#i didn’t take gym in middle or high school
ariesbilly · 1 year
Where do y’all live that everyone was learning to square dance in gym class…
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slvthrs · 1 month
can you do a vinnie x fem reader smut where she (reader) is stressed out and vinnie fucks her good on the balcony and they didn’t care anymore if they get caught of what 🙈
ofc my lovesss
BREATHE BABY | v.hacker
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stress never stood a chance against a tall blond with an unyielding love for you.
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, fucking in a pool over the city, vinnie LOVES u, praise kink, hickies n love bites
word count: 2.5k <3
a/n: idfk if vinnie has a pool in his apt, i added one for the plot 😭
Stress was one of the most constant presences in your life. University, friendships, family relationships. It was as if stress was an obsessive ex that you couldn’t get rid of creeping back into your life once it got good. 
The only thing that could keep it a bay was Vinnie, your best friend of 12 years, ever since you were nine years old the boy was like a walking calmer for you. His presence made you relax and he always reminded you when you needed to take a break.
Ever since he moved out to LA at 18 the stress slowly crept back into your life, and you had to adapt again. More friends in uni and new found appreciation of swimming. 
If you weren't studying or with your friends, you were swimming. Sometimes the water made you calm down, it felt as if all your stress floated away as the water touched your skin.
That’s where you were again, the pool attached to Vinnie's apartment. 
It was so odd, the lanky scruffy boy who you became friends with grew into the type of men you would see modeling- and you did.
Everything was so much more intimidating about the boy. His height, the tattoos littering his skin which make your skin turn hot. 
His new found fame which made your head dizzy the longer you thought about it. The idea of the boy you first became friends with turning into this man who had girls falling over him left in right made your stomach flip and you had no idea if it was good or bad. 
You had kept an eye on what he was up to in LA, his friends, his business, that one fight that made you nearly throw up out of fear. 
And of course who he was dating.
It always said he wasn’t seeing anyone but you were never convinced, no one looks like that and is single, you always thought to yourself.
But it wasn’t just him who had changed. 
Looking back, being stuck to one boy's side for all of elementary, middle, and high school was a hindrance.
Once you branched out in university you flourished.
You grew into a new woman.
Your features were sharper, your curves more defined, your entire face had what your friends called, ‘a glow up’. 
Regular visits to the gym and taking care of yourself made you stand out.
Also being more active in your sex and love life made you more in touch with your body. Your last ex boyfriend taught you so much about what you did and didn’t like, you got better and sex and the burst of confidence helped you in tremendous ways.
You walked with more purpose in your steps and it really did seem like you left Seattle and turned into a different woman.
But this new Vinnie made you feel like a little girl again. Floundering in the big kids pool, kicking your tiny legs for a chance to come up and breathe again.
All of your confidence was for show as when Vinnie walked in you returned into that stressful anxious girl again.
You relaxed lackadaisical at the edge of the pool looking over the edge. 
Everything looked so small, everyone down there had their own lives, your worries seemed miniscule compared to what everyone else down there had to go through. 
An ambulance rushed by and the only thought you had was someone was about to get the most devastating news of your life.
It was like a trance the city of LA put you into.
The city of angels. 
“You look deep in thought.” The velvety voice of the boy who the house belonged to piped in.
You turned and saw Vinnie resting against the sliding door of the balcony. His hands were in the pockets of his swim trunks whilst he had an unbuttoned linen shirt barely converting his ink filled torso. 
“I’m always deep in thought Vinne, you know that.” A small huff left your plump lips as you turned and said that.
“I know but especially today.” He explained whilst walking over to dip his feet in the pool, “Is LA freaking you out? I felt like that for the first year I was here.”
He always did that. Trying to figure out what made you uncomfortable and trying to fix that. He was always kind like that.
“No Vin, it’s everything. It’s so weird. You left Seattle as a scared boy and now you seem like someone I’d see plastered on magazines talking about how many girls he sleeps with in a year.” The crude stereotype aside, Vinnie laughed at your remark.
“I’m still the same guy, you know that.” He said and continued a second later, “Besides, look at you. You're like a different person.”
It was your turn to laugh now, “You can come in you know that? It’s like you're trying to stay away from me.”
He smiled, “Thanks for the invite into my own pool.”
Despite the sarcasm he took his shirt off and entered the pool, walking over to where you were floating. 
He towered over you.
“I don’t think I’ve changed that much.” You toyed with your bikini strap, “I’m still the same anxious girl you met.”
His hands rested on your waist, “Sure, but you're more confident, you're more talkative, plus you look so different.” 
It’s quiet until Vinnie breaks the silence again.
“I kept checking on your Instagram now and again. You seem happier.” You both know what he means when he says that.
“I am. Moving out of Seattle was hard but in the grand scheme of things I couldn’t stay there after you left, it felt empty.” You tell him as he pushes a strand of hair away from your face.
“M’ sorry, I had to leave but my biggest regret is that you couldn’t have come with me.” 
You laugh pulling away from him and turing back around, facing the city again, leaning over the edge of the pool.
“Even if you have asked I wouldn’t have come. I love you Vin, but I was always was gonna go to university. You were the unconventional one out of the 2 of us.” You sigh pulling you hair to one side and playing with the ends, a sort of nervous tick you developed after your first months in university.
“I know.” He breathes out, “That’s why I didn’t ask but a part of me always hoped you would come.” 
He comes closer to you, his hands wrap around your waist and now your back is hitting his chest. His head practically rests on top of yours.
You nearly start crying. 
You don’t know why. 
“You think anyone down there is going through the same thing were going through?” It’s a dumb question on your part but you like talking to the blond.
“Are any of them dealing with 2 friends you love each other and have been apart for so long that they don’t know what to do,” He pauses, “Also one of them if famous and the other is the most amazing person on earth? Nah I don’t think so.”
“Mhm that makes sense.”
It goes quiet again.
The wind rustles against the palm trees and if you really focused your ears you could hear the waves crashing along the shore.
“You keep tabs on my insta?” You ask with a smile creeping up on your face
He smiles him self letting a huff of laughter out, “Yeah, I was hoping you forgot I said that.”
“Why, whatd’ya see on there?” Another dumb question, you know exactly what he saw on there.
“You look happier, also you have new friends, ones I would like to meet,” His heart skips a beat, “Also y’know that guys on there.”
You laugh internally and turn around so you can see his face.
“Their some of my friends, I think you would like them.” You know he wouldn’t.
“What about Tyler?” 
Your ex-boyfriend, the one you meet during finals week of your sophomore year. You had dated for nearly 9 months before you broke it off. 
It wasn’t anything serious, he didn’t cheat, he didn’t lie- your lives were too different and you both knew that.
It was a mutual decision but Vinnie didn’t care. Anyone the broke up with you or even hurt you in anyways was evil in his eyes, how anyone could do that to you, he couldn’t explain to himself. 
“Tyler’s Tyler it doesn’t matter.” 
He blinks at you.
“What you want me to bring up all the girls your rumored to be dating?”
“Fuck off you know that isn’t the same thing. Half of those girls I only follow on tiktok and I haven’t been in a single committed relationship with any of them… Why the fuck did I find out about your long term relationship over fucking INSTAGRAM, I’m your best friend what hell?”
He steps back, with his hands in the air like he’s being accused of something.
“I don’t know Vin I just didn’t know how to tell you, everything was too much. I was so worried what you were gonna think and then it got to late. I felt like there was no point in telling you-” 
You ramble and he cuts you off.
“It’s fine, breathe pretty girl, just relax, I’m right here.” 
He pulls you closer to him and the moment you look into his eyes that calming effect he has on you just corses through your body.
Something just clicks inside the both of you and he’s kissing you so gently it’s like hes afraid of breaking you. 
His lips slot perfectly into your’s, it’s like you were made for him, his hands fall onto your ass as he pulls you closer, his eyebrows are knitted together in focus and he’s holding you as if he’s afraid to lose you.
It feels so fucking right. 
You the one that pulls him harder into you, your hands tangle into his hair, deepening the kiss.
Your nails rake the back of his neck and he hums in content. 
Your the one that pulls back, a trail of saliva linking the 2 of you and he looks at you so intently as if he’s studying you.
“Your so beautiful. I don’t think I tell you that enough.” And his lips are back on yours.
Your the one who pulls the strings of your bikini of and his lifting you up so your flush against his body, most likely so he can feel your tits pressed up against his chest. 
He’s grining in the kiss, as his hands grope your thighs and ass trailing up towards your hips. His hands are all over you and your ecstatic they are.
“More” you whisper into the kiss like it’s a secret only the two of you can share or else yoru lives would ruin.
“Please Vinnie I’m begging you.” You know your not telling him what you wnat but you pray he’ll save some of the embarrassment for you.
“Tell me what you want, I’ll do anything for you.” It’s like a prayer or promise of worship.
“Fuck me please, do whatever you want, I just need you.” It’s desperate and it turns Vinnie on so much more.
His fingers link around the straps of your bottoms and he pulls the down, your fully nude under him as he fiddles with his own shorts.
Your legs link around him as he slowly slides his dick in letting you get used to the size if anything. 
You head falls onto his shoulders as you sigh out, your eyebrows knit and you nearly loose your shit. 
He feels so much bigger than anyone else you’ve ever had sex with and your entire body feels like its getting shocked.
The sensation to crynearly hits you before you pull your self together, latching you lips onto Vinnie’s neck as he starts to move you.
It’sa rhythmic pace and it’s a kind one faring his size but you want more. You’ve waited years for this and you want more than him just being kind. 
“Vinnieee,” It comes out as a needy whine as you cry out his name, “More, harder, anything just please needa feel you everywhere.” 
You ramble but he knows what you want. He knows your body, he knows you better than you know yourself. 
His pace speeds up and he tries to keep kissing your but you keep writhing. He finds it adorable but your trying not to cum as quick to draw this out. 
You wanna feel him everywhere, you wanna be able to only see him.
“Vin,” You words are loosing power as he keeps thrusting into you, your thighs are sore and your mind is clouded with the thought of yoru impending orgasm. 
“Choke me please, need to feel you.” His pace falters as he tries to grapple with what you just admitted to him.
The look on your face proves your not joking but he swears he nearly came just by the sentence alone. 
His dick twitches inside you as his hands wrap around the base of your neck, he pulls yoru face up and you look into his eyes. 
You look drunk and delrious and he wants you to have his kids right there on the spot. 
He can’t even tell you what it is, he’s just so much more in love with you.
As his hands add pressure your hands comes to weakly wrap around his, not realy doing anything, just an unorthodox way of holding hands.
Your sense are flooded with just, Vinnie. 
The same boy practically trained to teach you how to breathe when your mind rabbles, cutting your breathe off, and the way he looks while doing it.
His pupils are blown out and his face looks like a mix of lust and love. The whole scene out of a porno but even his eyes can’t hide how deeply he’s in love with you.
When he lets your neck go you inhale so deeply you nearly start coughing and he pulls you closer to him as his thrusts become sporadic. 
Your forehead rests against his as you both cum, nearly blacking out as your vision goes white.
Your panting as he puts you down on the edge of the pool as he finds you a towl and the rest of your clothes floating around in the pool. 
You end up in the bath making sure the get the chlorine off and the residues of sex off the both of you.
Your lying ontop of his as his hands rake through your hair.
“Just breathe baby we’ll take about it tomorrow.” And thats what you do, breathing to the sund of his heartbeats. 
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steddiealltheway · 10 months
Steve doesn’t know how exactly Robin was able to convince him to be her plus one to her ten year high school reunion. The previous year, he had ignored the invite and gone on with his life without regret, but something about Robin’s offer was tempting.
Maybe he wanted to see Nancy although she had escaped his mind for quite a few years now. He knows she married Jonathan, and they’re living happily ever after, so the idea of seeing them is a bit repulsive.
In all honesty, he just can’t say no to his best friend. Which is how he has ended up stranded in the renovated Hawkin’s High School gym, staring off at Robin who excitedly ran off to say hi to her old band friends.
Steve wanders to a table filled with different snack foods and drinks, snatching up a water bottle and unscrewing the lid. He’s in the middle of a sip when he hears, “Steve Harrington?”
He slowly turns around, trying not to groan. He knew someone would recognize him eventually.
He freezes up a bit when he realizes it’s Eddie Munson.
They had formed a weird sort of acquaintanceship back when Dustin was adamant that they meet. After growing up a bit and coming to terms with his bisexuality, Steve was quick to realize that he had had a bit of a crush on the boy. But since it took a few years, he was sure that anything with Eddie was just another missed opportunity.
Maybe he can change that.
He smiles and replies, “Eddie, why the hell are you here, man? I thought you’d never come back.”
“Free food,” Eddie replies, holding up a plate he’s piled high with food. “And what are you doing here? I thought you graduated a year earlier than me.”
“I’m here as Robin’s plus one.”
The smile on Eddie’s face falters a little bit as he looks down at his plate. “So, you two are um..”
“No!” Steve is quick to clarify. “Still best friends and everything between us is platonic with a capital p.”
Eddie’s face lights up a bit before his eyes flicker down to Steve left hand, taking in his ringless finger. “So, are you umm…” Eddie turns a bit red and clears his throat. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Steve tries not to smile too wide at the question. “No, are you?”
The answer makes Steve’s heart beat a little faster. He looks Eddie up and down quickly, taking him in again, noting the way that aging seems to have only made him more attractive. “You look good,” he can’t help but say.
“You do too,” Eddie replies. “Still have that gravity defying hair of yours.”
“And you still have that curly mane. At least, I’m assuming that’s what’s tied up in this bun,” Steve says, tucking a loose curly strand behind Eddie’s ear.
Eddie mumbles out, “Yeah,” almost as if he’s in disbelief about the whole thing.
And yeah, Steve’s not going to back down anymore. He places a hand on Eddie’s lower back and leads him off to a more secluded corner of the gym. “You know, looking back I think I had a bit of a crush on you,” Steve confesses.
Eddie’s eyes search his suspiciously, not believing what he’s said. Slowly, he relaxes and asks, “You’re not kidding?”
“Not at all,” Steve says with a shrug. “It took me a while to realize it, but there’s a reason I was so insistent about picking Dustin up from all his Hellfire things. At first, I thought it was just because I love the kid so much, but I didn’t have an excuse for why I waited even longer if you didn’t walk out with him.” He knows he’s laying it on heavy, but he’s not going to let this opportunity pass again.
Eddie puts his plate down on the floor and holds out his hand. Steve takes it quickly, letting Eddie pull him right out the gym doors and down the school hallways.
Steve laughs while asking, “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere secluded!” Eddie replies, trying a doorknob to a class room, groaning when it’s locked.
Steve helps him, trying all the doors until one finally swings open. “Eddie!”
Eddie looks to him and practically runs inside the classroom, pulling Steve inside and shutting the door behind him, successfully trapping him against the door. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
“Tell me then.”
Eddie smiles. “From the moment I caught you making out in the bathroom with some girl, and I was forced to hide in the stall.”
Steve laughs loudly. “There’s no way!”
“You made me late to class and got me a detention! But the only thing I was mad about was that that girl wasn’t me.”
Steve trails his hands over Eddie’s chest, moving up his neck and into his hair. “Well, we can change that now.”
“Yes please,” Eddie says, leaning forward to meet Steve in the middle.
The kiss is sweet and filthy, taking him back to his teenage years. If only he had realized his feelings back then, he could’ve possibly done this sooner.
He hears the lock to the door click behind him, and Steve has never felt more onboard for a hookup. As they both make their way back to whatever teacher’s poor desk, Steve can’t help but wonder if this will be his only shot with Eddie. Something about it makes his heart ache a little.
But as Eddie breaks the kiss and easily lifts Steve onto the desk, he asks, “So, I was thinking we could possible get dinner after this if that’s okay with you?”
“More than okay,” Steve says, kissing him again before pulling away. “Just to be clear, you mean that as a date, right?”
“Yes,” Eddie says before tugging Steve’s tucked shirt out of his pants.
After that, Steve doesn’t really have any more coherent questions or thoughts.
Later, when he finds Robin, she gives him an unimpressed look while trying to suppress a smile. “So, you and Eddie had fun catching up.”
Steve smiles and agrees, glancing back at the door where Eddie walks into the gym shortly after him, hair now completely down and ruffled and shirt seemingly on backwards. He smiles at Steve and waves, completely blowing any cover that they’ve tried to make. But Steve doesn’t care as he waves Eddie over, hoping that he’ll remain as a permanent figure in his life.
For now, he thanks Robin for convincing him to come to her reunion.
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
AU where y/n and producer eren were very much high school sweet hearts, then years later deciding to take their relationship to the next level as in losing their virginity 🙃
ANONNN, why’d you do me like thissss?? This is genius 😫 not even to spoil but this was literally the alternate plot line to reverb LSLFKFJ. Ugh this is just too damn cute so ofc imma talk about it.
content + themes: both reader and eren are virgins, reverb spoilers, lots of sweet stuff, bc I can’t handle angst rn, gentle sex/smut, accidental cream pie, this is SUPERRRRR long bc y’all know I love detail and got 20,000 pages of lore for these two!! Smut is at the end so if ya’ll can’t wait, I’m sorry.
eren left home at what would be considered incredibly young by most standards. At fifteen years old, he found himself frequenting the mall and playing basketball down at the local park in the suburbia of Montclair, New Jersey to being thrust into the fast paced lifestyle of Miami, Florida. The harsh, crime ridden town known as Opa Locka to be exact. A complete contrast by a long shot. Even so, with spite and determination on his heart; fueled only by his desire to win this illustrious battle called the rap game, he toughed it out and persevered. Not only that, to rid himself of the toxic past that had scarred him and a family who betrayed him. Make no mistake, his ‘privileged’ upbringing was nothing more than a mere experience and not a part of his identity. He never tried to pretend that he was ‘hard’ or tough, no need for a facade, he was simply Eren and that was all it took. He also never viewed anyone as different or beneath him because of how he grew up. Most of his friends back home came from very humble beginnings and had less than savory lifestyles. It wasn’t something he did for shock value or to piss of his parents. He just always had a knack for befriending others who may have been cast aside or forgotten about because he knew the feeling quite well. So it came as no surprise when he enrolled in the local high school to finish out his last couple years, he was a rarity in these parts…looking and acting completely different from everyone else. But it didn’t take long for the green eyed brunette with the buttery smooth voice and oblivious charm to assimilate.
“Wassup, EJ?” “Hey, EJ!”
from the classroom to the hallways, he was greeted by his fellow student body, who at first, saw him as an easy target. Alluding to the fact that he must’ve been some rich boy stuck in the middle of the hood to be “taught a lesson” or something of the sort. That it wouldn’t be two weeks because he was tucking tail and getting his ass back on the first bus to Jersey. Little did they know, he was the last person to back down and damn sure the last one to run from anyone! During gym class, there was a scrimmage basketball game, nothing too serious or exerting, just a little fun competition. It was then that not only did Eren catch the eye of the boy’s team head coach and that of (y/n) (l/n). Who had been discreetly seated against the wall after running two miles. You had been quietly observing the game and having grown up around tremendous players; spending afternoons down at the Boys and Girls Club..you recognized talent from a mile away. That also could’ve been attributed to the fact that you were the current co-captain of the majorette team, where you danced during games. Even so, you always stayed to yourself. Never really clinging to one group or another, truthfully only talking to your best friend. Your head in a book and studying was your only focus. That much was apparent by your four point two grade point average. Nonetheless, this new boy couldn’t help but to grab your attention. It was unfortunately for that reason, that his opponents once the game ended, would use that to his advantage.
not exactly keen on the idea of having somebody like him strutting around..besting them in a sport they’d always exceeded at and intriguing the girls who never even so much as paid them attention, they were pissed! So as anyone with stunted emotional maturity would, they decided to try and ambush the new student in the locker room. Granted, he was a little smaller and had just hit six foot one inches. He was fairly tall but still lanky and skinny. So he’d have his work cut out for him. Unsuspecting of the attack, he chopped it up with classmates and laughed on his way back. But not without flashing you a glance first. That ultimately made your heart flutter a little..you didn’t pay attention to boys often and had many speculating that you were possibly gay but no one had ever roused your fancy. In a way, you envied him. As someone from the proverbial ‘other side of the tracks’, who was different from you all in any facet was fitting in just fine! Quickly becoming the talk of the school. Meanwhile, you were a lifelong resident of this city and yet, you never drew any attention on yourself. Outside of your impeccable dancing. Hell, everyone always referred to you as ‘the quiet girl’. A moniker that you were proudly..the less you spoke, the less trouble you could find yourself in.
however, that peaceful life would come to an end when you’d walk towards the girls locker room and find yourself stopped by the gaggle of guys who were planning their ambush for after school whilst he was walking home. They figured he’d be an easy lick but they couldn’t be too relaxed. He mystified them all..acting completely oblivious to his environment, never behaving differently; talking exactly the same and all or even seeming afraid. He was the same person regardless of where he went. So that’s when they’d try to enlist your help. “Aye, (y/n). Lemme talk to you right quick..” waving you over and although you were about to ignore him, you accepted anyway. A tall dread head with a bottom row of golds gleaming from his mouth. Something he wasn’t supposed to have but did anyways. “I seen you looking at jit earlier, you like white boy, don’t you?” Immediately feigning any sort of confirmation. Acting uninterested as always. “That’s what you called me over here for? I gotta go change—“ but before you could coldly turn on your heel, he’d grab your shoulder and request a ‘simple’ favor:
“Help us set his ass up. He ain’t been here a whole month and already actin’ like he run this shit. We’ll even give you a cut.” but again, you didn’t care! Him or any of their petty jealousy was none of your concern. That boy hadn’t said the first word to you or even bothered you in the slightest. The hell did you look like conspiring with these dumbasses to not only bully him but to tarnish your hard work? Smacking your lips, you’d merely brush his hand away and continue to walk by. “As my granny says, you can’t get blood from a turnip. If you wanna risk jail for some stupid shit, do it by yourself. I’m not interested.” truthfully, Eren was no more wealthy than anybody here. Working odd jobs after school and rooming at a boys home on the southside. Hell, he could barely even afford lunch sometimes!
but alas, this only seemed to enrage your peers. See, the ring leader was the current basketball team captain and a shoe-in for first draft to a top college once he graduated. However, there was another side of him..a hothead with a bit of a past. Selling drugs and hanging with bad crowds..a mere product of the environment. But basketball was his ticket out. Hence was, considering that he stayed in trouble, grades were a wreck and he had a bad reputation. It was his exceptional skill that was keeping him in his spot and that alone. The coach overlooked a lot of his antics just to have a star player. Nothing new. However, with Eren on the scene, his position was threatened. Contrary to his belief, it had less to do with his skin and the fact that he was a better player with less of a headache! He had better grades, better manners and a lot more skill. Teachers constantly complained to the coach to kick him off the team so he could focus on his academic studies. Several calls were made home with no answer from parents..it was a crazy situation. Even so, it was no excuse for his behavior. Almost everyone here came from hard circumstances, he just loved acting this way!..especially when it came to preying on the weaker..
“Oh I see, you gon’ take his side but not mine? You green as hell, (y/n). Some ol’ weird ass shit, bruh. You really not tryna’ help me?…” even getting closer, despite your pushback. “Darius, imma tell you one more time. Leave me alone. Ion want no parts of this. It’s not my business.” But before you could do anything else, he’d grab your wrist and pull you back. A cliche if you had ever seen or experienced one. But just as the old time tale went, your knight and shining armor would swoop in to defend your honor.
“I think she said leave her alone.”
a familiar voice, one you hadn’t heard often but enough to recognize. The reason behind this whole ordeal..
