about unneeded distractions during the war , Ingrid will likely shoot them mean and obscene gestures, and Sylvain can’t begin to fathom how Dimitri will react.
But he doesn’t care. Felix won’t either. This is all Sylvain ever wanted and he refuses to let it go now.
Felix murmurs again, a soft little sigh and a string of sounds. Sylvain smiles as he brushes back his bangs and just watches. Felix has never looked so calm and peaceful, the permanent line is his brow softened.
Tomorrow’s another day. At least this time, there’s a reason to keep on living.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch 12- How Very European…
Summary: Frank and Fliss set a date for their wedding and, following her all clear at the six weeks postpartum check-up, she decides it’s time to get a bit frisky…only a little someone has other ideas.
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) NO UNDER 18s!
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  Ok, so I had a LOT of fun with this one. I have never had a baby myself, but my best friend tells me some hilarious tales about all sorts of stuff- she has no filter…and neither do I in this chapter. I apologise in advance…
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 11
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 Fliss smiled as she stood looking at the stretch of St Petersburgs beach. The sugar white sands, rustic boardwalks, and the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico had made her fall in love with the place when she has first come here with Frank and Mary almost 2 years ago. It was the place her and Frank had sat on one of their early dates eating Mexican and drinking beer…and it was a stunning backdrop for the beach wedding she had always wanted.
"So the Public Access area has a large metered parking lot for you and your guests. Private condominium rentals and boutique hotels are nearby and can be a great option if you and your guests want to walk to your Wedding ceremony." The wedding planner, a small woman named Bobbi spoke "Or if you fancy there's also Pass-a-Grille or Upham..."
"No." Fliss shook her head and turned round, her eyes shining as she looked at Frank who was stood next to her. "I love this part of the beach and it’s special to us. It’s perfect. " Frank's hand tightened around hers and his mouth turned up into a smile. "I like it too." "Well that was easy!" Bobbi smiled "are you 100% sure you don't want to see the others?" "Yeah." Fliss smiled as Frank pressed a kiss to her temple. "Alright." Bobbie nodded. "So, you mentioned next September?" Frank nodded. "We don't need a brunch or reception venue, we got that covered. Just the ceremony." Bobbi nodded and tapped at the tablet she was holding. "Well that makes it a lot easier. Any specific time of day?" "Afternoon." Fliss said. Bobbi hummed before she looked at them "You're in luck. There's a slot at four pm on the twenty-sixth of September. Does that work?" Frank looked at Fliss who nodded. He turned back to the woman and smiled. "We'll take it." Bobbi nodded. "Alright. Do you wanna head back to the car and I can take the details, get the deposit paid?" "Lead the way." Frank smiled. She turned and walked back over the sand, the two of them following hand in hand. It took them about fifteen minutes or so to get the formalities out of the way, but once that was done Bobbi emailed the confirmation over and it was done. They had officially set a date. After she told them a little more about what she would need from them legally over the next few weeks she shook both their hands and said she would be in touch. They both waved her off before Fliss turned to Frank, gave a little shriek of happiness before she flung herself onto his arms. He laughed, picking her up and twirling her round, giving her a soft kiss as he set her on her feet. "Three-hundred and sixty three days to go." She smiled "Sixty-four.” Frank chuckled. "It’s a leap year next year baby." "Details, details..." She waved a hand, her gaze flickering back over the ocean as she leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around her as the stood looking at the area where they would become man and wife in little under twelve months.
“What time are you meeting Bonnie?” Frank asked, breaking the silence as he checked his watch. She should have been out for lunch with her best friend last but Mary had been violently sick on the Saturday night and really clingy to her, so they had rearranged instead for the following Saturday evening which was now upon them almost.
“Erm, half Seven. Why?” Fliss looked up at him, her shades covering her eyes.
“It’s Four now. Fancy a walk?” he nodded towards the sea.
Fliss hesitated, truth be told she wanted to get back to Alex. This was the first time they’d left him with someone else, and whilst it was her parents and she knew she could trust them implicitly, she was still a little on edge about being apart from him.
“Just a quick fifteen minutes.” Frank softly coaxed, knowing exactly what was on her mind “Then we can go and get the kids.”
Fliss nodded and the pair of them removed their shoes before they linked hands again, stepping onto the sand which was hot on their feet. The pair of them cursed and hopped from foot to foot, mumbling about how they really should know better now as they hurried to the cooler, wet sand, laughing as they walked through the light waves as they lapped around their ankles.
“So where are you going tonight?” Frank asked. “Rio’s.” Fliss replied. “Same as we planned last week. Apparently the new menu is amazing. Has a grill section, we should take Mary one night when Alex is a little older.”
“We could go now.” Frank looked at her “He’s plenty old enough. Feed him before we go, he can sleep whilst we eat.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Why are you so against taking him out?” Frank asked softly.
“I’m not, I take him out during the day.”
“I mean to somewhere like that.” He stopped to look at her. “I’ve suggested it a few times that we take them both out for dinner, a treat for Mary maybe, and you’ve vetoed it.
“I know, and I feel guilty enough as it is, I don’t want Mary to miss out.” “She’s not missing out.” Frank shook his head, “She’s spoiled rotten. I just want to know what the problem is. Talk to me, Honey, please.” Fliss hesitated and took a deep breath “I honestly don’t know. I just, well if he starts crying or he gets unsettled…” “Then we take him outside until he settles and bring him back.” “And if he doesn’t settle?” “Then we get the food wrapped up and take it home.” He shrugged “Lissy, babe, it’s not a big deal. You’re over thinking all of this. He’s a baby, he won’t know where he is, and if he did he wouldn’t give a shit.”
“Sorry.” She mumbled.
“Hey, there’s no need to apologise.” He took both of her hands. “I don’t wanna make you feel bad I just want us to enjoy our family time, you know. I couldn’t do any of this with Mary when she was a baby and I don’t want that for you.”
“I do enjoy family time.” She shrugged. “I honestly don’t know what it is Frank. I just feel safer with him at home. There’s no one there to look at me when he starts crying and be sat there judging me about what he’s crying for…” “Babies cry.” Frank shook his head “It’s what they do. Fuck what anyone else thinks.” “I wish I could be as relaxed about it all as you.”
“You keep saying this like I’m some kind of baby guru.” Frank arched an eyebrow over his shades “And I’m not. I had no fucking idea what I was doing with Mary. Still don’t. Look at the mess I made with the court case, sending her into Foster Care…”
“That was different.” “No, it wasn’t.” Frank shook his head. “I did what I thought was best at the time, but I screwed up. And we’re gonna screw up with Alex along the way and most likely Mary again as she gets older, it’s just a fact of life. But as long as they’re happy, safe and loved that’s all that matters.” “I know, I know.” Fliss took a deep breath as they turned to walk again. “I just don’t want to let him down. I don’t want to let either of them down. And I know I’m being stupid, I mean take earlier for example. When we left him with Mum and Dad, I cried for like half an hour.”
Frank chuckled softly. “I know, I was there.”
“Everyone told me I’d be glad to get some time away, but I’m not. I miss him already and…it’s pathetic, I know.”
“No, you’re just a new mom.” He smiled, squeezing his fingers around hers. “It will get easier, I promise.”
“I thought about cancelling tonight.” She admitted. “I was secretly glad last week was a no go, I mean I would have preferred it not to be because Mary was sick but I wasn’t ready. And that’s not because I don’t trust you with him because I do, and I know I’ve left you with him before when I’ve nipped out but it’s just…”
“Lissy, stop.” Frank shut her rambles down, dropping a kiss to her temple. “You don’t need to explain, I get it. Honestly I do, but you said you’re driving tonight so you can leave when you want to. Don’t cancel, Honey.”
“I’m not going to.” She shook her head “Bonnie would kill me. She’s really down at the moment.”
“Yeah?” Frank asked as the continued to splash in the shallow water.
Fliss nodded “She hasn’t told me what’s wrong. I’ll see if I can get it out of her tonight.” Frank pulled her closer, his hand leaving hers as he curled an arm round her shoulder and they continued to walk, talking as they did so. Eventually they reached the part of the beach which curved around the bay and headed over to the boardwalk so they could walk back to the car. As soon as she got back to her parents’, Fliss felt her earlier anxiety ebb away completely as Alex was fast asleep in the bassinet in the kitchen whilst Mary was playing in the pool with Bill and Steve. The entire family was over the moon when they announced they’d booked the date and Verity went off at 100 miles an hour talking about dresses and flowers until Bill gently reached over and squeezed her knee, reminding her it wasn’t her wedding. But neither Fliss nor Frank minded, it was nice to have their family so enthusiastic.
When Frank announced it was time to leave, Mary started protesting saying she wanted to stay the night. Frank refused, as she’d stayed the night before and he didn’t want Bill and Verity feeling obliged, but as usual Verity beamed and told her of course she could say. So they left her there and took Alex home. Once he had been fed, Fliss headed up for a shower and then contemplated what she was going to wear. Whilst she had lost the remainder of her baby bump so to speak, she was still bigger than she had been beforehand so her usual jeans didn’t quite fit yet. When she’d complained to Frank about it and said the last time she had been this size was after her accident, he had gotten a little frustrated at her, telling her that if she dared go on some stupid diet to lose it as fast as she had back then he would be seriously pissed at her. She’d bitten back, snapping at him that she knew it was out of the question. She didn’t want to for starters, as she had been so miserable when she’d been emotionally manipulated into doing so by John, and this time there was Alex to think about. If she was feeding and nursing him she didn’t want to be on some stupid crash diet. Besides which, she wasn’t eating that differently to how she had been before she was pregnant. It was the lack of exercise, as it had been back then. Frank had apologised for snapping, and she’d done the same assuring him that she would be sensible. She knew that she would lose most of it once she could go back to work and start riding again and if she didn’t, well, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Frank was constantly telling her she was beautiful and besides, what’s a few extra kilos when you have a gorgeous baby boy to show for it?
In the end she opted for a strapless, floaty lemon dress which she had worn in her early pregnancy days that flared out under her breast line and stopped just above her knees. She paired it with a pair of tan, leather gladiator sandals and left her hair down in the soft waves it dried in post her shower. She applied a little make up, smiling to herself at the fact this was probably the first time she had worn it since she had given birth. All in all, she couldn’t deny it was nice to actually feel like Fliss and not just momma bear even though the two went hand in hand now.
Grabbing her purse and dropping her lip gloss and phone inside she headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Frank was sat on the sofa, Alex napping in the little basket which lay on the coffee table. He looked up, blinking at her appearance and smiled softly.
“You look fantastic.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, heading over to give him a quick peck.
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you?” He offered again, nodding to Alex “He’ll sleep on the way.”
“No, honestly I’m not drinking. Well, maybe just one.” She shrugged.
“Back to grape juice instead of apple, huh?” Frank quipped and she smiled, running her finger over Alex’s rosy cheeks.
“Something like that.” She said, absentmindedly looking at her baby.
“Liss.” Frank spoke in a little warning tone, watching her and she turned to him “Go, we’ll be fine.” “I know, I know.” she nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m going, I promise…” He chuckled and she gave him another kiss before she headed towards the door, she took a final look back at her baby and fiancée, the latter making a shooing gesture with his hands and she laughed, before she turned and walked out of the room. He heard the front door close behind her and let out a sigh of relief. He’d half been expecting her to back out but she hadn’t, she’d gone. Thankfully. He was desperate for her to go out and enjoy herself, she needed to see other people outside of their little family unit, it wasn’t healthy for her to be as isolated as she seemed to have made herself. He’d actually gotten a little worried to the point that he’d even asked his own Mother for advice and she had assured him that Fliss would settle, pointing out that it was nerve wracking being a new mum. He’d been surprised to learn that Evelyn hadn’t left him with anyone until he was almost four months old for fear something would go wrong, and that had comforted him a little to understand that this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. It had been slightly different with Diane as she’d leaned on him to help her a lot, but then again most things with Diane had been different.
He leaned back on the sofa, picking up the remote, his eyes falling once more to the basket.
“Just you and me tonight, Son” he muttered, flicking to the TV finding the sports channel, selecting a re-run of a Red Sox game on one of the sports channels. “Time to start your education.” *****
“Oooh, how exciting!” Bonnie exclaimed as Fliss smiled, having just told her about them booking their wedding “It sounds amazing, that’s a gorgeous stretch of beach.”
“Yeah, it’s special to us so…” she smiled, and looked up as the waiter came to take their drinks order.
“Erm, do you want wine?” Bonnie asked.
Fliss hesitated for a second, before she shrugged “Just the one.”
Bonnie smiled and ordered them a bottle of Chardonnay and a large bottle of water. Once the Waiter was out of ear shot Fliss leaned forward “This way I don't need to pump and dump.”
Bonnie laughed “I always find that odd. I mean pumping and dumping doesn't get alcohol out of your system does it?” “No, but if I wanted to go out and get drunk I’d have to wait until I was sure all the alcohol had left my system before I fed him again.” Fliss shrugged “He’s already bottle fed at night so Frank can help and I wake up and my boobs are like fucking water melons so you can you imagine what they would be like after like twelve hours or whatever if I didn’t.” she shook her head. “But one glass, well my mum, midwife and Doctor Google say if I'm not feeding in the next two or three hours I should be ok.”
Their chat turned to Mary’s adoption, Fliss filling Bonnie in on how they’d begun the process legally now, Greg sorting and filing the paperwork and contacting her biological father earlier that week. So far they had heard nothing but they should start to see things progress fairly quickly once he had given his consent.
“And even if he doesn’t, Greg seems confident the court would find in our favour, Mary having been in Frank’s care since she was six months old.” Fliss shrugged, thanking the waiter as he placed the two bottles on the table. “So we’re not concerned, it would just be a lot easier and smoother if he does the right thing, you know?” The waiter finished filling both their glasses then placed the wine in the ice bucket before he then poured them each a water and asked them for their food orders. They placed them, Bonnie opting for scallops and the ribs, Fliss deciding on calamari and the steak. Once he was gone Bonnie looked at Fliss, picking up her glass.
“Do you think he will? Object, I mean.” Fliss paused, pondering for a moment “I don’t think so, I mean why would he? He made no effort to find Mary before the court case and now, even though he knows where she is, he still hasn’t so…” she shrugged, picking up her drink.
“Well…” Bonnie leaned over, holding her wine glass up “Here’s to it going smoothly and your first girl’s night out since becoming a momma.”
Fliss smiled and clinked her glass against Bonnie’s, before she took a sip and let out a soft moan “God that tastes sooo good.” “Well you could always dump the car as well as the milk.” Bonnie gestured to the bottle that lay in the ice bucket and Fliss laughed, shaking her head.
“Maybe next time.” She pulled out her phone and took a snap of her glass, sending it to Frank with the caption “Ok, so it tastes as good as I remember…” before she dropped her phone on the table.
They chatted a little more about general things, what Fliss had in mind for the wedding, the type of dress she thought she wanted, colour for bridesmaids, most of which she couldn’t answer as she had no idea really. It was odd that it was going to be her choice, but exciting none-the-less. At one point, her phone buzzed and she picked it up, letting out a chuckle at Frank’s reply to her earlier message. It was a photo of a beer bottle and a baby bottle side by side on the kitchen counter along with the words “Boy’s night in.” She showed it to Bonnie who gave a snort and Fliss placed the phone down and looked at her.
“So, what’s going on with you? I can tell you’re down.”
Bonnie fiddled slightly with her cutlery, before she shrugged “Simon’s being odd. I mean odder than normal before you say it.”
Fliss smiled and waited for her to continue.
“The last week or so, it’s like his mind is elsewhere. I’m beginning to wonder where it is, or more to the point who it’s with.”
Fliss frowned, her wine glass paused slightly in front of her mouth “You think he’s cheating?”
Bonnie shrugged “Honestly, I don’t know. Something’s going on.”
“I don’t think he would.” Fliss shook her head. “Is he not just stressed with work? Frank can get a little sullen if he’s got a lot on.” “Maybe.” Bonnie mused “He’s just normally so attentive and fun. Oh, ignore me. I’m likely thinking too much into it, it’s probably nothing.”
“You should ask him straight.” Fliss said, looking at her “Tell him how you feel, give him a chance to explain. If there’s one thing the whole Vegas incident with Frank taught me is that things ain’t always what they seem Bon. It’s bound to be something really simple that’s just playing on his mind.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Bonnie nodded “I’ll ask him.”
At that point their starters arrived and they both started to eat, and Bonnie grinned. “So, anyway, back to your dress…you’d look fantastic in a straight, little lace number.” By the time they had finished eating and chatting, Fliss was wearing a bright, bubble-gum pink meringue complete with crystals and a sweetheart neckline to get married in-“because, you know- watermelons…” and the bridesmaids were all going to be in lime green. Fliss had told Bonnie to be careful what she was suggesting, as she didn’t think the woman’s skin tone would take kindly to be dressed in such a colour, at which point Bonnie had nearly choked and her eyes had filled as Fliss smiled and nodded, confirming that she’d just asked Bonnie to take the job. After a loud acceptance, Bonnie had jumped up and hugged Fliss, drawing curious glances from the tables around them.
Fliss dropped Bonnie at the condo she shared with Simon, along with an instruction to call her if she needed to chat again, and then she headed back home arriving just after eleven. Letting herself in quietly, she made her way into the family room and paused in the doorway, smiling at the sight in front of her. Frank was led on the sofa, Alex clutched to his chest with two strong hands, the baby boy fast asleep.
“Before you panic…” Frank spoke, making her jump a little “I’m not asleep. Just resting my eyes.”
“I wasn’t panicking.” Fliss said, honestly “I know you’d never let him fall.”
Frank cracked open his eyes and smiled. “You have a nice time?” He asked as she walked towards him. He gently shifted so he was sat up, Alex still held to his chest securely as Fliss sat next to him, peeking at the sleeping baby.
“Yeah, I did.” She nodded “The food was good. We definitely need to go.”
“Did you find out what was bothering Bonnie?”
“Yeah, she said Simon’s being odd with her.”
“Odder than normal?”
Fliss snorted, “That’s exactly what Bonnie said.” She took a deep breath. “She thinks he’s playing away.”
“Si?” Frank looked at her. “No, absolutely not. In fact, she couldn’t be further from the truth if she tried.”
“What do you mean?” Fliss frowned and Frank hesitated.
“He told me last week, and this cannot go any further as he will kill me, but he’s gonna propose.”
Fliss’ mouth dropped open before her face split into a grin “No shit?”
“Yes shit.” Frank nodded, smiling “Told me when he was drunk in Fergs.” Fliss leaned back against the cushions on the sofa, and her smile slipped a little “Oh crap.”
“What?” “I told her to talk to him, ask him what the problem was.” “Sensible advice in normal circumstances.” Frank shrugged “Don’t sweat it, it’ll be fine.”
“So when’s he gonna ask her?”
“No idea.” Frank shrugged “He didn’t say.”
“Did he not ask for ideas?”
Frank snorted. “I’m the last person he should be asking. I was carrying your damned ring around for weeks trying to find the right moment. I almost did it by the tree at the Rockefeller centre, and then that ass hole beat me to it.”
Fliss gave a soft laugh as she shook her head “The way you did it was perfect.” “Yeah, I got there in the end.” He grinned.
At that point Alex stirred a little, making a few gripey noises before he began to get more restless, rooting against Frank’s T-shirt. “Think he might be hungry.” Frank smiled “Good timing Momma.”
Fliss chuckled and took Alex in her arms, adjusting her top as Frank stood up, heading to the kitchen “You want a drink?” he tossed over his shoulder.
“Yeah, camomile tea if there’s any going?”
Frank put the kettle on to boil and watched from the counter as his girl nursed their baby, a deep sense of contentment brewing in his stomach, along with the usual low-key arousal he felt whenever she was doing anything with their son. Seeing her interact with his baby, the baby she’d carried and given birth to was purely amazing and he loved watching it. He made her a tea, grabbed himself another beer and then sat down next to her as she finished up feeding and he offered to take Alex to wind him as she sorted herself out and had her drink. Eventually he settled again and went back down, leaving the two of them to snuggle up on the couch. They stayed together for half an hour or so before Fliss yawned and said she needed to sleep.
“I’ll take him up. You coming?” she asked.
“I’ll be up shortly.” Frank promised as she sat up, cracking her neck.
“You gonna watch porn and jerk off?” She teased and Frank sighed, shooting her a look.
“You’re not funny.”
“Not trying to be.” She shrugged, leaning over to kiss him softly.
“What would you do if I was?” He mumbled against her lips and she paused, pulling back slightly, arching her eyebrows.
“Well, I’d probably have to remind you that the real thing is much better.” She said, her hand gently cupping at his crotch.
“Okay, you need to stop.” Frank’s voice was a low whisper before he let out a groan as she ignored him completely, her grip growing harder. His hand wrapped gently around her wrist. “Lissy, seriously…” “Oh, shut up.” She mumbled, before she shook off his grip and snaked her hand into the waistband of his shorts, taking his hardening member in her hand. She gave it a light pump or two before she pulled at his shorts, and he lifted his hips slightly to allow her to pull them down.
“Baby, seriously, you don’t-.” His protests died in his throat as Fliss bent down and took him to the back of hers.
“Well, I’m happy that everything seems ok and back to normal.” The Ob Gyn smiled at Fliss as she moved away from where she had been examining her “So if you feel ok in yourself, no physical pain, nothing…” “Nope, nothing at all.” Fliss shook her head
“Well then Miss Gallagher your life can go back to normal” she smiled, “Well, as normal as it is 6 weeks post giving birth.”
Fliss smiled “So I can start riding again?”
“Yup, as long as you make sure you take it easy. As with anything, you won’t have used certain muscles in a while so be careful.”
“Ok.” Fliss nodded.
“Are you going to continue breast feeding?” the woman asked and Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, which is something I wanted to talk to you about. What contraception can I use?”
“There’s condoms obviously, I can prescribe the mini pill or there’s the IUD.”
“Is an IUD safe?” Fliss asked, “I don’t want to use condoms and to be honest, with my baby brain I’ll probably end up forgetting my pill. That’s what led us here in the first place and that was before I’d had a baby.”
The Doctor chuckled. “To be honest, the most effective contraceptives are intrauterine devices and they’re perfectly safe despite what you might read on the internet. The Mirena IUD releases a very small amount of hormone into the uterus, where it works locally and it won’t affect the quality and quantity of breast milk, and it’s also safe and effective for five years. It’s a good choice, one I prefer to recommend when I can.”
Fliss nodded “Ok, that seems like a good choice. How do I get one fit?”
“I can do it now if you want.” The woman smiled “And the best bit is it works immediately.” “Straight away?” Fliss looked at her “So…” “Yep.” The Ob Gyn smiled “You can go straight home and jump his bones if you so wish.”
Fliss laughed, and contemplated the woman’s words for a second. She did want. Truth be told she’d been low key horny since she’d blown Frank off on the couch a fortnight or so ago, but hadn’t wanted to rush anything, choosing to wait instead for the all clear at her 6 week check-up. Now, well, there was nothing stopping them getting physically close again and the thought drew a smile to her face. She couldn’t wait to have her Sailor holding her again.
“Okay, yeah” She nodded to the woman who smiled.
“I’ll sort the paper work, grab my kit and be right back.” The doctor smiled.
Driving home Fliss had all sorts of thoughts about how to make their night special. Romantic candles perhaps, maybe a little nice underwear…that is if she could find any that fit her still.
But of course, best laid plans and all that. In reality, the evening unfolded like any other, with shitty diapers, breast pumping, and a dinner eaten while taking turns bouncing a six week old baby in their laps as he had chosen that particular night to be awkward about settling after his feed, it was almost as if he could sense what Fliss had in mind and was doing his best to veto her plans.
Around nine pm once Mary was in bed and Alex had been bathed, changed and fed, Fliss slipped away to prepare her body for its first round of postnatal coitus. She took a bath to unwind and shaved her armpits and legs. She also considered tackling her lady bush, but realized that her razor wasn’t sharp enough for that jungle right now so Frank was just going to have to deal with the crotch afro if he wanted a bit.
She climbed out of the bath and wrapped herself in her robe, heading into the bedroom where she dried off and set about her skin care routine before she decided to go the whole hog and paint her toenails a deep crimson colour, replacing the shimmery baby pink that she had done a few weeks ago as celebration she could finally see her damned feet again. Then she shed her robe and stole a quick look in the mirror. All things considered she conceded she didn’t look too bad. She wasn’t so much bothered by the extra pounds but more so slightly disturbed by the way they seemed to have positioned themselves on her body. It was almost like small, flesh-coloured bread loaves stapled to her belly. But, like she knew she could sort most of that out with riding and getting more active again, what she wasn’t sure exercise would do anything for was her breasts. They were large, which in itself wasn’t a problem, on the contrary in fact, as Frank was a self-proclaimed boob man, but her nipples had starburst over her breasts without any clearly definitive ending points. She was debating whether or not to try and put a little foundation on them, to tone down the nipple extravaganza but stopped herself, realising she was being utterly fucking ridiculous.
This was Frank she was preparing for. The man she’d been with for years, her fiancée whose baby she had carried and given birth to. And she knew he loved her, starfish nips or not.
She set about finding some suitable underwear. She had a few nice sets, some she had bought for herself, some Frank had purchased for her but as she laid them out on the bed she knew she wouldn’t feel comfortable in any of them. Continuing her search she finally found a pair of black lace briefs that skated along her ass cheeks and a black sheer negligee that she had worn a few times pre- pregnancy, in particular one very raunchy night where she’d surprised Frank by wearing it in the kitchen one evening when Mary had been at Roberta’s, cooking their dinner as if it was perfectly normal to be dressed that way. Dinner had ended up burnt, the smoke detectors going off, and they’d sat curled up with a Thai take out and all the windows open in an attempt to rid the place of the smell of cremated lamb chops and potatoes.
She shimmied into it, and to her delight it fit, even if her breasts were a little larger. They spilled over the top but her cleavage looked Elizabethan in a sexy way, and she grinned as she knew exactly what Frank was going to say about that. Finally, she removed her hair form its high bun, which had served nicely to give it some volume and fluffed it up and decided that the overall effect was actually pretty good.
She lay back on the bed, grabbed her phone and turned it into selfie mode, angling it just right so that she could get the full effect before she checked it, and fired it to Frank with a downright filthy message accompanying it and lay back to wait.
***** Frank had nodded when Fliss had said she was tired and needed to go to bed, and promised he’d be up in an hour or so, wanting to give her the time to just unwind. She’d been for her 6 week check-up and had assured him that everything was fine, but her general demeanour told him she was keeping something from him.
Trying not to think about it too much, he settled Alex down and flicked over to catch a re-run of Game of Thrones. It was the Battle Of The Bastards, his favourite episode of the entire series, and he was just mumbling to himself, calling Rickon Stark a ‘dumb ass mother fucker’ for not zig-zagging when his phone went. He absentmindedly reached for it, wondering if it was Simon telling him he’d finally grown a pair of balls and proposed, but it wasn’t, it was Fliss.
He opened the message and as soon as he saw the image he spluttered and the soda he had just taken a drink of dribbled straight down his shirt.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He choked, wiping at the spilled Fanta, as he stared at the photo. His girl was led on the bed, in a sheer negligee, her hair fanning over the pillow, eyes bright and mischievous and the shot was angled to give a perfect shot of the top of her cleavage. It was accompanied with the words. “Oh I forgot to tell you, your favourite legs are back open for business…”
“You devious little minx, Miss Gallagher.” He mumbled, suddenly understanding exactly what it as she’d been hiding from him, and his cock stirred in his pants. In a flash her was up off the sofa, shoving Thor out of the door so he could pee before he locked up, gathered Alex in his arms and made his way up the stairs as fast as he could, letting the dog into Mary’s room as he was scrambling at the door to get in.
“What kept you?” Fliss asked as he walked into the room, gently placing Alex in the bedside crib, making sure the blankets were arranged carefully.
“Well you kinda caught me off guard.” He smirked, lifting an eyebrow as he gently lowered himself over her on the bed, tugging her hips and pulling her down slightly before he propped himself up on his elbows, caging her between his arms and legs. “You look sexy as fuck, momma bear.” Fliss let out a grin as his lips met hers, and his eyes lowered to her cleavage and he gave a groan. “And I’m not supposed to touch these?”
“At all?”
“Not unless you want a face full of milk.” She looked at him.
“Is it strange I find that a little kinky?” Frank grinned and she blinked, shaking her head with a snort.
“You have issues.”
“Yeah and right now they’re in the trouser department.” He mumbled, dropping his lips to hers “I nearly choked when you sent me that message.”
“You like?” She purred gently and he let out another groan and nodded.
“I did, I do. A lot.” His lips pressed to hers again. The kiss quickly became heated, his hands tangling in her hair has he held her head still, and then he felt her pull away a little, and he frowned as she looked at him, biting her lip.
“What’s wrong?”
"Is it weird that we’re like gonna have sex with our baby in the same room? Can he see us?” she asked, her head rolling to look at Alex. "No, he can't even focus yet, and it’s not weird. I’m a modern man.” Frank replied, his hand cupping her cheek and turning her face back to his. “This is how it’s done. It’s probably very European of us actually." "Frank I'm from England." She rolled her eyes. "Lissy." Frank sighed softly, “Look, if you don't wanna..."
“No I do, I really do.” She took a deep breath “Sorry, I just…” “It’s okay.” He gave her a soft smile, before his lips found hers again. In between the dizzying kisses Frank moved his right hand, his fingers gently tracing up the outside of her thigh and under the hem of the sheer lace slip she was wearing, and his mouth moved to lightly trail kisses across her bare collar bone. With a soft sigh she nodded, acknowledging his unasked question and his lips moved downwards peppering warm, open mouthed pecks across the swell of her cleavage, careful to take his time and stay gentle. Fliss let out a shaky whisper of his name, her hands tangling into his hair as he moved his affections upwards slightly, skimming his nose up her sternum, nudging her chin back so he could turn his affections back to her neck. This time her gentle whisper became a loud groan which she stifled with her hand as he nipped at her neck and he felt her shiver underneath him.
“You okay?” he asked quietly, looking down at her. She nodded and with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he stood up, scrambling out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell forwards again, his hands pulling down her underwear, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear.
Fliss was utterly gone now, consumed by the sensations she hadn’t felt in so long and she tilted her head back, sighing softly as Frank continued to nibble at her neck, settling himself above her. His fingers gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’ eyelids fluttering shut as she felt him fill her before the flickered open again and she looked up at him.
“Go steady.” She whispered and, with a gentle nod, Frank began to move his hips slowly, displaying nothing but absolute tenderness in his thrusts which weren’t measured in the slightest. His free hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close as she could possibly be, enjoying the sensation of once more being inside her, in top of her, surrounded by her.
Meanwhile, Fliss was just as lost, but in her own thoughts. For some reason as good as she had felt before, now she was starting to panic a little, that stupid voice in her head mumbling all sorts of dumbass thoughts.