“Wasn’t nobody talking to you. Mind your business.” “This is my business. Putting your hands on a girl..I see your sorry ass jump shot ain’t the only thing that’s weak.”
which only pissed him off even further. Long story short, he’d attempt to pick a fight with the ever so sly Eren but to no avail. He wasn’t taking the bait. Not out of fear but because he wasn’t worth the energy. Eren was a bit of a hothead, even admitting so himself. However, he couldn’t afford to screw up right now. Getting into unnecessary fights would only put him in an even worse situation..especially for the people caring for him. He had done that once and wasn’t about to let it happen again. “(Y/N), right? That’s your name?..” answering him with a nod. “Don’t worry about him. You go ahead, beautiful. He won’t do anything..I can promise you that.” Standing toe to toe with the taller bully. His cheeks puffed up and fuming in rage. Meanwhile, Eren wore nothing but a smirk. He could fume all he wanted but as long as he didn’t put his hands on him. If he took it there, then he’d be glad to show him why trying him wasn’t wise..
luckily, the coach noticed the bubbling scuffle and told them to break it up. Fast forward a few days, give or take and you’d see Eren around campus. Always carrying a pair of headphones and a notebook. Two things he’d never be caught without. One thing was for sure, he was an intriguing dude for sure..you’d eventually find yourselves paired up for a project and needless to say, you were incredibly nervous. Mainly because neither of you had spoken since that day in the gym. It wasn’t for a lack of you being thankful, you just didn’t know what to say. That was until you were in the library doing research together and you’d blurt out your gratitude, along with your apology. Which made him laugh! “What are you thanking me for? He only did that because of me. If anything I should apologize to you.” He was so respectful and bashful, qualities you truly admired. Although he remained shrouded in mystery, he was fascinating and you wanted to know more about him and turns out, you’d learn a pretty interesting tidbit of information! “You have a point. I mean, are you really planning to take his spot as captain though—“ which only further fueled his hysterics. He’d double over laughing and all you could do was give him a look of confusion. “Why are you laughing? I ain’t that funny.” “I’m sorry. I just..listen, I don’t know what you were told but I don’t want his spot. Basketball’s fun, it’s sum’ to do but I already know what I want.” And his answer would shock you, truly. See, Eren had always had an affinity for music. Singing, playing all sorts of instruments since he was a little kid and recently, he’d taken to writing his own songs. That infamous notebook he carried? Filled with poems and songs about everything from basic lines to his deepest emotions. Spilling his heart onto the page as he talked about his family, his anger towards his father and even the loss of someone he held dear to him. Sometimes, they weren’t about him at all..they were just vivid portrayals of elusive tales. He obviously had quite the story to tell but he couldn’t do it or even have the time shooting balls into a hoop. He told the coach he’d consider but his true goal?
“You wanna be the drum major?!” “Yeah, why not? I mean, I know it’s prolly lame but it’s one of my favorite instruments. It was the first one I learned..to me, the drum line is the highlight of the game. They make it entertaining.”
but little did he know, he had piqued your interest for sure! You were so flustered you tried to feign it off but he was too freaking cute! Here you were expecting this athletic, cocky playboy who only cared about girls and being popular but he was so much more than you expected! A nerd just like you. And you knew so for the fact that you’d never held a conversation with a man longer than to give them the answer to a question or let them borrow a textbook. He was so captivating. But perhaps, getting to do incredible solos at halftime wasn’t his only motivation to join the school music program. He had other reasons as well..
“Besides..I would actually get to see you perform. I call it a win.” Causing you to scoff, dismissing his seemingly perverted comments.. “Oh, so you just like everybody else.” but the tension was misplaced. He admired your craft and respected it. Seeing you doing your moves while walking past the gym on his way home, how hard you worked and just overall how graceful you looked. Not to mention, you were drop dead gorgeous! The prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on.. “..I seen you practicing the other day and you’re really good, (y/n). You’re completely different when you’re dancing. You seem really happy..I mean, you make the dance team from my school back home look like stiff ass robots.” Earning his first giggle out of you. From that day forward, a beautiful friendship blossomed..studying together, eating lunch in the library, walking home with you as his group home wasn’t far away, sneaking into the chorus room so you could hear him playing the piano and singing. A privilege reserved strictly for you. Making you sob when you heard his rendition of Stevie Wonder’s ‘Ribbon In The Sky.’ He was so kind, sweet and it didn’t take long before rumors of you guys dating began to permeate through the school. Hallway whispers of you ‘going with that new boy’. It was all the rave. It didn’t help matters any when at the mention of each other’s names, you’d both freeze up like popsicles! It was adorable, really. A budding crush that would soon bloom into something far more than just a platonic bond. After about six months into his arrival at your school, Eren had undoubtedly made a name for himself for not only his basketball skills but his musical ones as well. He had made good on his promise to join the band and make his first step toward becoming drum major. Because the band and majorette team often performed together, you’d be together at practice also and eventually, became inseparable. Flashing you smiles and watching intently while you performed your solos. Him joining proved to be a great addition to an already powerful band because he was so talented and kept up quite nice. In no time flat, he mastered the quads and studied underneath the current drum major, playing at games. Even when he decided to cave and accept the offer to join the basketball team, he had the pleasure of seeing you dance during intermission and even greeting him after the game with a giant hug. You in your shimmering leotard and him in his drenched basketball uniform.. number nineteen printed on the back.
“You looked good out there, princess.” A name he affectionately called you because your team’s competitive name were the Crowned Royalty as your school mascot were knights. And because you often times outshined the reigning captain, you were dubbed “The Princess.” Besides, it sounded so much better coming from him. “Nah, that was all you, Mr. Star Player.” It didn’t take long before he’d do the one thing everyone had been waiting on and ask you to be his girlfriend! With encouragement from his teammates and homeboys, Connie Springer and Onyakopon. They too treated you like a little sister, always teasing you and making sure you were good in Eren’s absence. “You one of us so we gotta make sure you good.” They all worked together at a local shoe store and stayed only three houses down from one another so they spent a lot of time together. In addition to their shared passion and talent with music. Granted, neither of you had experience with dating or having many friendships for that matter but it felt so natural when you were around each other. His cheeks flushed with red the entire time he held your hand on the way to class. Your entire body trembling when he kissed your forehead because you were too scared to kiss on the lips at the time. Even sitting next to him and his friends at lunch was an experience. Listening to them freestyle and make beats. Your best friend Niesha, right beside you, teasing you about how cute your man was and how you’d gotten lucky. And all you could do was shake your head. Eventually, all five of you became thick as thieves. Hanging out after school, going roller skating on weekends when practice permitted and just stayed in your own little bubble. You loved it so much. It was the first time you’d ever had a friends’ group, a true support system.
your grandmother and sole caretaker since you were a kid was absolutely thrilled to see it. Although you called her your best friend, she was happy to see you coming home excited to tell her about something besides a book or your report card. As proud as she was of her baby, she wanted you to experience life. Often times, she’d invite all of them over and cook you all large meals that were nothing short of heaven! Repayment for the boys coming by to mow the grass or help with repairs. They were more than thrilled to do it. “My future grandson in law is a nice young man, ain’t he?” A statement you’d brush off with a smack of your lips. “Cut it out, granny. Ain’t even like that.” She adored Eren and when she learned that he could sing, knowing a few gospel songs as well..she all but claimed him now! He was family and you were so glad that he was in your life. A likewise feeling because for once, he felt as if he belonged. One night, while meeting at your usual spot in the park, high on top of a jungle gym where you’d gaze under the stars, you’d ask him one thing:
“You ever thought about what you want to do with your life?”
and to him, that answer was simple. “..I wanna change the world.”
a dream he’d held onto for as long as he could remember. He loved music more than anything and he wanted his to transcend any genre, any one archetype. He wanted what he created to someone’s reason for living, someone’s inspiration to keep going even when things got dark. He wanted it to put smiles on the faces of people who listened..he didn’t care about awards or being some mega celebrity, he just wanted to pour his heart into what he made and hoped somebody heard his passion.
“And I want you right beside me…(y/n). I don’t wanna do any of this without you.” Clutching your hand atop the structure. He had never been this vulnerable or open with anyone in his life but now was a good of time as any to start.. “..I know everybody prolly thinks I’m some spoiled rich kid who left home just to piss off my folks. Honestly, their opinions stopped meaning anything to me a long time ago..my mom, I love her so much and I really do miss her. I hope one day I can step to her as a man and apologize for putting her through so much. Making her worry about me…” as he spoke, you could feel the tension in his hand as he squeezed yours. This was the first time he’d spoke in detail as to why he was alone down here in such a dangerous city when he by all accounts lived lavishly back home. “I just couldn’t stay..not when my own old man is a fucking coward. I know it’s a long shot but at least I can stand on it. Him? He’ll sell his soul for a dollar. I could never be under the same roof as someone like that. I will do this and I’ll prove him wrong. I’ll make a way for myself so I never have to depend on anybody ever again.” You couldn’t help but to feel that you were missing part of the story but maybe it was something far too traumatizing to hash out in detail right now so as you’d always done, you’d support him. Cradling your arms around him with a giant hug before kissing his cheek. “I’ll always be here for you, Eren. I promise. I know you’ll make it and I wanna be right there by your side. I love you.” “I love you too, (y/n).” Words that sounded insane from a teenager but you meant it. Meant it more so than anything you’d ever said! Some people would say you were too young to know what you wanted but you both knew that no matter what path you took, as long as you walked it together, you were unstoppable!
soon, graduation was right around the corner. You two attended prom together, even made homecoming king and queen and by all accounts, had an amazing senior year! You guys turned eighteen only a couple months apart and thus, were thrusted into adulthood. Working here and there to provide for yourselves all while chasing your dreams. You’d gotten accepted into the University of Miami on a dance scholarship and even though it was a huge opportunity..your heart was misplaced. You felt like another cog in the wheel and a moving piece on a machine. You’d love to dance your entire life but you wanted something more than this. Stiff eight counts and bland rehearsals. Something refreshing..that’s when you’d begin taking pole classes outside of school! An idea you came up with after seeing a popular dancer on Instagram and she looked so graceful..surrounded by plants with her beautiful afro as she swung around the pole. She looked so free!…you wanted to experience that joy too. It took no time at all for you to master the craft and just like that, your spark was reinvigorated. By this time, Eren was all but halfway to his own goal after going viral for singing in the store he worked at and still very much an important fixture in your life. He managed to catch the eye of one of the industry’s top executives and legendary musician herself, Vivian James. She was one of your grandmother’s favorites, despite being younger than her. This woman had a powerhouse of a voice and needless to say, Eren’s had her intrigued.
“You did it, ‘ren. I’m so proud of you, baby!”
although he hadn’t quite made it yet it was one hell of a start. It wouldn’t be easy but he was willing to put in every bit of the work it took to succeed. Having you there to encourage him would be all the strength he needed to keep going. But he wanted to support your dreams as well! He never wanted this relationship to be one sided. “What about you, princess? Do you really like dancing for the school? Are you happy?” If anyone could see through the facade, it was your boyfriend of almost three years. He saw how amazing you were when you did pole. It didn’t matter which avenue of dance you took, you excelled but he’d never seen you more happy than when you were twirling midair and doing all these crazy stunts. He wanted you to be safe, of course, but he wanted to find joy in something the way he did. “I just..I don’t want to do what everyone else is doing or what they expect of me. I loved majorette but pole is just so different. I have so much fun.” There it was, a glimmer in your eye that couldn’t be sated when you spoke about it. The rush you felt setter coming down from a death drop. Eventually, you’d go on to quit the dance team, forfeiting your scholarship but your grades alone afforded you many other grants and things so you’d do online classes while working for your uncle’s shop and practicing under his wing. Eventually you found the courage to upload yourself online and it wasn’t long before you reached your own bit of notoriety. Captivating thousands with not only your skills but your stunning looks. Eren always called you princess but honestly, you were like a divine being. A goddess and sometimes, not even he could believe you were real.
before either of you knew it, you were nearing twenty and your dreams were falling into place. It seemed as if the hard times and rainy days both of you had gone through were over. You were so ecstatic when he got his own place, after securing and successfully completing an audition with AMG. The biggest talent agency in the country. Along side his two best friends nonetheless and eventually asked you to move in with him. But it wasn’t the only proposal he had. No, there was something else he needed to ask you..so with trembling hands, tearful eyes and in the same empty park where you’d spend countless nights talking about your futures; surrounded by faux candlelight and roses, he’d ask the one thing you never thought you’d hear:
“Will you marry me, (y/n) (l/n)? Will you do this forever with me?”
and it was no question! The answer was yes, a million times over! That night, the two of you exchanged intense, heavy kisses and warm, inviting touches underneath the moonlight of your very first place. A one bedroom apartment but it didn’t matter. It felt like a castle; an unreal fantasy when you had him. You’d let him caress and run his hands along your body. Kissing and licking your neck on the frameless mattress as your nude bodies entangled in the white sheet covering them. Neither of you had ever done anything like this before and although you were nervous as all hell, you were ready. Ready to take this next step. When you were in school, so many other kids were already going the extra mile and some had even fallen pregnant by the time you graduated. But your love was so pure and innocent, sex seemed like a foreign concept. It was the furthest thing from your minds. You enjoyed being around each other. The feeling you derived just from when he grabbed you and pulled you into his chest with a kiss to your forehead. You never felt pressured to lose your virginity because you knew that a moment like this would make it all the more special and that he’d be the only one you’d share it with. So in that moment, Eren moved his tongue down your body, kissing and marking your neck with a trail of sloppy pecks. Your hands trailed up his back that had now been stamped with his first tattoo. His hair..that once tapered brown haired cut was dangling in front of your face as half of it remained tied into a bun. He had often dreamed about what this moment would consist of..how it would feel to be given the flower of his beloved. To ‘pop’ your cherry and have the honor of being your first and vice versa. Would he hurt you? Would he fuck it up? His only true goal was to know that you were feeling good. He didn’t want to sound like a weird degenerate but his only experience was through videos and his hand. And yours? He was scared! So terrified that you had to grab his shoulders and tell him to breathe as he was trembling when he began to touch your sensitive center.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s just us here…take your time. You’re doing so good..”
only backed up when he slowly circulated his fingers around on your clit and watched you writhe in pleasure. Whimpering and crying out his name. It was so slippery and juicy but he assumed that was a good thing from the way you rutted your hips and pushed down on the single digit that he put inside of you. “Oh my God…Eren that feels so good!..” “It does? I’m so glad, baby.. can I keep keep going, like that?” Watching you break into a smile as your eyes squeezed shut was as close to nirvana as he could get. He loved seeing you happy. Breathing heavier and begging for more when you added another and stimulated you even more. You were so incredibly tight that he was sweating bullets, wondering how he’d be able to fit inside of you. How could he top this moment?…carefully examining your body; that gorgeous skin, those perfectly round breasts that had grown exponentially since he’d first met you, dark nipples erect and drenched in his saliva as he kissed them softly and those curves that had only filled out in all the right places. He wanted to adore this beautiful body forever..make love to you until he perfected it. Until he could know every bump, line and curve that made up your frame. So much so that even in absence, you’d crave one another and no one else could ever fill that void. He wanted to love you with his eyes closed. To know every tick, every like, dislike and point that made you explode with pleasure. He wanted to be yours in flesh, mind and spirit until you both left this earth.
eventually, you’d find yourself squirming around in the sheets and with his fingers alone, you’d reach your very first orgasm! The feeling was so indescribable, you couldn’t even speak. Only curse and flail around, which he thought was so cute. Chuckling as he pulled you to his chest with a cooing tone. “Aw, baby. It’s okay. There you go, just let it out.” Embarrassed by the fact that you let out a gentle stream of liquid, thinking you had actually urinated but it was the furthest thing from. “Trust me, that’s not what happened. It’s okay, beautiful.” Neither of you even gave a damn. All you wanted was to experience him in his entirety. You’d look down and see that his cock was stiff. Swollen, thick and glowing red at the tip. You’d never seen one in real life but by comparison, it was huge and you were so scared, your knees pushed together and began to buckle as you swallowed a large gulp, wondering how you were supposed to take all of that inside of you… “..we can go slow. We don’t have to fit it all at once. You just let me know how much you can handle, okay baby?” Seemingly trying to console you when he was all but losing his mind. Slowly but surely, his tip would make place atop your overly sensitive slit. Splitting open your folds with that puffy mushroom tip. Bright red and dripping with cum..he was so ready to make you his. “Eren…” hearing the nervous yet needy quiver in your voice made him twitch on his own but he’d merely chuckle, reaching down to stroke your face. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care you, okay princess? Here, hold my hands.” without hesitation, completing devoting yourself to him, you’d intertwine your fingers with his own as he integrated from the top to the inside of your warm center. Both of you broke into a high pitched gasp, never experimenting such a sensation before. It was truly like magic..
“Oh fuck..” the words escaping each of your lips as the same time, so much so, it made you and him break into a giggle. The realization of the moment setting on you both. “We’re actually doing this, huh?” “..yeah, but I wouldn’t want it with anyone else..” with that, he’d lean down and brush the side of your face as he began to buck his hips. “I’m gonna start moving, okay? You just let me know if I need to stop..” acknowledging his question with a nod, he’d persist forth and keep pushing. One slow stroke turned into two and before he knew it, he had established a rhythm. Being as gentle and doting as possible. That tight flesh sucking him in with each thrust but still not giving way..you’d squirm and whimper but all from pleasure. You’d claw at his sides and although your eyes were shut tight, you’d let him know that you were alright. Eventually, that room filled with soft cries and the two of you uttering each others names, along with lewd moans. “It’s..so good! Fuck…” “..please, keep moving..don’t stop, Eren.” Begging for more, despite the fact that his shaft had become coated in a very thin sheath of blood and a few tears trailed down your cheek. Signifying that he had finally unwrapped the gift that you’d waited so long for him to claim. The mattress began to jolt around and the floor underneath creaking from the sounds of your lovemaking. That red liquid soon replaced by a clear mucus and his dick nestled inside of you to the halfway mark. What felt like an eternity was in reality..only five minutes and already, he was about to tap out. Panting and breathing heavily as that pace sped up. His pattern was off kilter but he still had you clawing for the sheets, screaming his name. “Yes, baby! Right there, I can feel it again. I’m gonna—“ but before you could announce your own climatic peak, he’d beat you to the punch and without thinking or warning, he’d let out a loud cry, sobbing even and spouting expletives the entire time as a warm load filled your newly defiled cunt. He was in such shock, it didn’t even dawn on him until he’d look down and see it spilling out of you.
“I—shit. I wasn’t supposed to do that. I’m so sorry, (y/n)!” But it was fine. You trusted him so dearly, the two of you forgot any protection. Luckily, you had long been on birth control for reasons unrelated to sex so you weren’t scared. Besides, in that moment, all you knew was that you wanted more. You didn’t want this moment to cease for anything. “It’s okay, baby..I’m fine. Come here..” beckoning him towards you so you could get another one of those divine kisses. It was the best part. With you both having experienced that high for the first time, you didn’t want to come down so for the entire duration of that night, the two of you made love. Exploring and enjoying each other’s bodies. Laughing, kissing, touching and making blunders..the joy that could only come from true lovers. A long time coming certainly, but a moment nonetheless that was worth the wait. By the time you finished, you were both an emotional wreck. Crying but only out of pure rejoice. Having given yourself to the one man that you’d love for the rest of eternity.
“I love you, Eren..”
“I love you more, (y/n)..”
and this time, there was no question, hesitation or doubt when those words were uttered. You were older now and for a flame that everyone was certain would die out, it was now burning brighter than ever.
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ellieslovr · 3 months
A Visit To Mr.Miller’s House
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CW: age gap, daddy kink, dirty talk, creampie, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy. This is a dbf joel miller fic. Reader has no physical description, Joel is able to pick them up. Joel Miller x F! Reader. wc:3,071
A/N:wow, it only took me a month to upload this time! Look at that. Anyways, this is my first Joel fic, so let’s see how it goes. Enjoy! I have many more ideas for him.
Summary: After your dad asks you to go pick up something from Joel’s house, you get a lot more than you bargained for.
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You really hadn’t been thinking when you’d borrowed one of your best friend’s shirts. You’d had an impromptu sleepover, leaving you without a shirt to wear to bed. She dug through her drawers and tossed one towards you, laughing.
You scan the text on the front. “I LOVE DILFS” it read. You glanced up at her. “Seriously?” You said.
She just laughed. “You’re just wearing it to sleep, you’ll be fine.” You just roll your eyes and slump onto the bed next to her, nestling under the covers.
You’re awoken the next morning by your phone repeatedly ringing, and you yawn as you reach for it.
Seeing that it’s your dad, you groan and hit accept. “Are you just waking up?” He asks. Hello to you too, you thought.
“Yeah, I spent the night at a friends.” You reply. “Oh, well I have a favor to ask.” He said, and you could hear a shuffling noise in the background. “What’s that noise?” You ask him.
“I’m working on repairing this old car, but I need one of the parts for tomorrow.” He told you.
Before you could respond, he continued. “Since I wasn’t gonna be home when it got delivered, I had it sent to Miller’s house. Think you could go pick it up? I won’t be home till late, so you can just leave it on the table.” You groan internally. Of course he’d have it delivered there.
Your dad and Mr.Miller, or Joel as he’d insist you call him, were lifelong friends. They’d known each other since high school, and still hung out from time to time. It’s not that you didn’t like Joel, in fact it was the complete opposite. You liked him too much.
As a kid, you’d always seen him as a sort of uncle figure, but that changed as you got older. Now, you couldn’t be around him without being reduced to a blushing and stuttering mess.
You snap out of your thoughts and realize your dad is still waiting on a response. “Yeah, I’ll grab it. I’m leaving here in a few minutes.” You say.
“Thanks sweetheart, I’ll see you later tonight. Bye.” With that, he hangs up the phone. You turn around and see your friend grinning at you.
“What?” You ask. She smirks. “You have to go to Joel’s house~” She sings. You toss one of her pillows at her. “Shut up.” She laughs and throws it back at you, and you place it down onto the bed.
You finish packing your stuff, and your friend walks you outside to your car. You wave her goodbye and she wishes you luck with a wink, which you scoff at.
The drive back home is about twenty minutes, so you decide to take the longer route. The less time you have to see Joel, the better. You pull up to your house, and exit the car.
Once you’ve put all your stuff away, you pull a jacket on and head over to Joel’s house. It’s winter time in Texas and although it wasn’t freezing, it was still pretty cold. You walk up the front porch steps, and ring the doorbell. You wait a minute or so, and there’s no answer.
As soon as you lift your fist to knock, the door swings open. Joel peers down at you, dressed in a stained white muscle shirt and a pair of gym shorts. He must’ve been working out.
You swallow hard, trying to remember what it is you’re here for. “Oh, it’s you. Hey kiddo, c’mon in.” Joel says, ushering you inside. You smile at him.
“Thank you, Mr.Miller.” He shuts the door. “Call me Joel, sweetheart.” He tells you. You know the name doesn’t hold any weight behind it, but it still gives you butterflies nonetheless.
“You caught me right in the middle of my workout.” He says, using a towel to wipe the sweat off his face. You try to not let your eyes wander to the droplets rolling down his neck, no doubt cascading down his abs.
Joel doesn’t seem to notice that you’re distracted, and carries on. “How about you take your coat off and stay a while?” He asks.
Your heart skips a beat. “Actually, my dad just wanted me to pick something up.” You told him. His face dropped slightly. “Oh, right.” He replied, gesturing to the package sitting on his table.
“I could stay for a little though, I’ve got nothing to do today.” You told him, mentally cursing yourself for being unable to say no to him.
He brightened up. “Atta girl, I’ll grab you a beer.” On his way to the fridge, he stopped. “You’re old enough to drink right?” He asked.
You stifle a laugh. “I’m 24 Joel, yes.” You reply. He just chuckles and rummages around the fridge, pulling out two cans. He sits at a comfortable distance from you on the couch, and cracks his open.
You inadvertently watch the way his muscles ripple as he lifts the can to his mouth and takes a sip. He groans and places it down on the table.
“So, how’ve things been? Staying out of trouble?” He asks. You shrug your coat off, nodding.
“For the most part, yeah.” Joel’s eyes “accidentally” flick down to your chest as you do so, and his breath catches in his throat. He’s blushing. “Interesting shirt you got there.” He says.
You give him a confused glance, and then look down. “Oh, shit. This is my friend's shirt, I completely forgot I borrowed it from her.”
Joel’s grip on the can tightens, the metal bending under his grasp, his veins popping out slightly. “So that’s what you’re into these days?” He asks. “Dilfs?”
You laugh. “I’m surprised you even know what that means.” You reply. Joel smiles, some of the awkwardness dissipating. “Hey, I’ve been around. I’m not that old.” He teases. You watch as he leans back against the couch. “Your dads been good?” He asks.
You nod your head. “Yeah, he won’t be home until late because he’s working on something.” You tell him. You don’t miss the way Joel’s gaze darkens at your words.
“Yeah?” He says. He’s staring at you now. You shift a little under his gaze, big doe eyes staring up at him.
“Mhm. Might be out all night.” You murmur. He’s so close now. You can feel his breath fanning across your cheek. “Tell me to stop.”
He whispers it almost pleadingly, hand coming up to cup your cheek. Part of him knows this is wrong, that your dad will kill him if he finds out. The other part of him doesn’t care though, he just needs you so bad.