Okay, this feels familiar. Sex feels the same. Does it feel the same for him? Is he taking longer than normal? Oh shit, maybe I’m super stretched out and it’s terrible. Maybe I’m different now, and I’ll never be as good. Maybe I was never THAT good to start with though? I’ll ask… “Is it good? Is it the same as it was?” She gasped out and Frank stilled, looking down at her.
“What?” He panted slightly. "I asked does it feel the same? I mean..." Frank leaned down, gently rubbing his nose against hers. “It’s great … it feels really good.” He reassured her and she nodded.
“Okay, you can go a bit faster…”
“I don’t want to.” He mumbled, giving her a deep kiss. And he didn’t. He was enjoying the slowness of it all, and he kept his lazy thrusts aimed perfectly on her spot, drawing those delectable sounds from her throat. Fliss’ senses were on fire, and she broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against his shoulder when she felt herself starting to unravel.
And then…
A loud cry came from the basinet. They both stilled, looked at one another, and glanced over to the side of the bed. Silence, no movement bar the waving of a little arm.
"He's going to cry.” Fliss stuttered between her deep breathing “If he cries, do we stop? Is it child abuse if we keep going until we finish?" "He's stopped." Frank turned his head back to her. “What if there's something wrong and we’re here just boning."
Frank shut her up with a languid roll of his hips and she gave a soft gasp, her hands grasping at his biceps.
“Liss, he’s fine.”
“'We’re the kind of negligent parents…oh fuck.” She whimpered as he tilted his hips again. “The one’s you’d see in a movie like Trainspotting."
He shook his head, pulling out a little before he sank back into her, her body moving with his slightly and she looked up at him.
“When the police ask what happened, do we lie? Or do we say we were having sex while our baby quietly suffocated a few feet away?”
“For fucks sake Lissy.” Frank spluttered in frustration. “You gave me a blow job the other week on the sofa and he was asleep in the basket on the coffee table.”
“That was different” “How?”
“We were on the couch and I wasn't naked.” “You’re not naked now.” He shook his head. “Will you shut up and let me make you feel good?” Her random, stupid worries stopped and she closed her eyes, nodding, and he started his movements again. It didn’t take him long to get them back to where they were, his thrusts deep and he picked up his pace ever so slightly, her hands flying to his bare back as she gripped him tighter, wanting to feel all of him, as close as she possibly could. His lips found hers and she took the kiss, it left her breathless as the heat began to rise in her belly and she let out a soft moan, which he swallowed with his mouth where it morphed into his own low, mumble of her name as he felt her clench around him.
The sheets rustled underneath them both as their pace continued slow and languid until the very end when Fliss’ let her head tip back, her throat bared to Frank in utter bliss as she came hard, the world spinning around her, her moans soft and breathy as her legs trembled, sheer pleasure spearing through her entire body. At that, after actively fighting back his high for what felt like an age, Frank gave a low grunt which tuned into a gasp as he clung to his girl, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward.
“That was fucking great.” His voice was muffled as his face pressed into her neck, and Fliss felt herself flush. She let out a chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair.
“Yeah, we still got it Sailor.”  She quipped and it was Frank’s turn to chuckle as he moved and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
And then Alex did erupt into a full on screaming fit. Frank found himself thanking his son that he’d at least had the good grace to wait until he’d finished. He rolled off Fliss, landing on his back, hand running through his hair as she sat up and scooped Alex into her arms, sitting up against the headboard with him held to her, in the bed where his parents’ sinful deeds were likely still detectable. Frank looked at her, then to Alex whose tiny face was creased up in a loud wail as Fliss held him to her chest, trying to soothe him and he arched an eyebrow. "I take it the post sex snuggling is out?"
**** Chapter 13
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Hokage’s Office: The Desk II
100 Follower Celebration - Day 6
Kakashi Hatake x Reader || NSFW
Warnings: porn without plot, Kakashi’s filthy mouth, mentions of masturbation, an ungodly amount of run on sentences probably, you guys know the drill
Word count: 2,032
A/N: I’m thinking about tacking a little bonus scene onto this series as kind of an epilogue. It’ll probably be 100 words or less, but I think it would be funny. I guess we’ll see. 
When you glanced up from the printed text in your hands, the clock on the nightstand read 10:15. Kakashi was still working, and you were starting to get impatient. For over an hour, you’d been checking the clock every ten minutes, but you couldn’t help it. Frankly, you were horny.
Even though you’d had plenty of alone time earlier, it didn’t help. You’d made yourself come twice, but your body still wanted more. It simply wasn’t the same as having Kakashi satisfy you. Waiting for him usually wasn’t this bad. After all, if things got bad enough, you could always visit him any time you want. Although, it wasn’t necessarily appropriate to barge into his office and fuck him… Not that you haven’t done it before, but still. You tried to be responsible most of the time.
Now, you thought reading might distract you, but you’d only gotten through three pages in the past hour.
Each time you began a paragraph, your brain would gradually start fantasizing about increasingly filthy situations, and by the time you caught yourself daydreaming, your unfocused gaze had been staring at the same page for who knows how long. Throwing your head back and flopping the book down on your lap, you groaned out in frustration, teeth gritted and fists bunched into the bed sheets beside you. You couldn’t take it.
You didn’t even bother to put your book back in it’s place, simply tossing it on the nightstand haphazardly before kicking the covers off of your lower half. The cool night air met your bare legs, covered only by the large shirt that fell at your thighs. Fuck this.
Quickly grabbing your dressing gown and slipping the sleeves onto your shoulders, you had an idea. Your fingers hooked in th band of your panties from under your shirt, and you slid the little fabric down your legs, stepping out of the pair and tossing them in your hamper. Once you drew the tie around your waist, you exited your front door and began the quick trek to the Hokage’s office. By the time you got to the entrance to the large building, you hadn’t seen a single soul. Inside wasn’t any better. Each step towards Kakashi’s office further proved that you two were completely alone. The environment rivaled that of a sleepy ghost town. Grateful didn’t even begin to describe how you felt knowing that you could get away with your little stunt.
You didn’t even bother to knock on the Hokage’s door, knowing that Kakashi had already sensed your chakra approaching. Opening the door, you saw his eyes dart up before returning to the paperwork he was reviewing. His jonin vest had been discarded in favor of his simple black shirt and pants. The boredom and exhaustion shone on his face like clown paint over his mask.
“Yo,” you mumbled, leaning against the door frame with a slight smile on your lips.
Kakashi had finished whatever he was reading, and he placed the document on his desk. “What’re you doing here? It’s late.” He tilted his head to the side, and you could see his eyes crinkle with a tired yet fond smile beneath his mask. It made your entire being soften to see such a lovely grin. “You should be at home in bed.”
Even though he wanted you to take care of yourself, Kakashi couldn’t deny what a sight for sore eyes you were. Amidst the mountains of paperwork he was stuck with, you were his saving grace. You took the opportunity to enter his office, allowing the door to fall shut behind you while you strolled around his desk to lean against the edge diagonal of him. “Missed you,” you confessed, “Also, it’s been a while, and I kind of needed a quick pick me up since I couldn’t sleep.”
Kakashi’s smile tugged into a smirk, a twinkle of something sparking in his one visible dark eye. “You know,” his eyes raked up and down your frame, his voice sweeter than honey, “I really could go for a little pick me up too after the day I’ve had.”
Lifting his body from his chair, Kakashi stepped in front of you, his gloved hands resting on your hips while his lidded gaze darted between your lips and your hazy eyes. He tugged his mask from below his chin until the material fell slack around his neck, and he leaned in to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was slow, but searing. Kakashi tilted his head to deepen the embrace, leaving you gasping at the sensation of his body pressing into yours. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips to further tease you. Meanwhile, his fingertips skillfully untied your robe. His fingers worked so subtly you didn’t even notice what he was doing until the fabric fell slack around your body.
You wrapped your arms around Kakashi’s neck, threading your fingers into his wild hair, so you could explore his mouth further in your battle for control. You could already feel your heart racing from the way his mouth worked against yours, and when his fingertips brushed upwards across the skin of your outer thighs, you gasped again. Not even bothering to break the kiss, Kakashi smirked against your lips before playfully nipping your lower lip and pressing you further against his desk with his own hips.
Kakashi retreated from the embrace by only a centimetre, his lidded and blown eye meeting yours. You didn’t even have to ask him to know what he wanted you to do, so you wiggled until you were sitting on the edge of the desk, legs spread just enough so Kakashi was slotted between them, his hips grinding into yours. The friction of his pants against your bare cunt made you melt. The vibrating electricity shooting down your spine made you whimper against his kiss.
Now, one of his hands cradled you by the small of your back while he laid you down, your ankles locking around his hips to better keep your balance until Kakashi was hovering over you on his desk. You wondered for a second if he knew, but almost reading your mind, Kakashi’s palms caressed up your thighs and over your hips. His tongue darted out to wet his lips at the sight of his confirmed theory before his gaze met your smirk.
“No panties?” All you did was bite your lip and grind your hips against the growing tent in his pants, coercing a soft moan from him. “God, and you’re already soaked.”
One of your palms traced down the dark shirt covering his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle beneath the cotton fabric. The other encouraging him to rest his weight on his elbow beside your head. Once your other hand got down to his pants, you shifted so you could undo the hem and pull his erection from his pants and underwear.
“I told you,” you jokingly teased him, “I missed you and needed a pick me up.”
Kakashi’s head rolled back while you began to stroke his length slowly, but you noted the slight smile tugging at his lips. A drop of arousal gathered at his tip the more you worked him in your fist. His words came out in soft pants. “So, you were horny and thinking about me?”
His hips began meeting your pace, and you couldn’t resist the temptation to stop. Instead leading his tip towards your entrance until he caught inside you. A filthy moan poured from Kakashi’s mouth, and a simultaneous gasp tore through yours at the sensation.
“I never said that, but if I did, I’d say that I’ve been thinking of you all day. I even toughed myself thinking about how good you fuck me, but no matter how many times I made myself cum with my fingers, I still wasn’t satisfied because it wasn’t you.”
That was all it took. Kakashi thrust himself deep inside you with an animalistic buck of his hips, filling your pussy inch by agonizingly beautiful inch. You cried out at the sensation of him stretching you out over every minuscule ridge of his cock. When he finally bottomed out, he gave you both a second to adjust while you gripped onto Kakashi’s shirt. He let out a huff of laughter before his lips found your jaw. He planted kisses up the skin until he was nipping at your earlobe, causing your back to arch into his chest.
“What a naughty little thing, thinking about your Hokage like that.” Kakashi chuckled before his hips withdrew, leaving you empty for just a moment before he thrust himself deep inside you until his hips ground against your clit, making you moan out his name.
Again his hips snapped into yours, each thrust increasing in speed until you could feel the desk scraping against the floor in protest each time Kakashi’s cock split you open. With each motion, his skin slapped against yours, fucking you so deep, all you could do was hold on for the ride.
You moaned out his name again, and he was quick to grunt in reply, “Fuck. I love it when you moan my name like that. Say it again.”
“Kakashi!” you moaned out, hips bucking to meet his as best as they could with what leverage you could manage from beneath him. The nerves in your core were sparking with electricity each time Kakashi sheathed himself inside you so deep you could feel his balls smacking against your ass. Between his fingers gripping onto your thighs for  dear life and his grunts muffled only by him kissing at your neck made the rubber inside your body begin to give.
“Ah! Harder, Kakashi! Please!” you must’ve sounded desperate because Kakashi obliged without any hesitation, the desk now rocking with the force of his hips, and all you could do was cry out and cling to him while you squirmed in pleasure, trying to get him as deep inside you as possible. With each slam of his hips into yours you could feel the warmth in your stomach grow unbearably hotter, he was fucking you so good, and when you arched your back just a little more, your head flew back while you screamed in ecstasy.
“Fuck, Kakashi! Right there!”
Kakashi smirked when he drew away from your neck. “Fuck, you like that don’t you? That’s right, say my name.”
With each of his thrusts, you were sent hurtling towards your orgasm, weightless pleasure consuming you until your thoughts became incoherent. The only thing you could think of was how good Kakashi felt buried deep inside you like he was made to screw your brains out better than anyone on earth.
“Cum for me. Cum all over my cock, just like how you’ve been dreaming of,” Kakashi’s voice was sinful with how he teased you. He sounded like the devil himself, and while he continued whispering filthy things in your ear, you felt the cord inside you snap, leaving your body a shuddering mess while your voice brokenly cried out in sheer pleasure. Kakashi’s hips continued canting against yours while he fucked you through your orgasm, only stuttering when he was close, and finally thrusting a few times while he came deep inside you, his cum shooting streaks of white, making your eyes roll while your body vibrated with unbearable bliss.
When the both of you came down from your blinding highs, Kakashi was leaning against you as you gently stroked his back. Your entire being throbbed in satisfaction until Kakashi pulled out of you and stood up to grab some tissues to clean the two of you up. You finally felt sated with his cum dripping out of you.
Once he tucked himself back into his pants, he glanced at his desk before his eyes met yours again. “C’mon, we’re going home. This paperwork can wait until tomorrow. I’m definitely not done with you yet.”
You laughed to yourself at his antics before you stood up on wobbly legs only for him to catch you in his arms and begin guiding you out of his office and back home.  
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chaseatinydream · 4 years
dazed || c.s (atz)
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➵ PAIRING: reader x choi san (ateez)
➵ WORD COUNT: 2680
➵ GENRE: suggestive
➵ SYNOPSIS:  he’s beautiful, whether he knows it or not, and you’re determined to prove to him that he is
It’s way past midnight when San reaches your home.
The night is cold and the wind nips at the exposed fingers peeking out of his jacket sleeves as he fumbles for the keys outside your door. It’s almost completely doused in silence, in the distance he can still hear the odd car driving down the street, but your house is mostly removed from the bustle of the main roads that never sleep. He manages to slide the keys from his wallet and reaches over to push it into the lock, but it's at that moment that he pauses curiously to look down.
There’s light shining underneath the door.
Confused, he pulls the sleeve of his padded jacket back to glance at the watch sitting on his wrist. 2:38AM. He’d already told you that he’d be back rather late due to his schedules, so why were you still awake? Had you fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home yet again? His heart both pinches in worry and blooms with the warmth of summer, even through the cold autumn air.
With a little more haste than he has previously, San pushes the key into the lock, feels the teeth click, and turns it, the door swings open and he slides off his shoes in the hallway. From the faint glow coming from the living room and the sound of people chattering over the speakers, you must have fallen asleep watching the television. Shutting the door, he pads down the hallway, feet bare against the floorboards, and pokes his head into the living room to see what you’re up to.
To his surprise, you’re not asleep, instead, you’re sitting on the couch with an unreadable expression on your face, arms folded across your chest as meaningless scenes play out across the screen of the television. The soft hues of reds and greens curve and flicker across your cheeks; you're beautiful, and you're home. With a soft, fond smile, he steps into the living room, calling out your name. "You're still awake, sweetheart?"
"San." Your voice is short, curt and for a second he finds himself confused, you sound upset with him, but for what reason? Then you tilt your head towards the couch and he sees something lying there. Taking another step closer, the object comes into focus and he realises what it is, a cherry red flush warming his cheeks.
It's the magazine containing his photoshoot with Dazed Korea, an outfit of washed out retro style jeans paired with the point piece of his shoot, a Dior lace top that had left just enough bare to seduce and whet the visual appetites of readers, while leaving the rest to the imagination, teasing them mercilessly with exposed skin in all the right places. He'd enjoyed that shoot immensely, the exhilarating rush of knowing the effect he'd have the readers making his blood run hot throughout the entire time the photographer had been clicking away. At the end, when the photographer had complimented him for his professionalism and smoldering gaze, he'd felt like he'd accomplished something great, even though he had a little low self esteem.
He hadn't known that the magazine print would be released today, the photographer wanting to keep it a pleasant surprise for him, but it seems that you have gotten your hands on a copy before him.
"Ahh, that." San says shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. He'd felt so confident doing that shoot, like Icarus tasting the fire of the sun, but in front of you, he simply gives a sheepish grin, nervous and anticipating your reaction to it. "Did you like it? I know I don’t look very good, but-"
“Did I like it?” You repeat after him, voice dangerously soft and his heartbeat spikes as you rise from the couch, taking one step closer to him. “Oh, I did, and I liked it very, very much. Too much, in fact.” Your hands reach up to rest teasingly soft on his shoulders, the gentle pressure of them seemingly burning through the thick layers of his outerwear down to his skin. He swallows, forces himself to remain on his feet even though all he wants to do is to let his knees buckle under his weight. “But you see... when I realised so many other people got to see my handsome boyfriend dressed like that, all over those magazine covers,” your fingers curl under his jaw and his throat constricts, a fluttering breath trapped in the back of his mouth, “I can’t help feel... possessive.”
“You’re jealous?” He manages to fumble out, even as your hands slide down the collar of his thick jacket to grasp the edges of the fabric. San immediately regrets the words that have just left his mouth, because the second they do, there’s a dark gleam in your eye, mysterious, sultry, and oh so wicked. Then your lips curve into beguiling smile that leaves his tongue bone dry, “Of course I am.”
Your fingers begin to ease the heavy fabric of his padded jacket off his shoulders and his heart hammers in his chest, he can hear it pounding it in his ears, is sure that you can as well. “You know I love it when you’re confident enough to do things like this,” you whisper, dark eyes catching his, magnetic, pulling him in. “But there are times when I also want you all,” you take the zipper of his jacket between your fingers, “to,” his heart skips a beat, “myself.”
The jacket slides from his bare arms to land at his feet with a soundless thump, or perhaps he simply can’t hear it over the blood roaring in his ears.
“You have me.” San breathes, even before he realises what he’s saying, like he believes it with all his heart, like it’s the truth. “You have nothing to be jealous about.” Your hands sit at his hipbones, soft, teasing, barely there, and he licks lips that suddenly seem too dry before continuing. “All of me, you have it, it belongs to you.”
“Is that so?” You sound thoughtful, thumb dragging over the sharp crease of his hips through the thin fabric of his tank top and he makes a bitten off sound, eyes squeezing shut involuntarily at the feeling.
When he opens his eyes again, you’re looking him with unreadable eyes, they’ve always been bewitching, and he’s never been able to resist their sirens’ call to his soul. A smile pulls at the corner of your mouth, and the raw hunger in your gaze almost scares him, but if it’s you, he wants it all.
“Well then,” your voice is barely above a breath, “would you model for me? For my eyes only?”
Funny you should ask, as if he would be able to deny you anything when you talk like that, when you look at him with those eyes. San manages a nod, opting not to speak because he’s not quite sure he can form coherent words at the moment, and instead asks a single question. “Here?”
“Here.” You nod, the action slow and deliberate, reaching over to the couch to pick up a second object he hadn’t quite noticed earlier, it’s a small camera he had bought for you on your second anniversary together. “Lie down for me?”
And he does, moving under the intensity of your gaze, sleek like a cat as he sinks to the floor, letting his back come into contact with the floor, it feels like ice against the burning heat of his skin. He looks up at you, did he do alright? And you smile, beautiful and deadly, before you’re stepping forward to kneel over him, and his heart leaps into his mouth, every nerve end tingling with electricity.
Before his mind can get anywhere, you lean down and kiss him. The barest flutter of lips on lips, fragile as the moment you live in, and you take it slow, moving your mouth as if you have all the time in the world and he sighs into you. He feels you smile against his mouth and his head spins, but in your arms he feels warm, safe. Then you pull your lips from his and he blinks up at you with wide, confused eyes, “I thought you wanted me to-”
But then you’re kissing him again, deeper this time, still slow and lazy as if savoring a glass of vintage wine. He lets out a little whimper and you swallow it with your mouth, one hand tracing lazily over his ribs and he makes a soft noise. His hands raise instinctively to rest on your back, to search for something to ground him, but you push them back to the floor above his head with a sound of disapproval, “Ah, ah, ah, you’re supposed to be modelling for me, aren’t you? How am I supposed to take any good photographs of you if you move, San?”
This is cruel, San thinks, chest heaving as his hands fist over nothing, his mind is tethered to nothing and lost to the waves of pleasure that run through his body. This is downright cruel.
You smile, pleased that he understands, and reward him by dipping down to kiss him once more. This time the kiss is burning, near intoxicated as he gasps and you lick into his mouth, he groans deep in the back of his throat when he feels the slide of your tongue against his. Then you’re pulling away just before he can taste you and he tries to chase your mouth, but you hold him down with the faintest pressure of one hand on his shoulder, fingers tracing unidentifiable shapes and patterns over bare skin where the sleeve of his shirt has slipped down.
The other hand picks up the camera you’d set down earlier and he tries to steady his breathing, knows his cheeks are flushed champagne pink, and you whisper a gentle kiss across the shell of his ear. “Smile for me, pretty boy.”
He barely manages to process what you’ve just said before the hand on his shoulder slides downwards, he blinks and your nails drag over a nipple. A muffled cry leaves his lips and his head falls back, mouth open and gasping for air at the sharp pleasure. His eyes squeeze shut, and he faintly hears the sound of camera shutters going click before he opens them again, small tears pooling in the corners of his eyes as he gazes up at you, dazed.
“See how pretty you look.” You coo, one finger still drawing lazy circles around his nipple and pleasure throbs through his body. You adjust the dials and turn the camera around so that he can see himself, and his throat runs dry, he looks utterly wrecked and debauched at your hands. With a satisfied smile, you set the camera to the side and run your fingers through his hair. “I’m so lucky to have you.” You press a kiss to the corner of his mouth and ghost your fingers up his bare torso, rucking his shirt up to expose his abdomen to the chilly autumn air. He shivers softly, claws at nothing and you laugh softly at the desperate look on his face.
“So, what was the next picture you took?” You push your mouths together and catch the bottom lip in between your teeth, worrying the tender flesh there. He chokes out a groan, arches into your touch. He can’t think, let alone remember what he’d done on the day, but you seem to know already, pulling away from him once more. “Ahh, right. You raised the hem of your shirt for the world to see.” You recall, brushing a hand lightly across his stomach and immediately you see the muscles there tighten and flex under your touch, and soft gasp falls from his mouth. “Let’s recreate that, shall we?”
How? He wants to ask, but before he can find the words, you slide down his body to sit at his calves, brushing against him right there and he lets out a choked whimper, upper body twisting as he tries to stave off the arousal that consumes his mind completely in its haze, eyes tightly shut in an attempt to drag himself back to some form of sanity.
But that only thrusts him deeper into the sensation of your mouth, soft and hot and wet, trailing across his exposed hipbone. He scrambles upright just in time to see and feel you sink your teeth into the sensitive flesh there, sucking hard and his arms collapse under him. His stomach twists and heat edges down his legs, his toes curl. He feels too much, your mouth works its way along the hem of his jeans and he glances down just in time to see you take the denim between your teeth and drag it down, just enough so that you can press scorching kisses there; the sight alone is nearly enough to snap the coil twisting in his belly. San cries out when you nip and tongue at the marks you’ve left, breath hot and heavy on his skin, and scrabbles uselessly against the smooth floorboards in search for some form of purchase.
“Look pretty for me.” You whisper against his hipbone but he barely hears you over the sounds of his whimpers, it’s too bad you can’t capture the sounds he makes too, you think. Instead, you press down on the button and there’s a click, you turn the camera around so San can see the image of himself, splayed out on the ground, completely vulnerable for you. “What do you think?”
A deep groan leaves his mouth at the sight of himself, the deep purple marks and red blooms scattered across his skin, left there by your mouth. He’s an utter mess, an artwork created by your hands, and you press a soft, lingering kiss to his cheek, so innocent in comparison to what you’ve been doing the entire night. “See how pretty you are, San? How beautiful you look? And to think that these photos are for my eyes only...” You sigh, and San lets out a high, bitten off whine as you stroke the inside of his thigh, still looking down at the camera. Then your hand stills and he nearly sobs at the loss of movement, forcing his hips to still before they can chase the firmness of your hand. “Do you think you’re beautiful, San?”
“I-” He hesitates and in that breath, you rake your nails down his pelvis, dangerously close to where he wants you the most but not quite touching him, and he chokes, jaw working soundlessly as he struggles under you, attempting to curl in on himself to offset the overload of sensation. But you don’t let him, pinning his hands above his head, leaning down to brush your lips against his once more. This time, it’s a gentle caress of the mouth, full of affection and San sinks deep into it, you taste the tears at the corners of his eyes and smile down at him.
“Are you beautiful, San?” You whisper softly, your eyes gazing at him so lovingly that he can’t breathe, and he must be, because of the way you look at him, the way you love him. He’s beautiful to you, and that’s enough for him.
“I am!” He gasps through rasping breaths and you smile, satisfied, one hand sliding up his thigh, closer and closer to where he needs you, and he writhes underneath you, a hoarse cry ripping itself from his throat. “I’m beautiful! If I’m beautiful, please, please, please just touch me!” His voice breaks off into a sob and you lift the camera to your eye.
A final click.
“You’re right.” You whisper, looking at the photograph you’ve just taken, setting the camera to the side before taking his face between your hands, eyes impossibly soft. “You really are.”
And then your mouth descends on him, and he knows no more.
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New Beginnings
Part 1, Part 5
Part Six: Sharing is Caring
Alpha Mirio x Omega OC x Alpha Shinsou
Words: 3.3K
Enjoy 😉
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“Shinsou, stop hogging her!”
“Fucking scoot over then.”
“Awwwww, Kitten is blushing.”
“Fuck you, shitty man,” Chiyo glared at Aizawa from across the room.
Shinsou and Mirio have been...weird lately. It started with the touching (well, Mirio has always been a physically driven alpha) which Chiyo didn’t know how to feel about. She’s always been touch-starved but, this was something new entirely. Now, It’s not uncommon for Chiyo to be dragged to one of the couches in the common room so Shinsou can hold her for hours (she’d never admit out loud that she loves rubbing against his lean, muscular frame).
Mirio has also been coming over a lot more lately; really, he’s been coming over every day (which has led to Chiyo currently hiding away in her room for some space).
“Bambiiii, let me in,” Chiyo had her head against her door as she made no moves to open it. Mirio has come over plenty of times but, he’s never been in her room before and she doesn’t know if that’s okay...socially at least.
Everyone has been teaching her about pack dynamics and mating practices (she never really paid attention to that seeing as she never considered settling down; she was sure whatever infatuation she had with Shinsou and Mirio would go away. After all, she knows there’s no way she could have that type of relationship). So, she knows for a fact that she, an unmated omega, cannot let Mirio, an unmated attractive alpha, in her room.
“C’mon, Chiyo. I just want to cuddle,” Mirio laid his head on the door. He’s starting to get a bit frustrated.
“Smiles, can’t we cuddle downstairs? After I get some time to myself. But, we can’t stay up here alone.”
“Why not? Things were perfectly fine when they didn’t talk to you about pack stuff. It’s because I’m an alpha?” Chiyo whines in her mind. She can tell she’s upsetting Mirio and that’s the last thing that she ever wants to do.
“No, well, kinda I guess. I just don’t want to send the wrong message. You understand, Smiles? Right?”
“Depends. What message of me being in your room would send? And, to who are you so worried about bothering with the message?” He can’t help the anger and jealousy that flowed in his voice. “Is someone courting you?”
“No! No one is trying to do that- at least I don’t think anyone is- and I just don’t want people to think I’m leading you on. Jirou told me I messed up and hurt Shinsou the last time,” Chiyo flinched at the image of how Shinsou’s face showed betrayal when she went to have lunch with Mirio.
“Don’t listen to her. Shinsou told you everything was fine.”
“I still don’t want my pack to think I’m not trying to listen to what they told me. I’m really trying hard,” this is one of the rare moments when Chiyo shows her vulnerability. Mirio can tell how important it is for Chiyo to gain her pack’s approval but, he needs to do this for their relationship.
“Chiyo, let me in,” she gulps. “Omega, now!”
“But, Mirio, we shouldn’t do-“
“Let. Me. In,” Chiyo opened the door with her head hung low. Mirror pushed her way through and wrapped his thick arms around her waist. Her purple hair was still a bit damp from her shower from earlier and her lilac eyes were kept downcast.
“You’re here,” Mirio releases a few calming pheromones to keep her level headed.
“I’m here. Can you look at me? Please?” She glances up into his eyes. “Those beautiful eyes for such a beautiful omega.”
Chiyo flushes red and pushed Mirio away so she could lay down in her bed.
“How was your day?” Mirio sat beside here, his body heat weeping into her blankets and ingraining his scent into her room.
“It was okay, Shinsou brought some ramen for me since I was busy with the girls,” Chiyo snacks her lips as she zoned off to think about the delicious noodles. “It was so spicy. I’m surprised Bakugou didn’t want any.”
“He’s not supposed to want any,” Mirio quirked his brow. “Do you share your food with him often?”
“Well, it’s not just him. I do it with the whole pack. Mina told me that sharing is caring,” Mirio smirked but remained quiet. “Did you have a good day?”
“I spent the day with Tamaki and his mate. They’re so funny when they’re nervous,” she giggled. Mirio finds almost everything funny.
“That’s good. How’s Nejire?” The blue-haired bouncy beta was always getting into some trouble around the school. “Is she still getting ready for that modeling agency?”
“Yeahhhh. She’s been running around getting new outfits and makeup. That’s actually one of the reasons I came to talk to you,” Chiyo quirks her brow.
“Why would you need to talk to me?”
“She needs an extra model for one of her portfolios and I kinda told her that you would love to help,” Mirio’s teeth nibbled at his lip.
“You know I wouldn’t want to do something like that, Smiles.”
“You’d only have to take like three pictures. I just couldn’t let Nejire continue to cry and worry herself. Please, could you do this for me?” he gave her his puppy eyes. In the back of her mind, she knew she couldn’t refuse the big alpha practically begging for her help. It wouldn’t kill her to help; that’s what friends are for.
“Fine. But, just this one time,” Chiyo grinned as Mirio smiled. His smiles always make her feel warm inside when they stretch all the way across his face. He twirled her in his arms, slightly nuzzling her neck.
“Thank you, Bambi.”
“Sooo, is that all you needed? Or, was there something else you signed me up for without my permission?”
“Well, I wanted to cuddle but, more privately. Away from everything and everyone else. Just us,” Chiyo pushes her lip between her teeth. “And, before you say it’s a bad idea, I asked Shinsou.”
“Okay, 1.) When did you and Shinsou start talking so much? And, 2.) You do realize you have to talk to me first? I don’t belong to him. I don’t belong to Aizawa. I belong to no one,” Chiyo’s body clenched up, some of her older emotions surging back.
Images of being in that cage plagued her mind, the feeling of being held captive and treated as a prisoner made her palms sweat. Chiyo had never told anyone where she came from (although, to be fair, no one had asked) and she planned to keep it that way. But, moments like these remind her just how damaged she was.
“No, no, no. I’m not saying I need his permission or anything because you’re your own person,” Mirio pushes some of Chiyo’s hair behind her ear. “I just know you care what he thinks and how he feels. Plus, Shinsou’s a good guy once I got to know him. Kinda reminds me of you.”