You lean into his touch. “Don’t stop.” You tell him. Joel curses under his breath and then he’s kissing you, his lips warm and slightly chapped.
You moan into his mouth and he loses control, wrapping his arms around your waist. When you pull away to breathe, he starts to kiss your neck. “Joel..” You mewl, moving to tug his shirt off. He complies, helping you pull it off.
You drag your nails up and down his bare skin, and he shivers. “Take me to your bed?” You ask. He nods and scoops you into his arms, heading towards his bedroom. He kicks the door open and places you gently on the bed, before shutting the door.
He immediately begins to remove your shirt, dropping it to the ground. He kisses down your chest, pulling a hardened nipple into his mouth. You arch your back, whimpering softly. Joel nearly growls at your reaction, and moves to pinch the other between his fingers.
You’re squirming underneath his ministrations, and he decides to take pity on you. He helps you shuffle your jeans off, leaving you in just your underwear.
Your arousal is evident through the fabric, a wet patch staining it. Joel groans low in his throat, dragging a single finger up your slit. You buck your hips into his touch, a soft whine leaving your throat. “Joel..” You mumble.
He leans in and kisses you to distract you, while he slips his fingers into your panties. He quickly finds your clit, brushing his thumb across it.
Your breath hitched. He slides them off with ease, adding them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Something about him being fully clothed while you were naked sent a rush of arousal through you.
Joel stands and pulls his tank top up over his head, wiping the sweat off his face with it. You catch a glimpse of his chiseled abs and the happy trail leading down his pelvis. He notices you staring and slips his gym shorts off.
Your eyes drop down to his bulge. He’s huge, bigger than any guy you’d ever been with, and he wasn’t even fully naked yet. You wait with baited breath as he slowly pulls his boxers down, revealing his hard cock. Jesus Christ.
He takes it between his hands, stroking it gently. “Open.” He tells you. You comply, letting your mouth drop open. He guides himself into your mouth, and you close your lips around him. He groans. “Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
He barely gives you time to adjust and he starts rocking his hips back and forth, his cock hitting the back of your throat. The sounds he’s pulling from you are obscene, wet and messy. You swipe your tongue across his tip, and he curses under his breath.
“I gotta pull out baby, m’ not gonna last long.” He tells you. You let your jaw go slack, and he pulls out. He begins to dig through his drawers, and you peer over at him.
“What’re you doing?” You ask. He grabs a box. “Condom.” He replies, pulling one of its package. You chew your bottom lip. “I’m clean.” Joel sighs.
“That ain’t my concern, sweetheart. I don’t need to be knockin’ you up, your daddy would kill me.” You pout. “I’ll go get a plan B after.” He groans. “You’re a stubborn one, ain’t you?” He asks.
“I mean, we don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.” You told him. He shakes his head. “That’s not it, I just didn’t want you to feel like you have to.” He said. You smile.
“What a gentleman.” You tease. He grins bashfully, looking down. “Yeah, you know me. So what’ll it be?” Your cheeks flush. “We don’t need it.” You tell him. He nods.
“Sounds good to me.” He tosses it to the side, and positions himself between your spread legs. He drags himself slowly up and down your slick folds, groaning quietly.
“Joel, please.” You urge him. He shakes his head. “No baby, you gotta beg me. C’mon, use that pretty mouth.”
“Please fuck me Joel, I need it.” You plead with him, looking up at him through your lashes. He gives in, and pushes into you agonizingly slow. Despite not being a virgin, it still stung a bit because of his size.
Once he was all the way in, he kissed your forehead. “Stay still baby. Get used to it.” He tells you. You do as he says, and a few minutes pass. You wiggle your hips, and a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. “You ready?” Joel asks. You nod.
He lifts one of your legs over his shoulders, and repeats the process with the other. Your body is pressed against him now, his skin flush against yours. He slowly starts to fuck you, reveling in how tight you are around him. “You’re so fucking pretty..” Joel murmurs against your lips.
You let yourself melt into his touch, knowing he’ll take care of you. His cock drags up and down your walls, lighting a fire in your belly. Joel grunts.
“Fuck, look at you. All spread open for me.” You whimper and lean up to kiss him, which he happily obliges. He gives you a hard thrust, and you moan into his mouth.
“Fuck, you feel that in your tummy, princess? You feel how deep I am?” You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. “Feels so good, Joel.” You tell him. He smirks. “That’s not my name baby.”
You wrack your brain, trying to think of what he means. Then, it hits you. “Daddy?” You say.
His smirk widens, and you feel his cock throb. “There you go.” He replied. You look up at him.
“Didn’t think you were that much of a pervert.” You tease. He raises an eyebrow. “The way you’re squeezin’ around my cock says otherwise, baby.” He tells you.
He hikes your legs up onto his shoulders, pushing deeper into you. “Oh, fuck-“ He grunts, muscles straining. You watched his arms flex as he held you in place, thrusting in and out of you.
“Christ, you’re tight. Them college boys ain’t doing it for ya, huh?” He asks with a smirk. You moan, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts. “No daddy.” You reply, reaching between your legs to find your clit.
“You let them fuck you like this, baby? You let them fill you up?” He asks you, a possessive edge to his tone. You whimper.
“No daddy, just you.” You reply. He laughs, reaching down to cup your cheek. “That’s right baby, this is my pussy from now on. Understand, sweetheart?”
You’re so cockdrunk now, that all you can do is nod dumbly as he continues to thrust into you. He just grins and slips his thumb into your mouth.
“Atta girl, just needed to be taken care of, huh?” He murmurs, pushing it deeper into your mouth. “Yes daddy.” You sigh contentedly as he continues at a steady pace.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer, dragging your manicured nails down his back. You wince, hoping you hadn’t scratched him too hard.
He groans and speeds up, the tip of him pressing right against your cervix. He has you in a mating press now, thrusting wildly. “I’m getting close sweetheart, you sure you don’t want me to pull out?” He asks you.
You lock your legs around his waist, your pussy gripping him tighter. “No. Want you to cum inside daddy, want you to fill me up.” You tell him, dragging your nails down his bicep.
He curses under his breath and spills inside you, muttering obscenities. You climax shortly after him, and slump down further into the bed. You both bask in the afterglow of your orgasms, while Joel presses gentle kisses all over your face. You sigh happily and look over at him.
“You’ve been real pent up huh?” You ask with a smirk. He playfully shoves you. “Shut up, I usually last longer than that.” He replies.
You chuckle. “I’ll have to put that to the test next time.” He raises an eyebrow. “There’s gonna be a next time?” You blush.
“Well, I just figured maybe-“ He cuts you off with a laugh. “I’m just teasing, baby. Listen, how about I take you out to dinner? You free Sunday?” He asks. You nod.
“Yeah, I’m free.” He grins. “Good. C’mon, I’ll help you into the bath and then we can order take out. That alright with you?”
You nod and lift your arms up, causing him to chuckle. “You wanna be carried, princess?” He asked, gathering you into his arms.
You slump against him, exhausted. He holds you with one arm as he turns on the water and warms it up, letting the tub fill.
He gradually adds bubbles, to which you raise an eyebrow. “You take bubble baths?” You ask him. He chuckles sheepishly, hand coming to scratch his cheek.
“They say it’s supposed to help relax you.” He replies. You shrug, sinking down into the water. “I’m not complaining.” The scent of lavender hits your nose as Joel climbs into the tub with you.
He looks a bit funny, hunched over and hugging his knees to make room for himself. He grabs a bottle of flowery shampoo, and you smirk.
“You got a lot of ladies showering here, Miller?” He rolls his eyes and uncaps the bottle. “It’s for when Sarah visits. Now do you want me to wash your hair or not?”
You respond by leaning your head back, dipping your hair into the water. Joel smiles at that and begins rubbing the shampoo into his hands.
He massages it through your scalp and you close your eyes, sighing in contentment. He finishes up with the shampoo and cups the water in his hands, washing it out.
He repeats the process with the conditioner, and starts washing his own hair. Once he’s finished, he turns the water off and stands up, pulling you with him. He grabs two fluffy towels from the closet, and wraps one around you.
“You good with Chinese food?” He asks, ruffling his hair with the towel. You nod. “Yeah, get beef lo mein too.” You tell him. He laughs, shooting you a glance.
“Demanding.” He teases. You roll your eyes, crossing the room and letting the towel drop. Joel falls silent, his eyes dropping down to admire your body.
“What were you saying?” You ask with a smirk. He blushes. “The beef one you said?” He asks. You nod, moving to tug his towel off. He bites his lip.
“I’m not sure I have another one in me, sweetheart.” He tells you. You hum. “I know. Just wanted to take a look.” He laughs and exits the bathroom, dropping the towels into a laundry basket.
When he gets to his room, he dresses in a pair of boxer shorts and an old t shirt. When he hands you one of his shirts, you pull it on over your head and smile at him. “It’s big on you, but you look good in my clothes.” He tells you.
You grin. “Not the only thing that’s big.” You tell him, leaning into him. He rolls his eyes. “Oh, and I’m a pervert?” He asks jokingly. You don’t respond, instead opting to pull him into a kiss.
Joel kisses you back, his tongue sliding across your bottom lip. Your stomach growling is what forces you two apart, and you blush.
“You gonna order that food?” You ask him. He grins and wraps an arm around you, leading you to sit down on the couch.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
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heavyhitterheaux · 7 months
Call Her Daddy (NSFW)
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: 🤭🤭🤭
Synopsis: Jack goes on the Call Her Daddy podcast and of course has to talk about his wife
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Jack, it's about damn time you showed up for an episode of my podcast.” Alex said after the both of them sat down and got comfortable where the podcast recording would take place.
“What can I say? I'm a busy man. And it's good to be here.”
“Definitely busy seeing as you just recently put a total of three babies in your wife, but we'll get to that later. We're focusing on you, first.”
“Look, I can't help it if my wife is fine as hell. Might as well go hard or go home.” He replied while shrugging and of course Alex laughed.
“Don't worry, you'll get to talk about how much you love your wife in due time because we know that’s a running theme with you. But first, I want to know more about Jack Harlow. Did you always want to be a rapper? And where did that drive come from?”
“Always wanted to be one and I remember selling my CD's back in middle school. My mom was a heavy influence on that and she would freestyle with me in the car when she would drive me to like soccer practice and different things like that.”
“That's so cute and adorable that your mom influenced you. Now when people think of rap, Kentucky isn't really the first place people think of.”
“Not at all and I'm from Louisville and a lot of people don't know that it is literally an entire city. When people hear Kentucky, the first thing that they think of is some back roads country ass shit when it's not.” He answered as he thought about when he first started and some people would tell him that he would never make it out Kentucky let alone Louisville.
“And did a lot of people support you? Or did they try to discourage you? How was that growing up there?”
“It was about half and half. A lot of people were confident that I was going to make something of myself, but others weren’t. But I’ve been serious about this shit from day one and it’s slowly but surely paying off. My girl wouldn’t let me quit for nothing even if sometimes I wanted to.”
“Now, what were you like in high school? Were you the popular jock, the nerd, part of the science club? Did the girls fall out over you?” Alex asked while getting comfortable in her chair and adjusting.
“I mean I always had friends and I wasn’t the one who would be stuffed into lockers or some shit. Like with certain things people knew not to mess with me. And it always seemed like girls always liked me, but when I set my eyes on one, that was it. It was a done deal. We weren’t even together yet and people knew that she was mine and they would respect it.”
“So, I want to ask you since you said that about people knowing that she was your girl and respecting it. Now we are talking about the First Lady, correct?”
“The fucking one and only. Had my eyes on her ever since I was fourteen.”
“A little birdie told me about you hiding a boy’s clothes after gym was over because he liked her and wouldn’t leave her alone? Not baby Jack getting jealous.” Alex said while laughing and Jack soon joined in along with her.
“Look, he asked for it and I didn’t have a problem with him after that. Like dude get the fuck away from my girl.”
“And what did she do when she found out?”
“She never found out until we moved to Atlanta after we graduated so she had absolutely no idea. But, she definitely got on my ass. But she’s not so innocent either, but you’ll have to ask her about that.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely the next person I need to have on here. Now what is the album that you think is your best work or the one that you are most proud of?”
“Hmm, Jackman hands down. No features, just me talking and getting my feelings out. I was able to be home in Louisville with my wife for about a year and a half and I took that time to reset and get my mind right because a lot of shit had been going on and happening around us and I felt that it was important for me to do that, but now we’re back to making the catchy shit that people can really vibe to and feel good music so I’m excited for this new era.”
“Lovin’ On Me! Now I am loving your new song and I notice that it says I don't like no whips and chains and you can’t tie me down. So no whips and chains in the Harlow household?”
“I… look I have a story about that. It’s not the fact that there’s absolutely none because at one point in time there was.”
“Damn, do I need popcorn for this because I feel like I need popcorn for this.” Alex added while busting out laughing.
“So, I tie her up, blindfold her, we got the nipple clamps, all that shit, and I handcuff myself to her to get her to stop moving and I lost the key in the process. So, she notices that I get quiet and she’s freaking out asking me what’s wrong and when I finally tell her she’s like call Urban. He’s our best friend who lived with us at the time and he has seen some wild shit and I know he’s so fucking tired of us. So with my free hand, I use my phone to call him and he comes and sees what the situation is, finds the key and leaves us there and goes to sleep because we had woken him up and he was pissed. So he just left us there until the morning.”
“I LITERALLY CANNOT! But, was it really a punishment though? Handcuffed to your wife so I can imagine a few more rounds came after that?” Alex asked while wiggling her eyebrows.
“More than a few.”
“Now talk to me about the other wild shit that he has seen.” 
All Jack did was hang his head as he busted out laughing.
“I… I don’t even know where to fucking start. Urb is always getting pulled into the middle of shit that he absolutely had nothing to do with.”
“That’s what best friends are for. Now, how do you feel about choking?”
“Anything she wants, I will do it. Nothing is off limits for her. I admit that it’s not my favorite thing in the world, but if it’s going to make her orgasm faster, I’m all for it. She definitely comes first. Pun intended.”
“Oh, so you’re all about putting her needs first in the bedroom?”
“And in life, that’s my baby and her needs and wants are always going to be met. Been doing that since we were fifteen when we were officially together.”
“Now you said nothing is off limits when it comes to her, so she’s just like ‘babe, let me peg you’.”
“No, absolutely not, no one is sticking anything up my ass. I love my wife through and through, but no. That’s a little too much for me. Come on Alex, I’m not that adventurous, my lyrics literally say ‘I’m vanilla baby’.”
“Well, I might have put an idea in your head that you’ll want to try with her later.”
“Favorite sex position?”
“Do you…. Do you not know what they call me?” Jack curiously asked her in disbelief.
“No, what do they call you?”
“Missionary Jack.”
“Please shut up because literally no one calls you that, you call yourself that.”
“I swear that’s what they call me!”
“And who gave you that nickname?”
“If it was someone other than my wife then that’s a problem. She’s called me that since forever.”
“What do you like about it?”
“It’s underrated on so many levels. I swear my triplets were conceived in missionary. Because here’s my thing, I’m face to face with her, at one point her ankles are going to be behind her head or on top of my shoulders and I’m going the fuck in.”
“Well damn, what’s her favorite position? I’m going to get her on here, but I want to hear it from you.”
“She likes to think that she’s in control, so she likes to ride me. But she knows who runs this shit. My kids aren’t the only ones who call me daddy.” Jack responded while smirking and all Alex did was playfully roll her eyes.
“Your wife is going to get you for that one and I’m going to let her have at it.”
“Yeah that’s how it all starts and it’ll end with me fucking her brains out like it always does.”
“You’re going to be in for it when this is over. Hmm, kinks?”
“I love praising her because I know it makes her reach her peak faster, but definitely a spit kink.”
“OH! TELL ME MORE! I am intrigued!”
“Alex, you are funny as shit.”
“I’m serious! Out with it.”
“Spitting in her mouth and watching her swallow it.”
“Are you sure you’re as vanilla as you say you are, because? Yeah I’m going to need wifey here to get her perspective. Do you think she’s ever faked an orgasm while you were in her? Would you be able to tell?”
“I know her body inside and out and she better not do that shit and have me find out about it. But, I don’t think she has.”
“Hand jobs, blow jobs?”
“Fuck yeah, I love me a good hand job or blow job.”
“Craziest place that you’ve gotten one or had sex period?”
“On a plane to Australia. We thought everyone was asleep, but of course everyone except Urb. This was what I meant when he is always getting caught in the middle of some shit that has nothing to do with him. It was difficult because I’m so tall, but we made it work.”
“What would an erotic vacation look like for you?”
“Definitely fucking her brains out non stop in some tropical ass location. We’re not leaving our room for the entire time that we’re there.”
“Ooohh, now if you could have sex in any location in the world, where would it be?”
“Hmm, I never really thought about it. Maybe some exotic ass shit like behind a waterfall or something. But, I was also thinking the white house lawn because I don’t mind an audience.”
“Have you ever had or thought about trying tantric sex?”
“I’ve never really thought much about it, but I would have to do my research. If wifey wants it, I’m down.”
“She really does wear the pants in your relationship, huh?”
“Alex, like I said before, you’re funny and no she doesn’t.”
“I literally do not think that anyone will agree with you. If I were to do a poll right now, everyone will probably say that she does.”
“I let her think that she does.”
“Mmm hmm, sure. Now what is your dirtiest sexual fantasy?”
“I don’t even know since I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to it and not many things are off limits.”
You had just gotten to the hotel that Jack was staying at while he was filming for his episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast when you decided to surprise him. He had been going non stop since the release of his new single and getting ready to go on The Kentucky Tour. 
Of course Urban was with him and sent you a text saying that he was almost done and you promptly took a quick shower and slipped on one of Jack’s favorite lingerie sets which happened to be black and purple. You threw on your black silk robe in case you got cold and simply laid out on the bed and played on your phone waiting for your husband. 
You had fallen asleep waiting for him when you felt him reach down and place a kiss on your lips and your eyes fluttered open.
“What are you doing here?” He playfully asked as he was now kneeling on the bed in front of you and playing with the ties on your black silk robe.
“I wanted to surprise my husband since he’s been working so hard and I figured you would want a little time to have me to yourself.” You answered while motioning for him to lean down so that you could kiss him which he quickly did.
As Jack deepened the kiss, he took the opportunity to undo your robe and took in the sight of you in front of him.
“A sight that I can never get tired of seeing.”
He started to kiss down your neck when you lightly pushed him away from you and flipped the two of you over as you went to undo his pants and slide down his boxer briefs.
“Last night on the phone with you wasn’t enough and I decided that I wanted you in my mouth as soon as possible.”
The night before, Jack was complaining about missing you so just like you had done many times before, you gave him a show which ended up with him cumming multiple times as he watched you. 
Jack had now tossed his shirt to the other side of the room and you had gotten his boxer briefs completely off before taking him in your mouth painfully slow making him grab the back of your head and buck his hips towards you.
“Baby, do not fucking tease me right now. All I basically did was talk about how good I fuck you in that podcast and we need to get to it before I fucking bust. This shit is starting to hurt and take that lingerie off.” Jack whined as you were making yourself comfortable.
Before taking him back in your mouth, you did as you were told.
“Patience, my love. You know that I’m always going to make it worthwhile.” You answered him as you went back to pleasuring him with your mouth and your eyes began to water as you felt him reach the back of your throat.
You were taking your slow sweet time and even though Jack was getting annoyed, he was in entirely too much pleasure to say anything at the moment knowing that when he finally did cum in your mouth that it would be worth it.
“Ahh fuck. Come on baby, go a little faster than that.” Jack pleaded with you, but then you took him out of your mouth and went to the edge of the bed and laid down upside down.
“Get over here and face fuck me then.” You said while giggling and Jack wasted no time getting in front of you and sliding himself back into your mouth while throwing his head back in pleasure.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, ohhhh shiiiiit.”
Jack had now taken a hold of both sides of your face and began moving in and out of your mouth as you reached down to play with your clit knowing that if he saw you playing with yourself that he would cum faster.
“Come on baby, open that pretty mouth of yours wider for me. You can take more of me, you’re doing such a good job.”
You did as you were told and inserted two fingers while still continuing to play with your clit with the opposite hand as you felt the spit from your mouth leaking down the sides of it.
“You playing with your pussy for me? Add another finger for daddy.” 
Listening to Jack, you added another finger as he reached down to spit on your clit which made you increase the pace of your fingers.
You couldn’t help but to moan while Jack was still in your mouth and knew that you were going to reach your peak soon.
And as if right on cue, you heard Jack.
“Fuck, baby.” He tightly held onto you as you hit your peak and felt the cum shooting down your throat and out the sides of your mouth, but you continued sucking him off not showing him any mercy.
“Hold on!”
You shook your head no as you continued to move him in and out of your mouth, but finally let up when you felt another load shoot into your mouth and quickly swallowed it. Jack slightly moved away from you as you sat up and turned around to face him smirking.
“Wait until I get your ass for doing that.” Was all he said as you reached up to kiss him. You caught him off guard as you reached down and slowly began to jerk him off when he broke the kiss and looked down at you.
“Get your ass to the top of the bed and spread your legs so I have enough room.”
You moved until you reached the top as Jack hovered over you and simply looked down at you to admire you.
“What, babe?” You asked as you were now beginning to shy away from him, but all he did was lightly grab your face and kiss you.
“Nothing, it’s just my wife is so gorgeous and I’m about to have her screaming at the top of her lungs with how good I’m about to make her feel.” He answered as he began to rub small circles along your clit and reached down to kiss you while slipping his tongue in your mouth.
When you least expected it, he slowly entered you making you gasp against his lips which he quickly quieted you with another kiss as he began to move.
“Look at my pretty girl taking this dick.”
Jack then lifted your legs so that they were on the top of his shoulders and began pounding into you making you gasp as he caught you in another kiss.
“Shiiiit.” Was all you could mutter as you wrapped your arms around Jack’s neck as both of your noses were touching.
As Jack continued to keep the same pace, he kept his eyes on you and simply smirked.
“Open your mouth.”
You felt warm liquid slide down the back of your throat as he continued to move and place small kisses along your breasts.
On your right breast, he placed a small kiss and bit down and continued to suck on the same spot as you were letting out a series of curses and whimpers.
That was going to leave a mark, but you would deal with that later.
Jack then reached down to play with your clit and he quickly went to suck on your other breast knowing that he would have you come undone in front of him in less than a minute.
“Fuck, baby. Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
Jack then felt a rush of warm liquid hit the bottom part of his stomach and smirked as he reached up to kiss you.
As you were slowing down your breathing, Jack continued to rub small circles along your clit while kissing down your neck.
Once you felt that you recovered enough, you reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube that you had brought and handed it to Jack as you moved to get on all fours. 
All he did was smirk at you before opening the bottle as you were making yourself comfortable in front of him.
You had only done anal a handful of times, but you found yourself wanting it more and more lately and of course, Jack wasn’t opposed.
“Baby, remember you have to relax so I can get in easier.” You heard him say as he was getting ready behind you.
“Yes, I know.” You softly answered as you felt the tip.
Jack noticed he was meeting resistance so he added more lube and had you arch your back a little bit more before trying again.
He was moving in slowly and didn’t hear anything from you which had him concerned and he simply stopped.
“Baby, you okay? You aren’t saying anything.”
“I’m fine, just keep going.”
After a few minutes, he was fully in and gave you a minute to adjust and made sure that you were okay.
“You ready for me to move?”
All you did was nod towards him as you felt him moving in and out of you.
“You’re doing so good, you’re doing so good for me baby. Arch your back a tiny bit more.”
Complying, you slowly but surely started to notice how good it felt as Jack reached down and you felt him insert what felt like a vibrator in you. 
You had no idea when he had time to get it, but you weren’t in any way, shape, or form complaining. 
“Babeee, oh fuck.”
“Got a new toy to use on you.”
Between the vibrator and Jack pleasuring you, you felt your legs begin to get weak and the perfect arch that you had once had was forgotten as you were trying to hold yourself up.
Jack noticed this and instead of turning the vibrator down and decreasing his pace, he did the opposite and turned it up while increasing his pace making you scream out.
“Baby…. Mmm… fuck I can’t…”
“Yes you can and you will, arch your back for me. Such a good girl.”
Jack reached down to play with your clit and your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks making you scream out as he slid out and released all over your back.
He then slid the vibrator out of you as you collapsed on your stomach and reached down to kiss your neck.
“You okay, down there? You were so good for me.”
You let out something of a groan letting him know that you were okay and he instantly laughed while sliding off the bed and pulling you by the ankles so that you were at the end of the bed and Jack was on his knees.