“You’re both moody sometimes. You both have purple hair and purple eyes. Both of you isolate yourselves when you feel you’ve spent too much time around people. You’re both not used to extended physical contact unless you initiate it.”
“I-you watch us this much,” Chiyo didn’t know whether to feel flattered to have someone want to know that much about her or feel weird that he’s been paying that much attention to her.
“Yeah, I do. I can’t help it. I’ve let too many things slip past me,” Mirio’s eyes darkened. Chiyo had never seen Mirio look so dejected.
“Are you okay?”
“Do you ever just want to stop smiling?”
“Well, I never smile unless I’m with you so I don’t think I’m qualified to answer that question. But, I don’t think I could imagine a world without my Smiles.”
Mirio didn’t say anything as he swept her up and laid her on her bed, following in behind her as he rested his hand on her navel. They laid there, just allowing the silence to envelop them. Every moment, Chiyo would whine to herself because Mirio’s scent kept warping her. For him to be so close with his hands on her kept her mind spinning fast.
“Chiyo, what are you thinking about?”
‘Fuck, I can’t tell him the truth,’ The way Mirio smirked against her skin let her know he knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Just thinking of food,” that normally would be a good lie if Mirio didn’t feel her tense up.
“No, I don’t think that’s what you were thinking about. Try again.”
“It really is good.”
“Uh huh. What kind of food?”
“The kind you eat,” Mirio chuckles as he hears a knock on the door.
“I’m willing to bet all the food in the world that’s your doppelgänger at the door.”
“Shinsou isn’t my doppelgänger.”
“I never said it was Shinsou,” Mirio got up and answered the door. Low and behold, Shinsou stood there, arms crossed.
“You both never came back downstairs,” Shinsou comes to the other side of the bed and laid next to Chiyo’s body. “You’re just gonna let Joker over there take all your time?”
“He’s always smiling.”
“I actually kinda like the name,” Mirio smiles even harder.
“Why don’t I have a nickname?” Chiyo rolled her eyes.
“Do you want one?”
“No. That’s fucking stupid.”
“Someone’s in another mood,” Shinsou pulled her closer to his chest. Chiyo pouted but kept still, knowing she was caged in between them.
“Is there any reason the both of you are in here with me?”
“Nope. Does it bother you having both of us this close to you?” Shinsou leaned in further causing Chiyo to retreat into Mirio. “Being able to touch you without any else seeing?”
“Uhhhh,” such an intelligent response deserves the prize.
“Stop teasing Bambi. You’re gonna break her before we even put our hands on her,” Mirio’s teeth were nipping at the side of her neck. Her shivers caught their attention, letting them know how much she enjoyed being teased.
Right then, Chiyo felt complete. She felt the love that they had for her and that terrified her beyond belief. She felt their heartbeats speeding up at their proximity to one another. She felt herself being brought to peace because of these two alphas. The shadows in her life were slowly being lifted and they were one of the reasons why.
‘It’s got to be hero worship,’ but, she knows it’s not. Aizawa’s her hero yet, she doesn’t feel these things when she thinks of him. This is different. She loves Aizawa as a father (the only father she’s ever had). She...likes these alphas as something more romantic.
‘I can’t like them,’ she does. She wants to bury herself in their entire beings. She likes spending time with them. She likes being this close to them. She likes knowing they like to spend with her.
‘Fuck,’ she needs to leave.
“Chiyo, come back,” Shinsou was shaking her shoulders. He locked eyes with the small omega, steeling her into reality. “Where’d you go?”
“I think I should get some sleep,” Chiyo sat up with her arms around herself.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Your scent changed,” Shinsou keeps shaking her (maybe he’s trying to shake away her thoughts).
“Can you get off?” She says it in such a cold way that the boys shut their mouths and move towards the door. They both look back, wanting her to stop them, but are disappointed when she doesn’t say anything.
Chiyo waited till the night time came. All of her pack mates were nestled in their beds or with their mates (but, that’s a story for another time). This would be the perfect time to leave.
‘I should leave a note,’ she decides against it. She’s a coward; It’d be too hard for her to say goodbye.
So, she’s gone. Out the window-out of their lives. She ends up on a rooftop after a few days. More specifically, the same rooftop she used to meet Aizawa on.
He’s not there and she is. She knows that he’s looking for her but, it doesn’t make her feel any better. After years of conditioning, she’s not sure she can feel normal or feel emotions like she should.
She wants to go back home to the dorms (it’s become her home) and she wants to be with them but, she can’t. How can she? She’s always been told she’s not supposed to be happy so, how can she? She was birthed for one reason; destroy the world. Yet, here she is again, living in this world that’s shown her something new and something that she needs. She can’t destroy it.
How would the relationship even work? They share her? They spilt their time with her? How would sex work in the future?
‘I don’t even know if they want me for sure,’ she’s always been the type to overthink. But, something in her tells her that they feel the same.
Aizawa pops up next to her, doesn’t say anything, only picks her up and swings her back to the dorms. Chiyo knows he’s disappointed in her lack of trust in him.
Chiyo is about to open the dorms door when Aizawa chooses to speak.
“Chiyo, what happened?” Chiyo didn’t bother to acknowledge Aizawa’s presence behind her. “Chiyo...Omega.”
“I don’t belong here,” she’s dejected (that’s the finest way to describe this feeling in her heart). “I thought I could do this and be normal but, this just isn’t me.”
“You’ve been doing so well. What happened?”
“I like someone. Well, it’s not just someone,” Aizawa didn’t say anything. He knows this is hard for her but, he has to give her time for her to speak to him. “I’m not normal. No matter how hard I try to be.”
“What makes you think You’re different?”
“I like two people,” she chuckles with no humor behind it. “I want to be with two people-two alphas at that. That’s normal?”
“It’s not completely unheard of. Polygamy is becoming more popular.”
“Can you hear yourself? It’s not right. Who would want to share their mate?”
“Some people feel a spiritual bond that connects them,” he shrugs his shoulder beside her. “Some people like having someone else to protect their mate in their stead. It’s not hard to believe that two people would want you.”
“I’m nothing special.”
“You are; you don’t see what we see.”
Chiyo stood from the concrete and rushed inside the dorms. The pack was waiting for her as she ran into the common room.
“CHIYOOOO,” Uraraka jumped on her as soon as she came in to their sights. “Don’t ever worry us like that again. Jirou almost knocked us all out. Don’t even get me started on Mirio and Shinsou.”
“Jirou?” Chiyo quirked her brow.
“Yeah, shitty girl got mad so she sent out a burst of sonic waves. Shit’s still ringing my ears,” Bakugou was up next to hug her.
“Jirou?” It’s kinda hard to believe. Jirou is docile, even if she is an alpha.
“Yeah. Jirou. She cares about you.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s in her room. Present Mic had to come knock her out,” Chiyo winced. “Make sure to see her when she wakes up in the morning.”
“Ofcourse I’m going to see her.”
“Good,” Midoriya pops up on her side. “I’m glad your back. I told everyone Aizawa would bring you home.”
“So, you didn’t cry?” Midoriya blushes.
“He cries at everything,” Todoroki deadpans.
“It wasn’t even a full on cry. More like a few sad tears,” Iida laughs next to Midoriya.
“I can’t help it; I thought she was gone forever,” they all somber at his words. Today, they almost lost one of their own, not because of a villain but, because she thought she needed to leave. “Please, don’t ever do anything like this again. I don’t think we could survive it.”
“I won’t,” she doesn’t intend to. Keyword: intend. Chiyo can feel their eyes from across the room before they close in on her.
“Omega, what the fuck were you thinking?” Chiyo’s mouth falls open like a fish. This is the first time she’s ever heard Mirio cuss.
“I-I uh.”
“She wasn’t fucking thinking. Were you?” Shinsou leans down to her height and levels their eyes. “You thought you could leave us? And, no one would come looking for you?”
“I needed space.”
“Permanent space?” She can’t deny it. She didn’t plan on coming back. Didn’t plan on ever seeing them again. It was a split decision to get caught by Aizawa.
Chiyo stalks off to her room, closing the door behind her. Her men follow her on her trail, giving her some space before knocking on the door.
“Omega, can we come in?”
“Why? Why are you always trying to push your way in my life? I was fine before any of this. I didn’t feel any of this. I wasn’t so fucking confused.”
“Why are you confused? Talk to us. Help us understand,” Mirio wanted to bust down the door but, he knew that would only make you escalate the situation.
“There’s nothing to understand. There’s nothing going on. Just, leave me alone.”
“Something is clearly wrong. You keep avoiding us,” that was true. Sometimes, it’s hard for Chiyo to accept how she feels and not degrade herself.
“I just want to be alone.”
“No one really wants to be alone. You think you want to be alone because that’s how you’ve always been. But, you have us.”
“No, I don’t. Fuck I’m such a whore. He was right. She was right. Everyone’s always right about me,” Chiyo skinned her knees with her nails. Everything next happened so fast. Shinsou and Mirio could smell the blood-her blood.
“OMEGA, STOP. LET US IN,” they were banging on the door.
“LIVE.” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Both of them slammed into her room, chests heaving as they kept their eyes on her shivering form. They rushed to her side, each of the nuzzling the sides of her neck.
“GET OFF. GET OFF. GET OFF. GET offffff,” Chiyo sobs as Mirio and Shinsou kiss her tears. “Just leave.”
“Why do you want us to leave?” Mirio’s been crying. He doesn’t look like himself without his smile.
“Because I can’t control myself when both of you are here.”
“Why do you need to control yourself?” Shinsou wants to smirk (through his anger at the least) because he knows what’s going on.
“Because I-“ Chiyo knew she shouldn’t have tried to answer but, her mouth was moving rapidly on its own. Shinsou’s mind control was taking over and, she could have stopped it if she wanted to but, she wanted to relinquish her control to him.
“You what? Answer, truthfully.”
“Because I love you both. Because I want to kiss you. Because I want to cuddle with you all the time. Because I want everyone to know that I love you. Because, when I’m with you, I can’t think right; I can only think of being with you and enjoying the moment.”
“Was that so hard to tell us?” Shinsou grins as he pecks at the corner of Chiyo’s bottom lip.
“Because, It’s not fair to either of you.”
“Is that all you both can ask?”
“You’re evading the question,” Mirio rests his hand on her navel like he always does.
“I can’t be with both of you.”
“Who said that?”
“Fuck society,” Mirio smashes his lips on hers, tilting her neck to give Shinsou some room to place a few kisses. Her saliva pools in her mouth as he lightly bites her tongue. Her core is pooling and she’s stuck rubbing her thigh to alleviate the feeling.
“Awww she’s bothered,” Shinsou leans in to grin harder.
“Shut your fucking face.”
“Bambi, such a potty mouth.”
“You both can’t gang up on me like this,” cue the pouting.
“Awww she’s pouting,” Chiyo slapped Shinsou in the eye. “Okay, I deserved that.”
“Are you guys sure you’re okay with this?”
“Just like Mina said, sharing is caring.”
@orokayagi @sinclairsamess @sakurashortstack @coupsnflower @writing-garden-sandersides
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Riding On Ch 12: How Very European...
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Summary: Frank and Fliss set a date for their wedding and, following her all clear at the 6 weeks postpartum check-up, Fliss decides it’s time to get a bit frisky…only a little someone has other ideas.
 Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) NO UNDER 18s!
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  Ok, so I had a LOT of fun with this one. I have never had a baby myself, but my best friend tells me some hilarious tales about all sorts of stuff- she has no filter…and neither do I in this chapter. I apologise in advance…
Chapter Song: Whole Lotta Rosie by AC/DC  
Series Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
Wanna tell you a story, about a woman I know, when it comes to lovin’, she steals the show.
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 Fliss smiled as she stood looking at the stretch of St Petersburgs beach. The sugar white sands, rustic boardwalks, and the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico had made her fall in love with the place when she has first come here with Frank and Mary almost 2 years ago. It was the place her and Frank had sat on one of their early dates eating Mexican and drinking beer…and it was a stunning backdrop for the beach wedding she had always wanted.
"So the Public Access area has a large metered parking lot for you and your guests. Private condominium rentals and boutique hotels are nearby and can be a great option if you and your guests want to walk to your Wedding ceremony." The wedding planner, a small woman named Bobbi spoke "Or if you fancy there's also Pass-a-Grille or Upham..."
"No." Fliss shook her head and turned round, her eyes shining as she looked at Frank who was stood next to her. "I love this part of the beach and it’s special to us. It’s perfect. " Frank's hand tightened around hers and his mouth turned up into a smile. "I like it too." "Well that was easy!" Bobbi smiled "are you 100% sure you don't want to see the others?" "Yeah." Fliss smiled as Frank pressed a kiss to her temple. "Alright." Bobbie nodded. "So, you mentioned next September?" Frank nodded "We don't need a brunch or reception venue, we got that covered. Just the ceremony." Bobbi nodded and tapped at the tablet she was holding. "Well that makes it a lot easier. Any specific time of day?" "Afternoon." Fliss said. Bobbi hummed before she looked at them "You're in luck. There's a slot at 4pm on the 26th September. Does that work?" Frank looked at Fliss who nodded. He turned back to the woman and smiled "We'll take it." Bobbi nodded. "Alright. Do you wanna head back to the car and I can take the details, get the deposit paid?" "Lead the way." Frank smiled. She turned and walked back over the sand, the two of them following hand in hand. It took them about 15 minutes or so to get the formalities out of the way, but once that was done Bobbi emailed the confirmation over and it was done. They had officially set a date. After she told them a little more about what she would need from them legally over the next few weeks she shook both their hands and said she would be in touch. They both waved her off before Fliss turned to Frank, gave a little shriek of happiness before she flung herself onto his arms. He laughed, picking her up and twirling her round, giving her a soft kiss as he set her on her feet. "363 days to go." She smiled "364" he chuckled "It’s a leap year next year baby." "Details, details..." she waved a hand, her gaze flickering back over the ocean as she leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around her as the stood looking at the area where they would become man and wife in little under 12 months.
“What time are you meeting Bonnie?” Frank asked, breaking the silence as he checked his watch. She should have been out for lunch with her best friend last but Mary had been violently sick on the Saturday night and really clingy to her, so they had rearranged instead for the following Saturday evening which was now upon them almost.
“Erm, half 7. Why?” Fliss looked up at him, her shades covering her eyes.
“It’s 4 now. Fancy a walk?” he nodded towards the sea.
Fliss hesitated, truth be told she wanted to get back to Alex. This was the first time they’d left him with someone else, and whilst it was her parents and she knew she could trust them implicitly, she was still a little on edge about being apart from him.
“Just a quick 15 minutes.” Frank softly coaxed, knowing exactly what was on her mind “Then we can go and get the kids.”
Fliss nodded and the pair of them removed their shoes before they linked hands again, stepping onto the sand which was hot on their feet. The pair of them cursed and hopped from foot to foot, mumbling about how they really should know better now as they hurried to the cooler, wet sand, walking through the light waves as they lapped around their ankles.
“So where are you going tonight?” “Rio’s.” Fliss said, “Same as we planned last week. Apparently the new menu is amazing. Has a grill section, we should take Mary one night when Alex is a little older.”
“We could go now.” Frank said, looking at her “He’s plenty old enough. Feed him before we go, he can sleep whilst we eat.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She said.
“Why are you so against taking him out?” Frank asked softly.
“I’m not, I take him out during the day.”
“I mean to somewhere like that.” He stopped to look at her. “I’ve suggested it a few times that we take them both out for dinner, a treat for Mary maybe, and you’ve vetoed it.