“Get on your knees for me because we are nowhere near done.”
This made you do a double take as you looked back at him in confusion.
“You didn’t think you were about to come all this way and I wasn’t going to taste my wife’s pussy, did you? Spread them damn legs.”
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Okay so I was thinking of a blurb with Mapi and Ingrid where reader takes a nap everyday after training or a game but she’s forced to go to team bonding at Alexias place by Mapi and Ingrid and is grumpy since she can’t take her nap and everyone is like what’s up with her when they see the grumpy look on her face and Mapi’s just like ‘oh she didn’t take her nap’ so the whole time reader is falling asleep on the couch either on someone’s shoulder or lap but she can’t because of the noise and when everyone’s finally gone and it’s just them and Alexia she finally falls asleep on Ingrid’s lap
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as someone who absolutely thrives off naps, this was felt team bonding II m.león & i.engen
you could have said it was partially your fault, and maybe you would have had the situation been any different. however today you were much less willing to accept any sort of blame, rather pointing the finger at anyone and everyone else.
it had started as you'd all come back into the change rooms after a particularly brutal training session, the sun glaring down on you the entire time had meant your normally tanned and sun kissed skin was mildly burnt and coated with a thin sheen of sweat.
the first session of the day hitting the gym wasn't as bad, the team partially sheltered from the sweltering heat of the barcelona sun. thursdays were always a double session given it was the middle of the week and friday was a rest day, so the second session was of course out on the pitch and it would have been understated to say you struggled.
you'd lived in spain now for nearly three years however born and raised in dreary drizzly england had meant it had been nothing short of a huge adjustment to get used to the change in lifestyle, weather and climate.
especially when it came to running around, training and playing matches on days that sometimes peaked well above thirty degrees, you were often grateful for the drop in temperature when blessed with late afternoon and early evening games.
growing up you'd never been someone who could sit still, always itching to be running around, keeping your hands busy or kicking some sort of sports ball. you'd played almost every sport you could growing up, both of your siblings the same.
you'd felt sorry for your mother, a single mum trying to wrangle three incredibly active kids and dash them from school to practice and home with three different schedules. you would always be grateful to her, and to your grandparents who basically drove you every afternoon to some sort of extra curricular.
football had been what had stuck through the ages, your sister sticking with tennis and your brother abandoning everything to pursue law, though he played a friendly five a side with his colleagues of a monday night.
however despite your insanely high energy levels, work ethic and stamina, all of that exerted force had meant you'd crashed hard and very rarely had a healthy or consistent sleep schedule throughout your youth.
this had meant some days the best rest you got was naps. wether it be a quick twenty minute power nap on the way from school to football or a three hour doze on the sofa of a sunday afternoon after you'd played, you became incredibly dependent on the brief moments of rest and bliss that came with them.
so skipping ahead to present days, that hadn't changed. despite your professional career meaning you should have a consistent, healthy and reliable sleeping pattern, the majority of your rest and recharge came from your naps.
despite consistent scalding from the training staff about the importance of a solid eight hour minimum rest, most nights you were lucky if you slept five to six hours, which of course everyone reminded was due to the frequent naps you took throughout the day.
however old habits die hard and it wasn't anything that you felt affected your playing ability, so who was it really harming? or at least that was the case, most days.
today was no exception, if anything after such a tiresome day of running about in the heat you were extra exhausted and looked forward to nothing more than returning home. the safe little haven you'd created with your girlfriends would greet you with its sun soaked little loveseat you'd often curl up in to get a quick thirty minute power nap in.
or the end of your ever so cozy L shaped couch where you'd stretch out for a longer doze, often with your head in ingrids lap as she read a book and mapi would play video games beside you, headphones on as to not disturb you, both your girlfriends well equipped to your routine.
early on in the relationship they'd of course tried their hand to coax you into a much more stable sleeping routine. but rapidly learning all it would lead to was a night of you tossing and turning and fidgeting in between them, the constant movement and small huffs of frustration in turn keeping them awake as well, they quickly gave up on that battle.
but back to the locker room you'd busied yourself quickly showering and changing, too busied with your head in the clouds to overhear the team making plans for a bonding night at alexia's house. tomorrow being a rest day meant it was perfect to do something tonight, and had you tuned in and overheard you might have had some more time to plan.
however buried deep in your own thoughts and quickly sinking further and further into your bodies screaming demands for a nap you'd zoned out entirely. you'd snapped back to it at a jingle of keys by your ear, glancing up to find mapi staring down at you with an amused smile.
you were quick to your feet, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder, waving your goodbyes as the three of you headed out of the building down to the carpark.
again you zoned out, head a fuzzy mess and skin still crawling from the thick humidity which plagued the air around you. had you been paying attention you might have overheard ingrid and frido or patri and pina behind you, all discussing who was needing to take what to alexia's.
mapi sliding into the drivers seat you kissed ingrids cheek in appreciation as she offered you the front, dumping your bags in the boot and settling into the warm leather you grimaced slightly but sighed, glad to at least finally be off your feet.
you smiled for a few photos as fans hung by the front gate, all keening to get pictures with their favourite players, though all three of you exhausted from the heat you kept it brief. finally on the road and heading home you joined into the initial conversation, though quickly found your eyes growing heavy.
"hey bebita no, we're almost home." mapi chuckled, hand moving to gently squeeze your thigh to stop you dozing off. both her and ingrid were more than capable of carrying your sleeping form inside as had been done plenty of times before, though exhausted from training if it was something that could be avoided then they would do their best to do so.
you busied yourself discussing training with the two of them, as well as the upcoming game against athletico on the weekend. your mother was coming to visit for a few days and you spent time going over what she wanted to do and see while she was here, the three of you grabbing your bags finally home.
in the elevator up to your shared apartment your struggle increased, eyes heavy once again as your head fell to mapi's shoulder, leaning a little more into her body making her smile and kiss the side of your head affectionately.
you heard her ask you something in spanish but half asleep you only hummed, agreeing to whatever she'd said as the doors opened on your floor. ingrid unlocking your front door you stumbled inside, scowling at the blonde haired spaniard beside you who'd stuck her foot out to trip you.
ingrid scolding her in norweigein you threw your bag at her and she chuckled, moving to put them away. you squatted down to fondly rub bagheera's head, picking him up and making a beeline for the sofa, your usual spot calling your name as you sighed grateful for the air con blasting around the apartment.
"siesta time handsome." you mumbled, collapsing tiredly onto the sofa and moving a cushion behind your head, bagheera curling up on your stomach. you sighed contendly, one hand stroking his warm fur as your eyes slammed shut and you started to drift off.
though your brief slumber was halted by something poking at your cheek. "go away!" you huffed, cracking one eye open to see mapi stretched out on the other end of the sofa, poking you with her toe as you shoved her legs away.
"what are you doing elskling?" once again you began to drift until a new voice spoke up, now opening both eyes you looked up to see a pair of green orbs looking down at you curiously.
"what does it look like i'm doing?" you mumbled back tiredly, flinching as the older girl pinched your leg for the comment. "takin a nap." you sighed, eyes closing again as you felt bagheera's weight move off of you, jumping to instead settle in between mapi's tattooed legs which still stretched along the sofa.
"why? we need to get ready to go to alexia's." at that your eyes shot wide open and a frown knitted deep into your eyebrows, pushing yourself up to rest on your elbows.
"why are we going to ale's?" you questioned, confused at the odd break in your usual post training routine. "see amor i told you she was not listening." mapi tutted, shaking her head at you as you shot her a tired glare.
"did you not hear anything we spoke about after training? or in the car? or in the elevator?" ingrid questioned, an annoyed frown settling into her features as she folded her arms and stared pointedly down at you. "no i did not. i'm tired and i need a nap." you grumbled, annoyance growing the longer you were forced to stay awake.
with that you rolled over onto your side, back showing to the tall norweigein who scoffed. "hey! wakey wakey." mapi's feet dug into your back as she cooed at you, shaking your body as you inhaled deeply.
a string of spanish curses dropping from your lips you turned and smacked her legs, a little harder than intended before getting to your feet, thumping off to the bedroom ignoring their calls after you.
"nope!" you groaned loudly as arms wrapped around your torso before you could throw back the covers and slip into bed. "i'm tired." you whined, head leaning back onto mapi's shoulder, pouting up at your girlfriend who smiled in amusement.
"too bad, we have team bonding cariño and we promised we'd go, all of us." mapi tilted your head back a little further, hand gently gripping your chin as she placed a somewhat apologetic kiss to your lips, thumb running over your bottom lip as she pulled away.
"i'm not going. suddenly im sick!" you fake coughed pushing away from her, feeling another pair of eyes burn into you as you flopped backwards onto the bed, covering your face with your hands.
"you are going. get up and changed!" you peeked through your fingers to see ingrid staring firmly down at you, mapi whisting knowingly and ducking out of the room not wanting to get involved.
"no." you replied just as firmly, face still buried in your hands. "you are twenty four stop acting like a child. get up, now." her tone shifted into one you knew all too well, and looking up the fire which simmered just behind her eyes you knew you had about two minutes to do as she asked or you'd pay for it later.
"can i nap for a half hour baby, please?" you switched approach, hands moving to fall at your sides as you looked up pleadingly, her features softening a little but her arms remained crossed.
"no kjære , we need to be there in an hour and it's a twenty minute drive."
at her words you groaned even louder than before, hauling your body up and storming off to the bathroom, making a point to slam the door after you. "pain in the ass every day." ingrid mumbled under her breath with a roll of her eyes.
"no amor you asked for that, you know how she gets when she's tired." mapi held her hands up in defense at the withering look shot at her, backing out of the room again mumbling under her breath in spanish, all too used to mediating between the two of you knowing just how stubborn you could both be when in disagreement over something.
"come on niña bonita, smile. stop being grumpy!" you shifted at mapi's words, the slightly taller girl hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek a few times.
"we'll stay for a few hours and then you can go home and sleep, okay?" ingrid spoke softly, running a hand through your hair as you sighed tiredly but nodded none the less as mapi pressed the buzzer. within seconds the door was opening and you winced at the sudden change of volume, most of the girls seemingly already having arrived.
"ay chica why do you look so down hm?" alexia smiled, bringing you into a hug as she closed the door, the older girl like a sister to you as you sighed and grumbled about being tired.
"you sleep more than a newborn amiga, how are you always so tired?" her body vibrated with laughed as she kissed your cheek teasingly and let you go. "she does not sleep, like a vampire!" patri teased pulling a face at you as pina joined in and you rolled your eyes pushing past them, ignoring their offended calls after you that you'd blanked their hug.
you made a beeline to collapse next to lucy, head immediately falling to your national teammates shoulder. "oh did the little baby not get its nap?" she cooed harshly pinching your cheeks, having known you for years she immediately recognized the signs of exhaustion present in your features.
"no!" you huffed, pushing her hands off as she grinned. "tough luck kid, hard life being an adult." she sighed, patting your cheek and moving so her arm stretched over the back of you and you could settle a little more into her side as mapi took the vacant seat next to you.
normally if you were curled into anyone elses sides both her and ingrid would be green with envy, but lucy having had a heavy hand in the three of you even getting together in the first place they knew she was just as fiercely protective of you as they were.
you felt your girlfriends tattooed hand rest on your leg, fingers tracing shapes absentmindedly on your thigh as she engaged in conversation with the team.
you remained quiet as an hour dragged by and alexia tried her best to organise a food delivery, struggling heavily to decipher orders as no one seemed to be able to answer her without speaking over the top of someone else.
you jolted up awake as alexia snapped, captain mode slipping in effortlessly as she shouted a loud and stern string of catalan, everyone pausing before quietly relaying their preferences one by one.
food ordered everyones focus switched to games, an assortment of different board and card games from all different nations littering the floor. you opted out of playing, shooting poor esmee a murderous look as she attempted to drag you to your feet to be her partner.
"england why are you so moody today?" you looked up to meet oshoala's amused grin as mapi stood from beside her to help alexia get the food delivery from downstairs, the warmth of her hand on your leg instantly missed.
"baby didn't get its nap!" you grunted as two bodies landed on top of you, patri wrangling you into a headlock as claudia sat on your chest, both girls poking and jabbing at you.
something not uncommon for the three of you, known to rough house around quite often given your close ages but today you were not in the mood. you swore and cursed at them in spanish, a few of the older girls in the room shooting you disapproving looks for your language as the games continued.
"i would leave her be unless you want to lose a finger patri, she is a biter." mapi warned with a suggestive grin, returning as most of the girls hurried to their feet at the promise of food. claudia gagged at the insinuation and punched you halfheartedly in the stomach, scurrying away as patri was quick to follow before you could retaliate.
"i want to go home." you huffed, sitting up and running a hand through your tousled hair, fixing your clothes with a glare over the spaniards shoulder at the culprits who were too busy stuffing their faces to care.
"well we aren't." mapi chuckled, hands on your knees as she leant down and moved in closer. "if you're a good girl bebita i promise to reward you when we do get home, in any way you want." the older girl murmured in your ear, teeth gently tugging on your earlobe leaving your cheeks flushed red.
"any way?" you clarified as the defender nodded with a smile. "but only if you behave and lighten up a little, we are here to bond with the team." your girlfriend warned as you nodded.
"otherwise i will just let ingrid have her way with you for the snappy comments earlier, and we both know she does not forget hermosa." mapi smiled knowingly as you sighed, your girlfriend leaning in and pecking your lips a few times until they curled into a smile.
speaking of, ingrid took lucys seat beside you, placing a plate of food in your lap as mapi disappeared to get her own, the rest of the girls settling themselves around the living room as chatter and laughter filled the air.
the taller girl smiled in surprise as you thanked her in norweigen, leaning up to kiss her softly before starting to eat. "don't need to be hand fed do we grumpy?" keira teased, gesturing for your girlfriend to feed you as you flipped her off, ingrid knocking your hand down as your english team mate grinned and took a seat on the floor beside aitana.
mapi settling in on your other side with her own food you tried to make more of an effort, not contributing much to conversation but actively listening. you grinned as you stole some of your girlfriends food, mapi flicking your ear affectionately before kissing your cheek, happy to see you were a little more engaged.
food finished and games back in commencement you found yourself still wedged between your girlfriends, your legs draped over mapi's lap as ingrid held you from behind, chin resting atop your head.
slowly as the night grew later the girls began to drop off, and as the chatter and laughter died down your exhaustion was quick to resurface, blinking drowsily as you tried to stay awake.
but eventually you could fight no more and sleep won, your body suddenly becoming a lot more heavy which didn't go unnoticed by your girlfriends. the last of your team mates leaving alexia returned to the living room to see ingrid hoist your dead asleep form into her lap properly, scoffing with an amused shake of her head.
alexia's girlfriend olga due home from work soon and you seemingly passed out cold your girlfriends agreed to stay and watch a movie, grateful both for your lack of complaining and that you were finally getting some much needed rest.
"you know we are going to get home and she will be wide awake again now, yes?" mapi sighed with a smile, moving your hair out of your face and leaning down to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "i'm counting on that." ingrid smiled though a little less sweetly as mapi caught on, knowing smirk curling into her lips as alexia shot to her feet hearing a knock at the door.
"well, i did promise her a reward." "you're too soft with her." "i am not, you are just too bossy." "neither of you seem to mind that." "you do not give us a choice amor." "is that so? well maybe i need to remind both of you-"
"too loud." you mumbled up tiredly, hands coming to rest over their mouths still half asleep, mapi pressing a kiss to your palm before they dropped limply back to your sides.
"well eskling, guess we'll see who is right when we get home then."
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foreingersgod · 2 months
So so you wanted a small town reader request so I thought of this one. She she’s from a southern small town and plays basketball for the SEC team of her state, she really made a name for herself there, but wants to broaden her horizons so she enters the transfer portal and somehow ends up in Iowa where meet Kate who is OBSESSED with her southern accent. Then it’s just Kate trying to show her interest bc reader is totally oblivious until one of their teammates says something
Southern Charm . KM
pairing: kate martin x reader
synopsis: after transferring to iowa’s basketball team to broaden your horizons, you end up meeting someone who changes your life
A/N: i got a request to do another country fic like this one with kate, so expect one with ‘country kate’ here soon!
also, i’m not very proud of this one so i’m sorry if it’s genuinely shitty lol :’)
ever since you were little, maybe 7 or 8, you were fascinated with basketball. growing up in texas you were exposed to a large following of sports and hard core fans. your family was always repping the pro and college teams of your state with pride, attending several games throughout your childhood. basketball in particular held a special place in your heart. you remember watching the university of texas’ basketball games with your dad, absolutely enthralled by the game. it didn’t take long for your parents to get you involved in the sport. you played in small teams as a kid then on your schools girls basketball teams in middle and high school. and with a lot of hard work and determination, you got into the university of texas to play on their women’s team.
while playing for the university, you made quite the impression on basketball fans. you were quick, had unbelievable stats, and extremely adaptable. you were a pretty valuable player in most eyes. but after two years at the school, you started to feel restricted. there wasn’t a whole lot for you to improve on your skills so you made a drastic decision to enter the transfer portal.
it was an emotional decision. realizing you would be leaving teammates behind as well as your home state was hard, but you longed for something greater. not long after entering the portal, you had transferred to the university of Iowa. you were ecstatic despite having to move away. it was time to broaden your horizons and hopefully expand upon your skill set.
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
you had arrived in iowa around a week ago and you were still adjusting. figuring out where all of the buildings were, where the dining halls were located, was a lot for you to handle. hell you could barely remember how to get to your dorm at this point.
you haven’t even met your new teammates, practices not starting up for a couple of days. the anticipation had you extremely nervous.
what if they didn’t like you?
what if they thought you sucked?
the days leading up to your first practice were consumed with these uncontrollable thoughts. but as you laced up your shoes and grabbed your duffel bag, heading out the door, you felt those nagging thoughts dissipate.
when you arrived for practice, opening the large metal doors to the gym, it almost felt like you were right back at home. you wandered over to where the team was warming up, hearing the squeak of the polished floors. quickly, looking up from her clipboard, bluder spotted you a few feet ahead. she met you on the sidelines to officially greet you for your first day.
“ah, YN!” she announced, grabbing the attention of the other girls “nice to see you again, glad you could join us. let’s get you introduced and settled in”
her smile was welcoming as she motioned for the girls to huddle up. everyone gathered around, you being the center of attention as you looked around awkwardly.
“team, i’m sure you’re all aware of our newest member, YN” lisa said “let’s be kind and supportive and help her get settled in on her first day alight?”
everyone nodded “great. YN, would you like to introduce yourself?”
you took a deep breathe as you studied their faces timidly, fidgeting with your fingers and trying to think of something to say.
“um, yea” you managed, hoping you sounded confident “i’m YN, i just transferred from the university of texas..and i’m-uh-really excited to get to know you guys”
the team offered their hello’s, walking up to you one by one to shake your hand politely and introduce themselves. they were all incredibly sweet right away, telling you you’d fit right in and complimenting your skills. you went down the line, excited to get acquitted with the team.
then, at the end of the line, stood kate martin. you had seen her play and you thought she was amazing so you were excited to finally meet her. she approached you with the most genuine smile, eyes lit with zeal.
“hey,” she spoke up, offering her hand to you “i’m kate, it’s nice to meet you YN”
you smiled back at her “it’s nice to meet you too! you’re a fantastic player, i’d be lyin’ if i said i hadn’t been excited to meet you!”
“i’m flattered, really, thank you” you could feel her hand linger on yours as she pulled away from the handshake “so texas, huh? i caught onto the accent!”
you both laughed “yea, i’m from a small town not too far from campus, so i got that signature dialect”
“i think it’s really cute,” she looked down, avoiding your gaze “think it suits you”
“thanks, kate” you blushed, smiling at her once more before bluder summoned everyone to resume warmups.
what a sweetheart.
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
it had been quite sometime since you had finally settled into your new team. there was a lot of awkwardness and uncertainty, but you had started to feel like this is where you were meant to be. and like you had hoped, there was so much more room for you to improve rather than back in texas. you were playing amazing games, beating your own records and personal highs on a regular basis. going to iowa was truly the best thing for your career.
you had also grown really close to the girls since arriving. kate, especially, was like your best friend. she had always been so kind and sweet to you. at some point in your friendship, you started to develop a decent crush on the girl, but you had always assumed that she didn’t feel that way about you. so you stayed quiet as to not distrust your connection.
but recently, things have been a little off with kate. she often avoided you during practices and didn’t stay to say goodbye when you left. both things she did on a normal basis and now she just stopped doing it all together. she didn’t even bother to text you or ask about your day, nor did she laugh when you said things funny (she’s always giggled to herself when your accent was thick). you were beginning to wonder if you did something wrong.
it had been weeks of her dismissive behavior and you were starting to miss your best friend. your heart ached at the thought of her not liking you anymore. so you devised a plan to meet her during her extra early practice one morning and confront her, hoping to figure out why she wasn’t giving you the time of day.
it was about 7:00 in the morning, much too early for your liking. you’d never understood why kate, amongst others, wanted to be at practice an hour earlier. but you had managed to get out of bed at 6, suiting up and sneakily heading to the gym. you hoped you could catch her off guard, maybe surprise her so she’d have no choice but to deal with your confrontation head on. you were approaching the doors of the locker room, about to open the door, when you heard kate’s voice echo from inside. freezing in your spot, you shamefully eavesdropped to see what she was talking about.
“no! i’m not going to do that!” she exclaimed.
“why not?” you heard another voice, from the sounds of it, it must’ve been gabbie. “you’re like obsessed with her, just go for it!”
“i’m not obsessed, ok? there’s just something about YN that drives me crazy and i like her so so much, but i’m sure as hell not going say that right to her face!”
you went numb hearing your name fall from kate’s mouth. you tried to move closer to the door, wanting to hear what she was saying a little bit better, but you tripped over your own foot causing you to lunge forward. the doors to the locker on went flying open, your stiff figure busting through the entrance as you immediately gave yourself away.
you stood, completely unable to move as you looking up into the vastness of the locker room. sure enough, there were gabbie and kate, sitting in front of you. their eyes were wide seeing you burst through those doors, realizing they had just been caught talking about you. and it was no secret that you had heard almost everything they were saying.
“i’m so sorry!” you rambled an apology “i was just about to come and talk to kate, but then i heard my name, and i really didn’t mean to intrude like this i’m so embarrassed”
kate sat, also embarrassed as gabbie spoke up.
“i’m going to give you guys some privacy” she said “i think there’s a lot that kate needs to say”
and with that, she walked out of the locker room, leaving you and kate in awkward silence. you walked over to where she sat on the bench to take the seat next to her. she looked at you, hardly able to make eye contact.
“i’m sorry”
“for what?” you asked
“i shouldn’t have been talking about you behind your back. i had no idea you were gonna be here, not that that makes it ok-”
“kate, it’s ok” you placed a hand on her shoulder “i was here early cause i needed to talk to you, but i shouldn’t have stuck around to eaves drop”
“what did you need to talk to me about?”
you sighed, suddenly wishing you didn’t have to bring it up in the first place “it’s just that i’ve felt like you’ve been avoiding me and purposely not talking to me so i wanted to ask why…but i think i already kind of know why…”
“yea” she replied, voice cracking “you weren’t supposed to find out like that”
“if it’s any consolation…i feel the same way” you removed your hand from her shoulder, taking her hand in yours. gentle fingers ran over hers soothingly.
“you-you do?”
“mhm” you grinned “i’ve been too afraid to say anything cause i didn’t know if you felt the same and i didn’t want to ruin our friendship”
she didn’t say anything, just sat looking into your eyes. there were no tears, no anger in her eyes, just a certain longing that only you could recognize.
“i think im in love with you”
“you don’t have to say-”
“no i mean it” she continued “everything about you, from the moment i met you, i’ve been in love with. you’re perfect and funny and gentle, you have the cutest accent i’ve ever heard, and i don’t think i can handle being just friends”
“kate i think i’m in love with you too” happy tears welled in your eyes as you inched closer to her, feeling her breathe on your skin.
“can i kiss you?” she asked, but she didn’t even need to, you would’ve done it anyways.
and finally, your lips met in the most gentle yet passionate kiss. teeth clashing at the urgency of it, both of you so eager from waiting so long for this moment. you wished you could’ve stayed like that forever. nonetheless, she pulled away breathlessly, forehead resting against yours as you smiled at each other.
“it’s that southern charm” she joked, large hand resting against your cheek “you’re irresistible”
you laughed, pulling her into another kiss, trying to savor this moment for as long as you could.
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luvtak · 1 year
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stray kids as cliche romance tropes
❀ pairing skz x gn!reader
❀ genre/tw fluff fluff fluff!! a smidgen of angst, slightly (like the slightest) suggestive, some are est. relationship, some getting together <33
❀ w/c 2248, about 200-300 for each member (do not ask me what happened with linos hehe
❀ a/n here it is!! this took me like a month to write lol so i hope its good!! personal faves are minho and innies, let me know which one is yours <333
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Chan: Childhood Sweethearts
You’ve lived your life holding Chan’s hand.
You met in elementary school, immediately infatuated with the boy and his shy smile. He called you pretty on the first day of school and spent the rest of the year taking care of you: sharpening your pencils and sharing his lunch. Adults would coo and call it puppy love, laughing at the lovesick smiles adorned on your faces, but there was nothing childish about how you looked at each other.
Middle school is spent going to the movies and sharing ice cream, swimming, and sharing sweet laughs. First kisses in the fall and gumball machine promise rings given in the spring—it’s innocent in the sweetest way, forever is simple when you’re thirteen.
Teenage years give way to deeper feelings and new experiences; There was no question you were together—even if you never had the conversation, his hands locked in yours tells everyone what they need to know. High School is defined by stolen kisses on doorsteps and promposals, nights spent giggling into each other’s mouths to keep quiet. You think you know his body and soul as well as your own, like leaves plucked from the same tree.
Childhood eases into adulthood, and suddenly you’ve loved each other longer than you’ve been alive. There’s no question of a future together, no pressure to ask what you are or what you will be. Sometimes you wonder if you missed out on something, if it would’ve been better to have loved more, but when you see him there is no question. It’s easy together, a quiet breeze encasing you in his affections, and you’ll continue like you always have, hand in hand.
Minho: Second Chance Romance
When you saw him again, you didn’t realize it would hurt so bad. He’s gorgeous, somehow even prettier than he was a year ago. You think the grocery store is an interesting place to have this interaction—an unusual intruder to your midnight snack run, haloed by ice cream.
It’s strange, looking at him like you’ve never met, as if he hasn’t seen the inner workings of your mind or mapped your skin with his hands.
You can’t deny you’ve missed him, still grieving the relationship you thought you’d be in forever. You broke up because you didn’t feel appreciated, you were always unsure about how he felt, and he was always too busy and too cocksure to change that. So, you were certain he’d ignore you and you’d both go on with your lives, but when he sees you, he smiles.
 It’s such a contradictory thing, to feel at ease at his figure, but anxious to hear his voice. You know how he’ll sound, so soft and charming, the perfect mix of arrogance and kindness.
When he finally stands in front you, there is so much the same as the last time you saw him, yet distinct differences in how he looks at you. A year ago, his eyes were filled with tears and now they’re so bright it’s blinding. He tells you it’s good to see you, that it’s been too long; he doesn’t want to bother you, but he doesn’t know the next time he’ll see you and he needs you to know that he’s missed you.
When he asks to walk you home, you surprise both of you by saying yes. Sharing stories of the year spent apart and lamenting over lost days together. He wonders if you’ll want to do this again, if you’re up to trying another time equipped with more love and more patience. And how can you say no, when he came back to you like an angel in the frozen food aisle.
Changbin: Damsel in Distress
When you fell, you wanted to die. There you were in the middle of the gym running on the treadmill when you lost your footing and fell directly on your face. It was not your proudest moment, and you were dead set on never setting foot in this gym ever again, maybe not even leaving your house you were that embarrassed. Until you hear someone asking if you were okay, and suddenly he’s fussing around you and lifting you up.
Changbin has seen you here before, watching you work on the equipment, and fantasizing about coming up and introducing himself, but he’s never gained enough courage. It was in the middle of one of these daydreams when you tripped, and immediately he was filled with worry. Rushing over, he checked your hands and pulled up your leggings to see if your knees were scraped and introduced himself while putting band aids on your cuts.
He's cute and nervous, and you can’t help but be swayed by how kind he is. He sits with you while you recuperate and asks to take you to lunch to make up for the embarrassment. The whole time he introduces himself as someone wonderful, you find that he’s silly and so sweet. When he admits to have been crushing on you, you laugh and wonder why he never came up to you before. And as the day comes to an end, you come to be a little grateful for the fall.
Hyunjin: Fake Relationship/Wedding Date
Hyunjin has been your friend for a long time, and your family has always wanted you to be together—it’s been years of awkward questions and dinner invites. When your sister got engaged, she told you to bring a date, and single as can be, the only person to ask was Hyunjin.
At first, he was hesitant. He knew and loved your family, and the idea of lying to them and pretending to be your boyfriend when he is certainly not, is hard to stomach. When he finally agrees he still wonders if it’s a good idea, but seeing the bright smile on your face makes up for it.
The family is ecstatic when they see who your date is, and as the night goes on you start to see why they’re so happy—on a superficial level, you’ve always known how beautiful and wonderful he is, but seeing him  here all dressed up and smiling down at you, you start to see what your family means when they say you’re perfect together. You’re dancing and talking, and he becomes so much more than just your friend.
He’s always loved you, maybe not romantically, but he has. And something turns when he’s dancing with you, maybe it’s the lights or the music, but he can feel something shift. When he takes you home that night, he wonders if it’ll still feel this way in the morning.
Jisung: Best friends to Lovers  
You know everything about each other, it’s as if you’re one person—finishing each other’s sentences and sharing inside jokes. You’ve spent your lives together, yet it has been purely platonic. You’ve both had relationships and never saw each other as more than you are, until one night he looks a little too pretty under the TV light and suddenly you’re overthinking every little interaction you’ve had.
If it’s normal to be so close to someone who’s just your friend—If other people put their best friend before anything else, including significant others. Jisung loves you, that much is obvious, but you’re not sure if he sees you the way you see him; he takes up every inch of your heart, everything you do is for him.
In Han’s mind, you know how he feels—it’s so clear to him how you feel for each other, while unspoken he thinks his  actions speak louder than words. He’s just been waiting for you to be ready, maybe that’s his mistake; you’ve both been waiting to make the first move.
Your friends are frustrated, waiting for you to finally see what they do. Lecturing the both of you on admitting your feelings, but neither you nor Jisung want to mess with the relationship you already have.
When you finally come to terms with how you feel, you confess to your feelings like a crime, he tells you like whispering a secret you already know. Shakey and tired of feeling so overwhelmed with how big your feelings are for him, you admit to realizing how much you truly love him. All he can do is laugh, wondering why you were both so anxious to tell each other this one secret, when you’ve shared all the others.
Felix: Vacation Romance
When your friends decided to go on vacation, you could never have dreamed of meeting someone as wonderful as Felix. You met him three days into your three-week trip, and if you thought he was lovely from afar, he’s even sweeter up close. The relationship was eager, escalating quickly over the course of your stay. Within days you felt like you’d known him forever, sure that you were somehow meant to meet.
Days are spent in the sun, soaking up love and light—watching new freckles arrive on his cheekbones as the weeks fade. His skin is always touching yours, hands in your hair and kisses pressed into your neck. He thinks he’s a little bit in love with you, even so, the threat of the end hangs over your head; you never thought this would last, in fact you knew it would be too hard to continue, but you throw yourself headfirst into it anyway.
Your first kiss is cautious and your last is hasty, a million little touches in twenty-one days leading up to a goodbye. You wonder if you’ll ever see him again, or if it only worked because it was temporary. Your friends laugh at you, thinking you’re taking this little fling too seriously, but they’ve don’t know what it feels like to have his eyes on you.
The night before you leave, he tells you he’ll miss you, and you think that’s it—that the vacation will just become a romantic memory to look back on, but he asks if he can call you, and you think that maybe this could lead to so much more.
Seungmin: Opposites Attract
There was no question, you two were very different people—while you were bubbly and bright, Seungmin was often blunt and withdrawn. Sure, he can be silly, and you don’t think you’ve met anyone funnier than he is, but often he can be cold. When you first got together all your friends wondered how it would work, if someone as sunshiny as you could really feel fulfilled by someone like him.
What they don’t see is how effortlessly sweet he is to you, taking care of your heart like it’s his own. It was difficult in the beginning, to accept both sides of him—the outside version who would barely hold your hand and the inside one, thoughtlessly grazing your skin. He has so much admiration and respect for your open nature; sometimes he wants to be more like you, but he doesn’t think you’d love him so much if it weren’t for your differences.
 You balance each other in the best ways, speaking up for him when his social battery gives way; laughing away his jokes when they could come off too hard. On the other side, Seungmin allows you a respite from the constant smiles—it can get exhausting keeping a positive attitude, but he loves you in your quiet moments as well as your loud ones. 
He’s loved you for all your differences, appreciated you more for them—even if no one understood it didn’t matter because when it’s just you two alone together, there’s nothing different about you.
Jeongin: Boy Next Door
You can count your life in moments spent walking home with Jeongin—he smiles down at you, and asks about your day, and shares his snacks. Summers spent in each other’s backyards, learning to swim and ride bikes; telling scary stories and recitations of silly dreams. As you get older, he only becomes kinder and more handsome, offering to drive you places and invites you out with his friends. It’s only natural to have a crush on him, to feel stubborn butterflies when his dimples are directed at you, but as childhood drifts away and the infatuation becomes more intense, you’re certain you’re in love with him.
When you left for college, you didn’t think your heart would tear into pieces, but all year you missed him. You missed the sidewalk conversations and the sweet grin before he’d offer something to share—you missed sitting in his car, sat so close to him you can smell his cologne mixed with the leather seats, but mostly you just missed his body next to yours.
No boy at school amounted to him, none of them made you feel as giddy and charmed, none of them were able to mask the need you felt for him. You wondered if he thought that way about you, so sure that he was sitting miles and miles away from you, yearning for your company.
When you arrived home for the summer, it was almost like he was waiting for you. Perched on his porch swing and looking out on an empty suburban street. His hair had grown longer, and he seemed freer somehow, but he was still Jeongin—still the boy who’d walk with you and trigger your hundred-watt smile. And when you finally took your first steps outside and waved him over, he was still just the boy next door, smiling down at you.
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© luvtak
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100203s · 5 months
genre. fluff, besties 2 lovers ! ~ pairing bball player!anton x afab!reader warnings: a kiss? just fluff wc: 438
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SCREAMS echoed against the walls of the gym. The air is filled with energy as Anton takes the ball up the court to secure the team's win. The time was ticking. There was only a minute left.
Anton shoots but misses.
30 seconds. Eunseok, who played good defense, managed to take the ball for Anton’s second try.
“ANTON, right.” Anton scurries right as he catches the ball with a firm grip from Eunseok.
10 seconds. Anton was nervous. This win would help them place in the state championships.
The gym grew silent. It was now just the loud cheers that surrounded Anton’s name.
Hearing everyone’s support made his heart less heavy. He went for it. And, at exactly when there was no time left at all, The ball lands inside the hoop.
“56-54. The Hills High School is going to STATES!”
Groups and groups of students find their way down to the court to greet the players, jumping happily in excitement about what will come next for their school.
The crowd didn’t seem to last long as they all started clearing the way, leaving a path for someone to walk through.
As they all made eye contact with you, the awkward tension resorted you to your friend’s eyes. Yunjin, who stares back at you while giggling, hurries you through the path.
Reaching the end of the path, Sungchan and Eunseok handed you flowers. As Yunjin stays behind with the two, you make your way towards the middle of the gym. After a few seconds, Anton makes an appearance with a sign.
It read: if you’re in the MOOD, would you be my girlfriend so we can tiptoe to formal together?
You were not good with these types of things. ㅜㅜ So instantly, you turned red as your hands came to cover your mouth.
As you look at Anton, the boy stares at you, waiting for a reply. The continuous taps of shoes over the shiny gym floor cause the crowd to riot in chants.
“Of course I'll do so, you say.”
As the crowd roars with screams and shouts, the two of you grin ear to ear.
Anton pulls you into a warm hug. His hands are on your waist while yours are on his neck.
“Thank you for always being there for me. I know that you’ve liked me for quite a while now. I've liked you too. I couldn't gather the courage to tell you until today. I love you,” leaving a kiss on your forehead.
It’s never not too late.
chaeTALK: first written work on this acc 😁😁
+ @hittoki
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wallapology · 6 months
Hey guys here’s a handy-dandy list for all of you to experience thoschei throughout the years
Theta and Koschei: toxic childhood gifted kid friends to lovers ez— outspoken extrovert and shy introvert who goes along with it
Adult Theta and Koschei: Newlyweds to Newly-Disastered to Newly divorced
Threegado: Corporate and/or academic frenemies. There is mutual respect there, and I respect that
Crispy/Four/Crispyainley: Gym bros that motivate each other “u good bro?” “No” to “glad you’re doing better man let’s swordfight”
FiveAinley: Man who is absolutely oblivious to all intentions of his ex (or, at least, pretends to be. And loves being a Bertie Wooster type)
SixAinley: “Oh god not you again” but its both of them so
SevenAinley: Typical hero/villain rivalry (not fun and or sexy)
EightRoberts/war stuff: That BUT they give each other space to live and grow as human beings happy for them
NineRoberts: I mean they didn’t really meet but goddamn would the pining after the master be fucking insane
That or he is just very mad
TenSimm: I don’t want to say yaoi. But. Yaoi with feelings and they’re specifically high schoolers who are both really into P!ATD and MCR and they thought their middle school relationship was waaaaay more serious than it actually was. Like this pairing was MADE for the people who have never actually found love
Twissy: Stockholm syndrome (I’m never gonna stop making that joke sorry about it)
Nah just kidding 100% old married couple
TwelveSimm/ Silver!Simm (fanon): Lowkey Simm is himself but grown up. He’s in his 30s-40s, still a little bitter from lack of connection, but is in a genuinely satisfying relationship for the first time; like a shelter cat finding his forever home, and 12 is somewhat annoyed but glad he’s come around.
Spydoc: They’re gym bros again but they’re on different teams and the guy from the other district is taking this race WAY TOO PERSONALLY, while the other one can’t wait for him to graduate and get off her ass
“Bro why is that guy throwing hurdles”
“Hes mad because he put himself on a training regimen all summer and I beat him out on the 100m by 2.5 seconds”
“… Did he tell you about the training??”
*sigh* “Yeah, he was texting me about it the whole time.”
“Why didn’t you block his number??”
“…. I don’t know? It’s kinda endearing to see somebody so pathetically lusting after you?”
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raccoonface · 5 days
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Warnings- angst or fluff, idk tbh I haven’t decided. Swearing, idk what else
And yes. This is a series.
Summary- Y/n and Tara have a crush on each other and go to great lengths to make sure they have them all to themselves.
Masterlist Part One Part Two…(coming soon)
Tara was skipping. Again. A habit that became because of her friend Amber. Tara and Amber are best friends, they’ve been since middle school.
Tara was skipping English class because Amber convinced her she already had a good enough grade to pass the last semester of high school. Let’s just say Tara’s a little gullible…
While skipping class Tara and Amber were hiding underneath the bleachers. Amber said she wanted to show Tara something.
“Hey Tara!”
“Hey Amber!”
They were whispering because of an ongoing gym class that was active around them.
“I have something to show you”
“I know we’ve talked about this Amber”
“Yeah but you know”
“Just hurry up and show me”
Tara kept on hurrying because she had never been skipping underneath the bleachers before.
Amber had brought out her phone from her back pocket to show Tara something.
“Amber! What do we do?!”
“…. We run”
They both bolted off accidentally leaving Tara’s backpack
After they bolted off they ended up outside of school in a park.
Tara was having a little asthma attack after all of that running
“Yeah? Wait where’s your bag at?!” Amber obviously not focused on the more important subject.
“I-I need… my inhaler”
She was taking big breaths in between the words
“Oh shit right my bad,”
Amber was looking everywhere but couldn’t find her inhaler Tara gave her
“Damn it”
Some Random person came up to them
“You look a little out of breath… here.”
The polite stranger gave her their inhaler. Tara was taking a puff of the inhaler while Amber was just apologizing and thanking the person
“I am so so so so so so sorry Tara I didn’t mean to not bring your extra inhaler… and thank you you so so so so so much for lending her your inhaler.”
Amber was really hoping Tara didn’t hate her after this but that’s kinda implied.
“Yeah thanks for letting me use it”
“Of course no problem. It’s not even mine I just keep it in case someone needs it” Quite a charm of course
“Huh… that’s handy” As if she had one on her at the time.
“Maybe you should start doing that Amber” And of course Tara has to go at Amber for not remembering her inhaler.
“Just saying” She could’ve died.
“Alright so I’m gonna go then if you’re Okay.” She started to walk away
“Wait! What’s your name?” A little bit of a weird question to ask when you’re probably never gonna see the person again.
“My names Y/n… what’s yours?” Let’s just say Y/n was a little weirded out.
“Uh.. Tara… Tara Carpenter”
“Nice to meet you Tara” Y/n’s gotta be polite to someone who almost just died… somewhat at least
“Nice to meet you too”
Amber was looking at them and smirking as Y/n left. Tara turned around and saw this then rolled her eyes.
“You’re so weird Amber”
“Maybe but not as weird as you were with Y/n~”
“What are you even talking about?” Tara started to get a little defensive after the statement Amber made.
“I have no idea what you’re saying Amber.”
“You know what I mean” Amber’s always teasing Tara.
“Still have no idea”
“God, you’re really helpless” Tara really is isn’t she?
Y/ns POV
That was weird. Some random girl was having an asthma attack. I mean I gave her my extra inhaler but she seemed to be a little busy with her friend.
She was kinda cute though… what the hell are you thinking Y/n you’ll probably never see her again anyways.
I mean even if I never do again I’m glad I at least got her name. Tara. Tara Carpenter. Would it be bad if I went searching up her name?
Nah I don’t think so. It doesn’t harm anyone, does it? I put my bets on no…. I dont really know where my phones at though… that’s a little problem.
I should try and find that girl tomorrow. Maybe get her number. I should be worrying about that some time tomorrow and not right now. Because right now I need to find my phone.
Wait a minute… I’m literally using it as a flashlight… I’m a literal dumbass. Ugh. But it is time to go home. I guess I should probably start heading in that direction.
I’m so tired that I’m turning more delusional. I think I might be dying… oh well. I need my bed I wish I could just teleport there ugh.
Tara’s POV
Jeez getting back into the gym was rough. I gotta get my bag.. hopefully they left it here.
“Aha!” They did! I was so scared they took it to the lost and found or something. I really should get out of here though. It’s getting kinda late.
The way in I took is a little while from the gym but I guess I could just take the way out from the gym… hopefully they don’t see me on the cameras tomorrow.
The gyms behind me now and I can’t stop thinking about that girl, Y/n I think her name was. She was super pretty. I’m just wondering why she was in such a rush. She also gave me a rush… but yet again that could just be from the inhaler she gave me
I still have it actually… I don’t know if I should return it or something. Wait she said to keep it.. she’s so nice. So beautiful. And smart. Well from what I know so far because bringing an extra inhalers pretty smart.
The way to my house is just over this bridge. It’s not too far away. Looking back at where I came from is a little bit farther away then I thou-
“Woah!” And of course I crash into somebody.
“Oh shit. Are you alright?” This person- wait it’s that girl- Y/n I mean.
“Yeah- yeah I’m good”
“You sure? You took a little tumble.. here let me help you up.” Y/n was built to be a goddess i just know it.
“Mhm… I’m sorry I wasn’t really looking where i was going.”
“Please it happens all the time don’t sweat it” Y/n’s perfect. Ughhhh I need to stop…. But I don’t really want to…
“I guess I should get going now. I’m thinking you should too probably” so thoughtful…
“Huh?.. oh yeah I should” my dumbass ‘oh yeah I should’ who the fuck says that ugh.
“Alright… bye”
“Yeah…. Bye I guess” Tara fucking Carpenter you need to stop it.
Time to go home now though. I really need to work on talking to her better. Really surprised I ran into her though… I wonder why that happened.
Probably shouldn’t think about it too much… I gotta get some sleep.
“Home sweet Home!” Finally.
that’s my bad I’ve been way too busy these past few days to even go on my phone. I just went to Niagara Falls yesterday and the day before that I was busy with a lot of homework.
But it’s here now so ENJOY!!!
There will be a part two within time.. I have a lot planned for this story…
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scarebats · 1 year
extremely busy with travelling currently, but i thought i should share some tiny headcanons that mean absolutely nothing while i have some free time!!<3
mav is lactose intolerant but still drinks/eats heavy dairy products.
ice is allergic to pollen, it makes him sneeze a lot, in the spring, mostly.
some of bradley’s friends from when he was in middle school/high school had a crush on mav (opportunity for a hangmav pining fic? maybe?)
chipper sleeps whenever he can, which could be at literally anywhere. (because he has insomnia)
mav is sort of bipolar (taking this headcanon from steve randle because i love crossovers)
when bradley was born, goose & mav almost weren’t there for it. but mav yelled at multiple people and sped through traffic for the birth of his godson, even if he wasn’t allowed in during.
wolfman and hollywood weren’t together during top gun, they just playfully-sexually teased one another. (they didn’t confront each other until they watched ice & mav at the layton)
mav is a baseball guy, slider likes football, ice likes basketball and the world hockey juniors. (he forces mav & sli to watch them with him every year)
ice doesn’t follow nhl, only the world juniors.
carole and goose would watch the olympics together, they enjoy the summer ones more than winter.
mav keeps a book in his duffel bag incase he gets really bored. he’s surprisingly read a few.
maverick gets hit on constantly when he’s at the gym that’s not on base. (especially when he’s doing squats)
he only uses the public gym when he either doesn’t want to be on base, or wants to show off. (it’s usually the latter)
sundown and chipper were paired together on their first deployment, and they’ve never been with anyone else since. they have too much trust in each other to let go.
ice takes very long showers. like, the forty-minute kind. with the water scorching his back and turning his skin bright red till the water runs cold.
sorry for being so inactive💔🫶
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skieswords · 1 year
Ruin Me {Luke Patterson x OC}
Summary: Finley is Los Feliz High’s golden girl. Straight As, captain of the cheer squad and the dance team, dating the captain of the lacrosse team, and the pride and joy of her parents. But her childhood best friend and her have had an agreement since they were 16. No feelings, no strings, nobody knows. Especially not her boyfriend.
Warning: Smut. 
Word count: 12.2k
Based on Lustra’s Scotty Doesn’t Know.
“Fuck, that was good.” 
Finley rolled her eyes and pulled the sheets up to her chest, turning to face Luke as dropped down beside her, running a hand through his sweaty hair. He sat up on his elbow and smirked down at her, taking in her flushed face and messed up hair. 
“You good?” 
He held a fist out to her, and she rolled her eyes but smirked, and fist bumped him. 
“Shut up.” 
Luke pretended to bow to a non-existent audience, chuckling as he dropped back onto his pillow. Finley looked at the clock on the wall and sighed, sitting up with the sheet wrapped around her, and gathering her clothes from around the floor, where they’d been scattered earlier. 
“You know, you really shouldn’t worry about covering up in front of me. I mean, the things you just let me do to you- why do you even bother?” 
Pulling her shorts on, and frowning at her messed up hair, Finley rolled her eyes once again at her old best friend, and smoothed down her shirt. 
“It’s the principle of it. We have sex, we finish, I leave. That’s how it is.” 
Luke shrugged, and rested his hands behind his head, sitting up against his headboard.
She wasn’t wrong. This was how it had been since the start of their Junior year. Finley had been dating the lacrosse team captain for 4 months, but he’d made it very clear he wanted to wait a while before doing the deed. Being the respectful and loving girlfriend she was- she’d turned to her best friend. Luke Patterson, notorious for breaking hearts at Los Feliz high, was more than happy to help her out, coming up with an arrangement that meant he got an easy fuck, and she got her needs satisfied. There were no feelings whatsoever between the two of them, and they didn’t speak outside of making plans and seeing them through. Cheating on Scott wasn’t easy- but she told herself it was just temporary, and it was better than letting their relationship suffer because she felt neglected. God knows she’d helped Scott enough times, simply by walking around his bedroom in a sports bra, or making out with him for an hour. He was a nice boy, destined for college, who came from a nice family and a nice church. A church that she’d attended with him quite a few times. He was too nice, sometimes. 