“I know, and I feel guilty enough as it is, I don’t want Mary to miss out.” “She’s not missing out.” Frank shook his head, “She’s spoiled rotten. I just want to know what the problem is. Talk to me honey, please.” Fliss hesitated and took a deep breath “I honestly don’t know. I just, well if he starts crying or he gets unsettled…” “Then we take him outside until he settles and bring him back.” “And if he doesn’t settle?” “Then we get the food wrapped up and take it home.” He shrugged “Fliss, it’s not a big deal. You’re over thinking all of this. He’s a baby, he won’t know where he is, and if he did he wouldn’t give a shit.”
“Sorry.” She mumbled.
“Hey, there’s no need to apologise.” He took both of her hands “I just want us to enjoy our family time, you know. I couldn’t do any of this with Mary when she was a baby and I don’t want that for you.”
“I do enjoy family time.” She shrugged “I honestly don’t know what it is Frank. I just feel safer with him at home you know? There’s no one there to look at me when he starts crying and be sat there judging me about what he’s crying for…” “Babies cry.” Frank shook his head “It’s what they do. Fuck what anyone else thinks.” “I wish I could be as relaxed about it all as you.” Fliss shrugged.
“You keep saying this like I’m some kind of baby guru.” Frank arched an eyebrow over his shades “And I’m not. I had no fucking idea what I was doing with Mary. Still don’t. Look at the mess I made with the court case, sending her into Foster Care…”
“That was different.” “No, it wasn’t” Frank shook his head “I did what I thought was best at the time, yes, but I screwed up. And we’re gonna screw up with Alex along the way and most likely Mary again as she gets older, it’s just a fact of life. But as long as they’re happy, safe and loved…that’s what matters.” “I know, I know.” Fliss took a deep breath as they turned to walk again, “I just don’t want to let him down. I don’t want to let either of them down. And I know I’m being stupid, I mean take earlier for example. When we left him with Mum and Dad…I cried for like half an hour after.”
Frank chuckled softly “I know, I was there.”
“Everyone told me I’d be glad to get some time away, but I’m not. I miss him already and…it’s pathetic, I know.” She shrugged.
“No, you’re just a new mom.” He chuckled, squeezing his fingers around hers “It will get easier, I promise.”
“I thought about cancelling tonight.” She admitted “I was secretly glad last week was a no go, I mean I would have preferred it not to be because Mary was sick but…I wasn’t ready. And that’s not because I don’t trust you with him because I do, and I know I’ve left you with him before when I’ve nipped out but it’s just…”
“Lissy, stop.” He smiled, dropping a kiss to her temple “You don’t need to explain, I get it. Honestly I do, but you said you’re driving tonight so you can leave when you want to.” He said, looking at her “Don’t cancel, baby.”
“I’m not going to.” She shook her head “Bonnie would kill me. She’s really down at the moment.”
“Yeah?” Frank asked as the continued to splash in the shallow water.
Fliss nodded “She hasn’t told me what’s wrong. I’ll see if I can get it out of her tonight.” Frank pulled her closer, his hand leaving hers as he curled an arm round her shoulder and they continued to walk, talking as they did so. Eventually they reached the part of the beach which curved around the bay and headed over to the boardwalk so they could walk back to the car. As soon as she got back to her parents’, Fliss felt her earlier anxiety ebb away completely as Alex was fast asleep in the bassinet in the kitchen whilst Mary was playing in the pool with Bill and Steve. The entire family was over the moon when they announced they’d booked the date and Verity went off at 100 miles an hour talking about dresses and flowers until Bill gently reached over and squeezed her knee, reminding her it wasn’t her wedding. But neither Fliss nor Frank minded, it was nice to have their family so enthusiastic.
When Frank announced it was time to leave, Mary started protesting saying she wanted to stay the night. Frank refused, as she’d stayed the night before and he didn’t want Bill and Verity feeling obliged, but as usual Verity beamed and told her of course she could say. So they left her there and took Alex home. Once he had been fed, Fliss headed up for a shower and then contemplated what she was going to wear. Whilst she had lost the remainder of her baby bump so to speak, she was still bigger than she had been beforehand so her usual jeans didn’t quite fit yet. When she’d complained to Frank about it and said the last time she had been this size was after her accident, he had gotten a little frustrated at her, telling her that if she dared go on some stupid diet to lose it as fast as she had back then he would be seriously pissed at her. She’d bitten back, snapping at him that she knew it was out of the question. She didn’t want to for starters, as she had been so miserable when she’d been emotionally manipulated into doing so by John, and this time there was Alex to think about. If she was feeding and nursing him she didn’t want to be on some stupid crash diet. Besides which, she wasn’t eating that differently to how she had been before she was pregnant. It was the lack of exercise, as it had been back then. Frank had apologised for snapping, and she’d done the same assuring him that she would be sensible. She knew that she would lose most of it once she could go back to work and start riding again and if she didn’t, well, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Frank was constantly telling her she was beautiful and besides, what’s a few extra kilos when you have a gorgeous baby boy to show for it?
In the end she opted for a strapless, floaty lemon dress which she had worn in her early pregnancy days that flared out under her breast line and stopped just above her knees. She paired it with a pair of tan, leather gladiator sandals and left her hair down in the soft waves it dried in post her shower. She applied a little make up, smiling to herself at the fact this was probably the first time she had worn it since she had given birth. All in all, she couldn’t deny it was nice to actually feel like Fliss and not just momma bear even though the two went hand in hand now.
Grabbing her purse and dropping her lip gloss and phone inside she headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Frank was sat on the sofa, Alex napping in the little basket which lay on the coffee table. He looked up, blinking at her appearance and smiled softly.
“You look fantastic.” He said, honestly.
“Thank you.” She smiled, heading over to give him a quick peck.
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you?” he offered again, nodding to Alex “He’ll sleep on the way.”
“No, honestly I’m not drinking. Well, maybe just one.” She shrugged.
“Back to grape juice instead of apple, huh?” he quipped and she smiled, running her finger over Alex’s rosy cheeks.
“Something like that.” She said, absentmindedly looking at her baby.
“Liss…” Frank said, watching her and she turned to him “Go, we’ll be fine.” “I know, I know…” she nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m going, I promise…” He chuckled and she gave him another kiss before she headed towards the door, she took a final look back at her baby and fiancée, the latter making a shooing gesture with his hands and she laughed, before she turned and walked out of the room. He heard the front door close behind her a let out a sigh of relief. He’d half been expecting her to back out but she hadn’t, she’d gone. Thankfully. He was desperate for her to go out and enjoy herself, she needed to see other people outside of their little family unit, it wasn’t healthy for her to be as isolated as she seemed to have made herself. He’d actually gotten a little worried to the point that he’d even asked his own Mother for advice and she had assured him that Fliss would settle, pointing out that it was nerve wracking being a new mum. He’d been surprised to learn that Evelyn hadn’t left him with anyone until he was almost 4 months old for fear something would go wrong, and that had comforted him a little to understand that this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. It had been slightly different with Diane as she’d leaned on him to help her a lot, but then again most things with Diane had been different.
He leaned back on the sofa, picking up the remote, his eyes falling once more to the basket.
“Just you and me tonight son…” he muttered, flicking to the TV finding the sports channel, selecting a re-run of a Red Sox game. “Time to start your education…” *****
“Oooh, how exciting!” Bonnie exclaimed as Fliss smiled, having just told her about them booking their wedding “It sounds amazing, that’s a gorgeous stretch of beach.”
“Yeah, it’s special to us so…” she smiled, and looked up as the waiter came to take their drinks order.
“Erm, do you want wine?” Bonnie asked.
Fliss hesitated for a second, before she shrugged “Just the one.”
Bonnie smiled and ordered them a bottle of Chardonnay and a large bottle of water. Once the Waiter was out of ear shot Fliss leaned forward “This way I don't need to pump and dump...”
Bonnie laughed “I always find that odd. I mean pumping and dumping doesn't get alcohol out of your system does it?” “No, but if I wanted to go out and get drunk I’d have to wait until I was sure all the alcohol had left my system before I fed him again.” Fliss shrugged “He’s already bottle fed at night so Frank can help and I wake up and my boobs are like fucking water melons so you can you imagine what they would be like after like 12 hours or whatever if I didn’t.” she shook her head. “But one glass, well my mum, midwife and Doctor Google say if I'm not feeding in the next 2 or 3 hours I should be ok.”
Their chat turned to Mary’s adoption, Fliss filling Bonnie in on how they’d begun the process legally now, Greg sorting and filing the paperwork and contacting her biological father earlier that week. So far they had heard nothing but they should start to see things progress fairly quickly once he had given his consent.
“And even if he doesn’t, Greg seems confident the court would find in our favour, Mary having been in Frank’s care since she was 6 months old.” Fliss shrugged, thanking the waiter as he placed the two bottles on the table. “So we’re not concerned, it would just be a lot easier and smoother if he does the right thing, you know?” The waiter finished filling both their glasses then placed the wine in the ice bucket before he then poured them each a water and asked them for their food orders. They placed them, Bonnie opting for scallops and the ribs, Fliss deciding on calamari and the steak. Once he was gone Bonnie looked at Fliss, picking up her glass.
“Do you think he will? Object, I mean.” Fliss paused, pondering for a moment “I don’t think so, I mean why would he? He made no effort to find Mary before the court case and now, even though he knows where she is, he still hasn’t so…” she shrugged, picking up her drink.
“Well…” Bonnie leaned over, holding her wine glass up “Here’s to it going smoothly and your first girl’s night out since becoming a momma.”
Fliss smiled and clinked her glass against Bonnie’s, before she took a sip and let out a soft moan “God that tastes sooo good.” “Well you could always dump the car as well as the milk.” Bonnie gestured to the bottle that lay in the ice bucket and Fliss laughed, shaking her head.
“Maybe next time.” She pulled out her phone and took a snap of her glass, sending it to Frank with the caption “Ok, so it tastes as good as I remember…” before she dropped her phone on the table.
They chatted a little more about general things, what Fliss had in mind for the wedding, the type of dress she thought she wanted, colour for bridesmaids, most of which she couldn’t answer as she had no idea really. It was odd that it was going to be her choice, but exciting none-the-less. At one point, her phone buzzed and she picked it up, letting out a chuckle at Frank’s reply to her earlier message. It was a photo of a beer bottle and a baby bottle side by side on the kitchen counter along with the words “Boy’s night in.” She showed it to Bonnie who gave a snort and Fliss placed the phone down and looked at her.
“So, what’s going on with you? I can tell you’re down.”
Bonnie fiddled slightly with her cutlery, before she shrugged “Simon’s being odd. I mean odder than normal before you say it.”
Fliss smiled and waited for her to continue.
“The last week or so, it’s like his mind is elsewhere. I’m beginning to wonder where it is, or more to the point who it’s with.”
Fliss frowned, her wine glass paused slightly in front of her mouth “You think he’s cheating?”
Bonnie shrugged “Honestly, I don’t know. Something’s going on.”
“I don’t think he would.” Fliss shook her head. “Is he not just stressed with work? Frank can get a little sullen if he’s got a lot on.” “Maybe.” Bonnie mused “He’s just normally so attentive and fun…I’m likely thinking too much into it, it’s probably nothing.”
“You should ask him straight.” Fliss said, looking at her “Tell him how you feel, give him a chance to explain. If there’s one thing the whole Vegas incident with Frank taught me is that things ain’t always what they seem Bon. It’s bound to be something really simple that’s just playing on his mind.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Bonnie nodded “I’ll ask him.”
At that point their starters arrived and they both started to eat, and Bonnie grinned. “So, anyway, back to your dress…you’d look fantastic in a straight, little lace number…” By the time they had finished eating and chatting, Fliss was wearing a bright, bubble-gum pink meringue complete with crystals and a sweetheart neckline to get married in-“because, you know- watermelons…” and the bridesmaids were all going to be in lime green. Fliss had told Bonnie to be careful what she was suggesting, as she didn’t think the woman’s skin tone would take kindly to be dressed in such a colour, at which point Bonnie had nearly choked and her eyes had filled as Fliss smiled and nodded, confirming that she’d just asked Bonnie to take the job. After a loud acceptance, Bonnie had jumped up and hugged Fliss, drawing curious glances from the tables around them.
Fliss dropped Bonnie at the condo she shared with Simon, along with an instruction to call her if she needed to chat again, and then she headed back home arriving just after 11pm. Letting herself in quietly, she made her way into the family room and paused in the doorway, smiling at the sight in front of her. Frank was led on the sofa, Alex clutched to his chest with two strong hands, the baby boy fast asleep.
“Before you panic…” Frank spoke, making her jump a little “I’m not asleep. Just resting my eyes.”
“I wasn’t panicking.” Fliss said, honestly “I know you’d never let him fall.”
Frank cracked open his eyes and smiled “You have a nice time?” he asked as she walked towards him. He gently shifted so he was sat up, Alex still held to his chest securely as Fliss sat next to him, peeking at the sleeping baby.
“Yeah, I did.” She nodded “The food was good. We definitely need to go.”
“Did you find out what was bothering Bonnie?”
“Yeah, she said Simon’s being odd with her.”
“Odder than normal?”
Fliss snorted, “That’s exactly what she said.” And she took a deep breath “She thinks he’s playing away.”
“Si?” Frank looked at her, “No, absolutely not. In fact, she couldn’t be further from the truth if she tried.”
“What do you mean?” Fliss frowned and Frank hesitated.
“He told me last week, and this cannot go any further as he will kill me, but he’s gonna propose.”
Fliss’ mouth dropped open before her face split into a grin “No shit?”
“Yes shit.” Frank nodded, smiling “Told me when he was drunk in Fergs.” Fliss leaned back against the cushions on the sofa, and her smile slipped a little “Oh shit.”
“What?” “I told her to talk to him, ask him what the problem was.” “Sensible advice in normal circumstances.” Frank shrugged “Don’t sweat it, it’ll be fine.”
“So when’s he gonna ask her?”
“No idea.” Frank shrugged “He didn’t say.”
“Did he not ask for ideas?”
Frank snorted “I’m the last person he should be asking. I was carrying your damned ring around for weeks trying to find the right moment. I almost did it by the tree at the Rockefeller centre, and then that ass hole beat me to it.”
Fliss gave a soft laugh as she shook her head “The way you did it was perfect.” “Yeah, I got there in the end.” He grinned.
At that point Alex stirred a little, making a few gripey noises before he began to get more restless, rooting against Frank’s T-shirt. “Think he might be hungry.” Frank smiled “Good timing Momma.”
Fliss chuckled and took Alex in her arms, adjusting her top as Frank stood up, heading to the kitchen “You want a drink?” he tossed over his shoulder.
“Yeah, camomile tea if there’s any going?”
Frank flipped on the kettle and watched from the counter as his girl nursed their baby, a deep sense of contentment brewing in his stomach, along with the usual low-key arousal he felt whenever she was doing anything with their son. Seeing her interact with his baby, the baby she’d carried and given birth to was purely amazing and he loved watching it. He made her a tea, grabbed himself another beer and then sat down next to her as she finished up feeding and he offered to take Alex to wind him as she sorted herself out and had her drink. Eventually he settled again and went back down, leaving the two of them to snuggle up on the couch. They stayed together for half an hour or so before Fliss yawned and said she needed to sleep.
“I’ll take him up. You coming?” she asked.
“I’ll be up shortly” he promised as she sat up, cracking her neck.
“Oh, gonna watch porn and jerk off?” she teased and he sighed, shooting her a look.
“You’re not funny.”
“Not trying to be.” She shrugged, leaning over to kiss him softly.
“What would you do if I was?” he mumbled against her lips and she paused, pulling back slightly, arching her eyebrows.
“Well, I’d probably have to remind you that the real thing is much better.” She said, her hand gently cupping at his crotch.