Luke was the polar opposite of Scott. 17, in a rockband, on the brink of dropping out of school, and swearing off God since age 12. They’d been best friends all through middle school, but that all changed when they reached high school, and Finley had started to rise through the social ranks, quickly earning queen bee status. Now, as captain of both the dance team and the cheer team, she was expected to behave herself. Walking to class hand in hand with her golden boy boyfriend, pass all of her classes, attend cheer practice, coach the dance team, go home and study. Cheer at Scott’s game on Fridays after school, get a milkshake with him at the diner afterwards. Spend Saturdays at cheer practice for a few hours, then heading straight to her best friend Sasha’s house for a study session, before having dinner with her entire family. Sunday’s were her favourite though. She’d wake up early, dress simply, and drive to the other side of town. She’d tell her parents she was going to see Scott, tell Scott she was going to church, and tell Sasha she was going to the gym. In her defense, she was working out. Just not quite the way her best friend thought. 
Monday saw the Los Feliz 1995 Junior prom queen walking through the halls, high ponytail secured with a bright blue scrunchie, cheer skirt perfectly pressed, and trainers so white they looked new. The walls were papered with posters about the upcoming dance, the theme having been decided by her and a few of the girls from dance. A romantic weekend in Paris, they’d decided, with roses decorating the tables, and a colour theme of red and white. Hopefully it wouldn’t clash too much with the Valentine’s dance, the theme for which was still to be confirmed, despite it’s arrival in less than a month. There were a lot of dances at Los Feliz, thanks to the musical and dancing talent in their school. Luke’s band was playing the next homecoming dance, after Finley put a good word in for them, feeling like she owed Luke something. She didn’t know how it didn’t eat away at him, sleeping with someone elses girlfriend. But then she caught sight of him leaning over Jessie Wilson, a Junior who’d recently joined the dance team, and was reminded once again, that Luke was the definition of a player. Finley wrinkled her nose as Luke pushed a strand of hair off of Jessie’s face, the younger girl nearly melting into a puddle at Luke’s feet. Luke noticed her watching, and sent her a wink, making her scowl, as she tried to subdue the blush creeping up her cheeks. 
“Hey babe, you alright?” 
Finley smiled up at her suddenly appeared boyfriend, and pressed a kiss to his cheek, pushing all thoughts of Luke in the janitor’s closet out of her mind. 
“I’m fine, just thinking about the routine for Friday’s game. Are we still on for milkshakes?” She smiled sweetly, intertwining their fingers. Scott shrugged and ran his free hand through his sandy curls, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
He started walking towards the english room, tugging her gently alongside him. 
“I was gonna ask you- do you fancy coming to my church with me on Sunday? My pastor wants to see you again, and speak to you about running that cheer camp I mentioned?” 
Finley’s eyes widened, and she cleared her throat. 
“I wish I could, but I told my pastor I’d stay behind after the service and help with the kids... I’m so sorry.” 
Finley smiled apologetically, but was surprised when Scott flashed her an adoring grin, reaching out a hand to brush a strand of hair off her face as they reached her class. 
“Don’t worry about it- that’s incredible. You’re incredible. I don’t know how you find the time for all of these things. How’d I get so lucky?” 
He leant down and pressed a kiss to her temple, before waving goodbye as he headed to the science labs. Finley laughed half-heartedly as she waved back, turning and walking into english with a quiet groan. 
Maths was next period, but as Finley sat down in her desk, someone appeared on her shoulders, his musky aftershave identifying him before he could speak. 
“Don’t touch me, Lucas.” 
Finley shrugged her shoulders, forcing him to sit back in his seat, the desk behind hers. 
“Funny, that’s not what you were saying yesterday.” 
He was muttering, but Finley caught it, spinning round to glare at him as he chuckled. 
“Not funny. Someone might hear you!” 
She glanced around her fearfully, shooting a convincing smile at the group of cheerleaders towards the back, before dropping it and continuing her glare. 
“Relax, you don’t have to be golden girl all the time you know. No-one cares if you drop the act for once in your life.” 
Finley groaned, and turned back around, making sure her ponytail flicked him in the face as she did so. 
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten what it feels like.” 
His voice was soft in her ear, and she closed her eyes as his fingers ran through a handful, begging the memories of many previous Sundays to stop playing through her mind. 
“Hey Finley, what’s up?” 
Sasha’s arrival saw Finley lean forward, forcing Luke to remove his hands from her hair, watching her with a smirk as she spoke to her best friend. 
“Hey Sash, I’m good. How was your weekend? Sorry I missed your call on Sunday, I was at church.” 
Sasha winked at her, and giggled. 
“You’re still telling him you go to church on a Sunday? Poor boy, if only he knew.” 
Finley laughed nervously and drummed her pen on the desk, twirling her ponytail around a finger. Luke’s ears perked up at this; had Finley told Sasha what was going on between them? Finley laughed alongside her friend, the nervous tone in it only picked up by the carefully listening rockstar wannabe, who knew her inside out. Literally. 
“Of course. Honestly, don’t know how he believes me. He thinks this body comes from just cheer and dance? No, it’s the 4 hour weight session with Charlie every Sunday. I’ll tell him one day, but for now, I’ve got to keep in shape.” 
Finley ran her hands down her sides at this, and arched her back slightly, knowing Luke’s eyes would be on her. They were, and he smirked at her action, kicking the leg of her chair gently so she knew. 
“Of course, got to keep him interested. And, of course, there’s the matter of homecoming.” 
Sasha winked at Finley, who blushed and looked at her desk, silently praying Luke had stopped listening for some reason. 
“Yeah, duh.” 
Saved by the appearance of their math teacher, Finley sighed with relief and pulled out her textbook. Luke diverted his attention out the window, his mind drifting to what could possibly be happening at next Friday’s homecoming that he’d missed.
The week passed in a flash, with Finley avoiding Luke at all costs. They reached Friday morning not having spoken since Monday, when Luke finally cornered her in the hallway after lunch, while everyone else was in class. 
“Luke. Hey.” 
She blinked up at him, towering over her lithe frame as she leaned against her locker. 
“Fin. You still on for Sunday?” Finley looked around her fearfully, pushing him lightly in the chest once she was satisfied the corridor was empty. 
“Shut up. Yeah, same as always.” 
Luke narrowed his eyes at her, leaning in close so she could feel his breath on her face. He was hardly an inch away, his cocky smirk almost pressed up against her lips. 
“Luke-” He reached his thumb up and pulled her bottom lip down lightly, his eyes growing dark and hungry, before laughing and walking away, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. Finley groaned and brushed down her clothes, willing away the fierce blush that had appeared on her cheeks. That boy was going to be the death of her. 
“Game night, wooo! Favourite night of the week. I get to rock the field, and then spend time with my perfect girl.” 
Finley smiled weakly at her over excited boyfriend, his lacrosse uniform on, leaning against the wall as he watched her paint careful blue swirls on her face. 
“Yeah, should be great. You’ll be awesome.” 
She pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, checking her uniform in the mirror one more time. White and blue uniform, blue bow tied around her ponytail, blue face paint swirling on her cheekbones. The epitome of bobcat spirit in a couple stood in front of her, and she found herself wondering for the 1000th time that week, why she wasn’t perfectly content. Scott was so sweet, and he cared about her. She’d met his family, and they all adored her, she’d met his pastor, who’d also loved her. They were perfect for each other. But why wasn’t it enough for her? Banishing those thoughts from her mind, she plastered a smile on, and cracked her knuckles. Time to win a game, and show the school why she deserved to be queen bee.
The bleachers were filled with a sea of blue and silver, signs held high above the Los Feliz students’ heads, Bobcat posters lining the walls of the field. Finley was dancing around in front of the bleachers, cheering for the bobcat team as they scored yet again, doing a handspring before jumping on Sasha’s back and running around yelling happily. She loved cheering, always had done since she had joined the squad in her Freshman year. The other girls were chanting, clapping and jumping on the sidelines, watching with wide grins as their captain and vice ran round the bleachers, now on opposite sides. Sasha gave Finley a look, who returned it with a nod, before launching into a complex tumbling routine simultaneously. Pairing a triple back handspring with a full twist and a back somersault, she landed it with a proud smile, panting slightly. Sasha, now directly opposite her, bowed to the screaming students, and ran over, wrapping an arm round her best friends’ waist. 
“I knew we could do that. That had to look sick.” 
Finley nodded, walking into the group of Bobcat cheerleaders and organizing them into place for stunts. With the base group formed up, Finley watched carefully as Sasha was tossed up in the air, alongside Leila. With Finley as their captain, and the smallest on the team, it made sense for her to be top flyer. Taking a deep breath, she broke into a run, before throwing a back handspring and feeling herself getting caught by girls at the front, who boosted her to Sasha and Leila, who pulled her up onto their hands. Three tier pyramid, her foot firmly lodged in Sasha and Leila’s hands, her arms high above her head. She beamed as she looked around the bleachers, knowing she’d impressed everyone. It had been a long time since someone had managed to get the bobcat cheer team in as good a place as Finley had it. She was talented, and being the kind of person she was, it wasn’t difficult to get people to listen to her. But her pride was short lived. Someone slipped beneath her, and she cursed quietly under her breath, tensing her entire body. Sasha stumbled, letting go of Finley, who’s entire weight was now on Leila, who was far too small to handle her on her own. Finley groaned and threw herself backwards, tucking into a ball and hoping for the best. She’d landed back somersaults from that height before, but without a steady base, she had no idea where this would go. She did land it, but a sickening crunch as she did so made her fall to the floor in agony, clutching her ankle and yelping. The first person to her side was Sasha, who was blurting out apologies through tears, pulling her into an awkward hug, while Finley rolled her eyes and tried to calm her through gritted teeth. 
“It’s okay Sash. Can you go get ice or something?” 
Sasha nodded and ran off, and Finley peered at her ankle. It seemed fine, maybe a little twisted, but not broken. Movement out of the corner of her eye made her look up, and she caught sight of Luke, leaning against the side of the bleachers, his eyes trained on her. He looked... worried? Finley didn’t have time to contemplate this, as she felt someone wrap their arms around her, and carry her over to the side, resting her against the bench. 
“Hey babe, are you alright? That was a nasty fall.” 
Scott stroked her face gently, his face red and his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. 
“I’m alright Scotty. Go win this game for me, okay?” Scott nodded and pressed a kiss to her cheek, before running off. 
“Scotty? Really? God you two are sickening.” 
Finley rolled her eyes at Luke’s tone, rubbing her leg. 
“What do you want, Patterson? I’m a bit busy, if you hadn’t noticed.” 
Luke nodded and knelt down, holding up an ice pack. 
“Shut up and let me help you.” 
Finley snapped her lips shut and winced as Luke pressed the ice to her ankle, holding it in place with surprisingly gentle fingers. 
“That was stupid. You knew you might fall.” 
He sounded bored, but there was a hint of concern in his voice that Finley hadn’t expected to hear. 
“I was fine. I’ve done it a million times before- Sasha just slipped.”
Luke snorted, and adjusted the way he was kneeling. 
“Yeah well Sasha just slipping, nearly had you landing on your head. Get some better cheerleaders, won’t you? Half of them aren’t even hot- swear that’s literally the whole point of you guys.” 
Finley resisted the urge to smack him, and took a deep breath. 
“They’re good. And don’t be so degrading. Girls shouldn’t be valued based on how they look.” 
Luke met her eyes with a judgy look, laughing softly. 
“Relax, sweetheart. I wasn’t insulting you. You’re as sexy as ever.” 
He trailed a hand up her leg lightly, causing her to tilt her head back with her eyes closed as he reached the hem of her skirt. 
“Luke.” He took his hand back and smirked. 
Looking around them, and checking the scoreboard, Finley grabbed his shoulder. 
“Where’s your car?”
Luke raised his eyebrows, but helped her stand up. 
“Seriously? Okay, whatever. This way.” 
He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her towards the school, waving at the coach and a few of the cheerleaders. 
“We’re going to get more ice for her foot, we’ll be back in a bit.” 
They hardly noticed, waving them off without a second thought. As soon as they were in the school, Luke had Finley up against the lockers, his hand going straight between her legs and stroking her through her shorts. Finley gasped as his lips found hers, desperate and forceful, searching for more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into his mouth, tilting her head back as he moved his mouth down her neck, biting and sucking gently at the fair skin. Finley groaned and pushed him off her, starting to limp down the corridor. Luke followed her, wrapping a hand around her throat from behind, and slamming her up against the lockers. 
“Don’t fucking move. I’m not done.” 
His hand returned to her core, the gentle movements of his fingers torturous, even through the material of her shorts. He chuckled when she moaned, and held her throat tighter, watching the skin around his rings turn white as the cool metal bit into her skin. 
“This is fun.” 
His voice was low and husky in her ear, the sensation of his breath on her skin causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up, and sending a shiver down her spine. 
“Car. Now. Please.” 
Luke smirked and let her go, resting one hand on her waist as they walked along the corridor, their pace quick and determined. When they reached the battered red truck, Luke unlocked it and pulled the seat forward, helping Finley climb in, and clambering in after her. Her hands were on him as soon as he sat down, straddling his lap and pushing his jacket off his shoulders as she connected their lips again. Luke smirked into the kiss, sliding his tongue along her lower lip, and deepening the kiss when she moaned. 
“You’re so needy. I love it.” 
Finley rolled her eyes, and sat up. 
“Stop talking. Seriously. It makes you like, way less attractive.” 
Luke rubbed his hands up and down her sides, his eyes growing dark as he admired her. 
“So you think I’m attractive? Good to know.” 
Finley groaned and rolled her hips into his, desperate for some kind of relief, but also wanting to distract him. 
“We’ve been doing this too long for your dumb jokes, Lucas. Hurry up.” 
Luke snickered and put his hand on the back of her neck, dragging her down to his lips again. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” 
They continued making out in the back of Luke’s truck, only breaking apart for Luke to pull his shirt off, before starting again, the heat of the kiss gradually increasing. Their teeth were clashing, tongues sliding against one another, nipping at each others lips. It was impossible to tell where Luke ended and Finley begun. Luke’s hands moved to the hem of Finley’s cheer top, sliding it up and over her head, releasing her ponytail at the same time. 
“That bow’s so fucking stupid.” 
Finley rolled her eyes and pressed their bare chests together, moaning at the warm contact. Luke’s hands moved to her hips, throwing his head back against the seats as she ground down on him. 
“Fuck, Fin. Get that off.” 
He tugged on the waistband of her skirt, and she smirked, moving off him to slip it down her legs, leaving her in just her underwear. She straddled him once more and moved her hands to his belt, while he kissed her chest, leaving marks along her collarbones, making sure they’d be concealed by her clothes. Finley was struggling with his fly, when she tilted her head back, distracted by the feeling of Luke’s mouth on her nipple, his tongue flicking over it while his other hand kneaded her breast. He looked up and met her eyes, his pupils dilated and eyes hungry. The smirk that he adorned when he noticed how turned on she was made everything worse, and Finley returned her attention to his fly, pulling it down and groaning with relief. 
“God, I hate jeans.” 
Luke grinned and shuffled down, letting his jeans rest around his ankles before pulling her into his chest, slipping his hand between her legs as he kissed her. 
“Shit you’re wet.” 
He moved his hand from her, and stroked himself, pulling her towards him. Finley hesitated, rubbing his bottom lip with her thumb. 
“Do you have-” 
Luke groaned impatiently and reached for his jacket, sitting on the seat beside him. Finley snatched the wrapper from him, tearing it with her teeth, and rolling her eyes at the look on his face. One of his hands was trailing up and down her bare spine, the other gripping her hip so tightly she was sure it would bruise. It would, she knew that. He was bad for leaving bruises on her- but she loved it. 
He jumped as she wrapped a hand around his cock, sliding the condom over it, before returning her hands to his hair, pulling their lips back together. Luke lifted her up slightly, groaning as she sunk down onto him slowly, letting out her own delicious moans at the feeling of him inside her. She rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, before rolling her hips into him, and letting out a high pitched gasp. Luke’s own groan was desperate, and he silently pleaded with her, his hands gripping at her ass. She gave a slight nod, and he moaned with relief, bucking his hips into her once, and grinning as she threw her head back with the pleasure, her mouth open and hair framing her face. 
She was breathtaking, and Luke brought his lips to her neck, biting at the spots he knew would drive her crazy, while he picked up a steady pace, pushing her ass down onto him as she rocked her hips in time with his thrusts. Finley pulled at his hair, her eyes closed in bliss, cheeks pink and lips red, bruised from his constant attacks on them. Luke’s thrusts were getting faster, and less careful, and Finley could already feel the familiar knot in her stomach forming, heat pooling in her lower abdomen. 
Finley leaned forward, resting their foreheads together. 
“Yeah, I’m with you.” 
One of Luke’s hands made it’s way up to her hair, yanking her head back as he sucked on the sensitive skin below her collarbone. He let her go, grinning at the weak look she gave him. In that moment, he knew she’d do anything for him. But he was getting dangerously close to the edge, and Luke wasn’t one to leave a lady hanging, so he brought his hand down in between them, his thumb circling her clit gently. She moaned desperately and fell forward, her breathy moans echoing through Luke’s head as she sucked on his earlobe. 
Luke groaned and bit down on her shoulder as he came, feeling Finley’s walls clench around him as she followed right after him. Chests heaving and skin flushed, they stayed like that for a few minutes, Luke’s hand drawing circles on Finley’s bare skin. She closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of their quickie, breathing in Luke’s distinctive scent. Her mind drifted to all of the Sunday afternoons she’d spent wrapped in his strong arms, and she heard a question nagging in the back of her mind. Why did she always feel so safe with him?
“We should probably get back.” 
He nodded at her soft voice in his ear, and groaned quietly as she lifted herself off of his lap, watching as she collapsed onto the seat beside him and reached for her clothes. Luke pulled off the condom and dropped it into a bag of trash, before dragging his jeans back up his legs, and fastening his belt. They were good at dressing themselves quickly- They’d started sneaking around when they were 16, and now nearly 2 years and lots of quickies later- it was like second nature to them both. However, Luke thought to himself, it had been a while since Finley had dragged him away from a public setting like that. In fact, it had been a while since they’d met up anywhere other than his house on Sundays. 
They’d stuck to a very strict schedule throughout their senior year, with Finley being terrified of getting caught and only wanting to see him at weekends. He couldn’t help but wonder why she’d dragged him off. It wasn’t like her at all- she hadn’t done it since summer after junior year, when they’d spent the majority of afternoons either in his truck, or in the back of empty movie theaters. She couldn’t get enough of him that summer. But then when they’d gone back to school, it had been back to once a week, no eye contact in the corridors, treating him like he was scum. 
Luke pulled his shirt over his head and watched as she climbed over him, jumping out of the truck, and checking her ponytail one last time in the wing mirror before running across the car park. She stopped a few meters later, and turned back, waving awkwardly. Luke rolled his eyes and waved back, before switching to the front seat. Looked like her ankle was just fine now. 
Finley went for milkshakes with Scott after the game, some of her cheer friends and his lacrosse buddies tagging along for the ride. She’d gone to the bathroom before going back to the field, doing a quick once over herself to check there were no visible reminders of her encounter with Luke. On Sundays he tended to be a bit more careful, making sure only to mark her in places that her uniform would cover, but clearly the backseat of his truck, in the dark, meant the same rules did not apply. Just above the collar of her cheer top, a trail of deep purple marks were clearly scattered across her collarbones, and so she had to run to her locker and pull on one of Scott’s hoodies, before legging it out onto the field for the final 5 minutes. 
Scott scored three goals in the time she watched for, and when he came running up to her afterwards, he’d scooped her up and spun her round, kissing her for the entire field to watch. Finley had been semi-grateful for that. While it made her stomach churn and her mind race with guilty thoughts, it also explained her flushed appearance and slightly messed up hair. But as they were getting milkshakes, Finley found her mind drifting further and further away from the homecoming dress choices that her friends were discussing, and not even Scott’s hand on her hip could keep her focused on what she needed to be thinking about. Which was definitely not the dark-haired guitarist who constantly reminded her she’d never get enough of him.
In fact, said guitarist was sitting in his studio with his bandmates, poring over a chord progression he’d had written for weeks. 
“I just can’t work out what lyrics will go, you know? I don’t have anywhere to pull them from right now.” 
Luke shrugged at his bandmates, who sighed hopelessly. They’d all hoped to have something new for the dance, something that would show the senior class of ‘95 that Sunset Curve were the band to watch. But Luke had nothing. He was content. He had great friends, the band was doing well, and besides the occasional fall out with his parents, nothing was too difficult at home either. Not to mention he was regularly fucking the hottest girl at school. 
“Dude, you need to work out something. Otherwise we’re gonna have to turn to Reggie. And we really can’t do that.” 
Luke groaned and threw his pencil across the room. He never thought he’d be asking for something to go wrong in his life. 
“I’ll have it by Friday, don’t worry. I’ll work something out.” 
Alex sighed with relief and clapped him on the shoulder, before heading over to his drums and taking his seat, flipping his hair off his face. 
“Until then, let’s practice what we do got. Ready?” 
Luke nodded and grabbed his guitar, pushing all thoughts of new songs to the back of his mind. He’d find inspiration at some point, he was sure. 
After yet another long winded argument with her parents about college, Finley climbed behind the wheel of her car and groaned. They were adamant she’d be going to Stanford or USC- and while she had the grades, that’s not where Finley wanted to be. She loved LA, and she loved California, there was no doubt about it. Waking up to the sun every morning, and always being within driving distance of the beach was a definite plus- but her heart was set on Boston. 
They’d visited the city last summer, to spend time with family, and Finley had fallen in love. She adored everything about it. It was busy and beautiful, the buildings historic, the people friendly. Not to mention it’s top rated universities. You’d think that having two parents with PHDs would mean being pushed towards Harvard- but not in her case. They were adamant she was to stay on the west coast, within a couple hours drive of them. They were unmoving on the topic, unwilling to listen to Finley’s reasoning, or even her aunts’ arguments, who had both phoned and fought her corner over the past few weeks. 
She pulled up on Luke’s street, parking a few houses down just in case someone they knew should walk past and recognise her car, before walking up to the bungalow, taking a moment to check Mitch’s car was gone. Satisfied, she unlocked the back gate and made her way round to the garden, where unsurprisingly, Luke was sitting, strumming away on his guitar with a worried expression. 
“Hey Patterson. What you up to?” 
Luke looked up at her voice, and the worried expression fell away as he set down his guitar. 
“Nothing much. Trying to work out some new stuff for the dance. How you doing?” 
Finley shrugged, dropping into the seat next to him and chucking her keys on the table in between them. 
“As good as I can be.” 
Luke frowned and examined her face. There were tired circles under her eyes, and she looked drained. 
“Fin, you good?” 
She glanced up at him and noticed his eyes trained on her. 
“Yeah, of course. Just the parents being dicks as always.” 
He leant forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees. 
“Want to talk about it?” 
She shrugged again, frowning and fiddling with the fraying hems of her shorts. Luke would understand, she told herself. Emily and Mitch have been discouraging him from the band from day one, he knows how it felt to have your dreams sat on by your parents. The thoughts in her head encouraged her to open up, and try as she might, she couldn’t disagree with them. 
“College stuff. I want to go to Boston, they want me to stay in Cali. It’s just... I dunno. They don’t get it.” 
Luke nodded and leaned back, looking into the leaves of the large oak tree that sat in his back garden, casting shade over most of the little house. Finley felt herself relax, and started to spill her guts, sick of being alone with her thinking. 
“I love Boston. I love the city, the people, the schools. It’s Harvard, god dammit, how can I turn that down? And my little cousins, I never get to see them, but I want to watch them grow up so badly. It’s just all so unfair. They want me to do what they want me to do, not what I want me to do.” 
She groaned in frustration and let her hair out of its ponytail, toying with the scrunchie in her hands. 
“Parents are like that. I think a lot of the time they try and live vicariously through their kids, you know?” Finley raised her eyebrows at Luke, a light smirk appearing. 
“Woah, that’s a big word Patterson. Careful, people might think you’re smart.” 
He rolled his eyes at her, and chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair. Finley noticed the way the muscles in his arms moved when he did so, and bit her lip slightly. 
“You know what I mean. Your parents always regretted leaving the move to LA so late. They wanted to grow up here and go to school here, but they didn’t get the chance to, so they’re trying to get you to do it. It makes sense. It sucks, but it makes sense.” 
Finley nodded slightly, continuing to pick at her shorts. She sometimes forgot that Luke had been her best friend before all this. They’d become best friends when she moved to Los Angeles, on her first day at Los Feliz middle school. Both of them had been put into the performing arts programme immediately, her for dancing, and him for singing. He’d picked up a guitar on their first day, and had fallen in love with it instantly. She still remembered the look of awe on his face as he strummed the strings awkwardly. Finley smiled at the memory and stretched her arms above her head, shaking all negative thoughts from her mind. 
“So, what’s worst with you then?” Luke groaned and glared at his guitar. 
“The boys want a new song for Friday. Something that really makes Sunset Curve stick in everyone’s minds. But I got nothing to write about. No inspiration. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.” 
He flopped against the back of his seat as he finished speaking, holding a hand over his eyes dramatically. Finley smirked and stood up, beginning to stroll towards the house, slipping her shoes off as she reached the back door. Luke watched her go through his fingers, raising his eyebrows at her as she stopped and looked back at him. 
“Well do you want me to give you something to write about or not? Get over here.”
Luke grinned and jumped up, chasing after her as she ran into the corridor and up the stairs, only making it to the landing before he caught her round the waist and she started shrieking. He picked her up and spun her round, pushing her up against the wall gently. Both were panting through their smiles, a pretty blush dusted over Finley’s cheeks. She grinned down at Luke, reaching a hand up to run it through his hair, and cupping his cheek gently. He leaned into her touch, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt his heart rate slow slightly. They lived for their Sundays together, when they could forget about everything and everyone, and just be exactly who they wanted to be. It was going to be weird when she left for college, he thought.
I’m going to lose him forever, she remembered. 
Her thumb stilled against his cheek, and Luke opened his eyes, finding her bright blue irises darkened with lust, and heavy with want. He didn’t get a chance to notice the traces of fear in them before she crashed their lips together. Her hands slipped around his neck to pull at his hair, and he let his hands wander underneath her, pulling her off the wall and stumbling towards his bedroom. He kicked the door open, pulling away from her for a moment as he avoided his dresser, dropping her on the bed. 
“Get your clothes off. Now.” 
Finley grinned and obliged, tossing her shorts and t-shirt in a heap next to his bed. Luke unbuckled his belt, and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on top of her clothes, before climbing over the top of her, and rejoining their lips. Hands automatically moving to his hair, Finley tugged softly as she parted her lips and let him explore her mouth with his tongue. He rolled his hips into her gently, smirking against her mouth as she whined and bucked towards him, desperate for more contact. 
“Easy tiger, we’ve got all day, remember?” 
Finley bit his bottom lip in response, dragging him back down to her and hooking her legs around his waist, pushing his jeans down with her feet. She raked her nails along his back, feeling a shiver run down her spine as he groaned in her ear, and gasped when he pressed his hips into her, feeling his cock pressed against her stomach through his boxers. 
“Stop teasing.” 
He snorted and rocked his hips into her again, watching her face carefully as her eyes rolled back in her head. 
“But it’s so fun.” 
His voice came out as a whisper, laced with teasing and a hint of feigned innocence. Finley let out an exasperated sigh, and lifted her head to meet his lips, kissing him with a new fire. Luke gave in, and drifted a hand down in between them, stroking her through the material of her underwear. He circled her clit through the soft cotton with his thumb, smirking at the pained gasp she let out at the sudden contact. 
He rolled his eyes, but decided to be nice, pushing the material to one side and slipping a finger inside, shortly joined by a second one. The moans that tumbled from her lips as he moved his fingers inside her were delicious, and went straight to his cock. He curled them against her expertly, drawing out desperate sighs and moans as he hit all of the spots he’d memorised so long ago. 
Finley writhed on the bed beneath him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Luke breathed heavily through his nose, searching desperately for some restraint as he watched her arch into him continuously, the most incredible noises leaving her lips. 
“Luke, I need you. Please.” He groaned loudly and nodded, gripping her hip with strong fingers. He smirked at the deep red marks left behind, knowing it would take a few days for the evidence of him to leave her body. 
Luke smacked her thigh gently, pulling his boxers down his thighs. She looked up at him expectantly, desperation radiating off her face. 
“Turn round.” Finley’s eyes lit up as she realised what he meant, and she shuffled around on his bed until she was on her knees, the warmth of his skin heating the back of her thighs. It disappeared for a moment, and she frowned, but was soon panting ecstatically as his tongue drew pictures over her slit. She felt his thumb rubbing at her clit and moaned, burying her face in his pillows. Almost as soon as her skin hit the soft cotton, her head was yanked up by her hair, sparks flying down her spine and straight to her clit.
“Uh uh. Let me hear you. Let me hear how good I make you feel.” Finley whimpered and arched her back as far as she could- which being a dancer, was fairly impressive. Luke watched with appreciative eyes, his hands massaging her ass. He smacked it gently, smirking at the moan she let out as their skin connected. 
“You ready?” Finley groaned and shook her hips slightly, Luke chuckling as her ass jiggled impatiently. 
“Take that as a yes.” Luke put a hand on his cock, stroking it a few times as he stared at Finley spread out in front of him. He knew he was the only one to have seen her like this; panting and moaning for him desperately, her pussy dripping with excitement. Her usually perfect blonde hair was splayed across his bed, messy and tousled from his relentless grabbing. He guided the head of his cock to her entrance, grimacing as she let out a high-pitched moan at the feeling of him entering her. She couldn’t sing, he knew that- but by god, the noises that came out of her were beautiful. 
Bottoming out, Luke took a deep breath as he focused on Finley’s back. Toned and perfect, he couldn’t help but run a hand down her spine lightly, smiling at her appreciative moan. It took only a moment before she was pushing back against him, begging him to move. He obliged, slamming into her harshly as their moans filled the room around them. 
“Fuck baby. You feel good today.” Finley moaned in response, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her arms were stretched out in front of her, gripping his bedsheets tightly. She looked completely wanton, her mouth open and gasping, fists clenching at the sheets with every move Luke made. 
“Harder, Luke, please.” Luke grinned and put both of his hands on her hips, steadying her as he thrust into her at a bruising pace, his own chest tightening as he watched his cock disappear inside her over and over again.
“Shit Luke, just like that. Fucking hell, I’m so close. Shit, shit, shit.” “Who knew you had such a dirty mouth on you?” Finley looked back at him with dangerous eyes, trying hard to keep her cool as Luke continued his pace. 
“You have no idea how dirty my mouth is.” He smirked and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking it harshly. She whimpered, but the way her mouth fell open told her he loved it.
“I do. But why don’t you give me a reminder?” Luke let go of her hair and let her fall back into the pillows, slamming into her a few more times before pulling out and flipping her over. She crawled up the bed as quickly as she could, lying on her front and taking Luke’s cock in her mouth. Her tongue circled his tip expertly and he grabbed her hair, pushing her head as much as he dared. She took it like a champ, deep throating him through moans as her hips ground against the bed. Luke started panting himself, feeling his balls tighten as the ridiculously sexy girl continued to suck him off, her moans getting more intense as he got closer to coming. 
“Just like that Fin. God you’re so good. Keep going. Love that pretty little mouth of yours.”
Finley moaned around his cock, and Luke groaned, resisting the urge to ram his cock right down her throat and come right there and then. Alas, his efforts were useless, and he fisted her hair desperately as he felt himself explode.
“I’m cumming. Jesus fuck, Fin. Don’t stop.”
He groaned loudly as his load flooded her mouth, her instant swallowing not going amiss. She continued to suck him gently for a few moments, before letting him slip out of her mouth, grinning up at him. He panted and dropped onto his heels, staring at her in wonder. 
“Okay, yeah, reminder needed.” Finley tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, smiling shyly as she looked up at him. Luke’s hand cupped her face, his thumb swiping over her lips gently. His eyes were dark and wild, cheeks a shade of red that only Finley could cause. 
With only a few hours until Luke’s parents would be home, Finley shuffled back up the bed, spreading her legs with a devilish smile. Her hands dipped in between them, soft moans leaving her lips as she played with herself, on full display for Luke’s eyes. He groaned and fell on top of her, connecting their lips in a hurried kiss, his hands wandering over every inch of skin he could reach. 
He wasn’t about to let their Sunday go to waste.
“Have you picked it up from the tailors yet?”
Finley nodded at Sasha, grinning like an idiot. They’d been discussing the upcoming homecoming dance for the past 3 periods, ignoring everything that their teachers said. It was expected, the heads of the dance committee weren’t exactly going to be focused on school the week of their prized project.
“Have you tried it on?” Finley nodded again, pulling her phone out of her pocket and showing Sasha a photo. Sasha clapped her hands over her mouth and squealed, grimacing an apologetic smile at their teacher when he glared at her. “Scott is going to die. I just know it. That’ll be the dress, he’s going to cave. 100%.”
Finley smiled and shrugged, her eyes flicking over to where Luke was sat in the corner. As always, his eyes were trained on whatever was going on outside, his pen drumming absentmindedly on his desk. Finley wondered for the hundredth time that day whether or not he would mind her ending their Sunday arrangements. The purity ring on her ring finger had been Scott’s latest attempt at taming her, and it had been the first one that had sunk in. Scott really did love her, and saw a future with her. Despite his insistence that they couldn’t have sex until they were married, he’d given her this whole speech about commitment, and how he wanted them to be committed to each other emotionally before they were physical. In all honesty, Finley had been cringing internally the entire time, but the hopeful look on his face had been enough for her to fake this huge adorable reaction, almost crying as he slipped the ring on her finger.
The crying hadn’t been hard- she’d realised in the same moment that she really needed to grow up- which entailed not sleeping with her childhood best friend every chance she got. Scott was worth the wait, she was sure. 
She waved goodbye to Sasha as they parted to go to their next classes, squealing quietly when Luke appeared against her locker, signature cocky smirk in place. She scowled at him and shooed him over slightly, swapping her books out for whatever was at the front. He watched with an amused expression, noting the multiple subjects that she definitely didn’t have that day going into her backpack. 
“Something up princess?” She scowled even harder, slamming her locker shut and stalking away from him. He fell into step with her though, whistling through his teeth in the most aggravating manner. 
“New addition?” Finley stopped in her tracks as she registered what Luke was talking about. The ring on her finger glinted against the lights, the fair sized diamond being hard to miss. She sniffed and nodded nonchalantly, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder.
“My boyfriend likes to spoil me.” Luke sighed and squeezed Finley’s arm, letting his finger trail down the bare skin of her bicep for a brief moment. The shiver that ran through her hadn’t gone amiss, and he smirked, taking her hand in his to examine the new jewellery.
“You engaged now? Going to be Mrs Lacrosse buff?” Finley rolled her eyes at him and snatched her hand away, ignoring the cold tone in his voice.
“It’s a purity ring.” Luke coughed loudly, spluttering as he tried to control his laughter. Doubled over in the hallway, Finley looked around desperately, horrified by the few people in the corridor who might overhear their conversation. She shoved him harshly into an empty classroom, slamming the door shut behind them.
Luke continued to laugh, running a hand through his hair as his eyes sparked dangerously. 
“So what, he really believes his princess is all his?” Finley shrugged, dropping her hand to her side, out of sight. Luke stepped closer, taking in a deep breath of her perfume and groaning lightly.
“He really doesn’t know anything about you.” Finley frowned and stood up taller, trying to appear confident.
“He knows me better than anyone. He knows everything about me.” Luke nodded, eyes wide in mock sincerity.
“So he knows exactly what to do to you? Knows how to get under your skin?” He stepped closer, forcing her to take a few steps backwards until her back connected with the wall.
“He knows that if I kiss you here-” He let his lips brush over her neck, grinning as she whimpered. “That your knees will start to give?”
Finley locked her knees and did her best to hold her face in place. Luke put an arm against the wall, looking down at her with eyes she’d learned to fear. His torture eyes. Eyes that she’d seen looking up at her from between her legs as he’d forced her to the edge, over and over again, until she was begging for him to touch her, anywhere, everywhere. “He knows that if I touch you here-” His hand slipped behind her, squeezing a good handful of her ass in her shorts, a quiet moan betraying her. “That you’ll instantly look for something else?” He looked down pointedly, smirking at her hips, which had automatically moved forward, searching for him.  “He knows what I do to his perfect little princess, his girl, pure and sweet, every single weekend? He knows how you beg to ride me, how you scream for my cock, how you’re ruined for anyone else?” Finley was practically drooling now, looking up at him with desperate eyes. His words were going straight to her core, a painful heat spreading throughout her abdomen.
“He knows how you look on your knees, mouth open, tongue out, begging for everything I’ve got like the beautiful little whore you are?”
His voice was menacing, quiet. Mean. Finley groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her for a furious kiss. His arms stayed in place, one against the wall above her head, and the other using her ass to pull her closer, grinding their hips together. His tongue slipped into her mouth, rough and fast and furious, his kiss practically searing her skin. He broke away all of a sudden, looking at her with significantly kinder eyes.
“He has no idea, that when you walk into that gym on Friday night, it’ll be me you want on your arm. That it’ll be me taking off your dress after the dance, and it’ll be me worshipping your body for hours after he’s safely in bed asleep. He hasn’t got a clue.”
Finley looked up at him silently, thoughts swirling. 
“Luke.” He smirked, eyes trailing over her body. She lifted his chin so that his eyes were on her again, but held him still as he leaned in to kiss her again.
“Luke, no. I can’t. Not anymore.” His face contorted, confusion running rife through his eyes for barely a moment. He knew this would happen eventually- but he thought it would be mid-sex, a goodbye they could finish properly.
“What?” She sighed and stepped out of his hold, wrapping her arms around herself like a safety blanket. 
“We can’t do this anymore. It’s not fair on Scotty.” He scoffed and stood up straight, adjusting his jeans slightly. 
“Sure. Whatever. Have a good night with Scotty. Maybe if your lucky, he’ll graze your ass by accident.” He pulled a face as he strolled out of the door, leaving Finley to watch him with a sad face, her bottom lip falling prey to her teeth. It hadn’t gone better than expected- but it also hadn’t gone worse? It was just weird. But weird was okay. They were in entirely different social circles. No-one would ever notice weirdness between them. 
“Are you sure about this?” Alex’s eyes scoured over the lyrics one more time, shooting Luke a concerned look.
Luke nodded, ruffling his hair one more time in the mirror. 
They were in the bathroom by the gym, waiting for more people to arrive before they went on. Luke had been up all night, scribbling furiously in his songbook. Sleep evaded him, memories of Finley fluttering through his mind. Her laugh, the way she pulled his hair when he had his tongue in just the right place, the smell of her perfume, the way her eyes looked when she had his cock halfway down her throat. Her smile, the way her hair felt between his fingers, the rage that simmered in his chest when he saw her simpering at the dumb brute she called a boyfriend. 
Reggie frowned as he read over the lyrics one more time. 
“Who’s Fiona?” Luke shrugged and pushed off the sink, turning away from the mirror.
Alex rolled his eyes and nodded, tucking the paper in his back pocket. Bobby was chuckling away to himself in the corner, more excited to pick up one of the heartbroken lonely girls after the dance than for the actual performance. 
“We should go set up. We’re on in less than an hour.”
Luke nodded, thrusting his hands deep in his pockets as they left the bathroom.  The hallways were littered with brightly coloured balloons, blue and silver streamers hanging from the ceiling tiles.
The boys shared a look as they pushed on the double doors to the gym, Luke’s chest clenching as he took in the scenery. Finley had outdone herself this time, he realised. Fairy lights were strung from wall to wall, giving the room a homey glow that he was sure looked romantic to some people. There were tea lights in jars scattered around the edge of the room and on the various tall tables, occupied by countless girls in brightly coloured dresses and their dates. 
Luke’s eyes scanned the crowd without his permission, looking for the flash of red he knew held the body he couldn’t stop thinking about. He scoffed as he realised she wasn’t here yet. Typically, she wanted to make an entrance. 
“Good, boys you’re here! If you guys are ready to set up that would be great, we want to get going as soon as possible.” Sasha smiled at them brightly, eyes sliding to Bobby as she simpered. Luke nodded curtly and headed for the stage, rolling his eyes as he heard Alex complimenting her dress. Personally, he found it heinous. Pale pink and puffy, she looked like something you’d find in a grandmother’s house. 
Enthralled in making the stage look perfect for their set, Luke paid no attention to the clamours and cheering that suddenly broke out in the gym, only turning when Alex kicked his shin. The drummer nodded towards the doors of the gym, and Luke felt his stomach cave in as red filled his mind. 
His mind flooded with images of that dress lying on his bedroom floor, or even better, bunched around her hips as he thrust into her. Finley stood in the doorway blushing, her arms wrapped around Scott’s big one. Luke stared and stared and stared, his eyes trailing over the red satin, appreciating every inch of her from afar. Her skin was glowing, hair falling in soft curls around her face, eyes dark with makeup. She looked like something straight out of the dreams he’d been ignoring since he was 15. 
Their eyes met across the dance floor, Finley flashing him a small smile and breaking free from Scott to wave. He rolled his eyes and waved back, though he couldn’t help the slow up and down he gave her. He knew she’d see it, and he wanted her thinking of him the whole night. 
He stood watching as she twirled in Scott’s arms, strumming his guitar a little too harshly as he imagined how her dress would feel under his calloused fingertips, how the heat of her skin would feel against his as they danced, how her perfume would get him drunk on her. He couldn’t deny the jealousy that flooded him as she kissed Scott softly during a slow song, turning his back to jam with Alex for a few bars. 
Alex eyed his best friend carefully, sensing that something wasn’t right. He’d called Luke out on a crush he was harbouring before, but he’d never thought it was this intense. The entire dance, Luke had a face like thunder, and he played like he was never going to play again. It didn’t escape any of the boys how their frontman was constantly drawn to the same side of the stage, his eyes only leaving his guitar for moments at a time. 
“Alright folks, we thought we’d take this opportunity so graciously given to us by your homecoming queen-” The room broke out in cheers and applause as Finley flushed pink and dipped her head, suddenly the picture of innocence and modesty. Luke felt his words like venom, and grimaced as he gripped the mic harder than necessary.
“-To show you some new stuff we’ve been working on.”
More cheers broke out, but Luke relaxed knowing they were for the band, rather than Finley, who was frowning slightly at the front of the crowd. Luke chuckled to himself, knowing she was in for a shock. 
“You alright babe?” Finley looked up at Scott with sweet eyes, squeezing his arm gently. She’d been staring at Luke all night, catching herself admiring his arms a few too many times. He was always beautiful when he played, sweat soaking his curls and running down his forehead, fingers moving so expertly on the strings. She spent an entire song biting her lip at the sound of his hoarse voice, clamping her thighs together at her body’s automatic response to his growly singing. 
As soon as Luke had announced a new song, she’d tensed considerably. He’d complained about having nothing to write about, and she could only think of one thing since then that he would write about. 
The opening chords started, and Finley smiled at the rocky feel. At least it wasn’t some slow ballad. 
Luke smirked down at his guitar as he played, meeting Alex’s eyes with a knowing look. Alex’s jaw went slack for a moment as he realised who was standing right in front of Luke, groaning internally as he thought about the trouble his best friend was about to get himself into.
Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me Do it in my van every Sunday, She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know
Finley’s mouth dropped open as she stared up at the stage, equally infuriated and turned on at Luke’s blatant admittance. He was prancing around the stage, looking somewhat cheerful for the first time that night. 
He knelt at the edge of the stage as he started the chorus, grinning at the girls reaching up and screaming at him. 
Scott watched in blind ignorance, tapping his foot along with the drums. 
“It’s pretty good babe, don’t you think?” Finley forced a smile, wiping her clammy hands on her dress. 
“Yeah, bit rocky for my taste but it’s so good!”
Scott wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her in to his side, kissing her hair. 
I can't believe he's so trusting While I'm right behind you thrusting Fiona's got him on the phone And she's trying not to moan It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing
Finley clapped a hand over her mouth and tried not to let her nervous laugh escape, eyes never leaving Luke as he danced around the stage, bouncing around with the exhausting amount of energy he always seemed to have.
Luke caught Finley’s eye for the chorus once again, smirking at her expression. He could tell by the glint in her eye that she was pissed, but the knowledge he was getting to her went straight to his cock, and he nodded at her, before turning away and playing to Alex for a bit. He turned back to the crowd for the bridge, meeting Finley’s eyes as he sang. 
The parkin' lot, why not? It's so cool when you're on top His front lawn in the snow Life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know                                               Scotty doesn't know
His eyes left hers momentarily as he smirked, turning to Scott instead. It was painfully obvious, and he winked at the lacrosse player before heading back to the mic, letting his eyes move between the two of them with an evil smile. 
I did her on his birthday
Scott went still beside Finley, his hold on her waist loosening as he took a step sideways, face crumpled into a combination of confusion and laughter. 
Finley looked up at him with a slightly fearful expression, but played it off, stroking his arm gently. 
“I’m going to the ladies room, babe. I’ll be back.”
Scott nodded slowly, eyes trailing back to Luke’s as Finley disappeared from his side.
Luke watched Finley leave, letting the final chords of the song ring out for a few moments as the school went nuts. He met Alex’s eyes, which were filled with judgement, but also a hint of amusement. 
“We’re gonna take a quick break folks! Enjoy the dance!”
Luke slung his guitar off of one shoulder, barely checking it was stable before running off stage and out the back door. He raced to the girls bathroom, rolling his eyes at the screams of indignation that ensued as he strolled in. 
“You coming out to scream at me or what?”
Finley stormed out of a stall, eyes like thunder, and stopped right in front of him. He smirked, but quickly wished he hadn’t as her hand connected with his cheek, the slight sting spreading across his face. 
“How dare you.”
Luke shrugged, eyes dropping to Finley’s lips as she trembled with rage. 
“Let’s not act like I’m the one in the wrong here. I warned you you’d be coming home with me tonight.” Luke’s voice held a dangerous tone that Finley knew all too well, and she had to stop herself from clamping her thighs together, not in any hurry to give him any more reason to rile her up. 
“I ended us. I told you I’m with Scotty.” Luke chuckled and took a step forward, smirking as Finley took a step back. He stalked her slowly, smile widening as her back hit the wall. 
“Tell me honestly, that you’re not turned on right now.” Finley scoffed and looked away, her hands splayed against the cool tile of the wall. She couldn’t begin to think about how she was feeling. 
Luke reached a hand up and grabbed her jaw, forcing her to turn back to him. His eyes were dark and round, and she felt herself thawing under his gaze. His tongue darted out and wet his lips, smirking as he caught her eyes following his movements. 
“Answer me, sweetheart.”
Finley scowled and rolled her eyes, her breath catching as Luke’s eyes hardened. 
“Attitude.” His voice was low and sharp, a commanding tone that almost had a whimper escaping Finley’s mouth. She bit the inside of her lip, eyes darting to the door. If she made a run for it, she might be able to convince Scotty she was just chatting to her friends.
“Luke, I’m with Scotty.”
Her voice was shaky, and held no conviction whatsoever. Luke smirked and trailed a hand down her side, squeezing her hip tightly as she whined quietly. 
“Of course. So if I reach under your dress right now, you’re telling me I won’t find you soaked for me?”
Finley shuddered, nodding. 
Luke nodded back, his hand slipping further down her body until it reached the slit in her dress, exposing her thigh. He trailed his fingertips along the smooth skin, chuckling when she flinched at his touch. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.”
His voice was kinder, but it held weakness. He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want her to stop him. 
His hand trailed up her thigh, chest heaving as he listened to her breathing quicken. Her arm snapped up, grabbing his wrist, just as he reached the apex of her thighs. Luke sighed in defeat, ready to pull away, but groaned in surprise as she dragged his hand to her slit, letting out a moan as his fingers found her, drenched and ready for him. 
“No underwear? Planning on giving Scotty a show tonight were we?”
Luke’s voice was hoarse as he thrust two fingers into her, knees buckling as she clenched around him. Finley’s arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to her and kissing him feverishly. 
“No. Only you. Always only you.”
Luke sighed into her mouth, letting one hand snake behind her and pull her close while the other tortured her clit. 
“Always so ready for me.”
She whimpered into his mouth as he sped up his fingers, thrusting into her while his thumb pressed harshly on her clit, drawing out pornographic moans from her as her hips bucked against him, searching for more. 
“Tell me what you want.”
Finley whined in his arms as he pulled away, his fingers dripping with her slick. He raised them to his mouth, eyes never leaving hers as he sucked them clean. She groaned as he brought his hand to her mouth, dragging down her bottom lip, swollen from her biting. 
“Tell me what you want from me, pretty girl.” His eyes searched hers desperately, pleading with her desperately to give him the answer he wanted. 
“Ruin me.”