“Ok, you need to stop.” He said, his voice a whisper before he let out a groan as she ignored him completely, her grip growing harder and his hand wrapped gently around her wrist. “Lissy, seriously…” “Oh shut up” she mumbled, before she shook off his grip and snaked her hand into the waistband of his shorts, taking his hardening member in her hand. She gave it a light pump or two before she pulled at his shorts, and he lifted his hips slightly to allow her to pull them down.
“Baby…” he said softly, but his protests died in his throat as she bent down and took him to the back of hers.
“Well, I’m happy that everything seems ok and back to normal.” The Ob Gyn smiled at Fliss as she moved away from where she had been examining her “So if you feel ok in yourself, no physical pain, nothing…” “Nope, nothing at all.” Fliss shook her head
“Well then Miss Gallagher your life can go back to normal” she smiled, “Well, as normal as it is 6 weeks post giving birth.”
Fliss smiled “So I can start riding again?”
“Yup, as long as you make sure you take it easy. As with anything, you won’t have used certain muscles in a while so be careful.”
“Ok.” Fliss nodded.
“Are you going to continue breast feeding?” the woman asked and Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, which is something I wanted to talk to you about. What contraception can I use?”
“There’s condoms obviously, I can prescribe the mini pill or there’s the IUD.”
“Is an IUD safe?” Fliss asked, “I don’t want to use condoms and to be honest, with my baby brain I’ll probably end up forgetting my pill. That’s what led us here in the first place and that was before I’d had a baby.”
The Doctor chuckled. “To be honest, the most effective contraceptives are intrauterine devices and they’re perfectly safe despite what you might read on the internet. The Mirena IUD releases a very small amount of hormone into the uterus, where it works locally and it won’t affect the quality and quantity of breast milk, and it’s also safe and effective for five years. It’s a good choice, one I prefer to recommend when I can.”
Fliss nodded “Ok, that seems like a good choice. How do I get one fit?”
“I can do it now if you want.” The woman smiled “And the best bit is it works immediately.” “Straight away?” Fliss looked at her “So…” “Yep.” The Ob Gyn smiled “You can go straight home and jump his bones if you so wish.”
Fliss laughed, and contemplated the woman’s words for a second. She did want. Truth be told she’d been low key horny since she’d blown Frank off on the couch a fortnight or so ago, but hadn’t wanted to rush anything, choosing to wait instead for the all clear at her 6 week check-up. Now, well, there was nothing stopping them getting physically close again and the thought drew a smile to her face. She couldn’t wait to have her Sailor holding her again.
“Ok, yeah” she nodded to the woman who smiled.
“I’ll sort the paper work, grab my kit and be right back.” The doctor smiled.
Driving home Fliss had all sorts of thoughts about how to make their night special. Romantic candles perhaps, maybe a little nice underwear…that is if she could find any that fit her still.
But of course, best laid plans and all that. In reality, the evening unfolded like any other, with shitty diapers, breast pumping, and a dinner eaten while taking turns bouncing a 6 week old baby in their laps as he had chosen that particular night to be awkward about settling after his feed, it was almost as if he could sense what Fliss had in mind and was doing his best to veto her plans.
Around 9 pm once Mary was in bed and Alex had been bathed, changed and fed, Fliss slipped away to prepare her body for its first round of postnatal coitus. She took a bath to unwind and shaved her armpits and legs. She also considered tackling her lady bush, but realized that her razor wasn’t sharp enough for that jungle right now so Frank was just going to have to deal with the crotch afro if he wanted a bit.
She climbed out of the bath and wrapped herself in her robe, heading into the bedroom where she dried off and set about her skin care routine before she decided to go the whole hog and paint her toenails a deep crimson colour, replacing the shimmery baby pink that she had done a few weeks ago as celebration she could finally see her damned feet again. Then she shed her robe and stole a quick look in the mirror. All things considered she conceded she didn’t look too bad. She wasn’t so much bothered by the extra pounds but more so slightly disturbed by the way they seemed to have positioned themselves on her body. It was almost like small, flesh-coloured bread loaves stapled to her belly. But, like she knew she could sort most of that out with riding and getting more active again, what she wasn’t sure exercise would do anything for was her breasts. They were large, which in itself wasn’t a problem, on the contrary in fact, as Frank was a self-proclaimed boob man, but her nipples had starburst over her breasts without any clearly definitive ending points. She was debating whether or not to try and put a little foundation on them, to tone down the nipple extravaganza but stopped herself, realising she was being utterly fucking ridiculous.
This was Frank she was preparing for. The man she’d been with for years, her fiancée whose baby she had carried and given birth to. And she knew he loved her, starfish nips or not.
She set about finding some suitable underwear. She had a few nice sets, some she had bought for herself, some Frank had purchased for her but as she laid them out on the bed she knew she wouldn’t feel comfortable in any of them. Continuing her search she finally found a pair of black lace briefs that skated along her ass cheeks and a black sheer negligee that she had worn a few times pre- pregnancy, in particular one very raunchy night where she’d surprised Frank by wearing it in the kitchen one evening when Mary had been at Roberta’s, cooking their dinner as if it was perfectly normal to be dressed that way. Dinner had ended up burnt, the smoke detectors going off, and they’d sat curled up with a Thai take out and all the windows open in an attempt to rid the place of the smell of cremated lamb chops and potatoes.
She shimmied into it, and to her delight it fit, even if her breasts were a little larger. They spilled over the top but her cleavage looked Elizabethan in a sexy way, and she grinned as she knew exactly what Frank was going to say about that. Finally, she removed her hair form its high bun, which had served nicely to give it some volume and fluffed it up and decided that the overall effect was actually pretty good.
She lay back on the bed, grabbed her phone and turned it into selfie mode, angling it just right so that she could get the full effect before she checked it, and fired it to Frank with a downright filthy message accompanying it and lay back to wait.
***** Frank had nodded when Fliss had said she was tired and needed to go to bed, and promised he’d be up in an hour or so, wanting to give her the time to just unwind. She’d been for her 6 week check-up and had assured him that everything was fine, but her general demeanour told him she was keeping something from him.
Trying not to think about it too much, he settled Alex down and flicked over to catch a re-run of Game of Thrones. It was the Battle Of The Bastards, his favourite episode of the entire series, and he was just mumbling to himself, calling Rickon Stark a ‘dumb ass mother fucker’ for not zig-zagging when his phone went. He absentmindedly reached for it, wondering if it was Simon telling him he’d finally grown a pair of balls and proposed, but it wasn’t, it was Fliss.
He opened the message and as soon as he saw the image he spluttered and the soda he had just taken a drink of dribbled straight down his shirt.
“Jesus fucking Christ…” he mumbled, wiping at the spilled Fanta, as he stared at the photo. His girl was led on the bed, in a sheer negligee, her hair fanning over the pillow, eyes bright and mischievous and the shot was angled to give a perfect shot of the top of her cleavage. It was accompanied with the words. “Oh I forgot to tell you, your favourite legs are back open for business…”
“You devious little minx…” he mumbled, suddenly understanding exactly what it was she’d been hiding from him, and his cock stirred in his pants. In a flash her was up off the sofa, shoving Thor out of the door so he could pee before he locked up, gathered Alex in his arms and made his way up the stairs as fast as he could, letting the dog into Mary’s room as he was scrambling at the door to get in.
“What kept you?” Fliss asked as he walked into the room, gently placing Alex in the bedside crib, making sure the blankets were arranged carefully.
“Well you kinda caught me off guard…” he said, lifting an eyebrow as he gently lowered himself over her on the bed, gently tugging her hips and pulling her down slightly before he propped himself up on his elbows, caging her between his arms and legs. “You look sexy as fuck baby girl!” Fliss let out a grin as his lips met hers, and his eyes lowered to her cleavage and he gave a groan. “And I’m not supposed to touch these?”
“At all?”
“Not unless you want a face full of milk.” She looked at him.
“Is it strange I find that a little kinky?” he grinned and she blinked, shaking her head with a snort.
“You have issues.”
“Yeah and right now they’re in the trouser department.” He mumbled, dropping his lips to hers “I nearly choked when you sent me that message.”
“You like?” she purred gently and he let out another groan and nodded.
“I did, I do. A lot.” He smirked, his lips pressing to hers again. The kiss quickly became heated, his hands tangling in her hair has he held her head still, and then he felt her pull away a little, and he frowned as she looked at him, biting her lip.
“What’s wrong?”
"Is it weird that we’re like gonna have sex with our baby in the same room? Can he see us?” she asked, her head rolling to look at Alex. "No, he can't even focus yet, and it’s not weird. I’m a modern man.” He said, his hand cupping her cheek and turning his face back to his. “This is how it’s done. It’s probably very European of us actually." "Frank I'm from England..." she rolled her eyes. "Lissy..." he sighed softly, “Look, if you don't wanna..."
“No I do, I really do…” she took a deep breath “Sorry, I just…” “It’s ok…” he gave her a soft smile, before his lips found hers again. In between the dizzying kisses Frank moved his right hand, his fingers gently tracing up the outside of her thigh and under the hem of the sheer lace slip she was wearing, and his mouth moved to lightly trail kisses across her bare collar bone. With a soft sigh she nodded, acknowledging his unasked question and his lips moved downwards peppering warm, open mouthed peck across the swell of her cleavage, careful to take his time and stay gentle. Fliss let out a shaky whisper of his name, her hands tangling into his hair as he moved his affections upwards slightly, skimming his nose up her sternum, nudging her chin back so he could turn his affections back to her neck. This time her gentle whisper became a loud groan which she stifled with her hand as he nipped at her neck and he felt her shiver underneath him.
“You ok?” he asked quietly, looking down at her. She nodded and with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he stood up, scrambling out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell forwards again, his hands pulling down her underwear, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear.
Fliss was utterly gone now, consumed by the sensations she hadn’t felt in so long and she tilted her head back, sighing softly as he continued to nibble at her neck, settling himself above her. His fingers gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’ eyelids fluttering shut as she felt him fill her.
“Go steady.” she whispered and with a gently nod Frank began to move his hips slowly, displaying nothing but absolute tenderness in his thrusts which weren’t measured in the slightest. His free hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close as she could possibly be, enjoying the sensation of once more being inside her, in top of her, surrounded by her.
Meanwhile, Fliss was just as lost, but in her own thoughts. For some reason as good as she had felt before, now she was starting to panic a little, that stupid voice in her head mumbling all sorts of dumbass thoughts.
Okay, this feels familiar. Sex feels the same. Does it feel the same for him? Is he taking longer than normal? Oh shit, maybe I’m super stretched out and it’s terrible. Maybe I’m different now, and I’ll never be as good. Maybe I was never THAT good to start with though? I’ll ask… “Is it good? Is it the same as it was?” she gasped out and Frank stilled, looking down at her.
“What?” he panted slightly. "I asked does it feel the same? I mean..." He leaned down, gently rubbing his nose against hers. “It’s great … it feels really good.” He reassured her and she nodded.
“Ok, you can go a bit faster…”
“I don’t want to.” He mumbled, giving her a deep kiss. And he didn’t. He was enjoying the slowness of it all, and he kept his lazy thrusts aimed perfectly on her spot, drawing those delectable sounds from her throat. Fliss’ senses were on fire, and she broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against his shoulder when she felt herself starting to unravel.
And then…
A loud cry came from the basinet. They both stilled, looked at one another, and glanced over to the side of the bed. Silence, no movement bar the waving of a little arm.
"He's going to cry.” Fliss said between her deep breathing “If he cries, do we stop? Is it child abuse if we keep going until we finish?" "He's stopped." Frank said, turning his head back to her. “What if there's something wrong and we’re here just boning."
Frank shut her up with a languid roll of his hips and she gave a soft gasp, her hands grasping at his biceps.
“Liss, he’s fine.”
“'We’re the kind of negligent parents…oh fuck….” She groaned as he tilted his hips again… “The one’s you’d see in a movie like Trainspotting."
He shook his head, pulling out a little before he sank back into her, her body moving with his slightly and she looked up at him.
“When the police ask what happened, do we lie? Or do we say we were having sex while our baby quietly suffocated a few feet away?”
“For fucks sake Lissy…” he spluttered in frustration “You gave me a blow job the other week on the sofa and he was asleep in the basket on the coffee table.”
“That was different” “How?”
“We were on the couch and I wasn't naked.” “You’re not naked now.” He shook his head “Will you shut up and let me make you feel good?” Her random, stupid worries stopped and she closed her eyes, nodding, and he started his movements again. It didn’t take him long to get them back to where they were, his thrusts deep and he picked up his pace ever so slightly, her hands flying to his bare back as she gripped him tighter, wanting to feel all of him, as close as she possibly could. His lips found hers and she took the kiss, it leaving her breathless as the heat began to rise in her belly and she let out a soft moan, which he swallowed with his mouth where it morphed into his own low, mumble of her name as he felt her clench around him. The sheets rustled underneath them both as their pace continued slow and languid until the very end when Fliss’ let her head tip back, her throat bared to Frank in utter bliss as she came hard, the world spinning around her, her moans soft and breathy as her legs trembled, sheer pleasure spearing through her entire body.
Frank gave a low grunt which tuned into a gasp as he clung to his girl, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward.
“That was fucking great.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck, and she felt herself flush. She let out a chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair.
“Yeah, we still got it Sailor.”  She said and it was his turn to chuckle as he moved and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
And then Alex did erupt into a full on screaming fit. Frank found himself thanking his son that he’d at least had the good grace to wait until he’d finished. He rolled off Fliss, landing on his back, hand running through his hair as she sat up and scooped Alex into her arms, sitting up against the headboard with him held to her, in the bed where his parents’ sinful deeds were likely still detectable. Frank looked at her, then to Alex whose tiny face was creased up in a loud wail as Fliss held him to her chest, trying to soothe him and he arched an eyebrow. "I take it the post sex snuggling is out?"
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taehoneys · 3 years
Kiss (M)
Author’s note: Behold, the long awaited extended chapter from 5 Minutes More - Kiss. Sorry for the long wait, but I hope it’s worth it.
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Alcohol and fucked up emotions don’t go well together, but you know that. I know that. Still, it didn’t stop me from taking the first sip and it didn’t stop me from finishing the bottle. And you know what? I prefer the warmth of the alcohol inside me. I even consider the swirl of my thoughts a fun game of Russian roulette. What thought will I contemplate? Which memory will I replay? Which emotion will remind me I’m broken?
 I relied too much on the bottle to knock me out. Instead, I'm left counting down the minutes until I have to step out of this room and catch a plane with my ex-husband. Right… we aren’t actually divorced yet.
 Over and over, I thread my fingers through my hair as I stare up at the ceiling. My eyes sting and I give in to finally closing them. "What if I just drive all the way?" I murmur, rolling my head to the side. "What if I ask Sungjae to come to get me?"
 Sungjae. The other guy.
 I pat the bed for my phone, catching the end at my fingertips, but accidentally throw it across the room when I attempt to view the screen.
 Of course...
 With a groan, I get up and go over to it, overconfidently. When I stumble to the ground, I just give in and lay down, becoming okay with it when I feel the cool press against my warm cheek and legs.
 It took a bit of energy to move again, but I need to check my phone. What did I text my coworker? Nearly blinding myself with my bright screen, I squint my eyes and read the texts sent at the drunken hour.
 ⇨ I'm tired of being hung up on Taehyung...
 ⇨ It hurts too much, Sungjae.
 ⇨ Help me forget him.
 With a sigh, I set down my phone. It’s not like I lied.