Luke groaned and dropped his hands to her waist, dragging her against him and claiming her lips. He kissed her with everything he had, his tongue forcing its way inside her mouth as he backed her against the sinks, hand dropping to his belt as her hips hit the porcelain. She moved to turn around, but he grabbed her wrist, shaking his head at her. 
“Nuh uh. Want to see your face when you cum on my cock.” Finley’s knees buckled, letting him kiss her again as he freed his cock, lifting her with one arm so that she was sat on the sink. He stroked himself a few times, leaning his forehead against hers as he pushed into her. His head fell onto her shoulder as he bottomed out, a low groan vibrating across her skin. Finley whimpered and bucked her hips, begging him to move. Luke stayed still, drunk on the smell of her perfume and the feeling of her skin on his. 
“You going to fuck me? Or am I sitting here for nothing?” Luke’s head snapped up, grinning at her breathless tone and flushed face. He grabbed her hips, pulling her to the edge and thrusting deeper inside her.
“Sorry princess, didn’t mean to leave you hanging.”
He grabbed her jaw with one hand, keeping her steady with the other, and started fucking into her at a furious pace, their kiss a mess of teeth and lips and tongue, each of their moans indistinguishable from the other’s. Finley’s hands found their way under his t-shirt, clawing at his back desperately as he hit every spot she needed. He broke their kiss, lips falling to her chest and freeing her tits. His tongue circled her nipple, biting down softly and groaning at the high-pitched moan that echoed around him in response. The lewd sounds of her dripping cunt taking him over and over again filled the bathroom, and he dropped his hand to her clit as he felt himself hurtling towards his finish. 
“You ready sweetheart?” Finley moaned in response, tugging on his hair and trying to get impossibly closer. Luke pressed down hard on her clit, kissing her again as he felt her clench around him, her orgasm rushing through her body like lightning. She whimpered as he kept thrusting, hands clawing at his neck. Luke groaned into her mouth, biting down on her lip as he felt himself spill inside her. 
They stayed there for a few moments, Luke shuddering against her as she panted desperately. 
“Sh, sh, I got you. Right here baby. Always so good for me.”
Luke’s lips found her temple, pressing a kiss into her skin as she trembled in his arms. 
Finley’s arms tightened around his neck as he pulled out, and he didn’t let her hold break as he did up his belt, arms coming back to hold her as soon as he was done. She was still shaking, and he could feel her heartbeat through their clothes. 
“I got you. You’re fine baby. That’s my girl.”
Finley dropped her head against his chest, fighting to control her breathing. She was panicking, but Scott hadn’t even crossed her mind. The sweet words leaving his mouth, the reassurance; they confirmed what she was already terrified of.
“Your girl.”
Luke nodded against her, his head resting on her shoulder.
“Only want to be your girl.” Luke smiled and kissed her neck softly. 
“Always have been, sweetheart. That was never going to change.”
Finley buried her head in his shirt, the aftershocks of her orgasm finally drifting away. She sat back slightly, looking at him with a fear stricken face. He stroked her cheek gently, smiling at her with such sincerity she could’ve cried. 
“Cmon, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Finley giggled quietly and nodded, letting him help her off the sinks. He grabbed toilet paper from one of the stalls, and dropped to his knees to wipe gently at her inner thighs, pressing kisses into them as she played with his hair. 
The softness was unusual for them, but it felt as natural as breathing. 
He kissed her one last time, grabbing her hand as they left the bathroom. He knew they’d deal with it at some point, but he hadn’t expected to bump into Scott round the corner. He dropped Finley’s hand, shooting her a look as he stepped in front of her.
“Patterson, want to tell me what you were doing singing a song like that about my girl?”
Scott was red in the face, surrounded by his lacrosse buddies. Luke laughed and shrugged, twirling one of his rings around his finger. 
“Your girl? You sure about that?” Scott scoffed and stepped towards him, muscles bulging through his button-up shirt. 
“Don’t play with me. The whole school knows she’s mine.”
Luke grinned, dark and dangerous as he raised his eyebrows at the lacrosse captain. 
“Oh yeah? Who’s cum is dripping out of her pretty little cunt right now then? That yours?”
Scott’s face went beet red, and Finley stifled a laugh from behind Luke, her breath catching as she caught Scott’s gaze. His eyes trailed over her, taking in her dishevelled appearance, and the marks that littered her throat. 
“Oh shit, I forgot. You don’t even know what her cunt looks like, do you? Well I mean, I could tell you, but shit, it tastes so much better than it looks. Seriously dude, you’ve been missing out. Don’t know what man in his right mind wouldn-” He was cut off by Scott’s fist slamming into his jaw, throwing him backwards a few feet. Finley caught him, looking up at him with panicked eyes. Luke shook his head, giving her a weak smile with watery eyes. 
Scott took one step towards them, but Luke turned back to him before he could get close to Finley, moving in front of her again. 
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
Scott barked a laugh and sniffed, looking at Finley over Luke’s shoulder.
“Should’ve guessed. Always had you pegged for a whore.”
Luke rubbed his jaw one last time, and stepped forward.
“Big mistake buddy.”
Finley barely got a breath in before Luke swung, blood spurting from Scott’s nose seconds later. Luke shook out his fist, wincing at the pain in his knuckles, but grinned at Scott kneeling down, clutching his nose desperately. 
“Do yourself a favour and keep my girl’s name out your mouth. God knows she’s kept yours out of hers. At least, when my cock’s inside her that is. Have a nice night.” Finley smothered a laugh with her hand, looking up at Luke in awe as he slung an arm around her shoulders, kissing her hair softly as he guided her around the lacrosse team, all fussing around Scott. 
“Cmon baby. We got an afterparty to get to.” He winked at her as they pushed out the doors into the parking lot, strolling towards Luke’s truck. Alex would have his head for leaving before they could pack up the kit, but Luke’s mind was very much focused on other things. For example, getting his head between his girl’s thighs as soon as humanly possible. 
It only took me two years to finish this! (I’m so sorry if you thought I died)
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tanglepelt · 1 year
dc x dp snippet? idea? not too sure....
Essentially amity park is a front. The whole town was designed to recruit member for an evil group. The end game to destroy the justice league. My brain took the idea and ran with it. I may continue this. I may not.
Amity Park had always been a strange place. For as log as anyone could remember. A gimmick, a spooky town. It played its role perfectly. No one really looked into it. No one saw the mad scientist or weapons facility as odd. Who would ever think to investigate a tourist trap. The showier they were the more believable. The Fenton’s were assets at keeping tourist gullible, their driving, and obsession sold the show. Keeping the tourist distracted and money coming in. Who would notice the laser watches, they just looked normal. Any ghost attack was just a show. Any damage done and its fixed the next day as if It was planned. The town had was obviously committed to there “haunted” town.
Ghost hunters in amity just made sense. Walking around with weapons was a normal and not suspicious. Locals didn’t care and anyone else thought it was part of the gig. The bigger the dramatics the more they could get away with. With all the chaos and attacks the tourist would be distracted.
It let them track anyone who came into town. They would check in visitors with the guise of making sure they stayed in the living world. Waivers had to be signed or there was no entry permitted.
No one to see how all the kids were more observant, no one to see the the gym coach or classes, no one to see the experiments, and no one to notice the secret town meetings while the children slumbered.
The meetings discussing the children and how they’ve advanced. Who needed to be terminated, who was improving and who would soon be integrated into the loop. Every year they discussed the first-year students. It was there last chance to become incorporated or “move” after high school. They couldn’t risk any of them leaving the town unless they were in the loop. 
After all of if the kids thought their schooling was normal, they’d never question it. The president challenge was harder then most. Why would an average school require flips off the bars or the ability to scale a rope to the roof if a building. The last two years of high school centered around obstacle courses, agility and parkour in gym.
An amity child leaving without being in the fold could be catastrophic. It would only take one to alert authorities for a slight inconvenience. Authorities could be paid to look the other way or easily put down. A hero however would be a headache to deal with. This town was the center of there recruiting. It was do or die.
Now the organization will admit the ghost were a welcomed surprise. A front row sear to watch the progress the kids had. They expected the jocks or even geeks to manage it the best. The seniors to take arms and manage the threat at the very least. The oddball trio was not what they had wanted or expected.
Those three were the problem students after-all. One so into technology it would be hard to keep him in line. The network was heavily blocked a monitored but using him was an issue. He had nearly bi-passed there security on accident. Imagine if he knew what was going on. Then the goth, the activist. She was too much an individual, free thought and radical views. They’d have to break her spirit. Then there was Danny Fenton.
He had promise in the beginning. Well rounded. Wasn’t so caught up in improving others as his sister. Held good grades through elementary and through middle school and was the golden candidate until the previous summer. No longer set to focus on study’s but off with his friends.
As Sam had grown falling away from their potential, she dragged Danny and Tucker with her. Both now had more individual thoughts and opinions straying from his parents. His grades had dropped even before the ghost. Just to A- or so. Attempts to steer them away from her only brought them closer.
If they couldn’t get sam in line they’d have to cut there loses. They’d lose a good potential hacker, the masons would need a new heir someone they could actually mold to gain more funds and business, and they’d lose a potential leader or scientist.
Cutting just Sam would have led to problems. They had tried. Sam was abruptly moved for a week to see what would happen. The guise a business trip. Danny and tucker given no notice. The two took matters in their hands and hunted for her. They nearly discovered the truth of the town. Only once the Fentons explained she was on a trip did they calm down. The trio were deemed lost causes. They were set to bet terminated.
Two weeks before the plan was set to eliminate them the ghost appeared, and it was them who took charge. Now the ghost was always planned, the Fenton’s had been close to opening the portal. So close to new weapons and infinite power supply. Nothing they had done activated the portal. But the problem trio when left alone somehow got it working. The power from the portal shorted the cameras in the lab and they were unable to see how.
 Sam and tucker were out on the field. They were learning at a rapid pace. With them constantly fighting and winning. The three were considered candidates again. They’d still have to break the girl, it was worth the effort now. Add the fact they had a viable solution now.
The newest hero of amity park. Phantom.
Phantom himself would simple a ghost to take care of. Allowing the Fenton to play around for now. What fun was a hunt to them if they couldn’t play with there prey. Once it was time to rid themselves of the pest the Fenton’s could truly hunt.
For now, phantom was getting Sam and Tucker more suited for future missions. He could keep “his” team for now. Danny was obviously the one with the plan. He was never with them but had to be the main contact with phantom. Whenever Danny was around phantom would show to clear his messes.
The surprise reunion with Vlad confirmed their suspicion. Not to mention the Youngblood incident. Danny led his schoolmates to board the ship and free their parents. Only once the ghost shield was down did he go and contact phantom to come handle the rest.
An accident would be in order. It was only a matter of time until the trio grew stagnant and needed more focused teaching. The masons were still an asset they just would not be allowed to be a caretaker again. Jeremy and Pamela mason still were the main source of income. The two were good the schmoozing. Sam would just have to manage field work with her business persona as her “grandmother” had. The Fenton’s were non-negotiable and a necessity to the group. If the need arises, they be allowed to raise another.
The foleys would work. They were good caretakers but served no other purpose to the group. Framing phantom for there deaths should be enough to ignite a need for revenge and break the group apart. Introduce a new fourth to them after the shock wore off.
Valerie had grown as well. She would be brought into the loop soon. The red huntress would be an asset. Her original purpose no longer mattered. Valerie would be easy to recruit. All it seemed to take was some money and a reason to dislike a group. All it took for her to despise ghost was her father losing his job, one of the groups smartest moves yet.
Good thing that reason was already in motion. The anti-ecto acts were set to be announced tomorrow. The justice league would publicly denounce the acts within an hour. They had no reason to condemn an entire species that had shown no sign of aggression. Most ghost weren’t even visible to the public.
With Amitys gimmick who would believe the reports of supposed ghost destruction. Viral videos of it just to be explained through special effects. Keep the rest of the world believing the gimmick and the young in amity only seeing the disbelief.
The justice league would be the key to their own demise. Events have been ruined, the children had been infected by the ghost flu, Sam had been kidnapped by a ghost, and the constant attacks on the school. This was the wedge they needed to keep them in line. To bring them into the fold. The towns caretakers would make sure any opinions of the hero’s would be bad. The only mentions of the hero’s permitted of the hero’s online would be failures and misunderstandings.
Citizens of the infinite realm and ghost were two very different species. Not that the children would ever be allowed to know.
Soon the justice league would fall.
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
School’s Haunted
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Danny watched students swarm around the front entrance to Gateway High. They were all over the place, way more than Casper High. Danny took a deep breath, only to have it knocked out of him as a Travis smacked him on the back.
“What’s up man, exited for your first day?” Danny scoffed.
“Excited isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Dread, despair, devastated, some other word that begins with D.” Danny shrugged. “ I don’t know man, my last first day of high school didn’t go too well.”
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been too bad.”
“A few days before, I got electrocuted which kinda fried my nerves for a bit. I ended up getting a lifetime ban from holding anything made of glass.” Danny quirked an eyebrow “Plus my old bully ended up in the same class as me. Not Fun.” He replied.
“Sheesh, we’ll it’s not like this time can be any worse.” Danny’s jaw dropped.
“I’m sorry, did you just jinx my first day, Dude!” Travis laughed.
“If it makes you feel better, I could ask some of my buds on the football team to keep an eye out. Bullies are a pretty big no go around here.” Danny laughed.
“That’s what they all say. There’s always one.” Travis shook his head.
“Fair enough, but we’re pretty tight knit here. Trust me and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” He said pushing Danny forward. “Now hurry up, you don’t wanna be late on your first day.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” Danny made his way through the crowd of teens, using the makeshift map to try to find his class.
“Are you lost?” Danny turned around to see a girl wearing her gym clothes. She looked almost surprised he heard her.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Mr.Graham’s class.” She gave him a huge grin.
“Down the hall, take a left and it’s the first door to the right.” He smiled.
“Thanks you’re a lifesaver.”
“Don’t mention it!” She said as she walked the other way.
With newfound direction, Danny made his way to his home room. When he walked in he saw Matt sitting near the middle of the room, there was an empty seat next to him. He was just about to make his way over when he was stopped.
“You must be our new student, why don’t you come up here and introduce yourself.” Danny froze with dread. ‘Why me?!’
“Come on now! Don’t be shy!” Danny gave up, making his way to the front of the class as Matt gave him a look of sympathy.
“Hi, my name’s Danny Prince, not Daniel, not Dan, not Dano, Danny.”
“We’ll let me be the first to welcome you to our class Danny! So what made decide to come to our wonderful school?” He prompted joyfully. Danny had a dark look of glee in his eye. One Matt recognized from the one, and only, time Danny was invited to join his and Travis’ D&D campaign.
The DM hasn’t been the same since.
“Well sir, I just couldn’t resist sunny California. What with the the beaches and rich history here in Gateway city.” The teacher puffed up his chest in pride. “After my parents died in that car accident I just couldn’t say no when my cousin invited me to live here!” He said cheerily. Mr.Graham paled.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” He hastily responded.
“You’re fine. Figured it was best to get it out now. I’d hate to have to keep repeating it over and over again.” Danny said with wide eyes. The teacher coughed.
“Why don’t you take a seat by Mr. Miller?” He suggested, gesturing towards Matt.
“Probably for the best.” He continued his journey to his seat uninhibited.
“That was cruel.” Matt claimed
“No, cruel is making a teenager stand in front of his class on his first day. That was revenge.” He said with a grin. He heard a giggle from behind him, he turned.
“He’s not wrong you know, it’s practically inhumane.” a girl commented. “The names Simone. Sorry about your parents.”
“Nice to meet you Simone.”
“Likewise, how are you liking Gateway?” Danny smiled.
“It’s great, all things considered. I got a job over at the museum, at the space exhibit!” Danny announced, practically glowing. Simone blushed.
“Oh? Do you like it?” She asked. Matt groaned from Danny’s other side.
“I love it! Dr. Scott even let’s me use the telescope sometimes!” His smiled widened. Simone’s blush got darker. The bell rang.
“What” Simone cleared her throat “what class do you have first?” Danny took his schedule out of his pocket.
“Looks like history first. Shouldn’t be too hard.” He shrugged. Simone pouted.
“I’ve got math first. Maybe I’ll catch you later?” She asked. "Maybe we could sit together at lunch?"
“That’d be awesome! Hey all four of us can sit together!” She stopped as he left in search of his next class. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“I know your pain.” Matt sighed watching Danny make his way down the hall. He handed Simone a pamphlet, before he too headed to his next class.
She looked down at the paper and read in bold letters
So you’ve got a crush on Danny Prince. Here’s everything you need to know.
At the back of the pamphlet was a museum schedule for space shows.
The bell rang.
She kept the pamphlet.
There are many benefits to being the honorary grandson of the Master of all Time. One of which is the ability to go back in time to study for history.
This has caused Danny many issues. History is written by the victors, and not many of them were interested in historical accuracy. Which is why Danny ended up completely derailing his entire history by starting a debate on Julius Caesar. By the end of class Mrs. Beatle was practically vibrating with excitement. There was not a single silent voice as they questioned what was written in their books. Everyone booed when the bell rang, including Mrs. Beatle, but she promised they could continue the debate the next class.
Most of Danny’s classes ended much the same. Chemistry was especially exciting, they were meant to be doing a simple experiment to show a chemical reaction that would change the color of some paper. Danny’s glowed.
Mr. Thorne spent the rest of the class trying to figure out how.
Danny made his way through math, surprised at how much he enjoyed it.
And that brings him to where he is now.
Gym class.
The class met in the gym only to be led out to the field, for a soccer game to start off the new year. He couldn’t really be mad at Coach Cooper, she was actually pretty cool. But facts are we’re facts, and the fact is Danny hates gym.
Sure he can show off a little, but it was way too easy to forget what was okay and what wasn’t. Way to easy to slip up. He slowly followed the rest of the class.
“Why the long face?” Danny shrugged.
“Not really a big sports fan, plus no doubt Coach is gonna make me take off my hoodie. I really just don’t want anyone staring at my scars."
“Scars?” She looked at him concerned.
“Yeah, fighting ghosts is pretty dangerous. You don’t always walk away unscathed .” He replied with a shrug. The girl froze.
“I’m not gonna fight you.” He watched as everyone started to congregate on the field. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your haunt, but I kinda gotta go to school. You know how it is.” He kept walking, joining the rest of his class.
“Uh, yeah. I do.” She muttered under her breath.
Vanessa watched the strange boy for the rest of the day. He was right about the sweatshirt, however he made up a story about a car accident and no one questioned it.
Since the moment he entered the school, she felt compelled to follow him. She hadn’t been a ghost long, but he felt different than anyone else. He felt powerful, terrifyingly strong…and safe.
Everyday she was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, she walked through the halls, watching them go about their day unseen. But this year things were different this year there was Danny.
Vanessa smiled as she watched him leave the school from her perch on the roof. He stopped after crossing the street, turning around he looked right at her and waved. Her smile grew brighter.
This was going to be a fun year indeed.
Danny quickly made his way back home, excited to tell Diana all about his first day. Travis was right, though Danny would never admit it, and most of the students were pretty cool. He hadn't expected to meet a ghost, luckily she seemed pretty unaggressive. Last thing he wanted was to fight a ghost in the cafeteria...again.
Racing up the stairs he barged through the front door, Diana spun around from where she was sitting at her computer.
"How was school? Make any friends?" She smiled.
"It was great! Sure the teachers were no Mr. Lancer, but they were pretty cool. I made a few new friends, but get this! The school is haunted!" Danny grinned like a maniac.
"Don't you think its a little early in the year to start spooking you classmates?" Danny scoffed, heading towards the kitchen for a snack.
"Cousin mine, its never to early for a good spook. But I'm not talking about me, there's another ghost. I'm pretty sure she was a student there when she died." That got Diana's attention.
"Danny, promise me you won't join forces with the school ghost to reek havoc." Danny gave her the fakest offended look she had ever seen, she raised a single brow.
"Okay, fine. I won't haunt the school, except on Halloween, Frighty would disown me if I didn't scare some teens." He declared dropping the act as he grabbed a thermos filled with ectoplasm.
"Actually, the museum might be doing a temporary exhibit on the history of Halloween. The whole tour is meant to be haunted." she grinned. "I was thinking we could team up and give the Ancient Egyptian crew a run for their money." Diana grinned as her cousin practically started to vibrate from excitement.
"Are you kidding?!?!? That would be awesome!" His feet left the ground as he flew over to the table. "I learned this trick awhile back that I've been DYING to try out!" She smiled as Danny started mapping out plans for a perfect haunted museum.
"We have plenty of time to plan things out," she said laying a hand on his shoulder "tonight however we are celebrating your first day of school in this world so I was thinking we would go out to eat tonight." Danny grinned. "They just opened a new burger place down the street and-" She was cut off by the sound of her communicator. She stepped away from the table as she picked up the communicator, Danny zipped his lips as she answered the call.
It didn't take long, but from the look on her face Danny could tell they would not be going out tonight. Diana sighed after she ended the call.
"I'm sorry Danny, I have to go. Batman has an emergency meeting to discuss some things."
"Is everything okay?" She hesitated before shaking her head.
"Many of the higher priority villains have become increasingly quiet, while weaker villains have been more active than ever. We have been keeping an eye on the situation, however there have been some unexpected developments." Danny nodded.
"Don't worry about dinner, I'll go hang out with gramps tonight and we can do something tomorrow. Just be careful, last time Plasmius went quiet for too long I ended up fighting Pariah Dark."
"You'll have to tell me about that sometime." She smiled "I'll call when I get out of the meeting, hopefully we'll have some time for a movie and ice cream when I get back. Your pick."
"Awesome! There's a new movie that just came out called the Evil Dead that I've been wanting to check out." Diana ruffled his hair.
"Have fun with Grandfather." she said as she headed out.
Diana was frustrated, she was meant to have dinner with Danny, instead she was called to an emergency League meeting. The Team found evidence of alien technology being used in the Bialyian desert. The criminal behind the project appeared to be Psimon, a powerful psychic who wiped the memories of the young heroes and put them in extreme danger.
Luckily the Team made it out in one piece, though not completely unscathed.
For the 3 hours they had been going over intelligence by the Team, going over any changes in the conflict, and reviewing other villains recent movements. The more they talked, the more Diana was sure something greater was at play.
To many people were staying far too quiet.
When the meeting finally ended, Batman approached once more.
"Batman, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she smiled congenially.
"What is your opinion of Superboy?" he asked in his usual blunt tone.
"He shows great potential. He needs to work on directing his strength and keeping his temper under control." Diana was quite proud of her new student.
"He's a loose cannon as things stand. We need to keep him under tight supervision." Her smile dropped.
"He may have trouble controlling his temper, but considering everything he's been through in the past months he's doing remarkably well. He listens well and, while stubborn at first, he was an attentive student. Until such a time when Superman decides to train him, I intend to continue with our training." She left no room for argument. Batman nodded.
"If you notice anything-"
"I will handle it personally." She interrupted him, her mood now sour. "And he prefers the name Conner."
"Noted. I won't keep you any longer." He grunted with a nod.
Diana made her way to the Zeta tubes, nodding to her fellow heroes as she passed though her mind was busy. Something was bothering the Bat, and that never boded well for anyone.
She said her farewells and left the base. Once she made it back to the apartment, she changed into her pajamas and pulled out her phone to call Danny. Smiling as she saw messages from her cousin, she tapped the screen to see the pictures.
She choked.
There on the screen, was none other than Vandal Savage, the ruthless warrior who fought against the Justice Society...with neon pink hair trying his very best to look serious in the middle of a meeting. She clicked on the next picture.
It was Vandal again though this time he seemed visibly furious as he stood against the Justice Society... covered from head to toe in glitter. The next message was a video.
Vandal was standing before a group of villains, clearly making some kind of presentation, as Danny and their Grandfather danced in the background. Colorful lights flashing as though they were at a party. From Vandal's twitching eye and the lack of reaction from the other villains... he was the only one who could see or hear them. Upon closer inspection, Danny appeared to be singing along to something. Diana was already at her limit as she unmuted her phone and pressing play, the moment the music came blasting through her phone she had to brace herself against the couch to stop herself from falling from the force of her laughter. She dropped her phone on the floor as the apartment was filled with the sound of-
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10 @s1eepyreader @all-eyes-no-dragon@demented-trashcan@avelnfear@tuhguo@genuine-muse@mentalcarebear@britcision@v-inari@redhoneysugarorange@kayekate244@litlecameron@magic-pincushion@mutable-manifestation@@kyrianclawraith@potatoeofwisdom@fisticuffsatapplebees@akikkobara@spooky-fm
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