 I look towards the bedroom door where on the other side Taehyung lies. They left us with no choice but to share one hotel room during our business trip. At first, the hotel room was big enough for the two of us. Now, after what happened earlier, it's become quite small. 
 I try not to think about our argument. It didn’t matter that he’s been gone for a year or that after his accident, he didn’t remember me. It didn’t even matter that he pushed me away, yet kept his colleague, Irene, by his side. It didn’t matter because… after this night, I'm finally cutting my ties with him.
 Biting my lip, I try to keep it together, the sting in my heart overbearing. I’m realizing that I’ve officially lost Taehyung. I thought I cried myself dry already, but I guess you can cry without tears. I’m learning that it’s a more painful way to cry.
 I hadn’t even realized that I dozed off until a loud noise jolts me awake.
 With a gasp, I sit upright, the smoke detector's blaring coming to a silence. I debate whether it was my imagination as I push myself off the floor.
With a racing heart, I check the doorknob before slowly opening it. My eyes land on Taehyung, who stands on the couch, waving a magazine so that the smoke would clear away from it.
 Frowning, I search for the cause of the smoke, and when I spot it, I’m seething.
 Throwing the door completely open, I walk out; the anger is overtaking how tipsy I am.
 "You were smoking?"
 Taehyung's eyes widen as he steps down from the couch, not expecting for me to walk out.
 Catching my expression, he cowers, hiding behind his fringe as he backs up against the kitchen island.
 I take the chance to march right up to him and try to snatch the cigarette from between his fingers, but he quickly puts it in his mouth before using both his hands to grab at my own.
 "Oh, great place to put it!" I struggle to free myself from his firm grasp.
 When I free a wrist, I snatch it from his mouth and hold it over mine.
 "Jennie, don't."
 "Oh? So you can, but I can't?"
 He looks down at the floor.
 "...it was my first time...with a cigarette."
 With a cigarette?
 Turning on my heels, I throw it in the sink under running water.
 "I'm in a nightmare, aren't I?" The calmness in my voice surprises me. I never expected Taehyung to pick up a cigarette. He wouldn’t have before, so this is only another reminder that the man who stands before me is not the one I loved.
 I scan the room, in a search of where he could have possibly left the pack containing the rest of them. 
 Turning to him, I stare at the pockets of his hoodie, clearly not containing a cell phone.
 I place my hand into his pocket, this time he doesn't fight me. I take out the pack but feel something else.
 Taking out both items, I stare down at my hand. He had been vaping. When he ran out of juice in his pod, he must have just gotten the closest thing to it around here.
 Taehyung clears his throat. "... Why are you angry? I thought you said we have nothing to do with each other anymore."
 It’s true that I said that earlier, but it didn't mean I wanted the worst for him.
 "Please, give it back."
 He reaches out, but I'm fast to throw my arm behind me, backing until I feel the counter. I jump to sit on it and hold the items high over my head as I scoot away.
 Taehyung follows me closely, pushing to be right between my legs.
 I freeze when Déjà vu hits.
 There was a time, a happier one, where Taehyung and I had fought over the remote. While I had it far from his clutches, he got his way by sneaking in one little –
 I swallow down hard, and when I look up into his eyes, I see something that I saw that time too.
 Feeling the press of his lips against my neck causes my jaw to drop.
 He was slowly peppering my neck with kisses from his quivering lips until they started growing with confidence. It was like he knew to do this, but wasn’t sure he should.
 A fever runs through my body and I can barely keep my vision straight. Was it the alcohol or was it Taehyung’s doing?
 With no choice but to drop the items, I grab onto Taehyung’s shoulders to prevent me from falling back. His lips part, grazing against my shoulder as he nudges the strap of my gown aside. By the sound of his breathing, I wasn't the only one shaken.
 My fingers find themselves entangled in his hair as I close my eyes. The heart and body can be two separate things. While my heart wants to push him away, my body only wants him closer.
 "I'm sorry," Taehyung's voice comes out gruff as he picks me up off the counter. I hold on tightly to him until we land on the couch, where I close my eyes and brace myself for the fall. When I drop, Taehyung stumbles over me, his eyes staring at how close our lower bodies are to each other. He flashes his eyes my way and without hesitation, I lean up towards him and he meets me halfway in a kiss. 
 There was no easing into it, our mouths already knew what to do. We parted our lips in sync, our tongues grazing against each other. We tilt our heads more, our tongues now taking the time to play with each other in a way that was hypnotizing. We just wanted to do it over and over until we felt we were floating out of our bodies, needing a unique touch to bring us back.
 Gently sucking on his tongue, I bring our lips together. His soft lips and mine gently feeling each other out. I immediately feel Taehyung's response down below, my own still undiscovered.
 "Y-you've been drinking," Taehyung whispers, pulling back like he’s been burned and resting his forehead against mine as he takes in some breaths.
 "You haven't slept for days." I respond back. Does that make this a mistake?
 "I'm sorry," Taehyung apologizes again. "I-I shouldn't have... I just...I'm just lonely and I've wanted you all this time. I couldn't hold myself back, even though I should have...I should have. You'll regret this in the morning."
 I grab onto his hoodie, biting my lip as I gaze up at him. "Please..." I beg him, tears prickling my eyes. I didn’t care about what I’d think in the morning because I’m tired of playing it safe. The ‘me’ right now is yearning for Taehyung, to feel whole in how only he could make me feel. If tonight was our last goodbye, then let it be a goodbye like this where my body also receives closure.
 Taehyung whisks my hair back before gently delivering a chaste kiss to my lips. “It’s wrong,” he whispers against them.
 I pull away and whine softly, repeating my plead, “Please.”
 This time, I spread out my legs and squirm underneath him. My nightgown strap was already down my shoulder, and my squirming was teasing a nip slip. I catch Taehyung’s eyes on it.
 “Taehyung,” I whine, looking up at him with desire. I didn’t want to stop right now. My body burned with the need to feel him.
 He runs his fingers through his hair, looking away as he curses under his breath. “Jennie,” He warns.
 My eyebrow shoots up, and I hold back a smile. Begging was a huge turn-on for him before, and it seems like it still works.
 Sitting up, I let the other strap fall off my shoulder, and leaning back I’m confident enough to expose my chest to him. I didn’t have a bra on because I had planned on sleeping after my bottle of wine.
 Taehyung stiffens as his eyes drink me up.
 I bring in my leg, acting oblivious to how my nightgown scrunches up with it. Purposefully, I eye down to his hard-on, clenching around nothing as I think about how good it would feel to have him inside of me.
 He swallows hard, eyes now looking between my legs. Without another word, he places his hand on my inner thigh, smoothing his fingers along as he nudges it more open, bending down to plant kisses along it.
 My breath hitches in my throat as I look at the glorious sight of him caressing my leg, the warmth of his kisses leaving a trail as he inches closer to my lower core. I never thought this would happen. Not with this Taehyung. Not with my boss. 
 Rolling my head back, I concentrate on the way he’s started sucking my soft skin as he descends. My heart beats fast against my chest when he finally gets to my panties and I lift my hips up so that his mouth presses deeper.
 He doesn’t take them off or even ask to. Instead, he teases me with kisses right there. It drives me crazy until I need to whine, clenching hard. “Taehyung!”
 ”I’m going to need to hear it,” he whispers, eyes snapping my way as I bring my head forward.
 “It hurts,” I pout, which was true. My core was pulsing in pain. If he was going to do nothing, then I would need to.
 Taehyung looks up at me with concern. “Does this make it feel better?”
 I frown in confusion until I feel the touch of his fingers --- two digits slipping under my underwear and stroking my clit with delicate motions. The touch had sent a fast wave of arousal through my body and I open my mouth to prepare for the moans that will ensue.
 “N-no,” I responded, purely just to see what else he would do to take away my pain.
 With his eyes trained on me, he prods his middle finger into my slit and I clench tightly around it. When I do, his expression melts and I can imagine thoughts that are running across his mind. He wants to feel me not wrapped around his finger, but around his dick. 
 He’s breathing hard when he leans more forward, his middle finger in as far as it can go, and when he feels me clench around him once more, he thrusts it against me. I grip onto the sofa as I watch him, moaning. This is what I need, but not quite what I crave.
 “You’re so beautiful,” He breathes and I smile between my pants.
 Him pulling out his finger causes me to look down at it, feeling some of my juices string along. I groan at his exit, reaching down to rub myself for relief, pulling my panty aside for him to view.
 “Taehyung,” I look up at him, “Cum inside me.”
 His eyes snap up to look at me, like a deer in headlights.
 I pull down my panties, lifting my hips and looking at Taehyung who was between my legs for some help.
 “Please,” I whine, “I just want you inside.”
 Taehyung rakes his hand through his hair, gripping the couch as he looks away, “Jennie, fuck- What are you saying.”
What am I saying? I was supposed to think the words, not blurt them out. I blame it on my frenzied need stirring inside of me. The thought of Taehyung giving in, taking me, and cumming inside me, risking having another baby was getting me off. Like it always did. I know he isn’t actually going to, not when we’re not in the best state of mind.
 “It’s okay, I’m only kidding. I know that you really wouldn’t,” I giggle, leaning up and gently stroking his cheek with my thumb. Taehyung studies my face, leaning into my palm and planting a kiss. 
 “Only for tonight.”
 I stutter, but slowly nod my head, curious about what that means for him exactly.
 Leaning back, he takes off his hoodie, his shirt coming off with it. The hoodie ruffles his hair, and he shyly looks my way, but only for a moment. Getting up, he slowly takes the rest of his clothes off and I take the time to undress as well. 
 Manspreading on the couch, he pulls me into his lap by gently reaching for my hands. I happily follow his lead, my heart skipping a beat. The only light in the room was the under cabinet lights in the kitchenette, perfect enough to see each other.
 He eyes my body before requesting I sit with my back to his chest. Sinking into him, he carefully rests his hand over my forehead as his other hand comes between my legs, rubbing between them again.
 I look ahead at the window in front, realizing that I could make out our reflection. If we weren’t so high up, I’d be concerned that others could see into the room as well.
Placing a kiss on my cheek, he dives his two digits into me again. I feel him twitch behind me with excitement and I softly moan. Slowly, he thrusts them in and I need to lean my head back against him, watching through the window. It’s so hot.
 Being in Taehyung’s arms like this reminded me of how much bigger he was. He was always towering over me, and I loved that. It was protective and shielding. There was no other place that I’d rather be than by his side.
 He continues before he picks up the pace, all sensations shooting through my body as I rock my hips along. I can’t hold back my moans, the moans spilling out of my mouth and increasing in volume. Shortly, we hear banging on the walls, the room next door upset at the noise at this hour. 
 Taehyung instinctively covers my mouth, doing so by mistake. Though, I welcome it and take his finger into my mouth, gently sucking on it. He groans by my ear, his breath tickling and sending shivers down my spine. I twirl my tongue around his finger, rubbing the flat of my tongue against it like I would his cock.
 He responds by curling his head into my shoulder, kissing my neck, and moaning my neck against it. Another twitch felt from behind. It sends him over the edge as I feel him press against me until he needs to pull back his hands and guide me to lie down on the couch. His weight over me is comforting and I push back, grinding against him. 
 “Jennie,” He moans, his hands holding my own.
 The sun was slowly rising, an orange tint illuminating the room. I could now see perfectly how his fingers interlocked with my own.
 For this moment alone, he was mine.
 Tilting my head over my shoulder as best as I can, I tell him, “Take me.”
 He kisses my shoulder, letting go of one of my hands to feel down my waist, and kneed the skin above my hip, pulling me closer against him. I get on my knees as he prods his cock at my entrance. I bite down hard on my lip and when I feel him sink in, the warmth spreading across my face. 
 “Ohhh...” We both release a moan to which makes me smile.
 I dig my nails into the couch, needing to adjust to his size once more. This feeling of him being inside me was one that I haven’t felt in a long time, one that my body missed, and so it clung on dearly.
 Taehyung lets out a ragged breath, pushing all the way inside before nudging me back to lie down on the couch. His muscular arms once again coming around me and interlacing our fingers.
 As he snaps his hips forward, I bury my face against the cushion below, not wanting to upset the neighbors again. I keep pushing back against him, loving the way his breath would hitch when he didn’t expect it.
 I become overwhelmed with the high the sex is giving me, tears forming as I gulp before releasing the trapped moan. “Oh god,” I breathe. As I angle up a certain way, he hits a sensitive area, causing my head to snap back and the tears to fall down my cheeks. I hold back the hiccup, not sure why I feel the sudden need to burst into tears. It was a combination of missing Taehyung and missing Taehyung.
 He places a kiss on my head, softly taking in my scent as he continues his movements. The heat between our bodies making me pull away from his hands to push up on all fours.
 Taehyung’s hands slide down my sides until they are at my hips. We meet halfway; him thrusting forward and me pushing back. It feels too good, I just want to savor this feeling.
 “This okay?” he groans out, picking up his pace.
 “No,” I tell him, “I need more.”
 He grips onto my hips as he snaps forward with haste.
 “More,” I plead.
 His hand gently roams my back and coaxes me to lay my upper body down, but keeping my lower half elevated for him as he buries in deeper, a sharp inhale through his teeth heard.
 I curse loudly and my eyebrows scrunch together. There was so much pleasure that was coming into my body that I couldn’t contain myself. I whine and cry in satisfaction, begging for Taehyung to keep going.
 His ramming into me doesn’t stop, not even when I’m already seeing stars or feeling the heat pool in my lower abdomen. 
 Taehyung lets his breathy grunts out, and as he draws closer, he becomes more fervent. 
 “I love you,” he tells me, “I love only you.”
 Feeling my sweet release, I curl my toes and grit my teeth until one more thrust sends me over the edge. The blanket of bliss covers me and everything feels perfect. The warmth of his body, the joy in my heart, the sound of my name leaving his lips, everything. I gasp out as I sink against the couch, my body lightly trembling and shivering.
 Taehyung lays back over me once again, his hold around my middle getting tighter as he grinds faster. I’m in a bubble of after-sex high, moaning his name in hopes to give him a good orgasm.
 His hips stutter, and he stills for a second before he drawls out a moan, slowly thrusting.
 Stopping, he crushes me, panting by my ear in tune with my pants. As he pulls out, I feel his seeds spilling out, but I don’t worry, just remembering that I was on birth control.
 The two of us sit and catch our breaths, the sun directly in the middle of the window if I were to look. 
 I turn around, Taehyung lifting and resting on his forearms as his eyes look down at me. They’re watery and I swipe my thumb against the corner of it.
 “I love you,” I answer him. 
 He smiles, but it drops when I move underneath him. He cocks an eyebrow at me.
 I reach down and guide his cock back inside me.
 “Fuck, Jennie,” He mumbles, dropping to nibble my shoulder playfully. I feel him throb inside me and when I wrap my arms around him once more, he moves.
 This time the sex is slower as if we want to melt our bodies together. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear, and I try not to hold on to those promises. It’s emotional play and I was okay with it.
 The third time, the sex is rougher as I beg for him to leave a memory of this night within the aches of my body the next day, even if it would hurt mentally and physically. The neighbors pounded the wall once more. This time Taehyung’s hands couldn’t muffle my screams.
 He drilled me just like I begged and when my body shook harder than the first orgasm, he held me tightly, rocking with me. When he pulled out, I fused our mouths together, tilting my head back as I experiment with his tongue that’s slipped in. I just couldn’t get enough of him. This couldn’t be a mistake anymore, not by how many times we kept making it.
 We kissed until he was ready for our bodies to connect once more, not minding how high the sun was and not minding our phones going off. We had become too busy to notice all that… too busy to notice we missed our flight… too busy because we were too busy making sure our bodies would never forget each other.
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